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Los Angeles Webster Commission records, 1931-1992
After-action report, Iranian demonstration, 1980-07-14
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After-action report, Iranian demonstration, 1980-07-14
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1 ~ lS.ll2.0 <-i- 'TS) lt'·fTRADEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE ,/{_.:,; ~"/ .·111, I July 14, 1980 6.3 TO: Commanding Officer, Operations-West Bureau FROM: Commanding Officer; West Los Angel es Area SUBJECT: AFTER ACTION REPORT ON IRANIAN DEMONSTRATI'1N - · 1- \,J ,, _. - I. Pro-American Iranian demonstration with opposing factions support ive of Iran's Ayatollah Khomenini. A. BACKGROUND/INTF.LLIGENCE SUMMARY On 6-24-80 Public Disorder and Intelligence D1vi~ion notified West Los Angeles Area of a pro-American Iranian demonstration to be staged at the Federal Ruildinq, 11000 Wilshire Blvd., at 1500 hours on 6-29-80. Public Disorder and Intelligence Division anticipated that some counter Iranian demonstrators would be present. West Los Angeles Area established liaision with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Los Angeles Sheriff's Office, California High- . "V-1ay Patrol, Federal Protection Service~ University of California at Los Angeles Police Department, and Veteran's Administration Police to facilitate intelliQence gatherinq and address the jurisdictional problems presented by the demonstration. Pub11c Disorder and Intelligence Division, Los Angeles Sheriff's Office, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation provided West Los Angeles Area with continuous intelligence updates. The Federal Bureau of Investiqation provided West Los Angeles with direct updates 2 to 3 times daily until the day of the event. Initial reports anticipated 2,000 - 4,ono pro-American demon strators with a minimum number of counter demonstrators. later reports from the Federal Bureau of Investigation confirmed by the Los Angeles Sheriff's Office and Public Disorder and Inte1- 1i~ence Division, indicated 2,000 - 4,000 pro-American demonstra tors with a force of 300 - 900 counter demonstrators. These ~ counter demonstrators were responding from as far away as Chicago, Texas and the Bay Area. Counter demonstrators from San Diego and 01<1 ahoma were reported to be "carr. ving weapons" and being paid by a faction in Iran to "wreak havoc" durinQ the 6-29-80 demon stration. One Federal Rureau of Investigation report indicated that the counter demonstrators from Oklahoma would infiltrate · the pro-American group and fire handguns into the air as a disruptive technique. Counter demonstrators were to be comino from several campuses to include the Vn1vers1ty of Southern · Ca1ifornia, and University of California at Rerkley. The rally Aft~r Action Report Page two . was scheduled for 1500-1600 hours with leaders arriving at 1200 hours. The majority of demonstrators were slated to arrive at approximately 1430 hours. 8. AFFECTED AREA The affected area . consisted of -the City and Federal - ~roperty· bounded by Midvale Ave. to the east, Federal Ave. to the west, Ohio Ave. to the south and Wilshire Blvd. to the north. Ex ceptions to this general statement are that: 1. Westbound traffic on Wilshire Blvd. was diverted north and south at Westwood Blvd. 2. Southbound traffic on Galey Ave. was diverted at Lindbrook Street. 3. Southbound traffic on Veteran Ave. was diverted at Weyburn Ave. 4. Southbound traffic on Sepulveda was re-routed at Cashmere Street. C. DURATION OF EVENT 6-29-80 1000 - 1715 hours. II. COMAND ?OST INFORMATION A. LOCATION The Army Reserve Facility at 1250 Federal Ave. was utilized as the Command Post (designated C.P. 8). Los Angeles City· Fire station #3~ 1090 Veteran Ave., was utilized as a satel lite command post (C.P. 8 b). B. STAFFING The command post was staffed as follows: Field Commander - Captain J. Wilbanks 112092 Executive Officer - Sgt. II A. Heider #14010 Operations Officer - Lt. T. Burke 114438 Assistant - Sgt. W. Graves #17344 Log Officer - Officer G. Odom #21540 Radio Operator - Office~ -0. Clinton #17531 - Personnel Officer - Lt. R. Pooler #11334 Assistant - Officer R. Parrott ~12165 Officer - Sgt. L. Spar~o #11679 Assistant - Officer J. Cerniglia ,16944 Assistant - Officer R. Bernsen #21006 ... . After Action Report , Page three Field Jail Un1t - Lt. N. Foss ,10307 I-III J. Rosenbrock #10265 Det. L. Kingsford P.11958 Det. J. Gibson #13370 Det. R •. Zolkowski #10788 Det. B. Hokanson #10253 Det. H.· Nearing 1120- 59 Bus driver Officer R. Mecklfng #21476 Logistics Officer - Sgt. J. St1lo #15878 Assistant - Officer f. Kislo #20625 . Assistant - Officer J.H. Smith #16378 Security - Officer R. Serna #16838 Intelligence Officer - Lt. G. Ackerman #13668 Assistant . - Sgt. II R. Shedd #11978 Stout 1 - Officer M. Kovacs . #14772 Scout 2 - Officer D. Laws i15054 Scout 3 - Officer G. Torres #21642 C. FIELD COMMAND POST M08ILE EQUIPMENT 1. Mobile V D. HOURS OF WATCHES Beginning of watch for both Day and PM Watch was not affected. End of Watch, however, for all units at the Command Post was held over until 1715 hours. 4est Los Angeles Day Watch began at 0730 hours and concluded at 1715 hours. West Los Angeles PM Watch ran from 1530 - :0015 hours. III. CHRONOLOGICAL NARRATION A. SYNOPSIS OF EVENTS 6-24-80 · West Los Angeles Area received initial information about the demonstration from Public Disorder and Intelligence Division. 6-26-80 Contacted the Los Angeles Sheriff's nffice, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Public Disorder and Intelligence D1v1s1on for inte1·11gence updates. 6-27-80 (1330) Sgt. W. Graves attended a planning meeting at Los Angeles Sheriff's Office West Hollywood Station. California Highway Patrol, Federal Administrative Services, and Los Angeles Sheriff's Office tactical planners were present,. Tactical and jurisdictional con~iderations were addressed. The meeting terminated when Los Angeles Sheriff's Office planners were informed bv their suoer1ors that the Los Anoeles Sheriff's o·ff1ce would noi be invol~ed on 6-29-80. - · Reserved United States Army Reserve facility as command post site through Major Morey. After Action Report ,Page four Cancelle~ West Los Angeles officers days off for 6-29-80. Made appropriate Intra Departmental notifications. 6-28-80 Established l1asion with California Highway Patrol, Veterans Administration Police Federal Protection Services, University of California at Los Angeles Police Department, University of California at Los Angeles Hospital, Los Angeles · City Fire Station i37, and Rhueban•s Tow, and insured pre paradness. 6-29-8n 0730 West ·Los Angeles Roll Call. Rriefed West Los · Angeles officers. Condticted equipment inspection. 0830 Planning meeting of West Los Angeles Command Personnel . . ·0930 Attorney for pro~American Iranian faction, Ehsan Afaghi (278-8050/657-6368), contacted and advised of potential for violence by counter demonstrators. 1000 Activated command post. 1030 Metro Division and Los Anoeles Sheriff's Office Lt. ~ald and Inspector Cline briefed at command post. 1100 Scouts posted in Federal Building and in two story parking structure e~st of location for high ground integrity and intel ligence gathering. 1130 . An inspection of· th~ Federal grounds was made by 4 officers assigned as scouts for weapons possibly secreted by demonstrators. Three dozen eggs, 1 sword, 7 clubs and 1 lead pipe were found in the shrubbery (see property report, DR 80-853 080). Officers also examined suspicious vehicles in the area. 1140 Notified Communication Division of command post and its prefered .ingress. 1200 Field Commander~ Intelligence Officer, Public Disorder and Intelligence Division Sgt. Anderson and Los ~ngeles Sheriff's · Office Sgt. Whitman met with the pro-American demonstrators inside the Federal Building. The organizer, Shahrais Cambyse, and his attorneys-, Fhsan Afaghi (278-BOSn), and Ruth Estep (385-3402), were present. Oonovan J. Leighton (272-6161} of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and ~aryl Rashkin (688-5127) of the State Department were also present. Cambyse confirmed Public Disorder and Intelligence Oivisfon's estimate of the number of pro-~merican deMonstrators and indi cated that they would - be policed by 150 disciplined security officers. Their Security Chief was identified a~ Ben Ghaffary. Each of his 15 s- ecurity souad leaders would -have a hand held radio. Each security officer would be identified with an arm band. Captain Wilbanks explained pertinent ordinances to the group, to include 409 P.C. (failure to disperse). · After Action Report Page five . 1150 Field Ja11 Unit activated. 1200 4 squads (51 total) of riot eouipoed Metropolitan Division officers briefed at West Los Angeles Station. 1·207 We~~ Traffic 01v1s1on advised to send its Day Watch person nel to the command post (7 motors, 1 motor Sgt., 5 A.I. rifficers) PM Watch was also requested for 1515 hours {5 A.I. officers, 1 Sgt. and 9 motors). 1210 Based on .preliminary - intelligenc~ reports that approxi~ately 50 to 100 pro-!rania~s had beoun to qroup pn the Federal grounds, West Bureau was placed on tactical alert. One squad of Metropolitan Division officers dispatched to Federal qrounds to exhibit oolice presence and aeter demonstrators from entering with weapons. Capta~n Garay and Lt. locklye of the California Highway Patrol arrived with 15 men available. Their units wer.e later deoloyed on the Wilshire Blvd. off ramos of the 405 freeway, at Federal Ave. and Wilshire Blvd., at Veteran Ave. and Weyburn St., and on Sepulveda Ave. at Ohio and Cashmere Streets. Radio communication via Mobil V was established. (California Highway Patrol units were not requested by the Los Angeles Police Department. Originally they had agreed to respond as per ·their agreement with the Los Angeles Sheriff's Office. When the Los Anqeles Sheriff's Office declined to handle the demonstration, the California Highway Patrol stated that they would still respond. 1215 - 1245 Scout units reported an influx of up to ao to 1ory Iranians into the area. 1225 Southwest Division Watch Commander advised command oost 8 that 40-45 counter demonstrators were at University of Southern California campus trying to recruit additional counter demon strators for the West Los Angeles event. (Confirmed· previous intelligence regarding a contingent of counter demonstrators coming from University of Southern Califorrt1a.) · - 1230 Air unit requested to monitor demonstration. (Reserved previously for this event) 1240 1 squad of officers deployed alonq Veteran Ave. from Wilshire . Blvd., south to Rochester Ave. as a partial perimeter to be com pleted upon the arrival of additional officers. 2 officers were assigned to each street entering the affected area to confiscate weapons or placards 1n violation of 55.07 LAMC (demonstration eouipment prohibited) and to demonstrate a strong police presence. (Intelligence information from Public n1sorder and Intelligence Division had indicated that a strong show of police presence could deter demonstrator's participation as many had questionable status with immigration. Arrest by police could lead to deportati~n .• ) • After Action ~eport Page s1x 1250 West Hollywood Los ~nqeles Sheriff's Office arrived at the command post with 56 riot equipped deputies and 4 Sgts. Inspector Clein remained at the command post until approximately 1600 hours. Clein advised that an additfonal 56 men were ava11ab1e within 50 minutes.(At no time were Los Angeles Sheriff's Officer personnel utilized~) ' 1252 Scout units reported jQ additional Iranians arriving at- the south side of the Federal Building. · 1300 Communications Division notified of citywide tactical alert~ 50 office!s requested for th~ com~nd ~ost. 1315 2 squads of ~etropolitan Division officers deployed into the affected area to confiscate incoming weapons and exhibit police presence. · 1320 ·swAT unit request made by Field Commander. Metropolitan D1v1s1- on already had 1 squad at scene available for deployment. 1325 Deputy Chief L. Reiter #10896 arrived at command post 8. California Highway Patrol units deployed to their pre-arranged· traffic points awaiting orders for traffic re-routing. 1330 Intelliqenc~ estimated 150 demonstrators in the area. Demonstrators-began breaking into groups and shouting slogans. .. . .. . 1350 1 squad assiqned to complete perimeter of affected area, from Rochester and Veteran south to Ohio ~v~. and theri west to · 1ink with . the Ca1ifornia Pfghway Patrol at Sepulveda Blvd. 1353 California Highway Patrol broadcast a s1g alert warning of congestion on the 405 freeway and along Wilshire· elvd. in the vicinity of the Veterans Administration Hospital. 1355 One squad and the divisional station wagon were deployed · tri the northeast corner of Wilshire Blvd. and Veteran Ave. (about½ block north of Wilshire) to the satellite command post. 1410 Remaining Metropolitan Division squad deployed to satel lite command post. 1420-1450 Demonstrators swelled to approximately 800 pro-American Iranians and ·500 counter demonstrators. The two groups assembled facing each other .• When the counter group, consisting of G.A.M.A. (movement for independence of Iran) and Jewish Defense League personnel, locked arms and advanced on the pro-American demon strators in a threatening manner, two Metropolitan ryivision squads intervened. Metroplitan Division sauads placed themselves directly between .the two factions only after the threat of · serious injury to the pro-American demonstrators appeared im minent. Members of the counter group carried 2 11 X 2" illegal After Action Report Page seven placards and were usinq them in a threatening manner. Oeath threats were being exchanqed by both oroups. Three arrests for fighting were made at thi~ time. (Unusual occurrence booking numbers 5745 573/4/5) two of the arrestees were from San Jose, one from Stockton, further corroborating intelligence infor mation. At this point it was reported that additional demonstrators were attemoting to enter the area from outside the perimeter of Veteran Ave. and Wi1shi~e ·s1vd. Further, a disp~rsal order ·given by the Field Commander was being intentionally drowned out by chanting. The order was ignored by cou~ter demonstra tors who began to move as a cohesive group south and then west from their position east of the Federal Building. It appeared t~at the counter demonstrators might attempt to attack the pro-American demonstrator~ by out flanking the Metropolitan squads separating them. Because all available souads an~ reserves had b~en deoloyed and the officers were seriously outnumbered, units responding to the command oost were directed via Communications Division eo the satellite command post 8 b. (Located½ block from scene.) Further Communications Division was advised to hol~ over Day Watch p~rsonnel and to send all available P~ Watch units ·directly· to command post 8 b. 1425 - 1430 Dispersal ·order gi~en twice by Field C6mmander·. 1426 A11 ·· freeway off ramps to Wilshire Blvd. and all - side streets into affected area clo~ed to inbound traffic. Los Angeles Police Department sig alert broadcast. 1445 - 1515 Demonstrators changed positions on Fe~eral grounds. Counter demonstrators moved southbound onto the park grounds on Veteran ·between Rochester Street .and Wilkin~ Street. Officers surrounded same and allowed limited numbers access to their cars for d 1 spersa 1. 1515 - 1600 Pro-American demonstrators proceeded northbound onto both sides of Wil~hire Rlvd. and then westbound purportedly to ~arch into . Santa Monica. 1609 Santa Monica Police advised. 16 1 5 Co mm u n i c a t i o n s D i v i s i o n ad v 1 s e d II s u ff 1 c i en t . u n i t s at command post." 1635 leader of counter demonstrators advised Police Department that they would disperse at 1700 hours. 1635 - 1700 Both groups be9an dispersing. · .. After Action Report 1 Page eight 1705 Traffic in area opened except fre~way on-ramps and Veteran Blvd. 1715 All streets opened commandpost secured except for a con- tingent of Metropolitan Division officers. IV. CRI~ES ANO ARRESTS A. CRIME SUMMARY Numerous challenges to · fight, minor batteries and assaults with sticks occurred durino the demonstration. When violent as~au1ts were observed hy ~olice, arrests were made. Contain ment of the demonstrators, a strong police presence and the systematic dispersal of small numbers of demonstrators pre- .eluded more violent confrontations and vandalism. One Assault With - a deadly Weapon involving an Iranian victim and and suspect occurred just outside of the affected area at LJndbrdok and Midvale Avenues. The suspect, who was arrested, struck his victim with a steel wrench. OR 80-853 061. B. ARREST StfM"iARY -Three counter demonstrating -Iranians.were arreste~ .as Metro~ po11tan Division squads separated the opposing groups. Two of the three 415 (disturbing the peace) arrestees were booked for striking peaceful d~monstrators with their fists. The third was arrested when he used a 1" X 5' . stick to strike p~aceful demonstrators. ·- RASHID! - ~AMAGHANI, Ali - 415 P.C., U.O. 5745 273 AL . A.II, Hooshana - 415 P.C ... lf.O. 5745 274 JAFARI - JOZANi, Rahmatollah - 415 P.C., U.O. 5745 725 A~proximately one block north and east of th~ demonstration Samadian Hossien Rkg.# U.O. 5745 28Q struck victim Zhubin Khalili (DR 80-853 O~l) in the face with a steel wrench. Off duty Los Angeles Police Officer J. Wilson, #20319, observed the assault and detained the suspect for responding officers. Victim not hospitalized. A11 arrests, total of four, were adult males. V. DEATHS AND INJURIES Two fa c 1 a 1 c u ts to v 1 ct 1 m o f t he - ~ s s a u 1 t w 1 t h a De ad 1 v w · e a po n • No deaths. No injuries to Departmental personnel. · VI. PROPERTY DAMAGE Non. e After Action Report Page nine VII. PERSONNEL The following chart depicts ·the number of Deoartment person nel assigned to the demonstration by rank and regular assign ment. The total man hours expended fs reflected by rank and is d1vfded _ into straight time and overtime. Costs by rank for both overtime and straight time are also shown. The hours of watch for personnel assigned to the command _ post from West Los Angeles Area were 0730 hours to 1715 hours. The command post itself was activiated between 1000 and 1715 hours. - . After Action Report Page ten . PERSONNEL - SWORN RANK PAYGRA:JE OFFICERS H0URS REG. TIME/$ Dep. Chief 1 3.5 @ ~27.00=~ 94.50 Capt. I 1 8.0 @ S19.40= 155.20 Lt. I I 2 20.5 @ ~17.45= 357.73 Lt_ . I 4 2 9-. 0 @ ~16.52= 479.37 S~t. II 9 55.5 @ $14.83= 823.()7 Sgt. !+II 5 15. 5 @ SlS.6~= ?42.71 Sgt .. I 29 95.5 ra $14.05=1341.78 P-II!+I 28 123.0 @ Si3.5B=l~70.34 P-I II 114 479.S @ S12.91=619f'l.35 P-II+!I 37 109.5 ra ~13.58=1487.01 P-II 163 440.0 @ ~ 1 2 . 2 8 = 5 . 4 I) "3 • 2 0 P-I 24 23~5 @ -$11.68= 274.48 Reserves 5 18.5 ra $ -.- Det. I YI 1 8.0 @ $15.66= 125.28 Det. II 1 8.0 "l S14.rJ5= 112.4'1 Det. I 2 15.0 @ ~13.31= }q9.65 P-III 3 24.5 ~ $12.91= 316.30 U. 0. Hours Cost/St. time- TOTALS 439 ·t,477 $19,273.39 HOURS - 1. 5 TIME/~ 2 @ $2F.18= s 52.3 2 @ 24.78= 4 9. 5 · 6 (a 22.25= 133.5 · 6 @ 23.5')= 141.0 ( 24.5~ 21.00= 514 . 5 r _ 30 @ 20.37= 611.lC 32.Sta 19.37= 6 2.g. 5 : 15 @ 2'l.37= 305.5 : 90 @ 18.42= 1656.S C 5 @ 17.52= 87.6 ( 0 @ 5.5 = Hours rJ/T . Cost 0/T hour 213 $4224.67 TOTAL COST $23,'f.gS.06 . . After Action Report Page Eleven Civilians were not utilized in the operation. Of the 439 personnel assioned to the command post, 28 were assigned as command oost c~dre. 51 ~etropo11tan ry1vis1on officers were committed directly into ·the crowd representinq the bulr. of the police skirmish line. 30 officers were deployed at perimeter points and to hot spots alon~ and out- side the perimeter. 66 officers suoplem~nted the skirmish line and contained the groups of demonstrators as they splintered and moved in various dir~ctions on and off Federal property. One squad of officers (10 men) was sent to Will Rogers State Beach to a major gang disturbanc~. 157 bfficers were committed to the field force. The .remaining 254 men were respond 1 n g P ~ Watch off 1 c er s en route to the co mm.and post and acted primarily as ready reserves. T~e majority of these men were released back to their divisions withi" 30-45 minutes as it became obv.ious that the Unusual Occurrence was under control. The irflux of such a lar~~ reserve occurred when a city wide tactical alert was called after it appeared t~at sufficient forces were not available to handle the now escalatino demonstration. - VIII. LOGISTICS A. VEHICLES SPECI~LIZED 1 • Mob 11 V (Mob 11 co rnm a n d tr a ii er) 2. 1-Jail bus (56 passenger capacity) 3. l-F1e1d jail van 4. 1-Air unit 5. Divisional station wagon B. VEHICLES, R~UTI~E 1. 120 black and whtie oolice cars 2. 38 plain detective cars (Inc1ud1ng Metro) 3. 42 two-~heel motor units C. OTHER EQUIPMENT AT COMMAND POST 1. 2-tear gas kits 2. 1ao-9as masks 3. 2..-· ,1re extinquishers 4. 300-sets, plastic handcuffs 5. SO-boxes of flares 6. 2-flack jackets 7. 2-bul 1 horns 8. 15-hand held radios · The only item expended resulting in a cost to the city was 10 · bo~es of flares at a total cost of $91.10. Aft~r Action Report Page twelve IX. CRITIQUE A potentially violent clash between ooposin~ Iranian factions was averted at the Federal Building on 6-29-80 because of . West Los Angeles Area's ability to tak~ premptive action. At the first sign of trouble adequate numhers of officers were deployed into the crowd. The opposing volatile factions .were separated and ultimately dispersed in small innocuous ~roups. Even before the groups had assembled, several squads of officers were deployed into · the affected area to exhibit a strong police presence. Demonstrators carrying illegal size placards were disarmed before they became a problem. It is felt that the high visibility . tactic deterred ~ersons from carrying concealed weapons into the area, and reduced the number of d1sruot1ve demonstrators attendinq. Intelliqence had 1ndicat~d that some c6unter demon~trators wo~ld be ·armed, and that many of the demonstrators would ~e rlissuaded from part icipating if it appeared that they would be arrested and deported. West Los Angeles Area's preparedn~ss and successful handling of the demonstration was larqe1y due to the timely and highly specific intelligence information provided by Public Disoroer and intelligence Division, an.d the Federal - Bureau of Investfgation. While the h1oher numbers of demonstrators and some . of the vio- 1ent tactics -anticipated did not· materialize, it is believed that the · tactics utilized by West Los Angeles detened both qroups from engaging1n an all-out riot. The establishment of a traffic perimeter which effectively cut off all vehicular traffic in the affected area prevented innocent citizens from enterinq the affected area once police action was required and a riotous condition existed. A spin off henenfit of the action was that it also restricted the 1n~1ux of demonstrators so t~at officers were ' not outnumbered beyond their ability to control the situatio~. 0\ n \ \ \ ( ~v\\1 ~ .. I , . J, •. M. e· ovA, Captain ~ommandino Officer West Los Angeles Area t,4.0, (<1aFrTc ~ Ar,~les Pol1c~ Oeoortment I F'lll(AIIIM CMEC!< ~ [.;. •7 No"- I Bl<C A£CC~D PAC£ NO I CR~ I ...... _ - PROPERTY REPORT 0 0~4£ '- . E•idcncc I '-/fy., 3--:-~ -~ ', de"c:• I '-...Jo O~LV ...., '.• ·- · ICSIO!~CE A0j~(>i PEAS.J~ PACPER;'( E~ J,c. £;:) TO ll~\l•l11'l•ITMO~I RE.5 p~;~E ' ,:._ · ~ ,.; . 1. l{c.b3 C:un..fr_ I\ uE 1. VA(',J,A, ::r. ". - !v7::; .. IE.S,C~._CE AJCRESS AAAE.ST(E'S "AM( 04,Ut;( I 8><~ 1o1 : - - - - 2. '· C:Sl:>E"tCE ACCitESS VICTIM OR 0._..NEA S NAM£ IIES. PHONE I aus. P~ ,. - J. UN~ - - I a£.,i1~E-.CC: AO:~£.SS PERSON RE~\J~TINC iO POlli:E CE?T . 11.ol\l. f ,l"\t. U,ddltl AES. ~NE I a;;s. P~ - I - 4 . --- 4 . 0.aTE & it•,,~ 7� i5 ~~:> ,J~ T I PROP. 81<0 AT I OA~E SK:1 I OAT£ & TIME rRIJ?EIHY TAl<Elli 1"170 PO:LlCE CuSTO(IY ·LOCATION· CITY OR ~~POIHINC :;1sr. ic-25 ·'2~ I /7, ~o Wt.A (. • Z'f • io !1c-2..9-~c lu:.? o I l\bt>= ::::> t... 1 ,u,-.,,;zE. · ~ l i.?7 I IN\/ o:v I ,s TM!S S7ul.E~ ?RC?E in·,, I TYPE 0F P~E,f1SE5 I nPE OF' noPERn-· I OIY . . ,r w 0 v~s O~o ~ t: ~KNCWl\j w ;. L. "'!... rF~cF.:lA\.. G.c..c~ '-"""'~,-:-L ~ S '.,)e; .. ~ ... . - P~ •.; 31.3;.£, ;:g iYE Prrftt\ • P!'lot o • S. i 0. • Otl'ltr I OIV CR CiTY .S. O,HE CRfl.'.E ~i:Ci.;RREO ~HT .1NY CON~iCTi~C "€?CRTS :.Y T't?E ~ C-'. n � ! � I � ! - I ! PROP~RTY ON THIS REPORT SEIZED PURSUANT TO SEARCH WARRANT: D AL.I.. ITEMS � ONL.Y ITEM NC<; ON THIS ' ! t5S 'JEO lcouqT NOJ I ~£ .\~-=- ,._ ~R? ~ "'- '!' 'l O . I :::.a.T~ e ·f J~OGE REPORT . Se;,:r:tc re:,orts are rc'1~ircd for eac:h c:louific:at1.Jn of property: Ev idence: = ~..:1<. to Arr~ s:ee. 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FIELC 101' UO- u OR ti L.A.# MASS ARREST REPC~ -- 'COHPLE,E TH~ FOLLOWlf~G SECTICNS: ., ; IBcRiHE REPOP.T � JUVESILE OeVlOENCE RPT. I IUSl .. !SS >::::E35 j " ' , .; 01. tJ JUV. I ;:.,_:i.., - ~ . ... ~, :=:~.:=, I Ot-1 Ly 1=-· •c· ;·· · •w - ~--. w"" , · ~ _ :- 1i.,•:.~ • -c.. .i:. , ~ •.,:.:., I EVIO. ' :.i.~:: ¼ ~ : -..:: :: - , ::;. r .... ~::N 1N CwS7 . i RE?ORT ' . l!"!POUN:, · i VEH. RPT. 1 :_,,:: .. ~:: ,;. i , ,r--L· F·c·· ~ ..... ~ I :.; :." ' ' I "' ' , ... . ~ • .., • '- ·~· ::,,~.:- ... ~ -1~: : ; -.: ; .., -:- .. =~ •. ,: :~-... 7. r (·~v , · ~•A=i~S -i.4~ ;- re.J r=' ~ - < -: ~ \ · 1.. 1 3 ... '-' -· . -~ .. Cl TY � IMPOUND \.t . T . Y(S I RES. R,O. I I a<o. AT ; ,:::; , MAR :C: S G-:..: ~ - :: , c:. 5Q,2acc- at= AL,1v1t/ _O 1=c5 AS51~/V - ~'1 TO m.c;.:_ , J n--: - r. r J ~ r' p - • ,. ,_. __ ,,J I /\_/v,, 1 --=-~- --✓r • ..>_ 1;.t · ;... .-= r ,....._ o ::::-c-~ P!..rJC.. l';1J u c r-::-: ,r-..1:; /J 1-: I!. c ~-:- . 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Linked assets
Los Angeles Webster Commission records, 1931-1992
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Birmingham expenditure information, 1980-1991
After-action report, Iranian demonstration in West Los Angeles area, 1980 July 14.
Asset Metadata
Core Title
After-action report, Iranian demonstration, 1980-07-14
OAI-PMH Harvest
25 p.
Permanent Link (DOI)
Unique identifier
box 33 (box),web-box33-20_21-20.pdf (filename),folder 20 - folder 21 (folder),webster-c100-71852 (legacy record id)
Legacy Identifier
25 p. (format),application/pdf (imt),reports (aat)
Folder test
Inherited Values
Los Angeles Webster Commission records, 1931-1992
Chaired by former federal judge and FBI and CIA Director William H. Webster, the Los Angeles Webster Commission assessed law enforcement's performance in connection with the April, 1992 Los Angeles civil unrest. The collection consists of materials collected and studied by the Commission over the course of its investigation. Materials pertain to both the Los Angeles incident specifically, and civil disturbance, civil unrest control, and policing tactics in general.
Included in the collection are the following: interviews with LAPD officers, law enforcement personnel, government officials, community leaders, and activists; articles, broadcasts, and press releases covering the civil unrest; various tactical and contingency plans created for disasters and emergencies; reports, studies, and manuals about civil unrest control and prevention; literature about community-based policing strategies; emergency plans and procedures developed by other cities; and after-action reports issued once the civil unrest had subsided. Also featured are items related to the internal operations of the LAPD both before and during the civil unrest, including activity reports, meeting agendas and minutes, arrest data, annual reports, curricula and educational materials, and personnel rosters.
See also the finding aid (
See also The Los Angeles Riots: The Independent and Webster Commissions Collections (
Related collections in the USC Digital Library:
? Independent Commission on the Los Angeles Police Department, 1991 (see also the finding aid:
? Richard M. Mosk Christopher Commission records, 1988-2011 (see also the finding aid:
? Kendall O. Price Los Angeles riots records, 1965-1967 (see also the finding aid:
? Watts riots records, 1965 (see also the finding aid:
Thanks to generous support from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the USC Libraries are digitizing this collection for online public access.
Coverage Temporal