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Los Angeles Webster Commission records, 1931-1992
After-action report, West Los Angeles' Century City political demonstration, 1992-07-19
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After-action report, West Los Angeles' Century City political demonstration, 1992-07-19
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~ ' . ~ - ,• ' '.\ AFTER ACTION REPORT CENTURY CITY DEMONSTRATION JULY 19, 1990 SUBMITTED BY • I WEST LOS ANGELES PATROL DIVISION TYPE OF OCCURRENCE AFTER ACTION REPORT CENTURY CITY DEMONSTRATION JULY 19, 1990 The occurrence was a Political Demonstration staged at the Century Plaza Hotel, 2025 Avenue of the Stars. The demonstration was staged during a fund-raising dinner honoring former President Richard Nixon and the Dedication of the Nixon Library. Two groups promoted the demonstration: Act up Los Angeles, a Gay Rights group; and CISPES "Committee in Solidarity with the People in El Salvadore". BACKGROUND/INTELLIGENCE INFORMATION Virtually no intelligence existed concerning this event. The original information that West Los Angeles Division received from Anti-Terrorist Division was disseminated a few days prior to the event. At that time, Anti-Terrorist Division advised that a demonstration was being planned by Act Up Los Angeles and CISPES, and it would occur during a fund raising dinner for California Senator Pete Wilson at the Century Plaza Hotel. Anti-Terrorist Division had received information indicating that approximately one hundred protesters would be present at the demonstration and that "no problems were anticipated". On 7/17/90, updated information from Anti-Terrorist Division remained non-specific. Concerned groups were "advertising" the planned demonstration via KPFK, a local Los Angeles radio station. The organizing groups enlisted support by erroneously claiming that P~esident Bush, former President Reagan, former President Ford, former President Nixon and California State Senator Wilson would be in attendance. Contrary to these claims, the event was slated as a fund raiser for the Nixon Library. During the day, the previously mentioned notables ·were to attend the Nixon Library's opening ceremony at Yorba Linda, California. Although two thousand prominent political and social figures were to attend the fund raising dinner, former President Nixon was the only Presidential figure to attend the function. on 7/18/90, contact was made with Charles Wilson, the Director of Security at the Century Plaza Hotel. He provided West Los Angeles Patrol Division with the proposed agenda for the event. He also provided a flyer that CISPES and ACT UP LOS ANGELES were using to promote their announced political demonstration. West Los .Angeles Patrol Division telephoned the CISPES Hot Line and feigned interest as a would-be demonstrator. A female answered the telephone call and encouraged participation in the demonstration. She freely announced that there would be civil disobedience and stated "If you are interested in participating in civil disobedience, be sure you attend the meeting tonight at eight o'clock at 8124 W. 3rd Street." 1 Instructions on civil disobedience were to be given at that time. Planning for the event included a walk through the hotel and an assessment of personnel and logistical needs. Liaison was established with the United States Secret Service, Anti-Terrorist Division, former President Nixon's Personal Security Staff, Century Plaza Hotel Security and Metropolitan Division. Intelligence revealed that President Nixon employed a staff of eight retir~d Secret Service Officers as his personal protective staff. Twelve Hotel Security officers were being supported by ten off duty, plain clothes law enforcement officers. Their responsibility was to help provide security for former President Nixon within the interior of the hotel. Aside from two plain clothes Metropolitan Division Officers who were assigned to work with President Nixon's staff, Metropolitan Division Officers were not scheduled to work the event. A Contingency Plan was formulated that relied on resources from West Los Angeles Patrol Division and supplemented by West ·Traffic Division. Prior to the event on 7-19-_ 90, the Commanding Officer ·of Operations West Bureau elected to request assistance from Metropolitan Division, and that request was handled. FIELD COMMAND POST INFORMATION LOCATION OF . FIELD COMMAND POST The Field Command Post was established at the rear of the Century Plaza Hotel, 2025 Avenue of the Stars, the service area contiguous to the banquet/service kitchen area. STAFFING LEVEL Field Commander: Executive Officer: Operations Officer: Logistics Officer: Assistant Logistics Officer: Personnel Officer: Assistant Personnel Officer: Radio Officer: Journal/Log Officer: Field Jail: STAFF OFFICERS AT THE SCENE Captain I Willie Pannell Lieutenant I Doug Pilot Sergeant I Stan Schott P.O. III Frank J. Pettinato Spec Reserve Mariellen Kersey Sergeant II Richard Shedd P.O. III Aaron Montano PSR Michelena Nunez P.O. III Barbara Hodgin-Adams Detective Lou Kevin Detective Paul Richardson Commander James Jones, Commanding Officer, Operations West Bureau Commander Ronald Banks, Commanding Officer, Headquarters-Uniform Services Group Commander George Morrison, Chief of _Staff, Office of the Chief of Police. 2 I - ... MOBILE COMMAND POST VEHICLES Mobile Emergency Response Vehicle - M.E.R.V. WATCH SCHEDULE Officers from Mid Day Watch and PM Watch were rescheduled for a 1600 hour Roll Call and briefing. CHRONOLOGICAL DESCRIPTION OF EVENTS 1600 Roll Call at West Los Angeles Station. 1650 Scout Units reported that 50 demonstrators were at the scene. 1700 8CP1 was activated and ROVER Frequency 6 was restricted for 8CP1. 1710 Scout Units reported 40 demonstrators at Avenue of The Stars and Constellation Blvd. gathering with picket signs. 1730 Scout Units reported 100 plus demonstrators were forming on the corner of Constellation Blvd. and Century Park West. All fixed-post units placed in position·. 1740 The Jail Bus arrived at the Command Post. A handout of "what to do if arrested and who to call" instruction sheet, which was being passed to demonstrators, was ·received at 8CP1. 1755 Scout Units reported approximately 100 - 150 demonstrators . w/bullhorn were at the scene. 1820 Metropolitan Division personnel were placed Qn standby in holding areas. 1825 CMDR 8A met with Metropolitan Division Lt. Lorenzen at the front entrance to the lobby of the hotel to discuss Metropolitan Division's role. 1835 Homeless Advocate Ted Hayes was arrested for 647(c)PC-blocking the hotel driveway. 1840 Commander Banks arrived at the scene. 1900 Commander 8A requested Video 1 respond to the incident and video tape the activity. Commander ·aA reported the crowd was lying in the street. The group was advised to leave the street or face arrest. They refused. 3 1905 Metropolitan Division personnel were deployed for crowd control. 1910 The Jail Bus was moved to Constellation and Avenue of the Stars 1915 Metropolitan Division officers established a skirmish line between the demonstrators .lying in the street and the rest of the crowd. West Los Angeles Area officers commenced arresting the persons who were lying in the street. 1920 Assistant Chief Vernon was briefed via phone by Sgt Shedd 1920 A Tactical Alert was declared and a request was made for 20 additional officers and two Sergeants. 1935 Assistant Chief Vernon was briefed by Sgt. Shedd 2015 Crowd began to disperse. 2020 The Tactical Alert was cancelled 2025 8CP1 reported that 14 arrestees were in custody 2115 The Adult arrestees were transported to Van Nuys for booking and the juvenile was taken to West Los Angeles Station where she was processed and released to her parents. 2130 Metropolitan Division personnel were released from the Unusual Occurrence 2330 The event ended and the Command Post was secured. One unit was left to patrol in the area until 2400 hours. CRIMES AND ARRESTS ' There were no felony arrests. There was 1 juvenile arrest, and 13 adults were arrested. See attached list for detailed information. Defts: Name Sex Booking I DOB Charge 1. Blakeney, Greg M 2099 179 11/27/63 647c P.C. 2. Casella, Deirdre F 2099 227 04/30/72 · 647c P.C. 3. Crone, Heather F 2099 190 09/08/67 647c P.C. 4. Dhondrup, Robert M 2099 206 05/22/66 647c P.C. 5. Goldberg, David M 2099 199 01/05/72 647c P.C;. r 6. Gorn, Richard M 2099 228 05/24/36 647c P.C. 7. Hayes, Theodore M 2099 183 03/09/51 647c P.C. 8. Herlihy, Donna F 2099 189 04/26/63 647c P.C. 9. Livsey, Bill . M 2099 207 05/21/64 647c P.C. 10. Merel, Susan F 2099 257 04/27/71 647c P.C. 11. Pinger, Jacob M 2099 188 08/19/70 647c P.C. 12. Trevino, Renee F 2099 273 03/01/67 647c P.C. 13. Werthman, Kristin F 2099 295 04/25/72 647c P.C. 4 Subject: 1 Goldberg, Susan B. DEATHS OR INJURIES None PROPERTY DAMAGE None PERSONNEL See Attached List LOGISTICS 2099 132 01/14/74 602 WIC/ 647c PC. Disorderly Conduct/ Obstruction , of a street, sidewalk or public place. Logistics consisted of one M.E.R.V and one Jail Bus. 1s· flexible handcuffs. 2 pair of binoculars. Two~man SID Video Tape Unit CRITIQUE OVERVIEW The demonstration consisted of numerous groups with a multitude of causes. The demonstration developed rapidly and caused immediate response by police personnel. Faced with approximately 500 demonstrators, it became obvious that the deployment of a ready reserve, Metropolitan Division officers, would be necessary. Early in the demonstration, a lone .demonstrator, Homeless Advocate, Theodore Hayes, precipitated his arrest by lying in the driveway of the hotel. Later, upon a designated signal, thirteen other protesters laid in the street blocking traffic and blocking ingress and egress to the hotel. Arrests were made with no aggravated incidents. However, because the arrests 5 caused a drain on personnel, and in as much as the crowds aggressiveness seemed to grow, it was felt that more officers were needed to control the situation. Consequently, a Tactical Alert was declared. As more officers arrived on scene, the demonstrators' hostility stabilized. At approximately the time that the banquet was being served, the demonstrators dispersed and left the area. Thereafter, the Tactical Alert was cancelled. Officers assigned to the incident, except the original contingency of West Los Angeles officers, returned to their previous assignments. The evening ended without further disruptions or complications. INTELLIGENCE The major criticism of the event is that there was virtually no functional or delineated intelligence. Seemingly, much of the available information about the magnitude of the demonstration was based upon speculation derived from hearsay. Apparently, there is no apparatus in the Department that allows it to garner, assimilate, and disseminate intelligence on organizations of the type present at this demonstration. PERSONNEL The original plan for the policing of this event was primarily based upon West Los Angeles Patrol Division's personnel resources. Because there was an absence of information concerning this event, a skeletal plan was developed that allowed for the incident's interior and exterior policing with a minimal amount of personnel. It was determined that if the scope of the demonstration developed beyond West Los Angeles Area's resources, Metropolitan Division personnel would be requested to respond. Similarly, a Tactical Alert would be declared if needed. As the event neared, sketchy intelligence indicated that civil disobedience would take place. Based on that information, Commander Jones, the Commanding Officer, Operations West Bureau, requested that Metropolitan Division officers be deployed. Two squads of Metropolitan Division Officers did respond to the scene and were utilized. Two other squads were diverted from Harbor Area during the incident. However, they were not deployed. COMMAND POST In as much as a lack of concrete intelligence concerning the demonstrators staging time was unavailable, the Command Post was activated at 1700 hours, one-half hour before the event developed. It soon became obvious that the Command Post should have been fully operational at least one hour prior to the arrival of the demonstrators. The Command Post site was chosen to provide ready access to the banquet room and adequate space for staging of personnel. Unfortunately, the configuration of the surrounding buildings caused radio interference and hampered communications. When demonstrators blqcked ingre· ss and egress to the hotel, numerous guests spontaneously elected to enter the property via the rear 6 entrance of the banquet room. Their presence directly interfered with the Command Post operations. Likewise, their presence made the processing/holding of prisoners cumbersome. TACTICAL ALERT A Tactical Alert was appropriately declared. It was announced only when the Field Commander determined that the event's policing needs surpassed the capability of available resources. It was cancelled when the demonstration reverted to a state manageable with original personnel. TACTICS A positive working relationship between West Los Angeles Area personnel and Metropolitan Division officers manifested itself in a well executed tactical operation. Other officers who responded to the Tactical Alert bolstered those officers already on scene. Sound squad tactics were implemented relative to the situational needs. 7 ADDENDA 1. 2. 3 . 4. 5.A-B 6.A-C 7.A-Q 8. Estimated Financial Costs Daily Work Sheet for U. o. (07/19/90) Century City Hotel's Schedule of Events Act Up Los Angeles/ CISPES Pre-Event Flyer Handout given out at demonstration Arrest Report; Theodore Hayes Multi Thirteen Arrest Report Video Tape Documentation Century City Dtaonstritioo July 19, 19'0 - Estiuted fininciil Costs RANK DIV 1 orr RE& UO RE& COST RE6 OT OT COST UO OT UO OT COST TOTAL COST Captain I WLA 0.0 s .00 0.0 $ .00 10.5 s 110.25 s 110.25 co .. ander WLA, HB, COP 3 11.0 s 525.91 0.4 $ 28.69 6.0 s 36.00 s 590.60 Detective II WLA 0.0 s .00 0.2 s 7. 99 5.0 s 25.00 s 32.99 lieutenant I WLA 8,0 $ 250. 72 0.0 $ . 00 3.5 $ 12.25 $ 262.97 lieutenant I I COP 3.5 s 115.78 0.0 $ . 00 0.0 s . 00 s 115.78 11ETRO 4.5 s 148.86 o.o s .00 0.0 $ .00 s 148.86 Li ne Reserve Officer WLA 2 4.3 s .00 0.0 $ .00 0.0 s .00 $ .00 P HOTO II TRNG 6.0 s 100.86 0.7 $ 17.65 6.Q s 36.00 s 154.51 Pol ice Officer I WLA '3 44.5 s 947.85 0.0 $ . 00 6.0 s 36.00 $ 983.85 Police Officer II WLA, WTD, WLS 23 132.2 S 2834.37 0.0 $ .00 6.0 s 36.00 S 2870.37 Police Officer II+II WTD 6 25.8 s 616.62 0.0 s .00 o.o $ .oo $ 616.62 Police Officer III 11ETRO 18 4.5 s 101. 93 0.0 s .00 0.0 s .00 s 101. 93 WLA, TRNG 13 74.1 S 1678.37 0.9 $ 30.58 14.0 $ 196.00 S 1904. 95 Police Officer III+! WLA 2 9.4 s 224.66 0.0 s .oo 0.0 $ .oo s 224.66 Police Service Rep WLA 0.0 $ .00 0.0 s .00 5.0 s · 25.00 s 25.00 Sergeant I WLA, WLS 5 35.2 $ n1.13 0.0 $ .00 10.0 $ 100.00 S 1037. 73 Sergeant II l'IETRO 4 4.5 s 126.54 o.o s I .00 0.0 $ .00 s 126.54 WLA 3 18.4 s 517.41 o.o s .00 5.0 $ 25.00 s 542.41 Spec Res Officer WLA 10.5 s .00 0.0 s .00 3.0 $ .00 $ .00 Totil: " 396.4 t 9127.61 2.2 $ 84.91 80.0 $ 637.SO $ 9850.02 15.26.0 (7 / 82) LOS ANGE LES POLICE DEPARTMENT DAILY WORK SHEET REA / DIV AREA COMMANDING OFFICER I o;~c;~~N;;~o~F~~~ UNIT (tr OTHEl'I WAILN COMMANOER / OIC IDAY OF WK . ,DATE IWATCH THAN PAT"OL) ' A CAPT.BAGDONAS SGT.BRADFORD THURS 7-lQ-QO PM ; ~MENT ,..ROVER SHOP NAME(S) EOW SUPV. STATION DETAIL / SPECIAL DETAIL D0 / S IC K/ 100 / VACATION / ETC. :f<""' ¥.tr, ~·-~/. ..:::r;,Ncr NITS · 1 e Id mdr - CAPT. PANNELL /// ETt€ o xe~IJI S" r,,-, ,,. ,,. ..,., .r , ,,,,t T ,;..:._~ fer r1" - LT. PILOT ,,,..,r / ? c :a ... ~ ~- · ... per. ,___ ...?- S,1 ,j-,1 ~-. ...t - fer 0 ~o SGT. SCHOTT ogist i£s_ .,L. 7 , ,,,.:..o,/,,,,-.h7e"..v fr-r P J:'TT T ~JATO F P1 - ourna l__ fer MONTANO. A . P3 1/4 : ~ adio - ffice r" NIINF7. ~, PSR erson n..eJ_ i· f;, ffirA ~ n· ,n ,~T T T ,HFnn e .·~-,/~ ,___ J / ,___ Jf1v•~ .- 40 SGT. BARBARA. N • C- 7 - ~n ,r,r MA,Cnl A.. ,1 .. C--7 J(oO - S&r 0Et.ATUAAE C · 7 Pl - H U V l U U ~ {'-. 7 P2+ :~ P2 KOELSCH P2 - JOY, J • P3+ b3B RE ID .. J • P3 - T R E U T L E I N _ ,. -, P3+1 1 C L E W,1 E R _ ~ '" ' ' Pl FU! 11 ~ {?7a,.;','fr/,,.,-~ P2 - ? R 11 R A I r A \/ A 0. ~; / D? I BEACHAM• P2 - 1 . - ;::In ,Iii :f .., Pl : ; r. " r 1 - " , • JW c • !I - L Al~ R E ~ C E ~ D ~ 4 HENDE SO ... ~~ ' MANN P3 - 5 ELLERSON P3 ,___ HODGIN-ADAMS_, 7 P2 (:. THOMPSON .. A. 1 -' Pl -.J - SHARPE P2 7 PASOUERRO P2 ANTONUCCI . c. 1 P2 - WEBB .. K. P2 8 - MEDRANO P2 q KRAUSS P2 - GOLDBERG P2 1J rt~ TSU BA P2 1PA -t?~. Lil.. - HAI RAr.H P? ill - FLORES P2 -ks-c,s._, '~"~JS - CAIANCOY P2+! - ~ n SANCHEZ .. p. P2+ :> MQ82 - MiA 5 e OT, !?l fE7'E%,s Pz+) ~nA4 f.RAWFORn P?+) 'MQ86 ROGERS P2+2 "·" 1" / rJ.eA- S" • u 7'" f /'tUl.-k_, . · hr ,l ~au rKrs"> Sror~ £.~+-~ · .. z THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1990 THE RICHARD NIXON LX. BRARY (JR) SETUP . ( DNP) V~P RECEPTION (DNP) STAFF ROOM (DNP) RECEPTION [::7500 HEAD TABLE LINEUP (DNP DINNER/PROGRAM 1500 ---- CPH OUT OF ORDER (DRP) (AY) - 7 - LOS ANGELES BALLROOM PACIFIC PALISADES ROOM BEL AIR ROOM CALIFORNIA LOUNGE BRENTWOOD ROOM LOS ANGELES BALLROOM CALIFORNIA SHOWROOM PROFESSOR ROTH - TAX PLANNING PROGRAM (RS) MEETING LUNCHEON ST, JUDE$ HOSPITAL (JR) WORK ROOM (DNP) 35 35 PACIFIC PALISADES ROOM BEL AIR ROOM ENCINO ROOM FORD DEALERS ADVERTISING ASSOCIATION (PB) MEETING LUNCHEON 20/25 20/25 PETE WILSON OFFICE (DNP) (JR) RECEPTION 25 ENCINO ROOM SHERMAN OAKS ROOM SHERMAN OAKS ROOM 8:00AM 6:30PM - 8:00PM 6:30PM - 8:00PM (HOLD 2:00PM/ EVENING) 7:00PM - 8:00PM 7:30PM - 8:00PM 8:00PM - 11:00PM DAY - EVENING 8:00AM - 5:00PM 12:00N - 1:30PM 5:00PM - EVENING 8 : 3 CAM - 5 : 0 0 P!-: 12:00N - 2:00PM 4:30PM - 6:30PM NBC SUMMER PRESS TOUR - TELEVISION CRITICS ASSOCIATION (RS) HOLD (DNP) OFFICE ELECTRONIC PRESS 10/30 SCREENING. & INTERVIEWS 150/200 RBC HEADQUARTERS SCREENING & INTERVIEWS 150/200 RECEPTION/DINNER RECEPTION/LUNCHEON 50 WESTWOOD ROOM NORTH CONVENTION OFFICE - DIRECTORS BOARD AND DINING,· REGENTS BOARD AND DINING, GOVERNORS BOARD AND DINING, SENATORS BOARD AND DINING, PREVIEW ROOMS WESTSIDE ROOM VINEYARD ARD BAR PLAZA ROOM PARltIRG LOT ~ ------------------- DAY - DAY - DAY - EVENING EVENING EVENING DAY - EVENING DAY - EVENING DAY - EVENING 6:30PM - 10:00PM 12:30PM - 2:30PM ~ . 3 ~'~ -~, 4 I• ·-- Ford 0 Ut<~AK l l1-- ~IL~i~Ll~ Crooks and Leaders of Dcalh will be Present al Fundraiser ,,/ :~, . Wilson Bush Nixon Danncmeyer - Kissinger Take action tor your rights / Join the demonstration Thursday, July 19th, 5:30 P·?1· f Cenlury Plaza Hotel, Century City ') . . f Assealblc Ill 1k CDree! of AVCIUIC t!f ~Stars~ l'.A.lfllld.._ ? • 0 . PmatlbelltoMwaJ.1hollrshee } WHERE DO YOU WANT YOUR TAX odLLARS TO GO? . . • NO Death Squall Govcnunents or War in ~ El Salvador ! R._ .,,,: .. .L · . Guateinala ! · QIWl•-41 __ l, ~ Nicaragua ! - la lllfV' f Soutli Africa ! •~ ""':'A cA~ .. . . • 'JVD i • STOP Malathion Sprnying ! • YES to AIDS Rcsea,cb I Reproductive IUgbla Lesbian / Gay Rights • YES 10 lleal1h Care ! • SlOP unsors~ip ! • YES to l!ducation ! Spo115or5: i ACT UP-1..A. Alda Coal,aaoa 10 U.ale&lll p.,..,) • AJ-SNU "A• , _.0111111•1ee • S.' ' ,ii, a.ilh dtc l'Cll> of U Sal...._ ICJSPl:S) • Cal Swc Nmlkad,c Mi:'l1 A • ~ El Sal•dN • 0.,. of Occiaioll • G,MkeJe lnfonua& .. Cent« (GIC) c;....._ Coalilaan • ,._.CC c,l laillwlc • NIDellal Oiicw, • Nican&ua c.l111ral Ceaaa • Nicmpa Task hnie • NOW • Soulhaw C1tilc,1. dJIII Maladlioa 4SCAM) • ,......._, W.aias C'oeliliaa b ~ iwt lmlioc in El Salvador ad lhc US. • W-111naa fm Pc...e 1:or more infomi..tiuu call: CISPES (J 'il- 0721 · . Lo. Angela NOW Ull) 657-i.18H c . r t I ... •• m I "' m ) [ Pl t1 .... .. .. • • tlj I H Pl I I .,.. C I U) ,f I ' I Pl J 1) r .. ... ·- . ---1· ·· REMEMBER: 1. Give only your name to the Police. 2. Do not plead to anything. 3. Call the Legal Center Hotline Cnuri:>er on other side) with the .tYll names of everyone arrested with you. 4. Tell hotline oper. of medical needs. 5. Keep track of your group. [ __ ~ur att~~eys will be· at the jail. ' -: __ , ~ ' _ - ~ : · ,,} ~ j~· ~ _ ( _ ~ - ~ .i_·· :, .. ,.; ~-.. - : : ':~;-- ~ _ .. ,.~.:;-: ... · . ~ -';.-:• , ~' ;· ~ •~•• : , , .. • • • t • • : • • • . • • r I~.:~: !~•• · .; ::\::· >..~ · : \•. • -.: ·> • ·· I • _ ,. • .• c <<c~, • • . ~· ,· •~ •· • ~~ > ; ~-f~:. ' : •;.:,f:' . < : ;.:,~ •• : I . • • • ' •' "J' ;, < · • �' .. • • • ~ .. ..-:~; ... , .' •• ;.t . ·i> , . •. . (~. ·,;, }~ti s?~{ : ; ) ; , .. ,; ... ... . - '·• :·, , · , •• - • • l4 t· f ; · ,, ,, . ..;.,,n ;,.,,,.,. ,,,.,,"'"'":. ~,*;,,,.,~;,.~"1i.4:~:,,'.~~~~,_,_...,_ll<~~~~W~~~~~l ·; ~: . ~• • -=•w 1 !,, .. ··:. ~ .... .. .. .;:-... • i. . • .. .. ~ ~ ! .• ~ . ... . ·; _ ·'' ... ' · .· #. ·- - · - 4 -•- -· -· . . . . . - - --- -- ~-· . -1 1 --:::egaC~~~- cal. ~enter Information card Hotline: ·:· 654·1639 or 656-0829 ;. (7/19/90 only) / 7/ ,, ( ~ - 7 · / 1 I· / _ I /C,/9 . 1 ' " : .. .:· ; ' I • · · • .. . . .- . ,, ,· · . ~ C • • . • I ;:·~· ~;?/. '} ·)\l- ?:•, : ,• • .. 71Bilil~~IDilrl"-115i(iE1ir---smrr"'Wl ~ U 838951· JIN. DITAINB> AT N 1815 2219 AVE OF STARS BLOCKIN~ 1DN MIIL-. Lal' 1110.. 00Ulff. -MIL. ICL ,.~ •• -SAA APT ,..,. nm:~--------T."T"---------- ADMONmON OF RIGHTS (WtaAfflJCML!) 'ntl PQ.LOWINa STAT&l!NT' WAI MAD TO THE AMl8TII: "V0U HAW THI NJHT TO AEIMIN __,,._ IF Y'0U GIVW l''ntl NGHT'TO ,.._ a.INT', AN'tTHNI Y0U IAY CAN NfO Wll1. • laD ,.,._, YOU IN A 00UflT ~ I.AW. YOU HAW 'ntl NGHT TO a.M WTTH AN ATTOMft NfO TO HAVI 'nt1 AT1'011NEY'9IEIBff'DUMGOUUTIONNl. lFYOU.:>DI.IIWNf0CANNOTAffON> CINI. AN ATT1JN!tn Will. • N"P0INTB> FOR Y0U WfTH0UT Q4AAIJI 1EF0A1 ~- ,_....._, ... -JU IIIAD TO THI AMUTB ft • A.O. SAHE 934-2647 M AETAINED CAIH , .50 , -NONE INVOLVED PERSONS Code: V: VICTIM W: wrTNEa P /A::=- ... R: ~ 459: g :::g:~ v a WI oac. o.o.a. 'ADOAEa IA ] 18 i----+------r-,----r------------+---.........., IA 1 8 IA 1 1--...i...-------,-----------'8---~:::a-,c;;:r.:r.r-----------------~=-=::-:::-:=-:------~ ~ COMBINED P MUl.11. ARRESTEES THIS secTl0N I A80W CANE VICT'SOCCUPA ) CRIME REPORT ~~ BOX 18 COWLETm ON ONLY ONE FACE ] DAff N#D TIME a.IE OCCUflAB) TYPE PAOPERTY MO (UNIOUE ACTIONS) COMBINED EVID. APT. EST. '1'V I 8FV 0Nl Y·VICTS. VEH. (YA., MAKE. TYP£. UC.) SEA. NO. t..,_...,.._..,_ ______ ....,.. ______ ~------+-------+-----------------------1 3 J I • •~ · .. ,:, . ··~~· .,. Los Angeles Police Oeport11a,1 CONTINUATION SHEET PAG£ NO. TYPE OF RE~T ?l..3 ~r ~✓?£; ~e. I MOO&L NO. ITIM QUAN. NO. AIITICL& S&lllAL NO. ISIIANO M1ac. o&sc111ll'T10N 1c•. coL011,s111t. I oOLLAII VALUE INSCll lll'TIOICS, CAL 18Clt , ll&VOLVltll ,ITCJ \ __ --+-- ! ! __________ _ ____ L _ _ ____ _ _ - ·- I I ! , I --------+j-------!!--______ ......,, ----- ~ - -- --~---------____; __ --- /JrE!;t'.- ~$_/-_ 7~_.:,J,_q,?.,C (7:>M: s- ;i'_ i S-~----- --- - ------ -·- - ---- 1 I : ____ ___ S of:/~ · /J ~ ker.z (,,) z-:r1 Y~· j ! .£ 0,? ~ L #,f-z_A~ ~<=~LZ.¥'7 _,/,,(/#~€__ ,,.tk;__<;'! r-_,,-:.,,Je7'2 72') ~~ I 2,;;::;:_ l~;{~ £ ~1/;:~~;~ s=. ~ -- •··· - - .-'--'----'--..:...=...C:;_;;____::__-t- 1 _::; . 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I I I _ . ~ft _ _ 3~ Ci/~~c;-- tJ~ , /J~~~ r~~ : ~ue'tz-c ,,d-<?ec:-ss_ i ! ! I ; I --- . ---- +- ' ---------1--------r---------- ' ------;-----------------t ~~~~z~~ ! - -- --------.i.-.------'----+---------+-------+-------+----------------1 Inc~ 1,v,4--j B~LJ o r1 ~~ e.~ A-.,. vA-ttJ Nt,ty_j' I TA-u I r ,4:::,2, Wt-If Su/'c7ZcJZ~ ,/2.- 56r !e;'#€LJ/J ! ~//9t"7 ; .; .. . . ·. ... ~ . ", DISCLOSURl!STJtl EMDfF. L01An0ete1Polica• TYPE Of REPORT BOOQGNO. ORNO. I PAGE NO. _j/J'' ~e:sr dc7f9/o3 ~-o<f 1. All currently existing reports (except personnel investigations) connected to this investigation, including crime, property, arrest, schematic, refusal, follow-up, use of force, etc., including those of other suspects, are cross-referenced in this report. 2. The name, business address or assignment and serial number, home address (except for officers) and phone number of all currently known persons, including officers (except confi dential informants), who were in a position to see, hear, or were interviewed about the crime or the events leading to it, arrest, search, statement of a suspect or witness, field sobriety exam, non-Scientific Investigation Division chemical test, a suspect's or witness's state of intoxication, or fads necessary for probable cause for a warrant, search, or detention are listed in the report. 3. All known oral statements made by any suspect or witness concerning the offense are included in a referenced report. 4. Copies of all original officer notes relating to statements of suspeds or witnesses are attached. 5. All items of evidence seized, photgraphs (except booking), anc;t tape recordings (except Communications Division records) are mentioned in one of the referenced reports. 6. If any of the above items have been lost or destroyed, this fact is mentioned in a referenced report. 7. Any known fad which might indicate innocence of this crime or which might be substantial material evidence favorable to any susped or which might damage the believability of a prosecution witness or result in a lesser court sentence is mentioned in a referenced report. All of the above statements are true. SIGNATURE SERIAL# DIVISION OF ASSIGNMENT DATE ---------------- ---- f! A-tt t- ,C-o ~ /(, 77 Ii' /4,). 7, 0 1-/1- /l) ---------------- .._//4~ ....... '1-~-~------e:)--t,_/_Z_t/7__ v ?A- . 1-/1- f"O . .. ' - · : i ·:, ~;- \i1!;r,-/· iLt~. ~ - ~ ~ - -~~ > t. J .. ·- f' :-· • • · - , , __ : ,~ . . ~:~ . .;-:~:.~~ -: .; . .,. -~~- . . ·· ; · { ~~ .. . - ---· -- - - . _ _ - -- --··~ -- ·-· ARREST REPORT 9GOKING NO u .o . · I . : : :G77 I . . J .,;." LOC . BKD. -~ 20 DR. LJC . NO. ,~G,~E STATE MT . � · - ~ EVID C. 0 RIME APT APT l-3 •AARESTEE"S LAST NAME 1 ::.;Gi...DBERG f ~DDRESS .. ; j 0 ~SEX DESCENT I ' ~ ' · " i. VEH. LIC. NO. ;:·r:D FIRST s-us,.;;~ L U\.,C.f'\ l'CC. Hl'll..rt:.L.C:...l- HAIR EYES STATE HEIGHT AKA: LAST FIAST ~ NICXNAME MIDDLE SUF. APT NO. STATE WEIGHT BIRTHDATE , , 7 ' .. :i I I ·'-~ !" .91 ATHPLACE 1 CITY l §!Vl,_) HI'( \.:r ['_ 1... C. ~ . INV. UNIT JUV. DETAINED AT AO CHG l L. 1 ..J~ 1'.:11~GEi. .. i::3 DIVISION AND DETAIL ARRESTING DATE ARRESTED · IME ARR. TIME BKD. , ,., _,." j _; ! · r - .:.. ,-:.1 .-.. I •• ;,::, OCATION OF ARREST i - ~ U r_, t-i .L I_ ~ : .:025 I A'v'EOriHESi AR i'IIJ J.:\H .1. L TYP CHARGE & CODE fl 64 ...... C r'C DEFINITION DISORDEr,;i...Y WARRANT NO. * DDITIONAL CHARGES 1ON AOOI.. WARRS LIST NO COURT. ANO IIAJl. INCL. PA I ""'RAAIGN . DATE I TIME COURT LOCATION CRIME COMMITTED +oCCUPATION 1 GRADE Gr rn < 6 ~ 0 0 DR CII .··· -. . ·-. ,-. ,- ""' ,-, "'""' ••••• 1 · ".-' ·.:· r::, .. · ·_:,· ... :Ci MAIN FBI ADMONITION OF RIGHTS (WHEN APPLICABLE) THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT WAS READ TO THE ARRESTEE: ·you HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT. IF YOU GIVE UP THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT. ANYTHING YOU SAY CAN AND WILL BE USED AGAINST YOU IN A COURT OF LAW. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO SPEAK WITH AN ATTORNEY AND TO HAVE THE ATTORNEY PRESENT DURING QUESTIONING. IF YOU SO DESIRE AND CANNOT AFFORD ONE. AN ATTORNEY WILL BE APPOINTED FOR YOU WITHOUT CHARGE BEFORE QUESTIONING ..• THIS A~ION WAS MAD TO THE ARRESTEE BY -J-lf I c;,12 { :te 1 · ) 2 '4 T' F c NAME SERIAL NO. :1 ; SOCIAL SECURITY NO A.O. RESIDENCE PHONE NO. : . -, ,..... , ..... ·-- ~ ,-_ -_, I -::;. ,:) .;:., i:) ~LOTHING WORN EXACT LOCATION I DISPOSITION ARRESTEE"S VEHICLE · ,OLD FOR i='U r-:i="i...E Si-ii BLU ...... , .... ~ r Hl'f I~"> - ----- . ' LI ST CONNECTING APTS BY TYPE & IDEN TIFY ING NOS 'IEHICLE USED !YEAR. MAKE. MODEL. TY PE. NO . 1 0 MARKS\ i>ASSENGERS 1 M F : COMPLAINTS / EVIO OF,LNEss_ , INJ-BY WHO:TREATEO 1 /I/ /f°'{ · I c.:. · . ~ · 7 • DRIVING VEH . (DIRECTIONS & NAME OF STRE n AT OR BETWEEN STREETS RETAINED CASH OEPOSITEO ,· mNE INVOLVED PERSONS Code: JUV: ~ ... '.IE I✓ , · .✓L . . • 1 COMBINED .. CRIME REPORT V & w ·s SEX OESC . .. ,- .o 0 .8. ADDRESS · B IF MUL Tl ARRESTEES THIS SECTION & ABOVE CRIME ' T"YPE OFFENSE PPT CHEC K BOX IS COMPLETED ON ONLY ONE FACE SHEET. :>ATE ANO TIME CRIME OCCURRED TYPE PROPERTY . ~59 1 BFV ONLY -POINT ANO METHOD OF ENTRY WEAPON / FORCE / INSTRUMEN_;. U~ _,./ I MO I UNIQUE ACTIONS) I COMBINED ' 1 EVID. APT. USE THIS SECTION IN LIEU~ PAOPERTY RE- LOC. EVIO. BKD. PORT IF ONLY ONE ARRESTEE. NO GUN. AND NO MORE THAN 3 ITEMS OF EVIO. 10 . 10 GIVEN? y N Preliminary Drug Test CITY ZIP PHONE VICT'S OCCU PATION TOTAL EST. DAMAGE TYP!: PREMISES TFV / BFV ONLY-VICT'S. VEH. !YA . MAKE . TYPE. LIC .) SUPV. / INV OFCR. TESTING SER. NO. WITNESS OFCR. y ITEM QUAN. ARTICLE ) SERIAL NO. I TYPE TEST OF DRUG BRANO / DRUG WEIGHT MODEL NO. / DRUG TEST MISC. 3 J APPROVAL/ REPORTING OFFICERS JUVENILE DISPO. Petition Request: FINAL CHARGE. IF DIFFERENT THAN ORIGINAL (SECTION. CODE & DEFINITION)_ UNITS RESULT OoETAINEO � RELEASED � NON-800I( IF REFERRED. AGENCY & PERSON ACCEPTING REFERRAL � NON-BOOt< & WARR. PROPERTY 9001<ED? y N SUPERVISOR APPROVING 1------------,,------------+-----------..-----------+;~::.;F OM::.;YE;;;;~..: · :.::~.:.;O::: .SD~?~-Y--N~JUV. COORO. REVIEWING 11 Oc&R 11 0 ACTION SUSP. 14 0 PROVED ADULT L.A .P .D . 05.01 .2 (REV. 2-88) 13 0 EXON-INNOCENT 12 0 REL-INSUF. EVIO. 03 0 COMMUNITY SERVICE 04 D CYA 18 0 JUV. TRAF. MISO. 03 D PROSATION 17 0 ARE DEPT. OS O 0TH. LAW ENF. AGENCY 10 0 DEPT. MENTAL HEAL TH ARREST REPORT 1eOoPSS OoTHER: DATE/ TIME OISPO. REPROO. SER. NO SERIAL NO. SERIAL NO. DIV. / CLERK ·· --- ... ____ _ __ _ _ _ _ £ "1" - ·-------- - - - - ARREST REPORT '' T :---,L· 1 I :. BOOKINO NO. • I U 0 . LOC. BKO. I J R. LIC. NO . STATE ~ L.....J I 2099190 1 4279 : C5258169 1 ·:A YI EVIO ' CRIME ....... ,,_ .. R""'RE""STE=""'F""S-,-LAS.,.,,.,T'"'N""A-,-M,,!,E,---...._ ___ +::,=::----------.-:-:::=-::------,.~=--, "lPT q PT ( 1 ~ATHER IM;~ERIE ...A CRONE ADDRESS CITY SEX i HEIGHT. HEIGHT BIRTHOATE / •GE F I sos I ; 40 090867 122 VEH. LIC .. NO. PED · LA DIVISION ANO DETAIL ARRESTING AAA: LAST c1RST- :)R NICKNAME ROe. INV . UNIT CT 4208 Q 071990 LOCATlON ~EST 202~ AVE OF STARS 'TY" CHARGE & COOE DEFINITION H 647CPC BLOCKING AOOITlOHAL CHARGES !OH AOOL Wll#lll//S. UST NO .. COUlff. AHO IIAIL. 1 HQ.. PA I $ i ,UV. OETAINEO AT BAIL TOTAL BAIL TIME ARR. 1900 ARRAIGN. OA TE TIME COURT LOCATION CRIME COMMITTED EMPl.OYER I SCHOOL OCCUPATION / .,RAoE · CLOTHING WORN SAME WHT SHT BLU PTS.BRO SHOES >D CMG I NI TIME BKO 2227 ~ i > :, / ,; (JI t G I I """ =B1 . I I ADMONITION OF RIGHTS (WHEN APPI..ICABl.El THE FOLLOWll40 STATEMENT WAS READ TO THE ARRESTEE: " YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT. IF YOU GIVE UP Tl-IE RIGHT TO Re1M1 SILENT. ANYTHING YOU SAY CAN ANO WILL BE USED AGAINST YOU IN A ca...-1' OF LAW. YOU HAVE THE RIOHT TO SPEAK WITH AN ATTORNEY ANO TO HAVE THE ATTORNEY PAESENT DURING OUESTIONIHQ. IF YOU SO OE SIRE ANO CANNOT AffOR0 ONE. AN ATTORNEY W1LL BE APPOINTED FOR YOU WITHOUT CHARGE 8EFOAE QUESTIONING." nos ADIIIONrTION .... MAD TO THE AIUIESTU Y No-r (:ry-~,V NAME SENM. NO. SOCIAL SECllRITY NO. ( ~ 545771415 A.O. RESIDENCE Pt40NE NO. SAME I 2134953341 , EXACT LOCATION I OISPOSITION ARRESTEE'S VEHICLE --,QU)FQA: I F'ED LIST CONNECTING RPTS BY TYPE & IDENTIFYING NOS VEHICLE USEO rYEAR. MAKE. MOOEL. TY PE COLORS. U C. NO . 1 0 MARKS! ?ASSENGERS M F Iv }.h.- COMPLAINTS I EVIO OF ILLNESS/ INJ-BY WHOM TREATED DRIVING YEH. (DIRE TREET) AT OR _ BETWEEN STREETS RETAINED CASH ) EPOSITB> 3. 00 rWNE 1 8 I I • v I !.- ' ,1 -:r I I - ---;- ,-i - -, • I • , ~' /. .·I·' ' / ''I , R ' 8 ] 1----------- .------------------= , rv =PE~O~FF=-=E~lll~SE=-----------------------.-- ,C ,-:- T-:: S-: x = c~u-=-P,."."'!T:"'."! 1 0::"':N~--------- COMBINED !IF MUL TI ARRESTEES THIS SECTION & ABOVE CRIME ! _ CRIME REPORT l ~~~J HECK BOX rs COMPLETED ON ONLY ONE FACE i OATE ANO TIME CRIME OCCURRED ...) PEATY 1 TOTAL ' EST. (l"MAGE 4581 BFV ONLY-POINT ANO METHOD OF ENTRY WEAPON I FORCE / INSTRUMENT USED I BFV ONLY-VICT' S VE H 1 YR MME. TYPE. UC.I MO (UNIQUE ACTIONS\ COMBINED I EVID. APT. rra, QUAN. ARTICLE 0 I use THIS SECTION IN LIEU~ - ERTY RE- LOC. EVIO. BKO. PORT IF ONLY ONE ARRESff NO GUN. ANO 10.10 GIVEN? NO MORE THAN 3 ITEMS O,:· 10. BRANO I DRUG WEIGHT UNITS N / INV. OFCR . TESTING SER. NO WtTIIIESS OFCR SER. NO ~ l--+--+---------;--,..-------;----------t------/ ----:: /..,___;------------------------------1 APPROVAL/ REPORTING OFFICERS SUPERVI OATE & TIME REPRODUCED DIV. SERIAL NO. CLERK RAP SHEET ATTACHED JUVENILE DISPO. Petttlon Request: 0 DETAINED � RELEASED FlNAl CHAAGE. IF OIFFERENT THAN ORIGINAL (SECTlON. CODE & OEFI~ . IF REFtRAED, AGENCY & PERSON ACCEP'TINO REFERRAL P..aPERTY 900KED7 y N SUPERVISOR APf'ROVING ~ y "' JUV. COOAD. REVl£WINO l-1-1- � -c-,-R-----"T',-3- � -EXC)N.Nt()CENT-------t-04~0~c-YA-------,-,.-� -J-UV-.-TMF-- . -MISD-.---+-,-e-- � ;..;:;;;DPSS;.;.;::;:a.;... ___ _, 11 0 ACTION SUSP. 12 D RB.-NIUF. EVI). 03 D PAOeATlON I 7 0 FIRE DEPT. � O™ER: 14 0 PROY1D ADULT 03 0 C0IMJNfTY SSMCE 05 D 0TH. LAW ENF. AGENCY 10 0 DEPT'. MENTAL HEAL'Tlf OAT£ I TIME OISPO. REPf'OO. LA.P.O. 05.01 .2 (REV. 2.-) ARREST REPORT V IICATlOH ,J SERIAL I OIV. SEAIM. NO. SSUAl.NO. ON.ICUNC ARREST REPORT 300KINO NO. ., U Cl. LOC. BKD DR. UC. NO I ---~ 0 oo 1 oo ~RRESTEE'S LAST NAME AOOAESS _ _:; 'f 6 CITY SEX OESCENT l .J VEH. LIC. NO. BIRTHPLACE ,c1 1 - <.:-:-9 , ~ i q 'S" D i ,: i F'IRST DAVID HAIR I EYES f."iRCt I BRO STATE 1 R 0 I 083 HEIGHT 600 AAA. LAST CJ RST- APT NO. STATE ' .. r·, WEIGHT (_'?13 t 31RTHDATE • AGE I ,:, 1. , , ·:-, 1::; ·7 • -, I , · ;:: ; I : . ... I•·· .. IJUV DETAINED AT ' ,.:, C>1G DC EVID I CRIME RPT RPT , -:: :, 'i:iR:-------------.- , ~ "7"'""------------ ~ i = [ ... I'" F' BI , •; .. ·• ,,.. :! ., ( R08. INV UNIT IJ $ CT I I I ADMONITION OF RIGHTS !WHEN APPLICABLE) I I \ I ; _ _ _ .-1 I ·I DIVISION ANO 4208 !DETAIL ARRESTING '] I OATE ARRESTED 071990 I TIME ARR I rl ME BKO · 1 920 · -:,•,-:;r., LOCATION OF ARREST :02~ AVE OF STARS ! BAIL I ~-~ '.) C, • •.:) (_) I TOTAl I :_:: '.j. Q • l:) () BAIL TYP CHARGE & CODE M 647((:JF'C , I DEFINITION BLOCKING ADDITIONAL CHARGES ION AOOI.. WAAAS LIST NO COVAT AN> Mk.. 1NQ. P " I $ ARRAIGN. DA TE I TIME !COURT ! LOCATION CRIME COMMITTED SAME ' EMPLOYER I SCHOOL I~ U l"f C. CLOTHING WORN BLK SHO,WHT SHRTS,WHT TSHT I I THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT WAS READ TO THE ARRESTEE: ··vou HAIIE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT. IF YOU GIVE UP THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT ANYTHING YOU SAY CAN ANO WILL BE USED AGAINST YOU IN A COURT OF LAW. YOU HAIIE THE RIGHT TO SPEAK WITH AN ATTORNEY AND TO HAIIE THE ., TTORNEY PRESENT DURING OUES*TONING . IF USO DESIRE AND CANNOT AFFORD ONE. AN ATTORNEY WILL BE APPOINTED YOU WITHOUT CHARGE BEFORE QUESTIONING.·· THIS AOIIONfTION WAS MAD TO THE TEE Y /Vc:T L/J,., .. ✓ ,.._;, .. (..-1,.-· NAME SERIAL NO I SOCIAl SECURITY NO UNI< EXACT LOCATION I DISPOSITION ARRESTEE'S VEHICLE ·<1LD FOi" • , U ST CONNECTING RPTS BY TYPE & IDENTIFYING NOS I VEHICLE USEO-(YEAR. "4AKE . MODEL. T'I PE COLORS, LIC', NO . 1 0 "4ARKSI I I ------· I - L .. r'- COMPLAINTS / EVIO OF ILLNESS/ INJ-BY W~ TREA TEO CASH '.JEPOSITEO ,./i .'(,_'-, I_./ t... ~ 7'_/J ·-rt: l ~ DRIVING I/EH. 1 0IRECTIONS, NAME OF STR( AT OR ~ETW __ _ - - s l ~TAl~E~I " -~~ 5 1 , ,) • 90 INVOLVED PERSONS Code: V: v1cT1 M W: w1TNESS P / A: ~~~~Rs R: ~~~~ 459: 5: :~:~~ i~icui~~ING NAME " & w ·s jsex!oesc. jo o s. AQORESS .:1TY .:1 P PHONE J AY ' X I- , I - , R ; - - ] :; ,\(,, / C · I .. .,,- 18 //'.,.. ,;. , , · -,_,, . / r -#1 ,·1' #J:..- C/ t!"'/4- ; _ ,.,,.I.,-/', I ~/.J . { 4/i~ // I : . -- / : I I R -- - -- .,- ., / ,, -r - / .~ - F.J B I~ ~~ ~ ~71. -:: /,·· 11~ C/ /'/ ,, ·(:;;-:) ,. I J ., ./,I .... ,. I ~/ I I I I =I - 'I j ~---------- 1 -------------------= -Y =Pe;:-;::- o:=:FF::-:,E~N:-::-s::-e---------------------- . "'.':' ,t. e-; .r -;: s ,-: o ::-; c e-:: :: ~ u :-;,:P-:-..,r;-:- :o ~-. :-:--------..... C OMBINED ,I• "4ULTI ARRESTEES THIS SECTION ,\ ABOVE CRIME! I . I RPT CHECK BOX IS COMPLETED ON ONL y OIIE FACE - CRIME REPORT SHEET I I DATE ANO Tl '-IE CRIME OCCURRED :-'( PE PROPERTY l I 459 i BFV ONL ¥-POINT ANO METHOD OF ENTRY "40 (UNIQUE ACTIONS) · ; I LOC . E\110. BKO COMBINED ' u se THIS SECTION IN LIEU OF PAOPERTY RE- PORT IF ONLY ONE ARRESTtlE. NO GUN. ANO 1 EVID. APT. 'lOMORETHAN31TEMSOFIEVIO. I :ST DAMAGE I n' PE PREMISE S I T~ I BFV ONL y -IIICT'S VEH I YR MAl(E . TY PE LIC I Y N Preliminary 1 10 . 10 GIVEN? I . lSUPV / IN\/ OFCR. TESTING SER NO ! WITNESS OF'CR Drug Test r m, OUAN. ARTICLE SERIM.. NO., TVJ",,ED~ BRANO I DRUG WEIGHT "400EL NO. ~ST "41SC. , l OMESTIC~ • 1 0L ENCE ~ , ER -.o I UNITS ~ SULT 3 l---+----4---------+--------+-----/--7'f',c:;..-------+------------------------------l / - APPROVAL/ REPORTING OFFICERS SUPERVISOR APPROVING REPORT SERIAL NO. RAP SHEET ATTACHED REPO~ OFFICER(~ jij/1,L N9-L01:V. & OETAl4, -;-rACATI~) . -- • V/)~LL1.J,,;t.J ..: '-'Vt~ / ,1 ' I --,,,,!. ·_ ,_ DATE & TIME REPROOUCEO OIV. CLERK � NO JUVENILE DISPO. Petition Aequnt: 0 DETAINED � RELEASED � NON-800I< FINAL CHAAGE. IF OIFnflENT ™AN ORIGINAl (SECTION. COOE & DEFINITION) IF REFERRED. AGENCY a PERSON ACCEPTING REFERRAL r - - INVEST. OFC::R. t � NON-800I< I WAAR. PROPERTY BO()l(EO? N SUPERVISOR APPROVING ~~? y N JUV. COOAO. REVIEWING 1-1_1 _0_c_&_R ______ ""l1_3 __ D~ex-ON-INNOCENT-------1-04---:0=-c-v-A--------,-1e-� """".'"-Ju_v _ _ _ TRAF __ _ - .. -,so-. -----i•u"",�~-oPSS""-""'------i 11 0 ACTION SUSP. 12 0 REUNSUF. IEVIO. 03 � PROMTION 17 0 FIRE DEPT. 0 O™ER: 1• D PAOYB> AOUlT 03 0 ~ SEJMCE as Don.. LAW ENF. AGENCY 10 0 OE'T. MENTAL HEALTH OAT£/ Tllile OISPO. REPAOO. L.A.P.O. 05.01 .2 (REV. 2.--) ARREST REPORT SERIAL t SERI.Al NO. SERI.Al NO. cllV. / CLERK ,I ,· ,a NO. u 6. I LOC. BKD. I ·991 89 ! 4279 3TATE \AT IL , I ~ i· ~ EVIO CRIME , EE'S l-'ST NAME .RLIHY ss HAIR •• IRST 1 DONNA BROOKS AVE EYES · HEIGHT I DESCENT w BRO BLU 506 I C. NO. STATE R O D LACE , c, NE NANO DETAIL ARRESTING 08 G. 1 ON OF AAAEST < AVE OF AAA: LAST· l'IAST- CT I, .......... " 071990 STARS :HAAGE & CODE DEFINITION 'AIOOLE SUF I MARIE APT NO. : i i 5 BIATHOA TE • AGE 0426b3 , '.27 , _..J V. DETAINED AT I :BAil TIME ARA . I . - IME BKO. i 900 2:261 1~0.00 1 * 647CF'C OBSTRUCT STREETS ONAL CHARGES 1 0H AOOL wAARS. LIST NO COURT ANO IIAIL. INCi. P A.1 $ '3N. CATE TIME COURT LOCATION CRIME COMMITTED SAME ,;s ARREST 9PT I 9 PT -, ·; , OR 1 MAIN ! :..A I CII •Bl _ ... ,._ ---~ - ........ CU':5 8 'i ! ADMONITION OF RIGHTS !WHEN APPLICABLE) f HE FOLLOWING STATEMENT WAS READ TO THE ARRESTEE. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT IF. YOU GIVE UP THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT. ANYTHING YOU SAY CAN ANO Will BE USED AGAINST YOU IN A COURT OF LAW. YOU HAVE THE R_ IGHT TO SF'EAK WITH AN ATTORNEY ANO TO HAVE T11E ATTORNEY PAE SENT DURING QUESTIONING. IF YOU SO DESIRE ANO CANNOT AFFORD ONE. AN ATTORNEY WILL BE APPOINTED FOR YOU WITHOUT CHARGE BEFORE QUESTIONING." THISA==ASIIEAO~O AflMSffEaY 1Jl.llL )h'/t!:J. ., I~ Jk:r.. , NAME , .- - SERIAL NO. SOCIAL SECURITY NO. UNI< A.O. RESIDENCE PHONE NO. c , D 3 ? : ·_ -; : ? , S 6 '? 7 1 .I< ~':'HS . BLI< F'T S. BLK SHT j EXACT LOCATION I DISPOSITION ARRESTEE'S VEHICLE ' : ) ,' i"; ~OLD FOR: ONNECTING RPTS BY TYPE & IDENTIFYING NOS DRIVING VEH. 1DIRECTIONS & NAME 0 VOL VED PERSONS Code: '4AME I r", lMBINED UME REPORT ANO TIME CRIME OCCURRED ._OORESS ' R :a R ------ , ,f PE QFl'ENSE I IF MUL Tl ARRESTEES THIS SECTION & ABOVE CRIME I PPT CHECK BOX IS COMPLETED ON ONLY ONE FACE SHEET I 1 0 MARKS) RETAINED CASH . 1:- i I.) ' • . _! ,:, ':ITV ZiP ~..,ONE ,.ic:r·s c,: : \J PA TION I Al i ~ST . DAMAGE PE PREMISES 3F\I ONLY -POINT ANO METHOD OF ENTRY T~ I BFV ONLY -IIICT'S IIEH (VA MAKE . T""Y PE . LIC l ; NIOUE ACTIONS! JMBINED /ID. APT. USE THIS SECTION IN LIEU OF PROPERTY RE- ' LOC. EVIO. BKO. POAT IF ONLY ONE ARRESTEE. NO GUN. AHO NO MORE T11AN 3 ITEMS OF EVID. I QUAN. ARTICLE ?PROVAL/ :PORTING FFICERS SERIAL NO. / TYPE TEST OFOAUG DATE & TIME REPRODUCED DIV. $ERIAI. NO. CLERK 10 10 GIVEN? y N RAP SHEET ATTACHED � 'lO JVENILE DISPO. Petition Request: OoETAINED � RELEASED � NOfMIOOt( ,t CHAAOE. IF OIFf'ERENT TltAN Of'UGINAI. : TION. CODE I OEFlNITIONl IF REFERRED. AGENCY & PERSON ACCEPTING REFERRAL PROPERTY 900KED1 y N WITNESS OFCR SUPffMSOA APf>flOVING IF Y!S. 10.1 y N --------'T"""---------+--:=::---------""T'"---::~---------l~C:OMPI.ETED'?~::.=:,_---~JUV. COOFID.REVIEWIHO 13 0 EXON-lNNOCENT 04 0 CYA 110 JUV. T'RAF. MISO. ti O DPSS ]c&R ] ACTION SUSP. ]PAOVmAOUlT P .O. 05.01 .2 (REV. 2•) 12 0 REL~. EVIO. o::J O PAOIIATION 17 0 FlAE OEP'T. 0 OllfEA: OAff /TIMe OISPO. AEPAOO. o:, 0 COfoMJNfTY SERVICE 015 0 On4. LAW ENF. AGENCY 10 0 OEPT'. MENTAL HEAlnt ARREST REPORT ~ASSENGERS \4 I' JEPOStTEO : ··' tJ r~ E DAY ' X SER. NO SERIAL NO. SERIAL NO. DIV. /CLERK ARRcST RE~u.J , i LOC. BKO. OR. LIC . NO. NO - IU{). 9206 4279 C3494467 :·s U.ST NAME FIRST 1 ROBERT FIRST· CT ANO DETAIL ARRESTING 071990 '4 OF ARREST ~ S AVE OF STARS ARGE & CODE DEFINITION ' BLOCKING 'IAL CHARGES !OH AOOI. wAAAS LIST NO COURT . AHO IIAlt.. '"'°-· PA 1 $ IMIOOl.£ BOB JUV. DETAINED AT BAIL TOTAL BAIL TIME ARR. 1900 I. DATE LOCATION CRIME COMMITTED 3TATE MT i -::' r � I i'-! , SUF. l ' "~E~ .:.. f 1 •0 CHG I I'~ i TIME BKO 224'-:) !TIME SAME ,:~S ARREST . PHY 000. LJ 1 D EVIO CRIME RPT I RPT I I =: j !I I OR MAIN FBI ADMONITION OF RIGHTS (WHEN APPLICABLE) THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT WAS READ TO THE ARRESTEE: ·vou HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT IF YOU GIVE UP THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT, ANYTHING YOU SAY CAN ANO Will BE USED AGAINST YOU IN A COURT OF LAW YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO SPEAK WI™ AN ATTORNEY ANO TO HAVE THE ATTORNEY PRESENT DURING OUESTIONI . IF YOU SO DESIRE ANO CANNOT AFFORO ONE. AN ATTORNEY WILL BE APPOI O FOR YOU WITHOUT CHARGE BEFORE QUESTIONING · THIS A,r-~"~'111.11.- '4AME $ i4668i536 A.O. SAi"'iE 2 1 3 ·- 5 i 6 7 l 8 7 SHRT,WHT SHORTS,WHT T SHOES I EXACT LOCATION I DISPOSITION ARRESTEE 'S VEHICLE F'ED ~OLD FOR: '' '4NECTING RPTS BY TYPE & 1 0ENTIFYING NOS VEHICLE USED fYEAR . MAKE . 1 0 MARKS) " ASSENGERS IA F DRIVING VEH. !DIRECTIONS & EN STREETS RETAINED :' EPOSITEO · l .. 00 : ~o. , )o OL VED PERSONS Code: V: vIcTIM W: wITNESS P / A: ~~~Rs R: ::~~ 459: g · :i:~ t~~o~~1NG JUV: ~. ~~01'1:- . SI MBINED iME REPORT ',j Q TIME CRIME OCCURRED :VPE OF"ENSE c •.4Ul Tl ARRESTEES THIS SECTION & ABOVE CRIME I , 'l PT CHECK BOX IS COMPLETED ON ONLY ONE FACE : S1-<EET I TYPE PROPERTY 1 TOTAL ::ST · 0AMAGE Is 1 "crs OCCUPATION I I I , TYPE PREMISES :-; ONLY -POINT ANO METHOD OF ENTRY TFV I BFV ONLY -VICT'S. VEH IYR . MAKE . T"VPE . UC I ,IOUE ACTIONS! MBINED ID. RPT. USE THIS SECTION IN LIEU OF PRClflEATV RE- LOC. EVIO. BKO. PORT IF ONLY ONE ARRESTI:E. NO GUN. ANO 10.10 GIVEN? NO MORE THAN 3 ITEMS OF EVIO. JUAN. ARTICLE 1 PROVAL/ :PORTING =ftCERS SERIAL NO. I TYP1! ST OF DRUG DA TE & TIME REPROOUCEO BRANO/ DRUG WEIGHT UNITS CLERK N RAP SHEET ATTACHED � NO VEN I LE D(SPO. Petttlon Request: D om1NED � REL.EASED � NON-800K . CH.AAG . IF DIFFERENT ™AN OAIGIH.Al l ON. CODE & OEF1NIT10Nl IF REFeRRED • .AGEfCY & PERSON ACCEPTING REF!RRAL � N0N-800K & WARR. PROPERTY B00KED7 N WITNESS OFCR SUPERVISOA .A~VINO IF Y!S. IO.I y N JUV. COORI>. REVIEWING -------....... ------------t----:=----------,r--=---------+'~~~~"""'------1 . C & R 1 ACTlON SUSP. } PROVB> ADULT · 0 . 05.01 .2 (REV. 2-88) 130EX~ENT 12 0 REUNSUF. EVID. 03 0 COMMUNfT'Y SERVICE 0' 0 CY.A 11 0 JUV. -mv. MISO. 110 OPSS 03 0 PROMTION 17 0 FIRE DEPT. · 0 O™EA: OATI: / TIME OISPO. REPROO. oe O OTH. LAW ENF. AGENCY 10 0 DEPT. MBITAL HEALTH ARREST REPORT SER NO SERI.Al NO . SERIAL NO. DIV. /CLERK ARREST REPOAT -300KJt«3 NO. U.O. LOC. BKO. OR. LIC. NO. STAn UT � · � -~::;. -..;;0....;9=9= · ...,...1,.,,7=9,_.,...,.~-----4-~_-_7_9_...,,=,------'_C_0_3_i_2_2_9.......,,0=-:-::,----- c_ . A--+~t~ ✓ ~~ c~~~E ~·s I.AST NAME ARST MIOOLE SUF. DR 'BLAKENEY GREGORY LEE ::; ~ R 90-0 ...ooAESS 1818 STONER CITY LA APT. NO . STATE ~ > ll (JJ z > LA GIi SEX DESCENT HAIR EYES HEIGHT WEIGHT BIRTI� OAn AGE \ ~ ~ f-:-M-:-::A~IN:;-------------+F':::B:-:-1------------~ M lJ BRO , EH. LIC. NO. F'ED HAZ R.O. 510 AKA: LAST F'IRST- 31RTHPUCE ICl~Aft>T A LA JIVISK)N ANO DETAIL AARESTING 4208 Q 071990 ~OCA T10N ~ ARAEST 2025 AVEOFTHESTAR "'P CHAAGE 6- COOE DEFINITION i60 i 1 2763 'j I ..:..C JUV. DETAINED AT AIJ CHG SAIL TOTAL SAJL N TIME ARA . , TIME 8KD. I 1900 2216 250.00 250.00 WARRANT NO * m < 6 ~ 0 c ADMONITION OF RIGHTS /WHEN APPLICABLE) THE l'OLLOWING STATEMENT WAS READ TO THE ARRESTEE ··you HAVE THE RIGHT TO AEMAIN SILENT. IF YOU GIVE UP THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT. ANYTHING YOU SAY CAN ANO WILL BE USED AGAINST YOU IN A COURT OF LAW YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO SPEAK WITH AN ATTORNEY ANO TO HAVE THE ATTORNEY PRESENT OU RING QUESTIONING. IF YOU SO DESIRE ANO CANNOT AFF'ORO ONE. AN ATTORNEY WILL BE APPOINTED F'OR YOU WITHOUT CHARGE BEF'ORE QUESTIONING ·· THIS AOIIONITION WAS IIEAO TO THE AAMST££ BY ;..,fa, M 647CF'C BLOCKING NAME SERIAL NO J,QOIT10NAL CHARGES ION A001. WAAAS UST NO COURT A##O Mil . 1 ~ PA 1 SOCIAl SECURITY NO $ ARRAIGN. OA TE LOCATION CRIME COMMITTED A.O RESIDENCE PHONE NO =MPlOYEA / SCHOOL :>CCUPATION I GRADE SAA SAME NONE: : LOTHING WORN EXACT LOCATION I DISPOSITION AARESTEE"S VEHICLE BLK TSHIRT, BLU PANTS, lJHT SHOES _IST CONNECTING RPTS BY TYPE & IDENTIFYING NOS VEHICLE USED (YEAR. MAKE . MODEL. TY PE COLORS LIC ~O . 1 0 MARKS) 1\) ,)N✓ - : OMPLAINTS I EVIO OF ILLNESS / INJ -BY WHOM TREATED DRIVING VEH IDIAE7'°ION~ 01' STAEEn AT OR BE,:WEEN STREETS No tJ,-- INVOLVED PERSONS Code: !NAME v & w ·s j sEX joEsc. jooB ~ I I I I - /1 T I Is~/ <;t:-Ho"77 ~ ADDRESS CITY I B /~LJ L. ,/ µ..,)1 I I I I I -+----!1----~"'t:L-------------·--· - - 2_ I f- f ,l ".' -;- 0 ,..,, I , , I I I I I I RETAl~EO - ... s (;} .. c,,.- · - ~· ZIP 4 7 4 s : 4 t) --- ~ HOLD l'OA CASH DEPOSITED Is · i .:i . • O(i P .. ONE DAV ' X < I('.' . ..-. t.J ·I COMBINED' CRIME REPORT I IF MUL Tl ARRESTEES THIS SECTIOl\f & ABOVE CAI~ TY PE Ol'FE NSE VIC T"S OC:::;PA TION I ~~~E~HECK BOX IS COMPLETED ON ONL V ONE F)(CE l I I I I ) A TE ANO TIME CRIME OCCUAREO I TYPE PROPERTY ! TOTAL EST DAMAGE i TY PE PREMISES 1 5 s •59/ BFV ONLY-POINT ANO METHOD OF ENTRY I WEAPON / FORCE/ INSTRUMENT USED TFV I BFV ONLY-VICT"S. VEH. (YA . MAKE TYPE LIC , \AO IUNIOUE ACTIONS! / H~~.WtT~~E~001cE D e i~~~~ 1 fc COMBINED I I LOC . E'/10. BKO 110 10 GIVEN? I I SUPV / INV Ol'CA TESTING SEA NO I WITNESS O~CA SEA NO USE Tl� IS SECTION IN LIEU OF PFIOPERTY RE · Prelimin•~1 -/ PORT IF ONLY ONE ARRESTEE/NO GUN. ANO V N EVID. APT. NO MORE Tl� AN 3 ITEMS ~ IMO Drug THt / l~M OUNtl. ARTICLE SERIAi/NO. / TYPE nsT BRANO/ DRUG WEIGHT l,IQOEL NO. / DRUG Tl:,.ll"T MISC OFOAUG UNITS A9°LT I I APPROVAL/ SUPERVISOR APPROVING REPORT SERIAL NO RAP SHEET REPORTING OFl'ICEAISI SERIAL NO. i DIV. & OET AIL I VAC~TIOtl ATTACHED Ki: P 1 J'- ~~!q" t,-ll REPORTING IL .,.'_ DATE & TIME REPROOUCED DIV CLERK 1 P P. ARREST-OFCR. BKG. EVID. IF LISTED ON THIS PAGE1 ! ' OFFICERS 1J � y71r1)f.. l'v 2(-lf~ I ~ ~ : i - YES ~o � DETAINED INVEST. OFCA SERIAL• OIV JUVENILE DISPO. Petition Reque.t: 0 RELEASED � N()N.8()01( � NON-800K & WARR . FINAL CHAAGE. IF OIFRRENT THAN ORIGINAL IF REFERRED. AGENCY & PERSON ACCEPTING REFERRAL PROPERTY y N SUPERVISOR APPROVING SERIAL NO. (SECTION. CODE & OEFINITIONI BOOl<ED? IF YES. 10.6 y N COMPLETED? JUV. COORO. REVIEWING SERIAL NO 11 0C&R 1110DPSS ! 11 0 ACTION SUSP. I" � .,._ .. ., 12 0 REL.fNSUF. EVIO. 03 0 PR08ATION 17 0 FIRE DEPT. ,-Dev• l"O,uv. TRAF. ""° Oon� ER: DATE I TIME OISPO. RE~ DIV. /CLERK 14 0 PROVED ADULT 03 0 C0MMUHfTY SERVICE 05 0 0TH. LAW ENF. AGENCY 10 0 DEPT. MENTAL HEALTI� L..A.P .O. 06.01 .2 (REV. 2-88) ARREST REPORT ! ARREST REPORT OKINO NO. • • U 0 . LOC. BKO. :0991 s. a I 4279 0RESffE'S LAST NAME , OflESS TY 1FlRST I IOR. UC. NO 1NONE SAMUEL IMIOOl.E . JAC OB ~PT NO. :,TATE MT :-· J SV'r. :X WEIGHT , SIRTI-40ATE AGE ,'1 -:H. LIC. NO. 9THPLACE ,c, _ _ IJS VISION ANO DETAIL ARRESTING 600 •KA: LAST• •IRST- 1208 A 0719Q0 JCATION OF ARREST :025 AV OF : TARS CHARGE & CODE DEFINITION , 1 6 4 7 ( C ) F' C. BLOCKING .QQITIONAL CHARGES ,ON AOOI.. w_._ LIST"° . COUIIT. llHO Mil. . . NCL PA I $ i 6'.:5 I ,) a 1 97{) JUV. DETAINED AT SAIL TOTAL BAIL lilME ... _ RR i 900 •O CHG TIME BKO. I .. ~ ·}'"')7 .:. . .:...~ · ... · -RRAIGN. DATE 1 , IME COURT i..OCA TION CRIME COMMITTED I SAA 'MPLOYER / SCHOOL - ..:, ... .JCCUPATION, ,'; i iJ .0 E:.1-! I :.RACE LJ C EVIO CRIME RPT APT ::; OR !.A I ADMONITION OF RIGHTS /WHEN APf>\.ICAlll.E) THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT WAS READ TO THE ARRESTEE: ·you HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT. IF YOU GIVE UP rHE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT. ANYTHING YOU SAY CAN ANO WILL BE USEC AGAINST YOUN A COURT OF LAW. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO SPEAK WITH AN ATTORNEY ANO TO HAW rHE ATTORNEY PRESENT CURING QUESTIONING. IF YOU SO OE SIRE ANOCAHHOT AffORO ONE. AN ATTORNEY WILL BE APPO TEO FOR YOU WITl-lOUT CHAAGE BEFORE · QUESTIONING.·· TH19A NAME R 0 . :~OTHING WORN . EXACT LOCATION / OISPOSITION ARRESTEE" S VEHICLE .-<QLO FOR· l ; :: F::D .IST CONNECTING RPTS BY TYPE & IDENTIFYING NOS P"5SENGEAS 1.1 ~ DRIVING VEH . (DIRECTIONS & NAME OF STR RETAINED CASH ::>EPOSITEO INVOLVED PERSONS Code: JUV: ~ - -~~,as \../: 1 ( 1 ~ ,~ , \ I COMBINED CRIME REPORT J A re ANO TIME CRIME OCCURRED ::, o.s. I :"Y PE OFFENSE I'" "4UL Tl .i.RRESTEES THIS SECTION & ABOVE CRIME I I APT CHECK BOX _ IS COMPLETED ON ONLY ONE FACE oHEET I I TYPE PROPERTY I 459 / BFV ONLY -POINT ANO METHOD OF ENTRY MO (UNIQUE "CTIONSl "'-'ONE ,,crs OCCUPATION _ .. -- EST. DAMAGE ' ' ;-f PE PREMISES i TFV I BFV ONLY-VICT"S. VEH 1Y R "4AKE. TYPE . LIC.l COMBINED EVID. APT. USE THIS SECTION IN LIEU OF ~ERTV RE- LOC. EVIO. BKD. POAT IF ONLY ONE ARRESTEE. NO GUN. ANO 10. 10 GIVEN? y N SUPV . / INV OFCR. TESTING SEA. NO. WITNESS OFCR NO MORE rHAN 3 ITEMS OF EVIO. Preliminary Drug THt ITEM QUAN. ARTICL£ SERIAL NO. I TYPE TEST OFOAUQ BRANO/ DRUG WEIGHT MODEL NO. / DRUG TI:ST "41SC. SUPERVISOR APPROVING REPOAT SERIAL NO. UNITS RESULT RAP SHEET ATTACHED APPROVAL/ REPORTING OFFICERS DATE & TIME RE~EO DIV. CLERK � '40 JUVENILE DISPO. Petition Request: D OETAINED � RELEASED � N()M.8001( FINAL CHARGE. IF OIFFeRENT THAN ORIGINAL (SECTION, COOE l OEFlNfTIOH) IF REFERRED. AGENCY l PeRSOH ACCEPTING REFERRAL PAOPERTY IIOOKED? y ~ y N JUV. COON). REVIEWING 1-,-, - � -c-,-R------r,-3- � ........ EX-ON-N«X:E ____ NT ___ -r-04'""'.�=-c-Y-A-------r,-.~ � ........ Juv- .-TAAI'--. -....,-_---+,-.- � ~OPSS:.:.::.:.:...------1 11 0 ACTION SUSP. 12 0 REL~. IMO. 03 0 PAOIIATION 17 0 F1M ~ - 0 O™ER: ,.� ~ADULT o:sOCOIAtUNITY~ osOon..LAwai.. AGENCY 100DEPT. MENTALHEAL™ OAff/TlME DISPO. REP'AOO. LA.P.O. 015.01.2 (REV. 2.-) ARREST REPORT DAY ' X SER. NO SEAIM.HO. SERIAL NO. OIV. /CLEAK ~ 5 .) . . ARREST REPORT OOKJNO NO. I u 0 . ! LOC4.?81<7D . 9 1 DR. UC. NO. ~ TATE "4T L ' l_j 2099257 _ A2487338 CA N EVIO I CRIME -R=R:..,:E;.,STE~E"" ·s'""LAS~;.T.,.,NAME~~-.:......---.....,, = '"" ;R""s=-T--...i.------""T:'M-:'::IDOLE=7'""-----1 , f-;: s-:--;u::-F .---i APT RPT "' 1 D""R~-----------..- I '-"'-:-------------- ! SUSAN EVA 1 MEREL ,DORESS EX w BRO BRO I , EH. LIC. NO. A.O. F'ED 502 AKA: LAST· l'IRST OA- WEIGHT 104 APT NO. STATE 1:, 1-1! BIRTHOATE IAGt 9 04277i . INV. UNIT JUV. DETAINED AT UNK JIVISION AND . 4208 Q _()CATION OF ARREST 20~ AVE rvP CHARGE & CODE CT 071990 OF STARS DEFINITION BAIL TOTAL BAIL M /,4 7CF'C OBSTRT STREET ADDITIONAL CHARGES ION AOOL w-. UST NO . COUAT. AHO IAlt.. ,NCI.. PA I ARRAIGN. DATE OCCUPATION I :; RADE CLOT'HING WORN TIME $ 1,.HH T-·S'HT IBLU JNS /BLK SHS TIME ARR. I .. ME BKO. 1 940 I 231 � :; 1 ':I ;I HI - 1 ~i Ji :i CII "4AIN ADMONITION OF RIGHTS 1 WHEN APPLICABLE) THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT WAS READ TO THE ARRESTEE . YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT 1 1' YOU GIVE UP THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT. ANYTHING YOU SAY CAN ANO WILL BE USED AGAINST YOU IN A COURT 01' LAW. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO SPEAK WITH AN ATTORNEY ANO TO HAVE THE A TTORNE'I' PRESENT DURING QUESTIONING II' YOU SO DESIRE ANO CANNOT AFl'ORO ONE. AN A TTOANEY WILL BE APPOINTED l'OA YOU WITHOUT CHARGE BEFORE QUESTIONING ... THIS ADIIONITION WAS MAO TO THE AIIMSTU 8Y V:a, NAME SERIAL NO. SOCIAL SECURITY NO j - ~ 5 5006.2'7'0 i A D. RESIDENCE PHONE NO ,: ; ·,;ME : · ~ ·\ 3 3 7 .. H) 4 7 '5 1 EXACT LOCATION I DISPOSITION ARRESTEE'S VEHICLE I ·,uLD l'OA ! cl ST CONNECTING APTS BY TYPE & IDENTIFYING NOS f)N~- 1 ~EH1CLE usED 1YE AR MA~OOEL. rv PF. COLORS. uc ·io . 1 D MARKsi ·' .t1SSENGERS \I I C I COMPV.INTS / EVID OF ILLNESS/ !NJ-BY WHOM TREATED DRIVING VEH 1 DIRECTIO INVOLVED PERSONS Code: NAME .,.J I I I (t' )l,y# ) {- ;- l I I - -J,.:. _; .I I C~MBINED 1 CRIME REPORT DA TE ANO TIME CRIME OCCURRED V & w ·s SEX DESC. ;:i 0 .8 ~DOAESS I A .:- 0 R : 9 ~, PE Ol'l'E~SE , ,I' MUL Tl ARRESTEES Tl-<IS SECTION & ABOVE CRIM~ 1 RPT l"HECK BOX IS COMPLETED ON ONLY ONE FAC, I SHEET. ' i NPE PROPERTY I 45111 BFV ONLY -POINT AND METHOO OF EN TAY . •rEAPON I FORCE I INSTRUMENT USED MO (UNIQUE ACTIONS! I I AT OR BETWEEN STREETS RETAINED CASH ::: EPOSITED V ) / , . , .. _A j ./ 2 - ~ 1 / 1 I / 1:0TAL , EST DAMAG! -Y PE Pl'IEM1SES I, I l HJ'' BFV ONL y.v1crs. VEH 1Y <1 "4AKE. rYPE UC I H ~?J~t~g~E~1D1 CE 0 ~~~~~~If□ : COMBINED IUSE THIS SECTION IN LIEU OF~,.,...:, RE·ILOC. EVID. BKD. , ,o. 10 GIVEN? I I SUPV I INV OFCA TESTING SER. NO \WITNESS Ol'CA , CR NO I POAT IF ONLY ONE ARREST!!. NO <ldN. ANO y N Preliminary I i EVIO. APT. NO MORE ™AN 3 ITEMS. OF E\/10. / Drug Test · I ITU.I QUAN. ARTICLE SERIAL 7~ TEST BRANO I DRUG WEIGHT MOOEL NO. I DRUG TEST MISC. OF DRUG UNITS RESULT i I I I I ; i I SUPERVISOR AP~OVING AEPOAT SERIAL NO. RAP SHEET REPORTING OFFICEA{S) - APPROVAL/ ATTACHED KR r.. v<.s SERIAL NO.,DIV & DETAIL ~S--~ <: 1vC A l'AP 0 : I REPORTING DATE & TIME REPROOUCEO cllV. CLEAi< ~ � 1 P P. AAREST-OFCR. Bl<G. EVIO. IF LISTED ON THIS P4GEl I ~ ! OFFICERS NO ("'~ rJ k.. A NG Z6</r<6 I c, 1 C, I ; � DETAINS> � RELEASED � N0N-8001< � NON-eOOK I WARR. INVEST. OFCA. SERIAL f JIV. JUVENILE DISPO. PetJtJon Request: FINAL CHARGE. IF DIFFl!RENT THAN ORIGINAL IF REF£RR8>,. AGENCY I PERSON ACCEPTING REF£RAAl PfQOEATY y N SUPEIMSOA APf'ROVING SERIAL NO. (SECTlON. CODE I DEFNTW?Nl BOOKED? IFYH. 10.1 COMPlETED? y N JUV. COON>. REVIEWINO SERIAL NO. 110CIR 130~ D40CYA 11 0 JUV. TIW'. MtSO. 110oPSS 11 0 ACT10N SUSP. 12 0 REL-NSUF. EVIi). 03 0 PAOIIATION 110FNDEl'T. OoTHEA: OAT!/ TIME OISPO. REPAOO. DIV. I CLEAi( 140P1'0VB>A0Ul.T 03 0 COloMJNITY SERVICE 05001l4. LAWENf'. AGENCY 100 0E"". MENTAL HEAL.TM LA.P.O. 05.01 .2 (REV. 2_.) ARREST REPORT ARREST REPORT )Ol(INO NO. • • 1 u.o. >)'-r9227 LOC. 81<0. ~L~79 I DR. LIC: NO. 37ATE 1~3927055 .. r 1 MT L ' 1 --, :. JI EVID i ~ -<RESTEE'S LAST NAME 1 ~: ASELLA JORESS ~PT N :TY STATE , , , .. , WEIGHT BIRTHOAT'E 1 AGE F w BLN BLU 503 120 04307:2 I i :J ~H UC. NO. STATE ~THPLACE ,c, JUV. DETAINED AT I ,a c11G CT r ~ I VISION ANO DETAIL ARRESTING DATE ARRESTED TTME ARR . r IME 8KD 4208 Q 071990 1900 2252 XATION,REST 2020 AVE OF STARS , p CHARGE I CODE DEFINITION * M 647CPC OBSTRUCTING DOITIONAL CHARGES 10H A00l. wAAAS LIST NO COURT . AHO IIAII.. 1 HCL. PA 1 $ ,RRAIGN. DATE TIME LOCATION CRIME COMMITTED ·MPLOYER / SCHOOL )CCUPATION I ; RADE SAA PHY 0 00. RPT I qpT }')- ))(- MAIN ADMONITION OF RIGHTS (WHEN APPUCA8LE\ THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT WAS READ TO THE ARRESTEE: 'YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT IF YOU GIVE UP THE RIGHT TO REIINN SILENT. ANYTHING YOU SAY CAN ANO WILL BE USED AGAIHST YOU IN A COUIT OF LAW. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO SPEAK WITH AN ATTORNEY ANO TO HAVE TME ATTORNEY PRESENT DURING QUESTIONING. IF YOU SO DESIRE ANO CANHOT AFR)N) ONE. AN ATTORNEY WILL BE APPOINTED FOR YOU WITHOUT CHAAGE 8EFOAE QUESTIONING." THIS ADIIONfT10N WAS MAD TO THE AIIMSTU IY Mac . 1- . .., · 1-1 ; SENM.NO SOCIAL SECURITY IC>. 5626<t13i0 R 0 . RESIDENCE PHONE NO. SAME ?571963 :~OTHING WORN 1 EXACT LOCATION I DISPOSITION ARRESTEE'S VEHICLE -<OLOFOA WHI T-SHT/ BLU PTS/ GRN SAND :ST CONNECTING RPTS BY T'YPE & IDENTIFYING NOS .:OMPLAINTS / EVIO OF ILLNESS/ INJ-BY WHOM TREATED IJ~11.1 r INVOLVED PERSONS Code: !NAME v , w ·sjsexloEsc. loo a. I (.} I I ✓ / : I I 1 S6 --; )( }-Jo;7 . : ' R .),/ I I l I I I I , L, , - I · , { ,J . ., 1 I I I VEHICLE USED fVEAR . MAKE. MODEL. rv PE COLORS. UC. NO .. ID MARKS\ ' 'j I DRIVING VEH. (DIREdrlON~Allll!.""OF STRE_ E'T) AT OR BFrWEEN STREETS LA : A COMBINED CRIME REPORT ''� MUL Tl ARRESTEES THIS SECTION & Af!l)VE CRIME, -·. PE OFFENSE I ~~;E~HECK BOX IS COMPLETED ON 0~ '1" ONE FACE . J ATE ANO TIME CRIME OCCURRED PASSENGERS y I = ! RETAINED s ,:S .. 2:2 CASH Is J EPOSITEO 20.()0 , ~ --.- Pl-iQNE c) AY 1 X .• cr·s OCCUPATION :ST. DAMAGE' I - , pE PREMISES l •59 / BFV ONLY -POINT ANO METHOD OF ENTRY / I WEAPON / FORCE / INSTRUMENT USED TJ:V / 8FV ONLY-VICT"S. VEH IYR MAKE . T'YPE . L:C 1 MO (UNIQUE ACTIONS) ; I / I I MOTIVATED BY I HATRED/ PREJUDICE D i COMBINED I "''""' SECTIOff ,. UEU "'""""'"" ··roe EVOO. 8'0 11 0.10 GIVEN? I I SUPV I INV. OFCR. TESTING SER. NO lw1rnEss OFCR PORT IF ONLY ONE AARES~ NO GUN. ANO y N Preliminary ! EVID. APT. Drug l;est ~O MORE THAN 3 ITEMS Of'. . · ITEM QUAN, ARTICLE SE7 NO. I TVPE TEST BRANO I DRUG WEIGHT MODEL NO. I ORUGTEST MISC. OF DRUG UNITS , RESULT I I I I - APPROVAL/ SUPERVISOR APPROVING REPORT SERIAL NO. RAP SHEET REPORTING OFFICER($) SERIAL NO. ,DIV. & DETAIL ATTACHED KfJAo-55' z..~f qt;" ;-l~ REPORTING DATE I TIME REPRODUCED DIV. CLERK ~ iP.P. ARREST-OFCR. 8KG. EVIO. IF LISTED ON THIS PAGEi OFFICERS � tnti"DR4N',o z6Y-v£ I 1 /'~.:.;, NO JUVENILE DISPO. Petition Requnt: � DETAINED � RE\.EASEO INVEST. OFCR. � NON-8001( � N()N.8()()K I WARR. FINAL CHARGE. IF DIFFERENT THAN OAIGINAL IF REFEAAEO. AGENCY & PEASON ACCEPTING REFERRAL l'fO'ERTY y N SUPERVISOR A~VING (SECTION. COOE I DEFlNITlONl BOOKED? IF Y!S. 10.1 N COWl.ET!D1 y JUV. COORO. REVIEWING 110c1R I."�..- 060CYA 11 D JUV. nw:. MISO. 1100PSS 11 0 ACTlOH SUSP. 12 0 REL-INSUF. EVID. 03 0 PAOIIATION 17 0 FIA(! DEPT. OoTHIR: DATE/ TIME DISPO. REPAOO. ,,OPAOVB>ADULT 03 0 COtAtUNfTY SERVICE 05 0 0TH. LAW ENF. AGENCY 10 0 DEPT. MENTAL HEALTH L.A.P.O. 05.01 .2 (REV. 2.-1 ARREST REPORT IIOt.ENC.E L I 5ER '<0 l ✓ACATION I ....., I /..I A i " _;..,. SERIAL• DIV. SSMI..NO. SENM.NO. OIV.IClEJI( ARREST REPORT ,o. ,u.o. J2~ 8 I LOC. 8KD. ~ :.'. 7? I DR. UC. NO I 1•=-020 S LAST NAME FIRST i?I CHARD GF..:Y BF,O ,o. STATE A 0 . AKA: LAST " IRST- 083 , c, AT'El - · I , TATE MT · ... ; .:, · 11 I.AIOOLE _:',M Oi'-./T SUF ! APT. NO. STATE BIRTHDATE AGE I . ', r.::: ') / I :~ ,,:.. I ~ ,:i. ✓ - - .., · - \ • .' -· ' ! UV DETAINED AT ·- 1· r-~ NGELES u.t i: T I ,j ( ifR08 INV UNIT ! DA TE ARRESTED NO i DETAIL ARRESTING i TIME ARR. ' TIME 8KO ! I I · . ·:• r., --:, 3 A (-)7 · 1 990 (i(.)(:l .. - .. OF ARREST I BAIL I .. _ ·- ·· .;} .. ' .:} .:} UF STtlRS ... -- .. ) ~ WE I TOTAL I .-_ ~ - \~J • . : .} 1 ,_} 1 8.AIL AGE & CODE i DEFINITION I WARRANT NO. * 47CF'C BLOCKING ~L CHARGES ION AOIX. WAARS. LIST NO . C OURT ~ IIAIL. IHQ.. P A , $ DATE !TIME I COURT I LOCATION CRIME COMMITTED St,i-.l[ --- - A/ SCHOOL ..:;. 1::.1_:·· - .. .. - - .. !ON / ... L :.L," 1 PHY ,ODO. ._ .::. ,-, ''· l, , WORN SH O I E<LU ? NT s, BLI< . ~'H T D Ev10 1 l APT ~ I ~ ,= > :::, I ~ rn < 6 a, 'J : I ! ~ CRIME o'l PT I ..A 9o- or;. - MAIN I A. V"'~ t ADMONITION OF RIGHTS (WHEN APPLICABLE\ l ! T HE FOLLOWING STATEMENT WAS READ TO THE ARRESTEE. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT IF YOU GlVE UP THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT. ANYTHING YOU SAY CAN ANO WILL BE USED AGAINST YOU IN A COURT OF LAW. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO SPEAK WITH AN ATTORNEY ANO TO HAVE THE ATTORNEY PRESENT DURING QUESTIONING. IF YOU SO DESIRE ANO CANNOT AFFORD ONE. AN ATTORNEY WILL BE APPOINTED FOR YOU WITHOUT CHARGE BEFORE QUESTIONING." THIS AOIIIIOHITION WU MAD TO THE ARRESTEE BY ,-..J tr,"'" ~ I -•'L€N NAME SERIAL NO. ); I SOCIAL. SECURITY NO. r:~ ~ i ,, .. ., · ·~ lt .::;, _ ·-· , .. 4c , . , .. , . IRD · . :·t,i'-'iF I RESIDEN~E PHONE NO .. ~~: :::~ -? ... :::i ··: ~ ~? -:' .!. ': XACT LOCATION I DISPOSITION ARRESTEE' S VEHICLE -<OLD FOR 'lECTING APTS BY TYPE & IDENTIFYING NOS ✓EHICLE USED (Y EAR MAKE MODEL l"Y PE COLORS UC NO 1 0 MARKSI I EVIO OF ILLNESS I INJ-BY WHOM TREATED 0RIvING vEH. ,0IRErnoNs~e o~Een AT oR BETWEEN STREETS )l VED PERSONS Code: V: VICTIM I RETAIN .., EO .· ,:: S .::, ., '. .:• .. ,' S:,\SH :>EPOSITEO Is :'(- ) • 1)(1 I AE v &w·s I sEX l 0Esc. loo.a. ~OORESS PHONE J AY' XI I }-, ---- \- - , R ,.,.;- •B ft"( J ] I? - ,..., ,J ll I i.. I .. , I l _ ·r , .,, ! L. .) -r , R B /fr' ? ,- ' I ✓- ; - , /' / .:. I I i , 1BINED \1E REPORT : YPE OFFENSE I IF MUL Tl ARRESTEES THIS SEC'!10N & ABOVE CR)'tE I ! I ~~~JHECK BOX IS COMPLETED ON ONL y ONE F,"f'E I I J TIME CRIME OCCURRED I :Y PE PROPERTY ONLY-POINT ANO METHOD OF ENTRY NEAPON I FORCE I INSTRUMENT USED I ) UE ACTIONSI / 'ABINED 1 rc. , .. o .. o 110.1 0 GIVEN? use THIS SECTION IN LIEU OF PROPERTY RI- I Preliminary PORT IF ONLY ONE ARRESTEE. NO GUN. AIIO y N D. APT. NO MORE THAN 3 ITEMS OF EVID. / Drug Tesy ,AN. ARTICLE SERIAL NO. I TYPE TUT BRANO I DRUG WEIGHT MODEL NO. I DRUGET OFDl'IUG UNITS RES T / I I I . / \ - ..-, I ~OTAL ' ~ I I I ,. 7 /I . • ,crs OCCU PA T,ON 1 ':ST DAMAGE 1 1 I :Y PI? PREMISES -r:y I BFV ONLY -VICT'S. VEH IYR . MAKE. TY PE. LIC , PV I INV OFCR. TESTING SER. NO. I WITNESS OFCR MISC. '. I I '> ER NO SUPERVISOR APPROVING REPORT SERIAL NO. RAP SHEET REY';~ OFFICERISI :2 S" ~~<NO. I DIV '/;;;, /J 1 ..-ACAT!ON lROVAL / ATTACHED Av~:f' 'ORTING ~ IA DATE & TIME REPRODUCED DIV. CLERK � (P P ARREST-OFCR. BKG. EVIO. IF LISTED ON THIS PAGE) I =1CERS /YX;D/'JA,1<1 U1/~t I <, ')<J - NO � DETAINED � REL~O � NON-800I< � NON-800I< & WARR. INVEST. OFCR. SERIAL f JIV. IENILE DISPO. Petition Request: - , HAROE. IF 0ll'FfRENT THAN ORIGINAL IF REFERRED. AGENCY & PERSON ACCEPTING REFERRAL PROP!RTY y N SUPERVISOA APPAOVING SERIAL NO. )N. COOE a DEF1NIT10Hl BOOKED? IF Y!S, 10.8 y COUfllETED? N JUV. COOAO. REVIEWING SERIAL NO. ; & R 13 0 EXON-INNOCENT 040CYA 18 0 JUV. TAAF. MISD. 180DPSS -.CTION SUSP. 12 0 REL-ll"SUF. EVIO. 030PAOeATION 17 0 FIRE DEPT. OoTHER: OAT!/ TIME OISPO. REPROO. DIV. I CLERK ' ROV£0 AOUL T 030COMMUNfTYSEAVICE 05 0 0Tl4. LAW ENF. AGENCY 10 0 O~. MENTAL HEALTH ). 05.01 .2 (AEV. 2-311 ARREST REPORT ARREST REPORT 30()t(IHG NO. • ' ,v .O. 2099207 L~r:r-1· 9. (NoNE I I FIRST STATE "4T r-ll C 1Q EVIO CRIME IRREST1:E' S L4ST NAME i . .. .J: VSEY ADDRESS 7~9 ,;rrv 1 lJILLIAM I~ Q Arq rqe:!! IMIOOLE ..J OHN >\PT NO. STATE ~EX HEIGHT WEIGHT BIRTHOATE I AGE M a1 RTHP~CE ,c1 DIVISION ANO 4208 LOCATION OF ARREST 2025 -YP CHARGE & CODE BLU DETAIL ARRESTING A 508 AKA: LAST =1 RST OR~ . INV UNIT CT 071990 AVE OF STARS DEFINITION M 647(C)F'C BLOCKING AOOITIONAL CHARGES 1 0H ADOL. wAMS LIST NO .. COl#T . 11H> -.. 1 ..a.. PA I $ 145 0521 64 ! :261 ,UV. DETAINED AT i i BAIL TOTAL BAIL I Ii I TIME ARR I TI ME 8 KO j 900 I i _"'. ? 4 :2 1 * ARRAIGN. OA TE TIME COURT LOCATION CRIME COMMITTED ! EMPLOYER I SC HOOL •CLOTHING WORN 1._IH f T . 7HRT , DL.U SAA 10 1 -� v , 0 0 0 . f:1 PT APT ii · - .,, ~1 , OR CII I MAIN FBI : ... · '- ~_,~ -:;:; · ?r . ::~ ADMONITION OF RIGHTS 1 WHEN APPUCABLEl THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT WAS READ TO THE ARRESTEE. ·vr:,u HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT IF vou GIVE UP THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT. ANYTHING YOU SAY CAN ANO WILL BE USED AGAINST YOU IN A COURT OF ~W YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO SPEAK WITH AN ATTORNEY ANO TO HAVE THE ATTORNEY PRESENT DURING QUESTIONING. IF YOU SO DESIRE ANO CANNOT AFFORD ONE. AN ATTORNEY WILL BE APPOINTED FOR YOU WI THOU T CHARGE BEFORE QUESTIONING.' ' THIS AOIIONIT~ WM MAO TO ~TU. BY / . / /4..-::- - /H "~ · .; ·II r-& · ., NAME ,ERIAL NO SOCW. SECURITY NO I < · > 'i · · . 7 ~-~ ::~ ~:~ 4 7 ,.._> I R 0 . RESIDENCE PHONE NO ' •• 1 • • j ~ ! · :· • { : :: ':· ' .-_ _ ·_-, c _ :·~ • . _ .j. c_ -- .. I . . . -. ... - . . , : EXACT LOCATION I DISPOSITION ARRESTEE" S VEHICLE LO FGR :. ::. __ 1 I , ··· 1 ·- 1 ·- . , LIST CONNECTING RPTS BY TYPE & IDENTIFYING NOS I VEHICLE USED tYEAR . MAKE. MODEL. TY PE. COL ·' " SSENGERS '·• ! { DRIVING VEH tOIRECTIONS & NAME OF STREE RETAINED : Ell'OSITEO ? ... , Is i"- 1 ( : 1 NF V: VICTIM JUV: P BOTH PA"l:l'lffS' · G · GUARDIAN ~OORESS ' R ,e I A 18 R - .,, / - I COMBINE· o l,F MULTI A14RESTEES THIS SECTION & ABOVE CRIME lrvPE OFFE .... SE i q pT CHECK BOX •S COMPLETED ON ONLY ONE FACE . i CRIME REPORT !SHEET j DA TE AND TIME CRIME OCCURRED i ;YPE PROPERTY I ::;Y EST DAMAG Is clP PMQNE , , ,CT' S cc ::c1PATION I · ·, PE PAEMISE S 459 I BFV ONLY -POINT ANO METHOO OF ENTRY , TFV I BFV ONLY-VICT'S '/ EH tYR ~Al( E. T"'( PE LIC l I MO !UNIQUE ACTIONS) COMBINED · EVID. RPT. I use THIS SECTION IN LIEU 01' ltAOf"£RTY RE - l OC. EVIO. BKO. PORT IF ONLY ONE ARRE~!. NO GUN. ANO t O. 10 GIVEN? y N SUPV. I IN\/ OFCR TESTING $EA NO WITNESS Ol'CR j " O MORE THAN 3 ITEMS Of' EVIO. i TEM QUAN. ARTICLE APPROVAL/ REPORTING OFFICERS SERIAL NO. / TYPE TEST OF DRUG DATE l TIME REPROOUCEO DIV. SERIAL NO. CLERK RAP SHEET ATTACHED � YES 1'10 JUVENILE DISPO. P•ttUon AeqUNt: � DETAINED � RELEASED � NON-800K ANAL CHAAGE. IF DIFFERENT THAN ORIGINAL (SECTlON. COOE l OEANmONl IF REFERRED. AGENCY l PERSON ACCEPTINQ REFERRAL MISC. � NON-800I< l WARR. PROPERTY BOOKED? N SUPERVISOR APPROVING IF YES. 10.I y N ~-----------,-=---------+-:=---------~----------+:C~OMPl:=:~ETE>~~?:.,_ ___ -1J UV. COOAO. REVIEWING 13 0 EXON-4NNOCENT 04 D CYA ,. 0 JUV. nw:. MISO. ,. 0 OPSS 110C&R 11 0 ACTION SUSI'. 14 0 PROV£0 ~T L.A.P.O. 05.01 .2 (REV. 2.-) 120REL-NSUF.·EW>. 030PAOMT10N 110AR1DEl'T. OontEA: OATI!/TIME OISPO. REPAOO. 03 0 C0MMUNrTY SERVICE 015 D Ont. LAW ENF. AGENCY 10 0 09T. MENTAL HEAL.TI-I ARREST REPORT ~AY ' 1 I f.t r • ' .; : CMESTiC ~ . :'LE...,CE l..J .ER NO SERIAL NO. SERIAL NO. QI\/. /CLERK • ••-• - _,.... -b • W - •-. __ .,. - -- •~ ... -""1... •- - "'--• - -- - -· ARREST REPORT LOC. BK0. 300K NG NO. .. • I IJ 0 . · - - - ,.,...,, I .~ •..) ' -/ 9 .. _ 1 , :) · ~ L:79 1 : R. UC ~O I i218i : :~30 "T r � : 'i I r I ev,o I c RIME : -ATE ~ [.__! I .>.ARES"n!" S IJ.ST NAME <"IRST I RENEE : . rF-: EV I NO ADDRESS CITY I SEX HAIR EYES HEIGHT "4I00LE I ~PT N STATE WEIGHT i 9IRTHOATE 3UF ., t · . ... GE , ·· H Bll< BRO 506 I i2 5 I ') 3 0 i S -I~ I .. :2 3 I ! VEH. LIC. NO. STATE i r·ED , .;MITH I DIVISION ANO I 4208 , LOCATION OF ARREST I 20'2.b AVE I -YP CHARGE & CODE M 647CPC R 0 . "'!(A: LAST- =iRST- 071990 OF STARS DEFINIT10N JUV. DETAINED AT BAIL TOTAL BAil NI I n ME ARR , -·Me BKO. i 900 I '.2322 OBS'TRUT STREER AOOITIONAL CHARGES 10H ADOL. w-s. UST HO COURT . N>ID -.. 1 "'4. P • I ARRAIGN. OA TE OCCUPATION/ GRADE TIME $ I COURT RPT RPT QA MAIN 1 • 81 i ADMONITION OF RIGHTS !WHEN APPUCABLEI THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT WAS READ TO THE ARRESTEE. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT IF YOU GIVE UP THE RIGHT TO R£IIMil SILENT. ANYTHING YOU SAY CAN ANO WILL BE USED AGAINST YOU IN A COUflT OF LAW YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO SPEAK WITH AN ATTORNEY ANO TO HAVE THE ATTORNEY PRESENT DURING QUESTIONING. IF YOU SO OE SIRE ANO CANNOT AFl=QRO ONE. AN A TTORNEV WILL BE APPOINTED FOR YOU WITHOUT CHARGE BEFORE QUESTIONING. · THIS AOMONITION WAS READ TO THE ARRESTEE BY ,/l/a7 /4 ,L1142-/1,· Ai;.- .-~, NAME SERIAi. NO · SOCIAL SECURITY NO 452572932 R 0 . RESIDENCE PHONE NO SA ME 2i3652072i CLOTHING WORN WHI ~HT/ BLU JNS/ RED SHS . EXACT LOC ATION I DISPOSITION ARRESTEE "S VEHICL E I nOLO F"-QA. I . U ST CONNECTING RPTS BY TYPE & IDENTIFYING NOS I - 1 1EHICLE USED ,YE AR . MAKE. MODEL. rf PE C: OL S IC NO IQ MARKSl ,>ASSENGERS M I r ; I I:--/ - I COMPLAINTS/ EVIO OF ILLNESS / INJ-BV WHOM TREATED !°RIVING VEH 1 DIRECTIONS & NAME OF STREEn AT OR ~ETWEEN STREETS IRETAINEO CASH DEPOSl"TEO I II //VVl - ..:7/-r"TtL_b s 5. 1)0 Is 1 ). 00 I . . --- INV6LVED PERSONS Code: V: VICTIM W: p / A: ~ RESTING R· PERSON 459: s · PERSON SECURING JUV: ~ BOT~ ""'RE""'5 1 I NITNESS PQI\IATl: Pl"RS • APT(; 0 PERSON DISCOVERING GUARDIAN NAME I & W'S ISEX IDESC. D OB. 400RESS CI TY ZIP ''HONE DAY 1 X ; I I ~-v '?,t; - I t-· I A I... . ~I r~/✓~ -:' ~ ·e //4 ~ -:; K~ /;4 -.~ /' ~I c;;;,...__~:; ('. o).,,-:;, . ?N - f'Yc-/tl1. I I I I A - - I I 1-'.7 / I /,v,_ ; )._ - /J ·B / /",,, /;,.. '7"> .. .' . -✓ ,..,,,,.. ... ·iy/ ': :1 ~ .;,, ; / /,:, rJ7 - -/✓~-/ er ,. I I l •R i I 9 I COMBINED I :-·f PE OF "Et,jSE ·, .,er 5 .')C(: l; fl,H l/; '4 ,I' MUL TI ARRESTEES ™IS SECTION & ABOVE CRIME ! RPT CHECK BOX IS COMPLETED ON ONLY ONE FACE CRIME REPORT I SHEET. I . I DA TE ANO TIME CRIME OCCURRED .-Y PE PROPERTY __..- For~ ; EST DAMAGE I ; '( PE PREMISES : -- - s I, 459 I BFV ONLY-POINT ANO METHOD OF ENTRY 1 wEAPON, FORCE , ~o I TFV I BFV ONLY-VICT"S VEH !YR . MAKE . rYPE . LIC 1 I MO (UNIQUE ACTIONS! ~ l ~ --~?~:; j~gE~~OICE 0 ~~~□ I . ;I LOC. EVIO. BKO. 110 10 GIVEN? I I SUPV. 1 INV OFCR TESTING SER NO l WIT~ ESS OFCR j ER NO I COMBINED use TI-us SECTION 1 N u eu OF Pfl()PERTV RE · '( ... Preliminary i PORT IF ONL V ONE ARREST£!. NO GUN. ANO Drug Test I EV ID, R PT• NO MORE THAN 3 ITEMS OF EVIO. ITEM QUAN. ARTICLE SERIAL NO. I TYPE TEST BRANO/ DRUG WEIGHT MODEL NO. I DRUG TEST MISC. OFORUG UNITS RESULT ~ - --- 3 -~ J ~ ,...., APPROVAL/ SUPERVISOR APPROVING REPORT SERIAL ble. A.AP SHEET REPOR~nFICERI.Sl, SE~ NO:~ & DETAIL , A~TION - ATTACHED / ~VCJ ~ ~/4 ;-11'71 PA-.J\.S ~1:_ - REPORTING DATE & TIME REPROOUCE0 ulV. CLERK e1 � ~ \P P ARREST -OFCR. 8KG. EVIO. IF LISTED ON THIS PAGE! ' OFFICERS -"'V!S NO '/A~~ , '": ,e J""" ~9 . r r t"J ~ µ.1 l: · , _ _-: t I' - � DETAINED 0REI.EASEO 0N0N-800t(&WARR. INVEST. OFCR. SERIAL• DIV. JUVENILE DISPO. Petition Requnt: � MON-410()1( FlNAl CHARGE. IF OIFR:RENT THAH ORIGINAL IF REFERRED. AGENCY & PERSON ACCEPTING REFERRAL PROPERTY V N SUPERVISOR APPROVING SERW.NO. (SECTION. CODE & OEFIHIT10Nl 900KED7 IF YES. 10.I y N COMf'l.ET£07 JUV. COORO. REVIEWING SENM.NO. 110c&R l .. o~ 040CYA 11 0 JUV. TRAF. MISO. 1100PSS 11 0 ACTION SUSP. 12 0 REl.fHSUF, EVID. a, D PROIIATION 17 0 FIRE DEPT. OoTHER: OA TE / TIME OISPO. REf'AOO. ON.IQBIK 1,0Pf'OVEDADULT 03 0 COMlilUHITY SSMCE 05 0 0TH. LAW ENI'. AGENCY 10 0 DEPT. MENTAL HEALTH LA.P.O. 05.01.2 (REV. 2-aeJ ARREST REPORT ) ARRt:ST REPORT · ...,.; _ ""'K..,., • • '., '\l.,.,.N09=""'N09"""" .,., .... -9-.-C'-=-.- ,u -:- . -:::- o - . 'T."". LOC ~ . -=BK~O::- .--r-----,-; D ::;:R:- . ~ LJ ::::-C-: . N :::O~-------,, T~A ;. re :;:-~M:-;,T~ 1 --,,, Ii ..:. J ..J 4 279 A3873953 CA rJ I ~ j ~ -:-~ .... STE=R=\=s.,....~,.,,M,,..T NAM,.,.,A,..,..,N±-e-......:.... __ ---il i-ec, F'1""~ST=R,--I_S_T..__E_N ___ __...., i M..,.,,1:=-:~::-N-A-----t; s~u==-F . --, RPT . RPT ~ --;::;o:;;-~ - 0 - , -. .... - (-_------"'r lLA -:- · ----------- -DORESS '!TY EX F EH. LIC. NO. F'ED 410 Al<A: l.AST •IRST OA~ WEIGHT 105 .,_PT. NO . STATE BIRTHOATE 042572 ~ i: J > ;:J ~ J) < 6 > ~ r.'7'.;:-::;------------+=,---------------l ,MAIN FBI · IRTHPLACE ,c, 1 m . IN\/ UNIT JUI/ DETAINED AT 1 •0 CHG . ADMONITION OF RIGHTS (WHEN APf 1 llCA8LEl LA CT IVISl()H ANO DETAIL ARRESTING 4208 Q 071990 OCATION OF ARREST 2026° AVE OF STARS -YP CHARGE & CODE DEFINITION BAIL TOTAL BAil. I NI TIME ARR TIME 81<0 1 1 900 I 23351 THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT WAS READ TO THE ARRESTEE . ·vou HAIIE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT IF vou GIVE UP THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT. ANY™INO YOU SAY CAN ANO WILL BE USED AGAINST YOU IN A COURT OF LAW. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO SPEAK WITH AN ATTORNEY ANO TO HAVE THE A. TTORNEV PRESENT DURING QUESTIONING. IF VOU SO OE SIRE ANO CANNOT A FF ORO ONE. AN ATTOflNEY WILL BE APPOINTED FOR VOU WITHOUT CHARGE BEFORE QUESTIONING." THIS AOIIONfT10N WU MAD TO THE ARMSTU Y M 647CPC OSTRUCT STREET t,.Ja', ~,,;i;rJ "IAME SERIAL NO . \ OOITIONAL CHARGES tON AllOl. ,.,._ LIST NO . COUAT. NfD IIAA... 1NQ. PA I SOCIAL SECURIT'I' NO $ ·:~ 57227~096 "'RRAION. CATE TIME LOCATION CRIME COMMITTED A.O. RESIDENCE PHONE NO JCCUPATION / "., RADE ': :..OTHING WORN SAA WHI SHT/ BLU JNS/WHI SHS _,ST CONNECTING RPTS BY TYPE & tOENTIF'flNO NOS /' j IJl'JC COMPLAINTS / E\/1 0 OF ILLNESS / INJ-8Y WHOM TREA TEO INVOLVED PERSONS Code: "IAME V & w·s SEX OESC. 10 0 8 . , :; A i'1 E -; 't 1 7 5 0 7 'EXACT LOCATION / DISPOSITION ARRESTEE'S VEHICLE .. OLD FOR VEHICLE USED !YEAR MAKE. MODEL. '1'PE COLORS. UC NO . ID MARKSI 0 ASSENGERS M I • DRIVING VEH. (DIRE RETAINED -: ASH 4. :J8 :.1 ,00 V: v,cnM W: WITNESS P / A: ~~~~As R: ::~~ 459: 5: :i~~: ~~icu;~~t"IG JUV: ~ "-OORESS CITY ZIP " --ONE •B 'w: Z., I / -;-' r1t _,7' I A .e//.'[ ·· _) . - : COMBINED · CRIME REPORT ()A TE ANO TIME CRIME OCCURRED I I •vpE OFFENSE IF' MULTI ARRESTEES THIS SECTION & ABOVE CRIME ! I APT CHECK BOX IS COMPLE TED ON ONLY ONE F'ACE SHEET. · I I l'YP~iOPERTY 1 4 59 / BFV ONLY •POINT ANO METHOD OF ENTRY I I WEAPON / FORCE / INSTRUMENT USED MO !UNIQUE AC TIONS! I I I / ' /l- '7l ")/ • ICT'S OCCUPA T;()!'.I t 0 1AL I : ST OAMAul'I , 7'Y PE P~EMISES i I TFV / BFV ONL Y-VICT'S VEH (Y R -..AKE . .V PE . UC , I H~~~~tj~~E~~OICE � ~OMESTIC....., .IOL ENCE Li COMBINED rOC. EVIO. BKO 110 1 0 GIVEN? ~ I SUP\/. / IN\/. OFCR TESTING SER NO.,WITNESS OF'CR SER. NO USE THIS SECTION IN LIEU Of' ATV RE· .-11m1n ry I PORT IF ONL y ONE ARREJ~~N. ANO y N EVID. APT. NO MORE THAN 3 ITEMS Of' . rug Test ITEM QUAN. AlmCLE SE7H/O. / TYPE TEST BRANO / DRUG WEIGHT MOOi,tO. I DRUG TEST MISC. OF DRUG UNITS RESULT I v SUPERVISOR APPROVING REPORT SERIAL NO. RAP SHEET REPORTING OFFICER(SI 1ACATION i i I - APPROVAL/ ATTACHED K/2All5S' 1-~As NOrll :::•1~ i /)~ REPORTING CA TE & TIME REPROOUCEO DIV. CLERK ~ � (P.P. ARREST-OFCR. 8KG. EVIO. IF LISTED ON THIS PAGE\ '--1 OFFICERS !>11? r:R A;Uo z/yy{ I ~~ 9 ! NO JUVENILE DISPO. OoETAINED � RELEASED � NON-800K � NON-8001( & WARA. INVEST. OFCR. SERIAL I JIii. Petition Aequnt: ANAL CHAAOE. IF DIFFERENT THAN OAIOINAL IF REFERRED. AGENCY & PERSON ACCEPTING REFERRAL PROPERTY y N SUPERVISOR AP~VING SERIAlNO. (SECTION. C00E & OEFINITlONl 900KE0'7 IFY£S, 10.1 y COl#l.ETED? N JUV. COOAO. REVIEWING SERI.Al NO. ,10c&R I"�"'- 040CYA 11 0 JUV. TRAF. Ml8'>. ,eOOPSS 11 0 ACTION SUSP. 12 0 REL-lNSUf. EVID. 03 0 PAOIIATION 110RMDEP'T. OoTHP: OA'T£/TlME DISl'O. RE~. DI11. / CLERK 140PAOYEDAOULT 03 0 COl,WUNfTY SEMCE 05 0 0TH. LAW ENI'. AGENCY 10 0 OEPT'. MENTAL HEALTH L.A.P.O. 06.01 .2 (REV. 2_, ARREST REPORT CONTINUATION SHEET Page 2 of 5 · Multi-13 Arrest Report C-Below Defts: Name Booking# DOB Charge 1. Crone, Heather 2099 190 9/08/67 647c P.C. 2. Goldberg, David 2099 199 1/05/72 647c P.C. 3. Herlihy, Donna 2099 189 4/26/63 647c P.C. 4. Dhondrup, Robert 2099 206 5/22/66 647c P.C. 5. Blakeney, Greg 2099 179 11/27/63 647c P.C. 6. Pinger, Jacob 2099 188 8/19/70 647c P.C. 7. Merel, Susan 2099 257 4/27/71 647c P.C. 8. Casella, Deirdre 2099 227 4/30/72 647c P.C. 9. Gorn, Richard 2099 228 5/24/36 647c P.C. 10. Livsey, Bill 2099 207 5/21/64 647c P.C. 11. Trevino, Renee 2099 273 3/01/67 647c P.C. 12. Werthman, Kristin 2099 295 4/25/72 647c P.C. Subject: 1 Goldberg, Susan B. 2099 132 1/14/74 602 WIC/ 647c PC. Disorderly Conduct/ Obstruction of a street, sidewalk or public place. SOURCE OF ACTIVITY: On July 19, 1990, at 1730 hours, a demonstration was planned at Century Plaza Hotel by the numerous Activist groups (see page 4). Several hundred people gathered to demonstrate for their cause in front of the hotel. The groups advertised that numerous dignitaries would be attending a fundraiser at the hotel. Prior to this date a call was made to the CISPES (one of the activist groups) telephone information number listed on the flyer by Wit 1 (Sgt. Schott #17721). The information that was diseminated on the information line· was that civil disobedience was planned at the demonstration. The information was · provided by a female voice who advised those interested in being involved in the disobedience to attend a meeting at 2000 hours, on July 18, 1990 at 8124 w. 3rd Street for further instructions. The Los Angeles Police Department planned to monitor the demonstration and to provide for the safety and freedom of all citizens to exhibit their right to freedom of speech. This is normally done to ensure that the demonstration is completed in a lawful and peaceful manner. Page 3 of 5 OBSERVATION: CONTINUAT!ON SHEET Multi-13 Arrest Report The demonstrators wer~ marching, chanting and banging their sticks on the railing, belonging to the hotel. In addition to their chanting and banging their placards, the demonstrators used whistles and air horns to create attention and noise. At 1930 hours, while numerous vehicles were still driving into the hotel to either attend the function or to stay at the hotel, the demonstrators rushed to the North driveway of the hotel spilling into the street and completely blocking the roadway for vehicular traffic. The defendants and subject entered the roadway and lay down on the street and physically blocked the access to the hotel causing several vehicles to stop and be impeded from continuing to freely use the public roadway. While the defts and subject were quickly laying down in the street, other members of the groups chalked an outline of their bodies on the roadway. Their actions were deliberate and clearly intended to. disrupt the flow of traffic and the rights of other citizens from using the road. At this time Wit #2, Lt. D. Pilot, the Executive Officer, using a bull horn, issued a request for the defts to exit the street. They failed to comply with his request. Lt. Pilot then ordered the defts from the roadway and advised them that their failure to leave the street would result in their arrest. The defts still refused to comply. Additional officers were summoned to the scene to create a safe zone and ultimately arrest the defts. ARREST: All the defts were arrested for a violation of 647c PC. Disorderly Conduct/ Obstruction of a street, sidewalk or public place. The subject was arrested for 602 WIC/647c PC. Disorderly Condu~t/ Obstruction of a street, sidewalk or public place. BOOKING: All of the defts were booked on the above charge at Van Nuys Jail on the approval of Sgt. Shedd #11987 WLA PM Supervisor. Subject Goldberg was booked at WLA Jail, on approval of Sgt. Barbara #13892 WLA Supv., and released to her father after booking and processing. UJ\.L:r\l'\. l lL- JILL.:.l'1~, L, Crooks and Leaders of l)cath will be Prc!-icnl al Fundraiscr ~t .. '(-·. ' Ford Wilson Reagan Nixon Daiancmeyer Kissingcr 1'akc action tor your rights / Join the demonstration 0 Thursday, July 19th, 5:30 p.01. l Century Plaza llotel, Century Citi' ~ . f Asscaablc a1 1k avoa of Aw:aac d -.C SLUs .wt ~ ? • 0 Pak at Ille BIOMWaJ. 3 boars bee } WHERE DO YOU WANT YOUR TAX DOLLARS TO GO? . . • NO Death Squad Govcnunenls or War in ~ El Salvador ! • . Guatemala ! \\~ _ l, ~ Nicaragua ! ~ ,. LlfV' I South Africa ! I~ ""':'A till~ J . • 1vo • STOP Malathion Spa.aymg ! • S'IOP Censorship ! Spoll501$: j • YES ao AIDS Reiearch I Reproductive Rigbbi Leablan / ~y Rights • YES IO llealth c~rc ! • Y bS lo lhlucal ion ! ACr UP-LA Alda Coai,uaa a.1 U,aJUJJ. fowc-1) • Al~Nll " A • t ·goaeucc • Sc.I ' ,11, -.ilh <c 1,cio,~ o• U, ICJSPES) • Cal Su&c No11J11ud,c Mtll1A • a s ....... Days of llc:iciaioll • G,..,,...,, lnlornu&iM CcnLa (GIC) ·r; ..... Codaal • ,...ic of laillwlc • NIDIMI a.:.. ........ D • Nic:aniua Cul1Mrd Ct.ala • Niicmpa Talk hJ.1:c • NOW • Sooltaaa C aliloa. 41111 MalaJ.liioa CSCAM) • f cd.:al J Moraine C'oatiliaa b ~ and hua;a: "' El Salv.._ aid lhc U.S. • W-macss lo, Pc.A il- 0721 · Loe Aogcla NOW (213) 657-JSH \ , ~ ~ ~ I . ' 1 ~, ' ,\, . t 1) ... DISCLOSURE STATEMENT ~:s Anaetes Police Oecanment BOOKING NO. I DR NO. (~- /l,4r./ l(ftr 1/( )-cJ,_;;rf' 1. All currently existing reports (except personnel investigations) connected to this investigation. including crime, propeny, arrest. schematic. refusal. follow-up, use of force. etc .. including those of other suspects, are cross-referenced in this report. 2. The name, business address or assignment and serial number, home address (except for officers) and phone number of all currently known persons, including officers (except confi dential informants), who were in a position to see, hear, or were interviewed about the crime or the events leading to it, arrest, search, statement of a suspect or witness, field sobriety exam, non-Scientific Investigation Division chemical test, a suspect's or witness's state of intoxication, or facts necessary for probable cause for a warrant, search, or detention are . listed in the report. 3. All known oral statements made by any suspect or witness concerning the offense are included in a referenced report. 4. Copies of all original officer notes relating to statements of suspects or witnesses are attached. 5. All items of evidence seized, photgraphs (except booking), and tape recordings (except Communications Division records) are mentioned in one of the referenced reports. 6. If any of the above items have been lost or destroyed, this fact is mentioned in a referenced report. 7. Any known fact which might indicate innocence of this crime or which might be substantial material evidence favorable to any suspect or which might damage too believao1lity of a prosecution witness or result in a lesser court sentence is mentioned in a referenced report. All of the above statements are true. SIGNATURE SERIAL# DIVISION OF ASSIGNMENT v ~ ~ / __;;~= ' ---==b~r....._ · _u.-..- \~~~s;,_...A ___ ~ ______ a_--=--1-=-3.;;.....a....;..;'i ;; __ « __ L __ r-1 ___ _ ;1//E.hl\/l-NC L 2&48° ULA _.;.,__ ______ ....,,.....________ --------- tiA-uS;,S zsazs (-;-c-:- ('_v t(66Z b 2& y ·~ ~ lJ J_/-l DATE 7-19· 9c 7 - ly-9D · 1-1 q- - fC ·7- 11·- Ci 0 I IC'J.- C/O --,- --1 r- 1 a LAPD 5.02.9 (2-90) , VIDEO TAPE DOClJMBN'l'ATION Personnel from the TV, Photo, Sound Unit of Training Division video taped the event. The original tape is located and available at the TV, Photo, Sound Unit.
Linked assets
Los Angeles Webster Commission records, 1931-1992
Conceptually similar
After-action report, Iranian demonstration, 1980-07-14
After-action report, West Los Angeles' AIDS demonstration, 1989-12-05
After-action report, Los Angeles student coalition demonstration, 1990-04-18
After-action report, 1983 May Day demonstration, 1983-05-01
After-action report, Anti-War demonstration, 1991-01-15
After-action report, Wilshire Area's demonstration by the Armenian Youth Federation, 1990-04-24
After-action report, Central Area, 1992-10-28
After-action report, unusual occurrence related to the March 25, 1989 anti-abortion demonstration in Rampart area; operations-central bureau
After-action report, UCLA Mardi Gras, 1990-06-14
After-action report, Hollywood area's Halloween event, 1989-12-07
After-action report, West Los Angeles area's unusual occurrence, truck bomb at IRS, 1990-03-14
After-action report, Southeast Area, 1992-03-03
After-action report, Hollywood area's unusual occurrence, 1988-11-17
After-action report, Operations-Valley bureau's Hammer #1, 1990-03-08
After action report, 1992-04/1992-05
After-action, Pro-Choice rally on November 12, 1989 at Cheviot Hills Park, 1989-12-15
Wichita after-action police report, 1980-06-20
LAPD, major disturbance at Venice Beach, 1983-07-10
Foothill area after action report, 1992-04-29/1992-05-11
After action reports for the April-May riots, 1992-06-12/1992-06-29
After-action report, West Los Angeles' Century City politcal demonstration, fund-raising dinner honoring former president Richard Nixon, dedication of the Nixon library, Act Up Los Angeles; gay rights group, CISPES "Committee in solidarity with the people in El Salvadore", 1990 July 19.
Asset Metadata
Core Title
After-action report, West Los Angeles' Century City political demonstration, 1992-07-19
OAI-PMH Harvest
36 p.
Permanent Link (DOI)
Unique identifier
box 33 (box),web-box33-20_21-05.pdf (filename),folder 20 - folder 21 (folder),webster-c100-71837 (legacy record id)
Legacy Identifier
36 p. (format),application/pdf (imt),reports (aat)
Folder test
Inherited Values
Los Angeles Webster Commission records, 1931-1992
Chaired by former federal judge and FBI and CIA Director William H. Webster, the Los Angeles Webster Commission assessed law enforcement's performance in connection with the April, 1992 Los Angeles civil unrest. The collection consists of materials collected and studied by the Commission over the course of its investigation. Materials pertain to both the Los Angeles incident specifically, and civil disturbance, civil unrest control, and policing tactics in general.
Included in the collection are the following: interviews with LAPD officers, law enforcement personnel, government officials, community leaders, and activists; articles, broadcasts, and press releases covering the civil unrest; various tactical and contingency plans created for disasters and emergencies; reports, studies, and manuals about civil unrest control and prevention; literature about community-based policing strategies; emergency plans and procedures developed by other cities; and after-action reports issued once the civil unrest had subsided. Also featured are items related to the internal operations of the LAPD both before and during the civil unrest, including activity reports, meeting agendas and minutes, arrest data, annual reports, curricula and educational materials, and personnel rosters.
See also the finding aid (
See also The Los Angeles Riots: The Independent and Webster Commissions Collections (
Related collections in the USC Digital Library:
? Independent Commission on the Los Angeles Police Department, 1991 (see also the finding aid:
? Richard M. Mosk Christopher Commission records, 1988-2011 (see also the finding aid:
? Kendall O. Price Los Angeles riots records, 1965-1967 (see also the finding aid:
? Watts riots records, 1965 (see also the finding aid:
Thanks to generous support from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the USC Libraries are digitizing this collection for online public access.
Coverage Temporal