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Asynchronous writes in cache augmented data stores
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Asynchronous writes in cache augmented data stores
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Hieu Nguyen
A Dissertation Presented to the
In Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree
May 2019
Copyright 2019 Hieu Nguyen
This dissertation explores the processing of writes asynchronously in a cache
augmented data store while maintaining the atomicity, consistency, isolation, and
durability(ACID)propertiesoftransactions. Itenablesthecachinglayertodictate
the overall system performance with both read-heavy and write-heavy workloads,
motivating alternative implementations of a write-back policy. A write-back policy
buffers writes in the cache and uses background threads to apply them to a data
store asynchronously. By doing so, it enhances the overall system performance and
enables the application throughput to scale linearly as a function of the number
of cache servers. The main limitations of this technique are its increased software
complexity and additional memory requirement.
When the data store is unavailable, a write-back policy buffers writes as long
as the caching layer is available. Once the data store becomes available, it applies
the buffered writes to the data store asynchronously. We use this idea to introduce
TARDIS, a family of techniques to process writes when the data store is unavail-
able. TARDIS techniques (TAR, TARD, DIS and TARDIS) differ in how they
apply buffered writes to the data store during the recovery mode. While TAR and
DIS are simple to implement, other techniques are more complex. TARDIS is the
most complex one and resembles the write-back policy.
We quantify the tradeoffs associated with the write-back policy and TARDIS
family of techniques using YCSB, BG and TPC-C benchmarks. We compare their
performance with alternatives such as write-around and write-through policies
that perform writes synchronously. All benchmark results show that asynchronous
writes enhance the overall performance and enable the application to scale as a
function of the number of nodes in the caching layer. The results also highlight
the extra memory required by the proposed techniques to buffer the writes.
I am most thankful for Professor Shahram Ghandeharizadeh’s dedication and
guidance that helped me through my Ph.D. journey. Professor Ghandeharizadeh
has been more than an advisor to me, he is also my mentor and an exemplary role
model. I was so fortunate to have the opportunity to work with him and to witness
his devotion to his researches and to his students. I cannot thank him enough for
his time and continuous encouragement in my Ph.D. research.
I thank the members of my qualification and thesis defense committee: Profes-
sor Clifford Neuman, Professor François Bar, Professor Wyatt Loyd and Professor
Cyrus Shahabi for their guidance and constructive feedback. I thank the Univer-
sity of Southern California for providing us with the resources to carry out our
experiments and researches.
I am grateful to my family, including my grandmother, my parents and my
brother for believing in me. They encouraged and supported me through every
challenge of my life.
I really enjoyed the moments with my friends and fellow researchers at the USC
Database Laboratory: Jason Yap, Yazeed Alabdulkarim, Haoyu Huang and Mar-
wan Almaymoni. They were my critics, my partners and my sources of motivation.
A very special gratitude goes outto theVietnam EducationFoundation(VEF).
VEF has provided me with the initial fund and the first foundation to make my
Ph.D. research in the US possible.
I show my deep gratitude to the Flux Research Group. I used their emulab
nodes extensively in conducting experiments. Emulab enables a stable, isolated
environment where experiments can be setup quickly and run consistently. With-
out emulab, it would be more challenging to complete the experiments provided
in this dissertation.
Last but not least, I am thankful for my dearest girlfriend, Lien Cao, for being
part of my life. Her support and inspiration enabled me to complete this disserta-
Abstract ii
Acknowledgment iv
List of Tables viii
List of Figures x
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Cache-Augmented Data Stores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Thesis Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3 Reader’s Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2 Related Work 6
2.1 Consistency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.2 Host-side Caches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.3 Recovery Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.4 Cache Middleware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.5 Everest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3 Write-back Policy 13
3.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.2 Write-Back Policy: Two Designs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.3 Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
3.3.1 YCSB: Design 1 with MySQL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
3.3.2 BG: Design 1 with MongoDB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
3.3.3 TPC-C: Design 2 with MySQL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
3.3.4 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
3.4 Proof of Read-after-write Consistency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
4.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
4.2 Writes and Failures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
4.3 A Family of Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
4.3.1 Normal Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
4.3.2 Failed Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
4.3.3 Recovery Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
4.3.4 Cache Server Failures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
4.3.5 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
4.4 TARDIS with N AppNodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
4.4.1 Undesirable race conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
4.4.2 Two Solutions: Recon and Contextual . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
4.5 Non-idempotent Buffered Writes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
4.6 Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
4.6.1 Physical Design of Buffered Writes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
4.6.2 Performance of TARDIS Family of Techniques . . . . . . . . 90
4.6.3 Recovery Duration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
4.6.4 Horizontal Scalability of TARDIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
4.7 Proof of TARDIS Consistency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
5 A CADS Framework 101
5.1 LeCaF – A Leases-Based Cache Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
5.1.1 Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
5.1.2 Client . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
5.1.3 Handle Multiple CMIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
5.2 NgCache . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
6 Future Plan 124
6.1 Persistent Cache . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
6.2 Max Pinned Memory Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
6.3 Write-through vs. Write-back . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
6.4 Number of Background Worker Threads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
6.5 Prioritizing Buffered Writes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
6.6 Transparent Cache . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Reference List 127
List of Tables
3.1 S and X Lease Compatibility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.2 Example of write actions and the representation of their changes. . 23
3.3 YCSB Workloads. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
3.4 Response time (in milliseconds) of YCSB actions. . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.5 BG Workloads. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
3.6 Response time (in milliseconds) of BG actions with MongoDB in
acknowledged mode, writeConcern=ACKNOWLEDGED. Number
of network round-trips is shown in parentheses. . . . . . . . . . . . 40
3.7 SoAR of MongoDB by itself and with 1 cache server. . . . . . . . . 41
3.8 Response time (in milliseconds) of TPCC actions. . . . . . . . . . . 43
4.1 Number of failed writes with different BG workloads and data store
failure durations. TARDIS using CAMP persists all failed writes. . 57
4.2 Processing of cache misses and writes in failed mode. . . . . . . . . 62
4.3 Processing of cache misses and writes in recovery mode. . . . . . . . 62
4.4 List of terms and their definition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
4.5 List of Terms and Their Definitions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
4.6 Recovery Duration (seconds) with a write-heavy workload (50%
writes). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
5.1 S and X Lease Compatibility for Write-Around. . . . . . . . . . . . 104
5.2 CacheStore interfaces. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
5.3 WriteBack interfaces. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
List of Figures
1.1 Architecture of a Cache Augmented Data Store. . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Write-around and write-through Policies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
3.1 Throughput of different YCSB workloads with write-around, write-
through and write-back policies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.2 Write-back policy. Solid arrows are performed in the foreground.
Dashed arrows are performed in the background. . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.3 Scalability with different YCSB workloads. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
3.4 Impact of the number of background workers on throughput, per-
centage of updates applied to the data store, and the total amount
of pinned memory (YCSB workloads). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
3.5 Impact of the number of background workers on SoAR, percentage
of updates applied to the data store, and the total amount of pinned
memory (BG workloads). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
3.6 tpmC of MySQL by itself and with IQTwemcached configured with
write-back and write-through. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
3.7 Impact of limited memory on write-back performance. Cache mem-
ory size is 14 GB. YCSB Zipfian constant is 0.75. . . . . . . . . . . 46
3.8 Impact of replicating buffered writes on throughput of YCSB Work-
load B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
3.9 Performance of alternative cache configurations with YCSB. Mon-
goDB is configured with writeConcern set to ACKNOWLEDGED. . 50
4.1 TARDIS architecture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
4.2 CADS architecture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
4.3 AppNode state transition diagram. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
4.4 Documents are partitioned across ω TeleW keys. TeleW keys are
sharded across q memcached servers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
4.5 Number of writes processed by TARDIS as a function of the amount
of available memory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
4.6 Impact of AR workers on the number of dirty documents with TAR
and 3% write. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
4.7 TARDIS Recovery with YCSB as a function of the number of AR
workers and the number of randomly selected documents (α) in each
iteration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
4.8 TARDIS horizontal scalability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
5.1 Session State Transition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Chapter 1
1.1 Cache-Augmented Data Stores
The Cache Augmented Data Store (CADS) architecture extends a persistent
data store with a caching layer using off-the-shelf commodity servers. It has been
widely deployed in systems with workloads that exhibit a high read to write ratio.
It is in use by social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn
because it enhances system throughput and response time significantly [29, 30, 4,
AppNode 0
Data Store
Data Store
Load Balancer
User Requests
AppNode N
Data Store
Figure 1.1: Architecture of a Cache Augmented Data Store.
Data Store
1. Update
2. Delete
(a) Write-around
Data Store
1. Update
2. RMW / incremental
change (k,v)
(b) Write-through
Figure 1.2: Write-around and write-through Policies.
Figure 1.1 shows the CADS architecture. A load balancer directs user requests
to different application servers. Each application server consists of one or many
AppNode instances serving user requests. Each AppNode has client components
to communicate with the persistent data store (e.g., JDBC with SQL systems)
and the cache (e.g., Whalin Client with memcached). The data store may either
be a SQL (e.g., MySQL [56], PostgreSQL, OracleDB) or a NoSQL data store
(e.g., MongoDB, CouchBase). Multiple cache manager instances (CMIs) may be
deployed on a cache server. Example CMI includes an in-memory key-value store
such as memcached [9] or Redis [64]. AppNodes communicate with CMIs via
message passing. These key-value stores provide simple interfaces such as get,
set, incr, append and delete.
The CADS architecture assumes that a software developer provides application
logic to identify cached keys and how their values are computed using the data
store. With a read, an AppNode identifies the key and looks up its value from
the cache. If the value exists (cache hit), processing of the read completes using
it. Otherwise, the value is missing from the cache (cache miss). The AppNode
queries the data store for the data item (for example, a row with tabular database
or a document with a document store) and computes the key-value pair to be
inserted as an entry in the cache for future reference. Reads benefit from the
CADS architecture because result look-up from in-memory cache is much faster
than query processing using data store [29, 58].
A write may be an insert, delete or update that changes data store state. It
must maintain the cache entries consistent with data items from the data store.
Figure 1.2 shows the write-around and write-through policies. With write-around
(Invalidate), an AppNode deletes the cache entries corresponding to the updated
data item. With write-through (Refill), it may employ incremental update (e.g.,
append or increment) or read-modify-write techniques to refresh the impacted
cache entries. Both policies use synchronous writes, i.e, the AppNode issues the
write request to the data store and waits for its acknowledgement.
Instead of executing writes synchronously, a write may be executed asyn-
chronously by buffering its changes in the cache and returning success to the
requester. These changes are applied later by a different action, thread or pro-
cess. This technique has certain benefits. It allows a write to be executed even
when the data store is unavailable, enhancing system availability. It scales the
system throughput with the number of cache servers. It reduces the load on the
data store. On the other side, it has several drawbacks. It increases software com-
plexity, requiring more efforts for developers to develop and maintain the system.
It also requires extra cache servers’ memory.
1.2 Thesis Contributions
The thesis explores two applications of processing writes asynchronously in a
CADS architecture.
First, we design and implement a write-back policy for CADS. Write-around
and write-through limit performance and the scalability of the caching layer by
performing writes synchronously. The write-back policy addresses this limita-
tion by processing writes asynchronously: AppNodes buffer writes in the cache
in forms of buffered writes and latterly apply them to the data store by using
either background worker threads or reads observing cache misses. We present the
after-write consistency. Experimental results show the write-back policy enables
the caching layer to dictate overall system performance and scale horizontally.
With some workloads, it outperforms write-around and write-through policies by
up to 50x. We also compare the proposed technique with write-back policy of other
caches (e.g., host-side caches such as FlashCache) to demonstrate its superiority.
Second, we propose TARDIS, a family of techniques that process write asyn-
chronously in the presence of data store unavailability. By processing a write, it
must be durable, i.e, its changes persist once the AppNode confirms the operation
as success. Subsequent reads must observe the changes even if there are failures in
the system. Durable writes are important because they support consistency. When
there are failures in the system, providing durable writes is challenging. The goal
of TARDIS is to provide an always-writable experience for CADS in the presence
of failed writes to the data store.
1.3 Reader’s Guide
Chapter 2 presents the work related to the research. Chapter 3 introduces
designs and implementations of a write-back policy for CADS. Chapter 4 describes
TARDIS, a family of techniques to enhance system availability when the data store
is unavailable. Chapter 5 presents a cache framework supporting write-back policy.
Chapter 6 proposes the future plan to extend the completed works.
Chapter 2
Related Work
2.1 Consistency
The CAP theorem states a system designer must choose between strong con-
sistency and availability in the presence of network partitions [15, 51]. TARDIS
improves the availability of the system by teleporting writes when the data store
fails. TARDIS retains the same consistency as the data store as long as buffered
writes are not lost.
A weak form of data consistency known as eventual has multiple meanings in
distributed systems [72]. In the context of a system with multiple replicas of a
data item, this form of consistency implies writes to one replica will eventually
apply to other replicas, and if all replicas receive the same set of writes, they will
have the same values for all data. Historically, it renders data available for reads
and writes in the presence of network partitions that separate different copies of
a data item from one another and cause them to diverge [21, 73, 12]. TARDIS
handles network partitions that cause failed writes. It also teleports failed writes
due to the failure of the data store.
The race conditions encountered during recovery (see Section 4.4.1) are similar
tothoseingeo-replicateddatadistributedacrossmultipledatacenters. Techniques
such as causal consistency [48, 49, 46] and lazy replication [45] mark writes with
their causal dependencies. They wait for those dependencies to be satisfied prior to
applying them at a replica, preserving order across two causal writes. TARDIS is
different because it uses Δ
to maintain the order of writes for a documentD
observes a cache miss and is referenced by one or more failed writes. With cache
hits, the latest value of the keys reflects the order in which writes were performed.
In recovery mode, TARDIS requires the AppNode to perform a read or a write
action by either using the latest value of keys (cache hit) or Δ
(cache miss) to
restore the document in the data store prior to processing the action. Moreover,
it employs AR workers to propagate writes to persistent store during recovery.
It uses leases to coordinate AppNode and AR workers because its assumed data
center setting provides a low latency network.
Neumerous studies perform writes with a mobile device that caches data from
a database (file) server. (See [70, 61] as two examples.) Similar to TARDIS , these
studies enable a write while the mobile device is disconnected from its shared per-
sistent store. However, their architecture is different, making their design decisions
inappropriate for our use and vice versa. These assume a mobile device implements
an application with a local cache, i.e., AppNode and the cache are in one mobile
device. In our environment, the cache is shared among multiple AppNodes and a
write performed by one AppNode is visible to a different AppNode - this is not
true with multiple mobile devices. Hence, we must use leases to detect and pre-
vent undesirable race conditions between multiple AppNode threads issuing read
and write actions to the cache, providing correctness as long as buffered writes are
not lost. Finally, mobile devices may differentiate buffered writes from other data
competing for cache space, minimizing loss. This is different than our assumed
environment where buffered write compete with other data for cache space.
2.2 Host-side Caches
Host-side Caches [5, 44, 17, 38, 34] (HsC) such as Flashcache [52] and
bcache [67] are application transparent caches that stage the frequently referenced
disk pages onto NAND flash. These caches may be configured with either write-
around, write-through, or write-back policy. They are an intermediary between
a data store issuing read and write of blocks to devices managed by the operat-
ing system (OS). Application caches such as memcached are different than HsC
because they require application specific software to maintain cached key-value
pairs. TARDIS is somewhat similar to the write-back policy of HsC because it
buffers writes in cache and propogates them to the data store (HsC’s disk) in the
background. TARDIS is different because it applies when writes to the data store
fail. Elements of TARDIS can be used to implement write-back policy with caches
such as memcached, Redis, Google Guava [32], Apache Ignite [8], KOSAR [27],
and others.
2.3 Recovery Techniques
Two main approaches for recovery are write-ahead logging [53] and shadow
paging [37]. Write-ahead logging (WAL) writes all modifications to a log before
applying them to the database. It then applies the changes to the disk pages in-
place with the help of background workers. An advantage of WAL is that writing
log records to disk sequentially is much faster than writing randomly. When a
database recovers after failure, it applies Redo with committed transactions and
Undo with uncommitted ones. Different than WAL, shadow paging applies the
changes to an allocated page (shadow page). Since shadow page is not referenced
anywhere other than this transaction, isolation and atomicity are preserved.
Deferred and immediate database modification are two common techniques in
log-based recovery. Deferred database modification defers writing log records to
disk until the transaction commits. At commit point, all logged operations of the
transaction are written to the disk and a redo is applied to log records. If the
transaction rolls back, it simply discards any corresponding records in the log.
Immediate database modification updates the database in-place as the transaction
goes. If the transaction rolls back, it needs to undo all the changes made since the
transaction starts to ensures atomicity.
SnapshotRecovery algorithms implemented in TARDIS are somewhat similar
to deferred database modification. Prior to updating the data store, it maintains
the updates in the cache and deletes them when the update to the data store
is acknowledged. The differences between our techniques and deferred database
modification are: 1) the cached data item could not be discarded if the update
fails, and 2) With SnapshotRecovery, we update the cached data item in isolation
with new writes. In the presence of AppNode failure, new writes are buffered to a
new buffered writes key-value pair P with a different uid that isolates with the log
created by the previously AppNode failure. New buffered writes are not processed
until the failure is recovered. Hence, it is somewhat similar to shadow paging.
2.4 Cache Middleware
Caching middleware such as Oracle Coherence [60], EhCache [69], Infinis-
pan [42] or IBM WebSphere eXtreme Scale [41] support write-back policy. Coher-
ence, Ignite, and EhCache are similar and we describe them collectively using
Coherence’s terminology.
Coherence provides a simple “put(key,value)” that (1) inserts the key-value
pair in the cache, overwriting it if it exists, and (2) places the key-value pair in
a CacheStore queue before returning success. Coherence is data store agnostic by
requiring the developer to implement the “store()” interface of CacheStore. After
a configurable time interval, a background thread invokes store() to persist the
(key,value) pair to the data store. A read (issued using get(key)) either observes
This is realized by requiring the developer to implement the “load()” interface
that queries the data store for the missing key-value pair. While the Coherence
documentation is not specific about the details of how cache misses are processed,
we speculate their processing considers the queued writes to provide read-after-
write consistency.
Our proposed write-back is different in several ways. First, the concept of a
buffered write is absent with Coherence, Ignite and EhCache. One may argue
it is the cache entry inserted in a queue for asynchronous processing. With our
technique, a buffered write is explicit. It may contain arbitrary changes that
are independent of the cached entry. To illustrate, with MongoDB, the queued
entry of Coherence is a document equivalent to the one stored in the cache. If an
update modifies one attribute of a YCSB document then the put method writes
the entire
document to cache which in turn causes the “store()” implementation
to write the entire document to MongoDB. With our technique, a buffered write
may maintain the document id, the property referenced by the update, and its new
value. The developer would implement the interface to update the property with
the new value for the specified document id in MongoDB. This flexibility requires
our technique to provide the concept of mapping. Coherence does not require this
concept because its queued entry is the same as the cache entry.
IBM Websphere cache may be divided into maps, where each map is a collec-
tion of cache entries. An application may configure a loader (similar to CacheStore
interfaces of Coherence) for a map. With write-back, it creates a thread to process
delegating requests coming to a loader. When a write inserts, updates or deletes
an entry from a map, a LogElement object is generated and queued. Each LogEle-
ment object records the operation type (insert, update or delete) and the new
and old values. Each map has its own queue. A write-behind thread is initialized
to periodically remove a queue element and apply it to the data store. LogEle-
ment objects are similar to our buffered writes using Append approach. However,
the documentation does not describe how to provide durability for LogElement
objects. Moreover, it does not describe how to process cache misses with pending
LogElement objects in the queue. Hence, it lacks mapping as a concept.
2.5 Everest
Similar to TARDIS, Everest [57] uses “partial write-back”. It is designed to
improve the performance of overloaded volumes. Each Everest client has a base
volume and a store set. When the base volume is overloaded, the client off-loads
This may require the update to query MongoDB for the entire document in order to compute
the new version of the document with the update.
the writes to the idle stores. When the base volume load fall below a threshold, the
client uses background threads to apply writes to base volume. TARDIS buffers
server goes down or there is network connectivity issue between the application
serverandthedatastore). Subsequently, whenthedatastoreisavailable, TARDIS
enters the recovery mode. During this mode, the application server retrieves the
buffered writes from the cache and applies them to the data store. With our write-
back design, background worker threads apply the buffered writes every time they
are present in the cache. This is different than partial write-back technique where
worker threads apply buffered writes during recovery mode only.
Chapter 3
Write-back Policy
Write-around (invalidation) and write-through (refill) policies apply a write to
the data store synchronously, see Section 1.1. This prevents the caching tier from
absorbing writes, requiring the data store layer to scale to process writes even when
its extra capacity is not required for read load. This chapter presents a client-side
implementation of write-back (write-behind) policy to address this limitation. The
proposed technique buffers writes in the cache and applies them to the data store
system significantly. To illustrate, Figure 3.1 shows the scalability of a CADS
configuration consisting of one MongoDB server as we vary the number of servers
in its caching layer from one to eight. We show results for several Yahoo! Cloud
Services Benchmark [19] (YCSB) workloads: the write heavy Workload A and
read heavy Workloads B and S. With write-around and write-through, the caching
layer does not scale because the data store is the bottleneck. With write-back, the
throughput scales almost linearly even though the data store remains fully utilized.
This is because write-back buffers writes in the caching layer and applies them to
the data store asynchronously, removing the data store from the critical path of
processing requests.
These results explain why caching middleware such as Oracle Coherence [60],
EhCache [69] and Infinispan [42] support the write-back (write-behind) policy.
They do so by providing simple interfaces of a key-value store such as get, put
1 2 3 4 6 8
Number of Cache Servers
Throughput (thousands of actions / sec)
Write−around Write−through
(a) Workload A
1 2 3 4 6 8
Number of Cache Servers
Throughput (thousands of actions / sec)
(b) Workload B
1 2 3 4 6 8
Number of Cache Servers
Throughput (thousands of actions / sec)
(c) Workload S
Figure 3.1: Throughput of different YCSB workloads with write-around, write-
through and write-back policies.
and delete. A developer is responsible for providing an application specific imple-
mentation of these interfaces.
Design and implementation of a write-back policy must address several chal-
lenges. First, how to represent data store writes (termed buffered writes) as cache
entries and how to prevent them from being evicted by the cache replacement pol-
icy. Second, how to apply the buffered writes from the cache to the data store
efficiently and ensure read-after-write consistency. Reads must always observe
values produced by the latest writes even when they are buffered in the cache.
Otherwise, they may produce stale results that impact the correctness of appli-
cation and pollute the cache. Third, how to provide durability of writes in the
presence of cache failures. If a write is acknowledged and its buffered writes are
lostduetoacacheserverfailurethenthewriteisnolongerdurable. Fourth, howto
process a non-idempotent buffered write such as increment without compromising
consistency in the presence of failures.
This study presents a write-back technique that addresses the above challenges.
Our proposed technique provides:
• Read-after-write consistency. A read is guaranteed to observe the latest
writes. A read that references a cache entry with pending buffered writes
is processed in the context of these writes. We also use leases to prevent
undesirable race conditions.
• High performance and scalability. Our implementation of write-back
scales the system throughput as we increase the number of cache servers.
This is achieved by partitioning buffered writes across cache servers and
using the client component of the caches to apply these writes to the data
store asynchronously.
• Durability. Buffered writes are pinned in memory, preventing their evic-
tion by the cache replacement policy. Moreover, we replicate buffered writes
across 3 or more cache servers to tolerate cache server failures. These repli-
cas may be assigned to servers in different racks within a data center. To
tolerate data center failure, one may use non-volatile memory such as today’s
NVDIMM-N [66].
Our implementation uses leases (see Section 3.1) to provide read and write
atomicity at the granularity of a one or more cache entries and a single data store
transaction. Correctness of a write is the responsibility of the application devel-
oper. It should transition the database from one consistent state to another [36].
(Transaction processing systems [36] make the same assumption.) Key elements
of our design include:
1. To use a write-back policy, an application must provide a mapping of cache
entries to buffered writes. This is because a cache miss by a read must
identify those pending writes that impact its result, apply them to the data
store, and then query the data store for the missing cache value. Without
this mapping, the application may not provide read-after-write consistency.
2. Use leases to provide read-after-write consistency and enhance data avail-
ability in the presence of failures.
3. Store buffered writes and their mappings in the caching layer by pinning
them. With atomic operations (termed sessions) that impact more than one
key-value pair, we capture their spatial relationship in the buffered writes.
Similarly, we capture the temporal relationship between sessions that impact
4. Differentiate between idempotent and non-idempotent changes. We present
two different techniques to support non-idempotent writes with NoSQL and
SQL systems.
5. Replicate buffered writes across multiple cache servers to enhance availability
in the presence of failures.
6. Partition buffered writes to load balance across multiple cache servers and
use client component of the cache to minimize server software complexity
(load) and prevent single source of bottleneck.
and their replication for high availability as best practices [60, 69, 42, 41], they
lack the first four aforementioned design elements: mappings, leases, spatial and
temporal relationships of buffered writes, and support for non-idempotent changes.
These differences make it challenging to compare our technique with the existing
caching middleware, see Chapter 2.
Thispapermakesseveralcontributions. First, weintroducetheconceptofmap-
ping and use of leases to provide read-after-write consistency with cache misses.
Second, we support non-idempotent changes with both No-SQL and SQL systems.
Third, we present an implementation of these concepts in two different designs.
While Design 1 is appropriate for a document (relational) store that provides
ACID properties at the granularity of one document (row), Design 2 supports
complex transactions consisting of multiple statements impacting multiple doc-
uments (rows) or cache entries. Fourth, we provide a comprehensive evaluation
of a client-side implementation of write-back using off-the-shelf software compo-
nents with YCSB [19], BG [13], and TPC-C [71] benchmarks. Obtained results
show write-back enhances performance with all benchmarks as long as memory is
abundant, out-performing both write-through and write-around polices.
We also evaluate the impact of the following factors on write-back performance:
the number of background threads (BGTs), maximum amount of pinned memory
for buffered writes, and degree of replication for buffered writes. Increasing the
number of BGTs reduces the amount of memory required by write-back. However,
it also reduces the throughput observed by the application.
We compare the write-back policy with those used in host-side caches and
caches of data stores such as MongoDB, i.e., MongoDB configured with writeCon-
cern set to ACKNOWLEDGED. The proposed write-back policy complements its
block-based alternatives, host-side caches [17, 22, 39, 44] and MongoDB’s write-
back technique, enhancing their performance several folds.
Write-back has two limitations. First, it is more complex to implement than
either write-through or write-around policies, requiring additional software. Sec-
ond, its performance with a limited amount of memory may be inferior when com-
pared with the other policies. Specifically, we observe calcification [43] of memory
with memcached when the size of mappings and buffered writes is different. This
prevents write-back from utilizing its maximum allocated pinned memory.
The rest of this chapter is organized as follows. Section 3.2 describes the design
of the write-back policy. Section 3.3 evaluates the write-back policy by comparing
cache. Section 3.4 provides a formal proof of providing read-after-write consistency
for write-back.
3.1 Overview
Definition 3.1.1. A cache entry is represented as a key-value pair (k
) wherek
identifies the entry and v
is the value of the entry. Both k
and v
are application
specific and authored by a developer.
An AppNode read identifies the key k
and gets its value v
from the cache.
If the value v
exists then the read has observed a cache hit and proceeds to
consume v
. Otherwise, with a cache miss, the read queries the data store for the
data item. It may fetch a few rows of a relational database or a document of a
document store to compute the key-value pair to be inserted in the cache for future
reference. Reads that observe a hit for these key-value pairs benefit because result
look-up from the in-memory cache is much faster than query processing using the
data store [29, 58].
Figure 1.2 shows the write-around (invalidate) and write-through (refill) poli-
cies. Both update the data store synchronously. While write-around deletes the
impactedkey-valuepairs, write-throughupdatesthem. Write-throughmayemploy
incremental update (e.g., append or increment) or read-modify-write to update a
key-value pair. With write-back, see Figure 3.2, a write updates the impacted
key-value pairs similar to write-through. However, it stores one or more replicas
of its changes (termed buffered write) in the CMI instead of applying it to the
Data Store
2. Apply
2. Insert
& pin
Buffer writes
Background Worker
Threads (BGTs)
1. Get
1. Refill
3. Unpin
& Delete
Worker Threads
Figure 3.2: Write-back policy. Solid arrows are performed in the foreground.
Dashed arrows are performed in the background.
data store. The write is then acknowledged to the user as successful. Background
threads, BGTs, apply the buffered write to the data store asynchronously. Fig-
ure 3.2 shows these threads are co-located with AppNode. However, this is not a
requirement and a different process may host these threads.
We make several assumptions about the cache manager that may not be stan-
dard. First, the application may pin and un-pin a key-value pair when setting it in
a CMI. This means the CMI’s cache replacement technique may not evict a pinned
key-value pair. We pin buffered writes and their mappings in one or more CMIs.
A background thread that applies a buffered write to the data store un-pins and
deletes them.
Second, we assume the concept of sessions. A session is an atomic operation
with a unique identifier. It reads and writes one or more cache entries and issues
one transaction to the data store. We use a session to implement a transaction
of the TPC-C benchmark. A session that reads a key-value pair must obtain a
Shared (S) lease on it prior to reading it. A session that writes a key-value pair
must obtain an eXclusive (X) lease on it prior to updating
its value.
Requested Existing Lease
Lease S X
S Grant S lease Abort and Retry
X Grant X and void S lease Abort and Retry
Table 3.1: S and X Lease Compatibility.
The S and X leases are different than read and write locks in several ways.
First, S and X leases are non-blocking. As shown in the compatibility Table 3.1,
when a session T
requests a S lease on a key-value pair with an existing X lease,
it aborts and retries. Second, when a sessionT
requests an X lease on a data item
with an existing S lease granted to sessionT
by voiding its S lease.
At its subsequent request, T
is notified to abort and restart. This prevents write
sessions from starving. Third, they have a finite lifetime in the order of hundreds
of milliseconds. Once they expire, their referenced key-value pair is deleted. This
is suitable for a distributed environment where an application node fails causing
its sessions holding leases to be lost. Leases of these sessions expire after sometime
to make their referenced data items available again.
all its leases are valid. Once a session is validated, its S leases become golden. This
means they may no longer be voided by an X lease. An X lease that encounters
a golden S lease [10] is forced to abort and retry. Once the session commits its
database transaction, it commits the session and releases its leases.
An update may be in the form of a read-modify-write or incremental update such as incre-
ment, append, etc.
Different components of a distributed CADS may implement the write-back
policy and its buffered writes. For example, it may be implemented by the appli-
cation instances, CMIs, or a middleware between the application instances and
CMIs, or a hybrid of these. This paper describes an implementation using the
application instances, see Figure 3.2.
3.2 Write-Back Policy: Two Designs
This section presents two different designs for the write-back policy. They
assume the data store transaction that constitutes a session has different complex-
ity. Design 1 assumes simple data store transactions that either read or write a sin-
gle document (row) of a document (relational) store such as MongoDB (MySQL).
It is suitable for workloads modeled by the YCSB benchmark. Design 2 assumes
a session’s data store transaction reads and/or writes multiple rows of a SQL (or
documents of a transactional MongoDB) data store. It is suitable for complex
workloads such as those modeled by the TPC-C benchmark.
Design 1 maintains changes at the granularity of each document. A cache look
up that observes a miss is provided with a mapping that identifies changes that
should be applied to the data store prior to querying the data store for the missing
cache entry. To enable BGTs to discover and apply changes to the data store asyn-
chronously, it maintains a list of documents with changes, termed PendingWrites.
Design 2 maintains changes at the granularity of a session. Its mapping identi-
fies the dependence of a cache entry on the sessions with pending changes. A cache
miss uses this mapping to identify sessions with pending buffered writes and apply
their changes to the data store. Next, it queries the database for the missing cache
entry. It maintains a queue that specifies the order in which sessions commit. A
BGT uses this queue to discover sessions with pending writes and applies them to
the data store in the same order as their serial commit.
Design 2 is different than Design 1 in that its queue identifies temporal depen-
dence of the sessions across multiple data items in the data store. Design 1 is
simpler because it maintains the order of changes per document by assuming a ses-
sion writes only one document. Design 2 is essential for preserving SQL’s integrity
constraints such as foreign key dependencies between rows of different tables.
Below, we provide a formal definition of a change, a buffered write, and a map-
ping. Subsequently, we describe PendingWrites and queues to facilitate discovery
of buffered writes by BGTs. Finally, we present BGTs and how they apply buffered
writes to the data store. Each discussion presents the two designs in turn.
A Change: A change is created by a write session. It may be idempotent or non-
idempotent. Both designs must apply a non-idempotent write to the data store
once. This is specially true with arbitrary failures of AppNodes. The definition of
a change is specific to the data store’s data model. It is different for the document
data model (NoSQL) of Design 1 when compared with the relational data model
(SQL) of Design 2. Below, we describe these in turn. Subsequently, we describe
how each design supports non-idempotent changes.
With Design 1, a change by a write may be represented in a JSON-like format
that is similar to MongoDB’s update command. Table 3.2 shows examples of how
these changes are represented. In this table, $set is idempotent, while$inc is non-
idempotent. A change that adds a value or an object to a set while guaranteeing
uniqueness (e.g., $addToSet of MongoDB) is idempotent since it does not allow
duplicates. However, asimilaroperationwithoutuniquenessproperty(MongoDB’s
$push) is non-idempotent.
Document D Change applied to D Idem- After applying
potent? the write to D
{ field: “val” } Set value of field to newval 3 { field: “newVal” }
{ “$set”: { field: “newVal” } }
{ field: “val” } Remove a field 3 { }
{ “$unset”: { field: “” } }
{ field: i } Increment value of field by x 7 { field: i+x }
{ “$inc”: { field: x } }
{ field: [ “a” ] } Add to value of field 3 { field: [ “a”, “b” ] }
{ “$addToSet”: { field: “b” } }
{ field: [ “a” ] } Add to value of field 7 { field: [ “a”, “a” ] }
{ “$push”: { field: “a” } }
{ field: [ “a”, “b” ] } Remove from value of field 7 { field: [ “b” ] }
{ “$pull”: { field: a } }
Table 3.2: Example of write actions and the representation of their changes.
With Design 2, a change may be a SQL DML command: insert, delete, update.
The command may impact multiple rows. Design 2 may represent the change as a
string representation of the DML command issued by the application or a compact
representation of it. In our TPC-C implementation, we use the latter to enhance
utilization of both memory space and network bandwidth.
Designs 1 and 2 process non-idempotent changes in different ways to tolerate
arbitraryfailuresofBGTsthatapplythesechanges. Design1requiresdevelopersto
to applying it to the data store. Design 2 uses the transactional property of its
data stores to apply non-idempotent changes only once. Its BGTs stores the id of a
session applied to the data store in a special table/collection, AppliedSessions, as a
partofthetransactionthatappliesthissession’schangestothedatastore. Priorto
applyingchangesofasessiontothedatastore, aBGTlooksupthesessionidinthe
AppliedSessions table. If found then it discards the session and its buffered writes.
Otherwise, it constructs a transaction consisting of the session’s changes (SQL
DML commands) along with the command that appends the id of the session to
the AppliedSessions table. Next it executes this transaction and deletes the session
object from the cache. Periodically, a BGT compacts the AppliedSessions table by
deleting those session rows with no session objects in the CMI.
Buffered writes: A buffered write is a sequence of changes. With Design 1,
atomicity is at the granularity of a document [54]. Hence, a buffered write repre-
sents a sequence of changes to one document. Each is a represented as a pinned
cache entry, i.e., a key-value pair in a CMI. Buffered writes are partitioned across
Definition3.2.1. With Design 1, a buffered write for a documentD
is represented
as a key-value pair (k
, v
) where k
identifies a buffered write and v
either the final value of D
or the pending changes to D
. With the latter, the
sequence of changes in v
represents the serial order of writes to D
The key k
may be constructed by concatenating “BW” with DocID where
DocID is a unique identifier (or primary key) of the impacted document.
There are two approaches to buffer a change tov
: Append and Read-Modify-
Write (RMW). Both acquire an X lease on the key k
. While Append requires
the AppNode to append its changes to v
, RMW requires the AppNode to read
, update v
with the change, and write v
back to the cache. An efficient
design of RMW grants an X lease as a part of read that fetches v
. RMW may
compact v
by eliminating changes that nullify one another. Below, we present
an example to illustrate these concepts.
Example 3.2.1. Alice’s document is impacted by two write actions: i) Bob invites
Alice to be friend and ii) Alice accepts Bob’s invitation. Representation of changes
for i) is { “$addToSet”: { pendingfriends: “Bob” } }, i.e., add Bob to Alice’s
pending friends. Representation of changes for ii) is { “$pull”: { pendingfriends:
“Bob” }, “$addToSet”: { friends: “Bob” } }, i.e., remove Bob from pending friend
list and add Bob to Alice’s friend list. With Append, the buffered write is merely
the JSON array that includes the two representations. With RMW, the buffered
write becomes { “$addToSet”: { friends: “Bob” } } since $pull cancels $addToSet
of Bob to pendingfriends of Alice.
In Example 3.2.1, both write actions make small changes to Alice’s document.
With append, the changes reflect the serial order of writes. The RMW performs a
compaction to remove a redundant change.
Design 2 must support sessions that produce changes impacting rows of mul-
tiple tables. Thus, a buffered write represents a sequence of changes performed by
a session. It is associated with a session object.
Definition 3.2.2. With Design 2, a buffered write for a session T
is represented
as a key-value pair (k
, v
) where k
identifies the session T
and v
either the raw SQL DML commands issued by that session or their compact repre-
sentation. The sequence of changes inv
represents the serial order of SQL DML
commands by session T
With both designs, buffered writes may be replicated across multiple CMIs
to enhance their availability in the presence of CMI failures. These replicas are
un-pinned and deleted after they are applied to the data store.
Mapping: A mapping is a detective technique that provides read-after-write con-
sistency when the application encounters misses for cache entries with pending
buffered writes. The application applies these buffered writes to the data store
and then query the data store to compute the missing values. A mapping enables
a cache miss to discover writes that must be applied to the data store.
An alternative to the detective approach of mappings is to prevent cache misses
for entries with pending buffered writes. The idea is to require a write session to
generate the missing cache entry prior to generating a buffered write (to prevent
a future cache miss). This solution must pin these cache entries to prevent their
eviction until their buffered writes are applied to the data store. The challenge
with this design is that it may pin entries that may not be referenced in the near
future, reducing the cache hit rate of the application. Due to this limitation, we
discard this preventive technique and assume use of mappings for the rest of this
There are two ways to use a mapping. First, apply buffered writes prior to
evicting a cache entry that depends on them. We term this the cache-server side
(CSS) solution. Second, require the reads that observe a cache miss to look up
the mapping to identify buffered writes, apply them to the data store first, and
query the data store to compute the missing value. We term this technique the
application-side solution (APS).
With both APS and CSS, it is the responsibility of the developer to author
software to specify mappings.
Definition 3.2.3. A mapping inputs the key k
for a cache entry to compute keys
of its buffered writes,{k
}. With Design 1, these keys identify the documents
with buffered writes that are used to compute the missing entry. With Design 2,
these keys identify the session ids with pending buffered writes. A mapping may be
a developer provided function or represented as a key-value pair (k
, v
When a mapping is represented as a pinned key-value pair (k
tifies mapping i uniquely. With Design 1 (2), its value v
is the keys of those
buffered writes (session objects) that impact k
. A write that generates buffered
writes must also generate a mapping. A read that observes a cache miss must
always look-up{k
} in the cache and apply its identified buffered writes to the
data store prior to querying it for the missing value. Many mappings for different
cache entries may reside in a CMI.
It is possible for the developer to specify a mapping using an order preserving
data structure such as B-tree or an interval tree. This applies when a write impacts
a range of values. In this case, a read that references a missing cache entry must
look up the overlapping range to identify the relevant buffered writes [65].
Algorithm 1: Process a cache miss (Design 1).
1 function Process_Cache_Miss(k
// Use mapping to compute key of the buffered write
2 k
← mapping(k
3 if k
is null then
4 return; // Cache miss, no buffered write
5 Apply_Buffered_Write(k
6 Un-pin and delete explicit mappings (if any);
7 v
← Result of a function that queries the data store;
8 Insert (k
, v
) in CMI[hash(k
With APS, a read that observes a cache miss uses output of a mapping to look
up the buffered write(s) in the CMI, see 2
of Algorithm 1. If there is no mapping
missing value 3
. Otherwise, it applies the buffered writes to the data store prior
to computing the missing cache entry, see Algorithm 2. This algorithm applies
a buffered write as an atomic session because, with Design 1, it must convert
non-idempotent changes into idempotent ones. Algorithm 2’s read of a buffered
write for RMW obtains an X lease and fetches the buffered write 3
. Next, it
compacts the changes in this buffered write 4
. If the buffered write contains one
or more non-idempotent changes, it converts these changes to idempotent ones,
writing a revised buffered write with idempotent changes only, 5
- 8
. It calls itself
recursively 9
to apply the idempotent writes to the data store, unpins and deletes
the buffered write, and commits to release its X lease, 11
Algorithm 2: Apply buffered write (Design 1).
1 function Apply_Buffered_Write(k
// Look up buffered write
2 sessionId← Generate a unique token;
3 v
← Read(k
, sessionId); // Obtain a X lease on the buffered write
4 Compact v
and remove redundant changes;
5 if v
contains one non-idempotent change then
6 v
← Idempotent equivalent of v
// Replace value of buffered write with its idempotent equivalent
7 Set k
to v
8 Commit(sessionId); // Release X lease
9 Apply_Buffered_Write(k
10 else
11 Apply v
to document D
in the data store;
// Delete the buffered write
12 Un-pin and delete k
13 Commit(sessionId);
Similarly, CSSusestheoutputofthesamemappingtolocatebufferedwritesfor
a key that is being evicted, applies them (if any) to the data store per Algorithm 2.
This technique incurs the overhead of an extra cache look up for every cache miss
with APS and cache eviction with CSS.
APS and CSS differ in how they look up the mappings and process them. CSS
uses the mappings when evicting a cache entry. APS uses the mappings when
a read observes a cache miss. APS and CSS look up the mappings at the same
rate with a workload that has the same rate of cache misses and evictions. If
the cache replacement technique favors maintaining small sized cache entries by
misses. In this case CSS would do fewer look ups of mappings and processing of
buffered writes.
There is also the complexity of implementing APS and CSS in a distributed
manner. With an off-the-shelf cache manager such as memcached, it may be easier
to implement APS instead of CSS. Without loss of generality, we assume APS for
the rest of this paper.
BothDesigns1and2maygenerateaQueryResultChange, QRC.Assuggested
by its name, a QRC impacts the results of a query. Algorithm 3 shows this pseudo-
code. With a cache miss, the system may query the data store 2
and apply QRCs
to its results to obtain the latest value 3
- 7
. The final results are inserted in the
cache for future lookup. It is the responsibility of the application to maintain this
entry up to date in the presence of writes that impact its value. Algorithm 3 does
not delete QRCs. A BGT that applies a buffered write corresponding to one or
more QRCs deletes them. This enables repeated applications of QRCs should the
computed cache entry be evicted. We use Algorithm 3 to implement the Stock-
Level transaction of TPC-C.
DiscoveryofbufferedwritesusingPendingWritesandQueues: Withboth
designs, a BGT must discover buffered writes and apply them to the data store.
With Design 1, a special key termed PendingWrites identifies the buffered writes
for different documents. A write session obtains an X lease on PendingWrites and
appends its buffered write key (k
) to its value. To minimize contention, among
concurrent writes we represent PendingWrites as α pinned sub-keys. Keys of the
buffered writes (k
s) are hash partitioned across them. The value ofα is typically
a multiple of the number of concurrent writes (threads) and background threads,
whichever is greater.
With Design 2, a queue maintains the serial order in which buffered writes of
different sessions must be applied to the data store. It is represented as a key-value
pair. The key identifies a queue known to a BGT and its value is a temporal order
of session objects to be applied to the data store. (Each session object identifies a
buffered write.) An application may maintain multiple queues. For example, with
TPC-C, there is one queue per warehouse. When TPC-C is configured with W
warehouses, it maintains W queues.
Algorithm 3: Process a cache miss (Design 2).
1 function Process_Cache_Miss(k
2 v
← Result of a function that queries the data store;
// Use mapping to get a list of session ids
3 sessIds← Get a list of session ids from mapping(k
4 for each sessId in sessIds do
5 k
← Construct the buffered write key from sessId;
6 v
← Get buffered write k
; // Obtain a S lease
7 Update v
to include changes from v
8 Insert (k
, v
) in CMI;
Background Threads, BGTs: BGTs are threads that implement the asyn-
chronous application of buffered writes to the data store. With Design 1, a BGT
checks for dirty documents by looking up partitions of PendingWrites periodically.
It processes each buffered write per Algorithm 2. This algorithm was presented in
the context of processing a cache miss using a mapping.
Design 2 uses Algorithm 4 to apply a set of sessions to the data store. The set
of sessions is obtained from a Queue. For each session, it looks up the id of the
session in the AppliedSessions table 5
. If it exists then the session has already
been applied to the data store and is deleted. Otherwise, it creates a session and
obtains the list of changes from each session object 11
. It starts a data store
transaction and inserts the id of the session in the AppliedSessions table, Step
15. It merges the list of changes and applies them to the data store 16
. Finally,
it commits the transaction 17
. It maintains the id of sessions in a set named
sessIdsToDelete 20
. Once this set reaches a pre-specified thresholdβ, Algorithm 4
Algorithm 4: Apply sessions to the data store (Design 2).
1 function Apply_Buffered_Writes(sessIds):
2 sessIdsToApply← {};
3 sessIdsToDelete← {};
4 for each sessId in sessIds do
5 if sessId exists in Applied-Sessions table then
6 Delete buffered write of sessId from the cache;
7 Delete sessId from the Applied-Sessions table;
8 continue;
9 Add sessId to sessIdsToApply;
10 if the list sessIds is exhausted or sessIdsToApply size reaches α then
// Apply sessions as one transaction to the data store
11 sessionId← Generate a unique token;
12 {k
}← Construct keys from sessIdsToApply ; // Obtain X
leases on k
13 {v
}← multi_read({k
}, sessionId);
14 Start data store transaction;
15 Insert sessIdsToApply to Applied-Sessions table;
16 Merge {v
} and apply them to the data store;
17 Commit data store transaction;
18 multi_delete({k
}, sessionId); // Delete buffered writes of
sessIds from the cache
19 Commit(sessionId); // Release X leases on k
20 Add ids from sessIdsToApply to sessIdsToDelete;
21 sessIdsToApply← {}; // Clear the lists
// Perform compaction
22 if the list sessIds is exhausted or sessIdsToDelete size reaches β
23 Delete sessIdsToDelete from the mappings;
24 Delete sessIdsToDelete from Queue;
25 Delete sessIdsToDelete from the Applied-Sessions table;
26 sessIdsToDelete← {};
deletes the session ids from the mappings, the Queues, and the AppliedSession
Durability: Both designs pin their buffered writes, mappings,
PendingWrites/Queues in a CMI to prevent its replacement technique from
evicting them. Moreover, with multiple CMIs, both designs replicate these entries
to enhance their availability in the presence of CMI failures.
3.3 Evaluation
This section evaluates the write-back policy using YCSB [19], BG [13], and
TPC-C [71] benchmarks. All experiments use IQTwemcached [30] that implements
S and X leases. With YCSB and BG, we use Design 1. TPC-C uses Design 2.
While BG uses MongoDB [55] version 3.4.10 as its data store, both YCSB and
TPC-C use MySQL version 5.7.23 as their data store. We chose MongoDB and
MySQL to highlight applicability of the write-back policy to both SQL and NoSQL
data stores. Moreover, BG highlights the applicability of Design 1 to SQL when
the workload is simple interactive social networking actions.
With all benchmarks, we quantify maximum memory used by the write-back
policy assuming a sustained high system load. These maximums are unrealistic
as a typical workload is diurnal consisting of both a low and a high load, e.g., see
Facebook’s load [11]. At the same time, it is useful to establish the worst case
Our experiments were conducted on a cluster of emulab[26] nodes. Each node
has two 2.4 GHz 64-bit 8-Core (32 virtual cores) E5-2630 Haswell processors, 8.0
GT/s bus speed, 20 MB cache, 64 GB of RAM, connects to the network using
10 Gigabits networking card and runs Ubuntu OS version 16.04 (kernel 4.10.0).
Unless stated otherwise, each experiment starts with a warm cache (100% cache
hit rate) and runs for 10 minutes.
Obtained results highlight the following lessons:
1. Write-back enhances performance with all benchmarks as long as memory is
abundant. It also enhances horizontal scalability as a function of the number
of nodes in the caching layer. See Sections 3.3.1, 3.3.2, and 3.3.3.
2. With write-back, there is a tradeoff between the amount of required memory,
the number of BGTs applying buffered writes to the data store, and the
throughput observed by the application (foreground tasks). Increasing the
number of BGTs reduces the amount of memory required by write-back.
However, it also reduces the throughput observed by the application. See
Sections 3.3.1 and 3.3.2.
3. Limited memory diminishes the performance gains provided by write-back.
in memory. These entries may reduce the cache hit rate observed by the
application. One approach to mitigate this is to limit the amount of pinned
memory allocated to write-back, forcing it to switch to write-through once
this memory is exhausted. We observe memcached memory to become cal-
cified [43], preventing write-back from using its assigned memory. See Sec-
4. The overhead of replicating buffered writes, mappings,
PendingWrites/Queues of write-back is in the form of network band-
width. This overhead becomes negligible when writes are infrequent and the
application’s cache entries are much larger than these entries. Moreover, an
increase in the number of nodes in the caching layer increases the available
network bandwidth. This reduces the overall impact of replication. In our
experiments, constructing 3 replicas with 4 cache servers reduces observed
throughput with 1 replica by 19%. Experiments conducted with 8 cache
servers observes a 6% decrease in throughput. See Section
5. Our proposed write-back technique complements the write-back technique of
Its enhances their performance more than 2x with workloads that exhibit a
high read-write ratio. See Section
Below, we present results in support of these lessons in turn.
3.3.1 YCSB: Design 1 with MySQL
The YCSB database consists of 10 million records. Each record has 10 fields,
each field is 100 bytes in size. A read or an update action reads or updates all fields
of a record. A scan action (Workload S) retrieves 5 records (cardinality 5). When
alldatafitsinIQTwemcached, thecachesizeforWorkloadsA,BandCis14GB.It
it is 100% read and a choice of a write-policy does not impact its performance.
Unless stated otherwise, we assume a uniform access pattern. Details of the YCSB
workloads are shown in Table 3.3.
Workload Actions
Workload A 50% Read, 50% Update
Workload B 95% Read, 5% Update
Workload C 100% Read
Workload S 95% Scan, 5% Update
Table 3.3: YCSB Workloads.
Response time: Table 3.4 shows response time of YCSB Read, Scan and Update
actions with MySQL by itself and alternative write policies. The numbers in
parentheses are the number of round-trips from the application server to the data
Action MySQL
Write-Back Write-Through Write-Around
Read 0.20 (1) 0.08 (1)
Scan 0.36 (1) 0.15 (1)
Update 0.55 (1) 0.44 (5) 0.92 (4) 0.88 (3)
Table 3.4: Response time (in milliseconds) of YCSB actions.
store and CMIs. The cache expedites processing of Reads and Scans because
looking up results is faster than processing a query. Update is faster with write-
back because it does not incur the overhead of generating log records. MySQL’s
response time is with Solid State Disk (SSD) as the mass storage device. With
a Hard Disk Drive (HDD), MySQL’s response time for Update increases to 35.87
Write-through and write-around are slower than MySQL because they include
the overhead of updating the cache. Write-around incurs the following 3 network
round-trips: 1) acquire an X lease on the impacted cache entry from the CMI, 2)
issue the SQL statement to MySQL, and 3) commit the session. Write-through
updates the impacted cache entry using a read-modify-write
, increasing the num-
ber of network round-trips to 4. Write-back increases the number of network
round-trips to 5 by writing its buffered write to the CMI
Throughput: Figure 3.1 used as motivation at the beginning of this chapter
shows the throughput with the alternative YCSB workloads using write-back,
write-around, and write through as a function of cache servers. In these exper-
iments, we prevent the global LRU lock of IQTwemcached from limiting perfor-
mance by launching 8 instances of cache manager (CMI) per server. Each CMI is
Read of RMW obtains an X lease on the referenced key in addition to reading its value.
Write-back’s 5 network round-trips are for as follows. Two round-trips for the RMW of the
cache entry. Two round-trips for the RMW of the buffered write. One round-trip for commit
that releases the X leases and makes the cache writes permanent.
assigned 8 GB of memory. We increase the number of servers (CMIs) from 1 (8)
to 8 (64). Obtained results show that write-back outperforms its alternatives
a wide margin.
1 2 3 4 6 8
Number of Cache Servers
(a) Workload A
1 2 3 4 6 8
Number of Cache Servers
(b) Workload B
2 3 4 6 8
Number of Cache Servers
(c) Workload S
Figure 3.3: Scalability with different YCSB workloads.
Figure 3.3 shows scalability of Workloads A, B, and S. These correspond to
the throughput numbers of Figure 3.1. With Workloads A and B, scalability is
computed relative to 1 cache server. Write-around and write-through do not scale
because either the data store CPU or disk/SSD becomes the bottleneck. Write-
back scales linearly by buffering writes and eliminating the data store from the
processing path. While the bottleneck resource is CPU with Workload A, the
bottleneck resource is network bandwidth with Workloads B and S.
With Workload S, we show scalability relative to the configuration consisting of
2 cache servers. Its larger cache entries prevent it from observing a 100% cache hit
with 1 cache server (and observes a 100% cache hit with 2 or more cache servers).
Using 1 cache server as the basis results in a super-linear scaleup. Using 2 servers
as the basis of the scalability graph provides for a more subjective evaluation.
Throughput of MySQL by itself is 17,523, 111,156, and 91,499 for Workloads A, B, and S,
36 Required Memory
The rate at which a system applies buffered writes to the data store is a tradeoff
between the cache memory space and decrease in rate of processing (throughput)
observed by the foreground requests. The foreground requests are impacted for
two reasons. First, background threads compete with foreground threads that
observe cache misses for using the data store. These foreground threads must
apply their changes to the data store and query it to compute the missing cache
entries. Second, application of buffered writes requires network bandwidth for
(background threads of) AppNodes to fetch the buffered writes from CMIs. At the
same time, an aggressive application of buffered writes deletes both the buffered
writes and their mappings from CMIs faster, minimizing the amount of memory
required by write-back.
63 315 630 1,260 1,890 2,520
Number of background worker threads
Normalized throughput
Workload A
Workload B
Workload S
(a) Throughput relative to
63 BGTs
63 315 630 1,260 1,890 2,520
Number of background worker threads
% applied updates
Workload A
Workload B
Workload S
(b) % Applied updates
63 315 630 1,260 1,890 2,520
Number of background worker threads
Pinned memory size (GB)
Workload A
Workload B
Workload S
(c) Pinned memory size
Figure 3.4: Impact of the number of background workers on throughput, percent-
age of updates applied to the data store, and the total amount of pinned memory
(YCSB workloads).
We demonstrate the tradeoff with an experiment that consists of 63 instances
of AppNodes hosted on 21 servers (3 AppNode instance per server), and 64 CMIs
hosted on 8 servers (8 CMIs per server). We vary the number of background
threads (BGTs) from 1 per AppNode instance to 5, 10, 20, 30, and 40. Each BGT
applies buffered writes to the data store as fast as possible.
Figure 3.4a shows the normalized throughput observed with different number
of BGTs relative to 1 BGT per AppNode instance (63 BGTs). The x-axis of this
figure is the total number of BGTs. Increasing the number of BGTs decreases
throughput of write-heavy workload A (47% drop with 2,520 BGTs) followed by
read-heavy Workload B (30% drop with 2,520 BGTs). Workload S observes a neg-
ligible decrease in its throughput even though it is a read-heavy workload similar
to B. Moreover, the size of buffered writes with both B and S are identical. S is
different because it consists of scans with cache entries that are 5 times larger than
those of B. The network bandwidth becomes the bottleneck with S to render the
overhead of additional BGTs negligible.
Figure 3.4b shows the percentage of changes applied by the background threads
to the data store at the end of an experiment. Workload A has the lowest per-
centage because it is write-heavy. However, this percentage increases modestly
(< 20%) as we increase the number of BGTs. This explains why Workload A has
the highest amount of pinned memory in Figure 3.4c.
Figure 3.4 shows Workload S benefits the most from an increase in the number
of BGTs. This is because its normalized throughput is comparable to having 63
This in turn reduces its pinned memory size by almost 2x.
3.3.2 BG: Design 1 with MongoDB
BG [13] is a benchmark that emulates interactive social networking actions.
It quantifies Social Action Rating (SoAR) defined as the highest throughput that
satisfies a pre-specified service level agreement (SLA). The SLA used in our exper-
iments is 95% of actions processed in 100 milliseconds or faster. In our evaluation,
we use a social graph consisting of 10 million users with 100 friends per user.
We considered three workloads as shown in Table 3.5. List friends (or list pend-
ing friends) action only returns 10 out of 100 friends (or pending friends) of the
requested user.
BG Social Actions
90% 99% 99.9%
reads reads reads
View Profile 80% 89% 89.9%
List Friends 5% 5% 5%
List Pending Friends 5% 5% 5%
Invite Friend 4% 0.4% 0.04%
Reject Friend 2% 0.2% 0.02%
Accept Friend 2% 0.2% 0.02%
Thaw Friendship 2% 0.2% 0.02%
Table 3.5: BG Workloads.
Response time: Table 3.6 shows the response time of BG’s actions with Mon-
goDBbyitselfandwithIQTwemcachedusingwrite-back, writethrough, andwrite-
around. MongoDBwasconfiguredtoacknowledgewritesimmediatelyafterwriting
it in its memory, flushing dirty documents to its mass storage device very 60 sec-
onds (writeConcern=ACKNOWLEDGED). These numbers were gathered using a
single threaded BG generating requests.
While the cache improves the response time of the read actions with alternative
write policies, its response time for the write actions is worse than MongoDB by
itself. Thisisduetoahighernumberofround-tripstothecache, seethenumbersin
parentheses. If MongoDB was configured to generate log records and flush them to
disk prior to acknowledging the write (writeConcern=JOURNALED), write-back
would have been faster
MongoDB with writeConcern=JOURNALED provides the following response time: 0.6 mil-
liseconds for each of Invite Friend and Reject Friend, and 1.2 milliseconds for each of Accept
Friend and Thaw Friendship.
Write-back performs the write actions faster than write-through and write-
around because it performs the write to MongoDB asynchronously. Write-around
outperforms write-through by reducing the number of round-trip messages because
a cache entry using RMW with write-through.
One may use Table 3.6 in combination with the frequencies shown in Table 3.5
to compute the average response time. With BG’s lowest read-write ratio of 90%,
the average response time with write-back (0.26 msec) is faster than MongoDB by
itself (0.53 msec), with write-through (0.30 msec) and write-around (0.29 msec).
dominates (89%) the workload and the cache improves its performance dramati-
cally. With BG’s high read-write ratio of 99.9%, write-back becomes significantly
faster than MongoDB by itself. Moreover, write-through and write-around provide
a response time comparable to write-back.
Action MongoDB
MongoDB + MongoDB + MongoDB +
Write-Back Write-Through Write-Around
View Profile 0.52 (1) 0.18 (1)
List Friends /
0.81 (1) 0.52 (2)
Pending Friends
Invite Friend 0.23 (1) 0.34 (5) 0.70 (5) 0.62 (4)
Reject Friend 0.24 (1) 0.41 (6) 0.71 (6) 0.66 (4)
Accept Friend 0.46 (2) 1.01 (11) 1.64 (11) 1.41 (6)
Thaw Friendship 0.48 (2) 0.87 (11) 1.66 (11) 1.21 (5)
Table 3.6: Response time (in milliseconds) of BG actions with MongoDB in
acknowledged mode, writeConcern=ACKNOWLEDGED. Number of network
round-trips is shown in parentheses.
Throughput: Write-back provides a higher SoAR when compared with other
policies, see Table 3.7. Its SoAR is dictated by the network bandwidth of the
cacheserver. Moreover, itenablesallBGworkloadstoscalelinearlyasafunctionof
cache servers. Write-around and write-through scale sub-linearly by no more than
a factor of 6 with 8 cache servers. Scalability is lowest with 90% reads because the
CPU of MongoDB becomes fully utilized processing writes. Scalability improves
with 99% and 99.9% reads as the load on MongoDB is reduced and the network
card of the cache servers becomes fully utilized.
SoAR (actions/sec)
MongoDB Write-back Write-through
90% read 27,518 355,769 111,548
99% read 48,365 693,816 488,593
99.9% read 76,068 711,659 678,665
Table 3.7: SoAR of MongoDB by itself and with 1 cache server. Required Memory
Similar to YCSB results, the amount of memory required for buffered writes
with BG is a function of their production rate by the foreground threads and appli-
cation to the data store by BGTs. Obtained results are shown in Figure 3.5. A key
difference is that with its read-heavy (99.9%) workload, the BGTs apply buffered
writes to the data store at the same rate at which writes produce them. The mea-
sured SOAR is impacted by the overhead of BGTs checking for buffered writes to
find none. This is because the network is the bottleneck. Hence, increasing the
number of BGTs reduces throughput without providing a benefit, see Figure 3.5a.
3.3.3 TPC-C: Design 2 with MySQL
TPC Benchmark C [71] is an on-line transaction processing (OLTP) bench-
mark. TPC-C models a supplier operating out of several warehouses and their
associated sales districts. It quantifies transactions per minute (tpmC) rating of
a solution. We use the standard setting of TPC-C with 1 warehouse consisting of
48 240 480 960 1,440 1,920
Number of background worker threads
Normalized SoAR
90% reads
99% reads
99.9% reads
(a) SoAR relative to 48
48 240 480 960 1,440 1,920
Number of background worker threads
% applied updates
90% reads
99% reads
99.9% reads
(b) % Applied updates
48 240 480 960 1,440 1,920
Number of background worker threads
Pinned memory size (MB)
90% reads
99% reads
99.9% reads
(c) Pinned memory size
Figure 3.5: Impact of the number of background workers on SoAR, percentage of
updates applied to the data store, and the total amount of pinned memory (BG
ten districts per warehouse, each district serving three thousand customers, and
100,000 items per warehouse. These results are obtained using OLTP-Bench [23]
implementationofTPC-Cextendedwithleasesforstrongconsistency. Thedeploy-
ment consists of 2 emulab nodes. One hosting the OLTP-Bench workload genera-
tor and the other hosting (a) MySQL by itself and (b) MySQL and 8 instances of
IQTwemcached using either write-through or write-back policies.
1 5 10
Number of threads processing requests
tpmC (transactions per minute)
MySQL SSD/HDD + Write−back
MySQL SSD + Write−through
and with IQTwemcached
configured with write-back
and write-through.
1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Number of warehouses
tpmC Scalability
MySQL IQTwemcahed
(b) tpmC Scalability.
10 100 200 300 400 500 600
Time (Seconds)
Cache Size (Megabytes)
cached with write-back and
write-through, 5 TPC-C
threads, 1 warehouse.
Figure 3.6: tpmC of MySQL by itself and with IQTwemcached configured with
write-back and write-through.
We analyze MySQL configured with either solid state drive (SSD) or hard
disk drive (HDD). Write-back improves performance throughput of MySQL with
Transaction MySQL MySQL+Write-Back MySQL+Write-Through
New-Order 8.06 5.18 10.99
Payment 2.09 1.27 3.29
Order-Status 1.59 0.71
Delivery 22.36 3.56 24.09
Stock-Level 2.00 1.35
Table 3.8: Response time (in milliseconds) of TPCC actions.
SSD by more than two folds. Moreover, its performance is not sensitive to whether
MySQL is configured with either SSD or HDD because TPC-C’s database is small,
causing cache to observe a 100% hit rate
Response time: Table 3.8 shows the average response time of each TPC-C
transaction using MySQL by itself, with write-back, and write-through. Write-
back improves the response time of all transactions. Write-through improves the
response time of read-only transactions: Order-Status and Stock-Level. However,
write-through causes the write transactions to incur the overhead of updating both
the cache entries and MySQL. Hence, it is slower than MySQL by itself and with
The frequency of New-Order, Payment, Order-Status, Delivery, and Stock-
Level transactions are 45%, 43%, 4%, 4%, and 4%. The weighted response time
with MySQL is 5.56 milliseconds. Write-back is faster at 3.10 milliseconds, provid-
ing a 44% enhancement. Write-through is 33% slower than MySQL because the
overhead of writes outweighs the benefits observed by the reads that constitute 8%
of the workload.
Throughput: Figure 3.6a shows the write-through policy is inferior to MySQL
by itself because 92% of TPC-C transactions are writes. Write-through must apply
MySQL with HDD slows down the rate at which BGTs apply buffered writes, requiring more
memory than MySQL with SSD.
these writes to both MySQL and IQ-Twemcached synchronously. The overhead of
writing to IQ-Twemcached outweighs benefits provided by its cache hits.
In Figure 3.6a, tpmC of write-back levels off with 5 and more threads due to
contention for leases between the foreground threads. These foreground threads
also contend with the background thread for an X lease on the Queue of sessions.
The same applies to MySQL with its lock manager blocking transactions to wait
for one another.
Figure 3.6b shows scalability of TPC-C with MySQL and write-back as we
increase the number of warehouses from 1 to 100 with 1 thread issuing transac-
tions to one warehouse. MySQL’s SSD becomes fully utilized with more than
20 threads (warehouses), limiting its scalability. Write-back scales linearly with
network bandwidth of the caching tier dictating its scalability. Required Memory
Figure 3.6c shows the amount of required memory with write-through and
write-back policies with 1 warehouse. These results highlights the amount of
memory required by the cache entries for TPC-C. Its increase with write-through
as a function of time highlights the growing size of database (new orders) and
its corresponding cache entries. These entries are included in the memory size
reported for write-back. Moreover, write-back includes buffered writes, mappings,
and Queues. The difference between write-back and write-through highlights (a)
the extra memory required by write-back for buffered writes and (b) faster pro-
cessing of new orders increases both database size and cache size at a faster rate.
Write-back requires a significantly higher amount of memory than write-through.
3.3.4 Discussion
This section discusses impact of limited memory on write-back, overhead of
replicating buffered writes for durability, and tradeoffs associated with deploying
write-back at different software layers. Limited Memory and Slab Calcification
Reported performance numbers assume abundant amount of memory. Write-
back performance degrades considerably with limited memory because (a) buffered
writes compete with cache entries for memory to increase the cache miss rate
observed by the application, (b) cache misses require buffered writes to be applied
to the data store in a synchronous manner that diminishes the performance of
write-back to be comparable to write-though
, (c) cache managers such as mem-
cached may suffer from slab calcification when memory is limited. We highlight
these using YCSB.
workload. We assume 16 AppNodes each with 10 BGTs, 1 MongoDB
server, 1
cache server with 8 CMI instances and a total of 14 GB of memory. This 14 GB
cache space is enough for YCSB Workloads A and B to observe a 100% cache hit
rate with the write-through policy. With the write-back policy, both the buffered
writes and mappings start to compete with the cache entries for space. We vary
the maximum amount of memory that can be occupied by these pinned key-value
pairs to quantify the impact of limited memory on write-back when compared with
Figure 3.6a shows write-through to be inferior to MySQL by itself with TPC-C.
Our switch from MySQL of Section 3.3.1 with YCSB to MongoDB is intentional to highlight
flexibility of Design 1 to work with alternative data models.
Figure 3.7 shows the throughput of Workload A increases as we increase the
size of pinned memory from 2 to 12 GB. Logically, an increase in the value of x-axis
leaves a lower amount of memory for regular key-value pairs to observe cache hits.
Consider results shown for Workloads A and B in turn.
2 4 6 8 10 12
Max memory for buffered writes (GB)
Throughput (thousands of actions/sec)
Workload A / Write−Back
Workload B / Write−Back
Workload A / Write−Through
Workload B / Write−Through
Figure 3.7: Impact of limited memory on write-back performance. Cache memory
size is 14 GB. YCSB Zipfian constant is 0.75.
The throughput of Workload A is 52K with write-through and independent of
the x-axis values. With 2 GB of pinned memory, write-back exhausts this memory
with buffered writes quickly. Every subsequent write generates its buffered write
for the cache only to be rejected, causing the write to update the data store syn-
chronously(switchestowrite-through). Repeatedfailedattemptstoinsertbuffered
writes lowers write-back throughput, enabling write-through to outperform it. As
we increase the size of pinned memory, a larger fraction of writes are performed
using write-back, enabling write-back to outperform write-through. However, this
reduces cache hit rate from 87% with 2 GB to 48% with 12 GB of pinned memory
due to smaller memory size for regular key-value pairs that service read requests.
Hence, the throughput observed with write-back levels-off, outperforming write-
through by 2x. (If the memory was increased to 48 GB then write-back throughput
would have been 6x higher.)
With 12 GB of pinned memory, write-back pins only 10 GB of data for Work-
load A. This is due to slab calcification [43, 14, 18]. To elaborate, memcached
constructs two slab classes: Class 1 stores mappings. Class 2 stores regular key-
value pairs and the buffered writes as they are approximately the same size
. Once
memory is assigned in its entirety, these two slab classes are calcified and may not
allocate memory from one another. Once memory space assigned to Class 1 is
exhausted, no additional mappings may be inserted in the cache. This means a
subsequent write must be processed synchronously even though there is space
Class 2 for buffered writes.
The slab calcification phenomena is magnified with Workload B, causing write-
back to provide a lower performance than write-through for the entire spectrum
of maximum pinned memory sizes. Only 5% of Workload B is writes, causing the
slab class for pinned mappings to be significantly smaller. Thus, only 5.6 GB of
memory can be used for buffered writes even though maximum pinned memory
size is significantly larger, i.e., x-axis values of 6, 8, 10 and 12 GB.
impacts the observed trends. It increases the likelihood of several writes impacting
A write updates all properties of a document.
This space does not sit idle and is occuped by the application’s cache entries.
the same MongoDB document. The write-back policy merges their changes into
one pinned buffered write. Moreover, the number of mappings is reduced. Both
minimize the number of pinned key-value pairs. In turn this results in a higher
cache hit
rate, enhancing throughput by 40-50% with both workloads and a very
skewed access pattern. Now, write-back outperforms write-through with both
A future research direction is to compare write-back with write-through using
cache managers that do not suffer from slab calcification. Another research direc-
tion is to extend write-back to a dynamic framework that detects limited memory
and switches to write-through, preventing a degradation in system performance.
Alternatively, an algorithm may adjust the size of pinned memory (buffered writes
and mappings) to maximize throughput. Replication of Buffered Writes
server failures. At the same time, it consumes network bandwidth to transmit
these redundant replicas to CMIs and the additional memory required to store
them. While only one replica is fetched by a BGT to apply to the data store,
the BGT must delete all replicas. This overhead impacts system throughput.
This section quantifies this overhead by comparing the throughput of the write-
back configured with 1 and 3 replicas for buffered writes, their mappings, and
Obtained results highlight the following lesson. The overhead of constructing
3 replicas becomes less significant as we 1) increase the size of the caching layer,
Workload B observes a 10% increase in cache hit rate.
4 cache servers 8 cache servers
Throughput (thousand actions / sec)
3 Replicas
1 Replica
Figure 3.8: Impact of replicating buffered writes on throughput of YCSB Workload
2) reduce the frequency of writes and 3) have workloads with cache entries much
larger than the buffered writes and their mappings.
Figure 3.8 highlights the above lessons by showing the throughput of YCSB
workload B with 4 and 8 cache servers using Design 1. (Each cache server hosts
8 CMIs.) The overhead of constructing 3 replicas with 4 cache servers lowers
throughput by 19%. It is reduced to 6% with 8 cache servers. The larger configu-
ration has a higher network bandwidth, reducing the overhead of replication more
than three folds.
With Workload S, the impact of replicating buffered writes is not noticeable
with both configurations. This is because writes are 5% of the workload and the
size of buffered writes and their mappings is insignificant relative to cache entry
sizes. The network bandwidth limits the throughput of this workload with both 1
and 3 replicas. Comparison with Alternative Write-Back Caches
MongoDB MongoDB
Throughput (thousands of actions / sec)
Workload A
Workload B
Workload C
Workload S
Figure 3.9: Performance of alternative cache configurations with YCSB. MongoDB
is configured with writeConcern set to ACKNOWLEDGED.
With CADS architecture, one may apply the write-back policy in different
software layers. For example, MongoDB implements write-back by acknowl-
edging a write as soon as it is stored in its buffers (writeConcern is set to
ACKNOWLEDGED). It flushes buffered writes to disk every 60 seconds. These
buffered writes are not durable and if MongoDB crashes then they are lost.
Host-side caches stage disk pages referenced by a data store such as MongoDB
in SSD to enhance performance. They are typically deployed seamlessly using a
storage stack middleware or the operating system [20, 22, 67, 52, 17, 68, 39, 47, 44].
Examples include Flashcache [52] and bcache [67]. One may configure a host-side
cache with alternative write-policies.
policy, akeyquestionishowdotheycomparewithoneanother? Thissectionshows
write-back using the application-side cache outperforms the other alternative by
several orders of magnitude with both YCSB and BG. This is true even when the
other two types of caches are combined together. Below, we present results using
YCSB. BG provides similar observations.
Figure 3.9 compares the performance of four cache configurations using four
YCSB workloads. The alternative configurations include: MongoDB, MongoDB
with Flashcache, MongoDB with Flashcache and IQTwemcached using write-
through, and MongoDB with IQTwemcached using write-back. In all configura-
tions, MongoDB is configured with writeConcern set to ACKNOWLEDGED. The
four YCSB workloads are shown in Table 3.3. Results are obtained using 1 server
for MongoDB and its Flashcache, 1 server for IQTwemcached, and 8 AppNode
servers generating requests. Consider results of each workload in turn.
YCSB Workload C is 100% read and Figure 3.9 highlights the benefits of using
an application-side cache when compared with MongoDB either by itself or Flash-
cache. Application-side cache enhances throughput more than 3 folds regardless
of the write-policy. The cache provides for result look up instead of MongoDB
processing a query, improving throughput dramatically.
are identical to Workload C. The remaining 5% are writes that benefit from the
write-back policy, enabling it to out-perform write-through almost 2x.
YCSB Workload A is write-heavy with 50% update. MongoDB performance
with Flashcache is enhanced 2 folds because writes with SSD are faster than HDD.
Using Linux fio benchmark, we observe the SSD IOPS for 4K block size to be
1.14x higher than HDD for sequential reads, 1.17x for sequential writes, 150x for
random reads, and 50x for random writes. Every time MongoDB flushes pending
writes to disk using fsync, it blocks write operations until fsync completes. Using
SSD instead of HDD expedites fsync to improve performance.
Workload A does not benefit from an application-side cache configured with
the write-through policy. However, its throughput is improved more than 5x with
the write-back policy because writes are buffered in IQTwemcached and applied
to MongoDB asynchronously.
Workload S utilizes network bandwidth of the cache server fully with both
write-through and write-back policies. The improvement it observes from using
write-backis30%because5%ofitsrequestsarewrites. Itisinterestingtonotethat
policy, renderingtheapplication-sideineffectiveforthisworkload. Theexplanation
for this is that the network bandwidth of MongoDB with Flashcache becomes fully
utilized with Workload S, enabling it to provide a comparable throughput.
3.4 Proof of Read-after-write Consistency
Below, we provide a formal proof of read-after-write consistency for the write-
back policy. We assume (a) a developer implements a write session correctly,
transitioning the data store from one consistent state to another and (b) the data
store provides strong consistency.
Definition 3.4.1. A read R
may be served by a cache entry represented as a
key-value pair (k
, v
) where k
identifies the entry and v
is the value of the entry.
Both k
and v
are application specific and authored by a developer.
Definition 3.4.2. A write W
that impacts the value v
of key k
updates v
reflect the changes of W
Definition 3.4.3. A buffered write for a documentD
is represented as a key-value
pair (k
, v
) where k
identifies a buffered write and v
stores either the final
value of D
or the pending changes to D
. With the latter, the sequence of changes
in v
represents the serial order of writes to D
. This serial order is dictated
either by the arrival time of writes or Quarantine leases of the cache manager.
Definition 3.4.4. A mapping inputs the key k
for a cache entry to compute
the keys{k
} of the buffered writes. Without loss of generality, we assume the
function f is f(k
Theorem 1. The write-back policy provides read-after-write consistency while
applying pending buffered writes to the data store.
We break down the theorem into the following three lemmas:
Lemma 1.1. A read session R
observes the values produced by the last write
session that committed prior to its start.
Proof. Ifv
exists, based on Definition 3.4.2, those writes impactingk
that commit
prior to the start of R
updated v
to reflect their value. R
observes a cache hit
and consumesv
, reflecting the value produced by the latest write session. Should
observe a cache miss, it looks up{k
} from the mapping using k
. For each
, it applies v
to the data store. R
queries the data store to compute the
and puts the resultingk
in the cache. v
includes changes of all write
sessions that commit prior to R
. While R
applies v
, all concurrent writes that
try to acquire a Q lease onk
, abort, and try again untilR
releases its
Q lease on k
. These writes are serialized after R
Lemma 1.2. Concurrent read and write sessions that reference the same buffered
write are serialized.
Proof. R
and W
are two concurrent sessions that impact the same key k
. Two
serial schedules are possible: R
either before or after W
. Both R
and W
acquire a Q lease on the same buffered write. Q leases are not compatible and
only one is granted the lease. R
races with W
for the Q lease and the winner is
serialized before the other.
Lemma 1.3. Concurrent write sessions that reference the same buffered write are
Proof. Concurrent write sessions that impact the same buffered write k
acquire Q leases on k
. Only one may proceed at a time because Q leases are
incompatible with each other on the same key, dictating their order. When one
acquires a Q lease successfully, it incorporates its changes to v
and releases the
Q lease.
Theorem 2. The write-back policy maintains consistency of the data store in the
presence of arbitrary failures of threads that apply buffered writes to the data store.
Proof. Athreadthatappliesabufferedwritetothedatastoremaybeabackground
thread or a readR
that observes a cache miss. These threads acquire a Q lease on
the buffered write and apply its changes to the data store. Failures of these threads
cause their Q lease to time out, making the buffered write available again. The
buffered write may either be idempotent or non-idempotent. If it is idempotent, its
repeated application to the data store does not compromise data store consistency.
If it is non-idempotent, it has not yet been applied to the data store. A buffered
write is always replaced with its idempotent equivalent prior to being applied to
the data store. Hence, consistency of the data store is preserved.
Chapter 4
A read or a write request to the data store fails when it is not processed
in a timely manner. This may result in denial of service for the end user. All
requests issued to the data store fail when it is unavailable due to either hardware
or software failures, natural disasters, power outages, human errors, and others. It
is possible for a subset of data store requests to fail when the data store is either
sharded or offered as a service. With a sharded data store, the failed requests
may reference shards that are either unavailable or slow due to load imbalance and
background tasks such as backup. With data store as a service, requests fail when
the application exhausts its pre-allocated capacity. For example, with the Amazon
DynamoDB and Google Cloud Datastore, the application must specify its read
and write request rate (i.e., capacity) in advance with writes costing more [6, 33].
If the application exhausts its pre-specified write capacity then its writes fail while
its reads succeed.
An application may process its failed writes in a variety of ways. Simplest is
to report the failures to the end users and system administrators. The obvious
drawback of this approach is that the write fails and the end user is made aware
of this to try again (or for the system administrator to perform some corrective
action). Another variant is for the application to ignore the failed write. To
illustrate, consider a failed write pertaining to Member A accepting Member B’s
friend invitation. The system may simply ignore this write operation and continue
to show B’s invitation to A to be accepted again. Assuming the failure of the data
Failure Read to Write Ratio
Duration 100:1 1000:1
1 min 5,957 561
5 min 34,019 3,070
10 min 71,359 6,383
Table 4.1: Number of failed writes with different BG workloads and data store
failure durations. TARDIS using CAMP persists all failed writes.
store is short-lived then the user’s re-try may succeed. This alternative loses those
writes that are not recoverable. For example, when Member C invites Member B
to be friends, dropping this write silently may not be displayed in an intuitive way
for the end user to try again. A more complex approach is for the application to
buffer the failed writes. A system administrator would subsequently process and
recover these writes.
We seek for an automated solution that replaces the administrator with a smart
algorithm that buffers failed writes and applies them to the data store at a later
time once it is available. This approach constitutes the focus of TARDIS
, a family
of techniques for processing failed writes that are transparent to the user issuing
TARDIS teleports failed writes by buffering them in the cache and performing
them once the data store is available. Its general form employs off-the-shelf cache
(insufficient memory) or failure of the cache. The cache manager may be tailored
to minimize this probability to zero.
Table 4.1 shows the number of failed writes with different failure durations
using a benchmark for interactive social networking actions named BG [13]. We
Time and Relative Dimension in Space, TARDIS, is a fictional time machine and spacecraft
that appears in the British science fiction television show Doctor Who.
consider two workloads with different read to write ratios. TARDIS teleports all
failed writes and persists them once the data store becomes available.
TARDIS addresses the following challenges:
1. How to process data store reads with pending buffered writes in the cache?
2. How to apply buffered writes to the data store while servicing end user
requests in a timely manner?
3. How to process non-idempotent buffered writes with repeated failures during
recovery phase?
4. What techniques to employ to enable TARDIS to scale? TARDIS must
distribute load of failed writes evenly across the cache instances. Moreover,
its imposed overhead must be minimal and independent of the number of
cache servers.
5. How to provide read-after-write consistency with different views of AppN-
odes. One AppNode may see the data store available while another does
failed writes. This is a significant improvement when compared with today’s state
of the art that loses failed writes always.
Advantages of TARDIS are two folds. First, it buffers failed writes in the cache
when the data store is unavailable and applies them to the data store once it
becomes available. Second, it enhances productivity of application developers and
system administrators by providing a universal framework to process failed writes.
This saves both time and money by minimizing complexity of the application
Figure 4.1: TARDIS architecture.
To simplify the discussion, the assumptions of data model for our design of
TARDIS is identical with the assumptions of Deign 1 of the write-back policy (see
Chapter 3). Assumptions of TARDIS include:
• AppNodes and the cache servers are in the same data center, communicating
using a low latency network. This is a reasonable assumption because caches
are deployed to enhance AppNode performance.
• The cache is available to an AppNode when data store writes fail.
• A developer authors software to reconstruct a data store document using
one or more cached key-value pairs. This is the recovery software shown in
Figure 4.1 used by both the application software and Active Recovery (AR)
• The data store write operations are at the granularity of a single document
and transition its state from one consistent state to another. In essence,
the correctness of data store writes are the responsibility of the application
• There is no dependence between two or more buffered writes applied to dif-
documents. This is consistent with the design of a document store
such as MongoDB to scale horizontally.
Contributions of this work are as follows. First, we present the design of
TARDIS, a general purpose framework for CADS architecture. This includes the
following novel design decisions. An AppNode maintains no buffered writes or
database state, allowing a request to be directed to any AppNode for processing.
All state information is maintained using key-value pairs stored in the cache and
visible to all AppNodes. Moreover, multiple AppNode servers are not required to
have a consistent view of the data store and whether it is available or unavailable:
One AppNode may operate assuming the data store is unavailable while another
may operate assuming it is available. This eliminates the need for synchronization
among AppNodes that implement TARDIS, enabling the system to scale.
Second, TARDIS does not compromise consistency guarantees of its target
application as long as its buffered writes are not lost - this is a significant improve-
ment over today’s state of the art that loses failed writes always.
Third, TARDIS does not prevent all undesirable race conditions because they
would slow the system down during normal and recovery modes. Instead, it detects
their occurrence and resolves them, e.g., see discussion of Step 6 of Algorithm 6.
Fourth, we present two alternative implementations of TARDIS named Recon
and Contextual. Recon requires no modifications to memcached and its design
works with an off-the-shelf cache manager that implements interfaces similar to
memcached. Contextualrequiresmodificationstothecachemanager. Bothexhibit
similar performance characteristics.
TARDIS preserves the order of two or more writes for the same document.
4.1 Overview
TARDIS consists of four techniques named TAR, DIS, TARD, and TARDIS.
The last technique embodies the capabilities of the first three. Hence, the entire
family is named TARDIS.
When the data store is unavailable, TARDIS techniques use the caching layer
to stage buffered writes. Once the data store becomes available, these techniques
apply the buffered writes to the data store. Their primary advantage is enhanced
availability of the system for processing writes when the data store is unavailable,
using the cache to teleport the write by performing it in the future instead of
reporting a failure. This reduces the overall system downtime. A disadvantage of
these techniques is their increased application software complexity to ensure read-
after-write consistency [50] when the data store recovers since a data item may
have buffered writes in the cache and its value in the data store is stale.
TARDIS family of techniques operate in three distinct modes: failed, recovery,
and normal. Availability of the data store dictates the mode of operation. The
data store is unavailable in failed mode and available in both recovery and normal
modes, see Table 4.2 and Table 4.3. Alternative techniques differ in how they
process application reads and writes in failed and recovery modes. This dictates
the complexity of technique. TAR is the least complex. Complexity increases with
DIS, TARD, and TARDIS. All techniques assume background Active Recovery
(AR) threads apply buffered writes to the data store once it becomes available
after a failure. Below, we present alternative techniques in turn.
In recovery mode, TAR requires application writes to continue to buffer their
writes while background AR threads apply them to the data store. With TAR,
recovery mode ends once AR workers apply all buffered writes to the data store.
Table 4.2: Processing of cache misses and writes in failed mode.
Cache miss Write
TAR/DIS Unavailable. Generate buffered writes.
TARD/TARDIS Unavailable. Generate buffered writes and
a mapping between impacted
cache entries and the buffered
Table 4.3: Processing of cache misses and writes in recovery mode.
Cache miss Write
TAR Unavailable. Generate buffered writes.
TARD Apply buffered writes and
the data store.
Generate buffered writes.
DIS Unavailable. Apply buffered writes and
update the data store.
TARDIS Apply buffered writes and
the data store.
Apply buffered writes and
update the data store.
While TAR is simple to implement, it may result in a long recovery duration.
Moreover, in recovery mode, TAR may not process cache misses using the data
store. Otherwise, it may observe read-after-write consistency violations for those
cache entries with buffered writes that have not yet been applied to the data store.
This may be acceptable for certain class of applications. For those that require
read-after-write consistency, possible solutions include suspending processing of
writes until all buffered writes have been applied to the data store, or switching to
either TARD or TARDIS that requires additional software to process these cache
misses in a consistent manner.
DIS extends TAR by requiring a write to apply relevant buffered writes to the
data store prior to performing its write. A relevant buffered write is one that
impacts the same data item(s) in the data store. The application write may merge
the buffered writes with its own into one data store write operation, producing
the final value of a data item. DIS is an improvement on TAR because it prevents
application writes from generating buffered writes in recovery mode. Instead, these
writes apply buffered writes to the data store, ending recovery mode sooner than
TAR. We report on several experiments where TAR does not complete recovery
and DIS completes recovery in few seconds to tens of seconds depending on the
foreground load. DIS is similar to TAR in that it does not process cache misses
in recovery mode to provide strong consistency, reporting an error. By completing
recovery faster than TAR, DIS switches the system to normal mode. Hence, DIS
enables the system to process cache misses sooner than TAR relative to when the
data store recovers.
TARD extends TAR by requiring the developer to provide a mapping from a
cache entry to the buffered writes. In recovery mode, a read that observes a cache
miss uses this mapping to identify buffered writes impacting the referenced cache
entry. It applies these buffered writes to the data store, queries the data store for
the missing key-value pair, computes the cache entry, and inserts it in the cache
for future reference. TARD is different from DIS in that it requires reads that
observe a cache miss to apply buffered writes to the data store. DIS is different
from TARD by requiring writes to apply buffered writes to the data store.
TARD is more complex than DIS because it requires the application software to
provide the mapping and manage it. DIS does not have this requirement because a
write action has the identity of buffered writes readily available (since it produces
buffered writes in failed mode). If cache misses are very rare or non-existent
then the recovery duration becomes very long with TARD. This causes writes
to generate buffered writes even though the data store is available. Surprisingly,
experimental results show this improves the application performance as generating
buffered writes are significantly faster than performing the actual write using the
Table 4.4: List of terms and their definition.
Term Definition
AR Active Recovery worker migrates buffered writes to the data store eagerly.
A document in the data store identified by a primary key P
Primary key of document D
. Also referred to as document id.
} A set of key-value pairs associated with a document D
A key whose value is a set of changes to document D
TeleW A key whose value contains P
of documents with teleported writes.
ω Number of TeleW keys.
data store, see discussions of Figure 4.8. This interesting observation holds true
as long as there is abundant memory because the buffered writes are pinned in
memory to prevent their evictions.
TARDIS combines DIS and TARD into one technique. Identical to DIS, it
requires writes to apply buffered writes to the data store prior to performing their
write. Identical to TARD, it requires the developer to provide a mapping that is
used by reads that observe a cache miss to apply relevant buffered writes (if any)
to the data store prior to computing the cache entry. It finishes recovery faster
than the other algorithms because foreground requests are active participants in
applying the buffered writes to the data store. It is also complex to implement
because it requires the developer to provide software for reads and writes to apply
buffered writes to the data store. In failed mode, TARDIS can be compared to
a write-back policy (see Chapter 3) because it buffers writes and postpones them
to be applied at some point in the future. In recovery mode, TARDIS cannot be
compared to a write-back policy because it performs writes synchronously.
4.2 Writes and Failures
The CADS architecture may process a write using either a write-around, write-
through, or a write-back policy. Write-around deletes the cache entry impacted
by the write. Both write-through and write-back update the impacted cache
entry. Another difference between these techniques is how they perform the write
using the data store. Write-around and write-through update the data store syn-
chronously. Write-back updates the data store asynchronously. The techniques
described in this chapter apply to those write policies that perform the write syn-
chronously, namely, write-around and write-through policies. They do not apply
to write-back because its asynchronous application of writes tolerates data store
failures. As detailed in Chapter 3, implementing a write-back policy with CADS is
complex. This is especially true when the application requires durability of writes.
For those application writes that cannot be implemented using write-back (due to
excessive complexity), one may use a simple TARDIS technique to perform the
write even though the data store is available.
Definition 4.2.1. A failed write is a write request to the data store that is not
processed in a timely manner, resulting in an exception.
Afailedwritemayresultindenialofservicefortheenduser. Allrequestsissued
to data store fail when it is unavailable due to either hardware or software failures,
natural disasters, power outages, human errors, and others. It is possible for a
subset of data store requests to fail when the data store is either sharded or offered
as a service. With a sharded data store, the failed requests may reference shards
asbackup. Withdatastoreasaservice, requestsfailwhentheapplicationexhausts
Figure 4.2: CADS architecture.
its pre-allocated capacity. For example, with the Amazon DynamoDB and Google
Cloud Datastore, the application must specify its read and write request rate (i.e.,
capacity) in advance with writes costing more [6, 33]. If the application exhausts
itspre-specifiedwritecapacitythenitswritesfailwhileitsreadssucceed. Usingthe
proposed TARDIS techniques, an application may process failed writes using its
cache. Note that cache misses of Table 4.2 no longer return an error "unavailable"
for TARD and TARDIS. Both techniques read the data item from the data store,
compute its latest value by merging with its buffered writes, insert the entry in
the cache for future use, and service the request.
4.3 A Family of Techniques
Figure 4.2 shows a CADS consisting of Application Node (AppNode) servers
that store and retrieve data from a data store layer, MongoDB. They use a caching
layer for temporary staging of data [25, 63, 58, 24, 40]. This section presents
AppNode server, a sharded data store, and a sharded memcached server.
Application thread (App thread) and Active Recovery (AR) worker refer to a
thread of the AppNode server (see Figure 4.2). They implement the application
Write to data store fails
Write to data
store fails
Write to data
store succeeds
All buffered writes
are applied
to data store
Figure 4.3: AppNode state transition diagram.
logic or a recovery worker that propagates buffered writes to the data store, respec-
tively. We assume a failed request is due to the data store becoming unavailable
completely. Section 4.3.5 discusses sharded data stores and data store as a service
that may process some data store reads/writes while resulting in failed writes at
the same time.
To simplify discussion and without loss of generality, we present the design of
TARDIS since it is the most complex technique. While TAR, TARD and DIS are
simpler, their implementation uses the principles of TARDIS outlined in this and
the next section. This section presents the design with 1 multi-threaded AppNode.
Section 4.4 extends the discussion to N multi-threaded AppNodes.
Table 4.5: List of Terms and Their Definitions.
Term Definition
AR Active Recovery worker applies buffered writes to the data store
A data store document identified by a primary key P
Primary key of document D
. Also referred to as document id.
A key whose value is a set of changes to document D
} A set of key-value pairs associated with a document D
A key that stores the mapping fromK
to Δ
. It may also be stored
alongside K
TeleW A key whose value containsP
of documents with teleported writes.
ω Number of TeleW keys.
To enhance performance, TARDIS does not prevent all undesirable race condi-
tions. Instead, it detects their occurrences and resolves them. Pseudo-codes of this
section highlight this design decision, e.g., see discussion of Step 6 of Algorithm 6.
Overview: Figure 4.3 shows the state transition diagram for the normal, failed,
and recovery modes of TARDIS . TARDIS operates in normal mode as long as the
datastoreprocesseswritesinatimelymanner. Afaileddatastorewritetransitions
AppNode to failed mode. In this mode, App threads buffer their data store writes
in the cache. They maintain cached key-value pair impacted by the write as in
normal mode of operation. Moreover, the AppNode starts one or more Active
Recovery (AR) workers to detect when the data store is available to process writes
again. Once an AR worker’s write succeeds, the AR worker transitions AppNode
state to recovery mode.
In recovery mode, TARDIS requires AppNode that issues a request that refer-
ences a document with buffered writes to propagate the buffered write to the data
store. This lazy technique may result in a long recovery duration when documents
with buffered writes are not referenced by a request for a long time. AR workers
expedite recovery by propagating buffered writes to the data store eagerly. The
number of AR workers is a configurable parameter. A large number of AR workers
propagate buffered writes to the data store at a higher rate. This may impose a
high load on the data store and slow down AppNode’s writes and reads (due to
cache misses) to the data store. Once the AR workers apply all buffered writes to
the data store, an AR worker switches AppNode to normal mode.
When either AppNode or an AR worker incurs a failed write, it switches AppN-
ode mode from recovery to failed mode. A data store with an intermittent network
connectivity may cause AppNode to toggle between failed and recovery modes
repeatedly, see Figure 4.3.
Figure 4.4: Documents are partitioned across ω TeleW keys. TeleW keys are
sharded across q memcached servers.
TARDIS employs stateless leases such as Redlease
[7] to prevent undesirable
race conditions between AppNode and AR workers. A lease is granted on a key to
provide mutual exclusion for requests that reference this key. A lease has a fixed
lifetime. Once a lease on a key is granted to a caller (say AppNode), the request
by an AR worker must back off and try again. The duration of backoff is based
on an exponential decay. The pending request is granted the lease once either the
current request releases its lease or the lease expires.
Below, we detail normal, failed, and recovery modes in turn. This discussion
uses the terminology of Table 4.5.
4.3.1 Normal Mode
In normal mode of operation, an AppNode thread processes a read action by
looking up the value of one or more keys {K
} in the cache. If it is not found then
this action has observed a cache miss. The AppNode thread queries the data store
for the document D
to compute the missing key-value pair(s) and stores them in
the cache for future look up. Finally, it provides a response for the action.
Redlease [7] can be implemented by AppNode with no changes to the memcached/Redis
With a write-action, we assume a write-through policy where an AppNode
thread updates both the impacted data store document(s) and their corresponding
cached key-value pairs.
Concurrent reads and writes of the same key-value pair may suffer from unde-
sirable race conditions, causing the cache to produce stale data. Inhibit (I) and
Quarantine (Q) leases of [31] prevent these undesirable race conditions. Moreover,
they implement the concept of a session that provides atomicity at the granularity
of multiple key-value pairs. These leases are detailed in Section
4.3.2 Failed Mode
In failed mode, an AppNode thread processes a write for a data store document
with primary key P
by generating a change, δ. The AppNode thread appends
δ to the value of a key Δ
in the cache, creating (Δ
,δ) if it does not exist. The
value of Δ
is a chronological order of failed writes applied to D
, {δ
, δ
, ..., δ
This list of changes is a buffered write.
Algorithm 5: AppNode in Recovery Mode (P
1 acquire lease P
2 V← get(P
3 if V exists then
4 success← Update D
in the data store using its buffered writes;
5 if success then
6 delete(P
7 delete Δ
(if any);
8 release lease P
In addition, with TARDIS (and TARD), the AppNode thread generates a map-
to Δ
, andappendsP
Teleported Writes (TeleW). TeleW is also stored in the cache. It is used by AR
workers to discover documents with pending buffered writes. Note that Δ
be redundant if the application is able to construct document D
using its repre-
sentation as a collection of cached key-value pairs.
The value of keys {K
} in the cache may be sufficient for AppNode to recon-
struct the documentD
in recovery mode and write it to the data store. However,
assuming memory is not a limiting factor, a developer may also generate a list
of changes (Δ
,{δ}) for the document to expedite recovery. This optimization
applies when it is faster to read and process Δ
instead of reading the cached value
of {K
} to update the data store. An example is a member P
with 1000 friends.
If in failed mode, P
makes an additional friend P
, it makes sense for AppNode
to both update the cached value and generate the change δ=push(P
,Friends). In
recovery mode, instead of reading an array of 1001 profile ids to apply the write
to document D
, the system reads the change and applies it. Since the change is
smaller and its read time is faster, this expedites recovery.
In failed mode, AR workers try to apply buffered writes to the data store.
An AR worker identifies these documents using the value of TeleW key. Each
time AR’s data store write fails, the AR waits for some time before repeating the
write with a different document. This delay may increase exponentially up to a
maximum threshold. Once a fixed number of AR writes (say p) succeeds, an AR
worker transitions the state of AppNode to recovery.
TARDIS prevents contention for TeleW and one cache server by maintaining
ω TeleW key-value pairs. It hash partitions documents across these using their
primary key P
, see Figure 4.4. Moreover, it generates the key of each ω TeleW
with the objective to distribute these keys across all cache servers. In failed mode,
when the AppNode generates buffered writes for a document D
, it appends the
document to the value of the TeleW key computed using its P
to the relevant TeleW. TARDIS may represent TeleW as a hash set if the cache
server supports it, e.g., Redis. TARDIS may also periodically compacts TeleWs to
remove duplicates.
4.3.3 Recovery Mode
In recovery mode, TARDIS employs AR workers eagerly and AppNode lazily
to apply buffered writes to those documents identified by TeleW. With AppNode,
each time a user action references a document D
with buffered writes, AppNode
applies its writes to the data store prior to servicing the user action. In essence,
during recovery, AppNode stops producing buffered writes and propagates buffered
writes to the data store.
Challenges of implementing TARDIS’s recovery mode are two folds:
1. Correctness: TARDIS must propagate buffered writes to documents in a
consistent manner.
2. Performance: TARDIS must process AppNode’s reads an writes as fast as
normal mode while completing recovery quickly.
Correctness: We categorize buffered writes into idempotent and non-idempotent.
Idempotent writes can be repeated multiple times and produce the same value.
Non-idempotent writes lack this behavior. An example idempotent write is to
change the value of a property, say name, of a document to a new value. A non-
idempotent change is to add a photo to an album. Repeating this non-idempotent
change N times results in an album with N copies of the same photo. However,
repeating the idempotent change N times is side-effect free.
In recovery mode, multiple AR workers may perform idempotent writes multi-
ple times without compromising correctness. However, this redundant work slows
down the data store for processing regular requests and makes the recovery dura-
tion longer than necessary. When AppNode performs a write action using a doc-
ument with buffered idempotent writes, an AR worker should not apply the same
idempotent write again. This undesirable race condition loses the AppNode’s write
Our implementation of recovery uses leases to apply a buffered write to a doc-
ument once, either by an AR worker or AppNode. We assume the likelihood of
AppNode’s requests referencing a document with buffered writes is small in recov-
ery mode. While our design is functional when this assumption is violated, it may
be possible to develop more efficient designs per discussions at the end of this
In recovery mode, to perform an action that references a key K
with a docu-
, ifM
exists, AppNode applies its buffered writes Δ
to the data store. It
does so by obtaining a lease on P
, see Algorithm 5. Once the lease is granted, it
looks up Δ
. If it does not exist then it means an AR worker (or another AppNode
thread) competed with it and propagated D
’s changes to the data store. In this
case, it releases its lease and proceeds to service user’s action. Otherwise, it applies
the buffered writes to updateD
in the data store. If this is successful
, AppNode
deletes Δ
to prevent an AR worker from applying buffered writes to D
a second
Performance: To enhance performance of user issued requests, AppNode does
not update the value of TeleW keys after updatingD
in the data store. This task
is left for the AR workers as detailed next.
This fails if the data store is unavailable.
Algorithm 6: Each Iteration of AR Worker in Recovery Mode
1 Initialize R← {};
2 T← A random value between 0 and ω;
3 V← get(TeleW
4 {D}← Select α random documents from V;
5 for each D
in {D} do
6 V← get(P
7 if V exists then
8 acquire lease P
9 V← get(P
10 if V exists then
11 success← Update P
in the data store with buffered writes;
12 if success then
13 Delete(P
14 Delete Δ
(if any);
15 R← R∪ P
16 else
17 R← R∪ P
18 release lease P
19 else
20 R = R∪ P
21 if R is not empty then
22 acquire lease TeleW
23 Do a multiget on TeleW
and all P
+dirty in R;
24 V← Value fetched for TeleW
25 For those P
+dirty with a value, remove them from R;
26 Remove documents in R from V;
27 put(TeleW
28 release lease TeleW
Algorithm 6 shows each iteration of AR worker in recovery mode. An AR
worker picks a TeleW key randomly and looks up its value. This value is a list of
documents written in failed mode. From this list, it selects α random documents
{D}. For each document D
, it looks up Δ
to determine if its buffered writes sill
exist in the cache. If this key exists then it acquires a lease on D
, and looks up
a second time. If this key still exists then it proceeds to apply the buffered
writes to D
in the data store. Should this write succeed, the AR worker deletes
and buffered writes from the cache. Section 4.6.3 analyzes the value of α and
its impact on recovery duration.
The AR worker maintains the primary key of those documents it successfully
writes to the data store in the set R. It is possible for the AR worker’s write to D
to fail. In this case, the document is not added R, leaving its changes in the cache
to be applied once the data store is able to do so.
An iteration of the AR worker ends by removing the documents in R (if any)
from its target TeleW key, Step 6 of Algorithm 6. Duplicate P
s may exist in
. A race condition involving AppNode and AR worker generates these
duplicates: a write generates new buffered writes for a document between Steps 5
and 6 of Algorithm 6. Step 6 does a multi-get for TeleW
and the processed Δ
values. For thoseP
s with a buffered write, it does not remove them from TeleW
value because they were inserted due to the race condition.
4.3.4 Cache Server Failures
A cache server failure makes buffered writes unavailable, potentially losing the
content of volatile memory altogether. To maintain the availability of buffered
writes, TARDIS replicates buffered writes across two or more cache servers. Our
implementation with both Redis [2] and memcached [3] support this feature.
disk or flash [1]. This enables buffered writes to survive failures that destroy the
content of volatile memory. Otherwise, buffered writes become unavailable when a
cache server fails. During this time, to preserve consistency, AppNode in recovery
mode may not process reads and writes since there is a potential buffered write
stored in the failed cache server. This possibility prevents processing of reads and
writes even when the data store is available. This requirement is eliminated by
replicating buffered writes across multiple cache servers to render them available
in the presence of cache server failures.
4.3.5 Discussion
In failed mode, an AppNode thread does not perform writes to the data store
that result in repeated timeouts. Instead, it maintains a volatile boolean variable,
DataStoreAvailable, that is shared by AppNode threads and AR threads. When
DataStoreAvailable is true, it means the data store is available and AppNode per-
forms writes using it. Otherwise, the data store is unavailable and AppNode gen-
erates buffered writes. AppNode sets DataStoreAvailable to false when it detects
a failed write. An AR worker sets DataStoreAvailable to true when it succeeds in
recovering a document by writing it to the data store. Use of DataStoreAvailable
is orders of magnitude faster than timing out by writing to a failed data store.
We do not use atomic variables or protect the value of DataStoreAvailable using
latches. In the presence of a race condition and in the worst case scenario, the
AppNode threads perform a few more failed writes than necessary. In our experi-
ments, implementing DataStoreAvailable using Java volatile provides a throughput
that is 3% to 12% higher than using Java atomic.
Algorithm 5 does not show several important details of the AR. First, in Step
5, every time the request for a lease on P
backs off, the AR worker abandons
and moves to the next document in {D}. This is because either another AR
worker or AppNode is recovering D
and it is unreasonable for this worker to wait
for the lease only to discover that buffered writes forD
have already been applied
(by not finding Δ
in the cache).
Second, every time an AR worker detects an empty TeleW
key, it fetches the
value of TeleW
. If all ω TeleW keys have an empty value, the AR worker
attempts to acquire a lease on all TeleW keys. If one of its ω leases is denied,
the AR worker does not back off and try again. Instead, it releases all its TeleW
leases, sleeps for a random amount of time between a minimum and a maximum
threshold, and tries to obtain itsω leases from the start. Once the AR worker has
itsω leases onω TeleW keys, it looks up the value of these TeleW keys in the cache.
If they have no value or their value is the empty set then the AR worker transitions
the system to normal mode of operation by setting the value of DataStoreAvailable
to true. Next, it releases all its ω leases.
With a sharded data store, one or more AppNode threads may observe failed
writes by referencing a shard that is overloaded. This transitions AppNode to
failed mode. However, the AR worker may immediately apply the buffered write
to that shard and succeed, transitioning the system to recovery mode and normal
mode quickly. This may cause some AppNode threads to operate in different
modes; potentially all different threads may exhibit all three modes at the same
time. The pseudo-code of Algorithms detailed in this section is robust enough to
preserve the correctness property. Moreover, performance observed by AppNode
threads in failed mode is faster than normal mode. In recovery mode, an AppNode
thread may be slower when it propagates the buffered write to the data store, see
Section 4.6.3.
Note that the failed mode of operation is for writes only. Reads are beyond
the focus of this study. For our purposes, we assume AppNodes process a cache
miss by querying the data store always. Once the data store fails, the system may
exercise alternatives including application specific solutions such as providing stale
data or displaying advertisements.
With the data store as a service, the writes may fail even though the reads suc-
ceed because AppNode has exhausted its provisioned write capacity. In this case,
the writes are buffered in the cache and the AR worker succeeds in applying them
once the AppNode’s write capacity is restored. It is possible to design intelligent
techniques that prioritize writes, requiring TARDIS to perform the high priority
ones using the data store while buffering the low priority ones. TARDIS may
propagate these buffered writes to the data store periodically while ensuring all
high priority writes are processed successfully. This technique is a future research
direction, see Chapter 6.
4.4 TARDIS with N AppNodes
TARDIS of Section 4.3 supports multiple AppNodes when requests are parti-
tioned such that a document is referenced by one AppNode. Otherwise, it results
in undesirable race conditions that compromise application correctness. This hap-
pens when AppNodes have different mode of operations for PStore. This section
presents the undesirable race conditions and two alternative designs for TARDIS
to prevent these race conditions.
4.4.1 Undesirable race conditions
WithmultipleAppNodesandintermittentfailedPStorewrites, differentAppN-
odes may operate in different modes. While AppNode 1 operates in failed or recov-
ery mode, AppNode 2 may operate in normal mode
. This results in a variety of
A lightly loaded system dominated by reads such that AppNode 2 processes reads with 100%
cache hit while AppNode 1 observes a failed write.
undesirable read-write and write-write race conditions when user requests for a
document are directed to AppNode 1 and AppNode 2.
To illustrate an undesirable write-write race condition, consider a user Bob who
creates an Album and adds a photo to the Album. Assume Bob’s “create Album"
is directed to AppNode 1 for processing. If AppNode 1 is operating in failed mode
then it buffers Bob’s Album creation in the cache. Once PStore recovers and prior
to propagating Bob’s album creation to PStore, Bob’s request to add a photo is
issued to AppNode 2. If AppNode 2 is in normal mode then it issues this write to
an album that does not exist in PStore.
This write-write race condition would not have occur if Bob’s requests were
directed to AppNode 1: AppNode 1 would have recovered Bob’s pending Album
write prior to performing the photo add operation, see Section 4.3.
An undesirable read-write race condition is when Bob changes the permission
on his profile page so that his manager Alice cannot see his status. Subsequently,
he updates his profile to show he is looking for a job. Assume Bob’s first action
is processed by AppNode 1 in failed mode and Bob’s profile is missing from the
cache. This buffers the write as a change (Δ) in the cache. His second action,
update to his profile, is directed to AppNode 2 (in normal mode) and is applied to
PStore because it just recovered and became available. Now, before AppNode 1
propagates Bob’s permission change to PStore, there is a window of time for Alice
to see Bob’s updated profile.
The presented read-write race condition requires a cache miss. If Bob’s profile
was in the cache then it would have been updated by AppNode 1, preventing Alice
from seeing his updated status.
4.4.2 Two Solutions: Recon and Contextual
One approach to address the undesirable race conditions of Section 4.4.1 is to
require all AppNodes to have the same PStore mode of operation. This results in
unnecessary complexity and is expensive to realize with a large number of AppN-
odes. Moreover, it does not work when the PStore is partially available.
WepresentstwosolutionsthatdonotrequireconsensusamongAppNodes. The
first combines the normal and recovery mode into one, resulting in each AppNode
to operate in two possible modes: recon (combined recovery and normal) and
failed. The second employs stateful leases. We describe them in turn. Solution 1: Recon
Recon combines recovery and normal mode of operation into one by requiring:
• Cache hits to be processed in the same manner as the normal mode of Sec-
tion 4.3.1.
• Allcachemissesandapplicationwritesareprocessedinrecoverymode. They
must look up P
+dirty to discover if their referenced document has buffered
write. If so, they apply the change to PStore prior to processing the request.
Recon avoids the write-write race condition of Section 4.4.1 by requiring all writes
to operate in recovery node. In our example, Bob’s photo add operation is a write
action and it is forced to recover Bob’s pending write that creates the album prior
to adding the photo.
Similarly, Recon avoids read-write race condition of Section 4.4.1 by requiring
Alice’s cache miss for Bob’s profile to process pending writes for Bob’s document.
Once these changes are applied, Alice is not able to see Bob’s change of status.
Reconissimpletoimplement. Itsoverheadisduringnormalmodeofoperation,
work than necessary by looking up P
+dirty. This overhead is marginal for those
applications whose workload exhibits a high ratio of reads to writes [16] with a
high cache hit rate. Solution 2: Contextual Leases
TARDIS with contextual leases (Contextual for short) maintains the three
mode of operation described in Section 4.3. It incorporates I and Q leases of [31]
and extends them with a marker to prevents the undesirable race conditions of
Section 4.4.1. Below, we provide an overview of the I and Q leases as used during
normal mode. Subsequently, we describe our extensions with a marker.
The framework of [31] requires: 1) a cache miss to obtain an I lease on its
referenced key prior to querying the PStore to populate the cache, and 2) a cache
Write (R-M-W) or an incremental update such as append. Leases are released once
asessioneithercommitsoraborts. GivenanexistingIorQleaseonakey, arequest
for an I or a Q lease for the same key is as follows:
Requested Existing Lease
Lease I Q
I Backoff Backoff
Q Void I & grant Q Deny and abort
If there is a request for an I lease on a key with an existing I lease then the
requester must backoff and try again. This avoids thundering herds by requiring
only one out of many requests that observes a cache miss to query PStore and
populate the cache. Ideally, all other requests should observe a cache hit in their
If there is a request for a Q lease on a key with an existing I lease then there
is a potential read-write race condition. The Q lease voids the I lease, preventing
the reader from populating the cache with a value. This prevents the reader from
inserting a stale value (computed using a the state of PStore prior to write) in the
If there is a request for an I lease on a key with an existing Q lease then, once
again, we have a potential read-write race condition. The I lease backoffs and tries
again until the writer commits and releases its Q lease.
Finally, if there is a request for a Q lease on a key with an existing Q lease then
we have a write-write race condition. In this case, the requester is aborted and
restarted, forcing the R-M-W of one write to observe the R-M-W of the other. It
is acceptable for the Q lease requester to back off and try again if a R-M-W action
references only one key - however, as noted in Section 4.3, a write may R-M-W a
collection of keys {K
In failed mode, a write action continues to obtain a Q lease on a key prior
to performing its write. However, at commit time, a Q lease is converted to a P
marker on the key. This marker identifies the key-value pair as having buffered
writes. The number of keys with such markers increases monotonically as they are
written in failed mode.
The P marker serves as the context for the I and Q leases granted on a key. It
has no impact on their compatibility matrix. When the AppNode requests either
an I or a Q lease on a key, if there is a P marker then the AppNode is informed of
this marker should the lease be granted. In this case, the AppNode must recover
the PStore document prior to processing the action.
To explain why Contextual prevents the undesirable race conditions of Sec-
tion 4.4.1, observe: 1) there is at most one lease on a key, either I or Q, 2) an
I lease is requested when a read action observes a cache miss, and 3) a Q lease
is requested by a write action. When there is a buffered write for a document,
either an I or a Q lease on itsP
encounters a P marker that causes the requesting
AppNode to propagate the buffered write to the document in PStore. In essence,
the mode of operation is at the granularity of a key.
In our example undesirable write-write race condition, Bob’s Album creation
using AppNode 1 generates a P marker for Bob’s Album. Bob’s addition of a
photo to the album (using AppNode 2) must obtain a Q lease on the album that
detects the marker and requires the application of buffered writes prior to process-
ing this action. Similarly, with the undesirable read-write race condition, Bob’s
read (performed by AppNode 2) is a cache miss that must acquire an I lease. This
lease request detects the P marker that causes the action to process the buffered
writes. In both scenarios, when the write is applied to PStore and once the action
commits, the P marker is removed as a part of releasing the Q leases.
4.5 Non-idempotent Buffered Writes
A buffered write may be a non-idempotent change to a document. For exam-
ple, it may increment a property or insert a value in an array property of a doc-
ument. In recovery mode, when an AppNode thread or an AR worker applies a
buffered write to the data store, it may encounter a timeout (a failed write) even
though the write succeeded. An obvious solution is to repeat the operation. While
this is acceptable with idempotent buffered writes, it is not acceptable with non-
idempotent buffered writes because applying them two or more times may violate
read-after-write consistency.
One possible approach is to extend the data store with application specific con-
straints that prevent inconsistent states due to multiple applications of a buffered
write. For example, with a change that pushes a value into an array property of
MongoDB and advanced knowledge that the array may not contain duplicate val-
ues, one may specify a constraint that requires the values in an array property to
be unique. This prevents multiple applications of a non-idempotent buffered write
from violating consistency. Such approaches may not be possible with all persis-
tent data types and their use by an application. This section presents SnapShot
Recovery (SSR) to address this challenge.
SSR, see Algorithm 7, is used in recovery mode when applying a buffered write
to the data store. Its essence is to convert a buffered non-idempotent write for D
into an idempotent buffered write by generating a snapshot of D
. This snapshot
is written to the cache and deleted immediately if the application of buffered write
to the data store succeeds. It is used to detect failures in recovery mode and
to apply a non-idempotent write once. Algorithm 7 is robust enough to enable
a (different) AppNode to operate in failed mode and generate non-idempotent
changes concurrently.
Details of SSR are as follows. The value of Δ
includes a unique id (uid)
by AppNode when it creates this key for a failed write of D
the very
first time. In Steps 13, SSR reads the documentD
in memory and applies the non-
idempotent changes to it to create the snapshot. In Steps 16-19, SSR initializes
the snapshot S
key-value pair and inserts it in the cache. Next, it applies the
An integer counter concatenated with the mac address of AppNode server.
Algorithm 7: Snapshot Recovery (P
1 acquireLease(P
2 S
← Get cached snapshot of D
using P
3 δ
and uid← Get Δ
4 if S
6=null then
5 if δ
=null or S
.uid6=uid then
6 D
← Get document P
from the data store
7 if D
.data then
8 if Overwrite D
with S
.data = fail then
9 releaseLease(P
10 return fail
11 Delete S
12 if δ
6=null then
13 D
← Get document P
from the data store
14 D
← Apply δ
to D
15 S
← Init snapshot
16 S
17 S
18 Store S
in the cache
19 Delete Δ
20 if Apply δ
to the data store = fail then
21 releaseLease(P
22 return fail
23 Delete S
24 releaseLease(P
25 return success
buffered write to D
in the data store and deletes the snapshot S
. Note that the
snapshot maintains the uid of Δ
When an AppNode thread or an AR worker applies a buffered write to D
SSR looks up its snapshot first (see Step 3). If it exists then SSR has detected a
failure when a buffered write was being applied to the data store. Hence, it fetches
from the data store and compares it with S
. If they are not equal then SSR
and deletesS
. Subsequently, it applies new buffered writes
(if any).
Note that the writing of D
to the data store, Steps 8 and 20, may encounter
a failed write. Hence, SSR returns an error to the calling thread, either AppNode
or AR worker. If it is an AR worker, this thread may invoke SSR immediately
or after some delay. Alternatively, it may ignore the failure and let another AR
thread tries it at a later time. An AppNode thread encounters this failure when
performing a read or a write. With a read, it may ignore the failure and consume
the value from the cache, deferring to an AR worker to apply the buffered write to
the data store. Similarly, with a write, an AppNode thread may defer to an AR
worker by generating a buffered write.
The uid is used when there is a failure after Step 19 and before Step 23, e.g.,
the condition of Step 20 is satisfied. In this case, the buffered write Δ
is no longer
present in the cache. However, its snapshot S
is available. Should an AppNode
thread in failed mode create a buffered write Δ
then it will a uid different than
’s uid. Steps 6-11 overwrite the documentD
. Subsequently, SSR applies
the new Δ
to this D
The overhead of SSR is writing and deleting the snapshot of a document
impacted by a buffered write prior to its application to the data store, see Steps
18 and 23. This overhead is incurred in recovery mode.
4.6 Evaluation
We used YCSB [19] and BG [13] to evaluate TARDIS. We focused on YCSB’s
update heavy workload A consisting of 50% read and 50% update. With BG, we
used its moderate read heavy workload of 100 reads for every 1 write. It consists
of the following mix of interactive social networking actions: 89% View Profile,
5% List Friends, 5% View Friend Request, 0.4% Invite Friend, 0.2% Accept Friend
Request, 0.2% Reject Friend Request, and 0.2% Thaw Friendship.
We evaluated the following cache managers: Redis 3.2.8, CAMP 1.0, Twem-
cached 2.5.3, memcached 1.4.36 with and without chunked version configuration.
The later supports key-value sizes greater than 1MB. CAMP is a variant of mem-
cached with two changes. First, it uses malloc and free to manage memory space
instead of a slab implementation. Second, it uses the CAMP replacement algo-
rithm [28] that is cost aware instead of LRU.
Variants of memcached implement the same commands. Redis provides richer
commandsanddatatypesalongwithserverscripting, resultinginadifferentimple-
mentation. Given a fixed amount of cache size, different caches may store a differ-
ent number of buffered writes.
The physical representation of buffered writes with YCSB is different from BG
because their writes are different in nature. A YCSB update overwrites values of
several properties of a document. A BG write action such as “Invite Friend" pushes
the member id of the inviter into the invitee’s list of pending friend invitations
Section 4.6.1 details representation of buffered writes with YCSB and BG.
We extended the workload generator of YCSB and BG to implement Recon
and Contextual. With both implementations, the same physical YCSB and BG
database organizations are used in MongoDB and a cache manager. Both bench-
marks databases consist of 100,000 MongoDB documents. Moreover, both are
configured to generate a skewed pattern of data access using a Zipfian distribu-
tion. In the reported experiments, we emulate a fixed duration of failed writes by
This is represented as an array data type.
terminating the mongod process of MongoDB and restarting it after the specified
In these experiments, a multi-node workload generator emulates multiple
AppNodes. These are connected to a server hosting MongoDB version 3.2.9 as
our data store and a second server hosting Twemcache version 2.5.3 as our cache
server. Each server is an off-the-shelf PC configured with 4-Core Intel i7-3770 3.40
GHz CPU 16 GB of memory and 1 gigabit per second (Gbps) networking card.
and present the evaluation results of Contextual.
4.6.1 Physical Design of Buffered Writes
Abufferedwritewithbothbenchmarksisakey-valuepair. Thekey Δ
a unique MongoDB document impacted by a write. Its value is a buffered write.
With Redis, a buffered write for YCSB is a hash map consisting of a pairing of
the property name with the updated value. Hence, there is a maximum bound on
document (10). Moreover, generation of a buffered write is one network round-trip
that sets the property:value pairings in the hash map.
Variants of memcached do not support a hash map data type. Hence, we
represent a YCSB buffered write as a list of property:value pairings. Generation
of this buffered write performs two network round-trips by implementing a read-
modify-write operation.
With BG, a buffered write is a list of logical operations such as a push or a pop
of a value from an array property of MongoDB document. This implementation
is used with all cache managers. We make the logical operations idempotent by
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240
Memory (MB)
Number of writes (million)
(a) BG
20 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320
Memory (MB)
Number of writes (million)
(b) YCSB
Figure 4.5: Number of writes processed by TARDIS as a function of the amount
of available memory.
configuring the array property of MongoDB documents to contain unique values.
Hence, this implementation does not use the SSR technique of Section 4.5.
The memory required for TARDIS to cache buffered writes depends on the
characteristics of the workload. In Figure 4.5, we configure a cache manager with
a fixed amount of memory (x-axis) and issue failed writes until the cache manager
either refuses to insert the buffered write or evicts a buffered write. The y-axis of
this figure is the number of buffered writes.
The YCSB results, Figure 4.5.b, show all cache managers are able to accommo-
date an infinite number of buffered writes beyond a certain memory limit. There
are two reasons for this. First, the number of documents is fixed at 100,000. Sec-
ond, the size of a buffered write for a document is fixed and independent of the
number of failed writes performed on that document. Once all YCSB documents
are referenced by a failed write, the memory requirement of TARDIS levels off.
The implementation of a YCSB buffered write with CAMP, Twemcached, and
memcached are identical and have the same size. This size is more compact than
the hash map of Redis. Both CAMP and Redis use malloc and free to manage
the available space. CAMP reaches infinity with a lower memory because it caches
smallkey-valuepairsbyevictinglargerones. Twemcachedandmemcachedmanage
memory space using a slab implementation. This implementation suffers from
calcification [43, 40], requiring more memory to accommodate an infinite number
of failed writes.
Uniform Zipfian
0 AR 20 AR 0 AR 20 AR
TAR/TARD ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞
DIS 96 14 600 12
TARDIS 45 14 307 12
Table 4.6: Recovery Duration (seconds) with a write-heavy workload (50% writes).
With BG, the size of a buffered write for a document increases monotonically
as a function of the number of failed writes referencing the document. There is no
memory size that accommodates an infinite number of writes, see Figure 4.5. Redis
and CAMP support approximately the same number of writes because the size of
a buffered write is the same with all cache managers. Twemcached and mem-
cached variants continue to suffer from slab calcification. Both Twemcached and
memcached cannot support additional writes beyond 160 MB of memory because
the maximum key-value size is 1 MB. Chunked variant resolves this limitation to
utilize memory capacities higher than 160 MB.
4.6.2 Performance of TARDIS Family of Techniques
This section evaluates TAR, TARD, DIS, and TARDIS. Our objective is to
highlight their tradeoffs and identify important factors that dictate both the recov-
ery duration and impact on system performance (foreground tasks) in recovery
mode. The main lessons of this evaluation are:
0 50 100 150 200
Elapsed time (seconds)
Number of dirty documents
1 AR worker
10 AR workers
20 AR workers
100 AR workers
Figure 4.6: Impact of AR workers on the number of dirty documents with TAR
and 3% write.
• Recovery duration is dictated by the number of AR workers, foreground load,
and the frequency of writes. A higher number of AR workers applies buffered
writes to the data store at a higher rate. They compete for resources with
the foreground load and slow down their rate of buffered writes production.
• Increasing number of AR workers expedites recovery for all techniques, espe-
cially with a skewed pattern of access to the data.
• DIS and TARDIS are the fastest techniques to complete recovery. TAR and
TARD may complete recovery depending on the number of AR workers, i.e.,
a higher number slows down the foreground load.
We demonstrate these lessons, in turn, using the YCSB benchmark. We stage
10,000 documents in the cache. Next, we fail the data store and impose a write-
only workload that updates 95,000 documents, i.e., 95% of the YCSB database.
1 5 10 25 50 100
Number of randomly selected documents
Time (seconds)
1 AR worker
10 AR workers 100 AR workers
(a) Recovery duration
1 5 10 25 50 100
Number of randomly selected documents
Throughput during recovery (actions/s)
1 AR worker
10 AR workers
100 AR workers
(b) Throughput during recovery
Figure 4.7: TARDIS Recovery with YCSB as a function of the number of AR
workers and the number of randomly selected documents (α) in each iteration.
For those 10,000 documents that are in the cache, each write updates the cache
entry (write-through) and generates the buffered write. For those 85,000 missing
from the cache, each write generates the buffered write only. Next, we recover
the data store and issue a foreground load consisting of 20 threads issuing YCSB
workload A consisting of 50% read and 50% write. This emulates recovery mode
and it ends once all buffered writes are applied to the data store.
Rows of Table 4.6 show the recovery duration with different techniques.
Columns of this table pertain to two different access patterns to the documents,
uniform and skewed. For each, we report the recovery duration with 0 and 20 AR
workers. Table 4.6 shows TAR and TARD do not complete recovery with 0 and
20 AR workers. DIS and TARDIS complete recovery with no AR workers. Twenty
AR workers expedite their recovery by several orders of magnitude.
DIS is 50% slower than TARDIS because it uses half the foreground load
(writes) to apply buffered writes to the data store. TARDIS uses both writes
and reads that observe cache misses to propagate buffered writes to the data store,
expediting recovery.
Even with 20 AR workers, TAR and TARD fail to complete recovery. In these
experiments, TARâĂŹs cache hit rate is a constant 6% because cache misses are
not processed even though the data store is available. In contrast, TARD provides
a 94% cache hit rate by requiring cache misses to apply their buffered writes to
the data store prior to computing the missing cache entry.
In order for TAR and TARD to complete recovery, the workload must produce
writes at a slower rate. One way is to increase the number of AR workers to
compete with the foreground threads issuing writes. Another way is to realize
this is to reduce the frequency of writes in the workload. Figure 4.6 shows the
number of dirty documents with TAR and 3% write using a different number of
AR workers. This figure shows TAR completes the recovery duration with 100
threads after 13 seconds. With 1 AR worker, its number of dirty documents is in
the order of tens of thousands. This number is reduced to less than 100 with 10
and 20 AR workers.
TAR and TARD may propagate buffered writes to a document only to have
a foreground write generating a buffered write for that document. This means
bufferedwritesforadocumentmustbeappliedtothatdocumentseveraltimes. For
example, with TAR and YCSB workload A (50% write) using a skewed access pat-
tern, AR workers recover 99% of unique documents by applying 1,559,050 buffered
. This means, on average, more than ten buffered writes are applied to
every YCSB document. With a skewed pattern of access, a significantly larger
number of buffered writes was applied to a single document.
While TARDIS expedites recovery to transition the system to normal mode
sooner, when compared with TAR, it requires extra memory from the cache server
to maintain mappings of Section 4.3. (It is also more complex to implement than
This is 10 minutes into recovery mode.
TAR as detailed in Section 4.1. In our experiments, the mapping is the identity
function consisting of a key that identifies the document (4 bytes) and a 1-byte
flag. These mappings occupy 464 KB of memory, i.e., 95,000 written documents
multiplied by 5 bytes per document at the start of the experiment.
4.6.3 Recovery Duration
We use YCSB and BG to analyze recovery duration by varying the number of
AR workers and the number of documents selected randomly by each worker, α,
see Figure 4.7.a. In these experiments, the number of TeleW keys is set to 211 and
assume a low system load of 20 threads issuing requests during recovery.
We observe that the recovery duration reduces an order of magnitude from
1 AR worker to 10 AR workers across all alpha values. A large number of AR
workers with a smallα value is superior to having a few AR workers with a highα
value. 100K buffered documents (due to a 20-minute failure) are recovered in less
than 10 seconds with a large number of AR workers (i.e., 10 and 100) and alpha
value of 50. This is at the expense of a lower throughput observed with 20 threads
issuing requests, see Figure 4.7.b.
TARDIS’s recovery duration is faster with BG because its workload is read
heavy. Its contention for the data store is lower than YCSB, enabling AR workers
to complete recovery faster. However, the observed trends are similar to those of
Results of this section highlight the following trade-off. A faster recovery dura-
tion is at the expense of a lower observed performance by the foreground requests.
The number of AR workers is a knob that enables an application to control this
1 2 4 6 8
Number of cache nodes
SoAR (actions/sec)
Normal Mode
Failed Mode
Linear Scale Out
(a) BG (CAMP)
1 2 4 6 8
Number of cache nodes
Throughput (actions/sec)
Normal Mode
Failed Mode
Linear Scale Out
(b) YCSB (Redis)
Figure 4.8: TARDIS horizontal scalability.
4.6.4 Horizontal Scalability of TARDIS
A key metric of BG is SoAR, the throughput provided by a system while
satisfying a pre-specified service level agreement (SLA). The y-axis of Figure 4.8a.a
shows SoAR of TARDIS as a function of the number of cache servers, x-axis. The
We show the observed SoAR in both normal mode of operation with TARDIS
and failed mode when TARDIS generates buffered writes. Figure 4.8a.b shows
the scalability of the caching layer relative to the SoAR observed with one cache
Obtained results show TARDIS performance and scalability in failed mode is
superior to normal mode of operation. In failed mode, the framework scales almost
linearlyasafunctionofthenumberofcacheservers. However, thesystemstruggles
to scale in normal mode, with performance leveling off beyond 6 servers. In normal
mode, TARDIS performs a write action using both the cache and MongoDB. The
server hosting MongoDB is the bottleneck limiting performance. Even with one
cache server, the CPU of the server hosting MongoDB spikes from 20% to 100%.
Beyond 4 cache servers, the CPU of the server hosting MongoDB becomes 100%
utilized. This causes the throughput to level off.
In failed mode, all writes insert buffered writes in the caching layer because
MongoDB is not available. These operations are hash partitioned using the docu-
ment id, enabling the system to scale almost linearly. It is not perfectly linear due
to temporary bottlenecks caused by concurrent requests colliding and referencing
the same cache server.
Horizontal scalability of the system with YCSB is limited because 50% of
requests are updates, see Figure 4.8b. These results were obtained with 4 YCSB
clientsissuingrequests. Eachclientisconfiguredwith200threads, foratotalof800
threads generating requests concurrently. Prior to updating a key-value pair, the
YCSB client obtains a lease on the key-value pair. When two or more concurrent
threads try to update the same key-value pair, one succeeds while others back-
off and try again. This isolates and serializes concurrent updates. It also causes
cache servers to sit idle and wait for work, reducing performance and resulting
in sub-linear scalability. The failed mode is more efficient than the normal mode
as it generates a buffered write instead of updating MongoDB. By processing a
larger number of actions per second, it also observes more than 25% of requests to
back-off than normal mode.
4.7 Proof of TARDIS Consistency
In this section, we provide a formal proof of read-after-write consistency for
TARDIS. We assume (a) writes transition the database from one consistent state
to another and (b) the data store provides strong consistency.
Definition 4.7.1. A readR
for a documentD
from the data store may be served
by a key-value pair (k
) from the cache, wherek
=the property values
of the document D
Definition 4.7.2. A write W
impacts a document D
if W
inserts D
, deletes
, or updates one or more properties of D
Corollary A write W
for D
impacts D
in the data store and its cor-
responding (k
, v
) in the cache atomically.
Definition 4.7.3. A buffered write for a documentD
is represented as a key-value
pair (k
, v
) where k
is “BW:DocID”, v
stores all the pending changes of
that must be applied to the data store.
Definition 4.7.4. A mapping inputs the key k
for a cache entry to compute
the keys{k
} of the buffered writes. Without loss of generality, we assume the
function f is f(DocID)→{k
}. Given the identity of a document, DocID,
this function computes the key of buffered writes.
A read R
identifies its referenced key k
and looks it up from the cache. If
exits, R
consumes v
. If v
does not exist, the cache grants R
an I lease. In
normal mode,R
, puts (k
releases the I lease. In failed mode, it releases the I lease and returns READ_ERROR
to the application. The application may process this error as an exception. In
recovery mode, the read acquires a Q lease on the buffered write keyk
and looks
up its value v
from the cache. If v
is found, the read applies it to the data
store and releases the Q lease on k
. It then queries the data store to compute
, puts it in the cache and releases the I lease on k
A writeW
identifies its impacted keys and acquires a Q lease on each keyk
. If
exists thenW
constructs a copyv
in the cache and updatesv
In normal mode, it updates the data store synchronously and releases its Q leases.
In failed and recovery mode, it acquires Q leases on all buffered writes mapped to
each of its impacted keys k
. In failed mode, it incorporates its changes to each
buffered writek
and releases the Q lease on it. In the recovery mode, it looks up
the value v
for each k
, applies v
to the data store and releases the Q lease
on it. It then updates the data store synchronously and releases the Q leases on
its impacted keys.
Theorem 3. In failed mode, TARDIS provides either read-after-write consistency
for a read of D
with buffered write(s) or returns an error.
Proof. R
looks up k
in the cache. If v
exists, it reflects the last write of D
produced as output. Otherwise, R
has observed a cache miss. In failed mode, R
is unable to apply the buffered write v
(if any) to the data store or query the
data store to compute v
. Hence, it returns READ_ERROR.
Theorem 4. In recovery mode, TARDIS provides read-after-write consistency
while applying pending buffered writes to the data store.
Lemma 4.1. In recovery mode, TARDIS provides read-after-write consistency for
a read ofD
processed concurrently with pending buffered writes forD
being applied
to the data store.
Proof. If R
observes a cache hit for k
, it consumes its value v
. Last write that
released its Q leases onk
produced the latestv
. A concurrent writeW
creates a
and the read observes the original versionv
. This serializesR
If R
observes a cache miss, it looks up k
for pending writes. If another
request also looks up k
, only one may proceed because each must acquire a Q
lease on k
. The other aborts and retries. If v
is a non-idempotent change,
it is converted to an idempotent change, stored in the cache, and the Q lease is
released. Subsequently, R
obtains a Q lease on this idempotent change, applies
it to the data store, deletes the entry and releases its lease. Hence, the buffered
write is applied once to the data store and deleted from the cache. Subsequently,
queries the data store to compute v
, puts it in the cache, and releases its I
lease. R
observes the latest value and is serialized after all writes that buffered
their changes in v
Lemma 4.2. In recovery mode, TARDIS maintains consistency of the database in
the presence of arbitrary failures of threads that apply buffered writes to the data
Proof. A thread that applies a buffered write to the data store may either be a
read R
or a TARDIS background thread. These threads change the state of the
database. Failures of these threads cause their Q lease to time out, making the
buffered write available again. The buffered write may either be idempotent or
non-idempotent. If it is idempotent, its repeated application to the data store
does not compromise database consistency. If it is non-idempotent, it has not
yet been applied to the data store. A buffered write is always replaced with its
idempotent equivalent prior to being applied to the data store. Hence, consistency
of the database is preserved.
Lemma 4.3. In recovery mode, TARDIS processes a write to the data store for
consistently in the presence of buffered writes for D
Proof. In recovery mode, a write always looks up the buffered writes{k
} for
its impacted key k
. It acquires a Q lease on each buffered write in{k
}. If
another concurrent thread is granted a Q lease onk
, this write aborts and retries.
Otherwise, it applies v
to the data store, deletes (k
, v
) from the cache and
releases theQ lease. At this point, all changes ofprevious writes onD
are reflected
in the data store. Hence, this write may proceed to issue its write request to the
data store.
Chapter 5
A CADS Framework
Chapter 3 shows that CADS enhances the system performance significantly
with the write-back policy. The implementation of write-back relies on: i) a lease-
based cache framework to enable the concept of sessions and support strong con-
sistency, and ii) a resolution of mappings between SQL statements to buffered
writes. In this chapter, we introduce two components that constitute the CADS
• LeCaF. A lease-based cache framework that supports strong consistency. It
extends the IQ-Framework [31] to enable the concept of sessions consisting
of multiple key-value pairs.
• NgCache. A client-library that supports write-around, write-through and
write-back policies. It is able to process writes asynchronously with the
write-back policy by providing the developers with interfaces to declare the
mappings, the buffered writes and how they are applied to the data store.
This chapter is organized as follows. Section 5.1 describes LeCaF in details,
including the implementation at both client and server sides. Section 5.2 describes
NgCache and its interfaces.
5.1 LeCaF – A Leases-Based Cache Framework
A session consists of at most one data store transaction and multiple cache
operations that are executed atomically. LeCaF uses sessions to maintain the data
store and the cache consistent. A session may be a read or a write. A read session
does not update any of its key-value pairs. If it observes a cache miss, it computes
a key-value pair and sets it in the cache. A write session may perform read-modify-
write or incremental update (for example, append and incr) on one or more cache
A session may acquire leases on one or more keys. A lease [35] in distributed
systems is a synchronization primitive that is similar to a lock in database systems.
Different than a lock, a lease may expire. Leases serializes concurrent sessions,
preventing undesirable race conditions to put stale data in the cache. With LeCaF,
a lease may be a Shared (S) or eXclusive (X) and is granted at the granularity of
a key. With write-through and write-back, details of these leases were discussed
in Section The lease compatibility table for write-around is different, as
discussed in Section A session may hold one or multiple leases on one or
multiple keys during its life time. Once it commits or aborts, all leases granted to
the session are deleted.
In our design, both the client and the server are aware of the existence of
sessions. Each session has a unique session id. A coordinator is responsible to
assign ranges of session ids to clients. When the client is initialized, it gets a range
of session ids from the coordinator. When a session starts, a new unique session
id is generated using the range. Once the range is exhausted, the client sends a
request to the coordinator for a new range. The cache server are implemented with
data structures (session objects and lease objects, see Section 5.1.1) to keep track
of sessions and their leases.
Section 5.1.1 describes the new commands at the cache server to support write-
around, write-through and write-back policies. Section 5.1.2 describes the new
methods implemented at the client to issue requests to the server utilizing the new
server commands.
5.1.1 Server
The cache server maintains a session object for each session during its life time.
The object includes the session id, the session’s status and a mapping of keys
involved in the session and their pending versions (if exist). A session status may
be one of these values: active, validated or aborted. When a client initializes a
session with the cache server, the cache server creates a session object, setting its
state to active. The state changes to validated when the client validates the session
successfully. Once validated, the server no longer may abort the session. The client
commits the session by sending a commit message (LCommit()) to the server. Its
session object is deleted at the server. Figure 5.1 shows the state transition of a
At any time, a client may abort its pending session with the LAbort() message.
The session object is deleted from the server accordingly. A server may also abort
a session when another session voids a S lease hold by it. In this case, the server
does not delete the session object immediately. Instead, it sets the session state
to be aborted. The client gets informed of the abort when it sends a subsequent
request to the server and consequently deletes the session object.
A key has a lease object associated with it. A lease object has two fields: 1) a
lease type (either Shared (S) or eXclusive (X)), and 2) a list of session ids holding
Aborted Committed
Client initializes
the Session
Figure 5.1: Session State Transition.
the lease. With write-through, because there is at most one session that may hold
the X lease on a key, the list contains only one session id if the lease type is X.
We introduce new commands at the cache server in the context of sessions.
Most commands extend existing commands to handle session and lease objects.
Theseobjectsaretransparenttotheclient. Withasession,theclientcommunicates
with the server only by using the session id. When the server starts, it is configured
with a specific cache write policy. Any attempts on issuing requests for commands
belonging to another cache policy are replied with NOT_AVAILABLE. Below, we
describe commands for each cache policy in details. Write-Around
Requested Existing Lease
Lease S X
S Grant S lease Abort and Retry
X Grant X and void S lease Grant X lease
Table 5.1: S and X Lease Compatibility for Write-Around.
The lease compatibility for write-around is shown at Table 5.1. Different than
write-through, write-around allows multiple sessions to hold for the same X lease
on the same key. When the sessions holding the X lease commit, they delete the
key multiple times. This is acceptable since delete operation is idempotent. The
commands for write-around policy are presented below.
LGet(sess_id, key). The client uses this command to get the value. If the
session object exists in the cache and its state is aborted, it is deleted and the
server returns ABORT. Otherwise, there may have three possibilities:
1. The key has no lease. The server grants S lease on the key and returns
VALUE val. We assume val may be null if the value does not exist.
2. The key has a S lease. If the S lease is granted to the same session, the
server returns VALUE val. Otherwise, if the value does not exist, the server
returns RETRY (another session is granted with S lease and is on its process
to populate the key). If the value exists, it grants the existing S lease to the
session and returns VALUE val.
3. The key has a X lease. If the X lease granted to the same session, the server
returns VALUE val. Otherwise, the server returns ABORT.
LSet(sess_id, key, val). The client uses this command to set the value to
the cache. If the session object exists and its state is aborted, the server deletes it
and returns ABORT. Otherwise:
1. If the key has a lease that does not belong to the session, the server returns
2. If the key has a lease belonging to the session, it is a S lease. The server puts
(key, val) in the cache and returns SUCCESS.
3. If the key has a X (of another session) or no lease, the server aborts the
session and returns ABORT.
LDelete(sess_id, key). The client uses this command to acquire a X lease
on the key (for deleting it at commit). If the key has no lease, X lease is granted
to the key. If the key has S lease granted to other sessions, the server voids the S
lease and aborts these sessions accordingly. It then grants a X lease to the current
session. If the key has a S lease granted to the current session, it is upgraded to
X lease. If the key has a X lease granted to other sessions, it also grants this lease
to the current session. Finally, the server returns SUCCESS.
LCommit(sess_id). The client uses this command to commit a session. If
the session object exists and its state is aborted, the server deletes it and returns
ABORT. Otherwise, it deletes all leases granted to the session. If the key has X
lease, it is deleted from the cache. Finally, the server returns SUCCESS.
LAbort(sess_id). The client uses this command to actively abort the session.
If the session object exists and its state is aborted, the server deletes it and returns
ABORT. Otherwise, the server releases all leases by deleting all lease objects of
the keys involved in this session. The server returns SUCCESS. Write-Through
The lease compatibility table is shown at Table 3.1. The server offers a rich
set of commands to provide read-modify-write and incremental-update semantics
for write-through. These include LGet with flag, LAppend, LPrepend, LIncr,
LDecr and LAdd. If a session updates a key-value pair, it maintains a copy of the
value (denote as pending version) and keeps the original version intact. When it
commits, it overrides the original version with the pending version. The commands
for write-through are listed below.
LGet(sess_id, key, flag). The client uses this command to get the value.
The flag is set to READ_ONLY or RMW if the context of the call is read-only or read-
modify-write, respectively. If the flag is READ_ONLY, the command is processed
identically as with LGet of write-around. We describe the scenario when the flag
is RMW. If the session object exists in the cache and its state is aborted, it is deleted
and the server returns ABORT. Otherwise, there may have three possibilities:
1. The key has no lease. The server grants X lease on the key and returns
VALUE val.
2. The key has a S lease. The server upgrades S to X lease, causing other
sessions holding the S lease to be aborted. All their leases are deleted and
their session objects’ statuses become abort. Finally, it returns the value
(VALUE val).
3. The key has a X lease. If it is granted to the same session, the server returns
VALUE val. If it is granted to a different session, the server cleans up this
session: it deletes all the leases, pending versions and session object created
by this session and returns ABORT.
LSet(sess_id, key, val). The client uses this command to set the value to
the cache. If the session object exists and its state is aborted, the server deletes it
and returns ABORT. Otherwise:
1. If the key has a lease but it does not belong to the session, return ABORT.
2. If the session has a lease on the key, it is either a S or X lease. In both cases,
the server creates a pending version (key, val) and returns SUCCESS.
3. If the key has no lease, the server grants a X lease on the key for this session,
creates a pending version (key, val) and returns SUCCESS.
LValidate(sess_id). The client uses this command to validate its leases prior
to committing the data store transaction. If the session object exists and its state
is aborted, the server deletes it and returns ABORT. Otherwise, the server checks
the validity of leases hold by the session. The server may return SUCCESS when
all leases are still valid, or ABORT if the server aborted the session or there is a
lease expire.
LCommit(sess_id). The client uses this command to commit the session. If
the session object exists and its state is aborted, the server deletes it and returns
command. Otherwise, the server releases all leases hold by this session. With each
key, if its pending version exists, it is swapped with the original version. If its
pending version is empty, the server deletes the original version. If its pending
version does not exist, the server keeps the original version. Finally, the server
returns SUCCESS.
LAbort(sess_id). The client uses this command to actively abort the session.
If the session object exists and its state is aborted, the server deletes it and returns
ABORT. Otherwise, the server releases all leases by deleting all lease objects of
the keys involved in this session. With each key, its pending version (if exists)
is deleted, keeping the original version intact. The server should always return
LDelete(sess_id, key). The client uses this command to acquire a X lease
on the key for deleting it. If the session object exists and its state is aborted, the
server deletes it and returns ABORT. The server also returns ABORT if the key
has a X lease granted to another session. Otherwise, there could be one of the two
1. There is no existing lease on the key. The server grants X lease on the key,
creates an empty pending version. If the original version exists, it returns
SUCCESS. Otherwise, it returns NOT_FOUND;
2. If there is a S lease on the key, the cache upgrades it to a X lease, causing
other sessions sharing the S lease to abort. If the pending version exists
and does not empty, it replaces the pending version with an empty one and
returns SUCCESS.
LAppend(sess_id, key, delta). The client uses this command to append
delta, a sequence of bytes, to the existing value (if exist). If the session object
exists and its state is aborted, the server deletes it and returns ABORT. The
server also returns ABORT if the key has a X lease granted to another session.
Otherwise, there could be one of these scenarios:
1. There is no existing lease on the key. The server grants X lease on the key.
If the value doesn’t exist, it returns NOT_SUCCESS. If the value exists, it
creates a pending version (by making a copy of the original version), appends
delta to it and returns SUCCESS.
2. There is an existing lease on the key for the same session. If the lease
is a S lease, the server upgrades it to a X lease, aborting other sessions
sharingthesameSlease. Ifthekeydoesn’texist, itreturnsNOT_SUCCESS.
Otherwise, it creates a pending version, appends delta to it and returns
SUCCESS. If the lease is a X lease, it checks the pending version. If the
pending version is empty (meaning the key was deleted by the same session),
it returns NOT_SUCCESS. If the pending version doesn’t exist, it creates a
pending version, appends delta to it and returns SUCCESS.
LIncr(sess_id, key, delta). The description is identical to LAppend with
one different: instead of appending delta to the pending version, it increments the
pending version by delta
As described in Chapter 3, we use commands such as multi-get, multi-append
and multi-set to reduce the number of network roundtrips between the client and
the cache server if the session consists of many keys. The description of these
commands are as follows.
LMultiGet(sess_id, keys, flag). The client uses this command to get the
values of multiple keys and acquire the same lease type on them (S if flag is
READ_ONLY, X if flag is RMW). It executes LGet(sess_id, key, flag) for each key.
If one of the LGet commands returns ABORT, the server aborts the session and
returns ABORT. Otherwise, a list of LGet replies corresponding to the keys is
LMultiSet(sess_id, keys, vals). The client uses this command to set mul-
tiple values to the cache. For each key, it executes LSet(sess_id, key, val).
If one command returns ABORT, the cache server aborts the session and returns
ABORT. Otherwise, a list of LSet replies corresponding to the keys is returned.
LMultiAppend(sess_id, keys, deltas). The client uses this command to
append to multiple keys. For each key, it executes LAppend(sess_id, key,
delta). If one command returns ABORT, the cache server aborts the session
and returns ABORT. Otherwise, a list of LAppend replies corresponding to the
keys is returned.
delta is an integer value greater than 0.
LMultiDelete(sess_id, keys). The client uses this command to append to
multiple keys. For each key, it executes LDelete(sess_id, key). If one com-
mand returns ABORT, the cache server aborts the session and returns ABORT.
Otherwise, a list of LDelete replies corresponding to the keys is returned. Write-back Policy
Applications may generate buffered writes and store them as key-value pairs in
the cache. These buffered writes must be pinned in memory for the cache eviction
policy to bypass them. The set of commands for write-back policy is identical with
write-through except one change: an additional flag is_pinned for LSet and LAdd
to specify whether the key-value pair is pinned in the cache. When this flag is
set, the server sets this flag on the pending version of the key. When the session
commits, if the pending version has this flag set, the server overrides the original
version with the pending version and pins it in memory.
If a key-value pair is pinned, following commands that modify its value also
keep this key-value pair pinned. For example, a LAppend or LIncr on a pinned
key-value pair keeps it pinned in memory. A pinned key-value pair is deleted only
when a client issues a session having LDelete request to delete it. The server does
not delete pinned key-value pairs, even when their leases expire.
When a CMI with buffered writes runs out of memory, it may not have space
for coming key-value pairs because it cannot evict any cache entry, assuming they
are all pinned. In such scenario, it returns NOT_STORED to the client. The
client may choose to either retry or abort the session.
The is_pinned flag only guarantees that buffered writes are not evicted by a
cache policy. To provide durability for buffered writes, they must be replicated to
multiple cache servers, store on non-volatile memory layer such as NVDIMM-N, or
asynchronously write to a persistent data store such as BerkeleyDB, see Chapter 6.
5.1.2 Client
We may extend an existing client such as WhalinClient [74] to implement meth-
ods that support new commands. Each application thread maintains an instance
of the client (denoted as mc) to manipulate sessions generated by the thread. We
describe the provided methods as follows.
mc.GetActiveSessionId(). This method is transparent to the developer. It
is invoked by other methods (described below) asking for a session id. If there is
an active session id, it is returned. Otherwise, it first checks to see if a session id
can be provided by the current range the client holds. If the range is exhausted,
it requests the coordinator for a new range. Finally, a session id is identified. It
becomes the active session id and is returned to the caller.
mc.StartSession(sess_id). An application may use this method to start a
session and explicitly provide the session id. This is helpful if the session id carries
additional information. NgCache uses this command because its generated session
id carries the sesion queue number.
mc.LGet(key, flag). It invokes GetActiveSessionId() to get the session id.
The flag is either READ_ONLY or RMW. The session id is included in the request to
the cache server. If the cache server returns with a value (either null or not null),
it is returned to the caller. Otherwise, if the cache server returns with RETRY,
the client sleeps for a few milliseconds before retry. If the cache server returns with
abort, it throws SessionAbortException to the caller.
mc.LSet(key, val, is_pinned). It invokes GetActiveSessionId() to get the
session id. The session id is included in the request to the cache server. The server
may return with SUCCESS, NOT_SUCCESS or ABORT. It returns true, false or
throws SessionAbortException to the caller, respectively.
mc.LGet(key) and mc.LSet(key, val) are other variants of LGet and LSet.
mc.LGet(key) is identical to mc.LGet(key, flag) with the flag set to READ_ONLY.
It is used with the write-around policy. mc.LSet(key, val) is identical to
mc.LSet(key, val, is_pinned) with is_pinned is false. It is used with the
write-though policy.
Commands mc.LDelete(key), mc.LValidate(), mc.LAdd(key, val),
mc.LAppend(key, val), mc.LPrepend(key, val), mc.LIncr(key, val),
mc.LDecr(key, val) are handled similar to mc.LSet(key, val).
mc.LCommit(). It invokes GetActiveSessionId() to get the session id. The ses-
sion id is included in the corresponding request to the cache server. The server
returns with either SUCCESS or ABORT. It returns true or throws SessionAbor-
tException to the caller, respectively.
mc.LAbort(). ItinvokesGetActiveSessionId()togetthesessionid. Thesession
id is included in the corresponding request to the cache server. The server always
returns with SUCCESS. It returns true to the caller.
The following methods are implemented to support server commands on mul-
tiple keys.
mc.LMultiGet(keys, vals, flag). It invokes GetActiveSessionId() to get
the session id. The session id is included in the corresponding request to the cache
server. The server may return either 1) a list of values (either null or not null),
2) ABORT or 3) a list of values (either null or not null) and RETRY for some
provided keys. With the first, it returns the values to the caller. With the second,
it throws SessionAbortException to the caller. With the third, it sleeps a few
milliseconds and issues LMultiGet for the keys corresponding to the RETRYs. It
repeatedly does so until the server replies with either 1) or 2).
mc.LMultiSet(keys, vals, is_pinned). It invokes GetActiveSessionId() to
get the session id. The session id is included in the corresponding request to the
cache server. The server may return either SUCCESS or ABORT. It returns true
or false to the caller, respectively.
mc.LMultiDelete(keys). It invokes GetActiveSessionId() to get the session
id. The session id is included in the corresponding request to the cache server.
The server may return either SUCCESS or ABORT. It returns true or false to the
caller, respectively.
mc.LMultiAppend(keys, deltas). It invokes GetActiveSessionId() to get the
session id. The session id is included in the corresponding request to the cache
server. The server may return either SUCCESS or ABORT. It returns true or false
to the caller, respectively.
5.1.3 Handle Multiple CMIs
ingtodifferentCMIs. ThecacheclientgetsalistoftheCMIsfromthecoordinator.
The application is required to implement a hashing function that takes the input
is the key and the output is the identify of the CMI that stores it.
With a command consisting of a single key, the hash function is invoked to
identify the CMI. The client then directs the request to it. With a command
consisting of multiple keys, we have a mapping between CMIs and keys. The
command are splitted to multiple sub-commands where each has keys belonging
to one CMI grouped together. Each sub-command is directed to its targeted CMI
to be processed in parallel. Finally, the aggregated results are returned to the
OneCMIreturningabortcausesthesessiontoabort. Oncethesessionvalidates
successfully to one CMI, the session may still abort if a) another CMI returns abort
to the client, or b) the client fails (CMI aborts the session when the lease expires).
It may happen that the session commits successfully at some CMIs and the
client crashes before sending the commit messages to others. When the leases
expire, they abort the session, deleting any key-value pairs involved in this session.
5.2 NgCache
Our evaluations at Chapter 3 show that write-back improves performance sig-
nificantly. However, its complex designs may challenge developers with the imple-
mentation. Developers must write code to handle these complexities, and some
of them are burdensome and error prone that cost time and money to debug and
maintain. The challenges are:
• Extend the existing client logic to implement session.
• Store cache entries properly, including deciding how to partition them to
cache servers, be aware of the fact that a key-value pair may not be stored
or evicted.
• Provide durability, including deciding which cache entries are pinned, how
to replicate buffered writes to multiple CMIs.
NgCache is a general framework that supports developers to quickly implement
a cache policy for the CADS architecture. The cache policy may be either write-
around, write-through or write-back. It hides the burden of implementing logical
executions of reads and writes to maintain the data store and the cache consistent.
It manages the cache leases, buffered writes durability by pinning and replicating
them in multiple cache servers transparently. The framework is realized by a
library used at the application servers. NgCache provides the following benefits:
• Guide the developers with interfaces to implement a write policy. Some
interfaces are mandatory, while others are optional.
• Hide the cache operations from developers. From a developer’s viewpoint,
a session may be either commits or aborts, and he only needs to handle
each case properly (retry the session, display error message,...). NgCache,
in this sense, is very similar to a database client library such as JDBC or
• Pin a buffered write in memory, and replicates it to R CMIs to provide
durability transparently.
• Support either a SQL or NoSQL data store. For the system to provide
consistency, it is required that the data store must support transactions and
is configured to provide consistency at the same level.
• By default, it uses LeCaF framework (Section 5.1) in its implementation.
NgCache provides an interfaces for cache commands so that developers may
implement their own cache framework. However, note that without a lease
framework as detailed in Section 5.1, handling consistency becomes the
responsibility of developers.
A required configuration file specifies multiple parameter values. The parame-
ters include the cache servers, the cache policy, the connection string to the data
R is a configurable parameter
store and the number of background worker threads (if the cache policy is write-
Each application thread initializes a NgCache object by invoking its initial-
ize method Initialize(cacheStore, writeBack) where cacheStore and writeBack are
instances of implementations of CacheStore and WriteBack, respectively. While
CacheStore provides interfaces to support write-around and write-through poli-
cies, WriteBack provides interfaces to support write-back policy. Developers must
provide implementations for these interfaces to enable the desired cache policy
accordingly, see Tables 5.2 and 5.3.
Algorithm 8: Implementing a session with NgCache.
1 ngCache.startSession(prefix);
2 try:
3 foreach data store statement S
4 if S
is a read statement then
5 queryResult← ngCache.readStatement(S
6 if S
is a write statement then
7 ngCache.writeStatement(S
8 res← ngCache.preCommitSession();
9 if res is success then
10 Commit data store transaction;
11 ngCache.commitSession();
12 else
13 Rollback data store transaction;
14 ngCache.abortSession();
15 catch SessionAbortException:
16 Rollback data store transaction;
17 ngCache.abortSession();
NgCache provides methods to facilitate sessions. A session implemented by a
developer starts by invoking the method startSession() on the NgCache object. It
then invokes readStatement(query) or writeStatement(DML) to execute read or
write statements. Prior to committing data store transaction, it validates the ses-
sion with the cache. If the validation fails, it rollbacks the data store transaction
and aborts by invoking abortSession(). Otherwise, if the validation succeeds, it
commits the data store transaction and commits the session by invoking commit-
Session(). A session may be aborted by the cache server at any time during the
session life time. If this happens, ngCache methods throw SessionAbortException.
The session then rollbacks the data store transaction and aborts the session by
invoking abortSession(), see Algorithm 8. We discuss each method of NgCache in
ngCache.startSession(prefix). The client uses this method to start a new
session. A unique session id is generated. prefix is an optional parameter that is
included with the session id. It is used as a factor for deciding which session queue
the session id belongs to (for example, with TPC-C, prefix is a warehouse id). The
generated session id is kept privately by the ngCache object and used during the
session lifetime. It is set directly to LeCaF, bypassing it generating a session id
by itself. Session id is deleted when the session either commits or aborts when the
application invokes commitSession() or abortSession().
Two methods ngCache.readStatement(query) and
ngCache.writeStatement(DML) may invoke calls to the interfaces of
CacheStore and WriteBack implemented by the developer. It is the responsibility
of him to provide the mapping between select and DML statements to the
cache entries and to the buffered writes (with write-back policy). Interfaces
in CacheStore must be implemented to support write-around or write-through
policies, while interfaces in both CacheStore and WriteBack must be implemented
to support write-back policy.
Table 5.2 lists the interfaces in CacheStore. result and entries are instances of
classes CacheEntry and QueryResult, respectively. They are base classes that can
easily be extended to fit with the need of applications.
Interface Description
getReferencedKeysFromQuery(query) Given the query of a read, return a set of the
referenced keys. This command is required
to support write-around, write-through or
getImpactedKeysFromDml(dml) Given a DML, return the set of impacted
keys. This command is required to support
write-around, write-through or write-back.
dmlDataStore(dml) throws
Given a DML, execute it to the data store.
This command is required to support write-
around, write-through or write-back.
modifyCacheEntries(dml, keys) Given a DML and its impacted keys, return
a dictionary of the changes that must be
appliedtothevaluesofthosekeys. Thiscom-
mand is required to support write-through or
Given the query result, compute the cache
entries to be inserted in the cache. This com-
mand is required to support write-around,
write-through or write-back.
Given the set of cache entries, convert it
back to the query result. This command
is required to support write-around, write-
through or write-back.
Table 5.2: CacheStore interfaces.
Table 5.3 lists the interfaces in WriteBack. These interfaces are specifically
used to support write-back policy. Hence, an implementation for write-around or
write-through is not required to implement them.
Algorithm 9 and 10 describe how readStatement(query) and
writeStatement(dml) are implemented internally. It illustrates how the
interfaces implemented by developers are referenced by the library.
Interface Description
rationalizeRead(query) Given a query, return the list of data item
identifiers this query references.
rationalizeWrite(dml) Given a dml, return the list of changes that
applySessions(sessions, conn)
throws Exception
Apply the provided list of sessions as one
transaction to the data store.
queryResult, bufferedWrite)
Apply the buffered write to the query result.
Table 5.3: WriteBack interfaces.
readStatement(query). Thepseudo-codeisshownatAlgorithm9. Itinvokes
getReferencedKeysFromQuery() interfaceofCacheStoretogetalistofreferenced
keys for the query (Step 1). Next, it issues a multi-get command to the cache. If all
values are found, it computes the query result and return (Steps 2-5). Otherwise,
if there is at least one cache miss, it queries the data store for a query result
(Step 6). If the cache policy is write-back, it uses rationalizeRead() interface
to identify the mappings corresponding to the query. With a list of session ids
found from these mappings, it gets their buffered writes from the cache. The
buffered writes are applied to the query result by invoking the WriteBack interface
applyBufferedWriteToQueryResult() to produce the latest result (Steps 7-12).
Finally, it computes the missing key-value pairs and uses LMultiSet() command
to put them in the cache (Steps 13-16).
writeStatement(DML). The pseudo-code is shown at Algorithm 10. It
invokes getImpactedKeysFromDml() interface of CacheStore with the given DML
to get a list of impacted keys (Step 1). If the cache policy is write-around, the
keys are added to a local list (Steps 2-3). If the cache policy is write-though or
write-back, it invokes modifyCacheEntries() interface of CacheStore to get a list
Algorithm 9: ngCache.readStatement(query)
// Check the cache first
1 keys← cacheStore.getReferencedKeysFromQuery(query);
2 vals← mc.LMultiGet((keys, flag=READ_ONLY);
3 if all cache hits then
4 queryResult← cacheStore.computeQueryResult(query, vals);
5 return queryResult;
// There is at least one cache miss
6 queryResult← Query result from the data store;
7 if cache policy is write-back then
8 mappingKeys← writeBack.rationalizeRead(query);
9 sessionIds← getSessionIdsFromMappings(mappingKeys);
10 foreach sessionId in sessionIds do
11 bufferedWrite← getBufferedWrite(sessionId);
12 writeBack.applyBufferedWriteToQueryResult(queryResult,
// Compute cache entries to put in the cache
13 cacheEntries← cacheStore.computeCacheEntries(query, queryResult);
14 missKeys, missVals← Prepare the missing keys and values;
15 mc.LMultiSet(missKeys, missVals);
16 return queryResult;
of deltas (Steps 4-6). These deltas are used to update the application regular key-
value pairs. If the cache policy is write-around or write-through, it applies the
DML to the data store synchronously (Steps 7-8). Otherwise, if the cache policy is
write-back, it invokes rationalizeWrite() to get a list of mapping keys and new
changes (Steps 9-11). Finally, it returns SUCCESS. As shown, this method only
generateschangesandstoresthemlocally(newDeltas, mappingKeys, newChanges).
These changes are applied to the cache by the ngCache.validate() method.
ngCache.preCommitSession(). This method is called prior to committing
the data store transaction. It uses LeCaF methods such as LMultiGet, LMultiSet,
LMultiDelete and LMultiAppend to 1) delete the application cache entries using
deletedKeys with write-around, or update them with write-through and write-back
Algorithm 10: ngCache.writeStatement(DML)
1 keys← cacheStore.getImpactedKeysFromDml(DML);
2 if cache policy is write-around then
3 Store keys to a local list deletedKeys to be deleted;
4 if cache policy is write-through or write-back then
5 newDeltas← cacheStore.modifyCacheEntries(DML, keys);
6 Store newDeltas locally;
// Apply the write to the data store synchronously if the cache policy is
either write-around or write-through
7 if cache policy is write-around or write-through then
8 cacheStore.dmlDataStore(dml);
9 if cache policy is write-back then
10 mappingKeys, newChanges← cacheStore.rationalizeWrite(DML);
11 Store mappingKeys and newChanges locally;
12 return success
usingnewDeltas, and2)storeandpinthebufferedwriteusingnewChanges, append
the session id to the mapping keys using mappingKeys, and append the session id
tothesessionqueuewithwrite-back. Finally, itinvokesLeCaFLValidate()method
to ensure all leases granted to this session are valid. If one of the cache operations
throws SessionAbortException, it throws SessionAbortException. Otherwise, it
returns true (success), seee Algorithm 11.
ngCache.commitSession(). The session proceeds to commit by invoking
LeCaF LCommit() method.
Algorithm 11: ngCache.preCommitSession()
1 if cache policy is write-around then
// Delete the impacted keys
2 mc.LMultiDelete(deletedKeys);
3 if cache policy is write-back then
// Store the buffered write in the cache
4 buffVal← Construct the buffered write value with newChanges;
5 mc.LSet(sess_id, buffVal); // Store with the key sess_id
// Append sess_id to the mapping keys and the queue
6 queueKey← Identify the queue key from the session id;
7 keys← mappingKeys∪ { queueKey };
8 mc.LMultiAppend(keys, sess_id);
9 if cache policy is write-through or write-back then
// Update the impacted key-value pairs
// For simplicity, we illustrate with read-modify-write semantic
10 keys← Get the cached keys from newDeltas;
11 vals← mc.LMultiGet(keys, flag=RMW);
12 newVals← {};
13 for key in keys do
14 newVal← Update val with the corresponding delta from newDeltas;
15 Add newVal to newVals;
16 mc.LMultiSet(keys, newVals);
17 mc.LValidate();
Chapter 6
Future Plan
6.1 Persistent Cache
Replicating buffered writes to multiple CMIs on different cache servers is not
sufficient to provide durability because a data center failure may cause all replicas
to fail. To enhance durability, buffered writes may be stored asynchronously to an
embedded persistent data store such as BerkeleyDB [59]. A persistent data store
may also increase cache hit rate when the memory is limited. Regular cache entries
may be evicted to the data store. Once they are referenced again, the cache brings
them back to its memory. A design for persistent cache must ensure consistency
and minimize the impact of writing buffered writes to the persistent data store to
the cache foreground thread. The performance of write-back with three replicas
must outperform a solution using only the data store for this approach to provide
6.2 Max Pinned Memory Size
With limited cache, there is not sufficient memory for storing both cache entries
and key-value pairs (buffered writes, mappings and Queues) that are necessary to
enable the write-back policy. They are pinned and cannot be evicted. Fixing a
large value for max pinned memory size leaves small cache size for cache entries.
The coming key-value pairs compete for this portion, lowering the cache hit ratio.
On the other hand, a low value for max pinned memory size increases the number
of writes that must switch to write-through because they fail to incorporate their
changes in the cache. Intelligent algorithms are required to adjust the pinned
memory size to maximize the system performance.
6.3 Write-through vs. Write-back
AsshowninSection3.3, write-backmaynotprovideanybenefits, orevenworse
when comparing with write-through with limited cache. Write-back must switch
to write-through with the overhead of trying to buffer writes in the cache to fail.
Intelligent algorithms are required to switching the cache policy to maximize its
6.4 Number of Background Worker Threads
With abundant cache memory, the system performance is impacted by the
background worker threads when they apply the writes to the data store, as shown
in Section Dynamically adjusting the number of background threads to
balance the system performance and the percentage of writes applied to the data
store is an interesting research direction.
6.5 Prioritizing Buffered Writes
Skew access patterns cause some data items to be updated more frequently
than others. Prioritizing others before applying these buffered writes allow more
changes to be buffered in these buffered writes. These changes are then merged
and applied to the data store efficiently.
6.6 Transparent Cache
The design of interfaces for the cache framework at Section 5.2 requires a devel-
oper to identify the cache entries given a statement (read or write). He also needs
to provide a mapping between a read/write statement to data items that identify
their buffered writes. A transparent caching framework hides all of these complex-
ities from developers. The challenge is to identify the cache entries referenced by
a read statement or impacted by a write statement. This requires the library to
extract the query or dml to get attributes and their values, decide whether a read
statement should or should not be cached, or a transaction should be executed
with write-back policy. This adds complexity to the library, but simplifies the
interfaces for the cache framework a lot and makes it much easier and useful for
A cache such as TxCache [62] supports transparent caching to a certain extent.
A developer may specify to cache or not cache a query. Based on the object
relational mapping (ORM), it constructs the cache entry and identifies the writes
impacting it. It does not handle multi-statement transactions. Moreover, it does
not support write-back policy and does not have the concept of buffered writes.
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Abstract (if available)
This dissertation explores the processing of writes asynchronously in a cache augmented data store while maintaining the atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability (ACID) properties of transactions. It enables the caching layer to dictate the overall system performance with both read-heavy and write-heavy workloads, motivating alternative implementations of a write-back policy. A write-back policy buffers writes in the cache and uses background threads to apply them to a data store asynchronously. By doing so, it enhances the overall system performance and enables the application throughput to scale linearly as a function of the number of cache servers. The main limitations of this technique are its increased software complexity and additional memory requirement. ❧ When the data store is unavailable, a write-back policy buffers writes as long as the caching layer is available. Once the data store becomes available, it applies the buffered writes to the data store asynchronously. We use this idea to introduce TARDIS, a family of techniques to process writes when the data store is unavailable. TARDIS techniques (TAR, TARD, DIS and TARDIS) differ in how they apply buffered writes to the data store during the recovery mode. While TAR and DIS are simple to implement, other techniques are more complex. TARDIS is the most complex one and resembles the write-back policy. ❧ We quantify the tradeoffs associated with the write-back policy and TARDIS family of techniques using YCSB, BG and TPC-C benchmarks. We compare their performance with alternatives such as write-around and write-through policies that perform writes synchronously. All benchmark results show that asynchronous writes enhance the overall performance and enable the application to scale as a function of the number of nodes in the caching layer. The results also highlight the extra memory required by the proposed techniques to buffer the writes.
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Asset Metadata
Nguyen, Hieu Trung
Core Title
Asynchronous writes in cache augmented data stores
Viterbi School of Engineering
Doctor of Philosophy
Degree Program
Computer Science
Publication Date
Defense Date
University of Southern California
University of Southern California. Libraries
asynchronous writes,cache,caching,distributed cache,OAI-PMH Harvest
Electronically uploaded by the author
Ghandeharizadeh, Shahram (
committee chair
), Bar, Francois (
committee member
), Neuman, Clifford (
committee member
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Nguyen, Hieu Trung
University of Southern California
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University of Southern California Dissertations and Theses
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asynchronous writes
distributed cache