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Dick Whittington Photography Collection, 1924-1987
Magazine cover etc., Sunkist, Southern California, 1935
Magazine cover etc., Sunkist, Southern California, 1935 [image 5]
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Magazine cover etc., Sunkist, Southern California, 1935 [image 5]
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Photograph of Sunkist advertisements, Southern California, 1935. Gums Grow Tender when your diet fails to nourish, World’s New Dental Story, Give gums too little of the right foods, and they become soft, sensitive and bleed easily. Free booklet tells how one diet change lessened gum troubles 83% in 341 cases under observation! You Can grow fat – yet starve your gums and teeth. You can be over fed – yet under-nourished. You can make a slight change in what you eat – and correct the condition entirely. Proof is found in this free booklet, recounting 3/12 years of research conducted by Dr. Milton T. Hanke while a member of The Sprague Memorial Institute at the University of Chicago. Its 24 fascinating, illustrated pages contain all the essentials of the 250 page report to the medical and dental professions. It tells how gum troubles were eliminated in 83% of cases and tooth decay decreased 57% when a well-balanced daily diet included two large glasses of fresh orange juice with the juice of half a lemon in each. The combined juices contain all four of the known protective essentials which help to keep the body youthfully vigorous – vitamins A, B, and C, and calcium. They aid digestion and fortify the body’s alkaline reserve. Send for ‘World’s New Dental Story’ today. Discuss it with your dentist. An ample daily amount of fresh orange and lemon juice may be all you need to correct an under-nourished gum and tooth condition. Mail coupon now. Two Large Glasses a Day, Each with Juice of Half a Lemon, Now the Rule, For Richer Juice, Finer Flavor, more soluble solids, ask for Sunkist Juice-full California Oranges, California Fruit Growers Exchange, Div. 000, Box 530, Station C, Los Angeles, California, Send the free booklets ‘World’s New Dental Story’ and ‘Fruits That Help Keep the Body Vigorous’, Name, Street, City, State, Cop[y]r[ight] 1935, California Fruit Growers Exchange, LA-2495, S.E.P. – June 15, ’35 Delineator – July ’35, half page 2106-2, final O.K. for publication; Gums Warn you when faulty diet starves them, World’s New Dental Story, Gums that are soft, tender or bleed easily may merely be receiving too little of the right foods. Free book tells how one diet change lessened gum troubles 85% in 341 cases studied. Your gums and your teeth can slowly starve while you are eating three hearty meals a day. You can even be overfed – yet under-nourished. And dental health is first to show neglect. This free booklet offers proof from 3 ½ years of research conducted by Dr. Milton T. Hanke while a member of The Sprague Memorial Institute at the University of Chicago. The 250 page report to the medical and dental professions is here condensed into 24 fascinating, illustrated pages. It tells how 83% of gum troubles were corrected – how tooth decay was reduced 57% - simply by adding to a well-balanced daily diet two large glasses of fresh orange juice with the juice of half a lemon in each. The combined juices contain all four of the known protective essentials which help to keep the body youthfully vigorous – vitamins A, B and C and calcium. They aid digestion and fortify the body’s alkaline reserve. Send for ‘World’s New Dental Story’ today. Discuss it with your dentist. You may find that an ample daily amount of fresh orange and lemon juice is all you need to correct an under-nourished gum and tooth condition. Mail coupon now. Two Large Glasses a Day, Each with Juice of Half a Lemon, Now the Rule, For Richer Juice, Finer Flavor, more soluble solids, ask for Sunkist Juice-full California Oranges, California Fruit Growers Exchange, Div. 000, Box 530, Station C, Los Angeles, California, Send the free booklets ‘World’s New Dental Story’ and ‘Fruits That Help Keep the Body Vigorous’, Name, Street, City, State, L.A. 24[ilg], S.E.P. May 18, 1935, page, McCall’s June 1935, C[ilg]her’s June 8, 1935, Final O.K. for publication; Ida Lupino, ‘The first rule of beauty is cleanliness’, Lemon Rinse for Hair is Odorless, Removes dingy shampoo-film; leaves hair and scalp so completely clean, The fresh lemon-juice-rinse gives life and lustre to hair by removing curds of soap that form when you shampoo. It leaves no odor to destroy the natural charm it restores! What To Do, After soapings, rinse hair twice with warm water. Then rinse with the juice two Sunkist Lemons in a washbowl of water. Rub well into the scalp. Rinse finally with plain water if you choose. This natural beauty method gives brunette hair a new lustre. Blonde, new highlights. Auburn, new life and fire. And all hair is more manageable. Waves stay in longer. Free – New book of Beauty, Discuss care of the skin, complexion, cuticle, scalp and teeth. Gives weight control suggestions and formulas for inexpensive cosmetics to be made at home. Send coupons now! California’s juiciest lemons are wrapped in tissue trademarked ‘Sunkist.’ Keep a dozen on hand. What Lemon Rinse Does – Microscope shows soap curds still clinging to hair at left after two plain water rinses. Hair at right, from same head, shows its true lustre after one lemon rinse. Unretouched photomicrograph from test under actual conditions by W.F. Herzberg, Ph. D., California Fruit Growers Exchange, Sec. 000, Box 530, Station C, Los Angeles, California, Please send Free the new booklet Lemons for Loveliness, telling the many ways to use lemons for beauty. Name, Street, City, LA 24[ilg], Delineator, August 1935, 1 col[umn], 2232-3, Final O.K. for publication; Helen Mack, Paramount Featured Player says: ‘Hair looks best only when truly clean’, Odorless Way to Rinse Hair Clean, Lemon juice cuts soap film; makes hair ‘live’ and lustrous. By Leaving lingering odors, some rinses defeat their very purpose – to make hair completely clean. So use only fresh lemon juice to remove the milky curds of soaps formed on your hair when you shampoo. Mildly acid, it rapidly cleanses thoroughly as water alone cannot. And it leaves no odor! What To Do, After soapings, rinse hair twice with warm water. Then rinse with the juice two Sunkist Lemons in a washbowl of water. Rub well into the scalp. Rinse finally with plain water if you choose. This natural beauty method gives brunette hair a new lustre. Blonde, new highlights. Auburn, new life and fire. And all hair is more manageable. Waves stay in longer. Free – New book of Beauty, Discuss care of the skin, complexion, cuticle, scalp and teeth. Gives weight control suggestions and formulas for inexpensive cosmetics to be made at home. Send coupons now! California’s juiciest lemons are wrapped in tissue trademarked ‘Sunkist.’ Keep a dozen on hand., Cop[y]r[ight] 1935, California Fruit Growers Exchange, N[ational] R[ecovery] A[dministration], What Lemon Rinse Does – Microscope shows soap curds still clinging to hair at left after two plain water rinses. Hair at right, from same head, shows its true lustre after one lemon rinse. Unretouched photomicrograph from test under actual conditions by W.F. Herzberg, Ph. D., California Fruit Growers Exchange, Sec. 000, Box 530, Station C, Los Angeles, California, Please send Free the new booklet Lemons for Loveliness, telling the many ways to use lemons for beauty. Name, Street, City, State, LA 2488, W.H.C. June 1935, 1 col[umn], 1368-2, Final O.K. for publication; Lemon gives Real Flavor, It’s the Tang and flavor of the filling that make real lemon pie the favorite finish for a man’s meal. So Rule No. 1 for success is: enough fresh lemon juice (a good health rule also). Follow the recipe in your cookbook – or any of the fire in the Free Booklet, ‘200 Sunkist Recipes for Every Day.’ Write Sunkist, See. 000, Box 530, Sta[tion] C, Los Angeles, Cal[ifornia], Cop[y]r[ight] 1934, California Fruit Growers Exchange, N[ational] R[ecovery] A[dministration], Sunkist California Lemons Buy Them by the Dozen, LA 2503, 2 ¼ in[ches] x 100 li[nes], G.H. – Mar[ch] ’35, L.H.J. – Feb[ruary] ’35 McCall’s – Oct[ober] ’35 Del. – Oct[ober] ’35, W.H.C. – Nov[ember] ’35, Pictorial Review – Feb[ruary] ’35, 538-4, Final O.K. for publication; Lemon brings out the Flavor, Salad dressings should bring out the flavors of the fruits, vegetables, meats or fish and blend them. Lemon does this as nothing else can. So when you make French (or other) dressings, use strained fresh lemon juice – the same amount as of any tart ingredient. For Free Booklet, ‘200 Sunkist Recipes for Every Day,’ write: Sunkist, See. 000, Box 530, Station C, Los Angeles, California, Cop[y]r[ight] 1934, California Fruit Growers Exchange, N[ational] R[ecovery] A[dministration], Sunkist California Lemons, Buy Them by the Dozen, LA 2508, 2 ¼ in[ches] x 100 li[nes], 611-3, McCall’s - Dec[ember] ’34, Del. – Dec[ember] ’34, PR – May ’35, G.H. – Aug[ust] ’35, L.H.J. – Aug[ust] ’35, W.H.C. – Sept[ember] ’35, Final O.K. for publication; Lemon brings out the Flavor, Aparagus – hot or cold, fresh or canned – begs for lemon garnish. Surprising how a few drops of lemon juice re-create the full garden-flavor of this and other vegetables! Lemon Sauce (see Free Booklet, ‘200 Sunkist Recipes for Every Day’) makes a tempting creamed asparagus. Write: Sunkist, See. 000, Box 530, Station C., Los Angeles, Calif[ornia], Cop[y]r[ight] 1935, California Fruit Growers Exchange, N[ational] R[ecovery] A[dministration], Sunkist California Lemons, Buy Them by the Dozen, LA 2509, 2 ¼ x 100 li[nes], 1325-3, L.H.J. – May ’35, Delineator – May ’35, W.H.C. – June ’35, McCalls – June ’35, PR – July ’35, Final O.K. for publication; Lemon brings out the Flavour Because it releases the full flavour and fragrance of the blend, lemon-with-tea is fast becoming the custom. Slices or segments in the cup is the usual serving, but a teaspoonful of grated rind in the pot while brewing is a variation worth repeating. Lemons in tissue wrappers trademarked ‘Sunkist’ are practically seedless, bright-skinned and wonderfully juicy. Write for Free Booklet, ‘200 Sunkist Recipes for Every Day,’ Sunkist, See. 0000, Box 530, Station C, Los Angeles, California. Sunkist Lemons Buy Them by the Dozen, LA 2506-D, 1 col[umn] x 100 lines, 2059 – 1, MacLean’s – Oct[ober] 1, ’35, Canadian Home J[ou]r[na]l – Oct[ober] ’35, Chatelaine – Oct[ober] ’35, Final O.K. for publication; Lemon Brings Out the Flavour, Spinach wins children’s favor when lemon is added just before eating. Serve with generous quartered pieces. Add a few cleverly cut lemon designs – the sign of an up-to-date hostess. Try too, on other boiled vegetables – see how the flavour is improved. Lemons in tissue wrappers trademarked ‘Sunkist’ are practically seedless, bright-skinned and wonderfully juicy. Write for Free Booklet, ‘200 Sunkist Recipes,’ Sunkist, See. 0000, Box 530, Sta[tion] C, Los Angeles, Calif[ornia], Sunkist Lemons Buy Them by the Dozen, LA 2510D, 1 col[umn] x 100 lines, 2057-1, MacLeans – Sept[ember] 1, ’35, Chatelaine – Sept[ember] ’35, Canadian Home J[ou]r[na]l – Sept[ember] ’35, Final O.K. for publication; Lemon brings out the Flavor, Spinach wins children’s ‘O.K.’ when lemon is added just before eating. Serve with generous quartered pieces. Add a few cleverly cut lemon designs – the sign of an up-to-date hostess. Try too, on the other boiled vegetables – see how the flavor is improved. Write for Free Booklet, ‘200 Sunkist Recipes,’ Sunkist, See. 0000, Box 530, Sta[tion] C, Los Angeles, Calif[ornia], Sunkist Lemons Buy Them by the Dozen, LA 2510, 2 ¼ x 100 li[nes], 929-1, PR – Oct[ober] ’35, G.H. – June ’35, L.H.J. – June ’35, McCall’s – May ’35, Final O.K. for publication; Lemon brings out the Flavor, When you are cooking fresh or dried fruits add fresh lemon juice and grated lemon rind. Then note how much more realistic the flavor of the fruit becomes. (Professional preservers know the ability of lemon to bring out flavors – and make use of it.) Write for Free Booklet, ‘200 Sunkist Recipes,’ Sunkist, See. 0000, Box 530, Sta[tion] C, Los Angeles, Calif[ornia], Sunkist Lemons Buy Them by the Dozen, LA 2505, 2 ¼ x 100 li[nes], 728-2, W.H.C. – Jan[uary] ’35, PR – Nov[ember] ’35, L.H.J. – Nov[ember] ’35, G.H. – Jan[uary] ’35, McC – Mar[ch] ’35, Del. – Feb[ruary] ’35, Final O.K. for publication; Lemon brings out the Flavor, See how much unsuspected flavor you develop in steaks and chops and roasts simply by adding a few drops of fresh lemon juice! (Digestion is aided also.) Serve the lemon as a garnish or pass quarter-cuts separately. Many new suggestions in the Free Booklet, ‘200 Sunkist Recipes for Every Day.’ Write: Sunkist, See. 000, Box 530, Sta[tion] C, Los Angeles, Cal[ifornia], Cop[y]r[ight] 1934, California Fruit Growers Exchange, N[ational] R[ecovery] A[dministration], Sunkist California Lemons Buy Them by the Dozen, LA2504, 2 ¼ in[ches] x 100 li[ines], 635-2, G.H. – Nov[ember] ’34, W.H.C. – Dec[ember] ’34, PR – Dec[ember] ’34, Del. – Nov[ember] ’35, W.H.C. – Dec[ember] ’34, PR – Dec[ember] ’34, Final O.K. for Publication” – signage on advertisements.
Asset Metadata
Magazine cover etc., Sunkist, Southern California, 1935 [image 5]
Beverage industry
OAI-PMH Harvest
For uses other than private, please contact the USC Digital Library at
Access Conditions
Contact: Special Collections, Doheny Memorial Library, Libraries, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0189;
Permanent Link (DOI)
DW-1935-05-24-170~05.TIF (
), whit-c170-76806 (
legacy record id
DM Record ID
Unique identifier
Legacy Identifier
32.3 in × 23.2 in at 300dpi
82.2 cm × 58.9 cm at 300dpi
Inherited Values
Magazine cover etc., Sunkist, Southern California, 1935
Inherited Title
Magazine cover etc., Sunkist, Southern California, 1935 (
5 photographs of magazines and Sunkist advertisements, Southern California, 1935. "Subject: Magazine Cover etc[etera], 'Sunkist'; Agency: John Rocke; Client: Calif[ornia] Fruit Growers Ex; Classifications: See also 8x10; Original Print Order: 1; Size: Contact; Gl[ossy]; Mount: Ch[eck] 2 prints; Year: 1935; Job: 5-24-170"-- on envelope front. "Name: Dick; 4 Original Photographs-At Studio: 8x10; Original Photographs-Size: Loise, 4-8x10 gl[ossy] @ 2.00, 8.00, 2 copies @ 1.00, 2.00, 2 prints 5x7, 50; Amount: 8.00, 2.00; 2 copies (Print Extra) @ 1.00; Amount: 8.00, 2.00; Extra Charges: 1393"-- on envelope back.
Beverage industry
California Fruit Growers Exchange
(corporate name),
Canadian Home Journal
(corporate name),
(corporate name),
(personal name),
(personal name),
Dream World
(corporate name),
Etting, Ruth
(personal name),
Good Housekeeping
(corporate name),
Hanke, Milton T.
(personal name),
Harlow, Jean
(personal name),
Herzberg, W.F.
(personal name),
John Rocke
(corporate name),
Johnson, Charles Everett
(personal name),
Ladies Home Journal
(corporate name),
Love Mirror
(corporate name),
Lupino, Ida
(personal name),
Macfadden Publications
(corporate name),
Mack, Helen
(personal name),
(corporate name),
(corporate name),
Montgomery, Billy
(personal name),
Moore, Grace
(personal name),
Movie Mirror
(corporate name),
Mozert, A.
(personal name),
National Recovery Administration
(corporate name),
(corporate name),
Pictoral Review
(corporate name),
(corporate name),
Radio Mirror
(corporate name),
Rogers, Will
(personal name),
(corporate name),
Swarthout, Gladys
(personal name),
The Delineator
(corporate name),
The Sprague Memorial Institute
(corporate name),
True Experiences
(corporate name),
True Romances
(corporate name),
True Story
(corporate name),
(personal name),
Waterbury, Ruth
(personal name)
Coverage Spatial
California, Southern
Coverage Temporal
Inherited Subject
Beverage industry
California Fruit Growers Exchange
(corporate name),
Canadian Home Journal
(corporate name),
(corporate name),
(personal name),
(personal name),
Dream World
(corporate name),
Etting, Ruth
(personal name),
Good Housekeeping
(corporate name),
Hanke, Milton T.
(personal name),
Harlow, Jean
(personal name),
Herzberg, W.F.
(personal name),
John Rocke
(corporate name),
Johnson, Charles Everett
(personal name),
Ladies Home Journal
(corporate name),
Love Mirror
(corporate name),
Lupino, Ida
(personal name),
Macfadden Publications
(corporate name),
Mack, Helen
(personal name),
(corporate name),
(corporate name),
Montgomery, Billy
(personal name),
Moore, Grace
(personal name),
Movie Mirror
(corporate name),
Mozert, A.
(personal name),
National Recovery Administration
(corporate name),
(corporate name),
Pictoral Review
(corporate name),
(corporate name),
Radio Mirror
(corporate name),
Rogers, Will
(personal name),
(corporate name),
Swarthout, Gladys
(personal name),
The Delineator
(corporate name),
The Sprague Memorial Institute
(corporate name),
True Experiences
(corporate name),
True Romances
(corporate name),
True Story
(corporate name),
(personal name),
Waterbury, Ruth
(personal name)
Repository Email
Repository Name
USC Libraries Special Collections
Repository Location
Doheny Memorial Library, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0189
For uses other than private, please contact the USC Digital Library at
Date Created
Dick Whittington Studio
University of Southern California. Libraries
5 photographs: b&w, negative, 5x7 in. in envelope
5x7 in.
B/W Nitrate
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