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USC Computer Science Technical Reports, no. 704 (1999)
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USC Computer Science Technical Reports, no. 704 (1999)
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A Hierarchical Proxy Architecture for
Internet-scale Event Services
Haobo Yu, Deborah Estrin, Ramesh Govindan
Information Sciences Institute
University of Southern California
4676 Admiralty Way, Suite 1001
Marina del Rey, CA 90292
Abstract— The rapid growth of the Web has made it possible to
build collaborative applications on an unprecedented scale. How-
ever, the request-reply interaction model of HTTP limits the range
of applications that can be built. In this paper, we consider a
complementary communication model—asynchronous event noti-
fication from servers to clients. Our focus in the paper is the de-
sign of an Internet-scale mechanism for event dissemination. Such
a mechanism must scale to large numbers of participants and event
types, as well as provide failure detection and handling. In this pa-
per, we explore the design space of event dissemination architec-
tures, and present a design of a hierarchical proxy architecture for
event dissemination. Compared with previous approaches, our de-
sign reduces proxy states and provides failure detection and recov-
ery mechanisms.
Keywords: event service, collaboration, web, proxy hierarchy
The phenomenal growth of the Web during the past
years has made it possible for people to collaborate on
an unprecedented scale. However, designers of large-
scale Web-based collaborative applications face one prob-
lem: HTTP [8] is a pure request-response model and
does not allow servers to asynchronously notify clients
of events at the server-side. Many distributed systems
need such functionality, e.g., callbacks in distributed file
systems [23], and gossip messages in lazy replication
systems [15]. Some existing systems, such as mailing
lists and ICQ [12], support large-scale notification us-
ing centralized proxies for relaying events from servers
to clients. However, these notification mechanisms are
specialized for their applications; it is desirable to design
a general-purpose event dissemination infrastructure on
which large-scale collaborative applications can be imple-
To motivate the requirements of a general-purpose
event notification architecture, let’s consider a hypotheti-
cal class of applications. Suppose every user (or program)
We would like to thank Lee Breslau and Scott Shenker for their help-
ful discussions. They are responsible for many of the key ideas that
inspired the design described in this paper. This research is supported
by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) through
the VINT project at USC/ISI under DARPA grant DABT63-96-C-0054.
in the world keeps a database of data items and a set of
rules to modify the items. One example of a data item is
an appointment in a calendar (“Meet Joe between 10 and
11am on Tuesday”). An example of a rule associated with
this appointment might be “if Joe cancels this meeting, try
to set up a teleconference with Alice and Bob during the
same slot”. This simple example brings out several inter-
esting features. First, a change in one data item can lead
to changes in other items. Thus, a canceled appointment
in Joe’s calendar can affect Bob’s appointments. Second,
a data item may be replicated at many users (e.g., an ap-
pointment for a group meeting) and modified by any one
of them. Third, changes in data items can be effected by
programmed interactions (rather than human-initiated in-
teractions) defined by the associated rules. Finally, these
programmed interactions may involve wide-area commu-
nication: Alice and Bob may be located in different parts
of the world.
A global event notification service can be used to im-
plement this class of applications. In our example, Joe’s
cancellation of an appointment triggers an event sent
to update our appointment, which in turn triggers other
events. We call the origin of an event a source, and the
destination receiver.
One key component of a global event notification ser-
vice is a scalable event dissemination mechanism. Our
example brings out some key requirements of such a
mechanism. Every event may have many sources and re-
ceivers. Sources and receivers can both be mobile. Fur-
thermore, both sources and receivers may be “thin”: our
calendar appointments may be stored on hand-held de-
vices, e.g., PDAs, with low-bandwidth wireless connec-
tions to a global network.
These requirements, and particularly the “thinness” of
clients and servers, prompt us to consider a proxy-based
architecture for event notification. In this architecture,
each source delivers events to its nearest proxy. Re-
Here source and receiver are synonymous with publisher and sub-
scriber [18], respectively.
event senders
event receivers
(a) Distributed
event senders
event receivers
(b) Single-proxy
event senders
event receivers
(c) Multi-proxy
Fig. 1. Three architectures for large-scale event dissemination
ceivers subscribe to events of interest with their neigh-
boring proxies. The collection of proxies then conspire
to deliver events from sources to receivers. The key chal-
lenge in designing this mechanism is that it must:
Scale to large numbers of sources, receivers and event
Provide a mechanism for detecting source, proxy and
communication failure. Because events are pushed from
sources to receivers, such a mechanism allows receivers
to distinguish between the absence of events and any kind
of failure.
In this paper, we first explore the design space of a
proxy-based architecture and identify tradeoffs of differ-
ent approaches (Section II). We then discuss related work
in event notification (Section III). Next, we describe our
design (Section IV), which uses a hierarchy of event for-
warding proxies to deliver events from each source to
each related receiver. We conclude the paper with a dis-
cussion of future work in Section V.
The key problem of event dissemination is rendezvous,
i.e., where receivers “meet” sources and establish event
delivery contracts. We identify and compare three classes
of designs depending on the rendezvous location (Fig. 1):
distributed, single-proxy and multi-proxy.
A. Distributed Architecture
In this architecture, a receiver sends subscriptions to
all sources of events of interest. Later, whenever an
event occurs, the source delivers the event directly to
all subscribers. The entire procedure can be built on
top of HTTP (enhanced with new methods, e.g., pub-
lish/notify [5]) so that it can be integrated into an existing
This design raises two questions. First, every source
has to process subscriptions and keep track of every sub-
scriber. This scales poorly to a large number of sub-
scribers. The problem becomes more serious when the
source is mobile where both bandwidth and other re-
sources are scarce [19]. It is arguable that multicast de-
livery will solve this problem. Using one multicast group
per event type eliminates the subscriber list at the sender.
However, how to scale multicast routing to large num-
bers of global groups, given a relatively small IP multi-
cast address space, is still the subject of research [14],
[20]. Second, because receivers do not explicitly poll for
an event, they have to rely on a failure detection mech-
anism to know whether sources have failed or whether
there are simply no events. The most often used failure
detection mechanism is a heartbeat message [11]. In this
situation, however, heartbeats between every source and
each of its subscribers may impose heavy load on both
the network and the receiver.
Furthermore, this architecture requires a directory ser-
vice to enable receivers to locate all sources of an event.
The Domain Name System [17] (DNS) does not provide
a satisfactory solution for this. First, DNS supports only
exact queries, but in an event service it may be desir-
able to perform inexact queries which contain wildcards
or regular expressions [6]. Second, DNS names are not
designed for general purpose structured data representa-
tion. Encoding event names using the DNS representation
is likely to result in CGI-like cryptic names.
B. Single-proxy Architecture
In the single-proxy architecture, the proxy acts like a
central directory, and maps all events to sources and re-
ceivers. Every receiver subscribes at the proxy, which
records the subscription in its database. When a source
generates an event, it sends the event to the proxy, which
looks up the subscribers and forwards the event to them.
With events going through the proxy, sources do not need
to maintain their subscriber states.
Using clustering techniques [10], the proxy can be scal-
able enough to handle the amount of state and traffic, and
It is possible to avoid a directory service using multicast to deliver
every event to all receivers regardless of their subscription [18]. This
approach performs well within a LAN environment, but clearly is un-
acceptable in the wide-area, because every event has to reach every re-
robust enough to provide uninterrupted service. However,
some scalability and failure handling problems still ex-
ist. First, in order to provide failure detection between
sources (and receivers) and the proxy, heartbeats should
go from all sources to the proxy, and from the proxy to
all receivers. This does not scale well to large numbers
of sources or receivers. Moreover, when the sources are
highly sporadic, i.e., it only occasionally sends an event,
the overhead—measured by the ratio of heartbeat traffic
to event traffic—will greatly increase and event delivery
becomes less efficient. Second, even though the central
proxy can be made extremely fault-tolerant, it is still sus-
ceptible to network partitions. In this case, a source and a
receiver may not be able to communicate even if they can
reach each other.
C. Multi-proxy Architecture
A natural solution to the above problems is to use mul-
tiple proxies. In this scheme, each receiver sends event
subscriptions to its nearest proxy. Similarly, each source
sends events to its nearest proxy. The proxies collec-
tively implement an event dissemination mechanism that
“routes”, at the application level, events towards the sub-
Sources and receivers only send heartbeats
to their local proxies, and proxies exchange heartbeats
among themselves. This architecture is not susceptible
to a single point of failure—a source may be able to reach
some receivers even if some proxies fail or are discon-
nected from other proxies.
Unlike the distributed architecture, the multi-proxy ar-
chitecture’s application-level routing scheme combines
two functions: mapping event names to sources and re-
ceivers (the directory service) and delivering events from
sources to receivers. This is a desirable feature. Sources
need not explicitly maintain subscriber lists. Furthermore,
failure detection can be done on a hop-by-hop basis and
global heartbeats are avoided.
The design of the event dissemination and failure de-
tection mechanisms depends on how the proxies are or-
ganized. One possible choice of proxy organization is
the mesh—a connected graph. When proxies are orga-
nized thus, every proxy maintains a routing table in or-
der to forward each event towards all interested receivers.
Such a routing table can represent a scaling limitation.
The Internet routes packets in a similar manner, but be-
cause IP addresses are approximately hierarchically as-
signed, routing table entries aggregate well [9]. Because
events are named by attributes which may bear no relation
to topological location, i.e., the same type of event may
have topologically distant sources, the aggregatability of
event forwarding tables can be poor. Organizing proxies
Similar ideas of using “application-level routing” are being explored
in the context of web caching [29].
into a mesh has two advantages, however. First, this or-
ganization is robust in that it can use an alternative route
to deliver events when one route fails. Second, a mesh
may achieve relatively small delivery latency if events are
routed according to the shortest proxy-level path.
Another choice of organization is the hierarchy. In this
scheme, each proxy has a single parent and may have one
or more children. There is one designated root proxy. Un-
like the mesh, only the root of the hierarchy is required
to know where to route every existing event; other prox-
ies can forward unrecognized events or subscriptions to-
wards the root. In this sense, the hierarchy scales bet-
ter than the mesh. A hierarchical organization may in-
crease event delivery latency; we discuss this issue briefly
in Section V. The hierarchy organization need not, how-
ever, sacrifice robustness; there exist several proposed so-
lutions for protocols that automatically re-organize hier-
archies in response to failures [22], [24].
There has been much previous work on Internet-scale
event services. [5] proposes to implement event notifica-
tion using HTTP. This work is applicable to proxy-based
architectures, in that their proposed protocol can be used
by receivers to register interest with proxies. However,
this work does not address scalable event dissemination
architectures. Carzaniga et al have proposed a proxy-
based dissemination architecture for event service [4].
They discuss both a mesh and a hierarchy organizations,
and have compared the two in terms of message traf-
fic. For both organizations, however, their scheme installs
routing state of every event in every proxy, which limits
its scalability.
There has been much work in the area of event naming
schemes [1], [3], [6], [13]. Our focus is on a comple-
mentary piece of the puzzle: how to achieve scalable dis-
semination given a fairly general event naming scheme.
Because the choice of event naming schemes is still an
area of active research, we have tried to make minimal as-
sumptions about event naming in the design of our overall
architecture. In this way, we hope to ensure that different
event naming schemes impact the performance but not the
correctness of the overall scheme. In this paper, we sim-
ply treat an event name as a list of attribute-value pairs.
Some event-based collaboration systems exist in the
Internet today. Salamander [16] supports realtime inter-
action using event forwarding proxies. That paper does
not discuss proxy organization in detail, thus it is diffi-
cult to evaluate its scalability. There are similar commer-
cial products, e.g., SmartSockets [25] and WebLogic [27].
These systems emphasize API design for system integra-
tion, but do not emphasize proxy organization for event
dissemination, which we believe is important to achieve
P2 P3
Fig. 2. Proxy hierarchy
scalability for a large-scale event dissemination infras-
IP multicast routing protocols provide good examples
of scalable dissemination architectures. Particularly, the
bi-directional shared tree [2], [14] reduces multicast for-
warding state by sharing a distribution tree among all
sources of a multicast group. Our previous work, a web
cache consistency architecture [28], adopted this shared
tree idea and used a proxy hierarchy to deliver page in-
validations to web caches. This can be seen as an event
dissemination architecture customized for web caching.
In this paper we extend this to a scalable dissemination
architecture for general event services.
A. Event
We define an event as a list of attribute-value pairs, and
an event type as the list of attributes of the correspond-
ing events. In order to express its interest in a particular
event type, a receiver includes in an event specification the
expected value ranges of the attributes of the event type.
For example, a stock event type contains only two values:
name and price. An event specification for “I only want to
be notified when stock A drops below $10” can be in the
form of {Stock.Name=A,Stock.Price<10}. Two or more
event specifications may be merged to form a superset
specification [4], e.g., {Stock.Name=A,Stock.Price<10}
and {Stock.Name=A,Stock.Price<15} can be merged as
B. Proxy Hierarchy
Our proxy hierarchy is glued together by multicast
groups (Fig. 2). Each group is “owned” by one proxy,
which is called the parent proxy; all other proxies in the
group are called child proxies. Every source (and re-
ceiver) attaches to the hierarchy via a proxy, which is
called its primary proxy. Every proxy joins the group
owned by its parent, and its own group if it is not a leaf.
More complicated expressions are possible with more powerful event
naming schemes. Please refer to the discussion of event naming in Sec-
tion III for more details.
We do not address the issue of creation and maintenance
of the hierarchy; protocols in previous work [22], [24] can
be readily applied here.
All proxies in a group exchange periodic heartbeat
messages. These heartbeats serve to indicate the liveness
of each proxy to all other proxies within the group. These
messages are delivered unreliably via IP multicast, which
is used solely for its efficiency. Each proxy has a timer as-
sociated with each of its group members. Upon receiving
a heartbeat from proxy P
, proxy P
resets its timer for
. If the timer expires, a failure recovery mechanism is
triggered. In brief, this recovery mechanism (Section IV-
F) invalidates P
’s state for P
. Later, when P
hears P
heartbeat, it explicitly re-synchronizes its state with P
C. Basic Operations
Sources do not maintain subscriber lists. Instead, they
simply send events to their primary proxies. Every proxy
keeps an event routing table, whose entry is of the form
(E, IPL, OPL). This table completely describes the for-
warding state at a proxy. It maps every event type E
known to the proxy to a list of incoming proxies (IPL) and
a list of outgoing proxies (OPL). The incoming proxies in-
dicate “directions” towards which there exists at least one
source of E. The outgoing proxies indicate “directions”
towards which there exists at least one receiver of E. We
will term the former source state, and the latter receiver
state. Every outgoing proxy has an associated event spec-
ification. An event is forwarded to an outgoing proxy if
and only if it matches the specification of the proxy, i.e.,
it satisfies all expressions in the specification.
The event routing table is established by two proce-
dures: registration and subscription. Sources notify the
proxy hierarchy of their existence using registrations. In-
tuitively, as registrations propagate within the proxy hi-
erarchy, they set up source state at proxies. Similarly,
receivers notify the proxy hierarchy of their interest in
events using subscriptions. As subscriptions propagate
within the proxy hierarchy, they establish receiver state
at proxies.
The rules by which registrations and subscriptions
propagate through the proxy hierarchy determine the
amount of state at each proxy. At one extreme, each
proxy can flood every subscription to every other proxy;
this can result in significant receiver state at each proxy,
but little or no source state. Conversely, if registrations
are flooded everywhere, receiver states need to be estab-
lished along the path from each receiver to each related
The key idea behind these proposals is to use a single global multicast
group in which participants periodically advertise their presence. With
this information, they are able to form clusters based on proximity or
other metrics. Because of the periodic advertisements, they are able
to re-cluster when someone fails and its advertisements are no longer
S1 source
P5 P4
S3 S2
REG(E) from S1
REG(E) from S3
REG(E) from S2
(a) T=0: S1 registers
(E, {P1,P4}, NUL)
S3 S2
(E, {S2,P3}, NUL)
(b) T=1: S2 registers
S1 source
(E, {P1,P4,P5}, NUL)
S3 S2
(E, {P3,S3}, NUL) (E, {S2,P3}, NUL)
(c) T=2: S3 registers
Fig. 3. Registration procedures
source. Our goal is to strike a balance between the amount
of receiver states and source states, while avoiding flood-
ing of events, registrations or subscriptions. To accom-
plish this, we leverage the restricted topology provided
by a hierarchy (as opposed to the more general topology
of the mesh) to propagate registrations “far enough” to
avoid flooding subscriptions. The following subsections
describe this idea in more detail.
C.1 Registrations
Because registration is meant to setup forwarding state
for subscriptions, we first examine the requirements of
subscription forwarding. Our goal is to forward subscrip-
tions towards sources, thereby “pulling” down events to-
wards receivers. In a proxy mesh, to avoid flooding a sub-
scription, each proxy P must know which of its neighbors
might lead to event sources. As we discussed before, it is
unclear how well the mechanisms for setting up this state
scale. In a proxy hierarchy, there are only two choices that
a proxy P has for forwarding subscriptions: to its parent,
or to some children. In order to make correct forwarding
decision, P has to know which event types have sources
in the directions of its parent and children. It is expensive
to know all event types for P’s parent, because it virtually
means to enumerate all existing event types in the hierar-
chy. However, due to the restricted topology in a proxy
hierarchy, it is possible for P to keep source states only
for the events that have sources in its subtree; if P encoun-
ters a subscription with an unknown source, it simply for-
wards it to its parent.
With this mechanism, the amount
of source state at any proxy P is proportional to the num-
ber of event types that have a source within the subtree of
P. Next we use an example to illustrate the details of the
registration procedure.
An alternative design is to embed a hierarchy in a proxy mesh, in
a way identical to multicast routing. Doing so, however, does not in-
validate our design. Because we do not prescribe how to construct a
hierarchy, our design will also work even if the hierarchy is embedded
in a mesh.
When a new source S1 of event type E starts, it sends
to its primary proxy a registration message REG(E) which
contains the definition of event type E (Fig. 3(a)). Reli-
able unicast (e.g., TCP) is used to propagate registration
messages. After registration, the source starts to send pe-
riodic heartbeats to its primary proxy to indicate its live-
When a proxy P gets a registration from a source (or
a neighbor proxy) S, P adds S in its incoming proxy list
for E, then makes different forwarding decisions for three
different scenarios:
If P has no incoming proxy of E, it knows that E is a
new event type from a source in P’s subtree, then forwards
the registration to its parent (e.g., P2 in Fig. 3(a)). This
ensures that every proxy knows about all event types in
its subtree.
If P has at least one incoming proxy, it does not prop-
agate the registration to its parent. Furthermore, if P has
exactly one incoming proxy, say H, H is not aware that
P leads to another source. Therefore, when a new source
registers, P should forward the registration to H. P should
also send a registration towards the new source to in-
form it of the existing sources towards H. For example,
in Fig. 3(b), when P1 receives the registration from the
new source S2, it informs P2 of the new source S2, and
inform P3 of the existing source S1. This ensures that a
later subscription will be forwarded towards all sources in
the hierarchy.
Finally, if P has more than one incoming proxy, it sends
a registration towards the new source to inform the prox-
ies along the path that P leads to other sources besides this
newly registered source (e.g., P3 in Fig. 3(c)).
Registrations are propagated reliably between prox-
ies. An alternative approach would have been to period-
ically advertise registrations between proxies, with each
This does not violate our previous statement that a proxy only keeps
state about events that have at least one source in the proxy’s subtree. H
gets the registration because it has a source of E in its subtree; otherwise
it will never hear anything about E.
advertisement refreshing the existing state at the proxy.
These periodic advertisements can simultaneously indi-
cate the liveness of proxies and sources. But, because
this “soft-state” approach might incur significant traffic
due to the potentially large number of events to be reg-
istered, we choose instead to use heartbeats for detecting
proxy liveness, and to use a separate recovery protocol to
re-establish state after a communication or proxy failure
(Section IV-F). This is similar to the use of heartbeats in
the Border Gateway Protocol in IP routing [21].
When a source wants to stop sending event type E, it
de-registers E, so that no further subscriptions are for-
warded towards it and no proxy state is unnecessarily con-
sumed. The de-registration procedure is similar to regis-
tration. The source sends a de-registration to its primary
proxy. Alternatively, if the source fails, the absence of
its heartbeats causes the corresponding primary proxy to
initiate the de-registration message. Upon receiving a de-
registration from proxy S, proxy P removes S from its
incoming proxy list of the event. If there is only one in-
coming proxy H left, P forwards the de-registration to H
because P knows about no other sources. If no incoming
proxy is left, P forwards the de-registration to its parent to
inform it that no source exists towards P. Otherwise, the
message stops at P.
C.2 Subscriptions
Requirements of event forwarding are slightly differ-
ent from those of subscription forwarding. It is undesir-
able for proxies to forward every unknown event to the
root. High frequency events may significantly increase
processing load at the root. To avoid this, every proxy
maintains receiver state for all event types that have at
least one receiver or at least one source in its subtree.
This allows unsubscribed events to be dropped before
they reach the root, thus reducing bandwidth consump-
tion and avoiding traffic concentration near the root. We
discuss the detailed subscription protocol below.
To indicate its interest in an event type, a receiver
sends a subscription message SUB(E
) containing its
event specification E
to its primary proxy. As with reg-
istrations, reliable unicast is used to propagate all sub-
scriptions. To indicate its liveness, the receiver then sends
periodic heartbeats to its primary proxy.
When a proxy P receives a subscription for E
from a
receiver (or neighbor proxy) R, it makes forwarding de-
cision based on its incoming proxy list for the event type
corresponding to E
. If, at P, there already exists an entry
E whose event type corresponds to E
, P adds R into the
outgoing proxy list of E. Furthermore, if E
matches any
existing subscription associated with the outgoing proxy
list for E, P does not propagate the subscription further.
Otherwise, P tries to merge the subscription with existing
R receiver
(E, {P1}, {R}) P2
S1 source
S2 new source
REG(E) from S2
SUB(E) from P1
Fig. 4. Handling of registration after subscription. S1 registers event
E first, then R subscribes to E, then S2 registers E again. For-
warding states are shown besides P1, P2, P3 and P4, in the form
of (E,IPL,OPL).
ones, and sends the merged subscription to all incoming
proxies (other than R).
If P has no entry whose event type E corresponds to
, it creates a new routing table entry (E, {Parent}, {P}).
Then, P forwards the subscription to its parent. In the
worst case, the subscription will reach the root. If the
root has no registered sources for the event type E, we
allow receivers to specify whether the hierarchy should
keep the subscription, or drop it. If the receiver wants to
subscribe to an event regardless of whether there exists a
source, it sets a PRE bit in its subscription and a lifetime
L, and the root will then keep this subscription for time
L. If there is no PRE bit or the subscription’s lifetime
expires, the root will drop the subscription and send back
an unsubscription message (see below) to remove state in
downstream proxies.
If a proxy receives a registration from a new source af-
ter it has got a subscription, it will send the subscription
towards the new source. Take Fig. 4 as an example. When
proxy P1 receives a registration from P4 and it already
has one incoming proxy P3 for E, it knows that S2, a new
source of E, has started in the direction of P4. Because
when R subscribed there was no source in the direction of
P4, P4 has not received any subscription, which prohibits
event forwarding from S2 to R. In order to correctly for-
ward events, P1 sends its subscription towards P4 to es-
tablish receiver state.
Canceling a subscription can be done in the same way
as canceling a registration. An unsubscription message
UNSUB(E) is propagated in the hierarchy. It is handled
in the same way as the de-registration, except that it deals
with the outgoing proxy list instead of the incoming proxy
C.3 Forwarding
After the routing tables are setup, it is straightforward
to forward events. The source simply sends all of its
events to its primary proxy. Whenever a proxy P
an event from P
, it forwards the event to those outgo-
ing proxies whose subscriptions match the event (except
Please see Section IV-A for definitions of match and merge.
to P
if that is an outgoing proxy). If no routing table en-
try is found, or the entry contains no outgoing proxy, the
event is dropped.
D. Sporadic Source
Using the basic operations, a source must register its
event before it sends the event. It also keeps sending
heartbeats after registration. When a source is highly
sporadic, i.e., it only occasionally sends an event, the la-
tency of registration and the overhead of heartbeat traffic
may be unacceptable. In such cases, it is preferable to
skip registration and directly send out an event. We sup-
port this by encapsulating an event in a registration mes-
sage. An encapsulated registration is forwarded like an
event, except that when there is no matching routing ta-
ble entry, the message is forwarded to the parent instead
of dropped. If the root gets an encapsulated registration
for which there are no matching subscriptions, it drops
the message. To make encapsulated registrations work,
subscription state must exist at proxies when the registra-
tion arrives. Receivers may use the PRE bit to make sure
that their subscriptions persist in proxies even if there is
no currently known sources. Note that this approach is
not scalable to large amount of sporadic sources, because
every encapsulated registration must reach the source and
receiver state must be kept in many proxies. It remains a
future work to devise a scalable delivery mechanism for
sporadic sources.
E. Temporal Forwarding
Using the basic operations, forwarding decision is
solely based on the current event. In other words, ev-
ery event is forwarded independently and does not change
proxy state. Sometime it is more desirable to let events
change the proxy state and affect the forwarding decision
of future events of the same type. For example, if an event
is used to invalidate a data item instead of updating it, it is
only delivered once to every receiver. If a receiver refetch
the updated item later, it can subscribe again to receive
new invalidations. Because it introduces temporal rela-
tionship among forwarding decisions, we label this type
of forwarding as temporal forwarding.
We provide a simple method to support temporal for-
warding. Each receiver includes a maximum forwarding
count in its subscription; this count is then kept in the out-
going proxy lists. Whenever a proxy forwards an event, it
decreases the count of all matching entries in the outgo-
ing proxy list. When the count drops to 0, the outgoing
proxy is removed as if an unsubscription is received and
no more events will be forwarded.
It is possible to provide more powerful mechanisms
for temporal forwarding. For example, we can allow re-
ceivers to specify temporal conditions in the optional ex-
pression of their subscriptions. Proxies cache all events
that have a subscription with temporal conditions and
use the cached events to make forwarding decisions. On
the extreme, an event may carry Java code segment and
makes forwarding decision for itself, similar to the ideas
in active network [7] and active naming [26]. This mech-
anism puts event-specific computation during the for-
warding process, thus reduces the load of receivers and
sources. It remains as future work to explore the potential
of this mechanism.
F . Failure Handling and Recovery
When a proxy or a link between proxies fails for an
extended period of time, the failure will be detected by
neighbor proxies using heartbeats. In this section, we
discuss how proxies handle detected failure and recover
when the failure is healed. The mechanism discussed here
does not address automatic repair of the hierarchy (Sec-
tion II).
The failure of a proxy disrupts all event propagations
that it is supposed to deliver to parent and child proxies.
Suppose proxy P
detects a failure of a parent P
. P
then invalidates entries in proxies downstream of it which
might be affected by either sources or receivers reachable
via P
. Note that P
can determine the relevant sources
and receivers by scanning its entire table. It then sends,
to all its children, de-registrations and unsubscriptions for
the sources and receivers respectively. When P
a failure of one of its children (say P
), it sends similar
de-registrations and unsubscriptions to its parent, and to
other children.
After the failed proxy, say P
, is heard from again, P
resynchronizes its state with P
. To do this, P
sends a
QUERY message which requests P
to re-send registra-
tions and subscriptions corresponding to entries for which
is either an incoming proxy or an outgoing proxy. In
the event that connectivity between P
and P
had tem-
porarily failed, P
will receive the replies. However, if
had lost all state, it would, instead, send QUERY mes-
sages to its parent and all its children. These query mes-
sages would allow P
to reconstruct its state. QUERY
messages should be sent periodically until the proxy gets
a response. This is meant to deal with exceptions such
as failure during recovery. QUERY messages can be sent
via unreliable unicast, or piggybacked in heartbeats.
Event service is an important building block for collab-
orative applications over the Internet. An event dissemi-
nation architecture is essential for an event service to be
scalable. In this paper we compared the design choices
of event dissemination architectures in terms of scalabil-
ity and failure handling, and identified the limitations of
distributed and single-proxy event distribution. We then
presented the design of a hierarchical event dissemina-
tion architecture, which extended the shared tree concept
in IP multicast routing protocols. It reduces proxy state
compared with previous approaches, and provides mecha-
nisms to inform applications about failures and to recover
from link failure or proxy failure.
We plan to continue this work in several directions.
First, we will use simulations to quantitively study the
tradeoff between proxy mesh and proxy hierarchy in
terms of event delivery latency and proxy forwarding
state. The key issue here is to characterize the interac-
tion between proxy topology, network topology and spa-
tial locality of subscriptions. With this study, we will be
able to better identify the class of applications for which
this hierarchical architecture is suitable.
Second, we will explore the possibility of reducing de-
livery latency within the proxy hierarchy. Instead of us-
ing a proxy mesh which installs forwarding state of every
event everywhere, we believe that it is possible to install
more forwarding state in the hierarchy to provide “tree
shortcuts” to reduce latency for a subset of events. This
increases state at some proxies, but greatly reduces la-
tency for the events that require it. We expect it to pro-
vide a middle ground between the hierarchy architecture
and the distributed architecture.
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Haobo Yu, Deborah Estrin, Ramesh Govindan. "A hierarchical proxy architecture for internet-scale event services." Computer Science Technical Reports (Los Angeles, California, USA: University of Southern California. Department of Computer Science) no. 704 (1999).
Asset Metadata
Estrin, Deborah
Govindan, Ramesh
Yu, Haobo
Core Title
USC Computer Science Technical Reports, no. 704 (1999)
Alternative Title
A hierarchical proxy architecture for internet-scale event services (
Department of Computer Science,USC Viterbi School of Engineering, University of Southern California, 3650 McClintock Avenue, Los Angeles, California, 90089, USA
OAI-PMH Harvest
8 pages
technical reports
Unique identifier
99-704 A Hierarchical Proxy Architecture for Internet-scale Event Services (filename)
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