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Los Angeles Webster Commission records, 1931-1992
Attorney work product, 1992-06-26
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Attorney work product, 1992-06-26
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Last Update: June 26, 1992 8:21am Dae/ Tme Incidents 02/18- 20/92 time uncertain 04/01/92 time uncertain 04/08/92 time uncertain PRMLEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL, ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT LOS ANGELES RIOTS EVENT GRID THROUGH APRIL 29, 1992, 14:45 Sheriff CHP LAPD Fire Dept Ciy Officials Other PO's LAPD Rampart Area conducts area-wide training days at Ambassador Hotel re control of demonstrations & riots 60 Rampart Area updates Detective Division personnel NB roster 60 Commanding Officer, Rampart Patrol Division, meets with senior lead officers to discuss preparations for unusual events 60 I( ... l - DRAFT Nalional Federal Officials State Officials Guard Federal Troops Dal.el Tme 04/10/92 time uncertain 04/11 - 12/92 time uncertain 02013A \50900065 . IJPS June 26, 1992 lncidenls Sherif CHP National Federal Officials LAPD Fire Dept. Ciy Officials Other PO's Stale Officials Guard Federal Troops At deployment meeting, Watch Commanders of Northeast Area directed to ensure the following takes place: roll call training in mobilization procedures; review of standing plans; inspection of equipment bags; availability of maximum numbers of rovers, batteries, & vehicles; review & update of Mobilization Roster; community networking processes re potential unrest after King verdict; scheduling a training day 58 Meeting of Area Commanding Officers at Parker Center to discuss preparation & deployment re unusual events; all Patrol Division Watch Commanders instructed to engage in training re same & study Area Standing Plans 60 Area & Patrol Division Commanding Officers cover all roll calls to address anticipated unusual events 60 - 2 . Date/ Tme 04/14/92 time uncertain 04/15/92 time uncertain 04/16/92 time uncertain 02013A \50900065 . IJP5 l11nP ?!, lQQ? Incidents LAPD Patrol Commanding Officer (Northeast Area?) issues directive to watch commanders, assistant watch commanders & sergeants outlining emergency preparedness 58 Detective Division Commanding Officer conducts detective squad meeting re station defense plans; Tactical Planning Section provides training re field jail procedures 60 Rampart Area Commanding Officer conducts Area Supervisors' Meeting stressing unusual event preparations; Detective Commanding Officer instructed to review Standing Plans re station security and taking over essential operations to relieve uniformed officers for field duty 60 Sheriff CHP National Federal Officials Fire Dept c~ Officials Other PO's State Officials Guard Federal Troops 1 : I I I I . 3 - Date/ Tme approx. 04/16/92 04/21/92 tune uncertain 04/22/92 time uncertain 04/23/92 time uncertain 020 13A \50900065. W PS June 26, 1992 Incidents LAPD Fire Dept. CHP, local law enforcement & fire agencies begin requesting flak jackets & other gear from the Nat'I Guard to prepare for possible trouble re King verdict 55 Uniform inspection Rampart Detective personnel to ensure available uniforms for immediate wear 60 Detective Division begins preparation of Rampart's own Field Jail Kit 60 Officers of Northeast Area Unusual Occurrence Cadre participate in exercise at Dodger Stadium with other Operations Divisions & Tactical Planning Sections (none of these officers was ever called during the unrest) 58 Sherif CHP National Federal Officials City Officials Other PO's Stale Officials Guard Federal Troops CHP, local law CHP, local law enforcement & enforcement & fire agencies fire agencies begin requesting begin requesting flak jackets & flak jackets & other gear from other gear from the Nat'I Guard the Nat'I Guard to prepare for to prepare for possible trouble possible trouble re King verdict 55 re King verdict 55 I 1 1 II :, I I - 4 - Sheriff Dae/ CHP National Federal Officials Tme lncidens LAPD Fire Dept. City Officials Other PO's State Officials Guard Federal Troops 04/27/92 Memo from Captain Medina, time Commanding Officer, uncertain Hollenbeck Area re Unusual Occurrence ("U.O. ") Training calls for preparations in anticipation of King verdict, including review of U.O. tactics, squad formations & baton training, equipment checks, & a review of standing plans & standing security measures 57 Rampart Area Police/Community Forum meeting in Pico/Union area; Patrol Division Commanding Officer receives no negative feedback suggesting civil unrest re King verdict 60 04/29/92 Central area meeting held; 08:30 Captain Conner, all lieutenants, sergeants, detective Ill's, & senior lead officers attending; issue of possible protests re King verdict discussed (08:30) 56 04/29/92 Judge Weisberg approx. gives notice that 12:45 verdict is in and will be delivered in two hours (approx. 12:45)2 02013A \50900065. IIP5 11,nP ?f.. 1QQ? - 5 - Sheriff Dal.el CHP Tme lncidenls lAPD Fire Dept. City Officials Other PO's 04/29/92 LAPD worried about approx. overtime, lets 1,000 officers 14:30 go off duty; fewer than three dozen officers at South Central's 77th Division 14 04/29/92 14:30 04/29/92 14:45 2. Ted Koppel, ABC Nightline: Moment of Crisis: Anatomy of a Riot 3. Jaxon Van Derbeken, "LAPD Brass Knew of Early Riot Violence•, L.A. Daily News, May 23, 1992, at first and back page. 4. Stephen Braun, Frantic Riot Calls Deluged Command Post, L.A. Times, May 23, 1992 at A24. 5. Stephen Braun, Leslie Berger, Chaos & Frustration at Florence and Normandie, L.A. Times, May 15, 1992, at A28. 6. Rich Connell, Site of Denny Beating Wasn't Riot Flash Point, Gates Says, L.A. Times, May 13, 1992, at A 1. 7. Rich Connell and Ted Rohrlich, Webster To Head Probe of Police Response to Riot, L.A. Times, May 12, 1992 at A1 , A18. 8. Stephen Braun, Jim Newton, U.S. Army, Marine Troops Withdraw From Los Angeles, L.A. Times, May 10, 1992, A1, A33. 9. Rich Connell, Richard A. Serrano, Ted Rohrlich, Gates Defends Riot Planning of LAPD, Concedes Mistakes, L.A. Times, May 9, 1992, at a1 , a4. 10. Rich Connell and Richard Simon, Top LAPD Officer, Fire Chief Cite Flaws in Police Response, L.A. Times, May 8, 1992, at A1 . 11. Richard A. Serrano and Ted Rohrlich, Criticism Over Use of Force Inhibited Police, Gates Says, L.A. Times, May 7, 1992, at A 1. 12. Jane Fritsch, Police May Have Ignored Basic Riot Plan, N.Y. Times, May 7, 1992 (page unknown). 13. Walter Shapiro, Lessons of Loss, Time, May 18, 1992 at 38. 14. Tom Mathews, The Siege of LA, Newsweek, May 11 , 1992 pp. 30, 35 02013A \50900065. IJP5 June 26. 1992 . 6 . National Federal Officials Stale Officials Guard Federal Troops II ,, ,, I I' Shawn Hubler, Myrna Oliver & Larry Gordon, Genesis of a Riot, LA. Times, May 7, 1992, at A9. Minutes of Board of Fire Commissioners, City of Los Angeles, May 7, 1992. Gates Blames Top Brass for Slow Police Response, UPI, May 6, 1992 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. Frank Clifford, Louis Sahagun, No Shortage of Finger Pointing at City Hall, LA. Times, May 5, 1992, at B 1. Daniel M. Weintraub, National Guard Official Cites Series of Delays, LA. Times, May 5, 1992 at Al. LAPD Operations - Central Bureau, OCB's Major Incidents Relative to the Civil Unrest 4.1 (5/8/92) LAPD Operations - Central Bureau, OCB's Major Incidents Relative to the Civil Unrest 4.2 (5/8/92) LAPD Operations - Central Bureau, OCB's Major Incidents Relative to the Civil Unrest 4.3 (5/8/92) LAPD Operations - Central Bureau, OCB's Major Incidents Relative to the Civil Unrest 4.4 (5/8/92) LAPD Operations - Central Bureau, OCB's Major Incidents Relative to the Civil Unrest, 4.5 (5/8/92) 101 =MOFO ENTRY/POLICE DEPT. CHRONOLOGY 102=MOFO ENTRY/NEWSPAPER REPORT 103=MOFO ENTRY/CENTRAL BUREAU REPORT 104=MOFO ENTRY/SOUTH BUREAU REPORT 105=MOFO ENTRY/WEST BUREAU REPORT 106= MOFO ENTRY/UNIDENTIFIED SOURCE 02013.A\50900065. WPS ,,.nP ?A 1QQ? - 7 - Last Update: June 26, 1992 10:16am Dal.el Tme Incidents 05/01/92 Structure fire at 3rd and 00:00 Kenmore; 1 0 officers, 1 sergeant at scene (unconfirmed) (00:37) 60 05/01/92 01 :00 05/01/92 Structure fire at 1337 S. 01:15 Hill; 1 sergeant & 4 officers deployed as security for LAFD (01 : 15-01 :52) 56 Structure fire at 1337 S. Hill; 1 sergeant & 4 officers deployed as security for LAFD (01 :15-03:30) 56 05/01 /92 Newsstand on fire at 8th & 02:00 Broadway; deployment plan Central Area Detectives (02:00) 56 PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL, ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT LOS ANGELES RIOTS EVENT GRID BEGINNING MAY 1, 1992 Sheriff CHP LAPD Fire Dept. City Officials Other PO's Structure fire at 3rd and Kenmore; 1 O officers, 1 sergeant at scene ( unconfirmed) (00:37) 60 Mayor and Governor confer with President and other federal officials re deployment of federal troops (01 : 15-05:30) 102 Structure fire at 1337 S. Hill; Structure fire at 1337 S. 1 sergeant & 4 officers Hill; 1 sergeant & 4 deployed as security for officers deployed as LAFD security for LAFD (01 : 15-01 :52) 56 (01 : 15-01 :52) 56 Structure fire at 1337 S. Hill; Structure fire at 1337 S. 1 sergeant & 4 officers Hill; 1 sergeant & 4 deployed as security for officers deployed as LAFD security for LAFD (01 :15-03:30) 56 (01 : 15-03:30) 56 Newsstand on fire at 8th & Broadway ; deployment plan Central Area Detectives (02:00) 56 DRAFT National Federal Officials State Officials Guard Federal Troops Governor and Mayor confer with President and other federal officials re deployment of federal troops (01 : 15-05:30) Date/ Tme Incidents 05/01/92 Structure fire at 1950 S. 02:15 Main St.; 1 sergeant & 4 officers deployed as security of L.AFD (02:15) 56 Shots fired at officer at 6th and Westlake; 20 officers, 2 sergeants at scene ( unconfirmed) (2:28) 60 05/01/92 02:30 05/01/92 Structure fire, one dead 02:45 inside; 10 officers, 1 sergeant at scene (unconfirmed) (2:48) 60 05/01/92 ADW suspect at 832 03:00 Fedora, K-9 20 involved, request tor Rampan Unit, 1 arrest; 10 officers (confirmed), 3 sergeants (unconfirmed) at scene (03:10) 60 05/01/92 by 06:00 05/01/92 [Costa MesaJ Two molotov early cocktails thrown into State morning OMV office. $1 ,000 in damages estimated. 19 lJ.:'11 l IA\ '>lJYllUIJo l . 111-''> Ju111· lt~ , Jyt/ ,! Sheriff CHP National Federal Ofhc1als LAPD Fire Dept City Officials Other PO's State Officials Guard Federal Troops Structure fire at 1950 S. Structure fire at 1950 S. Main St.; 1 serge~nt & 4 Main St. ; 1 sergeant & 4 officers deployed as security officers deployed as ofl.AFD security of LAFD (02:15) 56 (02:15) 56 Shots fired at officer at 6th and Westlake; 20 officers, 2 sergeants at scene (unconfirmed) (2:28) 60 I Structure fire, one dead inside; 1 0 officers, 1 sergeant at scene (unconfirmed) (2:48) 60 ADW suspect at 832 Fedora, K-9 20 involved, request tor Rampart Unit, 1 arrest; 1 0 officers (confirmed), 3 sergeants (unconfirmed) at scene (03:10) 60 253 arrests made; Central Area detectives deployed I ! (by 06:00) 56 I I I I ! I I• I Date/ Time Incidents 05/01/92 Dead body in burned 07:00 location at 2882 W. 9th; 9 officers at scene ( unconfirmed) (07:06)60 05/01 /92 07:15 05/01 /92 7:30 05/01/92 09:30 05/01/92 10:00 05/01 /92 LAFD requesting back-up, 10:15 (lighting, causing loud noises) group at 2900 W. 9th; 6 officers at scene (unconfirmed) (10:20)60 LJ .:'ll 1 SA\ ',uYUIJtlt, ,:' . 111''> Jul I\. /fJ , ]l..}l}/ LAPD Dead body in burned location at 2882 W. 9th; 9 officers at scene (unconfirmed) (07:06)60 Three LAPD officers wounded by sniper in South Central. 18 LAFD requesting back-up, (lighting, causing loud noises) group at 2900 W. 9th; 6 officers at scene (unconfirmed) (10:20)60 Sheriff CHP NationaJ Federal Officaals Fire Dept. City Officials Other PO's State Officials Guard Federal Troops Officials announce 3000 4000 federal troops and 1000 federal officers being sent to LA (07:15) 1 02 I I I Mayor announces dusk to dawn curfew being expanded to city-wide (09:30) 102 Councilman Woo tours Nat'I Guard impacted areas of deployed from Hollywood (10:00) 105 L.A. High School to secure locations and prevent loot1n~ (10:00) 05 LAFD requesting back- up, (lighting, causing loud noises) group at 2900 W. 9th; 6 officers at scene (unco(firmew 10:20 60 Date/ Tune Incidents 05/01/92 10:30 05/01/92 Drug rip-off/murder at 12:00 Walnut & Naomi; LAPD officers & military reserve on joint patrol arrest suspects (12:00) 58 0/U I iA \ '>IJYllllllb.' . \.I P'> J11/1t / 0 , 14191 Sherilf CHP LAPD Fire Dept. City Officials Other PO's Drug rip-off/murder at Walnut & Naomi; LAPD officers & military reserve on joint patrol arrest suspects (12:00) 58 4 National F ederaJ Officials State Officials Guard Federal T mops Nat'I Guard deployed at various municipal buildings downtown (10:30) 103 Nat 'I Guard personnel deployed to high security areas: Hall of Justice, County Court House, Hall of Records, Power Plant on Hill St ., Criminal Courts Building, Federal Court Building, & City Hall (10:30) 56 Drug rip- off/murder at Walnut & Naomi; LAPD officers & military reserve on joint patrol arrest suspects (12:00) 58 Date/ Time Incidents 05/01/92 Rodney King gave Early statement over television afternoon and radio -- "We've got to quit, we've got to quit ... I could understand the first upset, for the first two hours after the verdict. But to go on, to keep going on like this . . . it's just not right." 18 05/01 /92 Afternoon 11.'IJl \A \ '>ll'I UtltJ(,.' \,/1'', l11lll .'<,, l'-1 1 / / Sheriff CHP LAPD Fire Dept. City Officials Other PO's Stale Officials National Federal Officials Guard Federal Troops 1300 U.S. Marines from Camp Pendleton trucked up Interstate 5 to staging area at the Tustin Marine Corp Helicopter Air Station. They are pan of a contingent of 5000 federal troops. President Busl1 put on alert. Reponed that Mannes will link up with 2500 soldiers be1r1u flown to l)as'e 11 1 El Toro. IY Date/ Time Incidents 05/01/92 1,000 Korean-Americans 13:00 and others attend peace rally at Wilshire & Westerfh (approx. 13:00) 1 2 05/01/92 Looting at Pico and Hoover; 14:00 8 officers at scene ( unconfirmed) (14:04) 60 Looting at Pico and Hoovir (14:06) O 05/01/92 Looters, 415 (fighting, 14:30 causing loud noises) man with gun. and arson suspects at Hoover and Pico; 14 officers at scene (unconfirmed) (14:33) 60 05/01/92 15:00 05/01/92 Officer needs assistance at 15:30 Alvarado and Pico, inc. 4245; 8 officers at scene (unconfirmed) (15:43) 60 0/0 1 ~A \ '>(1 1 1UUU6<' . IJI' ', .J1,r1, · / t,, 1'1'11 LAPO Looting at Pico and Hoover; 8 officers at scene ( unconfirmed) (14:04) 60 Looters, 415 (fighting, causing loud noises) man with gun, and arson suspects at Hoover and Pico; 14 officers at scene ( unconfirmed) (14:33) 60 Officer needs assistance at Alvarado and Pico, inc. 4245; 8 officers at scene (unconfirmed) {15:43) 60 Sheriff CHP National Federal Officials Fire Dept City Officials Other PO's State Officials Guard Federal Troops Pomona declares state of emergency and imposes curtew (approx. 14:00) 102 Nat'I Guard Officials deployed 1n announce Koreatown federal grand (14 :50) 105 jury convened and Justice Dept. likely to seek criminal indictments against 4 officers 14:30) l ~pprox Approx. 4,000 federal troops arrive in El Toro and Tustin 17:00) 102 (15:00 (i Date/ Tme Incidents 05/01/92 16:00 05/01/92 17:00 05/01/92 LAFD requesting back-up 17: 15 at 1252 Lake, inc. 4732; 6 officers at scene (unconfirmed) (17: 16) 60 05/01/92 Assault with deadly 17:30 weapon, ambulance shooting at 1463 W. 3rd, inc. 4989; 9 officers at scene (unconfirmed) (17:34) 60 05/01/92 A.A. shooting, back-up 17:45 requested at 3rd and Alexandria, inc. 491 O (17:47) 60 05/01/92 evening U,>1il \A \ '1U',/llilil6,' . Ill' '> Ji,lll " /CJ, 1Y9t L.APD MERV becomes operational at L.A. High School (16:10) 105 LAFD requesting back-up at 1252 Lake, inc. 4 732; 6 officers at scene ( unconfirmed) (17:16) 60 Assault with deadly weapon, ambulance shooting at 1463 W. 3rd, inc. 4989; 9 officers at scene (unconfirmed) (17:34) 60 A.A. shooting, back-up requested at 3rd and Alexandria, inc. 4910 (17:47) 60 Sheriff . I CHP National Federal Otticials Fire Dept. City Officials Other PO's State Officials Guard Federal Troops Mayor's office Nat'I Guard requesting Police Dept. begins move provide security at from Wayside various private business Honor Rancho to locations Hollywood Bowl (17:00-17:40) 104 (17:15) 105 LAFD requesting back- up at 1252 Lake, inc. 4 732; 6 officers at scene ( unconfirmed) (17:16) 60 Nat'I Guard personnel deployed in Central Area (17:30) 56 Convoys of federal troops had amved 011 outskirts of town. 18 7 D~e/ Tme lncidem. 05/01/92 18:00 05/01 /92 LAFD requests assistance 18:45 at 2121 W. Pico; 1 0 officers, 1 sergeant at scene ( unconfirmed) (18:59) 60 05/01/92 19:00 05/01/92 Loots at Pico and Alvarado; 19:15 1 0 officers. 1 sergeant at scene (unconfirmed) (19:20) 60 Arson at shopping center at Vermont and 11th; 10 officers. 1 sergeant at scene (unconfirmed) (19:29) 60 U.'IJ 1 S A \ ':>UYIJIIUt,,' . \Jf •':, Jun, · /(J , lYl/1..> LAPD 51 arrests in Central Area; 1 sergeant & 4 officers provide security for LAFD (18:00) L.AFD requests assistance at 2121 W. Pico; 10 officers, 1 sergeant at scene ( unconfirmed) (18:59) 60 Loots at Pico and Alvarado; 1 0 officers. 1 sergeant at scene ( unconfirmed) (19:20) 60 Arson at shopping center at Vermont and 11th; 1 0 officers, 1 sergeant at scene ( unconfirmed) (19:29) 60 Sheriff CHP NatiooaJ Federal Officials Fire Dept Cily Officials Other PO's St~e Officials Guard Federal Troops 51 arrests in Central President i Area; 1 sergeant & 4 announces I officers provide security 6,000 Nat'I for LAFD Guard to be put I I (18:00) under federal control 18:00) 1 ~pprox. LAFD requests assistance at 2121 W. Pico; 1 0 officers, 1 sergeant at scene ( unconfirmed) (18:59) 60 u Date/ Time lncidenls 05/01/92 Looters in shopping center 19:45 at 8th and Normandie; 1 o officers, 1 sergeant at scene (unconfirmed) (19:45) 60 415 (fighting, causing loud noises) man with gun, shots fired at 620 Belmont; 1 0 officers, 1 sergeant at scene (unconfirmed) (19:54) 60 05/01 /92 Looters at Pico and 20:00 Catalina; 1 0 officers. 1 sergeant at scene ( unconfirmed) (20:08) 60 Looters at 6th and Kenmore; 1 O officers, 1 sergeant at scene ( unconfirmed) (20:10) 60 05/01/92 Burglary at liquor store at 20:45 Alexandria and Melrose; 1 O officers, 1 sergeant at scene (unconfirmed) (20:53) 60 LI/Ill SA \')IJ',/litlllbl . IJP'> J,uw .'(, , \lli.ii Sheriff CHP NationaJ Federal Otticia!s L.APD Fire Dept. City Officials Other PO's State Officials Guard Federal Troops Looters in shopping center at 8th and Normandie; 1 o officers. 1 sergeant at scene (unconfirmed) (19:45) 60 415 (fighting, causing loud noises) man with gun, shots fired at 620 Belmont; 1 0 officers, 1 sergeant at scene ( unconfirmed) (19:54) 60 Looters at Pico and Catalina; 1 0 officers. 1 sergeant at scene 1 1 (unconfirmed) (20:08) 60 Looters at 6th and Kenmore; 1 0 officers, 1 sergeant at scene (unconfirmed) (20:10) 60 Burglary at liquor store at Alexandria and Melrose; 1 0 officers. 1 sergeant at scene ( unconfirmed) (20:53) 60 Date/ Time lnciderd.s 05/01/92 Possible arson at 2890 21 :00 Francis; 1 O officers, 1 sergeant at scene ( unconfirmed) (21 :02) 60 20 looters at gun store at 7th and Magnolia; 20 officers, 2 sergeants, 1 air unit at scene (unconfirmei (21 :13) 05/01/92 Arson suspect setting fire 21 :15 to building and furniture at 1006 N. Mariposa; 10 officers, 1 sergeant at scene (unconfirmed) (21 :28) 60 05/01/92 21 :30 05/01 /92 Possible burglary suspects 2 1:45 at Coronado and Kent; 10 otf1cers, 1 sergeant at scene (u 11conf1nned) (2 1 :58) 60 11.' ti I \A \ '>ll'hlllllc,l . 111 ''> h1f11 · .'t, , J<J'I.' Shenff CHP NatiooaJ Federal Otticaals L.APO Fire Dept. City Officials Other PO's Stale Officials Guard Federal Troops Possible arson at 2890 Francis; 10 officers, 1 sergeant at scene ( unconfirmed) (21 :02) 60 I Cellular phones arrive Fire Dept. reports they (21 :10) 105 are only handling I structure fires; no vehicle fires (21 :10) 105 I 20 looters at gun store at 7th and Magnolia; 20 officers, 2 sergeants, 1 air I unit at scene (unconfirmedJ (21 : 13) O Arson suspect setting fire to I building and furniture at 1006 N. Mariposa; 10 I i officers, 1 sergeant at scene I (unconfirmed) (21 :28) 60 Nat'I Guard arrives at V .A. facility in West L.A. ; Commanding Officer briefs Guard Command Staff II (2 1;57) 105 Possible burglary suspects at Coronado and Kent, 10 ott1cers, 1 sergeant at scene ( unco 11!11111ed) (2 1 58) 60 Il l Date/ Time Incidents 05/-01/92 8 to 1 O males, possibly 22:15 armed, at 425 S. Alexandria; 20 officers, 2 sergeants at scene ( unconfirmed) (22:15) 60 100 to 200 gathering at 1670 Wilshire; 20 officers, 2 sergeants at scene ( unconfirmed) (22:28) 60 05/01/92 Officer needs assistance at 22:30 Sunset and Echo Park; 20 officers. 2 sergeants at scene (unconfirmed) (22:38) 60 05/01/92 415 (fighting, causing loud 22:45 noises) group with guns on roof of building at 1330 S. Union; 20 officers, 2 sergeants at scene (unconfirmed) (22:45) 60 05/01 /92 Arson suspects possibly 23:00 armed with rifles at Hoover and 18th Street; 20 officers, 2 sergeants, 1 air unit at scene (unconfirmed) (23:12) 60 Burglary at liquor store at Sunset and Descanso; 1 O officers, 1 sergeant at scene (unconfirmed) (23:14 or 23:24) 60 (JIU 1 3A \ '>U9UUUb2. WP '> J,ui, · !.t, , 199,' Sheriff CHP National Federal Officials LAPD Fire Depc. Cily Officials Other PO's State Officials Guard Federal T mops 8 to 1 o males, possibly armed, at 425 S. Alexandria; 20 officers, 2 sergeants at scene (unconfirmed) (22:15) 60 100 to 200 gathering at 1670 Wilshire; 20 officers, 2 sergeants at scene (unconfirmed) (22:28) 60 Officer needs assistance at Sunset and Echo Park; 20 officers, 2 sergeants at scene (unconfirmed) (22:38) 60 415 (fighting, causing loud noises) group with guns on roof of building at 1330 S. Union; 20 officers, 2 sergeants at scene ( unconfirmed) (22:45) 60 Arson suspects possibly armed with rifles at Hoover and 18th Street; 20 officers, 2 sergeants, 1 air unit at scene (unconfirmed) (23:12) 60 Burglary at liquor store at Sunset and Descanso; 1 o officers, 1 sergeant at scene (unconfirmed) (23:14 or 23:24) 60 1 1 Oat.el Tme Incidents 05/01/92 23:30 415 (fighting, causing loud noises) group with rifles on roof at 135 S. Reno; 10 otticers, 1 sergeant at scene ( unconfirmed) (23:31) 60 05/01 /92 One Lt., one Capt. National 23:45 Guard requesting assistance at Wilshire and New Hampshire; 20 otticers, 2 sergeants at scene (unconfirmed) (23:51) 60 05/01/92 by 24:00 n;,o 1 .SA\·, UYIJIJtl6.:' . Ill''> J, H 1c· .!6 1 l YY/ LAPD 415 (fighting, causing loud noises) group with rifles on roof at 135 S. Reno; 1 o officers, 1 sergeant at scene ( unconfirmed) (23:31) 60 One Lt., one Capt. National Guard requesting assistance at Wilshire and New Hampshire; 20 officers, 2 sergeants at scene ( unconfirmed) (23:51) 60 729 arrestees processed at Field Jail at Parker Center from 04/30/92 through 05/01/92; 321 items of property booked; 4 felony arrests made for assaults on emergency personnel & 1 felony arson arrest (by 24:00) 56 Sheriff CHP National Federal Ofhcaals Fire Dept. City Officials Other PO's Stat.e Officials Guard Federal Troops Nat'I Guard deployed to secure Westwood Village (23:30) 105 I I I One Lt ., one Capt. National Guard requesting assistance at Wilshire and New Hampshire; 20 otticers, 2 sergeants at scene ( unconfirmed) (23:51) 60 I I I I 1:.! Date/ Tme lnciderfs 05/01/92 Vandals set fire to regional time Dept. of Motor Vehicles in uncertain Long Beach, one of 218 fires in Long Beach on Friday. 18 05/01/92 time uncertain 05/01/92 time uncertain 05/01/92 time uncertain 05/01/92 time uncertain 05/01/92 LAFD 1 epor1s total of 2,626 tune 111c1de11ts uncer1a111 52 U,'U 15A \ '>U90UU62. llf-' ':i JlHh · l o , tYY..! LAPD Fire Dept. Vandals set fire to regional Dept. of Motor Vehicles in Long Beach, one of 218 fires in Long Beach on Friday. 18 340 people arrested in Long Beach on Friday; 3000 people arrested by LAPD - mostly for looting; 1800 LAPD officers on duty. 18 Sheriff CHP National Federal Ofticlals City Officials Other PO's Stale Officials Guard Federal Troops 700 CHP officers on duty 18 I 2800 National Guardsmen on duty. 18 U.S. Anorney General W1ll1dm Barr announces that a federal grand Jury will look into King's beating to see 11 federal civil rights charges will be filed against the four acquitted police officers. 20 I Federal troops ! requested 54 j 1] D,,.e/ Time I~ 05/01/92 U.S. Border Patrol has sent 300 officers lo Tustin and El Toro. 05/01/92 time uncertain 05/01/92 time uncertain 05/02/92 LAFO reports total of 612 by 06:00 incidents 05/02/92 11 :30 05/02/92 16:00 Ultl 1 5A \'.,I J91JU0c,/ . IIP'i JllllL' .'(,, lY'-Jt 19 52 l.APD Fire Dept. City Officials Mayor announced city- wide curfew in effect indefinitely (11)30) 102 14 Sheliff CHP National Federal Ofhciats Other PO's State Officials Guard Federal Troops Orange County police agencies have sent 253 police officers and 53 vehicles I to Los Angeles I (by 5/1/92) 19 I• Only one person booked in Orange County in relation to rioting as of Friday. 19 Marine Corps arrive 1n Compton (16:00) 1 02 Date/ Time lflCidEns 05/02/92 17:00 05/02/92 18:30 05/02/92 21 :00 05/02/92 23:30 05/02/92 Deputy David Pelitz of time Emergency Operations uncertain reports that death toll stands at 44, 1984 people in1ured, 198 of those injuries considered critical. and more than 6781 people have been arrested so far. 2 1 U.'ll 1 ~A \ '-.U•1t11111t,.'. IJI''> l 1J1w / (,, PIVt L.APD Fire Dept. Deputy David Pelitz of Emergency Operations reports that death toll stands at 44. 1984 people injured, 198 of those injuries considered critical. and more than 6781 people have been arrested so far. 21 Sheriff CHP National Federal Officials I Cily Officials Other PO's Slate Officials Guard Federal Troops I Mayor announces President Uberrolh to serve as declares LA a czar for Rebuild L.A. disaster area Effort and announces ~nor to President's decision re 17:15) 10 L.A. disaster area (17:15) 102 Mayor signs order prohibiting landlords from imposing late fees on tenants who couldn't withdraw rent money from damaged banks (18:40) 102 Nat'I Guard arrive at Hollywood Bofcl (21 :00) 05 Nat'I Guard deployed at Santa Monica & Western and Hollywood Blvd. (23:45) 105 1 :, Date/ Tme Incidents 05/02/92 450 police snuffed out time downtown rally by about 50 uncertain mostly white college students to protest verdict. All were handcuffed and hauled away in police wagon. One protester stated "They beat us, we were not doing anything. We were walking down the street, on the sidewalk.• 21 05/02/92 time uncertain 05/02/92 Los Angeles City Officials time estimate property damages uncertain to be $550 million so far. 21 05/02/92 Fire Dept. Inspector David time Plucinski reports that fire uncertain lighters have responded to more than 2000 fires and that three fire fighters have been shot so far. 21 020 1 JA \ '>090006<' . \JPS June /6. 199<' LAPD 450 police snuffed out downtown rally by about 50 mostly white coHege students to protest verdict. All were handcuffed and hauled away in police wagon. One protester stated "They beat us, we were not doing anything. We were walking down the street, on the sidewalk." 21 Sheriff CHP NationaJ Federal Officials Fire Dept. City Officials Other PO's State Officials Guard Federal Troops Governor Wilson Governor announced that Wilson President Bush announced that signed a second President Busti declaration Saturday signed a to speed disaster second relief to victims of declaration the riots. Saturday to 21 speed disaster relief to victims of the riots. 21 Los Angeles City Officials estimate property damages to be $550 million so far. 21 Fire Dept. Inspector David Plucinski reports that fire fighters have responded to more than 2000 fires and that three fire fighters have been shot so far. 21 l n Dale/ Tme Incidents 05/02/92 Television programming back to normal, power lines repaired, limited bus service restored. 05/04/92 by 17:00 05/04/92 08:00 05/06/92 time uncertain 020 13A \ 5090006 2 . 1./f'':> June 26, 1992 18 LAPO Fire Dept. City Officials Deployment approx. 2,500 each shift; approx. 1,800 deployed at any one time: 5,000 (by 17:00) 55 Chief Gates speaking to Board of Commissioners reporters blames top brass sends lener to Mayor re of LAPD for slow police non-deployment of response & announces LAPD during first crucial internal investigation 53 hours compromising LAFD's ability to respond 52 - 17 Sheriff CHP Naliooal Federal Officials Other PO's Stale Officials Guard Federal Troops Deployment Deployment: Deployment: at approx. 45 to 90 9,000; approx. staging areas CHP officers at 7,000 deployed awaiting any one time: on street; 2,000 redeployment rt 280; 1,000 support staff necessary: sheriffs (by 17:00) 55 4,325 (by 17:00) 55 (by 17:00) 55 White House announces federal government will make $600 million in federal funds available to help rebuild L.A.: also will send assessment team to L.A. (08:00) 102 Shedf Date/ CHP Tme Incidents LAPD Fire Dept Cily Officials Other PO's 05/07/92 LAFD assigns Battalion by a.m. Chief Tim Manning as historian of incident; debriefing team assembled to work with department 52 05/07/92 LAPD discontinues potice 08:00 escorts of LAFD (law enforce escorts had been provided almost totally by CHP) (08:00)52 2. Ted Koppel, ABC Nightline: Moment of Crisis: Anatomy of a Riot 3. Jaxon Van Derbeken, "LAPD Brass Knew of Early Riot Violence·, L.A. Daily News, May 23, 1992, at first and back page. 4. Stephen Braun, Frantic Riot Calls Deluged Command Post, L.A. Times. May 23. 1992 at A24. 5. Stephen Braun, Leslie Berger, Chaos & Frustration at Florence and Normandie, L.A. Times, May 15, 1992, at A28. 6. Rich Connell, Site of Denny Beating Wasn't Riot Flash Point. Gates Says, L.A. Times, May 13, 1992, at A 1. 7. Rich Connell and Ted Rohrlich, Webster To Head Probe of Police Response to Riot, L.A. Times, May 12, 1992 at A1 , A18. 8. Stephen Braun, Jim Newton, U.S. Army, Marine Troops Withdraw From Los Angeles, L.A. Times, May 10, 1992, at A1 , A33. 9. Rich Connell, Richard A. Serrano, Ted Rohrlich, Gates Defends Riot Planning of LAPD, Concedes Mistakes, L.A. Times, May 9, 1992, at A 1, A4. 10. Rich Connell and Richard Simon, Top LAPD Officer. Fire Chief Cite Flaws in Police Response, L.A. Times, May 8, 1992, at A1 . 11 . Richard A. Serrano and Ted Rohrlich, Criticism Over Use of Force Inhibited Police. Gates Says, L.A. Times, May 7, 1992, at Al . 12. Jane Fritsch, Police May Have Ignored Basic Riot Plan, N.Y. Times, May 7, 1992 (page unknown). 13. Walter Shapiro, Lessons of Loss, Time, May 18, 1992 at 38. 020 13A \ ~0900062 . IIP~ Jurte 26, 1992 1B National Federal Officials State Officials Guard Federal Troops 14. Tom Mathews. The Siege of LA, Newsweek, May 11, 1992 at pp. 30, 35 18. Jim Mulvaney, Verdict Aftermath, Newsweek, May 3, 1992, at p. 5. 19. Dan Weikel, Events Cancelled In Wake of Sporadic O.C. Incidents, Los Angeles Times, May 2, 1992 at A 1. 20. April Lynch, Teresa L. Moore, Susan Sward, Bush Send 4.500 Troop to LA: He Pledges "Fair" Probe Into King Case as Tensions Ease, San Francisco Chronicle, May 2, 1992, p. A 1. 21 . Russell Snyder, Uneasy Calm Settles in Over LA: Riot Death Toll Reaches 44, UPI, May 2, 1992. 51 . Shawn Hubler, Myrna Oliver & Larry Gordon, Genesis of a Riot, L.A. Times, May 7, 1992, at A9. 52. Minutes of Board of Fire Commissioners, City of Los Angeles, May 7, 1992. 53. Gates Blames Top Brass for Slow Police Response, UPI, May 6, 1992 54. Frank Clifford, Louis Sahagun, No Shortage of Finger Pointing at City Hall, LA. Times, May 5,1992, at B1. 55. Daniel M. Weintraub, National Guard Official Cites Series of Delays, L.A. Times, May 5, 1992 at Al. 56. LAPD Operations - Central Bureau, OCB's Major Incidents Relative to the Civil Unrest 4.1 (5/8/92) 57. LAPD Operations - Central Bureau, OCB's Major Incidents Relative to the Civil Unrest 4.2 (5/8/92) 58. LAPD Operations - Central Bureau, OCB's Major Incidents Relative to the Civil Unrest 4.3 (5/8/92) 59. LAPD Operations - Central Bureau, OCB's Major Incidents Relative to the Civil Unrest 4.4 (5/8/92) 60. LAPD Operations - Central Bureau, OCB's Major Incidents Relative to the Civil Unrest, 4.5 (5/8/92) 101 = MOFO ENTRY/POLICE DEPT. CHRONOLOGY 102= MOFO ENTRY/NEWSPAPER REPORT 103= MOFO ENTRY/CENTRAL BUREAU REPORT 104= MOFO ENTRY/SOUTH BUREAU REPORT 105= MOFO ENTRY/WEST BUREAU REPORT 106= MOFO ENTRY/UNIDENTIFIED SOURCE 02013A \ '>0900062. IJP':, June 2b . 1992 19 Last Update: June 26, 1992 9:56am Dal.el Tme lnddere 04/29/92 King verdict announced 15:00 (15:10) 101 King verdict read (15:11) 52 04/29/92 King verdict announced 15:15 over live television (15:15) 51 Outraged gang members begin to gather at abandoned house at the corner of Florence and Normandie (15:15) 51 PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL. ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT LOS ANGELES RIOTS EVENT GRID FROM 04/29/9'2, 15:00 TO 04/29192 24:00 Shenff CHP LAPO Fire Dept. c~ Officials Other PO's Northeast Day Watch personnel relieved 58 Jail Division Watch Commander calls for 1 sergeant & 2 units to reinforce Parker Center security due to press over- running lobby for 17:00 press conference planned by Chief Gates; Lt. Fox calls Metropolitan Division to request security for press conference; Central Area Day Watch personnel released, p.m. watch & mid- day watch officers deployed at Parker Center - 40 officers, 7 sergeants (15:27) 56 DRAFT National Federal Officials Sta1.e Officials Guard Federal Troops Dale/ Tme lncider1s 04/29/92 Over 300 protestors 15:30 assemble outside Simi Valley Courthouse (15:30-15:45) 102 Objects first thrown at vehicles in South Bureau (15:40) 101 04/29/92 15:45 04/29/92 16:00 04/29/92 First looting occurs at 16:15 Florence & Normandie (16:17) 101 0£'0 13A \5090005J . W PS June 26, 1992 Sheriff CHP National Federal Officials LAPD Fire Dept. City Officials Other PO's Stale Officials Guard Federal T mops South Bureau ("OS8°) day watch extended (15:30) 101 Hollywood Police Station receives threatening call •Gonna Kill Cops, Watch Out• •Gonna get Chief Gates, Gonna kill Chief Gates.• (15:30) 4 Southwest Division officer reports ten phone threats (15:35) 4 Chief of Police activates Emergency Operations Center (15:55) 101 Chief's office requests activation of Emergency Control Center "with minimum staffing through the night." (16:00) 3 Dae/ Tme Incidents 04/29/92 Six black men smashing 16:30 car windows with baseball bats. Crowd of 150 at Florence & 71 st (16:30) 5 04/29/92 16:45 04/29/92 Crowd of 100 gathered; 17:00 New York Times photographer attacked at Florence & Normandie (approx. 17:00) 12 04/29/92 17:15 02U 13A \5090005J. IIP~ J1111.- tr,, 1992 Sheriff CHP Naiooal Federal Officials LAPD Fire Depl Cay Officials Other PO's Stale Officials Guard Federal T mops Officers Owen and Zaby hear first •415• (fighting, or causing loud noises) disturbance call, six black men smashing car windows with baseball bats. See crowd of 150 at Florence & 71st. Officers Owen and Zaby take injured Latino family to hospital (16:30) 5 Chief Gates transfers direct command to Deputy Chief Manhew V. Hunt (16:30) 7 30 officers responding to Mayor Bradley holds reports of crowd of 100 news cont erence gathered at Florence & (17:00) 101 Normandie; officers attempt Mayor appears on to make arrests television expressing (approx. 17:00) 12 shock at verdict and urging city to remain calm (17:10)51 LAPD receives first complaint of trouble at Florence & Normandie; officers respond (17:25) 51 Date/ Tme Incidents 04/29/92 20 people throwing rocks at 17:30 cars at MLK & Coliseum, large group gathering at Slauson & Western; gang looting at Manchester & Normandie (17:30) 6 Crowd at Florence & Normandie (approx. 17:30) 13 04/29/92 17:35 02013A \'.>09000'i J . \I P':> June 26. 1992 Sheriff CHP National Federal Officials l.APD Fire Depl c~ Officials Other PO's State Officiais Guard FederaA Troops Police radio broadcast that 20 people throwing rocks at cars at MLK & Coliseum, large group gathering at Slauson & Western; gang looting at Manchester & Normandie (17:30) 6 About 25 police officers attempting to restrain angry crowd at Florence & Normandie are ordered to retreat by Lt. Mike Moulin (shortly after 17:30) 13 LAPD Dispatcher asks if any units are in vicinity of Florence & Normandie, adding report that motorist is being attacked; LAPD unit responds it is in the area (17:32) 51 LAPD confronts crowd at Florence & Normandie; officer orders LAPD to withdraw (17:35) 51 4 Dal.el Tme 04/29/92 17:40 020 H A\ '>090005 J . IJP5 J""" lo, 1992 lncidens l.APO Lt. Moulin tells officers at Florence & Normandie ·1 want everybody out of here, Florence and Normandie, everybody get out! Now.· (17:43) 5 LAPD Lt. Mike Moulin, a 77th Street Division Field Commander, orders LAPD withdrawal from Florence & Normandie & orders dispatchers not to send units to Florence & Normandie (approx. 17:43) 51 Sheriff CHP Nal.ional Federal Officials Fire Dept. City Officials Other PO's Sta1.e Officials Guard Federal Troops f, II I 5 Date/ Tme locidEns 04/29/92 Rioters rush intersection at 17:45 Florence & Normandie attacking cars & motorists with crowbars, bottles & rocks (approx. 17:45) 51 Vehicles being rocked and bottled at Florence & Normandie (17:45) 3 04/29/92 Crowd gathering at La Brea 17:45- & Coliseum 18:00 (approx. 17:43-18:00) 6 02013 A \509000':,J . IJP 5 Jullt: /6 , 1Y92 Sherif CHP National Federal Officials LAPD Fire Dept. Cjy Officials Other PO's State Officials Guard Federal T mops Officers make last attempt to quell mobbed intersection of Florence & Normandie (approx. 17:45) 8 l.APD leaves Florence & Normandie (17:45) 101 Commanding Officer of OSB (°CO-OSB 0 ) attends church rally (17:45) 101 Command Post set up on San Pedro (Parker Centeq (17:45) 03 Two l.APD units move through intersection of Florence & Normandie with sirens on, but do not stop (approx. 17:45) 51 Commander George Morrison enters first report of •major 415 (fighting, or causing loud noises) disturbance• at Florence & Normandie (17:45) 3 Front & back of Parker Center secured; Command Post set up behind Parker Center on San Pedro Street manned by 1 lieutenant & 1 sergeant; skirmish line set up in front of Parker Center (17:45) 56 Crowd gathering at La Brea & Coliseum; possible gang activity (approx. 17:45-18:00) 6 6 - Date/ Tme lf'ICidemi 04/29/92 17:50 04/29/92 Rescue ambulance 66 17:55 reports to OCD that rocks and bottles are being thrown at civilians and there are three victims at Florence and LaSalle. (17:57) 52 Rocks & bottles thrown at intersection of Florence & Normandie (17:59) 51 04/29/92 Gang fighting in South 18:00 Bureau at La Brea & Coliseum (18:00) 101 500 rioters at Florence & Normandie (18:01) 101 Over 2,000 people attend peaceful rally at First AME Church (18:00-20:00) 102 Looting and rioting begin in earnest ( 18:00-20:00) 102 Rioters artack Tom's Liquor Store at the corner of Florence & Normandie (18:03) 51 0 2013A \ '.,Q',)000'.> J . \.IP'.> J11flc .!6, 199/ Sheriff CHP National Federal Officiats LAPD Fire Dept. City Officials Other PO's State Officials Guard Federal Troops Injuries reported over LAPD radio (17:54)51 LAPD radio broadcasts Rescue ambulance 66 order officers not to respoid reports to OCD that (17:59) 1 rocks and bottles are being thrown at civilians LAPD operators report a and there are three "415 (fighting or causing victims at Florence and loud noises) group call· at LaSalle. Florence & Normandie; field (17:57) 52 supervisor orders LAPD to disregard any "415 group call" & not to send any units unless Lt. Moulin specifies otherwise (17:59) 51 77th Street officers retreat to command post at 54th & Arlington, wait approx. two hours for further instructions (18:00-20:00) 5 Lt. Moulin returns to 77th Street station; supervisor Capt. Paul Jefferson orders Moulin & his troops back into the disturbance (approx. 18:00) 51 7 Dae/ Tme lncidens 04/29/92 First assault against fire 18:05 department reported; engine 46 hit with brick at 71 st Street and Normandig 2 (18:07) Police dispatcher reports 50 males pelting cars with female inside with rocks, Florence & Normandie; ambulance shooting, Gage & Normandie; Lt. Moulin repeats orders to stay out but instructs officers to rescue woman in car (18:07-18: 10) 5 04/29/92 18:10 IJ<'IJ1 SA\ '>09000'.>J . \.IP'> Jun,· .!6, 19',1,! Shenff CHP National Federal Officials lAPD Fire Dept. City Officials Other PO's Stale Officials Guard Federal Troops LAPD dispatchers report First assault against fire continuing violence near department reported; Florence & Normandie: Engine 46 hit with brick attacks on a trapped female at 71st Street and motorist & an ambulance Normandie. shooting (18:07) 51 (18:07) 52 Lt. Moulin orders 77th units not to respond (18:07) 51 Police dispatcher reports 50 males pelting cars with female inside with rocks, Florence & Normandie; ambulance shooting, Gage & Normandie; Lt. Moulin repeats orders to stay out but instructs officers to rescue woman in car (18:07-18:10) 5 Lt. Moulin orders call re Mayor Bradley appears female motorist being on television and attached by 50 individuals expresses shock at upgraded to Code 3 verdict. (emergency) call (18: 10) 51 (18: 10) 52 Lt. Moulin's officers rescue the unconscious woman but are pelted by crowd; officers call for help at 71 st & Normandie (18:14) 51 ll Dal.el Tme 04/29/92 18:15 020 15A \':i09000'.J J . \.JI''> J , 111,· /6, 199 ;.> ·~ LAPO Lt. Moulin's officers make it through barrage; Lt. Moulin orders officers out of area again & orders officers to meet at the police command post at the RTO bus statiog (18:15) 1 LAPD Field Supervisor suggests that Lt. Moulin or Capt. Jefferson call a tactical alert to eliminate non-emergency 'radio traffic; Lt. Moulin responds that decision will be made momentarily; Lt. Moulin states will regroup with officers at 54th & Arlington (18:18) 51 All South Bureau units ordered to meet at 54th and Van Ness Command Post (18:18) 101 Dispatcher radios possible assault victim missing in area of 71st & Normandie; Lt. Moulin radios to take information but not respond & that his units are to meet at 54th & Arlington (18:19) 51 Sheriff F-on.-ll CHP National Fire Dept. City Officials Other PO's Stal.e Officials Guard Federal Troops 1 Dal.el Tme lncidens 04/29/92 Three persons with head 18:20 wounds at 77th & Holmdale, vandalism at 84th & Vermont, possible burglary & gang fighting at 85th Street (18:20-18:27) 51 04/29/92 LAPD helicopter reports 18:25 looting at Manchester & Vermont, looting at 85th & Vermont, & a shooting in progress at the swap meet at 47th & Broadway with numerous people down (18:29) 51 04/29/92 approx. 18:30 0,'0 1 S A\5090005 J . I.IP':> June 2o, 199,' Sherif CHP National Federal Officials LAPD Fire Dept Cily Officials Other PO's Stale Officials Guard Federal T mops LAPD Dispatchers radio three persons with head wounds at 77th & Holmdale, vandalism at 84th & Vermont, possible burglary & gang fighting at 85th Street (18:20-18:27) 51 LAPD declares tactical alei. (18:20) 2 LAPD Field Supervisor radios units are to disregard calls & meet at 54th & Arlington; Dispatcher asks if should have all outside units respond to incoming calls & have all other units meet at command post; Field supervisor tells Dispatcher to disregard & that they will •get this thing together in a few- (18:20-18:27) 51 Gates designates Deputy Chief Ron F rankle as ·Department Commander.· (18:25) 3 LAPD helicopter reports looting at Manchester & Vermont, looting at 85th & Vermont, & a shooting in progress at the swap meet at 47th & Broadway with numerous people down (18:29) 51 Chief Gates at fundraiser in Brentwood 14 . t u D~e/ Tme lnciderW.s 04/29/92 Several hundred protesters 18:30 gather at Parker Center (approx. 18:30) 102 04/29/92 18:35 020 13A \ 509UOU'> J . IJJ ' '> June l b, 199l Sheriff CHP N~iooal Federal Officials LAPO Fire Dept. Cily Officials Other PO's Stale Officials Guard Federal Troops Chief leaves office to attend fundraiser in Brentwood (approx. 18:30) 13 Standing Plans activated (18:30) 101 Police Chief Daryl Gates leaves Parker Center for political fundraiser in Brentwood for opponents of Proposition F, responding to reporter that officers will handle any incident at Florence & Normandie in a mature & calm fashion; Police Commission President Stanley Sheinbaum arrives at Parker Center & asks Police Chief Gates where he is going but the Chief doesn't respond (approx. 18:30) 51 I.APO activates city's Emergency Operations Center (18:30) 52 Metropolitan Division requested at 77th Division for major 415 (fighting or causing loud noises) at Normandie & Vermont (18:30) 3 I.APO helicopter asks Dispatcher if any unit has responded~rtsc~lre looting at 85th & Vermont ; Dispatcher replies no unit is responding per Lt . Moulin (18:35) 51 - 11 Dal.e/ Tme lnciderts 04/29/92 Driver is dragged from 18:40 delivery truck & beaten (18:43) 51 04/29/92 Denny beating at Florence 18:45 & Normandie (18:45) 102 Reginald Denny pulled out of truck and beaten at Florence & Normandie; smashing windows at 84th & Vermont, gang looting and fighting at 85th & Vermont (18:45) 6 Rioters attack, beat, and rob truck driver Reginald Denny at Florence & Normandie (18:46) 51 U?U l ~A\ ',U'IUUtl'> .J . Wf-''> J,uu: cc,. l'IYt Sheriff CHP National Federal Officiaas LAPO Fire Dept. City Officials Other PO's State Officials Guard Federal Troops First Tactical Alert broadcast - limited areas (18:43) 101 Police radios report smashing windows at 84th & Vermont, gang looting and fighting at 85th & Vermont, and 88th and Normandie (18:45) 6 1:! Date/ Tme Incidents 04/29/92 18:50 04/29/92 Demonstrations begin at 18:55 Parker Center (18:55) 52 04/29/92 Entry to City Hall East by 19:00 impossible & windows on bottom floor being broken out 52 11.'IJ l 1A \'>Ll9(JIJU'> J . llf' '> JtH)l" /(,, 1'}'-i l LAPD Dispatchers issue flurry of reports re assaults & murders being committed at Florence & Vermont: calls are met with silence & finally a Dispatcher replies that no 77th units are available to respond (18:50) 51 Bradley aide contacts Deputy Chief Hunt re beating on T.V. & lack of LAPD response; Hunt reaches 77th Division Capt. Paul Jefferson & demands ·what the hell is going on out there?• (18:50) 51 LAPD broadcasts citywide tactical alert (18:55)51 Tactical Alert broadcast - entire city affected (18:55) 101 Tactical Alert issued (18:55) 3 Citywide Tactical Alert issued (18:55) 9 All Northeast PM & Mid-PM units ordered to Northeast Station to verify Unusual Occurrence status & equipment : 3 sergeants & 24 ot11cers d 1v1ded into 3 squa1 ls 58 Sheriff I CHP National Federal Officials Fire Dept City Officials Other PO's State Officials Guard Federal Troops I I Mayor Bradley's press secretary tracks down Mayor at the First AME Church after viewing savage beating at Florence & Normandie on live T.V. & informs Mayor Bradley aid that there was no LAPD response; aide contacts Deputy Chief Matthew Hunt (18:50) 51 Department dispatches Battalion 3 to LAPD Command Post at 54th & Arlington (18:55) 52 Dae/ Tme lnciderws 04/29/92 Help call issues from Parker 19:00 Center; Front of Center stormed by protestors smashing lobby windows; guard shack in parking lot burned; officers dispatched in units of 3 and arrest 138 when protestors scattered to City Hall & New Otani Hotel; Mid-Day Watch held over, A.M. Watch, Central Traffic Division, & Metropolitan called to assist; 100 officers deployed (19:00) 56 Parker Center stormed and vandalized (19:00) 103 Assault in progress at Chevron gas station, any 77th unit to handle (19:02) 51 O?Ll l SA \ Stl9UO U'.> J . \JPS J,.,,_ . .!o , lv9/ Sheriff CHP National Federal Officials lAPD Fire Dept. Cily Officials Other PO's State Officials Guard Federal Troops Help call issues from Parker Center; Front of Center stormed by protestors smashing lobby windows; guard shack in parking lot burned; officers dispatched in units of 3 and arrest 138 when protesto,s scattered to City Hall & New Otani Hotel; Mid-Day Watch held over, AM. Watch, Central Trattic Division, & Metropolitan called to assist; 100 officers deployed (19:00) 56 LAPD Dispatcher broadcasts assault in progress at Chevron gas station, any 77th unit to handle (19:02) 51 14 Date/ Tme lncidens 04/29/92 19:05 04/29/92 Rioters heading toward mall 19:10 at Vermont & Martin Luther King Blvd.; assaults with bricks on passing motorists & pedestrians between 81 st & 83rd on Western; race riot at Brooks & 5th; 415 group throwing rocks & bottles at Martin Luther King Blvd. & Palmdale; shooting at 56th & Normandie; armed motorist leaning out car window with firearm at 54th St. & 2nd Ave. (19:10-1915) 51 020 1 3A \ '.>0',1000'> J . Ill' '> J1111<· .>t,, 1 YY <' Sheriff CHP National Federal Officiaas lAPD Fire Dept. Cily Officials Other PO's State Officials Guard Federal Troops Unidentified voice broadcasts suggestion that outside units be advised ot more problems in the 77th Division; unidentified voice responds that outside units are aware ot the problems (19:06) 51 LAPD Field Supervisors announce they are assembling their officers into special squads to handle all radio calls & emergency calls & advise not to send outside units by themselves to any call; unidentified officer asks when squads will be able to start handling these calls but gets no response (19:08) 51 LAPD Dispatchers in the 77th St. Division call repeatedly for help re same incidents, but bulletins are met with silence (19:10-19:15) 51 Dale/ Tme Incidents 04/29/92 Battalion 13 of Fire 19:15 Department is attacked at Normandie & Florence; windshield is broken out of car on passenger side & attacker strikes roof with ax (19:15) 52 Rocks & bottles are thrown at LAPD & Fire Dept. at 1356 W. 56th St. (approx. 19:18) 52 Burning trash & smoke bombs reported at Florence & Normandie by a Channel 9 helicopter; no police in sight (19: 18-19:26) 51 04/29/92 19:20 U?U 1 ~A \'>090 UO'> J . IJP'> JLJflt: i6. 1992 l.APD Chief Gates nears fundraiser in Brentwood (approx. 19:15) 51 LAPD Captain at Command Post responds to LAFD request for assistance stating it is not their top priority, in effect denying request & refusing to allow LAFD to make request to higher level police commander (approx. 19:15-19:30) 52 First LAPD escort of five cars escorts Light Force 66 to 1356 W. 56th St; escort & Light Force withdraw after rocks & bottles are thrown (19:18) 52 CO-OSB requests mobilization; Department (???abbrev. Dept. in PD log???) Commander EOC ( 0 DC-EOC 0 ) advises he will talk to Chief of Police (19:20) 101 Sheriff CHP National Federal Officials Fire Dept. Cily Officials Other PO's Stale Officials Guard Federal Troops First LAPD escort of five Mayoral aide Phil cars escorts Light Force Depoian calls Deputy 66 to 1356 W. 56th St; Chief Hunt at the 54th & escort & Light Force Arlington command withdraw after rocks & post; Hunt tells Depoian bottles are thrown that it's getting ugly & (19:18) 52 they're going to need LAFD Battalion 3 the Nat'I Guard requests Captain at (approx. 19:15) 51 Police Dept. Command Post to provide LAPD assistance to LAFD unit~ (approx. 19:15-19:30) 5 · l ti - Dal.el Tme lllCidens 04/29/92 Officer Briseno (defendant 19:25 in Rodney King trial) sees carloads of people driving near his home. (19:25) 4 100 individuals beating people at East 103rd St. (19:27) 101 Car torched at liquor store at Florence & Normandie (19:29) 51 04/29/92 approx. 19:30 U?I.J 1 3A \ '>ll9UU0 '> J . Ill''> .hlfll" II,, 1W2 Sheriff CHP Narional Federal Officials LAPD Fire Dept. City Officials Other PO's Stale Officials Guard Federal Troops Police inform command center that Off. Briseno noticed two carloads of people driving by his home and his family is worried. Sgt. Wilder of Devonshire Station dispatches squad car to patrol area (19:25) 4 Dispatcher questions Field Supervisor re no outside units responding to calls; supervisor responds that no individual units should respond, 77th is forming into squads to handle the calls; dispatcher reports "robbery silent . . . any 77th unit" (19:26) 51 Dispatchers report 2 emergency calls -- assault & a shooting •· for information only in the 77th Division (19:28) 51 Mobilizations ordered 14 17 Dale/ Tme lnciderU 04/29/92 LAFD Battalion 13 with 4 19:30 car LAPD escort is attacked at Slauson & Western; passenger window in Battalion 13 car is broken out by large wine bottle which struck Battalion Chief on shoulder (approx. 19:30-19:45) 52 Building fire & large group gathering at 60th & Normandie (approx. 19:33) 51 04/29/92 19:35 (J/0 1 \A \ '>U9 UUU'> J . IJ I-'"> Jlll\ <" .'CJ, 1',19/ LAPD LAFD Battalion 13 with 4 car LAPD escort responds again to Slauson & Western (approx. 19:30-19:45) 52 Deputy Chief Hunt requests that command center issue •a radio announcement for all motorists to stay out of Florence and Normandie because of demonstrations.· (It is not certain when motorist advisory command actually went out.] (19:30) 4 Radio traffic indicated 77th Division has formed into squads; Squad Five broadcasts it need another squad at 60th & Normandig (19:33) 1 Half dozen squad cars on Florence twelve blocks from Normandie (19:36) 51 Sherif CHP National Federal Officials Fire Dept. Cily OfficiaJs Other PO's State Officials Guard Federal Troops LAFD Battalion 13 with 4 L.A. Unified School car LAPD escort District announces responds again to closing of schools in Slauson & Western affected areas (approx. 19:30-19:45) 52 (19:30-20:00) 102 LAFD Deputy Chief Anthony requests OCD to contact Regional & make available 4 additional Strike Teams; LAFD moves to establish the Department Command (approx. 19:30-19:45) 52 Two firetrucks on Florence twelve blocks from Normandie (19:36) 51 Ill Date/ Tme lncidens 04/29/92 3 Newton Street Area vice 19:40 officers traveling south at Centra & 34th are fired on by admitted gang members (later arrested 5/2/92) (19:40) 58 Looting at corner of 43rd & Central; male suspect fires 5 or 6 rounds at uniformed officers & 1 officer returned fire (19:40) 58 Firebombs at Florence & Normandie (19:42) 51 04/29/92 Reginald Denny is attacked 19:45 at Florence & Normandie (19:46) 52 Four fires at 51st & Normandie, 60th & Normandie, Manchester & Broadway, & Century & Main (approx. 19:51) 51 O?ll 11A \ ') U9llll0'.> J . Ill •':> Jut 1 c /r, 1Y9/ LAPD 3 Newton Street Area vice officers traveling south at Centra & 34th are fired on by admitted gang members (later arrested 5/2/92) (19:40) 58 Looting at corner of 43rd & Central; male suspect fires 5 or 6 rounds at uniformed officers & 1 officer returned fire (19:40) 58 Channel 9 reporter states a police command post is forming (19:42) 51 Chief Gates leaves Brentwood fundraiser (approx. 19:45) 51 DC-EOC calls CO-OSB for situation assessment. CO- OSB requests Sheriff's Dept. and Nat'I Guard. CO-OSB requests 2000 Nat'I Guards from Mayor (19:50) 101 South Bureau begins escorting Fire Dept. (19:59) 101 Sheriff CHP National Federal Officials Fire Dept. City Officials Other PO's State Officials Guard Federal Troops Fire department Mayor calls CO-OSB for responds to the four assessment fires; LAFD spokesman (19:50) 101 Bob Collins states Mayor Bradley medical emergency runs addresses rally at First delayed due to need for AME Church and states police escort ·we have had enough. (19:51) 51 ... We don't want to resort to violence.• Channel 7 broadcasts address & superimposes live footage of fires (19:53) 51 1~ Dae/ Tme lncidens 04/29/92 Crowd dispersed at Parker 20:00 Center 04/29/92 20:15 0<'0 U A \ 'i090U05J . \.IP', Ju 11c ?6 , 199? (approx. 20:00) 11 LAPO Officers in riot gear disperse crowd at Parker Center (approx. 20:00) 11 77th Street officers sent back into field (approx. 20:00) 5 Northeast squad dispatched to Parker Center (20:00) 58 Department Mobilized (20:10) 101 LAPD initiates two to four hour process of placing dept on emergency status called •mobilization· (20:10) 51 ·c· Platoon pulls out of Florence & Normandie because of incoming gun fire and reports no other officers at that intersection (20: 18, 20:24) 101 Sheriff CHP National Federal Officials Fire Dept. Cty Officials Other PO's State Officials Guard Federal Troops LAFD institutes full recall of staff (20:00) 52 20 Date/ Tme lncidens 04/29/92 Crowd control at PAB; 30 20:30 officers ( confirmed) & 3 sergeants (unconfirmed) at scene (20:30) 60 04/29/92 Three columns of smoke 20:45 reported along Vermont Avenue and 85th Street. First report of arson. (20:45) 4 04/29/92 approx. 21 :00 U?U 1 \ A\ '>U90UU'.> J . IJP'> Jllllt: 2b, )99 ,? LAPD Crowd control at PAB; 30 officers (confirmed) & 3 sergeants (unconfirmed) at scene (20:30) 60 South Bureau Command Post requests 200 additional officers from EOC (20:30) 101 Chief of Police arrives at EOC (approx. 20:30) 101 One dozen LAPD cruisers at Florence & Normandie lighting flares & directing traffic; crowd is gone (20:34) 51 CO-OSB re-requests for Chief of Police to obtain Nat'I Guard (20:40) 101 Officers at 54th Street Command Center confronted by shortage of mobile radios, only 7 available, 100 needed. (20:45) 4 Chief Gates returned from fundraiser; "LAPD lurch(es) into action· 14 Sheriff CHP National Federal Officials Fire Depl. City Officials Other PO's State Officials Guard Federal Troops LAFD reports at least 1 o structure fires (20:30) 101 LAFD requests mutual aid resources be dispatched into target area (20:30)52 LAFD makes first request for Strike Teams from mutual aid to be dispatched in (20:30) 52 Mayor calls local state of Governor orders emergency 2,000 Nat'I Guard (08:45) 102 activated at Mayor's request (approx. 8:4_J_ Date/ Time lncidenls 04/29/92 City Hall South vandalized 21 :00 (21 :07) 103 Protestors break into & ransack City Hall, setting fire to 1st floor; 1 sergeant & 1 squad deployed to secure location (21 :07) 56 04/29/92 Non-riot related homicide; 3 21 :15 units, 1 sergeant & detective personnel from Northeast Area required (21 :20) 58 04/29/92 24 active structure fires in 21 :30 progress (by 21 :30) 52 02(Jl3A\',09tJIJ0',J . Ill-''> Jutw it>, )•}91 LAPO LAPD provides escorts for fire dept. for first time since riot began (approx. 21:00) 10 LAPD informs reporters Chief Gates is on duty at city's Emergency Operations Center (approx. 21 :00) 51 Protestors break into & ransack City Hall, setting fire to 1st floor; 1 sergeant & 1 squad deployed to secure location (21 :07) 56 CO-OSB responds to Command Post (21 :10) 101 Non-riot related homicide; 3 units, 1 sergeant & detective personnel from Northeast Area required (21 :20) 58 Sheriff CHP National Federal Officials Fte Dept City Officiats Other PO's Stare Officials Guard Federal Troops LAFD gets first police Bus service shut down CHP closes Gov. Wilson calls in Gov. Wilson calls FAA shifts escorts in portions of South L.A. portion of 11 o the Nat'I Guard in the Nat'I landing pattern (approx. 21 :00) 1 O (at Police request) Freeway (21 :00) 55 Guard for jets (approx. 21 :00) 102 (21 :05) 102 (21 :00) 55 approaching LAX (20:05) 102 LAFD air reconnaissance of area to spot incidents unknown to LAFD (21 :15) 52 63 Engine Companies, 19 Rescue Ambulances & 12 Battalion Chiefs respond to 24 active structure fires in progress (by 21 :30) 52 081.e/ Tme lrleideRs 04/29/92 21 :45 Fires at Federal Building & Criminal Courts Building; federal officers, one LAPD sergeant & one LAPD squad deployed to Federal Building; state police deployed to Criminal Courts Building & location secured by LA Sheriff's Dept. (21 :49) 56 8-1 O suspects loading property into vehicles 15 1800 S. Vermont; 4 officers at scene (unconfirmed) (21 :51) 60 04/29/92 25 square blocks of Central approx. Los Angeles ablaze 14 22:00 Otll15A\'>U9Ll00'>J .llf''> .11111~ cb, 1'19t LAPD EOC requests 1/2 of West L.A. Area's available reserves be sent to 54th & Van Ness Command Post (21 :45) 105 Fires at Federal Building & Criminal Courts Building; federal officers, one LAPD sergeant & one LAPD squad deployed to Federal Building; state police deployed to Criminal Courts Building & location secured by LA Sheriff's Dept. (21 :49) 56 8-1 O suspects loading property into vehicles 15 1800 S. Vermont; 4 officers at scene (unconfirmed) (21 :51) 60 Sheriff CHP National Federal Officiaas Fire Dept. Cry Officials Other PO's State Officials Guard Federal Troops Fire Dept. requests Fires at Federal Fires at Federal "Help,· firefighter down Building & Building & (21 :52) 101 Criminal Courts Criminal Courts Building; federal Building; federal officers, one officers, one LAPD sergeant LAPD sergeant & one LAPD & one LAPD squad deployed squad deployed to Federal to Federal Building; state Building; stale police deployed police deployed to Criminal to Criminal Courts Building Courts Building & location & location secured by LA secured by LA Sheriff's Dept. (21 :49) 56 Sheriff's Dept. (21 :49) 56 Dae/ Tme lnciderU 04/29/92 Protestors ransack City Hall 22:00 - Main Street, City Hall - East, & Los Angeles Mall, smashing windows & setting fires; 100 officers deployed from Parker Center. 1 sergeant & 1 squad sent to each locatioi (22:00) 5 10-15 vandalism suspects, 1 arrest 15 100 N. Vermont; 8 officers, 1 sergeant at scene (unconfirmed) (22:00) 60 Burglary suspect arrest, 2 ASP suspects at Normandie & Venice; 10 officers (confirmed) , 1 sergeant (unconfirmed) at scene (22:00) 60 U.'IJ 1 SA \ '> U9UllU'>J. IJf' '> Jtll ll· /b, 199_? LAPD Protestors ransack City Hall - Main Street, City Hall - East, & Los Angeles Mall, smashing windows & setting fires; 100 officers deployed from Parker Center, 1 sergeant & 1 squad sent to each location (22:00) 56 Conference call Police Chief Gates, Sheriff Block, Mayor Bradley, Gov. Wilson re need for Nat'I Guard. (approx. 22:00) 2 Field Jail Unit activated at Parker Center (22:00) 103 Field Jail Unit activated at Parker Center Jail Division; 12 to 19 Central Area detectives assigned to Field Jail Unit per watch (22:00) 56 10-15 vandalism suspects, 1 arrest 15 100 N. Vermont; 8 officers, 1 sergeant at scene ( unconfirmed) (22:00) 60 Burglary suspect arrest, 2 ASP suspects at Normandie & Venice; 1 0 officers (confirmed), 1 sergeant (unconfirmed) at scene (22:00) 60 Sheriff CHP National Federal Officials Fire Dept. City Officials Other PO's State Officials Guard Federal T mops Conference call Police Conference call Conference call Chief Gates, Sheriff Police Chief Police Chief Gates, Block, Mayor Bradley, Gates, Sheriff Sheriff Block, Mayor Gov. Wilson re need for Block, Mayor Bradley, Gov. Nat'I Guard. Bradley, Gov. Wilson re need for (approx. 22:00) 2 Wilson re need Nat'I Guard. for Nal'I Guard. (approx. 22:00) 2 (approx. 22:00) 2 . 24 o.-e1 Tme Incidents 04/29/92 Rioters moving southbound 22:05 on Broadway from 1st St. loot & vandalize over 30 businesses, setting some fires; five squads deploy~ (22:05) 04/29/92 Shooting in progress at 22:15 liquor store at Pico & Fedora; 8 officers, 1 sergeant at scene ( unconfirmed) (22:23) 60 04/29/92 Burglary at furniture store 22:30 at Washington & Menlo, 3 arrests; 10 officers (confirmed), 1 sergeant ( unconfirmed) at scene (22:30) 60 04/29/92 22:45 04/29/92 Burglary at Big 5 Sporting 23:00 Goods at Wilshire & Catalina, weapons possession target; 1 0 officers, 1 sergeant at scene (unconfirmed) (23:09) 60 0?0 13A \'i090U0'>J. IJl-''i Junl:' 2.o , 1W2 Sherif CHP N.-ional Federal Officials lAPD Fire Dept. Cily Officials Olher PO's St.-e Officials Guard Federal Troops Rioters moving southbound on Broadway from 1st St. loot & vandalize over 30 businesses, setting some fires; five squads deployed (22:05) 56 Shooting in progress at liquor store at Pico & Fedora; 8 officers, 1 sergeant at scene (unconfirmed) (22:23) 60 Burglary at furniture store at Mayor issues taped Washington & Menlo, 3 message to L.A. citizens arrests; 1 0 officers calling for peace; (confirmed), 1 sergeant message broadcast late~ (unconfirmed) at scene (22:30) 10 (22:30)60 LAFD has implemented recall to staff 1 o reserve Engine Companies (by 22:45) 52 Burglary at Big 5 Sporting Goods at Wilshire & Catalina, weapons possession target; 10 officers, 1 sergeant at scene ( unconfirmed) (23:09) 60 Field Jail processes 134 arrestees (from 23:00 to 4/30/92 06:00) 56 25 Date/ Tme Incidents lAPD Fire Dept. c~ Officials 04/29/92 100 burglary suspects at 100 burglary suspects at LAFD has requested an 23:15 1818 W. 6th St.; 10 officers, 1818 W. 6th St.; 10 officers, additional 14 Strike 1 sergeant at scene 1 sergeant at scene Teams from mutual aid (unconfirmed) (23:26) 60 (unconfirmed) (23:26) 60 (by 23: 15) 52 04/29/92 Contact made by Northeast Contact made by 23:30 Area with officials of critical Northeast Area with venue cites such as Nat'I officials of critical venue Guard Armory, Dodger cites such as Nat'I Stadium, the Greek Theater Guard Armory, Dodger & other perceived security Stadium, the Greek threats Theater & other (23:30) 58 perceived security threats (23:30) 58 04/29/92 Officer needs help, shots Officer needs help, shots LAFD has contacted 23:45 fired at 6th & Westlake; 20 fired at 6th & Westlake; 20 OES & dispatched officers, 2 sergeants at officers, 2 sergeants at helicopters to San Luis scene (unconfirmed) scene (unconfirmed) Obispo area to pick up (23:45) 60 (23:45) 60 200 additional units of body armor (by 23:45) 52 04/29/92 LAFD members attacked Scheduled field training for Local officials state time upon trying to enter City Rampart PM Watch results Guard would not be uncertain Hall East Headquarters in fortuitous over- needed until nightfall 52 deployment of PM Watch on Thursday, 4/30/92 LAFD reports total of 1,709 evening of 4/29 55 incidents 60 52 2. Ted Koppel, ABC Nightline: Moment of Cnsis: Anatomy of a Riot 3. Jaxon Van Derbeken, "LAPD Brass Knew of Early Riot Violence·, L.A. Daily News, May 23, 1992, at first and back page. U?U 13A \5U901J0'>J . lolf''> June lo, 1 Y'I/ 2ti Sheriff CHP National Federal Officials Other PO's State Officials Guard Federal Troops Contact made by Northeast Area with officials of critical venue cites such as Nat'I Guard Armory, Dodger Stadium, the Greek Theater & other perceived security threats (23:30) 58 Local officials state Guard would not be needed until nightfall Thursday, 4/30/92 55 4. Stephen Braun, Frantic Riot Calls Deluged Command Post, L.A. Times, May 23, 1992 at A24. 5. Stephen Braun, Leslie Berger, Chaos & Frustration at Florence and Normandie, L.A. Times, May 15, 1992, at A28. 6. Rich Connell, Site of Denny Beating Wasn't Riot Flash Point, Gates Says, L.A. Times, May 13, 1992, at A 1. 7. Rich Connell and Ted Rohr1ich, Webster To Head Probe of Police Response to Riot, L.A. Times, May 12, 1992 at A1, A18. 8. Stephen Braun, Jim Newton, U.S. Army, Marine Troops Withdraw From Los Angeles, L.A. Times, May 1 o, 1992, A 1, A33. 9. Rich Connell, Richard A. Serrano, Ted Rohr1ich, Gates Defends Riot Planning of LAPD, Concedes Mistakes, L.A. Times, May 9, 1992, at a1 , a4. 10. Rich Connell and Richard Simon, Top LAPD Officer. Fire Chief Cite Flaws in Police Response, L.A. Times, May 8, 1992, at A 1. 11 . Richard A Serrano and Ted Rohrlich, Criticism Over Use of Force Inhibited Police, Gates Says, L.A. Times, May 7, 1992, at A1. 12. Jane Fritsch, Police May Have Ignored Basic Riot Plan, N.Y. Times, May 7, 1992 (page unknown). 13. Walter Shapiro, Lessons of Loss, Time, May 18, 1992 at 38. 14. Tom Mathews, The Siege of LA, Newsweek, May 11 , 1992 pp. 30, 35 51 . Shawn Hubler, Myrna Oliver & Larry Gordon, Genesis of a Riot, L.A. Times, May 7, 1992, at A9. 52. Minutes of Board of Fire Commissioners, City of Los Angeles, May 7, 1992. 53. Gates Blames Top Brass for Slow Police Response, UPI, May 6, 1992 54. Frank Clifford, Louis Sahagun, No Shortage of Finger Pointing at City Hall, L.A. Times, May 5, 1992, at B1 . 55. Daniel M. Weintraub, National Guard Official Cites Series of Delays, L.A. Times, May 5, 1992 at Al. 56. LAPD Operations - Central Bureau, OCB's Major Incidents Relative to the Civil Unrest 4.1 (5/8/92) 57. LAPD Operations - Central Bureau, OCB's Major Incidents Relative to the Civil Unrest 4.2 (5/8/92) 58. LAPD Operations - Central Bureau, OCB's Major Incidents Relative to the Civil Unrest 4.3 (5/8/92) 59. LAPD Operations · Cent ral Bureau, OCB's Ma1 or Incidents Relative to the Civil Unrest 4.4 (5/8/92) 60 LAPD Opera 11ons - Central Bureau. OCB's Ma1 or lnc1 den1 s Relative to the Civil Unrest. 4.5 (5/8/92) U2U 1.3A \509000',J _ \Jf-' S Jtolll' t b, 199,' 27 101 =MOFO ENTRY/POLICE DEPT. CHRONOLOGY 102=MOFO ENTRY/NEWSPAPER REPORT 103=MOFO ENTRY/CENTRAL BUREAU REPORT 104=MOFO ENTRY/SOUTH BUREAU REPORT 105=MOFO ENTRY/WEST BUREAU REPORT 106=MOFO ENTRY/UNIDENTIFIED SOURCE O?U 15A \ ':>090005 J. lolP5 JUIIL' 21, , 1992 21.l Last Update: June 26, 1992 8:46am Dale/ Tme lncidenls 04/30/92 Sporadic looting & early a.m. structure fires on Broadway; LAPD Central officers make arrests & enforce city-wide curfew 56 (early a.m.) 04/30/92 30 active structure fires, 00:00 119 ongoing incidents with 122 LAFD Fire Companies & 20 Rescue Ambulances committed (by 24:00) 52 04/30/92 Arson at 2811 Leeward; 4 00:45 officers, 1 air unit at scene (unconfirmed) (00:57) 60 04/30/92 37 active structure fires, 01 :30 112 active incidents with 133 LAFD Fire Companies & 16 Rescue Ambulances committed (by 01 :30) 52 Burglary of business, 4 arrests at Washington & Menlo; 25 officers. 2 sergeants at scene ( unconfirmed) (01 :42) 60 PRML£GED AND CONFIDENTIAL. ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT LOS ANGELES RIOTS EVENT GRID APRIL 30, 1992 Sheriff CHP lAPO Fire Dept Ciy Officials Other PO's Sporadic looting & structure fires on Broadway; LAPD Central officers make arrests & enforce city-wide curfew 56 (early a.m.) 30 active structure fires, Mayor signs order 119 ongoing incidents imposing curfew on with 122 LAFD Fire limited area Companies & 20 Rescue (00:15) 102 Ambulances committ~ (by 24:00) Arson at 2811 Leeward; 4 officers, 1 air unit at scene (unconfirmed) (00:57) 60 37 active structure fires, 112 active incidents with 133 LAFD Fire Companies & 16 Rescue Ambulances committe<l (by 01 :30) 2 Burglary of business, 4 arrests at Washington & Menlo; 25 officers, 2 sergeants at scene (unconfirmed) (01 :42) 60 DRAFT National Federal Officials State Officials Guard Federal Troops Governor holds news conference; announces state of emergency and plans to dispatch Nat'I Guard and CHP (00:00) 106 15 (state?) OES 350 Nat'I Guard Strike Teams en troops arrive at route Griffith Park (by 01 :30) 52 Observatory; not available for deployment (no ammo.) (01 :35) 105 Dal.el Tme lrlci«wllB 04/30/92 3 calls: burglary of and 01 :45 arson of business; responding officers taking rocks/bottles at 6th & Bonnie Brae; 20 officers, 2 sergeants at scene (unconfirmed) (01 :48) 60 04/30/92 Pursuit at Virgil & Temple, 1 02:00 booking for felony evading; 6 officers (confirmed), 1 sergeant (unconfirmed) & 1 air unit (unconfirmed) at scene (02:00) 60 415 (fighting, or causing loud noises) man with a gun involved robbery and t/c at Temple & Edgeware; 1 o officers, 1 sergeant at scene (unconfirmed) (02:07) 60 04/30/92 Burglary suspects in vehicle 02:15 drive into business at 1029 1 /2 S. Alvarado; 1 0 officers, 1 sergeant at scene (unconfirmed) (02:17) 60 020 13A \ 50900066 . IJP5 June 26 , 1992 Sherif CHP Nalional Federal Officials LAPO Fire Dept. ~ Officials Olher PO's Stale Officials Guard Federal Troops 3 calls: burgla,y of and arson of business; responding officers taking rocks/bottles at 6th & Bonnie Brae; 20 officers, 2 sergeants at scene (unconfirmed) (01:48) 60 Pursuit at Virgil & Temple, 1 booking for felony evading; 6 officers (confirmed), 1 sergeant (unconfirmed) & 1 air unit (unconfirmed) at scene (02:00) 60 415 (fighting, or causing loud noises) man with a gun involved robbery and t/c at Temple & Edgeware; 1 o officers, 1 sergeant at scene (unconfirmed) (02:07) 60 Burglary suspects in vehicle drive into business at 1029 1 /2 S. Alvarado; 1 o officers, 1 sergeant at scene (unconfirmed) (02:17) 60 - 2 - Daiei Tme llatelllS 04/30/92 A robbery - t/c resulting in 02:30 6 (A) in;uries at Olympic & Alvarado; 8 officers (confirmed), 1 sergeant (unconfirmed) at scene (02:30) 60 Assist at major fire, 200 + crowd at 6th & Bur1ington; 25 + officers, 3 sergeants at scene (unconfirmed) (02:30) 60 415 (fighting, or causing loud noises) man with a gun at Olympic & Alvarado; 1 O officers, 1 sergeant at scene (unconfirmed) (02:34) 60 04/30/92 02:45 04/30/92 03:00 04/30/92 415 (fighting, or causing 03:15 loud noises) man with a gun, shots fired, 2 arrests, 1 shotgun recovered at 688 S. Mariposa; 10 officers (confirmed), 1 sergeant (unconfirmed) at scene (03:15) 60 Burglary suspects at market at 2505 W. 6th St.; 10 otticers, 1 sergeant at scene (unconfirmed) (03:18) 60 04/30/92 03 :30 02013A \50900066 . WPS June 26, 1992 Sherill CHP Naliooal Federal Officials lN>D Fire Dept. ~ Officials Olher PO's Stale Officials Guard Federal Troops A robbery - t/c resulting in 6 (A) injuries at Olympic & Alvarado; 8 officers (confirmed), 1 sergeant (unconfirmed) at scene (02:30) 60 Assist at major fire, 200 + crowd at 6th & Burtington; 25 + officers, 3 sergeants at scene (unconfirmed) (02:30) 60 415 (fighting, or causing loud noises) man with a gun at Olympic & Alvarado; 1 O otf icers, 1 sergeant at scene (unconfirmed) (02:34) 60 415 (fighting, or causing loud noises) man with a gun, shots fired, 2 arrests, 1 shotgun recovered at 688 S. Mariposa; 1 O officers (confirmed), 1 sergeant (unconfirmed) at scene (03:15) 60 Burglary suspects at market at 2505 W. 6th St. ; 1 O officers, 1 sergeant at scene (unconfirmed) (03:18) 60 . 3 . Dae/ Tme lncidenls 04/30/92 03:45 04/30/92 by 04:00 04/30/92 04:00 04/30/92 Burglary suspects taken 04:15 into custody at auto part store at 2121 W. 11th St.; 1 O officers. 1 sergeant at scene (unconfirmed) (04:19)6() 04/30/92 04:30 04/30/92 04:45 04/30/92 05:00 04/30/92 05:15 04/30/92 05:30 04/30/92 05:45 02013A \50900066 . WP'> June 26 , 1992 Sheriff CHP National Federal Officials l»D Fir80epl Ciy Officials Other PO's Stale Officials Guard Federal Troops 1 o additional Rescue Ambulances dispatched; paramedics dispatched on board Fire Companies as EMT's because LAFD doesn't have paramedic capability equipment on Fire Companies (by 04:00)52 Burglary suspects taken into custody at auto part store at 2121 W. 11th St.; 1 O officers, 1 sergeant at scene (unconfirmed) (04:19) 60 - 4 - Date/ Tme IIOOOfU 04/30/92 06:00 04/30/92 06:15 04/30/92 06:30 04/30/92 06:45 04/30/92 07:00 04/30/92 Structure fire and 07:15 rocks/bottles thrown at 6th & Bonnie Brae; 24 officers & 3 sergeants at scene (unconfirmed) (07:25) 60 04/30/92 07:30 04/30/92 07:45 04/30/92 by 08:00 020 13A \ 50900066 . WPS Juoe 26, 1992 Sheriff CHP National Federal Officials lAPD Fire Dept. CMy Officials Olher PO's State Officials Guard Federal Troops Scheduled arrival of CH-4 7 helicopter unit at ammunition depot at Camp Roberts (06:30) 55 Structure fire and rocks/bottles thrown at 6th & Bonnie Brae; 24 officers & 3 sergeants at scene (unconfirmed) (07:25) 60 No riot related activities in Northeast Area yet; 4 cars loaned to OCB & OSB 58 - 5 - Dae/ Tme lncidenls 04/30/92 Gov't offices, courthouses, 08:00 libraries, malls, many businesses, etc. closed for day ( ) 102 04/30/92 08:30 04/30/92 09:15 04/30/92 by 09:30 02013A \50900066 . WPS JUI')(' 26 , 1992 I.APO Fire Dept. City Officials L.A. Unified Schoot District announces closure of all schools in district ( ) 102 1 unit assigned to advise pawn brokers to secure weapons (08:44) 56 1 unit assigned to assist security at City Hall, Council Meeting (09:15) 56 - 6 - Sheriff CHP National Federal Officials Other PO's Stale Officials Guard Federal Troops Completion of loading of ammunition on CH-47 helicopter at Camp Roberts; delays caused by lack of rollers on cargo bed (by 09:30) 55 Decision made to send CH-47 to San Luis Obispo first where 1/3 of ammunition is off-loaded to make room for flak vests, face shields & other riot gear (by 09:30) 55 Date/ Tme lncidenls 04/30/92 09:30 04/30/92 10:00 04/30/92 by 11 :00 04/30/92 11 :00 04/30/92 10-15 demonstrators at 11 :15 Mexican Consulate at 6th & Parkview; 8 officers & 1 sergeant at scene (uncorlirmed) (11 :21) 60 Major structure fire; 15 officers & 3 sergeants at scene (unconfirmed) (11 :27) 60 04/30/92 11 :30 0201JA \5 0900066 . W PS Jl.Wle 26, 1992 lAPO 10-15 demonstrators at Mexican Consulate at 6th & Parkview; 8 officers & 1 sergeant at scene (unconfirmed) (11 :21) 60 Major structure fire; 15 officers & 3 sergeants at scene (unconfirmed) (11 :27) 60 Sheriff CHP Nalional Federal Officials Fire Dept. City Officials Olher PO's Stale Officials Guard Federal Troops Mayor, Chief of Fire Dept., Chief of Police hold news conference (09:30) 102 Mayor extends curfew to wider area of city (10:15) 102 CH-47 leaves San Luis Obispo; take-off delayed extra hour to wait for locking plates from U.S. Army at Tracy (by 11 :00) 55 - 7 - Dael Tine lncidens 04/30/92 Northeast units assigned to 11 :45 Rampart Area at 3rd & Vermont to repel looters; drive-bi/ shooting at same location; officer broke knee- cap evading barrage (11 :45) 58 300-400 looters at market at 3rd & Vermont; security details established around major businesses and security provided for LAFD; request for additional 30 officers and 400 Nat'I Guard; 1 captain. 1 lieutenant, 5 sergeants, 32 officers, 1 air unit at scene (unconfirmed) (11 :51 -15:30) 60 04/30/92 12:00 04/30/92 All but four cars drawn from 12:45 Northeast Area to points south; looting begins to occur on Sunset; looters dispersed by detectives & Labor Relations personneka (12:55) 0201 JA \50900066 . WPS June 26, 1992 LAPD Northeast units assigned to Rampart Area at 3rd & Vermont to repel looters; drive-bi/ shooting at same location; officer broke knee-cap evading barr~ (11 :45) 300-400 looters at market at 3rd & Vermont; security details established around ma;or businesses and security provided for LAFD; request for additional 30 officers and 400 Nat'I Guard; 1 captain, 1 lieutenant, 5 sergeants, 32 officers, 1 air unit at scene (unconfirmed) (11 :51 -15:30) 60 All but four cars drawn from Northeast Area to points south; looting begins to occur on Sunset; looters dispersed by detectives & Labor Relations personnel (12:55) 58 Sheriff CHP Nalional Federal Officials Fire Dept City Officials Other PO's Stale Officials Guard Federal Troops 300-400 looters at market at 3rd & Vermont; security details established around major businesses and 300-400 looters at security provided market at 3rd & for LAFD; Vermont; security details request for established around additional 30 ma;or businesses and officers and 400 security provided for Nat'I Guard; 1 LAFD; request for captain, 1 additional 30 officers lieutenant, 5 and 400 Nat'I Guard; 1 sergeants, 32 captain, 1 lieutenant, 5 officers, 1 air sergeants, 32 officers, 1 unit at scene air unit at scene ( unconfirmed) (unconfirmed) (11 :51 -15:30) 60 (11 :51 -15:30) 60 Nat'I Guard officially deployed (12:00-12:30) 102 - 8 - Dale/ Tme lncidenls 04/30/92 Receive information looting 13:00 at Washington Blvd. & Broadway; ten units deployed (13:00) 56 04/30/92 Arson suspects at 3rd & 13:15 Mariposa; 4 officers at scene (unconfirmed) (13:17) 60 Looters at 1717 Vermont; 4 officers at scene ( unconfirmed) (13:18) 60 Looters at Pico & New Hampshire; 6 officers at scene (unconfirmed) (13:22) 60 Looters at 3818 Beverly; 6 officers at scene (unconfirmed) (13:25) 60 Looting at pawn shop at Beverly & Vermont; 4 officers at scene (unconfirmed) (13:28) 60 0201JA \50900066 . IJP5 June 26, 1992 Sheriff CHP National Federal Officials LAPO Fire Dept. cay Officials Olher PO's State Officials Guard Federal T mops Receive information looting al Washington Blvd. & Broadway; ten units deployed (13:00) 56 Arson suspects at 3rd & Mariposa; 4 officers at scene (unconfirmed) (13:17) 60 Looters at 1717 Vermont; 4 officers at scene ( unconfirmed) (13:18) 60 Looters at Pico & New Hampshire; 6 officers at scent ( unconfirmed) (13:22) 60 Looters at 3818 Beverly; 6 officers at scene (unconfirmed) (13:25) 60 Looting at pawn shop at Beverly & Vermont; 4 officers at scene (unconfirmed) (13:28) 60 . 9 . Dae/ Tme lncidenls 04/30/92 Officer needs help at 5th & 13:30 Vermont; 12 officers. 2 sergeants at scene (unconfirmed) (13:32) 60 Vehicle ramming bank at New Hampshire & Wilshire; 6 officers, 1 sergeant at scene (unconfirmed) (13:32) 60 Shots fired at New Hampshire & Wilshire; officer requesting assistance; 6 officers. 1 sergeant at scene ( unconfirmed) (13:32) 60 Major 415 (fighting, or causing loud noises) group at 2100 Pico; 8 officers, 1 sergeant at scene (unconfirmed) (13:37) 60 Park Rangers surrounded at 1651 Westmoreland; 6 officers at scene (unconfirmed) (13:39) 60 04/30/92 Looters at Pico & Vermont; 13:45 4 officers at scene ( unconfirmed) (13:46) 60 Looters at 6th & Vermont (13:46) 60 02013A \50900066. IJP5 June 26, 1992 Sherif CHP Naoonal Federal Officials LAPO FnOepl Ciy Officials Other PO's State Officials Guard Federal Troops Officer needs help at 5th & Vermont; 12 officers, 2 sergeants at scene (unconfirmed) (13:32) 60 Vehicle ramming bank at New Hampshire & Wilshire; 6 officers, 1 sergeant at scene (unconfirmed) (13:32) 60 Shots fired at New Hampshire & Wilshire; officer requesting assistance; 6 officers, 1 sergeant at scene ( unconfirmed) (13:32) 60 Major 415 (fighting, or causing loud noises) group at 2100 Pico; 8 officers, 1 sergeant at scene (unconfirmed) (13:37) 60 Park Rangers surrounded at 1651 Westmoreland; 6 officers at scene (unconfirmed) (13:39) 60 Looters at Pico & Vermont; 4 officers at scene ( unconfirmed) (13:46) 60 - 10 - Dale/ Tme lncidenls 04/30/92 by 14:00 04/30/92 Shots fired, 415 (fighting, or 14:00 causing loud noises) group at Vermont & 8ever1y; 4 officers at scene (unconfirmed) (14:00) 60 Looting of firearms, shots fired at Big 5 Sporting Goods at 3440 Wilshire; 4 officers, 1 sergeant at scene (unconfirmed) (14:07) 60 Korean business owners heavily armed and firing into air to ward off looterf (14:10) 05 415 (fighting, or causing loud noises) group with guns at 3440 Wilshire (14:13) 60 Officer needs help at 8th & Vermont; 6 officers at scene (unconfirmed) (14:21) 60 04/30/92 Major fire & looting at 14:15 Washington Blvd.; approx. 200 looters; 20 officers, 14 detectives & 2 lieutenants deployed (14:15) 56 02013A \'>0900066 . IJP'> Jun~ 26, 1992 ... Sheriff CHP National Federal Officials LAPD Fire Dept. City Officials Other PO's State Officials Guard Federal Troops CH-47 arrives at Los Alamitos staging area (by 14:00) 55 Shots fired, 415 (fighting, or causing loud noises) group at Vermont & Beverty; 4 officers at scene (unconfirmed) (14:00) 60 Looting of firearms, shots fired at Big 5 Sporting Goods at 3440 Wilshire; 4 officers, 1 sergeant at scene (unconfirmed) (14:07) 60 Officer needs help at 8th & Vermont; 6 officers at scene (unconfirmed) (14:21) 60 Major fire & looting at Washington Blvd.; approx. 200 looters; 20 officers, 14 detectives & 2 lieutenants deployed (14:15) 56 · 11 · Date/ Tme lncidenls 04/30/92 LAFD requests additional 14:30 units at Washington & Vermont; 4 officers at scene (unconfirmed} (14:30) 60 Shots fired, school police request assistance at Berendo & Olympic; 4 officers at scene (unconfirmed) (14:40) 60 LAFD requests assistance at Heliotrope & Beverly; 8 officers at scene ( unconfirmed) (14:40) 60 Looters at 3400/3424 Wilshire; 6 officers at scene (unconfirmed) (14:41) 60 04/30/92 LAFD requesting help at 14:45 8th & Westlake; 4 officers at scene (unconfirmed) (14:50) 60 Major fire and looting at Washington Blvd. & Broadway and Washington Blvd. & Main St. ; air unit requested; 20 officers deployed by bus (14:53) 56 Looters, back-up requested at 2nd & Vermont; 9 officers at scene (unconfirmed) (14:58) 60 02013A \50900066 . IJP5 June 26, 1992 Sheriff CHP National Federal Officials lAPD FnDept. c~ Officials Olher PO's State Officials Guard Federal Troops l.Af D requests additional l.Af D requests units at Washington & additional units at Vermont; 4 officers at Washington & Vermont; scene (unconfirmed) 4 officers at scene (14:30) 60 (unconfirmed) (14:30) 60 Shots fired, school police request assistance at Berendo & Olympic; 4 officers at scene (unconfirmed) (14:40) 60 LAFD requests assistance l.Af D requests at Heliotrope & Beverly; 8 assistance at Heliotrope officers at scene & Beverly; 8 officers at ( unconfirmed) (14:40) 60 scene (unconfirmed) (14:40) 60 Looters at 3400/3424 Wilshire; 6 officers at scene (unconfirmed) (14:41) 60 LAFD requesting help at LAFD requesting help at 8th & Westlake; 4 officers 8th & Westlake; 4 at scene (unconfirmed) officers at scene (14:50) 60 (unconfirmed) (14:50) 60 Major fire and looting at Washington Blvd. & Broadway and Washington Blvd. & Main St. ; air unit requested; 20 officers deployed by bus (14:53) 56 Looters. back-up requested at 2nd & Vermont; 9 officers at scene ( unconfirmed) (14:58) 60 - 12 - Dale/ Tme lllcida'5 04/30/92 Officers requesting 15:00 assistance at Pico & Fedora; 6 officers at scene (unconfirmed) (15:05) 60 2030 requesting assistance at Beverty & Heliotrope; 7 officers at scene (unconfirmed) (15:12) 60 Looters shooting into business at Pico & Alvarado; 5 officers at scene (unconfirmed) (15:12) 60 04/30/92 LAFD requesting help at 15:15 2100 Pico; 5 officers at scene (unconfirmed) (15:25) 60 04/30/92 Major structure fires, entire 15:30 block burning at Pico & Alvarado; 8 officers at scene (unconfirmed) ,1~·~?\60 ( "Looters at 5th & Vermont; officer requesting assistance; 12 officers, 2 sergeants at scene ~nconfirmed) (13:54) 60 Arson suspect at .,..~ .. Wilshire; 8 officers, 1 sergeant at scene ( unconfirmed) (15:40) 60 02013A \50900066 . 1Jf'5 June 26, 1992 Sheriff CHP National Federal Officials LAPD Fire Dept. City Officials Other PO's Stale Officials Guard Federal T mops Officers requesting assistance at Pico & Fedora; 6 officers at scene (unconfirmed) (15:05) 60 2030 requesting assistance at Beverty & Heliotrope; 7 officers at scene (unconfirmed) (15:12) 60 Looters shooting into business at Pico & Alvarado; 5 officers at scene (unconfirmed) (15:12) 60 LAFD requesting help at LAFD requesting help at 2100 Pico; 5 officers at 2100 Pico; 5 officers at scene (unconfirmed) (15:25) 60 scene (unconfirmed) (15:25) 60 Major structure fires, entire U.S. Atty block burning at Pico & General Alvarado; 8 officers at announces scene (unconfirmed)_ ~ Justice Dept. ', __ ..,~, resuming Looters at 5th & Vermont; ~ investigation officer requesting into possible assistance; 12 officers, 2 King civil rights sergeants at scene ~I/ violations (unconfirmed) (15:30) 102 (13:54) 60 ~ - ,.,. ,.A' ..... --- ~, ... ..,,. Wilshire; 8 officers, 1 sergeant at scene (unconfirmed) (15:40) 60 - 13 - Dale/ Tme lncidenls 04/30/92 LAFD requesting help from 15:45 LAPD, shots fired at 300 Mariposa (15:47) 60 04/30/92 School police requesting 16:00 help re possible murder at Olympic & Berendo; 5 officers at scene (unconfirmed) (16:11) 60 020 13A \ 50900066 . W PS June 26, 1992 LAPD LAFD requesting help from LAPD, shots fired at 300 Mariposa (15:47) 60 School police requesting help re possible murder at Olympic & Berendo; 5 officers at scene (unconfirmed) (16:11) 60 Sheriff CHP Nalional Federal Officials Fire Dept. Ciy Officials Olher PO's Stale Officials Guard Federal Troops LAFD requesting help from LAPD, shots fired at 300 Mariposa (15:47) 60 - 14 - Dale/ Tme lncideru 04/30/92 LAFD requesting help, 16:15 shots fired at 2700 Olympic; 8 officers at scene (unconfirmed) (16:19) 60 LAFD requesting help, shots fired at 3rd & Kenmore; 5 officers at scene (unconfirmed) (16:21) 60 LAFD requesting help, shots fired at 7th & Alvarado; 6 officers, 2 sergeants at scene (unconfirmed) (16:21) 60 415 (fighting, or causing loud noises) group with guns at 3rd & Alexandria; 6 officers, 1 sergeant at scene (unconfirmed) (16:24) 60 Officer needs help, suspect with weapon at 3rd & Alexandria; 6 officers, 1 sergeant at scene (unconfirmed) (16:24) 60 Officer needs help at Vermont & Olympic; 7 officers at scene (unconfirmed) (16:24) 60 04/30/92 Fire begins at Santa 16:30 Monica & Western (16:30 - 17:30) 105 0 20 13A \ 50900066. \JPS June 26, 1992 Sherif CHP Naliooaa federal Officials LAPO fire Dept. Cily Officials Other PO's Stale Officials Guard federal T mops LAFD requesting help, LAFD requesting help, shots fired at 2700 shots fired at 2700 Olympic; 8 officers at Olympic; 8 officers at scene (unconfirmed) (16:19) 60 scene (unconfirmed) (16:19) 60 LAFD requesting help, LAFD requesting help, shots fired at 3rd & shots fired at 3rd & Kenmore; 5 officers at Kenmore; 5 officers at scene (unconfirmed) (16:21) 60 scene (unconfirmed) (16:21) 60 LAFD requesting help, LAFD requesting help, shots fired at 7th & shots fired at 7th & Alvarado; 6 officers, 2 Alvarado; 6 officers, 2 sergeants at scene sergeants at scene (unconfirmed) (16:21) 60 (unconfirmed) (16:21) 60 415 (fighting, or causing loud noises) group with guns at 3rd & Alexandria; 6 officers, 1 sergeant at scene (unconfirmed) (16:24) 60 Officer needs help, suspect with weapon at 3rd & Alexandria; 6 officers, 1 sergeant at scene ( unconfirmed) (16:24) 60 Officer needs help at Vermont & Olympic; 7 officers at scene ( unconfirmed) (16:24) 60 Fire Dept. requests "Help" at Santa Monica & Western (16:30-17:30) 105 - 15 - Dale/ Tme lnciderU 04/30/92 Looters at 31 O N. 17:00 Normandie hl1:00)60 LAFD requesting h pat Beverly & Normandie; 6 officers at scene (unconfirmed) (17:13)50 04/30/92 LAFD requesting help at 17:15 8th & Vermont; 6 officers at scene (unconfirmed) (17:23) 60 04/30/92 Major looting and arson on 17:30 Hollywood, between Wilcox and La Brea (17:50-18:30) 105 Murder victim driven to CP at 3rd & Vermont; 4 officers, 1 sergeant at scene (unconfirmed) (17:30) 60 Sheriffs request assistance, shots fired at 100 block of Alvarado; 1 o officers at scene (unconfirmed) (17:41) 60 04/30/92 O-12 requesting assistance, 17:45 man with gun at 2971 W. 8th; 4 officers at scene ( unconfirmed) (17:51) 60 Officer requesting assistance at Beverly & Alvarado; 7 officers at scene (unconfirmed) (17:51) 60 020 13A \509000b6 . IJl-'S J une 26 , 1992 Sheriff CHP Nalional Federal Officials LAPO Fire Oepl City Officials Other PO's Stale Officiaas Guard Federal T mops Governor holds news cont erence LAFD requesting help at LAFD requesting help at urging calm and promising ample law Beverly & Normandie; 6 Beverly & Normandie; 6 enforcement officers at scene officers at scene assistance (unconfirmed) (unconfirmed) (17:10) 106 (17:13)50 (17:13)50 LAFD requesting help at LAFD requesting help at 8th & Vermont; 6 officers at 8th & Vermont; 6 officers scene (unconfirmed) at scene (unconfirmedho (17:23) 60 (17:23) Sheriffs request assistance, shots fired at 100 block of Murder victim drive to CP Alvarado; 1 o at 3rd & Vermont; 4 officers at scene officers, 1 sergeant at ( unconfirmed) scene (unconfirmed) (17:41) 60 (17:30) 60 Sheriffs request assistance, shots fired at 100 block of Alvarado; 1 o officers at scene (unconfirmed) (17:41) 60 O-12 requesting assistance, man with gun at 2971 W. 8th; 4 officers at scene (unconfirmed) (17:51) 60 Officer requesting assistance at Beverly & Alvarado; 7 officers at scene (unconfirmed) (17:51) 60 · 16 o.-e1 Tme lncidens 04/30/92 18:00 LAFD requesting help, shots fired at 3rd & Catalina; 5 officers at scene (unconfirmed) (18:05) 60 04/30/92 Looters at 1342 N. 18:10 Alvarado; remaining ·A• watch units from Northeast Area dispatched to prevent further theft or damage (18:10) 58 LAFD requesting back-up at 9th & Vermont; 4 officers at scene (unconfirmed) (18:13) 60 04/30/92 LAFD requesting 18:15 assistance, shots fired at Pico & Vermont; 9 officers at scene (unconfirmed) (18:24) 60 04/30/92 LAFD requesting assistance 18:30 at 6th & Union; 1 0 officers at scene (unconfirmed) (18:44) 60 020 1 :SA \50900066. IIP5 June 26, 1992 LAPD 54 arrestees processed by Central Area Jail Unit (18:00) 56 LAFD requesting help, shots fired at 3rd & Catalina; 5 officers at scene (unconfirmed) (18:05) 60 Looters at 1342 N. Alvarado; remaining "A" watch units from Northeast Area dispatched to prevent further theft or damage (18:10) 58 LAFD requesting back-up at 9th & Vermont; 4 officers at scene (unconfirmed) (18:13) 60 LAFD requesting assistance, shots fired at Pico & Vermont; 9 officers at scene (unconfirmed) (18:24) 60 LAFD requesting assistance at 6th & Union; 1 o officers at scene (unconfirmed) (18:44) 60 Sheriff CHP National Federal Officials Fire Dept. Cily Officials Other PO's St.-e Officials Guard Federal Troops LAFD requesting help, shots fired at 3rd & Catalina; 5 officers at scene (unconfirmed) (18:05) 60 LAFD requesting back- up at 9th & Vermont; 4 officers at scene ( unconfirmed) (18:13) 60 LAFD requesting assistance, shots fired at Pico & Vermont; 9 officers at scene (unconfirmed) (18:24) 60 LAFD requesting Long Beach declares assistance at 6th & state of emergency and Union; 1 o officers at imposes curfew scene ( unconfirmed) (approx. 18:30) 102 (18:44) 60 L.A. County curfew broadened further (approx. 18:30) 102 - 17 - Dale/ Tme locidetU 04/30/92 LAFD requesting assistance 18:45 from LAPD at 6th & Union (18:50) 60 CHP requesting help at 3rd & Catalina; 6 officers at scene (unconfirmed) (18:52) 60 04/30/92 Looters at 6th & Alexandria; 19:00 1 O officers, 1 sergeant at scene (unconfirmed) (19:01) 60 04/30/92 Looters at business at 617 19:15 New Hampshire; 10 officers, 1 sergeant at scene (unconfirmed) (19:21) 60 Structure fires & looting at 700 S. Broadway; 1 sergeant & 4 officers provide security for LAFD at scene (19:25) 56 02013A \50900066 . lolP5 Ju1tt: lb, 1992 lAPD LAFD requesting assistance from LAPD at 61h & Union (18:50) 60 CHP requesting help at 3rd & Catalina; 6 officers at scene (unconfirmed) (18:52) 60 Looters at 6th & Alexandria; 10 officers, 1 sergeant at scene (unconfirmed) (19:01) 60 Looters at business at 617 New Hampshire; 1 O officers, 1 sergeant at scene (unconfirmed) (19:21) 60 Structure fires & looting at 700 S. Broadway; 1 sergeant & 4 officers provide security for LAFD at scene (19:25) 56 ,. Sheriff CHP National Federal Officials Fire Dept. Cily Officials Other PO's State Officials Guard Federal Troops LAFD requesting assistance from LAPD at 61h & Union · (18:50) 60 CHP requesting help at 3rd & Catalina; 6 officers at scene (unconfirmed) (18:52) 60 Structure fires & looting at 700 S. Broadway; 1 sergeant & 4 officers provide security for LAFD at scene (19:25) 56 . 18 Dale/ Tme Incidents 04/30/92 19:30 LAFD requesting help at 6th & Union; 1 O officers, 1 sergeant at scene (unconfirmed) (19:40) 60 LAFD requesting assistance at Santa Monica & Vermont, robbery in progress, shots fired; 10 officers, 1 sergeant at scene (unconfirmed) (19:42) 60 04/30/92 Structure fires & looting at 19:45 5th & Spring and 5th & Broadway; 1 squad deployed (19:45) 56 Looters in liquor store at 3rd & Benton Way; 10 officers (confirmed), 1 sergeant (unconfirmed) at scene (19:50) 60 Burglary suspects at 200 block S. Vermont, 18 arrested & detained at C.P. 2; 10 officers (confirmed), 1 sergeant (unconfirmed) (19:55) 60 020 1JA \5 0900066 . \JPS June 26 , 1992 Sherfl CHP Nalional Federal Officials LAPD Fire Dept. City Officials Other PO's Stale Officials Guard Federal Troops 100 personnel requested from EOC arrive and are deployed (19:30) 105 LAFD requesting help at LAFD requesting help at 6th & Union; 1 o officers, 1 6th & Union; 1 O officers, sergeant at scene 1 sergeant at scene (unconfirmed) (19:40) 60 (unconfirmed) (19:40) 60 Additional 200 officers requested from EOC (19:40) 105 LAFD requesting LAFD requesting assistance at Santa Monica assistance at Santa & Vermont, robbery in Monica & Vermont, progress, shots fired; 1 O robbery in progress, officers, 1 sergeant at shots fired; 1 O officers, 1 scene (unconfirmed) sergeant at scene (19:42) 60 (unconfirmed) (19:42) 60 Structure fires & looting at 5th & Spring and 5th & Broadway; 1 squad deployed (19:45) 56 Looters in liquor store at 3rd & Benton Way; 10 officers (confirmed), 1 sergeant (unconfirmed) at scene (19:50) 60 Burglary suspects at 200 block S. Vermont, 18 arrested & detained at C.P. 2; 10 officers (confirmed), 1 sergeant (unconfirmed) (19:55) 60 - 19 - Dal.el Tme Incidents 04/30/92 Looters inside business at 20:00 6th & Rampart, 7 arrests; 10 officers (confirmed), 1 sergeant (unconfirmed) at scene (20:00) 60 04/30/92 Burglary suspects at 20:15 business at 417 S. Alvarado; 1 0 officers, 1 sergeant at scene (unconfirmed) (20:26) 60 04/30/92 20:30 04/30/92 Looters at market at 9th & 20:45 Alvarado; 1 0 officers ( confirmed) & 1 sergeant (unconfirmed) at scene (20:45) 60 020 13A \50900066 . IJPS June 26 , 1992 Sheriff CHP Naliooal Federal Officials LAPD Fire~ Cay Officials Other PO's Stale Officials Guard Federal Troops Looters inside business at Governor tours, by 6th & Rampart, 7 arrests; helicopter, most 1 0 officers (confirmed), 1 affected areas of sergeant (unconfirmed) at city (20:00) 1 06 scene (20:00) 60 Burglary suspects at business at 417 S. Alvarado; 1 0 officers, 1 sergeant at scene (unconfirmed) (20:26) 60 Looters at market at 9th & Alvarado; 10 officers (confirmed) & 1 sergeant (unconfirmed) at scene (20:45) 60 - 20 Dale/ Tme lncidera 04/30/92 Burning & looting moving by 21 :00 north on Vermont Ave. to Santa Monica Blvd.; 7 businesses destroyed by fire & 4 heavily damaged; armed Korean businessmen appear to stem northerly progress of rioters & looters; no LAPD personnel resources available 58 Burglary of looters at furniture store at Melrose & Heliotrope, 4 arrests; 1 0 officers (confirmed), 1 sergeant (unconfirmed) at scene 60 04/30/92 21 :00 04/30/92 Fires on all four corners at 21 :15 Pico & Alvarado; 20 officers, 2 sergeants at scene (unconfirmed) (21 :25) 60 04/30/92 Shots fired al LAFO al 2100 21 :30 W. 12th St. ; 1 0 officers, 1 sergeant at scene (unconfirmed) (21 :35) 60 020 13A \ S0900066 . \IP~ J une 26, 1992 Sheriff CHP Naoonal Federal Officials LAPO Fire Dept. Cily Officials OtherPO's Stale Officials Guard Federal Troops Burning & looting moving 1,007 members north on Vermont Ave. to on patrol; an Santa Monica Btvd.; 7 additional 1 , 993 businesses destroyed by ready but fire & 4 heavily damaged; waiting for armed Korean assignments businessmen appear to from local stem northerly progress of officials rioters & looters; no LAPD (by 21 :00) 55 personnel resources available 58 Burglary of looters at furniture store at Melrose & Heliotrope, 4 arrests; 1 o officers (confirmed), 1 sergeant (unconfirmed) at scene 60 Fires on all four corners at Pico & Alvarado; 20 officers, 2 sergeants at scene (unconfirmed) (21 :25) 60 Shots fired at LAFD at Shots fired al LAFD at 2100 W. 12th St. ; 10 2100 W. 12th SI. ; 10 officers, 1 sergeant at officers, 1 sergeant at scene (unconfirmed) (21 :35) 60 scene (unconfirmed) (21 :35) 60 - 2 1 - Dale/ Tme lncidenls 04/30/92 Shots fired R.A. en route at 21 :45 300 S. Lucas; 10 officers, 1 sergeant at scene (unconfirmed) (21 :45) 60 0 .1 .S. (officer involved shooting) involving Metro officer at 2009 W. 9th St.; 20 officers, 2 sergeants, & RHO at scene ( unconfirmed) (21 :45) 60 Homicide at 4028 Santa Monica (21 :45) 60 Arson at business at Berendo & Beverly; 10 officers, 1 sergeant (unconfirmed) (21 :55) 60 04/30/92 after 21 :00 02013A \50900066. WP5 June 26, 1992 LAPD Shots fired A.A. en route at 300 S. Lucas; 1 0 officers, 1 sergeant at scene (unconfirmed) (21 :45) 60 0 .1.S. (officer involved shooting) involving Metro officer at 2009 W. 9th St.: 20 officers, 2 sergeants, & RHO at scene (unconfirmed) (21 :45) 60 Arson at business at Berendo & Beverly; 1 0 officers, 1 sergeant (unconfirmed) (21 :55) 60 Northeast area assigns 1 squad to Santa Monica & Vermont until relieved by Nafl Guard; constant manning of 20-30 officers required along Sunset to prevent recurring looting; 3 sergeants & 3 squads dispatched to South Bureau Command Post 58 Sheriff CHP National Federal Officials Fire Dept Cay Officials Olher PO's Stale Officials Guard Federal Troops Northeast area assigns 1 squad to Santa Monica & Vermont until relieved by Nat'I Guard; constant manning of 20- 30 officers required along Sunset to prevent recurring looting; 3 sergeants & 3 squads dispatched to South Bureau Command Post 58 - 22 - Dale/ Tme lncidenls 04/30/92 Looting at video store at 22:00 Vermont & Washington, 4 arrests; 1 O officers (confirmed), 1 sergeant (unconfirmed), & LAFD at scene (22:00) 60 Arsonist setting fires at 2700 W. 3rd St.; 10 officers, 1 sergeant at scene ( unconfirmed) (22:00) 60 04/30/92 Structure fire and looting at 22:15 5th & Hill; 1 sergeant & 4 officers provide LAFD security support (22:15) 56 Shots fired at officers at Lake & Alvarado (22:26) 60 04/30/92 Shots fired at burglary 22:30 suspects by civilians at 2000 W. 6th St.; 1 0 officers, 1 sergeant at scene ( unconfirmed) (22:42) 60 04/30/92 Burglary of business at 22:45 2529 W. Temple; 10 otticers, 1 sergeant at scene (unconfirmed) (22:55) 60 020 13A \S0900066 . IJPS June 26, 1992 Sheriff CHP Naliooal Federal Officials LAPO Fire Dept. Cily Officials Other PO's Stale Officials Guard Federal Troops Looting at video store at Looting at video store at Vermont & Washington, 4 Vermont & Washington, arrests; 1 o officers 4 arrests; 1 o officers (confirmed), 1 sergeant (confirmed), 1 sergeant (unconfirmed), & LAFO at (unconfirmed), & LAFD scene at scene (22:00) 60 (22:00) 60 Arsonist setting fires at 2700 W. 3rd St.; 10 officers, 1 sergeant at scene (unconfirmed) (22:00) 60 Structure fire and looting at Structure fire and looting 5th & Hill; 1 sergeant & 4 at 5th & Hill; 1 sergeant officers provide LAFD & 4 officers provide security support (22:15) 56 LAFD security support (22:15) 56 Shots fired at officers at Lake & Alvarado (22:26) 60 Shots fired at burglary suspects by civilians at 2000 W. 6th St. ;, 10 officers, 1 sergeant at scene ( unconfirmed) (22:42) 60 Burglary of business at 2529 W. Temple; 10 officers, 1 sergeant at scene (unconfirmed) (22:55) 60 - 23 - Date/ Tme lncidenls 04/30/92 Shots fired at LAPD vehicle 23:00 at 11th & Lake; 10 officers (confirmed), 1 sergeant (unconfirmed) at scene (23:00) 60 04/30/92 O.1.S. (officer involved 23:15 shooting) involving Rampart Crash officers at 2120 W. 11th St. ; 20 officers, 2 sergeants at scene (unconfirmed) (23:15) 60 Shots fired at officers at 3rd & Loma; 20 officers, 2 sergeants at scene (unconfirmed) (23:15) 60 O.I.S. (officer involved shooting) Crash officer requests help, shots fired, unable to maintain crime scene; 20 officers (confirmed), 2 sergeants (unconfirmed) at scene (23:15) 60 LAFD requests help, shots fired at 2100 W. Olympic; 1 o officers, 1 sergeant at scene (unconfirmed) (23:21) 60 04/30/92 Shots fired at LAPD vehicle 23:30 at 3rd & Witmer; 20 officers, 2 sergeants at scene ( uncont irmed) (23:33) 60 0201 lA \50900066 . IJPS June 26, 1992 { ). Sheriff CHP National Federal Officiats LAPO Fire Depl ~ Officials Other PO's State Officials Guard Federal Troops Shots fired at LAPD vehicle at 11th & Lake; 1 O officers (confirmed), 1 sergeant (unconfirmed) at scene (23:00) 60 O.I.S. (officer involved shooting) involving Rampart Crash officers at 2120 W. 11th St.; 20 officers, 2 sergeants at scene ( unconfirmed) (23:15) 60 Shots fired at officers at 3rd & Loma; 20 officers, 2 sergeants at scene (unconfirmed) (23:15) 60 O.I.S. (officer involved shooting) Crash officer requests help, shots fired, unable to maintain crime scene; 20 officers (confirmed), 2 sergeants (unconfirmed) at scene LAFD requests help, (23:15) 60 shots fired at 2100 W. LAFD requests help, shots Olympic; 1 O officers, 1 fired at 2100 W. Olympic; sergeant at scene 1 o officers, 1 sergeant at (unconfirmed) (23:21) 60 scene (unconfirmed) (23:21) 60 Shots fired at LAPD vehicle at 3rd & Witmer; 20 officers, 2 sergeants at scene ( unconfirmed) (23:33) 60 - 24 - Date/ Tme lncidens LAPD Fire Dept. City Officials 04/30/92 Rocks & bottles being Rocks & bottles being Mayor and Governor 23:45 thrown at officers at 2nd & thrown at officers at 2nd & announce increased Rampart; 10 officers, 1 Rampart; 10 officers, 1 Nat'I Guard troops to sergeant at scene sergeant at scene 6,000; have requested (unconfirmed) (unconfirmed) that federal troops be (23:48)6() (23:48)6() placed on aJert (prior to 00:00) 102 04/30/92 LAFD reports total of 4,814 Meeting of all law Mayor in a Fire Dept. Mayor in a Fire Dept. time incidents enforcement agencies; helicopter given helicopter given uncertain 52 CHP to assume overview of areas overview of areas responsibility as escorts to involved in riot involved in riot LAFD 52 52 52 LAFD establishes staging area at Fire Station 3 for the Metro area, and implements staging areas in the San Fernando VaJley at Fire Station 27, Fire Station 29 & Fire Station 98 52 Chief Engineer Manning appears in City Counc~ 2 2. Ted Koppel, ABC Nightline: Moment of Crisis: Anatomy of a Riot 3. Jaxon Van Derbeken, "LAPD Brass Knew of Early Riot Violence•, L.A. Daily News, May 23, 1992, at first and back page. 4. Stephen Braun, Frantic Riot Calls Deluged Command Post, L.A. Times, May 23, 1992 at A24. 5. Stephen Braun, Leslie Berger, Chaos & Frustration at Florence and Normandie, L.A. Times, May 15, 1992, at A28. 6. Rich Connell, Site of Denny Beating Wasn't Riot Flash Point, Gates Says, L.A. Times, May 13, 1992, at A 1. 7. Rich Connell and Ted Rohrlich, Webster To Head Probe of Police Response to Riot, L.A. Times, May 12, 1992 at Al , A18. 020BA\S0900066 . IJPS June 26, 1992 - 25 - • Shefiff CHP National Federal Officials Olher PO's State Officials Guard Federal Troops Governor and Mayor announce increased Nat'I Guard troops to 6,000; have requested that federal troops be placed on alert (prior to 00:00) 102 Meeting of all Meeting of all Meeting of all law enforcement law enforcement law agencies; CHP agencies; CHP enforcement to assume to assume agencies; CHP responsibility as responsibility as to assume escorts to LAF~ 2 escorts to LAF~ 2 responsibility as escorts to LAFD 52 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 51 . 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. Stephen Braun, Jim Newton, U.S. Army, Marine Troops Withdraw From Los Angeles, L.A. Times, May 10, 1992, A1, A33. Rich Connell, Richard A. Serrano, Ted Rohrlich, Gates Defends Riot Planning of LAPD, Concedes Mistakes, L.A. Times, May 9, 1992, at a1 , a4. Rich Connell and Richard Simon, Top LAPD Officer, Fire Chief Cite Flaws in Police Response, L.A. Times, May 8, 1992, at A1 . Richard A. Serrano and Ted Rohrlich, Criticism Over Use of Force Inhibited Police, Gates Says, L.A. Times, May 7, 1992, at A1 . Jane Fritsch, Police May Have Ignored Basic Riot Plan. N.Y. Times, May 7, 1992 (page unknown). Walter Shapiro, Lessons of Loss, Time, May 18, 1992 at 38. Tom Mathews, The Siege of LA, Newsweek, May 11 , 1992 pp. 30, 35 Shawn Hubler, Myrna Oliver & Larry Gordon, Genesis of a Riot, LA. Times, May 7, 1992, at A9. Minutes of Board of Fire Commissioners, City of Los Angeles, May 7, 1992. Gates Blames Top Brass for Slow Police Response, UPI, May 6, 1992 Frank Clifford, Louis Sahagun, No Shortage of Finger Pointing at City Hall, LA. Times, May 5, 1992, at B 1. Daniel M. Weintraub, National Guard Official Cites Series of Delays, LA. Times, May 5, 1992 at Al. LAPD Operations - Central Bureau, OCB's Major Incidents Relative to the Civil Unrest 4.1 (5/8/92) LAPD Operations - Central Bureau, OCB's Major Incidents Relative to the Civil Unrest 4.2 (5/8/92) LAPD Operations - Central Bureau, OCB's Major Incidents Relative to the Civil Unrest 4.3 (5/8/92) LAPD Operations - Central Bureau, OCB's Major Incidents Relative to the Civil Unrest 4.4 (5/8/92) LAPD Operations - Central Bureau, OCB's Major Incidents Relative to the Civil Unrest, 4.5 (5/8/92) 101 = MOFO ENTRY/POLICE DEPT. CHRONOLOGY 102= MOFO ENTRY/NEWSPAPER REPORT 103= MOFO ENTRY/CENTRAL BUREAU REPORT 0201 JA \50900066 . W PS June 26, 1992 - 26 - ( I .} 104=MOFO ENTRY/SOUTH BUREAU REPORT 105=MOFO ENTRY,WEST BUREAU REPORT 106=MOFO ENTRY/UNIDENTIFIED SOURCE 02013A \ 50900066 . IJPS June 26, 1992 - 27 -
Linked assets
Los Angeles Webster Commission records, 1931-1992
Conceptually similar
Weekly status report, number 4, 1992-06-26
Los Angeles riots event grid, 1992-07-09
Los Angeles riots event grid, 1992-07-02
CARECEN article, report, 1992-06
Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office, Emergency Plan, 1992-06
Unusual occurance critique, 1992-05-17
Fire incidents, Los Angeles riots, 1992-04-29/1992-05-05
Interviews remaining to be completed, 1992-08-03
Weekly status report, number 11, overview, 1992-08-14
Weekly status report, number 9, overview, 1992-07-31
Income and expense statement, 1992-06-26
Study report topics, 1992
Study team roster, 1992-06-25
Operations central bureau, civil unrest report, 1992-04-29/1992-05-01
After action report, 1992-04/1992-05
Weekly status report, number 5, 1992-07-03
Weekly status report, number 8, overview, 1992-07-23
Weekly status report, number 6, overview, 1992-07-10
Statement of pro bono attorney hours, 1992-07-07
Major incidents report, Rampart, 1992-04-29/1992-05-01
Attorney work product, privileged and confidential, Los Angeles riots event grid, last update, 1992 June 26.
Asset Metadata
Core Title
Attorney work product, 1992-06-26
OAI-PMH Harvest
81 p.
official reports
Permanent Link (DOI)
Unique identifier
box 24 (box),web-box24-01-05.pdf (filename),folder 1 (folder),webster-c100-42437 (legacy record id)
Legacy Identifier
81 p. (format),application/pdf (imt),official reports (aat)
Folder test
Inherited Values
Los Angeles Webster Commission records, 1931-1992
Chaired by former federal judge and FBI and CIA Director William H. Webster, the Los Angeles Webster Commission assessed law enforcement's performance in connection with the April, 1992 Los Angeles civil unrest. The collection consists of materials collected and studied by the Commission over the course of its investigation. Materials pertain to both the Los Angeles incident specifically, and civil disturbance, civil unrest control, and policing tactics in general.
Included in the collection are the following: interviews with LAPD officers, law enforcement personnel, government officials, community leaders, and activists; articles, broadcasts, and press releases covering the civil unrest; various tactical and contingency plans created for disasters and emergencies; reports, studies, and manuals about civil unrest control and prevention; literature about community-based policing strategies; emergency plans and procedures developed by other cities; and after-action reports issued once the civil unrest had subsided. Also featured are items related to the internal operations of the LAPD both before and during the civil unrest, including activity reports, meeting agendas and minutes, arrest data, annual reports, curricula and educational materials, and personnel rosters.
See also the finding aid (
See also The Los Angeles Riots: The Independent and Webster Commissions Collections (
Related collections in the USC Digital Library:
? Independent Commission on the Los Angeles Police Department, 1991 (see also the finding aid:
? Richard M. Mosk Christopher Commission records, 1988-2011 (see also the finding aid:
? Kendall O. Price Los Angeles riots records, 1965-1967 (see also the finding aid:
? Watts riots records, 1965 (see also the finding aid:
Thanks to generous support from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the USC Libraries are digitizing this collection for online public access.
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