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That sinking feeling: predicting land subsidence in California’s San Joaquin Valley with a spatial regression model
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That sinking feeling: predicting land subsidence in California’s San Joaquin Valley with a spatial regression model
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That Sinking Feeling: Predicting Land Subsidence in California’s San Joaquin Valley with a
Spatial Regression Model
Cole Ira Heap
A Thesis Presented to the
University of Southern California
In Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree
December 2022
Copyright © 2022 Cole Ira Heap
For my sons, Chace, Henry, Connor, and Jax.
To show them that education is a lifelong journey
I am grateful for this opportunity to combine my background in geology with spatial analytics.
The M.S. in GIST program helped to make this possible. I appreciate all assistance provided to
me by USC SSI staff. Their experience and constructive commentary have greatly assisted me in
becoming a better GIS professional and spatial modeler. I am also grateful for my peers in the
GIST program – you know who you are! Your encouragement, willingness to listen, and ability
to bring me back down to earth are truly appreciated! Finally, I would truly miss the mark if it
weren’t for my wonderful wife, Chong. As she does, she has given me this opportunity to further
my education and do something that is very time consuming and taxing on the family. She is the
real heroine of this thesis!
Table of Contents
Dedication ....................................................................................................................................... ii
Acknowledgements ....................................................................................................................... iii
List of Tables ................................................................................................................................ vii
List of Equations .......................................................................................................................... viii
List of Figures ................................................................................................................................. ix
Abbreviations ................................................................................................................................. xi
Abstract ......................................................................................................................................... xii
Chapter 1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Land Subsidence and Groundwater .................................................................................... 2
1.2. Study Area .......................................................................................................................... 3
1.3. Managing Land Subsidence ............................................................................................... 5
1.4. Watersheds and Subbasins ................................................................................................. 6
1.4.1. The San Joaquin River Watershed ............................................................................ 7
1.4.2. The Tulare Lake Watershed ...................................................................................... 8
1.4.3. Subbasin Prioritization and Data ............................................................................. 10
1.5. Geology of the San Joaquin Valley Groundwater Systems .............................................. 14
Chapter 2 Related Work ................................................................................................................ 20
2.1. Modeling Groundwater Systems ...................................................................................... 20
2.1.1. Conceptual Models .................................................................................................. 24
2.1.2. Mathematical Models .............................................................................................. 24
2.1.3. Analytical Models ................................................................................................... 24
2.1.4. Numerical Models ................................................................................................... 25
2.1.5. Global Regression Models ...................................................................................... 26
2.1.6. Geographically Weighted Regression ..................................................................... 27
2.2. Modeling in the San Joaquin Valley ................................................................................ 33
Chapter 3 Methods ........................................................................................................................ 36
3.1. Research Design ............................................................................................................... 36
3.2. Data Preparation ............................................................................................................... 41
3.2.1. Data Description ...................................................................................................... 41
3.2.2. Data Sources ............................................................................................................ 44
3.2.3. San Joaquin Valley Wells ........................................................................................ 45
3.2.4. Corcoran Clay Base Depth ...................................................................................... 45
3.2.5. Corcoran Clay Thickness ........................................................................................ 46
3.2.6. Wells Completed in the Upper Tulare; Wells Completed in the Lower Tulare ...... 46
3.2.7. Annual Average Groundwater Level ....................................................................... 48
3.2.8. Annual Average Groundwater Level Change ......................................................... 48
3.2.9. Well Completion Percent Fine-grained vs. Coarse-grained Sediment .................... 49
3.2.10. Well Completion Length ....................................................................................... 50
3.2.11. Annual Subsidence Rate ........................................................................................ 51
3.2.12. Table of Variables ................................................................................................. 51
3.3. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) .................................................................................... 52
3.4. Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis (ESDA) ..................................................................... 53
3.5. Multiple Linear Regression .............................................................................................. 54
3.6. Geographically Weighted Regression .............................................................................. 56
3.7. Model Comparison ........................................................................................................... 57
Chapter 4 Results ........................................................................................................................... 60
4.1. Exploratory Data Analysis Distributions and Trends ....................................................... 60
4.2. Local Cluster and Outlier Trends ..................................................................................... 67
4.3. Global Relationship Trends .............................................................................................. 70
4.3.1. Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) ......................................................................... 74
4.4. Geographically Weighted Regression and Patterns of Land Subsidence ......................... 78
4.4.1. Geographically Weighted Regression Coefficients ................................................. 80
4.4.2. Geographically Weighted Regression Coefficients of Determination .................... 90
4.5. Model Performance and Assessment .............................................................................. 101
4.5.1. AICC Assessment and Performance ....................................................................... 102
4.5.2. Coefficient of Determination Assessment and Performance ................................. 102
4.5.3. Visual Comparison of Model Results .................................................................... 103
Chapter 5 Discussion and Conclusions ....................................................................................... 108
5.1. Hydrogeologic and Engineering Impacts ....................................................................... 109
5.2. Regression Successes ..................................................................................................... 111
5.3. Further Development ...................................................................................................... 113
5.4. Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 114
References ................................................................................................................................... 116
Appendix A – Summary of OLS Regression Variable Coefficients ........................................... 123
Appendix B - R Code for EDA ................................................................................................... 125
Appendix C - R Code for ESDA ................................................................................................. 131
Appendix D - R Code for Spatial Regression Models ................................................................ 134
Appendix E – Original SAR Land Subsidence Maps ................................................................. 140
Appendix F – Moran’s I Clusters and Outliers Maps .................................................................. 142
Appendix G – MLR Global Variable Coefficients Maps ............................................................ 144
Appendix H– MLR Predicted Land Subsidence Maps ............................................................... 146
Appendix I – GWR Local Regression Residual Maps ................................................................ 148
Appendix J – GWR Predicted Land Subsidence Maps ............................................................... 150
List of Tables
Table 1. SGMA California basin prioritization summary table for the San Joaquin Valley ......... 13
Table 2. Summary of datasets ....................................................................................................... 43
Table 3. Modified Wentworth Grain Size Scale ........................................................................... 49
Table 4. Ten independent variables used to assess land subsidence ............................................. 52
Table 5. The Jarque-Bera test results for candidate variables ....................................................... 62
Table 6. Moran's I suggested search band distances ..................................................................... 67
Table 7. Summary of two-variable regression results, 2017 ......................................................... 70
Table 8. Summary of OLS diagnostics, 2017 ................................................................................ 76
Table 9. Summary of OLS Results for all annual datasets ............................................................ 77
Table 10. MLR AICc estimated prediction error values ............................................................... 78
Table 11. GWR model performance diagnostics by year .............................................................. 79
Table 12. AICC performance by model and year ........................................................................ 102
Table 13. Comparison of coefficient of determination for MLR and GWR models .................. 103
List of Equations
Equation 1. Original least squares or global regression equation ................................................. 26
Equation 2. Spatial regime model equation for neighbor aggregation .......................................... 28
Equation 3. Geographically weighted regression equation ........................................................... 28
Equation 4. Geographically and temporally weighted regression equation .................................. 29
Equation 5. Equation for assessing time-variable covariates ........................................................ 29
List of Figures
Figure 1. Measured land subsidence through time outside of Merced, CA .................................... 3
Figure 2. San Joaquin Valley study area map with SAR measured subsidence, 2017 .................... 4
Figure 3. San Joaquin and Tulare Lake Basin watersheds (NOAA 2022) ...................................... 9
Figure 4. San Joaquin Valley Subbasins ....................................................................................... 11
Figure 5. Hydrostratigraphy of the Tulare Formation ................................................................... 15
Figure 6. Map of the thickness and extent of the Corcoran Clay .................................................. 17
Figure 7. Spatial regression process flow diagram (PFD) ............................................................. 38
Figure 8. Histograms of 2017 explanatory variables and dependent variable .............................. 61
Figure 9. Histogram of land subsidence from 2017 ...................................................................... 63
Figure 10. Scatterplot matrix of variables, distributions and R2 values, 2017 ............................. 66
Figure 11. Map of land subsidence clusters and outliers, 2017 ..................................................... 68
Figure 12. Moran's scatterplot of land subsidence values, 2017 ................................................... 69
Figure 13. Residual vs fitted and Normal Q-Q plot ...................................................................... 73
Figure 14. Map of 2017 MLR residuals and standardized residuals ............................................. 75
Figure 15. GWR completion length coefficients map, 2017 ......................................................... 81
Figure 16. GWR Corcoran Clay thickness coefficients map, 2017 .............................................. 82
Figure 17. GWR depth to Corcoran Clay coefficients map, 2017 ................................................ 83
Figure 18. GWR percent fine-grained sediment coefficients map, 2017 ...................................... 85
Figure 19. GWR groundwater level coefficients map, 2017 ......................................................... 86
Figure 20. GWR upper vs. lower Tulare coefficients map, 2017 .................................................. 87
Figure 21. Distribution of upper vs lower Tulare completion coefficients on the westside ......... 88
Figure 22. GWR well depth coefficients map, 2017 ..................................................................... 89
Figure 23. Distribution of well depth coefficients on the westside ............................................... 90
Figure 24. Local R-squared GWR model value maps, 2015 ......................................................... 91
Figure 25. Local R-squared GWR model value maps, 2016 ......................................................... 92
Figure 26. Local R-squared GWR model value maps, 2017 ......................................................... 93
Figure 27. Histogram of GWR local R-squared values, 2017 ....................................................... 94
Figure 28. Local R-squared GWR model value maps, 2018 ......................................................... 95
Figure 29. Histogram of GWR local R-squared values, 2019 ....................................................... 96
Figure 30. Local R-squared GWR model value maps, 2019 ......................................................... 97
Figure 31. Local R-squared GWR model value maps, 2020 ......................................................... 98
Figure 32. Local R-squared GWR model value maps, 2021 ......................................................... 99
Figure 33. GWR standardized residuals, 2017 ............................................................................ 101
Figure 34. IDW interpolation from GWR predictions, 2017 ...................................................... 104
Figure 35. 2017 GWR and SAR land subsidence maps .............................................................. 105
Figure 36. Difference map of SAR and GWR predictions, 2017 ................................................ 106
Figure 37. Histogram of delta values between subsidence rasters, 2017 .................................... 107
BGS Below ground surface
DWR Department of Water Resources
GAMA Groundwater Ambient Monitoring and Assessment Program
GIS Geographic information system
GSA Groundwater Sustainability Agency
GSP Groundwater sustainability plan
GTWR Geographic temporally weighted regression
GWR Geographically weighted regression
MAUP Modifiable areal unit problem
RWQCB Regional Water Quality Control Board
SEM Spatial error model
SGMA Sustainable Groundwater Management Act
SLM Spatial lag model
USGS United States Geological Survey
VIF Variance inflation factor
Land subsidence is an ongoing problem in California’s San Joaquin Valley. Due to drought and
over extraction of groundwater, land subsidence occurs at a rate of more than one foot per year.
Since California enacted the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act in 2014, land subsidence
has been labelled one of the six undesirable effects that causes degradation of groundwater
aquifers. Spatially assessing and identifying issues pertinent to land subsidence tends to come
after subsidence has already occurred. Modeling land subsidence has been attempted with some
success but doing so has required complex hydrogeologic models that are computationally
intensive and require large volumes of data to be collected for processing and input. This
research incorporated simple, but key geological and engineering variables that are derived from
the United States Geological Survey and the California Department of Water Resources. From
these sources, a robust dataset was used to statistically explore spatial patterns and relationships
among groundwater levels, amount of fine-grained sediment present in the aquifer, confined or
unconfined aquifer designation, well completion length, aquitard clay thickness, and well depth
all as they pertain to land subsidence. Land subsidence patterns were assessed with exploratory
techniques of generalized linear regression and geographically weighted regression. Each
method was used to visualize the spatial distribution and scale of land subsidence relationships
among groundwater wells from 2015 to 2021. Due to the size of the valley, the number of wells
found throughout, and accompanying variability in independent variables, global scale
predictions of land subsidence were not as successful as local regression techniques.
Geographically weighted regression took into consideration the variance among variables,
accounted for spatial autocorrelation, and yielded an easy-to-update, but accurate prediction for
spatial patterns of land subsidence in the San Joaquin Valley.
Chapter 1 Introduction
In California, land subsidence has been well documented since the start of the 20th century
(Poland 1972). California’s subsidence is largely the result of excessive groundwater extraction
that when combined with the drier seasons due to climate change has become a rampant
challenge in the San Joaquin Valley. Subsidence is at historically high rates of more than one
foot per year and poses a risk not only to agriculture but to public and private water supply wells.
Quick but accurate forecasting of land subsidence is crucial for effective groundwater
management and environmental planning. In this study, spatial patterns of land subsidence in the
San Joaquin Valley are assessed using key geological variables.
This study uses recorded land subsidence from 2015 to 2021 to assess spatial
relationships among explanatory variables such as annual change in groundwater level,
groundwater level, subbasin area, well total depth, well completion length, confining clay layer
depth, percentage of fine versus coarse-grained sediment, well vintage, classification of confined
vs. unconfined aquifer, and confining clay layer thickness as each are key geological factors that
relate to land subsidence.
This study estimates the spatial variation of land subsidence from key geological and
hydrological variables. This effort will assist with generating simplified, long-term subsidence
estimates comparable to the complex Central Valley Hydrologic Model (CVHM) along with the
level of accuracy needed for Groundwater Sustainability Plans (GSPs).
This study evaluates spatial regression models to assess spatial patterns of land
subsidence. To create a simple, but accurate regression model independent geologic variables
linked to the causation and prediction of land subsidence are used. Ali et al. (2020) and Chu et al.
(2021) utilized geographical temporal weighted regression (GTWR), which is an extension of
geographically weighed regression (GWR), which accounts for local effects in space and time.
Furthermore, GTWR accounts for local effects of groundwater drawdown and subsidence in
space and time making it sufficient for small slices of aggregated time, in this case, on an annual
time slice for forecasting land subsidence.
1.1. Land Subsidence and Groundwater
The unique thing about groundwater, outside of it being a relatively abundant resource, is
that it has the tendency to keep grains of rock and sediment apart from other grains, ultimately
inflating the ground elevation (Fetter 2001). The extraction of water (and other fluids) from the
subsurface eliminates the holding of such pore spaces open. Since air is compressible and water
is not, this results in the rock grains and sediment compacting. Collapsing such pore space results
in the ground above sinking. This is known as land subsidence (Neunedorf et al. 2011).
Figure 1 exhibits land subsidence between 1965 and 2017 near Merced, CA (USGS
2016). Each year notation shows the ground elevation for the designated year. Photos were taken
just south of Merced in December 2017 and show how land has dropped 8.6 feet between 1965
and 2016. The rate of subsidence was even greater from 1988 to 2016 when 6.2 feet of elevation
loss occurred all due to groundwater extraction. Subsidence, particularly in the San Joaquin
Valley, continues today at close to historically high rates of more than one foot per year (USGS
Figure 1. Measured land subsidence through time outside of Merced, CA
1.2. Study Area
The San Joaquin Valley is a Mediterranean environment with long, hot, and dry summers
and wet winters. It lies north of the Transverse Range and south of the Sacramento Valley. The
San Joaquin Valley produces close to 13% of the United States’ agricultural products which
include grapes, raisins, cotton, almonds, citrus, and a plethora of vegetables (CDFA 2010). Each
of these crops are water intensive, so pumping groundwater in the Central Valley to water crops
is not uncommon. Figure 2 shows the approximate location of the San Joaquin Valley, the area
of interest (AOI) for this study.
Figure 2. San Joaquin Valley study area map with SAR measured subsidence, 2017
Areas to the southwest of Lemoore are not connected to the hydrologic system of the
valley and are part of Kettleman Hills and the Kettleman Dome Oil Field (Harden 2004). While
these areas are not part of this study, again as outlined in Figure 2, Kettleman Hills must be
mentioned due to the gap or hole that this geologic structure creates in the study area. With this,
all of the light-blue shaded area in Figure 2 shows the AOI of the valley, of which is impacted by
subsidence associated with groundwater extraction.
The San Joaquin Valley boundary defines the area of interest (AOI) of this study. This
polygon was created in ArcGIS Pro. This feature class was drawn based on the geophysical
boundaries of the San Joaquin Valley Kings Subbasin and the Tulare Lake basin watersheds and
was guided by groundwater wells the exist with both sub basins. As such, the polygon was drawn
with an eastern border of the Sierra Nevada Mountains and the Coast Range mountains on the
west. The southern boundary includes the Bakersfield Arch down to and against the Transverse
Range. The northern extent is defined by the Stockton Delta. This boundary is ultimately defined
by associated watersheds that comprise what it referred to the San Joaquin Valley (DWR 2022).
Figure 2 also shows land subsidence recorded from synthetic aperture radar (SAR) in
2017 within the San Joaquin Valley. Note that negative and warmer colors imply areas of areas
of recharge where water may even be seeping to the surface. Positive values and darker blue
colors imply areas of greater subsidence or decrease in elevation above sea level.
1.3. Managing Land Subsidence
The amount of subsidence within California’s San Joaquin Valley varies over time and is
dependent on droughts, infiltration of runoff, and available pore space in the subsurface (Faunt et
al. 2016; Jeanne et al. 2019; Poland 1972; Smith and Majumdar 2020). The same may be said
anywhere excessive groundwater extraction may be found. Such areas as Shanghai, (Shen and
Xu 2011; Xu et al. 2016), Mexico City (Kirwan and Megonigal 2013), Bangkok (Phien-Wej et
al. 2006), Iran (Amiraslani and Dragovich 2011; Rahmati et al. 2019), and Las Vegas (Bell et al
2008; Hoffman et al 2001), have undergone large amounts of subsidence. However, the San
Joaquin Valley tends to be a textbook example of land subsidence. When assessed at the local
scale, subsidence is based on a multitude of local factors, including overexploitation, water-level
drawdown, geology, and water-year type (California Department of Water Resources 2022).
With the implementation of California’s Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) in
2014, a statewide framework was created to assist with the management and use of groundwater
that can be maintained without causing an “undesirable result.” SGMA describes undesirable
results as
Persistent lowering of groundwater levels, significant and unreasonable reduction in
groundwater storage, significant and unreasonable saltwater intrusion, significant and
unreasonable degradation of groundwater quality, significant and unreasonable land
subsidence, and surface water depletion having significant and unreasonable effects on
beneficial uses (Sustainable Groundwater Management Act of 2014 §10733.2).
Groundwater sustainability agencies (GSAs) are local agencies, oftentimes coalitions, for
high and medium priority basins that have had significant undesirable results. High and medium
priority basins are defined as critically overdrafted basins. With this, GSAs are tasked with
developing and implementing groundwater sustainability plans (GSPs) that assist in avoiding
undesirable results and help to mitigate overdraft in a twenty-year period (DWR 2022).
1.4. Watersheds and Subbasins
Management of California’s groundwater basins was first thought up in the early 20
century. This came as California’s population was exploding and rapid growth of the agricultural
industry was occurring. Both were not only growing, but also becoming more dependent on
groundwater extraction to meet demands (DWR 2020). Within the San Joaquin Valley,
groundwater may be found in stratigraphic layers comprised of permeable and porous sediments,
the former helps to lead to a high yield capacity (i.e. more easily extracted groundwater). These
geologic layers tend to be laterally extensive, but in the early 1950’s, California’s Department of
Water Resources took the initiative to define geophysical boundaries within existing basins. This
soon became known as a subbasin.
California’s groundwater systems of interaction are defined by 515 subbasins. The San
Joaquin Valley is made up fifteen hydrographic subregions, or drainage basins, which include
the San Joaquin Valley and Tulare Basin which in the past decade have been the most impacted
by land subsidence due to groundwater extraction (Galloway et al. 1999). These two basins, and
the remaining 19 found within the San Joaquin Valley, contain the Tulare Formation, and its
three stratigraphic subdivisions which define the primary aquifers.
1.4.1. The San Joaquin River Watershed
The San Joaquin River Watershed is approximately 15,600 square miles and is located in
between the Sacramento River Watershed to the north and Tulare Basin Watershed to the south.
The San Joaquin River watershed is bordered on the east by the Sierra Nevada Mountains and on
the west by the Coast Range mountains. At the heart of this watershed is the San Joaquin Valley
- Kings subbasin.
Water flow in the San Joaquin River have been substantially modified by dams and
diversions that remove 95% of the water from the river. These diversions cause the San Joaquin
River to be dry for more than sixty miles of its course. Some stretches of the San Joaquin receive
minimal amounts of agricultural and urban runoff. The Delta Mendota Canal was constructed to
replenish water in the San Joaquin River by transporting Sacramento River water to Mendota
Pool where it is directed to the San Joaquin River channel and agricultural users.
The land area in the San Joaquin River Watershed is diverse ranging from snow covered
peaks to sub-sea level agricultural areas. There are large areas of forest that cover mountain
slopes, more than 3000 square miles of agriculture in the valley, and a human population of 2
million people living in the major urban centers of Stockton and Fresno, small towns, and rural
The San Joaquin River is the second longest river in California. It begins in the high
Sierra Nevada Mountains and flows approximately 100 miles to the west then turns north
flowing for 260 miles where it joins the Sacramento River. Tributary rivers that flow into the San
Joaquin River include (from south to north) the Fresno, Chowchilla, Merced, Tuolumne,
Stanislaus, Calaveras, Mokelumne, and Cosumnes Rivers (DWR 2022).
1.4.2. The Tulare Lake Watershed
The Tulare Lake Basin is located south of the San Joaquin River watershed bordered on
the east by the Sierra Nevada Mountains, on the south by the Tehachapi Range and west by the
Coast Range. Major rivers in the Tulare Lake Basin come out of the Sierra Nevada Mountains
and include the Kings, Kaweah, Tule, and Kern Rivers. Smaller Sierra Nevada streams include
Deer Creek, White River, and Poso Creek as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3. San Joaquin and Tulare Lake Basin watersheds (NOAA 2022)
Prior to the 19th century the Tulare Lake Basin was characterized by four large lakes.
After the basin’s tributaries were diverted for agricultural irrigation and municipal water uses,
the lakes dried up. These lakes used to cover 800 square miles during wet years. Included in this
were large tracts of wetlands that covered close to 625 square miles (Garone 2011). These
wetlands had the tendency to periodically spillover into the San Joaquin River watershed. In the
modern era, the large lakes and wetlands have been replaced with irrigated agriculture, rural, and
large swaths of urban development. Rivers that drain the Tulare Basin do not have a natural
surface water pathway out of the watershed. Water moves into and out of Tulare Lake Basin by
precipitation and water diversions through canals. However, the most impacted water source
remains groundwater via pumping (DWR 2022).
1.4.3. Subbasin Prioritization and Data
The San Joaquin Valley contains nineteen subbasins for water management purposes, but
the valley as a whole is the focus of this study. According to California’s Groundwater (Bulletin
118) 2020 updated, the San Joaquin Valley - Kings subbasin uses 2,522,126 acre-ft of
groundwater annually. This is ~84% of the water use within this subbasin that is extracted by
~26,684 total wells. That is 17.4 wells per square mile (DWR 2021)! Figure 4 outlines the
subbasins that comprise the San Joaquin Valley. Of note is the San Joaquin Valley – Westside
Subbasin. This ~970 square mile subbasin is where most of the land subsidence occurs within the
Figure 4. San Joaquin Valley Subbasins
Figure 4 complements Figure 3 and is adapted from the SGMA Basin Prioritization
Statewide Summary Table (2022) and outlines similar data for each of the seventeen San Joaquin
Valley subbasins, each which have been greatly impacted by land subsidence. It should be noted
that according to existing subbasin collations, that are responsible for compiling and managing
basin data, and DWR (2018), basin prioritization is based on numerous factors that are identified
in CA Water Code §10933. Some factors include current and projected population as well as the
number of existing water wells in the basin. Such rankings then determine if SGMA provisions
are applicable within a given basin. The four rankings of very low-, low-, medium-, or high-
priority indicate the overall importance of groundwater for each basin and subbasin (DWR
2019). Of the seventeen subbasin within the San Joaquin Valley, thirteen of these subbasins have
been marked as high-priority. This tag proliferates from the number of production wells that are
present, the number of wells per square mile, and the amount of water extracted from subsurface
aquifers. Water extraction is exacerbated by ongoing drought and operates as a catalyst for land
subsidence. Table 1 further designates the primary surface stream or river that may exist, albeit
more often than not in a dry state, within each subbasin. The area of each subbasin is not
something to be missed as that measured surface area reflects the underlying geology which
defines the existence of a large subsurface aquifer that is part of the geologic Tulare Formation.
Table 1. SGMA California basin prioritization summary table for the San Joaquin Valley
DWR has prioritized groundwater basins based on factors like those previously outlined
but emphasis in the San Joaquin Valley has been placed on irrigated acreage and the number of
water wells present in the subbasin Water Code §10933 (b)). It may be noted that sustainability
managed basins may still be designated as high-priority due to the emphasis further placed on the
importance of groundwater within a subbasin and the possibility of degradation of groundwater
and undesirable results identified in SGMA.
1.5. Geology of the San Joaquin Valley Groundwater Systems
The San Joaquin Valley is covered by Plio-Pleistocene alluvium sediments from former
alpine glaciers (Miller 1989; McPherson and Miller 1990). Sediments eroded from the Sierra
Nevada on the eastside and from the Coast Ranges on the westside and were carried via fluvial
processes to fill in an asymmetric structural trough. These materials were deposited as alluvial
fan, flood-basin, lake, marsh, and deltaic deposits (Miller 1971). Of the 32,000 ft thick
sediments, an average of 2,400 ft comprises the aquifer system in the San Joaquin Valley (Page
1961). These sedimentary deposits are comprised of unconsolidated gravel, sand, silt, and clay
that define the Tulare Formation which is also the main aquifer with the San Joaquin Valley (Hill
1964). These Tulare Formation sediments hold most of the groundwater reserves throughout the
valley as these sediments filled the valley floor from the Temblor range in the west to the Sierra
in the east. Additionally, numerous lenses of fine-grained sediments (e.g. silt, sandy silt, sandy
clay, and clay) are also present and according to Page (1973) make up over 50% of the total
geologic formation and aquifer thickness.
Most of the fine-grained materials have been mapped using geophysical logs, seismic
surveys, and drill core throughout the San Joaquin Valley. The most notable lithology is the
Corcoran Clay Member of the Tulare Formation that exists along the majority of the westside of
the valley (Bertoldi et al. 1991). The Corcoran Clay Member is a key component of groundwater
hydraulics in the valley. Lees et al. (2021) have subdivided the Tulare Formation, the primary
aquifer throughout the valley, into three different hydrostratigraphic layers: the unconfined to
semi-confined upper Tulare (or upper aquifer), the Corcoran Clay Member, and the lower Tulare
(or confined lower aquifer). Figure 5 displays this subdivision. Associating groundwater within
the Tulare Formation with the upper or lower aquifer can be difficult. Through the years
geologists have used physiography, weathering characteristics, and sediment cores to identify
which portion of the formation water wells are drilled into (Williamson 1989).
Figure 5. Hydrostratigraphy of the Tulare Formation
Lateral and vertical textural variations among these three subdivisions affect the direction
and rate of groundwater-flow as well as the magnitude and distribution of aquifer-system
compaction, manifested as land subsidence.
Land subsidence occurs in a particular manner that deals with the rearrangement of fine-
grained materials when preconsolidation stress is exceeded (Galloway et al. 1999). This most
often happens when the existing groundwater levels are lower than previous historical lows.
Meanwhile, recoverable subsidence is when preconsolidated stresses are not exceeded and hence
behave elastically; that is to say, that current groundwater levels remain higher than historical
lows (Faunt et al. 2016; Narasimhan and Neuzil 2008; Terzaghi 1923). Such stresses may be
caused by land-use changes, ill-managed aquifer recharge, and/or droughts.
The primary concern around groundwater in the San Joaquin Valley is the decrease in
overall subsurface storage capacity due to the gradual compaction and sinking of the ground,
also known as land subsidence. Subsurface compaction generally tends to occur when large
volumes of groundwater are pumped from subsurface pore space faster than natural recharge can
replace it. Compaction occurs when sediment is unconsolidated and has high clay content (Davis
and Poland 1957; Davis et al. 1964; Poland et al. 1975).
It should be noted that compaction of the Corcoran Clay contributed less than 10% of the
total subsidence, and most of the subsidence occurred in the lower aquifer. This is consistent
with stress-strain measurements of extensometers that assess the lengthening or stretching of
subsurface sediment and geologic rock formations due to downward movement in the subsurface
(Poland 1975).
Faunt et al. (2015) discovered that up to 30% of the overall subsidence occurs in the
upper aquifer. Faunt et al. (2015) determined that lower aquifer water levels were relatively
constant whereas upper aquifer head levels showed an overall decline. This posed an interesting
conundrum as it was originally believed that land subsidence was only a problem at locations
where the Corcoran Clay is present due to the confined conditions it creates in the underlying
lower Tulare Formation (Murray et al. 2018). Figure 6 outlines the extent of the Corcoran Clay
as mapped by Faunt et al. (2015). Notably, the Corcoran Clay thins towards the east side of the
valley and designates where aquifer conditions should behave as unconfined.
Figure 6. Map of the thickness and extent of the Corcoran Clay
Lees et al. (2021) assessed 65 years’ worth of land subsidence to ascertain the depths at
which compaction is occurring within the San Joaquin Valley’s Tulare Formation. With the work
of Lees et al. (2021), it is now understood that substantial subsidence can emanate from within
the unconfined-to-semi-confined upper Tulare Formation. This becomes key in understanding
how groundwater and land subsidence modeling might be undertaken within the San Joaquin
Valley. Additionally, the findings of Lees et al. (2021) suggest that if heterogeneity is accounted
for when spatially modeling the San Joaquin Valley, the presence of the Corcoran Clay—or the
lack thereof, may not be as significant as previously thought when it comes to subsidence
The subsurface geology sets the stage for groundwater extraction in the San Joaquin
Valley. Unfortunately, excessive groundwater pumping in the San Joaquin Valley has been an
ongoing problem since the 1920s. Gradual elevation decline or sinking of the basin’s land
surface has occurred by as much as 28 feet (8.5 meters). Land-use changes, ill-managed aquifer
recharge, and/or droughts compound the problem (Buis and Thomas 2017). The agriculture
industry relies on groundwater to support the most productive region in the nation. Hanak et al.
(2019) found that the San Joaquin Valley has an annual overdraft of roughly 2 million acre-feet
per year. Approximately 30% of the groundwater demand is supplied from pumping
groundwater in the San Joaquin Valley in the state of California. This makes the basin the
second-most-pumped aquifer in the United States (USGS 2022). Additionally, this makes for
~33 million Californians reliant on groundwater for drinking water or other household purposes.
And ~6 million Californians are entirely dependent on groundwater for all water used (DWR
Pumping at this rate, with no additional wells being added to the system, and maintaining
a constant estimate of demand growth, will greatly impact the overall subsurface storage
capacity. As groundwater acts as a buffer to drought seasons, DWR (2020) found that
groundwater provided 58% of the Californian water supply during the 2012-2016 drought.
Groundwater aquifers also play a key role in California’s climate change adaptation strategy. If
storage capacity is reduced due to overdraft and continued drought resulting from climate
change, then this adaptation strategy also will need to change. However, as many researchers
have noted, restoring balance will require a combination of new water supply investments and
programs to manage demand—all of which also entail heavy societal and financial costs (USGS
1969; Far and Lui 2015; Faunt et al. 2015; DWR 2022).
As previously mentioned, most water wells in the San Joaquin Valley target the fine-
grained sediments of the lower Tulare. With the Corcoran Clay acting as a confining layer, this
aquitard tends to deform both elastically and inelastically. Elastic deformation implies a
temporary deformation in the sediment and rock of a formation. After the stress, or force, that is
causing the deformation is release, the sediment and rock return to their original shape. Inelastic
deformation does not reverse and results in permanent change in shape (Twiss and Moores
2007). Land subsidence occurs in a particular manner that deals with the rearrangement of fine-
grained materials when preconsolidation stress is exceeded (Galloway et al. 1999). This most
often happens when the existing groundwater levels are lower than previous historical lows.
Meanwhile, recoverable subsidence (or inflation) is when preconsolidated stresses are not
exceeded and hence behave elastically; that is to say, that current groundwater levels remain
higher than historical lows. Such inflation cannot occur if the fine-grained sediments have
already collapsed, thus making land subsidence permanent. Aquifers cannot have their original
storage capacity restored once land subsidence has occurred (Terzaghi 1923; Narasimhan and
Neuzil 2008; Faunt et al. 2015).
Understanding the relationship between subsidence and groundwater extraction becomes
essential to the future of groundwater and storage capacity in the San Joaquin Valley. The key to
understanding falls into several categories of hydrogeologic modeling.
Chapter 2 Related Work
This chapter outlines previous research and work related to modeling groundwater systems and
land subsidence. While modeling groundwater systems and extraction methods is a global
challenge, the modeling of land subsidence occurs in select areas of the world, with many
publications focused on the San Joaquin Valley. Mathematical, analytical, and numerical models
have been rendered in 2D and 3D. Recent land subsidence modeling trends have shift from full
3D models to global regression models that then have shifted to local regression models.
Examples from other locations on the globe have led the way in assessing the use of
geographically weighted regression techniques, including geographic temporally weighted
regression models.
Understanding local variation in groundwater levels and subsequent land subsidence has
grown more and more important. This study utilizes recently suggested techniques and methods
in land subsidence modeling on the basis that not all land subsidence proliferates equally and not
all drivers of subsidence are equally distributed. This chapter starts by outlining groundwater
modelling techniques and then outlines the differences among models and concludes with an
introduction to how geographically weighted regression models have been used to model land
2.1. Modeling Groundwater Systems
When it comes to modeling groundwater there are various approaches, methods, and
software that are available. Such models are a computational method that are an approximation
that representing physical phenomena—in this case, hydrogeologic systems (Barnett et al. 2012).
GSAs use many different models to depict groundwater interactions within their respective
subbasins. Over the last several decades numerous techniques have been used in attempt to
analyze, predict, and evaluate land subsidence. Numerical and analytical models have been
developed over the last 30 years to assist in this area. Many of these models are complex and
require many personnel hours to collect and clean data to then generate a model that only
groundwater experts may fully understand. Examples of this process include collecting drill core
from the subsurface and assessment of recovered core to identify sections for select lab analyses.
Lab analyses may include measurement of available pore space, measurement of permeability,
and the recording of coarse-to-fine-grain sediment ratios, to name a few. Finally, with the ground
truthing of lab analyses from the drill core, alignment of geophysical log measurements of
electrical resistivity and conductivity can now be calibrated to properly integrate X, Y, and Z
directions of these data into a 3D modelling that can be both expensive and require hours of
computer modeling time to be sure results still match the original drill core. Now what happens
when a new drill core is taken? Or if a water well is drilled and new geophysical logs exist
without drill core to calibrate such measurements to?
A simplified approach of spatial regression can be used to generate predictive models
more quickly and accurately while also identifying the most reliable and impactful predictor
variables for assessing patterns of land subsidence. In 2009, the USGS produced the CVHM. The
aim of this model was to introduce subbasin water managers to how water moves in a
hydrogeologic system. This concept would then be complemented by water modelers to make
predictions on water moving into and out of the basin. The CVHM has a large list of parameters
for managers and modelers alike that must be set before any predictions may be made. The list of
data input requirements are related to geology, topography, remote sensing, climate, land use,
soils, and chemistry, to name a few. These may come in the form of measured porosity and
permeability from a drill core, or the total dissolved solids measured in a water sample taken
from the sub surface. Other data inputs may include annual precipitation, or even predictions of
future precipitation wherein a second layer of error may be introduced into the resulting
predictions. Due to how quickly each of these inputs can change, while coupled with the amount
time it takes to run the model from data input to prediction output, the CVHM has not been
updated since 2014. Coincidentally, this is also when SGMA was signed into California law.
In the case of the existing nineteen subbasins within the San Joaquin Valley, conceptual
models, mathematical models, and analytical models (and tools) have been utilized. Each of
these model types requires different assumptions, datasets, and temporal information. The
challenge is that each of these models are used to balance the checkbook of undesirable results.
While many are great for assessing and providing rough estimates for a water budget, they are
not all the same, and nor should they be. The geology is different. The amount of groundwater
extraction (or drawdown) varies throughout each subbasin. Each has a different industrial
specialization as well as different population densities that draw on the same groundwater
aquifer of the Tulare Formation.
Technologies like the interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR), which is used to
measure changes in land surface altitude, have been introduced to reveal, target, and monitor
ground deformation from radar images collected by orbiting satellites (Bawden et al. 2003). A
radar signal is produced by an orbiting satellite, that radar signal is then reflected back to the
satellite to measure the elevation of the area of interest. InSAR images are then created through
reference to previously recorded signals at different times and references these against the newly
acquired data to create a surface displacement raster (Galloway 2000). Tiltmeter technology has
also been used to assess tiny changes in the slope angle or “tilt” of the ground. This is useful in
determining the shape or strain of the earth’s crust that results from land subsidence (Fergason et
al. 2015). Global positioning systems (GPS) have also been used to measure geodetic
monuments horizontal and vertical changes in land subsidence-prone areas (Sneed and Brandt
2013). As new technologies and data from InSAR, tiltmeter, and global positioning systems
(GPS) are implemented to assess land subsidence, the variables of geology, engineering, and
groundwater are coming together to complement technology in assessing land subsidence. With
this, the simple fact that groundwater drawdown is inextricably linked to land subsidence
remains (Sneed 2018). Geology plays a key role as pore space, clay content, sediment grain size,
and inelastic vs. elastic deformation contribute to assessing patterns of land subsidence
(Galloway and Burbey 2011).
Statistical models, herein coined “quantitative methods,” tend to focus on local
conditions, but can limit large-scale area assessments (Ali et al. 2020). Quantitative methods
dealing with lithology type, surface impermeability, and previously mapped historical subsidence
build a much-needed bridge of real-world, boots-on-the-ground application between the field and
database. Yet such approaches, much like the CVHM, tend to stagnate and require large datasets
if water resource managers and modelers desire newly refreshed predictions (Jeanne et al. 2019).
Machine learning, artificial intelligence, and deep learning yield maps that are useful for
subsidence prediction and mapping but can still require large training datasets and personnel
When it comes to modeling complex geological systems, such as hydrogeologic systems,
there tend to be several ways that this may be done. Regardless of the chosen method from
among mathematical-analytical, mathematical-numerical, and integrated models, each starts with
a conceptual model.
2.1.1. Conceptual Models
A conceptual model is often considered the first step in understanding the groundwater
flow system and must occur before a mathematical model can be developed. Conceptual models
include a narrative interpretation and graphical representation of a basin based on known
characteristics and current management actions. Conceptual models tend to not include
quantitative values and are used for conveying complex information in an easy-to-understand
way (Castellazzi et al. 2016).
2.1.2. Mathematical Models
Mathematical models, in this context, are designed to simulate groundwater flow or
solute transport via solving an equation, or series of equations, that reasonably represent the
physical interactions and transport processes in the subsurface. In the case of land subsidence,
mathematical models tend to discuss both mechanisms of the effects that cause land subsidence,
while also taking a traditional, non-spatial, statistical approach. Mathematical models differ from
conceptual models in that they can provide quantitative estimates that can go into a subbasin’s
water budget. Mathematical models are frequently divided into two categories: analytical and
numerical (Bear and Corapcioglu 1981; Yue et al. 2009).
2.1.3. Analytical Models
Analytical models include assumptions that help to simplify complex physical systems.
Such simplification may include topographic boundary conditions generally being limited to
simple geometric shapes and/or aquifer properties that are often required to be homogeneous and
isotropic. The physical configuration of such models is also typically idealized for the purposes
of analysis and, therefore, influences related to project geometry are ignored. Often only one
component (a measured or simulated value or relationship) of the groundwater system is
evaluated at a time. Such an approach omits the evaluation of potential interactions with other
components. In the case of this study, such a method would have the potential to ignore two-way
(or more) interactions among pore space, drawdown, and subsidence. Such models are often like
balancing a checkbook and include a spreadsheet that utilizes a simple equation to estimate the
aquifer drawdown in a single location based on pumping at another location. Such scale-like
balancing does not consider the potential influence of heterogeneity in the subsurface or the
influence of surface water interactions (e.g. influent streams) (Walton 1979; Ahmed et al. 2020).
2.1.4. Numerical Models
Numerical modeling tools are widely used in groundwater flow and transport analysis to
evaluate changes in the groundwater systems caused by changes in conditions due to changes in
population and land use, climate change, or other factors. These numerical models allow for a
more realistic representation of the physical system, including geologic layering, complex
boundary conditions, and stresses due to pumping, recharge, and land use demands. Such a
model incorporates complex basin characteristics including significant groundwater withdrawals
and/or surface water - groundwater interactions that may be used to estimate when undesirable
results may occur (Faunt 2009; Hanson et al. 2010).
Numerical models have come to include Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar
(InSAR), tiltmeters, and even fiber optic lines buried in the subsurface (Galloway et al. 2016;
Ahmed et al. 2019; Guzy et al. 2020). As previously mentioned, these models tend to be complex
and while they incorporate predictor variables that represent many possible physical phenomena
in the real world, they often include variables that do not bring the most value to the modeling
effort. As such, numerical models can easily be biased (Chi and Zhu 2019).
2.1.5. Global Regression Models
Regression is a statistical technique that associates a dependent variable to one or more
independent or explanatory variables. A regression model can show whether changes observed in
the dependent variable are related with changes in one or more of the explanatory variables
(Stapleton 2009). The most common regression technique is ordinary least squares (OLS) by
which a linear regression model is established among all data at a global data scale. Variables in
an OLS model tend to take on a relationship as outlined in Equation 1.
= 𝛽
+ &𝑘𝛽
+ ℰ
Standard regression (OLS) is fixed for the study area. Within Equation 1, i represents the
observations at a location and k represents each designated explanatory variable pertaining to
that location. β0 represents the intercept value; βk is the kth coefficient of the independent
variable, Xik represents annual groundwater level change and Yi is subsidence at location i.
While OLS is a simple but powerful way to make predictions based on linear
relationships, it fails to take into consideration the variance of variables throughout the study
area. When areal units like water well locations, street segments, or census blocks are assessed
with OLS, assumptions are being made that the observed values at one location are independent
of the observed values at other locations. Recall that Tobler’s first law of geography outlines the
concept that all things are related to each other, but things that are closer in proximity are more
closely related than distant things (Tobler 1970). Groundwater extraction does not occur
randomly across space as aquifers tend to be confined to a particular area. High-volume water
wells will most often be found near other high-volume water wells. This is something that OLS
does not take into consideration as such a method looks at all data as a whole, or global scale,
rather than as spatially dependent (Harrell 2015).
Equation 1.
When a value observed in one location depends on the values observed at neighboring
locations, there is a spatial dependence. And spatial data may show spatial dependence in the
variables. Why should spatial dependence occur? There are two reasons commonly given. First,
data collection of observations associated with spatial units may reflect measurement error. This
happens when the boundaries for which information is collected do not accurately reflect the
nature of the underlying process generating the sample data. A second reason for spatial
dependence is that the spatial dimension of a social or economic characteristic may be an
important aspect of the phenomenon (LeSage 2008).
Spatial regression is a common method to predict and quantify spatial patterns (Mitchell
and Griffin 2021). Spatial regression methods allow one to model, explore, and investigate
spatial relationships that in return can help explain factors that exist behind observed spatial
patterns. As such, assessment of independent, or explanatory variables, can lend insight to rates
of land subsidence.
2.1.6. Geographically Weighted Regression
Geographically weighted regression (GWR) is a local spatial statistical technique for
exploring spatial heterogeneity or non-stationarity. GWR is powerful when relationships
between X and Y vary by locality and thus is commonly used to predict spatial variation of a
relationship with the dependent variable—in this case, land subsidence (Matthews and Yang
GWR constructs a separate OLS equation for every location within the project AOI. It
incorporates both dependent and independent variables that fall within a searching bandwidth of
each location. This is often termed as local regression as not all variables and their location are
being assessed at the exact same time.
GWR weighs observations in association with their proximity to what is termed i.
Following suit with Tobler’s First Law of Geography, observations that are found closer to i
have a stronger influence on the estimation of the parameters for that location. Equation 2
outlines how the relationship between the dependent variable (land subsidence) and covariates
(e.g. groundwater level) are established through homogeneity. Homogeneity in this scenario is
defined as sharing the same relationship between the dependent variable and some, but not all,
covariates. The ability for GWR to take into consideration different neighborhoods and how they
change is what makes GWR fit for local regression. Here r represents each regime or regional
regression will be performed in. For example, r = 1, 2…m (Thapa and Estoque 2012).
= & 𝛽
+ ℰ
This results in geographically weighted regression (GWR), as represented in Equation 3 and by
which a new regression model is generated and varied at each point i. β0 (ui, vi) designates the
coordinates of the i-th point spatially. βk (ui, vi) represents a realization of the continuous
function at point i in space (Thapa and Estoque 2012).
= 𝛽
)+ &
+ ℰ
Geographically and temporally weighted regression (GTWR) considers the temporal
aspect of each independent variable as it influences the dependent variable through space and
time (Ali et al. 2020; Chu et al. 2021). Geographical weighted temporal regression is an
Equation 2.
Equation 3.
extension of GWR by which the additional dimension of time (t) is added to the already spatially
aware regression model (Miller and Shirzaei 2015). Equation 4 shows the formulation of GTWR.
= 𝛽
)+ &
+ ℰ
In this case, β0(u
, v
, t
) defines the intercept that now incorporates both location and time
at i.
, v
, t
) represents the estimated coefficient at each spatio-temporal
observation (i) as it relates to variable k. As with the GWR formula, Xik, for example, will
represent annual groundwater drawdown (or other statistically significant independent variables
identified in the ESDA process) and Yi represent the annual groundwater drawdown and
subsidence, respectively. In this study, k represents additional explanatory variables such as well
depth, storativity, area, well vintage, well completion length, confining clay layer thickness, and
GTWR is used to help control spatial errors and is useful in identifying areas within the
basin where preconsolidation stresses are exceeded—something that geologic engineers and civil
engineers alike are concerned about. The relationship between groundwater drawdown and
subsidence via GTWR has become an accepted method for assessing elastic vs. non-elastic
deformation (Faunt et al. 2016; Guzy and Malinowska 2020).
Ali et al. (2020) set time-variable Yt = (Y1,t…, Yn,t)
and Xt into a corresponding matrix of
covariates. They go further to set an estimated coefficient matrix, βt(ui,vi), at every time period.
Equation 5 shows the derivation of this effort.
Equation 5.
Equation 4.
With spatial autocorrelation a primary concern in spatial regression models, control for a
spatial error model is likely to be needed (Chi and Zhu 2019). GWR enables researchers to
measure and visualize variations in relationships that are unobservable in global, aspatial model,
while also minimizing biases due to spatial errors (Fotheringham et al. 2002).
Due to challenges associated with non-uniform hydrogeologic layers, spatial variance in
land subsidence made the subsidence-drawdown function of Ali et al. (2020) and Chu et al
(2018) perform poorly when assessed with OLS techniques. This is largely attributed to the
subsidence-drawdown method being impacted by heterogeneity (Jiang et al. 2019; Sundell et al.
2019). To overcome this, Ali et al. (2020) chose to utilize geographically weighted regression
(GWR) to implement a linear regression model comprised of spatially varying relationships
(Fotheringham et al. 2003).
The benefits of GWR have recently been identified by researchers involved with land
subsidence forecasting due to the ability to assess variable coefficients and spatial nuances
among variables throughout the area of interest (Huang et al. 2010; Ali et al. 2020, Chu et al.
2021). While authors have proved GWR to be a powerful tool of prediction and mapping, it has
yet to be utilized in areas of severe groundwater depletion such as Shanghai (Sen an Xu 2011;
Xu et al. 2016), Mexico City (Kirwan and Megonigal 2013), Bangkok (Phien-Wej et al. 2006),
Iran (Amiraslani and Dragovich 2011), Las Vegas (Bell at al 2008; Hoffmann et al. 2001), and
the San Joaquin Valley, CA (Faunt et al. 2016; Jeanne et al. 2019). However, and as previously
mentioned, GWR has been successfully used in several areas of excessive groundwater
exploitation, including the Choshui River alluvial fan (Chu et al. 2021) and in Changhua and
Yunlin counites, Taiwan (Ali et al. 2020).
As GWR does not assume relationships among variables vary across space, but rather
identifies if there is variability across space, the technique makes it a unique and appropriate way
to estimate geological and hydrogeological phenomena due to the non-isotropic, physical nature
of the subsurface. The challenge with GWR is that it is not a tool for defining variables of
influence and thus should be complemented with exploratory spatial data analysis (ESDA)
techniques. ESDA enables one to correlate specific variables to a location while considering the
values of the same variable within the neighborhood. Although already mentioned, this approach
does in fact define spatial autocorrelation as ESDA goes about describing the presence (or
absence) of spatial variation among variables (Haining et al. 1998). ESDA will allow one to
identify the most influential variables that may then be used in the GWR process to regression on
(Matthews and Yang 2012).
Ali et al. (2020) utilized groundwater level observations throughout 2015 to track and
calculate monthly groundwater level change. Building on the geoengineering concept that fine-
grained sediments tend to inelastically deform and result in land subsidence (Galloway and
Burbey 2011), Chu et al. (2021) established reasonable estimates of land subsidence linked to
groundwater level change from OLS regression models. This went to establish a statistical
approach to assessing groundwater draw down and its relation to land subsidence. It should be
noted that numerous authors had already hinted at this through observation and assessment
among geotechnical consulting companies in practice, but few had published on this
mathematical relationship (Chu et al. 2018; Narasimhan and Neuzil 2008; Sneed 2018; Terzaghi
Chu et al. (2021) built on the use of local regression technique via the use of groundwater
level changes to predict spatial patterns of land subsidence. The work of Ali et al. (2020) and
Chu et al. (2021) included five hydrostratigraphic layers that are comprised of gravel, sand, and
clay. This approach of including sediment grain size follows much of what Faunt et al (2015) has
done with the CVHM. Aside from geological and hydrological variables, Ali et al. (2020) and
Chu et al. (2021) also utilized land subsidence measurements from hundreds of leveling stations
to generate land subsidence maps.
Ali et al (2020) took the approach of regressing a two-variable linear model: measured
land subsidence extracted from InSAR as the dependent variable and annual change in
groundwater levels from thirty-six monitoring wells as the independent variable. They then went
on to assess the performance of a linear model. After this, GWR was introduced to better
understand the distribution of model coefficients. These two global and local models were
compared yielding R
values of 0.34 and 0.93 respectively. Ali et al. (2020) then took the
aggregation of their variables from 2007 to 2017 temporally regress the variables. The R
yielded with a geographically temporally weighted regression model was 0.94, demonstrating
very little improvement from the GWR models.
Chu et al. (2021) followed the same exploratory techniques as Ali et al. (2020). The
difference between these two studies was that Chu et al. (2021) chose to model each of the four
aquifer layers present in the Choshui River Basin, China. Their methods did not change, as they
developed OLS, GWR, and GTWR models for based on the presence of aquitards separating
these four primary aquifers. The change made in aggregation to a finer, aquifer scale by Chu et
al. (2021) showed a slight improvement on the R
values, with an average of 0.28 for OLS, 0.97
for both GWR and GTWR. In the end, both sets of authors concluded that without requiring a
large and detailed hydrogeologic model, or measurements needing extensive calibration (e.g.
geophysical logs calibrated to drill core), spatial regression models utilizing only two variables
offer reasonable insight into patterns of land subsidence.
The use variables in the form of sediment grain size, sediment type, and groundwater
draw down established the expected relationship between predictor variables and dependent
variable (land subsidence), but also allowed a working knowledge of the geology and
engineering principles to help guide groundwater spatial regression modeling. This approach
emulates Ali et al. (2020) and complements Chu et al. (2018). Chu et al. (2021) found that the
subsidence-drawdown relationship is nonlinear.
Since 2015 many authors have utilized Geographically weighted regression (GWR) and
spatiotemporal techniques as a means of achieving a faster, yet highly accurate predictive model.
This has led to a means of modeling hydrogeologic systems as they pertain to land subsidence
(Ali et al. 2020; Hung et al. 2016; Fotheringham et al. 2015; Chu et al. 2021). Such techniques
have yielded strong results with a root mean square error (RMSE) much lower than OLS
methods as well as a much higher coefficient of determination. These techniques can identify
spatial variability among explanatory variables while honoring variables’ ability to represent
geological and engineering phenomena (Burbey 2005).
2.2. Modeling in the San Joaquin Valley
Modeling groundwater and land subsidence in the San Joaquin Valley has predominantly
occur from researchers at the USGS. As mentioned throughout this chapter, the CVHM of Faunt
et al. (2009) has been the primary instrument of prediction. The CVHM is comprised of four
different models: the geospatial database, the texture model, the MODFLOW simulation model,
and the numerical model.
The CVHM utilized a geospatial database to compile, manage, and store the large
volumes of data for the CVHM. Much of the analysis was conducted in a GIS to generate and
visualize outputs. However, there is another the texture model is the geologic 3D grid cell model
that combines hydraulic properties of the subsurface with borehole drill logs, drill core, and
geophysical tools. In truth, this has been a fully functional geologic properties model. Something
that takes a great deal of time and effort to put together and validate.
The next portion of the CVHM comes from MODFLOW, which is a hydrologic software
that the USGS developed to model the flow of water over the landscape. This modelling effort
accounts for volumes of water coming into the system (i.e. precipitation) and water leaving the
hydrogeologic system (e.g. groundwater extraction). Much like a geologic model, MODFLOW
inputs can take a large amount of time to collect and validate. As an example, the most recent
model is based on water years 1962 to 2003, showing the difficult researchers and modelers have
had in maintaining this portion of the CVHM (Faunt et al. 2015).
The numerical model portion of the CVHM is designed to incorporate all the outputs for
the previous models to output predictions, including predictions of land subsidence. However, it
goes without saying, that if one portion of the model is dated or other models’ performance are
not to par, all of the results may be further biased.
There have been engineering consultancies that have studied land subsidence in regions
throughout the valley. The catch is that knowledge of their work comes by word of mouth and is
not readily available to the public. It is for this reason that the CVHM has been the default model
that researchers and water managers alike have turned to. However, since 2020 Stanford
University has taken an interest in modeling land subsidence in the valley. In a publication from
Lees et al. (2021) utilized subsidence rates and hydraulic head, or the measurement of pressure
above a set vertical datum, to create and validate a one-dimensional model. Their methods
consisted of the use of subsurface groundwater flow equations for permeability and clay
compaction equations for a small area in the Tulare Lake Subbasin. These methods are not new
as the equations were developed by Helm (1975). In the end, Lees et al. (2021) were successful
in simulating up to twenty-five feet of land subsidence; however, this approach is limited to
small, survey sections.
Current researchers’ models take a large amount of time to collect, synthesis, and
calibrate data inputs. At the same time, both methods have spatial or other dependencies that
restrict a quick turnaround for land subsidence predictions. The methods explored in this study
assess spatial regression models that are grounded in geologic and engineering principles while
providing methods that are easy-to-update without the loss of accuracy.
Chapter 3 Methods
This chapter provides an overview of the research design, including methodology, data
descriptions, and data preparation steps. The last half of this chapter discusses the steps taken to
implement spatial regression techniques in the form of generalized linear regression and
geographically weighed regression. This chapter ends with an overview on how model
performance is assessed for each spatial regression model and the accompanying results of
coefficients, R
values, AIC values and interpolated rasters from predicted values sourced from
each spatial regression model.
3.1. Research Design
Following several key techniques from Ali et al. (2020), this study builds a spatial
regression model to assess spatial patterns of land subsidence. To create a simple, but accurate
regression model, ESDA is used to identify which independent variables best assist in predicting
patterns of land subsidence in the San Joaquin Valley, CA. Ali et al. (2020) and Chu et al. (2021)
utilized geographical weighted regression (GWR) to predict spatial patterns of land subsidence,
while accounting for local effects in space and time, (Fotheringham et al. 2015; Huang et al.
2010). As this study goal was to establish a more simplified but accurate model than what
currently exists with the CVHM, the temporal aspect is focused on 2015 to 2021. This chosen
time frame is where well records and information are the most complete and do not have the
errors that pre-2000 data tend to exhibit.
An annual aggregation was chosen as annual synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data are
available from DWR within the San Joaquin Valley. These data start in 2015 and are current
today. Having this dataset in place set the stage for the creation and testing of a productive
spatial regression model. The final step was in this process was to compared model outputs with
the existing SAR data for a qualitative measurement of model accuracy. Additionally, the spatial
regression rasters generated are subtracted from the exist SAR rasters to generate a delta map of
differences between actual and predicted land subsidence.
Figure 7 provides step-by-step details on the methodology and workflow followed in this
study. This process flow diagram (PFD) gives a step-by-step look at prerequisites that were met
before GWR was implemented. Some key takeaways come in both shape and color on the PFD.
Green filled shapes designate the start of a process, while red filled shapes designate the end of a
process. Any shapes that are outlined with a bold red line indicate that the current step must be
completed before moving on to the next step in the process; in short, a decision had to be made.
Figure 7. Spatial regression process flow diagram (PFD)
Yellow filled diamonds, that are also outlined in red, are decision points. This means that
a choice must be made to generate a product. One such example is the extraction of SAR values
from existing rasters. To further elaborate on this example, should the extracted SAR raster
values be averaged over a certain number of cells, or should the first encountered value be used?
Such decisions were made based on previous works with the extraction of raster values being
conducted at the well level.
Blue outlined shapes indicate where choices were made before further analysis may be
done. One may note that the distribution of each variable is conducted and assessed for a normal,
Gaussian distribution. From here all non-normal data distributions would undergo a log
transformation. Note that there are both a decision node (outlined in red) and an action or
function node (outlined in blue) noting choices and actions that needed to be taken in this study.
An assessment of the data must be made and a choice to proceed or make a log transformation of
the data must be made.
The study’s AOI was determined based on the well data, basin prioritization and
surrounding geophysical mountain ranges that define the San Joaquin Valley. From here, wells
were spatially queried and identified based on be their existence within the AOI polygon. Raster
values pertinent to depth to the Corcoran Clay, Corcoran Clay thickness, and even the subsidence
values for each year were extracted to the well level. Issues stemming from the modifiable areal
unit problem (MAUP) must be acknowledged. Due to the way that groundwater extraction wells
and their accompanying data are aggregated in this research, there is no objectively recognizable
way to reclassify these data without results being impacted. These impacts are often referred to
as the “zoning effect” and the “size effect” (Bolstad 2016). To mitigate the negative impacts of
MAUP, authors dealing with well data have looked to establishing neighborhoods to associated
well-to-well interactions through Moran’s I for Spatial and Autocorrelation (Chu et al. 2021; Ali
et al. 2020).
As already emphasized for this study, the choice was made to continue a well-by-well
association of data. This means taking the individual well back to its basic unit of measure and
minimizing large impacts from MAUP. Well level assessment helps to avoid issues associated
with aggregation and should coincide with local variation trends leading to the preferred method
of areal units for assessment. While this might hint at Ecological Fallacy, the approach taken in
this study follows previous publications and avoids dependence on any single set of aggregate-
level mapping units through incorporation of information from many different datasets (Tuson et
al. 2020).
From the existing well records, the annual average groundwater levels were calculated
and incorporated as a new data field alongside multi point extraction values. Exploratory data
analysis was conducted to better understand the state of the data, and as previously mentioned, if
data demonstrated a non-normal distribution, these were to be log transformed. Traditional
statistical analyses were conducted in the form of descriptive statistics, as well as scatterplots and
As Figure 7 further outlines, exploratory spatial data analysis was conducted. And as
previously mentioned, running a Moran’s I test was key to help identify optimal search distances
and variance in neighborhood ranges. From here stepwise regression was conducted to identify
key independent variables as well as to preliminarily assess how the data perform within an OLS
model. Residual plots were generated, and linear fits were attempted.
Emphasis was then placed on variables that did not demonstrate multicollinearity and
those that were determined to contribute to the regression model. From here the identified
independent variables were entered into the generalized linear regression (GLR) spatial statistics
tool in ArcGIS Pro. Coefficients from this process were assessed alongside R
and AIC values.
Utilizing the predicted land subsidence values from MLR, IDW interpolation methods were used
to generate a quick raster of predicted values. This will be discussed later, but it is acknowledged
that this step may have introduced a second layer of error, but this step does follow the works of
Chu et al. (2021) and Ali et al. (2020). The same steps were repeated for geographically
weighted regression. Similarly, and for comparison, R
and AIC values were recorded.
All model performance values were checked against Chu et al. (2018)’s results from
subsidence modeling using SAR data. However, emphasis on spatial regression models not
having been tested in the San Joaquin Valley is taken into consideration especially as there were
more independent variables present in this study that came from larger datasets.
3.2. Data Preparation
This section will cover the selection of data for use with a spatial regression modeling,
data formatting for processing in a spatial regression model, and execution of spatial regression
in the form of Geographically weighted regression.
3.2.1. Data Description
Table 2 outlines the data used in this study and each is respectively described later in this
section. Each dataset is available online via the USGS, CA Department of Water Resources, CA
Sustainable Groundwater Management Act portal, and/or the California Open Data portal at no
cost. Additionally, several datasets that are key to geology and hydrogeology studies can take on
several forms. As an example, one dataset is defined by whether perforations are greater than or
less than the top and base depths of the Corcoran Clay member of the Tulare Formation. As
noted in the geologic background of the Tulare Formation, knowing if a well is pumping
groundwater above or below the Corcoran Clay is essential. This again defines the difference
between a confined vs. an unconfined aquifer. However, the two key datasets are the SAR
Annual Vertical Displacement raster data and the Annual Groundwater Well Measurement
Stations feature class (here after referred to as the SJV Wells). These two datasets ultimately
define the spatial and temporal points of control related to this study.
Table 2. Summary of datasets
3.2.2. Data Sources
Data engineering (i.e. data preparation) was a large component of this project. While this
is not unfamiliar for those who publish and work with spatial data, it should be noted that several
datasets in this study will be a first of their kind for the San Joaquin Valley. These data are
derived from existing datasets available from the United States Geological Survey and the
California Department of Water Resources. Even though each stem from publicly available data,
that are specific to the San Joaquin Valley, CA, these data have not been brought together in a
way that they may be used to predict land subsidence. Of special note would be those water
production wells that are completed in the upper Tulare (unconfined aquifer) and those
completed Lower Tulare (confined aquifer). How these two specific datasets were created is
outlined in their respective subsection pertinent to dataset creation.
As an additional example, some datasets are temporally aggregated. One such dataset is
the groundwater wells themselves. This dataset contains groundwater level measurements
through time. It contains seasonal and long-term groundwater level measurements collected by
the CA Department of Water Resources, as well as GSAs. These data come from measurements
that are acquired twice a year. This twice-per-year measurement is meant to capture both high
and low values of groundwater elevations as well as seasonality in the San Joaquin Valley’s
groundwater system. These data were used to generate an average annual groundwater level.
Ideally, these data would be used to generate a mean monthly water level dataset, but due to the
frequency of surveys throughout the valley, an annual mean is calculated (Ali et al. 2020).
From here the mean annual data were used to calculate the average annual groundwater
level change. The relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable of
annual land subsidence are then used to establish a spatial regression model (Ali et al. 2020; Chu
et al. 2021).
Specifics around each dataset and associated variables that proliferate from them are
outlined in the next sections. These datasets come in the form of spatially queried well locations,
and even a designation of vertical separation between confined and unconfined portions of the
Tulare aquifer.
3.2.3. San Joaquin Valley Wells
These data were the core of this study and are derived from the SJV Wells dataset
courtesy of the California Department of Water Resources (DWR). These data came from DWR
as a shapefile that included attribute table fields consisting of well names, well total depths, in
feet below ground surface (bgs), and a history of water levels (bgs) from the early 1900’s to
This dataset was spatial queried based on wells located in the San Joaquin Valley
Boundary (AOI). Wells were spatially queried based on the AOI and were exported as a new
feature class, thus removing all wells outside of the AOI. Furthermore, depth values that are null
or zero were filter based on a Definition Query as such records provide no value to this study and
represent a permitted but incomplete (i.e. not drilled) water production well.
3.2.4. Corcoran Clay Base Depth
These data are a contour set of subsurface values for the base of the Corcoran Clay. This
dataset came from the USGS and is a culmination of work from the water industry, the USGS,
and private industry. Each of the depth measurements have been identified in drill core,
geophysical logs, or in seismic surveys and have been used to map the extent and the depth of
the bottom of the confining clay layer that define the confined and unconfined portions of the
Tulare aquifer.
These contour values were converted to a raster via the Topo to Raster (Spatial Analyst)
tool in ArcGIS Pro. The output cell size was set to 100ft. All other optional tool parameters were
set to their default. From the generated raster the Extract Multi Values to Points (Spatial Analyst)
tool was used to extract all raster data, in this case the Corcoran Clay Base Depth, into newly
created data fields within the San Joaquin Valley Wells feature class.
3.2.5. Corcoran Clay Thickness
These data are from a raster that represents the thickness of the Corcoran Clay. This
dataset came from the USGS. Much like the Corcoran Clay Base Depth data, this raster for clay
thickness is comprised from work conducted in the water industry, the USGS, and private
industry. Each of the thickness measurements have been identified in drill core, geophysical logs,
or in seismic surveys and have been used to map the extent and the thickness that is formed
between the top of the clay and the base of the clay define the confined and unconfined portions
of the Tulare aquifer.
Also like the Corcoran Clay Base Depth data, the Extract Multi Values to Points (Spatial
Analyst) tool was used to extract all raster data into a newly created data field within the San
Joaquin Valley Wells feature class.
3.2.6. Wells Completed in the Upper Tulare; Wells Completed in the Lower Tulare
This dataset was created from a combination of spatial queries and assessment from the
Corcoran Clay Base Depth and the San Joaquin Valley Wells datasets. While other researchers
have implied the presence of aquitards, such as clays, can have a large impact on land
subsidence, no San Joaquin Valley publications have attempted to separate out the upper Tulare
and lower Tulare components of the aquifer system. This study intends to bridge this gap
between academic publications and the actual practice of geology in the San Joaquin Valley.
By assessing if the top and base perforations of a well are < the Corcoran Clay base depth
(bgs), wells were assigned to the upper Tulare. This implies that all groundwater exploitation and
extraction was and is occurring from within the upper Tulare Formation for these wells and
hence are part of an unconfined aquifer. A binary approach was taken to assign wells to the
upper Tulare (“0”). These values were then assigned to a newly created data field within the SJV
Wells Attribute Table in ArcGIS.
The same approach was taken and if the top and base perforations are > the Corcoran
Clay base depth (bgs); thus, the wells were assigned the lower Tulare. This implies that all
groundwater exploitation and extraction was and is occurring from within the lower Tulare
Formation, or a confined aquifer, for these wells. A binary approach was taken to assign wells to
the lower Tulare (“1”). These values were then assigned to a newly created data field within the
SJV Wells Attribute Table in ArcGIS.
If the top and base perforations were found within both the upper and lower Tulare
Formation, or no Corcoran Clay depth value exists, then the aquifer system is assumed to be
unconfined where groundwater extraction is commingled between both the upper and lower
Tulare aquifers. This also implies that there is no seal between the upper and lower aquifers and
hence no stratigraphic differentiation is needed for such wells.
It should be noted that each of the data in this study were created from a serious of spatial
queries, spatial joins, average calculations, and point extraction exercises that resulted in a
combination of data to be studied in a unique way. Each of the values combined and assessed do
not exist in a singular USGS database nor have they previously been combined into a single
dataset by DWR. The reason for neither agency having such a dataset could be that the depth to
the Corcoran Clay has been maintained by one agency and the location of all water production
wells in the San Joaquin Valley have been maintained by a separate agency. The creation of this
dataset is one aspect that is different from other models that do not incorporate distinct upper and
lower stratigraphic variation within the Tulare Formation. However, Ali et al. (2020) did in fact
separate their study into five distinct hydrostratigraphic layers, while Chu et al. (2021) assessed
five distinct hydrostratigraphic layers. In both publications, some of these hydrostratigraphic
layers are impacted by the presence of aquitards (i.e. thick clay layers).
3.2.7. Annual Average Groundwater Level
These values of groundwater measurements were added to a newly created field in the
Wells in the San Joaquin Valley Attribute Table. These values were derived from the recorded
measurements provided in the original source data (SJV Wells) and were calculated by summing
the survey values for each year and dividing them by the number of surveys each well had in an
annual timeframe. It is acknowledged that this approach is a level of aggregation that may impact
results, but once again follows the work of Ali et al. (2020) and their aggregation as monthly
average groundwater level.
3.2.8. Annual Average Groundwater Level Change
These values are part of a data field that was created in the Wells in the San Joaquin
Valley Attribute Table. This field was created by taking the values from the annual average
calculation and subtracting each average from one year to the next (e.g. 2016 average value –
2015 average value). This data field may be positive, implying inflation or recharge of the
aquifer or it may be negative, implying loss of groundwater and subsequent lowering of the
water table. It is again acknowledged that these data contain a level of aggregation that may
impact results, but once again follows the work of Ali et al. (2020) and their aggregation as
monthly average groundwater level changes.
This data field and the Annual Average Groundwater Level are the two key data fields
for assessing spatio-temporal patterns of land subsidence (Chu et al. 2021).
3.2.9. Well Completion Percent Fine-grained vs. Coarse-grained Sediment
As with the previous datasets, this dataset was turned into another Attribute Table field
within the Wells in the San Joaquin Valley feature class. This field defines the percentage of
fine-grained to coarse-grained material that has been recorded in completed and logged water
production wells. Table 3 outlines the Modified Wentworth Scale that geologists use to define
grain size of clastic rocks and sediment. This system allows one to classify sediment according to
the size of particles (Blatt, Middleton, and Murray 1972).
Table 3. Modified Wentworth Grain Size Scale
This dataset is defined by the well-log-texture ASCII that comes from the USGS. This
dataset contains associated depths and percentages for a lithologic model created from drill core
throughout the San Joaquin Valley as well as geophysical resistivity logging upon the wells
being drilled (USGS 2016). These data are added to the Wells in the San Joaquin Valley feature
Diameter (mm) Particle Sediment Rock
<1/256 clay
claystone, mudstone, shale
1/256 to 1/16 silt siltstone
1/16 to 2 sand sand sandstone
2 to 4 gravel
conglomerate (rounded)
4 to 64 pebble
64 o 256 cobble
>256 boulder
class by field calculations where values found with the range between the top perforation and the
base perforation are averaged. This yields two new Attribute Table fields. One that contains the
percentage of fine-grained sediments within the completed zone, as well as the average
percentage of coarse-grained sediments within the completed zone.
It should be noted that this dataset if complex and has a large 3D component. While the
goal of this project is to create a quick but accurate way identify spatial patterns of land
subsidence, it is not meant to be fully function 3D geological or lithological model. This
approach does further introduce challenges associated with MAUP; however, previous
researchers have been able to take depth averages to generate accurate geological models that are
fit-for-purpose (Galloway et al. 2011; Faunt et al. 2015; Ali et al. 2020; Chu et al. 2021). The
alternative is to build a fully function 3D model based on variogram methods which is well
outside of the scope of this project.
3.2.10. Well Completion Length
This dataset is further derived from the source DWR data and is tied to the SJV Wells.
This field that was added to the feature class Attribute Table of the SJV Wells is defined by
taking the top perforation depth and subtracting it from the bottom perforation depth. While this
calculated interval is in open through the entire interval, it is common practice within the fluid
extraction industry to define a “communication interval” or completion interval based on top and
base perforations as these perforations establish communication with the geologic formation and
allow fluid movement from the pore space into the pumped wellbore (Fetter 2001). Where no
such openings are present, no fluid flow or communication may occur due to cement holding the
casing in place above and below the openings (perforations) within the subsurface. To further
understand this concept, the reader is encouraged to refer to Figure 4 and take note of the lines
running perpendicular to the well casing. These are completion or communication intervals.
3.2.11. Annual Subsidence Rate
Annual land subsidence, that behaves as the independent variable in the spatial regression
model, comes from a raster mosaic dataset that may be downloaded from DWR. Via the DWR
GIS image server, the designated time frame of this study was selected (2015-2021). This raster
mosaic was then added to ArcGIS Pro in which the annual land subsidence rate was saved as an
individual raster (.TIFF) for each respective year. Each of these annual rasters establishes the
ground truth to compare the GWR results against.
To set the designated land subsidence value on a per well basis, the Extract Values to
Points (Spatial Analyst) Geoprocessing tool was utilized in ArcGIS Pro. This process was
repeated for each annual raster within the designated time frame of this study (2015-2021). This
process was used to generate a pointset of wells with both groundwater level depths (bgs) and
associated land subsidence from the SAR raster within the respective year.
3.2.12. Table of Variables
All datasets and associated layers listed in Table 4 are available from the starting year
listed in the table and are current through the end of 2022 when this research was conducted, and
this study was written.
Table 4 All datasets and associated layers listed in Table 4 are available from the starting year
listed in the table and are current through the end of 2022 when this research was conducted, and
this study was written. Table 4 outlines each independent variable used for viability in assessing
spatial patterns of land subsidence in this study. As already established, these variables stem
from previous research, as well as professional geological experience. Each predictor variable
holds a level of importance, but not all have been assessed together.
All datasets and associated layers listed in Table 4 are available from the starting year
listed in the table and are current through the end of 2022 when this research was conducted, and
this study was written.
Table 4. Ten independent variables used to assess land subsidence
Dataset Variable Originated From Source
Well Completion
Well depth Well shapefile DWR
Groundwater depth Well shapefile DWR
Annual average water level
Well shapefile DWR
Length of well completion+ Well shapefile DWR
Corcoran Clay
Upper Tulare well completion+ Corcoran Clay layers USGS
Lower Tulare well completion+ Corcoran Clay layers USGS
Corcoran Clay thickness Corcoran Clay layers USGS
Corcoran Clay depth Corcoran Clay layers USGS
Percent Coarse-to-
Fine Grained
% fine-grained material Well log ASCII USGS
% coarse-grained material* Well log ASCII USGS
SAR Mosaic Annual subsidence rate SAR rasters DWR
+ notates calculated value
* notates multicollinearity present
3.3. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
Simple analyses were conducted to assess the state of the data and associated datasets.
This includes the generation of histograms to assess statistical distributions of the data. The
basics of exploratory data analyses to define normality of the datasets, residual diagnoses, Q-Q
plots, Additionally, Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests (K-S Test) was conducted to test for normality
alongside the Jarque-Bera test. Values found to be close to zero fit a normal distribution (or close
to one). Any value not found close to zero demonstrates a non-normal distribution of skewness in
the data. This was conducted in R with the use of the “tseries” library and the “jarque.bera.test”
function (Cromwell et al. 1994). Similarly, when assessing spatial regression at a global scale
ArcGIS Pro was used to yield another run of the Jarque-Bera statistic. More on this can be found
in the spatial regression section of this chapter. Datasets that were found to not be normally
distributed were to undergo a log transformation. This then allows data to be analyzed using
Original Least Squares (OLS) when it comes to the next step involving exploratory spatial data
analysis (ESDA) (Chi and Zhu 2019).
Scatter plots were also generated to establish relationships such as total depth (TD) of
water producers to surveyed groundwater depth. Additionally, groundwater depth to land
subsidence were also plotted in scatterplot form. This approach brought the aspect of traditional
statistics into the analyses. While these tend to be aspatial, each scatterplot and histogram was
used to define strong and weak linear relationships between and among variables. It may also be
noted that while such approaches are commonplace among GIS practitioners, as well as among
geologists and engineers, there are no known publications that should the strength of linear
relationships among such variables in the San Joaquin Valley; thus, the generation of a scatter
plot matrix brought great insight about each explanatory variable as it association with land
subsidence in the San Joaquin Valley.
For each dataset, descriptive statistics such as mean, median, minimum, and maximum
values were generated and assessed. The generation of descriptive statistics allowed further
assessment of each variable’s group of prosperities (Frost 2020).
3.4. Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis (ESDA)
The next steps were to perform ESDA to examine the spatial distribution of each
variable. This included looking for global and local outliers, finding global and local trends, and
the examination of local variation as it coincides with spatial autocorrelation. Keeping in mind
that this step in the process was to focus on multivariate datasets, it was also designed to
establish both the neighborhoods of the individual wells and to determine the effective global
and local search radius for each neighborhood (Griffith 1987).
The establishment of the neighborhoods is based on conducting a Moran’s I Test. This
was done using the “ape” library in R (Bivand et al. 2013). From here, the neighborhoods could
be established as could the spatial weights matrix to help to correct for over-parameterization.
This process allows explanatory variables to be dropped to then focus on the dependence
relations that exist among observations and the variable Yi (i.e. land subsidence) (Chi and Zhu
3.5. Multiple Linear Regression
Multiple linear regression (MLR) using OLS is often used to assess relationships between
two or more variables, making it a candidate for assessing prediction functionality of continuous
variables such as of land subsidence. MLR generates a model of variables to assist in
understanding and quantifying variable relationships (Mitchell and Griffin 2021). It was with the
ability to predict and quantifying multiple variables on a global level that MLR was used to
assess patterns of land subsidence.
MLR, as with many forms of linear regression, can yield many statistics that help in
assessing variables’ relationships with each other. Each step, function, and statistical test
outlined here was repeated for each annual dataset from 2015 to 2021. The Breusch-Pagan test
was used for assessing existence of homoscedasticity (or heteroscedasticity) in the data. That is
the assessment of non-constant standard deviations among independent variables. This too was
initially conducted in R via the “lm” function alongside the “bptest” function (Breusch and
Pagan 1979). As with the normality test, the test of heteroscedasticity was again assessed in
ArcGIS Pro via the use of the General Linear Regression Geoprocessing tool via the Koenker
(BP) Statistic. These statistical tests were conducted in both ArcGIS Pro and in R as the initial
runs in R were to assess variables as part of the EDA process.
Residuals were assessed for spatial biases in the form of errors and spatial lag via the use
of the “spatialreg” library in R (Bivand et al. 2021). This step helps to build a relation between
the response variable within an areal unit (i.e. the well location) that consists of a weighted
average of the response variables at neighborhood areal units (Anselin 1988).
This exercise yields Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) and Bayesian Information
Criterion (BIC) comparisons of the models and explanatory variables. The variables that are the
most impactful, based on AIC and BIC results, were assessed and low performing explanatory
variables were removed from consideration in the spatial regression model. The explanatory
variables that were strong performs and helped to keep a low AIC were retained for use in global
and local spatial regression models. Variables that were retained after assessment of the AIC
values included total well depth, top perforation depth, well completion length, upper vs. lower
Tulare completions, annual groundwater level, change in groundwater level, percent fine-grained
material, percent-coarse grained material, Corcoran Clay thickness, depth to Corcoran Clay.
Such results suggested that base perforation depth remain out of the spatial analyses for better
model performance.
The Generalized Linear Regression (in the Spatial Statistics toolset) Tool was utilized in
ArcGIS Pro. This tool can be used to assess continuous data relationships between two or more
data attributes. Generalized Linear Regression (GLR) tool tends to take on the form of OLS
when normally distributed, continuous datasets are assessed (Esri 2022). It must be noted that
GLR is inherently an aspatial regression tool as it takes on the form of a global regression model
(Nelder and Wedderburn 1972). Additionally, GLR in the Esri toolbox is different from GLM in
traditional statistics. For this study, GLR was used as it is an ArcGIS Pro tool that behaves like
OLS despite the confusion in Esri’s choice to name the tool in the contrary.
The explanatory variables that did not demonstrate multicollinearity were entered as the
explanatory variables for MLR. Of course, subsidence was the dependent variable. In ArcGIS
Pro, MLR is powerful in that it simultaneously produces measures of model performance
(AICC), measure of goodness of fit (R
), overall model statistical significance (Joint F-Statistic
and Joint Wald Statistic as well as the Koenker (BP) statistic), and indicators of normality for
residuals (Jarque-Bera statistic). Each of these was recorded for comparison with the local
regression model.
Along with the above statistical measures, features classes of the residuals and
standardized residuals were produced. These were subsequently mapped in ArcGIS Pro and
assessed alongside model performance diagnostics.
3.6. Geographically Weighted Regression
The annual GWR models created in this study were generated in ArcGIS Pro. The inputs
for the model included all explanatory variables that demonstrated no multicollinearity in the
ESDA stage. The annual groundwater change was to be expected to one of the explanatory
variables based on results from previous studies, albeit at a different location on the globe (Chu
et al. 2018; Ali et al. 2020; Chu et al. 2021).
Within ArcGIS Pro, three different regression models may be considered. For this study
Continuous (Gaussian) Model Type was chosen. This model type is effective when taking into
consideration a range of values such as depth to groundwater level or even well total depth. As
determined by the name, the data used in this model type need to be normally distributed and
data belong to a continuous data type (Mitchell and Griffin 2021).
Using the Moran’s I Test results, the Neighborhood Type input was set to “Distance
Band”. As the effective distance for each neighborhood has been determined through ESDA
efforts, this justified the use of “Distance Band” when establishing the GWR model
Finally, the local weighting scheme was set to Gaussian as it assigns a weight of one to
the regression feature and the surrounding neighbors, i and j respectively (see Equation 4 from
the previous sections within Chapter 3 for a quick refresher as to why this is established in this
manner) (Fotheringham et al. 2022).
This same process was conducted for the designated timeframe of this study (2015-2021).
The most influential variables were be maintained, and all parameters were kept consistent for
every annual dataset.
The report output for GWR in ArcGIS Pro yields model diagnostics comparable to OLS.
These include model diagnostics pertinent to measures of model performance (AICC), measure
of goodness of fit (R
), Sigma-Squared, Sigma-Squared MLE, and effective degrees of freedom.
Each of these was recorded for comparison with the global regression model. Of note, each of
the GWR results in the form of AIC, R
, and adjusted R
are averaged as there are numerous
results for the study area.
3.7. Model Comparison
After having constructed global and local regression models for predicting land
subsidence, the performance of each model was assessed for accuracy. Each global regression
model’s AICC value was compared to each local regression AICC. The same was done for each
model’s coefficient of determination (R
and adjusted R
). This was done in a simple table
comparison of values but was also assessed through the mapping of each global regression
model’s R
values and residuals as well as each local regression model’s R
values and residuals.
It is thought that strong performing models for predicting land subsidence will agree with Chu et
al. (2018)’s results of R
values greater than 0.3 and generally no greater than 0.94.
An additional step included using the predicted land subsidence values from the GWR
results, as well as the predicted land subsidence values from the MLR model results to run
interpolation of predicted land subsidence values with the use of Inverse Distance Weighting
(IDW). IDW is an accepted interpolation method for temporally based groundwater drawdown
mapping (Fetter 2001; Galloway and Burbey 2011; Ali et al. 2020; Chu et al. 2021). However,
there is an opportunity to improve upon this interpolation method for land subsidence results.
Unfortunately, such a study is not in the scope of this research so the accepted method of IDW
was used. The parameters that were used for IDW mapping of subsidence include a smoothing
factor or 0.5, and output cell size of 100m (328 ft). Again, this emulates the work of Chu et al.
(2021), but it is also noted that this visual comparison has likely introduced a second layer of
error into the assessment of model performance. After this simple raster math subtraction was
conducted between the original SAR datasets and the global regression model predictions. The
same was done between the original SAR datasets and the local regression model predictions.
The resulting delta rasters were then taken back to EDA through the generation of a histogram of
the delta values. This allows a good assessment of the summary statistics while also showing
how these data are distributed and if there is an acceptable range of error which is +/- 0.02 ft as
established by Chu et al. (2018).
While this study is not about interpolation methods, the thought was that following Chu
et al. (2021) and Ali et al. (2020) in the use of IDW would in fact yield a raster that can be
visibly compared to the annual SAR data. This visual comparison is to “see” the impacts of the
values predicted alongside the quantitative regression diagnostics model performance indicators.
Chapter 4 Results
This chapter outlines patterns identified in geographically weighted regression (GWR) and
statistical diagnostics of GWR spatial regression models. GWR accurately models land
subsidence patterns based on key geological and engineering-based variables. GWR performs
better than OLS models. Global regression techniques, such as OLS and spatially lagged models,
were not as effective in assessing land subsidence patterns in the San Joaquin Valley. While such
models have been successful at a global scale, such are not as impactful as local regression
models like GWR. GWR further shows that proper predictor variables can have the greatest,
positive impact when assessing land subsidence patterns.
4.1. Exploratory Data Analysis Distributions and Trends
The frequency curve of each predictor variable was assessed for similar values, with
some being higher and some lower, for a normal distribution of the classic symmetrical bell
curve. With this effort, values associated with each variable were determined to cluster around
the center of the curve. This implies whether each predictor variable was normally distributed or
not. Figure 8 shows distributions of variables associated with the 2017 dataset.
Figure 8. Histograms of 2017 explanatory variables and dependent variable
Assessing each distribution of both explanatory variables and the predictor variable (land
subsidence), led to the use of the Jarque-Bera test to test the normality. Recall that for p-values
of the test > 0.05 implies a normal distribution of the data. Similarly, a p-value of the test < 0.05
implies data with a distribution that is not normal.
Table 5 outlines the Jarque-Bera test p-values and implied level of statistical significance for the
2017 dataset.
Table 5. The Jarque-Bera test results for candidate variables
Dataset P-value
Land Subsidence 0.7254
% Fine-grained Material 0.1941
% Coarse-grained Material 0.6681
Well Completion Length 0.382
Top Perforation Depth 0.5661
Base Perforation Depth 0.8378
Well Total Depth 0.8375
2017 Groundwater Level 0.4921
Groundwater Level Change 0.1832
Upper vs. Lower Tulare 0.6922
Depth to Corcoran Clay 0.8847
Corcoran Clay Thickness 0.06922
Such an aspatial assessment of these data show no statistically significant variable is
present. Therefore, the model residuals were normally distributed or significantly biased. This
also implies no data transformation is required among the associated variables (i.e. there is no
need for a log transformation). For the 2017 dataset, as shown in Table 5 and exhibited in Figure
8, the Corcoran Clay Thickness comes close to being statistically significant. This makes sense
due to the variability in thickness of this aquitard throughout the San Joaquin Valley. Several
other geological factors, that show spatial patterns of their own, may also influence this variable
as outline in Chapter 3 (e.g. erosion and non-deposition). However, this variable remains
normally distributed with no need for a data transformation. Except for these two variables, all
explanatory and dependent variables are normally distributed with p-values > 0.05. The average
of p-values for all variables from 2015 to 2021 is 0.474 further demonstrating a normal
distribution of each variables’ underlying values.
When assessing spatial regression models, the dependent variable, in this study land
subsidence, also needs to be of a Gaussian distribution. Such a distribution is best when
modeling spatial phenomena and patterns at global (OLS) and local (GWR) scales. Figure 9 is a
histogram of the subsidence variable from the 2017 dataset that displays a normal distribution.
Figure 9. Histogram of land subsidence from 2017
When displayed in a scatter plot matrix, the linear relationship among each combination
of both dependent and independent variables is exhibited. Complementing Table 5, Figure 10
outlines the R
values of each variable comparison in blue boxes on the upper right half of the
figure. R
are posted inside these blue boxes. One may note how well total depth and well
completion length have a high R
value (0.59). Yet land subsidence (this study’s dependent
variable) and well total depth (an independent variable of this study) have a low coefficient of
determination (0.19) showing a large variance between these two variables.
Among the scatterplots in Figure 10, it is easy to identify that there is not a direct and
single linear fit that can easily represent all the variables, as a two-way combination, at a global
scale. However, it may be noted that all of the best-fit trends appear to be positive, and no
variable combinations exhibit a negative relationship.
Of the histograms, most notably are those associated with the depth to the Corcoran Clay,
the upper vs. lower Tulare, and the Corcoran Clay thickness variables. Both histograms
associated with the Corcoran Clay appear to exhibit bimodal distributions. However, and as
previously mentioned, traditional statistics have shown that the Corcoran Clay thickness is not
statistically significant. And even though the upper vs. lower Tulare variable operates as a
categorical dataset, it still exhibits a normal distribution.
The coefficients of determination, or R
, that are in the blue shaded boxes Figure 10 show
the strength of relationships for two-way variable combinations. As previously mentioned, there
are variables that demonstrate a good correlation when combined, but there are also variables
that demonstrate very weak measurements of variance for the dependent variable as it is
explained by the independent variable. A good example of this is the R
value of 0 between the
depth to the Corcoran Clay and the total well depth. In short, neither of these variables can be
used to predict the other.
Keeping these relations and distributions in mind, the next few sections will outline how
these variables are spatially distributed and how these explanatory variables are used to predict
patterns of land subsidence.
Figure 10. Scatterplot matrix of variables, distributions and R2 values, 2017
4.2. Local Cluster and Outlier Trends
Table 6 shows results from the Moran’s I for spatial autocorrelation and the resulting
search distances for the overall clustering of groundwater wells. Keep in mind that the search
distances yielded through this process were utilized for each annual dataset when GWR was
assessed. The incremental z-score graph yielded the values found in Table 6 for suggested search
Table 6. Moran's I suggested search band distances
Year Search Distance (ft)
2015 27004.2384
2016 27004.2384
2017 38670.74796
2018 27004.2384
2019 33994.90988
2020 84566.24516
2021 84564.56668
With these search distances, a larger cluster of high subsidence values were identified by
the Anselin Local Moran’s I statistic for almost all wells located on the west side of the San
Joaquin Valley in 2017. These values are displayed in light red in Figure 11 and are likely
associated with high values of aquifer recharge and inflation. However, a rim of low-high
outliers is present around this region, which likely signifies groundwater extraction wells
associated with agricultural crop irrigation. The light blue values indicate low-low clusters by
which there is a low clustering of wells exhibiting small amounts of subsidence. Grey values to
the northwest of Merced and to the west of Modesto are well locations that had no statistically
significant land subsidence or inflation in 2017.
Figure 11. Map of land subsidence clusters and outliers, 2017
High-high clusters made up 32% of the subsidence clusters (912 out of 2,815) for the
2017 dataset. Meanwhile, low-low clusters made up 44% of the subsidence clusters (1,246 of
2,815) for the 2017 dataset. 16% of the subsidence clusters were found to not be statistically
significant (444 of 2,815) for the 2017 dataset.
As Figure 11 indicates, there are small amounts of high-low and low-high outliers found
throughout the valley. Only 1% of all the well locations were outliers with high values
surrounded by low values (15 out of 2,815). Most of these low-high outliers are found in the
southern portion of the valley and are mostly west of Bakersfield. In assessing these locations, it
may be noted that these values are not related to oil or gas extraction which that region is known
for. Rather, like the rest of the data in this study, are related to high volumes of groundwater
extraction for crop irrigation that led to higher rates of subsidence in 2017. The remaining high-
low outliers were previously identified in areas showing inflation due to aquifer recharge. High-
low values accounted for 7% of the clusters and outliers from the 2017 dataset (198 out of
2,815). Figure 12 explores the breakdown of outliers and clusters further. This Moran’s
scatterplot further demonstrates the clustering of high-high values as one would expect to see
what looking at localization of land subsidence due to groundwater extraction in an agriculturally
rich valley.
Figure 12. Moran's scatterplot of land subsidence values, 2017
Figure 12 further illustrates the point that neighboring water wells exist in areas of
similarly high or low rates of land subsidence. One may note that the low-low both figures
demonstrate clusters of subsidence throughout the San Joaquin Valley. One must further keep in
mind that low values indicate rates of elevation drop or subsidence. Something that would be
expected in large portions of the valley. Such low-low clustering that is observed does in fact
show subsidence occurring throughout the study area. The next question is at what level of
variability exists among these subsidence clusters?
Visual spatial patterns of land subsidence trends and relationships are explored in a more
quantitative way among the previously outlined global regression analyses. Further refining of
such spatial pattern may be found in the next section pertaining to local regression analyses.
4.3. Global Relationship Trends
Global regression was assessed without the inclusion of spatially lagged explanatory
variables. This was done through OLS and through the creation of a single, global model of each
variable being used to predict land subsidence. The OLS for 2017 explanatory variables yielded
a single variable that is not considered to be a statistically significant variable. That variable was
associate with groundwater level change in 2017 that has a p-value of 0.3095. All the other nine
explanatory variables were found to be statistically significant. Table 7 presents summary results
for each explanatory variable and its measure of strength when regressed with land subsidence.
Table 7 is a more in-depth version of Figure 10 that shows other simple regression statistics.
Table 7. Summary of two-variable regression results, 2017
Variable P-Value R2 Adj R2 Std. Error t-Statistic f-Statistic
Level Change
0.3095 0.0003 9.61E-06 0.12842 1.016 1.033
Level 2017
2.348E-06 0.006457 0.006168 17.494 4.729 22.6
% Fine Grain
2.2E-16 0.0601 0.05983 1.6924 14.82 219.6
% Coarse Grain
2.2E-16 0.061 0.05983 1.6924 -14.82 219.6
2.2E-16 0.1286 0.1284 34.62 22.54 508
Top Perforation
2.2E-16 0.1757 0.1755 30.771 48.18 733.7
Base Perforation
2.2E-16 0.1832 0.1829 58.094 27.78 771.6
Well Total Depth 2.2E-16 0.2009 0.2007 65.11 29.41 865.2
Upper vs Lower
2.2E-16 0.04851 0.04823 0.054602 13.14 172.8
Corcoran Clay
0.4484 0.0002043
0.5233 75.943 0.5749
Depth to Top
Corcoran Clay
2.2E-16 0.3469 0.3467 3.894 99.97 1494
As Table 7 shows, the t-statistic yields a significant change in magnitude, mostly in the
positive direction, but with one variable, percent coarse-grained material in the negative
direction. The t-values are significant as each variable’s absolute value is higher than 1.96 (|t| ≥
Table 7 goes on to show that f-statistics associated with each variable tend to be large,
again apart from the groundwater level change variable. One must keep in mind that the larger
the number, the larger the dispersion of data from the mean. The variables top perforation depth,
base perforation depth, and total well depth display the largest ration of variance, or dispersion,
than any of the other variables.
The recorded standard errors show large values (> 0.9). The variables that are an
exception to large standard error include all values related to well depths (e.g. top perforation
depth, base perforation depth, and total well depth) and groundwater level depths for 2017. It
should be noted that that once again the variable associated with groundwater level change has a
lower standard error.
Finally, R
values, as well as the adjusted R
values, were relatively low for each variable
in the OLS model. The highest recorded R
value was 0.2009 in the 2017 dataset. This estimate
of movement between dependent and independent variable was associated with total well depth.
Figure 13 exhibits plotted values as they pertain to residuals vs fitted, Normal Q-Q plot, and
standardized residuals. One may note the deviation from a linear fit on all three graphs.
Figure 13. Residual vs fitted and Normal Q-Q plot
The residuals vs. fitted values plot shows no direct linear correlation among variables.
Assessing the spread of the data on the plot shows that there is some homoscedasticity for
residuals from 0.0 to 0.2. These also follow what starts as a linear trend for the matching fitted
values from -0.2 to -0.1. From there, these data exhibit high levels of heteroscedasticity further
implying a non-linear model at the global scale. This is further emphasized with the red best-fit
line being non-linear.
The normal Q-Q plot are assessing a possible normal distribution of the standardized
residuals over the theoretical quantiles. As values on this plot in the lower left do not show sets
of quantiles aligning with the dashed best-fit line, it may be said that these quantiles do not come
from the same distribution—namely, they do not come from a normal distribution at least when
assessed at the global scale. There is a short time in which the quantiles do follow a linear trend.
This is noted on the x-axis between -1 to ~1 where the compared quantiles plot on the dashed
linear fit line. It also appears that around 95% of the data lie below 2.80.
When assessing the standardized residual vs fitted values plot, the measure of the strength
of the difference between observed and expected values of a linear model is shown. In this case,
much like with the residuals vs. fitted values, there is no linear relationship exhibited. In fact, the
standardized residuals show a large separation between the linear model’s observed and expected
values. Once again, this demonstrates that a large, global model may not be the best approach to
prediction land subsidence.
4.3.1. Multiple Linear Regression (MLR)
Global linear regression was further assessed via the use of Generalized Liner Regression
(GLR) in ArcGIS Pro. One must keep in mind that MLR is intended to model the dependent
variable based on a grouping of independent or explanatory variables (Mitchell and Griffin
2021). While this approach follows an attempt to fit a continuous model (OLS), it considers all
explanatory variables in a single snapshot as opposed to unique, individual variable comparisons
(i.e. lone explanatory variable compared to dependent variable). Figure 14 exhibits the
standardized regression residuals of MLR for the 2017 dataset. Note that the dark red values
signify higher negative values from the standard deviation, while the darker blue signifies higher
positive values from the standard deviation. Figure 14 further emphasizes where large error
residuals reside. In the case of both maps, west of Lemoore and south of Merced tend to have
largest residual errors.
Figure 14. Map of 2017 MLR residuals and standardized residuals
A summary of OLS diagnostics results for 2017 is provided in Table 8. This table
includes the coefficient, robust SE, robust t, robust Pr, and variance inflation factor (VIF). As
previously mentioned, a VIF >5.0 indicates multicollinearity. For this reason, the annual
groundwater change variable was removed from the analysis as all but one year demonstrated
multicollinearity with the dependent variable of land subsidence. OLS diagnostic results for all
years (2015-2021) may be found in Table 8.
Table 8. Summary of OLS diagnostics, 2017
Variable Coefficient Robust SE Robust t Robust Pr VIF
2017 Intercept -0.160512 0.010603 -15.138003 0.000000* --------
Total Well Depth 0.000024 0.000007 3.584269 0.000358* 3.726871
Well Completion Length 0.000022 0.000011 2.033164 0.042121* 2.557095
2017 Groundwater Level -0.000156 0.000015 -10.254633 0.000000* 1.355889
Depth to Corcoran Clay 0.001209 0.000152 7.967612 0.000000* 1.093304
Corcoran Clay Thickness 0.000375 0.000013 29.571774 0.000000* 1.664723
% Fine Grain Material -0.000626 0.000077 -8.096861 0.000000* 1.152584
Up vs. Lower Tulare 0.021195 0.006339 3.343754 0.000854* 2.179722
As VIF is mentioned here, it should be noted that when the independent variables were
entered into the GWR Geoprocessing tool in ArcGIS Pro, a multicollinearity error was thrown.
Assessing each variable individually in the GWR tool, allowed groundwater level change, top
perforation depth, and percent coarse-grained sediment to be identified as exhibiting
multicollinearity. This was particularly interesting as all VIF measurements had up to this point
had no indication of multicollinearity., and as is only identified with the annual groundwater
change variable. The choice was made to move forward with the remaining explanatory variables
of well completion length, annual groundwater level, percent fine-grained sediment, depth to
Corcoran Clay, Corcoran Clay thickness, and upper vs. lower Tulare aquifer completion, each is
reflected in the results that follow.
Closely tied to the VIF in Table 8, are the joint F-statistic, joint Wald statistic, Koenker
(BP) statistic, and Jarque-Bera statistic. Table 9 exhibits each of these statistical results that
pertain to OLS model diagnostics. The Jarque-Bera statistic have previously been addressed to
assess multicollinearity among variables and assessment of normal vs. non-normal distributions.
Most notably are the degrees of freedom and the numbers of observations for each OLS
assessment. As previously mentioned, the error degrees of freedom are independent pieces of
information that are used in estimating coefficients. For precise coefficient estimates, especially
in regression testing, one should have many degrees of freedom as to have more observations for
each model term. This is desired in any regression model and allows for more availability to
calculate the desired coefficients. Each year analyzed demonstrates large degrees of freedom and
should have resulted in a valid calculation of coefficients. Again, note how the degrees of
freedom in Table 9 greatly exceed the number of observations.
Table 9. Summary of OLS Results for all annual datasets
Number of
Degrees of
Joint F-
Joint Wald
(BP) Statistic
2015 2820 72812 122.841 1153.328 147.439 3797.019
2016 3286 73278 161.800 1171.711 183.536 5445.731
2017 2768 82759 260.612 2033.425 132.651 434.332
2018 3096 83087 72.035 641.122 125.710 13690.234
2019 1771 81762 18.876 166.498 106.255 2787.450
2020 1517 71509 124.501 448.850 219.968 1735.485
2021 1552 71544 167.955 682.999 199.268 1765.461
The joint Wald statistic for each year is well above zero and implies that the variables
used in the MLR model are valid and should be included in the model. 2019 shows up as having
the lowest joint Wald statistic (166.4987), but even with this value, it implies that all variables
should remain in the model to assist with model fit.
The joint F-statistics for each year are valid and thus allow one to trust the Koenker (BP)
statistic. However, as each of the F-statistic values are relatively high, each year’s group average
is more spread out than the variability of the data within each group. Here, the differences in the
data averages likely reflect differences that exist at the population level in the data.
The Koenker (BP) statistic does not yield a value that is statistically significant (<0.05)
for any of the years assessed. This would imply that there is stationarity present in the model and
that the independent variables vary or fluctuate throughout the study area in relation to land
subsidence. This further alludes to the fact that a local regression model is likely to help improve
Table 10 yields the end results of MLR and exhibits the AICc values from global
Table 10. MLR AICc estimated prediction error values
Year AICc
2015 -1616.5047
2016 -2337.7899
2017 -3802.4281
2018 -4387.8372
2019 -4455.4981
2020 -2437.5007
2021 -1894.7676
AICc values from the MLR annual models estimates the quality of each model, relative
to each of the other model’s results. Here it may be noted that the 2018 and 2019 models contain
the lowest error and hence are the better of the seven models created through the MLR process
for each annual dataset. These values are compared to the GWR results over the next couple of
sections, but a direct AICc comparison is made in section 4.5.
4.4. Geographically Weighted Regression and Patterns of Land Subsidence
Local regression in the form of GWR included all previous independent variables
assessed with MLR. With GWR, all measured values performed better than in the global
regression model. From the previous section one may recall that the R
value for the 2017 dataset
was 0.430417 (adjust R
of 0.428766). The MLR model had an AICC of -3802.42091. As
opposed to the GWR model that yielded an R
value of 0.8384 and an AICC of -6913.942 for the
2017 dataset. The negative AICC indicates a lower degree of information loss as opposed to a
positive AICC (Baguley 2012). Table 11 exhibits GWR model diagnostics for each annual
dataset (2015-2021).
Table 11. GWR model performance diagnostics by year
AICC -6765.8909
AICC -7128.8269
Sigma-Squared 0.0048
Sigma-Squared 0.0047
Sigma-Squared MLE 0.0041
Sigma-Squared MLE 0.004
Effective Degrees of
Effective Degrees of
AICC -6913.942
AICC -10594.457
Sigma-Squared 0.0046
Sigma-Squared 0.0017
Sigma-Squared MLE 0.0042
Sigma-Squared MLE 0.0015
Effective Degrees of
Effective Degrees of
AICC -8208.716
AICC -4096.7792
Sigma-Squared 0.0008
Sigma-Squared 0.0038
Sigma-Squared MLE 0.0007
Sigma-Squared MLE 0.0036
Effective Degrees of
Effective Degrees of
AICC -3385.6421
Sigma-Squared 0.0064
Sigma-Squared MLE 0.0061
Effective Degrees of
4.4.1. Geographically Weighted Regression Coefficients
Mapped coefficients for independent variables for the 2017 dataset are part of the
capstone of GWR as such maps offer insight to the factors that contribute to the outcome of the
dependent variable. The key here is to assess how spatially consistent the relationship between
dependent and explanatory variables are. Mapped coefficients show the distribution of variation;
that is, how much variation is present and where, among these variables.
On assessing the distribution of completion length coefficients as shown in Figure 15,
2,122 locations exist with little variance in completion length when assessing patterns of land
subsidence. This large clustering of locations is notably located in the Westside Subbasin. As
previously mentioned, the majority of subsidence found int the 2017 SAR data may also be
found in this subbasin. A large cluster of coefficients in this subbasin is not surprising and is
likely attributed to well owner’ desire to chase dropping groundwater levels with longer
completions along the well bore. There is a degree of variance in the Modesto area as values
change from the southside, through central portions of Modesto, and again on the north side of
Modesto. It is also of note that little variation in completion length occurs south of Tulare and to
the northwest of Bakersfield; however, there is a degree of variance between the Tule Subbasin
and the Kern County Subbasin.
Figure 15. GWR completion length coefficients map, 2017
The Corcoran Clay thickness coefficients tend to follow spatial trends that are indicative
of the lateral extent of the clay itself and are exhibited in Figure 16. Coefficients in the Westside
Subbasin, west of Lemoore, contain negative coefficients implying that as the Corcoran Clay
increases in thickness, subsidence decreases. However, one must keep in mind that negative SAR
data tells us that there is inflation or uplift occurring in the area, so we must think the reverse of
what regression coefficients would normally tell us. More simply stated, as the Corcoran Clay
decreases in thickness, land subsidence is in fact increasing. This concept fits with what Lees et
al. (2021) discovered in their hydraulic head modeling, that is that the presence of the Corcoran
clay does influence subsidence, but it does not mean that such a presence of fine-grained
sediment should be ignored in unconsolidated sandy aquifers. These coefficients also align with
Faunt et al. (2015)’s discovered that up to 30% of the overall subsidence occurs in the upper
unconfined portion of the aquifer.
Figure 16. GWR Corcoran Clay thickness coefficients map, 2017
To further emphasize the importance of the Corcoran Clay, coefficients associated with
the depth to the clay show similar clustering as the thickness of the clay. The big difference here
is that around half of the coefficients exhibit a positive relationship so that as the depth to the
Corcoran Clay, when it is present, increases, the amount of subsidence also increases. This is
demonstrated in Figure 17. This positive relationship is most notable in the notorious Westside
Subbasin. Negative coefficients exist around Modesto and even to the south and west of
Figure 17. GWR depth to Corcoran Clay coefficients map, 2017
The importance of fine-grained sediment has been discussed throughout this study.
Assessing the percentage of fine-grained sediment coefficients to land subsidence continues to
demonstrate what the water industry and academia have discussed; that is that as the volume of
fine-grained sediment increases, the amount of land subsidence will also increase. This is best
shown in the Westside Subbasin where all coefficients are positive as exhibited in Figure 18.
These coefficients change as one moves to the northeast where values between Fresno and
Merced exhibit a negative relationship. The area around Modesto also shows negative coefficient
values. The same can be said for Bakersfield. Some of this may be geologically related as the
deposition of fine-grained sediments occurs in quite water, such as those of the base of the
ancient Tulare Lake.
Figure 18. GWR percent fine-grained sediment coefficients map, 2017
For the groundwater level coefficients, it comes as no surprise that clustering continues in
and around subbasins. In the Westside Subbasin, a negative relationship exists. This too is not a
surprise as the mechanics of decreasing groundwater levels with increase the amount of land
subsidence occurring. This again fits with the fact that groundwater drawdown is inextricably
linked to land subsidence (Sneed 2018). Coefficient values around Modesto continue to show a
negative relationship between groundwater level and land subsidence. This negative relationship
is also exhibited to the northwest of Bakersfield, but changes to a positive relationship to the
southwest and is shown in Figure 19.
Figure 19. GWR groundwater level coefficients map, 2017
One of the interesting spatial distributions of coefficients comes in the form of the upper
vs lower Tulare well completions that is shown in Figure 20.
Figure 20. GWR upper vs. lower Tulare coefficients map, 2017
Figure 21 takes another perspective of the upper vs. lower Tulare coefficients through a
zoomed in look at coefficient values in the Westside Subbasin.
Figure 21. Distribution of upper vs lower Tulare completion coefficients on the westside
These coefficients translate from showing a negative relationship to a stronger and
stronger positive relationship moving north. This is also interesting to see as the large variance
among variables across this region further demonstrates why GWR is a great tool to help
optimize land subsidence predictions.
Finally, the well depth coefficients also exhibit an interesting spatial distribution of
relationships as is shown in Figure 22.
Figure 22. GWR well depth coefficients map, 2017
The majority of well depth coefficients demonstrate negative relationships. On the westside,
among the Westside, Pleasant Valley, and Kettleman Plain Subbasins, such a relationship would
imply that as wells increase in depth land subsidence decreases. Figure 23 is a zoomed in view
along the westside of the study area and shows this spatial distribution of coefficients.
Figure 23. Distribution of well depth coefficients on the westside
It could go without saying, but this relationship is likely attributed to the water industry
chasing the groundwater levels deeper and deeper. Without any amount of recharge occurring in
the aquifer, largely due to drought, subsidence will continue to increase as lower groundwater
levels are chased.
4.4.2. Geographically Weighted Regression Coefficients of Determination
Mapped local R
values for each GWR model show that the largest variance in
coefficient of determination appears along the far westside of the San Joaquin Valley. This
would be in areas around and near Bakersfield and even further west on the Kettleman Plain
Subbasin. This is where the project AOI is not filled in for the project area due to Kettleman
Hills and Kettleman Dome.
For the 2015 model, the lowest R
values are located to the east of Fresno and to the
immediate west of Bakersfield. There are several locations on the far west of the valley, such as
in the Kettleman Plain Subbasin, where low R
values may also be found as shown in Figure 24.
Figure 24. Local R-squared GWR model value maps, 2015
For the 2016 model, the highest R
values are located northwest of Lemoore and south of
Merced and are exhibited in Figure 25. Such high values appear to be highly clustered and have
the tendency to be > 0.70. The lowest R
values of the 2016 GWR model are located east of
Fresno and on the far west of the study area in the Kettleman Plain Subbasin. South and west of
Bakersfield has a tendency for R
values to be around 0.50. It may be noted that this area was
also an area where 2016 SAR subsidence values showed little variance and few related values.
Figure 25. Local R-squared GWR model value maps, 2016
For the 2017 model, the highest R
values may be found throughout the central portion of
the San Joaquin Valley (i.e. between Fresno and Lemoore up into Modesto). These higher values
tend to be >0.80. One may note that there are higher values (>0.80) follow a similar trend
southwest of Tulare as shown in Figure 26.
Figure 26. Local R-squared GWR model value maps, 2017
The lowest values of the 2017 model are located northwest of Bakersfield and are <0.30.
Some lower values (<0.60 >0.50) may be found west of Lemoore and show some spatial
variability despite having had large, high value clusters in the previous two years’ GWR results.
This also complements the Anselin Local Moran’s I cluster and outlier analysis from the
previous section of this chapter. Figure 27 shows the statistical distribution of 2017 values.
Figure 27. Histogram of GWR local R-squared values, 2017
For the 2018 GWR model, the highest R
values are located, once again, west of
Lemoore. For the 2018 dataset, GWR R
values are higher (>0.80) on the interior of the clustered
datapoints near Lemoore. The highest R
values (>0.90) appear down the central axis of the
valley. Figure 28 shows the spatial distribution of the 2018 coefficients.
Figure 28. Local R-squared GWR model value maps, 2018
The lowest values (<0.30) of the 2018 model are located between Stockton and Modesto.
The Bakersfield area is not exempt from local low values as that region yielded values that are
similar to the 2017 GWR model. These values tend to be <0.60 on the southside of Bakersfield
and <0.30 to the north.
For the 2019 model, there were fewer data points utilized in the analysis, thus yielding a
larger distribution of the coefficient of determination, as shown in Figure 29. The highest R
values are located around Merced. Some higher values (>0.80) may be found north of Lemoore,
but values that are <0.50 are also closely tied into the area making for a larger distribution of
variability among R
values for 2019.
Figure 29. Histogram of GWR local R-squared values, 2019
The lowest values of the 2019 model are located around the Bakersfield area. Many of
these values echo what was previously established in prior years (e.g. 2016, 2017, and 2018). A
new area of low values (<0.20) shows up to the southwest of Modesto in the 2019 GWR model
as shown in Figure 30.
Figure 30. Local R-squared GWR model value maps, 2019
For the 2020 model, the highest R
values (>0.80) are located between Fresno and
Lemoore as Figure 31 demonstrates. There are some relatively higher values north of Bakersfield
and south of Tulare. One thing to note here is that there are next to no data around Tulare to the
east and to the west. Once again, fewer data points were collected likely due to the onset of the
COVID-19 pandemic. Groundwater levels were not collected during that time, or at least wells
have no records, due to the pandemic. The lowest R
values of the 2020 model are again found
south of Bakersfield.
Figure 31. Local R-squared GWR model value maps, 2020
For the 2021 model, the R
values are very similar to the 2020 dataset and output as
shown in Figure 32. The highest R
values (>0.80) are again found between Fresno and Lemoore.
The similar missing data points should be noted as with the prior year, although visually, there
several more points around Tulare in 2021. The only other notable change appears around
Bakersfield; in particular, to the south, where values have improved to >0.60. The lowest 2021
values (<0.3) have improved since 2020 from <0.20 to <0.30. These values may be found
between Stockton and Modesto.
Figure 32. Local R-squared GWR model value maps, 2021
Model accuracy, based on coefficients of determination, was poorest for all years in the
southern portion of the San Joaquin Valley, near Bakersfield. Since 2018, model accuracy was
found to be poor along the on the northwest edge of valley just west of Modesto. The final area
of low model accuracy may be found near Kettlemen City. GWR model accuracy was highest
(local R2 >.90) west of Lemoore as well as in the central region of the valley between Lemoore
and Fresno. The central region of the valley averaged 92%, well above that of OLS at 28% for all
years assessed. This area coincides with higher rates of subsidence, as well as lower groundwater
level values. The existing variation among independent variables may account for the accuracy
in the central region and even west of Lemoore. This is noted as locally weighted regression
requires a certain amount of spatial variation in the independent variables, which may also
explain the pattern of poor performance in areas like that of Modesto and Bakersfield.
This is complemented by the mapped standardized residuals shown in Figure 33. Note
how the standardized residuals with higher standard deviations (red and dark blue) generally
indicate that key variables are missing. However, as these data were engineered to have all
strong performing variables, it is more likely that sudden, unexpected spatial variation has
appeared among locations with higher standard deviations. This has likely led to the model
incorrectly predicting the output (Esri 2022).
Figure 33. GWR standardized residuals, 2017
4.5. Model Performance and Assessment
As a measure of model performance, AICC values were assessed and recorded. Both
MLR and GWR models for each year assessed yielded AICC. These, along with coefficients of
determination, are the key assessors used in this study to gauge each model’s accuracy.
4.5.1. AICC Assessment and Performance
The AICC values are a way to determine how well a model fits the data the model came
from (Bevans 2022). As Table 12 shows, GWR outperformed MLR by almost triple the AICC
values year-to-year.
Table 12. AICC performance by model and year
2015 -1616.50466
2016 -2337.789855 -7128.8269
2017 -3802.428091 -6913.942
2018 -4387.837165 -10594.4572
2019 -4455.49805 -7120.5861
2020 -2437.500709 -4096.7792
2021 -1894.767591 -3385.6421
While both MLR and GWR have had the same number of variables, and the exact same
variables, it should be noted that each has been well grounded with hydrogeologic, engineering,
and statistical knowledge and best practices.
4.5.2. Coefficient of Determination Assessment and Performance
Up to this point R
values have been discussed on a one-off basis. In fact, the focus on the
example dataset for 2017 has been to compare both OLS and GWR models. Such a comparison
between these two models has shown a drastic increase in goodness-of-fit. To echo this once
more, the multiple R
value for the 2017 MLR model was 0.43417 (adjusted R-squared of
0.428766). The R
value of the 2017 GWR model was 0.8384 (adjusted R-squared of 0.8227).
The improvement between the models is almost two times what it was initially. Table 13 further
emphasizes this for each annual dataset and for each model.
Table 13. Comparison of coefficient of determination for MLR and GWR models
Year MLR R
2015 0.234182 0.232276
0.9044 0.8871
2016 0.25679 0.255203 0.8956 0.8773
2017 0.430417 0.428766 0.8384 0.8227
2018 0.157312 0.155129 0.9106 0.8954
2019 0.078938 0.074756 0.8439 0.8154
2020 0.366101 0.36316 0.8033 0.7917
2021 0.432287 0.429713 0.7987 0.7869
The average R
value for MLR is 0.27943243 (adjusted R
of 0.27700043). The average
value is 0.85641429 (adjusted R
of 0.8395). One might note that MLR had a
particularly difficult time fitting the data to a global linear regression model (R
of 0.078938).
Whereas the GWR model for 2019 had the fourth highest local R
value (0.8439).
4.5.3. Visual Comparison of Model Results
This next section goes back to the SAR data provided by the DWR and takes a look at the
actual and predicted values in raster form. As previously outline, this approach is done knowing
that there are other layers of complexity and error that may be introduced by adding interpolation
of the predicted values to the outputs of this study. As also outlined in the methodology, values
that were deemed to be “good” or “sufficient” (i.e. R
>0.60) were used to generated
interpolation products. Figure 34 displays the IDW interpolation of land subsidence from 2017
GWR predicted values.
Figure 34. IDW interpolation from GWR predictions, 2017
Figure 34 also displays the overall count for each local R
value in the legend. That count
may be found in parentheses. For the 2017 dataset, only 5 points (<1%) had an R
value < 0.20.
Notably, 88% of the total count of R
values are >0.60. Based on the accompany R
values, there
appears to be good data coverage throughout the San Joaquin Valley. Enough that perhaps, one
might feel confident in the small number of lower R
values that are scattered throughout the
In Figure 35, the predicted and interpolated output is put next to the original 2017 SAR
data that the dependent variable was initially derived from. The left map in Figure 35 is from the
2017 GWR model of which the model’s predicted values have been interpolated from the IDW
algorithm. The map on the right is of the original 2017 SAR raster dataset of which the land
subsidence (dependent variable) was derived from. All SAR maps of land subsidence may be
found in Appendix E – Original SAR Land Subsidence Maps. Interpolated GWR predicted land
subsidence maps for years 2015-2021 may be found in Appendix J – GWR Predicted Land
Subsidence Maps.
Figure 35. 2017 GWR and SAR land subsidence maps
Qualitative observations about these two maps would lead one to note that there appears
to be an overprediction of land subsidence around the Fresno area in 2017. While the R
in the area are >0.80, many are in fact >0.90, yet the brighter reds and yellows signifying uplift
bleed into the east of the study area. This is a great example of a secondary error from
interpolating predicted values to great a raster. Nonetheless, Figure 36 shows the quantitative
difference between these two rasters.
Figure 36. Difference map of SAR and GWR predictions, 2017
The absolute maximum difference between the 2017 SAR data and the interpolated GWR
prediction values is |0.33 feet|. This value is a negative value that would show a maximum
difference of -0.33 feet by which the GWR prediction and interpolation is overestimating the
amount of subsidence. The average difference between these rasters is -0.0019 feet. Figure 37
displays the distribution of the delta values between these two rasters. One may note a very
normal distribution in delta values. Additionally, two standard deviations contain most of the
delta values. Such values are between -0.05 feet and 0.06 feet.
Figure 37. Histogram of delta values between subsidence rasters, 2017
Once again, it must be noted that this approach adds two levels of error to the predictions
and requires further investigation for the best practice in interpolating predicted values from a
spatial regression model. Such was not in the scope of this study.
Chapter 5 Discussion and Conclusions
Patterns and spatial distributions of land subsidence in the San Joaquin Valley were examined
and explored through multi-variate analyses, global regression models, and local regression
techniques. The use of experiential knowledge pertinent to hydrogeology and engineering
practices were combined with spatial regression modeling techniques to yield an effective, easy-
to-update, and accurate model for assessing land subsidence patterns in California’s San Joaquin
GIS spatial analytics and exploratory data analyses of land subsidence in relation to key
hyrdrogeologic and engineering variables such as total well depth, statistical distribution of fine-
grained sediment, and the presence of a large aquitard such as the Corcoran Clay all have
environmental impacts on predicting the spatial patterns of land subsidence. While each of the
nine variables assessed in this study prove to be influential, global regression methods give
insight to spatial autocorrelation and spatial clustering of similar values as well as the
identification of outliers. Quantitative and qualitative analyses of the spatial distribution of
variable coefficients have identified regions in the San Joaquin Valley that may be light in data
quantity and quality. Such regions have also been key in identifying where local regression
models may fall short and where global regression models completely missing the mark when it
comes to predicant spatial patterns in land subsidence. Based on the requirements of the
Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA), local spatial regression models can assist
Groundwater Sustainability Agency (GSAs) and Groundwater Sustainability Plans (GSPs) with
the management and use of groundwater to avoid the potential “undesirable result” of land
This chapter summarizes the results, shortcomings, and potential future solutions to
finetune spatial regression models for predicting land subsidence. Regression model results and
areas of improvement are discussed and related to areas identified for improvement and/or model
5.1. Hydrogeologic and Engineering Impacts
Previous studies have not fully integrated experiences from the practice of hydrogeology
and engineering with that of academic concepts. The methodology in this study have integrated
the best of both worlds with what may be considered a successful and reliable outcome. As
demonstrated with the AICC values from both global and local spatial regression models,
including each identified variable is key in grounding the statistical concepts with real world
application. One may note that the inclusion of each independent variable yielded a higher AICC
for the spatially lagged model as well as the GWR model. AICC had little to no improvement as
the suggested independent variables were removed. In fact, the best performing AIC proliferated
from the 2019 GWR model with an AIC of -8208.716. With poorest performing AIC stemming
from the 2015 OLS model with an AIC of -1616.5047, it goes to show the large difference the
models make, but also what difference the key independent variables play.
When assessed at the local scale, subsidence is based on a multitude of local factors,
including overexploitation, water level drawdown, geology, and water year type (California
Department of Water Resources 2022). These sedimentary deposits are comprised of
unconsolidated gravel, sand, silt, and clay that define the Tulare Formation (Hill 1964).
Additionally, numerous lenses of fine-grained sediments (e.g. silt, sandy silt, sandy clay, and
clay) are also present and according to Page (1973) make up over 50% of the total aquifer
Most of the fine-grained materials have been mapped using geophysical logs, seismic
surveys, and drill core throughout the San Joaquin Valley. Most notably, and most spatial
widespread, is the lithologic unit of the Corcoran Clay Member of the Tulare Formation that
exists along the majority of the westside of the valley (Bertoldi et al. 1991). The Corcoran Clay
Member is a key component of groundwater hydraulics in the valley. Lees et al. (2021) have
subdivided the Tulare Formation, the primary aquifer throughout the valley, into three different
hydrostratigraphic layers: the unconfined to semi-confined upper Tulare (or upper aquifer), the
Corcoran Clay Member, and the lower Tulare (or confined lower aquifer). Associating
groundwater extraction and the ramifications of land subsidence within the Tulare Formation
would be impossible without identification of confined and unconfined portions of the aquifer
Ali et al. (2020) and Chu et al. (2021) had even gone so far as to differentiate among the
confining layers in their study. Having this understanding and knowing that aquitards have such
a large impact on groundwater systems, it makes sense to include such layers and their spatial
distribution throughout the San Joaquin Valley in any land subsidence analysis.
Furthermore, including the Corcoran Clay thickness and percent of fine-grained material
within the Tulare aquifer itself lends itself to the engineering of differential compaction that was
mentioned in the introduction of this study. Including the general principle of compaction as it
occurs when sediment is unconsolidated and has high percentages of fine-grained sands, silts,
and clays cannot and should not be removed from the equation when assess land subsidence
(Davis and Poland 1957; Davis et al. 1964; Poland et al. 1975). Yes, even the spatial distribution
of fine-grained material and thickness of aquitards have lent to a better understanding of the
spatial patterns of land subsidence within the San Joaquin Valley.
5.2. Regression Successes
Once the key variables that are geologically and engineering based were established, the
exploration of regression models was able to be established. The process of establishing a
regression model was accomplished through relations among variables per Chu et al. (2021) and
Ali et al. (2020). As noted in this study’s methodology, a key difference between this study and
those emulated includes the use of more variables that are based both in the real world and in the
practice of groundwater extraction. The relationship between annual subsidence the independent
variables was formulated, and the spatial patterns of subsidence were subsequently estimated.
With this, local regression in the form of GWR performed better than global regression in the
form of MLR. This was anticipated based on the work of Chu et al. (2018). The R
and AIC
values demonstrated that locally weighted regression performs in a manner that is sufficient for
estimating patterns of land subsidence throughout the San Joaquin Valley.
Low coefficients of determination continually appeared in the GWR model on the far
west boundary of the study area, as well as to the south end of the valley to the west and to the
south of Bakersfield. In the southern portion of the valley, one may note that annual SAR land
subsidence values tend to be very similar, almost to the point that the grid values for each year’s
raster are not correctly represented. This apparent lack in data quality may be what led to low
coefficients of determination in this region.
The local regression model (GWR) coefficient maps demonstrated large and consistent
patterns of land subsidence through the central axis of the valley. This same segway tends to
hold the higher R
values for each annual local regression model. It should also be noted that
inflation to the west of Lemoore also shows strongly in large clusters. These same clusters tend
to exhibit R
values that are > 0.70.
The results of the local and global regression models, when compared, are similar to that
of Chu et al. (2021), Chu et al. (2018) and Ali et al. (2020). While these authors utilized the
relationship between land subsidence and groundwater level change through time, groundwater
level change demonstrated multicollinearity and was not fully assessed at the local level in this
study. Furthermore, due to the direct, linear connection between the percent of coarse-grained
sediment and the percent of fine-grained sediment, coarse-grained sediment was removed from
the local regression analysis. This variable also demonstrated multicollinearity when
constructing a GWR model in ArcGIS Pro. Other variables that had similar challenges were the
top perforation depth and base perforation depth. Both variables were directly connected to each
well’s completion length. As mentioned in this study’s methodology, the completion length
variable was calculated from top and base perforation depths. However, each of these three
variables did not show multicollinearity when looking at VIF results. Each VIF value was larger
than 1.0. ArcGIS Pro was able to catch the redundancy of each removed variable that would have
otherwise led to an unstable regression model (Esri 2022).
While Chu et al. (2021) utilized IDW to generate a raster of their predicted land
subsidence values, a secondary level of error is being introduced through the use of such
interpolation methods. As previously mentioned, the purpose of this study is not to explore
concepts of interpolation as it pertains to groundwater modeling or land subsidence patterns.
Rather, the use of IDW in this study follows a consist method by which predicted land
subsidence values have been explored (Chu et al. 2018; Chu at el. 2021; Ali et al. 2020).
Interpolation methods allow a qualitative look at model results and can be used to visually assess
strong and weak performance in a spatial regression model. This is especially true when
compared side-by-side with the SAR land subsidence dataset.
Taking observations around interpolated surfaces further, the generated delta rasters of
this study also show areas where either more data are needed or where the underlying model data
need to be refined. Such refining may come in the form of a larger clustering of groundwater
measurements in specific areas (e.g. west of Modesto). Worded in another way, more spatial
clustering of groundwater level measurements may help establish better predictions with the
spatial regression model. This would show stronger results in both the R
values and in
interpolation methods in those areas that currently demonstrate relatively weak performance.
The exploration of homoscedasticity and the ability for GWR to assess dependent
variable variation allows one to contrast seemingly small changes from one groundwater well to
the next while attaining high confidence in predicting land subsidence. This study’s approach can
be used to show spatial patterns of land subsidence through space and time even as each
independent variable changes through that same space and time.
5.3. Further Development
The results of spatial analysis and local spatial regression models demonstrated that even
on a well-to-well basis there are large differences in land subsidence patterns. For this reason, it
is strongly suggested that the nine subbasins be assessed separately from the San Joaquin Valley
as a whole. This became very clear when low R
were showing up south of Bakersfield as well as
on the western edge of the valley near Kettlmen Hills. Make such subdivisions not only caters to
local GSPs but also may enable modelers to incorporate localized aquitards that are not as
spatially widespread as the Corcoran Clay. This also implies that more localized hydrogeological
systems and variables, if the data are readily available, may be incorporated into the spatial
regression model and yield higher confidence in the coefficient of determination for each well
In the spirt of continuous improvement that this study was based on, there are several key
items that might be included in future analyses. One such variable would be the inclusion of
volumes of water extracted at groundwater well locations. It is unfortunate that such data are not
readily available via DWR, RWQCB, USGS, or GAMA. As subbasin through the San Joaquin
Valley work on meeting the statutes of SGMA, such volumes are likely to become easier to
access and may be an even more impactful independent variable in predicting land subsidence.
Furthermore, working with groundwater agencies, such as DWR and RWQCB, to assess
recharge effects and hydrodynamic lag based on groundwater draw down (i.e. groundwater level
change through time) and resulting subsidence could be considered. This comes at a risk of
overcomplicating even local regression models. Thus, the effectiveness of using few, but well
established, independent variables should still relevant. Doing so will guarantee an easy to
update, but highly accurate model for predicting patterns of land subsidence.
5.4. Conclusion
The goal of this study was to explore and predict the spatial distribution of land
subsidence through spatial regression models in California’s San Joaquin Valley. Spatial data
analysis incorporated autocorrelation that is masked by typical statistical analyses. Additionally,
a global regression model failed to incorporate variability among independent variables
throughout the valley. Spatial analyses at a local scale provides insight to spatial variability
among variable coefficients.
The use of a spatial regression model within a GIS enables GSAs to incorporate better
land subsidence predictions into their groundwater sustainability plans. Incorporating newly
drilled wells, their associated depths, completion lengths, as well as notation of completion in the
upper or lower Tulare makes spatial regression model predictions easy to update and accurate
enough to make GSP adjustments with the valley and throughout subbasins. Further
improvements that include refined completion intervals, updated groundwater measurements (as
per SGMA), and the integration of volumes of water extracted may help GSAs avoid undesirable
results. Therefore, this method can be used efficiently for land subsidence management and
might be widely used for subsidence estimation solely based on experiential hydrogeology and
engineering variables. As noted above, the quality of each independent variable affects the
estimation accuracy of land subsidence. Yet this spatial regression model can be relevant in
terms of SGMA and land subsidence regulation.
2021 California Code Water Code – WAT, DIVISION 6 - CONSERVATION,
2.74 - Sustainable Groundwater Management CHAPTER 1 - General Provisions Section
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Appendix A – Summary of OLS Regression Variable Coefficients
*Indicates a statistically significant relationship
Variable Coefficient Robust SE Robust t Robust Pr VIF
2015 Intercept 0.029543 0.01447 2.041646 0.041269* --------
Total Well Depth -0.000002 0.00001 -0.193992 0.84619 3.797276
Well Completion Length -0.000012 0.000014 -0.799482 0.424066 2.724941
2015 Groundwater Level 0.000133 0.000019 7.178395 0.000000* 1.389416
Depth to Corcoran Clay -0.000218 0.000015 -14.248787 0.000000* 1.865914
Corcoran Clay Thickness -0.000784 0.000161 -4.87007 0.000002* 1.774136
% Fine Grain Material -0.002617 0.000202 -12.971017 0.000000* 1.0709
Up vs. Lower Tulare 0.049965 0.009337 5.351401 0.000000* 2.105291
2016 Intercept -0.003831 0.012478 -0.307051 0.758835 --------
Total Well Depth 0.00001 0.000009 1.008106 0.313466 3.900945
Well Completion Length -0.000014 0.000014 -0.97842 0.327925 2.673596
2016 Groundwater Level 0.000373 0.000017 22.223439 0.000000* 1.392284
Depth to Corcoran Clay -0.001942 0.000175 -11.079092 0.000000* 1.065782
Corcoran Clay Thickness -0.00035 0.000014 -24.690774 0.000000* 1.72856
% Fine Grain Material -0.000534 0.000117 -4.560865 0.000007* 1.208554
Up vs. Lower Tulare 0.040189 0.007846 5.121859 0.000001* 2.152318
2017 Intercept -0.160512 0.010603 -15.138003 0.000000* --------
Total Well Depth 0.000024 0.000007 3.584269 0.000358* 3.726871
Well Completion Length 0.000022 0.000011 2.033164 0.042121* 2.557095
2017 Groundwater Level -0.000156 0.000015 -10.254633 0.000000* 1.355889
Depth to Corcoran Clay 0.001209 0.000152 7.967612 0.000000* 1.093304
Corcoran Clay Thickness 0.000375 0.000013 29.571774 0.000000* 1.664723
% Fine Grain Material -0.000626 0.000077 -8.096861 0.000000* 1.152584
Up vs. Lower Tulare 0.021195 0.006339 3.343754 0.000854* 2.179722
2018 Intercept 0.021678 0.009533 2.273947 0.023021* --------
Total Well Depth 0.000014 0.000006 2.457641 0.014027* 3.787331
Well Completion Length -0.000015 0.000009 -1.700012 0.089239 2.625466
2018 Groundwater Level 0.000152 0.000012 12.440421 0.000000* 1.355912
% Fine Grain Material -0.001437 0.000135 -10.613741 0.000000* 1.097181
Depth to Corcoran Clay -0.000157 0.000009 -16.639823 0.000000* 1.659258
Corcoran Clay Thickness -0.000363 0.000094 -3.878788 0.000117* 1.201381
Up vs. Lower Tulare 0.02254 0.005606 4.02056 0.000067* 2.184942
2019 Intercept -0.054736 0.006505 -8.414983 0.000000* --------
Total Well Depth 0.000037 0.000007 5.638191 0.000000* 3.484539
Well Completion Length -0.000032 0.000011 -2.945419 0.003276* 2.870938
2019 Groundwater Level 0.000071 0.00001 7.032167 0.000000* 1.509999
% Fine Grain Material -0.000589 0.000098 -5.990892 0.000000* 1.018384
Depth to Corcoran Clay -0.000003 0.000011 -0.273684 0.784366 1.232173
Corcoran Clay Thickness 0.000115 0.000054 2.119753 0.034153* 1.320275
Up vs. Lower Tulare 0.001292 0.0045 0.287129 0.774056 1.966936
2020 Intercept 0.111662 0.0137 8.150752 0.000000* --------
Total Well Depth -0.00004 0.000012 -3.463482 0.000564* 3.245993
Well Completion Length 0.00001 0.000018 0.558697 0.576459 2.885067
2020 Groundwater Level 0.000131 0.000018 7.268299 0.000000* 1.454729
% Fine Grain Material -0.001483 0.000156 -9.506363 0.000000* 1.053744
Depth to Corcoran Clay -0.000384 0.000023 -16.832402 0.000000* 1.335624
Corcoran Clay Thickness -0.000491 0.000124 -3.966258 0.000085* 1.216716
Up vs. Lower Tulare 0.010778 0.00725 1.486724 0.137312 1.958827
2021 Intercept 0.133876 0.014829 9.028173 0.000000* --------
Total Well Depth -0.000022 0.000013 -1.688206 0.091584 3.230477
Well Completion Length 0.000004 0.000022 0.186596 0.851995 2.808253
2021 Groundwater Level -0.000023 0.00002 -1.187614 0.235168 1.630424
% Fine Grain Material -0.00258 0.000181 -14.260905 0.000000* 1.066257
Depth to Corcoran Clay -0.000484 0.000024 -20.26942 0.000000* 1.711205
Corcoran Clay Thickness -0.000115 0.000152 -0.755654 0.449962 1.777817
Up vs. Lower Tulare 0.013586 0.008655 1.569676 0.11671 1.917885
Appendix B - R Code for EDA
# Calling Spatial Data in R (sp)
# SSCI 594b EDA Code
# Subsidence and Groundwater in the San Joaquin Valley CA
# call packages from library
#load R Excel reader package
# call data in Excel and name vector / variable
SJB <- read_excel("/Volumes/GoogleDrive/My
# check field headers
#check the number of rows
# check the number of columns with recorded data
# check variable names of each data field of each layer
#call dataset into sp package
data = data.frame(SJB)
# set XY data to dataframe
coords = data.frame(
# plot cooridnates from dataframe
plot(coords,pch=21, bg="lightblue", xlab = "Longitude", ylab = "Latitude", main = "Lat & Long
Locations of Water Wells - SJV")
grid(nx= NULL,
ny= NULL,
lty = 2, col= "dark grey", lwd =1)
coordinates(data) = cbind(coords$x, coords$y)
#get summary stats
#### Plot Histograms
hist(SJB$SUBSIDENCE_RATE, xlab = "Subsidence (ft)", main = "Distribution of Land
Subsidence (2017)", xlim = c(-1, 0.5), ylim = c(0, 1000), breaks = 15)
hist(SJB$PERCENT_FINE, xlab = "Percent Fine Grain Sediment (%)", main = "Distribution of
Percent Fine Grain Sediment (2021)", xlim = c(0, 100), ylim = c(0, 500), breaks = 15)
hist(SJB$PERCENT_COARSE,xlab = "Percent Coarse Grain Sediment (%)", main =
"Distribution of Percent Coarse Grain Sediment (2021)", xlim = c(0, 100), ylim = c(0, 500),
breaks = 15)
hist(SJB$COMPL_LENGTH,xlab = "Completion Lengths (ft)", main = "Distribution of
Completion Lengths (2021)", xlim = c(0, 2500), ylim = c(0, 2500), breaks = 25)
hist(SJB$PERF_TOP_DEPTH, xlab = "Depth of Top Perforation (ft bgs)", main = "Distribution
of Top Perforation Depths (2021)", xlim = c(0, 2000), ylim = c(0, 2000), breaks = 25)
hist(SJB$PERF_BASE_DEPTH, xlab = "Depth of Base Perforation (ft bgs)", main =
"Distribution of Base Perforation Depths (2021)", xlim = c(0, 3000), ylim = c(0, 2000), breaks =
hist(SJB$WELL_DEPTH, xlab = "Total Depth (ft bgs)", main = "Distribution of Total Well
Depths (2021)", xlim = c(0, 3000), ylim = c(0, 2000), breaks = 20)
hist(SJB$GWLEVEL_2017, xlab = "Groundwater Depth (ft bgs)", main = "Distribution of
Groundwater Depth (2021)", xlim = c(-10, 1500), ylim = c(0, 1500), breaks = 15)
hist(SJB$GW_LEVEL_CHANGE, xlab = "Groundwater Level Change", main = "Distribution of
Groundwater Level Change (2021)", xlim = c(-50, 50), ylim = c(0, 3500), breaks = 10)
hist(SJB$UP_LOW_TULARE, xlab = "Upper:Lower Tulare", main = "Distribution of Upper vs.
Lower Tulare Well Completions (2021)", xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 3500), breaks = 10)
hist(SJB$DEPTH_COR_CLAY, xlab = "Depth (ft bgs)" , main = "Distribution of Top Corcoran
Clay Depths (ft bgs)", xlim = c(0, 1000), ylim = c(0, 500), breaks = 15 )
hist(SJB$COR_CLAY_THICK,xlab = "Thickness (ft)" , main = "Distribution of Corcoran Clay
Thickness", xlim = c(0, 150), ylim = c(0, 700), breaks = 15 )
##hist(SJB$SUBSIDENCE_RATE,xlab = "Land Subsidence (cm)", main = "Distribution of
Land Subsidence (2021)", xlim = c(-1.5, 0.5), ylim = c(0, 1500), breaks = 15)
### Jarque Bera Test for Normality ###
# call package from library
# run normality test
# p-value < 0.05 = not normal
# p-value > 0.05 = normal distribution
dataset <- rnorm(SJB$SUBSIDENCE_RATE) # null
dataset <- rnorm(SJB$PERCENT_FINE) # null
dataset <- rnorm(SJB$PERCENT_COARSE) # null
dataset <- rnorm(SJB$COMPL_LENGTH) # null
dataset <- rnorm(SJB$PERF_TOP_DEPTH) # null
dataset <- rnorm(SJB$PERF_BASE_DEPTH) # null
dataset <- rnorm(SJB$WELL_DEPTH) # null
dataset <- rnorm(SJB$GWLEVEL_2017) # null
dataset <- rnorm(SJB$GW_LEVEL_CHANGE) # null
dataset <- rnorm(SJB$UP_LOW_TULARE) # null
dataset <- rnorm(SJB$COR_CLAY_THICK) # null
dataset <- rnorm(SJB$DEPTH_COR_CLAY) # null
#### KS test for normality ####
# Note that p<0.5 means the data are not normally distributed
# Note that p>0.5 means the data are normally distributed
ks.test(SJB$PERCENT_FINE, 'pnorm')
# ks.test(SJB$PERCENT_COARSE, 'pnorm')
# ks.test(SJB$GWLEVEL_2021, 'pnorm')
### Log Transform Non-Normal Distributions ####
# Check existing data frame
data = data.frame(SJB)
# Add named column to data frame and perform log transformation
#check resulting data field and frame
### Rerun histogram of log transformed data fields from data frame
hist(SJB$logsubsidence, xlab = "Subsidence (ft)", main = "Histogram of Log Transformed
Subsidence - SJ Basin", xlim = c(-1.5, 0), ylim = c(0, 3000), breaks = 13)
# Log Transformation of Groundwater Depth data
# Add named column to data frame and perform log transformation
#check resulting data field and frame
### Rerun histogram of log transformed data fields from data frame
hist(SJB$logdepth, xlab = "Groundwater Depth (ftbgs)", main = "Histogram of Log Transformed
Groundwater Depth - SJ Basin", xlim = c(0, 10), ylim = c(0, 3000), breaks = 20)
### Make scatter plots ###
#plot data for first run in preparation for background "underlay" color
plot(SJB$GWLEVEL_2017, SJB$SUBSIDENCE_RATE, main = "Subsidence / Groundwater
Depth (2017)", xlab="Groundwater Depth (ft bgs)", ylab="Subsidence (cm)", pch=21, bg="light
# set background color "underlay"
rect(par("usr")[1], par("usr")[3],
par("usr")[2], par("usr")[4],
col = "gray96")
# add a new plot area in current graph
par(new= TRUE)
# plot selected data in scatterplot
grid(nx= NULL,
ny= NULL,
lty = 2, col= "dark grey", lwd =1)
par(new= TRUE)
plot(SJB$GWLEVEL_2017, SJB$SUBSIDENCE_RATE, main = "Subsidence / Groundwater
Depth (2017)", xlab="Groundwater Depth (ft bgs)", ylab="Subsidence (cm)", pch=21, bg="light
### Boxplots for Groundwater wells ###
# set parameters for alternating boxplot colors by y~group
# las = 2 changes the label direction while cex.axis = 0.5 changes the axis labels' font size
data=data.frame(SJB$GWLEVEL_2017), col=(c("lightgreen", "lightblue")),
main="Groundwater Depth by Basin (2017)", ylab="Groundwater Depth (ft bgs)", xlab="Basin",
las=2, cex.axis=0.5)
# set background color "underlay"
rect(par("usr")[1], par("usr")[3],
par("usr")[2], par("usr")[4],
col = "gray96")
# add a new plot area in current graph
par(new= TRUE)
# plot selected data in scatterplot
grid(nx= NA, # no grid lines
ny=NULL, # default grid line per label
lty = 2, col= "dark grey", lwd =1)
par(new= TRUE)
# set parameters for alternating boxplot colors by y~group
data=data.frame(SJB$GWLEVEL_2017), col=(c("lightgreen", "lightblue")),
main="Groundwater Depth by Basin (2017)", ylab="Groundwater Depth (ft bgs)", xlab="Basin",
las=2, cex.axis=0.5)
### Boxplots for Subsidence Monitoring Network ###
# set parameters for alternating boxplot colors by y~group
# las = 2 changes the label direction while cex.axis = 0.5 changes the axis labels' font size
data=data.frame(SJB$GW_LEVEL_CHANGE), col=(c("lightcoral", "lightgoldenrod1")),
main="Groundwater Level Change by Basin (2017)", ylab="Groundwater Level Change (ft)",
xlab="Basin", las=2, cex.axis=0.75)
# set background color "underlay"
rect(par("usr")[1], par("usr")[3],
par("usr")[2], par("usr")[4],
col = "gray96")
# add a new plot area in current graph
par(new= TRUE)
# plot selected data in scatterplot
grid(nx= NA, # no grid lines
ny=NULL, # default grid line per label
lty = 2, col= "dark grey", lwd =1)
par(new= TRUE)
data=data.frame(SJB$GW_LEVEL_CHANGE), col=(c("lightcoral", "lightgoldenrod1")),
main="Groundwater Level Change by Basin (2017)", ylab="Groundwater Level Change (ft)",
xlab="Basin", las=2, cex.axis=0.75)
### Plot 3D Scatter Plot ####
# call library
# plot X, Y, Z data
# By default, plot3d() uses square points, which do not appear properly when saving to a PDF.
# For improved appearance, the example above uses type="s" for spherical points, made them
smaller with size=0.75, and turned off the 3D lighting with lit=FALSE (otherwise they look like
shiny spheres)
xlab = "Longitude", ylab = "Latitude", zlab = "Groundwater Depth (ft)",
type = "s", size = 0.25, col="lightblue", lit = FALSE)
# plot x, y, z subsidence data
xlab = "Longitude", ylab = "Latitude", zlab = "Subsidence (ft)",
type = "s", size = 0.25, col="red", lit = FALSE)
##attempt to add segments to each water depth -- makes things too messy
##segments3d(interleave(SJGW$LONGITUDE, SJGW$LONGITUDE),
## interleave(SJGW$GSE), min(SJGW$GSE),
## alpha = 0.4, col= "blue")
Appendix C - R Code for ESDA
#### Moran's I for Spatial Autocorrelation ###
### Spatially Lagged Model ###
### Set Neighborhood for Large Pointset ####
# call libraries
# read and alias dataset from Excel
SJB <-
# Check data field titles and categories
# Make data a spatial dataframe
coordinates(SJB) <- ~ LONGITUDE + LATITUDE
# set inverse distance weights matrix
well.dists <-as.matrix(dist(cbind(SJB$LONGITUDE, SJB$LATITUDE)))
# 1 divided by values in the matrix
well.dist.inv <- 1/well.dists
# create a matrix where each-off diagonal [i,j] is equal to 1/distance between point i and point j
diag(well.dist.inv) <- 0
well.dist.inv[1:5, 1:5]
# Calculate Moran's I (note that I am not too sure if this step is needed here)
Moran.I(SJB$SUBSIDENCE_RATE, well.dist.inv)
# Use K nearest as a criteria for non-polygon vectors (ie points)
knea <- knearneigh(coordinates(SJB), longlat = TRUE)
neib <- knn2nb(knea)
# Print output of the nearest neighbors
par = (mar=c(0,0,0,0))
plot(SJB, border="grey")
plot(neib, coordinates(SJB), add=TRUE, col="red")
### Global Moran's I ###
# assign weights as listed object
#create a spatial weights using nb2listw() using the default option of row standardization
(style="W") and binary weights (style ="B")
SJBW <- nb2listw(neib, style = "W", zero.policy = TRUE)
lw <- nb2listw(neib, style = "B")
# Assess the weight of the first polygon's neighbors type
# Compute weighted neighbor mean subsidence values
# not needed to run the moran or moran.test
# Compute the average neighbor subsidence value for each polygon or spatially lagged values
inc.lag <- lag.listw(lw, SJB$SUBSIDENCE_RATE)
# Plot relationship between spatially lagged neighbors and subsidence
# Fitted line is part of the OLS model
plot(inc.lag ~ SJB$SUBSIDENCE_RATE, pch=16, asp=1)
M1 <- lm(inc.lag ~SJB$SUBSIDENCE_RATE)
# plot regression line (OLS)
abline(M1, col="red")
# Print the slope of the regression line (or variance) for Moran's I coefficient
coef(M1) [2]
# Compute the Moran's I statistic
I <- moran(SJB$SUBSIDENCE_RATE, lw, length(neib), Szero(lw)) [1]
# Perform a hypothesis test
# testing if the subsidence values are randomly distributed across each basin following a
completely random process
# this can be tested with an anlytical method and stochastic method: Monte Carlo method
# Analytical Method
# Note thtat -1 is perfect clustering of dissimliar values (ie perfect dispersion)
# Note that 0 is no spatial autocorrelation
# Note that +1 indicates perfect clustering of similar values
moran.test(SJB$SUBSIDENCE_RATE, lw, alternative = "greater")
# Moran's I plot of Subsidence
moran.plot(SJB$SUBSIDENCE_RATE,listw=nb2listw(neib, style="C"))
### Spatial Lag Model ###
#be sure to open library for spatial regression before running the script below the library call
#Here if you look at the Coefficients part of the result, all of my 6 regression coefficients are
tested statistically significant (against 0).
#For example, my feemp coefficient is -0.5187 with standard error 0.0114. The Z-test statistic (z-
score) is -45.5902 and the p-value is smaller than 2.2E-16.
#This tells us that a 1% increase in the female employment rate is associate with a 0.5187%
decrease in the poverty rate when all other explanatory variables are held constant.
SJB$UP_LOW_TULARE, data = SJB, listw = lw, type = "lag", zero.policy = TRUE)
summary(m3_lag, correlation=FALSE)
#Extract estimated regression coefficients and the corresponding 95% confidence intervals to a
table of three columns, one for the estimated regression coefficients
# and the other two for the lower and upper limits of the 95% CI.
cbind(coefest= coef(m3_lag), confint(m3_lag))
# plot residuals against fitted responses
plot(m3_lag$fitted.values, m3_lag$residuals, xlab="Fitted Values", ylab="Residuals", main
="Residuals vs Fitted", cex=0.1)
ab <- lm(m3_lag$fitted.values ~m3_lag$residuals)
abline(ab, lty=2, col="red")
Appendix D - R Code for Spatial Regression Models
### OLS Model ###
#load R Excel reader package
# call data in Excel and name vector / variable
SJB <- read_excel("/Volumes/GoogleDrive/My
# check field headers
# run lm test for Groundwater Level Change and Subsidence Rate
OLS = lm(as.numeric(SJB$GW_LEVEL_CHANGE)~as.numeric(SJB$SUBSIDENCE_RATE),
# plot OLS model
# get pvalues and R2 values
# print p-value
# print r2 value
# lm test for groundwater level
# get pvalues and R2 values
# print p-value
#print r2 value
#### Percent Fine and SUBSIDENCE RATE OLS and Plots
# lm test for groundwater level
# get pvalues and R2 values
# print p-value
#print r2 value
#### Percent Coarse and SUBSIDENCE RATE OLS and Plots
# lm test for groundwater level
# get pvalues and R2 values
# print p-value
#print r2 value
#### Completion Length and SUBSIDENCE RATE OLS and Plots
# lm test for Completion length
OLS = lm(as.numeric(SJB$COMPL_LENGTH)~as.numeric(SJB$SUBSIDENCE_RATE),
# get pvalues and R2 values
# print p-value
#print r2 value
#### Perf Top Depth and SUBSIDENCE RATE OLS and Plots
# lm test for top perf depth
OLS = lm(as.numeric(SJB$PERF_TOP_DEPTH)~as.numeric(SJB$SUBSIDENCE_RATE),
# get pvalues and R2 values
# print p-value
#print r2 value
#### Perf Base Depth and SUBSIDENCE RATE OLS and Plots
# lm test for perf base depth
OLS = lm(as.numeric(SJB$PERF_BASE_DEPTH)~as.numeric(SJB$SUBSIDENCE_RATE),
# get pvalues and R2 values
# print p-value
#print r2 value
#### Well Depth and SUBSIDENCE RATE OLS and Plots
# lm test for well total depth
# get pvalues and R2 values
# print p-value
#print r2 value
#### Upper vs Lower Tulare Completion and SUBSIDENCE RATE OLS and Plots
# lm test for upper vs lower Tulare
# get pvalues and R2 values
# print p-value
#print r2 value
# lm test for upper vs lower Tulare
# get pvalues and R2 values
# print p-value
#print r2 value
# lm test for upper vs lower Tulare
# get pvalues and R2 values
# print p-value
#print r2 value
#### Test for Multicolinearity ####
#call library
#Fit the regression model (looking at values close to zero to see if it makes sense to include the
# check for multicollinearity
#place variables in data frame
df <- data.frame(as.numeric(SJB$WELL_DEPTH), as.numeric(SJB$PERF_TOP_DEPTH),
as.numeric(SJB$PERF_BASE_DEPTH), as.numeric(SJB$COMPL_LENGTH),
as.numeric(SJB$GWLEVEL_2017), as.numeric(SJB$PERCENT_FINE),
as.numeric(SJB$PERCENT_COARSE), as.numeric(SJB$DEPTH_COR_CLAY),
as.numeric(SJB$COR_CLAY_THICK), as.numeric(SJB$GW_LEVEL_CHANGE),
#create correlation matrix for data frame
#calculate the variance inflation factor (VIF) for each predictor variable in the model
# vif was run for each variable until no aliased variables (ie multicollinearity) were present
###### Regression Model Selection by AIC #####
#Fit the regression model (looking at values close to zero to see if it makes sense to include the
cbind(coefest=coef(m1), confint(m1))
#regression model selection
#stepwise (newer model) that adds a penalty for each useless variable
#removes one variable each time to see what variable has the least and largest impact
#we are actually applying BIC even though the output says AIC as the k adjusts (number of
variables) the values
n <- nrow(SJB)
m3 <- step(m1, k=log(n))
#regression model diagnostics
plot(m3, which=c(1,2), cex=0.1)
Appendix E – Original SAR Land Subsidence Maps
Appendix F – Moran’s I Clusters and Outliers Maps
Appendix G – MLR Global Variable Coefficients Maps
Appendix H– MLR Predicted Land Subsidence Maps
Appendix I – GWR Local Regression Residual Maps
Appendix J – GWR Predicted Land Subsidence Maps
Abstract (if available)
Land subsidence is an ongoing problem in California’s San Joaquin Valley. Due to drought and over extraction of groundwater, land subsidence occurs at a rate of more than one foot per year. Since California enacted the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act in 2014, land subsidence has been labelled one of the six undesirable effects that causes degradation of groundwater aquifers. Spatially assessing and identifying issues pertinent to land subsidence tends to come after subsidence has already occurred. Modeling land subsidence has been attempted with some success but doing so has required complex hydrogeologic models that are computationally intensive and require large volumes of data to be collected for processing and input. This research incorporated simple, but key geological and engineering variables that are derived from the United States Geological Survey and the California Department of Water Resources. From these sources, a robust dataset was used to statistically explore spatial patterns and relationships
among groundwater levels, amount of fine-grained sediment present in the aquifer, confined or unconfined aquifer designation, well completion length, aquitard clay thickness, and well depth all as they pertain to land subsidence. Land subsidence patterns were assessed with exploratory techniques of generalized linear regression and geographically weighted regression. Each method was used to visualize the spatial distribution and scale of land subsidence relationships among groundwater wells from 2015 to 2021. Due to the size of the valley, the number of wells found throughout, and accompanying variability in independent variables, global scale predictions of land subsidence were not as successful as local regression techniques. Geographically weighted regression took into consideration the variance among variables,
accounted for spatial autocorrelation, and yielded an easy-to-update, but accurate prediction for spatial patterns of land subsidence in the San Joaquin Valley.
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Asset Metadata
Heap, Cole Ira
Core Title
That sinking feeling: predicting land subsidence in California’s San Joaquin Valley with a spatial regression model
College of Letters, Arts and Sciences
Master of Science
Degree Program
Geographic Information Science and Technology
Degree Conferral Date
Publication Date
Defense Date
University of Southern California
University of Southern California. Libraries
groundwater,GWR,OAI-PMH Harvest,San Joaquin Valley,spatial regression,subsidence
Electronically uploaded by the author
Sedano, Elisabeth (
committee chair
), Duan, Leilei (
committee member
), Wu, An-Min (
committee member
Creator Email
Permanent Link (DOI)
Unique identifier
etd-HeapColeIr-11412.pdf (filename)
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Document Type
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Heap, Cole Ira
Internet Media Type
University of Southern California
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University of Southern California Dissertations and Theses
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