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USC Computer Science Technical Reports, no. 853 (2005)
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USC Computer Science Technical Reports, no. 853 (2005)
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USC/CS TECHNICAL REPORT 1 Spectral Analysis of Bottleneck Traffic Xinming He, Christos Papadopoulos, John Heidemann, Urbashi Mitra, Usman Riaz, Alefiya Hussain Abstract— Internet traffic contains a rich set of periodic patterns imposed by various processes. Examples include back- to-back packet transmissions on bottleneck links, periodic routing information exchange, transport layer effects such as TCP windowing behavior, and application layer effects such as miscon- figured DNS clients. Analyzing such periodic patterns has wide applications, including a better understanding of network traffic dynamics, diagnosis of network anomalies, and detection of DDos attacks. However, current understanding of periodic behavior in aggregate traffic is quite limited. Many previous approaches often analyze traffic on a per-flow basis, and do not scale well to analyze high speed network traffic. This paper explores the application of spectral techniques to analyze network traffic. We propose an experimental methodol- ogy to guide the application, and as a case study, we use this methodology to analyze the spectral characteristics imposed by bottleneck links on aggregate traffic. In our approach, we passively gather packet traces from the network and then apply spectral techniques to extract periodic patterns embedded in the trace, particularly the regularities imposed by various bottleneck links. Unlike techniques utilizing packet inter-arrival time, our approach does not require flow separation or grouping. The only information required is the packet arrival time. Our experiments show that bottleneck links impose distinct signatures on the underlying traffic, and these signatures can be detected by a downstream monitoring point. We introduce four non-parametric algorithms based on the Bayes Maximum-likelihood Classifier to detect bottleneck flows inside the aggregate, and evaluate their performance using real Internet traffic. As our future work, we plan to design parametric detection algorithms for better performance, and apply the methodology to study other periodic network phenomena. Index Terms— Spectral Analysis, Bottleneck Traffic I. INTRODUCTION There exist a variety of processes that govern the generation and shaping of Internet traffic. Many of them are periodic and reside at different communication layers. For example, fixed bandwidth at the link layer can cause packets to be transmitted back-to-back, creating periodic patterns in network traffic. At the network layer and transport layer, exchange of routing information and the TCP windowing mechanism can result in periodic packet transmission on the network. At the application layer, traffic automatically generated by machines, such as zombies in DDos (Distributed Denial-of- service) attacks or misconfigured DNS clients, can exhibit strong regularities. Such periodic processes imprint their own periodic signatures on network traffic. Periodicities are also visible at several timescales, ranging from microseconds (e.g., X. He, C. Papadopoulos, J. Heidemann, A. Hussain are with the Depart- ment of Computer Science, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089, USA (email:; christos,johnh,hussain U. Mitra and U. Riaz are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089, USA (email: ubli,uriaz clocking out packets on gigabit links) to days and years (e.g., diurnal cycles and seasonal traffic variations). Studying such periodicities can have wide applications, including a better understanding of network traffic dynamics, diagnosis of network anomalies, and detection of DDos at- tacks. For example, typical Dos attacks involve sending small packets at the maximum speed the machine and the network can support. Analyzing the traffic through a link saturated by such attack packets will reveal abnormally strong high frequency components compared with a link saturated by normal traffic composition. This strong high frequency signal may be utilized to distinguish a Dos attack from congestion due to high normal traffic load. Another example is to detect attacks attempting to overload a web server through repeated requests. Requests automatically originated by machines are typically more regular and this can be used to distinguish them from human-originated web requests. Spectral techniques have been widely used in many other fields to detect hidden patterns and trends from noisy back- ground. Examples include sonar detection of submarine signals from the ocean acoustic background, processing of weather data to model its patterns and forecast its future, analysis of stock market and other financial markets, etc. In the past few years, researchers have begun to apply spectral techniques to analyze network traffic for various purposes. Their work presents strong evidence that applying such techniques to the analysis of network traffic is a very promising approach to study denial-of-service attacks [1], [2], DNS traffic be- havior [3], traffic anomalies [4], and even protocol behavior in encrypted traffic [5]. However, current understanding of periodic behavior in general aggregate traffic is limited. Many previous approaches often analyze traffic on a per-flow basis, and do not scale well to analyze high speed network traffic. This paper explores the application of spectral techniques to analyze network traffic. We propose an experimental method- ology to guide the application, and as a case study, we use this methodology to analyze the spectral characteristics imposed by bottleneck links on aggregate traffic. As a bottleneck link is saturated by packets, it transmits packets out back-to-back, which results in strong regularity in the packet stream. Such regularity can be used to detect bottleneck traffic from aggre- gate. Bottleneck traffic conveys important information about network status and is useful for network traffic engineering and planning. For example, if network operators can detect a link is constantly congested, they can increase the link capacity or divert part of the traffic through other links to ease the congestion. Spectral techniques open a new approach to study bottleneck traffic. Such an approach would be advantageous compared to current techniques, such as those based on SNMP statistics USC/CS TECHNICAL REPORT 2 since not all network devices can provide SNMP statistics and problem may hide in the coarse SNMP information, and those using active probes since our approach is completely passive and incurs no additional network traffic. It is also complementary to techniques using packet inter-arrival time [6], since it can be carried out without flow separation and grouping. The only information required is the packet arrival time. This is valuable in the sense that it does not rely on packet content including packet header information. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. We first pro- pose our experimental methodology in section II. Then we vi- sually demonstrate the spectral characteristics imposed by bot- tleneck links under various environments in section III. Four detection algorithms based on Bayes Maximum-likelihood Classifier are introduced in section IV, and evaluated using real Internet traffic in section V. Section VI reviews related work. Section VII concludes the paper. II. EXPERIMENTAL METHODOLOGY In recent years there have been a number of papers from the network research community that use signal processing techniques to analyze Internet traffic for various purposes. Ex- amples include distinguishing single-source and multi-source DDoS attacks based on their spectra [1], detecting Dos attacks and other network anomalies by analyzing IP flow-level and SNMP information using wavelets [4], and detecting TCP flows based on its windowing behavior [7], [5]. Their work shows that spectral techniques can be a very powerful tool for network traffic analysis. However, as warned by Partridge in [8], [9], there is a danger in blindly applying signal processing techniques to networking without careful analysis and knowledge of the ground truth. Without careful examination of the ground truth, we may reach wrong conclusions or interpret incorrectly the ”pretty pictures” obtained from spectral analysis. To face the challenge, it is essential to come up with a clear methodology that defines the path from the raw data to the final conclusion. Figure 1 illustrates our experimental methodology originally suggested by Antonio Ortega. It contains three main components, data generation, data representation, and detection/estimation. The more detailed steps inside the three components are: 1) Representative Data Sets: This is the generation of representative data sets. It can be gathered from real- world traffic, generated from controlled lab experiments, or in more abstract level, synthesized from network simulations. 2) Measurable Real-world Events This is the selection of real-world events that can be directly measured. Ex- amples are packet arrivals, packet losses, connection es- tablishment, connection tear-down, etc. The correspond- ing raw measurement data can be packet arrival time, packet length, packet delay, packet loss rate, connection duration, etc. For the detection of bottleneck traffic, we select packet arrivals as the measurable event, and the raw measurement data are packet arrival times. 3) Time Domain Representation: This involves the con- version from raw traffic measurements to the signal Fig. 1. Experimental Methodology (adapted from A. Ortega’s original proposal) represented by time series. This process is also called sampling. Depending on the sampling period length, we can have even sampling (with the same sampling period length), or uneven sampling (with varying sampling period length). In our work, we choose even sampling, as we use Fourier transformation in the following step. 4) Spectral Domain Representation: This transforms the time domain signal representation into the spectral do- main signal representation. Examples include Fourier transformation, and wavelet analysis with different types of wavelets. 5) System Modeling: Based on knowledge gained from above steps, we model the underlying processes to capture the key features of the event and how they evolve. We do not intend to model the general Internet traffic, but only specific aspects of the traffic that affect detection. 6) Non-parametric Detection: Non-parametric detection methods identify and detect high-level events, such as existence of bottleneck flows, using heuristics. They do not require explicit modeling of the underlying pro- cesses. 7) Parametric Detection: Parametric Detection will utilize the system model of the underlying processes, and improve the detection probability of the event of interest. In our current work, we obtain representative data sets through both controlled lab experiments and real world exper- iments. Detailed description of these experiments is presented in section III and V. In the next subsection, we will describe step 2, step 3, and step 4 in detail for how to obtain the spectral representation from raw measurement data. Four non- parametric detection methods for detecting bottleneck traffic will be introduced in sectionIV. It is our future work to model the underlying processes and develop parametric detection algorithms. USC/CS TECHNICAL REPORT 3 A. Spectral Representation In our methodology, there are three steps from raw mea- surement data to the spectral representation. They are selection of measurable real-world events, time domain representation, and frequency domain representation. In our current work, we adopt the techniques proposed by Hussain et al. in [1] for these three steps with slight modification. They are described in detail below. First, we select packet arrivals as the measurable real-world event. We run tcpdump or other trace tools to capture times- tamped packet traces from the network. The only information required from the packet trace is the packet arrival time. We divide the packet trace into -second long slices before processing them in the following steps. The length of each slice is a configurable parameter and we will discuss shortly how to select it. For the time domain representation, we sample each slice with a sampling rate (we will discuss shortly how to select a proper ) to obtain a time series , where is the number of packets that arrive in the time period . The time is relative to the start of the slice, and varies from to . This results in number of samples for each slice. In addition, we subtract the mean arrival rate before proceeding with spectral transformation in the next step, since the mean value results in a large DC component in the spectrum that does not provide useful information for our purposes. To get the frequency domain representation, we compute the power spectral density (PSD) by performing the discrete- time Fourier transform on the autocorrelation function (ACF) of the time series. The autocorrelation is a measure of how similar the steam is to itself shifted in time by offset ! [10], [11]. When !"# we compare the packet stream to itself, and the autocorrelation is maximum and equals to the variance of the packet stream. When !$% we compare the packet stream with a version of itself shifted by lag ! . The autocorrelation sequence &’(!) at lag ! is &’*!)+,.- /1032 4 5 67 89:;<>= ?@98:A%!)B= ?C (1) where = is the mean of :; , is the number of samples, and ! varies from D to . The power spectral density E (F is obtained by applying discrete-time Fourier transform to the autocorrelation sequence of length G and using its magnitude. ED(F<IHKJ 4 2 67 &’*!)L 0NMPORQST2 H (2) In addition, we calculate the cumulative spectrum P(f) as the power in the range 0 to f, and normalize P(f) by the total power to get the normalized cumulative spectrum (NCS) C(f). U (F+ S0 4 67 EDVA9ED3AW X (3) Y *F+ U (F U *F.Z [\ (4) Intuitively, spectrum ED(F captures the power or strength of individual observable frequencies embedded in the time series, while the normalized cumulative spectrum Y (F shows their relative strength. There are two important parameters in the above steps. The first one is the length of each trace slice . If the slice length is too short, the spectrum will be sensitive to temporary or transient phenomena on the network. If it is too long, the arriving process is unlikely to be stationary. Since we target the spectral characteristics of bottleneck flows, we use a default value of 5 seconds for the slice length . The sampling rate is another important parameter. Given a sampling rate , the highest frequency that is observable is O according to the Nyquist Theorem. If the sampling rate is too low, aliasing can occur. It it is too high, it will increase both storage and processing overhead unnecessarily. For a given link speed and packet size, one can compute the maximum required sampling rate by computing the minimum packet inter-arrival time and sampling at twice that frequency. A more thorough exploration of varying sampling rate is the subject of future work. In this paper, unless otherwise stated, we select a conservative sampling rate of 100kHz, which is sufficiently high to reduce the aliasing effect for typical packet streams over a 100Mbps Ethernet. III. VISUALIZING SPECTRAL CHARACTERISTICS OF BOTTLENECK TRAFFIC Before introducing algorithms that can detect bottleneck flows from aggregate traffic, we first show visually the spectral characteristics imposed by bottlenecks on aggregate traffic to qualitatively demonstrate the feasibility of detection. Our assumption is that if bottleneck flows can be visually detected from the spectrum, then a detection algorithm is possible. In this section, we will present the spectrum of aggregate traffic under various scenarios to illustrate the signature im- posed by bottlenecks and how it is affected by cross traffic. We start from simple scenarios where there is no cross traffic, and proceed to more complex environments with different types of cross traffic. A. Signatures of Bottleneck Links When a link is saturated, it sends packets out back-to-back. Assuming all packets are of the same length, we will see a single periodic pattern with the period equal to the packet transmission time (= link bandwidth / packet length). Even if packets are of different length, Internet traffic has certain packet length distribution as reported in [12] and [6]. The spectrum of the traffic through a saturated link will still show strong energy on frequencies regulated by the link bandwidth and the packet length distribution. In this section, we first reveal such characteristics imposed by bottleneck links by conducting experiments in a simple topology where the sender and the receiver are directly con- nected through an Ethernet link and the trace machine runs tcpdump to capture packets from the Ethernet link. We vary the bottleneck link bandwidth and the traffic composition to get the spectra under different scenarios. USC/CS TECHNICAL REPORT 4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 x 10 4 0 1 2 3 x 10 7 TCP bin=0.01ms (mean=0.076278 std=0.26545) Frequency (Hz) PSD 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 x 10 4 0 0.5 1 Frequency (Hz) NCS (a) Complete Spectrum 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 0 1 2 3 x 10 7 TCP bin=0.01ms (mean=0.076278 std=0.26545) Frequency (Hz) PSD 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 Frequency (Hz) NCS (b) Partial Spectrum Fig. 2. Spectral signature of a 100Mbps link saturated with a TCP flow For these experiments we use two traffic generation tools, namely Surge [13] and Iperf [14]. Surge is used to generate synthetic web traffic while Iperf generates controlled TCP and UDP streams, which, for example, can mimic file downloads (TCP mode) or Constant Bit Rate traffic (UDP mode). A typical experiment lasts for 30 seconds and contains six 5- second long slices. Although there is some variation in the power spectra for the six slices, the variation is small, and thus we only present the result from one representative slice here. We use both PSD and NCS since PSD captures the absolute power of individual frequencies while NCS shows their relative strength. 1) a 100Mbps Link Saturated with a Single TCP Flow: In the first experiment, we use a single Iperf TCP flow to saturate a 100Mbps Ethernet link. Since the sender and receiver are directly connected through the Ethernet link, the TCP window is large enough for the TCP flow to capture nearly the entire link bandwidth. The TCP throughput reaches almost 91.5Mbps. Figure 2(a) shows the full spectrum of the packet stream we observe on the Ethernet link. This specific example depicts a single TCP flow saturating a 100Mbps link with 1500- byte packets. The spectrum contains spikes at the fundamental frequency around 7630Hz and its multiples or harmonics. The harmonics exist because the signal is an impulse train in the time domain, resulting in a set of impulses in the frequency domain. The fundamental frequency is close to the maximum packet rate (8333 packets per second) on a 100Mbps link with 1500-byte packets. Since TCP adjusts its packet sending rate according to network conditions, it does not reach the 8333 packet per second rate, but as demonstrated in this example, 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0 5 10 15 x 10 5 TCP bin=0.01ms (mean=0.007844 std=0.088219) Frequency (Hz) PSD 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 Frequency (Hz) NCS Fig. 3. Spectral signature of a 10Mbps link saturated with a TCP flow 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0 2 4 6 x 10 5 TCP bin=0.01ms (mean=0.00855 std=0.10096) Frequency (Hz) PSD 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 Frequency (Hz) NCS Fig. 4. Spectral signature of a 10Mbps link saturated with web traffic the actual rate is quite close to the theoretical bound. Hence, a high energy concentration near the 8000Hz will be a strong indication that that the traffic contains a flow(s) through a 100Mbps bottleneck link. To better demonstrate visually the effect of the bottleneck link on the fundamental frequency, we will zoom in to the interesting portion of the spectrum where the fundamental fre- quency of the bottleneck link lies, as illustrated in Figure 2(b), for all following results. 2) a 10Mbps Link Saturated with a Single TCP Flow: In this experiment, we change the link bandwidth to 10Mbps while keep the rest the same as in the previous experiment. The throughput of the Iperf TCP flow reaches almost 9.4Mbps. Figure 3 shows the corresponding spectrum of the packet stream. We see strong energy around 784Hz, which is close to the theoretical limit (833 Hz) imposed by a 10Mbps link with 1500-byte packets. 3) a 10Mbps Link Saturated with Web Flows: In this experiment, we replace the single TCP flow with web-like traffic generated by Surge [13]. We continue to use a 10Mbps Ethernet link, and configure Surge to emulate 640 “user equivalents” (UEs), achieving a throughput around 8.2Mbps. Figure 4 shows the spectrum under this experiment. We see that there is still a spike around 800Hz, but it spreads out to a wider range than the single Iperf TCP flow case. Also, the highest amplitude is only 1/3 of the previous case. The reason is that Surge simulates multiple web flows which have different time duration depending on the download file size. It also simulates the on-and-off user browsing behavior. This results in lower link utilization and makes the bottleneck signature more blurry, but still there is strong energy concentration USC/CS TECHNICAL REPORT 5 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0 5 10 15 x 10 6 bin=0.01ms (mean=0.008138 std=0.089843) Frequency (Hz) Power Spectral Density 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 Frequency (Hz) Normalized Cumulative Spectrum (a) With 1500-byte Packets 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 0 1 2 3 x 10 8 bin=0.01ms (mean=0.02867 std=0.16688) Frequency (Hz) Power Spectral Density 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 Frequency (Hz) Normalized Cumulative Spectrum (b) With 400-byte Packets Fig. 5. Spectral signature of a 10Mbps link saturated with a UDP flow around 800Hz because a number of 1500-byte packets are transmitted back-to-back in this case. 4) a 10Mbps Link Saturated with an Iperf UDP flow: To investigate how the spectrum changes with CBR traffic, we saturate a 10Mbps link with an Iperf UDP flow. We first configure Iperf to send out 1500-byte UDP packets with a sending rate greater than the link bandwidth. This yields a throughput of 9.6Mbps, slightly higher than the single Iperf TCP flow case. Figure 5(a) depicts the spectrum with the Iperf UDP flow. We see that there is a single peak at 813.8Hz. Its amplitude is about ten times the highest amplitude in the single Iperf TCP flow case. This shows the UDP flow has a stronger regularity than the TCP flow. The reasons is because TCP will adjust its sending rate according to network conditions while the Iperf UDP sender does not take feedback from the network and it fully saturates the link. In the second experiment, we configure Iperf to send out 400-byte UDP packets with a sending rate greater than the link bandwidth. This yields a throughput of 8.53Mbps. This is lower than the experiment with 1500-byte packets, because the Ethernet channel efficiency decreases with smaller packet size. The spectrum in Figure 5(b) shows a clear spike at 2867Hz, which is equal to the packet rate over the link. Its amplitude is also significantly higher than the experiment with 1500-byte packets. From the above experiments we see that the spectrum of a saturated link can vary according to a number of factors. Among them, link bandwidth and packet length distribution are the two most important factors, and they will determine where the dominant frequency will appear. Beyond that, UDP Fig. 6. Different types of cross traffic Fig. 7. Testbed topology or CBR streams appear more regular than TCP flows, resulting in higher amplitude in the bottleneck frequency. On the other hand, the complex interaction among multiple web flows may yield lower amplitude in the spectrum. B. Effect of Cross Traffic In previous examples, we present the spectral characteristics imposed by a bottleneck link when there is no cross traffic. In this subsection, we will investigate how cross traffic affects the spectral signature. We first classify cross traffic into three classes, and then carry out experiments to visually demonstrate the impact from each of them on the the bottleneck signature. 1) Classification of cross traffic: Figure 6 illustrates three classes of cross traffic that might affect our observations of the bottleneck traffic. In the figure, traffic travels from source S to destination D passing through a bottleneck between R1 and R2, and we monitor traffic on link R3-O at the observation point O. We are interested in observing the bottleneck signal generated at the R1–R2 link at the observation point. Type I, unobserved bottleneck traffic: cross traffic that traverses the bottleneck link but does not reach our observation point. Such traffic carries part of the energy from the signature imposed by the bottleneck. Missing this traffic may attenuate the signal strength observed at our observation point. Type II, unobserved non-bottleneck traffic: Cross traffic that is introduced after the bottleneck link, but is not observed at the observation point. Such traffic can distort the signal of the bottleneck link, as it competes with bottleneck traffic in the shared path, introducing variation in packet arrival times and making the signal more noisy. Type III, observed non-bottleneck traffic: cross traffic that does not go through the bottleneck link but is observed at our observation point. It is also called background USC/CS TECHNICAL REPORT 6 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0 2 4 6 x 10 5 TCP bin=0.01ms (mean=0.00665 std=0.081301) Frequency (Hz) PSD 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 Frequency (Hz) NCS (a) with light web traffic (10 UEs) 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0 1 2 3 x 10 5 TCP bin=0.01ms (mean=0.004366 std=0.065932) Frequency (Hz) PSD 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 Frequency (Hz) NCS (b) with medium web traffic (80 UEs) 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0 1 2 3 4 x 10 4 TCP bin=0.01ms (mean=0.001914 std=0.043708) Frequency (Hz) PSD 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 Frequency (Hz) NCS (c) with heavy web traffic (640 UEs) Fig. 8. Power spectra as Type I cross traffic increases traffic. Its impact comes from two aspects: (a) like type II cross traffic, it competes with bottleneck traffic in the shared path; (b) it directly influence the spectrum of observed aggregate traffic, as the aggregate contains both bottleneck traffic and background traffic. 2) Impact of Type I Cross Traffic: To evaluate the impact of the three types of cross traffic identified above, we use a dumbbell topology depicted in Figure 7. We first investigate the impact of Type I cross traffic. In this experiment, we set the capacity of all links to 10Mbps. There are two types of traffic, a single Iperf TCP flow from node S to D and web traffic generated by Surge between nodes A1 and A2. The bottleneck link will be link R1-R2. We observe the traffic on link R2-D. In this experiment, the Iperf flow serves as the bottleneck traffic, while the web flows serve as Type I cross traffic. We vary the number of web users simulated by Surge to control the volume of Type I cross traffic competing with the Iperf TCP flow on link R1-R2. Figure 8 shows the power spectra of the traffic observed at D 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0 5 10 15 x 10 5 TCP bin=0.01ms (mean=0.007052 std=0.083799) Frequency (Hz) PSD 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 Frequency (Hz) NCS (a) with light web traffic (10 UEs) 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0 2 4 6 8 x 10 5 TCP bin=0.01ms (mean=0.00685 std=0.082578) Frequency (Hz) PSD 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 Frequency (Hz) NCS (b) with light web traffic (80 UEs) 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0 1 2 3 4 x 10 5 TCP bin=0.01ms (mean=0.007034 std=0.083622) Frequency (Hz) PSD 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 Frequency (Hz) NCS (c) with heavy web traffic (640 UEs) Fig. 9. Power spectra as Type II cross traffic increases when the number UEs in Surge vary from 10 to 640. The cor- responding throughput at link R1-R2 stays around 8.3Mbps, while the throughput at link R2-D is decreases from 8.2Mbps to 5.3Mbps and 2.3Mbps as cross traffic increases. We can see that as the volume of Type I cross traffic increases, the energy around 800Hz becomes weaker, but still visible. In addition, we see a new spike around 400Hz in Figure 8(b), where it is common to see a Surge packet transmitted between two Iperf packets in link R1-R2. Figure 8(c) shows new spikes around 266Hz, 400Hz, and 532Hz (a multiple of 266Hz), where it is common to see one or two Surge packets transmitted between two Iperf packets. The presence of the new spikes indicates contention at the bottleneck link due to Type I cross traffic. This phenomena was also observed in study of packet inter- arrival times [6], 3) Impact of Type II Cross Traffic: To investigate the effect of Type II traffic, we set the capacity of link S-R1 to 10Mbps, and the capacity of all other links to 100Mbps. Other settings remain the same as in the previous experiment. USC/CS TECHNICAL REPORT 7 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0 5 10 15 x 10 5 TCP bin=0.01ms (mean=0.007418 std=0.086134) Frequency (Hz) PSD 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 Frequency (Hz) NCS (a) with light web traffic (10 UEs) 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0 2 4 6 8 x 10 5 TCP bin=0.01ms (mean=0.012418 std=0.11484) Frequency (Hz) PSD 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 Frequency (Hz) NCS (b) with medium web traffic (80 UEs) 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0 2 4 6 x 10 6 TCP bin=0.01ms (mean=0.041942 std=0.22184) Frequency (Hz) PSD 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 Frequency (Hz) NCS (c) with heavy web traffic (640 UEs) Fig. 10. Power spectrum as Type III cross traffic increases In this experiment, link S-R1 becomes the bottleneck link, and the web flows from A1 to A2 serve as type II cross traffic. Figure 9 shows the power spectra spectra of the traffic observed at D as the cross traffic volume increases. The corresponding throughput at link R1-R2 is 8.7Mbps, 13Mbps, and 38.9Mbps, respectively, and the throughput at link R2- D is steady around 8.3Mbps. We observe that as the volume of Type II cross traffic increases, the energy around 800Hz will spread out to a wider range, and the highest amplitude also decreases accordingly. But there is still strong energy concentration around 800Hz. The changes to the spectrum are due to the contention between the bottleneck traffic and the cross traffic at link R1-R2. 4) Impact of Type III Cross Traffic: Finally we consider the effect of Type III traffic. We use exactly the same setting in the second set of experiments, but move the observation point to link R1-R2. Figure 10 shows the spectra of the aggregate traffic through R1-R2 as load grows. We observe the following. First, the energy around 800Hz decreases, as more packets from Fig. 11. Setup of the wide-area network experiment environment the bottleneck flow experience queuing delay in link R1-R2 due to competition with the web traffic. Second, the energy over other frequencies increases as the observed aggregate traffic contains not only the bottleneck flow, but also the web traffic which has a strong low frequency component. Finally, the relative visibility of the bottleneck signal around 800Hz decreases (both in PSD and NCS) as the cross traffic load increases. When the cross traffic load increases to some point, the bottleneck signal becomes hard to detect visually from the spectrum of aggregate traffic. C. Wide-area network experiments We next validate our testbed observations on the Internet by considering a wide-area, multi-hop topology with richer, live background traffic. The experiment environment is illustrated in Figure 11. We place the trace machine close to a router at the edge of USC. The latter forwards all incoming traffic through the USC Internet II link to the trace machine by port mirroring. The trace machine then records all packets using a Endace DAG Network Monitoring Card [15], which is capable of keeping up with 1Gbps link speed. Our bottleneck flow is from a PC connected to a 10Mbps LAN in University of Santa Barbara to a host at USC. Figure 12(a) shows the spectrum of aggregate traffic ob- served at the USC trace machine with the Iperf TCP bottle- neck flow inside. The throughput of the TCP flow is around 9.4Mbps, suggesting the bottleneck is the LAN at the source. The aggregate traffic volume is 24.2Mbps. We see a clear spike around 800Hz in PSD, suggesting that the bottleneck traffic is visible even mixed in aggregate traffic, although it is relatively small in NCS. For comparison Figure 12(b) shows the spectrum of aggregate traffic at a later time without the Iperf TCP bottleneck flow. The strongest energy around 800Hz is less than one fifth of the strength when the bottleneck flow is present. IV. DETECTION OF BOTTLENECK SIGNATURES In the previous section we have shown that bottleneck signatures can be visually observed. To automatically detect bottleneck signatures from the aggregate traffic spectrum, in this section we propose four non-parametric detection methods USC/CS TECHNICAL REPORT 8 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0 5 10 15 x 10 5 TCP bin=0.01ms (mean=0.074888 std=0.32035) Frequency (Hz) Power Spectral Density 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 Frequency (Hz) Normalized Cumulative Spectrum (a) with an Iperf flow on a 10Mbps bottleneck link 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0 2 4 6 8 x 10 5 TCP bin=0.01ms (mean=0.067794 std=0.30177) Frequency (Hz) Power Spectral Density 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 Frequency (Hz) Normalized Cumulative Spectrum (b) without the Iperf flow Fig. 12. Power spectra of aggregate traffic at USC Internet II link based on Bayes Maximum-likelihood classifier. In our current work, we focus on the accuracy of these detection methods, and it is future work to study and improve their performance in terms of running efficiency. In Bayes Maximum-likelihood classifier, instances are clas- sified into different groups. For example, packet traces without bottleneck flows are put into one group, and packet traces containing a 100Mbps bottleneck flow are put into another group. Without loss of generality, we name the group without bottleneck flows as group 7 , and the group with bottleneck flows as group , where is the bandwidth of the bottle- neck. In order to make the classification, Bayes Maximum- likelihood classifier first needs to select certain measurable property from the packet trace to distinguish different groups. This property can be the amplitude at certain frequency in the packet trace spectrum, or the highest amplitude at certain frequency band, etc. How to select this property is the main difference among the four non-parametric detection methods, and we will describe them in detail shortly. After selecting the property, Bayes Maximum-likelihood classifier needs a training phase to estimate the PDF (Probability Density Func- tion) for the distribution of the values of this property for each group. Each group has its own PDF, and it is used for subsequent classification/detection. Figure 13 illustrates the training process. For group 7 , we first gather packet traces that do not have bottleneck traffic and process them to get their spectra. We then gather the value of the selected property, e.g., the amplitude at a selected frequency, across all packet traces to form a distribution and estimate the PDF for group 7 . For group 7R7 J , we Fig. 13. Training of Bayes Maximum-likelihood classifier intentionally introduce a flow to saturate a 100Mbps bottleneck link, gather packet traces again, and process them to estimate the PDF for group 7 7 J . We repeat the same procedure for other groups, and put the PDFs of all groups into a spectral database which is used in subsequent classification/detection. For classification/detection, we match the new packet trace against the database, and declare the trace contains traffic through a bottleneck link of bandwidth if the trace is closer to group than of group 7 . The match is carried out as follows. According to Bayes rule, U H N U H U R- U 3 where U H 3 is the probability that a trace belongs to group given the trace has value on the selected property, U H is the PDF of group , U is the probability that a trace belongs to group , and U N is the probability that a trace has value . Bayes Maximum-likelihood Classifier classifies the packet trace with value into group if U H U $ U H 7 U 7 , and vice versa. Due to the lack of information on U 7 and U , as the first step we directly compare U H against U H 7 without con- sidering U 7 and U . It is our future work to investigate U 7 and U and include them in the decision process. Based on how the property is selected, we have four different detection methods. Two of them, the Single Fre- quency Method and the Top Frequency Method, use a single variable for the detection. The other two use multiple variables, and they are the Top-M Frequencies Method and the All Frequencies Method. We describe them in detail below. A. Method I: Single Frequency Detection In this method, we first gather the distribution of the ampli- tude at a particular frequency across all training instances for each group in the database. In the example illustrated in Figure 14(a), we gather the amplitude at 800Hz across all training instances in a group. After obtaining the distribution, we estimate the PDF (probability density function) for each group, and then follow the basic Bayes Maximum-likelihood Classifier to classify the new trace using its amplitude at frequency . The intuition behind this method is that when USC/CS TECHNICAL REPORT 9 (a) Choosing in the Single Frequency Method (b) Choosing in the Top Frequency Method (c) Choosing in the Top-M Frequencies Method, where M = 2 (d) Choosing in the All Frequencies Method Fig. 14. Illustration of Choosing Property in Different Methods bottleneck traffic is present, the aggregate traffic spectrum will typically have strong amplitude at some particular frequencies. Looking at any of these frequencies may yield clue to detect the bottleneck. For simplification purpose, we approximate the PDFs for group 7 and with log-normal distributions with the corresponding parameters 7 7 and estimated from the training set, i.e. U H 7 + 7 X L 0 \ 0RO U H X L 0 \ 0 RO where is the log of the amplitude at frequency , 7 7 and are the mean value and standard deviation for group 7 and in the training set, respectively. Although the log-normal distribution is not always the best fit for the actual distribution, we choose it because it is simple and often a good approximation according to the central limit theorem. Our experiment results also show it can approximate the actual distribution fairly well. For example, Figure 15 shows the actual distributions of the amplitude (after log) at 8132Hz frequency for group 7 and group , respectively, in one experimental set involving a 100Mbps TCP bottleneck flow. The dashed lines are the log-normal distributions with the corresponding mean values and variances derived from the experimental set for group 7 and group , respectively. We see the dashed lines are not far apart from the solid lines. With the log-normal distribution assumption, we can also simplify the matching process by directly solving the equation of the two log-normal distributions to find the region for group and the region for group 7 . The equation of the two log-normal distributions typically yields two roots, but only one of them carries significance and is selected as the cut-off threshold . If a new trace has an amplitude greater than at frequency , it will be classified as in group . By trying the Single Frequency Method with different frequencies, we can find frequencies that best capture the difference between group 7 and . USC/CS TECHNICAL REPORT 10 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 Probability Density Functions (PDFs) log of Amplitude Probability Density Fig. 15. PDFs for the distributions of the amplitude (after log) at 8132Hz for group (left solid line) and (right solid line) B. Method II: Top Frequency Detection In the Top Frequency method, we first get the distribution of the highest amplitude in a particular frequency band across all instances for each group in the database. For example, in Figure 14(b), we gather the highest amplitude in the [800Hz, 804Hz] band across all instances in a group. After obtaining the distribution, we follow the same procedure as the Single Frequency method for the detection. The only difference here is that we use the highest amplitude in a frequency band for the detection, instead of the amplitude at one particular frequency. The intuition behind this method is that when the bottleneck flow is present, it should typically have some strong amplitude in a particular frequency band related to the bottleneck band- width and the packet size. Due to changes in the cross traffic and other time-variant factors, the strong amplitude may appear at different frequencies at different time, but it should stay in a relatively narrow band. So if we look the highest amplitude in this narrow band, we will get bigger difference between the cases with and without the bottleneck flow, compared with the Single Frequency Method. Hence it can result in a better distinction between group 7 and . The width of the band will depend on the impact of the background traffic on the spread of the bottleneck signature. If we select a very narrow band, it may not include the strong amplitude from the bottleneck for some instances. On the other hand, we should not use a very wide band as it may include strong amplitude caused by other reasons. Figure 16 shows the distributions of the highest amplitude (after log) in the frequency band [8100Hz, 8200Hz] for group 7 and in the same experimental set as in Figure 15. We can see the two distributions can be closely approximated by log-normal distributions represented by the dashed lines. In addition, there is a wider gap between the two groups here, suggesting it easier to separate the two groups with the Top Frequency Method, compared with the Single Frequency Method. C. Method III: Top-M Frequencies Detection A generalization of the Top Frequency Method is to use M highest amplitudes instead of just the first highest amplitude in a frequency band for detection. It works in the following way. For each training instance, we select the M highest amplitudes in a particular frequency band to form a vector O P J 12 12.5 13 13.5 14 14.5 15 15.5 16 16.5 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 Probability Density Functions (PDFs) log of Amplitude Probability Density Fig. 16. PDFs for the distributions of the highest amplitude (after log) in [8100Hz, 8200Hz] for group (left solid line) and (right solid line) from high to low. We then estimate the joint distribution of this vector for each group. Figure 14(c) illustrates the selection of the 2 highest amplitudes in the [800Hz, 804Hz] band across all instances for a group to obtain the joint distribution. We approximate the joint distribution for both group 7 and using multi-variate log-normal distributions with the corresponding parameters 7 Y 7 and Y , i.e. U H 7 + L 0 \ 0 \ 0 X Z LW: Y 7 U H + L 0 \ 0 \ 0 X Z LW: Y where x is a vector containing the log of the M highest amplitudes in the frequency band, 7 Y 7 and Y are the mean vector and the covariance matrix for group 7 and , respectively. We estimate 7 Y 7 and Y based on the training set in the database, and then apply Bayes Maximum-likelihood classifier with the above PDFs to classify if an input trace with value is in group or not. D. Method IV: All Frequencies Detection In this method, we use all frequencies in a particular frequency band to form a multi-variate detector. For example, Figure 14(d) illustrates the selection of all amplitudes in the [800Hz, 804Hz] band across all instances for a group to obtain the joint distribution. Similar with the Top-M Frequencies Method, we approxi- mate the joint distribution for both 7 and using multi- variate log-normal distributions with the corresponding pa- rameters 7 Y 7 and Y . We use the training set to estimate the parameters Y and O Y O . We then plug the values in the PDFs and apply Bayes Maximum-likelihood classifier to classify an input trace. V. EXPERIMENTAL EVALUATION To evaluate the performance of the detection methods, we carried out experiments under different scenarios. These include: detecting bottlenecks of different bandwidth; detecting bottlenecks under different background traffic load; USC/CS TECHNICAL REPORT 11 Fig. 17. Setup of the experiment environment 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 0 100 200 300 400 500 Time (hour) Bit Rate (Mbps) (a) Traffic V olume in Bit Rate (Mbps) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 0 2 4 6 8 10 x 10 4 Time (hour) Packet Rate (packets per second) (b) Traffic V olume in Packet Rate Fig. 18. Aggregate Traffic with a 100Mbps TCP Bottleneck Flow detecting bottlenecks saturated by different network pro- tocols. The basic experiment environment is illustrated in Fig- ure 17. It is very similar to the environment in Figure 11, except that the Iperf flow is originated from ISI to USC. For each scenario, we gathered a pair of 5-minute long traces every two hours for 24 hours. In each pair, the first part was 5 minutes of background traffic alone, and in the second 5 minutes, we introduced a bottleneck flow of a particular type (e.g., an Iperf TCP flow through a known 100Mbps bottleneck, an Iperf TCP flow through a known 10Mbps bottleneck, and an Iperf UDP flow through a known 10Mbps bottleneck), and gathered the trace again. Each trace was then cut into 300 slices of 1 second long. These slices were then processed with a sampling rate of 200KHz to obtain the power spectral density. We use a shorter slice length here in order to get enough instances to have a meaningful distribution. We also use a higher sampling rate because the speed of the observed link is significantly higher. 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Frequency (Hz) Detection Probability (a) detection probability on the training set 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Frequency (Hz) Detection Probability (b) average detection probability on all other sets Fig. 19. Detection Probability of the Single Frequency Method with 100Mbps TCP bottleneck Traffic TABLE I VARIATION WITH DIFFERENT TRAINING SETS FOR THE SINGLE FREQUENCY METHOD Time Freq Pd Training Pd All Mean Mean Threshold 1am 8131 0.743 0.722 12.783 11.282 11.946 3am 8127 0.783 0.721 12.975 11.196 12.144 5am 8133 0.820 0.700 12.958 10.829 11.890 7am 8132 0.807 0.717 13.084 11.038 12.082 9am 8124 0.778 0.714 12.875 11.129 12.025 11am 8134 0.707 0.721 12.461 11.489 12.205 13pm 8131 0.750 0.715 12.579 11.118 11.832 15pm 8127 0.702 0.720 12.463 11.370 12.045 17pm 8119 0.713 0.695 12.517 11.362 12.003 19pm 8131 0.737 0.734 12.796 11.381 12.127 21pm 8122 0.745 0.721 12.616 11.326 12.132 23pm 8135 0.737 0.709 12.606 11.328 12.042 mean 8129 0.752 0.716 12.726 11.237 12.039 std 5 0.038 0.010 0.214 0.183 0.110 We train each detection method with a pair of traces, and then evaluate its performance by feeding the training set and the rest 11 pairs of traces to the detection method. The performance of the detection method is measured by the detection probability, which is the probability that the detection method gives the correct answer on whether a trace slice contains the particular bottleneck flow or not. We present the results under different experiment scenarios below. A. Experiment I: Detecting 100Mbps TCP Bottleneck Traffic In this experiment, the bottleneck flow is an Iperf TCP flow through a known 100Mbps bottleneck from ISI to USC. Figure 18 shows aggregate traffic volume in terms of bit rate and packet rate. In the graph, we use the average value for the 5-minute long trace with the Iperf flow to represent the traffic volume in the corresponding 2 hour interval. The figure shows that the traffic reaches the lowest (around 192Mbps or 40.8K packets per second) in the interval from 6am to 8am, and the highest (around 395Mbps or 83.4K packets per second) in the interval from 14pm to 16pm. The throughput of the Iperf TCP flow is about 90Mbps or 7.5K packets per second. USC/CS TECHNICAL REPORT 12 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Frequency (Hz) Detection Probability (a) detection probability on the training set 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Frequency (Hz) Detection Probability (b) average detection probability on all other sets Fig. 20. Detection Probability of the Top Frequency Method with 100Mbps TCP bottleneck Traffic TABLE II VARIATION WITH DIFFERENT TRAINING SETS FOR THE TOP FREQUENCY METHOD Time Freq Pd Training Pd All Mean Mean Threshold 1am 8110 0.992 0.975 14.732 13.600 14.110 3am 8080 0.995 0.974 14.830 13.431 14.058 5am 8090 1.000 0.961 14.878 13.222 13.970 7am 8090 1.000 0.978 14.948 13.334 14.103 9am 8090 0.998 0.975 14.848 13.440 14.063 11am 8070 0.960 0.973 14.672 13.825 14.224 13pm 8070 0.987 0.953 14.537 13.497 13.950 15pm 8060 0.948 0.975 14.457 13.668 14.050 17pm 8080 0.962 0.980 14.669 13.743 14.178 19pm 8070 0.987 0.979 14.780 13.662 14.157 21pm 8100 0.993 0.978 14.703 13.561 14.104 23pm 8090 0.985 0.980 14.653 13.587 14.107 mean 8083 0.984 0.973 14.726 13.547 14.090 std 14 0.017 0.008 0.142 0.172 0.079 Figure 19 shows the detection probability of the Single Frequency method using the trace pair obtained around 7am as the training set. The top graph is the detection probability on the training set alone, and the bottom graph is the detection probability on all other 11 sets. In both graphs, the x axis is the frequency that is used to obtain the amplitude distribution. As we see from the graph, the detection probability has a sharp spike in the [8000Hz, 8250Hz] range. This frequency range is very close to the highest packet rate through a 100Mbps bottleneck with 1500byte packets. This clearly demonstrates that aggregate with a 100Mbps bottleneck flow (group ) differs significantly in statistics with aggregate without the 100Mbps bottleneck flow (group 7 ) in their spectra around 8000Hz, and this difference persists over the time. Hence we can use the difference extracted from the training set to classify other instances. On the other hand, the detection probability on other sets is lower than the detection probability on the training set, suggesting that the difference can vary over the time. Table I shows how things change over the time. The first field is the time when the training set was gathered. The 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Frequency (Hz) Detection Probability (a) detection probability on the training set 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Frequency (Hz) Detection Probability (b) average detection probability on all other sets Fig. 21. Detection Probability of the Top-20 Frequencies Method with 100Mbps TCP bottleneck Traffic TABLE III VARIATION WITH DIFFERENT TRAINING SETS AND M FOR THE TOP-M FREQUENCIES METHOD Time Top 1 Top 2 Top 5 Top 10 Top 20 1am 0.979 0.987 0.994 0.995 0.995 3am 0.975 0.982 0.993 0.996 0.997 5am 0.963 0.976 0.991 0.996 0.993 7am 0.978 0.987 0.993 0.988 0.987 9am 0.978 0.983 0.993 0.996 0.997 11am 0.973 0.985 0.988 0.988 0.990 13pm 0.953 0.960 0.974 0.983 0.987 15pm 0.978 0.986 0.990 0.992 0.992 17pm 0.979 0.988 0.993 0.995 0.996 19pm 0.979 0.987 0.993 0.996 0.995 21pm 0.979 0.986 0.993 0.995 0.994 23pm 0.980 0.987 0.993 0.995 0.996 mean 0.974 0.983 0.991 0.993 0.993 std 0.008 0.008 0.006 0.004 0.004 second field is the frequency in the [7500Hz, 8500Hz] range that yields the highest detection probability on the training set. The third and fourth fields are the corresponding detection probabilities on the training set and on all other sets, respectively. The fifth and sixth field are the mean values of the amplitude at for group and 7 , respectively. The seventh field is the corresponding cut-off threshold calculated by the Single Frequency Method. The result shows that the statistics of the training set can vary over the time, which results in variation on the cut-off threshold and the detection probability. But such variation is small. For example, the frequency that yields the highest detection probability on the training set stays in a close range around 8129Hz, and the detection probability on all other sets has a mean of 71.6% and a standard deviation of 1%. Figure 20 shows the detection probability with the Top Frequency Method, again using the trace pair obtained around 7am as the training set. We use 100Hz wide frequency bands, and the x value represents the lower bound of the frequency band. To obtain a point (x, y) in the graph, we first get the distributions of the highest amplitude in the frequency USC/CS TECHNICAL REPORT 13 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Frequency (Hz) Detection Probability (a) detection probability on the training set 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Frequency (Hz) Detection Probability (b) average detection probability on all other sets Fig. 22. Detection Probability of the All Frequencies Method with 100Mbps TCP bottleneck Traffic TABLE IV VARIATION WITH DIFFERENT TRAINING SETS FOR THE ALL FREQUENCIES METHOD Time Freq Pd Training Pd All 1am 8130 0.965 0.924 3am 8120 0.987 0.935 5am 8120 0.993 0.928 7am 8130 0.995 0.932 9am 8110 0.982 0.917 11am 8120 0.942 0.923 13pm 8120 0.968 0.905 15pm 8120 0.928 0.930 17pm 8110 0.955 0.912 19pm 8130 0.958 0.927 21pm 8120 0.965 0.935 23pm 8120 0.973 0.929 mean 8121 0.968 0.925 std 7 0.020 0.009 band [x, x+100Hz] for both group 7 and using the training set, and then derive the the cut-off threshold based on the estimated 7 7 and . We then calculate the detection probability y by evaluating the detection method on the training set or on all other 11 sets. The result shows the detection probability can reach almost 100% if we use the frequency band in the [8000Hz, 8250Hz] range. This is significantly better than the Single Frequency method. It validates that the intuition that the highest amplitude in a frequency band can capture the difference between group 7 and better than the amplitude in a single frequency, and thus can yield better detection probability. Table II summarizes the changes as we use different training sets. The meaning of each field is almost the same as in Table I, except that the second field refers to the lower bound of the 100Hz wide frequency band that yields the highest detection probability on the training set and the lower bound is in the [7500Hz, 8500Hz] range. Similar to the result for Single Frequency method in Table I, there are some changes for using different training sets with the Top Frequency Method, but the change is fairly small. For example, the detection probability 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Time (hour) Bit Rate (Mbps) (a) Traffic V olume in Bit Rate (Mbps) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 0 2 4 6 8 10 x 10 4 Time (hour) Packet Rate (packets per second) (b) Traffic V olume in Packet Rate Fig. 23. Aggregate Traffic with a 10Mbps TCP Bottleneck Flow on other sets has a mean of 97.3%, and a standard deviation of 0.8%. Figure 21 shows the detection probability with the Top 20 Frequencies Method. Again we use the 7am training set and 100Hz wide frequency bands. Like the result for the Top Frequency Method, the detection probability can reach almost 100% on both the training set and all other sets if we use frequency bands in the [8000Hz, 8250Hz] range. In addition, for other frequency bands, the detection probability on the training set is almost 20% higher than the detection probability on all other sets which stays flat near 50%. This suggests that the statistical difference extracted from the training set over these frequency bands is local to the training set, and does not persist over all other sets. Table III shows the detection probability on other sets when we use top 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 frequencies in the frequency band [8070Hz, 8170Hz] and train with different training sets. The results indicate that increasing the number of top amplitudes can improve the detection probability, but the improvement is fairly small. Figure 22 shows the result with the All Frequencies Method using the 7am training set and 10Hz wide frequency bands. We use a smaller band here because the All Frequencies Method uses all amplitudes in the frequency band. When the band is too wide, the covariance matrix of the joint distribution becomes singular and the All Frequencies Method can not classify the input trace. The result is very similar to the Top- 20 frequency Method 21, except that the highest detection probability on all other sets can only reach 93%. Again we see the detection probability for the training set is almost about 20% higher than on other sets for frequency bands not in the [8000Hz, 8250Hz] range. This suggests that the statistical difference extracted from the training set over these frequency USC/CS TECHNICAL REPORT 14 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Frequency (Hz) Detection Probability (a) detection probability on the training set 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Frequency (Hz) Detection Probability (b) average detection probability on all other sets Fig. 24. Detection Probability of the Single Frequency Method with 10Mbps TCP bottleneck Traffic TABLE V VARIATION WITH DIFFERENT TRAINING SETS FOR THE SINGLE FREQUENCY METHOD Time Freq Pd Training Pd All Mean Mean Threshold 1am 793 0.573 0.526 11.212 11.011 11.602 3am 817 0.580 0.495 10.816 10.512 11.177 5am 805 0.582 0.511 10.736 10.449 10.774 7am 764 0.567 0.512 10.672 10.310 10.427 9am 771 0.567 0.520 10.810 10.670 11.389 11am 753 0.568 0.511 11.232 10.866 10.633 13pm 840 0.500 0.500 10.795 10.980 -5.085 15pm 764 0.567 0.514 11.014 10.789 11.303 17pm 809 0.558 0.509 11.013 10.983 12.047 19pm 761 0.563 0.510 11.042 10.779 11.213 21pm 848 0.500 0.500 10.595 10.797 3.729 23pm 813 0.593 0.500 11.439 12.087 23.568 mean 795 0.560 0.509 10.948 10.853 10.231 std 32 0.009 0.009 0.255 0.447 6.500 bands does not persist across other trace sets. Table IV shows the variation on detection probability as we use different training sets. The meaning of each field is almost the same as in Table II, except that the frequency bands are 10Hz wide here. We see there is not much variation on the detection probabilities on both the training set and on all other sets as we use different training sets. Their mean values are 96.8% and 92.5% with standard deviation of 2% and 0.9%, respectively. B. Experiment II: Detecting 10Mbps TCP Bottleneck Traffic In this scenario, the bottleneck flow is an Iperf TCP flow through a known 10Mbps bottleneck link from ISI to USC. Figure 23 shows aggregate traffic volume in terms of bit rate and packet rate. Again we use the average value for the 5- minute long trace with the Iperf flow to represent the traffic volume in the corresponding 2 hour interval. The figure shows that the traffic reaches the lowest (around 131Mbps or 35.7K packets per second) in the interval from 6am to 8am, and the highest (around 298Mbps or 72.7K packet per second) in the interval from 14pm to 16pm. The throughput of the Iperf TCP 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Frequency (Hz) Detection Probability (a) detection probability on the training set 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Frequency (Hz) Detection Probability (b) average detection probability on all other sets Fig. 25. Detection Probability of the Top Frequency Method with 10Mbps TCP bottleneck Traffic TABLE VI VARIATION WITH DIFFERENT TRAINING SETS FOR THE TOP FREQUENCY METHOD Time Freq Pd Training Pd All Mean Mean Threshold 1am 793 0.612 0.530 12.860 12.669 12.826 3am 783 0.617 0.528 12.569 12.393 12.491 5am 783 0.623 0.527 12.406 12.163 12.258 7am 758 0.593 0.530 12.301 12.169 12.210 9am 750 0.592 0.529 12.549 12.405 12.486 11am 763 0.557 0.513 12.825 12.769 13.001 13pm 770 0.567 0.528 12.594 12.496 12.476 15pm 823 0.575 0.519 12.701 12.611 12.594 17pm 803 0.570 0.501 12.846 12.711 12.872 19pm 788 0.585 0.538 12.615 12.484 12.505 21pm 840 0.557 0.500 12.357 12.411 11.471 23pm 753 0.582 0.529 12.607 12.458 12.559 mean 784 0.586 0.523 12.603 12.478 12.479 std 28 0.023 0.012 0.186 0.192 0.394 flow is about 9Mbps or 750 packets per second. Figure 24 shows the detection probability of the Single Frequency method using the 7am training set. Compared with the result for detecting 100Mbps TCP bottleneck traffic, the detection probability is very low for both the training set and other sets. The spike around 800Hz frequency associated with the 10Mbps TCP bottleneck traffic is barely noticeable. The reason is that the packet rate of the 10Mbps bottleneck flow is only about 1/10 of the packet rate for the 100Mbps bottleneck flow, and its presence does not bring much change to the overall aggregate spectrum. In other words, there is little statistical difference between group which contains the 10Mbps TCP bottleneck flow and group 7 which contains no such bottleneck flow. Table V shows the variation over different training sets. The meaning of each field is almost the same as in Table I, except that the frequency in the second field is selected from the [750Hz, 850Hz] range. The table shows there is only small difference on the average amplitude values between group and 7 . For some training sets, like the 13pm training set, the statistics of group and 7 (e.g., mean value and standard USC/CS TECHNICAL REPORT 15 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Frequency (Hz) Detection Probability (a) detection probability on the training set 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Frequency (Hz) Detection Probability (b) average detection probability on all other sets Fig. 26. Detection Probability of the Top-20 Frequencies Method with 10Mbps TCP bottleneck Traffic TABLE VII VARIATION WITH DIFFERENT TRAINING SETS AND M FOR THE TOP-M FREQUENCIES METHOD Time Top 1 Top 2 Top 5 Top 10 Top 20 1am 0.533 0.533 0.513 0.506 0.500 3am 0.528 0.532 0.536 0.531 0.520 5am 0.523 0.523 0.522 0.532 0.525 7am 0.534 0.536 0.516 0.520 0.514 9am 0.522 0.521 0.507 0.513 0.503 11am 0.541 0.531 0.532 0.518 0.512 13pm 0.534 0.530 0.515 0.525 0.515 15pm 0.525 0.530 0.523 0.537 0.519 17pm 0.533 0.529 0.531 0.519 0.517 19pm 0.531 0.536 0.518 0.511 0.509 21pm 0.528 0.514 0.493 0.497 0.504 23pm 0.533 0.531 0.536 0.522 0.512 mean 0.530 0.529 0.520 0.519 0.513 std 0.005 0.006 0.013 0.011 0.007 deviation) is so close that the Single Frequency Method fails completely by producing a negative cut-off threshold, basically classifying all instances as having 10Mbps TCP bottleneck traffic. The result for the Top Frequency Method using the 7am training set is shown in Figure 25. The frequency bands here are 10Hz wide. A point (x, y) in the graph represents the detection probability using the distribution of the top frequency in the band [x, x+10Hz]. It shows only slight improvement compared with the Single Frequency Method. The highest detection probability on the training set can reach 59.2%, versus 56.7% for the Single Frequency Method. Table VI shows the changes as we use different training sets. The meaning of each field is almost the same as in Table I, except that the second field refers to the lower bound of the frequency band that yields the highest detection probability on the training set and the lower bound is in the [750Hz, 850Hz] range. As we can see, there is only small difference on the average amplitude values between group and 7 across all different training sets. The detection probability stays fairly 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Frequency (Hz) Detection Probability (a) detection probability on the training set 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Frequency (Hz) Detection Probability (b) average detection probability on all other sets Fig. 27. Detection Probability of the ALL Frequencies Method with 10Mbps TCP bottleneck Traffic TABLE VIII VARIATION WITH DIFFERENT TRAINING SETS FOR THE ALL FREQUENCIES METHOD Time Freq Pd Training Pd All m 780 0.718 0.518 3am 770 0.722 0.507 5am 790 0.717 0.520 7am 770 0.722 0.515 9am 810 0.728 0.492 11am 820 0.725 0.491 13pm 800 0.718 0.501 15pm 750 0.715 0.499 17pm 750 0.725 0.496 19pm 840 0.720 0.507 21pm 790 0.723 0.500 23pm 790 0.733 0.508 mean 788 0.722 0.505 std 27 0.005 0.010 low no matter which training set we use. Figure 26 shows the detection probability with the Top 20 Frequencies Method using the 7am training set and 10Hz wide frequency bands. Similar to the result for detecting 100Mbps TCP Bottleneck traffic, the detection probability on the training set is almost 20% higher than the detection probability for all other sets, while the latter is almost the same as the Top Frequency Method. This again suggests that statistical difference extracted from the training set is local to the training set, and does not persist over the time. Table VII shows the detection probability on all other sets when we use top 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 frequencies in the frequency band of [783Hz, 793Hz] and train with different training sets. The results indicate that increasing the number of top amplitudes does not improve much the detection probability, and in some case it even reduces the detection probability. But the change is bounded to a very close range (within 4%). The result for the All Frequencies Method is shown in Figure 27. The training set was gathered at 7am, and the frequency bands here are 10Hz wide. The result is very similar to the result for the Top-20 Frequencies Method. Table VIII shows that there is only small variation on the detection USC/CS TECHNICAL REPORT 16 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 0 20 40 60 80 100 Time (hour) Bit Rate (Mbps) (a) Traffic V olume in Bit Rate (Mbps) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 x 10 4 Time (hour) Packet Rate (packets per second) (b) Traffic V olume in Packet Rate Fig. 28. Aggregate Traffic with a 10Mbps TCP Bottleneck Flow and Low Background Load probability as we use different training sets. C. Experiment III: Detecting 10Mbps TCP Bottleneck Traffic with Low Background Load In this scenario, we used an Iperf TCP flow to saturate the same 10Mbps bottleneck link, but the background traffic volume was significantly lower than the previous case, as we collected the trace at the start of a regular school semester. Figure 28 shows aggregate traffic volume in terms of bit rate and packet rate. The traffic reaches the lowest (around 28Mbps or 7.4K packets per second) in the interval from 6am to 8am, and the highest (around 78Mbps or 15.8K packets per second) in the interval from 14pm to 16pm. The throughput of the Iperf TCP flow is about 9Mbps or 750 packets per second. Figure 29 shows the detection probability of the Single Frequency method with the 7am training set. We see the detection probabilities for both the training set and other sets are better than the previous experiment (Figure 24). The detection probability has spikes around 789Hz and its multiples (harmonics). This demonstrates that in this scenario aggregate with the 10Mbps TCP bottleneck flow shows notice- able statistical difference with aggregate without such flow in their spectra around 789Hz and its multiples. Table IX shows the variation as we use different training sets. The meaning of all fields is the same as in Table V.We can see the average amplitude values for both group 7 and are generally much lower than their counterparts in the previous experiment (Table V), because the traffic volume is about 1/5 to 1/3 of the traffic load there. The gap between the average amplitude values for group 7 and is also wider than the previous scenario, making it easier to detect the 10Mbps bottleneck flow. The result for the Top Frequency Method using the 7am 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Frequency (Hz) Detection Probability (a) detection probability on the training set 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Frequency (Hz) Detection Probability (b) average detection probability on all other sets Fig. 29. Detection Probability of the Single Frequency Method with 10Mbps TCP bottleneck Traffic and low background load TABLE IX VARIATION WITH DIFFERENT TRAINING SETS FOR THE SINGLE FREQUENCY METHOD Time Freq Pd Training Pd All Mean Mean Threshold 1am 785 0.668 0.598 9.740 8.903 9.429 3am 793 0.703 0.591 9.712 8.448 9.144 5am 794 0.705 0.589 9.450 8.452 9.164 7am 789 0.685 0.599 9.657 8.650 9.308 9am 789 0.677 0.601 9.675 8.767 9.339 11am 782 0.615 0.582 9.765 9.190 9.653 13pm 785 0.618 0.602 9.933 9.365 10.004 15pm 791 0.642 0.613 10.187 9.624 10.139 17pm 812 0.758 0.531 11.236 9.374 10.486 19pm 797 0.648 0.600 9.674 8.884 9.231 21pm 815 0.617 0.528 9.731 9.019 9.981 23pm 770 0.597 0.540 9.315 8.938 9.634 mean 792 0.661 0.581 9.840 8.968 9.626 std 12 0.047 0.030 0.490 0.369 0.437 training set is shown in Figure 30. The frequency bands here are 10Hz wide. The detection probability on the training set can reach almost 90%, while thedetection probability on other sets can reach 70%, both significantly higher than the Single Frequency Method. The 20% difference between detection probability on training set and other sets suggests that there is a significant mismatch between the statistics of the training set and other sets. Table X shows the changes as we use different training sets. Now we see the detection probability on other sets can differ by as much as 19%. This implies that in this scenario, the statistical difference between group 7 and can change significantly over the time, and it is important to use the proper training set. It is our future work to model the variation of the statistics over the time and load level, and design parametric detection methods that consider such variation for better detection probability. Figure 31 shows the detection probability with the Top 20 Frequencies Method using the 7am training set and 10Hz wide frequency bands. Compared with the result for Top Frequency Method, the most noticeable difference here is that using top 20 Frequencies yields higher detection probability on the USC/CS TECHNICAL REPORT 17 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Frequency (Hz) Detection Probability (a) detection probability on the training set 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Frequency (Hz) Detection Probability (b) average detection probability on all other sets Fig. 30. Detection Probability of the Top Frequency Method with 10Mbps TCP bottleneck Traffic and low background load TABLE X VARIATION WITH DIFFERENT TRAINING SETS FOR THE TOP FREQUENCY METHOD Time Freq Pd Training Pd All Mean Mean Threshold 1am 788 0.842 0.737 11.481 10.688 11.084 3am 788 0.912 0.695 11.283 10.212 10.758 5am 788 0.890 0.692 11.208 10.227 10.735 7am 788 0.905 0.709 11.323 10.345 10.839 9am 783 0.862 0.727 11.402 10.579 10.993 11am 785 0.785 0.711 11.645 11.065 11.352 13pm 788 0.752 0.707 11.623 11.110 11.368 15pm 785 0.778 0.653 11.868 11.255 11.560 17pm 803 0.807 0.565 12.212 11.038 11.597 19pm 788 0.742 0.747 11.286 10.739 11.058 21pm 805 0.678 0.596 11.337 10.813 11.235 23pm 750 0.695 0.559 11.202 10.754 10.978 mean 787 0.804 0.675 11.489 10.736 11.130 std 13 0.079 0.066 0.303 0.348 0.294 training set across all frequency bands other than those around 789Hz and its multiples. This again suggests that statistical difference extracted from the training set over these frequency bands is local to the training set, and does not persist over the time. Table XI shows the detection probability on all other sets when we use Top 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 Frequencies in the frequency band of [788Hz, 798Hz] and train with different training sets. The result shows that increasing the number of top frequencies does not improve much the detection probability, and in some case it even reduces the detection probability. It suggests that the top frequency has captured the most important difference between group 7 and , and utilizing more frequencies does not yield significant gains. The result for the All Frequencies Method using the 7am training set is shown in Figure 32. The frequency bands width here are still 10Hz wide. It is very similar to the result with the Top-20 Frequencies Method, although the highest detection probabilities on both the training set and other sets are slightly lower. 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Frequency (Hz) Detection Probability (a) detection probability on the training set 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Frequency (Hz) Detection Probability (b) average detection probability on all other sets Fig. 31. Detection Probability of the Top-20 Frequencies Method with 10Mbps TCP bottleneck Traffic and low background load TABLE XI VARIATION WITH DIFFERENT TRAINING SETS AND M FOR THE TOP-M FREQUENCIES METHOD Time Top 1 Top 2 Top 5 Top 10 Top 20 1am 0.734 0.748 0.758 0.756 0.734 3am 0.692 0.696 0.696 0.691 0.685 5am 0.692 0.695 0.697 0.695 0.692 7am 0.708 0.718 0.719 0.719 0.719 9am 0.730 0.744 0.748 0.747 0.737 11am 0.715 0.720 0.725 0.716 0.696 13pm 0.705 0.716 0.724 0.711 0.694 15pm 0.651 0.649 0.662 0.655 0.648 17pm 0.702 0.709 0.715 0.715 0.693 19pm 0.745 0.754 0.764 0.751 0.727 21pm 0.752 0.755 0.746 0.725 0.678 23pm 0.745 0.748 0.742 0.724 0.675 mean 0.714 0.721 0.725 0.717 0.698 std 0.029 0.031 0.030 0.028 0.027 Table XII shows the changes on detection probability as we use different training sets. Like the result for the Top- Frequency Method, we now see the detection probability varies significantly across time, implying that parametric detection methods may be needed to consider the variation of the statistics over the time and load level. D. Experiment IV: Detecting 10Mbps UDP Bottleneck Traffic with Low Background Load In this scenario, we used an Iperf UDP flow to saturate a known 10Mbps bottleneck link. The UDP packet length is set to 1500 bytes. The traffic load level is comparable to the previous scenario. Figure 33 shows aggregate traffic volume in terms of bit rate. The traffic reaches the lowest (around 24.7Mbps or 7.2K packets per second) in the interval from 6am to 8am, and the highest (around 72.3Mbps or 15.9K packets per second) in the interval from 12pm to 14pm. The throughput of the Iperf UDP flow is about 9.6Mbps or 800 packets per second. USC/CS TECHNICAL REPORT 18 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Frequency (Hz) Detection Probability (a) detection probability on the training set 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Frequency (Hz) Detection Probability (b) average detection probability on all other sets Fig. 32. Detection Probability of the All Frequencies Method with 10Mbps TCP bottleneck Traffic and low background load TABLE XII VARIATION WITH DIFFERENT TRAINING SETS FOR THE ALL FREQUENCIES METHOD Time Freq Pd Training Pd All 1am 790 0.875 0.721 3am 780 0.932 0.646 5am 790 0.913 0.663 7am 780 0.923 0.677 9am 790 0.887 0.707 11am 790 0.813 0.677 13pm 790 0.827 0.688 15pm 780 0.840 0.621 17pm 810 0.827 0.535 19pm 790 0.797 0.686 21pm 810 0.770 0.546 23pm 750 0.780 0.537 mean 788 0.849 0.642 std 15 0.056 0.067 Figure 34 shows the detection probability of the Single Frequency method using the 7am training set. We see the detection probabilities for both the training set and other sets are better than the result for detecting 10Mbps TCP flow with comparable traffic load (Figure 29). The detection probability has spikes around 811Hz and its multiples (harmonics). 811Hz is slightly higher than 789Hz in the previous scenario, and closer to the highest packet rate through a 10Mbps bottleneck with 1500byte packets. The main reason behind the better detection probability is that the Iperf UDP flow fully saturates the bottleneck with a constant packet rate, while a TCP flow will adjust the packet transmission based on acknowledgments. As a result, the packet transmission of the UDP flow appears more regular than the TCP flow, resulting in stronger energy at a slightly higher fundamental frequency. The stinger amplitude will widen the difference between group 7 and , yielding better detection probability. Also we see much higher detection probability on the harmonics than the TCP case, since the UDP flow is more regular and its spectrum has stronger energy in harmonics. 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 0 20 40 60 80 100 Time (hour) Bit Rate (Mbps) (a) Traffic V olume in Bit Rate (Mbps) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 x 10 4 Time (hour) Packet Rate (packets per second) (b) Traffic V olume in Packet Rate Fig. 33. Aggregate Traffic with a 10Mbps UDP Bottleneck Flow and Low Background Load 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Frequency (Hz) Detection Probability (a) detection probability on the training set 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Frequency (Hz) Detection Probability (b) average detection probability on all other sets Fig. 34. Detection Probability of the Single Frequency Method with 10Mbps UDP bottleneck Traffic and low background load TABLE XIII VARIATION WITH DIFFERENT TRAINING SETS FOR THE SINGLE FREQUENCY METHOD Time Freq Pd Training Pd All Mean Mean Threshold 1am 810 0.725 0.689 10.581 9.062 9.769 3am 812 0.843 0.686 10.724 8.407 9.552 5am 811 0.848 0.694 10.802 8.592 9.687 7am 811 0.802 0.692 10.530 8.426 9.505 9am 811 0.810 0.724 11.001 8.979 9.958 11am 811 0.683 0.743 10.606 9.602 10.372 13pm 811 0.715 0.732 10.771 9.459 10.100 15pm 812 0.762 0.734 11.161 9.364 10.225 17pm 811 0.797 0.725 10.945 8.965 9.956 19pm 812 0.740 0.721 10.691 9.199 10.014 21pm 797 0.698 0.582 10.295 9.169 9.721 23pm 805 0.670 0.625 9.997 9.133 9.800 mean 810 0.758 0.696 10.675 9.030 9.888 std 4 0.062 0.048 0.314 0.385 0.264 USC/CS TECHNICAL REPORT 19 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Frequency (Hz) Detection Probability (a) detection probability on the training set 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Frequency (Hz) Detection Probability (b) average detection probability on all other sets Fig. 35. Detection Probability of the Top Frequency Method with 10Mbps UDP bottleneck Traffic and low background load TABLE XIV VARIATION WITH DIFFERENT TRAINING SETS FOR THE TOP FREQUENCY METHOD Time Freq Pd Training Pd All Mean Mean Threshold 1am 800 0.920 0.814 11.808 10.711 11.249 3am 805 0.980 0.796 12.013 10.174 11.150 5am 805 0.995 0.791 12.106 10.150 11.127 7am 803 0.963 0.771 11.904 10.255 10.987 9am 808 0.962 0.826 12.289 10.801 11.516 11am 805 0.828 0.833 12.088 11.290 11.697 13pm 803 0.880 0.824 12.217 11.256 11.731 15pm 805 0.918 0.807 12.318 11.197 11.772 17pm 805 0.962 0.836 12.317 10.828 11.557 19pm 805 0.880 0.846 12.091 10.983 11.533 21pm 790 0.888 0.625 11.715 10.851 11.284 23pm 800 0.872 0.821 11.676 10.783 11.227 mean 803 0.921 0.799 12.045 10.773 11.402 std 5 0.052 0.059 0.227 0.399 0.264 Table XIII shows the variation as we use different training sets. Like the result for detecting TCP bottleneck flow in IX, we see significant variation over the time, suggesting smarter detection methods are needed for better performance. But in general, no matter which training set we use, the detection probability is much better than the detection of TCP bottleneck flow under similar conditions. The result for the Top Frequency Method using the 7am training set is shown in Figure 35. The frequency bands here are 10Hz wide. Again we see better detection probability than the Single Frequency Method. It is also better than the TCP case (Figure 30), The detection probability on the training set can reach 96%, while the detection probability on other sets can reach 77% for the [803Hz, 813Hz] band. Again the 19% difference between detection probabilities on training set and other sets suggests that there is a significant mismatch between the statistics on the training set and other sets. Table XIV shows the changes as we use different training sets. Like the result for detecting TCP bottleneck flow under similar environment X, we see significant variation of the de- 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Frequency (Hz) Detection Probability (a) detection probability on the training set 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Frequency (Hz) Detection Probability (b) average detection probability on all other sets Fig. 36. Detection Probability of the Top-20 Frequencies Method with 10Mbps UDP bottleneck Traffic and low background load TABLE XV VARIATION WITH DIFFERENT TRAINING SETS AND M FOR THE TOP-M FREQUENCIES METHOD 1am 0.823 0.826 0.841 0.841 0.837 3am 0.797 0.802 0.820 0.825 0.823 5am 0.794 0.802 0.814 0.818 0.814 7am 0.756 0.751 0.756 0.756 0.752 9am 0.839 0.850 0.857 0.858 0.856 11am 0.835 0.847 0.862 0.857 0.826 13pm 0.802 0.821 0.833 0.826 0.812 15pm 0.808 0.820 0.818 0.815 0.808 17pm 0.837 0.850 0.864 0.862 0.859 19pm 0.847 0.856 0.865 0.862 0.850 21pm 0.833 0.834 0.836 0.827 0.802 23pm 0.854 0.860 0.858 0.860 0.840 mean 0.819 0.827 0.835 0.834 0.823 std 0.028 0.031 0.031 0.031 0.029 tection probability on other sets, arguing for smarter detection algorithms that consider the variation of the statistics over the time and load level. Figure 36 shows the detection probability with the Top 20 Frequencies Method using the 7am training set and 10Hz wide frequency band. Compared with the result for the Top Frequency Method, the only noticeable difference here is that using top 20 Frequencies yields higher detection probability on the training set on frequency bands other than those around 811Hz and its multiples. This again suggests that statistical difference extracted from the training set over these frequency bands is local to the training set, and does not persist over the time. Table XV shows the detection probability on other sets when we use top 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 frequencies in the frequency band of [805Hz, 815Hz] and train with different training sets. The results indicate that increasing the number of top frequencies does not improve much the detection probability, and in some case it even reduces the detection probability. The result for the All Frequencies Method using the 7am training set is shown in Figure 37. Again, it is very similar USC/CS TECHNICAL REPORT 20 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Frequency (Hz) Detection Probability (a) detection probability on the training set 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Frequency (Hz) Detection Probability (b) average detection probability on all other sets Fig. 37. Detection Probability of the ALL Frequencies Method with 10Mbps UDP bottleneck Traffic and low background load TABLE XVI VARIATION WITH DIFFERENT TRAINING SETS FOR THE ALL FREQUENCIES METHOD Time Freq Pd Training Pd All 1am 800 0.917 0.772 3am 810 0.962 0.759 5am 810 0.978 0.745 7am 810 0.952 0.724 9am 810 0.983 0.808 11am 810 0.828 0.792 13pm 810 0.902 0.797 15pm 810 0.930 0.788 17pm 810 0.958 0.809 19pm 810 0.892 0.794 21pm 790 0.887 0.602 23pm 800 0.890 0.761 mean 807 0.923 0.763 std 7 0.046 0.057 to the result of the Top-20 Frequencies Method, although the highest detection probabilities on both the training set and other sets are a bit lower. Table XVI shows the changes on detection probability as we use different training sets. Like the table for the Top-Frequency Method, we see the detection probability varies significantly across time, implying that parametric detection methods may be needed to consider the variation of the statistics over the time and load level. E. Discussion From the above results, we can see a clear relation between the detection probability and the ratio of the bottleneck flow volume and the background traffic volume (or signal-to-noise ratio). The first experiment scenario has the highest ratio ranging from 1/3.5 to 1/1.1 in terms of bit rate or 1/10 to 1/4.5 in terms of packet rate, and it has the highest detection probability, close to 100% with the Top Frequency Method. The second scenario has the lowest ratio ranging from 1/32 to 1/13 in terms of bit rate or 1/96 to 1/46 in terms of packet rate, and it has the lowest detection probability, below 55% even for the Top Frequency Method. The third scenario has a ratio about 1/8 to 1/2 in terms of bit rate or 1/20 to 1/9 in terms of packet rate, and its detection probability is in the middle, reaching 70% for the Top Frequency Method. This observation agrees with our intuition that the higher the ratio, the easier the detection. Although training with different sets plays a limited role in the extreme scenarios where the signal-to-noise ratio is either very high or very low (the first and second experiment scenarios), it has a significant impact on the detection proba- bility when the signal-to-noise ratio is in the middle (the third and fourth experiment scenarios). For example, the detection probability of the Top Frequency Method in the third scenario can vary by as much as 19% when we use different training sets. This implies that the statistical difference between group 7 and can vary significantly across time, and we need to model such variation further to design parametric detection methods that consider such variation. Regarding the Protocol impact, we see that it is easier to detect the Iperf UDP bottleneck flow than the Iperf TCP bottleneck flow. The reason is that the Iperf UDP flow fully saturates the bottleneck with a constant packet rate, while a TCP flow will adjust the packet transmission rate according to network conditions. As a result, the Iperf UDP stream appears more regular than the TCP stream under similar conditions, yielding bigger difference when compared with background traffic. Operated under the same conditions, the Single Frequency Method yields the lowest detection probability, while the Top Frequency Method performs significantly better as it considers the shift of the bottleneck signature in the spectrum across time. Both the Top-M Frequencies Method and All Frequen- cies Method improve the detection probability on the training set by considering more frequency information, but they do not produce significant gains on the detection probability on other sets, compared with the Top Frequency Method. This suggests that the top frequency captures most of the statistical difference that persists over the time. It is our future work to carry further investigation why these two multi-variate methods do not provide better performance and refine them for improvements. VI. RELATED WORK In recent years, a number of researchers have used spec- tral techniques to analyze network traffic. Hussain et al. apply spectral techniques to packet arrival time series to distinguish single-source and multi-source DDoS attacks [1], and more recently have extended this approach to attack re- identification [2]. But they mostly examine attack traffic in isolation of background traffic. Barford et al. use wavelets to analyze IP flow-level and SNMP information to detect Dos at- tacks and other network anomalies [4]. Cheng et al. also apply spectral analysis to separate normal TCP traffic which exhibit strong periodicities around its round-trip time from DOS attack traffic [7]. Magnaghi et al. propose a wavelet-based framework to proactively detect network misconfigurations, which utilizes the TCP retransmission timeout events during the opening phase of the TCP connection [16]. Partridge et al. apply the Lomb periodogram technique to retrieve periodicities USC/CS TECHNICAL REPORT 21 in wireless communication, including CBR traffic and the periodicity around the FTP round-trip time [5]. In addition, Partridge warns of the dangers of blind application of signal processing techniques in networking without careful analysis and knowledge of ground truth [8], [9]. Kim et al. apply wavelet denoising to improve the detection of shared congestion among different flows [17]. They use the cross-correlation between the one-way-delay experienced by packets in different flows for the detection, and then improve the performance by reducing the impact of random queuing behavior while preserving the behavior of highly congested link through wavelet denoising, since a highly congested link has a larger low frequency component in the spectrum of the one-way-delay sequence. The technique requires inserting active probe packets into the network to measure the one-way- delay. Another closely related work in detecting bottleneck traffic is in [6]. In this paper, Katabi et al. use packet inter- arrival times to infer the path characteristics such as bottleneck capacity, and bottleneck sharing among flows as the entropy of packet inter-arrival times is much lower for flows sharing the same bottleneck. A number of techniques have been used for estimating link capacity and available bandwidth [18], [19], [20], [21], [22], [23]. Besides scope, there are several key differences between these and ours. First, they need to isolate specific flows, whereas our techniques work on large aggregate traffic. Second, they need access to both ends of the path, whereas we assume a single observation point. Finally, most such techniques rely on active measurements, whereas ours are passive. Network tomography typically uses a limited number of active or passive measurements (typically at network edges) to infer network performance parameters and topology. Examples include network and link parameter estimation [24], [25], topology inference [26], [27], [28] and traffic matrices [29], [30]. The input signal is typically packet delays, round- trip time, loss, etc., and tomography tries to infer network characteristics using correlation techniques such as maximum likelihood estimation and Bayesian inference. Unlike our tech- niques, in network tomography multiple observation points may be required and flows need to be separated from aggregate traffic. As compared to other research, our approach is passive (i.e., does not require probing packets), can operate on aggregate traffic (so that component traffic flows do not have to be extracted), transform the data to a suitable spectral domain representation (rather than operating with time-domain infor- mation), and make use of more rigorous statistical methods (rather than relying on more qualitatively visual evidence). VII. CONCLUSIONS As the Internet has evolved to become an inseparable part of millions of people’s daily life, it is important for us to better understand and diagnose it in a broad scale. Spectral tech- niques have been shown to a powerful tool to extract hidden patterns in many fields, and they are becoming widely used by the network research community to analyze Internet traffic to infer useful information ranging from network anomalies to protocol behavior. In our work, we presented an experimental methodology for the application of spectral techniques to network problems, and used it to analyze the regularities imposed by bottleneck links. In addition to visual demonstrating the signature imposed by various bottleneck links and how it evolves as the bottle- neck flow traverses the network, we proposed four detection algorithms based Bayes Maximum-likelihood Classifier to automatically detect the bottleneck signature embedded in aggregate traffic, and evaluated their performance using real- world Internet traces. Our results show that we can have fairly high detection probabilities in many cases. In summary, we believe that spectral techniques provide a very promising approach to study the Internet traffic dynamics and the knowledge gained would make a vital contribution for the continuing success of the Internet. As future work we plan to strengthen our techniques by addressing the following aspects. Refine the detection algorithms by looking deep into their assumptions, such as the log-normal distribution assumption for the Single Frequency Method and the Top Frequency Method, and the multi-variate log-normal dis- tribution assumption for the Top-M Frequencies Method and the All Frequencies Method. Investigate why the Top-M Frequencies Detection and the All Frequencies Method do not yield better performance than the Top Frequency Method. We see that they can improve significantly the detection probability on the training set, but not on the other sets. Understanding the reason behind this may help us find other heuristics for improving the detection probability. Study other multi-variate detection methods, like the one utilizing harmonics, as harmonics may convey additional information besides the fundamental frequency. Model the underlying processes that govern the gen- eration of bottleneck traffic and how it is shaped by competing traffic, and use the model to design para- metric detection algorithms that take traffic load and other time-varying factors into consideration. We see the performance of the non-parametric detection algorithms depends on the heavily on the signal-to-noise ratio, and in some cases it also depends on which training set we use. We hope to improve the detection probability by modeling the underlying processes and designing para- metric detection algorithms that consider the variation across traffic load and time. Apply the detection methods in more diversified environ- ment, including at different trace points, with different bottleneck locations, different types of traffic composition (e.g., single flow versus multiple flows), and different types of cross traffic, so that we can gain a more thorough understanding of how they perform and validate the findings from system modeling. Study and improve the performance of our detection methods in terms of efficiency, so that the detection can be done in real-time with high speed network traffic. Extend the techniques into a framework that can be applied to study other periodic traffic phenomena, such USC/CS TECHNICAL REPORT 22 as TCP windowing behavior and network anomalies. This will expand the applicability of our methodology and help gain insight of other network phenomena. REFERENCES [1] A. Hussain, J. Heidemann, and C. 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Xinming He, Christos Papadopoulos, John Heidemann, Urbashi Mitra, Usman Riaz, Alefiya Hussain. "Spectral analysis of bottleneck traffic." Computer Science Technical Reports (Los Angeles, California, USA: University of Southern California. Department of Computer Science) no. 853 (2005).
Asset Metadata
He, Xinming
Heidemann, John
Hussain, Alefiya
Mitra, Urbashi
Papadopoulos, Christos
Riaz, Usman
Core Title
USC Computer Science Technical Reports, no. 853 (2005)
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Spectral analysis of bottleneck traffic (
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