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University of Southern California Dissertations and Theses
User modeling for human-machine spoken interaction and mediation systems
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User modeling for human-machine spoken interaction and mediation systems
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JongHo Shin
A Dissertation Presented to the
In Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree
May 2008
Copyright 2008 JongHo Shin
To my family.
I would like to thank thesis committee: Shri Narayanan, Ulrich Neumann, C. -C. Jay
Kuo, and Panayiotis G. Georgiou. I would also like to thank Kevin Knight and Roger
Zimmerman who were committee members for my qualification exam, and David Traum
and Bob Carpenter who supervised me while I worked at ICT (Institute for Creative
Technologies) and SpeechWorks (now, Nuance Communications) respectively.
I would like to express my special thanks to all the USC Speech Analysis and Interpre-
tation Laboratory (SAIL) people who helped me in data collection for my research.
My parents and brothers have been supportive all the time. Without them I would not
have been able to finish my long trip to here.
Table of Contents
Dedication ii
Acknowledgements iii
Abstract xiii
Chapter 1: Introduction 2
1.1 Significance of the Research 2
1.2 Methodology 3
1.3 Contribution 8
1.4 Limitations 9
1.5 Dissertation overview 10
Chapter 2: Background and Previous Work 11
2.1 Spoken Interactions in Two Settings 11
2.1.1 Spoken Dialog System 11
2.1.2 Speech Mediation System 12
2.2 Previous User Modeling Approaches 14
2.2.1 A General User Model 14
2.2.2 User Models in the Human-Machine Spoken Interaction Setting 16
2.2.3 User Models in the Human-Human Spoken Interactions with a
Mediating Device Setting. 19
2.2.4 User Modeling on Multiple Modality Usages 22
2.2.5 User Simulation for Spoken Dialog System (SDS) 22
Chapter 3: Analysis of User Behavior under Error Conditions in Spoken Dialogs 26
3.1 Introduction 26
3.2 Data and Annotation 27
3.2.1 Tagging 28
3.3 Results and Discussion 29
3.3.1 Categories of error perception 30
3.3.2 User behavior under error 31
3.4 Conclusion 36
Chapter 4: Analyzing the Multimodal Behaviors of Users using Concept Match-
ing Scores 41
4.1 Introduction 41
4.2 The Transonics System 44
4.3 Methods 46
4.3.1 Data collection 46
4.4 Results and Analysis 48
4.4.1 Multimodal versus single-modality interface 48
4.4.2 User Error Tolerance 49
4.4.3 The quality of user choices 50
4.5 Discussion 53
4.6 Conclusion 54
Chapter 5: Longitudinal Studies about Users using a Speech-to-Speech Transla-
tion System 55
5.1 Introduction 56
5.2 System 59
5.2.1 Multimodal Interface of Transonics 63
5.3 Data Collection 64
5.3.1 Experimental Setup 64
5.3.2 Procedure of Experiment 65
5.3.3 Analyzed Data 67
5.3.4 Transcription and Annotation of Log Data 68
5.4 Results and Analysis 70
5.4.1 Subjective Measure 71
5.5 Discussion 81
5.6 Conclusion 82
Chapter 6: User Modeling in a Speech Translation driven Mediated Interaction
Setting 84
6.1 Introduction 85
6.2 System and Dataset 88
6.2.1 A Two-way Speech Translation System with a Push-to-Talk Inter-
face 88
6.2.2 Data-set 93
6.3 The Mediated Channel 95
6.3.1 Analysis of Repeat/Rephrase(“Retry”) Behavior 97
6.3.2 A Dynamic Bayesian Network User Behavior Model 102
6.3.3 Model Validation 111
6.4 Online Evaluation of User Model 114
6.4.1 Experimental Setup 115
6.4.2 Experimental Result 120
6.5 The Interpersonal Channel 127
6.5.1 Early Attempts at Analyzing Speech Accommodation 127
6.6 Discussion 129
6.6.1 Performance Dependency between Retrying and Utterance Length129
6.6.2 Data Size and Data-Driven Modeling 130
6.6.3 Lessons from the Online Experiment with Agent Feedback 130
6.6.4 Future Directions 131
6.7 Conclusions 132
Chapter 7: Conclusion and Future Work 134
References 139
List of Tables
1.1 A portion of annotated dialog between a human and the machine from
the DARPA Communicator corpus. 6
2.1 Summary of relative change in linguistic dimensions of hyperarticula-
tion [73]. 16
2.2 Characteristics of experimental user models (Eckert [17]). 23
2.3 The simulated user model characteristics in Levin [54]. 24
3.1 Lengths of error segments which did get back-on-track (BOT) and those
which didn’t. 31
3.2 Prevalence of user strategies in error segments – got back on track. 32
3.3 Prevalence of user strategies in error segments – did not get back on
track. 33
3.4 Normalized frequency over all dialogs. 35
3.5 Error-proneness in users. 36
3.6 Clues by which the user becomes aware of an error. 38
3.7 User responses to errors. 39
3.8 Tags about the state of system/user interaction. 40
5.1 A simplified portion of the data log acquired automatically by running
the Transonics speech translation system. 68
5.2 Summary of overall statistics from the survey data of doctor-role English
speakers. 73
5.3 User performance during the weeks, in terms of using and learning the
functionalities of the system. 73
5.4 Concept Matching Score (CMS) (standard deviation) between user speech
and translation in two settings. 77
5.5 Overall CMS (standard deviation) of two cases in the interaction ses-
sions during the 4 weeks. 79
5.6 Average utterance length (standard deviation) in three conditions. 79
5.7 Percentage of reduced utterance length after user retry behavior using
the multimodal interface of the Transonics system. 80
5.8 Average utterance length (in words) and its standard deviation of English
speakers and Farsi speakers. 81
6.1 User model dimensions(Dimension 1,2,3) based on the knowledge about
people [85]. 86
6.2 DARPA evaluation on medical domain 94
6.3 Example portion of the log data of Transonics 95
6.4 User type inference algorithm. 103
6.5 Values of transition priors. 109
6.6 The wording of agent feedback. 119
6.7 The statistics collected from the Likert-scale questions of the initial sur-
vey given to the participants. 122
6.8 Overall user satisfaction results. 123
6.9 Percentage of normal user type appeared during the two sessions. 126
6.10 User behavioral changes in possible chain of error situations of the inter-
actions with/without agent feedback. 127
List of Figures
1.1 Two spoken interaction settings. 4
1.2 Example image of a multimodal interface of Transonics. 5
2.1 An architecture for Spoken Dialog System (SDS). 12
2.2 An architecture for a translation driven Spoken Mediation System (SMS). 13
3.1 Normalized histogram of the length of error segments. 30
3.2 “User Behavior” after the first error within an error segment. 32
3.3 P (User behavior — System behavior). 34
3.4 Smoothed Conditional Probability for User Behavior in (N+1)th turn. 34
3.5 Smoothed Conditional Probability for User Behavior in (N+1)th turn. 35
4.1 Example image of the system’s Graphical User Interface (GUI). 44
4.2 The internal procedure of generating speech translation candidates imple-
mented in the Transonics system. 45
4.3 A box-plot and concept matching scores of user accepted utterances in
the 15 sets of interactions. 49
4.4 Concept matching scores of the onscreen utterances selected by users,
and of the corresponding final translations. 52
5.1 A set-up scene of conversations using the Transonics system between
English-speaking doctor and Farsi-speaking patient. 60
5.2 Simplified data flow diagram of our two way speech translation system
for doctor-patient interactions. 61
5.3 The internal procedure of generating speech translation candidates imple-
mented in the Transonics system. 62
5.4 Experimental materials for doctor-role English speakers and patient-role
Farsi speakers. 65
5.5 A snapshot of an interaction session. 66
5.6 Distributions of Concept Matching Score (CMS) in successful and unsuc-
cessful turns between user speech and user accepted utterance, and cor-
responding cumulative CMS graphs. 75
5.7 Linear trend representing increasing user accepted rates during the 4
weeks. 78
6.1 Two channels of parallel interaction 86
6.2 Simplified data flow diagram of our two way speech translation system
for doctor-patient interactions. 89
6.3 The internal procedure of generating speech translation hypotheses in
our system. 90
6.4 Transonics system screen GUI. After speaking, the user(doctor) can
choose one of several hypotheses presented on the GUI. 93
6.5 Conceptual graph representing three user types. 99
6.6 The quantized retry rate over 15 interaction sessions on the doctor side. 100
6.7 Conditional Probability Table(CPT) over user behaviors(discrete) – “Retry”
and “Accept”. 100
6.8 A generic directed graphical model. 105
6.9 A dynamic Bayesian network using user type, user behavior, and recog-
nition performance over time. 107
6.10 Entropy of three user types becomes lower as the dialog turn increases. 110
6.11 A graph of the picky user type identified by the dynamic Bayesian network.112
6.12 A graph of the normal user type identified by the dynamic Bayesian
network. 112
6.13 Inference on the data of various “Accommodating” user types in the
corpus. 113
6.14 Inference on the data of “Normal” and “Picky” user types over the dialog
turns. 113
6.15 Example materials for the experiment. 116
6.16 Experimental procedure. 118
6.17 User retry rates over the interaction sessions when the ASR performance
is low. 125
One of the most fundamental challenges in building speech-enabled systems is “know-
ing the users.” This information about users is captured in what is usually called a
“user model.” This study investigates user models for speech-enabled systems, which
include both human-machine spoken interaction and machine-mediated human-human
interaction systems. Because of the intrinsic error-prone property of statistical process-
ing of human speech technology, errors are inevitable during the interactions to/through
the speech-enabled systems. In this regard, this dissertation studies four different user
models under uncertain error conditions of spoken dialog systems and spoken media-
tion systems. The user models were driven based on the data of mixed-initiative spoken
dialogs, and multimodal (speech and visual) interactions of a spoken mediation system.
The user models of this dissertation aims to contribute to accelerate the optimization of
dialog management of the speech-enabled systems.
The addressed user models are about: (1) user behaviors under error conditions of
a spoken dialog system; (2) multimodal user behaviors under uncertainty in two per-
sons communication using a speech-to-speech translation system; (3) user behavioral
changes over time in uncertain communication when using a multimodal interface of a
speech-to-speech translation system; and (4) user level of tolerating errors implemented
with a dynamic Bayesian network and possible speech Accommodation between two
interlocutors. The model of dynamic Bayesian network was validated offline with the
multimodal interaction data of a speech-to-speech translation system, and online with
agent feedback used in a multimodal interface of a speech-to-speech translation system.
No – wait – the moon’s falling out of orbit – that’s not possible!
Well, considering it is, in fact, happening, I would assume it’s
possible. The retrograde orbit began in 2005 when the demolitions
for the lunar colonies –
Why is it – breaking up?
I was getting to that... The moon has reached the gravitational Roche
Limit, ... the nearest public evacuation shelters can be found at
Grand Central Station, Madison Square Garden.
People have dreamed, for a long time, of a machine which can recognize and react
to humans using speech: where they freely converse with the machine, either a physical
or a virtual entity. This includes situation in which people speaking different languages
can communicate with one another without realizing the mediated translation machine.
The machine recognizing humans would be able to act like a real human being, adapting
itself to humans even in error conditions. It will not only communicate information but
also understand the complicated contexts.
A human (Right) has a conversation with a virtual library hologram agent (left).
In the movie, The Time Machine (2002).
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Significance of the Research
“Speech has long been
a main tool for
information exchange
among human beings. ”
As speech technologies have evolved, people have
expected speech-enabled systems to be increasingly
intelligent and versatile. In particular, the development
of a speech-enabled system (e.g., using a speech recog-
nition interface) capable of effectively handling diverse
user populations and languages has become desirable
for many uses: it adapts to users effectively in multi-
tude, such as user demographics (e.g., age or gender) or the level of proficiency when
using the systems; it translates between different languages by considering each user’s
peculiar behaviors. The speech-enabled system equipped with the information about
users provides enhanced user satisfaction as well as efficient user-adapted system func-
The present study presents some of the important aspects of user models relevant for
the two settings, human-machine spoken dialog interactions and human-human spoken
interactions through a mediating device. In particular, the study limits the scope to four
issues related to user behaviors in error conditions – users face various error situations
when using the speech-enabled systems, and attempt to recover from those. Firstly, the
policy of spoken dialog management needs information about users in error conditions.
Users differ in the behavioral strategies to handle errors generated by the system, in
particular, a spoken dialog system. Many dialog optimization approaches have been
introduced without empirical validation of user models. Secondly, people emphasize
meaning transfer when using the speech-enabled systems – how much information is
transferred through the machine. This is a crucial challenge to address especially when
users use a mediated speech translation system to interact each other in different lan-
guages. Thirdly, users change in their behaviors over time according to many factors,
including system errors. These user changes are complex under the uncertain envi-
ronment of speech-enabled systems. Fourthly, the speech-enabled systems need to be
equipped with some strategies to deal with users differing in acceptance of system errors:
some are more accommodating, and some not (that is, picky). This makes the systems
more robust in terms of error handling. In the communication between interlocutors, the
mutual effect on behaviors is another challenging topic to address.
1.2 Methodology
The information and assumptions about users are called “user models [44].” Inherently
the user model is complex, and it is formed by combining multiple knowledge sources:
user behaviors, psychological aspects of users, and purely mathematical assumptions
about users. This dissertation investigates user models of the two speech-enabled sys-
tems by analyzing user behaviors profiled in the logs from the two systems. In particular,
user models under error conditions of the two systems were empirically investigated. In
the analysis, supportive user data (user opinion and observation on the user behaviors)
were provided by survey questionnaire and the recorded multimedia data (video and
Two speech-enabled systems used in this study are: a Spoken Dialog System (SDS)
and a Spoken Mediation System (SMS), as illustrated in Figure 1.1. A Spoken Dia-
log System is a program supporting speech as an input modality to interact with a user.
For example, the “Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Communi-
cator Travel Agency System [59]”, which enables spoken communication between a
(1) (2)
Figure 1.1: Two spoken interaction settings; (1) human-machine, (2) human-human with
a mediating device. The first one has only one communication channel, and the second
one has two communication channels – the mediating channel and the interpersonal
human customer and a virtual travel agent program. The components of this system
are: Automatic Speech Recognizer (ASR), Natural Language Processing (NLP), Dialog
Management (DM) and Text-to-Speech (TTS). On the other hand, a Spoken Mediation
System supports speech as an input modality for two interlocutors, and mediates conver-
sations between them. One example system is the “Transonics Speech to Speech Trans-
lation System [64]”, which enables spoken communication between two people who do
not share the same language. The components of this system include all the compo-
nents of SDS and Machine Translation (MT) additionally. In the SDS setting, the user
and machine have conversations through one communication channel (direct human-
machine channel), and in the other SMS setting, users interact through two communica-
tion channels (direct human-machine and direct human-human channels), as shown in
(Figure 1.1).
The interface of speech-enabled systems incorporates not only speech input but
also other modalities, such as visual. “Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
(DARPA) Communicator Travel Agency System [59]” used telephony speech interface
(speech only), and “Transonics Speech to Speech Translation System [64]” used a mul-
timodal interface equipped with speech and visual inputs. Figure 1.2 shows the multi-
modal interface incorporated in the Transonics system.
Figure 1.2: Example image of a multimodal interface of Transonics. After speaking, a
user can choose one of machine-produced outputs presented onscreen.
Speech-enabled systems are error prone. The errors arise from a number of sources:
They can be speech recognition error, mismatched dialog strategy, mis-transferred
meaning, or malfunctioning error. Even users may cause the errors by speaking off-
topic. Example 1.1 shows a typical user-system conversation with error conditions in
the DARPA Communicator corpus. In this example, the user gave up interacting with
the system after two turns. This number of turns is statistically lower than the average
number of turns with which users resolved the system errors in the DARPA Communi-
cator corpus. We can call this user type a “quick-terminate.” This user type incorporates
a strategy to finish the spoken interactions quickly in an error situation. Also the exam-
ple 1.1 shows statistics of the user behaviors corresponding to the system responses,
which include that the first user response was “repeat” when the system generated “sys-
repeat” response in the previous interaction. When the majority of user behaviors is
“repeat” to the “sysrepeat”, we could model user behaviors, which include an interac-
tion pair of “repeat” and “sysrepeat.” Through such approaches, we can build data-
driven user models based on statistics acquired from interaction logs of speech-enabled
User modeling starts with the analysis of user behaviors in the offline dataset, the
logs of user interactions with a spoken dialog system (DARPA Communicator [59]).
(1) System said: What is your destination
User said: Phoenix Arizona
Recognizer heard: ARIZONA [error, first time]
(2) System said: What is your destination [sysrepeat]
User said: Phoenix Arizona [repeat]
Recognizer heard: ARIZONA [error]
(3) System said: What is your destination [sysrepeat]
User said: [uh] my god destination Phoenix Arizona [frustrated]
Recognizer heard: ++UH++ I’D GET DESTINATION ARIZONA LAST [error]
(4) System said: What is your destination [sysrepeat]
User : [hang-up]
Table 1.1: A portion of annotated dialog between a human and the machine from the DARPA
Communicator corpus. The user first noticed that an error had occurred with the system cue,
sysrepeat. User behaviors, such as repeat, rephrase and frustrated tend to co-occur with the
system action sysrepeat.
The study shows the analysis of user behaviors when things do not go well in the com-
munication chain with the system. To investigate the situations, user behaviors under
problematic conditions of real human-machine mixed initiative dialogs were annotated
with tags identifying system error cues, recognizer errors and user behaviors. The first
step in the analysis was to find out how users perceive the errors. This is important
because the way in which errors are detected affects the amount of time it takes to get
back on track. In addition, we investigated not only the statistics regarding successful
user behaviors but also those regarding unsuccessful user behaviors. The analyzed user
information is needed so that the system designers can determine strategies to overcome
error situations effectively.
One of the major sources of error is an incorrect automatic conversion between
speech and text. In such interactive applications, it is important that these errors do
not impact the overall system performance in terms of meaning transfer between the
user speech and the machine-produced output. In this regard, user behaviors were ana-
lyzed in terms of the number of concepts transferred through a mediating (translation)
device. To clarify the definition of how many concepts are transferred in the utterances
produced by the system (from original user utterances), the Concept Matching Score
(CMS) was proposed. This score was defined based on “adequacy” levels, which assess
manually the quality of translations by the system (proposed by Linguistic Data Con-
sortium (LDC)). In addition, we compared machine translation performances between
the unimodal (speech) interface setting and the multimodal (speech and visuals) inter-
face setting by measuring the CMS. It is important for the system to be equipped with
strategies to optimize the translation quality either through unimodal or multimodal user
Another important user modeling issue is user change. Previous user modeling stud-
ies assume that users get better over time in proficiency of using systems as they handle
systems more. This user model is challenging to address given that users get affected
by certain/uncertain factors over time, and the degree of that effect may change over
time. In this regard, we empirically investigate user data collected over the four weeks
of users’ using a multimodal interface of a speech-to-speech translation system. The
Concept Matching Score (CMS) was utilized in this study to measure meaning trans-
fer from user speech to successful/unsuccessful machine-produced output. The study
shows user behavioral changes over the weeks in terms of tolerating errors and user
strategies dealing with errors. Supporting materials – user survey questionnaire, user
interview, and recorded multimedia data (video and audio) – were used for additional
analysis about users.
From the analysis of user behaviors under error conditions of Transonics above, it
was observed that users differ in tolerating system errors: some users were more accom-
modating to the system errors than others. In this regard, we modeled user behaviors
(retry/accept) with user types and speech recognition accuracy. The clustered users in
the case studies were defined here in relative terms as accommodating, normal and picky
user types. The user types and the features of the system – speech recognition accuracy
and user behaviors (accept/retry) – were used to build a dynamic Bayesian network
(DBN). This DBN keeps track of user types during the interaction turns. To validate the
model, it was used to automatically determine user types in the offline experiment with
the 10-fold cross validation. To validate this model in real-time systems, online exper-
iment was conducted with agent feedbacks. Agent feedbacks were provided for both
accommodating and picky user types during the interaction turns, and interaction effi-
ciency and user satisfaction were measured by the analysis of log data and user survey
questionnaire. In addition, in the mediated device setting (as shown in Figure 1.1 (2))
of Transonics, we observed two channel communications; the mediated communication
and the interpersonal communication. We attempted to address modeling interpersonal
adaptation in the interpersonal channel, focusing on the design of a model based on the
users’ utterance length.
1.3 Contribution
The contribution of this dissertation is to address four aspects of user behaviors under
uncertain error conditions of spoken dialog system and spoken mediation systems. The
addressed user models are about: (1) user behaviors under error conditions of a spoken
dialog system; (2) multimodal user behaviors under uncertainty in two person commu-
nication using a speech-to-speech translation system; (3) user behavioral changes over
time in uncertain communication when users using a multimodal interface of a speech-
to-speech translation system; and (4) user level of tolerating errors implemented with
a dynamic Bayesian network and possible speech Accommodation between two inter-
locutors. The model of dynamic Bayesian network was validated offline with the mul-
timodal interaction data of a speech-to-speech translation system, and online with the
agent feedback used in a multimodal interface of a speech-to-speech translation system.
1.4 Limitations
In the dissertation, work outcomes are restricted to statistics acquired from data with
human defined tags and transcription. This data-driven analysis and modeling in engi-
neering has gathered increased attention recently because of its objectivity and practi-
cality. Although we manually annotate and transcribe user data, it was conducted as
objectively as possible. We conducted cross-validation among annotators with calibra-
tion sessions. Some part of the data was annotated with clustering techniques such as
the k-means algorithm. This way, extendibility and objectivity were given high prior-
ity in the modeling process but we did not incorporate purely automatic annotation and
transcription that may be used for other purposes.
A mediated device between two interlocutors brings about many issues which were
attempted in this dissertation but not reported. For example, we investigated speech
accommodation in prosody and acoustic levels between two interlocutors. However, it
was not successful to find meaningful results. We believe the mediated machine between
humans somehow prevents natural conversations. We leave these issues for future work
to conduct research on how to improve that bottleneck.
1.5 Dissertation overview
The dissertation is organized as follows. Chapter 2 provides background and details of
previous user modeling work. Chapter 3 reports user behaviors under problematic con-
ditions of spoken dialog. In Chapter 4, analyzed multimodal user behaviors is presented,
which use a measure of meaning transfer of a speech-to-speech translation system. In
Chapter 5, user behavioral changes over several weeks are analyzed in the data of users
using the multimodal interface of a speech translation system. In Chapter 6, the user
type model in regards to the speech recognition error tolerance levels is presented. A
dynamic Bayesian network is used as an inference mechanism of user types over time,
which is evaluated with both offline and online experiments.
Chapter 2: Background and Previous
2.1 Spoken Interactions in Two Settings
In this section, two cases of spoken interaction system architecture are introduced:
Human-Machine and Human-Human with a mediating device. These provide the
proposed experimental environment for analyzing and modeling users of such systems.
2.1.1 Spoken Dialog System
A Spoken Dialog System (SDS) is a program supporting speech as an input/output
modality to interact with a user. Speech-enabled Human-Machine interaction appli-
cations have matured for decades. Those applications evolve and cover a wide range of
fields. For example, a “travel agency system” [59] provides itinerary services to a user,
a “help desk” [19] application plays a receptionist role in routing a call to human agents
or departments, and an “in-car speech recognition system” [96] offers a flexible and
comfortable driving environment for a driver. As the typical components in SDS, the
modules of the “Communicator” system [59] are depicted in Figure 2.1 with description
² Automatic Speech Recognizer (ASR): receives a digitally encoded acoustic signal
and generates a string of words as output.
² Spoken Language Understanding (SLU): gets a word graph and generates the
most probable word sequence and meaning as output.
Text - to - Speech
Automatic Speech
Spoken Language
Voice reply to customer
Words to be
Spoken Language
Words spoken
Speech Speech
Figure 2.1: An architecture for Spoken Dialog System (SDS).
² Dialog Management (DM): monitors dialog flow between human and machine,
collects information from a user, and interacts with database and decides where
information is needed most.
² Spoken Language Generation (SLG): produces natural language text from
computer-internal representations of information.
² Text-to-Speech (TTS): converts text into audio output.
2.1.2 Speech Mediation System
A Speech Mediation System (SMS) is a program designed to mediate natural speech
interaction between two interlocutors, particularly when equipped with “speech transla-
tion capability”. Recent trends show that advanced research institutions have been devel-
oping the systems under this setting. In our group, “Transonics” is such a system, which
mediates a medical domain conversation between an English speaking doctor and a Per-
sian speaking patient [64]. A portable speech-to-speech translation system was devel-
oped between English and Croatian speakers [7, 105]. “VerbMobile” [98] was devel-
oped for the domains of appointment negotiation, travel planning and hotel reservation.
Non - verbal information
Verbal information
Non - verbal information
Verbal information
Figure 2.2: An architecture for a translation driven Spoken Mediation System (SMS).
It processes multilingual spontaneous speech (English, German and Japanese). Even
though detailed implementations are different, most of developed systems include typ-
ical components such as ASR, MT, DM, and TTS. The typical architecture is depicted
in Figure 2.2.
Most systems include:
² Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR): processes user speech signal with a tar-
get language (English/Farsi) and generates words of corresponding language as
² Machine Translation (MT): translates text between natural languages (e.g.English
and Farsi).
² Dialog Management (DM): conveys translated spoken words to the output com-
ponents such as TTS/GUI. Also, this monitors information flows among users and
the device.
² Text-to-Speech (TTS): converts the translated text into spoken voice output.
Spoken interactions of SMS, compared to those of SDS, can be defined as two chan-
nel communication. As depicted in Figure 2.2, verbal information goes through one
channel and non-verbal information such as a gesture, a eye-gaze, or a cultural adapta-
tion of two users can be extracted from the other channel.
2.2 Previous User Modeling Approaches
“User Modeling” is an interdisciplinary research topic aiming to define the information
about a user. This fundamental idea of it is applicable and reusable in other applica-
tions. In this chapter, the key contributions of relevant previous user modeling research
are summarized. We first introduce general user modeling work. After this, specific
user modeling research in the setting of Spoken Dialog System and Spoken Mediation
System are outlined.
2.2.1 A General User Model
“Stereotype” user model is known to be the most typical one in the user modeling com-
munity. Basically, it is a collection of frequently occurring characteristics of users and
covers a wide range of its applications. Rich [84] first proposed this mechanism for
diverse individuals based on distinctive or different personalities, goals, and so forth.
With the stereotype user model, the system can react to different users effectively with
little information about them. Although initial values are hand-crafted and the feature
selections are heuristic, it shows a productive user model in general as a pioneer work.
Kobsa introduced a generic (which means “domain” or “application” independent)
user modeling shell system [43, 46]. It allows assumptions about the user or stereotyp-
ical user groups to be represented in a first-order predicate logic and assists the adap-
tation to the current users by taking the user’s presumed knowledge, beliefs, and goals
into account. The shell developers decide the structures and processes based on the
intuition and experience from prior work on user-adaptive systems. Kobsa defined the
requirements of representational and inferential expressiveness that can be a summary
of various user modeling approaches [45]. These are:
² Representation of assumptions about one or more types of user characteristics in
models of individual users (e.g. assumptions about their knowledge, misconcep-
tions, goals, plans, preferences, tasks, and abilities).
² Representation of relevant common characteristics of users pertaining to specific
user subgroups of the application system (the so-called stereotypes).
² Classification of users that belong to one or more of these subgroups, and the inte-
gration of the typical characteristics of these subgroups into the current individual
user model.
² Recording of users’ behavior, particularly their past interaction with the system.
² Formation of assumptions about the user based on the interaction history.
² Generalization of the interaction histories of many users into stereotypes.
² Drawing of additional assumptions about the current user based on initial ones.
² Consistency maintenance in the user model.
² Provision of the current assumptions about the user, as well as justifications of
these assumptions.
² Evaluation of the entries in the current user model, and comparison with given
Predictive statistical user models are getting attention these days [108, 109]
and these cover the various aspects of human behavior, such as goals, actions, and
preferences. The main evaluation metrics of these models are recall and precision,
predicted probability and accuracy, and utility. The specific models include linear, Term
Frequency Inverse Document Frequency (TFIDF), Markov model, Neural network,
Classification methods, Rule induction, and Bayesian network.
Pause interjection +92%
Pause elongation +75%
Disfluencies -53%
Intonation final fall +19%
Speech elongation +12%
Hyper-clear phonology +9%
Pitch minimum -2%
Pitch average -1%
Table 2.1: Summary of relative change in linguistic dimensions of hyperarticula-
tion [73]. All magnitudes shown represent statistically significant change during rep-
2.2.2 User Models in the Human-Machine Spoken Interaction Set-
² Spoken Hyperarticulate and Disfluency
Coping with user’s spoken Hyperarticulation and disfluency help the system in deal-
ing with various kinds of human speech. Oviatt studied hyperarticulating [73] and dis-
fluencies [65] in human speech under a Human-Machine spoken interaction setting. The
basic assumption is that a human speaks differently in the Human-Machine interaction
setting compared to Human-Human interactions; A human (1) hyperarticulates more as
the speech recognition error increases, (2) has fewer disfluencies with short and struc-
tured utterances.
Oviatt suggested a model of “hyperarticulate” with the two-stage CHAM
(Computer-elicited Hyperarticulate Adaptation Model). With a high error rate in
the experiment, the human speech includes more hyper-clear phonological features,
fewer disfluencies and changes in fundamental frequency. Based on the observations
under error situations, CHAM model specifies that users’ speech will adapt to the
linguistically-specified hyperarticulation profile as in Table 2.1.
For a “disfluency” model, Oviatt suggested a simple linear regression model. Higher
disfluency rates were related to the length of utterance and lack of structure in the pre-
sentation format. When users’ utterances become lengthier, there occurs the higher
possibility of disfluency. Also, it turned out that structural speech lead fewer disfluen-
Regarding the disfluency, Shriberg [95] investigated and modeled it with filled
pauses, repetitions, repairs and false starts. The model of disfluencies only utilized
the prosodic features – duration, distance from pause and f0. All the features are related
to the disfluency model with the decision tree.
* User Goal or Intention
A user goal or intention has been regarded as one of the most important user aspects
in user modeling. It gives the system an assumption of a user’s limited behavior pat-
terns based on a goal or intention. Therefore, it allows the system to reduce its burden
of determining all the possibilities in user behaviors. Allen [4] pioneered this area by
analyzing user utterances. It is claimed that a user expresses his or her goal information
in the utterances. Recently, Horvitz put a lot of effort into this topic under uncertain
conditions; harnessing models of users’ goals and needs [32, 30]. By utility-directed
procedures, probabilistic relationships among intentions and spoken utterances are mod-
eled and user actions are inferred (with the largest expected utility) through a Bayesian
* User and Machine Initiative Modeling
Spoken dialog systems adopt the “initiative” model to give the best freedom of inter-
ruptions to a user in spoken interactions. Also, it allows the system to interrupt the
interactions whenever needed. Allen [3] seems to be the first researcher to deal with
this issue with a taxonomy of mixed-initiatives. He proposed specific mechanisms such
as contextual interpretation, turn taking and grounding. Horvitz [31] approached this
issue with a more complicated condition, “under uncertainty”. Both hand-built and
automatically-learned probabilistic user models (Bayesian networks) give the system
the ability to take actions efficiently (mixed-initiative). Chu-Caroll [10] distinguished
between task and dialog initiatives and presented a model for tracking shifts in both
types of initiatives in dialog interactions. Chu-Caroll showed how to track the shift or
lack of shift in task/dialog initiatives by the eight cues: Explicit requests, End silence,
No new info, Questions, Obligation fulfilled, Invalidity, Suboptimality, Ambiguity. She
utilized the Dempster-Shafer Theory to model tracking initiative between a human and
a machine. New task/dialog initiative indices between a human and a machine were
computed based on the current indices. The current observed cues were utilized with
the current indices to determine the next task/dialog initiative holders.
* User Modeling Framework
User modeling middle-ware systems are effective in rapidly building an application
which can handle diverse users. There have been some general frameworks in HCI com-
munity such as BGP-MS by Kobsa [46], GUMS system by Finin [21], UM by Kay [41].
These are general in their utility by allowing a wide range of representations for an indi-
vidual user. Particularly Pakucs presented a framework for speech interfaces [74, 75]
which adapt to a user by recognizing a context such as location, time, or activity. The
system architecture is generic and task-oriented and it utilizes a feature vector of con-
* Applications with a User Model
One of the successful spoken dialog applications with a user model was built by
Komatani [47]. Its domain is a “Kyoto city bus information kiosk.” Implemented user
models include skill level to the system, knowledge level on the target domain and degree
of hastiness. A decision tree with features obtained from a single utterance and dialog
sessions is used for a user modeling. Annotated tags are hand-crafted and the values of
a model are learned from the system’s real dialogs.
Another important application requiring a user model is a tutoring system. It needs
to know what knowledge the student has and what goals the student wishes to achieve.
Conati [12] implemented “Andes” which provides long-term knowledge assessment,
plan recognition and prediction of student actions. The probabilistic modeling tech-
nique (a Bayesian network) was used in the modeling of “Andes.” The uncertainties
defined in the design of “Andes” include Context specificity, Guessing, Mutually exclu-
sive strategies, Old evidence, Errors, Hints, Reading latency, Self-explaining ahead,
Self-explanation menu selections. As an evaluation metric, Conati showed the overall
system performance enhancement by adopting the “Andes” to the tutoring system.
2.2.3 User Models in the Human-Human Spoken Interactions with
a Mediating Device Setting.
User modeling work for Human-Human interactions with a speech-enabled mediating
device is a relatively unexplored area compared to that for the Human-Machine spoken
interactions. Some speech-to-speech translation applications such as Verbmobil [98]
mediated the speech between two speakers who are using different languages but no
user modeling research was done in the development of the system.
Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) community has conducted some
research for user modeling in the clear communication between people under a mediat-
ing device setting. In this regard, the clear communication means no noisy operations
such as speech recognition and machine translation (which are basically error-prone).
As one of the significant researchers, Isbister explored the cultural issues between Amer-
icans and Japanese with a helper agent in virtual meeting space [34]. The research
issues include perception of each other, each others’ national group and the effects on
their style of behavior. This kind of work inspires us to investigate the social relation-
ship between people in spoken interactions under a mediating device setting, which is a
noisy mediating environment for the spoken interactions.
Recently, Shriberg [94] described four fundamental properties of spontaneous
speech when speech recognition technology is involved: punctuation, disfluencies, turn-
taking and user state (or emotion). These four phenomena suggested multiple levels of
speakers’ information contained in behaviors and speech itself (lexically and acousti-
cally). Shriberg proposed that we need to deal with these four phenomena to improve
the performance and the utility of intelligent spoken language applications, as well as
increased scientific understanding of natural speaking behavior.
On the other hand, in Cognitive Science, Linguistics and Phycology communities,
it is claimed that natural Human-Human spoken interactions include the information
of “Accommodation” between interlocutors. It can be either verbal such as words and
prosody, or non-verbal such as gesture and emotion accommodation. Participants of the
interactions concern about mutually combined social standing, task goals and communi-
cational efficiency. This Accommodation Theory can be utilized to improve a mediating
device performance and user satisfaction by encouraging users to interact naturally as if
there were no machine involved.
Theoretical supports for the accommodation between interlocutors in the interper-
sonal channel are based on the Speech Accommodation Theory (Giles [26]). Giles
divided the Accommodation into two strategies : convergence and divergence. The for-
mer refers to the processes whereby two or more individuals alter or shift their speech
to resemble each other’s speech. The latter indicates the ways in which speakers accen-
tuate their verbal and non-verbal differences in order to distinguish themselves from
others. Both are deployed by individuals to signal identification with, or dissociation
from, the communication patterns of others. The Ultimate goal by adopting this Speech
Accommodation Theory is to ensure successful communication. This achievement can
be defined by increased level of satisfaction and conversation efficiency. This poten-
tial achievement inspires the application of Speech Accommodation in various speech-
mediated device designs. In a medical domain, for instance, the satisfaction and the
efficiency are critical metrics in measuring performance of communication between a
doctor and a patient [87].
Fais [20] reported lexical accommodation studies in machine-mediated spoken inter-
actions and incorporated three different settings: Human-Human monolingual, Human-
Interpreted bilingual
and Machine-Interpreted bilingual. Significant accommodation
results were found in all three settings that support the fundamental theories described
in Chapter 6. The underlying hypotheses suggested in this context are:
² In human-human interaction, we should find significant lexical accommodation.
² The human-interpreted setting constitutes both a Human-Human interaction and a
more stressful communication environment, one in which communicational effi-
ciency is a concern.
² The machine-interpreted setting only indirectly involves Human-Human interac-
tion; all dialog is mediated by the “machine” interpreter.
² We expect that clients will accommodate the machine to some extent, that clients’
word choice will be affected by their perception of “what works,” or “what the
machine knows.”
2.2.4 User Modeling on Multiple Modality Usages
Communication or information exchanges by using multiple modalities such as pen,
speech or keyboard is referred to as multimodal communication. The research on user
modality usages of multiple modalities expedites the design of an efficient speech-
enabled interface. The effective user model on multimoality supports users in managing
cognitive load [69]. Oviatt [66, 68, 72] investigated this issue extensively in terms of
² User preference
² The situation when users interact multimodally
² Integration and synchronization patterns
² Individual differences
² Complementarity and redundancy
² Performance and linguistic efficiency
² Error suppression
The assumption is that people can interact freely, differently and multimodally (e.g.,
speech, gaze, gesture, pen, visual, etc). Oviatt claimed that speech interface only is
not enough for the robust interactions between the system and a human; multimodal
approach expedites error handling and reduces a communication barrier such as hyper-
2.2.5 User Simulation for Spoken Dialog System (SDS)
Along with the stochastic approach to develop a Spoken Dialog System, the user simu-
lation approach has been researched to improve the system performance in terms of less
expensive task, less labor and fewer errors. The system is designed to generate most
efficient responses to a user based on the simulation results.
User Model Informal description
Reference a first try to construct a “reasonable” behavior;
all probabilities selected according to common sense.
Patient a reference user with nearly infinite patience that
would hang up the phone after 99 turns; all dialogues are
expected to lead to success.
Submissive questions will be answered, but no additional
information will be volunteered.
Experienced much more over-informative than the reference
user; gives information on her own, with slightly higher
Table 2.2: Characteristics of experimental user models (Eckert [17]).
* A Conditional Probabilistic User Model
Eckert [17] first introduced this user simulation concept in speech community to
assess the dialog system performance. The user response (e.g., intention) is modeled
with a system stimulus by the conditional probability,
i; j
= p(U
= I
= I
) (2.1)
where, I
and I
denotes sets or sequences of intentions. S
is a system stimulus
at time t¡ 1 and U
is a user response at time t. Also, user initiative is modeled by the
probability p(U
= I
= e) of presenting I
in response to an open ended question.
Based on this simple probabilistic user model, Eckert [17] tested the system with
handcrafted (partially learned from the corpus) values for each user type as described in
Table 2.2.
* A Constrained Probabilistic User Model
In the domain of air travel information systems, Levin [54] simulated a user who
learns dialog strategies automatically in an efficient way. Reinforcement learning was
Constrained User Model Description
Response Probability P(n), n = 0,1,2,...,
greetings P(attribute), where attribute = ORIGIN,
DESTINATION,..., and the probability distribution
on the value of each attribute
[e.g., P(BostonjORIGIN), P(DeltajAIRLINE)].
Response to P(k
), i.e., the probability of the user
constraining questions specifying a value for attribute k
when asked for the value of attribute k
Response to P(yesjk
) = 1 - P(nojk
), i.e., the probability
relaxation prompts of accepting (or rejecting) the proposed
relaxation of attribute k
Table 2.3: The simulated user model characteristics in Levin [54].
used to estimate the optimal dialog strategy and supervised learning was used to estimate
a user model. Levin assumed that a user response depends only on the current system
action and it is constrained by some attributes. The simulated user is parameterized as
in Table2.3. The assumption is that there is no recognition and understanding errors.
* A Probabilistic User Model with Goal Information
By adding “Goal” information to the Eckert’s pure probabilistic user model (this
concept was initially introduced by Scheffler and Young [90] to keep goal consistency),
Pietquin [77] explicitly model the dependencies between a user’s actions and his goal:
;goal) (2.2)
where, A
= user actions at time t.
User goal was represented by a simple table of attribute-value pairs and the probabilities
are handcrafted. This model was not evaluated with the real data or the system.
* User Simulation with a Linear Feature Combination and N-gram Language Mod-
Georgila [25] recently introduced a user model based on the dialog information
states with linear feature combination (Equation 2.3) and n-gram
. In this context,
n-gram treats a dialogue as a sequence of pairs of speech acts and tasks. The perfor-
mance of user models with linear combination and n-gram performances are measured
by comparing the perplexity
and evaluated against the system policy.
exp( f(s)
exp( f(a)
where, w
= weights being trained on the state-action pairs from the training data.
f(s) = vector of real valued features for the state s. a= a user action.
* Evaluation Metrics of User Simulations
In [100], user satisfaction and system performance was measured with the PAR-
ADISE evaluation framework. Recently, Schatzmann [88] quantitatively evaluated three
user models introduced above: bigram user model (Eckert [17]), user models with con-
strained attributes and the goal information (Levin [54] and Pietquin [77]). This assesses
how realistic the best response is that the simulated user can predict. The precision and
recall rates of the three simulated user models are measured and the goal completion
rates are compared with those of the pre-existing systems.
Originally n-gram is a subsequence of n letters from a given string after removing all spaces from
language modeling community. For example, the 3-grams that can be generated from “good morning”
are “goo”, “ood”, “odm”, “dmo”, “mor” and so forth.
the state of being perplexed.
Chapter 3: Analysis of User Behavior
under Error Conditions in Spoken
We focus on developing an account of user behavior under error conditions, working
with annotated data from real human-machine mixed initiative dialogs. In particular, we
examine categories of error perception, user behavior under error, effect of user strate-
gies on error recovery, and the role of user initiative in error situations. A conditional
probability model smoothed by weighted ASR error rate is proposed. Results show that
users discovering errors through implicit confirmations are less likely to get back on
track (or succeed) and take a longer time in doing so than other forms of error discovery
such as system reject and reprompts. Further successful user error-recovery strategies
included more rephrasing, less contradicting, and a tendency to terminate error episodes
(cancel and startover) than to attempt at repairing a chain of errors.
3.1 Introduction
Modeling human-machine spoken dialog interactions is gaining a lot of attention
[54, 59] with the recent deployment of several complex dialog systems, for e.g., [101,
53, 106]. An important aspect of this problem is the understanding and modeling user
behavior to enable realistic optimization of dialog strategies. It is well known that many
of the underlying components of the state-of-the-art dialog systems such as automatic
speech recognition and understanding rely on data-driven statistical models and, in gen-
eral, are prone to errors of varying types and extent. In addition, there are other possible
systems and user induced errors. Our work targets user behavior modeling under such
error conditions in the context of human-machine spoken dialogs.
The DARPA Communicator spoken dialog systems, implemented at several sites,
represent some of the most recent advances in the design of mixed-initiative spoken
language systems [101, 53, 59]. The availability of transcripts of realistic spoken dialogs
from some of those systems provides an excellent opportunity to investigate the behavior
of human and machine interactions in mixed-initiative dialogs. In the present work we
set out to understand the dynamics of user behavior under system errors and how the
combination of system errors and user reactions to them affect the ultimate success
of a dialog. In preparation for this study, we annotated a portion of the June 2000
Communicator dialogs for several features, including a categorization of both user and
system behavior. The data and the extended annotation scheme are described in section
2. The results of our study are described in section 3. The paper concludes with a
summary and discussion of the results in section 4.
3.2 Data and Annotation
The data used were the orthographically-transcribed travel arrangement dialogs from
the DARPA Communicator project recorded in June 2000. Each dialog consists of some
number of exchanges between a computer travel agent and a human and is represented
as a three-line triple consisting of a system utterance, a user utterance (manually tran-
scribed from recordings), and what the ASR system heard and provided as input to the
dialog system. The data and the collection procedure are described in detail in [59]. In
the Communicator dialogs, 85 experimental subjects interacted with 9 different “travel
agent” systems. Out of the 765 possible dialogs, many are empty, or contain no user
participation. We worked with about 141 of those total dialogs (that consisted of at least
1 turn). The average length of these dialogs was 18 exchanges. The amount of data is
comparable to the data considered in a similar study by Aberdeen et al [1].
3.2.1 Tagging
Following a review of the recent work on analysis of human computer dialogs, we
devised a tagging scheme consisting of 23 tags with which to monitor 3 dimensions
of the dialogs: user behavior, system behavior, and task status. Since our goal was to
do a quantitative analysis of the (disruptive) effect of errors, existing tagging schemes,
while instructive, were not directly applicable. Automatic analysis of error conditions
beyond the ASR word error rate is difficult without the aid of manual tagging. Hence,
manual tagging was necessary. However, for example, unlike [1], we do not keep track
of the subtask in which the error occurred, nor do we distinguish between dialog acts
as in citeWalkerDialogTags. Finally, the user utterances in the communicator data are
very short, averaging 3 words. Under these circumstances, we also have not made an
to attempt labeling disfluencies as projects dealing with longer, more open-ended utter-
ances have done [56, 2, 51]. The detailed tag set together with usage conventions and
examples of application are provided in Tables 3.6, 3.7, and 3.8. Briefly, the tag set for
our purposes included (1) SYSTEM tags: explicit confirmation, implicit confirmation,
help, system repeat, reject, non sequitur (2) USER tags: repeat, rephrase, contradict,
frustrated, change request, startover, scratch clarify, acquiesce, hang-up (3) TASK tags:
error (at the recognized utterance), back on track, task success. For error segments, we
locate the beginnings of errors, and place a generic “error” tag on the ASR output that
resulted in an error (Note that the standard ASR word error rate for each turn is also cal-
culated). Within error segments we focus on three phenomena: system utterances which
exhibit a system reaction to the error, user utterances which react to or try to correct the
error, and the means by which the user becomes aware of the error. Sometimes the user
becomes aware of an error because of a system rejection such as, “I’m sorry, I couldn’t
understand you.” or a verbatim repetition of a system prompt for information. Other
times implicit confirmations or non sequiturs in system utterances alert the user to the
presence of an error, in which case the user must try to make the system aware of the
error. Because the scenarios were conducted by paid subjects arranging for hypotheti-
cal travel for this particular data collection, some users had a tendency to acquiesce to
errors that proved difficult to correct, or even to change the nature of the travel request in
response to repeated recognition errors. These deviations from the original plan are also
marked. Finally, we tag the point at which the dialog gets back-on-track (BOT), marking
the system utterance in which the user could reasonably discover that the portion of the
task derailed by an error has been successfully understood. At the end of the dialog we
indicate whether the arrangements were successfully completed or ended in a hang-up
or acquiescence to some error. The tagging was done by two annotators and showed
87% inter-annotator agreement. The tagging conventions used allow the assignment of
all applicable tags to the dialogs. The agreement measure used was the number of iden-
tically tagged lines, divided by the number of lines reviewed and tagged. The measure is
conservative in that it counts as agreement cases where 100% identical tagging appears
on exactly the same line for both annotators. It does not include partial overlap, or posi-
tional offset. Following the tagging itself, we analyzed the dialogs and user histories
from several perspectives, seeking patterns in user behavior, and correlations between
user behavior and the length and severity of error segments.
3.3 Results and Discussion
Firstly it is useful to get a general sense of the presence of errors in the dialogs. The
data, overall, is dominated by errors of various types. The roughly 2528 turns we tagged
Figure 3.1: Normalized histogram of the length of error segments (number of turns).
consists of 141 dialogs conducted with 35 paid subjects. The dialogs contain 235 error
segments. Note that according to our definition an error segment can (1) end in either by
getting back on track (BOT) with perhaps a complete success, acquiescence or abort (2)
be nested within another error segment. Of these 235 segments, 78% got back on track.
Figure 3.1 provides the distribution of error segment length (number of turns) in the data.
About 80% of these are between 1-9 turns with most of them between 2 to 4 turns. Of
these, the average length of the error segments that eventually get back-on-track is 6.7
and those that never recover is 10. From these numbers alone, we do not know whether
the length of the unrecovered errors represents something about the system or user, or
if it represents some threshold of user tolerance for error resolution beyond which users
will simply hang up rather than continue. We present analysis results on the following
points: (1) Categories of error perception (2) User behavior under error including user
initiative in error vs. non-error situations.
3.3.1 Categories of error perception
Here, we see whether the manner in which the user discovered the error affects the time
to get back on track. In the case of a system prompt repetition or a system rejection,
the user is explicitly made aware of an “error” (from its perspective). In the case of
Error perception # of err avg err length avg err length %BOT
segments for BOT not BOT
Reject 35 6 7.8 83%
Implicit 25 9.6 14.6 68%
Repeat 21 5.8 13 90%
Explicit 10 5.5 8.75 60%
Non-seq 9 6 7.5 77%
Table 3.1: Lengths of error segments which did get back-on-track (BOT) and those
which didn’t, as well as the percentage of errors that eventually got back on track.
an implicit confirmation or a system non sequitur, it is up to the user to notice that an
error has occurred and draw the system’s attention to this. In Table 3.1, we present
error segments grouped by the way in which the user becomes aware of the error, to
see if the way in which the error is discovered affects the time to recover or success in
recovery. We can roughly divide the error discovery types into high frequency (system
rejection, implicit confirmation, & system prompt repeat), and low frequency (explicit
confirmation & non-sequitur). Among the high-frequency error discovery types, it is
striking that implicit confirmation results in a much longer time to get back on track (10
exchanges vs. 6), and a much lower rate of getting back-on-track at 68%, compared to
80% and 90% for the other high-frequency errors.
3.3.2 User behavior under error
We next examine the distribution of user behaviors in coping with errors. Figure 3.2
shows the distribution on the user behavior immediately following an error (in the pre-
vious turn).
The next two tables show the distribution of user strategies for segments that even-
tually did get back on track and for those that never got back on track:
Figure 3.2: “User Behavior” after the first error within an error segment. Rephrasing was the
most frequent user behavior and Hang-up was the least frequent user behavior.
frequency normalized User strategy in
for length of errors Errors that got back-on-track
0.130 Repeat
0.117 Rephrase
0.077 Contradict system
0.055 Start over
0.045 Ask
0.022 Change request
0.015 Scratch
0.005 Acquiesce to error
Table 3.2: Prevalence of user strategies in error segments which eventually got back on
We observe that users in the successful error recoveries (see Table 3.2) use signifi-
cantly (p ¡ 0.1, ANOV A) more rephrasing than those in the unrecovered errors and less
contradictions (e.g. “not 3 am, 3 pm”) (Table 3.3). They also make use of the “start
over” and “scratch” features more to terminate error episodes rather than trying to repair
chains of errors. Users in successful error recoveries were also much more likely to
work around system weaknesses by changing their travel plans. While this apparently
got the dialog back on track, it is not a viable strategy for real travel arrangements.
frequency normalized User strategy in
for length of errors Non-back-on-track
0.114 Repeat
0.102 Contradict system
0.071 Rephrase
0.055 Hang up
0.031 Start over
0.024 Ask
0.012 Scratch
0.012 Acquiesce to error
0.004 Change request
Table 3.3: Prevalence of user strategies in error segments which did not get back-on-
Degree of Error and User behavior
Errors in spoken dialogs are not merely binary valued and it is critical to incorporate
the degree of error into the modeling. To illuminate user behavior under error fur-
ther, we considered the user response conditioned on the system strategy to estimate
the probability P(UserBehaviorkSystemBehavior), P(UkS) from now on. It has been
well accepted in the field that ASR word error rate (WER) is a good correlate of dialog
performance [59]. Hence as a first approximation, we smoothed the probability mass
of P(UkS) using an exponentially-weighted WER measure (1-10**(-WER*k/100)) that
maps WER (which can be between 0 and infinity) to a range between 0 and 1. For
the calculations below we chose k=1; it could vary from system to system. The results
are shown in Figure 3.3. The most common user behavior here is rephrasing or repeat-
ing the previous request, contributing to 82% of all user responses under error. Can-
celing/changing the previous request or starting over are relatively rare user behav-
iors under error. This is further exemplified in Figure 3.4 that shows the conditional
(smoothed) distribution for P(UkS = SY ST EMREPEAT), corresponding to a highly
popular system strategy when the system is “cognizant” of an error.
Figure 3.3: P (User behavior — System behavior) smoothed by exponentially weighted WER.
Figure 3.4: Smoothed Conditional Probability for User Behavior in (N+1)th turn based on
weighted WER of ’IMPLICIT CONFIRM’ system behavior in the N-th turn.
It is similarly interesting to look at user behavior when the system is not (necessarily)
cognizant of an error such as when using an implicit confirmation strategy. Figure 3.5
shows the smoothed distribution for P(UkS= IMPLICIT). Not surprisingly, the user is
most likely to contradict the erroneous system behavior.
Figure 3.5: Smoothed Conditional Probability for User Behavior in (N+1)th turn based on
weighted WER of ’IMPLICIT CONFIRM’ system behavior in the N-th turn.
User Initiative tag Frequency Frequency
in error segments in non-error segments
Ask 0.0319 0.0060
Contradict 0.0707 0.0121
General initiative 0.1647 0.0424
Table 3.4: Frequency is normalized over all dialogs.
User initiative in error and non-error environments
Here we look at the user’s tendency to use initiative over the course of the dialog. We
have considered user initiative to be the cases where the user did not simply respond to
system prompts, but attempted to guide the dialog themselves. The one part of the dialog
that often looks the most like user initiative (and which often fails) is the response to the
open prompt at the beginning of most of the dialogs. However, since this is a free-form
answer to an open question, we have not tagged it as initiative. It is clear from Table 3.4
that user initiative behavior is significantly more in error segments than not (p ¡ 0.05).
UserID # of Errors=Dialog %BOT Avg length
dials of error segment
1 9 1.4 .69 8.5
2 9 1.4 .76 8.9
A 8 2.9 .87 7.8
B 8 2.4 .74 4.9
C 5 1.0 .60 10.2
D 5 1.4 .42 6.0
Table 3.5: Error-proneness in users: % BOT is the percentage of error episodes that got
back on track.
3.4 Conclusion
Modeling user behavior is one of the most challenging problems in spoken dialog sys-
tems research. Empirical analysis and modeling using real user data helps to illuminate
user behavior patterns. The analysis reported represents a preliminary attempt at under-
standing user behavior under error and uncertainty in spoken dialogs. Results show that
users discovering errors through implicit confirmations are less likely to get back on
track (or succeed) and take a longer time in doing so than other forms of error discovery
such as system reject and reprompts. Further successful user error-recovery strategies
included more rephrasing, less contradicting, and a tendency to terminate error episodes
(cancel and startover) than to attempt at repairing a chain of errors. The most frequent
user behavior to get back on track from error segments when the system signals errors is
to “rephrase” and “repeat.” When a user discovers an error, say through an implicit con-
firmation, the user tends to “contradict” or “cancel” the action rather than “rephrase”
and “repeat.” There are many open and confounding issues. One key issue relates to
incorporating user behavior priors (i.e., probabilities) in the model. For example, we
observe that some users seem better able to avoid and/or get out of trouble. The authors
of [101] observe that in this specific experimental setup, where the subjects were paid
participants with no real stake in successful task completion, some users were simply
inattentive or careless. In the process of tagging the transcribed data, we additionally
observed that some participants had much more trouble than others getting usable ASR
output. Table 3.5 looks at some users who participated in 5 or more scenarios. In
Table 3.5, two users, A and B, seem particularly successful. Although they appear to
have higher numbers of errors per dialog, this is probably because they did not give up,
since they also have the highest rates of recovery with relatively short error episodes.
Two other users, C and D, seem the least successful. D has a very low percentage of
back-on-track errors, and C seems to experience inordinately long error episodes. When
we looked at the strategies these users adopted under error we found that all users tried
repeating themselves. However, the less successful users frequently hung up on the dia-
log or started the dialog sequence over; something that the successful users were less
likely to do.
These types of prior user information need to be learnt and incorporated into the
models. Ongoing work focuses on those questions and how a user model interacts with
a system model in an optimization framework.
expl : Explicit confirmation.
User is asked to confirm certain input.
An example;
Was the arrival city Wichita or London ?
impl : Implicit confirmation.
The system repeats the users last input
to introduce the following prompt.
An example;
A flight from Miami. Where do you want to go?
reject : Rejection.
The system tells the user that the recognizer
either did not hear or did not understand the last input.
An example;
Sorry, I misunderstood.
Please say the name of the city
or airport you wish to depart from. (reject + aid)
aid : Aid.
The system instructs the user
to give the input in a certain way.
Often used with reject and
also often used in the first system prompt.
An example:
Try asking for flights between two major cities.
nonseq : Non Sequitur.
An inappropriate system response
gives the user evidence of error.
An example;
User said: [throat clearing] I would like to
book a flight from Columbus Ohio to Phoenix Arizona
to arrive before six p. m. on October fifth
System said: Where are you departing from? (nonseq)
sysrepeat : System Repeat.
The system repeats its last prompt.
(a pathological example where ASR looks ok,
but response is not accepted)
An example;
System said: What is your destination?
User said: Phoenix Arizona
Recognizer heard: Phoenix Arizona
System said: What is your destination?
User said: the destination is
Phoenix Arizona (user rephrase)
Recognizer heard: The destination is Phoenix Arizona
System said: What is your destination ?
Table 3.6: Clues by which the user becomes aware of an error.
repeat : User repeats exactly what they said in the previous turn.
rephrase : User rephrases the last input,
modifying choice of words, their order, etc.
An example;
System said: What time would you like to depart?
User said: early
Recognizer heard: early (err)
System said: Sorry, I misunderstood.
Please give the approximate time
you would like to depart. (reject + aid)
User said: eight a. m. (rephrase)
Recognizer heard: eight a m
contradict : The user contradicts the system, often as a barge-in.
An example;
System said: What time do you want to
leave phoenix (impl)
User said: no I don’t want to leave Phoenix
I’m starting from Columbus Ohio
frust : The user shows signs of anger (frustration),
contempt, disgust, and frustration.
An example;
Oh my god [uh] can we start over
(frust + startover)
chngreq : The user tries different dates,
different cities in the same state/country
in an attempt to circumvent an error.
An example;
System said: Flying from Dulles.
What city are you flying to?
User said: Hilton Head South Carolina
System said: At the Hilton.
What city are you flying to?
(nonseq + sysrepeat)
User said: Hilton Head South Carolina
System said: At the Hilton.
What city are you flying to? (sysrepeat)
User said: Savannah Georgia (chngreq)
startover : The user has the system start over
from scratch using the start over command
used by most of the systems.
An example;
System said: Sorry, I didn’t understand that.
What city are you flying to?
(reject + sysrepeat)
User said: START OVER
Table 3.7: User responses to errors.
err : Placed at the “Recognizer heard:” turn (error)
where the initial error occurred.
Ignore any problem in the requests for ID numbers
at the beginning of dialogues.
When the error is minor
(e.g. late afternoon instead of early afternoon)
and the user doesnt try to correct it,
use acq instead of err.
bot : Back-on-track.
The user and system successfully negotiated
the correction of an error.
Placed on the system said line that
provides the user (and tagger) with evidence
of being totally back on track
(at the end of an error segment?never in nested errors).
succ : The user got the tickets s/he wanted (success)
If there are small errors like flight time,
then use with acq.
Table 3.8: Tags about the state of system/user interaction.
Chapter 4: Analyzing the Multimodal
Behaviors of Users using Concept
Matching Scores
We investigate factors related to interfacing a speech-to-speech translation device with
multimodal capabilities. We evaluate the efficacy of the interactions using a measure for
meaning transfer, we call concept score. We show that employing a multimodal interface
improves translation quality, in this study, by 24%. We also show that while some
users require perfect representation of what they said in order to allow transfer, others
accept concept degradation to some extent, in median up to 20% in our experiments.
An appropriate system strategy is required to recognize this behavior and guide users
towards optimum performance points. For example, we show that appropriate feedback
is required to guide the users in their choices of translation method, as 13% of the
choices users made are worse than the alternatives the system provided.
4.1 Introduction
Current speech translation technologies support real time spoken language translation,
and are applicable in many areas such as medical services and business meetings. Suc-
cessful applications include Verbmobil [8], which provided a system for multilingual
scheduling, including airline and hotel reservations; Transonics [63], a medical diagno-
sis tool used by doctors; and MASTOR [24], a multilingual automatic Speech-to-Speech
(S2S) translation system.
Although there has been intensive research on speech recognition technology [103]
and on machine translation [42], studies modeling users in S2S translation systems have
rarely been conducted. The need for studying user behaviors has already been demon-
strated under spoken dialog systems and it is our hypothesis that similar benefits from
user studies can be achieved in S2S systems. For our work we draw knowledge from
existing studies such as on system evaluation and multimodal interfaces. Kamm and
Walker [39] measured the performance of a spoken dialog system in terms of task suc-
cess and cost (number of turns). These two factors were utilized for maximizing user
satisfaction. Oviatt et al [70] reported that users of a spoken dialog system tend to
employ more of the available modalities as cognitive load increases with intensifying
task difficulty and communicative complexity. Also, Foster et all [22], in analyzing text
prediction models, have argued that by modeling the user they can provide improved text
prediction. For S2S translation systems, user studies can cover a vast range of topics,
such as language, culture, environment, education, and belief systems [11].
In particular, it is important to study the quality of the transferred concepts through
the S2S translation systems, and the level of transfer errors users are willing to accept
when using the system. Since a significant part of the machine error stems from speech
recognition errors, users are able to gauge in some part the degree of degradation by
observing the transcribed text of what they said. Some users are more accommodating
to these system errors and still go ahead and accept erroneous speech recognizer output
as acceptable for translation, knowing well that they increase the chance of bad concept
Another important research issue is the design of a flexible human-centric interface
for S2S translation systems based on user studies, and evaluating performance gains
due to such an interface. Potential system designs include speech-only, speech and text
output, speech and text input and output, or can include other modalities such as images,
touch screens and pen input etc. It is critical to know the resulting improvements through
combination of these modalities under specific conditions. For example in emergency
care, one would want very little in the way of device confirmation, visual modalities etc,
but instead would prefer a very high accuracy for a very limited number of concepts,
while in general practice one may accept a much larger range of modalities to allow for
a range of concepts and range of accuracy trade-offs.
Like a human translator, a translation device transfers meaning from and to one lan-
guage, such as English, to another language, such as Farsi (Persian) [11]. The process is
lossy. V ocabulary words and phrases need to be changed to their closest representation
in the target language, but will often be remapped to more distant equivalents, and gram-
mar and syntax will also degrade. As a result, the original meaning will be altered at
several different levels [52], conveying it sometimes quite closely and sometimes poorly.
It is important to measure how well meaning is transferred by translation devices. The
existing text translation metrics, such as BLEU [76] and NIST [15], scores are based
on comparisons of several human translations with system-produced translations using
n-gram matching. In the study of this paper, to measure how well meaning is trans-
ferred by S2S translation system, we introduce a measure called a concept matching
score. This score refers to the number of concepts in a user utterance that is carried over
to the machine-produced utterance. We evaluate the performance of the S2S system
and its subcomponents in terms of the concept agreement between the input and output
according to human annotators.
The section is organized as follows. Section 4.2 describes the S2S system used for
the experiments and section 4.3, the data collection and annotation. We present results
on multimodal versus single modality usage in Section 4.4.1, statistics on user error
tolerance in 4.4.2 and analysis on the quality of user choices in 4.4.3. Discussion and
conclusions follow in sections 6.6 and 7.
Figure 4.1: Example image of the system’s Graphical User Interface (GUI). After speak-
ing, the English speaker (doctor) can choose one of up to five translation candidates
presented onscreen. Section 1 shows the SMT option E
labeled with “I can try to trans-
late,” while the CCMT options E
8i2f2;3;4;5g are labeled “I can definitely translate
4.2 The Transonics System
Transonics [63] is a speech-to-speech (S2S) translation system, which facilitates two
way spoken interactions between English-speaking doctors, and Farsi-speaking patients.
This system is aimed at task-oriented interactions in the medical domain.
The English speaker (doctor) interacts with the system through two input modalities
of audio and a push-to-talk and selection keypad, and receives information through the
two modalities of audio and text representations on the screen. In addition there is
a more complex direct human-human channel that could potentially encode a lot of
information such as gestures and emotions, but that was not very actively used in this
collection due to the instructions given to the participants. The Persian speaker (patient)
interacts with the device only in terms of the audio modality and has no access to the
keypad or the screen. The push-to-talk activation for the Persian speaker is handled by
the English speaker as well. This asymmetric design allows for minimal knowledge and
training of the Persian speaker.
In simple terms, the Transonics design processes the input speech as follows: First, it
converts the speech into text (Automatic Speech Recognition – ASR); second, it converts
U A (A ~= U)
E1 (E1 ~= F1, E1 = A)
Display onscreen
Speech input
E5 (E5 = F5, E5 ~= A)
None of above
None of above
E2 (E2 = F2, E2 ~= A)
E3 (E3 = F3, E3 ~= A)
E4 (E4 = F4, E4 ~= A)
User choice
U: User utterance, A: ASR output,E 1: SMT output in English, E 2 ~ E5: CCMT outputs in English,
~= : Statistical operation, = : Lossless operation Fi: Farsi translation of Ei(i = 1, 2,3,4, or 5),
ASR: Automatic Speech Recognition, SMT: Statistical Machine Translation,
CCMT: Concept Classification Machine Translation, TTS: Text-to-Speech,
Figure 4.2: The internal procedure of generating speech translation candidates imple-
mented in the Transonics system. A doctor uses two-modality interface (push-to-talk),
and sees up to five candidates onscreen; one Machine Translation (MT) candidate (E
and up to four Classifier candidates (E
the text into the target language (Machine Translation – MT); third, it plays out the
translated text (Text-To-Speech synthesis TTS). The MT step operates in one of two
modes: The phrase-based translation (often called Statistical Machine Translation –
SMT); and the concept based translation (Concept Classification – CCMT). The English
speaker sees the various options on the screen after the MT step. We always show one
option (E
) that can be transferred through the SMT path, and up to 4 options (E
¡ E
that can be transferred through the CCMT path. The CCMT path has the advantage that
it provides a very accurate back translation since the concepts known by the CCMT were
previously humanly translated. Thus options E
will be transferred very accurately
in the target language, while option E
will undergo some further channel loss.
Figure 5.3 graphically shows the above description and defines the symbols for sub-
sequent clarity. In short: U is the original user input; A is the ASR belief (A'U); E
= A
is the text that will be translated through the SMT and generate (lossy operation) F
' E
' U); and E
is the text already translated and mapped back (“non-lossy”,
human mapping) into English through CCMT (U' A' F
= E
; 8i=f2;3;4;5g).
The Persian to English path does not employ this choice interface, but the system
has the initiative and selects the best of the 5 options. Due to this asymmetry we will
constrain our analysis on the English user behavior.
For example, in Fig. 6.4 we see a screen-shot of the information provided to the
English speaker. In this example the speaker said “You have fever?” and sees up to
5 translation candidates (in this case 2) on screen. At this stage the user can detect
errors due to the machine speech recognition (ASR) component (option 1) and the ASR
and concept classification combined errors (options 2-5). In this case the ASR got the
user concept as “You have fever” that in ASR terms is quite accurate but which the
translation will likely be a statement. The second option of shows the ASR and concept
classification combined, which has resulted in the “Do you have fever” concept. Since
concepts are pre-translated by humans, this will result a very accurate, deterministic
translation if selected.
4.3 Methods
4.3.1 Data collection
Two participants, a medical professional and an actor-patient, interacted with each other
through the S2S device. Both the doctors and patients were monolingual, so commu-
nication took place only through the Transonics system. A total of 15 sets of interac-
tion logs were collected from the experiments. The average number of utterances of
the English speaker is 33, and that of the Farsi (Persian) speaker is 28. The data was
manually transcribed and annotated after the collection. The annotation included con-
cept matching scores between all pairs of same-path utterances such as(A;U),(E
;A), etc. These concept scores were gen-
erated by two bilingual annotators that we ensured provided consistent results through
training and “calibration” sessions.
The Concept Matching Score (CMS) was based on the Linguistic Data Consortium’s
human assessment metrics [60]. Ma and Cieri [60] say “Adequacy refers to the degree
to which the translation communicates information present in the original or in the best
of breed translation that serves as a proxy to the original.” Based on that the concept
matching score compares the number of concepts in an original utterance (source) and
the target utterance (destination), either through translation or within the same language,
e.g. through a lossy speech recognition channel. The score guidelines for CMS are:
1.0: All concepts are transferred.
0.8: Most concepts are transferred.
0.6: Many concepts are transferred.
0.4: Some concepts are transferred, such that users may sometimes get the whole
0.2: Few concepts are transferred, such that users rarely get the whole meaning.
0.0: None of the concepts are transferred.
The following example shows a user utterance and its corresponding translation. In
this example, the recipient of a translated utterance can easily recognize its meaning
even though some of the words in the utterance are not translated correctly. An aver-
age concept matching score of CMS[source,target]=CMS[U,F]=0:8 is assigned to the
overall system translation path in this example.
Example, Average CMS=0.8:
Translation (F
): VyA SmA v dyd dvgAnh dAryd
4.4 Results and Analysis
In the study of this paper, we attempt to address three hypotheses. The methods and
results are presented in the following three sections 4.4.1, 4.4.2, and 4.4.3.
² Hypothesis 1: A multimodal interface, employing both the audio and text modal-
ities, will be better than a single-modality interface utilizing audio only, in terms
of translation quality.
² Hypothesis 2: Users will accept certain errors from the utterances provided by
the system. The degree of degradation in terms of concept representation that
different users are willing to accept varies.
² Hypothesis 3: Improving the feedback as to when it is appropriate to employ the
CCMT path can yield improved translation quality.
4.4.1 Multimodal versus single-modality interface
Users are only able to make choices given a list of available options through the visual
modality, and are best able to choose the appropriate option by pen, mouse, or other
selection interface. The machine-denoted best choice corresponds in performance to the
single modality interface, while the user denoted one to the multimodal interface.
] where u2f1;2;3;4;5g and corresponds to the user choice was com-
pared to CMS[U,F
] where m2f1;2;3;4;5g and corresponds to the machine-denoted
best choice.
To make the comparison more fair we assume that in the case of a single modality
a single spoken “yes” or “no” confirmation would be available to the user, emulating
in practice the same “None of the above” rejection that the user has in the multimodal
In our analysis, the multimodal interface resulted in CMS[U,F
]=78% while the
single-mode interface produced CMS[U,F
]=71%. This is a relative improvement of
By using the multimodal (audio and text) interface, users of Transonics achieved
24% error reduction in translation versus the single-mode interface (audio).
4.4.2 User Error Tolerance
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 overall
concept matching score
Figure 4.3: A box-plot and concept matching scores of user accepted utterances in the
15 sets of interactions. User retry utterances were not included in the total.
User error tolerance level was measured in terms of the concepts lost between what
users said and what they accepted from the utterances that were provided by the sys-
tem. This is metric CMS[U,E
] where u2f1;2;3;4;5g and corresponds to the user
choice. It is different from the metric in the previous section as it does not consider sub-
sequent device losses in the translation. Note that users can chose to completely reject
an utterance, and those rejections are excluded from our analysis.
The left part of Figure 4.3 shows a box-plot of concept matching scores of user
selected utterances in the 15 sets of interactions. The median score of 0:95 indicates that
more than half of the users accepted the onscreen machine-produced utterances when
they contained 95% of the concepts in the original utterances. The standard deviation
(unbiased) was 0:21, and the mean absolute deviation was 0:17. We also note that
users accepted machine-produced utterances with concept matching scores as low as
0:4, which infers quite accommodating users. The mean concept matching score was
0:84, indicating that users on average are accepting of 16% concept loss from the speech
Next, we investigated how much users differ in terms of the number of concepts in
the original user utterances they would accept when using the Transonics system. The
right part of Figure 4.3 shows the box-plots of concept matchings scores of user selected
utterances in each set of 15 interactions. Users in the interactions, 6, 11, 12, 14 were
picky in accepting machine-produced utterances; half of their accepted utterances have
the perfect concept of the original utterances. Users in interactions, 5, 7, 8, 10 were more
accommodating than others in acceptance of concept errors in the utterances produced
by the system. We observed that some users changed their utterance selections relatively
more often than others in terms of the number of concepts accepted, and that some users
were relatively consistent in their selections. In the right part of Figure 4.3, the standard
deviations ranged from 0:13 to 0:34 in the 15 sets of interactions, indicating that some
users were more consistent in their selections (users in interactions 3,12,13,15) than
others (users in interactions 1,2,7,10).
4.4.3 The quality of user choices
The quality of user choices using the Transonics system can be measured in relation
to the translation quality of the system. As explained in section 4.2 there are blocks
of utterance options displayed on the GUI corresponding to two paths of translation:
which will get translated through the SMT, and E
¡ E
, which will be translated
through the CCMT.
By investigating user options and corresponding translations, we can measure the
quality of user choices; that is: how good were the resulting translations as opposed to
user selections.
We measured the CMS[U, E
] of user selections and corresponding CMS[U,F
either provided by the SMT path (i= 1) or by the CCMT path (i2f2;3;4;5g). Fig-
ure 4.4 shows the results. As expected, there is no drop between the two when the
CCMT path is the active one, but there is notable drop in the SMT path. This however
is counterbalanced by the fact that the E
option is on average significantly better than
options E
, which is also reflected in the 16% higher preference for E
by the users.
This analysis motivates us to improve options E
¡ E
by enriching the concept
domain. Despite the degradation in the best-concept classification performance that that
would entail, that still is countered by the fact that the user is given a 4-best list and that
= F
8 j=f2;3;4;5g.
In the above analysis and in figure 4.4 we considered the input of the user as the
detected path. When analyzing the SMT path and the CCMT path for the same utterance
however, we found that in 13% of the data the users decided to take through the SMT
path, performance would have been improved if the users had chosen the CCMT path.
In the 13% of the data, we found that the average concept matching score of 0.83 was
degraded to 0.62 through the SMT path, but the average concept matching score through
the CCMT was 0.75.
We refer to this phenomenon discrepant translation quality. These are cases where
the users were focused so much on getting the minimal CMS[U;E
= A] error that they
ignored their training that instructed them to chose options from the second category
onscreen translation
concept matching score
CCMT path
SMT path
Figure 4.4: Concept matching scores of the onscreen utterances selected by users with
the push-to-talk interface of the Transonics, and concept matching scores of the corre-
sponding final translations. User-selected utterances were processed through the SMT
path and the CCMT path. SMT is a statistical machine translation and CCMT is concept
classification machine translation.
¡ E
) if those are acceptable. Thus they would reject accurate paraphrases. Dis-
crepant translation quality occurs because the additional errors made by the statistical
method of the SMT procedure are not shown on the GUI. The following notation repre-
sents such a case:
]> CMS[U;E
] 8i=f2;3;4;5g (4.1)
]< CMS[U;F
] for some i2f2;3;4;5g (4.2)
Our hypothesis, that improving user feedback on when it is appropriate to chose the
CCMT path, can yield translation improvements has proven true. To optimize perfor-
mance, the translation system needs strategies to elicit better user choices onscreen in
cases of discrepant translation quality. This requires better self-assessment by the system
as to its expected translation accuracy through the SMT and better guidance to the user
on the expected degradation. To this end, we introduced back-translation functionality
in the SMT path in the newer version of the system. Although the effect of this will be
studied in future work, preliminary observations seem to indicate that this discourages
users significantly more than it was meant to, and encourages complete rejection.
4.5 Discussion
The lessons learnt from the Transonics user studies have been incorporated into the
design of our new translation system. We have implemented and are working towards
evaluating an agent that will mediate information flow between users and the system
in non-intrusive and productive ways. This can be as simple as hinting the user to
paraphrase after a rejection to aiding the user in disambiguating ambiguous utterances
by providing explanations.
One of the major hindrances in performing these experiments is the difficulty in
obtaining consistent annotation of the data. The annotators need to be fluent bilinguals,
trained extensively, and calibrated in their responses. In addition this grading of utter-
ances has to be seen in context, and often that is not easy. How do you judge if the
speaker would get certain concepts or not? Often that would be impossible to the anno-
tators given that they do not possess the same domain knowledge such as the medical
skills of the doctor, and illnesses details as the patient in the medical interaction domain.
An issue in the implementation of real time systems based on this analysis is the
correspondence of concept matching scores to real time system confidence levels. We
intend to address this in our future work.
4.6 Conclusion
This paper presented an empirical analysis of cross-lingual English-Persian interactions
using USC’s speech-to-speech translation system. We addressed and validated three
hypotheses: First, that additional modalities in the interface aid in communication accu-
racy, improving relative performance by 24% in the experiments of this study; Second,
that users are picky as accepting perfect representations over 50% of the time, and are
accommodating as having a median acceptance of 20% concept degradation; and Third
that accurate feedback as to the expected degradation of the SMT path can improve the
overall translation accuracy of the system, by showing that 13% of user choices led to
suboptimal translation.
The design and implementation of useful system strategies to elicit better user
choices will be the focus of our future work. In addition we intent to employ other
modalities, such as pictures for both input and output, that are universal symbols, to
solicit better synchrony among the participants.
Chapter 5: Longitudinal Studies about
Users using a Speech-to-Speech
Translation System
In the study, we report final results from analysis of users who used a multimodal inter-
face of a speech-to-speech translation system during the 4 weeks. Three sets of collected
data are investigated for the analysis purpose: user interview data, user survey question-
naire, and log data of the system. In the analysis results of user interview data and
survey questionnaire, we report that users incorporated the strategies to cope with sys-
tem errors in unsuccessful turns, such as repeat, rephrase, change topic, and start over.
In another survey analysis, users perceived their proficiency in using and learning the
system improved during the first three weeks. For the analysis of log data of the trans-
lation system, meaning of utterance is considered important in the study. In this regard,
we devised a metric called “Concept Matching Score,” which measures the number of
concepts transferred from source utterance to target utterance. Using this metric, we
first report the distribution of transferred meaning level in two cases; successful and
unsuccessful interaction turns of conversations. 91% of utterances in the successful
turns contained more than half the meaning of the original user speech, and 90% of
utterances in the unsuccessful turns contained less than/equal to half the meaning of the
original user speech in our data. Second, we investigate the meaning transfer level by
the multimodal interface comparing with that by the speech-only interface. We observed
improvement of meaning transfer by 33% and by 11% through the multimodal interface
in comparison with two speech-only interface settings respectively; one without and the
other with filtering unsuccessful interaction turn. Third, an analysis of log data showed
a trend of longitudinal increase in error tolerance level (by users) over the 4 weeks. Fur-
ther analysis showed that users became accommodating more over time to the system
errors, such as functional word insertion errors, which usually does not impact on the
final translation quality. In general, users of speech-enabled interface have a strategy to
deal with system errors, which tends to change the length of speech. In our final report,
the length of user speech increased after successful interaction turn, and decreased after
unsuccessful turn. During the 4 weeks, average length of user speech was reduced grad-
ually in the later 3 weeks.
5.1 Introduction
Speech is considered as a promising interface for future computing systems. It enables
us to talk freely to/through machine without extra efforts of learning interface func-
tionalities. Among many applications using speech interface, speech translation sys-
tems mediating communication between people who speak different languages are
demanded as the world become smaller, which is the system of the present study.
In the field of text-based translation, there are already many commercialized applica-
tions; for example, Google introduced “Google Machine Translation Systems beta”
( t) in early 2007. In the field of speech translation,
commercial applications were yet to be brought in, though research activities are grow-
ing; Transonics (now SpeechLinks) system from USC [63], IBM MASTOR system [24],
and SRI IraqComm.
To implement a well-performing speech interface for the Speech-to-Speech (S2S)
translation system, intensive research efforts are demanded; from speech recognition
and translation to cognitive load theory ([103, 42, 67]). In particular, studies about
modeling a user are critical for the wide application of the system, and also higher
user satisfaction. There are some projects successfully carried out with user informa-
tion from user modeling community: research and application with user demographic,
culture, and preference [86, 49, 37, 35]. Likewise, the speech interface equipped with
user information would provide benefits by adapting to diverse people efficiently and
expedite conversations between users, and finally users become comfortable using the
interface. It can be accommodated to various users in multiple levels of factors, such as
gender, error tolerance, and expertise of using the interface.
In practice, most of user modeling studies in the speech technology community were
conducted for spoken dialog systems, yet rarely done for spoken mediating systems
(e.g., S2S translation system). Few research activities were conducted in parts of the
Verbmobil system [98] and in our previous work [92]. Some studies with spoken dialog
systems are simply applicable to spoken mediating systems, but it depends on the cases.
Important user modeling studies of speech technology community include design and
evaluation of multimodal interface [71, 16, 14], analysis of user behaviors [71, 93], prob-
abilistic user model [18, 107], utility-based model [33], knowledge-based model [48],
and user simulation [55, 18, 89].
With comprehensive approach using the previous studies, a motivation of the study
comes from the perspective that users get used to the system as they use it more. In [57],
evolution of expertise over time with desktop application was reported. Conventionally,
the expert users are regarded as experienced users with the system [38]. Another moti-
vation is that using multiple input modalities (e.g., speech, mouse, touchpad, and key-
board) together is beneficial for users in many aspects. In the previous work, cognitive
load was reduced through a multimodal interface, in comparison with the speech-only
interface of spoken dialog systems ([67, 71]). Also, it was reported that the multimodal
interface significantly improved user experiences [14]. Indeed, it becomes a general
trend to use multiple modalities together to achieve a goal regardless of its usage. As
in another study [16], speech-centric multimodal interfaces are growing to be a popular
topic in research, though unimodal interface are common at the present time.
In the study, we set up and performed a scenario-based experiment, in which native
speakers of English and Farsi interacted with each other using a multimodal interface of
a speech-to-speech translation system. In total, three different types of data were col-
lected from the experiment – interview, survey and log data, and we investigate the data
in the following aspects: (1) user opinion about the multimodal interface, the system,
and the experiment; (2) user satisfaction, and user perception on the level of proficiency
in using the multimodal interface, and general speech interface and technologies; (3)
user actions upon successful/unsuccessful interaction turn, focusing on user retry/accept
behavior and user utterance length; (4) meaning transfer rate through the multimodal
interface of the system.
One critical point in the study is that we consider the meaning as part of a metric
to assess performance of the translation system. Like a human translator, a translation
system transfers meaning from one language, such as English, to another language, such
as Farsi (Persian) [63]. The process is inherently lossy. V ocabulary words and phrases
need to be changed to their closest representation in the target language. However, they
will often be re-mapped to more distant equivalents, and grammar and syntax will also
degrade. As a result, the original meaning will be altered at several different levels [52].
It is conveyed sometimes quite closely and often poorly. It is important to measure how
well meaning is transferred by translation systems. Existing text translation metrics,
such as BLEU [76] and NIST [15] scores, are based on the comparisons of several
human translations with system-produced translations using n-gram matching. In the
study, in order to measure how well meaning is transferred by S2S translation system,
we introduce a measure called, “Concept Matching Score.” This score refers to the
number of concepts in a user utterance in the source language that is carried over to the
machine-produced utterance in the target language. We evaluate the performance of the
S2S system and its subcomponents in terms of the concept agreement between the input
and output according to human annotators.
The section is organized as follows. The system used for the experiment is described
in Section 5.2. The collected data with its descriptions are laid out in Section 5.3. The
results are explained in Section 5.4. The discussion and conclusion are in Section 6.6
and Section 7 respectively.
5.2 System
Transonics system is a two-way translation system with a multimodal interface, called
“push-to-talk.” Speech and visual are two input modalities for this Graphical User Inter-
face (GUI). The system facilitates two way spoken interactions between an English
speaking doctor and a Farsi speaking patient. The goal of the system is to facilitate a task
oriented rather than a free-form socio-emotional interaction between two participants.
The domain of the system is not fixed, but primarily the medical-related conversations.
Figure 5.1 shows a set-up scene of performing a diagnosis for the disease of a patient by
a doctor, and one example of recognized user speech with the GUI.
By design, the interface control of the system is asymmetric in the sense that the
(English-speaking) doctor has exclusive control over the interface, and access to the
GUI, while the (Farsi-speaking) patient does not. This was to allow even untrained and
non-educated patients access to the system. Under this asymmetric interface design set-
ting, the monolingual patients are assumed to be untrained in using the system, and to
ensure uniform results in the experiments, they are not even allowed to see the screen.
The system decides, based on confidence scores of automatic utterance to concept classi-
fication, whether their utterance is close enough to a particular concept class. If deemed
Figure 5.1: A set-up scene of conversations using the Transonics system between
English-speaking doctor and Farsi-speaking patient (left). The doctor is conducting a
diagnosis of the disease of the patient. The GUI (right) of Transonics shows an example
of the recognized results of what user said, “YOU HA VE A FEVER?”
confident, the cluster-normalized form concept will be transferred to the doctor, and if
not, a direct potentially noisy statistical translation of the text will be provided. Most of
the time an incorrect transfer can be detected by the doctor due to the lack of coherence
with the discourse of the interaction. The Persian patient can also repeat, verbally or
through gestures, repetitions or repairs. Note that an experienced doctor, in the case of
receiving information that does not match the discourse, can assume that he needs to do
error control by rejecting the solution provided by the system with the user retry option.
With the push-to-talk interface, users initiate a speaking turn which has its advan-
tages and limitations; users verify concepts before executing the final decision for
‘speaking-out,’ but work under less spontaneous and less natural environment. In the
recognized example in Figure 5.1, when the doctor says, ‘You have fever?’ the user
can decide whether to synthesize ‘You have fever’ or ‘Do you have a fever?’, which are
translated through machine translation or statistical classifier.
The internal process of the Transonics system involves seven components. Fig-
ure 5.2 shows a simplified block diagram of Transonics with its components. The
input output
Figure 5.2: Simplified data flow diagram of our two way speech translation system
for doctor-patient interactions. English and Farsi Automatic Speech Recognition(ASR)
models get the input from users (doctor and patient, respectively) while the Machine
Translation(MT) module is responsible for automatic translation and classification of
user utterances. The Dialog Manager(DM) manages the interactions between the mod-
ules, and delivers the data to users through the GUI. Users finally hear the synthesized
output through the the Text-to-Speech (TTS) synthesizer.
user’s spoken utterance is converted into textual form by an automatic speech recog-
nizer (ASR) in the appropriate language of the speaker (English for the doctor and Farsi
for the patient in this case) and further processed by two parallel mechanisms: one by a
phrase-based statistical Machine Translation (MT) module that translates the text form
one language to another and the other by a statistical classifier which attempts to cate-
gorize the utterance into one of several predetermined “concept” categories. The Dialog
Management (DM) module is the center of mediating messages between the modules,
and interacts with the MT/classifier, the GUI and the TTS to deliver the data to the user.
To better understand the translation system operation, and the associated issues, we
can identify three distinct operations in the process. The first is the conversion from
U A (A ~= U)
E1 (E1 ~= F1, E1 = A)
Display onscreen
Speech input
E5 (E5 = F5, E5 ~= A)
None of above
None of above
E2 (E2 = F2, E2 ~= A)
E3 (E3 = F3, E3 ~= A)
E4 (E4 = F4, E4 ~= A)
User choice
U: User utterance, A: ASR output,E 1: SMT output in English, E 2 ~ E5: CCMT outputs in English,
~= : Statistical operation, = : Lossless operation Fi: Farsi translation of Ei(i = 1, 2,3,4, or 5),
ASR: Automatic Speech Recognition, SMT: Statistical Machine Translation,
CCMT: Concept Classification Machine Translation, TTS: Text-to-Speech,
Figure 5.3: The internal procedure of generating speech translation candidates imple-
mented in the Transonics system. A doctor uses two-modality interface (push-to-talk),
and sees up to five candidates onscreen; one Machine Translation (MT) candidate (E1),
and up to 4 Classifier candidates (E2 - E5).
speech (audio) into a textual transcription of the spoken utterance through statistical pat-
tern recognition. This procedure is commonly referred to as Automated Speech Recog-
nition (ASR), and is an inherently lossy operation, i.e. often the transcript may not
accurately represent what the user characterized by deletion/insertion/substitution of the
spoken words. The second procedure is the machine translation (MT). At this stage
the text is mapped from the source language (e.g., English) to the target language (e.g.,
Farsi). We have two parallel approaches to this step, both again statistical in nature, and
represent a lossy mapping process. The approaches we consider are a phrase-based sta-
tistical machine translation and an utterance concept classifier – details are in the below
paragraphs. The third stage is the conversion of the target language transcript from text
to audio by synthesizing the speech, through the TTS.
Figure 5.3 graphically shows the details of above description and defines the symbols
for subsequent clarity. As described above, the MT step operates in one of two modes:
The phrase-based translation (often called Statistical Machine Translation - SMT); and
the concept based translation (Concept Classification - CCMT). The English speaker
sees the various options on the screen after the MT step. We always show one option
(E1) that can be transferred through the SMT path, and up to 4 options (E2 - E5) that
can be transferred through the CCMT path. The CCMT path has the advantage that it
provides a very accurate back translation since the concepts known by the CCMT were
previously humanly translated. Thus options E2 - E5 will be transferred very accurately
in the target language, while option E1 will undergo some further channel loss.
Description of the symbols is follows: U is the original user input; A is the ASR
belief (A' U); E
= A is the text that will be translated through the SMT and generate
(lossy operation) F
' E
'U); and E
is the text already translated and mapped
back (“non-lossy”, human mapping) into English through CCMT (U' A' F
= E
5.2.1 Multimodal Interface of Transonics
In the previous studies, multimodal interfaces were considered flexible, accommodating
to large user differences, and supporting rich expressiveness for the user familiarity in
modalities [71]. In this regard, the interface of Transonics was designed multimodally
to fulfill the requirement of quality translation, accommodating diverse users, and less
flimsy with errors.
The push-to-talk interface of Transonics consists of two input modalities, speech
and visual. After voice input, users are able to make choices given a list of available
options through the visual modality, and are best able to choose the appropriate option
by mouse. Figure 5.3 symbolizes this description. U is the output of user speech, and E
where i2f1;2;3;4;5g and “None of Above” are the items of the list available to users
to choose.
5.3 Data Collection
5.3.1 Experimental Setup
For the experiment, we hired 4 native speakers of English and 4 of Farsi. The age
range of the participants was from 20 to 30, and they were graduate and undergraduate
students at USC. An hour training session was given to all before the experiment, so
they knew what they were supposed to do in the experiment. The training session was
about how to do the experiment with given scenarios and the Transonics system. Flash-
style interactive instruction was given to the participants for 30 minutes, and verbal
explanations were given for 30 minutes. No special training on speech interface was
given to the participants in this training session. The compensation for each person was
$15 US dollars per hour.
To make more realistic interactions between the participants (participants were not
real doctors or real patients), a role-play experiment was designed. English speakers
became doctors and Farsi speakers were patients. They were given experimental mate-
rials for each role. The materials for doctor-role English speakers were a diagnosis
manual, a disease treatment manual and a medical term dictionary. The diagnosis man-
ual is a table, consisting of 12 diseases in the column (common cold, flu, food poisoning,
lactose intolerance, depression, insomnia, hypertension, high cholesterol, liver cancer,
lung cancer, SARS, and diabetes), and 30 symptoms in the row. Each disease’s diagnosis
manual differs in sorts of symptoms; the 30 symptoms were varied depending on the dis-
ease. We developed the diagnosis manual using the medical diagnosis information from
“” The other two experimental materials for doctor are
disease treatment manual and medical term dictionary, which are treatment descriptions
of each disease and definitions of diseases and symptoms respectively. Farsi speakers
were given two experimental materials – symptom card and medical term dictionary.
Figure 5.4: Experimental materials for doctor-role English speakers and patient-role
Farsi speakers. On the left, a sample of a diagnosis manual of doctor is presented,
which is designed for common cold. In the full size table, there are 12 diseases in the
column and 30 symptoms in the row. On the right, a patient card for common cold is
The symptom card is written in Farsi characters, and 4 symptoms of the targeted disease
were selected for each interaction session. The medical term dictionary was the same as
a doctor’s definitions of diseases and symptoms. Example diagnosis manual of doctor
and symptom card of patient are presented in Figure 5.4.
5.3.2 Procedure of Experiment
Each conversation team of English and Farsi speakers conducted eight different sessions
for 4 weeks, each team performed two interaction sessions per each week. The inter-
action session was set up with different scenario (different disease with corresponding
symptom card), and the doctor worked out to figure out what the disease the patient has
with the symptom card. Both parties were not informed about the disease information
before the session. All 4 teams followed the same sequence of scenarios: common cold,
liver cancer, food poisoning, SARS, hypertension, lung cancer, insomnia and depres-
sion. We assumed that the difficulty levels of the eight scenarios were equivalent, which
were open-ended. Participants filled out survey questionnaires before and after sessions,
Figure 5.5: A snapshot of an interaction session. A doctor-role native speaker of English
(right) controls the device and have a conversation with a patient-role native speaker of
Farsi (left) to identify a disease.
and the interaction sessions were video-recorded with a Sony Hi-Fi video recorder for
the analysis purpose.
We tried to set up the experiment as objective and in equal conditions as possi-
ble. Participants put on headsets and were instructed only to interact through the chan-
nel with Transonics, which ensures translations are only being transferred through the
device (audio masking effect). The experimenter left the room during the experiment
and notified the participants when the time of the interaction session reaches thirty min-
utes. Therefore, all sessions were finished approximately in thirty minutes.
Figure 5.5 shows a snapshot of one interaction session. The doctor-role English
speaker (right) is doing a diagnosis of the disease of the patient-role Farsi speaker (left),
under a set-up scenario. The English speaker controls the Transonics system, and there
are three experimental materials in front of her. On the other side, two experimental
materials of the Farsi speaker are located on the desk.
5.3.3 Analyzed Data
The data collected during the experiment are in three types: log data, survey question-
naire, and user interview. First, the log data of the Transonics system was collected
after each interaction session. It contains all user actions and system information during
the session; system confidence levels on the machine-produced utterances, user selec-
tions on the machine-produced utterances, recognized hypotheses of the ASR, translated
hypotheses of the translation components (SMT and CCMT), recorded user voices, and
synthesized system voices in text. Table 5.3.3 shows one cleaned sample of the log data.
The system routing tag represents the information flows from the source module to the
target module, for example, ‘FADT’ indicates that the data went from the audio server
to the dialog management module in text form. In the content column, the processed
data are presented, which comes with this routing tag. Second, survey questionnaires
were given to the participants before and after the interaction sessions. Also, the initial
survey questionnaire was given to the participants to assess the perception on the level
of their general technology proficiency, demographic information, and feeling about the
multimodal interface. The questions before the session include feeling of today, the
number of experiences using speech interface, and any changes of participants com-
pared to those of the previous sessions. The questions after the session include user
satisfaction, perception on the overall system performance, difficulty of topic and using
system, and any suggestions. Detail analyses with the survey questionnaire are in the
result section. Third, user interview was conducted after each interaction session. In
this interview, participants verbally expressed what they felt during the interactions of
the session. The experimenter spent 10 minutes for this interview.
System Routing Tag Content
FMDT SmA mSkl pzSky dygry dArydj
FMDT VyA hyC mSkl pzSky dArydj
FDGC ShownAllOptions
FGDT Choice*1
Table 5.1: Table shows a simplified portion of the data log acquired automatically by
running the Transonics speech translation system. There are system routing tags(FADT,
FDMT, FMDT, FDGT, FDGC, FGDT – F: Flow, A: Audio server, D: Dialog manage-
ment, M: Machine translation, G: Graphical User Interface, T: Text, and C: Control)
indicating the data flow from/to on the left side and the data being processed on the
right side. Actual data are in the content column. Additional information logged, not
shown for simplicity, include time stamps, utterance sequence, confidence and class
5.3.4 Transcription and Annotation of Log Data
The analysis of the log data was two-fold: first, we examined some explicit information
in the log data, such as user behaviors (accept and retry), and the machine-produced
utterances (speech recognition and translation); second, we annotated the log data with
concept scores, which indicate how much correct concepts are transferred by the system,
and investigated this annotated log data. The following paragraphs present the details of
this second approach.
Concept Matching Score
In [52], meaning is considered as the most important metric for the translation. In
this regard, to assess the transferred meaning through the system, we devised a metric,
called “Concept Matching Score (CMS).” The idea of the CMS was borrowed from the
Linguistic Data Consortium’s human assessment metrics [60]. In particular, Ma and
Cieri [60] say “Adequacy refers to the degree to which the translation communicates
information present in the original or in the best of breed translation that serves as a
proxy to the original.” Similar to the previous study, the CMS is assigned based on the
number of concepts in an original utterance (source) and the target utterance (destina-
tion), either through translation or within the same language, e.g. through a lossy speech
recognition channel. The CMS scores were manually assigned by human to all the pairs
of same-path utterances in the log data, such as(A;U),(E
;A), etc, as shown in Figure 5.3.
To assign CMS scores to utterances of the log data, we hired 4 bilingual speakers,
fluent in English and Farsi. Because of a large amount of data (total number of investi-
gated utterances – from English and Farsi speakers – was 2435), the data were divided,
two persons took charge in transcriptions of utterances, and the other two in assigning
scores to utterances. Two hours of training and calibration sessions were given to these
4 bilingual speakers, in which they were given verbal instructions with some examples
for transcribing user speeches and assigning the CMS scores. The CMS scores were
assigned based on the following guideline:
1.0: All concepts are transferred.
0.8: Most concepts are transferred.
0.6: Many concepts are transferred.
0.4: Some concepts are transferred, such that users may sometimes get the whole
0.2: Few concepts are transferred, such that users rarely get the whole meaning.
0.0: None of the concepts are transferred.
Reliability in Concept Matching Score Assignment
We acquired two sets of CMS scores assigned for all the pairs of same-path utterances,
which were processed by 2 bilingual speakers. The reason for this was to avoid biased
CMS scores. We averaged two CMS scores for each pair of utterances, and used the
averaged CMS scores for analysis in the result section. For the reliability in the scores,
we computed inter-annotation agreement between two sets of CMS scores. The preci-
sion was 0.52, and the number of entries of pairs for the comparisons was 6353.
5.4 Results and Analysis
In the study, we analyzed user behavior and system performance in two types of mea-
sures. One is subjective and the other objective. The subjective measure includes user
interview and survey questionnaire, while the objective measure includes the analysis of
user actions, user utterance length, and machine-produced utterances in the log data. In
the analysis of objective measure, humanly annotated Concept Matching Score (CMS)
was utilized for the assessment of concept transfer rate from original utterance to target
utterance. Statistical analysis toolkit, SPSS 15.0 was used for generating statistical data
and graphs.
Before giving details, it may be interesting to see how many diseases the doctor-
role participants found out correctly. After each interaction session, we assessed the
correctness of the diagnosis result by doctor-role English speakers. They finalized a
diagnosis of the disease based on the information collected during the session. Out of
32 interaction sessions, 19 sessions has a correct diagnosis. This means, each participant
took part in 8 sessions, and found out the correct disease in 4.75 sessions (std. 0.957)
overall. We attempted to investigate user behaviors and its relation to the correctly-
diagnosed sessions and the incorrectly diagnosed sessions, but there was no explicit
evidence from the results.
5.4.1 Subjective Measure
User Interview
In the interview with participants after sessions, the experimenter asked about what the
participants felt about the conversation and the system. Most of the interviewees said
they managed to communicate through the system successfully, and during the session,
they not only focused on the communication but they thought about the strategies to
deal with system errors. The major strategies they used were repeat, rephrase, change
topic and start over. In the session of the 4th week, one interviewee mentioned that
she became comfortable coping with the errors generated by the system. In particular,
some interviewees commented that there were some words unrecognized, and suggested
“making the system prone to language would benefit the communication.”
Survey Questionnaire
There are three types of survey questionnaire given to the participants. First, every
participant filled out a one-time survey questionnaire before the actual experiment. As
described in Section 5.3, general questions were given to the participants. In the col-
lected survey questionnaire data, all the participants had no experiences in using speech-
enabled systems before the experiment. In this result, the speech-enabled systems repre-
sent any applications with speech recognition interface, such as translation or call center
spoken dialog systems. Also, the average level of proficiency in general technology
(1: comfortable – 7: never comfortable) was 3.0 (std. 1.4) for the 4 native speakers
of English, and 2.5 (std. 1.0) for the 4 native speakers of Farsi. The average level of
proficiency in dealing with computers (1.0: better than most - 5: worse than most) was
2.25 (std. 0.95), and 1.25 (std. 0.5) in the data of English speakers and Farsi speakers
In the second and third types of survey questionnaire, which are “before” and “after”
survey questionnaires, we investigated only the survey data of doctor-role English speak-
ers. This is because of the asymmetric interface design of the Transonics system, mean-
ing only doctor-role English speakers control the multimodal interface of the system,
though still patient-role Farsi speakers use the speech-only interface. The “before” sur-
vey questionnaire includes the questions before each interaction session, and “after”
includes those after each session. We focus primarily on the “after” survey question-
naire in the following analysis because there was no explicit difference in the analysis
results of the “before” survey questionnaire. In the survey data of English speakers, we
investigated user perception on overall satisfaction, difficulty in using the system, adap-
tation to the system, and overall system performance. Table 5.4.1 summarizes overall
statistics from the collected user survey data in this regard.
In another question, we measured user perception on their performance on each
interaction session – user performance is defined as the level of using and learning the
functionalities of the system. In the survey questionnaire, we explained that the user
performance can be dependent upon the system performance (speech recognition and
User satisfaction (1: very unsatisfied - 7: very satisfied) 4.6 (0.9)
Difficulty in using the interface (1: difficult to use - 7: easy to use) 5.4 (1.2)
User adaption to using the system (1: difficult to adapt - 7: easy to adapt) 5.3 (1.3)
Overall system performance (1: no concepts delivered - 7: all concepts delivered) 4.4 (0.7)
Table 5.2: Summary of overall statistics from the survey data of doctor-role English
speakers, which were collected after each interaction session during the 4 weeks: user
satisfaction, user perceived difficulty when using the interface, user adaptation to using
the system, and user perceived system performance.
translation), and asked the participants to try to ignore recognition and translation qual-
ity of the system when answer this question. This was to reduce the effect of system
performance on user performance. Table 5.3 shows what the participants perceived
their performance during the weeks in the range of (1: “very bad” - 7: “very good”).
The figures show that the participants were getting better in their performance overall,
despite a performance drop in the 4th week.
week 1 week 2 week 3 week 4
perceived user performance 4.25 (0.96) 4.75 (0.96) 5.25 (1.2) 5.0 (0.8)
Table 5.3: User performance during the weeks, in terms of using and learning the func-
tionalities of the system. The answer was in the range of (1: “very bad” - 7: “very
good”). Participants were instructed, when they assessed their performance, try to ignore
the recognition and translation quality of the system.
Objective Measure
Objective measure in the study is the analysis of the features, such as user behaviors
and machine-produced utterances in the log data. Additionally, humanly assigned Con-
cept Matching Scores between all the pairs of utterances were utilized for this analysis
purpose. Before going details, it is worthwhile to take a look at general statistics about
the data. We present the statistics of the data from doctor-role English speakers, which
contains more valuable data for the analysis because of the asymmetric interface design
of the system: total number of utterances of 4 speakers during the 4 weeks was 1489; the
average number of utterances per interaction session was 46.5 (std. 16.7); the average
user acceptance rate in machine-produced utterances per each interaction session was
0.64 (0.09); the average number of words per utterance was 5.16 (2.0); and the aver-
age concept matching score between the user speeches and the user-accepted utterances
(from the machine-produced utterances) was 0.84 (0.19). The general statistics about
the data of Farsi speakers were: total number of utterances of 4 speakers during the
4 weeks was 946; the average number of utterances per session was 29.6 (11.8); the
average number of words per each utterance (translated word by word in English) was
3.34 (2.3); and the average concept matching score between the user speeches and the
translations (machine-produced) was 0.56(0.39). Note that Farsi speakers did not have
an access to the push-to-talk interface, therefore most of utterances were transferred
through the system without being filtered by Farsi speakers.
* Distribution of Meaning Transfer by the System
In the study, users of the multimodal interface accepted or retried the machine-
produced utterances depending on certain conditions. The conditions involve the num-
ber of concepts of user speech transferred through the system: users speak and see the
recognized utterances by the system using the multimodal interface. Intuitively, users
accept the machine-produced utterances when “most” of the concepts in user speech
are in the machine-produced utterances, and retry with “low” concept transfer in the
machine-produced utterances. The question is how many concepts “most” represents
when users accept the machine-produced utterances. For example, “most” can represent
the perfect concept transfer or half of concept transfer from the original user speech.
In this regard, we investigated the number of concepts transferred from user speech
Figure 5.6: Top left: CMS between user speech and user accepted utterance (between
U and E
where i2f1;2;3;4;5g in Figure 5.3); Top right: cumulative CMS of the
left distribution; Bottom left: CMS between user speech and user rejected utterance
(between U and E
where i = None of above ); Bottom right: cumulative CMS of the left
to user-accepted utterances (successful turn) and user-retried utterances (unsuccessful
turn). Figure 5.6 shows the distributions of Concept Matching Scores in two conditions
(successful and unsuccessful), represented by the symbols in Figure 5.3, (U;E
) where
i2f1;2;3;4;5g and(U;E
) where i= None of Above, with the cumulative sum graphs
of the Concept Matching Scores.
In overall, CMSs between user speech (U) and user-accepted utterance (E
, where
i2f1;2;3;4;5g) and between user speech (U) and user-retried utterance (E
where i=
None of Above) were 0.84 (std. 0.19) and 0.25 (std. 0.21) respectively. The individual
average CMSs of 4 users between user speech and user-accepted utterance were 0.83
(0.24), 0.86 (0.15), 0.80 (0.2), and 0.87 (0.14) and between user speech, and CMSs
between user speech and user-retried utterance were 0.33 (0.25), 0.20 (0.18), 0.29 (0.22),
and 0.21 (0.16) respectively.
* Boosted Concept Transfer Rate by Multimodal Interface
The Transonics system incorporated a multimodal interface with speech and visual
input modalities (called “push-to-talk”) to expedite higher concept transfer rate in con-
versations between speakers. The motivation of designing the multimodal interface of
a S2S translation system was drawn in parallel with advances in the previous studies
([71, 14]), in which overall system and user performance enhancement were achieved
by multimodal interface of spoken dialog systems. In the study, we conducted an exper-
iment comparing concept transfer rates in two settings: (1) multimodal interface; (2)
unimodal interface. The log data of the Transonics system were utilized in this study.
Detail experimental settings are the following. When using the multimodal interface,
users selected one of the machine-produced utterances onscreen or retry it using “none
of the above” retry option. After this, the corresponding translations of the user-selected
utterances were through the internal procedure (refer to Figure 5.3), and synthesized to
the other user. In the unimodal interface setting, the system internally selects the best
utterance matched with user speech and synthesizes it (no retry option). We compared
the Concept Matching Scores between user speech and translation in these two settings.
As shown in Table 5.3, 33% relative CMS improvement was achieved in the multimodal
interface setting when there was no filtering option (retry) for bad machine recognition
in the unimodal interface setting. To make the comparison more fair, we assume that in
the case of the unimodal interface, a single spoken “yes” or “no” confirmation would be
available to the user, emulating in practice the same “none of the above” rejection that
the user has in the multimodal interface. This experiment can be formalized using the
symbols in Figure 5.3; CMS[U,F
] where u2f1;2;3;4;5g and corresponds to the user
CMS between user speech and translation
without retry option with retry option
unimodal 0.51 (0.33) 0.63 (0.25)
multimodal 0.67 (0.23)
Table 5.4: Concept Matching Score (CMS) (standard deviation) between user speech
and translation in two settings: unimodal interface and multimodal interface. The uni-
modal interface with retry option was set up with a single spoken “yes” or “no” confir-
mation which would be available to the user emulating the “None of the above” retry
option of the multimodal interface.
choice was compared to CMS[U,F
] where m2f1;2;3;4;5g and corresponds to the
machine-denoted best choice respectively. In this experiment, we acquired 11% relative
CMS improvement in the multimodal interface setting (Table 5.3). Note that, in this
setting, only 10% of the utterances from both interface settings were different, which
primarily boosted the concept transfer rate in the multimodal interface setting.
* Longitudinal Increase in User Error Tolerance over Time
During the experiment, the users using the multimodal interface of the Transonics
system accepted or retried the machine-produced utterances onscreen. According to the
investigation on the number of user acceptance in the machine-produced utterances, we
observed a trend of longitudinal increase in user error tolerance over the 4 weeks, as
shown in Figure 5.7. User error tolerance was measured by the user acceptance rate,
defined as:
the number of user-accepted utterances in a session
the number of whole utterance in a session
This increasing user acceptance trend during the weeks may be related to some
factors. Table 5.5 presents the Concept Matching Scores of two cases during the 4
weeks: (1) CMS between user speech (U) and ASR output (A); (2) CMS between user
Figure 5.7: Linear trend representing increasing user accepted rates during the 4 weeks.
User accepted rates were acquired over the 32 interaction sessions, in which the English
speakers accepted the machine-produced utterances using the multimodal interface of
Transonics. Each circle represents user accepted rate per each interaction session.
speech (U) and user-accepted utterances in the machine-produced utterances (E
i2f1;2;3;4;5g). Statistical analysis with ANOV A measure on the first case (CMS
between user speech (U) and ASR output (A)) confirmed no significant difference dur-
ing the 4 weeks: F=2.0, p=0.12. However, ANOV A measure on the second case (CMS
between U and E
where i2f1;2;3;4;5g) confirmed a significant difference over the
weeks: F=4.17, p<0.01. Post-hoc test with Tukey HSD on the second case confirmed
that the CMS of Week 1 and that of week 4 are significantly different. One question is
that the increase in user error tolerance (CMS between U and E
where i2f1;2;3;4;5g)
may affect on the translation quality (CMS between U and F
where i2f1;2;3;4;5g).
In this regard, we investigated the translation qualities during the 4 weeks: 0.69 (0.22),
0.64 (0.22), 0.66 (0,21), and 0.65 (0.24). The ANOV A on the translation qualities during
the 4 weeks confirms that there is no significant difference (F=1.3, p=0.17). Further
investigation in the log data revealed that users accepted more functional word errors as
they became accustomed to the usage of the system. The example “AND ANY OTHER
SYMPTOMS” was observed in our data.
week 1 week 2 week 3 week 4
CMS (U, A) 0.66 (0.31) 0.64 (0.32) 0.68 (0.3) 0.64 (0.37)
where i2f1;2;3;4;5g) 0.88 (0.19) 0.85 (0.2) 0.84 (0.18) 0.82 (0.2)
Table 5.5: Overall CMS (standard deviation) of two cases in the interaction sessions
during the 4 weeks. The first case is between user speech (U) and ASR output (A),
and the second is between user speech (U) and user-accepted utterances in the machine-
produced utterances (E
where i2f1;2;3;4;5g).
* Effect of Turn Success on the length of user utterance
Users using speech interface have an effective way of dealing with system errors.
Users reduce the length of their speech and rephrase the previous utterance after sys-
tem error or in the consecutive chains of system errors. On the contrary, they attempt to
speak long sentences when the system works fine. Table 5.6 shows the average utterance
lengths of the participants in three conditions: (1) in overall; (2) after accept behavior;
(3) after retry behavior. It indicates that the participants spoke relatively longer utter-
ance after accepting previous machine-produced utterance, and shorter utterance after
retrying the previous machine-produced utterance.
Overall After accept After retry
Average utterance length 5.16 (2.0) 5.26 (2.1) 5.0 (1.9)
Table 5.6: Average utterance length (standard deviation) in three conditions: in over-
all, after accepting previous machine-produced utterance, and after retrying previous
machine-produce utterance. The utterance length is defined as the number of words in
an utterance. The statistics were collected from the 32 interaction sessions of the English
speakers who controlled the multimodal interface of the Transonics system.
From an another perspective, we hypothesized that the users of the multimodal inter-
face gradually felt and learned how to deal with system errors effectively by modifying
the utterance length while retrying or accepting previous machine-produced utterances.
In particular, from our data, users reduced the length of their utterances when error hap-
pened, and this trend increased over the weeks. Table 5.7 shows the percentages of
reduced utterance length after user retry behavior, through the multimodal interface of
Transonics during the 4 weeks. The statistics were from the 32 interaction sessions of
the English speakers. Users in the third and the fourth weeks have higher percentages in
reducing their utterance length after retrying the previous machine-produced utterance,
compared to the first and second week (though the percentage in the second week did
not increase from the first week). On the other hand, the percentages of increased utter-
ance length after accepting the previous machine-produced utterance during the 4 weeks
were 62%, 62%, 67%, and 68% respectively (the same utterance length inclusive).
week 1 week 2 week 3 week 4
23% 20% 28% 30%
Table 5.7: Percentage of reduced utterance length after user retry behavior using the
multimodal interface of the Transonics system. The statistics were from the 32 interac-
tion sessions of the English speakers during the 4 weeks.
Investigating details about individual difference in the utterance length, ANOV A
measure confirm that there is a significant difference in the lengths of individual
utterances: F=48.7, p<0.01 (English speakers), and F=90.7, p<0.01 (Farsi speaker).
Table 5.8 shows the difference of utterance length between users. User 1 and 4 (from
both English and Farsi) used shorter utterances compared to user 2 and 3. In an attempt
to investigate the different utterance lengths of users during the 4 weeks, for example
users may have a tendency of decreasing utterance length during the 4 weeks, but we
could not find a significant difference in the result.
User 1 User 2 User 3 User 4
English speaker 4.1 (1.6) 5.7 (2.3) 5.6 (2.0) 4.6 (1.2)
Farsi speaker 3.0 (1.8) 4.4 (2.3) 3.7 (2.3) 1.7 (1.3)
Table 5.8: Average utterance length (in words) and its standard deviation of English
speakers and Farsi speakers, which were collected from the 32 interaction sessions dur-
ing the 4 weeks.
5.5 Discussion
One of primary hypotheses for the study was that translation quality would improve as
users became used to using the system. Intuitively, users become proficient over time in
dealing with the system gradually, and they got better system performance eventually.
However, the study showed that there was no significant improvement or retrogression
in the translation quality during the 4 weeks in terms of correctly transferred concepts.
Conjecture is that the reason why translation quality did not improve during the weeks:
(1) Too many unknown and combined factors caused system errors (speech recognition
and translation errors), which can be mistaken user behaviors, mismatches of acoustic
and lexical models between user speech and the system, and intrinsically statistical prop-
erty of the system. (2) The system could not process all the utterances of users, some
words in user speech were not in the vocabulary or in the n-gram matches (language
model) of the system. The problem is that this “malfunctioning” (above two conditions)
can happen anytime. In the interaction sessions during the 4 weeks, participants worked
with given scenarios, which were pretty much open-ended. Therefore, the participants
could speak any type of utterances in the domain of the scenarios. In this condition, the
“malfunctioning” problem happens in any week during the experiment, not depending
on user skills or user experience levels.
Another important issue in the study was bias in the assignment of Concept Match-
ing Scores between utterances. Concept Matching Score (CMS) is a subjective metric
assigned by human. Although we hired 4 bilingual people to make two sets of scores,
gave careful instructions to them, averaged the scores between the two sets, and inves-
tigated statistically huge enough data, still it does not guarantee perfectly unbiasedness
in the data. In the future work, we plan to devise more unbiased metrics than CMS for
the assessment of the number of transferred concepts from source utterance to target
5.6 Conclusion
In the study, we investigated three sets of user data to identify longitudinal effects on
the behaviors of users using a multimodal interface of a speech-to-speech translation
system during the 4 weeks. The various aspects of users include how users react on
system errors and how well users use and learn the multimodal interface during the 4
weeks. The analyzed data include interaction data between English speakers and Farsi
speakers, user survey questionnaire, and user interview data. In the analysis results of
subjective measures, which are user interview and survey questionnaire, it was reported
that users utilized some strategies to cope with system errors, such as repeat, rephrase,
change topic, and start over. Also, it was reported that perceived user performance
increased during the first three weeks, despite a drop in the week 4. For the analysis of
the log data, we transcribed user speeches and assigned Concept Matching Score (CMS)
between all the same-path utterances, with the help of 4 bilingual speakers. The CMS
was used for measuring the number of concepts transferred from source utterance to the
target utterance.
As for the findings, first we presented the distribution of CMS over the utterances.
91% of successfully recognized utterances by the system has more than half the con-
cept of user speech (CMS: 6.0–10.0), and 90% of unsuccessfully recognized utterances
contain less than/equal to half the concept of user speech (CMS:0.0–0.5). Second, we
presented how much improved concept transfer rate we acquired through the multimodal
interface of a speech-to-speech translation system. We observed improvement of con-
cept transfer rate by 33% and by 11% through the multimodal interface in comparison
with two speech-only interface settings respectively; one without and the other with fil-
tering unsuccessful interaction turn. Third, longitudinal increase in user acceptance rate
(error tolerance) was observed in our data. Further analysis showed that users became
accommodating to the system by accepting more errors, such as a functional word inser-
tion error, which does not impact on the final translation quality. Fourth, user utterance
length increased after accepting the previous utterance (successful turn) and decreased
after retrying the previous utterance (unsuccessful turn). Further analysis showed that
a trend of increasing percentage of reduced utterance length (after retrying the previous
utterance) was observed in the later three weeks.
Chapter 6: User Modeling in a Speech
Translation driven Mediated
Interaction Setting
The study addresses user behavior modeling in interactions between two people that do
not share a common spoken language and communicate with the aid of an automated
bidirectional speech translation system. These interaction settings are complex. The
translation machine attempts to bridge the language gap by mediating the verbal com-
munication, noting however that the technology may not be always perfect. Addition-
ally, in a face-to-face scenario, there may be information directly exchanged between the
interlocutors, typically through non-verbal gestures. In a step toward understanding user
behavior in this mediated communication scenario, usability data from doctor-patient
dialogs involving a two way English-Persian speech translation system are analyzed.
We specifically consider user behavior in light of potential uncertainty in the communi-
cation between the interlocutors. We analyze the Retry (Repeat and Rephrase) versus
Accept behaviors in the mediated verbal channel and as a result identify three user types
– namely Accommodating, Normal and Picky, and propose a dynamic Bayesian network
model of user behavior. To validate the model, we performed offline and online exper-
iments. The experimental results using offline data show that one of the 3 user types
is clearly identified as a user keeps his/her consistent behavior in a given interaction
condition. In the online experiment, agent feedback is presented to users according to
the user types. The analysis showed high user satisfaction and interaction efficiency in
the data of user interview, recorded video, survey questionnaire and log of the system.
Additionally, we investigate communication patterns in the direct “interpersonal” chan-
nel, focusing in patterns on the users’ utterance length. The analysis showed that the
average utterance length of a user reflects specific user types and can be in turn used
for facilitating interpersonal adaptation. Speech Accommodation Theory supports the
argument that greater degree of utterance length accommodation is related to higher user
satisfaction in Human-Human interactions.
6.1 Introduction
Spoken conversations have been recognized as the primary information delivery mecha-
nism between humans. With increasing globalization, the need for cross-lingual interac-
tions has become a necessity for a variety of domains including business and travel. As
speech and language technologies evolve, we can envision intelligent speech-enabled
systems mediating dialogs between people who do not share a language through auto-
mated speech to speech translation. Significant progress is being made in this direction
by several research institutions [64, 105, 80, 7]. The goal of such systems is to be
truly cognizant of the interaction, intelligent and performing as a communication aide,
beyond serving as a mere message conduit.
Drawing parallels with advances in human-machine spoken dialog systems, we can
see that incorporating intelligence into a spoken language based communication media-
tion system requires, among other things, careful user modeling in conjunction with an
effective dialog management. User modeling has been attempted at different levels and
using a variety of approaches. Rich [85] has proposed a 3-dimensional space to describe
the relationship between user models, defined as the knowledge about people, and their
uses. In Table 6.1 the three axes of these descriptors relate to the size of the population
Interpersonal Channel
Mediated Channel
Too much system error.
Very terse expression!
System error is okay.
What a lengthy statement!
Strategy, Filtering,
Interpersonal Channel
Mediated Channel
Too much system error.
Very terse expression!
System error is okay.
What a lengthy statement!
Strategy, Filtering,
Figure 6.1: There are two channels of parallel interaction between two users: an interpersonal
path, that contains direct cues such as prosody, gestures, facial expressions, as well as indirect
such as adaptation to one others speaking style and a computer mediated path containing mainly
translated lexical information.
the model describes, the fashion in which the model is created and also the temporal
scale the model is attempting to characterize.
Dim. 1 A single, canonical user A group, collection of users
Dim. 2 Specified by the system designer Inferred by the system
Dim. 3 Long term Short term
Table 6.1: User model dimensions(Dimension 1,2,3) based on the knowledge about
people [85].
While there has been a fair amount of excellent user modeling work in the con-
text of human-machine spoken dialogs including user simulation [17, 25], reasoning
about a user’s goal or intention [30], user expertise modeling [47], and evaluation tech-
niques [58], relatively little effort has been devoted in this regard on machine mediated
human-human cross-lingual dialogs, the topic of this paper. The motivation stems from
the need for informing designs of speech translation systems for their increased effec-
tiveness and usability as communication aids.
Construction of a user model based on the desired user features, however, can be a
daunting task. Generally, two approaches – “Profiling modeling” and “Statistical model-
ing” - are widely used in building a user model. The profile acquired from a user can be
used for generating an appropriate system response, such as personalized search [78], or
in appropriate help to the user when needed [30, 6, 102]. For the objectivity and extend-
ability of the system, we prefer to use predictive statistical user models. It is considered
a powerful approach to model user behavior [108] and its effectiveness has been demon-
strated by previous research [47, 50]. We specifically propose incorporating a Bayesian
network user model for our analysis to exploit its effective reasoning capabilities under
uncertain situations.
In order to study user modeling issues in speech-to-speech translation systems, we
consider two separate but mutually dependent channels (Figure 6.1) – the Human-
Machine-Human (machine mediated) and the direct Human-to-Human (interpersonal)
channels. The verbal communication is handled through the machine, and effects of
uncertainty and errors in the machine can be expected to be predominantly manifested
in the verbal behavior of the user. On the other hand, the interpersonal channel is char-
acterized by direct gestural non-verbal exchanges (such as head nods) as well as indirect
verbal means (such as through adaptation to one others speaking styles). Our analysis
in this section is restricted to aspects of the verbal behavior in these channels.
The rest of the section is organized as follows. After a description of the speech-to-
speech system used in this study for doctor-patient interactions and the corresponding
data in Section 6.2, in Section 6.3 we analyze and model user behavior in the medi-
ated channel under potential uncertainty by focusing on the “Retry”(Repeat/Rephrase)
behavior. We describe a dynamic Bayesian model to predict such behavior and evaluate
its performance in offline data. In Section 6.4, online experiment with agent feedback
is presented and results are reported. Motivated by Speech Accommodation Theory
(SAT), in Section 6.5 we explore verbal (lexical) patterns in the direct human-human,
interpersonal channel. A discussion of the results and future directions is provided in
Section 6.6. It includes a discussion about the relation between the user behavior in the
mediated and the interpersonal channels, as well as a preview into the design of a cross-
lingual conversation assistant. Finally, conclusions as well as a description of future
work plans are given in Section 6.7.
6.2 System and Dataset
6.2.1 A Two-way Speech Translation System with a Push-to-Talk
The system used for the study of this paper is a Speech-to-Speech translation device
that facilitates two way spoken interactions between an English speaking doctor and a
Persian (Farsi) speaking patient [64]. This version of the system uses a push-to-talk
modality to initiate a speaking turn which has its advantages and limitations. The push-
to-talk interface minimizes recognition and translation errors since users can verify con-
cepts before executing the final decision for “speaking out” the translation but has the
disadvantage of creating less spontaneous and less natural interactions.
Furthermore, the goal of the system is to facilitate a task oriented rather than a free-
form socio-emotional interaction between the two participants. Specifically, the domain
of usage of the system under study is task-specific (or goal-oriented) interaction between
a doctor and a patient. It is within this context, the system design strives to achieve
not only optimal technology performance, such as of automatic speech recognition and
translation, but also maximal user satisfaction. Prior work has clearly shown that user
satisfaction is one of the most important efficacy metrics of medical domain interac-
tions [29, 87].
input output
Figure 6.2: Simplified data flow diagram of our two way speech translation system
for doctor-patient interactions. English and Farsi Automatic Speech Recognition(ASR)
models get the input from users (doctor and patient, respectively) while the Machine
Translation(MT) module is responsible for automatic translation and classification of
the input. The Dialog Manager(DM) manages the interaction and communicates the
translated results to a graphical user interface (GUI) and a text to speech (TTS) synthe-
sizer (in English and Farsi as appropriate).
A functional block diagram of the system and its data flow are shown in Figure 6.2.
The user’s spoken utterance is converted into textual form by an automatic speech rec-
ognizer (ASR) in the appropriate language of the speaker (English for the doctor and
Farsi for the patient in this case) and further processed by two parallel mechanisms: one
by a phrase-based statistical Machine Translation (MT) module that translates the text
form one language to another and the other by a statistical classifier which attempts to
categorize the utterance into one of several predetermined ”concept” categories. The
Dialog Management (DM) module interacts with the MT/classifier and the GUI and
TTS modules to deliver the data to the user. In the system of this study, the visual output
provided by the GUI is made available only to the (English-speaking) doctor, who is
assumed to have the primary control of the interaction.
GUI Display
Text 1
Text 1
Text 1
Concept 2
Text 2
Concept 3
Text 3
Concept 4
Text 4
Concept 5
Speech Recognition
Speech Recognition
Concept Classification
Concept Classification
Concept Classification
Concept Classification
Statistical Translation
Statical Operation Lossless Operation
Figure 6.3: The internal procedure of generating speech translation hypotheses in our
system. Two parallel mechanisms are implemented. In the first one, the topmost recog-
nition candidate i.e., the first-best choice of the ASR – that has already gone through
a lossy speech to text mapping process – will go through another lossy operation – the
statistical translation. In the second one, that utilizes an utterance classifier, the top four
recognized candidates from the ASR (the so called four-best results) are mapped into
conceptual classes, also a lossy operation, but the canonical form result – after both
lossy operations – is the one displayed on the screen for the doctor’s choosing.
To better understand the translation device operation, and the associated issues, we
can identify three distinct operations in the process. The first is the conversion from
speech (audio) into a textual transcription of the spoken utterance through a statisti-
cal pattern recognition. This procedure is commonly referred to as Automated Speech
Recognition (ASR), and is an inherently lossy operation, i.e. often the transcript may
not accurately represent what the user characterized by deletion/insertion/substitution
of the spoken words. The second procedure is the translation. At this stage the text
is mapped from the source language (e.g., English) to the target language (e.g., Farsi).
We have two parallel approaches to this step, both again statistical in nature, and repre-
sent a lossy mapping process. The approaches we consider are a phrase-based statistical
machine translation and an utterance concept classifier. The third stage is the conversion
of the target language transcript from text to audio by synthesizing the speech, through
Text-To-Speech (TTS) synthesis.
By design, the interface control of the system is asymmetric in the sense that the
(English-speaking) doctor has exclusive control over the interface, and access to the
GUI, while the (Farsi-speaking) patient does not. This was to allow even untrained and
non-educated patients access to the system. The system allows for the doctor to decide
whether to transmit one of the several alternate hypotheses offered by the system to the
patient or reject all of them (repeat or rephrase). Some of the options provided to the
doctor can be seen in Figure 6.4 and the hypotheses belong to one of two classes:
1. The first is the English transcription of what the machine thinks the user said. The
machine does not provide a translation on the screen (presumably it would not
be useful for the doctor who doesn’t know Persian) but a statistical phrase based
translation would be provided to the patient if the doctor chooses this option.
However, such statistical machine translation can not guarantee accurate transla-
tion of the displayed text. This option mainly allows the user to detect errors from
the ASR stage of the translation process, and thereby reducing the risk of error
during the translation.
2. The second category of options takes the recognized transcript (output of ASR
stage) and maps it into one of over several pre-determined concept categories.
These categories were manually specified and for this domain there were about
1200 concepts. This mapping operation from text to concept is also lossy, but
unlike the first hypothesis, since these concept categories are pre-programmed in
the system, a back-translation (canonical form) in the language the doctor under-
stands can be displayed for the doctor’s choosing. This means that what the doc-
tor sees on the screen already includes any errors likely made by both the ASR
and translation steps, and that the translation the patient will hear will be lexically
identical to the hypothesis displayed on the screen. Figure 6.3 depicts these proce-
dures conceptually. It is clear that if one of the canonical sentences is satisfactory
from a concept transfer perspective, it should be the best choice for the user since
these guarantee accurate translation.
Users of the device were encouraged to employ the second category of options
(labeled on the GUI: “I can definitely translate these”) if these options were deemed
valid representations of their utterances, rather than the first option (labeled on the GUI:
“I can try to translate this”). For example, in Figure 6.4 when the doctor says “You have
fever?” the device can try to translate the ASR text output “You have fever” or it can
definitely say “Do you have a fever?”, the surface form for a concept category related to
The monolingual patients on the other hand are assumed to be untrained in using
the system – and to ensure uniform results in the experiments described in this paper –
are not even allowed to see the screen. The system decides, based on confidence scores
of automatic utterance to concept classification, whether their utterance is close enough
to a particular concept class. If deemed confident, the cluster-normalized form concept
will be transferred to the doctor, and if not a direct potentially noisy statistical translation
of the text will be provided. Most of the time an incorrect transfer can be detected by the
doctor due to the lack of coherence with the discourse of the interaction. The Persian
patient can also choose to request, verbally or through gestures, repetitions or repairs if
they so chose. Note that an experienced doctor, in the case of receiving information that
does not match the discourse can assume that he needs to do error control by rejecting
the solution provided by the system (and repeat/rephrase).
In terms of component level performance of the system used in the present study,
the ASR word error rate, the concept transfer rate and the IBM BLEU translation score
are given in Table 6.2. These results stem from the evaluation done under the DARPA
Figure 6.4: Transonics system screen GUI. After speaking, the user(doctor) can choose
one of several hypotheses presented on the GUI.
Babylon program. The overall concept transfer rate of the system is 78% – this denotes
how many of the key concepts (such as symptom descriptions) were correctly transferred
overall in both languages according to human observers for the 15 sessions examined in
this paper. Also, in the Table 6.2 the word error rate(WER
) and the IBM BLEU
are provided.
6.2.2 Data-set
The data analyzed are from 15 interactions between doctors and standardized patient
actors. Both the doctors and patients are monolingual and, in addition, acoustic mask-
ing was in place to ensure translations are only being transferred through the device.
Word Error Rate is the sum of the number of words in error (substitution, deletion and insertion)
divided by the number of words in the reference transcription.
In simple terms, the more ways a certain utterance can be translated, the lower will be the maximum
possible score, since one translation will be compared with many possibilities. So although the score is
on a theoretical scale of 0· IBM BLEU· 1, even the best human expert translators can only achieve
average ranges of near a half of that.
DARPA Evaluation results
English Persian
ASR WER 11.5% 13.4%
English to Persian Persian to English
IBM BLEU (text) 0.31 0.29
IBM BLEU (ASR) 0.27 0.24
Overall concept transfer 78%
Table 6.2: DARPA evaluation on medical domain for the speech translation system of
this paper. Component and Concept measures as: ASR word error rate (lower is better),
SMT BLEU score (higher is better) with the clean text transcript input or with the ASR
output as an input.
The spoken interactions were logged by the system and also transcribed manually. Auto-
matic logs contain recognized utterances (hypotheses) of the ASR, all translated hypoth-
esis from the translation component (both SMT and classified concepts). These come
with the confidence levels and the system procedure information.
Automatic tagging of the retry behavior was made possible through system logs,
and the speech recognition WER scores were acquired by comparing automatically rec-
ognized utterances and their human transcriptions. It may be interesting to note some
relevant information regarding the data characteristics. The average number of turns
(each turn is a doctor or a patient utterance) in a conversational dialog is 30.13, with a
slightly higher number (33.46) for the doctor than for the patient (26.8) with standard
deviation of 8.7 and 10.6 respectively. The longest utterance was 13 words long for
both the doctor and patient side, while on average utterance length was 4.45 and 2.42
words for the doctor and patient, respectively. The shorter average utterance length of
the patient reflects the fact that a significantly large number of their answers were short,
such as yes/no answers. The total time for the whole data set is 4 hours.
System Routing Tag Content
FMDT SmA mSkl pzSky dygry dArydj
FMDT VyA hyC mSkl pzSky dArydj
FDGC ShownAllOptions
FGDT Choice*1
Table 6.3: Table shows a simplified portion of the data log acquired automatically by
running the Transonics speech translation system. There are system routing tags(FADT,
FDMT, FMDT, FDGT, FDGC, FGDT – F: Flow, A: Audio server, D: Dialog manage-
ment, M: Machine translation, G: Graphical User Interface, T: Text, and C: Control)
indicating the data flow from/to on the left side and the data being processed on the
right side. Actual data are in the content column. Additional information logged, not
shown for simplicity, include time stamps, utterance sequence, confidence and class
Because of the dynamics created by the push-to-talk interface (managed by only the
doctor), the doctor-side data contains abundant information we can utilize to model user
behavior in the mediated (verbal) channel.
6.3 The Mediated Channel
We refer to the information path between the two participants through the machine as
the Mediated Channel. In this channel, a user is cognizant of the machine and acts by
considering both the response of the system and his own prior actions. Also, the system
can detect how a user behaves or what information is going through the channel. In this
sense, it can be regarded as similar to a Human-Machine interaction scenario.
The methods of identifying the user’s model from interactions with a device include
investigating behavior patterns [79, 61] and stereotypes [84]. Following these gener-
ally classified assumptions, considerable research efforts have been undertaken cover-
ing various topics and systems: Komatani [47] introduced a general user model with
skill level, knowledge level, degree of urgency in a spoken dialog system, Carberry [9]
modeled user preferences in a natural language consultation system, Conati [12] pro-
posed how to manage uncertainty in a student model by performing assessment and
recognizing plans for a tutoring system, and Prendinger [81] utilized physiological data
for determining affective states for an emotion recognition system. Furthermore, some
frameworks have been suggested for rapid and efficient implementation of user models
such as in [46, 74, 97].
Error handling mechanism is important in the design and optimization of a spoken
dialog system. The spoken communication channel between a human and a machine is
inherently noisy, and can further be exacerbated by user-dependent uncertainty such as
due to limited world or task knowledge. The significance of considering user behavior
under problematic conditions in human-machine interaction is demonstrated for exam-
ple by our prior work [?], where we highlighted the importance of repeating and rephras-
ing cues. Similarly, the work of Batliner [5] utilized the features such as prosody and
linguistic behaviors to model and recognize trouble in communications. Detection and
modeling of problematic communication conditions helps to prevent and recover from
errors effectively.
Specific user behavior patterns can be attributed to specific user types. Similar to the
notion of expert/novice users, in this work, we consider the idea of identifying accom-
modating and non-accommodating (“picky”) user types under problematic interaction
situations with the motivation that distinct interface strategies can be developed for each
case. Our experimental analysis indicates that for the same average speech recognition
WER, one user retried 95% of the time while another user only 65%. For example, we
have observed that certain users are more accepting of minor errors in translation and
recognition (e.g., function word insertion such as in “And do you have fever?” when they
actually spoke “Do you have fever?”) while others completely reject such a hypothesis
from the machine as not their intended utterance, despite the fact that it conveys for all
practical purposes the identical meaning.
We therefore propose modeling users in one of three categories(Accommodating,
Normal and Picky) based on the analysis of the active participant, the doctor. Following
which, we train a system that can detect in which category the user belongs based on
the user behavior through the interaction history and current utterance features. While
devising specific interventions based on the model outcome is not the goal of this paper,
we hope that this approach will however enable future research in building agents that
can appropriately adapt the system according to detected user behaviors similarly to
what previous studies have demonstrated [36, 40, 47].
6.3.1 Analysis of Repeat/Rephrase(“Retry”) Behavior
Repeat or rephrase (Retry) is the primary user behavior observed under problematic
conditions caused by non-optimal or poor system performance in the Transonics sys-
tem. In addition to the user type being an important factor in determining the degree
of retry actions, the level of speech recognition error was found be an important fac-
tor. However, in our standardized subject
experiments, the difference range of the
speech recognition error among users is small, therefore we assume that the user type
has a stronger effect on the observed retry behavior. In addition to the small variance
in the speech recognition error, we observed that most of errors stem from insertions
The subjects are all native U.S. English speakers, medical professionals and trained equally before
using the system.
of function words and that keywords are mostly correctly recognized. Typical exam-
ples of errors with erroneously inserted words underlined are: ”A how are you”, or ”tell
me THE about your pain”. Other potential contributing factors such as user’s emotion,
knowledge, gender, physical condition, hastiness, etc. are not considered at this stage,
but are of interest and will be included in the analysis once larger data sets become
Categorizing User types: Accommodating, Normal and Picky
User type is a casting of a user along several categories; it can be based on demo-
graphic information, such as Gender or Age or a heuristic category such as Expertise
or Knowledge level. We consider, in this paper, the degree of user’s accommodation to
speech recognition errors as the criterion to decide a user type. The use of such heuristic
domain-specific criteria has been prevalent in user modeling research. For instance, in
[47], user skill level is defined by the maximum number of slots filled by utterances and
in [43, 12], knowledge level is decided based on correct answers to the domain ques-
tions. In most cases, heuristic methods are used for user type classification even though
those may not always be too accurate – for example, if we assume that knowledge level
is judged by the number of correct answers to system questions, this is usually a good
metric, but not a perfect one since the user may give wrong answers on purpose to trick
the system, may be tired and not pay enough attention, or may not be motivated enough
to devote the necessary attention.
For our off-line model, we cluster user types based on the total number of each user’s
retries. We assume that accepting different ranges in WER depends significantly on the
user type, as conceptualized in Figure 6.5, and hence we define
² Accommodating: users tend to accept highly erroneous transcriptions compared
to other users.
Figure 6.5: The Accommodating user tends to “Retry” significantly less than the other
users while the Picky user tries significantly more. A user in between these extremes
is defined to be a Normal user. WER is the speech recognition Word Error Rate and
the above graph semantically demonstrates the ranges of WER for which each user type
tends to “Retry.”
² Normal: users accept some degree of errors
² Picky: users tend to reject all but the most exact transcriptions, thus being very
strict in what they accepted for translation.
Based on data from the 15 sessions analyzed in this work, we clustered the users with
the k-means algorithm into the 3 classes as shown in Figure 6.6. Note that one could
argue in favor of fewer or more quantization steps along the accommodation axis. Such
decisions depend more on the action to be taken upon classification, and the available
data for the analysis.
From the clustering results, 7 (47%) users present themselves as accommodating,
5 (33%) as normal and 3 (20%) as picky. The users tend to retry at different degrees:
Accommodating 19:3%, Normal 31:3%, and Picky: 40:7%. The average WER rate
across all the utterances, however, does not vary significantly and stands at 35:9, 43:8
and 38:7 for Accommodating, Normal and Picky, respectively. Hence we did not employ
WER as a feature for the clustering of user types. Note that although the average WER
12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45
Repeat/Rephrase Rate(%)
# of users
Accommodating Normal Picky
Figure 6.6: The quantized retry rate over 15 interaction sessions on the doctor side. The
criteria (average retry rate) based on the data analysis led us to categorize the users into
3 types: Accommodating, normal, and picky.
LQ performance HQ performance
Figure 6.7: Conditional Probability Table(CPT) over user behaviors(discrete) – “Retry”
and “Accept”. Each user type is represented numerically with regard to Low Qual-
ity(LQ) and High Quality(HQ) system performance(recognition error rate). The Y-axis
represents the probability of user behavior conditioned on user type and system perfor-
is relatively constant from user to user, the error that users consider acceptable is not, as
demonstrated by the variable degree of retries.
Assuming a certain threshold separating the High-Quality (HQ) speech recognition
performance from a Low-Quality (LQ) performance (a detailed discussion of how the
two regions of performance can be decided is provided in the next section, Sec 6.3.1), we
empirically acquired the Conditional Probability Table(CPT) over all the 15 interactions
as shown in Figure 6.7. We can clearly see the difference in user accommodation when
operating in the LQ region.
When the condition represents relatively high system performance (HQ perfor-
mance), other behaviors (“Accept”) dominate covering over 90% in most cases, and
allowing us very small amounts of data for observing the “Retry” behavior. However,
we can still see that the Picky users tend to be more selective than others - they “Retry”
less when there is a high quality system performance.
User Behavior Model with the Transonics System
Since in our analysis we observed that the system error alone can not account for the
large variability in user actions, we hypothesize that the user type combined with the
system error under problematic conditions affects the retry behavior. The following
conditions are assumed: 1) The system is stationary and the performance is shown in
the Table 6.2; 2) The subjects are native speakers(U.S. English) and user performance
is consistent in terms of machine recognition (no acoustic/lexical mismatch issues in
speech recognition); 3) Domain knowledge of subjects is the same (all medical profes-
sionals) 4) Skill and adaptation levels are expected to be the same based on the given
environment (trained with equal time and materials and provided the same experimental
environment for equal time).
Threshold of High/Low Quality System Performance
Another important issue we need to deal with is the threshold of average acceptable
WER for each user. This is a complex issue that is related to each user’s personal
preferences and traits. We empirically approached this problem with the relative WER
average based on retry and accept behaviors across all other users. We assume that a
user retries if the system performance falls below a threshold, thus we clustered the
per-utterance WER into two groups: the group of accepted utterances and the group of
the utterances that are rejected. The Low Quality(LQ)/High Quality(HQ) performance
threshold is the separating point of the two clusters, at a WER of 56% for the data of
these 15 interactions. This implies that there is a high probability of a retry if the WER
increases above 56%. For training and testing purpose, the threshold is acquired in a
n-fold validation from 14 interactions and tested on the remaining 1 interaction. Note
that although the threshold WER may seem to imply a very low accuracy for allowing a
concept transfer, the classifier frequently may allow accurate concept transfer with WER
much higher than that if a keyword has been recognized correctly and the classification
gave at least one option which is valid. For example: “Are you having a headache now?”
will have a classifier top choice of “Do you have a headache?” even if only the word
“headache” has been correctly recognized by the ASR.
6.3.2 A Dynamic Bayesian Network User Behavior Model
A dynamic Bayesian network is a promising representation for modeling the inter-
casual relationships of “Retry” behavior with temporal information. The network has
been highlighted in the user modeling field across various applications. The Lumiere
project [30] utilized Bayesian models for capturing the uncertain relationships between
the goals and needs of a user. Conati [12] used Bayesian network to model a student
Input: User behavior(“Retry” or “Accept”) and HQ/LQ recognition information.
Output: The most believable user type
Initial: User types with the same probability
Step1: The probability of each user type is given by the Bayesian reasoning.
Step2: Update the prior of each user type
Step3: Check whether the belief of the highest user type probability is enough
Step4: If it is not enough to be believed, go to the Step1
Return A user type with the highest probability
Table 6.4: User type inference algorithm computes the probability of user types, Accom-
modating, Normal and Picky respectively. Each user type is predicted by Bayesian rea-
soning and updated until one of them becomes believable.
for an automated tutoring system which assesses the knowledge, recognizes plans and
predicts actions of each student. Recently, Grawemeyer [28] modeled users’ informa-
tion display preferences by using Bayesian reasoning. Also, the theoretical benefits in
its performance and extensibility as a classifier have been thoroughly described in [23].
In spite of their remarkable power and potential to address inferential processes,
there are some inherent limitations and liabilities to Bayesian networks. First, a
Bayesian network cannot represent every possible situation (uncertainties and depen-
dencies) and it takes a long time to choose necessary nodes for the network. Second,
the prior knowledge (probability) of each node of the network may be biased depending
on the measurement approach and this may distort the network and can generate unreli-
able response to a user. For example, in [30], experts constructed Bayesian models for
several applications, tasks and sub-tasks by doing user studies however, that assumes
sufficient and representative coverage of user activities in the observed data.
The details of the proposed DBN implementation are presented in the following
sections and general user type prediction algorithm is given in the Table 6.4.
In this analysis the variables of user behavior (retry/accept) and the system feature,
the utterance confidence score (or for off-line processing WER), are the observed vari-
ables and the user type, the unknown variable. In the design phase, the network is built
by learning parameter values and interrelations of user type and observed variables.
The user type is assumed to be constant, despite the fact that some user characteris-
tics may vary during the course of an interaction. For example, talkative people may be
more reserved in communicating when depressed, tired or under stress. A person who
is in general sensitive to any kind of system errors can ignore those when he/she is busy.
In addition, we often observe that users take time to exhibit their steady state behavior
due to an initial adaptation to the other entity, be that a human or a system. It is assumed
that the executed behavior and observed feature value are the best representatives for the
user type at each time and the model with these variables is extended dynamically with
the temporal information.
We are operating under the assumption that information about the user type could
help in altering the system strategy. In addition, this strategy enhances the experience of
the user-machine interaction similar to the use of expertise model developed in previous
efforts and employed in efficient system strategy design [40, 47].
A Model of User Behavior over a Single Iteration
We quantize the variables of user type (UT ), behavior (B), and system accuracy (F))
and these satisfy:
P(UT = ut
) = 1
P(B= b
) = 1
P(F = f
) = 1 (6.1)
User Type (UT) Feature1(F1)
User Type (UT)
Figure 6.8: A generic directed graphical model; the Bayesian network represents the
relation in which a user behavior(B) is influenced by a user type(UT ) and a feature (F1).
There may be unknown features such as emotions and skill level but only one feature is
considered for the suggested model.
where we chose n= 3 discrete levels for the user type, m= 2 for behavior and k= 2 for
the WER. Note that we represent variables by an upper-case letters (e.g., UT;B;F) and
its values by that same letter in lower case(e.g., ut;b; f ).
The Bayesian network in Figure 6.8 shows the complete directed graphical model
(static) with the relations among a specific behavior, user type, and features (including
unknown features).
Multiple features can exist and each can have different effect on the user behav-
ior. Prior work has demonstrated that fewer features are better for improved accu-
racy/performance [13], particularly in small data-sets. Also, unimportant features can be
eliminated by utilizing probabilistic measures related to the features [91]. In the design
of the suggested Bayesian model, we chose to incorporate only one feature due to the
small amount of data: the quantized (HQ/LQ) WER variable is incorporated with an
independent user type variable.
Based on this general procedure, an actual sequence of stepwise conditional proba-
bilities is formed as in the equation (6.2) with the random variables of parents (UT and
F) and a child(B). In the user behavior model, we assume that there is no relationship
between user type and feature.
P(B;UT;F)= P(BjUT)P(UT)P(BjF)P(F)=P(B) (6.2)
where, B= user behavior, UT = user type, F = feature.
Once the network structure is defined and the conditional probability is decomposed,
the quantization of the data in the chosen levels needs to take place. In the suggested
model, we have 2 discrete levels for user behavior (retry/accept) and system perfor-
mance (HQ/LQ) and three user types (Accommodating, Normal and Picky). To give
a value for each discrete level, we can utilize a domain expert’s knowledge or learn it
from the data-set. The second method is adopted in this experiment and the values are
learned in a n-fold validation from the training data-set (using 14 out of 15 interactions)
for testing on 1 interaction allowing for presenting averaged results over a total of 15
experiments for the 15 interactions in the corpus.
A Dynamic Model – Temporal Belief Reinforcement
In reality, it takes time to grasp an accurate user type by observing user behaviors and
factors (features). For example, by observing a one-time accommodating behavior of a
user is not enough to decide a definite user type while the observation of some consistent
behavior over time strengthens the belief of the user’s type. This idea is formulated as a
dynamic Bayesian network (DBN) shown in Figure 6.9. The user type transition mech-
anism from time t¡ 1 to t is supported by the Markovian property that the conditional
probability of the current user type(t) depends on the previous user type(t¡ 1) and it
includes the history implicitly by this assumption.
Retry(t - 1 )
- Yes
Word Error
Rate(t - 1)
Retry(t )
- Yes
Word Error
User Type(t - 1)
User Type(t)
Retry(t - 1 )
- Yes
Word Error
Rate(t - 1)
Retry(t )
- Yes
Word Error
User Type(t - 1)
User Type(t)
Figure 6.9: A dynamic Bayesian network is used to infer a user type over time in the
mediated channel. The belief of a user type becomes strengthened as the interaction
During training, we employ the complete interaction to reason on the user type by
using the Maximum Likelihood Estimate (MLE) as in equation (6.3).
P(BjF;UT) =
where, UT =fut
g, B=fb
g, F =f f
::: f
The prior for the feature, Word Error Rate(WER) is also acquired from the train-
ing data and the prior of the user type is initially set equally distributed and updated
In the absence of large amounts of training data, unconstrained identification of the
priors of transition probabilities in a data-driven fashion is not feasible. We instead place
parametric constraints on the transition probabilities and identify these parameters in a
data-driven fashion. The parameters are the probability of:
² Staying in the same type. This probability is expected to be the highest.
² Transitioning across adjacent types (Normal to/from Accommodating and Picky).
² Transitioning across opposite types (Accommodating to/from Picky). Expected
to be the lowest probability(P
In addition we define a parameter that reinforces beliefs over time by modifying
each of the above probabilities and is defined in terms of the ratio:
μ= l
(Turn Number)
(TotalNumbero f Turns)
where l is expected to be a very small number because we want smooth increase of the
same user type transition probabilities over time. Resulting in:
(n) = P
(1+ μ)
(n) = P
= P
μ) (6.5)
0:90 0:05 0:05
0:05 0:90 0:05
0:05 0:05 0:90
l 0:05
Table 6.5: Values of transition priors. The parametrization allows 4 variables to repre-
sent nine time-varying priors, thus allowing estimation from limited data.
Table 6.5 presents the values of the parameters. We can also observe that over time
the probability of transitioning across opposite types will decay faster than the probabil-
ity of transitioning across adjacent types.
To infer a user type, the posterior probability of user type conditioned on behavior
and feature is computed as in Equation (6.6) by applying Bayes’ rule.
P(UTjB;F)= hP(BjUT;F)P(UT) (6.6)
The user type is independent of the observed feature therefore P(UT)= P(UTjF),
while h= P(BjF) plays the role of a normalizing factor, ensuring that probabilities of
user types sum to one.
At each turn, by maximizing the probability of each user type(ut
) as in Equa-
tion (6.7), we obtain an estimate of the most probable user type, however the decision is
not made until confidence in the belief of user type is significant.
jB = b
;F = f
) = argmax
P(B = b
;F = f
) (6.7)
1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46
Dialog turn
Figure 6.10: Entropy of three user types becomes lower as the dialog turn increases.
The threshold of deciding the final user type can be set based on this tendency under a
dynamic Bayesian reasoning.
where, b
= an evidence of the user behavior, f
= an evidence of the feature.
In identifying when a decision on the user’s type can be made, we need to consider
an acceptable “Threshold” in confidence. This includes two dimensional conditions,
when and how to draw a conclusion from the inference. One approach is to decide the
final user type when all the available data has been processed (the last state of the DBN)
and the evaluation in section 6.3.3 is based on this method. An alternative approach is
maximum entropy, a good measure that has been utilized in previous work to classify
user behaviors [61]. This may be a more objective and concrete measure of convergence
and more appropriate for real-time implementations. As in the Figure 6.10, we can see
the tendency of decreasing entropy for the user type probabilities over all 15 interactions.
The entropy decreases as the DBN converges and a lower entropy means that the intra-
speaker probabilities of user type are more discriminating. To utilize this mechanism,
we could set a certain threshold below which a decision would be made. Otherwise, a
user type would be labeled as still unpredictable or not inferrable.
6.3.3 Model Validation
We evaluated the automatic identification of the user type by employing the n-fold vali-
dation, thus using 14 interactions for training and one for testing, and performing a total
of 15 experiments. The goal was to identify user type through the interaction data. Priors
were set to be equal (0:33) for the three user types. The classification was successful 13
out of the 15 dialogs by assuming a convergence of the DBN at the end of the available
data (method 1, described above). Both errors occurred in identifying the normal user
type, and in both cases it was clear that convergence had not been reached. The DBN
was fluctuating between Normal and Picky in one case and Normal and Accommodating
in the other case. We believe, that this may reflect a switching user behavior where,
users may behave as picky (if the error is for example in a keyword) or as accommodat-
ing (if all the errors are in function words), or it may reflect users who exhibit behavior
very close to the user type quantization boundaries.
In the following sections, two representative results of Picky and Normal user type
inference by the suggested DBN model are presented.
Analysis of the Picky User Type Inference Result
Dynamic inference results on an interaction(labeled as Picky type) that lasted over 44
turns is depicted in Figure 6.11. We can observe that the belief of the Picky user type
is strengthened over time and is detected early on in the interaction. This implies that a
user strongly follows a pattern, Retrying on most device errors and Accepting less when
the system operates with high quality.
By observing the data of this interaction we can also note that this user (Figure 6.11)
suspended the flow of conversation in many more cases compared to other users by
being very selective.
Dialog turn
Figure 6.11: The belief that the user type is “Picky” is strengthened over time in this
example data set.
Dialog turn
Figure 6.12: The belief that the user type is “ Normal” is strengthened slowly over time.
Analysis of the Normal User Type Inference Result
Figure 6.12 shows one of the most challenging users to classify in our corpus. The
system in this case takes over 24 turns to eliminate the accommodating type, although it
eliminated the Picky type from the 12th turn. Manual analysis of the data revealed that
this user, despite being Normal in his average behavior, often exhibits Accommodating
and sometimes Picky behaviors – crossing the boundary of two types, thus causing the
DBN to take longer to converge.
0 10 20 30 40 50
0 10 20 30 40 50
0 10 20 30 40 50
0 10 20 30 40 50
0 10 20 30 40 50
0 10 20 30 40 50
0 10 20 30 40 50
Figure 6.13: Inference on the data of various “Accommodating” user types in the corpus.
X-axis indicates the dialog interaction turn. Y-axis indicates three levels of prediction
results – wrong, accommodating, and converged to accommodating user types.
0 10 20 30 40 50
0 10 20 30 40 50
0 10 20 30 40 50
(a) Normal
0 10 20 30 40 50
0 10 20 30 40 50
0 10 20 30 40 50
(b) Picky
Figure 6.14: Inference on the data of “Normal” and “Picky” user types over the dialog
Analysis of Successful User Type Inferences
In this subsection, we present the analysis of successful user type classifications by the
suggested model(13 out of 15 interactions in our dataset were successful). Figure 6.13
and Figure 6.14(b) represent the identification of the accommodating and picky user
types. The correct user type is determined early in most cases (less than 10 interaction
turns) even though some “Accommodating” users show different user types shortly in
the middle of the whole interactions. The results imply that users in these two extreme
types behave in their own style, especially, when the system performance is low. And,
we can classify these two types early on by observing user behaviors and the system
Different from the previous two extreme user types, the belief of “Normal”
user type is gradually strengthened over turns by tailing off those of the other user
types(Figure 6.14(a)). This implies that it took comparatively more time to be in mid-
dle point, in terms of the number of retry/accept under low/high system performance,
between the two extremes.
6.4 Online Evaluation of User Model
In the following sections, we report the results of online evaluation of the user model
using agent feedback. For this purpose, new Transonics system (now, SpeechLinks)
was used, and English user behaviors were analyzed. The motivation comes from the
observation in which users using a mediated device, sometimes, communicate in unnat-
ural fashion: they are extremely picky or accommodating to system errors. Picky type
users tend to reject even small recognition errors which do not affect on overall meaning
transfer from user-spoken utterance to machine-generated utterance. In the opposite sit-
uation, accommodating type users tend to accept even critical recognition errors, which
breaks natural conversations between users by causing completely incorrect meaning
transfers through the device.
By providing agent feedback to users according to the user types, we could acquire
better interaction efficiency (which will be defined in the result section) by encouraging
users to change their behaviors in better direction.
6.4.1 Experimental Setup
Participant and Experimental Domain
To hire native speakers of English, we put a recruiting flyer on campus. Eight English
speakers were paid $15 US dollars per hour. They were four males and four females and
the age was between 20 and 28. All of them were undergraduate and graduate students at
University of Southern California (USC). Two Farsi speakers were contracted students
with the SpeechLinks project. Farsi speakers were one male and one female with the age
of 21 and 24, and undergraduate students.
In total, 32 interaction sessions were collected from 8 native Speakers of English
interacted with 2 native speakers of Farsi. For each interaction session, one native
speaker of English and one native speaker of Farsi performed a diagnosis of the dis-
ease based on the provided scenario. The experimental time of each interaction session
was approximately 30 minutes.
The domain of the experiment was doctor’s medical diagnosis of the disease of a
patient. Native speakers of English played a role of doctor and native Farsi speakers
played a role of patient. Before the actual experiment, we gave one hour training ses-
sion to English speakers and it included how to do a diagnosis of the disease with the
supplied materials: the doctor’s diagnosis manual table (An example on the left in Fig-
ure 6.15) and the instruction of the experiment. For Farsi speakers, we gave enough
instructions to use the system and to play a role of patient with the disease symptom
card (An example on the right in Figure 6.15). The purpose of the experiment was
Figure 6.15: Example materials for the experiment: a part of doctor’s diagnosis manual
table for common cold (left). In the full size table, there are 12 diseases (column) and
30 symptoms (rows). A patient card for common cold is presented on the right.
rather to study English speaker behaviors reacting to agent feedback than to study Farsi
speaker behaviors. The mission of the English speakers (doctor’s role) was to find out
a disease of a patient in each interaction session (The disease varies in each interaction
session). Four diseases (flu, SARS, depression and hypertension) were used equally for
8 English speakers during the experiment.
We prepared four scenarios for the experiment using four diseases (flu, SARS, depres-
sion and hypertension), and each experiment team (one native speaker of English and
one native speaker of Farsi) used these four scenarios in the same order during the exper-
iment. For each scenario, we provided a doctor’s diagnosis manual table consisting of
twelve (12) diseases in the column and related symptoms in the rows. The diseases in
the column were: common cold, flu, food poisoning, lactose intolerance, depression,
insomnia, hypertension, high cholesterol, liver cancer, lung cancer, SARS, and diabetes.
The symptoms in the rows were, for example: ‘chills’ and ‘fatigue,’ and the number of
the symptoms was 30, in which the actual symptoms were varied depending on the dis-
ease. We built this table as realistic as possible using the medical diagnosis information
from “”
Farsi speakers (the patient role) were given a symptom card which provided only
a few symptoms of the disease. On the right image in Figure 6.15, a symptom card
for common cold is presented. We intentionally provided a few symptoms in each
patient card to elicit more expressions from both speakers; English speakers needed to
go through many combinations of diseases and symptoms in the look-up table to reason
about a disease of the symptom card of a Farsi speaker.
Neither in the doctor role English speaker and the patient role Farsi speaker knew
the disease name of each interaction session. We informed them of the disease names at
the end of all four interaction sessions.
Procedure of Experiment
The experimental procedure was designed with two tasks, borrowing the idea of the
evaluation method in the user modeling work by [47]. Figure 6.16 shows this exper-
imental procedure. In “Task A”, native speakers of English performed the interaction
session of “without feedback” first and the session of “with feedback” later. In “Task
B”, native speakers of English performed the interaction sessions in the reverse direc-
tion. In each task, English speakers interacted with different Farsi speakers – one male
speaker for one task and the other female speaker for the other task. For the tasks, each
English speaker visited the experimental room twice (two days). For more objective
data collection, we assigned Farsi speakers evenly to the two tasks: each Farsi speaker
participated in “Task A” 4 times, and the “Task B” 4 times. In total, we collected 32
interaction sessions from this experiment.
Without With
Task A
Without With
Task B
With : Interaction session with agent feedback
Without : Interaction session without agent feedback
survey survey
Figure 6.16: All 8 English speakers performed both “Task A” and “Task B” with 2 Farsi
speakers in different ways: four of English speakers performed “Task A” first and “Task
B” later, and the other four performed in the reverse direction. Each English speaker
met different Farsi speaker in the different Task.
For evaluation purpose, we collected 5 survey questionnaires from each participant
during the experiment. One is the initial survey about demographic information of the
participant and user perception on many subjects, such as user type and error tolerance
level and past speech interface experience. After each interaction session, an question-
naire was given to each participant for the evaluation of system performance in multiple
dimensions, such as user satisfaction and interaction efficiency. In total, 4 evaluation
questionnaires were collected from each participant. Detail analyses of questionnaires
are provided in the section 6.4.2.
Each session lasted for thirty minutes approximately - we gave a notice to them (to
finish the session) when they did not finish the session in thirty minutes. After finishing
two sessions (with feedback and without feedback in the order or in the reverse order),
participants gave us opinions about the experiment.
For Accommodating User Type For Picky User Type
(1) “Consider rejecting bad options and
“Accepting system errors, if those
have little impact on meaning, may
improve system performance.”
(2) “The system is not always right.
Some errors can cause significant
degradation in your communica-
tion. When presented with bad
options consider rejecting them and
“The system often inserts some
additional words in its recognition
results. Consider accepting some
errors if those affect little the con-
cept of the recognized sentence.”
Table 6.6: Actual wordings of agent feedback for two user types. Two different word-
ings were used alternately for the same user type in case of triggering the same agent
feedback over and over.
All the interaction sessions were recorded with video cameras. ‘Sony Hi-8’ and
‘Sony high definition’ video cameras were used for this purpose. We analyzed thirty
two (32) interaction sessions in the video data in terms of identifying user types with
their behaviors and, user behavior changes and system performance.
Agent Feedback for Accommodating and Picky User Types
Two different wordings of agent feedback were prepared for two user types - accom-
modating and picky. When the system detects one of the two user types with high
probability, it triggers the corresponding wording of agent feedback as in Table 6.6. The
threshold of triggering an agent feedback was set as 0.65 which was acquired system-
atically from user training sessions. When the system detects either accommodating or
picky user type first time, the wording (1) was presented to the users. After consecutive
same user type identifications (e.g., three times), the system changed the wording, in
this case, the wording (2) was presented to the users. The agent feedback was presented
to users in this fashion throughout the whole interaction session.
User type identification was conducted by dynamic Bayesian reasoning as intro-
duced in the section 6.3.2. At each turn in interaction sessions, previous user behavior
and ASR confidence level of the previous turn were utilized for computing the posterior
probabilities of three user types. These probabilities were updated dynamically as the
interaction proceeded.
The underlying assumption of the online experiment was that the ASR confidence
level can be used to measure the ASR performance, which was measured offline by Word
Error Rate (WER) as introduced in the section 6.3.2. The correlation between ASR
confidence level and WER was mentioned and studied in [25, 104]. ASR confidence
level was computed using features at multiple levels, such as weighted acoustic model
and language model scores.
6.4.2 Experimental Result
We present the results of online experiment using subjective and objective measures
from various sources; user interview, questionnaire, video analysis and log data analysis.
Statistical analyses were performed with SPSS 15.0.
Subjective Measure 1: User Interview
The interview with participants gave us insightful information about user opinions about
agent feedback and its relation to system performance. Participants told us that the agent
feedback provided hints when the interactions wend wrong and it helped for smooth
conversation flows and information delivery. In particular, the participants commented
that agent feedback helped to get less frustrations caused by repetitive errors. One of
picky type users said:
“Agent feedback expedites conversation since users will not be repeating them-
selves in attempts to find an EXACT replication of their phrase.”
Subjective Measure 2: Video Analysis
By analyzing the video data of 32 interaction sessions, we subjectively identified user
types of 8 English participants: 7 participants were picky and 1 was accommodating. For
this identification, we specifically investigated the behaviors of users when the machine-
recognized utterances have functional words which do not affect on the whole meaning
of the utterances. The comparison between the classified users by the analysis of video
data, and those by the analysis of log data is presented in Table ??.
The analysis of video data suggested us a trend of user accommodating to system
functionalities and errors. We observed that the participants became accustomed to
agent feedback in the early turns of the interaction session, and in the later turns, they
did not pay attention to agent feedback. We conjecture that they already knew what
the agent feedbacks were and perceived when the agent feedbacks would be triggered.
From this viewpoint, the users of “Task A” (interaction session from ‘with feedback’ to
‘without feedback’) seemed to cope with system errors better than the users of “Task
B.” More analysis in this regard is presented in the following section.
Subjective Measure 3: Questionnaire Analysis
We collected five questionnaires from each participant and the Likert-scale questions
were given to the participant. The initial questionnaire was intended to measure users’
own perceptions about their ability to deal with general technology and speech interface,
utterance length, and error tolerance level (Table 6.7).
One finding from the initial questionnaire is that some users did not have speech
interface experience at all but others had already enough experience. To reduce this gap,
we gave a one hour training session to all participants, which included how to use the
Likert-scale questions mean std. dev.
Speech interface experience(0:none - 10: more than ten
5.94 4.23
Inclination for the general technology (0: never comfort-
able - 10: comfortable)
6.81 1.51
Error tolerance level in the interactions with computers
(0: not at all - 10: completely)
4.88 1.96
Error tolerance level in the communications with humans
(0: not at all - 10: completely)
6.25 2.74
Utterance length (0: terse - 10: lengthy) 5.88 1.82
Hasty level when using computers (0: not at all - 10:
6.44 1.41
Ability to work with computers (0: worst - 10: best) 5.63 1.31
Today’s feeling (0:bad - 10:good) 7.63 1.20
Table 6.7: The statistics collected from the Likert-scale questions of the initial survey
given to the participants. We measured users’ own perception about their ability of deal-
ing with general technology and speech interface, utterance length, and error tolerance
system. Another interesting finding was that the error tolerance level in the communi-
cation with human was higher than that with computers, indicating that they are more
generous in tolerating errors in the communication with human than with computers.
In the other four questionnaires, we measured (after interaction sessions) user opin-
ions in multiple levels, such as the system performance, user satisfaction and usefulness
of agent feedback.
General user feeling (1: not at all 10: very much, standard deviation) about the
interface of SpeechLinks indicates that the interface is intuitive (8.71(1.3)) and easy to
learn (8.18(1.1)) but not foolproof (3.5(1.0)).
To measure the effect of agent feedback, the comparison of user satisfaction between
the interaction session with agent feedback and the interaction session without agent
Task A Task B
First session with:7.0 (1.1) without:5.25 (1.7)
Second session without:6.0 (1.93) with:7.25 (1.3)
Statistical significance p = 0.264 p = 0.041
Table 6.8: Overall user satisfaction (Likert scale – 1: worst 10: best) after interaction
session in each of the two tasks (standard deviation). In “Task A”, participants conducted
an interaction session with agent feedback first, and that without agent feedback later.
In “Task B”, participants conducted the interaction in the reverse order (without agent
feedback first, with agent feedback later). “Paired-Samples T Test” shows that there is
a significant difference in user satisfactions of two interaction sessions in “Task B” (5%
feedback is presented in Table 6.8. In addition, this comparison was conducted sepa-
rately in each of the two tasks. Higher user satisfaction was observed in the interaction
session with agent feedback across the two tasks. More specifically, to find out statisti-
cal significance, “Paired Sample T-test” was performed on each Task and we acquired p
values, 0.264 from “Task A”, and 0.041 from the “Task B”. The observed significance
level of the “Task B” is enough to say the statistical difference between two interaction
sessions (p ¡ 0.05).
Fundamental statistics collected from the questionnaires which support for the
results of Table 6.8 are the following. Overall, user feeling about the usefulness (1:
not at all 10: completely) of agent feedback was 6.5 (2.4) in “Task A” and 7.4 (1.7) in
“Task B”. The average number of triggered agent feedback per session was 7.1 (5.0) in
“Task A” and 7.9 (3.6) in “Task B”. The distraction levels (1: not at all 10: completely)
of agent feedback in the two tasks were 1.4 (1.3) and 1.7 (1.1) respectively. The topic
difficulties (1: difficult 10: easy) in “Task A” and “Task B” were 5.7 (1.8) and 5.3 (1.4)
respectively. User retry tendency (1: not at all 10: completely) in “Task A” was 6.8
(1.5) and that in “Task B” was 6.2 (2.1).
Objective Measure: Log Data Analysis
In this section, we investigated user behaviors accommodating to errors, and effects of
agent feedback on the interaction efficiency. For measuring the interaction efficiency, we
attempted to observe some objective metrics which were introduced in the PARADISE
framework [99]. The metrics were to measure user satisfaction, and the efficiency and
cost of interaction sessions of spoken dialogs. However, most of the metrics were not
applied to our data: we conjecture the reason that first, our system is a mediated device
between two interlocutors – but, the PARADISE framework is for evaluating human-
machine spoken dialogs, and second, the domain of our system is medical diagnosis
which does not require exact parameters in the metrics of the PARADISE framework.
Before going into detail, it may be interesting to know some statistics collected from
the two types of interaction sessions – with/without agent feedback. Averages (with
standard deviation in the parenthesis) of session dialogue time were 33 minute and 36
seconds (3 minute and 2 seconds) with agent feedback, and 32 minute and 27 seconds (4
minute and 13 seconds) without agent feedback. Averages of the number of utterances
in both sessions were 77.2 (26.6), and 70.0 (19.0), respectively. Averages of utterance
length (in words) were 5.3 (1.5), and 4.6 (1.2), and averages of lasting time of each utter-
ance (in seconds) were 4.2 (0.59), and 4.1 (0.37), respectively. Finally, overall number
of triggering agent feedback in an interaction session was 10.7 (7.87) – excluding the
interaction sessions without agent feedback.
In the video analysis results, we observed that only one participant was the accom-
modating type, who endured relatively more recognition errors compared to the other 7
participants. In the log data analysis, we investigated retry rates of the participants under
low system performance, and 7 users were observed as the picky type, and one user was
the accommodating type (same as in the video analysis). The low system performance
is the low ASR confidence level, and we investigated the interaction sessions without
Figure 6.17: User retry rates over the interaction sessions when the ASR performance
is low. Interaction sessions without agent feedback were investigated. Seven users was
observed as picky and one as accommodating.
agent feedback for this analysis. The user retry rates over the interaction sessions are
presented in Figure 6.17.
Interesting part in the analysis of log data was whether we could find interaction
efficiency (e.g., naturalness of interactions or smooth conversation flows) in the sessions
with agent feedback. We defined this interaction efficiency as the number of normal user
type appeared during an interaction session: the more normal type appears during the
interaction session, the more efficient the interactions are. The reason for this definition
is as follows. Normal type users are not extreme to accept/reject system errors so we
expect to avoid extreme cases (such as severe repetitions) in their interaction sessions.
Intuitively thinking, we have smooth conversations with people when we are in normal
type. In one of the analysis results, the normal user type appeared more during the
interaction sessions with agent feedback than during the interaction sessions without
agent feedback as in Table 6.9.
without agent feedback with agent feedback
0.37 (0.14) 0.44 (0.14)
Table 6.9: Percentage (with standard deviation in parenthesis) of normal user type
appeared during the two interaction sessions: with/without agent feedback. More nor-
mal user type during the interaction sessions indicates more efficient interactions.
Another interesting aspect to study is to investigate the effect of agent feedback on
user behaviors in better direction, and it contributes to the efficient interactions. The
agent feedback can be presented to users before the users catch the chain of same error
situations. In this way, users can escape from the chain of possible error situations
easily. Note that it is dependent on users to accept agent feedback, and to use alternative
strategies to recover from error situations. To illustrate the effect of agent feedback in
this regard, we compared the percentages of user behavioral change from the previous
turn during the interaction session without agent feedback, and during the interaction
session with agent feedback (Table 6.10). In this result, the user behavioral changes were
counted only when the dynamic Bayesian reasoning identified two extreme user types
(picky and accommodating) during the interaction session. In the interaction session
without agent feedback, we triggered the agent feedback internally and observed user
behavior whether it was changed from the previous turn or not. Note that it is a possible
chain of errors when the two extreme user types were triggered by the dynamic Bayesian
reasoning. As shown in Table 6.10, users changed their behaviors more with the help of
agent feedback onscreen, indicating that the users had more chances to escape from a
chain of error situations.
without agent feedback with agent feedback
0.31 (0.21) 0.40 (0.16)
Table 6.10: Percentages of user behavioral change from the previous turn in the possi-
ble chain of errors: during the interaction sessions without/with agent feedback. The
changes of user behavior (accept/retry) were counted only when the dynamic Bayesian
reasoning identified two extreme user types (picky and accommodating) during the inter-
action session. Note that two extreme user types were identified internally during the
interaction session without agent feedback, and user behaviors were observed at this
6.5 The Interpersonal Channel
6.5.1 Early Attempts at Analyzing Speech Accommodation
Human-Human conversation research for spoken dialog systems relies on multi-
dimensional analysis of a variety of speech and language characteristics. Shriberg [94]
describes 4 properties – punctuation, disfluencies, turn taking and hearing speaker’s
emotion/state based on human-human spontaneous speech conversation analysis. In
addition to the features directly stemming from the interaction, many other user dispo-
sitions, such as mood (longer term emotions), culture, gestures and eye-gaze [83], are
considered as appropriate features for user modeling issues.
To investigate user behavior in the interpersonal channel, we base our work on
Speech Accommodation Theory (SAT). SAT provides insights into how a human modi-
fies his/her speech style when interacting with another human (agent) and shows conver-
gence and divergence of verbal and non-verbal behavior [26]. Speech accommodation
is regarded as a good skill for acquiring social approval or acceptance – and is likely
to correlate with high user satisfaction in the system evaluation. For instance, prior
research has found that speakers tend to show lexical adaptations(coincidental overlap)
in conversation in mediated contexts and suggest that users’ lexical accommodation can
be utilized to improve system performance [20]. Matessa [62] showed that accommo-
dating speech style boosts the communication efficiency of the conversation mechanism
as well as helps in social approval creating greater rapport.
A challenge in the present domain is the concurrent face-to-face (interpersonal)
communication channel being open between the interlocutors. The users can exchange
explicit non-verbal gestures, or implicitly modify their verbal behavior such as to accom-
modate each other’s speech. Despite the limited amounts of available data, we have
attempted to analyze the interpersonal channel of this translation system.
We first analyzed the 15 simulated doctor and patient iterations in an attempt to iden-
tify prosodic accommodation, but the data did not support this hypothesis. We believe
this can be attributed to the effects of the mediation channel that regenerates the prosody
(with synthetic speech) and removes some of the social aspects of the interaction, thus
making conclusions from such a limited data set impossible. Another point of view on
this is that it is artificially generated data. These are role playing doctor-patient interac-
tions, even though we tried to make the experiment as real as possible by hiring medical
professionals and standardized patient actors.
We then performed an analysis testing the participants utterance length accommoda-
tion. This also did not give us reliable results to assert the hypothesis of human-human
utterance length accommodation but nevertheless provided us with information regard-
ing user accommodation to problematic conditions as discussed in the following section.
6.6 Discussion
6.6.1 Performance Dependency between Retrying and Utterance
In the data set, we observed how users differ in expressing themselves and how that is
reflected in the overall utterance length. The average length of doctor utterances is 4.45
with the Standard Deviation(STD) 0.39 and that of patient is 2.42 with STD deviation
0.62. Doctors mostly ask direct questions such as, “Do you have difficulty breathing?”
and patients usually keep their answers short. The length of doctor utterances is more
consistent than that of patients because, they were trained to ask specific questions rel-
evant to their field and were trained to use the translation system, which handles single
concept utterances best. This is a barrier in revealing the user type of the doctor based on
utterance length. By contrast, a patient is less constrained and free in revealing his/her
personal characteristics. Longer utterances will implicitly include details or extra infor-
Human behavior is an extremely complex process dependent upon a multitude of
variables. The two specific user behaviors (Retry and Speech Accommodation) studied
above can be further analyzed in terms of their correlation.
It is observed that users tend to employ shorter utterances following errors in the
mediation channel. On average, the utterance length decreased by 60% following a
“Retry” but increased by 62% following a successful exchange.
Utterance length also affects recognition performance since longer utterances tend to
generate higher error rates. An utterance length increase was followed by a significant
probability (63%) of “Retry”. A case can be made on the mutual dependence of the
mediated and interpersonal channels based on these observations.
In summary, based on the observations above, we concluded that it is difficult to
draw trustworthy speech style accommodation results, especially regarding the direct,
human-human communication path. However we believe that there is speech accom-
modation taking place in the human-machine interaction channels. This is due both
to the extra effort required by the users in accommodating the device and the current
implementation of cross-lingual mediation devices; people tend to put emphasis on how
to operate the device, thus affecting their communication styles. Additionally, since the
conversation is task oriented, users are less likely to try to overcome the mediation chan-
nel barriers in order to exhibit socially acceptable behavior, such as that described by
the SAT.
6.6.2 Data Size and Data-Driven Modeling
One of the major challenges of an empirically-based user modeling study is the avail-
ability of data. It is especially important to note that it requires a huge effort to collect,
process and interpret the complex data from these bilingual spoken interactions. It is
well known that real human dialog data are complex to analyze, and due to the high
degree of variance in the data, a large volume is required to create sufficiently accurate
models. In terms of data size, more training data increase the accuracy of test set [?].
In addition, it is often unclear how much data is needed for optimal performance and
what the appropriate features are to build a user model. These issues are of critical
importance, especially when we attempt to model a user in a data-driven way.
6.6.3 Lessons from the Online Experiment with Agent Feedback
In designing a mediated device, it is important to have a good understanding of user
model, thus be able to appropriately modify the communication strategies, for example,
by taking system initiative. These system initiatives must be well founded on robust
user models to ensure minimal user disruption. We designed triggering agent feedback
in this fashion (not disruptive). However, some participants in the online experiment
using agent feedback commented that they needed the feedbacks mostly in the early
time of interaction sessions and the repetitive feedbacks might be disruptive. How best
to exploit the user model is still not a fully explored area, especially in light of partial
observations (both temporally and qualitatively) of the user actions.
In the online experiment, we assumed that word error rate (WER) of offline experi-
ment can be substituted by ASR confidence level. This assumption is considered accept-
able widely in speech technology community. However, it is still debatable whether, in
what situation, with what features, we can accept this assumption.
6.6.4 Future Directions
Determining the subject of accommodation should also be considered in a design phase.
In our case, a doctor is more likely to accommodate the patient’s speech style because
he/she provides a medical service to a patient [87, 29]. In addition, as we observe, there
is another layer of accommodation stemming from the user’s accommodation towards
the device.
In addition to utterance length, there are many features that can be considered for
analyzing accommodation behaviors including speech rate, pausing, culture, social sta-
tus, etc. It is an interesting topic to consider the information content of such features in
future research.
6.7 Conclusions
The paper addressed user behavior modeling approaches in a machine-mediated set-
ting involving bi-directional speech translation. Specifically, usability data from doctor-
patient dialogs involving a two way English-Persian speech translation system was ana-
lyzed to understand two specific user behaviors. For realistic application of the model,
online experiment with agent feedback was performed and results with subjective and
objective measures were reported.
We modeled a specific user behavior with 3 user types, Accommodating, Normal and
Picky. The granularity of user type can be adjusted according to the desired response.
For example, classifying users in two categories, such as Picky and Normal, may work
better when we do not want to take any steps for the case the users are extremely tolerant
of errors. In the offline data, we showed that one of 3 types becomes obvious as a user
keeps his/her consistent behavior under the same condition belonging to a specific type.
This model can be utilized for the design of an efficient error handling mechanism; in
previous research [82], a correct interpretation of user’s goal (intention) was helpful in
dealing with errors in human robot dialogs. Ultimately, we believe we can improve dia-
log efficiency and quality, task success, and user satisfaction that are important measures
of success similar to past work on the PARADISE framework [99]. In the online exper-
iment, we addressed some of these issues with agent feedback being presented to users
according to the model. High user satisfaction and interaction efficiency were reported
in the interaction sessions with agent feedback.
We presented ideas for future work, including a first attempt at addressing speech
accommodation issues, which, however, are currently inconclusive due to limited data
availability. We notice, however, in analyzing utterance length statistics that there is
an apparent correlation of the retry behavior with utterance length changes. This, we
believe, suggests an accommodation response to the device limitations, but one that
needs further investigation. As part of on-going work, we described a preliminary
design of a conversation assistant agent based on the suggested user model between
two interlocutors. Evaluation on user satisfaction, conversation efficiency and system
performance improvement will be the next steps.
Chapter 7: Conclusion and Future
The study presented four user modeling work for human-machine spoken interaction
and mediation systems (speech-enabled systems), especially focused on user models in
error conditions. Under error conditions of the speech-enabled systems, the systems,
not just wait for users to correct the errors, need to actively take initiative to help users
to get over the errors. For analyzing and modeling work, We utilized the data logged
by two speech-enabled systems: (1) DARPA communicator which is a human-machine
Spoken Dialog System (SDS), and (2) Transonics (new name: SpeechLinks) which is
a translation driven human-human Spoken Mediation System (SMS). The domains of
these systems are travel agency service(the system 1) and medical diagnosis(the system
2) respectively. The research investigated the logged data of users using the speech-
enabled system, and modeled users based on the statistics. For evaluation purposes,
user survey questionnaires and user interview data as well as statistical analysis of log
data, were used in the study. The goal of the study is to contribute to the implementa-
tion of speech-enabled systems which can handle diverse users under error conditions.
Eventually, the user modeling work of this dissertation is expected to lead the higher
user satisfaction and enhanced system functionalities that provide user-centered func-
tionalities and services.
User modeling work started with the analysis of user behaviors under error condi-
tions of a spoken dialog system – when things do not go well in the communication
chain. In particular, we examined categories of error perception, user behavior under
error, effect of user strategies on error recovery, and the role of user initiative in error
situations. A conditional probability model smoothed by weighted ASR error rate was
proposed. From the analysis we found: (1) users discovering errors through implicit
confirmations were less likely to get back on track (or succeed), and took a longer time
in doing so than other forms of error discovery such as system reject and reprompts; (2)
Further successful user error-recovery strategies included more rephrasing, less contra-
dicting, and a tendency to terminate error episodes (cancel and startover) than to attempt
at repairing a chain of errors. These analyzed results of user behaviors can be utilized for
the better design of an efficient error handling mechanism in building a spoken dialog
One of major sources of errors is due to incorrect automatic speech to text con-
version. In interactive application, it is important that these errors do not impact the
overall concept transfer between users and the system. For speech-to-speech translation
system, this becomes more important because the evaluation metric of the translation
relies mostly on the meaning (the number of concepts) delivered through the informa-
tion exchange channels. In this regard, user behaviors were analyzed in terms of the
number of concepts transferred through the mediating device, Transonics. To clarify the
definition of how many concepts are transferred in the utterances produced by the system
(from original user utterances), the Concept Matching Score (CMS) was proposed, and
was defined based on “adequacy” levels which asses the quality of translations by the
system (proposed by Linguistic Data Consortium (LDC)). The results showed that while
some users require perfect representation of what they said in order to allow transfer,
others accept degradation to some extent. An appropriate system strategy is required to
recognize this behavior and guide users towards optimum performance points. In addi-
tion, we compared machine translation performances between the unimodal (speech)
interface setting and the multimodal (speech and visuals) interface setting by measuring
the CMS. The analysis showed that employing multimodal interface improves transla-
tion quality by 24%.
In a viewpoint of a system designer, users are considered as a changing subject over
time while their using the speech-enabled systems. They change behaviors, intentions,
or even goals while using the speech-enabled systems. In this regard, we reported the
analysis results of users who used a multimodal interface of a speech-to-speech transla-
tion system during the 4 weeks. Three sets of collected data were investigated for the
analysis purpose: user interview data, user survey questionnaire, and log data of the sys-
tem. By using the user interview data and the user survey questionnaire, we reported: (1)
users incorporated the strategies to cope with system errors in unsuccessful turns, such
as repeat, rephrase, change topic, and start over; (2) users perceived their proficiency in
using and learning the system improved during the first three weeks. For the analysis of
log data of the translation system, meaning of utterance was considered important in the
study. We used the Concept Matching Score (CMS) as introduced in the previous chap-
ter. Using this metric, we first reported the distribution of transferred meaning level in
two cases; successful and unsuccessful interaction turns of conversations. 91% of utter-
ances in the successful turns contained more than half the meaning of the original user
speech, and 90% of utterances in the unsuccessful turns contained less than/equal to half
the meaning of the original user speech in our data. Second, we investigated the mean-
ing transfer level by the multimodal interface comparing with that by the speech-only
interface. We observed improvement of meaning transfer by 33% and by 11% through
the multimodal interface in comparison with two speech-only interface settings respec-
tively; one without and the other with filtering unsuccessful interaction turn. Third, we
reported that users gradually accepted machine-produced utterances more during the 4
weeks. Further analysis showed that users became more accommodating to the system
errors after having experiences of using the system, such as functional word insertion
errors which usually does not impact on the final translation quality. In general, users
of speech-enabled interface have a strategy to deal with system errors, which tends to
change the length of speech. In the report, the length of user speech increased after
successful interaction turn, and decreased after unsuccessful turn. During the 4 weeks,
average length of user speech was reduced gradually in the later 3 weeks.
From the analysis results above, we observed that users differ in accepting system
errors – the system errors are word-level lexical errors which can be identified easily by
the system. Some people are more accommodating to the system errors than others. In
this regard, we defined and clustered users as Accommodating, Normal, and Picky user
types with features, the word error rate and the user retry behavior. The user models
were defined and evaluated in the setting of speech-enabled mediating device, Tran-
sonics (now, SpeechLinks). A dynamic Bayesian network was proposed to model three
user types with two features (as described above), which is an inference mechanism to
automatically determine the user type in offline and online experiments. To validate the
model, we performed both offline and online experiments using the log data of Transon-
ics and the agent feedback implemented in the SpeechLinks system. The experimental
results using offline data showed that one of the 3 user types is clearly identified as a user
keeps his/her consistent behavior in a given interaction condition. In the online experi-
ment, agent feedback was presented to users according to the user types. We analyzed
recorded video, user interview data, survey questionnaire, and the system log data of
this online experiment. The analysis results showed high user satisfaction and enhanced
interaction efficiency for both users and the system.
One of the challenging issues in the study of this dissertation was communication
between two persons. The case of mediated interactions is more complex than a human-
machine interaction setting. Under a human-human interaction with a mediating device
setting, there are two channels delivering the information: (1) the mediating channel,
and (2) the interpersonal channel. We attempted to address modeling users interpersonal
adaptation in the “interpersonal” channel, focusing on the design of a model based on
the users’ utterance length. This analysis implies that the average utterance length of a
user reflects a specific user type and can be used for dealing with interpersonal adap-
tation. The Speech Accommodation Theory [27] was adopted to support the argument
that greater degree of utterance length accommodation is related to the higher user sat-
isfaction in the Human-Human interaction. Some results were presented in the analysis
part; user utterance length was related to the recognition errors and users did not show
perfect interpersonal adaptation because of this recognition error effect. In the future,
more investigations on correlations and effects between the “mediating” channel and the
“interpersonal” channel are demanded.
Because of the error-prone property of statistical processing in speech technology,
speech-only interface may not enough to convey information. Multiple user input usages
will be desirable in this case for practical applications using speech technology. This
multimodal interface would provide alternative options to users who may have problems
in using speech technologies. In this regard, we would like to extend our work to investi-
gate multimodal user behaviors under a setting of two person’s communication (who are
speak different languages) using a speech-to-speech translation system. In particular, it
will be challenging to study the aspects of two person’s cooperations using a multimodal
interface, comparing those between two settings, a machine-mediated communication
(translation device) and a human-mediated communication (human translator).
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Abstract (if available)
One of the most fundamental challenges in building speech-enabled systems is knowing the users. This information about users is captured in what is usually called a user model. This study investigates user models for speech-enabled systems, which include both human-machine spoken interaction and machine-mediated human-human interaction systems. Because of the intrinsic error-prone property of statistical processing of human speech technology, errors are inevitable during the interactions to/through the speech-enabled systems. In this regard, this dissertation studies four different user models under uncertain error conditions of spoken dialog systems and spoken mediation systems. The user models were driven based on the data of mixed-initiative spoken dialogs, and multimodal (speech and visual) interactions of a spoken mediation system. The user models of this dissertation aims to contribute to accelerate the optimization of dialog management of the speech-enabled systems.
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Asset Metadata
Shin, JongHo
Core Title
User modeling for human-machine spoken interaction and mediation systems
Viterbi School of Engineering
Doctor of Philosophy
Degree Program
Computer Science
Publication Date
Defense Date
University of Southern California
University of Southern California. Libraries
analysis of user behaviors,interactive computer system,OAI-PMH Harvest,speech recognition,spoken dialog system,spoken mediation system,user modeling
Narayanan, Shrikanth S. (
committee chair
), Georgiou, Panayiotis G. (
committee member
), Kuo, C.-C. Jay (
committee member
), Neumann, Ulrich (
committee member
Creator Email
Permanent Link (DOI)
Unique identifier
etd-Shin-20080229 (filename),usctheses-m40 (legacy collection record id),usctheses-c127-42667 (legacy record id),usctheses-m1031 (legacy record id)
Legacy Identifier
Document Type
Shin, JongHo
University of Southern California
(contributing entity),
University of Southern California Dissertations and Theses
Repository Name
Libraries, University of Southern California
Repository Location
Los Angeles, California
Repository Email
analysis of user behaviors
interactive computer system
speech recognition
spoken dialog system
spoken mediation system
user modeling