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Los Angeles Webster Commission records, 1931-1992
After-action report, 1983 May Day demonstration, 1983-05-01
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After-action report, 1983 May Day demonstration, 1983-05-01
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- - ---------- - - ------ - - - ----------, On May 1, 1983, the Revolutionary Communist Party (R.C.P.) held a demonstration in ~acArthur Park. The apparent puroose for the demonstr~tion ~as to obtain support for renaming MacArthu~ Park, Damian Garcia Park, celebrate May Day, and espouse their political ~iews. No permits of any kind were requested or issued for this event. A. Bl\CKr,ROUND For the past s~veral years, the R.C.P. has conducted demonstrations on May l in the downtown area cf Los Angeles. Most of the demonstrations have begun or terminated in ~acArthur Park. ·The R.C.P. has a well earned reputation for being violent, and any plans to po11ce an event they are involved in must take this 1nto account. Prior to May 1 ~ the intentions of the R.C.P., after they gathered in MacArthur Park, was unknown. An esti~at~ of the number of R.C.P. meMb~rs who would attend this event WijS put at 50 to 70 persons. B. LOCATJON The majority of the demonstration took place in the southeast corner of MacArthur Park (Seventh and A1var~c.o) with the R.C.P. and on-lookers sni11ing out on all four corners of Seventh and Alvarado. C. 7IME & DURATION Roll call for th1s ev~nt was held at 1000 hours. The first demonstrators started arrivin') about 120 0 ho1;r s and the main group arrived at 1400 hours. The Command Post was deactivated at 1832 hours. I I. FIELD COMMAND POST The Field Command Post was located at 2415 West Sixth Street on the roof top parking lot. OlVtl ~~~:_1;5•_ 8 3 o,v • . ""• Ramp a rt"" ! .,,,.mcc• s 'f!'"/,':.J~- sE-R. t1 ::1. l~~~~~ - --___.c_i~~:_1;.....:...1_·12#--'----'l '-s-g_t_. _R_. _ · w_u_e_r_f_e_1_r_--, __ - _ -__ R_a_m_p_ - a_r_t __ F_s_o__! , t • 2.., A. COMMAND POST STAFF Field Commander Asst. Field Commander Executive Officer Personnel/Logistics Assistant Personnel Ofer. I n t e 1 1 i _ g e n c e / Press Relations Operations Communication Radio Officer Radio Officer Phone Officer Field Jail Unit Log Officer 8. COMMAND POST VEHICLES Captain Piersol Captain Dyment Sgt. Wuerfel Sgt. Mccloskey 0 f c r • J a b 1 on s· k 1 Sgt. Brennan Officer Robles Officer Bucher RTO Herron Sgt ~ Brennan Ofer. Lozano Lt. Lynch (Crash) AA Pollard The "Merv" Unit was used for the Command Post. C. WATCH SCHEDULE Normal watch schedules were maintained for this Unusual Occurrence. III. CHRONOLOGICAL NARRATION The Command Post became operational at 1005 hours on May 1, 1983, and by 1100 hours, all personnel were at their assigned field positions. The total personnel strength at the beginning of the operation was 177. At 1200 hours, a group of anti~Communist Christians arrived in the Park and began handinq out flyers and oreachfng,about the same time - a few members of the R.C.P. began showing up. A Mounted ~nit observed two oeoole in a vehicle parked in a red zone at 1240 hours. Inside the vehicle he observed several larQe sticks and posters. Caotain Dyment resnonded to the location - (Seventh and Alvarado) and observed numerous bundles of sticks in the vehicl- e, some with sharp pointed ends and others lar~er than permitte~ to be used as placard staffs. An investigation resulted in the driver of the vehicle beinq arrested for 12420 P.C. (Possession of Tear Gas) and the rassenger being arrested for 148 P.C. (Interferrinq.) The vehicle was impounded and numerous placards, staffs, banners, red flaqs, and literature were taken into custody. By 1400 hours, approximately seventy-five R.C.P. members, carrying red flags on wooden staffs and large red banners, were marching in the Park. A crowd of several hundred persons, including numerous women and children, were watching the activities of the R.C.P. At approximately 1500 hours, a group of thirty-five to forty members of an apparently anti-Communist group carrying U.S. Flags, bibles and banners, entered the park on foot. Immedi~tely as the R.C.P. group and the anti-Communist group confronted each other, they began shakinq fists, yelling, and threateninq each other. After a short exchanqe between the two arouos, about 30 R.C.P. members, at the direction of a member with . a bull horn, walked aoainst the red li~ht to the northeast corner of SP.Venth and Alvarado. ThP rest of the R.C.P. demonstrators remained in the Park. The R.C.P. group at the northeast corner of Seventh and Alvarado forced many of the spectators off the sidewalk and into the street. After chanting for a few minutes, they used the same tactics in going to the southeast corner of Seventh and Alvarado, then returned to MacArthur Park. At this time due to the larqe qroup of snectators be1nq forced into the street by the RCP demonstrators, and the RCP marching aqainst red lights ;nto the street, the Asst. Field Commander stopped the flow of traffic on Alvarado at Seventh Street, for one block in each direction. After a short time in the Park, the smaller group of RCP members again marched around the intersection waving ·flags and carrying a large banner, forcing people out of their way and off the sidewalk as they went. Two RCP persons in the Park, with bull horns, repeatedly shouted at the crowd to take up their cause and ~oin in the revolution. · Thev also called out for oeople to arm themselv~s with rocks and bottle s to use as wear.ens against the i mperialist Piqs. A smal . 1 group of the anti-Communist crowd carrying U.S. Flags came in close proximity to the RCP group. The RCP men with the bull horns began exciting the crowd at large to attack the group carrying the U.S. Flags. Metropolitan Division was directed by the Assistant Field Commander to arrest the two RCP members with the bull horns who were enciting the crowd. After the arrests, a group of about 50 RCP members forcing peoole out of their way went to the southeast corner of Seventh and Alvarado; pushing the spectators at that location out into the street. The RCP members took uo a oosition at the entrance to Langer•s . Restaurant, disolayed thei ·r banners, ~nd began yelling chants. It was impossible for persons to enter or exit the restaurant, and it was observed that people were leaning against the plate glass windows, causing them to bend and sway. Customers inside the restaurant were observed to ret~eat from the Qlass area, fearing that the glass would break and posiibly iniure them. The Sound Truck and Metrooolitan Division officers were directed to take un a p~sition in preparation of giving a dispersal order. As the Metropolitan officers proceeded to their designated oositions, s eve r, 1 , · o c k s a n d b o t t l e s we re th r own at them from the c row d o f RC ? . "i members in front of the restaurant. As the rocks and bottles were being thrown, several RCP members charged the line of officers who were approximately fifteen feet south of them. The RCP members who charged the officers and who threw rocks and bottles were arrested by Metrooolitan Division officers for the - appropriate charges. About the same time that officers were taking susoects into custody, it began raining exceptionally hard. Between the heavy rain and the arrests being made by the officers, the remainder of the RCP members and the crowd of spectators dispersed . Officers remained in the area until 1830 hours, at which time the Command Post was disbanded. ,--' .. • c;;, , ~ ' r • q \J :r. DA'::'.?.:: l[; t~ - ~\ I ':'i::-ic - 1005 1103 1110 1115 1121 1124 1126 1133 1137 G'1 &! 1140 3 1142 t: 1153 u ~ 1158 rj r:~ 1201 .~ .... .. Vi ,.: < ...... ll.> 1207 1225 1239 1242 1243 1246 1250 1255 1256 1301 1302 -- 1304 ·( 1305 .- ....._ ..... 1310 rJ 1311 f ~ 1312 0 .... 0 ~ .Q ·• , .... - -~, · --- . 5-1-83 Unitz-P/R Merv 2273 Scout one Scout one Scout one RlOB 2273 MX30 Com2A Scout 20 MENA Scout 20 FB2 opl Com2a Scout 1 Com2a Scout 20 CP2 Scout 3 Scout 3 opl Com2a Com2a CP2 Com2a CP2 R9oH ·com2 - - LOG - P2. <;e ~ 1 OCCU?Y~~1CE : t,.AY DAY P A RADE ------------ r~c':i v _:. ty Operational Six PLP .members staging at 706 South Valencia in a Ford PU Lie 1Ul7092, Black with flat bed. Scout 20 dispatched to check out situation. Handbills being distributed at Seventh and Alvarado 20 to 25 people at 706 South Valencia, all wearing red jackets and hats. Blu van involved Lie 1CAU680. R30 boy (Hetro) advised of the 25 oersons and acknowledged. 5 or 6 persons have left 7th and Valencia eastbound 1n the truck. Reports congregation at 7th and Valencia is PLP noT RCP CPl notified of gathering at 7th and Valencia. THree squads of reserve motors and one squad of motors enroute to the CP on a standby basis. One squad will remain 1n the field. · Requests Com2 to respond to the. field. 2 possible PLP loitering NW 7th and Alvarado Male caucs coming into Mac park with cameras, one male white and one male bla· ck came into corner of 7th and Alvarado. · 10 members fanning on Carondelet hetv,een Wilshire and 6th. moving southbound on Ca rondo 1 et toward 6th On \·1ay to intercept group. Cauc - ~ carryi nq ftneri can flag~. Hoyos with group and reports they are Christians and are goi to preach the gos·pel. Correction: Metro talked to the group, they were anti-communists, and were asked to leave. Christians still there. advises they spotted a photographer that might be PLP at 7th and Alvarado. Christian group at 7th and Alvarado is chanting. NW corner of 7th and Alvarado, one male latin handin~ out flyers. Party member at 7th and Alvarado, north of 7th with oversized sticks. , Group of 3 or4 male and female latins handing out flyers. Guatamalan flyers for an event next week. 2Q62 responding to 7th and Alvarado for transportation. Arrest made for sticks and banners. Quean 41 and 42 now handling transportation. 6 to 7 male and female caucs on 6th between Parkview and Alvarado. Possible Christian or RCP. Plates involved 944TEB and 710 TCD. Group on 6th street handing out reliqious material. Comnunists taking pi ctures of the officers at 7th and Alvarado where arrest was made. by heavy set male latin in a dark jacket. · Requesting an additi onal unit for impound 2" 975LAQ, requesting OPG. . 2Q62 entroute to location 2FX42 enroute from 7th and Alvarado mileage 6.18 Arrestees coming in, have pictures taken of their ann bands. FX42 arrived cp mileage 62.7 Requesting a couple of units at 6th and Wilshire and Carondolet for traffic control. Co2 wants Viertels notified to put their additional trucks on standby. J ')~ ' ~ . .. ,~. D .. "'"• ,~ / 1 .1 !:. • h jl;.~) -- Ti~:~ - 1313 . 1316 1326 1331 1341 1345 n 1400 ( i'i e:; g 1402 t· ->. 1404 ~ 1410 � -; .... ~ ,--~ ,, • . ' 1411 · ·~ 41' 1415 j,-,,· -., V .- _ ._,.,, 1416 1418 1419 1420 1422 1426 1429 1430 1431 1434 1438 1442 1443 1447 . , ~ . . \.. ........... 1450 ? ., 1450 ,: .,,, J . I i - - ~ ...... I(,,.:> ... ~, •·~ =-,-, - . ) • 5-1-83 :::--or--z:::::c-= I L":1i 4-::;- P/ R CP2 CP2 CP2 CPl scout 1 CP2 CP2 opl lOH opl CP2a 2Q64 FX42 opl FB2 FB2 2Q64 opl R40D opl Q30 CP2 opl opl Com2a opl opl toward 7th CP2 LCG ...,. rc!S_c ft 2 or-r- ••~., ...... ~, .,...~ MJ\VY ; o ,Avp:>l\oAnr- ........ \,.,. L,; _ .... ,_·.;. 1 '- :..,,, : ~ nL-. :...oL.\0.....,-.C, ____ _ i.:::.i v i tJ ---=- Squad four · 1s enroute to 6th and Carondolet and Hilshire and Caro'ndolet. Five male latins, one on a bicycle; making motions as if being put into custody with hands behind back. FX50 requesting Charlie unit Code 2 at 6th and Carondelet. ClOl respondinq. Sgt Rocket advises that in Pershing Square, there are about 250 PLP and about 12 m embers of the American Jesus group, pro-American, one Has advised not to use a bull horn; a scuffle occured with the Jesus group and offiters. The Jesus group is supposed to meet in Hae park. Advises small groups of 3 or 4 gathering in park. Potential RCP. Also numerous photographers there now. Per metro . all motor units stay outside of the park. Setting uµ barricades at 6th and Carondelet and Wilshir.e and Carondolet. . 20 to 25 in groups of two to three, walking and mingling at UH corner of 7th and Alvarado. iota 1 of seventeen horses out. Five coming in for a break; A couple of leaders at 7th and Alvarado. Two male caucs, one wearing a'black suit and the other wearing brown pants, they appear to be taking notes. Requests press relations officer be appointed. Already dpne Time and mileage from 6th and Carondolet to misd ja11, 59.6. 20 opposition marching and entering southeast corner of .park 10 enterinq park with two large flaqs. 50 to 60 John Birchers _ in park. THis info is questionable!! RCP passing out 14 to 16 flag poles, half inch diameter pole 20 to 25 persons involved. Arriving PAB 63.2 Situation report the same; standing by B platoon, metro, fs being deployed on 6th street west of Alvarado per 40 D; regarding the large group gathering at 7th and Alvarado 100 to 125 person crowd starting to move northbound on Alvarado. --- Requesting additional units at 7th and Alvarado re a possible hostile group. Crowd moving in a slow manner. Situation difused by scout 20 Crowd milling around, approximately 150 persons at UW corner of 7th and Alvarado. Some of the number ~~Y be curious onlookers. 415 man W/B 7th street, wearing alt blu T-shirt and carry i n· g a 1 t b 1 u handbag, he is an anti cormruni st and was seen here ea r1 i er 1 n the day. Now EB · on the NE corner. Group gathering 7th and Westlake. Requesting 3 units to block off traffic NB at 8th and Alvarado~ 3 units at Parkview and 3 units Parkview and Westlake. Request get senior citizen,.. out of 7th and A 1 va rado, they are grabbing flags. 6 . 250 persons at 7th and Alvarado, 15 to· 20 Conrnunists WB "th red flags and 14 to 16 inch sticks • . Horse units going in. - Horses hav~ pushed group back into park .t' ~ , , I • f ; i .,,~ DATE: _-.5:._-.._l---=8=3:_. __ _ ____ .._..~-~ ~ =- ::::, = =.:.: =~-= · ======================:::::.:::=========-:.:.~ :_.::_.:_. _ _ _ . ·c. , .,. 3 '.j .J ,':) · , ·---~ ---~-J .. . 1452 1453 1453 1458 1500 1500 1502 1504 1505 1506 1508 1509 1511 1512 1513 1515 1516 1517 1518 1518 1521 1525 1526 1526 1528 1530 1535 1535 1536 1542 1544 · 1545 1547 1555 1555 L~i ".:s- ? / ?. ·,-.-= - Com2a CP2 opl opl opl Com 2a Com2a HXlO Com2a opl CPl opl opl opl . · opl opl opl opl Com2a Alrll opl opl opl opl Ritter Ritter opl c,pl opl opl Com2 FB2 . _,. = Motor units at Parkview and 7th, block eastbound traffic and send them southbound. Correction, send a11 SB traffic WB Three anti corrmunists with flags at 7th and Alvarado on the NW corner. Horses got them. Approximately 150 to 160 persons in park. Each side has about 80 persons. Cormiunists have stronger group with flags Groups now only 3 to 4 feet apart shouti ng at each other. At 8th and Alvarado, stop NB traffic and divert HB All scouts pull out of the park. opl will advise (Scput 10) Motors are to s·top ped traffic WB at 7th and Alvarado Requesting two, 2-man units to stop traffic at 7th and Alvarado. Sound truck at Wilshi~e and Hoover. Standing by. All scout units are to get out of the crowd. Four addi ti ona 1 squads of t1etrd standing by. Shouting back and forth in crowd still occurring Anti cormiunists backed out and are standing on the fringe. · 1 • Leader of anti corrmuni sts 1 eavi ng EB on 7th 100 person crowd handing out flyers and shouting on SW corner of 7th and Alvarado Group of 10-15 persons EB with Bull horn on 7th from Alvarac Crowd is moving out, 5 or 6 persons at a time at traffic ~ si gna 1. Horses being deployed There are 100 persons on SW corner. 150 on the NW corner with cOOT!lunists on the· HE corner and 50 on the SE corner Unassigned supervisor requested to meet Com2a at 7th and Alvarado. . Calm and peaceful in park. Predominate number of people at NW corner of 7th and Alvarado. Party members crossing rm Alvarado at U11shire. Comnunists splitting so they 'can have antagonists on each corner at 7th and Alvarado. Anti-cormtunists now have a bull horn also. Corrrnunist groups on all four corners. Note two arrests made earlier in the day: BORDE~, Rain . 12420PC Teargas GRUBER, Robert ~ - BKG# 7093870 148PC Resisting Central totally closed down. 15 RCP left Aliso Villiage at 1445 and said they · were going to a park.. Uo incidents. • 30 RCP walking SB on Alvarado from 7th. Metro patrolling. Onlookers breaking off and walking· away. Stiff vlind blowing 30 Corrmunists have broken off now south of 8th street. 30 now walking NB toward park. Confiscated a lead pipe wrapped in newspaper from a bystande Requests ambulance ·for injured child · .in park, childrens play area at Wilshire and Alvarado I ..-· -- -·-·· - J , ... ) i~ ~,) I I ! . ~ C - ' • · .,.,., ·· • . ..,• •·- ( . DJ..TE : 5-1-3_3 __ ~ ....... ---;---z:n:.~=== = ·=-~-=~=-=-= -===:===========================-=============== ':i~.e 1601 1602 - 1603 1605 1606 1610 1612 1613 1618 1619 1620 1621 1622 1623 1625 1626 1626 1629 1629 1630 1633 1634 1635 1638 1542 1645 1645 1651 1652 1654 1655 1657 1700 . 1703 1704 1709 ,, t.,~its- P/R opl opl FB2 Com2a opl opl Com2a opl FX42 Com2a Ritter QSO opl Scout opl Scout CP2 FMS Com2a Com2a Ritter CP2 Scout CP2 opl 9Pl opl CP2 opl Air 20 Com2a Q64 opl opl 1 1 1 Scout 1 .,, - = --- Female with lt blu shirt has a camera. Location not noted. Film crews SB on Alvarado 3 RCP members tried to force way into building behind fire department which had responded to a false alarm at 2033 West 7th. · Requesting unit for transportaion at Wilshire and Alvarado. Unit ran a warrant. · Requests jail bus and sound truck on 7th Street west of A 1 varado. Small group N B on Alvarado; one person carrying a stick. Male negro with 2 sticks wearing a blue nylon jacket; Male latin with blu plaid shirt also involved. Guys with sticks making a circle within park. Field jail unit in position Metro and horses breaking up crowd. One fn custody. 'rime and mileaqe fom 7th· and A ·lvarado to CP, 69.1 Unit needed for transportation 7th ttes t of A 1 varado, Code 2 2Q64 handling transportation. Quote," In ten to twelve minutes it wfll be raining like a son of a bitch." · Jail bus at 7th west of Alvarado, all units take suspects there. Crowd on SE corner planning something. 2 Arrests from 7th and Alvarado Councilman Ferraro enroute to CP2 2 additional arrests (total now 4) Witness saw ADW, vicitm hit with pipe. Requests RA unit Alvarado south of 8th street At 7th and Alvarado, rocks and bottles. Arrests have been made. Requests move jail bus ·to I /S of 7th and Alvarado. DHD and Chief Innanone given infonnational status report by Ritter. 2Q44 sent to Alvarado to meet Mary unit re Alli victim. Metro took 5th suspect into costody _ Second jail bus available. Com 2a responds one bus is sufficient. 50 persons SW 7th and Lake; 50 persons NW comer of 7th and Lake Raining very hard. Crowd NOT moving out. Corrrnunists talking about refonning at anoth~r location. ::. Conversations apparently comes from the head man· and his two 1 ts. Scout one requests id of the three persons. Three suspects last seen at 700 block of South Alvarado Alvarado NB clear; Alvarado SB clear. ~ 13 to 15 arrests have been made. Going to Westlake at 8th to divert. traffic eastbound to HB. Reports one additional arrest made by Hetrc at 7th and Alvarado. . 150 persons on Lake at 7th STreet. Three pockets of 20-25 persons in park. Agitators west side of Alvarado south of 7th attempting to refonn. 6 to 7 persons at 736 South Alvarado. r--·-. . ·\....,.~ 1719 · 1721 1726 1729 1731 1737 1740 1742 1743 1746 1749 1751 1756 1758 1800 1801 1803 1806 1810 1812 1814 1814 1818 1820 1822 1824 1825 ,a-~~ 5-1 ... 83 ?Det opl Scout 3 opl scout 3 Merv Scout 3 Scout 20 Scout 20 Com2a Scout 20 Com2a Sgt. Ellis Scout 10 Scout 20 Scout 20 Wuerful Com2a Scout 1 Wuerful Com2a Com2a opl OCCC?.?~~ ~CI: : MAY DAY.__MM .... D-.E ----- = = · Reports _ 20 tota 1 arrests; 6 for ADW on PO; one with bull horn and assorted others. Crowd dispersed 15 to 20 meeting at the 700 block of South Alvarado at the bookstore. Then they are going- to 6th and Unior to fonn again. THey believe we have disbanded the CP. Metro advised of foregoinq status re refonninq. Scout 1 and 3 going to 6th and Uni on. Scout 20 f o 110\111 ng 2 male RCP members to 6th and WHO~;. 5 persons at 8th and Westlake standing around. In the last hour there has been 4/100 inch of rain. · Per Lt. LynchJCrash 10 going mobile as back up jail bus. 5 persons at 6th and Union 8 person~ at 6th and Union now. Setting up OP at 6th and Union Three Metro squads SOB, 708 and· 308 enroute to PAB to process arrestees. Four metro squads still deployed in Rampart. 6 to 8 persons scattered into apartment buildings north of 6th street; ovt of sight of OP Ho groups seen in and around park area Advised one additional arrest Any unit, ZNC516 west SB from 6th and Valencia; a yellow .,. international truck Need Bt.W to stop yellow· international gof ng SB Union at · 7th. Registered to Carol CAss, Emerald Bar, Laguna Beach? Yellow international is in parking loT of gas station, /1oover at 9th. Motor TF EOW Correct location of Texaco gas station is 8th and Hoover Robleto and Pellicano teams go to Hae park for patrol Attorney representing RCP at Dun and Bradstreet parking ramp. 13 persons at Taco stand at 6th and Union RCP attorney wanted list of all arrestees, was refused by Wuerful. Attorney is Richard Eiden, 1838 Sunset, was advised to contact CCS Air 20 released. Com2a agrees for Air 20 to sit down for awhile to give situation on ground,to change. Will go back up if necessary ~:#~"1tl,~ Two night watch squads in field and available tto activity COMMArm POST EOW Richard Eiden Attorney-Abogado 1838 Sunset Boulevard Los Angeles, California 90026 ... ·-· -----· ---· (213) 413-3354 ' f t ~ - NUMBER OF PERSONNEL DEPLOYED Rank i j 4 . J) i_ll.1 s on. '.j K AV"'Prh," -~ t: T(2. O _ <::, T o _J f\J l: W,, 1-' 5 H f\l;..... .,,,., C,~,,T t '-!~~, I La I I I I 2. - -· I s"r n s 7 I · i W, L-~ - - ~-Q_ ~~~.l- "' - 0 :. 1 J~~• .=, - y_,.i_~ __ I __ - ---- ..-----l I T '.")TA \. I ~ 10 ' I I .. - _ __ _J ·------- I I - ti - l 7 I - 1 , 3 -'· - .. I I ----- _,.._ .. . ' - ') I ""-T - · ----- '1 ~ ·-:.l--- - ·- lf.T" I s '-I I . I q - ·-~ =-- ,., ...... TYPE OF OCCURRENCE: K . C. f. -~--------------- OET 2. ~5 .. " l.. _ _1_~ I (2 (:: al . II IB '--I - _pt:, li s () - -- 2 4 2. s I I t. - I ! I I ? '2.- '--I ... .- ---- - ---- --· 3 78 ~\ 5; 3 I ±=-= r - ------- ' I ~-- --- i ,..,... . - --. I I - - ____ ,..... - A . ~- RT 0 I j I .__ ! I - I I l - * .... ----- 1 -- - I I ~ • -· - -- 1 v, ,qL "\~ Co<; --- - lot2 · 1 by Div. __3_i_ 7 q ~L .. q I ·· 7 _17_J_ 7 --- ---·--- ! ·- ' \ -, -- ·-- IV. ARRESTS ADULTS (No Juvenile Arrests Were Made) FELONY Male Female Sub-Tota 1 . 8 MISDEMEANOR 9· TOTAL 17 4 12 TYPES OF CRIMES FELONY Assault W/Deadly Weapon on P.O. Battery on P.O. Possession of Unlawful Weapon Obstructing Executive Officer MISDEMEANOR Amplified Sound Battery Interfering/Resisting Arrest Obstructing Traffic Possession of Tear Gas Device Trespassing Urging Riot TOTAL TOTAL 3 T2 MALES 4 2 1 1 8 MALES 2 1 3 1 1 1 9 UO AFTER-ACTION REPORT ARREST INFORMATION FELONY ARRESTEES: Name Sex ~ Charge . 1 • Allen-;-sfewart 7r 245b P.C. 2. Blanco, Juan M 30 69P.C. 3. Campos, Manuel M 26 243 P.C. 4. Choy, Christine F 35 243 P.C. 5. Garcia, Jose M 22 243 P.C. 6. Ha 1 i , Elizabeth F 35 24.Sb P.C. 7. Ke te 1 , W 111 i am M 33 245b P.C. 8. Midares, Francisco M 51 245b P.C. 9. Miller, Carl M 43 12020 P.C. 10. Picut, Giristin F 22 243 P.C. 1 1. Roberts, Steven M 21 245b P.C. 1 2 • Uselman, Georgia F 32 245b P.C. I ..,., . . ----· ,,_ ,,, __ ___ _ _______ __ ' ., FEMALES 2 2 4 FEMALES 1 1 1 3 8kg # 7093971 7093995 7094013 7094021 7094008 7094020 7094025 7094024 7095957 7094023 7094014 7094003 7 ~ , ... ' MISDEMEANOR ARRESTEES: Name Sex Aji Charge 8kg # 1. Borden, Rain -r 12420 P.C. 7093916 2. Cohen, Amy F 24 602 P.C. 7094015 3. Delgado, Jose M 18 148P.C. 7094002 4. Gruber, Robert M 32 148 P.C. 7093870 ·s. Jovel, Mauricio M 29 115.02 LAMC 7093986 6. Lague, John M 21 602 P.C. 7093978 7. Peterson, William M 44 404.6 P.C. 7093952 8. Phillips, Jeffrey M 31 242 P.C. 7094005 9. Sierra, Ysidro M 51 115.02 LAMC 7093965 10. Starkey, Ken M 23 41.18 LAMC 7093961 11. Sullivan, Joseph M 33 148 P.C. 7094009 12. Whetsell, Cynthia F 33 41.18 . LAMC 7094017 V. DEATHS AND INJURIES No death or injuries were reported. VI. PROPERTY DAMAGE No property damage reported. VII. PERSONNEL 172 Officers, 3 Reserve Officers and two Civilians were deployed for this event. (See attached Personnel Deployed sheet.) TOTAL COST Total Personnel Straight Time Over Time VIII. LOGISTICS 177 TOTAL $2743 $1161 $3904 Special equipment used for this event was: A. "Merv" vehicle B. Jail Bus C. Sound Truck ' .,, ' ~ -. ... . .,, ----- - --------- -------- - . - ·-- . "~ . 1 '½,• IX. CRITIQUE A. Numerous times while broadcasting critical information Communications Divison wou 'ld br~adcast a hotshot overriding the Command Post RTO. A request was made to the Communications Watch Commander to stop broadcsting hotshots on the Tac Frequency for the duration of the Unusual Occurrence. It was learned that Communications did not have the ability to selectively eliminate the broadcasting of hotshots on~~ individual freouency. Our communications equipment should be modified so individual frequencies would be free of outside interference when being · used for unusual occurrence. B. The RTO experienced difficulty in maintaining status and control of deployed units. Consideration should be given to setting up · a status board 1n the "Merv" vehicle. Possibly one of the old status boards from Communications Division. C. Press Units at the scene of the Unusual Occurrence flowed into the street causing congestion and getting in the way of officers attempting to control the crowd. When requested to move out of the way many of the press people were not at all responsive. For future demonstrations of this type it 1s suggested that Press Relations assign an officer from their section to handle the press. Hopefully their rapport with the press would enable us to get better cooperation. ,, - _., • ·· -.. t. • ' -- [c. ✓ - ·' -( /-Jl i /.1 ,/-' ' f / I T J/ <. !,..., , ~ ,i i: _ 7 Iii. /J ll j.1£ . ))..,.{.· . . , ..., 17 ii,~: /1 j i ~(7 i· r • • '- ' -,· ; ...,I . }{ -11 . 1i' ~ , .,...,,, . II V' n ' . 7J -fi -✓- : . ~·-.;; .-'{J__y / STATISTICAL INFORMATION: To be completed by Field C-ommander t. - · .... .:: \ • . , • j "~-/_ ) I I J J /IA I T 1-I ;:_ ROLL CALL /1 - ;. ( { / r ,;.: [ND OF [VENT T, _,,z_ . ,~ ., I s-1 J;) t..- ·. r ... - , . - - ,/ ,, _ - r ,1 """~A -- ---~- ~ ~- : : • ··\.: ·• . • ·'"t;: ; ~· ·.,;: ;.,.- . . •·- • .. , PKG.ENFORCEMENT CITATIONS IMPOUNDS .. ::, )-- ; · ' -- •r - ; .. · ·. .. :-- --J..· ARRESTS FELO~Y Ml SDEM[AHCNI PERSONNEL RECAP CAPT, LT, 2/W LT. 2/WSGT, 3/W SGT, UNIF,SGT, 2/W OFCR, UNIF,OFCR, TRAF,SUPV 3/WTO TO RESERVE TOT AL PL !NUMBER OF AN PERSONNEL NI NG HOURS WO NUMBER OF RK PERSONNEL IN HOURS G FIELD COMMANDER DISTRIBUTION: 1 - Area File 1 - Operat ions Bureau AREA / DIVISION Of ASSa;NM[NT EVENT UNIT ASSIGNMENT aa.rJ r, --- 1 - Special Events Planning Unit, Tactical Plann ing Sect-ior. (w ithin 2 days ofter event) 4.08 .0 (4 - 77) LOS ANG ELE S POLICE DE PAR TM ENT SPECIAL EVENT CRITIQUE AL L INVOLVED SUPERVISORS AND FIELD COMMANDER: COMPLETE THIS FORM IN TRIPLICATE. If the event is a parade , also complete a Parade Spec ial Event Supplementary C ri t ique , Form 4 . 08 . l. DATE EVENT AREA OF OCC URRENCE ICP D(NOISTRATIOI ••••• T DATE & TIME DETAIL DISMISSED LOCATION OF OCCURRENCE IBE SPECIFIC ) NO. OF SPECTATORS • • -- ---- -- •-· ... ···- ___ .. ~ ... t•---.• ..... a,........ ten 1."'0'7'0 1 Y~u~1E~so:"N!~R~PORT AS INSTRUCTED ? - ~~YE;-�- :o · 4~ WERE i°MsTRUCTIONS c LEAR AND SUFFICIENTLY DETA I LED ? iYEs O No 2. WAS APPEARANCE OF PERSONNEL SATISFACTORY? ~~ES O NO S. WAS PROPER NUMBER OF PERSONNEL ASS IGNED? YES O NO 3. WAS DEMEANOR OF PERSONNEL SATISFACTORY ? YES � NO ( NEITHER EXCESS I VE NOR INADEQUATE ) - - - - - - - - - - -- . 1Exp la in '' No " a nswers in re marks. EVENT SUMMARY A N D REMARKS; I NC LU DE SUMM,('1'Y, PROBLEMS, REC OMMENDAT IONS, DETA I LS OF ARRESTS AND ANY OTHER INFORMAT I ON WHICH MAY INFLUENCE THE FUTURE PLANNING OF TH IS OR SI MILAR EVENTS . SUNMAIT The 1c, (Re•ol•t1o ary Con••1st ,arty) atteade4 a pre-p1••••4 de110 str1tf•• at Jlclrtb•r ,art•• Sunday. Nay 1. 1913. At tlle c•1 1aat1o• of tlae 11 ... stratt••• Z3 ,ersoas were arrested a 4 ,recessed by tlte Field Jatl Uatt. wlltcll was staffed lty OCI-CIASI ,erlfftlel. ,101L01S 8CI-CtASH ,eno•••1 414 11ot ••c•••t•r· er obsene ••Y coatro11alt1• pro9-1en. 1 • The CIASH efftcers parforae4 the arrestee ,recessta11• tlte fte14 ta a lleaYJ ra1•/~•11 stora which Hde •~restu pPOCe11ta1. wrttt t ud ,tilltu traplltag tu arrest••• snewttat cl1fftc 1t. lt•t ••t a taswrtNaata•t•··,,..,1 •• IECONMIDATIOIS It 1s re- c•--•d•d tllat tu saH pre,-,1au1 1 process be .-t1' 11ze4 ta faun spectal ••••ts. tac1•41•t Field ~•11 Uatt pers••••l ceat1••1•t te attaa4 111 rell calls ex,1a 1Jtt ti•• F1e14 1'a11 ,rece4 res te all 1an1we4 offtan. TIME PKG.ENFORCEMENT ARRESTS STATISTICAL IN FORMATION: To be completed by Field C-ommander ROLL CALL I END OF EVENT CITATIONS I IMPOUNDS FELONY I Ml SOE MEANOR PERSONNEL RECAP CAPT. LT. 2 / W LT . 2 / WSGT. 3/ W SGT. UNIF.SGT. 2 / W OFCR. UNIF.OFCR. TRAF.SUPV 3/ W TO TO RESERVE TOTAL PLA !NUMBER OF NN PERSONNEL IN HOURS G WO NUMBER OF RK PERSONNEL IN HOURS G F IELD COMMANDER DISTRIBUTION: 1 - Area Fi le I RE .,..~, .. ,., ..... ~I SOR ./ lAREA / OIVISION OF ASSIGNMENT ) ,' 7L .,,- / · ~ _ .. · ,...,..,.,. ....... _ --- -"""',.___ -~-- ,..·•~- ·-····· ~- ~--···--- - 1 - Operat ions Bureau - Spec ial Events Plann ing Un it , Tact ical Plann ing Sec t ion (w ith i n 2 days ofter e vent) 4 . 08 . 0 ( 4 • 7_7) LOS ANGELES POLICE DEPARTMENT SPECIAL EVENT CRITIQUE ALL INVOLVED SUPERVISO.RS .AND FIELD COMMANDER: COMPLETE THIS FORM IN TRIPLICATE. If the event is a erode, also com l~te a Parade Spec ial Event Supplementary Critique, Form 4.08 . 1. DATE EVENT NO. OF SPECTATORS 1. DID YOUR PERSONNEL REPORT AS INSTRUCTED ? _5l YES O NO 4. WERE INSTRUCT I ONS CLEAR AND SUFF I CI ENTLY DETA I LED ? ~ YES O NO 2. WAS APPEARANCE OF PERSONNEL SATISFACTORY ? 1t YES � NO 5. WAS PROPER NUMBER OF PERSONNEL ASSIGNED ? ~ YES O NO ( NE I THER EXCESSIVE NOR INADEQUATE ) 3. WAS DEMEANOR OF PERSONNEL SAT ISFACTORY7 YES O NO iE x~ l~in-;-'N~ ' -;;-ns: e~ in -;e~~; EVENT SUMMARY ANO REMARKS; I NCLUDE SUMMARY, PROBLEMS, RECOMMENDATIONS, DETAILS OF ARRESTS AND ANY OTHER INFORMAT I ON WHICH MAY INFLUENCE THE FUTURE PLANNING OF TH IS OR SI MILAR EVENTS. ,, .1..s f<t r(!)MMttJDf'D 7l/Hr / N i',1€ ~/TvA.£. 71: 1~, lli~ M ~11<0 D, r H t:L D cc,rr..~,,..,N,{;>t('12_ tc C, v.r 141 -r;. 1"" S-,+?n£ I~ Trrv l>E 1 0 /Xp &>Y f/ 1 .1. 1!?#1.t: "~.s A$ He Witt' 6'¢Jt.' ~ Y w t.. F,t U> t1?1"'Ml9rl/J✓ -"IL- bv 1t~N&.- 7,r/ 1 ~ / l'tl~1 1J.eN;: 7;.1 c /YJ1s s 1~ 111 t:'PtJU' ,:,r IWf s- A-PPt,t:.-1 .l }),;, "~" '7>11.s e' ~#.,.. ,4,,,;A /IJt f-/;£'7-· Ro F 1E.t.- b /'p;v.,-;,,+rt{)rJL WAs ~ ~ Ix~ f/lj ft~ ( ,J /l~i-6 C (?try¥4-'l4 lll£ IV}l$~&)tl{I ;4.5 ""' ~litj p,r· T/ld f'rs,1t--iLA /,t c;v<-,a.r #~wM ,4.£,2tllt'-~ Si ,v~ I &!,J /4Hb W I r;/ f,e.p~,i;.ry ~7" #o /N :r4JA.~ ,~ 7l> ~s ~ /k,v,U-e. /4~tt:~ TIME PKG.ENFORCEMENT ARRESTS -,. STATISTICAL INFORMATION: ROLL CALL ENO OF EVENT CITATIONS IMPOUNDS FELONY Ml SOE MEANOR To be completed by Field Commander PERSONNEL RECAP CAPT. LT. 2 / W LT. 2 / WSGT, 3/ W SGT, UNIF.SGT. 2 / W OFCR. UNIF.OFCR. TRAF,SUPV 3/ WTO TO RESERVE TQ.-T -AL PLA 1 NUMBER OF NN PERSONNEL IN HOURS G WO NUMBER OF RK PERSONNEL IN HOURS G DISTRIBUTION: 1 - Area Fi le - Operat ions Bureau - Special Events Planning Un it, Tact ical Planning Sect i on (within 2 dqys after event) .i I " l 4. 08. 0 ( 4 • 77) LOS ANG ELES POLI C E DEPARTM ENT SPECIAL EVENT CRITIQUE ALL INVOLVED SUPERVISORS AND FIELD COMMANDER: COMPLETE THIS FORM IN TRIPLICATE. If the event is a parade, also complete a Parade Special Event Supplementary Critique, Form- 4.08.1. DATE EVENT DATE 8: TIME DETAIL DISMISSED -~ LOCATION OF OCCURRENCE (BE SPEC IFIC ) IIU 1. 1913. 1911 AREA OF OCCURRENCE NO. OF SPECTATORS 1. DID YOUR PERSONNEL REPORT AS INSTRUCTED? il YES O NO 4. WERE INSTRUCT I ONS CLEAR AND SUFF ICIENTLY DETAILED ? lz YES fj YES � NO 2. WAS APPEARANCE OF PERSONNEL SATISFACTORY? SJ YES O NO 5. WAS PROPER NUMBER OF PERSONNEL ASSIGNED? ( NEITHE'R EXCESSIVE NOR INADEQUATE ) � NO - - - - . . 3. WAS DEMEANOR OF PERSONNEL SATISFACTORY7 ~ YES O NO !Expla in ' 'No " answer s in remarks.. EVENT SUMMARY AND REMARKS; INCLUDE SUMMARY, PROBLEMS, RECOMMENDATIONS, DETAILS OF ARRESTS AND ANY OTHER INFORMATION WHICH MAY INFLUENCE THE FUTURE PLANNING OF THIS OR SIMILAR EVENTS. • . Iatell1g .... Ulll*t Tbe htelllpllee 11111• 1IU •t:attff .,. ...,.....1 fNII rs--,.an •1 ... 1-llltlllaa tbe -1-. om ....... III-Claarp. Cl) n.e111-._ .... ,. (1) !MelllgeaM ._..... aa4 (3} .... , 11111'9. lnelllpllH an1, adS.Yl.llN lael .... ~ ........ •1ha,1en ~--•1oa. IHllll._.lJlc •••••n-.•··• u11n•lff. 11114 . ...-rtlac '1lla tnt ..... ,s..a 1o CM c,aaaal Pon ADl'-neol'dlq ..... ..... 11111,u __.. ._.lored appndlla~ (2) beVa Pl'l .. le U. pl .... •left et -- ........._u .. .... •• ,,a,.. ta uwa fte14 r .. ~._lr (1) ~ aftel' lla .... 1u1oa. •. .. : .. nae Oll17 p.-1e11 ...... ,_... tdtll tile: _ tneUSpnee a1~ ..... u. oeanecl ... "'- NOIII 11111'8 r.11-4.·:,-.·alalda •• 1aS,ealha ' u. C'11 1 •• ,.., rw u &ppHDllllt. ;-, tdlMlle ,-toil Id._. . ._... tile ._......,1ea. Wida pnltlela ~ 11M11 u. ..... Ilda ..... daplOJN Hff1o1eall.7 elo• '9 uae _.s.._ ......... ._. .._. alNIIP.,. at ratio•• •lea•t.ea Wlll4 llaft ~ -teo e'niou~ · •• r. ... d•maaau..11m 1 1& la n11•••n4e41 ~ ... _, _,. ....- tud.b NM1• on Uae ~ or U. ·"""· la- • peelll• &o Nr•ta la ....... eeua/•n1U~loll Id.Ma--·«. IM Pen. · All aMttteaal .... ~ NII Ile deployed 111 aa talellts• .. ~ ..... s~ u........,. ....... i. n].Q WOl'll&•loa ._ a lllllt ,-. VU-1.Nl-• M tlle Ct ~Ill Poal ~ ... ·. . ' : ~ ... ,. -~/- ' '• .... .. ~ ~ . , ' ...... ,' ~, ·. i :' ,· ;. +,; "'. . ··"_: ~;) •~ I ; #.,. . ... •· ! .... TIME PKG.€N FORCEMEN T AR RESTS ~. STATIST ICAL IN FORMATION : :ro be completed by Field c·ommander ROLL CALL · 1 END OF EVENT CITATIONS I IMPOUNDS FELONY I Ml SOEMEA~O~ ~~ ·- PERSONNEL RECAP CAPT. LT. 2 / W LT. 2 / WSGT. 3/ W SGT. UNIF.SGT. 2 / W OFCR. UNIF.OFCR. TRAF:·suPV 3/ WTO TO RESERVE · TOTAL WO "'K 1 NUMBER OF PERSONNEL HOURS NU M BER OF PERSONNEL I NG HOURS • .-'} I - / f DIS TRIBUTION: 1 - Area File I REPORTING SUPERVI SOR _;' 1 an • . . ......... 1 - Operations Bureau r~A/ DIVISION : F ~ SIGNMENT ,.VENT UNIT ASSIGNMENT 1 - <:.pecial Events Planning Unit, Tactical Planning Section (within 2 days after event) I • l Jr LOS ANGELES POLICE DEPARTMENT 4 08 0 (4 77) SPECIAL EVENT CRITIQUE ALL INVOLVED SUPERVISORS AND FIELD COMM If the event is a oarade, also complete a p d S A_ Np~R: COMPLETE THIS FORM IN TRIPLICATE. DATE EVENT ara e pecra vent Supplementary Critique, Form 4.08. l. S-- I- o S /? ~ . , / )~ _ r- _ D T , L,)~/ Vr /;tk- J · Tlr ,,.~ / / ~ .,,,.. ' A E_j. TIME DETAIL DISMISSED LOCATION OF OCCURRENCE (BE SPECIFIC! ,,. • V AREA OF.. OCCURRENCE /c. ;47'1~/l,, ·"· I 1. DID YOUR PERSONNEL REPORT AS INSTRUCTED? ~ YES D NO 4. WERE INSTRUCTIONS CLEAR AND SUFFICIENTLY DETAILED? . ~ : YES O NO 2. WAS APPEARANCE OF PERSONNEL SATISFACTORY? YES Q NO 5. WAS PROPER NUMBER OF PERSONNEL ASSIGNED? YES � 3. WAS DEMEANOR OF PERSONNEL SATISFACTORY? & YES D NO (NEITHER EXCESSIVE NOR INADEQUATE) . NO EVENT SUMMARY AND REMARKS; INCLUDE SUMMARY PROBLEMS R I Expla in ''N o" answers in remarks FUTURE PLANNING OF THIS OR SIMILAR EVENTS ' , ECOMMENDATIONS, DETAILS OF ARRESTS AND ANY OTHER INFORMATION WHICH ••A . • m Y INFLUENCE THE (.,,l,1 1 I ~ ,. ,_; r ·--i z:· v·,f,ur / ~/- -1 I t.rn r- p .,; ~,,. I I V ,,c.~ · ( Cfl,l?f I,- :-1 .. ...., lu 1 0 L tJ / J ··- L),_.,,/1 /.· ,,\ / -' •t . / v (' ;t..J ~~/16' ( ; J I J . • l . •',c ' J (.; "'V j I/ ) ; / ( / y ..J..f * £) t: uf /-od / /; Vl~ L:_J./ -s I C / / . J}i;) /Uo":- ·-c I~,, 1' (..) f. /'" (_ /-r V/VI / /) 1// t 'f'JT£,~ .f 7/1-/l.. - / -- ..J JC.,, 7/"· C /74/ ½. /..///. r 6 u ( /) S-Ac.--10 ..- / (./ /tJ 1!· L L(ki~~ U - a_·r TIME /,~ sG/ u f d ~//1-]od /___){_ .- / ARRESTS - STATISTICAL IN FORHA TION: ROLL CALL I END OF EVENT /J ~u PKG.EN FORCE MEN T CITATIONS I. IMPOUNDS FE&Y · I Ml.:.Z!EANOR To be completed by Field Commander C>t;U o ~ 1--e- PERSONNEL RECAP PLA !NUMBER OF NN PERSONNEL IN HOURS G WO NUMBER OF RK PERSONNEL IN HOURS G FIELD COMMANDER DISTRIBUTION: CAPT. LT. 2 /W LT, 2/WSGT, 3/W SGT, UNIF,SGT, 2/W OFCR, UNIF.OFCR, TRAF,SUPV 3/W TO TO RESERVE TOTAL I REP~G SUPERJ"~R (~ ~l U ,. ,,:.5 Area Fi le 1 - Operations Bureau /£1/(_xREAz;~d~C?;) 1 EVEFxSS~Mo .._ ~ 1 - Special Events Planning Unit, Tactical Planning Secti on (within 2 days ofter event) L 4.08 .0 (4 -77) L OS ANGELES POLICE DEPARTMENT SPECIAL EVENT CRITIQUE ALL INVOLVED SUPERVISORS AND FIELD COMMANDER: COMPLETE THIS FORM IN TRIPLICATE. If the event is a erode, also corn lete a Parade Special Event Supplementary Critique, Form 4.08.1. DATE EVENT AREA OF OCCURRENCE DATE 8: TIME DETAIL DISMISSED (. , ~ - · d i /, , 1. DI D YOUR PERSONNEL REPOR T AS INSTRUCTED 7 NO 4. WERE INSTRUCTIONS CLEAR AND SUFFI.CIENTLY D 2. WAS APPEARANCE OF PERSONNEL SATISFACTORY 7 No s. WAS PROPER NUMBER OF PERSONNEL ASS I GNED ? ___ 8_YE_s O No ( NE ITHER EXCESSIVE NOR INADEQUATE ) ~ 3. WAS DEMEANOR OF PERSONNEL SATISFACTORY7 YES NO , Explain ' ' No" -;ns~e~ in -;e;;;;~; EVENT SUMMARY ANO REMARKS; INCLUDE SUMMARY, PROBLEMS, RECOMMENDATIONS , DETAILS OF ARRESTS AND ANY OTHER INFORMATION WHICH MAY INFLUENCE THE FUTURE PLANNING OF TH I S OR SIMILAR EVENTS. i. ---1" ~; ·- .A ' . t__,...f"' - u _ _, , t . ~ t_' ( \-1 , r 11 · L f ,., ( ! L r P- 1.... L C- ( ,,. \ -~:tt,_ \) t;\7 1 ;-f"i, l A -; A ...-·· \_ f l\ " ;_.. ·r ~ t ;. - , c l/7 >p,-t1)J;\;C, •, Ir:.. VL- t,Y; \l -· · n\l.~ »l ·- STATISTICAL INFORMATION: To be completed by Field C-ommander ·J t. YL-,'v1 i., \'," · r J t ~1-..,JI;;;;. ~1r 1~¥,Aec. t F IT .. ...._,: "\., Ct-f 1·t i ~-~ TH- ,_- A ,. (_., • ..r, I A., \.W-5 tv c~r;:Lt:. Vt l · -n- iA\ rv•( ~ . L t ,.h ;,-f\••. ,. V ., 4{.,.:» KtX{k, fl? ~~- i:::,i.. '( ~ ~ tJL TIME PKG.ENFORCEMENT ARRESTS f--------,--------t-----~----+-----,-------; ,. ROLL CALL END OF EVENT CITATIONS IMPOUNDS FELONY MISDEMEANOR PERSONNEL RECAP CAPT. LT. 2 / W LT. 2 / WSGT. 3/ W SGT. UNIF.SGT. 2 / W OFCR. UNIF.OFCR. TRAF.SUPV 3/ WTO TO RESERVE TOTAL PLA 1 NUMBER OF NN PERSONNEL 1 N HOURS G NUMBER OF PERSONNEL HOURS AREA / DIVISION OF ASSIGNMENT l - Area File E-VENT UNIT ASSIGNMENT Tactical Plann ing Section;..;• ~ ~, . . ·! '• . ·, -------- ----------~-- - · - j _ (\3.G (.J .ii l SPECl t..L EVEtff CRITIQUE ALL INVOL'-'ED SUPERVISORS Ar.JD FIELD CO•).•J.A~JDER: c c •,?L=TE THIS FCR' IN TRIPLICATE. I( t h e event is c ;::.o~cde, a lso co-.p l e r e o P.:r :::::: e S.::e:: ; .: ! Eve :i t S-;:> ;:;!e rr.c :i!ory Cr i t , qJe, F~rm <1 . 03 . 1. DAE ,nc:sr -~~~- 1 :~l ~ ~~:- i J))_ a}'_7)~- X -: Ji?~? J).E:;t11Q~~T,✓ ,;r,o~ DA 1 L O ' • - _, .... - - .,,; - . - - - -""",,. - -- " ' .,J. \.,. ... - - .., - ~ - C - - - - I \. .. .''!;•;~~,--~:}~.~~ ec 1 ,~ INSTRU2 11 ~;-~:r ~~ ~ FRuCTIONS , w, ANO SUFF """m OETAILEO, 2. WAS A?i=-E,&VNCE OF PERS O .. SC:LSATtSFACTO~Y? - ~ - :- 0 NO 5. NAS PRC=>C:R l<UM3ER C,F P'::RSOS'<EL ASSIGNE:> 7 ~ ( NEITHER EXCESS l',' E NOR 11,ACiE OIJ A TE) _ _ _ _ __ 3. WAS OE'_.::,-.:0 CF PE 0 SC .. '-'EL SAT1sn.cro~v1 ·_ ' ES O '10 · •E,..cfo i -, · •~io· • c- , .,,e,: ~., -;-~,:-:::- ; ;:r~~: •~;7;:. :~: ~~v 7 ;p~ ~E~•~:;;" ;•~;;:v;~~:;~•~ ~{ f ' li~' l.'i; ~ J : • ~ � :;;;;L~Y~' :i'r: r• ~;T,t~;'"" ,r, I"\ " 111 p O\.u ~ -:t:,v "< 1 #J " A ~ c I? -:1> (P>t c. .., s. T ,M 'T\ o N t'f I I"\ M A tt--rh·..< P~,c fc: J ')r., '+ ALU.At'~ 0 ' 01/d"A.t:t.l.,j 7'11r a,ac-Mr10N wcrN,- :s~ooY'11-y ANt:) i111J PA-,t••~ u\.~,4. -\).0, ~ t,"~ v <.:-4?.:> To ;u.,. u" ,-.ciA i~ how W'cr\.4 \\-\ -,.-r~l..,111A..> '"D,vu,/\.- e ~,J f;.,,.. c":'tJII w~~,.J C•\IUAJ" ~p.:c,f:"u. 1\-u.u,ou ~""'""'- ~crf)LAN#Jt.:~ :l)ts""l1J~T_.,,Ta~.&' . T\v ~Pt1111PA-ts,1 A~S.,4~-.,1' Fi~ cwn>,el C,rt'71'" ~tt1-~T, ~l'U ~,<rafl"t1-Lr et:t~Tl\J• ,-I) nt\"flllO'..l ~aC6Me .. C.,..s?).4TtoNC Rr-u~~<, T-4-c.T,c.c A.-J"!:) "'LS lt,..iSI.S:r;,Ne,,r e{',VJl~l.t;l V.S "it) F"u"" c.. ,-, e,__, ~ ,~ "' ~• N, ~ v ,-. 0 f 1) ;_rr-4'lA c. ,, o tJ C • . Mi\)' MA•N N ~,J.T'1t1t.r Co111,.. r~• 4 C oN C.ltA N ~ -r\\ .,-. \) ~ ~ Cr,: 1 ' ltC ,+A CO"t ,_ 6 11 • Y Vttlf,oOS m.-r-co )"P~~\Jl.}O~ t NA. 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"1 ttv ts P\J QL \ C, ,a.-,A-~tt' A.J A'' ~Ay~~Y II uvt:1N• ;Nvo~v;,.., ~ Re\O W\~d~& • STATISTICAL INFORMATION: ,..._ ____ T _I M _ E ____ --t- PK G. £ N ~_?~<; E •~ENT ROLL CALL •END OF Ev'(NT CITAT I ONS I IM?C,..;H~ S To be completed by Field (-orr,manaer i 2 ' W LT. ; 2 WSGT. 1 3 /N SGT.I :.Jl'l l F' . SGT. ! 2/#1 C,FCR.i (;l'l ' F.OFCl>. ,-:'PA F.S UPv'i 3.' " TO TO A? P.ES TS HLC,MY·- I MISOEM[AA O~ i I : ! P.ESER "✓E 1 TOTAL PLJ,. N.,,_.efi:i CF' i., , t4N ~r:~ ~y~_ ~-c_~ L---! - ---+-----+---1------t----t----+----+----~---,----+---,~-- - 'N ! .. ,: • ,G- 5 I I G ' . , WO ; " ; , ... ~.:?.OF l I RK [1-(PS~-."'[L . 1 N ,- ..... -.J .,- .D-S--'-~-----~------+----+ l ----;---- . +,----+----+----+----+---•,·· --- , • G L~>o.===- _ ,_ .=. ~ =-: - ,~-·:1 = · ~=,,= /,=====_ = : :=~'.];--_; ·,,,s.g;, :ctJ~~••c;..;.~~"'-••;EHT "'"' u•.r •s,;,.;~,-~T- - v1-..: 'M_:_ ___ 1 7 - dt= - . -------------- --------- -· OISTRleUTIC,-~ ; I - J..reo File I - (.,;, 1; r::;t,-:.:--:. ~- rt:.:., . 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S O NO I Explain '' No " -;ns~e~ T;, -;e~J; EVENT SUMMARY AND REMARKS; INCLUDE SUMMARY, PROBLEMS, RECOMMENDATIONS, DETAILS OF ARRESTS AND ANY OTHER INFORMAT I ON WHICH MAY INFLUENCE THE FUTURE PLANN I NG OF THIS OR SI Ml LAR EVENTS. Or:) S- l ·-'"t~ 2 .1: LU/\.S /\. £ ~ i t.. ~r. J ~ ~ J lv1·r7J 10 /V )~n <.o c ::,--;-:-c j(~ S ,, 7 z 7(/. </ ,/~ l (. ·/ '"; ,A,,; -: . ~/\t.) f · -' ~ 7 y /f <: /1,-.i S:: 1 :d't1 I✓-; 1-. - Of_ ~:- ~A t t,., t.:~ r 'i:: l 1\ I 1 .,-, ll-- ~ . ~ ~Kt - I t. /t AJ- Ni.1..J 0 !/. l //1:.'iy_ 2, f": T,. 5 1A,;, c. it-?,AJ /- C/t....0 i:1~ , ...... c~-1/. ;}<c· u-tU /:"o~, d/1 c, l :r · ) ···• . "\ .. A . .,;:-, f l ·1 ,., i J G ~ . / '~ .. . l 11- • .A . ... ..__ / . I j 't ,. r ,f( j _ t.:.. '. · i. ... - • - / C: N ✓ - t (.... / / LJ j J., - I / ✓T .A.-) Tlt c,. l)iC f,j ,,, L / ,;_ ,1-.' /7C/J o/ ~ ...... I { / .l :;... I' I I ( ~ · I r-- ~- I=-- ;,_. _ .,,. ·•'·· •,t - ~ :: ,. TIME PKG.ENFORCEMENT ARRESTS STATISTICAL INFORMATION: ROLL CALL END OF EVENT CITATIONS IMPOUNDS FELONY MISDEMEAHOR . To be J:ompleted by Field c·ommander PERSONNEL RECAP CAPT. LT. 2 / W LT. 2 / WSGT , 3/ W SGT. UNIF,SGT, 2 / W OFCR. UNIF.OFCR. TRAF . SUPV 3/ WTO TO RESERVE TOTAL PLA 1 NUMBEROF NN PERSONNEL IN HOURS 1...'.....::.:.:::.;::.:..:.:..:-=-=....j__ __ .1--_--J ___ --l-----l----+-----+-----+-----+-----+----t----+-----1-----j G WO NUMBER OF RK PERSONNEL IN HOURS G EVENT UNIT ASSIGNMENT DISTRIBUTION: 1 - Area Fi le Tactical Planning Sec tion ., I • I ,. 'f � ,, 4.08.0 (4 -77) LOS ANGELES POLICE DEPARTMENT SPECIAL EVENT CRITIQUE ALL INVOLVED SUPERVISORS AND FIELD COMMANDER: COMPLETE THIS FORM IN TRIPLICATE. If the event 1s a parade, also complete a Parade Special Event Supplemen tary Cr iti que, Form 4 08.1. DATE EVE~~ / S-1-13 MAY IJ,.., IEM11N#'Rltn1J,i1 DATE 8: TIME DETAIL DISMISSED LOCATION OF OCCURRENCE (BE SPECIFIC) /fflt) lhAc IIRmu~ AREA OF OCCURRENCE NO. OF SPECTATORS 1. DID YOUR PERSONNEL REPORT AS INSTRUCTED? ~ YES � NO 4. WERE INSTRUCTIONS CLEAR AND SUFF ICIENTLY DETA ILE D 7 JI YES � NO 2. WAS APPEARANCE OF PERSONNEL SATIS FACTORY ? -~ YES � NO 5 . WAS PROPER NUMBER OF PERSONNEL ASS IGNED? R. YES � NO IC.ii ( NEITHER EXCESSIVE NOR INAQEOUATE ) 3. WAS DEMEANOR OF PERSONNEL SATISFACTORY ? lJ[} YES � NO iEx~l;;-in-;--'N~' -;n s::e~ in ~e~J; EVENT SUMMARY ANO REMARKS; INCLUDE SUMMARY, PROBLEMS, RECOMMENDAT IONS, DETAILS OF ARRESTS AND ANY OTHER INFORMATION WHICH MAY INFLUENCE THE FUTURE PLANNING OF THIS OR S I Ml LAR EVENTS. ~no/ WAS at!'t~ 4r' A£n; kl>ltJY,tlll~ ~ lflJEOt.uinE Co~t'"ldiE~ ~ I.Dotr,~ ~ ~.,: ✓ lf/J TIME PKG.ENFORCEMENT AR RESTS STATISTICAL IN FORMATION: To be completed by Field Commander ROLL CALL I END OF EVENT CITATIONS I IMPOUNDS FELONY I Ml SDEMEANOR PERSONNEL RECAP CAPT. LT. 2 / W LT . 2 / WSGT. 3/ W SGT. UNIF.SGT. 2 / W OFCR. UNIF.OFCR. TRAF.SUPV. 3 / WTO TO RESERVE TOTAL PL A I NUMBER OF N N PERSONNEL -I HOURS NG NUMBER OF PERSONNEL HOURS _ DISTRIBUTION: i 1 - Area File - ~ ~, - r ..,.... 1 - Operations Bureau - ! -tr J rREA / OIVISION OF ASSIGNMENT I EVENT UNIT ASSIGNMENT , 1 - Special Events Planning Unit, Tactical Planning Section · · (within 2 days after event) ,; LOS ANGELES PUL " - t OEPAR l'M I: , 4 . 08 . 0 ( 4 -77 ) SPECIAL EVENT CRITIQUE , ALL INVOLVED SUPERVISORS AND FIELD COMMANDER: COMPLETE THIS FORM IN TRIPLICATE. If the event is a parade, also complete a Parade Special Event Supplementary Cr itique, Form 4 08.1. DATE EVENT AREA OF OCCURRENCE /~~/Wr DATE a TIME DETAIL DISMISSED LOCATION OF OCCURRENCE (BE SPECIFIC) /_ NO. OF s;E;:..:;oiA..-l i--/cf-1 /YPG d-# 4 7'#vd ~~/~ (,,7__,z,,'✓A'-'4.4/JPo) -<J~/~vt-/ 1. DID YOUR PERSONNEL REPORT A5-. IN9"1'RUCTED? ~s O NO 4. WERE INSTRUCTIONS CLEAR AND SUFFICIENTLY DETA ILE D? [Jr:;--vEs O NO 2. WAS APPEARANCE OF PERSONNELSA- TI_ SFACTORY? [l...,):.Es O NO s. WAS PROPER NUMBER OF PERSONNEL ASSIGNED? []:.-,vEs O NO ( NEITHER EXCESSIVE NOR INADEQUATE) 3. WAS DEMEANOR OF PERSONNEL SATISFACTORY? (3.,--rEs O NO 1Ex~l;;-in 7 'N~' -;ns:e;; in --;-e~J; EVENT SUMMARY AND REMARKS; INCLUDE SUMMARY, PROBLEMS, RECOMMENDATIONS, DETAILS OF ARRESTS AND ANY OTHER INFORMATION WHICH MAY INFLUENCE THE FUTURE PLANNING OF THIS OR SIMILAR EVENTS . w/21.s- Z)/..f /1dT1:,",/r-z> 7'(.) Trl"E- uJE w E-YcE ~~ f / & .,,,j e-7-> TIME k~/?~/ ~?J;?oAl.r✓~,.-977Q~ /0 7Y~ ~~v./J.;e#vc:) - ~O 7;L/E PKG.ENFORCEMENT ARRESTS STATISTICAL IN FORMATION: ROLL CALL IEND OF EVENT CITATIONS I IMPOUNDS FELONY I Mt SOE MEANOR To be completed by Field C-ommander 6 ?on //t)O - - - - PERSONNEL RECAP CAPT. PL I NUMB ER OF AN PERSONNEL NI NG HOURS NUMBER OF PERSONNEL HOURS FIELD CO~MANDER LT. 2 / W LT. 2 / WSGT. 3/ W SGT. UNIF.SGT. 2 / W OFCR. UNIF.OFCR. T~AF,SUPV 3/ WTO TO RESERVE TOTAL I SUPERVIS~R ./ ,,,-?/?/ !AREA / DIVISION OF ASSIGNMENT_ I EVENT UNIT ASSIGNMENT ~,/ ~ £ .?'~~ ~...l~ /? JJ ~ ~ .v ~o- DISTRIBUTION: l - Area F, le ,. '-,J ... - l - Operations Bureau l - ~ec1ol Events Planning Uni t, Toct1col Planning Section (within 2 days ofter event) LOS ANG ELES POLICE DEPARTMENT 4.08 .0 (4 -77) SPECIAL EVENT CRITIQUE ALL INVOLVED SUPERVISORS AND FIELD COMMANDER: COMPLETE THIS FORM IN TRIPLICATE. If the event is o arode, also com lete a Parade Special Event Supplementary Crit ique , Form 4.08. l. 5. WAS PROPER NUMBER OF PERSONNEL ASSIGNED? YES 4. WERE INSTRUCTIONS CLEAR AND SUFFICIENTLY DETAILED? [YES 3. WAS DEMEANOR OF PERSONNEL SATISFACTORY? NO ( NEITHER EXCESSIVE NOR INADEQUATE) !Explain ''N~ ' -;ns~e~ in -;e~J;- TIME PKG.ENFORCEMENT ARRESTS STATISTICAL IN FORMATION: ROLL CALL END OF EVENT CITATIONS IMPOUNDS FELONY Ml SDEMEANOR To be completed by Field Commander PERSONNEL RECAP CAPT. LT, 2 / W LT. 2 / WSGT. 3/W SGT, UNIF.SGT. 2 / W OFCR. UNIF,OFCR. TRAF.SUPV 3/ WTO TO RESERVE TOTAL PLA 1 NUMBER OF N N PERSONNEL IN HOURS G NUMBER OF PERSONNEL HOURS FIELD COMMANDER DISTRIBUTION: 1 - Area File AREA / DIVISION Of ASSIGNMENT EVENT UNIT ASSIGNMENT - <;pecial Events Planning Un it, Tactical Plann ing Section (within 2 days ofter event)
Linked assets
Los Angeles Webster Commission records, 1931-1992
Conceptually similar
After-action report, Anti-War demonstration, 1991-01-15
After-action report, Iranian demonstration, 1980-07-14
After-action report, West Los Angeles' AIDS demonstration, 1989-12-05
After-action report, Los Angeles student coalition demonstration, 1990-04-18
After-action report, West Los Angeles' Century City political demonstration, 1992-07-19
After-action report, Wilshire Area's demonstration by the Armenian Youth Federation, 1990-04-24
After-action report, unusual occurrence related to the March 25, 1989 anti-abortion demonstration in Rampart area; operations-central bureau
After-action report, Central Area, 1992-10-28
After-action report, UCLA Mardi Gras, 1990-06-14
After-action report, Hollywood area's unusual occurrence, 1988-11-17
After-action report, Hollywood area's Halloween event, 1989-12-07
After-action report, Operations-Valley bureau's Hammer #1, 1990-03-08
After-action report, Southeast Area, 1992-03-03
After-action, Pro-Choice rally on November 12, 1989 at Cheviot Hills Park, 1989-12-15
After-action report, West Los Angeles area's unusual occurrence, truck bomb at IRS, 1990-03-14
After action report, 1992-04/1992-05
Wichita after-action police report, 1980-06-20
Foothill area after action report, 1992-04-29/1992-05-11
LAPD, major disturbance at Venice Beach, 1983-07-10
Halloween operations within Hollywood, 1989-10-26
After-action report, 1983 May Day demonstration at Mac Arthur Park, 1983 May 1.
Asset Metadata
Core Title
After-action report, 1983 May Day demonstration, 1983-05-01
OAI-PMH Harvest
24 p.
Permanent Link (DOI)
Unique identifier
box 33 (box),web-box33-20_21-19.pdf (filename),folder 20 - folder 21 (folder),webster-c100-71851 (legacy record id)
Legacy Identifier
24 p. (format),application/pdf (imt),reports (aat)
Folder test
Inherited Values
Los Angeles Webster Commission records, 1931-1992
Chaired by former federal judge and FBI and CIA Director William H. Webster, the Los Angeles Webster Commission assessed law enforcement's performance in connection with the April, 1992 Los Angeles civil unrest. The collection consists of materials collected and studied by the Commission over the course of its investigation. Materials pertain to both the Los Angeles incident specifically, and civil disturbance, civil unrest control, and policing tactics in general.
Included in the collection are the following: interviews with LAPD officers, law enforcement personnel, government officials, community leaders, and activists; articles, broadcasts, and press releases covering the civil unrest; various tactical and contingency plans created for disasters and emergencies; reports, studies, and manuals about civil unrest control and prevention; literature about community-based policing strategies; emergency plans and procedures developed by other cities; and after-action reports issued once the civil unrest had subsided. Also featured are items related to the internal operations of the LAPD both before and during the civil unrest, including activity reports, meeting agendas and minutes, arrest data, annual reports, curricula and educational materials, and personnel rosters.
See also the finding aid (
See also The Los Angeles Riots: The Independent and Webster Commissions Collections (
Related collections in the USC Digital Library:
? Independent Commission on the Los Angeles Police Department, 1991 (see also the finding aid:
? Richard M. Mosk Christopher Commission records, 1988-2011 (see also the finding aid:
? Kendall O. Price Los Angeles riots records, 1965-1967 (see also the finding aid:
? Watts riots records, 1965 (see also the finding aid:
Thanks to generous support from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the USC Libraries are digitizing this collection for online public access.
Coverage Temporal