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ONE National Gay and Lesbian Archives
ONE Archives: Posters and Graphic Materials
Cal. State L.A. experimental college
(USC DC Image)
Cal. State L.A. experimental college
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Pink and white text on brown background. Poster contains class catalog for the Fall 1972 quarter.
Asset Metadata
Cal. State L.A. experimental college
California State University, Los Angeles
(corporate name),
Universities and colleges
OAI-PMH Harvest
Los Angeles
(city or populated place),
1 print : lithograph, color
sheet 56 x 41 cm (poster format).
ONE Archives: Posters and Graphic Materials
ONE National Gay and Lesbian Archives
University of Southern California
(contributing entity)
Relation References
Online Archive of California:
Date Created
Coll2018-001 ONE Archives LGBTQ Poster Collection
University of Southern California. Libraries
Repository Email
Repository Name
ONE National Gay & Lesbian Archives
Repository Location
909 West Adams Boulevard, Los Angeles, California, 90007; phone (213) 821-2771
This work is issued under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) License.
This work is issued under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) License.
Access Conditions
This online display has been made possible by a generous grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources. For access to the physical items, contact ONE Archives at; or...
Permanent Link (DOI)
box 18 (
), P01823 (
call number
), one-2018001-p01823~01.tif (
), one-c4-46036 (
legacy record id
DM Record ID
Unique identifier
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Internet Media Type
16.2 in × 21.7 in at 300dpi
41.2 cm × 55.2 cm at 300dpi
Transcript (If available)
Astrology; Mathematics: of Human
Serious about your stars? This course will em-
phasize astrological interpretation and chart
erection. Tuesday 7:30-9:00 p.m., Lib B573,
Leonard Mullins.
Beginning and Intermediate Classical
While covering techniques, phrasing, and music
reading, you will learn music from Renaissance,
Baroque, Classical, and Romantic Eras. Wednes-
day 3:00-4:00, Music 116. Paul Bjorgan.
Beginning Guitar
Notes, chords, and then a few songs. Bring a
guitar. Friday 10:00-11:00 a.m., Lib B570. Den-
nis Gurwell.
Fuindamentals of Musics — Creatively
Beginning class will cover theory, chords, scales,
and note writing. Friday 10:00-12:00, Music 116.
Advanced class-will add to the student’s musical
ability with theory of chord progressions, sight
reading, keyboard harmony, writing simple
songs, and harmonizing. Friday 12:00-2:00,
Music 116. Anna Hill.
The class will acquaint you with simple auto-
motive maintenance and repair (e.g. flat tire,
overheating, tune-ups). Monday, Wednesday
9:00-11:00 a.m., Lib B573. Jim Slosburg.
Science Fiction -hacts
An hour of enlightening discussion for all who
enjoy Heinlein, Asimov, Arthur C. Clarke, Bal-
lard, Pohl, Sheckley, Sturgeon, Oliver, and Tenn.
Monday 12:30-1:30, Lib B570. Bill Blair.
Leyte oleh
Learn how to view real estate with several ideas
_ in mind, including land use, appraisal, and in-
come tax factors. Tuesday, Thursday 5:40-6:40
p.m., Lib B573. John Bihary, Jr.
The Cal State L.A. Experimental College, sponsored by the Associated Students, is a vehicle of growth
LCase ce SMe Med Le Cm ML) Te ie) aCe eT Uh IL
teach a course as well as attend courses regardless of age or degree of education. There are no require-
ence where all members of the class may both give and receive, where everyone is a student, and everyone
is a teacher.
We seek to create an atmosphere of sharing and understanding. The Experimental College will provide a
meeting ground where all views can be heard and discussed; and it is hoped that someday we will be able
to live as a wholly integrated family, striving to reach a state of harmony between ourselves, our society, and
Tae eee
Student Committee:
Student Adviser:
Introduction to. Marxism
An introductory investigation of some of the
main principles of Marxism in the areas of phil-
osophy, history, economics and world relations
and their applications to the current political
scene. Thursday 2:00-3:00, Lib B568. Nemmi
Sel te
Studies in the Upanishads
The class will explore the meaning of symbols
and connecting transitional thoughts between
aphorisms in the Vedic Upanishads, the funda-
mental revelatory writing of India. Tuesday,
Wednesday 12:00-1:00, Lib B568. Monday 7:30-
8:30 p.m.. Lib B573. Madas.
Creative Photography
Learn the basic (how to process negatives and
prints) then explore making prints without dark-
room, using photograms, and experimenting
with lenses. Monday 7:00-8:00 p.m., Lib B570.
John Everett Picone.
improvingevours study skills
Topics covered in the class include concentra-
tion, motivation, how to approach a textbook,
the SQ3R study formula, the art of listening to
lectures, systems of notetaking, and strategies
for taking essay and objective exams. Monday
2:00-3:30, Adm 118 (Student Affairs Center).
Thursday, (starting Oct. 19) 11:30-12:40, Adm
313. John Thames.
Selective Service, 7or-—— 1 cant believe
| ate-the’ whole-thing
For counseling or rapping, for general or specific
problems, drop in and learn about Selective
Service and various options available to regis-
trants. Thursday 1:30-3:00, KH C1031. Bill
Schatz, Mike Sonberg.
Equizpoise: Therapy seAs Method=or
Equi-poise Therapy, a> new experimental ap-
proach to personality growth, will be presented
by its originator. Thursday 10:00-12:00, Lib
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Trident Lounge: 224-3595
eT Mee
Student Activities: 224-3591
UnciejSam, the Monopoly. Man
Looking at government as a source and main-
tainer of monopoly and cartels, and the results
thereof. A study of both government ownership
and regulation of business. Thursday 12:30-
1:30, Lib B570. David Argall.
Copies, Copies, Copies
Learn how to prepare dittoes and mimeograph
and to run the duplicating machine. Sign up at
the A.S. Office, Trident Lounge.
ir os3
*Bring a chess set and an elementary knowledge
of chess to learn opening, middle game, and
ending strategy and tactics. Monday 2:00-3:00,
Lib B573. David Argall.
Learn elementary tactics and strategy of this
oriental thinking game, which chess players
will enjoy. The class will assume the student
knows next to nothing about Go. Monday 4:00-
5:00, Lib B573. David-Argall.
Seat Oren \Geey Oy
Transcendental Ecstasy
The object of this course is to understand in
depth this topmost yoga system, using the
ABC's of yoga practice, ‘‘The Bhagavad Gita As
It Is.’ Tuesday, Thursday 11:30-12:30, Lib
B570. Mahatma das.
Hatha Yoga. Ananda Marea system
Using either the postures for women or the pos-
tures for men, you will explore the postures for
particular maladies and advanced postures used
in coordination with meditation. Participants
should attend with an empty stomach. Tuesday
3:00-4:00, P.E. 124. Bruce Hansen.
Kundalina Yoga works through the body to
control the mind for correct ways of living. Thus,
there will be breathing exercises, angles and
postures, chanting, and meditation. Tuesday,
Thursday, 4:00-5:00, Gym. Guillermo Galarza.
erry Masamitsu, Art Schaak, Larry York
Gay Alternative Life Style
For gay men and women and people who have
gay friends, relatives, or neighbors. Written ma-
terials, guest speakers, and discussion will chal-
lenge gay stereotypes and negatively skewed
ideas about the gay alternative. Coordinated by
Dana Koon. Wednesday 9:30-10:30 a.m., Lib
toy AGR
Personal Development
For greater success in all areas of life, learn how
to achieve more of your personal goals, to gain
greater confidence and self-assurance, to plan
better, to be more decisive, and to use more
of your talents and abilities. Wednesday 10:50-
12:00, Lib B570. Gregory Raymond.
SCENTS Etee: Cele
This informative forum will cover such topics
as current trends in diets; knowledge and pre-
vention of VD; health products and their value;
and the responsibility of birth control. Wednes-
day 4:00-6:00, Lib B573. Jenny Walker.
New Coneaneeth Chile icenne
The co-author of the forthcoming book, Child
Liberation, will present major new concepts in
human psychology, and thus human develop-
ment. Tuesday, Thursday 2:30-3:45, Lib B573.
Jack Willis.
Sel ETN EVP NaVCH Tats Celt tg oles tah
Soul travel is the art of shifting the conscious-
ness to the Soul body and moving, at will, any-
where in the world of God in order to learn,
know, and be. Wednesday 2:00-3:00, Lib B573.
Lila Edelman.
With lecture and discussion, the class will an-
swer from an historical and philosophical ap-
proach the questions — who are the feminists
and where are they. Thursday 11:30-12:30, Lib
B565. Jan Holden.
Politics and Liferature
An examination of the idea of literature and its
role in revolution. Wednesday 7:00-9:00 p.m.,
Lib B573. Lindsay Moore, Jr.
Writers’ Workshop
Students — Discuss your work with other stu-
dent writers. The class publishes We, a literary
magazine. Every second and fourth Tuesday of
each month. 11:30-12:30, Lib B565.
‘The. Eibvacys Your Fool for Research
Learn how to gather and to organize library ma-
terial for a subject in any field to be written or
for a speech. This course will be suitable for
students who speak English as a second langu-
age. Lecture will be minimal, as most class time
will be for your own research on your paper or
speech if you have one. Tuesday, Thursday
1:30-3:00, Lib $2096. Hortencia Cordova.
Your Pollution, Your Solution
When was the last time you DID something
for a cleaner environment. Learn what the en-
vironmental problems are in the Los Angeles
area and the practical solutions to the prob-
lems for the individual. Tuesday 12:30-2:00,
Lib B570. Jim Noon.
Physieak Defense
This course is a physical defense class (coed)
baséd on judo. Basic (but effective) techniques
will be taught. Since there wil be tumbling and
bodily contact, wear loose clothing. Call 224-
3595 for where and when. Jeri-Lynn Palacio.
Bodys pevelonment
Want to reshape your shape? Sculpture your
body through a program of weightlifting and
diet. Call 224-3595 for where and when. Jim
Toguchi. :
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Inherited Values
ONE Archives: Posters and Graphic Materials
ONE National Gay & Lesbian Archives is the oldest active Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning (LGBTQ) organization in the United States and the largest repository of LGBTQ materials in the world. Founded in 1952, ONE Archives currently houses over two million archival items including periodicals, books, film, video and audio recordings, photographs, artworks, organizational records and personal papers.
A small subset of this material has been digitized and is available online.
For additional information about the Archives, please see our Website (
ONE Archives’ digital collections have been made possible by generous support from the California State Library (, the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) (, The GRAMMY Foundation (, the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) (, ONE Archives Foundation (, and a USC Libraries Dean's Challenge Grant.
Linked assets
ONE Archives: Posters and Graphic Materials
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