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Software quality analysis: a value-based approach
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Software quality analysis: a value-based approach
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LiGuo Huang
A Dissertation Presented to the
In Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree
December 2006
Copyright 2006 LiGuo Huang
To my dad Rongxin Huang, my mom Ming Qian
To my husband Rong Huang
This dissertation research would not have been possible if there were not the
contributions of many hearts and minds over years. Foremost, I thank my advisor, Dr.
Barry Boehm, for his invaluable guidance, support and enthusiastic encouragement.
During my Ph.D. studying in Center for Software Engineering at the University of
Southern California, Dr. Boehm has always been an excellent and dependable
mentor in helping me achieving my research and professional goals. Both his
diligence and insightfulness in academic research and his personality will always be
an exemplary role model in my life. I also want to express my thanks to other
members in my qualifying and defense committees, Dr. Ahmed Helmy, Dr. Ming-
deh Huang, Dr. Kai Hwang and Dr. Nenad Medvidovic, for their valuable comments
and words of encouragements. Many thanks to my USC-CSE officemates, labmates
and classmates for sharing with me the joys and sorrows of the Ph.D. student life.
A special thank is given to my VBSQA-OPN research collaborators Hao Hu,
Jidong Ge, Jian Lü and students (Weijie Zhu, Qiang Lin, Chao You and Fei Xiong)
in Institute of Computer Software at Nanjing University for their efforts in tool
prototyping. Special thanks are also extended to DIMS project team in Neusoft Co.,
Ltd. for data supply and valuable feedback.
Finally, from my heart, I would like to thank my parents for their love and
encouragement. They have been inspired me to always strive for excellence and
furnished me the curiosity of learning. I also want to thank my husband, Rong for his
unconditional support during these challenging years.
Table of Contents
Dedication ................................................................................................................. ii
Acknoledgements..................................................................................................... iii
List of Tables .......................................................................................................... vii
List of Figures .......................................................................................................... ix
Abstract ................................................................................................................... xii
Chapter 1 Introduction...........................................................................................1
1.1 Evolving Views of Software Quality .............................................................1
1.2 Future Trends and Software Quality Challenges ...........................................3
1.3 Problem Statement .........................................................................................8
1.4 Dissertation Approach and Hypotheses .........................................................9
1.5 Dissertation Outline .....................................................................................12
Chapter 2 Related Work ......................................................................................13
2.1 Software Quality Attributes and Relationships............................................13
2.1.1 Definitions of Software Quality and Quality Attributes .................... 13
2.1.2 Relationships among Software Quality Attributes............................. 17
2.2 Software Quality Metrics, Assessment Frameworks and Models ...............18
2.2.1 Software Quality Metrics ................................................................... 18
2.2.2 Software Quality Assessment Frameworks and Models.................... 19
2.3 Process Strategies for Software Quality Achievement ................................23
2.4 Value-Based Software Engineering (VBSE) Research and Its Addressal
of Software Quality Challenges ...................................................................28
Chapter 3 Value-Based Software Quality Analysis Framework ......................32
3.1 Software Quality As Stakeholder Value ......................................................33
3.1.1 Stakeholders’ Views of Software Quality.......................................... 33
3.1.2 VBSQ Attribute Definitions............................................................... 35
3.1.3 Value-Based Software Quality Metrics ............................................. 46
3.2 Value-Based Software Quality Model (VBSQM) .......................................47
3.2.1 Components of VBSQM.................................................................... 49
3.2.2 Integrating Framework: Value-Based Software Quality Model
(VBSQM)........................................................................................... 65
3.3 Value-Based Software Quality Achievement (VBSQA) Process................69
3.3.1 Purpose of the VBSQA Process......................................................... 69
3.3.2 Top-level Steps of the VBSQA Process Framework ......................... 70
3.3.3 Mapping VBSDA Process into “4+1” VBSE Theory........................ 88
Chapter 4 VBSQM Application and Results......................................................91
4.1 VBSQM ROI Analyses for Different Types of Software Systems..............92
4.1.1 A Dependable Order Processing System ........................................... 92
4.1.2 A Mission Critical NASA Planetary Rover ....................................... 97
4.1.3 Comparing the VBSQM Availability ROI Analysis Results of
Order Processing System and NASA Planetary Rover...................... 99
4.2 VBSQM ROI Analyses for Different Scenarios in One Software
4.3 VBSQM Combined Risk Analyses to Determine How Much Software
Quality Investment is Enough....................................................................101
4.4 Value-based Testing vs. Value-neutral Testing .........................................105
4.4.1 Value Estimating Relationships (VERs) and ROI Analysis ............ 106
4.4.2 VBSQM Combined Risk Analyses.................................................. 108
4.5 Conclusions................................................................................................109
Chapter 5 VBSQA Process Application and Results.......................................111
5.1 Apply VBSDA Process in NASA/USC Inspector SCRover (ISCR)
Project ........................................................................................................112
5.1.1 NASA/USC ISCR Project Overview............................................... 112
5.1.2 ISCR Application of VBSDA Process............................................. 113
5.2 Avoid Q-attribute Mismatches in Fulltext Title Database Project.............128
5.2.1 Fulltext Title Database (FTD) Project Overview............................. 129
5.2.2 Stakeholder Identification and Feature Prioritization ...................... 129
5.2.3 Engineer Software Quality Requirements and Tradeoff Analysis... 130
5.2.4 Project Results and Discussion ........................................................ 142
5.2.5 Extension to Cost, Quality, and Schedule/Cost/Quality Goals........ 144
5.3 Apply VBSDA Process in Real-world ERP Software Development.........144
5.3.1 Introduction...................................................................................... 144
5.3.2 VBSQA Process Experience On A Real-World ERP Software
Project Case Study ........................................................................... 146
5.3.3 Modeling VBSQA Process Using Object Petri Nets (OPN)............ 151
5.3.4 Application of VBSQA Process Generator Built on VBSQA-OPN
Model ............................................................................................... 158
5.3.5 VBSQA-OPN Modeling Costs and Benefits ................................... 176
5.3.6 Tailor VBSQA Process to Project Business Cases .......................... 177
5.3.7 Conclusions and Discussion............................................................. 183
Chapter 6 Contributions and Future Research Challenges............................186
6.1 Summary of Key Contributions .................................................................186
6.2 Future Research Challenges.......................................................................189
6.2.1 Future Research on the VBSQM ..................................................... 189
6.2.2 Future Research on the VBSQA Process......................................... 189
6.2.3 Future Research on the VBSQA-OPN Model ................................. 190
Appendix A: Behavior Analysis of COCOMO II RELY Ratings ...................201
Appendix B: COQUALMO Defect Removal Profiles.....................................203
Appendix C: Empirical Analysis on Stakeholder/Value Dependency on
Quality Attributes in Information Systems ................................................204
List of Tables
Table 2.1. Software Quality Achievement Process Strategies Based on Opportunity
Tree........................................................................................................................... 25
Table 3.1. A Definition Framework for Safety, Security, and Privacy ................................. 36
Table 3.2. Value-Based Metrics for Software Quality Attribute ........................................... 47
Table 3.3. COQUALMO Defect Removal Investment Rating Scales................................... 56
Table 3.4. The Top-level Steps of VBSQA Process Framework .......................................... 70
Table 3.5. A Sample Stakeholder/Goal Matrix...................................................................... 73
Table 3.6. A Sample Matrix Tracking the Improvement of a Q-attribute Based on
Scenario Distribution................................................................................................ 80
Table 4.1. Order Processing System: Expected Benefits and Business Case........................ 94
Table 4.2. VBSQM Availability ROI Analysis Results of Sierra Mountainbikes
Order Processing System and NASA Planetary Rover: Increasing MTBF.............. 100
Table 4.3. Comparative Business Cases: ATG and Pareto Testing....................................... 107
Table 5.1. Inspector SCRover (ISCR) Stakeholder/Goal Matrix (Priorities: High,
Medium, Low).......................................................................................................... 116
Table 5.2. Inspector SCRover (ISCR) Stakeholder/Goal Matrix I: ISCR Project
Goals and Priorities (Priorities: High, Medium, Low) ............................................. 116
Table 5.3. Inspector SCRover (ISCR) Stakeholder/Goal Matrix II: ISCR System
Dependents/Operators Goals and Priorities (High, Medium, Low) ......................... 116
Table 5.4. Size, Cost, and Risk Impact of Three Classes of SCRover Scenarios.................. 118
Table 5.5. VBSQM ROI Analysis of ISCR Increment 3 Availability Goals for Three
Scenario Classes ....................................................................................................... 119
Table 5.6. ISCR Increment 3 Operational Profile Scenarios................................................. 121
Table 5.7. Target Sensing Scenario: Stakeholder/Value Dependencies on software
Q-attributes ............................................................................................................... 121
Table 5.8. Target Sensing and Target Rendezvous Scenarios: Top-level Risks of Not
Achieving 99.98% Availability and Risk Mitigation of
Architecture/technology Strategies........................................................................... 125
Table 5.9. Target Sensing Scenario: Top-level Risks of Not Achieving 99%
Accuracy and Risk Mitigation of Architecture/technology Strategies ..................... 125
Table 5.10. Prioritized Fulltext Title Database System Features........................................... 130
Table 5.11. Mapping the ERP software development activities into VBSQA process
framework steps/milestones...................................................................................... 160
Table 5.12. DIMS Upgrade Project: Q-attributes and Their Risks to the Project
Value (R
).................................................................................................................. 168
Table 5.13. DIMS Upgrade Project: the Effectiveness of Developer Internal
Activities vs. Stakeholder Interaction Activities on Q-attribute Risk
Mitigation (E
).......................................................................................................... 170
Table 5.14. DIMS Upgrade Project: Potential Rework Cost C
at Different Phases of
VBSQA Software Development Process.................................................................. 172
Table 5.15. Comparing the ROI of Various Combinations of Synchronous
Stakeholder Interaction Activities and Developer Internal Activities ...................... 174
Table 5.16. Characteristics of Three Example Business Cases in ERP Software
Development............................................................................................................. 178
Table 5.17. Prioritized Requirements in DIMS Upgrade from 6.0 to 7.0.............................. 181
Table A.1. Product Activity Differences Due to Required Software Reliability
(RELY) ..................................................................................................................... 202
Table B.2. Rationales of COQUALMO defect removal profile ratings ................................ 203
Table C.3. Information System Top-Level Stakeholder/Value Dependencies on
Quality (Q-) Attributes ............................................................................................. 209
Table C.4. Mapping of Stakeholder Classes in Table C.3 and Figure 2.2............................ 211
Table C.5. Mapping of Quality Attributes in Figure 2.2 into Quality Attributes in
Table C.3 .................................................................................................................. 211
List of Figures
Figure 1.1. Built-in Stakeholder Value Conflicts. The Red or Gray Lines Show
Conflicts from the MasterNet System. ..................................................................... 5
Figure 1.2. Maslow Human Need Hierarchy (A. H. Maslow, Motivation and
Personality, 1954) .................................................................................................... 6
Figure 1.3. Research Methodology........................................................................................ 11
Figure 2.1. The Dependability Tree....................................................................................... 16
Figure 2.2. Empirically First-Order Mapping of Stakeholders Primary Concerns onto
Quality Attribute....................................................................................................... 17
Figure 2.3. Software Quality Achievement Opportunity Tree .............................................. 24
Figure 3.1. The Overall Structure of Value-Based Software Quality Model (VBSQM)
.................................................................................................................................. 49
Figure 3.2. Software Development Cost vs. Required Reliability (RELY) Trade-off .......... 51
Figure 3.3. The Overall Structure of COQUALMO Model .................................................. 53
Figure 3.4. COQUALMO Reduced Delivered Defects Estimates at Nominal Defect
Introduction Rates..................................................................................................... 56
Figure 3.5. Typical Value Estimating Relationships (VERs) of Availability........................ 60
Figure 3.6. Value of Information Timeliness for Information Brokers, Mission-
Critical Users, and Mission Controllers.................................................................... 61
Figure 3.7. V(T) for Real-Time Mission Controllers ............................................................ 62
Figure 3.8. V(T) for Non-Critical Information Users............................................................ 62
Figure 3.9. V(T) for Some Administrators ............................................................................ 63
Figure 3.10. Marketplace Competition (Internet Services, Wireless Infrastructure):
Value Loss vs. System Delivery Time ..................................................................... 64
Figure 3.11. Fixed-schedule Event Support: Value of On-time System Delivery................. 65
Figure 3.12. Off-line Data Processing: Value Loss vs. System Delivery Time .................... 65
Figure 3.13. Risk-based Process Decision-making Approach............................................... 75
Figure 3.14. A Scenario-Based Approach to Engineer Software Q-attribute
Requirements and Risk Mitigation Plans ................................................................. 77
Figure 3.15. A Value-Realization Feedback Process to Monitor and Control the
Achievement of Software Q-attribute Requirements................................................ 87
Figure 3.16. The “4+1” Theory of VBSE: Overall Structure [Aurum et. al. 2005]............... 89
Figure 3.17. Mapping of VBSQA Process into “4+1” VBSE Theory................................... 90
Figure 4.1. Comparing the VBSQM Availability ROI Analysis Results of Sierra
Mountainbikes Order Processing System and NASA Planetary Rover.................... 100
Figure 4.2. Combined Risk Exposures: Early Startup, Commercial and High Finance........ 103
Figure 4.3. (a) Value Estimating Relationships (VERs) for Value-Neutral Testing vs.
Value-Based Testing; (b) Return On Investment (ROI): Value-Neutral ATG
Testing vs. Value-Based Pareto Testing................................................................... 107
Figure 4.4. High Finance Combined Risk Exposures: Comparing Value-Based
Testing vs. Value-Neutral Testing............................................................................ 109
Figure 5.1. Software Quality-Elaborated Results Chain for ISCR Increment 3 .................... 115
Figure 5.2. Summary of VBSQM ROI Analysis of ISCR Increment 3 Availability
Goals......................................................................................................................... 120
Figure 5.3. Change Effort E vs. Fraction of Features Modified α ...................................... 137
Figure 5.4. Change Effort E When 5/12 Planned Features Modified.................................... 142
Figure 5.5. The Overall Structure of VBSQA Process Generator ......................................... 152
Figure 5.6. VBSQA-OPN System Net (SN): the LCO Phase of VBSQA Process
Framework................................................................................................................ 162
Figure 5.7. VBSQA-OPN Developer Object Net (ON): the LCO Phase of the
Developer Process Instance Generated from the SN ................................................ 163
Figure 5.8. VBSQA-OPN System Acquirer Object Net (ON): the LCO Phase of the
System Acquirer Process Instance Generated from the SN...................................... 164
Figure 5.9. VBSQA Process Creator: VBSQA Process Framework (System Net) and
the Generated Developer Process Instance (Object Net).......................................... 165
Figure 5.10. VBSQA Process Simulator: Computing the ROI of a Combination of
Stakeholder Interaction Activities and Developer Internal Activities in an
ERP VBSQA Process ............................................................................................... 174
Figure 5.11. VBSQA-OPN Modeling Costs and Benefits in Neusoft DIMS Upgrade
Project....................................................................................................................... 176
Figure 5.12. An Example of Schedule-driven Process Strategy for DIMS Project............... 180
Figure 5.13. An Example of Product-driven Process Strategy for DIMS Version
Upgrade .................................................................................................................... 185
Figure 5.14. An Example of Market Trend-driven Process Strategy for Changing
from Client/Server-based DIMS to Web-based DIMS............................................. 185
Figure C.1. Major Information System Stakeholder Classes................................................. 204
Quality is a major challenge for all complex software systems. Some
important attributes of software quality include reliability, availability, safety,
security, survivability, performance, accuracy, etc. These have long been
requirements of aerospace and defense systems. Now, equally challenging
requirements are being placed on “everyday systems” that increasingly provide the
infrastructure for our daily lives such as commercial, e-business and embedded
systems. They are subject to modest, usually tacit, often stakeholder-specific quality
requirements. And it is important that we can define and meet a software system’s
quality requirements to be fit for its purpose.
However, there are many views of software quality. And there also exist
many ways to suboptimize its achievement and/or misallocate limited project
resources using incomplete views. In addition, complex missions or projects usually
involve a large and heterogeneous group of stakeholders with various (often time-
varying) quality priorities and different (often conflicting) needs. This makes both
one-size-fits-all quality metrics and software development processes driven by such
metrics risky to use. This also points to the need for better frameworks to define,
reason about and achieve quality attributes.
Based on these observations, the primary goal of this dissertation is to
develop a Value-Based Software Quality Analysis framework that integrates the
stakeholder/value approach into quality attribute definitions, metrics, models and
development processes aiming at achieving the appropriate quality levels for
software systems. This framework pays explicit attention to business values that a
software system generates for its success-critical stakeholders. It helps us to
understand the nature of quality and to achieve the stakeholder mutually satisfactory
quality requirements. It addresses the above problems in four aspects: 1) value-based
definitions of software quality attributes; 2) value-based quality metrics; 3) Value-
Based Software Quality Model (VBSQM) to reason about the Return On Investment
(ROI) of quality and to perform combined risk analyses; and 4) Value-Based
Software Quality Achievement (VBSQA) process.
Finally, the VBSQM and VBSQA process have been applied and found to be
effective on three diverse software systems with different value profiles: a USC-CSE
e-service project, the NASA/USC Inspector SCRover project, and a real-world ERP
software development project in industry.
Chapter 1
1.1 Evolving Views of Software Quality
The early institutional focus on software quality was primarily initiated by
the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), where software quality is one of the most
critical concerns of mission-critical defense systems. Based on the requirements-
driven, contract-oriented waterfall-model software development, its major 1974
standard, MIL-S-52779, “Software Quality Assurance Program Requirements” [DoD
1974], defined the objective of software quality assurance (QA) as, “to assure that
the software delivered under the contract meets the requirements of the contract.”
The major pitfall of this approach is that QA is purely based on the initial
contract. If the contract specifies poor or incomplete quality requirements, you will
get poor quality software. This happened to DoD and commercial organizations in
numerous ways such as specifying poor user interfaces, specifying requirements
obtained from the wrong users, getting unmaintainable software by missing
maintenance and diagnostic requirements.
In the 1980’s, there began a trend away from the 1970’s contract-oriented
specification compliance toward service-oriented customer satisfaction as the
primary quality objective. Software quality assurance approaches such as Total
Quality Management (TQM) [Deming 1989] and Quality Function Deployment
(QFD) [Eureka-Ryan 1988] based quality on expectations of customers, who were
generally interpreted to include users of software products. Thus, the 1990 definition
of “quality” in the IEEE Standard Glossary of Software Engineering Terminology
[IEEE 1990] added “… meets customer or user needs or expectations” to its earlier
definition of “…meets specified requirements.”
The major difficulty with the customer-satisfaction approach is that
customers often lack a complete view of tradeoffs and interactions among their
concerned software quality attributes. And they often neglect other quality attributes
such as maintainability which they are indirectly dependent on. For instance,
customers have pushed overly ambitious performance objectives which led to
unaffordable and/or unmaintainable software systems, or have pushed to adopt a
poorly-architected prototype with nice usability features but poor scalability,
availability, and/or interoperability.
Initiatives to address these problems in the 1990’s have focused on
identifying a full set of success-critical stakeholders in a software system and
pursuing the objective of negotiated stakeholder win-win relationships among
software quality attributes. This expands the scope of “quality” to include the
proposition of system acquirers on cost or affordability, the proposition of the
software maintainer on maintainability and scalability, the proposition of
stakeholders of interoperating systems on interoperability, and others such as the
proposition of the general public on safety or privacy. This has led to new
organizational approaches such as Integrated Product Teams, expanded versions of
QFD [Pardee 1996], and process approaches such as the WinWin Spiral Model
[Boehm et. al. 1995a].
1.2 Future Trends and Software Quality Challenges
The future trends of software system development include:
z An increased emphasis on stakeholders and end value
With the increasing emphasis on success-critical stakeholder value in
software system development and the need for rapidly evolving systems, software
quality definitions, assessment models and achievement processes need to address
the different value propositions of various stakeholder classes.
z Increasingly rapid change
When added to the trend toward emergent systems requirements, the pace of
change places a high priority on systems and software engineering process agility
and investments in continuous learning for both people and organizations [Boehm
The major challenges on software quality assessment and achievement
implied by the future trends of software development are as follows:
1. The universal one-size-fits-all software quality metrics are unachievable
in most project situations.
Value dependencies vary significantly by stakeholders and situations, making
statements such as “Your system has a software reliability rating of 0.613” usually
meaningless. Occasionally, a very stable organization can develop and manage to an
organization-specific software reliability metric whose change from 0.604 to 0.613
or from 0.621 to 0.613 will be highly meaningful. But in most situations, stakeholder
and situation differences make such single software quality metrics infeasible.
2. Stakeholder value dependencies on software quality attributes are often
in conflict and require negotiated solutions.
Figure 1.1 illustrates this situation with respect to four of the primary
stakeholder classes in information system acquisition and development: users,
acquirers, developers and maintainers. It summarizes the results of our analysis [Al-
Said 2003, Boehm et al. 2000b, Boehm 1999] of a number of failed projects in
[Flowers 1996, Glass 1998]. It shows that the value dependencies of the four most
common stakeholder classes in software development (users, acquirers, developers,
maintainers) are often in conflict, and demonstrates that the need to reconcile
different stakeholders’ value dependencies is built into the nature of software
development projects.
The red or gray lines in Figure 1.1 show the specific conflicts for one of the
failed projects: the Bank of America Master Net trust management project. The
users’ value propositions included many features (3.5 million lines of code when the
project was cancelled) and high levels of performance, reliability, and availability.
The acquirers’ value propositions included a limited development budget and
schedule ($20M and 9 months to an initial operational capability). The selected
developers’ bid was based on the value proposition of reusing software from
successful small trust management systems they had developed on Prime computers.
The resulting solution turned out to have major value conflicts with the users’
number of features and need for early capabilities and the acquirers’ limited budget
and schedule: the project was cancelled when no adequate capability was in sight
after the expenditure of $88M and 48 months. It also had value conflicts with users
on high levels of service or quality attributes (slow response time, frequent crashes)
and with the users and maintainers on applications compatibility and ease of
transition and maintenance (Bank of America was an IBM mainframe shop).
A number of other value dependency conflicts or success model clashes are
also evident from Figure 1.1. The main points are that these are built into software
project environment from the beginning, and that they represent a set of value-based
issues that need to be considered by the project’s quality assurance approach.
Figure 1.1. Built-in Stakeholder Value Conflicts. The Red or Gray Lines Show
Conflicts from the MasterNet System.
3. Stakeholders have often-emergent, time-varying priorities for software
quality attributes.
Even for the same person in the same organization, stakeholders’ value
dependencies are likely to change with time to reflect their Maslow need hierarchy
(see Figure 1.2), in which unsatisfied lower-level needs dominate higher-level needs,
but in which satisfied lower-level needs are no longer motivators [Maslow 1954].
Thus, for example, the corporate survival of a startup company (the equivalent of
food and drink for its leaders) will often depend initially on novelty and usability to
attract early adopters, but if the company is successful and builds an increasing
installed base of more mainstream customers, it may next find that its top priority
becomes performance and scalability rather than more novelty and usability. As
customers increasingly depend on the system’s operation, system reliability and
availability will dominate further improvements in performance; and eventually
further investments in reliability and availability may be dominated by investments
in security, as threats and vulnerabilities from information system attackers become
more significant.
Figure 1.2. Maslow Human Need Hierarchy (A. H. Maslow, Motivation and
Personality, 1954)
4. Static, “snapshot” optimizations among stakeholder value dependencies
may have short solution lifetimes.
Many multi-criterion decision solutions involve applying stakeholder-
determined weights to software quality attributes and choosing the solution that
Esteem and Autonomy
Belongingness and Love
Safety and Security
Physiological (Food and Drink)
maximizes a weighted combination of alternative solutions’ current quality attribute
values [Gilb 1969, CODASYL 1976, Saaty 1989]. If the stakeholders are in time-
varying priority situations, the optimality of the initial solution needs to be monitored
and adjusted as priority and value dependencies change.
5. Multi-criterion decision solutions are complicated by tradeoff relations
among software quality attributes.
Many software quality attributes reinforce each other. An unreliable system
will not be very secure; a poorly-performing system will not be very usable. On the
other hand, many conflicts arise in trying to satisfy multiple quality criteria.
Complex security defenses slow down performance and hamper usability. Fault
tolerance solutions spread information around and complicate security defenses,
along with adding performance overhead. Tightly-coupled performance
optimizations complicate the achievement of evolvability and reusability, as well as
aspects of security and fault tolerance. All of the above add to project costs and
schedules. These tradeoff relations complicate the ability to find solutions that satisfy
a combination of quality attribute levels.
6. Stakeholder/value-oriented metrics help avoid measurement
dysfunction, and help steer a project toward stable win-win stakeholder
incentive structures.
Oversimplified project management metrics tend to lead project performers
into measurement dysfunction (gaming the metrics) and unsatisfactory project
outcomes [Austin 1996]. Examples in the quality area include the conflicting
liveness and performance requirements from different stakeholders in NASA Earth
Observation System Distributed Information System (EOSDIS) example discussed
in the section; committing projects to overambitious performance goals
[Boehm 2000] or cost and schedule goals [Standish 1995, 2001]; and failed projects
such as the Master Net project discussed in item 2 above. Mixed quantitative and
qualitative management metrics approaches that capture a more complete set of
stakeholder values such as the Balanced Scorecard technique [Kaplan-Norton 1996]
are more likely to succeed.
7. There is a need for better value estimating relationships for software
quality attributes.
For example, the information broker valued an hour of downtime
as a cost of $8000 in revenues. Ideally, one would like to know at least the shape of
such value/utility functions for various stakeholder/value dependencies.
1.3 Problem Statement
This dissertation will address the problem of software quality modeling and
achievement process using the value-based approach. It will also examine the value-
based definitions of software quality attributes and applications of the model and
process in real-world projects. A concise statement of the problem is:
What are the effective models and processes to determine the appropriate
levels of software quality investments and to help achieve stakeholder
WinWin-balanced software quality outcome?
In support of addressing the central problem of constructing the value-based
software quality model and achievement process, there are several sub-problems that
need to be answered as following:
z How to define the software quality attributes from stakeholder/value
z How to measure the achievement of software quality attributes?
z How to determine how much software quality investment is enough?
z How to use the value-based software quality definition, metrics and model to
drive the software development processes and to help project success-critical
stakeholders define, negotiate, develop, monitor and control the achievement
of the mission-specific combinations of quality attributes?
1.4 Dissertation Approach and Hypotheses
This dissertation defines a framework for Value-Based Software Quality
Analysis to solve the above problems in four aspects:
z Value-based definitions of software quality attributes
z Value-based software quality metrics
z Value-Based Software Quality Model (VBSQM)
z Value-Based Software Quality Achievement (VBSQA) process
Three hypotheses based on the framework are proposed and validated in this
z Hypothesis 1: Value-Based Software Quality Model (VBSQM) can be used
to determine how much software quality investment is enough in different
value situations.
z Hypothesis 2: Assuming non-linear value functions (e.g., Pareto distribution)
are used, value-based software quality achievement techniques improve
project return on quality investments and reduce the overall project risks.
z Hypothesis 3: The Value-Based Software Quality Achievement (VBSQA)
process can be applied by rational decision-makers to
¾ 3a. determine whether a software system with stakeholder mutually
satisfactory software quality (Q-) attribute requirements is achievable.
¾ 3b. help stakeholders and projects avoid software Q-attribute mismatches
and achieve successful software quality outcomes.
Figure 1.3 illustrates our research methodology in answering the thesis
questions. We started with reviewing the existing literature that addresses software
quality related research including definitions, metrics, models and process strategies.
Then we identified the problems and challenges in software quality modeling and
achievement processes. To address those problems and challenges, a software quality
analysis framework was proposed using value-based approach. Two major
components in this framework are Value-Based Software Quality Model (VBSQM)
and Value-Based Software Quality Achievement (VBSQA) process. To validate the
ROI analysis capability of VBSQM, we first applied it to two different types of
software applications and then to different mission scenarios in one software project.
To validate the combined risk analysis capability of VBSQM, we applied it to three
representative project business cases in industry. To evaluate the VBSQA process,
we first experimented it using two USC-CSE project case studies including one
collaborative testbed project with NASA/JPL for High Dependability Computing
Program (HDCP). Then we applied it to a real-world Enterprise Resource Planning
(ERP) software development project in China. Based on the real-world experience,
we refined and formalized the process to improve its future applications.
Figure 1.3. Research Methodology
1.5 Dissertation Outline
The rest of this dissertation is organized as follows. Chapter 2 summarizes
the related work on software quality definitions, metrics, models, assessment
frameworks, process strategies, and value-based software engineering research with
its addressal on software quality challenges. Chapter 3 presents the Value-Based
Software Quality Analysis Framework including value-based definitions on quality
attributes, value-based quality metrics, VBSQM, and VBSQA process. Chapter 4
shows the applications of VBSQM to validate the Hypothesis 1 and 2. Chapter 5
describes the applications of VBSQA process on two USC-CSE projects and on the
real-world ERP software development in China. Hypothesis 3 a and b are validated
by the project results and application feedback. Chapter 6 discusses the key
contributions of this dissertation research and future research challenges in this area.
Chapter 2
Related Work
The major challenges of the research include the lack of a well-formalized
and tangible definition of software quality and stakeholder/value-relevant software
quality metrics and models for project decision-makers. Furthermore, how to use the
metrics and models to drive the development processes on software quality
achievement has not been sufficiently explored either. Based on these research
challenges, this dissertation research expands over software quality definitions,
metrics and model, and process strategies, which are then integrated into a software
quality analysis framework. We have studied a variety of related research in each
field. Section 2.1 through 2.3 summarizes the related work in each field. Section 2.4
summarizes the related work in the arena of value-based software engineering and its
addressal of software quality challenges.
2.1 Software Quality Attributes and Relationships
2.1.1 Definitions of Software Quality and Quality Attributes
Many definitions of software quality have been proposed in the literature.
They can be categorized into two classes. One class includes the traditional
definitions of each attribute of software quality as an independent sub-discipline of
software quality. In this dissertation, we only summarize the definitions of a few of
the attributes (Reliability, Safety) as the example.
The definitions of Reliability can be found in the literatures such as IEEE
Standard Glossary of Software Engineering Technology [IEEE 1990], IEEE
Standard Dictionary of Measures to Reliable Software (IEEE Std 982.1-1988) [IEEE
1988a, 1988b], Handbook of Software Reliability Engineering [Lyu 1996], IEEE
Standard for a Software Quality Metrics Methodology [IEEE 1992], etc. An example
of such definition of Reliability is the ability of a system or component to perform its
required functions under stated conditions for a specified period of time [IEEE 1990].
More definitions of Reliability and its factors are covered in [Rus et. al. 2003].
In [Leveson 1995], Safety is defined as “freedom from accidents or losses”.
Software system safety implies that the software will execute within a system
context without contributing to hazards. A hazard is defined as a state or set of
conditions of a system (or an object) that, together with other conditions in the
environment of the system (or object) will lead inevitably to an accident (loss event).
Safety-critical software is any software that can directly or indirectly contribute to
the occurrence of a hazardous system state. Safety-critical functions are those system
functions whose operation (correct, incorrect, or lack of operation) could contribute
to a system hazard. Other definitions of Safety can be found in the IEEE 1228-1994
(Software Safety Plans) [IEEE 1994], IEEE 1219-998 (Software Maintenance)
[IEEE 1998].
Another class is the integrative definition of software quality as dependability,
which our research is based on. Avizienis, Lapire and the IFIP (International
Federation for Information Processing) working group 10.4 on dependability
computing and fault tolerance proposed what is probably the most well known
collection of dependability concepts and definitions [IFIP WG10.4, Avizienis et. al.
2002, Lapire 1992]. The IFIP WG 10.4 defines dependability as the property of a
computer system such that reliance can justifiably be placed on the service it delivers
[IFIP WG10.4]. This definition first relates dependability to reliance on user services.
[Avizienis et. al. 2002] further defines dependability as a composite concept
consisting of several attributes and they present their definition of dependability
using a dependability tree shown in Figure 2.1. Depending on the application(s)
intended for the system, different emphasis may be put on different facets of
dependability which are viewed as the attributes of dependability (i.e., availability,
reliability, safety, confidentiality, integrity and maintainability). There are three
implications from this definition. First, the attributes of dependability enable the
properties which are expected from the system to be expressed. Second, the
impairments to dependability include faults, errors and failures. Certain impairments
occur when the delivered service deviate from fulfilling the expected system
functions. Third, to ensure the dependability of a software system requires the
combined utilization of certain engineering means which include fault prevention,
fault tolerance, fault removal and fault forecasting. The major strength of the
dependability concept is its integrative nature, which enables to put into perspective
the more classical notions of reliability, availability, safety, security, maintainability,
etc., which are now seen as attributes of dependability [Laprie 1998].
Figure 2.1. The Dependability Tree
Other related work on software quality attributes includes the TRW
Characteristics of Software Quality study performed for the National Bureau of
Standards [Boehm et. al. 1978] which provides a general framework for reasoning
about software quality attributes; Gilb’s work on quality attribute specification and
management [Gilb 1976, Gilb 1988]; and the Fraunhofer-Maryland series of
dependability attribute reports [Rus et. al. 2003].
Firstly, the definitions we summarized above are mostly general and
qualitative. They are difficult to be applied and operated on realistic projects. To be
operational, a definition needs to be strictly related to the specific context it refers to
(the project scenarios and stakeholders). Secondly, they are mostly value-neutral and
stakeholder irrelevant. An example was provided at one point of the operation of the
NASA Earth Observation System Distributed Information System (EOSDIS). The
system operators were incentivized to optimize the system for liveness, which often
left the users with 2-week response times to queries. An example lose-lose user
response is to flood the system with whatever queries one might need results for at
some point. In this case, managing to two different Reliability numbers, one for
liveness probability and another for (say) 10-minute response time probability,
would be better. And the alternative is to have a single value of Reliability that is
irrelevant or misleading to most of the stakeholders.
2.1.2 Relationships among Software Quality Attributes
[In 1998] maps common stakeholders’ primary concerns onto quality
attributes as shown in Figure 2.2. It also proposes an approach to identify and resolve
the conflicts among quality attributes based on product and process strategies. This
dissertation research extends the mapping by including a more comprehensive set of
stakeholder classes and quality attributes. It also proposes a value-based quality
model to perform tradeoff analysis among conflicting quality attributes and a value-
based process to achieve stakeholder mutually satisfying software quality
Figure 2.2. Empirically First-Order Mapping of Stakeholders Primary
Concerns onto Quality Attribute
Avoid adverse
Interoperator User Maintainer Developer
Avoid current and
future interface
Avoid low utility
due to
product support
after development
Avoid non verifiable,
expendable, flexible,
reusable product;
Avoid the delay of
product delivery
Avoid overrun
budget and
schedule; Avoid
low utilization of
the system
and cost overrun
: Low rating probably situation-specific*
: New added relation after the data analysis
* The data is based on win conditions
of 14 student digital library projects
Avoid adverse
Interoperator User Maintainer Developer
Avoid current and
future interface
Avoid low utility
due to
product support
after development
Avoid non verifiable,
expendable, flexible,
reusable product;
Avoid the delay of
product delivery
Avoid overrun
budget and
schedule; Avoid
low utilization of
the system
and cost overrun
: Low rating probably situation-specific*
: New added relation after the data analysis
* The data is based on win conditions
of 14 student digital library projects
: Low rating probably situation-specific*
: New added relation after the data analysis
* The data is based on win conditions
of 14 student digital library projects
2.2 Software Quality Metrics, Assessment Frameworks and
2.2.1 Software Quality Metrics
Reliability is an attribute of software quality. Traditional ways to measure
Reliability falls into two classes: 1) Time-based definitions; 2) Domain-based
definitions that are also dependent on the applications. The examples of the first
class are:
z Failures per time unit (failure intensity or failure rate)
z Mean Time To Failure (MTTF)
z Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF)
z The probability that the software will run for a given period of time without
The examples of the second class are:
z failures/1000 pages printed (Hewlett Packard for printers)
z failures/1000 transactions (for sales, bank and ATM systems)
z failures/1000 calls for telecommunication systems (for telephone companies)
Other metrics that support reliability assessment are: CPU time, elapsed
execution time, number of test runs, number of transactions, and number of failures
of different classes. Similarly, one of the typical ways to measure Performance is
system response time. An example is the system should response within 3 minutes.
There are some limitations with such metrics for software quality attributes:
z Not all failures have the same impact; some of them can cause just a minor
inconvenience, while others could be mission critical or life critical; the
impact of a failure depends on the failure frequency and failure severity.
z They are value-neutral and scenario-independent so that they tend to be one-
size-fits-all metrics for a software system. In practice, such one-size-fits-all
metrics are not achievable as discussed in section 1.2.
2.2.2 Software Quality Assessment Frameworks and Models
The classical reliability models summarized in [Lyu 1996] include the
z Exponential Failure Time Class of Models
¾ Jelinski-Moranda De-eutrophication Model
¾ Nonhomogeneous Poisson Process (NHPP) Model
¾ Schneidewind’s Model
¾ Musa’s Basic Execution Time Model
¾ Hyperexponential Model
z Weibull and Gamma Failure Time Class of Models
¾ Weibull Model
¾ S-Shaped Reliability Growth Model
z Infinite Failure Category Models
¾ Duane’s Model
¾ Geometric Model
z Bayesian Models
¾ Musa-Okumoto Logarithmic Poisson
¾ Littlewood-Verrall Reliability Growth Model
The above reliability models assume that each failure and defect is equally important.
Based on the integrative definition of software quality as dependability,
Koopman and Maderia describe the problem of dependability benchmarking and
prediction as a grand challenge in [Koopman 1999]. One of the two challenges they
propose is to be able to predict the dependability of a system before it is deployed.
And the dependability benchmark suites should include specifications, measures,
workload, fault load, instrumentation, procedures and rules.
Madeira and Koopman in [Madeira 2001] try to develop a benchmarking
framework for dependability evaluation based on the IFIP WG 10.4 dependability
exploration. They intend to develop a framework integrating the measurement
techniques and the collection of key components of dependability evaluation, which
allows the quantification of dependability attributes or the characterization of the
systems in well-defined dependability classes. Their dependability benchmarking
dimensions include factors such as product vs. process, life cycle phases, user
perspective, workload, upsetload, etc. They aim to provide a uniform, repeatable and
comparable way of evaluating the behavior of components and computer systems in
the presence of faults.
Wilson et. al. in [Wilson 2002] seek to enable comparison of different
computer systems in the dimensions of availability, data integrity, disaster recovery
and security. They develop a dependability comparison framework using different
criteria for different applications. Their application types include transaction
processing, message handling, process control, analytical types, and search and
retrieval. Furthermore, they define classes for each application type whose
boundaries are based on the natural breakpoints in the spectrum of user-perceived
requirements. The highest class is always perfect behavior, whether or not it’s
achievable with current technology.
Arlat in [Arlat 2001] describes a benchmarking framework specification for
the availability attribute of software quality. The specification distinguishes five
system classes: transparent to user, retryable workload, delayable workload, reduced
impact of failure, and nothing special. They apply a collection of availability factors
with various criteria within each system class. The proposed criteria (minimum
standards, required disclosures and comparative measurements) should meant not
only to characterize a target system (belonging to a given class) with respect to
specific availability factors; but also to be testable. And each criteria has its own
evaluation method.
Rus et. al. in [Rus et. al. 2002] propose a series of steps to evaluate software
quality achievement technologies aiming at assessing and improving software quality.
Other related work on software quality metrics and assessment frameworks
includes the GE Software Quality Metrics study for the Air Force [McCall et. al.
1977] which incorporates 11 criteria encompassing product operation, product
revision, and product transition; the European COQUAMO project [Kitchenham
1989]; IBM’s CUPRIMDSO approach [Radice 1985]; Hewlett Packard’s FURPS
approach [Grady 1992a, 1992b]; the CMU Software Engineering Institute’s
Architecture Attribute Analysis program [Bass 1998].
All the above assessment frameworks and processes are only targeting at
evaluating or comparing the quality of software systems. Part of our goal is similar,
but we expand the scope beyond software quality measurement by using the software
quality metrics to drive the development process. Our framework aims to find the
optimal level of software quality investments based on the stakeholders’ value
propositions; and to achieve/monitor and control a software system’s quality through
the cost-benefit analysis of quality attributes. Thus our software quality analysis
framework covers the following four aspects: quality attribute definitions, metrics,
cost-benefit analysis model and process strategies.
The following two are the most compatible and complementary with our
research objectives in that both of them argue about the importance of stakeholder
involvement into the dependability assessment.
Huynh et al. in [Huynh 2003] propose a Center of Mass (COM) model to
represent their view of software quality/dependability as a multi-attribute and multi-
stakeholder concept. They use utility to represent the values of quality attributes,
weights to represent the importance of an attribute to a stakeholder through
stakeholder survey. And they add “confidence” to the stakeholders’ answers. Then
they can draw the COM model for each stakeholder’s quality needs and evaluate
whether the current system quality satisfies all the stakeholders’ expectations.
However, it doesn’t provide a solution to avoid the one-size-fits-all metrics for
stakeholders to define their software quality requirements.
The Unified Dependability Model (UMD) proposed in [Basili 2004] aims to
establish a common language for discussing a variety of software
quality/dependability attributes and to make them measurable. Stakeholders specify
their needs by identifying, for the system or a specific service (scope), potential
failures and hazards (issue), their tolerable manifestations (measure), the possible
external causes (adverse conditions, attacks, etc.) that can create an unreliable system,
and the expected system reaction to mitigate the issues impact over the stakeholders.
However, it does not discuss how to reconcile the stakeholders’ value propositions
on software quality/dependability attributes, how to avoid the one-size-fits-all
metrics in defining quality attribute requirements, or how to define the appropriate
levels of quality attribute requirements. It only provides stakeholders a template to
present their quality requirements.
Furthermore, neither COM model nor UMD discusses how to use the metrics
and model to drive the software quality achievement process. Nevertheless, both the
COM model and the UMD can be complementary and integrated with our software
analysis framework to form a set of “combined” frameworks for modeling software
2.3 Process Strategies for Software Quality Achievement
The current software quality achievement process strategies can be
categorized into two classes: fault avoidance and fault tolerance [Sommerville 2004].
Fault avoidance means that the system is developed in such a way that human error
is avoided and thus system faults are minimized. Thus the development process is
organized so that faults in the system are detected and repaired before delivery to the
customer. For instance, verification and validation (V&V) techniques are used to
discover and remove faults in a system before it is deployed. Fault tolerance means
that the system is designed so that faults in the delivered software do not result in
system failure.
Another categorization of software quality achievement process strategies is
based on opportunity tree [Boehm 2001, Madachy-Lee 2003] as shown in Figure 2.3.
It is compatible with the previous categorization. The software system quality is
improved by reducing the defect risk exposure. The quality achievement process
strategies can be categorized into two classes: 1) strategies to decrease defects (i.e.,
the probability of failure); 2) strategies to decrease defect impact (i.e., the size of loss
due to a system failure). The first class can be further categorized into defect
prevention strategies and defect detection and removal strategies. The second class
can be further categorized to value/risk-based defect reduction strategies and
graceful degradation strategies. Table 2.1 summarizes the software quality
achievement process strategies based on the opportunity tree categorization.
Figure 2.3. Software Quality Achievement Opportunity Tree
Size (Loss)
Prob (Loss)
Defect Prevention
Defect Detection
and Removal
Value/Risk - Based
Defect Reduction
Graceful Degradation
CI Methods and Metrics
Process, Product, People
Size (Loss)
Prob (Loss)
Defect Prevention
Defect Detection
and Removal
Value/Risk - Based
Defect Reduction
Graceful Degradation
CI Methods and Metrics
Process, Product, People
Process Strategies
Defect Prevention
Failure Modes & Effects Analysis [Leveson 1995],
Fault Tree Analysis [Leveson 1995],
User & Customer Involvement,
Process automation,
Reuse-oriented processes,
Process maturity,
Cleanroom process [Prowell 1999, Linger 1996]
Completeness checking,
Consistency Checking (views, interfaces, behavior,
pre/post conditions),
Traceability checking,
Compliance checking (models, assertions,
Soft Goal approach [Chung 1999]
Peer reviews, inspections
Project Reviews
Pair programming
Defect Detection
and Removal
Requirements/design V&V,
Formal specification & verification
Structural testing,
Unit/Functional test
Operational profile tests
Usage (alpha, beta) tests
Regression tests
Test automation
Defect Reduction
Value-based review [Lee 2005]
Value/Risk-based testing [Gerrard 2002, Ramler
et. al. 2006]
Fault tolerance
Table 2.1. Software Quality Achievement Process Strategies Based on
Opportunity Tree
Among those process strategies to improve software quality, the cleanroom
software engineering process [Prowell 1999, Linger 1996], which emphasizes the
defect prevention and avoidance, is relevant to part of our research objectives. It
embodies a set of software engineering process principles as following:
z Incremental development under statistical quality control
The cleanroom process employs the incremental development in which each
increment is an iteration of the development process. It allows for continuous
process improvement using the measurements (e.g., consecutive error-free
random test cases, MTTF) taken during the incremental releases of the
software which indicate whether the development process is in control or not.
The process diagnosis and correction are necessary for the next iteration
when the process is out of control.
z Statistics-based software testing
The cleanroom process intends to validate the software requirements
(including the system quality and reliability requirements) by constructing the
system usage model which defines all possible uses of software functions and
their probability distributions. And the testing environment is also
statistically representative of the real operational environment. The testing
and certification team can define the system usage in terms of Markov
models which enables the automatic test case generation.
z Mathematics-based software engineering for correct software designs
The cleanroom process treats the software program as a special case of a
mathematical function. Since each function maps inputs onto outputs. The set
of all possible inputs is treated as the function domain and the set of all
correct outputs is the function range.
The University of Toronto’s Soft Goal approach [Chung 1999] presents a
framework for representing and analyzing non-functional requirements (NFRs) using
the software goal approach. It proposes a tool based on Non-Functional
Requirements (NFRs) to achieve conflicting goals by decomposing the goals,
analyzing design tradeoffs, rationalizing design decisions, and evaluating goal
achievement. It also illustrates how the NFR framework helps the developer to deal
with non-functional requirements and to drive the software development process
rationally. Since it focuses on requirements traceability with more emphasis on
incorporating changes in NFRs, it helps detect defects systematically and supports
the process of corresponding changes in design and implementation rather than
resolving conflicts among different stakeholders. Therefore, it does not consider
stakeholders with different concerns and dependencies on quality attributes.
However, we believe that the sensible way of approaching software quality is
to define its achievement from the perspectives of different stakeholders. Neither the
cleanroom process nor the Software Goal approach considers the stakeholders’ roles
and their value propositions so that their metrics for the quality attributes of the
software system tends to be one-size-fits-all.
Value-based review [Lee 2005] , risk-based testing [Gerrard 2002], and
value-based testing [Ramler et. al. 2006] are process strategies that are the most
compatible with our research objective. [Lee 2005] proposes a value-based review
procedure and shows the payoff of value-based review checklist and procedure
compared with the value-neutral ones. [Gerrard 2002] introduces the risk-based
testing process strategy and its applications in E-business for achieving various
quality objectives. [Ramler et. al. 2006] describes the practices supporting the
management of value-based testing and outlines a framework for value-based test
management. They focus on a specific stage of software development rather than the
entire development life cycle.
2.4 Value-Based Software Engineering (VBSE) Research
and Its Addressal of Software Quality Challenges
Determining whether software is sufficiently correct requires understanding
both the level of software quality required for a particular application and the level of
quality provided by the software. Further, the level of quality is multidimensional:
for example, some applications depend on low latency but can tolerate low precision;
in other applications precision is critical but latency is not. It follows that software
that is acceptable in one situation may be deficient in another [Shaw 2002]. This
view of software quality is rooted in the value proposition of engineering.
Engineering seeks timely, cost-effective solutions to practical problems,
preferentially solutions based on results that are well grounded in mathematics and
science. This entails reconciling conflicting constraints and making design decisions
with limited time, knowledge, and resources. This sets the objective of software
engineering as creation of overall value, not simply the creation of functional and
extra-functional capability. For instance, the user-centered design must consider the
needs and preferences of users. This blurs the line between correctness and quality,
because different users have different needs, their needs change over time, and they
may be inarticulate about the differences between preferences that reflect
dissatisfaction and preferences that reflect actual failure.
As different stakeholders depend on different system capabilities in different
situations, software quality is necessarily a multi-attribute construct whose attribute
values are situation-dependent. Based on the above observations, researchers have
developed, with encouraging results, general frameworks for reasoning about various
aspects of software quality. At the Economics-Driven Software Engineering
Research Workshop [Sullivan et. al. 1999-2005] and elsewhere [Reifer 2002,
Nejmeh 2002], researchers have developed general frameworks for making software
engineering decisions about enhance the value of delivered software systems. In
addition to our work, other EDSER contributions that explicitly address quality
aspects include:
z Carnegie Mellon University’s work on value-based security investment
analysis [Butler 2002], warranty models for software [Li 2002], and value-
based software fault detection [Raz 2001].
z The University of Virginia’s application of real-options theory to the value
of modularity [Sullivan 1999] and application of utility theory and
stochastic control approaches to reliable delivery of computational service
[Cai 2002].
For example, [Butler 2002] develops a technique for selecting an appropriate
suite of security technologies for a particular computer installation. Different
installations must protect different resources; they have different budgets and
different concerns about security threats. Selection of security technology for an
installation should begin with a quantitative analysis of that installation's risks, but
the staff is usually not able to quantify either the frequency of possible attacks or the
consequences of a successful attack. Butler adapts the techniques of multi-attribute
decision theory to create a risk analysis technique that elicits subjective comparisons
that the installation staff is able to make and convert these comparisons to
quantitative figures of merit that can be used for subsequent analysis. Given this
analysis, Butler considers the countermeasures available in the marketplace.
Combining threat analysis with countermeasure information, she identifies candidate
technologies, performs sensitivity analysis, and iterates the analysis with the security
staff of the installation. The process leads both to recommendations for security
technology acquisition and to deeper understanding of security issues on the part of
the installation security staff.
However, none of the above provides a complete value-based framework to
bridge the gap between stakeholder needs and the quality achievement for a software
In [Aurum et. al. 2005], Boehm presents an overview and agenda for Value-
Based Software Engineering (VBSE) in Chapter 1. He discusses the seven key
elements that provide candidate foundations for value-based software engineering
with a case study in Chapter 6. In Chapter 2, he proposes an initial “4+1” theory of
Value-Based Software Engineering (VBSE). The engine of the “4+1” theory is the
stakeholder win-win Theory W, which addresses the questions of “which values are
important?” and “how is success assured?” for a given software engineering
enterprise. The four additional theories that it draws upon are utility theory (how
important are the values?), decision theory (how do stakeholders’ values determine
decisions?), dependency theory (how do dependencies affect value realization?), and
control theory (how to adapt to change and control value realization?). After
discussing the motivation and context for developing a VBSE theory and the criteria
for a good theory, the chapter discusses a seven-step process-oriented expansion of
the “4+1” VBSE theory framework for defining, developing, and evolving software-
intensive systems. It also illustrates the application of the theory to a supply chain
system example.
The Value-Based Software Quality Achievement (VBSQA) process proposed
in the dissertation research is highly compatible with the general “4+1” VBSE theory,
but focuses on reasoning about the software quality attributes and achieving quality
goals using the stakeholder/value-based approach.
Other value-based view of software quality includes [Emam 2003], which
investigates the Return On Investments (ROI) of software quality. It emphasizes the
pre-release and post-release cost savings due to defect reduction in calculating the
profit and ROI. However, it does not take into account the business value that a
software system generates for its stakeholders at a certain quality level. And it does
not discuss various stakeholders’ dependencies on different quality attributes based
on their value propositions in a software project. In addition, defect corrective cost
only accounts for 21% of post-release software maintenance costs. Besides, 79%
costs are due to requirement changes including 25% adaptive, 50% perfective, and
4% perfective changes [Lientz-Swanson 1978].
Chapter 3
Value-Based Software Quality Analysis Framework
The survey of the related literature in the area of software quality reveals that
despite the development of various software quality attribute modeling techniques
and their related analyses, the proper definitions and modeling of software quality
attributes from the perspectives of stakeholders’ value propositions appear to be
lacking. However, it’s critical to understand both the level of software quality
required for a particular application by its success-critical stakeholders and that level
provided by the software system. At the same time, a software quality achievement
process driven by stakeholders’ value propositions is also expected to achieve
software quality in a cost-effective way. Based on these observations, we propose the
stakeholder/value-based approach to leverage the software quality modeling and
analysis. These also enable us to use the value-based software quality attribute
definitions and models to drive a software development process to achieve
stakeholder mutually satisfactory software quality requirements.
In this chapter, the research foundation of Value-Based Software Quality
(VBSQ), a Value-Based Software Quality Analysis Framework, is described. The
framework is composed of VBSQ attribute definitions, a Value-Based Software
Quality Model (VBSQM), and a Value-Based Software Quality Achievement
(VBSQA) process. Section 3.1 presents the definitions and metrics of VBSQ
attributes. Section 3.2 describes the integrative VBSQM with its three components
and the two usage scenarios of the VBSQM. Section 3.3 proposes the VBSQA
3.1 Software Quality As Stakeholder Value
3.1.1 Stakeholders’ Views of Software Quality
In real world software development, there are many views of software quality
so that there also exist many ways to suboptimize its achievement on the incomplete
views. For instances, the freedom of personal health information in the health care
system will compromise the privacy of patients because the exposure of such
information may be abused by some agencies to check the patients’ medical or credit
history. However, overemphasis on privacy may also produce an unusable system.
An example is the SAL conference room scheduling system built by a CS577 project
team. The end users finally felt that the system is not so convenient to use by
imposing overwhelming privacy protection on each reservation since sometimes they
may want to know their neighboring reservations and discuss with each other to
adjust the reservation schedule in person. The automated test case generator
discussed in the Chapter 1 in [Aurum et. al. 2005] shows that overemphasis on
completeness in testing wastes resources since the value of the test cases usually
follows the Pareto 80-20 distribution.
Therefore we should reconsider the issue of software quality from a
promising perspective that has been developed over the past five years: the value-
based perspective. This perspective recognizes that technical decisions can often be
made best when they are informed by explicit models of costs, risks, opportunities,
and benefits. These models allow one to determine how an engineering decision will
affect the ultimate value of a system, and thereby provide a rational approach to
making tradeoffs.
In the meantime, complex missions or projects involve a large and
heterogeneous group of stakeholders with various quality perspectives and different
(sometimes even conflicting) needs. Ideally, one would like to have a single quality
metric by which the development process could be driven, and by which the
contributions of each technology could be ranked. However, in practice, such a one-
size-fits-all metric is unachievable. Different systems have different success-critical
stakeholders, and these stakeholders depend on the system in different ways. For
example, the mean time between failures for a user depending on acceptable
response time will be different from the MTBF for an operator just depending on
system liveness (a real stakeholder value conflict on the Earth Observation System
Distributed Information System (EOSDIS)). Therefore, “quality” might have
different meanings for different software application domains, different software
systems. And even for the same system, different stakeholders might have different
views and definitions of its “quality”.
Thus, a critical first step in understanding the nature of software quality is to
identify the success-critical stakeholder classes for a software system, and to
characterize the relative strengths of their dependencies on various attributes of a
given information system. This involves answering three main questions:
1. What are the primary quality attributes of a software system that success-
critical stakeholders depend on?
2. What classes of stakeholders exhibit different patterns of dependency on
these attributes?
3. For each class of stakeholder, what is the relative strength of their
dependency on each attribute?
Based on the understanding of the stakeholders’ dependency on quality
attributes, again ideally, one would like to derive a set of attribute weights that could
be combined into a single metric that could be used as the criterion for evaluating
this (kind of) system’s quality achievement. However, the strengths of such
dependency may vary by operational context or mission scenarios so that the
traditional value-neutral quality metrics and models become unsuitable.
Finally, the increasing pace of software system change requires more
lightweight and adaptive processes, while the increasing mission-criticality of
software systems requires more process predictability and control, as well as more
explicit attention to business or mission values. Thus we aim to propose a software
development process as a guide to help project stakeholders achieve their
expected/desired levels of quality attributes using the value-based quality metrics,
models and methods.
3.1.2 VBSQ Attribute Definitions
VBSQ attribute definitions differ from traditional value-neutral definitions in
that they explicitly reflect the relevant success-critical stakeholders’ value
propositions. Traditional definitions such as Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF)
for Reliability are referenced to the properties that stakeholders are relying on, such
as liveness, accuracy, or performance. Our definitions go beyond traditional one-
size-fits-all definitions of these attributes in reflecting their variability not only due
to changes in operational profiles but also due to differences in stakeholder value
dependencies. The definitions also try to bring some order to the definitions of such
terms as safety, survivability, security, and privacy. Protection Attributes: Safety, Security, Privacy
There are many different definitions of “safety”, “security”, and “privacy”.
We have tried to propose definitions that are value-based, minimally ambiguous,
compatible with major current standards, and reasonably orthogonal. The resulting
orthogonal definition framework is shown in Table 3.1.
Causes of Risks
Nature of Risks Authorized Operations,
Nature Causes
Unauthorized Operations
Physical Risks Safety Safety, Security
Information Risks Privacy Privacy, Security
Table 3.1. A Definition Framework for Safety, Security, and Privacy
Current Definitions of Safety, Security, Privacy
In terms of the nature of the risks being protected, we use the IEEE-1228
[IEEE 1994] standard on Software Safety Plans as a baseline. It defines “software
safety” as “freedom from software hazards;” “hazard” as “a software condition that
is a prerequisite to an accident;” and “accident” as “an unplanned event or series of
events that results in death, injury, illness, environment damage, or damage to or loss
of equipment or property.”
Thus, the definition of “safety” focuses on the protection of physical entities
(death, injury, illness, damage to equipment, property, or the environment). In
contrast, the definition of “Information Security” in NIST Special Publication 800-37
[Ross-Swanson 2003] focuses on protection of information assets. Its definition is
“The protection of information and information systems from unauthorized access,
use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction in order to provide
confidentiality, integrity, and availability.” Protection of “confidentiality” includes
personal privacy and proprietary information. “Integrity” protects against improper
information modification and destruction, and includes non-repudiation and
authenticity. “Availability” protects timely and reliable access to information.
All of these protections are focused on the information-entity domain.
However, the information security practices in NIST 800-37 also include the value-
based activity of risk assessment. The standard metric for the criticality of an
information security threat or vulnerability is its risk exposure RE, defined as RE =
P(Loss) * M(Loss), where P(Loss) is the probability of lost value and M(Loss) is “the
magnitude of harm that a loss of confidentiality, integrity, or availability will have on
an agency’s operations, assets, or individuals should the exploitation occur.” Thus,
the scope of information security practice extends to the domain of physical entities
as well.
The counterpart hazard analysis metric for software safety is RE = P(hazard)
* M(hazard) [Leveson 1995]; it is the core metric for software risk management
[Boehm 1989] and is also applied to privacy losses.
The risks involved in Privacy are generally limited to information-domain
financial or personal reputation losses rather than losses in the physical domain.
However, privacy protection for individuals also extends to constraints on violating
privacy by authorized operations as well as unauthorized operations, as shown in
Table 3.1.
Special Cases
There are some special cases discussed above that blur the orthogonality
presented in Table 3.1, and some additional ones as well. These are summarized
z Information assets include both pure-information assets (data, programs) and
physical assets (storage devices, processors).
z Financial assets are property, but are now almost exclusively electronic
records in the information domain.
z The value of property loss may be measured financially within private
institutions, but in public institutions must consider fairness to the least-
advantaged stakeholders. Thus, a fire-dispatching algorithm to minimize the
financial value of property loss that saves a few rich people’s houses while
letting many poor people’s houses burn is not an acceptable solution for a
public institution.
z The financial value of a human life is too controversial a concept to be
merged with the financial value of property, and is generally considered
separately in practice. Some partial exceptions are voluntary contracts such
as insurance policies.
z Providing security protection from unauthorized operations must also
consider protection from vulnerabilities caused by authorized operations or
natural causes, such as accidents that provide open access to secure
Value-Based Definitions of Safety, Security and Privacy
In this context, our value-based definitions of safety, security, and privacy
are as follows:
A system provides Safety to the extent that it minimizes stakeholders’
expected loss of value due to death, injury, illness, or damage to equipment, property,
or the environment.
A system provides Security to the extent that it minimizes stakeholders’
expected loss of value from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption,
modification, or destruction of information assets, including financial losses and loss
of value due to death, injury, illness, or damage to equipment, property, or the
A system provides Privacy to the extent that it minimizes stakeholders’
expected loss of value from authorized or unauthorized access, use, disclose, or
modification of stakeholders’ personal information, including financial losses and
loss of reputation. Robustness Attributes: Reliability, Availability, Survivability
A system provides Reliability to the extent that it maximizes the probability
that the system will provide stakeholder-desired levels of service (liveness, accuracy,
performance, others) with respect to a system’s operational profile (probability
distributions of transaction frequencies, task complexities, workload volumes, others)
over a given period of time.
Discussion. This definition implies that the Reliability probability number
will be different for the same system and operational profile (e.g., the percentage
distribution of the adverse natural conditions, adversarial actions and normal
conditions), if there are different stakeholders relying on the system for different
desired levels of service. This may seem untidy for those wishing to have a single,
value-neutral, one-size-fits-all Reliability number (e.g., with the definition of what is
counted as failure referenced to a one-size-fits-all severity scale). But the different
numerical outcomes add value by indicating to stakeholders that the system may be
sufficiently reliable for some stakeholders but not for others. This equates to a
stakeholder win-lose situation, which most often will turn into a lose-lose situation if
the losing stakeholders lose cooperative motivation or try to manipulate the situation
into a win for them and a losing situation for others. An example was provided at
one point of the operation of the NASA Earth Observation System Distributed
Information System (EOSDIS). The system operators were incentivized to optimize
the system for liveness, which often left the users with 2-week response times to
queries. An example lose-lose user response is to flood the system with whatever
queries one might need results for at some point. In this case, managing to two
different Reliability numbers, one for liveness probability and another for (say) 10-
minute response time probability, would be better. And the alternative is to have a
single value of Reliability that is irrelevant or misleading to most of the stakeholders.
The major practical implication of this situation is that any Reliability
numbers furnished to stakeholders need an accompanying definition of the
assumptions about operational profiles and stakeholder values used in deriving the
A system provides Availability to the extent that it maximizes the fraction of
time that the system will provide stakeholder-desired levels of service with respect to
a system’s operational profile.
Discussion. As with Reliability, a system’s Availability number will vary
across stakeholders with different desired levels of service (it also varies across
different operational profiles). Where MTBF and Mean Time to Repair (MTTR) are
relevant, Availability can be expressed as MTBF/(MTBF + MTTR).
The definition of Reliability and Availability assume a fixed value associated
with the term “desired level of service” (such as full-service liveness or 1-second
response time). From a value standpoint, their maximizing of the probability or
fraction of time that the system provides this level of service is equivalent to
minimizing the risk exposure RE due to losses in providing the desired level of
service. The Availability version of RE is generally preferred, since it is sensitive to
MTTR while the Reliability version is not. Since the values of Reliability and
Availability are scenario-dependent (as may be the magnitude of loss), the overall
RE is generally a probability-weighted sum of the scenarios’ risk exposures:
RE =
Loss M Loss P P ) ( ) ( ⋅ ⋅
(S – Scenario)
However, frequently the stakeholders will prefer a reduced level of service
(such as core-capability liveness or 3-second response time) to having no service at
all. An alternative way to maximize the system’s expected value or minimize its risk
exposure is to provide reduced-loss fallback capabilities when the full desired level
of service is unachievable. This situation provides a definition of Survivability:
A system provides Survivability to the extent that it maximizes the total
expected value obtained from achieving stakeholder-desired levels of service and
from reduced levels of service when the desired levels of service are unachievable.
The risk exposure RE associated with Survivability is defined in terms of the
probabilities and magnitudes of reduced levels of service for each scenario,
M :
RE = ) ) ( ) ( (
/ ∑ ∑
⋅ ⋅
Loss M Loss P P
(S – Scenario, RS – Reduced Levels of Service) Quality of Service Attributes: Performance, Accuracy, Usability
A system provides Performance to the extent that it maximizes the value of
processed information achievable within the available resources (i.e., processors,
storage devices, communication bandwidth, etc.) being used to process the system’s
workload (the volume and distribution of requested services/functions over a given
time period). For information utilities in which value cannot be determined (e.g.,
Google), an alternate definition is that a system provides Performance to the extent
that it provides stakeholders with their desired information with minimum utilization
of limited resources and response time.
Discussion. Different stakeholders will have different values for different
aspects of the system performance (e.g., response time, degree of accuracy) since
they depend on the system in different ways. Furthermore, even the values desired by
the same stakeholder can vary with the operational context or mission scenarios.
Thus a one-size-fits-all metric for system performance is inadequate. In some cases
in which different performance levels are differently priced, total system revenue can
serve as a proxy for value of processed information.
As with response time, accuracy is a value-neutral metric used as an
acceptability level in such value-based attributes as Reliability and Performance. A
system provides Accuracy to the extent that it minimizes the difference between
delivered computational results and the real world quantities that they represent.
Discussion. There are several accuracy metrics, including RMS (Root Mean
Square), absolute value, median or mode. Consistency is a sub-attribute of accuracy;
a system’s results can be useful for comparative analysis (tradeoffs, make vs. buy) by
being consistent within some uniform bias, even if not being exactly accurate.
A system provides Usability to the extent that it maximizes the value of a
user community’s ability to benefit from a system’s capabilities with respect to the
system’s operational profile (probability distributions of transaction frequencies, task
complexities, workload volumes, others). User community here refers to the
information brokers, information consumers and system controllers in Table C.3 (see
Appendix C).
Discussion. The measurement of Usability will be based on multiple factors:
avoidance of misuse, accessibility, controllability, understandability, ease of learning,
etc. A software system can be accessed in different ways by various stakeholders.
For instance, the system administrator may access an interface different than what
information consumers access. Therefore the measurement of Usability should vary
across stakeholders based on their usage of the system. Additionally it should also be
scenario-driven. Other Attributes
A system provides Evolvability to the extent that it maximizes the added
value achievable in modifying the system or component in desired/valued directions
within a given time period.
Discussion. Evolvability has several sub-attributes: structure,
understandability and verifiability. Various stakeholders will have different criteria
in assessing the evolvability of the software system since they depend on the system
in different ways. Furthermore the measurement of evolvability is scenario-driven. In
some scenarios, it becomes a special case such as portability.
A system provides Interoperability to the extent that it maximizes the value
of exchanging information or coordinating control across co-dependent systems.
Discussion. Interoperability has several sub-attributes: openness,
understandability and verifiability. Openness means to be compliant with open
interface standards. Similar to evolvability, interoperability is scenario-driven.
A system provides Correctness to the extent that its implementation precisely
satisfies its requirements and/or design specifications.
Discussion. Correctness is another value-neutral attribute used as an
acceptability level in such value-based attributes as Safety and Security. Various
stakeholders have different concerns about correctness. It is a direct concern for
developers or acquirers. However, acquirers will be more concerned about the
correctness of mission-critical requirements. Users may prefer a slightly incorrect
implementation of the requirements if it is easier to use.
Timeliness (Schedule):
A system provides Timeliness to the extent that it maximizes the value added
by developing new capabilities within a given delivery time. On the other hand, if
the set of desired capabilities is fixed, an alternate definition is that a system provides
Timeliness to the extent that it minimizes the calendar time required to deliver the set
of capabilities.
Discussion. This definition of Timeliness applies to both software/system
development and maintenance. For maintenance, Timeliness is highly correlated
with Evolvability. One approach to achieving Timeliness is the Schedule As
Independent Variable (SAIV) process. It involves stakeholders in prioritizing their
desired features, architecting for ease of adding or dropping borderline features, and
incremental development of highest-priority features [Boehm, et. al. 2002].
Affordability (Cost):
A system provides Affordability to the extent that it maximizes the value
added by developing new capabilities within a given budget.
Discussion. This definition of Affordability applies to both software/system
development and maintenance. For maintenance, Affordability is also highly
correlated with Evolvability. One approach to achieving Affordability is the Cost As
Independent Variable (CAIV) process. It involves stakeholders in prioritizing their
desired features, architecting for ease of adding or dropping borderline features, and
incremental development of highest-priority features [Boehm et. al. 2002]. On the
other hand, if the set of desired capabilities is fixed, an alternate definition is that a
system provides Affordability to the extent that it minimizes the cost required to
deliver the set of capabilities.
A system provides Reusability to the extent that it maximizes the Return On
Investment (ROI) of reusing system capabilities in other products.
Discussion. Reusability is correlated with interoperability in that it depends
on several sub-properties such as openness and simplicity of interfaces. It frequently
works best within a domain-engineered product line architecture.
3.1.3 Value-Based Software Quality Metrics
Since different software systems have different stakeholders and there exist
various scenarios in a software system, the traditional one-size-fits-all software
quality metric is not applicable. Based on the value-based definitions of software
quality attributes described in the previous section, the value-based metrics are
proposed to measure software quality achievement. The key elements of value-based
software quality metrics are summarized as follows:
1. Reflecting the success-critical stakeholders S
related to the project
2. Reflecting the software quality attributes Q
that success-critical stakeholders
are depending on
3. Related operational scenarios to each quality attribute Q
4. A matrix as shown in Table 3.2 to track the stakeholder acceptable level AL
desired level DL
, stakeholder dependency P
of quality attribute Q
and the
actual progress A
in realizing the level of quality attribute Q
… S
… P
… P
… P
… P
Table 3.2. Value-Based Metrics for Software Quality Attribute
3.2 Value-Based Software Quality Model (VBSQM)
Different stakeholders depend on different software quality attributes (e.g.,
availability, safety, security or performance) in different ways under different
situations. Thus the business case for software quality must deal with multiple
situation-dependent attribute values. However, in most organizations, proposed
investments in software quality compete for limited resources with proposed
investments in software and system functionality, speed of development, and other
system capabilities. The lack of good return-on-investment (ROI) models for
software quality causes difficulties for decision-makers in determining the overall
business case for software quality investments, in determining which software
quality investments are most cost-effective, and in determining how much software
quality investment is enough. As a result, investments in software quality and the
resulting system quality are frequently inadequate. Thus, software quality models
will need to support stakeholders in determining their acceptable and/or desired
levels for each quality attribute and estimating the cost, value, ROI and risk
exposures for achieving those. On the other hand, competitions among software
quality attributes also exist. Therefore, determining how much software quality
investment is enough will also need to support tradeoff analyses among different
software quality attributes. Along these lines, we develop a integrated Value-Based
Software Quality Model (VBSQM) for reasoning about software quality’s ROI and
performing combined risk analyses using the COCOMO II [Boehm et. al. 2000a],
COQUALMO [Steece et. al. 2002] models, and value-based approach. Section 3.2.1
introduces three components of the VBSQM. Section 3.2.2 proposes the two usage
scenarios of the integrated VBSQM.
3.2.1 Components of VBSQM
The VBSQM integrates the cost estimating relationships (CER’s) from the
Constructive Cost Model COCOMO II; the software quality attribute estimating
relationships (QER’s) from the Constructive Quality Model COQUALMO; and the
value estimating relationships (VER’s) supplied by the system’s stakeholders. The
overall structure of the VBSQM is shown in Figure 3.1.
Figure 3.1. The Overall Structure of Value-Based Software Quality Model
In this section, we first summarize the empirical results on the relative cost of
achieving increasing levels of some attributes of software quality. Section
presents results from the calibration of the Constructive Cost Model (COCOMO) II
[Boehm et. al. 2000a] to 161 representative project data points. Section
shows related results from a COCOMO II extension called COQUALMO. It is based
on fewer project data points, but is calibrated to data on software defect introduction
Cost-Estimating Relationships (CERs)
Cost = f
Relationships (QERs)
= g
attributes project
(size), es capabiliti IP
attributes project
s, investment Quality
• IP capability investments
• Quality attribute levels D
• Value components V
• Return On Investment
• Combined Risk Analyses
Value-Estimating Relationships
= h
Q levels investment quality
es capabiliti IP
and removal, showing the effects of investments in software defect detection via
automated analysis, peer review, and execution testing on delivered defect density.
Section elaborates the relations between COCOMO II and COQUALMO
which we use as a bridge to construct the VBSQM. Section then presents
example forms of value/utility functions relating value to achieved levels of software
quality attributes for various classes of stakeholders. Software Cost Model: COCOMO II
An initial set of cost estimating relationships (CER’s) is provided by the
COCOMO II model. The COCOMO II CER’s enable users to express time-phased
information processing capabilities in terms of equivalent software size, and to
estimate time-phased software life cycle investment costs in terms of software size
and the project’s product, platform, people, and project attributes. Additional future
CER’s would include CER’s for COTS-related software costs, inventory-based
CER’s for hardware components and COTS licenses, and activity–based CER’s for
associated investments in training and business process re-engineering.
The core of the Constructive Cost Model (COCOMO) II is a mathematical
relationship involving 24 variables used to estimate the amount of effort in person-
months required to develop a software product defined by the variables. By
multiplying the project effort by its cost per person-month, one can also estimate the
project’s cost.
COCOMO II’s parameters include the product’s equivalent size in thousands
of lines of code (KSLOC) or a function-point equivalent; personnel characteristics
such as capability, experience, and continuity; project characteristics such as
execution-time and storage constraints; and product characteristics such as
complexity, reusability, and required reliability.
The effect of each variable on project effort has been determined by a
Bayesian combination of expert judgement and multiple regression analysis of the
data from 161 completed projects representing a wide range of sizes and applications.
The regression analysis determined the size and significance of each parameter’s
effect on project effort. The effect of the “Required Software Reliability” (RELY)
variable on project effort is shown in Figure 3.2.
Figure 3.2. Software Development Cost vs. Required Reliability (RELY) Trade-
The RELY rating scale is also shown at the left of Figure 3.2, in terms of the defect
risk or impact of a defect on the product’s operational behavior and outcome. The
added effort for a Very High RELY project is the net result of rework savings due to
early error elimination and extra effort in very thorough off-nominal, model-based,
stress, and regression testing at the end of the project. Since the extra effort occurs
0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3
(1 hour)
Low, easily
Loss of
Human Life
300 hours
10 hours
10K hours
300K hours
Defect Impact Rough MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures)
quality leader
In-house support software
cost leader
Relative Cost/Source Instruction
12 22 34 54 Added Testing Time (%)
Early beta-test
0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3
(1 hour)
Low, easily
Loss of
Human Life
300 hours
10 hours
10K hours
300K hours
Defect Impact Rough MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures)
quality leader
In-house support software
cost leader
Relative Cost/Source Instruction
12 22 34 54 Added Testing Time (%)
0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3
(1 hour)
Low, easily
Loss of
Human Life
300 hours
10 hours
10K hours
300K hours
Defect Impact Rough MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures)
quality leader
In-house support software
cost leader
Relative Cost/Source Instruction
0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3
(1 hour)
Low, easily
Loss of
Human Life
300 hours
10 hours
10K hours
300K hours
Defect Impact Rough MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures)
quality leader
In-house support software
cost leader
Relative Cost/Source Instruction
12 22 34 54 Added Testing Time (%)
0 0
12 12 22 22 34 34 54 54 Added Testing Time (%)
Early beta-test
near the end, when the project is about at its average staffing level, it roughly
translates into an extra 54% of calendar time in thorough testing before fielding the
product. The regression analysis of the 161 projects produced a relative effort range
of 1.54 between projects reporting their required reliability (RELY) as Very Low
(the impact of a product failure was a slight inconvenience) and projects reporting a
Very High RELY rating (the impact of a product failure was a risk of loss of human
life in a safety-critical system). The t-value produced by the regression analysis for
the RELY variable was 2.602, well above the statistical significance level of 1.96 for
this sample size and number of variables [Boehm et. al. 2000a; page 169].
The corresponding effort multiplier relative to a Nominal value of 1.0 shows
the relative cost per source for each rating level, assuming that the rating levels of
the other variables stay constant. Thus, for example, the relative cost of a safety-
critical product will be 26% higher than a nominal in-house software product. This
value represents the net effect of the added effort to prevent, detect, and fix more
software defects versus the reduced rework effort resulting from earlier defect
The above results are summarized in Figure 3.2. Based on data from a subset
of the projects, we have also added a rough scale of product Mean Time Between
Failures (MTBF) corresponding to the relative impact of product failures, going from
1 hour MTBF for Very Low RELY to 300K hours MTBF for Very High RELY,
which are also shown in Figure 3.2. For instance, the low, easily recoverable losses
associated with a Low RELY rating correspond to an MTBF of 10 hours, or roughly
one serious failure per day; while a high RELY rating corresponds to an MTBF of 10,
000 hours, or about 1.14 years. Software Quality Model: COQUALMO
An initial set of software quality attribute estimating relationships (QER’s) is
provided by the COQUALMO model. As an extension of the COCOMO model,
COQUALMO enables users to specify time-phased levels of investment in
improving dependability attributes, and to estimate the resulting time-phased
dependability attribute levels. The current version of COQUALMO estimates
delivered defect density in terms of a defect introduction model estimating the rates
at which software requirements, design, and code defects are introduced, and a
subsequent defect removal model. The overall structure of the COQUALMO model
is shown in Figure 3.3.
Figure 3.3. The Overall Structure of COQUALMO Model
Defect removal profile levels
Automated Analysis,
Peer Reviews,
Execution Testing and Tools
Software Size estimate
Software platform,
project, product and
personnel attributes
Software development effort,
cost and schedule estimate
Number of residual defects,
Defect density per unit of size
Defect removal profile levels
Automated Analysis,
Peer Reviews,
Execution Testing and Tools
Software Size estimate
Software platform,
project, product and
personnel attributes
Software development effort,
cost and schedule estimate
Number of residual defects,
Defect density per unit of size
Defect removal profile levels
Automated Analysis,
Peer Reviews,
Execution Testing and Tools
Software Size estimate
Software platform,
project, product and
personnel attributes
Software development effort,
cost and schedule estimate
Number of residual defects,
Defect density per unit of size
The defect introduction rates are determined as a function of calibrated
baseline rates modified by multipliers determined from the project’s COCOMO II
product, platform, people, and project attribute ratings. For example, a Very Low
rating for Applications Experience will lead to a significant increase in requirements
defects introduced, and a smaller increase in code defects introduced. The defect
removal model estimates the rates of defect removal as a function of the project’s
levels of investment in automated analysis tools, peer reviews, and execution testing
and tools. Its rating scales are shown in Table 3.3 ranging from Very Low to Extra
The calibrated baseline (i.e., nominal) defect introduction rates for
COQUALMO are 9 requirement defects/KSLOC, 19 design defects/KSLOC, and 33
code defects/KSLOC. For simplicity and to avoid unwarranted precision, we have
rounded these to 10, 20 and 30, for a total of 60 defects/KSLOC introduced [Boehm
et. al. 2000a]. Starting from this baseline, the COQUALMO estimation of reduced
delivered defect density as a function of the composite defect removal rating is
shown in Figure 3.4. The defect removal model estimates the rates of defect removal
as a function of the project’s levels of investment in automated analysis tools, peer
reviews, and execution testing and tools. Its rating scales are shown in Table 3.3.
Initial CER’s are available to estimate the costs of these investments. The Very Low
composite defect removal rating leaves delivered defect density to 60 Delivered
Defects/KSLOC (DDK), while an Extra High rating can reduce the delivered defect
density at only 1.6 DDK [Boehm et. al. 2000a; page 266]. The RELY Cost-
Estimating Relationship (CER) in COCOMO II discussed in section is
available to estimate the costs of these investments, as its Very Low to Very High
rating levels correspond to the horizontal rows of defect reduction investments in
Table 3.3. Note that the composite defect removal rating is an integration of the
ratings for automated analysis tools, peer reviews, and execution testing and tools.
Note also that it assumes nominal rates of defect introduction: a strong defect
prevention program can reduce delivered defect densities by another factor of 60 to
100. The RELY Cost-Estimating Relationship (CER) in COCOMO II discussed in
section is available to estimate the cost of these investments, as its Very Low
to Very High rating levels correspond to the horizontal rows of defect reduction
investments in Table 3.3. For mixed levels of investment in analysis, reviews, and
testing, COQUALMO DDK estimates and an equivalent RELY rating can also be
The current COQUALMO defect introduction model is calibrated to the total
number of defects introduced, including bad fixes. This is a reasonable first
approximation, but is insensitive to the defect removal rate. An example extension
will be a more precise treatment of “bad fixes”, which average about 7% of all defect
fixes and over 10% of defect fixing effort.
Further COQUALMO extensions will refine its current QER’s, and will
provide further QER’s for estimation of additional dependability attributes such as
performance and security [Reifer 2003].
Figure 3.4. COQUALMO Reduced Delivered Defects Estimates at Nominal
Defect Introduction Rates
Table 3.3. COQUALMO Defect Removal Investment Rating Scales Relations Between COCOMO II and COQUALMO
For reliability, the COCOMO II Required Reliability (RELY) CER provides
an initial bridge to software quality estimation, expressed in terms of the operational
impact of software defects (see Figure 3.2). Participants at a USC industry
Rating Automated Analysis Peer Reviews
Execution Testing
and Tools
Very Low Simple compiler syntax checking. No peer review. No testing.
Low Basic compiler capabilities Ad-hoc informal walkthroughs Ad-hoc testing and debugging.
Compiler extension
Basic requirements and design
Well-defined sequence of
preparation, review, minimal
Basic test, test data management,
problem tracking support.
Test criteria based on checklists.
Intermediate-level module and
Simple requirements/design
Formal review roles with well-
trained participants and using
basic checklists, follow up.
Well-defined test sequence tailored to
Basic test coverage tools, test support
Basic test process management.
Very High
More elaborate
Basic distributed-processing and
temporal analysis, model
checking, symbolic execution.
Basic review checklists, root
cause analysis.
Formal follow-up using historical
data on inspection rate,
preparation rate, fault density.
More advanced test tools, test data
preparation, basic test oracle support,
distributed monitoring and analysis,
assertion checking.
Metrics-based test process
Extra High
Formalized specification and
Advanced distributed processing
Formal review roles and
Extensive review checklists, root
cause analysis.
Continuous review process
Statistical Process Control.
Highly advanced tools for test oracles,
distributed monitoring and analysis,
assertion checking
Integration of automated analysis and
test tools.
Model-based test process
VL Low Nom High VH XH
Delivered Defects
Composite Defect Removal Rating
VL Low Nom High VH XH
Delivered Defects
Composite Defect Removal Rating
government Affiliates’ Workshop translated this bridge into a rough experience-
based QER for software reliability in terms of Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF)
in hours (see Figure 3.2). Figure 3.2 also shows the corresponding effort multipliers
(relative levels of effort or cost) to achieve the associated reliability levels, as
calibrated from experience data on 161 diverse software projects. For example,
developing software for users with low, easily recoverable losses (such as PC users)
results in an MTBF of 10 hours (roughly a daily crash) and a relative cost of 0.92.
Developing software for financial organizations, where crashes can cause high
financial losses, results in an MTBF of 10K hours (417 days or somewhat over a
year between crashes) and a relative cost of 1.10.
The relationship between COCOMO II and COQUALMO is based on the
fact that the COQUALMO rating scales for levels of investment in defect removal
via automated analysis, peer reviews, and execution testing and tools have been
aligned with the COCOMO II RELY rating levels shown in Figure 3.2. The
correspondence between COCOMO II RELY ratings and COQUALMO defect
removal profile ratings is based upon a mapping between the activity analysis
behind the COCOMO RELY effort multiplier (see Appendix A) and the
COQUALMO defect removal activity ratings (see Appendix B). One can thus
compare the levels of investment for the Low and High COCOMO II rating levels
with the tools and activities assumed to be used at these levels in the COQUALMO
rating scales. To cover the COQUALMO Extra High rating level in Table 3.3, we
have provisionally extended the reliability rating scale in Figure 3.2 to Extra High,
with a corresponding MTBF of 1M hrs and a relative cost of 1.56. This is based on
some experiences with thorough independent verification and validation efforts,
which added about 30 percent to software costs. For ratings between Very Low and
Extra High, VBSQM provides two ways to apply this relationship between
COCOMO II and COQUALMO. One is to specify a COCOMO II RELY rating and
assume the same investment levels in automated analysis, peer reviews, and
execution testing will be applied, in which case the corresponding relative effort and
MTBF will be used. Or, we can specify our own investment levels for automated
analysis, peer reviews, and execution testing and tools. Based on the specified effort
distribution among the three categories of defect removal techniques, we can
calculate a COQUALMO-based weighted average of these levels as the equivalent
COCOMO II RELY rating. We could also use other cost models such as Knowledge
Plan, PRICE S, SEER, and SLIM in place of COCOMO II, to the extent that they
have a similarly defined RELY CER. The relationship between COCOMO II and
COQUALMO also produces a way to relate investments in software reliability to
resulting values of the delivered system’s Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF), as
shown in Figure 3.2. Software Stakeholder Value Models
This section presents some example forms of utility functions relating the
value of achieving levels of software quality attributes for various classes of
stakeholders. Section provides two functional forms relating software
system availability (an attribute of Robustness) to stakeholder value. Section elaborates and extends on the work in [Snir 2003] showing functional
forms relating achieved information response time (an attribute of Performance) to
stakeholder value. In the e-service domain, the major Value Estimating Relationships
(VERs) involve losses in market share due to insufficient software quality and/or
delayed product delivery. Section presents value/untility functions supplied
by project critical stakeholders to relate software quality levels or product delivery
time to resulting benefit flows and value earned. Value Estimating Relationships (VERs): Availability
The VBSQM needs initial software quality VERs supplied by the system’s
stakeholders, to relate estimated cost investments and software quality levels to
resulting benefit flows and ROI estimates. VBSQM VERs assume that stakeholders
have performed a baseline business-case analysis for various components of value
(profit, customer satisfaction, on-time performance) as a function of the time-phased
information-processing capabilities at baseline software quality attribute levels.
VBSQM aggregates these value components into an overall time-phased value
stream, comprising the time-phased costs (the cost of IP capabilities plus software
quality investments) and normalized using present-value formulas to produce a time-
phased ROI profile.
A typical value-versus-availability relationship can appear as a production
function as shown in Figure 3.5. Below a certain level of investment, as with the
gains in availability don’t avoid bankruptcy. Beyond this level, there is a high-
returns segment, but at some point, incremental gains in availability don’t affect
users’ frustration levels, resulting in a diminishing-returns segment. The initial
VBSQM VERs involve simple relationships such as the operational cost savings per
delivered defect avoided, or the loss in sales per percent of the system downtime,
shown as the linear approximation of a particular segment of production function in
Figure 3.5. Many organizations providing e-services also use such relationships to
measure loss of revenue due to system downtime. For example, on the higher side,
Intel estimates its loss of revenue as $275K ($US) for every hour of order-
processing-system downtime; other companies estimate $167K (Cisco), $83K (Dell),
$27K (Amazon), $8K (E*Trade), and $3K (Ebay).
Figure 3.5. Typical Value Estimating Relationships (VERs) of Availability Value Estimating Relationships (VERs): Operational Response Time
Stakeholder utility functions relating the value of receiving processed
information to operational response time usually reflect the stakeholder value added
by being able to make time-critical commitments based on better knowledge of the
state of nature. A classic example was the use by the Rothschild family in London to
obtain rapid information about the outcome of the Battle of Waterloo in 1815. When
they were the first to learn of England’s victory, they made a double killing by
Value ($)
Production Function Shape
Diminishing Returns 1.0
Full Value
Revenue loss per hour system downtime:
[Demillo 2001]
Intel: $275K
Cisco: $167K
Dell: $83K $27K
E*Trade: $8K
ebay: $3K
Ashton-Tate DBase-4
Value ($)
Production Function Shape
Diminishing Returns 1.0
Full Value
Revenue loss per hour system downtime:
[Demillo 2001]
Intel: $275K
Cisco: $167K
Dell: $83K $27K
E*Trade: $8K
ebay: $3K
Value ($)
Production Function Shape
Diminishing Returns 1.0
Full Value
Revenue loss per hour system downtime:
[Demillo 2001]
Intel: $275K
Cisco: $167K
Dell: $83K $27K
E*Trade: $8K
ebay: $3K
Ashton-Tate DBase-4
initially selling their shareholdings and causing shareholdings to plunge in value as
others interpreted their action to reflect knowledge of an English loss. They then had
time to quietly buy up the lower-price shares before the news generally arrived of
England’s victory.
The general shape of their utility function is shown in Figure 3.6. This shape
of utility function is generally characteristic of information brokers, mission-critical
users, and mission controllers in Table C.3. Having early and exclusive information
about the state of nature enables them act in advance to achieve gains or avoid losses.
Other examples are automobile drivers, military commanders, or urban fire-
equipment dispatchers. Early information enables them to make decisions and deploy
resources to maximum effect. As the window of opportunity closes, there is less time
to exploit the information and the value goes down, becoming relatively zero when
the window of opportunity to exploit the information closes.
Figure 3.6. Value of Information Timeliness for Information Brokers, Mission-
Critical Users, and Mission Controllers
Value of
Time of Receiving Information T
The shape of the curve in Figure 3.6 will vary by stakeholder and by situation.
For example, a farmer or storekeeper would not be able to benefit much from
advance information about the Battle of Waterloo and would have a flatter utility
function, while a newspaper publisher would realize different benefits than the
Rothschilds from near-term sale of newspapers and longer-term gains in reputation.
For some real-time mission controllers such as in spacecraft operations or
financial closing deadlines, the utility function V(T) becomes a step function as in
Figure 3.7. Here, having the information anytime before the deadline is equally
valuable, but having it after the deadline has no value.
Figure 3.7. V(T) for Real-Time Mission Controllers
For some non-critical information users, the value of information vs. time
may be relatively flat. For example, astronomical information or historical archives
will retain their value fairly uniformly as a function of time, as in Figure 3.8.
Figure 3.8. V(T) for Non-Critical Information Users
Value of
Time of Receiving Information T
Value of
Time of Receiving Information T
Some information system administrators use step-function value structures to
enable users to buy prioritized information processing or information access. Thus,
for example, users wishing near-instant information access will pay a higher rate,
while users satisfied with one-hour, four-hour, or overnight response will pay lower
rates, as in Figure 3.9.
Figure 3.9. V(T) for Some Administrators Value Estimating Relationships (VERs): Value Loss vs. System Delivery
Since schedule is one of the software quality attributes, it is also a project
critical success factor to determine how much software quality investment is enough.
Thus project stakeholders have to be involved in determining the value estimating
relationships (VERs) for the system delivery time in different project business cases.
The initial VERs for system delivery time show different types of stakeholder
value/utility functions for relating the mission/market value loss vs. time of delivery.
They usually reflect the “cost of delay” in missed opportunities to make time-critical
commitments due to the delayed delivery of a software system. In this section, we
describe three types of value/utility functions for system delivery time. In this section,
Value of
Time of Receiving Information T
we describe three types of value/utility functions for system delivery time based on
different project business cases.
The usual shape of the value/utility function for the case of marketplace
competition is the classic S-shaped economic production function shown in Figure
3.10. This shape of utility function is generally characteristic of software projects
such as e-services and wireless networking infrastructure. Early delivery of the
system enables them to rapidly capture market share ahead of their competitors. As
the time of delivery passes a specific point, the market share diminishes and the
system value loss goes up rapidly until reaching a diminishing-returns point, when
there is very little market share left to lose.
Figure 3.10. Marketplace Competition (Internet Services, Wireless
Infrastructure): Value Loss vs. System Delivery Time
The shape of the value/utility function for the case of fixed-schedule event
support is shown in Figure 3.11. For software systems to support some fixed-
schedule events such as the Olympic games, a trade show or a Mars Rover launch
window, the value function VL(T
) becomes a step function. Here, system delivered
before the deadline loses no value, but missing the deadline loses all the value.
System Delivery Time T
Figure 3.11. Fixed-schedule Event Support: Value of On-time System Delivery
For off-line data processing systems, the user value loss vs. system delivery
time may be relatively flat. For example, scientific applications for astronomical
information or historical archives will retain their value fairly uniformly as a
function of delivery time, as shown in Figure 3.12.
Figure 3.12. Off-line Data Processing: Value Loss vs. System Delivery Time
3.2.2 Integrating Framework: Value-Based Software Quality Model
The VBSQM integrating the COCOMO II, COQUALMO and VERs
provides two usage scenarios to support software quality analysis from the
stakeholder/value perspectives. It helps to answer such questions as how much
System Delivery Time T
System Delivery Time T
software quality investment is enough in terms of both ROI and combined risk
exposures. Section presents the procedure of VBSQM software quality ROI
analysis. Section describes the procedure of VBSQM combined risk analyses
of both software quality and market share erosion. VBSQM Usage Scenario 1: Software Quality ROI Analysis
The integrated VBSQM framework can help project stakeholders and/or
decision-makers to quantitatively determine an appropriate software quality level for
a particular software project, project scenario class or software class. Such software
quality ROI analysis is based on the cost and generated value of software quality
investments. The ROI is computed as ROI = (Value – Cost)/Cost. The usage scenario
of the VBSQM ROI analysis is as following:
1. Use a checklist of software quality attributes to involve stakeholders in
prioritizing attributes of highest concern and usage scenarios.
2. Estimate software size in terms of value-adding capabilities.
3. Enter the size and baseline cost drivers into COCOMO II to obtain baseline
cost estimates.
4. Enter baseline and alternative software quality drivers into COCOMO II and
COQUALMO and obtain alternative cost and quality estimates.
5. Involve stakeholders in determining the appropriate form and parameters for
value estimation relationships.
6. Apply VBSQM to assess the costs, benefits, and ROI’s for the alternatives.
7. Iterate previous steps as appropriate.
67 VBSQM Usage Scenario 2: Combined Risk Analyses
A classical problem facing many software projects is how to determine when
to stop testing and release the product for use. We have found that risk analysis helps
to address such “how much is enough?” questions, by balancing the risk exposure
(probability of loss times size of loss) of doing too little with the risk exposure of
doing too much. However, people often find it difficult to quantify the relative
probabilities and sizes of loss in order to provide practical approaches for
determining a risk-balanced “sweet spot” operating point.
Under the assumptions discussed in sections through, the
framework of VBSQM, which integrates the empirically-calibrated COCOMO II and
COQUALMO results and quantified stakeholder-supplied VERs such as those
discussed in section , also provides the basis for us to perform combined risk
analyses in order to solve the problem of how much software assurance is enough
[Huang-Boehm 2005a].
The usage scenario of VBSQM for combined risk analyses on both software
quality assurance and market share erosion is as following:
1. Estimate software size in terms of value-adding capabilities.
2. Enter the project size and cost drivers into VBSQM to obtain project
delivered defect density (= (defects introduced – defects removed)/KSLOC)
for the range of “Required Reliability” driver (RELY) ratings from Very Low
to Very High.
3. Involve stakeholders in determining the sizes of loss S
(L) based on the value
estimating relationships for software quality attributes.
4. Involve stakeholders in determining the risk exposures of market erosion
RE based on the delivery time of the product.
5. Apply the VBSQM to assess the probability of losses for the range of
“Required Reliability” cost driver (RELY) ratings from Very Low to Very
High based on the relative delivered defect density.
6. Apply the VBSQM to combine the software quality risk exposure and market
erosion risk exposure to find the sweet spot.
We have extended the initial VBSQM discussed in [Boehm-Huang 2004a] to
support such combined risk analyses. It provides the default values of size of loss
due to unacceptable software quality S
(L) and risk exposure of market
RE for each RELY rating under three business cases (i.e., early start-up,
normal commercial and high finance). Users can also provide their own values for
(L) and
RE based on their project business case. After the user inputs the project
size in SLOC and rates each COCOMO II cost driver except RELY according to
their own project situation, VBSQM will automatically generate the curve for
combined risk exposure and help to locate the sweet spot for their software quality
investment level.
3.3 Value-Based Software Quality Achievement (VBSQA)
3.3.1 Purpose of the VBSQA Process
Another key objective of this research is to use the value-based software
quality definitions, metrics and models to drive the software development process in
order to achieve the stakeholder mutually satisfactory software quality outcome.
Ideally, one would like to have a single software quality metric by which the
development process could be driven, and by which the contributions of each
technology could be ranked. However, in practice, different systems have different
success-critical stakeholders, and these stakeholders depend on the system in
different ways. Furthermore, stakeholders often have emerging, time-varying
software quality requirements. Therefore, using traditional one-size-fits-all software
quality metrics and models to drive the system and software development process is
likely to lead to delivered systems that are unsatisfactory to some stakeholders.
Along these lines, we propose a Value-Based Software Quality Achievement
(VBSQA) Process generated from the WinWin Spiral Model’s risk-driven approach.
It is coupled with a set of value-based software quality analysis methods and models
for reasoning about software and system quality. It helps project success-critical
stakeholders to define, negotiate and develop mission-specific combinations of
software quality attributes for the development of a system with the stakeholder
WinWin-balanced software quality outcome.
3.3.2 Top-level Steps of the VBSQA Process Framework
This section presents the major steps, activities and decision points of the
Value-Based Software Quality Achievement (VBSQA) process framework [Huang
2005] and identifies the techniques that can be applied in each step. Table 3.4
summarizes the major steps of VBSQA process. Each process step is to be
elaborated in the following subsections as needed.
Identify top-level mission objectives and stages
– including quality (Q-) objectives
Perform project cost/benefit analysis
– Estimate project budget
– Develop results chain to identify success-critical stakeholders and their top-
level value propositions
Stakeholders negotiate mutually satisfactory (Win-Win) quality (and other) goals
and relevant mission scenarios.
4. Risk-based process strategy decision making
Concurrently engineer top-level Q-attribute and other requirements and solution
tradeoff spaces.
6. Identify top-level Q-risks, execute risk-mitigation spirals.
Develop system top-level design and initial Feasibility Rationale Description
Hold Life Cycle Objective (LCO) Review
– Pass: go to 9. Fail: go to 5.
Concurrently engineer detailed Q-attribute and other requirements and solutions;
resolve risks.
Develop system detailed design and detailed Feasibility Rationale Description
Hold Life Cycle Architecture (LCA) Review
– Pass: go to 12. Fail: go to 9.
Construct, test, and deploy system
– Use the mission scenarios and Q-attribute requirement levels as progress
metrics and test cases
– Core Capability Demo (CCD)
– Monitor progress and change requests; perform corrective actions
13. Initial Operational Capability (IOC) Readiness Review
Table 3.4. The Top-level Steps of VBSQA Process Framework
71 Identify Top-level Mission Objectives and Stages
This is the entry to the VBSDA process. Top-level software quality
objectives are identified with top-level mission objectives. Perform Project Cost/Benefit Analysis
Besides the project budget estimation, we have to perform stakeholder/value
dependency analysis [Boehm-Huang 2004b] in order to understand the nature of the
software quality. That is, we need to identify the major classes of success-critical
project stakeholders, and to characterize the relative strengths of their dependencies
on various attributes in each operational scenario of the software system. The
generalized top-level stakeholder/value dependencies for information-intensive
software systems as shown in Table C.3 (See Appendix C) can be a start point to
identify the project success-critical stakeholders. At this step, a software quality-
elaborated Results Chain shall be constructed to help identify the success critical
quality-oriented initiatives and stakeholders. The Results Chain technique, developed
by the DMR Consulting Group [Thorp 1998] is a way to identify missing initiatives
and success-critical stakeholders in a system development project. It involves
initially defining the project’s Initiatives (rectangles), Contributions (arrows),
Outcomes (circles, ovals), and Assumptions (hexagons) for its nominal-case
operation. It then involves identifying risks and vulnerabilities that may go wrong
with the nominal case, and establishing additional Initiatives, Contributions, and
Outcomes to avoid or resolve them.
72 Stakeholders Negotiate Software Quality Goals and Relevant Mission
Project success-critical stakeholders are involved in the WinWin negotiation
in order to converge on the mutually satisfactory software quality (and other) goals.
At this step, a stakeholder/goal matrix should be constructed based on the identified
mission objectives/goals in step 1. This is also the starting/ending point of each spiral
in the WinWin Spiral Model. Table 3.5 shows a sample matrix of the primary
success-critical stakeholders in an information-intensive software system as rows and
their prioritized goals with respect to the software system development, operation,
and evolution as columns. The specific columns represent the primary categories of
system goals/requirements to be negotiated by the stakeholders. Project goals and
requirements include desired constraints on the system and project such as choices of
programming language, infrastructure packages, and computing platforms;
development and operational standards; and constraints on budgets, schedules, and
other scarce resources. Capability goals include the functions that the software
system should perform. Interface goals include message formatting and content, and
interaction protocols with other interoperating systems. Level of Service goals
include the dependability attributes, except for cost and schedule (covered under
Project goals) and interoperability (covered under Interface goals). Evolution goals
include downstream goals that the initial system architecture should support, such as
deferred capabilities or scalability to accommodate workload growth. At the same
time, each stakeholder class shall prioritize the goals as High, Medium and Low.
Project Capability Interface Level of Service Evolution
Information Suppliers
System Dependents
Information Brokers
Information Consumers
System Controllers
System Administrators
System Acquirers
Table 3.5. A Sample Stakeholder/Goal Matrix
Instead of using one number to define each software quality goal, the value-
based quantitative software quality models/tools such as VBSQM can be used to
determine an appropriate level for some particular attributes (e.g., Reliability,
Availability, etc.) based on the Return On Investment (ROI) profile and/or the
tradeoffs between quality attributes and delivery time of the project. For instance, the
VBSQM can help stakeholders determine how much availability is enough for
different types of projects, different operational scenarios or different software
classes in a certain project. The principles and the usage scenarios of the VBSQM
are elaborated in section 3.2. Risk-Based Process Strategy Decision Making
VBSQA process framework covers all the phases and milestones in the entire
software development life cycle of the WinWin Spiral model [Boehm-Hansenzz,
2001]. It also includes various software development activities to incorporate the
value-based consideration. In real-world software projects, different software quality
assessment criteria are set based on different business cases [Reifer 2002] so that
different process strategies should be selected to meet them. Therefore, a flexible
process generation platform is required to enable the trim or addition of the
steps/milestones/activities in the VBSQA process framework.
Along these lines, the risk-based process decision-making approach [Huang
et. al. 2006a], summarized in Figure 3.13, uses the project business case and risk
analysis to tailor the VBSQA process into an overall software development strategy
[Boehm-Turner 2004]. This approach relies heavily on project key stakeholder
identification, project business case analysis and the collaboration of the core
development team and the project stakeholders. Thus this process decision making
approach is embedded into the current VBSQA process framework following Step 3
(stakeholders negotiate software quality and other goals) shown in Table 3.4. Three
process strategies (schedule-driven, product-driven and market-trend driven) can be
selectively applied in the software development based on different project business
cases. In general, schedule-driven processes are lightweight processes that employ
short iterative cycles while product-driven processes employ longer iterative cycles.
Figure 3.13. Risk-based Process Decision-making Approach
Project business case analysis is used to elicit success-critical stakeholders’
value propositions. Risk analysis is used to define and address risks particularly
associated with project schedule and software quality achievement. It is also used to
answer such question as “How much software quality investment is enough?” by
balancing the risk of investing too little on software quality with the risk of investing
too much. Examples of such questions related to software quality achievement are
“How much prototyping is enough?”, “How much review is enough?”, and “How
much testing is enough?”. As another aspect of quality achievement, we extend the
approach to also consider the question “How much architecting and planning is
enough?”. Risk analysis is closely related to business case analysis in that project
risks are prioritized based on the business case analysis by emphasizing the high-
priority stakeholder value.
If schedule risks dominate quality risks, risk-based schedule-driven process is
applied. If quality-risks dominate schedule risks, risk-based product-driven process is
applied. If neither dominates, then architect the application to encapsulate the
schedule-driven parts which applies the risk-based schedule-driven process and go
risk-based product-driven process elsewhere. Based on this approach, we can tailor
the VBSQA process framework and establish an overall project strategy by
integrating individual risk mitigation plans [Boehm-Turner 2004].
Since no decision is perfect for all time, as indicated in Step 5 in Figure 3.13
the project management team needs to continuously monitoring and controlling the
performance of the selected process in order to adapt to changes in the business case.
In this way, we can always monitor and control the opportunity for realizing
stakeholders’ value. Concurrently Engineer Top-level Q-attribute and Other Requirements
and Solution Tradeoff Spaces; Identify Top-level Q-risks, Execute Risk-
mitigation Spirals
Step 5 and 6 are often coupled with each other during the software
development process. The stakeholder/value dependency analysis and concurrency
are two important factors in the VBSQA process. Simple deterministic processes are
inadequate to address the emergent, time-varying priorities for dependability
attributes. The VBSQA process generated from the WinWin Spiral Model provides a
workable framework for dealing with risk-driven concurrency. On the other hand, it
is effective in avoiding one-size-fits-all metrics and resolving the value conflicts and
in software quality achievement.
In this section, a scenario-based approach is proposed to identify
stakeholders’ value propositions on software quality (Q-) attributes and help
stakeholders define the detailed Q-attribute requirements for different scenarios. This
approach also helps identify and resolve value conflicts on Q-attributes and to
perform tradeoff analysis on Q-attributes in order to engineer stakeholder WinWin-
balanced software Q-attribute requirements. Figure 3.14 shows the process elements
for stakeholders to engineer top-level software Q-attribute requirements, identify
software Q-risks and select the most cost-effective architecture/technology
combination to mitigate risks for different scenarios. The entry criteria of the Q-
attribute requirement engineering and risk mitigation are shown in the box in the top-
left corner of Figure 3.14. Each process element is elaborated as needed.
Figure 3.14. A Scenario-Based Approach to Engineer Software Q-attribute
Requirements and Risk Mitigation Plans
E1. Identify software quality (Q-) attributes
This is the entry of the software Q-attribute requirement engineering and risk
mitigation process activities, where the top-level Q-attributes for the entire software
project are established. The results obtained from Step 1 and 3 in the VBSQA
process are usually used as the inputs of this step.
E2. Establish system operational profile scenarios and prioritize scenarios
The scenario can be defined as mission sequences, environmental inputs or
Q-objective threats and their frequencies. A scenario is used to describe a proposed
use case of the system and/or an interaction of one of the stakeholders with the
system [Clements 2002]. Scenarios provide a vehicle for converting vague Q-
attribute requirements into concrete use cases of a system and make Q-attribute
requirements measurable and testable. The top-level scenarios of a software system
can be established from its use case description (e.g., MBASE Operational Concept
[MBASE 2003] use case description). A complex scenario can be decomposed into
several component scenarios if it’s necessary for testing purposes. On the other hand,
several component scenarios can be composed into a high-level scenario for analysis
or testing purposes. We provide a framework with three factors to be associated with
each scenario S
, which will be directly leveraged in our scenario-based approach:
z Value (v). The value loss (can be measured either in dollars or in utility) if a
scenario execution fails. It indicates the impact of a scenario on the total
mission value.
z Probability of occurrence (p). The probability that a scenario occurs in a
specific mission mode. When several scenarios have the comparable value
impact on the entire mission, a scenario that is more frequently executed
affects the software system quality more extensively, than if it were less. In a
given mission mode,
= 1
. The operational profile of a mission mode
can then be established based on the scenario probability distribution.
z Software Q-attribute metrics (m). All scenarios are mapped into Q-attributes
based on their relevance. For instance, if we intend to measure the reliability
of a scenario, we may use MTBF as a metric. Scenarios can then be
prioritized based on their value (v) and probability of occurrence (p).
In addition, we can use a matrix as shown in Table 3.6 to track the effect on
improving a Q-attribute (e.g., Reliability, Availability) on the project based on the
scenario distribution if the Q-attribute covers several scenarios or the entire project.
Using Reliability (measured by MTBF) as an example, in Table 3.6, p
represents the
probability of the occurrence of scenario i, v
represents the associated value of
scenario i, MTBF
represents the MTBF of scenario i, and Σ represents the
Combined MTBF of all the scenarios for a mission mode based on the scenario
distribution defined by p
Scenario i 1 2 … i … n Σ
Before applying an architecture/technology strategy
) -
Exp. Fail’s/max(MTBF
After applying an architecture/technology strategy
) -
Exp. Fail’s/max(MTBF
Table 3.6. A Sample Matrix Tracking the Improvement of a Q-attribute Based
on Scenario Distribution
z In general, we can compute the Combined MTBF before and after applying
an architecture/technology strategy using the following formula:
MTBF Combined
) max(
) max(
z Availability can be obtained if the MTTR
is also known.
E3. Map Q-attributes into scenarios and determine metrics, stakeholder/value
dependencies and value estimating relationships (VERs) for Q-attributes of
each scenario
Software Q-attributes are mapped into each scenario based on their relevance.
The metric for a Q-attribute may be different in different scenarios. For instance,
Performance can be measured in response time (s) or in storage space (MBytes) in
different scenarios.
The stakeholder/value dependency analysis can be performed for each
scenario based on the stakeholders’ top-level value propositions obtained in Step 2
(see Table 3.4). That is, we need to identify the major classes of success-critical
project stakeholders, and to characterize the relative strengths of their dependencies
on various attributes of each scenario of the software system.
If needed, the value estimating relationships (VERs) of each Q-attribute can
be also established based on the impact of the Q-attribute on a particular scenario.
Note that the VERs for a Q-attribute may also be different in different scenarios
since the same Q-attribute’s impact on different scenarios may be different.
E4. For each scenario, stakeholders define their acceptable and desired values
for concerned Q-attributes
The results of the VBSQM ROI analysis to determine the appropriate levels
of certain Q-attributes (e.g. Availability, Reliability) for different scenario classes
discussed in section can be used as guidance for stakeholders to define their
expected and desired levels for these Q-attributes.
Similarly, stakeholders can define their expected and desired levels for other
Q-attributes based on the priority of a particular scenario and their value
dependencies on the scenario-related Q-attributes.
E5. For each scenario, identify the risks of not achieving the acceptable values
of Q-attributes
E6. For each scenario, identify software architectures/technologies to mitigate
the Q-risks
E7. Architecture/technology evaluation
The top-level risks associated with each operational scenario should also be
identified at this stage. Scenario-based Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) [Leveson 1995],
Failure Modes and Effects Analysis [Leveson 1995] and Dependability Cases
[Weinstock 2004] are three useful techniques to trace scenario failures to the
potential risks causing them. Note that FTA is primary a means for analyzing causes
of failures, not identifying failures. The top event in the tree must have been
predicted and identified by other technique such as scenario-based approach
discussed in this section. Such FTA or Dependability Case can be started from
analyzing the sequence diagrams of each scenario. The root of the Fault Tree is a
particular system usage scenario. The leaves of the Fault Tree are potential risks of
not achieving the expected values of Q-attributes pertain to the scenario.
Risks are quantitatively linked to the Q-attributes of each scenario. For each
pair of risk and Q-attribute in each scenario, stakeholders provide an estimate (expert
judgement) of the potential impact of the risk in the scenario. We define the “impact”
as the proportion of the scenario value that would be lost were that risk occur. The
probability of occurrence of each risk is also estimated.
As the start of executing risk-mitigation spirals, at least one
architecture/technology strategy should be identified to address each risk item. For
instance, we may use the attribute/strategy tables in MBASE Feasibility Rationale
Description (FRD) [MBASE 2003] to find the existing strategies. As for the new
architecture/technology, the architecture/technology developers should formulate
their hypotheses in terms of the defect classes that can be avoided/detected by their
architecture/technology and estimate the cost of applying the architecture/technology
in order to prepare for the architecture/technology evaluation.
Architecture/technology strategies are quantitatively linked to Q-risks. For each pair
of Q-risk and architecture/technology strategy in each scenario, we provide an
estimate (expert judgement) of the mitigation of the risk in the scenario. We define
the “mitigation” as the proportion by which the risk would be reduced were that
architecture/technology strategy to be applied. At the same time, the cost/effort of
applying a particular architecture/technology strategy should also be recorded.
Tools such as the JPL risk-centric Defect Detection and Prevention (DDP)
model [Feather 2002] can be used for such analysis.
E8. Identify conflicting Q-attributes and perform tradeoff analysis
E9. Stakeholders negotiate WinWin balanced Q-attribute requirements and
adjust the acceptable and desired values for conflicting Q-attributes
If the existing architecture/technology strategies can’t satisfy the acceptable
values of all the Q-attributes, or if the estimated cost/schedule to satisfy all the Q-
attribute requirements is too high, then the tradeoff function between the conflicting
Q-attributes will need to be constructed and the tradeoff analysis will be performed
in conjunction with additional stakeholder negotiation. An initial Q-attribute tradeoff
model based on the calibrated COCOMO II model can help us perform
Cost/Schedule/RELY tradeoff analyses [Boehm-Huang 2004b, Huang-Boehm
Multi-attribute preference analyses [Keeney 1993] and stakeholder win-win
negotiation support tools [WinWin 2006] are useful techniques to help stakeholders
perform such negotiations based on their value propositions. Based on the Q-
attribute tradeoff analysis results, we can selectively relax the lower priority D-
attribute requirements for the low risk scenarios using SCQAIV
(Schedule/Cost/Quality As Independent Variable) process principles [Boehm et. al.
Note that such conflicting Q-attribute tradeoff analysis can be performed
concurrently with the architecture/technology evaluation. Develop System Top-level Design and Initial Feasibility Rationale
Description (FRD)
Top-level design of at least one architecture option should be provided by
developers. And the initial Feasibility Rationale Description (FRD) [MBASE 2003]
furnishes the rationale for the product being able to satisfy the stakeholders’ system
requirements and specifications including the Q-attribute requirements. The initial
FRD in LCO stage also includes an initial business case analysis (i.e., cost, benefits
and ROI analysis) based on the Results Chain.
The initial risk analysis should identify all the major risks and propose an
initial risk mitigation plan. Risks without mitigation in the LCO stage have to be
resolved in the Life Cycle Architecture (LCA) stage.
85 Hold Life Cycle Objective (LCO) Review
An LCO Review is to be held with the participation of all the project key
stakeholders. This indicates a milestone of the LCO phase in the WinWin Spiral
Model. The exit criteria of LCO ARB are to provide at least one feasible architecture
to satisfy the requirements, and to provide proofs of requirement satisfaction
including the Q-attribute requirements. The result of the LCO review is either Pass
or Fail:
z If Pass: go to step 9 (see Table 3.4) . Key stakeholders commit to support the
project to proceed to its Life Cycle Architecture (LCA) phase.
z If Fail: go to step 5 (see Table 3.4) Concurrently Engineer Detailed Q-attribute and Other Requirements
and Solutions; Resolve risks
It follows the similar process discussed in section but in a more
detailed level. Develop System Detailed Design and Detailed Feasibility Rationale
Description (FRD)
System detailed design needs to be developed for only one feasible
architecture. And the LCA Feasibility Rationale Description (FRD) [MBASE 2003]
has to provide the detailed rationale of all requirement satisfaction including the Q-
attribute requirements. The LCA FRD risk analysis should propose a detailed risk
mitigation plan to resolve all known risks.
86 Hold Life Cycle Architecture (LCA) Review
An LCA Review is to be held with the participation of all the project key
stakeholders. This indicates a milestone of the LCA phase in the WinWin Spiral
Model. The LCA Feasibility Rationale Description (FRD) [MBASE 2003] has to
provide the detailed rationale of all requirement satisfaction including the Q-attribute
requirements. LCA FRD risk analysis should propose a detailed risk mitigation plan
to resolve all known risks. The exit criteria of Life Cycle Architecture (LCA)
Review is to commit one architecture to satisfy all the requirements of the system.
The result of the LCO review is either Pass or Fail:
z If Pass: go to step 12 (see Table 3.4). Key stakeholders commit to support
the full life cycle of the project and the project can proceed to the
construction phase.
z If Fail: go to step 9 (see Table 3.4). Construct, Test, and Deploy System
During the construction phase, we still need to monitor the progress of the
software Q-attribute achievement and perform corrective actions when needed. We
can use the mission operational scenarios and Q-attribute requirement levels defined
by project key stakeholders as progress metrics and test cases.
The framework of the value-realization feedback process [Boehm-Huang
2003] shown in Figure 3.15 can be applied to monitor the progress of the software
quality achievement and change requests. The software quality-elaborated results
chain, business case, and risk mitigation plans set the baseline in terms of expected
time-phased software quality investments, benefit flows, return on investment (ROI),
project risk exposures, and underlying assumptions. As the project performs to plans,
the actual or projected achievement of software quality investments, benefit flows
and the assumptions’ realism may become invalid, at which point the project team
will need to determine and apply corrective actions by changing plans or initiatives,
making associated changes in expected cost and benefit flows.
Figure 3.15. A Value-Realization Feedback Process to Monitor and Control the
Achievement of Software Q-attribute Requirements
A matrix with the capability to track the value-based expected versus actual
outcomes (e.g., software quality investments, reduced value loss, ROI) [Boehm-
Huang 2003] is a useful technique to support the monitoring and control of the actual
progress of the software quality achievement. Such matrix and the expected benefits
and business case analyses work together to provide a means of tracking actual
progress in realizing the benefits and applying corrective action wherever
z the expected benefits are not being realized,
z the expected cost and/or schedule are overrun,
z the assumptions in the results chain are becoming invalid, or
z new opportunities may surface with a higher payoff than the program being
Core Capability Demo (CCD) can be added as an intermediate milestone to
improve the stakeholders’ confidence in the software system delivery. Project
success-critical stakeholders are invited to participate in the CCD to provide
feedback on the developed system core capabilities. Initial Operational Capability (IOC) Readiness Review
This is the final milestone of the software development life cycle. The
Release Readiness Review (RRR) is held with the participation of all the success-
critical stakeholders. Developers are required to deliver the final product with all the
documents. If the RRR is passed, developers will perform the “cold turkey”
transition of the software system to other stakeholders. If it fails, developers may be
required to adjust or fix the product based on RRR feedback. Otherwise, the project
will be announced as a failure.
3.3.3 Mapping VBSDA Process into “4+1” VBSE Theory
To show the compatibility of VBSQA Process with the “4+1” Value-Based
Software Engineering (VBSE) Theory presented in Chapter 2 of [Aurum et. al. 2005],
we here map the activities of VBSQA Process into the “4+1” VBSE Theory. The
purpose of this work is to show a sound theoretical support of the VBSDA Process.
Figure 3.16 summarizes the overall structure of the “4+1” Theory of VBSE
[Aurum et. al. 2005]. The engine in the center is the success-critical stakeholder
(SCS) win-win Theory W. The core of Theory W is the Enterprise Success Theorem,
that is, your enterprise will succeed if and only if it makes winners of your success-
critical stakeholders. However, the Enterprise Success Theorem does not tell us how
to achieve and maintain a win-win state which requires the involvement of the four
supporting theorems to address the following four aspects:
1. Identifying all of the success-critical stakeholders (SCSs). (Dependency
2. Understanding how the SCSs want to win. (Utility Theory)
3. Having the SCSs negotiate a win-win set of product and process plans.
(Decision Theory)
4. Controlling progress toward SCS win-win realization, including adaptation to
change. (Control Theory).
Theory W:
SCS Win-Win
Control Theory
Decision Theory
Dependency Theory Utility Theory
What values are important?
How is success assured?
How improtant are
the values?
How do values determine
decision choices?
How do dependencies
affect value realization?
How to adapt to change and
control value realization?
Figure 3.16. The “4+1” Theory of VBSE: Overall Structure [Aurum et. al. 2005]
Figure 3.17. Mapping of VBSQA Process into “4+1” VBSE Theory
Figure 3.17 presents the mapping of top-level VBSQA process steps to the
“4+1” Theory of VBSE. The ovals represent the quality-oriented theories. Each
process step serves as either input or output of a particular theory.
Chapter 4
VBSQM Application and Results
This chapter presents the application of the VBSQM in different value
situations. Section 4.1 compares the initial VBSQM ROI analyses on two different
types of software projects. Section 4.2 shows the VBSQM ROI analysis on different
operational scenarios/software classes in NASA/USC Inspector SCRover project.
Section 4.3 presents the VBSQM combined risk analyses in three representative
project business cases. Section 4.4 compares the ROI of value-based testing
techniques with value-neutral testing techniques and shows the overall risk reduction
of value-based testing based on VBSQM combined risk analyses. The application
results validate the following two research hypotheses:
z Hypothesis 1: VBSQM can be used to determine how much software quality
investment is enough in different value situations.
z Hypothesis 2: Assuming non-linear value functions (e.g., Pareto distribution)
are used, value-based software quality achievement techniques improve
project return on quality investments and reduce the overall project risks.
4.1 VBSQM ROI Analyses for Different Types of Software
4.1.1 A Dependable Order Processing System
This section illustrates an initial use of the VBSQM to develop a rough
software quality Return On Investment (ROI) analysis, using the Sierra
Mountainbikes order processing system business case analysis in [Boehm-Huang
2003]. It is a case study representative of two real world order processing systems.
We uses their business case analysis as the baseline for assessing future investments
in software quality over and above the nominal investments usually made for
business data processing systems. Business Case Analysis of Sierra Mountainbikes Order Processing
Table 4.1 summarizes the business case for an improved order processing
system through its proposed development in 2004-2005 and proposed operation in
2005-2008. The cumulative cost of fully replacing the old system by the new one is
$6 million, of which $3.44 million is for software. Table 4.1 also shows the
corresponding expected dollar benefits and return on investment, ROI = (Benefits –
Costs) / Costs, annually for the years 2004-2008. For simplicity in this analysis, the
costs and benefits are shown in 2004 dollars to avoid the complications of discounted
cash flow calculations, and the 10% annual growth rate in estimated market size is
not compounded, both for simplicity and conservatism.
As seen in columns 2-5 of Table 4.1, Sierra’s current market share and profit
margins are estimated to stay roughly constant over the 2004-2008 period, with
annual profits growing from $7M to $12M, if the new program is not executed. This
is a conservative estimate, as the problems with the current system would increase
with added sales volume, leading to decreased market share and profitability.
The next columns in Table 4.1 up through ROI show the expected
improvements in market share and profit margins (due both to economies of scale
and decreased operational costs) achievable with the new system, and the resulting
ROI relative to continuing with the current system. They show that the expected
increase in market share (from 20% to 30% by 2008) and profit margins have
produced a 45% ROI by the end of the second year of new-system operation (2006):
45 . 0
5 . 6
5 . 6 4 . 9
Costs Benefits
The expected ROI by the end of 2008 is 297%.
The final four columns in Table 4.1 show that qualitative as well as
quantitative aspects of ROI need to be estimated and tracked. They show a simple
balanced-scorecard array of expected 2004-2008 improvements in overall customer
satisfaction and three of its critical components: percentage of late deliveries, ease of
use, and in-transit visibility. The latter capability was identified as both important to
distributors (if they know what is happening with a delayed shipment, they can
improvise workarounds), and one which some of Sierra’s competitors were
providing. Sierra’s expected 2004-2008 improvements with the new system were to
improve their 0-5 satisfaction rate on in-transit visibility from a low 1.0 to a high 4.6,
and to increase their overall customer satisfaction rate for order processing from 1.7
to 4.6.
Table 4.1. Order Processing System: Expected Benefits and Business Case VBSQM Software Quality ROI Analysis and Results
The VBSQM ROI analysis begins by analyzing the effect of increasing
software quality investments from the normal business levels to the next higher
levels of investment in analysis tool support, peer review practices and test
thoroughness. The resulting increase from a Nominal to High COCOMO II RELY
rating level increases the mean time between failure (MTBF) from 300 hours to
10,000 hours (see Figure 3.2). And it also incurs a $3.44M * (1.10-1.0) = $344K
additional software quality investment.
New System
Financial Customers
Market Size ($M)
Market Share %
Market Share %
Cost Savings
Change in Profits
Change in Profits
Cumulative Cost
Late Delivery %
Satisfaction (0-5)
Visibility (0-5)
Ease of Use (0-5)
12/31/03 360 20 72 7 20 72 7 0 0 0 0 0 12.4 1.7 1.0 1.8
12/31/04 400 20 80 8 20 80 8 0 0 0 4 -1 11.4 3.0 2.5 3.0
12/31/05 440 20 88 9 22 97 10 2.2 3.2 3.2 6 -.47 7.0 4.0 3.5 4.0
12/31/06 480 20 96 10 25 120 13 3.2 6.2 9.4 6.5 .45 4.0 4.3 4.0 4.3
12/31/07 520 20 104 11 28 146 16 4.0 9.0 18.4 7 1.63 3.0 4.5 4.3 4.5
12/31/08 560 20 112 12 30 168 19 4.4 11.4 29.8 7.5 2.97 2.5 4.6 4.6 4.6
Assuming from relevant business experience a mean time to repair of 3
hours yields an improvement in availability = MTBF/(MTBF + MTTR) from
300/303 ≅ 0.99 to 10,000/10,003 ≅ 0.9997. If we use availability as a proxy for
software quality, and assume that a 1% increase in downtime is roughly equivalent to
a 1% loss in sales, we can use the Sierra Mountainbikes business case to determine a
software quality Value Estimating Relationship (VER). Applying the difference
between a .01 loss in sales and a .0003 loss in sales to the 2005-2008 Sierra new
system sales total of $531M (adding up the 2005-2008 numbers in column 7 of Table
4.1) yields a net return on the software quality investment of (.01) ($531M) – (.0003)
($531M)= $5.31M – 0.16M = $5.15M. The COCOMO II Cost Estimating
Relationships (CER’s) for Tool Support and Process Maturity also generate software
rework savings from the investments in early defect prevention and removal of
$0.45M, for a total savings of $5.59M. The resulting software quality ROI is (5.59 –
0.345) / 0.345 = 15.1.
A related interesting result is that added quality investments have relatively
little payoff, as there is only $0.16M left to be saved by decreasing downtime. Table
4.2 summarizes the VBSQM ROI analysis results by increasing the availability level
of the Sierra Mountainbikes Order Processing System from Nominal to High, High
to Very High and Very High to Extra High, respectively. Project Key Stakeholders’ Feedback and Implications
In discussing this analysis in non-directed interviews with relevant business
personnel (including a representative of one of the failed projects on which the Sierra
Mountainbikes case study was based), they indicated that the results were realistic,
and that use of the tool would have helped them in several decision situations.
However, when asked whether their interests in software quality would
disappear with the negative ROI shown in Table 4.2 in going from a High to a Very
High RELY level, some of the respondents indicated that availability would no
longer be a concern, but that other concerns such as security would likely be
deserving of further investment once the availability was not causing significant
business losses. This would suggest that they are operating within a Maslow need
hierarchy in which satisfied availability needs are no longer motivators, but in which
higher level needs such as reducing security risks may now become more significant
This casts the analysis of software quality (Q-) attributes in an entirely new
light. Previously, the problem of software attribute analysis has been largely cast as
an exercise in static multi-attribute optimizing or satisficing, operating on some pre-
weighted combinations of Q-attribute satisfaction levels. The practical decision-
making issue above indicates that achieving an acceptable or preferred combination
of software Q-attributes leads to a new situation in which the attribute priorities are
likely to change.
In this situation, software Q-attribute requirements become more emergent
than pre-specifiable. The process for achieving acceptable software Q-attribute
requirements becomes no longer a single-pass process, but an evolutionary process,
subject to the need to anticipate and develop architectural support for downstream
software quality needs.
4.1.2 A Mission Critical NASA Planetary Rover
As part of the NASA High Dependability Computing Program (HDCP), we
also performed an exploratory VBSQM analysis of a representative NASA planetary
rover robot; in collaboration with Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) Mission Data
System and Mars Science Laboratory personnel. Business Case Analysis of NASA Planetary Rover
JPL planetary mission experts indicated that a planetary rover’s top-priority
software Q-attribute is survivability. Otherwise, its first failure on a remote planet
will be its last. Survivability has some attributes such as graceful degradation, so that
at a minimum, the rover can keep enough power and communication capability to be
able to transmit its status to its Mission Control Center on Earth, and to receive and
execute recovery commands from the Mission Control Center. However, since
availability is strongly correlated with survivability, and is more straightforward to
analyze, we used availability as a proxy for survivability.
A more detailed hazard analysis and fault-tolerance/graceful degradation
cost-benefit analysis would be needed for safety or survivability ROI analyses. A
more detailed vulnerability and protection cost-benefit analysis would be needed for
security ROI analysis.
As part of a business case for determining a planetary rover software quality
value estimating relationship (VER), we used a total mission value equal to a
representative planetary rover mission cost of $300 million, with a baseline software
cost of $20M at a Nominal COCOMO II software reliability (RELY) rating. We also
assumed as a baseline that a 1% decrease in availability was roughly equivalent to a
1% loss in the mission value of $300M. For a representative mean time to repair, the
JPL personnel indicated that 150 hours or roughly a week was a representative
amount of time for a Mission Control Center to diagnose a planetary rover problem,
to formulate and prepare a recovery sequence, and to test its validity. VBSQM Software Quality ROI Analysis and Results
Since a planetary rover requires at least a High level of reliability and
availability, the VBSQM ROI analysis begins by analyzing the effect of increasing
reliability and availability investment from High to Very High which corresponds to
the COCOMO II estimates of a cost increase of 16% to $25.2M and an increase in
mean time between failure (MTBF) from 10,000 hours to 300,000 hours (see Figure
3.2). Assuming a mean time to repair (MTTR) of 150 hours yields an improvement
in availability = MTBF/(MTBF+MTTR) from 0.985 to 0.9995 as shown in Table 4.2.
Further increasing RELY rating from Very High to Extra High goes outside
the COCOMO II rating scale range and requires a special analysis. Investing in an
independent verification and validation (V&V) activity to bring the MTBF up to 1
million hours (114 years), using the COQUALMO Extra High levels of activity,
incurs estimated additional investments in formal analysis tool support and usage
($2M), peer review practices ($1M), and test thoroughness ($3M). As a cross-check,
the resulting $6M investment is near the usual value of 30% added cost for
Independent V&V on such missions. At this point, the added reliability and
availability investments have negative payoff (ROI = -0.98), as there is only $0.15M
left to be saved by decreasing downtime. Table 4.2 summarizes the VBSQM ROI
analysis results by increasing the availability level of the Planetary Rover from High
to Very High and from Very High to Extra High, respectively. Project Key Stakeholders’ Feedback and Implications
In discussing these results in a non-directed group discussion with the JPL
personnel, they indicated that such tool and analysis results made them more
confident in deciding an appropriate software availability investment level for their
project situation.
They also pointed out that the losses in reputation, corrective action, and in
some cases human lives as with the Columbia Shuttle failure, can amount to much
more lost value than the cost of the mission, and that these can produce a positive
ROI for an Extra High availability investment effort.
4.1.3 Comparing the VBSQM Availability ROI Analysis Results of
Order Processing System and NASA Planetary Rover
Figure 4.1 summarizes and compares the VBSQM availability ROI analysis
results of the Sierra Mountainbikes Order Processing System and the NASA
Planetary Rover. The trend of the Order Processing System is in a black dashed line
and that of the Planetary Rover is in a red solid line.
Thus we see that different mission situations lead to different diminishing
returns points for the business application, whose ROI goes negative in going from a
High to a Very High RELY rating; and for the planetary rover application, whose
positive ROI is sustained through Very High, but not through Extra High .
Note also that we have assumed a linear value model in this analysis, which
results in the monotone decreasing of the mission value by decreasing the
availability level. Most often, value models look like S-shaped economic production
functions in Figure 3.5, with an initial low-slope Investment segment, a high-slope
High Returns segment, and a final low-slope Diminishing Returns segment.
Table 4.2. VBSQM Availability ROI Analysis Results of Sierra Mountainbikes
Order Processing System and NASA Planetary Rover: Increasing MTBF
Figure 4.1. Comparing the VBSQM Availability ROI Analysis Results of Sierra
Mountainbikes Order Processing System and NASA Planetary Rover
Nominal 300 3 0.9901 5.31 0 3.45 0 ----
High 10K 3 0.9997 0.16 5.15 3.79 0.344 14
Very High 300K 3 0.99999 0.005 0.155 4.34 0.55 -0.72
System Extra
1M 3 1 0 0.005 5.38 1.04 -1.0
High 10K 150 0.9852 4.44 0 22 0 ----
Very High 300K 150 0.9995 0.15 4.29 25.2 3.2 0.32
1M 150 0.99985 0.045 0.105 31.2 6.0 -0.98
-0.72 -0.98
Availability Investment Levels (RELY)
VBSQM ROI Analysis Results On Increasing Availability Investment Levels
(starting from the baseline investment level: Nominal)
Sierra Order Processing
Planetary Rover
-0.72 -0.98
Availability Investment Levels (RELY)
VBSQM ROI Analysis Results On Increasing Availability Investment Levels
(starting from the baseline investment level: Nominal)
Sierra Order Processing
Planetary Rover
4.2 VBSQM ROI Analyses for Different Scenarios in One
Software System
We performed VBSQM ROI analyses for three different classes of mission
scenarios in NASA/USC Inspector SCRover project. The analysis results helped
stakeholders to define three different Availability levels for the SCRover project.
Please refer to section for details.
4.3 VBSQM Combined Risk Analyses to Determine How
Much Software Quality Investment is Enough
Figure 4.2 demonstrates how to build up information and perform VBSQM
combined risk analyses (refer to section based on the COCOMO II,
COQUALMO, and VERs illustrated in section The analyses results show
what level of quality investment is enough for three typical project business cases
(i.e. early start-up, normal commercial, and high finance) [Huang-Boehm 2006].
The probability of loss P
(L) (e.g., financial, reputation, future prospects) due
to unacceptably low quality can be estimated based on the COQUALMO estimate of
delivered defect density in Figure 3.4: to first order, the fewer the defects, the lower
the probability of loss. We can use the Very Low estimate of 60 defects/KSLOC in
Figure 3.4 as the baseline for P
(L), and set its default value to 1. The P
(L) for other
RELY ratings from Low to Very High can then be computed based on the
corresponding delivered defect density relative to the baseline, as shown in the
second row of numbers at the bottom of Figure 4.2. A baseline VER for the size of
loss S
(L) due to unacceptable quality can be obtained for value-based testing
[Bullock 2000, Gerrard 2002, Ramler et. al. 2006] from the Pareto distribution in
Figure 4.3(a), using a negative Pareto distribution for value loss as shown in rows 3,
4 and 5 at the bottom of Figure 4.2. In Figure 4.2, relative S
(L) is shown in three
representative business cases such as early start-up (row 3), representing relatively
defect-tolerant early adopters; normal commercial (row 4), representing the Bullock
data [Bullock 2000]; and high finance (row 5), representing very high-volume time-
sensitive cash flows dependent on reliable operation of the software system. For
simplicity, we use a factor of 3 to distinguish the relative values of the three cases.
Then we can compute the software quality investment risk exposure as
) ( ) ( L S L P RE
q q q
× = .
These values enable us to calculate relative software quality investment risk
exposures as functions of added testing time for the three classes of business cases.
Each of these classes of stakeholders can then determine their own “how much
software quality investment is enough?” sweet spot by combining their software
quality investment risk exposure curve with their market share erosion risk exposure
RE (obtained from the Critical Region of the market share loss curve in
Figure 3.10) shown as the line of diamonds in Figure 4.2. For simplicity, we have
shown this to be equal to 1.0 for a Very High RELY rating and an added COCOMO-
calibrated 54% delay in time to market, and decreasing by a factor of 0.3 for each
successively lower RELY rating, as shown in the bottom line of numbers in Figure
Figure 4.2. Combined Risk Exposures: Early Startup, Commercial and High
Finally, we can find a sweet spot (the minimum) from the combined risk
exposure due to both unacceptable software quality and market share erosion. Figure
4.2 shows the three combined RE curves in dashed lines and the corresponding oval
sweet spots of software quality investment levels for the three business cases. For the
high finance business case, its sweet spot of software quality investment is located at
the right-most side because the risk exposure of low system quality
RE dominates.
For the early startup business case, its sweet spot of software quality investment
Early Startup:
High Finance:
Market Risk:
Added % test time
S q(L)
RE m
Com bine d Ris k Ex pos ure
RE =
P(L ) * S(L )
Market Share Eros ion Early Startup
Commerc ial High Financ e
located at the left-most side because the risk exposure of high market share erosion
RE dominates. Such risk analyses can help project decision-makers determine
where is the optimal stopping point in planning for “how much testing will be
enough,” or more generally, the optimal level of the software quality investment for
their project based on their own business case.
The baselining at 1.0 of the highest mainstream size of loss due to low
software quality and of the highest risk exposure due to market share erosion means
that the model in Figure 4.2 can be straightforwardly adapted to other business
situations. For example, a software vendor in the High Finance market sector could
replace the 1.0 baseline market share risk exposure with his/her estimate of a $10M
loss in late delivery of a new feature in row 6 of Figure 4.2 by multiplying the
numbers in row 6 by $10M. Similarly, he/she could adjust the numbers in row 4 by
replacing the 1.0 baseline business loss size in row 4 by his/her estimate of a $30M
business loss of releasing a Very Low quality upgrade, to generate a curve similar to
the star curve in Figure 4.2 with a RELY investment sweet spot halfway between
Nominal and High. Note that other analyses can be made to determine how much
software quality investment is enough for other types of mission value loss reference
points or alternative curves [Boehm-Huang 2004a]. We should point out that
determining absolute business values such as $10M and $30M may not be easy,
particularly if one has not done a business case for the project. However, even
relative values can be used to obtain useful decision insights.
In addition, with VBSQM combined risk analyses, users can perform
sensitivity analyses of the most appropriate quality investment level and strategies
with respect to uncertainties in stakeholder value propositions or marketplace
conditions, for different risk exposure situations, or for additional qualitative
The current VBSQM tool supports the software quality ROI analysis
discussed in section 4.1 and 4.2 as well as the above combined risk analyses. As for
the combined risk analysis, it provides the default values of S
(L) and
RE of each
RELY rating for three business cases (i.e., early start-up, normal commercial and
high finance). Users can also provide their own values for S
(L) and
RE based on
their project business case. After the user inputs the project size in SLOC and rates
each COCOMO II cost driver except RELY according to their own project situation,
VBSQM will generate the curve for combined risk exposure and help to locate the
sweet spot for their software availability investment level. In addition, since the
VBSQM tool is spreadsheet-based, it is easy to modify to handle other types of
analyses using different VERs for different situations, or to perform analyses of the
sensitivity if the outcomes or sweet spots to unavoidable uncertainties in the input
parameters or value functions.
4.4 Value-based Testing vs. Value-neutral Testing
Much of current software testing research and tool building is done in a
value-neutral setting, in which every requirement, object, test case, and defect is
considered equally important. This section compares the value-based testing and
value-neutral testing in terms of the ROI and combined project risks.
4.4.1 Value Estimating Relationships (VERs) and ROI Analysis
With value-neutral testing, such as using the output of most automated test
generation (ATG) tools, the earned mission value with invested testing effort will be
linear shown as the dotted line in Figure 4.3(a), since each requirement and test case
is considered equally important. However, in most operational situations [Bullock
2000, Gerrard 2002, Ramler et. al. 2006], the value earned by each requirement will
more likely follow a Pareto distribution shown as a solid curve in Figure 4.3(a).
Value-based testing focuses the testing effort on the roughly 20% of the features that
provide roughly 80% of the system value. As an example from Bullock’s project
experience [Bullock 2000], the Return On Investment (ROI) analysis is based on the
following assumptions:
z $1M of the development costs have been invested in the customer billing
system by the beginning of testing.
z The ATG tool will cost $300K and will reduce test costs by 50% as
z The business case for the system will produce $4M in business value in
return for the $2M investment cost.
z The business case will provide a similar 80:20 distribution for the remaining
14 customer types.
Table 4.3 shows the relative levels of investment costs, business benefits, and
returns on investment ROI = (benefits – costs) / costs, for the value-neutral ATG
testing and value-based Pareto testing strategies. Figure 4.3(b) provides a graphic
comparison of the resulting ROIs. As seen in Figure 4.3(b), the resulting ROI for
value-based testing peaks earlier and at a considerably higher level than that for
value-neutral testing.
Bullock’s empirical data shows that testing each customer type improves
billing revenues from 75% to 90%, and that a single one of the 15 customer types
account for 50% of all billing revenues. The ROI analysis results indicate that
focusing initial testing on that one customer type provides an immediate boost in
billing revenues per dollar invested in testing.
Value-neutral ATG Testing Value-based Pareto Testing % of
Cost Value Net Value ROI Cost Value Net Value ROI
0 1300 0 -1300 -0.101000 0 -1000 -1.0
10 1350 400 -950 -0.70 1100 2560 1460 +1.33
20 1400 800 -600 -0.43 1200 3200 2000 1.67
40 1500 1600 100 +0.071400 3840 2440 1.74
Table 4.3. Comparative Business Cases: ATG and Pareto Testing
Figure 4.3. (a) Value Estimating Relationships (VERs) for Value-Neutral
Testing vs. Value-Based Testing; (b) Return On Investment (ROI): Value-
Neutral ATG Testing vs. Value-Based Pareto Testing
0 1020 3040506070 80 90 100
% Tests Run
R etu rn O n In vestm en t (R O I)
Value-Neutral ATG Testing Value-Based Pareto Testing
% of
Customer Type
510 15
Automated test
generation (ATG) tool
- all tests have equal value
Bullock data
– Pareto distribution % of
Customer Type
510 15
Automated test
generation (ATG) tool
- all tests have equal value
% of
Customer Type
510 15
Automated test
generation (ATG) tool
- all tests have equal value
Bullock data
– Pareto distribution
However, there may be good reasons, such as preserving good customer
relationships, to continue testing after reaching the peak ROI. And frequently the
testing experience from the high-value testing can be used to make the selection of
test cases or the use of test data generators for the lower-value requirements more
4.4.2 VBSQM Combined Risk Analyses
VBSQM combined risk analyses can also be applied in comparing the value-
based quality achievement techniques with value-neutral ones in terms of the
combined project risks. Figure 4.4 presents the VBSQM combined risk analysis
results of value-based testing and value-neutral testing, when the high finance
business case is used as an example. The decrease in S
(L) with testing time will be
linear for the value-neutral testing, while the decrease in S
(L) with testing time will
follow the negative Pareto distribution for the value-based one as shown in rows 3
and 4 at the bottom of Figure 4.4. The combined risk exposure of value-based testing
is shown as the dashed line of triangles, while the combined risk exposure of value-
neutral testing is shown as the dashed line of stars in Figure 4.4. The sweet spot of
value-neutral testing moves to up and right of that of value-based testing, which is
also shown in Figure 4.4. For this example, the minimum risk exposure for value-
neutral testing is about 40% higher than that of value-based testing. Of course, the
project will need to invest in some form of early requirements prioritization, such as
business case analysis, stakeholder win-win negotiation, Total Quality Management,
or agile methods story prioritization, but these generate other project advantages as
Figure 4.4. High Finance Combined Risk Exposures: Comparing Value-Based
Testing vs. Value-Neutral Testing
4.5 Conclusions
This chapter describes how the integrative VBSQM was applied to perform
ROI analyses and combined risk analyses in order to determine an approximate
quantitatively-optimal software quality investment level and strategy for a project.
(There may be qualitative factors such as key-stakeholder satisfaction that may make
other levels or strategies preferable.) With such value-based software quality models,
users can perform sensitivity analyses of the most appropriate quality investment
level and strategies with respect to uncertainties in stakeholder value propositions or
marketplace conditions, for different risk exposure situations, or for additional
Market Risk:
Added % test time
P q(L)
(L): Pareto
(L): Linear
RE m
Combined Risk Exposure
RE =
P(L) * S(L)
Market Share Erosion Value-based Testing Value-neutral Testing
qualitative considerations. The combined risk analysis model realized in VBSQM is
also valuable for determining the relative payoff of value-based vs. value-neutral
testing, which can be up to 40% higher for high-value applications, as shown in
Figure 4.4.
Even with only approximate information on relative values, the models can
provide a framework to help reason about quality investment tradeoffs and decisions.
Chapter 5
VBSQA Process Application and Results
This chapter presents the application of Value-Based Software Quality
Achievement (VBSQA) process framework in three case studies. Section 5.1
discusses the entire procedure of applying the VBSDA process in NASA/USC
Inspector SCRover (ISCR) project developed by six graduate students in the Center
for Software Engineering (CSE) at USC. The final product served as one of the
testbeds for NASA High Dependability Computing Program (HDCP). Section 5.2
describes the partial application of VBSDA process in a Graduate Software
Engineering class e-service project for USC librarian. Section 5.3 shows how we
apply VBSDA process framework in a real world Enterprise Resource Planning
(ERP) project in China. These application results validate the following research
z Hypothesis 3: The Value-Based Software Dependability Achievement
(VBSDA) Process can be applied by rational decision-makers to
o 3a. determine whether a software system with stakeholder mutually
satisfactory software quality (Q-) attribute requirements is achievable.
o 3b. help stakeholders and projects avoid software Q-attribute mismatches
and achieve successful software quality outcomes.
5.1 Apply VBSDA Process in NASA/USC Inspector
SCRover (ISCR) Project
This section describes how the VBSQA process was applied in NASA/USC
Inspector SCRover (ISCR) project to help success-critical stakeholders achieve
successful software quality outcome.
5.1.1 NASA/USC ISCR Project Overview
The ISCR project was developed to serve as a distributable HDCP testbed for
evaluating current and emerging dependability-enhancing technologies. It involved
obtaining requirements from the USC Department of Public Safety (DPS) for an
autonomous robot that could investigate the possible presence of hazardous materials
in an environment unfit or dangerous for human intervention. Such an environment
could be caused due to an earthquake or a failed chemical/biological experiment in a
chemistry/biological laboratory. It would have several risks, such as loss of human
health or life due to failure to identify a dangerous target with chemical leak or
radiation, and the damage of robot itself.
Here are the top-level requirements that were determined for the ISCR
system. The robot shall be able to autonomously maneuver around in the area
designated by the robot operator and identify the potentially hazardous targets. The
robot shall simultaneously return pictures taken by the camera mounted on the robot
and the available sensor information to the designated host computer. Additionally,
the robot shall maintain enough power so that it can return back to the initial
designated location.
The development of the SCRover was planned in 3 increments. The case
study is based on the increment 3 of the project which covers most of the important
mission scenarios.
5.1.2 ISCR Application of VBSDA Process Identify Top-level Mission Objectives and Stages
The top-level objectives and stages for the Inspector SCRover (ISCR) are
summarized in section 5.1.1. And the top-level capabilities of the SCRover are as
z Autonomously maneuver around in the area designated by operator and
identify potentially hazardous targets
z Return continuous camera video images and sensor information to host
z Power maintenance
We applied the VBSDA process on the increment 3 of the ISCR project. Perform Project Cost/Benefit Analysis
Besides project budget estimation, project success-critical stakeholders and
their top-level value propositions are identified to perform the project benefit
analysis. The Results Chain technique, developed by the DMR Consulting Group
[Thorp 1998] is a way to identify missing initiatives and success-critical stakeholders
in a software development project.
Figure 5.1 shows the software quality-elaborated Results Chain for
developing the Initial Operational Capabilities (IOC) of the ISCR increment 3
operational scenarios. We have omitted the Assumptions for simplicity, but added
the identification of success-critical stakeholders in parallelograms. Note that the text
in italic shows the original simple initial Results Chain for the project developing the
Initial Operational Capability (IOC) of the ISCR increment 3 information processing
(IP) and operational capabilities without the software quality considerations. The full
Results Chain identifies additional success-critical Initiatives, such as prevention and
avoidance of ISCR risks and vulnerabilities (R&Vs), training operator and
maintainers. Besides the Acquirers and Developers identified in the simple initial
Results Chain, the additional software quality initiatives identify success-critical
stakeholder class (Dependability Experts), and also the employment of additional
software quality enhancing tools and techniques such as verification and validation
(V&V). Other success-critical stakeholders are also identified whose inputs are
needed for the risk and vulnerability analysis: ISCR System Dependents (i.e. USC
Lab Faculty, Students and Staff), Operators and Maintainers.
V&V, Test
Initial ISCR IP
ISCR IP Initial
Minimize Risks
to human life
ISCR IP Risks,
(Faculty, Students,
Staff), ISCR
Trained O&M'ers
Best Practices
Assess Best
Practices for
R&V Avoidance
Figure 5.1. Software Quality-Elaborated Results Chain for ISCR Increment 3 Stakeholders Negotiate Quality (and Other) Goals and Relevant
Mission Scenarios
Table 5.1 identifies a matrix of the primary ISCR success-critical
stakeholders as rows and their prioritized goals with respect to the ISCR system
development, operation, and evolution as columns. The specific columns represent
the primary categories of system requirements to be negotiated by the stakeholders.
Project goals and requirements include desired constraints on the ISCR
project such as choices of programming language, infrastructure packages, and
computing platforms; development and operational standards; and constraints on
budgets, schedules, and other scarce resources as listed in Table 5.2. Capability goals
include the functions the SCRover should perform. Interface goals include message
formatting and content, and interaction protocols with other interoperating systems.
Level of Service goals include the ISCR quality goals, except for cost and schedule
(covered under Project goals) and interoperability (covered under Interface goals).
Evolution goals include downstream goals that the initial ISCR architecture should
support, such as deferred capabilities or scalability to accommodate workload growth.
Project Capability Interface Level of Service Evolution
ISCR System Dependents
(USC lab faculty,
students, staff, etc.)
ISCR Operators
ISCR Acquirers (USC
ISCR Developers,
Maintainers (USC CSE)
Table 5.1. Inspector SCRover (ISCR) Stakeholder/Goal Matrix (Priorities:
High, Medium, Low)
Project Goals Priority
Develop an autonomous mobile robot that shall
help the USC DPS perform its goals of
investigating hazardous agents in the USC labs.
ISCR System Dependents
(USC lab faculty, students,
staff, etc.),
Operators Post-Mission data analysis M
ISCR Acquirers (USC DPS) Acquire the Core Initial Operational Capabilities
(IOC) within budget and schedule
Develop IOC within $200K and 9 months H ISCR Developers,
Maintainers (USC CSE) Use MDS (Mission Data System) Framework H
Table 5.2. Inspector SCRover (ISCR) Stakeholder/Goal Matrix I: ISCR Project
Goals and Priorities (Priorities: High, Medium, Low)
ISCR System Dependents/Operators
Project …
Capability …
Interface …
Level of Service H: Availability >= 0.9998 for ISCR mission critical scenarios
H: Availability >= 0.993 for ISCR on-line operational scenarios
M: Availability >= 0.807 for ISCR post-mission data analysis scenarios
H: Accuracy of Target Sensing >= 99%
Evolution …
Table 5.3. Inspector SCRover (ISCR) Stakeholder/Goal Matrix II: ISCR
System Dependents/Operators Goals and Priorities (High, Medium, Low)
Table 5.2
Instead of using one number to define the ISCR system availability goal, we
distinguished three classes of mission scenarios. As shown in Table 5.3, the ISCR
system dependents’ and operators’ goals for system availability are 0.9998 for
mission-critical scenarios, 0.993 for on-line operational scenarios, and 0.807 for
post-mission data analysis scenarios. Such numbers are traditionally difficult to
determine. We will show how the Value-Based Software Quality Model (VBSQM)
[Boehm-Huang 2004b] helps determine them in the following subsection. Determine ISCR Availability Goals: VBSQM ROI Analysis
Multiple stakeholder negotiation of ISCR system goals involves a mix of
collaborative win-win option exploration with prototyping and analysis of candidate
options. Here, the VBSQM can be used to help the stakeholders determine how
much availability is enough for the three primary classes of ISCR scenarios. Table
5.4 shows the key availability-related parameters for the software related to the three
classes of ISCR scenarios; the size in thousands of source lines of code (KSLOC),
the cost per line of code and total cost independent of investments in software
reliability, and the dollar mission value of risk if the class of the scenarios fails. For
instance, there are 15 KSLOC of software for mission-critical scenarios such as
Target Sensing and Target Rendezvous. Its cost per instruction of a Nominal
COCOMO II Required Reliability level is $6.24/LOC (at graduate-student labor
rates), leading to a nominal cost of $93.6K. A failure in the mission-critical software
is likely to cause complete contamination and replacement of the robot and the lab,
with an impact equal to the $2.5M of an entire lab. A failure and loss of availability
of the online-operational ISCR scenarios (i.e., display continuous video images and
sensor data to operator) would require repair and rerun of the mission, possibly
losing $200K of lab equipment. A failure of post-mission data analysis would require
debugging, fixing, and regression testing the software, typically costing about $14K.
Table 5.5 summarizes an VBSQM analysis of the return on investment (ROI)
involved in increasing the reliability level from Nominal to High; High to Very High;
and Very High to Extra High. As determined from the calibrated parameters in the
COCOMO II [Boehm, et. 2000], and COQUALMO [Steece, et. 2002] models on
which VBSQM [Boehm-Huang 2004a] is based, increasing the reliability level of the
ISCR On-Line Operational software from Nominal to High involves an additional
$45K(0.10) = $4.5K investment. It results in an increase in MTBF from 300 to
10,000 hours, which at an experienced-based Mean Time To Repair (MTTR) of 72
hours results in an increase in availability from .807 to .993. Using a linear relation
between fraction of downtime and fraction of lost value as in [Demillo 2001], this
0.186 increase applied to the $200K risk impact of the On-Line Operational scenario
results in an added benefit of $200K (0.186) = $37.2K, and a resulting ROI = (37.2-
4)/4 = 7.29. However, an additional $45K (0.16) = $7.19K investment to take the
software from High to Very High only gains in a ($200K)(.9998-.993)=$1.38K
benefit, for a negative ROI of -0.81.
Classes of Scenarios
Risk Impact
Mission-Critical 15 6.24 93.6 2500
Online-Operational 8 5.62 45 200
Post-Mission Data Analysis 6 4.48 26.9 14
Table 5.4. Size, Cost, and Risk Impact of Three Classes of SCRover Scenarios
COCOMO RELY Level Nom High Very High Extra High
MTBF(hrs) 300 10,000 300,000 1,000,000
Availability (MTTR=72hrs) .807 .993 .9998 .99993
Incremental Availability .186 .0069 .00001
Incremental Cost Fraction 0.10 0.15 0.24
Incr. Cost @ $$93.6K $.9.36K $14.55K $16.84K
Incr. Benefit @ $2.5M $466K $17.27K $.42K
ROI = (B-C)/C +48.8 +0.15 -0.98
Incr. Cost @ $45K $4.5K $7.19K
Incr. Benefit @ $200K $37.28K $1.38M
ROI = (B-C)/C +7.29 -0.81
Post-Mission Data Analysis
Incr. Cost @ $26.9K $2.69K $4.3K
Incr. Benefit @ $14K $2.61K $100
ROI = (B-C)/C -0.03 -.0.98
Table 5.5. VBSQM ROI Analysis of ISCR Increment 3 Availability Goals for
Three Scenario Classes
This and the ROI results for the other two classes of ISCR scenarios
calculated in Table 5.5 are summarized in Figure 5.2. The incremental cost of
achieving the higher availability levels still keeps the total cost below $200K. From a
pure calculated ROI standpoint, one could achieve some potential savings by
interpolating to find the availability-requirement levels at which the ROI goes from
positive to negative, but it is best to be conservative in a safety-related situation. Or
one can identify desired and acceptable availability levels to create a tradeoff space
for balancing availability with other software quality attributes.
Figure 5.2. Summary of VBSQM ROI Analysis of ISCR Increment 3
Availability Goals Concurrently Engineer Top-level Q-attribute and Other Requirements
and Solution Tradeoff Spaces; Identify Top-level Risks and Execute
Risk-mitigation Spirals
E1. Identify software quality (Q-) attributes
The top-level software Q-attributes for the ISCR system are availability,
safety, accuracy, performance, usability, cost and schedule.
E2. Establish system operational profile scenarios and prioritize scenarios
The operational scenarios of the ISCR increment 3 Initial Operational
Capability (IOC) identified by the stakeholders are shown in the Table 5.6. The
lower-priority scenarios can be added in past-IOC increments.
48.8 7.29
- 1
- .98
Data Analysis
Mission- Critical
RELY Increase
Cost Increase
RELY Increase Nom → H
H → VH
Scenarios Component Scenarios Priority
Target sensing H
Trajectory planning
Localization Target rendezvous
Obstacle avoidance
Return target state info state variable to operator Display environment state
information to operator Return terrain state variable to operator
Return camera state variable to operator
Return range finder health state variable to operator
Return wheel motor health state variable to operator
Display sensor and actuator
health state information to
Return battery state of charge to operator
Display continuous camera
video images to operator
Post-mission data analysis L
Goal conflict identification and
Table 5.6. ISCR Increment 3 Operational Profile Scenarios
E3. Map Q-attributes into scenarios and determine metrics, stakeholder/value
dependencies and value estimating relationships (VERs) for software Q-
attributes of each scenario
Table 5.7 shows the top-level direct stakeholder/value dependencies on the
Q-attributes in the Target Sensing scenario. Acquirers and developers are not directly
concerned with availability, accuracy, safety, etc., but become concerned with them
when their operational stakeholders are.
Table 5.7. Target Sensing Scenario: Stakeholder/Value Dependencies on
software Q-attributes
Operators Acquirers Developers Maintainers
Availability * ** *
Accuracy **
Cost ** *
Schedule ** **
Evovability **
** Critical * Significant ( ) Insignificant or indirect
E4. For each scenario, stakeholders define their acceptable and desired values
for concerned Q-attributes
The results of the VBSQM ROI analysis for three ISCR scenario classes
discussed in section were used as a guidance for stakeholders to define their
expected and desired levels for Q-attributes based on the priority of a particular
scenario and their value dependencies on the scenario-related Q-attributes.
In both Target Sensing and Target Rendezvous scenarios, Operators have
critical dependency on availability so that they defined the 99.98% acceptable
availability for those two scenarios, which is corresponding to the Very High RELY
cost driver rating in the VBSQM ROI analysis. System Dependents and Operators
are most concerned about the lab safety which is directly dependent on the accuracy
of Target Sensing so that they proposed a requirement of 99% acceptable and 99.9%
desired accuracy of target sensing.
E5. For each scenario, identify the risks of not achieving the acceptable values
of Q-attributes
E6. For each scenario, identify the architecture/technologies to mitigate the Q-
E7. Architecture/technologies evaluation
By grouping the risks for the two mission-critical ISCR scenarios Target
Sensing and Target Rendezvous, the top-level risks for not achieving the 99.98%
acceptable availability requirements are summarized in Table 5.8. Similarly, the risks
for not achieving the 99% acceptable accuracy requirement in the Target Sensing
scenario are summarized in Table 5.9.
For each pair of risk and architecture/technology strategy in each scenario,
we provide an estimate (expert judgement) of the mitigation of the risk in the
scenario as shown in the “Mitigation” column in Table 5.8 and Table 5.9. We define
the “mitigation” as the proportion by which the risk would be reduced were that
architecture/technology strategy to be applied. At the same time, the cost/effort of
applying a particular architecture/technology strategy should also be recorded.
E8. Identify conflicting Q-attributes and perform tradeoff analysis
In the ISCR project, the conflicting Q-attributes we experienced are primarily
due to the confliction between the cost/effort of achieving the acceptable levels of
some Q-attributes and the project cost/schedule constraint. Note that in our
stakeholder/value dependency framework, cost and schedule are also considered as
the Q-attributes which both system acquirers and developers directly depend on.
Based on the stakeholder acceptable levels of availability and accuracy
requirements in E4 and the architecture/technology evaluation results in E7,
developers and ISCR acquirers found that cost and schedule constraint would be
overrun if all the technology strategies need to be applied for the risk mitigation.
Specifically, in the Target Rendezvous scenario, in order to satisfy the 99.98%
acceptable availability requirement, we would need to replace the current Laser
Range Finder (LRF) with one having a wider range and develop more complex
algorithms to accommodate the two environment risks (i.e., mirrors and big holes).
On the other hand, in order to satisfy the 99% acceptable accuracy of Target Sensing,
a redundant camera would need to be installed on the SCRover to mitigate the risk of
inaccurate camera data.
The development team consisting of 5 half-time CSE research assistants was
required to finish the increment 3 of the ISCR project within 9 months. For the
Target Rendezvous scenario, it would incur almost 25% of the schedule overrun in
order to design, implement and test the more complex algorithms to accommodate
the two environment risks. In addition to that, a more expensive LSR would need to
be installed which will incurs budget overrun. As for the achieving of 99%
acceptable accuracy requirement in the Target Sensing scenario, it only incurs the
budget overrun if a redundant camera needs to be installed. Then three options listed
as below were proposed for stakeholders to perform the tradeoff analysis:
z Option 1. Achieve 99.98% availability in Target Rendezvous but sacrifice
other D-attributes such as accuracy, performance and usability, etc.
z Option 2. Relax both 99.98% availability and 99% accuracy requirements
to some extent.
z Option 3. Relax the schedule and cost constraint and try to achieve both
99.98% availability and 99% accuracy requirements.
Based on the assessment of the above options on a group of prioritized Q-
attributes with scenarios, stakeholders could assess their tradeoff functions and score
the three options. Finally the option 2 won.
Categories Risk Description
Impact on
Prob. of
Missing availability
0.5 0.1 Peer Review 0.99
Requirement Ambiguous or
0.5 0.8 Peer Review 0.95
MDS Framework 0.3
Peer Review 0.5
Mae 0.9
Acme Studio 0.7
Unit Testing 0.5
problems between
components (e.g.,
parameter type
mismatch, pre/post
condition mismatch,
0.8 0.3
Integrated Simulation 0.8
Peer Review 0.8
Mae 0.6
Acme Studio 0.6
Unit Testing 0.8
0.9 0.5
Integrated Simulation 0.9
Peer Review 0.6
Unit Testing 0.8
Data initialization
0.3 0.2
Integrated Simulation 0.9
New LRF 0.5
Reflective obstacles
(e.g. mirrors)
0.5 0.01 Reflective obstacle
avoidance algorithm
New LRF with a
wider range
An environment with
big holes
0.9 0.05
Hole avoidance
Table 5.8. Target Sensing and Target Rendezvous Scenarios: Top-level Risks of
Not Achieving 99.98% Availability and Risk Mitigation of
Architecture/technology Strategies
Strategies Categories Risk Description
Impact on
Prob. of
P(L) Name Mitigation
Inaccurate camera
0.8 0.3 Sensor Redundancy 0.99
MDS Framework 0.8
Peer Review 0.5
Mae 0.6
Acme Studio 0.3
Inaccurate estimation
of target
position/safety status
0.8 0.3
Monte Carlo
Table 5.9. Target Sensing Scenario: Top-level Risks of Not Achieving 99%
Accuracy and Risk Mitigation of Architecture/technology Strategies
E9. Stakeholders negotiate WinWin balanced Q-attribute requirements and
redefine the acceptable and desired values for conflicting Q-attributes
The Operator agreed to relax the availability requirement by ignoring the
mirrors and big holes because the probability of their occurrence in the DPS mission
modes is very low as shown in Table 5.8. It was redefined as the acceptable
availability of Target Rendezvous in a controlled environment (without mirrors or
big holes) is 99.98%. As for the accuracy requirement, developers proposed a new
approach to ensure at least 98% accuracy of Target Sensing by double-checking the
target sign from two different angles. It not only avoids the installation of a
redundant camera but also saves some software development effort. Both System
Dependents and Operators accepted this suggestion and relaxed the acceptable
accuracy of Target Sensing to 98%. Develop Initial Feasibility Rationale; Hold Life Cycle Objective (LCO)
A Life Cycle Objective (LCO) Review was held with the participation of all
the project key stakeholders, and independent experts who were NASA Jet
Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) planetary mission software experts for ISCR. This
indicates a milestone of the LCO phase in the WinWin Spiral Model. The exit
criteria of LCO Review were to provide at least one feasible architecture to satisfy
the requirements, and to provide proofs of requirement satisfaction including the
software quality requirements. At the same time, the initial risk analyses identified
all the major risks and propose an initial risk mitigation plan. Risks without
mitigation in LCO stage had to be resolved in Life Cycle Architecture (LCA) stage.
The result of LCO ARB was to Pass and to go to Step 9 (see Table 3.4).
However, a risk was identified that the tool evaluation needs for the HDCP tool
researchers had been incompletely defined for ISCR. Concurrently Engineer Detailed Q-attribute and Other Requirements
and Solutions; Resolve Risks
Thus, the major new activity in Step 9 (see Table 3.4 in section 3.3.2)
involved surveying HDCP interventionists for additional evaluation needs. The
primary need identified was a three-dimensional graphic user interface (3D GUI).
Originally, developers planned to use Player/Stage as the robot simulator
platform. Because of the 3D GUI requirement, we had to reevaluate the existing
technologies or identify new technologies to mitigate this Q-risk. In this case, since
Stage doesn’t support a 3D GUI, the developers had to find a replacement. After the
evaluation, stakeholders finally chose Gazebo because it supports the new stereo
camera model and a 3D GUI which also enabled most devices to be directly
controlled/inspected through the simulator GUI. Since Stage and Gazebo are both
Player-compatible, client programs written using one simulator can usually be run on
the other with little or no modification. The key difference between these two
simulators is that whereas Stage is designed to simulate a very large robot population
with low fidelity, Gazebo is designed to simulated a small population with high
fidelity [Gazebo 2005]. Thus Gazebo fits with most of DPS missions which can be
accomplished by a few robots. Furthermore, Gazebo is more valuable to stakeholders
since it improved the usability and evolvability of the system.
128 Develop Detailed Feasibility Rationale; Hold Life Cycle Architecture
(LCA) Review
The Life Cycle Architecture (LCA) Review was held with the participation of
all the project key stakeholders and the JPL experts. The exit criteria of Life Cycle
Architecture Review Board (LCA ARB) were to commit one architecture to satisfy
all the requirements of the system. And the LCA FRD provided the detailed proofs
of all requirement satisfaction including the software quality requirements.
The result of the LCA ARB was again to Pass, and to proceed to Step 12 (see
Table 3.4). Construct, Test, and Deploy System
During the construction phase of ISCR Increment 3, the proposed mission
scenarios discussed in section were used to simulate the ISCR Q-attribute
requirements (e.g. availability, accuracy) in Gazebo and to evaluate whether the
acceptable Q-attribute levels can be achieved. ISCR Core Capability Demo (CCD)
was successfully performed with the participation of JPL experts and other project
key stakeholders.
5.2 Avoid Q-attribute Mismatches in Fulltext Title
Database Project
This section illustrates how the VBSQA process helped avoid software Q-
mismatches through a USC e-service project, the Fulltext Title Database (FTD).
Note that only the process activities closely related to avoidance of Q-attribute
mismatches are discussed.
5.2.1 Fulltext Title Database (FTD) Project Overview
The Fulltext Title Database (FTD) system is designed and developed for
faculty, students, researchers and librarians at USC. USC subscribes to many
different vendors’ databases that index and abstract popular and scholarly articles
and make them available over the World Wide Web. In some cases these databases
include the full text of the articles as well. A major problem faced by faculty,
students, researchers and librarians is identifying where a particular periodical title is
indexed, the dates of coverage and whether it is available in full text. Title lists are
available from the vendors, but are large files that can be difficult to use on the fly.
As a result, the initiative of this project was to retrieve and consolidate the
information in vendors’ title lists into a searchable database that can be accessed via
the web. A major challenge is to architect the software system to be completed by
satisfying the project key stakeholders’ requirements (including software quality
requirements) with 24 weeks. The following sections describe how the process
elements (as indicated by the section titles) were applied within the project lifecycle
to avoid Q-attribute mismatches.
5.2.2 Stakeholder Identification and Feature Prioritization
The key stakeholders of the FTD project included a system acquirer
representative from USC Information Service Division (ISD), a USC-ISD librarian
who is designated as database administrator and system maintainer, and software
developers from USC-CSE. The USC/GroupSystem EasyWinWin requirements
negotiation tool were used to help stakeholders converge on a mutually satisfactory
(win-win) set of project and capability requirements (named as system features here).
The resulting prioritization is presented in Table 5.10. Stakeholders also identified
the top-priority quality requirements associated with the system features, which
include architecture Evolvability and Schedule.
Table 5.10. Prioritized Fulltext Title Database System Features
5.2.3 Engineer Software Quality Requirements and Tradeoff
Analysis Estimate Features for Firm 24 week Schedule
The student developers participate in the project course for a maximum of
two semesters, hence there is a firm 24-week schedule constraint. Exacerbating this,
students are not full time developers (i.e. not 40 hours/week developers) and this
System Features Priority
F1 Search and locate full-text journal titles by title keywords Very High
F2 Search and locate full-text journal titles by title keywords and date,
title keywords and volume or number, title keywords with any
combination of the other three attributes
Very High
F3 Provide hyperlinks to vendors’ databases in the searching results Very High
F4 Update Fulltext Title Database using current vendors’ title lists High
F5 Automatically FTP downloaded title lists from administrator’s local
machine to remote server
F6 System administrator authentication High
F7 Administrator password maintenance High
F8 Add new vendor’s title list profile Medium
F9 Delete existing vendor’s title list profile Medium
F10 Modify existing vendor’s title list profile Medium
F11 View existing vendor’s title list profile Medium
F12 Allow more searching options starting with searching by ISSN, etc. Low
must be taken into account. The system construction phase mostly occurs in the
second semester, which leaves only 12 weeks for implementation and transition. The
project allocated 2 weeks at the end of the semester to insure successful transition to
the customer, leaving only 10 weeks for actual implementation. It is assumed that
student will spend no more than 12 hours per week doing project work. Thus there
are about (10 wks) (12 project hrs/week) = 120 project-hrs. available per team
member. To use COCOMO II for effort estimates we had to convert student
development effort to COCOMO II person-months [Boehm et. al. 2000a]. For this
purpose this we assumed that 72% of the effort is spent in construction (28%
elaboration of system concept) and only 66% of the day is spent doing project work.
As such, 120 project-hrs is approximately (1.67)(.72)(.66 project-hrs/total hrs)(152
hrs/person-month) and so with our five team members our COCOMO II effort
should not exceed (5) (1.67)=8.35 person-months or around 34 person-weeks.
The developers used COCOMO II to determine that prioritized features from
the EasyWinWin negotiations indicated in Table 5.10 would take at least 40 person-
weeks using the pessimistic 90% confidence limit on effort. This significantly
exceeds the 34 person-week schedule constraint, hence we must consider dropping
some features. COCOMO II estimated that the seven top-priority features F1-F7
could be implemented pessimistically in 17 person-weeks. However there is no
guarantee that implementing these features will result in a usable system. This will
be elaborated in the next section.
132 Core Capability Determination
Next, a core capability feature set from Table 5.10 was determined. To
accomplish this, developers first had to make sure that the core capability set was
selected so that its features add up to a coherent and workable end-to-end operational
capability. Second, the remainder of the lower-priority IOC requirements and
subsequent evolution requirements must be used in determining a system
architecture that will facilitate evolution to a full operational capability. For the
Fulltext Title Database project, three core capabilities, comprised of multiple top-
priority features were proposed:
1. Provide a full-text journal title search capability
This core capability aggregates the first three highest priority features F1, F2,
and F3. At the same time, a low priority feature F12 was assigned to this
capability and thus it could be dropped (although still architected for) if
2. Update the Fulltext Title Database
This core capability incorporates three high priority features F4, F5 and F6.
3. Administrator password maintenance
This uses the high priority feature F7 which enables the system administrator
to change his/her password in the future and was deemed critical for long term
The above three capabilities formed a coherent, end-to-end core capability (as
negotiated with the stakeholders) that, if implemented would also provided
reasonable value to users. While it is not totally coincidental that these happen to be
the top-7 priority features, this was by no means assured until after this core
capability analysis and negotiation with stakeholders. As discussed in section,
COCOMO II estimated that even pessimistically these features could be developed
in 17 person-weeks. As it turned out, the developers did indeed have enough time to
add most of the lower prioritized capabilities and even a late requirements change for
the IOC, in spite of the originally pessimistic 40 person-week estimate. The key
lesson here is that this effort was strategically risk managed so that there was high
assurance of delivering a functionally valuable system for the IOC. This was clearly
facilitated by designing an underlying architecture that was easy to scale up to the
full feature set and workload requirements after the core capabilities were developed.
This will be elaborated next. Determine Architecture Evolvability: Evolvability and Schedule
Tradeoff Analysis
Architecting a set of core capabilities to encapsulate foreseeable sources of
changes within modules incurs overhead. It is not enough to simply modularize the
core capabilities; the sources of anticipated changes must also be taken into account.
This includes accounting for the possible new features themselves (e.g. method stubs,
abstract objects), their interaction with each other (e.g. interfaces), and their
interaction with the existing core capabilities (for example changes to method
parameters and return types, pre- and post-validation). The architecture must be
strategically designed in such a way as to enable delivery of the core features while
providing an appropriate level of Evolvability without introducing an excessive risk
of schedule overrun. Too much Evolvability may delay the delivery of the core
capabilities. Too little may not enable changes to be made after core capability
delivery without substantial re-work. In general, haphazard Evolvability architecting
can lead to excessive schedule risk.
We illustrate the points above by making use of a “combinatorial” effort
model shown as Formula 5.1. While this model can be empirically calibrated for a
particular project, it does not strictly provide a predictive estimation of effort. Rather,
it indicates the “expectation” (or average) of additional effort that may be incurred
for making changes within the architecture of a given degree of Evolvability. As
such, the model can help with the advanced planning of architecture with respect to
specific schedule constraints. Suppose we plan to build a software system with N
features, and we plan for architectural Evolvability by grouping the features into
modules. As a first order estimation to this problem we assume that each module on
the average will implement m features (so m is at least 1 and cannot exceed N). We
make no assumptions on the actual distribution of the features. For small systems or
in localized parts of a system, the distribution may have a significant effect on the
modification effort. However taken as a whole over a sufficiently complex system,
the average is reasonably representative. In larger systems, some modules may have
many features, thereby reducing the amount in others, or perhaps they are equally
distributed. In either case, the overall effort in making changes to a group of these
modules is “expected” (that is on the average) to be the same. We call m the
modularity factor and so we expect to create N/m modules (some modules may be
empty, but are defined so as to accommodate features later). The extreme case m=N
would be a “totally rigid” architecture, or all features in a single module, whereas at
the other extreme m=1 is “hyper-flexible”, where every feature exists in a single
module. Consider the expected change effort E to add or modify a fraction α of the
N total planned features after the core features have been developed. We must
account for the effort to add an expected N α features, create some new modules,
create new interfaces and interfacing with old modules, and interfacing between new
and old features. The following model is a first order “expectations” model to
represent this effort:
A little elaboration of the above model is in order here. The first term is the
effort for adding or modifying α N features. The value
c represents the average
effort to develop a feature. One possible means of establishing this value is by taking
the core capability COCOMO II schedule estimate and dividing by the number of
core capabilities. In addition, we should also consider adjusting the value by
adjusting some of the relevant COCOMO II cost drivers to account for the
experience gained and established development. The other constants in the equation
may be estimated empirically in other ways. Note that the core capability COCOMO
mN c m N
m N
c N c E ) 1 ( /
2 2
4 3 2 1
α α
α − +
+ =
E – total change effort
N – total number of features
m – modularity factor
α – a fraction of anticipated changes
– average effort to develop a feature
– average development effort of per inter-module interaction
– average development effort of per intra-module feature interaction
– average effort to accommodate a new feature within each existing
feature in a module
II schedule estimate does not incorporate the effort for planning the architecture
design to add or modify features up to N.
The second term accounts for the additional effort required to develop the
modules for all N planned features (e.g. interfaces and all possible interactions
between them) and
c represents the average inter-module interaction development
effort per module.
The third term represents the effort to make changes within each module to
accommodate the new (or modified) features (e.g. passed values, validations, etc.)
with each other. Note that this is where modularity helps. The fewer features there
are per module, the lower this term is. Again, the
c coefficient represents the
average effort per intra-module feature interaction.
The final term is slightly more subtle as it accounts for the effort needed to
accommodate the new features within the existing features for each particular
module. Within each module an average of m α features will be modified and these
changes may affect an average of m ) 1 ( α − of the unmodified features. The product
of these provides the average number of interactions. The coefficient
c represents
the average effort to accommodate each new feature within each existing feature in a
module. Note that it is reasonable that this term contributes its maximum at
2 / 1 = α as more or fewer changes would imply less interaction effort between
modified and existing features. Typically this accounts for the type of changes due
to interfaces and data validation. Here again, the fewer features per module, the
lower this term becomes.
The individual terms described above hopefully account for all the major
sources of change effort. But why is it reasonable to assume the terms are additive?
Certainly there are strong dependences between the effort sources. However, here is
where we take advantage of the “linearity of expectations” whereby the sum of the
averages is the average of the sum regardless of dependencies. Optimizing over an
average value is a common useful modeling approach and for our purposes practical
in light of the linearity simplification.
The values of the effort coefficients c
, c
and c
relative to c
will vary as a
function of the relative modularity and coupling involved in the application, as
approximately represented by such techniques as design structure matrices [Baldwin-
Clark 2000, Sullivan et. al. 2001]. An example of these coefficients from our case
study described in section 5.2.1 where N=12 is 6 . 0 , 7 . 0 , 4 . 0 , 7 . 1
4 3 2 1
= = = = c c c c (An
explanation on how we estimated these values is detailed below in this section.). We
use these values in Figure 5.3 to illustrate the change effort E versus fraction
modified α for various modularity values m:
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
m = 12
m = 1
Fraction of features modified α
Figure 5.3. Change Effort E vs. Fraction of Features Modified α
The general trend shown in Figure 5.3 indicates that the initial effort for a
hyper-flexible architecture is very high, while the rigid architecture is very low, but
increases significantly when features are added. For our case study objective of
adding 5 features between the Core Capability Demo and IOC milestones
( 12 / 5 = α ), we find that a modularity factor of 2.74 minimizes the change effort in
our model. This degree of Evolvability not only allows us to adapt to changes well
but also has low initial design effort. So long as the initial effort does not exceed our
schedule constraint, it is feasible to strategically plan for future changes to features
using this modularity. It is clear from this example that careless modularization can
lead to excessive, perhaps fatal additional project effort. A good example of a hyper-
flexible architecture was the MEDLARS II publication system. It had seven layers of
abstraction and was finally dropped after two years and four hardware upgrades
could not handle the workload. A good example of a totally-rigid architecture was
the initial design of the ARPANET Interface Message Accessor software, which was
so tightly coupled that it could not be modified even for performance measurement.
It is important to note that our model deals with determining a degree of
Evolvability that helps achieve a particular schedule constraint (which will be
exemplified further in the case study section) and not determining the best modular
design according to the natural dependencies of the capabilities and techniques.
There is related work that does deal with this more tactical issue by considering the
net-present-value of modularization within a design structure matrix [Sullivan et. al.
2001]. After using such an approach to determine a modular architecture, our
approach can help determine if it or some variation is feasible with respect to the risk
of exceeding a particular schedule constraint. Alternatively, it can be used in advance
of design modularization to help narrow the design option space by indicating a
schedule-feasible range of the number of modules and average functions per module.
Beyond this, the model does not provide any technical design guidance predictive
Here we estimate how flexible the architecture should be to accommodate the
12 features for the Fulltext Title Database system based on the expected effort model.
We previously determined that there are 3 core capabilities integrating features F1-
F7. As such we anticipated a desire to add 5 medium or low priority features after the
core capabilities were developed, hence for our model, α = 5/12. The average effort
per feature
c (=1.7) was estimated based on another COCOMO II estimate of 11.9
person-weeks for the 7 core feature set by adjusting the COCOMO II cost drivers for
having the experience of already building the core-capabilities. The values
) 6 . 0 ( ), 7 . 0 ( ), 4 . 0 (
4 3 2
= = = c c c were determined empirically from actual effort
expended on the prototype and expert judgement. Naturally we would also like to
architect the system for ease of adding the remaining lower priority features to get as
many of the 12 features as possible. This was also important as the clients’
requirements were volatile. For example, after an early project review, they proposed
a new requirement that would enable the Fulltext Title Database system to
accommodate vendors’ title lists in various formats. It aggregated the four medium-
priority features F8, F9, F10, F11. Clients also promoted F12 from a low-priority
evolutionary requirement up to high priority.
Given the above information, if the developers had planned to build a hyper-
flexible architecture, for example by creating generic database “adaptors” to enable
the system to be compatible with an assortment of databases, the schedule estimate
from the model gives nearly 53.6 person-weeks. Note that even though the effort
needed to add features is very low, the effort expended on both planning to
add/modifying features in the hyper-flexible architecture and actually adding any of
the remaining 5 features is estimated at around 36.6 person-weeks (see Figure 5.3).
While undoubtedly our model is inaccurate, it does indicate that there is a
considerable risk of exceeding the 34 person-week schedule limit. On the other hand,
if we had used a rigid architecture, the 36.5 person-weeks estimate there is also
undue schedule risk to re-architect and implement the new features along with the
core capabilities.
Therefore, the developers tried to build a flexible, but not “too flexible”
architecture given possible requirement changes in the following manner. Given that
we anticipated 5 feature changes, we found that m = 2.74 in our model gives the
minimum effort (using the usual calculus method of setting the derivative to zero) for
the value α = 5/12. This resulted in an effort estimate of about 33.5 person-weeks
(17 person-week for the core feature set based on a COCOMO II estimate, plus 16.5
person weeks “change effort” which is the additional effort E for adding 5 features,
see Figure 5.4). Based on this estimate, it’s possible for the developers to meet the 34
person-week schedule constraint. Subject to particular technical considerations for
modularity design, if we target architecting 3 or 4 modules which grouped 4 or 3
coherent features in each (on the average), we increase our chances of being able to
deliver the 5 additional features beyond the core within the 34 person-week schedule.
This degree of modularity is nice in that it has a reasonably low initial effort (only
slightly higher than a rigid architecture) and that adding features beyond the 5
doesn’t increase the effort rapidly. Such an architecture tolerates volatile
requirements well, which proved to be the case for this project.
With this in mind, we designed four modules: the Fulltext Title Search
module, the FTD System Administrator module, and the Fulltext Title Information
Archive module and the Fulltext Maintenance module which was initially a “stub”
used to encapsulate the four medium-priority features. Thus the actual modularity
factor m was 3, which was consistent with our estimated “optimal” modularity factor
2.74 from the model. While mainly the technical considerations drove the
modularization (and hence the choice of four modules) that this was compatible with
the strategic estimate provided two valuable project management elements. First, it
helped rationalize our invested effort (and the plan to do such) for the design of the
four modules. Second, it increased our confidence in our decision to be satisfied with
only four modules, helping suppress the urge to “generalize” the design further. Both
these factors contributed to managing the risk of not meeting our fixed delivery
Several general interfaces (such as Title_Search_Information) were created to
accommodate future changes and capabilities. In addition, some of these modules
utilized method stubs and meta-methods to adhere to these interfaces without
implementing the capabilities (but enable easy implementation at a later time). At the
completion of the project, we ended up implementing the 5 remaining features in
addition to several requirement changes.
0.20.4 0.60.8 1
E ffort
Fraction of features m odified α
α= 5/12
Figure 5.4. Change Effort E When 5/12 Planned Features Modified
5.2.4 Project Results and Discussion
Based on the tradeoff analysis between FTD architectural Evolvability and
project schedule, we strategically planned two iterative increments to develop the
FTD system development and to cope with the potential requirement changes within
24 weeks. Three FTD core capabilities were successfully delivered within
approximate 70-80% of the project schedule in increment I. In addition, we also
successfully accommodated two new high-priority change requests from clients in
increment II as follows:
1. Accommodate vendors’ title lists in various formats
2. Add F13 (Partial keyword searching) and drop F12 (Allow more searching
options starting with searching by ISSN, etc.)
Software develops have long understood the negative effects of too little
architecture Evolvability. Many have also understood that attempting to achieve
maximum Evolvability can pose the risk of not leaving sufficient time for project
completion, of increasing project cost beyond acceptable limits and/or rendering the
desired software quality impossible to achieve given cost and schedule constraints.
Previous attempts at achieving a balance between too little and too much architecture
Evolvability have been based solely on technical considerations. Our current
approach to strategic architectural Evolvability has been used successfully on 24 of
26 e-services applications at USC, to deliver highly client-satisfactory applications
on a fixed schedule in a climate of rapid changes. We have been using and refining
this approach to assist project managers in determining an appropriate degree of
architectural Evolvability with respect to fixed schedule, cost, or quality constraints
by introducing a modularity factor for the software architecture based on the core
capabilities and a set of anticipated changes. In particular, architectural Evolvability
determination is an integral part of the Schedule as Independent Variable (SAIV)
approach [Boehm-Brown 2001, Boehm et. al. 2002].
While our approach does not predict technical actual design modularity, we
have found it instrumental in guiding technical modularity design decisions and
managing risk of schedule overruns. It shows an example of how to construct a
tradeoff function between software Evolvability and project schedule. An analogous
approach can be used to provide guidance to meet cost, quality, or cost-schedule-
quality goals.
5.2.5 Extension to Cost, Quality, and Schedule/Cost/Quality Goals
Simply substituting "cost" for "schedule" in the steps described above
provides an equally effective way to handle cost rather than schedule constraints.
Handling combined Schedule/Cost/Quality constraints is a straightforward extension
of this. It involves setting the system's quality goals (e.g., a delivered defect density
of 0.3 nontrivial defects per thousand source lines of code (KSLOC), or of 0.03
nontrivial defects per function point), and tracking progress with respect to achieving
the desired combination of schedule, cost, or quality goals. If any of these goals
becomes unachievable in delivering the current feature set, the project must drop
enough lower-priority features to make the combination of goals achievable. There
may be limits to the project's ability to do this, such as insufficient schedule to
develop even a viable core capability, which we have discussed via a production-
function perspective in [Boehm-Brown 2001].
5.3 Apply VBSDA Process in Real-world ERP Software
5.3.1 Introduction
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is a business management system that
integrates all facets of the business process, including planning, manufacturing, sales,
and marketing. The booming economy in China has encouraged the development of
ERP software to improve various business operations such as inventory control,
order tracking, customer service, finance and human resources. Attracted by the
potential huge profit, more and more software companies are jumping into this field,
which leads to severe competition among ERP solution providers. They are
expected to provide continuous value realization for their success-critical
stakeholders to survive the competition. These trends drive the changes in the
characteristics of ERP software development in China as follows:
z A variety of stakeholders with different value propositions are involved in
the entire software development life cycle.
z Product lines are maintained as a basis for future upgrades.
z Three process patterns (deadline-driven, product-driven and market-trend
driven) are selectively applied in their software development life cycle based
on different business cases.
z Different software quality assessment criteria are set based on different
business cases by various project success-critical stakeholders. Thus
different software development activities are adopted in different process
ERP solution providers in China have established their own sets of software
development process activities. Most of the activities are based upon value-neutral
approaches and/or the Waterfall model, which are difficult to adapt to changing
characteristics and often lead to project failures.
5.3.2 VBSQA Process Experience On A Real-World ERP Software
Project Case Study
The case study was originated from a real-world project in Neusoft Co. Ltd.,
one of the biggest solution providers and software companies in China [Huang et. al.
2006b]. It produces software to support ERP in the fields including
telecommunication, electric power, enterprise e-business, social insurance, finance,
education, tax, and mobile Internet. We name all of these software products as ERP
software in this dissertation.
Based on the above VBSQA process framework we conducted the initial
exercise with 2 project managers from Neusoft and 2 facilitators from Nanjing
University. And an undergoing ERP software project in Neusoft, which is to upgrade
a Documents and Images Management System (DIMS)
from version 6.0 to 7.0, was
used as a case study. The current 6.0 version of the DIMS software developed by
Neusoft had been used in several departments of Chinese government for three years.
Some departments were going to change their database platforms. At the same time,
they might also add, remove or update certain attributes in the DIMS 6.0 database
schema. In this case, DB administrators needed to export all the data from the old
databases and import them to the upgraded ones. With the common requirements of
the DB administrators from various departments, Neusoft decided to upgrade the
DIMS from 6.0 to 7.0 by adding a new capability of data migration. The objective of
The DIMS project is anonymous for the sake of commercial confidentiality.
this exercise was to tailor the VBSQA process to the ERP software development
activities in China. The New Process Learning Curve
Two project managers from Neusoft were given two-week series of tutorials
on the VBSQA process framework and the WinWin Spiral model. Then we started to
evaluate the effectiveness of the tutorials. Two project managers were to utilize the
VBSQA process framework as a guideline to generate a value-based process instance
based on the current ERP software development activities in order to achieve the
WinWin balanced DIMS quality requirements from various project success-critical
stakeholders. They developed a process instance composed of 22 ERP software
development activities. During the discussion after the exercise, we detected 6
misplaced activities due to the misinterpretation of the process steps in the VBSQA
process framework. We also identified 4 missing activities which should have been
included in the process instance due to the misunderstanding of value-based
approach and WinWin Spiral model.
This exercise and previous experience suggested that project managers
typically had very short attention spans and low tolerance for new “methods” since
they were usually very busy. They all suggested that we provide an easy-to-use
process framework with a short learning curve.
Furthermore, project managers tended to use the VBSQA process as a
guideline. They expected it to be able to adapt to the changes in the ERP software
development activities and workflows. Thus, customization of VBSQA process
framework toward specific software development, such as ERP software
development, would improve its application and provide considerable value for
project managers and software companies. Maintaining the Flexibility of the Process
The VBSQA process framework covers all the phases and milestones in the
entire software development life cycle of the WinWin Spiral model. It also includes
various software development activities to incorporate the value-based consideration.
On the one hand, for most Chinese ERP solution providers, different software
quality assessment criteria are set based on different business cases so that different
activities may be selected to meet them. Three different process patterns (deadline-
driven, product-driven and market-trend driven) are usually applied in the software
development based on different business cases. Deadline-driven business case
applies when rapidly accommodating a few minor product upgrading requirements
from one or two departments within an organization. Product-driven business case
applies when accommodating a request to upgrade to the next version due to the
aggregation of some common upgrading requirements from various departments. In
this case, the quality of the upgraded product is the process driver rather than
meeting a schedule. Market-driven business case applies when the upgrade of the
product is driven by the market trend or rivals’ products, for instance, a change from
the Client/Server architecture to the Web-based architecture. In this case, providing
superior capabilities to capture greater market share as early as possible is the key
process driver. To meet the different requirements of different business cases, a
flexible process generation platform should be created to enable the trim and/or
addition of the steps/activities based on the VBSQA process framework.
149 Identifying Flaws in a Process Instance
Maintaining the flexibility of the VBSQA process framework might
introduce flaws during process instance creation. While a process step and/or a
software development activity in the process instance could be included or excluded
by project managers, the created process instance might contain flaws and/or risks.
For instance, the dropped activities might cause the violation of the critical path
activity dependencies so that the precondition(s) of a specific activity could not be
satisfied prior to its execution. Tradeoffs among Conflicting Quality (Q-) Attributes
Software quality is an integrative concept consisting of a number of attribute
dimensions such as availability, security, performance, evolvability, schedule and
cost. Thus, achieving software quality is a multi-attribute decision problem. Each
project success-critical stakeholder can define his/her expected and desirable levels
for each Q-attribute. The WinWin-balanced quality requirements are the
reassessment and compromise of the Q-attributes among success-critical
As reported by the project managers, there usually existed at least one pair of
conflicting Q-attributes in many ERP software projects. In the DIMS upgrade project,
Performance and Evolvability were a pair of conflicting Q-attributes. There were
several architecture options to select from. Direct copy between DBs favored
Performance in terms of both throughput and storage space at the cost of
Evolvability. XML-based architecture favored Evolvability by accommodating
future changes of DB platforms and schema at the cost of Performance. Developers
had to select one feasible architecture from several options in order to balance the
stakeholders’ conflicting Q-attribute requirements. If we could identify the
conflicting Q-attributes as early as possible in the software development life cycle,
we would be able to mitigate the risk of project failure by performing tradeoff
analysis among conflicting Q-attributes. Our exercise showed that the stakeholder
interaction activities (e.g., External Prototype Evaluation, Architecture options
external review, Selected architecture external review) in the software development
process were more effective in identifying the conflicting Q-attributes and that the
stakeholder negotiation activities were more effective in performing tradeoff analysis. The Importance of Determining Project Stakeholders’ Perspectives and
Interaction Point(s)
Our exercise showed that not all the stakeholders were required to have the
same level (intensity) or type of involvement [West 2004] in every activity in the
software development process. Thus planning the level of involvement of each
stakeholder was critical.
In the mean time, the project success-critical stakeholders’ interaction
activities could either mitigate the software quality risks or drive the changes of
stakeholders’ value-propositions. And the costs (i.e., activity cost, potential rework
cost) are also associated and/or resulted from such activities. Thus, planning the
activities for stakeholders’ interaction and negotiation at different phases of the
software development life cycle might result in different Return-On-Investment
(ROI). For instance, the ROI of the External Prototype Evaluation activity and
Architecture Options External Review in LCO stage might be different than the
counterparts in LCA stage. Therefore, determining the time of the stakeholders’
interaction activities in a process instance was very important.
5.3.3 Modeling VBSQA Process Using Object Petri Nets (OPN)
To tackle the problems encountered in our first attempt at the VBSQA
process training and exercise, we built a VBSQA process simulation tool VBSQA
Process Generator which could be used for ERP software development in China.
Some related works on process simulation have been investigated in [Kellner 1999,
Padberg 2003]. The purposes of process simulation modeling are discussed in
[Kellner 1999]. And a discrete-time process simulator to support software project
managers in task scheduling is presented in [Padberg 2003].
The overall structure of VBSQA Process Generator is shown in Figure 5.5
[Huang et. al. 2006b]. It is composed of three components: VBSQA Process Creator,
VBSQA Process Checker and VBSQA Process Simulator. The simulation results can
be utilized as a feedback to adjust and improve the current VBSQA process instance.
Their application is illustrated using DIMS upgrade case study in section 5.4. It aims
to help industrial practitioners visualize the process and generate an appropriate and
optimized VBSQA process instance based on a certain project business case.
Figure 5.5. The Overall Structure of VBSQA Process Generator
In order to build the process simulation tool, first we needed to model the
VBSQA process using a process language that could capture its characteristics.
Furthermore, the process language should be precise enough to eventually support
verification and drive simulations which could help us address some problems
identified in section 5.3.2. Purpose of VBSQA-OPN Process Modeling
Value-based software development processes tend to be stakeholder–
involved with a great deal of concurrency and backtracking. VBSQA process is one
of these processes with the emphasis on achieving stakeholder WinWin-balanced
software quality requirements. Thus, it usually involves multiple stakeholders with
different value propositions on Q-attributes and different perspectives about the on-
going process.
Object Petri Nets (OPN) [Valk 1998], which is an extension of traditional
Petri Nets, was chosen to model the VBSQA process. Based on the fact that the
control structures of software processes are similar to those of programming
languages, Osterweil proposed the idea of “Software processes are software too”
[Osterweil 1987]. Because the control structures of Petri Nets (PN) are similar in
expression to programming languages, they can be used to model software processes
[Deiters-Gruhn 1994]. Aalst has listed three reasons for using Petri Nets for process
modeling and analysis: 1) formal semantics despite the graphical nature, 2) state-
based instead of event-based, 3) abundance of analysis techniques [Aalst 1998].
Furthermore, PN has the merit of modeling concurrent process activities. As an
extension of traditional PN, OPN inherits these merits of PN in process modeling.
In addition, OPN supports the separation of concerns among different
stakeholders’ perspectives of the process by object oriented approach. Each
stakeholder’s process instance can be modeled in a separate Object Net (ON) by
inheriting the activities from the relevant process steps in the System Net (SN) (i.e.,
the VBSQA process framework). We took the “object-oriented” approach in the
sense that the VBSQA process framework was modeled as a SN which was used as a
process guideline. And each stakeholder’s process instance was modeled as an object
that followed the workflow of the guideline to perform the ERP software
development activities. Then the interaction and negotiation among stakeholders and
the synchronization between each stakeholder’s ON and the SN could be defined
later. Thus, OPN is able to adapt to the changes in the ERP software development
activities and workflows.
VBSQA-OPN model provides a feasible solution to automation or semi-
automation of the VBSQA process. Section provides the formal definitions of
our VBSQA-OPN process modeling.
154 Formal Definitions of VBSQA-OPN Process Modeling
This section presents the formal definitions of the VBSQA-OPN.
Definition 1. Object Petri Nets (OPN)
A Petri net is a 3-tuple ) , , ( F T P PN = , where P is a finite set of places, T is a
finite set of transitions, φ = ∩ T P , ) ( ) ( P T T P F × ∪ × ⊆ is a set of arcs, representing
the flow relation between places and transitions. Tokens, representing the pre- and
post- conditions of activating a specific transition, flow from one place to another. In
the diagram, we use a circle to represent a place, use a bar to represent a transition
and use a solid dot to represent a token. Please refer to [Reisig 1985] for the basic
concepts of Petri nets.
An OPN is a 3-tuple ) , , ( ρ
ON SN OPN = . This definition supports multi-
objects and it is extended from the Valk’s definition [Valk 1998].
z ) , , ( W T P SN = is a Petri net, named System Net, ) ( ) ( P T T P W × ∪ × ⊆ . The
tokens in SN refer to the Object Nets defined below.
z } ,..., {
1 n S
ON ON ON = (n>1) is a finite set of Object Nets in OPN ,
) , , (
i i i i
F E B ON = is a Petri net, named Object Net. ) ( ) (
i i i i i
B E E B F × ∪ × ⊆ .
z SN and
ON synchronize via “channels” ( ρ ). ρ is the synchronous relation
between SN and
ON , E T × ⊆ ρ , where } 1 | { : n i E E
≤ ≤ = U .
z To support multi-objects in VBSQA-OPN model, we extend a special
Occurrence Rules based on the Valk's Three Occurrence Rules [Valk 1998],
which are omitted here.
Definition 2. VBSQA-OPN
) , , ( ρ
ON SN OPN VBSQA − is the modeling of VBSQA process based upon
OPN , where
z ) , , ( W T P SN = is the VBSQA process framework. Here, the transition set T
represents the steps/milestones and it is divided into two disjoint subsets
T , where
st syn
T T T ∪ = .
T is a set of synchronous transitions, which represent the process
steps/milestones that are actually performed by stakeholder(s) in their
process instances.
T is a set of status transitions. A status transition can only immediately
follow a synchronous transition in the SN .
The graphical representations of the two types of transitions are shown in the
legend of Figure 5.6. The tokens in SN refer to Object Nets (i.e.,
stakeholders’ process instances) and point to the marking of Object Nets.
Here, SN can be either the entire VBSQA process framework
SN or a
tailoring from
SN based on the project business cases. Given the set of
transitions to be deleted, we can construct the tailored process framework SN
as follows.
The set of transitions to be deleted are denoted as DEL . When transition t is
1) Let } { : t DEL = ,
2) ∪ = DEL DEL : {the status transitions immediately following t }
3) , DEL x∈ ∀ if
Loop x i ∈ ∃ , then
Loop DEL DEL ∪ = .
Loop denotes the set
of transitions which belong to the same closed loop in the directed graph.
4) Delete the transitions in DEL and add the arc(s) from the places before
DEL to the transitions following DEL .
z } ,..., {
1 n S
ON ON ON = (n>1) represents a set of process instances of stakeholders
and ) , , (
i i i i
F E B ON = is the process instance of stakeholder i. In
ON , the
transition set
E represents the ERP software development activities that
should be performed by stakeholder i and it includes three disjoint subsets,
E ,
E ,
E , where
ist isyn iauto i
E E E E ∪ ∪ = .
E is a set of the object-autonomous transitions, which represents the
autonomous activities of stakeholder i that can not be mapped to any
given step/milestone in SN ( i.e., VBSQA process framework ).
E is a set of synchronous transitions, which can be mapped to the
steps/milestones in SN ( i.e., VBSQA process framework ) and has
synchronous relation with SN .
E is a set of status transitions, which can only immediately follow a
synchronous transition.
The graphical representations of the three types of transitions are shown in
the legend of Figure 5.7. The tokens in
ON represent the Q-attributes (e.g.,
Performance, Evolvability, Schedule, Cost, etc.) concerned by the
stakeholder i.
syn syn
E T × = ρ }) 1 | { : ( n i E E
isyn syn
≤ ≤ = U defines the synchronous relation
between SN and
ON , that is, a mapping between the VBSQA process
framework steps/milestones and ERP software development activities.
z Guard functions are defined to set the activation condition(s) for some
transitions. In this case, a transition T t ∈ is activated in a marking M
(denoted as > t M[ ) iff t M • ≥ and the t transition’s guard functions are both
z Constraint 1. The chronological order of ERP software development
activities in the stakeholders’ process instances
is consistent with the
chronological order of VBSQA process framework steps/milestones in the
SN based on their mapping. For a ) , , ( ρ
ON SN OPN VBSQA = − , if there is a
path from step
A to
B in the SN , denoted as
s s
B A p , and in the
ON , there
exist two ERP activities
A and
B such that ρ ∈ ) , (
o s
A A and ρ ∈ ) , (
o s
B B , then
there must exist a path from
A to
B , denoted as
o o
B A p .
z Constraint 2. Critical Path Activity Dependency. For a
) , , ( ρ
ON SN OPN VBSQA = − , if transition
A must be completed before
B (i.e.
s s
B A p ) in the SN , (denoted as
s s
A B a ), and
B exists in
ON , that is, ρ ∈ ∈ ∃ ) , (
, o s i o
B B E B in ) , , (
i i i i
F E B ON = ,
then ρ ∈ ∈ ∃ ) , ( ,
o s j o
A A E A in ) , , (
j j j j
F E B ON = (denoted as
o o
A B a ).
5.3.4 Application of VBSQA Process Generator Built on VBSQA-
OPN Model
Based on the VBSQA-OPN Modeling of the VBSQA process, the VBSQA
Process Generator was built. We asked two project managers to apply this tool on the
DIMS upgrade case study. Section shows how to use the VBSQA Process
Creator to create the process instances for project success-critical stakeholders based
on the VBSQA process framework. Section illustrates how to identify the
flaws of a process instance based on defined process constrains in the VBSQA
Process Checker. Section presents some simulation results of the ERP
VBSQA process. VBSQA Process Creator: Creating an ERP VBSQA Process Instance Mapping the ERP Software Development Activities into VBSQA Process
To shorten the VBSQA process learning curve and to reduce the flaws such
as the misplacement of ERP development activities when creating a process instance,
we mapped the ERP software development activities into each step/milestone in the
VBSQA process framework. Table 5.11 shows a part of this mapping based on the
current ERP software development activities. In the VBSQA-OPN model, VBSQA
process framework was modeled as the System Net (SN) and each stakeholder
class’s process instance was modeled as an Object Net (ON) inherited from the SN.
Note that we only distinguished different stakeholder classes in creating a process
instance but not the various roles in one stakeholder class. For instance, we assumed
that IV&V team and testing team belong to the Developers. Thus, to create a process
instance for a stakeholder, project managers just needed to select a specific activity
mapped into the VBSQA process step and added it into the plan for this stakeholder.
The chronological orders of these activities were automatically inherited from the SN,
which eliminated the process flaws of misplaced activities due to the
misinterpretation of the process steps in the VBSQA process framework as discussed
in section 3.3.2. And new activities which were not mapped into any step/milestone
could be added into the stakeholders’ ON as needed. Furthermore, if the ERP
software development activities and/or workflows are changed in the future, we will
only need to change the mapping.
VBSQA Process Framework
Steps/Milestones (System Net)
ERP Software Development Activities
(Object Nets)
Initiate project Acquire system upgrade requirements (Developer)
Estimate system upgrade cost & develop DMR
results chain (Developer) Project cost/benefit analysis
Verify system upgrade cost (System Acquirer)
Requirement elicitation meeting SCS define acceptable & desired values
for Q-attributes Groupware WinWin negotiation
Internal prototype evaluation (Developer) Risk analysis & architecture/technology
evaluation External prototype evaluation
Identify conflicting Q-attributes &
perform tradeoff analysis
Identify conflicting Q-attributes & perform
tradeoff analysis
SCS adjust acceptable values for Q-
Stakeholder renegotiation
System top-level design and initial
Feasibility Rationale Description (FRD)
System top-level design (Developer)
Architecture options internal review (Developer)
LCO Review
Architecture options external review
Requirement elicitation meeting SCS refine acceptable & desired values
for Q-attributes Groupware WinWin negotiation
System detailed design and detailed
Feasibility Rationale Description (FRD)
System detailed design (Developer)
Selected architecture internal review (Developer)
LCA Review
Selected architecture external review
Core capability implementation Core capability implementation (Developer)
Value-based core capability testing Internal core capability testing (Developer)
Internal core capability demo (Developer)
Onsite core capability demo
Remaining features implementation Complete system implementation (Developer)
IOC Acceptance Review Onsite System Acceptance Review
Table 5.11. Mapping the ERP software development activities into VBSQA
process framework steps/milestones DIMS Upgrade Case Study: Creating the ERP VBSQA Process Instance
In the DIMS upgrade case study, we identified 4 stakeholder classes
including System Acquirer, DB Administrators, Software Maintainers and
Developers. Figure 5.6 shows a segment of the SN (i.e, VBSQA process framework).
Figure 5.7 illustrates the corresponding segment of the ON representing a process
instance for the Developers generated from the SN. Figure 5.8 illustrates the
corresponding segment of the ON representing a process instance for the System
Acquirer. Figure 5.9 shows an example of the creation of the Developer process
instance using VBSQA Process Creator.
When the mouse cursor was rested over a particular process step/milestone of
the SN in the VBSQA Process Creator as shown in Figure 5.9, the applicable
procedure/approach, if any, was displayed in a textbox. In this way, a project
manager could associate the procedure/approach to the specific activity mapped to
this process step/milestone. Similarly, when the mouse cursor was rested over a
particular activity in the ON representing the stakeholder process instance, the
corresponding stakeholder responsibilities (e.g., the documents and/or product to be
delivered) were displayed in a textbox. Therefore, by creating different process
instances for various stakeholders, we could separate one stakeholder’s
responsibilities from others’ with respect to the activities that he/she was involved in.
Figure 5.6. VBSQA-OPN System Net (SN): the LCO Phase of VBSQA Process
Figure 5.7. VBSQA-OPN Developer Object Net (ON): the LCO Phase of the
Developer Process Instance Generated from the SN
Figure 5.8. VBSQA-OPN System Acquirer Object Net (ON): the LCO Phase of
the System Acquirer Process Instance Generated from the SN
Figure 5.9. VBSQA Process Creator: VBSQA Process Framework (System Net)
and the Generated Developer Process Instance (Object Net) VBSQA Process Checker: Identifying the Flaws in a VBSQA Process
Based on the project business case, the project manager could choose to skip
some steps in the VBSQA process framework during the ERP VBSQA process
instance creation for success-critical stakeholders. That is, it allowed project
managers to inherit a NULL activity from each step in the SN (i.e., VBSQA process
framework). However, such flexibility provided by the tool could be both a strength
and a weakness. It might introduce the flaws of missing activities which could cause
the violation of critical path activity dependencies in a process instance.
One way to validate the process was to provide a process analysis capability
to verify that critical path activity dependency constraints were not violated by the
process definition. These constraints were represented as formal properties defined in
the VBSQA-OPN System Net (SN) and implemented in the VBSQA Process
Checker. Some examples of the activity dependency constraints in the SN could be
as follows:
z SCS define acceptable & desired values for Q-attributes must be completed
before Risk analysis & architecture/technology evaluation
z Risk analysis & architecture/technology evaluation must be completed
before System top-level design
z System top-level design must be completed before LCO Review
z Value-based core capability testing must be completed before CCD
z And they needed to be translated into the precise formal definitions based on
the Constraint 2 of Definition 2 in section
For instance, the activity System top-level design had been planned in the
LCO phase of the Developers’ process instance. However, neither Internal prototype
evaluation nor External prototype evaluation which were mapped to the Risk
analysis & architecture/technology evaluation as shown in Table 5.11 was planned
in any stakeholder’s process instance. After analyzing the stakeholders’ process
instances in
ON based on the defined critical path activity dependency constraints,
the VBSQA Process Checker would display a warning message as “Risk analysis &
architecture/technology evaluation must be completed before System top-level
design”. VBSQA Process Simulator: Comparing the ROI of Synchronous
Stakeholder Interaction Activities
The synchronous stakeholder interaction activities in the VBSQA process
were usually effective in mitigating the software quality risks. At the same time,
higher activity costs and different potential rework costs were incurred by such
activities in different phases of software development. Thus, performing the
stakeholder interaction activity at different phases of the software development life
cycle might result in different Return-On-Investment (ROI). However, there lacked
of the quantitative analysis approaches and simulation tools to help project managers
determine when to perform the synchronous stakeholder interaction activities during
software development.
In this section, we present the simulation results of different ROI for various
stakeholder interaction activities in different software development phases. The ROI
was computed as following:
Cost Value
= (5.2)
168 Value Earned: the Synchronous Stakeholder Interaction Activity vs.
Developer Internal Activity
Let’s assume that totally m Q-attributes were identified for the project. And n
(n=4) software development phases were defined in the VBSQA process framework
(LCO, LCA, CCD and IOC).
∑ ∏
= =
× × − − =
i ij
V R E Value
1 1
) )) 1 ( 1 (( (5.3)
In DIMS upgrade case study, two project managers provided the inputs for
each parameter based on their experience and expert judgement. Total value of the
project was estimated as the contracted payment ($50,000) that Neusoft would obtain
from the system acquirer after the project was successfully completed by satisfying
of all success-critical stakeholders’ Q-attribute requirements. Totally 4 Q-attributes
and their related operational scenarios were identified for this project as shown in
Table 5.12.
Q-attributes Related Scenario Priority R
Complete data migration from the old
DB to the upgraded DB within 1 day
and within required storage space
High 0.8
Accommodate different DB platforms
and schema in data migration
Medium 0.4
Schedule — High —
Cost — High —
Table 5.12. DIMS Upgrade Project: Q-attributes and Their Risks to the Project
Value (R
V: the total value of the project;
(0-1): the effectiveness of a specific process activity on mitigating
the risk of Q-attribute i if it is performed in phase j;
(0-1): the risk of Q-attribute i to the total value of the project.
We treated the failure of achieving a Q-attribute requirement as the risk to the
total value of the project. Table 5.12 lists the risk of Performance and Evolvability to
the project value, denoted as R
. R
is the product of the risk impact and the
probability of risk occurrence. We defined the “risk impact” as the proportion of the
total project value that would have been lost if that Q-attribute risk had occurred.
Thus R
was from 0 to 1. In this project, Performance was a High priority
requirement from DB administrators and failure of achieving it would result in 80%
loss of the project value. Evolvability was a Medium priority requirement from
software maintainer and failure of achieving it would result in 40% loss of the
project value. In this case study, we did not take into account the other two Q-
attributes (Schedule, Cost) because they were not the major risks to this project.
Some steps in the VBSQA process framework such as Risk analysis &
architecture/technology evaluation, LCO Review, LCA Review, CCD aimed to
mitigate the quality risks. As shown in Table 5.11, two types of ERP software
development activities were mapped to each of them, which were developer internal
activities and synchronous stakeholder interaction activities. The examples of the
former were Internal prototype evaluation, Architecture options internal review,
Selected architecture internal review, Internal core capability demo as shown in the
right column of Table 5.11. These activities were accomplished only by developers
without other stakeholders’ participation. They were usually less effective in
identifying Q-attribute risks. The examples of the latter were External prototype
evaluation, Architecture options external review, Selected architecture external
review, Onsite core capability demo. These activities were accomplished by
developers and other success-critical stakeholder(s). Stakeholders were able to
evaluate the prototype(s), review the architecture(s) or test the core capabilities
together under the realistic operational environment. Thus, these activities were
usually more effective in identifying Q-attribute risks. Furthermore, these activities
at different phases of the software development life cycle also had different
effectiveness in identifying Q-attribute risks. Table 5.13 shows the effectiveness of a
specific process activity on mitigating the risk of Q-attribute i if it was performed in
phase j, denoted as E
. Project managers provided the estimate of E
as the
proportion by which the risk of Q-attribute i would have been reduced if that process
activity had been performed in phase j. Thus E
was from 0 to1. Note that we treated
the risk mitigation E
in its most general sense, which incorporated both the decrease
of the probability of risk occurrence and their impact on the project value.
Risk Mitigation (E
) (0-1)
Project Phases Process Activities
Performance Evolvability
Architecture options internal
0.2 0.2 LCO
(Life Cycle
Architecture options external
0.6 0.6
Selected architecture internal
0.3 0.3 LCA
(Life Cycle
Selected architecture external
0.8 0.8
Internal core capability demo 0.2 0.2 CCD
(Core Capability
Onsite core capability demo 0.5 0.5
(Initial Operational
Onsite system acceptance
0.3 0.3
Table 5.13. DIMS Upgrade Project: the Effectiveness of Developer Internal
Activities vs. Stakeholder Interaction Activities on Q-attribute Risk Mitigation
171 Cost: the Synchronous Stakeholder Interaction Activity vs. Developer
Internal Activity
Two types of cost, the activity cost and the potential rework cost, were
associated with a synchronous stakeholder interaction activity or a developer internal
activity. The cost was computed as following:
+ =
r aj
C C Cost
: the cost of a process activity at phase j;
: the potential rework cost. Activity Cost (C
The cost of the developer internal activity in DIMS upgrade project was
estimated as $500 by ERP software project managers. The synchronous stakeholder
interaction activity usually had 2 or 3 time higher activity cost, estimated as $1,500. Rework Cost (Cr)
Whenever a Q-attribute risk was identified by a process activity, some
amount of rework was needed as a remedy. Table 5.14 shows the potential rework
cost C
at 4 phases of VBSQA software development process. In the best case,
rework was only needed for the current phase. However, sometimes rework extended
to the previous phases. In the worst case, the rework needed to be done from the
beginning of the project. The numbers in Table 5.14 show the rework cost C
phase(S) to phase(F). The numbers in the diagonal of Table 5.14 represent the
rework cost within the LCO, LCA, CCD and IOC phases respectively. For instance,
the cost of only reworking LCA phase was $9,000, the cost of reworking LCA and
CCD phases was $35,000 and the cost of reworking LCA, CCD and IOC phases was
$46,000. Note that if developers needed to rework both the LCA and CCD phases
because a risk was identified at the Onsite Core Capability Demo, the rework cost
provided by project managers was $35,000, which was larger than the sum of the
rework cost within LCA and CCD phases ($9,000 + $19,000). They explained that
since developers had to change the detailed architecture design and to redo the Core
Capability Implementation, they usually needed extra effort to become familiar with
the programming techniques for the new architecture design. Based on the ERP
project managers, developer internal activities usually incurred little rework.
Phase (F)
Rework Cost
LCO 3,000 12,000 38,000 50,000
LCA — 9,000 35,000 46,000
CCD — — 19,000 31,000
IOC — — — 11,000
Table 5.14. DIMS Upgrade Project: Potential Rework Cost C
at Different
Phases of VBSQA Software Development Process Simulation Results: ROI
Assuming that the synchronous stakeholder interaction activity (i.e., Onsite
System Acceptance Review) was required in the IOC phase, we enumerated the
possible combinations of stakeholder interaction activities and developer internal
activities in the first three phases of software development life cycle (LCO, LCA and
CCD). As shown in the second column of Table 5.15, LCO(i) denotes that we
performed the developer internal activity (i.e., Architecture Options Internal Review)
in the LCO phase. LCO(s) denotes that we performed synchronous stakeholder
interaction activities (i.e., Architecture Options External Review) in the LCO phase.
The same notation applies for other phases.
Given the inputs from two project managers, our simulation computed two
ROI’s for each process activity combination except the first one as shown in Table
5.15. One was for the worst-case scenario; the other was for the best-case scenario in
terms of the potential rework cost. In the worst-case scenario, we assumed that
rework happened after each synchronous stakeholder interaction activity. And
performing such activity in a certain phase could only avoid the future rework
extending to this phase. For instance, only performing the Selected Architecture
External Review in the LCA phase (i.e., LCO(i)\LCA(s)\CCD(i)\IOC(s)) would incur
the rework on both LCO and LCA and another rework on both CCD and IOC. In the
best-case scenario, we assumed that once we performed such activity in a certain
phase the rework would only be needed from the beginning of the project to this
phase and it could avoid all the future rework incurred by the Q-attribute risks
Even in the worse case scenario, Selected Architecture External Review in
the LCA phase was particularly effective in improving the ROI since all the
combinations with this activity (see 3, 5, 7, 8) in Table 5.15 produced relatively high
worst-case ROI (0.162, 0.194, 0.205, 0.215). In the best-case scenario, Architecture
Options External Review in the LCO phase was particularly effective in improving
the ROI because we assumed that it avoided all the future rework incurred by Q-
attribute risks after the LCO phase. Both results implied that performing
synchronous stakeholder interaction activities in the architecting phase of a software
project could produce higher return in terms of software quality risk mitigation.
Figure 5.10 is a snapshot of using VBSQA Process Simulator to compute the ROI of
a combination of stakeholder interaction activities and developer internal activities
based on the System Net (i.e., VBSQA process framework).
Process Activity Combinations Worst-Case
Best -Case
1 LCO(i)\ LCA(i) \ CCD(i) \ IOC(s) -0.223 —
2 LCO(s)\ LCA(i) \ CCD(i) \ IOC(s) -0.045 6.23
3 LCO(i)\ LCA(s) \ CCD(i) \ IOC(s) 0.162 2.414
4 LCO(i)\ LCA(i) \ CCD(s) \ IOC(s) -0.09 0.149
5 LCO(s)\ LCA(s) \ CCD(i) \ IOC(s) 0.194 6.165
6 LCO(s)\ LCA(i) \ CCD(s) \ IOC(s) 0.002 5.765
7 LCO(i)\ LCA(s) \ CCD(s) \ IOC(s) 0.205 2.33
8 LCO(s)\ LCA(s) \ CCD(s) \ IOC(s) 0.215 5.48
Table 5.15. Comparing the ROI of Various Combinations of Synchronous
Stakeholder Interaction Activities and Developer Internal Activities
Figure 5.10. VBSQA Process Simulator: Computing the ROI of a Combination
of Stakeholder Interaction Activities and Developer Internal Activities in an
175 Project Results and Feedback on the ROI Simulation Results
The results in Table 5.15 enabled the project managers to rapidly assess the
best-case and worst-case outcomes for their risk–mitigation decision options. Based
on the feedback from two ERP project managers, the best-case scenario was usually
not applicable in this project especially for the Performance attribute. In the LCO
Review, developers usually could only provide the top-level system design and the
non-functional prototype. Thus, the assumption that the Architecture Options
External Review in the LCO phase could avoid all the future rework was too
optimistic. However, in the LCA Review, when the detailed system design and the
functional prototype were available, the assumption of avoiding the future rework
after LCA phase was more applicable. Therefore, the real case scenario for
Performance and Evolvability attributes in the DIMS upgrade project was closer to
the worst-case scenario.
As a result of this analysis, the DIMS project managers committed to hold a
Selected Architecture External Review at the end of the LCA phase to evaluate the
performance of selected XML architecture with totally 3,840,000 DB records. With
the participation of DB administrators, software maintainers and developers in this
activity, they identified the architectural risk on the Performance of data migration
because the entire memory would be consumed by totally 97 intermediate XML files
generated. After stakeholders’ renegotiation, the developers re-architected the
capability as Direct Copy with additional algorithms to only accommodate certain
DB platforms and schema. Based on the project managers, without such analysis
results they would have planned the process activities in a value-neutral way (e.g.,
holding Selected Architecture Internal Review at the end of the LCA phase only to
save some activity cost) which would have increased the chance of project failure.
5.3.5 VBSQA-OPN Modeling Costs and Benefits
The VBSQA-OPN modeling and application costs and benefits are
summarized in Figure 5.11 based on the Neusoft DIMS upgrade project. The benefits
are measured by the saved efforts (in hours) in terms of : 1) mutual learning; 2)
developing project plan; 3) verification and validation (V&V) of project plan; 4)
improving plan; 5) early vs. late plan rework.
VBSQA-OPN Modeling Costs and Benefits
4 3
Many Hours!
Mutual Learning Developing Plan V&V of Plan Improving Plan Early vs. Late
Plan Rework
VBSQA-OPN Modeling Costs (hrs) VBSQA-OPN Modeling Benefits (Saved hrs)
Figure 5.11. VBSQA-OPN Modeling Costs and Benefits in Neusoft DIMS
Upgrade Project
In the meantime, the VBSQA-OPN modeling and VBSQA Process Generator
improved user satisfaction in that
z Project managers and stakeholders became more confident in generated
project plans.
z ROI simulation results were very helpful in optimizing project plans
z The VBSQA Process Generator is easy to learn.
z Neusoft DIMS upgrade project was successfully built and working to plan.
5.3.6 Tailor VBSQA Process to Project Business Cases Characteristics of Three Business Cases in ERP Software Development
For most ERP solution providers in China, different software quality
assessment criteria are set based on different business cases [Reifer 2002] so that
different process strategies should be selected to meet them. Three process strategies
(schedule-driven, product-driven and market-trend driven) can be selectively applied
in the ERP software development based on different business cases. To improve the
flexibility of the VBSQA process, the risk-based process strategy decision-making
approach embedded in the VBSQA process framework can be applied to tailor the
process strategy to different project business cases [Huang et. al. 2006a]. When
tailoring the process, we may skip some process steps/milestones, relax the
deliverables/outputs of a particular process step/milestone, select a particular ERP
software development activity, or decide the participants of a process activity.
Firstly, we shall determine whether the project is dominated by schedule risks
or quality risks. Table 5.16 compares the different characteristics of three typical
business cases in ERP software projects. Then we will use the real-world ERP
software system, a Documents and Images Management System (DIMS) developed
by Neusoft, as an example to illustrate how to use the risk-based process decision-
making approach to tailor the VBSQA process to three different business cases. Four
success-critical stakeholder classes were identified in DIMS project, including the
System Acquirer, DB Administrators, Software Maintainers and Developers.
Business Cases Schedule-
Market Trend-
Rapid value by adding
small extra
Rapid Market Share
Version upgrade with Q-
attribute achievement:
reliability, availability,
performance, evolvability,
Quality Risks
Low Medium High; major business losses
Schedule Risks
High; major business
High; market share loss Low
Single collocated
Many success-critical
Multiple success-critical
stakeholders with various Q-
attribute requirements
1) A few specific and
stable requirements
2) Mostly functional
1) Goals generally known
(e.g., platform changes)
2) Detailed requirements
often vague, volatile and
3) Functional and non-
functional [Chung 1999]
1) Critical and conflicting Q-
attribute requirements from
various stakeholders
2) Most requirements
relatively stable; others
volatile, emergent
3) Functional and
nonfunctional[Chung 1999]
1) Extend from
existing system
2) Little architecting
3) Stakeholder high
1) Brand new architecture
2) Most architecting effort;
3) Stakeholder low
1) Evolve based on existing
product-line architecture
2) High confidence in some
parts; low confidence in
Inexpensive with
skilled people
More expensive with mix
of people skills
Very expensive, with mix of
people skills
Table 5.16. Characteristics of Three Example Business Cases in ERP Software
Development Tailor VBSQA Process to Schedule-Driven Business Case
Schedule-driven business case applies when rapidly accommodating a few
minor product upgrading requirements from one or two departments within an
organization. The examples of such requirements can be adding, deleting, updating
certain attributes in the current DIMS database schema. Those functionalities are
usually needed urgently so that delivering the functionalities on time becomes the
stakeholders’ highest-priority value proposition. Thus, we need to prioritize the
process steps/activities and tailor the VBSQA process framework to only retain the
most effective process steps/milestones/activities. In this case, system users are
willing to tolerate some quality degradation and delay the Q-attribute requirements
until the system operation.
Based on the schedule-driven business case analysis in Table 5.16, the added
functionalities are extended from the existing system architecture and the
stakeholders are more confident in the architecture. Thus there is no need to propose
or review several feasible architectural options. And requirements are specific
enough to skip the high-level design and to proceed directly to the detailed design
stage. In this case, the process steps in Life Cycle Objective (LCO) stage are less
effective than those in the Life Cycle Architecture (LCA) stage in VBSQA process.
For the same reason, we may also skip the intermediate milestone Core Capability
Demo (CCD) and proceed to Initial Operational Capability (IOC) Readiness Review.
Since the quality risks are relatively low and developers only need to extend from the
existing system architecture, in LCA stage the Selected Architectural Internal
Review within the developer team is per-formed instead of the onsite External
Review with the participation of all success-critical stakeholders, which would have
require more time and effort. Figure 5.12 shows an example of schedule-driven
process strategy for DIMS project.
Figure 5.12. An Example of Schedule-driven Process Strategy for DIMS Project Tailor VBSQA Process to Product-Driven Business Case
Product-driven business case applies when accommodating a request to
upgrade to the next version due to the aggregation of some common upgrading
requirements from various departments. In this case, the quality of the upgraded
product is the process driver rather than meeting a schedule. Quality risks are
dominant compared with schedule risks shown in Table 5.16. The requirements are
relatively stable. Since the requirements are aggregated from various project
stakeholders, the Q-attribute requirements may conflict with one another. An
example is the DIMS version upgrade from 6.0 to 7.0. Functional requirements and
their associated Q-attribute requirements were prioritized through stakeholder
WinWin negotiation in Table 5.17.
Requirements Description Category Priority
Data migration from old DB platform to
upgraded DB platform
Functional High
Data migration shall be completed within 1
day and within the storage space
Accommodate different DB platforms and
schema in data migration
R4 Add a printing function in DIMS system Functional High
Build a unified log in user interface for
different DIMS subsystems
Functional Medium
Improve search response time from 2 seconds
to 0.5 seconds
Table 5.17. Prioritized Requirements in DIMS Upgrade from 6.0 to 7.0
Multiple project increments can be proposed based on the priorities of
requirements. A process instance is generated for each increment. Figure 5.13 shows
an example of product-driven process strategy in DIMS upgrade project. R1, R2, R3
and R4 are grouped into the first increments due to their high priorities. R5 and R6
are grouped into the second increment. In product-driven business case, process
instances of multiple increments can proceed concurrently since the functional and
Q-attribute requirements are relatively stable. In each increment, process strategy
shall place emphasis on involving stakeholders in identifying and resolving
conflicting Q-attributes, concurrently identifying and mitigating Q-risks with
architecture/technology evaluation. Thus, its iteration cycle is longer than schedule-
driven process in order to address the quality risks and maintain the product-line
LCO/LCA reviews and CCD are all necessary to identify and mitigate Q-
risks in each increment. It is also important to involve all success-critical
stakeholders in the prototype evaluation and each milestone review (i.e., LCO, LCA,
CCD, IOC). Therefore, performing the onsite External Prototype Evaluation,
Architecture Options External Review and Selected Architecture External Review
with the participation of the System Acquirer, DB Administrators, Software
Maintainers and Developers, is more effective than their internal counterparts within
developer team. Tailor VBSQA Process to Market Trend-Driven Business Case
Market trend-driven business case applies when the upgrade of the product is
driven by the market trend or competing companies’ products, such as a change from
Client/Server architecture to web-based architecture in the DIMS system. In this case,
providing superior capabilities to capture greater market share as early as possible is
the key process driver.
The priorities of schedule risks and quality risks are comparable for market
trend-driven business case as shown in Table 5.16. Therefore, the process strategy
for market trend-driven business case is a mixture of the schedule-driven and
product-driven process strategies. It is similar to schedule-driven process strategy in
that it maintains the short iteration cycle in the first project increment since meeting
the product delivery deadline is critical for capturing the market share early.
However, since stakeholders are less confident in the web-based architecture, it is
different from schedule-driven process strategy in that stakeholders should be closely
involved in the prototype evaluation and each milestone review (i.e., LCO, LCA,
CCD, IOC) as shown in Figure 5.14. Furthermore, there can be multiple project
It is similar to product-driven process strategy in that it emphasizes
stakeholder involvement and multiple project increments can be proposed based on
the stakeholders’ priorities of functional and Q-attribute requirements. However, it is
different from product-driven process strategy in that only the top-priority
capabilities can be accommodated in the first increment (see Figure 5.14) based on
the Schedule/Cost/Quality as Independent Variable (SCQAIV) process strategy
[Boehm et. al. 2002]. Stakeholders are usually willing to tolerate some quality (e.g.,
performance, evolvability) degradation at the initial trial of the system. In addition,
the process strategy of the following increments heavily depends on the market
feedback of the product delivered in the first increment. Thus, there is a gap between
each increment to wait for the market feedback. As the operation of new platform
becomes stable with sufficient market feedback, product-driven process strategy can
be applied in the following increments.
5.3.7 Conclusions and Discussion
As we discovered in our application experiences of VBSQA process, solving
a problem in theory and in practice were very different. In spite of the practical
difficulties in applying a new process in software industry where traditional
processes and methods dominated, the results showed that the application of value-
based approaches was inherently better than the value-neutral ones that most ERP
software projects employed in China.
In Microsoft Secrets [Cusumano-Selby 1995], the ability to synchronize and
stabilize multiple internal development teams is identified as a Microsoft critical
success factor. The VBSQA-OPN model provided a framework in which the
activities, value propositions, and commitments of multiple success-critical
stakeholders could be synchronized and stabilized for a wide variety of process
The tailored VBSQA process based on project business case can be used as
an input to the System Net (SN) of the VBSQA-OPN process model.
The experience with the VBSQA Process Generator also told us process
visualization and simulation tools significantly increased management visibility and
controllability for the success of software project. In order to build such tools to
visualize, verify and simulate the value-based processes involved by various
stakeholders, the Object Petri Nets (OPN) provided a feasible solution to the value-
based process modeling.
Figure 5.13. An Example of Product-driven Process Strategy for DIMS Version Upgrade
Figure 5.14. An Example of Market Trend-driven Process Strategy for Changing from Client/Server-based DIMS
to Web-based DIMS
Chapter 6
Contributions and Future Research Challenges
6.1 Summary of Key Contributions
Despite the emergent of a large number of software quality improving
techniques, in practice people tend to use the value-neutral approaches in software
quality analysis and achievement. Based on the literature survey and empirical
results, the traditional views of software quality often lead to stakeholder
unsatisfactory outcomes even if sometimes an almost zero-defect product is
delivered. The reason is that different systems have different success-critical
stakeholders, and even for the same system these stakeholders may depend on it in
different ways. There are no universal one-size-fits-all software quality metrics to
optimize and we need to balance stakeholders’ different value propositions on
software quality attributes. Thus, there is an increasing need for stakeholder/value-
based approaches to software quality modeling and its achievement monitoring and
The key contributions of this dissertation research can be summarized as
follows: It proposes a Value-Based Software Quality Analysis framework, which
consists of the definitions, metrics, model, and process to address various aspects of
software and system quality analysis and achievement using value-based approaches.
z The stakeholder/value-based definitions and metrics of software attributes
differ from the traditional value-neutral ones in that they explicitly reflect the
relevant success-critical stakeholders’ value propositions and operational
scenarios of a software system.
z Software quality investments compete for resources with investments in
other project requirements and/or constraints. Weak quality business case
analysis lead to inadequate or excessive investments. The VBSQM provide a
technique for reasoning about the ROI of software quality attributes and
performing combined risk analyses of both quality and market share erosion.
It helps project decision-makers determine how much software quality
investment is enough based on their project’s business case. Furthermore, it
provides a way to define appropriate quality attribute levels for different
software classes or mission scenarios based on stakeholders’ value
propositions, which avoids the one-size-fits-all quality metrics for a software
z The combined risk analysis of VBSQM also shows that value-based software
quality achievement techniques reduce the overall project risks.
z The Value-Based Software Quality Achievement (VBSQA) process, driven
by the VBSQM and scenario-based approach, can be applied to determine
whether a software system with stakeholder mutually satisfactory quality
attribute requirements is achievable and to realize achievable stakeholder
mutually satisfactory project outcomes. Furthermore, it enables us to
perform iterative value-based feedback control of the actual progress of a
project’s quality achievement.
z In spite of the practical difficulties in applying a new process in software
industry where traditional Waterfall processes and methods dominated, the
application experience of VBSQA process in real-world ERP software
development shows that the application of value-based approaches is
inherently better than the value-neutral ones that most ERP software projects
have employed in China.
z The Object Petri Nets (OPN) enables the separation of concerns among
various stakeholders with different dependencies on quality attributes and
different perspectives on software development process. In the meantime, it
supports the synchronization and interaction among stakeholders when
needed. Our successful experience of VBSQA-OPN modeling for ERP
software development in China shows that OPN provides a feasible solution
to the value-based process modeling.
6.2 Future Research Challenges
There are many useful extensions and future research that can be done to the
VBSQM and the VBSQA process.
6.2.1 Future Research on the VBSQM
The suggestive extensions on the VBSQM can be:
z Develop and calibrate domain-oriented quality-attribute-estimating
relationships (QERs) and value-estimating relationships (VERs) for
additional quality attributes such as safety, security, performance,
survivability, accuracy, etc.
z Calibrate and validate the VBSQM in various software project domains and
in various organizations.
6.2.2 Future Research on the VBSQA Process
The suggestive future research on the VBSQA process can be:
z Apply the VBSQA process on more project domains.
z Investigate more tradeoff models among software quality attributes based on
different project domains.
z The relationship between what a certain quality improving technology do
(e.g., to remove certain classes of defects) and what stakeholders depend on
(e.g. to achieve acceptable/desired levels of a quality attribute) is often not
straightforward. Constructing a more specific bridge between them is
worthy of further research effort.
z Create value-based counterparts for such value-neutral software quality
technologies as test data generators, inspection checklists, defect closure
metrics, and test plan aids.
6.2.3 Future Research on the VBSQA-OPN Model
z Support more simulations in VBSQA Process Simulator based on VBSQA-
OPN model in order to provide more complete support for process decision-
z Compare OPN with other process modeling techniques (e.g., Little-Jil [Wise
et. al. 2000]) in modeling value-based processes.
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Appendix A: Behavior Analysis of COCOMO II RELY
The correspondence between COCOMO II RELY ratings and COQUALMO
defect removal profile ratings is based upon a mapping between the behavior
analysis behind the COCOMO RELY effort multiplier and the rationales of
COQUALMO defect removal profile ratings. Table A.1 indicates the differences in
project activities which will result from having a higher or lower required reliability
Requirements and
Product Design
Code and
Unit Test
and Test
Little detail
Many TBDs
Little verification
Minimal QA, CM, draft
user manual, test plan
Minimal PDR
Basic design
Minimal QA,
CM, draft user
manual, test
Informal design
No test procedures
Minimal path test,
standards check
Minimal QA, CM
Minimal I/O and
off-nominal tests
Minimal user
No test
Minimal QA,
Minimal stress,
off-nominal tests
Minimal as-built
Basic information,
Frequent TBDs
Basic QA, CM,
standards, draft user
manual, test plans
Moderate detail
Basic QA, CM
draft user
manual, test
Minimal test
Partial path test,
standards check
Basic QA, CM,
user manual
Partial I/O and off-
nominal tests
Minimal test
Basic QA, CM,
user manual
Partial stress,
off-nominal tests
Nominal Nominal project V&V
High Detailed verification,
QA, CM, standards,
PDR, documentation
Detailed test plans,
verification, QA,
CM, standards,
Detailed test
plans, procedures
Detailed test
procedures, QA,
Extensive off-
nominal tests
Detailed test
procedures, QA,
Extensive stress,
off-nominal tests
Detailed verification,
QA, CM, standards,
PDR, documentation
IV&V interface
Very detailed test
plans, procedures
verification, QA,
CM, standards,
Very thorough
Very detailed
test plans,
IV&V interface
Detailed test
procedures, QA,
Very thorough
code inspections
Very extensive off-
nominal tests
IV&V interface
Very detailed
test procedures,
Very extensive
stress, off-
nominal tests
IV&V interface
Table A.1. Product Activity Differences Due to Required Software Reliability
Appendix B: COQUALMO Defect Removal Profiles
Rating Automated Analysis Peer Reviews Execution Testing
and Tools
Simple compiler syntax
No peer review. No testing.
Basic Compiler capabilities
for static module-level code
analysis, syntax, type-
Ad-hoc informal walk-
Minimal preparation, no
Ad-hoc testing and
Basic text-based debugger.
Some compiler extensions
for static module and inter-
module level code analysis,
syntax, type-checking.
Basic requirements and
design consistency,
traceability checking.
Well-defined sequence of
preparation, review, minimal
Informal review roles and
Basic unit test, integration
test, system test process.
Basic test data
management, problem
tracking support.
Test criteria based on
Intermediate-level module
and inter-module code
syntax and semantic
Simple requirements/design
view consistency checking.
Formal review roles with all
participants well-trained and
procedures applied to all
products using basic
checklists, follow up.
Well-defined test sequence
tailored to organization
t/etc.) test.
Basic test coverage tools,
test support system.
Basic test process
More elaborate
requirements/design view
consistency checking.
Basic distributes-processing
and temporal analysis, model
checking, symbolic
Formal review roles with all
participants well-trained and
procedures applied to all
product artifacts & changes
(formal change control
Basic review checklists, root
cause analysis.
Formal follow-up.
Use of historical data on
inspection rate, preparation
rate, fault density.
More advanced test tools,
test data preparation, basic
test oracle support,
distributed monitoring and
analysis, assertion
Metrics-based test process
Formalized* specification
and verification.
Advanced distributes
processing and temporal
analysis, model checking,
symbolic execution.
*Consistency-checkable pre-
conditions and post-
conditions, but not
mathematical theorems.
Formal review roles and
procedures for fixes, change
Extensive review checklists,
root cause analysis.
Continuous review process
User/Customer involvement,
Statistical Process Control.
Highly advanced tools for
test oracles, distributed
monitoring and analysis,
assertion checking
Integration of automated
analysis and test tools.
Model-based test process
Table B.2. Rationales of COQUALMO defect removal profile ratings
Appendix C: Empirical Analysis on Stakeholder/Value
Dependency on Quality Attributes in Information Systems
z Information System Quality-Attribute-Dependency-Differing
Stakeholder Classes
The empirical analyses on USC-CSE e-service projects summarizes the
stakeholder classes involved with an information system to have different patterns of
dependency on quality attributes. The stakeholder classes are shown in Figure C.1
and the role of each stakeholder class is described as follows.
Figure C.1. Major Information System Stakeholder Classes
Information Suppliers. These stakeholders have supplied information that will be
used by other classes of stakeholders. They may be either individuals (medical
patients, Internet shoppers, others) or organizations (companies filing tax data,
Information Brokers
- financial services, news media
Information Consumers
- decisions, education,
Developers, Maintainer, Administrators, Acquirers
- passengers, patients
Mission Controllers
- pilots, distribution controllers
submitting contract proposals, others). In their role as information suppliers, they
will depend directly on the information system to protect their information’s privacy
and security. They may depend on other attributes when they also play other roles
(such as information consumers when acting as Internet shoppers), but as
information suppliers, their only other critical dependency is on the accuracy of the
data about themselves in the information system. And, not all information suppliers
are concerned with privacy, e.g., advertisers, other public information sources.
Information Consumers. These stakeholders consume information supplied by an
information supplier or a broker. In conjunction with the above given examples, this
stakeholder class includes individuals (doctors, sales executives, movie-goers, others)
or organizations (the revenue service, retail stores, others). The stakeholders in this
class depend on quite a few attributes such as the timeliness, trustworthy provenance
and accuracy of the information given to them by an information supplier. We have
discussed earlier the challenges in generalizing a stakeholder class with respect to a
set of attributes that are of concern to them; as operational contexts vary, so will
these attributes. Although this is true for all stakeholder classes, we have further
categorized this stakeholder class into two extreme contexts: mission-critical
information consumers (e.g., doctors) vs. mission-uncritical information consumers
(e.g., moviegoers).
Information Brokers. The stakeholders in this class consume information that is often
reanalyzed to produce a more refined and customized set of information to their
respective consumers. There are individuals (stockbrokers, journalists, consultants,
others) and organizations (brokerage companies, search engine companies,
consulting companies, others) that normally belong to this class. We also note that,
albeit the stakeholders in this class fall into the two aforementioned classes as
consumers of information and suppliers of information, we chose to specialize them
as brokers. This is because our analysis in Table C.3 found that brokers’ value
dependencies were not just a simple combination of information-supplier and
information-consumer dependencies.
System Dependents. Stakeholders in this class are people that are not involved in the
system’s development or operation, but are dependent on some of its attributes.
These people could be either airplane passengers or medical patients and they are
normally concerned about the system’s safety, security and survivability. As an
example of time-varying priorities with improved flight safety engineering and
increased terrorist threat levels, we have begun to see an increased emphasis on
security as well as on survivability and safety in the concerns of these system
System Controllers. These stakeholders such as airplane pilots, spacecraft mission
controllers, or electric power distribution controllers, perform real-time control of a
system. Value dependencies of such system controllers are analogous to those of
their system dependents and end users. Thus, safety is a critical concern for airplane
pilots and manned spacecraft mission controllers, but not for unmanned spacecraft
mission controllers. Most real-time mission control systems do not have privacy
Administrators. These stakeholders are responsible for monitoring and managing
system resources, security operations, user requests, system backup, etc. Typically
administrators are also a type of system user. Their direct concerns with respect to
reliability, accuracy and availability for doing their own job are significant but not
critical. Their indirect concerns with these and safety, security, and survivability are
critical only when they are critical for their users and system dependents.
Administrators are also concerned about interoperability to the extent that the
successful operation of the administrator’s system depends on successful data
interchange and control coordination with external systems.
Developers. These stakeholders are individuals or organizations that perform
development activities such as requirements analysis, design, programming, and
testing during the system’s life cycle process. Developers’ direct value dependencies
on the system are primarily for sufficient reliability, availability, performance, etc. to
perform their development functions correctly within cost and schedule constraints.
Their concerns with safety, security, etc. derive from the value dependencies of their
end users. Their concerns with reusability reflect its ability to facilitate their future
development capabilities.
Maintainers. These stakeholders are responsible for making changes to the system
for corrective, adaptive, perfective and preventive maintenance. That is, to make the
system work right and often work better. Dependability of a system for a
maintainer’s direct functions imply a system that has rare and easily recoverable
failures; performs efficiently; is easy to modify and evolve; and for which reusability
can be leveraged, as with developers.
Acquirers. These stakeholders are procurers of a system, software product, or
software service from a supplier as a customer. Their direct value dependencies are
that the delivered capabilities correctly implement end user requirements within cost
and schedule constraints, and are also easy to evolve and interoperate with co-
dependent systems, and perhaps have product-line reusable components. Their
concerns with Protection, Robustness, and Quality of Service attributes will derive
from those of their system end users and dependents.
Note that a stakeholder may belong to multiple classes. For instance, an
airline pilot is both a system controller and a system-dependent passenger.
z Information System Top-Level Stakeholder/Value Dependency
on Quality Attributes
Table C.3 provides a top-level summary of the relative strengths of
dependency on information system quality attributes, for classes of information
system stakeholders exhibiting different patterns of strengths of dependency. Its
initial portions were obtained from empirical analysis of different classes of
information system stakeholders’ primary concerns during win-win requirements
negotiations. The dependency ratings refer only to direct dependencies. For example,
system developers, acquirers, and administrators are concerned with safety or
security only to the extent that a system’s information suppliers, users, and
dependents are concerned with them. And information suppliers and system
dependents are only concerned with reliability and availability to the extent that
these help provide their direct concerns with security and safety.
Stakeholder Classes
Info. Consumers Quality Attributes
Info. Supplier
Info. Brokers
Mission -
Protection Critical Uncritical
Safety ** ** **
Security * ** ** ** **
Privacy ** ** * *
Reliability * * ** ** * *
Availability * * ** ** * *
Survivability * * ** ** * *
Quality of Service
Performance ** ** * ** * *
Accuracy, Consistency ** ** ** * ** *
Usability * * ** ** ** *
Evolvability * ** * * ** * **
Interoperability ** * **
Correctness * **
Cost * **
Schedule * ** * * ** **
Reusability ** * *
Table C.3. Information System Top-Level Stakeholder/Value Dependencies on
Quality (Q-) Attributes
The starting point for the stakeholder/value dependency ratings in Table C.3
was an empirical analysis of stakeholder win-win negotiations between student
development teams and USC campus service providers negotiating the requirements
for a Web-based capability to improve their campus services [In 2001] shown as
Figure 2.2 in Chapter 2. The thin lines and dotted lines in Figure 2.2 reflect the
study’s initial hypotheses about critical stakeholder/value dependencies. The dotted
lines show hypothesized dependencies that were not borne out by the data. These
have some claim to be special cases: the developers were student teams working for
** Critical * Significant ( ) Insignificant or indirect
free and not concerned with labor costs, although the fixed 2-semester schedule was
a critical concern. And since they were temporary workers developing one-of-a-kind
systems, they were not much concerned about producing reusable software. The
broad arrows were additional Customer dependencies on Assurance (Protection and
Robustness), Interoperability, and Usability reflecting their concerns as
administrators of the delivered system.
As in Table C.3, Figure 2.2 only records the direct concerns of the
stakeholders with quality attributes. For example, the developers of the digital library
systems did not furnish win conditions about Assurance, Interoperability, Usability,
and Performance. They were generally furnished by the Customers and Users with
direct value dependencies, and thereby became Developer concerns for the desired
Table C.4 provides a mapping between the stakeholder classes in Table C.3
and stakeholder categories in Figure 2.2 The interoperability category is more
extensive than just the set of Information Brokers associated with an information
system. It can also include other external co-dependent systems furnishing or being
furnished with needed data and services. For example, interoperating systems
associated with the digital library applications included the commercial SIRSI
system used for main campus library services, three interlibrary loan systems, and
several national archives operated by such agencies as the National Library of
Medicine, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Dissertation Abstracts
service. The customers involved in the digital library applications were campus
librarians or archive administrators acting as both system Acquirers and
Stakeholder Classes in Figure 2.2 Stakeholder Classes in Table C.3
General Public Information Suppliers, System Dependents
Interoperator Information Brokers
Information Brokers, Consumers and System
Developer Developers
Maintainer Maintainers
Customer Administrators, Acquirers
Table C.4. Mapping of Stakeholder Classes in Table C.3 and Figure 2.2
Table C.5 provides the counterpart mapping from the top-level quality
attributes in Figure 2.2 to the quality attributes in Table C.3. The Assurance attribute
in Figure 2.2 covered the Protection, Robustness, and Correctness attributes in Table
C.3, while the other categories covered other quality attributes for which some
classes of stakeholders exhibited significant value dependencies.
Quality Attributes in Figure 2.2 Quality Attributes in Table C.3
Assurance (Dependability)
Safety, Security, Privacy, Reliability,
Availability, Survivability, Accuracy,
Interoperability Interoperability
Usability Usability
Performance Performance
Evolvability and Portability Evolvability
Cost, Schedule Cost, Schedule
Reusability Reusability
Table C.5. Mapping of Quality Attributes in Figure 2.2 into Quality Attributes
in Table C.3
z Top-level Stakeholder/Value Dependency Patterns in Table C.3
1. Some of the attributes have the same rating patterns for all the stakeholder
classes, but are still individually important.
An example involves the Robustness attributes: reliability, availability, and
survivability. One can have a system with a very high reliability or Mean Time
Between Failures (MTBF), but if a database crash requires a week to repair, the loss
of availability can be severe. The survivability metric is particularly important in
hard-to-fix situations. As one example, in many distributed-processing applications,
it is difficult to reproduce the cause of failure, increasing the value of a self-recovery
or degraded-operation capability. As other example, unattended operations such as
interplanetary spacecraft have limited recovery options, increasing the value of self-
recovery capabilities.
2. There are no pairs of stakeholder classes that have the same rating patterns for
all of the attributes.
This is the case by design: separate stakeholder classes with the same rating
patterns for all of the attributes were combined, for example, there are several classes
of administrators: database administrators, system administrators, application
administrators. When these turned out to have the same overall rating patterns, they
were combined for simplicity. On the other hand, roles merge in many cases. In
some organizations, developers are also the maintainers – and for evolutionary
development, the distribution is blurred. In some organizations such as startup
companies, developers are also the acquirers. In such cases, the combined roles
generally assume the most critical rating for each attribute.
3. Stakeholders with indirect value dependencies generally assume the criticality
ratings of the stakeholders they are depending on.
Although one can’t tell directly from the role of an acquirer, developer, or
maintainer their strength of dependency on making a product safe or secure, one can
usually assume that it reflects the strength of dependency of their operational
stakeholders on safety or security. On the other hand, although a COTS user may not
care what the cost of developing the COTS product may have been, they will usually
care about the product price, which may or may not be well-correlated with its
development cost. And operational stakeholders relying on maintainers with limited
resources to satisfy their need for new capabilities will be concerned about the
relative cost of the capabilities. Thus stakeholder/value dependencies will vary by
situation or life cycle stage, confirming that the criticality levels are more suggestive
than universally definitive.
z Capabilities Provided by the Stakeholder/Value Dependency
Even with the complexities and challenges during its application, the
stakeholder/value dependency analysis provides some much-needed capabilities for
reasoning about software quality attributes by capturing the stakeholders’ value
propositions in project scoping. These capabilities include:
¾ The framework corroborates the statement above that the universal one-size-
fits-all quality metrics are unachievable in most project situations.
¾ It highlights the importance of using operationally representative
stakeholders and scenarios in prioritizing and evaluating a software system’s
quality attributes.
¾ It provides first-order guidance on which stakeholder classes to consult in
determining a system’s quality-attribute priorities.
¾ It explicitly identifies sources of complexity in software quality assessment,
and helps avoid the measurement dysfunction accompanying overly
simplistic quality improvement initiatives.
¾ It provides the basis for developing specific processes for stakeholder-
oriented quality achievement.
Abstract (if available)
Quality is a major challenge for all complex software systems. Some important attributes of software quality include reliability, availability, safety, security, survivability, performance, accuracy, etc. These have long been requirements of aerospace and defense systems. Now, equally challenging requirements are being placed on "everyday systems" that increasingly provide the infrastructure for our daily lives such as commercial, e-business and embedded systems. They are subject to modest, usually tacit, often stakeholder-specific quality requirements. And it is important that we can define and meet a software system's quality requirements to be fit for its purpose.
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Asset Metadata
Huang, LiGuo
Core Title
Software quality analysis: a value-based approach
Viterbi School of Engineering
Doctor of Philosophy
Degree Program
Computer Science (Software Engineering)
Publication Date
Defense Date
University of Southern California
University of Southern California. Libraries
OAI-PMH Harvest,process modeling,return on investment,software metrics,software process,software quality,value-based software engineering
Boehm, Barry W. (
committee chair
), Helmy, Ahmed (
committee member
), Huang, Ming-Deh (
committee member
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Unique identifier
etd-Huang-20061115 (filename),usctheses-m40 (legacy collection record id),usctheses-c127-30956 (legacy record id),usctheses-m140 (legacy record id)
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Document Type
Huang, LiGuo
University of Southern California
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University of Southern California Dissertations and Theses
Repository Name
Libraries, University of Southern California
Repository Location
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process modeling
return on investment
software metrics
software process
software quality
value-based software engineering