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Differential methylation analysis of colon tissues
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Differential methylation analysis of colon tissues
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Differential Methylation Analysis of Colon Tissues
Xiaoyu Yan
A Thesis Presented to the
In Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree
August 2020
Copyright 2020 Xiaoyu Yan
Table of Contents
Abstract ................................................................................................................................................ iii
Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 1
Data ....................................................................................................................................................... 6
Analysis Pipeline - Methods and Results .............................................................................................. 7
Differential methylation analysis .................................................................................................... 11
Differentially methylated positions (DMPs)................................................................................ 12
Differentially methylated regions (DMRs) .................................................................................. 17
Gene ontology analysis .................................................................................................................... 19
Discussion ............................................................................................................................................ 21
References ........................................................................................................................................... 23
DNA methylation is a common phenomenon that occurs at CpG dinucleotides in eukaryotes, often playing
a critical role in gene expression regulation. There is much evidence that shows an association between
DNA methylation and disease, especially cancer. Microarrays are a widely used technique to measure
DNA methylation in a high-throughput manner. To analyze methylation data from such large generated
datasets, a wide variety of statistical approaches and methods have appeared and have been adopted in
both preprocessing/QC and final analysis. One aspect of such analyses is that of differential methylation,
which plays an important role in understanding the information contained in the human methylome in
epigenetic studies.
In this thesis, we analyzed data resulting from samples from both colon tumors and from normal colon
tissue. Specifically, we conduct a comparison looking at variation between normal and tumor tissue. As
part of this analysis, we describe the statistical methods that are applied in both preprocessing and
analyzing the data. Our data arose from the Illumina Infinium MethylationEPIC array, and we conducted
our analysis using R packages such as SeSAMe and ChAMP. Our focus here is on detecting differential
methylation status at both the site and region level. After detecting differential methylated positions and
regions, we also show the significant CpG-related genes and enriched pathways.
Completed in April 2003, the human genome project has mapped and sequenced the entire human genome
including 28.5 hundred billion nucleotides, covering 99% of the autosomal genome, and led to the Big Data
era of analysis of the genetic code (International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium, 2004). This
thesis focuses on one aspect of such data, methylation and its role in cancer. Past research has shown that
hypomethylation is seen in genes related to some human cancers (Feinberg and Vogelstein, 1983).
With the development of two major molecular biological techniques, sequencing and microarrays, the
amount of information we have regarding genomics, epigenomics, and transcriptomics has exponentially
expanded. For example, an Illumina Infinium Global Screening Array used by 23andMe can identify
600,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). SNPs are markers that are sometimes correlated with
observable phenotypes or that sometimes contribute to disease. Such mass information about structural and
functional characteristics of the genome and transcriptome under various conditions is beneficial to our
understanding of the causes and progression of diseases.
Epigenetic studies have revealed that epigenetic change may play an important role in regulating gene
expression; perhaps a more important role than that played by nucleotide variation in the genome (Berger
et al., 2009). DNA methylation and histone modification, small RNA interference, and nucleosome and
chromatin remodeling are typical forms of epigenetic changes.
This thesis focuses on DNA methylation. DNA methylation is a common epigenetic mechanism that
modulates gene transcription and plays a role in genomic instability. It, therefore, plays an important role
in human disease (Robertson, 2005). In the DNA methylation process, a methyl group is transferred by
DNA methyltransferase to the cytosine nucleotide that is adjacent to a guanine nucleotide in the DNA
sequence along the 5’ to 3’ direction (see Figure 1). Such a cytosine-phosphate-guanine site is referred to
as a CpG site, and these sites are scattered throughout the genome. Regions containing a high-frequency
(>55%) of CpG sites are called CpG islands (CGIs), which appear in 40% of gene-promoters, and CpGs in
such islands usually are unmethylated (see Figure 2). While some studies restrict their attention to specific
features, such as CpG islands, it has been shown that including other nearby regions, such as shores (~2Kb
from islands, > 75% of tissue specific differentially methylated regions can be found) and shelves (~4Kb
from islands), can provide insight for studies of colorectal cancer (Visone et al., 2019). For that reason, in
this paper, we will consider all CpGs, regardless of location.
In mammals, 70%-80% of CpG sites are methylated in different domains of the genome (Jones, 2012).
Heterochromatin is normally hypermethylated, and if hypomethylated will promote genetic instability,
leading to cancerization (Sharma, Kelly and Jones, 2010). On the contrary, if hypermethylation aberrantly
occurs in a promoter, transcription factors may fail to bind, or methyl-CpG-binding proteins (MBPs) may
introduce co-repressor molecules to repress downstream gene activity (Klose and Bird, 2006). The silencing
of tumor suppressor genes and pro-differentiation factor genes also is indicative of cancer formation (Jones
and Baylin, 2002). DNA methylation sometimes occurs within the gene body, and evidence in mouse has
shown that this can preclude spurious transcription inception to avoid the production of aberrant proteins
and ensure transcription fidelity, providing an explanation of the hypomethylation characteristic of gene
bodies in tumors (Neri et al., 2017).
Figure 1: Chemical make-up of methylation of CpG sites. (
There is some evidence that epigenetic variation can be transgenerationally transmitted. Thus, events
influencing the original generation might not only directly affect the first-generation but also act on the next
generation (Heard and Martienssen, 2014; Klosin et al., 2017; Horsthemke, 2018). One hypothesis for the
mechanism of transgenerational inheritance is that it is based on small RNA regulation (Houri-Zeevi and
Rechavi, 2017). The epigenetic modification potentially occurs in any cell cycles in any type of cell. For
example, during T-cell differentiation, although the progeny does not have DNA sequence specificity, they
develop to perform different functions by responding to the epigenetic processes of transcription factor
changes in the nuclear context (Wilson, Rowell and Sekimata, 2009). Such advancement in our
understanding of the mechanisms of epigenetic inheritance provides the in-depth insights that may lead to
widespread use of epigenetic therapy (Egger et al., 2004).
Figure 2: Scenarios in which methylation occurs (
Methylation has tissue specificity and, as discussed above, heritability (Silva and White, 1988). Much of
the heritability evidence has been found from zebrafish, in which the hypermethylated DNA methylome of
sperm was seen to direct the methylation status for the embryo and thereby potentially reprogram the
maternal genome to demethylate or to experience de novo methylation (Jiang et al., 2013).
In contrast to the inheritance discussed above, DNA methylation is also known to be highly correlated
with age. For embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells, the DNA methylation level is
approximately zero and the whole-genome is active with a hypomethylated methylome. As growth and
development occur, methylation (and methylation variation) gradually increases. Aging is also a major
factor associated with specific region hypermethylation in tumor cells (Ahuja et al., 1998). In general,
there is a trend for methylation to increase in low methylation level regions (i.e. Islands). Conversely,
since most CpG sites are actually outside of CpG islands, methylation tends to be lost with age elsewhere
(Jones, Goodman and Kobor, 2015). Age-related methylation phenomena, such as epigenetic drift, have
been found in Alzheimer's disease (Wang, Oelze and Schumacher, 2008) and an epigenetic clock has
been discovered in HIV infection (Horvath and Levine, 2015). Thus, DNA methylation can be an
indicator to measure tissue age and to distinguish different parts of the genome (Horvath, 2013; Horvath
and Raj, 2018).
Overall, methylation is a dynamic and complicated form of variation, with many interrelated processes
occurring. As such, there is much interest in discovering the methylation state of tissue and understanding
how that might relate to features such as disease status, particularly for cancer. Various methods have been
developed to detect methylation changes or assess variation of target DNA methylation regions and each
has its advantages in terms of stability, throughput capacity, resolution and cost (Kurdyukov and Bullock,
2016). We summarize those methods in Table 1a and Table 1b below.
In this thesis, we focus on data from colon tumor (and normal) samples. A growing body of evidence has
been produced to show that tumorigenesis is a multistep, multiphase process involving numerous genes and
that cancer stem cells are probably the origin of all malignant cells in primary tumors (Jordan, Guzman and
Noble, 2006). Genetic changes, environmental differences and reversible changes in cell characteristics
also influence the phenotypic and functional heterogeneity of cancer cells within the same tumor (Meacham
and Morrison, 2013). Many cancer epigenetic studies have shed light on the transformation from a normal
cell to a cancer stem cell, and note that this is driven by methylation (Barker et al., 2009; Zeuner et al.,
2014; Gehart and Clevers, 2019). In order to decode the high volume of information now being measured
from the genome, and more specifically here the methylome, statistical analysis methods have been
developed for the analysis of methylation patterns. The variation of methylation data patterns between
tumors and controls, and even between tumors, results from the process of epigenetic drift and can be used
to measure the kinship of the cells, infer tumor onset and trace the progression of a colorectal tumor
(Siegmund, Marjoram and Shibata, 2008; Siegmund et al., 2009; Hong et al., 2010). Differential
methylation regions (DMRs), our focus here, are defined to be regions in which the degree of methylation
varies between two groups of interest. They often contain SNPs associated with diseases. Methods to
uncover the most informative DMRs to classify cell phenotype have been developed (Ziller et al., 2013).
Our present study aims to discover whether there are regions of differential methylation between colorectal
tumor tissues and normal tissues (specifically, colon crypts containing stem cells).
Table 1a: Current methods for high-throughput DNA methylation analysis (Suzuki and Bird, 2008)
Table 1b: Current methods for high-throughput DNA methylation analysis (Suzuki and Bird, 2008)
The data in this thesis were produced by Illumina MethylationEPIC BeadArray. Microarrays are a variation
detection tool utilizing arrays of DNA probes to produce methylation data. A chip, or Bead Array, can
measure thousands of samples, identifying known point mutations, structural mutations or gene expression
and methylation states. With genome information being extensively applied in precision medicine,
agriculture and many other areas, different types of chips have been developed to meet those demands. The
Illumina platform has widely adopted the Infinium technology to provide good quality high-throughput
data. Our study used the Illumina Infinium MethylationEPIC BeadChip, which covers over 850,000 CpG
sites. The high-resolution technology used in this chip is based on quantitative testing of single nucleotide
polymorphisms across the whole genome (for more details see Bock, 2012).
The dataset consists of 63 samples, including colon tumor glands and colon crypts from individuals of
different ages. Our focus in this particular study is to use a subset of that data to compare colon tumor
glands to normal colon crypts.
Our total sample sizes are shown in Table 2 below:
Table 2: Sample types and sizes
Colon Tumor Gland Colon Crypt
40 (from 11 individuals) 23 (from 5 individuals)
After preprocessing and checking missing values rates, 4 colon tumor gland samples are excluded for
having a high proportion of missing values. 3 individuals provided both colon tumor gland samples as well
as colon crypt samples, while all 11 individuals who provided colon tumor gland also provided bulk samples.
Analysis Pipeline - Methods and Results
There are several pipelines focusing on processing and analyzing Illumina Infinium DNA methylation data.
Perhaps the most widely-used are SeSAMe (Zhou et al., 2018), ChAMP (Morris et al., 2014), and
missMethyl (Phipson, Maksimovic and Oshlack, 2016). SeSAMe is known for having stricter
preprocessing standards, including comprehensive probe quality masking, bleed-through correction in
background subtraction, nonlinear dye bias correction, nondetection calling and control for bisulfite
conversion based on C/T-extension probes. It also provides sex or ethnicity inference based on specific
probes to help with sample quality control. In addition, it includes a variety of options regarding the
detection of differential methylation and segmented copy number. For that reason, we exploit the SeSAMe
pipeline in this thesis.
A variety of preprocessing steps performed before conducting the final analysis. In this section, we walk
through each of those steps, following the best practices in the SeSAMe User Guide (Zhou, Laird and Shen,
First, we read the IDAT files and checked for missing values - these correspond to probes that have low
mapping quality scores, caused by things such as cross-hybridization with other loci in the genome. These
loci are then masked from further analysis. This results in a loss of ~12% of probes on average. (This
number is typical for such experiments.)
Second, a further set of underperforming probes are excluded by testing for low intensity signals across all
samples. We filtered out those probes using the p-value from a test for out-of-band array hybridization
(Zhou et al., 2018). We removed all probes for which the p-value was 0.05 or less. This resulted in us
removing a further ~5% of probes on average (so ~17% of probes removed in total).
Third, background subtraction is performed by leveraging normal exponential deconvolution, controlling
out-of-band probes to reduce high levels of background noise and increase the sensitivity of measurement
(Triche et al., 2013).
Fourth, some of the probes lost in steps one and two are rescued using nonlinear scaling to correct the signal
intensity difference between the red and green channels. Probes come in two types: Type-I and Type-II
(Pidsley et al., 2016). This processing step shifts the Beta-values of Type-I probes using nonlinear quantile
interpolation to correct the residual dye bias that is seen for those probes. This results in the two channels
having similar performance and in recovering around 1.5% of probes (So now we have lost a total of ~15.5%
probes on average).
Finally, using this remaining set of probes, Beta-values, which one can think of as being the proportion of
methylated cells at that CpG, are obtained. Each of our samples was processed through this pipeline with
SeSAMe to obtain Beta-values at each non-removed CpG site for each sample. The Beta-value can be
retrieved by gene, region, or probe name. SeSAMe also provides quality control functions to check the
mean signal intensity, and hybridization efficiency (bisulfite conversion using GCT scores (Zhou et al.,
2017). These are also reported as M-values, which are a logit transformation of Beta-values. For example,
Beta-values of 0.2, 0.5 and 0.8 correspond to M-values of -2, 0 and 2, respectively. The Beta-value has a
more intuitive biological interpretation, but the M-value is more statistically valid for the differential
analysis of methylation levels. Therefore, the M-value method is used for differential methylation analysis
while the Beta-value statistics are often reported for results interpretation (Du et al., 2010).
We show the distribution of CpGs sites that were removed as “missing” during the first and second steps
of the QC process above. We show results for tumor gland samples, but the normal samples performed
similarly. In Figure 3, each column represents one sample and each row represents a CpG probe. Missing
Beta-values are shown in red, while levels of grey indicate the magnitude of Beta-values. We see that the
overall proportion of poorly-performing probes varies greatly across samples.
Figure 3: Beta-value matrix of all tumor gland samples (red: missing value; white: ~0; black: ~1).
Finally, in Figure 4a and 4b, we show the overall distribution of Beta-values before (top) and after (bottom)
quality control for all 63 samples. We see that after normalization the distribution of samples within each
group (normal or tumor) shows much greater consistency.
Figure 4a: Data distribution and clustering before quality control (865,918 probes) (blue: colon crypt; red: colon
Figure 4b: Data distribution and clustering after quality control (340,103 probes) (blue: colon crypt; red: colon
Considering the potential for unwanted batch effects and other unexpected variations, we used the
Remove Unwanted Variation (RUV) algorithm to adjust for such systematic effects (Molania et al.,
2019). This algorithm specifies a set of negative control variables and uses it to detect and remove
unwanted variation. Specifically, we use the version RUV-4 to correct for this in our data (Jacob,
Gagnon-Bartsch and Speed, 2016). We then take these adjusted M-values forward for further analysis.
Figure 5: Data distribution before and after adjusting for unwanted variation (blue: colon crypt; red: colon tumor).
Variance for each CpG site is estimated among all samples. We extracted the 1000 most variable positions
and performed principal component analysis (Gower, 1966) to show the distances between each sample.
Results are shown in Figure 5. While the effects are not dramatic, we see that after adjusting for unwanted
variation, samples of the two colors, each representing a given tissue type, are separated more distinctly.
Differential methylation analysis
We then followed the ChAMP pipeline to detect differentially methylated positions and regions using the
limma package (Ritchie et al., 2015). Then we used the DMRcate package to obtain differentially
methylated gene module results (Peters et al., 2015). The differential methylation position testing method
of limma employs linear models and an empirical Bayes framework based on Gaussian model theory to
calculate the p-value, and uses the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure to control the false discovery rate (Smyth,
Differentially methylated positions (DMPs)
The first step in this analysis was to build a design matrix with tumor glands and colon crypts, and then a
linear model with tissue type and individual ID as the two main factors. We then set the contrast to detect
differences between tumor gland and colon crypt. Differences between tissue types are calculated within
each individual, and then these differences are compared across individuals to determine whether there is
an overall significant difference in the mean methylation level for each CpG site. The difference in mean
methylation is labeled as logFC which is analogous to the log fold-change in gene expression analysis.
Empirical Bayes methods are used to combine information across all the CpGs to obtain more precise
estimates of gene-wise variability (Smyth, 2004). After testing for differentially methylated loci with our
40 tumor gland samples and 23 colon crypt samples, 105,811 significant differential methylated CpG sites
are identified (adjusted p-value < .05, absolute log FC > 1).
The results of these process are displayed below. We show the features of the final set of significant
differential methylated probes (i.e., CpG sites) that were included in our subsequent analysis of differential
methylation. We begin by showing the overall distribution of the significant probes, and of these probes,
the distribution of the hypermethylated probes and hypomethylated probes over genome in Figure 6. The
first part of this figure shows how methylation sites are sited in terms of being within, near, or outside of,
CpG islands (CGI). We see that about 22% of total probes are located in island areas, 55% in opensea area,
7% in shelf area (immediately adjacent to an island) and 15% in shore area (between shelf and opensea).
About 58% of these sites being hypermethylated are located in island, 16% in opensea, 3% in shelf and 23
in shore area. While about 5% hypomethylated sites are located in island area, 73% in opensea, 9% in shelf
and 14% in shore. Generally speaking, in these samples, the island area contains most hypermethylated
probes and the opensea area contains the most hypomethylated probes. Similarly, in the second part of this
figure, we show the CpG locations in terms of gene structures. Specifically, the proportions of probes in
the 1st exon, 5’ untranslated region (UTR), exon boundary, intergenic region (IGR) and near transcription
start sites (TSS) are shown below. The third part of the figure shows the proportion in terms of both of these
categorizations simultaneously.
Figure 6: Overview of significant DMPs’ locations.
As an example, we also show the top 4 differentially methylated CpGs in Figure 7. The cluster CG IDs are
cg12753986, cg14672084, cg26284735, and cg02037307.
Figure 7: Top 4 significantly differentially methylated CpGs.
To improve interpretation, functional annotation from the Ensembl genome database project was used to
indicate the nearest gene to each probe (Hubbard et al., 2002). We indicate 16,158 unique genes associated
with the differentially methylated positions in tumor gland and colon crypts.
Figure 8: Top 70 significantly CpG-related genes.
In Figure 8 we show the top 70 genes enriched for significantly differential methylated CpGs and the
number of hypermethylated CpGs or hypomethylated CpGs near each gene. Most of them are
hypomethylated when comparing colon tumors to colon crypt.
As an example of the behavior within a particular gene, in Figure 9 we show the results for ZNF331 (Zinc-
finger protein 331). The figure shows the number of measured CpGs and their position and mean
methylation level for each group. The mean methylation level of tumor samples across this CpG island of
20 CpGs are significantly lower than that of colon crypts (adjusted p-value <.05, absolute logFC > 1).
Figure 9: methylation level of the significant DMPs and related gene ZNF331
According to previous studies, ZNF331 is a tumor suppressor and was reported to be a potential biomarker
for colorectal cancer detection with sensitivity (71%) and specificity (98%) (Yu et al., 2013; Vedeld et al.,
2018). The result above is consistent with that knowledge. In particular, the CpGs before the 1st exon have
much higher methylation levels in tumor samples than that in colon crypts.
Differentially methylated regions (DMRs)
Differential methylation status is detected in a large set of widely-dispersed CpGs. Therefore, we aimed to
detect the regions in which most differential methylation occurred. The DMRcate package can extract the
most differential methylated regions from BeadChip Array samples through kernel smoothing, and its
performance is superior to Bumphunter and Probe Lasso (Peters et al., 2015). After using this package to
test for differential methylation using FDR-correction, 11,259 significant regions were found (adjusted p-
value <.05, absolute logFC > 1). The distance from the probe to the next consecutive probe in any given
region was set to be less than 1000 nucleotides. As an example, one of the differentially methylated regions
on Chromosome 1, at about 50.8825 mb, is shown in Figure 10 below.
Figure 10: A DMR in genomic context
The figure shows the location of the DMR in the genome. It also shows the position of the nearby gene
DMRTA2 (Doublesex- and mab-3-related transcription factor A2), and the positions of the CpG probes
(marked green). The methylation levels of the individual samples are shown as a heat map (methylation
level scale: 0-1; Blue=0; Red=1) and the mean methylation levels for the colon crypt and tumor gland
groups are presented at the bottom. DMRTA2 is a transcription factor related to various cancers according
to the Human Protein Atlas ( (Uhlen et al., 2017). The mean methylation
level of tumor glands here is significantly lower than that of colon crypt, as assessed through DMRcate
Gene ontology analysis
After performing a differential methylation analysis, we obtained a long list of significant CpG sites to
interpret (adjusted p-value < .05, absolute logFC > 1). In order to better interpret this, as a final step we
performed a gene-set enrichment analysis. Thus, the genetic pathways in which differentially methylated
CpGs were over-represented were identified. We identified gene ontology molecular functions and
metabolic pathways significantly enriched for probes, with adjusted meta p-value less than 0.05, using the
missMethyl package (Phipson et al., 2016). This helped us to gain an understanding of the biological
processes that are involved. The results are shown in Table 3.
Table 3: Top 20 differential enriched pathways
GO:0005509 MF calcium ion binding 631 528
GO:0098978 CC glutamatergic synapse 346 312
GO:0005887 CC integral component of plasma membrane 890 716
GO:0030054 CC cell junction 531 455
GO:0005886 CC plasma membrane 4271 3052
GO:0009986 CC cell surface 530 439
GO:0007155 BP cell adhesion 375 319
GO:0007165 BP signal transduction 827 661
GO:0005576 CC extracellular region 1865 1319
GO:0062023 CC collagen-containing extracellular matrix 355 294
GO:0007268 BP chemical synaptic transmission 146 133
GO:0005201 MF extracellular matrix structural constituent 105 99
GO:0007411 BP axon guidance 164 150
GO:0045211 CC postsynaptic membrane 174 155
GO:0030198 BP extracellular matrix organization 189 168
GO:0016324 CC apical plasma membrane 294 248
GO:0005178 MF integrin binding 111 102
GO:0000122 BP negative regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II 707 562
GO:0070588 BP calcium ion transmembrane transport 109 101
GO:0009897 CC external side of plasma membrane 173 150
(BP = Biological Process; CC = Cellular Component; MF = Molecular Function; N = Number of genes in the GO term; DE =
number of genes that are differentially methylated) (adjusted p <.001, FDR < 1%)
From the enrichment test, we see that the most differential methylation regulated gene expression and
influenced the activity of cells. The top enriched pathways are related to cell junction and adhesion and
membrane components.
In this study we identified differentially methylated positions and regions between tumor gland and normal
colon crypt samples. Our results are generally consistent with previous studies. Ultimately, we detected a
significant number of genetic pathways that are enriched for differentially methylated genes when
comparing tumor and normal samples. Our study demonstrates the use of several popular pipelines and
methods for the analysis of methylation data.
One limitation of our study is sample size. The analyses we conducted were computationally intensive and
non-trivial to run on a laptop. Furthermore, the size of the dataset was relatively small. As such, our results
should be regarded with care, and ultimately, we would wish to support them with further analysis. For
epigenome-wide association studies, a large sample size is necessary in order to obtain good statistical
power to detect a significant effect. For example, 98 twin pairs were required to reach 80% EWAS power,
and 112 pairs of cases and controls were needed to detect a 10% mean methylation difference between
affected and unaffected subjects at a genome-wide significance threshold of p =1×10
(Tsai and Bell,
2015). However, in this thesis, we only used 40 samples of tumors and 23 samples of colon crypt. Another
limitation was due to computational capacity and efficiency. The computations in this thesis were processed
by a 2.3 GHz dual-core Intel Core i5 processor using a personal computer which has 16 GB 2133 MHz
memory. Under this circumstance, the processes used often hung or collapsed. In the future, we will apply
high-performance computing clusters to address this problem.
Rather than imputing missing values for probes, in this study we simply removed such probes. While this
choice is pragmatic, and was made for computational reasons, it assumes that the missing values are missing
completely at random, which may introduce bias if not true. In the future, we might apply imputation
methods, such as the K-Nearest Neighbors algorithm, to impute the missing values (Di Lena et al., 2019).
Normalization for methylation array data also needs to be considered. For consistency, we used the method
from SeSAme, because the method is superior in reducing artifactual detection and is computationally
friendly. Other methods exist and ultimately it would be good to explore how they might affect the final
outcome of studies such as ours.
Regarding differential methylation testing, the key strength of using limma's linear modeling approach is
the accommodation of arbitrary experimental complexity. Simple designs such as ours can then be handled
relatively easily. Furthermore, if we wish to consider sex, age, and race, this approach can also deal with
that. However, the samples in the present study did not have information regarding those covariates.
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Abstract (if available)
DNA methylation is a common phenomenon that occurs at CpG dinucleotides in eukaryotes, often playing a critical role in gene expression regulation. There is much evidence that shows an association between DNA methylation and disease, especially cancer. Microarrays are a widely used technique to measure DNA methylation in a high-throughput manner. To analyze methylation data from such large generated datasets, a wide variety of statistical approaches and methods have appeared and have been adopted in both preprocessing/QC and final analysis. One aspect of such analyses is that of differential methylation, which plays an important role in understanding the information contained in the human methylome in epigenetic studies. ❧ In this thesis, we analyzed data resulting from samples from both colon tumors and from normal colon tissue. Specifically, we conduct a comparison looking at variation between normal and tumor tissue. As part of this analysis, we describe the statistical methods that are applied in both preprocessing and analyzing the data. Our data arose from the Illumina Infinium MethylationEPIC array, and we conducted our analysis using R packages such as SeSAMe and ChAMP. Our focus here is on detecting differential methylation status at both the site and region level. After detecting differential methylated positions and regions, we also show the significant CpG-related genes and enriched pathways.
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Asset Metadata
Yan, Xiaoyu
Core Title
Differential methylation analysis of colon tissues
Keck School of Medicine
Master of Science
Degree Program
Publication Date
Defense Date
University of Southern California
University of Southern California. Libraries
colon cancer,colon crypt,CpG site,differential methylation analysis,differentially methylated positions,differentially methylated regions,DNA methylation,epigenetics,gene expression,gene regulation,Infinium MethylationEPIC array,OAI-PMH Harvest,tumor gland
Electronically uploaded by the author
Marjoram, Paul (
committee chair
), Franklin, Meredith (
committee member
), Mack, Wendy Jean (
committee member
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etd-YanXiaoyu-8786.pdf (filename),usctheses-c89-348076 (legacy record id)
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Yan, Xiaoyu
University of Southern California
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University of Southern California Dissertations and Theses
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University of Southern California Digital Library
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colon cancer
colon crypt
CpG site
differential methylation analysis
differentially methylated positions
differentially methylated regions
DNA methylation
gene expression
gene regulation
Infinium MethylationEPIC array
tumor gland