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Los Angeles Webster Commission records, 1931-1992
Community attitude study, 1992-08-28
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Community attitude study, 1992-08-28
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SE NT sy:xerox T elecopie r 7020 8- 17- 92 12: 4 ~ r A RR & ASSOC. I NC, � 213 629 5063;# 2 OFFICE OF THE SPEICALADVISOR COMMUNITY A'ITITUDE STUDY (D-1020) Hello, my name is --------· I'm a. volunteer working on a study being conducted by Special Advisor William Webster relating to how the LAPD responded to the riots that occurred in our city. I am wondering if you can spare some time to share your views with us. I will not ask your name and all of your answers will be confidential. We are not selling anything. It would be a valuable public service if you could take 20 minutes and help us. INFO 1 2 3 4 *Note to reader: "No re1ponse 0 refers to those respondents who were asked the question but responded "unable to respond.'' 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Do you min the city of Los Angeles? OR Do you or does someone in your household work in the city of Lo:rgeles? (1) too YES (2), Q No DISCONTl?'ruE IF FIRST 1WO ANSWERS ARE N , How old are you? SQ IMn <Mean} DISCO:NTINUE IF LESS THAN 18 Have you ever been a victim of a crime? (1) 5Q YES (2} 5Q NO sl_NO RESPONSE Have you ever been a victim of a violent crime? (1} 18 YES (2). SJ NO ,;t NO RESPONSE O. Du JUV.. .... ~,1,guuaJ.l.7 ~'1"/U"" nl.1.v l&'""g 1.,...,...,,.,. v• nl•v ••vn t~ ~ ,.:,n ....... l"..,l! ... ~ officer or civilian employee of the LAPD? (1) 88 YES (2) ffl NO <1 NO RESPONSE 921112cas SENT BY: xe rox 1e1ecop1er · tu,u , 0- 1 ,-~L , IL•uo , ~ 1AM ~ .M.~~ u t.J, .1. 1 1J(...,.., Office of the Speical Advisor Community Attitude Study (n=l020) 7. Have you ever personally been helped by an LAPD officer? (1} II Never (2} 1$ Seldom (3) 18 Occasionally (4) 8 Frequently sl. NO RESPONSE 8. How many times have you been stopped by an LAPD officer? (1). B3 Never (2) 17 Once (3) 80 Two or three times ( 4) 8 Four or five times (5) 13 More than five times <1 NO RESPONSE Page2 9. you or has anyone close to you ever been aITested by an LAPD officer? (1} 4J YES (2) M NO <1 NO RESPONSE <1 I DON'T KNOW 10. What kind of job do you personally feel the LAPD generally has done over the last two years? (a) Solving local problems? (1) 3 Superior (2) 7- Excellent (3) ?4: Good (4), St Fair or (5), St Poor job? ____ s_NO RESPONSE <J I DON'T KNOW (b) Preventing crime? (1) S Superior (2). 7 Excellent (3} at Good (4) DJ Fair or (5} 31 Poor job? _.._s_NO RESPONSE _ ... f _I DONT KNOW 921112cas SE NT BY:xerox T elecop i er 7020 8- 17- 92 ; 12:05 ST ARR & ASSOC. lNC .... Office of the Speical Advisor Community Attitude Study (n~l020) (c) Dealing with people in your neighborhood? (1) f Superior (2} 13 Excellent (3). ,W Good (4), M Fair or (5) 22 Poor job? _ ... ft_NO RESPONSE _..,.l _I DON'T KNOW 11. Do you believe the LAPD should focus its efforts on: (1) 4 Making arrests (2) 9 Helping people in trouble (3) 5Q Doing both or (4) 25 Preventing crime ____ s_a & 4 COMBINATION __ 3_ 1,2.4 COMBINATION __ 4_ 1 & 4 COMl3INATION __ ,..._ALL _.._1 _2 & 4 COMBINATION __ 4_2,3,4 COMBINATION 12. Do you believe police work in LA is: (1) 9 Not very dangerous (2) 10 Somewhat dangerous (3) 8Q Dangerous (4) M Extremely dangerous <J 3 & 4 COMBINATION <J NO RESPONSE 213 629 5063: # 4 Page3 13. The LAPD employs about 8.000 sworn police officers. This is about one officer for every 435 persons in LA. Do you think this means the LA.PD is: (1} 12 Adequa~ly staffed (2) G Understaffed or (3). ~ Overstaffed _ ... 2_NO RESPONSE <1 I DON'T KNOW 14. Do you think the LAPD should: (1) 7§ Respond to every call it receives or (2) I) Respond only to those calls that fight crime on the street ? SJ BOTH _ __,fi_NO RESPONSE st I DON'T KNOW 921112cas SENT BY:xerox Telecopier 7020 ; 8- 17-92 12:05 ST ARR & ASSOC. INC.-+ 213 529 5063;# 5 Office of the Speical Advisor Cozmnunity Attitude Study (n==1020) Page4 15. Which of the following do you trust? llS MAYBE liQ (a) Teacher (1) aa (2) ii (3). 13 1 NO RESPONSE (b) Businessperson (1) 12 (2) ~ (3) Ii 1 NO RESPONSE <1 IDONTKNOW (c) Police officer (1) f% (2) aa (3) lB 1 NO RESPONSE (d) Elected official (1) 11 (2) 40 (3) il 2 NO RESPONSE (e) Doctor (1) fii (2) M (3) 10 l NO RESPONSE SL IDON 1 TKNOW (f) T,AWYAl" (1) 20 (2) 45 {3) 84 a NO RESPONSE '!11 .I DONT KNJ (g) Judge (1) 48 (2) 37 (8) lB 2 NORESPON :d IDON'TKNO 16. Now I'm going to read some statements to you and ask if you stro agree, agree, disagree or strongly disagree with them: (a) The City would be safer with more police officers on patrol in our neighborhoods. (b) The LAPD's relations with people in the city would improve if' officers were more involved with the community. 921112ca.s STRONG .. STRONG LY LY DIS- DIS- AGREE AGREE u..M.....,_~AGREE (1) 48 (2) 48 (3) 7 , (4) t <1 NO RESPONSE (1) §JI (2) 48 (S_.....,. __.t.....,NO RESPONSE (4) 1 w SENT BY :xerox Te lecopie r 7020 ; 8- 17- 92 ; 12:06 ST AHR & A~~UG. lNC. ~ 213 628 5063;.; o Office of the Speical Advisor Community Attitude Study (n=1020) (c) The LAPD should hire more nonwhite police officers. Page5 STRONG- STRONG- LY LY DIS- DIS- AGREE AGREE AGREE AGREE c1>p ?B c2). '° csl 22 <4l a _..._Q._.NO RESPONSE _._1 _,..I DON'T KNOW 17. What was your view of the verdict in the Rodney King police trial: ~ MAYBE w (a) You never heard about it (1) ml (2) l (3) '1 8 NORESP07 (b) It was just (1) la (2) 10 (3) 7j 3 NORESPONS <LI DON'T KNOW (c) It was fair U> the police officers (1) aa c2l 11 . J es) m fi NO RESPONS , <1 I DONT KN'OW (d) It was fair to Rodney King (1) u- (2) 9 ,3) 13 .... 4 NORESPONS :s;t I DONT KNO (e) It was racist (1) ms c2l I7 J csi ~ 8 NORESPONS d IDONTKN°J (() It, was the right verd.1'-'"tt bKsed un l,he evidence (1~ ~sR, (8) ~ NO NS <1 I DON•T KNOW (g) It was the one people expected (1) 18 C2l 7 Jca) 72 8 NO RESPONS · sl__I DONT KNOJ. (h) It was the one you wanted (1) 10 (2) 1 (3) :za § NO RESPONS 1 ~l IDONTKNOW • SENT B Y:xerox Te lecop i er 7020; 8- 17- 92; 12:07 ; STARR & ASSOC. INC, � 213 629 5063;# 7 Office of the Speical Advisor Community Attitude Study (n=1020) Page6 18. Do you believe the LA riots were: MAl'Bm (a) A justified, spontaneous outcry against the King verdict (1} • (2) 18 (3) fll a NO RESPONSE sl I DON'T KNOW I (b) A reaction to television coverage (1) ~ (2) 23 ! (3) 31 l NORESPON (c) Planned by nonwhites as a protest against the King verdict (1) ~ (2) 18 (3) a a NORESPONS <) -=w I DON'T KNOW (d) Caused by poor economic conditions (1) 61 (2) 1:Z 22 1 NORESPONS (e) Caused by racial tension (1). la (2) 1~ 12 l NORESPONS ,al I DON'T Irn'O (f) A reaction to the way LAPD treats people in your community (1) a (2) lB (3) a& a NORESPONS <J IDON 1 TKNOW (g) Just an opportunity to take without paying (1) 11 (2) m J ai ~ 1 NORESPONS c2) 12 l csi (h) Totally unjustified (1) g8 as a NO RESPONSE 19. Which do you think were the two mw effective public safety agen ·es in handling the LA riots? CHECKONLYmQRE9PONSES (1) 11 LAPD (2) 6' LA Fira Department (3) l LA County Sheriff (4) ' California Highway Patrol (5) aa National Guard (6) Jii U.S. Army (7) fl Federal law enforcement agencies ~ NORESPONSE 921112cas SENT gy:xerox T elecopier 7020 ; 8- 17- 92 ; 12:07 STAR R & A S SOC. INC, � 213 629 506 3:# 8 Offic;;o of tho Spoi~ Ad-vieor Community Attitude.Study (n-1020) Page7 20. Do you think the LAPD response to the rioting was impacted by: (a) Lack of available police officers (b) Lack of police equipment (c) Poor planning (e) Fear of facing new charges of using excessive force (f) Lack of cooperation from the people of MAYBE (1) 37 (2) 19 (8) 47 _..,3_NO RESPONSE <1 I DON'T KNOW (1) 34 (2) U (3) 81 _...,s_NO RESPONSE :Sl I DON'T KN'OW (1) ~- (2) 7 1 (3) !ti _..,a_NO RESPONSE <l I DONT KNOW m 36 c2, 12 I ('.'I) 44 _..,B_NO RESPONSE <1_I DON'T KNO (1) f7 (2) 17 _...,3_NO RESPONS <J I DON'T KNO LA (U @ (2} J7 88 (g) Lack of leadership 21. Where did you watch the LA riotsr (l} 15 At the scene _..,,a_NO RESPONS <1 I DON'T KN'O MAYBE (1) 76 (2) 10 (3) 18 _ ...... I ~ . NO RESPONSE <1 IDON•TKNO (2} 73 Someplace where you only saw the rioting on TV (3) 2 Did not watch the riots _ ... 9_1 & 2 COMBINATION <1 NO RESPONSE 22. Do you know anyone who participated in the rioting? (1} 17 YES (2) 82 NO :<l NO RESPONSE 921112cas SENT BY:xerox T elecop i er 7020 ; 8- 17-92 12:07 STARR & ASSOC. INC. � 213 629 5063i# 9 Office of the Speical Advisor Community Attitude Study (n-1020) Page8 23. Do you believe the LAPD had enough information about the likelihood of a riot following the King verdict? (1) • YES (2) lB MAYBE (8) ~ NO a NO RESPONSE SJ I DON'T KNOW 24. Should the LAPD keep information or intelligence files on people that contain: :i.ES MAYBE HQ (a) Arrest records (1). 21 (2} 11 (3) 18 a NO RESPONSE <l I DON'T KNOW (b) Mug shots (1) 71- (2) lQ I (3) 12 a NO RESPONSE ,;1 I DON'T KNOW (c) Fin&terprlnts (1) 88 (2) 1 (3) D 2 NORESPONS (d) Known AaaociAtca (1). "- (2l. 11 m 3 NORESPONS <1 IDON'TKN'O IES MAYBE HQ (Q) N ow;pStpor artielo; (1), '8 (2), 15 (~) 3' a NORESPON d_I DONT KNOJ (f) Reports of public demonstrations (1) 48 (2) 19 (S) ~ 8 NO RESPONSE :Sl I DONT KNj (g) Legal wiretaps (1) 38 (2) 12 (3) ~ 8 NORESPON sl IDON'TKN01 (h) RurvaillAncA -repnrtA (1) m c2) is on 'IQ a NORESPONS :sl IDON 1 TKNO 921112cas SENT sy:xerox Telec opie r 7020 ; B - 17-92 ; 12:oe STARR & ASSOC, INC. � 213 629 5063;#10 Office of the Speical Advisor Comm.unity Attitude Study (n=1020) Page9 zn. Before Aprtl zs. do you think the LAPD had good reason to prepare tor a riot? (1) M Definitely (2) 15 Probably (3) 15 Possibly (4). 18 No D'NO.GOT027 _.,..1 _NO RESPONSE <1 I DON'T KNOW 26. If your answer to the last question was yes, why do you think so? n::809 (1) IQ You knew there would be trouble (2), 9 You heard others say there would be trouble (S} J You knew about plans to burn and loot certain stores (4) 4Q Common sense (5) 10 OTHER SPECIFY.~------------- <1 1 & 5 COMBINATION _ ... t _2 & 4 COMBINATION __ z.._ ... 1 & 4 COMBINATION )7 1,2,4 COM1HNATION ___ ,_ l,2 COMBINATION 27. Do you believe the fires in the LA riots were: (1) 48 Started spontaneously (2) :Mi Targeted and planned _...,.8_BCYrH _..,,_NO RESPONSE <1 I DONT KNOW 28. Do you believe the looting in the LA riots was: (1) Bl Started spontaneously (2) 26 Targeted and planned -- 10--BCYrH _ .. Q_NO RESPONSE sJ_. I DONT KNOW 29. If some victims were targeted, do you believe any of the following !late. targets? na i MAYBE I ; (a) Gwi shops (1) ml (2) Iii · cs} j NO RESPONSE: <L. I DON'T KNOW (b) Grocery stores (l) w (2) 16 (3) a NO RESPONSE :sl I DON'T KNOW 921112cas NQ ia a1 S E NT BY:xerox Telecopier 7020 ; 8- 17- 92 ; 12:oa STARR & ASSOC. INC.~ 213 629 5063;#11 Office of the Speical Advisor Community Attitude Study (n-1020) Page 10 MAYBE (c) Stores run by people who don't live in the area (1) fl! (2) 12 (3) 19 ~ NO RESPONSE <LI DONT KNOW (d) Stores run by Asian .. Americans (1) 7a (2) 12 ; (8) 18 a NO RESPONSFl <1 I DON'T IrnOW (e) Stores run by Koreans (1) 78 (2) 10 (3) a 8 NORESPON (f) White homes in nonwhite neighborhoods (1) IZ (2) l& (3) ~ A NORESPONS sl IDONTKN~ (g) Public buildings (1) ~ (2) 18 (8) ~ ~ NORESPON <1 IDON'TKNO (h) Any place that had merchandise desired by rioters (1) 71 c2> 12 J csi 13 D NORESPONS sLIDONTKN] (i) Enemies of the gangs (1) rz <2> aa ca> a., B NORESPONS 1 IDON'TKNO 30. If some victims were tarlteted. whom do you believe did the targe · ng? (1) all Gangs (2). a Opportunists (3) 18 African-Americans (4) II Hispanics (5). 8 Whites (6) rz DONTKNOW a NO RESPONSE 31. Do you believe the riots stopped because: ~ MAYBE NQ (a) Of the curfew (1) iii (2) 18 (3) M a NORESPONS 921112cas SEN T sy:xerox Tel ecop i er 702 ; u- ,- ~L; 1'i.d.i.::> , ~IMK ~ A~i;)Ul,j, lN(,j, � Office of the Speical Advisor Community Attitude Study (na1020) Page 11 IES MAYBE ~ (b) The rioters got tired (1) ai (2) ia (8) w a NO RESPONSE <1 I DON'T KNOW (c) The rioters made their point (1) aa (2) 16 (3) ~1 ~ NO RESPONSE <J I DON'T KNOW (d) Of the actions by the LAPD (1) 28 (2) 18 _ (3) aa a NO RESPONSE <1 I DON'T KNOW (e) Of the presence of the National Guard (1) fl) (2) 10 (3) a 1 NORESPONS~ (t) There were no more close targets for I lootini or burning (1) 11! (2). 18 ~ (3) 1H ~ NORESPONS <1 I DON'T KNOW c2> us l ea, (g) Their anger faded (1). m 01 ~ NO RESPONSE <1 IDON1TKNOW I 32. What worked best to Btop the rioting? (1} 18 Community leadership I (2) :1 Load.erahip 0£ elected officitil~ I (3) a Performance of fire department I (4) I Performance of LAPD I ((.i) • P1·cec11ce of Natio1uu Outu-d (6) I Actions of the mayor I (7) ' Actions of the governor (8) Ii Public statements by elected officials (9) 2' Curfew (10) 18 Arrests a NO RESPONSE <1 I DON'T KNOW 83. If a curfew is imposed during a riot, should it be: (1) fll Citywide (2) 2D Only in areas where there is looting or rioting a NO RESPONSE ~1 I DON'T KNOW 921112cas Office of the Speical Advisor Community Attitude Study (n•l020) Page 12 34. Do you think the curfew in the LA riots was: DB MAYBE NQ (a) Effective in preventing violence (ll - (2) 1& (3). 13 l NO RESPONSE :$1 I DON'T KNOW (b) Effective in stopping the riots (1) all (2) 111 (3) 21 1 NO RESPONSE ~I I DON'T KNOW I (c) Unfortunately necessary (1) M (2) I j i(S) 10 2 NORESPON <1_ IDON'TKNO (d) A cu.rlailm~nt 0£ individual righb (1\ 35 (~). 18 4S ~ NORESPONS <l_I DON'T KNO (e) Wrong since it isn't imposed on all equally (1). 25 (2) I! (I) ~ NORESPON <1 IDON'TKNO c2> a J cai (f) Unfair to nonwhites (1) 18 70 a rg~gw <1 (g) Unfair to- tho poor (1) :a (2}_ a Jcal 5:1... a NORESPON , <1 IDONTKNO 35. During the rioting, if you tried to use the 911 system, did you get: (1) ~ No response (2) a A helpful response (3) a An unhelpful response (4) II Did not use 911 a NORESPONSE <1 I DON'T KNOW 36. Do you think the arrests by the LAPD in the LA riots were: DS MAYBE HQ (a) Effective in preventing more violence (1) m (2) 18 (3) gz a NORESPONS s:1 PARTIALLY 921112cas ---------~- - --- - ------------ OfficQ of tho Spofoal .Adviaor Community Attitude Study (n=1020) (b) Effective in soopping the riots (c) Racially motivated (d) Only those easy to arrest (e) Fair and reasonable llB (1) 38 3 (1) z ~ <1 (1) ~ j <1 (1) li1. j Page 13 MAYBE liQ (2) a1 (8) M NO RESPONSE (2) I& (3) 56 NORESPONS~ I DON'T KNOW c2l 11:1 J csi SQ NORESPONS . I DON'T KNOW c2) 1ft \ csl 19 NO RESPONSE 37. sLI DON'T KNOl During the riots, do you believe LAPD officers were afraid to aITes : ~ MAYBE ~ (a) Young African-American males (1), ~ (2) I& (3) mt a NORESPONS :51 IDON'TKNOJ <1 PARTIALLY (b) Hispanics (1) 28 (2) 18 (S). m 2 NORESPON~ Sil IDONTKNO <1 PARTIALLY (c) Koreans (1) l~ (2) 1Z 21 a NORESPON !il IDON 1 TKNO , <1 PARTIALLY (d) Whites (1) 1Z (2) 11 (8) l~ a NO RESPONS~ sl IDON'TKN01 <1 PARTIALLY (e) Gang members (1). • (2) 1ft (3) " a NORESPON SJ PARTIALLY 921112cas SENT 5y:xerox T elecopie r 702 0 ; B - 17-92 12 : 10 ; STA RR & A SSOC. INC, � 213 629 5063; #15 Office of the Speical Advisor Community Attitude Study (nal020) Page 14 38. What impact did television coverage have during the LA riots? IE.S MAYBE Na (a) Kept people informed (1) II (2) 2 (3) a 1 NO RESPONSE (b) Made people angry (1) D (2) lQ (3) 17 1 NO RESPONSE <1 I DON'T KNOW (c) · Scared people (1) 2U (2) a (3) 11 I NO RESPONSE st I DON'T KNOW (d) Showed people where to avoid police (1) ~ (2), I~ (3) Ba a NO RESPONSE :s:L IDON'TKNO YES MAYBE Na (e) Increased racial tension (1) fll (2) l~ a4 a NORESPONS !<I IDONTKN01 (f) Helped stop the riots (1) 18 (2) 10 (3) 7D 1 NORESPON (g) Encouraged the riots (1) f2 (2) 18 aa .a NORESPON sl IDON'TKNO 39. Which of the following was prepared to -respond to the LA riots? DB MAYBE HQ (a) All City agencies (1) l& (2) 16 (3) &a ' NORESPONS sl IDO~TKNO (b) The mayor (1) 18 c2l IS Jca) w ' NORESPONS . <1 I DON'T KNO'Y (c) City council (l) ia (2) 18 J<s) a., ' NORESPONS :!i:l IDON'TKNO · 921112cas ~c:.N I tjY ;xerox I e I ecopie r '/UiU ; e - n - i n H; l u i ~ I AKK & A~~Uv, lNv,.., ilJ b~~ oUbj; .; 10 Office of the Speical Advisor Community Attitude Study (n::1020) Page 15 ns MAYBE m (n) LAPD (1) M ~~N (3} fl) a NO S SE •,;t I DON'T KNOW (e) LA Fire Department (1) m (2) lj (3). 24 a NO RESPONSE <1 I DON'T KNOW 40. Which of the following is prepared now to react tA> an earthquake? YES MAYBE m (a) All City agencies (1) ~ (2). M (3) 37 I NO RESPONSE J I DON'T KNOW YES MAYBE w (b) The mayor (1} m (2) aa ·(3). 94 g NO RESPONSE 1 I DON'T KNOW (c) City council (1} mi (2) 18 (3) 31 ~ NO RESPONSE 1 IDON 1 TKNOW (d) LAPD (l} ll c2l m J ca) 21 ~ NORESPONS <1 I DON'T KNOJ, (e) LA Fire Department (1) 78 (2) 12 (3) 2 a NORESPONS ,;) I DON'T KNO'f 921112cas SE NT BY:xerox T elecopie r 702 0 ; B - 17- 92 12:11 Office of the Speical Advisor Community Attitude Study (n•l020) u I AKR & AS~U(.;, l NC, � Page 16 41. In an emereency situation in LA, such as an earthquake, whom do you want ro be in charge of directing the response: (1) 18 The mayor (2) 5 City council (8) J2 Police chief (4) 44 Fire chief (5). O LA County Sheriff' (6). 13 A State oftlcial (7) 1§ A Federal official _..,§_NO RESPONSE <l_I DONT KNOW 42. Would you expect looting or violence to follow an earthquake? (1) 84 Definitely (2} 33 Probably (3) fl Possibly (4). 11 No <J NO RESPONSE 43. Do you expect another riot to occur in LA in the near future? (1} 29 YES (2l M MAYBE (3) 33 NO _ ... 1 _NO RESPONSE <J I DON'T KNOW 44. What do you think is the best way to prevent riots? (U 5Q Jobs (2) 2Q Social programs (S) 1,2 Recreational programs (4) 1,8 Better LAPD-community relations (6) IQ Better organized and trained LA.PD (6} WI Other _.._t _NO RESPONSE 45. Preserving public order in LA i& primarily the respon&ibility of: CHOOSE ONLYmQ (1} M The mayor (2) 13 City council (3l M LAPD (4) 1$ Community leaders (5) 51 All residents of LA (6) 10 Churches and religious leaders _ _.t_NO RESPONSE . st I DON'T KNOW 921112cas Office of the Speical Advisor Community Attitude Study (na1020) 46. When there ia a riot, what should residents do? CHECK ALL THAT APPLY (1) 1 Join in (2} II Go about daily life as usual (S) 3 Go watch (4) 78 Stay home (5) 4ft Help calm violence (6) 74 Help neirhbors (7) p9 Help police (8) 18 Leave the city (9). 71 Stay oiftbe streets (10), t,a Get a gun _ ... 1 _NO RESPONSE Page 17 4 7. What do you think is the action that presents the grea~st threat in a riot? (1) 13 Crowds throwing rocks and bottles (2) ti Gunfire by rioters (8). 9Q Violence by rioters ( 4) 11 Displays of anger by rioters (5) 11 Looting (6} aD Fires (7} 13 Gunfire by law enforcement (8) 19 Violence from law enforcement _..,8_NO RESPONSE 48. In an emergency situation such as the LA riots, whom do you want to be in charge of directing the response? (1} fl The mayor (2) § City council (3} 42 Police chief (4} ta Fire chief (5) G LA County Sheriff (6) 9 A State official (7} 14 A Federal official _...,;f_NO RESPONSE c;t I DON'T KNOW 40. Appropriate action in reapona9 to A -riot. Rhnnlcl inr.ludA~ (a) Disbursing crowds with tear gas 921112cas llS (1) 8'Z <1 3 <1 MAYBE (2). a,; (3). 8G PARTIALLY NORESPONS~ I DON'T KNO. r w SENTBY:xerox Tel ecopier 7020; 8- 17- 92 12:12; STARR & ASSOC, IN ,-+ 213 629 5063:#19 ( ~ Office of the Speical Advisor Community Attitude Study (n=1020) (b) Arresting looters and rioters (c) Closing businesses (d) Closing schools (e) Closing freeways and roads (f) Imposing an immediate curfew (g) Calling out the National Guard (h) Letting events nm their course m (1). 811 a (1) 28 a st (1). fll a <1 (1) £4 I <1 (1) 7S a <1 (1) 73 a <1 (1). l a <l Now I have a few questions for background purposes. 50. What is your employment status? (1). m Work full time (2) lll Work part time (8) II Unemployed (4) la Retired (5) a Disabled· (6) 11 Student (7) 8 Work in the home 1 NO RESPONSE sl I DON'T KNOW 921112cas Page 18 MAYBE :ill (2) 8 (3) ~ NO RESPONSE (2). u (3) l NO RESPONSE I DON'T KNOW (2) 10 (3) a NO RESPONSE, I DON 1 T KN'OW C2L2J (3) aa NO RESPONSE IDONTKNOW c2) 12 l cm NO RESPONSE1 B IDON'TKN01 (2) 18 (3) 1 NO RESPONSE! IDONTKNOJ (2) G (3) SB NORESPON~ IDON'TKNO Office of the Speical Advisor Community Attitude Study (n•l020) 51. Highest level of education: (l} IQ LESS THAN HS (2} 34 HS GRAD Page 19 (3) 8 TECH FJEf_,n .. ________________ _ (4) 31 SM COLL (5) 17 COLL GRAD· (6) 14 GRAD WK/DEG FORANYCOLLEGE.ASKMAJOR ___________ _ <J 2 & 4 COMBINATION _,..1 _ . 2 & 3 COMBINATION :s;t_REFUSED 52. Race: (1). rz HISPANIC (2} M AFRICAN-AMERICAN (3) 8Q CAUCASIAN (4) 4 CHINESE (6) a KOREAN (6L_LAMERICAN INDIAN (7} 7 OTHER SPECIFY ______________ _ _ ,..a _REFUSED 53. SEX: (1) ff MALE (2} §8 FEMALE <J NO RESPONSE 921112cas OFFICE OF THE SPECIAL ADVISOR TO THE BOARD OF POLICE COMM:ISSIONERS CITY OF LOS ANGELES Privileged and Confidential Attorney Work Product Attorney-Client Communication August 28, 1992 TO: Judge William H. Webster Special Advisor FROM: RE: Chief Hubert Williams Deputy Special Advisor Elizabeth D. Lear Deputy General Counsel Attached Preliminary Tabulations of Community Attitude survey Rick Stone asked that I send you the attached preliminary tabulations of the results of the Community Attitude Survey, conducted July 31 - August 2, 1992. The total sample contains 1020 completed questionnaires. A second tabulation of 921 completed questionnaires excludes questionnaires completed by persons who declined to specify their age. These tabulations are preliminary, and thus, should be kept confidential. Attachments ~ SENT sy:xerox Telecopier 7020 8- 17- 92 12:12 STARR & A::i:::i0(;, INC. � OPFICB OF THE SPECIAL ADVISOR COMMUNITY ATl'ITUDE STUDY <n-B'Jl) Hello, my name is _____ . I'm a volunteer working on a study being conducted by Special Advisor William Webster relating to how the LAPD responded to the riots that occurred in our city. I am wondering if you can spare some time to share your views with us. I will not ask your name and all of your answers will be confidential. We are not selling anything. It would be · valuable public service if you could take 20 minutes and help ua. INFO 1 2 a 4 •Note to reader: 11 N o response" refers to those respondents who were as ed the question but responded "unable to respond. 11 1. Do you m in the city of Los Angeles? OR 2. Do you or does someone in your household work in the city of Los geles? (1) 100 YES (2) Q No DISCONTJNUE IF FIRST 1WO ANSWERS ARE N 3. How old are you? 9ft Xen Weon} DISCONTINUE IF I,FBS THAN 16 4. Have you ever been a victim of a crime? (1), ® YES (2) .. ti NO <l NO RESPONSE 5. Have you ever been a victim of a violent crime? (1) 19 YES (2). 80 NO __ t _NO RESPONSE 6. Do you personally know anyone who has been or who now is a sw m police officer or civilian employ~ of..tha I.Alm? - - (1} 3'Z YES (2) 83 NO <1 NO RESPONSE 921112cas SENT sy:xerox Te lecopier 7020; u- 1'/-92 , ,:· .;; , ~IAKK ~ A~~uv, rnv.~ Office of the Special Advisor Community Attitude Study (n=921) 7. Have you ever peraonally been helped by an LAPD officer? (1) 5f Never (2} Ii Seldom. (3) 17 Occa,ionally ( 4) 8 _ Frequently <1 NO RESPONSE 8. How many times have you been stopped by an LAPD officer? (U 82 Never (2) 17 Once (3) 81 Two or three times (4) 8 Four or five times (5) 13 More than five times <l,....NO RESPONSE Page2 9. Have you or has anyone close to you ever been arrested by an LAPD officer? (1) 42 YES (2) M NO <1 NO RESPONSE <1 I DON'T KNOW 10. What kind of job do you personally feel the LAPD generally has done over the last two years? (a) Solving local problems? (1) 3 Superior (2) 9 Excellent (3) 2'7 Good (4) 82 Fair or (5} M Poor job? _..,2_NO RESPONSE __ 1 _I DON'T KNOW (b) Preventing crime? (1) 3 Superior (2) 7 Excellent (3). 34 Good (4} 33 Fair or (5) 81 Poor job? _..,9_NO RESPONSE <J I DON'T KNOW 921112cas Office of the Special Advisor Community Attitude Study (n=921) (c) Dealing with people in your neighborhood? (1) � . Superior (2) 1J Ezcellent (3) 29 Good (4} II Fair or (5) p Poor job? _ ... ft_NO RESPONSE _.._t _I DON'T KNOW 11. Do you believe the LAPD should focus its efforts on: (1) , Making arrests (2) 8 Helping people in trouble (3) 4Q Doin&" both or (4) aG Preventing crime _..,s_s & 4 COMBINATION _ __.3.__ 1,2,4 COMBINATION sJ 1 & 4 CO:MBINATION __ ,_ALL _.._1_2 & 4 COMBINATION 12. Do you believe police work in LA is: (1) 8 Not very dangerous (2) 9 Somewhat dangerous (3) 87 Dangerous (4). 1iO Extremely dangerous ct 3 & 4 COMBINATION SJ NO RESPONSE Page3 13. The LAPD employs about 8,000 sworn police officers. This is about one officer for every 435 persons in LA. Do you think this means the LAPD is: (1) J3 Adequately staffed (2} 82 Understaffed or (S} � Oversta!'ed _.,.3_NO RESPONSE <l I DON'T KNOW 14. Do you think the LAPD should: (1) 7§ Respond ~ every call it receives or (2) 19 Respond only to those calls that fight crime on the streets? ,;t BOTH _,...s_NO RESPONSE <J_I DON1T KNOW 921112cas >J 1:. 1 \J I LJ f •/\i;;I V)I. I I; I c;,i.,VtJ,l,<; t I V L V I V t , "" ' I" ,, .,. I lwJ I ,-..j\j\ ..,,;. ,-i_ ....,...,_..,,,._. , tlo l~ ..J, 4 1 .,,,, .,.,4y W"'J1w..,J , f1111~-, Office of the Special Advisor Community Attitude Study (n-921) Page4 15. Which of the following do you trust? llS MAYBE NQ (a) Teacher (1) ii (2) IS (3L.J.8_ 1 NO RESPONSE (b) Businessperson (1), 12 (2) jll (3). aa l NO RESPONSE <1 I DON'T KNOW (c) Police officer (1} jl (2) a& (3) 18 1 NO RESPONSE Cd) Elected official (1) 11 (2) ~ (3) ~ 2 NO RESPONSE (e) Doctor (1) &, (2) M (3)_1D._ I NO RESPONSE <Jw I DON'T KNOW (f) Lawyer (1) lB (2) ~ (3) ~ 2 NO RESPONSE: <1 IDONTKNOW (g) Judge (1). f'l (2) 88 (3) 16 1 NO RESPONSE· <lwI DON1T KNO 16. Now rm going to read some statements to you and ask if you stro agree, agree, disagree or strongly disagree with them: (a) (b) The City would be safer with more police ·officers on patrol in our neighborhoods. The LAPD,a relations with people in the city would improve if officers were more involved with the community. 921112eas STRONG LY STRONG LY DIS- DIS- AGREE AGREE ....,....,~AGREE (1) 47 (2) iii (3)_J (4),_____.1.._ <J NO RESPONSE (1) 54 (2) 42 (Sl----aii ... (4) 1 - __.!.....,NO RESPONSE · Office of the Special Advisor Community Attitude Study (n•921) (c) The LAPD should hire more nonwhite police officers. Page5 STRONG- STRONG .. LY LY DIS- DIS- AGREE AGREE AGREE AGREE (1) as (2) ,1 ca) a1 (4) 3 8 NO RESPONSE 1 I DON'T KNOW 17. What was your view of the verdict in the Rodney King police trial: na MA,YBE NQ (a) You never heard about it (1} m (2) 1 (3) " 8 NO RESPONSE (b) It was just (1) 1a (2) ID (3). 7j a NO RESPONSE <J ___ I DON'T KNOW (c) It was fair w the police officers (1) M (2) 12 (3) ~ § NO RESPONSE st_ I DON'T IrnOW (d) It was fair to Rodney King (1) Ml (2) & (3) 7a ;4 _NO RESPONSE d IDONTKNOJ (e) It was racist (1) m (2) 17 (3) II a NORESPONS <1 IDONTKNJ (f) It was the right verdict based on the evidence (1} 11 (2) 11 (3) iH A NORESPO · sJ_I DON'T KNOr. (g) It was the one people expected (1) 19 (2). 7 (8) 72 3 NORESPONS <J I DON'T KNOW (h) It was the one you wanted (1) lQ (2) 2 (3) 78 ~ NORESPONS <! IDON'TKN'O 921112cas S ENT sy :xerox Telecop i er 70 20 ; 8- 17- 92 ; 12: 14 ; S ARR & AS~(.)C, lNC. � 1 629 506 ;;25 Office of the Special Advisor Community Attitude Study (n:921) Page6 18. Do you believe the LA riots were: MAYBE (a) A justified, SJ?ontaneo~s outcry (1) aa .. (2) 18 (3) 61 against the King verdict l NO RESPONSE :s:1 IDONTKNOW IE.6 MAYBE liQ (1) ~ (2) ?4 (3) st A reaction to television coverage (b) 1 NO RESPONSE : I Planned by nonwhites aa a protest I (c) (1) Ii (2) 18 ~ (3) Pi against the King verdict - 2 NO RESPONSE: ~1 IDON'TKN01 Caused by poor economic conditions (1) w (2). 17 (3) 22 (d) 1 NO RESPONSE (1) 73 (2) 15 (S) 11 Caused by racial tension (e) I NO RESPONSE s1 I DON'T KN0"7 I (f) A reaction to the way ~D treats (1) Ii! (2) 1ft / ca) 29 people in your community a NORESPON~ :<I IDONTKNOW (g) Just an opportunity to take without (1) &'5 c2) mJcm 24 paying 1 NORESPO (1} g8 (2) u lcsl 29 Totally lllijustified (h) 2 NORESPONS~ I 921112cas SENT BY:xerox T e1ecop1er · ,u~u ; 0-1 , - ~, ~ 1~ ~ . -:-.:, 0-,- ~ - 1 -f'\r; - l"i - ~ ~ ""- ~~ -v- i.....- .1.,~ -,. - , ~----------- ..., ''" o,;;i OUO",i," Office of the Special Advisor Community Attitude Study (n-921) Page7 19. Which do you think were the two m'2S1 effective public safety agencies in handling the LA riots? CHECKONLYllmRISPONSFB (1) 11 LAPD (2) ml LA Fire Department (3) l LA County Sheriff (4) ~ Califomia Highway Patrol (5) m National Guard (6) 10. U.S. Army (7) l Federal law enforcement agencies 9 NORESPONSE 20. Do you think the LAPD response to the rioting was impacted by: :ms MAYBE NQ (a) Lack of available police officers (1) B8 (2) 13 (3) f7. a NO RESPONSE <l~I DON'T KNOW (b) Lack of police equipment (1) 2' (2) 11 (3) Bl 3 NO RESPONSE. <J_,I DON'T KNOW (c) Poor planning (1) 31 (2) 2 (8) l~ a NO RESPONSE <1 IDONTKNOW (d) Fear of the media (1) aa (2) 17 J (8) ~ a NORESPONS <l __ l DONT KNOW (e) Fear of facing new charges of using excessive force (1). f'l (2) 12 (3) 33 a NORESPON <J IDON'TKNO (f) Lack of cooperation from the people of LA (1) '1 (2) l& 88 B NORESPONS <1 I DON'T KNO/i (g) Lack of leadership (1) l6 (2) 10 (8) 13 3 NO RESPONS~ Sl~I DON'T KNOW I 921112cas • SENT 5y:xerox Te I ecopier 7020 ; 8-17-92 ; 12: 15 ; STARR & ASSOC, INC . .., 213 629 5063;#28 Office of the Special Advisor Community Attitude Study (n=921) 21. Where .did you watch the LA riots? (1) 1:1 At the scene (2) 7� Someplace where you only saw the rioting on TV (3) 2 Did not wawh the riots _..,9_ 1 & 2 COMBINATION _.._1 _d NO RESPONSE 22. Do you know anyone who participated in the riotini? (1) 17_YES (2) ti NO <l NO RESPONSE Page8 23. Do you believe the LAPD had enough information about the likelihood of a riot following the King verdict? (1) 61 YES (2) 12 MAYBE (3) M NO _..,2_NO RESPONSE SJ I DONT KNOW 24. Should the LAPD keep information or intelligence files on people that contain: ns MAYBE (a) Arrest records (1) 21 (2) Jl (8) - a NO RESPONSE <l_I DONT KNOW I (b) Mug shots (1) Xl (2), f! ! (8) a NO RESPONSE <1 IDON'TKNOt (c) Fingerprints (1). Ba (2) 7 (3) a NORESPONS, (d) Known associates (1) ml c2> 1, I <8) 3 NO RESPONSE ~I DONT KNOr (e) Newspaper articles (1) ~ (2) 115 J (3) 3 NORESPONS 1 IDON'TKNJ (f) Reports of public demonstrations (]) ,, (2) 14 (3) a NORESPON <I I DON'T KNO'f 921112cas fill 16 12 a 27 33 iQ SENT BY:xerox Telecopier 7020; 8- 17- fn; 12:10 ~IARR & A~S()(.;, lM..:, � Office of the Special Advisor Community Attitude Study (n•921) MAYBE Page9 (g) Legal wiretaps (1) fO (2) 1J (3) 44 Ch) 25. ___ a_NO RESPONSE <1 I DON'T KN'OW Surveillance reports (1) M (2) 1ft (3) 2ft __ s_NO RESPONSE <lwl DON 1 T KNOW Before April 29, do you think the LAPD had good reason to prepaj for a riot? (1) M Definitely (2)_ ts Probably (8) 14 Possibly (4) 1ft No IF NO. GO TO 2'7 __ 1 _ . NO RESPONSE <LI DON'T KNOW 26. If your answer to the last question was yes, why do you think so? n="177 (1) llj You knew there would be trouble (2) 9 You heard others say there would be trouble (3) 1 You knew about plans to burn and loot certain stores (4) 40 Common sense (5) 10 · OTHER SPECIFY---=--------------- :Sl 1 & 5 CO:M:BINATION __ 1 _2 & 4 COMBINATION _.._7_1 & 4 COMBINATION 18 1.2.4 COMBINATION --l-1.9. COM'RTNATTON 27. Do you believe the fires in the LA riots were: (1} ::ffl Started apontaneoui;ly (2) 46 Targeted and planned _..,.§.,__BOTH ___ ,_NO RESPONSE <1 I DON'T KNOW 28. Do you believe the looting in the LA riots was: (1) ft8 Started spontaneously (2) 2(1 Targeted and planned --ifi.._ BOTH __ a_NO RESPONSE st I DONT KNOW 921112cas Office of the Special Advisor Community Attitude Study (n=921) Page 10 29. If some victims were targeted, do you believe any of the following Dm targets? m MAYBE NQ (a) Gun shops (1) m (2) lg (3). lB I NORESPONSE <L.I DON 1 T KNOW (b) Grocery stores (1) a (2). 11 17 :(8) :a a NO RESPONSE <1 I DON'T KNOW (c) Stores run by people who don't live in the area (1} m (2) Ii (3) 1& ~ NO RESPONSE <1 IDON'TKNOl (d) Stores run by Asian-Americans (1) TA (2} 12 (8). 1a 8 NO RESPONSE <lwl DON'T KNO (e) Stores run by Koreans (1) 78 NO(~sP%NsE (3). 10 8 (fj White homes in nonwhite neighborhoods (1) ~ (2) 111 (3) ~ a NO RESPONSE <1 IDONTKNO (g) Public buildings (1} ~ (2) 1l 38 a NORESPONS st IDON•TKNO (h) Any place that had merchandise desired by rioters (1) T.I (2) 11 (3) ia S NO R . F.!:iPON~j <Jwl DON'T KNO (i) Enemies of the gangs (1), 37 (2) 22 (3) li Q NO RESPONS , l IDON 1 TKNO 921112cas Office of the Special Advisor Community Attitude Study (n=921) Page 11 30. If some victims were targeted, whom do you believe did the targeti ? (1) 9§ Gangs 31. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (2) f8 Opportunists (3) )8 African-Americans (4) 19 Hispanics (5) 8 Whites (6} 3'Z DON'T KNOW _..,2_NO RESPONSE Do you believe the riots stopped because: Of the curfew The rioters got tired The rioters made their point Of the actions by the LAPD Of the presence of the National Guard (t) There were no more close targets for lootine or bumini (g) Their anger faded 921112cas DS MAYBE HQ (1) f.{I (2) lB (3) ~ 2 NO RESPONSE (1) 21. (2} ia (3) fH a NO RESPONSE <LI DON'T KNO (1) ZS (2) 1& m 8 NORESPON (1) 2B (2) 18 (8) g-1 a NORESPONS~ <L IDON'TKN'O (1) 81 (2) ID s l NORESPONS (ll l& (2) ta M _ _.4_NO RESPONS <1 I DON'T KNO c1) 'IJJ.~ c2) 1& I ca) ru _ _.4_NO RESPONSm sl I DON'T KNOr ! SENT BY :xerox T elecop i er 70 20 ; 8- 17- 92 12:17 S T ARR & ASSOC, INC, � 213 629 5063: #32 Office of the Special Advisor Community Attitude Study (n•921) Page 12 32. What worked beat to stop the rioting? (1) 18 Community leadership (2) 4 Leadership of elected officials (~) O P1#1"1\Jrmance ot department (4) 9 Performance of LAPD (5) 58 Presence of National Guard (6) ft Actions of the mayor (7) G Actions of the governor (8) 5 Public statements by elected officials (9) U Curfew (10) 18 Arrests _,,_,,2_NO RESPONSE <1 I DO~T KNOW 83. If a curfew is imposed during a riot, should it be: (1) ffl Citywide (2) 38 Only in areas where thare is looting or rioting _,,_,,2_NO RESPONSE SJ I DON'T KNOW 34. Do you think the curfew in the LA riots was: lD MAYBE (a) Effective in preventing violence (1) 70 (2) 18 (8) 1 NO RESPONSE 1 I DON'T KNOW (b) Effective in stopping the riots (1) a (2) al (3) l NO RESPONSE SJ IDON'TKNJ (c) Unfortunately necessary (1} ml (2). 4 (3). ' NORESPON <1 IDON'TKNO\r (d) A curtailment of individual rights (1) M (2) lf J<3) a NORESPON <1 I DON'T KNOW (e) Wrong since it isn•t imposed on all equally (1) 24 (2) 11 (3) j NORESPO~ sl IDON'TKNOi i I I 921112cas fill ts 21 D 49 00 SENT 5y:xerox Telecopier 7020 ; d .. ·'17-92; 12:17 ; STARR & ASSOC. INC, � 213 629 5063;#33 Office of the Special Advisor Community Attitude Study (n=921) Page 13 DS MAYBE N.Q (£) Unfair to nonwhites (1). 12 • (2) a (3) 71 a NO RESPONSE; <J IDON'TKNO (g) Unfair to the poor (1) al (2). 8 fl 2 NORESPONS SJw IDON'TKNO 35. During the rioting, if you tried to use the 911 system, did you get: (1) Q No roeponoo (2) a A helpful response (S). a An unhelpful response (4). 811 Did not use 911 a NO RESPONSE 36. Do you think the arrests made by the LAPD in the LA riots were: llS MAYBE N.Q (a) Effective in preventing more violence (1) m (2) 18 (3). 28 a NORESPONS (b) Effective in stopping the riots (1) a& (2), ai (8) 98 a NORESPONS (c) Racially motivated (1) ~ (2) 16 (3) 5'7 a NO RESPONSE <1 I DON'T KNOW (d) Only those easy to arrest (1). jt (2) 11!~3) 96 a NORESPO s;t IDON'TKNO (e) Fair and reasonable (1) §7. c2>. 20 Jcal ia ' NORESPONS <J I DON'T KNOW 921112cas . SENT sv:xerox Telecopie r 702 0 : 8- 17- 92 : 12: 10 : STA RR & ASSOC. INC. ~ 213 629 5063: #34 Office of the Special Advisor Community Attitude Study (n~921) Page 14 37. During the riots, do you believe LAPD officers were afraid to arrest: :ma MAYBE fill (a) Young African-American males (1) '° C2L 19 (3) a8 a NO RESPONSE Sil- I DON'T KNOW <lwPARTIALL Y (b) Hispanics (1) II (2L ll (3) Ai a NO RESPONSE Sl- I DON'T KNOW <1 PARTIALLY (c) Koreans (1) 18 (2) 18 (3). 21 a NO RESPONSE <J I DON'T KNOW <lwPARTIALL Y i I (d) White& (1) H (2) 12 I ,s) '1ts a NO RESPONSE ~1 I DON'T KNOW sl PARTIALLY I I (e) Gang members (1) aa (2) 16 1 (3) ~ a NO RESPONSE st PARTIALLY I w I 38. What impact did television coverage have during the LA riots? I YES MAYBE j fill (a) Kept people informed (1), S8 (2). 7 (3). 3 l NORESPONS I ; (b) Made people angry (1) 7.3 (2) 10 1 (3) 16 l NORESPON~ <1 IDON'TKNO c2> a l ,ai (c) Scared people (1) 7.8 12 1 NO RESPONSE <1 I DON'T KNOW (d) Showed people where to avoid police (1) fl c2> 15 J es) 86 2 NO RESPONSVf ~l IDONTKNO I i I 921112cas SENT sy:xerox Telecopier 7020; 8-17-92; 12:1e S TARR & ASSOC. INC, � 213 629 5063;.;35 Office of the Special Advisor Community Attitude Study (n==921) (e) Increased racial tension (f) Helped stop the riots (g) Encouraged the riots (1) (1) (1) IES II .. l <1 18 I f'Z 2 Page 15 MAYBE NQ (2) I~ NO RESPONSE (3) ~ I DON 1 T KNOW ' (2) II (3) 21 NORESPONS (2). 18 (3) aa NORESPONS 39. Which or the following wae prepared to reepond to the LA riotB? ~ MAYBE j NQ (a) All City agencies (1) 16 (2) 17 (3) 63 j NORESPONS <l I DON'T KNOW (b) The mayor (1) 18 e2) H Jeai m a NORESPONS <lw I DON'T KNOW <2> ia l <sl (c) City council (1). Iii Ill a NO RESPONSE ,st I DON'T KNOW <21 14 l eai (d) LAPD (1). M fl! a NORESPON~ SJ IDONTKNO (e) LA Fire Department (1) m c2) u Jcm ~ a NORESPON <lw IDON'TKNO '10. Vlhioh of tho follo"Wins io propa.rcd now to raa.ot to a.n aa.rthqu.a.lcc? IES MAYBE liO. (a) All City agencies (1) ~ (2) ~ (3) rz a NORESPON 1 IDONTKNOi 921112cas SENT sy:xerox Te lecopier 702 0 ; B - 17- 92 ; 12:18 STARR & ASSOC. INC. � 213 629 5063; .; 36 Office· of the Special Advisor Co'l'\'\W\1_U'\Hv A ttH·'l•do Qh,dy (1'\-021) Pa.go 1G (b) (c) (d) {e) 41. 42. 4;-j. ~ MAXPJ'i HQ The mayor (1). 86 (2) M (3) zu ! NO RESPONSE 1 IDON1TKNOW City council (1) M (2) aa (8) 32 G NO RESPONSE I I DON'T KNOW LAPD (1) ® (2) 2A (3). 21 __ 51_NO RESPONSE <1 I DONT KNOJ W (1) '18 (2) 1,3 (3)._7...__ _..,s_NO RESPONS LA Fire Department <J_I DON'T KNOW In an emergency situation in LA, such as an earthquake, whom L you want to be in charge of directing the response: (1) 18 The mayor (2) G City council (3) 12 Police chief ( 4) 45 Fire chief (5). G LA Connty Sheriff (6} 13 A State official (7) JG A Federal official __ ft_NO RESPONSE <1 I DONT K:NOW Would you expect looting or violence to follow an earthquake? (1) M Definitely (2) 22 Probably (3) 23 Possibly (4} 21 No <1 NO RESPONSE Do you expect another riot to occur in LA in the near future? (ll 29 YES (2) 38 MAYBE (3} 38 NO _..,1 _NO RESPONSE :<J I DONT KNOW 921112cas SE NT sv :xe r ox T elecopie r 70 20 ; 8- 17-92 12: 19 STARR & ASS OC. IN C . ~ Office of the Special Advisor Community Attitude Study (n•921) 44. What do you think ii the beet way to prevent rtots? (1} 4ft Jobs (2) 2Q Social programs (8} l J Recreational programs (4} ?a Better LAPD-community relations (5) II Better organized and trained LAPD (6) 21 Other __ 1 _NO RESPONSE 45. Preserving public order in LA is primarily the responsibility of CHOOSE ONLYmQ (1) 99 The mayor (2) ts City council (3) M LAPD (4) a& Community leaders (5) §1 All residents of LA (61 10 Churches and religious leaders __ t _NO RESPONSE 46. When there is a riot, what should residents do? CHECK AU, THAT APPLY (1)_ l Join in (2} ZS Go about daily life as usual (8) a Go watch ( 4) 7ft Stay home (5} 00 Help calm violence (6) 74 Help nei1hbors (7) M Help police (B) 13 Leave the city (9) 7G Stay o1fthe streets (10} 13 Get a gun ____ 1 _NO RESPONSE 213 629 5063: #37 Page 17 47. W)u1t do you think ia th" action that prQfnmta the gr91tt&at thr~at in a riot? (1} 11 Crowds throwing rocks and bottles (2) 40 Gunfire by rioters (3) Sl Violence by rioters ( 4} J l Displays of anger by rioters (5) J t Looting (6) 19 Fire& (7). 13 Gunfire by law enforcement (81 13 Violence from law enforcement _.ais_NO RESPONSE 921112caa ,. SENT sy:xerox Tel ecop i er 7020; 8- 17- 92; 12:19 i ST ARR & ASSOC, INC, � 213 629 5063;#36 Office of the Special Advisor Community Attitude Study (n=921) Page 18 48. In an emergency situation such as the LA riots, whom do you wit to be in charge of directing the response? 1 (U D The mayor (2) G City council (3) '11 Police chief (4) 11 Fire chief (5) I LA Cowity Sheriff' (6), 10 A State official (7) lj A Federal official a a NO RESPONSE sl I DON'T KNOW 49. Appropriate action in response to a riot should include: ms MAYBE ~ (a) Disbursing crowds with tear gas (1) m (2) all (3) M :!il PARTIALLY a NORESPO ,;1 I DON'T KNO'f (b) Anesting looters and rioters (1) IZ (2) a (3) a 2 NORESPONS (c) Closing businesses (1) 211 (2) la (8) a I NORESPONS ~LIDONTKNJ (d) Closing schools (1) 81 (2) 8 (8} a 1 NORESPO <1 IDON'TKNO (e) Closing freeways and roads (1) ~ (2) ao as I NORESPONS <J IDON'TKNJ (f) Imposing an immediate curfew (1), :m (2) 13 (3), :z I NORESPON ,;t I DON'T KNOW I (g) Calling out the National Guard (1) 7B (2) IQ ~ (3) 6 l NORESPONS <1 I DON'T KNOW (h) Letting events run their course (1) ;- (2) Q J3) 88 3 NORESPONS <1 I DON 1 T KNO\f I 921112cas • SENT sy:xerox Tel ecopier 7020; d- 1'/-8 2 ll;Lu ; ::ilAKK &. A~::iuc;, lN(.;, � • Office of the Special Advisor Community Attitude Study (n•921) Now I have a few questions for background purposes. 50. What is your employment status? (1). Ga Work full time (2) 10 Work part time (8) 9 Unemployed ( 4) J 2 Retired (5) 3 Disabled (6) 12 Student (7), 8 Work in the home _.._t _NO RESPONSE 51. Highest level of education: (1). 10 LESS THAN HS (2). 23 HS GRAD Page 19 (3) 3 TECH FIELD _______________ _ (4) 81 SM COLL (5} J'i OOLL GRAD (6) lf GRAD WK/DEG FORANYCOLLEGE,ASKMAJOR _________ _ <J 2 & 4 COMBINATION _..,.1 _2 & 3 COMBINATION 52. Race: (1) 2'7 HISPANIC (2) rz AFRICAN-AMERICAN (3) M CAUCASIAN (4) 8 CHINESE (0) 3 KOREAN (6)__J_AMERICAN INDIAN (7) 7 OTHER SPECIFY _____________ _ _ ..,s_REFUSED 58. SEX: (1). ff MALE (2} M FEMALE <l NO RESPONSE 921112cas
Linked assets
Los Angeles Webster Commission records, 1931-1992
Conceptually similar
Community attitude study
Community attitude survey
Distribution of new release, Community meetings, Public hearings, 1992-08-26
Balance sheet, 1992-08-28
Eugene Mornell, interview, 1992-08-28
Interview library, 1992-08-28
Interviews list, 1992-08-28
Plan, final report, 1992-08-07
Webster study, FBI correspondence, 1992-07-10
Study team roster, 1992-06-25
Study report topics, 1992
Income and expense statement, 1992-08-07
Special advisors study, incident database, 1992-07-09
Interview, Hal Bernson, 1992-08-13
Comparison study group, 1992-07-02
Final report preparation, 1992-08-06
Proposed study report outline, 1992-09-03
Income and expense statement, 1992-08-21
Weekly status report, number 10, overview, 1992-08-07
Balance sheet, 1992-08-14
Community attitude study, 1992 August 28.
Asset Metadata
Core Title
Community attitude study, 1992-08-28
OAI-PMH Harvest
39 p.
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box 24 (box),web-box24-14-07.pdf (filename),folder 14 (folder),webster-c100-42457 (legacy record id)
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39 p. (format),application/pdf (imt),surveys (aat)
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Los Angeles Webster Commission records, 1931-1992
Chaired by former federal judge and FBI and CIA Director William H. Webster, the Los Angeles Webster Commission assessed law enforcement's performance in connection with the April, 1992 Los Angeles civil unrest. The collection consists of materials collected and studied by the Commission over the course of its investigation. Materials pertain to both the Los Angeles incident specifically, and civil disturbance, civil unrest control, and policing tactics in general.
Included in the collection are the following: interviews with LAPD officers, law enforcement personnel, government officials, community leaders, and activists; articles, broadcasts, and press releases covering the civil unrest; various tactical and contingency plans created for disasters and emergencies; reports, studies, and manuals about civil unrest control and prevention; literature about community-based policing strategies; emergency plans and procedures developed by other cities; and after-action reports issued once the civil unrest had subsided. Also featured are items related to the internal operations of the LAPD both before and during the civil unrest, including activity reports, meeting agendas and minutes, arrest data, annual reports, curricula and educational materials, and personnel rosters.
See also the finding aid (
See also The Los Angeles Riots: The Independent and Webster Commissions Collections (
Related collections in the USC Digital Library:
? Independent Commission on the Los Angeles Police Department, 1991 (see also the finding aid:
? Richard M. Mosk Christopher Commission records, 1988-2011 (see also the finding aid:
? Kendall O. Price Los Angeles riots records, 1965-1967 (see also the finding aid:
? Watts riots records, 1965 (see also the finding aid:
Thanks to generous support from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the USC Libraries are digitizing this collection for online public access.
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