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Los Angeles Webster Commission records, 1931-1992
LAPD, Organized crime intelligence division's mobilization roster and unusual occurence plan, 1992-04-19/1992-05-16
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LAPD, Organized crime intelligence division's mobilization roster and unusual occurence plan, 1992-04-19/1992-05-16
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.... , 04/30/92 OE:? :30 '5'213 627 5168 LAP D Rtrifr1rr:r•h• :.. .. &c,· ·, : ·:c rrte ... :f-';arf:J~••-.--· .- 1 112 · · =, · • 1·1 ..,_.. .. '--,_ · .... a. t""'·' .. . :;,;,,,;· ·o·, "A" llA" --. -- WATCH - t:>e-:- I DET. I COM. OP DET. L S!C. SCT. ~l:CB - LT. II DET. I DET. I DET. II OET. I · DET. II DE~. t DET. II OET. I OET. I I I DET. II DET. II DET. I Dl!:T. II I DE'I'. I OET. I DET. I DET. ! ORGANIZED CRIME INTELLIGENCE DIVISION CAPTAIN JAMES J. COCYERTY, COMMANDING OFFICER UNUSUAL CCCURRZNCE DUTY ROSTER • APRit, 19, 1992 TO MAY _ 16, 1992 DEPLOYMENT PERIOD #5 BOUBS 0630/1900 "B" WATCH - HOURS 1830/07JQ t-1. )..~?~"1- ,. . '"'(~$ W/C ~ DET.I!! r. Skrah ~~:~ A~st. W/C DET. ! ! I M. Gervais ~.s. B. Grija.lba ""1~~ Oesk DE:T. I I T. N~cassio ~<-~ s. Marcus Radio DET. I.I s. ,,\,1~~,~ \,,I ..... t'll:· ~ s. Se.~,t.~ 1 ~ ~ t.,o g i est i cs DET. ! . D. Sc:hmidt ':'~.::; L. Pierce Clerical SCT. M. Ma ••·\ CT. L. Lara-Garcia HCUBS Q~JQL12QQ It :a II W~H - HQ!JBS lSJQIQZJQ [ I I I.ttLJl~U IS R. McGrattan 4Y60 '-;~S . LT. I I C. Carter 4Y80 7 ..... .5 F .. Amador 4Y61A ie) OET.!!I J. Miller 4Y81A 7, ... .s J. McKay - 4Y61B ~~ -BET-:- - I - I - J-. s pr i nge-r -c .t."')-;- ~ • 4YS-1S-~~ ~- ~~"'"\ K. Beno 4Y62A ""f~>· DET. I I I G. Bernier 4Y31A Y.t~ w. Park 4Y52B --;~~ DET. I R. Gceckner 4Y31B J. Redman 4Y64A 'j.,_s:.:, DET II s. Nielsen 4Y35A '-;'c~ J. Ree~ aJi-6-: .d.t·~ 4--Y:~4S-~ DET. I A. Nerce!!sian 4Y35B .,. .£.5 N. Kreitz ,.r. :r,~ 4Y65A ,~~ DET. II L. Kelsey 4Y36A '7' ... ~> w. Yoshiolca v~ 4¥~ DET. I E. McClain 4Y36B 'rd:S K. McNamara 4Y82A ,.w DET. I I A. Bertrand 4Y44 ~ .. - j T. Convey 4Y82B:~.J ,...DET. II R. Hinriche yt',4 e.- 4¥-45--<- M. Rafter 4Y83A -f£~ DET.III A. Brethour 4Y66A y~.:i w. Parker 4Y83B -r~'> DET. I R. Petter 4Y66B '1',~ J. Sacha 4Y40 '1~:, DET. II D. Parks 4Y68A "f•T; D. Andrews 4Y41 '1" .... ~ DET. II T. Boyle 4Y68B .. ~ > s. Biezo 4Y42 ~e..S DET. II w. Pollard 4Y85A ~~ "j Y. Ikuta 4Y43 '"';'._!:"'!) -r,rr.---r-----r ' Minton v~ ---4-Y-~U-· -- 7 . ' - ...... · •. . . .,., ,, . .,DET. I I M. Howard 4Y86A "r" .-- ~ T. Whittingham ~ ... t ~4.Yl 7 t,:J(:. DET. r R. Erickeon 4Y86B '(.l 5 I.., - SE-r-;-H-~--B ·a-nn-i-s-te-r-S<L-,.crt.,-4y.&7-- ,~e - C).):""'(;)J:. s-:-.,...z .7 : :_-~ ·~ UNAVA! t,ABf.iF. DET. I I I J. Murawski S/A t..r,;--S.- DET. I T. Bridges· S/A DET. II R. Womack S/A ~.F .s DET. I M. Fawcett S/A DET. I M. Hohan S/A '-r ~r 5 DET. I 8. Cureton LOAN I 0 .. c:,. i_..-. l[ ? ~z1~~,~r· 1 Def ill_ Q.... ~y,' .1:1~•.l Division ( - -. • . • ,,, October 19, 1988 r \ r 'irrrRADEPARTMENTAL CORRESPOND~NCE ,--: i"' 1~ .. .J ,} • I • . DIVISION ORDER #15 Revised June 29, 1988 TO: FROM: All Personnel, Organized Crime Intelligence Division Commanding Officer, Organized Crime Intelligence Division SUBJECT: UNUSUAL OCCURRENCE PLAN -- DIVISION ORDER #15 In the event of an unusual occurrence (U/O) in which a Mobilization Order is initiated the following general plan will be activated by the Commanding Officer, Organized Crime · Intelligence Division. Individual and unit responsibilities must be adhered to in order to ensure a rapid and effective mobilization. Section I - Type of Unusual Occurrences 1. 2. 3. Minor: A U/O which can be controlled by on-duty field personnel from the area involved, Metropolitan Division, traffic divisions and the assistance usually available from other areas. Serious: A U/O which is of such proportion that the facilities usual_ ly available to one Area are inadequate to establish control and which may require temporary modification of ·the Department organization. Major: ~ -···.- · ~ -. A U/O which threatens the safety of the City to such an . extent that it is necessary to mobilize the ent~re Department,· or major portions of the Department , to fulfill its responsibilities. • r DIVISION ORDER 15 October 19, 1988 Page two Secti'on I I - Definition of Terms 1. Mobilization (B/102.01 Tactical Manual) Principal deployment plan for U/0 control requiring the following activities: Implementation of a Tactical Alert. Immediate extension of the work day to 12-hour watches. p Temporary deferment of days off. Recalling of off-duty officers. 2. Tactical Alert (B/101.01 Tactical Manual) Preliminary stage of the Department mobilization plan for unusual occurrences . Provides for the controlled redistribution of on-duty personnel. Section III - Divisional Responsibilities During U/0 1. Minor U/0 Upon the declaration of a Tactical Alert involving a minor U/0, no special responsibilities are assumed by OCID. 2. Serious/Major U/0 ~ When notified,that an incident has been declared · a serious or major U/0, and a Department Mobilization has . been ordered, OCID shall notify all Divisional personnel.• · Those investigators notified shall be assigned to intelligence-gathering ac·ti vi ties, or other duties, as directed by the Commanding Officer, OCID. OCID shall also allocate personnel to staff the Field Command Post (FCP) Division and the Intelligence Control Center (ICC), as requested. • - . - - _______ ,, ___ _ ..._;;,_.:.:...:::;;;:~...=c= ==========;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;--------;-.;;:;;;;;;;;;;;=::-- DIVISION ORDER 15 October 19, 1988 Page three Section IV - Personnel Responsibilities - Mobilization The Commanding Officer, Organized Crime Intelligence Division {OCID) may activate the ICC upon notification of an incident which has the potential of becoming a serious or major U/0. This activation may precede the activation of the ECC or the FCP. The OCID Commanding Officer shall activate the ICC when: Notified of a Major U/0. P' Directed to do so by the Department Commander (A/108.01 Tactical Manual) l. During a Mobilization, the Commanding Officer, OCID, shall ensure the following actions are taken: Notification of Section Leaders. Activation of the Division Call-Up Plan . Implementation of 12-hour watches. A) "A" Watch B) "B" Watch 0630 - 1900 1830 - 0700 Designation of a Lieutenant as next in command; assigning the position the responsibility of the _ Emergency Operations Staff, OIC. Allocate available OCID personnel ·to staf.f the ICC . . When required, and upon approval of the Direct,Qr, Office of Special Services, personnel may be 'obtained from the Office of Special Services. (A/315.02 Tactical Manual) Prep·aration of the Unusual Occurrence Personnel . Status Report, Form 14.03.0, when 50 percent of the personnel on the concerned watch ("A" or "B") have arrived at OCID, (or other designated locations) or not later than 45 minutes after notification that a Mobilization has been ordered. Assignment of pre-designated personnel to staff the Minimum Operating Force in OCID; to be expanded in relationship to the magnitude and needs of the U/0. - . • DIVISION ORDER lS October 19, 1988 Page four ,r- \ • .. r As requested by the Commanding Officer, Field Command Post Division, allocate OCID personnel to comprise FCP Division (A/107.06 Tactical Manual). 2. Officer-In-Charge, Emergency Operations Staff The OIC of the Emergency Operations Staff will act as the Watch Commander and liaison officer between the Division · Commanding .Officer and the various Division sections/details, as well as the Office of Special Services. His prime responsibility will be that of keeping the Division Commanding Officer informed as to the status of the U/0. In addition, he will assist the Division Commanding Officer with the various responsibilities assigned to that position, i.e., the Personnel Status Report, assignment of personnel, etc. The Emergency Operations Staff OIC will be provided with sworn and clerical personnel who shall be responsible for the following: Making notifications to personnel who were not contacted at the onset of the mobilization. Keeping the Emergency Staff OIC advised of any items of importance. Keeping divisional personnel apprised of the status of the U/0 and providing the Office of Special Services and, when necessary, the ECP and ICC, w~th pertinent information. · Gathering an~ recording (chronological log) all information p~rtinent to the Division's participation in the U/0. \ Making anr .required notifications to the designated offices, bureaus, divisions, or details as directed by the Commanding Officer or the Emergency Staff OIC. Ensuring that the Emergency Operations Staff maintains a chronological log of all relevant messages sent or received and submits a final report to the Emergency Operations Staff OIC summarizing the activities. / - ., , : ~ ·. ;. . DIVISION ORDER 15 October 19, 1988 Page five 3. Field Command Post (FCP) Division· c· OCID personnel assigned to this Division will be under the supervision of the Commanding Officer, FCP Divisi. on, and shall perform duties as directed. 4. Intelligence Control Center (ICC) OCID personnel assigned to the ICC will be under the supervision of the Commanding Officer, OC'ID, and shall perform duties as directed. · r The basic duties shall be: Assign and dispatch ICC field units a. Additional units shall be requested from: 1. Anti-Terrorist Division 2. Administrative Vice Division 3. Narcotics Division Disseminate intelligence to: a. Department Commander b. ECC Commander c. Field ·Command Post Division d. Other co~cerned units '\ Respond to requests·,._ for information fi::om: a. ECC b. Field Command Post - via the Intelligence Control Liaison Officer 5. Intelligence Control Center (ICC) Field Units ICC field units shall be r~sponsible for the following duties: Patrolling assigned areas and reporting significant information to the ICC. . - ·-, C • r DIVISION ORDER 15 October 19, 1988 Page six NOTE: Verifying high-priority cali"s and investigating U/0 related rumors. Obtaining specific information as directed by the ICC. Seeking informants who may furnish substantive information. ICC field units shall not become involved in the · control of the incident unless an extreme _ emergency requires their immediate action~ Alerted field units shall clear immediately with the ICC on Frequency 26 for assignment. If the ICC has yet to be activated, units shall go to the affected area and gather intelligence. Field units with information that requires immediate action when the ICC has not been activated shall report directly to the OCID base station. 6. Logistics Detail The extent of the functions of the personnel assigned to this detail will be determined by the type of unusual occurrence and the number of persons involved. The basic duties, however, shall be: Secure and distribute supplies for all Organized Crime Intelligence Division details, being sure to maintain records of disposition and availability of items--including those borrowed from sources outside the Division. ' Control and a~sign vehicles and items of equipment,· as needed, and ma• intain a current record of vehicles and. equipment in use, to whom assigned, and the location. Arrange for transportation of unusual occurrence supplies to a designated location, when requested. Gather information investigators will need to assist them in getting to the station or location of field assignment quickly and safely. Prepare a Logistics Status Report, original and one copy. Retain the copy and submit the original Logistics Status Report to the Emergency Staff OIC within one hour after reporting for duty, followed by status changes and updates each subsequent hour thereafter, during the U/0. • ... r - ' I ( ·~... · :~ -: ~_ ~ :· .... ~ !{:: •-: -_ · ·: "<· . , . .,, . ..,~:._.' ' ...... DIVISION ORDER 15 October 19, 1988 Page seven 7. OCID Personnel (Sworn and Civilian) Supervision/Assignment OCID personnel shall perform their normal duties, subject to the demands and necessary modifications required by the U/0 or Mobilization. 8~ OCID personnel may be assigned to special duties by order of the Commanding Officer, OCID, or a Division Duty Officer in his absence, and shall not be conscripted for non-intelligence duties by ot~er divisions, or supervisors, unless authorized by the Commanding Officer, OCID, or the Director, Office.of Special Services. Requests or demands of this nature are to be referred to the Commanding Officer, OCID. Whenever possible, OCID personnel assigned to special duties shall be supervised only by Division supervisors. OCID Personnel (Sworn) General Duties All Division personnel directly participating in the U/0 or Mobilization are responsible for gathering, recording, and forwarding to their section leader, · as soon as possible, information and reports pertinent to the unusual occurrence. The Intelligence Report, Form 1.89, format shall be used. Reports, both written and verbal, are to be as accurate as possible (specific addresses, times, descriptions, etc.), chronological, ·and as brief as th~ subject matter will allow. . '\. All pertinen~data shall be relayed to the OCID Emergency Operations Staff OIC for dissemination to the concerned divisions or field commanders, and for inclusion in the master log to be prepared by the Emergency ·operations Staff. 9 . .. Minimum Operating Force (Emergency Operations Staff) · Should a Mobilization occur, OCID will carry out fixed-post duties with its Minimum Operating Force. ( . · .. ··--t;I • ( I r DIVISION ORDER lS October 19, 1988 Page eight 10. Call-Up Plan The first OCID officer alerted to an Unusual Occurence or Department Mobilization has the responsibility to notify the Commanding Officer, OCID. If the Mobilization occurs during regular business hours (Day Watch), the Division Commanding Officer shall direct the selected Emergency Operations Staff OIC to activate the Division Call-Up Plan. Should it occur during the hours the Division-is closed, the Division Commanding Officer, or a Division Duty Officer in his absence, shall inform all Section orc·s of the Mobilization. Section OIC's shall be responsible for contacting all personnel in their sections, notifying them of their assignments, and recording the appropriate information. Upon completion of notifications, the Division Commanding Officer shall be informed via the Emergency Operations Staff ore of the results of the ca·ll-up . The Emergency Operations Staff ore shall maintain a roster of the notifications. Such roster will indicate whether the individual was contacted and, if so, his estimated time of arrival to a designated duty site. Secondary attempts shall be made to notify those not contacted within 30 minutes after the initial call-up. Special Instructions At the time of notifications the concerned personnel shall be given the following information: '\. Nature· \ of unusual occurrence ( riot, earthquake, fire, e·tc. ) . The watch he is assigned ("A" or "B"), from the current unusual occurrence duty roster, unless modifications are necessary. , Reporting instructions (time, location, special duties, etc.). NOTE: When making long-distance notifications from Department facilities, refer to the Divisional Address and Telephone Roster, and adhere to prevailing Department policy regarding the use of City telephone equipment. V . . • DIVISION ORDER 15 October 19, 1988 Page nine 11. Deployment ~ \ r Minimum Operating Staff - Fixed Post Positions (Emergency Operations Staff) "A" Watch "B" Watch Emerg. Ops. Staff OIC Emerg. Ops. Staff OIC _ Watch Commander-------------1 Assistant W/C-Timekeeper----1 Watch Commander-------------1 Assistant W/C-Timekeeper----1 Desk------------------------1 Radio-----------------------2 Desk------------------------1 Radio-----------------------2 Logistics-------------------1 Logistics-------------------1 Total 6 Total 6 Expanded Operating Strength-Per Unusual Occurrence Duty Roster "A" Watch "B" Watch Emerg. Ops. Staff OIC Emerg. Ops. Staff OIC Watch Commander-------------1 Assistant W/C-Timekeeper----1 Watch Commander-------------1 Assistant W/C-Timekeeper----1 Desk------------------------2 Radio-----------------------2 Logistics-------------------1 Clerical--------------------1 Total 10 Section V - Security A. Internal '\. Desk------------------------2 Radio------------~----------2 Logistics-------------------1 Clerical------------~-------1 Total 10 · All personnel'\assigned to the Emergency Operations Staff shall become thoroughly familiar with the Central Facilities Building Station Security Plan. B. Field Personnel Be especially aware of security breaches and physical situations that may endanger lives. Report all such information to OCID as soon as practicable. Be alert for attempts to sabotage utilities, emergency, and Department equipment. Use caution when transmitting by radio. If radio equipment is not equipped with a scrambler, relay high security messages by telephone. .,, . .. .. .,,_ ' ' .. ( DIVISION ORDER 15 r- October 19, 1988 \ Page ten Do not leave vehicles unlocked when unattended. Visually inspect vehicle prior to use, and after periods when the vehicle has been unattended. NOTE: In the event a Department Mobilization results in radio transmissions being directed to a Field Command Post or the ECC, all pertinent data shall be monitored on frequency 26 and recorded on a log by OCID radio operators. A copy of this log shall be submitted to the OIC of the Emergenc·y Operations Staff every thirty minutes or without delay if the information is of importance. Basic guidelines for interface with Department operations during an unusual occurrence shall be as indicated in the Department Tactical Manual. -~~~~ Commanding Officer Organized Crime Intelligence Division ,_ - ~ \
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Los Angeles Police Department, Organized crime intelligence division's mobilization roster and unusual occurence plan, 1992 April 19 - May 16.
Asset Metadata
Core Title
LAPD, Organized crime intelligence division's mobilization roster and unusual occurence plan, 1992-04-19/1992-05-16
OAI-PMH Harvest
11 p.
comprehensive plans (reports)
Permanent Link (DOI)
Unique identifier
box 33 (box),web-box33-17-05.pdf (filename),folder 17 (folder),webster-c100-71657 (legacy record id)
Legacy Identifier
11 p. (format),application/pdf (imt),comprehensive plans (reports) (aat),rosters (aat)
Folder test
Inherited Values
Los Angeles Webster Commission records, 1931-1992
Chaired by former federal judge and FBI and CIA Director William H. Webster, the Los Angeles Webster Commission assessed law enforcement's performance in connection with the April, 1992 Los Angeles civil unrest. The collection consists of materials collected and studied by the Commission over the course of its investigation. Materials pertain to both the Los Angeles incident specifically, and civil disturbance, civil unrest control, and policing tactics in general.
Included in the collection are the following: interviews with LAPD officers, law enforcement personnel, government officials, community leaders, and activists; articles, broadcasts, and press releases covering the civil unrest; various tactical and contingency plans created for disasters and emergencies; reports, studies, and manuals about civil unrest control and prevention; literature about community-based policing strategies; emergency plans and procedures developed by other cities; and after-action reports issued once the civil unrest had subsided. Also featured are items related to the internal operations of the LAPD both before and during the civil unrest, including activity reports, meeting agendas and minutes, arrest data, annual reports, curricula and educational materials, and personnel rosters.
See also the finding aid (
See also The Los Angeles Riots: The Independent and Webster Commissions Collections (
Related collections in the USC Digital Library:
? Independent Commission on the Los Angeles Police Department, 1991 (see also the finding aid:
? Richard M. Mosk Christopher Commission records, 1988-2011 (see also the finding aid:
? Kendall O. Price Los Angeles riots records, 1965-1967 (see also the finding aid:
? Watts riots records, 1965 (see also the finding aid:
Thanks to generous support from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the USC Libraries are digitizing this collection for online public access.
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