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ONE National Gay and Lesbian Archives
ONE Archives: Posters and Graphic Materials
12th annual women's festival of the arts
(USC DC Image)
12th annual women's festival of the arts
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Blue text on light blue paper; the poster contains summaries of festival activities and blue tinted, black and white images of various guests: Audre Lorde, Donna Brinkerhoff and Mary Figuracion, Anne Chase, and Rayna. Event presented by the Center for Women's Studies and Services and the San Diego State University Cultural Arts Board.
Asset Metadata
12th annual women's festival of the arts
Women artists
OAI-PMH Harvest
San Diego
(city or populated place),
1 print : lithograph, color
sheet 58 x 45 cm (poster format).
ONE Archives: Posters and Graphic Materials
ONE National Gay and Lesbian Archives
University of Southern California
(contributing entity)
Relation References
Online Archive of California:
Coll2018-001 ONE Archives LGBTQ Poster Collection
University of Southern California. Libraries
Repository Email
Repository Name
ONE National Gay & Lesbian Archives
Repository Location
909 West Adams Boulevard, Los Angeles, California, 90007; phone (213) 821-2771
The copyright status for this work is undetermined. For more information, see
Access Conditions
This online display has been made possible by a generous grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources. For access to the physical items, contact ONE Archives at; or...
Permanent Link (DOI)
box 18 (
), P01840 (
call number
), one-2018001-p01840~01.tif (
), one-c4-46063 (
legacy record id
DM Record ID
Unique identifier
Legacy Identifier
Internet Media Type
17.4 in × 22.0 in at 300dpi
44.2 cm × 56.0 cm at 300dpi
Transcript (If available)
, ° .
The Center for Women’s Studies and Serivces
& The SDSU Cultural Arts Board Present:
p Main Exhibit Folk Art & Crafts Fai
The Twelfth Annual i's Festival The focal t for the Women' I t 4 f The I 11 Women' ir A
Arts is a seven week al event t rt the i Ce bit t Cluster Arce pr resent 24 women' k art
the Center 1 vi ) jraduate ibrar Eth iver t f 1 - SEAL TS FAST. O the [ iWI -
and its ) SDSU) § t rnia at 2 ) JC 1int sy ray 4 rettably, the Cura f i
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Ms. Cunning is also a researcher t = 0
and conducts an annual workshop
Museum. sey-
Lynn Schuette, director and owner t
performance and exhibition space, :
Coordinator for San Diego's .
Her credits include extensiv p f . c V
tures, and arts workshops. oe ry: our oices
The public is invited to a reception to meet
the artists and to a following panel discussion
with Kittredge, Cunning, and Schuette, moder- Four Southern California poets, whose voices
ated by Martha Matthews. Secon ahy See Shee eae San 4 Sta range from inspirational to political, will read
an evening of aesthetic and intellectual stimu- eee be Sl tae Pee from their original works on this evening.
lation! sd ag gees ’ ee a4 a oe ak : : a LoVerne Brown has read her poems at D. G.
BEY amahan Philtpptine Dance pany Wills', at Plum's Books, and at the David M.
DATE, SHOW: Friday, April 16 5 Friday, May 14 Art Worksho S Banks Memorial Poetry Festival. She is also a
TIME: M=F, 8930 a.m." =— 5:00 p.m. member of the Ocean Beach Writer's Group.
DATE, RECEPTION i Sarah Fifield is a writer, weaver, counselor,
& PANEL DISCUSSION: Friday, April 16 Organzing Your Own Arts Event and teacher. She lives in Brawley, California
TIME: 5230 -. 7300 p.m. & 7:00 p.m. Audcre Lorde and recently published her first book, Train
PLACE: C¥iSS, 908 "E" St. This workshop will address the “nitty-gritty” Whistles.
details of how to plan and implement an event, Pat Mooney has read throughout the United
including everything from choosing artists to States and has poems published in Marrow, Red
printinc tickets. Sue Kirk, the facilitator, Cedar Review, Zip Code 92107, Antenna, Altadena
. s . : eae te . axe ee en has had extensive experience with organizing Review and Forms.
‘ : Bee oe ; : , arts programs, including coordinating this Barbara has published three volumes of
Duets for Violin ees ee eee ; Pa cdeee year's Women's Festival of the Arts. poetry, has n prizes for her prose, and will
rig ‘ 47 ns be a staff member at this year's Santa Barbara
Saturday, May 1 Writer's Conference.
On this evening, Joan Capra and Karen Set eee grt ie es ea — wed a
Schumacher will perform classical ché PLACE: CWSS, 908 "E" St. ay ps May 12
for two violins. The program will inclu Re eee are ce :
by Telemann, Campagnoli, Le Clair, Mozart and Marketing Your Visual Art PLACE: SDSU/Scripps Cottage
others. Both artists are classically trained
vi i nd have r sssion vmr
Lana ty Mee Mee Protessionel symp This workshop will assist the visual artist in
. leciding what area of art she would like to con-
DATE: Saturday, April 17 centrate Les advertising, commercial or techni-
TIME: 8:00 p.m. Cal art. o¢ illustration -- and how to mar : ner Son S (oF Women
PLACE: Cwss, 908 "E" St. art with or without a distr ibutor. The facili-
DONATION: $2.00 At the Door tator Jean Cornwell, is a visual artist with a
i) tration in fine arts, mercial arts and
at nce Gr p will
ese l abuki danc
te tra es. "Sensei'
1 in ‘ C represents three
; é at Japa (dancing) and im-
t rough
7 1 lancer,
14 Jazz Legend ® with world-renowned
1 19 . r
il 24 B
zt etty Carter
Wor s ur 1 M ‘ . _ 4 . “ ia l 30 ALU t ILiil Meas
Arts W } “ ck ® ee 1 lasting } >e work that comes from the heart
e e ” « .
F Ad Film on Betty Carter id kin Sah eee eee 7 m me =e 2 Lna ‘forever... ~
ree f i 1SSION Snapshotzz Ca aa eae we ee ae 8 see RUC INC, ae ; Philippine Dance Company will
PO@tyVt Four Voices sb .6- 6 ws 6 ce MeV 12 ech ga geese hah 08 the legen perf f cultural dances 4 211 Jina
Seth es 4 ake aon - 1% for three decades has ; rl : haa CL sg 1é ee ae uading
Admission is free to most events, however ee ve oe fe RR is 15 contemporaries as Ch - isto ical Paseo Ge Laie
donations are appreciated. All proceeds will : and Ray Charles as a dances. A notable feature
benefit the CWSS Performing Artists Fund. ponents of jazz. ‘art of ti he sound of unstrung, bamboo
Please see program descriptions to ascertain been slow in coming, castanets.
which events have an admission price. her self-defined
3 ventional creativity. Saturday, May 15
Chil Sponsored by CWSS and its SDSU Transcending sociié 7:30 p.
l dca re Student Chapter in conjunction ee ee ae roe -
. teria for success anc DONATION: -00
with the SDSU Cultural Arts Board. recording company. B1
Childcare for the Festival is being provided by Artist..."But Then, Sh
the Golden Hill Men's Group, by pre-arrangement c
only. Call 233-8984 three days in advance for some events are co-sponsored by DATE: Friday, May 7 : : ; : ae :
reservations. the California Arts Council. TIME: 3 p ns General public welcome. _For information or
PLACE: SDSU/Counci 1 Chambers additional posters call 233-8984.
Inherited Values
ONE Archives: Posters and Graphic Materials
ONE National Gay & Lesbian Archives is the oldest active Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning (LGBTQ) organization in the United States and the largest repository of LGBTQ materials in the world. Founded in 1952, ONE Archives currently houses over two million archival items including periodicals, books, film, video and audio recordings, photographs, artworks, organizational records and personal papers.
A small subset of this material has been digitized and is available online.
For additional information about the Archives, please see our Website (
ONE Archives’ digital collections have been made possible by generous support from the California State Library (, the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) (, The GRAMMY Foundation (, the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) (, ONE Archives Foundation (, and a USC Libraries Dean's Challenge Grant.
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