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USC Computer Science Technical Reports, no. 762 (2002)
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Roger Zimmermann
Department of Computer Science
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, California 90089
In recent years the MPEG-4 ISO compression standard has
gained much attention. With its high compression ratio it
promises to make broadband streaming more feasible. How-
ever, currently there are still no fully ISO standard compliant
MPEG-4 systems widely available. Some partial imple-
mentations, such as the MPEG-4 style codec “DivX;-)” are
popular for encoding video content into A VI (Audio Video
Interleave) files. The A VI file format was originally not in-
tended for streaming. In this report we document our efforts
to enable streaming of DivX A VI files across broadband IP
based networks.
Several developments over the last several years have in-
creased interest in streaming media technologies:
Broadband networking technologies such as ADSL
and Cable modems became available in many metropoli-
tan areas. End-users for the first time had reasonably
priced access to approximately 256 to 768 kbps, or
sometimes up to 1.5 Mbps, downstream bandwidth.
Advances in compression technologies emerged that
allowed compressing full-screen NTSC video into a
stream requiring less than 1 Mbps of bandwidth. The
MPEG-4 standard [1] was one of the widely discussed
and publicized techniques.
One of the first implementations of an MPEG-4 style
codec was available from Microsoft. The implementation
did not fully comply with the MPEG-4 standard, however
it demonstrated the very high compression ratio achievable
(more than 300:1). Therefore, it became feasible, for ex-
ample, to store the contents of a DVD (4.7 GB capacity)
on a CD-ROM (650 MB capacity). Originally Microsoft’s
software only allowed decoding of media. However, after
it had been slightly altered, both encoding and decoding
DivX is a trademark of DivXNetworks, Inc. This research has been
funded in part by NSF grants EEC-9529152 (IMSC ERC) and ITR-
0082826, and unrestricted cash/equipment gifts from Metromedia Fiber
Networks, IBM, Intel and SUN.
were possible. This altered version became widely known
as “DivX;-)” [2]. The DivX codec is not fully MPEG-4
ISO standard compliant. For example, it does not use the
MPEG-4 ISO standard file format. Instead the media data
is commonly stored in the Microsoft A VI (Audio Video In-
terleave) file format [3], which is a special case of the RIFF
(Resource Interchange File Format). Furthermore, most of
the DivX files available on the Internet use MPEG-1 layer
3 audio encoding (popularly known as MP3) and not the
MPEG-4 audio codec.
Several tools became available on the Internet to eas-
ily transcode MPEG-2 encoded media files into DivX A VI
files. One of the more popular tools was FlaskMPEG
( which has since been superseded by XM-
PEG ( These tools allow to easily
convert MPEG-2 content into DivX files. For example, one
of our 10-minute demonstration videos with an original file
size of 423 MB in MPEG-2 format resulted in a 63.8 MB-
sized DivX file. Hence, the required playback bandwidth
dropped from 5.6 Mbps to 870 kbps (6.5:1).
One of the disadvantages of the A VI file format is that
it was not designed for streaming. A VI and Video for Win-
dows were developed for playback of audio and video from
hard disks and CD-ROMs on personal computers. They are
also adequate for downloading a video file from a remote
site on the Internet for subsequent playback from the com-
puter’s hard drive. They are not well suited for real-time or
streaming video playback over networks.
Microsoft has since defined a new format in the form
of the Active/Advanced Streaming Format (ASF) with im-
proved support for video over networks. However, the most
widely used version called ASF 1.0 has not been officially
documented. Therefore, not many open source tools and
media players can work with ASF files and its popularity on
the Internet is limited.
In this report we document our efforts in experimenting
with streaming DivX A VI files across broadband IP based
networks. Specifically, we elaborate on the client playback
software that is based on open source tools. The rest of this
report is organized as follows. Section 2 details our design.
Results are presented in Section 3 and we conclude with
Section 4.
We have been designing and implementing scalable stream-
ing servers for the past several years [4, 5]. Initially we did
most of our system testing with either MPEG-1 or MPEG-2
streams. When the DivX codec became available we were
interested to try MPEG-4 streaming at lower bitrates that
would be suitable for ADSL or Cable modem connections.
At first, version 3 of the DivX codec was only available
in binary code form for the Windows platform. However,
we had already implemented a Linux MPEG-2 client and
wanted to re-use as much as possible of that software.
While investigating possible solutions we discovered a
project called avifile for Linux ( Its
goal was to provide a runtime environment on Linux that
would allow the execution of Windows codecs which are
generally provided as Dynamic Link Libraries (DLL). To
that end, it uses a specific subset of the libraries from the
Wine project ( Wine is an implementa-
tion of the Windows 3.x and Win32 application program-
ming interface on top of X11 and Unix. Because Windows
codecs have a very narrow and well-defined interface, only
a small subset of the Wine code — a library to provide a run-
time environment for DLLs — is necessary to successfully
execute Windows codecs.
We found the avifile project intriguing and decided to use
it as the decoding engine within our playback application.
The avifile library included a rudimentary player that was
capable of reading A VI files, decoding their content and
rendering the video on the screen and the audio via the
soundcard. We decided to use this player as a starting point
for our own implementation. After successfully testing the
playback of several A VI files with this application we were
presented with the following challenges for our own player:
The media data from our server would arrive in a
memory buffer while the avifile library was designed
to read data from a file. Hence we had to redirect all
file system calls to our own buffer manager.
The A VI file structure is such that a codec not just
reads a file sequentially. On the contrary, it gener-
ally will seek to various locations within the file to
gather information about the media structure before
and during the playback. For example, an index table
labelled ‘idx1’ usually provides the starting point of
each frame within the file. This table is often located
at the very end of an A VI file (see Figure 3).
One of the advantages of streaming as opposed to down-
loading media is that playback will start after a short initial
latency. Therefore, the amount of buffered data is severely
limited and seek operations that span the complete file can-
not be readily supported. A simple solution where every
Movie Length (Size) ‘idx1’ Table Size
“Test1” 2 hours (625 MB) 4800 KB
“Test2” 10 mins (63.8 MB) 349 KB
Table 1: Frame table size and the overall movie size for two
test movies (720
resolution at 30 fps).
‘RIFF’ ‘idx1’
‘RIFF’ ‘idx1’
File Byte
File Byte
0 (fileSize-1)
(a) Original AVI File Structure
(b) Reorganized AVI File Structure
Video & Audio Data
Video & Audio Data
Frame Table
Frame Table
Figure 1: File data reorganization from (a) original to (b)
new layout to confine seek operations to a bounded area.
seek is propagated back to the server side to retrieve the cor-
rect data is not generally feasible because the client-server
latencies are not short enough to guarantee a smooth play-
back. Hence, we decided to address these challenges in two
ways. First, a simple reorganization of the A VI file prior to
placing it onto the server would ensure that seeks would not
exceed the buffered data. And second, the implementation
of a sophisticated buffer manager would allow us bounded
seeking capabilities within the playout buffer.
2.1. Data Reorganization
Figure 1 shows the data reorganization that we performed
prior to streaming a movie. The ‘idx1’ frame index table,
which is generally located at the end of an A VI file is moved
to the very beginning. The video and audio data that starts
with a ‘RIFF’ four character signature is appended to the
table. No other changes are made to the contents of the file.
Specifically, no internal pointers are changed to match the
new frame locations. The buffer manager logic is designed
to correctly and transparently translate all access locations.
Its operation is described in the next few paragraphs. For
streaming, one disadvantage of moving the frame table to the
beginning of the file is that playback can only start after the
complete table has been received at the client side. However,
Table 1 shows that generally the frame table size is less than
1% of the complete size of a movie and does therefore not
introduce significant startup latencies.
Buffer Structure
Video & Audio
Figure 2: The client buffer organization after the start of
streaming. The frame table and part of the frame data has
arrived. Two additionally transmitted pointers allow the
buffer manager to know every byte offset in the original file.
2.2. Buffer Management
The data reorganization described in the previous paragraph
allows the server to stream the A VI file sequentially, from
the beginning to the end. On the client side, subsequently
care must be taken that the codec accesses the correct data.
Recall that we did not alter any index values within the A VI
file. Therefore, the buffer manager must correctly translate
any file system calls (read and seek) attempted by the
codec to the relevant locations in the client playout buffer.
Figure 2 shows the initial organization of the client buffer
when data starts to arrive. Two number values are transmit-
ted at the very beginning of the data stream: (1) the file size:
fileSize, and (2) the byte offset where the frame table starts:
offsetOfFrameTable. From these two values, the buffer man-
ager is able to compute additional important information:
The frame table size is (fileSize - offsetOfFrameTable).
The beginning of the frame data (the ‘RIFF’ signature)
starts (fileSize - offsetOfFrameTable) + 2
from the beginning of the buffer.
Data with file offsets between offsetOfFrameTable
. . . fileSize and 0 . . . maxSeekOffset are available for
consumption by the codec.
Based on this information we implemented four func-
tions to replace the file system calls open(), read(),
seek(), and close() within the avifile library. Each
replacement function has the same set of parameters as its
original counterpart.
QOpen(): For compatibility reasons this function
will accept a file name. However, the filename is
irrelevant and is discarded. The buffer manager is
initialized as soon as data starts to arrive, which is
generally before this function is called.
QRead(): This function retrieves a specific amount
of data from the current seek position in the buffer.
The currentSeekOffset is then adjusted to reflect the
next unread byte. Error checks ensure that data is not
read beyond the current buffer end. If this condition
were to occur, the function would wait for more data
to arrive and then return. In that case, the buffer
sizes and/or the streaming rate are misconfigured and
a display hiccup would result.
QSeek(): The seek pointer currentSeekOffset is
repositioned according to the passed parameters. The
seek position is carefully checked against the mini-
mum and maximum seek values maintained by the
buffer manager. Any out-of-range seeking will result
in display disruptions.
QClose(): Releases the allocated resources and
re-initializes the buffer manager.
2.3. Freeing Data
A significant challenge that arises if the buffer manager
allows seek operations is the following: When can we be
certain that a data item will not be accessed anymore in the
future? With a purely sequential stream format — e.g., an
MPEG-2 program stream — the read pointer in the data
buffer will generally be monotonically advanced and data
behind it can be freed. However, with the A VI file format
seek operations do not guarantee a monotonically increasing
read position. Obviously, if read locations are randomly
distributed across the complete file then having a limited
playout buffer will be impossible. Luckily, seek and read
operations exhibit a localized behaviour. Figure 3 shows
the trace data we obtained from a 10 minute long DivX A VI
movie. After initially reading the frame table at the very
end of the file, all operations take place within a “sliding
window” of a few megabytes of data. To accommodate
this behaviour we implemented a sliding release pointer in
the following way. A maxReadOffset pointer keeps track
of the furthest seek/read position. This pointer only moves
forward, i.e., a seek backwards will leave it unchanged. A
freeOffset pointer is then made to follow a fixed distance
behind the maxReadOffset, for example by 4 megabytes.
10 MB
20 MB
30 MB
40 MB
50 MB
60 MB
70 MB
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000
Seek and Read Location [Bytes]
Seek & Read Accesses (Approx. Proportional to Elapsed Time)
Frame Table
Video and Audio Data
Figure 3: Typical seek and read pattern for a 10 minute DivX movie encapsulated within an A VI file.
Hence, whenever the maxReadOffset advances, some data
can be freed behind freeOffset. If seek or read operations take
place that do not move the maxReadOffset pointer, no data
will be freed. We experimented with the release distance
and found that most reads and seeks take place within a 2
MB sliding window. To have a safety margin we doubled
the release distance to 4 MB and this worked well with all
our test movies.
We have implemented the buffer manager within the Yima
client playback software [4]. Several DivX clips were used
for testing. The parameters of two of the movies are listed
in Table 1. Frame table sizes were 4.8 MB and 349 KB for
movie “Test1” resp. “Test2.” Our player was set to start the
movie after receiving the frame table plus 2 MB of addi-
tional data. Recall that 2 MB is the amount of data that we
empirically determined from traces of the movies’ IO activi-
ties to be sufficient for local seeking. Figure 3 illustrates the
data that was accessed during the playback of the 10-minute
movie “Test2.” With the described configuration, an initial
latency of 70 resp. 25 seconds resulted before the display
started. With our buffer manager configured as described, it
was possible to stream all movies successfully without data
overflow or starvation and no seek or read access occurred
outside of the buffered data.
In this report we presented a combination of A VI file re-
organization and sophisticated playout buffer management
that allows commonly unstreamable A VI media files to be
streamed. We have successfully implemented our tech-
niques in a prototype system and demonstrated its opera-
tion across wide-area networks [5]. With the popularity
of MPEG-4, we expect its official, streamable file format
to eventually supersede A VI. For example, the MPEG4IP
( project is building on the MPEG-4 file
format. However, our buffer management techniques are
still applicable to new file formats, albeit for different appli-
cations. For example, we plan to investigate enabling pause,
resume, and rewind operations with a diskless set-top box.
Mehrdad Jahangiri and Hong Zhu helped to implement and
test the DivX client software.
[1] Moving Pictures Expert Group (MPEG), MPEG-4 (ISO/IEC
14496), URL:
[2] J. Hibbard, “What the $%@# is DivX;-)?,” Red Herring
Magazine, January 2001.
[3] Microsoft Corporation, Microsoft Press, Redmond, WA, Mi-
crosoft Windows Multimedia Programmer’s Reference.
[4] C. Shahabi, R. Zimmermann, K. Fu, and S.-Y . D. Yao, “Yima:
A Second Generation of Continuous Media Servers,” Accepted
for publication in IEEE Computer, 2002.
[5] R. Zimmermann, K. Fu, C. Shahabi, S.-Y . D. Yao, and H. Zhu,
“Yima: Design and Evaluation of a Streaming Media System
for Residential Broadband Services,” in VLDB 2001 Workshop
on Databases in Telecommunications (DBTel 2001), Rome,
Italy, September 2001.
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Roger Zimmermann. "Streaming of DivX AVI movies." Computer Science Technical Reports (Los Angeles, California, USA: University of Southern California. Department of Computer Science) no. 762 (2002).
Asset Metadata
Zimmermann, Roger
Core Title
USC Computer Science Technical Reports, no. 762 (2002)
Alternative Title
Streaming of DivX AVI movies (
Department of Computer Science,USC Viterbi School of Engineering, University of Southern California, 3650 McClintock Avenue, Los Angeles, California, 90089, USA
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Unique identifier
02-762 Streaming of DivX AVI Movies (filename)
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