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Speeding up path planning on state lattices and grid graphs by exploiting freespace structure
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Speeding up path planning on state lattices and grid graphs by exploiting freespace structure
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SPEEDING UP PATH PLANNING ON STATE LATTICES AND GRID GRAPHS BY EXPLOITING FREESPACE STRUCTURE by Tansel Uras A Dissertation Presented to the FACULTY OF THE USC GRADUATE SCHOOL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA In Partial Fulllment of the Requirements for the Degree DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (Computer Science) December 2019 Copyright 2019 Tansel Uras Acknowledgements First and foremost, I would like to thank my advisor, Sven Koenig, for the many hours he has spent showing me how to write good papers and his support throughout my PhD. I would like to thank Nathan Sturtevant and Carlos Hernandez for helping me take my rst steps towards the research presented in this dissertation, as well as their continued support throughout my PhD. I would like to thank David Kempe for spending a weekend teaching me how to be more precise in mathematical writing and reminding me that innity is not a number. I would like to thank my other dissertation and proposal committee members, John Gunnar Carlsson, Micheal Zyda, and Wei-Min Shen, for their helpful comments. I would like to thank Daniel Harabor for the long and stimulating discussions, the friendly competition, and, most importantly, his friendship. We nally wrote a paper together. I would also like to thank Peter Stuckey for making the writing of this paper so enjoyable. I would like to thank Maxim Likhachev for helping me adapt my research to state lattices and Ben Strasser for helping me better understand contraction hierarchies. I would like to thank my brother-in-arms and atmate, Liron Cohen, for his friend- ship, for our long debates and discussions, for keeping me grounded, and for putting up with me during the writing of this dissertation. A special shout out to his dog, Paz, for reminding me that running around in the house is still fun. I would like to thank my colleagues and collaborators, Satish Kumar, Ariel Felner, Mar- cello Cirillo, Giuseppe Caggianese, Hang Ma, Hong Xu, Jiaoyang Li, Masabumi Furuhata, Alex Nash, William Yeoh, and Xiaoxun Sun for their friendship and the fun discussions. Last but not least, I would like to thank my family and friends, who have made my much-needed breaks from work so enjoyable. The research presented in this dissertation was supported by ARL/ARO under con- tract/grant number W911NF08-1-046; ONR in form of a MURI under contract/grant number N00014-09-1-1031; and NSF under grant numbers 1319966, 1409987, 1724392, 1817189, and 1837779. ii Abstract Path planning is the problem of nding a sequence of waypoints that an agent can follow through a continuous environment to reach its goal location while avoiding obstacles. A typical approach to solving the path-planning problem in many real-world applications is to discretize the conguration space of the agent into a graph, that can then be searched for a path from a given start vertex to a given goal vertex. The choice of discretization depends mostly on the agent, the environment, and the application. For instance, one can use road networks for navigation systems, grid graphs for video games, or state lattices for agents with kinematic constraints. In some applications of path planning, the environment is static and known in advance, allowing one to analyze its associated graph in a preprocessing phase to generate auxiliary information, which can then be used to answer path-planning queries faster. A number of preprocessing-based path-planning algorithms have been developed that speed up path-planning queries by several orders of magnitude on road networks. These algorithms are applicable to any graph and provably ecient on graphs that have small highway dimensions, such as road networks. Grid graphs, on the other hand, have larger highway dimensions than road networks. When some of these algorithms are applied to grid graphs, the speed-up is smaller, and the memory requirements, relative to the original graph, are higher. State lattices and grid graphs (which are instances of state lattices) have other proper- ties that can be exploited, which can be collectively referred to as their freespace-structure. Translation invariance of freespace distances and freespace-canonical paths: On state lat- tices constructed on obstacle-free and innitely extending environments, called freespace state lattices, translating shortest paths by changing the x- or y-coordinates of all their vertices by the same integral amount produces shortest paths, and translating canonical paths produces canonical paths. Octile property: On freespace grid graphs, shortest paths consist of moves in at most two directions, a diagonal one and an associated cardinal one. The hypothesis of this dissertation is as follows: One can develop preprocessing-based path-planning algorithms for state lattices and grid graphs that exploit their freespace structure to improve the query-time/memory/path-suboptimality Pareto frontier of the state-of-the-art algorithms. To validate this hypothesis: (1) We introduce the subgoal graph framework, a frame- work that can be specialized to exploit structure in dierent types of graphs through the use of a reachability relation. We introduce a hierarchical variant of subgoal graphs, called N-level subgoal graphs, and a suboptimal but complete variant of subgoal graphs, called strongly connected subgoal graphs. (2) We apply the subgoal graph framework to state lattices by using variants of freespace-reachability as the reachability relation. We exper- imentally demonstrate that answering queries using strongly connected subgoal graphs iii constructed with respect to variants of freespace-reachability achieves dominating query- time/path-suboptimality trade-os compared to answering queries using strongly con- nected subgoal graphs constructed with respect to bounded-distance-reachability; and non- dominated query-time/path-suboptimality trade-os compared to weighted A* searches. (3) We apply the subgoal graph framework to grid graphs by using safe-freespace-reach- ability as the reachability relation. We show that jump-point search, an online path- planning algorithm that also exploits structure in grid graphs, can be understood as a search over a subgoal graph constructed on the direction-extended canonical grid graph. We show that contraction hierarchies, a preprocessing-based path-planning algorithm that has been developed for road networks with a non-dominated query-time/memory trade- o in the Grid-Based Path-Planning Competition, can be augmented to exploit structure in grid graphs by augmenting it with reachability relations in various ways. We exper- imentally demonstrate that answering queries using contraction hierarchies constructed on subgoal graphs achieves a dominating query-time/memory trade-o compared to sev- eral state-of-the-art path-planning algorithms on grid graphs, and can answer queries 2.42 times faster than single-row compression, the fastest entry in the Grid-Based Path- Planning Competition, while requiring 139.06 times less memory. iv Contents Acknowledgements ii Abstract iii List of Figures ix List of Tables xii List of Algorithms xiii 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Problem Denition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.1.1 Graphs and Paths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.1.2 The Path-Planning Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.1.3 State Lattices and Grid Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.1.4 Assumptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.1.5 Preprocessing-Based Path Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1.1.6 Applications and Related Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1.2 Hypothesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1.3 Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1.3.1 The Subgoal Graph Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1.3.2 Exploiting the Freespace Structure of State Lattices . . . . . . . . 10 1.3.3 Exploiting the Freespace Structure of Grid Graphs . . . . . . . . . 11 1.4 Dissertation Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2 Path Planning 16 2.1 Discretizing Conguration Spaces into Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2.1.1 Environments, Agents, and Conguration Spaces . . . . . . . . . . 16 2.1.2 State Lattices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 2.1.3 Grid Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 2.1.4 Road Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 2.2 Search Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 2.2.1 A Common Framework for Search Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 2.2.2 Breadth-First and Depth-First Searches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 2.2.3 Dijkstra Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 v 2.2.4 Bidirectional Dijkstra Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 2.2.5 A* Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 2.2.6 Weighted A* Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 2.3 Preprocessing-Based Path Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 2.3.1 Limitations and Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 2.3.2 Related Work: Road Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 2.3.3 Related Work: Grid Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 2.4 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 3 The Subgoal Graph Framework 43 3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 3.2 Overlay Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 3.2.1 Overlay Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 3.2.2 Extended Overlay Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 3.2.3 Optimality and Minimality of Extended Overlay Graphs . . . . . . 50 3.2.4 Answering Queries Using Overlay Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 3.2.5 Identifying Direct-Reachable Edges from a Source Vertex . . . . . 56 3.2.6 Contractions and Heavy Contractions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 3.3 Subgoal Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 3.3.1 Reachability Relations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 3.3.2 Subgoal Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 3.3.3 Shortest-Path Covers and Highway Dimension . . . . . . . . . . . 69 3.3.4 Answering Queries Using Subgoal Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 3.3.5 Heavy R Contractions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 3.3.6 Incrementally Constructing an R-SPC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 3.4 N-level Overlay and Subgoal Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 3.4.1 N-Level Overlay Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 3.4.2 Subclasses of N-Level Overlay Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 3.4.3 Constructing N-Level Overlay Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 N-Level Overlay Graphs and Heavy Contractions . . . . 87 R N-level Subgoal Graphs and Heavy R Contractions . . 88 Contraction Hierarchies and Contractions . . . . . . . . . 88 R Contraction Hierarchies and R Contractions . . . . . . 90 3.4.4 Answering Queries Using N-Level Overlay Graphs . . . . . . . . . 90 Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Renement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 3.5 Strongly-Connected Subgoal Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 3.5.1 Strongly-Connected Subgoal Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 3.5.2 Answering Queries Using Strongly-Connected Subgoal Graphs . . 95 3.5.3 Constructing Strongly-Connected Subgoal Graphs . . . . . . . . . 96 Identifying Access Subgoals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Strongly Connecting Access Subgoals Using R-Reachable Edges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 3.6 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 vi 4 Exploiting the Freespace Structure of State Lattices 103 4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 4.2 Preliminaries and Notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 4.3 Assumptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 4.4 Freespace Reachability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 4.4.1 Freespace State Lattice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 4.4.2 Translation Invariance of Freespace Distances . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 4.4.3 Freespace Reachability (F-Reachability) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 4.4.4 F-Connect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 4.4.5 F-Rene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 4.5 Canonical Freespace Reachability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 4.5.1 Symmetries and Canonical Orderings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 4.5.2 Properties of Freespace-Canonical Paths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 4.5.3 Canonical Freespace Reachability (CF-Reachability) . . . . . . . . 125 4.5.4 CF-Connect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 4.5.5 CF-Rene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 4.6 Experimental Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 4.6.1 Benchmarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 4.6.2 Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 4.6.3 Implementation Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 4.6.4 R-Connect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 Number of R-Reachable Vertices from a Given Vertex . . 141 Average Expansion Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 Avoiding Expansions of Non-Direct-Reachable Vertices . 148 Direct-R-Reachable Expansion Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 4.6.5 Subgoal Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 4.6.6 Strongly-Connected Subgoal Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 4.7 Conclusions and Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 5 Exploiting the Freespace Structure of Grid Graphs 173 5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 5.2 Preliminaries and Notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 5.3 Subgoal Graphs on Grid Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 5.3.1 Freespace Structure of Grid Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 5.3.2 F-Reachability and CF-Reachability on Grid Graphs . . . . . . . . 178 5.3.3 Safe-Freespace-Reachability (SF-Reachability) . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 5.3.4 Using Convex Corner Cells as Subgoals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 5.3.5 SF-Connect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 5.3.6 Linear Time Preprocessing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 5.4 Jump-Point Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 vii 5.4.1 Jump-Point Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 5.4.2 Direction-Extended Canonical Grid Graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 5.4.3 Jump-Point Graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 5.5 Experimental Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 5.5.1 Algorithms and Implementation Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 5.5.2 Benchmarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 5.5.3 Result Presentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 5.5.4 Subgoal Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 5.5.5 Jump-Point Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213 5.5.6 Contraction Hierarchies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218 5.5.7 Contraction Hierarchies on Subgoal Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222 5.5.8 Contraction Hierarchies on Jump-Point Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . 228 5.5.9 R-Rening R-Reachable Shortcut Edges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233 5.5.10 R Contraction Hierarchies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236 5.5.11 N-Level Subgoal Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241 5.5.12 Grid-Based Path-Planning Competition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246 Competition Benchmarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246 Competition Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249 5.6 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256 6 Conclusions 257 Bibliography 261 viii List of Figures 2.1 Environment and conguration space of a translating agent . . . . . . . . 17 2.2 A video game environment represented as a grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 2.3 Primitives used for the Boss entry in the DARPA Urban Challenge . . . . 19 2.4 Grid graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 2.5 International E-road network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 2.6 Search trees and paths found by various search algorithms . . . . . . . . . 25 2.7 An overlay graph constructed from a vertex separator . . . . . . . . . . . 31 2.8 Contraction hierarchies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 2.9 Overlay graph used by rectangular symmetry reduction. . . . . . . . . . . 39 2.10 Operation of jump-point search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 3.1 Overlay graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 3.2 Extended overlay graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 3.3 Answering queries using the Connect-Search-Rene algorithm and overlay graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 3.4 Variants of the Overlay-Connect algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 3.5 Contractions and heavy contractions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 3.6 Bounding Overlay-Connect by using a reachability relation . . . . . . . . 67 3.7 A BD4 subgoal graph and an overlay graph that is not a BD4 subgoal graph 68 3.8 Constructing R-SPCs by heavy R contractions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 3.9 R-SPCs constructed with dierent orderings of heavy R contractions . . . 77 3.10 Incrementally constructing an R-SPC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 3.11 N-level overlay graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 3.12 Subclasses of N-level overlay graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 3.13 Searching N-level overlay graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 3.14 Unpacking shortcut edges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 3.15 Identifying access subgoals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 3.16 Strongly connecting access subgoals with R-reachable edges . . . . . . . . 100 4.1 Unicycle and Urban primitives and their corresponding freespace-shortest paths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 4.2 Shortest paths on state lattices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 4.3 F4-Connect on a 4-neighbor grid graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 4.4 F50-Connect using Unicycle primitives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 4.5 F-Rene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 4.6 Canonical orderings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 4.7 Symmetric freespace-shortest paths on state lattices . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 4.8 CF4-Connect on a 4-neighbor grid graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 ix 4.9 Experimental setup: Primitives and grids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 4.10 Storage of freespace information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 4.11 Search trees of BD50-, F50-, and CF50-Connect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 4.12 Number of R-reachable vertices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 4.13 Number of R-reachable vertices (cube root) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 4.14 Percentage of BDb-reachable vertices that are also Fb- and CFb-reachable from a source vertex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 4.15 Average R-connect expansion times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 4.16 Average numbers of successors processed per expansion by R-connect . . 146 4.17 R-connect statistics, Unicycle-Arena2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 4.18 R-connect statistics, Urban-Aurora . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 4.19 Direct-R-reachable expansion rate of R-connect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 4.20 Comparison of subgoal graphs (Unicycle-Arena2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 4.21 Comparison of strongly-connected subgoal graphs (Unicycle-Arena2) . . . 162 4.22 Number of R-reachable vertices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 4.23 Percentage of subgoals in strongly-connected subgoal graphs . . . . . . . . 166 4.24 Connection times when answering queries using strongly-connected subgoal graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 4.25 Search times when answering queries using strongly-connected subgoal graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 4.26 Percentage of query times spent in the search phase when answering queries using strongly-connected subgoal graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 4.27 Speed-up over A* searches when answering queries using strongly-connected subgoal graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 4.28 Path suboptimality when answering queries using strongly-connected sub- goal graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 4.29 Query-time/path-suboptimality Pareto frontiers for answering queries us- ing strongly-connected subgoal graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 5.1 A grid graph without corner-cutting diagonal moves . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 5.2 Freespace-shortest paths on grid graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 5.3 Canonical orderings on grid graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 5.4 A convex corner cell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 5.5 A query subgoal graph on grid graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 5.6 All possible 2-subpaths on grid graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182 5.7 Replacing diagonal-to-cardinal turns with cardinal-to-diagonal turns . . . 183 5.8 Freespace-taut paths that are not freespace-shortest . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 5.9 Placement of subgoals on other types of grid graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 5.10 Operation of SF ! -Connect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 5.11 Operation of jump-point search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 5.12 Operation of jump-point search without diagonal jump points . . . . . . . 194 5.13 Scanning procedure of jump-point search using clearance values . . . . . . 195 5.14 Straight jump points and subgoals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 5.15 Searches over jump-point and subgoal graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 5.16 Relationships between variants and combinations of subgoal graphs, jump- point graphs, and contraction hierarchies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 x 5.17 MovingAI grid maps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 5.18 Staircase and random patterns of subgoal graphs on grid graphs. . . . . . 208 5.19 Jump-point and subgoal graphs on grids with staircase and random patterns.215 5.20 Searches over subgoal graphs and jump-point graphs on street maps . . . 217 5.21 Search trees on street maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226 5.22 Shortest paths on jump-point graphs that are not shortest paths on G . . 228 5.23 Symmetric paths on jump-point graphs with dierent topologies . . . . . 231 5.24 R contraction hierarchies on maze maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240 5.25 R N-level subgoal graphs and staircase patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244 5.26 Query-time/memory trade-o on GPPC benchmarks . . . . . . . . . . . . 251 xi List of Tables 1.1 Terminology, arbitrary graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 1.2 Types of overlay and subgoal graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 1.3 Terminology, state lattices and grid graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 3.1 Covering notation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 3.2 Variants of contractions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 3.3 Classes of hierarchies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 3.4 Answering queries using dierent subclasses of N-level overlay graphs . . 91 4.1 Reachability relations on state lattices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 4.2 R-connect statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 4.3 Comparison of subgoal graphs constructed by pruning or growing an R- SPC, Unicycle-Arena2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 4.4 Comparison of strongly-connected subgoal graphs (Unicycle-Arena2) . . . 161 5.1 Algorithms on grid graphs evaluated in this dissertation . . . . . . . . . . 200 5.2 MovingAI benchmarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 5.3 Subgoal graphs on grid graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210 5.4 Jump-point graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214 5.5 Contraction hierarchies on grid graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 5.6 Contraction hierarchies on subgoal graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224 5.7 Contraction hierarchies on jump-point graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230 5.8 Trade-os of R-rening R-reachable edges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234 5.9 Trade-os of R contraction hierarchies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 5.10 Trade-os of R contraction hierarchies on subgoal graphs . . . . . . . . . 238 5.11 Trade-os of R N-level subgoal graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243 5.12 GPPC benchmarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246 5.13 GPPC results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248 xii List of Algorithms 1 A common framework for search algorithms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 2 Overlay-Connect (Conservative) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 3 Contract and HeavyContract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 4 Connect-Search-Rene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 5 HeavyRContract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 6 Prune (R;T )-SPC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 7 Grow (R;T )-SPC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 8 IdentifyAccessSubgoals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 9 StronglyConnectSubgoals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 10 F ! -Connect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 11 F-Rene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 12 CF ! -Connect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 13 CF-Rene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 14 SF ! -Connect. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 15 SF-Connect. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 xiii Chapter 1 Introduction Path planning is the problem of nding a sequence of waypoints that an agent can follow through a continuous environment to reach its goal location while avoiding obstacles. A typical approach to solving the path-planning problem in many real-world applications is to discretize the conguration space of the agent into a graph, that can then be searched for a path from a given start vertex to a given goal vertex. The choice of discretization depends mostly on the agent, the environment, and the application. For instance, one can use road networks for navigation systems, grid graphs for video games, or state lattices for agents with kinematic constraints. In some applications of path planning, the environment is static and known in advance, allowing one to analyze its associated graph in a preprocessing phase to generate auxiliary information, which can then be used to answer path-planning queries faster. A number of preprocessing-based path-planning algorithms have been developed that speed up path-planning queries by several orders of magnitude on road networks. These algorithms are applicable to any graph and provably ecient on graphs that have small highway dimensions, such as road networks. Grid graphs, on the other hand, have larger highway dimensions than road networks. When some of these algorithms are applied to grid graphs, the speed-up is smaller, and the memory requirements, relative to the original graph, are higher. State lattices and grid graphs (which are instances of state lattices) have other proper- ties that can be exploited, which can be collectively referred to as their freespace-structure. Translation invariance of freespace distances and freespace-canonical paths: On state lat- tices constructed on obstacle-free and innitely extending environments, called freespace state lattices, translating shortest paths by changing the x- or y-coordinates of all their vertices by the same integral amount produces shortest paths, and translating canonical paths produces canonical paths. Octile property: On freespace grid graphs, shortest paths consist of moves in at most two directions, a diagonal one and an associated cardinal one. The hypothesis of this dissertation is as follows: One can develop preprocessing-based path-planning algorithms for state lattices and grid graphs that exploit their freespace structure to improve the query-time/memory/path-suboptimality Pareto frontier of the state-of-the-art algorithms. To validate this hypothesis: (1) We introduce subgoal graphs, which are overlay graphs that can be specialized to dierent types of graphs to exploit their structure. Similar to overlay graphs, subgoal graphs can be used to answer shortest-path queries in three phases, by rst connecting 1 the given start and goal vertices to them, searching the resulting query subgoal graphs for shortest paths, and nally rening these paths by replacing their edges with corresponding shortest paths on the original graphs. Unlike overlay graphs, all edges of (query) subgoal graphs satisfy a binary relation R dened over pairs of vertices, called a reachability relation. Subgoal graphs can thus be specialized to dierent types of graphs by rst capturing their structures with reachability relations, and then exploiting them in various ways, such as using specialized algorithms to perform connection and renement. We introduce a hierarchical variant of subgoal graphs, called N-level subgoal graphs, and discuss their relationship to contraction hierarchies. We also introduce a suboptimal but complete variant of subgoal graphs, called strongly connected subgoal graphs. (2) We prove the translation invariance of freespace distances and freespace-canonical paths on state lattices and show that it can be exploited to eciently compute and com- pactly store freespace information, such as distances or shortest path trees on freespace state lattices. We introduce freespace-reachability and canonical-freespace-reachability as reachability relations to capture the pairs of vertices on state lattices between which the freespace information is \accurate", and introduce ecient connection and renement operations that exploit this freespace information. We experimentally show that subgoal graphs constructed with respect to various reachability relations on state lattices can be used to answer path queries faster than A* searches on state lattices, but only by a small factor. We experimentally show that answering queries using strongly connected sub- goal graphs constructed with respect to freespace-reachability and canonical-freespace- reachability have dominating query-time/path-suboptimality trade-os compared to an- swering queries using strongly connected subgoal graphs constructed with respect to bounded-distance-reachability, and a non-dominated query-time/path-suboptimality trade- o compared to weighted A* searches with various heuristics. (3) We show that the Octile property of freespace grid graphs can be exploited to (a) construct small subgoal graphs with respect to freespace reachability that use only the convex corners of unblocked cells on grid graphs as vertices, (b) perform connection eciently during queries by using precomputed clearance values, and (c) perform pre- processing in time linear in the size of the underlying grid. We show that jump-point search, an online path-planning algorithm that also exploits structure in grid graphs, can be understood as a search over a subgoal graph constructed on the direction-extended canonical grid graph. We show that contraction hierarchies, a preprocessing-based path- planning algorithm that has been developed for road networks with an undominated query-time/memory trade-o in the Grid-Based Path-Planning Competition, can be aug- mented to exploit structure in grid graphs by augmenting it with reachability relations in various ways. We experimentally demonstrate that answering queries using contrac- tion hierarchies constructed on subgoal graphs achieves a dominating query-time/memory trade-o compared to several state-of-the-art path-planning algorithms on grid graphs, and can answer queries 2.42 times faster than single-row compression, the fastest entry in the Grid-Based Path-Planning Competition, while requiring 139.06 times less memory. Our work on using subgoal graphs to exploit freespace structure in state lattices and grid graphs has resulted in preprocessing-based path-planning algorithms that achieve non-dominated query-time/path-suboptimality trade-os on state lattices and non-dom- inated query-time/memory trade-os on grid graphs. At the time of the publication 2 of this dissertation, subgoal graphs on grid graphs have been applied to moving target search (Nussbaum & Yorukcu, 2015), adapted to 2 k -neighbor grid graphs (Hormaz abal, D az, Hern andez, & Baier, 2017), and used for planning high-level paths for agents ma- neuvering in continuous and uncertain environments (Zeng, Qin, Hu, Hu, & Yin, 2019). The clearance-based scanning that we use during the connection phases of queries an- swered using subgoal graphs on grid graphs has been adapted and used in preprocessing- based variants of jump-point search, previously an online path-planning algorithm on grid graphs (Harabor, Grastien, et al., 2014; Rabin & Sturtevant, 2016). 1.1 Problem Denition In this section, we formally dene the path-planning problem and provide a brief overview on preprocessing-based path planning. These subjects are covered in more depth in Chapter 2. 1.1.1 Graphs and Paths A graph is a tupleG = (V;E;c), whereV is a set of vertices,EVV is a set of edges, andc :E!R >0 is a function that assigns a positive length to each edge. G is undirected if and only if, for every (u;v)2 E, there exists (v;u)2 E with c(u;v) = c(v;u), and directed otherwise. An edge (u;v)2 E is an out-edge of u and an in-edge of v. For any edge (u;v), v is a successor of u, and u is a predecessor of v. A path on G is a sequence of vertices =hp 0 ;:::;p k i such that,8i2f1;:::;kg, (p i1 ;p i )2 E. p 0 ;:::;p k are the vertices and (p 0 ;p 1 );:::; (p k1 ;p k ) are the edges of . The length of,l(), is the sum of its edge lengths, that is, l() = P i2f1;:::;kg c(p i1 ;p i ). We refer to as an s-t path if v 0 = s and v k = t. Given two paths 1 =hu 0 ;:::;u m i and 2 =hv 0 ;:::;v n i with u m =v 0 , we denote their concatenation as the path 1 2 = hu 0 ;:::;u m =v 0 ;:::v n i. An s-t path on G is a shortest path if and only if no other s-t path 0 exists on G such thatl( 0 )<l(). Thes-t distance onG,d G (s;t) is the length of a shortests-t path on G. An s-t path is w-suboptimal if and only if l()wd G (s;t), and optimal if and only if it is a shortest path. 1.1.2 The Path-Planning Problem Path planning is the problem of nding a sequence of waypoints that an agent can follow through a continuous environment to reach its goal location while avoiding obstacles. In this dissertation, we consider the discrete version of the path-planning problem. Namely, we assume that the conguration space of the agent is discretized into a graph G = (V;E;c), and that we want to nd an s-t path on G from a given start vertex s2V to a given goal vertex t2 V . Throughout this dissertation, we use G to denote the graph on which we perform path planning. We refer to s and t as the query vertices, and the problem of nding an s-t path on G as an s-t path query. A solution to an s-t path query, a path , is optimal if and only if is a shortest s-t path on G, w-suboptimal (bounded suboptimal) if and only if is a w-suboptimal s-t 3 path on G, and feasible if and only if is an s-t path on G. A path-planning algorithm is optimal if and only if it is guaranteed to nd an optimal solution (for every s;t2V ), w-suboptimal if and only if it is guaranteed to nd aw-suboptimal solution, and complete if and only if it is guaranteed to nd a feasible solution. We refer to the problem of nding the s-t distance onG as ans-t distance query. We collectively refer to s-t path and distance queries as s-t queries, or simply as queries if the specic s and t are irrelevant. 1.1.3 State Lattices and Grid Graphs In this dissertation, we are interested in solving the path-planning problem on two specic types of graphs, namely state lattices and grid graphs. State lattices are constructed by systematically discretizing the environment into a grid of square cells, discretizing various features about the state of an agent, such as its orientation or velocity, into a nite set of integers, and discretizing the motions available to the agent into a nite set of motion primitives (Pivtoraiko & Kelly, 2005b; Likhachev & Ferguson, 2009; Kushleyev & Likhachev, 2009). State lattices are typically used for planning paths for agents with kinematic constraints. In this dissertation, we consider state lattices that discretize the location and the orientation of the agent. That is, each vertex species the x- and y-coordinates of the location of the agent on the grid and the orientation of the agent. We describe state lattices in more detail in Sections 2.1.2 and 4.2. Grid graphs can be considered as state lattices that discretize only the location of the agent (that is, each vertex species only the x- and y-coordinates of the location of the agent on the grid). They are typically constructed with respect to eight motion primitives, each corresponding to a straight-line motion in one of the four cardinal or four diagonal directions. We describe grid graphs in more detail in Sections 2.1.3 and 5.2. Freespace state lattices and grid graphs are state lattices or grid graphs that are con- structed by assuming that the environment is obstacle-free and innitely extending. The systematicity in the construction of state lattices and grid graphs gives rise to certain properties on freespace state lattices and grid graphs, which we refer to as their freespace structure. Namely, on freespace state lattices, translating shortest paths by changing the x- ory-coordinates of all their vertices by the same integral amount produces other short- est paths, and translating canonical shortest paths (that is, shortest paths that are the lexically smallest between the vertices they connect, with respect to a canonical ordering on the primitives) produces other canonical shortest paths. We refer to this property as the translation invariance of freespace distances and freespace-canonical paths, and prove that it holds for state lattices in Sections 4.4.2 and 4.5.2. On freespace grid graphs, which are arguably more \structured" than freespace state lattices, shortest paths consist of moves in at most two directions, a diagonal one and an associate cardinal one. We refer to this property as the Octile property, and describe it in further detail in Section 5.3.1. 1.1.4 Assumptions We make the following assumptions on G = (V;E;c). 4 Assumption 1.1.jVj<1. Assumption 1.2. G is strongly connected (for every s;t2V , d(s;t)<1). Assumption 1.3. Every edge (u;v)2E is the unique shortest u-v path on G. We make these assumptions to simplify our denitions and proofs, and think that they are reasonable assumptions to make in many applications of the path-planning problem. Assumption 1.1 is automatically satised for state lattices and grid graphs if the underly- ing grid (the environment) is nite. Assumption 1.2 can be satised by assuming that G corresponds to the largest strongly connected component of a given state lattice or grid graph, and can be useful to make in practice if one does not want the agent to move into a vertex from which other vertices become inaccessible. Assumption 1.3 can be satised by removing edges (u;v) from G that are not unique shortest u-v paths, without increasing distances on G. 1.1.5 Preprocessing-Based Path Planning Preprocessing-based path-planning algorithms are a class of path-planning algorithms that operate in two phases: In a preprocessing phase, they analyze G and compute aux- iliary information about G. In a query phase, they nd s-t paths (or distances) quickly by using the auxiliary information. In this dissertation, we use the following criteria to compare preprocessing-based path-planning algorithms. Preprocessing time: The time it takes to compute auxiliary information about G. Memory: The memory required to store auxiliary information about G. Query time: The time it takes to nd an s-t path on G. Path suboptimality: The ratio of the lengths of s-t paths found compared to the lengths of shortest s-t paths. A preprocessing-based path-planning algorithm with shorter query times is not neces- sarily \better" than another one with longer query times but shorter preprocessing times. For instance, if a specic application can only accommodate short preprocessing times, it might not be able to use the former algorithm but use the latter one instead, despite its longer query times. In this dissertation, we therefore compare preprocessing-based path-planning algorithms with respect to their trade-os. An Algorithm A dominates an Algorithm B with respect to the trade-o of N dierent criteria if and only if Algo- rithm A is strictly better than Algorithm B with respect to one of the N criteria, and better than or equal to with respect to the other N 1 criteria. An Algorithm A is non-dominated by a set of K algorithms (with respect to the trade-o of N dierent criteria) if and only if none of the K algorithms dominate Algorithm A (with respect to the trade-o ofN dierent criteria). Among a set of algorithms, the subset of algorithms with non-dominated trade-os (with respect to the trade-o ofN dierent criteria) forms the Pareto frontier of that set. We say that an Algorithm A improves the Pareto frontier of a set of algorithms if and only if including Algorithm A to the set changes the Pareto frontier of the set. That is, if and only if no algorithm in the set dominates Algorithm A or has a trade-o equivalent to that of Algorithm A. Observe that, to show that an algorithm improves the Pareto frontier of a set of algorithms with respect to the trade o ofN dierent criteria, it is sucient to show that it improves the Pareto frontier with respect to only M of the N dierent criteria. For 5 instance, we can show that an Algorithm A improves the query-time/memory trade-o of a set of K algorithms by simply showing that Algorithm A has shorter query times than any of the K algorithms. In this dissertation, we therefore compare the trade- os of algorithms with respect to two criteria at a time, for simplicity. We compare optimal algorithms with respect to their query-time/memory trade-os, but also report their preprocessing times. We compare suboptimal algorithms with respect to their query- time/path-suboptimality trade-os, but also report their preprocessing times and memory requirements. We provide a detailed description of the limitations of applications of preprocessing- based path-planning as well as an extensive overview of related work in Section 2.3. 1.1.6 Applications and Related Work Preprocessing-based path-planning algorithms have been studied extensively on road net- works, with possible applications in GPS navigation devices and web services, such as Google Maps, that represent real-life road networks as graphs and nd shortest paths on them to provide driving directions to their users. Transit node routing (Bast, Funke, & Matijevi c, 2006; Arz, Luxen, & Sanders, 2013) and hub labeling (Abraham, Fiat, Gold- berg, & Werneck, 2010; Abraham, Delling, Goldberg, & Werneck, 2011, 2012) can answer distance queries 6{7 orders of magnitude faster than Dijkstra searches, by precomputing distances between some pairs of vertices on the road network and answering distance queries with a small number of distance look-ups. Contraction hierarchies (Geisberger, Sanders, Schultes, & Delling, 2008; Geisberger, 2008) can answer distance or path queries 4{5 orders of magnitude faster than Dijkstra searches and use little extra memory, by forming a hierarchy among the vertices of a graph and performing searches over the hierar- chy that ignore \unimportant" vertices. All three of these algorithms are non-dominated with respect to their query-time/memory trade-os on road networks (Sommer, 2014) and are applicable to any graph. Abraham et al. show that many preprocessing-based path-planning algorithms that have been developed on road networks, including contrac- tion hierarchies, transit node routing, and hub labeling, are provably ecient on graphs with small highway dimensions, such as road networks (Abraham et al., 2010). We pro- vide a more detailed overview of preprocessing-based path-planning algorithms on road networks in Section 2.3.2 and describe highway dimension in Section 3.3.3. Preprocessing-based path-planning algorithms have been studied less extensively on grid graphs, which are often used in video games or robotics. Video games are a suit- able application for preprocessing-based path planning (Sturtevant & Geisberger, 2010) since path planning is performed frequently and thus needs to be fast. Furthermore, path planning in video games typically ignores other agents (Reynolds, 1999), which can help maintain the validity of the preprocessed auxiliary information. Jump-point search (Harabor & Grastien, 2011) is an online (that is, does not perform preprocessing) path- planning algorithm on grid graphs that uses canonical orderings, (partial) orderings on the moves available to the agent, in order to designate, among multiple symmetric paths that consist of the same set of moves executed in dierent orders, some as canonical paths. Namely, jump-point search uses the diagonal-rst canonical ordering to designate the canonical paths as those paths where no cardinal-to-diagonal turn can be replaced with 6 a diagonal-to-cardinal turn. Jump-point search only explores canonical paths, prunes successors of expanded vertices that produce non-canonical paths, and, if an expanded vertex has a single unpruned successor, immediately expands the successor. Recursively expanding vertices with single unpruned successors allows jump-point search to perform \jumps" in the grid graph, signicantly reducing the number of insertions and removals in its OPEN list. Jump point search has been adapted to use preprocessing to perform jumps faster (Harabor et al., 2014; Traish, Tulip, & Moore, 2016), and has been com- bined with bounding boxes to further improve its pruning (Rabin & Sturtevant, 2016). Single-row compression (Strasser, Botea, & Harabor, 2015; Botea, Strasser, & Harabor, 2015) computes all-pairs next-move tables, compresses them by combining multiple en- tries that share the same next move, and answers path queries with a series of next-move look-ups. Both jump point search and single-row compression have non-dominated query- time/memory trade-os in the most recent Grid-Based Path-Planning Competition held in 2014 (Sturtevant, Traish, Tulip, Uras, Koenig, Strasser, Botea, Harabor, & Rabin, 2015), with jump point search having the lowest memory requirements and single-row compression having the shortest query times. The other two entries in the competition with non-dominated query-time/memory trade-os are contraction hierarchies and our entry, N-level subgoal graphs. We provide a more detailed overview of preprocessing- based path-planning algorithms on grid graphs in Section 2.3.3. State lattices are a relatively recent method of discretizing conguration spaces, and research on state lattices has focused mostly on the generation of motion primitives that are sparse yet representative of the motions available to the agent and the development of heuristics on state lattices (Pivtoraiko & Kelly, 2005b; Likhachev & Ferguson, 2009; Kushleyev & Likhachev, 2009). State lattices have been successfully used in the winning entry in the DARPA Urban Challenge for self-driving cars, Boss from Carnegie Mellon University, for navigation in unstructured and cluttered environments such as parking lots (as opposed to following lanes of roads) (Urmson, Anhalt, Bagnell, Baker, Bittner, Clark, Dolan, Duggins, Galatali, Geyer, et al., 2008). We think that navigation in parking lots is also a suitable application for preprocessing-based path planning since parking lots are mostly static or change in predictable ways. We explain this motivating application, as well as a motivating application on grid graphs, in more detail in Section 2.3.1. 1.2 Hypothesis Preprocessing-based path-planning algorithms that achieve non-dominated query-time/ memory trade-os on road networks have been shown to exploit their hierarchical struc- ture and small highway dimensions (Abraham et al., 2010). State lattices and grid graphs, on the other hand, have larger highway dimensions than road networks (Abraham et al., 2010) and, when some of these algorithms are applied to grid graphs, they achieve smaller speed-ups relative to Dijkstra searches and require more memory relative to the size of the original graph. However, state lattices and grid graphs have other properties that can be exploited, namely, their freespace structure. The hypothesis of this dissertation is therefore as follows: One can develop preprocessing-based path-planning algorithms for state lattices and grid 7 graphs that exploit their freespace structure to improve the query-time/memory/path-sub- optimality Pareto frontier of the state-of-the-art algorithms. 1.3 Contributions We make the following contributions in this dissertation to validate its hypothesis: In Chapter 3, we introduce the subgoal graph framework, which can be specialized to exploit structure in dierent types of graphs through the use of a reachability relation. We intro- duce a hierarchical variant of subgoal graphs, calledN-level subgoal graphs, and a subop- timal but complete variant of subgoal graphs, called strongly connected subgoal graphs. In Chapter 4, we apply the subgoal graph framework to state lattices by using vari- ants of freespace-reachability as reachability relations. We experimentally demonstrate that answering queries using strongly connected subgoal graphs constructed with re- spect to variants of freespace-reachability have dominating query-time/path-suboptimality trade-os compared to those constructed with respect to bounded-distance-reachability and a non-dominated query-time/path-suboptimality trade-o compared to weighted A* searches. In Chapter 5, we apply the subgoal graph framework to grid graphs by using safe-freespace-reachability as the reachability relation. We discuss the similarities and dierences between subgoal graphs and jump-point search, and N-level subgoal graphs and contraction hierarchies. We experimentally demonstrate that answering queries us- ing contraction hierarchies constructed on subgoal graphs achieves a dominating query- time/memory trade-o compared to several state-of-the-art path-planning algorithms on grid graphs. We now provide a more detailed summary of these contributions. 1.3.1 The Subgoal Graph Framework We introduce the subgoal graph framework, which can be specialized to exploit structure in dierent types of graphs through the use of a reachability relation. The subgoal graph framework can be considered as the theoretical foundation of this dissertation, and pro- vides us with the means to exploit freespace structure in state lattices and grid graphs. Specically: We use overlay graphs (Holzer, Schulz, & Wagner, 2009) as the basis of the subgoal graph framework, which are graphs that correctly represent distances between a subset of the vertices of G, using the minimum set of shortcut edges to do so (that is, removing any shortcut edge (u;v) increases theu-v distance on the overlay graph). Overlay graphs have been used (either explicitly or implicitly) by various preprocessing-based path-planning algorithms, such as transit node routing. We introduce the three-phase Connect-Search-Rene algorithm, that can answer path queries optimally using overlay graphs: During the connection phase, it connects the start and goal vertices to the overlay graph to form a query overlay graph. During the search phase, it searches the query overlay graph for a shortest path between the start and goal vertices. During the renement phase, it replaces the 8 edges of the path found on the query overlay graph with corresponding shortest paths on G. We introduce a variant of overlay graphs, called extended overlay graphs, which can be considered as the combination of all possible extensions of an overlay graph into dierent query overlay graphs, and prove that the Connect-Search-Rene al- gorithm nds shortest paths. We show that vertex contractions, an operation used for constructing contraction hierarchies, can be used to construct overlay graphs and introduce a variant, called heavy contractions, that can be used to construct extended overlay graphs. We introduce reachability relations as binary relations dened over pairs of vertices of G. Reachability relations can be used to distinguish those pairs of vertices of G between which a certain property holds. For instance, a reachability relation can be used to distinguish those pairs of vertices between which the distance is less than a given bound, or between which shortest paths can be computed eciently. We dene subgoal graphs as overlay graphs constructed with respect to a specic reachability relation: For every pair of start and goal vertices, all edges of the corre- sponding query subgoal graph are guaranteed to connect pairs of vertices that satisfy the given reachability relation. Therefore, connection phases of queries answered using subgoal graphs only add edges between vertices that satisfy the reachabil- ity relation, and renement phases only nd shortest paths between vertices that satisfy the reachability relation. We dene the subgoal graph framework as a frame- work that can be specialized to dierent types of graphs by choosing a reachability relation and developing ecient connection and renement algorithms that exploit structure in that type of graph (for instance, the freespace structure in state lattices and grid graphs). We introduce a variant of heavy contractions, called heavyR con- tractions, and show that they can be used to construct subgoal graphs with respect to a specic reachability relation. We introduce bounded-distance-reachability as a reachability relation that distinguishes those pairs of vertices on G between which the distance is no more than a given bound, and show that, on graphs with small highway dimensions, it is possible to construct \locally sparse" subgoal graphs with respect to bounded-distance-reachability. We introduce N-level overlay and subgoal graphs, which can be constructed as a sequence of overlay or subgoal graphs, each one constructed on the previous one. We show that contraction hierarchies can be considered as an instance of N-level overlay graphs, and introduce a variant of contraction hierarchies, called R contraction hierarchies, whose edges connect only pairs of vertices that satisfy a given reachability relation R. We discuss how each of these hierarchies can be constructed by using a dierent variant of the vertex contraction operation, and discuss how each one can be searched for shortest paths by using bidirectional searches. We introduce strongly connected subgoal graphs, which can be used to answer path queries with the Connect-Search-Rene algorithm, but without the guarantee of 9 nding shortest paths. We introduce a simple and ecient algorithm for construct- ing strongly connected subgoal graphs with respect to a given reachability relation. 1.3.2 Exploiting the Freespace Structure of State Lattices We apply the subgoal graph framework to state lattices by introducing freespace-reach- ability and canonical-freespace-reachability as reachability relations and developing con- nection and renement algorithms for them that exploit the freespace structure of state lattices. Specically: We introduce freespace state lattices as state lattices constructed on an obstacle-free and innitely extending environment. We prove that translating shortest paths on freespace state lattices by osetting the x- or y-coordinates of their vertices by the same amount produces shortest paths. We call this property the translation invari- ance of freespace distances, and show that it allows for the ecient computation and compact storage of pairwise distances on freespace state lattices. We introduce freespace-reachability as a reachability relation on state lattices, which distinguishes those pairs of vertices on state lattices between which the freespace distance is ac- curate. We introduce a connection algorithm that can identify freespace-reachable vertices from a given vertex eciently, by performing a depth-rst search that uses freespace distances to guarantee that it only explores shortest paths on the state lattice. We introduce a renement algorithm that can nd shortest paths between pairs of freespace-reachable vertices eciently, by using freespace distances as a perfect heuristic. We enforce a canonical ordering on motion primitives that uniquely designates, among multiple shortest paths between two vertices on the corresponding freespace state lattice, one as the freespace-canonical path and ensures that all freespace- canonical paths that originate or terminate at a vertex are guaranteed to form a tree. We prove that translating freespace-canonical paths on freespace state lat- tices produces other freespace-canonical paths. We call this property the translation invariance of freespace-canonical paths, and show that it allows for the ecient com- putation and compact storage of pairwise freespace-canonical paths. We introduce canonical-freespace-reachability as a reachability relation on state lattices, which distinguishes those pairs of vertices on state lattices between which the canonical- freespace path is unblocked. We introduce a connection algorithm that can identify canonical-freespace-reachable vertices from a given vertex eciently, by performing a depth-rst search without duplicate detection that generates only those successors of expanded vertices that extend a freespace-canonical path into another freespace- canonical path. We introduce a renement algorithm that can nd shortest paths between pairs of canonical-freespace-reachable vertices eciently, by simply gener- ating the freespace-canonical path between them. We experimentally demonstrate that answering queries using subgoal graphs con- structed with respect to bounded-distance reachability, freespace-reachability, or canonical-freespace-reachability have similar query times that are only slightly short- er (by a factor of2) than A* search times on state lattices. We conjecture that 10 state lattices may have large highway dimensions, based on our theoretical result that it is possible to construct locally-sparse bounded-distance reachability subgoal graphs on graphs with small highway dimensions. We experimentally demonstrate that answering queries using strongly connected subgoal graphs constructed with respect to freespace-reachability or canonical- freespace-reachability have dominating query-time/path-suboptimality trade-os com- pared to answering queries using strongly connected subgoal graphs constructed with respect to bounded-distance-reachability and a non-dominated query-time/ path-suboptimality trade-o compared to weighted A* searches with various heuris- tics. 1.3.3 Exploiting the Freespace Structure of Grid Graphs We apply the subgoal graph framework to grid graphs by introducing safe-freespace- reachability as a reachability relation and developing connection and renement algo- rithms for safe-freespace-reachability that exploit the freespace structure of grid graphs. We discuss the similarities and dierences between subgoal graphs and jump-point search, and N-level subgoal graphs and contraction hierarchies. Specically: We introduce safe-freespace-reachability as a reachability relation, which distin- guishes those pairs of vertices on grid graphs between which all shortest freespace paths are unblocked. We show that subgoal graphs can be constructed on grid graphs with respect to safe-freespace-reachability by using the convex corners of blocked cells as subgoals. We introduce a connection algorithm for safe-freespace- reachability which uses precomputed clearance values to eciently scan the grid for convex corners of blocked cells that are safe-freespace-reachable from a given vertex. We prove that this algorithm can be used to construct subgoal graphs in time linear in the size of the underlying grid. We introduce direction-extended canonical grid graphs, whose vertices correspond to pairings of cells with the eight cardinal and diagonal directions, and whose edges ensure that all paths on direction-extended canonical grid graphs are diagonal- rst and taut. We show that jump-point search can be understood as a search on a subgoal graph that is constructed with respect to freespace-reachability on the direction-extended canonical grid graph. We introduce a variant of jump-point search that explicitly constructs this subgoal graph, which we call the jump-point graph. We experimentally evaluate how the query-time/memory trade-o of answering queries using contraction hierarchies changes when we augment contraction hier- archies on grid graphs with reachability relations in three dierent ways: 1) We show that constructing contraction hierarchies on subgoal graphs or jump-point graphs can decrease both query times and memory requirements. 2) We show that restricting the edges of contraction hierarchies to be freespace- or canonical- freespace-reachable can signicantly decrease memory requirements but, on random and room maps, signicantly increases query times. 3) We show that rening those 11 shortcut edges that satisfy a reachability relation with an appropriate renement algorithm that exploits the freespace structure of grid graphs can decrease query times. Our results also show that answering queries using a combination of con- traction hierarchies and subgoal graphs achieves a dominating query-time/memory trade-o compared to answering queries using a combination of contraction hier- archies and jump-point graphs. However, we currently do not understand well the combination of contraction hierarchies and jump-point graphs, and cannot rule out the possibility that combining them in a dierent way achieves better results. We compare answering queries using variants and combinations of subgoal graphs, jump-point graphs, and contraction hierarchies, with the state-of-the-art path- planning algorithms on grid graphs that have been evaluated in the Grid-Based Path-Planning Competition, by performing experiments using the same benchmarks and normalizing our results. Our results suggest that answering queries using con- traction hierarchies on subgoal graphs and performing freespace-based renement is 2.34 times faster than single-row compression, the fastest entry in the Grid-Based Path-Planning Competition, while requiring 139.06 times less memory. At the time of the publication of this dissertation, subgoal graphs on grid graphs have been applied to moving target search (Nussbaum & Yorukcu, 2015), adapted to 2 k - neighbor grid graphs (Hormaz abal et al., 2017), and used for planning high-level paths for agents maneuvering in continuous and uncertain environments (Zeng et al., 2019). The clearance-based scanning that we use during the connection phases of queries an- swered using subgoal graphs on grid graphs have been adapted and used in preprocessing- based variants of jump-point search, previously an online path-planning algorithm on grid graphs (Harabor et al., 2014; Rabin & Sturtevant, 2016). 1.4 Dissertation Structure This dissertation is structured as follows: In Chapter 2, we provide an in-depth overview of path planning. In Chapter 3, we introduce the subgoal graph framework. In Chapter 4, we apply the subgoal graph framework to state lattices by using freespace-reachability and canonical-freespace reachability as reachability relations. In Chapter 5, we apply the subgoal graph framework to grid graphs by using safe-freespace-reachability as the reachability relation, introduce a variant of jump-point search that uses subgoal graphs, and augment contraction hierarchies with reachability relations. In Chapter 6, we sum- marize the contributions made in this dissertation. Tables 1.1 and 1.3 summarize the terminology that we use throughout this dissertation. Table 1.2 summarize the types of overlay and subgoal graphs discussed in this dissertation. 12 Terminology Description Ref. G = (V;E;c) The graph on which we want to nd paths s;t Typically used for the start and goal vertices u, v, n, p Typically used for vertices S;T Typically used for sets of vertices STV G S Overlay graph D3.3 G S;T Extended overlay graph D3.4 G L N-level overlay graph D3.12 Typically used for paths l() Length of d(s;t) s-t distance on G n@ n covers n is an internal vertex of (that is, excluding the rst and last vertices on ) D3.1 n@ (s;t) n@ a shortest s-t path on G D3.1 S@ 9n2S such that n@ D3.1 S@ (s;t) 9n2S such that n@ (s;t) D3.1 R Typically used for a reachability relationRVV D3.7 D S Direct-reachability with respect to S D3.2 R S Direct-R-reachability with respect to S S3.3.1 R A)B (D A)B S ;R A)B S ) R-reachable pairs in ABVV D3.2 R A!B (D A!B S ;R A!B S ) R-reachable pairs (u;v) in AB V V where u6=v D3.2 BDb Bounded-distance reachability with bound b ((s;t)2 BDb i d(s;t)b)) S3.3.1 Table 1.1: Terminology used for arbitrary graphs. The references (Ref.) specify the denition (D) or the section (S) that introduce the terminology. 13 Graph Description Ref. Overlay graph (G S ) Contains an edge (u;v) if and only if u;v2S, S6@ (u;v), and u6=v D3.3 Extended overlay graph (G S;T ) Contains an edge (u;v) if and only if u;v2T , S6@ (u;v), and u6=v D3.4 R subgoal graph An overlay graph with R-reachable edges only (S is an R-SPC on G) D3.9 N-level overlay graph (G L ) Sequence of extended overlay graphs G S i+1 ;S i where S i is the set of vertices with level i or higher according to the level functionL D3.12 R N-level subgoal graph N-level overlay graph with R-reachable edges only D3.14 R contraction hierarchy R N-level subgoal graph with no same-level edges except at the highest level D3.14 Contraction hierarchy N-level overlay graph with no same-level edges D3.14 R strongly connected subgoal graph A strongly connected graph with vertex set S where,8n2V ,9u;v2S with (u;n)2R and (n;v)2R D3.15 Table 1.2: Types of overlay and subgoal graphs. The references (Ref.) specify the denition that introduce the type of graph. 14 Terminology Description Ref. G,M,L G;M GridGZ 2 , set of primitivesM, state latticeL G;M induced byM onG S4.2 ~ m Typically used for a primitive Z 2 Freespace grid D4.1 F =L Z 2 ;M Freespace state lattice D4.1 freespace path A path onF D4.1 freespace-shortest path A shortest path onF D4.1 freespace-canonical path For some s and t, the lexically smallest freespace-shortest s-t path D4.4 s + ~ m =t ~ m induces the edge (s;t) S4.2 s + (x;y) =t Translating s by (x;y) results in t S4.4.2 + (x;y) = 0 Translating by (x;y) results in 0 S4.4.2 F, Fb F = freespace-reachability, Fb = F\ BDb (s;t)2 F if and only if a freespace-shortest s-t path is unblocked on G D4.2 CF, CFb CF = canonical-freespace-reachability, CFb = CF\ BDb (s;t)2 CF if and only if the freespace-canonical s-t path is unblocked on G D4.5 SF Safe-freespace-reachability (s;t)2 SF if and only if all freespace-shortest s-t paths are unblocked on G D5.1 ~ c, ~ d,~ v Typically used for a move in a cardinal, diagonal, or any direction S5.2 ~ v 1 ?~ v 2 ~ v 1 and~ v 2 are perpendicular S5.2 ~ c 1 +~ c 2 = ~ d d is a combination of~ c 1 and~ c 2 S5.2 s +~ vk =t t is reached by moving k steps in direction~ v from s S5.2 taut path A path whose two-edge subpaths are shortest paths on G S5.2 freespace-taut path A path whose two-edge subpaths are shortest paths onF S5.2 freespace-diagonal-rst path Shortest path onF where diagonal moves appear before cardinal ones S5.2 freespace-cardinal-rst path Shortest path onF where cardinal moves appear before diagonal ones S5.2 locally-diagonal-rst path Taut path onG where no cardinal-to-diagonal turn can be replaced with a diagonal- to-cardinal turn S5.4.1 Table 1.3: Terminology, state lattices and grid graphs. The references (Ref.) specify the denition (D) or the section (S) that introduce the terminology. 15 Chapter 2 Path Planning The motion-planning problem is the problem of nding a continuous motion that an agent can follow in a continuous environment to reach a goal conguration, while avoiding the obstacles in the environment. Finding exact solutions to this problem while taking into ac- count the kinematic constraints of the agent has been shown to be PSPACE-hard (Canny, 1988) and not practical for real-world applications (Choset, Lynch, Hutchinson, Kantor, Burgard, Kavraki, & Thrun, 2005). The path planning problem can be considered to be a simplied version of the motion-planning problem that discretizes the conguration space of the agent into a graph that can be searched for paths. The path-planning problem can be solved in time polynomial in the size of the graph by using search algorithms such as A*. In this chapter, we provide an overview of the path-planning problem. This chapter is organized as follows: In Section 2.1, we discuss three types of graphs that can be generated by discretizing conguration spaces of agents, namely state lattices, grid graphs, and road networks. In Section 2.2, we discuss algorithms commonly used for searching graphs for paths. In Section 2.3, we discuss preprocessing-based path planning, its limitations, applications, and related work. 2.1 Discretizing Conguration Spaces into Graphs In this section, we discuss three types of graphs that can be generated by discretizing the conguration space of an agent. We rst formally dene the concepts of environ- ments, agents, and conguration spaces, and then discuss how conguration spaces can be systematically discretized into state lattices, grid graphs, or road networks. 2.1.1 Environments, Agents, and Conguration Spaces An environment (work space) is a k-dimensional Euclidean space dened by the shapes of its boundary and the obstacles contained within that boundary. An agent operating in this environment can be dened by the shapes of its components, their kinematics (how they move with respect to each other and the environment), and kinematic constraints (the constraints on their movements, for instance, acceleration constraints, turning radii, or speed limits). The conguration of the agent in the environment may include its lo- cation in the environment, as well as other features of the agent, such as its orientation, 16 Figure 2.1: Environment and conguration space of a translating agent. Red rectangle: A translating agent (whose orientation is xed). Black dot: The reference point on the agent to identify its location in the environment. Black lines: Boundary of the environment. Dark gray areas: Obstacles in the environment. Light gray areas: In ation of obstacles to account for the conguration space treating the agent as a point rather than a rectangle. That is, the agent's footprint does not intersect with the obstacles or the boundary of the environment if and only if its reference point is within the white area. Image downloaded from joint angles, and velocity. The conguration space of the agent is the set of all possi- ble congurations of the agent in the environment. A motion is a continuous curve in the conguration space. Motions that can be executed by the agent without violating its kinematic constraints are called kinematically feasible, and motions that avoid colli- sions with the boundary of the environment or the obstacles within that boundary are called collision-free. Motions that are both kinematically feasible and collision-free are called feasible. Motion planning is the problem of nding a feasible motion between two congurations in the conguration space of an agent. Figure 2.1 shows an environment and its corresponding conguration space for a translating agent (that is, an agent that is only able to change its location but not its orientation) with a rectangular footprint. In this example, the environment and the conguration space are both 2-dimensional. Each point in the conguration space corre- sponds to a location for the agent with respect to the reference point on the bottom-left corner of its footprint. That is, in the conguration space, the agent is treated as a point rather than a rectangle, and obstacles are \in ated" to account for the \shrinking" of the agent into a point. In this dissertation, we consider the path-planning problem as the discretized (and therefore simplied) version of the motion-planning problem, where the conguration space of the agent is discretized into a graph. Vertices of the resulting graph correspond to (sets of) congurations, and edges correspond to feasible motions that connect these congurations. 17 Figure 2.2: A video game environment represented as a grid. Image taken as a screenshot from the game Age of Empires II. 2.1.2 State Lattices State lattices are constructed by discretizing the conguration space of an agent into a graph, where the environment is discretized into a grid, various features of the congura- tion of the agent are discretized into a nite set of integers, and the motions available to the agent are discretized into a nite set of motion primitives (Pivtoraiko & Kelly, 2005b; Likhachev & Ferguson, 2009; Kushleyev & Likhachev, 2009). We now describe each of these discretizations. Grids are regular tessellations of n-dimensional Euclidean spaces. Regular triangles, squares, or hexagons can be used to tessellate 2-dimensional (2D) Euclidean spaces, and n-dimensional cubes can be used to tessellate n-dimensional Euclidean spaces. In this dissertation, we only consider tessellations of 2D environments using squares, and simply use the term grid to refer to this tessellation and cell to refer to each square in the tessellation. When a grid is overlaid on a 2D environment, cells that intersect with obstacles are called blocked cells, and cells that do not intersect with obstacles are called unblocked cells. Figure 2.2 shows an example from the video game Age of Empires II, which uses grids to represent environments. The cells that contain the town center, trees, or bushes are blocked and cannot be traversed by the agents. The vertices of state lattices are called states (congurations), which correspond to \evenly spaced" discrete points in the conguration space of the agent. For an n- dimensional conguration space of an agent operating in a k-dimensional environment, each state in the corresponding state lattice is specied byn integers: The rstk integers describe the location of (the reference point of) the agent on the grid, and the remaining integers describe other discretized features of the conguration of the agent, such as its orientation, velocity, or joint angles. The edges of state lattices correspond to feasible motions between the states they connect, and are constructed with respect to a given set of motion primitives (primitives, for short). Each primitive represents a kinematically feasible motion for the agent, and may induce multiple edges in the state lattice. There are multiple factors that determine 18 Figure 2.3: Primitives used for the Boss entry in the DARPA Urban Challenge. The red triangle shows the current location and orientation of the agent. Each blue triangle shows a location and orientation that can be reached by executing a motion primitive. whether a primitive induces a particular edge (u;v) in the state lattice: 1) Stateu satises the \preconditions" of the primitive, which are dened over the discretized features of the conguration of the agent except for its location. For instance, a primitive that moves the agent in a straight line in a particular direction might be applicable only at those states where the agent is facing in that particular direction. 2) Executing the primitive from state u results in a collision-free motion. 3) Executing the primitive from state u results in state v. Figure 2.3 shows the set of primitives that was used in Carnegie Mellon University's entry in the DARPA Urban Challenge (Urmson et al., 2008). There are 32 discrete orientations for the agent, and the gure shows all primitives available to the agent when it is facing East. Executing a primitive can change both the location and orientation of the agent. If the environment contains obstacles (the grid contains blocked cells), the agent might not be able to execute some of these primitives, namely those that result in a collision. The systematic discretization of conguration spaces using a small set of primitives gives rise to structure in state lattices. Namely, state lattices typically have many trans- lationally symmetric edges (since each primitive can induce multiple edges in the state lattice) and, therefore, many translationally symmetric paths (since paths are combina- tions of primitives). We describe this structure in further detail in Chapter 4 and discuss how it can be exploited to speed up path planning on state lattices. 2.1.3 Grid Graphs Grid graphs can be considered to be instances of state lattices where states describe only the discretized locations of the agent, and primitives have no preconditions. The vertices of grid graphs are typically placed at the corners or centers of unblocked cells, and the primitives typically allow the agent to move in straight lines on the grid. That is, grid graphs typically do not consider the kinematic constraints of the agent, for instance, by allowing the agent to instantaneously turn in place. They are typically used in video games or when planning paths for holonomic robots. 19 1 2 3 A B C (a) A grid graph. Dashed lines correspond to corner-cutting moves and are not included in the grid graph. (b) Shortest paths on grid graphs with no blocked cells consist of moves in at most two directions: A diagonal one and an associated cardinal one. Figure 2.4: Grid graphs. The Grid-Based Path-Planning Competition denes grid graphs as follows: 1) The vertices are placed at the centers of unblocked cells. 2) The agent can move between cardinally or diagonally adjacent unblocked cells, but is not allowed to \cut corners". That is, it cannot move in a diagonal direction unless it can also move in both associated cardinal directions. 3) Cardinal moves cost 1, and diagonal moves cost p 2. Figure 2.4a shows an example of a grid graph. Corner-cutting diagonal moves are shown as dashed lines and are not represented as edges in the grid graph. For instance, the diagonal move from A1 to B2 is a corner-cutting move since the agent cannot move from A1 to B1. In this dissertation, we also use 4-neighbor grid graphs to illustrate the operations of our algorithms. A 4-neighbor grid graph is a grid graph without any edges that correspond to diagonal moves. Since grid graphs are instances of state lattices, they inherit the structural properties of state lattices. However, since grid graphs are \very specic" instances of state lattices, they have other properties that are not necessarily present in an arbitrary state lattice. Namely, on a grid with no blocked cells, shortest paths consist of moves in at most two directions, namely a diagonal one and an associated cardinal one. Figure 2.4b shows an example. We refer to this property as the \Octile property", which is used in the literature to eciently calculate \Octile distances", that is, distances between vertices assuming that the grid contains no blocked cells. We describe the Octile property of grid graphs in further detail in Chapter 5 and discuss how it can be exploited to speed up path planning on grid graphs. 2.1.4 Road Networks Road networks can be used to represent how roads are connected within a city, country, or continent. Their edges typically represent road segments, and their vertices typically represent points of intersection of these road segments. Edge lengths typically represent either the length of the road segment (travel-distance metric) or the expected time to traverse the road segment by taking into account the type of the road segment and trac (travel-time metric). Figure 2.5 shows the international European E-road network, where green lines represent road segments, and red lines represent borders between countries. 20 Figure 2.5: International E-road network. Image downloaded from https://en. Road networks that are used in real-world applications, such as GPS navigation de- vices or Google Maps, are typically very large since they not only represent highways between cities, but also the roads within cities. For instance, the USA road network used in the 9th DIMACS implementation challenge has 24 million vertices and 58 mil- lion edges (Demetrescu, Goldberg, & Johnson, 2009). However, these road networks also have a hierarchical structure (Kalapala, Sanwalani, Clauset, & Moore, 2006). For instance, paths between two locations in dierent cities can typically be found by consid- ering only the highway network and the roads within those two cities; whereas the roads within other cities can be considered as \unimportant" and be ignored. As we discuss in Section 2.3.2, path-planning algorithms that operate on road networks typically exploit the hierarchical structure of road networks in order to achieve very short query times. 2.2 Search Algorithms In this section, we rst describe a common framework for search algorithms and discuss its properties, and then describe some well-known search algorithms within this framework. 2.2.1 A Common Framework for Search Algorithms Given a graphG, a start vertexs, and a goal vertext, a search algorithm can be considered to be a systematic exploration of paths on G until an s-t path is found. Initially, the set of explored paths contains only the trivial s-s pathhsi. This set is then grown by 21 Algorithm 1 Search Input: A graph G, a start vertex s, and a goal vertex t. Output: An s-t path on G. 1: // Initialize 2: OPEN =fsg 3: CLOSED =; 4: for all u2V do 5: parent(u) undened 6: // Grow search tree 7: while SelectNodeToExpand(OPEN)6=t do 8: u SelectNodeToExpand(OPEN) 9: OPEN OPENnfug 10: CLOSED CLOSED[fug 11: for all successors v of u do 12: if v62 OPEN[ CLOSED then 13: OPEN OPEN[fug 14: parent(v) u 15: else if v2 OPEN^ ShouldUpdateParent(v, u) then 16: parent(v) u 17: // Extract path 18: hti 19: u t 20: while u6=s do 21: hparent(u);ui 22: u parent(u) 23: return extending an s-u path in the set with a successor v of u to generate an s-v path, until a (shortest) s-t path is generated. Algorithm 1 outlines a common framework for search algorithms, which diers from the \sketch" of search algorithms outlined above as follows: Algorithm 1 organizes the set of paths explored by the search into a search tree that maintains at most one copy of each vertex of G, uses expansions to extend an s-u path in the search tree into s-v paths for all successors v of u, and never expands a vertex more than once. We now discuss Algorithm 1 in more detail. We note that, since we assume that G is nite and is guaranteed to contain ans-t path for anys;t2V (Assumptions 1.1 and 1.2), Algorithm 1 does not consider the possibility that it might not be able to nd an s-t path. Search tree: Algorithm 1 compactly represents the set of paths generated during the search as a search tree. Each node n in the search tree is labeled with a vertex L(n)2 V , the root node is labeled with the start vertex s, and each edge from a noden to a child nodem corresponds to an edge (L(n);L(m))2E. Therefore, any path from the root node to a node n in the search tree corresponds to an s-L(n) path on G. 22 Although it is possible to have dierent nodes n and m in the search tree with the same label L(n) =L(m), Algorithm 1 avoids such duplicate nodes in its search tree, since they can negatively eect search times (Taylor & Korf, 1993). Since Algorithm 1 avoids duplicate nodes, each node in its search tree has a unique label. For simplicity, we refer to a vertex and the node it uniquely corresponds to with the same name (that is, L(n) = n2 V ), and use the term vertex for both unless it results in ambiguity. Algorithm 1 maintains its search tree by maintaining a parent for every vertex except for the root vertex s (lines 4{5, 14, and 16). Since Algorithm 1 maintains a single parent for each vertex, each vertex can appear in the search tree at most once and, therefore, the search tree maintained by Algorithm 1 cannot have duplicate vertices. Expansions, OPEN and CLOSED lists, and duplicate detection: Algo- rithm 1 initializes the search tree to only contain s as its root (lines 4{5) and then grows it by repeatedly expanding vertices from the search tree (lines 6{16). It main- tains two lists: The CLOSED list contains exactly the vertices in the search tree that have already been expanded, and the OPEN list contains exactly the vertices in the search tree that have not been expanded. Initially, the OPEN list contains only the start vertexs (line 2) and the CLOSED list is empty (line 3). Algorithm 1 always chooses the next vertex u to expand from the OPEN list (line 8), which removes u from the OPEN list (line 9) and places it in the CLOSED list (line 10). When a vertex u is expanded, for each successor v of u, Algorithm 1 considers ex- tending the current s-u path in the search tree into an s-v path by using the edge (u;v) (lines 11{16): If v does not appear the search tree, it is added to the search tree as a child ofu (lines 12{14). Otherwise, v is not added to the search tree for a second time to avoid duplication, and Algorithm 1 decides whether to update the current parent of v to u (lines 15{16). Termination and completeness guarantees: Algorithm 1 expands each vertex at most once: Each vertex is inserted into the OPEN list at most once, namely when it is rst added to the search tree (line 13), and then removed from the OPEN list if it is expanded (line 9). SinceG is nite (Assumption 1.1), and since Algorithm 1 expands each vertex at most once, it is guaranteed to expand a nite number of vertices. Furthermore, since ans-t path exists onG (Assumption 1.2), Algorithm 1 is guaranteed to select t for expansion at some point: Suppose that Algorithm 1 does not select t for expansion and, during the execution of line 7, OPEN =;. Let =hv 0 ;:::;v k i be any s-t path. Since v k = t is not selected for expansion, v k1 could not have been selected for expansion either because, otherwise, v k =t would have been added to OPEN. We can recursively apply this argument to deduce that v 0 = s could not have been selected for expansion. However, this results in a contradiction, since Algorithm 1 always selects v 0 = s as the rst vertex to expand (lines 2 and 8). Therefore, Algorithm 1 must select t for expansion before terminating. Implementation and complexity: Since Algorithm 1 expands each vertex at most once and, therefore, evaluates each edge at most once, it executes lines 8{10 23 at mostO(jVj) times and lines 12{16 at mostO(jEj) times. That is, it performs at most O(V ) insertions into and removals from the OPEN list, O(V ) insertions into the CLOSED list, O(E) checks to see if a vertex is in the OPEN or CLOSED lists, and O(E) decisions whether to update the parent of a vertex. Algorithm 1 can be implemented to execute each of these operations in O(1) time, for a total of O(E) runtime, using O(V ) memory, by maintaining the CLOSED list as a hash table, and maintaining the OPEN list as a queue or a stack. The search algorithms that we describe in the remainder of this section mainly follow the framework we have outlined in Algorithm 1, and dier in how they select the next vertex to expand from the OPEN list (line 8), how they decide to update the parents of verticesv when multiples-v path are found during the search (line 15), and whether they also perform a simultaneous search backwards from the goal, using predecessors rather than successors of expanded vertices. We discuss how their implementations dier from the one outlined above and how these dierences aect their runtimes in their respective sections. 2.2.2 Breadth-First and Depth-First Searches Breadth-rst and depth-rst searches select the next vertex to expand from the OPEN list as a vertex with the minimum or maximum depth in the search tree, respectively. Neither search updates the parents of vertices except when the vertices are rst added to the search tree. Both searches can be implemented to run in O(jEj) time and use O(jVj) memory, as discussed in Section 2.2.1, by implementing the OPEN list of breadth-rst search as a (rst-in, rst-out) queue and implementing the OPEN list of depth-rst search as a stack (rst-in, last-out queue). Neither breadth-rst nor depth-rst search is guaranteed to nd shortest paths. However, breadth-rst search is guaranteed to nd minimum-hop paths (that is, paths with the smallest number of edges), and can therefore be used to nd shortest paths on graphs where all edges have the same length. In this dissertation, we are mainly interested in breadth-rst and depth-rst searches for developing ecient connection and renement algorithms for our reachability relations, since they allow for O(1) time insertions into and removals from the OPEN list. 2.2.3 Dijkstra Search Dijkstra search, also known as Dijkstra's algorithm or uniform-cost search, selects the next vertex to expand from the OPEN list as the vertex with the minimum tentative distance (g-value) from the start vertex, and is guaranteed to nd shortest paths (Dijkstra, 1959). Dijkstra search is the basis for the rest of the search algorithms that we discuss in this section, as well as the basis for many of the preprocessing-based path-planning algorithms that we discuss in the next section. Dijkstra search maintains a g-value g(u) for every vertex u, such that, at any point during the search,g(u) is equal to thes-u-distance in the search tree (or, if no such path exists, g(u) =1). Initially, g(s) = 0, and g(u) =1 for all u6= s. When a vertex u is expanded, for each successorv ofu, Dijkstra search checks whetherg(u) +c(u;v)<g(v), that is, if the g-value of v can be decreased by using the current s-u path and the 24 (a) Dijkstra search. (b) Bidirectional Dijkstra search. (c) A* search. (d) Weighted A* search (w = 2). Figure 2.6: Search trees and paths found by various search algorithms on a grid graph. Start and goal vertices are shown as blue and red disks, respectively. Vertices in the OPEN and CLOSED lists are shown as gray and green disks, respectively. The path found by the algorithm is shown as a red line. edge (u;v). If so, g(v) is updated to g(u) +c(u;v) and the parent of v is updated to u. Dijkstra search maintains the invariant that, whenever a vertexu is selected for expansion, g(u) =d(s;u). Therefore, when the goal vertex t is selected for expansion, g(t) =d(s;t), and the search tree contains a shortest s-t path. Figure 2.6a shows the search tree of a Dijkstra search on a grid graph after it has found a shortest s-t path. In the worst case, Dijkstra search performs O(jEj) decrease-key operations (decrease the g-value of a vertex), and O(jVj) extract-min operations (remove a vertex with the minimum g-value from OPEN). Using a binary heap implementation of the OPEN list, which supports O(logjVj) decrease-key and extract-min operations, Dijkstra search runs in O(jEjlogjVj) time. Using a Fibonacci heap implementation of the OPEN list, which supports amortized O(1) decrease-key and O(logjVj) extract-min operations (Fredman & Tarjan, 1987), Dijkstra search runs in O(jEj +jVjlogjVj) time. 2.2.4 Bidirectional Dijkstra Search Bidirectional Dijkstra search simultaneously runs a (forward) Dijkstra search from the start vertex and a backward Dijkstra search from the goal vertex, and terminates when the two searches \meet" at a vertex u, that is, when u is selected for expansion by both 25 searches. Thes-u path is extracted from the forward search and theu-t path is extracted from the backward search, which are then combined into ans-t path which is guaranteed to be a shortest path. Figure 2.6b shows the search trees of a bidirectional Dijkstra search on a grid graph after it has found a shortest s-t path. Bidirectional Dijkstra searches typically either alternate between expanding vertices in the forward and backward searches, or expand a vertex from the search whose radius is smaller, where the radius of a Dijkstra search is equal to the smallest g-value of a vertex in its OPEN list. A vertex is expanded at most once in bidirectional Dijkstra searches, either by the forward search or the backward search, since the search terminates when a vertex is about to be expanded for a second time. The main reason to use a bidirectional Dijkstra search over a (unidirectional) Dijkstra search is that it typically expands fewer vertices. Whereas a Dijkstra search from s to t expands vertices with distances of at most d(s;t) from s, a bidirectional Dijkstra search that meets at a vertex u expands vertices with distances of at most d(s;u) from s on G, and vertices with distances of at most d(u;t) from t on the reverse graph of G. 2.2.5 A* Search A* search (Hart, Nilsson, & Raphael, 1968) extends Dijkstra search by using a heuristic h to \guide" the search towards the goal vertex. A heuristic is a function h :VV ! [0;1) that estimates the distance between any two vertices on G. h is admissible if and only if it never overestimates distances on G, that is, for any u;v2V , it holds that h(u;v)d(u;v). h is consistent if and only if 1) for anyt2V ,h(t;t) = 0, and 2) the heuristic distances obey the triangle inequality, that is, for any (u;v)2E and t2V , it holds that h(u;t)c(u;v) +h(v;t). A* searches use a heuristic to estimate the distances of vertices to goal vertices only. Therefore, if a goal vertex t is available, we use h(u) as a shorthand for h(u;t) if doing so does not result in ambiguity. A* search chooses the next vertex to expand from the OPEN list as the vertex u with the smallest f-value f(u) = g(u) +h(u). If h is admissible but not consistent, A* search might need to expand some vertices more than once to be guaranteed to nd shortest paths, which is disallowed in our framework. Ifh is consistent, then A* search is guaranteed to nd shortest paths, and is optimally ecient when doing so. That is, no optimal unidirectional search algorithm that uses h can expand fewer vertices than A* (modulo tie-breaking) (Pearl, 1985). Figure 2.6c shows the search tree of an A* search using Octile distances as a consistent heuristic on a grid graph, after it has found a shortest s-t path. If a consistent heuristic h 1 is no less informed than a consistent heuristic h 2 (that is, for any u, h 1 (u) h 2 (u)), then an A* search that uses h 1 is guaranteed to expand no more vertices than an A* search using h 2 (modulo tie-breaking). Dijkstra search can be considered as an A* search that uses the least informed heuristic, namely the zero-heuristic h 0 , where, for any u;t2V , h 0 (u;t) = 0. 26 2.2.6 Weighted A* Search Weighted A* search (Pohl, 1970) extends A* search by using a parameterw 1 to weigh the contribution of the heuristic to the f-values of vertices. Weighted A* search selects the next vertex to expand from the OPEN list as the vertexu with the minimumf-value f(u) = g(u) +wh(u). If h is consistent, weighted A* search is guaranteed to nd a w- suboptimal path. Increasing the value of w makes the search more \greedy", by steering it more aggressively towards the goal, which usually results in fewer expansions but also the search nding longer paths. Figure 2.6d shows the search tree of a weighted A* search with w = 2 using Octile distances as a consistent heuristic on a grid graph, after it has found a w-suboptimal s-t path. 2.3 Preprocessing-Based Path Planning Preprocessing-based path-planning algorithms analyzeG in a preprocessing phase to gen- erate auxiliary data, which can then be used to answer s-t queries faster in a query phase. In this section, we discuss the limitations and applications of preprocessing-based path-planning algorithms and discuss related work. 2.3.1 Limitations and Applications Consider a preprocessing-based path-planning algorithm that precomputes the next ver- tex u along a shortest s-t path for all pairs of vertices s and t. This computation can be done in O(jVj 3 ) time using the Floyd-Warshall algorithm (Floyd, 1962; Warshall, 1962), and the auxiliary data can be stored using O(jVj 2 ) memory. An s-t query can then be answered in time linear in the number of edges along an s-t path. Although the query phase of this algorithm runs in the minimum possible time to output a complete path description, its preprocessing time and memory requirements can be limiting factors in its applicability to real-world problems. For instance, it could require hours of preprocessing time and terabytes of storage for a graph with 1 million vertices. This example high- lights the rst limitation for preprocessing-based path-planning algorithms, namely their preprocessing time and memory requirements. Dierent applications can accommodate algorithms with dierent amounts of preprocessing time and memory requirements, and therefore, a preprocessing-based path-planning algorithm with shorter query times is not necessarily better than another one with shorter preprocessing times or smaller memory requirements. Another limitation of preprocessing-based path-planning algorithms is that, in many real-world applications of path planning, the environment is not static. Changes in the environment, such as other agents moving in the environment and acting as obstacles, might invalidate the auxiliary data computed during preprocessing. Although recom- puting the data might be feasible for some applications (for instance, if there is time before the next query and preprocessing is suciently fast), \repairing" the data can be faster. For instance, repairing a pairwise distance matrix when a single edge is added or removed from the graph is asymptotically faster than recompuing it (Demetrescu & Italiano, 2004). 27 Despite their limitations, preprocessing-based path-planning algorithms can be used to speed up path planning by several orders of magnitude for applications that can accom- modate their preprocessing times and memory requirements. Below, we provide example applications for preprocessing-based path-planning algorithms that operate on road net- works, grid graphs, or state lattices. Road networks: With the increasing popularity of GPS navigation devices, nd- ing shortest routes within or between cities has become an increasingly popular application of path planning using road networks. Web services such as Google Maps answer thousands of queries per second on continental scale networks, where both the unidirectional and bidirectional versions of Dijkstra searches require sev- eral seconds to nd a shortest path (Sommer, 2014). Using preprocessing-based path-planning can reduce query times to microseconds on road networks (Sommer, 2014) and these services can aord to store large amounts of auxiliary data in or- der to decrease the load on their servers by signicantly improving query times. Although travel-times can to change throughout the day due to trac, the overall structure of the road network mostly remains the same, allowing a two-step pre- processing approach that rst preprocesses the road network without information on edge lengths, and then using a customization phase that adjusts the auxiliary data when information on edge lengths are available (Dibbelt, Strasser, & Wagner, 2014; Delling, Goldberg, Pajor, & Werneck, 2015). Grid graphs: Grid graphs have been used in many video games (such as StarCraft, Baldur's Gate, Age of Empires II, Warcraft III, Dragon Age: Origins, Dawn of War), where paths for agents need to be calculated within milliseconds due to real-time constraints. This can be particularly challenging for real-time strategy games such as StarCraft or Age of Empires II, which can have multiple players in the game each controlling up to 200 units. Furthermore, path planning often needs to share CPU time with other processes that run within the game, and can also be used as a subroutine by higher-level AI systems that make strategic decisions on how to move the units. To meet these demands, path-planning systems in video games often make compromises on solution quality (that is, the lengths of paths returned by path planning). Preprocessing-based path planning can be used as an alternative in order to achieve short query times (Sturtevant & Geisberger, 2010). Although video game maps are rarely static due to many agents moving around in the environment, these agents are typically ignored during path planning. The reason for this is two-fold: First, in order to avoid other agents whose current paths are known, path planning needs to consider them as moving obstacles, which re- quires a time component to be added to searches, making them slower. Second, even if a plan is found that avoids other agents' paths, the other agents' paths can frequently change, which can invalidate the current agent's path. A common prac- tice to address this problem is to simply ignore other agents during path planning and use steering algorithms to avoid collisions with other agents (Reynolds, 1999), which can signicantly reduce, or completely eliminate, the frequency of updates to the data calculated during preprocessing. 28 State lattices: State lattices have been used for path planning for autonomous vehicles such as aerial vehicles (Thakur, Likhachev, Keller, Kumar, Dobrokhodov, Jones, Wurz, & Kaminer, 2013), automobiles (Likhachev & Ferguson, 2009), boats (Svec, Shah, Bertaska, Alvarez, Sinisterra, Von Ellenrieder, Dhanak, & Gupta, 2013), and all terrain vehicles (Pivtoraiko & Kelly, 2005a). Navigating autonomous vehicles through cluttered environments such as parking lots require complex ma- neuvers that need to be planned and executed very eciently, even at human driv- ing speeds (15 mph) (Likhachev & Ferguson, 2009). Therefore, similar to video games, path-planning systems for autonomous vehicles often make compromises on solution quality, for instance, by using weighted A* searches, in order to achieve real-time performance (Likhachev & Ferguson, 2009). However, unlike video games, these compromises often have real-world consequences, such as increased fuel con- sumption. Using preprocessing-based path-planning could help achieve a better query-time/solution-length trade-o to mitigate these consequences, or simply to meet the demands for the real-time nature of the application. The winning entry in the DARPA Urban challenge for self-driving cars, the Boss vehicle from Carnegie Mellon University, uses state lattices for path-planning in parking lots (Urmson et al., 2008). Given the imminent popularity of self-driving cars, it is not far-fetched to imagine automated parking lots that need to eciently navigate cars in and out of the parking lot. We consider this as a possible applica- tion for preprocessing-based path planning. Although unoccupied parking spaces can become occupied and vice versa, preprocessing could assume that all of the parking spaces are occupied and that a single parking space (the target) would be considered to be unoccupied during queries. Although this precludes the vehicle from following shorter paths through unoccupied parking spaces, it might be unde- sirable for vehicles to follow such paths to begin with, both due to safety reasons and because, ideally, one would like to park the vehicle at the closest available parking space which can be accessed without going through other available parking spaces. 2.3.2 Related Work: Road Networks Path planning on road networks has recently attracted a considerable amount of inter- est in the research community, with the increasing popularity of GPS navigation devices and web services such as Google Maps that allow users to plan shortest routes within or between cities. Over the past two decades, a number of algorithms have been developed and a competition was held for preprocessing road networks (Demetrescu et al., 2009). These algorithms can be used to answer distance queries optimally, and most of them can also be used to answer path queries optimally. Although these algorithms are ap- plicable to any type of graph, they typically achieve greater speed-ups on road networks compared to other types of graphs, such as grid graphs (Abraham et al., 2010). The survey article of Bast, Delling, Goldberg, M uller-Hannemann, Pajor, Sanders, Wagner, and Werneck groups these algorithms into ve categories, based on the techniques that they use (Bast et al., 2016). Below, we provide an overview of preprocessing-based path- planning algorithms developed for road networks, by grouping them into the same ve categories. 29 Goal-directed techniques: Algorithms that use goal-directed techniques use the position of the goal vertex to prune vertices from searches. A very simple example of this technique is employed by A* search, which uses a heuristic to avoid expanding vertices that are \suciently distant" from the goal vertex. Although Euclidean distance (straight-line distance) or geodesic distance (distance on the surface of a sphere) can approximate distances on road networks pretty accurately under the travel-distance metric, heuristics based on these distances are much less informed under the travel-time metric (Goldberg & Harrelson, 2005). As we have discussed in Section 2.2.5, using more informed heuristics in A* searches may result in fewer expansions and thus faster searches. True-distance heuristics use precomputed distances on G to more accurately estimate heuristic distances during searches. One such example of a true-distance heuristic is the landmark heuristic (also known as the dierential heuristic) (Goldberg & Harrelson, 2005). During preprocessing, distances from every vertex to a small set of landmark vertices L V are calculated and stored using O(jLjjVj) memory. During searches, the heuristic distance from a vertexs to a vertext with respect to a landmarkl is then calculated as h l (s;t) =jd(s;l)d(t;l)j, and the heuristic distance with respect to all landmarks L is calculated as h L (s;t) = max l2L h l (s;t). An A* search that uses the landmark heuristic is called the ALT (A*, landmarks, and triangle inequality) algorithm. We discuss more variants of true-distance heuristics in the context of grid graphs in Section 2.3.3. Another technique for goal-directed pruning is to label each edge (u;v) with a set of vertices L(u;v) during preprocessing such that, for any vertex t2V , t2L(u;v) if and only if (u;v) can appear as the rst edge along a shortest u-t path. During queries, any edge (u;v) whose label does not contain the goal vertext can be safely pruned from the search since it cannot be part of a shortest path to the goal. Com- puting and storing exact labels for each edge can be costly, however, as it requires an all-pairs shortest paths computation and O(jVjjEj) memory for storing the la- bels. Therefore, the two algorithms that we describe next instead use approximate labels, which overestimate the labels for each edge to guarantee optimality. Geomet- ric containers (Schulz, Wagner, & Weihe, 2000; Wagner, Willhalm, & Zaroliagis, 2005) annotate each edge (u;v) with a region described by a geometric container, such as a bounding box, that contains all t2 L(u;v). Arc ags (Lauther, 2004; Hilger, K ohler, M ohring, & Schilling, 2009) partition V into disjoint setsV 1 ;:::;V k that have similar numbers of vertices and small boundaries. Each edge (u;v) is then annotated withk bits where theith bit is set if and only ifL(u;v) contains at least one vertex from V i . Separator techniques: Algorithms that use separator techniques exploit the fact that road networks tend to have small separators (Eppstein & Goodrich, 2008; Delling, Goldberg, Razenshteyn, & Werneck, 2011). A vertex separator ofG is a set of vertices SV whose removal decomposes G into multiple disjoint components, which preferably contain similar numbers of vertices. An edge separator of G is dened similarly, except that edges are removed to decompose G. Figure 2.7(a) shows a vertex separator of a 4-neighbor grid graph. 30 D A B C F E 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 (a) A vertex separator (red disks) decomposing a 4-neighbor grid graph into 5 disjoint components. D A B C F E 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 3 3 4 4 4 2 2 1 6 4 (b) An overlay graph constructed from the vertex separator from (a). The shortcut edge (D1, A4) is not included since it is redundant with the pathh D1, D4, A4i. Figure 2.7: An overlay graph constructed from a vertex separator. Schulz et al. use vertex separators to identify a set of \important" vertices SV and add shortcut edges between them to create an overlay graphG S that preserves distances between vertices in S (Schulz et al., 2000). Figure 2.7(b) shows an over- lay graph constructed from a vertex separator on a 4-neighbor grid graph. During queries, searches consider only the overlay graph and the components that con- tain the start and goal vertices, ignoring the rest of the vertices. This approach can be extended to multiple levels, by creating overlay graphs on top of previous ones (Schulz, Wagner, & Zaroliagis, 2002; Holzer et al., 2009), or by adding many more shortcut edges to the graph during preprocessing (Delling, Holzer, M uller, Schulz, & Wagner, 2009), which allows searches to ignore even more vertices. Other variants exists that use edge separators to construct the overlay graphs (Jung & Pramanik, 2002; Delling et al., 2015). In this dissertation, we use overlay graphs as the basis of our subgoal graph frame- work. However, we do not require their vertices to be vertex separators, and we answer queries using them with the Connect-Search-Rene algorithm that rst con- nects the start and goal vertices to them, then searches the resulting query overlay graph for a shortest path, and nally renes this path into a path onG by replacing its edges with corresponding shortest paths on G. We describe overlay graphs and how the subgoal framework uses them in greater detail in Chapter 3. Hierarchical techniques: Algorithms that use hierarchical techniques do not necessarily use hierarchies themselves, but exploit the inherent hierarchy of road networks to prune vertices from searches. Suciently long shortest paths eventually use one of a very small number of important road segments, such as highways. Once the search is \far away" from the start and goal vertices, it might be possible for it to consider only these important road segments and ignore the \less important" parts of the graph. 31 (a) A contraction hierarchy constructed on a grid graph. Vertices are colored on a scale from yellow (low level) to red (high level), and higher-level vertices are placed higher on the grid. (b) Search trees of a bidirectional search on the contraction hierarchy from (a). Both frontiers explore the hierarchy in the \up" direction. Figure 2.8: Contraction hierarchies. One of the earlier algorithms that exploit this intuition is based on the notion of reach (Gutman, 2004). Intuitively, a vertex with a short reach is relevant only for queries over short distances, whereas a vertex with a long reach can be relevant for queries over longer distances. Specically, the reach of a vertex u with respect to a shortest s-t path that contains u is calculated as min(d(s;u);d(u;t)), and the (global) reach of u, r(u), is calculated as the maximum reach of u with respect to any shortest path that contains u. During preprocessing, the reach of every vertex is precomputed and stored. During an s-t query, u can be safely pruned from the search if it can be determined that r(u) < min(d(s;u);d(u;t)). However, it might be dicult to determine d(s;u) or d(u;t) during queries. One possible method to use the notion of reach to prune vertices from searches is to answer queries using a bidirectional Dijkstra search: If u has been expanded in the forward or backward search, itsg-value in that search is equal tod(s;u) ord(u;t), respectively. If u has not been expanded by the forward or backward search, the current radius of the forward or backward search provides a lower bound on d(s;u) and d(u;t), respectively, which can be used to prune u from the search. Adding shortcut edges to G has been shown to reduce the reaches of most vertices, speeding up both preprocessing and queries (Goldberg, Kaplan, & Werneck, 2009). Another technique for exploiting the hierarchical structure of road networks is to ac- tually construct hierarchies on road networks to capture their structure. Earlier ex- amples of algorithms that use hierarchies include multi-level overlay graphs (Schulz 32 et al., 2002; Holzer et al., 2009), highway hierarchies (Sanders & Schultes, 2005, 2006) and highway-node routing (Schultes & Sanders, 2007). Answering queries using contraction hierarchies (Geisberger et al., 2008; Geisberger, 2008) builds on ideas from these earlier algorithms, but is faster and conceptually simpler than its predecessors. Contraction hierarchies are constructed by assigning levels to the vertices of G and adding shortcut edges between them to guarantee that, between any two vertices s;t2 V , the contraction hierarchy contains an up-down path, a path that visits vertices rst in increasing then in decreasing orders of levels, with length d(s;t). During queries, contraction hierarchies can be searched with a mod- ied bidirectional Dijkstra search where the forward search constructs the up-part and the backward search constructs the down-part of a shortest up-down s-t path. That is, both searches search \upward" in the hierarchy, ignoring any vertices that cannot be reached from the start vertex with an up path or cannot reach the goal vertex with a down path, respectively. Figure 2.8a shows an example of a contrac- tion hierarchy constructed on a grid graph, and Figure 2.8b shows the search trees of the bidirectional Dijkstra search over this contraction hierarchy. Essentially, con- traction hierarchies can capture the hierarchical structure of road networks so that searches over them can avoid generating the \less important" (lower-level) vertices when expanding the \more important" (higher-level) vertices. The name \contraction" hierarchy comes from the fact that contraction hierarchies are constructed by contracting the vertices of G one by one, that is, removing ver- tices from G and adding shortcut edges to preserve shortest paths between the remaining vertices. The contraction order plays an important role in determin- ing the memory requirements and the preprocessing and query times of answering queries using contraction hierarchies, and is usually determined heuristically. We describe the contraction operation in greater detail in Section 3.2.6, the construction of contraction hierarchies in Section, and the modied bidirectional Dijkstra search that can be used to search contraction hierarchies in Section 3.4.4. Answering queries using contraction hierarchies is one of three algorithms in Som- mer's survey that has a non-dominated query-time/memory trade-o on road net- works (Sommer, 2014), along with transit-node routing and hub labeling that we describe next. On the Western Europe road network with 18 million vertices and 42 million edges, queries can be answered using dierent variants of contraction hierarchies in 9{900 microseconds, using 100{600 megabytes of memory. 1 In com- parison, variants of transit-node routing and hub labeling can answer queries within 0.2{4 microseconds, but require 1.8{18 gigabytes of memory. Furthermore, answer- ing queries using contraction hierarchies has a non-dominated query-time/memory trade-o in the Grid-Based Path-Planning Competition. We experimentally demon- strate in Chapter 5 that answering queries on grid graphs by using a combina- tion of subgoal graphs and contraction hierarchies achieves a dominating query- time/memory trade-o compared to answering queries using contraction hierarchies only. 1 We estimate these values from Figure 4 in the survey. 33 Bounded-hop techniques: Algorithms that use bounded-hop techniques add \virtual" shortcut edges toG to ensure that, between any two vertices, there exists a shortest path with no more than a xed number of hops (edges). For instance, using pairwise distances can be considered as adding virtual shortcut edges between all pairs of vertices so that there exists a shortest path with at most one hop between any two vertices. Distance queries can then be answered in constant time by simply looking up the length of the corresponding 1-hop path in the pairwise distance table. Algorithms that we describe in this category add a much smaller number of virtual shortcut edges to guarantee that a shortest path with at most two or three hops exists between any two vertices. They can answer distance queries with only a small number of table lookups, avoiding search altogether, and arguably have more reasonable query-time/memory trade-os compared to using pairwise distance tables. Hub labeling (Abraham et al., 2011, 2012) can be considered a 2-hop technique. During preprocessing, each vertex u is labeled with a set of vertices L(u), called the hubs of u, along with their distances from u. These labels satisfy the property that, for any s;t2 V , a shortest s-t path contains a vertex u2 L(s)\L(t). s-t distance queries can then be answered by scanning the labels of s and t for the vertexu that minimizesd(s;u)+d(u;t). By sorting the labels of each vertex during preprocessing, these scans can be performed during queries in time linear in the size of the labels, by using an operation that is similar to the merging of two ordered lists. For directed graphs, hub-labeling distinguishes between forward labels L f (u) and backward labels L b (u) for each vertex u, and uses L f (s) and L b (t) to answer s-t distance queries. Hub labeling can also be used to answer s-t path queries, by recursively replacing the pair (s;t) with the pairs (s;u) and (u;t) for the vertex u2L f (s)\L b (t) that minimizesd(s;u)+d(u;t), until all pairs correspond to edges of G. Transit-node routing (Bast et al., 2006; Arz et al., 2013) can be considered a 3-hop technique. During preprocessing, pairwise distances between a small set of transit nodes T V and distances from every vertex u to their access nodes A(u) T are computed and stored. A transit node v 2 T is an access node of a vertex u2VnT if and only if no shortest u-v path on G passes through another transit node. (Similar to hub labeling, transit node routing distinguishes between forward and backward transit nodes on directed graphs, which we omit from our description for brevity). During an s-t distance query, transit-node routing rst tries to prove that a shortests-t path onG passes through a transit node, by using a locality lter, which is typically implemented by partitioning V into cells and checking whethers and t belong to dierent cells. If so, the query is treated as a long-distance query and is answered by identifying the vertices u2 A(s) and v2 A(t) that minimize the sum d(s;u) +d(u;v) +d(v;t). Otherwise, the query is treated as a local query and is answered by using a dierent algorithm, for instance, by using contraction hierarchies. Transit-node routing can be considered as implicitly using the overlay graph G T of transit nodes. Rather than storing the overlay graph, transit-node routing stores 34 pairwise distances onG T to avoid searches. Rather than identifying the edges that connect query vertices to the overlay graph, transit-node routing stores those edges implicitly as access nodes. However, it does not store pairwise distances between vertices in VnT and, therefore, has to treat some queries as local queries, when the extension of the overlay graph with the query vertices does not contain a path that corresponds to a shortest s-t path on G. Combinations: The algorithms in this category combine techniques from the pre- vious categories. REAL (Goldberg et al., 2009) combines reach with landmarks, by using the landmark heuristic to provide better lower-bounds for reach-based prun- ing. Core-ALT (Bauer, Delling, Sanders, Schieferdecker, Schultes, & Wagner, 2010; Delling & Nannicini, 2012) combines overlay graphs and landmarks, by computing landmark distances only for the vertices in the overlay graph. ReachFlags (Bauer et al., 2010) combines reach, arc ags, and overlay graphs, by computing an overlay graph that contains only vertices with suciently high reaches, and computing arc ags only for edges in the overlay graph. CHASE (Bauer et al., 2010) combines contraction hierarchies with arc ags, and computes arc ags only for edges between vertices with high levels in the hierarchy. TNR-AF (Bauer et al., 2010) combines transit-node routing with arc ags to reduce the number of distance look-ups. Most of the algorithms that we have described in this section are applicable to any type of graph, but work especially well on road networks, which typically have small graph separators (Eppstein & Goodrich, 2008; Delling et al., 2011) and small highway dimensions (Abraham et al., 2010). We describe the notion of highway dimension in Section 3.3.3. Bast et al. remark that \proving better running time bounds than those of Dijkstra's algorithm is unlikely for general graphs; in fact, there are inputs for which most algorithms are ineective" (Bast et al., 2016). Abraham et al. show that, on undirected graphs with highway dimensionh and diameterD, after running a polynomial- time preprocessing routine, queries can be answered using contraction hierarchies or reach inO((h logh logD) 2 ) time, hub labeling in O(h logh logD) time, and long-range transit- node routing in O(h 2 ) time (Abraham et al., 2010). 2.3.3 Related Work: Grid Graphs Preprocessing-based path-planning algorithms have been studied less extensively on grid graphs than road networks. However, developments on road networks and the recent Grid-Based Path-Planning Competition (Sturtevant, 2012b) have spurred interest in the area over the past decade. Preprocessing-based path-planning algorithms on grid graphs typically use dierent techniques from their counterparts on road networks, due to the dierent structures and applications of grid graphs compared to road networks. Following Bast et al.'s example, we group preprocessing-based path-planning algorithms on grid graphs into several categories based on the techniques that they use. Abstraction techniques: Algorithms that use abstraction techniques construct an abstract graph G 0 of G whose vertices are either a subset of the vertices of G or represent groups of vertices of G. Unlike overlay graphs, abstract graphs do not 35 necessarily preserve distances on G. Therefore, abstract graphs can typically be constructed with fewer edges than overlay graphs, but cannot necessarily be used to nd shortest paths. Hierarchical path-nding A* (HPA*) (Botea, M uller, & Schaeer, 2004) partitions the vertices ofG into clusters by using larger grid cells and selects, for each adjacent pair of clusters, a single edge (u;v)2 E that connects them on G. These edges are called inter-edges, and their endpoints form the set of verticesS of the abstract graph. HPA* also adds intra-edges that connect vertices in S within the same cluster through shortest paths. That is, the abstract graph it uses can be considered to be multiple overlay graphs, one for each cluster, that are connected to each other through inter-edges. The abstract graph is then used as an overlay graph to answer queries, using the Connect-Search-Rene algorithm. However, since the abstract graph does not necessarily represent distances onG correctly, HPA* is not guaranteed to nd shortest paths. HPA* can be extended to use multiple levels of abstraction, each level of abstraction created by using larger grid cells to generate larger clusters. Partial renement A* (PRA*) (Sturtevant & Buro, 2005) uses a hierarchical ab- straction, where the lowest level of the hierarchy corresponds toG, and the vertices at higher levels of the hierarchy correspond to groups of vertices at lower levels. Specically, when generating the (i + 1)st level of the hierarchy, the vertices in the ith level are grouped into disjoint cliques of size at most 4. Each such clique becomes a vertex at level i + 1. An edge (U;V ) is added to the (i + 1)st level of abstraction if and only if, for some u2 U and v2 V , an edge (u;v) exists at the ith level of abstraction. The length of (U;V ) is determined by calculatingx- andy- coordinates forU andV by averaging thex- andy-coordinates of their constituent vertices, and then using these coordinates to determine the Euclidean (straight-line) distance between them. The preprocessing ends once the highest level contains a single vertex. During an s-t query, PRA* performs an A* search at every level of the hierarchy, starting at the highest level, from the abstract vertexS that contains s to the abstract vertex T that contains t. The path i found at level i is then used to constrain the search at leveli 1. Specically, any vertex at leveli 1 that is not contained in a higher-level vertex U that appears on i is pruned from the search. Since the distances are not preserved in higher-level abstractions, PRA* is not guaranteed to nd shortest paths. In order to nd short paths in practice, PRA* can perform searches starting at a lower level of the hierarchy, which is de- termined heuristically as levelbl=2c, wherel is the lowest level of the hierarchy that groups s and t into the same vertex. Finally, the path-planning algorithm used in the video game Dragon Age: Origins uses abstractions (Sturtevant & Geisberger, 2010). During preprocessing, the grid is divided into clusters (sectors), similar to HPA*. Each cluster is further subdivided into regions that correspond to dierent connected components within the cluster. The abstract graph contains a single representative vertex from each region, and edges between the representative vertices of adjacent regions. Similar to HPA*, the 36 abstract graph is used as an overlay graph to answer queries, and can be extended with additional levels of abstraction. Dead-end techniques: Algorithms that use dead-end techniques identify regions (subsets of vertices) of G that are relevant only for searches between some pairs of start and goal vertices. These regions can be considered to be dead-ends for searches between other pairs of start and goal vertices and therefore be safely pruned. Dead-end heuristics (Bj ornsson & Halld orsson, 2006) decompose G into smaller components and construct a component graph of G. s-t queries are answered by rst performing a depth-rst search on the component graph, between the compo- nentsS andT that contain the start and goal vertices, respectively, to identify the components that appear on someS-T path on the component graph. All other com- ponents are labeled as dead-ends, and are pruned from the subsequent A* search on G. Another idea for identifying dead-ends is based on the notion of swamps (Pochter, Zohar, Rosenschein, & Felner, 2010). A swamp is a set of vertices S whose removal from the graph does not change the distances between the remaining vertices. A set of (disjoint) swamps is called a modular swamp if and only if the union of any subset of them forms a swamp. During queries, the (individual) swamps (in a modular swamp) that do not contain the start or the goal vertex can be safely pruned from the search. Pochter et al. observe that some sets of verticesS 0 that are not swamps may become swamps if another set of vertices S is removed from the graph. They introduce swamp hierarchies to exploit this observation, in order to prune more vertices during searches. For brevity, we omit a more detailed description of swamp hierarchies. True-distance heuristics: Algorithms that use true-distance heuristics store pre- computed (true) distances between some pairs of vertices, which are then used to calculate well-informed heuristic distances during A* searches. One such exam- ple of a true-distance heuristic is the landmark heuristic that we have discussed in Section 2.3.2, which is referred to as the dierential heuristic by the heuristic search community (Sturtevant, Felner, Barrer, Schaeer, & Burch, 2009). Canonical heuristics (Sturtevant et al., 2009) and compressed dierential heuristics (Golden- berg, Sturtevant, Felner, & Schaeer, 2011) can be considered to be variants of dierential heuristics, where distances to only a small subset of (instead of all) the landmarks are stored for each vertex. Another class of true-distance heuristics are calculated by summing up true dis- tances, rather than subtracting them. These calculations can be considered to be similar to the calculations made by the algorithms that use bounded-hop techniques discussed in Section 2.3.2. Gateway heuristics (Bj ornsson & Halld orsson, 2006) are calculated by decomposing G into smaller components and constructing a compo- nent graph of G, similar to dead-end heuristics. During preprocessing, pairwise distances are computed and stored between gateways, which correspond to bound- aries between adjacent components. During queries, the heuristic distance between two vertices s and t is calculated by identifying gateways G s and G t associated 37 with the components containing s and t, respectively, that minimizes the value of the expression h(s;G s ) +d(G s ;G t ) +h(G t ;t), where h(u;G u ) = h(G u ;u) is equal to the minimum Octile distance between the vertex u and a vertex in the gateway G u . Border heuristics (Felner, Sturtevant, & Schaeer, 2009) are calculated us- ing a similar idea, but use pairwise distances between the components, instead of between gateways. Portal heuristics (Goldenberg, Felner, Sturtevant, & Schaeer, 2010) are also calculated using a similar idea, but use pairwise distances between the individual vertices in gateways, called portals. Although the ideas behind the calculation of these dierent heuristic distances are similar, they are calculated by using dierent decompositions of G into components. These dierences are beyond the scope of this overview. The calculation of portal heuristics can be considered to be implicitly using an over- lay graph of the set of portals. Similar to the vertices of overlay graphs constructed on road networks (Schulz et al., 2002; Holzer et al., 2009), the set of portals also form vertex separators of G. Similar to transit-node routing, portal heuristics use pairwise distances on the overlay graph. Goldenberg et al. propose a portal-based search algorithm that simply uses the components that contain the start and goal vertices plus the portal distance between these components. This algorithm is very similar to transit-node routing, except that the access nodes of vertices are not precomputed but identied during queries. First-move compression techniques: Algorithms that use rst-move compres- sion techniques compress rst-move tables. First-move tables are similar to pairwise- distance tables, except that each entry (s;t) in a rst-move table species the rst move, an edge (s;u), along a shortests-t path onG. First-move tables can be used to nd shortests-t paths by repeatedly following rst moves from s tot. Although rst-move tables and pairwise-distance tables have the same number ofO(jVj 2 ) en- tries, each entry in a rst-move table can be stored using onlydlogbe bits, where b is the maximum out-degree of a vertex ofG. On an 8-neighbor grid graph, since the maximum out-degree of a vertex is 8, each entry in a rst-move table can be stored using 3 bits. The algorithms that we describe in this category compress rst-move tables by grouping together entries that specify the same rst move. Copa (Botea, 2011; Botea & Harabor, 2013) compresses rst-move tables by ex- ploiting the observation that vertices that are \close together" on the grid graph can typically be reached from a vertex s with the same rst move. During prepro- cessing, for each vertex s2 V , the grid is divided into non-overlapping rectangles such that the vertices contained in each rectangle can be reached from s with the same rst move. During queries, the rst move along ans-t path can be determined by iterating over the rectangles computed for s to nd the rectangle that contains t. Copa also uses more sophisticated compression schemes, such as storing the most frequent rst move for each vertexs as the default rst move froms, and computing the rectangles for s accordingly. Single-row compression (SRC) (Strasser et al., 2015; Botea et al., 2015) orders the columns (which correspond to goal vertices) of rst-move tables so that their rows (which correspond to start vertices) contain consecutive entries with the same rst 38 Figure 2.9: Overlay graph of rectangular symmetry reduction on a 4-neighbor grid graph. Vertices of the overlay graph are placed at the cells at the boundaries of the rectangles. The overlay graph also contains edges between adjacent cells, which are not shown. Image downloaded from rectangular-symmetry-reduction/ . move, and stores each row compactly by representing consecutive entries with the same next move as intervals. During queries, it can determine the rst move along an s-t path by performing a binary search over the sequence of intervals stored for row s to nd the interval that contains t. SRC identies an ordering of columns in rst-move tables heuristically as the order of vertices expanded by a depth-rst search from a random vertex ofG. If more than one possible rst move exists from s to t, SRC picks the one that helps to minimize the size of the compressed table. An extension of SRC is multi-row compression (MRC), which also groups rows that have similar intervals, and stores their shared intervals only once. During queries, it can determine the rst move along an s-t path by performing two binary searches, one over the sequence of shared intervals and one over the sequence of individual intervals stored for row s, to nd the interval that contains t. Symmetry reduction techniques: Unlike road networks, grid graphs typically contain multiple shortest paths between two vertices. Algorithms that use symme- try reduction techniques try to avoid exploring all but one of these shortest paths. Rectangular symmetry reduction (RSR) (Harabor, Botea, & Kilby, 2011), although not described as such in the literature, uses overlay graphs to reduce symmetries on grid graphs. During preprocessing, RSR decomposes the grid into non-overlapping rectangular areas that do not contain blocked cells. Interior vertices of the rectan- gles are removed from the graph, and shortcut edges are added between boundary vertices to preserve shortest paths between them. This is equivalent to generating an overlay graph using vertex separators, where the removal of the boundary ver- tices of rectangles decomposes the grid graph into multiple disjoint (rectangular) components. Figure 2.9 shows an example of RSR's overlay graph on a 4-neighbor grid graph. Observe that not all paths on the grid graph are represented in RSR's overlay graph. For instance, the interiors of rectangles can only be traversed by 39 D A B C E 4 5 6 1 2 3 s (a) Diagonal-rst paths on a grid with no blocked cells. D A B C E 4 5 6 1 2 3 s (b) A jump point and its forced neighbors. Figure 2.10: Operation of jump-point search. going in a straight line, disallowing turns. During queries, RSR uses the Connect- Search-Rene algorithm, where the connection phases simply connect the start and goal vertices to the boundaries of the rectangles that respectively contain them, and the renement phases simply replace shortcut edges with corresponding paths that are guaranteed to move in straight lines. That is, the connection and renement phases of RSR exploit the fact that each rectangle can be considered as \freespace" (since the rectangles do not contain blocked cells). The subgoal graphs that we construct on grid graphs exploit a similar intuition, except that their vertices are placed at the corners of blocked cells and query vertices are connected to them using a dierent procedure. Jump-point search (JPS) (Harabor & Grastien, 2011) is an online (as opposed to preprocessing-based) path-planning algorithm on grid graphs. Sturtevant and Ra- bin break down JPS into three components; namely an A* search, a canonical ordering, and a successor generation (jumping) policy (Sturtevant & Rabin, 2016). Canonical orderings are (partial) orderings on the actions available to an agent. JPS uses the diagonal-rst canonical ordering: A path is said to be diagonal-rst if and only if all its 2-edge subpaths are shortest paths and no cardinal-to-diagonal turn on the path can be replaced with a diagonal-to-cardinal turn. JPS explores only diagonal-rst paths, using three simple rules. The rst two rules are as follows: 1) When expanding a vertex that is reached with a diagonal move, generate only those three successors that can be reached with moves in the same diagonal direction or its two associated cardinal directions. 2) When expanding a vertex that is reached with a cardinal move, generate only the successor that can be reached with a move in the same cardinal direction. Observe that these two rules are sucient to explore all diagonal-rst shortest paths that originate at a vertex on a grid with no blocked cells, as shown in Figure 2.10a. However, on grids with blocked cells, these two rules might fail to reach some of the vertices. Figure 2.10b shows an example where these two rules are insucient to reach C5 from C2. To address this issue, JPS uses a third rule: 3) Also generate the forced neighbors of expanded vertices, that is, successors v of u where the only shortest path from the parent of u to v passes throughu. For instance, in Figure 2.10b, C5 is a forced neighbor of B5 because the 40 only shortest path from the parent B4 of B5 to C5 ishB4, B5, C5i. With these three rules, JPS is guaranteed to nd shortest paths (Harabor & Grastien, 2011). Sturtevant and Rabin refer to A* search with these three rules as canonical A* search, and report that it runs2 times faster than A* search on grid graphs used in the video game Dragon Age: Origins. JPS extends canonical A* search with a jumping policy, which allows JPS to gen- erate and expand only the eponymous jump points (plus the start and goal ver- tices). When the start vertex is expanded, JPS uses the rst two rules described above to eciently scan the grid, but does not use the third rule to generate forced neighbors. Instead, it marks those vertices with forced neighbors as jump points, annotates them with the direction from which they are reached, and inserts them into the OPEN list. When JPS expands a jump point, it performs a similar scan of the grid, using the direction of the jump point to limit the directions of its scans. Figure 2.10b shows an example, where JPS expands C2 by scanning the grid (black lines) and generates (B5, Right) as a jump point successor of C2. When JPS ex- pands (B5, Right), it performs a similar scan (red lines) but only in two directions. Sturtevant and Rabin report that JPS runs1.4 faster than canonical A* search on grid graphs used in the video game Dragon Age: Origins. The subgoal graphs that we construct on grid graphs share several similarities with JPS. Namely, the vertices of our subgoal graphs are placed at convex corner cells, which are also the cells that JPS places jump points at. Furthermore, our connection algorithm explores diagonal-rst paths, similar to JPS's scans of the grid. Our connection algorithm uses clearance values to perform these scans eciently, which have been used in preprocessing-based variants of JPS (Harabor et al., 2014; Traish et al., 2016; Rabin & Sturtevant, 2016). We explore the similarities and dierences between subgoal graphs on grid graphs and JPS in more detail in Section 5.4, where we show that JPS can be understood as a search over a jump-point graph, which is a subgoal graph constructed on the direction-extended canonical grid graph. We also experimentally evaluate algorithms that use subgoal graphs, jump-point graphs, and their combinations with contraction hierarchies in Section 5.5. We also compare these algorithms with several variants of JPS that have been evaluated in the Grid- Based Path-Planning Competition. Among these JPS variants, JPS+BB (Rabin & Sturtevant, 2016) combines JPS with bounding boxes (that is, the geometric containers discussed in Section 2.3.2), and achieves query times that are slightly longer than SRC query times, the shortest query times in the Grid-Based Path- Planning Competition, but uses signicantly less memory. 2.4 Conclusions In this chapter, we have introduced state lattices, grid graphs, and road networks as graphs generated by discretizing conguration spaces of agents, provided an overview of search algorithms that can be used to nd paths on graphs, discussed the limitations and applications of preprocessing-based path planning, and discussed related work on road networks and grid graphs. We have not discussed related work on state lattices since, to 41 the best of our knowledge, no preprocessing-based path-planning algorithm exists that is specialized for state lattices. Our discussion of related work highlighted several algorithms that implicitly or explicitly use overlay graphs, which are also used by the subgoal graph framework that we introduce in the next chapter. 42 Chapter 3 The Subgoal Graph Framework In this chapter, we introduce the subgoal graph framework by augmenting overlay graphs with reachability relations, extend this framework to hierarchies of subgoal graphs, called N-level subgoal graphs, and introduce a suboptimal but complete variant, called strongly connected subgoal graphs. We apply this framework to state lattices and grid graphs in Chapters 4 and 5, respectively. This chapter is organized as follows. In Section 3.1, we motivate augmenting overlay graphs with reachability relations. In Section 3.2, we describe overlay graphs as they appear in the literature, introduce the three-phase Connect-Search-Rene algorithm to answer path queries using overlay graphs, discuss the relationship between overlay graphs and vertex contractions, and introduce extended overlay graphs and heavy contractions. In Section 3.3, we introduce the subgoal graph framework by augmenting overlay graphs with reachability relations, introduce bounded-distance reachability as a reachability re- lation, and prove that \locally sparse" subgoal graphs can be constructed with respect to bounded-distance reachability on graphs with small highway dimensions, introduce heavyR contractions that can be used for constructing subgoal graphs, and introduce an alternative method for constructing subgoal graphs. In Section 3.4, we introduce N-level overlay and subgoal graphs, discuss their relationship with contraction hierarchies, and introduce R contraction hierarchies by augmenting contraction hierarchies with reacha- bility relations. In Section 3.5, we introduce strongly connected subgoal graphs, that can be used to answer path queries suboptimally, and introduce an algorithm for constructing them. In Section 3.6, we summarize our theoretical results. 3.1 Introduction Several preprocessing-based path-planning algorithms on road networks and grid graphs use overlay graphs, either explicitly or implicitly, as discussed in Sections 2.3.2 and 2.3.3. An overlay graph of G is a graph G S that contains only a subset S V of the vertices of G. The edges of an overlay graph are the minimum set of edges required to ensure that, for every s;t2 S, d G (s;t) = d G S (s;t). Overlay graphs can be used to answer s-t path queries optimally by using the three-phase Connect-Search-Rene algorithm: In the connection phase, s and t are connected to the overlay graph to form the query overlay graph. In the search phase, the query overlay graph is searched for a shortest s-t path . In the renement phase, edges of are replaced with corresponding shortest paths on G. 43 The \benet" of using overlay graphs is that they are typically smaller than G, and thus searches on them are faster. The \cost" of using overlay graphs is that one has to perform connection and renement. Dierent algorithms that employ overlay graphs \pay" this cost in dierent ways. For instance, Schulz et al.'s overlay graphs (Schulz et al., 2000) and portal-based search pay the cost for connection by performing \local searches" during the connection phase. Transit-node routing, on the other hand, pays the cost for connection by precomputing and storing access nodes for every vertex and using a dierent path-planning algorithm to answer \local queries". Transit-node routing and Schulz et al.'s overlay graphs do not pay the cost for renement and settle for answering distance queries only, whereas portal-based search pays the cost for renement by performing A* searches between consecutive vertices on . Rectangular symmetry reduction arguably pays a much smaller cost for connection and renement, by exploiting a rectangular decomposition of the underlying grid graph to perform these procedures more eciently. Subgoal graphs are overlay graphs that are constructed with respect to a reachability relationR, with the aim of nding a good trade-o between the cost and benet of using overlay graphs. Intuitively, R is a list of pairs of vertices between which query subgoal (overlay) graphs are allowed to have edges. Although this requirement constrains how subgoal graphs can be constructed, and thus may result in longer search times, it can also result in shorter connection and renement times since the connection phases of queries answered using subgoal graphs can operate under the assumption that they only need to identify edges that satisfyR, and the renement phases can operate under the assumption that they only need to nd shortest paths between vertices that satisfy R. Schulz et al.'s overlay graphs, portal-based search, and rectangular symmetry reduc- tion exploit this idea to various degrees, by constraining the vertices of their overlay graphs to be vertex separators ofG. The vertex separators dene disjoint connected components in G and, during connection, only the connected components that contain the start and goal vertices are considered. Rectangular symmetry reduction further requires that each connected component corresponds to a rectangular area of unblocked cells in the underly- ing grid, avoiding search altogether during connection. Subgoal graphs can be considered to be a generalization of these ideas into a framework that can be specialized to dierent types of graphs by choosing a reachability relation. For instance, Schulz et al.'s overlay graphs, portal-based search, and rectangular symmetry reduction can be considered to be instantiations of this framework, where the reachability relation distinguishes those pairs of vertices that belong to the same connected component with respect to some vertex separator of G. The subgoal graph framework provides us with the means to exploit the freespace structure of grid graphs and state lattices, by capturing it with a reachability relation and exploiting it with ecient connection and renement algorithms, as we discuss in Chapters 4 and 5. 3.2 Overlay Graphs In this section, we discuss overlay and extended overlay graphs, how they can be con- structed, and how they can be used to answer path queries optimally. 44 This section is organized as follows. In Sections 3.2.1 and 3.2.2, we establish concepts such as covering, direct-reachability, overlay graphs, and extended overlay graphs, which serve as a theoretical foundation for several data structures and algorithms that we discuss in this dissertation. Our denition of overlay graphs is equivalent to the denition by Holzer et al., and our denition of extended overlay graphs is inspired by, but slightly dier from, their denition of extended multi-level overlay graphs (Holzer et al., 2009). In Section 3.2.3, we prove the optimality and minimality of overlay and extended overlay graphs. In Section 3.2.4, we introduce the three-phase Connect-Search-Rene algorithm to answer path queries optimally using overlay graphs, and discuss how it diers from the approach used by Holzer et al.. In Section 3.2.5, we describe the Overlay-Connect algorithm as it appears in the literature (Holzer et al., 2009), and discuss its variants. The Overlay-Connect algorithm can be used for constructing the edges of overlay graphs or for connecting the start and goal vertices to the overlay graph when answering path queries. In Section 3.2.6, we describe \vertex contractions", which appear in the literature (Geisberger et al., 2008) and are used for constructing contraction hierarchies, and show that they can be used to construct overlay graphs as well. We also introduce a variant, called \heavy contractions", for constructing extended overlay graphs. 3.2.1 Overlay Graphs An overlay graph G S is a graph that preserves the distances between a set of vertices S V (that is, for every s;t 2 S, d G S (s;t) = d G (s;t)), using the minimum set of shortcut edges (that is, edges that do not necessarily appear inG). Consider the example in Figure 3.1 1 : Figure 3.1a shows S V in red, and Figure 3.1b shows a clique of S, where the length of each edge (u;v) in the clique is equal to the u-v distance on G. This clique preserves the distances between vertices in S but has redundant edges, that is, edges whose removal from the clique does not change the distances on the clique. For instance, the edge (D1, F10) has the same length as the pathhD1, B4, B8, F10i. Therefore, removing the edge from the clique does not change the D1-F10 distance on the clique. Removing all redundant edges from the clique results in an overlay graph, which has no redundant edges, as shown in Figure 3.1(c). The (non-redundant) edges of overlay graphs can be characterized as direct-reachable: A pair of vertices (or, equivalently, an edge) (s;t)2VV is direct-reachable with respect to S V (equivalently, t is direct-reachable from s with respect to S) if and only if no shortest s-t path on G passes through an intermediate vertex n2 S. Every edge (s;t) in the clique of S that is not direct-reachable is redundant, since, if a shortest s-t path on G passes through an intermediate vertex n2S, then the pathhs;n;ti is an alternate shortest s-t path in the clique. Figure 3.1d shows an example where B8 is not direct- reachable from D1 (with respect to S) since a shortest D1-B8 path on G passes through B42S. Therefore, (B8, D1) is redundant and thus excluded from the overlay graph of S. 1 Although the techniques we discuss in this chapter are applicable to any directed graph, we use four- neighbor grid graphs as G in our examples since they are easy to visualize. The length of any edge (u;v) is equal to the u-v distance on G. 45 D A B C F E 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 (a) A 4-neighbor center grid graph with unit-length edges. SV = red vertices. D A B C F E 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 5 4 6 6 13 15 10 5 9 7 (b) Clique of S. D A B C F E 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 5 4 6 6 5 7 (c) The overlay graph G S preserves the distances between vertices in S using the minimum set of shortcut edges. D A B C F E 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 (d) (D1, B8) is not included in G S because B4 2S covers a shortest D1-B8 path on G. Figure 3.1: An overlay graph constructed on a 4-neighbor grid graph (G). The length of each shortcut edge (u;v) is equal the u-v distance on G. In the remainder of this section, we formally dene direct-reachability and overlay graphs, using the concept of covering: A vertex n covers an s-t path if and only if n is a vertex of with n62fs;tg (Holzer et al., 2009). Denition 3.1 extends the denition of \covering" by Holzer et al.. Denition 3.1 (Covering a path/pair of vertices). A vertexn covers a path =hp 0 ;:::;p k i if and only if n2fp 1 ;:::;p k1 g. A vertex n covers a pair of vertices (s;t)2 VV if and only if n covers at least one shortest s-t path on G. A set of vertices SV covers if and only if, there exists n2S such that n covers . A set of vertices S V covers (s;t) if and only if, there exists n2 S such that n covers (s;t). \Covering" is a fundamental concept in this dissertation which we frequently use in our theorems. We thus introduce the symbol \@" to denote that a vertex or set of vertices covers a path or a pair of vertices. Table 3.1 summarizes our notation for \covering" and highlights some of the equivalences in our denitions. Namely, Denition 3.2 denes direct-reachability in terms of covering, and Lemma 3.1 proves that n@ (s;t) if and only if d(s;t) =d(s;n) +d(n;t) and n62fs;tg. 46 Notation Meaning Equivalent meaning n@ n covers n2 and n62fs;tg, where is an s-t path n@ (s;t) n@ a shortest s-t path on G d(s;t) =d(s;n) +d(n;t) and n62fs;tg S@ 9n2S such that n@ S@ (s;t) 9n2S such that n@ (s;t) n6@ n does not cover n6@ (s;t) n does not cover (s;t) S6@ 8n2S, n6@ S6@ (s;t) 8n2S, n6@ (s;t) (s;t)2D V)V S Table 3.1: Covering notation. Denition 3.2 (Direct-reachability). Let SV . A pair of vertices (or an edge) (s;t) is direct-reachable with respect to S (equivalently, t is direct-reachable from s with respect to S) if and only if S6@ (s;t). We denote the set of all pairs of vertices inVV that are direct-reachable with respect to S as the set D S . Let AV and BV . We denote the set of all pairs of vertices in AB that are direct-reachable with respect to S as the set D A)B S AB. We denote the set of all pairs of vertices in AB that are direct-reachable with respect to S, except for pairs of the form (a;a), as the set D A!B S AB. That is: D S =D V)V S =f(a;b)2VV :S6@ (a;b)g, D A)B S =f(a;b)2AB :S6@ (a;b)g, and D A!B S =f(a;b)2AB :S6@ (a;b) and a6=bg. Denition 3.3 formally denes an overlay graphG S induced by a set of verticesSV , and is equivalent to the denition of an overlay graph by Holzer et al. (Holzer et al., 2009). Denition 3.3 (Overlay graph). The overlay graph induced by SV on G is the graph G S = (S;E 0 ;c 0 ), where: 1. E 0 =D S!S S =f(u;v)2SS :S6@ (u;v) and u6=vg 2. 8(u;v)2E 0 , c 0 (u;v) =d G (u;v) Observe that, by Assumption 1.3, G does not contain any redundant edges and can therefore be considered as the overlay graph G V =G induced by the set of vertices V . We now prove that, for every n;s;t2 V , n@ (s;t) if and only if d(s;t) = d(s;n) + d(n;t) andn62fs;tg, which we use in Section 3.2.3 to prove the minimality and optimality of overlay graphs. Lemma 3.1. For every n;s;t2V , n@ (s;t) if and only if d(s;t) =d(s;n) +d(n;t) and n62fs;tg. Proof. 1. If n@ (s;t), then d(s;t) =d(s;n) +d(n;t) and n62fs;tg: 1.1. Assume n@ (s;t). 47 1.2. There exists =hp 0 ;:::p k i such that is a shortests-t path onG andn@ (Denition 3.1, since n@ (s;t)). 1.3. n =p i for some 0<i<k (Denition 3.1, since n@). 1.4. Let 1 =hp 0 ;:::;p i i, 2 =hp i ;:::;p k i with = 1 2 andl() =l( 1 )+l( 2 ). 1.5. l() =d(s;t) (since is a shortest s-t path). 1.6. l( 1 ) =d(s;n) (otherwise, is not a shortest path). 1.7. l( 2 ) =d(n;t) (otherwise, is not a shortest path). 1.8. d(s;t) =d(s;n) +d(n;t) (since l() =l( 1 ) +l( 2 )). 1.9. n62fs;tg (Denition 3.1, since n@). 2. If d(s;t) =d(s;n) +d(n;t) and n62fs;tg, then n@ (s;t): 2.1. Assume d(s;t) =d(s;n) +d(n;t). 2.2. Assume n62fs;tg. 2.3. Let 1 be a shortest s-n path on G with l( 1 ) =d(s;n). 2.4. Let 2 be a shortest n-t path on G with l( 2 ) =d(n;t). 2.5. Let = 1 2 with l() =l( 1 ) +l( 2 ). 2.6. l() =l( 1 ) +l( 2 ) =d(s;n) +d(n;t) =d(s;t). 2.7. is a shortest s-t path on G (since l() =d(s;t)). 2.8. n@ (Denition 3.1, since n2, n6=s, and n6=t). 2.9. n@ (s;t) (Denition 3.1, since n@ and is a shortest s-t path on G). 3.2.2 Extended Overlay Graphs Extended overlay graphs can be considered to be overlay graphs that are \extended" with additional vertices. These \extensions" add the necessary set of edges to preserve distances between the \extended" set of vertices, but never remove any of the existing edges. Therefore, extended overlay graphs may contain redundant edges. However, as we prove in Section 3.2.3, extended overlay graphs have the minimum set of edges necessary to preserve overlay distances between their vertices. We use extended overlay graphs for three dierent purposes in this dissertation: (1) When connecting start and goal vertices to overlay graphs during queries, we only add new edges to the overlay graph but never remove existing edges. Therefore, query overlay graphs can be considered to be extended overlay graphs (Section 3.2.4). (2) We use extended overlay graphs to prove that all possible extensions of subgoal graphs into query subgoal graphs use only edges that satisfy a reachability relation (Section 3.3.2). (3) We use extended overlay graphs as building blocks for constructingN-level overlay (and subgoal) graphs (Sections 3.4.1). More formally, for every STV , the extended overlay graph G S;T (G S extended with TnS) is a graph that contains all edges that can appear in an overlay graph G U , for every U with S U T . Whereas the set of edges of an overlay graph G S is 48 D A B C F E 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 (a) Overlay graph G S . D A B C F E 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 s t (b) Overlay graph G S[fs;tg . D A B C F E 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 s t (c) Extended overlay graph G S;S[fs;tg . D A B C F E 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 (d) Extended overlay graph G S;T . Figure 3.2: Overlay and extended overlay graphs on a 4-neighbor grid graph. The length of each shortcut edge (u;v) is equal the u-v distance on G. characterized by the relation D S!S S , the set of edges of an extended overlay graph G S;T is characterized by the relation D T!T S . Therefore, for every S V , G S;S = G S , and G V;V =G V =G. Denition 3.4 formally denes extended overlay graphs. Denition 3.4 (Extended overlay graph). The extended overlay graph induced by S TV on G is the graph G S = (T;E 0 ;c 0 ), where: 1. E 0 =D T!T S =f(u;v)2TT :u6=v and S6@ (u;v)g and 2. 8(u;v)2E 0 , c 0 (u;v) =d(u;v). Figure 3.2 shows an example. When extending the overlay graph G S (Figure 3.2a) with the vertices s and t, edges that appear in G S[fs;tg (or in G S[fsg or G S[ftg ) but not in G S are added to G S , resulting in the extended overlay graph G S;S[fs;tg (Figures 3.2b and Figures 3.2c). Figure 3.2d shows an example whereG S;S[fs;tg is extended with three additional vertices. None of the extensions remove any existing edges. By denition, G S;T contains a superset of the edges of G T (that is, D T!T S D T!T T since T S). Therefore, similar to G T , G S;T preserves distances between the vertices in T , but does not necessarily have the minimum set of edges to do so. However, as we prove in the next section,G S;T has the minimum set of edges necessary to guarantee that, for every s;t2T , at least one shortest s-t path on G S;T is an overlay path, that is, a path that only uses vertices in S[fs;tg. Denition 3.5 formally denes overlay paths and overlay distances on extended overlay graphs. 49 Denition 3.5 (Overlay path/distance). Ans-t path =hp 0 ;:::;p n i onG S;T is an over- lay s-t path on G S;T if and only if p 1 ;:::;p n1 2S. The s-t overlay distance d O G S;T (s;t) on G S;T is the length of a shortest overlay s-t path on G S;T . As we prove in the next section, for every s;t2T , d O G S;T (s;t) =d G S;T (s;t) =d(s;t). Therefore, we use the notation \d O " only in the next section for proving this theorem, and simply use the notation \d" to represent (overlay) distances on (extended) overlay graphs throughout the dissertation. Our denition of extended overlay graphs is in uenced by the denition of extended multi-level overlay graphs by Holzer et al. (Holzer et al., 2009), and can be considered to be a slight variation of their \extended 2-level overlay graphs". Namely, in our denition, we allow an extended overlay graphG S;T to have edges between two vertices in T . Their denition of \extended 2-level overlay graphs" excludes such edges unless they are edges that already appear in G. As a result, N-level overlay (and subgoal) graphs, which we dene as hierarchies of extended overlay graphs in Section 3.4.1, are dierent from extended multi-level overlay graphs, have dierent theoretical properties, and are searched using dierent search algorithms. A detailed discussion of these dierences is beyond the scope of this dissertation since we do not consider N-level overlay (and subgoal) graphs as a main contribution of this dissertation (as we discuss in Section 5.5.11, there are other hierarchies that oer better query-time/memory trade-os than N-level subgoal graphs). 3.2.3 Optimality and Minimality of Extended Overlay Graphs We now prove the optimality and minimality of extended overlay graphs. The optimal- ity of extended overlay graphs means that, for every G S;T and s;t2 T , d O G S;T (s;t) = d G S;T (s;t) = d(s;t). The minimality of extended overlay graphs means that extended overlay graphs have the minimum set of edges necessary to guarantee their optimality. By the equivalence G S;S =G S , and the fact that every path on G S;S is an overlay path, these results extend to overlay graphs as well. We rst start with a useful lemma that proves that, for every s;t2T , an overlay s-t path exists on G S;T with l() =d G (s;t). Lemma 3.2. For every s;t2T , there exists an overlay s-t path on G S;T with l() = d(s;t). Proof. We prove the lemma assuming that s6= t. Otherwise, =hsi trivially satises the lemma. Let P = GenerateShortestOverlayPath be a procedure that is dened as follows: 1: hs;ti 2: while There exist (u;v)2 and n2S such that n@ (u;v) do 3: Replace (u;v) in withhu;n;vi 4: return We prove that P is guaranteed to return an overlay s-t path on G S;T with length d(s;t): 1. Let k2N be the number of times that line 2 is executed. 2. Let i be the value of the ith time that line 2 is executed. 50 3. For every (u;v)2 i , u6=v (proof by induction on i = 1;:::;k): 3.1. (base case) 1 =hs;ti and s6=t. 3.2. (induction step) Each time line 2 is executed, n62fu;vg (Denition 3.1, since n@ (u;v)). 4. L( i ) = P (u;v)2 d(u;v) =d(s;t) (proof by induction on i = 1;:::;k): 4.1. (base case) L( 1 ) =d(s;t) (since 1 =hs;ti). 4.2. (induction step) L( i ) =L( i1 ) =d(s;t): 4.2.1. L( i1 ) =d(s;t) (induction hypothesis). 4.2.2. d(u;v) =d(u;n) +d(n;v) (Lemma 3.1, since n@ (u;v)). 4.2.3. L( i ) =L( i1 )d(u;v) +d(u;n) +d(n;v) =L( i1 ). 5. P terminates (k<1): 5.1. Let > 0 be the minimum edge length in G. 5.2. 8i = 1;:::;k, id(s;t)=: 5.2.1. i hasi + 1 edges (since 1 has 1 and each iteration adds one more edge). 5.2.2. 8(u;v)2, d(u;v) (since u6=v). 5.2.3. L( i )i (since i has i edges). 5.2.4. d(s;t)i (since L( i ) =d(s;t)). 5.2.5. d(s;t)=i. 5.3. k is bounded (since,8i = 1;:::;k, i is bounded). 6. k is an overlay s-t path with length d(s;t): 6.1. 8(u;v)2 k ,S6@ (u;v) (Denition 3.1, since the condition on line 2 of Gener- ateShortestOverlayPath fails for k ). 6.2. 8(u;v)2 k , (u;v)2E 0 (Denition 3.4, since S6@ (u;v)). 6.3. Therefore, k is an s-t path on G S;T . 6.4. k is an overlay path (Denition 3.5, since every intermediate vertex n2S). 6.5. 8(u;v)2E 0 , c 0 (u;v) =d(u;v) (Denition 3.4). 6.6. l() = P (u;v)2 c 0 (u;v) = P (u;v)2 d(u;v) =L() =d(s;t). Theorem 3.3 (Optimality). For every s;t2T , d O G S;T (s;t) =d G S;T (s;t) =d(s;t). Proof. 1. Let G S;T = (T;E 0 ;c 0 ). 2. Let s;t2T . 51 3. d O G S;T (s;t)d(s;t) and d G S;T (s;t)d(s;t) (since, by Denition 3.4,8(u;v)2E 0 , c 0 (u;v) =d(u;v)). 4. d O G S;T (s;t) d(s;t) and d G S;T (s;t) d(s;t) (since, by Lemma 3.2, there exists an overlay s-t path on G S;T with l() =d(s;t)). To prove the minimality of extended overlay graphs, we rst prove two useful lemmata. Lemma 3.4 extends Denition 3.1 to extended overlay graphs. Namely, Denition 3.1 states that, for every n;s;t2V , n@ (s;t) if and only if there exists a shortest s-t path on G such that n@. Lemma 3.4 proves that, for every n2S and s;t2T , n@ (s;t) if and only if there exists a shortest overlay s-t path on G S;T with n@. Lemma 3.5 proves that edges of extended overlay graphs are unique shortest overlay paths. Lemma 3.4. For every n2 S and s;t2 T , n@ (s;t) if and only if there is a shortest overlay s-t path on G S;T with n@. Proof. 1. Let n2S. 2. Let s;t2T . 3. If n@ (s;t), then there exists a shortest overlay s-t path on G S;T with n@: 3.1. Assume n@ (s;t). 3.2. Let 1 be a shortest overlay s-n path on G S;T with l( 1 ) = d(s;n). Such 1 exists (Lemma 3.2, since s;n2T ). 3.3. Let 2 be a shortest overlay n-t path on G S;T with l( 2 ) = d(n;t). Such 2 exists (Lemma 3.2, since n;t2T ). 3.4. Let = 1 2 with l() =l( 1 ) +l( 2 ) =d(s;n) +d(n;t). 3.5. is an overlay path on G S;T (Denition 3.5, since 1 is an overlay s-n path, 2 is an overlay n-t path, = 1 2 , and n2S). 3.6. l() =d(s;n) +d(n;t) =d(s;t) (Lemma 3.1, since n@ (s;t)). 3.7. is a shortest s-t path on G S;T (since l() =d(s;t)). 3.8. n62fs;tg (Lemma 3.1, since n@ (s;t)). 3.9. n@. (Denition 3.1, since n62fs;tg and n2). 4. If there exists a shortest overlay s-t path on G S;T with n@, then n@ (s;t): 4.1. Assume =hp 0 ;:::p k i is a shortest overlay s-t path on G S;T . 4.2. Assume n@. 4.3. n =p i for some 0<i<k (Denition 3.1, since n@). 4.4. Let 1 =hp 0 ;:::;p i i, 2 =hp i ;:::;p k i with = 1 2 andl() =l( 1 )+l( 2 ). 4.5. l() =d(s;t) (Theorem 3.3, since is a shortest s-t path on G S;T ). 52 4.6. l( 1 ) =d(s;n) (otherwise, is not a shortest path on G S;T ). 4.7. l( 2 ) =d(n;t) (otherwise, is not a shortest path on G S;T ). 4.8. d(s;t) =d(s;n) +d(n;t). 4.9. n62fs;tg (Denition 3.1, since n@, which is an s-t path). 4.10. n@ (s;t) (Lemma 3.1, since d(s;t) =d(s;n) +d(n;t) and n62fs;tg). Lemma 3.5. Every edge (u;v) of G S;T is the unique shortest overlay u-v path on G S;T . Proof. 1. Let G S;T = (T;E 0 ;c 0 ). 2. Let (u;v)2E 0 . 3. hu;vi is a shortest overlay u-v path on G S;T : 3.1. l(hu;vi) =c 0 (u;v) =d(u;v) (Denition 3.4, since (u;v)2E). 3.2. hu;vi is an overlay path (Denition 3.5, sincehu;vi has no internal vertices). 3.3. hu;vi is a shortest path (Theorem 3.3, since l(hu;vi) =d(u;v)). 4. If is a shortest overlay u-v path on G S;T , then =hu;vi: 4.1. Assume =hp 0 ;:::;p k i is a shortest overlay u-v path on G S;T . 4.2. Assume (for contradiction) 6=hu;vi. 4.3. u6=v (Denition 3.4, since (u;v)2E 0 ). 4.4. k 2 (since u6=v and 6=hu;vi). 4.5. p 1 62fu;vg (Since u =p 0 and v =p k with k 2). 4.6. p 1 2S (Denition 3.5, since is an overlay path). 4.7. p 1 @ (Denition 3.1, since p 1 2 and p 1 62fu;vg). 4.8. p 1 @ (u;v) (Lemma 3.4, since p 1 @ and is a shortest overlay u-v path). 4.9. (u;v)62E 0 (Denition 3.4, since p 1 @ (u;v) and p 1 2S). 4.10. ? ((u;v)2E 0 and (u;v)62E 0 ). Theorem 3.6. An extended overlay graph G S;T has the minimum set of edges to ensure that, for every s;t2T , an overlay s-t path with l() =d(s;t) exists on G S;T . Proof. Since every edge (u;v) is the unique shortest overlayu-v path onG S;T (Lemma 3.5), removing (u;v) increases the length of a shortest overlay u-v path on G S;T . 53 3.2.4 Answering Queries Using Overlay Graphs As we have shown in the previous section, for every s;t2 V and S V , an s-t path exists on the extended overlay graph G S;S[fs;tg (Theorem 3.3). In order to nd an s-t path onG using the overlay graphG S , it is thus sucient to extendG S toG S;S[fs;tg , nd a shortest s-t path on G S;S[fs;tg , and then replace the edges of with corresponding shortest paths onG. Every edge of the form (u;s) or (t;u) can never appear on a shortest s-t path on G S;S[fs;tg . Therefore, we can instead extend G S into an s-t query overlay graph. More formally, the edges of G S;S[fs;tg are characterized by the relation: D S[fs;tg!S[fs;tg S =D S!S S [D s!S[ftg S [D S[ftg!s S [D t!S[fsg S [D S[fsg!t S : Since the edges inD S[ftg!s S [D t!S[fsg S can never appear on a shortests-t path, they can be left out from the s-t query overlay graph, whose edges can then be characterized by the relation: D S!S S [D s!S[ftg S [D S[fsg!t S : Denition 3.6 formally denes the s-t query overlay graph G s;t S . Denition 3.6 (s-t query overlay graph). Let G S = (S;E 0 ;c 0 ) be an overlay graph. The s-t query overlay graph is the graph G s;t S = (S[fs;tg;E 00 ;c 00 ) such that: 1. E ! =D s!S[ftg S =f(s;u) :u2S[ftg, S6@ (s;u), and u6=sg; 2. E =D S[fsg!t S =f(u;t) :u2S[fsg, S6@ (u;t), and u6=tg; 3. E 00 =E 0 [E ! [E ; and 4. 8(u;v)2E 00 , c 00 (u;v) =d(s;t). In this dissertation, we consider a three-phase approach to answering s-t path queries using overlay graphs, called the Connect-Search-Rene algorithm. We describe its three phases below, but formally dene it in Section 3.3.4 in the context of subgoal graphs. Our description assumes that we are using an overlay graph G S . Figure 3.3 shows an example of the operation of the Connect-Search-Rene algorithm. Connection phase: In the connection phase, G S is extended to the s-t query overlay graph G s;t S . The connection phase can be implemented as two searches on G, one in the forward direction from s to identify E ! = D s!S[ftg S and one in the backward direction from t to identify E =D S[fsg!t S . These searches should correctly determine the lengths of edges in E ! and E . We discuss how they can be performed in the next section and discuss variants that are allowed to identify a superset of the required edges for connection. An alternative to performing these searches during the connection phases of queries is performing them during the preprocessing phase and caching the results, essentially storing G S;V rather than G S . However, this might incur a memory overhead that is impractical for most real-world applications. Transit-node routing, for instance, uses a similar strategy but avoids storing edges between vertices inVnS and uses local queries to identify 54 D A B C F E 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 (a) Overlay graph G S . (Edges of G S are undirected since G is undirected.) D A B C F E 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 s t (b) Connection phase: Extend G S to the s-t query overlay graph G s;t S . D A B C F E 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 s t (c) Search phase: Find a shortest s-t path on G s;t S . D A B C F E 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 s t (d) Renement phase: Replace edges of with corresponding shortest paths on G. Figure 3.3: Answering queries using the Connect-Search-Rene algorithm and overlay graphs. them (Antsfeld, Harabor, Kilby, Walsh, et al., 2012). Speeding up the connection phase without an impractical memory overhead is one of the main motivations for augmenting overlay graphs with reachability relations. We discuss connection algorithms for our subgoal graphs that are specialized to exploit structure in state lattices and grids in Chapters 4 and 5, respectively. Search phase: In the search phase, G s;t S is searched for a shortest s-t path , typically by using an A* search or a bidirectional Dijkstra search. By Theorem 3.3, l() =d(s;t). This result holds even if the connection phase is allowed to identify supersets of E ! and E , as long as the length of each redundant edge (u;v) is greater than or equal to d(u;v). The search phase can be sped up by further preprocessing the overlay graph, for instance, by using an N-level overlay graph or a contraction hierarchy (Section 3.4). Renement phase: In the renement phase, each edge (u;v)2 is replaced with a shortest u-v path on G. This can be achieved by performing an A* search on G for each such edge, or by performing these searches during preprocessing and caching the results. To the best of our knowledge, none of the preprocessing-based path-planning algorithms that use overlay graphs perform such caching, and instead 55 use A* searches (portal-based search), use a special renement algorithm (rectan- gular symmetry reduction), or skip the renement phase and settle for answering distance queries only (transit node routing). We discuss renement algorithms for our subgoal graphs that are specialized to exploit structure in state lattices and grids in Chapters 4 and 5, respectively. The renement phase is not necessary when answering distance queries rather than path queries. Holzer et al. use a slightly dierent approach to answering queries using overlay graphs, that essentially combines the connection and search phases (Holzer et al., 2009): Their s-t query overlay graph corresponds to the overlay graph plus the connected com- ponents that contain s and t (induced by S, selected as a vertex separator of G), or simply a single connected component if it contains boths andt. This combination of the connection and search phases can be benecial in some cases, for instance, by allowing the \connection phase" to terminate early if the \search phase" nds a solution. How- ever, this argument only applies to a small set of queries, namely, when the s-t distance is smaller than the radius of the connected components that contain s and t. The sepa- ration of the two phases, on the other hand, allows us to have dierent implementations for the two phases, which is the case for the connection algorithms that we introduce in this dissertation. 3.2.5 Identifying Direct-Reachable Edges from a Source Vertex In this section, we describe three variants of an algorithm called Overlay-Connect. Given a source vertex s, a set of vertices S that can cover paths, and a target set of vertices T , Overlay-Connect can identify the set of edges D s!T S , along with their correct lengths (as distances on G). Overlay-Connect can be used during preprocessing to construct the edges of G S given S (by running it for every s2 S to identify D s!S S ), or during the connection phases of queries to connect the start and goal vertices to G S (to connect the goal vertex, Overlay-Connect is run on the reverse graph of G, unless G is undirected). The \conservative" variant of Overlay-Connect (Algorithm 2) appears in the literature as a method for constructing the edges of overlay graphs (Schultes & Sanders, 2007; Holzer et al., 2009). It is exact, that is, guaranteed to returnD s!T S along with the correct length of each edge. The \aggressive" and \stall-on-demand" variants of Overlay-Connect are approximate, that is, they may return a superset of D s!T S , but correctly identify the length of each edge (s;u)2 D s!T S and never underestimate the lengths of redundant edges they return. These variants were rst described in the context of highway-node routing (Schultes & Sanders, 2007), which answers queries using multiple levels of overlay graphs, and can be considered as a predecessor of contraction hierarchies. Conservative variant: This variant can be understood as a modied Dijkstra search that performs additional bookkeeping to identify whether each expanded vertex u is direct-reachable from s (with respect to S). It can identify D s!T S exactly, and is therefore called the \conservative" variant. Its dierences from a Dijkstra search are highlighted in blue in Algorithm 2. Recall that a Dijkstra search expands a vertex u only after expanding all vertices v with d(s;v)<d(s;u). In other words, a Dijkstra search expands a vertex u only 56 Algorithm 2 Overlay-Connect (Conservative) Blue text: Modications to Dijkstra's algorithm. Input: G = (V;E;c), start vertex s, covering vertices SV , target vertices TV Output: Edges E + =D s!T S , edge lengths c + as distances on G 1: E + ; 2: for all n2V do 3: g(n) 1 4: covered(n) false 5: OPEN fsg 6: CLOSED fg 7: g(s) 0 8: while OPEN contains a vertex u with covered(u) = false do 9: u vertex with minimum g-value in OPEN 10: Move u from OPEN to CLOSED 11: if covered(u) = false and u2Tnfsg then 12: Add (s;u) to E + with c + =g(u) 13: for all successors v of u such that v62 CLOSED do 14: if g(u) +c(u;v)<g(v) then . A strictly shorter path to v is found 15: covered(v) false 16: if g(u) +c(u;v)g(v) then 17: g(v) g(u) +c(u;v) 18: OPEN OPEN[fvg 19: if u2Snfsg or covered(u) = true then 20: covered(v) = true 21: return E + , c + after expanding all vertices v that can cover a shortest (s;u) path (Lemma 3.1). Algorithm 2 uses this fact to correctly propagate \covered" values for vertices: For every vertexu, covered(u) is set to true if and only if at least one of the (tentative) shortest s-u paths explored by the search is covered by S (lines 4, 14{15, and 19{ 20). Similar tog-values, covered-values are only tentative for vertices in OPEN, but exact for expanded vertices. Algorithm 2 terminates when all vertices in OPEN are covered (line 8) since, if the search were to continue, any paths to vertices not yet expanded by the search are guaranteed to be covered. An edge is added to E + for every expanded vertex u2T that is not covered (lines 1 and 11{12). Schultes and Sanders point out that, in this variant, \if the shortest-path tree contains one path that is not covered for a long time, the tree can get very big even though other branches might have been covered very early" (Schultes & Sanders, 2007). Figure 3.4b shows an example where S 6@ (A5, D2), causing the search to expand vertices within a radius of 6 and generate vertices within a radius of 7 from A5 (generated but not expanded vertices are connected to the search tree with dashed lines). 57 D A B C F E 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 s (a) Direct-reachable (black, A2, A6, E4) and non-direct-reachable (orange, B8, C7) vertices from s. D A B C F E 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 s (b) Conservative variant: Propagate \covered", terminate when all vertices in OPEN are covered. D A B C F E 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 s (c) Aggressive variant: Don't expand vertices in S. D A B C F E 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 s (d) Stall-on-demand variant: Stall (don't expand) vertices in S. Stall vertices whose parents can be changed to a stalled vertex without increasing their g-values. Figure 3.4: Variants of the Overlay-Connect algorithm. Vertices in S are shown in red. Black vertices are direct-reachable from s with respect to S, while orange vertices are not. Aggressive variant: This variant is simply a Dijkstra search that does not expand vertices in Snfsg. That is, it \aggressively" prunes its search tree at vertices in Snfsg. This pruning does not violate the correctness of this variant, since any paths explored through a vertex in Snfsg are, by denition, covered. Compared to the conservative variant, this variant can avoid the overhead of maintaining \covered" values for vertices, and can avoid expanding vertices that are \disconnected" from s ifS were to be removed fromG. Figure 3.4c shows an example, where the search, unlike the conservative variant, does not explore beyond C7 and B8 due to its aggressive pruning. Schultes and Sanders point out that the drawback of this approach is that the search might continue \around" the vertices inS and, in the worst case, explore the whole graph without the early termination of the conservative approach (Schultes & Sanders, 2007). That is, the search is guaranteed to expand every vertex u that is not \disconnected" from s if S were to be removed from G. For instance, in Figure 3.4c, removing S separates G into two components, and the aggressive 58 variant expands all vertices in the component that contains s. As a result: (1) It is no longer guaranteed that, for every expanded vertex u, the shortest s-u path in the search tree is a shortest path on G. For instance, in Figure 3.4c, A1 is reached with a path of length 8, where d(A5,A1) = 4. (2) The aggressive variant is not exact. For instance, in Figure 3.4, if the aggressive variant were used to identify D s)S S , it would identify (A5,B8) as an edge, even though A6@ (A5,B8). Stall-on-demand variant: This variant tries to address the problem of the ag- gressive variant by \stalling" the search (that is, not expanding a vertex) not just at vertices in S but also at vertices whose parents can be changed to a stalled vertex without increasing theirg-values. Similar to the aggressive variant, the stall- on-demand variant does not expand vertices in S, but marks them as \stalled" instead. Similar to how the conservative variant propagates \covered" values, the stall-on-demand variant \lazily" propagates \stalled" values. That is, since a stalled vertex is not expanded, the fact that it is stalled is not communicated to its suc- cessors. Instead, whenever a vertex n is selected for expansion, a stall-on-demand check is performed to see if it can be stalled: n is stalled if and only if n has a predecessor p such that p is stalled and g(p) +c(p;n)g(n). If n is stalled due to a stalled predecessor p, its g-value is updated to g(p) +c(p;n). Figure 3.4d shows an example. A6 is stalled when it is selected for expansion because A62S. When the search selects B6 for expansion, the search checks if B6 can be stalled by scanning its predecessors. Since its predecessor A6 is stalled and since g(A6) +c(A6,B6) = 1 + 1 g(B6) = 2, the search stalls B6 as well. As a result, the search avoids exploring beyond A6 and B6, unlike both the aggressive and conservative variants. Similarly, E4 is stalled because E42S. This stalling is then propagated to E3, E2, and E1, as each of these vertices are selected for expansion and \demand" to be stalled. The stalling does not violate the correctness of this variant since the stalling check for a vertex n essentially veries either that n is reached with a suboptimal path or that an equal length path can be found that passes through a vertex in S (through a chain of stalled vertices). Although the stall-on-demand variant can mitigate the problem of the aggressive variant, it is not guaranteed to eliminate the problem completely. For instance, in Figure 3.4d, similar to the aggressive variant, the stall-on-demand variant expands B1 with g(B1) = 7. Unlike the aggressive variant, the g-value of A1 is updated to 4 (from 8) when A1 is stalled by A2. Although the stall-on-demand variant expands no more vertices than the aggressive variant, each expansion involves a stalling check that scans the predecessors of the vertex selected for expansion. Stall-on-demand is a technique that appears in various forms and contexts in the literature (Schultes & Sanders, 2007; Geisberger et al., 2008). The version that we have described is adapted from the contraction hierarchy implementation in the Grid-based Path-Planning Competition, which we discuss further in Section It is similar to the stall-on-demand technique described by (Geisberger et al., 2008), which additionally performs a breadth-rst search from a stalled vertex when its g-value is updated. The breadth-rst search is run only on the search tree of the Dijkstra search in an attempt to correct g-values and stall more vertices. For 59 instance, in Figure 3.4d, when A1 is stalled by A2, its g-value is reduced from 8 to 4. A breadth-rst search from A1 would also update the g-value of B1 from 7 to 5 and mark it as stalled. The connection algorithms that we develop for our subgoal graphs on state lattices build upon the aggressive variant of Overlay-Connect, using reachability relations (rather than vertex separators or stall-on-demand) to \bound" the search. Our connection al- gorithms exploit the freespace structure of state lattices to replace the Dijkstra search with a depth-rst search, and one variant avoids performing duplicate detection, result- ing in signicantly smaller average vertex-expansion times. We experimentally evaluate the three variants of Overlay-Connect on state lattices in Chapter 4, for a reachability relation that does not exploit the freespace structure of state lattices. 3.2.6 Contractions and Heavy Contractions As discussed in the previous section, the edges of overlay graphs and extended overlay graphs can be constructed with the Overlay-Connect algorithm. In this section, we describe a dierent method for constructing their edges with vertex contractions; an operation that is used for constructing contraction hierarchies (Geisberger et al., 2008). The aim of this section is to understand vertex contractions in the context of (extended) overlay graphs and introduce a variant, called heavy contractions, to lay the groundwork for the variants of vertex contractions that we develop in Sections 3.3.5 and 3.4.2, which can be used to construct (N-level) subgoal graphs and augment contraction hierarchies with reachability relations, respectively. Algorithm 3 outlines the Contract (black and blue text) and HeavyContract (black and red text) operations. Algorithm 3 Contract and HeavyContract Blue text: Only for Contract. Red text: Only for HeavyContract. Input: Overlay graph G S = (S;E 0 ;c 0 ) / Extended overlay graph G S;T = (T;E 0 ;c 0 ), vertex n2S to remove from S Output: Overlay graph G Snfng / Extended overlay graph G Snfng;T 1: E + ; 2: for all (p;n)2E 0 do 3: for all (n;s)2E 0 do 4: d length of a shortest p-s overlay path that does not pass through n 5: if d>c 0 (p;n) +c 0 (n;s) then 6: E + :=E + [f(p;s)g 7: c 0 (p;s) =c 0 (p;n) +c 0 (n;s) 8: E =f(u;v)2E 0 :u =n or v =ng 9: return G Snfng;T = (Snfng;T; (E 0 [E + )nE ;c 0 ) Contract: Contracting a vertex n from a graph removes it from the graph and adds the minimum set of shortcut edges to preserve the distances between the 60 remaining vertices. Contracting a vertex n2 S from an overlay graph G S creates the overlay graphG Snfng , as we prove at the end of this section (Theorem 3.9). To contract a vertexn2S fromG S , the Contract operation performs a witness search from every predecessor p to every successor s of n, to determine whether the path hp;n;si is the unique shortest p-s path on G S (lines 2{5). This search is typically performed by removing (the incident edges of) n from G S and performing a p-s search on the remaining graph. If the p-s distance increases, that is, if a witness path of length equal tol(hp;n;si) is not found, the shortcut edge (p;s) is added with length l(hp;n;si) to preserve the p-s distance on G Snfng (lines 1, 6, 7, 9). After all necessary shortcut edges have been identied, n is removed from the graph along with its incident edges (lines 8{9). Figure 3.5 shows an example of the Contract operation on an undirected graph. D3 has three neighbors in G S (Figure 3.5a), namely D1, B4, and F5. To contract D3 fromG S , the Contract operation performs three witness searches for all pairings of these three vertices (ifG S were a directed graph, six witness searches would be per- formed). The witness search for a D1-B4 path that does not pass through D3 nds the pathhD1, F1, F5, B4i with length 11, which is greater thanl(hD1,D3,B4i) = 5, verifying thathD1,D3,B4i is the unique shortest D1-B4 path onG S . Therefore, the shortcut edge D1-B4 is added to G SnfD3g with length 5 (Figure 3.5b). The witness search for a D1-F5 path that does not pass through D3 nds the pathhD1, F1, F5i with length 6, which is smaller than or equal tol(hD1, D3, F5i) = 6. Therefore, the shortcut edge (D1,F5) is not necessary to preserve the D1-F5 distance on G SnfD3g . The edge (B4, F5) already appears inG S as the unique shortest B4-F5 path and is not added to the graph for a second time. The Contract operation can be used to generate the overlay graph G S from G, by starting with the overlay graph G V = G and repeatedly contracting all vertices n2VnS. HeavyContract: Heavy contracting a vertex n2 S from the extended overlay graph G S;T creates the extended overlay graph G Snfng;T . The HeavyContract op- eration diers from the Contract operation in two ways: (1) Recall that, for every s;t2 T , an extended overlay graph G S;T is guaranteed to contain an s-t overlay path with l() = d(s;t). Therefore, when heavy contracting a vertex n2 S from G S;T , for every predecessor p and successor s of n, the shortcut edge (s;p) is required if and only ifhp;n;si is the unique shortest overlay path on G S;T . As a result, witness searches in heavy contractions look for shortest overlay paths rather than shortest paths (line 4). (2) Since heavy contracting n from G S;T removes it only from S but not from T , its incident edges are not discarded (lines 8{9). Figure 3.5 shows an example. Similar to contracting D3 from G S , heavy contract- ing D3 fromG S;S =G S requires three witness searches and adds the shortcut edge (D1,B4). However, it does not discard the edges incident to D3 (Figure 3.5c). In the resulting graph G SnfD3g;S , B4 has one additional neighbor, D3, as opposed to the graph G SnfD3g that results from contracting D3 from G S . Therefore, heavy contracting B4 from G SnfD3g;S (Figure 3.5e) requires more witness searches than 61 D A B C F E 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 4 6 7 3 2 4 5 4 2 (a) Overlay graph G S = extended overlay graph G S;S . D A B C F E 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 5 4 6 7 4 5 2 (b) Contracting D3 from G S results in G SnfD3g . D A B C F E 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 5 4 6 7 3 2 4 2 5 4 (c) Heavy contracting D3 from G S;S results in G SnfD3g;S . D A B C F E 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 6 9 7 4 2 (d) Contracting B4 from G SnfD3g results in G SnfD3;B4g . D A B C F E 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 5 4 6 5 7 7 3 2 4 9 4 2 (e) Heavy contracting B4 from G SnfD3g;S results in G SnfD3;B4g;S . Figure 3.5: Using contractions and heavy contractions to generate overlay and extended overlay graphs, respectively. 62 contracting B4 from G SnfD3g (Figure 3.5d), and results in the additional short- cut edge (D3,B8). Heavy contracting B4 from G SnfD3g;S adds the shortcut edge (D1,B8), similar to contracting B4 from G SnfD3g . Even though an alternate short- est D1-B8 path =hD1, D3, B8i exists, it is not an overlay path (since D3 @ but D362SnfD3g) and therefore ignored by the witness search. The HeavyContract operation can be used to generate the extended overlay graph G S;T from the overlay graph G T , by starting with the extended overlay graph G T;T = G T and repeatedly heavy contracting all vertices n2 TnS. Since heavy contractions do not discard existing edges but may add new ones, repeatedly heavy contracting vertices from G T;T typically increases the average number of predeces- sors and successors of other vertices. As a result, subsequent heavy contractions typically require witness searches between a greater number of predecessor-successor pairs and identify more shortcut edges than contractions would do after repeatedly contracting (rather than heavy contracting) a number of vertices from G T =G T;T , which we think justies the term \heavy" to describe this variant of contractions. We now prove that contractions and heavy contractions can be used to construct overlay and extended overlay graphs, respectively. In Lemma 3.7, we prove that an edge (u;v) appears in the extended overlay graph G Snfng;T but not in G S;T if and only if hu;n;vi is the unique shortest overlay u-v path on G S;T . That is, we characterize the edges that should be added when heavy contracting n from G S;T as those edges (u;v) wherehu;n;vi is the unique shortest overlay u-v path on G S;T . In Lemma 3.8, we prove that heavy contractions correctly determine those edges. In Theorem 3.9, we combine the two lemmata to prove that heavy-contacting n2S fromG S;T results inG Snfng;T . In Corollary 3.10, we use Theorem 3.9 to show that contracting n2 S from G S results in G Snfng . Lemma 3.7. For every n2S and u;v2T ,hu;n;vi is the unique shortest overlay u-v path on G S;T if and only if n@ (u;v) and Snfng6@ (u;v). Proof. 1. Let G S;T = (T;E 0 ;c 0 ). 2. Let u;v2T . 3. Let n2S. 4. If n@ (u;v) and Snfng6@ (u;v), thenhu;n;vi is the unique shortest overlay u-v path on G S;T : 4.1. Assume that n@ (u;v). 4.2. Assume that Snfng6@ (u;v). 4.3. Let =hp 0 ;:::;p k i be a shortest overlay u-v path on G S;T with n@. Such exists (Lemma 3.4, since n@ (u;v) with n2S and u;v2T ). 4.4. 6=hu;vi: 4.4.1. (u;v)62E 0 (Denition 3.4, since n@ (u;v)). 63 4.5. Snfng6@ (Lemma 3.4, sinceSnfng6@ (u;v) withSnfngS andu;v2T ). 4.6. p 1 ;:::;p k1 62Snfng (Denition 3.1, since Snfng6@). 4.7. p 1 ;:::;p k1 2S (Denition 3.5, since is an overlay path). 4.8. p 1 ;:::;p k1 2fng (since p 1 ;:::;p k1 2S and p 1 ;:::;p k1 62Snfng). 4.9. =hu;n;vi (since 6=hu;vi and p 1 ;:::;p k1 2fng). 5. If =hu;n;vi is the unique shortest overlay u-v path on G S;T , then n@ (u;v) 5.1. Assume that =hu;n;vi is the unique shortest overlay u-v path on G S;T . 5.2. n@ (Denition 3.1, since n2 and n62fu;vg). 5.3. n@ (u;v) (Lemma 3.4, since n@ and is a shortest overlay u-v path on G S;T ). 6. If =hu;n;vi is the unique shortest overlayu-v path onG S;T , thenSnfng6@ (u;v): 6.1. Assume that =hu;n;vi is the unique shortest overlay u-v path on G S;T . 6.2. Assume (for contradiction) that there exists w2Snfng such thatw@ (u;v). 6.3. Let 0 be a shortest overlay u-v path on G S;T with w @ 0 . Such 0 exists (Lemma 3.4, since w@ (u;v) with w2S and u;v2T ). 6.4. 0 6= (since w6=n and w@ 0 ). 6.5. ? ( is the unique shortest overlay path and 0 6= is a shortest overlay path). Lemma 3.8. After heavy contracting a vertex n2S using Algorithm 3, for every u;v2 T , it holds that (u;v)2 E + if and only ifhu;n;vi was the unique shortest overlay u-v path on G S;T . Proof. Let u;v2T and n2S. 1. Ifhu;n;vi is the unique shortest overlay u-v path, then (u;v)2E + : 1.1. (u;n); (n;v)2E 0 (since (u;n;v) is a path). 1.2. Lines 4{6 will be executed with p =u and s =v (since (u;n); (n;v)2E 0 ). 1.3. On line 4,d>d(u;v) =c 0 (u;n) +c 0 (n;v) (sincehu;n;vi is the unique shortest overlay u-v path on G S;T ). 1.4. Therefore, the check on line 5 succeeds and (u;v) is added to E + . 2. If (u;v)2E + , thenhu;n;vi is the unique shortest overlay u-v path. 2.1. Let =hp 0 ;:::;p k i be a shortest overlay u-v path. 2.2. Lines 4{6 are executed with p =u and s =v (since (u;v)2E + ). 2.3. The check on line 5 is successful (since (u;v)2E + ). 2.4. (u;n); (n;v)2E 0 (since lines 4{6 are executed with p =u and s =v). 64 2.5. All shortest overlayu-v paths usen as an intermediate vertex (since the check on line 5 is successful). 2.6. hu;ni andhn;vi are unique shortest overlay u-n and n-v paths, respectively (Lemma 3.5, since (u;n); (n;v)2E 0 ). 2.7. Therefore, =hu;n;vi. Theorem 3.9. Heavy contracting a vertex n2S fromG S;T returns the extended overlay graph G Snfng;T . Proof. 1. Let u;v2T be arbitrary vertices with u6=v. 2. Let n2S. 3. (u;v) is an edge of G Snfng;T and not an edge of G S;T if and only if n@ (u;v) and Snfng6@ (u;v): 3.1. (u;v) is not an edge of G S;T if and only if S@ (u;v) (Denition 3.4). 3.2. (u;v) is an edge of G Snfng;T if and only if Snfng6@ (u;v) (Denition 3.4). 3.3. If Snfng6@ (u;v), then S@ (u;v) if and only if n@ (u;v) (Denition 3.1). 3.4. Therefore, (u;v) is an edge of G Snfng;T and not an edge of G S;T if and only if n@ (u;v) and Snfng6@ (u;v). 4. (u;v)2E + if and only if n@ (u;v) and Snfng6@ (u;v) (Lemmata 3.7 and 3.8). 5. Therefore, (u;v)2E + if and only if (u;v) is an edge of G Snfng;T but not an edge of G S;T . Corollary 3.10. Contracting a vertex n from G S returns the overlay graph G Snfng . Proof. From Theorem 3.9, heavy contracting n2S from G S;S results in G Snfng;S . Con- tractingn fromG S adds the same set of shortcut edges as heavy contractingn fromG S;S since G S =G S;S and since all paths on G S;S are overlay paths. Contracting n from G S removes all edges incident ton, which are precisely the edges that appear inG Snfng;S but not in G Snfng (Denitions 3.3 and 3.4). 3.3 Subgoal Graphs As discussed in Sections 3.1 and 3.2.5, several preprocessing-based path-planning algo- rithms that (explicitly or implicitly) use overlay graphs to answer queries constrain the vertices of their overlay graphs in various ways to speed up the connection and renement phases of their queries. Subgoal graphs can be considered to be a generalization of this idea: Subgoal graphs are overlay graphs constructed with respect to a given reachability 65 relation R, that is, a binary relation dened over the pairs of vertices VV of G. For every s;t2 V , s-t query subgoal (overlay) graphs contain only R-reachable edges, that is, edges (u;v)2R. Therefore, the connection phases of queries answered using subgoal graphs only need to identify R-reachable edges, and the renement phases only need to nd shortest paths between R-reachable pairs of vertices. In this dissertation, we use subgoal graphs to exploit the freespace structure in state lattices and grid graphs, by using a reachability relation to capture this structure and using specialized connection and renement algorithms during queries to exploit this structure. This section is organized as follows. In Section 3.3.1, we formally dene reachability relations and introduce bounded-distance reachability as a reachability relation, which we use as a running example in this chapter and as a reachability relation to compare against on state lattices in Chapter 4. In Section 3.3.2, we formally deneR shortest-path covers and subgoal graphs, and prove that, if the vertices of a subgoal graph form anR shortest- path cover, then every extension of this subgoal graph into a query subgoal graph contains R-reachable edges only. In Section 3.3.3, we discuss the similarities and dierences of our denition for shortest path covers with those that appear in the literature, discuss how they relate to the notion of highway dimension, and prove that it is possible to construct \locally sparse" bounded-distance reachability shortest-path covers on graphs with low highway dimensions. In Section 3.3.4, we introduce a class of algorithms that can be used for connection and renement during queries, called R-connect and R-rene algorithms, and characterize how they should operate so that they can be used for nding shortest paths. In Section 3.3.5, we introduce heavyR contractions, which can be used to construct subgoal graphs by pruning an R shortest-path cover. In Section 3.3.6, we introduce an alternative method of constructing subgoal graphs by growing an R shortest-path cover. 3.3.1 Reachability Relations In this section, we formally dene reachability relations, introduce notation for reachabil- ity relations, and introduce bounded-distance reachability as a reachability relation that we use as an example throughout the remainder of this chapter and as a reachability relation to compare against on state lattices in Chapter 4. As we have discussed in Section 3.2.5, Overlay-Connect can identify all direct-reachable vertices from a given vertex s (with respect to a set of vertices S). Consider the search tree of the aggressive variant of Overlay-Connect shown in Figure 3.6a. The furthest direct-reachable vertices from s, B1 and C2, have a distance of 4 from s, but the ag- gressive variant of Overlay-Connect expands many more vertices, up to a distance of 8 from s, by going \around" the vertices in S. However, if it is known that \the furthest direct-reachable vertex from s has a distance of 4 from s", we could augment the ag- gressive variant of Overlay-Connect to avoid generating vertices that have a distance of more than 4 from s (Figure 3.6b). Reachability relations allow us to represent notions such as \distance of no more than 4 away", so that we can construct overlay graphs with respect to them, allowing us to implement connection and renement algorithms that can operate under certain assumptions, such as \every edge needed to connect a vertex to a subgoal graph has a length of no more than 4". Denition 3.7 formally denes reachability relations. 66 D A B C F E 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 s (a) Aggressive Overlay-Connect. D A B C F E 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 s (b) Aggressive Overlay-Connect with bound 4. Figure 3.6: Bounding the aggressive variant of Overlay-Connect by using BD4 as reach- ability relation. Vertices in S are shown in red. Black vertices are direct-reachable from s with respect to S, while orange vertices are not. Denition 3.7 (R-reachability). A reachability relation is a relation R VV that satises: 1. 8n2V , (n;n)2R and 2. 8(u;v)2E, (u;v)2R. By denition, a reachability relation R includes every edge of G (that is, E R). As we discuss in the next section, this requirement guarantees that, for every R, we can construct a subgoal graph on G with respect to R. Direct-reachability with respect to a set of vertices S V , that is, D S , can also be considered to be a reachability relation: For each n2 V , (n;n)2 D S since no S can cover the unique shortest n-n pathhni, and, for each (u;v)2E, (u;v)2D S since no S can cover the unique shortest u-v pathhu;vi (Assumption 1.3). The combination (intersection) of any two reachability relations R 1 and R 2 (that is, R 1 \R 2 ) is also a reachability relation. We refer to the combination of a reachability rela- tionR with the direct-reachability relation with respect to S as the direct-R-reachability relation with respect to S, and denote it as R S . That is, R S =R\D S . Throughout the rest of this chapter, we use bounded-distance reachability as an exam- ple reachability relation. A vertex t is bounded-distance reachable from a vertex s if and only ifd(s;t)b for some given reachability boundb. We use the notation BDb to denote bounded-distance reachability with bound b. For the 4-neighbor grid graphs that we use as examples in this chapter, for everyb 1, BDb is a reachability relation since, for every edge (u;v) of the 4-neighbor grid graph, d(u;v) = 1 and, therefore, (u;v)2 BDb. 3.3.2 Subgoal Graphs Suppose that we are given a reachability relation R and want to construct an overlay graph G S such that, for every s;t2 V , the s-t query overlay graph G s;t S contains R- reachable edges only. Recall that the set of edges of any s-t query overlay graph G s;t S is a subset of the edges of the extended overlay graph G S;V (Denitions 3.4 and 3.6). 67 D A B C F E 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 (a) An overlay graph that is not a BD4 subgoal graph: S6@ (A5,F5) and (A5,F5)62 BD4. D A B C F E 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 (b) A BD4 subgoal graph. For every s;t2V , S@ (s;t) or (s;t)2 BD4. Figure 3.7: A BD4 subgoal graph and an overlay graph that is not a BD4 subgoal graph. Therefore, if we choose anS such that the extended overlay graph G S;V hasR-reachable edges only, then we guarantee that every s-t query overlay graph G s;t S has R-reachable edges only. Denition 3.8 captures this \constraint" on S with the concept of an R shortest path cover: Recall that, for every u;v2 V , G S;V contains an edge (u;v) if and only if S6@ (u;v). That is, if (u;v)62R, in order to not have the non-R-reachable edge (u;v) in G S;V , it should hold that S@ (u;v). Denition 3.8 (Shortest path cover). S is anR shortest-path cover (R-SPC) if and only if,8s;t2V , (s;t)2R or S@ (s;t). We call an overlay graph G S where S is an R-SPC an R subgoal graph or, simply, a subgoal graph if the specic R is not important. Denition 3.9 denes subgoal graphs. Denition 3.9 (Subgoal graph). An overlay graph G S is called an R subgoal graph if and only if S is an R-SPC. Figure 3.6b shows an example of a BD4 subgoal graph. The overlay graph in Fig- ure 3.6a is not a BD4 subgoal graph although its edges are all BD4-reachable: Its set of vertices S6@ (A5,F5), which means that its extension into an F5-t query overlay graph (for any t) would require the non-BD4-reachable edge (A5,F5). Denition 3.10 denes partial R-SPCs, which can be considered as R-SPCs for only a subset TV of the vertices of G. We use partial R-SPCs for our denition of N-level subgoal graphs in Section 3.4.2. Denition 3.10 (Partial shortest path cover). S is a partial R shortest-path cover of T ((R;T )-SPC) if and only if,8s;t2T , (s;t)2R or S@ (s;t). Lemma 3.11 follows from the denition of (R;T )-SPCs, and also holds for R-SPCs since R-SPCs are equivalent to (R, V )-SPCs. Lemma 3.11. If S is an (R;T )-SPC, then, for every S 0 S, R 0 R and T 0 T , S 0 is an (R 0 ;T 0 )-SPC. 68 We conclude this section by proving that an extended overlay graph G S;T has only R-reachable edges if and only if S is an (R;T )-SPC. Theorem 3.12. An extended overlay graph G S;T has only R-reachable edges if and only if S is an (R;T )-SPC. Proof. 1. Let G S;T = (T;E 0 ;c 0 ). 2. If S is an (R;T )-SPC, then,8(u;v)2E 0 , (u;v)2R: 2.1. Assume that S is an (R;T )-SPC. 2.2. Assume (for contradiction) that there exists (u;v)2E 0 such that (u;v)62R. 2.3. u;v2T (Denition 3.4, since (u;v)2E 0 ). 2.4. (u;v)2R or S@ (u;v) (Denition 3.10, since S is an (R;T )-SPC and u;v2 T ). 2.5. S@ (u;v) (since (u;v)62R). 2.6. (u;v)62E 0 (Denition 3.4, since S@ (u;v)). 2.7. ? (since (u;v)2E 0 and (u;v)62E 0 ). 3. If,8(u;v)2E 0 , (u;v)2R, then S is an (R;T )-SPC: 3.1. Assume that,8(u;v)2E 0 , (u;v)2R. 3.2. Assume (for contradiction) that S is not an (R;T )-SPC. 3.3. Let s;t2 T , such that S6@ (s;t) and (s;t)62 R. Such (s;t) exists (Deni- tion 3.10, since S is not an (R;T )-SPC). 3.4. s6=t (Denition 3.7, since (s;t)62R). 3.5. (s;t)2E 0 (Denition 3.4, since s6=t, s;t2T , and S6@ (s;t)). 3.6. (s;t)2R (since (s;t)2E 0 and,8(u;v)2E 0 , (u;v)2R). 3.7. ? (since (s;t)2R and (s;t)62R). 3.3.3 Shortest-Path Covers and Highway Dimension In this section, we relate our denition of R shortest-path covers to the denitions of shortest-path covers that appear in the literature, and prove that it is possible to construct locally sparse BDb shortest-path covers on graphs that have a small highway dimension. Generally speaking, a \path cover" onG can be considered as a set of verticesS that \cover" certain paths onG, with respect to some notion of \covering". For instance, our denition of an R shortest-path cover is an instantiation of this general concept of path covers, where we aim to cover at least one shortest s-t path for every (s;t)62 R, and dene \covering" as at least one vertex n2 Snfs;tg appearing as a vertex on . An alternative notion of \covering" allows a vertex n to \cover" a path if it appears as 69 any vertex on (that is, including the rst and last vertex of ). We refer to this notion of covering as \loose covering", since it is easier to \loosely cover" paths than it is to \cover" paths, as per our Denition 3.1. The notion of loose covering is used in the literature to dene k-hop shortest-path covers (Tao, Sheng, & Pei, 2011; Funke, Nusser, & Storandt, 2014), which loosely cover all shortest paths with at leastk vertices;k-hop all-path covers (Funke et al., 2014), which loosely cover all paths with at least k vertices; and (r;k) shortest-path covers (Abraham et al., 2010), which loosely cover all shortest paths with r <l() 2r and are (r;k)- sparse, as we explain later in this section. k-hop shortest-path covers have been used to generate overlay graphs on road networks (Tao et al., 2011), and k-hop all-path covers have been used to generate overlay graphs G 0 with additional edges, such that, when an edge length on G changes, G 0 can be updated quickly by changing only the lengths of some of its edges. (r;k)-shortest path covers have been used in conjunction with the notion of highway dimension, to provide runtime bounds for reach, transit-node routing, hub-labeling, and answering queries using contraction hierarchies (Abraham et al., 2010). We now brie y describe (r;k) shortest-path covers and the notion of highway dimension in our own terminology. 2 Let S V , r2 R >0 , and k2 Z >0 . S is an r loose shortest-path cover (r-LSPC) if and only if all shortest paths on G with r < l() 2r are loosely covered by S. S is (r;k)-sparse if and only if, for every s2 V , the number of vertices n2 S with min(d(s;n);d(n;s)) 2r is at most k (that is, informally, the \ball of radius r" around every vertex contains at most k vertices from S). S is an (r;k) loose shortest path cover ((r;k)-LSPC) if and only if S is an (r;k)-sparse r-LSPC. The highway dimension h of a graph G is the smallest h2Z >0 , such that, for every r2R >0 , an (r;h)-LSPC exists on G. Abraham et al. show that, on graphs with highway dimensionh and diameterD, after running a polynomial-time preprocessing routine, queries can be answered using contrac- tion hierarchies or reach inO((h logh logD) 2 ) time, hub labeling inO(h logh logD) time, and long-range transit-node routing in O(h 2 ) time (Abraham et al., 2010) Observe that our denition of BDr-SPCs (that is, BDb-SPCs with b = r) is very similar to the denition of r-LSPCs by Abraham et al.. Namely, whereas BDr-SPCs cover at least one shortest s-t path for every s;t2 V with d(s;t) > r, r-LSPCs loosely cover all shortest s-t paths with r<L() 2r. The reasons for the dierences are as follows: 1) Shortest paths on road networks are typically unique, and symmetries do not usually need to be taken into account. That is, in the case of r-LSPCs on road networks, (loosely) covering at least one shortest path between two vertices is equivalent to covering all shortest paths between them. Since, in this dissertation, we consider grid graphs and state lattices that can have multiple shortest paths between the same two vertices, our denition of BDr-SPCs species that covering at least one shortest path between two vertices is sucient. 2) We want to guarantee that query BDr subgoal graphs have BDr- reachable edges only (or, more generally, queryR subgoal graphs haveR-reachable edges only) and, therefore, require that BDr-SPCs cover paths rather than loosely cover them. For instance, consideru;v2V such that (u;v)62 BDr. If the vertices of an overlay graph 2 Although the denitions and theoretical results by Abraham et al. assume that G is undirected, Abraham et al. outline how their denitions and theoretical results can be modied for directed graphs. Our overview presents their denitions and results after applying these modications. 70 were selected as anr-LSPC rather than a BDr-SPC, then it could be the case that (u;v) is not covered but only loosely covered (by havingu orv in ther-LSPC). However, then, the u-v query overlay graph would have the non-BDr-reachable edge (u;v) (Denition 3.6). 3) Road networks can have long edges (for instance, corresponding to ferry connections). As a result, the denition for r-LSPCs species that paths with such edges do not need to be (loosely) covered if their lengths are longer than 2r. Our denition of BDr-SPCs does not have a similar specication since it assumes that the maximum edge length is less than r (otherwise, BDr would not be a reachability relation, as per Denition 3.7). The highway dimension of a graph can be considered as a measure of the \local sparsity" of r-LSPCs that can be constructed on G, for every r. Theorem 3.13 proves that, if G has highway dimension h, then it is possible to construct a (r 2m;h)-sparse BDr-SPC onG for everyr> 3m, wherem is the maximum edge length in G. The proof of Theorem 3.13 relies on the fact that an (r 2m;h)-sparse (r 2m)-LSPC S exists on G, which loosely covers all shortest paths 0 of length r 2m < l( 0 ) 2r 4m. Theorem 3.13 proves that every shortest path with length l()>r can be considered as an extension of one such 0 with at least two edges, one added as a prex and the other one as a sux to 0 . Since S loosely covers 0 , it therefore covers . Theorem 3.13. If G has highway dimension h and maximum edge length m, then, for every r> 3m, there exists a (r 2m;h)-sparse BDr-SPC on G. Proof. 1. Let r> 3m. 2. Let G have highway dimension h. 3. LetS be an (r2m;h)-sparse (r2m)-LSPCS ofG. SuchS exists (sincer2m> 0 and G has highway dimension h). 4. Claim: S is a BDr-SPC of G. 5. Assume (for contradiction) that, for some s;t2V , (s;t)62 BDr and S6@ (s;t). 6. Let =hp 0 ;:::;p k i be a shortest s-t path. 7. l() =d(s;t)>r (since (s;t)62 BDr). 8. d(s;p 1 )m and d(p k1 ;t)m (since m is the maximum edge length). 9. d(p 1 ;p k1 ) = d(s;t)d(s;p 1 )d(p k1 ;t) > r 2m (since l() > r, d(s;p 1 ) m and d(p k1 ;t)m). 10. Let i<k be the minimum index for which d(p 1 ;p i )>r 2m. Such i exists (since d(p 1 ;p k1 )>r 2m). 11. d(p 1 ;p i ) 2r 4m: 11.1. Assume (for contradiction) that d(p 1 ;p i )> 2r 4m. 11.2. d(p 1 ;p i1 ) =d(p 1 ;p i )d(p i1 ;p i ). 71 11.3. d(p 1 ;p i1 )> 2r 4md(p i1 ;p i ) (since d(p 1 ;p i )> 2r 4m). 11.4. d(p 1 ;p i1 )> 2r 4mm (since d(p i1 ;p i )m). 11.5. d(p 1 ;p i1 )>r + 3m 4mm (since r> 3m). 11.6. d(p 1 ;p i1 )>r 2m. 11.7. i 1 is an index for which d(p 1 ;p i1 )>r 2m. 11.8. ? (since i>i 1 is the smallest index for which d(p 1 ;p i )>r 2m). 12. 0 =hp 1 ;:::;p i i is a shortest p 1 -p i path with length r 2m<l( 0 ) 2r 4m. 13. S loosely covers 0 (sinceS is a (r 2m)-LSPC ofG and 0 is a shortest path with length r 2m<l() 2r 4m). 14. For some j2 1;:::;i, p j 2S. 15. S@ (Denition 3.1, since, for some j2 1;:::;i, p j 2S, and 0<j <k). 16. S@ (s;t). 17. ? (S@ (s;t) and S6@ (s;t)). We refer to Theorem 3.13 in Chapter 4 to conjecture that state lattices might have large highway dimensions, based on our experimental results for generating BDr subgoal graphs. 3.3.4 Answering Queries Using Subgoal Graphs R subgoal graphs can be used to answer path queries optimally in the same way that overlay graphs can be used to answer path queries optimally, by using the Connect- Search-Rene algorithm that we have discussed in Section 3.2.4. In this section, we formally introduce the Connect-Search-Rene algorithm, introduce a class of algorithms, calledR-connect andR-rene algorithms, and characterize the criteria for connection and renement algorithms to be \correct". Algorithm 4 outlines the Connect-Search-Rene algorithm, which can be used to answer path queries using R subgoal graphs. As we have discussed in Section 3.2.4, s-t path queries can be answered using overlay (subgoal) graphs in three phases: During the connection phase (lines 1{2), the overlay graph G S is extended to an s-t query overlay graphG s;t S . During the search phase (line 3), a shortests-t path onG s;t S is found, which is guaranteed to have l() = d(s;t) (as we prove in Theorem 3.14). Finally, during the renement phase (lines 4{7), each edge (u;v) on is replaced with a shortest s-t path on G. The resulting path is guaranteed to be a shortest s-t path on G (as we prove in Theorem 3.14). Since all edges of R query subgoal graphs are guaranteed to be R-reachable, as dis- cussed in Section 3.3.2, the connection phases of queries need to identify onlyR-reachable edges, and the renement phases need to nd shortest paths only between R-reachable 72 Algorithm 4 Connect-Search-Rene Input: G, reachability relationR, subgoal graphG S = (S;E 0 ;c 0 ) with respect toR, start vertex s, goal vertex t Output: A shortest s-t path on G 1: E + ;c + R-Connect(G, S, s, t) . Connection phase 2: G 0 = (S[fs;tg;E 0 [E + , combine(c 0 ;c + )) 3: a shortest s-t path on G 0 . Search phase 4: hi . Renement phase 5: for all (u;v)2 , in order do 6: 0 R-Rene(G, u;v) 7: 0 8: return vertices. We call an algorithm that extends an R subgoal graph into ans-t queryR sub- goal graph anR-connect algorithm, and an algorithm that nds a shortest path between R-reachable vertices anR-rene algorithm. The premise of Theorem 3.14 summarizes the criteria for an R-connect or R-rene algorithm to be \correct", by using \R-Connect" (line 1) as a placeholder for any R-connect algorithm and \R-Rene" (line 6) as a place- holder for any R-rene algorithm. Theorem 3.14. Let G S be an R subgoal graph, s;t2V be arbitrary vertices of G, and E be the set of edges that appear in G s;t S but not in G S . Algorithm 4 nds a shortest s-t path on G if: 1. R-Connect(G, S, s, t) returns E + , c + such that: 1.1. E E + R; 1.2. 8(u;v)2E , c + (u;v) =d(u;v); and 1.3. 8(u;v)2E + nE , c + (u;v)d(u;v). 2. R-Rene(u;v) returns a shortest (u;v) path on G if (u;v)2R. Proof. We rst prove the theorem by assuming thatR-Connect identies exactly the set of edgesE + =E (rather than a superset) that extendG S toG s;t S , and correctly determines their lengths as distances on G. Under this assumption, the graph G 0 constructed by Algorithm 4 (line 2) is precisely G s;t S . By Theorem 3.3, the s-t distance on the s-t query overlay graphG s;t S isd(s;t). Therefore, the search phase (line 3) is guaranteed to nd an s-t path on G 0 with length d(s;t). By Theorem 3.12, all edges of G s;t S are R-reachable and, by Denition 3.6, their lengths correspond to distances on G. Therefore, R-Rene can replace every edge (u;v) on with a corresponding shortest path on G to generate a shortest s-t path on G. We now extend this proof to the case whereR-Connect may identify additional edges, as stated in the premise of the theorem, namely the set of edges E + nE R such that, for every (u;v)2 E + nE , c + (u;v) d(u;v). That is, G 0 is formed by adding additional edges to G s;t S . As discussed earlier, by Theorem 3.3, the s-t distance G s;t S is 73 d(u;v). The additional edges cannot increase the s-t distance on G s;t S . The additional edges cannot decrease thes-t distance onG s;t S since, for every (u;v)2E + nE ,c + (u;v) d(u;v). Therefore, the search phase is still guaranteed to nd an s-t path on G 0 with length d(s;t). Finally, if any of the edges E + nE appear on , R-rene can still nd a corresponding shortest path on G since E + nE R. 3.3.5 Heavy R Contractions As discussed in Section 3.2.5, contracting a vertex n2 S from an overlay graph G S results in the overlay graph G Snfng , and heavy contracting a vertex n 2 S from an extended overlay graphG S;T results in the extended overlay graphG Snfng;T . Furthermore, contractions can be used to construct overlay graphs G S by repeatedly contracting the vertices n 2 V nS from G = G V , and heavy contractions can be used to construct extended overlay graphs by repeatedly heavy contracting the vertices n2 TnS from overlay graphs G T = G T;T . In this section, we introduce heavy R contractions, which heavy contract vertices from extended overlay graphs if and only if doing so introduces R-reachable shortcut edges only, and show that they can be used to construct extended overlay graphs G S;T with R-reachable edges only, or to construct minimal (R;T )-SPCs S, that is, no S 0 S is an (R;T )-SPC. Algorithm 5 HeavyRContract Blue text: Modications to heavy contractions. Input: Extended overlay graph G S;T = (T;E 0 ;c 0 ) such thatS is an (R;T )-SPC, reacha- bility relation R, vertex n to remove from S Output: Extended overlay graph G Snfng;T if Snfng is an (R;T )-SPC, G S;T otherwise 1: E + ; 2: for all (p;n)2E 0 do 3: for all (n;s)2E 0 do 4: d length of a shortest p-s subgoal path that is not covered by n 5: if d>c 0 (p;n) +c 0 (n;s) then 6: if (p;s)62R then . Cannot heavy contract n 7: return G S;T 8: else 9: E + :=E + [f(p;s)g 10: c 0 (p;s) =c 0 (p;n) +c 0 (n;s) 11: return G Snfng;T = (Snfng;T;E 0 [E + ;c 0 ) Heavy R contracting a vertex n2 S from an extended overlay graph G S;T heavy contracts n from G S;T if and only if doing so introduces R-reachable shortcut edges only. Algorithm 5 outlines the HeavyRContract operation, where its dierences from the HeavyContract operation are highlighted in blue. HeavyRContract rst simulates heavy contractingn fromG S;T to identify the set of shortcut edgesE + that appear inG Snfng;T but not inG S;T (lines 2{5, 9{10). If a non-R-reachable shortcut edge is identied (line 6), n is not heavy contracted andG S;T remains unchanged (line 7). Otherwise, if all shortcut edges in E + are R-reachable, n is heavy contracted from G S;T as usual (lines 8, 11). 74 Algorithm 6 Prune (R;T )-SPC. Input: Overlay graph G T = (T;E 0 ;c 0 ) where T is a (R;T )-SPC, reachability relation R Output: A minimal (R;T )-SPC ST , or the extended overlay graph G S;T 1: S T , G S;T G T 2: for all n2S, in some order do 3: G S;T HeavyRContract(G S;T , R, n) 4: return S or G S;T Since heavy R contractions introduce R-reachable shortcut edges only, they can be used to construct extended overlay graphs withR-reachable edges only. Specically, given an overlay graphG T =G T;T withR-reachable edges only, heavyR contracting all vertices n2T from G T;T generates an extended overlay graph G S;T , where the vertices in S are exactly the vertices that did not get heavy contracted by heavy R contractions. G S;T is guaranteed to have R-reachable edges only, and, by Lemma 3.12, S is guaranteed to be an (R;T )-SPC. Algorithm 6 outlines this algorithm for constructing (R;T )-SPCs (or extended overlay graphs with R-reachable edges only). We prove in Theorem 3.16 that (R;T )-SPCs identied by Algorithm 6 are minimal (R;T )-SPCs, that is, noS 0 S exists such thatS 0 is an (R;T )-SPC. We informally refer to Algorithm 6 as the pruning variant of constructing (R;T )-SPCs, since it can start with an R-SPC S = T and repeatedly remove (heavy contract) vertices from S while maintaining that S is an R-SPC. In the next section, we introduce a growing variant of constructing (R;T )-SPCs, that starts with S =; and adds vertices toS until it becomes an (R;T )-SPC. Note that Algorithm 6 can also be used to identify the vertices of R subgoal graphs as R-SPCs, by running it on the overlay graphG V =G. In this dissertation, we use Algorithm 6 to construct subgoal graphs on state lattices (Section 4.6.5) and to construct N-level subgoal graphs on grid graphs (Section 5.5). Figure 3.8 shows an example trace of Algorithm 6, where heavy R contractions are used to generate a (minimal) BD4-SPC (that is, a (BD4, V )-SPC). Each subgure shows only the edges between vertices in S (that is, G S ) in the extended overlay graph main- tained by Algorithm 6. Initially, the extended overlay graph G V;V = G V = G only contains BD4-reachable edges. Heavy BD4 contracting A1 heavy contracts A1 and adds the R-reachable edge (B1, A2) (Figure 3.8a). Algorithm 6 proceeds to heavy BD4 con- tract vertices in lexical order. After A1, A2, and A3 are heavyR contracted, A4 is selected for heavy BD4 contraction (Figure 3.8b). Since heavy contracting A4 from the extended overlay graph maintained by Algorithm 6 would introduce the non-BD4-reachable edge (B1, A5), it is not heavy contracted (and marked red). Figures 3.8c-h show the state of the extended overlay graph maintained by Algorithm 6 after heavy BD4 contracting all vertices in each row. Unlike contractions and heavy contractions, the order of heavy R contractions aects the resulting graph, since heavy R contractions determine whether to heavy contract a vertex based on the current state of the extended overlay graph. Figure 3.9 shows an example of the resulting graph if the vertices are heavy R contracted in the reverse lexical order, rather than the lexical order. We discuss heavy R contraction orders for 75 D A B C F E 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 (a) Heavy BD4 contracting A1 heavy contracts A1 and adds the BD4-reachable edge (B1,A2). D A B C F E 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 (b) Heavy-BD4 contracting A4 does not heavy contract A4 since the edge (B1,A5) is not BD4-reachable. D A B C F E 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 (c) After heavy BD4 contracting row A. D A B C F E 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 (d) After heavy BD4 contracting rows A-B. D A B C F E 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 (e) After heavy BD4 contracting rows A-C. D A B C F E 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 (f) After heavy BD4 contracting rows A-D. D A B C F E 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 (g) After heavy BD4 contracting rows A-E. D A B C F E 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 (h) After heavy BD4 contracting rows A-F. Figure 3.8: Constructing a BD4-SPC by heavy BD4 contractions. Heavy BD4 contraction does not heavy contract the vertices shown in red, since doing so would introduce non- BD4-reachable shortcut edges. 76 D A B C F E 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 (a) After heavy BD4 contracting all vertices in lexical order. D A B C F E 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 (b) After heavy BD4 contracting all vertices in reverse-lexical order. Figure 3.9: R-SPCs constructed with dierent orderings of heavy R contractions. constructing subgoal graphs on state lattices in Section 4.6.5 and N-level subgoal graphs in Section 3.4.3. We conclude this section by proving that the (R;T )-SPCs S constructed by Algo- rithm 6 are minimal. The proof relies on the observation that, if heavy R contracting a vertex at some point during the execution of Algorithm 6 does not heavy contract it, then heavyR contracting it afterwards cannot heavy contract it either. That is, no vertex can be removed from S while maintaining it being an (R;T )-SPC. Lemma 3.15. Algorithm 5 heavy contracts n if and only if Snfng is an (R;T )-SPC. Proof. 1. Heavy R contract heavy contracts n if and only if all edges of G Snfng;T are R- reachable (Algorithm 5). 2. Snfng is an (R;T )-SPC if and only if all edges of G Snfng;T are R-reachable (The- orem 3.12). 3. Therefore, heavy R contract heavy contracts n if and only if Snfng is an (R;T )- SPC. Theorem 3.16. The set of vertices S returned by Algorithm 6 is a minimal (R;T )-SPC (that is, no S 0 S is an (R;T )-SPC). Proof. 1. Let S be the set of vertices returned by Algorithm 6. 2. Assume (for contradiction) that there exists S 0 S such that S 0 is an (R;T )-SPC. 3. Let n2SnS 0 . Such n exists (since S 0 S). 4. LetS n be the value ofS directly before Algorithm 6 attempts to heavy R contract n (line 3). 77 5. n was not heavy contracted (since n2S). 6. S n nfng is not an (R;T )-SPC (Lemma 3.15, since n was not heavy contracted). 7. SS n (since further heavy R contractions can only remove vertices from S n and not add them). 8. S 0 S n (since S 0 S and SS n ). 9. S 0 S n nfng (since S 0 S n , n2S n , and n62S 0 ). 10. S n nfng is an (R;T )-SPC (Lemma 3.11, since S 0 S n nfng and S 0 is an (R;T )- SPC). 11. ? (since S n nfng is an (R;T )-SPC and S n nfng is not an (R;T )-SPC). 3.3.6 Incrementally Constructing an R-SPC In this section, we discuss an alternative variant, called the growing variant, for con- structing (R;T )-SPCs. Unlike the pruning variant, that starts with S =T and removes vertices from S while maintaining that S is an (R;T )-SPC, the growing variant starts with S =; and adds vertices to S until it becomes an (R;T )-SPC. While the growing variant does not guarantee the minimality ofS, it typically constructs (R;T )-SPCs faster than the pruning variant. We use this variant for constructing subgoal graphs on state lattices (Section 4.6.5). Algorithm 7 Grow (R;T )-SPC Input: Overlay graph G T = (T;E 0 ;c 0 ) where T is a (R;T )-SPC, reachability relation R Output: An (R;T )-SPC ST 1: S ; 2: for all s2T , in some order do 3: F IdentifyFringeVertices(G T , s, S) 4: S S[ IdentifyCoveringSubgoals(G T ;s;F ) 5: return S Algorithm 7 outlines the growing variant of constructing an (R;T )-SPC S. Recall that an (R;T )-SPC S guarantees that, for every s;t2 T , if (s;t)62 R, then S @ (s;t) (Denition 3.10). To ensure that the set S of vertices it identies is an (R;T )-SPC, Algorithm 7 starts with S =; (line 1) and, for each s2T (line 2), adds vertices to S so that, for every t2T , if (s;t)62R, then S@ (s;t) (lines 3{4). We rst describe a hypothetical algorithm that performs this operation (lines 3{4): A modied Dijkstra search could be run from s onG to identify the set A of vertices t2T such that (s;t)62R andS6@ (s;t), where the Dijkstra search maintains \covered" values, similar to the conservative variant of Direct-Connect (Algorithm 2), and terminates when its OPEN list is empty. Then, a set of vertices S 0 could be added to S to cover, for each t2A, at least one shortests-t path onG. S 0 could be identied heuristically, for instance 78 D A B C F E 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 s (a) Identifying the fringe vertices of A1 (S =;). D A B C F E 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 s (b) Adding subgoals to cover paths to fringe vertices of A1 (S =fA4, D1g). D A B C F E 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 s (c) Identifying the fringe vertices of F1 (S =fA4, D1g). D A B C F E 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 s (d) Adding subgoals to cover paths to fringe vertices of F1 (S =fA4, D1, E4g). Figure 3.10: Incrementally constructing a BD4-SPC. Red vertices: S. Yellow vertices: Direct-BD4-reachable from s. Orange vertices: A shortest path from s is covered by S. Blue vertices: Fringe vertex of s. Black vertices: Not generated by the search to identify fringe vertices of S. by greedily selecting a vertex in the search tree rooted at s that covers shortest paths from s to most vertices in A. Algorithm 7 performs this operation (lines 3{4) similarly to the hypothetical algorithm we have outlined above, but terminates its Dijkstra search early, after identifying the set F of fringe vertices of s (line 3), and identies S 0 based on F instead of A (line 4). The set of fringe vertices of s (with respect to the current contents of S) is the set of vertices F A such that, for every t2 F , A6@ (s;t). For every vertex t2 AnF , at least one shortest s-t path is covered by a vertex n2 F (otherwise, t2 F ). Therefore, adding subgoals toS to cover shortest paths to fringe verticesF is sucient for covering shortest paths to all vertices in A, and, consequently, it is sucient to identify F instead of A, and sucient for identifying S 0 to cover shortest paths from s to vertices in F rather than to vertices in A. The Dijkstra search of the hypothetical algorithm that we have outlined above can be terminated early, after generating F , when its OPEN list contains only vertices that are \covered" (by the current contents of S) or not R-reachable from s. At this point, any vertex t that is not generated by the Dijkstra search cannot be a fringe vertex of s, since all shortest s-t paths on G are covered by at least one vertex in the OPEN list: either by a vertex that is already \covered", in which caset would also be 79 \covered" and thust62AF ; or by a vertex that is inA, in which caset62F . F can then be determined as those vertices t in the search tree of the Dijkstra search such that: 1) t is not marked as \covered", 2) t is notR-reachable froms, and 3) the parent oft cannot be set, without changing theg-value oft, to a vertex that is not marked as \covered" and not R-reachable from s. We discuss how S 0 is selected from F in Section 4.6.5, when we use Algorithm 7 to construct subgoal graphs on state lattices. Figure 3.10 shows an example of the operation of Algorithm 7 for constructing a BD4-SPC, that is, a (BD4, V )-SPC. In Figure 3.10a, S =; and the Dijkstra search from s = A1 terminates when its OPEN list contains only vertices that are not BD4- reachable from s. Coincidentally, these vertices all become the fringe vertices of s (with respect to S =;). In Figure 3.10b, A4 and D1 are (identied heuristically and) added as subgoals toS, so that at least one shortest path from s to each of its fringe vertices is covered. In Figure 3.10c, S =fA4, D1g, and the Dijkstra search froms = F1 terminates when its OPEN list contains only vertices that are not BD4-reachable from s (E5) or already covered by S (A1 and D4); and E5 is identied as the only fringe vertex of s. In Figure 3.10d, E4 is added to S to cover a shortest s-E5 path. Algorithm 7 would continue this process by performing a Dijkstra search from all vertices s2V , eventually constructing an S that is a BD4-SPC. 3.4 N-level Overlay and Subgoal Graphs In this section, we introduceN-level overlay graphs that are formed by combining multi- ple extended overlay graphs. As proven in Section 3.2.3, extended overlay graphs contain, between every pair s and t of their vertices, an overlay s-t path with length d(s;t). In this section, we prove that N-level overlay graphs contain, between every pair s and t of their vertices, an arching s-t path with length d(s;t), which allows them to be searched for arching paths eciently by using modied bidirectional Dijkstra searches. We intro- duce R N-level subgoal graphs as N-level overlay graphs with R-reachable edges only that are constructed on R subgoal graphs, describe contraction hierarchies as N-level overlay graphs without level edges, and introduce R contraction hierarchies as N-level overlay graphs that have R-reachable edges only and level edges only between vertices at the highest level of the hierarchy. We compare these hierarchies in more detail, both analytically and experimentally, on grid graphs in Chapter 5. This section is organized as follows: In Section 3.4.1, we introduce N-level overlay graphs and arching paths, and prove that N-level overlay graphs contain, between every pair s and t of their vertices, an arching s-t path with length d(s;t) In Section 3.4.2, we describe contraction hierarchies as a subclass of N-level overlay graphs, and introduce R N-level subgoal graphs andR contraction hierarchies as two other subclasses. In Sections 3.4.3 and 3.4.4, we discuss how these hierarchies can be constructed and be used to answer path queries optimally, respectively. 3.4.1 N-Level Overlay Graphs N-level overlay graphs are constructed by assigning levels to the vertices of an overlay graph G S and adding extra shortcut edges to guarantee that, for every s;t 2 S, an 80 D A B C F E 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 (a) (1-level) overlay graph G S1 . Yellow disks = S 1 . D A B C F E 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 (b) Extended (2-level) overlay graph G S2;S1 . Orange disks = S 2 . D A B C F E 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 (c) Extended (2-level) overlay graph G S3;S2 . Red disks = S 3 . D A B C F E 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 (d) 3-level overlay graph formed by combining G S2;S1 and G S3;S2 . Figure 3.11: N-level overlay graphs. arching s-t path with length d(s;t) exists on the resulting hierarchy. An overlay graph G S 1 can be considered to be a 1-level overlay graph, where every vertex n2S 1 has the same level (Figure 3.11a). An extended overlay graph G S 2 ;S 1 can be considered to be a 2-level overlay graph, where the vertices in S 2 can be considered to be level 2 vertices, whereas the vertices inS 1 nS 2 can be considered as level 1 vertices (Figure 3.11b). Recall that, for every s;t2S 1 , G S 2 ;S 1 is guaranteed to contain an overlay s-t path with length d(s;t) (Lemma 3.2) that uses only vertices in S 2 , with the possible exception of s and t (Denition 3.5). Therefore, to nd a shortests-t path onG S 2 ;S 1 , one only needs to search over overlay paths (since at least one overlay s-t path is guaranteed to be a shortest s-t path), and can ignore any vertices in S 1 nS 2 except for s and t. We can take this idea one step further: For some S 3 S 2 , consider the extended overlay graph G S 3 ;S 2 (Figure 3.11c) which, for every u;v2 S 2 , is guaranteed to contain a u-v path with length d(u;v) that uses only vertices in S 3 on G S 3 ;S 2 , with the possible exception ofu andv. The combination ofG S 3 ;S 2 withG S 2 ;S 1 can be considered as a 3-level overlay graph (Figure 3.11d), which is guaranteed to contain, for every s;t2 S 1 , an s-t path =hp 0 ;:::;p k i withl() =d(s;t),p 0 ;p k 2S 1 ,p 1 ;p k1 2S 2 , andp 2 ;:::;p k2 2S 3 . To nd a shortests-t path on the 3-level overlay graph, one needs to look only for such a path, and 1) can ignore any vertices in S 1 nS 2 as long as they are not s or t, and 2) can ignore any vertices in S 2 nS 3 as long as they are not s ort, or share an edge with s ort. 81 More generally, anN-level overlay graph can be considered as a combination ofN1 extended overlay graphs G S 1 ;S 2 ;:::;G S N1 ;S N , for some V S 1 S N 6=;, and is guaranteed to contain, for every s;t2 S 1 , an arching s-t path with length d(s;t). We succinctly represent the sequence of vertex sets V S 1 ;:::; S N 6=; by using a level function L, and use G L to denote an N-level overlay graph constructed with respect to L. We formally dene level functions, N-level overlay graphs, and arching paths in Denitions 3.11, 3.12, and 3.13, respectively. Denition 3.11 (Level function). A level function is a functionL :V !Z 0 that assigns a non-negative level to each vertex, where max(L) = max n2V L(n) is the maximum level ofL. The level of a path with respect toL isL() = max n2 L(n). Denition 3.12 (N-Level overlay graph). Given a level functionL with max(L) =N: 8i = 1;:::;N, let S i =fu2V :L(u)ig be the set of leveli vertices. Let E 1 be the edges of G S 1 . 8i = 2;:::;N, let E i be the edges of G S i ;S i1 . The N-level overlay graph induced byL on G is the graph G L = (S;E 0 ;c 0 ), where: 1. S =S 1 ; 2. E 0 =E 1 [[E N ; and 3. 8(s;t)2E 0 , c 0 (s;t) =d(s;t). G S 1 and G S N are referred to as the base and core (graphs) of G L , respectively. In this dissertation, we construct hierarchies (N-level overlay graphs and their sub- classes that we introduce in the next section)G L on either the input graphG or a subgoal graph G S . Denitions 3.11 and 3.12 allow us to distinguish between these two cases: If G L is constructed on G, then all vertices n2 V are assigned a level L(n) 1. If G L is constructed on G S , then a vertex n2 V is assigned a level L(n) 1 if n2 S, or level L(n) = 0 otherwise. We refer toG orG S as the base (graph) of the hierarchy. We refer to its highest level vertices and edges as core vertices and core edges, respectively. The core vertices and edges of a hierarchy form the core (graph) of the hierarchy. By denition, all edges in the base graph are contained in the hierarchy. Denition 3.13 (Arching path). Given an N-level overlay graph G L = (S;E 0 ;c 0 ), an edge (u;v)2 E 0 is level if and only if L(u) =L(v), upward if and only if L(u) <L(v), and downward if and only ifL(u)>L(v). A path =hv 0 ;:::;v k i on G L is level if and only if all its edges are level, upward if and only if all its edges are upward, downward if and only if all its edges are downward. is an arching path if and only if there exists 0ijk, such that: 1. " =hv 0 ;:::;v i i is upward; 2. $ =hv i ;:::;v j i is level; 82 3. # =hv j ;:::;v k i is downward; and 4. ifL(v i )< max(L), then j =i or j =i + 1. " , $ , # are called the upward, level, and downward parts of , respectively. Informally, an arching path is a path that can be split into three parts: The upward part visits vertices in ascending order of levels, the level part visits vertices only on the same level, and the downward part visits vertices in descending order of levels. The ascending part of an arching path must be its prex, the descending part must be its sux, and the level part may contain at most one non-core edge. For instance, the path hD1, D2, D4, B6, D7, D10i on the 3-level overlay graph shown in Figure 3.11d is an arching path, since it can be split into the upward parthD1, D2, D4i, the level part hD4, B6, D7i, and the downward parthD7,D10i, where its level part uses core edges and, therefore, can have any number of them. The pathhD1, B1, A3i can also be split into the upward pathhD1i, the level parthD1, B1, A3i and the downward parthA3i. However, it is not an arching path since its level part contains two edges between level 1 (non-core) vertices. The pathhF2, F4, E5i is not an arching path since the upward parthF4, E5i is not its prex. We conclude this section by proving that, for every pair of vertices s and t in an N-level overlay graphG L , an archings-t path exists onG L with lengthd(s;t). The proof considers the series of 1-level, ::: , N-level overlay graphs G L 1 ;:::;G L N , where the level functionL i considers verticesn withL(n)i as leveli vertices; and shows, by induction, that an archings-t path with lengthd(s;t) exists on each of these hierarchies. Namely, an archings-t path i+1 with lengthd(s;t) onG L i+1 can be constructed from an archings-t path with length d(s;t) on G L i , by replacing its level part with a corresponding overlay path on the extended overlay graph that extends G L i to G L i+1 . We omit the proof that the s-t distance on G L is no shorter than the s-t distance on G, which trivially follows from the fact that edge lengths on G L are equal to distances on G (Denition 3.12). Theorem 3.17. Let G L = (S;E 0 ;c 0 ). For every s;t2S, there exists an arching s-t path on G L with l() =d(s;t). Proof. 1. Let G L = (S;E 0 ;c 0 ). 2. Let s;t2S. 3. For i = 1;:::;N, let S i =fn2V :L(n)ig. 4. Fori = 1;:::;N, letL i be a level function such that,8n2V ,L i (n) = max(L(n);i). 5. Fori = 1;:::;N, letS i be the statement \there exists ans-t arching path onG L i with l() =d(s;t)." 6. For i = 1;:::;N,S i is true (by induction on i = 1;:::;N 1): 6.1. (Base case):S 1 is true: 83 6.1.1. G L 1 =G S 1 (Denition 3.12). 6.1.2. There exists an s-t path on G S 1 with l() =d(s;t) (Lemma 3.2). 6.1.3. 8p2,L(p) 1 (since p2S 1 ). 6.1.4. 8p2,L 1 (p) = 1 (sinceL(p) 1). 6.1.5. Therefore, is an arching path on G L 1 (Denition 3.13). 6.2. (Induction step): IfS i is true, thenS i+1 is true: 6.2.1. AssumeS i is true. 6.2.2. Let be an s-t arching path on G L i with l() = d(s;t). Such exists (sinceS i is true). 6.2.3. G L i+1 has all the edges of G L i (Denition 3.12). 6.2.4. Let " , $ =hp 0 ;:::;p j i, # be the upward, level, and downward parts of , respectively (Denition 3.13, since is an arching path). 6.2.5. If j < 2 thenS i+1 is true (since is an arching path on G L i+1 ): Assume j < 2. is a path on G L i+1 (since is a path on G L i , and G L i+1 has all the edges of G L i ). is an arching path on G L i+1 (Denition 3.13, since is a path on G L i+1 with the upward part " , level part $ = hp 0 ;:::;p j i with j < 2, and the downward part # ). 6.2.6. If j 2, thenS i+1 is true (since we can replace the level part $ of with a shortest overlay path 0 on G S i+1 ;S i to get an arching path 00 on G L i+1 with l( 00 ) =d(s;t)): Assume j 2. L i (p 0 ) =L i (p j ) =i (Denition 3.13, sincehp 0 ;:::;p j i is the level-part of an arching path on G L i with j 2). L(p 0 )i,L(p j )i (sinceL i (p 0 ) =L i (p j ) =i). p 0 ;p j 2S i (sinceL(p 0 )i,L(p j )i). Let 0 =hp 0 0 ;:::;p 0 k i be a overlay p 0 -p j path on G S i+1 ;S i with l() = d(p 0 ;p j ). Such 0 exists (Lemma 3.2, since p 0 ;p j 2S i ). Let 00 = " 0 # . G L i +1 contains all the edges of G S i+1 ;S i (Denition 3.12). Therefore, 0 is a path on G L i+1 . Therefore, 00 is a path on G L i+1 . l( 00 ) = l() = d(s;t) (since 0 replaces $ in as a shortest p 0 -p j path). p 0 1 ;:::;p 0 k1 2 S i+1 (Denition 3.5, since 0 is an overlay path on G S i+1 ;S i ). L i+1 (p 0 1 ) = =L i+1 (p 0 k1 ) =i + 1 (since p 0 1 ;:::;p 0 k1 2S i+1 ). iL(p 0 0 ) and iL(p 0 k ) (since p 0 0 =p 0 , p 0 k =p j 2S i ). iL i+1 (p 0 0 )i + 1 and iL i+1 (p 0 k )i + 1. 00 is an arching path (Denition 3.13, further details omitted). 84 3.4.2 Subclasses of N-Level Overlay Graphs In this section, we describe contraction hierarchies as a subclass ofN-level overlay graphs, and introduce two new subclasses, R N-level subgoal graphs, and R contraction hierar- chies. Denition 3.14 formally denes these three subclasses, and Figure 3.12 shows an example. Denition 3.14 (Contraction hierarchy, R contraction hierarchy, R N-level subgoal graph). LetG L = (S;E 0 ;c 0 ) be anN-level overlay graph. LetR be a reachability relation. G L is a contraction hierarchy if and only if,8(u;v)2E 0 ,L(u)6=L(v). G L is an R contraction hierarchy if and only if,8(u;v)2 E 0 , ((u;v)2 R and, if L(u) =L(v), thenL(u) = max(L)). G L is an R N-level subgoal graph if and only if,8(u;v)2E 0 , (u;v)2R. Contraction hierarchies, as described in the literature (Geisberger et al., 2008), are constructed by contracting the vertices of a graph one by one using the vertex contraction operation discussed in Section 3.2.6. Shortcut edges identied by contractions are added to the graph, and each vertex is assigned a level based on the order of contractions. We discuss this construction scheme in more detail in Section 3.4.3. The resulting contraction hierarchy has the property that, between every pair of vertices s and t, there exists an up-down s-t path with length d(s;t), that is, an arching path with only the upward and downward parts. We discuss how this property can be exploited during searches in Section Observe that, if an N-level overlay graph G L = (S;E 0 ;c 0 ) does not have any level edges, then it can be considered as a contraction hierarchy (Denition 3.14): For every s;t2 S, there exists an arching s-t path on G L with length d(s;t) (Theorem 3.17). Since G L does not have level edges, cannot have level edges and, therefore, is an up- down path. We therefore dene contraction hierarchies as a subclass of N-level overlay graphs, which do not contain level edges. R N-level subgoal graphs are N-level overlay graphs constructed with respect to a reachability relation R, and have R-reachable edges only. Since N-level overlay graphs include all edges of their base graphs (Section 3.4.1), it is not possible to construct R N-level overlay graphs on graphs with non-R-reachable edges. We therefore construct R N-level subgoal graphs onR subgoal graphs in this dissertation, which are guaranteed to have R-reachable edges only. R contraction hierarchies can be considered to be an intermediate hierarchy between contraction hierarchies andRN-level subgoal graphs. Similar to contraction hierarchies, they do not have level edges between non-core vertices. Similar to R N-level subgoal graphs, they have R-reachable edges only. We allow R contraction hierarchies to have level edges between core vertices because it might not be possible to construct contraction hierarchies with R-reachable edges only. We discuss this in more detail in Section 3.4.3. 3.4.3 Constructing N-Level Overlay Graphs In this section, we discuss howN-level overlay graphs and their dierent subclasses can be constructed by using dierent types of contractions. Namely, the (regular) contractions, 85 (a) An undirected circle graph with unit-length edges. (b) Contraction hierarchy: Contains no level edges, all arching paths are up-down paths. (c) BD4 contraction hierarchy: BD4-reachable edges only, level edges only in the core. (d) BD4 2-level subgoal graph: BD4-reachable edges only. (May contain level edges anywhere in the hierarchy). Figure 3.12: Subclasses of N-level overlay graphs. The yellow concentric circles denote the levels of vertices, where vertices in the outermost circle have level 1. 86 Shortcut edgesn Operates on (graph) Overlay Extended overlay Can introduce non-R-reachable shortcut edges Contract Heavy contract Introduces R-reachable shortcut edges only R contract Heavy R contract Table 3.2: Variants of contractions. Hierarchy Paths and edges Construction N-level overlay graph Preserves distances in arching paths Heavy contrac- tions R N-level subgoal graph Preserves distances in arching paths All edges are R-reachable Heavy R con- tractions Contraction hierarchy Preserves distances in up-down paths No level edges Contractions R contraction hierarchy Preserves distances in arching paths Level edges only in the core All edges are R-reachable R contractions Table 3.3: Classes of hierarchies and their associated contraction variants for constructing them. heavy contractions, and heavy R contractions discussed in Sections 3.2.6 and 3.3.5, and a new type of contraction, called R contractions, that we introduce in this section. Recall that contracting a vertexn2S from an overlay graphG S produces the overlay graphG Snfng , and heavy contracting a vertexn2S from an extended overlay graphG S;T produces the extended overlay graph G Snfng;T (Section 3.2.6). Both contractions and heavy contractions can introduce new shortcut edges, and contractions (but not heavy contractions) remove incident edges of the contracted vertex from the graph. Also recall that heavy R contracting a vertex n2S from G S;T heavy contracts n from G S;T if and only if doing so introduces R-reachable shortcut edges only (Section 3.3.5). Our new contraction variant, called R contractions, contracts n from an overlay graph G S if and only if doing so introduces R-reachable shortcut edges only. Table 3.2 summarizes these four variants of contractions, which dier in whether they operate on overlay or extended overlay graphs, and whether they introduce R-reachable shortcut edges only. Table 3.3 summarizes the four classes of hierarchies and the type of contractions used for constructing them. We discuss each case below. For constructing N-level overlay graphs G L , we assume that a level function L is given, since any L uniquely denes an N-level overlay graph. For constructing subclasses of N-level overlay graphs, we outline construction methods for identifying level functionsL that satisfy their respective constraints. N-Level Overlay Graphs and Heavy Contractions Suppose that we are given a level function L and want to construct the N-level overlay graphG L . LetS i denote the leveli vertices ofG L . As discussed in Section 3.4.1,G L is a combination of the extended overlay graphs G S N ;S N1 ;:::;G S 2 ;S 1 , and, as discussed in Section 3.2.6, we can construct each extended overlay graphG S i+1 ;S i by heavy contracting 87 all verticesn2S i nS i+1 from the overlay graphG S i =G S i ;S i . Therefore,N-level overlay graphs can be constructed using heavy contractions. The overlay graph G S i+1 is the core of the extended overlay graph G S i+1 ;S i . This allows us to construct the constituent extended overlay graphs of G L in the following order: First, we construct G S 2 ;S 1 from the overlay graph G S 1 . Then, we construct the extended overlay graph G S 3 ;S 2 from the core G S 2 of G S 2 ;S 1 , and repeat until G S N ;S N1 is constructed. We discuss the construction of the subclasses of N-level overlay graphs within this framework. R N-level Subgoal Graphs and Heavy R Contractions Suppose that we are given a reachability relation R, and an overlay graph G S with R reachable edges only, and we want to construct an R N-level overlay graph G L on G S . We can use the same framework outlined above for construction, but also identify L during the construction. As discussed in Section 3.3.5, heavy R contracting all vertices from the overlay graph G S =G S;S results in an extended overlay graph G S 0 ;S with only R-reachable edges. We can use this method to identifyS 2 fromS 1 ,S 3 fromS 2 , and so on, until we identify anS k+1 withS k+1 =S k orS k+1 =;. The sequenceS 1 ;:::;S k identies a level functionL (with max(L) =k) and, since each G S i+1 ;S i contains only R-reachable edges, G L is an R N-level subgoal graph. Contraction Hierarchies and Contractions Suppose that we are given an overlay graph G S and want to construct a contraction hierarchy (anN-level overlay graph with no level edges) G L . It is easy to identify a level function L such that G L is a contraction hierarchy: If no two vertices have the same level with respect toL, thenG L cannot have level edges. 3 We can therefore use the level function in the construction schema discussed for N-level overlay graphs, and construct a contraction hierarchy using heavy contractions. Consider the construction of the extended overlay graphG S i+1 ;S i using heavy contrac- tions as discussed above. Since no two vertices have the same level with respect to L, there is a unique level i vertex n, where S i nS i+1 =fng. Therefore, G S i+1 ;S i can be con- structed with a single heavy contraction fromG S i . As we have discussed in Section 3.2.6, heavy contracting a single vertex n from an overlay graph performs the same witness searches and adds the same set of shortcut edges as contracting n does. Therefore, each heavy contraction performed during the construction of a contraction hierarchy can be considered to be a (regular) contraction. The level function that we have described above can be considered to be the con- traction order, where vertices with higher levels are contracted after vertices with lower levels. Geisberger et al. note that searches over contraction hierarchies constructed using dierent contraction orders can have signicantly dierent execution times, and suggest various heuristics for determining good contraction orders. Although an overview of these 3 As we discuss later in this section, it is not necessarily the case that each vertex in a contraction hierarchy has a distinct level. 88 heuristics is beyond the scope of this dissertation, we outline the heuristic used in the con- traction hierarchy entry in the Grid-Based Path-Planning Competition, which determines the next vertexn to contract from an overlay graphG S i as the vertex with the minimum importanceI(n) (Sturtevant et al., 2015). This method of determining contraction orders is referred to as an \online" contraction order, since the contraction order is determined during the construction of a contraction hierarchy, by updating the importance I(n) of vertices after each contraction. The following expression summarizes the various factors that I(n) considers when estimating the importance of vertices: I(n) =L(n) + jA(n)j jD(n)j + P (u;v)2A(n) h(u;v) P (u;v)2D(n) h(u;v) : We now explain the various terms that appear in this expression: L(n) can be considered to be the \level" of n. Our suggestion of using a level function L that assigns a unique level to each vertex can be considered to be a simplication of how levels are assigned to vertices in contraction hierarchies. As Denition 3.14 suggests, two vertices in a contraction hierarchy can have the same level as long as no two vertices of the same level share an edge. A dierent way to assign levels L (to distinguish it fromL, that we have discussed above) to vertices is as follows: Initially, for every vertex n, L(n) = 1. When a vertex u is contracted from the overlay graph G S j , for every neighbor v of u in G S j , L(v) is updated to max(L(v);L(u) + 1). This ensures that, when a vertex is contracted, its neighbors that have already been contracted have levels strictly lower than L(n), and its neighbors that have not yet been contracted have a level strictly higher than L(n), thereby ensuring that the resulting contraction hierarchy has no level edges. I(n) considers vertices with lower levels to be less \important" and suggests contracting them rst. This helps with contracting vertices more \uniformly", which has been shown to improve query times (Geisberger et al., 2008). A(n) is the set of shortcut edges added when contracting n from G S i , and D(n) is the set of edges (or shortcut edges) removed from G S i . I(n) considers vertices whose contraction removes more shortcut edges than it adds to be less \important" and suggests contracting them rst. This helps to add fewer shortcut edges to contraction hierarchies, which has been shown to improve query times (Geisberger et al., 2008). As a further benet, the remaining \core" G S i+1 after contracting n from G S i is likely to contain fewer edges than it would have if another vertex were contracted, which can result in subsequent contractions requiring fewer witness searches and, therefore, less time. h(u;v) is the number of edges that corresponds to a shortest u-v path onG, and is used to denote the \hop-length" of a shortcut edge (u;v). Recall that each shortcut edge (u;v) introduced during the contraction of a vertexm is the combination of the edges (or shortcut edges) (u;m) and (m;v). Therefore, during the construction of a contraction hierarchy, h(u;v) can be maintained for all edges (or shortcut edges) as follows: For every edge (u;v) of G S , assign h(u;v) = 1. When a shortcut edge (u;v) is introduced as a combination of the edges (or shortcut edges) (u;m) and 89 (m;v), assignh(u;v) =h(u;m)+h(m;v). I(n) considers vertices whose contraction removes shortcut edges with a higher sum of hops than it adds to be less \important" and suggests contracting them rst. This helps with contracting vertices more uniformly, as well as helps add fewer shortcut edges to contraction hierarchies. The contraction hierarchy entry in the Grid-Based Path-Planning Competition com- putes I(n) for each vertex in G S (by simulating its contraction from G S ) before deter- mining the rst vertex to contract and, after contracting a vertex u, recomputesI(v) for every neighborv ofu that has not yet been contracted. This is considered to be a \com- paratively slow but high-quality bottom-up ordering approach" (Sturtevant et al., 2015). In our experiments on grid graphs in Section 5.5, we use this ordering for determining the contraction orders during the construction of the other classes of hierarchies as well. R Contraction Hierarchies and R Contractions Suppose that we are given a reachability relation R and an overlay graph G S with R- reachable edges only and want to construct an R contraction hierarchy G L on G S . We can use the same construction method for constructing contraction hierarchies, but avoid performing any contractions that introduce non-R-reachable edges (that is, performingR contractions only), which guarantees that the resulting hierarchy has R-reachable edges only. This hierarchy can have an \uncontracted core", where contracting any of the vertices from the core would introduce a non-R-reachable edge (Figure 3.12c shows an example). When constructingR contraction hierarchies, we set the \importance"I(n) of a vertex n to innity if contracting it would introduce a non-R-reachable edge. 3.4.4 Answering Queries Using N-Level Overlay Graphs N-level overlay graphs can be used to answer path queries optimally in the same way that overlay graphs can be used to answer path queries optimally, by using the Connect- Search-Rene algorithm discussed in Section 3.2.4. In this section, we discuss how the start and goal vertices can be connected to hierarchies as level 0 vertices, describe the bidirectional search algorithm used for searching contraction hierarchies for shortest up- down paths (Geisberger et al., 2008) and how it can be extended for searching the other hierarchies for shortest arching paths, and describe the unpacking algorithm for rening up-down paths into paths on the base graph (Geisberger et al., 2008). Table 3.4 provides a summary of how the search and renement phases of answering queries dier when using dierent classes of hierarchies. Connection As mentioned in Section 3.4.1, we construct hierarchies on subgoal graphs or G in this dissertation. The connection phases of queries can be skipped for hierarchies constructed onG. For hierarchies G L constructed on a subgoal graph G S , the start and goal vertices can be connected to G L in the same way how they can be connected to G S , by using an R-connect algorithm. If the start and goal vertices do not already appear as vertices in G L , we assign them a level of 0, which ensures that the resulting query hierarchy has 90 Hierarchy Forward search Rene N-level overlay graph Constructs the upward and level part Generates successors using upward and core level edges Generates \stalled" successors using non-core-level edges Unpack R N-level subgoal graph R-rene Contraction hierarchy Constructs the upward part Generates successors using upward edges Unpack R contraction hierarchy Constructs the upward and (core) level part Generates successors using upward and level edges R-rene Table 3.4: Answering queries using dierent subclasses of N-level overlay graphs. All hierarchies are searched with bidirectional Dijkstra (or A*) searches, where the backward search constructs the downward part of an arching path. an arching s-t path with length d(s;t). To see why this is the case, consider combining G L with the extended overlay graph G S;V . 4 By Theorem 3.17, the resulting hierarchy is guaranteed to contain an arching s-t path with length d(s;t). Figure 3.13c shows an example, where t is connected to G L as a level 0 vertex. It could be the case that =hs;ti, where the edge (s;t) is level and non-core. We assume that the search algorithm we describe below checks for this case and returns the solution =hs;ti immediately, to ensure that searches over contraction hierarchies can look for up-down paths only. Search The bidirectional search algorithm used for searching contraction hierarchies diers from (regular) bidirectional Dijkstra searches in three ways: 1) The forward search uses only upward edges and the backward search uses only downward edges, 2) the termination criterion is dierent, and 3) it uses stall-on-demand. In this section, we describe these three dierences, and then discuss how the resulting search algorithm can be adapted for searching R contraction hierarchies and N-level overlay (subgoal) graphs for shortest archings-t paths instead. Figure 3.13 shows an example of the operation of this algorithm on an N-level overlay graph. Bidirectional search with upward and downward edges: Contraction hierarchies can be searched for shortest up-down paths by a bidirectional Dijkstra search, where the forward search searches over upward paths that originate at the start vertex s, and the backward search searches over downward paths that terminate at the goal vertex t. Therefore, the forward search only generates successorsv of expanded verticesu that are reachable from u by upward edges (u;v), and the backward search only generates predecessors (that is, successors on the inverse graph) v of expanded vertices u that reach u with downward edges (v;u). Any vertex that is not reachable from the start vertex with an upward path and that cannot reach the goal vertex with a downward path is thus eectively pruned 4 More specically, consider the N-level overlay graph N L 0 where, for all n2V ,L 0 (n) =L(n) + 1. 91 from both searches, which allows searches over contraction hierarchies to be signicantly faster than searches over their base graphs. Termination criterion: Recall that a bidirectional Dijkstra search for an s-t path terminates when the two searches \meet" at a vertex n, that is, when n is expanded by both searches. However, bidirectional Dijkstra searches over contraction hierarchies that use this termination criterion can nd s-t paths with lengths greater than d(s;t), for the following reason: Although the contraction hierarchy is guaranteed to have an up-down s-t path with length d(s;t), it is not necessarily the case that all shortest upward or downward paths are shortest paths themselves. It just means that there exists some apex vertex a for which the combination of the shortest upward s-a path with the shortest downwarda-t path is a shortests-t path. Therefore, the rst time when the two searches meet at a vertex n, it is not necessarily the case that n is the apex vertex of a shortest up-down s-t path. To guarantee that shortest arching s-t paths are found, bidirectional Dijkstra searches over contraction hierarchies therefore terminate when the radii (the lowest g-value of a vertex in OPEN) of both searches are greater than or equal to the length of the shortest s-t path found so far by the search (Geisberger et al., 2008), since any vertices that were expanded after this point would be reached with paths that are longer than d(s;t). Stall-on-demand: Bidirectional Dijkstra searches over contraction hierarchies can use the stall-on-demand technique (which we have discussed in Section 3.2.5 in the context of the OverlayConnect algorithm) to \stall" (avoid expanding) vertices reached with sub- optimal upward or downward paths. Stall-on-demand operates as follows in the context of contraction hierarchies: Whenever a vertex v is selected for expansion in the forward search, for each downward edge (u;v), the forward search checks if g(u) +d(u;v)<g(v). If so, v is stalled and not expanded since it has a provably suboptimal g-value. Other- wise, it is expanded as usual. That is, the forward search uses upward edges to generate successors, but uses downward edges to perform stall-on-demand checks. Similarly, the backward search uses upward edges to perform stall-on-demand checks. Finding arching paths: We can adapt bidirectional Dijkstra searches for nding short- est up-down paths over contraction hierarchies to nd shortest arching paths overN-level overlay graphs, as follows: The forward search searches over combinations of upward paths and level paths (that is, arching paths without downward parts), whereas the backward search searches over downwards paths (similar to how it operates on contraction hierar- chies). Since arching paths cannot have more than a single non-core level edge (Deni- tion 3.13), successors generated using non-core level edges are not added to OPEN, and are used simply to check if the two searches meet. That is, they are generated as \stalled" vertices. Searches over R contraction hierarchies can ignore this case, since they do not have non-core level edges. Figure 3.13b shows an example, where non-core level edges are shown in red. When F4 (level 1) is expanded, F2 (level 1) is generated as a stalled vertex, since it is reached with a non-core level edge. 92 D A B C F E 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 (a) 3-level overlay graph G L . Yellow disks = level 1 vertices, orange disks = level 2 vertices, red disks = level 3 vertices. D A B C F E 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 s (b) Search tree of the forward search from s. Successors reached by non-core level edges (red) are immediately stalled. D A B C F E 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 t (c) Search tree of the backward search from t connected to G L as a level 0 vertex. Level edges are ignored during the backward search. D A B C F E 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 s t (d) Search trees of both searches meet at B6 (and D7). Vertices that are not reachable from s with a combination of upward and level paths and cannot reach t with a downward path are pruned from the search. Figure 3.13: Searching N-level overlay graphs for shortest arching paths. Renement SinceRN-level subgoal graphs andR contraction hierarchies have R-reachable shortcut edges only, each shortcut edge on a shortest arching path can be replaced with cor- responding shortest paths on G directly by using an R-rene algorithm. Contraction hierarchies (and N-level overlay graphs), on the other hand, can have non-R-reachable shortcut edges. If the base graph is G, these shortcut edges can be replaced with corre- sponding shortest paths onG by unpacking them, as we describe below. If the base graph is an R subgoal graph G S , shortcut edges can rst be unpacked into shortest paths on G S , which can then be R-rened into corresponding shortest paths on G. Recall that each shortcut edge (u;v) introduced during the contraction of a vertex n corresponds to a combination of two (shortcut) edges (u;n) and (n;v). Therefore, when replacing (u;v) with a corresponding shortest path on the base graph, it can rst be replaced with the sequence of edges (u;n) (a downward edge since n is contracted before u) and (n;v) (an upward edges since n is contracted before v), which can then be recursively replaced with their two corresponding (shortcut) edges in the sequence, until all edges in the sequence are edges of the base graph. This operation is called 93 Figure 3.14: Unpacking a shortcut edge (green) recursively replaces it with its two asso- ciated edges (red arrows) until the shortcut edge is replaced with a path on G (blue). unpacking (Geisberger et al., 2008), and is illustrated in Figure 3.14. Observe that each time a shortcut edge is replaced with two corresponding (shortcut) edges, the number of edges in the sequence increases exactly by one. Therefore, unpacking a shortcut edge (u;v) replaces a shortcut edge with two corresponding (shortcut) edges exactly k 1 times, where k is the number of edges of a corresponding shortest u-v path on the base graph. Unpacking requires additional information to be stored for each shortcut edge. We explain two dierent ways of doing this. 2-pointer unpacking requires, for each shortcut edge (u;v), the storage of its two corresponding edges (u;n) and (n;v). Midpointer unpacking, on the other hand, requires the storage of n instead, and can reconstruct (u;n) and (n;v) by scanning the downward in-edges of n for the edge (u;n), and the upward out-edges of n for the edge (n;v). Therefore, 2-pointer unpacking requires more information to be stored for each shortcut edge, and midpointer unpacking can take longer to execute. 3.5 Strongly-Connected Subgoal Graphs In this section, we introduce a suboptimal variant of subgoal graphs, called strongly connected subgoal graphs. Similar to subgoal graphs, strongly connected subgoal graphs can be used to answer path queries using the Connect-Search-Rene algorithm discussed in Section 3.3.4. However, the resulting path is not guaranteed to be a shortest s-t path. In this dissertation, we use strongly connected subgoal graphs as an alternative to subgoal graphs for answering queries on state lattices, since answering queries on state lattices using subgoal graphs achieves only a small speed-up over A* searches onG, as we discuss in Section 4.6.5. 94 This section is organized as follows. In Section 3.5.1, we formally dene strongly connected subgoal graphs. In Section 3.5.2, we show that strongly connected subgoal graphs can be used to nd s-t paths on G for every pair of vertices s;t2 V , by using the Connect-Search-Rene algorithm. In Section 3.5.3, we introduce an algorithm for constructing strongly connected subgoal graphs. 3.5.1 Strongly-Connected Subgoal Graphs Recall that an R subgoal graph is an overlay graph G S where S is an R-SPC on G (Section 3.3), which can be extended, for every s;t2 V , into an s-t query R subgoal graph that has only R-reachable edges (Theorem 3.12) and contains an s-t path with l() =d(s;t) (Theorem 3.3). However, the requirement thatS is anR-SPC limits the set of R subgoal graphs that can be constructed on G, which could result in many vertices of G becoming subgoals. Our denition of R strongly connected subgoal graphs aims to capture the minimum requirements from a graph G 0 = (S;E 0 ;c 0 ), such that, for every s;t 2 V , it can be extended into an s-t query graph that has only R-reachable edges (using an R-connect algorithm that satises the criteria outlined in Section 3.3.4) and contains an s-t path with l() <1 (rather than l() = d(s;t)). Namely, we require that (1) G 0 is strongly connected (otherwise, for some s;t2S, d G 0(s;t) =1), (2) for every vertex n2V , there is at least one vertex in S that is R-reachable from n and one vertex in S from which n isR-reachable (otherwise,R-connect cannot connectn to the strongly connected subgoal graph as a start or a goal vertex), and (3) all edges of G 0 are R-reachable (otherwise, R-rene cannot operate on the edges of G 0 ). Denition 3.15 formally denes R strongly connected subgoal graphs as graphs that satisfy these requirements. Denition 3.15. A graph G 0 = (S;E 0 ;c 0 ) is an R strongly connected subgoal graph on G if and only if: 1. G 0 is strongly connected; 2. for every s2V , there exists an n2S such that (s;n)2R; 3. for every t2V , there exists an n2S such that (n;t)2R; and 4. 8(u;v)2E 0 , (u;v)2R and c 0 (u;v) =d(u;v). 3.5.2 Answering Queries Using Strongly-Connected Subgoal Graphs R strongly connected subgoal graphs can be used to answer path queries in the same way that R subgoal graphs can be used to answer path queries (except, not necessarily optimally), by using the Connect-Search-Rene algorithm algorithm discussed in Sec- tion 3.3.4. Theorem 3.18 shows that using anR strongly connected subgoal graph instead of anR subgoal graph in the SG-Query algorithm (Algorithm 4) is guaranteed to return, for every s;t2 V , an s-t path on G. In this dissertation, we use the same R-connect and R-rene algorithms when answering queries using R subgoal graphs or R strongly connected subgoal graphs. However, in general, the criteria for the \correctness" of R- connect and R-rene algorithms are \less strict" when using them for answering queries 95 using R strongly connected subgoal graphs rather than R subgoal graphs. The premise of Theorem 3.18 outlines these \less strict" criteria. Theorem 3.18. LetG 0 = (S;E 0 ;c 0 ) be anR strongly connected subgoal graph ands;t2V be arbitrary vertices of G. SG-Query(G, R, G 0 , s, t) nds an s-t path on G if: 1. R-connect(G, S, s, t) returns E + and c + , such that: 1.1. For some n such that (s;n)2R, (s;n)2E + ; 1.2. For some n such that (n;t)2R, (n;t)2E + ; 1.3. E + R; and 1.4. 8(u;v)2E , c + (u;v)<1. 2. R-rene(u;v) returns a (u;v) path on G if (u;v)2R. Proof. Let u2 S such that (s;u)2 R and (s;u)2 E + with c + (s;u) <1. By Deni- tion 3.15, suchu2S exists with (s;u)2R and, in the premise of the theorem, we assume that R-connect identies at least one such u (if s2S, we use u =s with c + (s;u) = 0). Similarly, let v2S such that (v;t)2R and (v;t)2E + with c + (v;t)<1. Let u;v be a u-v path on G 0 with l( u;v ) <1. By Denition 3.15, such u;v exists since u;v2 S and G 0 is strongly connected. Then, s;t =hs;ui u;v hv;ti is an s-t path on the s-t queryR strongly connected subgoal graph withl( s;t ) =c + (s;u)+l( u;v )+c + (v;t)<1. Therefore, the search phase is able to nd some s-t path on the s-t query R strongly connected subgoal graph. All edges on are guaranteed to be R-reachable since, by Denition 3.15, G 0 has only R-reachable edges and, in the premise of the theorem, we assume that E + R. Therefore, the renement phase can replace each edge (u 0 ;v 0 ) on with some u 0 -v 0 path on G. 3.5.3 Constructing Strongly-Connected Subgoal Graphs In this section, we introduce a two-phase algorithm for constructingR strongly connected subgoal graphs. In the rst phase, the algorithm identies a set of access subgoals A to ensure that every vertex n2 V can be connected to an R-reachable subgoal in both the forward and backward directions. That is, for every n2 V , there exists u;v2 A with (u;n); (n;v) 2 R. In the second phase, the algorithm constructs a graph that strongly-connects the access subgoals, adding extra subgoals as necessary to guarantee that the graph has R-reachable edges only. In this dissertation, we use this algorithm to construct strongly connected subgoal graphs on state lattices in Section 4.6.6, with respect to various reachability relations. Identifying Access Subgoals Algorithm 8 outlines our algorithm for identifying access subgoals, which starts with an empty set of access subgoals A (line 1). For every vertex n2V , Algorithm 8 maintains two ags: forward[n], which indicates whether there exists a vertexu2A with (n;u)2R, and backward[n], which indicates whether there exists a vertex v 2 A with (v;n) 2 R. Initially, for all n2 V , forward[n] = backward[n] = false (lines 2{3) since A =;. 96 Algorithm 8 IdentifyAccessSubgoals Input: G, reachability relation R Output: Set of subgoals A such that, for every n2V ,9u;v2A with (n;u); (v;n)2R 1: A ; 2: for all n2V do 3: forward[n] false, backward[n] false 4: for all n2V in some order do 5: if:forward[n]_:backward[n] then 6: A A[fng 7: for all t2V : (n;t)2R do 8: backward[t] true 9: for all s2V : (s;n)2R do 10: forward[t] true 11: return A Algorithm 8 then iterates over all vertices n2V (line 4) and adds them toA if and only if forward[n] = false or backward[n] = false (line 5,6). That is, if n cannot be connected to a vertex in A with an R-reachable edge in the forward or the backward direction, it is added to A. When a vertex n is added to A, the backward ag of every vertex t with (n;t)2R and the forward ag of every vertexs with (s;n)2R is set to true (lines 7{10). In our implementation, we use a modiedR-connect algorithm to quickly iterate over all such vertices and update their ags. Figure 3.15 shows an example for identifying access subgoals for BD4-reachability on a 4-neighbor grid graph. Since BD4-reachability is symmetric on undirected graphs, the example uses a single ag for each vertex n that indicates whether an access subgoal u exists with d(n;u) =d(u;n) 4. Such vertices are shown in green, and access subgoals are shown in red. Algorithm 8 rst arbitrarily selects A6, makes it an access subgoal since there is no access subgoal within distance 4 from it, and marks every vertex within distance 4 from it. These vertices will not be added to the set of access subgoals. After randomly selecting an unmarked vertex D1, Algorithm 8 similarly makes it an access subgoal and marks all vertices within distance 4 from it. After all vertices are processed, a total of ve access subgoals have been identied, and every vertex has an access subgoal within distance 4 from it. Strongly Connecting Access Subgoals Using R-Reachable Edges A straightforward method for strongly-connecting access subgoals usingR-reachable edges only would be to rst construct an overlay graphG A of access subgoals (which is guaran- teed to be strongly connected, since G is strongly connected) and then, for each non-R- reachable edge (u;v) that appears on G A , break it down into a sequence of R-reachable edges (u;n 1 ); (n 1 ;n 2 );:::; (n k ;v), by addingn 1 ;:::;n k to the set of subgoals. Algorithm 9 outlines our algorithm for strongly connecting access subgoals using R-reachable edges, which follows a similar idea, but aims to add as few extra subgoals as possible. 97 D A B C F E 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 (a) A6 is selected as an access subgoal. D A B C F E 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 (b) D1 is selected as an access subgoal. D A B C F E 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 (c) D10 is selected as an access subgoal. D A B C F E 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 (d) F4 and F7 are selected as access subgoals. Figure 3.15: Identifying access subgoals for BD4-reachability. Red vertices are access subgoals. Green vertices can connect to a subgoal in both the forward and backward directions. Rather than constructing G A , Algorithm 9 instead constructs two spanning trees of access subgoals rooted at an arbitrarily selected vertex n2 A (line 3), one an out-tree (edges point away from the root) and one an in-tree (edges point toward the root), in order to reduce the number of additional subgoals required to break down non-R-reachable edges. The edges of these two trees are sucient to strongly connect all access subgoals, since the out-tree contains ann-t path for everyt2A and the in-tree contains ans-n path for everys2A. Therefore, for everys;t2A, thes-n path in the in-tree and then-t path in the out-tree can be combined to form ans-t path. The out-tree and the in-tree rooted at n can be constructed by using Prim's algorithm (Prim, 1957), by initializing their roots ton and repeatedly adding a vertexv2A to the tree that has the minimumu-v or v-u distance, respectively, for some u that is already in the tree. Algorithm 9 performs this construction by using two Dijkstra searches, one in the forward direction and one in the backward direction (lines 4{9 and 18), with the following modication: When a vertex v2A is selected for expansion, it is connected to the spanning tree (lines 10{14) and its g-value is updated to 0 (line 15) before it is expanded. This ensures that every vertex that is already in the spanning tree has g-value 0 (that is, it can be considered as one of multiple start vertices of a Dijkstra search), and the g-value of the next vertex v2A selected for expansion correctly represents its distance from/to the closest vertex u already in the spanning tree. Since G is strongly connected, these modied Dijkstra 98 Algorithm 9 StronglyConnectSubgoals Input: G, reachability relation R, access subgoals A Output: Strongly-connected subgoal graph G 0 = (S;E 0 ;c 0 ) 1: S A 2: E 0 ; 3: randomly select s2S 4: for both the forward and backward directions do 5: for all n2V do 6: g[n] 1, parent[n] undened 7: g[s] 0, OPEN fsg 8: while OPEN6=; do 9: v pop the vertex with minimum g-value in OPEN 10: if v2S and g(v)> 0 then 11: follow parents from v to a u2S 12: Reverse if searching backward 13: S + ;E + ;c + SplitIntoRReachable() 14: S S[S + , E 0 E 0 [E + , update c 0 with c + 15: g[v] 0 16: for all n2S + do 17: g[n] 0, insert/update n in OPEN 18: Expand(v) 19: return G 0 = (S;E 0 ;c 0 ) searches are guaranteed to eventually visit every vertex v2A and construct the desired spanning trees. Algorithm 9 interleaves the construction of the spanning trees with the breaking down of non-R-reachable edges. That is, any time an edge (u;v) is identied as an edge of the out- or in-tree, it is broken down into a sequence of R-reachable edges by adding more subgoals to S (lines 13{14). The g-values of the new subgoals are also set to 0 (lines 16{17), which allows adding new vertices to the spanning trees through shorter edges if a new subgoal is closer to them than to an access subgoal that is already in the spanning tree. The aim of this interleaving is to allow breaking down of multiple non-R-reachable edges by adding a single subgoal, which we discuss further in the context of an example. In our implementation, we select the subgoals to break down a non-R-reachable edge (u;v) by rst extracting a representative u-v path onG from the Dijkstra search (lines 11{12) and then placing the fewest number of subgoals as evenly as possible along . Figure 3.16 shows an example of the construction of a strongly connected BD4 subgoal graph using Algorithm 9, using the access subgoals identied in Figure 3.15. Since G is undirected in this example, it is sucient to construct a single spanning tree that can be interpreted as both the spanning out- and in-trees. Algorithm 9 randomly selects F42A as the root of the spanning tree and starts a Dijkstra search from F4, which selects D1 2 A with g(D1) = 5 for expansion before any other vertex in AnfF4g, indicating that F4 is the access subgoal that can be connected to the spanning tree using the shortest edge (Figure 3.16a). Since the edge (D1,F4) is not BD4-reachable, it is broken down 99 D A B C F E 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 (a) The spanning tree rooted at F4 is extended with the edge (D1, F4). D A B C F E 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 (b) E3 is added as a subgoal to break down the non-R-reachable edge (D1, F4). D A B C F E 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 (c) The spanning tree rooted at F4 is extended with the edge (E3, A6). D A B C F E 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 (d) D5 is added as a subgoal to break down the non-R-reachable edge (E3, A6). D A B C F E 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 (e) The spanning tree rooted at F4 is extended with the edge (A6, F7). D A B C F E 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 (f) C6 is added as a subgoal to break down the non-R-reachable edge (A6, F7). D A B C F E 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 (g) The spanning tree rooted at F4 is extended with the edge (C7,D10). D A B C F E 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 (h) Direct-R-reachable edges are added to reduce distances. Figure 3.16: Strongly connecting access subgoals with BD4-reachable edges. Solid line: R-reachable edge. Dashed line: Non-R-reachable edge. 100 into the sequence of BD4-reachable edges (F4,E3) and (E3,D1), by adding a subgoal E3 (Figure 3.16b). The g-values of the access subgoal D1 and the new subgoal E3 are both set to 0, and the Dijkstra search is resumed, eventually selecting A62A for expansion. Since the edge (E3, A6) required to add A6 to the spanning tree is not BD4-reachable, a new subgoal D5 is added to break it down into the sequence of BD4-reachable edges (E3, D5) and (D5, A6) (Figures 3.16c and 3.16d). Similarly, the non-BD4-reachable edge (A6, F7) required for connecting F7 to the spanning tree is broken down into a sequence of BD4-reachable edges with a new subgoal C7 (Figures 3.16e and 3.16f). Finally, D10 is connected to the spanning tree with the BD4-reachable edge (C7, D10) (Figure 3.16g). If Algorithm 9 did not interleave the construction of the spanning tree with the breaking- down of non-R-reachable edges, the initial spanning tree it constructs would contain the non-R-reachable edges (A6, F7) and (F7, D10). Breaking down these two edges into sequences of R-reachable edges individually might require two subgoals. Instead, Algorithm 9 identies the single subgoal C7 in this example, which it rst uses to break down (A6, F7), and then to connect D10 to the spanning tree directly via anR-reachable edge. Algorithms 8 and 9 can be modied in several ways to reduce the number of subgoals that are identied, possibly at the cost of additional preprocessing time. For instance, in the example shown in Figure 3.16, the additional subgoal D5 alone is sucient to strongly connect the access subgoals D1, F4, and A6 with BD4-reachable edges, and E3 is unnecessary. Due to its greedy nature (for constructing a spanning tree), Algorithm 9 fails to address this issue. Furthermore, no pair of access subgoals identied by Algorithm 8 in Figure 3.15 is BD4-reachable, which eventually leads Algorithm 9 to introduce multiple new subgoals to ensure that they can be strongly connected with BD4-reachable edges only. Although minimizing the number of subgoals inR strongly connected subgoal graphs can help to reduce the search times in queries, it can also result in queries nding longer paths and increase the connection times in queries. A detailed analysis of dierent con- struction strategies for R strongly connected subgoal graphs and the resulting query- time/path-length trade-os is beyond the scope of this dissertation. We use R strongly connected subgoal graphs mainly as a means of comparing dierent reachability relations on state lattices (Section 4.6.6) and assume that any improvements made to the construc- tion ofR strongly connected subgoal graphs aect the query-time/path-length trade-os similarly for dierent reachability relations. Our aim with Algorithms 8 and 9 is to nd a decent query-time/path-length trade-o to show that this is a feasible approach that can be applied in real-world scenarios. To that end, we also add edges between all direct- R-reachable pairs of subgoals to reduce the distances on R strongly connected subgoal graphs, as shown in Figure 3.16h. 3.6 Conclusions In this chapter, we have introduced the subgoal graph framework, which can be special- ized to exploit structure in dierent classes of graphs, by choosing a reachability relation that captures structure in that class of graph and developing specialized connection and renement algorithms that exploit this structure. We have proved that subgoal graphs 101 can be used to answer path queries optimally with the Connect-Search-Rene algorithm, and that it is possible to construct locally sparse subgoal graphs with respect to bounded- distance reachability on graphs with small highway dimensions. We have introduced a hierarchical variant of subgoal graphs, calledN-level subgoal graphs, and introduced vari- ants of contraction hierarchies within this framework. We have introduced a suboptimal variant of subgoal graphs, called strongly connected subgoal graphs, that can be used to answer path queries, but without the guarantee of optimality. We have introduced algo- rithms for constructing subgoal graphs, N-level subgoal graphs, and strongly connected subgoal graphs. In Chapters 4 and 5, we apply the subgoal graph framework to state lattices and grid graphs to exploit their freespace structure. 102 Chapter 4 Exploiting the Freespace Structure of State Lattices In this chapter, we apply the subgoal graph framework to state lattices, by introduc- ing freespace-reachability and canonical-freespace-reachability as reachability relations to capture the freespace structure of state lattices, and developing ecient connection and renement algorithms that exploit this structure. Specically, we characterize the freespace structure of state lattices as the translation invariance of freespace distances and freespace-canonical paths, and show that it can be exploited to eciently compute and compactly store freespace information, such as pairwise distances or shortest path trees on freespace state lattices. We introduce freespace-reachability and canonical- freespace-reachability as reachability relations to distinguish those pairs of vertices on state lattices between which the freespace information is accurate, and develop connec- tion and renement algorithms for these reachability relations that use freespace infor- mation to eciently explore freespace-shortest and freespace-canonical paths, respec- tively. We experimentally demonstrate that, answering queries using freespace-reacha- bility or canonical-freespace-reachability strongly connected subgoal graphs achieves a dominating query-time/path-suboptimality trade-o compared to answering queries using bounded-distance-reachability strongly connected subgoal graphs, and a non-dominated query-time/path-suboptimality trade-o compared to answering queries using weighted A* searches on G. These results validate the hypothesis of this dissertation that one can develop preprocessing-based path-planning algorithms for state lattices that exploit their freespace structure to improve the query-time/memory/path-suboptimality Pareto frontier of the state-of-the-art algorithms. This chapter is organized as follows. In Section 4.1, we provide a detailed summary of the main ideas that we use in this chapter. In Section 4.2, we formally dene state lat- tices and introduce notation that we use throughout this chapter. In Section 4.3, we state our assumptions for state lattices that are necessary to satisfy our assumptions for G. In Section 4.4, we dene freespace state lattices, prove that distances on freespace state lattices are translation invariant, introduce freespace-reachability as a reachability rela- tion on state lattices, and introduce connection and renement algorithms for freespace- reachability that use precomputed freespace distances. In Section 4.5, we introduce a lex- ical canonical ordering on freespace paths, prove that freespace-canonical paths are trans- lation invariant, introduce canonical-freespace-reachability as a reachability relation on 103 state lattices, and introduce connection and renement algorithms for canonical-freespace- reachability that use precomputed freespace-canonical successors, predecessors, and par- ents. In Section 4.6, we experimentally compare dierent connection algorithms with respect to their connection times, and compare answering queries using subgoal graphs and strongly connected subgoal graphs constructed with respect to bounded-distance- reachability, freespace-reachability, and canonical-freespace-reachability, with respect to their query-time/path-suboptimality trade-os. Finally, in Section 4.7, we summarize our results. 4.1 Introduction In Section 2.1.2, we introduced state lattices as graphs that are constructed by sys- tematically discretizing the conguration space of an agent. In this chapter, we show that the systematicity in the construction of state lattices gives rise to their freespace structure, which can be captured with reachability relations and exploited with ecient connection and renement algorithms. In particular, we show that, on state lattices constructed on obstacle-free and innitely extending environments, called freespace state lattices, translating shortest paths by changing thex- ory-coordinates of all their vertices by the same integral amount produces other shortest paths, and translating canonical paths produces other canonical paths. We refer to these properties as the translation invariance of freespace distances and freespace-canonical paths, respectively. The translation invariance of freespace distances allows for the ecient computa- tion and compact storage of pairwise freespace distances. Freespace distances accurately represent distances on freespace state lattices, and may accurately represent distances be- tween some pairs of vertices on the (actual) state lattices. We dene freespace-reachability as the set of all pairs of vertices on a state lattice between which the freespace dis- tance is accurate. When answering path queries using freespace-reachability subgoal or strongly connected subgoal graphs, connection phases of queries need to identify only freespace-reachable edges, and the renement phases need to nd shortest paths only between freespace-reachable vertices. We introduce a connection algorithm for freespace- reachability which uses a depth-rst search (rather than a Dijkstra search) and uses freespace distances to avoid expanding vertices that are not freespace-reachable from the start vertex (or from which the goal vertex is not freespace-reachable). We introduce a renement algorithm for freespace-reachability which also uses a depth-rst search, and can be considered to be similar to an A* search that uses freespace distances as a perfect heuristic. We impose a canonical ordering on the paths on freespace state lattices, that uniquely designates, among multiple symmetric shortest paths between two vertices, one as the freespace-canonical path. Our canonical ordering ensures that the set of all freespace- canonical paths that originate (or terminate) at a vertex form a tree. The translation invariance of freespace-canonical paths allows for the ecient computation and compact storage of these trees. We dene canonical-freespace-reachability as the list of all pairs of vertices on a state lattice between which the freespace-canonical path is unblocked. We in- troduce a connection algorithm for canonical-freespace-reachability, which is similar to our 104 connection algorithm for freespace-reachability, but only considers a small set of freespace- canonical successors for each expanded vertex and does not perform duplicate detection. We introduce a renement algorithm for canonical-freespace-reachability, which simply returns the freespace-canonical path between two canonical-freespace-reachable vertices. We experimentally compare various connection algorithms for various reachability re- lations with respect to their connection times, and experimentally compare answering queries using subgoal graphs and strongly connected subgoal graphs constructed with re- spect to various reachability relations with respect to their query times, memory require- ments, and path suboptimalities. Our results show that our connection algorithm for canonical-freespace-reachability has the highest \DR-rate" (direct-R-reachable vertices expanded per second), answering queries using subgoal graphs constructed with respect to various reachability relations is only slightly faster than A* searches on state lattices, and answering queries using freespace-reachability and canonical-freespace-reachability strongly connected subgoal graphs achieves dominating query-time/path-suboptimality trade-os compared to answering queries using bounded-distance reachability strongly connected subgoal graphs, and non-dominated query-time/path-suboptimality trade-os compared to answering queries using weighted A* searches on state lattices. 4.2 Preliminaries and Notation As described in Section 2.1.2, state lattices are constructed by discretizing the congu- ration spaces of agents into graphs. In this section, we formally dene state lattices and introduce notation that we use throughout this chapter. Cell, grid, orientation, state: A cell is a pair of integers (x;y)2Z 2 . A grid is a set of cellsGZ 2 . A cell (x;y)2G is unblocked (with respect toG) if (x;y)2G and blocked otherwise. A state is a tuple (x;y;) where (x;y) is a cell and 2Z 0 is a non-negative integer that indicates the orientation of the agent (or, more generally, any combination of its discretized features). Primitive: A (motion) primitive ~ m is a tuple ( s m ; e m ;x m ;y m ;l m ;C m ) such that: s m ; e m 2 Z 0 are the start and end orientations of ~ m; x m , y m 2 Z are the dierence in the x- and y-coordinates, respectively, of the start and end cells of ~ m; l m 2 R >0 is the length of ~ m; and C m f(0; 0); (x m ;y m )g is the list of cells that the footprint of the agent intersects with when executing m from state (0; 0; s m ). ~ m is kinematically feasible to execute from state (x;y;) if and only if s m = . ~ m is collision free to execute from (x;y;) (with respect toG) if and only if, for all (x;y)2 C m , cell (x s +x;y s +y) is unblocked. ~ m is executable from (x;y;) if and only if it is kinematically feasible and collision free to execute from (x;y;). Executing ~ m from state s = (x;y; s m ) results in state e = (x +x m ;y +y m ; e m ), denoted as s + ~ m =e. State lattice, G: LetG be a grid andM be a set of primitives. Let O M be the set of induced orientations of M, such that 2 O M if and only if there exists ~ m2M with = s m or = e m . A state lattice is a graphL G;M = (V 0 ;E 0 ;c 0 ), dened as follows: For each unblocked cell (x;y)2G and each induced orientation2 O M ,V 0 contains a vertex that corresponds to state (x;y;). We use the terms state and vertex interchangeably unless it results in ambiguity. For each vertexs2V 0 and all primitives ~ m2M executable from s, ~ m induces an edge (s;s + ~ m)2E 0 with length c 0 (s;s + ~ m) =l m . As we discuss 105 in the next section, we assume that each edge in a state lattice is induced by a unique primitive, and that the graph G that we use for path planning is the largest strongly connected component of a state lattice. Primitive path: A primitive path is a sequence of primitives~ =h~ m 1 ;:::;~ m k i where, for all i = 1;:::;k 1, e m i = s m i+1 . Path notation with primitives: Given our assumption that each edge in a state lattice is induced by a unique primitive, it holds that, for every path =hp 0 ;:::;p k i with p 0 ;:::;p k 2 V on a state lattice, there exists a unique corresponding primitive path ~ =h~ m 1 ;:::;~ m k i with ~ m 1 ;:::;~ m k 2M, such that, for all i = 1;:::;k, p i1 + ~ m i = p i . Throughout this chapter and the next chapter, we sometimes describe paths by interleaving them with their primitive paths, as follows: =hp 0 ;~ m 1 ;p 1 ;:::;p k1 ;~ m k ;p k i. Furthermore, we sometimes equivalently describe them by leaving out up tok1 of their vertices, as follows: =hp 0 ;~ m 1 ;:::;~ m k i =h~ m 1 ;:::;~ m j ;p j ;~ m j+1 ;:::~ m k i. Unicycle and Urban primitives: We use state lattices constructed with respect to two dierent sets of primitives in this chapter, namely the Unicycle and Urban primitives. Although we describe them in greater detail in Section 4.6.1 in the context of our exper- imental results, we provide a brief description of them here as well, since we use them in various gures and examples throughout this chapter. The Unicycle primitives have 16 induced orientations and 4 (kinematically feasible) primitives per orientation. All Unicy- cle primitives for the orientation \Up" are shown in Figure 4.1a. The Urban primitives have 32 induced orientations and between 26 to 32 primitives per orientation. All Urban primitives for the orientation \Right" are shown in Figure 4.1b. For both the Unicycle and Urban primitives, the length of each primitive is equal to the distance traveled by the agent multiplied by a factor: For Unicycle primitives, backward moves are multiplied by 5 and turns are multiplied by 2. For Urban primitives, backward moves are multiplied by 3. All other primitives are multiplied by 1. 4.3 Assumptions In order to ensure that G satises Assumptions 1.1 (G is nite), 1.2 (G is strongly connected), and 1.3 (every edge (u;v)2 E is the unique shortest u-v path on G), we dene G as the largest strongly connected component of a state latticeL G;M , whereG andM are nite andM is well-behaved. Assumptions 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3 summarize our assumptions aboutG,M, and how G relates toL G;M . Assumption 4.1.G andM are nite. Assumption 4.2. G is the largest strongly connected component ofL G;M . Assumption 4.3. M is well-behaved: For every ~ m2M, there is no primitive path ~ =h~ m 1 ;:::;~ m k i such that: 1. ~ m 1 ;:::;~ m k 2Mnf~ mg; 2. s m 1 = s m , e m k = e m ; 3. x m 1 + +x m k =x m ; 106 4. y m 1 + +y m k =y m ; and 5. l m 1 + +l mn l m . Lemma 4.1. G satises Assumptions 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3. Proof. 1. Assumption 1.1: G is nite: 1.1. L G;M is nite sinceG andM are nite (Assumption 4.1). 1.2. G is nite since it is a component of the nite graphL G;M (Assumption 4.2). 2. Assumption 1.2: G is strongly connected (Assumption 4.2). 3. Assumption 1.3: Every edge (u;v)2E is the unique shortest u-v path on G: 3.1. Let ~ m be the primitive that induces the edge (u;v) in G. 3.2. Assume (for contradiction) that there exists a u-v path =hp 0 ;:::;p k i6= hu;vi with l()c(u;v). 3.3. Fori = 0;:::;k 1, let ~ m i+1 be a primitive that induces the edge (p i ;p i+1 ) in G. 3.4. M is not well-behaved (Assumption 4.3, since ~ m and the sequence ~ m 1 ;:::;~ m k violate it). 3.5. M is well-behaved (Assumption 4.3). 3.6. ? (sinceM is well-behaved andM is not well-behaved). 4.4 Freespace Reachability In this section, we introduce freespace state lattices as state lattices constructed on obstacle-free and innitely-extending environments, and freespace-shortest paths as short- est paths on freespace state lattices. We prove the translation invariance of freespace distances, that is, that translating freespace-shortest paths by changing the x- or y- coordinates of all their vertices by the same integral amount produces other freespace- shortest paths, and show that this property can be exploited to eciently compute and compactly store pairwise distances on freespace state lattices. We introduce freespace- reachability as a reachability relation on state lattices as a set of pairs of vertices between whose distance on the state lattice is equal to the distance on the freespace state lattice. We introduce a connection algorithm for freespace-reachability, which uses a depth-rst search that uses precomputed freespace distances to explore only freespace-shortest paths that originate (or terminate) at a given vertex. We introduce a renement algorithm for freespace-reachability, which uses a depth-rst search that uses precomputed freespace distances to explore only freespace-shortest paths between two vertices. 107 (a) Unicycle primitives. (b) Urban primitives. (c) Freespace-shortest paths up to length 50 (Unicycle). Figure scaled up by a factor of 2.15 compared to (d). (d) Freespace-shortest paths up to length 50 (Urban). Figure 4.1: Unicycle and Urban primitives and their corresponding freespace-shortest paths up to length 50. The red triangle shows the current state. In (c) and (d), blue triangles show states reachable from the current state with a single primitive. This section is organized as follows. In Section 4.4.1, we introduce freespace state lattices and discuss some of their properties. In Section 4.4.2, we prove the translation invariance of freespace distances. In Section 4.4.3, we introduce freespace-reachability as a reachability relation on state lattices. In Sections 4.4.4 and 4.4.5, we introduce connection and renement algorithms for freespace-reachability, respectively. 4.4.1 Freespace State Lattice The freespace state latticeF is the state latticeL Z 2 ;M , that is, the state lattice con- structed with respect to an innitely-extending grid with no blocked cells. Denition 4.1 formally denes freespace grids, state lattices, and paths. Figures 4.1c and 4.1d show shortest paths of lengths up to 50 that originate at a single state on a freespace state lattice constructed from the Unicycle and Urban primitives, respectively. Denition 4.1 (Freespace grid, state lattices, and paths). The freespace grid is the grid Z 2 (which extends innitely in all directions and does not contain any blocked cells). The 108 (a) A shortest path on G that is freespace-shortest. (b) A shortest path on G that is not freespace-shortest. The boundaries of the grid act as obstacles, blocking a path that is equivalent to the one shown in (a). Figure 4.2: Shortest paths on state lattices. The relativex- andy- coordinates of the start and goal vertices are the same in both gures, but only one of them is freespace-shortest. freespace state lattice is the state latticeF =L Z 2 ;M = (V F ;E F ;c F ). A freespace s-t path is an s-t path onF. An s-t path (on G orF) is freespace-shortest if and only if it is a shortest s-t path onF. The freespace s-t distance is the length of a shortest s-t path on F, and is denoted as d F (s;t). We say that a freespace path is unblocked (on G) if and only if it is also a path on G. Our denition of the freespace grid is in uenced by the freespace assumption, the as- sumption that the underlying environment has no obstacles (or the corresponding grid has no blocked cells). The freespace assumption is typically used in path planning in partially- known environments (Zelinsky, 1992; Foux, Heymann, & Bruckstein, 1993; Stentz, 1994; Nourbakhsh & Genesereth, 1996; Koenig & Smirnov, 1997): any region of the environ- ment about which the agent has no information is assumed to be obstacle-free, in order to always move the agent along a shortest, potentially unblocked, path in the environ- ment. However, even under the freespace assumption, the environment is assumed to be bounded (usually within a rectangle). Our denition of the freespace grid also assumes that the environment (or the corresponding grid) extends innitely in all directions. With- out this assumption, the translation invariance of freespace distances that we discuss in Section 4.4.2 does not hold. Figure 4.2 shows an example that motivates our denition of the freespace grid as an innite grid, rather than the smallest rectangle of unblocked cells that containsG. The underlying grid has a rectangle of unblocked cells, surrounded by (a boundary of) blocked cells. The path shown in Figure 4.2(a) is the shortest possible path between the start (blue arrow) and goal (red arrow) states: even if the rectangle of blocked cells were innitely extended, there would not be a shorter path. Therefore, it is a freespace- shortest path. The orientations and relative x- and y-coordinates of the start and goal states in Figure 4.2(b) are the same as in Figure 4.2(a). However, the shortest path between them is longer. If the rectangle of unblocked cells is suciently extended in all directions, a path equivalent to the one in Figure 4.2(a) (that is, with the same sequence 109 of primitives) would be a shorter path. Therefore, the path shown in Figure 4.2(b) is not freespace-shortest. As we have discussed in Section 4.2, a primitive ~ m may induce multiple edges in a state lattice, namely, an edge for every state from which ~ m is kinematically feasible and collision-free to execute. The set of states from which ~ m is kinematically feasible to execute can be considered to be \regular", in the sense that they can be characterized easily as those states with orientation s m . The set of states from which ~ m is collision-free to execute can be considered to be \irregular", depending on the underlying gridG. On freespace state lattices, the set of states from which ~ m is collision-free to execute is also \regular": Since there are no blocked cells, every state from which ~ m is kinematically feasible to execute is also a state from which ~ m is collision-free to execute. We use this \regularity" of freespace state lattices in Section 4.4.2 to prove the translation invariance of freespace-distances, and in Section 4.5.2 to prove the translation invariance of freespace- canonical paths. The freespace state latticeF =L Z 2 ;M is a supergraph of the state latticeL G;M , that is,L Z 2 ;M contains a superset of the edges ofL G;M , since the underlying grid Z 2 of the freespace state latticeF =L Z 2 ;M contains a superset of the unblocked cells of the underlying gridG ofL G;M . Furthermore, since G is dened as the largest strongly- connected component ofL G;M (Assumption 4.2),F =L Z 2 ;M is also a supergraph of G. Lemmata 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, and 4.5 follow from this observation, and allow us to use precomputed freespace distances (or trees of freespace-shortest paths) in the connection and renement algorithms that we develop in this dissertation. Lemma 4.2. Every path onG is a path onF with the same length. For everys;t2V , d F (s;t)d(s;t). Proof. By Denition 4.1, sinceGZ 2 ,F =L Z 2 ;M is a supergraph ofL G;M . By Assump- tion 4.2,L G;M is a supergraph of G. Therefore,F is a supergraph of G and contains all edges ofG with the same lengths, and all paths onG with the same lengths. Consequently, distances onF cannot be larger than distances on G. Lemma 4.3. A freespace-shortest s-t path on G is a shortest s-t path on G. Proof. Since is freespace-shortest, by Denition 4.1, l() =d F (s;t). From Lemma 4.2, d F (s;t)d(s;t). Therefore, l()d(s;t) and, consequently, is a shortest s-t path on G. Lemma 4.4. A freespace-shortest s-t path exists on G if and only if d F (s;t) =d(s;t). Proof. Assume that a freespace-shortests-t path exists onG. By Denition 4.1,l() = d F (s;t), and, by Lemma 4.3, l() =d(s;t). Therefore, d F (s;t) =d(s;t). Assume thatd F (s;t) =d(s;t). Let be a shortests-t path onG withl() =d(s;t) = d F (s;t). By Denition 4.1, is freespace-shortest. Lemma 4.5. Every subpath of a freespace-shortest path is freespace-shortest. Proof. A freespace-shortest path is a shortest path onF (Denition 4.1). Therefore, its subpaths are also shortest paths onF and thus are freespace-shortest. 110 4.4.2 Translation Invariance of Freespace Distances In Euclidean geometry, a translation is a transformation that moves every point of an object by the same distance in a given direction. On state lattices, we dene a translation as changing the x- or y-coordinates of every point (state) of an object (a state, a set of states, an edge, or a path) by the same integral amount. In this section, we prove the translation invariance of freespace distances, that is, that translating a pair of states does not change the distance between them on the freespace state lattice, which allows for the ecient computation and compact storage of freespace distances. Lemmata 4.6, 4.7, and 4.8 prove the translation invariance of edges, paths, and short- est paths on freespace state lattices, respectively. Theorem 4.19 proves the translation invariance of freespace distances. We use the following notation to denote translations on state lattices: Translating a state s = (x s ;y s ; s ) by (x;y) (by the integers x and y) results in the states 0 = (x s +x;y s +y; s ), which we denote ass+(x;y) =s 0 . Translating a path =hp 0 ;:::;p k i by (x;y) results in the path 0 =hp 0 + (x;y);:::;p k + (x;y)i, which we denote as + (x;y) = 0 . Lemma 4.6 (Translation invariance of edges onF). Let (u;v) be an edge ofF. For any two integers x and y, let u 0 =u + (x;y) and v 0 =v + (x;y). (u 0 ;v 0 ) is an edge ofF with c F (u;v) =c F (u 0 ;v 0 ). Proof. Since ~ m induces the edge (u;v) inF, it holds that u + ~ m =v and l ~ m =c F (u;v). Sinceu 0 =u + (x;y) has the same orientation asu, ~ m is kinematically feasible to execute from u 0 . SinceG has no blocked cells, ~ m is collision-free to execute from u 0 . Therefore ~ m is executable from u 0 . When ~ m is executed from u 0 , the resulting state is u 0 + ~ m = u + (x;y) + ~ m =u + ~ m + (x;y) =v + (x;y) =v 0 . Therefore, ~ m induces the edge (u 0 ;v 0 ) inF with c F (u 0 ;v 0 ) =l ~ m =c F (u;v). Lemma 4.7 (Translation invariance of freespace paths). Let = hp 0 ;:::;p k i be a freespace path. For any two integers x and y, let 0 =hp 0 0 ;:::;p 0 k i such that, for all i = 0;:::;k, p 0 i =p i + (x;y). 0 is a freespace path with l( 0 ) =l(). Proof. For all i = 0;:::;k 1, since (p i ;p i+1 ) appears on , it is an edge ofF and, consequently, (p 0 i ;p 0 i+1 ) is an edge ofF with c F (p 0 i ;p 0 i+1 ) = c F (p i ;p i+1 ) (Lemma 4.6). Therefore 0 is a path onF with length l() =l( 0 ). Lemma 4.8 (Translation invariance of freespace-shortest paths). Let be a freespace- shortest path. For any two integers x and y, 0 = + (x;y) is a freespace-shortest path. Proof. Let s and t denote the rst and last vertex on , and let s 0 and t 0 denote the rst and last vertex on 0 , respectively. Assume (for contradiction) that an s 0 -t 0 path 00 exists onF with l( 00 ) < l( 0 ). Then 00 + (x;y) is a freespace s-t path with length l( 00 ) < l( 0 ) = l() (Lemma 4.7), contradicting that is a freespace-shortest s-t path (Denition 4.1). Theorem 4.9 (Translation invariance of freespace distances). Let s and t be two states. For any two integers x and y, let s 0 =s + (x;y) and t 0 =t + (x;y). d F (s;t) =d F (s 0 ;t 0 ). 111 Proof. Our assumption thatG is strongly connected (Assumption 4.2) does not apply to F. Ifd F (s;t) =1, thend F (s 0 ;t 0 ) =1 because, otherwise, a freespaces 0 -t 0 path 0 exists with l( 0 ) <1 and, therefore, the freespace s-t path 0 + (x;y) exists with length l() = l( 0 ) <1 (Lemma 4.7), contradicting thatF(s;t) =1. If d F (s;t) <1, then d F (s;t) =d F (s 0 ;t 0 ) follows from Lemmata 4.7 and 4.8. The translation invariance of freespace distances allows for the ecient computation and compact storage of pairwise freespace distances. Namely, by Theorem 4.9, for every s = (x s ;y s ; s ) and t = (x t ;y t ; t ), the freespace s-t distance is equal to the freespace s 0 -t 0 distance, where s 0 = s + (x s ;y s ) = (0; 0; s ) and t 0 = t + (x s ;y s ). That is, computing and storing freespace distances from states (0; 0;), for all2 O M , is sucient for computing and storing pairwise freespace distances between all states that appear on state lattices. 1 4.4.3 Freespace Reachability (F-Reachability) In order to be able to use eciently computed and compactly stored freespace distances during the connection and renement phases of queries answered using subgoal graphs, we can construct subgoal graphs with respect to freespace-reachability: A statet is freespace- reachable from a states if and only if a freespace-shortests-t path is unblocked onG, or, equivalently, if and only if d F (s;t) =d(s;t) (Lemma 4.4). Denition 4.2 formally denes freespace-reachability as well as a variant, called bounded-freespace-reachability. Denition 4.2. A vertex t is freespace-reachable (F-reachable) from a vertex s, denoted by (s;t)2 F, if and only if a freespace-shortest s-t path exists on G (equivalently, by Lemma 4.4, if and only if d F (s;t) =d(s;t)). t is bounded-freespace-reachable with reach- ability bound b > 0 (Fb-reachable) from s if and only if t is F-reachable from s and d(s;t)b. Lemma 4.10. Every edge (u;v) ofF is the unique freespace-shortest u-v path. Proof. Proof is similar to Step 3 of the proof of Lemma 4.1, and follows fromM being well-behaved (Assumption 4.3). Theorem 4.11. F is a reachability relation. Fb is a reachability relation if, for all ~ m2M, l ~ m b. Proof. For every n2 V , (n;n)2 F and (n;n)2 Fb sincehni is a freespace-shortest n-n path on G with d(n;n) = 0 b. For every (u;v)2 E, (u;v)2 F sincehu;vi is a freespace-shortest u-v path (Lemma 4.10) on G. If, for every ~ m2M, l ~ m b, then c(u;v) = l ~ m b, where ~ m is the primitive that induces the edge (u;v). Consequently, (u;v)2 Fb. 1 Since we dene freespace state lattices to be innite graphs (Denition 4.1), it is not possible to store pairwise distances between all pairs of states on a freespace state lattice. However, we are only interested in freespace distances between vertices that appear on (actual) state lattices, which are nite (Assumption 4.1). 112 Using a reachability bound b for F-reachability allows us to limit the calculation and storage of freespace distances to only those pairs of vertices between which the freespace distance is no more than b. It also allows us to in uence the trade-o between the connection and search times of queries answered using (strongly-connected) subgoal graphs, as we discuss further and experimentally evaluate in Section 4.6. Fb-reachability can be considered as the combination of F-reachability and BDb-reachability, which we have introduced in Section 3.3.1. That is Fb = F\ BDb. 4.4.4 F-Connect In this section, we introduce a connection algorithm for F-reachability, called F-Connect, and prove its correctness with respect to the criteria that we have outlined in Section 3.3.4 for answering queries using F (strongly-connected) subgoal graphs. That is, we show that F-Connect connects a given start vertex s (or a given goal vertex t) to all direct- F-reachable subgoals from s, never connects s to a subgoal that is not F-reachable from s, and determines the correct lengths for the connecting edges as distances on G. For brevity, we only describe a version of F-Connect, called F ! -Connect, that connects the start vertex, but not the goal vertex, to an F (strongly-connected) subgoal graph, and describe brie y how it can be modied to also connect the goal vertex. Furthermore, we omit providing a connection algorithm for Fb-reachability, since F-Connect can be modied to become a connection algorithm for Fb-reachability by simply disallowing it from generating vertices whose distances from the start vertex are larger than b. A connection algorithm for F-reachability needs to connect a given start vertex to subgoals (or the goal vertex) that are direct-F-reachable from it, and only to subgoals that are F-reachable from it, as discussed in Section 3.3.4. Algorithm 10 outlines F ! -Connect, which explores exactly the freespace-shortest paths that originate at a given start vertex s that are unblocked onG and not covered by subgoals: Any vertex that is reached with a shortest path that is not freespace-shortest cannot be F-reachable froms (Denition 4.2), and any vertex that is reached with a freespace-shortest path that is covered by a subgoal cannot be direct-F-reachable froms (Denition 3.7). Figure 4.3 shows an example of the operation of F ! -Connect on a 4-neighbor grid graph, and Figure 4.4 shows an example on a state lattice constructed with respect to Unicycle primitives. F ! -Connect operates similarly to the aggressive variant of Overlay-Connect (that is, a Dijkstra search that does not expand subgoals), that we have discussed in Section 3.2.5, with two dierences that are highlighted in blue in Algorithm 10: F ! -Connect avoids generating vertices that are not F-reachable froms by checking, for each successor v of an expanded vertex u, whether d F (s;u) +c(u;v) =d F (s;v) (line 11). As we prove later in Lemma 4.12, this check is sucient to maintain the invariant that all vertices placed in the OPEN list are F-reachable froms. This proof can be summarized as follows: Intuitively, assuming that the invariant holds, for every vertex u selected for expansion, the search tree contains a freespace-shortest s-u path. If the edge (u;v) extends this path to a freespace-shortest s-v path (that is, ifd F (s;u) +c(u;v) =d F (s;v)), then we can verify that (s;v)2 F andv is added to OPEN, which does not violate the invariant. Otherwise,v is not added to OPEN 113 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 D A B C F E G I H s (a) All freespace-shortest paths onF that originate at s and have length 4 or less.F is shown only partially, since it is innite. 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 D A B C F E G I H s (b) F4-Connect explores all freespace-shortest paths on G that originate at s, have length 4 or less, and are not covered by subgoals (red). Figure 4.3: F4-Connect on a 4-neighbor grid graph. (a) All freespace-shortest paths onF that originate at a state and have length 50 or less. F is only shown partially, since it is innite. (b) F50-Connect explores all freespace-shortest paths on G that originate at s, have length 4 or less, and are not covered by subgoals (none are present in this example). Figure 4.4: F50-Connect on a state lattice constructed using Unicycle primitives. (but it may still be added to OPEN eventually if a freespace-shortest path to it is found through another vertex). F ! -Connect can expand vertices in an arbitrary order (line 5) and therefore does not require its OPEN list to be implemented as a priority queue (line 2). Recall that, in order to guarantee that each vertex is expanded with the correct g-value, a Dijkstra search always chooses the next vertex to expand as the vertex with the minimum g-value in its OPEN list. However, since Algorithm 10 maintains the invariant that all vertices in OPEN are F-reachable from s, the distance from s to any vertexu2 OPEN isd(s;u) =d F (s;u) (Denition 4.2). Therefore, Algorithm 10 can determine the correct distance for the edges it identies by simply performing a lookup for d F (s;u) (line 8). 114 Algorithm 10 F ! -Connect Blue text: Dierences from the aggressive variant of Overlay-Connect (Section 3.2.5). Input: A state lattice G = (V;E;c), start vertex s, covering vertices S V , target vertices TV Output: A set of edges E + such that F s!T S E + F, edge lengths c + such that, 8(u;v)2E + , c + (u;v)=d F (u;v) =d(u;v) 1: E + ; 2: OPEN fsg . Implemented as a stack for depth-rst search 3: CLOSED fg . For duplicate detection 4: while OPEN6=; do 5: u any vertex in OPEN 6: Move u from OPEN to CLOSED 7: if u2Tnfsg then 8: Add (s;u) to E + with c + (u;v) =d F (s;u) 9: if u62Snfsg then 10: for all successors v of u such that v62 OPEN[CLOSED do 11: if d F (s;u) +c(u;v) =d F (s;v) then 12: Add v to OPEN 13: return E + , c + Given that F ! -Connect can expand vertices in an arbitrary order, its OPEN list can be implemented as a stack to expand vertices in a depth-rst order. Each insertion and removal from the OPEN list thus requires O(1) time. Since only vertices that are F- reachable froms are placed in OPEN (Lemma 4.12), the total time to perform insertions and removals from OPEN is O(jF s!V j), where F s!V is the set of vertices that are F- reachable froms. Since each expansion iterates over all successors of the expanded vertex (line 10) and performs two O(1) time freespace-distance lookups per successor (line 11), the overall runtime of Algorithm 10 isO(jF s!V jB), whereB is the maximum out-degree of a vertex in G. (For an expanded vertex u, d F (s;u) needs to be looked-up only once, bringing down the number of table lookups per expansion to no more thanjBj + 1.) F ! -Connect can be modied to connect a goal vertex t to all vertices from which it is direct-F-reachable by running it on the reverse graph of G, and reversing the order of states in freespace-distance table look-ups. That is, when expanding a vertex u, for each predecessorv ofu, it can be determined thatt is F-reachable fromv ifd F (u;t)+c(u;v) = d F (v;t). We refer to this algorithm as F -Connect, and assume that F-Connect operates by rst running F ! -Connect from the start vertex and then running F -Connect from the goal vertex. We now prove the correctness of F ! -Connect with respect to the criteria that we have outlined in Section 3.3.4 for answering queries using F (strongly-connected) subgoal graphs. Namely, we show that F ! -Connect connects a given source vertexs to all direct- F-reachable subgoals froms, never connectss to a subgoal that is not F-reachable froms, and determines the correct lengths for the connecting edges as distances on G. We omit the proof of correctness for F -Connect, which is similar to the proof of correctness for F ! -Connect. We also omit the proof that F ! -Connect terminates, which follows from 115 the fact that it uses OPEN and CLOSED lists to expand each vertex at most once, and our assumption thatG is nite (Assumption 1.1), similar to the search framework that we have discussed in Section 2.2. We prove in Lemma 4.12 that F ! -Connect expands only vertices that are F-reachable from s, and we prove in Lemma 4.13 that it is guaranteed to expand all vertices that are direct-F-reachable from s. Lemma 4.12. At any point during the execution of Algorithm 10, every vertexu2 OPEN is F-reachable from s. Proof. 1. LetS i be the statement \The ith time that line 4 is executed, for every vertex n2 OPEN, (s;n)2 F". 2. For all i = 1;:::;k, where k is the number of times that line 4 is executed, S i is true (proof by induction on i): 2.1. Base case:S 1 is true (since OPEN =fsg, (s;s)2F ). 2.2. Induction step: IfS i is true, thenS i+1 is true: 2.2.1. AssumeS i is true. 2.2.2. Letu be the vertex selected for expansion on line 5 immediately after line 4 is executed for the ith time. 2.2.3. Let v be any vertex added to OPEN (line 12) after line 4 is executed for the ith time but before the (i + 1)st time. 2.2.4. (s;u)2F (sinceS i is true). 2.2.5. (u;v)2E (line 10, since v is a successor of u). 2.2.6. d F (s;u) +c(u;v) =d F (s;v) (line 11). 2.2.7. Let u be a freespace-shortest s-u path on G with l( u ) =d F (s;u). Such u exists (Denition 4.2, since (s;u)2F ). 2.2.8. Let v = u :(u;v) with l( v ) =l( u ) +c(u;v). 2.2.9. l( v ) =l( u ) +c(u;v) =d F ( u ) +c(u;v) =d F (s;v). 2.2.10. v is freespace-shortest (Denition 4.1, since l( v ) =d F (s;v)). 2.2.11. v is a path onG (since v = u :(u;v), u is a path onG, and (u;v)2E). 2.2.12. (s;v)2F (Denition 4.2, since v is a freespace-shortest s-v path on G). Lemma 4.13. For every n2 V , if n is direct-F-reachable from s, then Algorithm 10 selects n for expansion (line 5) at some point during its execution. Proof. 1. Let n2V with (s;n)2 F s!V S . 2. Let =hp 0 ;:::;p k i be a freespace-shortest s-n path on G. Such exists (Deni- tion 4.2, since (s;n)2 F). 116 3. is a shortest s-n path on G (Lemma 4.3, since is freespace-shortest). 4. S6@ (s;n) (Denition 3.2, since (s;n)2 F s!V S ). 5. S6@ (Denition 3.1, since S6@ (s;n) and is a shortest s-n path). 6. For i = 0;:::;k 1, p i 62Snfsg: 6.1. If i = 0, then p i =p 0 =s62Snfsg. 6.2. If 0<i<k, then p i 62S (Denition 3.1, since S6@). 7. LetS i be the statement \Algorithm 10 selects p i for expansion on line 6 at some point during its execution". 8. For all i = 0;:::;k, S i is true (proof by induction on i = 0;:::;k 1): 8.1. Base case:S 0 is true (since OPEN =fsg the rst time line 4 is executed). 8.2. Induction step: IfS i is true, thenS i+1 is true: 8.2.1. AssumeS i is true. 8.2.2. p i is selected for expansion (sinceS i is true). 8.2.3. Consider the point in execution when p i is selected for expansion. 8.2.4. If p i+1 2 OPEN, p i+1 is eventually selected for expansion (line 4). 8.2.5. If p i+1 2 CLOSED, p i+1 has already been selected for expansion (line 6). 8.2.6. Otherwise, p i+1 is added to OPEN: Lines 10{12 are executed for p i (line 9, since p i 62Snfsg). i =hp 0 ;:::;p i i and i+1 =hp 0 ;:::;p i+1 i are freespace-shortest paths on G (Lemma 4.5, since i and i+1 are subpaths of the freespace- shortest path on G). l( i ) = d F (s;p i ) and l( i+1 ) = d F (s;p i ) (Denition 4.1, since i and i+1 are freespace-shortest). (p i ;p i+1 )2E (since is a path on G). d F (s;p i+1 ) =l( i+1 ) =l( i ) +c(u;v) =d F (s;p i ) +c(p i ;p i+1 ). p i+1 is added to OPEN (since lines 10{12 are executed forp i , (p i ;p i+1 )2 E, and d F (s;p i ) +c(p i ;p i+1 ) =d F (s;p i+1 )). Theorem 4.14. Algorithm 10 returns a set of edgesE + with lengthsc + such that F s!T S E + F and, for every (u;v)2E + , c + (u;v) =d(u;v). Proof. By Lemma 4.12, Algorithm 10 only expands vertices that are F-reachable from s. By Lemma 4.13, Algorithm 10 is guaranteed to expand all vertices that are direct- F-reachable from s. Therefore, Algorithm 10 identies a set of edges E + with F s!T S E + F. Furthermore, since E + F, Algorithm 10 correctly determines the lengths of edges in E + as their freespace-distances (Denition 4.2). 117 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 D A B C E s t F (a) All freespace-shortest s-t paths onF.F is only shown partially, since it is innite. 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 D A B C F E s t (b) F-Rene only explores freespace-shortest paths on G to states that appear on freespace-shortest s-t paths onF. Figure 4.5: F-Rene. 4.4.5 F-Rene In this section, we introduce a renement algorithm for F-reachability, called F-Rene, and prove its correctness with respect to the criteria that we have outlined in Section 3.3.4 for answering queries using F (strongly-connected) subgoal graphs. That is, we show that F-Rene is guaranteed to nd a shortest s-t path on G, given any (s;t)2 F. F-Rene can be used as a renement algorithm for Fb-reachability as well, without any changes. Algorithm 11 F-Rene Input: (s;t)2 F, G = (V;E;c) Output: A shortest (freespace) s-t path on G 1: OPEN :=fsg . Implemented as a stack for DFS 2: CLOSED :=fg 3: while OPEN6=; do 4: u := any vertex in OPEN 5: if u =t then 6: break 7: Move u from OPEN to CLOSED 8: for all successors v of u such that v62 OPEN[ CLOSED do 9: if d F (s;u) +c(u;v) +d F (v;t) =d F (s;t) then 10: parent(v) =u 11: add v to OPEN 12: hti 13: u t 14: while u6=s do 15: hparent(u);ui 16: u parent(u) 17: return Algorithm 11 outlines F-Rene, which only explores freespace-shortest paths on G to states that appear on freespace-shortests-t paths onF: If a vertex does not appear on a 118 freespace-shortest s-t path onF, then it cannot appear on a freespace-shortest s-t path on G, since, as discussed in Section 4.4.1, the set of paths onF is a superset of the set of paths on G. F-Rene maintains the invariant that each vertex in OPEN appears on at least one shortest s-t path onF. It does so by checking, for each successor v of an expanded vertexu, whetherd F (s;u)+c(u;v)+d F (v;t) =d F (s;t) (lines 8{9). Intuitively, if the edge (u;v) appears on a freespace-shortest path = 0 hu;vi 00 , it must hold that d F (s;t) =l() =l( 0 ) +c(u;v) +l( 00 ) =d F (s;u) +c(u;v) +d F (v;t). If so, then v is added to OPEN since it could be veried that v can appear on a freespace-shortests-t path (lines 10{11). Otherwise, v is not added to OPEN. F-Rene can be considered as a \goal-directed" version of F ! -Connect. Whereas F ! -Connect avoids generating vertices that are not freespace-reachable from s, F-Rene avoids generating vertices that are not freespace-reachable froms and vertices that cannot appear on freespace-shortests-t paths onF. We omit an extensive proof of the correctness of F-Rene, which is similar to the proof of correctness of F-Connect, but only prove that its \goal-directed" pruning is correct. Lemma 4.15. For every (s;t)2 F and edge (u;v)2E, if d F (s;u) +c(u;v) +d F (v;t)6= d F (s;t), then (u;v) cannot appear on a shortest s-t path on G. Proof. 1. Let (s;t)2 F. 2. Let (u;v)2E. 3. Let d F (s;u) +c(u;v) +d F (v;t)6=d F (s;t). 4. Assume (for contradiction) that a shortest s-t path = 0 hu;vi 00 exists on G. 5. l() =d(s;t) (since is a shortest s-t path on G). 6. l() =d F (s;t) (Denition 4.2, since (s;t)2 F). 7. is a freespace-shortest s-t path (Denition 4.1, since l() =d F (s;t)). 8. 0 ,hu;vi, and 00 are freespace-shortest (Lemma 4.5, since they are subpaths of the freespace-shortest path ). 9. l() =l( 0 ) +l(hu;vi) +l( 00 ) (since = 0 hu;vi 00 ). 10. d F (s;t) = d F (s;u) +d F (u;v) +d F (v;t) (Denition 4.1, since , 0 ,hu;vi, and 00 are s-t, s-u, u-v, and v-t freespace-shortest paths, respectively). 11. d F (u;v) =c(u;v) (Lemma 4.10, since (u;v)2E). 12. d F (s;t) =d F (s;u) +c(u;v) +d F (v;t). 13. ? (since d F (s;t) =d F (s;u) +c(u;v) +d F (v;t)6=d F (s;t)). 119 4.5 Canonical Freespace Reachability In the previous section, we have introduced F-reachability and developed connection and renement algorithms for it that use precomputed freespace distances, which can be eciently computed and compactly stored by exploiting the translation invariance of freespace distances. In this section, we introduce a variant of F-reachability, called canonical-freespace-reachability (CF-reachability) and develop connection and renement algorithms for it. The main idea behind CF-reachability is to use a canonical ordering to distinguish, among multiple freespace-shortest paths between two vertices, exactly one as the freespace-canonical path. A vertex is CF-reachable from another vertex if and only if the freespace-canonical path between them is unblocked onG. We introduce a connection algorithm for CF-reachability that explores only the freespace-canonical paths rather than all freespace-shortest ones, considers only a subset of the successors of expanded vertices, and does not have to perform duplicate detection (that is, check whether each successor of an expanded vertex already appears in OPEN or CLOSED). We introduce a renement algorithm for CF-reachability that simply generates the freespace-canonical path between two CF-reachable vertices. These connection and renement algorithms use precomputed freespace-canonical successors, predecessors, and parents rather than freespace distances. We prove that, similar to freespace distances, these values can be eciently computed and compactly stored by exploiting the translation invariance of freespace-canonical paths. This section is organized as follows. In Section 4.5.1, we describe canonical order- ings dened over the primitives of state lattices, and show how they can be used to uniquely designate, among multiple freespace-shortest paths between two vertices, ex- actly one as the freespace-canonical path. In Section 4.5.2, we prove the translation in- variance of freespace-canonical paths, as well as prove that the set of freespace-canonical paths that originate (or terminate) at a vertex form a tree. In Section 4.5.3, we in- troduce canonical-freespace-reachability as a reachability relation on state lattices. In Sections 4.5.4 and 4.5.5, we introduce connection and renement algorithms for canonical- freespace-reachability. 4.5.1 Symmetries and Canonical Orderings On graphs with arbitrary edge lengths, such as road networks, there is typically a unique shortest path between any two vertices. However, on state lattices that are constructed with respect to a small set of primitives (or, more generally, on state spaces constructed with respect to a small set of actions), dierent permutations of a sequence of primi- tives (actions) may correspond to multiple symmetric shortest paths between two states. Canonical orderings are total or partial orderings on the primitives (actions) available to an agent, and can be used to distinguish one or multiple (shortest) paths between two states as the canonical one(s). Canonical orderings have been used in search algorithms that cannot perform proper duplicate detection (due to limited memory) to reduce the number of duplicate nodes in their search trees (Taylor & Korf, 1993; Holte & Burch, 2014), and by Jump Point Search for symmetry breaking on grid graphs (Harabor & 120 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 D A B C F E G I H s (a) All freespace-shortest paths onF that originate at s. 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 D A B C F E G I H s (b) All freespace-canonical paths onF that originate at s. Figure 4.6: Canonical ordering based on the lexical ordering Left < L Right < L Up < L Down of the four primitives that dene a 4-neighbor grid graph.F is only shown partially, since it is innite. Grastien, 2011; Harabor et al., 2014; Sturtevant & Rabin, 2016). In this section, we de- ne a canonical ordering on the primitives of a state lattice to distinguish, among multiple symmetric shortest paths onF, exactly one as the freespace-canonical path. Figure 4.6 shows the symmetries on a 4-neighbor grid graph, which can be considered as a state lattice constructed with respect to the four primitives Up, Down, Left, and Right. There are two dierent freespace-shortest E5-D6 paths, namelyhE5; ~ U; ~ Ri and hE5; ~ R; ~ Ui, which correspond to executing the primitives ~ U and ~ R in dierent orders. There are 10!=5!5! freespace-shortest E5-A10 paths, each corresponding to a dierent ordering of ve ~ U and ve ~ R primitives. Searches without proper duplicate detection might explore all these shortest paths, resulting in many redundant expansions. State lattices, in general, have fewer symmetries than grid graphs, since some permu- tations of a sequence of primitives might not be kinematically feasible if a primitive with start orientation follows a primitive with end orientation 0 6=. However, symmetries are still present on state lattices, which is why F-Connect needs to perform duplicate de- tection and F-Rene needs to search for a freespace-shortest path that is unblocked onG. Figure 4.7 shows an example of symmetries on state lattices constructed using Unicycle primitives. The path in Figure 4.7a is the unique freespace-shortest path between the states that it connects. Every other permutation of its primitives produces a path that is kinematically infeasible to execute. All paths in Figure 4.7b correspond to dierent permutations of a single sequence of primitives, and dier in how much the agent moves in a straight line in the very beginning or at the very end of its planned path. The paths in Figure 4.7c correspond to dierent permutations of one of two sequences of primitives: in one sequence the agent initially steers toward the right and in the other one it steers toward the left. This example also shows that not all symmetric shortest paths are due to dierent permutations of a single sequence of primitives. 121 (a) There is a single (unique) freespace-shortest path. Every other permutation of the corresponding sequence of primitives are kinematically infeasible. (b) The freespace-shortest paths correspond to dierent permutations of a single sequence of primitives. (c) The freespace-shortest paths correspond to dierent permutations of one of two distinct sequences of primitives. Figure 4.7: All freespace-shortest paths between two states on the freespace state lattice constructed using the Unicycle primitives. We use a total canonical ordering < L on the primitives of a state lattice to desig- nate, among multiple freespace-shortest paths between two vertices, exactly one as the freespace-canonical path. Intuitively,< L associates each primitive with a unique \letter", such that, for every pair of dierent primitives, one is lexically smaller than the other one. As a result, primitive paths, that is, sequences of primitives, form \words", such that, for every pair of dierent primitive paths, one is lexically smaller than the other one. Furthermore, since there is a unique primitive path that correspond to any path onF, we can also lexically compare two dierent symmetric shortest paths, by lexically comparing their corresponding primitive paths. We dene the freespace-canonical path between two vertices onF as the lexically smallest freespace-shortest path between them. Figure 4.6b shows all lexically smallest freespace-shortest paths that originate at a vertex on the freespace 4-neighbor grid graph, assuming that we use the canonical ordering < L with ~ W < L ~ E < L ~ N < L ~ S. Among all 10!=5!5! symmetric paths that correspond to dierent permutations of ve ~ N and ve ~ E primitives, the pathhs; ~ E; ~ E; ~ E; ~ E; ~ E; ~ N; ~ N; ~ N; ~ N; ~ Ni is selected as the freespace-canonical path, since it is the lexically smallest. Denition 4.3 formally denes our lexical ordering of paths, and Denition 4.4 formally denes freespace-canonical paths. Lemma 4.16 proves that freespace-canonical paths are unique. Denition 4.3 (Lexical ordering of paths.). Let< L be a total ordering on all primitives inM. Let ~ =h~ m 0 ;:::;~ m k i6=~ 0 h~ m 0 0 ;:::;~ m 0 k 0 i be two primitive paths. ~ is lexically smaller than ~ 0 , denoted as ~ < L ~ 0 if and only if: there exists j min(k;k 0 ) such that (~ m j < L ~ m 0 j and, for all i < j, ~ m i = ~ m 0 i ) or, if no such j exists, if and only if k<k 0 . For everys ands 0 , the path =hs;~ m 0 ;:::;~ m k i< L 0 =hs 0 ;m 0 0 ;:::;~ m 0 k 0 i if and only if ~ < L ~ 0 . 122 Denition 4.4 (Freespace-canonical). An s-t path (on G orF) is freespace-canonical if and only if it is the lexically smallest shortest s-t path onF. Lemma 4.16. For every pair of states s and t with d F (s;t) <1, there is a unique freespace-canonical s-t path. Proof. For every pair of freespace-shortests-t paths6= 0 , their corresponding primitive paths ~ 6= ~ 0 . Therefore, it holds that either < L 0 or 0 < L (Denition 4.3). Consequently, there cannot be more than one lexically smallest freespace-shortest s-t path. 4.5.2 Properties of Freespace-Canonical Paths In this section, we prove that all freespace-canonical paths that originate at a vertex s form an out-tree rooted ats, and all freespace-canonical paths that terminate at a vertex t form an in-tree rooted at t, and prove the translation invariance of freespace-canonical paths, that is, that translating freespace-canonical paths onF produces other freespace- canonical paths onF, which allows for the ecient computation and compact storage of freespace-canonical successors, predecessors, and parents of states onF. Consider all freespace-canonical paths that originate at a single vertex s on a 4- neighbor grid graph, using the lexical ordering ~ W < L ~ E < L ~ N < L ~ S, as shown in Figure 4.6. The collection of all edges that appear on these paths form an out-tree rooted at s, that is, a tree where all edges point away from the root. Lemma 4.17 proves that subpaths of freespace-canonical paths are freespace-canonical, and Theorem 4.18 proves that all freespace-canonical paths that originate at a vertex s form an out-tree rooted at s and all freespace-canonical paths that terminate at a vertex t form an in-tree (all edges point towards the root) rooted at t. Lemma 4.17. Every subpath of a freespace-canonical path is freespace-canonical. Proof. Sketch: If a subpath u;v of a freespace-canonical path s;t is not freespace- canonical, then we can replace u;v in s;t with a lexically-smaller freespace-shortest path 0 u;v to get a path 0 s;t such that 0 s;t < L s;t , contradicting that s;t is freespace-canonical. 1. Let s;t =hs;~ m 1 ;:::;u;~ m i ;:::;~ m j ;v;:::;~ m k ;ti be the freespace-canonicals-t path. 2. Assume (for contradiction) that u;v =hu;~ m i ;:::;~ m j ;vi is not freespace-canonical. 3. s;t is freespace-shortest (Denition 4.4, since s;t is freespace-canonical). 4. u;v is freespace-shortest (Lemma 4.5, since u;v is a subpath of s;t ). 5. Let 0 u;v =hu;~ m 0 i ;:::;~ m 0 j 0 ;vi be a freespace-shortest u-v path with 0 u;v < L u;v . Such 0 u;v exists (Denition 4.4, since u;v is not freespace-canonical). 6. l( u;v ) =l( 0 u;v ) =d F (u;v) (Denition 4.1, since u;v and 0 u;v are freespace-shortest u-v paths). 7. u;v is not a prex of 0 u;v and 0 u;v is not a prex of u;v (since l( u;v ) = l( 0 u;v ) and, for every ~ m2M, l m > 0). 123 8. Let a i be the smallest number for which ~ m a 6= ~ m 0 a . Such a min(j;j 0 ) exists (Denition 4.3, since 0 u;v < L u;v , u;v is not a prex of 0 u;v , and 0 u;v is not a prex of u;v ). 9. ~ m 0 a < L ~ m a (Denition 4.3, since 0 u;v < L u;v ). 10. Let 0 s;t =hs;~ m 1 ;:::;u;~ m 0 i ;:::;~ m 0 j 0 ;v;:::;~ m k ;ti (replace u;v in s;t with 0 u;v ). 11. 0 s;t =hs;~ m 1 ;:::;~ m a1 ;~ m 0 a ;:::;~ m 0 j 0 ;~ m j+1 :::~ m k i (since a is the smallest number for which ~ m a 6= ~ m 0 a ). 12. 0 s;t < L s;t (Denition 4.3, since m 0 a < L m a ). 13. 0 s;t is a freespace-shortest s-t path (since 0 s;t replaces the freespace-shortest u-v path u;v in the freespace-shortests-t path s;t with the freespace-shortestu-v path 0 u;v ). 14. s;t is not freespace-canonical (Denition 4.4, since 0 s;t is a freespace shortest s-t path with 0 s;t < L s;t ). 15. ? ( s;t is freespace-canonical and not freespace-canonical). Theorem 4.18. All freespace-canonical paths that originate at a vertex s form an out- tree rooted at s. All freespace-canonical paths that terminate at a vertex t form an in-tree rooted at t. Proof. Let and 0 be two freespace-canonical paths with the start vertex s. Assume (for contradiction) that an edge (u;n) appears on and an edge (v;n) appears on 0 , withu6=v. That is, = s;u hu;ni n;t and 0 = 0 s;v hv;ni 0 n;t 0 . By Lemma 4.17, both s;u hu;ni and 0 s;v hv;ni are freespace-canonical, since they are subpaths of freespace- canonical paths. By Lemma 4.16, the freespace-canonical s-n path is unique. Therefore, s;u hu;ni = 0 s;v hv;ni, contradicting that u6=v. We can similarly show that two freespace-canonical paths that terminate at a vertex t cannot contain both the edge (n;u) and (n;v) with u6=v. As we discuss in the following sections, our connection algorithm for CF-reachability uses freespace-canonical successors and predecessors, and our renement algorithm uses freespace-canonical parents, which correspond to the edges of the out-trees or in-trees formed by freespace-canonical paths that originate or terminate at a vertex. Namely, the freespace-canonical successors of a vertex u with respect to a source vertex s are the children of u in the out-tree formed by the freespace-canonical paths that originate at s, or, equivalently, those successors v of u onF that extend the freespace-canonical s-u path to freespace-canonicals-v paths. Similarly, the freespace-canonical predecessors of a vertexu with respect to a destination vertex t are the children ofu in the in-tree formed by the freespace-canonical paths that terminate at t, or, equivalently, those predecessors v of u onF that extend the freespace-canonical u-t path to the freespace-canonical v-t path. Finally, the freespace-canonical parent of a vertexu with respect to a source vertex 124 s is the parent ofu in the out-tree formed by the freespace-canonical paths that originate at s. We now prove the translation invariance of freespace-canonical paths, that is, that translating freespace-canonical paths onF produces other freespace-canonical paths on F, which can be used to eciently compute and compactly store freespace-canonical successors, predecessors, and parents. Recall that we use the terminologys+(x;y) =s 0 to denote that translating a states by (x;y) results in the states 0 , and use the terminology + (x;y) = 0 to denote that translating a path by (x;y) results in the path 0 . Intuitively, if is freespace-canonical, 0 = + (x;y) must also be freespace canonical since, otherwise, a lexically-smaller freespace-shortest path 00 would exist with the same length as 0 . However, then 00 (x;y) would show that is not freespace-canonical, resulting in a contradiction. Theorem 4.19 (Translation invariance of freespace-canonical paths). Let be a freespace- canonical path. For any two integers x and y, 0 = + (x;y) is a freespace-canonical path as well. Proof. Since is freespace-canonical, is freespace-shortest (Denition 4.4). Since 0 is generated by translating the freespace-shortest path , 0 is also freespace-shortest (Lemma 4.8). Let s and t denote the rst and last vertices on , and let s 0 and t 0 denote the rst and last vertices on 0 , respectively. Assume (for contradiction) that 0 is not freespace-canonical. That is, an s 0 -t 0 path 00 exists onF with l( 00 ) = l( 0 ) and 00 < L 0 (Denition 4.4). Then, 00 + (x;y) is a freespace s-t path with length l( 00 + (x;y)) =l() (Lemma 4.7). Since and 0 have the same primitive sequence and 00 < L 0 , it holds that 00 < L (Denition 4.3). Since 00 and 00 + (x;y) have the same primitive sequence and 00 < L , it holds that 00 + (x;y) < L (Denition 4.3), contradicting that is freespace-canonical (Denition 4.4). The translation invariance of freespace-canonical paths ensures that we can store, for each 2 O M , a single out-tree of freespace-canonical paths rooted at (0; 0;) (that is, a single set of freespace-canonical successors or parents), and a single in-tree rooted at (0; 0;) (that is, a single set of freespace-canonical predecessors), since these trees are translationally equivalent to the trees rooted at every vertex (x;y;). Furthermore, these trees can be computed eciently by rst performing a Dijkstra search from s = (0; 0;) (using out-edges or in-edges for constructing the out-trees or in-trees, respectively) to generate a directed acyclic graph of freespace-shortest path that originate or terminate at a vertex, and then performing a depth-rst search on this directed acyclic graph, which evaluates successors of expanded vertices in increasing lexical order, guaranteeing that, when a vertex is visited for the rst time, it is visited through the freespace-canonical path. The search tree of this depth-rst search then corresponds to the out-tree or the in-tree of all freespace-canonical paths rooted at (0; 0;). 4.5.3 Canonical Freespace Reachability (CF-Reachability) In order to be able to use eciently computed and compactly stored freespace-canonical successors, predecessors, and parents during the connection and renement phases of queries answered using subgoal graphs, we can construct subgoal graphs with respect to 125 canonical-freespace-reachability: A state t is canonical-freespace-reachable from a state s if and only if the freespace-canonical s-t path is unblocked on G. Denition 4.5 formally denes canonical-freespace-reachability, as well as a variant, called bounded-canonical- freespace-reachability. Denition 4.5 (Canonical-freespace-reachability). A vertext is canonical-freespace-reach- able (CF-reachable) from a vertex s, denoted as (s;t)2 CF, if and only if the freespace- canonical s-t-path is unblocked on G. t is bounded-canonical-freespace-reachable with reachability bound b > 0 (CFb-reachable) from s if and only if t is CF-reachable from s and d(s;t)b. Theorem 4.20. CF is a reachability relation. CFb is a reachability relation if, for all ~ m2M, l ~ m b. Proof. For every n2V , (n;n)2 CF and (n;n)2 CFb sincehni is the unique freespace- shortestn-n path onG (that is, no other freespace-shortestn-n path exists that is lexically smaller). For every (u;v)2 E, (u;v)2 CF sincehu;vi is the unique freespace-shortest u-v path (Lemma 4.10) on G. If, for every ~ m2M, l ~ m b, then c(u;v) =l ~ m b, where ~ m is the primitive that induces the edge (u;v). Consequently, (u;v)2 CFb. Similar to how Fb reachability can be considered to be the combination of F-reachability and BDb-reachability, CFb reachability can be considered to be the combination of CF- reachability and BDb-reachability. That is, CFb = CF\ BDb and, therefore, CFb BDb. Furthermore, if (s;t)2 CF, a freespace-shortests-t path exists onG (namely, the canoni- cal one). Therefore, (s;t)2 F and, consequently, CF F. We discuss and experimentally evaluate in Section 4.6 how the relationship CFb Fb BDb aects the trade-o be- tween the connection, search, and renement times of queries answered using (strongly- connected) subgoal graphs constructed with respect to these reachability relations. 4.5.4 CF-Connect In this section, we introduce a connection algorithm for CF-reachability, called CF- Connect, and prove its correctness with respect to the criteria that we have outlined in Section 3.3.4 for answering queries using CF (strongly-connected) subgoal graphs. That is, we show that CF-Connect connects a given start vertex s (or a given goal vertex t) to all direct-CF-reachable subgoals from s, never connectss to a subgoal that is not CF- reachable froms, and determines the correct lengths for the connecting edges as distances on G. For brevity, we only describe a version of CF-Connect, called CF ! -Connect, that connects the start vertex, but not the goal vertex, to a CF (strongly-connected) sub- goal graph, and describe brie y how it can be modied to also connect the goal vertex. Furthermore, we omit providing a connection algorithm for CFb-reachability, since CF- Connect can be modied to become a connection algorithm for CFb-reachability by simply disallowing it from generating vertices whose distances from the start vertex are larger than b. Algorithm 12 outlines CF ! -Connect, which operates similarly to F ! -Connect, except that it explores freespace-canonical rather than freespace-shortest paths on G that origi- nate at a vertexs. That is, it explores exactly the freespace-canonical paths that originate 126 Algorithm 12 CF ! -Connect Blue text: Dierences from F ! -Connect. CF ! -Connect does not maintain a CLOSED list, since it does not have to perform duplicate detection. Input: A state lattice G = (V;E;c), start vertex s, covering vertices S V , target vertices TV Output: A set of edges E + such that CF s!T S E + CF, edge lengths c + such that, 8(u;v)2E + , c + =d F (u;v) =d(u;v) 1: E + ; 2: OPEN fsg . Implemented as a stack for depth-rst search 3: g(s) 0 . g-values maintained since d F is not available 4: while OPEN6=; do 5: u any vertex in OPEN 6: Remove u from OPEN 7: if u2Tnfsg then 8: Add (s;u) to E + with c + (u;v)=g(u) =d F (s;u) 9: if u62Snfsg then 10: for all freespace-canonical successors v of u with respect to s do 11: if (u;v)2E then 12: g(v) g(u) +c(u;v) 13: Add v to OPEN 14: return E + , c + at a given start vertexs that are unblocked onG and not covered by subgoals: Any vertex that cannot be reached with a freespace-canonical path cannot be CF-reachable from s (Denition 4.5), and any vertex that is reached with a freespace-canonical path that is covered by a subgoal cannot be direct-CF-reachable from s (Denition 3.7). Figure 4.8 shows an example of the operation of CF ! -Connect on a 4-neighbor grid graph. The operation of CF ! -Connect diers from the operation of F ! -Connect in two ways, which are highlighted in blue in Algorithm 12: CF ! -Connect generates only the (unblocked) freespace-canonical successors (with respect to s) of expanded vertices u (lines 10{11), that is, successors that extend the freespace-canonical s-u path to the freespace-canonical s-v path, whereas F ! - Connect iterates over the (unblocked) successors v of u to determine whether they are freespace-shortest successors, that is, whether they extend a freespace-shortests- u path to a freespace-shortests-v path. Therefore, CF ! -Connect iterates over fewer successors per expansion (only the freespace-canonical ones rather than all succes- sors) and does not perform a check to see if the successor is freespace-canonical (or freespace-shortest). However, since CF ! -Connect does not use precomputed freespace distances, it maintain g-values for generated vertices to correctly deter- mine the lengths of the edges it nds (lines 3, 12). We introduce a variant of F ! -Connect in Section 4.6.2 that uses precomputed freespace-shortest successors rather than freespace distances, so that it also performs expansions more eciently. 127 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 D A B C F E G I H s (a) All freespace-canonical paths onF based on the lexical ordering Left < L Right < L Up < L Down that originate at s and have length 4 or less.F is only shown partially, since it is innite. 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 D A B C F E G I H s (b) CF4-Connect explores all freespace-canonical paths on G that originate at s, have length 4 or less, and are not covered by subgoals (red). Figure 4.8: CF4-Connect on a 4-neighbor grid graph. CF ! -Connect does not perform duplicate detection since the freespace-canonical paths that originate ats form a tree (Theorem 4.18). That is, it does not maintain a CLOSED list, unlike F ! -Connect (Algorithm 10, lines 3, 6, and 10). CF ! -Connect can be modied to connect a goal vertex t to vertices from which it is direct-CF-reachable by running it on the reverse graph ofG, and using freespace-canonical predecessors rather than successors. That is, when expanding a vertex u, CF -Connect only generates the freespace-canonical predecessors of u with respect to t. We now prove the correctness of CF ! -Connect with respect to the criteria that we have outlined in Section 3.3.4 for answering queries using CF (strongly-connected) subgoal graphs. Namely, we show that CF ! -Connect connects a given source vertexs to all direct- CF-reachable subgoals from s, never connects s to a subgoal that is not CF-reachable froms, and determines the correct lengths for the connecting edges as distances onG. We omit the proof of correctness for CF -Connect, which is similar to the proof of correctness for CF ! -Connect. We also omit the proof that CF ! -Connect terminates, which follows from the fact that it never generates duplicate vertices, and our assumption that G is nite (Assumption 1.1). Lemmata 4.21 and 4.22 are similar to Lemmata 4.12 and 4.13, respectively, that we used to prove the correctness of F ! -Connect. Lemma 4.21. At any point during the execution of Algorithm 12, every vertexu2 OPEN is CF-reachable from s with g(u) =d F (s;u) =d(s;u). Proof. 1. LetS i be the statement \The ith time that line 4 is executed, for every vertex n2 OPEN, (s;n)2 CF and g(n) =d F (s;n) =d(s;n)". 128 2. For all i = 1;:::;k, where k is the number of times that line 4 is executed, S i is true (proof by induction on i): 2.1. Base case: S 1 is true (since OPEN =fsg, (s;s)2 CF, g(s) = 0 = d F (s;s) = d(s;s)). 2.2. Induction step: IfS i is true, thenS i+1 is true: 2.2.1. AssumeS i is true. 2.2.2. Letu be the vertex selected for expansion on line 5 immediately after line 4 is executed for the ith time. 2.2.3. Let v be any vertex added to OPEN (line 12) after line 4 is executed for the the ith time but before the (i + 1)st time. 2.2.4. (s;u)2 CF (sinceS i is true). 2.2.5. Let u be the canonical freespace s-u path on G. Such u exists (Deni- tion 4.5, since (s;u)2 CF). 2.2.6. v is a canonical successor of u with respect to s (line 10). 2.2.7. v = u hu;vi is a canonical freespace s-v path (since u is the canonical freespace s-u path and v is a canonical successor of u with respect to s). 2.2.8. (s;v)2 CF: (u;v)2E (line 11). v is a path on G (since u is a path on G and (u;v)2E). (s;v)2 CF (Denition 4.5, since v is a canonical freespace s-v path on G). 2.2.9. g(v) =d(s;v) =d F (s;v): g(v) =g(u) +c(u;v) (line 12). g(v) =d F (s;u) +c(u;v) (sinceS i is true). g(v) =l( u ) +c(u;v) (Denition 4.1, since u is a freespaces-v path). g(v) =l( v ) (since v = u hu;vi). g(v) =d F (s;v) (Denition 4.1, since v is a freespaces-v path onG). g(v) =d(s;v) (Lemma 4.4, since v is a freespace s-v path on G). Lemma 4.22. For every n2 V , if n is direct-CF-reachable from s, then Algorithm 12 selects n for expansion (line 5) at some point during its execution. Proof. 1. Let n2V with (s;n)2 CF s!V S . 2. Let =hp 0 ;:::;p k i be a canonical freespace s-n path on G. Such exists (Deni- tion 4.5, since (s;n)2 CF). 3. S6@ (s;n) (Denition 3.2, since (s;n)2 CF s!V S ). 4. S6@ (Denition 3.1, since S6@ (s;n) and is a shortest s-n path). 129 5. For i = 0;:::;k 1, p i 62Snfsg: 5.1. If i = 0, then p i =p 0 =s62Snfsg. 5.2. If 0<i<k, then p i 62S (Denition 3.1, since S6@). 6. LetS i be the statement \Algorithm 12 selects p i for expansion on line 6 at some point during its execution". 7. For all i = 0;:::;k, S i is true (proof by induction on i = 0;:::;k 1): 7.1. Base case:S 0 is true (since OPEN =fsg the rst time line 4 is executed). 7.2. Induction step: IfS i is true, thenS i+1 is true: 7.2.1. AssumeS i is true. 7.2.2. p i is selected for expansion (sinceS i is true). 7.2.3. Consider the point during execution when p i is selected for expansion. 7.2.4. If p i+1 2 OPEN, then p i+1 is eventually selected for expansion (line 4). 7.2.5. Ifp i+1 2 CLOSED, thenp i+1 has already been selected for expansion (line 6). 7.2.6. Otherwise, p i+1 is added to OPEN: Lines 10{13 are executed for p i (line 9, since p i 62Snfsg). i = hp 0 ;:::;p i i is a canonical freespace path on G (since i is a subpath of the canonical freespace s-n path on G). i+1 =hp 0 ;:::;p i+1 i is a canonical freespace path on G (since i+1 is a subpath of the canonical freespace s-n path on G). p i+1 is a canonical successor of i with respect to s (since (p i ;p i+1 ) extends the canonical freespaces-p i path i to the canonical freespace s-p i+1 path). (p i ;p i+1 )2E (since is a path on G). p i+1 is added to OPEN (since lines 10{13 are executed for p i , p i+1 is a canonical successor of i with respect to s, and (p i ;p i+1 )2E). Theorem 4.23. Algorithm 12 returns a set of edges E + with lengths c + such that CF s!T S E + CF and, for every (u;v)2E + , c + (u;v) =d(u;v). Proof. By Lemma 4.21, Algorithm 12 only expands vertices that are CF-reachable from s. By Lemma 4.22, Algorithm 12 is guaranteed to expand all vertices that are direct-CF- reachable from s. Therefore, Algorithm 12 identies a set of edges E + with CF s!T S E + CF. Furthermore, by Lemma 4.21, Algorithm 12 correctly maintains the distances of expanded vertices from the start vertex on G as g-values. Therefore, Algorithm 12 correctly determines the lengths of edges in E + as distances on G. 130 Algorithm 13 CF-Rene Input: (s;t)2 CF Output: The freespace-canonical s-t path . 1: hti 2: u t 3: while u6=s do 4: hfreespace-canonical-parent(s;u);ui 5: u freespace-canonical-parent(s;u) 6: return 4.5.5 CF-Rene Our renement algorithm for CF-reachability, CF-Rene, uses freespace-canonical parents to generate the freespace-canonical path between two CF-reachable vertices. Algorithm 13 outlines CF-Rene. 4.6 Experimental Evaluation In this section, we perform three sets of experiments: First, we compare various con- nection algorithms for BDb-, Fb-, and CFb-reachability with respect to their connection times. Second, we compare answering queries using BDb, Fb, and CFb subgoal graphs (SGs) with respect to their query times. Third, we compare answering queries using BDb, Fb, and CFb strongly-connected subgoal graphs (SCSGs) with respect to their path suboptimalities and query times. 4.6.1 Benchmarks We use four benchmarks in our experiments, a small grid paired with a small set of primitives, a small grid paired with a large set of primitives, a large grid paired with a small set of primitives, and a large grid paired with a large set of primitives. We now explain these benchmarks in more detail. Unicycle and Urban primitives: 2 Unicycle primitives have 16 induced orien- tations and 5 (kinematically feasible) primitives per orientation. Urban primitives have 32 induced orientations and 36 primitives per orientation. Urban primitives have been used in Carnegie Mellon University's \Boss" entry in the DARPA Urban Challenge for navigation in unstructured and cluttered environments such as park- ing lots (Urmson et al., 2008), and can be considered as the more \realistic" set of primitives. In both the Unicycle and Urban primitives, the length of each primitive is equal to the distance traveled by the agent, with the following exceptions: In Unicycle primitives, the lengths of primitives that correspond to backward moves or turns 2 We thank Maxim Likhachev for making these primitives available to us. 131 (a) Unicycle primitives. (b) Urban primitives. (c) Arena2. (d) Aurora. Primitives Grid jO M j j M j Dimensions Unblocked Vertices Edges Unicycle Arena2 16 4 209 281 24,311 375,391 1,262,812 Aurora 16 4 768 1024 493,772 7,584,050 27,203,641 Urban Arena2 32 32 209 281 24,311 755,949 14,089,647 Aurora 32 32 768 1024 493,772 15,255,281 333,465,922 (e) Number of primitives, grid dimensions, and the size of G as the largest strongly-connected component of the resulting state lattice.jO M j: number of induced orientations,j M j: largest number of primitives per orientation. Figure 4.9: Experimental setup: Primitives and grids. In both (c) and (d), unblocked cells are colored white and blocked cells are colored black or green. 132 are multiplied by 5 or 3, respectively. In Urban primitives, the lengths of primitives that correspond to backward moves are multiplied by 3. Neither Unicycle nor Urban primitives are well-behaved. For instance, Unicycle primitives contain a primitive ~ m for moving the agent forward by one cell, and another primitive for moving the agent forward by eight cells that is equivalent to executing ~ m eight times. To satisfy our assumption that we construct state lattices with well-behaved sets of primitives (Assumption 4.3), we remove those primitives from the Unicycle and Urban primitives, respectively, that can be replaced with sequences of other primitives. After the removal of such primitives, Unicycle prim- itives have 4 primitives per orientation, and Urban primitives have between 27 to 32. Figures 4.9a and 4.9b show the \well-behaved" Unicycle and Urban primitives, respectively. Arena2 and Aurora grids: We use two dierent grids from Nathan Sturtevant's benchmark grid maps (Sturtevant, 2012a) in our experiments. Arena2 is a 209 281 grid with 24,311 unblocked cells from the video game Dragon Age: Origins. Aurora is a 768 1024 grid with 493,772 unblocked cells from the video game Starcraft. Arena2 and Aurora are shown in Figures 4.9c and 4.9d, respectively. State lattices: We use four state lattices in our experiments, which correspond to the four combinations of the two Unicycle and Urban primitives with the two Arena2 and Aurora grids. To satisfy Assumption 4.2, we designate our four benchmark graphs, Unicycle-Arena2, Unicycle-Aurora, Urban-Arena2, and Urban-Aurora, as the largest strongly connected components of these four state lattices. Figure 4.9e shows the number of vertices and edges of these four benchmark graphs (bench- marks, for short). Instances: For each benchmark, we randomly generate 1000 start and goal pairs, which we use to evaluate execution times of queries answered using subgoal graphs and strongly-connected subgoal graphs constructed with respect to dierent reach- ability relations. We use only the start vertices of these 1000 start and goal pairs when evaluating the execution times of dierent connection algorithms. Server: We run our experiments on a PC with 3.6GHz Intel Core i7-7700 CPU and 32GB of RAM. 4.6.2 Algorithms We distinguish between six dierent ways of implementing connection and renement algorithms for BDb, Fb, and CFb reachability, which are shown in Table 4.2 and explained below. BDb-reachability: We distinguish between three dierent ways of implementing BDb-Connect, which correspond to the three variants of Overlay-Connect discussed in Section 3.2.5, namely, the conservative (BDb-C), aggressive (BDb-A), and stall- on-demand (BDb-S) variants. We perform renement for BDb-reachability using A* searches with the Euclidean distance heuristic. 133 R R-Connect R-Rene BDb Dijkstra search. Prune v if g(v)>b. (C)onservative variant: Propagate cov- ered, terminate when OPEN is covered. (A)ggressive variant: Stall u if u2S. (S)tall-on-demand variant: Stall u if u2 S or if its parent can be changed to a stalled vertex without increasing g(u). A* search Fb Depth-rst search. Prune v if g(v)>b. Stall u if u2S. (D)istance variant: Prune v if d F (s;u) +c(u;v)6=d F (s;v). (F)lag variant: Skipv if not a freespace-shortest successor of u wrt s. Depth-rst search. (D)istance variant: Prune v if d F (s;t)6= d F (s;u) +c(u;v) +d F (v;t). (F)lag variant: Skip v if not a freespace- shortest parent of u. CFb Depth-rst search. Prune v if g(v)>b. Stall u if u2S. Skip v if not a freespace-canonical successor of u wrt s. No duplicate detection. Follow freespace-canonical parents. Table 4.1: Summary of three reachability relations CFb Fb BDb on state lattices, and their six variants. S = set of subgoals. s = start vertex. t = goal vertex. u = vertex selected for expansion. v = successor (or predecessor, if connecting the goal) of u. \Prune" = v is evaluated but not generated. \Skip" = v is not evaluated. \Stall' = u is selected for expansion but not expanded. 134 Fb-reachability: We distinguish between two dierent ways of implementing the connection and renement algorithms for Fb-reachability, namely, the distance vari- ant (Fb-D) that uses precomputed freespace distances as discussed in Section 4.4, and a ag variant (Fb-F) that uses precomputed freespace-shortest successors, pre- decessors, and parents that are similar to their freespace-canonical counterparts that we discussed in Section 4.5. For instance, the freespace-shortest successors of a stateu with respect to a start vertexs are those successorsv ofu that can extend a freespace-shortest s-u path to a freespace-shortest s-v path. The ag variant of Fb-Connect performs a single look-up for the freespace-shortest successors (or pre- decessors) of expanded vertices, whereas the distance variant of Fb-Connect iterates over all successors and determines whether they are freespace-shortest successors by looking-up freespace distances for each successor. CFb-reachability: We implement the connection and renement algorithms for CFb-reachability as discussed in Section 4.5 and do not distinguish between multiple variants. 4.6.3 Implementation Details We now discuss implementation details for our algorithms. OPEN: We use a binary heap to implement priority queues, which are used for A* searches (on G, subgoal graphs, or strongly-connected subgoal graphs) and all three variants of BDb-Connect. We use a stack for CFb-Connect, both variants of Fb-Connect, and both variants of Fb-rene. Preallocation: We preallocate memory for all data structures used during queries to ensure that no new memory is allocated during queries. This includes the memory required for maintainingg-,h-, orf-values; parent pointers; covered, stalled, open, and closed ags; and OPEN lists implemented as either binary heaps or stacks. Avoiding collision detection using executable primitive ags: As described in Section 4.2, state lattices are implicitly dened by a grid and a set of primitives. Searches over state lattices using this \implicit" representation should perform col- lision detection to generate the successors of expanded vertices. That is, for every primitive ~ m that is kinematically feasible to execute from an expanded vertex s, the search should check if ~ m is also collision-free to execute from s by iterating over the list of cells that the footprint of the agent intersects with when execut- ing ~ m from s. We avoid this overhead during queries by performing these checks during preprocessing and caching the results: We store a biteld for every state, called executable primitive ags, where the ith bit indicates whether the ith primi- tive that is kinematically feasible to execute from s is also collision-free to execute from s. The successors of a state s can then be determined by iterating over its executable primitive ags and generating a successor for every set bit, by looking up the resulting state and length of the corresponding primitive. We store these ags in a 3D array which can be accessed using the x- and y-coordinates and the orientation of a state. Furthermore, we unset bits that correspond to edges that are 135 not part of the largest strongly-connected component of the state lattice, allowing us to represent the benchmark graphs exactly. This approach uses 96MB for storing the executable primitive ags in the Urban-Aurora benchmark, where no state has more than 32 successors and executable primitive ags for each state can thus be stored using 32 bits. We similarly store \predecessors" for every state using another set of executable primitive ags. Storing freespace information: As discussed in Section 4.4.2, freespace distances up to a boundb can be stored compactly by exploiting the translation invariance of freespace distances: For each orientation , we store a 3D table T where the entry (x;y; 0 ) stores the freespace distance of state (x;y; 0 ) from (0; 0;). We adjust the x- and ydimensions of these tables to correspond to the smallest rectangle that contain all the states with freespace-distance up to b from (0; 0;). We use 32 bits to store each freespace-distance entry in these tables. We store the freespace-shortest successors, predecessors, and parents (used for the ag variants of Fb-Connect and Fb-Rene) using bitelds that are similar to exe- cutable primitive ags: For instance, the ith bit in the freespace-shortest successor ags for a state u = (x;y; 0 ) in table T is set if and only if the ith primitive that is kinematically feasible to execute from u is a freespace-canonical successor of u with respect to (0; 0;). During connection, we determine the unblocked freespace- shortest successors of expanded states by performing a \bitwise and" operation on the corresponding executable primitive ags and freespace-shortest successor ags, iterating over the resulting bits, and generating a successor for each set bit. We store the freespace-shortest successors, predecessors, and parents by using 4 and 32 bits each per entry on the Unicycle and Urban benchmarks, respectively. We store the freespace-canonical successors and predecessors (used for CFb-Connect) in the same way that we store freespace-shortest successors and predecessors. How- ever, since the freespace-canonical parents (used for CFb-rene) are unique for each state, we store them as the \ID" of the corresponding primitive rather than a bit- eld with only one set bit, using 2 and 8 bits per entry on the Unicycle and Urban benchmarks, respectively. Figures 4.10a and 4.10b show the memory required for storing freespace information for Fb-D, Fb-F, and CFb on the Unicycle and Urban benchmarks, respectively. On Unicycle benchmarks, storing freespace distances (32 bits per entry) is more expen- sive than storing freespace-shortest successors, predecessors, and parents (12 bits per entry). On Urban benchmarks, storing freespace distances (32 bits per entry) is less expensive than storing freespace-shortest successors, predecessors, and par- ents (96 bits per entry). On all benchmarks, storing freespace-canonical successors, predecessors, and parents is slightly less expensive than storing freespace-shortest successors, predecessors, and parents, since storing freespace-canonical parents is less expensive that storing freespace-shortest parents. Further compression of freespace information (not used): The translation invariance of freespace distances and freespace-canonical paths can be considered as translational symmetries, which hold for any set of primitives. However, many 136 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 25 50 75 100 125 150 Freespace memory (MB) Reachability bound BD-A F-D F-F CF (a) Unicycle primitives, all 16 tables. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 25 50 75 100 125 150 Freespace memory (MB) Reachability bound BD-A F-D F-F CF (b) Urban primitives, all 32 tables. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 25 50 75 100 125 150 Freespace memory (MB) Reachability bound BD-A F-D F-F CF (c) Unicycle primitives, 3 tables. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 25 50 75 100 125 150 Freespace memory (MB) Reachability bound BD-A F-D F-F CF (d) Urban primitives, 5 tables. 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 25 50 75 100 125 150 Freespace memory (MB) Reachability bound BD-A F-D F-F CF (e) Unicycle primitives, 3 tables, shrunk for cardinal and diagonal orientations. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 25 50 75 100 125 150 Freespace memory (MB) Reachability bound BD-A F-D F-F CF (f) Urban primitives, 5 tables, shrunk for cardinal and diagonal orientations. (g) Rotational and re exive symmetries for Urban primitives. Each arrow denotes an orientation for which a freespace in- formation table T can be stored. Red arrows: The ve stored freespace information tables. Green arrows: Can be obtained from red arrows by re exive symmetry around the diagonal. Black arrows: Can be obtained from the red and green arrows by rotational symmetries (or re exive symmetries around the x- and y-axes). Figure 4.10: Storage of freespace information. 137 sets of primitives, including the Unicycle and Urban primitives, also have rotational and re exive symmetries that can be exploited to further reduce the memory re- quired for storing freespace information. For instance, for both sets of primitives, the freespace-shortest and freespace-canonical paths (using an appropriate canon- ical ordering) that originate at (0,0,N) are rotationally symmetric to those that originate at (0,0,E), (0,0,S), (0,0,W). Therefore, the tables T N , T W , T S , T E are all rotationally symmetric and storing only one of them is sucient. By exploiting these rotational symmetries, as well as re exive symmetries along the cardinal and diagonal axes, the number of stored tables can be reduced from 16 to 3 for Unicycle primitives and from 32 to 5 for Urban primitives. Figure 4.10g shows these symme- tries, and Figures 4.10c and 4.10d show the memory required for storing only these tables. Furthermore, the number of entries within each tableT can also be reduced for cardinal and diagonal , since freespace-shortest paths and freespace-canonical paths (using an appropriate canonical ordering) that originate at (0; 0;) may have re exive symmetries along cardinal or diagonal axes, as can be seen in Figure 4.1. Figures 4.10e and 4.10f show the memory required for storing only 3 and 5 tables for Unicycle and Urban primitives, respectively, by also exploiting symmetries within tables. 4.6.4 R-Connect In this section, we compare the connection times of the sixR-connect algorithms outlined in Table 4.1 and investigate how dierent factors contribute to their dierences in con- nection times. As part of our analysis, we also investigate the average number of pairs ofR-reachable vertices to help characterize the constraints on the construction of R SGs and R SCSGs, for various R. Setup The six R-connect algorithms outlined in Table 4.1 dier in which vertices they expand, how they process the successors of expanded vertices, which data structures they use for OPEN, and whether they perform duplicate detection. These dierences can be attributed broadly to the following three factors: Reachability relation (number of R-reachable vertices from s): As we have discussed in Sections 4.4.3 and 4.5.3, for a given reachability bound b, CFb Fb BDb. Therefore, for any given start vertex s, reachability bound b, and set of subgoals S, there are at least as many vertices that are direct-BDb-reachable from s (with respect to S) as there are vertices that are direct-Fb-reachable or direct- CFb-reachable from s. Directly comparing the connection times of BDb-Connect variants to Fb-Connect variants or CFb-Connect for the same reachability bound is unfair since BDb-Connect variants inherently need to do more work to guarantee completeness. Namely, whereas BDb-Connect variants need to explore shortest paths to all direct-BDb-reachable vertices n from s with d(s;n) b, Fb-Connect variants and CFb-Connect can avoid exploring paths that are not freespace-shortest or freespace-canonical, respectively. Figure 4.11 shows an example of the \extra 138 (a) BD50-Connect (aggressive). Expands all vertices within a distance of 50 from the start vertex, unless all paths to them with lengths greater than b are covered by subgoals. (b) F50-Connect. Expands all vertices within a distance of 50 from the start vertex, unless all freespace paths to them are blocked by obstacles or covered by subgoals. Arbitrary expansion order. (Fb-F variant: only generate freespace-shortest successors.) (c) CF50-Connect. Expands all vertices within a distance of 50 from the start vertex, unless the canonical freespace paths to them are blocked by obstacles or covered by subgoals. Arbitrary expansion order, only generate freespace-canonical successors, no duplicate detection. Figure 4.11: Search trees of BD50-, F50-, and CF50-Connect. The start vertex is shown in blue, and the subgoals are shown in red. 139 work" performed by the aggressive variant of BDb-Connect, compared to Fb- and CFb-Connect. Although the relation CFb Fb BDb implies \extra work" that needs to be performed by BDb-Connect variants, it also means fewer constraints on the SGs or SCSGs constructed with respect to BDb-reachability, as we observe and discuss in Sections 4.6.5 and 4.6.6. Optimizations for managing OPEN and processing successors of ex- panded vertices: Since Fb-Connect variants and CFb-Connect perform depth-rst searches to explore freespace-shortest and freespace-canonical paths, respectively, their OPEN lists can be implemented using a stack (Sections 4.4.4 and 4.5.4) in- stead of a priority queue, allowing for constant time insertions and removals from OPEN. Whereas the distance variant of Fb-Connect processes each successor of an expanded vertex u and performs freespace-distance look-ups to determine whether to generate that successor, the ag variant of Fb-Connect and CFb-Connect perform a single look-up to generate all freespace-shortest or freespace-canonical successors of u, respectively. That is, they avoid processing successors that are not freespace- shortest or freespace-canonical, respectively, reducing the time to perform each expansion. Additionally, CFb-Connect does not perform duplicate detection, since all freespace-canonical paths that originate at a vertex are guaranteed to form a tree (Section 4.5.4). Strategies for avoiding to expand non-direct-reachable vertices: The three variants of BDb-connect correspond to the three variants of the Overlay-Connect algorithm discussed in Section 3.2.5, which dier in how they try to void expanding vertices that are not direct reachable (from the start vertex or to the goal vertex, with respect to some set of subgoals), with various degrees of success and vari- ous degrees of overhead incurred per expansion: Whereas the conservative variant maintains covered values to terminate its search when all vertices in OPEN are covered, the aggressive and stall-on-demand variants do not expand (that is, stall) subgoals, and the stall-on-demand variant also checks to see if each vertex selected for expansion can be stalled instead of expanded by changing its parent to another stalled vertex without increasing its g-value. The two Fb-Connect variants and CFb-Connect operate as the aggressive variant of Overlay-Connect. In order to evaluate how the three factors discussed above aect the connection times of the sixR-connect algorithms, we report four sets of experimental results, using reach- ability bounds varying from 25 to 150 and percentage of subgoals varying from 0 to 64 (that is, 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, or 64 percent of the vertices of G are randomly selected as subgoals). First, we report the average number of vertices that are BDb-, Fb-, or CFb-reachable from 1000 randomly selected start vertices. Second, we report the aver- age expansion times of the six R-connect algorithms when run from these 1000 vertices, assuming that there are no subgoals, which guarantees that the three variants of BDb- Connect expand the same set of vertices. Third, we report connection times and the number of non-direct-R-reachable vertices expanded by the six R-connect algorithms for dierent percentages of subgoals. Finally, we report the \direct-R-reachable expansion rates" of the six R-connect algorithms, which measure the number of direct-R-reachable 140 vertices expanded per millisecond. This measure normalizes the connection times of dier- ent R-connect algorithms with respect to the number of direct-R-reachable vertices that they need to expand to guarantee correctness, which, we think, provides a fair measure for comparison. Number of R-Reachable Vertices from a Given Vertex In this section, we compare the average number of vertices that are R-reachable from the start vertex, for varying reachability relations and reachability bounds. For brevity, we refer to this value as the \number of R-reachable vertices". Figure 4.12 reports the average number of BDb-, Fb-, and CFb-reachable vertices with b varying from 25 to 150, on each of the four benchmarks. We rst analyze how the number of BDb-reachable vertices varies, as the reachability bound, primitives, and grid vary. BDb, varying b: State lattices can be considered to be \3-dimensional" graphs, in the sense that their vertices are uniquely dened by their x-coordinates, y- coordinates, and orientations. However, the third dimension of state lattices, namely the range of possible orientations, is signicantly smaller than their rst two dimen- sions, namely the range of possiblex- andy-coordinates. Consider a \ball of radius b"B b centered at a vertexs in a state lattice, which contains exactly those vertices with distance less than or equal to b from s (that is, all BDb-reachable vertices from s). As b increases, we expect B b to include new vertices that do not share their x-coordinates, y-coordinates, or orientations with the existing vertices, when b is suciently small. However, for suciently large b, B b includes vertices for all possible orientations, in which case increasing b can only add new vertices that do not share theirx- ory-coordinates with existing vertices, but not their orientations. Therefore, as b increases, we expect the number of vertices in B b to increase cubi- cally at rst and then, eventually, quadratically. Our results show that B b grows cubically for b 150, as can be observed by the shape of the (blue) curves in Figure 4.13, that correspond to the cubic root of the number of vertices in B b . BDb, varying primitives: State lattices constructed with respect to Urban prim- itives, compared to those constructed with respect to Unicycle primitives, can be considered as (1) \having a thicker third dimension", since Urban primitives have twice the number of induced orientations; and (2) \greater connectivity", since Urban primitives have more primitives that are kinematically feasible to execute from any given orientation, and smaller length multipliers. Both factors may con- tribute to increasing the number of BDb-reachable vertices. Our results show that the number of BDb-reachable vertices is9{12 times larger on Urban benchmarks compared to Unicycle benchmarks. BDb, varying grids: Aurora has larger contiguous regions of unblocked cells than Arena2, resulting in roughly twice as many BDb-reachable vertices in Aurora benchmarks compared to Arena2 benchmarks. 141 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 25 50 75 100 125 150 R Reachability bound BD-C BD-A BD-S F-D F-F CF (a) Unicycle-Arena2. 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 25 50 75 100 125 150 R Reachability bound BD-C BD-A BD-S F-D F-F CF (b) Unicycle-Aurora. 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 140000 160000 25 50 75 100 125 150 R Reachability bound BD-C BD-A BD-S F-D F-F CF (c) Urban-Arena2. 0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 300000 25 50 75 100 125 150 R Reachability bound BD-C BD-A BD-S F-D F-F CF (d) Urban-Aurora. Figure 4.12: Average number of R-reachable vertices from a given source vertex. 0 5 10 15 20 25 25 50 75 100 125 150 R (cubic root) Reachability bound BD-C BD-A BD-S F-D F-F CF (a) Unicycle-Arena2. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 25 50 75 100 125 150 R (cubic root) Reachability bound BD-C BD-A BD-S F-D F-F CF (b) Unicycle-Aurora. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 25 50 75 100 125 150 R (cubic root) Reachability bound BD-C BD-A BD-S F-D F-F CF (c) Urban-Arena2. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 25 50 75 100 125 150 R (cubic root) Reachability bound BD-C BD-A BD-S F-D F-F CF (d) Urban-Aurora. Figure 4.13: Cubic root of the average number ofR-reachable vertices from a given source vertex. 142 0 20 40 60 80 100 25 50 75 100 125 150 % R/BDb Reachability bound F-D F-F CF (a) Unicycle-Arena2. 0 20 40 60 80 100 25 50 75 100 125 150 % R/BDb Reachability bound F-D F-F CF (b) Unicycle-Aurora. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 25 50 75 100 125 150 % R/BDb Reachability bound F-D F-F CF (c) Urban-Arena2. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 25 50 75 100 125 150 % R/BDb Reachability bound F-D F-F CF (d) Urban-Aurora. Figure 4.14: Percentage of BDb-reachable vertices that are also Fb- and CFb-reachable from a source vertex. We now analyze how the number of Fb- and CFb-reachable vertices varies, as the reachability bound, primitives, and grid vary, and how these numbers compare to the number of BDb-reachable vertices. We perform our analysis in the context of the following observation: CFb = Fb = BDb on a freespace state latticeF since, for everys andt with d F (s;t) b, there exists a freespace-canonical s-t path with l() b onF (that is, (s;t)2 CFb), which is also a freespace-shortests-t path onF (that is, (s;t)2 Fb), and an s-t path onF (that is, (s;t)2 BDb). However, when the underlying grid contains blocked cells, CFb = Fb = BDb no longer necessarily holds. Instead, CFb Fb BDb: even if the freespace-canonical s-t path becomes blocked, a freespace-shortest s-t path might still be unblocked (that is, CFb Fb); and, if all freespace-shortest s-t paths become blocked, an s-t path 0 with l( 0 ) b might still be unblocked (that is, Fb BDb). In this sense, BDb reachability is more \robust" to cells becoming blocked on the underlying grid, since it is allowed to use a larger set of paths (any s-t path 0 with l( 0 )b) to go \around" them, whereas Fb-reachability is only allowed to use freespace-shortest paths, and CFb-reachability is only allowed to use the unique freespace-canonical s-t path. We perform our analysis from this perspective, by starting onF (where CFb = Fb = BDb), and then analyzing how each reachability relation \adapts" as cells become blocked when the freespace grid is replaced with Arena2 or Aurora. Figure 4.14 shows the percentage of BDb-reachable vertices that are also Fb- and CFb-reachable. 143 Fb and CFb vs. BDb, varyingb: Asb increases, the percentage of BDb-reachable vertices that are also Fb- or CFb-reachable decreases. Consider the tree of all freespace-canonical paths with length less than or equal to b that originate at a vertex onF. When blocked cells are introduced, this tree is more likely to remain intact for small b since it is less likely for a smaller tree to have one of its paths blocked by a blocked cell than it is for a larger tree. For instance, we observe that, for b = 25, almost all (99{100%) BDb-reachable vertices are also Fb- or CFb-reachable, which is similar to the case CFb = Fb = BDb. As b grows large, it is more likely that the tree is no longer intact and is missing whole subtrees. Fb- reachability can \repair" this tree with alternate freespace-shortest paths, whereas BDb-reachability can \repair" it using any path with length less than or equal to b, which leads to the case CFb Fb BDb. Fb and CFb vs. BDb, varying primitives: Since Urban primitives have smaller length multipliers than Unicycle primitives, the trees of freespace-canonical paths are typically larger (that is, reach cells that are further away) on Urban freespace state lattices than on Unicycle freespace state lattices for a given reachability bound b. We therefore observe that, as b increases, the percentage of BDb-reachable ver- tices that are also Fb- or CFb-reachable decreases faster on Urban benchmarks than on Unicycle benchmarks. Fb and CFb vs. BDb, varying grids: Since Aurora has larger contiguous re- gions of unblocked cells than Arena2, the tree of freespace-canonical paths is more likely to remain intact on Aurora benchmarks than Arena2 benchmarks. We there- fore observe that, as b increases, the percentage of BDb-reachable vertices that are also Fb- or CFb-reachable decreases slower on Urban benchmarks than Unicycle benchmarks. Fb vs. CFb: The dierence between the number of Fb- and CFb-reachable vertices is small, up to 1% on Urban benchmarks and up to 8% on Unicycle benchmarks. If all freespace-shortest paths on a state lattice were unique shortest paths (that is, were freespace-canonical), it would hold that CFb = Fb (since the unique freespace- shortest path between them becomes blocked when the freespace-canonical path between them becomes blocked). We suggest that the degree of deviation from CFb = Fb could be used as a measure for the symmetries present in state lattices. Since our experiments show that the deviation from CFb = Fb is greater for Unicycle benchmarks than Urban benchmarks, we suspect that there are more symmetries present in Unicycle benchmarks than Urban benchmarks. We revisit this notion again when discussing our next set of results. To summarize, as the reachability bound b increases from 25 to 150, the number of BDb-reachable vertices grows near-cubically, and the percentage of those vertices that are also Fb- or CFb-reachable decreases on all four benchmarks. Urban benchmarks have more BDb-reachable vertices than Unicycle benchmarks, and Aurora benchmarks have more BDb-reachable vertices than Arena2 benchmarks, which means that BDb-Connect variants might have to expand more vertices on Urban or Aurora benchmarks, and expand 144 the most vertices on the Urban-Aurora benchmark ( 20 times more than the Unicycle- Arena2 benchmark). Similar trends hold for the number of Fb- and CFb-reachable vertices on the dierent benchmarks, but the percentage of BDb-reachable vertices that are also Fb- or CFb-reachable are the highest on the Unicycle-Aurora benchmark and the lowest on the Urban-Arena2 benchmark. Average Expansion Time In this section, we compare the connection times of the six R-connect algorithms, as- suming that there are no subgoals present. That is, each R-connect algorithm expands all R-reachable vertices that we have measured in the previous section. Since there are typically more BDb-reachable vertices than there are Fb- or CFb-reachable ones, BDb- Connect variants expand more vertices than Fb-Connect variants and CFb-Connect. To normalize for this fact, we instead compare the average expansion times (that is, the connection times divided by number of expansions) of the six R-connect algorithms, re- ported in Figure 4.15. Figure 4.16 reports the average number of successors processed per expansion, that is, the successors explicitly iterated over by the various R-connect algorithms. We make the following observations: BDb, OPEN list: As the reachability bound b increases, the average expansion time increases for the BDb-Connect variants, which maintain their OPEN lists as priority queues: as b increases, the number of BDb-reachable vertices increases as discussed in the previous section, and, therefore, the average number of vertices in OPEN, the time to perform insertions, removals, and g-value updates in OPEN, and thus the BDb-connection times increase. This increase is more signicant in Urban and Aurora benchmarks compared to Unicycle and Arena2 benchmarks, re- spectively, since the number of BDb-reachable vertices is typically higher in these benchmarks. For instance, the average expansion time of the aggressive variant of BD150-Connect is 1.10 times longer than it is for BD25-Connect on the Unicycle- Arena2 benchmark, but 1.12, 1.17, and 1.36 times longer on the Unicycle-Aurora, Urban-Arena2, and Urban-Aurora benchmarks, respectively. Since the Fb-Connect variants and CFb-Connect use a stack implementation of OPEN, their average ex- pansion times are not aected by the size of OPEN and the reachability bound b. BDb, avoiding expansions of non-BDb-reachable vertices: All three BDb- Connect variants perform the same sequence of expansions and process the same number of successors per expansion, 3.21{3.58 on Unicycle benchmarks and 19.43{ 23.50 on Urban benchmarks (these numbers are higher on Aurora benchmarks compared to Arena2 benchmarks since Aurora has larger contiguous regions of un- blocked cells than Arena2, as noted in the previous section). However, their average expansion times are dierent due to their dierent strategies for avoiding the expan- sion of non-direct-BDb-reachable vertices (these strategies have no eect in this set of experiments since we assume that there are no subgoals). The aggressive variant of BDb-Connect performs a single check for each vertex selected for expansion to 145 0 50 100 150 200 250 25 50 75 100 125 150 Average expansion time (ns) Reachability bound BD-C BD-A BD-S F-D F-F CF (a) Unicycle, arena2. 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 25 50 75 100 125 150 Average expansion time (ns) Reachability bound BD-C BD-A BD-S F-D F-F CF (b) Unicycle, Aurora. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 25 50 75 100 125 150 Average expansion time (ns) Reachability bound BD-C BD-A BD-S F-D F-F CF (c) Urban, arena2. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 25 50 75 100 125 150 Average expansion time (ns) Reachability bound BD-C BD-A BD-S F-D F-F CF (d) Urban, Aurora. Figure 4.15: Average R-connect expansion times when no subgoals are present. 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 25 50 75 100 125 150 Successors per expansion Reachability bound BD-C BD-A BD-S F-D F-F CF (a) Unicycle-Arena2. 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 25 50 75 100 125 150 Successors per expansion Reachability bound BD-C BD-A BD-S F-D F-F CF (b) Unicycle-Aurora. 0 5 10 15 20 25 25 50 75 100 125 150 Successors per expansion Reachability bound BD-C BD-A BD-S F-D F-F CF (c) Urban-Arena2. 0 5 10 15 20 25 25 50 75 100 125 150 Successors per expansion Reachability bound BD-C BD-A BD-S F-D F-F CF (d) Urban-Aurora. Figure 4.16: Average numbers of successors processed per expansion by R-connect when no subgoals are present. 146 see if it is a subgoal, and has an average expansion time of 153{191 nanoseconds on Unicycle benchmarks and 354{612 nanoseconds on Urban benchmarks. The conser- vative variant of BDb-Connect maintains covered values and therefore has slightly longer average expansion times, 7{16 nanoseconds longer than the aggressive vari- ant on Unicycle benchmarks and 16{29 nanoseconds longer on Urban benchmarks. The stall-on-demand variant of BDb-Connect iterates over predecessors of vertices selected for expansion to see if the vertex can be stalled, and has the longest average expansion times, 35{50 nanoseconds longer than the aggressive variant on Unicycle benchmarks and 170{270 nanoseconds longer on Urban benchmarks. Fb-D vs. BDb-A: The distance variant of Fb-Connect iterates over all successors of expanded vertices to determine whether they are freespace-shortest successors, by looking up freespace distances from the start vertex to each successor. Therefore, for small b, the average expansion times are longer for the distance variant of Fb- Connect than for the aggressive variant of BDb-Connect. However, as discussed earlier, as b increases, the average expansion time increases for the BDb-Connect variants, making them longer than for the distance variant of Fb-Connect. Fb-F vs. Fb-D: The average expansion times for the ag variant of Fb-Connect are signicantly shorter than for the distance variant, since the ag variant performs a single look-up to determine all (unblocked) freespace successors of an expanded vertex, rather than performing a freespace distance look-up for each of its successors. On average, the distance variant of Fb-Connect processes 3.29{3.59 and 20.84{24.14 successors per expansion on Unicycle and Urban benchmarks, respectively, whereas the ag variant processes only 1.12{1.19 and 1.06{1.13 freespace-shortest successors, respectively. CFb vs. Fb-F: The average expansion times for CFb-Connect are shorter than for the ag variant of Fb-Connect, since CFb-Connect processes fewer successors per expanded vertex and does not perform duplicate detection. CFb-Connect pro- cesses on average 1 freespace-canonical successor per expanded vertex, since it essentially traverses a tree (namely, the tree of unblocked freespace-canonical paths originating at the start vertex), where the number of vertices in the tree is equal to one plus the number of edges in the tree. In other words, the numbers of suc- cessors processed per expanded vertex are 1.12{1.19 and 1.06{1.13 times smaller for CFb-Connect than the ag variant of Fb-Connect on the Unicycle and Urban benchmarks, respectively. However, the average expansion times are 1.25{1.44 and 1.15{1.20 shorter for CFb-Connect than the ag variant of Fb-Connect on the Unicy- cle and Urban benchmarks, respectively, suggesting that the avoidance of duplicate detection also contributes to shorter average expansion times. Symmetries: If all freespace-shortest paths on a state lattice were unique shortest paths (that is, were freespace-canonical), the average number of successors processed per expanded vertex would be one for the ag variant of Fb-Connect as well, similar to CFb-Connect. We suggest that the degree of deviation from an average of 1 successor processed per expansion by the ag variant of Fb-Connect could be used as another measure (in addition to the one mentioned in the previous section) for the 147 symmetries present in state lattices. Since our experiments show that this deviation is larger for Unicycle benchmarks than Urban benchmarks, we suspect that there are more symmetries present in Unicycle benchmarks than Urban benchmarks, which is consistent with our observation in the previous section. To summarize, the average expansion times are the longest for the BDb-Connect variants, especially when b is large, since they use priority queues to maintain their OPEN lists. Among the BDb-Connect variants, the aggressive variant has the shortest average expansion times, and the stall-on-demand variant has the longest, due to their dierent strategies for avoiding the expansions of non-direct-BDb-reachable vertices. The average expansion times for the distance variant of Fb-Connect are comparable to those of the BDb-Connect variants, but typically a bit shorter since Fb-Connect maintains its OPEN list as a stack. The average expansion times for the ag variant of Fb-Connect are signicantly shorter than for the distance variant, especially on Urban benchmarks, since the ag variant processes only a small number of successors per expansion; and even shorter for CFb-Connect since CFb-Connect processes on average only 1 successor per expansion and avoids performing duplicate detection. Avoiding Expansions of Non-Direct-Reachable Vertices In this section, we compare how successful the sixR-connect algorithms are in avoiding the expansions of non-direct-R-reachable vertices, by measuring the number of non-direct-R- reachable vertices they expand relative to all vertices they expand, for varying percentages p of vertices of G selected as subgoals. For brevity, we report results only for a xed reachability bound of 100, and report results only on the Unicycle-Arena2 and Urban- Aurora benchmarks. The results for other reachability bounds and benchmarks have similar trends and are not reported. Figures 4.17 and 4.18 report the average number of direct-R-reachable vertices, the average connection times, the average number of vertices popped from OPEN (that is, expanded or stalled), and the percentage of popped vertices that are not direct-R-reachable, for the six R-Connect variants on the Unicycle-Arena2 and Urban-Aurora benchmarks, respectively. We count subgoals that are not expanded by the aggressive and stall-on-demand variants of BDb-Connect, both variants of Fb- Connect, and CFb-Connect as stalled (and, therefore, popped). We make the following observations: Number of direct-R-reachable vertices: By denition of direct-reachability (Denition 3.2), as the number of subgoals increases (that is, as p increases), the number of direct-R-reachable vertices decreases. We observe that, in both bench- marks, this reduction is similar for all reachability relations. For instance, when 1% of the vertices of G become subgoals, for all R, 18.5%-20.0% and 9.3%-9.8% of the R-reachable vertices become non-direct-R-reachable in the Unicycle-Arena2 and Urban-Aurora benchmarks, respectively. R-connect time, BDb-Connect variants: As we have discussed in Section 3.2.5, the main downside of the aggressive variant of Overlay-Connect is that it can go \around" the subgoals, possibly via suboptimal paths. As we have suggested in 148 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 0 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 DR % subgoals BD-C BD-A BD-S F-D F-F CF (a) Number of direct-R-reachable vertices. 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 Time (ms) % subgoals BD-C BD-A BD-S F-D F-F CF (b) R-connect time (ms). 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 0 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 Popped (expanded + stalled) % subgoals BD-C BD-A BD-S F-D F-F CF (c) Popped. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 % of non-direct-R-reachable popped % subgoals BD-C BD-A BD-S F-D F-F CF (d) % redundant popped. Figure 4.17: R-connect statistics, Unicycle-Arena2, varying percentage of subgoals, reach- ability bound 100. 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 0 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 DR % subgoals BD-C BD-A BD-S F-D F-F CF (a) Number of direct-R-reachable vertices. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 Time (ms) % subgoals BD-C BD-A BD-S F-D F-F CF (b) R-connect time (ms). 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 0 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 Popped (expanded + stalled) % subgoals BD-C BD-A BD-S F-D F-F CF (c) Popped. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 % of non-direct-R-reachable popped % subgoals BD-C BD-A BD-S F-D F-F CF (d) % redundant popped. Figure 4.18: R-connect statistics, Urban-Aurora, varying percentage of subgoals, reacha- bility bound 100. 149 Section 3.3, bounding its search using a reachability relation can help to mitigate this problem, for instance, by using BDb-reachability as the reachability relation. Our results show that the aggressive variant is, overall, the fastest BDb-Connect variant in both benchmarks, for up to 16% subgoals. We analyze this result in further detail below. Percentage of non-direct-R-reachable vertices popped, BDb-Connect vari- ants: The aggressive variant of BDb-Connect consistently pops fewer vertices for expansion than the conservative variant does and, since its average expansion times are shorter, its connection times are also consistently smaller. The stall-on-demand variant is guaranteed to pop no more vertices for expansion than the aggressive vari- ant, since it stalls all the vertices that the aggressive variant stalls. However, the dierence in the number of popped vertices for the stall-on-demand and aggressive variants is smaller than for the aggressive and conservative variants. Furthermore, the aggressive variant has shorter average expansion times than the stall-on-demand variant, as demonstrated in the previous section. The results show that the aggres- sive variant typically has shorter connection times than the stall-on-demand variant on both benchmarks when less than 16% of the vertices ofG are subgoals, and sim- ilar or slightly longer connection times when more subgoals are introduced. Fb-Connect variants and CFb-Connect: Since Fb-Connect variants dier only in their implementations, they expand and stall the same set of vertices, so we will not distinguish between them in this analysis. Both Fb-Connect and CFb- Connect are based on the aggressive variant of Overlay-Connect. Similar to how using BDb-reachability as the reachability relation can help to prevent the aggressive variant of Overlay-Connect from going \around" subgoals by bounding its search, using Fb- or CFb-reachability as the reachability relation prevents this behavior by preventing it from exploring suboptimal paths: Fb-Connect and CFb-Connect explore only freespace-shortest and freespace-canonical paths on G, respectively, which are guaranteed to be shortest paths on G. As the results show, the Fb- and CFb-Connect variants have the smallest percentage of popped vertices that are non-direct-R-reachable from the start. This percentage is roughly half for CFb- Connect than what it is for Fb-Connect on both benchmarks, and less than half for Fb-Connect than what it is for all BDb-Connect variants. To summarize, the percentage of popped vertices that are not direct-R-reachable is the lowest for the Fb-Connect variants and CFb-Connect, which only explore shortest paths and therefore have only a small tendency to go \around" subgoals; the highest for the conservative variant of BDb-Connect, which also explores shortest paths only but does not stall any vertices (besides terminating its search early); and lower for the stall-on-demand variant of BDb-Connect than the aggressive variant of BDb-Connect, since the stall-on-demand variant can stall more vertices than the aggressive variant. However, since the stall-on-demand variant of BDb-Connect performs an expensive check to determine whether it can stall vertices, its connection times are typically longer than the connection times of the aggressive variant, especially when only a small percentage of the vertices of G are subgoals. As we demonstrate in Section 4.6.5, answering queries 150 using SGs or SCSGs that have a high percentage of vertices of G as subgoals typically has execution times comparable to A* searches onG, and we therefore use the aggressive variant of BDb-Connect in our experiments only in Sections 4.6.5 and 4.6.6, since it has the smallest connection times among the BDb-Connect variants when only small percentages of the vertices of G are subgoals. Direct-R-Reachable Expansion Rate In this section, we compare the \eciency" of the sixR-connect algorithms by measuring their \direct-R-reachable expansion rates" (DR-rates, for short), that is, the number of direct-R-reachable vertices they expand divided by their connection times. The DR-rate can be considered to be the normalization of the connection times of dierent R-connect algorithms, with respect to the number of direct-R-reachable vertices that they have to expand to guarantee completeness; and, when no subgoals are present, it is equivalent to the inverse of the average expansion times (Section Figure 4.19 reports the DR-rates of the six R-connect algorithms, for varying reach- ability bounds and percentages of subgoals, on the Unicycle-Arena2 and Urban-Aurora benchmarks. The results on the Unicycle-Aurora and Urban-Arena2 benchmarks have similar trends and are thus not reported. Table 4.2 reports more detailed statistics for reachability bound 100 and percentages of subgoals 1% and 32%, by also providing the average number of R-reachable and direct-R-reachable vertices, subgoals encountered, expanded and stalled vertices, successors processed per expansion, and connection times. Since the DR-rates of dierent R-connect algorithms are determined by their average expansion times and how successfully they avoid the expansion of non-direct-R-reachable vertices, our discussion of DR-rates is simply a summary of our discussions from the previous sections. CFb-Connect and both variants of Fb-Connect have higher DR-rates than the three BDb-Connect variants since their OPEN lists are implemented as stacks rather than priority queues and a smaller percentage of the vertices expanded by them are non-direct- R-reachable. The ag variant of Fb-Connect has a higher DR-rate than the distance variant, especially on Urban benchmarks, since it only processes the freespace-successors of expanded vertices rather than iterating over all successors and determining whether they are freespace-shortest by using freespace distances; but it has a lower DR-rate than CFb-Connect since CFb-Connect processes fewer successors (namely, only the freespace- canonical successors) per expansion, does not perform duplicate detection, and has a smaller percentage of popped vertices that are not direct-R-reachable. The DR-rates of the BDb-Connect variants are similar to each other, where the aggressive variant has the higher DR-rate when a small percentage (less than 16%) of the vertices ofG are subgoals, and the stall-on-demand variant has the higher DR-rate when a large percentage of the vertices of G are subgoals. For 1% subgoals and reachability bound 100 on the Urban- Aurora benchmark, the DR-rate of CFb-Connect is 1.21 and 6.75 times higher than that of the ag and distance variants of Fb-Connect, respectively, and 12.83, 9.22, and 9.70 times higher than that of the stall-on-demand, aggressive, and conservative variants of BDb-Connect, respectively. As we discuss in Section 4.6.6, the high DR-rates of CFb- Connect and the ag variant of Fb-Connect allow one to nd good trade-os between the 151 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000 25 50 75 100 125 150 DR per ms Reachability bound BD-C BD-A BD-S F-D F-F CF (a) Unicycle-Arena2, 0% subgoals. 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 25 50 75 100 125 150 DR per ms Reachability bound BD-C BD-A BD-S F-D F-F CF (b) Urban-Aurora, 0% subgoals. 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 25 50 75 100 125 150 DR per ms Reachability bound BD-C BD-A BD-S F-D F-F CF (c) Unicycle-arena2, 1% subgoals. 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 25 50 75 100 125 150 DR per ms Reachability bound BD-C BD-A BD-S F-D F-F CF (d) Urban-Aurora, 1% subgoals. 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 25 50 75 100 125 150 DR per ms Reachability bound BD-C BD-A BD-S F-D F-F CF (e) Unicycle-Arena2, 4% subgoals. 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 25 50 75 100 125 150 DR per ms Reachability bound BD-C BD-A BD-S F-D F-F CF (f) Urban-Aurora, 4% subgoals. 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 25 50 75 100 125 150 DR per ms Reachability bound BD-C BD-A BD-S F-D F-F CF (g) Unicycle-Arena2, 32% subgoals. 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 25 50 75 100 125 150 DR per ms Reachability bound BD-C BD-A BD-S F-D F-F CF (h) Urban-Aurora, 32% subgoals. Figure 4.19: Direct-R-reachable expansion rates of R-connect algortihms on the small and large benchmarks, with dierent percentages of subgoals and varying reachability bounds. 152 connection and search times when answering queries using CFb or Fb SCSGs, resulting in short query times. 4.6.5 Subgoal Graphs In this section, we compare answering queries using BDb, Fb, and CFb SGs with respect to their query-times. Setup We consider two dierent ways of constructing R SGs in our experiments, namely using the pruning and growing variants of constructing R-SPCs (Sections 3.3.5 and 3.3.6). We consider four dierent algorithms for answering queries using R SGs, which use four of the six dierent variants of performing connection and renement outlined in Table 4.2, excluding the conservative and stall-on-demand variants of BDb-Connect (as discussed in Section We vary the reachability bound from 25 to 150, similar to our ex- periments in Section 4.6.4. Due to long preprocessing times, we only present results on the Arena2-Unicycle benchmark, and do not present results for the pruning variant of constructingR-SPCs for reachability bounds above 75. We now provide a brief summary of the pruning and growing variants of constructing R-SPCs and discuss implementation details. Identifying R-SPCs by pruning: Recall that the pruning variant of identifying an R-SPC S starts by initializing S =V and then removes vertices from S one by one while maintaining that S is anR-SPC (Section 3.3.5), that is, for every pair of vertices (s;t)62R,S covers at least one shortests-t path onG. The set of subgoals S identied by the pruning variant is guaranteed to be a minimal R-SPC (that is, noS 0 S is anR-SPC) but not necessarily a minimumR-SPC (that is, there might exist anR-SPCS 0 withjS 0 j<jSj). One method of trying to nd a smallS is to vary the order with which the pruning variant iterates over the vertices inV . We use the \DFS-completion" ordering to iterate over the vertices in V for our experiments, inspired by Funke et al.'s method for constructing k-hop shortest path covers on road networks (Funke et al., 2014), which corresponds to a post-order traversal of the tree of a depth-rst search run from a random vertex (that is, vertices whose children are processed rst by the depth-rst search appear earlier in the order). Our preliminary results suggest that this ordering is slightly better than a random ordering, producing on average3.6% and up to6.4% fewer subgoals. Identifying R-SPCs by growing: Recall that the growing variant of identifying anR-SPC starts by initializingS =; and then adds subgoals toS until it becomes an R-SPC (Section 3.3.6). For each n2V , it rst identies the \fringe vertices of n" F n , that is, vertices u with (n;u)62 R and S6@ (n;u), and then extends S so that it covers at least one shortest path from n to each fringe vertex of n. We use a heuristic to identify the subgoals used to extend S to cover shortest paths from n to its fringe vertices, which we describe below. 153 % R- Direct-R- Succ per Time DR Benchmark subgoals R reachable reachable Subgoals Expanded Stalled expansion (ms) per ms Unicycle 1 BD-C 3,851 3,077 31 3,849 0 3.257 0.587 5,242 arena2 BD-A 3,851 3,077 37 3,686 37 3.255 0.537 5,731 BD-S 3,851 3,077 37 3,489 190 3.256 0.679 4,534 F-D 2,872 2,310 26 2,545 26 3.292 0.221 10,478 F-F 2,872 2,310 26 2,545 26 1.155 0.114 20,213 CF 2,712 2,208 24 2,332 24 1.010 0.079 27,848 32 BD-C 3,851 125 39 3,370 0 3.262 0.532 234 BD-A 3,851 125 256 551 256 3.253 0.104 1,202 BD-S 3,851 125 197 362 258 3.255 0.099 1,263 F-D 2,872 114 55 119 55 3.342 0.017 6,695 F-F 2,872 114 55 119 55 1.514 0.009 12,789 CF 2,712 112 42 91 42 1.451 0.006 20,367 Urban 1 BD-C 73,379 66,176 662 73,379 0 23.236 38.923 1,700 Aurora BD-A 73,379 66,176 732 72,438 732 23.238 37.012 1,788 BD-S 73,379 66,176 728 66,856 5,896 23.233 51.513 1,285 F-D 48,045 43,544 450 44,639 450 24.091 17.820 2,444 F-F 48,045 43,544 450 44,639 450 1.092 3.195 13,629 CF 47,770 43,305 443 43,877 443 1.010 2.625 16,495 32 BD-C 73,379 4,701 1,503 73,208 0 23.236 37.751 125 BD-A 73,379 4,701 20,168 42,848 20,168 23.358 25.781 182 BD-S 73,379 4,701 16,614 14,103 37,806 23.313 23.236 202 F-D 48,045 3,879 1,859 3,951 1,859 24.207 2.179 1,780 F-F 48,045 3,879 1,859 3,951 1,859 1.570 0.516 7,523 CF 47,770 3,864 1,445 3,072 1,445 1.470 0.345 11,211 Table 4.2: R-connect statistics with reachability bound 100. 154 We rst construct a directed acyclic graph A n of all shortest paths from n to its fringe vertices, and assign a value of 1 to each fringe vertex and 0 to each non-fringe vertex. We then back-propagate through A n , starting from the fringe vertices and visiting each vertex before visiting any of its parents in A n . For each visited vertex u with value v(u) and set of parents P u in A n and each parent p2 P u of u, we increase v(p) by v(u)=jP u j. Intuitively, when the back-propagation terminates, the value of a non-fringe vertex u is high if making it a subgoal covers shortest paths fromn to a large number of its fringe vertices, or if it covers shortest paths to fringe vertices to which only a small number of shortest paths from n exist. We then add the vertex u with the highest v(u)d(n;u) to S (that is, make it a subgoal), update A n by removing those fringe vertices to which a shortest path from n is covered by u, and repeat the process, until at least one shortest path from n to each of its fringe vertices is covered. When picking the next vertex u to add to S, we consider its distanced(n;u) fromn because, otherwise,u is typically selected as one of the successors of n since they typically cover shortest paths from n to the largest number of its fringe vertices. Constructing the edges ofR SGs: We construct the edges ofR SGs by perform- ing anR-connect operation from each subgoal. Since Fb-Connect and CFb-Connect can identify a superset of the necessary edges, we perform an additional operation to remove the redundant ones, by performing a Dijkstra search on the SG (possi- bly with the redundant edges) from each subgoal u until all subgoals v that share an edge with n are expanded, and check for each v whether the Dijkstra search has found an alternative u-v path. We construct the edges of BDb SGs using the conservative variant of BDb-Connect, since it can do so exactly. Memory requirements: When reporting the memory requirements, we consider only the memory required to store freespace information and the edges of SGs. We store freespace information without exploiting symmetries between primitives. As discussed in Section 4.6.3, by exploiting such symmetries, we could reduce the memory requirements for freespace information by a factor of 8 for both the Unicycle and Urban primitives. When reporting the memory required to store the edges of SGs, we assume that each edge can be stored using 8 bytes, 4 bytes for its destination and 4 bytes for its length. For the distance variant of Fb-reachability, we assume that each edge of the SG can be stored using 4 bytes, only for its destination, since its length can be looked up from the stored freespace distances. Results Table 4.3 reports the time to construct BDb, Fb, and CFb SGs by pruning or growing the set of subgoals, the numbers of vertices and edges in these SGs relative toG, the memory required to store the edges of these SGs and freespace information, the execution times of queries answered using these SGs relative to A* search times on G (that is, \speed up"), and the percentage of query times spent in the search phase, on the Unicycle-Arena2 benchmark. Figure 4.20 shows the trends from Table 4.3 as the reachability bound varies. We make the following observations: 155 Prep. Memory (MB) Size vs G Search / Speed R C b time (s) FS Edges Subgoals Edges Query up BD-A P 25 13 0.00 9.33 87.29% 96.85% 99.61% 0.98 50 622 0.00 13.85 46.36% 143.74% 99.08% 1.73 75 16,232 0.00 19.04 33.48% 197.66% 98.67% 2.07 G 25 6 0.00 9.40 89.68% 97.52% 99.58% 1.08 50 23 0.00 12.11 55.27% 125.74% 99.24% 1.51 75 69 0.00 15.45 42.09% 160.35% 98.95% 1.88 100 162 0.00 19.86 34.48% 206.17% 98.43% 1.89 125 309 0.00 24.48 28.70% 254.05% 97.40% 2.03 150 532 0.00 29.54 24.57% 306.65% 94.88% 2.07 F-D P 25 16 0.37 4.67 87.29% 96.85% 99.91% 0.96 50 716 2.02 6.87 46.47% 142.52% 99.84% 1.65 75 10,480 5.84 8.81 35.10% 182.95% 99.79% 2.06 G 25 7 0.37 4.70 89.68% 97.52% 99.90% 1.08 50 28 2.02 6.01 55.48% 124.82% 99.86% 1.53 75 76 5.84 7.16 43.85% 148.63% 99.83% 1.79 100 145 12.59 8.17 40.02% 169.55% 99.81% 1.93 125 223 23.72 9.00 38.16% 186.90% 99.80% 1.83 150 304 39.84 9.71 37.53% 201.59% 99.79% 1.89 F-F P 25 16 0.12 9.34 87.29% 96.85% 99.95% 0.98 50 716 0.71 13.74 46.47% 142.52% 99.91% 1.68 75 10,480 2.09 17.62 35.10% 182.95% 99.88% 2.06 G 25 7 0.12 9.40 89.68% 97.52% 99.95% 1.08 50 28 0.71 12.02 55.48% 124.82% 99.92% 1.55 75 76 2.09 14.32 43.85% 148.63% 99.90% 1.81 100 145 4.61 16.34 40.02% 169.55% 99.89% 1.93 125 223 8.76 18.00 38.16% 186.90% 99.89% 1.87 150 304 14.77 19.42 37.53% 201.59% 99.88% 1.96 CF P 25 17 0.10 9.33 87.29% 96.85% 99.98% 0.97 50 706 0.58 13.69 46.80% 142.06% 99.95% 1.65 75 9,979 1.72 17.27 36.50% 179.25% 99.93% 2.03 G 25 7 0.10 9.40 89.68% 97.52% 99.98% 1.08 50 27 0.58 11.84 55.43% 122.93% 99.96% 1.53 75 76 1.72 14.00 43.99% 145.29% 99.94% 1.87 100 143 3.82 15.94 40.48% 165.47% 99.94% 1.88 125 214 7.28 17.44 39.03% 181.05% 99.93% 1.91 150 292 12.28 18.70 38.46% 194.08% 99.93% 1.89 Table 4.3: Comparison of SGs constructed by pruning (P) or growing (G) an R-SPC. 156 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 25 50 75 100 125 150 % Subgoals Reachability bound BD-A F-D F-F CF (a) Percentage of vertices selected as subgoals. 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 25 50 75 100 125 150 % Edges Reachability bound BD-A F-D F-F CF (b) Ratio of the number of SG edges to jEj. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 25 50 75 100 125 150 Query time (ms) Reachability bound BD-A F-D F-F CF (c) Query time. 0 20 40 60 80 100 25 50 75 100 125 150 % of search time in queries Reachability bound BD-A F-D F-F CF (d) Percentage of query time spent in the search phase. Figure 4.20: Comparison of SGs on the Unicycle-Arena2 benchmark. Number of subgoals, BDb vs. Fb vs. CFb: Since CFb Fb BDb, BDb SGs have fewer subgoals than Fb SGs, which in turn have fewer subgoals than CFb SGs, when using the same reachability bound b and the same construction method. For instance, when using reachability bound 75 and the pruning variant of constructing SGs, the BD75 SG has4.6% fewer subgoals than the F75 SG, which in turn has 3.8% fewer subgoals than the CF75 SG. Number of subgoals and edges, varyingb: As the reachability bound increases, the number of subgoals in BDb, Fb, and CFb SGs decrease, since, for everyb 1 <b 2 , BDb 1 BDb 2 , Fb 1 Fb 2 , and CFb 1 CFb 2 . However, as the reachability bound increases, the number of edges in BDb, Fb, and CFb SGs increases as well. We think that this is due to state lattices having large highway dimensions, as we discuss at the end of this section. Interestingly, the BD25, F25, and CF25 SGs constructed by pruning and growing are (almost) identical, which we think is due to the following reason: Edges that correspond to turns on the Unicycle-Arena2 benchmark have a length of 17.35, which means that any two successive turns correspond to a unique shortest path with length 34:7> 25, requiring its middle vertex to be a subgoal in any BD25-, F25-, and CF25-SPC. Number of subgoals, pruning vs. growing: The BD75 SG constructed by the pruning variant has 20.46% fewer subgoals than the one constructed by the growing 157 variant, since the pruning variant guarantees the minimality of the set of subgoals. The F75 and CF75 SGs constructed by the pruning variant have fewer subgoals than the F150 and CF150 SGs constructed by the growing variant. These results suggest that the heuristic that we use in the growing variant for identifying subgoals could be improved. Preprocessing times: The time to construct BDb, Fb, and CFb SGs increases as the reachability bound b increases, for both the pruning and growing variants, where the increase for the pruning variant is signicantly larger. For instance, the pruning variant requires roughly four and a half hours of preprocessing time to construct a BD75 SG, whereas the growing variant requires only 69 seconds. Query times: All SGs in our experiments use a signicant percentage of the vertices ofG as subgoals (24.6% at the lowest) and, for reachability bounds greater than 25, have more edges thanG. Therefore, answering queries using them is slow, at best 2.07 times faster than A* searches on G. Search times: The search times make up at least94.8% of the query times, sig- nicantly reducing the contribution of the more ecient connection and renement algorithms for Fb- and CFb-reachability to the query times. To summarize, our current construction methods fail to produce small SGs within a reasonable amount of time. We conjecture that this is in part due to state lattices having large highway dimensions. Recall that, on a graph with maximum edge length m and highway dimension h, it is possible to construct a (b 2m;h) sparse BDb-SPC for b > 3m (Theorem 3.13). That is, there exists a BDb-SPC S such that, for every u2 V , the number of vertices v2 S with max(d(u;v);d(v;u)) 2b 4m is at most h. For Unicycle benchmarks, m 17:35, and this result applies for b = 75 3 17:35. If G has a small highway dimension, we would expect a small number of subgoals within distance 2 75 4 17:35 80 from any given vertexn2V . However, this does not seem to be the case for the BD75 SGs that we generate via pruning, whose sets of subgoals S are guaranteed to be minimal BD75-SPC. We note that the minimality of S does not necessarily mean that it is the minimum set of subgoals, which is why our results (which construct minimal but not minimum R-SPCs) cannot be used to conclusively show that state lattices have large highway dimensions. Therefore, based on our results, we can only conjecture that state lattices, in general, may have large highway dimensions. 4.6.6 Strongly-Connected Subgoal Graphs In this section, we compare answering queries using BDb, Fb, and CFb SCSGs with respect to their query times and path suboptimalities. Setup As we have shown in the previous section, our current construction methods fail to pro- duce small SGs on state lattices, which we think is due to their large highway dimensions. 158 To get around this limitation, we now experiment with R SCSGs (Section 3.5), whose subgoals do not necessarily form R-SPCs. We use a setup similar to the one that we have used for our experiments with SGs (Section 4.6.5). Namely, we omit the conservative and stall-on-demand variants of BDb- reachability in our comparison, report the amount of memory required to store SGs using 4 bytes per edge for the distance variant of Fb-reachability and 8 bytes per edge for the other reachability relations, and report the amount of memory required to store freespace information without exploiting symmetries among primitives. When constructing SCSGs, we rst use Algorithm 8 to identify the access subgoals (such that any start and goal vertex can be connected to at least one access subgoal using R-Connect), then use Algorithm 9 to strongly-connect the access subgoals using only R-reachable edges, adding additional subgoals as necessary. In order to nd short paths in practice, we add edges between all direct-R-reachable subgoals in SCSGs, as well as use all direct-R-reachable edges during the connection phases of queries. Similarly to constructing SGs, to construct the edges of SCSGs, we perform R-Connect from every subgoal and then eliminate any redundant edges, if necessary (for Fb- and CFb-reachability). We are ultimately interested in the query-time/path-suboptimality trade-os (trade- os, for short) of SCSGs constructed with respect to dierent reachability relations. We treat the reachability bound b as a parameter that can be ne-tuned dierently for dierent reachability relations, resulting in dierent trade-os. 3 We therefore use the following scheme for comparing the trade-os of SCSGs constructed with respect to dierent reachability relations: First, for each reachability relation R, we construct a set T R of trade-os, by varying the reachability bound b from 25 to 150 in increments of 25. We then eliminate those trade-os t from T R that are dominated by at least one other trade-o t 0 in T R (that is t 0 has both a shorter query time and a smaller path suboptimality than t), essentially removing trade-os that correspond to a \bad tuning" ofb. The remaining set of trade-osP R forms the \query-time/path-suboptimality Pareto frontier" (Pareto frontier, for short) for SCSGs constructed with respect to R. We say that a Pareto frontier P R dominates a trade-o t if and only if at least one trade-o t 0 2 P R dominates t. We say that a Pareto frontier P R dominates a Pareto frontier P R 0 if and only if P R dominates all trade-os t2 P R 0. We say that a Pareto frontier P R is non-dominated if and only if there is at least one t2 P R that is not dominated by any other Pareto frontier P R 0. We also experiment with weighted A* searches on G, using the Euclidean distance (Euc) and 2D grid distance (2D) heuristics, and similarly calculate Pareto frontiers for them by varying the suboptimality bound w from 1 to 3 in increments of 0.25. The 2D grid distance from a state s = (x s ;y s ; s ) to a state t = (x t ;y t ; t ) is the (x s ;y s )-(x t ;y t ) distance on the 8-neighbor grid center graph constructed on the underlying grid of the state lattice, and is not necessarily admissible (Butzke, Sapkota, Prasad, MacAllister, & Likhachev, 2014). We compute 2D grid distances \on demand" during searches. That is, in the beginning of a (weighted) A* search on the state lattice, we also start a search on the corresponding 8-neighbor grid graph, backwards from the goal. When we want to 3 To clarify, we do not claim that the reachability bound b can be used to trade o shorter query- times and smaller path-suboptimalities, but only remark that dierent values of b may result in dierent query-time/path-suboptimality trade-os. 159 look-up then-t 2D grid distance during the A* search on the state lattice, the A* search over the 8-neighbor grid graph expands vertices until the vertex that corresponds to n is expanded, and then return itsg value. The time to compute 2D grid distances is included in our reported search and query times. Results We rst compare answering queries using BDb, Fb, and CFb SCSGs on the Unicycle- Arena2 benchmark with respect to their query times and path suboptimalities, both to each other and to answering queries using BDb, Fb, and CFb SGs (Section 4.6.5). We then compare answering queries using BDb, Fb, and CFb SCSGs across the four benchmarks with respect to their query times and path suboptimalities, and focus on their dierences across the dierent benchmarks. Table 4.4 reports the time needed to construct BDb, Fb, and CFb SCSGs, the num- bers of vertices and edges in these SCSGs relative to G, the memory required to store these edges and freespace information, the connection, search, and renement times of queries answered using these SCSGs, and the average and maximum suboptimalities of the paths found by these queries, on the Unicycle-Arena2 benchmark. Figure 4.21 shows the trends from Table 4.4 as the reachability bound varies, as well as the query-time/path- suboptimality trade-o when answering queries using BDb, Fb, and CFb SCSGs, and weighted A* searches on G. We make the following observations: Preprocessing times: R SCSGs can be constructed signicantly faster than R SGs for the sameR, since our construction algorithm (Section 3.5.3) only performs three (modied) R-connect operations for each identied subgoal n, namely once forward and once backward fromn to mark the vertices ofG that canR-connect to n in the forward and backward directions, and once more afterward to identify the edges of the SG. For instance, a BD150 SCSG can be constructed 58 times faster than a BD150 SG constructed by growing. Number of subgoals: R SCSGs have signicantly fewer subgoals thanR SGs for the same R, since there are fewer constraints on the placement of their subgoals (that is, their subgoals do not have to formR-SPCs). For instance, the BD25 SCSG has 64.9% fewer subgoals than the BD25 SG constructed by pruning, and the BD75 SCSG has 80.6% fewer subgoals than the BD75 SG constructed by pruning. We observe similar trends in the number of subgoals in R SCSGs as we have observed for R SGs as the reachability relation and reachability bound vary. Namely, BDb SCSGs have fewer subgoals than Fb and CFb SCSGs for the same b, and, as b increases, the number of subgoals decreases for all R SCSGs. Furthermore, similar to the results in Section 4.6.5, the BD25, F25, and CF25 SCSGs are identical, presumably due to all edges in the Unicycle-Arena2 benchmark having a length of 17.35 and, consequently, the length of any sequence of two turns exceeding the reachability bound. Memory requirements: The memory required to store freespace information is the same for answering queries usingR SCSGs andR SGs, for the sameR. However, 160 Prep. Memory (MB) Size vs G Query time (ms) Speed Suboptimality R b time (s) Freespace Edges Access Subgoals Edges Connect Search Rene up Avg Max BD-A 25 1.45 0.00 3.48 15.37% 30.67% 36.07% 0.011 9.842 0.120 3.37 1.373 5.779 50 5.98 0.00 6.27 8.36% 13.93% 65.08% 0.120 4.354 0.309 7.02 1.329 4.675 75 11.89 0.00 5.93 3.90% 6.48% 61.53% 0.558 2.042 0.720 10.11 1.287 3.781 100 15.31 0.00 3.48 1.91% 2.96% 36.13% 1.294 0.708 1.169 10.59 1.313 4.476 125 9.72 0.00 0.61 0.60% 0.91% 6.29% 2.723 0.217 2.131 6.62 1.467 4.220 150 9.12 0.00 0.33 0.35% 0.52% 3.37% 4.575 0.118 2.722 4.53 1.495 3.934 F-D 25 1.29 0.37 1.74 15.37% 30.67% 36.07% 0.011 9.735 0.028 3.43 1.373 5.779 50 4.42 2.02 3.10 8.39% 13.93% 64.43% 0.099 4.110 0.023 7.93 1.309 4.675 75 7.19 5.84 2.96 4.08% 6.74% 61.37% 0.330 2.031 0.020 14.10 1.213 4.931 100 7.29 12.59 1.61 2.13% 3.32% 33.50% 0.616 0.839 0.017 22.80 1.181 3.292 125 5.03 23.72 0.45 0.91% 1.48% 9.30% 0.988 0.366 0.016 24.49 1.169 2.788 150 4.62 39.84 0.33 0.67% 1.16% 6.91% 1.292 0.296 0.016 20.94 1.154 2.566 F-F 25 1.29 0.12 3.48 15.37% 30.67% 36.07% 0.007 9.827 0.014 3.41 1.373 5.779 50 4.42 0.71 6.20 8.39% 13.93% 64.43% 0.047 3.998 0.012 8.27 1.309 4.675 75 7.19 2.09 5.92 4.08% 6.74% 61.37% 0.155 2.018 0.010 15.38 1.213 4.931 100 7.29 4.61 3.22 2.13% 3.32% 33.50% 0.288 0.825 0.009 29.93 1.181 3.292 125 5.03 8.76 0.90 0.91% 1.48% 9.30% 0.429 0.338 0.008 43.27 1.169 2.788 150 4.62 14.77 0.66 0.67% 1.16% 6.91% 0.577 0.282 0.009 38.70 1.154 2.566 CF 25 0.94 0.10 3.48 15.37% 30.67% 36.07% 0.006 10.120 0.007 3.31 1.373 5.779 50 2.21 0.58 6.11 8.40% 13.82% 63.44% 0.039 3.977 0.007 8.34 1.296 4.675 75 3.17 1.72 5.77 4.17% 6.70% 59.93% 0.120 1.875 0.006 16.77 1.188 4.914 100 3.37 3.82 3.49 2.31% 3.49% 36.19% 0.236 0.952 0.006 28.10 1.165 3.109 125 3.15 7.28 1.50 1.29% 1.97% 15.57% 0.331 0.513 0.006 39.47 1.153 2.430 150 4.31 12.28 1.16 0.99% 1.58% 12.02% 0.440 0.430 0.006 38.29 1.143 2.370 Table 4.4: Comparison of SCSGs on the Unicycle-Arena2 benchmark. 161 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 25 50 75 100 125 150 % Subgoals Reachability bound BD-A F-D F-F CF (a) Percentage of vertices selected as subgoals. 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 25 50 75 100 125 150 Connection time (ms) Reachability bound BD-A F-D F-F CF (b) Connection time. 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 25 50 75 100 125 150 Search time (ms) Reachability bound BD-A F-D F-F CF (c) Search time. 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 25 50 75 100 125 150 Refinement time (ms) Reachability bound BD-A F-D F-F CF (d) Rene time. 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 25 50 75 100 125 150 Query time (ms) Reachability bound BD-A F-D F-F CF (e) Query time. 1 1.05 1.1 1.15 1.2 1.25 1.3 1.35 1.4 1.45 1.5 25 50 75 100 125 150 Suboptimality Reachability bound BD-A F-D F-F CF (f) Path suboptimality. 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.35 1.40 1.45 1.50 0.1 1 10 Suboptimality Query time (ms) A*-Euc A*-2D BD-A F-D F-F CF (g) Query-time/path-suboptimality trade-o. 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.35 0.1 1 10 Suboptimality Query time (ms) A*-Euc A*-2D BD-A F-D F-F CF (h) Query-time/path-suboptimality trade-o, Pareto frontiers. Figure 4.21: Comparison of SCSGs on the Unicycle-Arena2 benchmark. 162 sinceR SCSGs are typically smaller thanR SGs, the memory required to store their edges is smaller as well. Connection times: As the reachability bound increases, the connection times in- crease for all R-connect algorithms, and increase faster for BDb-Connect than the Fb-Connect variants and CFb-Connect. As discussed in Section 4.6.4, there are several factors that contribute to this result. As the reachability bound increases: 1) The number of BDb-reachable vertices increases faster than the number of Fb- and CFb-reachable vertices. 2) The average expansion time of BDb-Connect (vari- ants) increases due to more expensive insertion and removal operations in OPEN, whereas the average expansion times of the Fb-Connect variants and CFb-Connect are unaected. 3) Since BDb SCSGs have fewer subgoals than Fb and CFb SCSGs, a higher percentage of R-reachable vertices are direct-R-reachable (and, therefore, should be expanded byR-connect) for BDb-reachability, compared to Fb- and CFb- reachability. Similar to our results in Section 4.6.4, CFb-Connect has the shortest connection times, followed by the ag variant of Fb-Connect, since these variants process only a small number of successors per expansion and since CFb-Connect avoids duplicate detection. Search times: As the reachability bound increases, the search times decrease since the number of subgoals decrease for all R SCSGs. They are the smallest for BDb SCSGs, which contain fewer subgoals than Fb and CFb SCSGs for the same b. Renement times: As the reachability bound increases, BDb-Rene times in- crease, whereas Fb- and CFb-Rene times remain mostly unchanged. This can be explained as follows. As the reachability bound increases, R SCSGs have fewer subgoals that need to be (and can be) connected through longer edges. As a result, as the reachability bound increases, paths on R SCSGs tend to have fewer edges that are longer. This negatively aects BDb-Rene times, since BDb-Rene is im- plemented as an A* search, and a single A* search between vertices that are far apart typically requires more time than multiple A* searches between vertices that are close together. CFb-Rene times remain mostly unaected since they depend only on the number of edges on the resulting path. Similarly, Fb-Rene times are mostly unaected since, although Fb-Rene performs searches, it typically operates similarly to CFb-Rene due to state lattices not having too many symmetric short- est paths. Interestingly, asb increases, CFb- and Fb-rene times can decrease, since the paths found on query CFb and Fb SCSGs become shorter, as we discuss later, when discussing path suboptimalities. Query times: As the reachability bound increases, the query times may increase or decrease, depending on how the fast connection and renement times increase and the search times decrease. Our results show that query times typically rst decrease and then increase, and the bound for which the query times are shortest varies with the reachability relations and connection and renement algorithms. When using BDb-reachability (and the aggressive variant of BDb-Connect), the shortest query times are achieved at reachability bound 100. When using Fb-reachability (and both the ag and distance variants of Fb-Connect and Fb-Rene) or CFb-reachability, the 163 shortest query times are achieved at reachability bound 125. The shortest query times are achieved with a smaller reachability bound when using BDb-reachability because: 1) The connection and renement times increase faster when using BDb- reachability rather than Fb- and CFb-reachability. 2) The search times decrease faster when using BDb-reachability rather than Fb- and CFb-reachability. Figures 4.21b, 4.21c, 4.21d, and 4.21e show how the reachability bound aects the connec- tion, search, renement, and query times. Path suboptimality: Paths found on BDb SCSGs are longer than those on Fb SCSGs, which in turn are longer than those on CFb SCSGs, for the sameb. As the reachability bound increases, paths found on BDb SCSGs rst get shorter and then longer, and paths found on Fb and CFb SCSGs get shorter. We suspect that there are several factors that contribute to these results: 1) As mentioned during our discussion of the renement times, as the reachability bound increases, the paths found over R SCSGs typically consist of shorter sequences of longer edges. Since edges on these paths correspond to shortest paths onG, paths consisting of shorter sequences of longer edges typically have longer \stretches" that are \optimal" (that is, correspond to shortest paths on G), compared to paths consisting of longer sequences of shorter edges. Therefore, this factor contributes to paths found on R SCSGs getting shorter (since they have longer stretches that are optimal) as the reachability bound increases. 2) Our algorithm for constructing R SCSGs aims to nd small R SCSGs with the highest priority, and reduce path lengths only with secondary priority, by adding more edges to R SCSGs after determining the set of subgoals. Fewer subgoals in R SCSGs mean that fewer possible \turning points" are considered, which can result more frequently in sequences of edges forming \non-taut" turns. Therefore, this factor contributes to paths found over R SCSGs getting longer as the reachability bound increases. We suspect that these two factors contribute to dierences in path lengths found over R SCSGs for dierent reachability relations and reachability bounds. For instance, as the reachability bound increases, the number of subgoals of BDb SCSGs decreases faster than the number of subgoals in Fb and CFb SCSGs, which could be the reason why the lengths of paths found over BDb SCSGs increase as the reachability bound increases. As indicated in Section 3.5, a more detailed analysis of path suboptimalities on SCSGs is beyond the scope of this dissertation. Query-time/path-suboptimality trade-o: The (query-time/path-suboptimal- ity) Pareto frontier for answering queries using Fb SCSGs and the ag variants of Fb-Connect and Fb-Rene dominate the Pareto frontier for answering queries using Fb SCSGs and the distance variants of Fb-Connect and Fb-Rene, since both algo- rithms have the same path-suboptimalities and search times, but the ag variants of Fb-Connect and Fb-Rene are faster than the distance variants. Throughout this discussion, we therefore assume that the ag variants of Fb-Connect and Fb-Rene are used when answering queries using Fb SCSGs (similar to how we assume that the aggressive variant of BDb-Connect is used when answering queries using BDb SCSGs). 164 The Pareto frontiers for answering queries using Fb and CFb SCSGs dominate the Pareto frontier for answering queries using BDb SCSGs, since answering queries using Fb and CFb SCSGs is typically faster and nds shorter paths. The Pareto frontiers of these two algorithms are very similar and do not dominate each other, with answering queries using CFb SCSGs having slightly longer query times but smaller path suboptimalities. Furthermore, the Pareto frontiers of these two al- gorithms are non-dominated by the Pareto frontier when answering queries using weighted A* searches (with either the Euclidean or the 2D grid distance heuristics) on G, since they have shorter query times; but also do not dominate the Pareto frontier when answering queries using weighted A* searches on G, since they nd longer paths. We now analyze the results over all benchmarks, and focus on their dierences across dierent benchmarks. Number of R-reachable vertices, percentage of subgoals, and connection and search times: Figures 4.22, 4.23, 4.24, and 4.25, respectively, report the number ofR-reachable vertices (also reported in Figure 4.12), the number of vertices ofR SCSGs relative toG, and the connection and search times of queries answered usingR SCSGs across the four benchmarks. The renement times are not reported since they are small compared to the connection and search times. We observe that the dierences in the number of R-reachable vertices across the four benchmarks (as discussed in Section result in dierences in the number of vertices of R SCSGs relative to G and in the connection and search times of queries answered using R SCSGs across the four benchmarks. Search times relative to query times: Figure 4.26 reports the percentage of query times spent in the search phase when answering queries usingR SCSGs, across the four benchmarks. We observe that, on all benchmarks and for all reachability relations, the percentage of query times spent in the search phase decreases as the reachability bound increases, since the search times decrease but the connection and renement times (not reported) increase. The percentage of query times spent in the search phase decreases faster on Urban and Arena2 benchmarks compared to the Unicycle and Aurora benchmarks. The reason for this is two-fold: 1) Connection (and renement) can be considered to be \local" operations since they are performed up to a bound, whereas search can be considered to be a \global" operation since it is performed on SCSGs that span the whole graph. As the grid size increases (that is, the Aurora benchmarks compared to the Arena2 benchmarks), the time to perform the \global" operation relative to the \local" operations increases. 2) The number ofR-reachable vertices is larger on the Urban benchmarks than the Unicycle benchmarks, which results in longer connection times and smaller R SCSGs that can be searched faster. Speed-up over weighted A* searches: Figure 4.27 shows the speed-up achieved by answering queries using R SCSGs over weighted A* searches on G using the Euclidean distance heuristic, across the four benchmarks. We observe that how the 165 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 25 50 75 100 125 150 R Reachability bound BD-C BD-A BD-S F-D F-F CF (a) Unicycle-Arena2. 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 25 50 75 100 125 150 R Reachability bound BD-C BD-A BD-S F-D F-F CF (b) Unicycle-Aurora. 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 140000 160000 25 50 75 100 125 150 R Reachability bound BD-C BD-A BD-S F-D F-F CF (c) Urban-Arena2. 0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 300000 25 50 75 100 125 150 R Reachability bound BD-C BD-A BD-S F-D F-F CF (d) Urban-Aurora. Figure 4.22: Number of R-reachable vertices. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 25 50 75 100 125 150 % Subgoals Reachability bound BD-A F-D F-F CF (a) Unicycle-Arena2. 0 5 10 15 20 25 25 50 75 100 125 150 % Subgoals Reachability bound BD-A F-D F-F CF (b) Unicycle-Aurora. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 25 50 75 100 125 150 % Subgoals Reachability bound BD-A F-D F-F CF (c) Urban-Arena2. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 25 50 75 100 125 150 % Subgoals Reachability bound BD-A F-D F-F CF (d) Urban-Aurora. Figure 4.23: Percentage of subgoals in R SCSGs (relative to G). 166 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 25 50 75 100 125 150 Connection time (ms) Reachability bound BD-A F-D F-F CF (a) Unicycle-Arena2. 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 25 50 75 100 125 150 Connection time (ms) Reachability bound BD-A F-D F-F CF (b) Unicycle-Aurora. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 25 50 75 100 125 150 Connection time (ms) Reachability bound BD-A F-D F-F CF (c) Urban-Arena2. 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 25 50 75 100 125 150 Connection time (ms) Reachability bound BD-A F-D F-F CF (d) Urban-Aurora. Figure 4.24: Connection times when answering queries using R SCSGs. 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 25 50 75 100 125 150 Search time (ms) Reachability bound BD-A F-D F-F CF (a) Unicycle-Arena2. 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 25 50 75 100 125 150 Search time (ms) Reachability bound BD-A F-D F-F CF (b) Unicycle-Aurora. 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 25 50 75 100 125 150 Search time (ms) Reachability bound BD-A F-D F-F CF (c) Urban-Arena2. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 25 50 75 100 125 150 Search time (ms) Reachability bound BD-A F-D F-F CF (d) Urban-Aurora. Figure 4.25: Search times when answering queries using R SCSGs. 167 0 20 40 60 80 100 25 50 75 100 125 150 % of search time in queries Reachability bound BD-A F-D F-F CF (a) Unicycle-Arena2. 0 20 40 60 80 100 25 50 75 100 125 150 % of search time in queries Reachability bound BD-A F-D F-F CF (b) Unicycle-Aurora. 0 20 40 60 80 100 25 50 75 100 125 150 % of search time in queries Reachability bound BD-A F-D F-F CF (c) Urban-Arena2. 0 20 40 60 80 100 25 50 75 100 125 150 % of search time in queries Reachability bound BD-A F-D F-F CF (d) Urban-Aurora. Figure 4.26: Percentage of query times spent in the search phase when answering queries using SCSGs. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 25 50 75 100 125 150 Speed up over A* Reachability bound BD-A F-D F-F CF (a) Unicycle-Arena2. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 25 50 75 100 125 150 Speed up over A* Reachability bound BD-A F-D F-F CF (b) Unicycle-Aurora. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 25 50 75 100 125 150 Speed up over A* Reachability bound BD-A F-D F-F CF (c) Urban-Arena2. 0 50 100 150 200 250 25 50 75 100 125 150 Speed up over A* Reachability bound BD-A F-D F-F CF (d) Urban-Aurora. Figure 4.27: Speed-up over A* searches when answering queries using SCSGs. 168 percentage of query times spent in the search phase varies aects the reachability bound for which the highest speed-ups are achieved over weighted A* searches. On the Unicycle-Aurora benchmark, where the percentage of query times spent in the search phase decreases slowly as the reachability bound increases, the reachability bounds for which the highest speed-ups are achieved are high, namely 125 for BDb SCSGs and 150 for the other R SCSGs. On the Urban-Arena2 benchmark, where the percentage of query times spent in the search phase decreases quickly, the reachability bounds for which the highest speed-ups are achieved are low, namely 25 for BDb SCSGs and 50 for other R SCSGs. Path suboptimalities: Figure 4.27 shows the suboptimalities of the paths found when answering queries using R SCSGs, across the four benchmarks. We observe that the paths found when using BDb SCSGs have higher suboptimalities on the Urban benchmarks than the Unicycle benchmarks, which we think is due to BDb SCSGs having a smaller percentage of the vertices of G as subgoals on the Ur- ban benchmarks. We observe that the paths found when using Fb and CFb SCSGs have lower suboptimalities on the Aurora benchmarks than the Arena2 benchmarks, which we think is due to the Aurora benchmarks containing larger contiguous re- gions of unblocked cells than the Arena2 benchmarks. As indicated in Section 3.5, a more detailed analysis of the suboptimalities of the paths found when using SCSGs is beyond the scope of this dissertation. Query-time/path-suboptimality trade-o: Figure 4.29 shows the (query-time/ path-suboptimality) Pareto frontiers when answering queries using R SCSGs or weighted A* searches, across the four benchmarks. The dominance relations that we have observed on the Unicycle-Arena2 benchmark also hold on all other bench- marks. Namely, the Pareto frontiers when answering queries using CFb SCSGs or Fb SCSGs with the ag variants of performing connection and renement dominate the Pareto frontiers when answering queries using BDb SCSGs or Fb SCSGs with the distance variants of performing connection and renement, and are non-dominated by the Pareto frontiers when answering queries using weighted A* searches with the Euclidean or 2D grid-distance heuristics. To summarize,R SCSGs can be constructed faster thanR SGs, are smaller, and can be used to answer queries faster. Although R SCSGs cannot be used to nd shortest paths, we observe that, in practice, short paths (10{15% longer than shortest paths) can be found by using Fb and CFb SCSGs. As the reachability bound increases, the connection and renement times when answering queries using BDb SCSGs quickly increase, whereas the search times decrease. In comparison, as the reachability bound increases, the increase in connection times when answering queries using Fb and CFb SCSGs is much smaller, and the renement times do not increase. As a result, the (query-time/path-suboptimality) Pareto frontiers (generated by varying the reachability bound) when answering queries using Fb and CFb SCSGs dominate the Pareto frontier when answering queries using BDb SCSGs. 169 1 1.05 1.1 1.15 1.2 1.25 1.3 1.35 1.4 1.45 1.5 25 50 75 100 125 150 Suboptimality Reachability bound BD-A F-D F-F CF (a) Unicycle-Arena2. 1 1.05 1.1 1.15 1.2 1.25 1.3 1.35 25 50 75 100 125 150 Suboptimality Reachability bound BD-A F-D F-F CF (b) Unicycle-Aurora. 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 25 50 75 100 125 150 Suboptimality Reachability bound BD-A F-D F-F CF (c) Urban-Arena2. 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 25 50 75 100 125 150 Suboptimality Reachability bound BD-A F-D F-F CF (d) Urban-Aurora. Figure 4.28: Path suboptimality when answering queries using SCSGs. 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.35 0.1 1 10 Suboptimality Query time (ms) A*-Euc A*-2D BD-A F-D F-F CF (a) Unicycle-Arena2. 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.35 1.40 1 10 100 Suboptimality Query time (ms) A*-Euc A*-2D BD-A F-D F-F CF (b) Urban-Arena2. 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.60 1 10 100 1000 Suboptimality Query time (ms) A*-Euc A*-2D BD-A F-D F-F CF (c) Unicycle-Aurora. 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.35 10 100 1000 Suboptimality Query time (ms) A*-Euc A*-2D BD-A F-D F-F CF (d) Urban-Aurora. Figure 4.29: Query-time/path-length Pareto frontiers when answering queries using SC- SGs or weighted A* searches. 170 4.7 Conclusions and Future Work In this chapter, we have applied the subgoal graph framework to state lattices, by us- ing freespace-reachability and canonical-freespace-reachability as reachability relations to capture the freespace structure of state lattices, and developing ecient connection and renement algorithms that exploit this structure. Specically, we have characterized the freespace structure of state lattices as the translation invariance of freespace distances and freespace-canonical paths, and showed that it can be exploited to eciently compute and compactly store freespace information, such as pairwise distances or shortest path trees on freespace state lattices. We have introduced freespace-reachability and canonical- freespace-reachability as reachability relations to distinguish those pairs of vertices on state lattices between which the freespace information is accurate, and developed connec- tion and renement algorithms for these reachability relations, that use freespace informa- tion to eciently explore freespace-shortest and freespace-canonical paths, respectively. We have experimentally demonstrated that answering queries using freespace-reacha- bility or canonical-freespace-reachability strongly-connected subgoal graphs achieves a dominating query-time/path-suboptimality trade-o compared to answering queries using bounded-distance-reachability strongly-connected subgoal graphs, and a non-dominated query-time/path-suboptimality trade-o compared to answering queries using weighted A* searches. These results validate the hypothesis of this dissertation that one can de- velop preprocessing-based path-planning algorithms for state lattices that exploit their freespace structure to improve the query-time/memory/path-suboptimality Pareto fron- tier of the state-of-the-art algorithms. Recall our discussion from Section 3.1 that the \benet" of using overlay (subgoal) graphs for answering queries is that searches over them are faster, while the \cost" of using them is that one has to perform connection and renement. Although we were not able to achieve short query times by using subgoal graphs, possibly due to the large highway dimensions of state lattices, we were able to do so using strongly-connected sub- goal graphs (with the additional \cost" of sacricing optimality). We have observed that, in order to accrue higher \benets" by constructing smaller strongly-connected subgoal graphs that can be searched faster, we also pay higher \costs" of increased connection and renement times, and achieve the shortest query times when we nd a good balance between the two, by adjusting the reachability bound. Our results from Section 4.6.4 suggest that the \cost" of connection, as measured by the \DR-rate", can be signi- cantly smaller for freespace-reachability and canonical-freespace-reachability, compared to bounded-distance-reachability. Our results from Section 4.6.6 suggest that the smaller \cost" of connection (and renement) is the reason why queries can be answered faster by using freespace-reachability or canonical-freespace-reachability strongly-connected sub- goal graphs than bounded-distance-reachability strongly-connected subgoal graphs. As future work, we consider several directions for improving the answering of queries using freespace-reachability or canonical-freespace-reachability strongly-connected sub- goal graphs. First, as we have discussed in Section 3.5.3, we think that our current algorithm for constructing strongly-connected subgoal graphs can be improved. Second, we think that our denition of strongly-connected subgoal graphs can be extended to use two dierent reachability relations R c and R r , where R c is used for connection and 171 R r is used for renement. That is, access subgoals can be identied with respect to R c , but they can be strongly-connected using R r -reachable edges rather than R c -reachable edges. Using a larger reachability bound for R r could result in fewer additional sub- goals being necessary to strongly-connect access subgoals, which in turn could result in smaller strongly-connected subgoal graphs that can be searched faster. Our experimental results from Section 4.6.6 show that the renement times when answering queries us- ing freespace-reachability or canonical-freespace-reachability strongly-connected subgoal graphs are very short, and do not increase as the reachability bound increases. There- fore, increasing the reachability bound only for renement does not increase renement times, and can decrease search (and thus query) times. Finally, we think that it would be interesting to develop a version of strongly-connected subgoal graphs that can be used to nd bounded-suboptimal paths. 172 Chapter 5 Exploiting the Freespace Structure of Grid Graphs In this chapter, we apply the subgoal graph framework to grid graphs by using safe- freespace-reachability as reachability relation, discuss the similarities and dierences of subgoal graphs with jump-point search, and augment contraction hierarchies with reacha- bility relations in various ways. Specically, we show that the freespace structure (Octile property) of grid graphs allows for the construction of safe-freespace-reachability sub- goal graphs by using only the convex corners of blocked cells, introduce a connection algorithm for safe-freespace-reachability that scans the grid eciently by using clearance values, and prove that this algorithm can be used to construct subgoal graphs in time linear in the size of the underlying grid. We show that jump-point search can be under- stood as a search on a jump-point graph, which is a freespace-reachability subgoal graph on the direction-extended canonical grid graph. We experimentally demonstrate that answering queries using contraction hierarchies on subgoal graphs achieves a dominating query-time/memory trade-o compared to answering queries using contraction hierar- chies on G or jump-point graphs. Our results further suggest (through interpolation) that answering queries using contraction hierarchies on subgoal graphs and performing freespace-based renement is 2.34 times faster than single-row compression, the fastest entry in the Grid-Based Path-Planning Competition, while requiring 139.06 times less memory. These results validate the hypothesis of this dissertation that one can develop preprocessing-based path-planning algorithms for grid graphs that exploit their freespace structure to improve the query-time/memory/path-suboptimality Pareto frontier of the state-of-the-art algorithms. This chapter is organized as follows. In Section 5.1, we provide a detailed summary of the main ideas that we use in this chapter. In Section 5.2, we formally dene grid graphs and introduce notation that we use throughout this chapter. In Section 5.3, we characterize the Octile property of grid graphs, introduce safe-freespace-reachability as a reachability relation, prove that safe-freespace-reachability subgoal graphs can be con- structed on grid graphs by using convex corners of blocked cells as subgoals, introduce a connection algorithm for safe-freespace-reachability, and prove that this algorithm can be used to construct safe-freespace-reachability subgoal graphs on grid graphs in time linear in the size of the underlying grid. In Section 5.4, we show that jump-point search can be understood as a search on a freespace-reachability subgoal graph constructed on a direction-extended canonical grid graph. In Section 5.5, we introduce various aug- mentations of contraction hierarchies with reachability relations, perform an extensive 173 experimental evaluation of these variants, and compare our results to results from the Grid-Based Path-Planning Competition. Finally, in Section 5.6, we summarize our re- sults. 5.1 Introduction In Chapter 4, we showed that the freespace structure of state lattices can be exploited to achieve non-dominated query-time/path-suboptimality trade-os by: 1) constructing Fb or CFb strongly connected subgoal graphs, 2) storing freespace information compactly by exploiting the translation invariance of freespace distances or freespace-canonical paths, and 3) using freespace information to perform connection and renement eciently during queries. However, we have failed to construct small subgoal graphs on state lattices, and thus were not able to speed up the answering of path queries optimally beyond a factor of2. In this chapter, we consider a specic type of state lattice, namely the grid graph, where states describe only the locations of the agent, and primitives correspond to move- ments in one of the four cardinal or four diagonal directions. Grid graphs have the Octile property, the property that freespace-shortest paths on them consist of moves in at most two directions, a diagonal one and an associated cardinal one. We exploit the Octile property of grid graphs in three dierent ways: 1) The Octile property allows us to implement Fb and CFb connection and renement algorithms without storing freespace information, since the required freespace information can be computed online, in con- stant time: Freespace distances are equal to Octile distances, and freespace-shortest and freespace-canonical successors, predecessors, and parents can be computed using diagonal and associated cardinal moves along freespace-shortest paths. As a consequence of this, we no longer need to use a reachability bound to limit the storage of freespace informa- tion, and can construct F and CF subgoal graphs instead of Fb and CFb subgoal graphs. 2) An arguably more important benet of the Octile property is that it allows for the construction of small F and CF subgoal graphs: The convex corners of blocked cells form both an F-SPC and a CF-SPC, and can thus be used as the subgoals of F and CF subgoal graphs on grid graphs. That is, the F and CF subgoal graphs that we construct on grid graphs are the same. We therefore refer to F and CF subgoal graphs simply as \sub- goal graphs" in this chapter. Furthermore, these subgoal graphs can also be considered to be safe-freespace-reachability (SF) subgoal graphs: Whereas F- and CF-reachability, respectively, require at least one freespace-shortest path or the freespace-canonical path between two vertices to be unblocked, SF-reachability can be considered to be a \stricter" reachability relation that requires all freespace-shortest paths between two vertices to be unblocked. Note that, since the F, CF, and SF subgoal graphs on grid graphs have the same set of subgoals, they have the same set of edges as well (Denition 3.3). 3) Finally, we exploit the Octile property of grid graphs by introducing a connection algorithm for SF-reachability that uses precomputed clearance values to eciently scan the grid for subgoals, and prove that it can be used to construct subgoal graphs in time linear in the size of the underlying grid. The subgoal graphs that we construct and use to answer queries on grid graphs have many similarities with jump-point search, an online path-planning algorithm on grid 174 graphs that we have discussed as related work in Section 2.3.3. Namely, similar to sub- goal graphs on grid graphs, jump-point search also considers the convex corners of blocked cells as \important vertices", and, similar to our connection algorithm for SF-reachability, jump-point search also performs scans of the grid to eciently perform \jumps". These similarities are not a coincidence: Sturtevant and Rabin break down jump-point search into three components, a best-rst search, a canonical ordering, and a jumping policy (Sturtevant & Rabin, 2016). They also introduce canonical A* search, that can be con- sidered both to be a jump-point search without the jumping policy, or an A* search that prunes successors of expanded vertices using a canonical ordering. We characterize the search space of canonical A* search as the direction-extended canonical grid graph, and show that the set of jump points used by jump-point search form an F-SPC on the direction-extended canonical grid graph. That is, we show that jump-point search can be understood as a search on a jump-point graph, which is a subgoal graph constructed on the direction-extended canonical grid graph. Finally, we consider augmenting contraction hierarchies with reachability relations in three dierent ways. We have already described two of these augmentations in Sec- tion 3.4.2, namely constructing contraction hierarchies on subgoal graphs, or restricting the edges of contraction hierarchies to be R-reachable (R contraction hierarchies). The third augmentation is a simple modication that uses R-Rene rather than unpacking to rene the R-reachable edges of contraction hierarchies. Therefore, we do not explain these augmentations in further detail in this chapter, but simply experimentally evaluate the query-time/memory trade-os associated with them on grid graphs. 5.2 Preliminaries and Notation As described in Section 2.1.3, grid graphs can be considered to be instances of state lattices where states describe only the discretized location of the agent and edges correspond to straight-line motions in one of the four cardinal or four diagonal directions. We outline below the notation that we use for grid graphs, some of which is similar to the notation that we use for state lattices. Cell, grid, freespace grid: As dened in Chapter 4, a gridGZ 2 is a list of unblocked cells (x;y)2G and the freespace grid is the grid Z 2 . In this chapter, we use the term \cell" instead of the term \state" (since states in grid graphs describe only the locations of the agent) and use the terms \cell" and \vertex" interchangeably (since there is a one-to-one correspondence between the vertices in grid graphs and the unblocked cells in the underlying grid). Move, direction: We refer to the eight \primitives" on grid graphs as \moves". Each move is associated with one of the four cardinal directions (Up, Left, Down, Right) or one of the four diagonal directions that are formed by combining two perpendicular cardinal directions. We typically use~ c to indicate a move in a cardinal direction (cardinal move), ~ d to indicate a move in a diagonal direction (diagonal move), and~ v to indicate a move in any direction. We sometimes treat moves ~ v as their directions: We use the notation ~ v 1 ?~ v 2 to denote that the directions (of the moves) ~ v 1 and ~ v 2 are perpendicular (for instance, Up? Left). We use the algebra ~ d =~ c 1 +~ c 2 to denote that combining two perpendicular cardinal directions~ c 1 and~ c 2 results in the diagonal direction ~ d (for example, Up + Left 175 = Up-Left). We refer to ~ c 1 and~ c 2 as the \associated cardinal directions" of ~ d. We use the algebrat =s +k~ v to denote that a cell t is reached from a cells by movingk steps in direction~ v. 1 2 3 A B C Figure 5.1: A grid graph. Corner-cutting diagonal moves (dashed lines) are not allowed. Grid graph, freespace grid graph: Grid graphs are state lattices constructed with respect to a gridG and the set of primitives that correspond to the eight moves discussed above. We assume that cardinal moves have two swept cells, namely the source and destination cells, and length 1. We assume that diagonal moves have four swept cells, namely the 2 2 square of cells that contains the source and destination cells, and length p 2. The swept cells of diagonal moves enforce the \no corner-cutting" constraint, that is, they disallow diagonal moves between two unblocked cells that share a neighboring blocked cell, as shown by the dashed lines in Figure 5.1. Similar to state lattices, we assume that G corresponds to the largest strongly connected component of the grid graph. For instance, in Figure 5.1, A3 is not part of G since it is disconnected from the largest strongly connected component of the grid graph. The freespace grid graph is a freespace state lattices as dened in Chapter 4, and we therefore use the same notation F for the freespace grid graph. 2-subpath, turn: We refer to any two-edge subpathhn;~ v 1 ;~ v 2 i of a path as a 2-subpath. We refer to a 2-subpathhn;~ v 1 ;~ v 2 i with~ v 1 6=~ v 2 as a turn. Taut, freespace-taut: We say that a path is taut or freespace-taut if and only if all 2-subpaths of are shortest paths or freespace-shortest paths, respectively. Note that, by denition, shortest or freespace-shortest paths are necessarily taut or freespace- taut, respectively. However, taut or freespace-taut paths are not necessarily shortest or freespace-shortest paths, respectively. For instance, in Figure 5.1 the pathhA1,B1,C2,C3i is not freespace-shortest, but both of its 2-subpaths, namelyhA1,B1,C2i andhB1,C2,C3i are freespace-taut. Freespace-canonical, freespace-diagonal-rst, freespace cardinal-rst: As dened in Denition 4.4, an s-t path is freespace-canonical if and only if it is the lexically small- est freespace-shortest s-t path with respect to a given canonical ordering on the moves. We say that a canonical ordering is diagonal-rst if and only if it orders all diagonal moves before cardinal ones. We say that a canonical ordering is cardinal-rst if and only if it orders all cardinal moves before diagonal ones. We say that a path is freespace- diagonal-rst if and only if it is a freespace-shortest path where all diagonal moves appear before cardinal ones. We say that a path is freespace-cardinal-rst if and only if it is a freespace-shortest path where all cardinal moves appear before diagonal ones. That is, 176 freespace-diagonal-rst and freespace-cardinal-rst paths are freespace-canonical paths with respect to dierent canonical orderings (where diagonal moves are lexically smaller than cardinal ones or vice versa). 5.3 Subgoal Graphs on Grid Graphs In Section 4.6.5, we have observed that it is dicult to construct small BDb, Fb, or CFb subgoal graphs on state lattices. In this section, we show that it is possible to construct small F or CF subgoal graphs (that is, without reachability bounds) on grid graphs by placing their subgoals at the convex corners of blocked cells. The resulting F and CF subgoal graphs are equivalent, and can also be considered to be a safe-freespace- reachability subgoal graph. We therefore refer to this F, CF, or safe-freespace-reachability subgoal graph as the subgoal graph throughout this chapter. We discuss how the F and CF renement algorithms that we have developed for state lattices can be adapted to grid graphs to exploit the Octile property, introduce a connection algorithm for safe-freespace- reachability, and show that it can be used to construct subgoal graphs in time linear in the size of the underlying grid. This section is organized as follows. In Section 5.3.1, we characterize the freespace structure of grid graphs as the Octile property. In Section 5.3.2, we adapt the F and CF renement algorithms to grid graphs to exploit the Octile property. In Section 5.3.3, we introduce safe-freespace-reachability as a reachability relation, and, in Section 5.3.4, we prove that the convex corner cells form a minimum safe-freespace-reachability SPC. In Section 5.3.5, we introduce a connection algorithm for safe-freespace-reachability, and, in Section 5.3.6, we prove that it can be used to construct subgoal graphs in time linear in the size of the underlying grid. 5.3.1 Freespace Structure of Grid Graphs Since grid graphs are instances of state lattices, they inherit the structural properties of state lattices, namely the translation invariance of freespace distances and freespace- canonical paths. However, since grid graphs are \very specic" instances of state lattices, they have other properties that are not necessarily present in arbitrary state lattices. Namely, on a grid with no blocked cells, shortest paths consist of moves in at most two directions, a diagonal one and an associated cardinal one. We refer to this property as the Octile property, which is used in the literature to eciently calculate Octile distances, that is, freespace distances on grid graphs. In this section, we describe this property in greater detail. Figure 5.2 shows all freespace-shortest paths between two cells on the freespace grid graph. Observe that all freespace-shortest E2-B9 paths consist of three Up-Right moves and four Right moves that are executed in dierent orders. In general, the Octile property can be stated as follows. Theorem 5.1 (Octile property). For every pair of cells s and t, there exist a diagonal move ~ d, an associated cardinal move ~ c, and non-negative integers d and c, such that all freespace-shortest s-t paths consist of d moves in direction ~ d and c moves in direction~ c. 177 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 D A B C F E s t Figure 5.2: Freespace-shortest paths on grid graphs. Red path: Freespace-diagonal-rst s-t path (equivalently, freespace-cardinal-rst t-s path). We omit the proof of Theorem 5.1 since it is a well-known property of grid graphs. The Octile property allows for the ecient calculation of the numbers and directions of moves along freespace-shortest paths between two cells, using only the coordinates of the cells. Given s = (x s ;y s ) and t = (x t ;y t ), with t = s +d ~ d +c~ c, ~ d and ~ c can be determined in constant time by determining which ones of the inequalities x s < x t , y s <y t , andjx s x t j<jy s y t j hold. Furthermore,d andc can be calculated in constant time as follows: x =jx s x t j y =jy s y t j d = min( x ; y ) c = max( x ; y ) min( x ; y ) From these values, the freespace s-t distance, also known as the Octile distance, can be calculated as follows: d F (s;t) = p 2d +c = ( p 2 1) min( x ; y ) + max( x ; y ) 5.3.2 F-Reachability and CF-Reachability on Grid Graphs Since grid graphs are instances of state lattices, the denitions of F-reachability and CF- reachability on state lattices (Denitions 4.2 and 4.5) also apply to grid graphs. Namely, a cellt is F-reachable from a cells if and only if a freespace-shortests-t path is unblocked on G, and CF-reachable if and only if the freespace-canonical s-t path (with respect to a given canonical-ordering of the eight moves) is unblocked on G. In this section, we describe how the F-Rene and CF-Rene algorithms (Algorithms 11 and 13) that we have developed for state lattices can be adapted to grid graphs to exploit the Octile property, and discuss the canonical orderings we use on grid graphs. We do not use F-Connect and CF-Connect in this chapter, but introduce a connection algorithm for 178 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 D A B C F E s (a) Diagonal-rst canonical ordering. 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 D A B C F E s (b) Symmetric canonical ordering. Figure 5.3: All freespace-canonical paths that originate at a cell, for the diagonal-rst and symmetric canonical orderings. safe-freespace-reachability in Section 5.3.5, which we use for constructing subgoal graphs on grid graphs. F-Rene: We can implement F-Rene such that, for every (s;t) 2 F, it nds a freespace-shortest s-t path that is unblocked on a grid graph G as follows: As discussed in Section 5.3.1, there exist d, c, ~ d, and ~ c such that every freespace-shortest s-t path consists of d diagonal moves in direction ~ d and c cardinal moves in direction~ c; and d, c, ~ d,~ c can be calculated in constant time from the coordinates of s and t. Since (s;t)2F , at least one ordering of these moves corresponds to an unblocked s-t path on G. We can nd this ordering by performing a depth-rst search from s on G that only generates paths with at most d moves in direction ~ d and c moves in direction~ c (and no moves in any other directions). Once the depth-rst search nds an unblocked path with exactly d moves in direction ~ d and c moves in direction~ c, the resulting path is guaranteed to be a freespace-shortest s-t path on G. Canonical orderings: Since freespace-shortest paths on grid graphs have moves in at most two directions, every canonical orderingL that species, for every diagonal direction ~ d and associated cardinal direction~ c, either ~ d< L ~ c or~ c< L ~ d, also uniquely designates exactly one freespace-shortest s-t path, either the diagonal-rst or the cardinal-rst one, as the freespace-canonical s-t path. We refer to the canonical ordering that species ~ d < L ~ c for all such ~ d and ~ c as the diagonal-rst canonical ordering. We refer to the canonical ordering that species~ c< L ~ d for all such ~ d and~ c as the cardinal-rst canonical ordering. Figure 5.3a shows all freespace-diagonal-rst paths that originate at a cell s. Equivalently, it shows all freespace-cardinal-rst paths that terminate at a cells. Observe that, although grid graphs are undirected, the CF-reachability relation with respect to the diagonal-rst or cardinal-rst canonical ordering is not necessarily symmetric. For instance, if, for some s;t 2 V , the freespace-diagonal-rst s-t path is unblocked but the freespace-cardinal-rst s-t path (equivalently, the freespace-diagonal-rst t-s path) is blocked, then (s;t)2 CF but (t;s)62 CF. We use the following canonical ordering on grid graphs, which we refer to as the symmetric canonical ordering, or, simply, as the canonical ordering, which is guaranteed to result in a symmetric CF-reachability relation (which we use in Section 5.5.9 to construct 179 CF contraction hierarchies with undirected edges only): For every diagonal direction ~ d =~ c 1 +~ c 2 , if~ c 1 = Right or~ c 2 = Right, then ~ d< L ~ c 1 and ~ d< L ~ c 2 . Otherwise,~ c 1 < L ~ d and ~ c 2 < L ~ d. That is, for every (s;t)2 CF, if t is towards the Right of s, we require that the freespace-diagonal-rsts-t path is unblocked and, otherwise, we require that the freespace-cardinal-rst s-t path is unblocked. Figure 5.3b shows all freespace-canonical paths that originate at a cell s, with respect to the symmetric canonical ordering. CF-Rene: For every canonical ordering, we can implement CF-Rene to simply generate, for any (s;t)2 CF, the freespace-diagonal-rst or the freespace-cardinal-rst s-t path, depending on the canonical ordering and the relative locations of s andt on the grid. 5.3.3 Safe-Freespace-Reachability (SF-Reachability) In this section, we introduce a new reachability relation on grid graphs, called safe- freespace-reachability (SF-reachability), formally dened in Denition 5.1. Denition 5.1 (Safe-freespace-reachability). A vertex t is safe-freespace-reachable (SF- reachable) from a vertex s, denoted as (s;t)2 SF, if and only if all freespace-shortest s-t paths are unblocked on G. F-, CF-, and SF-reachability relate to each other as follows: For every (s;t)2 SF, since all freespace-shortests-t paths are unblocked onG, the freespace-canonicals-t path must be unblocked on G. Therefore, (s;t)2 CF and, consequently, SF CF. As discussed in Section 4.5.3, for every (s;t)2 CF, since the freespace-canonicals-t path is unblocked on G, at least one freespace-shortest s-t path must be unblocked onG. Therefore, (s;t)2 F and, consequently, CF F. Combining these two facts, we get SF CF F. We introduce a connection algorithm for SF-reachability in Section 5.3.5. Since SF CF, we use CF-Rene as a renement algorithm for SF-reachability as well. 5.3.4 Using Convex Corner Cells as Subgoals In this section, we prove that the set of convex corner cells is a minimum SF-SPC, CF- SPC, and F-SPC. We also discuss at the end of this section how subgoals could be placed on other types of grid graphs. Figure 5.4 shows an example of a convex corner cell, namely A2, placed at the convex corner of blocked cell B1. Denition 5.2 denes convex corner cells. Denition 5.2 (Convex Corner Cell). An unblocked cell s is a convex corner cell if and only if there are two cardinal directions~ c 1 ?~ c 2 such that s +~ c 1 +~ c 2 is blocked and s +~ c 1 and s +~ c 2 are unblocked.C is the set of all convex corner cells. Observe that every convex corner cell has to be included in every SF-SPC, CF-SPC, and F-SPC: Recall that an R-SPC S has the property that, for every s;t2V , (s;t)2R or S @ (s;t) (S covers a shortest s-t path). Consider the example in Figure 5.4. The unique freespace-shortest A1-B2 pathhA1,B2i is blocked by B1 since it corresponds to a corner-cutting diagonal move. Therefore, (A1, B2)62 F CF SF, and every SF-SPC, CF-SPC, and F-SPC has to cover at least one shortest A1-B2 path on G. However, 180 1 2 A B Figure 5.4: A convex corner cell (red disk). A2 must be included in every F-SPC, CF- SPC, or SF-SPC since B1 blocks the unique freespace-shortest A1-B2 pathhA1, B2i. 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 D A B C F E s t Figure 5.5: A query subgoal graphG s;t C on grid graphs.C is shown as red disks. All edges are D C -, F C -, CF C -, and SF C -reachable. there is only one shortest A1-B2 path on G, namely,hA1,A2,B2i, which is covered by only a single cell, namely, the convex corner cell A2. Therefore, A2 must be included in every F-SPC, CF-SPC, or SF-SPC. Theorem 5.2 summarizes this result (proof omitted). This theorem is a direct consequence of the fact that the grid graphs that we consider in this dissertation exclude corner-cutting diagonal moves. As we discuss at the end of this section, this result does not necessarily hold for other types of grid graphs. Theorem 5.2. For every F-SPC, CF-SPC, or SF-SPC S,CS. Theorem 5.2 does not imply thatC is an F-SPC, CF-SPC, or an SF-SPC, but only states thatC has to be part of every such SPC. Figure 5.5 shows the overlay graph G C of the convex corner cells, extended to a query overlay graph G s;t C using only D C -reachable edges. Notice that all edges shown in Figure 5.5 connect SF-reachable (and, therefore, CF- and F-reachable) cells. We now prove thatC is an SF-SPC (and, by Lemma 3.11, therefore also a CF-SPC and an F-SPC). Let be a shortest s-t path on G that is not covered byC. Lemma 5.3 proves that is freespace-taut. Lemma 5.4 proves that \swapping" consecutive cardinal and diagonal moves on produces unblocked paths. Lemma 5.5 uses the swapping operation introduced in Lemma 5.4 to prove that is also freespace-shortest, which is sucient to prove that (s;t)2F . Theorem 5.6 uses the swapping operation introduced in Lemma 5.4 to rearrange the order of moves on to produce any other freespace-shortests-t path, to prove thatC is an SF-SPC. We note that the fact that the vertices of safe-freespace-reachability subgoal graphs on grid graphs are placed at convex corner cells is closely related to the fact that the 181 vertices of visibility graphs on Euclidean spaces with polygonal obstacles (Lozano-P erez & Wesley, 1979) are placed at the convex corners of the polygons. Our proofs also re ect this similarity, by showing that shortest paths that are not freespace-shortest (in the case of visibility graphs, shortest paths that are not straight lines) must pass through a convex corner cell (convex corner of a polygon) because, otherwise, they cannot be shortest paths. Lemma 5.3. Let be a shortest s-t path on G, such thatC6@. Then, is freespace- taut. Proof. We prove that, if is a shortest path andC6@, then is freespace-taut, that is, all its 2-subpaths are freespace-shortest paths. Figure 5.6 shows all possible 2-subpaths hn;~ v 1 ;~ v 2 i that can appear on a path with no cycles. The rst move~ v 1 is shown as a black arrow, and all possible second moves~ v 2 are shown as red, blue, or green arrows. 1 2 3 A B C (a) Cases where the rst move is cardinal. 1 2 3 A B C (b) Cases where the rst move is diagonal. Figure 5.6: All possible 2-subpaths on grid graphs that do not form cycles. The black arrow denotes the rst move. Red arrows denote moves that are guaranteed to form non-taut 2-subpaths with the rst move. Blue arrows denote moves that may or may not form taut 2-subpaths with the rst move. Green arrows denote moves that form freespace-taut 2-subpaths with the rst move. We consider three cases: The second move is red: Then, the two moves cannot form a taut 2-subpath and, therefore, cannot be a shortest path, contradicting that it is. For instance, Right followed by Up-Left can be replaced with Up, which is strictly shorter. On any grid graph where Right followed by Up-Left is unblocked, Up must also be unblocked. This reasoning applies to all cases where the second move is red. The second move is blue: This case considers two perpendicular cardinal directions ~ c 1 ?~ c 2 . Let ~ d =~ c 1 +~ c 2 . We consider two subcases: 1) Ifhn; ~ di is unblocked, then hn;~ c 1 ;~ c 2 i is not taut and, therefore, cannot be a shortest path, contradicting that it is. 2) Ifhn; ~ di is blocked (buthn;~ c 1 ;~ c 2 i is unblocked), then it must be the case that n +~ c 1 2C, which covershn;~ c 1 ;~ c 2 i, contradicting thatC6@. The second move is green: Then, the two moves form a freespace-taut 2-subpath. Since, in any 2-subpath in, the second move cannot be red or blue, the second move must be green, and, therefore, the 2-subpath must be freespace-taut. Therefore, is freespace-taut. 182 Lemma 5.4. Let be a shortest s-t path on G, such thatC6@ . Then, swapping the order of any two consecutive moves on results in an (unblocked) shortest s-t path onG. Proof. By Lemma 5.3, every pair of consecutive moves~ v i and~ v i+1 on form a freespace- taut 2-subpath. If~ v 1 =~ v 2 , then swapping them in results in . Otherwise, it must be the case that exactly one of~ v 1 or~ v 2 is a diagonal move, and the other one an associated cardinal move. Figure 5.7 shows both cases (swapping the order of moves in one case results in the other case): 1 2 3 A B Figure 5.7: Replacing diagonal-to-cardinal turns with cardinal-to-diagonal turns. Without loss of generality, we prove the lemma for moving ~ c = Right rst and ~ d = Down-Right second from cell A1. Since the (black) pathhA1;~ c; ~ di =hA1, A2, B3i is unblocked, the cells A1, A2, A3, B2, and B3 must be unblocked. SinceC 6@ and we assume thathA1, A2, B3i is a 2-subpath of ,C6@hA1, A2, B3i (Denition 3.1). Therefore, A2 cannot be a convex corner cell. Consequently, B1 must be unblocked because, otherwise, A2 would be a convex corner cell. Therefore, all six cells must be unblocked, and the (red) pathhA1; ~ d;~ ci is also unblocked. Lemma 5.5. Let be a shortest s-t path on G, such thatC6@. Then, is freespace- shortest. Proof. Let =hs;~ v 1 ;:::;~ v k i be a shortest path withC6@. We prove that any two moves on (not necessarily consecutive ones) can be combined into a freespace-shortest path. That is, we prove that, for every~ v i and~ v j on, it holds that~ v i =~ v j or that exactly one ofv i orv j is in a diagonal direction and the other one in an associated cardinal direction. Consequently, must be freespace shortest, that is, there exist a diagonal direction ~ d and an associated cardinal direction~ c such that, for all~ v i , either~ v i = ~ d or~ v i =~ c (otherwise, if no such ~ d and ~ c exist, then at least two moves on combine into a path that is not freespace-shortest). Assume, for contradiction, that two non-consecutive moves ~ v i and ~ v j appear on that combine into a 2-subpath that is not freespace-shortest. Let ~ v i and~ v j be two such moves with i<j and minimum ji. By Lemma 5.3, all 2-subpaths of are freespace- shortest. Intuitively, there can only be two cases that satisfy these criteria, which are shown in Figure 5.8. The pathhn;~ v i ;:::;~ v j i is shown in black (and the dotted line corresponds to the sequence of moves ~ v i+1 ;:::;~ v j1 ). In both cases, we can prove that eitherC@h~ v i ;:::;~ v j i, or that we can replaceh~ v i ;:::;~ v j i in with a strictly shorter path, shown in red, contradicting that is a shortest path withC6@. Without loss of generality, assume that ~ v i = ~ d is a diagonal move. We prove that Case 1 holds. (A similar proof can be used to show that Case 2 holds if ~ v i = ~ c is a cardinal move.) First, we prove that there exists a cardinal move ~ c associated with ~ d such that, for every m2fi + 1;:::;j 1g,~ v m =~ c, by induction on m. Base case: Since 183 1 2 3 A B C 4 (b) Case 1. 1 2 3 A B C (a) Case 2. Figure 5.8: Black paths are freespace-taut but not freespace-shortest. Red paths are freespace-shortest. Dashed arrows indicate any positive number of repeated moves in a given direction. h~ v i = ~ d;~ v i+1 i is freespace-shortest (Lemma 5.3), it holds that either~ v i+1 =~ v i or~ v i+1 =~ c for some cardinal move ~ c associated with ~ d. However, ~ v i+1 6= ~ v i because, otherwise, ~ v i+1 and ~ v j combine into a 2-subpath that is not freespace shortest, contradicting that ~ v i and ~ v j are two such moves with i < j and the minimum ji. Therefore, ~ v i+1 = ~ c for some cardinal direction~ c associated with ~ d. Induction step: Assume that~ v m =~ c for some cardinal direction ~ c associated with ~ d. Sinceh~ v m = ~ c;~ v m+1 i is freespace-shortest (Lemma 5.3), it holds that either ~ v m+1 = ~ v m =~ c, ~ v i+1 = ~ d, or ~ v i+1 = ~ d 0 for the other diagonal move ~ d 0 6= ~ d associated with ~ c. However, ~ v m+1 6= ~ d (and ~ v m+1 6= ~ d 0 ) because, otherwise,~ v m+1 and~ v j (or~ v i and~ v m+1 ) combine into a 2-subpath that is not freespace shortest, contradicting that ~ v i and ~ v j are two such moves with i < j and the minimum ji. Therefore, ~ v m+1 = ~ v m = ~ c and, consequently, ~ v i+1 = = ~ v j1 = ~ c for some cardinal move~ c associated with ~ d. Second, we prove that~ v j = ~ d 0 for the other diagonal move ~ d 0 6= ~ d associated with ~ c. Sinceh~ v j1 = ~ c;~ v j i is freespace-shortest (Lemma 5.3), it holds that either ~ v j = ~ v j1 = ~ c, ~ v i+1 = ~ d, or ~ v i+1 = ~ d 0 for the other diagonal move ~ d 0 6= ~ d associated with~ c. However, since we assume that v i =~ c and v j do not combine into a 2-subpath that is freespace shortest, ~ v j 6= ~ d and ~ v j 6=~ c. Therefore, ~ v j = ~ d 0 and, consequently, Case 1 holds. Assume that Case 1 (or, similarly, Case 2) holds. Let n = s +~ v 0 + +~ v i1 (that is, the vertex from which ~ v i is executed on ). We prove thathn;~ v i ;:::;~ v j i is not a shortest path, by transforming it to a shorter path (that is, we transform the black path in Figure 5.8 to the red path). Let 0 ;:::; ji1 be the sequence of paths such that 0 =hn;~ v i = ~ d;v i+1 = ~ c;:::;~ v j1 = ~ c;~ v j = ~ d 0 i (no cardinal moves appear before the rst diagonal move) and, for every m2f1;:::; ji1 g, m =hn;~ v i+1 =~ c;:::;~ v i+m = ~ c;~ v i = ~ d;~ v i+m+1 = ~ c;:::;~ v j1 = ~ c;~ v j = ~ d 0 i (m cardinal moves appear before the rst diagonal move). That is, m+1 is obtained from m by swapping the order of the diagonal move ~ v i = ~ d with the cardinal move ~ v i+m+1 =~ c that follows it on m . We prove that, for m = 0;:::;j 1 1, m is unblocked on G by induction on m. Base case: 0 is a subpath of , and is therefore unblocked on G. Induction step: Assume that m is unblocked on G. m+1 is obtained by replacing the pathhn 0 ;~ v i = ~ d;n 00 ;~ v i+m+1 = ~ ci in m with the pathhn 0 ;~ v i+m+1 ;~ v i i. Observe that, similar to , n 00 is reached from n on m with one diagonal move ~ d and m cardinal moves ~ c. Therefore, n 00 is an internal vertex . SinceC6@ , n 0 62C (Denition 3.1). Sincehn 0 ;~ v i ;n 00 ;~ v i+m+1 i is a subpath of m , it is unblocked. Therefore, Lemma 5.4 applies tohn 0 ;~ v i ;n 00 ;~ v i+m+1 i, and the path 184 hn 0 ;~ v i+m+1 ;~ v i i is unblocked onG. Consequently, m+1 is unblocked onG. Consequently, ji1 =hn;~ v i+1 =~ c;:::;~ v j1 =~ c;~ v i = ~ d;~ v j = ~ d 0 i is unblocked on G. ji1 has the same length as 0 , since it is obtained by reordering moves on 0 . However, replacing the subpathhn 000 ;~ v i = ~ d;~ v j = ~ d 0 i in ji1 with the pathhn 000 ;~ c;~ ci produces a path that is shorter than ji1 and, therefore, shorter than 0 . Consequently, 0 is not a shortest path and, since 0 is a subpath of , cannot be a shortest path, contradicting our assumption that it is. Therefore, no ~ v i and ~ v j on combine into a non-freespace-shortest path. Consequently, must be freespace shortest, that is, there exist a diagonal direction ~ d and an associated cardinal direction ~ c such that, for all ~ v i , either~ v i = ~ d or~ v i =~ c (otherwise, if no such ~ d and~ c exist, then at least two moves on combine into a path that is not freespace-shortest). Theorem 5.6.C is an SF-SPC. Proof. We show that, for every s;t2V , (s;t)2 SF orC@ (s;t). Assume, for contradic- tion, that there existss;t2V with (s;t)62 SF andC6@ (s;t). Let be a shortests-t path. SinceC6@ (s;t),C6@ (Denition 3.1). Then, by Lemma 5.5, is freespace-shortest. (Note that, this would conclude the proof if we were proving thatC is an F-SPC). We now prove that every freespace-shortests-t path 0 is unblocked onG, that is (s;t)2 SF, to arrive at a contradiction. Let 0 be any freespace-shortest s-t path. Since and 0 are both freespace-shortest s-t paths, they consists of the same set of moves, but possibly correspond to dierent orderings of these moves. Therefore, we can generate 0 from by swapping consecutive moves on a nite number of times (that is, \sort" the moves on 0 to match ). Let 0 =;:::; k = 0 be the sequence of paths, where, for each i = 1;:::;k, we can obtain i from i1 with a single \swap". We show that, by induction on i = 0;:::;k, i is unblocked onG. Base case: Fori = 0, 0 =, which is known to be unblocked. Induction step: Assume that i is unblocked. Since i is freespace-shortest and unblocked, it is a shortest path on G (Lemma 4.3). SinceC6@ (s;t),C6@ i (Denition 3.1). Therefore, Lemma 5.4 applies to i , and, since i+1 is derived from i by \swapping" two consecutive moves, i+1 is unblocked on G. Since all freespace-shortest s-t paths are unblocked on G, (s;t)2 SF, contradicting that (s;t)62 SF. Therefore, for everys;t2V , (s;t)2 SF orC@ (s;t), and, consequently, C is an SF-SPC. By Theorems 5.2 and 5.6, the set of convex corner cellsC is the minimum SF-SPC, CF-SPC, and F-SPC. The fact thatC is the minimum SF-SPC is a direct consequence of the fact that the grid graphs that we consider in this dissertation exclude corner- cutting diagonal moves. However, the intuition that cells associated with convex corners of blocked cells are \important" applies to other variations of grid graphs as well. Figure 5.9 shows an example. On a 4-neighbor grid graph (Figure 5.9a), the set of convex corner cells also forms an SF-SPC. On an 8-neighbor grid graph with corner-cutting diagonal-moves (Figure 5.9b), the cells adjacent to convex corner cells form a SF-SPC. However, these sets of cells are not necessarily minimal SF-SPCs. For instance, in Figure 5.9b, C9 can be 185 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 D A B C F E (a) An F-SPC on a 4-neighbor grid graph. 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 D A B C F E (b) An F-SPC on an (8-neighbor) grid graph with corner-cutting diagonal-moves. Figure 5.9: Placement of subgoals on other types of grid graphs. The set of all (red or white) disks shows the \important" cells associated with convex corners and forms an SF-SPC. The set of red disks show one possible placement of subgoals as F-SPCs. excluded from an SF-SPC. More generally, on 8-neighbor grid graphs with corner-cutting diagonal moves, all concave corner cells can be excluded from SF-SPCs (since shortest paths do not \bend" around concave corners as they do around convex corners). As we will see in our experimental evaluation in Section 5.5.4, the exclusion of corner-cutting diagonal moves in the grid graphs that we consider in this dissertation results in the staircase problem, which negatively aects the execution times of answering queries using subgoal graphs. F-SPC can be signicantly smaller than SF-SPCs on dierent types of grid graphs. The red disks in Figures 5.9a and 5.9b show F-SPCs that are smaller than SF-SPCs. Finally, minimal F-SPCs are not necessarily unique on dierent types of grid graphs (like they are on grid graphs without corner-cutting diagonal moves). For instance, if A6 were removed from the F-SPC shown in Figure 5.9b, it can be replaced with B5 and B7, resulting in a dierent minimal F-SPC. A more formal analysis of the placement of subgoals on other types of grid graphs is beyond the scope of this dissertation. 5.3.5 SF-Connect In this section, we introduce a connection algorithm for SF-reachability. Algorithm 14 outlines the SF ! -Connect algorithm, which uses precomputed clearance values to scan the grid eciently, and, as we show in Section 5.3.6, can be used to construct G C in time linear in the size of the underlying grid. SF ! -Connect is exact, that is, identies the set of SF C -reachable subgoals from a given vertex exactly. However, since it relies on precomputed clearance values, it might not connect the start vertex to the goal vertex even if they are SF-reachable. Algorithm 15 outlines the SF-Connect algorithm, which executes SF ! -Connect twice, once from the start vertex and once from the goal vertex, and addresses the shortcoming of SF ! -Connect by performing a separate check to see if the freespace-diagonal-rst path from the start vertex to the goal vertex is unblocked. We break down the operation of SF ! -Connect (Algorithm 14) from a given vertex s into three components: 1) SF ! -Connect explores only freespace-diagonal-rst paths that originate at s, and only those paths that are not covered byC. That is, its operation is 186 Algorithm 14 SF ! -Connect. Blue text: Only used for exactly identifying the SF C -reachable subgoals from s. Input: Start vertex s Output: The set D of SF C -reachable subgoals from s 1: function CardinalScan(n,~ c, &D, &clearance limit) 2: if 0< C[n;~ c] clearance limit then 3: clearance limit C[n;~ c] 4: if n +~ c C[n;~ c] is a subgoal then 5: add n +~ c C[n;~ c] to D 6: clearance limit clearance limit1 7: function DiagonalFirstScan(n, ~ d, &D) 8: assign~ c 1 ;~ c 2 such that~ c 1 +~ c 2 = ~ d 9: clearance limit 1 C[s;~ c 1 ] 1 if s +~ c 1 C[s;~ c 1 ] is a subgoal, C[s;~ c 1 ] otherwise 10: clearance limit 2 C[s;~ c 2 ] 1 if s +~ c 2 C[s;~ c 2 ] is a subgoal, C[s;~ c 2 ] otherwise 11: while can move from n to n + ~ d do 12: n n + ~ d 13: if n is a subgoal then 14: add n to D 15: return 16: CardinalScan(n,~ c 1 , D, clearance limit 1) 17: CardinalScan(n,~ c 2 , D, clearance limit 2) 18: function SF ! -Connect(s) 19: D ; 20: for all cardinal directions~ c do 21: CardinalScan(s,~ c, D,1) 22: for all diagonal directions ~ d do 23: DiagonalFirstScan(s, ~ d, D) 24: return D similar to that of CF ! -Connect (Algorithm 12), assuming that the canonical ordering is diagonal-rst. We informally refer to the exploration of freespace-diagonal-rst paths as \scanning the grid". 2) SF ! -Connect uses precomputed cardinal clearance values to scan the grid more eciently. 3) SF ! -Connect terminates some of its scans early to identify SF C -reachable subgoals from a given vertex exactly. We use Figure 5.10 as a running example throughout this section. Exploring freespace-diagonal-rst paths (scanning the grid): SF ! -Connect explores freespace-diagonal-rst paths that originate ats, and only those paths that are not covered byC. These paths are shown as a combination of black, green, and red lines in Figure 5.10. For every SF C -reachable vertext froms, the freespace-diagonal-rst s-t path must be unblocked and not covered byC: If it is blocked, then t is not SF-reachable from s, and, if it is covered byC, then t is not direct-reachable from s. Therefore, SF ! -Connect can identify all SF C -reachable subgoals from s. 187 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 D A B C F E G I H 14 15 16 11 12 13 s Figure 5.10: SF ! -Connect scans the diagonal-rst path to every cell that is SF C -reachable from s. Subgoals (C) that are SF C -reachable from s are shown in green, and subgoals that are not SF C -reachable froms are shown in red. Clearance-value look-ups are shown as dotted lines, where the green parts sweep cells that are SF C -reachable from s and the red parts sweep cells that are not SF C -reachable from s. SF ! -Connect systematically explores these paths as follows: First, SF ! -Connect explores all freespace-diagonal-rst paths that consists of only cardinal moves, by performing cardinal scans (CardinalScan, lines 20{21) from s in every cardinal di- rection~ c. A cardinal scan from s in direction~ c scans the grid from s in direction ~ c until a subgoal or a blocked cell is reached (lines 1{6). Second, SF ! -Connect ex- plores all freespace-diagonal-rst paths that contains at least one diagonal move, by performing a diagonal-rst scan (DiagonalFirstScan, lines 22{23). A diagonal-rst scan from s in direction ~ d proceeds similarly to a cardinal scan, and scans the grid froms in direction ~ d until a subgoal is reached or a ~ d move is no longer possible due to blocked cells (lines 11{15), but also branches o into cardinal scans in directions ~ c 1 +~ c 2 = d (line 8) from every visited unblocked cell that is not a subgoal (lines 16{17). Clearance values: The results of cardinal scans for every starting cell n and car- dinal direction~ c can be precomputed and stored as clearance values. That is, the clearance value C[n;~ c] of a celln in direction~ c is the number of moves that can be made fromn in direction~ c to reach a subgoal or a blocked cell. Using precomputed clearance values, cardinal scans of SF ! -Connect reduce to clearance-value look-ups (line 4), and the execution time of SF ! -Connect can be measured by the length of its diagonal scans, shown as black lines in Figure 5.10. We discuss the complexity of SF ! -Connect in more detail in Section 5.3.6. Clearance limits: Freespace-diagonal-rst paths that originate at s and are not covered byC can reach cells that are not SF C -reachable froms. In Figure 5.10, paths that reach such cells are shown in red. For instance, D13 is reached from s with 188 a freespace-diagonal-rst path that is not covered byC, but is not SF C -reachable from s = F6 since the subgoal at E12 covers a shortest F6-D13 path. In order to ensure that it scans only SF C -reachable cells froms, SF ! -Connect terminates some of its cardinal scans early by following two simple rules. Rule 1: When performing cardinal scans in direction ~ c during a diagonal-rst scan in direction ~ d, the ith cardinal scan cannot extend further than any of the previous cardinal scans (line 2), where the cardinal scan from s in direction ~ c is assumed to be the 0th scan. Rule 2: If a cardinal scan nds a subgoal, its length is treated as one cell shorter for limiting the subsequent cardinal scans. SF ! -Connect implements these two rules by maintaining a \clearance limit" (shown in blue text in Algorithm 14), which is initialized to C[s;~ c] (minus one if s +~ c C[s;~ c] is a subgoal) (lines 9{10), and adjusted after each scan according to the two rules (lines 2,3, and 5). Any clearance value is then truncated to the clearance limit (line 2). We now explain the intuition behind these two rules. By denition, a cell t is SF C -reachable from s if and only if all freespace-shortest s-t paths are unblocked (Denition 5.1), and none of these paths are covered byC (Denition 3.2). Since freespace-shortests-t paths correspond to dierent orderings of a given set of diagonal and associated cardinal moves (Theorem 5.1), they form a \parallelogram area", as shown in Figure 5.2. Intuitively, for a cell t to be SF C - reachable from s, the parallelogram area between them cannot contain blocked cells that block freespace-shortests-t paths, and cannot contain subgoals that cover freespace-shortests-t paths. To ensure that it scans only those cellst that are SF C - reachable from s, SF ! -Connect therefore has to verify that the parallelogram area betweens andt satises these criteria. Therefore, it uses Rule 1 to make sure that parallelogram areas from s to scanned cells do not contain blocked cells, and uses both Rules 1 and 2 to make sure that parallelogram areas from s to scanned cells do not contain subgoals that cover freespace-shortest paths from s. Algorithm 15 SF-Connect. Input: Start vertex s, goal vertex t Output: The freespace-diagonal-rsts-t path if is unblocked; the set of edgesE + = SF s!S S [ SF S!t S and edge lengths c + such that, 8(u;v) 2 E + , c + (u;v) = d(u;v) otherwise 1: if the freespace-diagonal-rst s-t path is unblocked then 2: return 3: E + ; 4: D SF ! -Connect(s) 5: for all n2D do 6: Add (s;n) to E + with c + (s;n) = OctileDistance(s;n) 7: D SF ! -Connect(t) 8: for all n2D do 9: Add (n;t) to E + with c + (n;t) = OctileDistance(n;t) 10: return E + ;c + 189 Although SF ! -Connect can identify the set of SF C -reachable subgoals froms exactly, it cannot determine if the goal vertex t is SF C -reachable from s, due to its reliance on precomputed clearance values. SF-Connect (Algorithm 15) accounts for this shortcoming of SF ! -Connect by rst checking if the freespace-diagonal-rst s-t path is unblocked (line 1). If so, it returns as a shortest s-t path (line 2). Otherwise, it has determined that t cannot be SF-reachable from s since a freespace-shortest s-t path is blocked, and proceeds to execute SF ! -Connect froms and fromt and returns the corresponding edges (lines 3{10). 5.3.6 Linear Time Preprocessing In this section, we prove that subgoal graphs can be constructed in time linear in the size of the underlying grid by using SF ! -Connect. Specically, we prove that, if the underlying grid has widthW and heightH,C can be identied inO(WH) time (Lemma 5.7), cardinal clearance values can be computed in O(WH) time (Lemma 5.8), SF ! - Connect can be executed from every cell n2C to identify the edges of G C in O(WH) time (Lemma 5.9), and, therefore,G C can be constructed inO(WH) time (Theorem 5.10). This result also proves that the memory required to store all cardinal clearance values and G C is O(WH) as well, since the auxiliary information is generated by an O(WH) time preprocessing operation and thus can be stored using O(WH) memory. Lemma 5.7.C can be identied in O(WH) time. Proof. For each cell, we can determine whether it is a convex corner cell in constant time, since, by Denition 5.2, we only need to consider its eight surrounding cells. To compute C, we then only need to iterate over the O(WH) cells once and perform a constant-time operation for each cell. Lemma 5.8. All four cardinal clearance values for all unblocked cells can be computed in O(WH) time. Proof. The Left clearance values for all unblocked cells can be computed by scanning each row of the grid from right to left once, while counting the number of consecutive unblocked cells visited since the last time a blocked cell or a convex corner cell is visited. This operation visits each cell once, and requires constant time per visited cell (assigning a clearance value to that cell and either incrementing or resetting the current count of unblocked cells). Therefore, it requiresO(WH) time. The Right, Up, and Down clearance values can be computed similarly by scanning the grid in dierent directions. Lemma 5.9. The edges of G C can be computed in O(WH) time. Proof. To identify the edges of G C , we can run SF ! -Connect (Algorithm 14) once from each s2C. We prove that the total execution time of running SF ! -Connect from each s2C is O(WH). The cardinal scans (lines 20{21) from each s2C in all four cardinal directions ~ c require O(WH) time since SF ! -Connect performs four constant-time clearance-value look-ups from each s2CG. 190 Consider two diagonal-rst scans (lines 22{23) from any two dierent cells u;v2C in the same diagonal direction ~ d. The diagonals iterated over by these two diagonal-rst scans cannot overlap, since a diagonal-rst scan terminates once it reaches a cell n2C (lines 13{15). For instance, if the diagonal-rst scan from u in direction ~ d reaches v2C, it stops before iterating over the cells that the diagonal-rst scan from v in direction ~ d iterates over. Therefore, each one of the O(WH) cells can be iterated over by at most one diagonal-rst scan from a vertex n2C in a given diagonal direction ~ d. Since SF ! - Connect processes each visited cell it iterates over during a diagonal-rst scan in constant time, by performing two cardinal clearance-value look-ups and updating clearance limits accordingly, the total time to perform all diagonal-rst scans from all s2C in direction ~ d is O(WH). Since there are only four diagonal directions, the total time to perform all diagonal-rst scans from all s2C is O(WH). Theorem 5.10. G C can be computed in O(WH) time. All cardinal clearance values and G C can be stored using O(WH) memory. 5.4 Jump-Point Graphs In this section, we examine the similarities between subgoal graphs on grid graphs and jump-point search (Harabor & Grastien, 2011; Harabor et al., 2014), and show that jump-point search can be understood as a search on a subgoal graph constructed on the direction-extended canonical grid graph. 5.4.1 Jump-Point Search As described in Section 2.3.3, jump-point search is an online (that is, does not perform preprocessing) path-planning algorithm that is specialized for grid graphs, uses a diagonal- rst canonical ordering to consider only a small number of successors per expanded vertex, and performs \jumps" between \jump points" to expand only a small number of vertices. In this section, we describe the operation of jump-point search using our terminology. Jump-point search only explores diagonal-rst paths, that is, taut paths where no cardinal-to-diagonal turn can be replaced with a diagonal-to-cardinal turn (Harabor & Grastien, 2011, Denition 4). In this dissertation, we refer to such paths as locally- diagonal-rst paths, since the canonicity constraints on these paths are dened \locally" on their 2-subpaths. To clarify, locally-diagonal-rst paths dier from freespace-diagonal- rst paths as follows: 1) Freespace-diagonal-rst paths are shortest paths onF (that is, they are freespace shortest). Locally-diagonal-paths are not necessarily shortest paths onF or G. However, they are taut paths on G, that is, their 2-subpaths are shortest paths onG. 2) Freespace-diagonal-rst paths are the lexically smallest shortest paths on F. Locally-diagonal-rst paths are not necessarily the lexically smallest paths on G or F. However, all their 2-subpaths are lexically smallest shortest paths on G. 3) Between every pair of cells onG, there exists at most one freespace-diagonal-rst path (if it is not blocked) but there might exists multiple locally-diagonal-rst paths. In fact, as we prove in Lemma 5.11, between every pair of cells s an t on G, at least one shortest s-t path on 191 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 D A B C F E s t Figure 5.11: Operation of jump-point search. Straight jump points are shown as red arrows, and diagonal jump points are shown as orange arrows. Solid lines show freespace- diagonal-rst paths that generated jump points, and dashed lines show freespace-diagonal- rst paths that are scanned but do not generate jump points. G is guaranteed to be locally-diagonal-rst. Therefore, jump-point search is guaranteed to nd shortest paths even though it only explores locally-diagonal-rst paths. Lemma 5.11. For every shortest s-t path on G, there exists a locally-diagonal-rst shortest s-t path 0 on G with l() =l( 0 ). Proof. Since is a shortest path, it is taut. If is not locally-diagonal-rst, then there must be a cardinal-to-diagonal turn on that can be replaced with a diagonal-to-cardinal turn that produces an unblocked path (that is lexically smaller than the cardinal-to- diagonal turn with respect to the diagonal-rst canonical ordering). Recursively replac- ing such cardinal-to-diagonal turns in with diagonal-to-cardinal turns until no such cardinal-to-diagonal turn remains results in a path 0 with l() = l( 0 ) that is locally- diagonal-rst. Jump-point search explores locally-diagonal-rst paths by combining freespace-diag- onal-rst paths. When jump-point search expands the start vertex, it scans freespace- diagonal-rst paths that extend from it to identify its jump-point successors, and inserts them into the OPEN list. Each jump point is associated with an incoming direction, which is the direction of the last move along the freespace-diagonal-rst path that is used to reach that jump point. When jump-point search expands a jump-point, it scans freespace-diagonal-rst paths that extend from the jump-point to identify its jump-point successors, but only in directions that form locally-diagonal-rst 2-subpaths with the in- coming direction of the jump point. Jump-point search distinguishes between straight and diagonal (intermediate) jump points. Straight jump points are always placed at con- vex corners cells, where the diagonal-rst freespace path from the expanded vertex can be extended with a cardinal-to-cardinal turn that is taut (which is referred to as a \forced neighbor"). Diagonal jump points can be placed at any unblocked cell on the grid, and are only placed at a cell if there is a straight jump point that can be reached from that cell with a sequence of moves in a cardinal direction ~ c that is associated with the incoming direction ~ d of the diagonal jump point. 192 Figure 5.11 shows an example of the operation of jump-point search. When the start vertexs = A1 is expanded, a straight jump point (A2, Right) is identied as its successor, since the pathhA1, A2, B2i forms a cardinal-to-cardinal turn that is taut. When the jump point (A2, Right) is expanded, jump-point search scans the freespace-diagonal- rst paths that extend from A2 in directions Down, Right, and Down-Right, which form locally-diagonal-rst 2-subpaths with the incoming direction Right of (A2, Right). The scan terminates when it generates (F4, Down) as a straight jump point (due to the path hE4;F 4;F 3i forming a taut cardinal-to-cardinal turn) and generates (C4, Down-Right) as a diagonal jump point that can reach (F4, Down) with a sequence of Down moves. Jump-point search proceeds by expanding (C4, Down-Right) to generate the straight jump point (E9, Right) and the intermediate diagonal jump point (E6, Down-Right), and nally expanding (E9, Right) to generate the goal vertex t = C9. When (E9, Right) is expanded, the freespace-diagonal-rst paths that extend from E9 in direction Down- Right are not scanned. This is so, because, although Down-Right forms a taut turn with the incoming direction Right of (E9, Right) at E9, namely the turnhE8, E9, F10i, it does not form a locally-diagonal-rst 2-subpath, since it can be replaced with the diagonal-rst pathhE8, F9, F10i. So far, we have explained the operation of the oine version of jump-point search, abbreviated as JPS (Harabor & Grastien, 2011). After our publication of subgoal graphs on grid graphs (Uras, Koenig, & Hernandez, 2013), Harabor et al. (Harabor et al., 2014) introduced a preprocessing-based variant of jump-point search, called JPS+, that uses clearance values, similar to SF-Connect, to speed up the scanning of the grid for jump point successors of expanded vertices, and a variant called JPS+P that uses only straight jump points, which, as described earlier, are placed at the convex corner cells. JPS+P makes the similarities between jump-point search and answering queries using subgoal graphs clearer: both algorithms consider convex corner cells as \important" vertices and use clearance values to eciently scan the grid for freespace-diagonal-rst paths. We aim to formally characterize their similarities and dierences in the following sections, by introducing direction-extended canonical grid graphs. We now describe JPS+ and JPS+P in further detail. Figure 5.12 shows the operation of JPS+P. Similar to JPS, JPS+P expands s =A1 to generate the jump point (A2, Right). Unlike JPS, when JPS+ expands (A2, Right), it generates (F4, Down) and (E9, Right) as its successors, without generating (C4, Down- Right) and (E6, Down-Right) as diagonal (intermediate) jump points. The \P" in JPS+P stands for \improved pruning rules" (Harabor et al., 2014) since JPS+P can be considered to be immediately expanding diagonal jump points, eectively pruning them from the search. JPS+P (and JPS+) uses clearance values, similar to SF-Connect (Algorithm 14), to eciently scan the grid to generate jump-point successors of expanded vertices (rather than direct-SF-reachable subgoals from the start or the goal), with the following dier- ences: 1) JPS+P does not use a \clearance limit" to limit its scans to SF C -reachable cells (that is, the blue text in Algorithm 14 is omitted), since doing so would result in JPS+P identifying jump point successors incorrectly. As described in Section 5.3.5, without the clearance limit, SF-Connect explores all freespace-diagonal-rst paths that originate at the start vertex, similar to the scans performed during a jump-point search. 193 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 D A B C F E s t Figure 5.12: Operation of jump-point search using clearance values and without gener- ating diagonal jump points (JPS+P). Solid lines correspond to clearance-value look-ups. Since clearance values do not account for the goal vertex, the goal vertex needs to be detected manually during scans. 2) The clearance values are computed to jump points with matching directions (that is, the clearance value in direction ~ c indicates the distance in direction ~ c to a jump point with incoming direction~ c) rather than to convex corner cells that are closest. 3) Clear- ance values are stored in diagonal directions as well, to indicate distances to diagonal jump points. This is an optimization that can be used for SF-Connect as well, in order to \jump" along diagonals to rows or columns that contain subgoals. 4) Since precom- puted clearance values cannot account for the goal vertex, JPS+ has to perform \target detection" during its scans to make sure that it does not \jump past" the goal vertex. Specically, JPS+ checks, for each each diagonal jump, whether it crosses the row or the column of the goal vertex and, if so, whether the goal vertex can be reached by moving in a straight line along that row or column. 5) When scanning for jump-point succes- sors of expanded jump points (and not the start vertex), JPS+P performs scans only in directions that form diagonal-rst and taut turns with the direction of the expanded jump point. Figure 5.13 shows the dierences in using SF-Connect to connect the start vertex to a subgoal graph and the scan performed by JPS+P to identify the jump-point successors of the start vertex. 5.4.2 Direction-Extended Canonical Grid Graph Sturtevant and Rabin suggest that jump-point search can be broken down into three components: A best-rst search (since jump-point search can be considered as a modi- cation of A* search with further pruning and jumping rules), a canonical ordering, and a jumping policy (Sturtevant & Rabin, 2016). They also introduce a version of jump-point search without the jumping policy, namely an A* search that uses canonical orderings to prune successors, called canonical A* search. When expanding a vertexn that is reached with a move in direction ~ v 1 , canonical A* search generates successors only in directions ~ v 2 such thath~ v 1 ;n;~ v 2 i is locally-diagonal-rst. Similar to jump-point search, canonical 194 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 7 8 9 D A B C F E G I H 14 15 16 11 12 13 s Figure 5.13: Dierences between SF-Connect when connecting the start vertex to the subgoal graph and the scanning procedure of jump-point search when generating jump- point successors of the start vertex. Green disk: Subgoal that is direct-SF-reachable from s. Red disk: Cell containing a jump-point successors ofs. Black line: Freespace-diagonal- rst path explored by both SF-Connect and JPS+P. Green line: Freespace-diagonal-rst path explored only by SF-Connect. Red line: Freespace-diagonal-rst path explored only by JPS+P. A* search is guaranteed to nd shortest paths, since it does not prune locally-diagonal- rst paths, one of which is guaranteed to exist between any given pair of start and goal vertices (Lemma 5.11). We now formally introduce the direction-extended canonical grid graph G to charac- terize the search space of canonical A* search. That is, canonical A* search on G can be considered to be equivalent to a regular A* search on G . Denition 5.3 (Direction-extended canonical grid graph.). The direction-extended canon- ical grid graph G = (V ;E ;c ) of G = (V;E;c) is a graph where: For each vertex n2V and each direction~ v, (n;~ v)2V . For each edge (n 1 ;n 2 )2E and each pair of directions~ v 1 ;~ v 2 , ((n 1 ;~ v 1 ); (n 2 ;~ v 2 ))2E if and only if: { n 2 =n 1 +~ v 2 , and {h~ v 1 ;n 1 ;~ v 2 i is locally-diagonal-rst. For each edge ((n 1 ;~ v 1 ); (n 2 ;~ v 2 ))2E , c ((n 1 ;~ v 1 ); (n 2 ;~ v 2 ))) =c(n 1 ;n 2 ). G contains eight vertices (n;~ v) for each vertex n in G, annotated with one of the four cardinal or four diagonal directions ~ v that encodes the incoming direction into n (that is, G is direction-extended). For every vertex on G , every pairing of an in-edge and an out-edge of that vertex form a path that corresponds to a locally-diagonal-rst 195 path on G (that is, G is canonical). As a result, every path on G corresponds to a locally-diagonal-rst path on G, since its 2-subpaths correspond to locally-diagonal-rst paths on G. Furthermore, for every locally-diagonal-rst path on G, there exists a corresponding path on G : Lemma 5.12. Let =hn 0 ;:::;n k ) be a locally-diagonal-rst path on G. Then, there exist~ v 0 ;:::;~ v k such that =h(n 0 ;v 0 );:::; (n k ;v k )i is a path on G . Proof. The proof follows from Denition 5.3 by selecting, for i = 1;:::;k, ~ v i as the direction that satises n i1 +~ v i =n i , and selecting~ v 0 =~ v 1 . For everys;t2V , at least one shortests-t path onG is locally-diagonal-rst (Lemma 5.11), and this path is preserved in G (Lemma 5.12). Therefore, G can be used to nd shortest s-t paths on G, by treating (s;~ v) as start vertices and (t;~ v) as goal vertices for all~ v. Furthermore, since all paths onG correspond to locally-diagonal-rst paths onG, searches on G can only explore paths that correspond to locally-diagonal-rst paths on G, similar to canonical A* search and jump-point search. 5.4.3 Jump-Point Graph We now show that jump-point search can be understood as a search on a subgoal graph constructed on G that uses straight jump points as subgoals. We refer to this subgoal graph as the jump-point graph. We rst extend our denitions on G to G : Direction-extended canonical freespace grid graph: We useF to denote the direction- extended canonical freespace grid graph. That is, all paths onF correspond to locally-diagonal-rst paths on the freespace grid graph F. OnF, between ev- ery pair of vertices, there is exactly one locally-diagonal-rst path, namely the freespace-diagonal-rst one: A locally-diagonal-rst path onF can have at most one turn, namely a diagonal-to-cardinal turn. It cannot have a cardinal-to-diagonal turn, since that turn can always be replaced with a diagonal-to-cardinal turn. The only paths onF that contain at most one diagonal-to-cardinal turn are freespace- diagonal-rst paths. Consequently, onF , everys -t path is the uniques -t path, and corresponds to the freespace-diagonal-rsts-t path, sinceF preserves only the locally-diagonal-rst (freespace-diagonal-rst) paths fromF. Freespace-reachability: We use F -reachability to denote F-reachability onG . That is, for every (s;~ v 1 ); (t;~ v 2 )2V , ((s;~ v 1 ); (t;~ v 2 ))2 F if and only if the unique (s;~ v 1 )- (t;~ v 2 ) path onF is also an (unblocked) path on G . (Since, as discussed above, (freespace-)shortest paths onF are unique, CF - and SF -reachability on G are equivalent to F -reachability.) Denition 5.4 formally denes straight jump points as vertices of G , and Theo- rem 5.13 proves that the set of straight jump points form an F -SPC on G . We only 196 provide a sketch of the proof, which is similar to our proof that the set of convex cor- ner cells is an SF-SPC on G. 1 Figure 5.14a shows all straight jump points on a grid, and illustrates them covering a locally-diagonal-rst (but not freespace-diagonal-rst) s-t path. Figure 5.14b shows the set of subgoals (on G) as a comparison, and illustrates them covering at least one shortest s-t path. Denition 5.4. A vertex (n;~ c 1 ) of G is a straight jump point if and only if there exists ~ c 2 ? ~ c 1 such that the cell n~ c 1 ~ c 0 2 is blocked and n~ c 1 and n~ c 2 are unblocked (equivalently, the pathh~ c 1 ;n;~ c 2 i on G is taut). Theorem 5.13. The set of straight jump points form an F -SPC on G . Proof. Sketch: Let be any shortest s -t path on G , for some s = (s;~ v 1 ) and t = (t;~ v 2 ). By Denition 5.3, corresponds to a locally-diagonal-rst path on G. We show that, if (s ;t )62 F , then is covered by a straight jump point. For contradiction, assume that (s ;t )62 F and that is not covered by a straight jump point. cannot have a cardinal-to-cardinal turn because, otherwise, it is either non-taut or it is covered by a straight jump point. cannot have a diagonal-to-diagonal turn because, otherwise, it is non-taut. cannot have a cardinal-to-diagonal turn because, otherwise, it is either non-locally-diagonal-rst or it is covered by a straight jump point. Therefore, can only have diagonal-to-cardinal turns. There is only one such possible , namely the one that corresponds to the freespace-diagonal-rsts-t path. But then, the freespace-diagonal-rst s -t path is unblocked on G , contradicting that (s ;t )62 F . Theorem 5.13 suggests that we can construct an F subgoal graph on G by using straight jump points as subgoals. We refer to this subgoal graph as the jump-point graph. Jump-point graphs can be used to answer queries on G as follows: Connect: The start vertex is connected to its jump-point successors, similar to jump-point search. The goal vertex, on the other hand, is connected to all jump- points from which the freespace-diagonal-rst path to the goal vertex is unblocked, using a dierent connection algorithm. Namely, the algorithm that connects the goal vertex to the jump-point graph scans the freespace-diagonal-rst paths that terminate at the goal vertex (equivalently, freespace-cardinal-rst paths that orig- inate from the goal vertex), by rst scanning cardinally from the goal vertex and then branching o in diagonal directions (rather than rst scanning diagonally and then branching o in cardinal directions, like SF-Connect). This scanning can be sped up by using a second set of clearance values in diagonal directions (similar to how SF-Connect can be sped up by using cardinal clearance values). We refer to the connection algorithm used to connect both the start and goal vertices to jump-point graphs as JP-Connect. 1 G does not satisfy Assumption 1.2, that is, there might not be any paths between some pairs of vertices onG . For instance, in Figure 5.14a, no (locally-diagonal-rst) path exists from (A2, Up) to (E9, Up). For our proof, we assume that a shortest path cover does not need to cover paths between such pairs of vertices. 197 (a) Straight jump points (arrows) cover every s-t path on G that is not freespace-diagonal-rst (that is, if (s;t)62F ). (b) Subgoals (disks) cover at least one shortest s-t path on G if (s;t)62F . Figure 5.14: The set of straight jump points and the set of subgoals (convex corner cells) are F -SPCs and F-SPCs on G and G, respectively. (a) Search tree of a search on a (query) jump-point graph. (b) Search tree of a search on a (query) subgoal graph. Figure 5.15: Search trees of searches over (query) jump-point and subgoal graphs. Search and rene: Once the start and goal vertices are connected to the jump- point graph, the resulting query jump-point graph can be searched for a shortest path, which can then be rened into a path on G by replacing its edges with the corresponding freespace-diagonal-rst path on G. We refer to the renement algorithm used for paths found on jump-point graphs as JP-Rene. JP-Rene and CF-Rene are very similar, except that JP-Rene always nds freespace-diagonal- rst paths, whereas, as discussed in Section 5.3.2, CF-Rene may nd freespace- diagonal-rst or freespace-cardinal-rst paths, since we use the symmetric canonical ordering. (This distinction does not matter for answering queries using subgoal graphs, but will be relevant when we use CF-reachability to augment contraction hierarchies in Section 5.5.) Figure 5.15 shows the search trees of searches over (query) jump-point and subgoal graphs. Although the jump-point graph has more vertices than the subgoal graph (two or more jump points at each convex corner cell rather than exactly one subgoal), the search on the jump-point graph expands fewer vertices, since it only considers jump 198 points (n;~ c) that can be reached from other jump points (or the start vertex) through freespace-diagonal-rst paths whose last move is in direction~ c. We will refer back to this example when discussing our experimental results in Section 5.5.5. Compared to jump-point search, answering queries using jump-point graphs has the following benets: 1) The grid is scanned at most twice for connecting the start and goal vertices to the jump-point graph, rather than once for each expansion. 2) Since the jump-point graph is constructed explicitly, it can be combined easily with orthogonal techniques, such as contraction hierarchies. We explore this idea further in Section 5.5.5. However, unlike jump-point search that (optionally) uses precomputed clearance values only, answering queries using jump-point graphs requires explicitly storing the jump-point graph, as well as (optionally) two sets of precomputed clearance values, one for connecting the start vertex and one for connecting the goal vertex to the jump-point graph. 5.5 Experimental Evaluation In this section, we experimentally evaluate answering queries using subgoal graphs, con- traction hierarchies, their combinations, and their variants on grid graphs, with respect to their query times and memory requirements. We consider three dierent ways of aug- menting contraction hierarchies with reachability relations: We have already described two of these augmentations in Section 3.4.2, namely constructing contraction hierarchies on subgoal graphs, or restricting the edges of contraction hierarchies to be R-reachable (R contraction hierarchies). The third augmentation is a simple modication that uses R-Rene rather than unpacking to rene R-reachable edges of contraction hierarchies. This section is organized as follows: In Section 5.5.1, we provide an overview of the algorithms that we evaluate in this section and discuss implementation details. In Section 5.5.2, we describe the benchmark grids and problem instances that we use in our experimental evaluation. In Section 5.5.3, we describe our method of presenting the results. In Sections 5.5.4-5.5.5, we experimentally evaluate answering queries using subgoal graphs, jump-point graphs, and contraction hierarchies. In Sections 5.5.7 and 5.5.11, we experimentally evaluate answering queries using combinations and variants of subgoal graphs, jump-point graphs, and contraction hierarchies. In Section 5.5.12, we compare our algorithms against state-of-the-art path-planning algorithms on grid graphs that have been evaluated in the Grid-Based Path-Planning Competition (GPPC). 5.5.1 Algorithms and Implementation Details We compare various algorithms that answer queries using subgoal graphs, contraction hierarchies, their combinations, and their variants. Table 5.1 provides a summary of these algorithms and how their connection, search, and renement phases dier from one another. Figure 5.16 provides a summary of how these algorithms relate to each other. We now describe these algorithms and discuss implementation details. A*: We use the Octile distance heuristic for our A* searches, and use a binary heap as the priority queue. We implement the searches for all other algorithms similarly, and preallocate memory for all required data structures and values maintained by the searches so that there is no memory allocation during a search. 199 Algorithm Connect Search Rene A* - A* - SG SF-Connect A* CF-rene JP JP-Connect A* (grouping) JP-rene CH-GPPC - Bidir. Dij. Midpoint CH - Bidir. A* 2-pointer CH-SG SF-Connect Bidir. A* 2-pointer then CF-rene CH-JP JP-Connect Bidir. A* 2-pointer then JP-rene CH+Rr - Bidir. A* R-rene or 2-pointer CH-SG+Rr SF-Connect Bidir. A* R-rene, or 2-pointer then CF-rene R-CH - Bidir. A* (C) R-rene R-CH-SG SF-Connect Bidir. A* (C) R-rene R-N-SG SF-Connect Bidir. A* (CL) R-rene Table 5.1: Algorithms on grid graphs evaluated in this dissertation. \C" indicates that forward searches of bidirectional searches generate successors of expanded vertices using core edges. \L" indicates that forward searches of bidirectional searches use non-core same-level edges to check if the two searches meet. SG: SG constructs the subgoal graph G C onG during preprocessing and uses it to answer queries. It uses precomputed clearance values from unblocked cells in all four cardinal directions, as explained in Sections 5.3.5 and 5.3.6. We store clearance values in a 1D array that can be accessed by linearizing the x and y coordinates of a cell (that is, the linearized coordinates l of the cell (x;y) is computed as x +yW , where y is the width of the grid). We store each entry in this array as a 4 byte integer, each byte representing a clearance value in one of the four cardinal directions. For clearance values above 255 (the highest value that can be represented using 1 byte), we simply store 255 as the clearance value. When looking up the clearance value C[n;~ c] of a cell n in direction~ c, if the stored clearance value is 255, we also look up the clearance value C[n + 255~ c;~ c], and repeat this process until a cell n 0 = n +k 255~ c is reached with C[n 0 ;~ c] < 255. The clearance value of n in direction~ c is then calculated as 255k + C[n 0 ;~ c]. Since all edges of subgoal graphs are F-reachable, their lengths can be calculated in constant time as the Octile distances between the vertices they connect, as described in Section 5.3.1. Therefore, we avoid storing the edge lengths and store each edge using 4 bytes only to indicate its destination. JP: JP constructs a jump-point graph on G during preprocessing and uses it to answer queries. It stores two sets of clearance values, a set of cardinal clearance values, similar to our SG implementation, to connect the start vertices to the jump- point graphs, and a set of diagonal clearance values to connect the goal vertices to the jump-point graphs. It therefore requires twice the memory to store the clearance values compared to SG. 200 Jump-point search has an optimization that we have not mentioned in Section 5.4.1. Namely, it expands at most one jump-point in each cell, the one that has the smallest g-value in that cell. All other jump-points in that cell are discarded, even if their g-values are the same as the g-value of the expanded one. We have included this optimization in JP as well. To the best of our knowledge, there is no formal proof that jump-point search with this optimization is still guaranteed to nd shortest paths, but our JP implementation using this optimization has always found the shortest path in our experiments. We also optimize our JP implementation to store theg-values for cells rather than jump points, and preallocate memory for our data structures assuming that we are searching over the convex corner cells, rather than the jump points. That is, the jump-point graph is essentially used as a look-up table to determine the successors of the expanded \convex corner cells" based on their incoming directions. CH and CH-GPPC: CH constructs a contraction hierarchy on G during prepro- cessing and uses it to answer queries. It uses a bidirectional A* search, as described in Section 3.4.4, to search its contraction hierarchy for a shortest up-down path, and uses 2-pointer unpacking, as described in Section 3.4.4, to rene the path found into a shortest path on G. CH-GPPC instead uses bidirectional Dijkstra searches and midpointer unpacking. Our CH-GPPC implementation closely follows the implementation of the contrac- tion hierarchy entry in GPPC. Namely: 1) It uses the same online top-down ordering for constructing the hierarchy, as described in Section 2) It uses 12 bytes to store each edge, namely 4 bytes each for its destination, length, and midpoint (for midpoint unpacking). 3) It does not store downward edges since, in contraction hierarchies constructed on undirected graphs, there exists an upward edge (u;v) for every downward edge (v;u) and vice versa. 4) It uses stall-on-demand dur- ing searches. 5) It does not use a heuristic in searches. Our preliminary results show that the query times of our CH-GPPC implementation and the contraction hierarchy entry in the GPPC are very similar. Our implementation has shorter preprocessing times (almost by a factor of two) since it exploits the fact that con- traction hierarchies on undirected graphs are also undirected, and performs only half of the witness searches. Our CH implementation diers from our CH-GPPC implementation in the following ways: 1) CH performs 2-pointer unpacking. 2) CH uses 16 bytes to store each edge, namely 4 bytes for its destination, 4 bytes for its length, and 8 bytes for two pointers to its unpacked edges. 3) CH uses the Octile distance heuristic during searches. All of our algorithms that use hierarchies follow an implementation similar to our CH implementation unless noted otherwise. CH-SG: CH-SG constructs a contraction hierarchy on the subgoal graphG C during preprocessing and uses it to answer queries, as described in Section 3.4.4. CH- SG performs connection using SF-Connect, similar to SG; performs search using bidirectional A* searches, similar to CH; and performs renement rst by using 2-pointer unpacking, similar to CH, to rene the path found on the contraction 201 hierarchy to a path on the subgoal graph, and then by using CF-Rene, similar to SG, to rene it to a path on G. CH-SG stores clearance values in the four cardinal directions, similar to SG; and stores each edge using 16 bytes, similar to CH. CH-JP: CH-JP constructs a contraction hierarchy on the jump-point graph during preprocessing and uses it to answer queries. CH-JP operates similarly to CH-SG, with the following exceptions. Unlike CH-SG, but similarly to JP, CH-JP stores two sets of clearance values, uses JP-Connect for connection, and JP-Rene for rening paths on the jump-point graph to paths onG. Unlike CH and CH-SG, CH-JP stores upward edges and \reversed downward edges" of contraction hierarchies separately since jump-point graphs are directed graphs and, as a result, these two sets of edges are not necessarily equivalent. Furthermore, unlike JP, CH-JP treats jump points as individual vertices, rather than \grouping them" based on their locations. Our preliminary experiments have shown that, otherwise, CH-JP can nd paths that are not shortest paths. We discuss further implementation details in Section 5.5.8. CH+Rr and CH-SG+Rr: CH+Rr (contraction hierarchies +R-rene) and CH- SG+Rr operate similarly to CH and CH-SG, respectively, but also \mark" shortcut edges that are R-reachable during preprocessing. During the renement phases of queries, they rene the \marked" shortcuts using an R-rene algorithm instead of 2-pointer unpacking. Unmarked shortcut edges are rened using 2-pointer un- packing as usual. Whereas CH+Fr and CH-SG+Fr mark F-reachable shortcuts and rene them using F-Rene, CH+CFr and CH-SG+CFr mark CF-reachable shortcuts and rene them using CF-Rene. We do not perform experiments with CH+SFr and CH-SG+SFr since SF-Rene is implemented similarly to CF-Rene, and since a smaller number of shortcuts can be marked as SF-reachable rather than CF-reachable (SF CF). We mark each shortcut by storing a unique 8 byte value instead of the two pointers to its unpacked edges, and therefore do not use extra memory for marking shortcuts. R-CH and R-CH-SG:R-CH andR-CH-SG operate similarly to CH and CH-SG, respectively, but construct R contraction hierarchies instead of contraction hierar- chies. The forward searches of their bidirectional searches also generate successors of expanded vertices that are reached by level edges, as described in Section 3.4.4. Since all their shortcuts areR-reachable, they rene shortcuts usingR-rene rather than 2-pointer unpacking and store each edge using 4 bytes, similar to SG. Similar to CH+Rr, CH-SG+Rr, we use F-reachability and CF-reachability as R, but not SF-reachability. R-N-SGR-N-SG operates similarly toR-CH-SG, but constructsRN-level subgoal graphs instead ofR contraction hierarchies. The forward searches of its bidirectional searches also use non-core same-level edges to check if the two searches meet, as described in Section 3.4.4. Similar to R-CH-SG, we use F-reachability and CF- reachability as R, but not SF-reachability. Figure 5.16 provides a summary of the relationships between dierent algorithms and their associated trade-os, and serves as a roadmap for our experiments. Namely: 1) In 202 CH R-CH R-CH-SG R-N-SG CH-SG SG CH+Rr CH-SG+Rr R-reachable shortcuts only, R-refine (S, R, EM) Allow non-core, level edges. (S) R-refine R-reachable shortcuts (R) Construct series of SGs on SGs (S) SG as base graph (S, C, R) Construct CH on SG, unpack (S, R) CH-JP JP Construct subgoal graph on direction-extended canonical grid graph (S) Figure 5.16: Relationships between variants and combinations of subgoal graphs, jump- point graphs, and contraction hierarchies. S: Structural dierences in the graph/hierarchy can result in dierent query-time/memory trade-os. C: Implementation of R-connect can aect the query-time/memory trade-o. R: Implementation of R-rene can aect the query-time/memory trade-o. EM: Memory required to store each edge can vary depending on R; unpacking information does not need to be stored for shortcuts. Sections 5.5.4 and 5.5.6, we experimentally evaluate the query-time/memory trade-os of SG and CH, respectively. Observe that these algorithms have no incoming arrows in Figure 5.16. 2) In Sections 5.5.7, 5.5.9, and 5.5.10, we experimentally evaluate the query- time/memory trade-os associated with three dierent ways of augmenting contraction hierarchies with reachability relations, which are marked with red, green, and blue arrows in Figure 5.16, respectively. The purpose of this set of experiments is to demonstrate that it is possible to \specialize" contraction hierarchies to dierent types of graphs through reachability relations to exploit structure in them. 3) In Section 5.5.11, we experimentally evaluate the query-time/memory trade-o of R-N-SG compared to R- CH-SG. The purpose of this set of experiments, in conjunction with the previous set of experiments, is to systematically study the dierences between CH and F-N-SG through the sequence of intermediate algorithms CH-SG and F-CH-SG. 4) In Sections 5.5.5 and 5.5.8, we experimentally evaluate the query-time/memory trade o of JP and CH-JP, relative to SG and CH-SG, respectively, which are marked as purple arrows in Figure 5.16. We discuss the query-time/memory trade-os associated with each arrow in Figure 5.16 in the relevant sections, in conjunction with experimental results on grid graphs. 5.5.2 Benchmarks We use two sets of benchmarks in our experiments: Nathan Sturtevant's benchmark grid maps and problem instances (Sturtevant, 2012a), which we refer to as the MovingAI benchmarks, and GPPC grid maps and problem instances (Sturtevant et al., 2015), which we refer to as the GPPC benchmarks. We use the MovingAI benchmarks for most of our experiments since they contain signicantly more maps and instances than the GPPC 203 benchmarks, and use the GPPC benchmarks in Section 5.5.12 in order to compare our algorithms to other GPPC entries. We describe the MovingAI benchmarks below, and describe the GPPC benchmarks in Section 5.5.12. The maps in the MovingAI benchmarks can be divided into 5 main categories (game, maze, random, room, and street), which can further be subdivided into a total of 26 subcategories, as summarized below: Game: The game maps are a collection of maps from dierent video games. { bg: 120 maps from the video game Baldur's Gate II, ranging in size from 50 50 to 320 320. { bg-512: 75 maps from the video game Baldur's Gate II, all scaled to size 512 512. { dao: 156 maps from the video game Dragon Age: Origins, ranging in size from 22 28 to 1260 1104. { da2: 67 maps from the video game Dragon Age 2, ranging in size from 37 37 to 770 770. { sc: 75 maps from the video game Starcraft II, ranging in size from 384 384 to 1024 1024. { wc3-512 36 maps from the video game Warcraft III, all scaled to size 512 512. Maze: The maze maps are articially generated maps of size 512 512, with varying corridor widths of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32. There are 10 maps for each of the 6 corridor widths, for a total of 60 maps. We refer to maze maps with corridor width X as maze-X maps. Random: The random maps are articially generated by randomly blocking a percentage of cells in a 512 512 grid. The percentage of blocked cells varies from 10 to 40 in increments of 5. There are 10 maps for each of the 7 percentages of blocked cells, for a total of 70 maps. We refer to random maps with X percent blocked cells as random-X maps. Room: The room maps are articially generated by dividing a 512 512 grid into square rooms of xed size, and randomly adding doors between adjacent rooms. The room sizes in room maps are 8 8, 16 16, 32 32, and 64 64. There are 10 maps for each of the 4 room sizes, for a total of 40 maps. We refer to room maps with room size X as room-X maps. Street: Street maps are generated by discretizing square areas within dierent cities into 256 256, 512 512, or 1024 1024 grids. There are 30 areas, each discretized into 3 dierent-sized grids, for a total of 90 maps. For 1024 1024 maps, we use only the rst 10 maps rather than all 30, due to high preprocessing times on these maps. We refer to street maps with size XX as street-X maps. 204 Map Instances Path Avg. G size A* time Count Count Avg length jVj jEj (s) all 769 1,642,670 2,136 1,137 109,752 776,644 9,898 game-all 529 653,050 1,234 431 64,861 499,013 5,137 maze-all 60 627,000 10,450 2,265 207,941 1,338,316 16,732 random-all 70 155,750 2,225 483 185,864 937,004 5,508 room-all 40 84,350 2,109 422 232,785 1,691,743 8,645 street-all 70 122,520 1,750 454 218,423 1,710,030 6,738 bg 120 40,780 340 142 4,507 32,180 451 bg-512 75 122,600 1,635 361 73,930 574,509 2,359 dao 156 67,200 1,003 281 15,911 117,640 2,373 da2 67 155,620 998 418 21,322 159,548 1,049 sc 75 211,390 2,819 613 263,782 2,040,510 11,540 wc3-512 36 55,460 1,541 318 112,488 867,184 3,030 maze-1 10 145,490 14,549 2,986 131,071 262,140 6,947 maze-2 10 119,110 11,911 2,413 174,517 870,383 13,141 maze-4 10 104,220 10,422 2,150 209,268 1,356,891 18,461 maze-8 10 103,310 10,331 2,133 232,928 1,688,141 21,997 maze-16 10 91,210 9,121 1,877 246,042 1,871,727 24,349 maze-32 10 63,660 6,366 1,300 253,819 1,980,615 23,532 random-10 10 17,970 1,797 360 235,903 1,533,055 2,512 random-15 10 18,610 1,861 372 222,689 1,301,321 3,914 random-20 10 19,150 1,915 383 209,255 1,097,499 5,072 random-25 10 19,900 1,990 398 195,315 918,694 6,048 random-30 10 20,780 2,078 416 180,209 760,078 6,606 random-35 10 22,970 2,297 459 161,313 613,313 7,229 random-40 10 36,370 3,637 752 96,365 335,069 6,023 room-8 10 20,980 2,098 420 206,792 1,301,001 7,994 room-16 10 20,370 2,037 407 231,263 1,663,793 7,839 room-32 10 20,970 2,097 420 243,733 1,855,004 8,847 room-64 10 22,030 2,203 441 249,352 1,947,173 9,820 street-256 30 28,020 934 188 48,012 363,862 842 street-512 30 56,270 1,876 376 196,602 1,531,899 3,467 street-1024 10 38,230 3,823 765 795,122 6,282,926 15,874 Table 5.2: MovingAI benchmarks. 205 (a) AR0011SR (Baldur's Gate II) (b) orz100d (Dragon Age: Origins) (c) orz103d (Dragon Age: Origins) (d) Aurora (StarCraft) (e) maze512-32-0 (maze-32) (f) random512-40-0 (random-40) (g) 64room-000 (room-64) (h) Berlin-0-1024 (street-1024) Figure 5.17: MovingAI grid maps. Each map in MovingAI benchmarks has an associated set of instances (start and goal pairs) that are uniformly distributed to cover various path lengths. Specically, on a map where the maximum shortest path length is K, the interval [0;K] is split into buckets [4k; 4k+4) (wherek is an integer), each bucket containing 10 instances where the distance between the start and goal vertices is in the range [4k; 4k + 4) (Sturtevant, 2012a). As a result, maps with larger maximum shortest path lengths, such as maze maps, have more instances per map. Table 5.2 reports the total number of maps, the total and average number of instances, the average path length of the instances, the average number of vertices and edges of the corresponding grid graph G, and the average query time of A* searches, over the MovingAI benchmarks. We discuss how the averaging is performed in the next section, along with how the cells are colored in the table. 5.5.3 Result Presentation We report our experimental results using tables that report statistics across dierent types of maps in MovingAI benchmarks. We use the following methods to make these tables easier to read: Order of rows: We organize the rows of the tables so that the rst row provides an overview of the results on all maps in the MovingAI benchmarks, the next 5 rows provide an overview of the 5 main categories of maps, and the remaining rows provide results on the 26 subcategories of maps, as shown in Table 5.2. We average statistics that relate to preprocessing (such as preprocessing time, memory, and 206 graph size) over all maps in each (main or sub) category, and average statistics that relate to queries (such as query time) over all instances associated with the maps in each category. This averaging strategy is also used in GPPC, and might skew the averages toward maps with larger numbers of instances or toward categories that contain more maps. Abbreviations: We use the following abbreviations for the various statistics that we report frequently in our tables:jVj (number of vertices),jEj (number of edges), PT (preprocessing time), Cn (connection time), Sr (search time), Rf (renement time), DQ (distance query time, that is, the sum of the connection and search times), and PQ (path query time, that is, the sum of the connection, search, and renement times). We use several other abbreviations which which we describe as necessary. When reporting statistics about an algorithm X relative to an algorithm Y , we mark the relevant part of the table with the syntax Y !X and mark the relevant columns of the table by adding a \%" or \*" at the end of their abbreviations. We typically use \%" to modifyjVj orjEj, indicating that we are reporting the number of vertices or edges of the graph used by algorithm X as a percentage of the number of vertices or edges, respectively, of the graph used by algorithmY . We typically use \*" to modify the other statistics, indicating that we are reporting the improvement factor of switching from algorithmY toX. Since shorter preprocessing and query times and lower memory requirements are always better, we calculate the improvement factor for those statistics by dividing the relevant statistic for algorithm Y by the relevant statistic for algorithm X. Colors: We color cells in our tables based on their values and types, in order to highlight trends in our results and distinguish between the dierent types of statistics that we report. We color cells in a column that reports statistics about a single algorithm on a scale from white to orange, where the cell with the lowest value in the column is colored white, the cell with the highest value is colored orange, and any other cell is colored in a shade of orange determined based on its value in relation to the lowest and highest values in the column. We color cells in a column that reports percentage statistics on a scale from white to blue, where a cell with value 0% is colored white, a cell with value 200% or higher is colored blue, and any other cell is colored in a shade of blue determined based on its value in relation to 0% and 200%. We color cells in a column that reports improvement factor statistics on a scale from red to white to green, where a cell with improvement factor 1 (no improvement or deterioration) is colored white, a cell with improvement factor 5 or above is colored green, a cell with an improvement factor from 1 to 5 is colored in a shade of green determined based on its value in relation to 1 and 5, and a cell with an improvement factor of less than 1 (that is, deterioration) is colored in a shade of red based on its value in relation to 0 and 1 (where 0 is red). The coloring of cells in tables does not convey additional information, and simply aims to make the tables easier to read. To that end, we make a couple of exceptions to the rules we described above. For some improvement factors (such as the query 207 (a) Staircase pattern ( from street maps). (b) Random pattern ( Figure 5.18: Staircase and random patterns of subgoal graphs on grid graphs. times of CH or SG relative to A*), the improvement is much higher than 5, resulting in all cells colored in the same shade of green. In these cases, we use the value 500 rather than 5 for determining the cell colors. We also make an exception when reporting the memory required by SG to store clearance values and edges in Table 5.3, by using the minimum and maximum values that appear in both columns to determine the colors of cells in either column, in order to make the two columns comparable. 5.5.4 Subgoal Graphs In this section, we experimentally evaluate SG (answering queries using subgoal graphs) in terms of its preprocessing and path query times, and memory requirements. We start with a discussion of two types of patterns that we observe on grid graphs, namely the staircase and random patterns, which can negatively aect SG path query times. Figure 5.18 shows examples of these two patterns. Staircase pattern: The staircase pattern occurs on grids when the boundaries of obstacles in the environment do not align horizontally or vertically with the grid, as shown in Figure 5.18a. On grids with staircase patters, many cells are convex corner cells, resulting in many subgoals. We informally refer to the subgoals introduced by staircase patterns as staircase subgoals. When two staircases face each other, subgoal graphs typically have many edges between staircase subgoals along the two opposite staircases, as shown in Figure 5.18a. We informally refer to these edges as staircase edges. Most staircase subgoals and edges can be considered to be \unimportant" for an- swering queries unless the start or goal vertices are tucked away in the crevices of the staircases. That is, if most of the staircase subgoals were removed from the subgoal graph, the remaining subgoals can still be connected to each other through safe-freespace-reachable edges and be used to answer most path queries optimally. However, as discussed in Section 5.3.4, subgoal graphs need to include all convex corner cells as subgoals, for them to be useful for answering all path queries opti- mally. We refer to the problem of having to include staircase subgoals and edges 208 in subgoal graphs as the staircase problem. As discussed in Section 5.3.4, the stair- case problem can be considered to be a direct consequence of the fact that the grid graphs that we consider in this dissertation exclude corner-cutting diagonal moves. We discuss in Section 5.5.5 how jump-point search avoids the staircase problem, and discuss in Section 5.5.7 how constructing hierarchies on subgoal graphs can mitigate this problem. As an interesting side note, the staircase problem was the motivation for our development of 2-level subgoal graphs (Uras et al., 2013), with the aim of ignoring most of the subgoals and edges along staircases during searches, by labeling such subgoals as level 1 subgoals. We eventually extended 2-level subgoal graphs to N-level subgoal graphs (Uras & Koenig, 2014). Staircase patterns typically occur on game and street maps, where (the boundaries of) obstacles in the environment do not necessarily align horizontally or vertically with the grid. For instance, in the video games Baldur's Gate II and StarCraft, the viewpoint of the in-game camera is angled to reveal as much detail about the environment as possible, typically resulting in obstacles being aligned diagonally with the grid, as shown in Figures 5.17a and 5.17d, exacerbating the staircase problem. In the video games Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age 2, which have been released more recently than Baldur's Gate II and StarCraft, the players can rotate the camera as they please, and therefore maps in these games are typically designed so that obstacles are aligned horizontally or vertically with the grid, as shown in Figure 5.17c. However, maps in these games can still have obstacles that are curved or otherwise irregularly shaped, as shown in Figure 5.17b, resulting in staircase patterns. Street maps contain obstacles (that is, buildings) that are not necessarily aligned with the grid (that is, the geographic coordinate system), also resulting in staircase patterns. Maze and room maps do not have staircase patterns, as all obstacles are aligned horizontally or vertically with the grid, as shown in Figures 5.17f and 5.17g. Random pattern: The random pattern occurs on random maps, where the blocked cells of grids are scattered randomly around the grid, without forming large, contiguous areas of blocked cells. The random pattern therefore introduces, similar to the staircase pattern, many convex corners and, thus, subgoals, as shown in Figure 5.18b. Typically, random patterns introduce many more subgoals than staircase patterns, but do not introduce as many edges. Random patterns are detrimental to the freespace structure that we aim to exploit with subgoal graphs, since the random placement of blocked cells typically results in only nearby pairs of vertices being F-, CF-, or SF-reachable. Table 5.3 reports the A* query times (also reported in Table 5.2), the SG preprocessing times (PT, including the time to calculate the clearance values), the numbers of vertices and edges of subgoal graphs relative to G (jVj% andjEj%), the memory required to the store clearance values and the edges of subgoal graphs (M(C) and M(E)), the SG connection, search, and renement times (Cn, Sr, Rf), and the SG path query times relative to A* (PQ*). We make the following observations: 209 A* A*! SG PQ PT jVj jEj M(C) M(E) Cn Sr Rf PQ (s) (s) % % (MB) (MB) (s) (s) (s) * all 9,898 13,898 8.29 7.28 0.78 0.24 5 527 8 18.33 game-all 5,137 6,510 2.19 4.29 0.70 0.08 7 123 2 39.10 maze-all 16,732 18,785 5.56 2.05 1.01 0.10 3 701 15 23.28 random-all 5,508 59,075 39.60 35.41 1.01 1.26 2 2,077 8 2.64 room-all 8,645 14,405 1.82 0.81 1.01 0.05 4 103 2 79.19 street-all 6,738 20,072 1.51 5.61 0.84 0.64 13 118 2 50.46 bg 451 781 9.96 13.38 0.07 0.01 3 39 1 10.28 bg-512 2,359 5,933 0.90 1.42 1.01 0.03 6 34 1 56.52 dao 2,373 3,067 4.20 6.26 0.52 0.03 5 91 2 24.21 da2 1,049 2,464 3.76 4.85 0.58 0.02 4 36 2 25.13 sc 11,540 25,936 2.16 5.08 1.71 0.40 10 265 3 41.54 wc3-512 3,030 8,793 1.06 1.56 1.01 0.05 6 31 1 79.61 maze-1 6,947 29,182 27.60 27.60 1.01 0.27 2 1,694 27 4.03 maze-2 13,141 25,995 12.58 6.58 1.01 0.22 2 1,138 20 11.32 maze-4 18,461 18,284 3.78 1.83 1.01 0.09 3 407 13 43.65 maze-8 21,997 13,784 1.03 0.44 1.01 0.03 3 115 9 174.02 maze-16 24,349 12,939 0.29 0.12 1.01 0.01 3 31 5 603.72 maze-32 23,532 12,528 0.07 0.03 1.01 0.00 4 8 3 1,553.45 random-10 2,512 60,289 28.30 30.23 1.01 1.77 3 788 4 3.16 random-15 3,914 65,124 36.04 34.79 1.01 1.72 3 1,392 5 2.80 random-20 5,072 66,074 40.92 37.24 1.01 1.56 3 1,943 6 2.60 random-25 6,048 65,298 43.66 38.20 1.01 1.34 2 2,384 7 2.53 random-30 6,606 62,953 44.97 38.30 1.01 1.11 2 2,604 7 2.53 random-35 7,229 57,697 45.14 37.68 1.01 0.88 2 2,811 8 2.56 random-40 6,023 36,087 45.05 37.11 1.01 0.47 2 2,201 14 2.72 room-8 7,994 18,724 6.18 3.15 1.01 0.15 3 327 4 23.91 room-16 7,839 13,928 1.40 0.64 1.01 0.04 3 66 2 109.25 room-32 8,847 12,860 0.32 0.14 1.01 0.01 4 18 2 371.68 room-64 9,820 12,109 0.07 0.03 1.01 0.00 5 5 1 928.87 street-256 842 5,052 3.88 7.39 0.25 0.11 5 41 1 17.60 street-512 3,467 18,542 1.89 6.27 1.01 0.36 10 92 2 33.66 street-1024 15,874 69,719 0.80 4.81 4.02 1.15 25 214 2 65.80 Table 5.3: Subgoal graphs on grid graphs. 210 PT: As proven in Section 5.3.6, subgoal graphs on grid graphs can be constructed in time linear in the size of the underlying grid. Our experimental results agree with our theoretical results, and show that the SG preprocessing times are short, on the order of milliseconds, and comparable to the A* search times. On average, subgoal graphs can be constructed in the time that it takes to perform 1.40 A* searches on grid graphs. This value is lowest on maze-32 maps at 0.55, and highest on random-10 maps at 24.00. jVj%: On average, 8.29% of the vertices of G become subgoals. However this re- sult is heavily skewed by the results on random maps (28.30%-45.14%) and maze maps with small corridor widths (27.60%-12.58%). Although game and street maps exhibit staircase patterns, they typically also have large contiguous areas of un- blocked cells and, therefore, the percentage of subgoals on these types of maps is small, namely 2.19% and 1.51%, respectively. As the corridor width of maze maps increases, the number of corridors and convex corners formed by intersecting corri- dors decreases, and, therefore, the percentage of subgoals decreases from 27.6% on maze-1 maps to 0.07% on maze-32 maps. Similarly, as the room size of room maps increases, the number of rooms and the convex corners formed by \doors" between adjacent rooms decreases, and, therefore, the percentage of subgoals decreases from 6.17% on room-4 maps to 0.07% on room-32 maps. jEj%: On average, the number of edges in subgoal graphs is 7.29% of the number of edges in G and follows a pattern similar to the percentage of vertices of G that become subgoals, across dierent types of maps: When there are more subgoals, more edges are required to connect them. However, there are some deviations from this trend, which we explain by using the average number of edges per subgoal in subgoal graphs (not reported in Table 5.3): On game and street maps, where staircase patterns are prevalent, the average number of edges per subgoal is 15.06 and 29.04, respectively (up to a maximum of 47.37 on street-1024 maps). On maze, random, and room maps, which do not contain staircase patterns, the average number of edges per subgoal is signicantly lower, namely 2.37, 4.51, and 3.23, respectively. Across all maps, the average number of edges per subgoal is 6.21, which is slightly smaller than 7.08, the average number of edges per vertex in G. M (C and E): On average, the memory required to store clearance values and subgoal graphs is very low, 0.78 and 0.24 megabytes, respectively, for a total of 1.02 megabytes. The memory required to store clearance values scales with the grid size, and is the highest on street-1024 and sc maps. The memory required to store subgoal graphs depends on the number of edges, and is the highest on random maps. Cn: The SG connection (SF-Connect) times are typically short, 5 microseconds on average. Recall that the the execution time of running SF-connect from a cell can be measured by the lengths of the diagonals that extend from the cell (Section 5.3.5). These diagonals extend further on game and street maps, which typically have large contiguous regions of unblocked cells. Therefore, SG connection times are signicantly longer on game and street maps than they are on other types of maps. 211 Sr: The SG search times contribute the most to the SG path query times ( 105 times more than connection times), and are highly correlated with the number of subgoals, with a correlation coecient of 0.897, 2 and less so with the number of edges of subgoal graphs, with a correlation coecient of 0.638. Rf: The SG renement (CF-Rene) times are typically short, 8 microseconds on average, but longer than the SG connection times. Recall that CF-Rene runs in time linear in the length of the resulting path on G (Section 4.5.5). Therefore, SG renement times are highly correlated with instance path lengths (Table 5.2), with a correlation coecient of 0.805. However, when rening a path on the query sub- goal graph, CF-Rene calculates, for every edge on, the directions and the number of diagonal and cardinal moves on the corresponding freespace-shortest paths onG. Executing CF-Rene for paths that consist of longer sequences of shorter edges incurs this overhead more frequently, thereby increasing its execution times. For instance, the SG renement times on random maps, where subgoal graphs typi- cally have short edges, are disproportionately long (with respect to instance path lengths), namely4 times longer than they are on game, room, and street maps, even though the instance path lengths are similar on these four types of maps. PQ*: The SG path query times are 18.33 times shorter than the A* path query (search) times across all maps, only 2.64 times shorter on random maps, and up to1,550 times shorter on maze-32 maps. Since the SG search times contribute signicantly more to the SG path query times than SG connection and renement times, and since the SG search times are highly correlated with the numbers of vertices and edges of subgoal graphs, the speed-up achieved by using subgoal graphs over A* searches onG are highly correlated with the numbers of vertices and edges of the subgoal graphs relative toG, with correlation coecients of 0.956 and 0.957, respectively. The results over all maps are heavily skewed by the results on random maps and maze maps with small corridor widths, where the percentage of subgoals is higher than it is on other types of maps. Scaling: As discussed in Section 5.5.2, the street-256, street-512, and street-1024 maps are generated by discretizing the same environments using dierent resolution grids. As our results show, SG achieves a higher speed-up over A* searches on street-1024 maps (65.80) than it does on street-256 and street-512 maps (17.60 and 33.66, respectively). The reason for this is as follows: As larger resolution grids are used for discretization, the number of vertices of G, and therefore the number of vertices expanded by A* searches on G, grows quadratically in the dimensions of the grid. However, the number of convex corners in G, and therefore the number of vertices expanded by SG searches, grow only linearly in the dimensions of the grid, since they can only appear along the boundaries of obstacles. Furthermore, since the path lengths and the lengths of the diagonals that extend from unblocked cells grow linearly in the dimensions of the grid, the SG connection and renement times also grow only linearly in the dimensions of the grid. 2 We calculate correlation coecients based on the averaged statistics for the 26 subcategories of maps. 212 As discussed in Section 5.5.2, the bg-512 and wc3-512 maps are generated by scaling the (smaller) maps used in the games Baldur's Gate II and Warcraft III, respec- tively, to size 512 512. However, this scaling is not performed by discretizing an environment using a higher resolution grid, but instead by replacing each blocked or unblocked cell on the original grid with an appropriate-sized square area of blocked or unblocked cells. Therefore, this scaling does not introduce additional convex corners to the grid (that is, this scaling can be considered as \zooming-in" without enhancing the details), and, therefore, does not increase the SG search times. As a result, the staircase problem is less pronounced, and SG achieves higher speed-ups over A* searches on bg-512 and wc3-512 maps, compared to other types of game maps. Finally, maze maps with large corridor widths and room maps with large room sizes can be considered to be scaled up versions of parts of maze maps with smaller corridor widths and room maps with smaller room sizes, respectively. That is, although all maze and room maps have the same size, maze maps with larger corridor widths and room maps with larger room sizes can be considered to be using higher resolution grids to discretize environments. As a result, SG achieves higher speed-ups over A* searches on maze maps with large corridor widths and room maps with large room sizes. To summarize, on grid graphs, SG requires little preprocessing time and memory, and achieves a signicantly higher speed-up over A* than on state lattices (Section 4.6.5). SG achieves a small speed-up over A* on random maps and maze maps with small corridor widths, higher speed-ups on game and street maps despite their staircase patterns, due to them typically containing large contiguous regions of unblocked cells, and signicant speed-ups on maze maps with large corridor widths and room maps with large room sizes. Furthermore, SG achieves higher speed-ups over A* when using \higher resolution" grids or when scaling grids to larger sizes, as can be observed on bg-512, wc3-512 maps, maze maps with large corridor widths, room maps with large room sizes, and street maps with large grid resolutions. Although the SG connection and renement times contribute little to the SG path query times on most types of maps, they make up a signicant percentage of the path query times on maze maps with large corridor widths and room maps with large room sizes, and a non-trivial percentage of the path query times on game and street maps. As we will discuss in Section 5.5.7, combining subgoal graphs with contraction hierarchies can signicantly reduce the search times, making the connection and renement times more important for the path query times across all types of maps. 5.5.5 Jump-Point Graphs In this section, we compare JP (answering queries using jump-point graphs) with SG (answering queries using subgoal graphs) with respect to their preprocessing and query times, and memory requirements. Table 5.5 reports the JP preprocessing, connection, search, renement, and path query times relative to SG (PT*, Cn*, Sr*, Rf*, and PQ*), the number of vertices and edges in jump-point graphs relative to subgoal graphs (jVj% andjEj%), the memory required to 213 SG! JP PT jVj% jEj% M* Exp* Succ* Cn* Sr* Rf* PQ* all 0.29 226.77 95.58 0.56 1.41 4.09 0.64 1.34 1.08 1.32 game-all 0.45 202.67 46.63 0.55 3.99 33.05 0.68 5.43 1.54 3.90 maze-all 0.34 217.74 108.77 0.52 1.31 3.03 0.61 1.24 1.01 1.22 random-all 0.22 230.90 138.98 0.60 1.45 2.63 0.49 1.21 1.24 1.21 room-all 0.36 278.81 131.82 0.51 1.22 2.03 0.61 1.02 1.14 1.00 street-all 0.27 202.60 21.86 0.64 4.49 93.16 0.64 8.66 1.47 3.72 bg 0.29 205.35 43.00 0.57 5.05 28.77 0.75 6.34 1.69 3.86 bg-512 0.47 200.30 31.52 0.51 4.58 32.92 0.73 6.30 1.45 2.86 dao 0.42 204.02 51.40 0.52 3.13 14.98 0.70 3.85 1.57 3.06 da2 0.38 202.51 44.20 0.51 4.35 27.36 0.72 5.80 1.55 3.24 sc 0.48 202.27 46.72 0.58 4.30 45.17 0.67 6.01 1.56 4.55 wc3-512 0.36 200.08 54.67 0.52 3.37 17.27 0.62 4.03 1.39 2.06 maze-1 0.28 233.99 139.01 0.53 1.12 2.24 0.67 1.03 0.91 1.03 maze-2 0.29 200.00 88.94 0.56 1.48 3.84 0.72 1.46 1.00 1.44 maze-4 0.36 200.00 78.42 0.53 2.40 7.49 0.67 2.40 1.21 2.29 maze-8 0.43 199.96 79.53 0.51 2.37 7.29 0.62 2.52 1.19 2.19 maze-16 0.48 200.00 79.26 0.50 2.36 7.17 0.56 2.66 1.21 1.80 maze-32 0.50 200.00 80.53 0.50 2.34 6.87 0.49 2.44 1.17 1.03 random-10 0.23 217.67 157.61 0.58 1.36 1.89 0.46 1.09 1.57 1.08 random-15 0.21 224.54 144.71 0.61 1.29 2.02 0.47 1.07 1.47 1.07 random-20 0.21 229.84 136.67 0.62 1.28 2.19 0.48 1.04 1.37 1.04 random-25 0.21 233.63 131.71 0.62 1.33 2.42 0.49 1.07 1.28 1.07 random-30 0.22 236.31 128.60 0.62 1.40 2.69 0.49 1.14 1.23 1.14 random-35 0.22 237.73 126.18 0.60 1.51 3.08 0.51 1.29 1.19 1.29 random-40 0.23 238.26 124.95 0.57 1.62 3.49 0.52 1.53 1.16 1.53 room-8 0.27 275.55 132.59 0.52 1.20 1.98 0.69 1.00 1.15 1.00 room-16 0.38 286.74 129.94 0.51 1.27 2.15 0.65 1.09 1.14 1.06 room-32 0.46 296.45 128.15 0.50 1.34 2.31 0.60 1.18 1.14 1.02 room-64 0.49 291.40 127.04 0.50 1.42 2.48 0.56 1.25 1.13 0.81 street-256 0.23 204.18 41.32 0.65 3.37 24.65 0.71 4.54 1.43 2.71 street-512 0.24 202.45 24.76 0.65 3.92 58.89 0.63 6.74 1.46 3.43 street-1024 0.31 201.44 13.90 0.63 5.55 169.37 0.63 12.49 1.49 4.17 Table 5.4: Jump-point graphs. 214 (a) Subgoal graph, (b) Jump-point graph, (c) Subgoal graph, (d) Jump-point graph, Figure 5.19: Jump-point and subgoal graphs on grids with staircase and random patterns. store the edges of jump-point graphs and the clearance values in both the cardinal and diagonal directions relative to the memory required to store the edges of subgoal graphs and the clearance values in only cardinal directions (M*), and the number of vertices expanded and successors evaluated by JP searches relative to SG searches (Exp* and Succ*). We make the following observations: PT: The JP preprocessing times are 3.45 times longer than the SG preprocessing times since JP calculates two sets of clearance values and often scans longer diag- onals when identifying edges, as we discuss later. However, the JP preprocessing times are still very short, namely 48 milliseconds on average, especially compared to other algorithms that we discuss in the following sections. jVj%: As discussed in Section 5.4.3, convex corner cells typically contain two or more jump points, compared to exactly one subgoal. Our results show that jump- point graphs have 2.27 times more vertices on average than subgoal graphs. jEj%: As discussed in Section 5.4.3, even if the freespace-diagonal-rst path between two jump points is unblocked, jump-point graphs may not have an edge 215 between them if the direction of the last move on does not match the direction of the second jump point. Therefore, jump-point graphs typically avoid adding edges between staircase subgoals, resulting in jump-point graphs having 53.37% and 78.14% fewer edges than subgoal graphs on game and street maps, respec- tively, which frequently contain staircase patterns. Figures 5.19a and 5.19b show an example. Whereas subgoal graphs have edges between subgoals that are direct-reachable with respect to the set of subgoals on G, jump-point graphs have edges between jump points that are direct-reachable with respect to the set of jump-points on G . If a path on G passes through a convex corner cell, it would be covered by the subgoal at that cell and, therefore, an edge that corresponds to that path does not need to be added to the subgoal graph. On the other hand, if a path on G passes through a convex corner cell, a jump point (n,~ c) at that cell only covers that path if the last move on the path when reaching n is in direction~ c. That is, jump points typically cover fewer paths on G than subgoals do on G. As a result, jump-point graphs might have more edges than subgoal graphs. Our results show that jump-point graphs have 38.93% and 31.82% more edges than subgoal graphs on random and room maps, respectively. Figures 5.19c and 5.19d show an example. M*: As discussed in Section 5.5.4, SG requires more memory to store clearance values than the edges of subgoal graphs. Since JP stores twice the number of clearance values than SG and roughly the same number of edges, JP requires on average 1.79 times more memory than SG. Cn*: The JP connection (JP-Connect) times are 1.56 times longer than the SG connection (SF-Connect) times, because, since jump-point graphs do not have diag- onal jump-points, the diagonal scans in JP-Connect terminate only when movement is no longer possible in that direction. In contrast, as discussed in Section 5.3.5, the diagonal scans in SF-Connect terminate at convex corner cells. We have also experimented with storing additional clearance values to scan diag- onals (rows and columns, when connecting the goal vertex to JP) more eciently, as discussed in Section 5.4.1, by \jumping" to those rows and columns that contain subgoals or jump points, for SG and JP, respectively. This modication decreases the average SG connection times from 5.14 to 4.62 microseconds, and the JP con- nection times from 7.99 to 4.95 microseconds, making SG and JP connection times very similar. However, it increases the SG and JP memory requirements by factors of 1.78 and 1.89, respectively, while reducing the SG and JP path query times by factors of only 1.001 and 1.008, respectively. Sr*, Exp*, and Succ*: JP searches explore only locally-diagonal-rst paths on G, since jump-point graphs contain only locally-diagonal-rst paths, as discussed in Section 5.4.3. When we consider the number of vertices and edges in jump-point graphs relative to subgoal graphs, we observe that the average out-degree of vertices is 2.37 times smaller in jump-point graphs compared to subgoal graphs. As a result, JP searches expand 1.41 times fewer vertices, process 4.09 times fewer successors, and are 1.34 times faster than SG searches. These numbers are higher on game and 216 (a) Search tree of SG. (b) Search tree of JP. Figure 5.20: Search trees of SG and JP on (street-256). Edges are colored based on their destination vertices, namely gray (expanded) and green (generated but not expanded). The start and goal vertices are shown as large blue and red circles, respectively. street maps, where jump-point graphs also contain signicantly fewer edges than subgoal graphs due to jump-point graphs avoiding staircase problems, as discussed earlier. For instance, JP searches process 93.16 times fewer successors than SG searches on street maps. Figure 5.20 shows an example. Rf*: The JP renement (JP-Rene) times are 1.08 times shorter than the SG renement (CF-Rene) times on average, and 1.54 times and 1.47 times shorter on game and street maps, respectively. As discussed in Section 5.4.3, JP-Rene and CF-Rene can be considered to be equivalent. As discussed in Section 5.5.4, the CF-renement times are typically shorter when rening paths that consist of shorter sequences of longer edges. Jump-point graph edges are typically longer than subgoal-graph edges, as shown in Figures 5.19d and 5.20b, resulting in CF- renement times being slightly shorter on paths found on jump-point graphs com- pared to those found on subgoal graphs. 217 PQ*: The JP path query times are 1.32 times shorter than the SG path query times on average, since the JP search times are shorter than the SG search times and, as discussed in Section 5.5.4, the SG search times are the dominant factor in the SG path query times (that is, the SG connection times being shorter than the JP connection times does not aect the path query times too much). To summarize, by exploring only locally-diagonal-rst paths, JP searches avoid the staircase problem that negatively aects the SG search times, and run signicantly faster than SG searches on game and street maps, and slightly faster on other types of maps. Although jump-point graphs have more edges than subgoal graphs, they have signicantly fewer edges on game and street maps, but more edges on other types of maps, which will become more relevant in Section 5.5.8 when we compare answering queries using contraction hierarchies constructed on subgoal and jump-point graphs. Since JP scans the grid dierently when connecting goal vertices to jump-point graphs, it stores an additional set of clearance values and therefore requires more memory than SG. 5.5.6 Contraction Hierarchies In this section, we compare CH (answering queries using contraction hierarchies on G) with A* (answering queries using A* searches onG), SG (answering queries using subgoal graphs onG), and CH-GPPC (a variant of CH that does not use a heuristic in its searches, and performs midpoint unpacking instead of 2-pointer unpacking), with respect to their preprocessing and query times, and memory requirements. Recall that contraction hierarchies are constructed by forming hierarchies among the vertices of a graph and adding shortcut edges to ensure that, between every pair of vertices s andt, the hierarchies contain at least one up-down s-t path with length d(s;t) (Section 3.4.2). As a result, contraction hierarchies can be searched for a shortest up-down s-t path with bidirectional searches, where the forward search constructs the upward part of a shortest up-down s-t path and the backward search constructs the downward part. Any vertex that cannot be reached from s with an upward path, or cannot reach t with a downward part is therefore eectively eliminated from these searches (Section 3.4.4). Table 5.5 reports the SG path query times relative to A* (PQ*, also reported in Table 5.3), the CH preprocessing times (PT), the number of edges in contraction hierarchies relative to G (jEj%), the memory required to store these edges (M), the CH search and renement times (Sr and Rf), the CH path query times relative to A* (PQ*), and the CH search and renement times relative to CH-GPPC (Sr* and Rf*). We make the following observations: PT: The CH preprocessing times are signicantly longer than the SG preprocessing times (Table 5.3), by a factor of 7,555 over all maps. CH preprocessing times are the longest on the street-1024 maps, followed by the street-512 and sc maps. These maps are also the largest maps in the MovingAI benchmarks and contain large contiguous regions of unblocked cells, which might be the reason why the CH preprocessing times are longer on these types of maps. jEj%: On average, contraction hierarchies have 2.3% fewer edges than G: Since contraction hierarchies do not have level edges, every edge (u;v) of G becomes 218 A*! A*! CH CH-GPPC SG ! CH PQ PT jEj M Sr Rf PQ Sr Rf * (s) % (MB) (s) (s) * * * all 18.33 105 97.70 12.13 53 19 136.41 2.15 2.32 game-all 39.10 66 92.01 8.28 70 10 64.27 1.44 2.43 maze-all 23.28 33 118.52 17.23 24 33 292.55 0.85 2.25 random-all 2.64 74 110.18 12.98 43 12 100.79 2.23 2.30 room-all 79.19 44 113.59 22.73 44 10 160.29 1.03 2.50 street-all 50.46 528 87.01 29.99 130 17 45.67 5.69 2.62 bg 10.28 1 112.14 0.44 14 2 28.23 1.16 2.42 bg512 56.52 110 89.80 9.76 57 8 36.00 1.99 2.38 dao 24.21 9 101.43 2.40 35 8 55.28 1.09 2.58 da2 25.13 4 107.44 1.67 24 4 37.25 1.00 2.54 sc 41.54 281 90.21 34.52 129 17 79.26 1.17 2.39 wc3-512 79.61 99 91.98 14.39 66 9 40.39 3.06 2.48 maze-1 4.03 0 116.49 3.43 4 38 163.27 0.85 1.90 maze-2 11.32 2 161.10 8.24 6 35 314.06 0.87 2.10 maze-4 43.65 5 152.55 13.57 10 32 443.60 0.86 2.33 maze-8 174.02 19 124.20 20.74 19 32 427.71 0.83 2.53 maze-16 603.72 52 107.19 26.64 45 30 325.52 0.84 2.60 maze-32 1,553.45 119 98.28 30.75 107 22 182.35 0.86 2.53 random-10 3.16 242 95.50 24.50 61 14 33.66 3.94 2.47 random-15 2.80 161 101.11 19.64 75 13 44.55 2.71 2.42 random-20 2.60 75 107.98 15.51 73 13 59.55 2.05 2.38 random-25 2.53 27 116.89 11.99 60 12 84.51 1.66 2.31 random-30 2.53 7 127.45 9.10 41 11 128.97 1.40 2.28 random-35 2.56 2 139.86 6.69 23 10 224.79 1.13 2.21 random-40 2.72 1 150.09 3.41 7 12 323.67 0.89 2.14 room-8 23.91 6 143.29 13.85 29 10 205.01 1.32 2.45 room-16 109.25 18 123.41 20.57 24 9 235.48 1.10 2.57 room-32 371.68 47 107.69 26.28 39 9 182.84 0.94 2.54 room-64 928.87 106 98.41 30.19 82 10 106.11 0.95 2.44 street-256 17.60 28 96.74 5.74 34 4 22.33 3.28 2.39 street-512 33.66 290 88.90 26.29 91 13 33.30 4.54 2.51 street-1024 65.80 2739 84.23 113.82 258 34 54.37 6.52 2.71 Table 5.5: Contraction hierarchies on grid graphs. The CH-GPPC and CH preprocessing times are the same. The CH-GPPC memory requirements are 75% of those of CH. 219 either an upward or a downward edge in the hierarchy. Furthermore, since G is undirected, for every edge (u;v) ofG that becomes an upward edge in the hierarchy, there exists an edge (v;u) ofG that becomes a downward edge. Since CH does not store downward edges (Section 5.5.1), exactly half of the edges of G are present in contraction hierarchies, and the other half are discarded. Our results show that, on average, the number of shortcut edges added to contraction hierarchies is slightly smaller than the number of edges discarded, resulting in contraction hierarchies having a slightly smaller number of edges than G. Similar results have also been observed for contraction hierarchies constructed on road networks (Geisberger et al., 2008). This result holds mainly for game and street maps, but not other types of maps. A discussion for why this is the case is beyond the scope of this dissertation. Compared to subgoal graphs (Table 5.3), contraction hierarchies have 14.06 times more edges on average. M: Since CH uses 16 bytes to store each edge of a contraction hierarchy (4 times higher than SG, as discussed in Section 5.5.1), and since contraction hierarchies on grid graphs have signicantly more edges than subgoal graphs, CH requires 11.89 times more memory on average to store the edges of contraction hierarchies than SG requires to store the edges of subgoal graphs plus the clearance values. Since CH-GPPC uses 12 bytes to store each edge of a contraction hierarchy, it requires 25% less memory than CH (not reported in the table). Sr: The CH search times are short, namely 9.93 times shorter than the SG search times and 186.30 times shorter than the A* search times across all maps. As the corridor width and the room size increases in maze and room maps, respectively, the CH search times increase, similarly to the number of vertices of G and the A* search times (Table 5.2). As the percentage of blocked cells increases in random maps, the CH search times decrease, similarly to the number of vertices of G, but contrary to the A* search times. The increase in the A* search times despite the decrease in the number of vertices of G suggests that the Octile distance heuristic becomes less informed on random maps as the percentage of blocked cells increases. However, as our results suggest, less informed heuristics do not seem to aect the CH search times as much as they aect the A* search times. We now explain why this is the case. 1) Heuristics typically help to avoid expanding vertices that are \far away" from the start and goal vertices: An A* search for a shortest s-t path does not expand vertices n with d(s;n) + h(n;t) > d(s;t). Adding d(n;t) to both sides of this inequality and rearranging the terms, we obtain the equivalent inequality d(s;n) + d(n;t)d(s;t)>d(n;t)h(n;t). Intuitively, the right-hand side of this inequality (d(n;t)h(n;t)) corresponds to how muchh underestimates then-t distance onG. If the underestimation is less than the value of the left-hand side (d(s;n) +d(n;t) d(s;t)), then the A* search is guaranteed to avoid expanding n. As the heuristic becomes more informed, A* searches avoid expanding verticesn with smaller values of d(s;n) +d(n;t)d(s;t), that is, vertices n for which d(s;n) and/or d(n;t) are large. 2) Forward and backward CH searches typically avoid expanding vertices that are \far away" from the start and the goal vertices, respectively: Intuitively, 220 as discussed in Section 2.3.2, CH searches expand vertices that are far away from the start and the goal vertex only if they are \important", that is, if their levels are high. More formally, high-level shortcut edges are typically longer than low- level (shortcut) edges in contraction hierarchies, since high level shortcut edges are formed by combining two lower-level edges and, thus, their lengths are determined as the sum of the two edges. As a result, the successors of expanded vertices are typically further away than the expanded vertex, the higher the level of the expanded vertex. Figure 5.21c shows an example of CH search trees, which we discuss in further detail in Section 5.5.7. Since CH searches \climb upward" in the hierarchy, the branches of CH search trees are typically \sparser" the further away they are from the start (for the forward search) or the goal (for the backward search) vertex. Therefore, the further away a vertex is from the start and the goal, the less likely it is to be expanded by CH searches. Consequently, CH searches benet less from heuristics, since CH searches already avoid expanding most vertices that are far away from the start and the goal, even without the use of a heuristic. Compared to the SG search times, the CH search times are typically shorter across all types of maps, with the following exceptions: On maze maps with large corridor widths and room maps with large room sizes, the SG search times are signicantly shorter, namely by factors of 13.63 and 17.56 on maze-32 and room-64 maps, re- spectively (not reported in the table). On bg-512, wc3-512, and street-1024 maps, the SG search times are slightly shorter, namely by factors of 1.67, 2.17, and 1.20, respectively. As discussed in Section 5.5.4, this can be explained by the fact that all ve types of maps can be considered to be \higher resolution" discretizations of environments, where the SG search times are typically very short. On bg-512, wc3- 512, and street-1024 maps, SG search times are only slightly shorter than the CH search times, since these maps contain staircase patterns, which negatively aect the SG search times. In addition to searches, SG queries also include a connection phase. The results reported above change only slightly when the SG connection times are taken into account, and the SG path query times are shorter than the CH path query times on these ve types of maps. Sr*: The CH search times are 2.15 times shorter than the CH-GPPC search times, since CH searches use the Octile distance heuristic. On street maps, where the Octile distance heuristic can be very informative, CH searches expand or stall 6.48 times fewer vertices than CH-GPPC searches (not reported in Table 5.5), and the CH search times are 5.69 times shorter. On maze maps, where the Octile distance heuristic is not very informative, CH searches expand or stall only 1.02 times fewer vertices than CH-GPPC searches, but the CH search times are 1.18 times longer, due to the overhead of computing the Octile distances. Rf: The CH renement (2-pointer unpacking) times make up 26.78% of the CH path query times on average, and are 2.38 times longer than the SG renement (CF-Rene) times. Recall that 2-pointer unpacking runs in time linear in the num- ber of edges of the resulting path (Section 3.4.4). Therefore, similar to the SG renement times, the CH renement times are highly correlated with the instance path lengths, with a correlation coecient of 0.905. However, 2-pointer unpacking 221 frequently accesses memory to look up the two edges that correspond to a shortcut edge, whereas CF-Rene does not need to access memory (besides the paths found by the SG searches and the resulting paths after renement), since it simply gener- ates freespace-diagonal-rst or freespace-cardinal-rst paths between CF-reachable vertices. Therefore, 2-pointer unpacking is typically slower than CF-Rene. An exception to this rule occurs on random maps, where CF-Rene has to calculate the directions and number of moves along freespace-shortest paths frequently, as discussed in Section 5.5.4. On random-40 maps, CF-Rene is 1.19 times slower than 2-pointer unpacking. On all other types of maps, CF-Rene is faster. Rf*: The CH renement (2-pointer unpacking) times are 2.32 times shorter than the CH-GPPC renement (midpoint unpacking) times, since midpoint unpacking performs the same sequence of look-ups as 2-pointer unpacking, but also has to scan the incident edges of vertices to nd the corresponding two edges. The ratios of the CH renement times to the CH-GPPC renement times are similar across the dierent types of maps. PQ*: The CH path query times are on average 2.20 times shorter than the CH- GPPC path query times, since the CH search and renement times are shorter than the CH-GPPC search and renement times, respectively. The CH path query times are 136.41 times shorter than the A* search times across all maps, and 7.44 times shorter than the SG path query times. The relative path query times of CH and SG across the dierent types of maps depend on their relative search and renement times, as well as the SG connection times. We discuss the CH and SG path query times in more detail in Section 5.5.7, when we construct contraction hierarchies on subgoal graphs. To summarize, CH has shorter path query times than SG, especially on random maps, but longer preprocessing times, higher memory requirements, and longer renement times. On grids with \higher resolutions", the SG path query times are typically shorter than the CH path query times, but less so when staircase patterns are present. On random maps, the SG path query times are long, and the CH path query times are signicantly shorter. In this sense, SG and CH seem to have complementary strengths, which we explore in more detail in Section 5.5.7. Furthermore, the SG renement times are typically much shorter than the CH renement times, and SG uses less memory to store each edge, which we aim to exploit in Sections 5.5.9 and 5.5.10 when we augment CH with reachability relations. 5.5.7 Contraction Hierarchies on Subgoal Graphs In this section, we compare CH-SG (answering queries using contraction hierarchies on subgoal graphs) to CH and SG with respect to their preprocessing and query times, and memory requirements. Recall that CH-SG performs connection using SF-Connect, similar to SG; performs search using bidirectional A* searches, similar to CH; and performs renement rst by using 2-pointer unpacking, similar to CH, to rene the path found on the contraction hierarchy to a path on the subgoal graph, and then by using CF-Rene, 222 similar to SG, to rene it into a path on G. Furthermore, CH-SG stores clearance values in the four cardinal directions, similar to SG; and stores each edge using 16 bytes, similar to CH. Table 5.5 reports the CH-SG preprocessing times (PT*) relative to CH, the number of edges of contraction hierarchies on subgoal graphs (jEj%) relative to subgoal graphs and contraction hierarchies on G, respectively, and the CH-SG memory requirements (M*), distance query times (DQ*, that is, connection plus search times), renement times (Rf*), and path query times (PQ*), all relative to SG and CH, respectively. We make the following observations: PT*: The CH-SG preprocessing times are shorter than the CH preprocessing times on all types of maps except for the street-512, street-1024, random-10, and random- 15 maps. The CH-SG preprocessing times are signicantly shorter than the CH preprocessing times on maze maps (by a factor of 700 on all maze maps and up to a factor of 8,669 on the maze-32 maps), room maps (by a factor of 138 on all room maps and up to a factor of 7,417 on room-64 maps), and game maps (by a factor of 5 on all game maps and up to factors of 143 and 78 on the bg-512 and wc3-512 maps, respectively). The types of maps for which the CH-SG preprocessing times are signicantly shorter than the CH preprocessing times correspond to the types of maps that are scaled-up, as discussed in Section 5.5.4, except for the street maps. The scaling on street maps also introduces additional staircase subgoals and edges, unlike the scaling on game, maze, and room maps. Therefore, as the grid resolution of street maps increases, the average number of neighbors per subgoal increases, and contracting each subgoal requires many more witness searches. This issue can be addressed by avoiding witness searches between those pairs of neighbors whose corresponding edges form \non-taut" paths. Whether two edges incident to a subgoal form a taut path can easily be determined in constant time simply by checking the directions of the edges and the direction of the corner that introduced the subgoal. Our implementation does not have this optimization and, as a result, performs poorly on street maps. Since the CH preprocessing times are already long on street maps and the CH-SG preprocessing times are longer, the CH-SG preprocessing times appear to be longer than the CH preprocessing times across all maps. jEj%: Contraction hierarchies on subgoal graphs have 8.28% fewer edges than subgoal graphs across all maps, similar to contraction hierarchies on G, which have 2.3% fewer edges than G, as reported in Section 5.5.6. Contraction hierarchies on subgoal graphs, on average, have 93.48% fewer edges than contraction hierarchies onG, since they are constructed on subgoal graphs, which have, on average, 92.72% fewer edges than G (Table 5.3). jMj%: Since CH-SG stores 92.72% fewer edges than CH, it requires less memory than CH, by a factor of 7.63 on average, despite its additional memory overhead for storing clearance values. Although CH-SG stores each edge using four times more memory than SG, it requires only 1.56 times more memory than SG, since the memory required to store clearance values is higher than the memory required 223 SG! CH-SG CH! CH-SG jEj% M* DQ* Rf* PQ* PT* jEj% M* DQ* Rf* PQ* all 91.72 0.64 30.54 0.63 18.37 0.82 6.52 7.63 3.05 1.62 2.47 game-all 56.84 0.89 6.34 0.49 5.29 5.07 2.25 9.41 3.43 2.25 3.22 maze-all 78.16 0.83 126.83 0.70 26.90 700.23 1.90 12.86 4.38 1.55 2.14 random-all 119.55 0.32 49.94 0.50 36.04 0.95 46.64 1.84 1.03 0.72 0.94 room-all 126.31 0.83 8.13 0.48 6.05 138.39 1.16 17.90 3.38 1.94 2.99 street-all 54.82 0.77 3.79 0.43 3.44 0.43 2.67 15.62 3.75 4.19 3.80 bg 60.72 0.73 4.34 0.42 3.41 3.48 9.11 4.00 1.41 0.71 1.24 bg512 58.08 0.96 3.07 0.46 2.58 143.39 0.74 9.04 4.39 2.59 4.04 dao 59.94 0.90 6.14 0.51 4.83 6.92 3.81 3.93 2.27 1.60 2.11 da2 58.57 0.95 3.74 0.48 2.91 13.58 3.05 2.65 2.22 1.22 1.96 sc 55.60 0.81 7.85 0.50 6.79 3.25 2.55 13.33 3.68 2.82 3.56 wc3-512 59.78 0.94 2.64 0.44 2.24 78.57 0.86 12.73 4.77 2.78 4.41 maze-1 85.02 0.66 366.85 0.69 39.66 3.95 27.34 1.76 0.92 0.99 0.98 maze-2 75.58 0.74 197.58 0.69 33.04 18.39 8.01 4.93 1.12 1.20 1.19 maze-4 68.30 0.87 69.36 0.71 17.40 117.21 1.90 10.69 1.61 1.75 1.71 maze-8 68.31 0.95 20.78 0.74 7.21 810.40 0.38 19.03 3.39 2.71 2.93 maze-16 67.73 0.99 6.07 0.72 3.03 3,280.81 0.09 25.86 7.84 3.94 5.63 maze-32 65.96 1.00 1.96 0.64 1.39 8,669.57 0.02 30.45 17.20 4.78 11.86 random-10 140.83 0.25 13.35 0.37 11.27 0.90 40.66 2.23 1.03 1.20 1.06 random-15 135.89 0.26 19.51 0.38 16.48 0.95 47.80 1.89 1.04 0.99 1.03 random-20 126.35 0.29 27.86 0.40 23.10 1.02 50.81 1.74 1.04 0.86 1.01 random-25 114.22 0.33 41.73 0.43 33.03 1.12 51.01 1.68 1.05 0.77 0.99 random-30 100.99 0.39 65.71 0.47 47.44 1.30 49.30 1.66 1.03 0.68 0.93 random-35 87.24 0.46 126.69 0.52 73.68 1.93 45.98 1.64 1.01 0.60 0.84 random-40 76.91 0.60 286.93 0.62 74.15 2.98 42.84 1.38 0.91 0.52 0.62 room-8 128.73 0.64 14.34 0.52 10.84 6.00 5.82 7.65 1.27 1.26 1.26 room-16 122.39 0.87 5.35 0.48 3.98 115.91 0.96 17.00 1.89 1.74 1.85 room-32 111.45 0.97 2.26 0.44 1.73 1,538.68 0.17 25.03 4.02 2.29 3.51 room-64 92.55 0.99 1.31 0.45 1.06 7,417.83 0.03 29.60 11.63 3.54 9.28 street-256 59.51 0.72 3.02 0.39 2.58 2.13 4.26 11.48 2.17 1.35 2.03 street-512 55.44 0.75 3.62 0.43 3.23 0.77 3.09 14.45 3.26 3.32 3.27 street-1024 52.98 0.80 4.07 0.45 3.76 0.37 2.15 17.62 4.40 6.30 4.56 Table 5.6: Contraction hierarchies on subgoal graphs. 224 to store edges, as reported in Section 5.5.4, and, to a lesser extent, since CH-SG stores 8.28% fewer edges than SG. DQ* vs. SG: The CH-SG distance query (connection plus search) times are 30.54 times shorter than the SG distance query times on average. The factor of improvement is lowest on maze maps with large corridor widths and room maps with large room sizes, where SG already achieves large speed-up over A* searches, and highest on maze maps with small corridor widths and random maps with high percentages of blocked cells, where SG achieves small speed-ups over A*. The factor of improvement is relatively small on game and street maps, which we think is due to the staircase patterns that appear frequently on these types of maps, as we explain below. Figure 5.21a shows an example of a SG search tree (the gure only shows the par- ents of vertices in the search tree, and not all successors considered per expansion). SG expands many staircase subgoals and uses many staircase edges to generate suc- cessors that cannot appear on any shortest path between the start and goal vertices (the staircase problem). CH-SG mitigates the staircase problem to some degree, by assigning lower levels to staircase subgoals and thus removing them from considera- tion as successors for higher-level vertices. However, CH-SG still connects the start and goal vertices to staircase subgoals, generates staircase subgoals as successors when the start and goal vertices are expanded, and eventually can expand staircase subgoals, which might generate more staircase subgoals as successors (although, only the ones with lower levels). Figure 5.21b shows an example of a CH-SG search tree. Most of the expanded or generated vertices are staircase subgoals to which the start or goal vertices are connected. The following statistics (not reported in the table) support this explanation: On game maps, CH-SG connects the start and goal vertices to a total of 57.60 subgoals, and expands or stalls 81.9 vertices. On street maps, CH-SG connects the start and goal vertices to a total of 125.72 subgoals, and expands or stalls 81.08 vertices. That is, on game and street maps, the number of subgoals to which the start or goal vertices are connected are comparable to the number vertices expanded or stalled by CH-SG. On maze, random, and room maps, CH-SG connects the start and goal vertices to only 4.78, 7.69, and 5.81 subgoals, respectively, and expands or stalls 26.72, 126.84, and 49.15 vertices. That is, on maze, random, and room maps, the number of subgoals to which the start or goal vertices are connected is signicantly smaller than the number vertices expanded or stalled by CH-SG searches. DQ* vs. CH: The CH-SG distance query times are 3.05 times shorter than the CH distance query times on average, and shorter across all types of maps except for the random-10 and maze-1 maps, where they are 1.09 times longer. There are two competing factors that determine whether the CH-SG distance query times are shorter than the CH distance query times. Namely, the CH-SG search times relative to the CH search times, and the CH-SG connection times: The CH-SG search times are typically shorter than the CH search times since contraction hierarchies 225 (a) The search tree of SG. The start and goal vertices are connected to many subgoals along staircases, whose expansions also generate many successors along staircases. (b) The search trees of CH-SG. The start and goal vertices are connected to many subgoals along staircases, whose expansions typically do not generate many successors along staircases. (c) The search trees of CH. Most vertices are generated and expanded or stalled in freespace, which is avoided by CH-SG. In this example, CH expands or stalls4.5 times more vertices than CH-SG. Figure 5.21: The search trees of SG, CH, and CH-SG on (street-256). For CH and CH-SG, the search trees in both the forward and backward searches are shown. The edges are colored based on their destination vertices, namely gray (expanded), green (generated but not expanded), and red (stalled). 226 constructed on subgoal graphs are typically smaller than contraction hierarchies constructed on G. However, in order for the CH-SG distance query times to be shorter than the CH distance query times, the CH-SG connection times should not exceed the dierence between the CH and CH-SG search times. On the maze-1 and random-40 maps, where the SG search times are only slightly shorter than the A* search times, the CH-SG search times are also only slightly shorter than the CH search times (not reported in the table), and the dierence in the CH-SG and CH search times is shorter than CH-SG connection times, resulting in the CH-SG distance query times being longer than the CH distance query times. The factor of improvement of the distance query times for switching from CH to CH-SG is the highest on the scaled-up maps, that is, the wc-512 maps, the bg-512 maps, the maze maps with large corridor widths, the room maps with large room sizes, and the street maps with large grid resolutions. As discussed in Section 5.5.6, CH searches are more likely to expand vertices that are \close" to the start or goal vertices. CH-SG can avoid most of these expansions since it typically connects the start and goal vertices directly to \far away" subgoals. Since scaled-up maps typically contain large contiguous regions of unblocked cells, CH-SG can connect the start and goal vertices to subgoals that are farther away than on other types of maps. Figures 5.21b and 5.21c show an example, where, despite the staircase problem, CH-SG expands or stalls 4.5 times fewer vertices than CH. Rf* vs. SG: The CH-SG renement times are strictly longer than the SG re- nement times, by a factor of 1.59 on average, since both CH-SG and SG rene paths on subgoal graphs into paths on grids, but CH-SG rst has to rene paths on contraction hierarchies into paths on subgoal graphs. Rf* vs. CH: The CH-SG renement times are 1.62 times longer than the CH renement times on average, but shorter on random maps. Recall that (2-pointer) unpacking a path on a contraction hierarchy recursively replaces shortcut edges on with two (shortcut) edges until a path on G is generated. CH-SG renement diers from unpacking by using CF-Rene for edges of subgoal graphs. As discussed in Section 5.5.6, CF-Rene is typically faster than 2-pointer unpacking when ren- ing long edges, but may be slower when rening short edges. Therefore, CH-SG renement is typically faster than CH renement, except on random maps where subgoal graph edges are typically short. PQ*: Since both the CH-SG distance query and renement times are shorter than the CH distance query and renement times, respectively, their sums, the CH-SG path query times, are also shorter than the CH path query times, by a factor of 2.47 on average. Since the CH-SG distance query times are signicantly shorter than the SG distance query times and the CH-SG renement times are only slightly longer than the SG renement times, the CH-SG path query times are shorter than the SG path query times, by a factor of 18.37 on average. To summarize, compared to CH, CH-SG typically has shorter path query times and lower memory requirements, since CH-SG stores and searches smaller hierarchies, and 227 since it arguably pays only a small \cost" for using smaller hierarchies, by using ecient connection and renement algorithms that exploit the freespace structure of grid graphs. Compared to SG, CH-SG has shorter path query times but higher memory requirements, since using a contraction hierarchy allows searches to ignore more vertices (in addition to the non-subgoal vertices ignored by SG), and since CH-SG uses more memory to store each edge. 5.5.8 Contraction Hierarchies on Jump-Point Graphs In this section, we compare CH-JP (answering queries using contraction hierarchies on jump-point graphs) to CH-SG (answering queries using contraction hierarchies on subgoal graphs) with respect to their preprocessing and query times, and memory requirements. We have remarked in Section 5.4.3 that constructing an explicit graph of jump-points, namely the jump-point graph, allows for the combination of jump-point search with other orthogonal techniques, such as contraction hierarchies. We now point out a drawback of the straightforward way of combining these two techniques, and discuss how our imple- mentation addresses this drawback. Figure 5.22: Shortest paths on jump-point graphs are not necessarily shortest paths on G. Contraction hierarchies constructed on jump-point graphs preserve these paths, which can be considered to be redundant when answering queries on G. Consider the example shown in Figure 5.22. The only locally-diagonal-rst path from (C3, Right) to (D9, Up) on the jump-point graph (shown as a solid line) does not correspond to a shortest path on G. That is, the (C3, Right)-(D9-Up) distance on the jump-point graph is not equal to the C3-D9 distance on G. When constructing a contraction hierarchy on the jump-point graph, if (F9, Right) is contracted before (C3, Right) and (D9, Up), the shortcut edge ((C3, Right), (D9, Up)) would be introduced to preserve the (C3, Right)-(D9-Up) distance on the jump-point graph. However, since this edge does not correspond to a shortest path on G, it cannot be used for nding shortest paths onG and is therefore redundant. We have observed in our preliminary experiments that the straightforward way of combining contraction hierarchies and jump-point graphs resulted in very long preprocessing times (more than several hours) on random maps, due to redundant edges resulting in more witness searches during contractions. 228 One method of addressing this problem is to avoid adding shortcut edges whose lengths do not represent distances on G. However, this requires determining distances on G to check whether each shortcut edge is redundant, which can also result in long prepro- cessing times. Our current implementation of CH-JP instead performs the following, approximate, check to determine whether a shortcut edge ((n 1 ;~ c 1 ); (n 2 ;~ c 2 )) is redundant: It performs a search on the jump-point graph, treating all jump points at cell n 1 as start vertices and all jump points at cell n 2 as goal vertices, in order to determine an upper bound on then 1 -n 2 distance onG (to determine the exact n 1 -n 2 distance, all pairings of n 1 andn 2 with the eight directions need to be considered). It avoids adding the shortcut edge ((n 1 ;~ c 1 ); (n 2 ;~ c 2 )) if its length is greater than this bound. For instance, in the exam- ple in Figure 5.22, it nds that the length of the path from (C3, Right) to (D9, Right) is smaller than the length of the shortcut edge ((C3,Right),(C9,Up)), and therefore avoids adding ((C3,Right),(C9,Up)) as a shortcut edge. Our preliminary experiments on a 400 400 grid with 33% blocked cells showed that, without the elimination of redundant edges, contraction hierarchies on jump-point graphs have 475,401 shortcut edges, of which 121,890 (25.6%) are redundant. Our approximate method of eliminating redundant edges eliminate all but 19,456 of these redundant edges, reducing the CH-JP path query times by a factor of 1.42 and the preprocessing times by a factor of 2.06 (since fewer witness searches need to be performed). Eliminating all redundant edges further reduces the CH-JP path query times by a factor of 1.07, but increases the preprocessing times by a factor of 3.31 (due to the more expensive checks needed to determine whether each shortcut is redundant). In our experiments, we use the approximate method of eliminating redundant edges, whose preprocessing times are still high on random maps (1 hour on average, and up to4.5 hours on the random10 maps). Table 5.5 reports the CH-JP preprocessing, connection, search, renement, and path query times relative to CH-SG (PT*, Cn*, Sr*, Rf*, and PQ*), the number of edges of contraction hierarchies on jump-point graphs relative to contraction hierarchies on subgoal graphs (jEj%), the CH-JP memory requirements relative to CH-SG (M*), and the number of vertices expanded and successors evaluated by CH-JP searches relative to CH-SG searches (Exp* and Succ*). We make the following observations: PT*: As discussed in Section 5.5.5, jump-point graphs have signicantly fewer edges than subgoal graphs on game and street maps. As a result, the construction of contraction hierarchies on jump-point graphs requires signicantly fewer wit- ness searches and, thus, runs 8.04 and 23.82 times faster than the construction of contraction hierarchies on subgoal graphs on game and street maps, respectively. The opposite case happens on maze, random, and room maps, since jump-point graphs typically have more edges than subgoal graphs on these types of maps. The CH-JP preprocessing times are 45.30 times longer than the CH-SG preprocessing times on random maps, despite the technique discussed above that we use to reduce preprocessing times. jEj%: The number of edges of contraction hierarchies on jump-point graphs is smaller than the number of edges of contraction hierarchies on subgoal graphs on 229 CH-SG! CH-JP PT jEj% M* Exp* Succ* Sr* PQ* all 0.39 133.35 0.43 1.17 1.57 0.79 0.83 game-all 8.04 45.80 0.56 2.19 6.25 2.15 1.28 maze-all 0.33 104.36 0.50 1.01 1.66 0.92 0.89 random-all 0.02 169.85 0.31 0.51 0.48 0.35 0.43 room-all 0.14 123.54 0.48 0.70 0.76 0.57 0.67 street-all 23.82 23.24 0.74 3.54 12.48 3.49 1.26 bg 3.34 40.36 0.69 2.20 5.24 2.17 1.34 bg-512 8.25 31.75 0.52 2.39 6.35 2.41 1.20 dao 2.13 51.57 0.54 1.63 3.50 1.58 1.19 da2 8.84 42.81 0.52 2.06 5.57 2.13 1.26 sc 8.97 45.71 0.61 2.54 8.29 2.48 1.39 wc3-512 3.02 54.08 0.53 1.73 3.09 1.57 0.97 maze-1 0.23 128.72 0.44 0.79 1.11 0.59 0.80 maze-2 0.36 87.26 0.53 1.01 1.68 0.95 0.93 maze-4 0.50 72.43 0.53 1.11 1.90 1.11 1.08 maze-8 0.50 73.21 0.51 1.13 1.97 1.16 1.02 maze-16 0.47 72.96 0.50 1.18 2.08 1.22 0.91 maze-32 0.46 73.40 0.50 1.23 2.10 1.23 0.73 random-10 0.02 209.66 0.25 0.44 0.36 0.29 0.34 random-15 0.03 184.26 0.28 0.45 0.41 0.31 0.36 random-20 0.04 163.52 0.32 0.47 0.47 0.33 0.38 random-25 0.07 147.94 0.35 0.51 0.56 0.37 0.43 random-30 0.09 136.60 0.38 0.55 0.64 0.41 0.50 random-35 0.10 127.73 0.41 0.60 0.77 0.48 0.62 random-40 0.21 122.37 0.44 0.67 0.89 0.55 0.87 room-8 0.13 126.08 0.45 0.61 0.67 0.49 0.59 room-16 0.23 116.84 0.49 0.75 0.86 0.61 0.70 room-32 0.39 110.15 0.50 0.86 1.05 0.81 0.82 room-64 0.45 108.05 0.50 1.01 1.26 0.93 0.73 street-256 4.76 42.75 0.69 2.07 3.89 1.84 1.18 street-512 13.67 26.18 0.75 3.04 8.11 2.79 1.25 street-1024 27.53 14.45 0.74 5.30 24.75 5.45 1.29 Table 5.7: Contraction hierarchies on jump-point graphs. 230 Figure 5.23: Symmetric paths on jump-point graphs with dierent topologies. Contrac- tion hierarchies constructed on jump-point graphs might need to preserve all such paths to guarantee the nding of shortest paths on G. game and street maps, but greater on maze, random, and room maps. These results are similar to the relative numbers of edges of subgoal graphs and jump-point graphs discussed in Section 5.5.5. M*: CH-JP requires 2.33 times more memory than CH-SG on average, since it stores two sets of clearance values, stores more edges than CH-SG, and cannot avoid storing \reversed downward edges" (since, as discussed in Section 5.5.1, contraction hierarchies on jump-point graphs are directed graphs and their reversed downward edges are not equivalent to their upward edges). Sr*, Exp*, and Succ*: The CH-JP search times are 2.15 times and 3.49 times shorter than the CH-SG search times on game and street maps, respectively, but 1.09, 2.88, and 1.75 times longer on maze, random, and room maps. That is, unlike the JP search times which are always shorter than the SG search times, the CH-JP search times are not always shorter than the CH-SG search times and, even when they are, the ratio of them is smaller than the ratio of the JP and SG search times. Similar trends hold for the number of expanded vertices and processed successors. Although we do not have a complete explanation for why this is the case, we suspect that the following factors contribute to these results: 1. As discussed in Section 5.5.5, each convex corner cell typically contains between two to four jump points, but exactly one subgoal. Unlike JP searches, CH-JP searches do not \group together" jump-points that share the same cell, and might expand each of them separately. We have experimented with a version of CH-JP that prunes jump points with provably suboptimal g-values based on theg-values of other jump-points at the same cell. However, this approach slightly increased the CH-JP search times due to the overhead of performing this check, which typically prunes only one or two jump-points from the search. We suspect that stall-on-demand already prunes most of these jump points from the search. 231 2. As discussed earlier in this section, contraction hierarchies on jump-point graphs may include redundant edges that correspond to suboptimal paths on G. We suspect that a similar problem occurs where contraction hierarchies on jump-point graphs preserve multiple shortest paths with dierent topologies between two cells, as shown in Figure 5.23. However, we do not think that these paths can be considered to be redundant: For instance, if the red path in Figure 5.23 is not preserved and the start vertex is connected to the red jump point at B2 but not the green one, then it might not be possible to nd a shortest path from the start vertex to F8. We reiterate that our preprocessing eliminates most of the redundant (suboptimal) edges from contraction hierar- chies on jump-point graphs, and that our preliminary results show that even if all redundant edges are eliminated, the CH-JP search times are still longer than CH-SG search times on random and room maps. 3. Although CH-JP searches expand fewer vertices and process fewer successors than CH-SG searches on maze maps, CH-JP search times are longer than CH-SG search times on maze maps. We suspect that this is due to CH-SG maintaining smaller data structures that account for a smaller set of vertices (subgoals, as opposed to jump points) and edges (since CH-SG discards \re- versed downward edges", unlike CH-JP). As a result, cache misses might be less frequent during CH-SG searches compared to CH-JP searches. PQ*: The relative path query times of CH-JP and CH-SG mirror the relative search times of CH-JP and CH-SG. The CH-JP path query times are shorter than the CH-SG path query times on game and street maps, but 1.20 times longer across all maps. We have also experimented with versions of CH-SG and CH-JP that store additional clearance values to speed up their connection phases, which reduce the CH-SG path query times by a factor of 1.02 and the CH-JP path query times by a factor of 1.09, resulting in CH-JP path query times being only 1.11 times longer than the CH-SG path query times across all maps. To summarize, CH-JP addresses the staircase problem of CH-SG discussed in Sec- tion 5.5.7, and therefore has shorter preprocessing and path query times on game and street maps, but higher memory requirements. However, across all maps, CH-JP has longer preprocessing and query times than CH-SG, and higher memory requirements. We do not clearly understand why the CH-JP path query times are longer than the CH- SG path query times even though the JP path query times are shorter than the SG path query times, but suspect that having multiple copies of vertices that represent dierent incoming directions to cells results in contraction hierarchies on jump-point graphs hav- ing to preserve shortest paths between more pairs of vertices compared to contraction hierarchies on subgoal graphs. We have identied one such problem where contraction hierarchies on jump-point graphs preserve paths that are shortest paths on jump-point graphs but not on G. However, addressing this problem did not signicantly change the results. 232 5.5.9 R-Rening R-Reachable Shortcut Edges In this section, we compare CH+Rr (answering queries using contraction hierarchies and an R-rene algorithm) and CH-SG+Rr (answering queries using contraction hierarchies on subgoal graphs and an R-rene algorithm) with CH and CH-SG, respectively, with respect to their query times, for R = CF and R = F. Recall that, during preprocessing, CH+Rr and CH-SG+Rr markR-reachable shortcut edges in contraction hierarchies and, during 2-pointer unpacking, use an R-rene algorithm to rene R-reachable shortcut edges. The main idea behind CH+Rr and CH-SG+Rr is to capitalize on the ecient renement algorithms on grid graphs to try and improve CH and CH-SG renement times, without increasing their memory requirements. Table 5.8 reports the percentage of shortcut edges that areR-reachable in contraction hierarchies (R%), and the CH+Rr renement and path query times (Rf* and PQ*) relative to CH, forR = CF andR = F. It also reports the same statistics for CH-SG+Rr relative to CH-SG. Since marking R-reachable edges during preprocessing requires little time, the preprocessing times are not reported. Since marking R-reachable edges does not require extra memory, the memory requirements are not reported either. We make the following observations: CH ! CH+CFr: The CH+CFr renement times are 1.48 times shorter than the CH renement times on average, but longer on maze maps with small corri- dor widths and random maps with large percentages of blocked cells. As discussed in Section 5.5.6, CF-Rene is typically faster than 2-pointer unpacking, especially when rening long edges. Therefore, the CH+CFr renement times are typically shorter than the CH renement times. However, CF-reachable edges are typi- cally short on maze maps with small corridor widths and random maps with large percentages of blocked cells. Therefore, on these types of maps, the CH+CFr re- nement times are longer than the CH renement times. A signicant percentage, on average 95.54%, of shortcut edges of contraction hierarchies are CF-reachable, which means that CF-Rene is used frequently during renement. This percentage is lower (at 55.00%) on random maps, and decreases as the percentage of blocked cells increases, due to the random pattern discussed in Section 5.5.4. Since the CH+CFr renement times are shorter than the CH renement times, the CH+CFr path query times are also shorter than the CH path query times. CH ! CH+Fr: The CH+Fr renement times are 1.19 times longer than the CH renement times on average. Recall that F-Rene, similar to CF-Rene, rst calculates the directions and the number of diagonal and cardinal moves along the freespace-shortest paths between two vertices. However, unlike CF-Rene, which simply orders these moves according to a canonical ordering, F-Rene performs a depth-rst search to nd an ordering of these moves that corresponds to an un- blocked freespace-shortest path on G. If the freespace-diagonal-rst path between two F-reachable vertices is unblocked, the depth-rst search of F-Rene simply generates this path, without backtracking (this is due to our implementation of the depth-rst search, which generates successors using diagonal moves rst). However, even if this is the case, F-Rene still has to verify that this path is unblocked on the 233 CH! CH+Rr CH-SG! CH-SG+Rr R = CF R = F R = CF R = F R% Rf* PQ* R% Rf* PQ* R% Rf* PQ* R% Rf* PQ* all 95.54 1.48 1.10 96.81 0.84 0.95 31.16 1.11 1.04 49.91 0.56 0.76 game-all 99.74 4.51 1.11 99.92 1.70 1.05 71.01 1.28 1.04 91.00 0.64 0.91 maze-all 97.09 1.16 1.09 97.35 0.68 0.79 10.40 1.04 1.03 12.46 0.51 0.57 random-all 55.00 1.04 1.01 67.61 0.77 0.94 29.34 1.26 1.06 48.66 0.86 0.96 room-all 97.82 2.09 1.10 98.45 1.15 1.02 19.80 1.10 1.03 32.05 0.58 0.84 street-all 99.82 8.98 1.12 99.93 2.94 1.08 70.85 1.27 1.02 90.83 0.60 0.93 bg 98.89 1.81 1.06 99.49 0.88 0.98 75.92 1.24 1.05 89.59 0.84 0.96 bg-512 99.86 4.55 1.11 99.96 1.61 1.05 68.64 1.17 1.03 89.09 0.58 0.88 dao 99.33 3.16 1.14 99.75 1.32 1.04 69.59 1.29 1.06 89.12 0.70 0.91 da2 99.50 2.60 1.11 99.81 1.12 1.02 73.57 1.20 1.04 89.75 0.69 0.90 sc 99.78 5.79 1.11 99.93 2.00 1.06 71.52 1.36 1.04 92.51 0.62 0.92 wc3-512 99.73 5.20 1.10 99.93 2.01 1.06 65.61 1.11 1.02 87.00 0.57 0.88 maze-1 50.62 0.72 0.74 50.62 0.47 0.49 4.23 1.02 1.02 4.23 0.54 0.56 maze-2 79.39 0.86 0.88 80.38 0.52 0.56 14.56 1.04 1.03 14.56 0.54 0.59 maze-4 96.86 1.46 1.32 98.26 0.81 0.85 25.08 1.09 1.07 39.84 0.54 0.61 maze-8 99.37 2.12 1.49 99.73 1.06 1.04 25.40 1.08 1.06 40.80 0.46 0.55 maze-16 99.79 2.98 1.36 99.91 1.29 1.10 27.11 1.05 1.03 41.94 0.38 0.52 maze-32 99.94 4.60 1.16 99.98 1.49 1.06 28.57 1.03 1.01 43.96 0.36 0.57 random-10 65.45 1.67 1.08 81.50 1.27 1.04 33.44 1.44 1.05 63.11 0.93 0.99 random-15 55.41 1.34 1.04 69.65 1.17 1.02 29.37 1.40 1.05 51.07 1.06 1.01 random-20 49.26 1.15 1.02 60.61 0.99 1.00 27.25 1.32 1.04 42.97 1.02 1.00 random-25 46.14 1.04 1.01 55.40 0.83 0.97 26.40 1.28 1.05 38.74 0.95 0.99 random-30 45.34 0.97 0.99 53.09 0.73 0.93 26.74 1.25 1.06 37.00 0.89 0.97 random-35 46.96 0.90 0.97 53.54 0.64 0.85 28.32 1.22 1.08 37.47 0.83 0.92 random-40 49.52 0.81 0.87 55.19 0.52 0.64 30.86 1.18 1.13 39.41 0.74 0.79 room-8 85.00 1.27 1.06 88.90 0.86 0.96 19.84 1.13 1.03 31.83 0.68 0.89 room-16 97.59 1.85 1.14 98.40 1.08 1.02 19.65 1.08 1.02 32.08 0.59 0.84 room-32 99.52 2.70 1.14 99.72 1.29 1.04 19.63 1.12 1.03 34.80 0.54 0.80 room-64 99.88 4.13 1.09 99.93 1.56 1.04 22.04 1.03 1.01 42.45 0.45 0.74 street-256 99.32 3.15 1.08 99.69 1.43 1.03 64.50 1.15 1.02 85.61 0.74 0.94 street-512 99.76 7.00 1.12 99.90 2.54 1.08 69.57 1.23 1.02 90.61 0.63 0.93 street-1024 99.93 13.25 1.12 99.98 3.60 1.09 78.53 1.38 1.02 95.64 0.53 0.93 Table 5.8: R-rening R-reachable edges of contraction hierarchies. 234 grid graph because, dierent from CF-reachable vertices, the freespace-diagonal-rst or freespace-cardinal-rst path between two F-reachable vertices is not necessarily unblocked. That is, F-Rene is slower than CF-Rene even if its depth-rst search does not backtrack, since it needs to access memory to determine whether certain paths are unblocked on G. As a result of this overhead (memory access and pos- sible backtracking), unlike CF-Rene, F-Rene is typically slower than 2-pointer unpacking and, therefore, the CH+Fr renement times are typically longer than the CH renement times. An exception to this trend occurs on scaled-up maps and most game maps, since these maps typically contain large contiguous regions of unblocked cells and, therefore, the freespace-diagonal-rst paths that correspond to F-reachable edges are typically unblocked. CH-SG ! CH-SG+CFr: The CH-SG+CFr renement times are 1.11 times shorter than the CH-SG renement times on average, and consistently shorter on each type of map. The improvement factor of the renement times for using CH-SG+CFr over CH-SG (1.11) is smaller than it is for using CH+CFr over CH (1.48), since, as discussed in Section 5.5.7, the CH-SG renement times are already shorter than the CH renement times. However, unlike the CH+CFr renement times compared to the CH renement times, the CH-SG+CFr renement times are consistently shorter than the CH-SG renement times, across all benchmarks. This is due to the following reason. Since shortcut edges in contraction hierarchies on subgoal graphs (and also onG) are formed by combining two (shortcut) edges, they are typically longer than the edges of subgoal graphs. Therefore, the (shortcut) edges rened by CF-Rene during the CH-SG+CFr renement are typically longer than the edges rened by CF-Rene during the CH-SG renement. That is, the overhead of calculating the directions and number of diagonal and cardinal moves along freespace-shortest paths are incurred less frequently during the CH-SG+CFr renement than the CH-SG renement and, therefore, the CH-SG+CFr renement times are consistently shorter than the CH-SG renement times. CH-SG! CH-SG+Fr: CH-SG+Fr renement is 1.78 times slower than CH-SG renement on average. As discussed earlier, this is due to 2-pointer unpacking typ- ically being faster than F-Rene, and also due to CH-SG renement being already fast. To summarize, marking shortcut edges for R-renement has no downsides if R- renement can be performed faster than 2-pointer unpacking. This idea can be improved in several ways: 1) Marking only those edges for R-renement where R-renement runs faster than 2-pointer unpacking would guarantee that there is no deterioration in re- nement times (such as the CH+CFr renement times on the random-40 and maze-1 maps). 2) Using several reachability relations and marking shortcut edges accordingly could help with rening more edges using ecient renement procedures. For instance, vertices between which the freespace-diagonal-rst path is unblocked and between which the freespace-cardinal-rst path is unblocked can be marked separately, and rened using CF-Rene accordingly. 3) The bits that are no longer used for storing 2-pointer unpacking information could be utilized to store additional information that can be used to rene 235 the edges. For instance, the directions and number of moves along freespace-shortest paths can be stored (instead of computed during renement). 4) Storing the R-reachable and non-R-reachable shortcut edges in hierarchies separately could allow for the storage ofR-reachable edges using less memory (for instance, with 4 bytes for CF- or F-reachable edges rather than 16 bytes). 5.5.10 R Contraction Hierarchies In this section, we compareR-CH (answering queries usingR contraction hierarchies) and R-CH-SG (answering queries usingR contraction hierarchies on subgoal graphs) with CH and CH-SG, respectively, with respect to their query times and memory requirements, for R = CF and R = F. Recall that R contraction hierarchies are constructed simi- larly to contraction hierarchies, except that no vertex is contracted whose contraction introduces a shortcut edge that is not R-reachable. Therefore, R contraction hierarchies have R-reachable shortcut edges only, but may contain a core of uncontracted vertices. As discussed in Section 3.4.4, the bidirectional searches used for searching contraction hierarchies can be modied so that the core vertices are expanded by the forward (or the backward) search but not the backward (or forward) search. The main idea behindR-CH andR-CH-SG is to: 1) capitalize on ecient renement algorithms for grid graphs to try and improve the CH and CH-SG renement times, even more so than for CH+Rr and CH-SG+Rr, by ensuring that all edges in the hierarchies can be rened using R-Rene; and 2) reduce the memory requirements by storing each edge using less memory (4 bytes instead of 16 bytes). The main downside of R-CH and R-CH-SG compared to CH and CH-SG, respectively, is that their hierarchies are restricted to use only R-reachable edges and might have uncontracted cores, which can result in longer search times. Table 5.9 reports the percentage of vertices of R contraction hierarchies that remain in their cores (Core%), the R-CH memory requirements (M*), the distance query times (DQ*), renement times (Rf*), and path query times (PQ*) relative to CH, for R = CF and R = F. Table 5.10 reports the same statistics for R-CH-SG relative to CH-SG. The R-CH preprocessing times are similar to the CH preprocessing times, and the R-CH-SG preprocessing times are similar to the CH-SG preprocessing times, and thus not reported. We make the following observations: Core%, CH! R-CH: The cores of CF and F contraction hierarchies are typi- cally small, containing on average 4.17% and 3.50% of the vertices ofG, respectively. Since F CF, F contraction hierarchies have fewer constraints on how they can be constructed than CF contraction hierarchies, and therefore consistently have smaller cores than CF contraction hierarchies across all types of maps. As dis- cussed in Section 5.5.4, the random patterns of random maps typically result in only nearby pairs of vertices to be CF- or F-reachable, therefore imposing even more constraints on how CF and F contraction hierarchies can be constructed. As a result, the cores of CF and F contraction hierarchies on random maps are larger, containing 25.42% and 21.36% of the vertices of G, respectively. In maze maps, especially those with small corridor widths, it is also typically the case that only nearby pairs of vertices are CF- or F-reachable. Interestingly, CF and F contraction 236 CH! CF-CH CH! F-CH Core% M* DQ* Rf* PQ* Core% M* DQ* Rf* PQ* all 4.17 4.03 0.27 3.24 0.35 3.50 4.03 0.30 1.09 0.37 game-all 0.16 4.00 0.86 6.39 0.97 0.11 4.00 0.93 1.77 0.80 maze-all 0.00 4.03 0.48 2.76 0.91 0.00 4.03 0.49 0.93 0.22 random-all 25.42 4.36 0.03 1.89 0.04 21.36 4.30 0.04 0.84 0.04 room-all 1.46 4.02 0.29 3.89 0.35 1.29 4.01 0.31 1.36 0.16 street-all 0.13 4.00 0.89 11.34 1.00 0.10 4.00 0.94 3.29 0.90 bg 0.91 4.00 0.82 2.29 0.90 0.67 4.00 0.87 0.88 0.83 bg-512 0.09 4.00 0.92 5.88 1.03 0.06 4.00 0.98 1.65 0.89 dao 0.46 4.00 0.76 4.61 0.89 0.27 4.00 0.87 1.41 0.76 da2 0.21 3.98 0.88 3.45 1.00 0.12 3.98 0.94 1.06 0.89 sc 0.12 4.00 0.87 8.78 0.97 0.08 4.00 0.93 2.12 0.78 wc3-512 0.14 4.00 0.89 6.36 0.98 0.10 4.00 0.94 2.04 0.87 maze-1 0.00 4.45 0.07 1.73 0.51 0.00 4.45 0.07 0.69 0.09 maze-2 0.00 4.10 0.13 2.20 0.63 0.00 4.10 0.13 0.83 0.15 maze-4 0.00 4.03 0.37 3.51 1.19 0.00 4.01 0.43 1.08 0.43 maze-8 0.00 4.00 0.68 4.68 1.47 0.00 4.00 0.75 1.24 0.60 maze-16 0.00 4.00 0.92 5.95 1.38 0.00 4.00 0.95 1.30 0.77 maze-32 0.00 4.00 0.97 7.05 1.14 0.00 4.00 1.01 1.39 0.91 random-10 24.56 4.38 0.07 3.77 0.09 18.55 4.26 0.09 1.67 0.10 random-15 29.03 4.47 0.05 3.03 0.06 23.82 4.38 0.06 1.34 0.07 random-20 30.12 4.46 0.04 2.54 0.05 25.76 4.41 0.05 1.12 0.05 random-25 28.52 4.36 0.03 2.18 0.04 24.88 4.33 0.03 0.95 0.04 random-30 25.02 4.23 0.02 1.83 0.03 21.98 4.21 0.03 0.82 0.03 random-35 19.57 4.10 0.01 1.54 0.02 17.21 4.08 0.02 0.68 0.02 random-40 13.26 4.06 0.01 1.18 0.03 11.65 4.06 0.01 0.53 0.01 room-8 4.91 4.06 0.08 2.58 0.10 4.35 4.05 0.08 1.01 0.09 room-16 1.16 4.01 0.26 3.51 0.35 1.02 4.01 0.28 1.30 0.23 room-32 0.26 4.00 0.67 4.73 0.80 0.23 4.00 0.71 1.54 0.55 room-64 0.05 4.00 0.94 6.41 1.04 0.05 4.00 0.98 1.84 0.81 street-256 0.53 3.99 0.84 3.74 0.91 0.41 3.99 0.89 1.45 0.85 street-512 0.17 4.00 0.89 8.92 1.00 0.12 4.00 0.95 2.87 0.88 street-1024 0.04 4.00 0.90 17.04 1.01 0.03 4.00 0.94 4.08 0.92 Table 5.9: R contraction hierarchies. 237 CH-SG! CF-CH-SG CH-SG! F-CH-SG Core% M* DQ* Rf* PQ* Core% M* DQ* Rf* PQ* all 51.75 1.64 0.12 2.01 0.20 43.18 1.64 0.14 0.70 0.21 game-all 11.88 1.19 0.64 2.94 0.74 5.41 1.19 0.80 0.87 0.81 maze-all 0.01 1.25 0.22 1.81 0.72 0.01 1.25 0.22 0.62 0.45 random-all 65.07 3.21 0.04 2.39 0.05 55.34 3.14 0.04 1.13 0.06 room-all 81.29 1.20 0.14 2.17 0.19 67.68 1.20 0.16 0.78 0.20 street-all 18.26 1.45 0.75 3.01 0.82 6.60 1.45 0.90 0.95 0.91 bg 11.58 1.38 0.76 3.56 0.93 7.35 1.38 0.83 1.36 0.92 bg-512 13.36 1.05 0.81 2.77 0.93 7.06 1.05 0.89 0.78 0.86 dao 14.29 1.13 0.60 2.92 0.74 7.03 1.13 0.76 0.96 0.79 da2 7.36 1.05 0.81 3.05 1.00 3.68 1.05 0.89 0.98 0.91 sc 10.96 1.34 0.59 2.96 0.67 4.15 1.34 0.78 0.82 0.79 wc3-512 16.01 1.09 0.80 2.79 0.92 9.64 1.09 0.87 0.89 0.88 maze-1 0.00 1.68 0.09 1.69 0.58 0.00 1.68 0.09 0.70 0.40 maze-2 0.00 1.48 0.15 1.84 0.66 0.00 1.48 0.15 0.71 0.44 maze-4 0.01 1.20 0.36 2.13 0.97 0.01 1.19 0.43 0.65 0.58 maze-8 0.04 1.07 0.52 1.93 1.02 0.04 1.06 0.60 0.49 0.52 maze-16 0.14 1.02 0.72 1.76 1.08 0.14 1.02 0.77 0.35 0.46 maze-32 0.54 1.00 0.89 1.73 1.13 0.54 1.00 0.91 0.29 0.48 random-10 87.72 3.93 0.08 2.87 0.10 69.95 3.73 0.10 1.38 0.11 random-15 81.73 3.81 0.06 2.83 0.07 68.28 3.70 0.07 1.33 0.08 random-20 74.76 3.51 0.05 2.71 0.05 64.32 3.46 0.05 1.28 0.06 random-25 66.29 3.14 0.03 2.55 0.04 57.80 3.11 0.04 1.18 0.05 random-30 56.37 2.75 0.03 2.42 0.04 49.36 2.73 0.03 1.13 0.04 random-35 43.86 2.34 0.02 2.33 0.03 38.40 2.34 0.02 1.10 0.03 random-40 29.75 1.82 0.01 2.08 0.05 25.96 1.80 0.01 0.99 0.05 room-8 81.14 1.55 0.08 2.04 0.11 67.92 1.55 0.09 0.86 0.12 room-16 82.76 1.15 0.20 2.14 0.27 68.20 1.15 0.23 0.81 0.29 room-32 80.10 1.03 0.48 2.40 0.62 64.77 1.03 0.55 0.76 0.59 room-64 70.43 1.01 0.78 2.28 0.97 56.45 1.01 0.81 0.63 0.75 street-256 22.36 1.56 0.71 3.14 0.82 10.72 1.56 0.85 1.27 0.90 street-512 19.36 1.49 0.70 2.99 0.78 6.44 1.50 0.88 1.02 0.90 street-1024 12.70 1.39 0.81 2.99 0.86 3.26 1.40 0.92 0.81 0.91 Table 5.10: R contraction hierarchies on subgoal graphs. 238 hierarchies constructed on maze maps do not have cores (except for the highest- level vertex), that is, all vertices are contracted when forming these hierarchies, similarly to contraction hierarchies. However, CF and F contraction hierarchies on maze maps have very dierent structures than contraction hierarchies, as shown in Figure 5.24. Observe that up-down paths on the F contraction hierarchy in Fig- ure 5.24b use longer sequences of shorter edges than on the contraction hierarchy in Figure 5.24a. As a result, the F contraction hierarchy in Figure 5.24b has more levels to guarantee that the levels of vertices on up-down paths rst strictly increase and then strictly decrease. M*, CH! R-CH: Both the CF-CH and F-CH memory requirements are 4.03 times lower than the CH memory requirements on average, since CF-CH and F-CH require 4 times less memory to store each edge than CH. This result also indicates that CF and F contraction hierarchies have roughly the same number of edges as contraction hierarchies. DQ*, CH! R-CH: The CF-CH and F-CH distance query (search) times are signicantly longer than the CH distance query times, on average by factors of 3.75 and 3.37, respectively, and on random maps by factors of 31.68 and 27.74, respectively. As discussed earlier, the deterioration in path query times is worse for CF-CH since CF contraction hierarchies have more constraints on how they can be constructed compared to F contraction hierarchies, resulting in larger cores. The deterioration in path query times for both CF-CH and F-CH is typically small on scaled-up maps, which, as discussed in Section 5.5.4, have large contiguous areas of unblocked cells that allow distant pairs of vertices to be CF or F-reachable. Rf*, CH! R-CH: The CF-CH renement times are 3.24 times shorter than the CH renement times on average. Furthermore, they are 2.19 times shorter than the CH+CF renement times and 1.27 times shorter than SG renement times, making CF-CH, along with CF-CH-SG and CF-N-SG (that we discuss in the next section), all algorithm with the shortest renement times among the algorithms listed in Table 5.1 (except for A*, which does not perform renement). The CF-CH renement times are shorter than the SG renement times since the shortcut edges of CF contraction hierarchies can be longer than the edges of subgoal graphs (which contain only SF-reachable edges, where SF CF), requiring CF-Rene to calculate the directions and number of moves along freespace-shortest paths less frequently when rening paths found on CF contraction hierarchies. The F-CH renement times are 1.09 times shorter than the CH renement times on average, and 2.98 times longer than the CF-CH renement times, due to the overhead of having to access memory and perform depth-rst searches, as discussed in Section 5.5.9. PQ*, CH! R-CH: The CF-CH and F-CH path query times are longer than the CH path query times, on average by factors of 0.35 and 0.37, respectively. On game, maze, and street maps, the CF-CH path query times are similar to the CH path query times, indicating that the reduction in the renement times can make up for the increase in the path query times. The CF-CH path query times are also shorter 239 (a) Contraction hierarchies can have long shortcut edges that are not freespace reachable, allowing for the uniform contraction of vertices. (b) F contraction hierarchies can only have F-reachable shortcut edges, which limits how they can be constructed: Vertices whose contraction would introduce non-F-reachable shortcut edges are not contracted, interfering with the contraction order and typically resulting in an uncontracted core. In this example, although all the vertices are contracted, the resulting hierarchy is signicantly dierent from the contraction hierarchy shown in (a). Figure 5.24: Contraction and F contraction hierarchies constructed on (maze map with corridor width 8). The higher-level vertices are shown higher from the grid. The edges are colored based on the level of their source vertex, on a scale from yellow (low level) to red (high level). 240 than the F-CH path query times on these types of maps, but longer on random and room maps, making them longer across all maps. CH-SG! R-CH-SG: The trends in distance query times and memory require- ments of CF-CH-SG and F-CH-SG relative to CH-SG are similar to the trends in distance query times and memory requirements of CF-CH and F-CH relative to CH. However, the improvements in renement times and memory requirements and the deterioration in distance and path query times of CF-CH-SG and F-CH-SG relative to CH-SG are worse than they are for CF-CH and F-CH relative to CH, since The reason for this result is that CH-SG has shorter renement, path, and distance query times, and lower memory requirements than CH, as discussed in Section 5.5.7. We discuss three cases where this fact results in dierent CF-CH-SG and F-CH-SG improvement factors over the CH-SG compared to CF-CH and F-SG improvement factors over CH: 1) The numbers of vertices in the cores of CF and F contraction hierarchies on subgoal graphs are similar to the numbers of vertices in the cores of CF and F contraction hierarchies (on G), respectively (not reported in the table). However, since subgoal graphs are smaller than G, the sizes of their cores relative toG are larger for hierarchies constructed on subgoal graphs. 2) The CF-CH-SG and F-CH-SG renement times are similar to the CF-CH and F-CH re- nement times, respectively (not reported in the table). However, since the CH-SG renement times are shorter than the CH renement times, the improvement in the renement times of CF-CH-SG and F-CH-SG relative to CH-SG is less than the im- provement in the renement times of CF-CH and F-CH relative to CH, respectively. 3) CF-CH-SG, F-CH-SG, CF-CH, and F-CH all store shortcut edges using 4 times less memory than CH-SG and CH. However, CF-CH-SG, F-CH-SG, and CH-SG also store clearance values and, therefore, the improvement in the CF-CH-SG and F-CH-SG memory requirements relative to CH-SG is less than a factor of 4. To summarize, using R contraction hierarchies rather than contraction hierarchies for answering path-queries trades o lower memory requirements for longer distance and path query times. This trade-o is typically worse (that is, reduces memory requirements less but increases query times more) when subgoal graphs are used as base graphs, worse when distant pairs of vertices are typically not R-reachable (for instance, on random maps), and better when they are (for instance, on scaled-up maps). 5.5.11 N-Level Subgoal Graphs In this section, we compareR-N-SG (answering queries usingRN-level subgoal graphs) with R-CH-SG with respect to their path query times and memory requirements, for R = CF andR = F. Recall that, similar toR contraction hierarchies (on subgoal graphs), R N-level subgoal graphs have R-reachable edges only. Dierent from R contraction hi- erarchies,RN-level subgoal graphs can have same-level edges between non-core vertices, with the caveat that any arching path on them can use at most one non-core same- level edge. As discussed in Section 3.4.4, the bidirectional searches used for searching R contraction hierarchies can be modied so that the non-core same-level edges are consid- ered only by the forward (or the backward) search but not the backward (or forward) 241 search, and successors generated through non-core same-level edges are never placed in the OPEN list. That is, the non-core same-level edges are used only to check if the forward and backward searches meet. Our entry into the GPPC uses F N-level subgoal graphs, and is non-dominated with respect to its query-time/memory trade-o among all entries that are guaranteed to nd shortest paths. As discussed in Section 5.5.1, F N-level subgoal graphs can be related to contraction hierarchies through three separate modications to contraction hierarchies: 1) Constructing (contraction) hierarchies on subgoal graphs rather than onG (CH! CH- SG). As shown in Section 5.5.7, this modication can reduce both the query times and memory requirements of answering queries using contraction hierarchies. 2) Constructing hierarchies with F-reachable edges only (CH-SG! F-CH-SG). As shown in Section 5.5.6, this modication can reduce the renement times and memory requirements, but can increase the search times and, ultimately, the path query times. 3) Allowing non-core same-level edges in the hierarchy (F-CH-SG! F-N-SG). As we show in this section, this modication can result in fewer expansions during the searches but more successors evaluated per expansion, ultimately resulting in slightly longer query times. Table 5.11 reports the number of edges of R N-level subgoal graphs relative to R contraction hierarchies constructed on subgoal graphs (jEj%), the maximum level of vertices inRN-level subgoal graphs relative to R contraction hierarchies constructed on subgoal graphs (L%), the number of vertices expanded (or stalled) and the number of successors evaluated byR-N-SG searches relative toR-CH-SG searches (Exp* and Succ*), and the R-N-SG search times relative to R-CH-SG (Sr*), for R = CF and R = F. The R-N-SG preprocessing times are similar to the R-CH-SG preprocessing times and thus not reported. We make the following observations: E%: CF and F N-level subgoal graphs have on average 37.08% and 70.83% more edges than CF and F contraction hierarchies on subgoal graphs, respectively. We explain this result using a hypothetical example and a concrete one that is shown in Figure 5.25. Recall thatN-level subgoal (overlay) graphs consist ofN1 extended overlay graphs (Section 3.4.1). Also recall that an extended overlay graph G S;T has an edge (u;v) if and only if u;v2 T and v is direct-reachable from u with respect to S. That is, as S gets smaller, more pairs of vertices in T become direct- reachable with respect to S, and, therefore, more edges are included in G S;T . In the extreme case, when S =;, the edges of G S;T form a clique of T , that is, G S;T has the maximum set of edges possible that can be added between the vertices in T . This hypothetical case can only occur if all pairs of vertices in T are R- reachable (otherwise, the N-level subgoal graph that contains G S;T would have non-R-reachable edges), and therefore rarely occurs in practice. However, it can still occur \locally", where non-core same-level edges can form cliques with many vertices. As the results show, this problem typically occurs on game and street maps, where staircase subgoals along one or multiple staircases can all be connected to each other through F- or CF-reachable edges. Figure 5.25b shows an example, where level 1 edges in an F 4-level subgoal graph form large cliques. Figure 5.25a shows an F contraction hierarchy constructed on a subgoal graph for comparison. 242 CF-CH-SG! CF-N-SG F-CH-SG! F-N-SG E% L% Exp* Succ* Sr* E% L% Exp* Succ* Sr* all 137.08 86.24 1.01 0.97 0.93 170.83 81.49 1.01 0.94 0.94 game-all 183.92 65.42 1.08 0.90 0.84 253.50 49.34 1.23 0.79 0.83 maze-all 121.42 99.66 1.00 1.00 0.95 126.52 99.51 1.00 1.00 0.95 random-all 105.23 87.43 1.00 1.00 0.94 110.75 84.24 1.00 1.00 0.95 room-all 100.95 89.26 1.00 1.00 0.94 103.09 87.04 1.00 1.00 0.95 street-all 247.59 72.17 1.08 0.77 0.77 416.22 43.03 1.33 0.54 0.72 bg 315.22 55.02 1.16 0.79 0.87 397.66 44.47 1.32 0.70 0.88 bg-512 191.31 59.28 1.12 0.89 0.87 261.26 43.46 1.29 0.79 0.88 dao 191.68 65.19 1.08 0.91 0.87 257.43 53.71 1.19 0.79 0.85 da2 226.49 67.83 1.15 0.85 0.88 290.53 51.45 1.30 0.74 0.87 sc 171.66 73.48 1.07 0.91 0.83 243.59 48.94 1.23 0.80 0.81 wc3-512 160.63 67.16 1.07 0.95 0.86 194.86 52.24 1.16 0.91 0.87 maze-1 103.32 100.01 1.00 1.00 0.95 103.32 100.01 1.00 1.00 0.95 maze-2 128.61 99.85 1.00 1.00 0.95 128.61 99.85 1.00 1.00 0.95 maze-4 145.45 99.31 1.00 1.00 0.92 166.21 98.53 1.01 1.00 0.95 maze-8 145.24 98.70 1.00 1.00 0.94 166.48 97.70 1.01 0.99 0.93 maze-16 143.74 97.13 1.01 0.99 0.94 163.73 95.44 1.02 0.98 0.94 maze-32 142.33 94.38 1.02 0.99 0.95 162.79 89.00 1.04 0.97 0.95 random-10 101.03 79.26 1.00 1.00 0.94 107.11 77.53 1.00 1.00 0.94 random-15 102.07 87.02 1.00 1.00 0.94 107.28 68.75 1.00 1.00 0.96 random-20 103.64 82.86 1.00 1.00 0.94 108.39 86.01 1.00 1.00 0.93 random-25 106.00 85.81 1.00 1.00 0.96 110.92 86.75 1.00 1.00 0.97 random-30 108.99 85.79 1.00 1.00 0.94 114.61 81.97 1.00 1.00 0.96 random-35 113.41 89.96 1.00 1.00 0.93 120.34 85.93 1.00 1.00 0.95 random-40 118.50 91.67 1.00 1.00 0.95 127.10 92.84 1.00 1.00 0.96 room-8 100.96 90.24 1.00 1.00 0.94 102.94 86.17 1.00 1.00 0.95 room-16 100.79 95.89 1.00 1.00 0.95 103.16 90.00 1.00 1.00 0.96 room-32 101.17 89.19 1.00 1.00 0.93 104.70 88.57 1.00 1.00 0.94 room-64 102.76 81.16 1.01 1.00 0.95 106.00 83.75 1.01 1.00 0.95 street-256 202.12 71.66 1.05 0.91 0.86 306.82 48.32 1.18 0.79 0.88 street-512 223.80 73.63 1.06 0.86 0.81 371.63 40.71 1.28 0.65 0.80 street-1024 285.98 69.97 1.11 0.70 0.71 494.26 37.79 1.45 0.47 0.64 Table 5.11: R N-level subgoal graphs. 243 (a) An F contraction hierarchy on subgoal graph with 12 levels and 366 edges. Since F contraction hierarchies cannot have non-core same-level edges, the non-core vertices cannot form cliques. (b) An F 4-level subgoal graph with 1,456 edges. Almost all staircase subgoals are level 1 vertices, and the edges between them form four large cliques, on the up, down, left, and right side of the obstacle in the middle. If the obstacle in the middle were to be removed, the edges between the staircase subgoals would form one large clique. Figure 5.25: F contraction hierarchy on subgoal graph (with 12 levels) and F 4-level subgoal graph constructed on The edges are colored based on the level of their source vertices, on a scale from yellow (low level) to red (high level). 244 SinceR contraction hierarchies cannot have non-core same-level edges, they cannot contain such cliques. Our algorithm for constructingN-level subgoal graphs amplies the problem, since it generates every extended overlay graph G S;T in an N-level subgoal graph by starting with the overlay graph G T and identifying S as a minimal (R;T )-SPC (Section 3.3.5). That is, it tries to minimize the number of vertices in S and, as a consequence, maximize the number of edges in G S;T . Since F CF, our algorithm is able to identify a smaller S from a given T when constructing F N-level subgoal graphs, compared to when constructing CF N-level subgoal graphs. Therefore, the FN-level subgoal graphs that it constructs typically have more edges than the CF N-level subgoal graphs that it constructs. L%: The maximum levels of CF and F N-level subgoal graphs are smaller than the maximum levels of CF and F contraction hierarchies on subgoal graphs, respec- tively, namely 13.76% and 19.51% smaller on average, 34.58% and 50.66% smaller on game maps, and 27.83% and 56.97% smaller on street maps. These results have an explanation similar to the larger numbers of edges in N-level subgoal graphs compared to R contraction hierarchies on subgoal graphs: The cliques formed by non-core same-level edges of R N-level subgoal graphs are not allowed in R con- traction hierarchies (on subgoal graphs), where many pairs of vertices have to be assigned dierent levels to avoid such edges. Exp*: CF-N-SG and F-N-SG searches expand (or stall) fewer vertices on game and street maps than CF-CH-SG and F-CH-SG searches, respectively, by factors of 1.08 an 1.23 on game maps, and 1.08 and 1.33 on street maps. There is no noticeable dierence on the other types of maps. Recall that neither R-N-SG nor R-CH-SG searches expand non-core vertices that cannot be reached with an upward path from the start vertex and cannot reach the goal vertex with a downward path. Since R N-level subgoal graphs typically have smaller maximum levels than R contraction hierarchies on subgoal graphs, especially on game and street maps with staircase patterns, more vertices have the same or a lower level than the start or goal vertices and can thus be ignored by searches. Succ*: CF-N-SG and F-N-SG searches evaluate more successors on game and street maps than CF-CH-SG and F-CH-SG searches, respectively, by factors of 1.11 an 1.26 on game maps, and 1.31 and 1.86 on street maps. This is a direct con- sequence of CF and F N-level subgoal graphs having more edges than CF and F contraction hierarchies on subgoal graphs, respectively: Although successors gen- erated by non-core same-level edges are not placed in the OPEN list, they are still evaluated during searches to check if the forward and backward searches meet. Sr*: The CF-N-SG and F-N-SG search times are longer than the CF-CH-SG and F-CH-SG search times, respectively, by factors of 1.19 and 1.21 on game maps, 1.30 and 1.39 on street maps, and 1.06 and 1.05 on the other types of maps. The slight increase in search times across all types of maps is due to ourR-N-SG implementa- tion performing a check for every successorv of an expanded vertexu to determine 245 Map Instances Path Avg. G size A* time Benchmark Type Count Count Avg length jVj jEj (s) GPPC all 132 347,868 2,635 2,095 216,261 1,491,276 57,086 game 105 142,534 1,357 488 48,250 367,992 4,086 maze 9 145,976 16,220 4,180 939,083 7,008,834 120,289 random 9 32,228 3,581 888 663,094 2,628,585 36,172 room 9 27,130 3,014 749 1,006,724 7,941,382 20,309 MovingAI all 769 1,642,670 2,136 1,137 109,752 776,644 9,898 game 529 653,050 1,234 431 64,861 499,013 5,137 maze 60 627,000 10,450 2,265 207,941 1,338,316 16,732 random 70 155,750 2,225 483 185,864 937,004 5,508 room 40 84,350 2,109 422 232,785 1,691,743 8,645 street 70 122,520 1,750 454 218,423 1,710,030 6,738 Table 5.12: GPPC benchmarks. whether (u;v) is a same-level edge. The increase in search times on game and street maps is due to the increased number of successors evaluated during the searches, as discussed above. To summarize, allowing non-core same-level edges inRN-level subgoal graphs seem to negatively aect both the search times and memory requirements (due to larger numbers of edges), especially on game and street maps due to their staircase patterns. 5.5.12 Grid-Based Path-Planning Competition In the previous sections, we have evaluated answering queries using subgoal graphs, jump- point graphs, contraction hierarchies, and their combinations and variants, with respect to their path query times, memory requirements, and other characteristics on the Moving- AI benchmarks, typically by comparing a small number of algorithms at a time and dis- cussing their query-time/memory trade-os across dierent types of maps. In this section, we evaluate the query-time/memory trade-os of these algorithms on Grid-Based Path- Planning Competition (GPPC) benchmarks, both to summarize our results from earlier sections and to compare these algorithms to state-of-the-art path-planning algorithms on grid graphs that have been evaluated on GPPC benchmarks. Competition Benchmarks The GPPC benchmarks include 105 game maps from the MovingAI benchmarks (namely, 27 from dao, 67 from dao2, and 11 from sc), 9 new maze maps, 9 new random maps, and new room maps, for a total of 132 maps. Each maze, random, and room map in the GPPC benchmarks has a dierent size, varying from 100 100 to 1550 1550. The corridor widths in maze maps are equal to 1% of the map dimensions. For instance, on the 100 100 maze map, the corridor width is 1. The room sizes in room maps are equal to 10% of the map dimensions. That is, each room map contains exactly 100 rooms. 246 The random maps have 33% blocked cells. The GPPC benchmarks do not include street maps. Table 5.12 reports the number of maps and instances, instance path lengths, graph sizes, and A* search times across dierent types of maps in the GPPC and MovingAI benchmarks (the statistics for the MovingAI benchmarks are the same as reported in Table 5.2). The maze, random, and room maps are signicantly larger in the GPPC benchmarks then they are in the MovingAI benchmarks and, as a result, the instance path lengths are 1.84 times longer, the graphs have 1.97 times more vertices and 1.92 times more edges, and the A* search times are 5.77 times longer on GPPC benchmarks compared to the MovingAI benchmarks. Similar to the MovingAI benchmarks, the majority of maps in the GPPC benchmarks are game maps and the majority of instances are from game and maze maps. Table 5.13 reports the preprocessing times (PT), memory requirements (M), and path query times (PQ) of the algorithms listed in Table 5.1 on the MovingAI and GPPC benchmarks. (It also reports normalized statistics for the GPPC benchmarks, which we discuss later.) We observe the following dierences in results on the GPPC and MovingAI benchmarks: PT: The preprocessing times are generally longer on the GPPC benchmarks due to their larger graph sizes. However, since the GPPC benchmarks do not include street maps, the preprocessing times of the algorithms that use hierarchies on subgoal graphs (CH-SG, CH-SG+R, R-CH, and R-N-SG) are signicantly shorter on the GPPC benchmarks. As discussed in Section 5.5.6, these algorithms typically have long preprocessing times on street maps due to their staircase patterns. Similarly, the CH-JP preprocessing times are shorter on the GPPC benchmarks, which include only random maps with 33% blocked cells. As discussed in Section 5.5.8, the CH-JP preprocessing times are longer on random maps with small percentages of blocked cells. The dierences in the preprocessing times of the algorithms on the MovingAI and GPPC benchmarks are signicant and aect their relative preprocessing times: For instance, the CH-SG preprocessing times are 1.22 times longer than the CH preprocessing times on the MovingAI benchmarks, but 10.72 times shorter on the GPPC benchmarks. That is, the relative preprocessing times of CH and CH-SG dier by a factor of 13.08 between the MovingAI and GPPC benchmarks. M: The memory requirements of each algorithm are higher on the GPPC bench- marks compared to the MovingAI benchmarks, due to the larger graph sizes in the GPPC benchmarks. However, the increase in memory requirements is about the same for each algorithm, ranging from a factor of 1.64 (for CH-SG) to a factor of 1.85 (for R-CH). PQ: The path query times are longer on the GPPC benchmarks due to the increased graph sizes and instance path lengths, and the increase in the path query times is signicantly dierent for dierent algorithms: The R-CH, R-CH-SG, and R-N-SG path query times are increased by factors ranging from 4.72 to 5.43, the SG path query times are increased by a factor of 3.03, and the CH, CH+Rr, CH-SG, and CH-SG+Rr path query times are increased by factors ranging from 1.09 to 1.36. 247 MovingAI GPPC GPPC (Normalized) PT M PQ PT M PQ PT M PQ (s) (MB) (s) (s) (MB) (s) (s) (MB) (s) A* - - 9,898 - - 57,086 - - 110,501 SG 0 1.02 540 0 1.78 1,638 0 1.93 3,170 JP 0 1.81 409 0 3.26 1,397 0 3.54 2,705 CF-CH 98 3.01 205 125 5.57 1,016 241 6.04 1,967 F-CH 98 3.01 197 126 5.57 930 243 6.04 1,800 CF-N-SG 86 1.03 158 10 1.77 857 19 1.92 1,659 CF-CH-SG 95 0.97 148 7 1.71 813 13 1.86 1,574 F-N-SG 132 1.09 149 16 1.82 783 31 1.97 1,515 F-CH-SG 119 0.97 142 9 1.71 742 18 1.86 1,437 CH-GPPC 105 9.10 160 130 16.76 187 252 18.18 362 CH 105 12.13 73 130 22.35 99 252 24.25 191 CH+Fr 105 12.13 74 130 22.35 85 252 24.25 164 CH+CFr 105 12.13 65 130 22.35 71 252 24.25 138 CH-SG+Fr 127 1.59 39 12 2.61 47 24 2.83 90 CH-JP 325 3.72 35 65 5.73 43 125 6.22 82 CH-SG 127 1.59 29 12 2.61 34 24 2.83 66 *CH-SG+CFr 127 1.59 28 12 2.61 32 24 2.83 62 *JPS - - - - - - - - 62,524 JPS+(Harabor) - - - - - - 34 22.73 20,874 *BL-JPS - - - - - - 0 0.15 14,453 JPS+(Rabin) - - - - - - 0 7.17 7,732 *BL-JPS2 - - - - - - 0 0.36 7,444 JPS+Bucket(Rabin) - - - - - - 0 7.17 1,616 *2-SG - - - - - - 0 0.70 1,429 *N-SG-GPPC - - - - - - 1 2.22 773 CH-GPPC - - - - - - 440 18.18 362 JPS+BB - - - - - - 1,386 15.15 149 SRC - - - - - - 5,605 393.94 145 Table 5.13: Results on MovingAI and GPPC benchmarks. The GPPC (Normalized) column contains the ocial GPPC results, as well as our results normalized to match the GPPC results, treating CH-GPPC as a baseline. During normalization, the preprocessing and path query times are multiplied by 1.94 and the memory requirement is multiplied by 1.08. The cells in each column are colored from red (worst) to white (median) to green (best), based on the logarithms of the values they contain. Algorithms with non- dominated query-time/memory trade-os on the GPPC benchmarks are marked with asterisks. 248 The dierence in the increase of the path query times of dierent algorithms can be explained by their query times on random maps: 1) Since SG,R-CH,R-CH-SG, and R-N-SG all use graphs or hierarchies with R-reachable edges only, they have long query times on random maps, as discussed in Sections 5.5.4, 5.5.6, and 5.5.10. 2) Since the GPPC benchmarks contain large random maps, the longer path query times on these maps can signicantly aect the average path query times across all GPPC maps. Our results on the path query times on dierent types of maps (not reported in the table) conrm this observation: For instance, the SG path query times on GPPC game, maze, and room maps are 1.02, 2.44, and 1.32 times shorter, respectively, than the MovingAI benchmarks (the GPPC maze and room maps are large, but typically contain fewer convex corners). However, the SG path query times are 7.52 times longer on the GPPC random maps and, as a result they are 3.03 times longer across all GPPC maps. To summarize, the results on the MovingAI and GPPC benchmarks are similar, except for: 1) the relatively short preprocessing times for hierarchies constructed on subgoal graphs, due to the exclusion of street maps from the GPPC benchmarks; and 2) the relatively long query times for SG, R-CH, R-CH-SG, and R-N-SG, due to their long query times on the larger random maps of the GPPC benchmarks. Competition Results We now compare our algorithms on grid graphs to the state-of-the-art path-planning algorithms of the GPPC, which we refer to as the GPPC algorithms. Seven of these algorithms have non-dominated query-time/memory trade-os among the twenty-one al- gorithms that nd shortest paths in GPPC. These algorithms include two of our entries based on subgoal graphs, namely 2-SG (called \Subgoal Graph (Low Memory)" in the GPPC) and N-SG-GPPC (called \NSubgoal" in the GPPC); three variants of jump-point search, namely JPS, BLJPS, and BLJPS2; the contraction hierarchy entry CH-GPPC (called \CH" in the GPPC); and the single-row compression entry SRC. 2-SG and N-SG- GPPC answer queries using F 2-level and N-level subgoal graphs, respectively, and were implemented in a dierent framework than the one that we use for our experiments. We explain the implementation dierences and give a brief summary of how the other algo- rithms operate, during the discussion of our results. We also include three implementa- tions of JPS+ in our comparison, whose query-time/memory trade-os are all dominated by N-SG-GPPC in the GPPC. Finally, we include JPS+BB in our comparison, which combines JPS+ with bounding boxes, and was evaluated on the GPPC server using the GPPC benchmarks after GPPC was held for the last time. That is, it can be considered to be a GPPC entry whose results have not yet been ocially announced. To the best of our knowledge, these eleven algorithms form a comprehensive list of state-of-the-art path-planning algorithms on grid graphs. Our experiments were run on a dierent server (a 3.6GHz Intel Core i7-7700 with 32 GB of RAM) than the GPPC server (a 2.4 GHz Intel Xeon E5620 with 12 GB of RAM). In order to establish a meaningful comparison between our algorithms and the GPPC algorithms, we normalize the results on our server to match the results on the GPPC server by treating CH-GPPC as a baseline: 249 We in ate the path query (and preprocessing) times measured on our server by a factor of 1.94, so that the path query time of our implementation of CH-GPPC matches the path query time of the CH-GPPC entry measured on the GPPC server. As discussed in Section 5.5.1, our implementation of CH-GPPC closely follows the implementation of the CH-GPPC entry. The main dierences are that our CH- GPPC implementation uses oating point values for the edge lengths instead of integers, and keeps track of various statistics during queries. Our normalization of results also accounts for these minor implementation dierences. Our preliminary results suggest that both implementations expand or stall similar numbers of ver- tices (within 1% of each other) and have similar query times on our server, with our implementation being slightly slower (by a factor of 1.18). We in ate our memory requirement estimations by a factor of 1.08, so that our estimated memory requirement for CH-GPPC matches the memory requirement measured by the GPPC. Recall that our estimation considers only the memory required to store the edges of graphs and, for algorithms that use subgoal graphs, the clearance values. Specically, our estimation leaves out the amount of memory required to store the source vertices, which can be stored compactly by storing together edges that share the same source vertex. This normalization of the memory requirements also in ates the amount of memory required to store the clearance values, which does not require such in ation. However, we allow for this in ation to keep our normalized results as conservative as possible. Table 5.13 reports the normalized preprocessing times, memory requirements, and path query times of our algorithms on the GPPC benchmarks, as well as the same statis- tics for the GPPC algorithms as measured in the GPPC. We now summarize these re- sults by discussing the query-time/memory trade-os of these algorithms, as shown in Figure 5.26, in decreasing order of their path query times. For brevity, we refer to the path query times simply as the query times, since we do not discuss the distance query times. JPS, BL-JPS, BL-JPS2, and JPS+ variants: JPS is the online version of jump-point search, and has a non-dominated query-time/memory trade-o since it does not perform preprocessing and does not store any information (Figure 5.26 re- ports its memory requirements as 0.1 megabytes since it uses a logarithmic scale for the memory requirements). JPS+(Harabor) is an earlier implementation of JPS+, which, as discussed in Section 5.4.1, uses precomputed clearance values to identify the jump-point successors of expanded vertices eciently. JPS+(Rabin) is a more recent implementation of JPS+ and has a dominating query-time/memory trade- of compared to JPS+(Harabor). BL-JPS and BL-JPS2 can be considered to be variants of JPS+ that use \boundary-lookup" values, which can be considered as \compressed clearance values". BLJPS2 has slightly shorter query times compared to JPS+(Rabin) and requires signicantly less memory, and, therefore, has a domi- nating query-time/memory trade-o compared to JPS+(Rabin). Both BL-JPS and BL-JPS2 have non-dominated query-time/memory trade-os since they use very little memory. Finally, JPS+Bucket(Rabin) is a variant of JPS+(Rabin) that im- plements its OPEN list using buckets rather than a binary heap and runs 4.78 times 250 SG CH-GPPC CH CH+CFr CH+Fr CF-CH F-CH CH-SG CH-SG+CFr CH-SG+Fr CF-CH-SG F-CH-SG CF-N-SG F-N-SG JPS BL-JPS BL-JPS2 2-SG N-SG-GPPC JPS+BB SRC JP CH-JP JPS+(Harabor) JPS+(Rabin) JPS+Bucket(Rabin) 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 1000.0 Query time per instance ( μs) Memory requirements per map (MB) Figure 5.26: Query-time/memory trade-o of various algorithms on the GPPC bench- marks. Red dots: Ocial results from the GPPC. Green dots: Algorithms evaluated in this dissertation that use subgoal graphs. Blue dots: Algorithms evaluated in this disser- tation that use jump-point graphs. Purple dots: Algorithms evaluated in this dissertation that use variants of contraction hierarchies. The query times and memory requirements of the algorithms evaluated in this dissertation are normalized the query times and mem- ory requirements of CH-GPPC reported in the GPPC and our evaluation, as shown in Table 5.13. 251 faster than JPS+(Rabin) while using the same amount of memory, and, therefore, has a dominating query-time/memory trade-o compared to JPS+(Rabin). How- ever, its query-time/memory trade-o is dominated by N-SG-GPPC. SG, R-CH-SG, R-N-SG, and R-CH: CF-CH-SG, F-CH-SG, CF-N-SG and F- N-SG all have very similar query times and memory requirements, as we have also observed in Sections 5.5.10 and 5.5.11, with F-CH-SG having the dominating query- time/memory trade-o compared to the other three algorithms. F-CH-SG also has a dominating query-time/memory trade-o compared to SG, CF-CH, and F-CH. Although we have not directly compared F-CH-SG with SG, CF-CH, or F-CH in our experiments, the results are consistent with our comparison of CH-SG with SG or CH: Queries can be answered faster by using a combination of subgoal graphs and contraction hierarchies, instead of using them individually. JP: JP, which explicitly constructs jump-point graphs, runs faster than JPS+(Ra- bin), which scans the grid whenever vertices are expanded. However, JP is slower than JPS+Bucket(Rabin). We suspect that using a bucket implementation of the OPEN list signicantly decreases the query times on random maps, where JP and (presumably) all JPS variants have long query times due to a large number of expansions. On random maps, we expect the scanning of the grid to identify jump- point successors of expanded vertices to be quite fast since diagonals that extend from cells are typically very short. The query-time/memory trade-o of JP is dominated by F-CH-SG, 2-SG, and N-SG-GPPC. As discussed in Section 5.5.5, neither JP nor SG dominate each other with respect to their query-time/memory trade-os. 2-SG and N-SG-GPPC: 2-SG has slightly shorter query times compared to F- CH-SG but uses signicantly less memory, and, therefore, has a dominating query- time/memory trade-o compared to F-CH-SG. N-SG-GPPC has shorter query times than F-N-SG but uses more memory, although they both use F N-level subgoal graphs to answer queries. These dierences can be explained by the dier- ences in their implementations and algorithmic design decisions: We have developed 2-SG and N-SG-GPPC as entries in the GPPC, and, therefore, they have very op- timized implementations. On the other hand, we have developed F-CH-SG and F-N-SG (which can be considered to be the most similar algorithm to 2-SG and N- SG-GPPC) as augmentations of CH (CH-GPPC) with reachability relations, and, therefore, their implementations closely follow the CH-GPPC implementation. We now outline some of the important dierences in the implementations and algorith- mic design decisions of 2-SG, N-SG-GPPC, and F-N-SG and comment on how they might aect the resulting query-time/memory trade-os: { 2-SG and N-SG-GPPC perform backward searches before forward searches and use breadth-rst searches rather than A* searches for the backward searches. Since backward searches over N-level (2-level) subgoal graphs do not expand core vertices, they typically exhaust (the vertices in) their OPEN lists before the bidirectional searches terminate. 2-SG and N-SG-GPPC commit to ex- hausting the OPEN lists of the backward searches, with the following benets: 252 1) The backward searches are run before the forward searches, which can avoid accessing the memory of data structures by two dierent searches at once. 2) The backward searches are implemented as breadth-rst searches that expand vertices in increasing order of levels rather than A* searches, which reduce the time to perform each expansion by avoiding the calculation of heuristic dis- tances and performing insertions and removals in the OPEN list in O(1) time. 3) Non-core same-level edges are considered by the more ecient backward searches, which can reduce the number of vertices in the OPEN lists of the forward searches. { 2-SG and N-SG-GPPC use a \fast stack" to complement the binary heap used for maintaining the OPEN lists of their forward searches: Whenever a successor is generated with the same f-value as the expanded vertex, the successor is inserted into the fast stack rather than the binary heap. Vertices are selected for expansion rst from the fast stack, until the fast stack is empty, and only then from the binary heap. This optimization results in fewer insertion and removal operations in binary heaps, and is particularly impactful on random maps where subgoal graphs have shorter edges, since successors generated through shorter edges are more likely to have f-values similar to the ones of the expanded vertices. { 2-SG and N-SG-GPPC both store edge lengths, which increases their mem- ory requirements (not storing the edge lengths was an optimization we have thought about later). 2-SG stores each clearance value using 4 bits rather than 1 byte. That is, it can store clearance values up to 16 rather than 256, which means that determining the clearance value of a cell in a given direction might require more clearance-value look-ups. { When there are more than 65,536 subgoals on a grid graph, such as on most random maps, 2-SG does not use subgoal graphs for answering queries and instead uses an A* search with buckets. 3 This inadvertently reduces its mem- ory requirements further, since it avoids storing subgoal graphs (or clearance values) for maps with more than 65,536 subgoals. { 2-SG and N-SG-GPPC do not determine the order of heavy F contractions on- line when constructing FN-level (2-level) subgoal graphs, and instead heavy F contract them in the order of their subgoal IDs. Therefore, their preprocessing times are shorter than the N-F-SG preprocessing times. An evaluation of these optimizations is beyond the scope of this dissertation. How- ever, we believe that the N-SG-GPPC query times and memory requirements may be improved by usingF contraction hierarchies instead ofF N-level subgoal graphs, 3 The reason for this is as follows: Clearance values for convex corner cells are never used by SF-Connect when connecting the start and goal vertices to subgoal graphs, since the diagonal scans of SF-Connect terminate when they encounter subgoals. Our 2-SG implementation leverages this fact by using the memory allocated for storing the clearance values to store subgoal IDs instead, to associate convex corner cells with the subgoals they contain. However, since 2-SG uses 4 bits to store each clearance value, it allocates only 16 bits to store a subgoal ID at each convex corner cell, and can therefore store subgoal IDs only up to 65,536. 253 as our results from Section 5.5.11 suggest. Similarly, we believe that applying the memory optimizations of 2-SG to N-SG-GPPC can result in an algorithm that uses less memory than 2-SG while having shorter query times. CH-GPPC, CH, and CH+Rr: As discussed in Sections 5.5.1 and 5.5.6, CH uses 2-pointer unpacking rather than midpoint unpacking and uses the Octile distance heuristic in its bidirectional searches, which results in higher memory requirements but shorter query times compared to CH-GPPC. Therefore, neither algorithm has a dominating query-time/memory trade-o compared to the other one. Contrary to our results in Section 5.5.9, CH+Fr has shorter query times than CH due to shorter renement times on the larger room and maze maps in the GPPC bench- marks. CH+CFr has shorter query times than CH+Fr and therefore has a dom- inating query-time/memory trade-o compared to CH and CH+Fr. Interestingly, CH+CFr has shorter query times than SRC while requiring signicantly less mem- ory and, therefore, has a dominating query-time/memory trade-o compared to SRC. However, the query-time/memory trade-os of CH-GPPC, CH, CH+CFr and CH+Fr are all dominated by the query-time/memory trade-o of CH-SG(+CFr) since, as we have shown in Section 5.5.7, constructing hierarchies on subgoal graphs rather than G can signicantly reduce the query times and memory requirements of algorithms that use them to answer queries. JPS+BB: JPS+BB is a variant of JPS+ that associates each edge (u;v) with a bounding box that contains all cells that can be reached optimally from u via a path whose rst edge is (u;v). During searches, JPS+BB ignores those edges whose bounding boxes do not contain the goal vertex. Section 2.3.3 provides a more detailed description of the \goal-directed" pruning of JPS+BB. JPS+BB uses the \fast stack" implementation that we have used in 2-SG and N-SG-GPPC. With the combined pruning of jump-point search and bounding boxes, and by using the fast stack to avoid binary heap operations, JPS+BB performs an average of 3.01 and 3.91 insertions into the binary heap on the dao and wc3-512 maps, respectively (Rabin & Sturtevant, 2016). However, these numbers are typically higher on most other types of maps (for instance 200.41 on the sc maps). The JPS+BB query times are shorter than the CH-GPPC, CH, CH+Fr, CH+CFr query times, and JPS+BB requires less memory than these algorithms. Therefore, it has a dominating query- time/memory trade-o compared to them. However, its query-time/memory trade- o is dominated by CH-SG(+CFr). SRC: Single-row compression (SRC) precomputes and stores compressed pairwise next-move tables, and answers queries by repeatedly looking up the next move along a shortest path from the start vertex to the goal vertex. It has long preprocessing times (5,604 seconds) and large memory requirements (394 megabytes), but also the shortest query times in the GPPC (145 microseconds). Among our new algorithms, CH+CFr and CH-SG (+CFr, +Fr) all have shorter query times than SRC, while requiring signicantly less memory and preprocessing time, and therefore have a dominating query-time/memory trade-o compared to SRC. 254 CH-JP: CH-JP has a dominating query-time/memory trade-o compared to JPS+ BB and SRC. The CH-JP query times are 1.82 times shorter than the JPS+BB query times. However, it is unclear whether this result is due to JPS+BB performing scans during query time, or whether the combination of jump-point search with contraction hierarchies results in shorter query times compared to the combination of jump-point search with bounding boxes. However, the query-time/memory trade- o of CH-JP is dominated by the one of CH-SG, whose query times are 1.24 times shorter and whose memory requirements are 2.20 times lower. Although we have not experimented with a version of CH-JP that uses CF-Rene to rene any CF- reachable shortcuts (that is, CH-JP+CFr), we suspect that its query times would only be slightly shorter than the CH-JP query times. CH-SG and CH-SG+Rr: CH-SG+CFr has the shortest query times in our com- parison, which are 2.23 times shorter than the CH+CFr query times, 2.34 times shorter than the SRC query times, 2.40 times shorter than the JPS+BB query times, and 5.83 times shorter than the CH-GPPC query times. It also requires less memory than these algorithms, namely 8.56 times less memory than CH+CFr, 139.13 times less memory than SRC, 5.35 times less memory than JPS+BB, and 6.42 times less memory than CH-GPPC. It therefore has a dominating query-time/memory trade- o compared to these algorithms. Since CH-SG+CFr has the shortest query times, it also has a non-dominated query-time/memory trade-o in our comparison. To summarize, we observe that implementation details play a signicant role in de- termining the query-time/memory trade-os of dierent algorithms. We think that our implementation of the algorithms listed in Table 5.1 within the same framework, which follows the CH-GPPC implementation, minimizes the eects of implementation details on the relative query-time/memory trade-os of these algorithms; and our normalization of the results on our server with respect to the results on the GPPC server allows for a meaningful comparison of all algorithms. Among the algorithms listed in Table 5.1, CH-SG+CFr and F-CH-SG have undom- inated query-time/memory trade-os. Both algorithms combine subgoal graphs with (variants of) contraction hierarchies, where F-CH-SG restricts its hierarchies to use only F-reachable edges that can be stored compactly, and therefore has lower memory require- ments, and CH-SG+CFr has no restrictions on the edges of its hierarchies, and therefore can achieve signicantly shorter query times. Although the query-time/memory trade- o of F-CH-SG is dominated by our GPPC entry 2-SG, which is also based on subgoal graphs, we think that, with similar implementations, F-CH-SG can achieve a dominating query-time/memory trade-o compared to 2-SG and N-SG-GPPC, based on our results from Section 5.5.11. Our implementation of jump-point search within the subgoal graph framework achieves a dominating query-time/memory trade-o compared to other JPS+ variants except for JPS+Bucket(Rabin), and its combination with contraction hierarchies achieves a dominating query-time/memory trade-o compared to JPS+BB. Although the query- time/memory trade-o of CH-JP is dominated by CH-SG (and CH-SG+Rr), the combi- nation of jump-point graphs and contraction hierarchies is not well understood, and there might be a version of CH-JP that can achieve shorter query times than CH-SG. 255 5.6 Conclusions In this chapter, we have applied the subgoal graph framework to grid graphs by using safe- freespace-reachability as reachability relation, discussed the similarities and dierences of subgoal graphs with jump-point search, and augmented contraction hierarchies with reachability relations in various ways. Specically, we have shown that the freespace structure (Octile property) of grid graphs allows for the construction of safe-freespace- reachability subgoal graphs by using only convex corner cells as subgoals, introduced a connection algorithm for safe-freespace-reachability that scans the grid eciently by using clearance values, and proved that this algorithm can be used to construct subgoal graphs in time linear in the size of the underlying grid. We have shown that jump-point search can be understood as a search on a jump-point graph, which is a freespace-reachability subgoal graph on the direction-extended canonical grid graph. We have experimentally demonstrated that answering queries using contraction hierarchies on subgoal graphs achieves a dominating query-time/memory trade-o compared to answering queries using contraction hierarchies on G or jump-point graphs. Our results further suggest (through interpolation) that answering queries using contraction hierarchies on subgoal graphs and performing freespace-based renement is 2.34 times faster than single-row compression, the fastest entry in the Grid-Based Path-Planning Competition, while requiring 139.06 times less memory. These results validate the hypothesis of this dissertation that one can develop preprocessing-based path-planning algorithms for grid graphs that exploit their freespace structure to improve the query-time/memory/path-suboptimality Pareto frontier of the state-of-the-art algorithms. As future work, we consider combining subgoal graphs with other techniques, such as geometric containers or hub labeling. As discussed in Section 2.3.2, storing geometric containers for each edge ofG allows for goal-directed pruning during searches, and storing hubs for each vertex ofG allows for answering queries without performing search. Storing geometric containers or hubs only for the edges or vertices of subgoal graphs rather than G would require signicantly less memory, and we think can still be used to answer queries in a very short time. Another direction that we consider for future work is to better understand the combination of jump-point graphs with contraction hierarchies. As discussed in Section 5.5.8, a straightforward combination results in redundant shortcut edges in contraction hierarchies on jump-point graphs. Although we have (partially) addressed this issue, we still do not clearly understand why queries can be answered faster with a combination of subgoal graphs and contraction hierarchies than a combination of jump-point graphs and contraction hierarchies. 256 Chapter 6 Conclusions Preprocessing-based path-planning algorithms compute and store auxiliary information about a graph during a preprocessing phase, and then use the auxiliary information to e- ciently answer path or distance queries on that graph. Preprocessing-based path-planning algorithms that achieve non-dominated query-time/memory trade-os on road networks have been shown to exploit their hierarchical structure and small highway dimensions. State lattices and grid graphs, on the other hand, have larger highway dimensions than road networks. When some of these algorithms are applied to grid graphs, they achieve smaller speed-ups relative to Dijkstra searches and require more memory relative to the size of the graph. However, state lattices and grid graphs have other properties that can be exploited, namely, their freespace structure. In this dissertation, we have hypoth- esized that one can develop preprocessing-based path-planning algorithms for state lat- tices and grid graphs that exploit their freespace structure to improve the query-time/me- mory/path-suboptimality Pareto frontier of the state-of-the-art algorithms. We made the following contributions to validate this hypothesis: In Chapter 3, we have introduced the subgoal graph framework, that can be spe- cialized to exploit structure in dierent types of graphs, by choosing a reachability relation that captures structure in that type of graph and developing specialized connection and renement algorithms that exploit that structure. We have proved that subgoal graphs can be used to answer path queries optimally with the Connect- Search-Rene algorithm, and that it is possible to construct locally-sparse subgoal graphs with respect to bounded-distance reachability on graphs with small highway dimensions. We have introduced a hierarchical variant of subgoal graphs, called N-level subgoal graphs, and introduced variants of contraction hierarchies within this framework. We have introduced a suboptimal variant of subgoal graphs, called strongly connected subgoal graphs, that can be used to answer path queries with- out the guarantee of optimality. We have introduced algorithms for constructing subgoal graphs, N-level subgoal graphs, and strongly connected subgoal graphs. In Chapter 4, we have applied the subgoal graph framework to state lattices, by us- ing freespace-reachability and canonical-freespace-reachability as reachability rela- tions to capture the freespace structure of state lattices, and developing ecient con- nection and renement algorithms that exploit this structure. Specically, we have characterized the freespace structure of state lattices as the translation-invariance 257 of freespace distances and freespace-canonical paths, and showed that it can be ex- ploited to eciently compute and compactly store freespace information, such as pairwise distances or shortest path trees on freespace state lattices. We have in- troduced freespace-reachability and canonical-freespace-reachability as reachability relations to distinguish those pairs of vertices on state lattices between which the freespace information is accurate, and developed connection and renement algo- rithms for these reachability relations that use freespace information to eciently explore the freespace-shortest and freespace-canonical paths, respectively. We have experimentally demonstrated that answering queries using freespace-reachability or canonical-freespace-reachability strongly connected subgoal graphs achieves a dominating query-time/path-suboptimality trade-o compared to answering queries using bounded-distance-reachability strongly connected subgoal graphs, and a non- dominated query-time/path-suboptimality trade-o compared to answering queries using weighted A* searches. These results validate the hypothesis of this dis- sertation that one can develop preprocessing-based path-planning algorithms for state lattices that exploit their freespace structure to improve the query-time/me- mory/path-suboptimality Pareto frontier of the state-of-the-art algorithms. In Chapter 5, we have applied the subgoal graph framework to grid graphs by using safe-freespace-reachability as a reachability relation, discussed the similarities and dierences of subgoal graphs with jump-point search, and augmented contraction hierarchies with reachability relations in various ways. Specically, we have shown that the freespace structure (Octile property) of grid graphs allows for the construc- tion of safe-freespace-reachability subgoal graphs by using only convex corner cells as subgoals, introduced a connection algorithm for safe-freespace-reachability that scans the grid eciently by using clearance values, and proved that this algorithm can be used to construct subgoal graphs in time linear in the size of the underly- ing grid. We have shown that jump-point search can be understood as a search over a jump-point graph, which is a freespace-reachability subgoal graph on the direction-extended canonical grid graph. We have experimentally demonstrated that answering queries using contraction hierarchies on subgoal graphs achieves a dominating query-time/memory trade-o compared to answering queries using contraction hierarchies alone, or on jump-point graphs. Our results further sug- gest (through interpolation) that answering queries using contraction hierarchies on subgoal graphs and performing freespace-based renement is 2.34 times faster than single-row compression, the fastest entry in the Grid-Based Path-Planning Competition, while requiring 139.06 times less memory. These results validate the hypothesis of this dissertation that one can develop preprocessing-based path- planning algorithms for grid graphs that exploit their freespace structure to improve the query-time/memory/path-suboptimality Pareto frontier of the state-of-the-art algorithms. Our work on using subgoal graphs to exploit freespace structure in state lattices and grid graphs has resulted in preprocessing-based path-planning algorithms that achieve non-dominated query-time/path-suboptimality trade-os on state lattices, and non-dom- inated query-time/memory trade-os on grid graphs. As of the time of the publication of 258 this dissertation, subgoal graphs on grid graphs have been applied by other researchers to moving target search (Nussbaum & Yorukcu, 2015), adapted to 2 k -neighbor grid graphs (Hormaz abal et al., 2017), and used for planning high-level paths for agents maneuver- ing in continuous and uncertain environments (Zeng et al., 2019). The clearance-based scanning that we developed for the connection phases of queries answered using subgoal graphs on grid graphs have been adapted and used in preprocessing-based variants of jump-point search, previously an online path-planning algorithm on grid graphs (Hara- bor et al., 2014; Rabin & Sturtevant, 2016). Going forward, we think that there are several research directions in which our work can be applied to other types of graphs or improved in various ways: Throughout this dissertation, we have shown that various algorithms can be un- derstood and augmented in the (N-level) subgoal graph framework. For instance, we have shown that contraction hierarchies can be understood as N-level subgoal graphs without same-level edges or a reachability relation and shown that they can be augmented within this framework to use a reachability relation in various ways. We think that it might be possible to use this understanding to augment contraction hierarchies with reachability relations on other types of graphs as well. For instance, one might be able to improve query times on road networks by iden- tifying various reachability relations on road networks, developing connection and renement algorithms for these reachability relations, and using these algorithms in various ways to augment contraction hierarchies (as outlined in this dissertation or in other novel ways). Our results on grid graphs suggest that simply marking some shortcut edges for R-renement can shorten query times without increasing memory requirements, given that an ecient R-rene algorithm is available. One candidate for such an R-rene algorithm on road networks might be to greedily move in the direction of the target vertex (the endpoint of theR-reachable edge) by always picking the next move as the move whose direction is closest to the direction of the target vertex from the current vertex. Although the paths found by using strongly connected subgoal graphs are not neces- sarily bounded-suboptimal, our experimental results on state lattices suggest that they are typically not much longer than optimal. As we have discussed in Sec- tions 3.6 and 4.7, we think that there are several ways in which our current algorithm of constructing strongly connected subgoal graphs can be improved. We also think that developing a variant of strongly connected subgoal graphs that can be used for nding bounded-suboptimal paths would be an interesting research direction. Our experimental results on grid graphs suggest that queries can be answered faster with a combination of contraction hierarchies and subgoal graphs than with either method by itself. We think that a similar case might hold for the combinations of subgoal graphs with other speed-up techniques, such as geometric containers or hub labeling, and might be an interesting direction for future research. Our experimental results on grid graphs suggest that queries can be answered faster with a combination of contraction hierarchies and subgoal graphs than with a com- bination of contraction hierarchies and jump-point graphs, despite the fact that they 259 also suggest that queries can be answered faster with jump-point graphs than with subgoal graphs. As we have mentioned in Section 5.5.8, we do not completely un- derstand the combination of contraction hierarchies and jump-point graphs, and we think that further research on this subject might result in algorithms with shorter query times. 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Abstract (if available)
Path planning is the problem of finding a sequence of waypoints that an agent can follow through a continuous environment to reach its goal location while avoiding obstacles. A typical approach to solving the path-planning problem in many real-world applications is to discretize the configuration space of the agent into a graph, that can then be searched for a path from a given start vertex to a given goal vertex. The choice of discretization depends mostly on the agent, the environment, and the application. For instance, one can use road networks for navigation systems, grid graphs for video games, or state lattices for agents with kinematic constraints. In some applications of path planning, the environment is static and known in advance, allowing one to analyze its associated graph in a preprocessing phase to generate auxiliary information, which can then be used to answer path-planning queries faster. A number of preprocessing-based path-planning algorithms have been developed that speed up path-planning queries by several orders of magnitude on road networks. These algorithms are applicable to any graph and provably efficient on graphs that have small highway dimensions, such as road networks. Grid graphs, on the other hand, have larger highway dimensions than road networks. When some of these algorithms are applied to grid graphs, the speed-up is smaller, and the memory requirements, relative to the original graph, are higher. ❧ State lattices and grid graphs (which are instances of state lattices) have other properties that can be exploited, which can be collectively referred to as their freespace-structure. Translation invariance of freespace distances and freespace-canonical paths: On state lattices constructed on obstacle-free and infinitely extending environments, called freespace state lattices, translating shortest paths by changing the x- or y-coordinates of all their vertices by the same integral amount produces shortest paths, and translating canonical paths produces canonical paths. Octile property: On freespace grid graphs, shortest paths consist of moves in at most two directions, a diagonal one and an associated cardinal one. The hypothesis of this dissertation is as follows: One can develop preprocessing-based path-planning algorithms for state lattices and grid graphs that exploit their freespace structure to improve the query-time/memory/path-suboptimality Pareto frontier of the state-of-the-art algorithms. ❧ To validate this hypothesis: (1) We introduce the subgoal graph framework, a framework that can be specialized to exploit structure in different types of graphs through the use of a reachability relation. We introduce a hierarchical variant of subgoal graphs, called N-level subgoal graphs, and a suboptimal but complete variant of subgoal graphs, called strongly connected subgoal graphs. (2) We apply the subgoal graph framework to state lattices by using variants of freespace-reachability as the reachability relation. We experimentally demonstrate that answering queries using strongly connected subgoal graphs constructed with respect to variants of freespace-reachability achieves dominating query-time/path-suboptimality trade-offs compared to answering queries using strongly connected subgoal graphs constructed with respect to bounded-distance-reachability
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Uras, Tansel
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Speeding up path planning on state lattices and grid graphs by exploiting freespace structure
Viterbi School of Engineering
Doctor of Philosophy
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Computer Science
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University of Southern California
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