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Digital Library
ONE National Gay and Lesbian Archives
ONE Archives: Posters and Graphic Materials
Happy anniversary Houston GPC : Texas gay political caucus
(USC DC Image)
Happy anniversary Houston GPC : Texas gay political caucus
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Text continues: "Six years of service to the community."Black text on white background and a decorative border. The words "Happy Anniversary" are inside a banner.
Asset Metadata
Happy anniversary Houston GPC : Texas gay political caucus
Culture and politics
Houston Gay Political Caucus
(corporate name)
OAI-PMH Harvest
(city or populated place),
1 print : lithograph, black and white
political posters
sheet 28 x 43 cm (poster format).
ONE Archives: Posters and Graphic Materials
ONE National Gay and Lesbian Archives
University of Southern California
(contributing entity)
Relation References
Online Archive of California:
Date Created
Coll2018-001 ONE Archives LGBTQ Poster Collection
Houston Gay Political Caucus
University of Southern California. Libraries
Repository Email
Repository Name
ONE National Gay & Lesbian Archives
Repository Location
909 West Adams Boulevard, Los Angeles, California, 90007; phone (213) 821-2771
This work is issued under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) License.
This work is issued under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) License.
Access Conditions
This online display has been made possible by a generous grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources. For access to the physical items, contact ONE Archives at; or...
Permanent Link (DOI)
box 2 (
), P00101 (
call number
), one-2018001-p00101.tif (
), one-c4-42486 (
legacy record id
DM Record ID
Unique identifier
Legacy Identifier
Internet Media Type
25.9 in × 17.8 in at 300dpi
65.9 cm × 45.4 cm at 300dpi
Transcript (If available)
OCs SS 5 S25 OC) QO eC eal) O eed ace Soa C2 S “ cy $25 Se > , 62S oO .J ‘oe \ a Se ° O C252 O ee Son oe @, a nen p> ae on Poh OS PCT Newehed 26 Need SKY SX we ere o,? ~~ WAPPY ANNIVERSARY — Oh, 2. C2 So5e% LE San XY (/ eee A 3 S255 L5o5255 5 2% oss Re eee ona Se > S255 25- eatete LLY RZ, Desa aln ee .2 OS cman i C2 C2 ae CS? Ts Chie Saeed YY eae cree ae \ 2 A HOUSTON GPC Se OD $2 ° ¢, a hal > O CU Nhe YY 2 OO ’ LoS bound IO OCS mated Sohie Qo LPO 5 2 025985 bal KOS LIS 6 Ey ory Sos Soc om ed QD a Q TEXAS GAY POLITICAL CAUCUS ee 2 oe Oded COS ST QO <2 > . x 2 =? CS mend 5 000g OT we OO OR ey C/ Se me Od S0S< i 2 02S nal) SS PLS SS eer oormaaay, Saree oo 2 Se OSS YY 2 OS é © co pemraphanh Sat Read Cd \ Ss oe oe © six years of service fo the community 625 oO) 6252 ? Q SS heel LOSS e, A es O ree ne 3 Oo CCS CS SS ere C2 cA © oe co O CME Ree XS >< ooe5 al CES SoS Shel OX O SO O aoe aX t) ow . il cata eller Seema <e oe wx 3 ss . x2 O 4, OO ee LY O PTS OO S09 O S29 } SOFAS Nd eee ad 2 O ° 6 © 506 ‘2 Ce rpm TS or tad mS O° OQ 2 A SS SS Pe, © = $2922 C2 A SPS oS . SQ on Ae ‘©, x 55 S25 SO oS oar OS es SO TTS << Ce ad ead oC > sw ess %e s ; yy 6 OO O >¢5 V2 iy SoS. Canaan Soe Reece ateaae OO OO O79 O07) $0525 oie S25 a PTS te Ss Atos nee O SO S25 C2 © a an e*, ae eos 4, O79 oS %S fd C2 O79 ee 2525 5<5 o*. es S25 2 © CO eS See OS O? 2 Ride ec @, o $002 eSe C2 7 2 Ophea © <2 eS2 2 eS<S bP S2 > ca SoS C36 7 oe Seaham = Se SS" “SS 2 tO O PSSST oe eS2S< C2 Cj oe C >< 7 ee @ e aie Cas Siecle SO we Co) Ct) a his camectainesl . 2 Si .) $2 2 Ameen O SS eo ‘2 ws ‘2 ca C4 poe 2 SSO Rie aiteeaae 15.25 eSe 2 C) C7 2. TPS oe we Soe oer RE @ »./ rfoiesS 0 SC . $25 ae aaa C2 OY x) OY OO SST ESS LT PET SOT PET SL 0$259 SeS29 cama (5 aes ‘es s @ OY o O 0 0 oO e 06, OY OY df rx oS rOO ) O o S552] r PSO Oo TSC ES oe CO) OD O OO OO -0°6, OX) OO xX? OX? x? xX) OO OO) C) 5 ‘6, 252527 TSSOP SZ TST ET SCT PET SLT PE TOT Po LOST PN SOO OL PN SOOT PS 62527 S52527 202527 S2025Q7 Q cx OY SO SSO SAD RX 3S SC SK Somes SSS oa SSeS a SSS OL IS Koos SS Ea SSL oak SSH Ey SSC oat See ee Sey atecte S052) Toms S52) am’ 552 2amne% 5523 Ka 5520 LOSS RSS OSS RY mee SC Pome SR Pole BSC SSSI Se5529 TSS SLL SS ot DoS 506 ote DeS525 oe SoS SOS2 Ce 2S25 Sosa coe 2S25 eS2S 2S2S Cre Ercan ae 2S25 Pesos S25 eer OCS © S25 SOG eee <9 sperms 3235 eS famous CS$2S25 eeu oe C25 52525 rN 252525 ae 2525 Pes OS2525 2 2525 % Precee 252525 a OS ET SOOSDa cS $< OTS xr Sd oe 5 emma i “ O*%e"e CS2CS OO Sead s~L—S SF OF SSS SSS SSS ae SO Se SO re SR SCO See SO : a eK Oe eee Pom -Seo= PS2~ Se PSc= —s 06) OD OY Se $2 STR KT ETC x SOS es Felt tS ll utultuuulgutan glu Rul Fitsuvel tualultilunl® ttl S HI oO TPA TSCN vey o e 62 ore °S2 C7 o oe So SCD oe co Oe SSS oO 2 Ss SOS Qe > e oN © SS SOS SO OS
Inherited Values
ONE Archives: Posters and Graphic Materials
ONE National Gay & Lesbian Archives is the oldest active Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning (LGBTQ) organization in the United States and the largest repository of LGBTQ materials in the world. Founded in 1952, ONE Archives currently houses over two million archival items including periodicals, books, film, video and audio recordings, photographs, artworks, organizational records and personal papers.
A small subset of this material has been digitized and is available online.
For additional information about the Archives, please see our Website (
ONE Archives’ digital collections have been made possible by generous support from the California State Library (, the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) (, The GRAMMY Foundation (, the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) (, ONE Archives Foundation (, and a USC Libraries Dean's Challenge Grant.
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