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USC Computer Science Technical Reports, no. 957 (2015)
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USC Computer Science Technical Reports, no. 957 (2015)
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DBit: AMethodologyforComparingContentDistribution
Zahaib Akhtar
, Alefiya Hussain
, Ethan Katz-Bassett
, Ramesh Govindan
University of Southern California,
USC/Information Sciences Institute
Content distribution networks (CDNs) are increasingly used
to deliver high-performance web services. As the volume of
content grows, these networks constantly evolve to improve
performance. Their performance is difficult to characterize
because it depends on factors including the distribution of
clients, the geographical scope of the CDN, the specific way
in which the content delivery is engineered, and so on. In this
paper, we ask the following question: given two CDNs, how
do we determine whether one CDN’s user-perceived perfor-
mance is significantly better than another? In a departure
from prior work, we propose a methodology called DBit that
identifies distributional differences in user-perceived perfor-
mance, and we apply it to several CDNs that serve photos.
Using 14.5 million photo fetches on PlanetLab from three
popular CDNs over a period of 8 months, we find that DBit
can identify significant performance differences not just be-
tween CDNs, but also across time and location. To assess
the robustness of our findings, we complement the Planet-
Lab dataset with data from home networks in 1470 ASes
More than a decade ago, Akamai was the first to build out
a large content distribution network (CDN) that hosted con-
tent on behalf of other providers. With the recent increase
in image and video content, and the advent of cloud-based
services, many other companies, such as Google, Microsoft,
Facebook, Apple and Netflix all have either built their own
CDNs or are reported to be building one [1, 2, 3, 7, 15]. If
it is not already true, it is quite likely that in the near fu-
ture, a very large proportion of Internet traffic will be served
by CDNs. For this reason, it is important to understand the
performance of these CDNs.
Assessing the performance of a CDN is hard, as it depends
upon many factors, such as the placement of the front-end
servers in the topology and the quality of their connectivity
to clients, the cache sizes and the cache efficacy, the compute
capacity of the front-ends, the network connectivity between
the front-ends and the back-end, the efficiency of the storage
system (e.g., for photos and videos) or the compute system
(e.g., for search) at the back-end, and so forth. In addition,
while CDNs can get a fairly complete picture of their own
infrastructure by instrumenting the entire “stack” [15], as-
sessing the performance of a CDN can be much harder for a
third-party. Since requests to a CDN for content terminate at
the front-ends, it can be hard to directly measure and under-
stand aspects of a CDN’s operation beyond these front-end
As a first step towards understanding CDN performance,
in this paper we ask a foundational question: can we develop
a methodology that can discern whether or not two CDNs of-
fer statistically significant performance? Given two CDNs
A and B, our proposed methodology, called DBit, can an-
swer the question “Is A significantly better than B?” or the
converse “Is B significantly better than A?”. DBit can as-
sess performance for a continuous-valued performance met-
ric such as latency or throughput. Suppose we are interested
in the question: does CDN A have a significantly better la-
tency than B? Conceptually, DBit has three distinct stages
which can be collectively used to answer this question. In
the first stage, we use multiple distributed vantage points
to measure samples of the latency from CDNs A and B.
These samples approximate the distribution of latency seen
for each CDN at each vantage point. In the second stage,
DBit determines, at each vantage point whether the latency
distribution of A is statistically better than that of B. At the
end of this stage, DBit assesses the proportion of vantage
points at which A’s performance is statistically better than
that of B. In the third stage, DBit uses a statistical test to
determine if this proportion is significantly different than by
To evaluate DBit, we collected 14.5 million photo fetches
from three popular CDNs from PlanetLab nodes over a pe-
riod of 8 months. In addition, to assess potential vantage
point bias, we also collected photo latency measurements
from the RIPE Atlas measurement platform whose vantage
points are located in home networks on more than 1500 ASes.
We find that DBit can uncover many significant differences
that are consistent with intuition such as the differences be-
tween hot and cold fetches, and time-of-day differences. In
addition, it is able to find interesting and previously unknown
regional variations in performance between CDNs, and dif-
ferences between overall performance and tail performance.
Moreover, when DBit deems one CDN’s latency distribution
to be better than another, the magnitude of these differences
are often several tens to hundreds of milliseconds. Such dif-
ferences in magnitude can significantly impact revenue [18].
Such a capability can be used in two ways. First, while
companies like Keynote [17] provide other companies with
basic web performance measurements from distributed van-
tage points, a third-party provider like Keynote could adopt
this methodology to provide a rigorous basis for interpret-
ing measurement results and assessing the comparative per-
formance of major CDNs. Such an assessment can be one
factor in a customer deciding to use a CDN service, or for
a CDN to assess the impact of topology or policy changes.
Second, a CDN can use this methodology to compare itself
against its competitors (for whom it will not have direct ac-
cess to performance metrics). This can focus the CDN’s en-
gineering efforts, and may reveal opportunities for perfor-
mance differentiation. For example, the CDN may find that
it does not perform as well as its competitors in a key geo-
graphic area, and may choose to build out more there.
We now describe DBit with reference to two CDNs A and
B. Conceptually, DBit has three distinct stages.
Stage 1: DBit obtains active measurements to CDNs from
a set of vantage pointsV. Each active measurement from a
node v inV to A or B produces one sample of the perfor-
mance metric of interest (e.g., latency or throughput). Sup-
pose we model this performance metric as a random variable
and X
for the two CDNs at each node v. In gen-
eral, the distributions of X are not known a priori and can
be different for different CDNs, because the corresponding
performance metric may depend upon many factors, such as
client and Photo CDN load, competing network traffic, etc.
Stage 2: DBit looks for statistically significant distribu-
tional differences in the empirical distributions of the ran-
dom variablesX. That is, rather than comparing the CDNs
atv using first or second-order statistics, we ask: is the dis-
tribution ofX
statistically worse thanX
, denoted by
> X
? This question can be answered using a spe-
cific instance of hypothesis testing: a non-parametric hy-
pothesis test, the two-sample one-sided Kolmogorov-Smirnov
test [23] (or K-S test), can confirm or refute the hypothesis
that X
> X
, at a specified significance level (or, as
it is sometimes known, a p-value). Intuitively, the signifi-
cance level indicates a degree of confidence in the verdict.
Smaller significance levels are better. For example, a signif-
icance level of 0.05 (which we use in this paper) means that
the null hypothesis (thatX
is not statistically worse than
) can be rejected with 95% confidence. The output of
this stage is a single bitb
for each nodev which is 1 (re-
spectively 0) if the null hypothesis could (respectively could
not) be rejected at the given level of significance. Thus, if
is 1, then A’s performance is statistically worse than
B’s at the specified p-value.
In practice, particularly for noisy empirical distributions,
it is possible for the one-sided K-S test to declare X
. DBit conservatively generates two
, where the former is defined as above,
is 1 only if the hypothesis thatX
be rejected. The intent is to declare thatX
when, at node v, A is conclusively distributionally worse
than B.
Stage 3: DBit determines whether the per-nodev distribu-
tional differences are statistically different across the entire
set of vantage pointsV. The key intuition we use is: if a sig-
nificant number ofb
bits are one and a significant number
of c
bits are one, then we say that A performs better than
B (assuming that less is better). To do this, we use the bino-
mial test [5], a hypothesis test that determines if a collection
of binary outcomes is unlikely to have occurred by chance.
The binomial test derives the confidence (again expressed as
a significance level or p-value) that the overall outcome (the
proportion of 1s across the total population of clients) is sig-
nificantly different than just by chance (i.e., different than if
the probability at each node of a 1 or a 0 were 50%). When
the binomial test is true for a low-enough P-value (in our
paper, 0.01) we say that (in our example), A is better than B.
In the rest of the paper, we demonstrate how to apply DBit
to compare different CDNs, explore how well it works, and
what its conclusions reveal about the state of CDNs today. In
general, a CDN may host different services whose notions of
performance may be different (e.g., a photo service may de-
pend on latency of photo downloads, while a shared docs ser-
vice’s performance metric may be how quickly writes prop-
agate to participants). Moreover, these performance met-
rics can be affected by software designs (caching decisions,
transport protocol optimizations). So, rather than apply DBit
to some generic notion of a CDN, we applied to specific ser-
In particular, we focus on latency of access to photos on
Facebook, Google+ and Flickr (henceforth collectively called
Photo CDNs) (For photos, Facebook uses the Akamai CDN
infrastructure in addition to its own CDN, so we are also
able to assess Facebook’s use of Akamai). Our choice of
services is not intended to be exhaustive, and we leave to
future work the exploration of other CDNs (e.g., Netflix’s
CDN for video).
In the following paragraphs, we describe the measurement
3.1 Methodology
Vantage Points. To measure Photo CDNs, we use two sets
of vantage points. The first is PlanetLab, where we use
189 vantage points from distinct sites. As we discuss be-
low, PlanetLab provides much more visibility into compo-
nents of performance, but may be biased because its nodes
are located at universities. To test for bias in our results, we
also use a set of vantage points selected from the RIPE At-
las measurement infrastructure, whose nodes are housed at
homes of volunteers. This set of 1470 vantage points, each in
a distinct AS, is qualitatively different from PlanetLab and
representative of home users. Unfortunately, the RIPE At-
las provides a more constrained measurement interface (as
discussed below), with limited visibility into different com-
ponents of performance.
Metrics. We measure the latency of photo downloads for the
three Photo CDNs from these vantage points. For photos we
measure three forms of latency: cold-fetch latency, which is
the time taken to download a photo for the first time, hot-
fetch latency which is the time taken to download a recently
accessed photo, and scaling latency, which is the time taken
to download a scaled version of a recently accessed photo.
The reference stream. To measure these forms of latency,
we uploaded a total of 600,000 photos, or 200,000 for each
of the three providers (Facebook, Google+ and Flickr). We
uploaded these photos to newly created accounts and set pri-
vacy settings to ensure that these photos could not be ac-
cessed by other users of these Photo CDNs. We assigned
each Planetlab node 150 unique photos from each Photo
CDN to ensure that, when a client fetches one of these pho-
tos for the first time, it is truly a “cold” access (i.e., no other
client could have accessed it). All photos were JPEG images
of the same resolution (960x640) and the same JPEG qual-
ity factor (97). We chose fixed photo sizes to ensure that size
differences do not significantly affect our latency measure-
We followed substantially the same methodology for the
RIPE vantage points, but with one important difference: all
accesses from RIPE vantage points were to photos that were
of size 1x1 pixels. Since most RIPE nodes are in home net-
works, we used smaller photos to minimally disturb home
users’ perceived network performance. Moreover, because
of limitations in the way measurement campaigns can be
mounted on RIPE, we were only able to measure hot-fetch
latencies from the RIPE vantage points.
We describe below the precise methodology for generat-
ing the reference stream to assess hot and cold fetch latency.
URL Generation. After uploading the photos, we acquire
the direct CDN URL for each photo by calling the corre-
sponding provider-supported APIs (Facebook’s Graph API,
Flickr’s Data API, Google+ /Picasa Data API). Since Google
and Flickr serve photos entirely from their own CDNs, they
achieve latency optimizations using DNS redirection: when
a client makes a DNS request, the service returns the IP ad-
dress of a nearby cache server. Thus, the photo URL for
Google and Flickr is independent of client location. In
contrast, Facebook serves users both from its own CDN and
Akamai, so a user may either be directed to Akamai node or
to Facebook’s own cache server. To ensure that each van-
tage point’s Facebook photo URLs are user-representative
for that vantage point, we make API calls using Facebook’s
Graphs API frome each of the node. We confirm the user-
representativeness of URLs by also loging in to Facebook
from each of our sites and comparing the API returned URLs
with those in user’s actual photo albums.
For our scaling latency measurements, vantage points re-
quest scaled images with consistent scaling parameters, so
that we can meaningfully compare latency measurements
across clients. Google+ and Facebook permit dynamic re-
sizing and cropping, by encoding the desired scale in the
photo URL. Flickr, by contrast, scales images to a fixed set
of sizes when a client uploads them, and it does not permit
dynamic scaling.
3.2 Photo CDN Architectures
Before understanding our results and the rest of our method-
ology, we describe some details of Photo CDN architecture
gleaned from published studies and from our own measure-
ments. The general architecture of the three Photo CDNs we
study is as follows: Photo CDNs direct client photo fetches
to front-end servers, and a cache miss results in an access to
a photo back-end. In what follows, every reference to the
Akamai CDN refers to Facebook’s use of Akamai.
Google+: Recent work has shown that Google has expanded
its Web serving infrastructures and directs search requests
to satellite front-ends, which relay the requests to back-end
data centers [7]. Through measurements spanning the Google
address space , we have found that these satellite front-ends
also serve requests for Google+ photos. Therefore, Google+
has front-ends at 1400 distinct sites across the world [7].
When a user logs into Google+, the homepage displays
feeds from different sources which may include images. Wh-
en a user clicks on a photo or a shared album feed, Google
uses DNS redirection to direct the user to a nearby front-end
server [7]. Photo manipulation operations such as scaling or
cropping are encoded into the URLs for photos.
Facebook: Facebook uses its own set of cache front-end
servers [15] and also relies on Akamai [10] for front-end
servers to serve photos around the globe. In our paper,
we treat the two sets of cache servers differently, since, as
we show, they have different latency properties. Beyond
nine known Facebook front-end servers (the edge caches
in [15]), we have discovered through active probing 14 addi-
tional cache servers belonging to Facebook. Of these addi-
tional servers, 1 is in the US and the remaining are in Europe
and Asia.
When a user logs in, their timeline may include images
served from both Akamai and Facebook’s front-end servers.
Facebook’s published photo back-end design co-locates an
“origin” cache with the photo storage subsystem [6]. Face-
book also encodes photo scaling operations in the photo URL,
with origin caches performing the scaling [15].
Flickr: An analysis of DNS names from our measurements
indicates Flickr directs clients to three photo back-ends. These
Seattle, Amsterdam, Paris, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur,
London, Lulea (Sweden), Madrid, Milan, Tokyo, Sao Paulo, Sin-
gapore, Vienna
locations host three of the five known Yahoo! data cen-
ters [9]. Flickr also uses DNS redirection, but does not sup-
port dynamic scaling of photos.
3.3 Latency Measurements
From each PlanetLab vantage point, we periodically fetch
the URLs for photos from each Photo CDN using cURL.
cURL provides separate latency values for the DNS resolu-
tion, TCP connection setup, time between HTTP GET and
first byte and time to download the entire photo.
To measure the hot-fetch latency, each vantage point takes
an exclusive subset of URLs for each Photo CDN, and re-
peatedly fetches each of those URLs every 30 minutes. Ev-
ery fetch after the first is deemed a hot-fetch. As described
earlier, Photo CDNs cache recent fetches. Our choice of
measurement interval increases the likelihood that a hot-fetch
was served from the cache, without increasing load on the
service providers. As we show later, the latency distribu-
tions of hot-fetch and cold-fetch are significantly different,
validating our methodology.
To measure cold-fetch latency, clients use the remaining
(those not used for hot-fetches) and sequentially re-
trieve one of them an hour. With a set of 150 photos per
node the inter-access interval between cold-fetches is 6 days,
likely long enough for the content to have been flushed from
any caches. From preliminary experiments on Facebook, we
found that eviction time at various caches was between 52
and 60 hours, less than half our cold-fetch interval.
To measure scaling latency, clients fetch a cropped version
of each hot-fetched image, immediately after fetching the
non-cropped version. Scaling can increase latency because
it imposes processing on the photo fetch path, and can either
be performed at the back-end or at the cache server, and each
choice impacts latency differently.
All our experiments ran over a period of eight months dur-
ing which we retrieved a total of 14.5 million photo fetches
across all PlanetLab vantage points. Our latency measure-
ments for photos from RIPE Atlas ran for a period of 12
In this section, we evaluate DBit. DBit is a methodol-
ogy for comparing CDNs, but can also be thought of as a
binary metric for CDN comparison. It is difficult to evalu-
ate metrics per se, especially when there is no prior metric
to compare against. Moreover, since DBit relies on the KS-
test and the Binomial test, accepted statistical tests for test-
ing distributional differences and testing for biased coins,
respectively, we do not focus on whether its ability to dis-
criminate is sound but rather on, is DBit useful, using the
vantage points and performance metrics we deploy? Specif-
ically, we resort to a qualitative evaluation that explores two
Hot-fetches are distinguished from cold-fetches only by the time
at which the fetch is made, not by any syntatic differences in the
Methodology Validation Results
Akamai Facebook Flickr Google+
Aggregate 0 0.9864 0.034 0.7007 0 0.9116 0 0.9796
P-value 1.1e-44 1.2e-40 3.0e-33 8.1e-08 1.1e-44 1.1e-29 1.1e-44 5.9e-39
Significant 3 3 3 3
Table 4—KS-test and Two tailed P-values from binomial test at
99% significance level to validate Hot fetch Distribution always lies
to the left of Cold fetch distribution for all Photo CDNs. Aggregate
values represent the summed of fraction KS-Test Test Results.
Does the metric correctly identify differences known
to be (likely) true and hide differences known not to
exist? In other words, does the metric conform to intu-
Does the metric identify differences between CDNs for
which there exists at least one plausible explanation for
the difference based on what we know about how these
CDNs work (Section 3)?
Especially when addressing the second question, we come
up with interesting (and previously unknown) performance
differences between CDNs as they are today. While we of-
fer plausible explanations for many of these, future work
can conduct rigorous experiments to ascertain the causes for
these differences.
In what follows, we report results on applying this metric
to various aspects of Photo CDN performance, beyond hot
and cold fetch performance differences. We examine time of
day and regional differences in latency performance, outliers
in the measurement infrastructure, and tail performance.
With respect to the CDN differences we do observe, we
emphasize two points. First, CDNs are continuously evolv-
ing entities, so any differences we observe today may not
hold in the future. Second, as discussed previously, DBit
itself cannot explain the differences we see, and additional
measurements are needed for that. Doing these additional
measurements is left to future work, since, for each observed
difference, we will likely need to design a separate measure-
ment campaign to explain that observed difference. More
important, any plausible explanations we offer for the differ-
ences should be treated as hypotheses that need to be verified
by actual experiments.
Hot vs. Cold Fetches. We first compare the hot and cold
latency distribution for each Photo CDN for all PlanetLab
vantage points. Intuitively, if our methodology for issuing
hot and cold fetches correctly captures caching behavior, the
hot fetch distribution for a client should lie to the left (mean-
ing faster performance) of the client’s cold fetch distribution
for the same Photo CDN. Table 4 shows the results of the
comparison. We frame each comparison as a hypothesis.
For example, the Akamai column shows two hypotheses: H
>C and C>H, where H and C denote hot and cold fetches
respectively. The Aggregate row shows the total fraction of
nodes which reject the given hypothesis, so under the hy-
pothesis H >C, all nodes reject the hypothesis leading to a
value of 0. Conversely, the high aggregate value under
Global Hot Fetch Comparison: Photo
Facebook Vs Akamai Facebook Vs Google+ Facebook Vs Flickr Flickr Vs Akamai Flickr Vs Google+ Akamai Vs Google+
FB>Ak Ak>FB FB>G+ G+>FB FB>Fl Fl>FB Fl>Ak Ak>Fl Fl>G+ G+>Fl Ak>G+ G+>Ak
Aggregate 0.4136 0.2407 0.537 0.1667 0.1296 0.6481 0.8086 0 0.9444 0 0.5556 0.1605
P-value 3.4e-02 2.5e-11 3.9e-01 1.8e-18 5.1e-23 2.0e-04 7.9e-16 3.4e-49 6.1e-35 3.4e-49 1.8e-01 3.5e-19 Global
Significant? 7 7 X X X 7
N. America Hot Fetch Comparison
FB>Ak AK>FB FB>G+ G+>FB FB>Fl Fl>FB Fl>Ak Ak>Fl Fl>G+ G+>Fl Ak>G+ G+>Ak
Aggregate 0.2537 0.3731 0.3731 0.2388 0.0149 0.7761 0.9104 0 0.9701 0 0.5522 0.209
P-value 6.7e-05 5.0e-02 5.0e-02 2.2e-05 9.2e-19 6.5e-06 1.5e-12 1.4e-20 3.1e-17 1.4e-20 4.6e-01 1.8e-06 N. America
Significant? 7 7 X X X 7
Europe Hot Fetch Comparison
FB>Ak AK>FB FB>G+ G+>FB FB>Fl Fl>FB Fl>Ak Ak>Fl Fl>G+ G+>Fl Ak>G+ G+>Ak
Aggregate 0.4937 0.1646 0.6709 0.1139 0.2278 0.5949 0.7595 0 0.962 0 0.5696 0.1139
P-value 1.0e+00 1.1e-09 3.2e-03 7.8e-13 1.3e-06 1.2e-01 4.2e-06 3.3e-24 2.7e-19 3.3e-24 2.6e-01 7.8e-13 Europe
Significant? 7 X 7 X X 7
Table 1—Hot fetch KS-Test for the Planetlab client using a significance level of 0.01 for the Binomial Test. The results from the complete
set, North American and European clients are shown.
Global Cold Fetch Comparison: Photo
Facebook Vs Akamai Facebook Vs Google+ Facebook Vs Flickr Flickr Vs Akamai Flickr Vs Google+ Akamai Vs Google+
FB>Ak Ak>FB FB>G+ G+>FB FB>Fl Fl>FB Fl>Ak Ak>Fl Fl>G+ G+>Fl Ak>G+ G+>Ak
Aggregate 0.1296 0.6667 0.4938 0.3519 0.0185 0.9074 0.8519 0.0123 0.9691 0.0062 0.8642 0.0432
P-value 5.1e-23 2.7e-05 9.4e-01 2.0e-04 2.4e-43 2.1e-28 1.2e-20 4.5e-45 3.1e-40 5.6e-47 3.3e-22 1.8e-37 Global
Significant? X 7 X X X X
N. America Cold Fetch Comparison
FB>Ak AK>FB FB>G+ G+>FB FB>Fl Fl>FB Fl>Ak Ak>Fl Fl>G+ G+>Fl Ak>G+ G+>Ak
Aggregate 0 0.8507 0.3134 0.5373 0 0.9403 0.806 0.0149 0.9403 0 0.8657 0.0448
P-value 1.4e-20 4.0e-09 3.1e-03 6.3e-01 1.4e-20 1.1e-14 4.5e-07 9.2e-19 1.1e-14 1.4e-20 6.8e-10 6.8e-16 N. America
Significant? X 7 X X X X
Europe Cold Fetch Comparison
FB>Ak AK>FB FB>G+ G+>FB FB>Fl Fl>FB Fl>Ak Ak>Fl Fl>G+ G+>Fl Ak>G+ G+>Ak
Aggregate 0.1772 0.5696 0.6076 0.2278 0.0253 0.8734 0.8734 0.0127 1 0.0127 0.9241 0.0253
P-value 5.2e-09 2.6e-01 7.1e-02 1.3e-06 1.1e-20 5.5e-12 5.5e-12 2.7e-22 3.3e-24 2.7e-22 1.0e-15 1.1e-20 Europe
Significant? 7 7 X X X X
Table 2—Cold fetch KS-Test for the Planetlab client using a significance level of 0.01 for the Binomial Test. The results from the complete
set, North American and European clients are shown.
the hypothesis C>H signifies that an overwhelming major-
ity of the nodes accepted the hypothesis that the distribution
of cold fetches is indeed worse than hot fetches. We then
test the resulting aggregate values using a binomial test to
determine if chance could have explained these aggregates.
The resulting P-values, shown in the next row, are negligibly
small, ruling out the possibility of chance with high proba-
bility. Thus, we can conclude that, for Akamai, hot fetches
are distributionally better than cold fetches.
By similarly examining other columns, we see that this
distributional difference persists across other Photo CDNs.
Thus, DBit correctly identifies significant statistical differ-
ences between hot and cold fetches. Moreover, this experi-
ment demonstrates that DBit can be used not just to compare
CDNs, but to compare different aspects of performance of a
given CDN.
Hot-Fetch Photo Latency. Table 1 shows the all-pairs KS-
test and the accompanying binomial test results for hot-fetch
latency, calculated over all Planetlab clients. The results re-
veal that, for hot content, Flickr’s performance is statistically
worse than all other Photo CDNs i.e. Facebook, Google+
and Akamai, as evident from the higher aggregate values in
the respective columns and the low P-values from the bi-
nomial tests. On the other hand, for hot-fetches, Facebook
is statistically indistinguishable from Akamai and Google+,
and Akamai is statistically indistinguishable from Google+.
In summary, for hot-fetches, we can establish a partial or-
dering across Photo CDNs:fAk,G+,FBgfFlg from the
full set of Planetlab Clients. One plausible explanation for
this difference is the significantly smaller number of cache
server sites for Flickr, compared to the number for the other
CDNs, leading to longer network latencies for some clients.
Regional Differences. With DBit, we are also able to ob-
serve regional differences, by conditioning the distributions
on vantage points in different continents. In Europe, Face-
book’s hot fetch performance is inferior compared to Google+,
whereas as with global result, both are statistically indistin-
buishable from Akamai. The test between Facebook and
Flickr is indistinguishable, giving us the following partial or-
dering in Europe: Photo CDNs:fAk,G+gfFB,Flg. How-
ever, the partial ordering in North America is consistent with
that of the global set. Thus, Facebook compares favorably
with Google+ in North America, but not in Europe. There
is at least one plausible explanation for this: Facebook is
US-based, with large data centers on both coasts, near the
largest centers of population, and its careful engineering of
the photo stack [15] may compensate for Facebook’s rela-
tively fewer front-ends, but this compensation does not seem
Global Hot Fetch Comparison: RIPE Atlas like Measurements
Facebook Vs Akamai Facebook Vs Google+ Facebook Vs Flickr Flickr Vs Akamai Flickr Vs Google+ Akamai Vs Google+
FB>Ak Ak>FB FB>G+ G+>FB FB>Fl Fl>FB Fl>Ak Ak>Fl Fl>G+ G+>Fl Ak>G+ G+>Ak
Aggregate 0.6358 0.2469 0.7099 0.2407 0.3333 0.6173 0.9259 0.037 0.9506 0.0432 0.4877 0.3827
P-value 6.8e-04 7.7e-11 9.2e-08 2.5e-11 2.7e-05 3.5e-03 1.7e-31 8.1e-39 3.6e-36 1.8e-37 8.1e-01 3.5e-03 Global
Significant? X X X X X 7
N. America Hot Fetch Comparison
FB>Ak AK>FB FB>G+ G+>FB FB>Fl Fl>FB Fl>Ak Ak>Fl Fl>G+ G+>Fl Ak>G+ G+>Ak
Aggregate 0.4925 0.3134 0.6119 0.2985 0.2239 0.7463 0.8955 0.0448 0.9552 0.0448 0.5224 0.2687
P-value 1.0e+00 3.1e-03 8.6e-02 1.3e-03 6.5e-06 6.7e-05 1.3e-11 6.8e-16 6.8e-16 6.8e-16 8.1e-01 1.9e-04 N. America
Significant? X X 7 X X 7
Europe Hot Fetch Comparison
FB>Ak AK>FB FB>G+ G+>FB FB>Fl Fl>FB Fl>Ak Ak>Fl Fl>G+ G+>Fl Ak>G+ G+>Ak
Aggregate 0.7468 0.1899 0.7975 0.1772 0.3924 0.5443 0.962 0.0127 0.9873 0 0.4557 0.4557
P-value 1.3e-05 2.3e-08 9.4e-08 5.2e-09 7.1e-02 5.0e-01 2.7e-19 2.7e-22 2.7e-22 3.3e-24 5.0e-01 5.0e-01 Europe
Significant? X X 7 X X 7
Table 3—Hot Fetch Results from Planetlab using 320 Samples from each Photo CDN. The photos used here were the same as those used for
RIPE and latency metric is the sum of TCP and GET time (time to first byte). The green cells above show the results which are consistent
with the RIPE Results in 8
to be sufficient in Europe where it has only one datacenter
in Sweden and seven edge caches compared to 10 in the US.
Finally, we should note that our current set of Planetlab
vantage points does not include any in Africa, only five in
South-America, and about 15 in Asia. Thus, our “global”
comparisons might change with a larger measurement in-
frastructure and representation from these regions.
Vantage point bias. Are PlanetLab vantage point biased?
We evaluate our vantage point selection by comparing our
hot-fetch results for PlanetLab with those from RIPE. Re-
call that, on the RIPE Atlas, we are only able to obtain hot-
fetch, because of platform limitations (x 3). Moreover, on
the RIPE Atlas platform, we are only able to obtain TCP and
GET times. So, in comparing these two sets, we re-run DBit
on PlanetLab, but only use the TCP and GET (time between
HTTP GET and first Byte) times, so we can meaningfully
compare those two sets. Table 8 shows that the RIPE re-
sults are almost entirely consistent with the PlanetLab results
shown in Table 3, both globally and in North America and
Europe. Of the 18 different comparisons, the two of them
differ only in 1 of the comparisons, the one between Akamai
and Google+. We are currently investigating the cause of
this single difference, but we conclude from this that there
is substantial agreement between the two vantage point sets,
indicating that PlanetLab is not biased (or, at least, if it is,
it is biased similarly to the much larger set of RIPE Atlas
probes, which are less focused in educational networks).
Cold-Fetch Latency. Table 2 compares cold-fetch latency
across Photo CDNs. In this case, the results are qualitatively
different from hot-fetches: Facebook is distributionally bet-
ter than both Flickr and Akamai, and distributionally indis-
tinguishable from Google+. Flickr is distributionally worse
than both Akamai and Google+, and Google+ is distribution-
ally better than Akamai. This results in the following partial
ordering:fFB,G+g Ak Fl.
Recall that a cold-fetch request travels to a photo back-
end. However, given the way these Photo CDNs are archi-
Inter-Photo CDN Photo Scaling Comparison
Facebook Vs Akamai Facebook Vs Google+ Akamai Vs Google+
FB>Ak Ak>FB FB>G+ G+>FB Ak>G+ G+>Ak
Aggregate 0.247 0.7229 0.8614 0.1205 0.9759 0.0181
P-value* 4.5e-11 8.4e-09 2.3e-22 7.8e-25 6.7e-43 1.6e-44 Global
Significant? 3 3 3
Table 5—Inter-Photo CDN KS test Results for Image Scaling
tected, we have no visibility into the back-end dynamics.
We do know that Facebook has invested significant effort in
engineering the back-end [6, 15]. These engineering deci-
sions represent a plausible explanation for Facebook’s supe-
rior performance, and likely Google+ employs similar tech-
niques given its comparable performance. Because Flickr
performs qualitatively worse, we believe it does not incor-
porate some or all of these optimizations. Finally, Akamai
cold-fetches have to be routed to Facebook back-ends, and
we hypothesize that there might be some non-optimality in
that path (which Facebook cannot control or engineer).
Regional Differences. Facebook’s cold-Fetch comparison in
Europe matches the results for the hot fetches. Observe that
Facebook’s comparison with Akamai in Europe is indistin-
guishable as opposed to a win for Facebook in the Global set.
Similarly the comparison with Google+ shows that Face-
book performs worse than Google+ with respect to cold fetches
in Europe. This is an interesting insight, and suggests that
Facebook’s recent latency optimizations in North America [15]
(likely motivated by revenue concerns) have paid off.
Do the differences matter? DBit cannot itself indicate the
magnitude of the difference, so we resort to a different method-
ology to understand this. For each of our vantage points
where the comparison favors the “winning” CDN, we com-
pute the median latency values and plot the resultant CDF.
Figure 2 shows the CDF for Google+ in comparison to other
Photo CDNs. Observe that for hot fetches the worst case la-
tency difference between Google+ and Flickr can be as large
as3 seconds, and for hot fetches this can be over 5 seconds.
Even for the other services, there is a substantial difference.
For more than half of the vantage points at which Google+ is
better than Facebook, the median latency of Facebook is al-
most 0.5 seconds higher than that of Google+. Since revenue
AK Hot
AK Cold
FB Hot
FB Cold
FL Hot
FL Cold
G+ Hot
G+ Cold
Latency (sec)
Figure 1—Average Latency of each stage in the GET request for
both hot and cold fetches for all Photo CDNs
Time of Day Variation Detected by DBit
Akamai Facebook Flickr Google+
P2>P5 P5>P2 P2>P5 P5>P2 P2>P5 P5>P2 P2>P5 P5>P2
Aggregate 0.1296 0.9444 0.3889 0.8519 0.2407 0.9259 0.5926 0.8704
P-val 2.3e-08 2.9e-12 1.3e-01 1.4e-07 1.8e-04 3.8e-11 2.2e-01 2.3e-08
Significant X 7 X 7
Table 7—Time of Day Comparison for Photo Hot Fetches for all
Photo CDNs
is believed to be impacted by latency [18], these differences
can matter from a business perspective.
What components of latency dominate? For both cold and
hot fetches, accesses to photos incur several components:
DNS resolution, TCP connection setup, the GET time (the
time between issuing the HTTP request and getting the first
byte) and the transfer time. Figure 1 shows the relative pro-
portion of the contributions of each of these components for
each of CDNs; the stacks represent averages for these com-
ponents. We see that TCP connection setup times are almost
negligible, and DNS resolution times across all the CDNs
are comparable. Different CDNs distinguished themselves
by optimizing GET times and transfer times, which are also
the two most dominant components for all the CDNs. As ex-
pected, in every case, the GET time is significantly higher for
cold fetches than for hot fetches; this added latency reflects
the time to access the back-end storage. In most cases, the
transfer time is comparable for cold and hot fetches. This
suggests that the bottleneck for almost every CDN may be
between the cache server and the vantage point.
Tail latency. Because latency can impact revenue, content
providers are interested in engineering for tail latency [12].
DBit can also be used to study whether the tail latency dis-
tributions of different CDNs differ significantly, by appro-
priately truncating the original distributions. Table 6 shows
that for hot fetches, while Google+, Facebook, and Akamai
are indistinguishable when we consider the complete global
distribution, Google+ is better than the other two for the tail
latency. For cold fetches, Google+ and Facebook were in-
distinguishable when considering the complete global distri-
bution, but Google+ has better tail latency.
Time of Day Variability. Internet traffic and server load is
known to follow diurnal patterns. DBit can be used to un-
derstand two aspects of diurnal variability. First, the above
global cold and hot fetch differences are computed across
measurements obtained at different times of day. Are time-
of-day differences a possible explanation for these differ-
ences? To understand this question, we divided the 24 hour
day into 4 hour periods (labeled P1 to P6), with P1 from
2:30am-6:29am, P2 from 6:30am-10:29am and so on (these
periods are determined by local time at the corresponding
client’s timezone). We then repeated the DBit comparisons
for all CDNs for both cold and hot fetch latencies across each
time period. We found (results omitted for brevity) that, in
every period, the results were identical with the cold and hot
fetch results described above. This suggests that time-of-day
differences are unlikely to be an explanation for the perfor-
mance differences discussed earlier.
Second, we use DBit to understand whether a given CDN
performs better at some periods than at other periods. For
each Photo CDN, we compare latency distributions pairwise
between periods for each type of fetch using a subset of our
clients which lie in the same time zone. Our methodol-
ogy detects that for all Photo CDNs there is a clear perfor-
mance difference between P2, P5 and P6. We show the re-
sult for hot photo fetches in Table 7 for the comparison be-
tween P2 and P5. P6 is omitted for brevity. P2, the early
morning hours between 6:30am-10:29am, sees better per-
formance than evening (6:30pm-10:29p.m) and night hours
(10:30pm-2:29am) of P5 and P6 respectively. Akamai and
Flickr experience the greatest performance difference. The
worse performance during evening hours (6:30pm-10:29pm)
may either be because photo sharing is fundamentally a so-
cial activity and/or because Akamai’s other clients are ac-
cessed predominantly at these times. Thus, DBit is able to
uncover diurnal performance differences that conform to in-
Photo Scaling Latency. In order to compare dynamic scal-
ing of photo content, we fetch a scaled version of a photo just
after completing the regular fetch. In Table 5, which does
not include Flickr (x3.1), Google+ is distributionally better
than Facebook. Facebook scaling requests travel to the photo
back-end [15], but Google+ and Facebook are distribution-
ally indistinguishable for cold-fetches (whose requests also
travel to the back-end). So this statistical difference sug-
gests Google+ may be scaling photos in its cache servers.
In North America, however, Google+ is distributionally in-
distinguishable from Facebook (table omitted for brevity) in
scaling performance, suggesting that cache server to back-
end paths dominate performance in other parts of the globe.
Outliers: Using DBit, we can also detect outliers: “good”
clients whose latency distributions (hot and cold fetch com-
bined) for a given Photo CDN are significantly better than all
other clients, and “bad” clients whose latency distributions
are significantly worse than all other clients. We find that
most of the good clients are in North America or Europe.
Two of our clients, located in Boston and Washington, are
best across all Photo CDN. This may be because the sites
Global Hot Fetch Comparison: Photos 90th %ile
Facebook Vs Akamai Facebook Vs Google+ Facebook Vs Flickr Flickr Vs Akamai Flickr Vs Google+ Akamai Vs Google+
FB>Ak Ak>FB FB>G+ G+>FB FB>Fl Fl>FB Fl>Ak Ak>Fl Fl>G+ G+>Fl Ak>G+ G+>Ak
Aggregate 0.3457 0.4506 0.7037 0.216 0.1173 0.7963 0.7778 0.0617 0.963 0.0123 0.784 0.1543
P-value 1.1e-04 2.4e-01 2.3e-07 1.9e-13 1.0e-24 1.3e-14 6.6e-13 9.5e-34 8.1e-39 4.5e-45 1.9e-13 6.6e-20 Global
Significant? 7 X X X X X
Global Cold Fetch Comparison: Photos 90th %ile
FB>Ak AK>FB FB>G+ G+>FB FB>Fl Fl>FB Fl>Ak Ak>Fl Fl>G+ G+>Fl Ak>G+ G+>Ak
Aggregate 0.0556 0.9506 0.6975 0.2716 0.0185 0.9815 0.7099 0.0494 0.9877 0.0062 0.9691 0.0185
P-value 6.1e-35 3.6e-36 5.4e-07 5.3e-09 2.4e-43 2.4e-43 9.2e-08 3.6e-36 4.5e-45 5.6e-47 3.1e-40 2.4e-43 Global
Significant? X X X X X X
Table 6—Tail latency for both hot and cold photo fetches from the global set of Planetlab Clients
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Fetch Latency (sec)
Hot Fetches: Google+ vs. the rest at median
Fb > G+, G+
Fl > G+, G+
Ak > G+, G+
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Fetch Latency (sec)
Cold Fetches: Google+ vs. the rest at median
Fb > G+, G+
Fl > G+, G+
Ak > G+, G+
Figure 2—Do the differences matter? Distribution of medians for
Google+ in comparison to other Photo CDNs
have better Internet connectivity or the PlanetLab nodes at
these sites are close to the corresponding Photo CDN’s cache
server. We find other good performing clients in Canada
and USA (4), Germany (3), France (2), Ireland and UK one
each. The worst client in our set for Photo CDNs is located
in Cyprus, and we find multiple bad clients in Spain (3), Por-
tugal (3), Greece (2), Brazil (2), Ecuador (1) and Jordan (1).
One piece of research develops a model for indirectly mea-
suring the front-end to back-end latency for popular search
engines [8]. By contrast, DBit proposes a methodology to
rigorously compare a variety of aspects of CDN performance.
Other notable work is centered on understanding peer-to-
peer content delivery systems [20] and ISPs [19]. By con-
trast, our work focuses on a different setting (photo and video
sharing) and on one metric, latency, but explores distribu-
tional differences. Finally, Tariq et al. [22] propose a What-
If scenario evaluator to understand how changes to network
infrastructure will translate to user perceived performance.
By contrast, DBit can help a CDN understand what aspects
of its network infrastructure it needs to improve in order to
match a competitor’s performance.
Our work is inspired by recent work on optimizing photo
fetch performance [15]. An earlier paper [6] describes the
design of the photo back-end storage server. In contrast,
our work describes a black-box methodology for comparing
Facebook and other Photo CDNs.
Other work has explored or measured latency optimiza-
tions in a variety of contexts, identifying a repeatedly-used
design pattern of back-end data centers and front-end satel-
lites/caches. This pattern has been used by Google to im-
prove Web latency [7], by Yahoo! for access to its ser-
vices [9], by Akamai for generic content distribution [10],
and Youtube to optimize video bandwidth and latency [13].
We are not aware of work that has attempted to devise a
methodology to not only compare Photo CDNs but also to
generalize it to other latency metrics.
In this paper, we propose a novel methodology to compare
different aspects of CDN performance. DBit is able to bring
out interesting and plausible cold and hot fetch performance
differences, time-of-day differences and regional differences
in performance. While DBit can assess statistically signifi-
cant differences, it turns out that the magnitude of the per-
formance difference is several tens or hundreds of millisec-
onds, which can impact user satisfaction. It is also able to
assess whether providers differ significantly in the way they
handle the tail of the latency distribution. DBit is but a first
step towards a comprehensive methodology for CDN evalu-
ation and much work remains: exploring other CDNs (like
Netflix’s video CDN), developing DBit capable methodolo-
gies for assessing video download efficacy and understand-
ing chunking strategies, and understand systematic ways in
which one can explore the causes of the differences indicated
by DBit.
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Global Hot Fetch Comparison: RIPE Atlas
Facebook Vs Akamai Facebook Vs Google+ Facebook Vs Flickr Flickr Vs Akamai Flickr Vs Google+ Akamai Vs Google+
FB>Ak AK>FB FB>G+ G+>FB FB>Fl Fl>FB Fl>Ak Ak>Fl Fl>G+ G+>Fl Ak>G+ G+>Ak
Aggregate 0.6814 0.2115 0.7416 0.1593 0.2851 0.5582 0.8568 0.0535 0.8768 0.0469 0.5422 0.2851
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Significant? X X X X X X
Africa Hot Fetch Comparison
FB>Ak AK>FB FB>G+ G+>FB FB>Fl Fl>FB Fl>Ak Ak>Fl Fl>G+ G+>Fl Ak>G+ G+>Ak
Aggregate 0.5758 0.303 0.7576 0.2121 0.3333 0.5758 0.6061 0.1212 0.7273 0.0606 0.6667 0.2424
P-value 4.9e-01 3.5e-02 4.6e-03 1.3e-03 8.0e-02 4.9e-01 3.0e-01 1.1e-05 1.4e-02 1.3e-07 8.0e-02 4.6e-03 Africa
Significant? X X 7 7 X 7
Asia Hot Fetch Comparison
FB>Ak AK>FB FB>G+ G+>FB FB>Fl Fl>FB Fl>Ak Ak>Fl Fl>G+ G+>Fl Ak>G+ G+>Ak
Aggregate 0.7308 0.1282 0.7949 0.0641 0.3205 0.4103 0.7949 0.1282 0.8077 0.0769 0.3333 0.3718
P-value 5.6e-05 9.7e-12 1.5e-07 1.5e-16 2.0e-03 1.4e-01 1.5e-07 9.7e-12 3.8e-08 1.9e-15 4.3e-03 3.1e-02 Asia
Significant? X X 7 X X 7
Europe Hot Fetch Comparison
FB>Ak AK>FB FB>G+ G+>FB FB>Fl Fl>FB Fl>Ak Ak>Fl Fl>G+ G+>Fl Ak>G+ G+>Ak
Aggregate 0.7365 0.1597 0.7844 0.1257 0.2874 0.5549 0.9202 0.016 0.9301 0.0259 0.5689 0.2834
P-value 5.7e-27 6.5e-57 4.7e-39 3.8e-70 6.5e-22 1.6e-02 8.2e-92 0.0e+00 3.0e-97 0.0e+00 2.4e-03 1.0e-22 Europe
Significant? X X X X X X
North America Hot Fetch Comparison
FB>Ak AK>FB FB>G+ G+>FB FB>Fl Fl>FB Fl>Ak Ak>Fl Fl>G+ G+>Fl Ak>G+ G+>Ak
Aggregate 0.3778 0.4667 0.3778 0.4444 0.1333 0.7333 0.8 0.0444 0.8222 0.0667 0.5111 0.2556
P-value 2.6e-02 6.0e-01 2.6e-02 3.4e-01 5.2e-13 1.1e-05 8.1e-09 4.3e-21 4.4e-10 1.1e-18 9.2e-01 3.8e-06 N. America
Significant? 7 7 X X X 7
Oceania Hot Fetch Comparison
FB>Ak AK>FB FB>G+ G+>FB FB>Fl Fl>FB Fl>Ak Ak>Fl Fl>G+ G+>Fl Ak>G+ G+>Ak
Aggregate 0.7917 0.25 0.9583 0.0417 0.7917 0.1667 0.3333 0.5417 0.2917 0.3333 0.625 0.3333
P-value 6.6e-03 2.3e-02 3.0e-06 3.0e-06 6.6e-03 1.5e-03 1.5e-01 8.4e-01 6.4e-02 1.5e-01 3.1e-01 1.5e-01 Oceania
Significant? 7 X X 7 7 7
S. America Hot Fetch Comparison
FB>Ak AK>FB FB>G+ G+>FB FB>Fl Fl>FB Fl>Ak Ak>Fl Fl>G+ G+>Fl Ak>G+ G+>Ak
Aggregate 0.5238 0.4762 0.8095 0.1429 0.0952 0.8571 0.8095 0.0476 1 0 0.5238 0.1429
P-value 8.3e-01 1.0e+00 7.2e-03 1.5e-03 2.2e-04 1.5e-03 7.2e-03 2.1e-05 9.5e-07 9.5e-07 8.3e-01 1.5e-03 S. America
Significant? 7 X X X X 7
Table 8—KS-Test Results for Photo Hot Fetch, Global and region wise for RIPE Atlas probes. Red boxes show comparisons which differ
from the global result. Green cells show distinguishable comparisons
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Zahaib Akhtar, Alefiya Hussain, Ethan Katz-Bassett, and Ramesh Govindan. "DBit: A methodology for comparing content distribution networks." Computer Science Technical Reports (Los Angeles, California, USA: University of Southern California. Department of Computer Science) no. 957 (2015).
Asset Metadata
Akhtar, Zahaib
Govindan, Ramesh
Hussain, Alefiya
Katz-Bassett, Ethan
Core Title
USC Computer Science Technical Reports, no. 957 (2015)
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DBit: A methodology for comparing content distribution networks (
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