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Los Angeles Webster Commission records, 1931-1992
After-action report, Operations-Valley bureau's Hammer #1, 1990-03-08
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After-action report, Operations-Valley bureau's Hammer #1, 1990-03-08
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A .: I i - A March 8-, 1990 1.7 INTRADEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE TO: . Chief of Police RECEIVED MAR 9 1990 OPERATIONS HEADQUARTERS BUREAU FROM: SUBJECT: Commanding Officer, Operations-Valley Bureau AFTER-ACTION REPORT - OVB HAMMER #1/90 TASK FORCE Attached for your information and review is a copy of the after-action report for Operations-Valley Bureau's Hammer #1/90 Task Force, which took place on February 23 and 24~ 1990. e~G~ RONALD A. FRANKLE, Deputy Chief Commanding Officer Operations-Valley Bureau Attachments cc: Director, Office of Operations Operations-Headquarters Bureau, Uniformed Services Group • INTRADEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE March 5, 1990 7.4 TO: Commanding Officer, Operations-Valley Bureau FROM: Commanding Officer, North Hollywood Detective Division SUBJECT: AFTER ACTION REPORT - DVB HAMMER #1/90 TASK FORCE I. TYPE OF OCCURRENCE Operations-Valley Bureau Anti-Gang Task Force deployment for February 23, and February 24, 1990. A. Background B. In preparation for prior Hammer operations, the Task Force drew upon the collective expertise of all OVB CRASH Units to analyze known gang membership and criminal activity for volume, frequency, and severity. Gangs were identif i ed and their adverse impact upon the citizens of Valley Bureau was categorized. The need for selective enforcement was prioritized and task force personnel were deployed based upon this prioritization. This metho~ology proved sound. Preparation for HAMMER #1/90 followed the same strategy. Intelligence The consensus of OVB's gang experts during past operations planning was that Foothill Area suffered the most from highly conspicuous and contagious gang activity. Foothill Area was clearly plagued with severe gang crime ranging from murder to graffiti. Current intelligence information disclosed that North Hollywood Area has experienced a sharp increase in both overall gang crime and incidents of violent activity. At the same t i me, Foothill Area continued to be victimized by increasing gang activity. Van Nuys Area, West Valley Area, and Devonshire Area, although affected by gang crime increases, still experienced less activity than Foothill and North Hollywood Areas. Gangsters exercise territorial imperative absent a massive show of police force and frequently become mobile when met with selective enforcement. Therefore, all deployment prioritizing allowed for swift redeployment to counter gang activity territorial shifts. . Commanding Officer, Operations-Valley Bureau Page 2 7.4 The � VB CRASH DIC was directed to prepare an updated handout detailing gang and general crime activity. The analysis included the names, locations and identifying factors of gangs with prioritized enforcement recommendations. The handout also included officer safety information and each Area's "Top Ten Gangsters". The intent was to provide task force personnel with a comprehensive handout to enhance their anti-gang enforcement efforts and effectiveness. See Attachment #1 for Area Gang Information handouts. C. Location Pre-task force .intelligence information proved correct and the bulk of deployment was in Foothill and North Hollywood Areas. Resources were deployed in a decentralized manner throughout the Bureau, based upon known gang activity within each Area. Approximately 30 percent of the available manpower was deployed in Foothill Area, 30 percent in North Hollywood) 20 percent in Van Nuys, 10 percent in Devonshire and 10 percent was deployed in West Valley Area. 0.. Du rat ion The task force operation commenced on Friday, February 23, at 1700 hours and concluded on Sunday, February 24, at 0145 hours. II. COMMAND POST INFORMATION A. Location The command post was located at North Hollywood Detectives. A pre-briefing roll call for all supervisbrs and platoon leaders was held at North Hollywood Area at 1600 hours. All · supervisors returned to their respective Areas in order to hold roll call for their assigned officers at 1700 hours. North Hollywood Area Station proved to be an ideal base of operations for the command post. 8. Staffing See Attachment #2 for Command Post Cadre. C. Mobile Command Post Fleet The only Department_ tactical vehicle utilized was IBARS, (the Immediate Booking and Release System), staffed by Traffic Coordination Section. . Commanding Officer, Operations-Valley Bureau Page 3 7.4 D. Watch Schedules 1. Friday, February 23 Watch hours and personnel _deployment were scheduled to most effectively comb~t known gang activity patterns. Personnel were deployed in one eight-hour shift on each day of operation. Start of watch was 1700 hours with end of watch at 0145 hours. Deployment hours were set to provide task force coverage from dusk to midnight; the hours of greatest gang violence. Additionally, ~he deployment of all DVB CRASH Units supplemented the task force. This was done to ensure that CRASH Units were available to provide expertise and intelligence information throughout the operation of HAMMER #1/90. 2. Saturday, February 24 All task _force personnel, including _ CRASH Units, were deployed in one eight-hour shift on Saturday, February 24. Start of watch was 1700 hours with end of watch at 0145 hours. III. CRIMES, ARRESTS AND ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY See Attachment #3. IV. DEATHS AND INJURIES None V. PROPERTY DAMAGE None VI. PERSONNEL A. DEPLOYMENT See Attachment #4. 8. HOURS WORKED See Attachment #5. ~commanding Officer, Operations-Valley Bureau Page 4 7.4 VII. LOGISTICS Communications Division deployed all task force units. Units without Mobile Digital Terminals <MDT) were logged on by task force supervisors at the Area ACC. Communications was handled by using Radio Telephone Operators CRT� > at Communications. Division and splitting task force operations between two Tactical Frequencies. Units with MDT signed themselves on and used the MDT to conduct communications. VIII. CRITIQUE As evidenced by the 709 arrests, of which 308 were gang related, and the confiscation of 6 guns, the task force operation was a success. The task ·force was successful, in large part, due to the pre-operation intelligence information and the continuous updating of i nte 11 i gence during the task force.. The intelligence information was accurate and relevant and resulted in effective resource utilization. Further, the preparation and dissemination of updated and general gang crime handout material ta field officers increased their effectiveness. Communications problems experienced in prior operations were eliminated during HAMMER #1/90. Although the sheer volume of activity taxed the capabilities of the system, advanced planning and preparation by Communications Division personnel prevented any unusual or unanticipated problems from occurring. Gang Information Sectiori (GIS), briefed task force supervisors on possible motorcycle gang activity by the Hell's Angeles Motorcycle Club. "Easy Rider Magazine" was holding a motorcycle convention in Malibu after being denied the use of the Convention Center because of past acts of violence. The briefing information proved to be correct as many Hell's Angeles were visible, flying their colors, in West Vailey and Devonshire Areas. Only one aggravated incident occurred, a female suspect, driving a car, rammed a GIS vehicle during a stop of a Hell's Angel on a motorcycle. A van then attempted to box the GIS unit into the curb. The van and the female suspect both fled the scene when the GIS officers drew their weapons. The female suspect was arrested for ADW on an officer by responding units. ,I .. . 1commanding Officer, Operations-Valley Bureau Page 5 7.4 CRITIQUE CONTINUED The effectiveness of HAMMER #1/90 was greatly enhanced by !BARS. The Immediate Booking and Release System processed over 165 arrestees. Their methods of expediting arrestee processing allowed task force units to return to the field much quicker than usual. c~J?c/2.- G. R. La Rue, Lieutenant II Commanding Officer North Hollywood Detective Division APPROVED: C. F. Dinse, Captain Commanding Officer North Hollywood Area Attachments· i . ; • VAN NUYS AREA GANG INFORMATION Revised 1-24-90 GANGS 1. Barrio Van Nuys - Delano, Calvert, Erwin, ·between. Hazeltine and Kester/Oxnard and Victory 2. FFF/Eastside Punks - Sherm Oaks Park/Sherm Oaks Fashion Sq. Criminal Class 3. Blythe Street - Blythe Street Park/& 14601 Blythe St.- Primary RD 925 4. Crips/Bloods - Panorama Mall/Sylmar and Wakefield, 9205 Van Nuys Bl. Primary RDJs 909, 917, 918, 925. VAN NUYS -"TOP TEN" GANG MEMBERS 1. TOWNSEND, Ernest Lee - "Pacoima ... Piru Blood" - 9825 Laurel Canyon #109, Pa~oima- M/B, Blk/Bro, 5-7, . 130, DOB 10-21-69 2. MENDOZA, Eugenio - "North Hollywood Boys" - 11527' Chandler Bl., No Hollywood - M/M, Bro/Bro, 5-9, 130, DOB 8-6-73 3. KACHKOV, Ilya - "North Hollywood Boys" - 18234 Clark St #316, Reseda - M/W, Bro/Bro, 5-7, 130, DOB 12-1-70 4. VILLAGRANA, Manuel - "Barrio Van Nuys" - 14360 1/2 Calvert St, Van Nuys - M/M, Blk/Bro, 5-7, 130, · DOB 12-2-75 5. ALVAREZ, Juan Earl - "Valerio Street" - 14431 Valerio St, Van Nuys - M/M/, Blk/Bro, 5-11, 170, DOB 4-3-73 6. RODRIGUEZ, Javier - "Barrio Van Nuys" - 14222 Delano St #2, Van Nuys - M/M, Blk/Bro, 5-10, 160, DOB 11-12-70 7. ESCOBAR, Cesar -"Barrio Van Nuys" - 14107 1/2 Calvert St, Van Nuys - M/M, Blk/Bro, 5-8, 150, DOB 8-5-74 8. CEBALLOS, Juan Francisco - "North Hollywood Boys" - 13203 Victory Bl #J, Van Nuys - M/M, Blk/Bro, 5-5, 135, DOB 5-10-.70 9.. CAMARENA, Oscar -"Barrio Van Nuys"- 14622 Calvert St, Van Nuys - M/M, Blk/Bro, 5-5, 170, DOB 3-14-71 10. REYES, Erasmo -"Barrio Van Nuys"- 7124 Woodman Ave #4, Van Nuys - M/M, Bro/Bro, 5-8, 160, DOB 7-5-72 VAN NUYS AREA GANG INFORMATION ' ) Page two PROBLEM SCHOOLS 1. GRANT HIGH SCHOOL - 13000 Oxnard Street 2. MILLIKAN JUNIOR HIGH - 5041 -Sunnyslope Avenue 3. FULTON JUNIOR HIGH - 7477 Kester 4. VAN NUYS JUNIOR HIGH - 5435 Vesper 5. ST. GENEVIEVE HIGH - Hazeltine Ave & Roscoe Blvd. 6. VAN NUYS HIGH - 6535 Cedros Avenue 7. MADISON JUNIOR HIGH - 13000 Hart Street PROBLEM AREAS Sepulveda Park - Sherman Oaks Park - Blythe St. Park - Erwin St. Park McDonald's Barn - 13201 Saticoy Street Golden Valley Club - 13506 Sherman Way Painter's Hall - 14560 Calvert Street Golden Eagle Lodge Panorama Mall, Smily's Market - Parthenia St & Willis Ave Fulton Ave and Victory Bl (S/W and S/E - N/W and N/E corners) Kester Ave btwn Saticoy St and Raymer St (after school) Coldwater Ave and Vanowen St Calvert St btwn Tyrone Ave and Hazeltine Ave (BVN) Delano St btwn Kester Ave and Cedros Ave (BVN) Erwin St btwn Kester Ave and Cedros Ave (BVN) Blythe St btwn Van Nuys Blvd and Brimfield Ave (BST) Willis Ave btwn Arminta St and Strathern St (BST) Willis Ave btwn Roscoe Ave and Nordhoff St (Crips & Bloods) Cedros Ave btwn Roscoe Ave and Nordhoff St (Crips & Bloods) Tobia Ave btwn Roscoe Ave and Nordhoff St (Crips & Bloods) VAN NUYS HOSPITALS No LAPD contact hospital - use Holy Cross Hospital 15031 Rinaldi St North Hollywood Medical Center 12629 Riverside Drive ! • ! ... ) VAN NUYS AREA GANG INFORMATION Page three BARRIO VAN NUYS (BVN) Located between Sepulveda Blvd east to Woodman .Ave and between Burbank Blvd and Vanowen Street. Hangouts: 14200 Calvert; Delano Park; 14700 Erwin; 14700 Delano; 14600 Calvert; 14200 Tiara; Victory Blvd; Vesper Ave (Tommy's Burgers); Sherman Oaks Park (Magnolia & Tyrone). Tattoos: "BVN" "VAN NUYS" "VN" BLYTHE STREET (BST) Located between Van Nuys Blvd west to Sepulveda Blvd and Roscoe Blvd south to Saticoy Street. Hangouts: Blythe St east from Van Nuys Blvd to Brimfield; 7900 Kester Ave; 7900 Willis Bl (Panorama Mall); R/R tracks. Tattoos: "BST" "BST CHS" VALERIO STREET Located between Sherman Way north to Southern Pacific RR tracks and Woodman Ave west to Fulton Ave. Hangouts: . 14420 Valerio St (Valerio Gardens); In the wash area behind Valerio Gardens; Van Nuys Blvd and Valerio St. Tattoos: "VST" NORTH HOLLYWOOD BOYS (NHBZ) Located between Coldwater Ave west to Woodman Ave and Vanowen south to Erwin St. Hangouts: Victory and Fulton Ave N/E and S/W corner; Alley rear 13300 Victory Blvd (south side); Alley rear 13100 Victory Blvd (north and south sides). BLOODS (Miscellaneous) Located between Plummer St south to Nordhoff St and Woodman Ave west to Kester Wash. Hangouts: 9300 block Sylmar Ave; 9205 Van Nuys Blvd; Van Nuys Blvd and Nordhoff St; Sepulveda Park (Parthenia and Kester Ave); 9200 block Wakefield Ave; 8400 Van Nuys Blvd (Panorama Mall). CRIPS (Miscellaneous) Located between Nordhoff St south to Roscoe Blvd and Van Nuys Blvd west to Kester Ave. Hangouts: Tobias Ave between Nordhoff Ave and Parthenia St; Cedros Ave between Nordhoff St and Roscoe Blvd; Willis Ave between Nordhoff St and Roscoe Blvd; 8400 Van Nuys Blvd (Panorama Mall); Sepulveda Park (Parthenia and Kester Ave). VAN NUYS AREA GANG INFORMATION ' ... : Page four \ I NORTH SIDE 18TH ST (N/S 18TH ST) Lo.cated between Sherman ~ay south to Victory Blvd; Coldwater Ave west to Woodman Ave. Hangouts: Victory Blvd and Fulton Ave; Sherman Way and Fulton Ave (Erwin Park); Erwin St an~ Atoll Ave. Tattoos: "N/S 18" "N/S XVIII" MARA SALVA TRUCHA (MS) Located between Saticoy St south to Victory Blvd; Coldwatei: Ave west to Woodman Ave. Hangouts: Fulton Ave between Sherman Way and Victory Blvd; Fulton Ave (north/west corner). • Tattoos: "M" "Ms" : - ) WEST VALLEY · AREA GANG INFORMATION Revised 1-24-90 "CANOGA PARK ALABAMA" GANG - A Alabama Avenue between Sherman Way and Bassett Street Variel Avenue both North and South of Sherman Way "Mustang Liquor" - Variel and Sherman Way Lanark Park (Topanga Cyn & Lanark Street) TATTOS "CPA" AND "CANOGA" (block letters) on stomach "RESEDA BOYS" GANG - B Darby Avenue south of Vanowen Street Reseda Park (Victory & Reseda) • Etiwanda Avenue south of Vanowen TATOOS "RBG" "HELLS ANGELS" (Triangle) "Canby Sweet" Bar - Canby Avenue north ·of Sherman Way "The Other Place" Bar - Canoga Avenue south of Roscoe Bl "Gold Cadillac" Bar - Roscoe Bl and Remmet Ave "Candy Cat II" Bar - Winnetka Ave and Vanowen St .MISCELLANEOUS GANGS - Mickey Mouse Club - MMC Taft High School - Winnetka and Ventura Bl Tarzana Park - Beckford Ave and Hatteras St "Bob's Big .Boy" - N/E Ventura Bl and Reseda Bl Fatburger's S/W - Victory Bl and Fallbrook (Movies 6) Ave San Luis Gang - 23200 Blue Ave & San Luis "OBQYZ" GANG - C Fallbrook Mall (Fallbrook between Victory and Vanowen) Fatburger (Fallbrook and Victory S/W corner) Platt Village (Platt and Victory) "YOUNG BOYS RIFA" - "YBR" - GANG - P Gary's Market (Topanga & Dumetz) Rival gang CPA gang is involved in satanic worship. HQll: Thursday late evenings (after 2100 hours) a large influx of South LA gangs (Crips, Bloods, etc.) invade the roller rink located at Sherman Way and Canby Avenue. WEST VALLEY AREA GANG INFORMATION TOP "10" WEST VALLEY GANG MEMBERS 1. CARRILLO, Peter Polie -"CPA" 6902 Alabama Street - M/M, Bro/Bro, 5-3, 145, DOB 4-29-67 2. HERRERA, Aaron - "CPA" 6904 Eton Ave - M/M, Bro/Bro, DOB 4-23-66 3. RUIZ, Mario -"MMC" 4736 Caritina Dr - M/M, Bro/Bro, 6-2, 165, DOB 3-5-69 4. DOVEL, Brian Wayne - "Grape St. Watts" 7028 Deering Street - M/W, Bro/Bro, 5-8, 180, DOB 1-3-68 5. GARCIA, Rigoberto Basquez - "CPA" 20252 Saticoy Street - M/M, Blk/Bro, 5-3, 140, DOB 8-16-68 6. SANTOS, Angel Banuelos - _ "Clanton". 20925 Gault Street - M/M, Blk/Bro, 5-3, 140, DOB 8-16-68 7. RWALCAVA, Enrique - "CPA" 7048 Deering Avenue - M/M, Blk/Bro, 5-9, 130, DOB 1-6-63 8. GONZALEZ, Israel - "Reseda S/S" 8814 Winnetka Ave - M/M, Blk/Bro, 5-8, 140, DOB 9-29-70 9. ALECK, Joshua Robin - "MMC" 22141 Burton Ave - M/W, Bln/Blu, 5-9, 160, DOB 5-17-72 10. NGUYEN, Tan - "MMC" 20247 Oxnard Street - M/W, Bro/Bro, 5-6, 150, DOB 10-21-71 ) ·- . I ,· ,. NORTH HOLLYWOOD AREA GANG INFORMATION Revised 1-24-90 GANGS (Active) 1. N/S 18th Street (XVIII, B/S 18, 18, XV3) 2. Vineland Boys(z) (VBS, VBZ, V13) 3. Boys from the Hood (BFTH) 4. Clanton (C 14) 5. North Hollywood Boys (NHBZ) 6. West Side Criminals (WSC) 7. North Hollywood Locos (NHLS) 8. M-S These gangs are responsible for the majority of North Hollywood areas gang problems. Other gangs which may be encountered include the following: 1. Crazy Riders (CRS) 2. Various Oriental Gangs • 3. Burbank Trece (BTR) 4. Burbank Punks (BPO) 5. Various Black gang members 6. Latin Rascals (LRS) 7. Various Pacas (LTP, PC, P 13 Project Boys VNY Pacoima & Pacoima Crazy Boys) NORTH HOLLYWOOD AREA GANG INFORMATION _ . -) Page two 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ) 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. ) Sun Valley Park - RD 1506 - Vineland Ave & Lorne St VBS and SOL 13 (drug sales) Saticoy and Laurel Cyn - RD 1513 18th St gang (drug sales) Valerio and Hinds - RD 1513 BRTH and VBS Vineland Ave between Sherman Way & Saticoy - RD 1513 VBS Sherman Way and Farmdale (alley north) . - RD 1513 18 St (drug sales) Vanowen and Radford St - RD 1514 VBS and Radford ST 6530 Vineland Ave - RD 1529 Black gang members (drug sales) Vanowen and Cleon - RD 1529 Black gang members (drug sales) Cahuenga and Oxnard - RD 1539 C 14 and NHBZ and M-S Tiara and Tujunga - RD 1538 NHBZ and C 14 Lankershim and Oxnard - RD 1537 NHBZ 11300 Block Miranda NHBZ (drug sales) RD 1538 Chandler and Tujunga - RD 1547 NHWD Locos· (drug sales) Magnolia and Riverton - RD 1549 NHWD Locos (drµg .sales) Oxnard/Whitnal Hwy/Cahuenga and ColdwaterjVanowen M-S .•:• 1 . ) NORTH HOLLYWOOD AREA GANG INFORMATION Page three . DEPLOYMENT - 4 souADs Squad #1 Golden State Freeway to Saticoy Street Squad #2 - Strathern Street to Vanowen Street Squad #3 - Sherman Way to Oxnard Street Squad #4 - Victory Boulevard to Magnolia Boulevard Overlapping areas of responsibility provides for maximum deployment in most active areas. North Hollywood CRASH will monitor activity throu9hout the area and notify CP to re-deploy as necessary. FOOTHILL AREA GANG INFORMATION Revised 1-24-90 .G.&«i San Fer Paca Flats Paca Trece Latin Times Pacoima Project Boys Van Nuys/Pierce Boys The Crazy Boys Bloods New Breed Family Crips Vaughn St Boys Shaken Kats NUMBERS 1500 (Cholos) 1500 (Cholos) 1500 (Cholos) 500 (Cholos) 300 (Fila Look) 200 (Fila Look) 75 ( Fila Loo1t) 450 (Red) 50 (Red) 250 (Blue) 30 (Fila Look) 50 (pompador hair) 5405 TOTAL FOOTHILL "TOP TEN" GANG MEMBERS LOCATION Sylmar Area San Fernando Gardens Paxton Park Van Nuys/Laurel Cyn San Fernando Gardens Van Nuys Pierce Apts HaddonjDelsur VNYS Apts/Teresa Apts Astoria Gardens Lake View Terrace Carl & Carl Pl ( San Fernando . Gar_ deris) Vaughn & Norris Sylmar area 1 . WELCH, Dale Arthur - 12700 Van Nuys Bl #402, Pacoima 2. DIAS, Lamont - Blood - 8740 Willis Ave~ Panorama City 3. BROOKS, Rodney Eugene - 12700 Van Nuys Bl #422, Pacoima 4 . LOPEZ, Alex - 10501 El Dorado Ave, Pacoima 5. GONZALEZ, Gustavo - 12740 Judd St, Pacoima 6. ARANDA, ·Juan Luis - 13243 Cornelius St, Pacoima 7. BRANCH, Anthony Todd - 11060 Norris Ave, Pacoima 8. FLORES, Gerardo - LTP - 13515 Mercer St, Pacoima 9. ARROYO, Jose - Pierce Boys - 13050 Vaughn St, Pacoima 10. JACKSON, Gary - Blood - 12608 Mineola St, Pacoima ·\ \ ,I FOOTHILL AREA GANG INFORMATION Page two PROBLEM AREAS (Hot Spots) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8 · . 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. +7. 18. 19. San Fern•ndo Garden Apartments (Van Nuys & Lehigh) Pierce & Van Nuys Apartments (Pierce to Van ·Nuys, Glenoaks to Borden) Haddon & Mercer Apartments (Haddon & Mercer) Paxton Park (Paxton & Laurel Canyon) Huber. t Humphrey Park (Dronfield. & Filmore) Van Nuys Bl & Laurel Canyon_ ( S/W Corner) Sylmar Park (Borden and Astoria) Chatsworth Drive & Laurel Canyon Hansen Dam (Overlook E/of Glenoaks) Teresa Apartments (Borden N/of Van Nuys Bl) Glenoaks Bl and Van Nuys Bl Osborne & Laurel Cyn (AM/PM & Apts) Branford Park (Branford & Beachy) Roger Jessup Park (·Osborne & Osborne Place) Van Nuys (between Amboy and Telfair) Brand Park (Brand and Columbus) Vaughn Street (between Bradley & Herrick) Desmond & Adelphia Filmore Apts (Filmore & Foothill S/W) \.. DEVONSHIRE AREA GANG INFORMATION .) Revised 1-24-90 ) ·, I ) GANGS 1. Crips - Sepulveda Area 2. Bloods - Sepulveda Area 3. Bryant Street - "BST" - Bryant/Vanalden Area 4. "c" Street - 8900 block Columbus Ave 5. Langdon Boyz - Lang~on/Rayen Area DEVONSHIRE" TOP TEN" GANG MEMBERS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. LEE, John - "Asian Bad Boys" - AKA Spray JONES, Anthony Patrice - "Playboy Crip" - AKA Loonie SANCHEZ, Alfredo M. -"BST" - 8430 Rathburn St. NoRidge ORTIZ, Pedro - "BST" - 11955 Com~ta, Pacoima MERCADO, Richard - "Sepas" - 16955 Blackhawk St #14, GHills MERCADO, Fernando - "Sepas" - 16955 Blackhawk St #14, GHills TINAJERO, Michael - "Sepas" - 8456 Columbus Ave, Sepulveda SANCHEZ, Michael - "Sepas" - 9339 Sepulveda Bl #3, Sepulveda TREJO, Luis - "BST" - 19207 Bryant St, Northridge BUENAVIDES, Maldonado - "BST" - 12333 Montford St, Pacoirna PROBLEM SCHOOLS 1. KENNEDY HIGH - 11254 Gothic Avenue - RD 1728 2. MONROE HIGH - 9229 Haskell Avenue - RD 1777 PROBLEM AREAS 1. Sepulveda Area - RD's 1778, 1779, 1787, 1789 2. Bryant Area - " 1795, 1796 3. Petit Park - RD's 1737 DEVONSHIRE HOSPITALS 1. 2. 3. NORTHRIDGE HOSPITAL - 18300 Roscoe Bl HOLY CROSS HOSPITAL - 15031 Rinaldi St GRANADA HILLS HOSPITAL - 10445 Balboa Bl FIELD COMMANDER: COMMANDER's AIDE: OPERATIONS OFFICER: ASST OPNS OFFICER: INTELLIGENCE OFFICER: GANG EXPERT: VEHICLE UNIT: ----·-· ----- --------------------"'. • · .'1. ,._ .... dMENr ff2 FIELD COMMAND POST CADRE Lt. II G. R. La Rue #10450 <No. Hwd Dets) Sgt. II G. Hallden #16256 <DVB> Lt. II G. R. LaRue #10450 <No. Hwd. Dets) Det. II F. Spangler #14669 (No. Hwd. Dets> Det. III C. Ruff #12477 <Fthl. Dets) Det. II J. Gerardi #21087 <No. Hwd. Dets) .SCT L. Frost (No. Hwd. Dets) SCT T. Parks <Foothill Dets) FIELD COMMAND POST PERSONNEL BY RANK 0 - Commander 1 - Lieutenant II 1 - Detective III 1 - Sergeant II 2 - Detective II 2 - Senior Clerk Typist Total 7 - SQUAD No: BOTH DA YS COMBINED __ ______ _ 0; :),TE: 2 ./ 2 3 f;: 2 .:+ l 99 0 ·----•--·--·- -·--··· - - i::, Lr:::; · · 1 · 0 Q ~ -1 1 _ E ::: -1 DE P ~ ____ _ __ _ . .. _ .. . -· · - .... _ _ .... . _ ___ · ·- __ .. ____ _ SQUAD LEADER: _____________ ________ _ _ -----=================:======================-----------:==== ACTI 'v'ITY GANGS !\JON-G;~NGS TOTALS ··---- . ---· - FELONY A RREST C~DULT ) lj.5 MI SD ~R RES T ( ADULT ) 1 ·:+8 MI SD ARREST C JUV) ·= :::: :--.:= ~ -= ~ -= == = = :.: .: :;::: = = = == := = .: = === == = : : ::.:: = · = ::::: = :-:: : = == ::=.; =:::: :::: = = := = :::: :.. --:: = == = .........,__ = = · = - == - -= ==- ~---= = :::: = = = ::-.:: - -= :::;.: :::-:: : • :.. -: == ::-.:: = ~ -:: = • = -= = =:: = :=. -: ::.: = =-= = w ::; = :::= :::: ::= == -= ~-= ::: == ::: :-.;~ = =::: =--'": ::-::-: ::::: = ::, • - - •••-• - -- • -• • - --• • ••• • • • • • - • • -• -• •-• • - • - .. - -- N • - - • • • - - - - ·i .·; J .... ... . .,:j I. .:': · 1 - ====== ===============~== ========-- --·---· ------ ---------------- -~ i__ .. i l. 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II •7 /, I~ 1"• 1 •-r / II • •== ..-.~ .-1 L · .::_ / ,. !.'.: 49S 1. . so 2 667 T A : -3i< F OF:CE RECAP DAY TWO _______________________ _ DAT~: 2-24- 9 0 PLATOON LEADER: ____________________ _ SQUAD LEADER: ______________________ _ --------------------------=====================-------======= ACTIVITY GANGS I NON-GANGS TOTALS -------- I ---------- FELONY ARREST <ADULT) 19 . 14 FELONY ARREST (JUV) 11 1 � ,-, .i C MISD ARREST < ADULT> 7b 229 3 0 5 M I SD ARREST ( JLlV) -.:+5 9 54 TOTAL ,· :;RRESTS 151 • 253 '°+04 ·-----.. - ·- - - · - -·-- - - ·- -· · - - - - - -- --- - -- -- -- · - • · -- -- --- ··- . - - ·-- - - · - · - - --·- ·- ----- ·-. . - - --- - - -· - - - DU I AFF:ESTS I . rJAF~COT I . : AF.:RESTS N~ RCQ SEI:ED ( 2 ROS3 WT ) COCAINE SEIZED (GROSS WT) 07.HER JRUG SEIZ~D ( 3 ROSS ) !"'CNEY SE I =:ED TRAFFIC CITATICNS \ ..-' EH F =- 11:::LD : : NTEF:'v' I El,Jb (3,2il""-- J(3S :_j � i .L .i. l ;~. 3 , .... , c::- ... (.) 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I I OVB FIELD TASK FORCE DEPLOYMENT 0 I FEBRUARY 23, 1990 Van Nuys 1 Lieutenant 3 Field Sergeants 18 Field Officers I 1 CRASH Sergeant . 6 CRASH Officers West Valley 0 Lieutenant 2 Field Sergeants 12 Field Officers I 1 CRASH Sergeant 4 CRASH Officers \ No. Hwd. 1 Lieutenant 3 Field Sergeants 18 Field Off i . cers 1 CRASH Sergeant 6 CRASH Officers I Foothill 1 Lieutenant 3 Field Sergeants 18 Field Officers 1 CRASH SP.rgeant 6 CRASH Officers · Devonshire 0 Lieutenant /ZFielci Se,·geants 12 Field Officers 1 CRASH•Sergeant 4 CRASH Officers VTD 0 Lieutenant 3 TE Sergeants 22 TE Officers ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 L t au tenants 13 Field Sergeants 78 Field Officers 5 CRASH Sergeants 26 CRASH Officers ll/5 3 TE Sergeants 22 TE Officers ~ .. - .. .. ~ ; ;.,,,J ww•; - 0 - -· - FEBRUARY 24, 1990 Van Nuys 1 Lieutenant 3 Field Sergeants 18 Field Officers 1 CRASH Sergeant 6 CRASH Officers West Valley 0 Lieutenant 2 Field Sergeants 12 Field Officers ·' 1 CRASH Sergeant 4 CRASH Officers No. Hwd. 1 Lieutenant 3 Field Sergeants 18 Field Officers 1 CRASH Sergeant 6 CRASH Officers Foothill 1 Lieutenant 3 Field Sergeants 18 Field Officers 1 CRASH Sergeant 6 CRASH Officers Devonshire 0 Lieutenant ~Field Sergeants 12 Field Officers 1 CRASH Sergeant 4 CRASH Officers VTD 0 Lieutenant 3 TE Sergeants 22 TE Officers ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Lieutenants 13 Field Sergeants 78 Field Officers 5 CRASH Sergeants 26 CRASH Officers 0 .. I 4- <{ 3 TE Serge~.nts 22 TE Officers Total: re;o 0 UNITS OUTSIDE � VB February 23, 1990 Metropolitan Division: I Lieutenant ~ Sergeants DSD / Gang Information Section: Lieutenant Valley Narcotics: Lieutenant /I Detectives Detectives Officers Officers Off'icers ------------------------------------------------------------------- OUTSIDE TOTALS: / Lieutenants _5_ Sergeants /I Detectives 4 Z Of'ficers February 24. 1990 ([) Metropolitan Division: Lieutenant ~ Sergeants z4 Officers osti / Gang Information Section: Lieutenant /2 Detectives 13 Officers - - Valley Narcotics: Lieutenant Detectives Officers OUTSIDE TOTALS: Lieutenan~s 2- · Sergeants /"2- Detectives 3 7 Officers * Outside totals TBD upon receipt of strength information from units - outside DVB. 0 ; ~ :. .: -i: _. ___ _ • '\}< t . ·: . : ... ~ HAMER TtiSK FORCE REGULAR TIIIE l OVERT Ill E DATE: HBRUAf<Y 23 l 2~, 1990 Cllt\llAND POSI NUNBER ASSIGNED , l - .. · ,· ' _- ,(., .. :•, .. -~------ --- - --- DVB TASK FORCE OVERJIIIE RECAP FIELD ~ E6UU-f< DVERTINE ===== ======== · ====== ====== ======== == ==== === == === == ======= == I = ======== , = = = = =================•======== ======== =========== I •=:====•=============== ========================= •== = = • == = •: No. ASSIGNED I HOURS WORt ED I HDUfiS WOR~ED =====•== :::::%::::::.::::; ;.:::;:;::::::::::::::::;;::::: ..:==-=·--· _ __ ...... .... ......... _.,______ =========•===================::::..::::::::::::::::; ========= I ::::: ::.:::: :::::::::::::::::::a::.::.::z:::: : ::.:::: === ;::::::;:;:: I &&::a::::.:~::c::::::::::: :..:.: :::: ::: :.---- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - I I RANK PATROL ICRASH IIE ID£1 I 0111H llUTfllS PATROL ICRASH IIE IOET !OTHER I TOTALS I P AIF<Ol iCRASH ITE Im IDTliE~ !TOTALS I PATRIJ. ICAASH ITE IDEI IOTHER ITOTAlS ------------------------- ---------1----- ---- 1--------- 1- - ------- 1 ----- -- -- 1 --------- --------- 1----- ----1--------- 1-- ------ - 1- ------ --1 -- ----- -- I ------ -- - 1---------1------- --1--------- 1--- ----- -1- -------- I ---------I----- --- - 1-- · - - --- - 1- ----- ---1 -- ---- - - -I -- --- - -- - COMilllDER O I O I O I ,) ' 0 I O (1 I O I O I O I O I O I O I O I O I O I O I O. 0 I O I O I O I O I O I O, 0 ------------------------- ---------1---------1 --------- 1-- --- .--· I - ---- ---- 1--------- ---------1---------1---------1 -- -------1--------- 1 -------- - I ------ --· I · ------- - 1 ---------1---------1-- -- -- ---1- --- ----- I ---------1-------- - 1-- -- - --- - 1- --- ---- -1-- - ----- - 1-- · --- - -- C~IAIN O I O I I) I (1 I O I O O I O I O I O I O I O I O I O I O I O I O I 0.0 I O I O I O I O I O I 0.0 I -------- ----------------- ---------1---------1------- --1 -- ------ - I - ------ -- 1--------- ---------1- - ------- 1------ --- 1--------- 1 -- ------- 1 -------- - I - --- - ---- I · - ------- 1- --------1--------- 1--- ----- · I·-------- I ---------1--------- 1-- - - - - · -- 1--- ----- - I· - -- ---- - 1- - -- -- - -- ! 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I ms.o I uo.o I • INTRADEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE March 5, 1990 7.4 TO: Commanding Officer, Operations-Valley Bureau FROM: Commanding Officer, North Hollywood Detective Division SUBJECT: AFTER ACTION REPORT - DVB HAMMER #1/90 TASK FORCE I. TYPE OF OCCURRENCE Operations-Valley Bureau Anti-Gang Task Force d~ployment for February 23, and February 24, 1990. A. B. Background In preparation for prior Hammer operations, the Task Force drew upon the collective expertise of all DVB CRASH Units to analyze known gang membership and criminal activity for volume, frequency, and severity. Gangs were identified and their adverse impact upon the citizens of Valley Bureau was categorized. The need for selective enforcement was prioritized and task force personnel were deployed based upon this prioritization. This metho~ology proved sound. Preparation for HAMMER #1/90 followed the same strategy. Intelligence The consensus of OVB's gang experts during past operations planning was that Foothill Area suffered the most from highly conspicuous and contagious gang activity. Foothill Area was clearly plagued with severe gang crime ranging from murder to graffiti. Current intelligence information disclosed that North ~ollywood Area has experienced a sharp increase in both overall gang crime and incidents of violent activity. At the same time, Foothill Area continued to be victimized by increasing gang activity. Van Nuys Area, West Valley Area, and Devonshire Area, although affected by gang crime increases, still experienced less activity than Foothill and North Hollywood Areas. Gangsters exercise territorial imperative absent a massive show of police force and frequently become mobile when met with selective enforcement. Therefore, all deployment prioritizing allowed for swift redeployment to counter gang activity territorial shifts. ' Commanding Officer, Operations-Valley Bureau Page 2 7.4 The DVB CRASH DIC was directed to prepare an updated handout detailing gang and general crime activity. The analysis included the names, locations and identifying factors of gangs with prioritized enforcement recommendations. The handout also included officer safety informa~ion and each Area's II Tap Ten Gangsters 11 • The intent was to provide task force personnel with a comprehensive handout to enhance their anti-ga~g enfor~ement efforts and effectiveness. See Attachment #1 far Area Gang Information handouts. C. Location Pre-task force intelligence information proved correct and the bulk of deployment was in Foothill and North Hollywood Areas. Resources were deployed in a decent~alized manner throughout the Bureau~ based upon known gang activity within each Area. Approximately 30 percent of the available manpower was deployed in Foothill Area, 30 percent in North Hollywood, 20 percent in Van Nuys, 10 percent in Devonshire and 10 percent was deployed in West Valley Area. D. Duration The task force operation commenced on Friday, February 23, at 1700 hours and concluded on Sunday, February 24, at 0145 hours. II. COMMAND POST INFORMATION A. Location 8. The command post was located at North Hollywood Detectives. A pre-briefing roll call for all supervisors and platoon leaders was held at North Hollywood Area at 1600 hours. All supervisors returned to their respective Areas in order to hold roll call for their assigned officers at 1700 hours. North Hollywood Area Station proved to be an ideal base of operations for the command post. Staffing See Attachment #2 for Command Post Cadre. C. Mobile Command Post Fleet The only Department tactical vehicle utilized was !BARS, (the Immediate Booking and Release System), staffed by Traffic Coordination Section. Commanding Officer, Operations-Valley Bureau Page 3 7.4 D. Watch Schedules 1. Friday, February 23 Watch hours and personnel deployment were scheduled to most effectively combat known gang activity patterns. Personnel were deployed in one eight-hour shift on each day of operation. Start of watch was 1700 hours with end of watch · at 0145 hours. Deployment hours were set to provide task force coverage from dusk to midnight; the hours of greatest gang violence. Additionally, the deployment of all DVB CRASH Units supplemented the task force. This was done to ensure that CRASH Units were available to provide expe~tise and intelligence information throughout the operation of HAMMER #1/90. 2. Saturday, February 24 All task force personnel, including ·cRASH Units, were deployed in one eight-hour shift on Saturday, February 24. Start of watch was 1700 hours with end of watch at 0145 hours. III. CRIMES, ARRESTS AND ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY See Attachment #3. IV. DEATHS AND INJURIES None v. PROPERTY DAMAGE None VI. PERSONNEL A. DEPLOYMENT See Attachment #4. 8. HOURS WORKED See Attachment #5. . ) Commanding Officer, Operations-Valley Bureau Page 4 7.4 VII. LOGISTICS Communications Division deployed all task force units. Units without Mobile Digital Terminals (MDT) were logged on by task force supervisors at the Area ACC. Communications was handled by using Radio Telephone Operators <RT�) at Communications Division and splitting task force operations between two Tactical Frequencies. Units with MDT signed themselves on and used the MDT to conduct communications. VIII. CRITIQUE As evidenced by the 709 arrests, of which 308 were gang related, and the confiscation of 6 guns, the task force operation was a success. The task force was successful, in large part, due to the pre-operation intelligence information and the continuous updating of i nte 11 i gence during the task force. · The intelligence information was accurate and relevant and resulted in effective resource utilization. Further, the preparation and dissemination of updated and general gang crime handout material to field officers increased their effectiveness. Communications problems experienced in piior operations were eliminated during HAMMER #1/90. Although the sheer volume of activity taxed the capabilities of the system, advanced planning and preparation by Communications Division personnel prevented any unusual or unanticipated problems from occurring. Gang Information Section (GIS), briefed task force supervisors on possible motorcycle gang activity by the Hell's Angeles Motorcycle Club. "Easy Rider Magazine" was holding a motorcycle convention in Malibu after being denied the use of the Convention Center because of past acts of violence. The briefing information proved to be correct as many Hell's Angeles were visible, flying their colors, in West Valley and Devonshire Areas. Only one aggravated incident occurred, a female suspect, driving a car, rammed a GIS vehicle during a stop of a Hell's Angel on a motorcycle. A van then attempted to box the GIS unit into the curb. The van and the female suspect both fled the scene when the GIS officers drew their weapons. The female suspect was arrested for ADW on an officer by responding units. .. ,. Commanding Officer, Operations-Valley Bureau Page 5 7.4 CRITIQUE CONTINUED The effectiveness of HAMMER #1/90 was greatly enhanced by IBARS. The Immediate Booking and Release System processed over 165 arrestees. Their methods of expediting arrestee processing allowed task force units to return to the field much quicker than usual. cr<&2 G. R. La Rue, Lieutenant II Commanding Officer North Hollywood Detective Division APPROVED: C. F. Dinse, Captain Commanding Officer North Hollywood Area Attachments .. .t ' , ..• Revised 1-24-90 GANGS VAN NUYS AREA GANG INFORMATION A'ITACHMENr #1 1. Barrio Van Nuys - Delano, Calvert, Erwin, between. Hazeltine and Kester/Oxnard and Victory 2. FFF/Eastside Punks - Sherm Oaks Park/Sherm Oaks Fashion Sq. Criminal Class 3. Blythe Street - Blythe Street Park/& 14601 Blythe St.- Primary RD 925 . . 4. Crips/Bloods - Panorama Mall/Sylmar and Wakefield, 9205 Van Nuys Bl. Primary RD's 909, 917, 918, 925. VAN NUYS -"TOP TEN" GANG MEMBERS 1. TOWNSEND, Ernest Lee - "Pacoima,Piru Blood" - 9825 Laurel Canyon #109, Pacoima- M/B, Blk/Bro, 5-7, 130, DOB 10-21-69 2. MENDOZA, Eugenio -"North Hollywood Boys"~ 11527 Chandler Bl., No Hollywood - M/M, Bro/Bro, 5-9, 130, DOB 8-6-73 3. KACHKOV, Ilya - "North Hollywood Boys" - 18234 Clark St #316, Reseda - M/W, Bro/Bro, 5-7, 130, DOB 12-1-70 4. VILLAGRANA, Manuel - "Barrio Van Nuys" - 14360 1/2 Calvert St, Van Nuys - M/M, Blk/Bro, 5-7, 130, DOB 12-2-75 5. ALVAREZ, Juan Earl - "Valerio Street" - 14431 Valerio St, Van Nuys - M/M/, Blk/Bro, 5-11, 170, DOB 4-3-73 6. RODRIGUEZ, Javier - "Barrio Van Nuys" - 14222 Delano St #2, Van Nuys - M/M, Blk/Bro, 5-10, 160, DOB 11-12-70 7. ESCOBAR, Cesar -"Barrio Van Nuys" - 14107 1/2 Calvert St, Van Nuys - M/M, Blk/Bro, 5-8, 150, DOB 8-5-74 ' 8. CEBALLOS, Juan Francisco - "North Hollywood Boys" - 13203 Victory Bl #J, Van Nuys - M/M, Blk/Bro, 5-5, 135, DOB 5-10-70 9. CAMARENA, Oscar -"Barrio Van Nuys"- 14622 Calvert St, Van Nuys - M/M, Blk/Bro, 5-5, 170, DOB 3-14-71 10. REYES, Erasmo -"Barrio Van Nuys"- 7124 Woodman Ave #4, Van Nuys - M/M, Bro/Bro, 5-8, 160, DOB 7-5-72 YAN NUYS AREA GANG INFORMATION Page two PROBLEM SCHOOLS 1. GRANT HIGH SCHOOL - 13000 Oxnard Street 2. MILLIKAN JUNIOR HIGH - 504l ·Sunnyslope Avenue 3. FULTON JUNIOR HIGH - 7477 Kester 4. VAN NUYS JUNIOR HIGH - 5435 Vesper 5. ST. GENEVIEVE HIGH - Hazeltine Ave & Roscoe Blvd. 6. VAN NUYS HIGH - 6535 Cedros Avenue 7. MADISON JUNIOR HIGH - 13000 Hart Street PROBLEM AREAS Sepulveda Park - Sherman Oaks Park - Blythe St. Park - Erwin St. Park McDonald's Barn - 13201 Saticoy Street Golden Valley Club - 13506 Sherman Way Painter's Hall - 14560 Calvert Street Golden Eagle Lodge Panorama Mall, Smily's Market - Parthenia St & Willis Ave Fulton Ave and Victory Bl (S/W and S/E - N/W and N/E corners) Kester Ave btwn Saticoy St and Raymer St (after school} Coldwater Ave and Vanowen St Calvert St btwn Tyrone Ave and Hazeltine · Ave (BVN) Delano St btwn Kester Ave and Cedros Ave (BVN) Erwin St btwn Kester Ave and Cedros Ave (BVN) Blythe St btwn Van Nuys Blvd and Brimfield Ave (BST) Willis Ave btwn Arminta St and Strathern St (BST) Willis Ave btwn Roscoe Ave and Nordhoff St (Crips & Bloods) Cedros Ave btwn Roscoe Ave and Nordhoff St (Crips & Bloods) Tobia Ave btwn Roscoe Ave and Nordhoff St (Crips & Bloods) YAN NUYS HOSPITALS No LAPD contact hospital - use Holy Cross Hospital 15031 Rinaldi st · North Hollywood Medical Center 12629 Riverside Drive YAN NUYS AREA GANG INFORMATION Page three BARRIO YAN NUYS (BVN) Located between Sepulveda Blvd east to Woodman .Ave and between Burbank Blvd and Vanowen Street. Hangouts: 14200 Calvert; Delano Park; 14700 Erwin; 14700 Delano; 14600 Calvert; 14200 Tiara; Victory Blvd; Vesper Ave (Tommy's Burgers); Sherman Oaks Park (Magnolia & Tyrone). Tattoos: "BVN" "VAN NUYS" "VN" BLYTHE STREET (BST) Located between Van Nuys Blvd west to Sepulveda Blvd and Roscoe Blvd south to Saticoy Street. Hangouts: Blythe St east from Van Nuys Blvd to Brimfield; 7900 Kester Ave; 7900 Willis Bl (Panorama Mall); R/R tracks. Tattoos: "BST" "BST CHS" VALERIO STREET Located between Sherman Way north to Southern Pacific RR tracks and Woodman Ave west to Fulton Ave. Hangouts: · 14420 Valerio St (Valerio Gardens); In the wash area behind Valerio Gardens; Van Nuys Blvd and . Valerio St. Tattoos: "VST" NORTH HOLLYWOOD BOYS (NHBZ) Located between Coldwater Ave west to Woodman Ave and Vanowen south to Erwin St. Hangouts: Victory and Fulton Ave N/E and S/W corner; Alley rear 13300 Victory Blvd (south side); Alley rear 13100 Victory Blvd (north and south sides). BLOODS (Miscellaneous) Located between Plummer St south to Nordhoff St and Woodman Ave west to Kester Wash. Hangouts: 9300 block Sylmar Ave; 9205 Van Nuys Blvd; Van Nuys Blvd and Nordhoff St; Sepulveda Park (Parthenia and Kester Ave); 9200 block Wakefield Ave; 8400 Van Nuys Blvd (Panorama Mall). CRIPS (Miscellaneous) Located between Nordhoff St south to Roscoe Blvd and Van Nuys Blvd west to Kester Ave. Hangouts: Tobias Ave between Nordhoff Ave and Parthenia St; Cedros Ave between Nordhoff St and Roscoe Blvd; Willis Ave between Nordhoff St and Roscoe Blvd; 8400 Van Nuys Blvd (Panorama Mall); Sepulveda Park (Parthenia· and Kester Ave). YAN NUYS AREA GANG INFORMATION Page four NORTH SIDE 18TH ST (N/S 18TH ST) Located between Sherman Way south to Victory Blvd; Coldwater Ave west to Woodman Ave. Hangouts: Victory Blvd and Fulton Ave; Sherman Way and Fulton Ave (Erwin Park); Erwin St and Atoll Ave. Tattoos: "N/S 18" "N/S XVI I I" MARA SALVA TRUCHA (MS) Located between Saticoy St south to Victory Blvd; Coldwate~ Ave west to Woodman Ave. Hangouts: Fulton Ave between Sherman Way and Victory Blvd; Fulton Ave (north/west corner). ' Tattoos: "M" "Ms" .1 .. . t ) WEST VALLEY AREA GANG INFORMATION Revised 1-24-90 "CANOGA PARK ALABAMA" GANG - A · Alabama Avenue between Sherman Way and Bassett Street Variel Avenue both North and South of Sherman Way "Mustang Liquor" - Variel and Sherman Way Lanark Park (Topanga Cyn & Lanark Street) TAT'l'OS "CPA" AND "CANOGA" (block letters) on stomach "RESEDA BOYS" GANG - B Darby Avenue south of Vanowen Street Reseda Park (Victory & Reseda) · Etiwanda Avenue south of Vanowen TATOOS "RBG" "HELLS ANGELS" (Triangle) "Canby Sweet" Bar - Canby Avenue north of Sherman Way ,.The Other Place" Bar - Canoga Avenue south of Roscoe Bl "Gold Cadillac" Bar - Roscoe Bl and Remmet Ave "candy Cat II" Bar - Winnetka Ave and Vanowen St MISCELLANEOUS GANGS - Mickey Mouse Club - MMC Taft High School - Winnetka and Ventura Bl Tarzana Park - Beckford Ave and Hatteras St "Bob's Big Boy" - N/E Ventura Bl and Reseda Bl Fatburger's S/W - Victory Bl and Fallbrook (Movies 6) Ave San Luis Gang - 23200 Blue Ave & San Luis "OBOYZ" GANG - c Fallbrook Mall (Fallbrook between Victory and Vanowen) Fatburger (Fallbrook and Victory S/W corner) Platt Village (Platt and Victory) "YOUNG BOYS RIFA" - "YBB" - GANG - P Gary's Market (Topanga & Dwnetz) Rival gang CPA gang is involved .in satanic worship. HQll: Thursday late evenings (after 2100 hours) a large influx of South LA gangs (Crips, Bloods, etc.) invade the roller rink located at Sherman Way and Canby Avenue. WEST VALLEY AREA GANG INFORMATION TOP "lo" WEST VALLEY GANG MEMBERS 1. CARRILLO, ·Peter Polie -"CPA" 6902 Alabama Street - M/M, Bro/Bro, 5-3, 145, DOB 4-29-67 2. HERRERA, Aaron - "CPA" 6904 Eton Ave - M/M, Bro/Bro, DOB 4-23-66 3. RUIZ, Mario -"MMC" 4736 Caritina Dr - M/M, Bro/Bro, 6-2, 165, DOB 3-5-69 4. DOVEL, Brian Wayne - "Grape St. Watts" 7028 Deering Street - M/W, Bro/Bro, 5-8, 180, DOB 1-3-68 5. GARCIA, Rigoberto Basquez - "CPA" 20252 Saticoy Street - M/M, Blk/Bro, 5-3, 140, DOB 8-16-68 6. SANTOS, Angel Banuelos - "Clanton'' 20925 Gault Street - M/M, Blk/Bro, 5-3, 140, DOB 8-16-68 7. RUVALCAVA, Enrique - "CPA" 7048 Deering Avenue - M/M, Blk/Bro, 5-9, 130, DOB 1-6-63 8. GONZALEZ, Israel - "Reseda 5/S" 8814 Winnetka Ave - M/M, Blk/Bro, 5-8, 140, DOB 9-29-70 9. ALECK, Joshua Robin - "MMC" 22141 Burton Ave - M/W, Bln/Blu, 5-9, 160, DOB 5-17-72 10 . NGUYEN, Tan - "MMC" 20247 Oxnard Street - M/W, Bro/Bro, 5-6, 150, DOB 10-21-71 J Revised 1-24-90 GANGS (Active) NORTH HOLLYWOOD AREA GANG INFORMATION 1. N/S 18th Street (XVIII, B/S 18, 18, XV3) 2. Vineland Boys(z) (VBS, VBZ, V13) 3 . Boys from the Hood (BFTH) 4. Clanton (C 14) 5. North Hollywood Boys (NHBZ) 6. West Side Criminals (WSC) 7 . North Hollywood Locos (NHLS) 8. M-S These gangs are responsible for the majority of North Hollywood areas gang problems. Other gangs which may be encountered include the following: 1. Crazy Riders (CRS) 2. Various Oriental Gangs 3. Burbank Trece (BTR) 4. Burbank Punks (BPO) 5. Various Black gang members 6. Latin Rascals (LRS) 7. Various Pacas (LTP, PC, P 13 Project Boys VNY Pacoima & Pacoima Crazy Boys) ) ) NORTH HOLLYWOOD AREA GANG INFORMATION Page two 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Sun Valley Park - RD 1506 - Vineland Ave & Lorne St VBS and SOL 13 (drug sales) Saticoy and Laurel Cyn - RD 1513 18th St gang (drug sales) Valerio and Hinds - RD 1513 BRTH and VBS Vineland Ave between Sherman Way & Saticoy - RD 1513 VBS Sherman Way and Farmdale (alley north) - RD 1513 18 St (drug sales) Vanowen and Radford St - RD 1514 VBS and Radford ST 6530 Vineland Ave - RD 1529 Black gang members (drug sales) Vanowen and Cleon - RD 1529 Black gang members (drug sales) Cahuenga and Oxnard - RD 1539 C 14 and NHBZ and M-S Tiara and Tujunga - RD 1538 NHBZ and C 14 Lankershim and Oxnard - RD 1537 NHBZ 11300 Block Miranda - RD 1538 NHBZ (drug sales) Chandler and Tujunga - RD 1547 NHWD Locos (drug sales) Magnolia and Riverton - RD 1549 NHWD Locos (drug sales) Oxnard/Whitnal Hwy/Cahuenga and ColdwaterjVanowen M-S ) . I , j . I NORTH HOLLYWOOD AREA GANG INFORMATION Page three DEPLOYMENT - 4 SOUADS Squad #1 - Golden State Freeway to Saticoy Street Squad #2 - Strathern Street to Vanowen Street Squad #3 - Sherman Way to Oxnard Street Squad #4 - Victory Boulevard to Magnolia Boulevard Overlapping areas of responsibility provides for maximum deployment in most active areas. North Hollywood CRASH will monitor activity throu~hout the area and notify CP to re-deploy as necessary. l • FOOTHILL AREA GANG INFORMATION Revised 1-24-90 ~ San Fer Paca Flats Paca Trece Latin Times Pacoima Project Boys Van Nuys/Pierce Boys The Crazy Boys Bloods New Breed Family Crips Vaughn St Boys Shaken Kats NUMBERS 1500 (Cholos) 1500 (Cholos) 1500 (Cholos) 500 (Cholos) 300 (Fila Look) 200 (Fila Look) 75 (Fila Look) 450 (Red) 50 (Red) 250 (Blue) 30 (Fila Look) 50 (pompador hair) 5405 TOTAL FOOTHILL "TOP TEN" GANG MEMBERS LOCATION Sylmar Area San Fernando Gardens Paxton Park Van Nuys/Laurel Cyn San Fernando Gardens Van Nuys Pierce Apts HaddonjDelsur YNYS Apts/Teresa Apts Astoria Gardens Lake View Terrace Carl & Carl Pl (San Fernando.Gardens) Vaughn & Norris Sylmar area 1. WELCH, Dale Arthur - 12700 Van Nuys Bl #402, Pacoima 2. DIAS, Lamont - Blood - 8740 Willis Ave,' Panorama City . 3. BROOKS, Rodney Eugene - 12700 Van Nuys Bl #422, Pacoima 4. LOPEZ, Alex - 10501 El Dorado Ave, Pacoima 5. GONZALEZ, Gustavo - 12740 Judd St, Pacoima 6. ARANDA, Juan Luis - 13243 Cornelius St, Pacoima 7. BRANCH, Anthony Todd - 11060 Norris Ave, Pacoima 8. FLORES, Gerardo - LTP - 13515 Mercer St, Pacoima 9. ARROYO, Jose - Pierce Boys - 13050 Vaughn St, Pacoima 10. JACKSON, Gary - Blood - 12608 Mineola St, Pacoima . ) · \ FOOTHILL AREA GANG INFORMATION Page two PROBLEM AREAS {Hot Spots) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. San Fernando Garden Apartments (Van Nuys & Lehigh) Pierce & Van Nuys Apartments (Pierce to Van Nuys, Glenoaks to Borden) Haddon & Mercer Apartments (Haddon & Mercer) Paxton Park (Paxton & Laurel Canyon) Hubert Humphrey Park (Dronfielci. & Filmore) Van Nuys Bl & Laurel Canyon (S/W Corner) Sylmar Park (Borden and Astoria) Chatsworth Drive & Laurel Canyon Hansen Dam (Overlook E/of Glenoaks) Teresa Apartments (Borden N/of Van Nuys Bl) Glenoaks Bl and Van Nuys Bl Osborne & Laurel_ Cyn { AM/PM & Apts) Branford Park (Branford & Beachy) Roger Jessup Park (Osborne & Osborne Place) Van Nuys {between Amboy and Telfair) Brand Park (Brand and Columbus) · Vaughn Street (between Bradley & Herrick) Desmond & Adelphia Filmore Apts (Filmore & Foothill S/W) DEVONSHIRE AREA GANG INFORMATION ~ ) Revised 1-24-90 ) GANGS 1. Crips - Sepulveda Area 2. Bloods - Sepulveda Area 3. Bryant Street - "BST" - Bryant/Vanalden Area 4. "c" Street - 8900 block Columbus Ave 5. Langdon Boyz - Lang~on/Rayen Area DEVONSHIRE" TOP TEN" GANG MEMBERS 1. LEE, John - "Asian Bad Boys" - AKA Spray 2. JONES, Anthony Patrice - "Playboy Crip" - AKA Loonie 3~ SANCHEZ, Alfredo M. -"BST" - 8430 Rathburn St. NoRidge 4. ORTIZ, Pedro - "BST" - 11955 Cometa, Pacoima 5. MERCADO, Richard - "Sepas" - 16955 Blackhawk St #14, GHills 6. MERCADO, Fernando - "Sepas" - 16955 Blackhawk St .#14, GHills 7. TINAJERO, Michael - "Sepas" - 8456 Columbus Ave, Sepulveda 8. SANCHEZ, Michael - "Sepas" - . 9339 Sepulveda Bl #3, Sepulveda 9. TREJO, Luis~ "BST" - 19207 Bryant St, Northridge 10. BUENAVIDES, Maldonado - "BST" - 12333 Montford St, Pacoima PROBLEM SCHOOLS 1. KENNEDY HIGH - 11254 Gothic Avenue - RD 1728. 2. MONROE HIGH - 9229 Haskell Avenue - RD 1777 PROBLEM AREAS 1. Sepulveda Area - RD's 1778, 1779, 1787, 1789 2. Bryant Area - " 1795, 1796 3. Petit Park - RD's 1737 DEVONSHIRE HOSPITALS 1. 2. 3. NORTHRIDGE HOSPITAL - 18300 Roscoe Bl HOLY CROSS HOSPITAL - 15031 Rinaldi St GRANADA HILLS HOSPITAL - 10445 Balboa Bl \ .. ,, FIELD COMMANDER: COMMANDER's AIDE: OPERATIONS OFFICER: ASST OPNS OFFICER: INTELLIGENCE OFFICER: GANG EXPERT: -VEHICLE UNIT: ATrACHMENI' #2 FIELD COMMAND POST CADRE Lt. II G. R. La Rue #10450 <No. Hwd Dets) Sgt. II G. Hallden #16256 <DVB> Lt. II G. R. LaRue #10450 (No. Hwd. Dets> Det. II F. Spangler #14669 <No. Hwd. Dets) Det. III C. Ruff #12477 (Fthl. Dets) Det. II J. Gerardi #21087 <No. Hwd. Dets) SCT L. Frost <No. Hwd. Dets> SCT T. Parks <Foothill Dets) FIELD COMMAND POST PERSONNEL BY RANK 0 - Commander 1 - Lieutenant II 1 - .Detective III 1 - Sergeant II 2 - Detective II 2 - Senior Clerk Typist Total 7 A?:'ACHMEN:' #3 · - ---- - --- · --· -. · - ·· ···-_ .. · --- -- - ...... --· - ---· -.. .. ... ... .. = = --- ::-:: =· --= :::: : :::: = = ::: :.:::: = == == == == = : :: ::.:: =:: ::: ~ =;.:: = = = = := :::-.; = = :.::: == : = ::: = = = = :.'"': = = TOTAL~: -·--- · - - ·- ·- - - . .... - - - - · - == ·= =~ = = =-= = = =--:;:: = FELONY ~RREST (0 DULT ) _ __ i :t ,:1- 8 MI SD ARR EST (JUV) . :::, • .-· i- () :;. --: ._ · --·---·· · --· -- -·· - ·· ..... -·· --· -·--- · -- · -. ::: .. . :: : .. .. == ::::: :::: == .- ... --: :::: : = ::: : : ::: :::: : :::; = ··= : :·: = = := . ::.-: :::: :;::: == :::;: ::. --: = ~,.: = ... : .. :::. = :::: =- = -· . .. :: =- =--= = = := = :.: :: = = ··-· -··· .... - - ··-· -··· ... -- ·-· ... ..... -··· - ......... .. --· .. ... ··-· .. ··- ... ... ... - .. --·- .... · ·.---· - ·· ..... ..... ..... --·- ··-- --· ·-....... --- ·-· .. --- ·· ..... . ...... ·--·-· ..... -- ..... ·- ..... ..... - ... ... - -- ---- ,:::· ..... } · ... .i - ··· - -- -·-- - --- -·· · - · -- -- ·- . .... -- ·-- ··- · ·- --· -·--- -- ·- -- ···- -- ! -- -· - · -·--- - ·- -· · - r·-u: : d~.c : =i ·:· :: , : ~ ; : - 1 r:. :r:E::::·r ~ ; :i. 7 :.:! 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GANGS : . · . 3 r ·_; -- ·- - ·-- - -- ..... - · ..... - ·· l i ?. l == =============================================-------------- UTHER Di~UC · ::EI 2ED ( UF:C~:S) 1 ~RAFFIC CITAYIONS C~Ut/3 ::::E I ZED 'v' l :::1-' :,: MPDUNDS FI ELD I ~ITER\/ I EVJS r- ~ 1::.- u , .. ) {_ , := : ':1 , • .J \ ,.) A \ oo J ,-. J 1::>J. 10 483 I r:,..., 4 . _ _ , i 18 184 TOTi;Ls :-. r-, c:." '7 .·. , . .., ,--. •··r / " •.: . .:i I • i - ·---·---... --- / t::"' ,-.; C: 1 .__ I 1: \::, 495 160 2 SQUAD No: DAY TWO _______________________ _ E Ql.JPd) LEADEF: ~ ACT I\/ I TY FELONY ARREST (A DULT ) FELONY ARREST ( JLJV) MISD ARREST f ADUL~) T1]T {~L , :, F,F:E:::::;T::"3 l3ANGS 19 1 1 ': I I,::::, : . 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DVB FIELD TASK FORCE DEPLOYMENT 0 Van Nuys West Valley No. Hwd. Foothill · Devonshire VTD .... .. - .. - ; ;..J -.c. •• Van Nuys _, West Valley No. Hwd. Foothill Devonshire VTD () ,~ <{ Total: 1-60 1 Lieutenant 0 Lieutenant \ 1 Lieutenant 1 Lieutenant 0 Lieutenant 0 Lieutenant 3 Liautenants 1 Lieutenant 0 Lieutenant 1 Lieutenant 1 Lieutenant 0 Lieutenant 0 Lieutenant 3 Lieutenants FEBRUARY 23, 1990 3 Field Sergeants 1 CRASH Sergeant . 2 Field Sergeants 1 CRASH Sergeant 3 Field Sergeants 1 CRASH Sergeant 3 Field Sergeants 1 CRASH Sergeant /ZField SE:?l"geants 1 CRASH•Sergeant 3 TE Sergeants 13 Field Sergeants 5 CRASH Sergeants 3 TE Sergeants FEBRUARY 24, - 1990 3 Field Sergeants 1 CRASH Sergeant 2 Field Sergeants 1 CRASH Sergeant 3 Field Sergeants 1 CRASH Sergeant 3 Field Sergeants 1 CRASH Sergeant ~Field Sergeants 1 CRASH Sergeant 3 TE Sergeants 13 Field Sergeants 5 CRASH Sergeants 3 TE Sergeants 18 Field Officers 6 CRASH Officers 12 Field Officers 4 CRASH Officers 18 Field Officers 6 CRASH Officers 18 Field Officers 6 CRASH Officers 12 Field Officers 4 CRASH Officers 22 TE Officers 78 Field Officers 26 CRASH Officers 22 TE .Officers 18 Field Officers 6 CRASH Officers 12 Field Officers 4 CRASH Officers 18 Field Officers 6 CRASH Officers 18 Field Officers 6 CRASH Officers 12 Field Officers 4 CRASH Officers 22 TE Off i.cers 78 Field Officers 26 CRASH Officers 22 TE Officers 0 .... 1· "!-~~-- ·-,1;:; - - ... .- ,,.,. ..... .. _.-., :- - - ;,, :a, _ ... _ ~ ti .... UNITS OUTSIDE OVB February 23, 1990 Metropolitan Division: I Lieutenant . J;;" Sergeants DSD / Gang Information Section: Lieutenant /I Detectives Valley Narcotics: Lieutenant Detectives OUTSIDE TOTALS: / Lieutenants _5_ Sergeants February 24. 1990 Officers Officers Officers I I Detect · .ves 4 Z Officers @ Metropolitan Division: 0 Lieutenant ~ Sergeants 24 Officers DSD / Gang Information Section: Lieutenant /2 Detectives 13 Officers -· Valley Narcotics: Lieutenant Detectives Officers OUTS I DE TOTALS:. Lieutenan~s 2- Sergeants rz Detectives .3 7 Officers * Outside totals TBD upon receipt of strength information from units outside � VB. ~-------- --- - - - ---- - ---- - --- - - -- I • ~ ~r-AJ . ·~ . . ,. HA""ER TASK FORCE REGLII.AR TINE L OVERTl11 DATE: f[BRUAAY 23 L 2~, mo COIVIANJ) POS I • l - ' .'; J . . . · i . . - ~-:! . .. ·· _ _ DVB rm FORCE OVERTINE RECAP F IELO r.EGUL~fi J} '?: ~ . ... • .·": ~ :.: OVERT1"E 0 r ~ ·, • t f'./ ~---1 ' ".; . . . . ... · ... ,, . - ~ • ,•h . -- < --- -~ _ ·_:__ - .!.:_ . :a:a:========•=====•===== ::::s::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: = ================:== ====:a::::::::.:::::::::::=============================== ==== === == = ====== == -= = = = ===== ====== === === ========= === ==-== :: == == ==== == = I ::::::::::: .: :::::::: :: == ::::.:: = ==:.:: ::- :::::::: -::: = = -==--=== === :.:::: : .:; ..; :: == = == =:. 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Linked assets
Los Angeles Webster Commission records, 1931-1992
Conceptually similar
After-action report, UCLA Mardi Gras, 1990-06-14
After-action report, West Los Angeles area's unusual occurrence, truck bomb at IRS, 1990-03-14
After-action report, Los Angeles student coalition demonstration, 1990-04-18
After-action report, unusual occurrence related to the March 25, 1989 anti-abortion demonstration in Rampart area; operations-central bureau
After-action report, Wilshire Area's demonstration by the Armenian Youth Federation, 1990-04-24
After-action report, Central Area, 1992-10-28
After-action report, Southeast Area, 1992-03-03
After-action report, Iranian demonstration, 1980-07-14
After-action report, Anti-War demonstration, 1991-01-15
After-action report, 1983 May Day demonstration, 1983-05-01
After-action report, West Los Angeles' Century City political demonstration, 1992-07-19
After-action report, Hollywood area's Halloween event, 1989-12-07
After-action report, Hollywood area's unusual occurrence, 1988-11-17
After-action report, West Los Angeles' AIDS demonstration, 1989-12-05
Office of operations' gang abatement task force, operations guidelines, 1988-095-06
After-action, Pro-Choice rally on November 12, 1989 at Cheviot Hills Park, 1989-12-15
Wichita after-action police report, 1980-06-20
Halloween operations within Hollywood, 1989-10-26
After action report, 1992-04/1992-05
Interdepartmental correspondence, operations valley bureau, 1992-04-29/1992-05-01
After-action report for the Operations-Valley bureau's Hammer #1, task force, 1990 March 8.
Asset Metadata
Core Title
After-action report, Operations-Valley bureau's Hammer #1, 1990-03-08
OAI-PMH Harvest
49 p.
Permanent Link (DOI)
Unique identifier
box 33 (box),web-box33-20_21-10.pdf (filename),folder 20 - folder 21 (folder),webster-c100-71842 (legacy record id)
Legacy Identifier
49 p. (format),application/pdf (imt),reports (aat)
Folder test
Inherited Values
Los Angeles Webster Commission records, 1931-1992
Chaired by former federal judge and FBI and CIA Director William H. Webster, the Los Angeles Webster Commission assessed law enforcement's performance in connection with the April, 1992 Los Angeles civil unrest. The collection consists of materials collected and studied by the Commission over the course of its investigation. Materials pertain to both the Los Angeles incident specifically, and civil disturbance, civil unrest control, and policing tactics in general.
Included in the collection are the following: interviews with LAPD officers, law enforcement personnel, government officials, community leaders, and activists; articles, broadcasts, and press releases covering the civil unrest; various tactical and contingency plans created for disasters and emergencies; reports, studies, and manuals about civil unrest control and prevention; literature about community-based policing strategies; emergency plans and procedures developed by other cities; and after-action reports issued once the civil unrest had subsided. Also featured are items related to the internal operations of the LAPD both before and during the civil unrest, including activity reports, meeting agendas and minutes, arrest data, annual reports, curricula and educational materials, and personnel rosters.
See also the finding aid (
See also The Los Angeles Riots: The Independent and Webster Commissions Collections (
Related collections in the USC Digital Library:
? Independent Commission on the Los Angeles Police Department, 1991 (see also the finding aid:
? Richard M. Mosk Christopher Commission records, 1988-2011 (see also the finding aid:
? Kendall O. Price Los Angeles riots records, 1965-1967 (see also the finding aid:
? Watts riots records, 1965 (see also the finding aid:
Thanks to generous support from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the USC Libraries are digitizing this collection for online public access.
Coverage Temporal