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USC Computer Science Technical Reports, no. 695 (1999)
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Application-Level Differentiated Services for Web Servers
Lars Eggert and John Heidemann
USC Information Sciences Institute
4676 Admiralty Way, Suite 1001
Marina del Rey, CA 90292-6695 USA,
February 10, 1999
To Appear: World Wide Web Journal.
The current World-Wide Web service model treats all
requests equivalently, both while being processed by
servers and while being transmitted over the network.
For some uses, such as web prefetching or multiple pri-
ority schemes, different levels of service are desirable.
This paper presents three simple, server-side, applica-
tion-level mechanisms (limiting process pool size, low-
ering process priorities, limiting transmission rate) to
provide two different levels of web service (regular and
low priority). We evaluated the performance of these
mechanisms under combinations of two foreground
workloads (light and heavy) and two levels of available
network bandwidth (10Mb/s and 100Mb/s). Our experi-
ments show that even with background traffic sufficient
to saturate the network, foreground performance is
reduced by at most 4-17%. Thus, our user-level mecha-
nisms can effectively provide different service classes
even in the absence of operating system and network
1. Introduction
The World-Wide Web is a typical example of a cli-
ent/server system: in a web transaction, clients send
requests to servers, servers process them and send corre-
sponding responses back to the clients. Concurrent
transactions with a server compete for resources in the
network and server and client end systems. Inside the
network, messages contest for network bandwidth and
with other messages flowing between the same end sys-
tem pair and with other traffic present at the time. Inside
the end systems, transactions compete for local
resources while being processed. Servers implementing
the process-per-request (or thread-per-request) model
will allocate one process (or thread) to an incoming
The current web service model treats all transactions
equivalently according to the Internet best-effort service
[Clark 1988]. Neither the network nor the end systems
typically prioritize traffic. However, there are cases
where having multiple levels of service would be desir-
able. Not all transactions are equally important to the
clients or to the server, and some applications need to
treat them differently. One example is prefetching
requests for web pages by proxies; such speculative
requests should receive lower priority than user-initi-
ated, non-speculative ones. Another simple example is a
web site that wishes to offer better service to paying
subscribers. We explore these and other examples in
Section 2.
Ongoing efforts attempt to provide multiple levels of
service, both in the server operating system (OS) and in
the network (see Section 6). Although promising in the
long run, replacing the OS of end systems or upgrading
all routers in the network is often impractical. Instead,
we will show that substantial benefit can be achieved
with server-side, application-level-only mechanisms.
We have designed and implemented three simple server-
side, application-level mechanisms that approximate a
service model with two levels of service, in which high-
priority responses preempt low-priority ones. The key
characteristic of such ideal background responses is that
their presence in the system never decreases the perfor-
mance of concurrent foreground transactions. This is
approximated by slowing down the serving of back-
ground responses to make more resource capacity avail-
able to the average foreground response. Our results
show that our most effective mechanism has an over-
head on foreground performance of only 4-17%. This
* This research is supported by the Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency (DARPA) through FBI contract #J-FBI-95-185 entitled “Large Scale
Active Middleware”. The views and conclusions contained in this document
are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily represent-
ing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of the Department of the
Army, DARPA, or the U.S. Government. The authors can be contacted at
4676 Admiralty Way, Marina del Rey, CA 90292-6695, or by electronic mail
indicates that it is possible to provide effective back-
ground data traffic service even without network-level
or operating-system-level support.
2. Three cases for differentiated services
This section describes three cases where multiple levels
of service for web transactions are needed. The first
example is a web server offering less-effort serving of
background requests. The second example is a web
server that assigns different priorities to responses based
on the requested object. In the third example, response
priorities are assigned based on an external policy.
2.1. Background requests and responses
Background transactions are low-priority transactions
that are preemptable. The key characteristic of a back-
ground transaction is that its presence in the system
never decreases the performance of concurrent fore-
ground transactions. This may be achieved by only
transmitting or processing it if enough idle resource
capacities are available. If not, a background transaction
may be indefinitely delayed or dropped. Thus, back-
ground transactions receive less-effort service.
One application that would greatly benefit from the
availability of background transactions is anticipatory
caching (for example, [Touch 1998]). Currently, specu-
lative transactions and pushes can only be sent as regu-
lar (foreground) traffic, and may thus interfere with non-
speculative traffic. Caches using speculative transactions
(prefetching) and servers using speculative pushes need
to balance the amount of speculative traffic sent against
possible future traffic reduction due to cache hits. If
such transactions could be serviced in the background,
interference with non-speculative traffic could be elimi-
nated. This would lead to a better overall system perfor-
mance, as well as a simplified cache system, because the
penalty of sending too much speculative traffic would be
greatly reduced.
One example of a cache using speculative pushes is the
LSAM Proxy Cache [Touch and Hughes 1998]. It uses
background multicasts of related web pages, based on
automatically-selected interest groups, to load caches at
natural network aggregation points. The proxy is
designed to reduce server and network load, and
increase client performance. Other applications that
would benefit from the availability of background pro-
cessing include data-driven push [Touch 1995], sub-
scription push [Pointcast 1998], web prefetching [Pad-
manabhan and Mogul 1996] and TCP pacing
[Visweswaraiah and Heidemann 1997; Padmanabhan
and Katz 1998].
2.2. Content-derived priorities
Having different levels of service may improve user-per-
ceived rendering time of web pages by sending HTML
responses at a higher priority than all others. The second
example is a web server assigning different priorities to
responses based on the requested objects.
A typical web page consists of both HTML parts (one or
more frames) and inline images. For each of those parts,
one request will be issued by the client more or less con-
currently. These requests may compete for resources
inside the network [Balakrishnan et al. 1998] and at the
end systems. If the transaction uses HTTP 1.0, the
responses will typically be sent as an ensemble of TCP
connections, which will compete for bandwidth along
the path back to the client. If HTTP 1.1 is used, the
responses will be sent over a single shared connection,
but since responses cannot be interleaved, there will still
be competition for the order in which they will be sent.
Thus, image responses may interfere with HTML
responses. However, HTML responses are more impor-
tant to a browser, because they drive the rendering of the
whole page. The server could reflect this by giving pri-
ority to delivering HTML over images.
In this example, the requested content controls the prior-
ity of a transaction. Even though transactions have dif-
ferent priorities, none are expendable; all of them must
be processed.
2.3. Policy-derived priorities
In the previous case, transaction priorities were derived
from the type of the requested object. Different levels of
service are also useful when priorities are assigned
according to an external policy.
Consider the example of a web site offering information
both to paying subscribers and the public. Transactions
by paying customers should be favored over those of
nonpaying ones by serving the former at a higher prior-
ity. Here, transaction priorities are assigned depending
on the requester. A second example, where a different
policy is enforced, is a web hosting service managing
multiple sites on the same end system. Here, the hosting
service might want to guarantee its clients’ sites receive
outgoing bandwidth proportional to the amount of
money payed. Thus, transaction priorities would be
assigned based on the requested object.
In these two simple examples, external (management)
policies control priority assignments. Depending on the
nature of the policy, it may or may not be acceptable to
delay or drop transactions.
3. Finding the server bottleneck resource
In the previous section, we have described several cases
in which different levels of service for web transactions
are useful. The first step in designing an effective back-
ground processing (backgrounding) mechanism is to
locate the bottleneck resource of the system. Control of
the bottleneck resource has primary influence on overall
system behavior by granting or not granting the resource
to processes. For example, in a CPU-bound system, a
process that is not being granted the CPU cannot use
other resources; thus, CPU-scheduling controls system
performance. In the same scenario, network scheduling
would have little effect on performance. A successful
backgrounding mechanism will control the scheduling
decisions of the bottleneck resource to optimize perfor-
Any resource of a web server (CPU, physical memory,
disk, network) may become the bottleneck, depending
on the kind of workload it is experiencing. We evaluated
the bottleneck resource in two web serving scenarios: a
web server connected to its clients by private, non-
switched 10Mb/s and 100Mb/s Ethernet links. We con-
ducted experiments to determine which server resources
became saturated first. The server was monitored under
a growing request load generated by an increasing num-
ber of clients, each of which made requests at a fixed
rate of (at most) ten requests per second. The aggregate
request load exceeded 1200 requests per second, which
was more than enough to fully load the server.
The server machine was a 300Mhz Pentium-II PC with
128MB of physical memory running FreeBSD 2.2.6.
The kernel had been optimized for web serving [Apache
HTTP Server Project 1998a] by increasing the socket
listen queue to 256 connections and increasing the
MAXUSERS kernel parameter to 256. We modified the
Apache version 1.3 beta 1 web server [Apache HTTP
Server Project 1998b] to collect CPU, physical memory,
page fault and physical disk I/O statistics. The server
load was generated by a version of Webstone-1.1 [Trent
and Sage 1995] that we modified to gather more exten-
sive per-request statistics. Each point in the graphs
below is based on data gathered during a five minute
period in which several thousand requests were pro-
cessed. No other traffic was present during the experi-
ment. Network utilization could therefore simply be
measured by the amount of data transferred in a test
During both experiments, requests were made over the
standard Webstone file set, which is about 2MB in size
and is modeled after a small, static web server. The
entire file sets easily fit into the disk buffer cache of our
server. Thus, repeated requests for the same file were
always served from the cache. Consequently, the disk
subsystem was mostly idle. Furthermore, all pages were
static, i.e. no additional server-side processing (CGI
scripts, database queries, etc.) was done. Characterizing
dynamic web workloads is still an area of study. We
consider how this affects our conclusions in Section 5.3.
3.1. Results for 10Mb/s Ethernet
The results for the 10Mb/s Ethernet case show that the
server was network-bound during this experiment. In the
left graph of Figure 1, HTTP transaction throughput is
plotted over the number of clients. Throughput quickly
reached 7Mb/s and then settled around that number. A
single bulk TCP connection can achieve around 7.6Mb/s
over the same link (measured with netperf [Netperf
Project 1998]).
All other monitored resources were mostly idle: The
server CPU utilization (right graph of Figure 1) was
never higher than 25%. Server memory was never fully
utilized; we observed no page faults during the experi-
ment. The disk subsystem was also idle; there were no
physical (not served from the buffer cache) disk inputs.
The disk output rate peaked at around 10 physical disk
writes per five minute test period, all of which were due
to logging. The local file system can sustain several
thousand physical disk writes per second at less than
25% CPU utilization, so the measured rate is not signifi-
3.2. Results for 100Mb/s Ethernet
For 100Mb/s Ethernet, the server was CPU-bound. The
right graph of Figure 1 shows that the server CPU utili-
zation rose rapidly to around 95%. Network throughput
stagnated at around 30Mb/s, (left graph of Figure 1)
which is well below the 72.1Mb/s (measured withnet-
perf [Netperf Project 1998]) that a single bulk TCP
connection can achieve over the same link. The server
was clearly not network-bound. We believe the rela-
tively low network throughput to be an artifact of the
Webstone benchmark, which only supports HTTP 1.0
and will thus open a new TCP connection for each trans-
action, causing significant CPU overhead.
As in the 10Mb/s case before, we did not observe any
page faults or disk input operations. The measured phys-
ical disk output rate never exceeded 50 writes per five
minute test run; as explained in Section 3.1, this rate is
not significant.
4. Designing application-level background
As mentioned above, transactions compete for resources
inside the network and at the end systems. Thus, full
support for different levels of service for web transac-
tions would require both network and end system soft-
ware (OS and applications) to be extended. These exten-
sions are still under development; and even when fin-
ished, deployment will take time, because many routers
in the network must be updated for the system to be
effective. In the meantime, application-level mecha-
nisms promise most of the benefits of a OS/network
solution with the additional advantage of being easy to
deploy. Only the application software of the server
needs to be modified to offer different service levels.
We have designed and implemented three server-side,
application-level background processing mechanisms
that approximate a service model with two classes: Reg-
ular foreground transactions, and preemptable, lower-
priority background transactions. We assume a process-
per-request model, with pools of foreground processes
and background processes. (Our results also apply to
thread-based servers, and our third and most effective
mechanism can be implemented in an event-driven
server.) All processes in one such class form the fore-
ground pool and background pool of server processes,
respectively. Since we implemented server-side-only
mechanisms, requests are always being sent in the fore-
ground; our mechanisms can only control processing
and sending of the responses. The idea of background
processing can also be applied to clients (see Section
The key idea behind all our application-level back-
grounding mechanisms is to slow down the background
pool, thus making more resource capacity available to
the average foreground process. Our three mechanisms
differ in how they slow down background processing.
We assume that the request stream is demultiplexed by
the OS before reaching the server; the server application
has two queues from which to accept foreground and
background requests.
Our first mechanism limits resource usage of back-
ground processes by limiting concurrency. This is
achieved by imposing an upper bound on the number of
processes in the background pool. If all background pro-
cesses are busy, additional incoming background trans-
actions are delayed (in the OS) until a background pro-
cess becomes available. No such bound is enforced for
the foreground pool, and consequently the average fore-
ground transactions will experience less delay than
background ones under an increasing background load.
The size of the background pool is a parameter tunable
by the administrator of the web server, based on the
allowable overhead on foreground traffic. We picked a
value of five background servers. Fewer background
servers would result in less background traffic, which
would make it difficult to compare the overhead of the
backgrounding mechanisms. Using many more than five
would diminish the differences between foreground and
background traffic classes.
This first backgrounding mechanism could even be
implemented without changing the server code, simply
by running two web servers configured with different
pool sizes on the same machine. These servers would
need to serve the same documents, but accept connec-
tions on different ports.
Our second backgrounding mechanism also limits the
size of the background pool, but in addition also lowers
the process priority of the background processes to the
minimum. For CPU-bound servers, this approach should
produce better control than the first.
The two prior mechanisms directly reduce CPU usage
only. Usage of network I/O and other resources is only
indirectly controlled. Our third mechanism limits the
aggregate network transmission rate of background pro-
cesses by coordinating and scheduling their send opera-
Figure 1. HTTP throughput and server CPU utilization over both 10Mb/s and 100Mb/s Ethernet.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
HTTP Throughput [Mb/s]
10Mb/s Ethernet
100Mb/s Ethernet
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
CPU Utilization [%]
10Mb/s Ethernet
100Mb/s Ethernet
tions. Background processes intentionally slow their
transmission, monitoring and explicitly pacing their
sending rate by pausing while sending. Multiple back-
ground processes collaborate to split the limit fairly. The
rate limit is a parameter tunable by the administrator of
the web server, based on the permissible overhead on
foreground traffic. We picked a rate limit of 1Mb/s. As
with the first mechanism, a significantly lower value
would make comparisons of the backgrounding mecha-
nisms more difficult, and a much greater value would
diminish the differences between the two traffic classes.
Our third mechanisms also limits the size of the back-
ground pool to five processes running at the lowest pro-
cess priority. Note that limiting the background pool in
this scenario is not necessary to enforce service differen-
tiation; that is established through the send rate limit.
Here, limiting the background pool will simply control
the send rate for each response: With only one back-
ground process, background responses will be sent at
full rate limit (but only one at a time); with more than
one, multiple background responses will be sent, each at
a fraction of the rate limit. Lowering the process priority
is also not strictly necessary, but since it is an extremely
simple addition, we included it in the mechanism.
One problem with the third approach is that even if the
network is underutilized, the background processes can
never exceed the rate limit, because they have no means
of detecting idle network capacity. However, back-
ground transactions are not important by definition, so
serving them at less-than-peak performance is appropri-
ate. More elaborate rate-limiting algorithms (see Section
7) may solve this limitation.
None of our three background processing mechanisms
rely on OS-level or network-level support for QoS.
However, if such support was available, they could all
be easily modified to take advantage of such mecha-
5. Background processing evaluation
We implemented the three background processing
mechanisms described above in Apache version 1.3 beta
1 [Apache HTTP Server Project 1998b]. The server ran
on the same machine as during the bottleneck resource
experiments (see Section 3). Foreground and back-
ground transactions were generated by two synchro-
nized Webstone [Trent and Sage 1995] benchmarks,
each with several clients. Foreground load was kept at a
fixed level during an experiment while increasing back-
ground load over time. We expect that increasing the
background load will reduce foreground performance in
a basic system. By introducing specific background pro-
cessing mechanisms, we attempt to reduce foreground
performance degradation.
To quantify the effect of background traffic on fore-
ground load, we measured the response time and size of
each transaction. Since different size replies have differ-
ent response times, we normalize these times by divid-
ing them by the best observed time for the respective
size for each network configuration. Normalized times
are thus dimensionless. The best possible normalized
response time is 1 (all responses took the minimum
time). Because we aggregate traffic from a number of
clients, typical normalized times are 1-2 for light loads,
or 3-5 for heavier loads where foreground traffic has
more self-interference.
To characterize the variability in measured traffic, we
report median and quartiles of normalized foreground
response times for all transactions measured during a
five minute test run (typically several thousand transac-
tions). As background load rises, we would expect the
median to rise and the quartiles to spread, indicating
more interference and variability. The ideal background
processing mechanism will minimize these effects,
resulting in a flat, low foreground performance curve
and a low interquartile gap.
Figures 2and 3 summarize the results of our experi-
ments. To explore the design space, we varied:
• Backgrounding Algorithm:
unmodified server (no distinction between request pri-
orities), and each of our three background processing
• Network:
10Mb/s and 100Mb/s private, non-switched Ethernets
with no other traffic present
• Foreground Load:
light load (causing 20% bottleneck resource utiliza-
tion) and heavy load (causing 80% utilization)
For 10Mb/s Ethernet, the bottleneck was the network,
and high foreground request loads were generated by 3
and 15 Webstone clients, respectively. For 100Mb/s
Ethernet and a CPU-bound system, we used 15 and 52
clients to generate the loads (numbers chosen according
to Figure 1.)
5.1. Results for 10Mb/s Ethernet
The first two graphs show foreground response times in
the basic case with no backgrounding being performed.
With one service class, median performance grew up to
40 times worse (from 1.05 without background load to
about 40) under light load (Figure 2: light/basic). Under
heavy load (Figure 2: heavy/basic), it grew about 15
Light Foreground Load (light) Heavy Foreground Load (heavy)
No BG Processing (basic) Limited BG Pool (ltdpool) Low-Priority BG Pool (loprio) Rate-Limited BG Pool (ltdrate)
Figure 2. Normalized median foreground response times (with first and third quartiles) for the baseline case and the
three different backgrounding mechanisms over 10Mb/s Ethernet; both under light and heavy foreground
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Normalized Response Time
Background Clients
■ ■
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Normalized Response Time
Background Clients
■ ■
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Normalized Response Time
Background Clients
■ ■
■ ■ ■
■ ■ ■
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Normalized Response Time
Background Clients
■ ■
■ ■ ■
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Normalized Response Time
Background Clients
■ ■
■ ■
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Normalized Response Time
Background Clients
■ ■
■ ■ ■ ■
■ ■
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Normalized Response Time
Background Clients
■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Normalized Response Time
Background Clients
■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
times worse (from 2.8 to 42). We also saw a substantial
increase in response time variation, as illustrated by the
wide inter-quartile gap. Under heavy foreground load
there was substantial interference within the group of
foreground connections: With no background traffic
present, we observed a median response time that was
two to three times slower than under light load. From
this, we conclude that background requests can substan-
tially reduce median performance in an unmodified sys-
Next, we will look at the result from our first back-
grounding algorithm, where the server limited its back-
ground pool size to five. For both light and heavy (Fig-
ure 2: light/ltdpool, heavy/ltdpool) foreground load,
median performance only grew 5-6 times worse. The
simple idea of limiting the background pool resulted in a
considerable improvement compared to the basic case.
However, median performance was degraded noticeably,
and the variance in observed median performance was
substantial, although smaller than in the basic case. This
simple mechanism keeps median performance under 10
times normal for half of all requests.
Our second algorithm also lowers the process priority of
the background processes to the minimum in addition to
keeping the pool size limited to five servers. Median
performance under light (Figure 2: light/loprio) load
was unchanged from the previous case, while median
performance under heavy load (Figure 2: heavy/loprio)
was marginally better than during the previous experi-
ment (four times worse compared to five times before).
Performance variance was also virtually identical to the
previous experiment. We have shown above that CPU is
not the bottleneck for 10Mb/s Ethernet. Thus, even low-
priority processes received enough CPU time to gener-
ate a substantial amount of network traffic. Process pri-
orities are therefore not an adequate mechanism to
establish different levels of service in this scenario. This
result emphasizes the point that knowledge of the bottle-
neck resource is essential.
The third backgrounding mechanism we evaluated was
rate-limiting background sends. It performed best, with
very low overhead and variance, under both foreground
loads: With light load (Figure 2: light/ltdrate), median
performance grew by only 4% and variance was also
extremely low. Under heavy foreground load (Figure 2:
heavy/ltdrate) median performance degraded by less
than 18%.
5.2. Results for 100Mb/s Ethernet
We expected different results for 100Mb/s Ethernet,
because of the different bottleneck resource. As before,
performance (both median and variance) degraded in the
basic case with increasing background load: For light
foreground load (Figure 3: light/basic), it grew almost
ten times worse (from 1.3 with no background load to
about 11.6) For heavy load (Figure 3: heavy/basic) it
grew from 2.8 to almost 16; over five times worse. Vari-
ance in both cases was extremely high. Again, we see
substantial interference within the group of foreground
connections alone; with no background load, median
performance for heavy load is more than twice as bad
than for light load. Comparing this case against the
10Mb/s case, note that the normalized response times
here are about 50% smaller than before. This is because
in the network-bound 10Mb/s case, delays in response
time are mostly due to packet losses and the incurred
retransmission. In the 100Mb/s case there is plenty of
idle network capacity. Thus, delays in response time are
mostly due to queueing inside the kernel.
By limiting the background pool, both median perfor-
mance and its variance was improved under both sets of
foreground load. As for the 10Mb/s case, limiting the
size of the background pool is an effective first step to
establish different levels of service. Under light fore-
ground load (Figure 3: light/ltdpool) median perfor-
mance only grows worse twofold, while under heavy
load (Figure 3: heavy/ltdpool) it only increases by 40%.
Again, this very simple mechanism can limit the
excesses of backgrounding.
Our second backgrounding mechanism also lowered the
priority of the background processes. We had designed
this mechanism specifically for a CPU-bound system to
evaluate if process priorities would help in this scenario.
Our results indicate that this is not the case. Both under
light and heavy (Figure 3: light/loprio, heavy/loprio)
background loads, median performance is only margin-
ally better than in the previous case (Figure 3: light/ltd-
pool, heavy/ltdpool), where the background servers ran
at the same priority as the foreground ones. One possi-
ble explanation for this lies in the nature of the 4.4BSD
CPU scheduler [McKusick et al. 1996]. It lowers the
priority of processes that have accumulated more CPU
time than others, and it raises the priority of process that
are blocked. These two features of the scheduler coun-
teract our intention to use priorities to further slow down
background processes.
Rate-limiting the background pool works best again in
this scenario. Under light foreground load (Figure 3:
light/ltdrate), median performance only degrades by
about 6%, and the performance variance is extremely
small. Under heavy foreground load (Figure 3:
heavy/ltdrate), median performance decreases by 11%,
which is a moderately better than the first two algo-
rithms, but variance is significantly reduced, as shown
by the quartiles.
Light Foreground Load (light) Heavy Foreground Load (heavy)
No BG Processing (basic) Limited BG Pool (ltdpool) Low-Priority BG Pool (loprio) Rate-Limited BG Pool (ltdrate)
Figure 3. Normalized median foreground response times (with first and third quartiles) for the baseline case and
three different backgrounding mechanisms over 100Mb/s Ethernet; both under light and heavy foreground
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Normalized Response Time
Background Clients
■ ■ ■
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Normalized Response Time
Background Clients
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Normalized Response Time
Background Clients
■ ■ ■
■ ■
■ ■
■ ■■ ■
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Normalized Response Time
Background Clients
■ ■
■ ■
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Normalized Response Time
Background Clients
■ ■ ■
■ ■ ■
■ ■
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Normalized Response Time
Background Clients
■ ■
■ ■ ■
■ ■ ■
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Normalized Response Time
Background Clients
■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Normalized Response Time
Background Clients
■ ■ ■
■ ■ ■
5.3. Discussion of results
In this section, we will summarize the experimental
results of our three background traffic mechanisms, and
then discuss how our mechanisms can be applied to sce-
narios where the server is not CPU- or network-bound,
or to scenarios where request messages need to be sent
in the background.
An important first result of our experiments is that sub-
stantial benefits can be provided with user-level
changes. Even the very simple approach of limiting the
background server pool works well in both scenarios:
The median foreground response time is kept around
five and ten times the minimum for the 10Mb/s and
100Mb/s cases. A surprising outcome is that our second
mechanism (lowering the process priority of the back-
ground pool) did not result in the expected improvement
over the first one (just limiting the pool size) - especially
in the CPU-bound case, where process priorities should
be most useful. As described above, the BSD CPU
scheduler diminishes the difference between high-prior-
ity and low-priority processes by rewarding I/O. On
other systems, especially non-Unix systems, this may be
different. However, since there are minor median perfor-
mance improvements in some cases (and no penalties in
the other ones), we consider lowering the priority of the
background pool useful in addition to other measures.
Of the three simple backgrounding mechanisms we have
designed, limiting the network sending rate of back-
ground processes performs best. In all cases, median
foreground performance decreased slowly (and only by
about 4-17%) as background load increased substan-
tially. This is the primary requirement for a good back-
grounding mechanism (see the beginning of Section 5).
Another improvement of rate-limiting (compared to
simply limiting the background pool size) is that rate
limits offer a much finer granularity of control. Even a
single server process can put a considerable load on a
system, if presented with enough requests. Thus, an
increase of one in the background pool size can translate
into a large change in bottleneck resource utilization due
to background requests. For our third mechanism to be
effective, it is important to set the rate limit to a fraction
of the available uplink bandwidth to the Internet. Even
then, background traffic may interfere with other traffic
after the first hop, if a bandwidth bottleneck exists fur-
ther up the path. To minimize these interferences, the
rate limit should be kept low both relative to the uplink
bandwidth and in absolute terms. An additional minor
benefit of this mechanism is that it may generate less
bursty background traffic by spreading out the transmis-
sion of the response message over an interval of time.
Our experiments were conducted using a small, static
set of web pages. A server offering dynamic content will
usually have higher local resource utilization (CPU, disk
and physical memory) due to the extra processing
involved with each request. Our experiments show that
application-level backgrounding mechanisms are effec-
tive in the CPU-bound case. (As CPU requirements per
request increase, our second mechanism may provide
better service discrimination than the first.) For a disk-
or memory-bound server, we believe our current mecha-
nisms would be effective, since slowing down the back-
ground pool will result in fewer resource requests from
those processes, so a larger share of the critical resource
is available to foreground processes. Knowledge of the
system bottleneck (see Section 3) would allow generali-
zation of our approaches to further address this situa-
tion, such as rate-limiting the disk I/O of background
We have limited ourselves to implementing server-side
backgrounding mechanisms. Thus, all request messages
are sent in the foreground. Since most requests are small
[Mah 1997], requests will not typically lower perfor-
mance. If backgrounding of request messages is of
prime concern, our mechanisms can also be applied on
the client-side, to allow sending requests in the back-
6. Related work
Extensions for differentiated services have been pro-
posed at the application-, kernel- and network layer.
Almeida et al. [Almeida et al. 1998] have designed sev-
eral application-level and kernel approaches to web
QoS. Their first application-level mechanism limits the
server pool sizes allocated to requests of different
classes. It is similar to out first mechanism (limiting the
background pool) except that they demultiplex and
queue requests inside the application. The second mech-
anism they have implemented is a kernel level-scheduler
that allows preemption of low-level requests and assigns
process priorities based on the request class, which is
similar to our lowered-priority approach. While they
confirm our result that simple application-level mecha-
nisms (such as a limited pool of servers) are effective,
they claim that under heavy load, kernel-level preemp-
tion mechanisms are needed to improve performance.
We examined application-level mechanisms in more
depth, evaluating three different mechanisms. We dem-
onstrated that a carefully designed application-level
method will perform well even under heavy load. Thus,
additional kernel mechanisms may not be required.
Several soft-realtime kernel extensions to give applica-
tions more control about scheduling and resource allo-
cation have been proposed. AQUA [Lakshman et al.
1998] is a kernel-level framework that allows cooperat-
ing multimedia applications to dynamically negotiate
their CPU and network I/O requirements with the ker-
nel. If a resource becomes congested, applications are
notified by AQUA and may adapt to the new service
environment. This approach allows background pro-
cesses to use allocated resources, addressing the first
problem we identify in Section 7. Unfortunately, it
requires kernel changes and does not address non-allo-
cated bottlenecks. OMEGA [Nahrstedt and Smith 1996]
is an end-system kernel framework that supports soft-
realtime scheduling of CPU, memory and network
resource allocation to provide end-to-end QoS.
OMEGA is similar to AQUA; applications dynamically
negotiate their resource requirements with a QoS broker.
Waldspurger and Weihl have successfully applied their
proportional-share resource schedulers [Waldspurger
and Weihl 1994, 1995] to CPU and network interface
scheduling for a modified Linux kernel. Experiments
show that they are successful in allocating different
shares of the managed resource to different applications.
As with AQUA before, these schedulers can improve
application-level backgrounding, but require kernel
Application-level mechanisms cannot directly control
what happens to their traffic inside the network. Net-
work-level mechanisms could be used to improve appli-
cation-level backgrounding mechanisms. At the net-
work-level, several proposals have been made to accom-
modate different levels of service. One such proposal is
to extend IP for integrated services [Wroclawski 1997].
In this scheme, receivers initiate a resource reservation
request to receive a guaranteed service commitment
with the Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) [Zhang
et al. 1993]. A second proposal is to extend IP to sup-
port differentiated services [Blake et al. 1998]. This
approach allows high priority traffic to take precedence
over existing traffic on a per-packet basis. Compliant
routers will respect priorities in their queueing and for-
warding decisions.
Ultimately the network and end system OS are the best
places to provide differentiated services. A router can
react to traffic requirements directly, and the end system
OS has better means of enforcing QoS than non-privi-
leged applications. Deployment of these mechanisms is
difficult since many routers must support these protocols
for the system to become effective. Our work suggests
that much of the benefits of background service is possi-
ble through application-level mechanisms. For best
results, however, the administrator must tune the back-
ground transfer rate proportional to the bottleneck band-
width. If this bottleneck is not known, network support
is important, but if the bottleneck is well understood
(such as at the server’s Internet connection) this tuning
is straightforward.
7. Future work
We have shown that rate-limiting background sends is
an effective server-side, application-level background-
ing mechanism. The major problem of that approach is
that the rate limit can never be exceeded; even if the net-
work could sustain the additional traffic without a
decrease in foreground performance. If foreground load
could be quantified, this limitation could be overcome.
We plan on experimenting with more elaborate back-
ground processing schemes to that purpose. One such
scheme (requiring OS support) would be to have back-
ground processes send only if the foreground socket
buffers are empty. Another mechanism might be to have
the (foreground) server pool aggregate throughput sta-
tistics over time to estimate the available network band-
At this time, our modified web server demultiplexes the
request stream into service classes at the OS-level by
using different sockets for background and foreground
requests. We would like to investigate a server that
demultiplexes its request stream at the application level.
This gives the server more control over how and when to
process each request, but raises the issue of head-of-line
blocking (background request at the head of the socket
queue delays foreground requests queued behind it). To
overcome this problem, application-level queueing
needs to be implemented.
This paper has concentrated on backgrounding of uni-
cast traffic. However, multicast traffic may also benefit
from the availability of background service. One exam-
ple are multicast content-push applications such as
video-conferencing: the audio channel could be trans-
mitted in the foreground, since humans are more sensi-
tive to interruptions of the audio stream, while the video
channel could be transmitted in the background. We
have applied the idea of application-level background-
ing to multicast distribution in the LSAM system [Touch
and Hughes 1998].
One limitation of the Webstone benchmark we used to
generate the request load during our experiments is the
inability to generate a load that completely overloads the
server [Banga and Druschel 1997]. Future experiments
should use a more realistic model to simulate client
8. Conclusion
We have described several scenarios in which having
different levels of service for web requests would result
in a better overall service model. An ideal system
requires extensions to most network routers and the end
system OS and applications. These extensions are under
development, but will take time to standardize and
Application-level mechanisms can achieve several of
the key benefits of a complete solution while being
extremely easy to set up. Knowing the bottleneck
resource of the system is essential in designing an effec-
tive mechanism. A web server has been monitored in
two different experiments to detect its bottleneck
resource. Using that information, we have designed and
implemented three simple, server-side, application-level
mechanisms to support different levels of service. These
mechanisms have been compared against the basic sys-
tem in four different sets of experiments. Analyzing the
results showed that while any of our mechanism per-
forms better than the basic case, limiting the send rate of
background responses is particularly effective in estab-
lishing different levels of service: The performance
impact of this mechanism on foreground traffic was less
than 4-17% in all cases.
We would like to thank Joe Touch for his detailed dis-
cussions of background processing alternatives and for
his valuable comments on an earlier draft of this paper.
Ted Faber, Steve Hotz and Joe Bannister have also pro-
vided helpful feedback for the paper.
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Lars Eggert and John Heidemann. "Application-level differentiated services for web servers." Computer Science Technical Reports (Los Angeles, California, USA: University of Southern California. Department of Computer Science) no. 695 (1999).
Asset Metadata
Eggert, Lars
Heidemann, John
Core Title
USC Computer Science Technical Reports, no. 695 (1999)
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Application-level differentiated services for web servers (
Department of Computer Science,USC Viterbi School of Engineering, University of Southern California, 3650 McClintock Avenue, Los Angeles, California, 90089, USA
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