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Digital Library
ONE National Gay and Lesbian Archives
ONE Archives: Posters and Graphic Materials
The prom you never went to!
(USC DC Image)
The prom you never went to!
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Upper half of the poster contains a graphic of a yellow newspaper cover. White text on purple and red background.
Asset Metadata
The prom you never went to!
Proms -- Gay
OAI-PMH Harvest
(city or populated place),
1 print : lithograph, color
sheet 70 x 43 cm (poster format).
ONE Archives: Posters and Graphic Materials
ONE National Gay and Lesbian Archives
University of Southern California
(contributing entity)
Relation References
Online Archive of California:
Evans, Robin
Coll2018-001 ONE Archives LGBTQ Poster Collection
Adpro Litho
University of Southern California. Libraries
Repository Email
Repository Name
ONE National Gay & Lesbian Archives
Repository Location
909 West Adams Boulevard, Los Angeles, California, 90007; phone (213) 821-2771
This item is protected by copyright. Copyright holder is unknown, unidentifiable or unlocatable. For more information, see
Access Conditions
This online display has been made possible by a generous grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources. For access to the physical items, contact ONE Archives at; or...
Permanent Link (DOI)
P02832 (
call number
), one-2018001-p02832.tif (
), one-c4-47596 (
legacy record id
DM Record ID
Unique identifier
Legacy Identifier
Internet Media Type
9.5 in × 15.5 in at 300dpi
24.3 cm × 39.5 cm at 300dpi
Transcript (If available)
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Printed by Adpro Litho
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Inherited Values
ONE Archives: Posters and Graphic Materials
ONE National Gay & Lesbian Archives is the oldest active Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning (LGBTQ) organization in the United States and the largest repository of LGBTQ materials in the world. Founded in 1952, ONE Archives currently houses over two million archival items including periodicals, books, film, video and audio recordings, photographs, artworks, organizational records and personal papers.
A small subset of this material has been digitized and is available online.
For additional information about the Archives, please see our Website (
ONE Archives’ digital collections have been made possible by generous support from the California State Library (, the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) (, The GRAMMY Foundation (, the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) (, ONE Archives Foundation (, and a USC Libraries Dean's Challenge Grant.
Linked assets
ONE Archives: Posters and Graphic Materials
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