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Los Angeles Webster Commission records, 1931-1992
Chronology Task Force, LAPD documents, EEC journals, 1992-05-02
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Chronology Task Force, LAPD documents, EEC journals, 1992-05-02
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F' , :, s t - R . c -::l :7 e y : -::: i ,-, q -:- ,- :. 2, : ~ C t i '· / =1. 1: i , :, ~ 7 . 1992 Looting and arson did not occur on B watih and that : he mos t :; i · ;; n i f i can t .:: \- i in e p \- - :, b l em v, a · :; · :5 p o ,- ad i c ~U:7f i 1-e. : ·.: .::1..:: :: :::, r· C ='- r~ · = e •,-. .; i t h sec t i o n 8 3 C • 6 • 3 Ll b : j :. ._, : :5 i · :, n ( B i , : f :'-le - :.:;li~· .: . - ·.-:..::i. F'-?n::-.. l :::c;de~ the • . . ,:1dei-si ; ; r~ed u1-g , ~1~t: ·,. .-2qL~est th e c:eploymel"' t · ::,f -fed2 !-:\l ::\w '=,-..f: i-c2ment cf-,:-:.===:-;; .1 :- .,:: e1- you\- SLip,~1- ·~ · i-:5 i , :, :··, t :, aid • _,,·,if,:, ,-med peace 0ffic~-s ~f ~~is jurisd:.=tiQn. ~ )~: :: ~)~ :.:: · -~ 'i"~ =.:. : 1 na !7 Rid le~✓ Th c, ma:; a 11d 5 ta ff c : :, 1r1n =t !7d i 11 EOC i r~ , ::; u :. : - i n g • ab o Lt •; n? s· t ci ,- i r~ g p o i'II e 1 - • H i s p c \'II e \- i s s t i 1 ! ~~~- ~-T ~as connected W/OWP ~nd CHF liai5cr who ex~:ai~ed t~a plan to provije escort ser~i=e to power ::. -• . : .::. 6 ~ 1 S :: . _ ; ~ - i :: i"°' ~ ~ ::. \- = De p ~\ ~ - - -': ,~er, t ~- · : e ~ ~ · 7 ~ l J • M : A t_; 1~ i t a t -=-=~ ~ : :. . : ·, - :: '-'-=Pee-: ;;pc1- , ::7tch:. :1 , ::; f: ~ -=:: ~:gl:t,:::,-s · 1vit~ •✓ = = · : : .-. = · = · . - = ·· ,.; ''. • :>:<,s ~ - .: e - :;tei-17 - 57 1 ;:-, E:<pL:, ·:;io :7 pc,:;;~ ·::iUSP 1_ / S 3/2 '57th f1-o.-n Western. ~s~ PSR E854g :)010 IAD i-ec •=i ·✓ed call f1-c1m ~ ( 01-9a :-, '=iti=en <unk name) spc,ke j :- : k e \7 Er~ g l i sh • C i t i = ~ n e :: p i·- e :;; s e d c · ::'! ,.., c e i-11 th a t N • G • , :",- -:.'/ ::: h·:.ot k :-,-ean ::-n 1-e:of;; c, f '.Jd · 5·~ · :·, . ~s=:: , :?s :_: , f,:,1-ean ~c~~ . IAD contacted � CB C/P. Rampa~t ~iv. is sending ~~·-:: :-g.:; , : c··~c i · -: · ~i-. T 1 .J • =. :1 :nm: . .-. · ,-,ic::1.~2 ~·J/IJL'. :::ine:;s ;Jec,ple. 0 0 1 5 r::: i m f i- 0 m M ?. y C: 1- I s D ff i Ce w a 17 t ed -I; 0 ~::17 Cw the st a tu 5 0 f a c t i '. · i t y i :~ ~-:: c, !- ea Tc,~" r-. • r ,:: i ; 'TI s t a t e d t. he ~ ::: ei \-ea n C~mmunity would like to work t~ c~operate W/poli.::e and N.3. E� C gave DCB C/P no. (1()20 Red c:-oss is 1-eqL1es ti m~ sec Lu- i ty a Be lmci nt H. S. ~,hi le treat~ng fire victims. DCB was notified of the above Per Intelligence Officer. 0030 Received i~f~ from Communicaticns Div. Request co~oner and ~omicide unit - DHD Ferris notified. S/8 017397 i/2 di .i.. ... = i '~. =· f 'I - 1- ~.-, _.,... t: Hoff:-:ian S.E. ~c-mi·=ide :-::lli ·:-: ,:; 1 _ • .::it J- _ _ inve:5tig . ::1.t2. Per Ints!::ge7ce Officsr. :) 0 3 0 :=· ~- o v i de d i :, s i g h ': :, n s i tu c1. t :. '.) 1: ~ --.., i t :-1 ! < o 1-=ans :, n 1- o er f t.:1ps · 1.Ji":'.-, ;uns -=-5 3h:::,wn •::, CHP nev-,s - =l°t 23c,:. ~t:,u1-s. the mil~ta~y w~5 advised ~f the info. Wilshire chec k:d ~ , i th l<o 1-ean 1-ad i ~ to see if they stopped 1-equest i::g <01-e. ans to come to Korean tow,, to _ p·rotect it. They ~ad not. Wilshire liaison ~ith pre~s 1- e l a t i Ct n S t Ci Ob t . :3, i ll COO p E: r a t i c, 17 f 1- c, iTl ~ ::: ,:, 1-ea :1 ,- ad i c, • OWB is - :. 'ii =.:-~. ~=:\- L-.t:2lligence Officei-. • 002 1 : :· 5-2-92 C '7·>:: t:,.;c, ma i- i i--.e 1..., 2- t'-i Y' h 2 :!. ::. ' :3 w i: : 1 a :·1,j at �:he Ai i- ,3 . _,p,:..: ··:: : ::·~1- : :Ci:,nel • =-,- , :,, ·n th:.? 1 ~1EF Carr;:, ;::·S? i-d: ,2t - :, 1 ~ W i l 1 i n c : ~-::: = ~ t . Ge 1, . --:; • :· h n so :1 . , :::~ G R ::, ~-.i e , ~ Gene ,-~ l • J;:~1-2.t ::.: .- .~ .::-ff: =e :- :3.nd � 1is-.= ,_:;";..:1fc. Thei~ ~is5i~n ~ill be a situation briefing and~ fly over a ~ffe~ted ~r9a this i~ in 3nticipatio~ o f possible ~ilitary invclvement dept employ2es invo:ved d E m i l i t . :::,. ,- ·1 l i a i ·3 o 11 • Cap t 8 us h y t: Sq t . T . AP de\- ·5 c, · 1 1 • Sgt. Andersen advised EGC that s:F awara of activity. Per r~t~::~;e~=~ Office~. ;c~3 Att2~~~~t ~~ find disp~ of lOC N/3 t0 ~a depl01e~ t~ ·3/S 7 \-w :~ ~•i:?.ysije. Pe i- ~·1011:-,:,e N.G. :,a - ;; \"'. : · ': ie~ · : yt:::"::' , t:i2y =• :· - 2 =1~-Jaiti::g :5 · == :-·~ f 1 -:i m 1 ).::: .... . :s_ f·•:.::. Mi::,:1:-:,e ·,il: f - ~ : : 1 : ',~ ·_ :_;: e 00-:+5: Fec.::,r·.tact .:mdi- ;-~c i -.1-c,e, ~ .. r.c, i_t. Ga1-cia ~-.:oLtld att to verify loc of escort units. 0050: N.S. is enroute to S/B w/1 1/2 hr eta P=~ Persc~~el ~fficer 004C Req~~st: ~est Valley r?quest LASO bus to trans 23 c.:-1-es tee~ ~= 7 1 /'Jho ::ff e be int; p :ied \10~•,1-- ~ , :, t 2. l 30. Respcnse: ~~- D.Rodriguez, LASO advd bus e7r~ut2 w / -~ 0-9 0 m :. n et a . R amc s adv d at O 05 Ch 1- • :i . F' er CO/ E : · ; e c Lt t i v e : J ff i c 2 ,- 0045 ~ampa1-t qi-ea: Pertaining to ~<01-ean Bus. w/a1-med citz. Sgt Wall rpts nc incidents of armed citz protecting bus. He currert:y has scouts in Korea Town updating info. THis area is contained by <west) border ~kt 1-man d i 2 B l. ( ea s t : 1 .) e nn c, n t , ( No .- th ) l..J i l :; h i re 2 1. , 017398 \ --c- C:: - ~ ( So ~ ,; ~ ; F=· i = :: E : l • Pe:-so 1, .; e l : c. i= ;:; \- c : ~ . \J a t I l Gu a 1- d f : : ~ e d F' - :· 3 :- : 100. Rampart al~o has twc - ~;~u - ads Sg-: G 3. nd ·1, E.:: ~ :- ,?q i_\e :i-: e:d : :, f c· :- met i o : "' - ::1 n bu :--=.?:-_ : _ · . ct=· Sq: ~ C · ,- <; • DVB-Sgt Wills-need 3 � CB-Sgt Parmellee-need 0 1 JSB-Det Odenwald-need () OWB-M•..i:10 z-need-0 Advi:i~d c~mm~nications Divisicn and requested support. ::; 1:::.::: Sg:: L. ·:,- : T,:ai-1 1.•::-.. -.4::: · ; , :-. ~ : r~o~~ ~her· · ~ ~J.G. shoL1l 1 j go ":c. , C\iid ~ho ~~~ -j: ~ p2y ~: r ~erl s~s ~~j. per Sgt Gandy, Lt ;o~..,:--.;;~ : --.c! .:: 1 - -:.:1 ==•~,d ~o cit-,., ,:011t :-,;,.ct hc1sp:. 1 :a: sLi=e ~~!=: - _.· :-. • -:: -.-~o:- · - ··i\ig 011 t:ehe.lf - :.f c: t;y. :=·e:· :::·=:- sr!n1:e: Off i cei- 01 1 :.c. 20G ~":3 ..;a.;1.; :-·emt:e!- · 3 : .1-e i::at1ni11g ~o meet ,at 1?:>) i'·I. ~ighlard Ave to s~oot P.D. per 6L90. Par r~tellig2rce Per ?ersonne: Of~icer L~. C. Rodriquez, be sa;-.~ -to p : - =k-· .. ;:: 50 of tl,e 50 ;·. C~c1-. Hoff,11aste1- c1c·.,' d CO .' ~,<-=C '- '· : i ,1e :Jff i i.:ei-. LASO, advised 0ne bu will ~r~?stees (busas ~cld of 60-90 miG :T~. Par � WB advised Korean businessmen armed N/W c=rner of Santa Monica/Western. C• 11 \- 0 0 f t O p S at National Guard on 5cene. Per :nte~ligence Office~. :) 11 ~ REQ 1 JE· ::T: Jail Div. re'd two ~AS� buses for ~rrestee strands form PAB. RESPONSE: Lt. D. Rodriguez, LASO, adv'd. buses enroute w/60-90 min ETA. Lt. Sewell notified by Lt. Rodriquez LASb. Per CO/Executive Officer. 017399 :)13(; :ne ~t-: . ::'\ ~~ , :: , :;p •,,- - = •~ ,nc:u-kec · = anci check • =- :3.-=hing bus1~asses that ars ess2 ~~ ial t~ restcring ~or mal ,:: :37 Holly~•Joi:id Ci •, . . · .-e • =e i..-·ed info f'lyei- - planned ce : T.:••::t :-~.t::··: s -:\t F' :i · .- ~-: .; 1 - 2entei- - :, 1--: S-2-92 :1.l: :t::)C 1 !": : - · ;;. Per :~t2!!~;sr=2 Of;~cer. '.J.S. ~a:-::,1a:: on 5 ·-2-~2 2. -'; 3.ppi-ei ;< 0125 received funfire betwaen Spring Street on 1('11 fi-eew::1.y. No suspects obse1-ved. reports. Per Intelligence Officer. r. o u ,- · 5 ~ ~ • 1 3 • ; _. n i t and ~ain Street No i r, j' u 1- i es :· <oi- , 22. :-: bus:11esses w:th ai-mEd bu.siness1111:? 1 : guai-ding ::i- =a.-:- ~::.-, p · ;-2limina1-y ·--epc,i-t gene1- . ::'1 . :3_·;-ea: 31-d ~~=• :: - ,.: ~~:.= ~et · n e • : '7 1 ...;i:,t:c.-t - ::!.nc St. :~ndn:='NS ~Jati:!11 G1 _ ~ a1-d at f:i.. :- · .2,:: ,:.: .:::;--:•:;; at: i]l · 1 rnpic / Weste1-n - 6t~/l.Jesten1 8t'.-,.,-~...:e:; � :.a!-r: :hi - ~ i:?. r: i-2li .ni113. \- y 1 -epo1-: fc,nn ~.; i 1 ~ ;1 :. 1 - :::- H , .. ~ ?. . : ~ .J E: ;i a 5 ::--? e,"' r· e q ~~ 2 s 4: e c t :. ~ ~- o v i j e '= ;: =: = :. .: · . . : ~~ ,j · = . - -= = s ..? s t :, ~'.JC • p I: 1 - r I 7 t · = l l i · :; e 11 : = E O ff i Ce 1- • C: 1 1::S 34 N:i·; : , :, - , 8Ll:ff:.1s h•.JLlSed at Hol ler~beck 'r'OLlth Cante\- fo1- :3,t :92.:"t "'-1;!-,,= ,1· ::: :< · !: ho · _ \,- . ,•,:::,(': ( ·. 'JI.; ;:. :- · ·.:,vid:. . '"".; -=-=•=c. !-t f ;::,; :-.i i : =:; :. :- e 81 .. d . '; :. 2 t.,3 ~ " , PSR E3549 ~ :::oi-ean - ~mb assadc, 1- f1-or.i 3243 Huntington Drive LlGit #18 I_ t . Ros - 3 m i 1 1 e 1- w i 1 : be ,- i d :. n g 0220 Polic2 escort for So Cal Gas c~:w to respond to gas :e~ k a~ :34~ w. 54 st~eet. · crow will ~e~~ pcllc~ ~t Imperial and Crenshaw. OSB = · = · rn mc, 11d po :it :10 t :_ ~ i 2d. 0230 Sgt. t<e • :i :i 1 ei-. 0300 Segu~a notified - call dispatched to Q208 th9 y a~e at Im~erial ~nd Crensha~. EOC notified Q208 that Gas Co ETA 5 mi ns. Pei- F'ei-sc,nne 1 Off i cei- 5 c-=1.1- f:. n::i :. ,, a 11 · ;;et by the same SLlspec t in a 4 hour period. Per Intelligence Officer. , 017400 ::;22 C• :=::eqLtes1: .:- ,:-i- =': !_t · = ... -,• - ":2\ '' .... ;ate~ in r · ~-;.; = e1- C C / E : · : e = · - ·· ": :. · : e iJ ff :. .:: = \ -. :)23 0 Ad·✓ : ·=-=C : :i.--:-.:. r r:•-2+:. G1 -aham :: and· D.H.:· . ( Cai-.1-a !:::a) at demon·3t 1 -a ~ic,,: :1.gai '.1st ~ • :idney ~~: in - ~ v e i-ci.::t at :-· :-;a , :.i: 5-2 - =? 2 1 1 0 0 r c! Ll 1- s ~ and Pa,- k F' 1 a z ;\ Ho ~ e 1 < 6 th / Pai- k Vie~, Damien Garci~ ) on 5-2-92 1400 hours,ty i- e v c 1 : :.. . • t i ~il: 2 1- y c o mm Li i-, i s t ;::J a r t ·1 , L • A • b ,- a r, = ~ . De t . Gi-a :1 .?.:T. 2.-J ':' is-:d c· f possibl 1 "? • :jem0n·~t1-ati ::·n -:1. '; Clympic ~ : Broadway 5/2 at 1200 hours by RCP. Both division ~ers fax copies of info <Diaz/Derellis EOC) OCB-CP also advised. FAX sent to DVB, OWB/0S8 for info. Per : :1t2:liqence Office;-. · l ,:· 2 2 S :· i • :• ': :. -f :. ::: .j <; ~ e tJ a l c, ~-.J p e 1- s , :, · , : r~ ~ 1 +: . :, adv i s e =°' l : '; ~ --. e · = c· . r. m ,:?. · .- c 9 :- · I: ::i :: :- ::! ·,, : - ~ 2 '"· = , :., ': :· : _ : ·:- · :5 ,- a p c11- t t c : h e E O C by i - -~ . ... ., . C 1 -.JE. ·- C : -. : -:f :-·· .- :· e k 2 1 - CCE. . .. . Jff i =e· .- : ~.n Ha 11 OWS Sg~. ~~sda~a GSE :~e~ =~~:srs~7 C•2t+;) :'-Je~d ;, · :•.:-.i-c:, :.:! f:lms ~ ;::ai:: · -: == - 600 m~B St . .;t;~.: i:-: :; ~"ill C2 -'+S pid:: · -- :J 6 1=,;1.• = ~-: ~ c,t· 6CO p~iai-i,:,d film. f·e,- Ge :1' l S a :· · ·. ·· i :: e : : i v • . i :-: - ; t :: :-.-~:!O'.•e 1 · t•UE/C suspect~ ~ea~ a u to sho~ Pe1- PSR E854.9 3hot~ ~ired/ Pos5 459 1 2 3 1 l..J ash i n g t = • n ) FAX ( 8 G5 ) 680-7126 Sports Arena 748-4649 Sapt Deveny Ne ccmmunication between Personnel Of~icer • . ? co J. 1 · :5eLtm u: 0 2 5 A 1 1 1- eq u e ~ t f o ,- SWAT ,.., i 1 l g c, th r o Ll g h Lt • L c, re n:: en , including tha use o~ 500 FBI SWAT agents that are ~ow available in LA. The FBI will have two SWAT teams available and ~orking with Lt. Lorezen on the B watch. On the A Watch, the FBI teams will only be available after requesting them throLlgh Lt. Lorezen. 017401 is t~ ~e .na~~ at l~c for. Ve~ i fied that ~is~i~~ per personnel ~ffi~e~ 0 30C· Lt. :=:.:;::ei- :--!WJ ,-eqLtesti :"1g t'7at 30 N/G ·;;tati , : n ec 5~ Sa i-:::1 t"' , : :11.=:3. : ~: !,.Je· ;:;te,- i.., be 1 -elieved by 20 ;--1 1 G f:,1- : il th2 st.a;~ :,,;; = ·, .-ea at Hc1ll•, 1 ~..Jeic,d E :c,w:. Lt. ;'\ov21- !. 5 at 464-14 1 )2. Pei- r'e1-so 1111e l Off i ce1- 0300 Korean to\-J\1 - OWB stated no p,-oblems, no gunfi1-e. A fe.] bLv;;iness ow11e1-s a1-e still on the sto,--= i-oof:s~ but it is quiet. 4 ::. L:. -='-· .: ~.!-. ~ :-, · ~ ·3 Per csr~:~rel Cffi~er. ::325 Telet·/ ;e · :5ent to R~:I ,-eqLlesting 3. U'J ii1c:ida11t ;;,_lmbe, for id~ntif~ing ~C-r2lated arrests. Request was ~y a 1 ..:tr: · : · . - :. ;y r:.,f th:::: •~epa · ,-t:ne r".t ,::mma ·-,c ; ':!ii.ef F i-a !:kle. ~le: UC i .-. = :. :.: :: · .- i :; ~ --. LL f!~ b :: · :- f : · ~- b c1 o ~-: i ~ ; 1 J :~ ~ C : ~ e ,: : · ; 5 '-t e ij , r .~ '. 2 · .. · . :- e ~ - 1_~ cc:· mm a.i-:.j i=; .:: · = : s ~ :- e g a 1· d i n g pc, s s i. t } . t:: ., C::: C :=- " ,::le m.: 1~ s t ,- cc\ t i ,:. :- 5-2- =? 2 ~ ~ ·. ·J : 1 0 C -::1. i: F' a i- k e i- C · = i 1: 2 - • : 0 p : 2 · :; :, ~- demo n s t ,- 3. ": : : , r, n •:) t i c es by " RC P 11 , LU- g i ng i n d i v i d 1 _: a 1 s to rally, f~ ~ed to bureaus. Par :~te:::gence Officer (<=4:) Nai- • =cti , =:;; G:-oup - Offi=ei- Adam· = - r:otified ai-,d confir~ed t ~t. and 55 officers will sta n j by f~~ sp9ci3.l .je':ail ~-t 0830 i1ou 1- ·s. Per Pers~ n~el Qfficsr. ')400 11 A" ',,J 21.t:!-: ,.:leplc,yment 4 se,-geant:; 31 IJf f i CE \-S Per Personnel Officer 017402 :~~~3nd e~ ~s~3~0y is ~~:. ~J ~: CD DSG, t · : 1 a::v:se '.:At c . .; not C.R. 1 - ; "?l'::?. • =ie • ,:; -.. ·•1 U.G . . -:late• :! to encou~ag2 2~ 3pprcve r il Ll.17 i f ·: 1 · :- : n , ~. "../ C', i 1 f i:1 '.- 11 A 11 ,..J a t · = h : se~-gea ;1t · PI:! l C~R ?ar per~cnnel C~fi~e~ 0604 I 11fo 011 l Y** Citizen 1-2po1-ts that there have been announcements on Korean ~adio 1580 am for all Korean to meet i n Wi l · 5hi1-e -?.t A1-dmo1-e-Ol ·1mic at !000 houi-s to protest. Also t ~ bring their Korean flags. Sgt. S t e i n :. ": 1 .-: . i :. .; h i · .- 2 ':H s i 1 -=· : : · :=- :. 2 d t: y DH D • i=-e 1 - I :: tell iy= ~lce C:ff:. . =~ i-. ::'.6( 1 '= P1-e, tes: ~ t M. :i.•=Ai- thui- P a r - k . ::. t 1430 5-2-92. ? • C. P CP 1 ,-ece:.ved .:\ fl·~•e1- . ir 1 Spani · 5r. NFI. ~ei- : i,t2: l :.~e..-•.c2 : :: f f :. C: ;ff • 060~ := 1- o t es'; $ t F'AB 12':0 5-2-92 11 PCP" NF: - 11 RUr"'.CE ·• F'er !nte:li~e~~~ Jffice~ Se= :- c- i- : - 8 c• ·1 :5 ·- 5 C 8 0 R,:, d ac, Rd BoLl5 - 3670 :~anshaw LA :._iq ! !;.03 No1- :n2.11die 3 TAR - 5 3 (l(i ~ · ~ :1 ,- rn 2. :1 d i , :: Los Amig0s - 5043 Normandi2 AK Discount - 4727 Norma~die Lucky Liquor- J2fferson -Normandie Kims ~arket - Jeff~rsc~ - Norma ~dis Skips '.._iq - 3801 V-:1· ,nont Bennys J~. Mart - 3901 Ve ~mcnt El Dcmi~o - 3821 Vermcnt B~C Liq - 1339 Jefferso~ Loiln - 1015 29th Plac2 Abil Liq 3115 Western. Se~tor 4 - Boys M3r ~et - 5824 S. Vermont Fiesta Market - 102nd - Avalon Boy's Market - 120th - V~rmont 017403 Sect:;: - 5 - ~SC ~ - ~~ ;< ·: 2t - ~ -·~l8th-t1ai · ,1 A:.r ~~2.·- :- ::e+: - ~1e.11=r.e5te :- - : ::1- , =hai-d - ~ - ~~ ·.) =,.., . ... :-e , ::::; · -·.i1- , ::? · 5 3. .jdi":: - :,1-:al ; :-.ainter:ance dui-ing \•Jeeke iid EOC • =;: 2 ·.- a::.:-:: · =.: .; <:- 21.c t · .J 21:e:- ::\ l · :::2i·v ices i: adv i :;;e. C •645 The K::1-ean · =~mmLl1:i ':/ is p lat;ning a peace ma,--;:!; at Ardmore Park at 1000 hours. Per :ntslligence Cfficer : · ~ it S 9 c-• ~ , ::i '.· 1 ='- 1- ~ : e t 1 s • :;j :. · .,; i r"' g c, :_t t 3 0 0 :) t 1- 2 2. k fa:;; t me a 1 = a t :: 1 ~: : -. - :-~:-::.:1,;t; . :.•-, . H. :; ·,. ::: inte r·25ted ,::!ivi:5: · :Ji7:5 9F'D . :~ND '-I:• pi=k :t up. M~ssage ta~er tc GSD () 6 3 8 : _ ' · : i t s t c, pp e d E / 3 Dev c 1, · :5 i: i i- e - ::l. t A,- 1 e ta , •~ 1- a y ·✓an p~s5:~:y invol~9d in shooting la~t n~ght. :JG:.: = ·• .. '.:li :: ~ -f r ~_::· : ; :::5 :--= ·f:.=ei-s~ 12 sen;e- 3n4:s ~ ::. · ,1d 3 c24:-:2c ": :. ·,,,-2-:. . , -::. ca -355 i,~ i1ed 1 : ·:, CSB tas k ~c,\-cE. Lt. 1 32.1110:-2 ?.t 77':!: h3s 3.=: ·::;i~ned - f11,y off i- - ~mps : : 1 ) fv-J/ check issuance securi~y - using 7 vehicles E/W 1 dual 5 ~lain - uniform. A~signed OSB CP per Capt Elfmont. ~h: 13~8 N. ~ilc~x Wi: 4861 ~- Ve~:~e Pac - :2242 :wlver F c, o t l-: i l l - 1 2 7 .SO : :i - ~ b o f. · .1 e N. ~w~. 11480 Tiara Van Ny5 - 6240 Sylmar 0[7404 r ,-._ ,-- • ::, ,-, ... , L- .. ~1:2.:s =2.: 1- :::: :- ~1:?.te - = ~-: ~'/9 : ~ ! • ;; ·~,- -f:o . 2-.!-1-es": i:~e ~ : :i..:f~ ·:a\- · -=3 ,:,i- •: ;J 2 :- ~ 5':a i--:i;- - ~ ~ W-=--l- ~"e i":.?.-..-e • =1 -2u-c:\• :L: · 5 · :.. l::t5 0~ :1mmu :-. :.::.i:: 1 t1"~ ~-=\pp ,-:,:< 1 : -. , :,· _ :_·,--: :.:."= • =i- lie - ;ave a : :r.irLtte ~"'a:- :--. i. '.-. · ; : = :.: ' ::: ':: - 1 - 9 2 = :i. · - ~ · :- =-'< -f 4: 2 ,- :~ · : , o :, . c:. e ,- 0 · : : l i :: e r:· i · . .- . ,::722 =' :-e-:::. :i - :: :1t i2,: • =and :dab~ ; 3Q•.-· . 3 ,- . :-· . ..i , -, he?. · = lef · ':- the loc !:e ~a~ a~ la5t night 2nr~u~e to new lo= i7 22nta : : · ,-r~ . ~~1·e .;;.. ! • .Ji 11 · =.3.l: with i7ew a,jd :-e·55 whe : i ; -.-2 cL • ;- i ..... es ;:: e ,- I n t a l : i g E i, c e Cf f i c e 1- • 0730 Lt. Dn.tly, G: ii <Intelligence>, 40th Div. NG, 1-epo1-ted the 7th infantry Div, US ARmy <Fort Ord) had 2 2-man c~unte~-i~telligence teams, each wit~ Korean languag2 c a pat :. ~ : t y :;; ta 11 d i n g b y a t Ma i 11 e a i 1- ·:; ta t :. :· n , T 1..: s t i n . P~esi~ant has not ;iven orjer ~~ field f~der2l trcops~ sc t~~se ~sople can't go i~t~ ~i9ld. ~hey can ; : t ~~ • =i:::1 ~ : 11-:=L: :::: pc,- ~ts h.:,weve~- ·=gt. Sal ·;, EOC :ntel:lge:;ce, • ~avi2 C :-~ 1 y l:t c, f '.....AP D M i 1 i ta\- y L i a i 5 = · ~ : ~ : : i', ~" i :.• : :=?. : ✓ o c d i :1 g s . . ~ J • = · : : :: :. 7 ·:; - ~: '; i: 1 : ,j : 3 a ~ e h e v Jo '._.: l , :: : "' - :?. \"id l e a 1-. y -=- • _ : _ : - '; 1-i e · · ?. = t : :. n • 2ai2 ~w~ c~ the l~cp. Pe~ r~~ellig?n~2 CFfi~~ ~ - 0 7.:+S T" / ~' - =-:; :Ti~ i·;-.-,in , ; b:\..-i-icades 2.t Police Academy 1 -el-:ase-J f~-cm ~=•~atir:g :1ue ~:.:, ~hc,t5 f:1-ed in ~~e ::i.:··ea. (F'2·1 - T/O A5~ley, Centr~: T/C, AM ~ate~. Per Transp~rtati~~ Divis:on. :) ? : ·1- ::.: Sf-. o ts ·:=- i · .- ~:.::i ~ :: 1 ::i 1 ::-: i l 1 - !J - :_; '.~ .:. n"'! e 16•J 180 :· 2q 1 _ le · :; ti _ .... , :; ; : , __ _ -.: ~ . . ::· 7 s . :: : _: ;:· -· '; : -. - -~--:- -- . -· · _ _ .' l ,/ • ~ ~ t :3,;.; ~ :. :-: ::;J -:·e l"' l,. ::: . (; ] : _, a i- · = \ . - '? c; , _ . 2 = ~ :. :7] t :-?. · :;: -. ;.J:".. , :: 1.Ui= :.:,~ C: 1 -e:-,=h - ~w :::la;:,;1_ :+ :2=: s. c ,-E '.1-Sh:.;,"; Blvd (Brcajway Ei~e ) per ~~gis t ic~ Officer. 075(i Copy = :f Fi1-e 1-epo1-t ( same as the one p1-,:-ivided fo1- the Red Cross) on bur~ed out buildings need addresses for DWP '-d=E de l:. ·1e1- t::, Dt.JF './Ja t , -= 1 - 3ys tem EOC 1-ep to hand ca i-i- y b a c ! -:: to Rog e 1- Ch a 11 g · :, f t . e D ' ·JC Gene,- a 1 r~ ~ -nag e 1- I n ~or~~ t ~~ ~ Center, Per Water and Power OEOO Co :-c:. :-:e1- ' · 5 Off i. .::e s a:;~: : i ng .:. f p 1-0 visions have been made f~~ -:earchi~g 0f dea~ bodies i~ the burned buildings. if not, 5omeone 11eed: to coo1-d i ,,ate they 1-,eed 3ddre~5es a~d escorts. Call c~aig Harvey to ~=~r~~~at2. Fer Intelligence Officer 0800 ~a.-:ci i:i :;aid he h - ~d ,-ec·~i'-.1ed info on Oakland gang members coming to LA to use stolen LAPD, LASO, and Culver City PD unifor~s in attacks on police. He had this from Firestone Sheriffs and Park Patrol Chief. He sai~ his Gang i~~o section had confirmed it was 017405 rolling 60s ~~1~3 i~volve~ :~ earlier shooting wit~ 0~~-d~~ / L~PJ ~t ~l~~=~Ce ~~de~ t~~ Harbor Fwy and 8 TR E ~ c. e: · . •. e 1 • = ·.-i ;. · ::: ~-J '7 c· ,--.i e \- e i '.-: v ::, l v = c :. n 2 a,- 1 i 2 i- · : , n-d L, t y L.AF:, :1-. :,~: : ·.-; . , :• er:<· · L\: .;.ccc·~ -dat1 ·.:e ~ - ~ith '.5ect:c·i7 e3C • . .S~ · :5:_:bdi .-·:.5i , :, ·-. ~8) ~ of th: Ca:ifc· : - ,,:.a Penal Code, the L:nde,-signed ,_ ,.i-92ntly request the deployment of federal law enforcement officers under your supervision to aid ~niformed peace officers of this jurisdiction. Not if i :: , j t ~- b 1 -::: ==- -: :: · Cff:. = :? :- 9 Lt i l d i n g S · . .-c 5 D i v • t c de 1 i v e ,- L .. -:1. nd 1 ) a,, Ness F ·e CCJ / C: :-: , ::c•_1 . ti \/8 ·:. :: . .. I · . -: · : 2 : : ~ g e :., c: · = : : f · f - ~ . : '='' ,- • C81C t-Je:c ,7l::i--: : ::-f· :· :. i1 t'.7e co1- · .Jnt:?I-5 :-eq L,~st. 1. sea,-c~ing cf :. 1,,,"·= i~ 1 ::::• 1 · .:1al:·,.1 d-:,ne b·; the : -:c,i-,:,11ei - - what .j:, they W:i.'""'~7 · .. ,.at de, J:h2/ 1-.e-:d C,:)Ordinated in :-espect c, tody se~:-c'i • :?'.=. 2. • ,Jh ,~1: :1.ddi-esses a,-e they - ~sk:rn~ ·fo i-. If they have a JS =all/f~om ~ire/polic2 they should have an adt~2ss t: go ~it~ ~h~t call. 3 escorts can be ar~ang~d ~~~e =:arifi~ation is ~btained. Per ( 81~ :r.eif , :,: := . : .· .· .· c:~.t '.- · :: , 'i. ,- ei:::,'.-+; t.:, '.="i r·estc '.1e Sh21 - 1. ff3 > ~IC that 2C• •:· · : . .:.11--=-.: ·- :-.,.5 !. :.1,clude ; :u.l·1e1- C::.t·;, LAPD, r n g 1 e L~ c · .:: j , S · :· •_ 1 th E: ~ '/ ) ~ J e 1 • e s to 1 en ·f :- c, a c 1 ea ;~ e ,- s • Tes e unifo~~3 are to be used by Oakland gang members that are coming ~c LA. They are also going to use vehicles that · ,-esemble LP!PD plain ca1-s. Per I,,telligence Off iCEff :)81~ A 1-eq-4a;;t L-Jas .7tade f:i1- tw•:;1 RTD c : _~ses. One f . :,\- Cent1-al and ~ne f~~ ~ampart at 1000 hours. These tu~es will ~emai~ av2i:~t:s for mutJal aid :aw enfcrcem9nt officers ar~iving 2t these f~ciliti~s. 0833 Plac~d ~rd2~ for portable toilets at Federal~ Wilshire (····""''""!!:' -'~,:>,.; DCB request 6 Narcctic5 officers as sccuts X5757· ~ :Qp t ~~a 1. c;:1- 1)845 - vJ i 11 send 6. Fe1- F'e1-so nne l Off ice1- 017406 - - ,---\~: ,..., 1._,-._,;:,..;;; / C 1- d 2 ,- 2 d 6-~ r_t t t :i n <Nei: C=. :-pe ::tei-) p~Gn9 f:~ Air Supper~ ~t Fei- Gen t l Se1-·✓ ices Div. - I- ' ac .. 033S F'·~i-s:,'.-.::2l I:ivi5i::n ,-equest ~he EOC P1C tci pL:t c::_it ~he f:-:1::· .. :i.-.; i. :1f:- as 3. ger~e1-=1.l p 1 -8s · ::: i-elaaae: r ,; 1- s ::. . · . :5 •• a i -: i .-~ ; t ~ v o l l! n tee,- ~ c w c i- k he 1 p :. i-, g l; .::1 ,:: l ea ii up i~ ~~~ ~it~ of Los ~n;~l2s ~ay call th= ~~llowi~g n: .. ur.t:e·,- ::etw-:?:2 ·. ·. the sei;..::-s cf 8:00 am a ::d 3: CC p:~: (213j 617-0294 Please have this number distributed to all LAPD Divisions Per Person7el and Recruit Div. ·1 0 84 • .~ :. Th2 ~ -· ·::-1-9ali 2.mbassadc11- ~: the ,::ounci~ genei-2. l .- . :quested a person t=ur of Wil:5hi~2 ARA. The time ~as ~ot be9n establishea. They are :xpecting a briefing from OWB. Co~~~rder 7~ylor has been advised Per Intellige~ce QffiC:i-. Ic2 i~ b;irg ordered for each locati~n whe~e meals are be i i: g . j e 1 i v e 1- :::: d • Pe,- Ge 1, e ,- ~ 1 s·e 1- v i c es !J i v • 0848 Officer Assi5t Pico and M~~io .:,848 Rev i ~ = · = =;;.:: : _t . :1 l ty: 7c ta l = C:. 4:•,..-.J i - :: : 2 deaths 20 s e i- i •::i u :-; 1 6 9 m i n :i 1 - 2 1 5 � CB C 8 � SB 15 OWB 7 OVB 0 S 40 118 3 8 M .::~ 12C• 5 28 County-wi~~ 43 de~ths 0 '7· 0 C C ::, o 1- :: i '.7 - ~- t :. c, '.: ':! f p e ,-so 11 s w i sh i rn~ -to v o l u n tee i- f o i c l 2 a~ u ~ h~s been organized's. Ps~s=·~5/c~tizens wanting to volunteer for clean up shoul~ ~s refer~ed to the following telephone#: (213) -=17-(•29L.. This numb~r is being prcvided to the media. 017407 ~ 1 i · :5 · :5 : : • . , ; ·:: q U 2. , j - l : , • :: L:: ,F O 1- 7011 3hip · ;:) 1 L.. : ....... - • • J _ , · => W i ls hi r ~ from ~a Brea. 0 9 0 6 A· :; s i · = t = · 1 7 c e - ~ l 7 4 7 1 / ' =\"'I t , .s ::i. c-::, , : · 4: ; J !...ll- '= u i t - -:, n e · = · _ : :3 p i ;7 cwsto=y. Pe~ Intglligence Cf~i=er CHP tc esco r t form 700 N. LB Bl~d. CHP ERC notified at 0909 Per CHP 0 91 0 ~ ·Jee d F· ei 1 ice es co} t f Ct 1- Bu,- e au of San i tat ion 1- e f us i n g true ~ t~ ~~fu2l . 2~ emergency generator at Manchester i Figue~ca, pumping ~la~t #601 . sanitation would like t , :, · n 1 :? e t a I; : 0 : 3 0 3 m ?. 't +:he N • E • co n~ e ,- . :, f F i g u e ,- o a i ~ J; c\. n • = :-. es t 2 i- b o t tom o f the ·:i ff 1 • amp . San .: ta t i on cc~ta=~= Sa~ry eerggren (212) 485-5378. Per S :-. \'"\ i ~ :: :' l - : ; i, C93C C.:u- :·-=p:!1-t · :i - 1Jffice1- · ,-,eed · s ~elp Wall - 94th :;:-,cts fi i-aa. 0930 f;•eq~e·Eting ~-,.at~i- (size 1 gal bottles) 25 gals foi- 200 guar~ loc a~ Venice Beach. Deliver to Pacific Station 12312 :~lver Blvd. Per Logistic Officer. N ~ E i-110 Cfz ~amps MLK - Imperial Left : ~me • = l o · s e,j S / B I -4 :)5 at Sa 11 ta Fe u n t i 1 1 3 0 0 f o 1- r ep air work by Caltrans Per Intelligence Officer DCB D- 8 s- 40 m- 62 County Wide Deaths: 5 e 1- i C 1 Ll S : Mi nc,1-: � SB 15 118 120 43 Deaths O~JB Receiv~d from - CIC - Marks 30 169 215 7 OVB 0 3 8 5 28 017408 Tents f 01- "1 CO '• fuel 'Diesel 11 250 ;~.;.. 093C T1-ash ;:ic~--: -L~~ :\t LA :~i;:- S::hool all 50 GAL CANS FULL -- 46 5 - .:· :::; : ·,-m~ i • = S l v,j. Stagi~g Area Ohio~ Santella <Federal Building) i- e q ue-= t :. n g ei :, 11 Dump t e ,- 11 M. ~e~is, incident comma~der, cor~ner o~~ice, will ~ .:--:e· . -,.:: ~ mee~ing at 1000 1 1 :-· · 5 ~,:, detei- .-:"1 i '. "'. • c? !/'Jhich co:-one1- will ~e ~ent. per Intelligence Officer. ::·;9 · :?s Y· :·· _t\- ·-eque·5t -f" , ::,\- esc-:,i-t to 3 . ::i05 8!..tck i 11,~h.:=1.m Rd fctt inj~rec animal has been made t~ CHP ERC. 1.:·,939 .·2q,_ies :~ f,:,·,- escc•1 -~ f,::11- ,-s,fu2 ~ i · :"'.g ti-L:ck to >~ c. : -. - =. -.:::;-:2 .- ~ ,: "F=i ,~~e-::-. :-,~-= te.:: ~ 1 ;-n:3.d9 · t::, 1: :-1P ERC. G :;·,+.:, . .::~~ .. ;2st ~-Jat2 · ,- ·: i·· ..1.c k -:=--:•\- ~ CC per:,p:2 ~...,aitinJ i r: at P~st :~fies. Per L=~isti=s Offi=er 0951 All o,~e-time 1-2quest foi- CHP escoi-t service should be di~e=~~d directly to CHP 9scort coordinator at 29:-1045 A11y l : •ng te1- 1 T1 1·~sc u :-i::e comm i tmant ~ r~que5tgj thro ~gh EOC CHP liaison. ,· -.iill continue Pe\- CHP to be (. :'?5:-: F='e1- :::rr.m. Mitchell ,,~ed d1-i · ,,~:s tc1 L-Jate,- fo1- 31()<) ci~izsns waiti~g ~n :ine at Post Cffice. 85th ~ 3i-.Jad~·;ay. Pe:- Log is: i~s Off ice\- 0955 Ken V35iner from DWP called and advi3ed that water~ Power has shcvels, brooms, etc which can be donated f c- 1- := ~l t: l i. · = c, :- ·., o l L~ 11 t e e 1- c l e -2. n up a c t i v i t i es . ( Lo ad e ,- s ~ dump trucks also) 017409 ~ <an : = \: : _ • .:ni:::l e : F'a i- ~ :: 3 I .~ 1 '.::) • \ 0 .. 1 -1 I 363-9454 10C ;:: , !:- ~~;:• ~-:-:~lu·/ee ,-epo1-:- · 5 that whil2 he was ,:!ut ~-Joi-king in Sew~ ~ =~~tral h e o~s2rv2d black gang members with :~s~~ : f :0~~ti0n and tim~s that they were to set fire tc t~s~. The empl~yee st~tes that they are vary org3ni=ed - he tried to get the list but was able - he did see it th re ugh. He also observed the gang· member to be carrying uzi's and mac 10's. Per Intelligence Officer J ;..:, d d : -: :. ,:; 1 1-=. .!. Re : Unif:rms that 'l/er 2 ~aken form t~e dry cleaners <Hyde P -:-. ,- ~ : : : 1 · ~ . :\11 e 1- s ) : Inc;:.e~'llc::·, : u:1if,:, :-ms have pat= ~es ein the sleeves. · 1000 LAS~ adv~sed that ~Meir prisoner transportation was ~.- -::--.: •• • • • _... I •• • •. : :: .1. ~ate the .a1-1-aiq 171na11 t of LAPD ~ · .. - · ·..: -· ~ +: .. - . :: - ..:: : ' ~ - .:.: · = . : - :: 'Ti: a c t .-.. ci s mad e t o a 1 l -· t.-,2 .- ,·- - - - . ' - · ·- ,.7 - - - ·- - - · - ._ - "'? - = ~ - - -- ~~ ~~ --~~~~d ~~ those . :;- ·-, ·= ~ .: \ -t ='· : :. : ·:-. • .. .. · -..c.· 1 :. ::· :: 3. : :-· = . 3 t ~~ : : -. · = · ·.- . , : • . .. ; :-:, - =::- - ~ ;J : c y = e ,- e p .:w t s tho t ~ /, i 1 2 ~ e was ··:-: · .- c: i , """.=.: t 1 ~ , : :_.-:~ : � :: 1 -~; 1 -al ::~ ~.b:;ei- · -.12•:: t~ - ~ -=~: : i]al; • ; . .:. ~·- ~t:_ · : : .. ; ~ : · ··, · : :: 2 ·. ~~? ~~=lojee 3 ~ ~~~~ ~~~t ;-; =' •· · . ~ · =-::: t:: g 2 t t :7 ~ l i S t · : ._ · ~: ,. _. · , \..: . : ~ L. .. - , .... . - C:\ , ··- .. ,. ? : � ,•, I - . . '.,/ = • Th e ! -~ i · 5 a s t ~ - c, r: ~ := ::, l i :: ~ p r-es e 11 c e i n th a C i t y and the res~pply of grocery s~o~es and other bu~ines5es can begin. Restore utilities - 200 officers escorting (100 LAFD/FE~ 100 CHP) 017410 F'c.:it Cffic.:2: : ·~ .- ,i i< s ::Uc~ . ..: . .:3 . ::•ne at S7t!"1 2, :1d We· :;<:e1-n t~at ,,-Jill open ~n Mc~d~y i~ ~ ~rai:~~- Sch2c k =asMi7~ : o=at~~~s ?,:;=it Gf -{ ica· ::i. R.astc. i-e the ~~al i ty :; f : i fe in the effected 2u-eas 10 1(, Rgqua·:itii1g c:rntact be made to 11-aws agency helicopter ~~l::~~ ~~~rcling over t}e Field Jail at PAB. Per Pres 1 \) l :_ : , ;::., ~ s :. ::; "; ~ . 1 C -= 101 () As of S ·-. ~--=:,2, 094> 3 3292 becking i1umbe1-s , .:,btai11ed · :iince 4-29-~2 :630. Per ~olice Division 1:)1::.. : :::::~m,~:-.: 3't p i-::i.y c-:mo:1st1-at io1i scheduled ~-Ji th :na1-cr. E/B 7i;~ S:- i-2e-c f :·om t1c:Ct1-thu1- F'a,- k · :;t~u-ting at 1400 hou1-s. ~e~ :~t2l:igsn~2 Jfficer 10:2 RaqueE~ ::r 6 ~ortab:2 toilets pla=ed ~/ACQ for spor~s 1025 Ai- 0 .: ·.- . , .• ·: =-, r- '-: ~ ;- ; : ,:, ~ . Pe ·:- S• ..lpp lies · :Hf-· cp~:- - ~ .t::- F,.: :. ·5s -: 2:2, 736-3301 ,-epc,1-t · :i t~at . :\ ma:e !~aq: ~:-so 1 ·2~r~ 5t2~2d t~at a ta~ rc ~ist atta~h i5 p:a~~~j i~ so~th Cent~~l LA he specifically, mention 77th 2iv. He stated the he is the the Nation of Is 1 ar.-:. F'e1- ! nte l: i gence Officer. Ci :i =~: '"" 1-epc.1-~s office1- needs help Sb·ee: 1031 Los A11geles 1025 Dal;Mia Jones, operation clean sweep (213) 237-1797 is ~~::c~i~g up s11 the followin~: 1-Tras~ pick ~Pat 4125 S. Cranshaw 2-50 Gal. trash LA High School, 4650 Olympic 3-R~q~~st fo~ bin at Chio~ Sawtelle, staging area, (no p~~blem =~ this request) 102~ Natio~al Sua~d requesti~; ! C ~ortable toilets at Sports Arena - Pkg lot (staging area> Fig and Martin Luther ~ < i n g • 017411 102~ Need d~mpst~~s 1025 1 .Li)26 S!auson/Westarn ~ C~enshaw Ss~ Diane Watson � ffic~ is ~aqw~sting <Tony Ni co las) =~~t~=t ~ers~n ABV~ Per Logistics Officer Requesting drinking water for 1500 + citizens at Post off~ce 82nd ~ Vermont. Per Logistics Officer - :i :·1 \-9p ; :i1-ted- 1031 S. Los Angel~ Street. fi~2d. :-~ 2ccidental Pos · ;; shots • ,1 ~ t ' l ~· -:ai-c · ;;man - s e 1 f -~ nf l i c ted gun·5ho t R/ A en~. all other g~ardsmen want for ccver. wour,j. No other 1026 l :)31 3. L..~s A11gel1::: ~t,-eet possible shots fired. C-4 Nat io1-,a l Sua,-dsmen self inf 1 ec ted gLtn shot wound. P /R enr. ~11 th~ guardsmen, Ne other injurie5. Per Intelligence Off ice,-. 1 G2 ::· , JS: . -s-=J ,=eive~ f i-om citizens, 1 )i ,=ky T.amc,u · 5h :1ebic·,- k 3.i:;.2. i i15 t hat= c,· i mes. Vo 1 Lmt2e1- i ng any se,-v ices ~eeds~. W - ~~1?> 405-4780 H- 1 :312 ) 244-2333 Per Intailigence Offi=er 1030 Hcl:5 sc,Li1-~2 that f i 1-2 was s tai-ted at 6th /B1-oadL-Jay c,n 1st d~~ of disturbances was caused by 10-12 young male ~ fem~l~ ~hites i ;- ~ vehicles unknown color or year, Me~=s~2s ~ Hyun~ai, P/U ~ Van. They were direc~ed by a :~ade~ ~Mo was timi ~; their actions for exa~ple~ they · I-le :- , ::: =--~ lt.:•v,e ··:: · ::50 1 :13.f"'/ 5econd t .:i b,-e. ak windoll~ ~J/dumbbel 1- ~ and then given so ~any secs to initiate incendiary d~vic~s, his inf~rma~~ desc their action as ~ighly o i-c; a:, i z e :i • No f · . .ff the i- i n f o . Pe 1 - i n t e 1 l i gen c e Office· :-. 017412 54t~ ?. 1 -.d l ._,'_~ li ,"'i'?S - 2682 1663 Ewt:~ ~ - 1500 217~ J. S. Sibsc~ ?! v ~ - 80 6th~ ~a: : - 2000 62- 4-0 Sy~ : 7: .=. :· - 10:)C Per Jen · ! Serv:.c~~ Ji~. 1038 Phone #s for Sports Arena 748-0661,0610,0632 Per :ntelli;ence Officer 1 (; 4 (; ; ~ S S :. S ""; 2. l l C 2 - p '..ff 5 U i t O~e s~spect i~ the ho~se i~ the alley N/0 Verno~ cross S': :. · : :~ • ~ ;: - ~ :- . :1 -~. 1043 Reque~~ f~r S~op ~igns. P O · - Tr ans p cq- t a t i ci n D i v • 1045 ?ri ,:.:::: (3.=C•:-i;;e C.:,·_F1-: y - No1-th 81-entwoc:,d _ , MD ,-epo ,-t · :; meeti~g of ~i!itar~ Bloc ~ Panther. <SO atte~ding' All pe :-s , :,n:;; ~ 1-:ned 2. i"1d '.i,~·1e declai-ed " :::,pe .1 ~ea.3:,·, , :in p.::lice offi::21- - 3 · ~;.:, ; ·~ ;~ ~-Je1-si 1 ,-Jeai- i ng bl2.c ~ :: -fatig:..te · :; a 1 id c,: -. e :~ern=e :- · n~. ·-= :- , ::, =· =- •.;11:. ..:.: :d a - 5 " Donnie '' app 1 - , :, :< 3~ / e - ::u-s, di-l'✓2S E·. c:3.:: :-: 7:.y , :: ,:-a w. !- 1 _1 ,·,; ~e,-. T~.ct::: :. · 5 tc: h :\ve 2 t.:1 3 ,r. ~- l -:2 = i :~ , • eh i c : •~ p ~ 1 t c e i 11 ·-: ~ ~ • ~ ,- an t '; ·,- . 3 -f' -f :. - = v i o l a t :. ~ . 11 a;-: d , :, :1 e ; ti:) pp e ~ am o Ll s ~ ::· ff i c e 1 - ~ • 7 h i ~ i ;; pla~ned due to Rodney King/L.A. incident, Additional o~ 3-21-91 ~ashington Tim9s ran article. About black panthe i-3 in ~Jhich it state5 "the st1-uggle co1,tinues. it ill~strat~d the more radical side of that o , g -?. :, i : ?. -1; i u : .., ~ i t f u 1- the,- - 3 t '-~ t e d , '' a 1 1 b 1 a c k 3. n d oppr9ssed peo~le shoulj be armed for self-defense cf O~i- i"". .a~es . ~•;d ccmmunities 21.gair1st these fa~•=i·3t pe:lices f 01-::e::: ·' 1045 Plan temonstration at Westwood Federal Building so~et~~e ~od~y. Per Poli~e Division 1045 10,000 people at Ardmore Park - peace rally 3250 San Mari n ~ Per Fire and RescLe Di v . 017413 1. (; L~ 5 Sa l , .. 2-. : i ; :, n A,- '.TI y c, o e ~ -t L·· : ; ,- e f ~ g e = = n t e · ,- · ='- t 8 2 3 l..J • 9 th S~~2s~~ LA 324 E. Quee~ Street I~glewood. Red C~oss 0~9rating shelters a~· Dar3ey HS, 3~27 Farmdale, LA Bel~=~~ HS, :57S W. 2nd Street, LA 1 :) 4 7 J e fl' =· · . -, :: : ,- a ~ i - : · ;1 Alameca · - 1st Strset Unknown number to Parker Center 1 0 5 0 Rep o 1- t = ,j 1 i g h t s o u t i n lH l sh i r , } A,-ea ( W i 1 sh i 1- 2 tr. Adams ) need sig~~l repair. Unit i-2sp,::,1 ""d:. : "" • -;; · :::--2 -f" .-,:-:-r NOW I 2: =.3 •.:<. 2 '.:• 2.:: : C<· l 5 7 c ve,- Lake 748- C ·· S 1 ::, 742- :::•S3J to NHl· JD D i v . Se - live gi-,? i, - ~de. 1 C =: = 8 i::. ::: t - ;: '.- : ::.:. : = ,,: ?. t C i t y H ~ 1 l ··· e q : _t es t f i:, 1- t ,- a f f i c 1056 Mr. Newman of Buena Park Has Heavy Equipment that can be used to help clean up city phone (714) 739-2424. Per !~~e!ligen~e Officer 110~ CHP s~~th2r ~ ~i~. commander, Chiaf Gomez would like to cen~~=~ Chi~f Gates as ~oon as possible via phone. Col..4ld '/ C:•U ;:-:; •✓idea ti.1'(2 <=",nd r=:hc l-,e numbe,- tc, CHP EOC 1 i . a i · ;;:: · ,: . F'E :- CHF' 11 0 6 App · .-:: :- ~ 30 RCF,· il7 f1-oi7t of PAB Fe,- Intelligence Off:. C~ :-. 1107 Ardmore Park W i l s r. i i-~ D i '✓ • large group assembled - req air unit 017414 111~ Nat:. , ::;~1al 2_la :-=:::1n~:....._ i :1vo:ved i :1 c-.ccije~1tal sh , :,c,ti : -::;; was transpc~~~ci ~~ California medi=al h0spital condition unknown. ~s~ :ntelligenc2 Officer 112(:: ~,:!'.; i ·:ed th,;~.t ':~ · = ·.-.::: is ·-:o ~o;-nb th;-eat - :l.t City Hall. Ps~ Intel:iserce Cffi~~r ~ 1 2 '.:· "'." r. • = = :: l : .:. :·i i n ~ ,- ::: p c. 1- t i !i g d i s t 1- i c '; s ~•J ::. 1 1 n ei t • . , . ;:. \/ 2 el~-=t~ica: ;~wer ~0ni9ht: 261,262,271,281,291,292,317,318,327,338,1211,l232,124- 2,:218,1235,:239,1245,1249,1249,1263,1265,1273,1258,1- 439,:341,:3S1,:343,1344,1352,1353,1871,1362,1362,1373- ' ~801, ~2 ::·,2, .1.S21, 1822, 1941, 1861, JS~ - :6p~ A:smont nc~if~ed CCE - Of~~==~ Gosler notifi~d P~~ :r~~:l~g~rc~ Officer 112 ~ Lt. ~· · _ , t:r.2.ii ;- ==· = i ved :. nfo ~n)m anon. Fem a le • =al ler who · = +; ~ --: 2 r:: 3 e · ... ·? i- ;. : in a l e b l a c k · 5 i: H i s p an i cs \" e ct 1- i n g ~-J h i t e t - sh i 1- ts .. , b l ~ = j e = n s t : 1- a i de,- s b as e b a l l caps a r-e? o n Co~pt , :, 1 1 2: .,d !:ei:;~"e1:1: i !npei-i~l - Mai-tin Lu-:he,- King f i 11 i :1g be~i- b::-tt les v-d. th Ga;; and :-ags t:c, use against • bu:-:• ;i. 7hi:/· ~ave unk. desc:i-p. P/U t :- · ...:c! :: ;Jai-ked nea,· locatic~. !218~ - 6CA ~ e:; ;_, 2:;; :: ..:-, : .- · _: :-. :. t ._ :: :- ; -r, a j ,:, , - ~~ 1 =: Re=-:i '-, :•.: f .-: · : . ;adi • :, 8/C Radie, • • J.. c. J :130 In b2nalf o~ ~ational Guard liaison, we confirmed that national Guardsman John Anderson was transported by R.A. to Ca:if. Hosp. for treatment of self-inflicted a==~ds~~~l G2~ ~high. Major Sanf:~~, Nati~~a: Gua~dsm~n advisad of a~~ve. Pe~ :~teiligs~~2 Office~. Lai-·;e pa1-ade - app1-o:< 2,000 people. (No p1-oblem at ~he ~/L 3ta~i~~ p~ CP7 per the ai~ unit. 3 CP1 - meeti~g at Wilshire station to redeploy either ~t the Century City seizure or the Ardmore incident. 017415 1145 ~h~ i~gistics ~i:: c~l: re: ~00 looters. :1~,:·: . ::.--: ·y , :·f i_;; • : 1 ~e1-:t--:~c-~: =i~?. ,~ 5~eep, elphia Jor,es (213)_ 2S7~1797 arran~ed for 6 ref ws2 bins ~er sen. Diane Wat~0~ •s rsq~est. ~hey wer2 Jon~ t ed ~ya private Co. 1150 Requested 3 large umbrellas. Sent to you for • attention. Call rece~ved form Al Lewis X53183. Per Recreation and Parks. :a~~- Yirk lead~~g demorstration 5~000 pa~ticipants ( ~2ac~ful :; . Eastbow,d 3 r-d to Southbou ~ ,d l.Je,-mc,nt to ~;2 - 3-:-=: · _ ~i:~ : :lym;:: i · = · ': · :, ~ .J t ::;h.i :-~ A1-dmo •-e P :-k. ~..Jilshii-e i s ;-, a li :! l i n g • Per Intelligence Officer W/S ~~~ St~2~t ~rom main approx 200 de~onstrations. S- 1 '.) c: Em c::i n s t 1- ?. -: ::q- :s !:> 1 - c k '= .. 3. 1~ 2.'/ f 1- i:, m c 1- o ~ · -Jd 3 n d =\ ,- '= ~J / 8 3 ,-~ f \-om .. i1 a i n • 12: ::::: : :e!'!'. · : ,:-:·:tl-3tic1,'"'. at Wil · s~~i ·-- ~ - ~:;t<='.ti.:.n is peace~ul. : :- .-. .- :< ·.·1:s ~ <·:• !- ~ --= ~ -· : i: - :1 11::1. ,; i 1-:: hi '.-e 1-. as c i spat . =h ~,:l 6 u1: its t.:; e:-:s~~:-~ +; ;-:at it i-iarn:\i ·~· = ;::eac~ful. Pe,- Intellige1,ce :2C7 ~1a,;:;\- si~-:::1.l . : 1 -t; - :::~"T'11'.:' ~7st-:'ti .:;n app:-o:~ 25,000 i.nvo~vEcL ~(c1-e~. town -- affecti i1;J Weste,-11, 31-d, Ver~o~t, Olympic, Irolo 1.220 US ,:~ls toms 2ge11i: Denr,is Shi tani. He advises he ha:; so · µ ~ i:. p : ~ ?. n d 2 5 v eh i c l es = · · \/ e i l - ~ b 1 e f o 1- use ei n · 11 B " w a t ch , hC '-Neve i- t~,;:, ;- vehicle· 5 • :::'.:, ::ct havt? \-ed i ,,fo taken by 3. Dillon. Need to knew light, etc. Where these ;:>1: ·.-.5 0 ,-.n-:l shc,uld go. Fo · :; ·5ibly h2.s 2530 bodies vJith s~~e , ·2hicles available now. 1235 uemc ns~ :-.;1.tic.11 1 .,)e1-;no1-rt - Ma1-ti 1 1 Luthe,- Ki1,g. 20 vehi~:~ s involved. 1~0 demo nstrators at 1st/Broadway 100 INCAR <International committee against racism) dem0nstr3t~rs at Olympi~ / 9 ro ad~ay ·0174. 16 ) 1 2 5 C S g t . :-- ~ c - J b ~ , JC B 'n a c:-? a 1- e Ci ~..1. es -: f o 1 0 squads of off i c e i- s . T~ = <5 e cf 'f i c e ,- s ~'Ii e ,- e de p 1 : , y ed f ,- om DVB , OHB , and 0S8. Per ~ersonnel Offi~er 1300 1 Lt. ~ :6 Cet~~tives availatla must te deployed as 1 L!tiit tr-:ey a,-e f1-o~ SIS. Recei•.,ed f" ,- , :·, n Sgt. Incontro 1302 Bomb Calls: 04-30-92 04-30-9~ 1035 150('; 5200 W. Century Su~~icious package 6 2 ! '.) PC, C I-·: C ~ i ff Possi~le Pipe Bo~b ~A 0~ arrival No ::-av i c: 2 16::.c N. 'v' i ne Fi 1-e G,:, , -:-.c - ~= F 1 ash Powder Disp~ ~lash Powd2r 10015 To!uca Lake Poss Hand Grenade Dispo Grenade Not Related to Riot : 3 1 C· C 1- c 11 d ~ .:, ,- m i i":'J at 2: 1- :i - Sp i- i 1 :-; f c, 1- f'T\ d em c :7 s ti- a t i on ~,-?:~: t '.~; S/B •-?q • _ t·?st , ?_ i-i-es-t ~-:? - ?., -n at t~e : . ::,=::ttion. 2 E ~ 2 i ·. - ~ d f :·-, :1 , n F: ~ d ;, , :.;, B / ~ Cr' 1 ~:; 1,:~ · !:·: : :1:·i-.=:: · ,-?."::,~ -s : ;~: - ~~-::: : 1 ~:; .:•· t - . .. , . ?~1-J : .:- : · - 25~(:,()(:.--r- 1 :ei:,ple tr~ili~i 18 bloc k 5 - under ~ontrol/psace~u! stay~ng in .~./ -. K : ~ ·?7· :. ~~; -. _ - .. 1312 Request i •-,g air u11 it for Suzak i Samai-i at ?th -~~: ,;:1r~'li: 'C::~,i;.: B1-oadwa·1 - h<E<.s 77th stat1017 01-de.- su1-ve1l.:.~1,ce · f..s;:n;~ .. -.:~ . . .. : ~.- - ::·:·/!!-· pcssil':l:i ,::i.ttar:::h situation. Received fo,-rn Radio·" ~/C .. •~-.- · · ~-- ~~.._ 1323 1329 1330 TAC: Per Intelligence Officer Demonstration - 50 involved 3rd - Spring Request all 4 remaining squads. B/C. '"\ ..I 1330 OWB requesting 100 gallons (Cl) ~al) dring water need ETA Per logistics officer. 1 , 1335 Telephone numbers for citizen to call conerning status of electronic services. Metro 800 821-5278 Harb/WLA Valley 800 821-5279 Pe Intelligence Officer 1354 OSB requesting lunch change for 5-3-92 - new count 3,000 Per Logi~tics Officer 1400 Detective Woodings contacted Sgt. Sale, EOC Intelligence and gave info from CHP intelligence re: an informant who wanted to meet with black undercover officers and lead him to- where gangs were hiding large number of weapons. Sgt. Sale confirmed CHP source with Lt. Ron Ryen, CHP liaison, EOC. Ofer. McKeown, EOC Intelligence, called Capt. Mancini, CO, DSD, who said he would handle the contact with the informant on cause it to be handled by the appropirate entity _ (CCS). Sgt. Sale re-contacted Mancini, who said - ·tie - -· .·, Hould n~~_ify :~ommande: Banks So~~~ ·: B':1reau ~£~~ .. ~tt: : f~f-~ -- - ~ :. : ~ . appropr 1ate. Sale said he would make no furtheW:-_L: >'' . -:~ ·.. ·· · : · , , ... ~ .. , ' . . ·- , notification. Per Intellige11ce Officer · ·.- ·· 1400 Per Department Commander N.G. deployed to DCB CP sahll remain at CP to secure little tokyo and Main Street (between 1st and Temple) High visabily deployment Per Personnel Officer. 1400 All request for pe~sonnel shall be accompanied bi an endoresement or confirmation fr6~ "requesting bueau/CP commander. The request wi 11 alsci.ibe accompanied by a · : brief· explination for . use of per~- ~nnel. . . · · . -.: .-. . . _ : : ~.: ; · . . "' :.. . .... ,,. } ~.-- ;.. .· ·-.·•f :: · - ~ _.- :.;~- - -· __ .. .... ,~ ~i- («!t:::f- :· . r: EDC personnel are to'"' tnsure reciuests contain the . .. :\~·· :~ X ~Jt;:~< -· {_ : - ., ~- - --~nd~rscnent . and e~p l inat ion ancf.:record t~e info.;.0~~~;·. ~ · .. , ~~.:.:-. · - .. :. ,~~hair routing slip. Also forward R/Sup to Dept > ~~~, , . \.· _ . .-.- .. ·.Commander. . -:.4!"- - ·· Per .Police Div. 01741, 8, \ 1402 DWP requests 14 police escorts to follow 14 DWP one man crews to various locations for electric serrvice: turn on work report to 6650 Romaine St. 0700 hrs. ~ Sunday May 3, 1992. Work to 1800 hors. Contact · ·- Armando Rios Telephoen (213) 49=81-4197 - This is in addition to the (� CB request. Per Water and Power . .. , .. . ,_~- 1410 Weekend coverage for EOC City Attorney Ofice, in order . : >· . .J?.r ._ pref ~r!=!nC _,, E:_~- • . . . . . ✓-·:·. : j-.. ·,. i ~; - ~ - •~ .:.. · . .. _: . · ;;i-l:g~F~:. ; .. - -=·~1"' ,-,tjc' '\~~- .: -· : _~ ; ..... ~ · :. -:-: · · · · .,~ -- · .. ·· · .; .... - - :/ ... : · .. - ~•+ . - -!.f.,~• ~:r~~: ~ --- ,-Ej t~ ·i(~ ·i :==- ~ ~!;- -- .• - . - - ~~ . . . · ~ :_; ·1ijk¥jt.n Beeckman 818 ·ea4-1598 . ·t;( ~ - ~~~i . -~~-~i~ . : ·•. ...,.,: : / f.:~ ~ . 2. Donria J'ones 805 :257-3838 /~~~ ~~-~i.. .. -~-~ ~:~~~ - --.. : · -~~ - -.. 3 • . Mary House 818 797-0433 ·-~-~ )rf::~•-"- ··-:-· - · . .... - -: :r"':--: ·· · ··- 4. Linda Lefkowitz 310 454-1489 ... .., .. =: 5. Jim Pearson 818 352-1138 6. Fred Merkin 310 474-4689 Per Police Division 1415 Aurora, Colorado P.O. reports that they are unaware of a burglary invovling 400 9 mm handguns. 1418 1430 1434 1438 1450 Per Intelligence Officer Underground gas explosion at 1410 hours 1255 Armacast No injureis - 1 pkg veh damaged DWP - Adv. Per Intelligence Officer Advise 2 MB 1 s in a Blu Pont 2AGKS62, cruising the area writing down the locations the National Guards are posted. Poss set up on National. Guard suspec:_ ~. s -~.-. ~{.~.• -~~:. !:~:- • ~- .... ~~· ::.~ 't~.- .. pent blu Lie sAm(562 <info 1-ec from 3640 1n co!!'m ·D1v. <-:; ?:ff over 1-ad io) · - · ~- ":, · ,'<(. .• . Per Intelligence Officer The 1st church nazarene at 3401 W 3rd Street has set up gym area for national Gua,-ds to sleept. Per _.,,·, ... · - ... ~ · Intel 1 igence Officer · :t-t· ,~ - ;;..-·~ - ~ ·;c. ~iF - CHP will provide escort for banks/money delivery · ··ii'~t! J I!ft ? resources perm i t • · -~ .,- , · . " · · :~ ·· · : /; ;:;;· . _ , _ , · ~ .. · ; · .. : _ :_: · .. irtf; The escort coordinators number is 213 291-104S . P.. ei:\:;:l ;:,_r;1~ . CHP . · ~· 1. ~-4..:. _ 1 , : ·:_ ~i:r:;r;;[J . ·.r · .. · . ~ -. '{ ....... r ~~: .. : • . . _ ... \ . .!·!·-~ .: .. ~t~ .· 1450 1500 1500 1500 Received informatin that 1500 Muslims are supposed to attack the crenshaw shopping center at 1500 hours. He stes that he's there now and all is calm. Per Intell _ igence Officer Ohio~ Sawtelle needs 4 port potties Per Logisti= Officer • - , ~ -~ ·-, ...,. : ·' . . :- . ... · :::: . ' . . . ·- ---- . ._ f 15·.·~!.. ! -:- . . . . .. . . · .. R~P ~s ~nrouce to ~~ -~2 W • __ ~th ~}~~~ - ... ~P.~~a'!quart. -i f" .. where d1x (natl> 1-w1ll -~pea~~- - ! .:~ ~f~- .I~.t:~ · .~·=:- .. : . ~_. Officer . .:- •··· .!1~:_.. ~ ... "( · T, ... ... . ~i---4 · , .A~ ~ ~ - • • , • . . . ·---,_ ~_-=· r ~ -~~ :. : - ~--- · '_-::~ -.::.-~: .. ,.-- ... ~ ). :.:~t~- - . ..... ~- _ :;· ,,;/- · - ·-· - . ·- ·- - - . ··--· - 1 ..--i. _. ,ie _ _ - , . . ..:.,-...... . Store and Market Security Order : .-··: :;.r~ ·..:~.-. 7 -:=: The following is a list of stores to receive protection through field units. Security for the locations is to begin immdiately. Please insure that the markets are within your are of responsibility. If you find a descrepancy call Sergeant Mike Mines, EIC Department commander's Office, at 485-4456. The locations are to be protected until further notice. The number of personnel to be assigned each lcication is at the discretion of each Bureau/Sector Field Commander. When personnel are deployed at the locations, notify the EOC Situation Officer ASAP. CENTRAL/BUREAU Viva Maket 1091 South Hoover Street Manager: Ventura Flores ABC Market 5318 South Main Street Manager: Andre Lark 3on's Markets (following 840 South alvarado 1500 West 6th Street 1500 West Pico 3667 West 3rd Street Lucky Store 133 West Avenue 45 Vons Markets (following 1831 West 3rd Street 1342 North Alvarado 425 South Soto 2511 Daly Street . ·- --~- . :• . . ~ -. . ··· ·::.-·~ - ·· . . .. ~- :· .. locations) . -"t ;<=. :~ - ~ ···<: ~ ·:' ,: - •· .. - . • ·-~ \ - -- Ra.lph 1 s Market 3410 West 3rd Street SOUTH BUREAU ABC Markets (following locations) 8620 Orchard Avenue 4373 South Vermont 4030 South Western 1748 West J'efferson . .. - 17so}~~~t : t1lrj~);~~~t~r .. -· t:l ~ -16S1 ·· ·East 103rd .. Street :' . ..- .3300 West sf~q~· - :::_,~-- ··. ,::;~=--· ... 310 East Manchester Jon's Market 1()11 Adams Ralphs Vermont and Figueroa WEST_BUREAU ABC Market 5212 West Adams Blvd Viva Market 1717 South Western Avenue Boys Maket 4707 West Venice Blvd. J'on•s Market 5311 Santa Monica Blvd. Ralphs (following locations) 5420 Sunset Blvd. 260 South LaBra Von's (following locations) 727 North Vine Street 265 Kinglsey Seven-Eleven Stores (following 473 North Western 1451 South LaCieniga 6700 Santa Monica Blvd 5962 West Pico 6067 Hollywood : Blvd 8500 WEst Olympic locations) - . ..... .. -. ~ - .. - ...... ' • . • . • .,j.:..: -f . ,.. . . . ,._.-; .... . ·• • , . .., _·_.J- _ . .. ..... _ . ::-_.!. ~. -- .:,_;, .... _·-~ _:~..:_ -/ . - ..... - - ~ .. . - ., -·.··• ··~ : ··:_' , _·. ·.: - "...J ,:• - ~.~ ::: I . .. ,.:. . _ , !:: . - , " . ~~~-·.;·_ :j · __ . . ~ . .. ::: ..:-. - .. ·. r . • . :-, > _ _ .... . -- -~ ; _ _ ... .: :> Received from Dept. Commander 1426 Approx 150 Demo ' s Broadway~ Manchester appears peaceful at this time. 1450 Large crowd gathering on medium on coliseum betweeri · Crenshaw and 28th. Per Radio Q22 Broadcast. 1510 1515 Unit rolling C-3 from NOE to Rampart - see 12123003~~4 - . - - - ~ -~-~ . . · · ·1 -~ : :-- ~- •• -.., .~- , • .-:1.-· ~: · :·_ . - .~ • .,.:. ~ . ...,:.;iE;.;:;_~- .;:£{.ii~~-. . .... • • -. . ...... 1:-; J'u~~ry_ i}~s Jf.g~~d _.!Jaz~o~~- ~~- 71 f_ v-:;;~:~~.-;~ : ,1~!!f~1~~. ~ ~-ai · ~.:7i - f>:•.-- ~- : .--:=-·::~·~ !.:.:~i.~ti.:~-~~ ;;~~- ·. , • ;. ;: .. 4-~~~ ~~~ • • ~••.~ • • ••: .•~ ~-• . ;,J•• ~ ••A ~~~:• ~:~ • -:(~,~~ • -- ~ • • _~_ft~~-~ Resident s la others wishing ·to do·ante materials · fo·r ·- -- ---- · clean up efforts. (brooms~ trashbags, flvoes, caution tape, chovel, safety vests, dust masks) Can dr_ o_ p them off at the LA conservation corps 2824 S. Main St 213 749-3601. This is not a pick-up site. The LAC.Chas a separate system for distribution. Received from Public Works. 1520 DWP request 38 police escorts for DWP const,-uctfon . .;~:· : crews working at various locatins report to 1356° south wall st at 0700 hours. Sunday May 3, 1992 work till 1800 hours. Contact Orvile Hill. Telephone (213) 367-6420 Assigned to NG Capt Waller 5-4044 Per Water and Power 1530 RTD notified EOC (transport) that five (5) RTD buse were deployed to VanNuys. Four were re 1 eased back to -;- • ...:.: : · RTD. at 1530 hours. Verified that two add i tonal ::~~- :: _';_ ~ ~ · .. · buses to the academy and three to C/F would be . ..;S.lltO~~~--- · _ - 1700 hours for A/B change. Per ~r~r:1s~orJf~-io~l}J.;,;~1.E\t\~r -:· 1533 Need bus to transport 25 officers from 0/S ag~ri~ies to Los Alamitos f~om Rampart Div at 1900 hours. Per Logistics Officer 1537 Assistace - Echo Park Received from Radio 8/C Sunset shots fired. .. 1537 Inquiry by Parks/Rec1-eation if ,CHP is currently .. · _ . seeking shelter (housing> facility for CHP personnel>· . . _- .:_ ,>;~ ~ '"···· CHP ERC advised at 1642 hours ~{{·~r~j• :~~~1~· : ··~1;}~?, \\ll!:· ·•··., ,, . ,; . ·• '' '.'''-'·'"•..;;_'· •;;-;,:.~~m,.~~';,- ~ . . : . . . . r:.-:1rr.- - ~ :-~ ~~-.:-- . · · · ".-:: . · · ~- ~->~f~ r\~~- 01 7 4 2 2 · . > . .'f";'.~1' ~.f;,, .' . . ?- ~ ::~ ~. -;.~ :--1 _ - ;_ · . _ :_:~. -.: __ :-- • ~ . · .:: _ _ i - . . . - - - · , .-: -~-\"":-- 1550 1 CHP ERC advises all CHP housing needs (Lots, etc) satisfied at this ~ime. Per CHP are Approx 150 RCP demonstrators were arrested at 1st/Broadway,~ 3rd/Broadway for 416 a PC failing to disperse upon lawful command. -· .. Demonstrators are being boo~ed presently at Parker Center Jail (52099). NFI at this time. Per .. ... . . ... ~- ~ ---- .Intelligenc Officer • . ·· - · · - ·~ , . .:. ·-·.·· ;:.i • .-.-~ ; .. ; _ci\J . :. . . -"Ml~i~' . _ , ,r.. :.~: 15S5 - <~-1,ca feport':'.a 1- .. ~ti~IPP . ..-.Ji;~ ~~~~In. g_ · •n . ~ - .. ;:~ :~-~iF~{:.(f ~;~-~ ~(;~f.~_ J,_;_,.~ lt 1559 1600 1615 1621 ::. :., his place of ·res1.aence· .; •-'~.1ref'1ghter wg~ . . -:·9 leaving E.S. 18 - ~ on Santa Monica Blvd at_ :_QBOO hoii - -~ In his white fo.rd pickup truck. Information regard fire fighter John C. Scavarda should be relayed 'to ·_-".;·._.;/~· Captain Chuck Gutierrez at (213) 654-5445 DOB S/20/58, Male, Cau, Blond hair, medium height. -~ Per Personnel Officer ., .. _ • Bomb squad responded to a call at 801 S. Union, ·Apt . 102 at 1500 hours for possible motar round. C-4 inert ·~ -_ ,.. ·:._+:". ~ i° :: __ on 1 y. I 3054. Per I nte 11 i gence Officer · ... : - -- ~~le- ~ ·:./{~·> Chief Bill Baker LASO; LASO is down scaling by 30¼ mutual aide <local police) deployment will discontinue. This does not affect Federal agency or military availability. Per Chief Booth. trouble on RTD bus left Figueroa - Griffith Carson our to staging area at ~olliseum • . . ',·:•. 47 r:_ -~ - ... ..._·:..·:1-.~· -··· Unknown City of Unknown empty. if transporting military or ·p.D. personnel or :~;;~~-~~~~~;:~~~ .· ,;~t<. - ~ :(· Large 415 Group 46th - San Pedro 49th - Avalon 1625 Pursuit/Assistance 1227 NIB Hoover from 42nd Place suspect white t-shir~, blu jeans veh unknown unit not respon~ing to RT� :..'-:' .:. . - .. ,._ -: : -·_ .. ",_ ,- _ .. , .. ~- ,.· . _ ... , c.."'I .:.. . .. . •· .·. ' . · . ... ,· ,;,, . 1626 Back Up 3315 Washington 415 Man W/A gun --- ". ~~ ---·_._.: __ : .. ~ ~ _.-:.· • • ' I,. · · - - - "· · - · - . Received from B/C . -~ 1645 Quiet at Harbor Div. S Arrests on "A" watch 3 Fel Juvenile , ·-- -... ·, ·,.:. 1 Fel Adult 1 Misd Adult Per Intelligence Officer 1650 Major Jeff Kramer, National Guard EOC Liason, reported that 11a t ional Guard ti-oops observed 150 11 Sk i nheads 11 demonstrating on Broadway, between 2nd~ 3rd. � CB notified Per Intelligence Officer - . -~· ; :·-'):.,• 1650 CP located at 54th and Vannes requesting 45 baracades~ Per Logistics Officer ... · -= t:~'-:=t: "4.!· .-- 1705 Help 1707 1720 1724 1725 Pico - Fail-fa:< Citizen report officer hit by vehicle Per Radio 8/C 4757 Emily Ave Per Radio B/ Pass Sniper Officer needs Help 2nd ta: Beaurdy on top DWP buildin~f~er Ir:,telligenc:e __ ·2 . Officer ~ , ,~.=x;.- - . "-1 • -•s:.: . . > ~ • _': .·\ .· ; .. \ Trc~b:e if ale~ of people shew ~P de~andi~g food. 1705 Help Pico - ?airfax Citi=e~ =epc=~ officer tit by vehicle ~7C7 i.757 Emily Ave Officer need.s Help 1720 3 units code 3 from NBOE to Central - Bomb threat No location Give/No incilent BCC! advised by air unit on TAC1 - NFI Per n.adiu E/ 172~ Pas3 Sniper 2~d Sc 3eaurdj• o:--. :.op ~WP 1:uildi!'lg Per Intell.:.gence Office= :725 55th & Figueroa N/E/C Shots ?ired Per Intelligence Officer. 1738 Woodsc~/Sheriff/CP - all ~o~sing of outside agency pers•~nne:. :-1.:..ll be at Los Alarni: :.·.3 mili-:a:.:-y facllity . 3..;: arrange~ by Sta~e office vf emergency services. Our dept :iai3on at ~he faci:ity i3 ~an Staggs at (310i 795-2 .. 90. 1732 ATD-Ruiz - Pasadena P.D. adv to ATD that 2 M, B's fi~ting descrip of susps from Fresno. Purchased $500.00 of Ammo from PacMeyer's loc 540 S. Lake Street, Pasadena. Veh 92 Ni3s Pathfinder Red Lie 2ZGL8~5 veh was :ea~~~ on 4-13-92. a boxes ~5 c~l rcun~z 6 boxes 12 gauge rounds 5 boxes ~5 auto clips Pasadena PD C/B (818) L.05-4540 "John" 1735 Radio B/C - following C6C Camara black N/B Ver~ont - San Marino poss related to i.1s group w/gun all 916 W. 9th S~reet, susp in Ca~aro blk - shots were fired. lQ~0S has veh stopped - Olympic 1 E/O Valencia. 017425 1735 Ryan Gussman - citizen - -ocal business PD to report a.rionymcus phone cal: that. the ":nternational Shc~;;;ir-.g Cen~eri' 8th St. /Alvardc wil:. be looted tonight (05/C2:. Ofer Rosenfeld - OCB ~ctified. 17is5 ~ bus.3es to CHP Edqtrs - pick-ep 150 officers ,=.nd trans~or~ tc out:ying locations. 17 I.:. 7 1755 J757 Nctify :HP demonstrat~r3 tran~~~~cr.. SIB I-::c. Academy Re.. 1 )n foot on fwy S/E !-5 S/B Pasadena Fwy tow,:\rds Radio B/C assistance 900 S. George. Radie E/C - C6G - Martin Luther King - Menlo blu Plyrno~t~ Voyager 73~BOA. Va:~~~~~. ~~ainir.g - CZN (ph ~515-6728) reports 15-20 Juve~iles ~~der ~ridge at 168t~/Denver with g~~s. Ri!les access road is Erendc/159th. Wccdi~:gs, LASO EOC - update - Carl Di;- : :eader RCP, sp~ke i~ tcwn ~ca crowd of ~0-50 demcnstratcrs frcrn l..;cal RC~. He said that he will stay in town for at lea.3t a week to keep their demor:strati• ,:;::1.s alive. They cont.L:i..i.e ~~ ~ee~ their previou.3 plans, incl Parker Ce:iter & :....;~ Angeles City Hall Demo's alive. S&~• :.i.:~ A~ierso~ - advised that Majer Koval, CO of Fedor3 :=c~~s, will arrive at ASD via helicopter, t~ t~~r ;i~er ~ech, City ECC, Parker Cer.ter and Central B-..:.rea~ _:..)rr~and Post. Sgt Anderson is requesting grounj transportation at ASD to transp,:,rt General & hi~ state. Total of 6- 8 personnel. Arrival time at ASD is 0815 to 0830, DCP Parks, OCB, adv to handle detail. Det. BaU:.=:;a:: - info !:'ec' d fr-:,rr. · =\ mini5t.e:?: in S, :,uth Ce!1tr~l. :.os Ang-=les. P.e: Ga~1g members .storL1g guns (NFI) Det. Baukman wa.s adv'd to contact Capt. Mancini o: D~::. 18~5 Two (2) additional buses sent to Cent CP to transport Mutual Aid officers. Total of 8 buses to handle A/B change and EOW for Mutual Aid officers. 1850 Sgt. Goodrich- SE- Request: Sgt. Goodrick, SE, adv'd tha~ he has 50 officers awaiting trans from SE to SB CP a~d t~at he did not have an RTD bus at SE for the 017426 trans. :- .. :Gov'=r, R.TD, adv' d that they would send a bus to SE asap -- ETA approx ~O mi~s, Sgt Good~i~h, SE, adv 1 d at :sss hrs. 185C EOC- National Guard- update on Hydepark cleaner. Incident: Kelly 1 s Clearners 6501 W. Inglewood Ave. 110 LAPD, 2 CHP, 50 LASO, ~-5 LA Co. Marshalls, 80 Inglewood (~niforms stolen). 1850 Office= 3chube - SID - bomb ~quad called in and said the bomb call at ~/Los Angeles was found to be nothing but it was left by a demonstrator. 1855 C. Aburn Goldstein - SSB - SID. A Piper Tech needs 2 > officer (1. unit) tc escort injuries to pickup analyzeJ evidence Officer Allen@ OCB notified of req,.!est. 1. ' 30C Sgt. Ta~reau. 77-:h St.- ancn~'.c'...:..:: calle::- ~c 77th W / C poss riot/firefight on !-for;na.-:i:ie between 73rd & 75th af~ar dar):. Suzp~ wi:l be ~=~ed heavi:y & wi!l be i~ military cl0thing. South Bureau CP n~tified. 190C Chief :eva:-.t -Ow'"E- would ll;ce t~ have ~his t::-as::. picked ~P a't t:le foll~wing stations Wil.3hire -~9'¾ W. Venice Blvd., West L.A. - 1663 Butler Ave., Hollywood - 1358 N. Wilcox, Pacific - 12312 cu:ver Blvd. 190C Sgt. ':'a~=-e~t:.- 77th a::ea: Subject bombing 77th stati..::r. by 0f lslam. Contact. 77th, Sgt/ Tatreau, no new developme~ts 5ince 1800 hrs 3ta security reviewed, "B" watch a high alert stat~5, 2 supvr & 2 squads as3ig~e~ tc respond to code 1200. 1900 Compto~ AOCID notified to ADV Lt. Carter that 18 officers are to be sent to Central Facilities. 1915 Officer Hall - OCB-Cp has no info on Dodger Stadium food give away, ~ill ~end scot:.t~ to area to geth~r info. N/E area, Sgt ·Arrneline, report3 they will ser.d scout cars, status repcrt. 2015 hrs - Sgt. Ai,nelin N/E, reports no activity at Dodger Stadium. No give planned, no one has showed up for give away. Info obtained from Dodger Stadium security, Officers. Reynoso & Enriques. 1915 Det Striker, RHD- Request: EOC, Personnel, Adv'd that Det Strike~, rum, needed trans for 12 officers to SB. Response: RTD operator 1$~7 adv'd -- bus ETA approx 15-20 ~ins -- San Pedro St side of Parker Center. I l - 1g15 Sgt. Winberl y - Sgt. req~es"ted 3 officers w/sr.otgur.s for the San :edro Gate (=ea:= Parker Cente:::-) seuciry fixed post. Crystal froffi ?erso~nel Div. 5-32~3 was notified, .3hc will send J officers with shotguns in full uniforn1 to the requested location. Crystal did veri:icd the request. :920 Lt. Hale - Air Sup~vrt rec'd call from male n~~ed "~ason". Jason stated: 10 car loads of gang members are leaving vSC to blow-up Beverly Center. Call came in on 5-2-92 at approx 1910 hrs. OWB & USB contacted by EOC. 1930 DWP notified concerning ,,reas that are out of power. They that those areas are still w/out power. DWP is working · on getting police escort to those areas to correc~ the problem. 1930 Officer Davis- OWB- Lt. Garcia Hwd - update from OWB - regarding info from San · Eernardio "WeTip" that police will be ~ttacked at Hollywood/Western by "C:rip" gang members no new info from OWE or Hwd area. 1937 Henry OC1D- Adv passing Piper Tech at the bridge Temple - Vigncs large gas tanks. l91s,J .Sg"t. Adams - SE ':as:~ - .(Al Sp- .:>2- ... ts Arena need scr:-.eor.e t::. ;. .:.;:!: up tra~h - :1:d supplies to 1 :ean up re.3troom. 19~0 EOC Ir.~- A.a vf the above time ( 191-0 hrs) ~~ere were 5 active f.:.~e ~ncident~ i~ ~he City. 19~0 Lt. Murphy- FSB - Lt. heard of threats to a food supplier at 300 S. Anderson St. No one is posted there now. Poss threatened by Communist Party. Hobk Divs.? 19~7 State OES - President Eu~h declared Los Angeles city a major disaster. Thi~ declaration will provide assis~a~ce to individ~als and Public Sector (Government) entities who have sustained eligible losses. Details on · the programs available and applicatiun p=ocess will be announced in the near future. 2000 OSB Cumrna~de::::- - Lt. Chambers - ECC - OSB needs 1 PSr per Federal ~aw Enforcement Task Force at Rampart. Will send transportation. Notified Capt Beng, Comms. 017 428 2000 SIB Command ?ost, Det. Che:l, - OSB cor..mand post - Ca.~celled re-:r~est for PSR. 2000 Chief Eun~ - r.eeds to know if the ccurts will be operating star~L~g Monday. Response: Yes, as per Ino, Gunnette D/A CP 2220 hrs 5/2/92. OSB CP was notified by EOC Intelligence Officer. 2CCC Terry Dawson - escort from 1!~1 W. 2nd Street to 1236 E. ~6-th Street RUSH! 2 units Office!. .. Winter·, OCB handling 2 units will be sent. 2006 Sanchez - Logistics - This memo is being written to doc-..ur.ent f.-1hat was fed to "A" watch by robert' s .:a~er.:.::g (cc·:-.::-=:.:-: .: .. ~te::er} on 5-2-92. It is unknown 1 - .--:,:...· ~=-:.;e!~ t~.:...: ::=..= :.ap;e!·.~e,.:. ':'!:~ : ~ --~. =.: · .::or:sisted •:: 2. ;~ece ~f fr~.:.~ ~~~~~~~. c=~~~e, et~.~, pc~a~~ =~i;?, a ~ , -.. ,-., ' - . - = .., \.I .. ..,, 2015 $ .., , •, '" I • ..,_ ..J O~! - Sgt Js::~ier~ - CSE ~e~j p~cku~ tr~=~ t; ~e:iv~= be-:•: :-.:: • .:!:es ":..:. Jivision. :?ic:.-:up truck at Centr- ~l. Mc~cr Po9l- See Ge~e Davis ~8S-5361. Det Hall- OCB - update from OCB - regarding Possible loo~i~g at 8-:!:/ Ah"a=dc that is to occur at u~:1k time. units checked .:rea at above time no act:.vity . .Sci-: Ac.l':L:.5 - C~ - Ch.:.ef Leva:-.t want.5 ":.o know why we are prcviding sec~.:.ty for }~{ & KFWB & not the other ~ta-:.icn;.3 .:.n -:.::.e a:=ea? Respc!· . .se: Comna!"lcer P· ~~.e~oy discudded th.:.~ w/C~ief Levar.tat 2200 hours. Citizen reported check point was pulled at 1st and Spring. Crcwr. gathering at that area. Potential problems. OCE was contacted by EOC. Central Bureau Handling. 20H, Drw - ~et. Scc-:.r..- l~o occuri.--ences to report. 2C20 OSB- :..t Griffi-ch - need 8 t~:e~ (10) at OSB 5~ - S/B (Perez) will sent two officer to escort Mr. Gilbert (Supp:y} from home to storage to pick-up (10) tables. 1049 E. ~9th Fl, Los Angeles (213) 23~-612~. 2C30 Williams- Bomb Squad - Bomb detail responding to Rear of PAB for sua? veh. Request made by 1026. 017429 2030 Enni~ - OWE - as}:ed C __ :o:.-- deployment needs. OWB said ttey de~'~ know their need.s right now. They will deterr:i.i~e a~~ cal: back. 2030 EOC - RCP is in Los Angeles in full f • .)rce headed by thei:::- ~7.;.ticnal 1-:ader Carl Dix (male black ~5 yrs). It is believed RCP's Sole pu=pose is to bring about rev~:~t.:.c~ th=ough inciting ~iots by inflaming racial issues ~etween ~lacks and· white. On this date in the late afternc~r. hc~rs, app=ox (20) cars were seen in the area of 77th street and Vermont Ave occupied by "RCP" members, including known influencial "RCP" members. 2030 EOC - Louis Farrican of ''Nation of Islamic" is believed ~c be en route to Los Angeles via na unknown airline expected to arrive cometime thie evening. His pr~?ose =er coming to Los Angeles is ·..inkncf1m, however, there cxis~s a ~vssibility the reason is to further inf .iarne racial, :in.s between blacks and whites. 2030 RCF activity update - 1he vehicles observed at 77th Stree-=. & 'Jar::.o:::. occ-..ipied by "RCP" members included a flatbed t.:ruck ( ~sed for trans parting s und e·~ipment, large, etc. ) The vehicles had the red "RCP" flag hanging frcm the windows. This carava~ was otsarved in the ~ate afternoon hc~rs on this date. 20~C, .;? -- JCo l.' 3 PSR' s to assist wit:~ paperwurk. nandled by R. Yocun1! 20~3 a~~ 6 ~;a Hwd from Wilt~n shots fired from a veh. 2055 Sgt. Wall - Rampart Area" 1- Roving Gang Activity, heating up in Westside of Division (including N/E Area of Div) 2- Gang merr~ers harrassing LAFD Hoover/Pico Area. 3- 8 S' Fat::-- ~l Pe~so:-.:-.el deployed in K:)rean tvwn - Area is calm. 2055 AT~ - ~et. Grahar~ - update - No new activity to repcrt. 2057 Q2JO - ~9 e/of Hoover susp proned w/a shotgun out req a 1:./a. 2058 FYI - call S/W units entering sta enter from LaSalle from ~1st. Gang members near first. 017430 · 1 7100 CHP req a B/A 915 W. Jefferson- Fire Station taking rock3 and bottles. 2100 CP-1 Gang Members have armed themselves & will confront P.O. Area Adams - Fig/Maple. 2100 OHB- ~iaison-Strangren - reports having~ officers available. Det. Strangren notified to send them to Mobile Command post at 1st & Main, report to Lt. Ward. 2100 Personnel - EOC - all available reserves a.s c= 2100 hrs have been deployed. 2100 Lt. Chambers - beiow available reserves are to report to Lt. Ward at ls't and Main St. (M.C.P.) Labor Relations; 2 sgts & 3 officers. L.A.D.: 2 DII's & 1 P r::r. 2100 Terry Dawson - escort fro~ 11~1 W. 2nd Street to 3833 DWF truck & driver. 1 unit. 5-2-91/2100 unif. reported DWP true~ & driver left loc did not waitec fur p~lice e3cort ~WF notified. 2103 16A31 - Req a b/u following C37 N/B Glenoaks Pendle't.on. 210:J 11Z3 - Franci.$ - Vermunt sho":.s heard, req'l!esti::g an air l..i.nit.. 2lVS Bombsquad ~e~~ond 1st - San Pedro Susp van at ~ucatiun Per Wi1~iarn.s - Bomb.squad 2105 Chief Frankle - would like to locate as many pick-up trucks as possible, as soom as possible. 2107 3 units rolling C3 NOE to Centrai Division. 2109 Poss man on the roof with a gun, req. air unit. 1123 S. Vermont.. 2115 Michelena - CVB- said they have no current deployment needs. 2~20 Sgt Kirby - Central Area: update - all calm in area. 2120 DHD - Det Striker said he has 12 officers available. EOC sent them to SB command. 017431 . , 2125 Sgt. Arillelin - Northeast Areas. Update no new docurr.e~ts per Sgt. ~oh...~so~ 2130 Sgt. :aylor - ~ITH- Newtor. Area: 1- OIS occu=red ~-29-92/19~5 h=s, Newton District arrested. Susp: Pierce Shermai1, aka, "WeTip" on 5-2, 1915 hrs at ?27 E. 108t~ Street, #3, Los Angeles and Bkd 6 6i./:.8 7 P. C. susp is a 3 Ct:: St. "piru" gang member, ~ncident reported to CCB-CP. 2- ga.'"le; members uf ".strec-c saints" and "ghetto Boys" plan -c~ confront poli~e on Darns Bl. bet. Figueroa and Maple eve. of S/L unk time, per street source. 2130 Harbor McMullen - Harbor area update no new intell i gence information . 2130 Chief Frankle - contacted Mr. Randal Beacon General Manager of General Services Department re: Food Services problems which have been occurring. Chief told i'1r. Beacon we need food service Rep's at each C.F. -co assist with food distribution, Mr. Bea~on agreed. First arrivals will begin at 0600 hrs, 5-3-;2. 2130 C9mmanjer Pcmeroy - EOC - 1~ Squads available from narcc.:,~ics Co:n:naa~er Pomeroy .said he would call narco and send them to SB command post. SB command post - Cap~ Hans or. !"lQtif ~ed of ~e;:·l ,:,yment. Cffic5r Xar::~fo - 'Hol:ywo• Jd a:::ea: All is calm. 21"C OVE - :-11':helena - con~ac~ed OVE asked fo:: six Lieutenan-c.s for deplvyment. ~c SB ccmma:1d posts. OVB 3aid ~hey iac ~ Ltz. and will have the~ report to Capt. Hanson at SB command post. 21~2 . Sgt. Stien - wilshire area- No abnormal activity. Zl~S Sg-c. ~alker - WLA area: All is calm. 2:.!.5 Terry :)aw3c;-. - meet DWP at 9615 S. Centr-=.: DWP .sta. Mr. Butler ( 213) ~a2~12:.o, 1 unit, Q600 handled S-2-91/21t..5 hrs. 21~5 Jones - Laber Relatio:1s - available reserves: Labor rela~~ons 2 Sgts and 3 officers, L.A.D. has 2 DII's and 1 PIII. 21~7 Sgt. Barbello- Pacific Area; 017432 1- demonstratio~@ Loyola Univers~ty 500 studer.ts, demo sc~ool issues, peaceful at this time, group gathe~ed at :re~~ gate vf schoc. Paci=.:..: area. Capt. & 3 SODS standing by at Ruth Galar~~ars offi~e should incident escalate. 2158 Sgt. K~nez - 77th - Man with a shotgun inside his residence at 10931 Anzal comes out periodically shoots randcmly. So far, police are ~tl susp. 2150 Sgt. ~~-iez- 77th - Informato:~ from 77th Area vehicles and pedistrian out~ide in large numbers i~ 77th area not observing curfew. Chief Hunt notified at OSB who advised there is sufficient police personnel to enforce curfew and will see to it that units respond. l 2155 Det. Kimber - Hollenbeck Area: 1- Large structure Fire location Union Pacific @Esparanza. Hobk patrol provide security for LAFD. No other activity at this time. 220C S/E- Eai~er - Numerous cars with gang members driving around s/e area yelling at ;,olice ·to "watch your back" in a threate~i~g manner. Sgt. Cansler at OSB advised to checkhverify and enforce curfew. 22.JC B~ea~ cf San.:.ta~icn - Sgt. Stckes CSE advised to prvvije escort for Dept of Sanitation :ro~ 2335 Dorris Pl tc De~- :er & Ml:-:. Contact pers· on fs.85-7575 Eugene March. 22GS - .Jurhaii - askec '!'1etr, :, for 2 Lt.:;. Met:.--· .) said al:. pc:::-3cr .. "1e.:. -:urrent.:.~,. depl;)yed. 2208 Officer Brandon - W. Valley Area: Area calm. 2215 Sgt. Yarborough - Foothill area: Reports & hate crime @112.0 Carleen Ct Tujunga, family returns home and find a cat ~a~gi~g in front of h~use and a swastika painted c:-. the frc::-:. deer. Fa'nily i31:'t Jewish and d::-~sn't kr.vw ~hy house wa.; singled uut.. Area is cal:n. 2215 Dt. King - 12.5 N/G reqeusted in Central Bureau perim~ter security. Rampart Area, Stage at 3rd/Vei--mont, contact Sgt Wall ~85-~062 2220 Dep. Ward LASO EOC - FBI report's Luis Farrac0n will be at Temple #27 ~506 S. Western at 1300 hrs. 017433 2230 Sg~. 0allas - Devonshire Are~; 1- Reports areest are up from last night(~) arrest at a DRL ~ace. 2- Have rec 1 v reports of shots fired N. of St. 3- Arrestee appear tc be mere harcore than previous eve. ~- Patrol has intervened in groups poss sizing up misc s~ores for listing. 2230 S/W Off i~er oennyworth - 1- 91-0 hrs intelligence from OSB co~~and post S~th Arlingtc~ reports info that the "Black Pea Stones" (Bloods) will kill a poli=e officer in RD 361 tonight. National Guard reported shots fired by unknown souce at Dorsey High School at 2055 hrs. ; , 2230 Contacted OSB - Sgt. Bergman; OCB, Sgt. Medley: OVB, Det. Michael~~e & CWB, Sgt. Apadoca, and advised them to coordinate with article agencies their EOW t:L11es so that the EOC can coorldina~e t~eir replacements. They were directed to notify the EOC 3-t. hours in advance of the EOW time. 2230 Lt. Anderson. No Hollywood Area. Reports alot of misc a=~ests ja~l is reac~ing capacity curfew is genera:ly be~ng adhered to. 2230 Chief ~eva~~ - 300 st~dents are cond~cting a sit-in on a pri·~·ate zt~eet on the Loyola Marymount Campus protesting teat the Univ won't cancel final exams scheduled for 5-~-92. The demo is peaceful & no laws are being broken. A Univ. re.;:,resentative is negotiating wit..~ the student~. OWB will OBS only unless the situation changes. No significant problems are anticipated. 2230 CP-7, request for Polaroid 600 film. Film 'located at Supply Division. CP-7 will send someone to P/U the film from Piper Tech. 2235 OWB- Muno~ - OWB reports they have no Lts available to respond to OSB command pos~ request for 2 Lts. Any reco~~enda~icn~? 22~0 Gang Detail - Jackson - Ramp has 2-3 gang members protecting all AM . - PM gas stations against other rival gangs. 77th & SE bloods & crips are ganging up against PD. Imperial courts have been taking rocks & bottles. Florence & Normandie have roving gang 017434 members attacking vehs & people. Notified- OSB- Sgt Brook, OCB - Det Compton. 2240 Lt. Chambers- request made ~o contact and Officers David Christain & Greg Davidson Hwd Div. Dept authorized their assignment to a joint for Military Operations due to their Military experience - both officer notified of change of assignment & responding to Los Alamitos (LTC17627} 2240 Sgt. Brunkhurst - Ree's info re: National G~ard Mis.sion.s. For "B" watch l 77th and Olympic between-Patrol Maple/Santa Fe 2. Washington between Flower/Santa Fe-Patrol · 3. Adams and Jefferson between Flower/Alameda-Patrol 4. Mlk and Vernon between Flower/Alameda-Patrol 5. Slauson and Gage between Flower/Central-Patrol 6. Floren~e between Flower/Central-Patrol 7. 1955 W. Washington Bl-Hd Nat'l Guard command po~t 9. 3 7 0 7 Hill St ( 4) 10. 4409 S. Main {4) 11. 1501 E. Washington (4) 12. 9th/San Julian (3) 13. 761 Te~inal St(~) 1~. 21st/Long Beach(~) 15. 1011. E. Adams (' ~) 16. King/Metler (2) 17. Station Security (12) 18. Roving Patrol {8) NATIONAL GUARD LOCATION D~'!AGE ASSESSMENT Rampa=t - Ec~o Park/Mac Arthur Park ,Hollenbeck - No damage Central - No damage Northeast - Sun~et/Hillhurst & Santa Monica/Vermont Newton - 3707 S. Hill/1011 E. Adams 22~5 Lt. Chambers- EOC - available reserves City-wide update Training Division - no available. OCB - no availables. OHB (12~ 1 Lt, 11 Dets (assigned FJID Major crimes- needed to respond to OIS- cannot deploy to fixed post positions) OWB- r.o, OVB- no available 22~5 Marshals - assistance 10728 S. Central. Shots fired. 2252 Terry Dawson - meet DWP at 1630 N. _ Main Street. 0200 hrs & escort fuel truck to the following location: l23 Nebraska Ave., 5859 Venice Blvd. & back to 1630 N. 0174- 35 '\ Main Street. Contact: Jack Simmon 5-2-92/2305 Officer Davis OWE. SIP rec'd message and will send unit for escort. 2300 Van Nuys - No intelligence info to report. 2300 W. Valley- PSR Brandon - No new intelligence informat~on to report. 231~ Lt. Gray - Airport Police LAX. Airport is back to norrna:. 2315 Sgt. Sterling - 500 Military troops have assembled at the below location. They are requesting four large. Dipsy dumpster-type trash containers. Pleaser].et them k.,c•,i · 11:::.::: ~;:ey can have the containers. Location: :~wn--:.;~. ::;s a:-.;::.e~ ( :a=ie :a:=:~ :.::~ : · .:; -:. ! . .:3: : :J8~~.- .::;;;~. Ba:'=e:::· - ~1~ i~tell.:.~er;· =e .:..r.f~r::~ at.:. ~=: -:~ 2J:c ~s:- Lt. Ken~edy - No new irite:l!ge~ce ~~~o ~o =eport. 2320 Officer P9rtillo - Housing Authority Police Dept extensive gang activity@ Aliso/Rcv'd projects, other area pretty much normal. 2320 Harbor Port - No intelliger.=e information to report. 232 0 Special Agent Parker (FBI) - 125 Federal officers have been dispatched to C/B (Rampart Area) to provide per.:...meter security. 2325 Randell Bacon - arrangements have been made for additional staff for food service. 2325 Sgt. Wells, VB, CP: Request: Sgt. Wells, VB CP logistics, Adv'd that West Valley has 30 bkd arrestees (w/a total capacity of ~O) and req'd an LASO bus for trans. Response: Lt. Rodriguez, LASO Liaison, Adv'd bus enroute w/60-90 min eta~ Sgt. Wells adv'd. 2330 CHP Liaison- No new deployments 01 7436 ;_ ... '·
Linked assets
Los Angeles Webster Commission records, 1931-1992
Conceptually similar
Chronology Task Force, LAPD documents, EEC journals, 1992-04-29
Chronology Task Force, LAPD documents, EEC journals, 1992-04-30
Chronology Task Force, LAPD documents, EEC journals, 1992-05-01
Chronology Task Force, LAPD documents, EEC journals, 1992-04-30
Chronology Task Force, LAPD documents, EEC journals, 1992-04-29
Chronology Task Force, LAPD documents, incident reports, 1992-04-29/1992-05-02
Chronology Task Force, Command post logs, 1992-04-29/1992-05-02
Chronology Task Force, LAPD documents, south, 1992-04-29/1992-05-04
Chronology Task Force, LAPD documents, command post logs, 1992-04/1992-05
Chronology Task Force, LAPD documents, North Hollywood, 1992-04/1992-05
Chronology Task Force, LAPD documents, Hollywood, 1992-04/1992-05
Chronology Task Force, LAPD documents, Valley Traffic Division, 1992-04/1992-05
Chronology Task Force, unusual occurence messages, 1992-04-29/1992-05-03
Chronology Task Force, LAPD documents, unusual occurrence, 1992-04-29/1992-05-02
Chronology Task Force, LAPD documents, Wilshire, 1992-04-04/1992-04-26
Chronology Task Force, LAPD documents, Newton Division, 1992-04/1992-06
Chronology of events, operations south bureau, 1992-04-29
Activity logs
Major incident responses, Los Angeles, 1992-04-29/1992-05-01
Pacific documents, 1992-04-22/1992-05-04
Chronological log maintained by the Los Angeles Police Department's Emergency Command Control (ECC) for post-Rodney King trial activation, 1992 May 2.
Asset Metadata
Core Title
Chronology Task Force, LAPD documents, EEC journals, 1992-05-02
OAI-PMH Harvest
40 p.
logs (reocrds)
Permanent Link (DOI)
Unique identifier
box 29 (box),web-box29-11-04.pdf (filename),folder 11 (folder),webster-c100-60234 (legacy record id)
Legacy Identifier
40 p. (format),application/pdf (imt),logs (reocrds) (aat)
Folder test
Inherited Values
Los Angeles Webster Commission records, 1931-1992
Chaired by former federal judge and FBI and CIA Director William H. Webster, the Los Angeles Webster Commission assessed law enforcement's performance in connection with the April, 1992 Los Angeles civil unrest. The collection consists of materials collected and studied by the Commission over the course of its investigation. Materials pertain to both the Los Angeles incident specifically, and civil disturbance, civil unrest control, and policing tactics in general.
Included in the collection are the following: interviews with LAPD officers, law enforcement personnel, government officials, community leaders, and activists; articles, broadcasts, and press releases covering the civil unrest; various tactical and contingency plans created for disasters and emergencies; reports, studies, and manuals about civil unrest control and prevention; literature about community-based policing strategies; emergency plans and procedures developed by other cities; and after-action reports issued once the civil unrest had subsided. Also featured are items related to the internal operations of the LAPD both before and during the civil unrest, including activity reports, meeting agendas and minutes, arrest data, annual reports, curricula and educational materials, and personnel rosters.
See also the finding aid (
See also The Los Angeles Riots: The Independent and Webster Commissions Collections (
Related collections in the USC Digital Library:
? Independent Commission on the Los Angeles Police Department, 1991 (see also the finding aid:
? Richard M. Mosk Christopher Commission records, 1988-2011 (see also the finding aid:
? Kendall O. Price Los Angeles riots records, 1965-1967 (see also the finding aid:
? Watts riots records, 1965 (see also the finding aid:
Thanks to generous support from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the USC Libraries are digitizing this collection for online public access.
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