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A simulation evaluation of the effectiveness and usability of the 3+3 rules-based design for phase I clinical trials
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A simulation evaluation of the effectiveness and usability of the 3+3 rules-based design for phase I clinical trials
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A Simulation Evaluation of the Effectiveness and Usability of the 3+3 Rules-based Design for
Phase I Clinical Trials
Jonathan Luu
Master of Science (Biostatistics)
Keck School of Medicine
University of Southern California
Degree Conferral Date: May 10, 2019
Table of Contents
1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................ 3
2 Background ................................................................................................................................................ 3
3 Methods ..................................................................................................................................................... 8
3.1 Simulations ......................................................................................................................................... 8
3.1.1: Simulation of phase I toxicity data ............................................................................................. 8
3.1.2: The application of the 3+3 rules to simulated data ..................................................................... 9
3.1.3: Validating the 3+3 algorithm .................................................................................................... 10
3.1.4: Number of simulations .............................................................................................................. 12
3.1.5: Collection of data for evaluation of the performance of the 3+3 .............................................. 12
3.2 Analysis............................................................................................................................................. 14
4 Results ...................................................................................................................................................... 15
4.1 Simulation Results ............................................................................................................................ 15
4.2 Descriptive Statistics ......................................................................................................................... 17
4.2.1 Endpoint: Probability of DLT at the MTD ................................................................................ 17
4.2.2 Endpoint: Number of patients who experienced a DLT ............................................................ 21
4.2.3 Endpoint: Number of dose levels tested..................................................................................... 23
4.2.2 Endpoint: Number of patients treated ........................................................................................ 26
4.2.4 Endpoint: Percent of times that a trial fails to identify a MTD (1
dose level has 2+ DLTs) .... 28
4.3 Linear Regression Analysis Results .................................................................................................. 29
5 Discussion ................................................................................................................................................ 38
6 Appendix .................................................................................................................................................. 41
7 References ................................................................................................................................................ 61
1 Introduction
Clinical trials constitute a research methodology for the search and establishment of
better treatment of human diseases. These trials are a form of a “planned experiment which
involves patients and is designed to elucidate the most appropriate treatment for future patients
with a given medical condition” (Pocock, 1984). The first of four phases in traditional clinical
trials, phase I trials test the usability and safety of new agents. Many designs have been proposed
to optimize phase I trials, but the traditional 3+3 rule-based design remains the most popular
(Hansen et al, 2014). This study examines different attributes of the 3+3 design to determine its
strengths and weaknesses under various conditions, as well as discusses the popularity of the 3+3
design among investigators despite it being heavily criticized.
2 Background
Phase I trials are the first stage of administered treatment on humans. Typically done on a
small number of subjects for whom there are no effective therapies, phase I trials attempt to find
the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) of a new agent. The MTD is the highest dose tested with
acceptable levels of toxicity outlined by the trial protocol and is usually passed on as the
recommended dose for phase II trials. However, to determine what is an acceptable level of
toxicity, investigators must specify their agent’s dose limiting toxicities (DLT) as these vary
from trial to trial. A DLT for one trial could be a serious, life-threatening toxicity, while a DLT
for another trial could be a long-lasting toxicity that is unable to resolve at a reasonable interval.
Because of this variation, DLTs must be precisely defined a-priori based on the NCI Common
Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events.
After establishing an agent’s criteria for a DLT, investigators experiment with a variety
of dose levels until an MTD is found. However, finding the MTD is a difficult process because
these new agents have very limited usage on humans. In an ideal phase I trial, an investigator
could set up a relatively large range of doses to search for the MTD, randomly assign subjects to
each dose level, and estimate the MTD based on their responses. Although this design is efficient
and estimates the MTD with minimal bias, it is not feasible as it is unethical to give patients
extremely high or low doses without previous knowledge of the drug. Extremely high doses of a
drug could potentially be lethal, while extremely low doses could have no effect on a patient.
Furthermore, giving patients subtherapeutic doses is ethically questionable as these drugs could
possibly be these patients’ last chance for survival. Because of the issues inherent in this “ideal”
design, investigators must utilize more practical designs to determine the MTD of a drug.
Numerous dose-finding designs have been proposed over the last three decades to find
this ideal design, manipulating factors such as patient selection, starting dosage, escalation rules,
and dose scheduling. For example, the Storer method manipulates patient selection by proposing
that only one patient is evaluated at a time until a DLT occurs, after which accrual to dose levels
is done with three patients. Using this method, simulations have shown improved estimates of
the MTD and a reduced proportion of patients treated at low dose levels without greatly
increasing the proportion of patients treated at unacceptably high dose levels (Storer, 1989).
However, both the 3+3 and Storer designs are often criticized for their inflexibility due to being
unable to specify an unacceptable probability of DLT. Another popular method, the continual
reassessment method (CRM), addresses this concern by requiring the specification of
unacceptable DLT probability (Quigley et al, 1990). It utilizes a prior distribution of the MTD
for the starting dose and a long-memory model which recalculates the MTD estimate after
treating each patient. As this method utilizes previous results to determine the next dose, the
MTD estimates are improved over the traditional design. However, many investigators critique
this method as it is based on a-priori assumptions about the dose-toxicity relationship regarding
the starting dose, leading to dose escalations that skip several dose levels which could lengthen
the trial and endanger patients if the dosage gets too high. Despite strong support from
statisticians because of their superior statistical properties, none of these new designs have
overtaken the 3+3 as the most commonly used design (Jaki et al, 2013).
In the 3+3 design, escalation is determined by the number of DLTs observed at each
level. Initially, three patients are entered at the first dose level. In human phase I studies, the first
dose is determined by using animal models, often taking 10% of the mouse LD10 (the dose at
which 10% of mice die during preclinical tests) or some fraction of a dose that has no adverse
events in a larger animal model (Morgensztern et al, 2015). If no patients experience a DLT at
this initial dose, three patients are entered at the next dose level and the process repeats. If two or
three patients experience a DLT at the initial dose, dose escalation is discontinued, and the dose
is potentially de-escalated. However, if one patient experiences a DLT at the initial dose, three
additional patients are added and treated at this dose level. If only one patient out of the six
experiences a DLT, the dose is escalated, and the process repeats; otherwise, the dose is
concluded to be above the MTD and is de-escalated. If the dose is above the MTD, the next
lower dose is declared the MTD if six patients have already been treated at that dose; otherwise,
three additional patients are treated at the next lower dose. If 0 or 1 have DLTs, this is declared
the MTD; if two or more have DLTs, it is further de-escalated following this protocol until the
MTD is declared. Figure 1 below illustrates the 3+3 design as a flowchart.
Figure 1 - 3+3 design flowchart
The 3+3 method, which is known as a “rules based” design, is a simple design with an
easily followed set of rules that can be taught to investigators. Its simplicity is one of its biggest
strengths, requiring limited statistical knowledge to understand its execution. Furthermore, the
3+3 has been used extensively over the past few decades, so research teams understand its
intricacies and know what to expect due to familiarity. This familiarity allows trial protocols to
pass institutional review boards and biostatistics reviews more easily and increases the
throughput of potential drug trials (Ji et al, 2013). The sample size required by the 3+3 is
typically much smaller compared to model-based designs as well (Ji et al, 2013). While there are
technically very few statistical advantages, the 3+3 method has been found to pick doses with a
relatively low probability of DLT, a desired property of phase I trials (Hansen et al, 2014). Other
designs can be altered to pick lower dose probability levels as well, but this property is intrinsic
of the 3+3. It can be speculated that the 3+3 has other properties that satisfy investigators
because of its continued usage, but the main reasons for its popularity are its simplicity,
flexibility, and its history of producing desirable results.
However, there are several issues with the 3+3 rule-based design. First, it does not
converge to the true MTD but instead provides an estimate. This is because it does not allow for
dose oscillation (switching between dose escalation and de-escalation repeatedly) or intermediate
doses without amending the protocol (Nie et al, 2016). Furthermore, confidence intervals
perform poorly, as nominal 80% confidence intervals do not include the correct value 80% of the
time, and 95% intervals often cover the full range of possibilities [0,1] which provides no
information (Nie et al, 2016). It is sensitive to both the starting dose and the dose-toxicity
relationship, and subjects may also experience different levels of toxicity which the design does
not account for. Finally, the most common criticism of this design is that many patients may be
treated at sub-therapeutic doses if the initial dose is much lower than the MTD. Due to the poor
statistical properties of this design and the potential ethical and financial issues caused by
incorrect starting doses which may lengthen the trial, the 3+3 design has been heavily criticized
by investigators who suggest that it be replaced.
To determine the effectiveness of the 3+3 design, this simulation study evaluates its
performance over a range of potential scenarios. From low dosage, low dose escalation drugs to
high dosage, high dose escalation drugs, it is important to consider how various outcomes change
in these different scenarios. Different drugs have different toxicity curves, so outlining scenarios
where the 3+3 excels may assist researchers when deciding on a trial design. Many previous
studies have evaluated the 3+3 rule-based design; however, these studies chose very specific
scenarios that limit their outcomes and are therefore less applicable to the average study.
Furthermore, these studies typically are done in a comparative fashion to examine how the 3+3
compares to another method like the CRM. The focus of this study is to examine scenarios where
the 3+3 is effective so researchers can justify their usage of the 3+3, allowing the results to be
applied more broadly. The main outcome being considered in this study is the probability of
DLT at the selected MTD and its distribution over several dose levels. This outcome determines
how a DLT probability curve under different scenarios can affect the MTD. Other outcomes such
as the number of DLTs patients experience in a trial, the highest dose level tested, the average
number of patients needed in a trial, and whether the MTD selected is missing (the MTD value
selected is below the lowest dose level) will also be considered.
3 Methods
3.1 Simulations
The methods for generating phase I trial data are split up into the following five sections:
simulation of phase I toxicity data, the application of the 3+3 rules to simulated data, validating
the 3+3 algorithm, number of simulations, and collection of data for evaluation of the
performance of the 3+3.
3.1.1: Simulation of phase I toxicity data
To create realistic and varied DLT probability arrays, the program utilized the DLT
probability function of the form (Sposto et al, 2010):
Figure 2 - DLT probability function
where D is the maximum dose level, P(D) is the maximum DLT probability generated using
uniform distribution U(0,1), beta is the slope of the DLT probability curve estimated using
uniform distribution U(0, P(D)/D), and gamma which is calculated by plugging in the previous
variables. Previous DLT probabilities P(d) for d=1,…D-1 are calculated using the gamma value.
This creates a DLT probability set that assigns a DLT probability to each dose level ranging from
1 to D.
Using this DLT probability function, a variety of DLT curves can be created. As beta
dictates the slope of the DLT probability curve, we can change it to increase how quickly a drug
becomes toxic. Similarly, changing the maximum DLT probability, P(D), also changes the shape
of the DLT curve by limiting its height. These two parameters, in addition to the maximum
number of dose levels, D, will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the 3+3 method. Both
P(D) and beta were categorized into three levels and defined in further detail below (Table 1).
There are nine different combinations of P(D) and beta, giving nine potential DLT curves. This
study examines four different maximum dose levels (D=3, 5, 7 and 9) to understand the effect of
incrementing dosage, creating a total of 36 (nine DLT curves * 4 different dose levels) different
Table 1 - All experimental conditions
Experimental Condition Definition
P(D) The probability of a dose limiting toxicity occurring at the
highest dose level in a simulation. In other words, the
maximum DLT probability generated in a simulation using the
uniform distribution U(0,1).
Low P(D) Probability ranges from 10% to 30%
Medium P(D) Probability ranges from 30% to 50%
High P(D) Probability ranges from 50% to 80%
Beta How steep the initial slope of the dose limiting toxicity
probability curve is – the larger the beta, the steeper the slope
Low Beta Beta value ranges from 0 to 1/3(P(D)/D)
Medium Beta Beta value ranges from 1/3(P(D)/D) to 2/3(P(D)/D)
High Beta Beta value ranges from 2/3(P(D)/D) to P(D)/D
Dose levels The total number of dose levels in a simulation. The highest
dose level in a simulation is indicated by D. Four different
dose levels will be tested: D=3, 5, 7, and 9.
3.1.2: Application of the 3+3 rules to simulated data
The data analyzed in this study were created with a simulation program written in C++.
The simulation applies the 3+3 rules by taking in two initial parameters: a starting dose level and
an array of DLT probabilities that indicate the probability that a patient will experience a DLT at
each dose level. An example of a DLT probability array is shown in Figure 3 below. In this given
example, if a patient was given the drug at dose level 3, there would be a 28.4% chance he or she
would experience a DLT.
Figure 3 - DLT probability array
To simulate patients experiencing a DLT at the current dose level, the program performs
an inverse transform of the uniform distribution using the given DLT probability array. The
inverse transform works by using a random number generator with uniform distribution that
generates a number between 0 and 1 -- if the generated number is less than the DLT probability
for the current dose level, the patient experiences a DLT; otherwise, the patient does not
experience a DLT.
In our simulations, the starting dose level for all simulations is set at dose level 1 for this
experiment, giving the program the potential to de-escalate the dosage by one level if necessary.
Furthermore, the full dose range consists of levels 0 to D (e.g. D=9 contains [0,9] dose levels). The
program begins by setting the current dose level as the starting dose level. Based on the number
of DLTs at the current dose level, the dosage is either escalated or de-escalated based on the rules
of the 3+3 design. The current dose level is updated, and the entire process is repeated until the
MTD is found.
3.1.3: Validating the 3+3 algorithm
Initially, the DLT probability array was created using set intervals of 5%, ranging from
0% to 70% for 15 dose levels. Although this probability array is unrealistic, it allowed for initial
verification of the program’s 3+3 algorithm as it could be compared to another third-party
simulator. Using a third-party simulator written in FORTRAN, 150 simulations were run and its
MTD proportions were used as the “gold-standard” (Figure 4). This program was written by Dr.
Richard Sposto who kindly permitted the use of his program to verify the performance of the
algorithm written in C++ for this thesis.
Figure 4 - Gold standard MTD proportions
Using the same DLT probability array of 5% increments, 150 simulations were then
generated with the C++ program for comparison with the following result:
Dose Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Frequency 7 14 24 27 28 25 15 6 2 2
Proportion 0.047 0.093 0.160 0.180 0.187 0.167 0.100 0.040 0.013 0.013
R was used to compare the observed count of MTD values in the C++ program to the “gold
standard” proportions of the FORTRAN program using a chi-squared goodness of fit test, and
both programs had very similar results (Chi2=10.98, df=11, p=0.445), verifying the correctness
of the C++ algorithm.
3.1.4: Number of simulations
At each maximum dose level, D, for each of the nine (P(D) x beta) categories, 150
simulations were run - a total of 1350 simulations per value of D. A sample size of 150 per
scenario was calculated using nQUERY. A two-way ANOVA was used to calculate the variance
in means for the two parameter variables, beta and P(D), using a 3 by 3 table (Figure 5). These
numbers were chosen based on a standard deviation of 1, with the values in row 3 column 3
being a half standard deviation higher to account for potential interaction between the two
variables. With these calculated variances in means, a significance value of 0.05, and a power of
90%, nQUERY gave an estimated sample size of 147 which was rounded up to 150.
Figure 2 – Variability among the means – used for sample size determination
Standardized Mean Probability of DLT at the MTD
(differences are relative to a common standard deviation of 1.0)
Low P(D) Medium P(D) High P(D)
Low Beta 0.0 0.5 1.0
Medium Beta 0.5 1.0 1.5
High Beta 1.0 1.5 2.5
3.1.5: Collection of data for evaluation of the performance of the 3+3
Within each simulation, five different endpoints (Table 2) were recorded and exported to
Excel (Figure 6-7) to evaluate the properties of the 3+3 design. The main endpoint is the
probability of DLT at the MTD, or the probability of a dose limiting toxicity occurring when
using the dosage indicated at the maximum tolerated dose. This endpoint is considered the most
important because it is the main goal of a phase I clinical trial – finding a dosage to recommend
to investigators conducting phase II trials if the drug has potential. However, phase I clinical
trials also focus on several other factors – one being the safety of the patients. One outcome
related to safety is the number of DLTs, or the total number of dose-limiting toxicities that occur
in a single simulation. The number of DLTs may indicate how safe a drug may be, as more DLTs
given the same set of parameters is undesired. The highest dose level tested in a single
simulation may also be of interest because at least three patients will be administered this dosage.
Determining if the highest dose level tested is too high, which could cause unnecessary toxicity,
or if the highest dose level is too low, which leads to increased trial costs and patients treated at
sub-therapeutic doses, may be useful to researchers. The total number of patients enrolled in a
single trial is also important, as having more patients increases cost and could indicate an issue
with the initial dosage. Additionally, the 3+3 design may not always select an MTD if the
starting dosage is too high, so simulations where the MTD is not found will be considered.
Table 2 - All endpoints
Endpoint Definition
Probability of DLT at the
The probability of a dose limiting toxicity occurring when
using the dose selected as at the maximum tolerated dose based
on the 3+3 rules
Number of DLTs The total number of dose limiting toxicities that occur in a
single simulation
Highest dose level tested The highest dose level tested in a single simulation, regardless
if it is selected as the MTD
Total number of patients The total number of patients enrolled in a single simulation
Missing MTD Whether the probability of DLT at the MTD selected is missing
or not found, as the dose level selected is below 1
Figure 3 – Endpoint results format for 4 simulated trials
Simulation # Probability of DLT at the
final MTD
Number of DLTs Highest dose level
Total number of
1 0.46 3 5 15
2 0.34 3 5 18
3 0.20 4 4 15
4 0.55 6 8 30
Figure 4 – The probability of DLT, P(d), at each of the 9 possible dose levels for 4 simulated trials
Simulation # P(1) P(2) P(3) P(4) P(5) P(6) P(7) P(8) P(D)
1 0.12 0.24 0.35 0.46 0.56 0.64 0.71 0.76 0.79
2 0.09 0.18 0.26 0.34 0.41 0.47 0.52 0.56 0.59
3 0.07 0.13 0.20 0.26 0.32 0.37 0.42 0.47 0.51
4 0.10 0.19 0.28 0.36 0.44 0.50 0.55 0.59 0.62
3.2 Analysis
After running all the simulations and exporting their results, R was used to calculate their
descriptive statistics. Mean, median, min, max, IQR, and standard deviation were calculated for
each endpoint. The ggplot2 data visualization package in R was used to create DLT probability
graphs using the given DLT probabilities (Figure 7) in each simulation, as well as histograms of
the various endpoints. These descriptive statistics and graphs were gathered to better understand
the distribution of each endpoint in each scenario. Understanding the average probability of DLT
and its range may help researchers decide whether to use the 3+3 design if the profile of their
drug fits one of these scenarios.
In addition to the descriptive statistics, SAS was used to analyze how the parameters
P(D) and beta affected the main endpoint, the MTD. Understanding how changing the maximum
dosage of a trial and dose escalation speed may affect the MTD is important because it assists
researchers in determining an effective dose escalation strategy. P(D) and beta were read in as
continuous variables. Categorical versions (catBeta and catP(D)) using the cutoff points in Table
1 were created of both variables to check for association, as the categories may contain as much
information as their continuous counterparts. Interaction terms between P(D) and beta --
P(D)*catBeta, catP(D)*beta, and catP(D)*catBeta -- were also considered. As the outcome,
MTD, is continuous, linear regression was run to check for these associations, and the predicted
and residual values were checked to see if they met all assumptions (normality,
homoscedasticity, linearity, and independence). Linear regression was also used to predict the
best model, where the full model included P(D), beta, catP(D), catBeta, and the interaction terms
listed above. Four prediction methods were used to determine what would be the best model in
terms of a high adjusted R
and number of variables: forward selection, backwards elimination,
stepwise, and all-subsets. The prediction tests used a significance level of entry/exit of 0.10.
Their type I and III sums of squares as well as unadjusted R
values were also examined.
4 Results
4.1 Simulation Results
For each simulation, a random DLT probability array is generated using the DLT
probability function in Figure 3. To see the general shape of the probability curves, R was used
to graph each of these probability arrays. For example, Figure 8 illustrates a single simulation’s
DLT probability curve for D=9. As the dose level increases from 1 to 9, the probability that a
patient will experience a DLT also increases.
Figure 5 - DLT probability curve of a single simulation
However, the DLT curve from a single simulation is not very informative due to the
variation within each of the nine categories. Therefore, to illustrate the overall range of shapes
for the nine categories, all DLT probability curves (n=150 for each category) were combined into
overall graphs, categorized by dose level, with jitter for visibility (Figure 9).
Figure 6 - DLT probability curve for each category at D=9 with jitter, n=1350 (150 per category)
Figure 9 illustrates the DLT probability curve shapes for D=9, while D=3, 5, and 7 can be
found in the appendix (Appendix 1-3). As beta controls the slope of the graph, lower beta values
create a concave-up parabolic shape which simulates a drug that is less toxic at lower doses but
ramps up in toxicity as the dose level increases. A medium beta value creates a positively-sloped
linear DLT curve that simulates a drug with toxicity that increases approximately linearly with
the dosage. A high beta value creates a concave-down parabolic shape which simulates a drug
that increases in toxicity more quickly initially but begins to level out as the dosage increases.
P(D) determines the overall height of the graph as it sets the maximum DLT probability a
simulation can reach. Higher P(D) values have graphs ending between 0.5 and 0.8, medium P(D)
values have graphs ending between 0.3 and 0.5, and low P(D) values have graphs ending
between 0.1 and 0.3. These P(D) values simulate a variety of drug toxicities, with lower P(D)
values simulating less toxic drugs and higher P(D) values simulating very toxic drugs. Overall,
each category represents a different scenario with a different height or different shape, allowing
this experiment to evaluate how the 3+3 performs under a variety of conditions.
4.2 Descriptive Statistics
4.2.1 Endpoint: Probability of DLT at the MTD
For each number of doses (D=3, 5, 7, and 9) and for each of the 9 P(D) and beta
combinations, 150 simulations were run using their respective DLT probability curve and their
results were recorded. Descriptive statistics were run on each endpoint for each category and the
four maximum dose levels, D. Table 3 shows the descriptive statistics for the endpoint of
probability of DLT at the MTD for D=9, as estimated by the simulations. Holding beta constant,
the higher the P(D) category, the higher the mean value is for this endpoint because the drug is
more toxic and has a higher limit for what the maximum probability of DLT will be at D=9.
Holding P(D) constant, beta makes a smaller difference in the mean values for each category.
Low and medium beta categories have very similar mean values, while the high beta category
has marginally higher mean values. Median values for all categories have similar findings.
Minimum and maximum values for low and medium beta, while holding P(D) constant, are very
similar as well, while high beta has a higher variance. When comparing dose levels and holding
P(D) and beta constant, D=9 had the lowest mean values of DLT probabilities, while D=3 had
the highest mean values of DLT probabilities (Appendix 7). This is expected because the 3+3
method does not allow for intermediate dose levels. Therefore, D=3 has lower precision
compared to D=9 as the intervals between each dose level are larger, leading to overestimation of
the endpoint. Similarly, the maximum and minimum values for D=3 are more extreme compared
to D=9 because of the same intermediate dose level reason.
Table 3 Probability of DLT at MTD for D=9 with n=150 simulations in each column
High Beta
High P(D)
High Beta
Low P(D)
High Beta
Med P(D)
Low Beta
High P(D)
Low Beta
Low P(D)
Low Beta
Med P(D)
Med Beta
High P(D)
Med Beta
Low P(D)
Med Beta
Med P(D)
mean 0.2 0.14 0.19 0.17 0.14 0.17 0.18 0.14 0.17
sd 0.1 0.053 0.086 0.083 0.061 0.093 0.086 0.054 0.082
median 0.19 0.12 0.19 0.16 0.13 0.15 0.17 0.14 0.18
q1 0.11 0.1 0.11 0.1 0.1 0.11 0.12 0.11 0.11
q3 0.26 0.17 0.25 0.22 0.18 0.22 0.24 0.17 0.23
min 0 0.025 0 0.025 0.019 0.018 0 0.017 0.024
max 0.55 0.26 0.37 0.4 0.29 0.4 0.42 0.3 0.4
To better visualize the distributions of the probability of DLT at the selected MTD,
histograms of the frequency count of the MTD dose level were created for each category using
the results from their respective 150 simulations. Figure 10 illustrates the histogram for one
category (high beta, high P(D), D=3). Out of its 150 simulations, around 40 were not found (dose
level 0), around 90 ended on dose level 1, around 12 ended on dose level 2, and 0 ended on dose
level 3.
Figure 7 - MTD Histogram for one category (High Beta, High P(D))
A graph combining all nine categories within a dose level can be found in Figure 11. By
categorizing these graphs, the effects of beta and P(D) become more apparent. Figure 11
illustrates these categories for D=9, while D=3,5,7 can be found in the appendix (Appendix 4-6).
When looking at just the P(D) categories, high P(D) and medium P(D) plots have relatively
normal distributions with some slight left and right skewness. However, low P(D) plots have a
non-normal, bimodal distribution with the largest peak at dose level 9. Although the maximum
probability of DLT is 30% for the low P(D) category, the each simulation’s P(D) value is
selected using a uniform random distribution U(0.1, 0.3), so a majority of P(D) values are much
lower than the maximum of 30%. Because of these low probability values for all nine dose
levels, the chances of it reaching the maximum dose value is much higher. Beta, which controls
the initial slope of the DLT probability curve, also influences these histograms. Histograms for
low beta categories’ are more left skewed than high beta categories, indicating that low beta
MTD dose levels are higher. With a lower initial slope, the initial dose levels have a lower
probability of DLT as well, increasing the chance that fewer DLTs will be experienced at these
lower dose levels. For high beta values, the initial dose levels have a higher probability of DLT
while later dose levels begin to level off, increasing the chance that more DLTs will be
experienced at these lower dose levels. Medium beta values are the most linear, so their
histograms fall in between low and high beta values. For D=9, missing MTD values (dose level
0) are less of a concern due to the increased precision of higher dose levels. However, when
looking at the D=3 graphs (Appendix 4), there are significantly more missing values, especially
for the high P(D) categories where there are around 40, 20, and 5 missing values for high beta,
medium beta, and low beta, respectively. Similarly, for D=5 (Appendix 5), there are still missing
values but not as severe as D=3, with a downward trend for missing values as D increases. The
histograms for D=3,5, and 7 have relatively similar distributions to D=9, where beta and P(D)
determine the skewness and normality of each histogram.
Figure 8 - MTD Histogram for all categories at D=9
4.2.2 Endpoint: Number of patients who experienced a DLT
Descriptive statistics were run on each of the secondary endpoints as well. Analyzing the
total number of DLTs is important, as a high number of DLTs is undesired in a trial. Table 4
shows the descriptive statistics for the endpoint of total number of DLTs for D=9, as estimated
by the simulations. Holding beta constant, high P(D) has a very similar mean number of DLTs
compared to medium P(D), while low P(D) has a lower mean count. Standard deviations are very
similar throughout all nine categories, ranging from 1 to 1.5. Minimum values are very similar
throughout the nine categories, ranging from 0 to 2. However, maximum values have more
variation ranging from 6 to 11, although there is also no clear trend amongst the categories.
Holding P(D) constant, there is no clear trend on its effect on the mean value for each of the beta
categories. When comparing D=9 to D=3 simulations (Appendix 13), D=3 has larger variation
because the interval between each dose level is larger; however, DLT count per simulation
remained very similar. Median values were also more varied, ranging from 1 to 4 for D=3
compared to D=9 which ranged from 2 to 3. Like the histogram for the MTD frequency above,
Figure 12 graphs the frequency of the number of DLTs, categorized by the MTD level. All
simulations where there are 0 or 1 DLTs occur in the low P(D) and medium P(D) categories.
Similarly, all simulations where there are 0 or 1 DLTs have a MTD value of 9 (pink in the graph
below), indicating that it has reached the highest dose level. Low and medium P(D) categories
also have more normal-looking distributions compared to high P(D). High P(D) has a maximum
MTD level at the 7
dose level, never reaching the 9
dose level. A majority of MTD levels in
the high P(D) + high beta category is dose levels 1 and 2, but this becomes more dispersed as
beta decreases. Histograms for D=3,5,7 can be found in Appendix 22-24. D=7 has a similar
distribution to D=9. D=5 also has a similar distribution to D=9, although the graph is slightly
more left skewed due to more simulations reaching the highest dose level. D=3 has a very
different distribution from D=9, with several simulations reaching dose level D even in the high
P(D) category. There are a lot more simulations that have a total DLT count of 0 or 1, and the
mean values for the low P(D) and medium P(D) because of this.
Figure 9 - Histogram of Number of DLTs categorized by MTD level for D=9
Table 4 – Number of DLTs for D=9
High Beta
High P(D)
High Beta
Low P(D)
High Beta
Med P(D)
Low Beta
High P(D)
Low Beta
Low P(D)
Low Beta
Med P(D)
Med Beta
High P(D)
Med Beta
Low P(D)
Med Beta
Med P(D)
mean 3.1 2.7 3.5 3.4 2.2 3.4 3.3 2.5 3.3
sd 1 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.5 1.5 1.2 1.3 1.2
median 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 2.5 3
q1 2 2 3 2 1 2 3 2 2
q3 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 4
min 2 0 2 2 0 0 2 0 1
max 6 6 10 7 6 11 10 6 7
4.2.3 Endpoint: Number of dose levels tested
Table 5 shows the descriptive statistics for the endpoint of highest dose level tested for
D=9, as estimated by the simulations. Median values range from 3 to 9 between the nine
categories. Interquartile ranges for the high P(D) categories had the smallest intervals with a
value of 2, while lower P(D) categories had larger intervals with values ranging from 2 to 4.
Minimum and maximum values for all categories were similar ranging from 2 to 3 for minimum
and 8 to 9 for maximum. As P(D) increased, the mean dose level count went down because as
the probability of DLT increases more rapidly, the more likely 2 or more patients will experience
a DLT and end the simulation. Similarly, as beta increases, the mean dose levels also go down.
The steeper the slope is, the quicker the probability of DLT increases which leads to lower dose
levels tested. It is difficult to compare the values of D=9 to D=3 (Appendix 10), as the lower
dose level simulations cap off the number of potential dose levels. Therefore, it makes sense that
lower dose level simulations have lower mean and median values, but little can be interpreted
from these results. As the number of patients is directly correlated with the highest dose level
tested, determining the number of doses tested is important when considering ethics and cost.
Furthermore, when looking at Figure 13 which graphs the frequency of the highest dose level
tested categorized by the simulation’s MTD level, the highest dose level tested must be one dose
level below the MTD except when it the MTD is equal to D. As expected, low P(D) categories
have a higher dose level tested average as the probability of DLT is lower. Medium P(D)
categories have a more normal distribution compared to the other two P(D) categories, while the
high P(D) categories are more left skewed. High beta categories are also more left skewed due to
having a steeper slope, causing the probability of DLT to increase more rapidly. Appendix 25-27
shows the histograms for D=3,5,7. D=5 and 7 have relatively similar distributions to D=9;
however, D=3 is very different due to having only two values for highest dose level tested, d=2
and 3. For D=3, both low P(D) and beta categories decrease the number of d=2 values while
increasing d=3, while high P(D) and beta categories increase the d=2 while decreasing d=3. The
histogram also illustrates the possibility of de-escalation when comparing the highest dose level
tested to the MTD level. For example, in Figure 13 low beta, medium P(D), d=9 has MTD level
values of 9, 8, 7 and 6, indicating that some trials ended at d=9 while some trials de-escalated
several dose levels due to toxicity.
Figure 10 - Histogram of highest dose level tested categorized by MTD level for D=9
Table 5 – Highest dose level tested for D=9
High Beta
High P(D)
High Beta
Low P(D)
High Beta
Med P(D)
Low Beta
High P(D)
Low Beta
Low P(D)
Low Beta
Med P(D)
Med Beta
High P(D)
Med Beta
Low P(D)
Med Beta
Med P(D)
mean 3.5 7 4.8 5.3 7.9 6.5 4.1 7.3 5.6
sd 1.3 2.1 1.7 1.5 1.5 1.8 1.4 1.8 2
median 3 8 5 5 9 7 4 8 6
q1 2 5 3.2 4 7 5.2 3 6 4
q3 4 9 6 6 9 8 5 9 7
min 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2
max 8 9 9 9 9 9 8 9 9
4.2.2 Endpoint: Number of patients treated
Table 6 shows the descriptive statistics for the endpoint of total number of patients for
D=9, as estimated by the simulations. Holding beta constant, high P(D) has the lowest mean
patient count, while low P(D) has the highest patient count. Because lower P(D) values are
correlated with number of dose levels tested as seen by the histograms in Figure 11, more
simulations will reach dose level 9 which means more patients need to be recruited to test the
previous dose levels. Higher P(D) values have a lower maximum dose level tested which leads to
fewer patients tested. Holding P(D) constant, high beta values have the lowest mean patient
count values, while low beta values have the highest mean patient count values. Explained in the
descriptive section for highest dose level tested, lower beta values are more likely to have a
higher max dose level tested which leads to more patients being required, illustrated by the mean
values in Table 6. Minimum values are similar throughout the nine categories, ranging from 9 to
12. However, maximum values are lower for high P(D) and higher for low P(D) categories,
ranging from 30 to 39 patients. When comparing dose level simulations (Appendix 16), D=9 has
the highest mean values of patient count, while D=3 has the lowest mean values of patient count.
Since the interval between each dose level is smaller for nine dose levels, more patients must be
enrolled at each dose level to find the MTD compared to three dose levels. Mean values for
D=5,7, and 9 follow the pattern described previously where high P(D) values have lower mean
values compared to low P(D) values; however, D=3 simulations do not follow this pattern. The
patient count remains the same or increases as the P(D) category increases. The pattern for
D=5,7, and 9 is intuitive because there is enough precision between the dose levels to accurately
find the MTD. However, the pattern for D=3 is likely due to the low precision caused by the low
number of dose levels and having many missing values. Figure 14 illustrates the patterns
described above as a boxplot for D=9. Boxplots for D=3,5,7 can be found in Appendix 28-30.
Figure 11 - Boxplot of total number of patients by beta x P(D) categories for D=9
Table 6 – Total number of patients for D=9
High Beta
High P(D)
High Beta
Low P(D)
High Beta
Med P(D)
Low Beta
High P(D)
Low Beta
Low P(D)
Low Beta
Med P(D)
Med Beta
High P(D)
Med Beta
Low P(D)
Med Beta
Med P(D)
mean 14 24 18 19 26 23 16 25 21
sd 4.6 6.8 6.2 5.6 4.9 6.6 5.2 5.9 6.9
median 12 24 18 18 27 24 15 27 21
q1 12 18 12 15 24 18 12 21 15
q3 15 30 21 24 30 27 18 30 27
min 9 9 9 9 12 9 9 12 9
max 30 39 36 33 39 39 36 36 39
4.2.4 Endpoint: Percent of times that a trial fails to identify a MTD (1
dose level has 2+ DLTs)
Finally, Table 7 shows the descriptive statistics for the endpoint of missing MTD for
D=9, as estimated by the simulations. The MTD not being found is always a concern, and the
fewer dose levels a design has, the more likely it is that the MTD will not be found. For D=9,
there are very few missing values for the MTD, ranging from 0 to 2 for the missing count which
is less than 1% of their respective simulations, since the lower dose levels tend to be associated
with lower probabilities of DLT. However, as the maximum dose level count decreases
(Appendix 19-21), the number of missing values increases. D=3 simulations had 39 missing
values for the high beta, high P(D) category, which is 26% of the 150 simulations. It is easier to
see for D=3 how P(N) and beta can affect missing values. Increasing P(D) leads to a higher
probability that the MTD will not be found and increasing the beta parameter also leads to a
higher probability that the MTD will not be found.
Overall, these descriptive statistics for each endpoint, the DLT probability curves and
MTD histograms give a general idea of how the 3+3 operates under the 9 different scenarios and
4 different maximum dose levels. However, to fully understand how P(D) and beta are related to
the MTD, linear regression will be used to determine any linear relationships, interaction terms,
values, and the best model that can be used to analyze and compare each category.
Table 7 - Missing MTD for D=9
High Beta
High P(D)
High Beta
Low P(D)
High Beta
Med P(D)
Low Beta
High P(D)
Low Beta
Low P(D)
Low Beta
Med P(D)
Med Beta
High P(D)
Med Beta
Low P(D)
Med Beta
Med P(D)
count 2 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
proportion 0.013 0 0.0067 0 0 0 0.0067 0 0
4.3 Linear Regression Analysis Results
By the design of this study, P(D) and beta are very likely to impact the probability of
DLT at the MTD. To determine the magnitude that these two parameters have on the outcome,
linear regression was run. For the initial linear regression model, P(D) and beta were read in as
continuous variables, and categorical versions (catBeta and catP(D)) using the cutoff points in
Table 1 were created of both variables to check for association. The probability of DLT at the
MTD was used as the outcome for this linear model. MTD values at dose level 0 were
considered missing values, and D=9 was used as the set dose level for this analysis. Various
diagnostic tests were used to verify that the linear regression assumptions of normality, linearity,
homoscedasticity, and independence were met. Independence was met due to the nature of the
data – each simulation was only evaluated once, and no paired data were used. The assumption
of normality was not met when examining the histogram distribution and the Q-Q plot of the
regression residuals because there were many outliers and it was left skewed (Figure 15),
although it had acceptable skewness and kurtosis values of 0.37 and 0.04, respectively.
To fix this normality issue, three different transformations were considered: arcsine
(Figure 16), log (Figure 17), and square root (Figure 18). The log transformation did not help
with normality and exacerbated the issue, skewing the data to the right and creating a non-linear
Q-Q plot. The arcsine transformation helped with normality by fixing the skewness issue, as well
as creating a more linear QQ plot with fewer outliers. This transformation had a skewness and
kurtosis value of -0.08 and -0.32, respectively. The square root transformation also helped with
normality by fixing the skewness issue, as well as creating a more linear QQ plot with fewer
outliers. This transformation had a skewness and kurtosis value of -0.20 and -0.38. Although the
square root transformation had worse skewness and kurtosis values compared to the arcsine, the
results are very similar, but the square root transformation allows for easier interpretation of the
linear regression results. Furthermore, the arcsine transformation makes it difficult to treat the
outcome as a measurement variable and typically recommends logistic regression, while the
square root transformation is often used for count variables and recommends linear or Poisson
regression. Therefore, I chose the square root transformation for the outcome of MTD.
Figure 12 – Untransformed normality test Figure 13 - Arcsine transformation
Figure 14 - Log transformation Figure 15 – Square root transformation
A scatterplot of the predicted vs. residuals from the linear regression before the outcome
transformation was examined to evaluate homoscedasticity and linearity assumptions (Figure
19). The scatterplot was color-categorized by the number of doses tested in that simulation for
clearer identification of each point. Regarding homoscedasticity, there is a large issue throughout
the entire graph where the variance of each x value is unequal. The variance on the left side of
the graph is significantly smaller than the right side. Similarly, the assumption of linearity is also
violated although not as severely. On the left side of the graph, the width of negative values is
larger than the width of positive values. To fix this, the square root transformation was used
(Figure 20). There remains a slight issue on the left side of the graph (predicted value range of
0.34 to 0.36) where values are concentrated for the dose level 9 points around 0 on the y axis.
However, as this area is a small proportion of the overall graph, it is less of an issue. The overall
plot appears to be reasonably homoscedastic and is improved over the untransformed graph. The
assumption of linearity was also helped with the square root transformation, and all values
except from the predicted value range of 0.35 to 0.37 look linear. Therefore, all four linear
regression assumptions are met after the square root transformation.
Figure 16 - Predicted vs. Residual scatterplot categorized by doses tested before transformation
Figure 17 - Predicted vs. Residual scatterplot categorized by doses tested after square root transformation
To understand how P(D) and beta affected the predicted and residual values even further,
figure 18 was split up by catBeta and catP(D) (Figure 21). The larger the beta value, the higher
the variance is for the predicted values, ranging from 0.35 to 0.53. The residual variance is very
similar between the three catBeta values. Similarly, the larger the P(D) value, the higher the
variance is for the predicted values. However, this pattern is much more apparent when
categorizing by P(D) as the lowest P(D) category is very concentrated in the first third of the
graph, while the highest P(D) category is more varied but has higher predicted values.
Figure 18 - Predicted vs. Residual scatterplot categorized by catBeta and catP(D) after square root transformation
Table 8 - ANOVA Table – Square root-transformed linear regression
Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F R
Model 6 1.15 0.19 21.07 <.0001 0.09
Error 1339 12.23 0.009
Corrected Total 1345 13.38
Table 9 - Type III Sums of Squares – Square root-transformed linear regression
Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F
P(D) 1 0.07 0.07 7.87 0.0051
Beta 1 0.11 0.11 12.54 0.0004
CatBeta 2 0.006 0.003 0.33 0.7221
CatP(D) 2 0.105 0.05 5.77 0.0032
Table 10 - Parameter estimates – Square root-transformed linear regression
Parameter Estimate 95% CI Standard Error t-Value Pr > |t|
Intercept 0.30 (0.25, 0.35) 0.025 11.82 <.0001
P(D) 0.11 (0.034, 0.194) 0.041 2.80 0.0051
Beta 0.73 (0.327, 1.14) 0.021 3.54 0.0004
CatBeta – low 0.008 (-0.012, 0.028) 0.010 0.81 0.4198
CatBeta – medium 0.004 (-0.011, 0.020) 0.008 0.57 0.5698
CatBeta – high Reference - - - -
CatP(D) - low 0.024 (-0.011, 0.060) 0.018 1.37 0.1715
CatP(D) – medium 0.032 (0.009, 0.054) 0.012 2.73 0.0064
CatP(D) - high Reference - - - -
The results of this initial linear regression can be found in Tables 8-10. Table 8 shows the
ANOVA table results with a F-value of 21.07 and a p-value of <.0001, indicating a strong
relationship between the variables in the model and the outcome. However, the model only
explains 9.0% of the variability in the outcome which is relatively small. Table 9 shows the type
III sums of squares of the transformed model, showing how much each variable contributes to
the model when all other variables are already included. Type III sums of squares were used
rather than type I because I wanted to examine the overall effect each variable had on the model,
rather than one at a time. Beta has the highest F-value of 12.54, while P(D) is slightly smaller
with an F-value of 7.87. Both variables are extremely significant with p-values <0.05 and
contribute a lot to the model. CatBeta has a small F-value of 0.33 and is not statistically
significant (p = 0.72), contributing little to the model. CatP(D), although not as significant as
beta and P(D), has a F-value of 5.77 (p=0.003) and still contributes significantly to the model.
Table 10 shows the parameter estimate table of the regression. As it uses the Type III sums of
squares p-values, the results for the continuous variables are the same. P(D) is statistically
significantly associated with the probability of DLT at the MTD (p=0.005). The following
interpretations are transformed back to the original scale from the square root scale. For every
unit increase in P(D), the probability of DLT at the MTD increases by 0.01 (95% CI 0.001,
0.004). Similarly, beta is statistically significantly associated with the probability of DLT at the
MTD (p=<.0001). For every unit increase in beta, the probability of DLT at the MTD increases
by 0.53 (95% CI 0.11, 1.30). The different levels of categorical beta are not significantly
different from one another, with low beta and medium beta having p-values of 0.42 and 0.57,
respectively, when compared to the base level of high beta. The low level of P(D) is not
significantly different from the base level of high P(D) (p=0.17), while the medium level of P(D)
is statistically significantly different from the base level (p=0.006).
After verifying all linear regression assumptions and running the initial linear model, four
different prediction methods were used to select the best model: forward selection, backwards
elimination, stepwise and all subsets. Variables included in the full model included P(D), beta,
catBeta, catP(D), P(D)*catBeta, catP(D)*beta, and catP(D)*catBeta.
Backwards elimination selected a model (Tables 11-12) with P(D), beta, catBeta,
catP(D), beta*catP(D), and catBeta*catP(D). This model had a R
of 0.082, but it had a high
variable count making it less parsimonious. It had a high F-value of 19.95 and an overall p-value
of <.0001, and all variables in the model had significant p-values except for catP(D) where
p=0.18. Forward selection and stepwise selected a model (Tables 13-14) with only P(D) and beta
in the model with a R
of 0.066. This model had a larger F-value of 47.42 compared to the
backwards selection model’s F-value of 19.95. As the adjusted R
of the two models were very
similar and the P(D) and beta model was much more parsimonious, this model was chosen as the
final prediction model. All parameters were statistically significant (all p<0.0001), with P(D)
having a beta estimate of 0.08 and beta having a beta estimate of 0.66. However, all models had
a relatively low R
value of under 0.1, indicating that the model explained very little variability
in the outcome of the probability of DLT at the MTD.
Further model diagnostics such as jackknife and studentized residuals, Cook’s D values,
and D-Betas were used to evaluate the model, but only 13 observations out of 1350 were found
with residual values over 2, but none were over 2.5 or statistically significant. There were no
Cook’s D values over 0.5, and no D-Beta values stood out. Collinearity of P(D) and beta were
also checked and a VIF value of 1.36 indicated no issues.
Overall, there was a statistically significant relationship between P(D), beta, and the
probability of DLT at the MTD, while other categorical terms and interaction terms were less
Table 11 – Backwards elimination ANOVA table
Source DF Sum of Squares Mean
F Value Pr > F Adjusted R
Model 6 1.10 0.18 19.04 <.0001 0.074
Error 1343 12.91 0.01
Corrected Total 1349 14.01
Table 12 – Backwards elimination parameter estimates
Parameter Estimate Standard Error t-Value Pr > |t|
Intercept 0.37 0.019 19.41 <.0001
P(D) 0.09 0.042 2.13 0.337
Beta 3.10 0.56 5.56 <.0001
CatBeta -0.04 0.012 -3.60 0.0003
CatP(D) -0.02 0.014 -1.29 0.20
Beta*CatP(D) -1.00 0.22 -4.61 <.0001
CatBeta*CatP(D) 0.02 0.007 2.86 0.0043
Table 13 - Forward selection and stepwise selection ANOVA table
Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F Adjusted R
Model 2 0.87 0.44 44.81 <.0001 0.061
Error 1347 13.14 0.01
Corrected Total 1349 14.02
Table 14 - Forward selection and stepwise selection parameter estimates
Parameter Estimate Standard Error t-Value Pr > |t|
Intercept 0.35 0.006 55.21 <.0001
P(D) 0.067 0.017 3.89 <.0001
Beta 0.58 0.132 4.42 <.0001
5 Discussion
The goal of this study is to evaluate how well the 3+3 design performs on five different
outcomes in a variety of scenarios. Rather than comparing the 3+3 to other designs, the goal of
this study is to find scenarios where the 3+3 performs well, finding a low average probability of
DLT so researchers can justify the usage of the 3+3 design if their drug fits a similar profile.
The main outcome of interest is the selection of the MTD for recommendation in phase II
trials, typically the most important result of a phase I clinical trial. Secondary outcomes of
interest are related to the safety of these trials, including the number of DLTs in a trial, the
highest dose tested in a trial, and how many patients on average are enrolled in a trial.
Additionally, as the 3+3 may fail to determine the MTD due to a high starting dose, the outcome
of missing MTD values is also considered. To evaluate the effectiveness of the 3+3 design using
these outcomes of interest, 5400 simulations were run with varying DLT probability curves to
emulate different drug scenarios and number of dose levels.
The simulations outputted an average probability of DLT at the MTD for D=3,5,7, and 9
ranging between 0.14 and 0.23, depending on the parameters P(D) and beta. This range is
relatively low for a probability of DLT but is what researchers have experienced and seem to
desire clinically for phase I trials. Histograms detailing the distribution of MTD values for the
simulations explain the effect of the parameters even further. For low P(D) categories, or
simulations where the probability of DLT at the highest dose level is below 30%, the highest
dose level probability may be too low as most of the simulations end at the highest dose level.
Going beyond the highest dose level, D, is potentially considered when no dose was found due to
lower than expected toxicity; however, this simulation study does not escalate the dosage further
and selects the highest dose as the MTD. Although it is better for patients to not experience a
DLT, the fact that the simulations end at the last dose level gives less information about a drug’s
side effects and tolerability overall. It is possible that the correct MTD is the last dose level in
this situation, but it is more likely that a better MTD could be selected if the dosage were
increased further. Therefore, allowing the dosage to be escalated past the highest set dose level
opens other potential simulation outcomes and may be considered in the future. Similarly, the
lowest dose level possible in this simulation study was dose level 0, allowing for one level of de-
escalation if two or more patients experienced DLTs at dose level 1. When dose level 0 is
reached, this is considered a trial where no dose was found due to unacceptable toxicity. Going
beyond dose level 0 is sometimes recommended for promising drugs and can be done so by
modifying the protocol but will not be considered in this simulation trial. This study does
consider dose level 0 as a failure to determine the MTD but does not consider dose level 9 as a
failure and accepts it as the MTD.
Outcomes related to safety also were relatively low. The average number of DLTs in a
trial ranged between 2 and 4, while the average number of patients in a trial was around 24. The
highest dose level tested depended heavily on the P(D) category but was expected – the lower the
probability of DLT, and the more likely the simulation will end on a higher dose level.
Although researchers want to accurately pinpoint the MTD, the 3+3 never specifies a
desired probability of DLT as an outcome. More statistically powerful designs such as the CRM
and other model-based designs allow researchers to specify a desired probability to close in on
allowing for more flexibility, yet researchers still prefer the 3+3’s intrinsically low probabilities
of DLT. “In a review of more than 1200 phase I studies from 1991 to 2006, more than 98% of
trials utilized the 3+3 dose escalation scheme” (Hansen et al, 2014). The simplicity and
effectiveness in choosing a relatively low probability of DLT, potentially ranging from 10% to
25%, are why the 3+3 design remains popular today. However, this desired probability range
also heavily depends on the definition of a DLT for that trial. For example, milder toxicities such
as neutropenia may be considered a DLT in one phase I trial, while more severe toxicities that
immediately threaten a patient’s life may be considered a DLT in another trial. Milder DLT
definitions may allow for slightly higher probabilities of DLT ranging up to 35%, while more
severe DLTs may encourage lower DLT probabilities. Another issue with the definition of a
DLT is how it affects the patient’s quality of life during and after the trial. Prolonged moderate
DLTs may not be taken as seriously during the trial but may seriously affect the patient’s quality
of life in the long-term. Additionally, late DLTs that happen after a trial may not be considered
when recommending a dose.
Some caveats for the simulations include the sample size, randomization seed, and
outcome transformation. When calculating the sample size, an estimated sample size of 147 was
recommended using the variability table in Figure 5. However, this sample size was rounded up
to 150 to add additional power to the study at no cost, while having a large enough sample size to
observe a difference between each scenario. This increase of sample size had no cost due to it
being a simulation, but it is acknowledged that there is an ethical and financial cost of changing
this sample size recommendation in real trials. The randomization seed to generate the data was
also not saved, which limits the reproducibility of the results. However, the raw data and the
program used to generate the data were saved and can reproduce relatively similar results.
Finally, the outcome was unable to be evaluated as untransformed or log-transformed, which
makes interpretation of the linear regression results more meaningful. Choosing to use the square
root transformation, although it fulfills the linear regression assumptions, makes it harder to
interpret the regression results, although they provide a better understanding of how P(D), beta,
and their interaction terms change the final probability of DLT at the MTD.
The 3+3 rules-based design is a tried and true method still being used by a majority of
phase I clinical trials. It provides a low probability of DLT in most scenarios, capping out at 25%
for this study’s simulations, along with a low average count of DLTs and patient recruitment.
More statistically powerful methods such as CRM are slowly being adopted due to their
flexibility and ability to specify a desired DLT; however, it is a more complicated design
requiring a prior model and adaptation of that model with new data. Researchers who have been
using the much simpler 3+3 and obtaining desirable results may be discouraged from adopting
these more complicated designs, which may cater towards more specific scenarios. Therefore,
the 3+3 will remain the most effective general model for phase I clinical trials until a more
statistically powerful method which is equally as simplistic is discovered.
6 Appendix
Appendix 1 - DLT probability curve for each category for D=3 with jitter
Appendix 2 - DLT probability curve for each category for D=5 with jitter
Appendix 3 - DLT probability curve for each category for D=7 with jitter
Appendix 4 - MTD Histogram for all categories for D=3
Appendix 5 - MTD Histogram for all categories for D=5
Appendix 6 - MTD Histogram for all categories for D=7
Appendix 7 - Probability of DLT at MTD for D=3
High Beta
High P(D)
High Beta
Low P(D)
High Beta
Med P(D)
Low Beta
High P(D)
Low Beta
Low P(D)
Low Beta
Med P(D)
Med Beta
High P(D)
Med Beta
Low P(D)
Med Beta
Med P(D)
mean 0.21 0.16 0.22 0.19 0.15 0.18 0.21 0.16 0.21
sd 0.14 0.062 0.11 0.12 0.07 0.11 0.13 0.064 0.11
median 0.24 0.14 0.2 0.14 0.15 0.17 0.19 0.15 0.19
q1 0 0.11 0.15 0.094 0.11 0.071 0.15 0.12 0.11
q3 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.28 0.2 0.22 0.24 0.19 0.28
min 0 0 0 0 0.024 0.031 0 0.036 0
max 0.57 0.3 0.47 0.56 0.3 0.49 0.68 0.3 0.48
Appendix 8 - Probability of DLT at MTD for D=5
High Beta
High P(D)
High Beta
Low P(D)
High Beta
Med P(D)
Low Beta
High P(D)
Low Beta
Low P(D)
Low Beta
Med P(D)
Med Beta
High P(D)
Med Beta
Low P(D)
Med Beta
Med P(D)
mean 0.23 0.15 0.22 0.19 0.14 0.2 0.2 0.14 0.19
sd 0.12 0.057 0.095 0.11 0.063 0.11 0.096 0.061 0.095
median 0.2 0.14 0.21 0.18 0.13 0.17 0.2 0.14 0.17
q1 0.15 0.12 0.14 0.11 0.098 0.12 0.11 0.1 0.12
q3 0.31 0.19 0.29 0.26 0.18 0.28 0.25 0.18 0.25
min 0 0.036 0 0.028 0.012 0.019 0 0.021 0
max 0.58 0.3 0.48 0.55 0.3 0.45 0.52 0.3 0.41
Appendix 9 - Probability of DLT at MTD for D=7
High Beta
High P(D)
High Beta
Low P(D)
High Beta
Med P(D)
Low Beta
High P(D)
Low Beta
Low P(D)
Low Beta
Med P(D)
Med Beta
High P(D)
Med Beta
Low P(D)
Med Beta
Med P(D)
mean 0.2 0.15 0.19 0.2 0.15 0.19 0.19 0.14 0.18
sd 0.1 0.058 0.088 0.1 0.065 0.095 0.093 0.055 0.091
median 0.19 0.15 0.18 0.19 0.14 0.18 0.19 0.14 0.18
q1 0.13 0.11 0.13 0.12 0.11 0.12 0.13 0.11 0.12
q3 0.26 0.18 0.25 0.26 0.19 0.25 0.25 0.17 0.24
min 0 0.019 0.055 0.015 0.016 0.013 0 0.016 0.035
max 0.61 0.28 0.4 0.54 0.3 0.49 0.54 0.29 0.46
Appendix 10 - Highest dose level tested for D=3
High Beta
High P(D)
High Beta
Low P(D)
High Beta
Med P(D)
Low Beta
High P(D)
Low Beta
Low P(D)
Low Beta
Med P(D)
Med Beta
High P(D)
Med Beta
Low P(D)
Med Beta
Med P(D)
mean 2.1 2.8 2.5 2.5 2.9 2.7 2.3 2.9 2.6
sd 0.35 0.38 0.5 0.5 0.26 0.45 0.45 0.32 0.5
median 2 3 2 2 3 3 2 3 3
q1 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2
q3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
min 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
max 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Appendix 11 - Highest dose level tested for D=5
High Beta
High P(D)
High Beta
Low P(D)
High Beta
Med P(D)
Low Beta
High P(D)
Low Beta
Low P(D)
Low Beta
Med P(D)
Med Beta
High P(D)
Med Beta
Low P(D)
Med Beta
Med P(D)
mean 2.6 4.3 3.4 3.6 4.6 4.2 3 4.5 3.6
sd 0.78 0.94 1.1 0.96 0.74 0.92 0.84 0.9 1.1
median 2 5 3 4 5 4 3 5 4
q1 2 4 3 3 5 4 2 4 3
q3 3 5 4 4 5 5 3 5 5
min 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
max 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Appendix 12 - Highest dose level tested for D=7
High Beta
High P(D)
High Beta
Low P(D)
High Beta
Med P(D)
Low Beta
High P(D)
Low Beta
Low P(D)
Low Beta
Med P(D)
Med Beta
High P(D)
Med Beta
Low P(D)
Med Beta
Med P(D)
mean 2.9 5.7 4.1 4.7 6.4 5.5 3.7 6 4.7
sd 0.96 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.1 1.3 1.1 1.4 1.5
median 3 6 4 5 7 6 4 7 5
q1 2 5 3 4 6 5 3 5 4
q3 3 7 5 6 7 7 4 7 6
min 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Max 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
Appendix 13 - Number of DLTs for D=3
High Beta
High P(D)
High Beta
Low P(D)
High Beta
Med P(D)
Low Beta
High P(D)
Low Beta
Low P(D)
Low Beta
Med P(D)
Med Beta
High P(D)
Med Beta
Low P(D)
Med Beta
Med P(D)
mean 3.9 1.4 2.8 2.9 1.2 2.4 3.4 1.1 2.7
sd 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.1 1.4
median 4 1 3 3 1 3 3 1 3
q1 3 0 2 2 0 2 3 0 2
q3 5 2 4 3 2 3 4 2 4
min 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
max 7 7 7 8 5 6 8 4 6
Appendix 14 - Number of DLTs for D=5
High Beta
High P(D)
High Beta
Low P(D)
High Beta
Med P(D)
Low Beta
High P(D)
Low Beta
Low P(D)
Low Beta
Med P(D)
Med Beta
High P(D)
Med Beta
Low P(D)
Med Beta
Med P(D)
mean 3.6 1.9 2.8 3.2 1.8 2.7 3.2 1.8 2.8
sd 1.1 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.1 1.2 1.2
median 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 3
q1 3 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2
q3 4 3 3 4 3 3 4 3 3
min 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0
max 7 5 7 7 5 7 8 5 7
Appendix 15 - Number of DLTs for D=7
High Beta
High P(D)
High Beta
Low P(D)
High Beta
Med P(D)
Low Beta
High P(D)
Low Beta
Low P(D)
Low Beta
Med P(D)
Med Beta
High P(D)
Med Beta
Low P(D)
Med Beta
Med P(D)
mean 3.2 2.4 3.3 3.4 2.1 3 3.2 2.3 3.2
sd 1.1 1.4 1.1 1.1 1.4 1.2 0.96 1.5 1.4
median 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 3
q1 2 2 2 3 1 2 3 1 2
q3 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 3 4
min 2 0 1 2 0 0 2 0 0
max 7 7 7 8 6 6 6 7 9
Appendix 16 - Total number of patients for D=3
High Beta
High P(D)
High Beta
Low P(D)
High Beta
Med P(D)
Low Beta
High P(D)
Low Beta
Low P(D)
Low Beta
Med P(D)
Med Beta
High P(D)
Med Beta
Low P(D)
Med Beta
Med P(D)
mean 11 8.9 11 10 8.8 10 11 8.5 10
sd 2.8 2.5 2.7 2.2 2.5 2.4 2.7 2.4 2.3
median 12 9 12 9 9 9 12 9 12
q1 9 6 9 9 6 9 9 6 9
q3 12 9 12 12 12 12 12 9 12
min 9 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
max 21 21 18 21 18 18 21 15 18
Appendix 17 - Total number of patients for D=5
High Beta
High P(D)
High Beta
Low P(D)
High Beta
Med P(D)
Low Beta
High P(D)
Low Beta
Low P(D)
Low Beta
Med P(D)
Med Beta
High P(D)
Med Beta
Low P(D)
Med Beta
Med P(D)
mean 12 14 13 14 15 15 12 15 14
sd 2.7 2.6 3 3.1 3 3.4 3.3 3.2 3.6
median 12 15 12 12 15 15 12 15 12
q1 9 12 12 12 12 12 9 12 12
q3 12 15 15 15 18 18 12 18 15
min 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
max 21 21 24 24 21 24 21 24 24
Appendix 18 - Total number of patients for D=7
High Beta
High P(D)
High Beta
Low P(D)
High Beta
Med P(D)
Low Beta
High P(D)
Low Beta
Low P(D)
Low Beta
Med P(D)
Med Beta
High P(D)
Med Beta
Low P(D)
Med Beta
Med P(D)
mean 12 20 16 17 21 20 14 20 17
sd 2.8 4.9 5.2 4.5 3.9 4.6 3.8 4.7 5.5
median 12 21 15 18 21 21 12 21 18
q1 9 18 12 15 18 18 12 18 12
q3 12 24 18 21 24 21 17 24 21
min 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
max 21 30 33 30 30 30 27 30 33
Appendix 19 - Missing MTD for D=3
High Beta
High P(D)
High Beta
Low P(D)
High Beta
Med P(D)
Low Beta
High P(D)
Low Beta
Low P(D)
Low Beta
Med P(D)
Med Beta
High P(D)
Med Beta
Low P(D)
Med Beta
Med P(D)
count 39 1 11 2 0 0 20 0 7
proportion 0.26 0.0067 0.073 0.013 0 0 0.13 0 0.047
Appendix 20 - Missing MTD for D=5
High Beta
High P(D)
High Beta
Low P(D)
High Beta
Med P(D)
Low Beta
High P(D)
Low Beta
Low P(D)
Low Beta
Med P(D)
Med Beta
High P(D)
Med Beta
Low P(D)
Med Beta
Med P(D)
count 12 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 1
proportion 0.08 0 0.0067 0 0 0 0.02 0 0.0067
Appendix 21 - Missing MTD for D=7
High Beta
High P(D)
High Beta
Low P(D)
High Beta
Med P(D)
Low Beta
High P(D)
Low Beta
Low P(D)
Low Beta
Med P(D)
Med Beta
High P(D)
Med Beta
Low P(D)
Med Beta
Med P(D)
count 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
proportion 0.027 0 0 0 0 0 0.0067 0 0
Appendix 22 - Histogram of Number of DLTs categorized by MTD level for D=3
Appendix 23 - Histogram of Number of DLTs categorized by MTD level for D=5
Appendix 24 - Histogram of Number of DLTs categorized by MTD level for D=7
Appendix 25 - Histogram of highest dose level tested categorized by MTD level for D=3
Appendix 26 - Histogram of highest dose level tested categorized by MTD level for D=5
Appendix 27 - Histogram of highest dose level tested categorized by MTD level for D=7
Appendix 28 - Boxplot of total number of patients by beta x P(D) categories for D=3
Appendix 29 - Boxplot of total number of patients by beta x P(D) categories for D=5
Appendix 30 - Boxplot of total number of patients by beta x P(D) categories for D=7
7 References
Hansen, A.R., Graham, D.M., Pond, G.R., Siu, L.L.: “Phase 1 Trial Design: Is 3+3 the Best?”
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Jaki, T., Clive, S., Weir, C.J.: “Principles of dose finding studies in cancer: a comparison of trial
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Ji, Y., Wang, S.-J.: “Modified Toxicity Probability Interval Design: A Safer and More Reliable
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31, (14), pp. 1785–1791.
Morgensztern, D., LoRusso P., Boerner SA, Herbst RS, Eder JP: The Molecular Basis of Cancer
(Fourth Edition), Phase I Trials Today, 2014, pp. 661-676.
Nie, L., Rubin, E.H., Mehrotra, N., et al.: “Rendering the 3+3 Design to Rest: More Efficient
Approaches to Oncology Dose-Finding Trials in the Era of Targeted Therapy” Clinical Cancer
Research, 2016, 22, (11), pp. 2623–2629.
Pocock, S.J.: “Clinical Trials: A Practical Approach.” Biometrics, 1984, 40, (4), p. 1211.
Quigley, J., Pepe, M., Fisher, L.: “Continual Reassessment Method: A Practical Design for Phase
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Storer, B.E.: “Design and Analysis of Phase I Clinical Trials” Biometrics, 1989, 45, (3), p. 925.
Sposto, R., Groshen, S.: “A wide-spectrum paired comparison of the properties of the Rolling 6
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Abstract (if available)
Clinical trials constitute a research methodology for the search and establishment of better treatment of human diseases. These trials are a form of a “planned experiment which involves patients and is designed to elucidate the most appropriate treatment for future patients with a given medical condition” (Pocock, 1984). The first of four phases in traditional clinical trials, phase I trials test the usability and safety of new agents. Many designs have been proposed to optimize phase I trials, but the traditional 3+3 rule-based design remains the most popular (Hansen et al, 2014). This study examines different attributes of the 3+3 design to determine its strengths and weaknesses under various conditions, as well as discusses the popularity of the 3+3 design among investigators despite it being heavily criticized.
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Asset Metadata
Luu, Jonathan
Core Title
A simulation evaluation of the effectiveness and usability of the 3+3 rules-based design for phase I clinical trials
Keck School of Medicine
Master of Science
Degree Program
Publication Date
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University of Southern California
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3 3,clinical trials,OAI-PMH Harvest,phase 1,rules-based design,simulation
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committee member
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