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ONE National Gay and Lesbian Archives
ONE Archives: Posters and Graphic Materials
Play fair!
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Play fair!
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Additional text pertains to safer sex information and identifying sexually transmitted diseases.Black and purple text on white background. Poster contains several small, black and white cartoons of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. Mounted on cardboard.
Asset Metadata
Play fair!
Safe sex in AIDS prevention
OAI-PMH Harvest
San Francisco
(city or populated place),
1 print : screen print, color
sheet 54 x 30 cm (poster format).
ONE Archives: Posters and Graphic Materials
ONE National Gay and Lesbian Archives
University of Southern California
(contributing entity)
Relation References
Online Archive of California:
Date Created
The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence
Coll2018-001 ONE Archives LGBTQ Poster Collection
San Francisco
The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence
University of Southern California. Libraries
Repository Email
Repository Name
ONE National Gay & Lesbian Archives
Repository Location
909 West Adams Boulevard, Los Angeles, California, 90007; phone (213) 821-2771
This item is protected by copyright. Copyright holder is unknown, unidentifiable or unlocatable. For more information, see
Access Conditions
This online display has been made possible by a generous grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources. For access to the physical items, contact ONE Archives at; or...
Permanent Link (DOI)
P02397 (
call number
), one-2018001-p02397~01.tif (
), one-c4-47324 (
legacy record id
DM Record ID
Unique identifier
Legacy Identifier
Internet Media Type
11.7 in × 20.8 in at 300dpi
29.7 cm × 52.8 cm at 300dpi
Transcript (If available)
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Mother Superior’s Recommendations to Help Create
A Disease-Free Convent and Community:
PLAY FAIR! If you Know—or even suspect—that you have a Sexually Transmittable Disease, don’t put other
people at risk by engaging in sexual activity. Wait until you KNOW you can cum clean.
SOAP & WATER. Wash your hunky little body before and immediately after sexual contact(s).
THE AFTER-SEX PEE. Pee as soon as you can manage it after sexual contact. The sooner the better.
THE OLD DOUCHE. Absolutely NOT! Stop douching, It can spread a little infection further inside you, makingit a
big infection.
LUBRICANTS. Buy lubricants free of fancy perfumes, scents, or MSG. The chemicals can irritate your ass.
COCK RINGS. Take off your ring when not in use. Some boys can’t part with their ring, but it can make the penis
swell and cuts off circulation to the family jewels.
CONDOMS. Condoms actually prevent the spread of certain diseases. If you have a sore or anything on your
cock that looks suspicious and you simply must indulge, wear a condom. Don’t give whatever you might have
to your partner(s).
NO-NAME SEX. If one of your partner(s) discovers an infection after you've had sex together and you haven’t
exchanged names, he probably won't be able to notify you. Try to keep some record of your contacts.
RIMMING. Sigh. This is the most dangerous sexual behavior. We have lost more Sisters to the clutches of
hepatitis, ameoba, giardia and other awful diseases. Even the cleanest-looking, most desirable man can have
shit full of bacteria and germs. And your tongue in an asshole can slurp Bb ues enough specks of infected shit
to make you sorry later. However, Mother Superior gives Sisters y
in monogamous relationships permission to rim
VD TESTING. If one of your current partners let’ s you know he £%
has a disease, it’s a good idea to get tested for it. In addition,
since most Sexually Transmittable Diseases can be contracted
without the usual symptoms, today’s sexually active gay male
should have regular tests for syphilis and gonorrhea (every three
months is a good rule of thumb). A monthly self-examination for
Kaposi’s sarcoma and venereal warts is advisable. Warts are
easy and fun to check for by using a mirror or having a friend
examine your asshole. Refer to the section on Kaposi's sar-
coma for what symptoms to watch out for. f
POPPERS. Warning: The Reverend Mother has determined that
popper inhalation may be dangerous to your health. Z
OBSERVATION. Check out your man before you lay hands on
one another. One Sister even carries a flashlight for those all-too
frequent encounters in the darkness.
If you have an STD or suspicious symptoms, the eee is 5a list of gay itive pl to get diag d
and/or treated. Ni Ig Pp propriate clinic or group. Not all places
treat all STDs.
1. CITY CLINIC, 250-4th St, SF—558-3804 Gonorrhea: 1,3,4,5,6,7
2. ANAL WART CLINIC at CITY CLINIC—558-3225 Syphilis:
3. HAIGHT-ASHBURY FREE CLINIC, 558 Clayton, SF—431-1714 NGU, NSP: 1,3,5
4. HEALTH CENTER #1, 3850-17th St, SF—558-3905 Intestinal Parasites: 8,11
5. CASTRO MEDICAL CLINIC, 533 Castro, SF—861-3366 Herpes: 1
6. SUTTER MEDICAL CLINIC, 2300 Market, SF—864-6930 Venereal Warts: 2,3,9,12
2339 Durant, Berkeley—548-2570
1001 Potrero, SF—821-8492
11. U.C. TROPICAL DISEASE CLINIC, 501 Parnassus, SF—666-5787
14. BUREAU OF DISEASE CONTROL, 101 Grove, SF—558-4046
15. RESOURCE FOUNDATION (screening), 130 Church, SF—864-0550
16. HELP FOR HERPES (support group), Box 6621, SF 94101—863-9580
17. MCC (chronic hepatitis support group), 150 Eureka, SF—863-44354
Hepatitis: 8, 14, Ee 7,
Kaposi’s Sarcoma: 10
NOTE: The information contained in this brochure is relevant to current health needs of the gay
male community. It is not intended to relate to the situation for women.
This pamphlet was researched, written and produced by a committee of the Sisters of
Perpetual Indulgence composed of: Sr. Roz Erection (Barouk Golden, R.N.); Sr. Lida Dogslife
(Robert Stijn); Sr. Blue Nun (Frank Rivera); Sr. Florence Nightmare, R.N. (Bobbi Campbell, R.1.);
Sr. Mary Media; Sr. Marie EverReady; and Sr. Francis Diana. Designed by Sr. Mary Media.
Special thanks to Gary Ostrom for cartoons; Dr. William Owen for medical consultation; Jim
Gilman of the Caldron for fundraising; Anderson Graphics for technical assistance,
The following businesses, organizations and individuals made publication of this pamphlet
possible by their financial contributions. We are indebted to them for their sense of respon-
sibility toward this project for the benefit of public health.
© 1982 by The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. Permission to reprint this material will be given | 'G }
upon written request to SPI, Box 770, 55 Sutter Street, San Francisco, CA 94104. is)
Q: What is an STD? SEE E46 FEEER HEE
e STD stands for ‘Sexually Transmitted Disease’, These are all infections caused by bacteria, viruses
e and parasites that can be passed from person to person In the course of getting your rocks off. Sisters
have listed some of the most common STDs below, There are others which are not as common, but are
becoming more 50, weekend by weekend.
ONORRHEA = Sister Stella of the Stearn Room didn’t believe then when they sald that the gorgeous
creature he’d met at the baths was a “big drip’. Now Sister realizes that there’s areal difference
between seeing Lauren Bacall in ‘Applause Applause’ and seeing a doctor for the clap. SYMPTOMS:
Penis— White, green or yellow drip; cock feels sore Inside; burns or hurts to pee. Ass—Too often no symptoms;
CE Ce Itchy, painful ass; more gas than usual; ‘Feels funny down
there’’; white coating on shit. Throat—Too often no symptoms
here either; mild to moderate sore throat; swollen glands in
throat. SYMPTOMS APPEAR: From 5 hours to 5 days after con-
tact. HOW YOU GET IT: Sucking or fucking, IF UNTREATED: Infec-
| tion In prostate gland and balls; tender, achey joints (usually
| knees and ankles); fever. CURE: Antibiotics.
THRITIS) Since he’s only a Novice in the Order, Sister Kay
Ingleside isn’t authorized to have the clap—only Non-Gono-
coccal Urethritis, But then a Novice works just as hard as a Fully
Professed Sister, and those little NGU buds can do quite a bit of
| damage too. SYMPTOMS: Burns or hurts to pee; clear or white
drip, usually more evident in the morning, can disappear during
the day. SYMPTOMS APPEAR: Between 5 and 20 days. HOW
Ws bYOU GET IT: Sucking or fucking. IF UNTREATED: Infections in
balls and prostate. CURE: Antibiotics (There Is a similar disease of the ass called NON-SPECIFIC PROCTITIS
(NSP) that you get by being fucked. Probably caused by the same germs as NSU, its symptoms are similar to
those for ee ae of the ass. In fact, if your test for ee Is ae ask the doctor if it could be NSP. }
YPHILIS } Sister Hemophilia transferred to ) the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence from t the Little 2 Sisters of
Our Lady of the Evening in Transylvania. Sister is particularly eager to stamp out syphilis because, even
though it shows up as blemishes on the skin, it is actually a disease of the blood. Gives me indigestion every
time,’ he says. It’s easy to miss the first symptoms because they can be painless or hidden. If left untreated,
syphilis has 5 stages: (1) Swollen glands in groin and painless sore on penis, around or inside ass or mouth;
(2) Rash on palms, soles of feet or over an entire part of the body. Rash doesn’t usually itch or hurt; (3) Don’t
ask!! SYMPTOMS APPEAR: Stage 1: 10 days to 3 months after contact. Stage 2: 2 weeks to 6 months after
sore heals or from 6 weeks to 8 months after germ enters ‘blood. HOW YOU GET IT: Direct physical contact with
asore that allows germ to enter blood stream. Bug enters rapes or cuts—anal
intercourse (ass-fucking to you) can cause these abrasions. IF UNTREATED: Affects the entire body, may
cause brain or organ damage, paralysis and permanent blindness! CURE: Antibiotics. (It is possible to have a
flu-like reaction 4 to 12 hours after treatment, but this is a sign that treatment has worked.)
ERPES SIMPLEX Being an expert, if occasionally misguided, in one-up-person-ship, Sister Mary
Media boasted upon hearing that another Sister had Herpes Simplex, ‘| used to have a Herpes Duplex
back in Des Moines, but | sold it and bought a condo when | moved here.”” SYMPTOMS: Painful sore(s) or
blister(s) on or around cock, ass, groin or mouth; tingling, burning sensation prior to appearance of the painful
sore; less energy, sometimes accompanied by a low-grade fever. Once virus gets into body it never leaves.
Sores may go away and return later. It’s not a problem unless the sore is open. SYMPTOMS APPEAR: 4 to 14
days after contact. HOW YOU GET IT: Contact with fluid from an open herpes sore. Can be passed by an inno-
cent little kiss. CURE: Keep area clean and dry to prevent further infection. Limit exposure to heat and sun. 300
mg of Lysine per day has helped some people. Ask your doctor about a drug called Acyclovir.
ENEREAL WARTS = ‘But Doctor, | can’t have warts!’’ shrieked Sister Blue Nun. “l’‘ve never made it with
VU toad in my life.’’ SYMPTOMS: Small cauliflower-like bumps in or on your butt; hard yellow or gray skin
warts on your cock that continue to grow. SYMPTOMS APPEAR: 1 week to 4 months after contact. HOW YOU
GET THEM: Physical contact with a wart. IF UNTREATED: If you have one on the outside of your asshole, don’t
let anyone finger or fuck you. This can carry the virus inside your ass where they will be very difficult and painful
to get rid of. Some people even require surgery. CURE: Doctors STE Te eae oe eee
can remove warts by freezing, burning, or painting them with
Podophyllin. Dynamite is reserved for extreme cases.
(ob 7
CABIES /t took Sister Francis Diana several visits before |
his doctor realized that his itch was caused by scabies |
rather than nerves or an allergy or something like that. By that
time, Sister was personally responsible for a 15% increase in |
business of the city’s laundromats. SYMPTOMS: Tiny red bumps |
in tracks (like railroads) anywhere below the neck, especially in |
dark, moist, hairy places such as beltline, groin, between fingers, ie
ankles, etc. Intense itching in infested areas, especially late at
night or in the early morning when you're hot!! (Scabies can be
hard to diagnose. Be persistent with your doctor.) SYMPTOMS
APPEAR: Within 30 to 60 days after contact. If you’ve had
scabies before, symptoms may appear sooner. IF UNTREATED:
Sores can become infected if scratched. HOW YOU GET IT: Body LE
contact with an infected person. CURE: Kwell Lotion works (available by eee only). ee or menue
all linen (Sheets and towels) and clothing in hot water for 20 minutes to destroy eqas.
RABS Sister Lida Dogslife was convinced that he was having a Close Encounter of the Fourth Kind with
the Space Fleas from the Dog Star Sirius. As it turned out, the agonizing itch (made worse because the
location made it improper to scratch in public) was due to celestial visitors from the Crab Nebula. SYMPTOMS:
Insane itching in any hairy area of the body (except the head which is susceptible to a different kind of lice). Tiny
red spots (blood) in underwear. You can sometimes see the insects. They look like crabs. SYMPTOMS APPEAR:
When the edgs hatch in 7 to 21 days or, if you get a live crab, sooner. IF UNTREATED: The crabs grow as large
as human beings and you have to declare extra dependents on your income tax. HOW YOU GET THEM: Body
contact, or contact with infested clothing or bedding. CURE: Kwell Lotion (by prescription) or over-the-counter
medications such as A-200 or RID. Wash all clothes and linen, as with scabies.
NTESTINAL PARASITES Sister Florence Nightmare, R.N. is noted for his bedside manner, which some call
“deadpan”’ and others ‘“‘bedpan’’. Looking at the bright side, he points out that being an intestinal parasite
would be even worse than having them. “Living in a neighborhood like that, ’’ he says, ‘‘would give anyone a
shitty outlook on life. ’’ Two kinds of parasites are epidemic in the gay male population—Entamoeba histolytica
(amoeba) and Giardia lamblia. SYMPTOMS: Can disappear and return while disease continues. Changes in shit-
ting pattern such as more dumps, looser turds or diarrhea; cramping in lower abdomen; more gas and gas
pain—farts smellier than usual; feeling run down; exhausted for no apparent reason; — changes; bislees
coating on shit. SYMPTOMS APPEAR: Ameoba—usually 5 to 28 days, but
even years. Giardia—3 days to several weeks. HOW YOU GET IT: Eating shit ae rimming an ee
peieou or SuSeniet ine cock of someone who has just fucked an infested person). IF UNTREATED: Eneray, ap-
wyyY My petite, emotions, sex drive are affected. Liver infection can
develop with amoeba. CURE: These diseases are diagnosed
4 through at least 2 shit specimens. Standard treatment drugs are
4 very hard on the body, but there are alternative treatments—
talk with your doctor.
EPATITISA&B Sister Marie Ever-Ready didn’t know he
had a yellow streak until his doctor informed him he had
hepatitis. ‘!’m not ready for anything until | get my liver back in
shape, ’’ he said, looking at the world with a jaundiced eye. *‘'ll
have to change my name to ‘Sister Mellow Yellow’ until |
recover.’” Hep is an infection of the liver. At one time it was
A thought that hepatitis B was passed only through needles and
_ blood, but we now know that both type A and B can be passed
Pe body fluids. Hep B is the more serious disease because
5% to 10% of B people become chronic carriers. 1% can die
LAL bitddie VLEET 5 through chronic liver infections and/or liver cancer. Carriers will
either connie: to spread ae virus without appearing to be infected or have an active case in which liver
damage continues. If you have been exposed to hepatitis, contact a doctor or clinic right away for a gamma-
globulin injection. DO NOT DELAY. SYMPTOMS: Both types have basically the same symptoms: Feeling run
down, shitty, no pep; loss of appetite; nausea and vomiting; mild ache or pain in belly, usually on upper right
side; yellow skin and eyeballs (called jaundice); dark brown urine; light, clay-colored shit; sometimes joint pain,
flu-like feelings. Some people don’t get all or any of the symptoms but are still infectious. SYMPTOMS APPEAR:
A: 3 to 6 weeks; Type B: 2 to6 months. HOW YOU GET IT: The virus is passed Sexually through oral con-
tact with bodily fluids: cum, sweat, spit, shit, etc. Generally, you are considered infectious from 2 weeks before
you become sick or notice any symptoms until 2 weeks after that, or for one week after your skin turns yellow.
Consult your doctor. TREATMENT: If you get hepatitis it is necessary to rest your body while your liver heals.
This means a radical chanae in lifestyle and diet. Avoid fatty food and alcohol, they’re both hard on your liver.
Don’t prepare food for others. Keep separate dishes and silverware. Wash your hands with soap after peeing
and shitting. Avoid any possibility of passing the virus to others. No sex, which doesn’t mean no contact. You
aren't a leper! You can be huaged and stroked,.but don’t share any body fluids—cum, spit, pee or shit—with
APOSI’'S SARCOMA and PNEUMOCYSTIS PNEUMONIA In the past 2 years some gay men in large
American cities have developed severe problems with their immune systems. (The immune system
helps the body fiaht off disease.) No one knows what is causing these problems, or whether they are sexually
transmitted but they are serious and occasionally fatal. Some of these men have developed Kaposi's sarcoma
—the so-called ‘‘gay cancer.” Some have Pneumocystis pneumonia—“‘day pneumonia.’ SYMPTOMS: KS:
Painless, slightly raised red or purple blotches on the skin, weight loss, or swollen lymph nodes. Pneumocystis:
Dry cough, fever, or run-down feeling. Some gay men have neither disease but nonetheless have weakened
immune systems. If you have enlarged lymph nodes, fever, weight loss, unusual or persistent viral or fungal in-
fections, dry cough, or unusual skin spots, don’t panic, but see a doctor who is familiar with this OT Soa
Area Physicians for Human Rights can refer yay
VILT This STD is subject to home remedies. Sister Roz
into a cake, having a big piece for yourself, and sharing the rest
with people around you. Or, you can mail your quilt (in a plain ©
brown wrapper) to the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, and we'll
get rid of it for you. SYMPTOMS: Feeling bad after a trip to the
baths, bushes or tearooms; low self-esteem. Seldom asymp-
tommatic. SYMPTOMS APPEAR: From 2 to 35 years of age and
persist in many cases throughout life. IF UNTREATED: Can result
In loss of ability to be happy; loss of spontaneity; impotence;
sexual dysfunction; epidemics of sexually transmitted disease.
HOW YOU GET IT: Judeo-Christian tradition of morality; Catholic
schools; 3 to 4 hours of TV a day when young. CURE: Respect
and love yourself and others.
‘Mother Superior wants all Sisters to
Guilt Disposal Duty, on the double.”’
Inherited Values
ONE Archives: Posters and Graphic Materials
ONE National Gay & Lesbian Archives is the oldest active Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning (LGBTQ) organization in the United States and the largest repository of LGBTQ materials in the world. Founded in 1952, ONE Archives currently houses over two million archival items including periodicals, books, film, video and audio recordings, photographs, artworks, organizational records and personal papers.
A small subset of this material has been digitized and is available online.
For additional information about the Archives, please see our Website (
ONE Archives’ digital collections have been made possible by generous support from the California State Library (, the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) (, The GRAMMY Foundation (, the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) (, ONE Archives Foundation (, and a USC Libraries Dean's Challenge Grant.
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