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Los Angeles Webster Commission records, 1931-1992
Chronology Task Force, LAPD documents, EEC journals, 1992-04-30
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Chronology Task Force, LAPD documents, EEC journals, 1992-04-30
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Journal of the ECC for
Post-Rodney King Trial
c. McGee - update from field command post. 300
otticers deployed numerous fires & looting exact amount
unknown. No ors (2) firemen shot.
Lt. Chambers - CHP
3 Capts
3 Lt
12 Sgt's
126 Officers
No Reserve
working on getting
250 more officers
Sgt. Moran - need trans for 10 officers from the Academy.
Chief Parks - OCB has in reserve 16 Sgt. & 172 officers in
Governor declared state of emergency
750 CHP officers committed to perimeter control.
2,000 National Guard standing by.
CommandeF Gatlin - from Marshal's offered their assistance
if needed. Call back (213) 780-2235.
McNamain- Rec'd information from Deputy Chief Frankle re:
expected increase in National Guard allotment to
approximately 4,000 by late PM or 4-30-92. Possible
staging area= Dodgers Stadium parking lot. Need to
consider transportation to Missions for the guard. Senior
RTD Supervisor Mike Turk notified, who will deliver
message to have RTD prepare to handle the Guard
transportation to/from Dodgers Stadium.
S/B Homicide - Lt. Mollny - Investing 6 homicide
1 - Figueroa King, M, B, at California Hospital 2000
2 - Vernon/Normandie 2015 hrs. Cal. Hosp.
3 - · vermont/Vernon 2330 hrs. M, B@ county use.
4 - 20th Cent 2100 hrs M, H. Gardena Memorial
5 - Century/Hoover 2315 hrs. unk vict male
6 - 102nd & Avalon 0010 hrs, M, w, unk hosp.
EOC Commander - Operations Valley sent 7 Sgt. and 62
officers to Crenshaw Plaza. Operations West Bureau sent 8
Sgts. and 45 officers to Crenshaw Plaza. TCS motors sent
1 Sgt and 7 officers to Crenshaw Plaza.
Chief Parks- OCB has 213 officers deployed with 188 in
ABC Stores - PD escort needed at ABC Store fire located at
4030 South Western. Employees i~side.
Detective Hyde - Wilshire Detective - Commander White
requested about 10 Detectives for Wilshire custody
processing since all Detectives there are on A watch or B
CHP - Lt. Veale - Per Lt. Chambers LAPD@ CHP ERC will not
continue replacing barricades on the fwy ramps@ Harbor
Fwy vie. of Century public keeps removing barricades after
CHP sets them up.
West Bureau - Officer Davis - Update:
A. Hollywood - 2345 hrs - PSR dawn.
1. 2-415 groups dispersed.
2. No arrests, no officer injury, no fires.
B. Wilshire - 2355 Hrs - Officer Knight
1. Jefferson/La Brea - 300 people at shopping center poss
starting fire.
2. Pawn shop - removing ungs - Riagly/Venice
3. 711 - La Cienega/Rodeo - Vandalism - 20 suspects
4. LaBrea/Washington - Chevron - Sta - on fire
5. Sgt. vehicle struck w/4 roun~s - front of Wilshire
Sta- no injuries.
6. Total - 6 arrests. No OIS.
c. W. Los Angeles - 0100 Hrs - Sgt. Walker.
2 - arrests poss. looting at Pico/Clarke
D. Pacific - Hrs 0015 - Sgt. Babello
1. Oakwood - under control - 2 officers present.
2. 1 - fire
3. 1 - ADW arrest on P.O.
DOT - Parking Enforc. - It was requested by EOCC CP that
DOT/Parking Enforcement respond to Central with
barricades. All DOT/Parking enforcement field personnel
have been released from duty until further notice. Please
notify street maintenance to handle.
Sgt. Elliott - 1 Capt., 1 Lt., 26 Detectives (2) for plain
clothers assigned.
Pierce - N. Hollywood - Stand by personnel
1. 5-6 officers
2. 3 Sgts.
3. 1 Lt.
Park Ranger Station or Rec. & Parks notified to send
report to EOC to coor. shelter.
Lt. Watermen - homicide occurred at 2120 hrs at 6314
Jacqueline Pl. in N/E Div. F, oriental was shot by a male
Fire Dept. - notification from Red cross, Hobart and
Adams, that 10 to 60 families may be displaced. Contacted
Red Cross Rep. who is currently in root.
Casualty report, death 5, injuries 63, from 20 hospitals.
Per Det. Sack OHO.
Sgt. Elliott - BFD - Sgt. will send his personnel to the
IAD roll call room for transportation to SB CP.
Ms. Fisher - Update: California Medical Center:
1. 10 gunshot wounds
2 deaths from gunshot.
2. 3 lacerations.
Pager no. (213) 963-2193.
Sgt. Sims - BAD - will send 18 Det. in uniform, 1 Lt. to
IAD roll call room for transportation to S/B CP.
Lt. Garcia - status update for OVB Fire Dept reported
shots on ~the 4300 blk of White Street. Two vice officers
were shot at on Gain & Glenoaks - but no hits. 2 liquor
store looted in Foothill Division.
Valencia-Training - 22 officers DARE, 20 Trng Div., 5
OSB-Traf, 47 enroute to OSB CP via RTD bus, 7 reserve at
Training Division.
Notified Marques at EOC field task force of break ins at
5860 Crenshaw and 1935 w. Adams. Pac Bell Buildings.
They will send units.
Status update-southwest Division- Adams -Western shots
fired fire Martin Luther King - Western- ABC Market on
fire & LaBrea at Coliseum- Fire.
EOC Commander - as of 0100 hrs. TCS is sending 5 motor
officers and 1 Sgt. OCB is sending 100 officers and 10
Sgt. All are going to Crenshaw Plaza.
Ofer. Marquez - 77th CP has relocated from 54th & Van Ness
to Crenshaw Plaza (with OSB CP). Only phone is 718-9271.
Metro has taken over the 54th & Van Ness CP. Phone
972-6205; 291-8113.
Lt. Taylor - OHO - 18 uniform officers 4 buses when needed
Lt. Chambers, EOC- 10 Ofcrs from narcotics have been
deployed to SB command post.
Lt. Gale - ECC Commander - OHO was advised to contact
Commander White at home at 0630 hrs and advise him that he
is the liasion with the City Attorney's
Office and he is to contact City Attorney Alice Hand at
Bauchet Street at 0800 hrs.
Detective Galloway/BAD - was contacted and advised him to
contact OVB 989-8303 for personnel needs.
McNamara - Re: Change of watch (B to A) coordinated RTD
P/U City-wide from and to all stations CP's including
Crenshaw Plaza, Parker Center & Academy. (3 buses=
Training Div (70) & DARE (40)= 110. RTD supervisor Mike
Turk to provide for security via RTD security--- not
necessary to involve CHP@ this time.
Central Bureau Update - Central Division - numerous fires
protesters at Parker Center, at City Hall South Rampart
Division - looting at Vermont/8th Street and
Olympic/cataline, Newton Division - numerous fires, N/E
and Hollenbeck - no problems.
Sgt. Anderson - CO/EOC - County EOC is deploying the
following personnel from Riverside, Imperial & Mono
Counties are being deployed. 50 to SB command post 25 to
Foothill Station at State Assemblyman's request.
Sgt. Apodaca/LRD- Sgt. Apodaca has on standby J officers,
1 Sgt. transport Avail.
Sgt. Atkins - OWB sent 1 Sgt and 10 officers from Hwd area
to Wilshire.
80 CHP officers being sent S/B also CHP is liasoning
direct W/ Chie Hunt. Per Intelligence Officer.
Lt. Chambers/CHP - 80 CHP officer being sent S/B also CHP
is liasoning direct w/Chief Hunt.
McGee - 77th update - C/P - Van Ness & 54th - they have
set-up a temp. morgue - 3 dead bodies.
Command Post Van Ness & 54th - The · command post reports
they have 157 personnel including command staff.
CLA Reps are EOW and available via phone on as needed
CLA Reps.- are EOW and available Via phone on as needed
basis. Fransic Banerjee: (818) 285-7961
Bill Mccarley: (818) 961-6334
Marvin Brune: (213) 472-7420
Bob Canfield: (213) 704-3566 pager
Anton caucia: (818) 360-3986
Note: 0930 briefing for LAPD/LAFD situation RPT to Mr.
Brande 0930 before 1ooo· council Mtg.
Butler - Pacific Bell - need escort from 9615 s. Central
to Western/Slauson a 2-1/2 mile radius is operations on a
back up battery that will last for 50 more minute if power
gnerator is not repaired in 30 min. It will result in a
2-1/2 mile radius black out. OSB notified.
Need Escord from 9615 s. Central to Wstern/Slauson a 2 1/2
mile radius is operating on a back up battery that will
last for 30 more minutes if power generator is not
repaired in 30 min it will result in a 2 1/2 mile radius
black out. OSB notified. Ofc Marquez.
West Bureau update per officer Davis Hollywood-Beverly
Hills PD pursuit- terminated in Hollywood at Santa Monica
Blvd- seward - 3 K's. Yucca & Las Palmas- shots fired.
The pawn shops at 5300 Ridgley, 1600 So. La Cienega and
4040 Washington - all guns were taken Rodeo/LaBrea looting
at Kinney's, the Footlockers and Thrifty. Bomb threat at
833 So. Western. Wilshire: looting at 7-11
(La Cienega-Rodeo) West LA Westwood Village no problems.
Pacific Div.- no problems.
S/W Sgt Santella - Crenshaw/Jefferson - fire, Ver/Vernon -
Market - fire, 39th/Denker - market - looters,
Expo/Normandie - fire, 42/menlo - auto gunfire. 1- arrest
- shotgun from veh. was a pursuit.
Lt. Corella - Request for bus for trans to OSB- CP- 18 BAD
Dets, 25 BFD Dets, 43 totals, request RTD assist via
Wagner - 6 patrol car to escort 6 2-man crews to various
locations in South central Area from 1141 West Second
Street, Building "D" and tax of bill.
Central Mr. Wagner please notify Don Giddings at
(213) 481-8729 as soon as possible.
McNamara- Rec'd information from Sgt. McNair@ Academy
transportation request to P/U 670th MP groups and return
them to the Academy from 2 locations. 103rd and Compton;
4th Vermont @change or watch. RTD Supervisor Turk okay
notified mititay Liaison Major Kramer.
Lt. Ben Nottingham - Fax - County curfew, ordinance for
assistance, provide to Canfield ASAP. Curfew ordinance
similar to City.
Communication Division - report of Officer shot at
manchester & Van Ness. No shooting. Traffic collision
only involving CHP Officer. Code-4 reported. Unk
OVB reports:
Deployed: Supv 26, Ofcrs 261
Reserve: Supv 8, Ofcrs 25
EOW 0630
Will have "A" watch officers report to academy in the
DHD - The coroner request an escort from his office to
54th & Van Ness. OCB contacted and will handle.
Maj. Sanford - The 340 available National guardsm~n will
have ammo and transport at 0315. They are waiting for a
mission and are at the Long Beach armory.
Lt. Waterman - NE- Homicide NE Division vict: M, Hisp
Solorzano, Noel, Susp: M, Oriental, NFD. ·vict was shot
on sidewalk by suspect after vict looted suspect's store.
Incident roccurred at 2015, vict pronounced dead at USMC at
M. Gee - 8 arrest uncountable damage to prop. (3) deaths.
Sgt. Walker - W. Los Angeles - has 2 squads avail but
needs a bus driver, they have a bus and should report to
54 & Van Ness pls call before sending.
Lt. Downing - SOO officers, 50 Sgts, avail equip by 0600
hrs, please return phone call with the available manpower.
Notified Commander Pomeroy that he is going to represent
ass and he has been given a mission to "shake loose"
everyone he can from oss. Contact all of the C.O's in oss
and determing minimum operating strength. Those above
minimum are "B" watch Commander Gartland was given the
same mission for headquarters Bureau.
Notified Cmdr. Pomeroy that he is going to nearest oss and
he has been given a mission to "shake loose" everyone he
can from oss. cotnact all of the C.O.'s in ass and
determine minimum operating strength. Those above minimum
are "B" watch Cmdr. Gartland was given he same mission for
headquarters bureau.
Sgt. Yanky/Metro - Metro is Max. deployed how they will be
deployed until told to stand down. After standing down.
No more will be avail or deployed many officers have been
on many hours.
Metro is max. deployed now. They will be deployed until
toled to stand down. After standing down. No more will
be avail or deployed many officers have been on many
hours. Per Intelligence Officer. ,
Total Offices deployed at 0300 hrs 1351, 103 sgts = 1454
Total officers at 0300hrs 95, 31 sgts = 126 total
77th update transformers exploding Vermont to
Central/Manchester to Vernon. 30-40 builidng burning.
Numerious stores looted. Selecting looting (non black
owned business)" Per Utilities Division
77th St. Div. advised that an ambush was going to occur at
45 & Broadway at a bank. Newton Div. advised that
builidng burned down approx 1 hr ago. Time 0300 hrs.
OHO C15 reported (9) confirmed homicides as a result of
Hollywood - 0205 hrs
1. N.G. at Griffith Park . - Approx 300 N.G.
Wilshire 0201 Hrs.
1. 2-Stores burned - Western Ave.
2. 18th/Western - Several fires.
No 415 at Midway
Bomb Threat - Boys Market - no further.
Davis - W. Bureau - Update: Hollywood 0205 hrs.
1. N.G. at Griffith Park - approx 300 N.G.
Wilshire 0201 hrs.
1. 2 - stores burned - Western Ave.
2. 18th/Western - several fires.
Update: No 415 at Midway bomb threat - Boys Market - no
3. 2 fires - Adams/Burnside, Adams/Hauser
West LA. - 202 hrs
415 dispersed in Westwood.
All bureaus- Total officers deployed at 0300 hrs 1351, 103
Sgts = 1454 total. Total officers available at 0300 hrs,
95, 31 Sgt.= 126 total.
77th C.P. - transformers exploding Vermont to
Central/Manchester to Vermont 30-40 buildings burning.
Numberous stores, looted, selective looting (non black
owned business)
Detective sack - OHO CIS reported (9) confirmed homicides
as a result of incident.
Lt. Chambers - 50 more CHP officers avail for our use.
50 more CHP officers available for our use. Per
Intelligence Officer.
Chief Gomez, CHP says that 100 more CHP officers will be
avail at 0430 between 0930 - 1200 300-400 more CHP ofcrs
will be avail they want info on what plans they would have
for these offices.
Wilshire wants to know when they may get food service
contact Sgt. Hyde #16896 at Wilshire. for response.
Advised food was on the way and has been ordered.
Sgt. Hyde - Wilshire wants to know when they may get food
service. , contact Sgt. Hyde@ Wilshire for response.
Lt. Chambers/CHP LTAS - Chief Gomez, CHP says that 100
more CHP officers will beavail at 0430 between 093- 1200.
1300 -400 more CHP officers will be available They want
info on what plans they would have for these officers.
SBTF was contacted and will return call.
Re: Deployment Report - The Bureau CP Personnel Officers
were fax a copy of the unusual occurence deployment report
and direction for the timely reporting of this
information. The CP were also requested to provide
projected "A" watch deployment information by 0400 hours.
Red Cross - Indiciated that canteen for FS 64's command
post en route. Also waiting for P.O. escort to send
to 54th Street to Arlington. First requested escort from
2700 Wilshire through 911.
Indicated that canteen for FS 64's command post enroute. ·
Also waiting for P.O. escort to send truck to 54th St &
Arlington. Fire requested escort from 2700 W ilshire
through 911.
Officer Judd, OHO - Bldg at 622 s. Broadway is burning
Lt. Pecko, Santa Ana, PD - is sending 9 Officers to Los
Alamitos at 0600. LASO EOC is coordinating.
77th C.P. - Sgt. Alvarez
C.P. 12 is requesting 50 rovers. Chk'd with log. No
rovers available C.P. advised.
C.P. 12 is requesting 50 rovers.
Checked with log. No rovers available. C.P. advised.
per Logistics officer.
Chief. Ward, USC campus police - security reports no
problems at this time very calm on the campus.
Lt. Sterling - OHO- "B" watch for 4-30-92
14 fixed posts
13 available
USC campus security reports no problems at this time -
very calm on the campus.
DHD's "B" watch for 4/30/92 14 fixed parts posts 13
Sgt. Zalesky - Airport Substation- no problem.
Airport substation no problems.
77th CP requesting a jail bus Slauson/Crenshaw.
Lt Pesqueria notified that Lt Carter (OCID) OCID has 1 lt
and 10 Dets (all plain clothes) available and standing by
at 55201.
Lt Pequeria said to have OCIO continue to standby and he
would contact OCID when needed.
OCB request meals for (370) officers.
Red Cross notified EOC that Red Cross is unable to support
OCB with meals.
A - Watch~ CTD 80 expected
Sgts - 7
TE - 36
AI - 37
Lt -1
Per Intelligence Officer
01732. 2
LASO EOC - has 12 squads 48 deputies no ready reserve
NATIONAL GUARD - reg Lt. Col. Antonetti reg assist for
logistical site for 700 manned NATIONAL GUARD UNIT
from FRESNO have 2000 mobilized and advance party
will arrive (liaison) by 0800 hrs poss sites should
consider tents for 5 days.
CIC. of the 13 injuries, btwn 0400-0505 ten were
0510 OSB CP need seven captains. Have two, Capt Elfmont &
Capt Moran. Depty Chief Hun~ advised only two
available no other C/O avail at this time
0520 Chief ·Hunt request following to cover A watch
770 officers, 77 Sgts, and 20 Lts
0530 Cmdr Bamen Lewis nfy'd Lt. iol Mike Kelly & arranged
TRNG DIV to handle deploynent logistics .. not LAPD
0520 Mr Turk (RTD OP) will supply 19 buses for next 3 days
and 1730 hrs.
0530 . Metro DP plan: 0600 today all but 1 squad goes eow
1200 1 SWAT SQD added to OSB 1700/1800 maximum
METRO DEeLOYMENT in OSB is approx 200.
0535 LAFD needs escort for 12 buses for 500 firefighters
meet at the armory in Elysian Park. Depart to
designated fire houses Ofer Zych nfy'd at OCB.
will respond.
0540 Lt. Carter says his officers are still on standby at their
office extension 5-5201.
0540 Chief Hunt has requested 20 DOT officers and the required
amount of supervisors to supervis them. He also request
barricades. He needs all at the OCB CP Per
Transportation Div.
0550 "A" watch deployment for LAD
1 Lt, 1 Sgt., & 19 Officers all in uniform and standing
0555 C.P. 12 request a jail bur at 52nd and Hoover. Per
Logistics Officer.
0555 Lt Chambes adv'd btwn 0600-0900 100 addl CHP ofcrs
will be avail to respond. after 0900 addl 150 will
be avail.
Lt. Chambers confirmed that 100 additional CHP between
0600-0900 & 150 more after 0900 will be available.
Officers will stage and respond from Los Alamitos.
Per Personnel Officer.
0600 (2) reserve (tech) officers class b License bus driver are
0600 Lt. Doster said that all "A: officers from LAD are at CB
how. He may have some officers for deployment please
contact him. Per Personnel Officer.
0611 Barricades should be requested from public works. DOT
does not have a supply of barricades.
An Ara supervisor will respond to the C/P at 54 Van Ness
to access the suaftey facter of civilian T/O's function
athe the location.
"A" "B"
RHO 22 32
Lt 3
D3 15 - D3
12- D2 15 D2
D1 2 - Dl
0616 Accessibility to city employees to city offices - any
restrictions. Question from Ray Allen Assistant General
Manger city Personnel Office. Per Intelligence Officer.
0620 DHD contingent 44 Dets .• Chief Hunt rq all 44.
respond to Trng Div for 1800 roll call B watch
to meet Metro uniform gear. will prob caravan
to CP with Metro.
0625 oo SGt. In Centro
Available 30 Officers, 3 Squads, 1 OIC, 1 OIC Asst.
Lt Hartwell DHD will c/b to verify Bill Hem will
send 28 BFD & 4 AIS, 12 JUV- DETS.
The Broadway line for ccurfew was extended to
Imperial Hy per South Bureau Task Force.
Lt. Smith, IAD, said 35 personnel will be ready in 25 mins
to respond (all in uniform). Lt. Smith said he would
contact CP. 33 Sergeants, 2 Lieutenants.
Requested OSB data on arrests, casualties damage,
logistics ASAP.
At 0900 PTB will have available; in full gear
2 officers 1 plain vehicle
2 sergeants
Lt. Downey of OSB is advising that
-945 officer
-14 LT's
-7 Capts
-90 Sgt's
Will be needed for "B" watch tonight.
Bus for transportation to dispatches to Hollenbeck. RTD
Supv Gibbons notified will dispatch bus. Per Logistics
Cmdr. Banks requests info on previous request for "A"
watch supervisors (Capts & Lt.s) to respond to C.P.
Also, requests one RTO to respond to C.P. to handle radio.
PAB command post requests info on wether following streets
have been ordered re-opened.
L.A. & Aliso 1st & Spring
Main & aliso 1st & Main
Spring & Aliso 1st & L.A.
Temple/Spring 1st & San Pedro
Temple & Alameda
- 7 DIII'S
-13 DIII's
- 7 DI's
- 3 PIII's
In uniform ready to be deployed
Advised Lt. Ganian at CHP ERC regarding CHP staffing info
needs for LAPD. *How many CHP available, *Where staged*
How many deployed. Attempt will be made to keep above
info current. Lt. Ganion LAPD will be relocating to South
Bureau and will operate liaison from there. A Sgt will be
Personnel Division requests a team of custodians in
the lobby of City Hall South ASAP to clean up broken glass
and water. Per Gen'l Services Div.
DOT requesting why Spring Street and sunset Brocken off.
Per Police Division.
Marquez from OSB has ask that they be given 45 minutes to
count the "A" deployment on duty and the number of
officers still needed (they are currently at change of
watch). Per Police Div.
RTD (Gibbons) contacted will dispatch bus to following
divisions for transportion - ETA 30 minutes.
-North Hwd
Per Police Division
City Attorney services avail if necessary
Send all breakfast meals to CP 54th and Vanness Per
Logistics Officer
Gas Co. Phone# is until liason personnel arr9ves at EOC
#213 781 - 8475,76,77,78,79
Personnel Division has agreed to let CHP liaison use the
Personne~ Division station in the EOC sta #32. Please
route messages for CHP to that station & calls to XS-7499.
Per Personnel & Recruit Div.
Per Mr Lopez DWP 4 34.5 KV lines out and
and 12 4.8 KV feeders out. approx 10,100
cutomers out of service. Info only.
NHWD & Dev. Do not have their RTD buses to trans
Requesting RTD buses to respond.
Per Police Division.
Fire needs an escort for bus carrying FD Personnel from
1700 Stadium Way (N of Marine Armory) to 54th & Arlington.
Per Fire and Rescue Div.
OSB arrest info.
-77th St 0
-S/E 72
-S/W 49
-Harb 3
Per Police Division
Field Commanders -
OCB Cmdr. M. Moore
O5B Cmdr. R. Banks
OWB Cmdr. R,. Taylor
OVB Capt P. McKinley
Per Cmdr. Fetters, OK to let prop div. work 8 hour shifts.
Prop Div. will deploy heavy through weekend. Per Police
LAD called - they have
5 Ofcrs - Full Duty
1 Lt. - Full Duty
5 Ofcrs - Light Duty
Per Personnel Officer
Reported deaths, 69 injuries will call back with breakdown
of city personnel, major injury, minor injury, ETC.
9 homicide will provide
- 69 confirmed by bureau
Per Police Div.
0813 3 squads at EAS. Per Personnel officer.
Are there areas that DWP maintenance crews and
commercial/customer services personnel should not enter
without escort? Per Police Div.
"OK" to open intersection at sunset and Spring. Per
Logistics Officer.
Foothill det. rec'd citizen info of a possible bomb being
activatd at Foothill later today. Informant will provide
add'l info between 100-1130 hrs. Intl is taking
appropriate action. Info Only.
Lt. Ganion advises that CHP has 750 officers available
stages at two location at Los Alamitos and at 777 W.
Washington Blvd.
Sgt. Jan Bonner ERC has replaced Lt. Ganion, who is
relocating to 718-9271 South Bureau.
Use of Force P&T Bureau has available at 0900.
-1 Sgt.
-3 Ofcrs.
Per Police Division
Paul Bardon motor Transport indicated buses available at
following locations
3 - Central Div.
1 - Jail Div.
1 - Piper Tech
1 - 77th Div.
1 Harbor Div
Per Personnel Officer.
Nate Thibodeanx, MTD, advises that mock fuel services (OW
vendor) refuses delivery W/0 police escort.
Southwest is only station in "core" area scheduled for
delivery today.
Will work through Personnel officer to arrange necessary
escort. Per Police Div.
OCB directed to secure Parker center
S/W Div. requesting meals for approx 75 officers. Per
Gen'l Services Div.
Per CHP ERC there will be 200 CHP at Central CHP at 0900
(777 W. Washington) and additional 44 at Los Alamitos.
The previous figure of 750 is the number anticipated for
later in the day (time unspecified). Per Personnel
OSB - Field Commander direct line #718-9271. Per
CO/Executive Officer.
RTD has dispatch buses for transportant of fire fighters
to following locations.
9861 Reseda
6811 DeSoto
14415 Sylvan
5320 Tujunga
13035 Van Nuys
Per Fir and Rescue Div.
We request a list of addresses (citywide) which have
sustained fire damge. Per Fire and Rescue Div.
CIC reports 9 deaths, 30 serious injuries, 40 minor
injuries. 1 LAPD minor injury. All 9 deaths occurred in
OSB. Serious injuries - 24 in OSB, 2 in OCB, 2 in OWB, o
in OVB. Minor injuries 31 in OSB, 2 in OVB, 0 in OCB, 0
in OWB.
Per Police Division.
There is a mass casulty unit available if necessary
Contacts: Bon Bernham (916) 978-4764
Les Matterazzi (714) 276-6721
Per Fire and Rescue Div.
List of addresses has been requested from Fire OCD of
structures that have received damage ETA 15 min. Per Bldg
& Safety Div.
MTD advises thy have 5 dept buses but need to have PO's
who are Class 2 licenses.
Capt Riley, Training Division is preparing and will FAX to
EOC a list of Class 2 licenses. Intention is to redeploy
these liceses to stage them with buses at Central facility
on both "A" & "B" watches
Resolved "A" watch transportation problems.
Contacted Jail Division and Valley Jail to determine space
availability. Jail Fel Sec:80, Misd Sec-minimal, Valley
Fel Sec: 80-90, Misd Sec.-Full this count was obtained in
response to SW Area being full and CJ not accepting
arrestees. Per CO/Executive Officer.
W ilshire needs 80 officers & g Sergeants, 16oting in
18 officers 00
8 Sergeants
3 Officer PTB
6 Officers CTD
1 Sergeant
9 Officers Legal Affairs
30 Officers BFD
Per Personnel Officer
Citizen at Save-on Drugs want to know if demonstation is
planned at Parker Center at 1200 noon today.
Lori 620-1491
Lt. Grey - OCB notified
Lt. Harmon - PAB Field Cmdr - Not
·Lt. Murcott - OCOP - Not
Per Intelligence Officer
RTD Larry Cosner - advises continued committment of RTD
resources to police transport for duration of our
Capt. Coble to meet with RTD this A.M. to develop
transport plan for 4-30-92 "B" watch. Per CO/Executive
Deaths occurred at following locations:
1. Vernon-Vermont 1 M/Black
2. 467 Mlk 1 M/Black
3. Vermont-Vernon 1 M/Black
4. 120 - Central 1 M/Hisp
5. 78th San Pedro 1 M/Black
6. 92 - Western 1 M/Black
7. 102 - Avalon 1 M/White
8/9 11338 Alvaro 2 M/Black
All deaths from gunshot wounds.
Inquired regarding CHP missions extending to that of
excorting fuel trucks to resupply LAPD facilities. CHP
will accept fuel truck escort missions commencing Friday.
Per Logistics Officer.
HBK officers report that student are remoring that they
will burft down the Sears building at Soto and Olympic.
1400 hrs
Rumors Only.
Sgt. Young will notiy Lt. Grey & Cmdr Moore. Per Fire and
Rescue Div.
0932 103rd - Grandee, Apx 75-100 throwing rocks & bottles.
Req. additional units, only 4 ofcrs at the locations.
Foothill detective received citizen information of a
possible bomb being activated at Foothill later today.
Information will be provided by informant between
1100-1130 hrs. Foothill is taking appropriate action.
Info. only. Per Intelligence officer.
Notified Lt. Grey - OCB of possible problems of EOC
access. He said that they (OCB) wil consider plans to
handle any problems. Per CO/Executive Officer.
Prisoner transportation for Southwest Area aranged a
mechanic from MTD will oprate the bus with a police
Contacted Lt. Wilson, SW ARea Wilson dispatched a two man
unit to MTD to escort the bus.
Will obtail count of availbe officers from orange Co.
Sgt. O'Brian indicated an additional 100 hrs have been
assigned to CP Los at 1545 w. Martin Luther King Jr.
Requests all possible force to CP - currently fielding 27
Squads (7-9) from "B" watch - needs immediate relief.
Additionally has "A" watch 30 squads deployed and 16
squads· available.
4 traffic officers and 1 supervisor deployed at Academy
Road and Stadium, Way on 24 hour basis per Acting DOT
Chief Bob White also, No traffic officers will be deployed
around Parker Center due to reports of possible violence
at 12noon today.
1012 Reports that the uo parimeter has been extended to
Jefferson - North
Crenshaw - West
Harbor Fwy - East
Manchester - South
curfew - No fire arms.
Damage Report. Fire destroyed 560 building# of total
incidents 1556 Per Police Division.
CP - 54th & Vanness field jial 12 arrestees.
Please Phone TO: Chief Booth received from Sheriff
Central Bureau - 2 serious injuries South Bureau 9 Deaths
24 injuries, 33 minor West Bureau - 2 injuries, Valley
Bureau - 2 minor
Major looting 103rd - Central 50 people.
Due to possible demonstration at Parker Center at 1000
hrs., what security arrangements have been made for City
Hall, CH East & CH South to secure them from entry. We
estimate about 1500-2000 employee are in the building who
will coordinate any required evacuation of employees?
Red Cross requesting that a Blk/Wht trans blood from:
llJ0S. Vermont: LA (got to Melo & 11th St) TO: Centinela
Hosp. 555 E. Hady St., Inglewood.
This is an EMERGENCY delivery.
Sgt. Requesting field jails be set up at S/W, 77th and S/E
Div. Per Personnel Officer
Communications supervisor working · on fire command post -
would like an escort from piper tech to 54 & Arlington to
relieve his personnel Per Fire and Rescue Div.
18 squads available 3 of 18 squads have vehicles, 2 motor
Reporting 18 squads 3 with vehicle 2 motor squads. Please
contact diamond at 718-9727 per Personnel Officer
Officer Down Vermont - Florence Per PSR
Vermont - 58th Please Help - Rover. Per Intelligence
Call Lt. Pequera 5-4251 No. Personnel Available No.
Personnel on alert.
Field truck escorts for LAPD facilities requested for
Capt. Schock is enroute to City Hall East and he will
coordinate escorts.
He will need a detailed schedule.
Red Cross requesting that a Blk/Wht trans blood from:
1130 s. Vermont LA TO:" Kaiser WLA
This is an EMERGENCY delivery (Per Sgt. Brown contact Ramp
Ramp/ At Water Notified 1110) Per Personnel Officer.
If DWP has individuals who live within the curfew area but
they are needed for emergency operations, can arrangement
be made to get the people in and out?
Pac Bell maintenance yard 5030 Coliseum. Looters notify
CP 972-0505 & 718-9268
Sgt. Jackson at 715-9265 notified at 1200
They have following personnel available A&B shifts 28
officers - 5 Sgts.
Demonstration in front of Parker Center has begun. OCB is
expanding security to include both PAB & City Hall.
Access to P2 & P# garage is available at this t i me,
uncertain in future. Commissioner Dennis Nushicawa,
Public Works notified. (5-3379)
Freeway ramp closures currently -NONE- I-110 all on* off
ramps are open Per Intelligence officer.
RE: four 10'10' canopies requested for command post at
54th & Arlington
Response for canapies are available at Refuse
Disposal Div. 11950 Lopez Canyon Rd. Lake View Terrace
See: Racquel Jarel in trailer #(818) 376-6962
Field Jail location will be 1535 W. 62nd St. (Harbard
Park) OSB stated they don't have MAN POWER TO STAFF. Per
Personnel Officer.
Central Bureau field jail is located at the rear of Parker
Center. Per Intelligence Officer.
OCB reports. arrests 166 felony arrets o misd arrests.
Damage Report. Business structures destroyed 61
" "Major Damage 43
" "Minor Damage · 8 7
Advised Lt. Mike Schafer, OSB CP, that EOC will coordiante
all RTD services for "B" watch pick-up and drop-off.
Asked Schafer to discuss with Capt Moran and CB EOC re:
1. Suggested rally point for buses and security escorts
to "marry up" prior to entering OSB.
2. Capacity of OSB to provide escort for 5 buses.
Per CO/Executive Officer.
Manchester - Broadway assistance. Received from CHP
1133 Available CHP - none in reserve all are either staging at
Los Alamitos are already deployed. Per Personnel Officer.
1135 They have an additional A&B shifts:
25 ofcrs
4 Sgts
2 Lt's
Per Personnel Officer
Fliers have been posted all over ERwin st. Courthouse in
Vannuys indicating that a rally will be held there at 1230
hrs today.
He indicated that Vnys is prepared - this is for info
Per CO/Executive Officer
For B shift only an additional: 8 officers - 2 sergeants
1140 Info Only.
Cmdr White states that numerous counselates have been
requesting security assistance (through Lavery) - Mayor's
protocal Ofer. cmdr White states that if the EOC receives
further requests to state that we are unable to assist.
Per co Executive Officer
Casualty Report.
Deaths 0 9 0 0
Serious Inj 2 24 2 0
Minor Inj 0 33 0 2
Per Intelligence Officer.
Downtown DASH Route c - Broadway Plaza to Expo Park to to
DASH not running in Watts - Crenshaw - Midtwon
Dial-a-Ride not running in Watts Area Crenshaw
DASH rout AB & Dis running
commuter Express is running
Busses in SanFernando Valley and the west side is
tunning. Per Transportation Div.
1144 Damage Report: 15 business buildings - Major D
119 Business buildings Minor D
* Since incident
Arrests 41 Felony
5 Misd.
Received from Officer Willis OWB
1144 OCB requesting bus & driver at Central Div.
Sgt. West (00) 5-4111 dispatcher to handle request. Per
Personnel Officer.
Called, said Officer Jim Williams, who works for him, said
a neighbor had reported to him that South Central gang
member were planning major disruptions in the downtown
area tonight. No verification. Word-of-mouth, only.
OCB - Notified 1152 - Lisa Notified Per CO/Executive
1155 Notified by Officer Trabar (OIC - campus Police) that a
ralley is scheduled at LA ~ , a lley College at 12hrs (5400
Fulton Ave) and they are expecting trouble . .
Information only. Per CO/Executive Officer
DIII Suarez, DSD Gang Detail, said Ofer. Amormino, DSD
gangs, received a telephone call from a credible -
sounding female black, who said crips, bloods, and brims
were meeting and cooperating in plans to conduct
hit-and-run attacks throughout the area tonight. They are
planning guerilla war tactics, she said.
Fire was contacted by Ms. Kelly Jacobs of McDonald Corp
{310) 376-6978.
They can supply food at any time - they are to feed 500
Fire personnel in the AM ·
They need a number of police personnel and a means for
delivery in the AM & at 1430 today.
Per General Services.
1200 Fire Department needs 250 additional flack jackets (body
armor)for the command post at 54 & Arlington
FD will help deliver.
This is follow up paer work - I made this request face to
face. Per Transportation Div.
1200 OSB requesting 60 radios 60 shot guns, 3 battom changes.
X-delivered 12 radios 40 bateries. 1200 CHP requesting
detailer schedule of fuel truck delivery for escorts Per
Intelligenc Officer.
1203 Fire Department needs help Florence & Vermont Per
Intelligence Officer.
1205 Rioting at 6th and Vermont fires. Per Transportation Div.
1210 TAC frequencies reserved
TAC - 4 Cent Bureau
TAC - 6 South Bureau
TAC - 7 Rampart
Per CO/Executive Officer
1211 Poss demonstration 1400 hrs not confirmed. All
non-essn~ial operations closed. Info from Aldridge routes
Asst court administrator. Demonstration at criminal
courts building Temple/Hill.
1214 Request was made to CHP to provide escort for LAPD
personnel buses. Daily at 0500 & 0700 to/from convention
center - South Bureau 5 units.
Escort will be provided if CHP is available. CHP liaison
wil call at 0400 and 1600 to determine availability. Per
Personnel Officer.
1220 LASO liaison advised to have LASO buses P-U prisoners from
following jails in following numbers.
SW - 56 Fel
SE - 48 Fel. 2 misd
Wils - 30 Fel
Ramp - 21 Fel, 17 Misd, all from LASO to advise ETA, where
up on we will advise above stations to prepare transfer.
Civil Service Exam testing for Saturday 5/2 at Fairfax
High School has been cancelled.
Request is made for security from 7:30 - 8:30 and 12:30 -
1:30 (2sessions) for protetion of staff who will be there
and in the event that those who we cannot contact in
advance beocme disruptive.
Per Police Div.
Intelligence Section, EOC, deployed 5 EOC scout units in
cars with radios and cellular phones:
1. south Bureau EOC Scout - 509-1787
2. " " - 509-1786
3. West Bureau EOC Scout - 509-1777
4. Valley Bureau EOC Scout- 509-2115
5. Central Bureau EOC Scout 509-2118
These are Narcotics Group Officers. They will report
hourly. Per Personnel Officer.
OSB H/B following personnel in 77th 140-patrol, 110 metro
~ Hunt requesting following personnel.
77th - 150
S/W - 160
S/W - 40
200 more assigned to T.F. per Frankle assign 509 of what
each Div wants then finally 200 to T.F.
Gathering in Hoover Park, Denker Park may occurr. Plan to
march to Parker Center. Per Intelligence Officer.
Wilshire Station is designated as the staging area for the
national guard. Per Personnel Officer
States that SID photo lab can put together snap teams - 8
B photographers A watch, 8 B Watch they also are prepared
to assist with aeiral phographs if needed please call if
needed and give locations.
DWP electric trouble crew up 4 men need a police escort to
restore service at Jordan Down Housing project 9800 Grape
Street please advise Dan Giddins on (213) 481-8730 when
escort can be available.
Sgt. Jackson at s. Bureau C.P. (718- 9268) Per Utilities
400-500 demonstrators marching from UCLA towards Westwood
village - Cmdr Taylor requests (2) squads to respond. Per
Personnel Officer.
squads availabe as of 1230 hrs 67 deployed o available
Per Personnel at s. Bureau CP
Request by CHP for school buses, buses , TD there are 300
CHP at Los Alamitos W/out transportation to South Bureau
(Please Answer)
Per Personnel Officer
Reporting unconfirmed rumor that a demonstration is
planned for Pershing Square, Gas Co employee overheard
"People" outsdie building at 5th & Olive talking about
demonstration no time for demonstration given.
Anonymous citizen phoned and said 7 car l oads of crips,
bloods, and skin heads are enroute to LA from Portland
CHP's in West Valley area notified - Foothill & S/W. ccs
will be notified by communications. Per Intelligence
1245 Orange co. Peace officers available - revised 1245 hr~
total figures.
98 Ofcrs
11 Sgts
1 Lt
96 Ofcrs
10 Sgts
1 Lt.
Per Personnel Officer
1245 Capt. Maricini said Chief Gates had told him a few minutes
ago to prepare a plan to cause his gang detail peiple to
serve as EOC scouts reporting to the EOC Intelligence
He said he would contact the EOC when his plan was ready.
Per Personnel Officer.
Piper Tech body ship can repair broken windows in vehicles
repair time approx 45 minutes. Per Intelligence Officer.
1st - Vermont Help Officer
Per Intelligence Officer
RTD asks:
In view of City-wide curfew and RTD's 24 a day operation,
how shall RTD employees go to from work between dark and
dawn. Please Capt Coble and he will advise RTD Per
CO/Executive Officer.
A Mr. Bob Kim #365-7400 stated that korean merchants are
arming themselves. At the area Western & Vermont hooters
attacking merchants he stated no officers at location.
Need escorts to accompany gasoline trucks from foothill to
downtown and dowtown to foothill.
RTD dispatched 3-4 buses to Los Alamitos for
transportation of CHP officers (300) Per Personnel
Request info concerning booking section for curfew
violations and elements needed for arrests. Will go out
with info. Per Intelligence Officer ..
1. Route "D" of DASH has been modified it only goes south
to Olympic Blvd and back to Piper Tech.
2. Commuter Express lines will start running at 2 p.m.
every 1/2 hour on all lines, including the regular p.m.
1315 South Bureau scout reports a lot of looting at Florence
and Normandie (ABC Furniture) Approx 100 people lingering
in area. ~ Also reports that all street lights are out
between Normandie and Downtown.
1316 40-50 headed towards Montgomery Ward. Roscoe Van Nuys. 3
units 1 supervisor responding.
Per Intelligence Officer.
1320 People stealing equipment from DWP facility 1109 s.
La Brea. CP advised 1324 has BM. Per Water and Power.
S/B Western Manchester Traffic congestion.
yelling "burn baby burn" waving ax handles.
Intelligence Officer.
1325 South Bureau Scout approx 100 looters at 9149 Western
(Parks Supermarket) and Police car's taking rocks and
bottles. Per CO/Executive Officer.
1325 RE: RTD quary on curfew and its employees:
Per Capt Kalish, RTD to display work photo I.D. if
challenged. Per CO/Executive Officer
As directed by the COP, Capt. Mancini will deploy
11-person Garry Enforcement Section, EOC scout detail
beginning 1600 hours and continuing at least 14 hours
before re-assessing to determine whether further
deployment is useful. They are cross-staffing with South
Bureau, LASO, ATD, Compton Police. Lt. Larry Heinrichks
will be in charge beginning 1800 today; Capt. Mancini
until then. EOC use only - cellular phone #213-509-1795.
Reported looting in West Los Angeles progressing up La
Cienga Toward Hollywood.
Scout reports looting at 108th/Western numerous arrests at
that location.
OVB is requesting a City-wide teltype outlining curfew
laws, gasoline sales, ammo sales laws - what is the dept
response? What penal code sections? Per CO/Executive
Training Division advises the 1st national guard MP's just
arrived - 3 bus loads# personnel unknown. Per
CO/Executive Officer
Maple - Adams Large group of hispanic Fire, Washington -
W/0 San Pedro at the shopping center. Per Intelligence
Officer . ...
States that they will be running freight trains one at a
time (no stops) through LA.
CHP is requesting info and also that a public service -
media announcement be made regarding the curfew. Is it
city wide? Can people go to the airport to pick up
relatives? what are the exemption, if any? Is there a
prepared statement that CHP public-info officer can use?
Per CO/Executive Officer
7th and Slauson
Viet in a white thunderbird
Viet of shooting "DOA"
Per CO/Executive Officer
The Personnel & Recruitment Div. is deactivating. There
are NO volunteer corrdination Cneters open. For other
city resources you can call Bill Russell at home. (818)
Citizen offering services
Christie Prick
Summerfield Suite Hotel
Per Lt. Kelepecz
Offering free rooms
to officers, National Guards Etc.
For IOD injuries to officers on "B" watch, please notify
Med Liaison sergeants Lueth or Hofer through OHO. Per
Personnel Officer.
Fires - Vermont - 60th
Vermont - 59th
Vermont - 58th
Pedestrian Activity
Request made to CHP to provide daily escort, on a priority
basis, .to personnel buses at 0500 and 1700 to/from
Convention ctr & so. Bureau. Also to reserve 5-6 escort
units during a watch to exclusively escort fuel trucks to
LPAD facilities. Will advise you of response to above
request when it's received. Per Logistic Officer .
DWP management requests Nat'l Guard Protection (or LAPD if
Nat. Gd. unavailable) for DWP General Office Bldg at 111
No. Hope Street. DWP would also like protection of 6-10
other key· facilities.
Adrien Gaines Rep for Baus, ABC Stores offeres markets
parking lot for staging area.
Casualty Info:
2 LAPD injuries - MT and released.
9 Deaths
41 Serious Injury
53 Minor
103 Total
Info from Det in San Diego who received info from Channel
10 news at appx. 2100-2200 hrs today date a top official
from LAPD will be targeted - unknown location. No further
119 national guard w/832 PC powers now availble at
academy. Commanded by Capt Lee us army.
1438 Looting no police at loc Wilton - Ruthelen. Johns liquor
store Auto Dealer.
1441 Newton Div. - Drawing line at SM Fwy looting wholesale
stores businesses etc. No .fear of police. National Guard
Needed armed. Capt Conte - c.o.
For IOD injuries to officers on "B" watch, please notify
med liaison sgt's Lueth or Hofer through OHO.
Foothill gangmembers state that they will mobilize and
travel . to the San Fernando Valley to burn it down. Per
CO/Executive Officer.
The supt of schools Bill Anton has stated all Los Angeles
unified {Public) scholl district schools and offics will
be closed Friday May 1, 1992. Except for emergency
service staff and shoal police.
Urgent request made to CHP to top prioritize fuel truck
escort - 5 units exclusive for the continuing detail
situation critical.
Chief Wilkens said CHP will provide escort as requested -
he will call back when it has been arranged.
"DARE" "B" watch personnel 6 sergeants, 41 officers Per
Officer Warlen will respond to academy then to 54 & Van
Ness CP.
Security escorts for fuel delivery is a critical problem.
Need six units on continuing basis for fuel and/or bus
escort fuel consumption is so high that facilties not
expected .to run out are coming up emplty.
Have again urgently requested CHP to provide standing
detail for this function. Will attempt to resolve this
issue prior to "B" watch deployment.
CHP will stage 5 units for exclusive use as escorts for
fuel trucks/passenger buses {LAPD). Fuel deliveries will
be scheduled around daily bus escorts so the same 5 units
can be utilized ofr both missions 2 units are clearing to
provide fuel escorts this PM.
Bur. Of ST Maint. has two "mergency men" working till
11:00 P.M. at Westcheter yard, 5323 W. 111th street.
Names: Leroy James, Marcus McNeil.
Crenshaw - Slauson Ofer needs help!!!
Capt Tatreau requesting 4 LASO jail buses for sweap
operation at 1800 central Div.
OWB - CP request that a sherrifs bus be sent to Wilshire
jail - then are full.
Foothill Div. reports that Soon DA Ju {the korean
shopowner that shot Leticia harlan) lives in Foothill and
gang membrs are threatning to burn down her house.
Ofer. Eckert will report back with the address when he
locates it.
Czn donations - has 1000,000 of barriortape available and
20,000 cuffs GCR Company
Robert Fong
(213) 237-0676
Follow up request re my 14:28 message re: National Guard
protection .of DWP facilities. What is the status of the
earlier request?
119 Nation Guard MP's deployed from the Police Academy 1/2
to South Bureau 1/2 to Central Bureau. Per capt Kalish
CHP Chief called and stated that the requested CHP escort
will be provided for fuel trucks. He will call back when
all arrangements are complete.
Need LPAD escort for Dash & Employee shuttle between from
City Hall to 6th street and Spring.
Unit 1045, Labor Relations Div. respond to request for
escort from DWP. Per Utilities Div.
Deployment figures for CHP. How many deployed now. 1,100.
Per Personnel Officer.
No personpel available to escort Dash personnel Notified
James Okazaka.
Received annonymous phone call from Oregon Policeman
stating that 2 of the National Guard officers (Kline and
Andre last names) are dangerous.
120th - Vermont - Boys Market shots fired Ofer needs help
Employees inside. Per CO/Executive Officer.
All malls ransacked in the area scattered fires Vermont -
60 Vermont - 58th manchester/Ma · n Figueroa 3rd.
Crenshaw-Western Slauson. No ofcr. injureis!
Chief Booth. San Diego PD received the following info from
a San Diego news station. The news station received an
anonymous tip stating that a top police department officer
(not Chief Gates) would be the target of an assault
tonight between 2100/2200 involving approx 200 people.
OCID/CCS/ and DHD E/C have been notified
JO M/Blk walking towards Montgomery Wards on Willis -
Roscoe - there are 5 black and whites and Valley Bureau
sending a reserve squad.
1638 Mobile Telephone out! Roving looters
Wilshire - Beverly into Beverly Hills up La Cienega
toward's Hollywood Northbound on La Brea Gridlock
Has 3 buses - needs 3 "B" watch bus drivers.
Request a report of city facilities that are safe to go to
work at in the morning. Re: employees are confused
whether or not to go to work. Early am to media for
CHP escort is enroute Gaeter refinery in carson to provide
fuel truck escort.
Freeway closure info. Ramps to Hoover from ·E&W/Santa
Monica Freeway are closed. Whittier at Lavern, Vermont at
1st - 3rd (surface street closures)
Attn Capt Coble - Capt Tatreau advised on unavailability
of LASO buses. He said he spoke W/ someone from RTD who
told him RTD had buses available for use. Capt Tatreau
wants buses for curfew swept at dusk.
Unable to contact Graves, OSB no answer OSB-CP 972-6525,
Request 450 box flares 1,000 plastic cuffs, 6 box P. film,
200 "D" cell batteries. Supply Div. Lewlis (2904) will
deliver. Per CO/Executive Officer.
150 looters charged Montgomery Wards store - tore down
front word says they will try to torch Panorama City Mall.
1 suspect beaten by crowd critical condition. Torching of
Mongomery Wards stopped by PD.
CHP fuel escort detail cancelled - escort units assigned
to bus (LAPD) escort at convention center.
Roscoe/Parthenia, Parthenia-Van Nuys large groups officer
Casualty Info.
OCB - O deaths, 3 serious, 1 minor, OWB 2 serious, 1 minor
OSB - 50 serious, 69 minor, OVB - 2 minor 137 total.
1720 Sgt. Goble from S/B CP has 2 phone numbers to get supplies
for military logistics only. They are: · 294-0522 291-2852
1725 New South Bureau command Post #'s (213) 291'-1354, (213)
Commander Lewis is available - now at the field command
Bryan, Duft
5200 Venice Blvd. - "Hand Proproom" advise pd warehouse
with arsenol of 3000 weapons - ussies, mis etc . Employees
have left the location stated he felt Wilshire Div. should
be aware of this loc. NFYD DWB - Milton 237-0080.
Slauson - Vermont CHP Request Help Put out OSB LAPD,
Code 4
2 additional telephone lines separate, but connected to
existing telephone number at Air Support Division 8060
Balboa Place and Van Nuys Heliport (818) 989-8572 Cross
street Balboa/Roscoe Contact - Sgt. Corey (DAy) Lt. Hale
Enforcement of the emergency order memo is available with
co Executive Officer.
Meals for below personnel being
Sgt. Young - OCB, Dominguez- OSB, Todard - OVB, Sanchez -
OWB, The "Enforcement on the Emergency Order Amendment 3"
was faxed to all bureau command posts. The below
individu~ls confirmed receipt of the order and confirmed
that the order was relayed to all geographical areas.
IAD - has 12 Detectives & 12 rental cars available at
485-4151 for scout work.
R.B. Lowe - so. Cal. Gas Company - request CHP escort from
182nd St. & Hawthorne Blvd. to 37th St. & Bronson to
respond to natural gas leaks 2929 182st Redondo Beach.
Sgt. Owens - Rampart - Need to contact Officer Labanita
regarding an RTD bus for Rampart.
Jack Smith - Cal Trans - if anyone needs information
regarding traffic conjestion or if people coming in to
need LAFD give this person a call.
LASO EOC advises that the crips and bloods are in the
process of scouting malls to loot and destroy. The Fax
Hills mall in Culver City has been looted. They now are
enr to the Carson mall. They have been OBS'D in that area
scouting after their activities are complete they will be
enr N/B to attack people at shopping malls in white
neighborhoods .
0173 46
1830 Larry Yates - Shell Oil - information only that Shell Oil
has a storage facility (above ground) at 2015 Long Beach
Ave. It contains one billion gallons of gasoline fires
and hoodlums nearby.
1830 · DWP Water system trouble board's two direct lines to LAPD
are not working. They request a police escort to repair
broken hydrant at 42nd & Central. Please send escort to
433 E. · Temple.
1830 Numerous fires near shell facility, 2515 LongBeach Ave.
No security at location. Approx 1 million gallons of
flammable material at location. Request LAPD or LAFD to
Det. Kilcoyne - OWB - requesting 15 cellular phones.
Lt. Wilhite - Discovery - number of officers ready for B
watch at Parker Center.
Lt. Wilhite - Discovery - Number of officers ready for B
watch at Parker Center
1 Lt
1 Sgt
6 Det
4 Pol Officer 3+1
3 Pol Officer 3
Light duty officers deployed on B watch assigned
internally to PAB.
1 Sgt
2 Police Officer 3+1
1 Police Officer 3
Detective III Prideau - Harbor - will be the aintelligence
Officer for B watch at harbor.
Bob Canfield - has heard rumors of unknown validity,
unknown sources, this afternoon that large numbers of
people will be bused from South Los Angeles to the Civic
Center (ESP. PAB). This Saturday morning, May 2, 1992,
for demonstrations.
Sgt. Paysinger - Sgt. Mike lien of ASD is requesting at
least five officers for security at ASD. They received
information re: a possible attack on ASD by gang members
Sgt. Baber - Hollywood - Unable to commit any personnel to
South Bureau. There are incidents of burning and looting
in Hollywood Division.
68 officers ready to be deployed.
01 7347
Red Cross - 3 officers to provide security at 2700
Wilshire Blvd. for Red Cross personnel. 3 rover needed
Sgt. Downs - from Devonshire stated that he rec'd
information from a citizen that the bloods and crips are
being to shoot a police officer tonight. Citizen name:
Robert Camacho Beeper# (818) 609-6433.
Fornes - Commander - Hot! Wires down Florence & Denver.
Dept. Commander - Chief Booth - Dept. aids has established
the boundaries listed below as the area subject to curfew
etc. Jefferson on the North. Crenshaw on the West.
Central on the East. Carvey Blvd. on the South.
Van Nuys - Officer Stewart - 2 Squads enroute to SB -
Command post in RTD bus.
Sgt. Mariony - DARE he has. 25 officers, 4 Sgts, 1 Lt.,
available at the Academy in classroom 2.
Meals for baton personnel being handled by General
Services Division. (Reggie)
OCB: 6th & Wall
OWB: 1663 Butler
OVB: 6240 Sylmar
OSB: 54~h & Van Ness
Red Cross also standing by 54th & Van Ness Foothill 125
Communications (200). caterer (818) 504-2222 (Allen
Lt. Sterling - DHD- B Watch deployment
Lt Dets
Routine 2 15
Reserve 1 2
Also has 3 - 2 man K-caps to handle routine
Will also handle valley calls if needed.
death calls.
Sgt. Grahm - Aniti-Terroist- Personnel deployed to command
post at 54th & Van Ness.
1 Capt, 1 Lt. II, 2 Det. III, 2 Sgt. II, 3 Det II, 5 PO II
equals 14 uniformed personnel.
1 Det III, 2 Det I, 1 Clerk Typist in plain clothes
morning the office.
Stephenson - small brush fire - Van Norman reservior.
Might get out of control.
Department Commander (Chief Frankle) office in the EOC
needs four 6-button phones with four or more lines; and, a
ringdown line between the OSB command post ·(54th & Van
Ness) and the Department Commander's office in the EOC.
Officer Judd - DHD- Recv'd a telephone bomb threat 1900
missing persons is taking report. Nothing seen at this
Sgt. Smith - EOC telephone number 628-7746 is restricted
for the National Guard only.
Sanchez - Please give me a schedule of how we will be
feeding OCB, OVB, OWB, OSB and the EOC- during the next
(12) hrs.
Unk unit - Help 82nd - Broadway (handled by field unit)
D. Barret - supervisor - dispatching officers to coliseum
Detective Thrasher - West Bureau - Wilshire Division
urgently needs 5 cars. ASAP. Contact person - Officer
Rampart 485-4022.
Bob Canfield - correction to earlier rumor reported
4-30-92, 1845; The aforementioned demonstrates for
Saturday 5-2-92 are to be bused from all over the State,
according to the rumor, not just Los Angeles .
Goodwin - Hollywood - need 2 Jail buses and 1000 plastic
Officer Massey - Library - has there been any damage to
any of the libaries and if so to what extent and specific
RTD - another bus have been parking in front of PAB in
case needed. Bus drivers need to know if still needed or
if they can go home.
Supplemental to the requests as 1910 hours re phones and
ringdown line for OSB-CP and Dept commander office in the
EOC; additonal ringdown lines for Dept Commander office.
Please install ringdown lines with OWB, OCB, and OVB CP's
and with the LAPD national guard liaison at the LASO EOC.
Narcotics Group - capt Druilius - has 160 people he needs
transportation from 6th & Wall to SB command post.
Response: Capt Coble is sending buses to 6th & Wall, will
arrive 30-45 minutes • .
Sgt. Wilson - LAPD Wilshire Div.- requests an Engine Co.
to investigate a fire behind their location (4801 Venice)
They are concerned about the need to evacuate.
Officer Potter - OCB - have squads needing busses deployed
at Rampart.
Officer Bob Nowell - Newton/Kraft ice cream company, 1960
W. Slauson, has a large amount of ammonia used to
refridgerate. They now have no electricity, as the as the
ammonia warms i t becomes extremely volital - explosive -
They are receiving threats of being firebombed.
IBM- (818) 303-3947
Joe Roach
-Volunteer manpower
-Facilities (office space)
Pacific Bell -(213) 307-5655 - Bernadette Cellular Phones
Motorolla (213) 536-0700 X388 - Terry Grn, Periferal
(213) 769-9622 Pager Mail-also Bill Bauman (805) 523-2219
& (310) 968-7640.
OSB - Officer Lenee - will pick-up 100 batteries from EOC.
Officer Doherty - Air Support telephone nos. Van Nuys
Airport (818) 989-8572, 989-8573, 989-8574.
The American Red Cross is ceasing snack & meal service
effective with the evening meal this date.
Tim Anderson - KFI Radio @610 s. Ardmore is evacuating the
radio assistance from LASO. EOC advised executive
Boucher - West Bu r eau - Request 100 additional national
Guard for Hollywood. Mission: Fires and looting on Hwd
Contact person: Sgt Zorfski, 2018 additional will deploy
on sunset, Santa Monica and Melrose, more looting and
Detective Kileoyne - OWB - asking for 200 officers & 20
Sgts to respond to Hwd area. (C-Lt Roper x4302) 2000:
OWB has 48 officer , 8 Sgts to send Hwd. Problem: Looting
& fires. ·
Supply Division - OWB will set-up a pick-up of 1000
plastic cuffs for Hollywood.
Personnel - Lt. Chambers - request: a Sgt or officer is
needed for CHP Liaison at 54th & Van Ness. Response: Lt
Wilhite, Discovery Unit notified at 2010 hrs and is
sending a Sgt.
Lt. Sterling - "A" watch 56 officers "B" watch - 19 fixed
post, 12 available resrves deployed to Hollywood.
Capt Drulius - Narcotics Division has 80 officers for
deployment to Hollywood Division including a D-3's & 4
Lt's. Tranportation has been arranged.
Butler - provide escort from gate of RSB at 9615 s.
Central to DSH 5736 s. Figueroa and D513 at 3520 s.
Normandie ASAP. Notify Don Giddings at (213) 481-8730.
Bogart - Rec'd food for Jail Division.
Sgt. Tatreau - Hyde Park (leaner) located at 5501 Hyde
Park has been looted - items taken are appoximately 200
LAPD. and Inglewood Police Department uniforms.
Notifications: PSR Farfan Communication Division 2030
OCB officer Potter @2020
OVB Lt Garcia @2025
OWB Det Thrasher @2026
OSB Det Odenwald @2030
Robert White - Acting Chief, DOT - There are no traffic
officers on "B" watch. Traffic officers will report for
duty at 6:00 am on 05-01-92. For request or additional
information contact Chief Robert Whie at 368-8377.
Strandgrend - DHD - OHB has 121 personnel to send to Hwd
Division from Parker Center. Called back to verify 20
BAD, 19 JUV, 12 RS, 12 DHD
2100 contacted@ RTD ETA- now.
TC & I W/C on duty (1) Lt. II (light duty)
(3) Sgt II's
(2) available
Officer Bucher - OWB - FD request "Help" shots fired
500 N. Hobart, 500 N. Western, 1529 N. Hobart.
"Looters" radio shack - Melrose/Rossmore. GAP -
Melrose/Stanley, Pep Boys - Hollywood/Gower, OMV -
Melrose/Cole, Army/Navy Store - 6842 Sunset.
Lt. Garcia - OVB -
5 Sgt, 50 officer, 2/20 to go to N. Hwd.,
" "
" "
No available reserves!
2030 Lt. Young - Food for 2,000 military troops. Major Kramer
2030 Officer Massey - Library - unable to find out extent of
damage if any to libraries in Los Angeles area.
Officer Melendez - OSB - Q-241 at Hwd/Wilcox needs to be
relieved "A" shift personnel. OWB personnel.
OHO - Lt. Sterling - OIS with fatality. @ Western &
Vernon. Metro officers & hostile crowd, shots find@
officers who returned fire: (1) susp DOA
(2) injured (susp)
Officers creasing hotility from crowd. Chief Frankle
Commander Beltour - Kern county Sheriff - attempting to
send officers but need approval from ocs. Mr. Ken Jordon
contacted ocs and spoke to Ms. Lavange. Advised by Lt.
Gale to only make mutual aide requests from LASO Fritz
Godwin - Hollywood - Second request for two (2) Jail
buses. 2110 analyzed for trans vin. Lt. w. Taylor@
Central Hwd to provide security notified Godwin
Chief Parks - OCB - Asked OWB (Ofc. Davis) to have
officers cover KFI radio Station at 6th & Ardmore per
Chief Parks. Officer Davis said he would deploy officers.
1- Fire station burned, Officers taken by bus to City
Fire Sta~ion to prevent further arsons.
(BAD information. Did not happen. Verified by EOC
2- Commander 5/Lopez taking 4 squads to Harbor Div.
3- KJLH radio station phone 299-5460 advises crips and
Bloods will create havoc at Venice Beach.
Lt . Wilhite - Disc Unit - Discovery Uni is sending 7
officers & 1 Sgt. to Hwd Div. per OWB request.
Chief Frankle - needs (30) vehs to respond to OSB. Per
Lt. McNamara - we can get (7) vehs ... still looking for
more 4-30-92/2115. Talk to General Services F/U info will
D-III V. King - OCB - who changed Rampart Jail from female
to a male facility. Chief Parks would like to change _it
back. Chief Frankle advised that Chief Parks should have
the discretion to change this Jail back to a female
Chief Frankle wanted- full credit check for Valley, West &
Central CP CO's as a B/U. 2200- Verified that Valley &
West already have the cards (3) @ each CP. Central to send
Sgt. McGraber to P/U 3@ MTD from Buchett. OVB-Lt. Garcia
OWB-Sgt. Atkins.
01735 2
County EOC - Los Angeles county expanded the county curfew
area to include all of Los Angeles county.
Barry Hemmel - Bank of Amer i c a - need to know if the Bank
of America Data Center at 1000 W. Temple (should be
evacuated. There are employees woking there at this time.
Officer Prideaux - Harbor - 5 confirmed locations of
looting officer request assistance at Land Watson Station
.officer rep assistance at 5th & Central Station.
Automatic weapons fire at Land Watson.
Adams - Narcotics - contacted Adams - advised of food
delivery to be made at 2400 hrs.
County . LASO EOC - San Diego Sheriff's report that 229
deputies to Gate 14 of Los Angeles Sports Arena from Los
Sgt. Cansler - South Bureau - Request 200 folding chairs
ASAP please advise of ETA.
Tim Anderson - County of Los Angeles - AT&T requests
officers to cover switching station at 14800 Ventura Bl.
If bldg is destroyed all phone service in the Valley will
be cut off. can't afford to have it go down. For further
contact Rich Mason (916) 961-4629.
Red Cross (Regina) requests officers to trans blood from
American Airlines baggage Department@ LAX to Red Cross at
1130 s. Vermont - habve trans officers contact Regina@
739-5626 for verification of Air Bill numbers
Logistics - 200 folding chairs ASAP please advise of ETA,
OSB. GSD can provide folding chairs Friday morning. We
need to talk to Special Events to try to obtain as the 200
you requested.
OCB- Per Chief Parks have officers cover KFI radio station
at 6th Street Ardmore-KFI Radio Station Mgr. Bill Lewis
attempting to keep station operating. Lt. Townsend spoke
w/Det. King, OCB. OCB is not responding Lt. Townsend,
EOC, Code-4.
Lt. Garcia - Devonshire Unit OBS 5 individuals looting
target store, 8999. Balboa Chatsworth. suspect entered a
Jeep and blew at tire as they left store Devonshire Unit
made vehicle stop. 1 susp. fled. Other 4 susps exited
vehicle and approached officers. Altercation ensued
resulting in 1 officer using baton which struck 1 susp.
Anderson - a reliable snitch informent (who has provided
food and reliable information in past). Reports an
unknown group has placed bombs in vehicle around the area
of Parker Center. Unknown how many or where.
Detective strangler - OHB - sending 2 Lts & 20 officers to
Dev Station to met OVB request for deployment.
Command post - D-3 Donahoe - Per Chief · Frankle, San Diego
PD personnel are to deploy. 52 to WLA, Ohio & Sepulveda
Capt. Froehle. Remaining 121 personnel are to go to
Wilshire station plus the communications bus, Capt. Davis
dispatched thru SB Command Post.
Logistics - 200 cord cuffs. S/W div. (Lt. Wailiser will
send someone to Supply Division to pick tehm up.
Miko Cunningham - The State of California can provide
facilities for prisoners at Chino. They can accomodate
large numbers of prisoners.
Per CIC - 23 deaths County-wide per LASO, EOC as of 1800
hrs. 901 injuries county-wide
Per CIC - 23 deaths county-wide per LASO EOC- As of 1800
hrs. 901 injuries county-wide.
County Coroner - any request for the .coroner to respond to
any location should be handled by contacting it. Michael
Joe, SBH, coroner's office. All (4) CP's notified.
ASD - Sgt. Onoskyo - ASD "B" watch deployment
Lt Sgts Ofcrs
deployed 1 4 28
fixed post 1 4 27
task force
reserves 0 0 0
Per Tom Thilgen - Air Support. Tom Anthony and Jim
Mccomber from FAA will be given the phone number to EOC.
Commissioner Nishikawa - In response to Officer
Massey/library security's request. Damage to public
libraries unknown at this time. Of note: I called back
to get more information from library security. OIC stated
that Watts Library at 1501 E. 103rd St., and Washington
Irving Branch Library at 1803 s. Arlington Ave., alarms
constant ringing. Can these be checked.
Chief Frankle
- Per Frankler's request for (30) vehs for
(7) vehs will be given by MTD (Lt. Ward notified)
(4) vehs will be given by Personnel Division
(30) vehs given by General Services (contact=Art Diaz
5-5994, City Hall). Veh ready at 2330 hrs.
Butler - escort from 1141 West 2nd street via Santa Monica
Freeway to switch a portion line from Irolo distribution
Station as soon as possible. Please notify Don Giddings
at (213) 481-8730 when escort available.
Tom Kirk - 00-EAS "A" watch for 4/29 now EOW has 0600 -
2200, 8 Sgts, 18 officers reported to Wilshire Station.
Det. Strandren - RHD- RHD will respond to Dev. but (1)
squad will be dedicated to major crimes. If they happen
if officers is shot contact RHD at C/B.
Det. Prideaux - update: Harbor Div.
1. Entire L.A. port closed.
2. 2 fires in Harbor Division.
Lt. Rodriquez/LASO busses OSB already has ... The total of 5
to be used for OSB/CP for the duration exclusively.
Unknown wnit-1. Western - Slauson. Shots being fired
units responding.
2213 Unk unit 82nd - San Pedro, shots fired units responding.
McNamain - Logistics-Ofer R. Sanchez reports GSA. To be
delivered to OSB-CP
Lodging for O/S agency personnel. Contact the County EOC
and determine if they are going to provide lodging for 0/S
agency personnel. Report information to Executive Aide
SB Command Post - Officer Melendez - Per Lt. Chambers,
called command post & asked states of San Diego Police
Officer Melendez w/personnel command post, said they never
rec'd direction re informed 2300 hrs, WLA-Sgt stricked
said they were still enroute, last heard Irvine.
LAPD access lines ring, but LADWP trouble boards get no
1. Ray Burt at energy control center requests police
escorts for urgent power system repairs.
2. Water t r ouble requests police escort for hydrant
repairs by Ventura Blvd.
3. One involves Fire Dept alarm. Ray Burt request to
talk to Capt. Watson regarding his request.
The Department Commander (Chief Frankle) directs that
copies of the two messages (4-30-92, 1845 & 1925)
regarding rumors of demonstrators being bused in from
throughout California be transmitted to ATD immediately~
Jiminez - South Bureau - The 3 buses are available for
Sgt. Savala.
Lisa Arias for Adrianne Gaines- Re: Food for less/Ralph's
Market #614 3300 W. Slauson - Center is on fire need a
response from Fire Department.
OWB - Sgt Kilcoyne - OWB requesting (1) additional
cellular phone (15 phones had already been requested.)
c. Watson - re: Libraries - alarms. Gave info to ECC
(Comm Div) for 1803 s. Arlington Ave.
Officer DelGufrin- K-9 unit involved in OIS - Officer not
injured 6th & Westlake, 1 susp DOA, 1 susp injured avd'd
to inform Chief Frankle & Press Relations.
Ray Burt - Urgent need for police excort for power
repairs. LAPD requested to report to 9615 s. Central
Ave., (Receiving Station "B").
Betty, Water Trouble- have been sent to make hydrant
repairs at:
1. Ventura/Otis 1086
2. Wells Dr./Corbin 1096 or 1094
3. Tarzana Dr./Otis 1098
Police escort was earlier requested at 2216 on 4/30. Wong
of DWP that unit would meet at Wells-Corbin per PSR Marcia
Brandee 2255.
Capt. D. Gascon - he has 8 working squads of anti-looting
patrol officers and 3 squads of SWAT Officers. They will
respond to any "Hot Spots" as requested.
Sheriff Roach - San Diego RD requests that we fax him some
LA City maps with freeway routes and major streets so that
their units will be able to get to Los Angeles. Please
fax to: (619) 278-1752. Map officer Fax 04-30-92/2355
hrs (RD) .
Lt. Chambers -EOC - Per Lt. Chambers (EOC) 50 narco
officers are enroute to the command post.
Judd - DHD- at 2200 hrs - ors at 3rd/Hobart - exchange of
shotgun fire. 1-dead, 1-injured. ors enroute - No
officers injured.
Det. Prideaux - status update. 20 arrests= 14 for
curfew, 5 looters, and 1 GTA.
OHB, Lt. Harper said he had '20' ofcrs, 2 supervisors
available. Deployed them to N. Hwd Station per OVB's
request. 2315 hrs notified Lt. Garcia, OVB of deployment.
Officer Seban - Have made arrests at Wilshire and
Jefferson at Thrifty's (someone to secure the premises).
So. Cal. Gas - E.R.C. - CHP escort for So. Cal. Gas Co.
crews from Imperial & Crenshaw to Normandie & Florence to
respond to broken/burning gas line. (Information only -
request handled)
Officer Hart for Chief Hunt - Requesting food be
S/B Command Post, Lt. Downing-Request: SB command post
has asked for 200 ofcrs to relieve the remaining "A"
Response: None currently available, EOC will notify CP as
they can be deployed.
Chief Hunt - increased request to 700 folding chairs for
OSB C/P - 54th/Van Ness staging area. Sgt. Velez.
Bennyworth - Southwest - need 100 boxes of 1 pallet of
flares delivered to Southwest Division.
Sanchez, re: Red Cross leaving OSB
Mrs. Gaines (Boyes, ABC, Viva Markets) has offered freee
drinks, etc. from her markets. OSB notified. They will
contact Gaines (714) 738-2395).
General services will handling all the future meals for
Commander Pomeroy - FYI - Mrs. Gaines (Boys, ABC & Viva
Markets) has offered free food & drinks. She may be
contacted at (714) 738-2395.
Michael Wilson - Per Chief Frankle the attached FAX should
be included as coorespondence rec'd and the text included
in the journal.
(See following page for text).
Betty - Received request from DWP for a police escort to
repair hydrant at 6th and Union. 41st and Central and 42nd
and Central. OSB was called and per Sgt. Parmalee and
escort will be provided. An eta was not available. Sgt.
Parmalee at 0021 hrs to report a CTD unit enroute with a
five to ten min. eta.
Prideaux - Update:
1. 2302 hrs - Avalon & opp-Lucky store to Payless Shoes
vandalized and looted.
2. 2335 hrs - Texco refinery 2101 E. PCH Hwy Wilmington
M, NFD, telephones and states." "Close down or we'll burn
it down." - Security at Lucky.
Betty, Water Trouble- Water repair crew request police
esort for hydrant repair 6th & Union.
Note: This crew also will repair hydrants 41st Pl. &
Central, 42nd Street & Central. Earlie~ requested at 2307
and 1826, respectively.
4800 Fire Department responses@ 2350 04-30-92
Average number calls 800 per 24 hrs.
Structure fire est. 1800 since 4-29-92.
Patterson - County EOC - Lodging for mutual Aid personnel
and LASO will be at the Los Alamitos Army Reserve CTR on
Lexington in Los Alamitos.
Request was received for police escort for power repairs.
LAPD was advised to report to 9115 s. Central Ave.
01735- 8
Linked assets
Los Angeles Webster Commission records, 1931-1992
Conceptually similar
Chronology Task Force, LAPD documents, EEC journals, 1992-04-30
Chronology Task Force, LAPD documents, EEC journals, 1992-04-29
Chronology Task Force, LAPD documents, EEC journals, 1992-04-29
Chronology Task Force, LAPD documents, EEC journals, 1992-05-02
Chronology Task Force, LAPD documents, EEC journals, 1992-05-01
Chronology Task Force, LAPD documents, incident reports, 1992-04-29/1992-05-02
Chronology Task Force, Command post logs, 1992-04-29/1992-05-02
Chronology Task Force, LAPD documents, south, 1992-04-29/1992-05-04
Chronology Task Force, LAPD documents, command post logs, 1992-04/1992-05
Chronology Task Force, LAPD documents, Hollywood, 1992-04/1992-05
Chronology Task Force, LAPD documents, Wilshire, 1992-04-04/1992-04-26
Chronology Task Force, LAPD documents, North Hollywood, 1992-04/1992-05
Chronology Task Force, LAPD documents, Valley Traffic Division, 1992-04/1992-05
Chronology Task Force, LAPD documents, Newton Division, 1992-04/1992-06
Chronology Task Force, unusual occurence messages, 1992-04-29/1992-05-03
Chronology Task Force, LAPD documents, unusual occurrence, 1992-04-29/1992-05-02
Chronology of events, operations south bureau, 1992-04-29
Activity logs
West Valley division documents, 1992-04-22/1992-05-04
Central division documents, 1992-04-22/1992-05-04
Chronological log maintained by the Los Angeles Police Department's Emergency Command Control (ECC) for post-Rodney King trial activation, 1992 April 30.
Asset Metadata
Core Title
Chronology Task Force, LAPD documents, EEC journals, 1992-04-30
OAI-PMH Harvest
45 p.
logs (reocrds)
Permanent Link (DOI)
Unique identifier
box 29 (box),web-box29-11-02.pdf (filename),folder 11 (folder),webster-c100-60232 (legacy record id)
Legacy Identifier
45 p. (format),application/pdf (imt),logs (reocrds) (aat)
Folder test
Inherited Values
Los Angeles Webster Commission records, 1931-1992
Chaired by former federal judge and FBI and CIA Director William H. Webster, the Los Angeles Webster Commission assessed law enforcement's performance in connection with the April, 1992 Los Angeles civil unrest. The collection consists of materials collected and studied by the Commission over the course of its investigation. Materials pertain to both the Los Angeles incident specifically, and civil disturbance, civil unrest control, and policing tactics in general.
Included in the collection are the following: interviews with LAPD officers, law enforcement personnel, government officials, community leaders, and activists; articles, broadcasts, and press releases covering the civil unrest; various tactical and contingency plans created for disasters and emergencies; reports, studies, and manuals about civil unrest control and prevention; literature about community-based policing strategies; emergency plans and procedures developed by other cities; and after-action reports issued once the civil unrest had subsided. Also featured are items related to the internal operations of the LAPD both before and during the civil unrest, including activity reports, meeting agendas and minutes, arrest data, annual reports, curricula and educational materials, and personnel rosters.
See also the finding aid (
See also The Los Angeles Riots: The Independent and Webster Commissions Collections (
Related collections in the USC Digital Library:
? Independent Commission on the Los Angeles Police Department, 1991 (see also the finding aid:
? Richard M. Mosk Christopher Commission records, 1988-2011 (see also the finding aid:
? Kendall O. Price Los Angeles riots records, 1965-1967 (see also the finding aid:
? Watts riots records, 1965 (see also the finding aid:
Thanks to generous support from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the USC Libraries are digitizing this collection for online public access.
Coverage Temporal