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A data integration approach to dynamically fusing geospatial sources
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A data integration approach to dynamically fusing geospatial sources
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A DATA INTEGRATION APPROACH TO DYNAMICALLY FUSING GEOSPATIAL SOURCES by Snehal Thakkar A Thesis Presented to the FACULTY OF THE GRADUATE SCHOOL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree MASTER OF SCIENCE (COMPUTER SCIENCE) December 2007 Copyright 2007 Snehal Thakkar Dedication To my parents, for their unrelenting encouragement and love in face of never ending ambitions. ii Acknowledgments I would like to thank my thesis advisors Professor Craig Knoblock and Professor Jos´ e Luis Ambite for their constant encouragement and valuable feedback on every aspect of my research. Their feedback has been instrumental in both shaping and presenting my research ideas. They have taught me how to present my ideas in research papers and in presentations. I also want to thank them for not just giving me the freedom to explore different ideas for research, but also for encouraging me to continue with the research despite several paper rejections. I would not have been able to complete this dissertation without their feedback and encouragement. IamalsogratefultoProfessorCyrusShahabiforhissupportwhenIstartedatUSCin August2000. InadditiontohelpingmewithmyPhDresearch, ProfessorShahabifunded my work when I was pursuing Masters degree and also put me in touch with Professor Knoblock. He also recommended me to Professor Knoblock and advised me to stay at ISI after Masters. I also want to extend thanks to Professor John Wilson, the outside member on my committee. Professor Wilson’s comments have helped in connecting my research work with the existing efforts in the GIS community. In particular, he pointed me to several related papers in the field and inspired me to integrate my work with ESRI’s toolkit. I iii believethathisfeedbackhasmadesurethatmyresearchwillbeusefultoGISresearchers as well. I would also like to thank Professor Louiqa Raschid and Professor Felix Neumann for their feedback on my work. Professor Raschid took a personal interest in my work and put me in touch with the team working on the Sahana disaster response framework. The information I received by reading experiences with the Sahana framework has helped me in understanding the requirements of such applications. I had several discussions with Professor Neumann about representing quality in a data integration systems and he also gave me pointers to several papers on quality-driven data integration. I would also like to thank Dr. Jason Chen and Dan Goldberg for their support of my work. I utilize the quality information from the experiments discussed in Jason’s thesis. Dan’s work on ‘reverse-engineering’ ArcIMS services inspired me to think about including support for ArcIMS services in my work. I would also like to thank my co-workers at the Information Integration group at ISI. In particular, I would like to thank Maria Muslea for her help in programming the Prometheus data integration system and helping me out with programming issues. I would also like to thank Dr. Greg Barish for his help with various Theseus issues and advise about graduate school. I would also like to thank the administrative staff at ISI, in particular Alma Nava, for their help during my stay at ISI. I would also like to thank my officemates Matt Michelson, Martin Michalowski, Rattapoom Tuchinda, and Mark Carman for providing me excellent work environment, proof-reading my paper drafts, giving me feedback on research ideas, and providing encouragement even when iv my research seem to be heading nowhere. I would also like to thank Wesley Kerr for ‘donating’ his television and playstation 2 for our entertainment. Finally, I would also like to thank my family for there support during the long years of research. First I would like to thank Sharad uncle and Meena auntie, who treated me as their own son after coming to USA and inspired me to be the best that I could be. In addition to financial support they provided me a home and an emotional outlet that I could always count on. Next, I would like to thank my parents. They have always supported me in every imaginable way during my studies. From the time when I was a littlekid, theyinstilledthehabitstoworkhardandvaluethefeedbackfromotherpeople. In order to wake me up to study, they endured sleepless nights. When I grew up and came to USA, they sacrificed established careers in India and then again sacrificed their careersinDayton, Ohiotosupportmeinmyquest. Iwouldalsoliketothankmybrother Hetalforhissupportduringthisjourney. Throughoutmylifehehasbeenmybestfriend. Like my parents, he too endured hard times to support my studies and also proof-read several papers for me. Finally, I would also like to thank my wife Kruti for supporting my studies and providing an outlet to discuss the happenings at work. She also took the brunt of the tension when things weren’t going according to plan at work. The love, encouragement, and support of my family over the years is the true reason behind the research described in this thesis. This research is based upon work supported in part by the National Science Founda- tion under Award No. IIS-0324955, in part by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research v under grant numbers FA9550-04-1-0105 and FA9550-07-1-0416, and in part by the De- fense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), through the Department of the Interior, NBC, Acquisition Services Division, under Contract No. NBCHD030010. The U.S.Government is authorized to reproduce and distribute reports for Govern- mental purposes notwithstanding any copyright annotation thereon. The views and con- clusions contained herein are those of the author and should not be interpreted as nec- essarily representing the official policies or endorsements, either expressed or implied, of any of the above organizations or any person connected with them. vi Table of Contents Dedication ii A c kno wledgmen ts iii List Of T ables x List Of Figures xii Abstract xv Chapter 1: In tro duction 1 1.1 Motivation and Problem Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.2 Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1.3 Thesis Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 1.4 Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 1.5 Thesis Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Chapter 2: Represen ting Geospatial Data 14 2.1 Geospatial Domain Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 2.1.1 Domain Concepts for Geospatial Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 2.1.2 Domain Concepts for Geosptial Data Quality . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 2.2 Geospatial Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 2.2.1 Describing Contents of the Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 2.2.2 Representing Quality of Geospatial Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 2.3 Representing Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 2.3.1 Spatial Selection Operations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 2.3.2 Aggregate Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 2.3.3 Mathematical Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 2.4 Representing User Queries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Chapter 3: Large Scale Source Mo deling for Geospatial Sources 42 3.1 Discovering Geospatial Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 3.2 Automatic Source Description Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 3.2.1 Matching Sources with Domain Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 3.2.2 Managing Coordinate Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 3.3 Automatically Estimating the Quality of Geospatial Data . . . . . . . . . 56 3.3.1 Estimating Quality Attributes of Vector Data Sources . . . . . . . 57 vii Estimating Completeness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Estimating Accuracy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 3.3.2 Estimating Quality of Raster Datasets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 3.4 Experimental Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 3.4.1 Experimental Evaluation of Automated Labeling Technique . . . . 70 3.4.2 Experimental Evaluation for Quality Estimation . . . . . . . . . . 73 Quality Estimation of Vector Data Sources . . . . . . . . 73 Completeness Estimation of Raster Data Sources . . . . . 77 Chapter 4: Query Answ ering 81 4.1 Motivating Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 4.2 Plan Graph Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 4.2.1 Previous Work: Inverse Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 4.2.2 Converting Datalog Program to Plan Graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 4.2.3 Handling Binding Restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 4.3 Plan Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 4.3.1 Identifying and Reusing Common Sub-expressions . . . . . . . . . 111 4.3.2 Quality-driven Plan Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Evaluating the Quality Criteria. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Pruning Based on Quality Criteria Results . . . . . . . . 115 4.4 Plan Execution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 4.4.1 Brief Overview of Theseus Plan Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 4.4.2 Translating Plan Graph to Theseus Plan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Translating Nodes to Theseus Operations . . . . . . . . . 122 Translating Relationships Between Nodes in Plan Graph 125 4.5 Experimental Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 4.5.1 Experimental Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 4.5.2 Experimental Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 Chapter 5: Related W ork 137 5.1 Geospatial Data Integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 5.2 GIS Standards and Commercial Mapping Applications . . . . . . . . . . . 142 5.3 Data Integration Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 5.4 Source Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 5.5 Visualizing and Improving Quality in the Geospatial Domain . . . . . . . 147 5.6 Database Query Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 Chapter 6: Discussion and F uture W ork 151 6.1 Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 6.2 Application Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 6.2.1 Urban Planning Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 6.2.2 Disaster Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 6.3 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 6.3.1 Source Discovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 6.3.2 Automatic Source Description Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 6.3.3 Quality Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 viii 6.3.4 Query Answering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 6.3.5 Using QGM in Other Domains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 App endices 165 Appendix A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . List of Data Layers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 Appendix B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Final Theseus Plan for Running Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 Appendix C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Generating Subplans to Access Geospatial Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 ix List Of Tables 2.1 Categories and Sub-categories of Vector Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 2.2 Categories and Sub-categories of Raster Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 2.3 Examples of relational representations of sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 3.1 Example of name and descriptions extracted from shapefiles . . . . . . . . 45 3.2 Major categories with manual labeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 3.3 Results of automatic labeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 3.4 Completeness estimation using different sampling methods . . . . . . . . . 75 3.5 Results of Vectors within accuracy bounds estimation . . . . . . . . . . . 76 3.6 Results of Completeness Estimation for Raster Data . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 4.1 Quality Information for Vector Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 4.2 Quality Information for Image Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 4.3 Possible Answers to User Query and Their Quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 4.4 Rows Computed for Q1Quality Predicate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 4.5 Comparison of Response Time on Simple Quality Query . . . . . . . . . . 132 4.6 Comparison of Response Time on Quality Query with Aggregate . . . . . 132 4.7 Comparison of Response Time on Quality Query with SkylineMin . . . . 133 4.8 Comparison of Response Time as Number of Relevant Sources Increase . 134 x 4.9 Quality of Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 xi List Of Figures 1.1 (a) Satellite Imagery, (b) Hospitals, and (c) Road Network . . . . . . . . . 2 1.2 Example of Inaccuracies in Geospatial Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.3 QGM Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1.4 Examples of Layer descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 2.1 Partial QGM Domain Concepts Hierarchy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 2.2 Domain Hierarchy Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 2.3 Example Black-and-white Image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 2.4 Example Multi-spectral Image. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 2.5 Example of Buffer Around Actual Vector Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 2.6 Example Source Descriptions for Vector Data Sources . . . . . . . . . . . 27 2.7 Example Source Descriptions for Image Data Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 3.1 Example capabilities file from Web Map Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 3.2 Example ArcIMS Server capabilities file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 3.3 Example Source Descriptions for Web Map Servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 3.4 Example Source Descriptions for ArcIMS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 3.5 Three different sampling patterns for geospatial data . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 3.6 Examples of buffers for points, lines, and polygons . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 xii 3.7 Algorithm to Compute Accuracy Values for New Source . . . . . . . . . . 64 3.8 Algorithm to Compute Accuracy Values for New Source . . . . . . . . . . 67 3.9 Example of coverage estimation process for raster data . . . . . . . . . . . 68 4.1 QGM’s Algorithm to Answer Queries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 4.2 Coverage of Available Data Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 4.3 Example Source Descriptions for Vector Data Sources . . . . . . . . . . . 87 4.4 Source Descriptions for Raster Data Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 4.5 Vector Source Quality Relation Definitions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 4.6 Raster Source Quality Relation Definitions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 4.7 Relevant Rules to Describe Domain Concepts Hierarchy . . . . . . . . . . 91 4.8 Datalog Representation for Motivating Query . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 4.9 Inverted Source Descriptions for Vector Data Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 4.10 Inverted Source Descriptions for Raster Data Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 4.11 Inverted Descriptions for Vector Source Quality Relations . . . . . . . . . 98 4.12 Inverted Descriptions for Raster Source Quality Relations . . . . . . . . . 99 4.13 QGM’s Algorithm to Generate Relevant Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 4.14 QGM’s Algorithm to Generate Plan Graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 4.15 Initial Plan Graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 4.16 Plan Graph for Q1Quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 4.17 Graph Representation for Q1Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 4.18 Subtree for Q1Quality after Binding Restriction Satisfaction . . . . . . . . 110 4.19 Subtree for Q1Data after Binding Restriction Satisfaction . . . . . . . . . 110 4.20 QGM’s Algorithm to Identify Common Subexpressions . . . . . . . . . . . 112 xiii 4.21 Graph After Replacing Q1Quality Subtree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 4.22 QGM’s Algorithm Prune Nodes Based on Quality Results . . . . . . . . . 116 4.23 Graph After Pruning Based On Quality Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 6.1 Example Architecture for Urban Response Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 6.2 Hierarchy of QGM Instances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 xiv Abstract Accurate and efficient integration of geospatial data is an important problem with im- plications in critical areas such as emergency response and urban planning. Some of the keychallengesinsupportinglarge-scalegeospatialdataintegrationare: (1)automatically representing a large number of geospatial source available on the web by utilizing various geospatialdataaccessstandards,(2)handlingdifferentgeospatialdataformatsandaccess patterns, (3) assessing the quality of the data provided by a large number of geospatial sources, and (4) automatically providing high quality answers to the user queries based on aquality criteria suppliedby the user. In this thesis I describe my research on efficient and accurate integration of geospatial data from a large number of sources. In particu- lar, I describe a representation methodology for declaratively describing the content and the quality of data provided by sources in a data integration system. I discuss methods to automatically generate the descriptions of both the content and the quality of data provided by geospatial sources. I describe a quality-driven query answering algorithm that exploits the descriptions of the content provided by the geospatial sources to gen- erate an initial data integration plan that answers a given user query and optimizes the generated plan by utilizing the description of the quality of data provided by the sources and the quality criteria specified by the user. I also present a mapping of the generated xv integrationplanintoaprogram that can be efficiently executedbya streaming, dataflow- style execution engine. I implement my techniques in a framework called Quality-driven Geospatial Mediator (QGM). My experimental evaluation in automatically representing over1200real-worldgeospatialsourcesshowsthatQGMaccuratelygeneratesthedescrip- tions of the content and the quality of geospatial sources. The empirical evaluation of QGM’s query answering techniques using over 1200 real-world sources shows that QGM provides better quality data in response to the user queries compared to the traditional data integration systems and does so with lower response time. xvi Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Motivation and Problem Statement There are a variety of government agencies, university departments, and commercial companiesthatprovidedifferenttypesofgeospatialdataofdifferentqualityandcoverage. In fact, according to a report by the US Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC), geographic location is a key feature of 80-90% of all government data [42]. Many critical applications such as responding to unexpected events and urban planning, depend on the ability to efficiently access and integrate data from the available geospatial sources. In a book for University Consortium of Geographic Information Systems (UCGIS) titled, “A Research Agenda for Geographic Information Science”, Onsrud et. al. [56] identify a framework to dynamically integrate geospatial data as one of the key research agendas for future work. While it is hard to estimate the total number of available geospatial data sources in the web, a quick check on collections of available data reveals the following statistics: (1) The Geospatial Information Database project at the Navy Research Laboratory provides 1 Figure 1.1: (a) Satellite Imagery, (b) Hospitals, and (c) Road Network a list of over 1400 Web Map Servers that provide over 200,000 map data layers. (2) For vector data, a Google search for keywords ‘download shapefile’ produces over 344,000 resultpages. Thesesimplestatisticsclearlyshowthattherearelotsofavailablegeospatial data sources on the web. However, access to the available data is limited to a very small number of people who are good at locating geospatial data and have the correct GIS software to view the data in different formats. In fact, a number of disaster management and urban planning applications would greatly benefit from access to an integrated view of geospatial data. Consider the example of finding information about recent wild fires in Los Angeles, CA. Given the coordinates of the fire, we would like to find satellite imagery, hospitals, and road networks in the area. We can obtain this information separately from different publicly available web sources. Figure 1.1 shows the result of querying this information from different Web Map Servers. However, this data is not easily accessible as users have to find the correct data source among thousands of available sources. 2 Figure 1.2: Example of Inaccuracies in Geospatial Data Moreover, it is also important to assure the quality of integrated data. Geospatial data from different sources often has different accuracy levels due to different data col- lection methods and projections. Figure 1.2 shows Tigerlines vector data overlaid on the high-resolution satellite imagery from Google Maps. We can clearly see several positional inaccuracies in the vector data superimposed over the image. In several disaster man- agement applications such inaccuracies are not acceptable. Therefore, when we integrate geospatial data, we must ensure the quality of the integrated data. Another example of geospatial data integration is the Green Visions project [62] for addressing the need for more green space in Los Angeles. Urban planning applications similar to the Green Visions project often require ad-hoc queries such as finding the total area of public parks within half a mile of a given property parcel. In addition to selecting 3 thebest-qualitysources, adataintegrationsystemmustalsoretrieverelevantdata(parks in the given area), perform necessary filtering (distance between parks and the given parcel), and aggregate the data. In such applications the quality of the answers depends heavily on the quality of the information. Therefore, the ability of a data integration system to dynamically produce the best-quality data is a very important capability. Large-scale geospatial data integration problems requires solving several challenges. Someofthesechallengesaresimilartothechallengesfacedbytraditionaldataintegration systems. Forexample,geospatialdataisoftenindifferentformatsandschemasofgeospa- tial sources are often different. There are also several new challenges when integrating geospatial data sources. First, there may be a very large number geospatial data sources relevant to the user query. While the traditional data integration systems may be able to generate programs to integrate a large number of sources, executing the generated programs may take a long time and may generate low quality results. Second, as the geospatial data is often very large, it can take a long time to retrieve and process geospa- tial data. Therefore, a geospatial data integration system must only retrieve necessary data. For example, if we have access to five different sources of road vector data, only the sources that provide data for the given area should be queried. Third, often there are many available geospatial sources that provide the same type of data with different quality. For example, if we have access to five different sources of road vector data for the given area with different quality levels, then we need to only retrieve the best-quality data. A geospatial data integration system must carefully select data sources to ensure that the best-quality data is returned to the user. Finally, the quality of geospatial data can be measured using different dimensions, such as the resolution at which the data was 4 collected or the date on which the data was collected. Depending on the user require- ments, some dimensions may be more important than others. Therefore, we cannot use a pre-defined quality ranking of all available sources, but we must provide the user the flexibility to define his/her quality requirements. The existing work in the field does not support efficient, accurate, and flexible inte- gration of data from a large number of geospatial sources. The work on geospatial data integration can be broadly classified in four areas: (1) web-based GIS mapping sites and warehouses, (2) desktop GIS systems, (3) data integration applied to geospatial domain, and (4) geospatial fusion. There are a large number of web-based mapping sites, such as Google Maps 1 and Microsoft Virtual Earth. 2 These sites allow users to look at satellite imagery and road maps of different areas. It is also possible for users to display their own data on top of the mapping sites. There are also web-based geospatial data warehouses, such as Geospatial One-Stop 3 , National Atlas 4 , and Geography Network. 5 These sites allowuserstoselectlayersofinterestandsuperimposethemontopofeachothertocreate different maps. While these websites are great for accessing a large amount of geospatial data, they provide very limited querying or integration capability and put the burden of selecting the best-quality data on the user. Desktop GIS systems, such as ESRI’s ArcGIS 6 , Cadcorp Systems Map Browser 7 , and GiDB client 8 allow users to retrieve and visualize geospatial data. Most desktop GIS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 5 systems utilize the OpenGIS 9 standards to retrieve geospatial data from different web sources. The desktop GIS systems allow users to quickly visualize and query geospatial data. However, the user is responsible for selecting data sources and data layers. There has been some work on applying traditional data integration techniques to the geospatialdomain[1,22,35,26,70]. Themajorcontributionoftheseworksistoshowthe feasibility of applying traditional data integration techniques to the geospatial domain. However, most of this work does not focus on the quality of the geospatial data returned by the integration framework. There exists a body of work on conflation techniques [60] to accurately fuse different types of geospatial datasets. There are several manual, semi-automatic, and a very few automatic techniques to dynamically align different geospatial datasets. I refer to this body of work as physical integration of geospatial datasets as it requires altering the data. Conflation operations often improve the quality of geospatial data. However, work on conflation operations has not been utilized in a geospatial data integration system to improve the quality of results. Thisthesisismotivatedbythe lackofalgorithmstoaccuratelyandefficientlyretrieve and integrate different types of geospatial data from a large number of sources. In partic- ular, my thesis addresses the task of quickly learning representations of a large number of geospatial sources, automatically estimating and representing quality and complete- ness of the sources, and using those representations to dynamically generate and execute integration plans that produce the best-quality data in response to user queries. 9 6 1.2 Approach This thesis provides a novel approach to efficiently and accurately integrating geospatial data from a large number of sources. Based on the issues described in the previous section, the key requirements for large-scale geospatial data integration are (1) represent geospatial sources that provide different types of geospatial data in a variety of formats, (2) dynamically determine relevant sources of data based on a user or application query, and (3) dynamically generate and execute plans that produce the best-quality integrated data based on the quality requirements of the user or application. In this section, I outlineageospatialdataintegrationframeworkcalledQuality-drivenGeospatialMediator (QGM). QGM addresses the problem of dynamically and accurately integrating a large number of geospatial sources by declaratively representing both the content and the qualityofgeospatialdatasourcesandutilizingtherepresentationstoprovidehighquality data in response to user queries. Data integration systems, such as TSIMMIS [30], HERMES [1], SIMS [2], the In- formation Manifold [47], Disco [25], Infomaster [31], ARIADNE [45], provide a uniform query interface to multiple information sources with heterogeneous schemas and inter- faces. The data integration systems utilize a set of domain relations that are utilized in formulating user queries. The set of available sources are represented as source relations. A domain expert provides a set of rules that serve as the mapping between the source relations and the domain relations. The set of domain relations, source relations, and the mapping rules together are often called the domain model. In this thesis, I describe 7 Source & Operator Descriptions Quality Descriptions Domain Knowledge Query + Quality Metric Query Reformulation Query Execution Theseus Operator Library Response Quality-driven Geospatial Mediator (QGM) Sources Domain Relations Automatic Source Description Generator Inverse Rules Database-style Optimizations Quality-Driven Reformulation Figure 1.3: QGM Architecture my approach to developing a general-purpose domain model for integrating geospatial sources. Figure 1.3 shows the architecture of the QGM framework. QGM is divided in four parts: (1)descriptionsofsourcesanddomainknowledge,(2)automaticsourcedescription generator, (3) query reformulation and optimization, and (4) plan execution. Representing Geospatial Sources: The existing geospatial data integration sys- tems only represent the content of the geospatial sources. In QGM, I declaratively rep- resent not just the content of the geospatial sources, but also the quality of the data provided by the geospatial sources. QGM represents the quality of data by allowing a 8 domain expert to specify a set of relations to represent quality of data. The users can specify the quality criteria using the quality relations defined at the domain level. As a part of the source description, QGM also allows the source provider to specify quality of data provided by the source using a quality relation corresponding to the source. The declarativespecificationofqualityallowsflexibledefinitionofqualitybased-onapplication requirements. The existing geospatial data integration systems provide all results that meet the content criteria to the user and it is the user’s responsibility to select the best-quality data from that. However, this is a very tedious task for the user to select the best-quality result from a large number of results. For example, a query for road network in city of El Segundo against the set of sources listed on Mapdex 10 returns over 600 images and over20vectordatasources. Selecting the best-quality data from such a large collectionis verytime-consuminganderror-pronetask. Needlesstosaythatmakingover620requests to different data sources also takes a long time. The declarative specification of quality allows QGM to filter out low quality data from the results. Dynamically generating representations for geospatial sources: There are a verylargenumberofgeospatialdatasourcesontheInternet. Eachsourceprovideslimited types of data and has limited coverage. Therefore, many geospatial data integration applicationsrequireintegratingaverylargenumberofgeospatialsourcestoensureenough coverage. Manually representing so many sources is a very tedious and error-prone task. However, there are a large number of geospatial sources that provide some metadata description of its data using OpenGIS standards, ArcXML descriptions, or XML files. 10 9 Figure 1.4: Examples of Layer descriptions QGM can dynamically generate the representations of the data using the metadata. Therearethreekeyelementsinthe descriptionofa geospatialdatasource: (1)whattype ofdatadoesasourceprovide,(2)whatistheareacoveredbythedata,and(3)whatisthe qualityofdataprovidedbythesource. IfasourcesupportsGISstandards,itmustprovide a capabilities file similar to one shown in Figure 1.4 that lists available data layers and their coverage. However, the names of the available data layers may not directly map to datalayersinthedomainontology. QGMutilizesstringmatchingtechniquestolinklayer names from the sources with the layer names in the domain ontology. Moreover, sources may utilize different coordinate systems. The automatic source description generator module of QGM includes the necessary coordinate conversion operations. As an example, consider the task of providing data to disaster management applica- tions. Due to the unpredictable nature of disasters, we must cover the maximum possible area and layers. Therefore, we must find a large number of sources. QGM utilizes the 10 Google Search Engine 11 to find all available Web Map Servers. Next, QGM’s automated source description generator module generates the source descriptions of all the servers. By utilizing this method, QGM generates over 293,000 source descriptions. The third part of the description of a data sources is the description of the quality of data provided by a source. QGM samples the data from the new sources and compares it with sources of known quality and overlapping coverage to generate an estimate for some of the quality attributes of the new sources. Quality-driven plan selection: When a user or an application asks QGM a query, it utilizes the source descriptions to generate an integration plan that answers the user query. QGM utilizes the user-supplied quality metric and the descriptions of the quality of data provided by the available sources to prune source requests that do not satisfy the quality criteria from the generated integration plan. I evaluate my approach by presenting results of experiments on a large number of real-world geospatial datasets to show that my approach can (1) integrate geospatial data from a large number of sources and (2) provide the best-quality data for several real-world user queries and quality metrics. 1.3 Thesis Statement This thesis demonstrates that by discovering geospatial sources available on the web, automatically learning the representations of both the content and the quality of data provided by the discovered sources, and exploiting the 11 11 representations of the sources during query answering we can provide high quality geospatial data in response to user queries. 1.4 Contributions ThekeycontributionofthisthesisisaQuality-drivenGeospatialMediator(QGM)frame- work to accurately and efficiently integrate geospatial sources and operations. There are four novel research contributions of the QGM framework: • A declarative specification of both the content and the quality of geospatial sources in a data integration system. • Algorithms to automatically generate source descriptions and estimate the quality of data provided by geospatial data sources available on the Internet. • A quality-driven query reformulation algorithm to dynamically generate and opti- mize an integration plan that provides high-quality data for the given user query and quality metric. • An approach to map the generated integration plans and source requests to a pro- gram that is efficiently executed by a streaming, dataflow-style execution engine. 1.5 Thesis Organization The remainder of this thesis is organized as follows. Chapter 2 describes the representa- tion of geospatial domain concepts, sources, and operations in QGM. Chapter 3 presents an approach to automatically generate descriptions for geospatial sources and estimate 12 thequalityofthedata. Chapter4discussesthequality-drivenqueryansweringalgorithm. Chapter 5 reviews the work related to this research. Chapter 6 recaps the contributions of this thesis and presents ideas for future work. 13 Chapter 2 Representing Geospatial Data A key aspect of any mediation system [1, 2, 23, 25, 30, 31, 45, 47] is an integration model that defines the domain relations, sources, their relationships, and domain rules that define relationships between different domain relations. In this chapter, I describe my approachtorepresentinggeospatialdomainconcepts,sources,andoperationsinmymedi- ation framework called Quality-Driven Geospatial Mediation (QGM). The representation task is divided into four parts: (1) defining a set of domain relations, (2) describing the availablegeospatialsourcesandtheirquality,(3)definingoperations,and(4)representing user queries. I describe each in turn. 2.1 Geospatial Domain Concepts A domain model for any mediator system has a mediated schema [30] consisting of a set of relations that refer to different entities in the domain. The relations in the mediated schema provides a uniform interface for the users to pose queries to the mediator. In this section, Idescribeahierarchyofdomainrelationsreferringtodifferenttypesofgeospatial 14 data and their quality. I utilize the domain concept hierarchy as a mediated schema for QGM. 2.1.1 Domain Concepts for Geospatial Data Traditionally,adomainexpertanalyzesdifferentqueriesandavailabledatainthedomain to determine the mediated schema. I merged domain concepts from the FGDC list of geographic concepts 1 , the hierarchy of geospatial data types from the National Atlas 2 , and the National Geospatial Agency (NGA) spatial data types 3 to determine different geospatial data types and corresponding domain relations. I divide the data in geospatial domain into Raster and Vector types based on the major data types in the NGA spatial data types. An example of Raster data is a map of an area, while a set of line segments denoting roads in the area is an example of Vector data. Raster data represents a rectangular grid, with each element in the grid containing somedatavalue. Incontrast, Vector datarepresentsfeatureswithgeometricshapes,such as points, lines, or polygons. I define twelve different categories for the Vector data, such as Transportation and Hydrography, by merging the categories in NGA vector data products, FGDC major categories, and categories from the National Atlas. Raster data is divided into three subclasses representing maps, images, and elevation data. 4 The three categories for the raster data are based on three types of raster data available from NGA. I further divide 1 2 3 4 Depending on the organization of elevation data, it can be included within raster or vector types. If the elevation data is in the form of contour lines, it is vector data, while elevation data in the form of a uniform grid is considered raster data. Therefore, in my generic model I add elevation data to both types. 15 each category of Raster and Vector into several subcategories. The different categories of the Vector data are divided into 35 subcategories, while the three categories of the Raster data are divided into six subcategories. Table 2.1 and Table 2.2 show all Vector and Raster data categories and subcategories, respectively. Each subcategory consists of different data layers. A data layer refers to a specific type of data and is identified by the name of the layer, such Rivers or Airports. There are 167 different Vector data layers and 12 Raster data layers. Appendix A provides complete list of data layers in my geospatial domain model. I developed a geospatial model that has concepts for Vector and Raster data, cate- gories for both types of data, subcategories, and data layers. Figure 2.1 shows a partial set of domain relations from the resulting domain hierarchy. I represent each concept in the hierarchy as a relation with a set of attributes. The relations for the Raster and Vector domain concepts are as follows: Raster(type, format, size, resolution, cs, bbox, source, rasterobj) Vector(type, format, cs, bbox, source, vectorobj) For the Raster domain concepts, I use the following attributes: type, format, size, resolution, cs, bbox, source, and rasterobj. These attributes are based on the attributes associated with images by various image sources, such as Microsoft TerraServer. The type attribute contains the name of the domain relation, for example, Raster. The type attribute is used in the queries to combine the data objects with the quality information. The format attribute contains information about the image format, such as JPEG or GeoTIFF. The size attribute refers to the height and the width of the image. The cs 16 Type Category Subcategory Vector Boundaries Administrative Political Other Buildings Schools Churches Hospitals Other Cartography Property Elevation Contours Other Hydrography Other Coast Rivers/Lakes Industry Agriculture Buildings Other Facilities Commercial Physiography Physiography Population Population Transportation Air Other Ground Water Utilities Communication Pipelines Power Other Vegetation Other Agriculture Weather Temperature Rainfall Wind Stations Warnings Table 2.1: Categories and Sub-categories of Vector Data 17 Type Category Subcategory Raster Image Aerial Photos Satellite Images Maps Topo Maps Transporation Maps Weather Maps Elevation Elevation Grids Table 2.2: Categories and Sub-categories of Raster Data Figure 2.1: Partial QGM Domain Concepts Hierarchy attribute represents the coordinate system in which the bounding box of the image is described. The bbox attribute contains the bounding box of the image. The source attribute provides information about the source of the image. Finally, the rasterobj attribute contains a pointer to the actual image. For the Vector domain concept, I use the following set of attributes: type, format, cs, bbox, source, and vectorobj. The type attribute is used for the same purpose as the type attribute in the Raster class. The format attribute contains information about the format of the vector data, such as a Shapefile or GML. The cs attribute represents the coordinate system in which the bounding box of the vector data is described. The bbox attribute contains the bounding box of the vector data. The source attribute provides information about the source of the data. Finally, the vectorobj attribute contains a pointer to the actual vector data. 18 D1:Vector(‘Vector’, format, cs, bbox, source, vectorobj):- Transportation(type, format, cs, bbox, source, vectorobj) D2:Transportation(‘Transportation’, format, cs, bbox, source, vectorobj):- GroundTransportation(type, format, cs, bbox, source, vectorobj) Figure 2.2: Domain Hierarchy Rules While I have chosen these attributes for my domain model, QGM’s query answering mechanism does not rely on a specific schema for domain relations and users can choose their own schema. However, when selecting the schema for the domain relations, users must ensure that they select attributes that allow QGM to join the domain relations for different concepts with the corresponding quality relations. I selected this schema as it allows me to easily express different types of queries I found in various real-world geospatial data integration applications. In addition to the set of domain concepts, I define the relationships between different domain concepts. I use logic rules to describe the class-subclass relationships in the domain hierarchy. Figure 2.2 shows the rules that describe the relationship between the Vector and Transportation and Transportation and GroundTraponsportation relations. The rule D1 states that transportation data is one type of vector data, while the rule D2 states that ground transportation data is one type of transportation vector data. I believe that the domain concept hierarchy that I developed will be useful in most general-purpose geospatial data integration system. However, for specific applications a domain expert can specify a mediated schema of their choice to QGM or modify the model that I developed. 19 2.1.2 Domain Concepts for Geosptial Data Quality In addition to describing different types of geospatial data, I also describe the quality of data using a set of domain relations with one or more attributes per quality measure. In thisthesis, Iutilizeanextendedversionofthequalitystandards 5 proposedbytheFederal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) to describe the quality of information provided by the sources. For more specific applications, QGM allows a domain expert to define his or her choice of quality attributes. I represent the quality of each type of data as a relation with a set of attributes. The quality relation for the Raster domain relation has six attributes: one attribute for the type of the image object, one attribute for the source, and four attributes corresponding to the dimensions of quality for images. ImageQuality(source, type, date, originalresolution, multispectral, completeness) Theoriginalresolution definestheareaofthegroundrepresentedineachpixelinx and y components. An example value for the original resolution attribute is 1 meters/pixel. The multi-spectral attribute equals ‘false’ if the image in the raster object is a black-and- white image. If the image has values for all four bands (Red, Green, Blue, and InfraRed), the multi-spectral attribute has value ‘true’. Figure 2.3 shows an example of black-and- white image, while Figure 2.4 shows an example of multi-spectral satellite image. The attribute completeness refers to the percentage area of the bounding box given in the source description for which the source provides raster data. 5 20 Figure 2.3: Example Black-and-white Image The quality relation for the Vector domain relation contains eight attributes based on the FGDC quality metadata standards. VectorQuality(source, type, resolution, date, horizontalaccuracy, verticalaccuracy, vectorswithinaccuracybounds, attributecompleteness, completeness) The resolution attribute refers to the resolution of the image that was used to collect the vector data. The date attribute refers to the date on which the image used to collect the vector data was taken. The horizontal accuracy and vertical accuracy refer to the 21 Figure 2.4: Example Multi-spectral Image accuracy in the x and y dimension. The vectors within accuracy bounds 6 attribute refers to the percentage of vectors out of all vectors provided by the source that fall within the buffer around the actual location of the feature with width and height defined by the horizontal and vertical accuracy, respectively. The three attributes relate to the following quality information that is often present in the metadata provided by sources: The location of the provided features is accurate within ‘n units’ for ‘k %’ features. The ‘n units’ refer to the accuracy bounds for the dataset, while the ‘k%’ refers to the features within accuracy bounds attribute. Figure 2.5 shows an example of buffer around the actual vector data and the same segment obtained from a source. The attribute 6 In the FGDC metadata standard this attribute is called completeness. To avoid confusion with the traditionalviewofcompletenessinthedataintegrationliterature, Iusethephrasevectorswithinaccuracy bounds. 22 Actual Vector Location Vector Data from Source Figure 2.5: Example of Buffer Around Actual Vector Location completeness refers to the percentage of vectors for which attribute values are available. The completeness attribute refers to the percentage of actual feature vectors out of all existing vectors provided by the data source. I assume that all the subclasses of the Raster and Vector domain concepts have the same attributes for the quality measures. While I have selected the quality attributes recommendedbyFGDCforourmotivatingexample,thequalityrepresentationinQGMis generic. Dependingontheapplicationrequirements,userscandefinedifferentdimensions of quality. 2.2 Geospatial Sources An integral part of a domain model is a set of definitions for all available sources that relate the sources with the domain concepts. In this section, I describe my approach to defining the sources in QGM. I divide the task of defining a source into two parts. First, I describe the content of the sources with respect to the domain concepts. Second, I discuss my approach to describing the quality of data provided by the sources. 23 2.2.1 Describing Contents of the Sources In this section, I show my approach to relating the contents provided by different sources with the domain concepts from the domain concepts hierarchy described in Section 2.1. I divide the task of defining contents of a source into two parts. First, I assign a relational representationforthesourceandsecond,Idescribethecontentsofthesourcewithrespect to the domain relations. Similar to the domain concepts, I represent each source as a relation of a set of attributes. The set of attributes for a source are all of its input attributes (if any) and all the output attributes. If values for any input attributes are required, I use the suffix :b after an attribute to denote a binding restriction [47] on that attribute and suffix :f to denote an attribute without a binding restriction. Table 2.3 shows examples of relational representations of several sources that provide raster and feature vector data. The Tigerlines source 7 requires a bounding box and provides the road network data for that area. The LARivers data source 8 requires a bounding box and provides a vector object containing the rivers for the area covered by the bounding box. The CasilTransportation source 9 requires both the bounding box and the type of the transportation vector data (Roads, Railroads, or Airports), and provides a vector object containing the requested data. The TerraServer data source 10 requires a boundingbox,sizeoftheimage,typeoftheimage(topographicmaps,b/wsatelliteimage, ormulti-spectralsatelliteimage),resolutionoftheimage,formatoftheimage(JPG,GIF, 7 8 9 10 24 Sources Tigerlines(bbox:b,vectorobj:f) LARivers(bbox:b,vectorobj:f) CasilTransportation(bbox:b,vectortype:b,vectorobj:f) TerraServer(bbox:b, size:b, imagetype:b, resolution:b, format:b, imageobj:f) NOAAImages(bbox:b,imageobj:f) Table 2.3: Examples of relational representations of sources or PNG), and provides a URL to the requested image. The NOAAImages data source requires a bounding box and provides a URL to a high-resolution multi-spectral satellite image. Thenextstepistodefinethe relationshipbetweenthe contents ofthesources andthe domain concepts. I utilize the Local-As-View model [46, 47] to describe the relationships between the sources and domain relations. In the Local-As-View model, we define each source as a view over the domain relations. In the geospatial domain, sources usually provide information about one or more types of data layers in some region. Therefore, I represent each source with a set of rules to describe the contents of the source and the coverage restrictions. Each logic rule contains the source relation in the head and a conjunction of domain relations and constraints with spatial or relational selections in the body of the rule. The coverage restrictions are described using constraints. I define the sources that provide different types of feature vector data as views over the domain relations representing different subclasses of the Vector domain concept. For example, the Tigerlines data source road vector data for the continental United States is described using the rule S1 in Figure 2.6. The rule S1 describes the Tigerlines data source over the Roads domain relation. We also specify the coverage restrictions using 25 a spatial selection operation (coveredby) on the bbox attribute to denote that the source only provides data for bounding box within the United States. TheLARivers datasourceprovidesvectordatadescribingallriversintheLosAngeles metro area. The rule S2 describes this source as a view over the Rivers domain relation. The CasilTranportation data source provides three different types of vector data covering the state of California. Therefore, I use three rules to describe the data source. Note that while the head relation of the three rules are CasilTransportation1, CasilTransportation2, and CasilTransportation3, the source attribute in all rules is set to ‘Casil’. I use three rules with different predicates in the head to avoid disjunctive rules. In general case disjunctive source descriptions in a Local-As-View model may result in increasing the complexity of the query reformulation process from polynomial time to co-NP [20]. The rule S3 describes the CasilTransportation1 as a view over the Roads relation, while the rules S4 and S5 describe the sources CasilTransportation2 and CasilTransportation3 as viewsovertheRailroads andtheAirport relation,respectively. Notethatineachrule,the second attribute in the head relation contains the name of the data layer. This ensures that all requests to the source will only result in data referring to a particular layer, such as Roads. Similar to vector data sources, we can also describe raster data sources as views over different domain concepts. For example, consider the TerraServer data source that provides topographic maps, black and white satellite imagery, and multi-spectral satellite imagery for the continental United States. We describe this source using three rules, one pereachtype ofrasterdataprovided by the sources. These rules are shownin Figure 2.7. Rules S6,S7, and S8 describe the three types of raster data provided by TerraServer. For 26 S1:Tigerlines(bbox,vectorobj):- Roads(type, format, cs, bbox, source, vectorobj)^ bbox coveredby ‘[[17,65],[71,-168]]’^ vectorobj coveredby bbox^ cs = ‘EPSG:4326’^ format = ‘Shape’^ source = ‘Tigerlines’^ type = ‘Road’ S2:LARivers(bbox,vectorobj):- Rivers(type, format, cs, bbox, source, vectorobj)^ bbox coveredby ‘[[33,-117],[35,-120]]’^ vectorobj coveredby bbox^ cs = ‘EPSG:4326’^ format = ‘Shape’^ source = ‘LARivers’^ type = ‘River’ S3:CasilTransportation1(bbox,‘Roads’,vectorobj):- Roads(type, format, cs, bbox, source, vectorobj)^ bbox coveredby ‘[[32,-115],[37,-123]]’^ vectorobj coveredby bbox^ cs = ‘EPSG:4326’^ format = ‘Shape’^ source = ‘Casil’^ type = ‘Road’ S4:CasilTransportation2(bbox,‘Railroads’,vectorobj):- Railroads(type, format, cs, bbox, source, vectorobj)^ bbox coveredby ‘[[32,-115],[37,-123]]’^ vectorobj coveredby bbox^ cs = ‘EPSG:4326’^ format = ‘Shape’^ source = ‘Casil’^ type = ‘Railroad’ S5:CasilTransportation3(bbox,‘Airports’,vectorobj):- Airports(type, format, cs, bbox, source, vectorobj)^ bbox coveredby ‘[[32,-115],[37,-123]]’^ vectorobj coveredby bbox^ cs = ‘EPSG:4326’^ format = ‘Shape’^ source = ‘Casil’^ type = ‘Airport’ Figure 2.6: Example Source Descriptions for Vector Data Sources all types of data, TerraServer requires a bounding box, type of the image, resolution of the image , and size of the image and returns the image. Note that the type attribute is not necessarily same as the value for the layer name passed to the source. For example, thevaluesforthe imagetype attribute passedto TerraServer aredifferent fromthenames associated with the concepts in the domain hierarchy in rules S6-S8. 27 S6:TerraServer1(bbox:b, imagetype:b, size:b, resolution:b, format:b, imageobj):- TopographicMaps(type, format, size, resolution, cs, bbox, source, imageobj)^ bbox coveredby ’[[17,65],[71,-168]]’^ source = ‘TerraServer’^ type = ‘TopographicMap’^ imagetype = ‘Topographic Maps’ S7:TerraServer2(bbox:b, imagetype:b, size:b, resolution:b, format:b, imageobj):- BWImages(type, format, size, resolution, cs, bbox, source, imageobj)^ bbox coveredby ‘[[17,65],[71,-168]]’^ source = ‘TerraServer’^ type = ‘BWImages’^ imagetype = ‘B/W Image’ S8:TerraServer3(bbox:b, imagetype:b, size:b, resolution:b, format:b, imageobj):- MultiSpectralImage(type, format, size, resolution, cs, bbox, source, imageobj)^ bbox coveredby ’[[17,65],[71,-168]]’^ source = ‘TerraServer’^ type = ‘MultiSprectralImage’^ imagetype = ‘Urban Image’ Figure 2.7: Example Source Descriptions for Image Data Sources 2.2.2 Representing Quality of Geospatial Sources In addition to the source descriptions, I also declaratively specify the quality of informa- tion provided by each source. In addition to the quality relations for the domain concepts, I define quality relations for each layer provided by the source as a relation with a set of attributes. I limit the set of attributes in the source quality relations to the attributes of the quality domain relations. 28 For example, consider the Tigerlines data source from our motivating example. As it provides only the road vector data, the source quality relation only contains attributes fromtheRoadQuality domainrelation(whichhasthesameattributesastheVectorQual- ity domain relation). However, the source and the type attributes are not present as the source and the type are already in the name of the relation. TigerlineRoadQuality(resolution, date, horizontalaccuracy, verticalaccuracy, vectorswithinaccuracybounds, attributecompleteness, completeness) Note that in my domain model I represent the quality at source level, i.e. any data object retrieved from the data source has the same quality. Therefore, the source quality relations do not refer to a particular data object, but they contain a reference to the source and the type of the data. If the application required QGM to associate different quality values based on some other attribute, we can change the set of attributes in the quality relations to address that. As the source quality relations are virtual, I use facts to provide the tuples for the relations. For example, I represent the results reported in [18] for the quality of the Tigerlines dataset using the facts shown below. TigerlineRoadQuality(1:100000K, 1/1/2000, 3.6, 3.6, 21, 95, 94) TigerlineRoadQuality(1:100000K, 1/1/2000, 7.2, 7.2, 40, 95, 94) TigerlineRoadQuality(1:100000K, 1/1/2000, 10.8, 10.8, 53, 95, 94) Notice that, based on different values of the horizontal and vertical accuracy, we get different values for vectors within accuracy bounds. Moreover, higher values for the 29 accuracy attribute mean a larger buffer size. Typically, at higher values of the accuracy attributes, most sources will have a higher percentage of vectors within accuracy bounds. Idefinesimilarfactsforallvectorandrasterdatasources. QGMcanutilizemultiplefacts about the quality during the query processing. For example, if the user asks to retrieve roadvectordatasetssuchthatwithhorizontalaccuracyandverticalaccuracyboundsless than 8 meters, the datasets have at least 35% data within the accuracy bounds, QGM canutilizethesecondqualityfactinthelistshownabovetodeterminethattheTigerlines dataset satisfies the quality criteria. 2.3 Representing Operations In this section I discuss my approach to representing different types of operations and their impact of the quality data. In order to support processing data from different sources, I represent four types of operations in QGM: (1) spatial selection operations [37],(2)aggregateoperations,(3)mathematicaloperations,and(4)coordinateconversion operations [34]. 2.3.1 Spatial Selection Operations In order to select data using spatial restrictions, QGM supports spatial selection op- erations. Spatial selection operations, such as intersects, are very important part of a geospatial data integration system as they are used in many tasks. The most common uses of the spatial selection operations are to define coverage of sources, define an area of interest for user queries, and to define constraints on geospatial features. 30 QGM handles the spatial selection operations in the same manner as all selection operations, such as equality order constraints. Spatial selections can be used in any constraints in the source descriptions, domain rules, or user queries. The syntax for the spatial selection operations is the same as the syntax for the equality operation. An example of a constraint with spatial selection operation are the constraints on the bbox attribute in the source description shown below: S1:Tigerlines(bbox,vectorobj):- Roads(type, format, cs, bbox, source, vectorobj)^ bbox coveredby ‘[[17,65],[71,-168]]’^ vectorobj coveredby bbox^ cs = ‘EPSG:4326’^ format = ‘Shape’^ source = ‘Tigerlines’^ type = ‘Road’ Thefirstconstraintonthe bbox attributeshowsthe coveredby operationappliedtoan attribute and a constant value, while the second constraint including the vectorobj and the bbox attributesshowsthe coveredby operationusedtodefinetherelationshipbetween two attributes. As a part of the generic-domain model I implemented three spatial selection opera- tions: (1) coveredby, (2) intersects, (3) disjoint. I use the Geotools open source toolkit to implement all three operations. 31 2.3.2 Aggregate Operations The second group of operations supported by QGM are aggregate operations. Unlike the spatial selection operations, QGM only allows the aggregate operations in domain rules and user queries. Each aggregate operation is represented using a relation similar to the source relations and domain relations. I implemented eight aggregate operations in QGM. In this section, I describe each operation and provide an example of how I utilize the operation in QGM. Pack: The pack operation is used to create an embedded relation. Once a relation hasbeenpacked, QGMcanapplyotheraggregationoperationsonit. The pack operation operating on a relation with one attribute is represented using a relation with two argu- ments. The first argument refers to the attribute(s) to pack, while the second argument refers to the result of the operation. The rule shown below provides an example of pack operation. AllRoadCompletenesss(completenessrel):- RoadQuality(source, type, resolution, date, horizontalaccuracy, verticalaccuracy, vectorswithinaccuracybounds, attributecompleteness, completeness) pack(completeness, completenessrel)^ bbox coveredby ‘[[17,65],[71,-168]]’ Intheexamplerule,Iusethepack operationtocreateanembeddedrelationproviding information about all values of the completeness attribute for the road vector data. The result of the operation is a relation called completenessrel that has exactly one attribute 32 andonetuple. Thevalueoftheattributeinthetuplecontainsarelationwithonecolumn that lists all the completeness values of the road quality relation. In general, the pack operation can be used to create a nested relation with arbitrary number of attributes. Unpack: The unpack operation performs exactly the opposite operation to the pack operation. It takes an attribute containing an embedded relation and unpacks the rela- tion. The rule below shows and example of the unpack operation. AllRoadCompleteness(completeness):- AllRoadCompletenesss(completenessrel)^ unpack(completenessrel, completeness) The first argument for the unpack operation contains the attribute with a relation, while the rest of the arguments are the attributes of the nested relation. In general, the unpack operation can be used to unpack arbitrary number of attributes. Sum, Average, Min, Max: The sum operation adds all rows in the given relation. The average operation is similar to the sum operation, except that it finds the average of all values in the given relation. The min operation finds the minimum value from all values in the given relation. The max operation finds the maximum value from all values in the given relation. All four operations are modeled as relations with two attributes. The first attribute contains a relation with one attribute, while the second attribute is the result of the operation. The first attribute must be a relation produced by using the pack operation. 33 The rule below shows an example of finding the sum of all values of the completeness attribute of the RoadQuality relation: TotalCompleteness(sumofcompleteness):- RoadQuality(source, type, resolution, date, horizontalaccuracy, verticalaccuracy, vectorswithinaccuracybounds, attributecompleteness, completeness) pack(completeness, completenessrel)^ sum(completenessrel, sumofcompleteness) SkylineMin: Skyline queries [9, 57] are used to find all points in a multi-dimensional space which are not dominated by any other point. I utilize the skyline operator to define quality restrictions on the data. The general skyline operations are defined over arbitrary number of attributes. In the current implementation of QGM I implement the skyline operations with two attributes. The skylineMin operation is represented as a relation with two arguments. The first argument is an attribute containing a nested relation with two attributes. The second attribute denoting the result of the operation is also a nested relation containing two attributes. However, all rows present in the relation in the second attribute are not dominated by any other tuples. SkylineMinExample(mincompleteness,mindate):- RoadQuality(source, type, resolution, date, horizontalaccuracy, verticalaccuracy, vectorswithinaccuracybounds, attributecompleteness, completeness) 34 pack(completeness, date, resultrel)^ skylineMin(resultrel, skylineresultsrel)^ unpack(skylineresultsrel, mincompleteness, mindate) This rules obtains all values of completeness and date attributes such that no other tuple contains lower values for both attributes using the skylineMin operation. First, it uses the pack operation to create a relation with all pairs of completeness and date values. Next, it uses the skylineMin operation to find all non-dominated rows. Finally, it unpacks the relation using the unpack operation. SkylineMax: TheskylineMax operationissimilartotheskylineMin operationexcept that it find tuples that have higher values for the attributes instead of lower values. 2.3.3 Mathematical Operations IalsoimplementedfourmathematicaloperationstoassistincomputationinQGM.Those operation are: (1) add, (2) subtract, (3) multiply, and (4) divide. All of these operations can appear in domain rules and user queries. All these operations are represented with a relation containing three attributes. These operations use the values of the first two attributes as inputs and the third attribute contains the result of the operation. For the subtract operation, the second attribute is subtracted from the first attribute. Similarly, for the divide operation the first attribute is divided by the second attribute. 35 2.4 Representing User Queries The source descriptions, domain rules, operation descriptions, and quality relations to- gether make up the domain model for QGM. Once we have described our domain model, users can ask QGM different queries. A user query in QGM is specified by three logic rules. The first rule specifies the join between the content and the quality criteria. The second rule specifies the quality criteria while the third rule specifies the content crite- ria. The head of the quality criteria rule contains a predicate with a set of attributes, while the body of the quality criteria rule contains predicates referring to quality rela- tions defined at domain level, any operations, and necessary constraints. Similarly, the content rule contains predicates referring to the domain relations for the content, any necessary operations, and constraints. I explain more details of the query by discussing some examples. Consider a query to obtain the most recently collected road vector data in the area defined by a bounding box ‘[[33,-114],[35,-119]]’. In QGM, we can describe this query in two parts. The first part describes the data necessary for the query, while the second part describes the quality requirements for the data. Each part is described using one or more logic rules. Q1(vectorobj, date):- Q1Quality(source, type, date)^ Q1Data(source, type, vectorobj) Q1Quality(source, type, date):- 36 RoadQuality(source, type, resolution, date, horizontalaccuracy, verticalaccuracy, vectorswithinaccuracybounds, attributecompleteness, completeness)^ pack(date, vdaterel)^ max(vdaterel, maxvdate)^ date = maxvdate Q1Data(type, source, vectorobj):- Roads(type, format, cs, bbox, source, vectorobj)^ bbox = ‘[[33,-114],[35,-119]]’ The rule with the Q1Data relation in the head describes the data requirement of the query, while the rule with the Q1Quality relation represents the quality requirements for the query. The combination of pack and max operations in the Q1Quality rule identify the vector data with the most recent date. The result of this query is a set of URLs pointing to the vector data covering the area of interest in the query. Each result in the URL either provides more coverage of the query area compared to the other results in the set or has been collected more recently compared to other results in the set. If one source provides the most recent data for the entire area, the result of the query is a set with only one URL. The rule describing the quality metric can also include constraints. For example, the rule below describes a quality metric to find the most recently collected road vector data with at least 75% completeness. 37 Q2Quality(source, type, date, completeness):- RoadQuality(source, type, resolution, date, horizontalaccuracy, verticalaccuracy, vectorswithinaccuracybounds, attributecompleteness, completeness)^ pack(date, vdaterel)^ max(vdaterel, maxvdate)^ date = maxvdate ^ completeness > 75 In addition, QGM also supports skyline queries [9, 57]. Given a set of points in a multi-dimensional space the skyline query returns a set of points such as that for each point there is no point that is better in all dimensions. Skyline queries are very useful in evaluatingtrade-offsbetweendifferentqualitymeasures. Forexample, considerthequery to find most recent and most complete road vector data for the same area. I can describe this query to QGM using the following quality metric rule. Q3Quality(source, type, date, completeness):- RoadQuality(source, type, resolution, date, horizontalaccuracy, verticalaccuracy, vectorswithinaccuracybounds, attributecompleteness, completeness)^ pack(date, completeness, datecompresultrel)^ skylineMax(datecompresultrel, skylineresultrel)^ unpack(skylineresultrel, skylinevdate, skylinevcompleteness)^ date = skylinevdate ^ 38 completeness = skylinevcompleteness The rule contains a request to a skylineMax operator that finds all rows such that the value for at least one attribute in the skylineMax operation (vdate or vcompleteness) is not dominated by the other rows. The users are not limited to retrieving just one type of data. Users can also retrieve multiple types of vector or raster data. An example of this is shown in a rule below which retrieves multi-spectral, high-resolution satellite imagery and road vector data for one area. Q4Data(vsource, vtype, isource, iname, vectorobj,imageobj):- Roads(vtype, vformat, cs, bbox, source, vectorobj)^ Multi-spectralImage(iname, itype, iformat, size, resolution, cs, bbox, isource, imageobj) bbox = ‘[[33,-114],[35,-119]]’^ size = ‘[600,600]’ When retrieving multiple datasets, the quality metric can either be independent for each dataset or may have some dependency. For example, use can ask to find vector data and imagery so that the difference between the resolution at which both are collected is minimized using the following quality query. Q5Quality(vsource, vtype, isource, itype, resdiff):- RoadQuality(vsource, vtype, vresolution, vdate, horizontalaccuracy, verticalaccuracy, vectorswithinaccuracybounds, attributecompleteness, vcompleteness)^ 39 Multi-spectralQuality(isource, itype, idate, iresolution, multispectral, icompleteness)^ subtract(iresolution,vresolution, resdiff)^ pack(resdiff, resdiffrel)^ Min(resdiffrel, minresdiff)^ resdiff = minresdiff UsercanalsouseaSkylinequerytodescribethequalitymetric. Forexamplequeryto find road vector data and multi-spectral, high-resolution imagery such that the difference in the date and the resolution at which the data is collected are minimized. Q6(vectorobj,imageobj, resdiff, datediff):- Q6Quality( vsource, vtype, isource, itype, resdiff, datediff)^ Q6Data(vectorobj,imageobj, vsource, vtype, isource, itype) Q6Quality(vectorobj,imageobj):- RoadQuality(vsource, vtype, vresolution, vdate, horizontalaccuracy, verticalaccuracy, vectorswithinaccuracybounds, attributecompleteness, vcompleteness)^ Multi-spectralQuality(isource, itype, idate, iresolution, multispectral, icompleteness)^ subtract(iresolution,vresolution, resdiff)^ subtract(idate,vdate, datediff)^ pack(resdiff,datediff, aggregateresultrel)^ SkylineMin(aggregateresultrel,skylineresultrel)^ 40 unpack(skylineresultrel, skylineresdiff, skylinedatediff)^ skylinedatediff = datediff ^ skylineresdiff = resdiff Q6Data(vectorobj, imageobj, vsource, vtype, isource, itype):- Roads(vtype, vformat, cs, bbox, vsource, vectorobj)^ Multi-spectralImage(itype, iformat, size, resolution, cs, bbox, isource, imageobj)^ bbox = ‘[[33,-114],[35,-119]]’^ size = ‘[600,600]’ I provide more discussion on the results of different queries and quality metrics in Section 4 where I describe how QGM formulates plans to answer user queries. 41 Chapter 3 Large Scale Source Modeling for Geospatial Sources In this chapter, I describe techniques to automatically model a large number of data sources available on the web and estimate the quality of data provided by the sources. First, I discuss several methods to discover geospatial sources. Second, I describe my approach to automatically generate source descriptions for the sources. Third, I describe an approach to estimate values for some of the quality attributes of the data provided by the new sources. Finally, I describe the empirical evaluation of the techniques. 3.1 Discovering Geospatial Sources The focus of my work is on large-scale integration of geospatial sources. Therefore, I need to identify a large number of geospatial sources. I use two different methods to find geospatial sources. First, I use a search engine to find spatial data sources providing data of different types. I use terms, such as ‘download shapefiles’ and ‘download geospatial data’ to locate different types of geospatial data available on the web. For each search term, QGM’s source modeling module analyzes all results for links using the Geotools 42 OpenSourceToolkit 1 toidentifylinkspointingtoshapefiles(orzippedshapefiles). Using thistechnique, Ihavebeenabletolocateover16,000differentshapefilescontainingdiffer- ent types of geospatial data. However, manually checking all the shapefiles to determine the type of data they provide, their coverage, and the quality of data they provide is not feasible due to the large number of files. Therefore, I utilize QGM’s source modeling module to automatically determine the type of data provided by the shapefiles, their coverage, and the quality of data. Second,Itraversespatialdatarepositoriestofindallsourcesofgeospatialdata. There areseveralgeospatialdatarepositoriesontheweb. Iusethreesuchrepositoriestoidentify over 300,000 geospatial data layers from over 3,700 sources. The repositories that I have used are: (1) Mapdex 2 , (2) GiDB Portal 3 , and (3) Geography Network 4 . Mapdex and Geography Network provide lists of thousands of ArcIMS services available on the web, while GiDB Portal provides links to a large number of Web Map Servers. 5 In the future, we can write a specialized geospatial data crawler to identify geospatial sources. I discuss this in Chapter 6. OnceIhavediscoveredthesetofsources,IutilizeQGM’sautomaticsourcedescription generation capability to generate descriptions for the sources. 1 2 3 4 5 43 3.2 Automatic Source Description Generation In this section, I describe my approach for automatically generating source descriptions for the identified sources. I divide the description of a geospatial data source into two modules. The first module identifies the type of data that the source provides and its coverage, while the second module determines the coordinate system used by the data source. 3.2.1 Matching Sources with Domain Concepts In this section, I describe the process of mapping information about available data layers from the discovered sources with the concepts from the domain concepts hierarchy dis- cussed in Section 2.1. For each domain concept I have a name and a set of keywords for the data layer. For example, the Country Boundaries domain concept has the keywords ‘political boundaries’ and ‘country polygons’. For each data source discovered by search- ing the web or crawling the repositories, QGM finds the list of data layers provided by the source and matches the names and the keywords for the discovered layers with the names and keywords of the layers in the domain concepts hierarchy. QGM can automatically generate descriptions of three different types of geospatial datasources: (1)shapefiles,(2)WebMapServersorWebFeatureServers,and(3)ArcIMS Servers. The shapefile data sources usually contain only one data layer. QGM utilizes the Geotools open source toolkit to process shapefiles. For each data layer, a shapefile stores the name of the layer, optional set of keywords that describe the layer, a set of features, 44 Name Description scpop2000 South Carolina 2000 Population Cartogram usast usstates counties uscounties indiads India States and Districts schools Table 3.1: Example of name and descriptions extracted from shapefiles and a table with some metadata for each feature. QGM extracts the name and the keywords of the data layer provided by the shapefile and utilizes the information to match the layer with the domain concepts. Table 3.1 shows examples of layer names and descriptions extracted from shapefiles. Web Map Servers and Web Feature Servers provide one or more layers of raster data using the standard protocol described by the OpenGIS Consortium. According to the protocol, a server must implement two required operations called GetCapabilities and GetMap andoneoptionaloperationcalledGetFeatureInfo. TheGetCapabilities operation provides an XML specification of all the data layers provided by the source. Figure 3.1 shows a segment of the capabilities file for a Web Map Server. The tag Name contains the name of the data layer, while the tag Title provides the description. In some cases, the Name tag may contain an internal id for the layer, which would not be informative for the end-user. Therefore, QGM extracts information from both of these tags for all data layers provided by a server from the capabilities file and matches each layer with the domain concepts. The third type of geospatial sources supported by QGM are the ArcIMS servers. ArcIMS Servers are similar to Web Map Servers, but they utilize ESRI’s protocol instead of the OpenGIS protocol. Similar to Web Map Servers, ArcIMS servers also provide 45 í <Layer> <Title>Demis World Map</Title> <Abstract/> <SRS>EPSG:4326</SRS> <LatLonBoundingBox minx="-180" miny="-90" maxx="180" maxy="90"/> <BoundingBox SRS="EPSG:4326" minx="-184" miny="-90" maxx="180" maxy="90"/> í <Layer queryable="1"> <Name>Bathymetry</Name> <Title>Bathymetry</Title> <BoundingBox SRS="EPSG:4326" minx="-180" miny="-90" maxx="180" maxy="90"/> </Layer> í <Layer queryable="1"> <Name>Countries</Name> <Title>Countries</Title> <BoundingBox SRS="EPSG:4326" minx="-184" miny="-90" maxx="180" maxy="85"/> </Layer> í <Layer queryable="1"> <Name>Topography</Name> <Title>Topography</Title> <BoundingBox SRS="EPSG:4326" minx="-184" miny="-90" maxx="180" maxy="90"/> </Layer> í <Layer queryable="0"> <Name>Hillshading</Name> <Title>Hillshading</Title> <BoundingBox SRS="EPSG:4326" minx="-180" miny="-90" maxx="180" maxy="90"/> </Layer> Figure 3.1: Example capabilities file from Web Map Server one or more data layers and provide a capabilities file as an XML document. ArcIMS servers provide the specification of data layers using ArcXML 6 schema. Figure 3.2 shows a segment of the capabilities file for an ArcIMS server. The name attribute of the LAY- ERINFO tag provides the name of the data layer. QGM extracts information from the name attribute for all data layers provided by a server from the capabilities file and matches each layer with the domain concepts. Once QGM has extracted names and descriptions of all data layers provided by the source, it matches the tokens from the name and the keywords extracted from the source with the name and the keywords of the domain concepts using the Dice similarity score 6 46 file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/thakkar/Desktop/test.xml 1 of 1 5/4/2007 2:31 PM This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below. − <ARCXML version="1.1"> − <RESPONSE> − <SERVICEINFO> − <ENVIRONMENT> <LOCALE language="en" country="US"/> <UIFONT name="Arial" color="0,0,0" size="12" style="regular"/> <SEPARATORS cs=" " ts=";"/> <IMAGELIMIT pixelcount="2097152"/> <SCREEN dpi="96"/> <CAPABILITIES forbidden="" disabledtypes="bmp,tif" servertype="arcmapserver" returngeometry="xmlmode"/> </ENVIRONMENT> − <LAYOUTINFO pageunits="inches"> <ENVELOPE minx="0" miny="0" maxx="8.5" maxy="11"/> </LAYOUTINFO> − <PROPERTIES> <FEATURECOORDSYS string="GEOGCS["GCS_Assumed_Geographic_1",DATUM["D_North_American_1927",SPHEROID["Clarke_1866",6378206.4,294.97869 82]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0.0], id="104000"/> <FILTERCOORDSYS string="GEOGCS["GCS_Assumed_Geographic_1",DATUM["D_North_American_1927",SPHEROID["Clarke_1866",6378206.4,294.97869 82]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0.0], id="104000"/> <MAPUNITS units="decimal_degrees"/> <BACKGROUND color="255,255,255"/> <ENVELOPE minx="-205.513538400732" miny="-94.11077166389" maxx="206.07539375395" maxy="91.3014948978037" name="Initial_Extent"/> </PROPERTIES> − <LAYERINFO type="featureclass" name="Ocean" id="4" visible="true"> <FCLASS type="polygon"/> </LAYERINFO> − <LAYERINFO type="featureclass" name="Countries" id="3" visible="true"> <FCLASS type="polygon"/> </LAYERINFO> </SERVICEINFO> </RESPONSE> </ARCXML> Figure 3.2: Example ArcIMS Server capabilities file [67]. For each layer, QGM concatenates the name and the keywords and tokenizes the concatenatedstringtocreateasetoftokens. QGMalsoperformssimilaroperationonthe names and keywords of the domain concepts. QGM computes a matching score between each data layer and each domain concept using the dice formula shown below. Dice(TokenSet1,TokenSet2) = 2∗(TokenSet1∩TokenSet2) |TokenSet1|+|TokenSet2| The formula finds all matching tokens between the two sets and divides that number bythesumofthenumberoftokensfrombothsets. Thetokensareconsideredmatchingif they match using any of the following transformations: (1) equality, (2) prefix, (3) suffix, 47 and (4) stemming. For the prefix and suffix transformations, QGM only considers tokens withatleastthreecharacters. Thismeasureavoidsmatchesonsinglecharactersandvery small strings. Matches using all transformations are weighed equally. In future, we can improveQGM’smatchingtechniquebyutilizingdifferentweightsforeachtransformation. Foreachlayer,QGMfindsthematchbyselectingthedomainconceptwiththehighest similarity score above 0.5. The threshold allows QGM to ignore matches on words that occurveryfrequentlyormatchesonjustonetermsuchas‘polygon’. Ifnodomainconcept matchesalayerfromashapefileorArcIMSservice,QGMmatchesthatlayertotheVector domain concept, while a layer from a Web Map Server with no matching domain concept is matched with the Raster domain concept. For each data layer provided by a source, QGM also needs to determine the coverage of the source, i.e. the area for which the source provides data for the layer. Depending on the type of the source, QGM obtains the coverage differently. If the data is stored in the shapefile format, the metadata component of the shapefile contains the bounding box of the area covered by the source. QGM utilizes the Geotools open source toolkit to obtain thecoverage. IfasourceisaWebMapServeroraWebFeatureServer, QGMobtainsthe coverage from the BoundingBox or LatLonBoundingBox tags (see Figure 3.1). In case of the ArcIMS sources the coverage information is provided in the ENVELOPE tag (see Figure 3.2). Once QGM has determined the coverage of all data layers provided by a source and a matching domain concept for each layer, QGM can generate a description for the source. For each data layer provided by the source, QGM generates one logic rule describing the source as a view over the domain concept matching with the layer. For example, QGM 48 generates the following rule for a shapefile data source that provides roads in the area specified by the bounding box ‘[[17,65],[71,-168]]’ (which covers the United States) . usroadssshapefile(bbox,vectorobj):- Roads(vtype, format, cs, bbox, source, vectorobj)^ bbox coveredby ‘[[17,65],[71,-168]]’^ vectorobj coveredby bbox^ cs = ‘EPSG:4326’^ format = ‘Shape’^ source = ‘usroads’^ vtype = ‘Road’ ThesourceisdefinedasviewovertheRoads domainconceptasthedatalayerprovided by the source matches with the Roads domain concept. The constraint on the bbox attribute is defined based on the coverage information extracted from the source. I discuss the constraint on the coordinate system(cs) attribute in Section 3.2.2. IncaseofWebMapServers, WebFeatureServers, orArcIMSservers, QGMgenerates one rule per data layer provided by the source. While the head of all the rules is different toavoiddisjunctiverules, thesourceattributeinallrulesissettothenameofthesource. The request to obtain data of any layer from the Web Map Servers, Web Feature Servers, or ArcIMS Servers must contain the name of the data layer. Therefore, QGM encodes that information in the logic rules for the source description. For the example Web Map ServercapabilitiesfileshowninFigure 3.1, QGMgeneratestherules showninFigure3.3. 49 DemisWMS1(bbox, name, size, resolution, format, imageobj):- Raster(itype, iformat, size, resolution, cs, bbox, source, imageobj)^ name = ‘Bathymetry’^ bbox coveredby ’[[-90,-180],[90,180]]’^ source = ‘DemisWMS’^ itype = ‘Raster’ DemisWMS2(bbox, name, size, resolution, format, imageobj):- CountryMaps(type, format, size, resolution, cs, bbox, source, imageobj)^ bbox coveredby ‘[[-90,-180],[90,180]]’^ source = ‘DemisWMS’^ name = ‘Countries’^ type = ‘CountryMaps’ DemisWMS3(bbox, name, size, resolution, format, imageobj):- TopoMaps(type, format, size, resolution, cs, bbox, source, imageobj)^ bbox coveredby ’[[-90,-180],[90,180]]’^ source = ‘DemisWMS’^ name = ‘Topography’ type = ‘TopoMaps’ DemisWMS4(bbox, name, size, resolution, format, imageobj):- Raster(type, format, size, resolution, cs, bbox, source, imageobj)^ name = ‘Hillshades’^ bbox coveredby ’[[-90,-180],[90,180]]’^ source = ‘DemisWMS’^ type = ‘Raster’ Figure 3.3: Example Source Descriptions for Web Map Servers 50 ArcIMS1(bbox, name, vectorobj):- Oceans(vtype, format, cs, bbox, source, vectorobj)^ bbox coveredby ‘[[33,-117],[35,-119]]’^ vectorobj coveredby bbox^ cs = ‘EPSG:4326’^ format = ‘ArcXML’^ source = ‘ArcIMS1’^ vtype = ‘Oceans’^ name = ‘Oceans’ ArcIMS2(bbox, name, vectorobj):- Countries(vtype, format, cs, bbox, source, vectorobj)^ bbox coveredby ‘[[33,-117],[35,-119]]’^ vectorobj coveredby bbox^ cs = ‘EPSG:4326’^ format = ‘ArcXML’^ source = ‘ArcIMS1’^ vtype = ‘Countries’^ name = ‘Countries’ Figure 3.4: Example Source Descriptions for ArcIMS Servers Each rule corresponds to different layers described in the capabilities file. In the example layers shown in Figure 3.1, QGM finds matching data layers for two of the four layers. The first layer titled ‘Bathymetry’, QGM does not find a suitable match in the domain concepts hierarchy, so it matches it with the Raster domain concept. The second andthirdlayersarematchedwiththe CountryMaps andtheTopoMaps domainconcepts. The fourth layer titled ‘Hillshades’ is also matched with the Raster concept as it does not match with any concept. In all rules, QGM puts a constant value for the name attribute in each rule to match with the name of the layer specified in the Web Map Server’s capabilities file. For the ArcIMS Server capabilities file shown in Figure 3.2, QGM generates the rules shown in Figure 3.4. Both rules are similar to the rules generated for the Shapefile data 51 source. The key difference is that the second attribute of the head relation contains the nameofthelayerinthedatasource. QGMputsaconstantvaluefortheattributeineach rule to match with the name of the layer specified in the ArcIMS Server’s capabilities file. 3.2.2 Managing Coordinate Systems Geospatial sources on the web often use different coordinate systems to store geospatial data. As a user may not be familiar with different coordinate systems, he or she may want the results of the queries in certain coordinate system. Therefore, a geospatial data integration system that integrates data from a large number of geospatial sources, must be able to transform data from one coordinate system to another. In this section, I describe QGM’s approach to handling sources that provide data in different coordinate systems. As described in Section 2.3, QGM supports a coordinate conversion operation, that accepts a geospatial data object, its coordinate system, and a target coordinate systems and transforms the geospatial data to the target coordinate system. I utilize the coordi- nate conversion operation to address different coordinate systems. In QGM I can use different strategies for handling coordinate systems by providing different source descriptions and domain rules to handle coordinate conversions. I inves- tigated three different methods: (1) keep all datasets in their own coordinate systems and only change coordinate systems to meet user requirements, (2) change all datasets to one coordinate system and change coordinate systems based on user requirements, and (3) internally keep only the coverages of datasets in one coordinate system and change coordinate systems as needed. 52 The key problem with the first approach is that every query requires converting all coverages into the coordinate system specified in the query. Once the coordinate con- versions are performed, QGM can determine which sources are relevant to the query. Next, QGM retrieves the data from the relevant sources and performs necessary coordi- nate conversion operations. In this approach, QGM performs many coordinate system transformations for each query resulting in a slow response time. The second approach requires that QGM has complete control over sources, which is not the case for Web Map Server or ArcIMS Servers. We can materialize the data provided by the sources, but the materialization process can take a very long time and many resources. Therefore, this approach is not practical. The third method is a compromise between the first two methods. By keeping the coverage information in one coordinate system, QGM is able to determine if a source providesdataforthequeryareawithoutperforminganycoordinateconversionoperations. Ifasourceprovidesrelevantdatainthequeryarea, QGMretrievesthedataandperforms a coordinate transformation. Also, converting coverages into one coordinate system is not as time-consuming as converting all data records. This method results in the lowest number of coordinate conversions and the fastest query response time. Therefore, in my geospatial domain, I use this method. ThismethodrequiresthatwhenQGMgeneratesasourcedescriptionforanewsource, it determines the coordinate system of the source, determines the coverage of the source, converts the coverage into the common coordinate system, and inserts proper coordinate system transformation operations in the source description. For my sample domain, I utilize the EPSG:4326 coordinate system as the common coordinate system. EPSG:4326 53 is a common geographic projection that refers to WGS84 latitude/longitude coordinates in degrees with Greenwich as the central meridian. However, this parameter is part of QGM’s configuration and can be changed easily to suit different applications. Different types of geospatial sources store the coverage information differently. The geospatial data stored in shapefiles often contains a projection file that records the co- ordinate system of the data source. Web Map Servers provide the coordinate system information in the SRS tag of the capabilities file (see Figure 3.1), while the ArcIMS Servers specify the coordinate system in the FEATURECOORDSYS and FILTERCO- ORDSYS tags (see Figure 3.2). QGM extracts the coordinate system information from the sources. If the coordinate system of the source does not match with the QGM’s coordinate system, QGM must generate a model of the source in the common coordinate system to ensure that it can determine if a source is relevant to the user query without performing any coordinate conversions. Moreover, it must make sure that any source requests made to the source specifies the required inputs to the source, such as a bounding box, in the source’scoordinatesystemandanydataobjectsretrievedfromthesourceareconvertedto QGM’scommoncoordinatesystem. QGMperformsthistaskbydeclaringavirtualsource predicateisidenticaltotheoriginalsourceexceptthatthevaluesfortheboundingboxand the vector object attributes are translated to QGM’s common coordinate system. QGM definesthevirtualsourcepredicateusingadomainrule. Forexample,considerashapefile datasourcethatprovidesroadsforsomeareaandusestheEPSG:4269 coordinatesystem, whichissimilartotheEPSG:4326,butusestheNAD83 specificationfortheglobe. Below 54 is a domain rule for that specifies the virtual source predicate for this source and the relationship between the virtual source predicate and the original source: VirtualRoadsShapefile(cbbox, cvectorobj):- RoadsShapeSrc(bbox,vectorobj)^ CoordinateTransformation(ccs, cs, cbbox, bbox)^ CoordinateTransformation(cs, ccs, vectorobj, cvectorobj)^ cvectorobj coveredby cbbox^ cs = ‘EPSG:4269’^ ccs = ‘EPSG:4326’ The domain rule contains the original source relation (RoadsShapeSrc) and two co- ordinate conversion operations in the body of the rule. The first coordinate conversion operation converts the bounding box attribute (cbbox) from QGM’s common coordinate system to the source’s coordinate system. The second coordinate conversion operation ensuresthatanydataobjectretrievedfromthesourceisconvertedintoQGM’scoordinate system. Once QGM has defined the virtual source predicate, it generates a Local-As-View description using the techniques described in Section 3.2.1. Describing the virtual source predicate using a Local-As-View rule allows QGM to specify exact constraints describing the contents and the coverage. For the example virtual source, QGM generates the following rule: VirtualRoadsShapefile(bbox,vectorobj):- 55 Roads(vtype, format, cs, bbox, source, vectorobj)^ vtype = ‘Roads’^ format = ‘Shape’^ cs = ‘EPSG:4326’^ bbox coveredby ‘[[33,-117],[35,-119]]’^ vectorobj coveredby bbox^ source = ‘RoadsShapeSrc’ Note that the Local-As-View rule does not contain any coordinate conversion oper- ations and the coverage restrictions are specified using the common coordinate system. QGM’s ability to push all coordinate conversion operations to the domain rules allows it to determine relevant sources to answer a user query without performing any coordinate conversions. 3.3 AutomaticallyEstimatingtheQualityofGeospatialData In addition to automatically generating a source description for new sources, QGM can also automatically estimate the values for some of the quality attributes by analyzing data provided by the new sources. The Vector and the Raster data sources have different quality attributes associated with them. Therefore, I divide the automatic estimation of quality into two parts. Section 3.3.1 describes automatic estimation of quality of data provided by vector data sources, while Section 3.3.2 describes automatic estimation of quality of data provided by raster data sources. 56 3.3.1 Estimating Quality Attributes of Vector Data Sources In this section I discuss QGM’s approach of automatically estimating values for quality attributes for vector data sources. QGM can automatically estimate the values of the following attributes: (1) completeness, (2) horizontal accuracy, (3) vertical accuracy, and (4) features within accuracy bounds. Manually populating values for those four attributes would require analyzing a large number of features from a data source and comparing them with information from a source with known quality of data or a high resolution satellite image. Therefore, QGM’s ability to automatically estimate values for those attributes saves users from the painful task of manually populating values for those attributes. The values for other attributes such as the date data was collected or the resolution at which the data was collected is often available in text documentation provided by a data source. In future, we can utilize information retrieval techniques to extract values for those attributes from the text documentation. Automatic estimation of quality attributes for vector data sources in QGM relies on some assumptions: (1) QGM has access to a source of known quality providing the same layerasthenewsourceandwithoverlappingcoverageand(2)thequalityofdataprovided by the new source is uniform, i.e., quality is similar in all areas covered by the source. QGMbeginsthequalityestimationprocessbyidentifyingasourcewithknownquality that provides the same data layer and has overlapping coverage with the new source for each data layer provided by the new source. If QGM cannot find a qualifying source, it cannotautomaticallyestimatesomeofthequalityattributesbyutilizinganyoftheknown sources. Ifnoqualifyingsourcesexists,QGMaddsthesourcewithunknownqualitytothe 57 list of available sources with unknown quality of data. After QGM successfully assesses the quality of data provided by any new source, it checks to see if the expanded coverage due to the new source allows QGM to evaluate any new sources. For example, consider that QGM needs to assess the quality of road network data covering the city San Diego providedbysomedatasource. However,theonlysourcewithknownqualityroadnetwork data only covers the city of Los Angeles. As there is no overlap, QGM adds the road network source covering the city of San Diego to the list of sources with unknown quality of data. Next, QGM needs to assess the quality of road network data covering entire Southern California region provided by some data source. As the Southern California region overlaps with the city of Los Angeles, QGM can assess the quality of road network dataforthesourcecoveringtheSouthernCaliforniaregion. OnceQGMfinishesassessing the quality of data provided by the source, it checks the list of sources with unknown quality and discovers that it can now assess the quality of the source that provides the road network data for the city of San Diego. IfQGMfindsasourcewithoverlappingdata,itsamplesthedatafromtheoverlapping coveragefrombothsourcesandestimatesthevaluesforthequalityattributesforthenew source. As geospatial data sources often provide a very large amount of data and do not allowqueryingtheentiredatasourceallatonce,QGMmustsamplesomedatatoestimate the quality. As a part of my research, I evaluated three different patterns to sample geospatial data. Each pattern involves dividing the overlapping area into a grid and retrieving data from some cells in the grid. The size of the grid cells and the number of cells we select depends on the percentage of data we select to sample. As geospatial data may not be 58 distributed uniformly, it is important to select cells that represent the distribution of the data provided by a source. In my research I selected three different patterns to sample the data. The first pattern I evaluated was to select all cells in one or more columns or rows in the center of the overlapping area. The rationale behind selecting this pattern was that by selecting all cells in a row or column, we would get cells at the edges as well as cells in the middle. As a geospatial source may have sparse features along the cells toward the edge of the coverage and may have higher feature density in the center, this sampling pattern gives us a more representative sample. Depending on the cell size and the percentage of sample data, QGM selects to sample one or more rows or columns. For example, if each cell covers about 1/100th of the area covered by a source and the user asks QGM to sample 20% data, QGM will select two columns (or rows) in the center of the area as shown in Figure 3.5 (a). The filled areas indicate the selected cells. If QGM needs to sample data from more cells, it will randomly select cells from a third column. The second pattern was to select all cells in the diagonal pattern. The rationale here wassimilartotherationaleforthefirstpattern. However,Iexpectedthediagonalpattern to work better in cases where source may have one or more areas of densely populated features located toward the corners of the coverage areas. Similar to the first pattern the number of cells along the diagonals that QGM samples data from depends on the cell size and the percentage of data QGM needs to sample. For example, if each cell covers about 1/100th of the area covered by a source and the user asks QGM to sample 20% data, QGM will select 20 cells from the two major diagonals as shown in Figure 3.5 59 (a) (b) (c) Figure 3.5: Three different sampling patterns for geospatial data (b). If QGM needs to select more cells, it will randomly select a minor diagonal from neighboring diagonals and randomly select necessary cells from them. Finally,thethirdpatternwastoselectthecellsinthecenterofthegrid. Therationale behind selecting this pattern was that we may get maximum number of features by sampling in the center of the area as geospatial source often have high density of features toward the center of the coverage area. Similar to the first two patterns, the number of cells selected to sample depends on the cell size and the percentage of data QGM needs to sample. For example, if each cell covers about 1/100th of the area covered by a source and the user asks QGM to sample 20% data, QGM needs to sample data from 20 cells located at the center of the grid. QGM begins sampling data from the four cells at the center of the grid. Next, it samples data from the twelve neighbor cells of the four center cells. The next set of neighboring cells include 21 cells adjunct to the 16 selected cells. However, QGM can only select four of those cells as it only needs to sample data from 20 cells. Therefore, QGM randomly selects four of the 21 neighbor cells. Figure 3.5 (c) shows an example of cells that would be selected for this example. 60 Once QGM obtains the sampled data from both the reference source and the new source, it computes the completeness and the accuracy of the new source. Estimating Completeness In this section, I explain how QGM estimates the completeness of a new source given the sampled data from the new source and a reference source and the completeness of the new source. The completeness of a geospatial source refers to the percentage of existing features that the source provides. For example, if there are three hospitals in a given area andthesourceprovidestwoofthem,itisconsideredtobe66.7%complete. AsQGMdoes not know about all existing features in the area, it estimates all existing features using a referencesource. Forexample, ifthereferencesourceis50%completeanditprovidestwo features in an area, QGM estimates that there are four features in the area. If a source provides point or polygon data, QGM estimates the completeness for the new source by comparingthenumberoffeaturesprovidedbythenewsourcewiththeestimatednumber of features in the area using the following formula: C new = # of features new # of features reference ∗C reference Theformulatakesintoaccountthefactthatthereferencesourcemaynotbecomplete. The term #offeatures new refers to the number of features sampled from the new data source, while the term #offeatures reference refers to the number of features sampled from the reference data source. The term C reference refers to the completeness of the reference source, while the termC new refers to the completeness of the new source. First, 61 theformulacomputesthecompletenessofthenewsourcecomparedtothereferencesource and multiplies that number with the completeness of the reference source to obtain the completeness of the new source. In case of polylines, the number of features is not a good indicator as different sources mayusedifferentgranularitiestodefinefeatures. Forexample,afreewaymaybedescribed usingmanysegmentsormaybeapproximatedusingasmallnumberofsegments. Inboth cases the freeway is represented in the source, so the completeness should be similar. Therefore, if a source provides polylines, QGM utilizes a slightly different formula that takes into account the length of the polylines, instead of the number of polylines. C new = P (length of all polylines new ) P (length of all polylines reference ) ∗C reference As geospatial sources may store a road as a single polyline or a set of line segments, using the number of features does not work well with polyline sources. Therefore, QGM utilizes the sum of the lengths of all features instead of the total number of features. The completeness estimates generated by QGM depend heavily on the accuracy of the completeness value of the reference set. If the actual value for the completeness attribute of the reference set is lower than the value for the completeness of the reference set provided to QGM, it will underestimate the total number of features. For example, if the actual completeness of the reference set is 25% and the value given to QGM is 50%, QGM will underestimate the total number of features. This will result in QGM computing a higher value of the completeness attribute for the new set. Similarly, if the value of the actual completeness of the reference set is higher than the value provided 62 Figure 3.6: Examples of buffers for points, lines, and polygons to QGM it will compute a lower value of the completeness attribute for the new source. Assuming that we obtain representative samples from both the reference source and the new source, the error in the estimated value of the completeness is double the error in the completeness value for the reference source. Intuitively, this is due to the fact that the error in completeness of the reference source effects the calculation of the error in the completeness of the new source in two ways. First, it effects the total number of features retrieved from the reference source and second, it impacts QGM’s estimation of total number of actual features. Estimating Accuracy Inthissection,IdescribeQGM’sapproachtoestimatingtheaccuracyofthedataprovided by the new source. The accuracy of the data source is measured using three attributes: (1) horizontalaccuracy, (2) verticalaccuracy, and (3) vectorsinaccuracybounds. The first two attributes are used to define a buffer around the actual location of a feature, while thethirdattributedefinesthepercentageofroadsthatfallinthebuffer. Figure3.6shows examples of buffers for points, polylines, and polygons. 63 Algorithm 3.3.1: ComputeVectorAccuracy(RefSrc,NewSrc) procedure ComputeVectorAccuracy(RefSrc,NewSrc) horizacc←horizacc(RefSrc) vertacc←vertacc(RefSrc) withinaccbnds←withinaccbnds(RefSrc) RefSrcFeatures←SampleFeatures(RefSrc) NewSrcFeatures←SampleFeatures(NewSrc) Buffers←CreateBuffer(RefSrcFeatures,horizacc,vertacc) if typeOf(NewSrc)==Points then newwithinaccbnds=NoOfPointsWithin(Buffers,NewSrcFeatures) if typeOf(NewSrc)==Polylines then newwithinaccbnds=LengthOfPointsWithin(Buffers,NewSrcFeatures) if typeOf(NewSrc)==Polylines then newwithinaccbnds=AreaOfPolygonsWithin(Buffers,NewSrcFeatures) return (newwithinaccbnds,horizacc,vertacc) Figure 3.7: Algorithm to Compute Accuracy Values for New Source AsQGMdoesnothaveaccesstotheactuallocationofafeature,itutilizesthefeatures from the reference set to approximate the actual location of the feature and computes the values for the horizontalaccuracy, verticalaccuracy, and vectorsinaccuracybounds at- tributes for the new source using the algorithm shown in Figure 3.7. First, QGM retrieves the horizontalaccuracy, verticalaccuracy, and vectorsinaccura- cybounds attributes for the reference set. Next, QGM utilizes the values of the accuracy attributes to generate a buffer around locations of all features retrieved from the refer- ence set in the sampled data. Next, QGM determines the percentage of features from the sample data retrieved from the new source that fall within the generated buffer. If 64 the source provides point data, QGM counts the number of points that are within the buffer. If the source provides polylines, QGM computes the total length of all parts of the polylines that are within the buffer. If the source provides polygons, QGM computes the total area of all parts of the polygons that are within the buffer. The computed value is the value for the vectorswithinaccuracybounds attribute for the new source, while the values of the horizontalaccuracy and the verticalaccuracy are the same as the values for the horizontalaccuracy and the verticalaccuracy attributes for the reference set as those values were used to construct the buffer around the features. One of the limitations of this approach is that if the reference set is very inaccurate, QGM cannot produce a good estimate of the three quality attributes for the new source. In particular, if we try to estimate the quality of a very accurate dataset using an inac- curate dataset, QGM will only be able to estimate that the accurate dataset is as good as the reference set. This is due to the fact that the values of the vertical and horizontal accuracyboundswillbethesame forbothsources. Moreover, the value computedforthe features within accuracy bounds for the more accurate source depends on the location of the features reported by the inaccurate source as well. It is not possible to provide an error bound for QGM’s estimation of accuracy as it depends on a good representative sample from both sources, error in the accuracy values for the reference source, and type of positional inaccuracies in the locations of features provided by the reference source. However, my experiments with real-world data described in Section 3.4 show that the error in estimating the accuracy is less than 10% for sources that provide point, polyline, or polygon data. 65 3.3.2 Estimating Quality of Raster Datasets In this section I discuss QGM’s process of estimating the quality of raster data sources. For the raster sources QGM can automatically estimate the value of the completeness attribute and learn more accurate coverage of the data sources. This is very important on the Internet as Web Map Servers and ArcIMS Servers often overstate their coverage. This is due to the fact that OpenGIS protocol requires sources to define its coverage of a given data layer using only one bounding box. If a source provides raster data for two disjoint areas, it usually will return a rectangle covering both areas as its coverage. The value for the completeness attribute refers to the percentage of reported coverage area for which the source provides raster data. QGM utilizes the methods described in this section to estimate the area for which the source actually returns the raster data by sampling data from the source. Figure 3.8 shows QGM’s algorithm to estimate the completeness and an accurate coverage for raster sources. Figure 3.9 shows an example of the process of estimating the true coverage for a raster source. QGM first samples the data from the raster sources. In the sampling process QGM divides the area covered by a data source into a uniform grid with cells of the given cell size. QGM sends a source request to obtain an image of 600 pixels width and 600 pixels height at the given resolution in center of each cell. For most data sources and resolution values the image request does not cover entire cell as mostsourcescoververylargeareasresultinginlargecellsizes. ForexampleTerraServer’s reported coverage is a rectangle around the United States. The grid in Figure 3.9 (a) 66 Algorithm 3.3.2: EstimateRasterQuality(Src,CellSize,resolution) completeness←0 procedure EstimateRasterQuality(Src, CellSize, resolution) CellList←SampleData(Src,CellSize,resolution) actualCoverage←ComputeCoverage(Src,CellList) return (actualCoverage,completeness) procedure SampleData(Src,CellSize) CellList←CreateGrid(Src,CellSize) for each cell∈CellList n cell.Image←getImage(cell,resolution) return (CellList) procedure ComputeCoverage(Src,CellList) srcReportedCoverage←coverage(Src) voronoiDiagram←CreateVoroNoi(CellList) actualCoverage←coverage(voronoiDiagram) completeness←area(srcReportCoverage)/actualCoverage return (actualCoverage) Figure 3.8: Algorithm to Compute Accuracy Values for New Source shows an example grid and image requests. The areas in gray indicate the areas covered by the image requests. If the source returns an image QGM stores the image, otherwise it stores label no image for that cell. In Figure 3.9 (b), the areas with no image are indicated by white cells. Next, QGMutilizes Fortune’s Sweepline algorithm [29] to create a Voronoi diagram representation of all the labeled cells returned from the sampling process. Figure 3.9 (c) shows the example Voronoi diagram. Next, QGM merges the adjunct Voronoi cells con- taining images into one cell. Finally, QGM computes a minimum bounding rectangle 67 (a) Grid cells and sample areas (b) Results of the sampling (c) Voronoi Diagram (d) Final Coverage Figure 3.9: Example of coverage estimation process for raster data around each Voronoi cell with images. The union of the minimum bounding rectangles is the more accurate coverage of the source, while the area of the more accurate coverage divided by the area of the reported coverage is the completeness of the source for the given resolution. Figure 3.9 (d) shows an example of the estimated coverage. Once QGM has more accurate coverage information, it updates the constraint on the bounding box attribute to specify the more accurate bounding box instead of source’s re- ported bounding box. For example, if a source’s report coverage was ‘[[33,-117],[35,-120]]’ and the more accurate coverage is ‘[[33,-117],[34,-119]]’, QGM will update the constraint on the bounding box attribute from ‘bbox coveredby ‘[[33,-117],[35,-120]]” to ‘bbox cov- eredby ‘[[33,-117],[34,-119]]”. If the more accurate coverage contains more than one disjoint rectangles QGM describes the coverage by having one description per polygon. 68 In our given example if the more accurate coverage was union of the polygons ‘[[33,- 117],[34,-119]]’ and ‘[[34,-119],[35,-120]]’, QGM will modify source’s description have two similar rules with coverage constraints ‘bbox coveredby ‘[[33,-117],[34,-119]]” and ‘bbox coveredby ‘[[34,-119],[35,-120]]”. In the current implementation, I configured QGM to compute the more accurate coverage and completeness for four different resolutions: (1) 1 meter/pixel, (2) 5 me- ters/pixel, (3) 10 meters/pixel, and (4) 50 meters/pixel. QGM then computes a source’s completenessbyaveragingthevaluesofcompletenesscomputedforeachresolution. More- over, QGM utilizes the union of the coverages computed by all resolutions to update the bounding box constraint. 3.4 Experimental Evaluation In this section, I describe the empirical evaluation using real-world datasets to support the automatic source description generation and quality estimation techniques described in Sections 3.2 and 3.3. The performance of the automatic labeling technique can be divided into assigning the correct matching domain concept for a data layer provided by a source and correctly identifying the coverage of the data source and its coordinate system. As the coverage and the coordinate system are provided by a data source, QGM always identifies them correctly. Therefore, I only measure the performance of QGM in identifying the correct matching domain concept for a data layer. I describe the experimental evaluation for the automatic labeling technique in Section 3.4.1. I describe my evaluation of the quality 69 estimation process in Section 3.4.2. For the quality estimation techniques, I evaluate QGM’sperformanceinestimatingthecompletenessandtheaccuracyofdifferentsources. All the experiments involved real-world data sources and were conducted on a server running Windows 2003 Server operating system with dual Xeon processors running at 1.8MHz with 3 GB memory. 3.4.1 Experimental Evaluation of Automated Labeling Technique In this section, I show that the automatic source description generating techniques gener- ate an accurate representation for real-world geospatial data sources. I used the methods described in Section 3.1 to identify 253 shapefile data sources, 152 Web Map Servers, and 107 ArcIMS servers. All those sources together provide 1248 data layers. I manually matched each layer provided by the sources with a domain concept by looking at the name of the layer, the description of the layer, and the data provided for the layer by the source. While I can identify a lot more sources using the techniques described in Section 3.1, I kept this number small as I had to manually match each layer to a domain concept to identify the ground truth. Table 3.2 shows the top 15 domain concepts and the number of layers assigned to each domain concept using the manual labeling. Next, I tasked QGM with automatically generating representations of these data sources. I compare the labels generated by QGM with the manual labels to measure the accuracy of the automatic labeling. Table 3.3 outlines the precision, recall, and F- measure values for different domain concepts. Precision, recall, and F-measure are used to measure performance of information retrieval systems, such as search engines. In my case, the term precision refers to the total number of correct matches returned by QGM 70 Category Subcategory Layer Number of Layers Transportation Ground Roads 361 Imagery Aerial Photos Orthophoto 167 Raster 119 Vector 57 Hydrography Rivers/Lakes Rivers 53 Transportation Ground Bridge/Overpasses 47 Transportation Tracks Cart Tracks 46 Transportation Ground Ramp Lines 46 Maps Topo Maps Topographic Maps 43 Transportation Air Airports 36 Buildings Schools Schools 31 Boundaries Political Administrative Areas 27 Boundaries Political Counties 22 Boundaries Administrative Flood Zones 18 Boundaries Administrative Census Blocks 18 Table 3.2: Major categories with manual labeling divided by the total number of matches returned by QGM. The term recall refers to the total number of correct matches returned by QGM divided by the total number of possiblecorrectmatches. TheF-measureistheharmonicmeanoftheprecisionandrecall values. The formulas below provide equations to compute values for the three terms. Precision= #CorrectMatches #TotalMatchesMade Recall = #CorrectMatches #PossibleMatches F−Measure= 2∗Precision∗Recall Precison+Recall The experimental results indicate that major errors occur in the Orthophoto, Raster, and Vector layers. The errors in the Raster and the Vector layers are due to QGM not being able to find a suitable match on the layers. I believe this can be fixed by adding 71 Layer Precision Recall F-measure Roads 98.02 95.84 96.92 Orthophoto 82.44 64.67 72.48 Raster 70.63 84.87 77.10 Vector 71.62 92.98 80.92 Rivers 94.55 98.11 96.30 Cart Tracks 100.00 97.83 98.90 Bridge/Overpasses 100.00 91.49 95.56 Ramp Lines 95.45 91.30 93.33 Topographic Maps 95.35 95.35 95.35 Airports 97.30 100.00 98.63 Schools 70.73 93.55 80.56 Administrative Areas 71.05 100.00 83.08 Counties 87.50 95.45 91.30 Flood Zones 100.00 100.00 100.00 Census Blocks 84.21 88.89 86.49 Totals 88.21 89.66 88.93 Table 3.3: Results of automatic labeling new layers to QGM’s domain concepts hierarchy. In general, I found that data layers about different weather conditions that have very long name or descriptions, such as ‘total precipitation in last fifteen days’, caused errors. This was due to the fact that the threshold for matching 0.5 was too high for those layers. We can address this problem by removing stop words from the layer names, by utilizing TF-IDF weighting of different tokens, and by utilizing the actual data in labeling the layers. I discuss the possible improvements in Chapter 6. The errors in labeling the Orthophoto layer were due to the fact that a lot of satel- lite image layers were labeled ‘OrthoImage’ and QGM incorrectly labeled them as ‘Or- thoPhoto’. Similarly, some ‘OrthoPhoto’ layers were incorrectly labeled ‘OrthoImage’. When I labeled the layers, I was able to utilize the metadata to determine if the image was taken by a plane (Orthophoto) or by a satellite (OrthoImage) by looking at the text 72 description of the metadata. I believe this problem can be addressed in future by de- veloping a specialized information extraction to extract information about the data from the textual metadata. Overall, I believe that the experimental results show that relatively simple similarity measure,suchastheDicesimilarityresultsin88.93%F-measureinlabelingalargesample of real-world datasets. 3.4.2 Experimental Evaluation for Quality Estimation In this section, I describe the results of estimating the quality of geospatial data sources using QGM. The goal of the experiments is to show that QGM can generate a reasonable estimate of quality for the datasets it discovers on the web. I divide the evaluation into two parts. First I discuss the evaluation of estimating the quality of vector data sources andsecondIshowQGM’sperformanceatestimatingcompletenessofrasterdatasources. Quality Estimation of Vector Data Sources In this section I describe the evaluation of QGM’s vector data quality estimation. The goaloftheexperimentsistoshowthatQGMcanaccuratelyestimatethequalityofvector data sources available on the web. In order to test this hypothesis, I provided QGM with the Navteq rivers, roads, hospitals, schools, lakes, and parks datasets as sources of known quality. I selected the Navteq datasets as I had access to Navteq data covering the entire United States and the Navteq data has high quality. Next, I asked QGM to estimate quality of 126 shapefiles and 276 data layers from ArcIMS servers. I limited the shapefiles and ArcIMS data layers to the layers containing 73 rivers,roads,hospitals,schools,lakes,andparks. Moreover,Ididnotconsiderthesources that provided data outside of United States as I did not have access to reference datasets outside of the United States. Foralllayers,Idownloadedallthedataandcomputedthevaluesforthecompleteness, horizontal accuracy, vertical accuracy, and vectors within accuracy bounds attributes for all the new data layers by comparing all of their data with the corresponding data from the Navteq datasets. Next, I use the three sampling techniques described in Section 3.3 to sample the data from the new sources and compute the values for the four attributes using the sampled data. For each technique, I sampled 5%, 10%, 20%, and 25% data. The values for the hori- zontal accuracy and the vertical accuracy attributes only determine the size of the buffer to compute the values for the vectors within accuracy bounds attribute. Moverover, the values for the horizontal accuracy and vertical accuracy do not depend on the sampling technique. Therefore, I compare the values of the completeness attribute and the vec- tors within accuracy bounds attribute computed by the complete data sets and sampled datasets. QGM’s performance in point datasets was almost the same for both schools and hospitals datasets. For the polyline datasets, QGM performed slightly better with road networkdatasetscomparedtotheriversdatasets. However, thedifferenceinperformance for all techniques was less than 1.5%. For polygon datasets, QGM’s performance was about the same for 8 lake datasets and 4 park datasets. Therefore, I only show results at the level of point, polyline, and polygon datasets. 74 Type Sample # of Layers Avg. Completeness % Error with Sampling Size % With 100% Sampling Diag. Center Column Points 5 93 91.76 17.22 18.67 17.86 Points 10 93 91.76 17.54 21.53 15.19 Points 20 93 91.76 14.27 18.85 13.20 Points 25 93 91.76 13.68 16.94 12.04 Polylines 5 297 38.09 30.18 32.42 26.65 Polylines 10 297 38.09 24.69 29.84 24.71 Polylines 20 297 38.09 20.74 29.57 18.20 Polylines 25 297 38.09 19.68 28.58 17.94 Polygons 5 12 68.12 19.54 28.01 24.70 Polygons 10 12 68.12 25.61 28.53 24.19 Polygons 20 12 68.12 24.97 27.75 24.26 Polygons 25 12 68.12 23.68 27.47 23.14 Table 3.4: Completeness estimation using different sampling methods Table 3.4 shows the results of estimating the completeness of the layers provided by the new sources. The ‘Sample Size % ’ column shows the percentage of data in the sampleset. The‘Avg. CompletenessWith100%Sampling’columnliststheaveragevalue of completeness for the relevant data layers using all the data provided by the source. The last three columns show the average error using different sampling methods. The diagonal sampling and vertical slice (column) sampling perform better than the center cell sampling method. This is mainly due to the fact that in a lot of sources the data is concentrated in the center cells, while the outer cells often contain more missing features. Therefore,thecentercellssamplingmethodtendstooverestimatethecompletenessofthe sources. The vertical slice and the diagonal methods sample data from cells on the edges as well as cells in the center. Therefore, they get better estimates of the completeness. Table 3.5 shows the results of estimating the value for the vectors within accuracy bounds attribute for the layers provided by the new sources. The ‘Avg. Vec. in Bounds With100%Sampling’columnliststheaveragevalueofthevectors within accuracy bounds 75 Type Sample # of Layers Avg. Vec. in Bounds % Error with Sampling Size% With 100% Sampling Diag. Center Column Points 5 93 95.6 12.27 8.69 11.71 Points 10 93 95.6 9.83 8.27 8.96 Points 20 93 95.6 7.95 7.20 7.18 Points 25 93 95.6 7.71 7.14 7.23 Polylines 5 297 80.28 9.8 8.14 8.63 Polylines 10 297 80.28 8.68 7.73 6.81 Polylines 20 297 80.28 8.95 8.50 6.98 Polylines 25 297 80.28 8.67 8.26 6.84 Polygons 5 12 82.19 10.63 10.28 10.53 Polygons 10 12 82.19 9.81 11.36 9.68 Polygons 20 12 82.19 10.12 9.64 9.41 Polygons 25 12 82.19 9.97 9.83 9.43 Table 3.5: Results of Vectors within accuracy bounds estimation attribute for the relevant data layers using all the data provided by the sources. The last three columns show the average error using different sampling methods. The key observation here is that the center cells sampling method does better with less data compared to the other methods. This is expected as the center area usually contains more feature. Therefore, the center sampling results in larger number of features. In estimating the percentage of vectors that fall within the accuracy bounds the larger sample produces more accurate result. However, in some datasets that cover a big city and its suburbs, such as Los Angeles, the center sampling method tends to overestimate the value for the vectors within accuracy bounds as the features in the center of the area tend to have more accurate positioning compared to features at the edge of the coverage. Overall, QGM’s quality estimation can measures the completeness attribute with about 20% error and features within accuracy bounds attribute with about 10% error. Depending on the positional inaccuracies in the location of features provided by the reference source and the new source, QGM may overestimate or underestimate values for 76 both attributes. While the error seems high, the estimated values are good enough to prunesourcesthatprovidelowqualitydataformostuserqueries. Allsamplingtechniques perform better with points compared to polylines or polygons. This is mainly due to the fact that point datasets usually had fewer features and were more complete. Completeness Estimation of Raster Data Sources In this section I describe evaluation of QGM’s techniques to estimate the completeness of rasterdatasources. InordertoevaluateQGM’sperformance,Irandomlyselected50data layers provided different raster data sources. The different types of data layers included satellite images, aerial photos, topographic maps, and transportation maps. For each selected data layer, I asked QGM to measure the completeness and an estimate of the true coverage of the source. Computing the actual coverage of raster data source would require making a very large number of requests to the available sources using different resolutions. For example, finding true coverage for TerraServer would require asking it for images covering all areas in entire United States at different resolutions. As I do not have access to true coverage of the data source, I could not compare QGM’s estimates to ground truth. Therefore, I used the following method to measure QGM’s performance. I randomly selected 15 bounding boxes that intersected with reported coverage of at least one selected data layer. I fixed the image size parameter to 600 pixels by 600 pixels. An image covering any of the fifteen bounding boxes and with the selected image size would have resolution 1 meters per pixel. Similarly, I selected 15 bounding boxes for the resolutions 5 meters/pixel, 10 meters/pixel, and 50 meters/pixel. 77 For each of the 60 bounding boxes, I asked QGM to first use the reported coverages to select the sources that provide raster data for the area. If the reported coverage of the source intersected with the bounding box, QGM selected the source as providing raster data for the area. Next, I asked QGM to retrieve the raster data from the selected sources for the given bounding box. I counted the number of blank images returned by the sources and the number of images containing data. As long as at least some portion of the image contained data, I counted that image as containing data. Next, I asked QGM to use the estimated coverages of sources to select the sources that provide raster data for the area. If the estimated coverage of the source intersected with the bounding box, QGM selected the source as providing raster data for the area. Next, I asked QGM to retrieve the raster data from the selected sources. I counted the number of blank images returned by the source and the number of images containing data. Based on the number of image returned by utilizing the reported coverages and the number of images returned by utilizing the estimated coverages I compute the precision and recall values for the estimated coverages and the reported coverages. The precision was computed by dividing total non-empty images returned by total images returned. The recall was computed by total non-empty images returned divided by total possible non-empty images. I computed the total possible non-empty images as the total non- empty images returned based on the reported coverage. This is accurate as all sources overstate their coverage. Table 3.6 shows the results of the evaluation. The report coverage has 100% recall for all resolutions as it does not miss any images. However, it has lower precision values as it results in many blank images. On an average over 25% images generated by using the reported coverage are empty. This is a very 78 Resolution Reported Coverage Estimated Coverage 1 meter/pixel Precision Recall F-measure Precision Recall F-measure 1 72.15 100.00 83.82 94.12 84.21 88.89 5 82.43 100.00 90.37 91.38 86.89 89.08 10 81.82 100.00 90.00 92.86 86.67 89.66 15 81.58 100.00 89.86 90.00 87.10 88.52 Total 79.23 100.00 88.41 91.94 86.22 88.99 Table 3.6: Results of Completeness Estimation for Raster Data significant number as the users not only have to filter out empty images from the results, but a data integration system also spends time to obtain the blank images from the sources. When using the estimated coverages, the recall was little lower as it missed some images due to incorrect estimation of coverages. However, there were very few empty images when utilzing the estimated coverages. Therefore, the precision was much higher. In addition, the coverage estimation technique also found supported resolutions for sources. For example, the precision when using 1 meters/pixel resolution for reported coverage was low as every query tried to retrieve topographic maps from TerraServer, which provides topographic maps for United States. However, the minimum resolution for the topographic maps from TerraServer is 2 meters/pixel. Therefore all requests returned empty images. The estimated coverage for topographic maps from TerraServer atresolution1meter/pixelisemptyindicatingthatthesourcedoesnotprovideimagesat thatresolution. ByutilizingthetechniquesdiscussedinSection3.3.2,QGMautomatically determines this information and avoids sending extra queries. Overall, the experimental evaluation suggests that QGM’s completeness estimation for raster datasets results in missing some images containing data. However, it results in significant reduction in the number of empty images resulting in higher F-measure score 79 compared to using the reported coverages. In future we can improve the performance of the system by doing smarter sampling as I discuss in Section 6. 80 Chapter 4 Query Answering In this chapter, I describe QGM’s process of generating, optimizing, and executing an integration plan in response to user queries. As I mentioned earlier QGM’s goal is to ef- ficiently and accurately integrate geospatial data from a large number of sources. There- fore, it is important for QGM to efficiently answer user queries to ensure low response time. Moreover,asQGMmayhaveaccesstosourcesofvaryingqualityitisalsoimportant to only provide high quality data. QGM’s query answering algorithm is shown in Figure 4.1. I divide the algorithm into three parts. The first part is to utilize the domain model and the query given by the user to generate a plan graph containing requests to all sources and operations pertaining to the user query and quality criteria. QGM generates the plan graph by first inverting the source descriptions using the Inverse rules algorithm [20]. The inversion of the rules is a linear time operation in terms of the number of sources and the number of predicates in the source descriptions. Therefore, QGM can quickly invert a large number of source descriptions. Moreover, as the results of the inversion on depend only on the domain model and not on the user query, QGM can invert the rules once and reuse the results 81 for future queries. Next, QGM generates a datalog program containing only the relevant rules to the user query by expanding the query rule. This is a very important step in the plan graph generation as it results in selection of only the relevant sources to the user query. For example, in my experiments QGM had access to over 1250 sources of geospatial data and as a result of this step QGM generated a datalog program containing requests to about 63 relevant sources to the user query. The generated datalog program is still not executable as it may not satisfy all the binding restrictions of the sources. Therefore, QGM converts the datalog program to a plan graph and makes changes to satisfy the binding restrictions. The second step in the query answering process is to optimize the generated plan graph. QGM performs two optimizations. First, it identifies and reuses common subex- pressions in the generated graph. Second, it utilizes the quality criteria to prune the source requests that do not satisfy the quality requirements from the generated plan. While the number of source requests QGM can prune depend on the quality criteria, in myexperimentsonanaverageQGMprunedjustoverhalfofthesourcerequestsfromthe generatedplans. So,ifaplancontainedrequeststotwelvesources,afterpruningbasedon qualityresultswouldresultinaplanwithsixsourcerequests. Asgeospatialsourcesoften have high response times, removal of half of the sources from the generated plan results in large reduction in the response time. The third step in the query answering algorithm is to translate the generated integration plan into a program that can be executed using a streaming, dataflow-style execution engine called Theseus [5], and execute the plan. The Theseus execution engine streams data between different operations and executes 82 Algorithm 4.0.1: QGMQueryAnswering(DomainModel,Query) procedure QGMQueryAnswering(DomainModel,Query) PlanGraph←GeneratePlan(DomainModel,Query) OptPlanGraph←OptimizePlan(PlanGraph) Results←ExecutePlan(OptPlanGraph) return (Results) procedure GeneratePlan(DM,Q) DatalogPrg←InverseRules(DM,Q) DatalogPrgWRRs←IdentifyRelevantRules(DatalogPrg,DM,Q) PlanGraphWoBindings←ConvertToPlanGraph(DatalogPrgWRRs) PlanGraph←HandleBindingRestrictions(PlanGraphWBindings) return (PlanGraph) procedure OptimizePlan(PlanGraph) PlanGraphWoCSE←IdentifyCommonSubExs(PlanGraph) QualRes←EvaluateQualityQuery(PlanGraphWoCSE) OptPlanGraph←PruneByQuality(QualRes,PlanGraphWoCSE) return (OptPlanGraph) procedure ExecutePlan(OptPlanGraph) TheseusPlan←ConvertToTheseusPlan(OptPlanGraph) Results←ExecuteTheseusPlan(TheseusPlan) return (Results) Figure 4.1: QGM’s Algorithm to Answer Queries independent operations in parallel resulting in much lower execution time compared to a datalog evaluation engine. Section 4.1 discusses an example user query and available sources that I use to clarify different algorithms in this chapter. Section 4.2 describes the process of generating a plan graph to answer the user query. Section 4.3 describes the process of optimizing the 83 generated plan graph. Section 4.4 describes the plan execution. Section 4.5 describes the experimental evaluation of the techniques discussed in this chapter. 4.1 Motivating Example Inordertoclearlyexplaintheplangenerationandexecutionprocess,Idescribeascenario where QGM has access to the following data sources: • VS1: provides road vector data for the area ‘[[33.5,-117],[34,-118]]’ • VS2: provides road vector data for the area ‘[[33,-116.5],[33.5,-118]]’ • VS3: provides road vector data for the area ‘[[33,-117.5],[34,-118]]’ • VS4: provides road vector data for the area ‘[[33,-117],[34,-118]]’ • VS5: provides road vector data for the area ‘[[43,-77],[44,-78]]’ • VS6: provides park vector data for the area ‘[[33,-117],[34,-118]]’ • IS1: provides multi-spectral satellite image for the area ‘[[33,-116],[34,-118]]’ • IS2: provides B/W satellite image for the area ‘[[33,-116],[34,-118]]’ • IS3: provides topographic maps for the area ‘[[33,-116],[34,-118]]’ • IS4: provides multi-spectral satellite image for the area ‘[[43,-76],[44,-78]]’ Figure 4.2 shows graphical representation of the coverage of all data sources. I assume that all sources use the ‘EPSG:4326’ coordinate system. All vector data sources provide data in the shapefile format. I assume that all data sources provide 100% 84 VS1: [33.5,-117],[34,-118] VS3: [33,-117],[34,-117.5] VS4 & VS6: [33,-117],[34,-118] VS2: [33,-116.5],[33.5,-118] IS1, IS2, & IS3: [33.5,-117],[34,-118] VS5: [43,-77],[44,-78] IS4: [43,-76],[44,-78] Figure 4.2: Coverage of Available Data Sources Source Date Accuracy (meters) vectorswithinaccuracybounds (%) Resolution(m/p) VS1 1/1/2001 3.6 67 26 VS2 1/1/2001 3.6 82 26 VS3 1/1/2006 3.6 68 35 VS4 2/1/2006 3.6 89 12 VS5 2/1/2006 7.2 56 50 VS6 2/1/2006 10.6 97 100 Table 4.1: Quality Information for Vector Sources complete data for the area they cover and have 100% attribute completeness. The values fortheotherattributesofqualityareshowninTable4.1. Fortheresolution attribute,the lower value suggests better quality as the lower values imply that the data was collected at better granularity. I assume that all image sources provide data in JPEG format. Table 4.2 shows the quality of data provided by the image sources. Similar to the vector data sources, I assume that all image sources are complete in this example. 85 Source Date Resolution (m/p) Multi-spectral IS1 1/1/2005 0.3 true IS2 1/1/2001 10 false IS3 4/1/2003 8 false IS4 5/12/2001 16 true Table 4.2: Quality Information for Image Sources Figure 4.3 shows the source descriptions of the vector data sources VS1 through VS6. The rules describe the sources as views over the Roads and Parks domain relations. The complete list of all domain relations in the geospatial domain model that I use are in Appendix B. Figure 4.4 shows the descriptions of the four available Raster data sources. In addition to the descriptions of the content of the sources, we also provide QGM with the description of the quality of the data provided by the available sources. The rulesthatdescribethequalityofdata forthe vectordatasources are showninFigure4.5. The rules for the source quality relations VS1Quality through VS5Quality are defined as viewsoverthe RoadQuality relationasthosesourcesprovideroadnetworkdata. Therule for the VS6ParkQuality is defined as a view over the ParkQuality relation as the source VS6 provides data about parks. Similar to the vector data sources, we also provide QGM the descriptions of quality of data provided by the image sources using the rules shown in Figure 4.6. All the source quality relations corresponding to the image sources are defined as a views over the corresponding quality relations defined at the domain level. Finally, we also provide QGM with the rules that describe the domain concept hier- archy. Figure 4.7 shows the relevant rules for the domain concept hierarchy. The relevant 86 S1:VS1(bbox:b,vectorobj):- Roads(type, format, cs, bbox, source, vectorobj)^ bbox coveredby ‘[[33.5,-117],[34,-118]]’^ vectorobj coveredby bbox^ cs = ‘EPSG:4326’^ format = ‘Shape’^ source = ‘VS1’^ type = ‘Road’ S2:VS2(bbox:b,vectorobj):- Roads(type, format, cs, bbox, source, vectorobj)^ bbox coveredby ‘[[33,-116.5],[33.5,-118]]’^ vectorobj coveredby bbox^ cs = ‘EPSG:4326’^ format = ‘Shape’^ source = ‘VS2’^ type = ‘Road’ S3:VS3(bbox:b,vectorobj):- Roads(type, format, cs, bbox, source, vectorobj)^ bbox coveredby ‘[[33,-117.5],[34,-118]]’^ vectorobj coveredby bbox^ cs = ‘EPSG:4326’^ format = ‘Shape’^ source = ‘VS3’^ type = ‘Road’ S4:VS4(bbox:b,vectorobj):- Roads(type, format, cs, bbox, source, vectorobj)^ bbox coveredby ‘[[33,-117],[34,-118]]’^ vectorobj coveredby bbox^ cs = ‘EPSG:4326’^ format = ‘Shape’^ source = ‘VS4’^ type = ‘Road’ S5:VS5(bbox:b,vectorobj):- Roads(type, format, cs, bbox, source, vectorobj)^ bbox coveredby ‘[[43,-77],[44,-78]]’^ vectorobj coveredby bbox^ cs = ‘EPSG:4326’^ format = ‘Shape’^ source = ‘VS5’^ type = ‘Road’ S6:VS6(bbox:b,vectorobj):- Parks(type, format, cs, bbox, source, vectorobj)^ bbox coveredby ‘[[33,-117],[34,-118]]’^ vectorobj coveredby bbox^ cs = ‘EPSG:4326’^ format = ‘Shape’^ source = ‘VS6’^ type = ‘Park’ Figure 4.3: Example Source Descriptions for Vector Data Sources 87 S7:IS1(bbox:b, size:b, resolution:b, imageobj):- MultiSpectralImage(type, format, size, resolution, cs, bbox, source, imageobj)^ bbox coveredby ’[[33,-116],[34,-118]]’^ format = ‘JPG’^ source = ‘IS1’^ type = ‘MultiSpectralImage’ S8:IS2(bbox:b, size:b, resolution:b, imageobj):- BWImage(type, format, size, resolution, cs, bbox, source, imageobj)^ bbox coveredby ’[[33,-116],[34,-118]]’^ format = ‘JPG’^ source = ‘IS2’^ type = ‘BWImage’ S9:IS3(bbox:b, size:b, resolution:b, imageobj):- TopographicMaps(type, format, size, resolution, cs, bbox, source, imageobj)^ bbox coveredby ’[[33,-116],[34,-118]]’^ format = ‘JPG’^ source = ‘IS3’^ type = ‘TopographicMaps’ S10:IS4(bbox:b, size:b, resolution:b, imageobj):- MultiSpectralImage(type, format, size, resolution, cs, bbox, source, imageobj)^ bbox coveredby ’[[43,-76],[44,-78]]’^ format = ‘JPG’^ source = ‘IS4’^ type = ‘MultiSpectralImage’ Figure 4.4: Source Descriptions for Raster Data Sources rules define the SatelliteImage domain concept as a superclass of the BWImage and Mul- tiSpectralImage concepts. It also defines the SatelliteImageQuality domain concept as a superclass of the BWImageQuality and MultiSpectralImageQuality concepts. Itmayseemthatwritingalltherulesandsourcedescriptionsisalotofwork. However, the rules to describe the domain concepts hierarchy are only created once and once QGM 88 VS1RoadQuality(resolution, date, horiz-accuracy, vert-accuracy, within-acc-bounds, attr-completeness, completeness):- RoadQuality(source, type, resolution, date, horiz-accuracy, vert-accuracy, within-acc-bounds, attr-completeness, completeness)^ source = ‘VS1’^ type = ‘Road’ VS2RoadQuality(resolution, date, horiz-accuracy, vert-accuracy, within-acc-bounds, attr-completeness, completeness):- RoadQuality(source, type, resolution, date, horiz-accuracy, vert-accuracy, within-acc-bounds, attr-completeness, completeness)^ source = ‘VS2’^ type = ‘Road’ VS3RoadQuality(resolution, date, horiz-accuracy, vert-accuracy, within-acc-bounds, attr-completeness, completeness):- RoadQuality(source, type, resolution, date, horiz-accuracy, vert-accuracy, within-acc-bounds, attr-completeness, completeness)^ source = ‘VS3’^ type = ‘Road’ VS4RoadQuality(resolution, date, horiz-accuracy, vert-accuracy, within-acc-bounds, attr-completeness, completeness):- RoadQuality(source, type, resolution, date, horiz-accuracy, vert-accuracy, within-acc-bounds, attr-completeness, completeness)^ source = ‘VS4’^ type = ‘Road’ VS5RoadQuality(resolution, date, horiz-accuracy, vert-accuracy, within-acc-bounds, attr-completeness, completeness):- RoadQuality(source, type, resolution, date, horiz-accuracy, vert-accuracy, within-acc-bounds, attr-completeness, completeness)^ source = ‘VS5’^ type = ‘Road’ VS6ParkQuality(resolution, date, horiz-accuracy, vert-accuracy, within-acc-bounds, attr-completeness, completeness):- ParkQuality(source, type, resolution, date, horiz-accuracy, vert-accuracy, within-acc-bounds, attr-completeness, completeness)^ source = ‘VS6’^ type = ‘Park’ Figure 4.5: Vector Source Quality Relation Definitions 89 IS1MultiSpectralImageQuality(date, resolution, multispectral, completeness):- MultiSpectralImageQuality(source, type, date, resolution, multispectral, completeness)^ type = ‘MultiSpectralImage’^ source = ‘IS1’ IS2BWImageQuality(date, resolution, multispectral, completeness):- BWImageQuality(source, type, date, resolution, multispectral, completeness)^ type = ‘BWImage’^ source = ‘IS2’ IS3TopoMapsQuality(date, resolution, multispectral, completeness):- TopoMapsQuality(source, type, date, resolution, multispectral, completeness)^ type = ‘TopographicMaps’^ source = ‘IS3’ IS4MultiSpectralImageQuality(date, resolution, multispectral, completeness):- MultiSpectralImageQuality(source, type, date, resolution, multispectral, completeness)^ type = ‘MultiSpectralImage’^ source = ‘IS4’ Figure 4.6: Raster Source Quality Relation Definitions hassourcedescriptionsforsomeseedsources,itgeneratesthedescriptionsofothersources automatically. Therefore, users do not have to provide a lot of information to QGM. Given these sources, QGM is tasked to retrieve the satellite imagery and the road vectordatasuchthatboththedifferencebetweenthedatesbothdatasetsarecollectedand thedifferencebetweentheresolutionsatwhichbothdatasetsarecollectedareminimized. Figure 4.8 shows the datalog representation of the query. The datalog representation is divided into three parts: (1) a rule describing the quality criteria, (2) a rule describing the content criteria, and (3) a rule combining the quality and content criteria. The rule 90 SatelliteImage(‘SatelliteImage’ format, size, resolution, cs, bbox, source, imageobj):- BWImage(type, format, size, resolution, cs, bbox, source, imageobj) SatelliteImage(‘SatelliteImage’, format, size, resolution, cs, bbox, source, imageobj):- MultiSpectralImage(type, format, size, resolution, cs, bbox, source, imageobj) SatelliteImageQuality(source, ‘SatelliteImage’, date, resolution, multispectral, completeness):- MultiSpectralImageQuality(date, resolution, multispectral, completeness) SatelliteImageQuality(source, ‘SatelliteImage’, date, resolution, multispectral, completeness):- BWImageQuality(source, type, date, resolution, multispectral, completeness) Figure 4.7: Relevant Rules to Describe Domain Concepts Hierarchy with head Q1Quality describes the quality criteria. The rule with the Q1Data in the head shows the content criteria. The rule with Q1 relation shows the join of the quality criteria and the content criteria. The quality criteria rule contains domain relations describing the quality of data in the body. In addition, it also contains several operations to compute statistics necessary to compute the quality criteria. In the running example, it has a subtract operation to computethedifferenceinthedatesonwhichthethevectordataandsatelliteimageswere collectedforeachpossiblecombinationofroadvectordataandsatelliteimage. Italsohas another subtract operation to compute the difference between the resolutions at which theimageandroadvectordatawerecollected. Inaddition, ithasa SkylineMin operation to compute combinations of datasets that are not dominated by other combinations in either resolution difference or date difference. 91 Q1(vectorobj,imageobj,resdiff,datediff):- Q1Quality(vsource, vtype, isource, itype, resdiff, datediff)^ Q1Data( vectorobj, imageobj, vsource, vtype, isource, itype) Q1Quality(vsource, vtype, isource, itype, resdiff, datediff):- SatelliteImageQuality(isource, itype, idate, iresolution, multispectral, icompleteness)^ RoadQuality(vsource, vtype, vresolution, vdate, horiz-accuracy, vert-accuracy, withinaccuracybounds, attr-completeness, vcompleteness)^ subtract(iresolution,vresolution, resdiff)^ subtract(idate,vdate, datediff)^ pack(resdiff,datediff, aggregateresultrel)^ SkylineMin(aggregateresultrel,skylineresultrel)^ unpack(skylineresultrel, skylineresdiff, skylinedatediff)^ skylinedatediff = datediff ^ skylineresdiff = resdiff Q1Data(vectorobj, imageobj, vsource, vtype, isource, itype):- Roads(vname, vformat, cs, bbox, vsource, vectorobj)^ SatelliteImage(iname, iformat, size, resolution, cs, bbox, isource, imageobj)^ bbox = ‘[[33,-116],[34,-118]]’^ size = ‘[600,600]’ Figure 4.8: Datalog Representation for Motivating Query The content criteria rule contains a Roads relation and a SatelliteImage relation and thenecessarycoverageconstraintstodescribethecontentrequirementsofthequery. The rulewithQ1 relationintheheadjoinsthedataretrievedfromthecontentandthequality criteria based on the source and the type attributes for each type of data object. The join between the quality and the data relations is only based on the source and the type attributesasalldataobjectsprovidedbyagivensourceforaparticulartypeofdatahave same values associated with all quality attributes. 92 Based on the descriptions of the sources, it is clear that none of the vector data sources provide road vector data covering entire area. Also, all sources provide data collected on different dates or at different resolutions. Only the first four vector data sources are relevant to the user query as the source VS5 does not provide vector data for the bounding box described in the query and the source VS6 does not provide road vector data. Also, only the image sources IS1 and IS2 are relevant to the user query out of the four image sources as the source IS3 does not provide satellite images and the source IS4 does not provide satellite images for the area of the query. Table4.3showsthedifferencebetweenthedatesandresolutionsofpossiblevectorand imagesourcecombinationsfromtherelevantvectordataandimagesources. Basedonthe resolution and date differences, we can see that QGM should include the combinations of road vector data from the sources VS1 and VS2 and the satellite image from the source IS2 in the answers as these combinations have the minimum date difference (0). Based on the resolution differences in the possible combinations, we can conclude that QGM should also include the combination of the vector data from the source VS4 and the satellite image from the source IS2 as that combination has the lowest resolution difference. Finally, QGM should also include the combination of the vector data from the source VS4 and the satellite image from the source IS1 as it has lower date difference compared to the combination of VS4 and IS2 and it has lower resolution difference compared to all other possible combinations. Therefore, the final answer from QGM should include the following four combinations: (1) vector data from VS1 and satellite image from IS2, (2) vector data from VS2 and satellite image from IS2, (3) vector data 93 Vector Source Image Source Res Diff Date Diff (Days) VS1 IS1 36.7 1460 VS1 IS2 16 0 VS2 IS1 25.7 1460 VS2 IS2 16 0 VS3 IS1 34.3 365 VS3 IS2 25 1825 VS4 IS1 11.3 396 VS4 IS2 2 1856 Table 4.3: Possible Answers to User Query and Their Quality from VS4 and satellite image from IS1, and (4) vector data from VS4 and satellite image from IS2. 4.2 Plan Graph Generation In this section I describe QGM’s process of generating a plan graph to answer the user query. The plan graph generation process is divided into three steps. First, QGM utilizes a technique called the Inverse Rules [20] to obtain the definitions of the domain relations as views over the source relations. As a part of the Inverse Rules process QGM also identifies the relevant rules and generates a datalog program containing relevant inverted rules, relevant domain rules, and the user query. The generated datalog program is not yet executable as it may contain requests to sources without satisfying the binding restrictions. Thesecondstepistoconvertthedatalogprogramintoaplangraph. Finally, in third step QGM modifies the generated graph to ensure that all binding restrictions are satisfied. 94 4.2.1 Previous Work: Inverse Rules The Inverse Rules algorithm was utilized by the InfoMaster information integration sys- tem [20, 31] to reformulate the user queries. The intuition behind the Inverse Rules algorithm is to obtain the definitions of the domain relations as views over the source relations by inverting the source descriptions. As QGM is expected to integrate a very large number of sources, it is important that the inversion step does not take a long time for each definition. Moreover, the rules generated as a result of the inversion are exactly the same for all queries. Therefore, QGM can reuse the rules generated using the algorithm. The Inverse Rules algorithm inverts the source descriptions as follows. For every source description, S(X) :−P 1 (X 1 ),,P n (X n ), where S is a source, P 1 through P n are domain relations, X and X i refer to set of attributes in the corresponding source or domain relation, the Inverse Rules algorithm generates n inverse rules, for i = 1,..,n, P i (X i ):−S(X), where if X i ∈X, X i is the same as X i else X i is replaced by a function symbol [20]. For example, consider the source descriptions for the example vector data sources shown in Figure 4.3. QGM utilizes the Inverse Rules algorithm to invert the rules and generates the inverted view definitions shown in Figure 4.9. Therules IR1 through IR6 aretheresultofinvertingthe descriptions S1 through S6. Note that QGM keeps all the constraints. All the equality constraints on the attributes of the domain relation are translated to the constants in the head of the rule, while the coveredby constraint on the bbox attribute remains in the body of the inverted rule. As a 95 IR1:Roads(‘Road’, ‘Shape’, ‘EPSG:4326’, bbox, ‘VS1’, vectorobj):- VS1(bbox, vectorobj)^ bbox coveredby ‘[[33.5,-117],[34,-118]]’^ vectorobj coveredby bbox IR2:Roads(‘Road’, ‘Shape’, ‘EPSG:4326’, bbox, ’VS2’, vectorobj):- VS2(bbox, vectorobj)^ bbox coveredby ‘[[33,-116.5],[33.5,-118]]’^ vectorobj coveredby bbox IR3:Roads(‘Road’, ‘Shape’, ‘EPSG:4326’, bbox, ‘VS3’, vectorobj):- VS3(bbox, vectorobj)^ bbox coveredby ‘[[33,-117.5],[34,-118]]’^ vectorobj coveredby bbox IR4:Roads(‘Road’, ‘Shape’, ‘EPSG:4326’, bbox, ‘VS4’, vectorobj):- VS4(bbox, vectorobj)^ bbox coveredby ‘[[33,-117],[34,-118]]’^ vectorobj coveredby bbox IR5:Roads(‘Road’, ‘Shape’, ‘EPSG:4326’, bbox, ‘VS5’, vectorobj):- VS5(bbox, vectorobj)^ bbox coveredby ‘[[43,-77],[44,-78]]’^ vectorobj coveredby bbox IR6:Parks(‘Parks’, ‘Shape’, ‘EPSG:4326’, bbox, ‘VS6’, vectorobj):- VS6(bbox, vectorobj)^ bbox coveredby ‘[[33,-117],[34,-118]]’^ vectorobj coveredby bbox Figure 4.9: Inverted Source Descriptions for Vector Data Sources resultoftheinversion, QGMhasrulesdefiningthe Roads andthe Parks domainrelations as views over the source relations. In addition to the vector data sources, QGM also inverts all source descriptions for the Raster data sources. Figure 4.10 shows examples of inverting all source descriptions shown in Figure 4.4. Similar to the source descriptions for the vector data sources, QGM keeps the constraints in the source descriptions in the inverted rules. As a result of the inversion, QGM has rules defining the MultiSpectralImage,the BWImage, and the TopographicMaps domain relations as views over the source relations. 96 IR7:MultiSpectralImage(‘MultiSpectralImage’, ‘JPG’, size, resolution, ‘EPSG:4326’, bbox, ‘IS1’, imageobj):- IS1(bbox, size, resolution, imageobj)^ bbox coveredby ’[[33,-116],[34,-118]]’ IR8:BWImage(‘BWImage’, ‘JPG’, size, resolution, ‘EPSG:4326’, bbox, ‘IS2’, imageobj):- IS2(bbox, size, resolution, imageobj)^ bbox coveredby ’[[33,-116],[34,-118]]’ IR9:TopographicMaps(‘TopographicMaps’, ‘JPG’, size, resolution, ‘EPSG:4326’, bbox, ‘IS3’, imageobj):- IS3(bbox, size, resolution, imageobj)^ bbox coveredby ’[[33,-116],[34,-118]]’ IR10:Multi-spectral(‘MultiSpectralImage’, ‘JPG’, size, resolution, ‘EPSG:4326’, bbox, ‘IS4’, imageobj):- IS4(bbox, size, resolution, imageobj)^ bbox coveredby ’[[43,-76],[44,-78]]’ Figure 4.10: Inverted Source Descriptions for Raster Data Sources The quality query passed to QGM is in terms of the domain quality relations. The domain quality relations are virtual. Therefore, the domain quality relations cannot be queried. QGM finds the definitions of the domain quality relations as views over the source quality relations by inverting the descriptions of the source quality relations. For example, consider the description of the source quality relations shown in Figure 4.5. QGM inverts the descriptions to generate the rules shown in Figure 4.11. Similar to the vector data quality relation descriptions, QGM also inverts the descrip- tions of the raster data quality relations shown in Figure 4.6. The inverted definitions for the raster sources are shown in Figure 4.12. The inverted rules, the domain hierarchy rules, and the user query together form a datalog program to answer the user query. The next step is to analyze the generated 97 RoadQuality(‘VS1’, ‘Road’, resolution, date, horiz-accuracy, vert-accuracy,withinaccuracybounds,attr-completeness,completeness):- VS1RoadQuality(resolution, date, horiz-accuracy, vert-accuracy, withinaccuracybounds, attr-completeness, completeness) RoadQuality(‘VS2’, ‘Road’, resolution, date, horiz-accuracy, vert-accuracy,withinaccuracybounds,attr-completeness, completeness):- VS2RoadQuality(resolution, date, horiz-accuracy, vert-accuracy, withinaccuracybounds, attr-completeness, completeness) RoadQuality(‘VS3’, ‘Road’, resolution, date, horiz-accuracy, vert-accuracy,withinaccuracybounds,attr-completeness, completeness):- VS3RoadQuality(resolution, date, horiz-accuracy, vert-accuracy, withinaccuracybounds, attr-completeness, completeness) RoadQuality(‘VS4’, ‘Road’, resolution, date, horiz-accuracy, vert-accuracy,withinaccuracybounds,attr-completeness, completeness):- VS4RoadQuality(resolution, date, horiz-accuracy, vert-accuracy, withinaccuracybounds, attr-completeness, completeness) RoadQuality(‘VS5’, ‘Road’, resolution, date, horiz-accuracy, vert-accuracy,withinaccuracybounds,attr-completeness, completeness):- VS5RoadQuality(resolution, date, horiz-accuracy, vert-accuracy, withinaccuracybounds, attr-completeness, completeness) ParkQuality(‘VS6’, ‘Park’, resolution, date, horiz-accuracy, vert-accuracy,withinaccuracybounds,attr-completeness, completeness):- VS6ParkQuality(resolution, date, horiz-accuracy, vert-accuracy, withinaccuracybounds, attr-completeness, completeness) Figure 4.11: Inverted Descriptions for Vector Source Quality Relations datalog program to identify relevant rules to answer the query. The Inverse Rules algo- rithm relies on the datalog evaluation engine to either completely evaluate the datalog program and produce only relevant answers or perform smart evaluation by pruning the rules first. Kambhampati et al. [41] also describe a process to prune the datalog program generated by the Inverse Rules algorithm. QGM’s process of identifying relevant rules is 98 MultiSpectralImageQuality(‘IS1’, ‘MultiSpectralImage’, date, originalresolution, multispectral, completeness):- IS1MultiSpectralImageQuality(date, originalresolution, multispectral, completeness) BWImageQuality(‘IS2’, ‘BWImage’, date, originalresolution, multispectral, completeness):- IS2BWImageQuality(date, originalresolution, multispectral, completeness) TopoMapsImageQuality(‘IS3’, ‘TopographicMaps’, date, originalresolution, multispectral, completeness):- IS3TopoMapsQuality(date, originalresolution, multispectral, completeness) MultiSpectralImageQuality(‘IS4’, ‘MultiSpectralImage’, date, originalresolution, multispectral, completeness):- IS4MultiSpectralImageQuality(date, originalresolution, multispectral, completeness) Figure 4.12: Inverted Descriptions for Raster Source Quality Relations similar to the process described by Kambhampati et al [41]. The key extension in QGM is to utilize the conflicting spatial constraints to prune the generated datalog program. QGM identifies the relevant rules using the procedure shown in Figure 4.13. QGM begins by expanding the query rule and adding the query rule to the list of relevant rules. For each domain relation in the query rule, QGM finds all rules with the relation in the headoftherule. QGMcheckstheconstraintsintherulewiththeconstraintsinthequery to find any conflicts. QGM checks the conflicting constraints based on both the order constraints and spatial constraints. QGM adds all selected rules with no conflicts to list of rules that need to be expanded. QGM repeats this process with all selected rules to expand until the list of rules to be expanded is empty. The list of relevant rules contains all datalog rules that are relevant to the user query. Once QGM identifies the relevant 99 Algorithm 4.2.1: IdentifyRelevantRules(R,Q) procedure IdentifyRelevantRules(R,Q) RulestoExpand←Q RelevantRules←φ while RulesToExpand6=φ CurrentRule←RulesToExpand.Pop() RelevantRules.Insert(CurrentRule) ListofRels←CurrentRule.GetRelsinBody() for each Rel∈ListofRels if typeOf(Rel)==DOMAIN then RulesWithRelinHead←FindRules(R,Rel) for each Rule∈RulesWithRelinHead ( if NoConflicts(Rule,Q) then RulestoExpand.insert(Rule) procedure NoConflicts(Rule,Q) RuleConstraints←Rule.getConstraints() QueryConstraints←Q.getConstraints() for each RConstraint∈RuleConstraints for each QConstraint∈QueryConstraints ( if Conflicts(RConstraint,QConstraint) then return (False) return (True) Figure 4.13: QGM’s Algorithm to Generate Relevant Rules rules, it creates a datalog program with those rules and utilizes that as a new program to answer the user query. In our running example, after expanding the query rule, QGM identifies the rules containing sources VS1, VS2, VS3, VS4, IS1, and IS2 and corresponding quality rules as the relevant rules. The rules with the source VS5 and IS4 contain conflicting spatial constraints on the bbox attribute, while the rules with the source VS6 and IS3 are not 100 relevant as the relations, Parks and TopographicMaps are not required to answer the user query. Therefore, QGM removes the rules containing source relations IS3, IS4, VS5, and VS6 from the generated datalog program. Moreover, it also identifies the domain hierarchyrulesthatdefinethe SatelliteImage and SatelliteImageQuality domainrelations as views over the BWImage, MultiSpectralImage, BWImageQuality, and MultiSpectralIm- ageQuality relations as relevant rules. Therefore, the new datalog program generated to answerourexamplequerycontainstheinverteddescriptionsofsources VS1 through VS4 and the inverted rules of the corresponding quality relations, the inverted descriptions of sources IS1 and IS2 and the inverted rules of the corresponding quality relations, the relevant domain hierarchy rules, and the rules describing the user query. 4.2.2 Converting Datalog Program to Plan Graph In this section I show QGM’s process of converting the generated datalog program to a plan graph. QGM utilizes the plan graph representation to ensure binding pattern satisfaction and optimization. The plan graph generation is different compared to the Inverse Rules algorithm which utilizes a datalog evaluation engine to execute the gener- ated datalog program and does not need to convert the datalog program to a plan graph representation. QGM’s algorithm to convert the datalog program to a plan graph representation is shown in Figure 4.14. The generation of the graph representation begins by expanding the query rule. For each source relation in the query rule (if any), QGM inserts a retrieve operationinthegraph. ForeachdomainrelationinthequeryruleQGMinsertsaproject operation in the graph and adds the domain relation to list of relations to be expanded. 101 Algorithm4.2.2: GeneratePlanGraphRepresentation(RelevantRules,Q) procedure GeneratePlanGraphRepresentation(RelevantRules,Q) PredicatestoExpand.insert(Q.GetPredicatesinBody()) ProjectNode←Project(Q.head) Graph←ProjectNode Parents.insert(ProjectNode) while PredicatesToExpand6=φ CurrentPredicate←PredicatesToExpand.Pop() CurrentParent←Parents.Pop() if typeOf(CurrentPredicate) ==SOURCEREL then Graph.add(Retrieve(CurrentPredicate),CurrentParent) if typeOf(CurrentPredicate) ==DOMAINREL then RulesWithRel←Findrules(RelevantRules,CurrentPredicate) if RulesWithRel.count()>1 then ( UnionNode←GenerateUnion(RulesWithRel) Graph.add(UnionNode,CurrentParent) else Graph.add(ExpandRule(RulesWithRel(0)) if typeOf(CurrentPredicate) ==Constraint then ( SelectNode←SelectNode(CurrentPredicate) Graph.add(SelectNode,CurrentParent) Figure 4.14: QGM’s Algorithm to Generate Plan Graph If two relations have one or more attributes with the same name, QGM inserts a join operationbetweentheoperationscorrespondingtothetworelations. Foreachconstraint, QGM inserts a select operation in the graph. QGM continues expanding the query rule until it exhausts all predicates in the query rule(s). The expansion of the predicates in the query is similar to how a datalog evaluation engine executes the datalog program using a top-down evaluation strategy. 102 Next, QGM extracts the first relation from the list of relations to expand. QGM identifies all rules that contain the selected relation in the head. QGM expands all the identified rules using the same process it used to expand the query rule. When QGM expands the rules, it unifies the attribute names with the attribute names in the domain relation present in the query. If QGM identifies more than one rule containing a domain relation in the head it inserts a union operation in the plan graph. Each child of a union operation represents one datalog rule with the domain relation as its head. QGM repeats this process until the list of relations to expand is empty. Inourrunningexample, firstQGMexpandstheruleforthequery. Thefirstpredicate it encounters is the Q1Quality predicate. As the Q1Quality relation appears in the head of one rule, QGM inserts a project operation representing the predicate and adds the predicate to the list of predicates to expand. Next, it encounters the Q1Data predicate. QGM follows the same process of inserting a node with a project operation in the graph and adding the Q1Data predicate to the list of predicates to expand. In addition, QGM also adds a node representing a join operation between the Q1Data and the Q1Quality predicates as both predicates contain four attributes with same names (vsource, vtype, isource, itype). QGM connects both project nodes with the join node. The resulting graph is shown in Figure 4.15. The triangle shapes in the graph denote the subtrees that QGM will populate next. Next,QGMexpandstherulescontainingrelationsQ1Quality andQ1Data inthehead, resulting in addition of more nodes in the graph and predicates to the list of predicates to expand. First it expands the rules for the Q1Quality predicate. There is only one rule 103 π(vectorobj, imageobj, resdiff, datediff) Q1 Join vsource = vsource and vtype = vtype and isource = isource and itype = itype Q1Data Q1Quality vsource, vtype, isource, itype, resdiff, datediff vsource, vtype, isource, itype, vectorobj, imageobj Figure 4.15: Initial Plan Graph with the Q1Quality predicate in the head. This rule is part of the user query shown in Figure 4.8. I also show the rule below for reference. Q1Quality(vsource, vtype, isource, itype, resdiff, datediff):- SatelliteImageQuality(isource, itype, idate, iresolution, multispectral, icompleteness)^ RoadQuality(vsource, vtype, vresolution, vdate, horiz-accuracy, vert-accuracy, withinaccuracybounds, attr-completeness, vcompleteness)^ subtract(iresolution,vresolution, resdiff)^ subtract(idate,vdate, datediff)^ pack(resdiff,datediff, aggregateresultrel)^ SkylineMin(aggregateresultrel,skylineresultrel)^ unpack(skylineresultrel, skylineresdiff, skylinedatediff)^ skylinedatediff = datediff ^ 104 skylineresdiff = resdiff The rule with the Q1Quality relation in the head contains nine predicates. The first two predicates (SatelliteImageQuality and RoadQuality) are domain relations, so those are added to the list of relations to expand and the corresponding nodes with the project operationsareaddedtothegraph. Thenextfivepredicates(twosubtract predicates,pack, SkylineMin,unpack)arerelationsthatrefertodifferentoperations. Therefore,QGMadds a node containing retrieve operation corresponding to each call to the operations. QGM also adds necessary join conditions based on the common attributes between different relations. The last two predicates are constraints. QGM adds nodes containing select operations corresponding to each constraint. Next, QGM expands the SatelliteImageQuality domain relation. There are two rules that contain the relation SatelliteImageQuality in the head (relevant rules for the domain hierarchy). Therefore, QGM inserts a node containing a union operation. The union operation has two children nodes corresponding to the two rules. Expansion of each rule resultsinadditionofonesourcepredicatetoeachchildnode. ThegraphoftheQ1Quality branch is shown in Figure 4.16. Note that the plan graph for the Q1Quality contains a cross product between the union of the satellite images and union of the roads. The cross product is necessary to ensure that we compute quality of all possible combinations of satellite image and road vector data. However, the result of the cross product is bounded by the number of relevant sources for each type of data. QGMalsoexpandsthesubtreefortheQ1Data predicate. ThesubtreefortheQ1Data predicateisshowninFigure4.17. NotethatthesubtreefortheQ1Data containsrequests 105 π(vsource, vtype, isource, itype, resdiff, datediff) X Union (SatelliteImageQuality) Union(RoadQuality) IS1Quality IS2Quality VS1Quality VS2Quality VS3Quality VS4Quality Subtract Subtract Join Q1Quality imageres, vectorres, resdiff imagedate, vectordate, datediff Join imageres = imageres and vectorres = vectorres imagedate = imagedate and vectordate = vectordate Pack Join resdiff = resdiff and datediff = datediff SkylineMin Unpack Join Join σ σ aggregateresultrel = aggregateresultrel skylineminresultrel = skylineminresultrel skylinedatediff = datediff skylineresdiff = resdiff Figure 4.16: Plan Graph for Q1Quality to relevant vector and raster data sources. However, all vector data sources have binding restrictions on the bounding box attribute. The binding restrictions are not satisfied in this plan graph as the value of the bounding box attribute is not specified. Similarly, the raster sources require the values of both the bounding box and the size of the image attributes. 106 Union (SatelliteImage) Union(Road) IS1 IS2 VS1 VS2 VS3 VS4 Join σ σ Π(vectorobj, imageobj, vsource, vtype, isource, itype) Q1Data bbox = bbox bbox = `[[33,-116],[34,-118]]’ size = `[600,600]’ 118]]’ 00]’ Const: bbox: `[[33,-116],[34,-118]]’ size: `[600,600]’ Const: bbox: `[[33,-116],[34,-118]]’ Const: bbox: `[[33,-116],[34,-118]]’ Const: bbox: `[[33,-116],[34, Figure 4.17: Graph Representation for Q1Data 4.2.3 Handling Binding Restrictions InthissectionIdescribeQGM’sapproachtohandlingthebindingrestrictions. Geospatial sources often have required input values, such as a bounding box. In order to obtain data from the sources with binding restrictions, QGM must provide the values for the required input attributes. The Inverse Rules algorithm [20] addresses the binding restrictions by generating one or more rules called dom rules for each attribute with binding restrictions. Intuitively, the idea behind the dom rules is to find all possible ways to generate input values for required inputs. Chen Li [48] describes an improvement over this idea by associating specific types to all attributes and generating dom rules for each type of required input attribute. However, both of these approaches do not scale in presence of a large number ofsources. Therefore, QGMaddressesthebindingrestrictionsusingadifferentapproach. 107 In the geospatial domain, the values for the attributes with binding restrictions must come either from the sources relevant to the user query or order constraints in the query. QGM utilizes this fact to address the binding restrictions. For each retrieve operation in the graph, QGM checks to see if there are any binding restrictions on the source from which the retrieve operation obtains the data. If there are no binding restrictions, QGM continues to the next retrieve operation. When QGM finds a retrieve operation from a source with binding restrictions, QGM first tries to find a select operation(s) containing the attribute(s) with the binding re- striction by traversing the graph toward the root from the retrieval operation. If there exists a select operation with equality constraint with a constant value on the restricted attribute,QGMaddaconstantnodeinthegraphcontainingthevalue(s)oftheattributes with binding restriction and adds a dependency between the retrieval operation and the constant node. For the running example, QGM is able to satisfy the binding restrictions of the image sources (IS1 and IS2) and the vector data sources (VS1, VS2, VS3, and VS4) using the values provided by different select operations. For example, the source IS1 has binding restrictions on attributes bbox and size. There exist select operations equating both attributes with constant values. Therefore, QGM adds a constant node containing values for both attributes and creates a dependency between the retrieval operation for the source IS1 and the constant node. QGM adds similar constant nodes for all other sources as well. If QGM does not find a selection on the restricted attribute and the parent of the retrieve operation is a join operation, QGM checks if the other node in the join provides 108 the restricted attribute. If it does and it is listed as a free attribute, QGM inserts a dependency between two nodes ensuring that the retrieval operation with the binding restrictions would be executed after the other operation and the binding restrictions are satisfied. If QGM cannot satisfy the binding restrictions using the above-mentioned rules, itchecksiftheattributewiththebindingrestrictionispresentinanyotherretrieve operation. If the attribute is not present, QGM returns the query as unsatisfiable. If the attribute is available, QGM attempts to reorder the join operations in the graph to see if any ordering satisfies the binding restrictions. For different operations in the graph (subtract, pack, SkylineMin, and unpack), QGM adds a dependency between the nodes and their siblings to ensure that the binding re- strictions are satisfied. The first part of the graph containing the root node (shown in Figure 4.15) does not change as it contains no retrieve operations. Figure 4.18 shows the modified graph for the Q1Quality subtree. The dependencies introduced due to the binding restrictions are shown using more prominent arrows. Figures 4.19 shows the plan graph representation of the Q1Data predicate. The bind- ing restrictions result in the addition of nodes representing constant values for different image and vector data sources. 4.3 Plan Optimization InthissectionIdiscusstwoplanoptimizationtechniquesimplementedinQGM.Thefirst technique is to identify and reuse common sub expressions. Common subexpression anal- ysis [24] is a popular technique in database query optimization literature. The intuition 109 π(vsource, vtype, isource, itype, resdiff, datediff) X Union (SatelliteImageQuality) Union(RoadQuality) IS1Quality IS2Quality VS1Quality VS2Quality VS3Quality VS4Quality Subtract Subtract Join Q1Quality imageres, vectorres, resdiff imagedate, vectordate, datediff Join imageres = imageres and vectorres = vectorres imagedate = imagedate and vectordate = vectordate Pack Join resdiff = resdiff and datediff = datediff SkylineMin Unpack Join Join σ σ aggregateresultrel = aggregateresultrel skylineminresultrel = skylineminresultrel skylinedatediff = datediff skylineresdiff = resdiff Figure 4.18: Subtree for Q1Quality after Binding Restriction Satisfaction Union (SatelliteImage) Union(Road) IS1 IS2 VS1 VS2 VS3 VS4 Join σ σ π(vectorobj, imageobj, vsource, vtype, isource, itype) Q1Data bbox = bbox bbox = `[[33,-116],[34,-118]]’ size = `[600,600]’ Const: bbox: `[[33,-116],[34,-118]]’ size: `[600,600]’ Const: bbox: `[[33,-116],[34,-118]]’ size: `[600,600]’ Const: bbox: `[[33,-116],[34,-118]]’ Const: bbox: `[[33,-116],[34,-118]]’ Const: bbox: `[[33,-116],[34,-118]]’ Const: bbox: `[[33,-116],[34,-118]]’ Figure 4.19: Subtree for Q1Data after Binding Restriction Satisfaction 110 behind the common subexpression analysis technique is to identify the common parts in oneormorequeriesandreusetheresultstoreducetheresponsetime. QGMimplementsa commonsubexpressionanalysismethodtoidentifythecommonsubtreesinthegenerated plan graph. The second optimization technique is to execute the quality criteria and and utilize the results to prune the plan graph. As evaluating the quality criteria does not involve retrieving geospatial data from sources, for most queries evaluating the quality criteriaismuchquickerthanexecutingtheentireplangraph. Moreover, formostqueries, QGM can prune the plan graph by removing requests to sources that do not satisfy the quality criteria. Therefore, QGM evaluates the quality criteria and utilizes the results to prune the generated plan graph. 4.3.1 Identifying and Reusing Common Sub-expressions In this section I describe QGM’s process of identifying and eliminating common subex- pressions. QGM’s algorithm to identify common subexpressions is shown in Figure 4.20. As the most expensive operations in the plan graph are the retrieve operations, QGM identifies duplicate subtrees by analyzing all retrieve operations. First, it checks to see if any two retrieve operations contain request to the same source using the same input values. IfQGMfindssuchretrieveoperations,ittraversesthegraphtowardtherootfrom both retrieve operations (Call to the TreverseNodes procedure). At each step it checks to see if both subtrees are still the same. When the subtrees differ QGM stops and inserts a rename operation linking the parent of one of the common subtrees to another subtree. In our running example, QGM does not find any common subexpressions. However, in general it may find some common subexpressions and simplify the plan graph. 111 Algorithm 4.3.1: IdentifyCommonSubexpressions(PlanGraph) procedure IdentifyCommonSubexpressions(PlanGraph) RetrieveNodes←GetRetrieveNodes(PlanGraph) i←0 while i<RetrieveNodes.size() Node←RetrieveNodes.get(i) j←i+1 while j <RetrieveNodes.size() CompareNode←RetrieveNodes.get(j) if CompareNode==Node then n TraverseNodes(Node,CompareNode,PlanGraph) return (PlanGraph) procedure TraverseNodes(Node1, Node2, PlanGraph) Parent1←Node1.parent Parent2←Node2.parent if Parent1==Parent2 and Address(Parent1)!=Address(Parent2) then n TraverseNodes(Parent1,Parent2,PlanGraph) else ( NewNode←RenameNode(Node1,Node2) Replace(Node2,NewNode) Figure 4.20: QGM’s Algorithm to Identify Common Subexpressions 4.3.2 Quality-driven Plan Optimization In this section I discuss QGM’s process of evaluating the quality criteria and pruning the graph based on the result. The quality-driven plan optimization process is divided into two steps. First, QGM executes the subtree corresponding to the quality criteria and obtains the results. Second, QGM utilizes the result to remove the requests to sources that do not satisfy the quality criteria from the plan graph. 112 Evaluating the Quality Criteria In this section I discuss the evaluation of the quality criteria. Evaluation of the subtree correspondingtothequalitycriteriaisperformedintwosteps. Thefirststepistoretrieve information from the quality relations for each source and the second step is to execute the necessary operations to compute statistics and select qualifying tuples. I explain each step in turn. The first step in evaluating the quality criteria is retrieving information about the quality of data provided by the sources from the source quality relations. The relevant source quality relations are typically represented as retrieve operations at the leaf level in the quality criteria subtree. In our example, the retrieval from the source quality relationsreferstothefollowingsixretrievenodesshowninFigure4.18: (1)IS1Quality,(2) IS2Quality, (3) VS1Quality, (4) VS2Quality, (5) VS3Quality, and (6) VS4Quality. The next step in evaluating the quality criteria is to execute operations to compute necessary statistics for the quality criteria. In our running example this step consists of finding all combinations of vector and raster data by performing a cross product be- tween the quality tuples for the road vector data and the quality tuples for the image sources, computing differences in date and resolution for each combination, and using the SkylineMin operation to compute the non-dominated combinations of raster and vector data. In our running example there are 4∗2 =8 possible combinations of raster and vector data. Table 4.3 shows difference in the dates and resolutions for all possible combinations of vector and image data sources. The SkylineMin operation results in the selection of 113 Res. Diff. (meters) Date Diff. (Days) Vector Source Vector Type Raster Source Raster Type 16 0 VS1 Road IS2 SatelliteImage 16 0 VS2 Road IS2 SatelliteImage 11.3 396 VS4 Road IS1 SatelliteImage 2 1856 VS4 Road IS2 SatelliteImage Table 4.4: Rows Computed for Q1Quality Predicate Q1Quality Union (SatelliteImage) Union(Road) IS1 IS2 VS1 VS2 VS3 VS4 Join σ σ π(vectorobj, imageobj) Q1Data bbox = bbox bbox = `[[33,-116],[34,-118]]’ size = `[600,600]’ Const: bbox: `[[33,-116],[34,-118]]’ size: `[600,600]’ Const: bbox: `[[33,-116],[34,-118]]’ size: `[600,600]’ Const: bbox: `[[33,-116],[34,-118]]’ Const: bbox: `[[33,-116],[34,-118]]’ Const: bbox: `[[33,-116],[34,-118]]’ Const: bbox: `[[33,-116],[34,-118]]’ π(vectorobj, imageobj, resdiff, datediff) Q1 Join vsource = vsource and vtype = vtype and isource = isource and itype = itype Q1Quality(2,1856,VS4,Road,IS2,SatelliteImage) Q1Quality(11.3,396,VS4,Road,IS1,SatelliteImage) Q1Quality(16,0,VS2,Road,IS2,SatelliteImage) Q1Quality(16,0,VS1,Road,IS2,SatelliteImage) Figure 4.21: Graph After Replacing Q1Quality Subtree the following combinations of raster and vector data: (1) VS1 and IS2, (2) VS2 and IS2, (3) VS4 and IS1, (4) VS4 and IS2. For each qualifying combination QGM obtains the values of the resolution difference, date difference, a vector data source, a vector data type, a raster data source, and a raster data type. Table 4.4 shows the tuples computed for the Q1Quality predicate. QGM Generates one fact per row for the Q1Quality relation and replaces the subtree representing the Q1Quality relation with the node representing the facts. The new graph is shown in Figure 4.21. 114 Pruning Based on Quality Criteria Results In this section I discuss QGM’s process of removing unqualified source requests from the plan graph based on the results of the quality query. The intuition behind this optimization is to remove all source requests that do not satisfy the quality criteria by examining all join operations in which the quality criteria participates. The algorithm to identify source requests that do not satisfy the quality criteria is similar to the algorithm to identify relevant rules (shown in Figure 4.13) in that in both processes QGM checks the constraints in the plan. However, as every node in a graph may participate in multiple branches, QGM must make sure any node it removes will not satisfy constraints in all branches it is connected to. QGM’s algorithm to prune nodes based on quality restriction is shown in Figure 4.22. As the results of the quality query are the only new constant values, QGM only needs to examine constraints that connect to the subtree corresponding to the quality query. Therefore,QGMidentifiesthebranchestoprunebyexaminingalljoinconditionsinwhich theattributesobtainedfromthequalityqueryparticipate. Inourrunningexample,QGM only examines the join between the Q1Data relation and the Q1Quality relation. For each join, QGM identifies the attribute from the quality query that participates in the join condition. QGM already knows the possible values for the attribute from the results of the quality criteria. So, QGM identifies the other child of the join operation and finds all possible values for the attribute involved in the join condition. The list of possible values for any attribute may contain one or more of the following: (1) a value coming from some source or (2) a constant value. If the list of values for the attribute 115 Algorithm 4.3.2: PruneBasedOnQuality(G,QualityNode) Parent←QualityNode.parent PrunedG←G while Parent6=NULL if typeOf(Parent)==JOIN then for each Joinattr∈Parent.Joinattrs ValuesFromLeft←FindValues(Joinattr,Parent.leftChild) ValuesFromRight←FindValues(Joinattr,Parent.rightChild) for each Value∈ValuesFromLeft if Value / ∈ValuesFromRight then n MarkBranchForDeletion(Value,Joinattr,Parent.rightChild) Parent←Parent.parent for each node∈PrunedG if node.MarkedForDeletion then Remove(node) return (PrunedG) Figure 4.22: QGM’s Algorithm Prune Nodes Based on Quality Results participating in the join contains one or more constant values, QGM compares each value to the values coming from the quality query. If the values do not match QGM marks the branch that produces the value for deletion. For all values that match, QGM marks the corresponding branches as useful. After analyzing all join operations, QGM removes all branches marked for deletion. In our running example, QGM finds that the join conditions for all identified join operations involve function symbols representing the raster and vector data objects. As the result of the quality criteria does not include any combination with the vector data from source VS3 (see Table 4.4), QGM finds that the branches referring to the source 116 Q1Quality Union (SatelliteImage) Union(Road) IS1 IS2 VS1 VS2 VS4 Join σ σ π(vectorobj, imageobj) Q1Data bbox = bbox bbox = `[[33,-116],[34,-118]]’ size = `[600,600]’ Const: bbox: `[[33,-116],[34,-118]]’ size: `[600,600]’ Const: bbox: `[[33,-116],[34,-118]]’ size: `[600,600]’ Const: bbox: `[[33,-116],[34,-118]]’ Const: bbox: `[[33,-116],[34,-118]]’ Const: bbox: `[[33,-116],[34,-118]]’ π(vectorobj, imageobj, resdiff, datediff) Q1 Join vsource = vsource and vtype = vtype and isource = isource and itype = itype Q1Quality(2,1856,VS4,Road,IS2,SatelliteImage) Q1Quality(11.3,396,VS4,Road,IS1,SatelliteImage) Q1Quality(16,0,VS2,Road,IS2,SatelliteImage) Q1Quality(16,0,VS1,Road,IS2,SatelliteImage) Figure 4.23: Graph After Pruning Based On Quality Results VS3 results in vector data objects that do not satisfy the quality criteria. Therefore, QGM removes the branches related to the data source VS3. The plan graph after the removal of the branches is shown in Figure 4.23. 4.4 Plan Execution In this section I describe QGM’s process of executing the optimized plan graph using the Theseus execution engine [5]. Section 4.4.1 provides brief overview of Theseus’ plan language. Section 4.4.2 describes the translation of the plan graph into a Theseus plan. 4.4.1 Brief Overview of Theseus Plan Language Theseusexecutionengineisbasedonastreamingdataflowarchitecture[5,16,38,40,53]. The tuples of different relations in a Theseus plan are streamed between the operations 117 and Theseus executes the independent operations in the plan in parallel. Theseus has variety of operators ranging from data access operators to allow easy access to different types of data sources, such as, databases and web pages, to data management operators, such as select, project, and join. Theseus is also unique in its support for recursion and subplans among the streaming dataflow systems [5, 16, 38, 40, 53]. Most operators in Theseus accept one or more relations as inputs and produce one or more relations as outputs. Below is a list of different Theseus operators that are used in the plans generated by QGM. Select: The select operator in Theseus performs a relational selection on a given relation of the data. The select operator accepts a relation and a select condition as inputandgenerates a new relation with tuples that satisfy the select condition as output. An example of the select operation in Theseus plan language is shown below: Select(inrelation, ‘x = 5’ : outrelation) The term inrelation refers to the input relation, while ‘x = 5’ is the select condition. If the input relation does not have an attribute named ‘x’, Theseus throws an exception. All rows in the output relation (outrelation) have value ‘5’ for the attribute ‘x’. The select condition in Theseus supports the following operators: =,>,<,notlike,like. Project:The project operator in Theseus projects a set of attributes from a given relation. The project operator accepts a relation and a list of attributes to project as input and generates a new relation with the projected attributes. An example of the project operation is shown below: Project(inrelation, ‘x,y’ : outrelation) 118 The term inrelation refers to the input relation, while ‘x,y’ is the list of attributes to project. All rows in the output relation (outrelation) have two attributes ‘x’ and ‘y’. Union: The union operator in Theseus performs a relational union of two relations. The union operation accepts two relations with the same schema and returns a new relation that contains union of the tuples from both input relations. An example of the union operation is shown below: Union(inrelation1, inrelation2 : outrelation) The terms inrelation1 and inrelation2 denote the input relations, while the term outre- lation denotes the output relation. Join: The join operator in Theseus performs a relation join between two relations. The join operator accepts two relations and a join condition as input and returns one outputrelationthatcontainsthe tuples thatsatisfythegivenjoincondition. Anexample of the join operation is shown below: Join(inrelation1, inrelation2, ‘l.x=r.x’ : outrelation) Thetermsinrelation1 andinrelation2 denotetheinputrelations, whiletheterm‘l.x=r.x’ representsthejoincondition. Theprefix‘l.’ denotesthefirstinputrelation(inrelation1), while the prefix ‘r.’ denotes the second input relation. If the attributes mentioned in the join condition do not exist in the input relations, Theseus throws an exception. Dbquery: The Dbquery operator in Theseus allows querying information from an external database. The DbQuery operation accepts a query, a string containing connec- tion information for the database, a user name, and a password as input and returns a 119 relationcontainingtheresultofthequery. AnexampleoftheDbquery operationisshown below: Dbquery(‘select x, y from table1’, ‘jdbc:oracle:thin:@mydb!scott!tiger’ : outrelation) Apply: The Apply operation in Theseus executes an external function for each tuple of the input relation. QGM utilizes the Apply operation to retrieve information from different types of geospatial sources using a call to an external function written in Java. 1 Below is an example of a call to an Apply operation: apply(inrelation, "MyFunctions.GetData(bbox,‘shape1.shp’)", "shapeobj" : outrelation) Theexamplecallmakesarequesttoanexternalfunctioncalled‘MyFunctions.GetData’. The external function in the example accepts two arguments. One of the argument is the bbox attribute from the inrelation, while the other argument is a constant value ‘shape1.shp’. The function returns one argument called shapeobj. If the inrelation con- tains multiple tuples the Apply operation calls the external function multiple times. The output relation contains all attributes from the input relation and the result of the apply operation. Aggregate: The Aggregate operation in Theseus executes an external function once passing values for all tuples of the input relation. QGM utilizes the Aggregate operation to implement several aggregation operations including Sum and Average. Below is an example of a call to an Aggregate operation: 1 120 aggregate(inrelation, "MyFunctions.Average(resolution)", "old_rel", "avgresolution" : outrelation) The example call makes a request to an external function called ‘MyFunctions.Average’. Theexternalfunctionintheexampleacceptsoneargument. Intheexampletheargument is the resolution attribute of the input relation. The function averages all values of the attribute and returns the average value. The output relation contains two attributes. One attribute titled avgresolution contains the average value and the second attribute called old rel contains the input relation. Pack: ThePack operatorinTheseusembedsarelationwithinanotherrelation. QGM utilizes the Pack operator to implement the pack operation. Below is an example of the pack operator: pack (inrelation, "packed_rel" : outrelation) Theoutputrelationcontainsoneattributenamedpacked rel withonevaluethatcontains the input relation. Unpack: The Unpack operation unpacks a previously packed relation. QGM utilizes this operation to implement the unpack operation. Below is an example of the unpack operator: unpack (inrelation, "packed_rel" : outrelation) In the example, the output relation contains the relation that was packed in the packed rel attribute. 121 4.4.2 Translating Plan Graph to Theseus Plan In this section, I describe the translation of a graph into a Theseus Plan. I begin the discussion by first describing translation of different types of nodes in the plan graph to one or more Theseus operations. Second, I describe the details of the transformation of entire graph by discussing translation of the plan graph shown in Figure 4.23. Translating Nodes to Theseus Operations The plan graph generated by QGM contains six types of nodes: (1) retrieval, (2) project, (3) select, (4) join, (5) union, and (6) constant. QGM translates each type of node into a Theseus operation. Retrieval: Each retrieval node corresponds to a request to obtain data from a source or a call to an operation, such as pack or unpack. QGM translates each retrieval node to a call to a Theseus subplan corresponding to the request to the data source. For example consider the call to the source VS1Quality in Figure 4.18. QGM translates the node to the following Theseus operation. VS1Quality(:vs1qualityout) The name of the subplan is same as the name of the source. The term vs1qualityout refers to the output relation of the plan. Note that the subplan for the VS1Quality does not accept any relations as the source does not have any binding restrictions. If a source has a binding restriction, then the subplan corresponding to the source accepts a relation as input containing values of the attributes with binding restrictions. An example of this is the node representing a call to the source VS1 in Figure 4.23. Note that the source 122 VS1 requires a value for the bbox attribute. QGM translates the retrieve node to the following Theseus plan. VS1(vs1in:vs1out) The relation vs1in has a single attribute named bbox. The relation vs1out is the output of the subplan. project: QGM translates each node corresponding a project operation into the project Theseus operation. As an example consider the project node at the root of the plan graph shown in Figure 4.23 that projects the following attributes: (1)imageobj, (2) vectorobj, (3) resdiff, and (4) datediff. QGM translates this node to the following Theseus operation. project(Q1in, "imageobj, vectorobj, resdiff, datediff" : Q1) The relation Q1in is the input to the project operation and must have values for the four attributes in the project condition. The output of the project operation is the relation Q1. Select: Each select node in the plan graph represents a relational select operation. QGM translates every select node to a select operation. As an example consider the node representing a select operation on the size attribute in Figure 4.23. QGM translates the select node to the following Theseus operation. select(selectin, "size = ‘[600],[600]’" : selectout) Join: Ajoinnodeintheplangraphrepresentsarelationaljoinbetweentworelations. QGM translates every join node to a join operation. For example, consider the join 123 operation between the union of the satellite images and the union of the road vector datasets in Figure 4.23. QGM translates the node representing the join operation to the following Theseus operation. join(satelliteimages, roads, "l.bbox = r.bbox" : joinout) Union:A union node in the plan graph represents union of two or more relations. QGM translates the nodes representing a union to one or more union operations in Theseus. For example consider the node representing union of the satellite image data in Figure 4.23. QGM translate the union node to the following Theseus operation. union(satelliteimagedata1, satelliteimagedata2 : unionout) Ifanoderepresentingtheunionoperationrepresentsunionofmorethantworelations, QGM translates it to a set of union operations in Theseus. For example, consider the node representing the union of road vector data from three sources. QGM translates the union to the following set of Theseus operations. union(VS1out, VS2out : unionout1) union(unionout1, VS3out: unionout) NotethatthetranslatedTheseusoperationsfirstperformunionbetweentworelations and then union the result with the third relation. Constant: The last type of nodes in the graph are constant nodes that are used to provide required inputs to the retrieval operations. QGM translates those nodes into input relations to the Theseus plan. For example, consider the constant node in Figure 4.23 that provides the value for the bounding box attribute to the retrieve operation for 124 source VS1. QGM translates the node to a relation containing one attribute (bbox) and one tuple with value ‘[[33,-116],[34,-118]]’. Translating Relationships Between Nodes in Plan Graph In addition to translating each node into one or more Theseus operation(s), QGM also needs to make sure that the relationships between the nodes in the plan graph are rep- resented correctly in the generated Theseus plan. QGM ensures those relationships by specifying the input and output relations of different Theseus operations in the gener- ated plan. For example, if one node labeled nodeA in the plan graph has incoming edge from another node called nodeB, QGM ensures that in the Theseus translation the input relation to the translation of nodeA is the same as the output relation of the Theseus translation of nodeB. In order to better understand this process, I walk through first few steps of translating the plan graph shown in Figure 4.23 to a Theseus plan. The root node of the plan graph is a node with a project operation. QGM translates the root node into a project operation. The output of the root node is also the output of the Theseus plan. The input relation to the project operation is the output of the child node connecting to the root node. Below is the generated plan having traversed the root node. PLAN qgmplan{ INPUT: OUTPUT: stream qout BODY { 125 project(rel0, "vectorobj,imageobj, resdiff, datediff ": qout) } } Note that QGM added the output of the root node (qout relation) in the list of outputs. The child of the root node is a node with a join operation. QGM translates this node into a join operation in Theseus. Below is the Theseus plan having traversed first two nodes. The input relations in the join node are the output relations of the children nodes of the join node. PLAN qgmplan{ INPUT: OUTPUT: stream qout BODY { /*join between the Equals, Q1Quality, and Q1Data*/ join(rel1,rel2,"l.imageobjdata = r.imageobjdata and l.vectorobjdata = r.vectorobjdata" : rel0) project(rel0, "imageobjdata,vectorobjdata, resdiff, datediff" : outrel) } } 126 The next node that QGM visits is the join node, which is translated into a join operation in the Theseus graph resulting in the Theseus plan shown below. PLAN qgmplan{ INPUT: OUTPUT: stream qualityout BODY { join(rel6, rel7, "l.bbox = r.bbox" : rel5) /*join between the Equals, Q1Quality, and Q1Data*/ join(rel1,rel2,"l.imageobjdata = r.imageobjdata and l.vectorobjdata = r.vectorobjdata" : rel0) project(rel0, "imageobjdata,vectorobjdata, resdiff, datediff" : outrel) } } QGM continues this process until it exhausts all nodes. The final plan is shown in Appendix B. QGM translates all retrieval operations to a call to subplans for individual operations. Appendix C shows subplans for different types of geospatial sources. OnceQGMhasgeneratedtheTheseusplanitexecutestheplanandreturnstheresults to the user. In our running example, QGM executes the plan and provides user with the 127 four combinations of image and vector data objects that satisfy the quality criteria. The four combinations are: (1) image from IS2 and vector data from VS1, (2) image from IS2 and vector data from VS2, (3) image from IS1 and vector data from VS4, and (4) image from IS2 and vector data from VS4. Those four combinations are the best quality results given the user query and quality criteria. 4.5 Experimental Evaluation In this section, I describe the experimental results to support the techniques that I de- scribed in this chapter. In particular, I evaluate the quality of data provided by QGM in responsetotheuserqueriesandmeasuretheresponsetimeforansweringtheuserqueries. IcompareperformanceofQGMtotheperformanceoftraditionaldataintegrationsystem withtheextensionstosupportaccessinggeospatialdata. Thetraditionaldataintegration system that I used did not have the capability to represent the quality of data provided by the sources and did not take quality into account when answering user queries. My experiments tested two hypothesis: (1) as the number of available sources increases, the quality of data provided by QGM is significantly better compared to the traditional data integration system and (2) as QGM makes less source requests compared to the tradi- tional data integration system, the response time of QGM is often lower compared to the traditional data integration system. I begin this section by first describing the experimental setup. Then, I describe the sets of experiments that I performed and discuss the results. 128 4.5.1 Experimental Setup IconductedallexperimentsonamachinerunningWindows2003serveroperatingsystem with dual Xeon CPUs operating at 2.1GHz and 3GB memory. However, as each Xeon processor appears as two processors to the operating system and as my code did not take advantageofmultiple CPUs, it only ranon 50% ofone CPU. The machine was connected to Internet using a Gigabit Ethernet card. The average download speed from a random web page was over 1 mb/sec. For each set of experiments, I compare QGM with the Prometheus [65] data integra- tion system with extensions to support access to geospatial data. The Prometheus data integration system used in the experiments utilized the Inverse Rules algorithm to gen- erate the datalog program to answer the user query, identified and eliminated common subexpressions, mapped the generated datalog program to a Theseus plan, and executed the generated Theseus plan to produce the results of the user query. The domain model for QGM and Prometheus contained the same sources. However, Prometheus’ domain modeldidnothaveanyqualityrelations. IutilizethePrometheussystemfortworeasons: (1) it is a good representative implementation of data integrations system and (2) I had access to the source code. All my experiments involved real-world sources. The shapefile sources were down- loaded and hosted on the same machine to avoid a large number of retrievals from the web during the experiments. The Web Map Server and ArcIMS Server sources were ac- cessed at query time. The domain model for the experiments included 1268 data sources. 129 All sets of experiments included 10 queries and I report the average response time and the quality of data returned in response to the queries. 4.5.2 Experimental Results The first set of experiments measure the response time for different queries. The re- sponse time depends on two aspects of the query: (1) number of geospatial data layers retrieved in the query and (2) number of sources that provide relevant data for the user query. Therefore, in this set of experiments I measured the response time of QGM and Prometheus for the queries that varied in both above-mentioned aspects. Response time vs. number of geospatial data layers retrieved: In these experiments, I generated 10 bounding boxes covering about 0.05 degree * 0.05 degree area. I randomly generated bounding boxes until, I found 10 bounding boxes for which the available sources provided between 2-5 different types of geospatial data layers. I repeated the process to find 10 bounding boxes with 5-10 different available data layers and 10-20 data layers. I randomly selected 2 data layers from the available data layers for each bounding box from the first set of bounding boxes. For the second and third sets of bounding boxes I selected 5, and 10 data layers, respectively. For each bounding box in all three sets I asked QGM and Prometheus to find the selected data layers. I also varied the quality query for QGM. In the first set of experiments the quality query only required QGM to find all geospatial data layers that had either vectors within accuracy bounds or horizontal accuracy better than some pre-determined value. For the vectors within accuracy bounds I used the constant value 50%, while for the horizontal accuracy I chose the constant value 7.0 meters. 130 Table4.5showstheresponsetimeofPrometheusandQGMforthefirstsetofqueries. I also report the number of results returned by Prometheus and QGM. All timings in the table are in seconds. Note that the number of results returned by each system is all possible combinations of the objects retrieved by the system, i.e. if a system was asked to find a satellite image and a road vector data covering some region and it found 2 satellite images from different sources and 3 road vector data layers, the total number of combinations will be 6. The plan generation time for both systems includes the time to run the Inverse Rules algorithm and generate the graph representation of the plan. The optimization time for Prometheus was the time taken in removing duplicate branches in thegraph. ForQGMtheoptimizationtimeincludesthetimetakeninremovingduplicate branches,runningthequalityquery,andpruningthegeneratedgraphbasedonthequality results. WhiletheoptimizationtimeforQGMislargerthantheoptimizationtimeforPrometheus, QGM’s execution time is lower compared to Prometheus. As the number of results in- crease (indicating a larger integration plan), the improvement due to QGM’s quality- driven answering becomes more pronounced. However, in queries involving small number oflayers,thequalityquerydidnotfilteroutmanysourcesasmostsourcesmetthequality criteria. Therefore, while QGM’s extra work on ensuring quality of the results did result inlesssourcerequestsduringtheexecutiontime, itwasnotenoughtoovercometheextra time spent during optimization. Therefore, when retrieving two geospatial data layers QGM was outperformed by Prometheus. Note that this only happens as the quality con- straints do not filter out many requests when retrieving two layers. If the quality criteria filtered out more requests QGM would perform much better. Even with quality criteria 131 # of Layers Prometheus QGM Time in Seconds Time in Seconds Gen. Opt. Exec. Total # results Gen. Opt. Exec. Total # results 2 32 167 284 483 9 32 201 281 497 8 5 34 236 461 731 21 34 237 428 667 16 10 37 298 1190 1525 39 37 312 971 1164 28 Table 4.5: Comparison of Response Time on Simple Quality Query # of Layers Prometheus QGM Time in Seconds Time in Seconds Gen. Opt. Exec. Total # results Gen. Opt. Exec. Total # results 2 32 167 284 483 9 32 199 131 362 2.7 5 34 236 461 731 21 34 231 244 509 6.3 10 37 298 1190 1525 39 37 316 314 667 12.9 Table 4.6: Comparison of Response Time on Quality Query with Aggregate that does not filter out many requests, QGM outperforms Prometheus when retrieving five or ten data layers. Next, I changed the quality query for QGM so that the quality query contained an aggregationoperation. IrandomlyselectedeitherMin orMax astheaggregateoperation. Note that the quality of different geospatial objects retrieved in the queries were still independent of each other, i.e. I did not ask QGM to minimize the difference between quality of geospatial data layers, just asked it to minimize or maximize the value of the selected attribute for each object. Table 4.6 shows the response time and the number of results returned by QGM for this set of queries. As Prometheus cannot process different quality queries, I show the response time from the first set of queries for comparison. Note that there is a sharp decrease in the response time for all queries executed by QGM. This is because the quality query with aggregate operation prunes most source requests. Due to the reduced number of requests, the execution time of the queries decreases significantly. 132 # of Layers Prometheus QGM Time in Seconds Time in Seconds Gen. Opt. Exec. Total # results Gen. Opt. Exec. Total # results 2 35 178 394 607 12 35 219 349 603 8.2 Table 4.7: Comparison of Response Time on Quality Query with SkylineMin In the third set of queries, I changed both the data queries and the quality queries. I asked QGM and Prometheus to retrieve two data layers. I changed the quality query so that QGM had to use the SkylineMin operation to minimize the difference between the randomly selected quality attribute (vectors within accuracy bounds or completeness) of thefirstandthesecondgeospatialdatalayer. Forexample,ifaqueryaskedtoretrievethe road vector data and railroad vector data, QGM had to minimize the difference between the values of the completeness attribute or the vectors within accuracy bounds attribute for the road and the railroad vector data layers. Table 4.7 shows the results of the queries. Compared to the quality criteria with aggregate operations and order constraints, the quality criteria with Skyline operations take longer to execute. In addition, SkylineMin operation resulted in more possible combinations compared to the Min or the Max operations. Due to this QGM’s response time was about the same as Prometheus’ response time. However, the number of results returned by QGM were lower than the results returned by Prometheus. Therefore, if a user had to analyze the results and select the best combinations, the extra work done by QGM in pruning results with low-quality would save a lot of user’s time. Response time vs. number of relevant sources: In these experiments, I gen- erated 10 bounding boxes covering about 0.05 degree * 0.05 degree area. I randomly generated bounding boxes until, I found bounding boxes for which there were between 133 Query # of Sources Prometheus QGM Time in Seconds Time in Seconds Gen. Opt. Exec. Total # results Gen. Opt. Exec. Total # results Constraint 0-5 32 98 126 256 3.7 32 109 113 254 3.2 Constraint 5-10 33 119 279 431 7.9 33 116 196 345 5.8 Constraint 10-20 32 131 872 1035 16.1 32 138 524 694 11.2 Constraint 20-30 34 168 1985 2187 24.3 34 159 871 1064 17.6 Aggregate 0-5 32 98 126 256 3.7 32 113 102 247 1.3 Aggregate 5-10 33 119 279 431 7.9 33 116 115 264 2.1 Aggregate 10-20 32 131 872 1035 16.1 32 137 167 336 3.7 Aggregate 20-30 34 168 1985 2187 24.3 34 162 190 386 4.1 Skyline 0-5 32 98 126 256 3.7 32 140 134 306 2.9 Skyline 5-10 33 119 279 431 7.9 33 192 184 409 4.6 Skyline 10-20 32 131 872 1035 16.1 32 297 372 701 7.2 Skyline 20-30 34 168 1985 2187 24.3 34 421 579 1034 9.8 Table 4.8: Comparison of Response Time as Number of Relevant Sources Increase 0-5, 5-10, 10-20, and 20-30 data sources that provided the same type of geospatial data. For example, I selected a bounding box for which the there were between 0-5 sources of road vector data. Iusedthreedifferenttypesofqualityqueries. Thefirstsetofqualityqueriescontained a constraint on one quality attribute without any aggregate operations similar to the first set of queries for the previous set of experiments. The second set of quality queries contained an aggregate constraint on one of the quality attributes. The third set of quality queries contained a SkyLineMin operation to minimize two quality attributes. Table 4.8 shows the results of the queries. It is clear that as the number of relevant sources to the user query grows, QGM significantly outperforms Prometheus for all types of queries. This is mainly due to the fact that QGM is able to prune a lot of requests, resulting in much smaller execution time. Even though QGM spends more time optimiz- ing the generated plans, the lower execution time of the optimized plans makes up the time spent in optimization. Quality of results: 134 Type QGM Average Std. Deviation % Comp. % Acc. % Comp. % Acc. % Comp. % Acc. Constraint 59.81 87.61 47.71 83.12 17.36 9.31 Aggregate 68.19 89.97 47.71 83.12 17.36 9.31 Skyline 64.03 87.90 47.71 83.12 17.36 9.31 Table 4.9: Quality of Data In order to show that QGM significantly improves the quality of answers for the user queries, I randomly generated 20 bounding boxes where there was at least one type of geospatial data available. I asked QGM to retrieve one type of geospatial data available in each bounding box using three different types of quality restrictions. The first quality restriction was on either completeness or features within accuracy bounds attribute. It contained a constraint that the selected attribute must be greater than 50. The second qualityqueryaskedQGMtofinddatawiththehighestvalueforcompletenessorfeatures within accuracy bounds. Finally, the third quality query asked QGM a skyline query with the completeness and features within accuracy bounds. I compare the accuracy and completeness of results of QGM with average accuracy and completeness of all objects returned by Prometheus and the standard deviation among the data objects returned by Prometheus. QGM always returned sources with the best quality given the quality criteria. As shown in Table 4.9, on an average compared to average of all objects returned by Prometheus, QGM provided 12% more complete results for constraint queries, 21% more complete results for aggregate queries, and 16% more complete datasets for sky- line queries. The data returned by QGM on average had 5% more features within the accuracy bounds compared to the average of all relevant sources. For all queries QGM’s 135 completeness was one standard deviation better than the average, while for the accuracy QGM’s response was almost a half standard deviation better than the average values. Overall, the experimental evaluation shows that QGM scales much better compared to Prometheus in terms of the response time of the user queries despite spending more time in processing the quality criteria and optimizing the plans by utilizing the quality criteria specified by the user. Moreover, the quality of results returned by QGM is much better compared to the quality of results returned by Prometheus. 136 Chapter 5 Related Work In this section, I describe the closely related research to my work. I divide the related research into several categories. The first category of research are papers that focus on geospatialdataintegrationusingeitherdataintegrationorsemanticwebtechniques. The second category of related research is the GIS standards and other web-based mapping applications. The third category of work is on data integration systems and more specif- ically data integration systems that focus on data quality. The fourth area is the source modeling research that is related to QGM’s automatic source description generation pro- cess. The fifth area of related research is the research on quality of geospatial data in the GIS community that relates to the representation of quality in QGM. The sixth related research area is the work on query optimization in the database community that relates to some of the optimizations utilized in QGM. 5.1 Geospatial Data Integration The first area of related research is on integrating geospatial data using data integration or semantic web-based techniques. Hermes [1], MIX [35], VirGIS [10, 11, 12, 13, 22], and 137 Geongrid [36, 50, 70, 71] are examples of data integration systems that have been used to integrate geospatial data, while the Ontology-driven Geospatial Information System (ODGIS) [26, 27, 28], Geospatial Semantics and Analytics (GSA)[14], and SWING [44, 49,59]areexamplesofframeworksthatutilizesemanticweb-basedtechniquestointegrate geospatial data. The Hermes mediator system [1] integrates multimedia data and spatial data is one type of data it integrates. Therefore, the focus of the work is only on showing that Hermes can integrate spatial data with other datasets. The MIX [35] and VirGIS [10, 11, 12, 13, 22] are XML-based mediator systems that support integration of geospatial data and some grouping and aggregation operations. In MIX, a domain expert can provide list of XML tags related to the spatial data and operations and specify the rules for processing each type of tags. The integration plans in MIX are determined based on Global-As-View rules provided by a domain expert. VirGIS is a mediation system basedonOpenGISstandardsnamelyWebFeatureServer(WFS)andGeographicMarkup Language (GML). The querying and wrapper mechanism in VirGIS are similar to MIX, but it utilizes GML instead of user-specified tags. VirGIS utilizes one to one mapping between source relations and domain relations and can integrate different types of vector and imagery data. QGM’s research focus is on quality-driven, large-scale geospatial data integration. Therefore, in addition to the ability to integrate geospatial sources similar to Hermes, MIX, and VirGIS, QGM also automatically generates representation of the content and the quality of geospatial data sources and exploits the quality information to provide high quality geospatial data in response to user queries. 138 The Geongrid [36, 50, 70, 71] 1 describes the grid-enabled mediation services (GEMS) architecture for integrating geospatial data. As a part of the GEMS architecture the authors describe five services for integrating geospatial sources: (1) a registration service, (2) an ontology-based query rewriting service, (3) a spatial results assembly service, (4) a data quality-based rewriting and evaluation service, and (5) map composition service. The registration service is used to automatically collect the metadata for the Oracle spatial sources and ArcIMS services. While in spirit this is similar to QGM’s automatic source description generation module, the key difference is that GEMS architecture relies on the sources to utilize standardized names of layers that match with the concepts in theontology, whileQGMutilizesamatchingalgorithmbasedonstringsimilarity. GEMS also allows a domain expert to manually add the matching concept in the ontology and quality information for each data layer provided by sources. The ontology-based query rewriting service in GEMS reformulates the user query specified using the terms in the ontology to a query on the available sources. The spatial results assembly service is responsible to visualizing the results of user queries using a map display. The data quality-based rewriting and evaluation service rewrites the user queries that specify quality criteria. A user can ask GEMS to retrieve all features that are Definitely or Possibly within the area of interest or within some distance of another feature. The data quality-based rewriting and evaluation service utilizes the accuracyboundsofvariousdatasourcestoidentifyqualifyingfeatures. Themapassembly service in GEMS takes different fragments of raster images provided by different source, 1 139 the metadata about the coordinates and the resolution of the images, and generates a combined map. GEMSissimilartoQGMinthatbotharemediator-basedarchitectures. Icanimprove QGM’s query answering by incorporating the research ideas in map assembly service and studying the impact of such assembly on the quality of the resulting image. QGM’s representation of quality is more general as it can represent different quality attributes andallowsuserstospecifyqualityrestrictionsusingdatalogrulesthataremoreexpressive thanutilizingthetermsdefinitely orpossibly. Inaddition,QGMcanautomaticallymatch the layers provided by the sources with the concepts in the ontology and automatically estimate the quality of data provided by the sources. Fonseca et al. [26, 27, 28] describe a framework called ontology-driven geographic information system (ODGIS). The focus of the work is on developing a user interfaces for browsingvariousclassesintheontology,reasoningbasedonontologyclasses,andutilizing terms from Wordnet to resolve linkage issues between sources. This work assumes that the framework has access to a semantic mediator that generates answers to the user queries by retrieving and integrating geospatial information from the relevant sources. The framework described in this thesis would be an ideal choice to work as a semantic mediator to support the ODGIS framework. Arpinar et al. [14] describe the process of manually developing a geospatial ontology, automaticallyandsemi-automaticallyextractinginformationaboutentitiesfromsources, andrepresentingentitiesasinstancesinsuchontology. Inaddition,theyalsorepresentthe relationships between the entities as relationships between the instances of the entities. Theydescribespatialreasonersthatcanbeusedtoreasonaboutthespatialandtemporal 140 relationships between the instances in the ontology, such as proximity of two instances. The research is implemented in a framework titled Geospatial Semantics and Analytics (GSA). While QGM and GSA are similar in the sense that both provide a uniform interface to geospatial data, the approach taken by both systems is different. QGM relies on automated techniques to generate representation of sources and utilizes a novel quality-driven query answering algorithm to ensure quality of data, while GSA relies on human expertize to carefully collect high quality data. Moreover, the GSA approach is similar to a data warehousing approach in that it relies on populating instances an an ontology by extracting information from sources. Creating a massive data warehouse for all geospatial data available may require a lot of resources. Instead QGM focuses on a mediator-based approach that does not require creating a warehouse with all available data. Lutz et al. [44, 49, 59] describe their vision of SWING, a semantic framework for geospatial services. The SWING framework shows the feasibility of utilizing an ontology- based reasoner to overcome the semantic heterogeneity in names of layers and attributes in different geospatial services. Their approach is to utilize string similarity to match layers in the user query with the layers in the ontology. The layers in the ontology can be linked to the source using string similarity (automatic) or manually written mappings. The string matching approach used in QGM’s automated source generator module can benefit from their extensive work on identifying synonyms in geospatial domain. QGM’s automatic description generation and quality estimation modules remove the need to manually write mappings to link sources with the layers in the ontology. The integration inSWINGwillrelyonageospatialdataintegrationcomponent,whichtheauthorsplanto 141 developinfuture. QGMwouldbeanidealframeworktouseastheintegrationcomponent as it can not only integrate geospatial data, but also ensure the quality of data returned to the user. 5.2 GIS Standards and Commercial Mapping Applications The second area of related work is the various standards for geospatial data and existing mapping systems. The Web Map Server (WMS) and Web Feature Server (WFS) are standards for hosting raster and vector data proposed by OpenGIS. These standards allow programs to dynamically determine which layers are provided by a server and how to access the layers. These standards address the syntactical issues involved in accessing data from various sources. QGM can automatically generate source descriptions for the sources that support these standards. However, the standards do not require the servers to utilize meaningful names for their layers. QGM addresses this problem by using string matching techniques to automatically link name and description of the layers with the mediated schema. The Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) has provided several documents to define the quality metadata for different types of geospatial data. The FGDC efforts are to ensure that correct metadata is associated with different types of geospatial data available on the Internet. QGM utilizes the FGDC standards for the quality metadata and provides the metadata for the data it produces in response to user queries. There exist two types of mapping systems. First, the web-based mapping tools, such as Google Maps and MSN Virtual Earth and second desktop GIS applications, 142 such as ESRI’s ArcView. While the web-based mapping systems address the problem of visualizing geospatial data, they do not address the issues relating to querying the data and the accuracy of the integrated data. Nevertheless, QGM can use these tools to visualize the result of different queries. ESRI 2 software’sArcInfoandERDASImagine 3 areverycommonlyusedGISsystems. ThecommercialGISsystemsaregreatforvisualizingdifferentdatalayersandoftenallow developers to encode various operations, such as, conflation as plug-ins. However, they providelimiteddynamicintegrationcapabilities. Thefocusofourworkisondynamically selectingrelevantsources,retrievingdatafromthosesources,andintegratingtheretrieved datausingrelevantoperations. TheresultsofthequeriestoQGMcanbevisualizedusing any GIS system that supports OpenGIS standards. 5.3 Data Integration Systems The third category of related research is work on data integration systems, such as, the Information Manifold [47], InfoMaster [31], InfoSleuth [6], and Ariadne [45]. While some of these systems are used to integrate images or semi-structured data related to geospa- tial entities, none of these systems supported different geospatial data types, formats, or operations. One can extend any of the above-mentioned systems to develop a framework tointegrategeospatialdata. However,therequiredextensionswouldbesimilartovarious features of QGM. The key advantages of QGM are support for automatic source descrip- tion generation, automatic estimation of quality of data provided by sources, support for 2 3 143 geospatial operations, such as coordinate and format conversion operations, and support for combination of GAV and LAV rules. The data integration community also contains research on quality-driven data inte- gration [7, 8, 21, 51, 54, 55, 52, 61]. Berti-Equille [7], Bleiholder et al. [8] , Eckman et al. [21], and Mihaila et al. [51] describe approaches to ensure maximally complete answers for queries on life science data sources by analyzing all possible plans to compute data. The goal of their work is to ensure highest quality data by providing maximally complete databyevaluatingallpossibleplanstointegratedata. QGM’srepresentationofqualityis more expressive as it can represent multiple attributes of quality including completeness. Moreover, QGM also allows a user-specified quality criteria. Naumann et al.[54, 55] describe a quality-driven integration system that integrates biological data. The authors describe a mediator system that utilizes Local-As-View rules and associates quality with each source similar to QGM. Naumann et al.’s mediator system divides the quality attributes into three categories: (1) source specific criteria, (2) content specific criteria, and (3) attribute specific criteria. Given a user query, their systemfirstutilizestheDataEnvelopementAnalysis(DEA)Methodtoselectthesources that provide high quality data based on the source specific quality criteria. The DEA methodissimilartotheSkylinequeriesinthatgivenpointsintwoormoredimensions, it selects all points on the frontier (i.e. all points not dominated in at least one dimension). Next, Naumann et al.’s framework utilizes the query correspondence assertions (QCA) to generate all possible plans that answer the user query using only the sources selected in the first step. A QCA is similar to a Local-As-View source description in that it defines the relationship between the sources and mediated schema. Finally, it computes 144 a quality score for each plan by aggregating the quality of all sources and operations used in the plan and ranks the plans based on the user supplied weights for different quality attributes. QGM differs from the framework described in Naumann et al. in several ways. First, QGM also contains modules to automatically generate source descriptions for geospatial sources and estimate the quality of their data. Second, QGM’s quality criteria specifica- tion is more expressive as it allows users to use different operations, such as min, max, or skyline, and constraints. Some of the quality criteria, such as minimizing both the differ- ence between the resolutions at which two datasets were collected and the dates on which two datasets were collected cannot be specified using Naumann et al.’s framework. More- over, even simpler quality criteria such as finding all vector datasets with completeness above 50% are hard to specify using different weights for the quality attributes specified in Naumann et al.’s framework. Third, QGM’s approach to query answering explores the plan space by first generating a plan containing all possibly relevant sources based on the content and then removing sources based on the quality criteria. As geospatial datasets often have limited coverage, Naumann et al.’s approach of pruning first based on only the source specific quality attributes may result in pruning all sources that provide data for the area. Therefore, QGM’s query answering algorithm first selects only the relevant sources based on the content and then explores the search space based on the quality requirements. As the number of sources that provide data for the layers and areas in the query tend to be small in general, the search space is relatively small. Fourth, in addition to ranking the plans, QGM executes the generated plans efficiently using a streaming, dataflow-style execution engine to reduce the response time of user queries. 145 Scannapieco et. al [52, 61] describe a Global-As-view information integration system called DaQuinCIS that exploits the quality information about the data provided by the sources, availability of sources, and their response times to provide high quality answers to the user query in a peer-to-peer environment. The DaQuinCIS architecture represents the content and the quality of each source using Global-As-View rules. The data quality broker module in DaQuinCIS computes the plan to answer the user query by unfolding theuserqueryandtheGlobal-As-Viewrules, executesthegeneratedplans, andevaluates the quality of data produced by each plan. The data quality broker only returns the high quality data to the users. In addition to quality-driven query answering, QGM also supports automatic source description generation and automatic quality estimation. As QGM utilizes the Local-As-View rules, addition of new sources is much easier compared to DaQuinCIS. Moreover, in the geospatial domain executing all generated plans is not feasible as it may take a long time to execute all generated plans and execution may result in a huge amount of data. 5.4 Source Modeling The problem of source modeling aims at understanding what a new source does in terms of existing sources [15, 58]. The source modeling techniques are also directly relevant to the automatic source description generation module of QGM. However, QGM’s problem is simpler as it only generates the descriptions for sources that adhere to well-known formats or standards. Therefore, QGM already has some information about the content andcoverageofthesources. OneproblemwiththeexistingWebMapServersisthatthey 146 oftenoverstatetheircoverage. ThereasonbehindthisisthattheOpenGISstandardonly allows sources to specify a bounding box for each layer. So, if a source provides data for allmajorcitiesinUnitedStates,itendsupspecifyingentireUnitedStatesasitscoverage. However, the true coverage of the source is union of all metro areas. As a result answers to user queries that require images in rural areas often come back with empty images. While QGM’s coverage estimation eliminates most empty images, it also results in some incorrect coverage information. We can improve QGM’s coverage estimation techniques byutilizingthetechniquesdescribedbyMarkCarman[15]tolearnmoreaccuratecoverage restrictions for geospatial sources. The key idea in Mark Carman’s work is to learn more accurate class boundaries by sampling data at the class boundaries. We can use this idea in QGM to sample more data at the class boundaries and improve the coverage information. 5.5 Visualizing and Improving Quality in the Geospatial Domain GIS researchers have worked on different approaches and ontologies to model and visu- alize accuracy in geospatial data [32, 33, 68, 69]. QGM allows users to model various concepts and characteristics, such as completeness or alignment, described in [68, 69] as quality attributes and pose queries to retrieve geospatial data that satisfies the accuracy requirements based on the given characteristics. As the focus of my research is not on visualizing geospatial datasets, my work does not address the issue of visualizing quality 147 of geospatial data returned by QGM. However, as QGM returns the quality information, we can visualize the quality of results using the approaches described in [32, 33]. In addition, there has also been work on improving the quality of raster or vector data by aligning the data with more accurate datasets. For example, the quality of road network data can be improved by aligning the data with a ortho-rectified satellite image. Theprocessofaligningonegeographicdatasetwithanotherdatasetiscallconflation[60]. The process of conflation changes the quality of geographic data as it may change the actual location of geographic features within the dataset. Commercial GIS systems, such as ESRI’s ArcInfo, ERDAS Imagine, allow users to manually conflate two datasets by providing a set of control points between two datasets. Ching-Chien Chen [17] describes a method to automatically generate control points by extracting features from geospatial datasets thereby automating the conflation process. Conflation operations and their effects on the quality of geospatial data can be represented in QGM. The addition of conflation operation would allow QGM to provide more accurate answers to the user queries. 5.6 Database Query Optimization The sixth category of research is on reducing the response time of integration plans by optimizing the plans [3, 19, 39, 41, 43, 66]. Kifer and Lozinskii [43] describe an approach to ‘push’ selections and projections close to sources in deductive databases. This work is relevant to our database-style optimizations. It may also be possible to add other similar database-style optimizations to QGM. However, focus of my research is to show that it is 148 feasibletoaccuratelyandefficientlyintegratealargenumberofgeospatialsourcesusinga quality-driven data integration system. Therefore, I focus more on improving the quality of data produced by the mediator framework. Kambhampati et al. [41] describe strategies to optimize the recursive and non- recursive datalog programs generated by the Inverse Rules algorithm. The research focus oftheirworkistoremoveredundantdataaccessesandtoorderaccesstodifferentsources to reduce the query execution time in the presence of overlapping data sources. In our framework, we have implemented several optimizations similar to those described by Kambhampati et al. Ashish et al. [3] described the idea of using sensing operations to optimize data integration plans. We have also worked on tuple-level filtering algorithm [63, 64, 65] techniquethatgeneralizestheideaofintroducingsensingoperationstoreducethenumber of source requests. In future, we can add this type of functionality in QGM to further improve the response time of user queries. There are many techniques in the literature to optimize datalog programs [66], such as magic sets [4]. One can easily imagine an extension to our system that optimizes the generated datalog program using these techniques. In the database community, there has been much research on parametric query opti- mization[19,39]. Thekeyfocusofthosealgorithmsistodetermineorderoftheexecution of different operations in the query plan. The focus of our paper is on representing the content and quality of geospatial sources and providing the best-quality results for the user queries by exploiting the quality information. In future, we may be able to utilize 149 some of the database query optimization techniques to reduce the optimization time in QGM. 150 Chapter 6 Discussion and Future Work In this chapter I first summarize the contributions of this thesis. Next, I discuss several application areas that would benefit from utilizing my research. Finally, I list possible improvements for the techniques discussed in this thesis. 6.1 Contributions ThekeycontributionofthisthesisisaQuality-drivenGeospatialMediator(QGM)frame- work to accurately and efficiently integrate geospatial sources and operations. I believe QGM can fulfill the need for a large-scale geospatial data integration framework and sup- port a variety of application areas. Apart from the applications, I believe my research provides a representation methodology to declaratively specify and utilize the quality of data provided by sources in a data integration framework. The work presented in thesis can also be utilized to automatically obtain information about the content and the qual- ity of a large number of geospatial data sources available on the web. The discovered information can be utilized to create a virtual or materialized warehouse of geospatial data to support disaster rescue or urban planning applications. As QGM’s quality-driven 151 query answering algorithm ensures that all data returned to the user meets the quality criteria, domain experts can add new sources to the warehouse without worrying about impacting the quality of results returned to the user. 6.2 Application Areas I believe that my research can provide significant improvement for geospatial data inte- gration applications in several areas, such as urban planning and disaster response. In particular, QGM can be used to provide high quality geospatial data for urban planning or disaster response applications. The administrators of the applications could provide QGM with the locations of various relevant repositories of geospatial sources and some seed data. QGM can then automatically determine the content and the quality of data that the sources in the repository provide and utilize that information to answer queries that require retrieving different types of geospatial data from the sources. 6.2.1 Urban Planning Applications An example of an urban planning application is the Green Visions Plan 1 . The goal of this project is to allow access to information about parks, rivers, roads, and parcel information in the Los Angeles area to create practical planning tools to promote habitat conservation, watershed health, and recreational open space. A part of the Green Visions project is to provide access to information about road networks, rivers, parks, and parcels on the web and allow administrators to quickly see differentstatistics, suchas the number of parks within 1 mile of a given parcel. QGMcan 1 152 Seed Sources: Quality & Content QGM Answers Queries Automatically Discovered Sources Requests Domain Expert End User Front End Figure 6.1: Example Architecture for Urban Response Systems easily be used as a back-end for such a system. As the accuracy of the statistics depends on the quality of input data, QGM’s quality-driven query answering would ensure that the best-quality geospatial data is used to compute the statistics shown to the user. The overall architecture for a website that provides information for such applications is shown in Figure 6.1. The domain experts identify several seed sources and provide QGM information about the quality of data from those sources. Given this information and a list of available geospatial source repositories, QGM can automatically determine content and quality of data provided by sources. When the users ask queries through the web, user interface module utilizes the user inputs to formulate queries to QGM. Given 153 the query, QGM utilizes the information about the content and the quality of available sourcestoanswertheuserquery. Theuserinterfacemoduleshowstheresultstotheuser. 6.2.2 Disaster Response Disasterresponseapplicationshaveauniquerequirementinthatthelocationofadisaster is not pre-determined. This implies that a disaster response application must have access to geospatial data that covers a large area. However, disaster response applications also require accurate geospatial data. As collecting different types of geospatial data for large areas is a very tedious, time-consuming, and expensive process, disaster response applications often rely on data in public domain or data collected by other agencies. However, determining which sources should be used for different types of geospatial data is a non-trivial task. QGMcanactasaback-endfordisasterresponseapplicationsandprovidehighquality geospatial data in response to user queries. QGM is well-suited for such applications due to three reasons: (1) its ability to automatically determine the content of the sources, (2) its ability to estimate the quality of data provided by different sources, and (3) its flexible and expressive approach to describe the quality restrictions. Disaster response applications can use different quality metrics for different queries. For example, in case of a query to identify all roads over a certain elevation to respond during flooding, the positionalaccuracyoftheelevationdatamaybeveryimportanttotheresponders. While in case of a query to find all buildings effected by a fire the completeness attribute may be more important to ensure that all possible buildings are accounted for. 154 6.3 Future Work There are a number of future directions for this work that will allow the techniques I developed to be applied more broadly. These directions can be categorized as improving one of the following five areas: (1) source discovery, (2) automatic source description generation, (3) quality estimation, (4) query answering, and (5) utilizing QGM in other domains. I discuss some possibilities in this sections. 6.3.1 Source Discovery QGM does not have a source discovery module. Instead it relies on identifying sources from the list of source repositories given by a user. It would be fairly easy to design a crawler that searches for geospatial data and provides the list of discovered sources to QGM.QGMcanthenuseitsautomaticsourcedescriptiongeneratormoduletoautomatic determine the content and quality of the data provided by the discovered sources. Another approach to source discovery would be to analyze QGM’s list of available sources, identify where QGM either does not have a good coverage of certain type of data or does not have access to high quality data and use that information to guide the discovery process. By utilizing the information about the available sources, we can find sources that have higher probability of increasing QGM’s coverage of a type of data or improve the quality of data QGM can provide in some areas. 6.3.2 Automatic Source Description Generation Another area of possible improvements to QGM is in the automatic source descriptions generation module. I believe there are three possible ideas for improvement. The first 155 idea is to create a domain concepts hierarchy that covers more types of geospatial and temporal entities. For example, if we add more weather related domain concepts, QGM can differentiate between layers named ‘rainfall in past 15 days’ and ‘rainfall in past 30 days’. Depending on the type of queries, having a more detailed domain model may be very useful. The second idea is to adopt an existing information retrieval techniques to improve the accuracy of automatic matching of domain concepts and layer names. The current automatic matching technique does not use any very commonly occurring words as stop wordsorutilizefrequencyofterms. Theperformanceoftheautomaticmatchingtechnique can be improved by utilizing an existing information retrieval techniques that take into account not only the stop words and frequency of terms. The third approach to improving the automatic source description generation is to improve the coverage information in the generated rules. QGM can generate more ac- curate coverage information for different raster sources by utilizing techniques described by Mark Carman in his thesis [15]. Intuitively after performing initial sampling of raster data and generating the Voronoi diagram, QGM can sample data at the class boundaries to further improve the coverage information. 6.3.3 Quality Estimation QGM’s quality estimation process can be improved in two ways. First, we can add some image processing capability in QGM to analyze the images returns by the Raster data sources, so that we can also analyze the quality of image sources. This would really be useful for images that provide information about real-world geospatial entities, such as 156 transportation maps, as we can check to see how many features appear in the image. We can also utilize the text-metadata provided by the image sources to identify the date image was collected and the resolution of the image for aerial photos or satellite images. Second, we can improve QGM’s sampling process by utilizing the features from the reference set. In particular, if we have access to several reference sources for a given area or a high-quality reference set, we can use the density of features in the reference set to determine the location where we should sample the data. Sampling in a dense area would result in more accurate values for the completeness attribute as QGM will be able to analyze a larger number of features. 6.3.4 Query Answering Thefinalareaoffutureworkisonimprovingtheresponsetimeofqueryanswering. There areseveralwaystoimprovethequeryanswering. Wecanreducetheplangenerationtime by utilizing a spatial database to represent the coverage of the sources and prune the list of sources based on the area of interest specified in the query as a pre-processing step using the database. We can run the rest of the query answering step using the pruned list of sources. In the experimental results we saw that when answering queries involving a large number of sources and complicated quality restriction, QGM may take as long as 10 minutes. We can address this problem by using several instances of QGM running on separate processors or on separate machines and divide the available sources between all instances. We could use one instance of QGM that represents all other instances as sources to integrate the results from different instances as shown in Figure 6.2. The key 157 QGM Instance 1 QGM Instance 2 QGM Instance N Source 1 Source 2 Source N …. Source 1 Source 2 Source N …. …. Source 1 Source 2 Source N …. QGM Instance N+1 Figure 6.2: Hierarchy of QGM Instances advantage of this is that it can be done without any change to QGM’s existing code and can significantly improve the response time of the user queries. We can also add new operators in QGM to support a wider variety of applications. In particular, it would be very useful to add operators that perform various statistical operations implemented by a GIS system as users may want to utilize those operations in determining the best-quality datasets. As QGM already allows developers to connect to ESRI’s ArcGIS Engine Developer kit, it would be easy to add the capability to perform more statistical operations implemented in the developer kit. 6.3.5 Using QGM in Other Domains The implementation of QGM is not specific to the geospatial domain. The only specific parts to geospatial data are the spatial selection operations and automatic generation of plans to access geospatial sources. In order to apply the automatic source generation and quality estimation techniques to other domains, we will need to use different measures, but the basic idea of sampling data and using it to estimate quality will apply in all domains. 158 However, QGM’s quality-driven query answering method will apply in most domains. Inordertoutilize QGMinanew domain, first we need to define a set of domain concepts and their relationships that apply to the new domain. Next, we would need to define the quality attributes for different domain concepts. 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Other · Aqueduct · Arrow Points · Cistern Point Features · Danger 167 · Hydrography Void Collection Area · Inundation Areas · Locks · Sea Structures – Industry, ∗ Agriculture · Agriculture Storage Sites · Farms ∗ Commercial · Material Treatment Plants · Mines/Quarries · Non-Communication Towers ∗ Facilities · Disposal · Extraction · Power · Processing/treatment Plants · Rigs and Wells · Storage · Tank and Water Towers ∗ Other · Cistern Points · Complex Areas · Obstructions – Physiography ∗ Physiography · Asphalt Lakes · Bluffs/Cliffs/Escarpments · Cave and Mountain Passes · Cuts and Embankments/Fills · Geothermal Features · Glaciers and Snow/Ice Fields · Ground Surface Areas · Ice Shelf/Polar Ice/Pack Ice Areas · Islands and Ground Surface Areas · Landform Areas · Moraines · Physiography Void Collection Areas · Salt Pans/Sebkhas/Sand Dunes/Hills 168 – Population ∗ Population · Built-Up Area · Fortification Areas Sites · Huts · Landmarks · Military Areas · Miscellaneous Population · Mobile Home Areas · Parks · Plaza · Race Tracks · Ruins · Settlement · Sport Field – Transportation ∗ Air · Aerial Cableways · Aircraft Facility Area · Airport/Airfield · Air routes · Runways ∗ Ground · Bridge/Overpasses · Driveway Entrances · Hubs · Interchanges · Interstates · Major Roads · Minor Roads · Ramp Lines · Rest Areas · Roads · Traffic Counts · Tram Lines · Tunnels · Vehicle Stopping Area · Vehicle Storage/Park ∗ Other 169 · Anchorage · Culvert · Fords · Lighthouse Points · Snow/Ice Shed ∗ Water · Ferry Crossings · Harbor Areas · Pier/Wharf/Quay · Waterways – Utilities ∗ Communication · Communication Buildings · Communication Towers/Disks ∗ Pipelines · Pipelines · Pumping Stations ∗ Powerlines · Power Transmission Lines · Power Plant Sites · Substation ∗ Telephone lines · Telephone Lines – Vegetation ∗ Agriculture · Cropland · Orchad/Vineyard · Oasis ∗ Other · Grassland · Hedgerow · Marsh Swamp · Tundra · Trees · Other – Weather ∗ Rainfall · Ice · Total Rainfall 170 ∗ Stations · Nexrad Stations · Weather Stations ∗ Temperature · Barometer · Average Temperature · Low Temperature · High Temperature · Relative Humidity ∗ Warnings · Conditions · Watches and Warnings ∗ Wind · Direction · Speed List of raster data layers in the domain hierarchy : • Raster – Image ∗ Aerial Photo · Ortho Photo · Other ∗ Satellite Image · Ortho Images · Multi-spectral Image · B/W Image – Map ∗ Transportation · Road Maps · Other ∗ Topographic · Topo Maps – Elevation ∗ Elevation Grids · Elevation Maps – Weather ∗ Weather Maps · Cloud Cover · Weather Map 171 Appendix B Final Theseus Plan for Running Example PLAN finalplan{ INPUT:stream constrel1, stream constrel2, stream constrel3, stream consrel4, stream constrel5, stream qualityrel OUTPUT: stream outrel BODY { /*requests to quality relations*/ IS1Quality(:rel33) IS2Quality(:rel34) VS1Quality(:rel35) VS2Quality(:rel36) VS4Quality(:rel37) /*source requests*/ IS1(consrel1:rel8) IS2(consrel2:rel9) VS1(constrel3:rel12) VS2(constrel4:rel13) VS4(constrel5:rel11) /*union for image sources*/ union(rel8, rel9: rel6) /*union for vector data sources*/ union(rel10,rel11:rel7) union(rel12,rel13:10) /*joins for image data*/ join(rel8,rel33, "1=1" :rel28) join(rel9,rel34, "1=1" :rel29) /*joins for vector data*/ join(rel12,rel35, "1=1" :rel30) join(rel13,rel36, "1=1" :rel31) join(rel11,rel37, "1=1" :rel32) 172 /*selects for images*/ select(rel26, "size = ‘[600,600]’":rel19) select(rel27, "size = ‘[600,600]’":rel21) select(rel28, "bbox = ‘[[33,-116],[34,118]]’" :rel26) select(rel29, "bbox = ‘[[33,-116],[34,118]]’" :rel27) /*selects for vector data*/ select(rel30, "bbox = ‘[[33,-116],[34,118]]’" :rel23) select(rel31, "bbox = ‘[[33,-116],[34,118]]’" :rel24) select(rel32, "bbox = ‘[[33,-116],[34,118]]’" :rel25) /*Equals subtree for vector data*/ project(rel17, "vectorobjquality,imageobjquality" : rel16) union(rel18,rel19:rel17) union(rel20,rel21:rel18) union(rel22,rel23:rel20) union(rel24,rel25:rel22) /*Equals subtree for image, which is just a rename from Equals subtree for vector data*/ rename(rel16, "vectorobjquality imageobjquality, vectorobjdata imageobjdata" : rel15) /*join between Equals for vector data and Q1Quality*/ join(rel16,qualityrel, "l.vectorobjquality = r.vectorobjquality" : rel14) /*join between Equals for image and join of Equals for vector and Q1Quality*/ join(rel14,rel15, "l.imageobjquality = r.imageobjquality" : rel2) /*the Q1data subtree*/ project(rel3, "imageobjdata,vectorobjdata" : rel1) select(rel4, "size = ‘[600,600]’"’ :rel3) select(rel5, "bbox = ‘[[33,-116],[34,118]]’" :rel4) join(rel6, rel7, "l.bbox = r.bbox" : rel5) /*join between the Equals, Q1Quality, and Q1Data*/ join(rel1,rel2,"l.imageobjdata = r.imageobjdata and l.vectorobjdata = r.vectorobjdata" : rel0) project(rel0, "imageobjdata,vectorobjdata, resdiff, datediff" : outrel) } 173 } 174 Appendix C Generating Subplans to Access Geospatial Sources QGM has the ability to automatically generate Theseus plans to retrieve data from databases, shapefiles, Web Map Servers (WMS), ArcIMS Servers, and Web Services. In thissection,Idescribetheplansgeneratedforpopulargeospatialsourcetypes: shapefiles, Web Map Servers, and ArcIMS Servers. Shapefiles: QGMutilizestheapplyoperatortocallanexternalfunctionthataccesses information from the shapefiles. I first describe the Java function that the apply operator calls followed by the Theseus plan with an apply operator to call the function. The Java function that I wrote acts as a wrapper around the shapefile. It accepts two arguments: (1) complete path to the shapefile and (2) the bounding box of the area for which we need to retrieve the data. If the bounding box is not provided (or it is set to empty) the external function queries all data in the shapefile. Given the path and the bounding box, the function uses the Geotools open source toolkit 1 to access the shapefileandqueryallfeatureslocatedwithinthe boundingbox. Thefunctionwritesthe qualifying data to another shapefile and returns the complete path to the newly written shapefile. The Theseus plan generated to access a shapefile data source contains one call to apply operation to access the shapefile. Below is an example plan: PLAN roads1shapeplan{ INPUT:stream inrel OUTPUT: stream outrel BODY { apply(inrel,"QGM.geo.getShapeData(‘c:\shapedata\roads1.shp’,bbox)", "outdata" : outrel) } } The first argument to the external function contains the path to the shapefile, while thesecondargumentcontainstheboundingboxfromtheuserquery. Theoutputrelation contains the bounding box and complete path to the shapefile returned by the external function. 1 175 Web Map Servers: Similar to shapefiles, I wrote another Java function using the Geotools Open Source toolkit that acts as a wrapper around any Web Map Server. The function to access Web Map Servers accepts the following arguments: (1) URL to the Web Map Server, (2) a bounding box, (3) name of the data layer, (4) size of the image requested, and (5) format for the image. The function returns a URL to the image returned by the Web Map Server. The Theseus plan generated to access a Web Map Server source contains one call to apply operation. Below is an example plan: PLAN wms1Topolayerplan{ INPUT:stream inrel OUTPUT: stream outrel BODY { apply(inrel,"QGM.geo.getWMSData(‘’,bbox, ‘Topolayer1’, size, format)", "outdata" : outrel) } } Theoutputrelationcontainstheboundingbox,sizeoftheimage,formatoftheimage, and a URL to the image returned by the external function. ArcIMS Servers: I wrote a Java function using the ArcGIS Engine Developer Kit 2 provided by ESRI. 3 . The Java function acts as a wrapper around any ArcIMS Server. SimilartothefunctiontoaccessWebMapServers, thefunctiontoaccessArcIMSServers accepts the following arguments: (1) URL to the ArcIMS Server, (2) a bounding box, (3) name of the data layer, (4) size of the image requested, and (5) format for the image. The function returns a URL to the image returned by the ArcIMS Server. The Theseus plan generated to access a ArcIMS Server source contains one call to apply operation. Below is an example plan: PLAN ArcIMS1roadlayerplan{ INPUT:stream inrel OUTPUT: stream outrel BODY { apply(inrel,"QGM.geo.getArcIMSData(‘’,bbox, ‘roadlayer’, size, format)", "outdata" : outrel) } } Theoutputrelationcontainstheboundingbox,sizeoftheimage,formatoftheimage, and a URL to the image returned by the external function. 2 3 176
Abstract (if available)
Accurate and efficient integration of geospatial data is an important problem with implications in critical areas such as emergency response and urban planning. Some of the key challenges in supporting large-scale geospatial data integration are: (1) automatically representing a large number of geospatial source available on the web by utilizing various geospatial data access standards, (2) handling different geospatial data formats and access patterns, (3) assessing the quality of the data provided by a large number of geospatial sources, and (4) automatically providing high quality answers to the user queries based on a quality criteria supplied by the user. In this thesis I describe my research on efficient and accurate integration of geospatial data from a large number of sources. In particular, I describe a representation methodology for declaratively describing the content and the quality of data provided by sources in a data integration system. I discuss methods to automatically generate the descriptions of both the content and the quality of data provided by geospatial sources. I describe a quality-driven query answering algorithm that exploits the descriptions of the content provided by the geospatial sources to generate an initial data integration plan that answers a given user query and optimizes the generated plan by utilizing the description of the quality of data provided by the sources and the quality criteria specified by the user. I also present a mapping of the generated integration plan into a program that can be efficiently executed by a streaming, dataflow-style execution engine. I implement my techniques in a framework called Quality-driven Geospatial Mediator (QGM). My experimental evaluation in automatically representing over 1200 real-world geospatial sources shows that QGM accurately generates the descriptions of the content and the quality of geospatial sources.
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Asset Metadata
Thakkar, Snehal M.
Core Title
A data integration approach to dynamically fusing geospatial sources
Viterbi School of Engineering
Doctor of Philosophy
Degree Program
Computer Science
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University of Southern California
University of Southern California. Libraries
geospatial data integration,geospatial data quality,OAI-PMH Harvest
Knoblock, Craig A. (
committee chair
), Ambite, Jose Luis (
committee member
), Shahabi, Cyrus (
committee member
), Wilson, John P. (
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Thakkar, Snehal M.
University of Southern California
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University of Southern California Dissertations and Theses
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geospatial data integration
geospatial data quality