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Creating a water quality geodatabase for the West Hawai‘i Island region
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Creating a water quality geodatabase for the West Hawai‘i Island region
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Creating a Water Quality Geodatabase for the West Hawai‘i Island Region by Donald Borer A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the USC Graduate School University of Southern California In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Science (Geographic Information Science and Technology) December 2018 ii Copyright © 2018 by Donald Borer iii Table of Contents List of Figures ................................................................................................................................ vi List of Tables ............................................................................................................................... viii Acknowledgements ......................................................................................................................... x List of Abbreviations ..................................................................................................................... xi Abstract ......................................................................................................................................... xii Chapter 1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 1 1.1. Motivators of this Project....................................................................................................2 1.2. Project Overview ................................................................................................................2 1.3. The Study Area ...................................................................................................................3 1.4. Water Quality Geodatabase Development Overview .........................................................7 1.5. Thesis Organization ............................................................................................................8 Chapter 2 Protecting and Assessing Near-shore Water Quality ................................................... 10 2.1. Legislative Foundations ....................................................................................................10 2.1.1. Federal Legislation...................................................................................................10 2.1.2. Hawaiʻi State Programs ...........................................................................................11 2.1.3. Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP)..................................................................14 2.2. Water Quality Data Sources..............................................................................................14 2.2.1. Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) .................................................................14 2.2.2. Scholarly Publications .............................................................................................15 2.3. GIS and Ocean Water Quality Data ..................................................................................15 Chapter 3 Background on the Water Quality Projects in the Geodatabase .................................. 19 3.1. Natural Energy Laboratory and Department of Health Projects .......................................23 3.1.1. NELHA sampling at Keāhole Point (LTS1) ............................................................24 3.1.2. Department of Health sampling (LTS2) ..................................................................25 iv 3.2. Private Consultant Projects ...............................................................................................27 3.2.1. Waiakailio Bay (PC4) ..............................................................................................28 3.2.2. ʻOʻoma Beach (PC3)................................................................................................29 3.2.3. Hokuliʻa (PC1) .........................................................................................................30 3.2.4. Keopuka Lands (PC2) ..............................................................................................31 3.3. Scholarly Research Projects ..............................................................................................33 3.3.1. Kīholo Bay Buoy (UHH1) .......................................................................................34 3.3.2. Puakō (UHH3) .........................................................................................................35 3.3.3. Honokōhau Harbor (UHH2) ....................................................................................37 3.3.4. Kealakekua Bay (UHH2k) .......................................................................................39 3.4. Citizen Science Research ..................................................................................................41 3.4.1. Keauhou Bay (CZ1) .................................................................................................41 3.5. Hawaiʻi Ocean Time Series (Control Site) .......................................................................42 3.6. Summary ...........................................................................................................................44 Chapter 4 Design and Implementation of the Geodatabase .......................................................... 45 4.1. Creation of SQL Tables from the Raw Source Data.........................................................45 4.1.1. The Geodatabase Schema ........................................................................................45 4.1.2. Georeferencing Sampling Stations ..........................................................................51 4.1.3. Analyte Matching and Coding .................................................................................52 4.1.4. SQL Queries and Data Extraction from Sources .....................................................53 4.2. Geoprocessing Methods ....................................................................................................55 4.2.1. Geodatabase Preparation ..........................................................................................55 4.2.2. Esri Relate Use Case ................................................................................................56 Chapter 5 Results: The GitHub Repository .................................................................................. 58 5.1. Using GitHub ....................................................................................................................58 v 5.2. Repository Details .............................................................................................................60 Chapter 6 Conclusion .................................................................................................................... 64 6.1. Lessons Learned................................................................................................................64 6.2. Future Opportunities .........................................................................................................65 References ..................................................................................................................................... 67 Appendix A Keāhole Point (LTS1) .............................................................................................. 70 Appendix B HDOH Clean Water Branch (LTS2) ........................................................................ 80 Appendix C Waiakailio Bay (PC4)............................................................................................... 82 Appendix D ʻOʻoma Beach (PC3) ................................................................................................ 84 Appendix E Hokuliʻa (PC1).......................................................................................................... 87 Appendix F Keopuka Lands (PC2) ............................................................................................... 89 Appendix G Kīholo Bay Buoy (UHH1) ....................................................................................... 91 Appendix H Puakō (UHH3).......................................................................................................... 92 Appendix I Honokōhau Harbor and Kealakekua Bay (UHH2h and UHH2k) .............................. 93 Appendix J Keauhou Bay (CZ1)................................................................................................... 95 Appendix K Hawaiʻi Ocean Time series (Control Site) ............................................................... 96 Appendix L FoxDB and STARED Database Schema .................................................................. 97 Appendix M Geodatabase Data Dictionary .................................................................................. 98 Appendix N Analyte Domains and Codes .................................................................................. 106 Appendix O R Code to Extract Text from PDF File .................................................................. 109 vi List of Figures Figure 1. The study area is the west side of Hawaiʻi Island ........................................................... 4 Figure 2. Hawai‘i Island Volcanoes................................................................................................ 5 Figure 3. Annual Rainfall on Hawai‘i Island .................................................................................. 6 Figure 4. Introduction to West Hawaiʻi water quality data survey projects. .................................. 7 Figure 5. Development workflow for this study. ............................................................................ 8 Figure 6. Water quality classes in Hawai‘i ................................................................................... 12 Figure 7. An example of station locations along an imaginary transect. ...................................... 16 Figure 8. Water quality transects and stations at various spatial scales........................................ 17 Figure 9. The one-to-many relational table design for water quality in the GIS. ......................... 18 Figure 10. Water Quality Project Taxonomy ................................................................................ 20 Figure 11. Project locations and types .......................................................................................... 21 Figure 12. The long time series regulatory projects by the Natural Energy Laboratory (LTS1) and Department of Health (LTS2) ........................................................................... 24 Figure 13. Keāhole Point long time series project (LTS1) ........................................................... 25 Figure 14. HDOH long time series project (LTS2) ...................................................................... 26 Figure 15. Private consultant projects ........................................................................................... 28 Figure 16. Waiakailio Bay, private consultant project (PC4) ....................................................... 29 Figure 17. ’O’oma Beach, private consultant project (PC3). ....................................................... 30 Figure 18. Hokuliʻa, private consultant project (PC1) .................................................................. 31 Figure 19. Keopuka, private consultant project (PC2) ................................................................. 32 Figure 20. Research inquiry projects ............................................................................................ 34 Figure 21. Kīholo Buoy, research inquiry project (UHH1) .......................................................... 35 Figure 22. Puakō, scholarly research project (UHH3) .................................................................. 36 Figure 23. Honokōhau Harbor, scholarly research project (UHH2) ............................................. 38 vii Figure 24. Kealakekua Bay, scholarly research project (UHH2k) ............................................... 40 Figure 25. Keauhou Bay, local citizen research inquiry project (CZ1) ........................................ 42 Figure 26. ALOHA Station control site (Control) ........................................................................ 43 Figure 27. Steps in the design of the relational geodatabase and preparation of data .................. 45 Figure 28. FoxDB schema (partial) .............................................................................................. 46 Figure 29. Schematic representation of the key tables in the water quality data model used in the FoxDB. ........................................................................................................................ 47 Figure 30. Matching geodatabase with FoxDB table designs....................................................... 48 Figure 31. Geodatabase schema .................................................................................................... 49 Figure 32. SQL Query Flow ......................................................................................................... 54 Figure 33. SQL tables to Esri ArcGIS processing steps ............................................................... 56 Figure 34. Relate feature class FCStation and tables TBSample and TBResult............................ 57 Figure 35. GitHub WestHawaiiWaterQuality Repositories .......................................................... 59 Figure 36. Downloading SQL_Methods from GitHub ................................................................. 60 Figure 37. NELHA 2007 station distances change ....................................................................... 70 Figure 38. HDOH Clean Water Branch Input File ....................................................................... 80 Figure 39. Waiakailio Bay Table 2. .............................................................................................. 82 Figure 40. ʻOʻoma Beach 2006 Data Table 2. .............................................................................. 84 Figure 41. Hokuliʻa transect data table. ........................................................................................ 87 Figure 42. Keopuka data table ...................................................................................................... 89 Figure 43. Input file for Kīholo Bay Buoy project ....................................................................... 91 Figure 44. Table 1 (partial) ........................................................................................................... 92 Figure 45. Table 1 (partial) input data table ................................................................................. 93 Figure 46. FoxDB Schema ............................................................................................................ 97 viii List of Tables Table 1. Transect and Station Counts for Water Quality Projects ................................................ 19 Table 2. The most common analytes ............................................................................................ 22 Table 3. Key FoxDB Water Science Database Tables ................................................................. 47 Table 4. FCStation table description (partial list) ......................................................................... 49 Table 5 TBSample table description (partial list) .......................................................................... 50 Table 6. TBResult table description (partial list) .......................................................................... 51 Table 7. Analytes in State Law with assigned codes .................................................................... 53 Table 8. GitHub Public Repository Contents ............................................................................... 58 Table 9. Project Row Counts with GitHub Repository Names .................................................... 60 Table 10. Analyte Results: Keāhole Point Old 1993-2007.. ......................................................... 70 Table 11. Analyte Results: Keāhole Point New 2007-2017 ......................................................... 71 Table 12. Analyte Results: HDOH Clean Water Branch. ............................................................. 80 Table 13. HDOH Clean Water Branch alert counts by location. .................................................. 81 Table 14. Analyte Results: Waiakailio Bay. ................................................................................. 82 Table 15. Analyte Results: ʻOʻoma 1990-1992 analyte results. ................................................... 84 Table 16. Analyte Results: ʻOʻoma 2002 analyte results ............................................................. 85 Table 17. Analyte Results: ʻOʻoma 2006 analyte results ............................................................. 85 Table 18. Analyte Results: Hokuliʻa ............................................................................................. 87 Table 19. Analyte Results: Keopuka from 1991 ........................................................................... 89 Table 20. Analyte Results: Keopuka from 2000 ........................................................................... 90 Table 21. Analyte Results: Kīholo Buoy ...................................................................................... 91 Table 22. Analyte Results: Puakō. ................................................................................................ 92 Table 23. Analyte Results: Honokōhau Harbor ............................................................................ 93 Table 24. Analyte Results: Kealakekua Bay................................................................................. 94 ix Table 25. Analyte Results: Keauhou Bay ..................................................................................... 95 Table 26. Analyte Results: Selected yearly analytes by count from station ALOHA .................. 96 Table 27. FCStation description ................................................................................................... 98 Table 28. TBSample description ................................................................................................. 101 Table 29. TBResult description ................................................................................................... 104 x Acknowledgements I thank all the water quality scientists whose data I used in this thesis. These dedicated scientists believed the results of their work would be important to show the status of the ocean waters. I treated the data with great care and often envisioned them bouncing around on a boat or swimming out into the waves with their bottles to fill the great machines back in the laboratory. I am honored to pass along their work. I am grateful to my advisor Dr. Karen Kemp for our weekly sessions discussing how to proceed and getting me back on track when I drifted off-topic. My committee members, Dr. An- Min Wu and Dr. Laura Loyola, played key roles in the initial design and instructing me how to describe a geodatabase project. I am grateful to my writing coach Mallory Graves for teaching me to ask “so what?” as she taught me how to turn my programmer reference manual writing into a readable style. My water quality mentors from Kona, Dr. Richard Bennett and Dr. Dennis Mihalka, are the reason this document exists. I thank Dr. Bennett for his unwavering patience and dedication to teach me West Hawaiʻi ocean water topics. I learned so much and had a wonderful and fun time with lively discussions in weekly calls. I thank Dr. Mihalka for teaching me about his water quality projects and encouraging calls and emails. I thank Keith Olson for teaching me about water science at NELHA and reviewing my initial designs. I thank Dr. Tracy Wiegner for reviewing an early draft and helping me understand the scope of some projects. I thank Roxane Barraza at Esri for allowing me to have my own academic license for this project. xi List of Abbreviations CWB State of Hawaiʻi Department of Health, Clean Water Branch EIS/R Environmental Impact Statement/Report EPA US Environmental Protection Agency GIS Geographic Information System GDB Geodatabase (Esri terminology for native database) HAR Hawaiʻi Administrative Rules HDOH State of Hawaiʻi Department of Health HOT Hawaiʻi Ocean Time series NELHA Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaiʻi Authority PacIOOS Pacific Islands Oceans Observing System QAPP Quality Assurance Project Plan SGD Submarine Ground Discharge SQL Structured Query Language xii Abstract An integrated ocean water quality geodatabase for the West Hawai‘i Island region is of interest to local scientists who want to assess near-shore ocean waters because the unique properties of this environment allow the data to speak for the environment as a whole. With guidance from local environmental scientists, disparate near-shore water quality projects from different organizations were combined and integrated into a single geodatabase using reproducible methods. This study used SQL query methods to extract data from regulatory monitoring and scholarly research documents into a professional spatio-temporal water science database for use in the Esri ArcGIS Pro software program. The final geodatabase contains 100,000 analyte results from 15,000 samples at 300 stations. The geodatabase, data, methods, images and data and documentation sources used to produce these results were published at GitHub free for use. This geodatabase provides a GIS foundation to support the future development of online web maps and story maps that can be used to inform the public about ocean water quality changes. 1 Chapter 1 Introduction Ocean water quality monitoring is essential in efforts to characterize, evaluate, and ensure protective standards and best practices for long-term management of precious water resources. On the west side of Hawai‘i Island, water scientists have expressed the need to develop a comprehensive database which incorporates the work of various scientists over multiple years, and at different locales along the near-shore ocean waters. This thesis describes the development of an integrated spatio-temporal database of water quality data that can be used for data-driven solutions in this region. The scientists involved in this study identified a critical disconnect in how water quality data are utilized and understood in academic, regulatory, and public contexts. This disconnect is due largely to a lack of standardized methods of water quality data distribution and aggregation as well as the need for new sharing mechanisms on behalf of the entities (scientific, academic, and regulatory) involved in water quality management in the West Hawai‘i Island region. Additionally, the lack of efficient ways to integrate disparate data along with overall challenges in the various methodologies used for water quality monitoring have prohibited scientists from creating an authoritative knowledge baseline for influencing water quality management standards and regulations. A robust, spatio-temporal database which factors in years of water quality data would enable people to understand and visualize ocean water quality trends and issues, as well as allow scientists to perform meaningful analyses and studies that represent a much larger source of sample data. This research offers a two-fold solution to support the needs expressed by the water scientists and other entities involved in this study: 1) provide an ocean water quality geodatabase developed in a GIS as a baseline for quantitative studies and analyses, and 2) provide a 2 foundation for the development of an interactive mapping narrative tool (a web GIS) for water quality education, drawing from a wealth of resources which help to tell the complex story of ocean water quality trends via maps, photos, and other multimedia. 1.1. Motivators of this Project There is a community of concerned residents and scientists on the Island of Hawaiʻi who would like to tell the story about changes in the water quality along the shoreline of West Hawaiʻi. I worked remotely with local environmental scientists Dr. Richard H. Bennett, Dr. Dennis J. Mihalka, and Keith Olson to understand water quality monitoring, choose projects, and design the geodatabase. Dr. Bennett, a Hawaiʻi Island environmental scientist living in Kailua-Kona, believes the integration and sharing of this diverse collection of data will contribute to public awareness and provide baseline data for future analysis. Dr. Mihalka, in this document identified as the kayak scientist, shared his data from a forty-week long sampling series in Keauhou Bay. Since he wants to inform the public and plan future research projects, he needs a way to publish his results in a publicly accessible database with a known design to share with other scientists. Mr. Olson, the Chief Science Officer of Natural Energy Laboratories Hawaiʻi Authority, and I discussed water quality at Keāhole Point and the region in general. These scientists shared their ideas and insight on how to move forward towards the creation of a water quality management geographic information system. 1.2. Project Overview The local environmental scientists who motivated this project had the following requirements: 1) combine water quality files from different sources, locations and time ranges into a geodatabase; 2) create methods for the implementation and maintenance of a map-based 3 water quality monitoring data system; and 3) provide a technical foundation from which scientists will be able to create new kinds of water quality visualizations for their ongoing efforts to engage the public. Scientists collect near-shore ocean water samples on which they perform numerous chemical and microbiological measurements in order to understand the environment. The values of these analyte measurements are used to identify nutrients introduced by land discharge from human and animal waste, agriculture operations, golf course fertilizers, and aquaculture waste disposal. In the West Hawaiʻi region, the characteristics of these analyte values are important to the public because they are used by the State of Hawaiʻi to address the long-term effects of shoreline property development as well as immediate needs like publishing beach pollution advisories. The State of Hawaiʻi Department of Health (HDOH) provides a set of best management practices to prevent or reduce pollution in the near-shore water for this region (see Chapter 2). Scientists need to follow these practices, methods and measures to make statements regarding exceedances in their results and conclusions. In consultation with water quality scientists, this project identified the required analyte values collected across multiple surveys and research projects and combined them into a single, comprehensive geodatabase. These efforts will provide the basis for a visualization tool to support the scientists need for online tools, and will help them follow and examine the effectiveness of the management practices. 1.3. The Study Area The general study area is the west side of Hawaiʻi Island, the largest and easternmost of the main chain of islands (see Figure 1). Hawaiʻi Island is also called The Big Island. The well- known city on the west side is Kailua-Kona and on the east side, Hilo. 4 Figure 1. The study area is the west side of Hawaiʻi Island. Points indicate water quality project sites included in this study. To understand the mechanisms affecting ocean water quality in West Hawaiʻi requires understanding the geography, primarily the location of the volcanos and the prevailing weather pattern. Figure 2 shows the five volcanoes making up the island. The two largest volcanoes, Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa reach to high elevations of 13,796ft (4,205m) and 13,679ft (4,169m), respectively (Lau and Mink 2006). 5 Figure 2. Hawai‘i Island Volcanoes. Source:, accessed August 7, 2018. In the Hawaiian Islands, the trade winds from the northeast are the main source of rain (Lau and Mink 2006). It rains often on the windward Hilo side, with an annual precipitation around 300 in, or 7.6 m, because this is where the trade winds blow against the tall volcanos, draining the clouds. In contrast, it does not rain often on the leeward, arid west side, with annual precipitation around 8 in, or 20.3 cm. Figure 3 shows the annual rainfall (in inches) on the island. 6 Figure 3. Annual Rainfall on Hawai‘i Island. Data source: Giambelluca et al. 2013. The hundreds of inches of rain per year on the windward side permeate through the discontinuous and inhomogeneous layers of volcanic rocks to eventually discharge into the ocean on both sides of the island as submarine ground discharge (SGD) (Laws 1993). SGD occurs from fractures, faults, lava tubes or diffuse seepage at the shoreline (Knee et al. 2010). Knee et al. estimate these flows are as high as five million gallons per mile every day at some locations. Since the discharge quantities are so large, a water quality scientist’s overall objective is to measure the additional nutrients introduced by anthropogenic sources (Dollar and Atkinson 1992). As the water flows underground from the volcanoes to the ocean, nutrients from sources such as silicates from the basalt rocks, nitrogen and phosphorus from natural and anthropogenic 7 sources, pathogens from soils or human/animal waste, and other nutrients are dissolved or suspended in the water. 1.4. Water Quality Geodatabase Development Overview To begin the design and development of the proposed geodatabase, Dr. Bennett and I discussed the available data sources and chose ten projects as the initial baseline data for a GIS water quality monitoring system (Figure 4). The contents of the geodatabase include: four data tables from private consultant scientists, two long time series (decades long sampling regime) provided by State of Hawaiʻi scientists, three data tables from professors and students at the University of Hawaiʻi and a nearly yearlong series from a citizen scientist (Dr. Mihalka) who collected samples while paddling a kayak. Figure 4. Introduction to West Hawaiʻi water quality data survey projects. Esri ArcGIS software programs rely on a set of objects collectively called a geodatabase as the common data structure necessary to access spatial and temporal geoprocessing tools. The geodatabase architecture is the native ArcGIS structure for managing data input, output from geoprocessing methods, and distributed data access, and for sharing data and results with the public (Zeiler and Murphy 2010). Integrating numerous research projects into a water quality geodatabase deliverable was achieved in five major steps, shown in Figure 5. First, data tables from numerous documents 8 were extracted from various document types. Analytes such as nitrogen, phosphorus, oxygen, chlorophyll a, turbidity, temperature, salinity, Enterococci spp. and C. Perfringens were uniquely identified for inclusion in the database. Then, sampling station locations identified in each data source were geocoded using MyMaps GIS by Google. Next, a professional water quality database schema was modified into ArcGIS geodatabase objects and Microsoft-SQL query scripts were developed as the methods to process different arrangements of input data before moving the data into the geodatabase objects in the fourth step. The final step produced the key deliverable of this project: the integration of matched analytes, collected over many years of disparate projects, into a single geodatabase shared openly on GitHub. Figure 5. Development workflow for this study. 1.5. Thesis Organization The general narrative structure of this document reflects the way in which the project was conducted. More specifically, the nature of this study required an understanding of water quality in West Hawaiʻi gleaned from a number of perspectives; chief among these was the group of environmental scientists who guided the objectives and requirements of this project. Each of the scientists has unique methods of data collection, data standards and goals, and various platforms for analyzing water quality data. Also, it is imperative to understand and describe the 9 environmental and geophysical context of the study region, site-specific information is critical to the validity of the results and conclusions. The structure of this paper integrates and reinforces how each scientist contributed to the development of the geodatabase. It includes a large number of exhibits that provide additional narrative content (many of which are included in the Appendices of this paper to reduce the length of the thesis’ main chapters). This rich narrative content is included to support a key goal of this project—to lay the foundation for a future (and natural) extension of this research, the creation of an interactive web map (i.e. an Esri Story Map). By providing this additional material that was collected in order to develop the geodatabase, content is readily available to inspire those who wish to continue telling their stories about West Hawai‘i water quality. This thesis contains five additional chapters. Following this chapter, Chapter 2 provides background information regarding unique West Hawai‘i water quality topics and describes how water quality data is visualized in a geographic information system. Chapter 3 explains and presents contextual maps for each of the ten projects including a temporal analysis relating similar project types using timelines. Chapter 4 covers the design and implementation of the geodatabase. Chapter 5 details the GitHub public repository where the resultant geodatabase, methods and associated content can be downloaded by anyone. Finally, Chapter 6 wraps up this project with a list of limitations and future development proposals. 10 Chapter 2 Protecting and Assessing Near-shore Water Quality This chapter provides a framework to understand the basis on which water quality data is collected and utilized in West Hawai‘i. There are several different kinds of documents that identify and protect the quality of the near-shore ocean water in the West Hawai’i region. This chapter first describes the federal legislation and state guidelines that guide water quality monitoring in this region. Responding to these legislative and administrative guidelines, consultant scientists produce water quality assessments within Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) and scholarly researchers carry out research to understand the basis for water quality management in general. This chapter establishes the documentation background to support why I extracted data from EIS and research publications to include in a common geodatabase. Once the water quality documentation framework that determined the nature of this geodatabase project is outlined, the data sources and analytes of interest are introduced. Next, an explanation of how water quality data is represented in GIS is provided. 2.1. Legislative Foundations The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the State of Hawaiʻi Department of Health (HDOH) decree water quality requirements and regulatory activities on Hawaiʻi Island. These provide the foundations for the development of the geodatabase. 2.1.1. Federal Legislation Section §303(d) of the Clean Water Act (CWA, full title: Federal Water Pollution Control Amendments of 1972) (Congress H.R 1972, 105-106) requires states to establish water quality standards and submit pollution exceedance data to an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) database (HDOH 2012b). The Clean Water Act was amended to include the Beach 11 Environmental Assessment and Coastal Health (BEACH) Act which requires coastal states to develop mechanisms for detecting pathogens along with requiring public notifications of any exceedances (US Congress 2000, 4-5). The geodatabase developed in this project includes the fifty thousand analyte results that the Hawai‘i Department of Health (HDOH) has collected since 1973 to support the Clean Water Act and BEACH Act. The exceedances are easily found in the data since each sample includes a true/false flag indicating whether a pollution event occurred and the values of the analytes in exceedance. 2.1.2. Hawaiʻi State Programs The HDOH performs water quality surveys to support these two EPA programs. Specifically, the CWA is concerned with chemical measurements and the BEACH program is concerned with microbiological measurement results. As required by the CWA and BEACH Act, the State of Hawai‘i has numerous documents outlining the standards for water quality surveys and the HDOH provides documents to guide all ocean water quality researchers. State programs regarding criteria specific to marine water quality are administrative rules (HDOH 2014), a description of the beach pathogen monitoring program (HDOH 2017a) and a quality assurance project plan (QAPP) (HDOH 2012a) specifying detailed scientific criteria. Hawaiʻi Administrative Rules While the HDOH provides detailed uses and criteria for marine water quality with specific rules and classifications for West Hawai‘i locations (HDOH 2014, 45-55), the Hawai‘i Administrative Rules (HAR) classify the water off West Hawai‘i into two classes (see Figure 6): 12 • Class AA – water should remain as near as possible to its natural pristine state “with an absolute minimum of pollution or alteration of water quality from any human- caused source or actions” (HDOH 2014, 15-16) • Class A – water should be protected for “recreational purposes and aesthetic enjoyment” (HDOH 2014, 16-17). Figure 6. Water quality classes in Hawai‘i. Points along the coast indicate the location of projects included in this thesis. These A and AA classifications are important because there are different rules, separate criteria, and exclusion lists for specific areas. Regardless of the classification, these rules specify a minimum set of analytes, methods and measurement requirements. This regulation is important 13 because scientists need to use this baseline of analytes, draw charts and make conclusions based on the relevant formulas and values. The algorithms and constants in the publication Rationale of the Development of Area- Specific Water Quality Criteria for the West Coast of the Island of Hawai‘i and Procedures for their Use are used by the scientists whose work is included in this study because “they are tailored to the Kona Coast and better represent achievable water quality goals for the area than do the present statewide criteria” (HDOH 1997, 15). The HDOH updated earlier HAR rules with new West Hawai’i site-specific exceedance formulas using known submarine groundwater discharge properties. This document is critical because the scientists in this study producing regulatory data use it to determine if a measurement taken at a location is in exceedance. HDOH Beach Monitoring Program Of interest to ocean users are beach closures due to pollution exceedances; they simply want to know if it is safe to go into the water. The scientists at the HDOH explain their beach testing protocol and notification procedures and practices in the Beach Monitoring Program (HDOH 2017a). If water quality results are in exceedance, the analyte values and the specific reason for the closing the beach or other near-shore waters are published by the HDOH. They use community partners, such as the Surfrider Foundation, universities, county lifeguards, and the visitor industry, to warn the public by posting signs on the beach and other methods such as email and social media. An on line web map provides a visual way to locate current advisories and provides more details on the extent of the pollution event and expected resolution ( 14 2.1.3. Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) As required by the CWA and BEACH Act, the QAPP document outlines detailed quality requirements a scientist must meet when analyzing and publishing water quality analyte results (HDOH 2012a). For example, various tables in that document describe how to perform field measurements and specify minimum standards for laboratory instruments. HDOH uses specific procedures and two bacterial analytes to monitor the beaches for pathogens. Enterococcus spp. is the indicator and Clostridium perfringens is the secondary tracer of sewage contamination. 2.2. Water Quality Data Sources The purpose of this project was to assemble qualified water quality sample data from regulatory documents and scholarly researchers into one geodatabase. A key source of data are marine assessments which are a required component of Environmental Impact Statements. Another important source is reports by scholarly researchers who produce a wide range of data tables also intended to address the state of water quality in the West Hawai‘i region. It is important to note that all data used in this project are open and readily available to the public. The geodatabase created is also open and none of the data used are proprietary or used without permissions. 2.2.1. Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) The Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) documents are rich and underutilized sources of water quality data and analysis (pers. comm. Richard Bennett, multiple dates). They are public information and available free of charge at a HDOH online archive. An EIS is a wide-ranging set of environmental studies and survey information submitted to the government to assess the potential impact of a development. A private party associated with a potential land developer hires a water quality scientist experienced in the area to perform 15 an analysis for publication within the EIS. The scientist, working as a private consultant, designs, implements and publishes a quantitative analysis of the additional nutrients the proposed project would add to the naturally occurring quantities. There are four EIS water quality assessments included in the thesis geodatabase produced by three well-known consultants. 2.2.2. Scholarly Publications Data tables and analysis produced by scholarly researchers are an important source of water quality data tables in this thesis. These scholars typically publish tables containing only the geometric mean of their raw data, averaged at each location over the time range of their data collection period. The geometric mean (the nth root of the product of the n numbers), as opposed to the arithmetic mean (add the n numbers and divide by n), is almost universally used for recreational water quality data (Wymer 2007). Even though the raw data is generally not available, these averaged water quality data are published in tables in journals, reports, theses and dissertations. Therefore, the number of samples and the time range are key parameters to record. For this thesis project, Dr. Tracy Wiegner (pers. comm. via email, April 24, 2018) and Leilani Abaya (pers. comm. via email, April 26, 2018), from UHH Marine Science Laboratory, and Fiona Langenberger (pers. comm. via email, August 10, 2018), from the Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (PacIOOS) at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, agreed to publishing their raw academic data in the public geodatabase. 2.3. GIS and Ocean Water Quality Data This section describes what water quality data looks like in a GIS and introduces the cartographic formats used in figures in this document. On a map, water quality stations are visualized as points on a line in the ocean, each point is a row in a table with latitude and 16 longitude fields in a relational database management system (DBMS). For this water quality DBMS, there is a table of the locations (stations) where scientists collected each water sample for testing and separate related data tables for analyte results at these locations. Typically, the stations are aligned along an imaginary line called a transect originating from the shoreline and extending out into the ocean. For example, Figure 7 shows a map of a water quality project in Keauhou Bay where the six red diamond station symbols are arranged in a line starting at the parking lot and then outward at progressively longer distances to 500 m into the mouth of the bay. Dr. Dennis Mihalka used a GPS device to navigate his kayak to these same locations every week to take water samples, perform measurements, and record his results in a spreadsheet. In all sampling location figures of this document, a red diamond symbol is used for station locations and the base map is from Open Street Map ( Figure 7. An example of station locations along a transect. Using a larger time series project as an example, the scientist at Keāhole Point measures many transects designed around an aquaculture and energy research site (see Figure 8). This 17 style of map displays different spatial contexts at various scales. At lower resolution scales (where the map covers a large area), the transects resemble single dots on the map; but at higher resolutions, the transects and individual stations become visible. At the higher resolution, the design of the transects and the stations along them are apparent (bottom two frames in Figure 8). Figure 8. Water quality transects and stations at various spatial scales. Inside the GIS, the data are organized into a location table and data tables. GIS software provides techniques to query the data associated with a location (see Figure 9). Chapter 4 describes how the geodatabase was designed using the relational links necessary to use the GIS geoprocessing tools and features for extraction of the sample results from station locations. 18 Figure 9. The one-to-many relational table design for water quality in the GIS. Chapter 4 outlines the geodatabase schema design for the station locations and sample results tables and the methods to link them together. But first, the next chapter describes the projects, including their maps and images, that were integrated into the geodatabase. 19 Chapter 3 Background on the Water Quality Projects in the Geodatabase Scientists like to study the West Hawai’i region due to its small size, consistent seasons, and arid climate (Lau and Mink 2006). The west region is favorable for water quality research because of the oligotrophic (i.e. normally low in nutrients) near-shore surface waters and a dominant source of nutrients that allows scientists to make conclusions about the larger environment. Thus, the critical factor guiding water quality studies in this region is the presence of submarine ground discharge (SGD). The scientists whose data are included in this geodatabase consider this unique subsurface hydraulic process as the dominant source of nutrients in their analyses. This chapter introduces each water quality project included in the geodatabase. Table 1 summarizes the transect and station counts for each project and notes the reason the data were collected. Table 1. Transect and Station Counts for Water Quality Projects ProjectID Transects Stations Project Location Notes LTS1 6 30 Keāhole Point Long term time series LTS2 0 48 HDOH Sites Long term time series PC4 3 15 Waiakailio Bay Private consultant project in Kohala district in Class A waters UHH3 16 16 Puakō Scholarly inquiry UHH1 1 1 Kīholo Bay Scholarly inquiry using buoys to create real-time network of data PC3 3 15 ʻOʻoma Beach Private consultant project adjacent to Keāhole Point CZ1 1 8 Keauhou Bay Citizen scientist UHH2h & UHH2k 8 4 Honokōhau Harbor & Kealakekua Bay Scholarly inquiry project at two tourist locations PC2 3 17 Keopuka Lands Private consultant project in conservation land area PC1 7 21 Hokuliʻa Private consultant project surrounding a golf course Control 0 1 ALOHA Station Possible control site north of O‘ahu Island 20 The projects were categorized into five data source groups: State of Hawai‘i, Hawai‘i County, University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo, local citizens and a control site by University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa. The purpose of the data collection, either regulatory monitoring or research inquiries, further differentiates the data sources. Regulations require scientists to produce data to monitor the quality of the ocean water in the public interest. Research inquiries support scientific objectives to better understand the environment and develop new monitoring mechanisms. The research inquires discussed in this chapter are different kinds of projects documented by scientists at the University of Hawai‘i and a citizen scientist paddling a kayak. Figure 10 shows the taxonomy of projects within the geodatabase. The bottom layer of the hierarchy (shown in the green boxes) are the specific kinds of projects presented in this chapter. The map in Figure 11 shows the kinds of projects and their locations (except the control site which is not on Hawai‘i Island). Figure 10. Water Quality Project Taxonomy 21 Figure 11. Project locations and types. The hillshade raster (contributed by Robert Whittier) highlights the volcanoes. The primary contributions to the geodatabase include two regulatory long time series datasets: Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawai‘i Authority (NELHA) and the Hawai‘i Department of Health (HDOH). The data set produced by NELHA covers twenty-five years and the set produced by the HDOH covers over forty-five years. NELHA data set is not only very large but it is consistent in both analyte results and sample interval which makes the data important when researching changes over the twenty-five period at Keāhole Point. The HDOH data set is important for two reasons. this data is the source of the exceedances reported to the EPA and provides a record of all beaches that were closed because of pollution events. The common analytes recorded by the scientists who produced the data for the geodatabase include nitrogen, phosphorus, chlorophyll a, oxygen, turbidity, temperature, silica, salinity, Enterococci spp. and C. Perfringens. These are summarized in Table 2. As noted earlier, 22 the Enterococci spp. bacteria indicator has special importance in this area because the State of Hawaiʻi Department of Health (HDOH) bases beach closures and re-openings on the values of this analyte, as directed in the BEACH Act. Table 2. The most common analytes. Source: USGS 2018 (except as noted). Name West Hawaiʻi Concerns Salinity, silicates, temperature Indicates submarine ground discharge properties (Lau and Mink 2006). Enterococci spp., C. Perfringens Bacteria are common single-celled organisms and are a natural component of lakes, rivers, and streams. Most of these bacteria are harmless to humans; however, certain bacteria, some of which normally inhabit the intestinal tract of warm-blooded animals, have the potential to cause sickness and disease in humans. Total nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen, nitrate+nitrite nitrogen Nitrogen, in the forms of nitrate, nitrite, or ammonium, is a nutrient needed for plant growth. Total phosphorus A common constituent of agricultural fertilizers, manure, and organic wastes in sewage and industrial effluent. Chlorophyll a Indication of primary biological productivity (Lau and Mink 2006). Turbidity Turbidity is the measure of relative clarity of a liquid. Dissolved oxygen Measure of how much oxygen is dissolved in the water. Each section below presents a summary and visual representation of each project. Ten projects and a control site were chosen for the initial effort to create a water quality monitoring system and geodatabase for the West Hawai‘i region. Dr. Bennett chose most of the sites and we discussed the importance of each site in weekly conference calls. I created a contextual map of each project and a matching appendix for each project provides additional narrative content and figures intended to contribute to the eventual development of a multi-media map presentation to share water quality information and science with the public. It is important to note that most 23 maps included in this chapter and the appendices were generated from the geodatabase whose construction is described in the next chapter. 3.1. Natural Energy Laboratory and Department of Health Projects The geodatabase contains two regulatory time series projects from NELHA and HDOH (see Figure 12). A comprehensive dataset from Keāhole Point was contributed by Keith Olson from NELHA. The consistent sampling interval, analyte types that match state law, and the spatial distribution of transects surrounding the project area make this robust data well-suited for the geodatabase (GDB) for this data integration project. It provides a foundation for comparing analyte values against all the other projects since there is always data available from NELHA for any time range. The HDOH data is important because of the extended duration and bacteria analytes that determine whether to close polluted beaches and transmit advisories out to the public. The scientists supporting this study expressed a need for data to understand the sampling pattern before and after beach closure events. While the HDOH data set is not as consistent in sample interval and sampling distribution as NELHA, they represent different agendas. The HDOH dataset is reconciling two EPA programs for multiple locations along the coast. 24 Figure 12. The long time series regulatory projects by the Natural Energy Laboratory (LTS1) and Department of Health (LTS2) 3.1.1. NELHA sampling at Keāhole Point (LTS1) NELHA is the largest seawater operation in the world. Pipes draw cold, nutrient rich water from deep in the ocean to support numerous aquaculture and commercial operations. The waste water is then discharged via trenches back to the ocean. As part of their water quality monitoring protocol, NELHA scientists collect oceanic water samples at thirty stations every ninety days (pers. comm. with Keith Olson, December 2017) (Figure 13 and Appendix A). Mr. Olson designed the transects around the intake pipes and discharge trenches and records analyte results matching the state regulatory requirements. 25 Figure 13. Keāhole Point long time series project (LTS1). Data Source: pers. comm. Keith Olson. There are six transects each with five stations arranged around Keāhole Point, located near trench and pipe locations. The analytes recorded are: ammonia nitrogen, chlorophyll a, nitrate+nitrite nitrogen, dissolved oxygen, phosphorus, pH, salinity, silicates, total nitrogen, total dissolved phosphorus, temperature, and turbidity. 3.1.2. Department of Health sampling (LTS2) The HDOH Clean Water Branch takes surface ocean samples up and down the coast with most locations right off a beach or pier (see Figure 14 and Appendix B). There are data recorded for a total of 48 stations in this series spread all along the coast. HDOH employees wade into the ocean with a bottle on a stick to collect a water sample about a meter below the surface. The sample bottle is then sent to a laboratory for processing and the analyte results are published on a 26 public data portal. I developed a SQL method to extract, import and manipulate this data to a set of tables for incorporation into the geodatabase. Figure 14. HDOH long time series project (LTS2). Station data source: PacIOOS, The analytes recorded are: Enterococcus spp., C. Perfringens, temperature, salinity, turbidity, pH and oxygen along with a true/false ‘Alert’ flag on each sample. The Alert flag is true if the analyte results are in exceedance as determined by criteria in the Beach Monitoring Program document. This project is the backbone of the thesis. It supports the requirement to be able to determine changes in quality over time and provides the background data on the specific values 27 for analytes regarding beach closures to the public. The decision to close a beach for pollution events is directly related to this data. The next section also describes time series data although the sampling times are not as repetitive (or long term) since private consultants’ projects are undertaken for a specific proposed development. 3.2. Private Consultant Projects Private consultants use multiple transects and choose station lengths to cover the extent of the SGD gradients to record analyte results conforming to regulatory requirements. The purpose of these projects is to determine if a proposed shoreline development will have significant effect on the environment, ending with a conclusion recommending whether or not the government should approve the project. The private consultant projects are rich sources of both data and area specific analysis. Each project is unique in analytical richness and the determination of whether the development should proceed. I attempted to identify the specific characteristics of project designs using the maps in the individual projects in the following sections. I wrote methods to extract the data tables from PDFs and integrated these into the geodatabase for this thesis. Figure 15 shows the timeline of each project with some common dates in 1991-1992 and 2003-2004 ranges. Both Dr. Steven Dollar and Dr. Richard Brock included in the referenced reports multiple data tables from previous surveys to provide a time series baseline for future researchers. 28 Figure 15. Private consultant projects 3.2.1. Waiakailio Bay (PC4) Dr. Steven Dollar created a baseline data set for an EIS proposal for a shoreline development project (Dollar 2015, 100) (Figure 16 and Appendix C). I decided to include this site because Dr. Dollar provided extended narrative written in a direct understandable style and included discussion and analysis about an important gulch close by. He stated that the Honokoa Gulch is important to water quality scientists and he moved his transect #3 farther south to provide a baseline for future scientists interested in studying this gulch. 29 Figure 16. Waiakailio Bay, private consultant project (PC4). Station data source: Dollar 2010. There are two transects located at the subject property and another about 1 km south. The station distances on the transects are shorter than other projects because the SGD seeps out right near the shoreline. The analytes included are: ammonia nitrogen, chlorophyll a, dissolved organic nitrogen, NO3, dissolved oxygen, O2 saturation, 0-phosphate, pH, salinity, silicates, total nitrogen, temperature, total phosphorus, and turbidity. 3.2.2. ʻOʻoma Beach (PC3) Dr. Steven Dollar also created a long time series baseline data set for a proposed development project at ʻOʻoma Beach (Dollar 2008) (see Figure 17 and Appendix D). He included three tables of analyte results from the current survey along with previous surveys covering a 16-year range. The proximity of this site is significant because it is adjacent to NELHA and the normal current flow is from the North to the South (as expressed to me by the collaborating scientists). 30 Figure 17. ’O’oma Beach, private consultant project (PC3). Station data source: Dollar 2008, Conceptual plan: PBR Hawai‘i 2009. 3.2.3. Hokuliʻa (PC1) During August 2003, Dr. David A. Ziemann (Ziemann and Klein 2003, 1-26) took ocean samples from a boat at seven transects adjacent and north of the Hokuliʻa golf course (see Figure 18 and Appendix E). Their reason for having so many transects was to search for differences in nutrient discharges by two nearby golf courses (Sheraton and Hokuliʻa Golf Clubs). The main 31 purpose (by Court order) was to measure the contribution of additional nutrients sourced from the operation of the Hokuliʻa Golf Club. Figure 18. Hokuliʻa, private consultant project (PC1). Station data source: Ziemann and Klein 2003, Picture in right frame: Richard Bennett. The analytes included are: total nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, nitrate+nitrite nitrogen, total phosphorus, chlorophyll a, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, temperature, salinity, silicates, pH, NO3 and 0-phosphate. 3.2.4. Keopuka Lands (PC2) Dr. Richard Brock recorded water quality results at Keopuka Lands for a proposed nine lot development (Brock 2000, 35-47) (see Figure 19 and Appendix F). He shared these two surveys to establish baseline conditions at Keopuka. Dr. Bennett stated this project could be considered a control site for this study area because the property is still natural (undeveloped). 32 Another reason for consideration as a control site is this location is the proximity to Kealakekua Bay and Hokuliʻa which are covered by two other projects in this thesis. Figure 19. Keopuka, private consultant project (PC2). Station data source: Brock 2000, Aerial Picture: Star Bulletin ( 33 The analytes included are: ammonia nitrogen, chlorophyll a, dissolved organic nitrogen, NO3, dissolved oxygen, O2 saturation, 0-phosphate, pH, salinity, silicates, total nitrogen, temperature, total phosphorus, and turbidity. This completes the overview of the regulatory projects. The next section covers the scholarly researchers who have moved beyond the requirements of the laws to measure additional analytes and test new techniques to track water quality changes. 3.3. Scholarly Research Projects This thesis includes research inquiries from scientists at the University of Hawai‘i at Hilo (UHH) and a citizen scientist (see Figure 20 and Appendix G-J). The UHH data sets include data collected and summarized over 1 to 15 month periods. Since Dr. Mihalka’s project, while also a short time series conducted for research purposes, is categorized separately as citizen science, it is discussed separately in the next section. The data for scholarly projects is different than regulatory ones in both the spatial distribution, temporal scale and analyte results. Scholarly researchers choose the transect and station locations based on a pre-survey of the study area to identify the SGD locations often using salinity, temperature and pH. Each of the research projects included here have published only one table of data to represent the data collected over the entire date range of the project, giving the geometric mean of all the individual samples at each sampling location. The scientists also introduce additional analytes such as δ 15 N and pheophytin to support their research objectives. As noted above, scholarly scientists provide a geometric mean of the data instead of the raw results for each sample day. Therefore, the temporal properties of the data extend for the entire duration of the project and the geodatabase attribute StartDate and StopDate store these 34 values (see Chapter 4 for schema details). For example, in Figure 20, it can be seen that the Puakō project covers November 2015 to July 2016 as specified in Leilani Abaya’s thesis tables (see the green timeline bar in Figure 20). Figure 20. Research inquiry projects 3.3.1. Kīholo Bay Buoy (UHH1) This project includes a network of buoys relaying water quality analyte results to a website intended to lay the foundation for a system of near real-time monitoring in the future (see Figure 21 and Appendix G). Dr. Jason Adolf deployed a buoy in Kīholo Bay for a month and the Pacific Island Ocean Observing System (PacIOOS) data server published the results via their W3C portal ( I developed a SQL query method to export, convert and integrate this data into the geodatabase. 35 Figure 21. Kīholo Buoy, research inquiry project (UHH1). Station data source: PacIOOS,, Picture:, accessed July 17, 2018. The buoy sampling mechanism records 10 analytes every hour. The analytes are temperature, conductivity, salinity, dissolved oxygen, oxygen saturation, oxygen saturation concentration, turbidity, chlorophyll a, chromophoric dissolved organic matter, and nitrate. 3.3.2. Puakō (UHH3) A team from UHH including Leilani M. Abaya put a fluorescein dye in cesspools of shoreline residences and then traced the flow to the ocean (Abaya at al. 2008, 335-347). She did this for her 2016 Masters’ thesis Identifying Hotspots of Sewage Pollution in Coastal Areas with Coral Reefs. This project compared water quality on land and in the ocean while measuring the effluent flow rates from the cesspools into the ocean. Leilani Abaya’s study area was right next to a row of houses along a particularly porous rock shoreline (see Figure 22 and Appendix H). 36 Figure 22. Puakō, scholarly research project (UHH3). Station data source: Abaya 2016, Picture in top frame: leilani-abayas-master-thesis-defense/, accessed December 1, 2017. The main objective of this research was to map sewage pollution at sixteen locations along the Puakō shoreline using three fecal indicators: Enterococcus spp., C. Perfringens, algal 37 tissue δ 15 N. She introduces a new GIS symbology mechanism using these fecal indicators. This new combination of three indicators quantifies results into ranges as Low/Medium/High by assigning scores to polluted locations. Research about coral reefs is beyond the scope of this geodatabase, but the uniqueness of her analyte set, the introduction of a scoring algorithm to be used for map symbology, and determination of flow rates from specific cesspools adds more depth and diversity to water quality research in the study area and could provide a model for future projects. The analytes include ammonia nitrogen, C. Perfringens, Enterococci spp, H4Sio4 silicic acid, δ 15 N, nitrate+nitrite nitrogen, phosphorus PO4, salinity, total nitrogen, and total phosphorus. 3.3.3. Honokōhau Harbor (UHH2) Michael Parsons and colleagues from University of Hawai‘i at Hilo and the Hawai‘i Department of Land and Natural Resources collected samples over a fifteen-month period and then published the analyte results in a table in a professional journal (Parsons et al. 2008, 1138- 1149). They wanted to determine if water quality posed threats to the ocean ecosystem by studying the coral reef at this popular recreational boat harbor which is close to an effluent disposal trench (see the “Disposal Pit” in middle map in Figure 23). To perform their coral reef assessment project, they arranged eight transects around the mouth of the bay near known SGD locations. 38 Figure 23. Honokōhau Harbor, scholarly research project (UHH2). Station data source: Parsons et al. 2008, Hunt 2018. Notation on the photograph is from the original source. Picture at top: from, Boat_Harbor_Kailua-Kona_HI_United_States#&gid=1&pid=4, accessed August 13, 2018. The analyte result table contains the geometric mean of the results from three sample collection days for the two transects at each of the four transect locations. The analytes include: 39 ammonia nitrogen, chlorophyll a, δ 15 N, nitrate+nitrite nitrogen, pheophytin, salinity, silicates, total nitrogen, temperature, and total phosphorus. The next section discusses Kealakekua Bay which is located about 25 km south of Honokōhau Harbor. This is also a part of Parson’s project where the data are recorded on the same dates using similar protocol. 3.3.4. Kealakekua Bay (UHH2k) Parsons et al. (2008) performed the same sample regime at Kealakekua Bay as Honokōhau Harbor and the analyte results for both sites were merged into the same table of the journal article (see Appendix I for aggregated input table). Kealakekua Bay is a very popular recreational area, hosting many swimmers, kayaks and tour boats to view dolphins, coral and the Captain Cook Monument, which marks the location where the famous explorer was killed. The published table contains data collected using the same transect design and analyte sets (see bottom part of Figure 24). The bluish colors in the top map in Figure 24 shows the ocean water is colder which means there is more cool submarine ground discharge in that area. Parsons arranged the transects near and across the higher SGD locations. The proximity of the Keopuka project adjacent to the north should be noted. A conclusion and warning from Parsons and colleagues highlights the northern transects because of their elevated nutrient concentrations affecting the coral ecosystem. 40 Figure 24. Kealakekua Bay, scholarly research project (UHH2k). Station data source: Parsons et al. 2008, Thermal image: Johnson et al. 2015. The next section discusses the citizen inquiry project performed by a collaborating citizen scientist. 41 3.4. Citizen Science Research Only one project of the citizen science research type is included in the geodatabase. Dr. Dennis Mihalka DDS is a local citizen scientist who is active in water quality issues on Hawai‘i Island. He produces a show on community television presenting information related to water quality and has personally collected water quality data in Keauhou Bay, a popular canoeing, kayaking and paddle boarding location that is also the anchorage and launching spot for several dolphin and whale watching boats. 3.4.1. Keauhou Bay (CZ1) For his data collection in Keauhou Bay, Dr. Mihalka has taken photos with a GoPro camera at each station along his transect in this embayment in order to share his observations with the public (see Figure 25 and Appendix J). His camera design used a fixed 12" length arm on which was attached a white board with fine lines etched on it. This provided for readings to be taken at a consistent depth that could show differences of color and turbidity as well as the background under the water beyond the white board. He arranges photographs into sequences to create visual stories to teach people about the turbidity in Keauhou Bay (see the bottom of Figure 25). 42 Figure 25. Keauhou Bay, local citizen research inquiry project (CZ1). Station data source: pers. comm. Dennis Mihalka. The analytes recorded are salinity, turbidity, temperature (water and air), wind speed and direction, wave height and direction, wind chop height and direction. 3.5. Hawaiʻi Ocean Time Series (Control Site) Dr. Bennett specified that the geodatabase needs a control site. A control is a measurement or a series of measurements that can provide a means to assess samples against the “no manipulation” or “background” condition (Montello and Sutton 2013). Dr. Bennett suggested that, for water quality analysis, the station ALOHA (A Long-Term Oligotrophic Habitat Assessment) located ~100 km north of the Island of O‘ahu can be thought of as a 43 sampling location uninfluenced by anthropogenic manipulation of the environment (see Figure 26). The Hawai‘i Ocean Time series (HOT) collected at the ALOHA site, while not specifically designed as a control for comparing with West Hawai‘i data, does provide a sparse set of analyte results from the surface (defined as depth range 0-5m) that might be useful for this purpose. A selection of values aggregated by year are shown in the Appendix K. Figure 26. ALOHA Station control site (Control). Data Source:, Pictures: Ryan Tabata (top left), Tara Clemente (bottom left), Dan Sadler (right). 44 3.6. Summary As discussed earlier, in addition to providing an integrated set of water quality data in a spatio-temporal framework, the goal of the geodatabase is to provide a GIS foundation that will support the future development of online web maps and map stories that can be used to inform the public about ocean water quality changes. Such GIS data, presented along with images, narratives and analyte results are the means by which scientists involved in this study and others may use a GIS to create new kinds of water quality visualizations. Appendices A to K contain further contextual information and maps related to each of these projects to support this future development. In addition to the final geodatabase, various descriptive information, map layouts and documents relevant to these projects are provided in an open GitHub repository which is described in Chapter 5. The next step in developing the integrated geodatabase was to customize a professional water science database schema for this study area and populate it with data. The next chapter describes the sequence of methods performed to create the geodatabase design and to combine and integrate data files and tables from each of the projects described above. 45 Chapter 4 Design and Implementation of the Geodatabase This chapter explains the design and implementation of the geodatabase in two sections. The first section describes the methods to create a set of SQL tables from the various raw data sources using Microsoft SQL Server. The second section describes how I used ArcGIS Pro to convert the SQL tables into an Esri geodatabase. The geodatabase and methods are the deliverables stored in a GitHub repository which is described in the next chapter. 4.1. Creation of SQL Tables from the Raw Source Data The steps to make a set of SQL tables from the various raw data sources are shown in Figure 27. The first four of these steps are described in this section. The fifth step is described in the next section. Figure 27. Steps in the design of the relational geodatabase and preparation of data 4.1.1. The Geodatabase Schema To create the design of the geodatabase for this thesis, I adapted a professional water science database schema called FoxDB from the Illinois State Water Survey (McConkey et al. 2004 and Bartošová et al. 2005) and customized it for the West Hawai‘i region (see Figure 28). The creators of FoxDB published their data in SQL tables, documented their schema, and provided live data with query instructions so others could easily build on their designs. 46 Figure 28. FoxDB schema (partial). A larger version is available in Appendix L. Source: Bartošová et al. 2005. The FoxDB designers also had to combine data from different kinds of government entities, private parties and citizen scientists. Their projects varied in the analytes tested, geographic areas and time spans like the projects in this study. The scientists needed the combined database to perform different kinds of analysis and to provide input to a software model designed to understand the environment and identify point sources that are polluting the river system. The key tables in the FoxDB design are conceptualized in the schematic representation in Figure 29 (which I adapted for my study area). The table names and purposes are introduced in Table 3. 47 Figure 29. Schematic representation of the key tables in the water quality data model used in the FoxDB (illustrated here by Transect #3 at NELHA). Adapted from Bartošová et al. 2005, Laboratory Picture: Olson 2017. Table 3. Key FoxDB Water Science Database Tables. Source: McConkey et al. 2004 and Bartošová et al. 2005. Table Purpose Notes FCStation Represents a location in the ocean for use by ArcGIS. FC prefix stands for “feature class” for a location table in ArcGIS terminology. TBSample Identifies an ocean water sample recorded at a station for a defined date range. A sample is visualized as a bottle linked to a station and linked to all the analyzed result values from the instruments. TBResult Store the parameters analyzed by the laboratory instruments. This is the table that contains the “analyte results” as displayed in the maps in Chapter 3. FCProject (not shown in Figure 29) Record the quality of the scientist and laboratory process. Implements the QAPP as discussed in Section 2.1.3. Not developed in this study. The adapted geodatabase schema used in this thesis is shown along the top of Figure 30 with the original FoxDB tables shown beneath. The FoxDB table and field names have been shortened (e.g. TELStation_Information to FCStation) and underscores removed. The “FC” 48 prefix stands for feature class and the “TB” prefix stands for table. Domain fields have replaced the small FoxDB support tables with domain field names prefixed with “dm.” Figure 30. Matching geodatabase with FoxDB table designs. FoxDB tables adapted from Bartošová et al. 2005. I implemented analyte domain fields to replace the “Parameter Related” section of FoxDB (see yellow box in Figure 28). The parameters refer to the large list of analytes known to the US EPA; this geodatabase uses only a small set of analytes unique to this study area. State Laws, as discussed in Chapter 2, drove the definition of domains (for example, see Section 4.1.3 for domain dm11546). Figure 31 shows the full database design with the most important domains (in grey) next to the table with the domain field. Appendices M and N contain the entire list of fields in the data dictionary with the domains and assigned values. 49 Figure 31. Geodatabase schema The following tables (Table 4, 5, and 6) show the most important fields of the three tables used in this study (the full list of fields and domains is in Appendices M and N). Table 4. FCStation table description (partial list) Field Name Description SQL Data Type Nullable pkStation Unique identification for stations nvarchar(255) No XField Longitude in decimal degrees numeric(38,8) No YField Latitude in decimal degrees numeric(38,8) No mShore Distance from shore (meters) int Yes StartDate Earliest date datetime2(7) No EndDate Ending date datetime2(7) No dmStAA Class AA domain int No dmStA Class A domain int No dmStType Station type int No dmStRule Rule domain int No Label For GIS labels nvarchar(255) No 50 Table 5 TBSample table description (partial list) Field Name Description SQL Data Type Nullable pkSample Unique sample identification number, number assigned if not provided by data originator. A sample is a monitoring activity (e.g., ambient samples, measurements, and observations) performed at a specific date, time, and location in order to characterize the environment nvarchar(255) No fkStation Unique number for the station, identifying the specific location, at which field work/sampling is conducted nvarchar(255) No fkUnqID Unique sample identification code for linking to TBResult nvarchar(255) No StartDate Date and time when field work/sample collection began datetime2(7) No EndDate Date and time when field work/sample collection ended datetime2(7) No TimeMissg Indicates whether sampling time was missing in the original data nvarchar(255) Yes dmSample Letter code describing the sampling method int No Label For GIS labels nvarchar(255) No 51 Table 6. TBResult table description (partial list) Field Name Description SQL Data Type Nullable fkSample Unique sample identification number. A sample is a monitoring activity performed at a specific date, time, and location in order to characterize the environment nvarchar(255) No fkUnqID Unique sample identification code for linking to TBSample nvarchar(255) No Result Data value for a sample result or a code representing an observation. Result values can be numeric or alphanumeric values numeric(38,8) No Comment nvarchar(255) Yes dmRAll Analyte Domain containing all analytes int No dmR11546 Analyte Domain for State Law int No dmRBEACH Analyte Domain for BEACH Act int No dmRAnlyt Analyte Domain for other than dmR11546 and dmRBEACH int No Label Analyte code, 4 letters+4 numbers nvarchar(255) No 4.1.2. Georeferencing Sampling Stations The station location table needs the latitude and longitude of each sampling station. All stations were georeferenced using the Google MyMaps GIS. Using maps and other information provided in each project’s documentation, I visually identified the location of each station or transect start point on the Google image. Even though some projects provided the XY coordinates, I georeferenced each station in this way for consistency. For projects that supplied marked up maps, I lined up the crevices, bays, houses, or other unique features in the map with the Google imagery and then drew transects and measured distances as indicated by the scientists. For the HDOH locations, they provided hand drawn maps with narrative explaining how to locate the station relative to nearby features. For finding the stations along transects, 52 MyMaps has tools that allow a user to place pins in the ocean along transects at the distances specified by the scientists. Once I had created pins in MyMaps for each station, I extracted and entered the latitude and longitude provided by MyMaps into the POINT_Y and POINT_X fields of the FCStation table. The geographic coordinate system of the geodatabase is WGS84 since that is what Google MyMaps uses. 4.1.3. Analyte Matching and Coding The next step was to match the analytes across all projects by assigning common codes for use in the TBResult table. Table 7 shows the set of required analytes specified in the state law. The analytes are coded for the geodatabase using both a unique string and integer. I assigned the four number integer codes so they are unique to an analyte but the actual value is not important as they are just a number I picked for easy recognition. These are nominal data types with a limited set of distinct values but without meaning otherwise. The string code is constructed by prepending four characters to the four numbers of the nominal integer code. The four characters are also nominal data types but they were chosen to generally match the codes assigned by scientists in the heading rows of their data tables. In addition to the eight analytes mentioned in state law, many scientists, especially those who have undertaken research inquiries, add additional analyte types based on project specific goals and improved technologies, so in the final database there are over thirty analytes across all the included projects. All are coded in a similar manner to that described above. 53 Table 7. Analytes in State Law with assigned codes Analyte Name Integer Code String Code Total nitrogen 6210 TDNi6210 Ammonia nitrogen 6220 AmmN6220 Nitrate+nitrite nitrogen 6230 NaNi6230 Total phosphorus 6240 TPho6240 Chlorophyll a 6250 ChlA6250 Turbidity 6260 Turb6260 Dissolved oxygen 6270 OxyD6270 Temperature 6280 Temp6280 ArcGIS organizes and restricts attribute values through the use of domains in a geodatabase. When an attribute is associated with a domain, the software automatically limits the possible values to those specified in the domain. The domains for analyte results are dmAll (all analytes), dm11546 (required by state law), dmBEACH (required by US BEACH Act), and dmRAnlyt (not in dm11546 or dmBEACH). 4.1.4. SQL Queries and Data Extraction from Sources Each project has a unique source data file format and different temporal properties; this means that extracting the data from the original source files into a set of data tables that could be combined into one integrated geodatabase required a unique set of queries for each project. These query sequences are recorded in script files where a script is a single text file that has a “.sql” extension. However, the query sequence script flow for each project is similar. The steps in this flow are outlined in Figure 32 using the NELHA project’s SQL query file, ProjectID_LTS1_KeaholeNELHA.sql, as an example. An annotated and shortened copy of this script file is shown in Appendix A. The final geodatabase results from the concatenation of the SQL tables. 54 Figure 32. SQL Query Flow. Step numbers refer to markers in the script source code in Appendix A and file ProjectID_LTS1_KeaholeNELHA.sql at GitHub. Steps #1-#3 are preparation steps to get the analyte results from a file into an SQL “Raw” table allowing manipulation with SQL queries. Step #4 creates a temporary table for inserting the values from the georeferencing step discussed in a previous section. Step #6 implements the 55 creation of FCStation by copying from the temporary georeferencing table. Step #7 and #8 prepare for the creation of the table TBSample and TBResult by using a temporary table to pull analyte values from the Raw table. Step #9 creates and populates the TBResult table by pulling analytes from the temporary and Raw table. For each project, the final output from this flow is a set of three tables: FCStation, TBSample and TBResult which represent the SQL version of the geodatabase. The next section describes the sequence of geoprocessing tools required to move these tables into ArcGIS and then to a file geodatabase. The next chapter explains where to find these files in this project’s GitHub repository. 4.2. Geoprocessing Methods Once the set of SQL tables was populated from the data tables of each project, it was possible to proceed to the final phase in which everything was merged into a single geodatabase. Since the ArcGIS interface to Microsoft SQL is for accessing stored databases only, this section outlines the sequence of ArcGIS geoprocessing methods necessary to convert the SQL tables into ArcGIS’s native relational database format (the geodatabase). It is from this geodatabase that the maps included in Chapter 3 and the Appendices were produced. This section ends with a brief description of the ArcGIS methodology needed to traverse the links between the three geodatabase tables in order to perform a query to extract a specific set of analyte results. 4.2.1. Geodatabase Preparation Three geoprocessing tools must be used to convert SQL tables to an Esri ArcGIS file geodatabase. ArcGIS Pro supports these SQL Server connections through an enterprise geodatabase license. Figure 33 details the three steps required. The first step is a simple table-to- table conversion (Table-To-Table), the second is converting the latitude and longitude fields in 56 FCStation to point geometry within the WGS84 coordinate system and the final step is writing the data in the file geodatabase. At this point, the geodatabase is ready to use in ArcGIS. Figure 33. SQL tables to Esri ArcGIS processing steps 4.2.2. Esri Relate Use Case To extract analyte results, an ArcGIS Pro user must execute a sequence “Relate” geoprocessing commands. Figure 34 shows both the Esri methods and the equivalent SQL commands necessary to extract analyte results from the geodatabase tables. At the bottom of the figure are the rounded counts of the number of rows for the combined data: FCStation=300, TBSample=15K and TBResult=100K. The maps of projects in this document show the points of the feature class FCStation which has links into matching rows of TBSample which then links to all the analyte result rows in TBResult for that sample. 57 Figure 34. Relate feature class FCStation and tables TBSample and TBResult The geodatabase is now ready to be used in ArcGIS and shared. The next chapter describes the final deliverables and its provision into GitHub for public distribution. 58 Chapter 5 Results: The GitHub Repository The final results of the work completed in this thesis are a published geodatabase, a set of documented reproducible methods, a large collection of documents and other source materials, and ArcGIS maps and layouts that can be used to share and explore the data and to create multimedia presentations. All data were acquired from public sources (except the citizen scientist who gave me permission to share) and are returned to the public domain through a public repository at GitHub. This geodatabase constructed from the data produced by each of the projects discussed in Chapter 3 is static. Future updates to the geodatabase should use standard GitHub processes (i.e. clone and fork) to ensure consistency and reproducibility. 5.1. Using GitHub GitHub is a free online storage and retrieval repository which now holds the geodatabase, methods and ArcGIS Pro maps and layouts for this project. The GitHub account is WestHawaiiWaterQuality and its contents are summarized in Table 8. Table 8. GitHub Public Repository Contents Purpose Repository Name Contents Geodatabase GDB_Files GDB and XLS files Methods SQL_Methods SQL script for each project ArcGIS Pro Map_Layout_Files Esri map and layout files Data WQData Source data for each project Library WQLibrary Dr. Bennett’s research library The next two figures show the steps necessary to view or download the repository data files. Use a browser to navigate to the Overview page of the WestHawaiiWaterQuality account to view all the repositories. Figure 35 shows the view of the Overview page which lists the repositories. 59 Figure 35. GitHub WestHawaiiWaterQuality Repositories To view the contents of a repository, click on the relevant name. For example, choose the ‘SQL_Methods’ to the display query script files for each of the projects, as shown in Figure 36. To download or view the files in a repository, GitHub provides a large green button visible in the figure. The README file contains more details and versioning information related to the files in the repository. This is normally the starting point in any GitHub repository provided to enable users to understand the latest information about the files. 60 Figure 36. Downloading SQL_Methods from GitHub 5.2. Repository Details The GitHub repository contains all the source data, the resulting geodatabase, associated documents, and a large collection of maps and map layouts produced from the geodatabase. Table 9 lists the key components of this repository as it relates to each project included. Table 9. Project Row Counts with GitHub Repository Names Project GDB_Files Row Counts SQL_Method Scripts ArcGISPro_Project and WQData Keāhole Point (LTS1) FCStation=60 TBSample=2,940 TBResults=29,698 ProjectID_LTS1_Ke aholeTransect[1- 6]_ImportXLS.sql ProjectID_LTS1_Ke aholeNELHA.sql Map: KeaholeNELHA Layout: Ch3 ProjectIDLTS1_Keahole WQData: 19_7287_LTS1_Keahole _KOlson 61 Project GDB_Files Row Counts SQL_Method Scripts ArcGISPro_Project and WQData HDOH Clean Water Branch (LTS2) FCStation=48 TBSample=10,655 TBResults=50,014 ProjectID_LTS2_C WB_HDOHsql Map: CWB Layout: Ch3 ProjectIDLTS2_CWB7 WQData: CleanWaterBranch\* Waiakailio Bay (PC4) FCStation=30 TBSample=30 TBResults=419 ProjectID_PC4_Wai akailio.sql Map: Waiakailio Layout: Ch3 ProjectIDPC4_Waiakaili o WQData: 20_0747_PC4_Waiakailo _SDollar ʻOʻoma Beach (PC3) FCStation=69 TBSample=69 TBResults=940 ProjectID_PC3_Oo maBeach.sql Map: Ooma Beach Layout: Ch3 ProjectIDPC3_ Ooma WQData: 19_7084_PC3_Ooma_S Dollar Hokuliʻa (PC1) FCStation=35 TBSample=35 TBResults=380 ProjectID_PC1_Hok ulia.sql Map: Hokulia Layout: Ch3 ProjectIDPC1_Hokulia WQData: 19_5139_PC1_Hokulia_ DZiemann 62 Project GDB_Files Row Counts SQL_Method Scripts ArcGISPro_Project and WQData Keopuka Lands (PC2) FCStation=24 TBSample=24 TBResults=316 ProjectID_PC2_Keo puka.sql Map: Keopuka Layout: Ch3 ProjectIDPC2_Keopuka WQData: 19_4872_PC2_Keopuka_ RBrock Kīholo Bay Buoy (UHH1) FCStation=1 TBSample=588 TBResults=5831 ProjectID_UHH1_K iholoBuoy.sql Map: KiholoBuoy Layout: Ch3 ProjectIDUHH1_Kiholo Buoy WQData: 19_8631_UHH1_Kiholo Bay_JAdolf Puakō (UHH3) FCStation=16 TBSample=16 TBResults=160 ProjectID_UHH3_A baya_Puako.sql Map: Puako Layout: Ch3 ProjectIDUHH3_Puako WQData: 19_9831_UHH3_Puako_ LAbaya Honokōhau Harbor and Kealakekua Bay (UHH2) FCStation=8 TBSample=8 TBResults=80 ProjectID_UHH2_P arsons.sql Maps: ParsonsHono, ParsonsKela Layouts: Ch3 ProjectIDUHH2h_ ParsonsHono.sql Ch3 ProjectIDUHH2k_ ParsonsKeala WQData: 19_4824_UHH2_KealaH ono_MParsons 63 Project GDB_Files Row Counts SQL_Method Scripts ArcGISPro_Project and WQData Keauhou Bay (CZ1) FCStation=7 TBSample=280 TBResults=2048 ProjectID_CZ1_Mih alka_Keauhou.sql Map: Keauhou Bay Layout: Ch3 ProjectIDCZ1_Keauhou Bay WQData: 19_5620_UHH2_Keauho u_DMihalka Hawaiʻi Ocean Time series (Control) FCStation=1 TBSample=1 TBResults=7123 ProjectID_Control_ HOTUHManoa.sql Map: HOTS Layout: Ch3 ProjectIDControl_HOT WQData: 22_7500_Control_HOTs _ALOHA 64 Chapter 6 Conclusion This thesis has met all its original goals. As a result of the work completed in this thesis, the local environmental scientists who motivated this work can now: 1) share and conduct research with a combined set of data on West Hawaii’s coastal water quality packaged into a single integrated geodatabase, 2) refer to the reproducible methods at GitHub so that others can continue to build and maintain the repository while meeting the external submission requirements of the state, and 3) use all of the materials provided in the repository as a foundation for generating content for a Web GIS that will be able to share this information effectively with the public. Consultations with the group of environmental scientists confirmed that the output products have potential (and immediate) value. For example, Dr. Bennett is already using the data visualizations and site maps in community and government presentations and, along with Dr. Mihalka, plans to create Esri story maps to produce content for local community television. Mr. Olson intends to compile data from the geodatabase for government presentations. Additionally, Dr. Tracy Wiegner from UHH Marine Science Laboratory has expressed interest in the data for use in her ongoing research. Future researchers can use these deliverables to design new surveys and as a baseline for analysis. For example, the FoxDB database (from which this geodatabase was derived) is a source of input to water quality models, pollutant screening tools, and simulations that are used to better understand the environment. 6.1. Lessons Learned Some of lessons learned include data handling for reproducibility and handling georeferenced data. While not mentioned in the workflow above, pdftools, the R package by 65 Jeroen Ooms (2018), was invaluable to minimize the transcription time and minimize errors for text extraction from PDF documents. See Appendix O for the use of the program in the ʻOʻoma Beach project. I performed minimal editing of the extracted text files, just enough for the SQL Import tool to recognize the rows and columns properly. For georeferenced data, I should have used the KML output of Google MyMaps into ArcGIS Pro then into SQL tables instead of hand entering all latitude/longitude values into SQL scripts. Another lesson learned was that it would have been good to design the geodatabase so that it could incorporate other factors that are important in the study area, ones that may not have been important in the Fox River watershed. For this study region, given that submarine ground discharge is so important, I should have incorporated the SGD flow rate data that has already been collected (e.g. by Knee et al. 2010) into the schema design. 6.2. Future Opportunities Given the time constraint of this thesis project, I did not get to write a story map nor work with Dr. Bennett to develop ways of visualizing the analysis of the data. Instead, I have provided detailed descriptions of the transects, stations, time series, methods of collection, etc., for each project and this information can be transformed into a format more easily understood when presented to the public. The inherent challenge of how to use a GIS to visualize water quality data is yet to be addressed and offers great potential for the next stage of work with this geodatabase. The maps developed for this thesis are limited to the sample locations along transects and their spatial context at regional and local scales. Further development with regards to the visualizations of the integrated water quality data contained within this database will offer stakeholders and scientists 66 a means to gain in-depth and comprehensive understanding about water quality trends in the region. 67 References Abaya, Leilani M. 2016. "Identifying Hotspots of Sewage Pollution in Coastal Areas with Coral Reefs." Master’s thesis. University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo. 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Entities.pdf. Hunt, Chip. 2018. HIDOH / USGS Cooperative Program, Wastewater and Nutrient Source Tracking – Results of Reconnaissance Chemical Mapping at Kualoa and Kahana, Oahu. USGS Pacific Islands Water Science Center. Accessed on April 26, 2018. df. Johnson, A., C. Glenn, P. Lucey, W. Burnett, R. Peterson, H. Dulaiova, E. Grossman. 2015. Thermal Infrared Surveys and Nutrients Reveal Substantial Submarine Groundwater Discharge Systems Emanating from the Kona Coast of Hawaii. Honolulu, HI: University of Hawai‘i. Accessed April 28, 2018. Knee, Karen L., Joseph H. Street, Eric E. Grossman, Alexandria B. Boehm, and Adina Paytan. 2010. "Nutrient Inputs to the Coastal Ocean from Submarine Groundwater Discharge in a Groundwater ‐dominated System: Relation to Land use (Kona Coast, Hawaii, U.S.A.)." Limnology and Oceanography 55 (3): 1105-1122. doi:10.4319/lo.2010.55.3.1105. Lau, L. Stephen and John F. Mink. 2006. Hydrology of the Hawaiian Islands. Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press. 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Hokulia Water Monitoring Program Distributions and Relationships between Water Quality Parameters at Hokulia and Control Stations. Waimanalo and Kailua-Kona: Oceanic Institute Makapu‘u Point and AECOS Laboratories of Hawai‘i. 70 Appendix A Keāhole Point (LTS1) Input Table: Mr. Olson adds a new row to five worksheets in six different spreadsheet files every three months. The files represent the six transects and the worksheets represent the five stations on each transect. The stations lengths changed in 2007 so I called the 1993-2007 the “old” data, the “new” data is 2007-2017 (see Figure 37). Table 10 and 11 show the analyte results resulting from the SQL query shown below. Figure 37. NELHA 2007 station distances change. Source: Olson 2017. Table 10. Analyte Results: Keāhole Point Old 1993-2007. Source: Olson 2017. Label #rows ~gmean stdev min max AmmN6220 - Ammonia Nitrogen 1680 2.34 2.61 .14 67.93 ChlA6250 - Chlorophyll a 332 .09 .08 .01 .84 Clos6420 - Clostridium perfringens 29 1.59 5.20 1.00 29.00 Ecci6410 - Enterococci 44 1.45 1.45 1.00 9.00 NaNi6230 - Nitrate+Nitrite Nitrogen 1680 2.73 6.82 .14 71.99 OxyD6270 - Dissolved Oxygen 328 6.99 .46 6.10 9.86 Phos6391 - Phosphorus PO4 1680 3.51 4.64 .93 183.98 pHyd6390 - pH 336 8.25 .04 8.18 8.48 Sali6350 - Salinity 1678 34.58 .43 24.90 35.85 Sili6360 - Silicates 1680 118.92 137.04 14.60 1851.40 71 Label #rows ~gmean stdev min max TDNi6210 - Total Nitrogen 340 77.38 14.36 37.40 145.53 TDPh6386 - Total Dissolved Phosphorus 336 10.83 2.30 6.50 33.14 Temp6280 - Temperature C 1676 26.08 1.14 23.50 29.30 TPho6240 - Total Phosphorus 336 11.18 2.97 7.12 48.32 TtOC6392 - Total Organic Carbon 275 1.06 .11 .80 1.48 Turb6260 - Turbidity 1620 .09 .10 .02 2.64 Total Count TBResult #rows 14,623 SELECT 'Old 1993-2007' as 'NELHA 56 Quarters', Count(*) as 'TBResult #rows' FROM NELHATBResult WHERE fkSample LIKE '%T56Quarters%' SELECT Label, Count(dmRAll) as '#rows', round(exp(avg(log(Result))),3) as '~gmean',round(stdev(Result),2) as 'stdev',cast(min(Result) as decimal (10,2)) as 'min',cast(max(Result) as decimal (10,2)) as 'max' FROM NELHATBResult WHERE Result != 0 AND fkSample LIKE '%T56Quarters%' GROUP by Label, dmRAll ORDER by Label Table 11. Analyte Results: Keāhole Point New 2007-2017. Source: Olson 2017. Label #rows ~gmean stdev min max AmmN6220 - Ammonia Nitrogen 1230 2.52 3.11 .05 48.60 ChlA6250 - Chlorophyll a 1169 .12 .08 .01 .65 NaNi6230 - Nitrate+Nitrite Nitrogen 1259 2.95 5.44 .01 48.10 OxyD6270 - Dissolved Oxygen 1260 6.24 .62 4.05 9.92 Phos6391 - Phosphorus PO4 1259 2.67 2.36 .10 43.80 pHyd6390 - pH 1260 8.21 .06 7.95 8.70 Sali6350 - Salinity 1260 34.88 .25 33.81 35.81 Sili6360 - Silicates 1259 74.67 172.93 .10 2612.00 TDNi6210 - Total Nitrogen 1259 72.93 23.09 24.00 203.80 TDPh6386 - Total Dissolved Phosphorus 1259 11.56 3.47 .30 47.70 Temp6280 - Temperature C 1260 25.87 .98 23.82 28.73 Turb6260 - Turbidity 1260 .07 .04 .02 .50 Total Count TBResult #rows 15,075 SELECT 'New 2007-2017' as 'NELHA 42 Quarters', Count(*) as 'TBResult #rows' FROM NELHATBResult WHERE fkSample LIKE '%T42Quarters%' SELECT Label, Count(dmRAll) as '#rows', round(exp(avg(log(Result))),3) as '~gmean',round(stdev(Result),2) as 'stdev',cast(min(Result) as decimal (10,2)) as 'min',cast(max(Result) as decimal (10,2)) as 'max' FROM NELHATBResult WHERE Result != 0 and fkSample LIKE '%T42Quarters%' GROUP by Label, dmRAll ORDER by Label SQL Query Script: This is the script file “ProjectID_LTS1_KeaholeNELHA.sql” but edited to remove table creates (found in Appendix L) and repetitive sequences to save space. -- Step #1 and #2 Create “Raw” table for NELHA append in each of 6 XLS files 72 -- (ProjectID_LTS1_KeaholeTransect[1-6]_ImportXLSv3.sql) CREATE TABLE NELHARaw ( [EsriDateTime] [datetime2](7) NOT NULL, -- pk [AMorPM] [nvarchar](3) NOT NULL, [Transect] [int] NOT NULL, [mShore] [int] NOT NULL, [NewOrOld] [nvarchar](3) NOT NULL, [SampTimeHHMM] [nvarchar](255) NOT NULL, [LatituteN] [nvarchar](255) NULL, [LongitudeN] [nvarchar](255) NULL, [SiteId] [nvarchar](255) NOT NULL, [Phos6391] [numeric](38,8) NULL,--P043- [NaNi6230] [numeric](38,8) NULL, [AmmN6220] [numeric](38,8) NULL, [Sili6360] [numeric](38,8) NULL, [TDPh6386] [numeric](38,8) NULL,-- [TDNi6210] [numeric](38,8) NULL, [TPho6240] [numeric](38,8) NULL, [TtOC6392] [numeric](38,8) NULL, [Turb6260] [numeric](38,8) NULL, [Sali6350] [numeric](38,8) NULL, [Temp6280] [numeric](38,8) NULL, [pHyd6390] [numeric](38,8) NULL, [OxyD6270] [numeric](38,8) NULL, [ChlA6250] [numeric](38,8) NULL, [Coli6420] [nvarchar](255) NULL, [Ecci6410] [nvarchar](255) NULL, POINT_Y [numeric](38,8) NULL, POINT_X [numeric](38,8) NULL, MyLatLong [nvarchar](255) NULL, MyLatitude [nvarchar](255) NULL, MyLabel [nvarchar](255) NULL, MyLocationLabel [nvarchar](255) NULL, MyCoreName [nvarchar](255) NULL, MyStartDate [datetime2](7) NULL, MyEndDate [datetime2](7) NULL, MyAnalyteList [nvarchar](255) NULL, MyTransectName [nvarchar](255) NULL, MyDateRange [nvarchar](255) NULL, MyQuarterCount [nvarchar](255) NULL, RawUniq [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL, GeoUniq [uniqueidentifier] NULL, RawIdentityI [int] NOT NULL, RawIdentityA [int] NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (EsriDateTime)) -- Step #3 The SQL Server Import tool populated the “raw” table. 73 -- create our own identity attribute Declare @myRow varchar(255), @MyRawUniq varchar(255) Declare @cursorInsert CURSOR set @cursorInsert = CURSOR FOR Select ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY Esridatetime),RawUniq from NELHARaw OPEN @cursorInsert FETCH NEXT FROM @cursorInsert into @myRow, @MyRawUniq WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN UPDATE NELHARaw set RawIdentityA = @myRow where RawUniq = @MyRawUniq FETCH NEXT FROM @cursorInsert INTO @myRow, @MyRawUniq END CLOSE @cursorInsert DEALLOCATE @cursorInsert -- Step #3 clean up strange text fields UPDATE NELHARaw SET Ecci6410='0' WHERE Ecci6410 = '<1' -- 279 rows -- 'no sample' is just null UPDATE NELHARaw SET Ecci6410=NULL WHERE Ecci6410 = 'no sample' -- 2 rows UPDATE NELHARaw SET Ecci6410=NULL WHERE Ecci6410 = 'NULL' -- 0 rows ok -- same for coliform field (Coli6420) --------------------------------------------------------- -- Step #4 Create temporary table for georeferenced stations CREATE TABLE NELHAMyGeocodedLocations_temp ( Transect [int] NOT NULL,--pk+ mShore [int] NOT NULL,--pk mShoreT [nvarchar](4) NULL, POINT_Y [numeric](38,8) NOT NULL, POINT_X [numeric](38,8) NOT NULL, MyLatLong [nvarchar](255) NULL, MyLatitude [nvarchar](255) NULL, GeoUniq [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL, NewOrOld [nvarchar](3) NULL, StartDate [datetime2](7) NULL, EndDate [datetime2](7) NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Transect, mShore)) -- Step #5 Assemble name strings and populate other fields -- Insert rows with location information (only two rows shown here) INSERT INTO NELHAMyGeocodedLocations_temp VALUES (1, 8, '008m', '19.73209', '- 156.05717', NULL,NULL,newid(),NULL,NULL,NULL) INSERT INTO NELHAMyGeocodedLocations_temp VALUES (6, 500, '500m', '19.71140', '- 156.05440', NULL,NULL,newid(),NULL,NULL,NULL) -- get dates for new series UPDATE NELHAMyGeocodedLocations_temp SET NewOrOld = 'New', StartDate='2007-09- 26 08:32:01', EndDate='2017-11-30 10:39:01' WHERE mShore IN (1,10,50,100,500) -- 30 half, good -- get dates for old series 74 UPDATE NELHAMyGeocodedLocations_temp SET NewOrOld = 'Old', StartDate='1993-07-26 09:26:01', EndDate='2007-04-16 11:30:01' WHERE mShore IN (8,23,38,53,69) -- 30 other half, good -- create location names UPDATE NELHAMyGeocodedLocations_temp SET MyLatLong = CAST(POINT_Y as nvarchar) + ', ' + CAST(POINT_X as nvarchar), MyLatitude = CAST( REPLACE( str( CAST(POINT_Y AS DECIMAL (7,4)),7,4),'.','_') AS varchar) -- 60 -- do this join manually Declare @myRow varchar(255), @MyGeoUniq varchar(255), @MyPOINT_Y numeric(38,8), @MyPOINT_X numeric(38,8) Declare @MyTransect int, @MymShore int, @DMyLatLong varchar(255), @DMyLatitude varchar(255) Declare @cursorInsert CURSOR set @cursorInsert = CURSOR FOR Select ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Transect,mShore), GeoUniq, POINT_Y,POINT_X, Transect,mShore, MyLatLong,MyLatitude FROM NELHAMyGeocodedLocations_temp OPEN @cursorInsert FETCH NEXT FROM @cursorInsert into @myRow, @MyGeoUniq, @MyPOINT_Y, @MyPOINT_X,@MyTransect,@MymShore,@DMyLatLong,@DMyLatitude WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN UPDATE NELHARaw SET GeoUniq=@MyGeoUniq, POINT_Y=@MyPOINT_Y, POINT_X=@MyPOINT_X, MyLatLong=@DMyLatLong, MyLatitude=@DMyLatitude WHERE Transect = @MyTransect AND mShore = @MymShore select @myRow, @MyGeoUniq,@MyPOINT_Y,@MyPOINT_X,@MyTransect,@MymShore FETCH NEXT FROM @cursorInsert INTO @myRow, @MyGeoUniq, @MyPOINT_Y, @MyPOINT_X,@MyTransect,@MymShore,@DMyLatLong,@DMyLatitude END -- file in name fields for later usage constructing the pkStation and pkSample -- transect name/number UPDATE NELHARaw SET MyTransectName = 'NELHATransect' + LTRIM(str(Transect)) FROM NELHARaw raw -- 2940 -- location/distance from shore UPDATE NELHARaw SET MyLocationLabel = RIGHT('000' + LTRIM(str(mShore)), 3) + 'm' FROM NELHARaw raw -- 2940 -- set quarters by new/old setting, old data 93-2007 was for 56 quarters, new 2007-2017 42 quarters 75 UPDATE NELHARaw SET MyQuarterCount = '56Quarters' FROM NELHARaw WHERE NewOrOld = 'Old' -- 1680 UPDATE NELHARaw SET MyQuarterCount = '42Quarters' FROM NELHARaw WHERE NewOrOld = 'New' -- 1260 1260+1680=2940 good ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- transect and mshore are the label UPDATE NELHARaw SET MyLabel = MyTransectName + ' ' + MyLocationLabel + NewOrOld FROM NELHARaw raw -- 2940 -- date/time, since NELHA so highly structured we just really have only one date -- but that is ok since he took all samples quarterly UPDATE NELHARaw SET MyStartDate = Esridatetime, MyEndDate = Esridatetime FROM NELHARaw raw -- 2940 UPDATE NELHARaw SET MyDateRange = SUBSTRING(convert(varchar, MyStartDate, 107),1,3) + SUBSTRING(convert(varchar, MyStartDate, 107),9,4) FROM NELHARaw raw -- 2940 -- create the corename UPDATE NELHARaw SET MyCoreName = MyLatitude + '_' + RIGHT('000'+LTRIM(str(mShore)),3) + 'm' + '_' + 'KeaholePoint' + '_' + 'KOlson' + '_' + 'Transect' + str(Transect,1) + '_' + 'T' + MyQuarterCount + '_' + 'Y' + MyDateRange FROM NELHARaw --2940 UPDATE NELHARaw SET MyCoreName = REPLACE(REPLACE(MyCoreName, ' ',''),'-','') -- 2940 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Step #6 create and populate FCStation CREATE TABLE NELHAFCStation ( [pkStation] [nvarchar](255) NOT NULL, (see Appendix L for full CREATE TABLE …) PRIMARY KEY (pkStation)) INSERT INTO NELHAFCStation SELECT MyLatitude + '_' + mShoreT + '_KeaholePoint_KOlson_Transect' + str(Transect,1),-- pkStation, temp unique replace(str(transect),' ','') + '/' + mShoreT, -- Label NULL, -- TablePage NULL, -- fkStation1 NewOrOld, -- fkStation2 something anyway mShore, -- mShore 3499, -- dmStA 6499, -- dmStAA 3799, -- dmStBott 76 7110, -- dmStClas not applicable value 4660, -- dmAccuracy from Google MyMaps geocoding 8855, -- dmReef - not applicable value 7777, -- dmRule - not applicable value 555, -- dmStType NULL, -- fkEPA NULL, -- fkUSGS 'No', -- Embayment NULL, -- VolumeBay NULL, -- CrossArea 197320, -- AttachSt NULL, -- dmAccu4610 CAST(IIF(NewOrOld='New', MyLatLong, NULL) as nvarchar), -- dmAccu4620, used documentation from NELHA for new stations, but I converted to decimal since that is all I use NULL, -- dmAccu4630 NULL, -- dmAccu4640 CAST(IIF(NewOrOld='New', NULL, MyLatLong) as nvarchar), -- dmAccu4650 I geocoded all the old stations NULL, -- dmAccu4660 NULL, -- dmAccu4670 StartDate, -- StartDate fill in later EndDate, -- EndDate NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL, -- 5 extra fields POINT_X,POINT_Y, -- XField, YField IIF(mShore in (1,8),90,IIF(mShore in (10,23),180,IIF(mShore in (38,50),270,IIF(mShore in (53,100),-90,0)))), 0, -- Normalize 0, -- Weight 0,NULL, -- PageQuery/S GeoUniq, -- tracer to geocode table newid(), -- StatUniq is assigned here since making a new record GeoUniq -- RawUniq tracer backwards FROM NELHAMyGeocodedLocations_temp ORDER by Transect, mShore -- 60 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Step #7 Create temporary analyte table CREATE TABLE NELHADateWithAnalyte_temp ( [Transect] [int] NOT NULL, [mShore] [int] NOT NULL, [NewOrOld] [nvarchar](3) NOT NULL, [tPhos6391] [nvarchar](255) NULL, [tNaNi6230] [nvarchar](255) NULL, [tAmmN6220] [nvarchar](255) NULL, [tSili6360] [nvarchar](255) NULL, [tTDPh6386] [nvarchar](255) NULL,--5 [tTDNi6210] [nvarchar](255) NULL, 77 [tTPho6240] [nvarchar](255) NULL, [tTtOC6392] [nvarchar](255) NULL, [tTurb6260] [nvarchar](255) NULL, [tSali6350] [nvarchar](255) NULL,--10 [tSali9999] [nvarchar](255) NULL, [tTemp6280] [nvarchar](255) NULL, [tpHyd6390] [nvarchar](255) NULL, [tOxyD6270] [nvarchar](255) NULL, [tChlA6250] [nvarchar](255) NULL,--15 [tColi6420] [nvarchar](255) NULL, [tEcci6410] [nvarchar](255) NULL,--17 A_RawUniq [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL, A_NewUniq [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL) -- Step #7 populate temporary analyte table INSERT into NELHADateWithAnalyte_temp SELECT Transect,mShore, NewOrOld, NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL, NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL, NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL, NULL,NULL, RawUniq, -- pk newid() FROM NELHARaw – 2950 -- Step #7 Update the temporary analyte table from the raw table (only non-null values) for each analyte UPDATE NELHADateWithAnalyte_temp SET tPhos6391 = 'Phos6391' FROM NELHARaw raw WHERE raw.Phos6391 IS NOT NULL AND raw.RawUniq=NELHADateWithAnalyte_temp.A_RawUniq -- perform update for each analyte (not shown here) -- this is the final assemblage from above effort UPDATE NELHARaw SET MyAnalyteList = RTRIM(ISNULL(tPhos6391,'')+ISNULL(tNaNi6230,'')+ ISNULL(tAmmN6220,'')+ISNULL(tSili6360,'')+ISNULL(tTDPh6386,'')+ISNULL(tTDNi6210,'' )+ ISNULL(tTPho6240,'')+ISNULL(tTtOC6392,'')+ISNULL(tTurb6260,'')+ISNULL(tSali6350,'')+ ISNULL(tSali9999,'')+ISNULL(tTemp6280,'')+ISNULL(tpHyd6390,'')+ISNULL(tOxyD6270,'') + ISNULL(tChlA6250,'')+ISNULL(tColi6420,'')+ISNULL(tEcci6410,'')) FROM NELHADateWithAnalyte_temp WHERE NELHARaw.RawUniq = NELHADateWithAnalyte_temp.A_RawUniq --2940 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Step #8 Create and populate TBSample CREATE TABLE NELHATBSample ( [pkSample] [nvarchar](255) NOT NULL, see Appendix L for full CREATE TABLE …) PRIMARY KEY (pkSample)) INSERT INTO NELHATBSample 78 SELECT MyCoreName + '_' + MyAnalyteList, MyLabel, -- LabelName NULL, -- TitlePage 0, -- Alert not applicable at this site 'KOlson', -- fkIDLoc Transect, mShore, MyLatitude + '_' + RIGHT('000' + LTRIM(str(mShore)), 3) + 'm' + '_KeaholePoint_KOlson_Transect' + str(Transect,1),-- fkStation, temp unique -- NULL, -- fkStatio2 'KeaholePoint', -- newid(), -- fkUniqID is the new if generated in this new row creation of the insert '<<fkOrg>>', -- *** GET **** 1420, -- laboratory method domain field MyStartDate,MyEndDate, 'Has Local Time', -- and make such comment in TimeMissg field, we have time - local NULL,NULL, NULL, -- no Comment yet 197320, -- attach is same as FCStation and is Lat of Transect#1, Station#1 1m (new) NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL, 0,0,0,1,NULL, -- cartography fields newid(), RawUniq -- for tracing to save source row id FROM NELHARaw ORDER BY RawIdentityA -- maintain order (if that means anything) --2940 -- Step #9 Create and populate TBSample CREATE TABLE NELHATBResult ( [fkSample] [nvarchar](255) NOT NULL, see Appendix L for full CREATE TABLE …) PRIMARY KEY (fkSample,dmRAll)) -- 1/16 INSERT INTO NELHATBResult SELECT samp.pkSample, 'Phos6391 - Phosphorus PO4', samp.fkIDLoc, samp.fkUnqID, raw.Phos6391, NULL, --stdev 6391, -- dmRAll 6464, -- dmRAMethod 6310, -- dmR11546 6391, -- dmRAnlyt 6430, -- dmRBEACH NULL, -- Grade NULL, --Comments 79 NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, raw.RawUniq, newid(), samp.SampUniq -- SampUniq FROM NELHARaw raw INNER JOIN NELHATBSample samp ON raw.RawUniq = samp.RawUniq and raw.Phos6391 IS NOT NULL ORDER BY raw.RawIdentityA -- 2939 -- Step #9 perform the above insert for each analyte [Phos6391]- [Ecci6410] -- Step #10 QC Quality Checks (not shown here). select sum(NaNi6230) FROM NELHARaw raw WHERE raw.NaNi6230 IS NOT NULL select sum(Result) FROM NELHATBResult WHERE dmRall = 6230 --15538.63763000 both 80 Appendix B HDOH Clean Water Branch (LTS2) Input File from PacIOOS: The input file for HDOH Clean Water Branch was download from PacIOOS as a comma separated text file with a header indicating the analyte result types (, accessed January 17, 2018) (see Figure 38 for first few rows). Figure 38. HDOH Clean Water Branch Input File. Source: PacIOOS, Table 12. Analyte Results: HDOH Clean Water Branch. PacIOOS, Label #rows ~gmean stdev min max Clos6420 - Clostridium perfringens 5647 1.13 8.33 .20 300.00 Ecci6410 - Enterococci 9804 4.10 114.70 .30 2005.00 O2fs6365 - Fractional_Saturation_of_Oxygen 4463 93.29 11.28 9.87 155.80 O2mc6364 - Mass_Concentration_of_Oxygen 5709 6.43 5.91 3.47 107.00 pHyd6390 - pH 5311 8.18 .20 6.70 9.40 Sali6350 - Salinity 7707 31.11 3.94 .79 38.00 Temp6280 - Temperature C 5961 25.92 1.66 20.12 34.40 Turb6260 - Turbidity 5366 1.26 6.62 .10 192.00 Total Count TBResult #rows 50,014 SELECT '1983-2017 EPA&BEACHAct' as 'Clean Water Branch HDOH', Count(*) as 'TBResult #rows' FROM CWBTBResult; SELECT Label, Count(dmRAll) as '#rows', round(exp(avg(log(Result))),3) as '~gmean',round(stdev(Result),2) as 'stdev',cast(min(Result) as decimal (10,2)) as 'min',cast(max(Result) as decimal (10,2)) as 'max' FROM CWBTBResult WHERE Result<>0 GROUP by Label, dmRAll ORDER by Label 81 Each row of the CWB data file contains a True/False flag indicating whether a Alert was issued base on the analyte results of that sample. Table 13 shows the top locations where alerts have been recorded. Table 13. HDOH Clean Water Branch alert counts by location. Source: PacIOOS, CWB# Location AlertCount 1208 KailuaPierStationD 35 1203 KahaluuBeachPark 31 1205 KailuaPierStationA1 18 1222 PuakoMiddleofLot 17 1235 BanyansSurfingArea 17 1204 KailuaPierStationA 16 1236 AnaehoomaluBay 12 1225 SpencerBeachPark 10 1246 Pelekane 10 SELECT CWBLocationCode, MyLabel, AlertCount FROM CWBFCStation WHERE AlertCount >= 10 ORDER by AlertCount DESC 82 Appendix C Waiakailio Bay (PC4) Input Table: There was one input data table for Waiakailio Bay (see Figure 39). Dollar produced this format for this project and ʻOʻoma Beach. He adjusted the distances from shore (DFS in second column) of the stations along the transect across the two projects based on a survey based on the location of SGD. Figure 39. Waiakailio Bay Table 2. Source: Dollar 2015. Table 14. Analyte Results: Waiakailio Bay. Source: Dollar 2015. Label #rows ~gmean stdev min max AmmN6220 - Ammonia Nitrogen 29 2.45 2.99 .28 11.90 ChlA6250 - Chlorophyll a 30 .09 .10 .02 .50 DogN6369 - Dissolved Organic Nitrogen 30 123.08 22.89 87.50 183.30 DogP6368 - Dissolved Organic Phosphorus 30 9.21 1.59 7.13 15.81 OxyS6367 - O2 Saturation 30 99.59 1.49 95.34 101.32 pHyd6390 - pH 30 8.18 .06 8.05 8.29 PO436396 - PO43 Phosphate 30 1.72 .99 .62 4.03 Sali6350 - Salinity 30 34.13 1.42 27.47 34.67 Sili6360 - Silicates 30 165.92 1005.86 43.56 5101.80 TDNi6210 - Total Nitrogen 30 141.69 73.31 95.70 465.50 Temp6280 - Temperature C 30 25.49 .15 24.99 25.76 TPho6240 - Total Phosphorus 30 11.14 1.77 8.99 17.05 Turb6260 - Turbidity 30 .29 10.94 .08 60.24 Total Count TBResult #rows 419 SELECT 'Waiakailio Bay December 2009' as 'S.J.Dollar', Count(*) as 'TBResult #rows' FROM WaiakailioTBResult; SELECT Label, Count(dmRAll) as '#rows', 83 round(exp(avg(log(Result))),3) as '~gmean',round(stdev(Result),2) as 'stdev',cast(min(Result) as decimal (10,2)) as 'min',cast(max(Result) as decimal (10,2)) as 'max' FROM WaiakailioTBResult WHERE Result>0 AND dmRAll not in (6393,6397) GROUP by Label, dmRAll ORDER by Label 84 Appendix D ʻOʻoma Beach (PC3) Input Table: There were three input data tables for ʻOʻoma Beach (see Figure 40 for the table header from 2006). Figure 40. ʻOʻoma Beach 2006 Data Table 2. Source: Dollar 2008. Table 15. Analyte Results: ʻOʻoma 1990-1992 analyte results. Source: Dollar 2008. Label #rows ~gmean stdev min max Ammn6220 - Ammonia Nitrogen 18 2.24 1.64 .82 7.19 ChlA6250 - Chlorophyll a 18 .08 .02 .04 .14 DOgN6369 - Dissolved Organic Nitrogen 18 86.09 12.91 68.00 111.40 DOgP6368 - Dissolved Organic Phosphorus 18 5.79 1.66 1.58 8.45 Nate6393 - NO3 18 7.49 260.49 .54 1076.94 pHyd6390 - pH 18 8.17 .03 8.08 8.22 PO436396 - PO43 Phosphate 18 4.46 17.22 2.21 73.78 Sali6350 - Salinity 18 31.18 5.93 11.87 34.59 Sili6360 - Silicates 18 284.27 3479.75 71.20 14299.72 TDNi6210 - Total Nitrogen 18 128.17 258.77 75.70 1153.30 Temp6280 - Temperature C 18 26.11 .82 23.60 26.90 TPho6240 - Total Phosphorus 18 12.56 16.07 8.25 76.07 Turb6260 - Turbidity 18 .13 .02 .09 .16 Total Count TBResult #rows 234 SELECT '''O''oma Oct1990&May1991&Nov1991&Mar1992 GeoMean' as 'S.J.Dollar', Count(*) as 'TBResult #rows' FROM OomaTBResult WHERE fkSample LIKE '%TableA2Page43%' SELECT Label, Count(dmRAll) as '#rows', round(exp(avg(log(Result))),3) as '~gmean',round(stdev(Result),2) as 'stdev',cast(min(Result) as decimal (10,2)) as 'min',cast(max(Result) as decimal (10,2)) as 'max' FROM OomaTBResult WHERE Result<>0 AND fkSample LIKE '%TableA2Page43%' GROUP by Label, dmRAll ORDER by Label 85 Table 16. Analyte Results: ʻOʻoma 2002 analyte results. Source: Dollar 2008. Label #rows ~gmean stdev min max Ammn6220 - Ammonia Nitrogen 13 .80 1.39 .12 3.73 ChlA6250 - Chlorophyll a 21 .15 .10 .09 .45 DOgN6369 - Dissolved Organic Nitrogen 21 191.77 16.13 159.47 218.35 DOgP6368 - Dissolved Organic Phosphorus 21 7.50 1.33 5.02 10.79 Nate6393 - NO3 21 1.59 4.12 .29 18.33 OxyS6367 - O2 Saturation 21 93.01 5.85 83.00 101.00 pHyd6390 - pH 21 8.17 .05 8.08 8.28 PO436396 - PO43 Phosphate 21 1.60 1.29 .46 4.70 Sali6350 - Salinity 21 34.80 .10 34.48 34.89 Sili6360 - Silicates 21 149.62 89.80 68.19 408.37 TDNi6210 - Total Nitrogen 21 195.52 17.92 160.15 224.98 Temp6280 - Temperature C 21 26.82 .43 26.30 27.90 TPho6240 - Total Phosphorus 21 9.57 1.08 8.04 12.05 Turb6260 - Turbidity 21 .13 .17 .04 .80 Total Count TBResult #rows 286 SELECT '''O''oma November 1,2002' as 'S.J.Dollar', Count(*) as 'TBResult #rows' FROM OomaTBResult WHERE fkSample LIKE '%TableA4Page45%'; SELECT Label, Count(dmRAll) as '#rows', round(exp(avg(log(Result))),3) as '~gmean',round(stdev(Result),2) as 'stdev',cast(min(Result) as decimal (10,2)) as 'min',cast(max(Result) as decimal (10,2)) as 'max' FROM OomaTBResult WHERE Result<>0 AND fkSample LIKE '%TableA4Page45%' GROUP by Label, dmRAll ORDER by Label Table 17. Analyte Results: ʻOʻoma 2006 analyte results. Source: Dollar 2008. Label #rows ~gmean stdev min max Ammn6220 - Ammonia Nitrogen 30 6.03 4.17 .84 17.36 ChlA6250 - Chlorophyll a 30 .44 .38 .12 2.00 DOgN6369 - Dissolved Organic Nitrogen 30 98.98 17.11 59.36 147.56 DOgP6368 - Dissolved Organic Phosphorus 30 8.18 1.97 .62 12.71 Nate6393 - NO3 30 28.93 121.15 1.96 642.18 OxyS6367 - O2 Saturation 30 105.58 1.61 101.20 108.80 pHyd6390 - pH 30 8.23 .06 8.07 8.34 PO436396 - PO43 Phosphate 30 1.61 4.64 .31 19.53 Sali6350 - Salinity 30 31.93 3.40 17.15 34.73 Sili6360 - Silicates 30 811.58 1924.33 70.00 10342.00 TDNi6210 - Total Nitrogen 30 163.06 122.01 88.48 715.68 Temp6280 - Temperature C 30 27.06 .18 26.54 27.27 TPho6240 - Total Phosphorus 30 11.27 4.46 8.68 27.28 Turb6260 - Turbidity 30 .13 .13 .07 .78 Total Count TBResult #rows 420 86 SELECT '''O''oma November 1,2006' as 'S.J.Dollar', Count(*) as 'TBResult #rows' FROM OomaTBResult WHERE fkSample LIKE '%Table2Page34%'; SELECT Label, Count(dmRAll) as '#rows', round(exp(avg(log(Result))),3) as '~gmean',round(stdev(Result),2) as 'stdev',cast(min(Result) as decimal (10,2)) as 'min',cast(max(Result) as decimal (10,2)) as 'max' FROM OomaTBResult WHERE Result<>0 AND fkSample LIKE '%Table2Page34%' GROUP by Label, dmRAll ORDER by Label 87 Appendix E Hokuliʻa (PC1) Input Tables: There were seven input data tables for Hokuliʻa (see Figure 41 for one of them). This format is flipped compared to other data files. The rows are the analyte results and columns are the stations. Figure 41. Hokuliʻa transect data table. Source: Ziemann and Klein 2003. Table 18. Analyte Results: Hokuliʻa. Source: Ziemann and Klein 2003. Label #rows ~gmean stdev min max AmmN6220 - Ammonia Nitrogen 35 1.54 2.82 .50 10.00 ChlA6250 - Chlorophyll a 35 .31 .61 .10 3.24 NaNi6230 - Nitrate+Nitrite Nitrogen 35 8.53 64.09 1.00 272.00 Nate6393 - NO3 35 3.78 2.03 1.80 10.20 OxyD6270 - Dissolved Oxygen 10 6.78 .12 6.59 6.95 Pho06395 - 0-Phosphate 35 3.88 3.36 1.00 15.00 pHyd6390 - pH 10 8.27 .05 8.23 8.35 Sali6350 - Salinity 35 34.81 1.19 30.20 35.60 Sili6360 - Silicates 35 260.64 685.92 70.00 3223.00 TDNi6210 - Total Nitrogen 35 141.16 68.68 68.00 378.00 Temp6280 - Temperature C 10 27.77 .19 27.40 28.10 88 Label #rows ~gmean stdev min max TPho6240 - Total Phosphorus 35 7.49 3.05 4.00 16.00 Turb6260 - Turbidity 35 .28 .10 .14 .57 Total Count TBResult #rows 380 SELECT 'Hokulia Aug2003' as 'D.Ziemann', Count(*) as 'TBResult #rows' FROM HokuliaTBResult; SELECT Label, Count(dmRAll) as '#rows', round(exp(avg(log(Result))),3) as '~gmean', round(stdev(Result),2) as 'stdev',cast(min(Result) as decimal (10,2)) as 'min',cast(max(Result) as decimal (10,2)) as 'max' FROM HokuliaTBResult WHERE Result<>0 GROUP by Label, dmRAll 89 Appendix F Keopuka Lands (PC2) Input Tables: There were two input data tables for Keopuka Lands (see Figure 42 for the table header and first few rows from the 2000 survey). Figure 42. Keopuka data table. Source: Brock 2000. Table 19. Analyte Results: Keopuka from 1991. Source: Brock 2000. Label #rows ~gmean stdev min max AmmN6220 - Ammonia Nitrogen 7 3.16 1.77 1.96 7.14 ChlA6250 - Chlorophyll a 7 .09 .02 .07 .14 DogN6369 - Dissolved Organic Nitrogen 7 106.58 11.10 96.18 126.52 Nate6393 - NO3 7 2.36 16.45 .14 45.78 OxyD6270 - Dissolved Oxygen 7 9.73 1.44 7.44 11.16 OxyS6367 - O2 Saturation 7 101.42 .98 100.00 103.00 Pho06395 - 0-Phosphate 7 2.49 1.61 1.24 6.20 pHyd6390 - pH 7 8.24 .03 8.19 8.28 Sali6350 - Salinity 7 34.68 .08 34.58 34.76 Sili6360 - Silicates 7 155.62 393.90 45.08 1153.68 TDNi6210 - Total Nitrogen 7 96.08 21.24 81.20 143.22 Temp6280 - Temperature C 7 25.59 .12 25.50 25.80 TPho6240 - Total Phosphorus 7 8.95 1.37 7.44 11.78 Turb6260 - Turbidity 7 .07 .01 .07 .08 Total Count TBResult #rows 98 SELECT 'Old 12/1991' as 'Keopuka,R.Brock', Count(*) as 'TBResult #rows' FROM KeopukaTBResult WHERE fkSample LIKE '%YDec1991%' SELECT Label, Count(dmRAll) as '#rows', round(exp(avg(log(Result))),3) as '~gmean', round(stdev(Result),2) as 'stdev', cast(min(Result) as decimal (10,2)) as 'min', cast(max(Result) as decimal (10,2)) as 'max' FROM KeopukaTBResult WHERE Result != 0 AND fkSample LIKE '%YDec1991%' GROUP by Label, dmRAll ORDER by Label 90 Table 20. Analyte Results: Keopuka from 2000. Source: Brock 2000. Label #rows ~gmean stdev min max AmmN6220 - Ammonia Nitrogen 17 2.30 .68 1.54 3.64 ChlA6250 - Chlorophyll a 17 .10 .01 .07 .13 DogN6369 - Dissolved Organic Nitrogen 17 110.86 16.99 93.80 155.40 Nate6393 - NO3 16 2.64 10.79 .14 27.66 OxyD6270 - Dissolved Oxygen 17 8.57 1.42 6.82 11.47 OxyS6367 - O2 Saturation 17 101.47 .80 100.00 103.00 Pho06395 - 0-Phosphate 17 6.24 1.60 4.34 9.30 pHyd6390 - pH 17 8.17 .11 7.95 8.47 Sali6350 - Salinity 17 34.52 .26 33.97 34.71 Sili6360 - Silicates 17 120.99 224.80 42.28 688.80 TDNi6210 - Total Nitrogen 17 121.25 16.91 97.72 159.46 Temp6280 - Temperature C 17 25.32 .63 24.50 26.20 TPho6240 - Total Phosphorus 17 15.02 1.66 13.33 19.22 Turb6260 - Turbidity 17 .10 .02 .07 .16 Total Count TBResult #rows 238 SELECT 'New 04/2000' as 'Keopuka,R.Brock', Count(*) as 'TBResult #rows' FROM KeopukaTBResult WHERE fkSample LIKE '%YApr2000%' SELECT Label, Count(dmRAll) as '#rows', round(exp(avg(log(Result))),3) as '~gmean', round(stdev(Result),2) as 'stdev', cast(min(Result) as decimal (10,2)) as 'min', cast(max(Result) as decimal (10,2)) as 'max' FROM KeopukaTBResult WHERE Result != 0 AND fkSample LIKE '%YApr2000%' GROUP by Label, dmRAll ORDER by Label 91 Appendix G Kīholo Bay Buoy (UHH1) Input File from PacIOOS: The input file for Kīholo Bay Buoy was download from PacIOOS as a comma separated file with a header indicating the analyte result types (, accessed January 17, 2018) (see Figure 43 for first few rows). Figure 43. Input file for Kīholo Bay Buoy project. Source: PacIOOS, Table 21. Analyte Results: Kīholo Buoy. Source: PacIOOS, Label #rows ~gmean stdev min max Clos6420 - Clostridium perfringens 535 .90 .61 .02 10.21 Cond6394 - Conductivity 588 4.84 .76 .04 5.39 O2sa6366 - Oxygen_Saturation 588 1.00 .05 .79 1.25 O2sc6367 - Oxygen_Saturation_Conc 588 6.78 .28 6.58 8.85 OxyD6270 - Dissolved Oxygen 588 6.75 .37 5.54 8.75 Sali6350 - Salinity 588 31.48 4.99 .23 35.12 Temp6280 - Temperature C 588 25.25 .63 21.12 27.10 Turb6260 - Turbidity 588 .35 .52 .19 10.21 Total Count TBResult #rows 5,831 SELECT 'Kiholo Bay Buoy March 2014' as 'J.Adolf PacIOOS mmol', Count(*) as 'TBResult #rows' FROM KiholoTBResult SELECT Label, Count(dmRAll) as '#rows', round(exp(avg(log(Result))),3) as '~gmean',round(stdev(Result),2) as 'stdev',cast(min(Result) as decimal (10,2)) as 'min',cast(max(Result) as decimal (10,2)) as 'max' FROM KiholoTBResult WHERE Result>0 AND dmRAll not in (6393,6397) GROUP by Label, dmRAll ORDER by Label 92 Appendix H Puakō (UHH3) Input Tables: There were two input data tables, the microbiological table is shown in Figure 44. Figure 44. Table 1 (partial). Source: Abaya 2016. Table 22. Analyte Results: Puakō. Source: Abaya 2016. Label #rows ~gmean stdev min max Ammn6220 - Ammonia Nitrogen 16 1.39 4.92 .49 20.83 Clos6420 - Clostridium perfringens 16 4.80 3.01 2.00 12.00 Ecci6410 - Enterococci 16 307.42 681.26 18.00 2777.00 H4Si6389 - H4Sio4 Silicic Acid 16 262.20 171.50 95.00 652.00 N15i6388 - 15N 16 6.52 2.17 4.23 11.88 NaNi6230 - Nitrate+Nitrite Nitrogen 16 51.91 55.42 13.37 196.05 Phos6391 - Phosphorus PO4 16 1.28 1.80 .39 7.42 Sali6350 - Salinity 16 18.64 7.51 6.43 30.77 TDNi6210 - Total Nitrogen 16 68.20 56.07 22.00 221.00 TPho6240 - Total Phosphorus 16 1.66 1.94 .57 8.25 Total Count TBResult #rows 160 SELECT 'Puako Nov2014-July2015' as 'L.Abaya', Count(*) as 'TBResult #rows' FROM AbayaTBResult; SELECT Label, Count(dmRAll) as '#rows', round(exp(avg(log(Result))),3) as '~gmean', round(stdev(Result),2) as 'stdev',cast(min(Result) as decimal (10,2)) as 'min',cast(max(Result) as decimal (10,2)) as 'max' FROM AbayaTBResult WHERE Result<>0 GROUP by Label, dmRAll ORDER by Label 93 Appendix I Honokōhau Harbor and Kealakekua Bay (UHH2h and UHH2k) Input Table: There was one table for both sites (see the first two columns in Figure 45). The format reflects the high aggregation nature of this data. For example, ‘HNI’ refers to the North Inside Honokōhau location where they had two fifty meter transects, these values are the geometric mean of all individual samples for the duration of the project. Figure 45. Table 1 (partial) input data table. Source: Parsons et al. 2008. Table 23. Analyte Results: Honokōhau Harbor. Source: Parsons et al. 2008. Label #rows ~gmean stdev min max AmmN6220 - Ammonia Nitrogen 4 .05 .04 .02 .09 ChlA6250 - Chlorophyll a 4 .11 .01 .10 .13 N15i6388 - 15N 4 2.00 .56 1.29 2.50 NaNi6230 - Nitrate+Nitrite Nitrogen 4 .37 .02 .35 .40 Pheo6398 - Pheophytin 4 .15 .01 .14 .17 Sali6350 - Salinity 4 34.45 .13 34.30 34.60 Sili6360 - Silicates 4 1.77 .30 1.51 2.11 TDNi6210 - Total Nitrogen 4 3.45 .14 3.29 3.63 94 Label #rows ~gmean stdev min max Temp6280 - Temperature C 4 26.48 .13 26.30 26.60 TPho6240 - Total Phosphorus 1 .01 .01 .01 Total Count TBResult #rows 40 SELECT 'Honokohau Harbor' as 'M.Parsons', Count(*) as 'TBResult #rows' FROM ParsonsTBResult WHERE fkSample LIKE '%Honokahou%' SELECT Label, Count(dmRAll) as '#rows', round(exp(avg(log(Result))),3) as '~gmean',round(stdev(Result),2) as 'stdev',cast(min(Result) as decimal (10,2)) as 'min',cast(max(Result) as decimal (10,2)) as 'max' FROM ParsonsTBResult WHERE Result<>0 AND fkSample LIKE '%Honokahou%' GROUP by Label, dmRAll ORDER by Label Table 24. Analyte Results: Kealakekua Bay. Source: Parsons et al. 2008. Label #rows ~gmean stdev min max AmmN6220 - Ammonia Nitrogen 4 .30 .08 .23 .38 ChlA6250 - Chlorophyll a 4 .12 .01 .11 .13 N15i6388 - 15N 4 2.72 .29 2.33 3.01 NaNi6230 - Nitrate+Nitrite Nitrogen 4 .38 .06 .31 .45 Pheo6398 - Pheophytin 4 .16 .03 .13 .20 Sali6350 - Salinity 4 34.63 .10 34.50 34.70 Sili6360 - Silicates 4 2.83 .31 2.58 3.17 TDNi6210 - Total Nitrogen 4 1.84 1.57 .29 3.45 Temp6280 - Temperature C 4 27.00 .08 26.90 27.10 TPho6240 - Total Phosphorus 2 .02 .01 .01 .03 Total Count TBResult #rows 40 SELECT 'Kealakekua Bay' as 'M.Parsons', Count(*) as 'TBResult #rows' FROM ParsonsTBResult WHERE fkSample LIKE '%Kealakekua%' SELECT Label, Count(dmRAll) as '#rows', round(exp(avg(log(Result))),3) as '~gmean',round(stdev(Result),2) as 'stdev',cast(min(Result) as decimal (10,2)) as 'min',cast(max(Result) as decimal (10,2)) as 'max' FROM ParsonsTBResult WHERE Result<>0 AND fkSample LIKE '%Kealakekua%' GROUP by Label, dmRAll ORDER by Label 95 Appendix J Keauhou Bay (CZ1) Table 25. Analyte Results: Keauhou Bay. Source: D. Mihalka 2017. Label #rows ~gmean stdev min max Colo6387 - Color 189 2.33 .68 1.00 4.00 Sali6350 - Salinity 259 53.52 7.24 29.10 66.00 Swel6384 - Swell Direction 257 265.06 20.96 225.00 315.00 SwHt6385 - Swell Height Inches 191 7.36 8.47 .10 56.00 Temp6280 - Temperature C 248 26.34 1.65 19.80 29.00 Turb6260 - Turbidity 202 .71 5.88 .01 51.00 WdCp6383 - Wind Chop Inches 196 1.52 5.38 .10 28.80 WdSw6382 - Wind Swell 196 1.23 2.44 .10 14.00 Wind6381 - Wind Direction 258 234.04 53.97 18.00 360.00 Total Count TBResult #rows 2048 SELECT 'May-Dec2014 Weekly' as 'Keauhou Bay,D.Mihalka', Count(*) as 'TBResult #rows' FROM MihalkaTBResult; SELECT Label, Count(dmRAll) as '#rows', round(exp(avg(log(Result))),3) as '~gmean',round(stdev(Result),2) as 'stdev',cast(min(Result) as decimal (10,2)) as 'min',cast(max(Result) as decimal (10,2)) as 'max' FROM MihalkaTBResult WHERE Result!=0 GROUP by Label, dmRAll ORDER by Label 96 Appendix K Hawaiʻi Ocean Time series (Control Site) Table 26. Analyte Results: Selected yearly analytes by count from station ALOHA (0-5m depth) Sample Count Year Analyte ~gmean stdev min max 30 1996 Sili6360-Silicates 1.431 0.33 1.05 2.58 24 2000 Sili6360-Silicates 1.334 0.42 0.71 2.67 23 1995 Sili6360-Silicates 1.337 0.46 0.64 2.63 22 2001 Sili6360-Silicates 1.482 0.27 1.10 2.21 20 1997 Sili6360-Silicates 1.31 0.34 0.82 1.93 19 2004 Sili6360-Silicates 0.96 0.13 0.77 1.21 18 2001 NaNi6230-Nitrate+Nitrite Nitrogen 0.045 0.12 0.01 0.40 17 2003 Sili6360-Silicates 0.957 0.22 0.65 1.62 16 2004 NaNi6230-Nitrate+Nitrite Nitrogen 0.042 0.04 0.01 0.14 16 1999 Sili6360-Silicates 1.576 0.53 1.22 2.78 15 2003 NaNi6230-Nitrate+Nitrite Nitrogen 0.036 0.03 0.01 0.14 13 1994 Sili6360-Silicates 1.399 0.46 0.98 2.35 13 2000 TDNi6210-Total Nitrogen 5.438 0.39 4.71 6.03 13 2000 TPho6240-Total Phosphorus 0.304 0.05 0.22 0.39 11 2004 ChlA6250-Chlorophyll a 90.397 37.49 47.00 185.00 11 2001 ChlA6250-Chlorophyll a 99.068 47.49 54.00 223.00 11 2002 NaNi6230-Nitrate+Nitrite Nitrogen 0.037 0.04 0.01 0.13 11 2015 NaNi6230-Nitrate+Nitrite Nitrogen 0.023 0.04 0.01 0.14 11 1995 pHyd6390-pH 8.094 0.01 8.09 8.11 11 2002 Sili6360-Silicates 1.147 0.15 0.92 1.39 97 Appendix L FoxDB Database Schema Figure 46. FoxDB Schema. Source: Bartošová et al. 2005. 98 Appendix M Geodatabase Data Dictionary Table 27. FCStation description (all fields). McConkey et al. 2004 and Bartošová et al. 2005. Field Name Description SQL Data Type Nullable pkStation Unique identification for stations nvarchar(255) No XField Longitude in decimal degrees numeric(38,8) No YField Latitude in decimal degrees numeric(38,8) No mShore Distance from shore (meters) int Yes StartDate Earliest date datetime2(7) No EndDate Ending date datetime2(7) No dmStAA Class AA domain int No dmStA Class A domain int No dmStType Station type int No dmStRule Rule domain int No Label For GIS labels nvarchar(255) No Other Fields dmStClas Class domain int No TablePage Table and Page in source document nvarchar(255) Yes dmAccuracy Accuracy domain int No dmStReef Reef domain int Yes AttachSt Code for GIS attachment image int Yes RawUniq Identifies the row in source data uniqueidentifier No fkStation1 Reserved for other organizations nvarchar(255) Yes fkStation2 Reserved for other organizations nvarchar(255) Yes fkEPA The station code used by the USEPA and State. Not all stations have a code assigned by USEPA nvarchar(255) Yes fkUSGS The station code used by the USGS. Not all stations have a code assigned by USGS nvarchar(255) Yes Embayment The embayment name nvarchar(255) Yes VolumeBay Volume of the bay numeric(38,8) Yes CrossArea Cross section of embayment numeric(38,8) Yes dmStBott Bottom domain int Yes dmAccu4610 GPS from PacIOOS nvarchar(255) Yes dmAccu4620 GPS from documentation nvarchar(255) Yes dmAccu4630 GPS from world geocoder nvarchar(255) Yes dmAccu4640 GPS from Esri XY geocoder nvarchar(255) Yes dmAccu4650 GPS from Google MyMaps nvarchar(255) Yes dmAccu4660 GPS override nvarchar(255) Yes dmAccu4670 GPS from Google Maps nvarchar(255) Yes 99 Field Name Description SQL Data Type Nullable StFloat1 Extra numeric numeric(38,8) Yes StFloat2 Extra numeric numeric(38,8) Yes StDate3 Extra date datetime2(7) Yes StDate4 Extra date datetime2(7) Yes StLong5 Extra integer int Yes Rotation GIS symbology field int No Normalize GIS symbology field int No Weight GIS symbology field int No PageQuery GIS feature not implemented int Yes PageQueryS GIS feature not implemented nvarchar(255) Yes GeoUniq Development field uniqueidentifier No StatUniq Development field uniqueidentifier No 100 FCStation SQL create command: CREATE TABLE FCStation ( [pkStation] [nvarchar](255) NOT NULL, [Label] [nvarchar](255) NOT NULL, [TablePage] [nvarchar](255) NULL, [fkStation1] [nvarchar](255) NULL, [fkStation2] [nvarchar](255) NULL, [mShore] [int] NULL, [dmStA] [int] NOT NULL, [dmStAA] [int] NOT NULL, [dmStBott] [int] NULL, [dmStClas] [int] NOT NULL, [dmAccuracy] [int] NOT NULL, [dmStReef] [int] NULL, [dmStRule] [int] NOT NULL, [dmStType] [int] NOT NULL, [fkEPA] [nvarchar](255) NULL, [fkUSGS] [nvarchar](255) NULL, [Embayment] [nvarchar](255) NULL, [VolumeBay] [numeric](38, 8) NULL, [CrossArea] [numeric](38, 8) NULL, [AttachSt] [int] NULL, [dmAccu4610] [nvarchar](255) NULL, [dmAccu4620] [nvarchar](255) NULL, [dmAccu4630] [nvarchar](255) NULL, [dmAccu4640] [nvarchar](255) NULL, [dmAccu4650] [nvarchar](255) NULL, [dmAccu4660] [nvarchar](255) NULL, [dmAccu4670] [nvarchar](255) NULL, [StartDate] [datetime2](7) NOT NULL, [EndDate] [datetime2](7) NOT NULL, [StFloat1] [numeric](38, 8) NULL, [StFloat2] [numeric](38, 8) NULL, [StDate3] [datetime2](7) NULL, [StDate4] [datetime2](7) NULL, [StLong5] [int] NULL, [XField] [numeric](38, 8) NOT NULL, [YField] [numeric](38, 8) NOT NULL, [Rotation] [int] NOT NULL, [Normalize] [int] NOT NULL, [Weight] [int] NOT NULL, [PageQuery] [int] NULL, [PageQueryS] [nvarchar](255) NULL, [GeoUniq] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL, [StatUniq] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL, [RawUniq] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY (pkStation)) 101 Table 28. TBSample description (all fields) McConkey et al. 2004 and Bartošová et al. 2005. Field Name Description SQL Data Type Nullable pkSample Unique sample identification number, number assigned if not provided by data originator. A sample is a monitoring activity (e.g., ambient samples, measurements, and observations) performed at a specific date, time, and location in order to characterize the environment nvarchar(255) No fkStation Unique number for the station, identifying the specific location, at which field work/sampling is conducted nvarchar(255) No fkUnqID Unique sample identification code for linking to TBResult nvarchar(255) No StartDate Date and time when field work/sample collection began datetime2(7) No EndDate Date and time when field work/sample collection ended datetime2(7) No TimeMissg Indicates whether sampling time was missing in the original data. nvarchar(255) Yes dmSample Letter code describing the sampling method int No Label For GIS labels nvarchar(255) No Other Fields: Transect Transect number int Yes Medium Not implemented nvarchar(255) Yes CompStat Not implemented nvarchar(255) Yes AlertTrue For CWB only, boolean indicates with sample caused Alert int Yes TablePage Table and page from source document nvarchar(255) Yes Comment Any comment nvarchar(255) Yes RawUniq Identifies the row in source data uniqueidentifier Yes AttachSa GIS attachment code int Yes mShore Distance from shore (meters) int Yes fkOrg Organization table link, not implemented nvarchar(255) No fkStation2 Not implemented nvarchar(255) Yes fkProject Unique number, lookup is TBProjects nvarchar(255) No fkIDLoc FoxDB link (not implemented) nvarchar(255) No SaFloat1 Extra numeric numeric(38,8) Yes SaFloat2 Extra numeric numeric(38,8) Yes SaDate3 Extra date datetime2(7) Yes 102 Field Name Description SQL Data Type Nullable SaDate4 Extra date datetime2(7) Yes SaLong5 Extra integer int Yes Rotation GIS symbology field int No Normalize GIS symbology field int No Weight GIS symbology field int No PageQuery GIS feature not implemented int No PageQueryS GIS feature not implemented nvarchar(255) Yes SampUniq Development field uniqueidentifier Yes 103 TBSample SQL create command: CREATE TABLE TBSample ( [pkSample] [nvarchar](255) NOT NULL, [Label] [nvarchar](255) NOT NULL, [TablePage] [nvarchar](255) NULL, [AlertTrue] [int] NULL, [fkIDLoc] [nvarchar](255) NOT NULL, [Transect] [int] NULL, [mShore] [int] NULL, [fkStation] [nvarchar](255) NOT NULL, [fkStation2] [nvarchar](255) NULL, [fkProject] [nvarchar](255) NOT NULL, [fkUnqID] [nvarchar](255) NOT NULL, [fkOrg] [nvarchar](255) NOT NULL, [dmSample] [int] NOT NULL, [StartDate] [datetime2](7) NOT NULL, [EndDate] [datetime2](7) NOT NULL, [TimeMissg] [nvarchar](255) NULL, [Medium] [nvarchar](255) NULL, [CompStat] [nvarchar](255) NULL, [Comment] [nvarchar](255) NULL, [AttachSa] [int] NULL, [SaFloat1] [numeric](38, 8) NULL, [SaFloat2] [numeric](38, 8) NULL, [SaDate3] [datetime2](7) NULL, [SaDate4] [datetime2](7) NULL, [SaLong5] [int] NULL, [Rotation] [int] NOT NULL, [Normalize] [int] NOT NULL, [Weight] [int] NOT NULL, [PageQuery] [int] NOT NULL, [PageQueryS] [nvarchar](255) NULL, [SampUniq] [uniqueidentifier] NULL, [RawUniq] [uniqueidentifier] NULL, PRIMARY KEY (pkSample)) 104 Table 29. TBResult description (all fields). McConkey et al. 2004 and Bartošová et al. 2005. Field Name Description SQL Data Type Nullable fkSample Unique sample identification number. A sample is a monitoring activity performed at a specific date, time, and location in order to characterize the environment. nvarchar(255) No fkUnqID Unique sample identification code for linking to TBSample. nvarchar(255) No Result Data value for a sample result or a code representing an observation. Result values can be numeric or alphanumeric values. numeric(38,8) No Comment nvarchar(255) Yes dmRAll Analyte Domain containing all analytes int No dmR11546 Analyte Domain for State Law int No dmRBEACH Analyte Domain for BEACH Act int No dmRAnlyt Analyte Domain for other than dmR11546 and dmRBEACH int No Label For GIS labels (full analyte code). nvarchar(255) No Other Fields: dmRAMeth Domain for methods int No Stddev Standard deviation numeric(38,8) Yes RawUniq Identifies the row in source data uniqueidentifier Yes AttachR GIS attachment code int Yes Grade Not implemented nvarchar(255) Yes fkIDLoc FoxDB link (not implemented) nvarchar(255) No SampUniq Development field uniqueidentifier Yes ResUniq Development field uniqueidentifier Yes RFloat1 Extra numeric numeric(38,8) Yes RFloat2 Extra numeric numeric(38,) Yes RDate3 Extra date datetime2(7) Yes RDate4 Extra date datetime2(7) Yes RLong5 Extra integer int Yes 105 TBResult SQL create command: CREATE TABLE TBResult ( [fkSample] [nvarchar](255) NOT NULL, [Label] [nvarchar](255) NOT NULL, [fkIDLoc] [nvarchar](255) NOT NULL, [fkUnqID] [nvarchar](255) NOT NULL, [Result] [numeric](38, 8) NOT NULL, [Stddev] [numeric](38, 8) NULL, [dmRAll] [int] NOT NULL, [dmRAMeth] [int] NOT NULL, [dmR11546] [int] NOT NULL, [dmRAnlyt] [int] NOT NULL, [dmRBEACH] [int] NOT NULL, [Grade] [nvarchar](255) NULL, [Comments] [nvarchar](255) NULL, [AttachR] [int] NULL, [RFloat1] [numeric](38, 8) NULL, [RFloat2] [numeric](38, 8) NULL, [RDate3] [datetime2](7) NULL, [RDate4] [datetime2](7) NULL, [RLong5] [int] NULL, [RawUniq] [uniqueidentifier] NULL, [ResUniq] [uniqueidentifier] NULL, [SampUniq] [uniqueidentifier] NULL, PRIMARY KEY (pkSample, dmRAll)) 106 Appendix N Analyte Domains and Codes dmR11546– type LONG (REQUIRED, NON_NULLABLE), TBResult TDNi6210,6210,Total Nitrogen AmmN6220,6220,Ammonia Nitrogen NaNi6230,6230,Nitrate+Nitrite Nitrogen TPho6240,6240,Total Phosphorus ChlA6250,6250,Chlorophyll a Turb6260,6260,Turbidity OxyD6270,6270,Dissolved Oxygen COxy6272,6272,CTD Oxygen Temp6280,6280,Temperature C NotdmR11546,6299,Not applicable,Use other domain dmRAnlyt– type LONG (REQUIRED, NON_NULLABLE), TBResult Sali6350,6350,Salinity Sili6360,6360,Silicates O2mc6364,6364,Mass_Concentration_of_Oxygen_CWB O2fs6365,6365,Fractional_Saturation_of_Oxygen_CWB O2sa6366,6366,Oxygen_Saturation_PacIOOS O2sc6367,6367,Oxygen_Saturation_Conc_PacIOOS DOgP6368,6368,Dissolved Organic Phosphorus DOgN6369,6369,Dissolved Organic Nitrogen Wind6381,6381,Wind Direction WdSw6382,6382,Wind Swell WdCp6383,6383,Wind Chop Inches Swel6384,6384,Swell Direction SwHt6385,6385,Swell Height Inches TDPh6386,6386,Total Dissolved Phosphorus Colo6387,6387,Color N15i6388,6388,15N H4Si6389,6389,H4Sio4 Silicic Acid pHyd6390,6390,pH Phos6391,6391,Phosphorus PO4 TtOC6392,6392,Total Organic Carbon Nate6393,6393,NO3 Cond6394,6394,Conductivity Pho06395,6395,0-Phosphate PO436396,6396,PO43 Phosphate CDOM6397,6397,Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter Pheo6398,6398,Pheophytin NotdmAnlyt,6399,Not applicable,Use other domain dmRBEACH– type LONG (REQUIRED, NON_NULLABLE), TBResult Ecci6410,6410,Enterococci spp. Clos6420,6420,Clostridium perfringens NotRBEACH,6499,Not applicable,Use other domain 107 dmRAll– type LONG (REQUIRED, NON_NULLABLE), TBResult dmR11546+dmRAnlyt+dmRBEACH dmRAMeth – type LONG (REQUIRED, NON_NULLABLE), TBResult 6450 Method#1 6451 CWB 6460 Method#2 6462 Method#3 HOTs 6464 Method#4 NELHA 6465 Method#4 UHHilo dmSample– type LONG (REQUIRED, NON_NULLABLE), TBSample 1410 Field 1420 Laboratory dmStA – type LONG (REQUIRED, NON_NULLABLE), FCStation ## Class A, Marine Water and Embayments from HAR 11-54 3420 Kawaihae Boat Harbor 3430 Honokohau Boat Harbor 3440 Keauhou Bay 3499 Class A Not Applicable dmStAA– type LONG (REQUIRED, NON_NULLABLE), FCStation ## Class AA, Marine Water and Embayments from HAR 11-54 6410 Puako Bay 6420 Waiulua Bay 6430 Anaehoomalu Bay 6440 Kiholo Bay 6450 Kailua Harbor 6460 Kealakekua Bay 6470 Honaunau Bay 6499 Class AA Not Applicable dmStClas – type LONG (REQUIRED, NON_NULLABLE), FCStation ## Classification from HAR 11-54 7110 Class AA Marine Waters and Embayments 7120 Class AA DLNR Embayments 7130 Class AA Marine Sanctuaries 7140 Class AA US Fish and Wildlife Service 7150 Class AA LeleiwiPt to WaiulaulaPt 7160 Class A Marine Waters and Embayments 7170 Not Specified dmAccuracy – type LONG (REQUIRED, NON_NULLABLE), FCStation, FCProject 4610 Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System 4620 From Documentation 4630 Esri World Geocoder 4640 Esri XY provider 4650 Google Maps 4660 Google Override dmStRule – type LONG (REQUIRED, NON_NULLABLE), FCStation ## From QAPP 108 7777 In Compliance 7776 On Alert 7775 Storm Event 7774 Waste Water Event 7773 Waste Water Condition dmStType – type LONG (REQUIRED, NON_NULLABLE), FCStation ## Basic type of Station 111 Daily - Hawai‘i Clean Water Branch 222 EPA 303(d) Impaired Water Body 333 Kayak Scientists 444 Journal Articles 555 National Energy Laboratory of Hawai‘i Authority 808 UH Hawai‘i Ocean Time Series 700 Environmental Impact Reports 755 Buoy 109 Appendix O R Code to Extract Text from PDF File This R script uses the package ‘pdftools’ provided free by Jeroen Ooms. (https://cran.r-, accessed May 27, 2018) to parse the text on each page looking for a specific table on the pages with water quality data. In the ʻOʻoma example below, the parse utility finds the page with the text “TABLE 1” and then writes the entire page to a text file. # Ooma EIS appendix with water values pdf_file <- "~/WestHawaiiWaterQuality4/WQData/19_7084_PC3_OomaBeach_SDollar/PDR2 Appendix Ooma Marine Chemistry.pdf" # pull in PDF using 'pdftools' pkg text <- pdf_text(pdf_file) w <- grep("TABLE 1.", text) # ...grep found this on page 53 and 57, need to mine the page # - not coded yet, send to console cat(text[w]) write.table(text, "~/WestHawaiiWaterQuality4/WQData/19_7084_PC3_OomaBeach_SDollar/Ooma_RStudio_p dftools_Table1.txt", sep="\t")
Abstract (if available)
An integrated ocean water quality geodatabase for the West Hawai‘i Island region is of interest to local scientists who want to assess near-shore ocean waters because the unique properties of this environment allow the data to speak for the environment as a whole. With guidance from local environmental scientists, disparate near-shore water quality projects from different organizations were combined and integrated into a single geodatabase using reproducible methods. This study used SQL query methods to extract data from regulatory monitoring and scholarly research documents into a professional spatio-temporal water science database for use in the Esri ArcGIS Pro software program. The final geodatabase contains 100,000 analyte results from 15,000 samples at 300 stations. The geodatabase, data, methods, images and data and documentation sources used to produce these results were published at GitHub free for use. This geodatabase provides a GIS foundation to support the future development of online web maps and story maps that can be used to inform the public about ocean water quality changes.
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Asset Metadata
Borer, Donald C.
Core Title
Creating a water quality geodatabase for the West Hawai‘i Island region
College of Letters, Arts and Sciences
Master of Science
Degree Program
Geographic Information Science and Technology
Publication Date
Defense Date
University of Southern California
University of Southern California. Libraries
ArcGIS Pro Geodatabase,Big Island GIS,Clean Water Branch,David Ziemann,Dennis Mihalka,Environmental Geodatabase,Esri ArcGIS Pro,FoxDB,GDB Design,GIS Environmental Impact Statement,GitHub,Hawaii Department of Health,Hawaii Ocean Time Series,Hokuliʻa,Honokōhau,HOTS,Jason Adolf,Keāhole,Keahole Point,Kealakekua,Keauhou,Keith Olson,Keopuka,Kīholo,Kiholo Bay,Kona Water Quality,Leilani Abaya,Michael Parsons,Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaiʻi Authority,NELHA,OAI-PMH Harvest,ʻOʻoma,Pacific Islands Oceans Observing System,PacIOOS,Puakō,Richard Bennett,Richard Brock,SGD,SQL geodatabase,Steven Dollar,Submarine Ground Discharge,Waiakailio Bay,Water Quality Geodatabase,West Hawaii Water Quality
Electronically uploaded by the author
Kemp, Karen K. (
committee chair
), Loyola, Laura Cyra (
committee member
), Wu, An-Min (
committee member
Creator Email,
Permanent Link (DOI)
Unique identifier
etd-BorerDonal-6776.pdf (filename),usctheses-c89-72893 (legacy record id)
Legacy Identifier
Document Type
application/pdf (imt)
Borer, Donald C.
University of Southern California
(contributing entity),
University of Southern California Dissertations and Theses
Access Conditions
The author retains rights to his/her dissertation, thesis or other graduate work according to U.S. copyright law. Electronic access is being provided by the USC Libraries in agreement with the a...
Repository Name
University of Southern California Digital Library
Repository Location
USC Digital Library, University of Southern California, University Park Campus MC 2810, 3434 South Grand Avenue, 2nd Floor, Los Angeles, California 90089-2810, USA
ArcGIS Pro Geodatabase
Big Island GIS
Clean Water Branch
David Ziemann
Dennis Mihalka
Environmental Geodatabase
Esri ArcGIS Pro
GDB Design
GIS Environmental Impact Statement
Hawaii Department of Health
Hawaii Ocean Time Series
Jason Adolf
Keahole Point
Keith Olson
Kiholo Bay
Kona Water Quality
Leilani Abaya
Michael Parsons
Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaiʻi Authority
Pacific Islands Oceans Observing System
Richard Bennett
Richard Brock
SQL geodatabase
Steven Dollar
Submarine Ground Discharge
Waiakailio Bay
Water Quality Geodatabase
West Hawaii Water Quality