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Los Angeles Webster Commission records, 1931-1992
LAPD, Labor relations division mobilization roster and unusual occurrence manual, 1992-04
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LAPD, Labor relations division mobilization roster and unusual occurrence manual, 1992-04
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·" -l ~ - .- "A" WATCH JJ /Jyv .f' < HM -z_, Captain e:--1t". -r.;abtow Sergeant R. E. Reyes Sergeant E. Mccloskey Sergeant L. Ariaz Officer R. Dominguez Officer D. J. Mandella Offieer w. '!odd The following is Labor Available Reserve: Minimum Deployment Available Reserve Minimum Deployment Available Reserve * (Long Term IOD - LABOR RELATIONS DIVISION MOBILIZATION ROSTER APRIL 1992 "B" WATCH /1; <(~2-- tt.I: I Zl 11 21 / Sergeant G. Bancroft ~ #12683- / Sergeant I. Header #14841 / #16552 ,, Officer A. R. Hall Officer c. A. Apodaca #12857 / Officer s. Wesselink #1367 4 / #17931 ...!-c() Relations Division's 12-Hour Watch "A" WATCH CAPT II LT II SGT II PO 1 0 2 0 0 1 "B" WATCH CAPT II LT II SGT II PO 0 0 1 0 0 1 Lieutenant J. A. Marge ti ch #12239) l~-- #13979 / #14988 / #11624 ,..... #12711 / #16161 ,,, 3+1 2 1 3+1 2 1 . . J ._ .. -:: "A" WATCH Captain D. R. Schatz Sergeant R. E. Reyes Sergeant E. Mccloskey Sergeant L. Ariaz Officer R. Dominguez Officer D. J. Mandella The following is Labor Available Reserve: Min-?,-Inum Deployment Available Reserve Minimum Deployment Available Reserve * (Long Term IOD - (Long Term IOD - LABOR RELATIONS DIVISION MOBILIZATION ROSTER MAY 1992 "B" WATCH #15482 Sergeant G. Bancroft Sergeant I. Header #12683 #14841 #16552 Officer A. R. Hall Officer c. A. Apodaca #12857 Officer s. Wesselink #13674 Relations Division's 12-Hour Watch " A" WATCH CAPT II LT II SGT II PO 1 0 2 0 0 1 "B" WATCH CAPT II LT II SGT II PO 0 0 1 0 0 1 Lt. II J. A. Margetich #12239) P3+1 W. Todd #17931) &- . ' -- , ~c #13979 #14988 #11624 #~2711 #16161 3+1 1 1 3+1 2 1 UNUSUAL OCCURRENCE MANUAL LABOR RELATIONS DIVISION APRIL 12, 1992 <REVISED> I. I I. I I I. IV. v. VI. TABLE OF CONTENTS TYPES OF OCCURRENCES TACTICAL ALERT Purpose TACTICAL ALERT RESULTING .FROM LABOR DISPUTE OR STRIKE MOBILIZATION Purpose Activation Holding Over Watches MOBILIZATION, LABOR RELATIONS DIVISION Twelve Hour Watches PREDETERMINED MOBILIZATION WATCH ASSIGNMENTS Minimum Operating Force YII. AVAILABLE RESERVE VIII. ALERT OF OFF-DUTY PERSONNEL - LABOR RELATIONS DIVISION IX. STATION SECURITY DURING NORMAL OPERATIONS X. STATION SECURITY DURING EMERGENCIES --------------- ------- -- - - 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I . I I. TYPES OF OCCURRENCES A. Minor - The Department organizational structure of the Area in which the Unusual Occurrence <LIO> is occurring shall remain unchanged. The Area of Occurrence shall be responsible for policing the event. B. Serious - A large distribution of personnel may be necessary, therefore, the Department organization may be modified temporarily. c. Major - A mobilization of extensive portions. The department organization shall be modified as required to accomplish the mission. II. TACTICAL ALERT A Tactical Alert is the preliminary stage of the Department Personnel Mobilization Plan for unusual occurrences. It includes the controlled redistribution of on-duty personnel to meet the manpower needs necessary to accomplish the police mission during an unusual occurrence. A Tactical Alert may be initiated in selected or all divisions. A. Purpose To alert personnel in the Division of Occurrence and in divisions from which personnel may be redeployed that there is an unusual occurrence. On-duty personnel in -1- - ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- those divisions placed on a Tactical Alert sh~ll be prepared for reassignment to the scene of the incident. Watch commanders in other divisions shall be prepared should the Tactical Alert be expanded. III. TACTICAL ALERT RESULTING FROM LABOR DISPUTE OR STRIKE A. When a Tactical Alert is broadcast due to a labor dispute or strike, Labor Relations Division shall be immediately notified. 8. The officer receiving the information shall _notify the Commanding Officer, Labor Relations Division, and the OIC's Investigation Sections. C. The OIC's shall ensure that concerned on-duty personnel are notified and report as directed. D. The designated OIC shall immediately go to the scene of the Unusual Occurrence and report to the field commander to provide intel 1 igence, st.aff assistance and coordinate the assignment of Labor Relations Division personnel. E. The OIC deployed to the location of the Unusual Occurrence shall notify the Commanding Officer, Labor Relations Division, of the magnitude of the occurrence. F. A chron_ o 1 og i cal log shall be kept at Labor Relations Division·using information from the tactical frequency and t~lephone communica~i~ns. -2- IV. MOBILIZATION A Mobilization is the principal personnel deployment plan for unusual occurrence control. In addition to the implementation of a requires: Tactical Alert, the Mobilization * The immediate extension of the work day to twelve hour watches. * The temporary deferment of days off. * The recalling of off-duty officers. A. PURPOSE A Mobilization is activated when: 1. An unusual occurrence is of sufficient magnitude to require major deviation from normal police operating procedures, and necessitates a general modification command, OR of Department organization and 2. The forces assembled by a Tactical Alert are insufficient to meet the tactical situation. 8. ACTIVATION A Mobilization is ~ctivated by the Department Commander and may involve the entire Department or a selected division. C. HOLDING OVER WATCHES When a Mob i 1 i z at ion · is in it i a 11 y announced, all division commanding officers in all bureaus shall hold over off-going watches. -3- --- - ---- - - --- - ---- - - - - - - Off-going watches may be released only upon approval of the department Commander. 1 • Off-going watches of personnel assigned to the Field Task Force shall be relieved as directed by the Field Commander. V. MOBILIZATION, LABOR RELATIONS DIVISION Upon being mobilized, informed that Labor Relations Division is the Division Commanding Officer shall activate the Division Mobilization Plan as follows: * Immediately teletype the Unusual Occurrence Personnel Status Report to the Emergency Control Center Personnel Officer. * Implement twelve hour A and 8 watches. * Defer days off. * Alert, assemble, and commit personnel. * Maintain an inventory of personnel and .equipment. * Fulfill the Field Commander's requests for personnel and equipment as directed by the Emergency Control Center. A. TWELVE HOUR WATCHES Each twelve hour watch shall be preceded by a 30-minute roll call period. Th~ watch time shall be: 1. 11 A 11 Watch 0630 hours to 1900 hours 2. 11 B 11 Watch - 1830 hours to 0700 hours a. Other watch hours may be established only with the approval of the Department -4- Commander. In unusual occurrences of disastrous magnitude, the Department Commander may authorize watches in excess of twelve hour shifts. VI. PREDETERMINED MOBILIZATION WATCH ASSIGNMENTS The predetermined Mobilization watch assignments shall include all of the officers of the division. Each of the two twelve hour watches <A and B shall be comprised of thee Minimum Operating Force, and the Available Reserve. A. Minimum Operating Force Labor Relations Division's minimum operating force shall consist of personnel assigned as follows: 1. The Commanding Officer shall be assigned to 11 ·A 11 watch and remain available to oversee the Division's activity on both the A and B watches. 2. The one lieutenant II shall exercise direct 1 i ne supervision over personnel assigned to the 11 8 11 watch and coordinate the division's activities. 3. Each minimum operating watch shall consist of three Sergeant II's, and three Police Officer 3+1. 4. Labor Relations personnel shall generally work their regularly assigned teams and perform both -5- VI I. liaison and investigative activities limiting their efforts to work of major importance. NOTE: If the mobilization is due to a labor dispute, or strike, the Commanding Officer, Labor Relations Division, may desire to increase the number of personnel assigned to the Minimum Operating Force. This information shall be included in the 11 comment 11 portion of the Unusual Occurrence Personnel Status Report and teletype format (Form 14.3). AVAILABLE RESERVE Personnel not assigned to the minimum operating force shall constitute the division's Available Reserve. NOTE: The Available Reserve should, when poss1ble, be committed to tasks utilizing the expertise of Labor Relations Division personnel in liaison with labor union or industry an business representatives, investigation. intelligence gathering or The division commanding officer shall coordinate the assignment of the division's Available Reserve with the personnel officer at the Emergency Control Center. -6- VI I I. ALERT OF OFF-DUTY PERSONNEL - LABOR RELATIONS DIVISION A. When off-duty personnel are to be activated in mobilization, during office hours, shall cause notification to be made. the division 8. If the office of Labar Relations division is closed, the Commanding Officer, Labor Relations Division shall be notified of a mobilization and shall notify the DIC of the mobilized watch <A or 8) • C. Upon being informed of a mobilization, the DIC of the mobilized watch <A or 8) shall telephonically contact each officer assigned to his watch. .He shal 1 instruct them where to report and determine their estimated time of arrival. When personnel cannot be contacted, attempts to contact shall continue at 3O-minute intervals. D. Off-duty personnel, upon learning of an impending mobilization by any source other than telephonic notifications (radio, TV, etc.) shall: 1. Immediately notify Labor Relations Division desk and give .~is name, present location, and watch assignment <A or B>. -7- 2. Unless instructed to do other wise, he shall report to his assigned mobilization watch and be prepared to work a 12 hour shift. IX. STATION SECURITY DURING NORMAL OPERATIONS A. Labor Relations Division is located in the same building with the Explosives Unit and Firearms Analysis Unit, Scientific Investigation Division. Therefore, only a few specific measures are in force to achieve a very minimum of security. 1. All sworn personnel, while in the building shall be armed. 2. When the building is unoccupied by sworn or civilian personnel all perimeter doors shall be locked and alarms activated. 3. 4. Department vehicles and employee's personal vehicles shall be locked. All visitors carrying packages, briefcases, etc. shall submit such items for upon entering the building. inspection before or 5. The commanding Officer shall ensure that the bui)~ing is inspected at period. -8- least twice each working X. STATION SECURITY DURING EMERGENCIES A. Station security will be provided by Northeast Division personnel as Labor Relations Division is located on the same property with Northeast Station. ~l~aptain Commanding Officer Labor Relations Division ·:• , .. -9-
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Asset Metadata
Core Title
LAPD, Labor relations division mobilization roster and unusual occurrence manual, 1992-04
OAI-PMH Harvest
13 p.
comprehensive plans (reports)
Permanent Link (DOI)
Unique identifier
box 33 (box),web-box33-17-03.pdf (filename),folder 17 (folder),webster-c100-71655 (legacy record id)
Legacy Identifier
13 p. (format),application/pdf (imt),comprehensive plans (reports) (aat),rosters (aat)
Folder test
Inherited Values
Los Angeles Webster Commission records, 1931-1992
Chaired by former federal judge and FBI and CIA Director William H. Webster, the Los Angeles Webster Commission assessed law enforcement's performance in connection with the April, 1992 Los Angeles civil unrest. The collection consists of materials collected and studied by the Commission over the course of its investigation. Materials pertain to both the Los Angeles incident specifically, and civil disturbance, civil unrest control, and policing tactics in general.
Included in the collection are the following: interviews with LAPD officers, law enforcement personnel, government officials, community leaders, and activists; articles, broadcasts, and press releases covering the civil unrest; various tactical and contingency plans created for disasters and emergencies; reports, studies, and manuals about civil unrest control and prevention; literature about community-based policing strategies; emergency plans and procedures developed by other cities; and after-action reports issued once the civil unrest had subsided. Also featured are items related to the internal operations of the LAPD both before and during the civil unrest, including activity reports, meeting agendas and minutes, arrest data, annual reports, curricula and educational materials, and personnel rosters.
See also the finding aid (
See also The Los Angeles Riots: The Independent and Webster Commissions Collections (
Related collections in the USC Digital Library:
? Independent Commission on the Los Angeles Police Department, 1991 (see also the finding aid:
? Richard M. Mosk Christopher Commission records, 1988-2011 (see also the finding aid:
? Kendall O. Price Los Angeles riots records, 1965-1967 (see also the finding aid:
? Watts riots records, 1965 (see also the finding aid:
Thanks to generous support from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the USC Libraries are digitizing this collection for online public access.
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