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USC Computer Science Technical Reports, no. 812 (2003)
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Comparative Analysis of Algorithms for Tree Structure Restoration in Sensor Network
Fan Bai, Ahmed Helmy
Department of Electrical Engineering
Univ. of Southern California
{fbai, helmy}
Abstract Sensor networks will be usually used for the collection of measured data. In many cases, a tree structure is formed
for data query, data dissemination and other operations. As sensor nodes fail, this underlying tree structure is impacted or,
at the worst case, disabled. In this paper, we propose and compare three algorithms to restore the tree structure for sensor
network under network dynamics. Two of the algorithms use global information at the base station (or sink), while the third
uses only local information. Through simulations, we observe that the localized algorithm outperforms the two global
algorithms in terms of communication cost, corresponding energy and latency. In addition, we also gain a deeper insight
into the performance tradeoff for algorithms in sensor network. We clearly identify energy-latency tradeoff for the global
algorithms, as well as energy-accuracy (optimality) tradeoff for the localized algorithm.
I Introduction
With recent technical advances in micro -processor, memory and radio communication systems, large-scale sensor
networks consisting of numerous cheap and small sensors are becoming more feasible. Recently, wireless sensor networks
(WSN) have attracted plenty of attention from the research society, because of its potentials in both academia and industry.
One main proble m in sensor network is to retrieve the measured data from sensors and deliver it at a sink or base station.
To achieve this objective, a common practice is to establish an underlying structure for the sensor network linking all
sensors and the base station. With the help of this underlying structure, ordinary operations like data query, data retrieval,
data processing and aggregation, packet routing [1] and even topology maintenance could be implemented efficiently.
Some of the underlying structures may be implicit structures, such as GHT [4], the data-centric storage and routing
infrastructure based on the hashing table mapping scheme. Other structures, such as tree structures (with the base station
being the root of the tree) are explicitly set up, including Directed Diffusion [2] and GEM [1], among others. In this paper,
we focus on and study the problem of efficiently maintaining a tree structure in the sensor network in the face of network
dynamics and node failures.
In the past few years, numerous efforts are devoted to develop various novel energy-efficient protocols to prolong the
lifetime of sensor network and delay the depletion of battery as late as possible. However, in reality, sensors are power-
limited and error-prone, i.e., the sensor nodes susceptible to failure for various reasons. A sensor node may run out of
power after many years of operations. Sensor nodes may crash because of software or hardware failures. Several sensor
nodes in a specific region may be destroyed by natural disasters or malicious attacks. In brief, the failure of micro sensors
in sensor network is unavoidable. Facing the inevitable sensor failure, the existing infrastructure of sensor network is
subject to change, which in turn impacts or even disables, in the worst case, the normal operations of a sensor network.
How to restore the infrastructure in the face of network dynamics is an important and challenging topic of research.
In this paper, we propose three algorithms for tree restoration in sensor networks. Two use global information and are
called the global algorithms, and the third uses only local information and is called the localized algorithm. The two global
algorithms include global flooding and the global circulating algorithm. In both algorithms, all the live sensors within the
sensor field are directly or indirectly checked by the inquiry packets issued by the base station. Thus the tree structure could
be re-established. Through simple practical analysis, we find that an energy-latency trade-off seems to exist for the global
algorithm: global flooding algorithm incurs less latency but wastes too much energy on communication overhead, while
global circulating algorithm generates less overhead but incurs excessive latency. Based on our analysis we argue that
neither of these global algorithms is desirable for sensor network, where the energy is a scarce resource. Furthermore, we
propose a localized tree restoration algorithm through localized, scoped, flooding. The basic idea of the localized flooding
algorithm is to restrict the flooding only within the region where the sensor failure happens, thus, only the portion of the
tree structure being affected by the failed sensors is repaired, while the other part of tree structure remains intact. The task
of initiating the scoped flood is performed by an ancestor of the failed sensor.
Through simulation, the localized algorithm is shown to outperform the two global algorithms in terms of both latency
and communication overhead. In contrast to the global algorithms, for this problem of tree restoration in the face of sensor
failure, we believe that the localized algorithm provides an energy-efficient solution. Furthermore, through extensive
simulations, we also realize that the performance of localized flooding algorithm (including energy-related metrics) is
sensitive to the range of localized flooding (i.e., the K -parameter). By varying this parameter, the various energy-
accuracy/optimality trade-offs could be achieved in the localized algorithm.
We begin by discussing the related work in Section II. Then we describe the underlying tree structure used in our paper
and introduce the terminology in Section III. In section IV, we describe the two global algorithms and conduct a simple
theoretical comparison between their performance. The localized flooding algorithm is formally discussed in section V. The
simulation result is illustrated in Section VI, and we also discuss the performance tradeoff related with issue of energy in
this section. Finally, we conclude the paper in the Section VII.
II Related Work
In sensor network, tree structure is a commonly used underlying structure. In [3] a spanning tree is used to perform the
node-to-base-station routing. In Directed Diffusion [2], the initial stage of interest dissemination and gradient setup is also
based on the standard scheme for shortest -path tree setup. To deal with network dynamics, directed diffusion utilizes a soft-
state timer that leads to repeated flooding with network dynamics; often expensive in large sensor networks. A recent paper
[1] further extends the wide utility of underlying tree structure for sensor network: The tree -like GEM infrastructure is built
to provide functionalities such as node-to-node routing, data-centric storage as well as data aggregation and data processing.
Facing the node failure, a rather complex set of rules is applied to repair the broken tree structure.
The idea of restricted flooding is somewhat inspired by LAR [5], a MANET routing protocol which utilizes the location
information to restrict the scope of route request at the phase of route discovery. In our localized flooding algorithm, we
build upon the idea of controlled flooding. However, rather than relying on the explicit location information to determine
the potential area for flooding, as shown in Section V, we only use the implicit ancestor-offspring relationship in the logical
tree structure to limit the scope of flooding. We do not assume that location information is always available. Besides, the
geogra phic-logical closeness exists in the tree-structure of dense sensor networks (see Section 5.1 for details).
Our work is closely related to the work in [6], which demonstrates an efficient base-station-dominant algorithm that
could trace the identities of failed sensors with the moderate overhead. However, our crucial objective is not to determine
the failed sensor, but also to reconstruct the underlying tree structure under network dynamics. In addition, in [6] the
majority of work is done by base station because the long-range radio channel is optimistically assumed for base station,
while in our paper the task of finding failed nodes and reconstructing the tree structure is achieved through the cooperation
between sensors equipped with the normal radio.
III Sensor Network Model and Terminology
Within the region where the physical phenomenon happens, the measured data from various sensors is more or less
correlated. And considering the power is a scarce resource, it is a natural thought to conduct the in-network data processing
and data aggregation at the appropriate position of the tree structure: Each sensor sends its own data independently towards
the base station along the tree structure. However, the upper-level node will aggregate the data packets from different
lower-level nodes if their paths to base station are overlapping. Apparently, it forms a tree-like structure.
One obvious scenario in which tree-like structure could be applied is the sensor network used for the continuous
monitoring, such as the perimeter defensive system, where each sensor is required to report its data to base station every T
second. Even for the event-driven applications, the data flows from various sensors in the sensor field are able to aggregate
along the routes back to base station. Hence, the aggregation tree structure is also a desirable underlying infrastructure for
this kind of scenarios. In our opinion, because of the property of many-sensors -to-one-sink data flows and the strict
requirement for power efficiency, tree structure is one suitable underlying infrastructure could be used in sensor network.
Therefore, in this paper, we assume the base station and tree-like structure model for sensor network. In this model,
the sensors in the sensor field form a tree-like structure; the base station at the edge is the root of the tree. Each sensor has
limited capacity like storage, processing capacity and power, so it only maintains the information about its parent and
children of the tree structure or other direct neighbors. In this paper, we use the terminology node and sensor
interchangeably. Compared to the normal sensors, the base station is relatively powerful.
(a) Flooding
Seq_Number Seq_Number
Level Level
Parent Parent
Children_List Children_List
In/Out Restriction
Status Isolation
(b) Circulating
(c) Localized
Figure 1 Tables maintained by each sensor
We say a node is hearable if the measured data from this node could be received by base station. A node is said as failed
if this node runs out of power or it is destroyed by malicious attack, then this node is neither able to sense the nearby
phenomenon nor to transmit the sensed data. A node is categorized as soundless if the measured data from this node could
not be received by base station even though it is still alive. The region where set of all soundless nodes locates is called
silent zone. The reason why base station cannot receive the data from silent zone is that the ancestor of soundless sensors in
the tree structure is dead. The objective of the proposed algorithms is to restore the underlying tree structure of sensor
network after some sensor fails, therefore, the soundless nodes could be reconnected to the repaired tree structure. Through
the reestablished tree, the measurement data from soundless sensors could be received at base station again.
Whether a sensor fails or not is monitored by its direct neighbors within transmission range. In our scheme, each sensor
is responsible to monitor the status of all its children within the tree structure. For each sensor, if one of the children ceases
sending sensed data over time, it might send an error message back towards base station to report about the failure. For the
failed node, we call its parent as upstream detector . At the same time, the failure of sensor is also detected by its children
in the tree structure, we call those children as downstream detectors. All the terms above are illustrated in Figure 2(c).
After clarifying the above terminology, we can describe the two global algorithms and one localized algorithm for tree
reconstruction in the next two sections.
IV The Two Global Algorithms
In the face of sensor failure, the intuitive method to restore the underlying infrastructure of sensor network is to inquiry
about the status of all nodes within the sensor network and reconstruct the whole tree structure from scratch. In this section,
we describe two global algorithms and discuss their pros and cons.
4.1 Global Flooding Algorithm
The simplest algorithm is global flooding algorithm. In this algorithm, when a sensor is found as dead, the root initiates a
flooding with the range of whole network. Thus, the new tree structure is reconstructed correspondingly.
Before we describe the details of global flooding algorithm, we
need to introduce the table kept at each sensor used to establish
and maintain the tree structure. The key information in the table
is updated when the algorithms are applied. The table for global
flooding algorithm is shown in Figure 1(a). ID field stores the
globally unique id of the sensor, Parent field is to store the id of
the parent for this sensor in the tree structure, Children_List field
is to store the list of ids of all the children for this sensor in the
tree structure, Level field is to record the level of this sensor in
the tree structure, Sequence_Num field maintains the sequence
number of global flooding initiated by the root. This number is to
help sensors distinguish whether incoming FLOOD packet is a
new one or not. Please note this number is only incremented and
issued by root (base station) rather than any other sensors. In the
global flooding algorithm, three types of packets are used:
ERROR, FLOOD and SOLICIT packet. Their functionalities would be elaborated later.
Whether each sensor is failed or not is monitored by its neighbors in the way described in section III. Once certain
upstream detector observes that some of its children fail, it sends an ERROR packet immediately towards the root to report
the abnormality. After receiving the ERROR packet, the root increments the global flooding sequence number by one and it
broadcasts a FLOOD packet (tagged with the new sequence number). When sensor receives a FLOOD packet, it will first
check whether the sequence number tagged in FLOOD packet is a new one. If not, the sensor just discards the incoming
FLOOD packet because it has been processed before. Otherwise, it updates its current Seq_Number field by the new
sequence number in FLOOD packet, and revises the Parent field as the sender of incoming FLOOD packet. Afterward, a
SOLICIT packet is sent back to its parent to establish the parent-children logic al relationship. After the parent node updates
its Children_list field, this SOLICIT packet is then forwarded towards root. As the last step, the sensor rebroadcasts the
incoming FLOOD packet to all its neighbors. This procedure is repeated until all sensors receive the FLOOD packet.
In this way, the FLOOD packets can reach all the nodes alive in the sensor field. The nodes respond the FLOOD packet
by sending its own information included in the SOLICIT packets, along the newly established tree structure. Based on the
SOLICIT packets from all sensors, it is straightforward for root to construct the tree structure from scratch. In chorus, for
each sensor, the necessary table entries to maintain the inherent tree structure including Parent field, Children_List field has
also been set. In summary, for global flooding algorithm, after some sensors die, all sensors alive re-establish the new tree
structure. This new tree structure may differ with the tree structure before node failure. The example of global flooding
algorithm is shown in Figure 2(a). The detailed pseudo-code is provided in Appendix A.
4.2 Global Circulating Algorithm
The basic idea for global circulating algorithm is to visit all the nodes within the whole network and to rebuild the tree
structure from scratch. Different with the fashion of inquiring the sensor field through multiple threads concurrently (as
global flooding scheme), global circulating algorithm visits all the nodes in a one-by-one fashion by single inquiry process.
Actually, the global circulating scheme is a modified version of DFS algorithm[8]: The CIRCULATING packet works like
a mobile agent in sensor network, which traverses and establishes the new tree structure of the network in a DFS fashion.
We first describe the table kept at each sensor for the circulating algorithm. For each sensor, the table maintained is
shown in Figure 1(b). Besides the fields discussed in the previous section, some new fields are added. Status field indicates
the status of sensor, as specified by DFS algorithm: For each specific sequence number, White color represents that the
node has not been visited by the CIRCULATING packet yet; Gray color represents that the node has been visited once but
the visiting process is not finished yet (in other word, the CIRCULATING packet is currently visiting some sensor within
the subtree rooted at this node); Black color represents that all the nodes in its subtree has already been visited. For every
new global circulating sequence number, each sensor automatically sets its default value for Status field as white. In
Figure 2(a) Global Flooding
addition, each node is responsible to notify its direct neighbors about the current status after its Status field has been
changed. Only when the status of the node is gray (i.e. the CIRCULATING packet is currently at somewhere of its subtree),
the In(coming) field records the node from which the CIRCULATING packet comes, the Out(going) field records the node
to which the CIRCULATING packet goes. These two fields are designed to facilitate the CIRCULATING packet to
traverse the network. Only two types of packets are used in this algorithm: ERROR and CIRCULATING packet. In relation
to the direction of movement with respective to the tree structure, as shown in Figure 2(b), the movement of
CIRCULATING packet could be categorized into two types: downstream traversal indicates the movement of
CIRCULATING packet from parent node to child node (i.e., go down in the tree), and upstream traversal represents the
return of CIRCULATING packet from child node back to parent node (i.e., go up in the tree). Then, we discuss the details
of this algorithm.
When an ERROR packet is sent from upstream detector
back to root, the root increments its circulating sequence
number, which indicates the freshness of the CIRCULATING
packet. Afterwards, root randomly chooses one of its direct
neighbors whose status is still white as the beginning of
circulating process. Then, it sets its Status field as gray and
sends the single CIRCULATING packet to the chosen one.
Once a sensor with white status receives a CIRCULATING
packet from root or high-level node with gray status, if the
circulating sequence number has been processed before, this
CIRCULATING packet is discarded. Otherwise, it updates its
Parent and Level field as specified in the DFS algorithm, and
then changes its Status field as gray. If none of its neighbors is
still white, it then labels its Status field as black at once and
returns the CIRCULATING packet back to its parent (that is
an upstream traversal). Otherwise, if any of its neighbors whose status is still white for the new sequence number, it will
keep its status as gray. Then, the CIRCULATING packet will be sent to the one of the unprocessed neighbors with white
status (that is a downstream traversal), until none of the direct neighbors is still with white Status field.
By this way, the CIRCULATING packet keeps traversing downstream until it finally reaches a node with no white
neighbors. At this moment, the CIRCULATING packet can hardly go further and this node (leaf node) labels its Status
field from gray to black. Then, the CIRCULATING packet goes up to revisit the parent node from which it comes
(upstream traversal). Once the CIRCULATING packet returns back to the parent node, if none of the neighbors of the
parent node is still white, the parent node labels it as black and the CIRCULATING packet returns back to the parent of
parent node (upstream traversal); if not, it will send the CIRCULATING packet to one unprocessed neighbor with white
status (downstream traversal). The example is shown in Figure 2(b). The number for each node shown in this figure
illustrates the order that the nodes have been visited by the global circulating algorithm.
Following the fashion described above, the single CIRCULATING packet traverses all the sensors within the connected
component of sensor network. When the CIRCULATING packet visits each node at the first time, the necessary
information about this node, including ID field and Incoming/Outgoing filed, are recorded into the packet. Finally, the
CIRCULATING packet would return back to the root as long as no further nodes failed when the algorithm is applied.
Based on the collected information, the root could calculate the tree structure of the sensor network. Moreover, we should
also mention, the necessary table at each sensor (such as Parent field, Children_List field) to maintain tree structure in the
sensor network is also created and updated when the CIRCULATING packet traverses the network. The detailed pseudo-
code is provided in Appendix B.
4.3 A Simple Analysis
In this subsection, we conduct a simple theoretical study for the two proposed global algorithms. It would like to help us to
estimate their performance approximately and gain an intuitive insight into their pros and cons. We might assume that the
constructed tree is a balanced x -tree [7]. Based on this assumption
, we are able to borrow the theoretical analysis from the
standard graph theory [8] and roughly calculate the performance for the two global algorithms easily:
? For the global flooding algorithm, the communication overhead is O(nlogn), and the latency is O(logn);
? For the global circulating algorithm, the communication overhead is O(n) and the latency is also O(n).
where n is the number of nodes. Those results could be derived easily if the tree is binary search tree, as shown in Ref.[8].
However, even if the tree structure is the a-tree where each node has a children rather than 2 children, the result is still at
the same order of complexity as shown above, while the constant factor may be different.
We acknowledge that this assumption may not reflect the reality. However, it does help to give an intuitiv e estimation of algorithm performance in ideal
case. Moreover, in the Section IV, we co nduct the simulation in non -ideal scenarios that may not follow the assumption.
Figure 2(b) Global Circulating
Upstream detector
11 12
Founded on this rather intuitive study, it seems that an Energy-Latency trade-off exists for global algorithms of tree
reconstruction in sensor network. This phenomenon could be explained by the different numbers of inquiry processes
injected into the sensor networks: In global circulating algorithm, only one inquiry process (i.e., single CIRCULATING
packet) traverses the whole network in a DFS-like fashion along the newly established tree. Because it visits all the nodes
in one-by-one way, the communication will not be wasted on redundant transmissions but the latency is expected to be high.
In opposition, in global flooding algorithm, multiple inquiry entities (i.e., multiple FLOOD packets / SOLICIT packets) are
querying all the nodes simultaneously. Hence, the latency is reduced while the communication overhead is unavoidably
spent on redundant packet retransmission.
V The Localized Algorithm
Having conducted the simple comparison between the performances of two global algorithms, we find that the global
algorithms might not be the appropriate solution. One of the energy-efficient alternatives for the infrastructure maintenance
problem in face of node failure is to use the localized algorithm, which checks the status of small portion of all the sensors
and only repair the subtree structure in the region where sensors fail. Hence, the communication overhead and latency could
be reduced. Specifically, in the localized flooding algorithm discussed below, we restrict the region of inquiry and flooding
to the subtree rooted at the K-level ancestor of the failed nodes.
5.1 Observations and Basic Idea
The proposition of the localized algorithm is based on the two observations we made in the simulations:
(1) The node density of sensor network is high. If so, even one node fails, its children could still choose other
neighbors alive as the new parents and reconnect to the damaged tree through those new parents.
(2) The ‘family’-closeness in the logical tree structure for sensor network may also implicitly indicate the geographic-
nearness between sensors. If sensors locate within each other’s transmis sion range, it is highly possible that some
sensors are the parents, or children, or siblings, or cousins of the other sensors.
Thus, after some sensors fail, for the tree structure, all the
nodes within the subtree rooted at this failed sensor may
become ‘soundless’, since their previous routes to root are
broken. However, because of the properties of the high-
density deployment and implicit logical -geographic
relationship mentioned above, those soundless nodes could
possibly find other living neighbors located in other
branches of the existing tree structure as the new potential
parents, and attach to the tree structure through those nodes.
For example, in Figure 2(c), node A fails but all the nodes
within the subtree rooted at node A (including B and C) can
be attached to the tree structure through node D.
In our localized flooding algorithm, when the node failure
is detected, a high-level ancestor of the failed node is
notified about the failure. Then, this notified ancestor would
conduct a localized flooding for the nodes in its subtree (of
the previously established tree structure). Thus, this flooding is only restricted to a small portion of sensor field and the
whole tree is not needed to rebuild from scratch. In other words, we only repair the tree structure at the region where
sensors fail. Hence, the overhead and latency is not wasted to inquiry about the node status and reconstruct the tree
structure for intact part of sensor network.
5.2 Localized Flooding Algorithm
For localized flooding algorithm, the packet types used and the table entries kept at sensor are similar to the global flooding
algorithm. The only difference is that, for the localized flooding algorithm, we add the new Isolation field and Restriction
field in the table, as shown in Figure 1(c). For the Isolation field, white color represents that the node is currently not part of
established tree structure of sensor network, i.e., this sensor is soundless or so -called ‘isolated’ node. Black color indicates
that the node is part of already established tree that are not affected by the node failure; For the node with white color for
Isolation field, its Restriction field is invalid. Only for the node whose Isolation field is black, the value of Restriction field
is meaningful: the NO value represents that the node should not be used for localized flooding, the default value of
Restriction field is set as NO. The YES value indicates that the node is part of already established tree structure (black color
for Isolation field) but through them the isolated nodes may potentially reconnect to the tree structure. In other words, the
nodes with YES value for Restriction field are the only nodes used for localized flooding.
When the failure of sensor is detected, the downstream detectors of the failed sensors will send ERROR packets to all the
children in their subtrees, in order to notify them to change their Isolation field to white and invalidate their
Restriction/Parent/Children/Level field. Soon, all the nodes within the subtree rooted at failed sensor are labeled as
‘isolated’ nodes whose Isolation field is white. At the same time, the failure of sensor is also detected by the upstream
Figure 2(c) Localized Flooding
Flood Initiator
Failed Sensor
detector. The upstream detector will report the failure in an ERROR packet to its K-level ancestor (rather than root), where
the fixed parameter ‘K’ is the key parameter in our localized flooding algorithm. It represents to which level of ancestor
should be notified about the lower-level sensor failure and from which level of ancestor the localized flooding should be
conducted, we call the K-level ancestor of the failed sensor as flood initiator
because the localized flooding is initiated by
it. If K is 1, then the flood initiator is the upstream detector itself; if K is 2, then the flood initiator is the parent of upstream
detector; if K is 3, the flood initiator is the grandparent of upstream detector, so on and so forth.
After receiving the ERROR packets from upstream detector, the flood initiator will initiate the localized flooding by
broadcasting FLOOD packets within its subtree. For the black node within this subtree, after receiving the FLOOD packets
from its parent, it changes its Restriction field to YES, while the nodes in other subtree remain NO value. By this way, for
all the black nodes within the subtree of flood initiator, their Restriction field will be changed to YES. Finally, the FLOOD
packets may reach ‘isolated’ nodes whose Isolation field is white in the silent zone. When the white node receives the
FLOOD packet, it will adopt the node from which the FLOOD packet comes first as the parent, and then reply a SOLICIT
packet towards the newly adopted parent. Thus, the ‘isolated’ node could be reconnected to tree structure. After changing
the Isolation field to black and label its Restriction field as YES, this newly reconnected node will rebroadcast the FLOOD
packet in its transmission range. This procedure is repeated until no white nodes exist.
Once the nodes outside of this subtree rooted at flood initiator receive the FLOOD packet, the FLOOD packet is dropped
because this packet is not forwarded from their own parents in the tree, so the value of Restriction field is still set as default
value NO. In this fashion, the localized flooding is restricted within the subtree rooted at the flood initiator, and intact part
of damaged tree can be reused without incurring much overhead. For this reason, the tree structure is said to be repaired
rather than to be re-established from scratch, as in global algorithm. The example is shown in Figure 2(c). For the detailed
pseudo code, please refer Appendix C.
Apparently, the selection of K parameter would impact the performance of our localized flooding scheme: Within the
previously established tree structure which is damaged now, the K parameter decides the position from which the localized
flooding is initiated, which in turn indirectly determines the region where the restricted flooding is conducted. Suppose that
the failed sensor is fixed, if the K parameter is smaller, the positio n of flood initiator is at lower level of the tree structure.
As a result, the nodes covered by localized flooding are expected to be small, so is the overall communication overhead and
latency. On the contrary, if the K parameter is a large number, the position of flood initiator would be close to the root of
the tree, so the region covered by localized algorithm is larger. Consequently, the communication overhead and latency will
increase as the K parameter increases. In summary, from the perspective of energy, small value of K parameter is desirable.
However, on the other hand, small K parameter may result in the incorrect or non-optimal tree restoration. In some
scenarios, if the K parameter is too small, the ‘isolated’ nodes cannot be reconnected to the existing structure through the
small-range localized flooding, because the only nodes that could reconnect the isolated nodes may not locate in the region
of localized flooding; Similarly, the nodes from which the ‘isolated’ nodes reconnect to the tr ee structure in shortest-path-
length fashion also might not locate in the region of localized flooding as well. Thus, even the isolated nodes could be
reconnected to the tree structure, their path lengths to base station will not be optimal. If the K parameter increases, the
instances of incorrect and non-optimal tree restoration are reduced because the region of localized flooding is expanded.
Based on the above intuitive discussion, we recognize the relationship of K parameter and the performance of localized
flooding algorithm in terms of various metrics. In the next section, we analyze this relationship in details by simulation.
VI The Simulations and Results
In this section, we report the preliminary performance evaluation of those algorithms under various scenarios. In addition,
we also gain a deeper understanding towards the Energy-Latency trade-off for global algorithms and the Energy-
Accuracy/Efficiency trade-off for localized algorithm.
6.1 Simulation Setting and Metrics
The result of this section is obtained in an event-driven packet-level simulator developed by the authors. We implement the
proposed two global algorithms and one localized algorithm in this simulator. This simulator uses the ideal radio
transmission model with transmission range R = 150m and the ideal MAC layer model. In order to study the performance
trend of proposed algorithms as the function of network size, the number of sensor nodes is set to 50, 100, 150, 200 and 250
to generate a number of sensor networks. The nodes are randomly and uniformly placed in the field. As noticed by many
other previous works[2,3], the node density is expected to be high in sensor network. We assume that the generated sensor
networks are keeping an approximate average node degree at around 10. Thus, the sensor network with 50 nodes is
generated in a 600m by 600m square field, and 1275m by 1275m field can contain a 250-node sensor network. The failure
of sensor is modeled as sporadic failure, i.e., the failure of sensor is random and independent of each other. In our simulator,
at every second, one sensor among all the nodes alive is randomly and uniformly chosen to fail with probability p (p=0.4 in
our simulation setting). The simulations keep running until 30% of the overall nodes in the sensor field fail.
If the K-level ancestor of failed node does not exist (i.e., the K-m level ancestor of failed node is already the root, where m is smaller than K), we will
choose the root as the flood initiator.
For each network size, we generated 5 different instances of network topology with the different random seeds. For each
generated network topology, we generate 6 different kinds of node failure scenarios with various random seeds. In short ,
for each network size, the final result shown here is averaged over 30 different instances.
We choose two major metrics to evaluate the performance of three proposed algorithms: Average Communication
Overhead and Average Latency to reconstruct the tree structure. The Communication Overhead metric measures the
number of overhead used to inquiry about the node status and reconstruct the tree structure, including ERROR, FLOOD,
SOLICIT, CIRCULATING packets etc. It is counted as the number of transmitted and forwarded packets. The Latency
metric measures the latency observed as the difference between when node failure is detected and when the tree structure is
restored. It is counted in terms of timestep.
To study the relationship between K parameter and performance of localized algorithm, besides the metrics of overhead
and latency, we also examine the metrics of incorrectness and non-optimality of reconstructed tree by localized flooding
algorithm. As pointed in section 5.2, if K parameter is too small, localized flooding algorithm may not always correctly
reconstruct tree structure to route packets optimally: Some soundless nodes may hardly be reconnected to the tree structure.
Since the localized algorithm could not decide whether it is error case. By comparing with the correctly repaired tree
structure obtained from global flooding algorithm, we are able to tell whether it is the error case. The metric of
Incorrectness is defined as the ratio of error case happens; In other cases, some soundless nodes may fail to reconnect to
the tree through the shortest-path route. Thus the metric of Non-optimality is defined as the ratio of non-optimal-path case
6.2 Performance Comparison for Proposed Algorithms
In this subsection, we look at the general performance trend for various algorithms. For the localized flooding algorithm,
we set K parameter equal to 1 as the baseline performance of this algorithm (i.e., the upstream detector itself will initiate
the localized flooding). In the next subsection, by varying the K parameter, we will examine the detailed relationship
between localized algorithm performance and K parameter.
Figure 3(a) shows the trend of Average Communication Overhead incurred by each node failure for these algorithms.
Clearly seen from the figure, localized flooding algorithm achieves the lowest communication overhead. Between the two
global algorithms, the global circulating algorithm generates much less communication overhead than the global flooding
algorithm. Thus, the global flooding is the most expensive algorithm in terms of communication cost and corresponding
energy. The trend of Average Latency for the three algorithms is illustrated in Figure 3(b). The localized algorithm also
outperforms the global algorithms in terms of latency. However, between the global algorithms, the latency incurred by the
global circulating algorithm is higher in the order of magnitude than the global flooding algorithm.
In summary, the simulations validate our conjecture that localized algorithm outperforms the global algorithms in terms
of both overhead and latency. This is because the localized algorithm only inquiries the small portion of nodes around the
failed node, while the global algorithm needs to check all the nodes alive.
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Overhead (packets)
glo_flood glo_circu loc_flood
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Latency (timestep)
glo_flood glo_circu loc_flood
Figure 3(a) Comparison of Overhead among Algorithms Figure 3(b) Comparison of Latency among Algorithms
6.2 Energy-Accuracy/Optimality Trade-off for Localized Flooding Algorithm
Prior to investigating the impact of K parameter on the performance metrics for localized flooding algorithm, we may first
examine how the smallest K parameter (i.e., K=1, used as the baseline value) determines the performance in terms of
correctness and route optimality. When K is equal to 1, i.e., the localized flooding is only restricted to the subtree rooted at
the upstream detector of failed sensors, the localized algorithm may generate around 7%~11% error cases among all the
scenarios with different network sizes. The case of non-optimal route happens around 10%~12% for all cases. However, by
tracing the non-optimal routes established by localized flooding algorithm, we find that the majority of non-optimal routes
are only 1~2 hop longer than the optimal routes (the ma ximal path length is 14 hops). When the K is set to 2, the error case
decreases to less than 6% and non-optimal case decreases as well
Then, we might look at how the K parameter can determine the performance of algorithm in terms of incorrectness and
non-optimality together with overhead and latency. As discussed in section 5.2, the value of K parameter indirectly
indicates the large region of localized flooding. As the value of K parameter increases, the region of localized flooding is
expanded, then the communication overhead and latency will increase as well. However, the incorrectness and non-
optimality could be improved at the same time, since it begins to approximate the global flooding. As shown in Figure 4(a),
the overhead (and corresponding energy) increases linearly as K increases. At the same time, as shown in Figure 4(b), the
error probability and non-optimization probability decreases sharply. As K parameter increases, the latency also increases
linearly. Due to the limited page, we did not show how parameter K affects the latency.
By observing those figures, we are able to develop a deeper understanding for the Energy-Accuracy/Optimality trade-off
for localized algorithm. When K parameter is set to 1, the localized flooding algorithm only incurs around 1/15 overhead of
the global flooding algorithm, however, it will also generate around 11% error cases and less than 12% non-optimal routes.
When the parameter is set to 2, the overhead incurred by localized algorithm is around 1/9 of the global flooding algorithm,
but the error case and non-optimal case is reduced to 6% and 9% respectively. In sensor network, we may sacrifice the
accuracy or optimality of result to save the scarce energy, as observed in previous works [9].
0 2 4 6 8
Overhead (packets)
0 2 4 6 8
Incorrectness non-optimality
Figure 4(a) Impact of K on Overhead (N=250) Figure 4(b) Impact of K on Incorrectness and Non-optimality (N=250)
VI Conclusion & Future Work
The tree structure used as the underlying infrastructure for sensor network is subject to change when some sensors fail. In
this paper, we attempt to provide solutions to re-establish or repair the broken tree structure in an efficient fashion.
Two global algorithms, including global flooding algorithm and global circulating algorithm, as well as one localized
flooding algorithm are proposed. Because the whole tree structure is constructed from scratch and all nodes are inquired
about status, the global algorithms are rather expensive in terms of energy, compared with localized algorithm. For
localized flooding algorithm, we find that the goal of reducing energy and goal of improving correctness (or routing
optimality) are somehow contradict, while both of them are determined by the region of restricted flooding (i.e., K
parameter in our localized flooding algorithm). Moreover, we observe that the Energy-Latency trade-off (for global
algorithm) and the Energy-Accuracy/Optimality trade-off (for localized algorithm) seem to exist in sensor network.
As part of our future work, one immediate goal would be to develop a scheme where K parameter is adaptively adjusted
by the network. According to the level of failed sensor in the tree structure, node degree and other parameters, the K-
parameter is dynamically chosen to achieve the appropriate Energy-Accuracy/Optimality trade-off observed in this paper.
[1] James Newsome and Dawn Song. “GEM: Graph Embedding for Routing and Data-Centric Storage in Sensor Networks without
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As a side note, we should mention that the incorrect and inefficient tree restoration would not be accumulated over time. Because the sensor failure
randomly happens to every sensor, thus some sensor close to root could be expected to fail over some time. At this moment, a global flooding initiated by
root (which is just the flood initiator) could restore the tree structure efficiently and correct ly. By tracing the details, the claims are observed in our
[5] Ko,Young-Bae, and Nitin H. Vaidya, “Location-Aided Routing (LAR) in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks", In ACM/IEEE Int. Conf. on
Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom'98), Oct. 1998, P66-75.
[6] J. Staddon, D.Balfanz and G.Durfee, “Efficient Tracing of Failed Nodes in Sensor Networks”, in WSNA 2002 .
[7] A.Despain and D. Patterson, X-tree: a tree structured multi-processor architecture . Pages 144-151.
[8] T. Cormen, C.Lerserson, R.Rivest and C.Sterin, Introduction to Algorithms, Second Edition, Mc Graw Hill, 1998.
[9] S. Tilak, N. Abu-Ghazaleh, and W. Heinzelman, "A Taxonomy of Wireless Microsensor Network Models," ACM MC2R, 2002.
Appendix A The pseudo-code for global flooding algorithm
global_flood ( )
for each node i, when it receives a packet from some other nodes
if (packet.type == ERROR){
if (node[i].id != root ) // if the node is not root, forward it towards root
unicast(packet, node[i].parent);
else { // if it is root, increments the seq_num, and initiates new flooding
root.seq_number ++;
form_packet( new_packet, FLOOD);
packet.seq_number = root.seq_number;
broadcast( new_packet );
if (packet.type == FLOOD){
if (packet.seq_number > node[i].seq_number)
// if the FLOOD packet is new FLOOD packet, update the seq_number, set the parent //as the node
where the packet comes, and rebroadcast the packet in its neighborhood
node[i].seq_number = packet.seq_number;
node[i].parent = incoming_id(packet);
node[i].level = node[node[i].parent].level+1;
if (packet.type == SOLICIT){
if (incoming_id(packet).parent == node[i].id ){
// if the node is the parent, establish theparent-children relationship
add_children (node[i], incoming_id(packet));
if (node[i].id != root) {
//forward this packet until it reaches at root
unicast (packet, node[i].parent);
The pseudo code above describes the major part of the algorithm of global flooding. Some functions are used in it. Here, we
briefly describe their functionalities: form_packet (packet, type, seq_number) is to form a new packet with type as
parameter ‘type’ and the parameter ‘seq_number’ as the sequence number of the packet; add_children (parent, child) is to
add the node ‘child’ into the children list of node ‘children’); incoming_id (packet) is to distinguish the node from which
the packet is sent; unicast (packet, receiver) is to send the packet to the node ‘receiver’ and broadcast (packet) is to
broadcast the packet in the transm ission range of the node.
Appendix B The pseudo-code for global circulating algorithm
global_circulate ( )
for each node i, when it receives a packet from some other nodes
if (packet.type == ERROR){
if (node[i].id != root ) // if the node is not root, forward it towards root
unicast(packet, node[i].parent);
else { // if it is root, increments the seq_num, and initiates circulating
root.seq_number ++;
form_packet( new_packet, FLOOD);
new_seq_number = root.seq_number;
new_packet.direction = DOWNSTREAM;
unicast( one node in the neighbor_list(root), new_packet );
if (packet.type == CIRCULATE){
if (packet.seq_number <= node[i].seq_number)
drop_packet (packet); //if the packet has been seen before, drop it
else {
if (node[i].status == BLACK) //drop it, for the black node can not receive packet
drop_packet (packet);
else if (node[i].status == WHITE)
{ //for fresh node, update the seq number and parent/level field
node[i].seq_number = packet.seq_number;
node[i].parent = incoming_id(packet);
node[i].level = node[node[i].parent].level+1;
//if some neighbors are still white, send the packet to one of them
while (neighbor_list(i)!= NULL){
packet.direction = DOWNSTREAM;
unicast(one node in the neighbor_list(i), packet);
//change its status to GRAY color
node[i].status = GRAY;
else if (node[i].status == GRAY)
{ //add the incoming node as its children node
add_children (node[i], incoming_id(packet));
// if some neighbors are still white, send the packet to one of them
while (neighbor_list(i) != NULL){
packet.direction = DOWNSTREAM;
unicast (one node in the neighbor_list(i), packet);
// if none of neighbor is white, change its status to BLACK and return
if (neighbor_list == NULL){
node[i].status = BLACK;
packet.direction = UPSTREAM;
unicast (node[i].parent, packet);
In the pseudo-code above, we describe the major part of the global circulating algorithm. Some of the functions are
described as follow: drop_packet(packet) is to drop the packet because it is mistakenly forwarded; neighbor_list(i) function
returns the pointer to the array which ma intains all the neighbors of node i whose status is still white. If none of such
neighbor exists, it returns NULL value. The other functions are similar to the functions described in Appendix A.
Appendix C The pseudo-code for localized flooding algorithm
error_handle ( K-parameter )
for the downstream detector
while (subtree_of_downstream_detector (i)) { //to invalidate all nodes in the silent zone
unicast(node[i].children_list, error_packet);
node[i].isolation = WHITE;
node[i].restriction = NULL;
node[i].parent = NULL;
node[i].children_list = NULL;
node[I].level = NULL;
for the upstream detector
while ( ! K -ancestor_of_upstream_detector (i) ) { // notify the ERROR to flood initiator
unicast (node[i].parent, error_packet);
i = node[i].parent;
flood_initiator = i;
//then flood initiator initiates the localized flooding
packet.type = FLOOD;
unicast (node[flood_initiator].children_list, packet);
local_flood ( )
for each node i in the network, when it receives a packet fro m some other nodes
if (packet.type == FLOOD){
if( subtree_of_flood_initiator(i) )
{//if the received node is within the subtree of flood initiator, it is within flooding range
//and process the packet
if( node[i].isolation == BLACK){
//for black nodes, only enable their restriction field, and broadcast
node[i].restriction = YES;
else if( node[i].restriction == WHITE) {
//for white node, record the field used to establish tree structure
//enable the restriction field, change isolation field, and rebroadcast FLOOD
//send the SOLICIT packet to parents.
node[i].isolation = BLACK;
node[i].restriction = YES;
node[i].parent = incoming_id(packet);
node[i].level = node[node[i].parent].level + 1;
form_packet(new_packet, SOLICIT);
unicast(new_packet, node[i].parent);
//if the node is out of the subtree of flood initiator, just drop the packet
else ( !subtree_of_flood_initiator(i) )
if( packet.type == SOLICIT){
if (incoming_id(packet).parent == node[i].id ){
// if the node is the parent, establish theparent-children relationship
add_children (node[i], incoming_id(packet));
if (node[i].id != root) {
//forward this packet until it reaches at root
unicast (packet, node[i].parent);
In the pseudo-code above, we describe the major part of the global circulating algorithm. Some of the functions are
described as follow: subtree_of_downstream_detector(i) is to decide whether node i is within the subtree of the downstream
detector, if so, return TRUE, otherwise, it returns FALSE; similarly, subtree_of_flood_initiator(i) is to decide whether node
i is within the subtree of the flood initiator. K-ancestor_of_upstream_ detector(i) is to decide whether the node i is the k-
level ancestor (i.e., flood initiator) of the failed node in the tree structure.
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Fan Bai, Ahmed Helmy. "Comparative analysis of algorithms for tree structure restoration in sensor network." Computer Science Technical Reports (Los Angeles, California, USA: University of Southern California. Department of Computer Science) no. 812 (2003).
Asset Metadata
Helmy, Ahmed
Core Title
USC Computer Science Technical Reports, no. 812 (2003)
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Comparative analysis of algorithms for tree structure restoration in sensor network (
Department of Computer Science,USC Viterbi School of Engineering, University of Southern California, 3650 McClintock Avenue, Los Angeles, California, 90089, USA
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