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Los Angeles Webster Commission records, 1931-1992
After action report, 1992-04/1992-05
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After action report, 1992-04/1992-05
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• • • June 26, 1992 1.10 INTRADEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE TO: Director, Office of Administrative Services FROM: Commanding Officer, Fiscal Support Bureau SUBJECT: AFTER-ACTION REPORT FOR THE APRIL/MAY RIOTS Attached is Fiscal Support Bureau's (FSB) response for the Department's After-Action Report on the civil unrest of April and May, 1992. Attachment No. 1 is a list of the cost of items'stocked or coordinated by Supply Division. Attachment No. 2 is a list of damage to Department vehicles by Division, including parts and labor. Attachment No. 3 is a written critique based on information from FSB divisions. Attachment No. 4 is a copy of the Property Division After-Action Report in its entirety. This report contains detailed information on problems encountered regarding the booking of looted property. Fiscal Operations Division (FOD) has not submitted a final report on personnel deployment or total cost. FOO is continuing to work with Tactical Planning Section to formulate the most accurate assessment possible. This information is not only important for the Department's After-Action Report, .but also is needed for claims being submitted to the State and Federal government documenting reimbursable costs. Attachments • DISCUSSION ISSUE I-A RECOMMENDATION I-A • ISSUE I-B RECOMMENDATION I-B ISSUE I-C • FISCAL SUPPORT BUREAU DIVISIONAL AFTER ACTION CRITIQUES 1992 CIVIL DISTURBANCE I PERSONNEL ATTACHt- 1ENT NO. 3 The call to mobilization was not uniformly applied throughout the Bureau. It was immediately obvious that each Division had specific deployment needs which would have to be met on an individual basis. Bureau staff was placed on A/B watches (FSB C/0 "A" watch, LT adjutant "B" watch} to provide maximum coverage and assistance to the Emergency Operations Center (EOC}. Fiscal Operations Division (FOO) wis not mobilized. No FOO representative was designated for assignment to the EOC. FOO was called upon to piece all fiscal and payroll matters together "after the fact". Mobilize a limited number of FOO personnel to respond to payroll/fiscal inquiries. Designate a FOO representative to serve as liaison to the EOC. This may be accomplished by having the C/0 FOO assigned to "B" watch to compliment the C/0 of FSB on "A" watch. Supply Division was mobilized, placed on A/B watches and provided a logistics officer to the EOC. This logistics officer position was somewhat ineffective and was bypassed by sworn personnel at the EOC. The need for EOC personnel to make adequate use of the Supply Division's logistics position and the Department of General Services (DGS) representative at the EOC should be emphasized. If not, the Supply Division position could be more productively used at Supply Division and still be available telephonically to the EOC for advice. Motor Transport Division (MTD) was selectively mobilized by area as requested or needed. After the magnitude of the Unusual Occurrence was known an MTD representative was requested to be assigned to the EOC ·to handle transportation related problems • 1 • DISCUSSION ISSUE II-A RECOMMENDATION II-A ISSUE II-B • RECOMMENDATION II-B ISSUE II-C . • II LOGISTICS Significant issues arose regarding logistical support provided by FSB Divisions. The Bureau played an active role in dealing with the EOC and assisting FSB Divisions with their support functions. The coordination of food service operations at the EOC was a problem early on and continued to be a problem during the first few days of the Unusual Occurrence. FSB became directly involved with DGS purchasing to insure proper handling of contracts. The Supply Division and DGS personnel assigned to the EOC should be better utilized to solve problems such as food services. If problems_ arise beyond their capabilities, FSB and DGS can be contacted for assistance. Many officers and detectives were unprepared for uniformed riot duty. Supply Division expended most of its regular replacement stock of uniformed items within the first two days of the Unusual Occurrence . . Periodic inspection of non-uniformed officers should be re-emphasized to insure they are ready for field duty. The vehicle shortages reported during the Unusual Occurr~nce occurred primarily because of poor vehicle management rather than an absence of vehicles. Vehicles were reassigned from outlying areas without apparent controls or coordination. Vehicles were driven to the command posts without accountability. Vehicles were left at South Bureau divisions without notification; and vehicles throughout the city were rendered unusable due to lost or misplaced keys. The EOC contacted DGS on Ap~il 30, 1992 to request 40 additional vehicles. At no time during the disturbance d1d the EOC indicate to MTD that the department was experiencing a shortage of vehicles. In addition to the vehicles that were placed into service by MTD, approximately 80 more black & whit~ vehicles were in storage and available to be temporarily placed in the fleet. While these vehicles were not completely field ready, they were equipped with emergency ligh~s and sirens • 3 • RECOMMENDATION II-C ISSUE II-D RECOMMENDATION II-D • ISSUE III-A RECOMMENDATION III-A • Acquisition of vehicles from sources outside the department should be coordinated through MTD. This could be arranged through the MTD representative at the EOC (Recommendation I-C), or the Commanding Officer, MTD. This would provide better vehicle accountability and facilitate the return of vehicles at the conclusion of the Unusual Occurrence MTD was inundated with requests for jail buses and drivers even after all jail buses were deployed and despite the fact that bus driving duties are beyond the duties of MTD employees. All buses controlled by MTD should be modified to jail bus security standards despite the undesirability for community relations or other general use. The current program for bus driver licensing administered by the Driver Training Unit must be continued. Records indicating completion of the course and state licensing should be maintained by Personnel and Training Bureau and distributed to every division where a trained officer is assigned and to the EOC • III TACTICAL MANUAL The tactical manual in use during the Unusual Occurrence was grossly outdated. Even the revised edition disseminated afterwards contains provisions that should be revised or eliminated. The Department and Property Division were not prepared for the massive booking of evidence as a result of the looting during the Unusual Occurrence. Approval was obtained from the Chief of Police to deviate from established provisions to allow for property normally classified as evidence to be booked as non-evidence when.the property could not be linked to a specific crime, arrestee, victim, or -location. The current tactical manual should be reviewed to revise or eliminate obsolete sections dealing with such topics as: Fieid Jail Unit Evidence Detail and Inventory of Emergency Equipment; and add provisions for the mass booking of property and standards by which serialized and non-serialized items should be held to in these circumstances • 4 · • • • UNUSUAL OCCURRENCE SITUATION REPORT SUMMARY 24-HOUR REPORT SUMMARY April 30 to May 1, 1992 From 0600, April 30, through 0600, May 1, the civil unrest continued to result in looting, shootings, fires, and destruction of property in the South Los Angeles area. In the late afternoon and through the night, the violence noticeably spread to the Hollywood, Harbor, and Rampart Areas. At 0430, Communications Division reported that the busiest OVB Areas were Foothil and Van Nuys; the busiest OWB Areas were Wilshire and Hollywood; the busiest OVB Area was 77th. Other OSB Areas were extremely busy, but not quite as busy as 77th. STATISTICAL RECAP (TOTALS TO DATE AS OF 0500) Arrests: 1195 Deaths: 26 Officer-involved shootings: 4 (with 3 suspects killed, 4 wounded; no officer injuries) Number of personnel deployed: to UO assi•Jnrnents LAPD: Other Law Enforcement: National Guard: (340 more available) TOTAL: 2647 1109 494 4330 I JNUSUAL OCCURRENCE SITUATION REPORT SUMMARY PERSONNEL DEPLOYMENT (Information from Form 14.27.0) • . ~ANK or TITL: AC TI VE A. SSISTANT CHIEF DEPUTY CHIEF .4 COMMANDER CAPTAIN LIEUTENANT SERGEANT DETECTIVE \S 8 POLICE OFFICER TE SERGEANT TE OFFICER TOTAL SWORN Personnel I ~ l\ l. y . • LICE RESERVE I 5 8 I CIVILIAN EMPLOYEE I 3 5 . ~ 1 . g I I ti I i i I 01 GRAND TOTAL ~5\1 FIELD TASK FORCE ;:;E?ORT TO ECC0 I I I I RE.~D'f' I I RESERVE ·I TOTAL 0 0 I o I 4 I ;l.' I 3ea\ I ' / /' 0 0 L\ l, ~3 4-9 ~i~ l19 ~\3~ ,9 '~?- I J_S \ 1 I s<a I -3s I I I I ·1 I .· I I I I I I I I I 93 I :)\D ;:'age 2 I P:RSONNEL : TOTAL '! AVAILA3~: ECC0 i POOL• (at I ASS IGNEJ , : i=lESERV: : central locauon :o r:ieid i ask :n ·, awaiting Fores. :CCO. J ivisior.s assignment to ! ?ersonnel r: ield Task Forcel P-x,1 5 I ~ sr ~ 5 i \ '5 y lO I t 9 I l6?- \0 I I I I ; I I ! I I I I I I I I I I : I I I I I I i i i i I ! I I I I I I I r I I I i i i I I I i I l I 37 I I ~loL\-1 i I i Summary of Significant Details: • List location of Personnel Pools in th is Summary . • '..APO 14. 10., (8/ 851 UNUSUAL OCCURRENCE SITUATION REPORT SU~MARY LOGISTICS REPORT • o~:::i:. :OUl?MENI .~SSIGN='.J ,;,..._ ___ •_-=-:,= _ __;;_ ___ __;;,_;_.;..::..::. ____ _ (lnto,~a:,cn fr:~ . =or~~~ 1· : 1 0~, : ~- ,~,: SL~C:< 5. WH17E C.!. . ~S a~co TD 05-0f-9:J- ~ : E i_D ,~S!< F• 'JRC:. :1 JC::>t_Q':':'.: ,~ I ~es~~ - ,~ '";9:~? i l ~ ,~,: s ..I ' " s . 5~ L..{9_5 :1 L\ \ lo \09 . , -a~ \3 · 7 : , 'i y ii TR 1 JC:<S 0 : I :I .I H ::UCO?TORS I :1 Other Venic:les : VA:N ~ 3 ! I I l 0 0 1 1 I 2- a a I I ?.. TOTAL VEHICLES 60 <3~ li!,S7 , I ss, ROVERS \\a~ \0 . ,~, ~ ii , teoi -· • Othe~ :qu i ;::me:-ir · Sµ.c .s s· ·- ~ --0 ! I 54 54 I I I i Dur ing r:iis ;::er,od HEALS SERVED Mo j or items ex;::ended: . 1 .-\ c i-: ~ v e;, i c: I e c n c: e qt; i p :-n en r d: ~ ; e : Criric:ol s:iorta;es : Antic:i;:,oted needs: • • · • ( _ . UNUSUAL OCCURRENCE SITUATION REPORT SUMMARY 24-HOUR REPORT SUMMARY May 1 to May 2, 1992 STATISTICAL RECAP (TOTALS TO DATE AS OF 0500) Arrests: Felony: Misd. Deaths: Serious Inj: Minor Inj: 2384 1451 933 41 157 157 Officer-involved shootings: 11 no hits shootings 7 shootings with hits 5 suspects killed 5 suspects wounded 3 officers injured Personnel deployed to UO Assignments LAPD: Other Law Enforcement: National .Guard: · TOTAL: 2615 926 2011* 5552 * National Guard reports 2819 personnel assigned to UO; task forces show 2011 deployed. U~USUAL OCCURRENCE SITUATION REPORT SUMMARY PERSONNEL DEPLOYMENT (Information from Form 14.27.0) OS-O\ -4 ~ ~ 'fl) 6 S-OJ.. a_ Ck:C:x) i i i i i ! • ~ANK or TITLE ASSISTANT CHIEF OE?UTY CHIEF COMMANDER CAPTAIN LIEUTENANT SERGEANT DETECTIVE POLICE OFFICER TE SERGEANT - TE OFFICER LA:Pl:) SGt\JA,t) (Ylei7<..D TOTAL SWORN Personnel LICE RESERVE VILIAN EMPLOYEE N R -n ~(lL G\'.) (/) C. \-\-? C .g Mf\'25~LLS ~ ! FIELD TASK FORCE REPORT TO ECC0 I READY ACTIVE RESERVE I I I I I - I I I I I I I 70TAL I ?..o l t I I %So I , c:;-4 ;i, ~~t'I ~<!:,es I I ~J_ ... -, I l ~ ";u.~ c I GRAND TOTAL I ~937 ECC0 I I I I I I . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Summary of Significant Details: • List location of Personnel Pools in this Summary. . ----------------- - - - - -- - - PERSONNEL POOL• {at I central location awaiting usignment to I Field Tas1< Force) I I I I I I I I I I I I ! l I I I ! I i I I I I TOTAL ASSIGNED to Field Task Fcrcs. ECCO, & ?9r,onnet Pool 5 lo i9 (7 ;l 11S {I 44 ) ' . : -::>- 89 c9o \ ~, ! i I i ! I I i I I I I I I I -:t 5 b ~ - , I 3 '23 " I \5 I I I I - I I I I ! I I I i l I I ! i 2l, \.6 I ! AVAILASL.: RESERVE :n Divisions i I I I I i i ' I I ; i : i I : : I UNUSUAL OCCURRENC E SI UA Ti ON REPOR T SUMMA ~Y LOGISTICS RE RT PO CS-0\- ~~ d.oCCJ ~ 65-0~4°'a.1 0 I F I ELD T.\SK FORCE I DEPLOYED i I DEPT. EQUIPMENT ASSIGNED i IN i /lnlorma110n lrcm i=or:n · 14 . 11) Oeo i o v e-: Reser- •,e ! To~al ! Ar'!a s. D, vs . I - •· ! ! I BLACK & WHITE CARS " L\ <39 45 53'-{- ! : -- ' PLAIN CARS :j ( 4 l '57 l '1 ~ ' ! !j I I .i i · 2 WHEEL MOTORCYCLES :1 s- l. ;J._ 54 j j , , I 3 'NHE~L MOTORCYCLES 1 1 I I I .½ 3 I ~ i BUSS ES I ( J_ 3 I ' TRUCKS i I I I I. HELICOPTORS : I ; I I : - I I Or her Vehicles _ : I ' 3 Lf I i ~ .. U-SPt-Ga rJ I I ! I I I TOTAL VEHICLES 68~ I t l. io1 I I ROVERS 91., \ CY7 \D~t I • CC:> B I - Other Equipment · ;i._sy 34L, SHcTGu~ cv_ 'a · 9:1 c')e . Dur ing t!i i s ;:,eri od MEALS SERVED Ma t or items expended : Ma je r veh i cle and ~qu i p~ent damage : Cr itical shortages : Anticipated needs: • -. __ ____ ._ ,,, .. . · · - (•- . \_. ..... .,-· - .. - ;:·:· : . . ' . UNUSUAL OCCURRENCE SITUATION REPORT SUMMARY 24-HOUR REPORT SUMMARY May 2 to May 3, 1992 STATISTICAL_RECAP_CTOTALS_TD_DATE_AS_OF_0500) Arrests Reported by T ·='~ s ~ : : F c~ ,- i= e ·5 : Arrests Reported by F.:; ~: I ( F tACt1 IS) : Total: 4352 ( . :?,. t <)53<)) Fe l C1il\i·: 22<)2 Mi - 5d. 2429 35 Serious Inj: 219 Mi no i- In j : 229 Officer-involved shootings: 12 no hits shootings 8 shootings with hits 5 ~u~~eL~~ k illed 7 suspects wounded ~ ott1cers injured Personnel deployed to ww: st~tistics may increase o~ I . ~ ~ - ..J .• - J.. -1... ?_.•J - =-. !_. :_ i ' due to coroner opinion or deaths occurring from prior ~ . .. -. - ~·_·.! . LAPD EOC REPORTED DATE: TIME: · o~oo COMPLETED BY: • OPERATIONS CENTRAL BUREAU OPERATIONS SOUTH BURE.AU Routine Patrol A,.~Q Routine Patrol I ,z1 ~' ! Committed to CP /""", er Committed to CP ?!, 0 ~ I Avail. Reserve 4 ~ ::'" Avail. Reserve ro LAPD TOTAL Ir-- o, -~ LA.PD TOTAL IOC9 - outside'· Agenc_ ies -& Outside Agencies 3 :z_ \ Nat'l. Guard .c:-oo - Nat' 1. Guard ,-:, <"" Dy1 /"-- USMC G- I USMC -- - FEDERAL J '1 ,~ FEDERAL .L./ I <.,,, I I - Other ~ Other e· GRAND TOTAL I 5~{.o GRAND TOT.AL '-I"~-::; ,,.., --J OPERATIONS WEST BUREAU OPERATIONS VALLEY BUREAU • Routine Patrol Sr< Routine Patrol Committed to CP »- Committed to CP Avail. Reserve 7)-0 Avail. Reserve LAPD TOTAL ~~--5' LAPD TOTAL outside Agencies ff Outside Agencies , -, Nat'l. Guard /~17 Nat'l. Guard USMC _ ;pr FEDERAL ff FEDER.~ Other -~ Other GRAND TOTAL 1,b8 GRAND TOTAL TO BE COMPLETED BY BOC STAFF ONLY: . CITY-WIDE LAPD TOTAL: _<_"' ~'J_.l_O __ NAT'L. GUARD TOTAL: 3.9 77 · •· CITY-WIDE GRAND TOTAL: 17-·tn FEDERAL TOTAL: _~_S_iJ __ _ OUTSIDE AGENCIES TOTAL: 3:Z~ orHERS TOTAL: -6- ----- ---=-------- • • • ~rt4tf+L-l~ - pu -(_)),..t H 1 - - T --lc:r..l..) M-e..-t-fD - 2-2.7 tJ It -!". · ' },, _ _ _ } ;J, /)11 !'\ 1 ..:; . - ✓uv USD Tb -,.--i ~ .. , f .... , _, _,_; _ ;- , ' -- LOGISTICS REPORT I I FIELD . ! DEPT. EQUIPMENT ASSIGNED TASK FORCE OEPt..OYEO IN (lnlormacion !rem Form ,,.11) Oeoloved Resel"ve I Total Ar~as ; .Oivs. • 6 LACK & WHITE CARS I L\?...~ L\Y L.\ 7 J.___ I I (L.\l l PLAIN CARS ~ . rL\ 34 \ 0 ~ I 47 2 WHEEL MOTORCYCLES i i 3alo 3 lo S3 3 WHEEL MOTORCYCLES ~ i l L\ ( 1. I SUSSES 3 I I I I TRUCKS I -- I I I I H ELICOPTORS i Other Vehicles : I i ~-~J\:.C..~ 3 3 i I I VA:N \ f TOTAL VEHICLES Suto \ ~\ I to j_ 7 :1-49 I ROVERS 1 '-\1 q9 ~~5 I :22..S I Other Equipment : '-qo I ~~~~ l so 4o (0·7 • I I -: I I Ourin~ this period HEALS SERVED Ma jor items expended : Me ier ven i c:le and equ i pment d-::ma;e : Cr itical shortages : Anticipated needs: • • • • OFFICE OF 1liE SPECIAL ADVISOR TO 1llE BOARD OF POLICE CO~IONERS CITY OF LOS ANGEU:S D. DEPARTMENT RF:SQURCF.S Continued 71. Does your depanment approve the use of tear gas in civil disturbances? 72 I No I If "Yes". who (what ranks) can authorize the use of tear gas in a civil disturbance? Use of a chemical agent for crowd or riot control must be authorized by an officer of the rank of Comnander or higher. (Department rv1anual Section 1/572) Select (circle) from the list below the equipment items made available to depanment personnel for civil disturbance response. 0 b. 0 © 0 © Gas masks ( Disposable, limited application, Vietnam era with questionable servicability, limited nurrber) Full length shields Helmets Bullet resistant vests Riot batons - (Metro only) Fla cuffs When wu the last time these items were checked? August through September 1991 When was the last time they were replaced? Replaced as needed 7/ 2/92 -- . . - .. . - . . .-. ·. -· -.. _ ...... • . ; . ' 4· - • •. . ,• .-:_ . - .-:, -:--- ......
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Asset Metadata
Core Title
After action report, 1992-04/1992-05
OAI-PMH Harvest
15 p.
official reports
Permanent Link (DOI)
Unique identifier
box 30 (box),web-box30-15-04.pdf (filename),folder 15 (folder),webster-c100-64105 (legacy record id)
Legacy Identifier
15 p. (format),application/pdf (imt),official reports (aat)
Folder test
Inherited Values
Los Angeles Webster Commission records, 1931-1992
Chaired by former federal judge and FBI and CIA Director William H. Webster, the Los Angeles Webster Commission assessed law enforcement's performance in connection with the April, 1992 Los Angeles civil unrest. The collection consists of materials collected and studied by the Commission over the course of its investigation. Materials pertain to both the Los Angeles incident specifically, and civil disturbance, civil unrest control, and policing tactics in general.
Included in the collection are the following: interviews with LAPD officers, law enforcement personnel, government officials, community leaders, and activists; articles, broadcasts, and press releases covering the civil unrest; various tactical and contingency plans created for disasters and emergencies; reports, studies, and manuals about civil unrest control and prevention; literature about community-based policing strategies; emergency plans and procedures developed by other cities; and after-action reports issued once the civil unrest had subsided. Also featured are items related to the internal operations of the LAPD both before and during the civil unrest, including activity reports, meeting agendas and minutes, arrest data, annual reports, curricula and educational materials, and personnel rosters.
See also the finding aid (
See also The Los Angeles Riots: The Independent and Webster Commissions Collections (
Related collections in the USC Digital Library:
? Independent Commission on the Los Angeles Police Department, 1991 (see also the finding aid:
? Richard M. Mosk Christopher Commission records, 1988-2011 (see also the finding aid:
? Kendall O. Price Los Angeles riots records, 1965-1967 (see also the finding aid:
? Watts riots records, 1965 (see also the finding aid:
Thanks to generous support from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the USC Libraries are digitizing this collection for online public access.
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