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Dick Whittington Photography Collection, 1924-1987
Magazine cover etc., Sunkist, Southern California, 1935
Magazine cover etc., Sunkist, Southern California, 1935 [image 4]
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Magazine cover etc., Sunkist, Southern California, 1935 [image 4]
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Photograph of Sunkist advertisements, Southern California, 1935. Pictorial Review, June, 1935, For the family’s Vigorous Health, Orange Juice at Breakfast, Sunkist, Orange Juice Later That Day, These Benefits proved by science! 1. Oranges contain All Four of the known protective food essentials that help keep the body youthfully vigorous – vitamins A, B, C, and calcium. 2. Oranges aid digestion. 3. Oranges strengthen the body’s alkaline reserve. 4. Oranges help prevent tooth decay and gum troubles. Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Calcium, Sunkist Valencia Oranges From California. Following the recent health discoveries, many families have adopted the rule of drinking fresh orange juice twice every day. Smaller amounts are known to be beneficial. But the daily serving of two large glasses each with the juice of half a lemon reduced gum troubles 83% and lessened tooth decay 57% during a three and a half year study of 341 cases! All Four ‘Protective’ Essentials. It aids further by supplying all four of the known protective food essentials which help keep the body youthfully vigorous – vitamins A, B, and C, and calcium. No other foods can be depended on to be more than half as rich as citrus fruits in one of the most essential vitamins – C. Oranges aid digestion, also, and build the body’s alkaline reserve. Since these dietetic benefits are so easily and temptingly available, see that your family has them. Starting tomorrow, serve one large glass of orange and lemon juice for breakfast, another later in the day. Or provide the equivalent in whole oranges served between meals or before bedtime – or in delicious fresh, quickly prepared orange salads and desserts. Sunkist California Valencia Oranges, now in season, are wonderfully sweet and juicy. Look for the trademark on the skin and tissue wrapper – your guarantee of dependable quality. Free – Recipe and Health Booklets. Send for these two free booklets, both written to help you plan interesting and healthful meals. ‘Fruits That Help Keep the Body Vigorous’ tells the place of citrus fruits in normal and safe reducing diets. ‘Sunkist Recipes for Everyday’ tells more than 200 ways to serve oranges and lemons. Mail coupon today. Cop[y]r[ight] 1934, California Fruit Growers Exchange, California Fruit Growers Exchange, Dep[artmen]t 406, Box 530, Station C, Los Angeles, California, Send Free ‘Sunkist Recipes for Every Day’, Send Free ‘Fruits That Help Keep the Body Vigorous’, Name, Street, City, State, Fastest Dessert – Just Peel an orange, Slice it thin, Sprinkle with a little powdered sugar. Result – deliciousness that will win applause and supply the protective essentials, vitamins A, B, C, and calcium. Orange-Asparagus Tip Salad – Alternate orange segments and green asparagus tips in flower petal pattern. Decorate with several strips red pimento. Send coupon today for 200 more tested recipes. Refuse substitutes; buy the advertised brand every time! Orange-Cherry Dessert Cup – Line sherbet dish with orange slices – make a cup for center mixture with red cherries and orange half slices. Decorate with coconut. 200 more recipes if you send coupon. Handy Home Extractors – Sunkist Junior Electric Juice Extractor $12.95 and the Sunkist Juniorette [ilg] $6.95. America’s leading House Juice Extractors on sale at your dealers. Get one today!; For the Vigorous Family’s Vigorous Health, Orange Juice at Breakfast, Orange Juice later in the day, Sunkist, These Benefits proved by science! 1. Oranges contain All Four of the known protective food essentials that help keep the body youthfully vigorous – vitamins A, B, C, and calcium. 2. Oranges aid digestion. 3. Oranges strengthen the body’s alkaline reserve. 4. Oranges help prevent tooth decay and gum troubles. Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Calcium, Sunkist Valencia Oranges From California. Twice Daily, glasses of freshly squeezed juice are now the rule in health-minded families. New discoveries prove the wisdom of this practice; personal experience verifies it. For example: In a record 3 ½ year study small daily servings were replaced by two large glasses, each with the juice of half a lemon. Gum troubles were reduced 83%; tooth decay, 57%. All four ‘Protective Essentials’. Oranges contain all four of the known protective essentials which help keep the body youthfully vigorous – vitamins A, B and C, and calcium. No other foods can be relied on to be more than half as rich as fresh citrus fruits in the easily-destroyed vitamin C. Oranges aid digestion and replenish the body’s alkaline reserve. Since these benefits are so easily, so temptingly available, see that your family has them. Starting tomorrow, serve one large glass of orange and lemon juice for breakfast…another later in the day. Or provide the equivalent in delicious 10-minute salads and 5-minute desserts. Sunkist Valencia Oranges are now at the peak of sweetness and juiciness. Look for the trademark on the skin and wrapper. Free – Recipe and Health Booklets. Send for these free booklets, both written to help you plan interesting and healthful meals. ‘Fruits That Help Keep the Body Vigorous’ tells the place of citrus fruits in normal and safe-reducing diets. ‘Sunkist Recipes for Every Day’ tells more than 200 ways to serve oranges and lemons. Mail coupon today. Copyright 1935 California Fruit Growers Exchange. Home Electric Juice Extractors, California Fruit Growers Exchange, Dep[armen]t 406, Box 530, Station C, Los Angeles, California, Send Free ‘Sunkist Recipes for Every Day’, Send Free ‘Fruits That Help Keep the Body Vigorous’, Name, Street, City, State, Novel Fruit Hors D’Oeuvres Plate, Sunkist Summer Luncheon Salad, LA-2481, Delineator, Aug[ust] 1935, Page: 2358-2, Final O.K. for publication; Cools You through and through, Sunkist fresh Lemonade, Fresh Lemonade also gives valuable health benefits. Squeeze the juice of a Sunkist Lemon into a tall glass. Chill with cracked ice. Fill with water. Sweeten with sugar. Garnish with a lemon slice. And drink down longer lasting relief from broiling summer days! Fresh lemonade is not only cold, but cooling – not only cooling, but healthful. Lemons contain vital protective food essentials that help keep you youthfully vigorous – vitamins B and C and calcium. They help to prevent tooth decay and gum troubles, aid digestion, and contribute to the body’s alkaline reserve in a natural way. High in minerals and vitamins in proportion to calories, they assist in safe weight reduction. Enjoy fresh lemonade often this summer, at home or made to your order at soda fountains displaying the Sunkist Extractor. For health’s sake be generous with fresh lemon juice in your mixed drinks. When ordering lemons, ask for those stamped ‘Sunkist’ on the tissue wrapper. They are selected for the bright skins and juiciness. Recipes – Free Booklets – Health. Many delightful fresh fruit drinks are included among 200 ways to serve lemons and oranges in the booklet, ‘Sunkist Recipes for Every Day.’ The place of citrus fruits in the healthful diet is fully discussed in ‘Fruits That Help Keep the Body Vigorous.’ Both free. Write address below. Cop[y]r[ight] 1935 California Fruit Growers Exchange, Sunkist Electric Juice Extractor is easy to operator two instantly removable parts to clean after use. Extracts all the Lemon or Orange juice quickly and effectively. Fully guaranteed for home use. Attractive ivory glass bowl, chromium finished body and black base to fit in with all kitchen color schemes. $12.95 delivered in U.S. If your dealer cannot supply you, send money order or check to address below. Address – California Fruit Growers Exchange Sec. 000, Box 530, Station C, Los Angeles, Calif[ornia], Sunkist Senior Electric Juice Extractor on view where you buy Lemon and Orange drinks assures the [ilg] of fresh fruit, not synthetic or comp[ilg]. ‘See it made.’ Prospective Buyers, Write, stating business, to address below for full information on the exceptional profit making responsibilities and practical merchandising cooperation offered with this efficient machine. Now only $47.50 [ilg] Chicago., LA 2474 S.E.P. June 29, ’35 back cover 2114-2 Final O.K. for publication, Charles Everett Johnson” – signage on advertisements.
Asset Metadata
Magazine cover etc., Sunkist, Southern California, 1935 [image 4]
Beverage industry
OAI-PMH Harvest
For uses other than private, please contact the USC Digital Library at
Access Conditions
Contact: Special Collections, Doheny Memorial Library, Libraries, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0189;
Permanent Link (DOI)
DW-1935-05-24-170~04.TIF (
), whit-c170-76805 (
legacy record id
DM Record ID
Unique identifier
Legacy Identifier
23.3 in × 32.6 in at 300dpi
59.2 cm × 82.9 cm at 300dpi
Inherited Values
Magazine cover etc., Sunkist, Southern California, 1935
Inherited Title
Magazine cover etc., Sunkist, Southern California, 1935 (
5 photographs of magazines and Sunkist advertisements, Southern California, 1935. "Subject: Magazine Cover etc[etera], 'Sunkist'; Agency: John Rocke; Client: Calif[ornia] Fruit Growers Ex; Classifications: See also 8x10; Original Print Order: 1; Size: Contact; Gl[ossy]; Mount: Ch[eck] 2 prints; Year: 1935; Job: 5-24-170"-- on envelope front. "Name: Dick; 4 Original Photographs-At Studio: 8x10; Original Photographs-Size: Loise, 4-8x10 gl[ossy] @ 2.00, 8.00, 2 copies @ 1.00, 2.00, 2 prints 5x7, 50; Amount: 8.00, 2.00; 2 copies (Print Extra) @ 1.00; Amount: 8.00, 2.00; Extra Charges: 1393"-- on envelope back.
Beverage industry
California Fruit Growers Exchange
(corporate name),
Canadian Home Journal
(corporate name),
(corporate name),
(personal name),
(personal name),
Dream World
(corporate name),
Etting, Ruth
(personal name),
Good Housekeeping
(corporate name),
Hanke, Milton T.
(personal name),
Harlow, Jean
(personal name),
Herzberg, W.F.
(personal name),
John Rocke
(corporate name),
Johnson, Charles Everett
(personal name),
Ladies Home Journal
(corporate name),
Love Mirror
(corporate name),
Lupino, Ida
(personal name),
Macfadden Publications
(corporate name),
Mack, Helen
(personal name),
(corporate name),
(corporate name),
Montgomery, Billy
(personal name),
Moore, Grace
(personal name),
Movie Mirror
(corporate name),
Mozert, A.
(personal name),
National Recovery Administration
(corporate name),
(corporate name),
Pictoral Review
(corporate name),
(corporate name),
Radio Mirror
(corporate name),
Rogers, Will
(personal name),
(corporate name),
Swarthout, Gladys
(personal name),
The Delineator
(corporate name),
The Sprague Memorial Institute
(corporate name),
True Experiences
(corporate name),
True Romances
(corporate name),
True Story
(corporate name),
(personal name),
Waterbury, Ruth
(personal name)
Coverage Spatial
California, Southern
Coverage Temporal
Inherited Subject
Beverage industry
California Fruit Growers Exchange
(corporate name),
Canadian Home Journal
(corporate name),
(corporate name),
(personal name),
(personal name),
Dream World
(corporate name),
Etting, Ruth
(personal name),
Good Housekeeping
(corporate name),
Hanke, Milton T.
(personal name),
Harlow, Jean
(personal name),
Herzberg, W.F.
(personal name),
John Rocke
(corporate name),
Johnson, Charles Everett
(personal name),
Ladies Home Journal
(corporate name),
Love Mirror
(corporate name),
Lupino, Ida
(personal name),
Macfadden Publications
(corporate name),
Mack, Helen
(personal name),
(corporate name),
(corporate name),
Montgomery, Billy
(personal name),
Moore, Grace
(personal name),
Movie Mirror
(corporate name),
Mozert, A.
(personal name),
National Recovery Administration
(corporate name),
(corporate name),
Pictoral Review
(corporate name),
(corporate name),
Radio Mirror
(corporate name),
Rogers, Will
(personal name),
(corporate name),
Swarthout, Gladys
(personal name),
The Delineator
(corporate name),
The Sprague Memorial Institute
(corporate name),
True Experiences
(corporate name),
True Romances
(corporate name),
True Story
(corporate name),
(personal name),
Waterbury, Ruth
(personal name)
Repository Email
Repository Name
USC Libraries Special Collections
Repository Location
Doheny Memorial Library, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0189
For uses other than private, please contact the USC Digital Library at
Date Created
Dick Whittington Studio
University of Southern California. Libraries
5 photographs: b&w, negative, 5x7 in. in envelope
5x7 in.
B/W Nitrate
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