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USC Computer Science Technical Reports, no. 779 (2002)
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Effect of Malicious Traffic on the Network
Kunchan Lan, Alefiya Hussain, Debojyoti Dutta
4676 Admiralty Way,
Marina Del Rey,
CA 90292
The Internet has seen, in recent days, a continuous rise in malicious
traffic including DDoS and worm attacks. In this paper, we study
the effect of malicious traffic on the background traffic by gathering
traces from two different locations. We show that the malicious
traffic causes DNS latencies to increase by 230% and web latencies
to increase by 30%. Using a packet-level simulations based on an
empirically derived model of the worm, we demonstrate that the
effect of worm-infected hosts can be disastrous when they trigger a
DDoS attack.
During the last few years, the Internet has witnessed a surge in mali-
cious traffic, such as that generated by denial-of-service (DDoS) at-
tacks and propagation of worm traffic [4]. Most previous work [4,
18, 23, 10, 16, 24, 7] has focused on studying the reasons behind
the malicious traffic but not their effects on the normal background
traffic. We define normal traffic as network traffic generated due to
well-known services and applications, for example, web, ftp, nntp,
and smtp.
In this paper, we study of the characteristics of network traffic dur-
ing phases dominated by malicious behavior of DDoS attacks and
worm propagation, and compare it with phases when such activity
is negligible. We show that DDoS attacks causes DNS latencies to
increase by 230%, and the web latencies to increase by 30%. We
find that the attacks do not significantly affect the throughputs of
bulk TCP transfer. We also present detailed analysis Linux Slapper
Worm and study the worm activity in the network. We then use
an empirical simulation model to predict the effect of worm traffic
when the worm-infected hosts trigger a DDoS attack.
The main contribution of this paper is to provide a quantitative anal-
ysis of the background traffic in the presence of malicious activity.
We quantitatively study the effects of DDoS attack and worm traffic
on normal background traffic. Currently most backbone links are
under-utilized [2]. One would expect that the malicious traffic such
as DDoS attacks and worm traffic will not change the background
traffic patterns significantly if the links are highly over-provisioned.
However, we find that this is not completely true. This work moti-
vates the need to study more closely the reasons behind these ob-
servations. We believe that there is a need to do further studies of
router mechanisms that can give us better performance in the pres-
ence of malicious traffic.
Several researchers have previously studied DDoS attack detection
and response, and worm traffic propagation. In this section we pro-
vide a brief overview of DDoS and worm related research and com-
pare how this paper complements previous studies.
2.1 DDoS
DDoS attacks attempt to exhaust the resources of the victim. The
resources may be network bandwidth, computing power or oper-
ating system data structures. Previous research on DDoS attacks
focused on either detecting the attack [9, 18, 23, 10] or responding
to the attack [5, 6, 8, 11, 15, 13, 21, 22, 26] by blocking attack
Attack detection techniques can be either based on an anomaly-
detection approach or a static signature-scan technique. A large
number of anomaly-detection tools have been designed and imple-
mented previously, such as NIDES [14], Emerald [19] and Bro [18].
Anomaly-detection first establishes a normal behavior pattern for
users, programs or resources in the system, and then looks for de-
viation from this behavior. Some anomaly-detection techniques
exploit the absence of correlation between bidirectional traffic to
detect an attack [9, 10, 13]. On the other hand, signature-scan
techniques passively monitor traffic seen on a network and detect
an attack when patterns within the packet match predefined signa-
tures in a database. Snort [20] is a popular signature-scan based
attack detection tool. In this paper, we use an anomaly-detection
technique that tracks the number of source connecting to a single
destination. Traffic is flagged as an attack if there is an abnormally
high number of source addresses connecting to a single destination
2.2 Worm Traffic
Moore et. al. [16] present analysis of backscatter data gathered
during the CodeRed infection last July-August. The data indicates
395,000 computers were infected world-wide with the CodeRed
worm and resulted in approximately $2.6 billion in damage. Wang
et. al. [24] presents a simulation based study to identify character-
istics of worm infection. They study the effect of different factors
that can be used to detect and treat infections while they are under-
way, using hierarchical and clustered network topologies. Zou [7]
provides a two-factor worm propagation model that matches well
with the observed CodeRed data. It models human countermea-
sures like patching, filtering and decrease in infection rate as a
function of time to explain the decrease in CodeRed scan attempts
observed during the last several hours of July 19th. In this paper
we attempt to analyze the Apache/mod ssl worm and use an empir-
ical simulation model to study the effect of a DDoS attack launched
from worm-infected hosts.
2.3 Web traffic latency analysis
Los Nettos Network
Figure 1: The trace machine monitors two of the four peering
Barford et. al. [3] study various factors affecting the performance
of HTTP transactions. They show that the server load affects the
transfer time for small files, while network load affects the perfor-
mance of large files. They also show that propagation delay plays
a more important role than network variability, such as queuing, in
affecting the performance of Web traffic. Our study complements
previous work by demonstrating malicious traffic, such as DDoS
attack and worm infections, can also significantly increase latency
for small and medium web transactions.
3.1 Trace collection
We collect traces from two different locations: one at Los Net-
tos [17], a regional area network in Los Angeles, and the other at
the Internet2 [1] peering link at USC. We continously capture de-
tailed packet level traces using tcpdump at both locations and test
the presence of attacks or worm infections.
Los Nettos has peering relationships with Verio, Cogent, Genuity,
and the LA-Metropolitan Area Exchange as shown in the Figure 1
and serves a diverse clientele including academic institutes and cor-
porations around the Los Angeles area. We monitor the Verio and
Cogent peering links that experience an average utilization of 11%
at 110Mbps and 38Kpps (packet-per-second). The kernel packet
drops are below 0.04% during normal operation. During an attack,
if packet rates exceed 100Kpps the drop rate increases to 0.6%. The
USC trace machine monitors the Internet2 traffic to and from USC.
The average utilization of link monitored by the trace machine is
6% at 60Mbps and 25Kpps.
The captured packet headers are analyzed offline to determine if
there was an attack in progress. The detection script flags pack-
ets as attack packets if a large number of source IPs connect to the
same destination IP within one second. Manual verification is then
performed to confirm the presence of an attack. We experience a
false positive rate of 25–35%; in other words, those packets have
been flagged by the detection script but do not contain an attack af-
ter manual examination. A large number of false positives are gen-
erated due to network/port scaning and database updates between
3.2 Metrics
We looked at several metrics to understand the impact of malicious
traffic such as DDoS and worm on the network.
For web flows, we focus on flows with medium/small size (less than
100KB) to understand the impact of malicious traffic such as DDoS
attack on the short-lived transactions. We look at TCP flows larger
than 100KB to understand the impact on bulk transfer. We also
Procotols Los Nettos USC
TCP 84.243% 95.605%
UDP 13.647% 4.102%
ICMP 1.216% 0.118%
Other 0.894% 0.175%
Table 1: Percentage of packets observed for each protocol at
Los Nettos and USC
Service Protocols Los Nettos USC
http 39.448% 20.212%
ftp 0.577% 0.116%
dns 11.191% 0.219%
smtp 2.190% 1.075%
nntp 1.584% 10.202%
ssh 0.210% 1.102%
pop3 0.734% 0.118%
P2P 8.220% 15.224%
Games 0.418% 1.637%
Other 35.428% 50.076%
Table 2: Percentage of packets observed for each application at
Los Nettos and USC
investigate the impact on the DNS lookup latency. We define DNS
lookup latency as the time between the client sends out a request to
the DNS sever and the client finally receives a answer from a DNS
server that terminates the lookup, by returning either the requested
name-to-IP mapping or an error indication. To extract the statistics
about lookup latency, we adopt similar approach as used in previous
study [12].
In this section, we briefly characterize the observed traffic. First
we show the traffic mix observed in the traces. Table 1 and Table 2
describe the composition of normal traffic seen during peak hours
of the day. We observe 13% UDP traffic since Los Nettos hosts a
DNS root server. Web traffic constitutes 40% of the observed traffic
followed by 11% DNS traffic. At USC Internet2 link, 95% of the
network traffic is TCP. We could not classify a large percentage of
the traffic since the Internet2 is extensively used for research and
most of the packets uses ephemeral ports.
4.1 DDoS traffic
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Cumulative Probability
RTT (ms)
RTT distribution of DDoS attackers
Figure 3: RTT distribution of DDoS attackers
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Bytes (1M)
Time (one second bin)
aggregated traffic
DDoS traffic
non-DDoS traffic
(a) DDoS Traffic volume in bytes
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
number of packets (1K)
Time (one second bin)
aggregated traffic
DDoS traffic
non-DDoS traffic
(b) DDoS Traffic volume in packets
Figure 2: The traffic volume generated by DDoS attack in bytes and packets
We have captured 90 DDoS attacks from 15 July to 15 Nov 2002.
Most of the attacks have significant impact on the background net-
work traffic. In this paper, we characterize one of the captured
attacks and show the effect it had on the background traffic.
Figure 2 shows the average amount of traffic per second as the
attack progresses. Twenty eight attackers generate 70Mbps and
90Kpps of attack traffic (a total 11M packets and 8.6Gb of traf-
fic in 192 seconds) directed at a USC host. The attack packets are
60 bytes and have the protocol field in the IP header set to 255.
As shown in Figure 2, the magnitude of attack traffic is about three
times of normal background traffic in terms of both bytes and pack-
ets. Figure 3 shows the distribution of RTT of the DDoS attackers,
estimated using the ping utility from the victim network. The at-
tackers have relatively small RTT distribution (less than 120ms)
from USC because all attackers are located at different universities
in the US. The small RTTs help the attack traffic to quickly reach
its peak rate.
4.2 Worm traffic
Worm infection is on the rise. Worms like Code Red and Nimda
can infect thousands of hosts within short periods of time and gen-
erate significant network traffic [25]. In this paper we study the
effect of the Apache mod ssl worm (aka the Slapper worm) on the
network. Our findings suggest that although the Slapper worm did
not increase the network traffic at USC or Los Nettos significantly,
when the worm-infected hosts trigger a DDoS attack, the effect can
be disastrous.
The Slapper worm exploits a bug in Linux-based hosts running
Apache web servers with mod ssl module. During the infection
process the worm places source code in the /tmp directory of the
target host. The worm then scans for potentially vulnerable sys-
tems on port 80 using an invalid HTTP GET request. When a vul-
nerable Apache host is detected, the worm attempts to connect to
the SSL service via port 443 in order to deliver the exploit code.
If successful, a copy of the malicious source code is then placed
on the victim, where the attacking system tries to compile and run
it. Once infected, the victim begins scanning for the other hosts
to continue the worm’s propagation. The infected system also be-
comes part of the Apachemod ssl worm’s DDoS network. Infected
systems can then share information, including attack instructions,
with other infected systems.
Top 10 Top-level Domains
TLD hosts hosts(%)
unknown 858 31
net 447 16
com 330 12
us 173 6
ca 126 5
it 106 4
pl 104 4
edu 77 3
tw 70 3
mx 70 3
Table 3: Top ten top-level domains with Linux Slapper Worm
infected hosts on Oct
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Cumulative Probability
RTT (ms)
RTT distribution of infected hosts
Figure 4: RTT distribution of worm-infected hosts
We observed a total 2727 infected hosts spanning over 39 AS do-
mains distributed all over the world. Table 3 shows the distribution
of the number of infected hosts from different domains. We see
a large percentages of infected hosts are located in .net and .com
domain. Note that we could not determine about 30% hosts due
to DNS name resolution failure. Figure 4 shows the distribution of
the RTTs of the worm infected hosts. Unlike the RTT distribution
of DDoS attack hosts, the RTT distribution of worm-infected hosts
shows RTTs of over 1500ms. The huge diversity of RTT distri-
bution suggests that if these worm-infected hosts generate DDoS
attacks, they could potentially come from all over the world, mak-
ing them harder to isolate.
0 2 4 6 8 10
Cumulative Probability
flow latency (second)
before DDoS attack
during DDoS attack
Figure 5: DNS lookup latency increases by 230% during a
DDoS attack
In this section, we evaluate how malicious traffic changes observed
traffic characteristics. Although it is intuitive that traffic character-
istics might change on a DDoS attack or a worm infection, we are
not aware of any previous work that has quantitatively character-
ized the effect of such traffic. We study the effect of DDoS traffic
on DNS latency and web latency. We observe that DNS latency
increases by 230%, and web-latency increases by 30% during a
DDoS attack. Finally, based on an empirical simulation model of
worm, we predict its effect on the network when the worm-infected
hosts trigger DDoS attacks.
5.1 DDoS traffic
DNS latency is defined as the time elapse between the issue of the
query to finally the server returns an answer or failure. The effec-
tiveness of DNS strongly affects the performance of many popular
network services such as Web traffic and Contents Distributed Net-
works (CDNs).
As shown in Figure 5, the average latency of DNS lookup has in-
creased from 0.13 seconds to 0.44 seconds during an attack, more
than a 230% increase in latency. One possible explanation is that
the sudden increase of traffic during an attack leads to higher aver-
age buffer occupancies at the routers, resulting in increased queuing
We also look at the effect of DDoS attack on web traffic, We partic-
ularly focus on small and medium web flows (which we define as
flow size is smaller than 100KB), since such flows are more sensi-
tive to the delay. We define web latency as the time lapse between
the issue of HTTP request to the receiving of response data. As
shown in Figure 6, the average latency of web flows has increased
from 9 seconds to 11.9 seconds, resulting in a 30% increase dur-
ing the attack. Note that the DNS and web latencies increase even
when the link is still under-utilized as shown in Section 3.1.
Even though the DNS and web latencies increase, we noticed that
the average throughput of bulk TCP transfers (which we define as
flow size larger than 100KB), remains unchanged during the attack
as shown in Figure 7. We believe it is because the attack only last
for only 192 seconds and has little effect on the long-lived TCP
The above results show that although short duration DDoS attacks
might not be disruptive in terms of causing network failures and
reducing aggregate throughput, the delay-sensitive traffic such as
0 1 2 3 4 5
Cumulative Probability
Log10(flow latency) (second)
before DDoS attack
during DDoS attack
Figure 6: Latency experienced by small and medium web flows
increases by 30% during an attack
0 1 2 3 4 5
Cumulative Probability
Log10(flow throughput) (KB/second)
before DDoS attack
during DDoS attack
Figure 7: Effect of DDoS attack on throughput of bulk TCP
DNS and small/medium web transaction will still be affected by
these attacks. Over-provisioning the links on the network does not
provide the complete solution, since the short burst of DDos traffic
can result in the increases in latency without affecting the through-
put. We feel that the above observations can be used as hints to
design better AQM mechanisms to provide differential services in
order to protect short-lived traffic.
5.2 Worm traffic
The Slapper worm propagation did not generate disruptive amounts
of traffic at our data collection point. However, if all the infected
machines launched a coordinated DDoS attack, it would have a
disastrous effect. In this section, we use hints from the collected
Slapper worm data to determine the size of the compromised net-
work. We study its effect on the network when all worm-infected
hosts launch a coordinated DDoS attack using a ns-2 simulation.
We derive the topology information of the worm-infected network
based on the traces. We simulate its effect on the network when
all worm-infected hosts launch a DDoS attack to a victim in the
USC campus. We use a simple dumbbell topology with empirical
distributions of RTT, flow rates and packet size derived from the
traces. The DDoS traffic is modeled as constant bit rate source and
currently no background traffic is simulated.
Figure 8 shows the attack intensity when generated by worm-infected
hosts. We observed that the different RTT distributions of the at-
tackers cause distinctively different transient ramp-up behavior be-
fore the steady state attack rate is achieved. Also when all the
worm-infected hosts launch a DDoS attack, the average traffic gen-
erated due to the attack is fifty times larger than that generated by
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
DDoS traffic (KBytes)
time (second)
DDoS trace
Worm model
Figure 8: Comparison of DDoS attack intensities; the DDoS
attack and when an attack is launched by worm-infected hosts
the DDoS attack that we traced.
In this paper, we present a detailed study of how the background
traffic changes in the presence of malicious traffic. In particular,
we show that the DNS latency increased by 230% and the web
latency increased by 30% upon interaction with DDoS traffic. We
also analyze the recent Linux Slapper Worm activity. Based on an
empirical simulation model of worm, we predict its effect on the
network when the worm-infected hosts trigger DDoS attacks.
We have captured 90 DDoS attacks from July 2002 to Nov 2002.
This abstract only presents analysis from one attack in the collected
traces. We are currently working on a more detailed study of the
effect of malicious traffic on background traffic by analyzing more
DDoS and worm attacks. In particular, we are studying how differ-
ent intensities and types of DDoS attacks will change the charac-
teristics of the background traffic. Another aspect of our ongoing
effort is to study various worm propagation models in order to pre-
dict the overall effect of worm traffic on the network.
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Kun-chan Lan, Alefiya Hussain, Debojyoti Dutta. "Effect of Malicious Traffic on the network." Computer Science Technical Reports (Los Angeles, California, USA: University of Southern California. Department of Computer Science) no. 779 (2002).
Asset Metadata
Dutta, Debojyoti
Hussain, Alefiya
Lan, Kun-chan
Core Title
USC Computer Science Technical Reports, no. 779 (2002)
Alternative Title
Effect of Malicious Traffic on the network (
Department of Computer Science,USC Viterbi School of Engineering, University of Southern California, 3650 McClintock Avenue, Los Angeles, California, 90089, USA
OAI-PMH Harvest
5 pages
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Unique identifier
02-779 Effect of Malicious Traffic on the Network (filename)
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