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USC Computer Science Technical Reports, no. 817 (2004)
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USC Computer Science Technical Reports, no. 817 (2004)
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Computer Science Technical Report Archive
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Hui Zhang, Ashish Goel, Ramesh Govindan, Kahn Mason, Benjamin Van Roy. "Making eigenvector-based reputation systems robust to collusion." Computer Science Technical Reports (Los Angeles, California, USA: University of Southern California. Department of Computer Science) no. 817 (2004).
Asset Metadata
by Hui Zhang, Ashish Goel, Ramesh Govindan, Kahn Mason, Benjamin Van Roy
Core Title
USC Computer Science Technical Reports, no. 817 (2004)
Alternative Title
Making eigenvector-based reputation systems robust to collusion (
Department of Computer Science,USC Viterbi School of Engineering, University of Southern California, 3650 McClintock Avenue, Los Angeles, California, 90089, USA
OAI-PMH Harvest
15 pages
technical reports
Unique identifier
04-817 Making Eigenvector-Based Reputation Systems Robust to Collusion (filename)
Legacy Identifier
15 pages (extent),technical reports (aat)
Department of Computer Science (University of Southern California) and the author(s).
Internet Media Type
In copyright - Non-commercial use permitted (
Computer Science Technical Report Archive
University of Southern California. Department of Computer Science. Technical Reports
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The author(s) retain rights to their work according to U.S. copyright law. Electronic access is being provided by the USC Libraries, but does not grant the reader permission to use the work if the desired use is covered by copyright. It is the author, as rights holder, who must provide use permission if such use is covered by copyright.
Repository Name
USC Viterbi School of Engineering Department of Computer Science
Repository Location
Department of Computer Science. USC Viterbi School of Engineering. Los Angeles\, CA\, 90089
Repository Email
Inherited Values
Computer Science Technical Report Archive
Archive of computer science technical reports published by the USC Department of Computer Science from 1991 - 2017.
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Repository Email
Repository Name
USC Viterbi School of Engineering Department of Computer Science
Repository Location
Department of Computer Science. USC Viterbi School of Engineering. Los Angeles\, CA\, 90089
Department of Computer Science,USC Viterbi School of Engineering, University of Southern California, 3650 McClintock Avenue, Los Angeles, California, 90089, USA
In copyright - Non-commercial use permitted (