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USC Computer Science Technical Reports, no. 868 (2005)
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On the Stationarity of Multivariate Time Series for Correlation-Based Data
Kiyoung Yang and Cyrus Shahabi
Computer Science Department
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0781
Multivariate time series (MTS) data sets are common in
various multimedia, medical and financial application do-
mains. These applications perform several data-analysis
operations on large number of MTS data sets such as
similarity searches, feature-subset-selection, clustering and
classifications. Correlation-based techniques, such as Prin-
cipal Component Analysis (PCA), have proven to improve
the efficiency of many of the above-mentioned data-analysis
operations on MTS, which implies that the correlation co-
efficients concisely represent the original MTS items. In
this paper, we propose to utilize the stationarity of the MTS
data sets, in order to represent the original MTS items
more stably, as well as concisely with the correlation co-
efficients. That is, before performing any correlation-based
data analysis, we first executes the stationarity test to de-
cide whether the MTS item is stationary or not, i.e., whether
the correlation is stable or not. Subsequently, for a non-
stationary MTS data set, we difference it to render the
data set stationary. Even though our approach is general,
to focus the discussion we describe our approach within
the context of our previously proposed techniques for MTS
variable-subset-selection and similarity search. In order to
show the validity of our approach, we performed several
experiments on four real-world data sets. The results show
that the performances of our variable-subset-selection and
similarity search techniques have significantly improved in
terms of classification accuracy and precision/recall.
A time series is a series of observations, x
(t);[i =
1,···,n;t = 1,···,m], made sequentially through time
wherei indexes the measurements made at each time point
t [32]. It is called a univariate time series (UTS) when n
is equal to 1, and a multivariate time series (MTS) when n
is equal to, or greater than 2. A UTS item is usually repre-
sented in a vector of size m, while each MTS item is typ-
ically stored in an m×n matrix, where m is the number
of observations andn is the number of variables (e.g., sen-
MTS data sets are common in various fields, such as in
multimedia, medicine and finance. For example, in multi-
media, Cybergloves used in the Human and Computer In-
terface (HCI) applications have around 20 sensors, each
of which generates 50∼100 values in a second [18, 29].
For gesture recognition and video sequence matching using
computer vision, several features are extracted from each
image continuously, which renders them MTSs [6, 1, 28].
In medicine, Electro Encephalogram (EEG) from 64 elec-
trodes placed on the scalp are measured to examine the cor-
relation of genetic predisposition to alcoholism [36]. Func-
tional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) from 696 vox-
els out of 4391 has been used to detect similarities in acti-
vation between voxels in [13].
An MTS item is typically very high dimensional. For
example, an MTS item from one of the data sets used in the
experiments in Section 4 contains 3000 observations with
64 variables. If a traditional distance metric for similar-
ity search, e.g., Euclidean Distance, is to be utilized, this
MTS item would be considered as a 192000 (3000× 64)
dimensional data. 192000 dimensional data would be over-
whelming not only for the distance metric, but also for in-
dexing techniques. To the best of our knowledge, there has
been no attempt to index data sets with more than 100000
. Hence, instead of using this high di-
mensional MTS data set as is, a number of techniques have
been proposed to represent the MTS data set concisely for
data mining processes, such as classification and similar-
ity search [24, 22, 30, 33, 35]. For example, in [22], an
In [2], the authors employed MVP-tree to index 65536 dimensional
gray-level MRI images.
MTS item that contains an EEG signal with 39 channels is
decomposed into multiple univariate time series. Each uni-
variate time series is subsequently transformed into 3 au-
toregressive (AR) coefficients. Hence, each MTS item is
represented with 117 (3× 39) features, after which feature
subset selection is performed. In [30], Principal Component
Analysis (PCA) Similarity Factor (S
) [20] is employed
for the similarity measure between two MTS items. That is,
in order to compute the similarity between two MTS items,
they first compute the correlation coefficient matries
of the
two MTS items, and then decompose them via Singular
Value Decomposition (SVD) to obtain the principal com-
ponents. Consequently, they measure how similar the cor-
responding principal components (PCs) from the two MTS
items are.
For MTS analysis, e.g., similarity search and feature sub-
set selection, it has been empirically shown that the corre-
lation information among the variables plays an important
role, and the correlation-based techniques, such as PCA,
perform well [30, 24, 33]. In [34], each MTS item is rep-
resented with the upper triangle elements of the correlation
coefficient matrix. The performance of feature subset se-
lection using the correlation coefficients is shown to out-
perform the one using the AR coefficients which does not
consider the correlation information among the variables.
In [24], the similarity between two MTS items is defined
to be the inner product of the first principal components
from the two MTS items with the variances explained by
the principal components as weights. The so defined sim-
ilarity measure has been successfully applied to recognize
and segment the multi-attribute motions.
To recapitulate, the correlation-based techniques utilize
the correlation coefficients to represent the original MTS
items for data mining tasks. The good performance of
correlation-based techniques hence implies that the corre-
lation coefficients concisely represents the original MTS
items in a dimension-reduced form. Note that, given an
MTS item A of size m× n, it is typically the case that
m≫ n. For example, an MTS item from one of the data
sets used in Section 4 contains 3000 observations, while
there are only 64 variables. In general, the size of a cor-
relation coefficient matrix forA is much smaller than that
In this paper, we propose to utilize the stationarity of
time series in order to better represent the MTS items with
the correlation coefficients. Intuitively, a time series is de-
fined to be stationary if the statistical properties of the time
series, e.g., the mean and the correlation coefficients, do
not change over time. Hence, if an MTS item is found to
PCA may employ either the correlation coefficient matrix or the co-
variance matrix for a given MTS item. We would assume that the correla-
tion coefficient matrix is utilized for PCA, since correlation-based analysis
is more frequently encountered [17].
be stationary, the correlation information of the MTS item
does not change over time, which would make the correla-
tion based representations of the original MTS items more
stable. For example, assume that we are given an MTS item
(t) of sizem×n, i.e., where 1≤ i≤ n and 1≤ t≤ m.
(t), consider two matrices of size (m−1)×n, i.e.,
(t) where 1≤ t≤ m− 1 andx
(t) where 2≤ t≤ m.
(t) is stationary, then the correlation coefficient matri-
ces ofx
(t) and x
(t), i.e., Corr(x
(t)) and Corr(x
would be statistically not different. However, if x
(t) is
non-stationary, then Corr(x
(t)) and Corr(x
(t)) would
be statistically different. This example implies that for non-
stationary MTS items, the correlation coefficients change
statistically significantly depending on just one observation
out of, e.g., 3000 observations, which is not the case for
stationary MTS items. Therefore, we firstly test the station-
arity of each MTS items in the database. Subsequently, we
determine the stationarity of the MTS data set based on the
majority of stationarities of MTS items in the data set. If
the MTS data set turns out to be non-stationary, we station-
arize all the MTS items in the data set before we perform
correlation-based data analysis.
In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed
approach, we conducted several experiments on four real-
world data sets: AUSLAN [18] obtained from UCI KDD
repository [15], the Brain Computer Interface (BCI) data
set [21], the BCI at the Max Planck Institute (MPI) data
set [22] and EEG data set [15]. In order to find out the
stationarity of the MTS data set, Johansen’s co-integration
test [16] has been firstly performed. AUSLAN and BCI
are found to be stationary, while BCI MPI and EEG are
non-stationary. Even though our approach is general, to
focus the discussion we describe our approach within the
context of our previously proposed techniques for MTS
variable-subset-selection and similarity search. The perfor-
mances depending on the stationarity of the data set have
been compared in terms of the classification accuracy using
Corona [34] and the precision/recall using Eros [33]. The
results show that the performance improves up to 10% in
classification accuracy and up to 24% in precision/recall.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 discusses the background of our proposed approach.
Our proposed approach is presented in Section 3, which is
followed by the experiments and results in Section 4. Con-
clusions and future work are presented in Section 5.
Our proposed approach utilizes the stationarity of an
MTS item. In this section, we briefly describe the station-
arity and how to test the stationarity of a time series. For
details, please refer to [16, 8, 9, 11].
2.1 Stationarity
In this section, we describe the stationarity of a time se-
ries. In order to test the stationarity of a time series, the
Unit Root test is performed for a univariate time series, and
the Co-integration test is utilized for a multivariate time se-
ries, which are described in Section 2.2 and in Section 2.4,
Definition 1 A time series is said to be strictly stationary
if the joint distribution ofX(t
) is the same as
the joint distribution of X(t
+τ) for all
,τ, where X(t) denotes the random variable at
timet. In other words, shifting the time origin by an amount
τ has no effect on the joint distributions, which must there-
fore depend only on the intervals between t
The above definition holds for any value ofn [4].
Intuitively, a time series is strict-sense stationary if all of its
statistical properties are invariant with respect to shifts of
the time origin [25]. Since many of the properties of station-
ary processes depend only on the structure of the process as
specified by its first and second moments [4], the weaker
definition of stationarity is generally used, which is defined
as follows [4]:
Definition 2 In practice, it is often useful to define station-
arity in a less restricted way than Definition 1. A process is
called second-order stationary (or weakly stationary) if its
mean is constant and its auto-covariance function depends
only on the lag, i.e.,τ, so that
E[X(t)] =μ
Cov[X(t),X(t +τ)] =γ(τ)
Ifτ = 0, the second-order stationarity implies that both the
variance and the mean are constant.
Figure 1 represents examples of stationary and non-
stationary univariate time series from BCI MPI data set [22]
used in Section 4. The dashed line in the middle is the mean
of the time series. As can be seen in Figure 1(a), if the time
series is stationary, the values moves irregularly away from
its mean, but eventually reverts to its mean, while as in Fig-
ure 1(b), if the time series is non-stationary, the graph shows
some trend.
To reiterate, a stationary time series is one whose statis-
tical properties such as mean, variance and correlation, are
all constant over time. Hence, the correlation coefficients
of stationary time series would be more stable than those
of non-stationary time series for the concise representation
of the original MTS item, which would also affect the per-
formance of the subsequent correlation-based data analysis
2.2 Unit Root Test
For a univariate time series, the Unit Root test is fre-
quently employed for testing the stationarity. The test first
poses the null hypothesis that the given time series has the
unit root, which means that the time series is non-stationary,
and tests if the null hypothesis is to be statistically accepted
or rejected in favor of alternative hypothesis that the given
time series is stationary.
The Unit Root test estimates the following autoregres-
sive model
x(t) =ρx(t−1)+ǫ
wherex(t) is an observation value at timet, andǫ
is a se-
quence of independent normal random variables with mean
0 and variance σ
[8]. The time series x(t) converges, as
t→∞, to a stationary time series if|ρ| < 1. If|ρ| = 1,
the time series is not stationary and the variance of x(t) is
[8]. The Unit Root test subsequently tests the following
one-sided hypothesis
:ρ = 1
:ρ< 1
The name, unit root, comes from the fact that the coefficient
ofx(t−1) is unity, if the time series is non-stationary, and
the Unit Root tests, as the name suggests, tests ifρ is unity
or not. Note that the autoregressive model in Equation (1)
is a simple form; the most common unit root test [27], the
augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test, employs an autore-
gressive model that contains the trend and drift. For details,
please refer to [27].
2.3 Differencing
A simple transformation of non-stationary time series
into a stationary one can be achieved by taking the first dif-
ferences of time series (x(t)−x(t−1)).
Definition 3 Differencing is a special type of filtering,
which is particularly useful for removing a trend. It is sim-
ply to difference a given time series until it becomes station-
ary [4]. For non-seasonal data, first-order differencing is
usually sufficient to attain apparent stationarity, so that the
new series y(1),···,y(m−1) is formed from the original
seriesx(1),···,x(m) by
y(t) =x(t +1)−x(t) =∇x(t +1)
Figure 2 shows that after differencing, i.e., the trend is
removed, the same non-stationary data as in Figure 1(b) is
transformed into a stationary time series.
In Section 4, if the MTS data set is found to be non-
stationary, we perform the differencing to render the data
set as stationary. Since the duration of each MTS data from
(a) (b)
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
(a) Stationary (b) Non-stationary
Figure 1. Examples of stationary and non-stationary univariate time series
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Figure 2. The same non-stationary data as
Figure 1(b) after differencing
the MTS data sets used in Section 4 is less than 1 minute,
the first-order differencing would be sufficient to stationar-
ize the non-stationary data sets. Occasionally second-order
differencing is required using the operator∇
, where
For data sets with seasonal trends, however, different tech-
niques should be employed. Please refer to [4] for details.
2.4 Co-integration Test
In order to determine the stationarity of a multivariate
time series, we need to consider the following two cases:
• If all the univariate time series in an MTS item are sta-
tionary, then the MTS item is stationary.
• If some or all of the univariate time series in an MTS
item are non-stationary, we need to perform the co-
integration test to make sure that the MTS item is non-
Definition 4 A univariate time seriesx(t) is said to be inte-
grated of order d, written I(d), if it needs to be differenced d
times to make it stationary. If two seriesx
(t) andx
(t) are
both I(d), then any linear combination of the two series will
usually be I(d) as well. However, if a linear combination ex-
ists for which the order of integration is less than d, say I(d -
b), then the two series are said to be co-integrated of order
(d, b), written CI(d, b). If this linear combination can be
written in the formα
(t), wherex
(t) = (x
then the vectorα is called a co-integrating vector [4].
That is, co-integration means that one or more linear com-
binations of non-stationary time series is stationary even
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
μV Figure 3. Two non-stationary time series, (a)
and (b), that are co-integrated, (c) = (a) - (b).
though individually they are not. If the time series are
co-integrated, they cannot move too far away from each
other [9].
For example, Figures 3(a) and (b) are two non-stationary
time series, and Figure 3(c) is Figure 3(a) - Figure 3(b),
which is stationary. Hence, Figures 3(a) and (b) are co-
integrated and the co-integrating vectorα is (1,−1).
There are a number of co-integration tests. As in [9],
Johansen’s test [16] is chosen since it is based on the well-
accepted likelihood ratio principle, and performs better than
other methods.
Before performing any correlation-based data analysis
for multivariate time series, we propose to render the data
set as stationary, if necessary, as in Algorithm 1. That is, we
firstly determine the stationarity for all the MTS items in the
data set by performing the Johansen’s test. The Johansen’s
Co-integration test has been performed using the Economet-
rics Toolbox [23]. Note that we do not utilize the ADF test
for each univariate time series, since we are not interested
in the stationarity of each UTS in an MTS item. Besides, as
in [10], it requires a strategy that deals with three cases to
appropriately apply the ADF test to an UTS, which seems
to be rather cumbersome. Moreover, it has been shown that
ADF test has low power, failing to reject the unit root hy-
pothesis in many cases [26, 7].
As in Line 3 of Algorithm 1, we extract the number of
co-integrating relationships, γ, where 1 ≤ γ ≤ n. As
long as γ is equal to the number of variables of an MTS
item,n, then we consider the MTS item as stationary (Lines
Table 1. Summary of data sets used in the ex-
# of variables 22 64 39 64
average length 60 3000 1280 256
# of labels 95 2 2 2
# of items per label 27 139 1000 6980/3908
total # of items 2565 278 2000 10888
4∼8). The stationarity of an MTS data set is subsequently
determined by the majority of the stationarities of the MTS
items. The sum(H) in Line 10 yields the number of non-
stationary items in the data set. Hence, if the number of
non-stationary items is greater than the half of the number
of total items in the data set, the data set is determined to be
non-stationary, and each MTS item in the data set is first-
order differenced into a stationary item.
As described in Section 2.1, if we make sure that the data
set is stationary, the original MTS item can be more stably
represented, as well as concisely, with correlation coeffi-
Algorithm 1 Determine the stationarity of an MTS data set
Require: MTS data set,N{the number of items in the data
set},n{the number of variables in an MTS item}
1: fori = 1 toN do
2: res← Johansen’s test;
3: γ ← extract the number of co-integrating relation-
ships fromres;
4: ifγ =n then
5: H(i)← 0;{stationary}
6: else
7: H(i)← 1;{non-stationary}
8: end if
9: end for
10: ifsum(H)>ceil(N/2) then
11: Stationarize the given MTS data set;
12: end if
In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed ap-
proach, we conducted experiments on four real-world data
sets. Even though our approach is general, to focus the dis-
cussion we describe our approach within the context of our
previously proposed techniques for MTS variable-subset-
selection and similarity search. The performances depend-
ing on the stationarity of the data set have been compared in
terms of the classification accuracy using Corona [34] and
the precision/recall using Eros [33].
4.1 Datasets
The experiments have been conducted on four differ-
ent real-world data sets, i.e., AUSLAN, BCI, BCI MPI and
EEG, which are all labeled MTS data sets whose labels are
The Australian Sign Language (AUSLAN) data set
uses 22 sensors on the hands to gather the data sets gen-
erated by signing of a native AUSLAN speaker [18]. It con-
tains 95 distinct signs, each of which has 27 examples. In
total, the number of signs gathered is 2565. The average
length is around 60.
The Brain Computer Interface (BCI) data set [21] was
collected during the BCI experiment, where a subject had to
perform imagined movements of either the left small finger
or the tongue. The time series of the electrical brain activity
was collected during these trials using 64 ECoG platinum
electrodes. All recordings were gathered at 1000Hz. The
total number of data items is 278 and the average length is
The Brain Computer interface (BCI) data set at the
Max Planck Institute (MPI) [22] was gathered to examine
the relationship between the brain activity and the motor im-
agery, i.e., the imagination of limb movements. Eight right
handed male subjects participated in the experiments, out
of which three subjects were filtered out after pre-analysis.
39 electrodes were placed on the scalp to record the EEG
signals at the rate of 256Hz. The total number of items is
2000, i.e., 400 items per subject.
The Electroencephalogram (EEG) data set [15] was
collected to examine EEG correlates of genetic predisposi-
tion to alcoholism. This data set contains EEG recordings
of control and alcoholic subjects. 64 electrodes placed on
the scalp were used to measure the EEG recordings at the
rate of 256Hz. Each data item has 256 samples, and the
total number of items is 10888
Table 1 shows the summary of the data sets used in the
4.2 Methods
In order to evaluate our proposed approach, we applied
Corona and Eros to the data set with and without differenc-
ing. For a stationary data set, we compare the performances
of Corona and Eros without differencing to those with dif-
ferencing, and see how they change. For a non-stationary
data set, we compare the performances of Corona and Eros
with differencing to those without differencing, and see how
much they improve. The Johansen’s Co-integration test has
been performed with a significance level of 5% using the
Econometrics Toolbox [23].
Out of 11057 items, 169 erroneous items that contain variables with
all zero values have been removed.
Table 2. Stationarity Test Results
Co-integration Test
Dataset # of stationary items # of non-stationary items
AUSLAN 1311 792
BCI 233 45
BCI MPI 309 1691
EEG 954 9934
Corona is a supervised features subset selection tech-
nique for MTS data sets. Each MTS data is firstly repre-
sented as correlation coefficients, which are subsequently
transformed into a vector. After training a Support Vec-
tor Machine (SVM) on the transformed data, Corona re-
cursively eliminates one variable that contributes the least
to the separating hyperplane. For Corona, an SVM with
linear kernel was adopted as the classifier. For each sub-
set of variables selected by Corona, we performed 10-fold
cross validation [14]. After repeating the cross validation
10 times, the average classification accuracy was computed
for each selected subset of variables. SVM classification
is completed with LIBSVM [3]. mean aggregating function
has been employed for Corona.
Eros is a similarity measure for MTS data sets, which is
based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Instead of
comparing two MTS data represented in matrices element-
by-element, Eros computes the similarity between two MTS
data by measuring how similarity two corresponding prin-
cipal components (PCs) are using the aggregated eigenval-
ues as weight. For Eros, we performed modified leave-one-
out kNN search as in [33]. For simplicity, we chose 10
for maxr. Hence, in recall-precision graphs, the ranges
of x and y axes are from 0.1 to 1.0 and from 0 to 1.0,
respectively. Recall that each data set used in the experi-
ments has more than 10 relevant items as shown in Table 1.
For example, AUSLAN has 95 labels and each label has
27 items. The recall-precision graph [12] is then plotted,
which has been frequently used to measure the performance
of Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) systems [31, 19]
as well as Information Retrieval (IR) systems. mean aggre-
gating function on the raw eigenvalues has been used for the
weight vectorw of Eros, again, for simplicity.
4.3.1 Stationarity
Table 2 summarizes the results of Johansen’s Co-integration
test on the four data sets. AUSLAN and BCI are deter-
mined to be stationary, while BCI MPI and EEG are non-
stationary. Note that BCI, BCI MPI and EEG are all col-
lected using the electrodes attached to the scalp, but their
stationarities are different. In the literature, it is widely as-
(a) (b)
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
# of selected variables
Accuracy (%)
w/o diff
w/ diff
15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
# of selected variables
Accuracy (%)
w/o diff
w/ diff
(a) AUSLAN (stationary) (b) BCI (stationary)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
# of selected variables
Accuracy (%)
w diff
w/o diff
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
# of selected variables
Accuracy (%)
w/o diff
w/ diff
(c) BCI MPI (non-stationary) (d) EEG (non-statinoary)
Figure 4. Classification Accuracy
sumed that EEG signals are non-stationary. However, in [5],
it is suggested that EEG epochs shorter than 12 seconds may
be considered stationary. Though all the EEG epochs em-
ployed for experiments are shorter than 12 seconds, two out
of three data sets turned out to be non-stationary, and the
other is stationary.
Note that the average of rank of the AUSLAN data set
is 18.4698 out of 22. Only 162 items out of 2565 are full
rank. Johansen’s Co-integration test initially failed for the
2403 non-full-rank items of the AUSLAN data set. In order
to make the items full rank, we removed the UTS whose
standard deviation is near 0. The result of AUSLAN shown
in Table 2 is acquired after this preprocessing.
4.3.2 Accuracy and Precesion/Recall
Figures 4 and 5 depict the classification accuracy using
Corona and the precision/recall using Eros, respectively.
For AUSLAN, BCI, BCI MPI and EEG, the better perfor-
mance corresponds to the stationarities of the data sets. That
is, if the data set is stationary, the better performance is
obtained without differencing, and if the data set is non-
stationary, the better performance is achieved with differ-
The performance improvements between with and with-
out differencing are up to 10% in terms of classification
accuracy, and are up to 24% in terms of precision/recall.
Hence, our proposed approach to utilizing stationarity is
well justified.
Note that if a stationary time series is again differenced,
the resultant time series is also stationary. Given this fact,
one may be attempted to perform the first-order differenc-
ing without firstly testing the stationarity of the time series.
However, for the stationary data sets, i.e., AUSLAN and
BCI, the performances of Eros and Corona are worse when
the redundant first-order differencing is performed, which
indicates that the test of stationarity is required as a pre-
processing step.
In this paper, we proposed to render the given MTS
dataset as stationary, if necessary, before performing
correlation-based data analysis, such as PCA. Based on the
stationarity, the correlation coefficients represent the orig-
inal MTS items more stably as well as concisely. Em-
pirically, we have shown that if the given dataset is non-
stationary, making the dataset stationary improves the per-
formances of the correlation-based data analysis in terms of
classification accuracy and precision/recall.
We intend to extend this technique to the stream of data
where the determination of the stationarity as well as the
subsequent data analysis processes, such as, feature subset
selection, can be performed incrementally adjusting itself
based on the observations collected thus far.
This research has been funded in part by NSF grants
EEC-9529152 (IMSC ERC), IIS-0238560 (PECASE) and
IIS-0307908, and unrestricted cash gifts from Microsoft.
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommenda-
tions expressed in this material are those of the author(s)
and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Sci-
ence Foundation.
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Kiyoung Yang, Cyrus Shahabi. "On the stationarity of multivariate time series for correlation-based data analysis." Computer Science Technical Reports (Los Angeles, California, USA: University of Southern California. Department of Computer Science) no. 868 (2005).
Asset Metadata
Shahabi, Cyrus
Yang, Kiyoung
Core Title
USC Computer Science Technical Reports, no. 868 (2005)
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On the stationarity of multivariate time series for correlation-based data analysis (
Department of Computer Science,USC Viterbi School of Engineering, University of Southern California, 3650 McClintock Avenue, Los Angeles, California, 90089, USA
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10 pages
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Unique identifier
05-868 On the Stationarity of Multivariate Time Series for Correlation-Based Data Analysis (filename)
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Archive of computer science technical reports published by the USC Department of Computer Science from 1991 - 2017.
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