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A spatiotemporal analysis of environmental risk factors of Lyme disease in the Northeastern United States
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A spatiotemporal analysis of environmental risk factors of Lyme disease in the Northeastern United States
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A Spatiotemporal Analysis of Environmental Risk Factors of Lyme Disease in the Northeastern United
Marisa Lynn McGinnis
A Thesis Presented to the
Faculty of the USC Graduate School
University of Southern California
In Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree
Master of Science
(Geographic Information Science and Technology)
December 2018
Copyright © 2018 by Marisa McGinnis
All rights reserved
To my grandmother, Stella McGinnis
Table of Contents
List of Figures............................................................................................................................... vii
List of Tables ................................................................................................................................. ix
Acknowledgements......................................................................................................................... x
List of Abbreviations ..................................................................................................................... xi
Abstract......................................................................................................................................... xii
Chapter 1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Background.........................................................................................................................1
1.1.1. History of Lyme Disease ...........................................................................................1
1.1.2. Vectors of Lyme Disease...........................................................................................2
1.1.3. Tick Life Cycle ..........................................................................................................3
1.1.4. Current Lyme Disease Prevention Methods ..............................................................5
1.2. Study Scale..........................................................................................................................5
1.3. Motivation...........................................................................................................................7
1.4. Research Objectives............................................................................................................8
1.5. Layout ...............................................................................................................................10
Chapter 2 Related Work................................................................................................................ 11
2.1. Transmission of Lyme Disease.........................................................................................11
2.1.1. Current Risk.............................................................................................................12
2.1.2. At Risk Population...................................................................................................13
2.1.3. Tick Hosts ................................................................................................................14
2.2. Environmental Factors......................................................................................................15
2.3. GIS and Lyme Disease......................................................................................................16
2.3.1. Past Studies ..............................................................................................................16
2.3.2. Risk Maps ................................................................................................................18
2.3.3. Data Types and Challenges......................................................................................19
Chapter 3 Methods........................................................................................................................ 23
3.1. Research Outline...............................................................................................................23
3.2. Data Acquisition and Compilation....................................................................................25
3.2.1. Lyme Disease...........................................................................................................25
3.2.2. County Divisions .....................................................................................................26
3.2.3. Climate.....................................................................................................................28
3.2.4. Forest Cover Data ....................................................................................................31
3.2.5. Data Processing........................................................................................................32
3.3. Spatiotemporal Data Analysis...........................................................................................33
3.3.1. Summary Statistics...................................................................................................33
3.3.2. Space Time Cube.....................................................................................................34
3.3.3. Emerging Hot Spot Analysis ...................................................................................35
3.3.4. Local Outlier Analysis .............................................................................................38
3.3.5. Space-Time Visualization and Optimized Hot Spot Analysis.................................40
3.4. Regression Modeling ........................................................................................................40
3.4.1. Ordinary Least Squares Regression.........................................................................41
3.5. Residual Analysis..............................................................................................................44
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion................................................................................................. 46
4.1. Summary Statistics............................................................................................................46
4.2. Spatiotemporal Data Analysis for Lyme Disease .............................................................51
4.2.1. Spatiotemporal trend of Lyme Disease....................................................................51
4.2.2. Lyme Disease Hot Spots..........................................................................................52
4.2.3. Local Outlier Analysis of Lyme Disease.................................................................56
4.3. Spatiotemporal Data Analysis for Environmental Factors ...............................................59
4.3.1. Precipitation .............................................................................................................59
4.3.2. Temperature .............................................................................................................63
4.3.3. Spatial Data Analysis Results for Forest Cover.......................................................72
4.4. Lyme Disease Models.......................................................................................................74
4.4.1. Stepwise Regression Model for Lyme Disease Rates..............................................74
4.4.2. Residual Analysis Results for the Lyme Disease Models .......................................77
Chapter 5 Conclusions .................................................................................................................. 82
5.1 Limitations .........................................................................................................................83
5.2 Future Directions and Implications....................................................................................84
References..................................................................................................................................... 86
Appendix A Lyme Disease Rate Hot Spot Classifications........................................................... 92
Appendix B Ordinary Least Squares Models 1 to 13 ................................................................... 93
List of Figures
Figure 1 Life cycle of the I. Scapularis tick. ................................................................................. 4
Figure 2 The Study Area includes five states in the Northeastern United States. .......................... 6
Figure 3 Sample risk map from study by Kitron and Kazmierczak (1997, 564).......................... 19
Figure 4 Research Design Flowchart............................................................................................ 24
Figure 5 County Boundaries of the study area ............................................................................. 27
Figure 6 Climate Estimation Model for Missing Data ................................................................. 31
Figure 7 Example of a space time cube ....................................................................................... 35
Figure 8 Precipitation histogram showing the normal distribution of the data............................. 48
Figure 9 Forest Canopy histogram showing the data is not normally distributed ........................ 48
Figure 10 Scatterplot for the 2010 Disease rate............................................................................ 49
Figure 11 Scatterplot for the 2014 Disease rate............................................................................ 49
Figure 12 Scatterplot for the 2015 Disease rate............................................................................ 50
Figure 13 Overall trend of the Lyme disease rate per 100,000 population per county................. 52
Figure 14 Emerging Hot Spots for Lyme disease count............................................................... 53
Figure 15 Emerging Hot Spots for Lyme disease rate per 100,000.............................................. 54
Figure 16 Local spatial clusters and outliers for Lyme disease cases........................................... 57
Figure 17 Local spatial clusters and outliers for Lyme disease rate............................................. 58
Figure 18 Emerging Hot Spots for Precipitation ......................................................................... 60
Figure 19 Local spatial clusters and outliers for Precipitation ..................................................... 62
Figure 20 Emerging Hot Spots for Maximum Temperature......................................................... 65
Figure 21 Emerging Hot Spots for Mean Temperature ................................................................ 66
Figure 22 Emerging Hot Spots for Minimum Temperature ......................................................... 67
Figu re 23 Local spatial clusters and outliers for Maximum Temperature.................................... 69
Figure 24 Local spatial clusters and outliers for Mean Temperature ........................................... 70
Figure 25 Local spatial clusters and outliers for Minimum Temperature .................................... 71
Figure 26 Optimized hot spots for Forest Canopy Coverage ...................................................... 73
Figure 27 Residual plot for OLS 13.............................................................................................. 79
Figure 28 Residual Hot Spot map for the study area.................................................................... 80
List of Tables
Table 1 Excerpt of Lyme Disease Table....................................................................................... 26
Table 2 Excerpt of Climate Table................................................................................................. 29
Table 3 Emerging Hot Spot Classifications ................................................................................. 37
Table 4 Local Outlier Analysis Classifications ............................................................................ 39
Table 5 Summary statistics for regession variables...................................................................... 47
Table 6 Summary of test results of selected models..................................................................... 75
Table 7 Residual Analysis Results................................................................................................ 77
I would like to thank my advisor, Dr. An-Min Wu, for her guidance and encouragement in
completing this project. I would also like to thank my committee members, Dr. Jennifer
Bernstein and Dr. Elisabeth Sedano for their input during the completion of this thesis, and Dr.
Meredith Franklin for her advice. I am grateful to all the professors and staff at the Spatial
Sciences Institute of the University of Southern California for all the knowledge and
encouragement I have received as I pursue my Master’s degree. My family and friends have been
very supportive and encouraging throughout this process.
List of Abbreviations
AICc Akaike Information Criterion
B. burgdorferi Borrelia burgdorferi
CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
I. dammini Ixodes dammini
I. pacificus Ixodes pacificus
I. ricinus Ixodes ricinus
I. scapularis Ixodes scapularis
ESTDA Exploratory Spatiotemporal Data Analysis
FIPS Federal Information Processing Standard
GIS Geographic Information Systems
GISci Geographic Information Science
GWR Geographic weighted regression
MAE Mean absolute error
MBE Mean bias error
MRLC Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics Consortium
NLCD National Land Cover Database
NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
OLS Ordinary Least Squares
RMSE Root mean square error
SSI Spatial Sciences Institute
USC University of Southern California
VIF Variance Inflation Factor
Lyme disease is the most common vector borne disease in the United States. The incidence rate
of Lyme disease has been on the rise since it was defined in 1977. From 2000 to 2016, there
were over 18,000 cases of Lyme disease diagnosed each year. Of all the confirmed cases of
Lyme disease in the United States, 95% occur in the Northeastern and Midwestern states. Lyme
disease is contracted by a bite from an infected tick, Ixodes scapularis. This research aimed to
find the hot spots of Lyme disease and the environmental risk factors, determine the counties that
are hot spots in the Lyme disease rate and climate variables maps, and to create a model to test
the influence of the variables. Past studies of Lyme disease created risk maps that centered on
regression analysis. This study goes a step further to include trend analysis of Lyme disease and
the environmental factors while considering spatial and temporal factors.
This study investigated the spatiotemporal trend of the Lyme disease spread rate and
environmental factors using hot spot analyses and local Moran’s I. A space time cube of these
factors was generated and emerging hotspots over 16 years of time period (2000 – 2015) were
analyzed. The hot spots were used to identify the correlations of Lyme disease and climate
factors. An ordinary least square regression was used to evaluate the relationships between Lyme
disease and the environmental risk factors to create an inferential model of Lyme disease. Spatial
and temporal environmental risk factors included were precipitation, minimum, mean, and
maximum temperature, latitude, longitude, percent forest cover, and year. The variables found to
be most significant were year, longitude, latitude, and mean temperature, and explained 14.4%
variance of Lyme disease rate in the study area. The significant spatiotemporal environmental
factors identified provide researchers and public health officials with updated key factors, and
can be used to educate the general public on high-risk areas in the northeastern United States.
Chapter 1 Introduction
In the United States, there have been over 480,000 confirmed cases of Lyme disease between
2000 and 2016. This approximates to 28,000 cases each year from 2000- 2016. As the top 6
Nationally Notifiable Disease ranked by Central for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in
2015, Lyme disease is currently the most reported vector borne disease in the United States
(CDC 2017b). The incidence of Lyme disease is increasing. While there have been some links
between disease hosts (e.g. Ixodes scapularis) and environmental factors, the cause of this
incidence increase is still unknown. In order to tackle this public health issue, this project aims to
understand the spatiotemporal relationships between the Lyme disease incidence and the
environmental risk factors.
1.1. Background
To identify the causes of the increased case numbers cases of Lyme disease, it is
essential to understand the history and background of Lyme disease. The definition of Lyme
disease has changed over the years, and the reporting practices have also spread and changed
over time. While these might have directly affected the number of the cases being reported
(Kitron and Kazmierczak 1997), the rise in Lyme disease cases is likely more than these
reporting inconsistencies. By understanding Lyme disease’s history and host cycles, causes of
the disease case increase can be established.
1.1.1. History of Lyme Disease
The first medical description of Lyme disease in the United States was not recorded until
1977 by Steere et al. (1977). Because it was initially described in a study conducted in Old
Lyme, Connecticut, the town was used for naming the disease. Steere et al. (1977) termed it
Lyme arthritis, as it was characterized by swelling and pain in joints. Prior to this, doctors had
reported the primary symptom of Lyme disease as a case of erythema migrans, now defined as
the initial skin rash at the site of the tick bite (Waller et al. 2007).
While the official definition of Lyme disease has changed over the years, the list of
symptoms resembles the original definition. The essential set of symptoms described by Steere et
al. (1977) is the same as the classification from the CDC today (2017a, 2017c, n.d.a, n.d.b).
These symptoms include erythema migrans, a skin rash at the site of the tick bite, recurrent cases
of joint swelling and arthritis, lymphocytic meningitis, Bell’s palsy, headache, fatigue, heart
palpitations, paresthesia, and a stiff neck. The Lyme disease symptoms in some cases are not
serious and will fade in time. On the other hand, they can also result in hospitalization, especially
with severe joint arthritis, and might return after a period of remission.
In 1991, the CDC made Lyme disease a nationally notifiable disease. This means that
cases are recorded and reported to health departments at the state and local levels for verification,
and to document the location of outbreaks (CDC 2017b). As previously mentioned, the case
definition provided by the CDC has changed over the years, which in turn allowed for
reclassifying symptoms and for the addition of new symptoms. In this study, the CDC definitions
from 1996 and 2008 were used in identifying the cases of Lyme disease throughout the study
(CDC 2017a, n.d.b). The cases collected from 2000 to 2007 used the 1996 definition; the cases
collected from 2008 to 2015 used the updated 2008 definition.
1.1.2. Vectors of Lyme Disease
In 1977, Steere et al. (1977) defined Lyme disease and articulated a set of symptoms. The
exact cause of the disease at the time was unknown. It was thought the cause was an arthropod
vector rather than contaminated water. This initial evaluation paved the way for future studies
and facilitated the discovery of the vector.
In a progressive study in 1978, it was determined that ticks were correlated to the
incidence of Lyme disease (Steere, Broderick, and Malawista 1978). By surveying residents in
Connecticut, they found that multiple patients remembered having a tick bite at the site of the
lesion, and one patient brought in the Ixodes scapularis (I. scapularis) tick for identification.
Lyme disease is contracted most commonly from a bite from an I. scapularis tick infected with
the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi (B. burgdorferi) (Brownstein, Holford, and Fish 2003). This
tick is prevalent in the eastern portion of the United States. Some studies, like Ciesielski et al.
(1989), and Spielman (1994) note that there are other species in different geographic regions: I.
pacificus is a more common vector in the western United States, and I. ricinus is a common
vector in Europe. Except the known tick species being viable carriers of Lyme disease, there are
no other known vectors of Lyme disease (Ciesielski et al. 1989).
The most common tick studied is I. scapularis. For many years, I. dammini and I.
scapularis were thought to be two separate species, due to slight differences in feeding and life
cycles. However, additional investigations found the two species were slight evolutions of the
same species and are now referred to as I. scapularis (Oliver 1996; Barbour and Fish 1993). In
some cases, I. dammini, and I. scapularis were used interchangeably. From this point forward,
they shall be referred to as I. scapularis in this project.
1.1.3. Tick Life Cycle
The life cycle of I. scapularis is completed in three stages: larval, nymph and adult
stages. Figure 1 below shows the tick life cycle adapted from (Zundel, n.d.).
Figure 1. Life cycle of the I. Scapularis tick (Adapted from Zundel, n.d.)
Each stage in the tick life cycle requires a continuous blood meal, which lasts anywhere
from 1 – 10 days. After the blood meal, the tick falls off from the host and molts. After molting,
the tick starts to search for its next blood meal. In a tick’s life cycle, about 10% of the time is
spent on the host and the rest is spent molting and looking for a new host (Brownstein, Holford,
and Fish 2003). Ticks in different stages tend to feast on different hosts. When ticks are in the
larval stage, they feed off small animals (e.g. mice). In the nymph stage, ticks feast on small and
medium sized animals. In the adult stage, ticks feast on medium and large sized mammals,
including humans and household pets.
A tick becomes infected when it feeds on a host infected by a prior bite from an infected
tick (Ogden 2010; Spielman 1994). The tick infection is not passed transovarially (transmission
to offspring by infection of its eggs); it has to be contracted by feeding on an infected host
(Guerra et al. 2002). Thus, Lyme disease can only spread to areas where infected ticks or
infected hosts inhabit.
1.1.4. Current Lyme Disease Prevention Methods
The prevention methods for Lyme disease mostly revolve around personal protection.
Orloski et al. (2001) notes that utilizing tick repellants, wearing light colored clothes to enhance
visibility of ticks, pulling socks over the bottom of pants to protect ticks from crawling up the
pant leg, and conducting tick checks when coming in from the outdoors are all ways to help
prevent Lyme disease. While these methods would help with noticing a tick, and hopefully
catching and removing the tick before being bitten, prevention methods could definitely be
Without accurately knowing where Lyme disease occurs, and what causes the increase of
Lyme disease cases, it is difficult to create effective prevention methods (Brownstein, Holford,
and Fish 2003). As suggested by Barbour and Fish (1993) and Orloski et al. (2001), the second
common method of Lyme disease prevention, besides personal protection, is vector control. In
order to create effective prevention methods to completely help control the vectors, it is critical
to have a concrete understanding of how the ticks are affected by the environment, climate, and
other variables.
1.2. Study Scale
The majority of cases of Lyme disease in the United States are reported in the
Northeastern and Midwestern states. It is important to note, however, that all 48 contiguous
states and Alaska have reported cases of Lyme disease in the past. In 2015, 95% of the
confirmed cases were reported from Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, New York,
Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware,
Virginia, Wisconsin and Minnesota (Waller et al. 2007; CDC 2017a). Because this is a sizable
area, the spatial extent of the study area for this project was scoped down to five Northeastern
states. The study area consists of Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, New York, and
Massachusetts for their high case counts and contiguity. The study area is shown below, in
Figure 2.
Figure 2. The Study Area includes five states in the Northeastern United States
Another important aspect of the study is its temporal scale. The CDC provides yearly
counts of Lyme disease cases at the county level from 2000 to 2016. However, the climate data
used for the study was only available for the years of 2000 – 2015 when the data was collected.
The time span of this study thus matches the data availability for both Lyme disease cases and
the environmental factors for 2000-2015.
The number of Lyme disease cases varies spatially and temporally. For the study area,
there were a total of 153,486 cases of Lyme disease over 16 years (2000-2015), with 4,000 being
reported to the state level only. Within the total of 116 counties, the average is 80 cases per
county per year, and 1285 cases total per county over the 16 years. The maximum count was
1720 cases for Dutchess County, New York in 2002, and the minimum count value was zero in
multiple counties (CDC 2017a). This spatial and temporal variability in the number of cases
makes further analysis of the relationship between the environmental variables and cases of
Lyme disease possible.
1.3. Motivation
The motivation of this study is to combine Geographic Information Science (GISci) and
epidemiology to increase the understanding of the causes and risk factors of Lyme disease.
Spatial analysis and spatial statistics allow for identification of habitat factors and can then be
mapped against populations to predict potential risk for disease outbreaks (Kitron 1998;
O’Sullivan and Unwin 2010). GISci also offers tools to analyze and identify the most important
factors in the spatial and temporal distributions of I. scapularis and the spirochete B. burgdorferi.
The changes in I. scapularis population lead to the Lyme disease rate change over time.
The ability to analyze the spatial and temporal distribution is integral in clarifying the
relationships between the Lyme disease vector I. scapularis and the risk factors. Once there is a
clear understanding of why and how the I. scapularis varies during the year and over the years,
prediction and prevention efforts can utilize this information (Brownstein, Holford, and Fish
2003). For I. scapularis, 90% of the life cycle is spent off the hosts, which means the climate and
environment would have an increased significance and effect on the tick. Because of this, climate
was chosen as one of the factors to be analyzed in this study. To further represent the available
habitat areas for ticks, the percent of forest cover is also included in the analysis of this study.
1.4. Research Objectives
The aim of this study was to investigate the spatiotemporal relationships between Lyme
disease rate and environmental factors. To accomplish this goal, there were three main research
1. Determine the locations of the hotspots of Lyme disease cases per 100,000 and of
the environmental factors both spatially and temporally;
2. Determine environmental hot spots that correlate to the Lyme disease hot spots in
the county level; and
3. Create a model to test the influence of the selected environmental factors on the
Lyme disease incidence rate.
To achieve the first objective, a space time cube was created and an emerging hot spot
analysis is conducted. The hot spots of the data, as well as the trend over the years, were
identified. The effect of using a rate instead of a count for Lyme disease was demonstrated by
creating maps for both the Lyme disease rate and count. The local Moran’s I was also included to
note the spatial clusters and outliers in each of the datasets.
The second objective was executed by visually surveying the hot spot maps and
observing the counties associated with multiple hot spots. This provided valuable insight on the
relationships between the hot spots of Lyme disease and the environmental factors. The result of
the visual correlation elucidated the relationship of an environmental factor with Lyme disease
rate. In some cases, this correlation may not be what was anticipated.
The third objective was accomplished by an ordinary least squares (OLS) regression. It
was conducted to analyze the correlations between Lyme disease rate and environmental factors
including precipitation, temperature, and forest coverage. In addition, a geographic weighted
regression (GWR) was tested as it accounts for local influences in the data. The result from the
OLS regression identified the environment factors that were significant and explanatory to the
variance of the Lyme disease rate. The OLS regression coefficients were used to create an
inferential model of Lyme disease rate. The data for all 16 years is used to prepare the model and
identify the significant variables, and a residual analysis was included to determine the model
Data provided by the CDC (2017a; 2017b) contained case counts for each county in the
United States using the definition of Lyme disease at the time of year. The cases of Lyme disease
included in the dataset are cases diagnosed during the collection period. Previously, Waller et al.
(2007) used the Lyme disease data from the CDC from 1990 to 2000 for a risk map. This
research provided an update of the Lyme disease data use and included a trend analysis as well.
The environmental factors are expanded upon from the Waller et al. study for the investigation of
the Lyme disease rate. This project also further advances the study of Lyme disease by creating
an inferential model to further examine the relationships of Lyme disease.
In terms of environmental factors, the Lyme disease rate was compared to the annual
minimum, mean, and maximum temperatures of the year, the annual precipitation and the
percent of forest cover per county. Research by Brownstein, Holford, and Fish (2003, 2005), and
Ogden et al. (2010), has linked temperature and land use to tick abundance and cases of Lyme
disease. The forest cover variable is included to represent land use, specifically tick inhabited
1.5. Layout
The structure of this thesis includes five chapters, each developed based on the previous
chapter. Chapter 2 details previous studies on Lyme disease, the current risks of contracting
Lyme disease, the known populations with the highest risk, and the prevention methods related
to Lyme disease contraction. Chapter 3 contains the data descriptions and the methodology used
to analyze the data to achieve the results. Chapter 4 describes the results of the analysis and
includes the relevant discussions related to the results. The final chapter, Chapter 5, contains the
conclusions of the study as well as its limitations and future research investigations.
Chapter 2 Related Work
Chapter 2 seeks to present relevant information on Lyme disease to support this study. The
combination of epidemiology and ecology with GISci allows for the spatial patterns of Lyme
disease incidence to be identifiable. The strength and accuracy of models and analysis of Lyme
disease are stronger in cases where Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and epidemiology are
combined (Glass et al. 1995). The full range of risk factors and causes of Lyme disease are still
largely unknown, and further study is needed to understand them. The use of GISci allows for
analysis and further understanding of the spatiotemporal trends. Goodwin et al. (2001) noted that
the temporal fluctuations have a great deal of influence on the availability of ticks. The climate
and other environmental factors also fluctuate over time, so it is important to determine the
variables most significant factors for tick survival. When they are determined, an accurate
prediction model can be created.
2.1. Transmission of Lyme Disease
The transmission of Lyme disease is dependent on the vectors of Lyme disease. In
Northeastern United States, the vector is the I. scapularis tick. The life cycles of the tick, along
with the exposure to B. burgdorferi spirochete (a spiral bacterium), influence the cases of Lyme
disease. The transmission of B. burgdorferi generally occurs from the animal hosts that the
young ticks feed on, and rarely through tick birth (Guerra et al. 2002). This means that ticks start
off uninfected, become infected while feeding on infected animals, and then spread infection to
their future hosts. A tick only needs to feed from an infected host once to become an infectious
agent. Conversely, the disease can carry over from one stage of the tick life cycle to the next
(Gilmore, Mbow, and Stevenson 2001).
The occurrence of Lyme disease also depends on the number of ticks available. The
infection rate of ticks is influenced by the number of larval ticks from the previous years, the
available hosts, and the tick survival in between blood meals (Goodwin, Ostfeld, and Schauber
2001). Thus, the number of cases is higher in years where tick survival is unhampered. The
climate factors are thus significant to understand tick survival in between blood meals.
In essence, human infection depends on the tick prevalence and the exposure to ticks in
outdoor areas. While there is the opportunity to contract Lyme disease when in an endemic area,
Ogden et al. (2010) note that when bitten by ticks that were not engorged, the victim was less
likely to contract Lyme disease. This is believed to be caused by the lack of a blood meal on an
infected host prior to an individual being bitten.
2.1.1. Current Risk
The analysis of the risk of contracting Lyme disease is problematic, with multiple
complications affecting surveillance. The most widespread problem is the changing definition of
Lyme disease. The definition of Lyme disease has changed over time to include additions from
new research, and to limit the number of misdiagnoses or overdiagnoses (Waller et al. 2007).
Additionally, CDC (2017c) noted that the increase of Lyme disease cases in an area might be the
product of something other than a true increased incidence of cases. Common increases of cases
result from the spread of reporting practices, updated reporting practices, reporting bias, and
location of diagnosis (Waller et al. 2007). This results in uncertainty about the causes of the
increased incidence.
The other common problem with identifying the risk of contracting Lyme disease is the
difference in locations between where the patient is diagnosed and where the patient is infected.
Human travel is a typical cause of this uncertainty in geographic distribution (Brownstein,
Holford, and Fish 2003). Individuals may travel as short distances such as across their town, or
further distances such as crossing multiple counties in a day. The CDC dataset used in this study
is based on locations at time of diagnosis (CDC 2017b). The analysis based on this data will be
contingent on probability of contracting Lyme disease based on diagnosis location.
2.1.2. At Risk Population
While individuals can contract Lyme disease at any age, people in certain demographics
are more likely to contract Lyme disease. Orloski et al. (2000) studied a dataset that had samples
with the age ranged from under 1 to 100 years old; the mean age was an average of 35-39 years
old. Steere et al. (1977) and the CDC (2017b) noted more cases occurring in children. When the
samples were broken down by gender, the prevalence was slightly over 50% for males. Orloski
et al. (2000) noted 51% of the patients were men, Ciesielski et al. (1989) found 53% were male,
and Davis et al. (1984) found 54% were male. The difference in contraction rates of the males
and females in these studies was not substantial. Thus, males were not significantly more likely
to contract Lyme disease.
The main noticeable correlation between the noted demographics is the likelihood of
spending time outdoors. The important condition in contracting Lyme disease is being in a
habitat that supports I. scapularis. Goodwin, Ostfeld, and Schauber (2001) and Barbour and Fish
(1993) note that human infection is contingent upon humans residing in an area where host-
seeking ticks live. Working outdoors, whether as an occupation or recreation, is more common
among men, while being outside recreationally would support the correlation between young
children and adults in their 30s. To help estimate the areas where Lyme disease can be
contracted, the forest cover percent per county was included in the regression variables. Counties
with a higher percentage of tree canopies are hypothesized have a greater area where ticks and
their hosts could be located.
2.1.3. Tick Hosts
The tick hosts are an important part of the tick life cycle, and the spread of Lyme disease.
The most common host a tick first feeds from is the white-footed mouse (Guerra et al. 2002;
Goodwin, Ostfeld, and Schauber 2001; Waller et al. 2007). Another common host is the white
tailed deer. Ogden et al. (2010) brought up an excellent point, that while wild animals are often
tick hosts, cats, dogs and even other humans are also common tick hosts. While domesticated
animals may carry Lyme disease, it is easier to study wild animals when testing ticks for Lyme
disease due to the increased exposure to ticks.
Birds are another a key host population. They have an important role in transporting
opportunistic ticks from one area to another (Spielman 1994). While deer are able to transport
ticks as well, birds have the unique ability to carry the ticks to a non-native place and start the
cycle of Lyme disease there. The spread of Lyme disease has occurred in this manner, shown
through the cases now occurring in Quebec, Canada and even farther north, with more spread
and prevalence believed possible in the future years (Ogden et al. 2010; Brownstein, Holford,
and Fish 2005).
It is noteworthy that, while many animals may act as hosts for the ticks, not all of them
transfer Lyme disease. Animals that capable of carrying the Lyme disease pathogen and able to
transmit the pathogen to a tick are termed competent reservoirs (Barbour and Fish 1993). White-
tailed deer, white-footed mice, birds, and even lizards are all common hosts for ticks, but they
are all not competent reservoirs. The southern I. scapularis feed on lizards, which function as a
host for ticks, are not competent reservoirs. This results in lower rates of Lyme disease in the
southern states. The incidence of Lyme disease is higher in the northeastern United States
because of the prevalence of suitable hosts (Barbour and Fish 1993).
2.2. Environmental Factors
The use of environmental risk factors is routine when studying Lyme disease cases and
causes. The major risk factors evaluated in the different studies include temperature values and
temperature aggregates, precipitation, land use, and soil type. Glass et al. (1995) linked humidity,
temperature, slope, and land use to tick abundance. The 1998 study on vector-borne diseases by
Kitron (1998) lists forest cover, sandy soil, and hardwoods as significant factors, based off of the
needs of the tick hosts.
Guerra et al. (2002) and Brownstein, Holford, and Fish (2003; 2005) use minimum and
maximum temperatures and precipitation as main factors for Lyme disease specifically.
Brownstein, Holford, and Fish (2003) supported the use of temperature, and note specifically that
minimum temperature was the only variable to have a simple positive relationship with cases,
which is believed to show the lower limit of tick habitat survivability. The maximum
temperature was correlated to Lyme disease cases (Brownstein, Holford, and Fish (2003). Ogden
et al. (2010) utilized temperature alone, while Waller et al. (2007) used land use, soil type, and
moisture as their main variables. Ogden et al. (2010) included data reported at the weather
stations, and interpolated the data to have an average temperature dataset, while Guerra et al.
(2002) used precipitation and average temperature data available from the National
Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
Besides climate variables, land use was also investigated in the course of this study. The
consideration of land use as an environmental risk factor was multifaceted. The National Land
Cover Database (NLCD) contains data on land use and change for the contiguous United States,
and includes useful analysis tools (Homer et al. 2007). Investigation into the rate of land use
change by the Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics Consortium, also MRLC, (2017) show that
there is less than 3% change in the United States overall from 2001-2011. This supports what
Homer et al. (2007) noted in their report on the NLCD. In an effort to utilize land use data,
without using the categorical data available in the NLCD, Kitron (1998), and Nicholson and
Mather (2014) use the percent of forest coverage as an estimate of land use. Nicholson and
Mather used forest cover to estimate the areas where nymph ticks would consistently inhabit, and
to determine suitable habitats.
2.3. GIS and Lyme Disease
Geospatial techniques can be used to investigate spatial and temporal trends of public
health datasets such as the Lyme disease. GIS allows data from different sources and formats to
be merged spatially, and analyzed as a whole (Szwarcwald et al. 2000). In the case of Lyme
disease, the use of GIS allows various environmental factors to be included and analyzed against
population and cases of Lyme disease (Glass et al. 1995; Kitron 1998). This can be used to show
risk, and create predictions based on the data available.
2.3.1. Past Studies
Various studies undertaken on Lyme disease covered a range of data types and analysis
methods. Many of the spatiotemporal studies used point data to study the cases or the vectors of
Lyme disease (Ogden et al. 2010; Goodwin, Ostfeld, and Schauber 2001; Guerra et al. 2002;
Steere et al. 1977; Glass et al. 1995). On the other hand, several studies used aggregated data, for
both vectors and the cases (Orloski et al. 2000; Kitron and Kazmierczak 1997; Waller et al.
2007; Ciesielski 1989). The studies that used aggregated data created risk maps on case counts
and conducted habitat suitability analyses.
The spatial distribution of the pathogen B. burgdorferi is integral to increased incidence
of Lyme disease. Unfortunately, the spatial variation of the pathogen is only available by
studying ticks, I. scapularis, to determine the number of infected ticks and the number of
infected tick hosts. Glass et al. (1995) note that when analyzing a large study area (at the state or
region level), the use of environmental factors is acceptable to use in analysis rather than the
study of ticks and the host populations. This is due to the high cost of time and money spent
when analyzing the hosts. Thus, studying the cases per county per year is adequate when
combined with the study of environmental factors.
Waller et al. (2007) note there was evidence of a relationship between the increase in
incidences of Lyme disease and the expansion of reporting practices and the refinement of the
CDC definition of Lyme disease. Moreover, when analyzing Lyme disease cases, a major
concern is the number of misdiagnoses, lack of diagnoses, reporting bias, and imprecise
serological results, which means the number of confirmed cases in the CDC data may be less
than the actual incidence rate (Kitron and Kazmierczak 1997; Waller et al. 2007). This indicates
the presence of false negatives, and the process of verification through the CDC allows only
confirmed or probable cases to be counted in the data counts per year.
Most of the Lyme disease studies had focused their area of study in the northeastern
United States, where the ticks are prevalent and the majority of cases are reported. Guerra et al.
(2002), LoGiudice et al. (2005) and Waller et al. (2007) studied multiple states in the
Northeastern United States and Midwest. Studies by Glass et al. (1995) and Frank et al. (2002)
focused on one county or state in the Northeastern United States. In Ogden et al. (2010), the
authors looked at the border of the Northeastern United States and Canada. Other studies looked
at the United States as a whole. Orloski et al. (2001) and Ciesielski et al. (1989) studied the USA
as a whole, utilizing data available from the CDC. The study scales were dependent on the
elements studied, whether it was the cases of Lyme disease or the vectors, and the availability of
data. In instances where the data was self-collected, the study areas tended to be much smaller.
It is important to note that each Lyme disease study is unique for the area and the scale it
studies. While conducting Lyme disease studies at a large spatial scale is important in order to
learn more about the disease in a specific area, there is the likelihood of an inherent fallacy being
assumed in the study results. In the study by Brownstein, Holford, and Fish (2003), the authors
note that the probability surface of Lyme disease for the contiguous United States had a lower
suitability in the West Coast. They inferred the difference in the Pacific region vector was the
cause of lower suitability; this vector was declared as the I. pacificus tick.
2.3.2. Risk Maps
A common analysis result for Lyme disease study is a risk map. In two studies, the risk
maps were created by classifying the selected risk factors, performing logistic regressions, and
evaluating the results by the chi-squared test (Waller et al. 2007; Glass et al. 1995). The concern
with risk mapping is there is no additional trend analysis included in the study. The risk maps
only demonstrate the probability or risk of contracting Lyme disease based on the factors. In two
separate studies utilizing aggregated data, the results of the study consisted of a risk map, with no
further analysis included (Kitron and Kazmierczak 1997; Waller et al. 2007). The risk map
created in the 1997 study by Kitron and Kazmierczak (1997) is shown below in Figure 3. The
map shows the endemicity of Lyme disease based on the occurrence of ticks in the wildlife
surveys, and Lyme disease cases. The risk maps in Waller et al. (2007) were based on the annual
crude incidence rates for the counties.
Figure 3. Sample risk map from study by Kitron and Kazmierczak (1997)
2.3.3. Data Types and Challenges
The Lyme disease data types used in Lyme disease studies and GIS are either point,
polygon, or non-spatial (table form). For studies using data points of individual Lyme disease
cases, the data was generally collected in the course of the study (Brownstein, Holford, and Fish
2003; Guerra et al. 2002; Goodwin, Ostfeld and Schauber 2001). There are some exceptions, like
Ciesielski et al. (1989) and Glass et al. (1995) who used point data published by the CDC. The
point datasets by the CDC have been discontinued, and the current dataset available is a non-
spatial table with cases per county (CDC 2017b). This dataset was used in Waller et al. (2007).
Other studies, such as Kitron and Kazmierczak (1997), Davis et al. (1984), and Orloski et al.
(2000), used Lyme disease data aggregated to the county boundaries (polygon form) from local
health departments.
When looking at Lyme disease data aggregated to county polygons, the scope of the
study is more regional. Kitron and Kazmierczak (1997) focused on using spatial statistics and
GIS to correlate the county polygon aggregation Lyme disease data with the tick distribution, the
Lyme disease case distribution, the percent of wooded areas, and the human population density.
Waller et al. (2007) look in the Northeastern United States at the county aggregation level as
well to compare climate and ecologic variables to county incidence, and created a risk map based
on the analysis results.
The major challenge in the study of Lyme disease is the lack of individual data. The
reported data is often aggregated. Geographic aggregation is an established method of making
data unidentifiable, while still allowing the data to be available for analysis. By utilizing
aggregated data, the cases of Lyme disease cannot be tied back to any one individual and
therefore the location of any individual. With the United States information health privacy laws,
like the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), the use of health data
includes the need for de-identified data. Aggregation of the data is critical when using sensitive
information, like health data and census data (Amrhein and Reynolds 1997). The benefit of using
an aggregate dataset with limited accuracy of locations is the inherent privacy for sensitive data
provided by aggregation (Longley 2012).
Jelinski and Wu (1996) noted that there are ways to utilize aggregation, and one
particular method was to highlight the rates of change in spatial analysis. This is accomplished
by looking at the incidence rate instead of the case count, and evaluating the trend over time. The
main concern of this is ecological fallacy, an error to solely infer the result of the analysis done
in the aggregated data to an individual (Longley 2012). When using a time series of data at the
county level, the rate of change in Lyme disease cases can be evaluated by observing data
standardized by the population of that county. Kitron and Kazmierczak (1997) and Waller et al.
(2007) standardized the data by looking at cases of Lyme disease per 100,000 persons per year at
the county level. The standardized rate allows for a more accurate analysis of the true incidence
and correlation. Another aspect of using aggregated data is sometimes it is the only available
data (Amrhein and Reynolds 1997). If there are no other options, the use of aggregated data is
better than no data at all.
When analyzing different datasets, the data must be in equivalent units. Holt, Lo, and
Hodler (2004) note that it is important for data to be analyzed at the same areal unit, using
normalization or areal interpolation to be compatible. The equivalence of data is needed to
ensure that analyses are being properly done; otherwise the results of analysis are misleading.
The use of areal interpolation to estimate data points is quite common with weather data, as the
weather is not measured systematically. Instead, the data collected at the weather stations are
averaged and interpolated to create a raster surface (Ogden et al. 2010; Brownstein, Holford, and
Fish 2005; Guerra et al. 2002). In these studies, the use of areal interpolation for the weather data
worked well, allowing for fairly accurate study outcomes. The climate surfaces can be used in
analyses that require a single value per polygon by using summary statistics to determine a value
for each polygon or unit (Brownstein, Holford, and Fish 2003). Reed et al. (1993) note that when
using larger quadrats there are stronger correlations with the ecological aspect being measured.
The results of the investigation of past Lyme disease studies in this section influenced the
creation of the methods of this thesis. Many studies have been conducted on Lyme disease at
varying aggregations, risk factors, and scales. Using the aggregated Lyme disease case data (e.g.
cases per county), data standardization is needed to accurately compare data across areal
boundaries. A common method of standardizing Lyme disease cases is by the population, shown
as cases per 100,000 persons (Waller et al. 2007). This allows for the case prevalence to be
compared equally across areas with varying populations.
The limitations of the past studies were taken into account to create this study. Important
aspects included the study area, the environmental factors selected, how to best use the
aggregated data and the study scale. These studies created the precedent that this study was based
on. This study used aggregated Lyme disease data in conjunction with climate and land use to
create a predictive model for the Northeastern United States at the county level.
Chapter 3 Methods
The goal of this study is to understand the distributions of Lyme disease cases and their
environmental risk factors over space and time in the Northeastern United States. As stated in
Chapter 2, previous investigations have created risk maps in this region. The intent of this study
was to take the risk maps a step further, and include a spatiotemporal trend analysis to elucidate
the spatiotemporal trends of this public health threat, and to determine the influence of the
environmental factors in an influential model for the Lyme disease risks. The full cause of the
increase of Lyme disease cases is still unknown. Correlation between Lyme disease and
environmental factors has shown there is a relationship between the two.
By analyzing the environmental risk factors for Lyme disease, the relationship between
Lyme disease cases and the environment was elucidated. This chapter describes the data and the
methods used for achieving this goal. The methods described were completed using Microsoft
Excel for table formatting and Esri ArcGIS Pro 2.1.0 for the spatial analyses. Hot spot analysis
and local Moran’s I analysis were conducted on the cases of Lyme disease and the environmental
factors to help understand the data trends and the correlation between Lyme disease and the
factors. The Lyme disease model was then created using a stepwise least squares regression.
3.1. Research Outline
The research design flowchart in Figure 4 demonstrates the overall analysis flow in this
study. There are two separate analysis processes. The first portion of the investigation (noted as
the ‘Setup’ process in Figure 4) includes data acquisition and compilation, an extensive data
exploration using spatial statistics, and building the space-time cube. The second portion is the
spatiotemporal analysis that consists of emerging hot spot analysis, local outlier maps using local
Moran’s I, the overall trend of Lyme disease, and a comparison of the identified hot spots. The
final portion was the creation and verification of an inferential model of Lyme disease rate using
stepwise regression and residual analysis. Both OLS and GWR were tested to find the best-fitted
model. The residuals from the model were mapped for the study region and a supplementary
residual analysis was conducted to analyze the performance of the final model. A full
explanation of the methods is included in the rest of the chapter.
Figure 4. Research design flowchart
3.2. Data Acquisition and Compilation
There are four datasets required to conduct this study; the Lyme disease case counts, the
yearly climate data, the forest cover percentage and the county subdivisions. The datasets fell
into three categories: shapefile, table, and raster. The county boundaries were a polygon
shapefile that included attributes of some demographic data. The Lyme disease cases and the
climate data were in table forms. The forest cover data was a raster dataset, which required extra
processing to be properly formatted before analysis.
3.2.1. Lyme Disease
The Lyme disease data is assembled at the county level and published by the CDC
annually. The dataset downloaded from the CDC website for this study was a .csv file containing
the cases of confirmed Lyme disease in each county of the study area from 2000 to 2016. The
dataset contained County Name, State Name, State Code, County Code, and the yearly case
counts. The 2016 data column was ultimately deleted because of no corresponding climate data
in that year. The state and county codes were joined together to create the Federal Information
Processing Standard (FIPS) for each county. Table 1, below, shows a portion of the Lyme
disease dataset. The data is precise to the reporting year but not to the date of contraction.
Another caveat for this dataset is that the cases were reported from where they were diagnosed,
not necessarily where they were contracted. While there is apparent uncertainty in this dataset,
this is the best available Lyme disease data found during the research period for the region.
Table 1. Excerpt of the Lyme Diseases Cases Table
Ctyname Stname STCODE CTYCODE Cases2000 Cases2001 Cases2002
Maine 23 1 0 1 2
Aroostook County Maine 23 3 0 1 1
Cumberland County Maine 23 5 13 14 46
Franklin County Maine 23 7 0 0 2
Hancock County Maine 23 9 0 6 5
Kennebec County Maine 23 11 2 0 7
Knox County Maine 23 13 4 1 7
Lincoln County Maine 23 15 3 2 14
Oxford County Maine 23 17 5 2 1
Penobscot County Maine 23 19 2 6 10
Piscataquis County Maine 23 21 0 1 1
Sagadahoc County Maine 23 23 0 2 3
Somerset County Maine 23 25 0 1 2
Waldo County Maine 23 27 0 2 1
Washington County Maine 23 29 1 1 2
York County Maine 23 31 40 68 112
Source: Centers for Disease Prevention and Control 2017a
The Lyme disease cases dataset required limited processing. The original coverage of this
dataset was the entire United States of America. It was selected for the necessary records, and
then the extraneous records were deleted so it only contained records for the study area. Next, a
new column was inserted to contain the County FIPS. The equation used to calculate this was
FIPS = STCODE x 1,000 + CTYCODE eq. 1
This created the proper 5-digit County FIPS code as the unique identifier for the county record.
3.2.2. County Divisions
In a geospatial study, the most important dataset is the spatial component, which includes
the area and boundaries of the study area. The county boundaries data was a polygon shapefile
downloaded from the US Census Bureau. It contains demographic data such as the population
for 2010. The Census Bureau products have a 95% confidence interval (United States Census
Bureau 2016), so the data is as accurate as can be directly obtained and is ready to use as is after
The county boundaries data has the spatial extent for the entire United States. The study
area of the five northeastern states was selected and exported to a new shapefile (Figure 3).
Except the required attribute fields - GeoID, County Name, and State Name, and the population
total for 2010, all extraneous columns were deleted from the attribute table. The GeoID field
represents the FIPS in a string type and allows the other datasets to be easily joined to this spatial
dataset. This is identical to the FIPS in the Lyme disease data.
Figure 5. County boundaries of the study area
In the attribute table of the county boundary data, the centroids of the longitude and
latitude were calculated. After this was calculated, the shapefile was projected into USA
Contiguous Albers Equal Area Conic. This projected coordinate system was selected for use
throughout the entire research as it preserves area and avoids areal distortion during projection.
As the study area spans multiple latitudes, this coordinate system also appears to be appropriate.
3.2.3. Climate
Having climate data for the county level for 16 years was integral in this project. The
Parameter-elevation Regressions on Independent Slopes Model (PRISM) Climate Group was
selected as the data source because it publishes climate data at many levels, including the county
level. As a subdivision of Oregon State and the Northwest Alliance for Computational Science
and Engineering, PRISM Climate Group gathers historical climate observations from various
sources and developed short- and long-term spatial climate datasets for the United States
(PRISM Climate Group, 2018). The data required for this study was acquired through the data
explorer located on the PRISM website ( At the time of download,
the most current data available was 2015, so the temporal extent of the study was restructured to
the period between 2000 and 2015.
The data explorer on the PRISM website allows data download by coordinates with
various criteria settings. The precipitation data was recorded in inches, and the temperature data
was recorded in degrees Fahrenheit. According to PRISM, the county centroid coordinates were
appropriate estimates for use (PRISM Climate Group, 2018). In the data explorer, the Annual
Values criteria were set from 2000 to 2015 and the climate variables including precipitation,
minimum temperature, maximum temperature, and mean temperature were selected. The PRISM
data was then acquired by a .csv file exported from the county attribute table in ArcGIS Pro,
which included the counties’ centroid coordinates (latitude and longitude) and the FIPS code.
The acquired climate dataset included the counties’ centroid coordinates (latitude and
longitude) and the FIPS code and required a few changes before being able to use in Lyme
disease modeling. First, the first 10 rows of the data table were metadata and were removed so
the dataset included only the data. Moreover, the climate dataset had one row per county per
year. In order to comply with the requirement for building a space time cube (see Section 3.3.2),
a Date column was created with the date string in the format of 12/31/YEAR (YEAR being the
last four digits of the year). Table 2 shows an example section of the final climate table:
Table 2. Excerpt of the Edited Climate Table
Name Longitude Latitude Elevation Year Date ppt tmin tmax tmean
23019 -68.6494 45.4005 318 2000 12/31/2000 41.21 31.1 52.2 41.6
23019 -68.6494 45.4005 318 2001 12/31/2001 26.34 32 54.9 43.5
23019 -68.6494 45.4005 318 2002 12/31/2002 39.74 32 52.9 42.5
23019 -68.6494 45.4005 318 2003 12/31/2003 48.1 30.7 52.1 41.4
23019 -68.6494 45.4005 318 2004 12/31/2004 39.14 30.9 52.2 41.6
23019 -68.6494 45.4005 318 2005 12/31/2005 67.66 32.3 53.5 42.9
23019 -68.6494 45.4005 318 2006 12/31/2006 55.56 35.1 55.1 45.1
23019 -68.6494 45.4005 318 2007 12/31/2007 51.14 30.6 52.7 41.7
23019 -68.6494 45.4005 318 2008 12/31/2008 55.37 31.9 53.1 42.5
23019 -68.6494 45.4005 318 2009 12/31/2009 50.73 31.3 52.4 41.8
23019 -68.6494 45.4005 318 2010 12/31/2010 51.91 36.1 55.8 46
23019 -68.6494 45.4005 318 2011 12/31/2011 52.93 33.4 54.1 43.7
23019 -68.6494 45.4005 318 2012 12/31/2012 47.8 34.5 55.2 44.9
23019 -68.6494 45.4005 318 2013 12/31/2013 48.89 33.1 53.4 43.2
23019 -68.6494 45.4005 318 2014 12/31/2014 54.9 32 52.6 42.3
23019 -68.6494 45.4005 318 2015 12/31/2015 47.06 31.7 52.8 42.2
Source: PRISM Climate Group
When looking at the data range of the data, there was an abnormality. For Barnstable
County, Massachusetts, and Wayne County, New York, the climate variables were negative for
all years. The temperature values were set to -17966.2 °F, and the precipitation was -393.66
inches. Upon further investigation, these values were found to be the null values input from
To estimate the missing values in the PRISM dataset, two models were created and the
predictions were compared with the PRISM data for accuracy. When evaluating the models on a
test site, the variance between the models and the Prism data was less than .5 degree Fahrenheit,
so the model outputs were deemed acceptable. The Prism data used for the estimation was a 30m
raster for each year, and each climate variable.
To start, the two counties with missing values were selected and exported into individual
shapefiles. The models were exactly the same, with the addition of the first model projecting the
climate rasters to the USA Contiguous Albers Equal Area Conic coordinate system. The second
model used the projected raster created in the first model. Multiple models were used to prevent
the creation of multiple copies of the projected rasters. Figure 6 shows the model without the
raster projection. In the models, the county shapefile was used to clip the raster to the county
boundaries, and then the Calculate Statistics tool was used to find the mean of the raster cells in
the county boundary. This was repeated for each climate variable and each year. The model
outputs were manually transferred to the Climate dataset to replace the null values. This allowed
for the proper values to be used during the remainder of the analyses.
Figure 6. Climate Estimation Model for Missing Data
3.2.4. Forest Cover Data
With the hosts of Lyme disease in mind, forest cover was used to represent the potential
land cover area available for the Lyme disease contraction. The NLCD contains various land
cover products established by the MRLC. The Forest Cover dataset was chosen from the NLCD
for its numerical data type. This quantitative data characteristic lent itself to working with
regressions. The NLCD 2001 Percent Tree Canopy was the version selected for all data
regardless of the year. The data methods were updated in between updates, so the 2001 and 2011
datasets were not compatible. Thus, there was spatial variation in the dataset, but no temporal
variation. The forest cover data was deemed adequate for use due to the spatial variation between
the counties in the study area.
Downloaded as raster datasets for individual states, the NLCD datasets were merged as a
mosaic dataset before projecting into the USA Contiguous Albers Equal Area Conic projection.
The raster data represented the percent forest cover in a 30 m spatial resolution. This is the same
spatial resolution as the PRISM rasters. To estimate the percent of forest cover for each county,
the Zonal Statistics as a Table tool was used to provide the county polygons as zones with the
zone field set as the FIPS code. This estimation was created and run using Modelbuilder in
ArcGIS Pro. The output of the Modelbuilder was a table with all the standard statistics
calculated, and the mean, the averaged percent of forest cover for each county was the variable
used for further analysis (Section 3.4.1).
Another estimation model was tested before finalizing the model above. In this model,
the counties included a 30-kilometer buffer (approximately 18.6 miles), to approximate areas of
forest cover that the population may have traveled. The buffered forest cover area was divided by
the only the area of the county, because if it was divided by the area of the whole buffer the
percent forest cover decreased. This resulted in some counties with a percent forest cover over
100%, so was ultimately decided against.
3.2.5. Data Processing
Before analysis and exploration began, the data was properly formatted and joined. The
Transpose Fields tool was used on the Lyme disease data to combine the 16 separate year
columns into one column named Year. The result was 16 rows per county, each with a column of
the Lyme disease count and a year column representing the year of Lyme disease being reported.
The second phase of data processing and preparation was to join the newly formatted
Lyme disease data and the climate data. This was accomplished by creating a unique identifier
for each row, a combination of the FIPS and the year. A new field was added in both tables, and
the values were calculated by adding the two fields in one string. The FIPS-Year column was
calculated as:
UniqueID = FIPS x 10,000 + Year eq. 2
The Add Join tool was then employed to join the two tables based on the unique yearly ID. The
result was a table with 16 rows per county, each with the cases of Lyme disease, the year of the
disease reported, and precipitation, minimum temperature, maximum temperature, and mean
temperature for each year.
The next phase of data processing and preparation was to join the data table to the County
shapefile. This was accomplished using the Spatial Join tool. In ArcGIS Pro, the tool allows a
one to many join. The FIPS was used as the common field to join the Lyme disease and climate
data to the County Shapefile. Later in the study, the join field tool was used to join the mean
percent forest cover field to the county shapefile, with the FIPS as the identifier.
After the data was joined, the Lyme disease rate (the disease count per 100,000 county
population) was calculated in a new column. The equation used to calculate this was:
Lyme Disease Rate (%) = [Disease Counts / Population] x 100,000 eq. 3
This created a normalized value for Lyme disease. By normalizing the values, it allowed for a
more equivalent comparison across varying county populations.
3.3. Spatiotemporal Data Analysis
The spatiotemporal data analysis section consists of exploratory data analysis, and trend
analysis. The exploratory data analysis was to ascertain if the data chosen was adequate for this
study and to provide a deeper insight on the data variation. The trend analysis provided an in-
depth look at the Lyme disease rate and the environmental factors before the modeling. The set
of data exploration methods included summary statistics, the creation of space time cubes
followed by an emerging hot spot analysis, and a local outlier analysis for both the Lyme disease
rate and the climate variables.
3.3.1. Summary Statistics
The summary statistics were used to determine if the data was normally distributed
before the regression analysis. This set of statistics was included to document the data properties
for Lyme disease and the included variables. This was added after the data analysis had started
and therefore no transformation was performed for any non-normally distributed data.
The summary statistics investigated the histogram, the skewness and kurtosis, and the
values of mean, median, and standard deviation. The histogram indicated the frequency
distribution of the data values, with an expected normal distribution as a bell shaped curve. The
mean and median indicate the center of distribution of the data, with the average value and the
median value, respectively. The data distribution is more normal when the mean and median
values are close together. The kurtosis indicated how likely the data distribution would produce
outliers. In a normal distribution, the kurtosis is close to or equal to 3. The skewness showed the
symmetry of the data, with an ideal value of 0.
3.3.2. Space Time Cube
Space time cube was used for visualizing spatial data over a span of time in ArcGIS and
ArcGIS Pro. Building space time cubes was integral to this study as it was utilized in a variety of
tools, including the Emerging Hot Spot Analysis tool, the Local Outlier Analysis tool, and the
Visualize the Space Time Cube in 2D tool. One space time cube was created with each of the
variables, including the Lyme disease count, rate, and the climate variables, to visualize the
variable’s spatial and temporal trend.
The space time cube layout is quite unique, as it contains space and time information at
the same time. Figure 7 shows an example of the file format. The X and Y axes show the spatial
location, while the Z axis, labeled Then to Now, represents the time periods. Each spatial
location for each year has its own distinct bin to hold the values. Bins that are for the same
spatial location will have the same location ID. The file format is a netCDF file.
Figure 7. Example of a space time cube (adapted from Esri, 2018d).
Every variable of this study with spatial and temporal series of data available was
included in one space time cube created using the Create Space Time Cube From Defined
Locations tool in ArcGIS Pro. Variables with no temporal variations, like longitude, latitude, and
percent forest cover, could not be included in the space time cube analysis. The time step interval
was 1 year, as the interval for the Lyme disease data and the climate data is one year. As the data
was already temporally aggregated, there was no temporal aggregation in the space time cube.
One of the mandatory settings was available fill, which was set to fill empty bins with space time
neighbors for the areas missing values. This is a mandatory field to be set before the tool can run;
however the data investigation and background statistics ensures there are no missing values.
3.3.3. Emerging Hot Spot Analysis
The space time cube created from Section 3.3.2 was first applied to evaluate temporal and
spatial trends using the Emerging Hotspot Analysis tool in ArcGIS Pro. This tool calculated the
Getis-Ord Gi* statistic for every variable per county per year, and evaluated the Gi* statistic test
results (hot spot and cold spot trends) using the Mann-Kendall trend test. The z-scores and p-
values from the Getis-Ord Gi* statistics determine the counties where high or low values
spatially accumulate. The Mann-Kendall trend test assesses the temporal values to determine the
overall trend for each county (Esri 2018a).
The result of the Emerging Hot Spot Analysis displays the spatial and temporal trend in
each county in a quantifiable and understandable approach. This is imperative as it shows the
areas that are statistically different from their surroundings. In this case, it highlights the areas
with higher or lower Lyme disease rates, Lyme disease counts, precipitation, temperature, and
percentage of forest cover. The emerging hot spot analysis classified the cells into eight different
types of hot or cold spot categories, except for the areas with no statistically significant patterns
detected. The categories of the emerging hot spot and their definitions can be seen in Table 3.
Table 3. Emerging hot spot classifications used in this study
Classification Definitions
No Pattern Detected Does not fall into any of the hot or cold spot patterns defined below.
Consecutive Hot Spot
A location with a single uninterrupted run of statistically significant
hot spot bins in the final time-step intervals. The location has never
been a statistically significant hot spot prior to the final hot spot run
and less than ninety percent of all bins are statistically significant hot
Intensifying Hot Spot
A location that has been a statistically significant hot spot for ninety
percent of the time-step intervals, including the final time step. In
addition, the intensity of clustering of high counts in each time step
is increasing overall and that increase is statistically significant.
Persistent Hot Spot
A location that has been a statistically significant hot spot for ninety
percent of the time-step intervals with no discernible trend indicating
an increase or decrease in the intensity of clustering over time.
Diminishing Hot Spot
A location that has been a statistically significant hot spot for ninety
percent of the time-step intervals, including the final time step. In
addition, the intensity of clustering in each time step is decreasing
overall and that decrease is statistically significant.
Sporadic Hot Spot A location that is an on-again then off-again hot spot. Less than
ninety percent of the time-step intervals have been statistically
significant hot spots and none of the time-step intervals have been
statistically significant cold spots.
Oscillating Hot Spot A statistically significant hot spot for the final time-step interval
that has a history of also being a statistically significant cold spot
during a prior time step. Less than ninety percent of the time-step
intervals have been statistically significant hot spots.
New Cold Spot A location that is a statistically significant cold spot for the final
time step and has never been a statistically significant cold spot
Persistent Cold Spot A location that has been a statistically significant cold spot for
ninety percent of the time-step intervals with no discernible trend,
indicating an increase or decrease in the intensity of clustering of
counts over time.
Sporadic Cold Spot A location that is an on-again then off-again cold spot. Less than
ninety percent of the time-step intervals have been statistically
significant cold spots and none of the time-step intervals have been
statistically significant hot spots.
(Source: ESRI 2018a)
The emerging hot spot analysis was conducted on Lyme disease data as well as the
environmental factors. The emerging hot spot tool was run on both the cases and cases per
100,000 population to show the importance of data normalization. The climate variable included
in the space time cube (precipitation and maximum, mean, and minimum temperature) were also
tested for the emerging hot spots to view the temporal trend. Contiguity edges and corners was
chosen for the conceptualization of spatial relationships setting in the emerging hot spot analysis
it ensured at least one neighbor would be included in the analysis.
3.3.4. Local Outlier Analysis
The second use of the space time cube was to study the local spatial autocorrelation via
the Local Outlier Analysis tool. The Local Outlier Analysis tool calculated the local Moran’s I
statistic to see if there are any spatial clusters or dispersion (outliers) over a time span. Similar to
the Getis Ord Gi* statistics, the local Moran’s I identifies statistically significant clusters of high
or low values. In addition, it also identifies spatial outliers in the data (Esri 2018b). This analysis
was used as additional data explorations because it could identify not only hot spots, but also
unexpectedly high or low values that contradicted the values in the surrounding counties. As the
analysis involves both spatial and temporal distributions, the input required a space time cube
generated as a netCDF file in Section 3.3.2. The Local Outlier Analysis identified 6 different
trends shown in Table 4.
Table 4. Local Outlier Analysis Classifications
Type Definition
High - High Cluster Statistically significant cluster of high values
Low - Low Cluster Statistically significant cluster of low values
High - Low Outlier Statistically significant high value surrounded by low
Low - High Outlier Statistically significant low value surrounded by high
Multiple Types Multiple types in one county
No Statistical
No statistical trend
Source: Esri 2018b
The definitions of the resulting six categories from Anselin local Moran’s I are also
included in Table 4. The first category is the High-High Cluster, meaning a county of high values
is surrounded by the counties of high values. The second category is Low-Low Cluster, meaning
a county of low value is surrounded by the counties of low values. The third category is High-
Low Outlier. The High-Low Outlier category means a county of high value is surrounded
predominantly by counties with low values. The opposite is the Low-High Outlier category,
where a county with a low value was surrounded by counties with mostly high values. When
there are multiple types of statistically significant cluster and outliers occur in the same county
over time, it is categorized as Multiple Types. The final category is No Statistical Significance,
where no statistical significance of clusters or outliers is detected.
As with the emerging hot spot analysis, this local outlier analysis was run on Lyme
disease cases, rate, and the environmental factors. The specifications for the tool were the same
for all versions. The number of permutations was set at 999, as the smallest possible pseudo p-
value is 0.001, the standard in statistical studies. The conceptualization of neighbors was set
again to contiguity edges and corners. This negated the need for a distance band but ensures at
least a neighbor included in the analysis.
3.3.5. Space-Time Visualization and Optimized Hot Spot Analysis
Using the Visualize Space Time Cube in 2D tool, the overall trend of the Lyme disease
incidence was evaluated. This tool was established based on the results of space time cube used
for both of the emerging hot spot analysis and the local Moran’s I. In this study, it was used to
demonstrate the comprehensive spatiotemporal trend of the Lyme disease rate and the Lyme
disease count. The final analysis conducted in this study was an Optimized Hot Spot Analysis of
the forest cover variable. This tool was an alternative hot spot analysis needed for the percentage
of forest cover, as the forest cover data did not contain a time series. The tool identified hot spots
throughout the study area of the same time period using the Getis-Ord Gi* statistics. The
Optimized Hot Spot Analysis tool resulted in p-values and the confidence intervals for the hot
and cold spots.
3.4. Regression Modeling
The OLS regression and GWR were tested for creating the Lyme disease model. The
modeling was included as an additional analysis to determine the significant variables of Lyme
disease, and to determine the nature of the relationships. The OLS regression analysis has the
ability to handle spatiotemporal datasets using a time-series attribute (e.g. year) and/or
coordinates (i.e. latitude and longitude). The GWR tested for local spatial variations in
subregions of the study area. For the purpose of identifying the relationships between the Lyme
disease rate and the spatial and temporal variables, both OLS and GWR were kept in linear
models. The models were both evaluated against a set of model criteria to determine the model
fit and quality.
3.4.1. Ordinary Least Squares Regression
The OLS was employed to examine the relationship between Lyme disease and the
environmental variables. Lyme disease was the dependent variable and the potential independent
variables include precipitation, minimum temperature, maximum temperature, mean
temperature, year, percent forest cover, longitude, and latitude. These environmental variables
were tested to see whether and how much they could explain the variance of the Lyme disease
cases in the Northeastern USA. The year and longitude and latitude were tested to see if there
was a spatial or temporal trend. All the factors will now be referred to as independent factors due
to the inclusion of time and location variables in the regression. The regression equations are as
y = β
+ β
+ β
+ …+ β
eq. 4
where y represents the dependent variable Lyme disease rate, X
represents independent variable
n, and β
is a partial coefficient of each independent variable n. The coefficient reflects the
relationship between the independent and the dependent variables. The result of this tool was an
output feature class that contained dependent variable estimates and residuals, and a report.
These outputs were important in determining the accuracy of the model.
The OLS Regression model was processed in a stepwise regression. The model was run
and the results evaluated. If the model did not sufficiently satisfy the model checks, another
regression was conducted. The following regression would remove the variable with the highest
insignificant probability and with a variance inflation factor (VIF) over 7.5.
The regression was initially tested with precipitation, average minimum temperature,
mean temperature, and average maximum temperature as independent variables. While the
minimum and maximum temperature were selected specifically for tracking tick survivability,
the mean temperature was included in the regressions to observe the climatic trend. Precipitation
was included to estimate host survival. With climate as a known strong predictor in Lyme
disease cases, the climate trends might have affected the case incidence. The regression was run
and then rerun, with the elimination of one variable whose partial coefficients were not
statistically significant (i.e. p-value > 0.05) and the p-value was the highest. This process was
repeated until all partial coefficients of the independent variables were significant.
It was determined that more variables were needed to enhance the model performance
based on the model results. The variables selected were county centroid longitude (X) and
latitude (Y), percent forest cover for each county, and year of Lyme disease cases reported. The
centroid coordinates were included to add a spatial context, while the year was included to add a
temporal context. The forest cover for the counties was included to provide an insight on the
availability of areas where there could be exposure to the vectors of Lyme disease in each
county. These new variables were chosen to fill the gaps and to increase the accuracy of the
The stepwise regression was attempted again with the new variable set. The set included
year, longitude, latitude, annual precipitation, annual minimum temperature, annual mean
temperature, annual maximum temperature, and forest cover. The stepwise regression was
conducted with two procedures (as follows). The first time the variables were eliminated based
on the variable or variables with the highest VIF and then the tie decided by the highest
probability (p-value). In the second round, the variables were eliminated solely based on which
had the highest partial coefficient p-value.
The regression model outputs were evaluated for the models. The first check was the sign
(+ or -) of the coefficients, to see whether the influence of the variable on the disease rate was in
the expected direction. The larger coefficients showed a stronger relationship, while the smaller
coefficients show a weaker relationship (Esri 2018c). The second check was the variable
redundancy (or multicollinearity). This was evaluated by the VIF. Following the guideline in
ArcGIS Help (Esri 2018c), the threshold of VIF was set to 7.5. This prevents redundant variables
from being included in the model. If the variables explain similar portions of the model, they
have a higher VIF. The model with VIF values equal or greater than 7.5 is likely to have the
independent variables highly correlated to each other and thus only the models with VIFs less
than 7.5 were acceptable. The third check was to see if the variables have a statistically
significant coefficient. The p-value was set to 0.01, thus having a confidence interval of 99%.
The next three checks were to determine the overall fit and quality of the model. The
fourth portion to verify was the significance of the Jarque-Bera statistic. This represented
whether the regression residuals were normally distributed to satisfy the regression assumption.
If the residuals were normally distributed, they over-predict and under-predict equally. The next
check determined the model performance, represented by the Akaike’s Information Criterion
(AICc) and adjusted R-squared values. The AICc represented the fit of the model in respect to
model complexity. Low AICc were preferred. The adjusted R-Squared represented the amount of
variance was explained by the independent variable. Thus, a higher adjusted R-Squared value
was preferred for the higher variances of Lyme disease explained by the overall model. The sixth
check was to test for spatial autocorrelation in regression residuals. This was to evaluate whether
there are spatial patterns remaining in residuals and if model specification is appropriate. Finally,
based on the model evaluation results, the best-fit Lyme disease models were chosen.
Among all of the model criteria, the Koenker test also served as an indicator of whether
GWR should be applied. The Koenker test showed if the relationship between Lyme disease and
the independent variables was a stronger prediction in some areas and not in others. A significant
Koenker test suggests GWR would be better suited instead of OLS regression.
While GWR was planned to generate a prediction model for the Lyme disease incidence,
the model was unable to be effectively established. Independent variables could not be selected
into a single GWR model because of the high multicollinearity between longitude, latitude, and
year. The environmental factors also exhibited multicollinearity. While the model could be run
successfully with individual independent variable, GWR was determined not viable for this
study. As the result, the predictive model would instead be created based on the OLS regression.
3.5. Residual Analysis
A residual analysis was conducted on the best-fitted regression models for model
performance. The residual analysis included residual plots, statistics of the residuals, and
mapping the residuals. The statistics of the residuals included the Root Mean Square Error
(RMSE), Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and the Mean Bias Error (MBE). The equations used for
these statistics were:
Σ (P
– O
eq. 5
Σ (P
– O
) eq. 6
Σ |P
– O
| eq. 7
where N is the total number of samples, with P
and O
being the predicted and original
dependent value, respectively. As the name indicates, RMSE takes a square root for the sum of
the squared residuals (the difference between the predicted value P
and the original value O
then averages this value to determine how large the overall residual of the model is. The RMSE
of zero (0) would indicate a perfect model fit without any error. An MAE is the measure of the
average absolute difference between the observed values (O
) and the predicted values (P
). The
ideal absolute value for this would also be 0, indicating a perfect model fit with the average
difference between observed and predicted as 0. The final statistic, MBE, gave the overall bias of
the model. It is important to note that the positive and negative difference can cancel out,
displaying the model uniformly over- or under-estimation. The ideal value for the MBE is 0.
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion
This chapter presents the results of spatiotemporal analysis and modeling for Lyme disease cases
and its relationships with environmental factors in Northeastern states. Discussions regarding the
analytical results were also included. The organization of this chapter follows the similar
structure in Chapter 3 as the analyses proceeded: Section 4.1 covers the summary statistics for
Lyme disease and the explanatory variables. Section 4.2 includes the results and discussion of
Lyme disease hotspots, local outliers and emerging hotspots for spatial and temporal trends of
Lyme disease rates. Section 4.3 contains the results and discussion of hot spots of the
environmental factors and compares them to the locations of Lyme disease hot spots. The
comparison of the hot spots lends additional insight on the correlation between Lyme disease and
the environmental factors. This chapter closes with the Lyme disease model and subsequent
verification in Section 4.4.
4.1. Summary Statistics
The summary statistics of Lyme disease and the independent variables were included to
be the foundation of the data investigation. Table 5 contains the overall summary statistics,
including the mean, standard deviation, median, kurtosis, and skewness. The last column denotes
if the data has a normal distribution.
Table 5. Summary statistics for regression variables
Name Mean Standard
Median Kurtosis Skewness Normal?
Lyme Count 80.33 155.21 15 80.33 3.82 No
Lyme Rate 52.73 106.46 15.74 54.55 5.62 No
Precipitation 47.09 8.87 47.06 3.61 0.36 Yes
36.82 4.60 36.40 3.42 0.51 Yes
Mean Temp 46.47 3.38 46.20 3.33 0.24 Yes
56.11 3.36 56.10 3.15 -0.10 Yes
51.25 22.10 56.12 2.40 -0.63 No
Longitude -73.49 2.65 -73.61 2.42 -0.13 No
Latitude 43.07 1.21 42.99 2.85 0.16 No
Year 2007.50 4.61 2007.50 1.79 0 No
The majority of the independent variables were normally distributed as expected. Of the
five potential independent variables (precipitation, minimum temperature, mean temperature, and
maximum temperature, and percent forest cover), only percent forest cover variable was not
normally distributed. The longitude, latitude, and year variables were also not normally
distributed. The examples of the histograms for precipitation and forest cover can be seen in
Figure 8 and Figure 9. Figure 8 illustrates the overall normality of precipitation and Figure 9
exemplifies a non-normal distribution of forest cover.
Figure 8. Precipitation histogram showing the normal distribution of the data
Figure 9. Forest Cover histogram showing the data is not normally distributed
The distribution of the Lyme data was also investigated in the summary statistics table.
Both the rate and the count of Lyme disease were not normally distributed. It was not expected
that the Lyme disease data would have a normal distribution, due to the variance in case counts
and rate throughout the study area. For further insight on the data variance, scatterplots for 2010,
2014, and 2015 were created (Figures 10, 11 and 12, respectively).
Figure 10. Scatterplot for 2010 Disease rate
Figure 11. Scatterplot for 2014 Disease Rate
Figure 12. Scatterplot for 2015 Disease rate
The scatterplots displayed the change over the span of one year (the change between
2014 and 2015) and five years (the change between 2010 and 2015). The scatterplots present the
association between population and the Lyme disease rate (Cases per 100,000 county
population). From 2010 to 2015 there was a definite increase in cases overall, with a more
dispersion in the lower left corner. From 2014 to 2015, there was one county with a notable
decrease, but overall there was more cases in 2015.
Based on the above scatterplots, many counties contain a Lyme disease rate of less than
50 people per 100,000 population. In the scope of this study, the small number problem is not an
issue for analysis using an OLS regression or a GWR (Meredith Franklin, personal
communication). The small numbers (of county population) will not affect the regression results
with the analysis methods chosen, as the OLS can handle the counties with 0 cases or a small
number of cases.
4.2. Spatiotemporal Data Analysis for Lyme Disease
The spatiotemporal data analysis for Lyme disease was the first step in understanding the
data of Lyme disease and its spatial and temporal trends. The following sections cover
spatiotemporal trend of Lyme disease, emerging hotspots and local outliers.
4.2.1. Spatiotemporal trend of Lyme Disease
The results of the spatiotemporal analysis showed the overall growth of Lyme disease
from 2000 to 2015. Figure 13 shows the spatiotemporal trend of the Lyme disease rate. The
overall temporal trend was an increasing incidence of Lyme disease for the majority of counties
in the study area. The only significant opposite trend lay on the southeastern portion of New
York. This part of the New York state had a decreasing trend in the Lyme disease rate. The
counties with the decreasing trend were Columbia County, Dutchess County, Nassau County,
Orange County, Putnam County, Suffolk County, and Westchester County.
Figure 13. Overall trend of the Lyme disease rate per 100,000 population per county
4.2.2. Lyme Disease Hot Spots
This subsection demonstrates the locations of the Lyme disease hot spots. The Emerging
Hot Spot Analysis looked at the data trend for each county, and established the stability and
strength of the trend of the time steps to determine if the county has a statistically significant hot
or cold trend. Figure 14 displays the emerging hot spot map for the Lyme disease count. Of the
116 counties, 90% of the counties (104 counties) were marked as no statistically significant
patterns detected. There was only one emerging hot spot area identified, which comprised of
both consecutive and sporadic hot spots. Recall that consecutive hot spots had two or more years
in the start of the time period that were not significant, and every year after that was classified as
significant. For a county to be classified as a sporadic hot spot, no cold spots could be present for
any years in those counties, and two or more years were not classified as statistically significant.
Refer to Table 3 in Section 3.3.3. for the complete definitions of all the Emerging Hot Spot
classifications in the study. Of the counties marked as a consecutive hot spot for Lyme disease,
there was one county in New Hampshire (Hillsborough County) and six counties in
Massachusetts (Essex County, Middlesex County, Worcester County, Norfolk County, Suffolk
County, and Dukes County). Five counties marked as a sporadic hot spot were all located in
Massachusetts (Hampshire County, Hampden County, Bristol County, Plymouth County, and
Barnstable County).
Figure 14. Emerging Hot Spots for Lyme disease count
When using the Lyme disease case count as the variable, the spatial and temporal trends
were mostly unseen (Figure 14). This was due to a multitude of the counties with small
population counts which tend to have small numbers of confirmed cases. By using the incidence
rate (cases per 100,000 population), the accurate risk or probability of contracting among the
counties was compared. The emerging hot spot for Lyme disease rate was then created to correct
this problem (Figure 15). While the Lyme disease rate reveals more variation in the data, no cold
spots were found for Lyme disease in either Figure 14 or Figure 15. Definitions of the different
types of Hot Spots can be found to Table 3 in section 3.3.3.
Figure 15. Emerging Hot Spots for Lyme disease rate per 100,000
The emerging hot spot map of Lyme disease rate per 100,000 population per county
revealed more spatial and temporal trends (Figure 15). Not only were more variations in the
types of emerging hot spots shown, but also more areas of emerging hot spots were found as
well. Overall, three main areas were classified as emerging hot spot regions: The first hot spot
area was centrally located in the study area, consisting of 12 counties across the states of New
York, Vermont, and Maine. These counties were Albany County, Columbia County, Greene
County, Rensselaer County, Ulster County, Washington County, Bennington County, Rutland
County, Windham County, Windsor County, Berkshire County, and Franklin County. There
were five counties classified as consecutive hot spots, three counties classified as persistent hot
spots, three counties classified as diminishing hot spots and one county classified as a sporadic
hot spot. The persistent hot spot means the counties had been statistically significant for 90% of
the years, and have no increasing or decreasing trend, while the diminishing hot spot means the
counties were classified as statistically significant for 90% of the years, and have a declining
intensity trend.
The spread of the second and third hot spot sites were confined to the eastern seaboard.
The second emerging hot spot area consisted of four counties located on the southeastern coastal
counties in Maine. The counties in this hot spot were Hancock County, Knox County, Lincoln
County, and Waldo County. All four counties were classified as consecutive hot spot. The final
emerging hot spot area was located in the southern tip of Massachusetts. The four counties in this
hot spot site were Barnstable County (a sporadic hot spot), Bristol County (a consecutive hot
spot), Dukes County (an intensifying hot spot), and Nantucket County (an intensifying hot spot).
The intensifying hot spot in the disease rate map shows the counties were statistically significant
for most of the years, and have an increasing trend in cases. The location breakdown of the
emerging hot spots can be seen in Appendix A.
When the Lyme disease rate map (Figure 15) was compared to the Lyme disease count
map (Figure 14), the number of the study area classified as hot spots detected increased by eight
counties (approximately 7%). There was an increase of three consecutive hot spots (10 total), a
decrease of three sporadic hot spots (2 total), and the addition of three persistent hot spot
counties, three diminishing counties, and two intensifying counties. The hot spot in
Massachusetts decrease in the Lyme disease rate map, but there were hot spots on the eastern
coast of Maine, and the intersection of New York, Vermont and western Massachusetts. Overall
the Lyme disease rate showed a more evident trend than the Lyme disease count.
There was some association between the Emerging Hot Spot map for the Lyme disease
rate (Figure 15), and the overall Lyme disease trend map (Figure 13). The location of the
diminishing hot spot in the Lyme disease incidence map correlated with the downward trend of
the rate trend map. Because those counties are reporting less cases each year, but still higher than
the rest of the map, it is classified as a diminishing hot spot. Despite the scarcity of hotspots
found in the hot spot analysis, the overall trend of Lyme disease cases in each county was
increasing over time.
The comparison of the Lyme disease trend map (Figure 14) and the Lyme disease count
map (Figure 13) provided little extra information. The hot spot for Lyme disease count was
almost completely classified as upward trend. The one exception is Dukes County on the
southeastern portion of Massachusetts. This is the only county out of the 12 in the hot spot that
was classified as having no trend.
4.2.3. Local Outlier Analysis of Lyme Disease
The Local Outlier analysis was included as a supplementary analysis for the
spatiotemporal trend of Lyme disease in Section 3.3.5. Figure 16 shows spatial clusters and
outliers of the Lyme disease case count in the study area. There were 71 counties (62%)
categorized as Only Low-Low Cluster, meaning counties with low disease counts surrounded the
county with low disease counts. The spread of the Low-Low cluster paralleled the dispersion of
the no pattern detected category in the Lyme disease count. The Only High-High cluster on the
local outlier map followed a similar pattern as the consecutive and sporadic hot spot in the
emerging hot spot map. There were a total of 21 counties classified as High-High Cluster. The
nine counties in the Multiple Types category were intermittently scattered throughout the study
area. They were noted as having no spatiotemporal trend detected in the Emerging Hot Spot
Analysis. The four counties marked as Only Low-High Outlier generally corresponded to the
counties marked as no pattern detected except Dukes County, Massachusetts, which was marked
as a consecutive hot spot. The other three Low-High Outlier counties, Cheshire County in
Vermont, Franklin County in Massachusetts, and Bronx County in New York were all located
next to a hot spot. The definitions and explanations of the different categories are in Table 4.
Figure 16. Local spatial clusters and outliers for Lyme disease cases
Surprisingly, the Local Outlier Analysis map for the Lyme disease rate has a different
distribution of values (Figure 17). The pattern of the 13 Multiple Types counties paralleled the
outline of the consecutive hot spot fairly well, with a few extra counties identified in this
category. As with the Lyme disease rate, the Only Low-Low Cluster tracked the outline of the no
detected pattern category. There were 80 counties (69% of the total counties) under this
classification. Eleven counties were classified as Only High-High Clusters, which followed the
other hot spot locations similarly. One county (Delaware County in New York) classified as a
Low-High Outlier was located next to a few High-High Clusters, and was detected as a hot spot
in the hot spot map.
Figure 17. Local spatial clusters and outliers for Lyme Disease Rate
There were minor differences between the Local Outlier maps for the count and rate of
Lyme disease. In the Local Outlier map for Lyme disease rate (Figure 17), a smaller number of
counties were marked as High-High Cluster in Massachusetts, which were classified as High-
High Clusters in the Local Outlier map for the disease count (Figure 16). The other major
difference was the increase of nine counties, or 8% of the number of counties, marked as Low-
Low Cluster in the Local Outlier map of the rate compared to that of count.
4.3. Spatiotemporal Data Analysis for Environmental Factors
The following subsections describe the result of the spatiotemporal data analysis for the
environmental factors. The results for climate characteristics are included in Section 4.2.1 (for
precipitation) and Section 4.2.2 (for temperature). The result of the Emerging Hot Spot is shown,
followed by the Local Moran’s I result. Section 4.2.3 contains optimized hot spot map for the
forest cover data. At the end of each section is a comparison of the Lyme disease maps and each
environmental factor. Any correlation between the maps was not taken as the cause of the Lyme
disease hot spots; rather, the correlations were noted to evaluate if they have a positive or
negative relationship. The basis of this process was to assess if there was any temporal trend
through the data that was occurring in the same locations as the Lyme disease hot spots.
4.3.1. Precipitation
The annual precipitation data had a definite cold temporal trend during 2001 to 2015.
Figure 18 shows the Emerging Hot Spots for precipitation. Interestingly, there were no temporal
hot spots. In the western portion of New York, there was a decrease in precipitation over the time
period. Several counties in this region (Niagara County, Orleans County, Monroe County,
Genesee County, Livingston County, Ontario County, Yates County, Seneca County, Schuyler
County, and Steuben County) were persistent cold spots that have been a statistically significant
cold spot with no increasing or decreasing trend for 90% of the time period. Several counties
with decreasing precipitation trend surrounded the persistent cold spots. These sporadic cold spot
included nine counties (Wyoming County, Allegany County, Jefferson County, Wayne County,
Cayuga County, Cortland County, Tompkins County, Tioga County, and Chemung County).
Besides western New York, three neighboring counties in Vermont (Grand Isle County,
Chittenden County, and Washington County) were sporadic cold spots and two counties in east-
central New York (Schoharie County and Schenectady County) were oscillating cold spots,
meaning there were decreasing precipitation trends in the final time period with a historical hot
spot at one point during 2001 and 2015. No statistical significant trends (hot spots or cold spots)
were detected for the rest of the study areas.
Figure 18. Emerging Hot Spots for Precipitation
The local outlier analysis revealed in Figure 19 provided interesting insight into the
precipitation trend. The majority of the map, 68 counties, was classified as multiple types, which
shows the precipitation for those counties varied over the years. There was a distinct linear trend
of the spread of this value through the study area. There was a collection of five counties in
central New York that are classified as high-high cluster (Madison County, Otsego County,
Oneida County, Herkimer County, and Fulton County). There was also one county in Vermont
(Bennington County) and seven neighboring counties in Massachusetts (Essex County, Norfolk
County, Bristol County, Middlesex County, Suffolk County, Plymouth County, and Barnstable
County). These areas show where there was a statistically significant cluster of high values of
There were seven counties total that have No Significant trend. There were five scattered
throughout New York (Chautauqua County, Onondaga County, Lewis County, Franklin County,
and Suffolk County), and two neighboring in Massachusetts (Dukes County and Nantucket
County). There were three total outlier counties, two High-Low outliers and one Low-High
outlier. They were all located in New York. The High-Low outlier counties were Chenango
County and Essex County, while the Low-High outlier is Richmond County. These show the
neighboring values were conflicting with the precipitation values for the county.
Figure 19. Local spatial clusters and outliers for Precipitation
Compared to emerging hot spots (Figure 18), spatial clustering by the Local Outlier
Analysis (Figure 19), yielded more local variations. The large cold spot in western New York
was almost exclusively marked as a Low-Low Cluster. A few of the sporadic cold spot counties
were marked as Multiple Types. This meant that they have a combination of trends. There were
two Only High-Low Outliers in New York (Chenango County and Essex County), and thirteen
High-High Clusters scattered in New York, Vermont, and Southern Massachusetts. Surprisingly,
there were no statistically significant hot spots that share the same locations. Other than a small
county in New York (Richmond County) marked as Low-High Cluster, the rest of the study area
was marked as Multiple Types. This extreme variation was intriguing when compared to the
consistency in the Emerging Hot Spot map.
The trend of the precipitation Emerging Hot Spot map (Figure 18) did not overlap with
those of the Lyme disease (Figures 14, and 15). This suggests that precipitation was not a strong
predictor of Lyme disease.
4.3.2. Temperature
The overall spatiotemporal trends for the three temperature variables during 2000 and
2015 were similar. The emerging hot spots for maximum temperature can be seen in Figure 20,
the emerging hot spots for mean temperature can be seen in Figure 21, and the emerging hot
spots for minimum temperature can be seen in Figure 22. The similarities of these maps will be
addressed first, followed by their differences. One remarkable trend is that Grand Isle County, a
small county in Western Vermont on the border of New York, was always classified as having
no pattern detected in all three temperature maps. This was remarkable as it is in the middle of a
contiguous cold spot.
The northern and northeastern portions of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, and New
York had a strong decreasing trend in temperature during 2000 and 2015. The majority of the
counties in Maine and New Hampshire show persistent cold spots in the outputs of the emerging
hot spot analysis. Surrounding the counties with persistent cold spots were those of sporadic cold
spots throughout the four states.
In terms of increasing trends in temperature, there were two hot spots in the southeastern
portions of Massachusetts and New York. These hot spots areas were either persistent hot spots
(continuously increases in temperature) or sporadic hot spots (inconsistently classified as hot
spots). In between the cold spots and the hot spots was a string of counties with no significant
spatiotemporal patterns of temperature detected. Generally speaking, it the data showed that the
weather has been getting colder in the northern section of the study area, and increasingly getting
warmer in the southern section. This followed the logic that the temperature decreases the further
north traveled.
There were few differences between the maps of the emerging hot spots in the annual
maximum temperature (Figure 20), the annual mean temperature (Figure 21), and the annual
minimum temperature (Figure 22). The emerging hot spot map for maximum temperature
showed sporadic hot spots throughout the most areas of Massachusetts, whereas those maps for
mean temperature and minimum temperature were classified as persistent hot spots or
intensifying hot spots. The sporadic hot spots of maximum temperature were also significantly
larger in areas than those of mean and minimum temperature. The minimum temperature map
had the only counties classified as a New Cold Spot. The two counties were Delaware County
and Greene County, and were centrally located in New York. These minor differences in the
maps below are why all of the temperature variables were included in the stepwise regression.
The temperature is not consistent throughout the study area, thus the inclusion of multiple values
allows for the possibility of one aspect of temperature correlating to Lyme disease more than
Figure 20. Emerging Hot Spots for Maximum Temperature
Figure 21. Emerging Hot Spots for Mean Temperature
Figure 22. Emerging Hot Spots for Minimum Temperature
Visually, the temperature emerging hot spots (Figure 20, 21 and 22) exhibit similarities to
the Lyme disease emerging hot spots (Figure 14 and 15). While the cold spots were not reflected
in the Lyme disease maps, the hot spot located in Massachusetts was analogous to the hot spot
depicted in the Lyme disease count map. The Lyme disease rate map had a small portion of the
temperature hot spot replicated in Massachusetts (in Bristol County, Barnstable County, Dukes
County, Nantucket County), while the rest of the Lyme disease hot spots fell under or near
temperature cold spots. There were nine counties that were marked as cold spots, two in Maine
(Hancock County and Waldo County), four in Vermont (Bennington County, Rutland County,
Windham County, and Windsor County), and three in New York (Washington County,
Rensselaer County, and Greene County). This result was the opposite of what was anticipated for
the relationship between temperature and Lyme disease rate. The expectation was based upon a
negative effect of the colder weather to the tick life cycle lead to less cases of Lyme disease.
Conversely, it was assumed warmer weather would increase cases of Lyme disease due to
increased movement in tick populations, and the human population. This was reflected in the hot
spot in southern Massachusetts, but not in the other Lyme disease hot spots. The lack of a clear
correlation demonstrated there was a complex relationship between temperature and cases of
Lyme disease.
On the other hand, the results of local outlier analysis (or local Moran’s I) of the
temperature variables alone showed more variation in spatial clustering (Figures 23, 24, and 25).
There is a distinct Northeast to Southwest trend of the Low-Low Clusters. Scattered throughout
there is a few multiple types counties, with three areas of High-High Clusters in the southeastern
portion of Massachusetts, and the southern and western portions of New York. There is a barrier
of counties marked as Never Significant in between the two types of clusters.
While the number of counties in the different categories was fairly equivalent in the local
outlier maps, there are a few differences. The mean temperature map had the only county marked
as High-Low Outlier, which was Franklin County, Massachusetts. It was marked as Never
Significant in the maximum temperature, and is a part of the Low-Low Cluster for minimum
temperature. The maximum temperature local Moran’s I map had the only Low-High Outlier, in
Greene County, New York. Greene County was marked as Never Significant in both the
minimum and mean maps. The final difference is the minimum temperature map had more
Never Significant and Low- Low Cluster, and less Multiple Types and High-High Cluster
counties than the other two maps.
Figure 23. Local spatial clusters and outliers for Maximum Temperature
Figure 24. Local spatial clusters and outliers for Mean Temperature
Figure 25. Local spatial clusters and outliers for Minimum Temperature
When compared to the temperature Emerging Hot Spot maps (Figures 20, 21, and 22),
the trend of these outlier maps (Figures 23, 24, and 25) was comparable. The Northeastern
pattern of the cold spots in the Emerging Hot Spot maps was almost exclusively Low-Low
Clusters. The Southeastern portions of Massachusetts and New York had mostly High-High
Clusters, with another High-High Cluster in western New York, which was similar to the hot
spots found in the maps.
The Local Outlier Analysis maps (Figures 23, 24, and 25), of the temperature variables
were similar in arrangement to the Lyme disease rate and count maps (Figures 14 and 15).
Temperature seemed to have a strikingly similar trend to Lyme disease counts, and less of a
correlation with Lyme disease rate. However, there were still similarities with the Lyme disease
rate maps. Lyme disease rate Local Outlier Analysis map had smaller groups of High-High
Clusters, and more overall Low-Low Clusters. Lyme disease case count overlap closely with the
mean temperature and minimum temperature Local Outlier maps. The main differences were a
few Low-High Clusters, and less Never Significant areas in the Lyme case counts. It is possible
temperature was a better predictor in true case counts as opposed to the incidence rate of Lyme
disease. However, the Lyme disease rate is a more robust analysis variable.
4.3.3. Spatial Data Analysis Results for Forest Cover
The Optimized Hot Spot Analysis tool was used for the forest cover variable, as there
was only one year of data available for each county (Figure 26). A sizeable contiguous hot spot
area, comprised of 63 counties, was found from the eastern New York border all the way to
Maine. Several cold spot areas were found in the southern and western portions of New York,
the southeastern portion of Massachusetts, and a section on the eastern Maine coast. These areas
consisted of 42 counties, or 36% of the study area. Scattered intermittently throughout were 11
counties that were not statistically significant for either hot or cold spots.
Figure 26. Optimized Hot Spots for Forest Cover Coverage
The visual comparison of the Lyme disease hot spots map (Figure 14 and 15) and the
forest cover hot spot map (Figure 26) indicated an important correlation between the two
variables. The six of the counties marked as hot spots in the Lyme disease maps corresponded to
cold spots in the forest cover map. The counties that were classified as cold spots were Knox
County, Lincoln County, Barnstable County, Bristol County, Dukes County, and Nantucket
County. The first two counties were located in eastern Maine, and the last four in southeastern
Massachusetts. Of the fourteen other counties marked as hot spots in the Lyme disease rate map,
two counties in Maine were marked as not significant, and twelve were marked as hot spots in
the forest cover map. The original relationship for areas with higher forest cover was a higher
correlation to areas with more cases of Lyme disease. However, it appears that the relationship
was not as clear as expected. This could be due to an increased population in the areas with
lower percentages of forest cover.
4.4. Lyme Disease Models
The final segment of the project results included the model selection. The OLS regression
results and the final regression model were described. Selected models are demonstrated in
section 4.4.1. For the complete list of models, see Appendix B. A residual analysis result was
conducted to present how well the final model fit.
4.4.1. Stepwise Regression Model for Lyme Disease Rates
The methods chapter described the backwards stepwise regression that was completely
run twice. After the first iteration, it was determined that more variables were needed to improve
the accuracy of the model. The second iteration included the additional variables. From the
stepwise regressions, there were five regressions determined to fit the data best:
• OLS 3 Model: Precipitation & Max Temperature
• OLS 5 Model: Year, Longitude, Latitude, Precipitation, Mean Temperature,
Maximum Temperature, Minimum Temperature, Forest Cover
• OLS 9 Model: Year, Longitude, Latitude, Mean Temperature, Max Temperature,
Forest Cover
• OLS 12 Model: Year, Longitude, Latitude, Max Temperature
• OLS 13 Model: Year, Longitude, Latitude, Mean Temperature
These regressions are shown in Table 6.
Table 6. Summary of test results selected models
OLS 3 OLS 5 OLS 9 OLS 12 OLS 13
Forest Cover
Forest Cover
Factor> 7.5
Yes No No Yes Yes
Yes No Yes Yes Yes
Jarque Bera
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
No No No No No
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
AICc 22544.586 22310.362 22308.602 22328.280 22312.169
Adjusted R-
0.029 0.1462 0.1465 0.1365 0.1440
With the exception of the OLS 5 model, the partial coefficients for all of the independent
variables had the anticipated signs (+ or -) and were statistically significant. The Variance
Inflation Factor (VIF) of the OLS 5 and OLS 9 models are significantly over 7.5, indicating the
considerable variable redundancy (or collinearity). Once those variables were removed, the
values of the VIF became acceptable (< 7.5) in the OLS12 and OLS 13 models. All five models
passed the Jarque Bera test and the Koenker Test, but the residuals were still spatially
autocorrelated. This indicates no model bias and the stationary relationships between the
explanatory variables and the Lyme disease rate, but there is likely regression misspecification,
meaning some key explanatory variables are missing. Stationarity refers to the consistent
relationship with Lyme disease in reference to geography and time period.
The presented regression models were chosen to show the increased capability of the
regression model by adding more variables. OLS 3 was the result from the first complete
stepwise regression and showed that only approximately 3% of the Lyme disease rate was
explained by the regression. While OLS 5 did not pass the majority of the model checks, it was
included to show the substantial increase in the Adjusted R-squared, and the decrease in the
AICc from OLS 3. In OLS 5 and OLS 9, there was a high VIF due to the multicollinearity
between the mean temperature and maximum temperature. The VIF check was passed when only
one temperature variable was included in the model. This is shown in OLS 12 and OLS 13.
The final model choice was between OLS 12 and OLS 13. The results were sufficiently
comparable that either model could have been selected. There was an improvement of than 1% in
the Adjusted R-squared of OLS 13, which was selected as the ultimate regression model. This
model was picked as the overall best fit with the variables available.
The regression results were different than expected. Precipitation and forest cover had a
smaller effect than anticipated. The anticipated relationship with higher precipitation leading to
more cases of Lyme disease (due to increased host and habitat survivability) was not found. The
location (longitude and latitude) and time (year) were consistently significant, showing spatial
locations and time were noteworthy predictors to Lyme disease. Temperature was a significant
predictor itself, but the inclusion of other variables determined which aspect of temperature was
significant in the different regressions. Overall, the regression models in this study did not
explain a sizeable portion of the variance of the Lyme disease rate. Other (natural or human)
environmental variables might increase model performance. Other types of modeling techniques
(e.g. Poisson regression) should also be considered for Lyme disease model prediction.
The OLS 13 model was selected to be the final Lyme disease model. The full OLS 13 model
equation is as follows:
y = - 4057.99 + 3.56X
+ 12.42X
– 42.05X
– 6.69X
+ 0 eq. 8
4.4.2. Residual Analysis Results for the Lyme Disease Models
The residual analysis was included to evaluate the model performance. This consisted of
statistics of the residuals, a residual plot, and a residual map. Root Mean Square Error (RMSE),
Mean Absolute Error (MAE), and Mean Bias Error (MBE) were calculated for both OLS 12 and
OLS 13 (Table 7). The results displayed that OLS 13 was overall the model with the least errors
and thus the best choice of the Lyme disease model.
Table 7. Residual analysis results
Residual Analysis
OLS 12 OLS 13
RMSE 98.79 98.36
MAE 51.10 52.23
MBE -3.36 -2.59
The RMSE, as a measure of accuracy determined which model with the smallest error for
the dataset. When comparing OLS 12 and OLS 13, the latter had a marginally smaller RMSE. To
determine the best overall model, the next two residual statistics were then examined. The
comparison of the two models with MAE, a measure of the average absolute difference between
the observed values and the predicted values, showed a slightly smaller MAE of OLS 12 than
that of OLS 13.
The final residual statistic MBE for the overall bias of the model was then evaluated. It is
important to note that the positive and negative difference could cancel out in MBE, displaying
whether the model uniformly over- and under-estimated. Both models had a negative MBE,
indicating that the model over-estimated the Lyme disease rate more than it under-estimated the
rate. The OLS 13 model had MBE closer to 0, which was the ideal balance between the counties
with over-estimated Lyme disease rate and those with under-estimated rate. This supports the
previous statement that the OLS 13 model was the better fit than OLS 12. However, the
differences between the two models were marginal, thus choosing OLS 13 over OLS 12 would
not result in a pronounced improvement.
The residuals were also plotted against the predicted values (Figure 27). This plot shows
that the model can be improved based on the dispersion of the residuals. The residual plot is not
evenly distributed vertically, they have clear outliers, and they have a distinct linear trend. The
plot is showing heteroscedasticity, meaning the residuals are getting larger as the prediction
values increase. This indicates there is another variable influencing the incidence of Lyme
disease that is not included in the regression equation.
Figure 27 Residual plot
The final step of the residual analysis was to create a residual map (Figure 28). This
was created to show the disparity in the predicted versus actual values of Lyme disease in OLS
13. The areas in blue show the locations where the model over-predicted the Lyme disease rate.
Conversely, the areas in red show the locations where the model under-predicted the Lyme
disease rate. Overall, there were 25 counties (or 22%) marked as under-predicted, and 43
counties (or 37%) marked as over-predicted.
Figure 28. Residual Hot Spot Map for the study area
The dispersion of the residual hot spots showed the relationship with the Lyme disease
rate. The areas marked as under-predicted (the hot spots) are very close to the locations marked
as hot spots for the Lyme disease rate. Of the 25 counties marked as under-predictions, 14 of the
counties were classified as hot spots in the Lyme disease rate hot spot map (Figure 15). The
predicted values of the counties identified as hot spots in the Lyme disease hot spot maps was
not expected to be accurate; however, the discrepancy was greater than expected. The over-
predicted counties in the residual hot spot map do not correlate with the Lyme disease rates.
Overall, the final Lyme disease model showed Latitude with the greatest coefficient (-
42.05), indicating lower latitudes correlated with a higher incidence rate. The Longitude of the
counties was the second driver for the Lyme disease rate in the model, with a coefficient value of
12.4, indicating lower longitudes (or more eastern locations) correlate with a higher Lyme
disease incidence. The mean temperature had a partial coefficient of -6.69 in the Lyme disease
model, meaning that lower mean temperature correlates to higher incidence rates of Lyme
disease. The variable year, which had a correlation coefficient of 3.56, was positively correlated
with Lyme disease incidence and consistent with the increasing trend of Lyme disease incidence.
While the results of the residual analysis showed that the OLS 13 model had the best fit,
the model only explained 14.4% of the variance in the Lyme disease rate. Overall, locations
(latitude and longitude) were found to be the most influential variables for Lyme disease
incidence. The mean temperature and the year were also influential, but were significantly less
influential than location. Despite the lack of variance explained, the predicted Lyme disease map
was created and the correlation between the variables and Lyme disease incidence were
established for this study.
Chapter 5 Conclusions
The spatiotemporal analyses conducted in this study have provided vast insights into the
correlation of Lyme disease and the selected environmental factors over space and time. This
chapter provides a summary of the outcomes. Also included in this chapter are the major
limitations in the study design with a discussion of future directions of the study.
The overall aim of the project, to understand the spatiotemporal relationships between
Lyme disease and environmental factors, has been met. The rate of Lyme disease has previously
been established as rising in the majority of the counties in the study area over the period of 2000
and 2015. This study found there were exceptions of to this trend. The exceptions were the
declining trend of the Lyme disease in seven (7) counties. These counties, including Columbia
County, Dutchess County, Nassau County, Orange County, Putnam County, Suffolk County, and
Westchester County, were all located in the southeastern portion of New York. Within the seven
counties, Columbia County was identified as a diminishing hotspot for the Lyme disease rate as
Three subregions of the study area contained the Lyme disease rate emerging hot spots.
The largest area of the Lyme disease hot spot was centrally located at the juncture of New York,
Vermont, and Massachusetts. It included six counties from New York, four counties from
Vermont, and two counties from Massachusetts. The hot spots were a mix of consecutive hot
spots, persistent hot spots, diminishing hot spots, and sporadic hot spots, indicating various
changes in the temporal trend of Lyme disease in this subregion. The temporal neighbors are not
consistent for each county throughout the study period.
The spread of the other two hot spot areas were confined to the eastern seaboard of the
study area. Four counties in the southeastern portion of Maine were classified as consecutive hot
spots, indicating a statistically significant probability of Lyme disease in this area. Another four
counties in the southernmost tip of Massachusetts also showed statistical significance in the
probability of Lyme disease, but the temporal distributions vary.
The regression model of Lyme disease indicated precipitation and maximum temperature
being the two significant environmental variables for Lyme disease incidence. When considering
spatial (longitude and latitude) and temporal (year) variables, however, precipitation is no longer
significant, and mean temperature became significant. The independent variables of our final
Lyme disease model included year, longitude, latitude, and mean temperature. Spatial locations
were overall the most critical drivers for the Lyme disease.
Because the R-squared of the Lyme disease model is fairly low (14.4%), this model is a
suitable inferential model, as it indicated important variables that influence Lyme disease. Lower
latitudes are correlated with higher incidence rates and more eastern locations (less negative
longitude) are correlated with higher Lyme disease rates. In terms of climate, lower mean
temperature attributes to the higher incidence rate of Lyme disease. Time (year) is positively
correlated with Lyme disease incidence, which is consistent with the increasing temporal trend of
Lyme disease incidence.
5.1 Limitations
There were several limitations in the project design and analysis. The main limitation was
the use of aggregated data in the county level. Due to health privacy laws, the use of aggregated
data is more accessible. However, the use of aggregated data decreases the power of the analysis.
The spatial relationships of the Lyme disease incidence and the environmental factors might
have been weakened due to this scale problem. The other data aggregation limitation is the
aggregation of climate data. Climate data used for this study are spatially interpolated data from
weather stations. Using only one point per county as the climate variable might lessen the
accuracy of the climate data. Unfortunately, the aggregation of county-level data did not allow a
raster input for the entire interpolated area, which limited the actual distribution of climate data
being included.
Another limitation is the overall data quality. The Lyme disease case counts as published
by the CDC is unable to provide an accurate location or date of diagnosis. It also represented
where the disease case was diagnosed but not where it was contracted. A case of Lyme disease
can be contracted in one county, but diagnosed in another. A second data quality example is the
lack of temporal variation of the forest cover data. It was necessary for the estimation of a land
use variable, however the availability of merely one year of data hampered the estimation of the
true temporal correlation. The final data quality issue is the missing data for few counties in the
PRISM climate data. All of these limitations restricted the accuracy of the results, but were
addressed as effectively as possible.
Another study limitation is the data accuracy from various sources. This is related to the
data quality issue. The data used in the study were all secondary data that might contain
unknown measurement errors and bias. This error problem might be reduced if the data
collection was designed with the research objectives and done by the researcher. It was not
possible for this study due to time constraints and lack of resources.
5.2 Future Directions and Implications
The study can be enhanced in multiple directions in the future. First, the study area can be
expanded to include the states of Connecticut and Rhode Island. There are hotspots identified
near the border of New York and Massachusetts, where Rhode Island and Connecticut are
located. Including this spatial neighbor will help understanding the important spatiotemporal
trend of this area. The two states were excluded in this study for the concern of data processing
time. By adding the total 14 counties of these two states, the number of county-year polygons to
be analyzed would have increased to 224 instead of 116.
The next future direction will be to look at the areas that were notably different from
other counties in the study. This can include any hot spot or Low-High Outlier areas. For
example, by investigating the Low-High Outlier such as Delaware County, New York the reason
behind the dynamics of Lyme disease rate can be further realized. The possible reasons could be
either related to natural resources (e.g. fewer habitats available for ticks to survive), or related to
human practices (e.g. better prevention methods).
Last but not least, a future direction can also be to investigate more variables related to
tick habitat environment, particularly critical thresholds related to tick’s survival. Determining
the bounds of tick survivability would increase the ability to predict when an influx of Lyme
disease may occur. When the environment is suitable for ticks, it would amplify the possible
number of cases for that year and the year after. Studying the conditions of what a tick needs to
survive, and what would kill a tick could inform possible tick epidemic in advance and prevent
cases of Lyme disease from being contracted.
The Lyme disease models built in this study brought several benefits. It provides the
guidance to public health officials in creating and distributing accurate preventative measures to
the general public. The public health department can also benefit from this study to increase the
knowledge and known qualities of Lyme disease. The spatiotemporal correlations between Lyme
disease and the environmental factors identified in this study also can be used to educate the
general public to be aware of the possible endemic areas and the environment of contracting
Lyme disease.
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Appendix A Lyme Disease Rate Hot Spot Classifications
County State Classification Hot Spot
Hancock County Maine Consecutive Hot Spot Eastern (2)
Knox County Maine Consecutive Hot Spot Eastern (2)
Lincoln County Maine Consecutive Hot Spot Eastern (2)
Waldo County Maine Consecutive Hot Spot Eastern (2)
Barnstable County Massachusetts Sporadic Hot Spot Southern (3)
Berkshire County Massachusetts Diminishing Hot Spot Central (1)
Bristol County Massachusetts Consecutive Hot Spot Southern (3)
Dukes County Massachusetts Intensifying Hot Spot Southern (3)
Franklin County Massachusetts Sporadic Hot Spot Central (1)
Nantucket County Massachusetts Intensifying Hot Spot Southern (3)
Albany County New York Persistent Hot Spot Central (1)
Columbia County New York Diminishing Hot Spot Central (1)
Greene County New York Persistent Hot Spot Central (1)
Rensselaer County New York Persistent Hot Spot Central (1)
Ulster County New York Diminishing Hot Spot Central (1)
Washington County New York Consecutive Hot Spot Central (1)
Bennington County Vermont Consecutive Hot Spot Central (1)
Rutland County Vermont Consecutive Hot Spot Central (1)
Windham County Vermont Consecutive Hot Spot Central (1)
Windsor County Vermont Consecutive Hot Spot Central (1)
Appendix B Ordinary Least Squares Models 1 to 13
Variables ß
VIF Jarque
AICC Residuals Koenker
Ppt, Min T,
Mean T, Max
No No No Yes 0.0290 22546.035 Yes No
Ppt, Mean T,
Max T
No No No Yes 0.0291 22544.890 Yes No
Ppt, Max T Yes Yes Yes Yes 0.0288 22544.586 Yes No
Latitude, Ppt,
Min T, Mean
T, Max T,
Forest Cover
No No No Yes 0.146 22312.848 Yes No
Latitude, Ppt,
Mean T, Max
T, Forest
No No No Yes 0.146 22310.362 Yes No
Latitude, Ppt,
Max T, Forest
No No Yes Yes 0.137 22329.543 Yes No
Latitude, Ppt,
Mean T, Forest
No No Yes Yes 0.144 22314.274 Yes No
Latitude, Min
T, Mean T,
Max T, Forest
No No No Yes 0.146 22310.042 Yes No
Latitude, Mean
T, Max T,
Forest Cover
Yes No Yes Yes 0.147 22308.603 Yes No
Latitude, Mean
T, Forest
Yes No Yes Yes 0.144 22312.281 Yes No
Latitude, Max
T, Forest
Yes No Yes Yes 0.137 22327.758 Yes No
Latitude, Max
Yes Yes Yes Yes 0.137 22328.280 Yes No
Latitude, Mean
Yes Yes Yes Yes 0.144 22312.169 Yes No
ß - partial coefficient
Sig - Significant
Ppt - Precipitation
Abstract (if available)
Lyme disease is the most common vector borne disease in the United States. The incidence rate of Lyme disease has been on the rise since it was defined in 1977. From 2000 to 2016, there were over 18,000 cases of Lyme disease diagnosed each year. Of all the confirmed cases of Lyme disease in the United States, 95% occur in the Northeastern and Midwestern states. Lyme disease is contracted by a bite from an infected tick, Ixodes scapularis. This research aimed to find the hot spots of Lyme disease and the environmental risk factors, determine the counties that are hot spots in the Lyme disease rate and climate variables maps, and to create a model to test the influence of the variables. Past studies of Lyme disease created risk maps that centered on regression analysis. This study goes a step further to include trend analysis of Lyme disease and the environmental factors while considering spatial and temporal factors. ❧ This study investigated the spatiotemporal trend of the Lyme disease spread rate and environmental factors using hot spot analyses and local Moran’s I. A space time cube of these factors was generated and emerging hotspots over 16 years of time period (2000 – 2015) were analyzed. The hot spots were used to identify the correlations of Lyme disease and climate factors. An ordinary least square regression was used to evaluate the relationships between Lyme disease and the environmental risk factors to create an inferential model of Lyme disease. Spatial and temporal environmental risk factors included were precipitation, minimum, mean, and maximum temperature, latitude, longitude, percent forest cover, and year. The variables found to be most significant were year, longitude, latitude, and mean temperature, and explained 14.4% variance of Lyme disease rate in the study area. The significant spatiotemporal environmental factors identified provide researchers and public health officials with updated key factors, and can be used to educate the general public on high-risk areas in the northeastern United States.
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Asset Metadata
McGinnis, Marisa Lynn
Core Title
A spatiotemporal analysis of environmental risk factors of Lyme disease in the Northeastern United States
College of Letters, Arts and Sciences
Master of Science
Degree Program
Geographic Information Science and Technology
Publication Date
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University of Southern California
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emerging hot spot,environmental factors,GIS,local outlier analysis,Lyme disease,Northeastern United States,OAI-PMH Harvest,ordinary least squares regression
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emerging hot spot
environmental factors
local outlier analysis
Lyme disease
Northeastern United States
ordinary least squares regression