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Theory, implementations and applications of single-track designs
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Theory, implementations and applications of single-track designs
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Pankaj Pankaj
A Dissertation Presented to the
In Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree
May 2010
Copyright 2010 Pankaj Pankaj
To my family
It is my good fortune to have Dr. Peter Beerel as my dissertation advisor. He has been an unfailing
source of inspiration and encouragement to me. In his conduct, I have found an ideal to aspire for. He has
given generously of his time and his ideas. It is difficult for me to imagine a better advisor. He and his
lovely family created an extremely friendly and conducive environment suitable for exchange of ideas.
I will also like to thank Dr. Ken Stevens for generously giving me time and introducing me to the new
paradigms of asynchronous circuit design. He has been an excellent teacher and has helped me build a
strong technical understanding.
I am grateful to my thesis committee members Dr. Sandeep Gupta, Dr. Massoud Pedram, Dr. Jeff
Draper and Dr. Ivan Kukavica for taking out time from their busy schedules to entertain my questions and
giving me valuable feedback. I also thank the EE-systems staff, especially Annie Yu, Diane Demetras and
Tim Boston for guiding me through the various requirements of the EE department at USC.
I would like to thank my friends from the USC Asynchronous CAD / VLSI group, Nam-hoon Kim,
Arash Saifhashemi, Mallika Prakash, Prasad Joshi, Amit Bandlish, Roger Su, Gokul Govindu, Rahul Rithe
and Ritej Bacchhawat for all these years of endless discussions and their support, comments and invaluable
I thank Nand Kishore Jha, Sudip Shekhar, Aashish Prakash, Anurag Jain, Neha Jha, Akshay Kedia,
Sunil Narang, Chiranjeeb Chaudhary, Subhankar Ghosh, Anuj Madaria, Arvind Pereira, Nivedita Singh,
Praveen Kumar, Manoj Gopalkrishnan, Adarsh Shekhar, Joyita Dutta, and all others. They have been
wonderful friends. I am grateful for their support through times of sorrow and joy, despair and aspiration.
I wish to thank my parents, my brother and sister-in-law for their unconditional love and support. They
have been the pillar of my strength without which this dissertation would not have been possible. They
have worked extremely hard to provide me with a great platform for succeeding in life. I dedicate this
thesis to them.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents..................................................................................................................................... iv
List of Tables..........................................................................................................................................vii
List of Figures .......................................................................................................................................viii
1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Template based asynchronous designs................................................................................................ 4
1.2 Static Single-Track template based designs......................................................................................... 5
1.3 Contributions..................................................................................................................................... 6
1.4 Organization ...................................................................................................................................... 8
2 Background ....................................................................................................................................... 9
2.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 9
2.2 Asynchronous channels...................................................................................................................... 9
2.2.1 Bundled-data channels.......................................................................................................... 9
2.2.2 1-of-N channels.................................................................................................................. 11
2.2.3 Single-track 1-of-N channels .............................................................................................. 12
2.3 Asynchronous design templates........................................................................................................ 14
2.3.1 GasP .................................................................................................................................. 14
2.3.2 Pre-charged half buffer (PCHB) ......................................................................................... 15
2.3.3 Multi-level domino (MLD)................................................................................................. 16
2.3.4 Single-track Full Buffer (STFB) ......................................................................................... 17
2.3.5 Static Single-track Full Buffer (SSTFB).............................................................................. 18
2.4 Summary......................................................................................................................................... 20
3 Theory of single-track designs.......................................................................................................... 21
3.1 Homogeneous processes .................................................................................................................. 21
3.2 Non-homogeneous processes............................................................................................................ 22
3.2.1 Single-track channels ......................................................................................................... 23
3.2.2 Single-track processes ........................................................................................................ 26
3.2.3 Rail-2-rail voltage swing .................................................................................................... 30
3.3 Performance metric.......................................................................................................................... 32
4 Non-homogeneous single-track templates......................................................................................... 34
4.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 34
4.2 Single-Level Single-Track (SLST) template ..................................................................................... 35
4.2.1 Block level diagram ........................................................................................................... 35
4.2.2 Performance model ............................................................................................................ 39
4.3 Multi-level Single Track template .................................................................................................... 40
4.3.1 Bundled valid wire ............................................................................................................. 40
4.3.2 Block level diagram ........................................................................................................... 42
4.3.3 Performance model ............................................................................................................ 45
4.3.4 Timing constraints.............................................................................................................. 46
4.4 Multi-level domino with single-track (MLD-ST) controller............................................................... 47
4.4.1 Timing constraints.............................................................................................................. 49
4.5 Conclusions..................................................................................................................................... 50
5 Proteus – RTL to asynchronous synthesis tool .................................................................................. 51
5.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 51
5.2 Background ..................................................................................................................................... 51
5.3 Proteus ............................................................................................................................................ 53
5.4 Single-track template conversion and slack matching........................................................................ 54
5.5 Verification...................................................................................................................................... 55
5.6 Comparisons.................................................................................................................................... 56
5.6.1 Performance and area model............................................................................................... 56
5.6.2 Experimental Results.......................................................................................................... 56
5.7 Conclusions..................................................................................................................................... 59
6 Library characterization flow ........................................................................................................... 61
6.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 61
6.2 Background ..................................................................................................................................... 62
6.2.1 Single Track Full Buffer (STFB) Template......................................................................... 62
6.2.2 Asynchronous ASIC design flow........................................................................................ 63
6.2.3 Standard Delay Format (SDF) ............................................................................................ 64
6.3 Liberty Format................................................................................................................................. 64
6.4 Proposed Design Flow ..................................................................................................................... 65
6.4.1 Identifying the Timing Arcs................................................................................................ 66
6.4.2 Characterization Methodology............................................................................................ 67
6.4.3 Functional Description of Cells........................................................................................... 67
6.4.4 Timing Arcs in Liberty Format ........................................................................................... 68
6.5 Experimental Results ....................................................................................................................... 68
6.5.1 Performance of Pipelines.................................................................................................... 69
6.5.2 Prefix Adder....................................................................................................................... 70
6.5.3 Simulation Based Verification of Timing Constraints.......................................................... 71
6.6 Conclusion....................................................................................................................................... 72
7 Asynchronous Turbo decoder........................................................................................................... 74
7.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 74
7.2 Background ..................................................................................................................................... 75
7.3 Synchronous high speed Turbo baseline ........................................................................................... 80
7.3.1 Tree SISO .......................................................................................................................... 80
7.3.2 The code ............................................................................................................................ 81
7.3.3 P&R results........................................................................................................................ 82
7.4 Asynchronous Turbo........................................................................................................................ 83
7.4.1 Asynchronous ASIC Design Flow ...................................................................................... 83
7.4.2 P&R and design results....................................................................................................... 83
7.5 Verification and Comparisons .......................................................................................................... 83
7.5.1 Design Verification ............................................................................................................ 84
7.5.2 Post-Layout ECO and simulation results............................................................................. 84
7.5.3 Comparisons ...................................................................................................................... 84
7.6 Summary and conclusions................................................................................................................ 86
8 Asynchronous vs Synchronous Communication................................................................................ 87
8.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 87
8.2 Overview......................................................................................................................................... 88
8.3 Comparison Methodology................................................................................................................ 91
8.3.1 Parameters ......................................................................................................................... 93
8.4 Models ............................................................................................................................................ 97
8.4.1 Synchronous communication - Latch and Flop.................................................................... 98
8.4.2 Bundled data protocol....................................................................................................... 101
8.4.3 Delay Insensitive protocol ................................................................................................ 102
8.4.4 Single-track protocol ........................................................................................................ 104
8.4.5 Source synchronous communication ................................................................................. 105
8.5 Comparisons.................................................................................................................................. 106
8.5.1 Throughput ...................................................................................................................... 106
8.5.2 Latency............................................................................................................................ 110
8.5.3 Energy ............................................................................................................................. 112
8.5.4 Bandwidth........................................................................................................................ 113
8.6 Analytical models vs simulation..................................................................................................... 114
8.7 Observation and caveats................................................................................................................. 116
8.8 Conclusion..................................................................................................................................... 118
9 Summary and Conclusions............................................................................................................. 121
References............................................................................................................................................ 124
List of Tables
Table 1. Throughput and Area comparisons of SLST against PCHB ......................................................... 59
Table 2. Throughput / Area comparisons of MLST and MLD-ST ............................................................ 60
Table 3. Throughput comparison of pipelines of different length.............................................................. 70
Table 4. Throughput per area comparison................................................................................................ 85
Table 5. Energy per block comparison..................................................................................................... 86
Table 6. Parameter variables and derivatives ........................................................................................... 92
Table 7. Parameter variables and derivatives ........................................................................................... 93
Table 8. Asynchronous control parameters from 65nm spice simulations of the designs ........................... 96
Table 9. Cycle time equations. Cycle time measured in FO4 delays ......................................................... 96
Table 10. Latency per stage. delay measured in FO4 delays..................................................................... 97
Table 11. Models for average energy per transaction per pipe stage ....................................................... 101
Table 12. Average wires per data bit ..................................................................................................... 113
Table 13. Bandwidth equations for the eight protocols........................................................................... 114
List of Figures
Figure 1 Asynchronous blocks communicating using handshake signals. ................................................... 1
Figure 2. Bundled data channel ............................................................................................................... 10
Figure 3. Bundled data channel with (a) four-phase handshaking protocol (b) two-phase handshaking
protocol .................................................................................................................................................. 10
Figure 4. 1-of-N asynchronous channel ................................................................................................... 11
Figure 5. 1-of-2 channel.......................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 6. Single-track 1-of-N channel...................................................................................................... 12
Figure 7. 1-of-2 single-track channel....................................................................................................... 13
Figure 8. GasP (a) schematic and (b) block diagram ............................................................................... 14
Figure 9. Block level diagram of the PCHB template............................................................................... 15
Figure 10. Block level diagram of a MLD pipeline .................................................................................. 16
Figure 11. STFB transistor level diagram ................................................................................................ 18
Figure 12. Static single-track protocol interface....................................................................................... 19
Figure 13. SSTFB transistor-level diagram.............................................................................................. 20
Figure 14. Forward latency and release time of a single-track channel...................................................... 24
Figure 15. Setup time of a single-track channel........................................................................................ 24
Figure 16. Channel handshake constraint on channel c............................................................................. 25
Figure 17. Hold time of the channel ........................................................................................................ 26
Figure 18. Timing diagram of single--track process with process hold time and pulse width active........... 27
Figure 19. Timing diagram of a single-track process with setup time and pulse width inactive.................. 28
Figure 20. Single-track handshake constraint........................................................................................... 29
Figure 21. Timing diagram of a single-track system with rail-2-rail swing constraint................................ 31
Figure 22. Block level diagram of SLST .................................................................................................. 35
Figure 23. Transistor level diagram of functional block ............................................................................ 36
Figure 24. Transistor level diagram of the controller................................................................................. 37
Figure 25. Transistor level diagram of the Data reset block....................................................................... 38
Figure 26. (a) C-element symbol (b) Transistor level description of C-element.......................................... 38
Figure 27. SLST with a buffer and OR function ....................................................................................... 39
Figure 28. SLST template with critical cycle ........................................................................................... 40
Figure 29. Linear pipeline with 1-of-1 valid signal .................................................................................. 42
Figure 30 Block level diagram of MLST template ................................................................................... 42
Figure 31. Intermediate and final level of logic........................................................................................ 43
Figure 32. Transistor level diagram of PCCD .......................................................................................... 44
Figure 33. Transistor level diagram of the (a) Valid reset and (b) Data reset block ................................... 45
Figure 34. Transistor level diagram of MLST controller .......................................................................... 45
Figure 35. MLST template with critical cycle .......................................................................................... 46
Figure 36. Block diagram of MLD-ST template....................................................................................... 48
Figure 37. Transistor level diagram of PCCD with Done input................................................................. 49
Figure 38. Domino logic used as last level of logic .................................................................................. 49
Figure 39. Desynchronization technique .................................................................................................. 52
Figure 40. Overview of Proteus ASIC Flow ............................................................................................. 53
Figure 41. Verification environment for single-track asynchronous design ................................................ 56
Figure 42. Throughput / area tradeoff curves for s444 example ................................................................. 57
Figure 43. Throughput / area tradeoff curves for s444 example ................................................................. 57
Figure 44. Throughput / area tradeoff curves for s953 example ................................................................. 57
Figure 45. Block diagram and transistor level schematic of a STFB buffer............................................... 63
Figure 46. Asynchronous ASIC design flow............................................................................................ 64
Figure 47. SDF back annotation design flow ........................................................................................... 65
Figure 48. Timing arcs on a single rail of STFB buffer ............................................................................ 67
Figure 49. Functional and Liberty model for STFB buffer ....................................................................... 69
Figure 50. Performance analysis of a 9 stage ring .................................................................................... 70
Figure 51. Block diagram of Prefix Adder and its test circuitry ................................................................ 70
Figure 52. Test circuit to validate the timing constraints using SDF Back annotation................................ 71
Figure 53. Timing Assumption violated for (a) Case 1 (b) Case 2 (c) No timing violation ........................ 72
Figure 54. an example of a 4-state FSM encoder and the corresponding trellis used for decoding ............. 74
Figure 55. The decoder structure where each SISO is used to decode one CC........................................... 75
Figure 56. An example of a 2-state trellis and the associated metrics during the decoding process. ........... 76
Figure 57. A bit-pipelined 4-bit ACS operator. The black rectangles indicate pipeline boundaries ............ 77
Figure 58. Throughput vs. # of processors ............................................................................................... 79
Figure 59. # of processors vs. processor frequency .................................................................................. 79
Figure 60. Execution schedule of every decoder iteration......................................................................... 81
Figure 61. Asynchronous ASIC design flow............................................................................................ 83
Figure 62. Complete energy / bandwidth graph........................................................................................ 88
Figure 63. Efficient protocols.................................................................................................................. 90
Figure 64. Communication delay in a pipeline stage T
, versus repeated wire segment delay D
............... 94
Figure 65. Clock tree to distribute clock over 10,000 μm interconnect...................................................... 95
Figure 66: Latch and flop transistor level design...................................................................................... 97
Figure 67. Latch and flop pipeline stage configurations for distance of 4 critical repeater distances. ......... 98
Figure 68 Simulated implementation for bundled data 4-phase protocol ................................................. 100
Figure 69. Simulated implementation for bundled data 2-phase protocol ................................................ 100
Figure 70. Simulated DI 1-of-2 protocol implementation ....................................................................... 104
Figure 71. Simulated single-track 1-of-2 protocol design ....................................................................... 105
Figure 72. Logic pipeline with delay of 4 .............................................................................................. 106
Figure 73: Worst-case protocol throughput............................................................................................ 107
Figure 74. Throughput of efficient protocols.......................................................................................... 108
Figure 75. Throughput overhead against ideal ....................................................................................... 108
Figure 76. Overhead of efficient protocols............................................................................................. 109
Figure 77. Gate delay scaling of products [41]....................................................................................... 110
Figure 78. Latency vs pipeline depth ..................................................................................................... 111
Figure 79. Latency overhead vs pipeline depth ...................................................................................... 111
Figure 80. Average energy per transaction............................................................................................. 113
Figure 81. Highly pipelined transfer energy........................................................................................... 113
Figure 82. Cycle time comparison of analytical models and SPICE simulation....................................... 115
Figure 83. Latency comparison between models and SPICE simulations................................................ 116
Figure 84. Energy per transfer comparison between models and simulation ........................................... 116
Figure 85. Bandwidth/energy for lower bus utilization........................................................................... 118
Asynchronous design is increasingly becoming an attractive alternative to synchronous design because
of its potential for high performance, low power, and adaption to process variations and reduced EMI noise.
However to compete with the existing synchronous designs there is a need to reduce the overwhelming
design time of asynchronous designs by developing circuits that can easily be verified along with mature
CAD flows to support them. In this thesis we propose to use template based methodology which facilitates
standard cell based design that can easily be verified and allows using standard ASIC tools that have
already been developed by semiconductor industry.
In this thesis we develop three novel non homogeneous single-track templates, including theory, CAD,
and design examples. These static single-track templates follow a two phase static single-track handshake
protocol and provide better performance than four phase asynchronous designs and better forward latency
than asynchronous bundled data and synchronous designs. Compared with earlier homogeneous versions,
non homogeneous single-track templates have the flexibility of having multiple levels of logic which helps
in reducing the control area overhead by sharing the control logic among multiple levels of logic. These
templates are more complex however and warrant more automation.
To quantify some of these advantages, an asynchronous turbo decoder was developed using a single-
track standard cell library in IBM 0.18 μm technology and compared against a synchronous turbo decoder.
Comparisons shows that asynchronous turbo decoder can provide 1.3X – 2X improvement in throughput
per area over the synchronous version for block sizes of 2K – 768 bits. Moreover, due to its low latency
advantages, it can support smaller block sizes at higher throughputs than possible using synchronous design.
To help automate such designs, we propose a CAD flow to synthesize single-track asynchronous design
by extending an existing CAD tool called Proteus. Comparisons on ISCAS benchmarks shows that the
proposed templates provide on an average 30% improvement in throughput per area over QDI templates
and 75% improvement over MLD templates. We also demonstrate library characterization and SDF back
annotation flow on a single-track standard cell library. Experimental results on a 64 bit prefix adder design
indicates that the back annotation flow yields over two orders of magnitude advantage in simulation speed
on analog verification flow with less than 5% error.
Finally we demonstrate the low latency and high performance advantages of single-track protocol over
other asynchronous and synchronous communication protocols by comparing their throughput, latency,
energy and bandwidth for a NoC interconnect link.
1 Introduction
Synchronous designs have been dominating the market of VLSI and ASIC design for many years.
However as the VLSI industry follows Moore’s law where the number of transistors that can be placed in a
chip is increasing in an exponential manner, the challenges of designing circuits with a global clock has
been increasing. As global wiring delays becomes more dominant compared to gate delays [18] distribution
of the clock across a large design while minimizing the clock skew is becoming a challenge. This is
particularly challenging in the sub-45nm regime where process variation is a significant issue. More
specifically, as transistor dimensions continue to shrink, it becomes successively harder to precisely control
the fabrication process. Due to process fabrication imperfections, different transistors on the same chip
exhibit different values of parameters such as threshold voltage or effective channel length. These
parameters in turn determine the switching speed and leakage of transistors, which are also subject to
substantial fluctuation. Variation in transistor switching speed leads to slowing down of some unit in a
pipeline which leads to the complete design operating at a lower frequency than normal. Variation is
already forcing designers to put more margins in the designs and Bowman et al. suggest that variation may
wipe out the performance gains of a full technology generation [16].
Figure 1 Asynchronous blocks communicating using handshake signals.
In the absence of a global clock that controls register and state updating, asynchronous designs rely on
handshaking to transfer data between functional blocks as shown in Figure 1. While academic research in
this area can be traced back to the 1950s, it has taken until the late 1990s and 2000s for this technology to
mature. Several start-up companies have commercialized asynchronous designs for a wide variety of
applications [1][33][60][40]. Asynchronous designs have demonstrated potential benefits in many aspects
of system design such as Amulet2e[34], ARM996HS[13], ASPRO16[58], MiniMIPS[51], Asynchronous
FPGA[74]. In particular asynchronous NoC[60] where systems can accommodate multiple clocking islands
that many of today's complex SoC designs use. Asynchronous communication methods can provide
numerous advantages in Network-on-a-chip (NoC)[6][60] as each module can be designed for its best
frequency and power. Moreover the ability of the asynchronous designs to adapt themselves to physical
properties leads to more robust design. Ken Stevens in [68] compares synchronous and asynchronous
communication protocols used to implement interconnect links in NoC by creating parameterized
throughput, energy and bandwidth models.
Asynchronous circuits have the following advantages:
1. Absence of clock skew. Clock skew is defined as the arrival time difference of the clock signal to
different parts of the circuit. In synchronous design the clock period is increased to ensure correct
operation in the presence of clock skew affecting the performance of the design. Moreover due to extra
margin in the clock period to account for the worst case clock skew the latency of the system suffers.
On the other hand due to absence of a global synchronization signal, asynchronous designs do not face
such problems.
2. Average-case performance: In synchronous systems the clock period is dictated by the slowest stage
in worst case conditions to ensure correct operation. However asynchronous designs can have average-
case delay due to data-dependent flow and/or functional units that exhibit data-dependent delay. In
both cases, the average-case delay may be faster than the synchronous worst-case delay.
3. Automatic adaptation to physical properties: To combat process variations synchronous designs
have to put up extra margins to avoid any timing violations thus degrading the performance and
latency of the design. Many asynchronous circuits can robustly adapt to changing conditions, yielding
improved performance [51]. This is far more difficult to do in a synchronous design, as the variations
can be local, whereas the impact on the clock is far more global.
4. Potential for low power: Due to constant activity of the clock signal synchronous designs consume
power even though the design is idle. Even though methods such as clock gating where clock signal is
disabled in parts of the designs which are idle power is still consumed in clock distribution networks
which is responsible to distribute clock to all parts of the chip. Studies have shown that clock
distribution network can dissipate 20-50% of the total power on the chip [55]. Due to its data-driven
nature asynchronous circuits provides ideal clock gating and there is no requirement of clock
distribution networks in asynchronous designs. However, these power advantages are not universally
true among all asynchronous design styles. In particular, some asynchronous circuits designed for
high-performance have more average transitions per data bit than comparable synchronous designs,
due to dual-rail or other multi-rail data encoding and/or completion detection logic. However these
circuits provide distinct advantage in terms of Eτ
[45] and the power consumption of these circuits
can be reduced by operating them at a lower voltage.
5. Reduced electromagnetic interference: In a synchronous design, all activity is locked into a very
precise frequency. The result is that nearly all the energy is concentrated in very narrow spectral bands
around the clock frequency and its harmonics. Therefore, there is substantial electromagnetic noise at
these frequencies that can adversely affect neighboring analog circuits. Activity in an asynchronous
circuit is uncorrelated, resulting in a more distributed noise spectrum and lower peak noise [48] [34].
Despite all the above mentioned advantages and examples demonstrated by asynchronous research
community, semiconductor industry is still skeptical about asynchronous designs. This is because while
synchronous design techniques has matured over time and are widely known, asynchronous design
techniques are still new and are complex in nature. Chips with high volumes such as microprocessors,
memory, and FPGAs may be able to support full-custom techniques with advanced circuit styles, such as
asynchronous design. In fact, asynchronous techniques have been used in memory for years and a recent
start-up is commercializing high-speed FPGAs enabled by high-speed asynchronous circuits [1]. For
asynchronous designs to be adopted widespread in semi custom ASIC designs there is a need to develop
asynchronous design techniques which are simpler in nature and can be easily verified along with
enhancing existing CAD tool suites and developing new tools to support asynchronous circuits.
1.1 Template based asynchronous designs
Among the numerous asynchronous design styles being developed template-based design styles have
demonstrated numerous advantages in performance and design time. These template-based designs follow
standard ASIC design flows which helps a designer in creating push-play designs thus reducing the design
times [32]. The template based design approach reduces the design complexity by dividing the large system
into leaf cells that are the smallest components that communicate with its neighbors through asynchronous
handshaking. This decomposition of a large system into smaller leaf cells results in simple designs which
can be verified easily. Template based designs have the key advantage being that instead of finding the
timing constraints of a large variety of unique controllers which is quite error prone [81], the timing
constraints of template based controller are simpler are known before hand and can be captured in standard
delay constraint file [44]. The template based design approach also leads to well defined modular and local
designs and are well suited to an ASIC flow.
Different template-based designs trade-off robustness to performance and to area [50][61][64][71]. One
of the most robust design template is Quasi Delay Insensitive (QDI) template proposed by Lines [50]. QDI
template based designs uses 1-of-N data encoding and use 4-phase handshaking. On the other side the most
aggressive design style in terms of performance is GasP proposed by Sutherland [71]. GasP designs use 2-
phase single-track handshaking and offers ultra high throughput but are based on bundled data designs
where the clock is replaced by local controllers controlling the opening and closing of the flop.
Single Track Full Buffer (STFB) [30] is an asynchronous design template which uses two phase single-
track handshake protocol [9] and takes the advantages of both the world. STFB is more robust than GasP,
but has more timing constraints compared to QDI designs. The STFB templates use 1-of-N data encoding,
faster domino logic and follow 2-phase single-track protocol. One limitation of STFB designs is that after
the data transaction the communication wires (channel) are left in tri-state condition, due to which they are
susceptible to noise. In order to improve the noise robustness a new design style Static Single Track Full
Buffer (SSTFB) was also proposed [30] [38].
1.2 Static Single-Track template based designs
SSTFB has similar properties as STFB with the key difference being that it follows static single-track
handshake [9] protocol which keeps the communication wires always statically driven. SSTFB has two key
advantages over GasP, one that it removes the bundling data constraint which makes the design more
robust to process variations and other that it provides better latency than GasP circuits. The key advantage
of SSTFB over QDI is that it uses 2-phase handshaking which leads to higher throughput and lower power
than QDI based designs.
To demonstrate the advantages of static single-track circuits, a high speed asynchronous turbo decoder is
designed as a case study. Turbo decoding [12] is becoming a very popular solution for error correction
especially in wireless applications. Another key aspect of this algorithm is that the entire block of data has
to be written into the memory before the next iteration on the data can start. As the degree of parallelism is
increased the processing time can be linearly reduced, but the pipeline latency remains constant yielding
diminishing benefits. Performance degradation is more pronounced in cases with small data block sizes
where the pipeline latency is comparable or in extreme situations larger than the actual processing time [24].
The key limitation of SSTFB templates is that they only support homogeneous pipelines which limit a
pipeline stage to have single level of logic and a fixed pulse width of 3 on the input and output drivers. The
constraint of having only single level of logic makes SSTFB suitable only for high performance
applications. For medium to low performance applications due to control overhead associated with each
pipeline stage SSTFB designs become area inefficient. The constraint on the fixed pulse width of 3 on
drivers constrains the amount of load on the output channel. Moreover for multi output gate there exists a
relative timing constraint between the outputs, such that if one output has a very small load compared to
other outputs, then the evaluation logic of other outputs may not get sufficient time to generate output
tokens inputs leading to failure. These timing constraints can be satisfied by putting a maximum limit on
the output wire length as advocated in [30] but for deep sub micron ASIC designs in presence of crosstalk
and process variations it is getting increasingly difficult to satisfy.
Even with all the advantages of asynchronous designs discussed above they are still not widely accepted.
A key roadblock has been the lack of EDA tools to support the generation and verification of asynchronous
designs. In past several HDL based synthesis approaches such as de-synchronization [21], weaving [65],
null-convention logic [29], phased logic [49] and syntax directed translation synthesis approach such as
Balsa [4], Tangram [46] have been proposed. While Balsa and tangram requires the designer to use a new
high level language and require the development of some other tools for simulation and performance
verification making HDL based synthesis approaches a more attractive choice. At USC Asynchronous CAD
/ VLSI research group a new HDL based synthesis tool Proteus [23] is being developed which converts a
RTL synchronous design into an asynchronous design. Some unique features of this tool are that it uses a
more accurate model for slack matching [8], and in order to achieve better performance at lower area
penalty area optimization techniques like clustering of different pipeline stages and fan out optimization are
performed. All of the above mentioned synthesis approaches either target bundled data designs or QDI
designs leaving a big void for single-track designs.
1.3 Contributions
In this thesis we offer the following contributions:
• Latency critical applications – A turbo decoder: A case study comparing SSTFB and synchronous
implementations of a turbo decoder in a 0.18μm technology. Turbo decoding is an interesting
application for static single-track circuits because of the iterative nature of the algorithm where in order
to achieve a certain decoded data rate the decoder has to run several times faster internally in order to
keep up with the data. The case study demonstrates that high performance asynchronous designs using
SSTFB circuits provide 1.3X - 4X advantage in throughput per area over their synchronous
counterparts in certain processing intensive applications. Moreover, in this particular application due to
low latency advantages of SSTFB over synchronous designs, it can support certain information rates
which synchronous design cannot support at the same throughput.
• Theoretical analysis of static single-track handshake circuits: We propose two constraints on the
drivers of processes. The first constraint is single-track handshake constraint which ensures that there
is no fight among communicating processes, and the other constraint is rail-2-rail swing constraint
which ensures that the communicating wires (channels) satisfies a user defined noise robustness
criteria. These two constraints provide guidelines to design non homogeneous single-track circuits.
These constraints can also be used to derive relative timing constraints which can be then later used for
STA using standard EDA tools [44].
• Non homogeneous single-track templates: Development of three non homogeneous single-track
design templates which provides the advantages STFB and SSTFB provides but targets a broader range
of pipeline sizes, including medium grained pipelines, leading to typically much lower control and
energy overhead, while at the same time providing lower latency and a wider range of throughputs
than other existing circuit families.
• CAD support for single-track circuits: The contribution of this thesis in CAD support for single-track
circuits is as follows:
RTL to single-track asynchronous designs: In this work we extend Proteus to generate
single-track designs. Specifically we have developed prototype to convert single rail
asynchronous design to single-track asynchronous design targeting the proposed single-track
templates styles. We also develop prototype for test bench generation to verify the generated
designs and have modified the slack matching algorithm to include slack matching for two
phase asynchronous designs. Using the synthesis flow we verify the advantages of our
proposed templates on ISCAS benchmarks along with some other interesting examples.
Specifically we compare the area and performance of the three proposed design styles to the
industry standard design styles QDI and MLD.
SDF back annotation flow for single-track circuits: In this work we demonstrate library
characterization flow for single-track libraries STFB [30] and SSTFB [38]. Due to two-phase
handshaking nature and use of bidirectional wires, timing characterization is challenging for
single-track circuits. We identified timing arcs and characterized them in industry standard
liberty format. Finally we demonstrate back end SDF back annotation flow on a 260K
transistor parallel prefix 64 bit added design [32]. Experimental results demonstrate the
proposed back annotation flow yields two orders of magnitude advantage in simulation speed
on analog verification flow with less than 5% error [37].
• NoC interconnect links: In this work we extend the work done by Ken Stevens in [68] by including
two-phase single-track protocol in the comparisons. Additionally we characterize all the
communication protocols to derive the value of the parameters used to model throughput, energy and
bandwidth and include the effects of clock distribution network on synchronous protocols in our
comparison. Comparisons show that two-phase single-track protocol provides the best throughput and
latency advantages over all asynchronous protocols. Comparisons also shows that at low bus activity
factor for the same bandwidth bundled data and single-track protocols can yield significant advantages
over synchronous communication in average energy per transaction.
1.4 Organization
The organization of the remainder of this thesis is as follows. Chapter 2 has been devoted to the various
existing asynchronous design styles. In Chapter 3 we derive the theory behind design of non homogeneous
single-track circuits. In Chapter 4 design of three new proposed non homogeneous single-track design
templates is presented. Chapter 5 presents the integration flow of the single-track templates into Proteus
and we compare the throughput per area of the proposed templates against QDI and MLD design templates.
Chapter 6 presents the design of the asynchronous turbo decoder. In Chapter 7 we present the
parameterized analytical models comparing synchronous and asynchronous communication protocols.
Finally we conclude in Chapter 8.
2 Background
2.1 Introduction
In synchronous design, a global clock acts as a synchronizing signal and controls latches and//or flip-
flops that surround combinational logic. The clock edge determines when the latches/flops sample data and
the clock period is set to guarantee sampled data is valid. In asynchronous designs synchronization is
achieved between blocks though handshaking. Asynchronous designs differ among themselves by
employing asynchronous channels which differ from each other in type of handshaking protocols, data
encoding and logic styles.
This chapter first presents background on asynchronous channels and their data encoding and then
presents various asynchronous design styles that are popular among design community.
2.2 Asynchronous channels
Asynchronous designs are often composed of a hierarchical network of blocks, which contain ports
interconnected via asynchronous channels. These channels are simply a bundle of wires and a protocol for
synchronizing computation and communicating data between blocks. Numerous forms of channels have
been developed that trade off robustness to timing variations for improved power and performance and this
section reviews some of the most popular forms.
2.2.1 Bundled-data channels
Bundled data channels consists of data along with one wire that acts as a Req signal and one wire that
acts as an Ack signal. The data is encoded as single-rail with one wire per bit. In a typical bundled data
channel, illustrated in Figure 2, the sender initiates the communication and tells the receiver when new
valid data is available using the Req signal. The receiver after using the data sends an acknowledgement to
the sender using the Ack signal.
Figure 2. Bundled data channel
Bundled data channel can be implemented in both two-phase [71] and four-phase handshaking protocols
[35] as shown in Figure 3. A typical bundled data channel with four phase handshaking is shown in Figure
3(a) where every rising edge (or falling edge) on the Req wire implies as a new data and similarly every
rising edge (or falling edge) on the Ack wire acts as the acknowledgement to the data. In four-phase
handshaking protocol there is a separate phase where the Req and Ack signals are resetted to there default
value as seen in Figure 3(a). Four-phase handshaking protocols are also known as reset to zero phase (RZ)
phase. A typical bundled data channel with two-phase handshaking protocol is shown in Figure 3(b) where
every edge of Req signal implies presence of a new data and every edge on Ack wire implies the
acknowledgement of the data. As we can see from Figure 3(b) there is no separate reset phase. Two-phase
handshaking protocols are also known as non-return-to-zero (NRZ) protocols. Since in one complete cycle
there are only two transitions in two-phase compared to four transitions in four-phase handshaking, two-
phase handshaking protocols often offer better performance and lower energy consumption. However the
control circuit required for four-phase protocols may be much simpler then two-phase handshake protocols.
Figure 3. Bundled data channel with (a) four-phase handshaking protocol (b) two-phase handshaking protocol
Bundled data channels are area efficient because the request and acknowledge line overhead is
distributed over the width of the entire data bus. It is also power efficient because the activity on the data
bus may be low and the power consumption of the handshaking wires is relatively small if the data path is
wide (e.g., 64 bits). The key timing assumption (also known as bundling data constraint) in a bundled data
channel is that the data should be valid before there is an associated transition on request line. To satisfy
this constraint the request signal need to be delayed using a delay line such that this delay is greater then
the worst case delay of the data. However in deep-sub micron technology where interconnect delay do not
scale in the same fashion as date delays, more margin is sometimes necessary to ensure correct operation.
This margin is on the forward latency path of the circuit which is often critical to system performance.
2.2.2 1-of-N channels
1-of-N asynchronous channel consists of data encoded as 1-of-N where N wires are used to represent
N bits of data and an acknowledge wire. A typical 1-of-N channel is illustrated in Figure 4. Generally
1-of-N channels are implemented using four-phase handshake protocols.
Figure 4. 1-of-N asynchronous channel
In a 1-of-N channel the sender initiates the communication by driving one of the N wires high; the
receiver after sensing that one of the wires has been driven high will use the data and will send the
acknowledgment by driving the acknowledgement wire high. The sender then resets the data wires and then
receiver resets the acknowledgement wire completing the four phases of the handshake. This protocol
facilitates delay-insensitive communication between blocks in that the data as the data validity is derived
from the N wires used to represent data rather then a separate request wire. Consequently, no timing
assumption is needed. This increases robustness to variations, reducing the amount of timing verification
The most well known form of this channel is dual-rail, also known as 1-of-2, which uses two data wires
per bit of data and is shown in Figure 5. One wire is referred to as the Data_0 or false wire and the other the
Data_1 or true wire. The receiver checks the validity of the data by using an OR function on these two
Figure 5. 1-of-2 channel
2.2.3 Single-track 1-of-N channels
In a single-track 1-of-N channels we have data encoded as 1-of-N with no acknowledgement, as
illustrated in Figure 6.
Figure 6. Single-track 1-of-N channel
The single-track 1-of-N channel is implemented with two-phase single-track handshake protocol [9] as
shown in Figure 7. The sender drives one of the N wires high thereby sending a token and releasing the
channel, after receiving this token, the receiver drives the same wire low and releasing the channel. After
driving the wire to its desired state, the sender and receiver(s) must tri-state the wire to ensure that they do
not try to drive the wire in opposite directions at the same time.
Figure 7. 1-of-2 single-track channel
The two-phase single-track protocol avoids the overhead of the reset phases yielding substantially higher
performance than 4-phase protocols. Moreover, compared to bundled-data protocols there is no timing
assumption that requires margins on the forward latency, yielding additional performance improvement.
Compared to four-phase 1-of-N protocols, there are fewer transitions per bit, resulting in substantially
lower power. Compared to bundled-data channels, however, the number of transitions per bit is often
larger, yielding higher power consumption per bit transmitted.
Static Single-Track (SST) protocol
The basic concern of single-track handshake protocol is that the channel can be tri-stated for some
period of time with only a small staticizer fighting leakage and crosstalk noise. While effective for 250nm,
the noise margin for this technology may be too low in deeper submicron processes [30]. In particular, a
cross-coupling noise event on a long tri-stated wire can either create a new token or remove a token from
the system causing system failure (often in the form of a deadlock). Moreover, in smaller geometries
leakage currents may become so high that the staticizers would need to be made stronger to the point that
they cannot be easily over-powered. To solve the problem of communications channel in tri-state channel a
new variant of single-track handshake protocol was proposed called static single-track protocol (SST)
[9][30][38]. The functionality of a SST protocol is the same as single-track handshake protocol with a
noticeable difference that after the sender drives the line high, the receiver is responsible for actively
keeping the line high until it wants to drive it low. After the receiver drives the channel low, the sender is
responsible for actively driving the channel low until it drives it high again. Note that the channel is always
actively driven either by sender or receiver hence improving noise immunity.
2.3 Asynchronous design templates
Template-based pipelined design styles have demonstrated very high performance while at the same time
being amenable to standard-cell-based ASIC flows and fast design times (e.g., [39] [44]). Different template-
based designs trade-off robustness to performance [71][62][63][54]. In this section we present various
design templates that are most commonly used for asynchronous designs. These styles are collections of
design libraries, protocol definitions and constraints that have been designed and verified to produce
functional designs.
2.3.1 GasP
GasP [71] uses a bundled data channel where the request/acknowledge wires are merged into a single-
track wire. For GasP, a low level signalizes the presence of a request token in the control channel, while
acknowledging it is done by driving the wire back high. Figure 8 shows the GasP circuit where, after reset,
L, R, and A are high. When L is driven low by the left environment, the self-resetting NAND will fire,
driving A low. This will restore L, activate the data latches, and drive R low, propagating the signal and
avoiding re-evaluation until after R is restored high by the right environment. The self-resetting NAND will
restore itself by driving A high after 3 transitions. The output of the NAND controls the latches in a parallel
single-rail data-path.
Figure 8. GasP (a) schematic and (b) block diagram
GasP circuits require 4 transitions to forward data and 2 transitions to reset, of the 4 transitions forward
latency approximately two transitions are required for the latency through the latches in the data-path and
to satisfy the setup and hold times, leaving approximately two transitions for computation in the data-path.
Due to its high performance, the timing assumption associated with the data-path being stable before
latching (bundle data timing constraint) implies that GasP requires full-custom design as well as new CAD
flows that automatically verify this requirement
2.3.2 Pre-charged half buffer (PCHB)
The Pre-Charge Half Buffer (PCHB) is another QDI template was presented in [50] and use 1-of-N
asynchronous channels. Each gate has an input completion detection unit and the output also has an output
completion detection unit. The acknowledgement signals (Lack and Rack) are active low signals. The block
level diagram of the template is shown in Figure 9
Figure 9. Block level diagram of the PCHB template
The function blocks are designed using dynamic logic which provides higher performance and lower
latency then static logic. Unlike WCHB [50] the functional logic is non-weak conditioned. The RCD is
used to detect the validity/neutrality of the outputs and LCD is used to detect the validity/neutrality of all
the inputs.
The operation of the buffer is as follows. After the buffer has been reset, all data lines are low and
acknowledgment lines, Lack and Rack, are high. Consequently en signal is also high and the functional
logic is ready to evaluate on the inputs. When input arrives by one of the input rails going high, the
functional block evaluate and generates the output. The RCD and LCD check for validity of all the outputs
and inputs respectively and the corresponding C-element output will go low, lowering the left-side
acknowledgment Lack. After the right environment asserts Rack low (pc = 0) acknowledging that the data
has been received the functional block enters the pre-charge phase and resets its outputs to 0. After the left
environment resets the inputs and the right environment asserts Rack high the functional block is ready to
compute on the next set of inputs. The cycle time of this template depends upon the functional logic but
generally varies from 14 to 18 transitions.
2.3.3 Multi-level domino (MLD)
Multi-Level Domino [23] is another design style that uses four phase handshaking protocol and 1-of-N
asynchronous channels. Figure 10 shows the block level diagram of the design style.
Domino Logic Domino Logic
Controller Controller
en go en go
valid0 validk
Figure 10. Block level diagram of a MLD pipeline
The data path is constructed out of dynamic logic gates which makes it faster than synchronous designs.
A completion detection unit exists for each output and all the validity signals are then combined through an
AND gate tree to generate the output valid signal and request signal for the next pipeline stage. The next
pipeline stage on receiving the request signal and the output valid signal from AND gate will then send the
acknowledgement signal. The overhead of the reset phases are partially hidden through ‘eager evaluation’
strategy by using two different eval / pre-charge control signal for last level of logic and intermediate levels
of logic. This strategy helps in hiding the overhead of reset phases by letting intermediate levels of logic
evaluate concurrently with the handshake going between the controllers. The style is targeted more towards
medium-grain pipelining and several layers of logic and many data paths in parallel are typically used in a
single pipeline stage. This yields a small overhead from the addition of the pipeline stage control units and
hence an area efficient design. The cycle time of this design style is dependent upon the number of logic
levels, number of outputs and number of fan out channels in the pipeline stages.
2.3.4 Single-track Full Buffer (STFB)
Figure 11 shows a typical STFB [30] cell’s block diagram which uses 1-of-N single-track channel. The
function blocks are designed using dynamic logic which provides higher performance and lower latency
then static logic. When there is no token in the right channel (R) (the channel is empty), the Right
environment Completion Detection block (RCD) asserts the “B” signal, enabling the processing of a next
token. In this case, when the next token arrives at the left channel (L) it is processed lowering the state
signal “S”, which creates an output token to the right channel (R) and causes the State Completion
Detection block (SCD) to assert “A”, removing the token from the left channel through the Reset block.
The presence of the output token on the right channel resets the “B” signal which activates the two PMOS
transistors at the top of the N-stack, restoring “S”, and deactivates the NMOS transistor at the bottom of the
N-stack, as shown in Figure 11, disabling the stage from firing while the output channel is busy.
Figure 11. STFB transistor level diagram
The cycle time of the STFB template can be as low as 6 transitions with a forward latency of 2
transitions. This implies that the peak pipeline throughput can be achieved with just three stages per token,
which allows high pipeline occupancy and the implementation of high performance small rings. The full-
buffer characteristic of STFB stage refers to each stage capacity of holding one token
2.3.5 Static Single-track Full Buffer (SSTFB)
SSTFB is a variant of STFB templates designed for ultra-high-speed fine-grained asynchronous pipelines.
It uses 1-of-N single-track channels with static single-track handshake protocol and the functional data path
is made of dynamic logic. The functionality of SSTFB template is similar to the STFB template with cycle
time of the SSTFB template as low as 6 transitions (~1.2GHz in 180nm technology) [32] with a forward
latency of 2 transitions.
Figure 12 (a) shows an output stage of a SSTFB sender on the left hand side driving a single-track wire
associated with a channel connected to the SSTFB receiver on the right hand side and Figure 12 (b) shows
the symbol of the output and input drivers. Initially the wire is at logic state 0 M1,M4 and M6 are turned
off while M2, M3 and M5 are on. The sender initiates the handshake by driving the wire high by turning
M1 on. When the wire reaches the switching threshold of INV_LO the inverter turns M4 on which then
statically drives the wire high until the receiver drives the channel low. Similarly, after the receiver drives
the wire low by turning M6 on, INV_HI turns M3 on this then statically drives the wire low until the sender
initiates a new communication by driving the wire high.
Figure 12. Static single-track protocol interface
Another key advantage of static single-track protocol lies with the sizing of the keepers shown in Figure
12. Typically in domino logic the size of the keeper is constrained to be sufficiently weaker then the pull
down logic to reduce the fight between keeper and pull down logic. This in turn degrades the noise
immunity as the keeper is not strong enough. In SSTFB there is no such fight between the keeper and the
pull down logic. Hence the keeper circuit can be sized to a suitable strength creating a tradeoff between
area and robustness to noise.
The use of semi-weak conditioned domino logic makes them inefficient for gates with complex
functionalities. As the number of inputs of the gate increases, the size of the NMOS stack increases which
causes slower domino logic, increases in area as well as charge sharing problems. SSTFB template also has
a rigid timing assumption of pulse-width of 3 transitions on nodes S0, S1 and A in Figure 11. During this
pulse width the SUP and SDOWN gates are responsibly for charge / discharge of the input and output wires.
This pulse-width is independent of the load offered on the wires which in deep submicron technology is
getting difficult to satisfy.
Additionally in case of non-linear pipelines with multiple outputs implementing complex functionalities,
there exists a critical race between outputs as we have the same control signal for evaluation of the domino
logic. This control signal stops evaluation as soon as one of the dual-rail outputs becomes valid while the
other output functionalities may not have completed evaluation. This race is addressed in [30] by
constraining the length, and thus, capacitance, of the longest channel driven. However, in deep submicron
ASIC design, the presence of process variations and crosstalk noise makes it increasingly difficult and
inefficient to satisfy these constraints.
Figure 13. SSTFB transistor-level diagram
2.4 Summary
In this chapter we have given an overview of different asynchronous channels and different type of
asynchronous design templates. As one can see there are many design alternatives depending upon the type
of asynchronous channel, logic styles, data encoding and pipeline granularity; which could yield substantial
benefits depending on the specifications of the design.
3 Theory of single-track designs
A single-track channel acts as a shared resource driven by the two pipeline stages or processes that
must drive the channel mutually exclusively. In this chapter we will present principles for the design of such
processes to communicate with each other. This work builds off the work done by Nystrom and Martin [53]
on developing constraints for design of single-track processes. In particular, their work focuses on
homogenous single-track processes which have a single-level of logic with the same forward latency and
same pulse-widths on input and output drivers. The homogeneous processes simplify analysis of the
designs at the cost of design optimality. We thus extend this work to cover non-homogeneous single-track
processes which can have multiple levels of logic and different driver pulse-widths. Multiple levels of logic
enable a new trade-off between performance and area reducing the effective control area overhead without
sacrificing latency. In addition, the flexibility of having different pulse-widths on input and output drivers
increases noise margin robustness.
A key challenge in the design of non-homogeneous processes is the proper management of the single-
track channel between non-homogenous pipeline stages. This chapter first proposes extensions of Nystrom
and Martin’s relative-timing constraints to non-homogeneous processes to ensure a notion of correct
handshaking that includes both avoiding a fight on the channel wires and guaranteeing voltages swing
satisfy a user defined noise margin. Then, we derive certain properties on pulse widths of non homogenous
single-track processes that are more design intuitive compared to relative timing constraints. Moreover, we
derive a lower bound on the cycle time of the channel which better guides micro-architectural performance
This chapter is organized as follows, in Section 3.1 we provide the background on design rules for
homogeneous processes proposed by Nystrom and Martin. In Section 3.2 we derive the design rules for
non-homogeneous processes and in Section 3.2.3 we derive the cycle time constraints of a channel.
3.1 Homogeneous processes
Consider a single-track handshake performed on a channel driven by two processes P and Q with these
two processes driving the channel mutually exclusively. Once process P is responsible for driving the
channel high and the other process Q is responsible for driving the channel low. Assume each process is
homogeneous such that they have the same forward latency and have same pulse widths on the drivers.
There exists a timing constraint on the duration which each process can drive the channel in order to avoid
interference. Nystrom and Martin defined this constraint by defining a maximum single-track hold time
Maximum Single-track hold time: If a process P begins driving an interface node to a new value v at time
t, then P must have stopped driving the node at some time t + σ
, where σ
is a (system-wide) global
constraint; P must drive the node to v once it has detected that the node has left v.
Similarly there is a constraint where once a process Q detects that the channel has been driven high; how
soon can it drive the channel low so that it does not interfere with process P driving the channel high.
Nystrom and Martin define this constraint by defining the minimum single-track set up time in the
following definition.
Minimum Single-track setup time: If a process Q detects that an interface node has switched to a new
value v at time t, and then Q must not drive that node away from v until the time t + ξ
, where ξ
is a
(system-wide) global constraint.
To ensure the correctness of the handshake protocol process P and Q should not interfere with each other
which means that when P is driving the channel Q should not drive it and vice versa. Nystrom and Martin
captured this condition in the following definition
Single-track handshake constraint: A set of processes S satisfies the single-track handshake constraint if
≥ σ
for all v and all processes in S.
These above mentioned properties will guarantee that there will never be any interference between two
processes sharing a channel. However the constants are global leading to single-track designs with
homogeneous processes in S designed to meet the global constants ξ
and σ
3.2 Non-homogeneous processes
In this section we develop the theory that governs the single-track handshake protocol in the presence of
single-track non-homogeneous processes. As explained above non-homogeneous processes can have
different levels of logic leading to different forward latency and driver pulse widths.
Like in Section 3.1 we assume a single track system to be composed of two processes driving a common
channel, which can be driven to value v, where v ∈ {0, 1}. Let S be the set of all such processes and let P
be the subset of S which drives the channel to a value 1 and Q be the subset of S which drives the channel
to a value 0. Note that P ∩ Q = Φ. Let C be the set of all channels P x Q. Let PWA and PWI be the pulse
width of a process where it is actively driving a channel and where it is in inactive state respectively such
that PWA: S → R
and PWI: S → R
3.2.1 Single-track channels
We first define the channel forward latency as the time required by a process s to drive a channel c to
either to 0 or 1. This is formalized in the following definition.
Definition 1. (Channel forward latency) For any process s, s ∈ S the time required to drive a channel c, c
∈ C to a value v, v ∈ {0, 1} is the forward latency , where ∈ R
We define
as the release time of a channel c, c ∈ C,
which defines the amount of time by which one
process should release the channel after driving it to a value in order not to interfere with the other
process subsequently driving the channel to a different value. This release time is quite similar to the
maximum single-track hold time proposed by Nystrom and Martin with the key difference begin that
while was defined as a global constant, channel release time is a local variable dependent upon the
properties of the channel c, enabling the analysis of non-homogeneous processes. This is formalized in the
following definition.
Definition 2. (Channel release time) For any process s ∈ S, if it drives the channel c, c ∈ C to a new value
v, v ∈ {0, 1} at time then it must release the channel by time
, where ∈ R
Figure 14 shows a timing diagram of a single-track handshake protocol with forward latency and
channel release time.
Figure 14. Forward latency and release time of a single-track channel
We define
to be the setup time of a channel c, c ∈ C, which defines the minimum amount of time a
process should wait after a channel has been driven by some other process, before it can drive the channel
to a new value . This setup constraint is similar to the minimum single-track setup time proposed by
Nystrom and Martin with the key difference being that while is a global constant, in our work setup time
is a local variable dependent upon the properties of the channel c. This is formalized in the following
Definition 3. (Channel setup time) For any processes p and q, p, q ∈ S, if it detects that the channel c, c ∈
C: (p, q) has been driven to a value v, v ∈ {0, 1} by process q at time t then the earliest it should drive the
channel to a new value u, u ≠ v and u ∈ {0, 1} is , where
Figure 15. Setup time of a single-track channel
The setup time of a channel is similar to the set up time in synchronous system where the process acts
somewhat like a flip-flop. In particular, the setup-time is the minimum time difference between validity of
the data and the process/flip-flop acting on the valid data. The difference is that the process acts on the data
by internal recognizing it is valid, using this valid value, and driving it to a new value whereas the flip-flop
acts on the data by sampling it only after an external clock signal indicates it is valid. Figure 15 shows a
timing diagram of a single-track handshake protocol with channel setup time. Here in Figure 15 (a) after
channel c is driven high, process q has to wait for setup time to drive channel c to low, similarly in
Figure 15 (b) process p has to wait for setup time before driving channel high.
Figure 16. Channel handshake constraint on channel c
In order to ensure the correct transfer of a token on a channel c driven by two processes p and q
we need to avoid fight between these processes such that process p should stop driving the channel
high before process q starts driving the channel low as shown in Figure 16 , similarly process q
should stop driving the channel low before process p starts driving the channel high. This can be
formalized in the following definition.
Definition 4. (Channel handshake constraint) For any c in C: c = (p, q) such that processes p ∈ P and q
∈ Q, c satisfies the channel handshake constraint if
where v ∈ {0, 1}
We also define
to be the hold time of a channel c, c ∈ C, which defines the minimum amount of time
a process should hold the channel after driving it to some value as shown in Figure 17. The hold time of a
channel is similar to the hold time in synchronous system as it defines a minimum time for which the data
on the channel should remain stable. However the key difference between them is that while hold time in
synchronous system is interpreted as the time after the reference clock signal triggers the sampling of the
signal before which the data must remain valid, the hold time of a single-track system is independent of any
external sampling signal. Rather, it is simply a function of the load offered on the channel and guarantees
full voltage swing on the channel. This is formalized in the following definition
Definition 5. (Channel hold time) For any process s ∈ S, if it drives the channel c, c ∈ C to a new value v,
v ∈ {0, 1} at time then it should hold the channel by time
, where ∈ R
Figure 17. Hold time of the channel
3.2.2 Single-track processes
Now that we define characteristics of the single-track channel, we define characteristics of the processes
that drive them. We first define hold time of a process as the time a process holds its state after driving a
channel to a value v.
Definition 6. (Process hold time) For any process s ∈ S, after driving the channel c, c ∈ C to a new value v,
v ∈ {0, 1} the time during which it holds its state is called the hold time ( ) of the process, where
∈ R
The pulse width of a process actively driving a channel can be decomposed into two phases as shown in
Figure 18, during the first phase the process is driving the channel to and the during the second phase
while the channel has been driven to the process holds its state. The first phase is the forward latency of
the channel and the second phase is the hold time of the process. This is formalized in the following
Figure 18. Timing diagram of single--track process with process hold time and pulse width active
Definition 7. (Pulse width active) For any p, p ∈ P the pulse width active of p is defined as the sum of
forward latency and hold time of process p. We have and similarly for any q in Q, we
have .
Next we define setup time of a process as the time a process waits after the channel has been driven,
before driving it to a new value.
Definition 8. (Process setup time) For any process q, q ∈ S, if it detects that the channel c, c ∈ C has been
driven to a value v, v ∈ {0, 1} by some other process p, p ∈ S at time t then the time it waits before driving
the channel to a new value u, u ≠ v and u ∈ {0, 1} is called as setup time ( )
of process q,, where
The pulse width of a process q in an inactive state can be decomposed into two phases as shown in
Figure 19, first phase during which either the other process p is driving the channel or is about to drive the
channel. This first phase will be equal to or greater than the forward latency of the channel, and the second
phase during which after the channel has been driven to a value by p, q waits for its setup time before it
drives the channel. This is formalized in the following definition
Definition 8. (Pulse width inactive) For any p, p ∈ P and for any q, q ∈ Q driving a channel c, c ∈ C: c =
(p, q), we have and
Figure 19. Timing diagram of a single-track process with setup time and pulse width inactive
In a single-track system a channel c is driven by processes p and q and the hold time of these processes
should always be less than hold time of the channel. The intuition behind this constraint is to put a bound
on the time by which processes should release the channel to ensure mutually exclusivity among processes.
This bound is defined as the release time of the channel. This is formalized in the following definition.
Definition 9. (Release time constraint) For any c in C: c = (p, q) such that p ∈ P and q ∈ Q, p and q
satisfies the release time constraint if the release time of process p and q are less than the release time of
the channel, and, .
Similarly we define a setup time constraint which states that the setup time of processes p and q should
always be greater than setup time of the channel c. The intuition behind this constraint is to put a bound on
how early a process can start driving the channel to a different value to ensure mutually exclusivity among
processes. This bound is defined as setup time of the channel. This is formalized in the following definition.
Definition 10. (Setup time constraint) For any c in C: c = (p, q) such that p ∈ P and q ∈ Q, p and q
satisfied the setup time constraint if setup time of processes p and q are greater than setup time of the
channel, and,
Next we define a hold time constraint which states that the hold time of processes p and q should always
be greater than hold time of the channel c. This constraint guarantees that a process drives the channel
sufficiently long enough for the channel to have a full rail-rail voltage swing on it. This is formalized in the
following definition.
Definition 11. (Hold time constraint) For any c in C: c = (p, q) such that p ∈ P and q ∈ Q, c satisfies the
hold time constraint if hold time of processes p and q are greater than hold time of the channel,
and .
In a single-track design with channel c driven by two processes p and q, we define a correct handshake
as one in which channel c satisfies the channel handshake constraint and processes p and q satisfy their
associated release time, setup time constraint and hold time constraints. The intuition is to avoid overlap
between processes actively driving the channel while at the same time satisfying a voltage swing on the
channel. This is formalized in the following definition.
Definition 12. (Single-track handshake constraint) In a single-track design single-track handshake
constraint is satisfied if, for all c in C: c = (p, q) where p ∈ P and q ∈ Q
1. c satisfies the channel handshake constraint
2. p and q satisfies the release time constraint
3. p and q satisfies the setup time constraint
4. p and q satisfies the hold time constraint
Figure 20. Single-track handshake constraint
It can be observed from Figure 20 in a single-track design as a result of single-track handshake
constraint, for any channel c with process p and q the pulse-width inactive of q (PWI
) should always be
greater then pulse-width active of p (PWA
) and similarly pulse-width inactive of p (PWI
) should always
be greater then pulse-width active of q (PWH
). These observations can be proven in the following lemma.
Lemma 1. If a single-track design satisfies single-track handshake constraint, then for all c in C: (p, q)
such that p ∈ ∈ ∈ ∈ P and q ∈ ∈ ∈ ∈ Q, we have PWI
and PWI
Proof: PWI
≥ ………..From Definition 8.
≥ ………..From Definition 12 and Definition 10 .
≥ ………..From Definition 12 and Definition 3.
≥ ………..From Definition 12 and Definition 9.
………..From Definition 7.
≥ ………..From Definition 8.
≥ ………..From Definition 12 and Definition 10.
≥ ………..From Definition 12 and Definition 3.
≥ ………..From Definition 12 and Definition 9.
………..From Definition 7.
However in a single-track design if process p and q satisfy the pulse width constraints proved above, it
does not ensure correct handshake on channel c as it does not guarantee mutually exclusive nature of the
processes and hence violating condition one or more of 1, 2 and 3 conditions defined in Definition 12. As a
result the lemma proved above is a necessary condition for single-track design.
3.2.3 Rail-2-rail voltage swing
As a result of hold time constraint there exists a lower bound on the pulse width active of a process as
shown in Figure 21. This lower bound can be defined as minimum pulse width which defines the amount of
time a process should drive the channel to a value so that the channel can satisfy the user defined voltage
swing constraints for value . This minimum pulse width can be decomposed into two phases; one where
process is driving the channel to a value this time is equal to the forward latency of the channel. The
other phase is where process should hold the channel; this phase is equal to the hold time of the channel.
Definition 13. (Minimum pulse width) For any c in C: (p,q) where p ∈ P and q ∈ Q, the minimum pulse
width ( ) required for the channel to be driven to a value v can be defined as the sum of forward
latency of the channel ( ) and hold time of the channel ( )
Figure 21. Timing diagram of a single-track system with rail-2-rail swing constraint
Lemma 2. (Rail-2-Rail swing constraint) If a single-track design satisfies the single-track handshake
constraint, then for all c in C: (p, q) such that p ∈ P and q∈ Q we have PWA
≥ and PWA
Proof: PWA
= ………..From Definition 9.
≥ ………..From Definition 11.
≥ ………..From Definition 13.
= ………..From Definition 9.
≥ ………..From Definition 11.
≥ ………..From Definition 13.
The rail-2-rail constraint proposed puts a lower bound on the pulse width of the processes which is
necessary to maintain a user defined voltages swing on the channels. This lower bound is dependent upon
the technology specifications and the wire length of channel This lower bound can have margins to account
for worst case crosstalk noise as well as process variations leading to increased robustness to noise and
process variations.
The proposed constraints provide design rules for non-homogeneous single-track processes. While the
use of homogeneous gates limits the amount of time for computation to a single level of logic making
single-track designs expensive in terms of area and energy. The proposed theory removes this limitation by
guiding the design of non homogeneous processes with the flexibility of having different pulse widths. This
flexibility enables the following advantages.
1. Multiple levels of logic: With the flexibility of having different pulse width the processes can have
multiple levels of logic. This helps in reducing the control area overhead by sharing the same control
logic among several levels of logic thus making the design more area and energy efficient.
2. Long wires: In presence of homogeneous processes to satisfy rail-2-rail swing constraint one needs to
insert pipeline buffers for long channel wires as proposed by Ferretti in [30]. This may increase the
imbalance in the pipelines thus degrading the performance. In case of non-homogeneous buffers
instead of inserting pipeline buffers the pulse width of the drivers can be increased as per defined in
Definition 13.
3. Timing Analysis: The constraints proposed in this chapter can then be verified using static timing
engine as shown in [44] and in case of a violation can be satisfied by changing the pulse widths of the
drivers using standard P&R ECO flow.
3.3 Performance metric
The performance of non-homogeneous processes is measured in terms of cycle time which is formalized
in the definition below
Definition 13. For any s ∈ S the cycle time (T
) of a process s is defined as T
If two processes p and q are related through a channel c then the cycle time of the channel c will be the
same as cycle time of q and cycle time of process p.
Definition 14. (Local cycle time of a channel): For any c in C: (p, q) such that p ∈ P and q ∈ Q the cycle
time of the channel c, T
equals the cycle time of p and q, i.e.
= T
= T
As a result of single-track handshake constraint and rail-2-rail swing constraint the cycle time of a
channel c in C: (p,q) has a lower bound on the cycle time T
which is formalized in Definition 15 and is
proven in Theorem1.
Definition 15. (Minimum cycle time): For a channel c in C, minimum cycle time T
is defined as T
= +
Theorem1. If a single-track design satisfies the single-track handshake constraint, for any c in C: (p, q) the
cycle time of c (T
) is always greater then T
Tc = PWA
……………………From Definition 13
……………….......From Lemma 1
+ …………………..From Lemma 2
≥ + ……………………From Lemma 2
Hence Tc ≥ T
It has been shown in [8] that better the performance of pipeline / slack matching buffers less number of
buffers are required for slack matching. The flexibility of having non-homogeneous buffers helps in
reducing the number of slack matching buffers making the design more area and energy efficient. The
lower bound of cycle time proved above guides the designer with estimation of the performance of a
channel and provides the pulse-widths required on the input and output drivers of sender and receiver to
achieve the cycle time.
4 Non-homogeneous single-track templates
4.1 Introduction
In this chapter we present three new design templates implementing 1-of-N single-track channel with
two phase static single-track protocol for handshaking. These design templates can support a wide range of
pipeline granularity giving the designers flexibility in terms of performance and area overhead. The
proposed design styles through use of faster dynamic logic provides better forward latency than
synchronous designs because of the use of dynamic logic in the data path and no delay margin required to
meet setup time of the synchronous storage elements. These designs styles are based on Single-track Full
Buffer (STFB) circuit family proposed by Ferretti [30]. The STFB circuit family uses semi-weak
conditioned domino logic due to which makes it inefficient for gates with complex functionalities. Due to
the semi weak-conditioned domino logic, as the number of inputs of the gate increases, the size of the
NMOS stack increases which causes slower domino logic, increases in area and leakage current, and
presents more potential charge sharing problems. The STFB circuit family also has a rigid timing
assumption on the pulse-width required to charge / discharge a wire which in deep submicron technology
are difficult to satisfy. The proposed design styles use non weak-conditioned logic which leads to smaller N
stack leading to smaller area and better forward latency. The proposed design styles also support
configurable pulse-width on channels which are dependent on the wire load of the channel to satisfy the
hold time constraint proposed in Chapter 3. Due to the two phase handshaking the design templates provide
better throughput per area than other existing design styles for a broader range of performance targets and
lower power consumption than their counterpart QDI designs.
This chapter is organized as follows. In Section 4.2 we present the first template which targets high
performance applications, in Section 4.3 we present the multi-level single-track (MLST) template which
targets medium and low performance applications and in Section 4.4 we present a variant of the MLST
template which uses conventional dynamic logic with single-track controller and finally we offer some
conclusions in Section 4.5.
4.2 Single-Level Single-Track (SLST) template
This template is optimized for high performance applications with smaller pipeline stages limiting
themselves to single level of logic. It also has the flexibility of having different pulse widths on their input
and output drivers. The pulse width can be adjusted per the load offered on the wires using a standard P&R
ECO flow.
4.2.1 Block level diagram
Figure 22 illustrates the block level diagram of the proposed template. L0 and L1 are dual rail single-track
inputs while R0 and R1 are dual rail single-track outputs, Ov is the valid signal generated by the domino
logic block indicating the validity / neutrality of the output channel and Iv is the signal generated by the
Dreset block indicating the validity and neutrality of the input signal. ICv (OCv) is the input (output) channel
valid signal generated by Left (Right) Channel Completion detector (LCCD / RCCD) indicating the validity
and neutrality of all the input (output) channels. Ack is the common acknowledgement signal for all the input
channels and IOv detects the combined validity of all the input and output channels and neutrality of all
output channels.
L0 [0]
L0 [N]
L1 [N]
Figure 22. Block level diagram of SLST
Functional logic
The functional data path is based on dynamic logic with evaluation and pre-charge controlled by the “go”
signal as shown in Figure 23 (a). The dynamic logic is based on non-weak conditioned logic which improves
forward latency and average throughput and provides lower area and less charge sharing compared to semi
weak conditioned logic used in STFB.
After coming out of the reset phase, the domino logic is left in evaluate phase and in presence of data on
inputs it drives one of the dual-rail state signals (S0 or S1) low generating a valid token on the dual-rail
single-track wires (R0 / R1). At the same time, the output valid (Ov) is driven high through the nand gate
indicating presence of a valid token on the output channel. At the same time the eval / precharge signal ‘go’
is being driven low leading to the pre-charge of S0 and S1. The pulse-width on the dual-rail stage signals can
be increased by changing the length of the delay line to satisfy the hold time constraint defined in Section
3.2. When all output channels of the pipe stage are acknowledged (OCv=0), go signal is driven back high
leading dynamic logic back in evaluate phase.
Figure 23. Transistor level diagram of functional block
In the case of non linear pipelines, one output channel can become valid and be acknowledged by its
receiver before other outputs become valid or all input channels have arrived. In this situation a token on that
output channel will be lost leading to deadlock. This critical race is resolved using the state signal X where it
is driven low as soon as one of the two rails R0 / R1 goes high is driven high only when R0 / R1 is driven
low by its receiver and controller indicates the validity of all input and output channels are by “input output
valid” signal (IOv) being low. The generation of IOv signal will be explained when we discuss the design of
the controller.
Figure 24 shows the transistor level diagram of the controller used. The controller is responsible for
generating the acknowledgement signal Ack which drives the input channel low. When all the input channels
are valid (ICv = 1) and all output channels are valid (OCv = 1), the “Ack” signal is driven low which then
drives input channels low. The Ack signal is driven back high when LCCD detects the neutrality of all input
channels by driving ICv low using the generalized C-element. The controller is also responsible for
generating the “input output valid” (IOv) signal which is driven low when all input and output channels are
valid and is driven high when all output channel have been driven low by their receivers.
Figure 24. Transistor level diagram of the controller
Figure 25 shows the data reset block which is responsible for driving the input rails low. The reset block
drives the dual rail input low when Ack signal is driven low by the controller. The reset block uses a delay
line which can be configured by changing the delay line to increase the pulse width of A to satisfy the hold
time constraint defined in Section 3.2.3. The NOR gate shown in Figure 25 detects the validity and neutrality
of the data on dual rails such that the input channel valid signal (Iv) is driven high when one of the rails (L0 /
L1) is driven high by the sender and is driven back low when the input channel is driven low.
Figure 25. Transistor level diagram of the Data reset block
Right / Left channel completion detectors
The function of right channel completion detector (RCCD) is to ensure the validity and neutrality of all the
output channels before acknowledging the input channels. When all the output channels are valid the
completion detector drives the left channel valid (OCv) signal high, and when all the output channels are
driven low; the completion detector drives the OCv low. In a similar fashion the left channel completion
detector (LCCD) is responsible for detecting the validity and neutrality of the input channels. When all the
input channels are valid the completion detector drives the left channel valid (ICv) signal high, and when all
the input channels are driven low; the completion detector drives the ICv low.
The completion detectors are implemented using special asynchronous gates C-elements. Figure 26 (a)
shows the 2 input C-element symbol and Figure 26 (b) shows the transistor level diagram of it. These C-
elements are then combined in a tree fashion to implement completion detectors for more number of inputs.
Figure 26. (a) C-element symbol (b) Transistor level description of C-element
In Figure 27 we show an example of SLST pipeline stage with two output functions, one function which
implement a buffer and the other function which implement an OR gate.
Figure 27. SLST with a buffer and OR function
4.2.2 Performance model
The critical cycle in of channel c between pipelines stages A and B is shown in Figure 35 and can be
calculated as
= 2 * T
+ 2 * T
+ T
+ T
where T
is the delay of the logic blocks in the data path, T
is the delay of the right channel
completion detector, T
is the delay of the controller at the receiver pipeline stage and include the delay
required to drive the input wires low. T
is the controller delay at the sender side to drive the control
signal responsible for evaluation of the sender high. For a linear pipeline with only 1 channel between sender
rand receiver pipelines stages (T
= 0) this cycle time is estimated to 10 transitions.
Figure 28. SLST template with critical cycle
4.3 Multi-level Single Track template
The second proposed template is designed for medium performance applications where a pipeline stage
can have multiple levels of logic thus effectively sharing the control area overhead over several levels of
logic. The motivation is to have a design template that can support a wide range of pipeline granularity
giving the designers flexibility in terms of performance and control overhead.
4.3.1 Bundled valid wire
It is observed that for medium performance applications we can have larger pipeline stages where a subset
of outputs of sender pipeline stage goes to the same receiver. In such scenarios the cost of completion
detectors can be shared among the two pipeline stages; for example consider a linear pipeline with stages A
and B as shown in Figure 29. Here all the outputs of stage A acts as the input to B, so along with outputs
from A another 1-of-1 single-track valid wire can be sent from stage A to B removing the need for
completion detection of these individual inputs at B.
In particular, when all the dual-rail outputs from A to B are valid this 1-on-1 wire will be driven high
acting as a request signal for that particular outputs. After receiving the valid wire and all the outputs are
valid stage B will acknowledge by driving the valid wire and dual-rail inputs low. Stage A will detect the
neutrality of this valid wire and assume that all the dual-rail outputs between stage A and B are also driven
low. Use of this valid wire eliminates the need of the completion detector in stage B.
This valid wire may typically arrive later then the actual inputs but it doesn’t stop the stage B to evaluate
this thus causes no degradation in forward latency. Additionally there is no bundled timing data constraint
associated with this wire as inputs are acknowledged only when the valid wire arrive and all outputs of the
receiver are valid. By reducing the number of completion detectors on the dual rail wires thus effectively
reducing the capacitive load the forward latency will only be better compared to the earlier proposed
Figure 29. Linear pipeline with 1-of-1 valid signal
4.3.2 Block level diagram
Figure 30 shows the block level diagram of the proposed design template. V_L is 1-of-1 single-track valid
wire associated with the dual-rail inputs and V_R is 1-of-1 single-track valid wire associated with dual rail
outputs. V is the output valid generated by the single-track domino logic detecting the validity of the dual-
rail outputs while OCv is the output channel valid signal generated by completion detector (PCCD). In case
of non-linear pipelines we will use C-element trees to combine 1-of-1 valid signals at the input and OCv
signals at the output.
Figure 30 Block level diagram of MLST template
Another key distinction between SSTFB and MLST is in what constitutes a channel. In the SSTFB
template every dual rail single-track wire between two pipeline stages acts as a channel, while in this
proposed template a bundle of dual rail single-track wires along with the 1-of-1 valid single-track wire
between a pair of sender and receiver constitutes a channel. This distinction is important because the
proposed template bundles all dual-rail outputs going to the same pipeline stage into one channel which
effectively reduces the number of channels between pipeline stages. This also reduces the size of the
completion detectors improving not only area efficiency but also performance.
The main components of the design template are explained below.
Data path
Unlike SLST which supports single level of domino logic, this template can support multiple levels of
logic where intermediate logic levels can be shared among outputs. The last level of logic is controlled by
the “go” signal generated by Pre-charged completion detector (PCCD) while the intermediate levels of logic
are controlled by the “en” signal. The use of separate signals to control the evaluation of the last level and
the remaining level of logic allows eager evaluation where the intermediate levels of logic do not have to
wait for handshake at the output to finish before being ready to evaluate again. This strategy helps in
improving the average latency and average throughput of the system.
As shown in Figure 30 the intermediate levels of logic use conventional domino logic to generate dual-rail
signals, last level of logic is responsible for generating the dual-rail single-track outputs as well as the
generating the validity signal (V) indicating the validity of the data on the dual-rail single-track wires.
Figure 31. Intermediate and final level of logic
Pre-charge completion detector (PCCD)
Pre-charged completion detector is used to detect the validity of the dual-rail outputs associated with a
channel and subsequently generating the 1-of-1 single-track valid wire. It uses a dynamic AND gate to detect
the validity of outputs. Figure 32 shows a transistor level diagram of an eight input dynamic AND gate
detecting validity of 8 outputs and generating valid wire (V_R). When all the dual-rail single-track outputs
are valid, signals (S0 and S1) are driven low driving the single-track wire V_R high. In the mean time output
channel valid signal (OCv) is driven high indicating the validity of the channel and OCv is driven low when
1-of-1 valid signal goes low. The PCCD is also responsible for generating the “go” signal which controls the
evaluation / pre-charge of the last level of logic as well as evaluation / pre-charge of the PCCD. When V_R
signal is driven high go signal is driven low which then pre-charges the last level of the domino logic and the
dynamic AND gate and go signal is driven high when all the output channels of the pipeline stage are driven
Figure 32. Transistor level diagram of PCCD
Vreset and Dreset
The Vreset and Dreset blocks are responsible for driving the 1-of-1 valid wire and dual-rail wires low. It
accepts the Ack signal from the controller to generate the A signal which then drives the 1-of-1 valid channel
and dual-rail inputs low. Figure 33 shows a transistor level diagram of a Vreset. The pulse-width on A can be
changed by changing the length of the delay line.
Figure 33. Transistor level diagram of the (a) Valid reset and (b) Data reset block
Figure 34 shows the transistor level diagram of the controller used. The controller is similar to the
controller of SLST proposed in Section 4.2 with additional responsibility of generating en signal which
controls the evaluation and pre-charge of intermediate levels of logic.
Figure 34. Transistor level diagram of MLST controller
4.3.3 Performance model
The critical cycle in of channel c in a linear pipeline between pipelines stages A and B is shown in Figure
35 and can be calculated as
= T
+ L * T
+ T
+ T
+ T
where T
is the delay of the last level of logic in sender and L is the number of levels of logic in the
receiver, T
is the delay of the pre-charged completion detector, T
is the delay of the controller at
the receiver pipeline stage and include the delay required to drive the input wires and 1-of-1 valid wire low.
is the controller delay at the sender side to drive the control signal responsible for evaluation of the
sender high. For non-linear pipelines the cycle time will increase to incorporate the delay of the C-element
4.3.4 Timing constraints
The correct operations of this proposed family of circuits depends on the relative timing of logic gates to
avoid critical races. Careful choice of the transistor sizes can avoid these races quite easily. There are two
critical races in our proposed template and are explained below
• Pre-charge of intermediate logic: In our proposed template the pre-charge of the intermediate levels of
logic is caused by the “en” signal being driven low by the controller. The “en” signal is driven back high
when the controller detects that left valid signal is driven low. The timing assumption is that this pulse
on en signal is enough for the intermediate logic levels to pre-charge. In case of a linear pipeline this
pulse is 5 gate delays and in case of non-linear pipelines this pulse will be longer. It is also worth noting
that all the intermediate levels of logic pre-charge in parallel and hence we are comfortable that by
proper sizing of transistors this timing constraint can be satisfied.
Figure 35. MLST template with critical cycle
• Reset of dual-rail inputs: In our proposed template we have assume that if the 1-of-1 valid wire
associated with a channel is low then all the dual rail inputs associated with that channel are also driven
low. The timing assumption is that the dual rail inputs should be driven low before the receiver detects
the neutrality of 1-of-1 valid wire and reasserts en signal and similarly the sender reasserts the go signal
for evaluation. In case of linear pipeline this timing race is of type 1 gate delay against 5 gate delay and
will only be more relaxed in case of non-linear pipelines. We are comfortable that this timing constraint
can be satisfied through proper sizing of the SDOWN gate and / or limiting the wire load on the dual rail
input wires.
4.4 Multi-level domino with single-track (MLD-ST) controller
This design template is a variant of the MLST design template proposed in Section 4.3 with the
distinction being the use of conventional domino logic used for last level of logic instead of single-track
domino logic used. The motivation is to remove the pulse-width constraints required to charge / discharge
the dual-rail wires by using static inverters to drive the dual rail wires instead of S gates. Additionally it
also improves area efficiency as the data path is composed of conventional domino logic which uses
smaller inverter instead of bigger SUP and SDOWN gates.
Figure 36. Block diagram of MLD-ST template
The key idea is to use an early acknowledgement signal from the receiver to pre-charge the dual rail
domino path of the sender while the sender and receiver complete the single-track handshake protocol on the
1-of-1 single-track valid wire. Figure 36 shows the block diagram of the template with “Done” input signal
coming from the receiver side. This “Done” input which is essentially the Output Channel valid (OCv)
signal of the receiver which indicates that the outputs of receiver are valid and the inputs are no longer
needed, is used to pre-charge then the dual rail data path of the sender as shown. Figure 32 shows the
modified PCCD block which accepts the “Done” input and generates the pre-charge signal “pc” which then
pre-charges the dual-rail domino path as shown in Figure 38. After detecting a valid token on all the output
channels of the receiver the right channel completion detector of the receiver will drive OCv signal high. The
NAND gate then drives “pre-charge” (pc) signal low which then pre-charges the dual rail domino path as
shown in Figure 38. As the receiver completes the single-track handshake by driving the 1-of-1 valid wire
low and the sender is ready to evaluate again pc signal is driven back high.
Figure 37. Transistor level diagram of PCCD with Done input
Figure 38. Domino logic used as last level of logic
4.4.1 Timing constraints
The correct operations of this proposed family of circuits depends on the relative timing of logic gates to
avoid critical races. Careful choice of the transistor sizes can avoid these races quite easily. There are two
critical races in our proposed template and are explained below
1. Evaluation of receiver: This timing race is related to the pre-charge of the dual-rail wires before the
receiver gets ready to evaluate. The timing assumption is that the last level of domino logic in the
sender should pre-charge before the intermediate levels of logic of the receiver are ready to evaluate
again. In case of linear pipeline this timing race is of type 3 gate delays against 6 gate delays and will
only be more relaxed in case of non-linear pipelines. This timing race can be satisfied through proper
sizing of pre-charge transistors.
2. Evaluation of sender: This timing race is related to the pre-charge of the dual-rail and evaluation of
the sender. The timing assumption is that last level of domino logic in the sender should pre-charge
before it is ready to evaluate again. In case of linear pipeline this timing race is of type 3 gate delays
against 6 gate delays and will only be more relaxed in case of non-linear pipelines. This timing race
can be satisfied through proper sizing of pre-charge transistors.
4.5 Conclusions
In this chapter we have presented three new design styles implementing single-track two phase
handshake protocol. We have also discussed design issues with these design styles as well as the critical
timing races and their analytical performance model. These design styles provide distinctive advantage in
terms of throughput per area and forward latency over existing design styles.
5 Proteus – RTL to asynchronous synthesis tool
5.1 Introduction
Even with all the advantages provided by asynchronous design, they are still not widely accepted by the
semiconductor industry. A key roadblock has been the lack of CAD tools which can automate the
generation of asynchronous designs. Some methods have been proposed over the years [65][29][21], but
they leverage off existing synchronous techniques, resulting in circuits that are bound by the characteristics
of their synchronous counterparts. To remove this limitation an automated RTL to asynchronous synthesis
tool “Proteus” [23] is being developed at USC Asynchronous CAD / VLSI group. This tool is based on de-
synchronization approach for generating asynchronous designs, from an arbitrary HDL representation of a
circuit. The tool is design-style agnostic and is thus applicable to many asynchronous design styles. Our
main contribution in the development of this tool has been to develop a prototype to convert the generated
single rail asynchronous netlist to single-track dual rail netlist, modify the slack matching method for two
phase circuits and prototype for generation of testbench generation for verification of final single-track
This chapter is organized as follows, in Section 5.2 we provide background on the other existing
synthesis approaches, in Section 5.3 we provide a short explanation of the approach used by Proteus tool to
synthesize asynchronous netlist, in Section 5.4 we discuss the flow we used to convert the single rail
asynchronous design to our library specific single track dual rail netlist and slack matching steps. In Section
5.5 we discuss about the verification steps to validate the correctness of generated asynchronous design,
and in Section 5.6 we discuss the comparison of our library to the other existing styles, specifically we
compare the throughput per area of single-track designs to PCHB and MLD templates. Finally we conclude
in Section 5.7.
5.2 Background
De-synchronization was introduced in [21] where the key idea is to remove the clock tree completely
and generate the clocking signal for each flip flop locally. The clocking signal is locally generated using
asynchronous controllers following a handshake protocol. The task of these controllers is to enable the
latches and control the flow of data so that the flow of data in the asynchronous netlist is equivalent to the
flow of data in the synchronous netlist. The handshake protocol selected uses a delay line to match the
worst case delay through the combinational block and also accounts for the margin required to meet setup
time constraints of the flip flop as shown in Figure 39.
Figure 39. Desynchronization technique
In this asynchronous conversion method the combinational blocks are the same as in the synchronous
circuit, making both the conversion and verification of the circuit straight forward. Also, there is no need
for a new logic cell library or any logic synthesis. The original synchronous cell library can be used, only a
few new cells (such as controllers and latches) are added to the library. As such, this method can be fully
automated and use a synchronous flow with minor changes. The limitation of this method is that it only
supports bundled data protocol; therefore, we still have to assume worst case delay for each stage. Also, the
matched delays should be carefully chosen so that the timing assumptions remain valid in all corners of the
implementing process. Finally, slack matching has not been incorporated in this method.
Weaving was introduced in [65] where synchronous netlist is converted into fine-grain micropipeline
implementations using a micropipeline library. However the asynchronous conversion is guided by the
synchronous architecture generated by the commercial synthesis tools which does not take into account of
the synchronization delay in asynchronous design. Moreover weaver flow converts synchronous design into
fine-grained asynchronous design which makes them area inefficient for slower performance requirements.
5.3 Proteus
Proteus is an EDA tool developed by Dimou in [23] which converts a synchronous netlist to an
asynchronous design. The key idea behind the tool is same as the de-synchronization method discussed
earlier. A key difference between the two methods is that while de-synchronization method only supports
bundled data protocol, Proteus is more general and can generate asynchronous designs specific to a user
defined template. As of now only two templates PCHB [50] and MLD [23] are supported.
Another key difference between the two methods is that in order to achieve better performance at lower
area penalty, area optimization technique like clustering of different pipeline stages are performed. For
each pipeline stage a single asynchronous controller is instantiated. The clustering is done subject to a
given performance constraint such that two pipeline states will be clustered without violating the
performance constraint. The performance constraint is generally defined by user in terms of cycle time.
After clustering, the tool tries to optimize the performance of the design through slack matching.
Figure 40. Overview of Proteus ASIC Flow
Figure 40 shows the overview of the design flow in Proteus. The original synchronous netlist is first
synthesized using a commercially available high level synthesis tool. The generated synchronous gate level
netlist is then converted into an asynchronous netlist using an image library. The image library is use to
map the functionality of the asynchronous gates to their equivalent synchronous gate.
The next step is clustering. Initially we start with each gate as a cluster or a pipeline stage. Then,
clustering is done by merging two pipeline stages into one and executing one such move at a time. The
clustering algorithm is a greedy algorithm where the tool looks at all possible moves that are available at
each iteration and executes the one that provides the most area improvement without violating the
performance constraint.
5.4 Single-track template conversion and slack matching
After clustering the next step is to convert the single rail asynchronous netlist to the asynchronous netlist
using a user defined template. In our case we want to convert the single rail asynchronous design to dual
rail single-track asynchronous design. This step involves creation of single-track channels, conversion of
single rail signals into dual rail signals and instantiation of control logic blocks associated with each
pipeline stage We also need to map the abstract logic gates used by the tool to the logic gates that are
present in the single-track library that we developed.
For each pipeline stage we need to instantiate input channel reset blocks (DataAck and ValidAck) and
controller (STCONT) to complete handshaking between two pipeline stages. In case of non linear pipeline
stages c-elements are instantiated as left /right channel completion detection trees (LCCD / RCCD) to
detect the validity and neutrality of all the input and output channels of the clusters. . In case of MLST and
MLD-ST templates we also need to instantiate a 1-of-1 valid wire for each channel and for each output
channel we need to instantiate a pre-charged completion detector (PCCD).
Due to point-to-point connection of the signals in the single-track handshake protocol, signals are
constrained to have a fanout of only one. To handle outputs with multiple fanouts, one solution proposed by
Ferretti is to insert special FORK cells [30] between the source and destination pipeline stages. However
the addition of these FORK cells can lengthen the critical path increasing the latency of the design.
Addition of FORK cells can also increase the imbalance among the pipeline stages requiring more slack
matching buffers thus increasing the area and energy inefficiency of the design.
We propose to solve this problem differently where instead of adding FORK cells, we duplicate the last
level of logic in the source pipeline stage thus creating a new output channel and a new dual rail output
signal for each fan out. In this fashion we do not increase the length of the path and we also don’t increase
the imbalance of the pipeline.
The next step involves slack matching which can be thought of as the process of properly aligning the
timing of the handshakes between the pipeline stages in the design, so that a circuit can maximize its
performance. The tool uses Full-Buffer-Channel-Net [8] to model the slack matching problem and calculate
the minimum number of slack matching buffers required to satisfy a given performance constraint. The
model used also take advantage of the fact that non homogeneous buffers can provide significant
advantages in number of slack matching buffers required. The tool uses a linear programming solver to
calculate the number of slack matching buffers required per channel. As a part of this thesis we modified
the model adopted in the tool for two phase circuits which is a natural implementation of the formulation
based in [8].
5.5 Verification
To check the correctness of the asynchronous design created by the tool, a testbench is generated by the
tool from which we compare the results generated by asynchronous design and synchronous design. Figure
41 shows our verification methodology. The tool creates information that is required for verification of the
resulting design. A header file is written that contains some important parameters for the design, such as the
number of inputs, outputs and vectors that are going to be used. Another file that contains random input
vectors is also generated. The original synchronous RTL netlist is simulated with the generated input
vectors and the results are stored.
To simulate the asynchronous design the generated input vectors are converted by CSP Bit generator
into input asynchronous tokens. Then these input tokens are converted into single-track signals by
CSP_to_ST shims. The single-track outputs generated from the simulation of asynchronous designs are
then converted into output tokens by ST_to_CSP shim after which the data value is read by CSP Bit Bucket.
The results of this run are compared against the results of the synchronous netlist and if they match the
testbench will indicate the validity of the asynchronous design. From the simulation of asynchronous
designs we also average the number of tokens received over time to calculate the average throughput of the
Input vectors
Figure 41. Verification environment for single-track asynchronous design
5.6 Comparisons
In this section we present the comparison results of our proposed single-track templates against other
existing design styles like PCHB and MLD. This section is organized as follows, in Section 5.6.1 we
present the performance and area model we chose and in Section 5.6.2 we present our results.
5.6.1 Performance and area model
The performance of the design is estimated from the average throughput measured through the Verilog
simulations. We assume that each transition has an equal unit delay. The area of the design is estimated by
calculating the number of transistors in the design. For simplicity we neglect the interconnect area.
5.6.2 Experimental Results
We have illustrated the advantages of the proposed design styles on various examples from the ISCAS
benchmark set that includes examples that are purely combinational (hence include no cycles) or mixed
sequential and combinational (include state elements and cycles). We also added a few examples that are
generally common in commercial circuit designs. We compare the throughput per area of the proposed
template with industry standard PCHB and MLD templates.
Throughput / Area comparisons (s444)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
Area efficiency
Figure 42. Throughput / area tradeoff curves for s444 example
Throughput / Area comparisons (s820)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Relative Throughput
Area efficiency
Figure 43. Throughput / area tradeoff curves for s444 example
Throughput / Area comparisons (s953)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Relative Throughput
Area efficiency
Figure 44. Throughput / area tradeoff curves for s953 example
In Figure 42 to Figure 44 we compare the throughput area trade off curves for SLST, MLST and MLD-ST
against PCHB and MLD templates for three ISCAS examples. We varied the target performance constraint
and compared area. It can be seen that for high performance targets, SLST is more area efficient than PCHB.
For medium performance targets, SLST and PCHB blocks can reduce area only be reducing the number of
slack matching buffers. However they still suffer a large control area overhead. Multi-level templates like
MLST, MLD-ST and MLD, on the other hand, can improve area efficiency by taking advantage of
clustering and the sharing of control logic across multiple levels of logic, thus effectively reducing the
control area overhead. With the high performance nature of single-track templates, for the same target
performance MLST and MLD-ST can support bigger pipeline stages providing better throughput / area
compared to four-phase MLD templates. In Figure 42 to Figure 44 we just show throughput area trade-off
curves for three examples but similar behavior was experienced in all ISCAS examples.
In Table 2, we compare the throughput per area of MLST, MLD-ST template against PCHB and MLD
template. We set the target cycle time constraint for PCHB template to 18 transitions as these templates are
designed to be area efficient for 18 transitions. For MLST, MLD-ST and MLD templates we have selected a
representative target performance constraint to be a somewhat slower 26 transitions (~800 MHz in 65nm) It
can be seen that at 26 transitions MLST provides 32% better throughput per area over PCHB templates and
75% better throughput per area over MLD template. MLD-ST template provides 2X better throughput per
area over PCHB and 2.76X over MLD templates.
Note the throughput / area metric is a function of the target performance constraint we set. As we decrease
the target performance requirement, the multi-level templates improve area efficient because of its flexibility
of having bigger pipeline stages as was seen in Figure 42 through Figure 44. Also note that the comparison
between MLST and PCHB templates is a function of the clustering algorithm and number of primary inputs
in the design. Due to the point-to-point limitation of single-track wires, additional buffers (FORKs) are
inserted between primary inputs and computational logic. These additional buffers are added after the
clustering step and are hence not optimized. This effectively makes our comparison numbers somewhat
conservative as a better clustering algorithm designed for single-track template could try to cluster these
FORK buffers which would improve their relative efficiency.
Cycle time (T)
Area (A)
against PCHB
s298 14 7050 1.285714286 1.290972349
COUNTER 14 3764 1.285714286 0.799830004
s27 14 889 1.285714286 0.953862661
s344 16 8119 1.125 1.24162716
s349 16 8119 1.125 1.265627436
s386 14 8000 1.285714286 1.628664495
s400 14 10471 1.285714286 1.487146712
s420 14 9305 1.285714286 1.21729461
s444 14 9779 1.285714286 1.365019542
s510 17 12000 1.176470588 1.21703854
s526 14 11159 1.285714286 1.31174327
s641 16 11000 1.375 1.411161001
s713 16 14094 1.25 1.621118012
s820 18 20000 1.111111111 1.67196121
s832 16 18000 1.25 1.497628754
s838 14 21854 1.285714286 1.336390876
s953 18 24000 1.222222222 1.608471282
S1196 18 53674 1 1.532535762
S1238 18 48000 1.111111111 1.574389924
S1423 40 32541 0.75 1.607836356
C3540 14 65000 1.285714286 1.502612234
HIT_DETECT 14 100000 1.285714286 1.161156977
MAC32 18 90000 1.222222222 1.618850616
C7552 20 32000 0.9 0.585480094
1.198374767 1.354517495
Table 1. Throughput and Area comparisons of SLST against PCHB
5.7 Conclusions
In this chapter we propose a synthesis flow for the proposed non-homogeneous single-track design
templates using academic tool Proteus and compare them with existing design styles like PCHB and MLD.
The synthesis flow takes the advantage of commercial synthesis tools and then performs re-pipelining to
generate area efficient designs. Comparisons on several ISCAS benchmarks show that the proposed
templates provide a wide range of throughput area tradeoffs. They all have very good latency characteristics,
using domino logic with no explicit latches or bundling constraints. For high performance applications, the
SLST template provides an average of 20% better throughput than PCHB pipelines at the cost of 36% more
average area. At lower frequencies MLST template provides 1.32X better average throughput / area over
PCHB and 1.75X over MLD pipelines. On the other hand MLD-ST provides 2X advantage better throughput
/ area over PCHB and 2.75X over MLD pipeline styles.
Table 2. Throughput / Area comparisons of MLST and MLD-ST
Area –
ST (A)
(T / A)
(T / A)
(T / A)
s298 2491 1533 2.077 3.375 3.621 5.884231126
COUNTER 3072 1982 1.451 2.249 1.534 2.377821446
s27 886 731 0.728 0.883 0.554 0.671682627
s344 4080 2835 1.311 1.887 1.924 2.768574635
s349 4080 2835 1.286 1.851 1.924 2.768574635
s386 1713 1239 1.985 2.745 4.402 6.086732477
s400 3744 2680 1.302 1.819 2.392 3.340987371
s420 3974 2782 1.332 1.902 1.821 2.601725377
s444 4704 3394 1.054 1.461 1.747 2.421921037
s510 2173 1707 3.49 4.443 6.866 8.740931008
s526 4085 2683 1.442 2.195 2.529 3.850769804
s641 9512 7619 0.693 0.866 1.045 1.30443123
s713 9293 7482 0.72 0.894 0.989 1.228178397
s820 9681 8011 0.95 1.149 1.88 2.271338448
s832 7480 6278 1.236 1.473 2.277 2.712659593
s838 8831 6391 1.19 1.645 1.935 2.674296444
s953 11940 8030 0.982 1.46 1.894 2.816296033
s1196 16472 14047 1.32 1.548 1.775 2.081048107
s1238 11296 13318 1.928 1.635 2.502 2.122535559
s1423 13819 8512 0.845 1.372 0.915 1.485748626
c3540 36488 30524 0.762 0.911 0.946 1.130744894
HIT_DETECT 19299 13495 2.51 3.59 2.118 3.028297518
MAC32 33727 33727 1.133 1.133 2.337 2.337424393
c7552 52637 52637 0.584 0.584 0.956 0.95553508
c5315 39310 34126 0.737 0.849 1.264 1.456285949
1.322 1.757 2.086 2.764750872
6 Library characterization flow
6.1 Introduction
Semi-custom standard-cell based design methodologies offers good performance with typically 12-
month design times. They are supported by a large array of evolving CAD tools that support simulation,
synthesis, verification, and test. A large library of standard-cell components that have been carefully
designed, verified, and characterized supports the synthesis task. This library is generally limited to static
CMOS gates because they are robust to different environmental loads and have high noise margins, thus
requiring little block-level analog verification. But the time to market advantage of standard-cell based
design is being attacked by the increasing difficult task of estimating wire delay and increasing process
variability making worst case design overly conservative. These limitations have created an opportunity for
alternative circuit styles, such as asynchronous design (e.g., [13][51][40][32]).
In particular, Fulcrum Microsystems has demonstrated the commercial viability of high speed
asynchronous design. Their chips have asynchronous cores with approximately 2X the performance of
standard-cell-based synchronous design using overly conservative design style called quasi-delay-
insensitive (QDI) [33][50]that costs in area and limits performance. Moreover, Fulcrum Microsystems
relies on a semi-automated full- custom flow that includes the development of a liquid library and time-
consuming analog simulation for performance verification. In conjunction with a larger effort at Columbia
University, USC has been for past five years exploring a semi-custom approach to designing such high-
speed asynchronous designs as well as alternative circuit styles that tradeoff robustness with performance.
Ferretti have recently developed single-track full-buffers (STFB), which have 3X the performance of
quasi-delay-insensitive circuits and are 50% smaller [31]. Ferretti demonstrated the advantages of our
STFB library and the standard-cell flow on a 260K-transistor test chip that includes a 64 bit adder and test
circuitry in TSMC 0.25u technology [32]. The chips worked flawlessly at a performance of over 1.4 GHz
over a wide range of voltages and temperatures, giving more than 3X faster than most standard-cell based
ASIC designs in this process. At that time, however, our design process was immature and required
extensive and time consuming block-level analog performance and timing verification.
The next step in the evolution of this standard-cell-based design flow is to determine if we can properly
model these cells in a standard HDL, effectively characterize them in a standard library format, and enable
accurate back-annotation using a standard back-annotation flow, thereby enabling digital simulation-based
performance and timing verification. These questions are particularly interesting for STFB designs that use
a non-standard single-track protocol that involves complicated tri-state logic and several atypical timing
constraints that must be modeled. This paper answers this question in the affirmative. In particular, it
describes how STFB cells can be modeled in Verilog, what timing arcs must be characterized to enable
accurate performance and timing verification, and how these timing arcs can be represented in the
commercially standard Liberty format. Moreover, it successfully shows how this characterization enables
performance verification and simulation based validation of the timing constraints using back-annotated
Verilog on several designs including test chip. Experimental results show that the modeling error is less
than 5%.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 reviews asynchronous channels and STFB
templates and semi-custom design flow. Section 3 describes modeling STFB cells in Verilog, timing arc
definition in the Liberty format, and back-annotation using SDF. Section 4 presents the experimental
results and Section 5 draws some conclusions.
6.2 Background
This section first describes asynchronous channels, the basic structure and operation of single-track full-
buffers (STFB). It then introduces the Standard Delay Format (SDF) and Liberty Format (.lib).
6.2.1 Single Track Full Buffer (STFB) Template
Figure 45 shows a typical STFB cell’s block-diagram and more detailed transistor level implementation
of a STFB buffer with a single 1-of-N input and output channel. In the STFB buffer, the NOR gate with
inputs R0 and R1 is the Right Completion Detector (RCD) and the NAND gate with inputs S0 and S1 is the
State Completion Detector (SCD). The operation of a STFB cell when a token arrives at the input can be
partitioned into two cases depending on the state of the output channels:
Output channel is free: The cell is waiting for a token from left environment. The RCD sets the “B”
signal high indicating that the output channel is free and enabling the processing of the new input token.
The token arrives at the left channel and then the state signal “S” is lowered thus creating an output token
for the right environment. The SCD then asserts the “A” signal on detection of the change in state “S”. The
“A” signal in turn removes the token from left channel through reset block. The presence of output token
on the right channel resets the “B” signal which will restore the state signal “S” and disable the stage from
firing while the output channel is busy even if a new token arrives at the left channel.
(a) Block diagram (b) Schematic
Figure 45. Block diagram and transistor level schematic of a STFB buffer
Output channel is busy: In this case, when the token arrives at the left environment, the RCD sets the
“B” signal low indicating that the output channel is busy and thus disables the processing of the new input
token. The new token waits for the output channel to be free at the left channel. When the right
environment consumes the token, the RCD sets the ‘B” signal high indicating that the output channel is free
and thus enables the processing of the new input token. The state signal “S” is lowered, thus passing the
token to the output channel. The SCD asserts the “A” signal on detection of change in state “S”. The “A”
signal in turn removes the token from the left channel through the reset block. The presence of the output
token will reset the “B’ signal which in turn restores the state signal “S”.
The cycle time of this circuit family amount is only 6 gate delays, which enable ultra-high speed
6.2.2 Asynchronous ASIC design flow
The asynchronous ASIC design flow shown in Figure 46 was proposed by Ozdag et al. [54] and adopted
for STFB-based designs Ferretti et al. [32]. After creating a standard cell library, they successfully adopted
a largely conventional standard-cell ASIC back-end design flow using conventional place and route tools
for physical design [32][54]. Performance and timing verification is performed through transistor level
extraction of the layout followed by analog simulation using Synopsys’s Nanosim©. This is in contrast to
conventional flows that use library characterization, back-annotation, and static analysis for performance
and timing verification.
Figure 46. Asynchronous ASIC design flow
6.2.3 Standard Delay Format (SDF)
In conventional synchronous design flows, an SDF file [66] is often used to store the timing data
generated by EDA tools for use at many stages in the design and verification process. The SDF file is tool-
independent and can include delays, timing checks, timing constraints, timing environments, as well as
scaling and technology parameters.
6.3 Liberty Format
The Liberty Format [73] is a standard format used to characterize timing and power consumption
properties of a standard cell library. Liberty format supports many timing models including the linear delay
model, table-lookup model, scalable polynomial delay model, and piecewise linear delay model. In our
work, we adopted the three term linear model for characterizing delay, which provides a reasonable
tradeoff between accuracy and simplicity. Of course, more accurate models can also be used and are
expected to provide more accurate estimate of the delays at the expense of a somewhat more time-
consuming library characterization process. In the linear model the delay of the cell is modeled as the sum
of the intrinsic delay, delay due to the load capacitance and delay due to the input slope.
6.4 Proposed Design Flow
The key area this paper addresses is timing and performance verification in asynchronous ASIC design
flows. The transistor level extraction and analog simulation required by the ASIC design flow proposed by
Ozdag et. al. and Ferretti et. al. [32] is very computationally expensive for large designs and can often
represent a significant part of the design cycle. Figure 47 shows the proposed enhanced back-end design
flow that includes library characterization and SDF back-annotation to begin to address this problem.
In particular, an SDF file is generated after P&R using a characterized cell library and is used to
simulate the design in Verilog. Compared to transistor level extraction, SDF file generation is far less
computationally intensive because all transistor level details have been abstracted in the characterized
library. Moreover, compared to analog simulation, Verilog simulation is orders of magnitude faster with
modest cost in accuracy. One key application of this back-annotation is simulation-based performance
Figure 47. SDF back annotation design flow
Another application of this flow is timing verification, particularly for pipeline templates that involve
intra-cell and inter cell timing constraints. There are two basic related tasks: the first is to identify the
timing constraints for a given template and the second is to verify that in a post-layout circuit the timing
constraints are satisfied with a comfortable margin. Traditionally the identification step is done by hand and
the analysis step is done with post-layout spice level simulations or formal verification techniques [20].
Because some templates may be quite complex an important area of research is automatic timing constraint
identification [67]. Some tools for the identification and simplification of relative timing assumptions for
complex asynchronous circuits have been developed [20][67][47][80]. Once these timing constraints are
generated we can verify them using SDF back-annotation based simulation shown in the proposed design
flow which is much faster than transistor level simulation.
6.4.1 Identifying the Timing Arcs
For characterizing the timing information of cells in STFB library we need to identify a set of timing
arcs that can completely model the performance and timing assumptions of STFB cells. As explained
earlier the behavior of a STFB cell can be partitioned into two cases.
The right channels are free and a token arrives at the left environment. Since all the channels are
bidirectional (tri-state) wires, all the transitions are either from high impedance to logic state or logic state
to high impedance. In this case, for the right channel to go high the timing arcs corresponding to it will be
from L to R and the transition is L going from high impedance (Z) to 1. Similarly after R goes high the left
channel resets itself through signal A, so the timing arc corresponding to it will be L to L with the transition
at L going from high impedance to 0. After L goes low, the right channel tri-states itself and the left
channel using signal B and A respectively. So in this case the timing arcs are R to R (1 => Z) and R to L (0
=> Z) respectively as shown in Figure 48.
The output channels are busy and a token arrives at the input channels. In this case the token at the input
channels will have to wait for the output channels to be free. So in this case the triggering event is output
channels getting free and this can be characterized by two new timing arcs and two timing arcs that are in
common with case 1. For processing of the input token, the new timing arc is R => R (Z => 1), for resetting
of the input channels the new timing arc is R => L (Z => 0) and, for tri-stating of the input and output
channels the common timing arcs are R => R (1 => Z) and R => L (0 => Z).
So the timing arcs for both the cases are as shown in Figure 48:
L => R (Z => 1) R => R (Z => 1)
L => L (Z => 0) R => L (Z => 0)
R => R (1 => Z) R => L (0 => Z)
These same arcs exist for all N data lines associated with the 1-of-N channel. Thus, for a dual rail STFB
Buffer, there are 6 unique timing arcs per rail (shown in Figure 48) and 12 timing arcs in total.
Figure 48. Timing arcs on a single rail of STFB buffer
6.4.2 Characterization Methodology
Because the input and output ports of the cell under consideration are bidirectional and must tri-state, in
our simulation environment the left and right environment are controlled using similar STFB cells. The
load for the cell under consideration is varied by changing the length of the interconnect wire thus varying
the interconnect capacitance. The delay values are then fitted into a plane of form as follows.
Delay = A * C
+ B * Slew
+ D
, Slew
and D
indicate the load capacitance, the input slew, and the intrinsic delay of the cell,
respectively. For the transition going to high impedance, we measure the delay from 50% of L to the delay
of signal “A” going to the threshold voltage when transition L goes from 0 to Z. Note that determining if
and how commercially available library characterization tools can be used to automate this process is still
an open question.
6.4.3 Functional Description of Cells
For SDF back annotation to be possible, we have to specify the pin to pin delays in the functional view
of the cells. In Verilog-HDL we can describe the pin to pin delays in the specify block [76]. For example
the functional description of a STFB Buffer will look like as shown in Figure 49, where (L0 => R0) means
that a timing path exist from L0 to R0 and the six delay values in parenthesis correspond to 0 -> 1, 1 ->0, 0
-> Z, Z -> 1, 1 -> Z, Z -> 0 transitions respectively. Because each specify line handles all transitions
between unique input and output pins, there are fewer lines than timing arcs. In particular, for a STFB
Buffer we need 8 total lines ignoring global reset. It is also important to note that this timing specification
is independent of the description of the behavior of the cell, which simplifies the Verilog specifications.
There are many ways to model the behavior of STFB cells in Verilog. We developed a consistent
approach in which the Verilog models all have three always blocks for each cell. The first always block is
activated whenever a new input comes at the input channels and the output channels are free, the second
always block is activated when the output channels consumes the tokens present at the input channels and
then drive both the input and output channels to high impedance state. The third always block is used for
the global reset signal. Since the input and output channels are bidirectional we have to declare them as
trireg variables. Unfortunately, trireg variable cannot be assigned inside an always block. To solve this
problem we have to declare a temporary register variable and assigned it in the always block, and then
using standard Verilog primitives like bufif which model a tri-state buffer to transfer the value to the trireg
variables [76]. To tri-state a trireg variable, we just assign the enable input of the bufif gates to 0. Using
these standard primitives solves the bidirectional problem and it also does not affect the functionality or
timing of the cells in any case.
6.4.4 Timing Arcs in Liberty Format
We use the standard Liberty format to represent the characterized asynchronous cell library. We are
using generic_cmos model which means the linear delay model to represent the delay values. Since all the
transitions in STFB templates are from tri-state to logic or from logic to tri-state, we have to use
three_state_enable and three_state_disable constructs, where three_state_disable is a construct used to
model the delay leading to the transitions (0 -> Z and 1 -> Z) and three_state_enable is used to model the
delay leading to the transitions (Z -> 1 and Z -> 0). A timing model for timing arc L->R (Z->1) is shown in
Figure 48.
6.5 Experimental Results
The proposed back-annotation flow was evaluated on asynchronous linear pipelines with variable
number of stages and a 260 K transistor 64-bit parallel prefix asynchronous adder with the input and output
circuitry to feed the adder and sample the results [32]. The SDF back annotation flow is also used to verify
if these designs meet the timing constraints of STFB [31].
module STFBBuffer(L0, L1, R0, R1, NReset);
inout L0, L1, R0, R1;
input NReset;
trireg L0, L1, R0, R1;
reg a,b,c,d,enable1, enable2 ;
bufif b1(L0,a, enable1);
bufif b2(L1,b, enable1);
bufif b3(R0,c, enable2);
bufif b4(R1,d, enable2);
(L0 => R0) = (0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0);
(L0 => L0) = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3);
(R0 => L0) = (0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 4);
(R0 => R0) = (0, 0, 0, 3, 3, 0);
(L1 => R1) = (0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0);
(L1 => L1) = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3);
(R1 => L1) = (0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 4);
(R1 => R1) = (0, 0, 0, 3, 3, 0);
always @(L0 or L1)
wait( (L0 | L1) && (R0 == 0 && R1 == 0) && NReset == 1))
begin c <= L0; d <= L1; a <= 0; b <= 0; enable1 <= 1; enable2 <= 1; end
always @(R0 or R1)
wait (R0 == 1 | R1 == 1) begin enable1 <= 0; enable2 <= 0; end
always @(NReset)
if (NReset == 0) begin a <= 0; b <= 0; enable1 <= 1; end
else enable1 <= 0;
library(STFB) { // Start Library
technology (cmos) ;
delay_model : generic_cmos ;
cell(STFBBuffer) { // Start Cell
pin(L0) {
pin(R0) {
direction : inout;
capacitance : 0.034;
related_pin : “L0”;
timing_type : three_state_enable;
intrinsic_rise : 0.080; // Factor C in equation 1
rise résistance : 0.70; // Factor A in equation 1
slope_rise : 0.11; // Factor B in equation 1
} // End Cell
} // End Library
(a) Functional description (b) Liberty model
Figure 49. Functional and Liberty model for STFB buffer
6.5.1 Performance of Pipelines
We analyzed the throughput of the 9-stage pipeline by varying number of tokens in the pipeline as
shown in Figure 50(a). Our pipeline structure consists of 6 buffers, a fork, a merge, an exclusive OR and a
controlled bit-generator (BG), and the experimental result using HSPICE and Verilog simulation with
back-annotation is shown in Figure 50 (b). In addition, the maximum throughput was measured on
pipelines of different lengths with the results in Table 1 which shows that the back annotation flow yielded
a maximum error of 4.4%.
Performance Analysis
0 2 4 6 8 10
Number of Tokens
Verilog Simulat ion
(a) 9-stage ring (b) Performance analysis
Figure 50. Performance analysis of a 9 stage ring
Verilog simulation
with back annotation
Error (%)
9 stage ring 1.6 GHz 1.58GHz 1.8
15 stage ring 1.7 GHz 1.78 GHz 4.4
30 stage ring 1.6 GHz 1.58 GHz 0.6
Table 3. Throughput comparison of pipelines of different length
6.5.2 Prefix Adder
Figure 51. Block diagram of Prefix Adder and its test circuitry
Figure 51 shows the test circuitry used to demonstrate the ASIC standard design flow on a 64 bit
asynchronous prefix adder which uses cells from STFB standard cell library. The input bit generator is
made up of input rings which generate input fast enough to continuously feed the adder block so that the
adder can work at its peak throughput. The sampler block has the responsibility of sampling the addition
results by a variable sampling ratio and will set the ReqCout and ReqSum high. In our simulations we have
set the sampling ratio to be 1:1000 that means out of every 1000 additions the sampler block will set the
ReqSum and the ReqCout variable high for just one addition. In this case the throughput will be the
throughput of ReqCout field multiplied by the sampling ratio, i.e. 1000. The adder design has around 5000
STFB standard cells and the layout of this design occupies an area of 4.1 mm
The throughput of the adder after simulation using transistor level simulation with Nanosim© is 1.01
. After performing the same experiment using Verilog Simulation with SDF Back annotation we get
the throughput to be 1.06 GHz. The error that we get is 4% which is within acceptable limits. Simulation
speed increases the speed of simulation over two orders of magnitude.
6.5.3 Simulation Based Verification of Timing Constraints.
Using Verilog simulations with SDF back annotation we can verify the timing assumptions. STFB cells
are based on the timing assumption that one stage will tristate the channels associated with it before the
next stage can drive the wire. Let us consider two cases for a test circuit shown in Figure 52.
Figure 52. Test circuit to validate the timing constraints using SDF Back annotation
Case 1) I
drives R high After R goes high, Sx of the first buffer (I1) should go high, driving the wire to
high impedance, before A of the second buffer (I2) goes high which would drive the wire low. If this
constraint is not satisfied it will cause a fight between pulling the wire to a logic state ‘1’ and logic state ‘0’
leading to short-circuit current. This fight is detectable during Verilog simulations and is shown by shaded
or colored regions in commercially standard waveform viewers, as shown in Figure 53 (a).
The difference in the throughput of the design reported here and that reported in [3] is because we used
more conservative spice model card to simulate the design.
Figure 53. Timing Assumption violated for (a) Case 1 (b) Case 2 (c) No timing violation
Case 2) I2 drives L low: After L goes low, A of the second buffer (I2) should go low, driving the wire
to high impedance, before the Sx of the first buffer (I1) goes low which would drive the wire high. If this
constraint is not satisfied there will be a fight between logic state’0’ and logic state ‘1’, again leading to
short circuit current. As in Case 1, this is visible as a shaded region in Verilog waveform viewers, as
illustrated in Figure 53 (b). Figure 53 (c) shows that all the timing assumptions are satisfied.
6.6 Conclusion
This paper presents a STFB cell characterization and back-end timing flow using SDF back-annotation.
The experimental result indicates that the flow yields over two orders of magnitude increase in simulation
speed with less than 5% error. Our future work involves testing and improving this flow on smaller
nanometer processes in which the introduced error may be larger for a variety of reasons, including
increased crosstalk noise. In addition to back-annotation of timing data for analysis, SDF supports the
forward annotation of timing constraints to design synthesis tools. Thus, we also hope to expand the use of
this SDF flow to logic synthesis, floor planning, and timing driven placement and routing. In particular,
trial or custom placements can be verified against maximum legal interconnect delays specified in a pre-
layout SDF file.
In an ASIC environment, it is also very desirable to perform timing verification with some type of static
analysis and in particular without relying on simulation, whether it be analog or logic level. Thus, a key
next hurdle that we are attacking is to determine how commercial static timing analysis tools can be used to
verify timing constraints in the presence of the numerous timing loops in the proposed model.
7 Asynchronous Turbo decoder
7.1 Introduction
Turbo decoding is becoming a very popular solution for error correction especially in wireless
applications. Turbo coding started with the introduction of Parallel Concatenated Convolution Codes
(PCCC) that were proven to achieve performance that is very close to the theoretical coding bound defined
by Shannon’s Capacity [19]. Since then several variations have been introduced, such as Serially
Concatenated Convolutional Codes (SCCC) and Low Density Parity Check Codes (LDPCC). All these
codes achieve Turbo-Like performance, but vary slightly in terms of performance and computational
complexity and the selection for a particular design is made based on the operational conditions of the final
This chapter presents the design of a turbo decoder using a homogeneous 6-transition high-performance
static single-track standard cell library [38]. In particular, we implement a SCCC which is known for its
very low error floor capabilities, but the design proposed could be easily modified to decode any of the
other types of codes listed above. For comparison purposes, we also designed a synchronous turbo decoder
using ARTISAN standard cell libraries. The comparisons show that our single-track asynchronous design
has significantly higher throughput per area over its synchronous counterpart.
This chapter is organized as follows; Section 7.2 gives a background on turbo decoding process and also
presents the high speed implementation challenges. Section 7.3 presents the design of synchronous turbo
decoder. Section 7.4 presents the design of asynchronous turbo decoder. Section 7.5 presents the
verification strategy for our design and also presents the comparison results of the two designs. Finally we
summarize and conclude in Section 7.6.
Figure 54. an example of a 4-state FSM encoder and the corresponding trellis used for decoding
7.2 Background
The basic Turbo-Like encoder structure involves an interleaver and a set of simple error
correction/detection codes (most commonly convolutional codes). The structure on the decoder side looks
very similar to that of the encoder, with two key differences and is illustrated in Figure 55 . First every code
in the encoder is replaced by a Soft-In-Soft-Out (SISO) module. Second the data flow on the decoder is bi-
directional and iterative, and an interleaver/de-interleaver module in the decoder replaces the interleaver on
the encoder side. In our implementation one SISO is used that can perform both operations to reduce design
Figure 55. The decoder structure where each SISO is used to decode one CC.
During each SISO operation the data block is processed along a trellis that represents the state of the
encoder during the transmission process, as illustrated in Figure 54. The state number is indicated inside
each state, while each branch is characterized by the values of the inputs and outputs of the state machine
(shown as x/y on each branch in Figure 54). The length of the trellis matches the number of bits in the data
block. Each branch in the trellis has a branch metric associated with it (not shown in Figure 56), updated
each iteration, which corresponds to a notion of the relative probability assuming that branch took place in
the encoder. The SISO module is responsible for updating the probability that at time k the value b was
encoded by finding the shortest path through the entire trellis that has value b at time k.
To do this, for each trellis transition the decoder computes the forward state metrics which represent the
shortest path from the beginning of the trellis up to that point and the backward state metrics which
represent the shortest path information from the end of the trellis up to that transition. This is shown in
Figure 56, where the shortest path is shown by the bold lines in the trellis and can be derived by the values
of the state metrics. The decoder then can find the shortest path where b
=1 and the shortest path on which
bk=0. Using this information it can produce the new probability for this bit being a 1 relative to being a 0
based on the information available across all the branches of the trellis.
t = 0 t = 1 t = 2 t = k t = k+1 t = K-2 t = K-1 t = K
Figure 56. An example of a 2-state trellis and the associated metrics during the decoding process.
In particular, we have chosen to use the Min-Sum algorithm for the SISO operation. The Soft Input to
the SISO is defined for each bit at time k as the negative log-likelihood ratio of the probability of a 1 being
transmitted over that of a 0:
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) } 0 { log } 1 { log = − − = − =
k k b
b P b P SI
. (1)
The branch metrics between state i and state j (if such exists) is the joint probability for the particular
trellis branch given all SI, or:
j i
. (2)
The forward and backward state metrics for time instance k are then defined recursively as follows:
( )
j i
j i
1 1
− −
+ =
( )
j i
j i
min + =
is the value of the forward state metric for state i at time k. The index j only takes the values
for which the transition from state j to state i is valid. The state metric calculations are also referred to as
the Add-Compare-Select operation or ACS and constitute the majority of the processing taking place in the
SISO. An example 4-bit ACS is shown in Figure 57.
Figure 57. A bit-pipelined 4-bit ACS operator. The black rectangles indicate pipeline boundaries
The SISO outputs are called the Soft Outputs (SO) for all input and output bits of the encoder FSM. To
prevent the values that are sent between SISO modules in the decoder from growing indefinitely, instead of
the actual value the SISO outputs the differential (called the extrinsic SO) between the actual value
calculated (also called intrinsic SO) and the original SI inputted. The final quantities are also saturated to a
fixed bitwidth, to reduce the complexity of the SISO modules. So the Soft Output for bit b at time k is
defined as:
( ) ( )
j i
j i
j i
j i
b r
k k
min min
+ + − + + =
k k k
b rb b extr
SI SO SO − =
. (6)
The decoding process from a top-level standpoint starts by the received signal being translated into
metrics that represent the probabilities for each of the received bits. Then a SISO module uses the received
sequence as inputs and produces soft outputs. The soft outputs are then interleaved (or de-interleaved
depending on the code) and passed onto the SISO modeling the next convolutional encoder in the transmit
sequence as Soft Inputs. During the decoding process the SISOs that correspond to all the codes exchange
Soft Input data both in the encoder sequence and in the reverse direction. Each SISO is fired several times
and the process iterates until the metrics stop improving, or the maximum number of iterations is reached.
For our comparisons we use 6 iterations which achieve most of the coding gain without being too
computationally intensive.
High-speed implementation challenges
The immediate effect of this iterative approach is that in order to achieve a certain decoded data rate the
SISO has to run several times faster internally in order to keep up with the data. For example a system
using a code with two convolutional codes and decoding using 5 iterations would have to run roughly 10
times faster internally than the target throughput. The calculation is iterative and cannot be speed up easily.
Several tiling approaches have been developed that break the block into sub-blocks that can be processed in
parallel, but normally the logic itself cannot be sped up further than the state metric calculation process
) due to the data dependency in that calculation. The adopted Tree-SISO architecture
addresses this problem and will be described in detail in a later section. Even if the state update loop is
broken (as in Massera’s and Tree-SISO architectures [15][5][75]) there are other practical problems that
hinder the throughput. A popular approach to increase throughput is to use many units in parallel. Although
this generally works, it has implementation problems that make the design of very high-speed Turbo
decoders extremely challenging.
The first problem is related to memory access. As mentioned above the data after being processed has to
be interleaved between SISO modules. In order to get good coding performance, the interleaver must use a
permutation that is ideally random. Therefore, with a high degree of parallelism many bits per cycle have to
first be stored into a RAM structure and then retrieved in random order. The usual approach is to have
multiple banks of RAM that each receives data corresponding to one processed bit. As the data comes out
of those banks in random order, it then has to be multiplexed and distributed back to the SISOs. Constraints
are placed on the interleaver to ensure it is clash-free. That not only adds significant complexity to the
decoder, due to the crossbar switch that has to be built into the interleaver, but also places constraints on the
interleaver design that could yield very sub-optimal interleaver performance, due to lack of randomness.
From a hardware standpoint it also requires the instantiation of many more RAM cores that are extremely
small and shallow, that consequently require a lot more area and power than fewer larger and narrower
RAM instances.
The second problem is also a side effect of the interleaver presence. The entire block of data has to be
written into the interleaver before the data can read to start the next SISO process. This is due to the
interleaver’s random permutation, which implies that the first bits of data that have to be fetched are likely
to be among the last bits of data previously stored. Consequently, as the degree of parallelism is increased
the processing time can be linearly reduced, but the pipeline latency remains constant yielding diminishing
Throughput (Mbps)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
# of Parallel Processors
Figure 58. Throughput vs. # of processors
Performance degradation is more pronounced in cases with small data block sizes where the pipeline
latency is comparable or in extreme situations larger than the actual processing time. This does not only
occur once, but occurs every SISO operation. Figure 58 illustrates this point by showing the throughput that
a decoder can achieve as a function of processors to perform one SISO operation. The graph assumes that
each processor runs at 100 MHz for 5 iterations for a code that has two convolutional codes and a data
block size of 2 Kbits.
# of processors for fixed throughput
200 250 300 400 500
Processor Frequency (MHz)
Figure 59. # of processors vs. processor frequency
Figure 59 illustrates this point from a different perspective by showing the number of processors that can
be used to achieve a throughput of 540 Mbps with varying processor frequency (assuming 5 iterations and
2 Kbit data block size). It is easy to see that increasing the processor frequency can achieve much larger
reduction in the number of processors than the expected linear function.
7.3 Synchronous high speed Turbo baseline
In order to evaluate the performance of our design and demonstrate the capabilities that our
asynchronous technology has to offer, we designed a synchronous core as well to be able to compare area,
performance and power between the two designs. We chose to design the same unit using both technologies,
using our SSTFB library for the one and the Artisan library for the other.
7.3.1 Tree SISO
Designing a very fast Turbo decoder structure has many challenges as mentioned above. Our goal based
on our analysis was to design the fastest SISO unit possible so that we can keep the degree of parallelism
required to a minimum. For this reason we chose to use a Tree SISO structure [5][75] which removes the
recursive nature in the data path and thus enables fine grain pipelining.
In order to illustrate this implementation, we must define one additional operation that merges adjacent
transitions of the trellis into larger trellis sections that correspond to more than one time index. In this
manner, several state metrics can be computed simultaneously when the appropriate state metric becomes
available. The new operation, called the fusion operation, is defined as:
) , ( ), ( min
l k m BM BM BM
j p
l m
p i
m k
j i
l k
∈ ∀ + =
The min operation is defined over all valid combinations of branch metric pairs of starting and ending
states. The new branch metrics correspond to the shortest possible path derived from the merged trellis
sections between any pair of starting and ending states. The structure used to implement the SISO is
borrowed from prefix adder structures, but with the addition of a suffix path that is used to perform the
operation backwards for the Backward State Metric calculation.
7.3.2 The code
We chose a typical SCCC turbo code structure with two 2-state convolutional codes to reduce the size of
the decoder circuit. The data is first encoded using a rate ½ non-recursive convolutional code with
polynomials [1+D, 1+D] and the results are interleaved. Next a rate 1 recursive code with a polynomial
[1/(1+D)] is used to re-encode the interleaved data before transmission. Overall this yields a rate ½ code.
Puncturing could be used to achieve higher code rates and increase flexibility, with minor modifications to
the design, but this was not done at this stage for simplicity.
For a block size of K bits the first code has a trellis length of K and the second one of 2K. Therefore the
throughput equation is as follows:
p I
K f
where K is the block size in bits, f is the clock frequency in Hz (or in the case of the asynchronous design
the equivalent throughput), I is the number of iterations and 8M is the number of bits that can be processed
in parallel. Finally p is the pipeline latency in terms of cycles. Each SISO operation has to finish and store
data back into memory, therefore the pipeline overhead is present for every half-iteration. The execution
schedule for every iteration is shown in Figure 60. It should also be noted that only the last iteration
produces decoded data, which is why the throughput is inversely proportional to the number of iterations.
p p K/4M K/8M
Inner SISO
Outer SISO
Figure 60. Execution schedule of every decoder iteration
In the case of our asynchronous design M is 1 since we are going to use a single 8-bit wide SISO
processor to achieve the desired throughput. In the case of the synchronous design, M will have to be
higher since the synchronous design is much slower than our asynchronous one and multiple processors of
size 8 would be required to achieve the same throughput. We chose 8 since it is the minimum size Tree-
SISO for a 2-state code, and it should be noted that due to the structure of the Tree-SISO a 16-bit wide
processor is more complex than two 8-bit wide ones.
7.3.3 P&R results
After the schematic design was finished it was exported to a Verilog netlist and imported into SOC
Encounter for P&R. The libraries for the IBM 0.18 μm technology were used for characterization, and
timing constraints were written to define the target frequency. The core was placed as a standalone module
without IO pads. The design was placed using timing-driven placement and was then routed using timing-
driven routing. After routing was done the clock tree was synthesized and the design was taken through
further processing to fix hold time violations and then the final timing analysis was performed. The clock
frequency that was achieved was 475 MHz for the entire 8-bit wide core. The area of the core was 2.46
. We assume that for higher degrees of parallelism multiple copies of this core could be routed
separately and that no performance degradation would be induced due to the added circuitry. We also
assumed that the clock circuit would be mostly unaffected and that it would just be multiplied in size just
like the rest of the circuitry.
As a point of comparison, the previously published fastest turbo design achieves approximately 1 Gbps
at 6 iterations in a 0.18 μm process, using 32 mm
area and a single-buffered input memory [15]. The code
in [15] is a PCCC which requires the processing of 2K trellis steps/iteration, so that structure would decode
approximately 667 Mbps for an SCCC code like the one we chose, which requires processing of 3K trellis
steps/iteration. Our synchronous design has similar throughput (653 Mbps) for M=6 and using 14.76mm
of core area and 2.17mm
of memory area, which indicates that our synchronous design is comparable with
state-of-the-art decoders found in the literature. Since our synchronous and asynchronous cores would use
the same memory area, our comparison only considers the core area.
Figure 61. Asynchronous ASIC design flow
7.4 Asynchronous Turbo
This section covers the asynchronous Turbo design, including a brief description of the overall design
flow and the P&R results.
7.4.1 Asynchronous ASIC Design Flow
For each SSTFB cell needed we created four library views: functional views contains the behavioral
description of the cell in Verilog HDL, schematic views contains the transistor level implementation of the
cell, layout view containing detailed GDSII data, an abstract view to support placement and routing in LEF
format, and finally its symbol. Using this library, a largely conventional standard-cell ASIC back-end
design flow using conventional place and route tools can be used to create the layout, as illustrated in
Figure 61.
7.4.2 P&R and design results
The design was place and routed using Cadence SOC Encounter in a similar fashion as the synchronous
counterpart. Congestion based placement was performed and the routing was performed on the design
using Nanoroute. The final core has 70% utilization and the final area consumed by the logic is 6.92mm2.
The core is fully routed using 6 metal layers showing that the design is routable.
7.5 Verification and Comparisons
This section covers the design verification of the asynchronous turbo and its simulation results.
7.5.1 Design Verification
The schematic of the design was converted into a Verilog netlist and the simulation was performed using
our Verilog models for the SSTFB cells in NC-Sim. Due to the size of the design and the instantiation of
multiple identical components, the verification was performed in a bottom-up fashion. We started with
simple cells such as adders and moved up the hierarchy to ACS units, state update nodes, branch metric
calculation units, the completion logic, and finally the top-level module. For each module a set of vectors
were generated that would test all corner cases of its behavior and the results were verified and cross
referenced to the synchronous counterpart.
7.5.2 Post-Layout ECO and simulation results
To estimate the performance of the chip we simulated the 55K-transistor module that implements
Equations 5 and 6. This module contains an 8-bit ripple carry chain of full adders which includes the
critical cycle of the design. This module represents around 1/30th of the complete design but is the most
computationally intensive module in the SISO.
To improve the performance of the design we added SSTFB Buffers on long wires using the ECO flow
in SOC Encounter. The addition of the buffers increased the modules throughput by 26% and increased the
utilization factor from 70% to 76% but otherwise did not impact area. The final layout was extracted using
Assura RC in coupled mode and the circuit was simulated using Nanosim, yielding a throughput of 1.15
7.5.3 Comparisons
The frequency of the post P&R synchronous core is 475 MHz. From the post layout simulation
explained in Section 7.5.2 we expect the asynchronous core frequency to be approximately 1.15GHz. Thus,
we expect the asynchronous core to run 2.4 times faster then its synchronous counterpart. Area comparison
The logic areas of the synchronous and asynchronous cores are 2.46 mm
and 6.92 mm
, respectively.
Both asynchronous and synchronous cores implement the exact same function with the same degree of
parallelism. However since the asynchronous core is 2.4 times faster and has smaller pipeline latency than
the synchronous core, we must instantiate the synchronous core many times in order to match the
throughput, as described in Section 7.3.3. Substituting the numbers in Equation (8), we compute that for
equivalent throughput with 6 iterations and pipeline latencies of 60 cycles for the synchronous design and
32 equivalent cycles for the asynchronous one, the number of required synchronous cores varies from 11
for a throughput of 418 Mbps for block size of 768 bits to 3 for a throughput of 490 Mbps for block size of
4 Kbits. Throughput/area comparison
Throughput/area is another important metric for the comparison, since it indicates the performance in
relation to the area used to achieve it. We chose to use throughput/area instead of just area for comparable
throughputs as a metric for our comparisons. This is because the throughput that is achievable by each
design is not exactly equal, so the ratio comparison provides a normalized metric that is fairer. From Table
4 we can see for example that for a block size of 1 Kbits which is a very common block size used in
wireless applications we obtain a throughput per area advantage of 2.13. The advantages are even bigger
for smaller block sizes, and for block sizes of 512 or smaller, the synchronous design cannot match the
throughput of the asynchronous counterpart, regardless of the degree of parallelism M. As the block size
increases, latency becomes less of a critical factor and the two designs become more comparable.
Block Size
Async T (Mbps) Sync T (Mbps) M
Sync area
T/area ratio
512 383 - - - -
768 418 415 11 27.06 3.91
1024 438 440 6 14.76 2.13
2048 471 519 4 9.84 1.28
4096 490 513 3 7.38 1.03
Table 4. Throughput per area comparison Energy Comparisons
From the post-layout spice simulation the power consumed of the selected module is 0.53W. If we
extrapolate the number we expect the power of the complete Tree SISO to be approximately 15.5W. The
power for a single synchronous core (M=1) is 1.72W. From Table 5 we can see that for smaller block sizes
we are more energy efficient than the synchronous design, but for larger block sizes the synchronous design
more efficient. It should be stated that the power calculation for both designs was performed for the worst
case scenario, namely with the units processing data at the maximum rate. Even though the calculation is
based on peak power, we believe that the numbers might be conservative, but the ratio should be
representative of the relative power consumption of the two designs. We have also not included leakage
power comparisons in the calculations, but given that the asynchronous design requires less area for the
same throughput and leakage power is proportional to the total area, we expect to have an advantage in
respect to that aspect as well.
Block Size (bits)
Energy per block
Energy per block
768 3.5E-05 2.84E-05 0.81
1024 2.40E-05 3.63E-05 1.5
2048 2.714E-05 6.73E-05 2.5
4096 4.11E-05 12.9E-05 3.1
Table 5. Energy per block comparison
7.6 Summary and conclusions
Our results demonstrate that SSTFB asynchronous turbo decoder is beneficial for small to medium block
sizes. Preliminary comparisons show that the asynchronous turbo decoder can offer more than 2X
advantage in throughput per area for block sizes of 1K bits or less and smaller energy per block for block
sizes of 768 bits or less. Thus the asynchronous design is particularly useful in low latency wireless
applications in which block size must be small. More generally, this design experiment demonstrates the
potential benefits of high-performance low-latency asynchronous libraries and standard-cell design flows
for processing intensive applications.
The current SSTFB library has only one size per cell. While this is sufficient to achieve high
performance, multiple sizes for each cell can significantly reduce the overall capacitance and power
consumption. In addition, 64% of the cell instances in the Tree SISO design are dual-rail buffers for slack
matching. If these are replaced by 1-of-4 or 1-of-8 buffers (that have less switching activity per bit),
significant reductions in power consumption is likely.
8 Asynchronous vs Synchronous Communication
8.1 Introduction
A number of effects are impinging on the way we do design. A fundamental change is in the requirement of
adding pipeline stages in the interconnect. This increased complexity is due to a number of factors including
physical scaling as well as the desire to increase performance. This communication pipelining results in
somecircuit and architecture advantages and overheads. Various communication methodologies have differing
local and architectural performance implications and CAD requirements. This work models pipelines using
various protocols, including clocked and asynchronous, and makes a first-order comparison of energy and
performance of these models. These models show that some asynchronous communication methods can be
comparable or superior to clocked communication, even under worst case conditions.
Global synchronous design requires the expenditure of a large design effort to create a low skew clock.
While this can result in many efficiencies, including no synchronization overhead and uniform performance
targets, there are also significant drawbacks. A single global frequency may not be optimal for CPU
architectures because each module has different optimal power/performance points. Further, a global frequency
requires re-pipelining every module as frequencies change. Furthermore the global clock distribution network
also leads to more overhead to account for clock skew and higher energy consumption. If efficient
asynchronous communication can be designed, three significant benefits arise. First, each module can be
designed for its best frequency and power. Second, the ability to interconnect components with different
frequencies will be vastly enhanced resulting in higher design reuse, faster time to market, and easier ability to
customize designs. Thirdly the ability of the asynchronous designs to adapt themselves to physical properties
leads to more robust design.
The goal of this work is to study communication methodologies to determine if and when asynchronous
communication can be competitive at the physical level with synchronous styles. A similar study is done in [26]
where bit-rate, power, are and latency are compared between register links, wave pipelined parallel links, and
asynchronous serial links [27]. This work, instead, focuses on asynchronous parallel links, comparing them
with synchronous methodologies.
8.2 Overview
Eight representative protocols are modeled in this paper. This includes two synchronous protocols, five
asynchronous protocols and one source synchronous protocol. The synchronous protocols include the flopped
design (clk_flop) and latched design with time borrowing (clk_latch). The asynchronous protocols include dual-
rail (2-rail) and one-of-four (1-of-4) DI protocol, NRZ two-phase and RZ four-phase bundled data protocols,
and two phase single-track protocol. Finally source synchronous protocol (src_sync) is modeled, which sends
the request as a pulse along with the bundled data. The source synchronous protocol has no acknowledgment.
Other protocols such as the PC2/2 protocol [62], the Mousetrap protocol [63] and those using n-of-m
codes [3][3]can be similarly modeled but are not included in the paper for clarity. Most of these protocols will
be similar to, or bounded by, the models presented in this paper in terms of throughput, energy, and bandwidth.
Figure 62. Complete energy / bandwidth graph
Figure 62 and Figure 63 show the final results of the models applied to a long 10,000 μm bus with a critical
repeater distance of 555 μm. The distances and parameters are typical of what might be found on a
microprocessor fabricated in a 65 nm process. A very long bus was chosen to allow a wide range of pipelining
and frequencies to be graphed. The y-axis shows the average energy per transaction, measured in relation to the
energy of driving a minimum sized inverter. The x-axis shows the effective bandwidth in terms of the number
of concurrent transactions that can be sent down this path. The bandwidth is scaled for area by dividing the
overall throughput by the number of wires in the control and data paths.
Each tick mark on every protocol line in the graphs indicates a specific pipeline granularity and thus a
particular frequency. The parameter values in this paper use an optimized 10,000 μm wire with 18 repeaters.
The far left point of each protocol is the condition where all of the repeaters are inverters. Pipelining is
increased moving right along each protocol by replacing one inverter with flops or latches. As more of the
inverters of the communication path are replaced with pipeline latches, the frequency and bandwidth increases
across the x-axis. The rightmost tick is where all of the inverters have been replaced with flopped repeaters or
pipeline control, achieving the maximum bandwidth for the protocol.
Achieving the target bandwidth can come at different frequencies (or pipeline granularity) based on the
protocol being used. In general, these results show that the asynchronous protocols require higher pipelining to
achieve the same bandwidth as the synchronous protocols. For example, to achieve the area scaled bandwidth
of 1, asynchronous 4-phase bundled data communication requires more pipelining than synchronous flop based
communication, hence consuming nearly 2 times more energy. This can be seen by determining the pipelining
for every protocol that achieves a particular bandwidth target in the graphs.
Increased bandwidth comes at the cost of increased energy per transaction for a fixed bus width. Fine-grain
pipelining, or the right-most point on each protocol, is the most energy-hungry operational mode for any
protocol. Furthermore for synchronous and source synchronous designs there exists a limit on the clock
frequency equal to the minimum pulse width that can be successfully propagated along a critical distance length
of a wire. For optimal power and performance, the bandwidth should be matched by appropriate pipeline
granularity or frequency.
The asynchronous protocols show a significantly reduced bandwidth range when compared with the
synchronous and source synchronous protocols. This is due to the delay overheads in propagating request and
acknowledge signals across long wires.
Figure 63. Efficient protocols
Figure 63 zooms in on the energy efficient protocols. Synchronous protocols exhibit the best energy and
bandwidth values for coarse grained pipelining having a low clock frequency. The source-synchronous protocol
is the best for highly pipelined designs. The bulk of the energy for all protocols is dominated by the wires.
However, as the data is increasingly pipelined, the average energy per transaction increases. The slopes of the
four-phase asynchronous protocols are steeper, indicating a larger energy penalty for increased bandwidth.
The graphs show the worst case conditions. A vast majority of the asynchronous protocols will operate at a
significantly improved frequency on a chip because they adapt to the current fabrication and environment
conditions. Nominal values would reduce the slopes on the asynchronous protocols which makes them more
competitive to synchronous design.
The DI and single-track protocols exhibit significantly higher average energy per transaction and the lowest
bandwidth ranges. The bandwidth limitations are largely due to the inefficient use of wires. Each bit requires
two wires in these protocols, effectively halving the area scaled bandwidth reported here. The high energy
consumption of these protocols can mostly be attributed to the high activity factors that result from the data
encodings. However, because these protocols are delay insensitive the CAD requirements are greatly reduced,
allowing quicker time to market and higher robustness to operational parameters. Hence they may still be good
choices depending on the overall design requirements.
8.3 Comparison Methodology
The following methodology was employed to compare various modes of communication.
1. Create a set of parameterized first order equations modeling the following for each protocol:
(a) delay and delay variations
(b) energy and energy variations
(c) cycle time and latch and flop overheads
(d) bandwidth and wire area
2. Design 65nm circuits for all protocols and simulate them to:
(a) provide accurate delay, energy, and area values for the models
(b) compare the first order model results against SPICE simulations of the complete design
Table 6. Parameter variables and derivatives
8.3.1 Parameters
The timing of all fabricated circuit elements will be faster or slower than the scalar value of an “ideal”
element due to process variations, capacitive coupling, and other effects. Variation from ideal devices and wires
are considered an overhead in this work, whether it manifests itself as clock skew or device and wire delay
variation. Table 6 and Table 7 show the parameters and their associated values that are used in this paper. All
values come from simulation of the designs in 65nm technology using predictive spice models [1]. The
parameters in the top section of Table 6 model variations from ideal delays that occur on wires and devices.
First-order effects are modeled, including coupling, process variation, voltage and temperature variations (V
, and V
Values in the bottom section of Table 6 are scalar delays. These delays are all relative to the fanout of 4
(FO4) of a typical inverter, for example worst case clock skew is assigned a scalar delay of 1 FO4. The ideal
stage delay, D
, is varied from 27.8 FO4 to 1 FO4 to allow evaluating pipelines ranging from coarse to very fine
grain. This is the amount of ideal logic delay between latches or flops in a logic based design, and it determines
the pipelining or frequency of a communication link. Latency L
represents the ideal latency to transmit data
across an unpipelined 10,000 μm wire.
Table 7. Parameter variables and derivatives
The target delay of any pipeline stage can be distributed as either functional logic delays T
communication delays T
, which includes both repeater and wire delay as shown in Figure 64. For the designs
simulated in this paper D
. However, for generality our models include function logic delays which
significantly change the throughput results for some protocols. Variations are applied differently to logic and
Figure 64. Communication delay in a pipeline stage T
, versus repeated wire segment delay D
More accurate first-order models are achieved by including variation values. A single value V
is used here
to model crosstalk coupling variation. Delays with a maximum variant can append a ‘+’ symbol, and min-delay
values append a ‘-’. For example, T
is the max communication delay and T
is the minimum clock to data
output delay of a flop or latch. T
and T
are the maximum logic delay and communication delays for
synchronous systems. Synchronous protocols take first droop effects into account since the fixed frequency
could otherwise cause the circuits to fail under the slower operation induced by the voltage droop. The
asynchronous protocols will instead adapt itself to the operating conditions. Communication delay for the
shielded links T
of the DI and single-track protocols is smaller than for the non-shielded bundled data
Variables N
and N
in Table 6 represent the number of repeaters per pipeline stage excluding the
memory element and the number of pipeline stages respectively. The N
parameter can be calculated as ,
while for all modes of communication except synchronous latch based N
can be calculated as , where
represents the total number of repeaters required for a 10,000m interconnect. In case of latch based
communication there are two latches acting as repeaters per pipeline stage, hence N
in that case is equal to
The parameters in Table 7 include the interconnect design information of our process. To identify the
minimum delay we performed a 2D sweep on the repeater size and number of repeaters required for a 10,000
μm long interconnect [28]. The optimum design required the number of repeaters to be 18 and the size of the
repeater to be 96X a minimum size inverter. The delay across each repeater stage D
is approximately 1.6 times
a nominal FO4 delay with the energy required to drive a critical repeater distance as E
. Here we assume that
repeaters are placed optimally at the distance of critical length. The energy required for data transfer in various
protocols will be calculated relative to E
The E
parameter in the Table 7 represent the energy required by the clock tree to distribute clock to a
10,000μm interconnect. For sake of simplicity we model the clock distribution network as a single wire running
in parallel with data having repeaters at the critical distance as shown Figure 65. Parameter P
defines the
percentage of the energy of the repeated clock wire E
that is used for data communication. In particular,
models the fact that the clock may be used not only for distributing clock to our data communication setup
but also to other logic blocks in the vicinity. With the values set in Table 7, for a 32-bit data path the clock
distribution contributes 10% of the energy to the synchronous design in case of extreme pipelining. More
complicated models of clock trees are also possible and may be mapped to this simple model.
Figure 65. Clock tree to distribute clock over 10,000 μm interconnect
The T
parameter in the Table 6 is based on the worst case cycle time of the asynchronous controller. The
total cycle time is averaged between the four (two) phases of the four (two) phase asynchronous controller.
Different protocols exhibit different cycle time overhead, for example, 2-phase NRZ protocols generally require
more complicated control with larger delays compared to 4-phase protocols. The T
parameter represent the
forward propagation latency of the handshake control signals in the asynchronous protocols. Intuitively this
represents the delay associated with propagation of the incoming request signal to outgoing request signal. The
parameter represent the average energy per phase per bit for the control logic for the asynchronous
protocols. Similar to control delays, different asynchronous protocols exhibit different energy requirements. For
a fair comparison T
, T
and E
has been characterized through simulation for the different protocols and
are listed in Table 8. The sizing and spacing of the control wires in the asynchronous protocols may be
optimized differently than the data wires. The parameters O
allow a reduced control wire delay for a larger
area O
The parameter A
is the activity factor of the the bus, or the percentage of clock cycles during which data is
transmitted across the bus. Each flop is considered to be gated during idle cycles in the clocked protocols. A
is the activity factor of data on the bus, or the probability that any bit will switch values for an average bus
Table 8. Asynchronous control parameters from 65nm spice simulations of the designs
Table 9. Cycle time equations. Cycle time measured in FO4 delays
Table 10. Latency per stage. delay measured in FO4 delays
8.4 Models
Figure 66: Latch and flop transistor level design
Figure 67. Latch and flop pipeline stage configurations for distance of 4 critical repeater distances.
8.4.1 Synchronous communication - Latch and Flop
Figure 66 shows the transistor level diagram of the latch and flop used in this work. The sizes of devices in
this paper are calculated using logical effort [72]. In case of a flop based communication the data has to go
through one flop per clock cycle while in case of latch based communication data has to go through two latches
one being driven by clock and the other one being driven by inverted clock as shown in Figure 67.
The minimum cycle time of a flop represented by equation C
presented in Table 9 will be bounded by one
of the two conditions. First, the clock cycle cannot be shorter than twice the width of the minimum sized pulse
that can be safely engineered and propagated. Otherwise, the delay through a stage will be the sum of the
maximum logic and communication delay from the source flop to the destination flop T
. Synchronous
systems have additional overheads of setup time, clock skew and jitter, and other CAD related inaccuracies
. Upon arrival of the clock edge, the data must also propagate through the flop T
. Setup,
skew, and flop delays create the overhead for clocking.
Equation C
in Table 9 is the minimum cycle time for a synchronous latch protocol. Similar to the flop
protocol the cycle time is bounded by one of the following two conditions, twice the width of the minimum
sized pulse 2T
and the delay through a stage which is equal to the communication delay from the source
latch to the destination latch T
. Use of latches instead of flops helps in reducing clock skew
and jitter overheads because of the time borrowing allowed between stages. However the data must propagate
through two latches 2T
to account for the alternate phase control of the latches.
The equations that calculate the energy consumption for latches E
and flops E
in Figure 66 are shown in
Table 11. The energy consumed by the flop / latch to transfer data the critical distance of a communication link
is represented as the parameter E
/ E
. The average energy consumed per transition by the flop / latch
due to switching of the clock is represented as parameter E
/ E
. The average energy per transaction for
clock gating of a flop E
/ latch E
is calculated as a single transition on the clock driver, which is one-fourth
the clock load of the flop plus energy into the gating NAND for the average number of idle bus cycles per
transaction. The average energy per transaction consumed by the clock distribution network is given as
accounts for the amount of energy consumed by the clock distribution network
when the data bus is idle.
The energy consumed per transaction of a single flop / latch pipeline stage can be attributed to two factors:
the energy consumed by the memory element (flop / latch), and energy of the repeaters in that pipeline stage.
The energy consumed by a flop is W
) and the energy consumed by the repeaters
to drive the data. In case of latch based communication due to two latches per pipeline stage
the energy consumed by the latches is W
Figure 68 Simulated implementation for bundled data 4-phase protocol
Figure 69. Simulated implementation for bundled data 2-phase protocol
101 Asynchronous communication
In this section we present the cycle time and energy models for some representative protocols used for
asynchronous communication.
Table 11. Models for average energy per transaction per pipe stage
8.4.2 Bundled data protocol
The datapath in a bundled data asynchronous communication is similar to the datapath in synchronous
communication. Controllers generate the local clock signals for the latches instead of the global clock, as shown
in Figure 68. The bundled data protocol can be implemented in both four-phase and two-phase handshaking
protocols. The key timing assumption (also known as bundling data constraint) in a bundled data protocol is
that the data should be valid before there is an associated transition on the request line. To satisfy this constraint
the request signal needs to be delayed using a delay line such that this delay is greater than the worst case delay
of the data plus the setup time of the latch.
Equation C
and C
in Table 9 gives the minimum cycle time for a two phase and four phase
bundled data protocol respectively. The same controller is used for both the 4-phase and 2-phase designs shown
in Figure 68 and Figure 69. The key difference in these designs is the use of double edge triggered flip
flops [56] rather than simple latches for 2-phase design. Parameter T
represents the controller delay
overhead per phase and is equal to 4.25FO4 for a 4-phase protocol and 4.78FO4 for 2 phase protocol. The
parameter T
in Table 9 is the worst case path separation or margin in terms of FO4 delays between the
control and data paths. T
is the number of gate delays that must be added to the control path to guarantee
that we satisfy the bundling data constraint. The worst-case values must be taken assuming that as pipe stages
are composed, it is possible to have worst-case skew between data and control in all stages. This creates a safe
margin for the control and data race at the expense of throughput.
Equations E
and E
in Table 11 calculates the energy per pipeline stages for 4-phase and 2-phase bundled
data protocols respectively. The energy required by the asynchronous controller per phase is characterized as
. This parameter represents the energy consumed in transmitting the control signals (req and ack) a critical
distance along the communication link. The parameter E
in Table 6 represent the average energy
consumed per transition by a double edge triggered flip flop shown in Figure 69.
The energy consumed per transaction per pipeline stage is the sum of the controller energy and the energy
consumed for data transfer through latches. The controller energy for the 4-phase protocol is equal to
) and 2*(E
) for the 2-phase protocol. The energy consumed by the latch in a 4-
phase protocol is calculated as W
)) and for a 2-phase protocol energy is
calculated as W
8.4.3 Delay Insensitive protocol
The data path in a DI protocol is comprised of data encoded as 1-of-N rails where N wires are used to
represent log
N bits of data and an additional wire which acts as the acknowledgment signal. The most well
known of this class of protocols are dual rail (1-of-2) which uses two data wires per data bit, and 1-of-4 which
uses four data wires to represent two bits of information.
Delay insensitive protocols are typically implemented using four-phase handshake protocols. Hence there are
four iterations through the data acknowledge detection and propagation logic 4T
. Figure 70 shows a 1 bit
WCHB [50] controller implementing a 1-of-2 DI protocol handshake. The acknowledgment wire can be made
wider to reduce delay on its transitions 2O
The equations that calculate the energy for communication using DI protocols are shown in Table 11. The
asynchronous controller is comprised of domino logic which is responsible for forward data propagation along
with a completion detection logic. The completion detection logic is responsible for generating the
acknowledgment signal such that the ack signal becomes valid only when all the input bits have arrived. The
overhead of the generation of the completion signal becomes a limiting factor for the cycle time of the design,
particularly for wide data buses of 32 bits and above. The average value of the controller delay per phase T
for this particular example of DI protocol is 6.65FO4. However this performance can be improved by using 2D
[50] pipelining methodology which motivates a trade-off between performance and area. The main idea behind
2D pipelining is to reduce the cycle time overhead by using multiple completion detection logic modules, each
module working on a subset of the data path at the cost of more aggregate area. For the sake of simplicity in
this paper we will limit our discussion to only 1D pipelines; however faster values will be obtained for large
buses with 2D pipelines.
Equation C
and C
in Table 9 gives the minimum cycle time for 1-of-2 and 1-of-4 DI protocol
respectively. The data transitions have less variation because the encoding result in the wires being half
shielded 2T
The energy required by the asynchronous controller per phase is characterized as E
. Unlike bundled data
protocols, in DI protocols the req control signal is encoded within the data itself and the controller shown in
Figure 70 transmits 1 bit of data and ack control signal. The parameter E
represents the energy of the
controller per phase for transmitting 1 bit of data and ack control signal. The energy consumed per transaction
per pipeline stage for a DI protocol using 1-of-2 encoding is the sum of the controller energy 4W
and the
energy of the repeaters in that pipeline stage to drive the data 2W
and the energy required to drive
the acknowledgment wire 2E
. In a 1-of-4 encoding each wire transition represents 2 bits of data, so the
energy required by the repeaters to drive the data reduces by half to W
Figure 70. Simulated DI 1-of-2 protocol implementation
8.4.4 Single-track protocol
Single-track protocol is a 2-phase asynchronous protocol which uses 1-of-N data encoding similar to DI
protocol with the key difference being that there is no separate acknowledgment wire [9]. The sender drives one
of the N wires high thereby sending the data and, after receiving this data, the receiver sends an
acknowledgment by driving the same 1-of-N wires low. After driving the wire to its desired state, the sender
and receiver(s) must tri-state the wire to ensure that they do not try to drive the wire in opposite directions at the
same time. One popular single-track asynchronous controller is Single-Track Full Buffer (STFB)[38]. Figure 71
shows a typical 1 bit 1-of-2 STFB buffer.
The two-phase single-track protocol reduces the overheads of the reset handshake. This yields substantially
higher performance than 4-phase DI protocols and fewer transitions per bit which substantially lowers power.
Compared to bundled-data protocols there are no timing assumptions that require margins on the forward
latency, yielding additional performance improvement. However, the number of transitions per bit is often
larger, producing higher average power. One limitation of STFB is that every repeater acts as a pipeline stage,
hence STFB designs are restricted to fine-grained pipelining. Although STFB can be used in 1D pipelined
designs similar to the DI protocol, this paper reports simulation results that are bit level 2D pipelined; i.e. each
completion detection logic detects the validity of only a single bit.
Equation C
in Table 9 gives the cycle time for 1-of-2 and 1-of-4 STFB respectively. The average value of
the controller delay per phase T
for 1-of-2 STFB is 4.80FO4 and 5.10FO4 for 1-of-4 STFB. Equations E
and E
in Table 11 represent the energy required by an STFB controller to drive data through a critical
distance communication link. E
represents the energy per phase consumed by the controller. In case of 1-of-2
STFB designs the energy per pipeline stage is equal to the sum of controller energy and the energy of the
repeaters in that pipeline stage 2W
and in case of 1-of-4 STFB designs this energy is equal to W
Figure 71. Simulated single-track 1-of-2 protocol design
8.4.5 Source synchronous communication
Another mode of data communication is wave-pipelining [17] where several “waves”, i.e data signals, can
concurrently propagate through a pipeline with proper timing separation between two consecutive waves. This
timing separation is created by a “constructive clock skew” in conventional wave-pipelining, by using a
separate timing reference in source synchronous protocols and a “fast” signal in an asynchronous “surfing”
protocols [79]. The timing reference signal is routed in parallel with the data. A novel characteristic of
asynchronous surfing is that when logic blocks receive the fast reference pulse their computation delay drops,
thus creating a surfing effect wherein events are bound in close proximity with the pulse on fast reverence
The key to the performance of any wave-pipelining method is the time separation of waves which defines
their cycle time. In this paper, we have explicitly modeled the cycle time of source-synchronous
communication with equation C
in Table 9. In particular, the cycle time is lower bounded by three terms: the
minimum pulse width that can propagate through a critical distance; the communication delay of the data
through a repeated wire; and the propagation delay of the clock signal plus the delay through controller which
generates the enable signal for the latch. Equation E
in Table 11 gives the energy model for source
synchronous protocol. In the source synchronous models used here, multiple values are not propagated between
flop stages.
Figure 72. Logic pipeline with delay of 4
8.5 Comparisons
In this section we compare the various modes of communication in terms of maximum throughput, energy
consumption and bandwidth they can provide. These results are based on the first order models developed in
this paper using parameter values directly derived from SPICE simulations the designs in the 65nm process.
8.5.1 Throughput
Figure 72 shows a pipeline with an ideal logic delay of 4. Ideal pipelines would have no variation, and the
flops would have zero latency and no overhead. This would allow a new data item to be propagated through
these pipe stages every four gate delays. We compare the actual throughput and overheads of the protocols as
calculated by the equations in Table 9 against the ideal pipeline delays. The equations calculate extra delays
that are added due to device variation, latch delays, etc.
The throughput models applied to our parameter values are plotted in Figure 73 through Figure 76. The x-axis
plots delays based on the pipeline granularity in terms of the number of gate delays between flops or latches.
The leftmost side contains pipelines with a logic pipeline depth of 27.8 ideal gate delays per stage which is
necessary to propagate a signal down a 10,000 μm wire. The rightmost point contains a single ideal gate delay
per stage. The y-axis plots FO4 delays, or the overhead calculated by comparing the modeled worst-case delay
to the ideal delay.
These plots allocate all of the delay to communication. As expected, the asynchronous protocols with
acknowledgment are the least efficient for communication, with the 4-phase protocols being the worst. The
most efficient protocols are the clocked and source-synchronous protocols. The two-phase asynchronous
protocol shows significantly better performance due to the reduction in control transitions propagated between
sender and receiver. The source synchronous protocol is the best asynchronous protocol at low frequencies
because its request is propagated as a pulse and no acknowledgment is explicitly included. This protocol is
marginally slower compared to synchronous protocols largely due to the conservative margin in the delay
elements. In a real design, one would expect the source-synchronous circuit to out-perform the synchronous
design due to its adaptive nature.
Figure 73: Worst-case protocol throughput
Figure 74. Throughput of efficient protocols
As mentioned earlier one of the limitations of single-track protocol is that every repeater needs to be a
single-track pipeline stage, hence limiting single-track to fine-grained pipelines. Due to this limitation, we
observe a single point in Figure 73 through Figure 76. In fact at high frequencies 2-phase single-track protocol
is the most efficient asynchronous protocol. This is because it is two-phase and avoids the delay margin needed
in bundled-data protocols.
Figure 75. Throughput overhead against ideal
Figure 76. Overhead of efficient protocols
The cost of decreasing the amount of logic in each pipe stage to increase frequency can be inferred from
these graphs. Figure 77 shows the historical trend in logic gates per pipe stage for Intel’s recent
microprocessors. As the amount of logic per stage is reduced, there is a considerable increase in power and
performance sapping overhead. As shown in Figure 75 and Figure 76, shortening the pipe depth has come at
little cost in the past. As pipe depths continue to be shortened, the overheads start to dramatically increase. In a
synchronous latch design there is a 22% loss in efficiency as the pipe depth is decreased from 15 to 10 ideal
gate delays. This balloons to a 50% loss if one moves from 10 to five ideal gate pipelines. Hence, future
frequency increases for synchronous designs will result in diminishing performance gains. This also comes at
an increased energy consumption cost as is show in the next section. The same analysis applies to pipelining
asynchronous systems, particularly if the pipeline has significant bubbles during full throughput operation.
Figure 77. Gate delay scaling of products [41]
8.5.2 Latency
Figure 78 and Figure 79 compare the latency and overhead per pipeline based on the equations given in
Table 10. The x-axis plots delays based on the pipeline granularity in terms of the number of gate delays
between flops or latches. The overhead is calculated by comparing the latency of the design to the wire latency
given by parameter L
in Table 6. These plots allocate all of the data path delay to communication.
In case of ideal pipelines there are no overheads associated with the memory elements hence the latency is
the same as wire delay. However in case of synchronous designs, especially synchronous flop communication,
each stage has to suffer an overhead to account for clock to output delay, set-up delay, and clock skew margin.
As we increase the pipeline granularity the overhead increases as much as 200% as shown in Figure 79.
Margins for set-up time and clock skew are not required for synchronous latch communication due to time
borrowing between stages. However this protocol suffers the overhead of two data-to-output delays 2T
through the latches.
Figure 78. Latency vs pipeline depth
Figure 79. Latency overhead vs pipeline depth
The overhead associated with bundled data asynchronous designs comes from two sources. The first source
is the delay associated with the controller used to generate local clock signals. The second is the extra delay
margin inserted in the request line as shown in Figure 68 to satisfy bundling data constraint. The DI protocols
and single-track protocol provides the lowest latency of all the protocols. This can be attributed to two
properties of these circuits. First, since the data coding is delay-insensitive in nature no extra margins are
required for setup to the latches. Second, the use of fast domino logic used in the data path leads to faster
propagation of data compared to latch / flop designs.
8.5.3 Energy
Figure 80 shows the energy dissipated to transmit data across a 10,000 μm bus with varying amounts of
pipelining. Each equation in Table 11 calculates the energy for a single pipeline stage. This number is
multiplied by the number of pipeline stages N
which scales the results for the same 10,000m distance. The
x-axis shows the number of repeaters between the flops or control elements in the pipeline, the rightmost value
when every inverter is replaced with a flop.
The asynchronous DI protocol based on 1-of-N codes has a much poorer power profile due to their activity
factors. The rest of the protocols have fairly similar energy profiles. The curves are very flat except for ultra-
fine grain pipelining, where the control overhead becomes a significant power drain on the circuits. Figure 81
shows the most efficient protocols at high frequency where bus activity factor is set at 5% and the activity
factor of the data wires is set to be 18%. This shows that at high frequencies when some idle cycles are present
the bundled data asynchronous protocols have a distinct advantage over synchronous protocols. This can be
explained because of clock switching and energy required in the gating logic even during idle phases, while
asynchronous protocols provides ideal clock gating at no extra cost. Observe that while the plots shows
asynchronous 2-phase bundled data protocols to be more energy efficient then 4-phase bundled data protocols,
this may not always be true.
Figure 80. Average energy per transaction
Figure 81. Highly pipelined transfer energy
8.5.4 Bandwidth
Table 12. Average wires per data bit
Table 13. Bandwidth equations for the eight protocols
In order to effectively scale a chip, additional metal layers are added to support the increased bandwidth of
the design. The effective utilization of wires in a process therefore determines the cost and bandwidth of the
design. This work defines bandwidth to be proportional to the wire area. Table 12 shows how throughput is
scaled based on the wire area to calculate the bandwidth of a design. The delay insensitive and single-track
protocols modeled in this paper require two wires per data bit. Therefore, for the same wire area the bandwidth
of these asynchronous designs would have roughly half the bandwidth. The penalty for control signal and valid
bit overhead are also calculated for the studied designs as shown.
The final bandwidth models graphed in this paper are shown in Table 13. The value is the bandwidth-scaled
number of data words that can be pipelined in the 10,000m wire. This allows us to compare bandwidth and
area for various levels of pipelining across all the designs. The bandwidth values from this table is used to
calculate the x-axis point for each protocol and the energy numbers are used for the y-axis values of Figure 62,
Figure 63 and Figure 85.
8.6 Analytical models vs simulation
The accuracy of the analytical models were evaluated by comparing the results from the first-order models
against SPICE simulations of layout of the complete 65nm designs. Cycle time, latency, and energy required to
transfer data on a 10,000m long interconnect by varying the pipeline granularity were compared against
SPICE simulations for three target designs. Figure 82 through Figure 84 compare the cycle time, energy per
transfer, and latency for asynchronous 4-phase bundled data, asynchronous 2-phase bundled data and
synchronous flop mode of communication. The x-axis plots delay based on the pipeline granularity in terms of
the number of gate delays in a single pipeline stage.
Figure 82 compares the cycle time while Figure 83 compares the latency. The proposed models account for
worst case process variations, such as delay margin to be added in case of bundled data protocols and clock
skew, which are ignored in the spice simulations. Hence for fair comparisons we have set the parameters T
and T
to 0. Figure 84 compares the energy required per transaction. No clock gating is assumed in the
spice simulations for the case of synchronous flop communication. Thus for fair comparisons the parameter E
in our models is set to zero.
From the above comparisons we can see that the proposed models are fairly accurate as the errors in case of
cycle time comparison is less then 15%, less then 20% in case of latency comparisons and less then 10% for
energy comparisons. These errors can be attributed to the models assuming a worst case environment which is
difficult to include in our spice simulations. For example even though our spice simulation set up capture the
loading effects of coupling capacitance but it does not model the worst case crosstalk noise. The shapes of the
curves are similar, validating the proposed models.
Figure 82. Cycle time comparison of analytical models and SPICE simulation
Figure 83. Latency comparison between models and SPICE simulations
Figure 84. Energy per transfer comparison between models and simulation
8.7 Observation and caveats
Accurate apples-to-apples comparisons are always challenging. These equations can model the first-order
effects of most implementation styles. The magnitude of many of these effects, such as first-droop, can be
arguable. Hence the models are highly parameterizable to match the argued effect by applying the parameter
values to the equations. This also allows one to study the results of an effect that is trending up or down as
processes are scaled.
Simulating all of the various architectures is outside the scope of this work, and thus the accuracy bound
reported here may not be a worst case. The proposed models are therefore validated by performing SPICE
simulations on a subset of the protocols. Further, there are some effects which are difficult to simulate in a
simple simulation environment like worst case crosstalk noise, clock tree and clock gating and hence are not
been considered during SPICE simulations.
There are other effects that are also difficult to compare. The specific design of the flop and latch, for
instance, will have impact on power and performance. This work selected a single simple flop and latch style
and applied it to all protocols. This made the work relatively accurate between models, but the absolute value
will be different based on the design used. However, the largest difference in most flop designs is the energy
required in the clocking. Since this can be determined separately from data energy and delays the variation
across flop styles should be rather simple to estimate.
This work can also be applied directly to pipeline protocols for logic blocks, and some of the protocols
include this modeling. However, the logic family, design and protocol style, and implementation aspects of the
logic blocks have a much greater variability than a repeated wire, so the accuracy of such a model is much more
difficult to compare and arguably less accurate. Min-delay issues become very important, but they can largely
be ignored in communication since max and min signal propagation delays will be similar.
Fixed bandwidth can be achieved through combinations of throughput and parallelism. For instance doubling
the throughput and halving the wires will achieve the same bandwidth, at a smaller area. This can be
accomplished using these models. The activity factors for the serialized links may increase significantly.
Figure 85. Bandwidth/energy for lower bus utilization
The parameter values used in this paper represent a single design point. For example, increasing the activity
factor of the bus by a factor of 10 makes no significant change to Figure 62 and Figure 63. However, decreasing
the activity factor by the same amount gives a significant advantage to the asynchronous protocols as shown in
Figure 85. Here the 4-phase, 2-phase and source synchronous protocols show significant energy advantages at
all bandwidths over synchronous designs. Thus, the parameters need to be configured based on your target
Optimization based on these models has not been done. For instance, there is a tradeoff between faster
control signal propagation and its deleterious effect on bandwidth.
8.8 Conclusion
Parameterized first-order analytical models are presented for many communication models. SPICE
simulation of three of the protocols show the analytical models to be accurate within 15% for cycletime, 20%
for latency, and 10% for energy across the full range of pipeline depths. The parameters can be modified to
quickly compare various communication protocols operating at different design targets, such as low frequency
and power designs to performance constrained targets. Comparisons and conclusions between various protocols
have been performed based on varying the parameters of the models.
The efficiency of asynchronous communication is very dependent on the protocol. Communication is one of
the worst-case scenarios for asynchronous design due to the latency of the handshake signals. These latencies
require most asynchronous protocols to be pipelined deeper than the clocked protocols to achieve similar
bandwidths. Yet the efficient asynchronous protocols are shown to have similar results to the synchronous
protocols when measuring average transaction energy for a target bandwidth using parameters targeted for a
microprocessor bus.
Many design parameters favor either a synchronous or asynchronous style. Wider buses and high bit-level
activity factors favor asynchronous communication. Higher bus utilization factors favor synchronous designs.
Changing the operating environment reflected in these parameters can result in asynchronous communication
being far superior to synchronous protocols.
The results in this paper demonstrate that energy per transaction as well as latency and cycle time overheads
remains relatively flat across most pipelined designs until pipelining becomes aggressive. At that point there
begins to be a considerable penalty for increasing the pipelining. Thus there is a broad range of pipeline
frequencies that can be implemented with relatively small energy and performance penalty.
Asynchronous designs can exploit this flat region of the graphs since pipelining frequency can be
dynamically chosen. This is not the case with clocked protocols where distances and pipelining are fixed
relative to the clock frequency. This implies that scalability and the ability to optimize for a particular
power/performance point is enhanced in asynchronous designs. Asynchronous designs also provide substantial
latency advantages over synchronous designs which are very important in high performance network-on-chip
designs [36]. Furthermore, asynchronous designs can be repeated and pipelined at the optimal critical distance
for the target topology without requiring margin for future process scaling.
This study only compares the physical data transmission efficiencies. Communication effects on the overall
processor performance and power are an important extension [43]. The benefits of implementing asynchronous
communication in an otherwise globally synchronous processor must override the cost of synchronization with
the destination frequency. Future designs – such as those with multiple on-die cores or designs with power
islands – will decompose the chip into different clock domains for power, thermal, and performance reasons.
For such architectures, asynchronous communication exhibits significantly lower latency and has been shown,
through this study, to have similar or better physical transport efficiencies when compared to synchronous
9 Summary and Conclusions
Despite all the advantages of some asynchronous design styles they are still not widely accepted among
semiconductor industry. One of the key remaining roadblocks is the overwhelming design time required for
design and verification. In order to compete with semi custom synchronous ASIC designs we need
asynchronous design styles that can be easily verified along with an automated ASIC CAD flow that
supports them. This thesis develops a new template design based asynchronous design style coupled with a
fully-automated synthesis and place-and-route CAD flow to achieve this goal. In particular, we propose
several novel non homogenous single-track templates.
Non homogeneous single-track templates follow a two phase static single-track handshake protocol.
Along with using faster domino logic in their data path, they do not require any margins to satisfy setup
time as in bundled data asynchronous designs and thus have relatively very low latency. Consequently,
these design templates provide significant overall performance advantages for latency critical systems (e.g.
Turbo decoding). To quantify the benefits of static single-track circuits we implemented an asynchronous
turbo decoder using SSTFB standard cell library in IBM 0.18μm technology. Comparisons shows that the
asynchronous turbo decoder can provide up to 1.3X-4X advantage over synchronous turbo decoder in
throughput per area for block sizes of 2048-768 bits. Moreover, due to low latency advantages, it can
support higher throughput of designs with small block sizes than possible with its synchronous counterpart.
Non homogeneous single-track circuits have the flexibility of having multiple levels of logic in a
pipeline stage and can have different pulse width on drivers. The flexibility of having multiple level of
logic in a pipeline stage improves area and energy efficiency by sharing the overhead of handshake control
logic among multiple levels of logic. The flexibility of having different pulse width on drivers makes the
design more robust to crosstalk noise and process variations. To ensure robust designs using non
homogeneous pipeline stages we propose two design constraints. The first constraint is the single-track
handshake constraint (STHC) which constrains the pulse width on the drivers of the sender and receiver
pipeline stages such that only one of them is actively driving the communicating wires (channels) at a given
time. The other constraint is the rail-2-rail swing constraint which constrains the minimum pulse width on
the drivers while actively driving the channels.
In this thesis three non homogeneous single-track design templates have been developed. These design
templates provides a trade-off between area and performance such that while SLST design template aim for
high performance applications and supports single level of logic per pipeline stage, MLST and MLDST
aim for medium to low performance applications and can support multiple levels of logic in a pipeline
stage. We discuss several implementation issues including performance model of these templates and have
developed behavioral models of logic cells and controllers as a part of standard cell library development.
To increase the acceptability of our single-track design style we also addressed some of the key EDA
tool issues. We demonstrate the feasibility of library characterization and back-end SDF back annotation
for single-track asynchronous designs and present a RTL to asynchronous synthesis flow targeting the
proposed single-track templates.
• The library characterization and SDF back annotation flow reduces the design time by using faster
Verilog simulation flow than conventional time consuming analog verification flow. Experimental
results on a 260K transistor 64 bit prefix adder design indicates that the back annotation flow yields
over two orders of magnitude advantage in simulation speed on analog verification flow with less than
5% error.
• We propose an automated synthesis flow for static single-track asynchronous designs via an expansion
of the capabilities of the CAD tool Proteus developed at USC. This tool takes in synchronous RTL
netlist as input and generates the corresponding asynchronous design for a given target performance.
As a part of this thesis the tool was modified to incorporate the ability to generate static single-track
designs, perform slack matching for two phase circuits and automate the generation of test bench for
verification. With the integration of these design templates in Proteus one can take the advantage of re-
pipelining to generate area efficient designs as well as automate the process of slack matching.
Comparisons on several ISCAS benchmarks show that the proposed templates provide a wide range of
throughput area tradeoffs. For high performance applications SLST templates provide an average of
20% better throughput than QDI pipelines at the cost of 36% more average area. At lower frequencies
MLST template provides 1.32X and 1.75X and MLDST pipeline templates provide 1.5X and 2.34X
better average throughput / area over QDI and MLD pipelines respectively.
With the increasing number of components in a system-on-chip (SoC) there is a need for an efficient
data communication system. Network-on-a-Chip (NoC) is a new approach to design the communication
subsystem of SoC. However a single global frequency may not be optimal because each module has a
different optimal power/performance point which makes asynchronous designs an attractive choice for
implementing network-on-chip. In this thesis we extend the work done in [68] by characterizing various
communication protocols to get the protocol specific value of the parameters used in the models, and
including the impact of clock distribution networks for synchronous communication protocols. We also
included two phase asynchronous single-track handshake protocol in our comparisons. Comparisons show
that for wider data path and low bus activity factors asynchronous bundled data protocol provide significant
energy advantages than synchronous protocols. Comparisons also show that single-track protocol provides
33% better throughput and 12% lower latency compared to other asynchronous protocols.
There are still challenges that need to be addressed before we can expect widespread adoption of single-
track circuits. Specifically, we need to extend the support of standard ASIC commercial CAD tools like
PrimeTime, SoC Encounter ,and Celtic for timing and signal-integrity driven place and route and sign off.
In addition, given the growing importance of power consumption in VLSI industry, additional research
needs to be done to explore ways to reduce power consumption of the proposed single-track template by
reducing the activity factor. Also work needs to be done to quantify the EMI advantages of the proposed
templates over state of the art synchronous methods. The next step in asynchronous NoC is to compare
asynchronous and synchronous communication protocols with flow control mechanism. Specifically there
is a need to study how various communication protocols will compare against each other where there is
congestion in the network.
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Abstract (if available)
Asynchronous design is increasingly becoming an attractive alternative to synchronous design because of its potential for high performance, low power, and adaption to process variations and reduced EMI noise. However to compete with the existing synchronous designs there is a need to reduce the overwhelming design time of asynchronous designs by developing circuits that can easily be verified along with mature CAD flows to support them. In this thesis we propose to use template based methodology which facilitates standard cell based design that can easily be verified and allows using standard ASIC tools that have already been developed by semiconductor industry.
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Asset Metadata
Pankaj, Pankaj
Core Title
Theory, implementations and applications of single-track designs
Viterbi School of Engineering
Doctor of Philosophy
Degree Program
Electrical Engineering (VLSI Design)
Publication Date
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University of Southern California
University of Southern California. Libraries
asynchronous,multi-level,OAI-PMH Harvest,single-track
Electronically uploaded by the author
Beerel, Peter A. (
committee chair
), Gupta, Sandeep K. (
committee member
), Kukavica, Igor (
committee member
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etd-Pankaj-3482 (filename),usctheses-m40 (legacy collection record id),usctheses-c127-291668 (legacy record id),usctheses-m2865 (legacy record id)
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Pankaj, Pankaj
University of Southern California
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University of Southern California Dissertations and Theses
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