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Compression algorithms for distributed classification with applications to distributed speech recognition
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Compression algorithms for distributed classification with applications to distributed speech recognition
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COMPRESSION ALGORITHMS FOR DISTRIBUTED CLASSIFICATION WITH APPLICATIONS TO DISTRIBUTED SPEECH RECOGNITION by Naveen Srinivasamurthy A Dissertation Presented to the FACULTY OF THE GRADUATE SCHOOL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING) May 2007 Copyright 2007 Naveen Srinivasamurthy Dedication To my parents for their support throughout my studies. To Vaishali, without your encouragement this would not have been possible. ii Acknowledgments Althoughwordsdonotdojusticetotheircontributions,Iwouldliketothankthefollowing people for making this work possible. Firstly my advisors, Prof. Antonio Ortega and Prof. Shrikant Narayanan, whose continual support and guidance fueled my research over the years. I am thankful for the privilege of working with them and I am most grateful for their guidance, patience and advise during my doctoral research. I would also like to thank, Prof. Boris Rozovsky for beingon my dissertation commit- tee, and to Prof. Keith Chugg and Prof. Keith Jenkins for serving on my Qualification exam committee. Thanks to all my friends and colleagues, in particular, Raghavendra Singh, Hua Xie, PhoomSagetong,AbhinavSethy,ShadiGanjavi, DavidComas,DuraiThriupathi,Robert Wilson, Sang-Yong Lee, Hyukjune Chung, Sankar Ananthakrishnan, Doney Joseph, Bal- tasar Beferull-Lozano, Krisda Lengwehasatit, Panayiotis Georgiou and Jose Gimeno. They made my life at USC a wonderful experience. I would also like to thank Prof. Abeer Alwan and Qifeng Zhu for a fruitful collaboration. I would like to thank my mother, for letting me pursue my ambitions. I would also like to thank my brother for his support. Finally, I express immense gratitude to Vaishali Umredkar, whose support and encouragement made it possible for me start, stay the iii course and complete my Ph.D. Also, I have to mention Ameya, whose innocence helped me maintain a cheerful outlook at all times. iv Table of Contents Dedication ii Acknowledgments iii List Of Tables viii List Of Figures xi Abstract xvii 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.2 Distributed Speech Recognition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1.3 Scalable Compression for Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 1.4 Classifier-Encoder Dimension Mismatch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 1.5 Distortion Metric for Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 1.6 Outline and contributions of this proposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2 Distributed Speech Recognition: Speech Encoding and Scalability 19 2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 2.1.1 Recognition Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 2.1.2 System Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 2.1.3 Encoder Variability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 2.2 Compression of MFCCs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 2.3 Scalable Predictive Encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 2.3.1 Consistency Criteria for Independent DPCM Loops . . . . . . . . 30 2.3.2 Context Dependent Entropy Coding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 2.3.3 Packetization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 2.4 Scalable DSR System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 2.4.1 Scalable Recognition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 2.4.2 DTW-HMM Recognizer example for Isolated Word Recognition . . 36 2.4.3 Spoken Names Recognition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 2.4.4 A two-stage continuous speech recognition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 v 2.4.5 Scalable system operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 2.5 Model Adaptation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 2.6 Experimental setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 2.6.1 Experimental conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 2.6.2 Isolated digits and alphabet recognizer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 2.6.3 Spoken names recognizer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 2.6.4 Continuous speech recognizer for the HUB-4 broadcast news task . 51 2.6.5 Model Adaptation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 2.7 Results. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 2.7.1 MFCC encoder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 2.7.2 Scalable DSR system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 2.7.3 Spoken Names Recognition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 2.7.4 Continuous Speech Recognition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 2.7.5 Model Transformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 2.8 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 3 Joint Compression-Classification with Quantizer/Classifier Dimension Mismatch 78 3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 3.2 Joint Product VQ design using classification information . . . . . . . . . . 82 3.2.1 Previous work. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 3.2.2 Parametric design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 3.2.3 Empirical design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 3.3 Experiments and Results. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 3.4 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 4 Performance Improvements in Fast Table-Lookup Encoding for Image Compression Applications 106 4.1 Introduction and Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 4.2 Previous work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 4.2.1 Pre-processing for fast encoding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 4.2.2 Structured VQs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 4.3 Joint Product Encoder Design. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 4.4 Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 4.5 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 5 Minimum Mutual Information Loss Encoder 128 5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 5.2 Relation between mutual information and P e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 5.2.1 Fano’s inequality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 5.2.2 Relating P e to loss in mutual information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 5.3 Information Bottleneck Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 5.4 Minimum Mutual Information Loss Encoder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 vi 5.4.1 MMIL Encoder: Quantizer Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 5.4.2 MMIL Encoder: Rate-Allocation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 5.5 Experiments and Results. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 5.6 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 6 Future Work 148 6.1 Successively Refinable Predictive Encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 6.1.1 Methods of scalable encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 6.2 Predicting Rate Requirement for Classification Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 6.3 Optimal Transformation for Minimizing Mutual Information Loss . . . . . 155 6.4 Application Specific Distributed Source Coding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 Bibliography 161 vii List Of Tables 2.1 Threshold used during dictionary lookup is a function of the recognized phone sequence length. Shorter phone sequences are assigned a lower threshold and vice-versa. The thresholds were chosen by experiments on the training data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 2.2 Comparative results for the digits database for different encoding techniques 54 2.3 Comparative resultsforthealphabetsdatabasefordifferent encodingtech- niques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 2.4 AverageCPUtime(inseconds, onasunworkstation) requiredtorecognize a utterance from the digit database, and time required to encode it. The times shown for ECSQ and USQ also include the time for entropy coding, aswellasthetimerequiredtocomputetheMFCCs(alsoincludedinspeech recognition). The encoding and recognition times can be expected to be much higher for a portable device. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 2.5 AbsolutepercentageincreaseinWERfortheproposedencoderandAurora. Observe that even when the proposed encoder operates at 3600 b/s it is superior to Aurora. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 2.6 Transmission times for scalable and non-scalable codec on an 8800 b/s transmissionlink. Therecognizerisassumedtooperateinreal-time. Hence time required for recognition is equal to the length of the name utterance. The user latency is the sum of the transmission and recognition time. Re- duction in user latency for the proposed scalable encoder is shown in the last row. Around 11% user latency reduction is possible. Each packet is assumed to have 40 bytes of RTP/UDP/IP headers. If RoHC (Robust Header Compression) were usedtheheader size could bereduced to 5bytes. 66 viii 2.7 Word error rate (in percentage) for supervised MLLR adaptation. String errorrate(inpercentage)isshowninbrackets. TheimprovementsinMLLR are decrease (in percentage) in word error rate with respect to clean model results. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 2.8 Degradation (in percentage) in word error rate beforeand after adaptation for the different coding schemes. The degradation is with respect to using matched models for each compression scheme. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 2.9 Word error rate (in percentage) for supervised MAP adaptation. String error rate(in percentage) is showninbrackets. Theimprovement for MAP is decrease (in percentage) in word error rate with respect to clean model results. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 2.10 Degradation (in percentage) in word error rate beforeand after adaptation for the different coding schemes. The degradation is with respect to us- ing clean speech for testing. Uncompressed speech requires 128 kbps and uncompressed MFCCs require 38.4 kbps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 3.1 CPU time (in seconds, on a Sun workstation) required to encode 32000 4 dimensional vectors. Bayes VQ has a codebook of size 64. Proposed low dimension encoder has codebooks of size 8 in both sub-dimensions. The difference in time can be expected to be much higher for larger dimension vectors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 4.1 PSNRandencodingtimeforVQ fs ,VQ pde [6],HVQ,codewordsrefinement HVQ (CR-HVQ) and codewords refinement joint encoder HVQ (CR-JE- HVQ). The PSNR of CR-HVQ and CR-JE-HVQ is better than that of HVQ, however the encoding time is significantly lesser than VQ fs . . . . 121 4.2 PSNR and encoding time for VQ fs , VQ pde [6], WTHVQ, codewords re- finement WTHVQ (CR-WTHVQ) and codewords refinement joint encoder WTHVQ (CR-JE-WTHVQ). The PSNR of CR-WTHVQ and CR-JE- WTHVQ is better than that of WTHVQ, however the encoding time is significantly lesser than WTVQ fs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 4.3 PSNR and encoding time for ECVQ fs , ECVQ pde [6], ECHVQ, code- words refinement ECHVQ (CR-ECHVQ) and codewords refinement joint encoder ECHVQ (CR-JE-ECHVQ). The PSNR of CR-ECHVQ and CR- JE-ECHVQ is better than that of ECHVQ, however the encoding time is significantly lesser than ECVQ fs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 ix 4.4 Memory requirement for the lookup tables. For small VQ codebook size the memory required by CR-HVQ is lesser than CR-JE-HVQ, however for large VQ codebook size savings in memory can be achieved. . . . . . . . . 124 5.1 In the different quantization techniques, we varied the design algorithm, the rate-allocation technique and the encoding scheme. Here MSE refers to mean square error distortion and MI refers to our proposed mutual informationlossdistortion. Notethatweprogressivelyincreasetheamount of role MI plays in the quantizer operation, by first using it only for rate- allocation, then for both rate-allocation and quantizer design and finally for all three operations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 x List Of Figures 1.1 Distributed estimation system, the client should encodes x such that the parameter (θ) estimation capability of the server is not degraded. . . . . . 4 1.2 A typical speech recognition consists of a feature extractor the output of which is used by a pattern recognizer to make the recognition decision. . . 7 1.3 A distributed speech recognizer. The client extracts the features encodes and transmits it to the server which decodes it and uses for recognition. . 8 1.4 Aclient-serverbasedspeechrecognitionsystemusingaconventionalspeech encoder to compress the data. Note that unlike a DSR system the feature extraction is done at the server. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1.5 The optimal Bayes classifier for a mixture of two sources with means [2.0,0.5] and [−2.0,−0.5]. Notice that x 0 has greater discrimination power than x 1 . By using only a 0 we can be almost sure that it belongs to class 1, however for b which lies close to the classification boundary both com- ponents are required. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2.1 Scalable recognition system. The top figure shows the conventional DSR system. The number of clients that the server can handle is limited by the server computational capabilities and the server bandwidth. The bot- tom figure shows the proposed scalable system wherein the computational requirements as well as the bandwidth at the server are reduced. In the scalable system theenhancement dataisrequestedbytheserveronly ifthe low complexity recognizer cannot make the recognition decision. . . . . . 22 2.2 A remote speech recognition system. Several clients communicate with a singleserver. Theclientscouldusedifferentcompressionschemestoencode the speech data. The models at the server are adapted to ensure that the adapted models are more likely to have produced the observed data. . . . 25 xi 2.3 A layered DPCM scheme where the top DPCM loops encodes the quanti- zation error of the bottom DPCM loop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 2.4 TheproposedlayeredDPCMscheme, wheretwoindependentDPCMloops are maintained. The quantized prediction error is used by the fine DPCM quantizer to find the valid bins. The entropy coder uses the predictions from both loops to determine the context. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 2.5 Overlapping shifted quantizers. Using information from the coarse repro- ductionthenumberofpotentialbinsforQ f isreduced. OnlythebinsofQ f which overlap the region R c are valid. The valid bins of Q f are highlighted. 32 2.6 Observe that the average number of models increases with threshold and the probability of word error monotonically decreases with threshold. At threshold of 2.4 theprobability of word errorbecomes zero buttheaverage number of models is reduced from 10 to 8, i.e, a 20% reduction in HMM runningtimewithnodifferenceinrecognition performance. Ingeneral it is not required to use a threshold as high as 2.4, a smaller value between 1.2 to 1.8 will suffice, because utterances very difficult to distinguish by DTW are most likely to be in error for the HMM also.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 2.7 Thedifferentscalablerecognizerschemesused. InSystemAweuseaDTW as the first recognizer and a HMM as the final level recognizer. In System B we use two levels of DTW as the first recognizer and a HMM as the second recognizer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 2.8 A two stage approach using dictionary lookup for the names recognition task. When a Levenshtein distance threshold of 2 is used, although the recognized phone sequence is closer to Glen than Green, the dictionary lookup will ensure that Green is in the final lattice used for rescoring. . . 40 2.9 A two stage multi-pass continuous speech recognizer. The low complexity early-pass recognizer is used to constrain the search space of a latter-pass more complex recognizer by generating a word lattice. . . . . . . . . . . . 44 2.10 Recognition performance of the different encoders for alphabet database. Numbers next to the points indicate the number of coefficients retained. The scalability of the encoders can be seen by the Bitrate/WER trade- off. Recognition performance with MELP was 24.85% and with FS-10 was 25.69%. Therecognition performancewith unquantized MFCCs was 17.34%. 56 2.11 Same information as in Figure 2.10 except that the database is the digit database. WER with MELP was 1.15% and with FS-10 was 4.75%. The recognition performance with unquantized MFCCs was 0.21%. . . . . . . 57 xii 2.12 Recognition results with techniques based on scalar quantization [19] on the alphabet database and linear prediction and vector quantization [51] on the digit database. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 2.13 Recognition performance for the scalable recognition schemes. The coarse bitrate is 0.72 kbps. The fine bitrate (R f ) is indicated in the figure. The baseline WER of 0.24% is shown as a dotted line. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 2.14 The time required for the scalable recognition schemes. The baseline com- putational time of 28 sec is shown as a dotted line. Notice the computa- tional scalability wherein reduced complexity can be achieved at the ex- pense of WER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 2.15 NamesrecognitionresultswhenCImodelsareusedinthelatticerecognizer. Notice that there is small degradation in performance when the bitrate is above 2500 b/s. However it is apparent that with the proposed variable- rate encoder we can trade-off recognition performance and bitrate. . . . . 60 2.16 Names recognition results when CD models are used in the lattice rec- ognizer. Notice that there is small degradation in performance when the bitrate is above 2500 b/s. However it is apparent that with the proposed variable-rate encoder we can trade-off recognition performance and bitrate. 61 2.17 Results of the names recognition when the proposed scalable DSR encoder is used at the client. The results are shown for different base layer rates. . 61 2.18 Results of the names recognition when the proposed scalable DSR encoder is used at the client. The results are shown for different base layer rates. When the base layer rate is 2580 b/s and the enhancement layer rate is 2000 b/s the recognition result for CDmodels is the same as that obtained with a variable-rate encoder at a bitrate of 4040 b/s. However since the base layer rate is lower than the full rate of the variable-rate encoder, the recognition latency experienced by the user is reduced. . . . . . . . . . . . 62 2.19 Recognition results of the multi-pass DSR for the HUB-4 broadcast news task. Observe that with a base layer rate of 2470 b/s and an enhancement layer of 3230 b/s we achieve the same recognition performance as with uncompresseddata. Alsotherecognition performanceversusbitratetrade- off is clear from the results. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 2.20 Comparison of trade-off between distortion and percentage WER versus bitrate. Distortion scale is shown on the left y-axis and percentage WER scale is shown on the right y-axis. The correlation between distortion and recognition performance is clearly illustrated. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 xiii 2.21 Effect of adaptation data on string error rate and word error rate for clean and encoded data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 3.1 Distributed classification system. The dimension of the classifier is greater than the dimension of the encoders/decoders. The goal of the encoders is to quantize the data so that it has least effect on classification performance. 79 3.2 Even though the vectors x 1 and x 2 have the same value in one dimension, they belong to different classes as they significantly differ in the other dimension. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 3.3 Illustration of the empirical algorithm (only one of the K 1 bins is shown). Bin b 1 j is assigned to thequantization valueQ 1 j sothat thejoint cost of dis- tortion and average misclassification is minimized. The width of the bin is Δanditsmid-pointisc 1 j . Intheexampleshownthereare13sourcevectors in the bin b 1 j . The diamond points (r k i and r k i+1 ) are the 2 dimensional re- productionspointsgot byassociating thereproductionpointsQ 1 i andQ 1 i+1 in the 1 st dimension with every reproduction point in the 2 nd dimension. The class of the reproductions points and the source vectors is determined by the region they fall into, i.e., the points below the classification line belong to class 0 and those above belong to class 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 3.4 The setup of the Case (i) example. The input consists of a 2 dimensional vector, each dimension is quantized independently using scalar quantiza- tion, and the quantized outputs are used for classification by the 2 dimen- sional Bayes classifier. For Case (ii) the scalar quantizers are replaced by 2 dimensional VQs and the 2 dimensional classifier is replaced with a 4 dimensional Bayes classifier. For Case (iii) the 2 dimensional classifier is replaced with an 8 dimensional Bayes classifier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 3.5 QuantizationbinswhentheproposedalgorithmisusedtodesigntheScalar Quantizers. The means of the two classes are represented by diamond points. The diagonal line is the Bayes classifier boundary. . . . . . . . . . 97 3.6 Quantization bins when the only distortion is minimized to design the scalarquantizers. Themeansofthetwoclassesarerepresentedbydiamond points. The diagonal line is the Bayes classifier boundary. . . . . . . . . . 97 xiv 3.7 Trade-off between percentage reduction in misclassification and reduction inSNRforscalarquantizersdesignedforeachdimensionofa2dimensional Gaussian mixture vector (Case(i)). The top curve represents the pdf based design and the other two curves represent the empirical designs. Empirical design 1 corresponds to the case when high rate scalar quantizers are used to partition the training set, and empirical design 2 corresponds to the case when high rate Lloyd-Max scalar quantizers are used to partition the training set. The number of bins in empirical design 2 is lesser than the number of bins in empirical design 1, so the complexity of the design is lesser for empirical design 2. The percentage misclassification when the scalar quantizers are designed only to minimize distortion is 3.40%. So the reductions in misclassification are significant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 3.8 Trade-off between percentage reduction in misclassification and reduction in SNR for two 2 dimensional VQs designed for a 4 dimensional Gaussian mixture vector (Case(ii)). The percentage misclassification when the VQs are designed only to minimize distortion is 9.64% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 3.9 Percentage misclassification vs SNR for two 2 dimensional VQs and Bayes VQ designed for a 4 dimensional Gaussian mixture vector (Case(ii)). For both curves the points with maximum SNR correspond to the case when only distortion is minimized. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 3.10 Trade-off between percentage reduction in misclassification and reduction inSNRfor2Scalar Quantizersdesignedfora2dimensional8sourceGaus- sian mixture vector (Case(iii)). The percentage misclassification when the scalar quantizers are designed only to minimize distortion is 13.99% . . . 102 3.11 The optimal Bayes classifier (solid black line) and the quantization bins (thin horizontal andvertical lines) forCase(iii), i.e., amixtureof8sources. The stars represent the means of the 8 sources. Observe that the quanti- zations bins approximate the Euclidean partition of the classifier. . . . . . 103 4.1 Overlap between product regions and Voronoi regions of the higher di- mension VQ. Observe that the shaded region intersects multiple Voronoi regions, while the solid region is fully contained in a single Voronoi region. 107 4.2 The top path represents the conventional full search VQ encoding scheme. The bottom path shows the conceptual encoding scheme where the PVQ quantized data is encoded by the full search VQ. Since in this case the full search VQ is operating on quantized data it can be replaced with a table lookup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 xv 4.3 The HVQ encoding operation can be looked as a classification problem. TheVQ fs is the classifier andL−1 stage HVQ is the encoder. The goal is to ensure that for vectors in a training set the same index is given by the above two methods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 5.1 Probability of class given data for a two class problem. The means are -1 and 1 for the two classes and both classes have standard deviation 2. . . . 130 5.2 The mixture of eight 2D Gaussian sources used to evaluate our proposed techniques. Misclassification was 27.4% even when unquantized features were used, indicating significant overlap between the different sources. . . 143 5.3 Theresultsobtainedbythedifferentquantizationschemes. Observethatas MIisincreasinglyusedinthequantizer, therate-classification performance always becomes better. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 5.4 WER in spoken names recognition task. Significant performance improve- ments is achieved at all bitrates by the MI rate-allocation compared to the heuristic rate-allocation. At 3920 bps, the MI rate-allocation scheme re- sultsinonlya0.31%increaseinWERwhencomparedtousingunquantized MFCCs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 6.1 A refinable scalable predictive encoding scheme. Subsequent DPCM loops encode the quantization error of the previous DPCM loop. . . . . . . . . . 150 6.2 A morphable scalable predictive encoding scheme. Each layer is encoded usingindependentDPCMloops. Thequantizedpredictionerrorofprevious DPCM loops is used by the subsequent DPCM quantizer and entropy coder.150 6.3 Encoder employing an invertible transform. The transform coefficients are independently quantized. The final decoded vector is obtained by inverse transforming the quantized coefficients. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 6.4 Distributed encoding of two statistically dependent sources. X and Y are independently encoded but jointly decoded at a central decoder. . . . . . 160 xvi Abstract With the wide proliferation of mobile devices coupled with the explosion of new multime- dia applications, there is a need for adopting a client-server architecture to enable clients withlowcomplexity/memorytosupportcomplexmultimediaapplications. Intheseclient- server systems compression is vital to minimize the communication channel bandwidth requirementsbycompressingthetransmitteddata. Traditionally, compressiontechniques have been designed to minimize perceptual distortion, i.e., the compressed data was in- tended to be heard/viewed by humans. However, recently there has been an emergence of applications in which the compressed data is processed by an algorithm. Examples include distributed estimation or classification. In these applications, for best system performance, rather than minimizing perceptual distortion, the compression algorithm should be optimized to have the least effect on the estimation/classification capability of the processing algorithm. In this work novel compression techniques optimized for classification are proposed. The first application considered is remote speech recognition, where the speech rec- ognizer uses compressed data to recognize the spoken utterance. For this application, a scalable encoder designed to maximize recognition performance is proposed. The scalable encoderisshowntohave superiorrate-recognition performancecomparedtoconventional xvii speech encoders. Additionally, a scalable recognition system capable of trading off recog- nitionperformanceforreducedcomplexityisalsoproposed. Theseareusefulindistributed speech recognition systems where several clients are accessing a single server and efficient server design becomes important to both reduce the computational complexity and the bandwidth requirement at the server. Thesecond application considered is distributed classification, wherethe classifier op- erates on the compressed and transmitted data to make the class decision. A novel algo- rithmisproposedwhichisshowntosignificant reducethemisclassification penaltywitha smallsacrificeindistortionperformance. Thegenerality ofthisalgorithmisdemonstrated by extending it to improve the performance of table-lookup encoders. It is shown that by designing product vector quantizers (PVQ) to approximate a higher dimension vector quantizer (VQ), a significant improvement in PSNR performance over conventional PVQ design is possible while not increasing the encoding time significantly over conventional table-lookup encoding. Finally, a new distortion metric, mutual information (MI) loss, is proposed for de- signing quantizers in distributed classification applications. It is shown that the MI loss optimized quantizers are able to provide significant improvements in classification perfor- mance when compared to mean square error optimized quantizers. Empirical quantizer design and rate allocation algorithms are provided to optimize quantizers for minimizing MI loss. Additionally, it is shown that the MI loss metric can be used to design quan- tizers operating on low dimension vectors. This is a vital requirement in classification systems employing high dimension classifiers as it enables design of optimal and practical minimum MI loss quantizers implementable on low complexity/memory clients. xviii Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Motivation Thepastfewdecadeshaveseennetworkingexpandfromsmalllocalareanetworks(LANs) connectingcomputersinauniversityoraresearchlabtoformaglobalnetworkconnecting computers across the entire world. Recent advances in wireless technology have enabled this expansion to include mobile devices into this global network. This combination of portable computing with portable communications is changing the way we think about information processing [69]. LANs were originally deployed for data transfer and re- mote access. However in the past decade there are an increasing number of applications which are targeting delivery of information and multimedia data content. People want to be able to transmit and receive information independent of computing platform, com- munication device, and communication bandwidth (a concept sometimes called nomadic computing [30]). This diversity of computing devices and high user expectation has resulted in new signal processing challenges. Multimedia applications (e.g., speech recognition and video 1 streaming) are beginning to enter our everyday life. Although processor speeds are in- creasing and memory sizes are decreasing, there still is a wide disparity between the computational/memory capabilities of a mobile device and a desktop computer. Whiletheaforementioned multimediaapplications canbesupportedforusersemploy- ingdesktops, mobiledevices areseverely challenged tosupportthem. Afeasibleapproach toenablethemobiledevicestosupportthesecomplexmultimediaapplicationsistoadopt a distributed processing paradigm. The mobile devices, although unable to support the multimedia applications locally, can draw upon distributed resources hosted on more powerful networked servers to provide multimedia services to the users. In general, trans- mission tends to require more power than processing. So, while communicating between the mobile device and the remote server it is essential to use compression in order to maximize thebattery life of themobiledevice and minimizethebandwidthrequirements. Several compression schemes have been developed for multimedia data. Someof these are FS-10 (CELP), GSM, MELP, AMR, EVRC and the ITU G72x series for voice; mp3, AAC for audio; JPEG-2000, JPEG and GIF for image; and MPEG, H.26x for video. These conventional compression schemes have concentrated on efficient representation (and possibly transmission) of the source data. However, these schemes have been devel- oped with the assumption that the final target is a human who either views or hears the encoded data. Thus the primary objective of these compression schemes is to achieve the best perceptual quality. However, new multimedia applications, such as, distributed speech recognition (DSR) [19, 51, 65, 21, 63, 8, 74], content retrieval from an image database [70], or sensor networks [32, 13], fundamentally differ in that the acquired data is not seen/heard by humans but needs to be processed by algorithms [41]. 2 Unlike before, minimizing perceptual distortion may not be the most efficient criteria in these applications. To ensure better system performance it will be beneficial to tailor thecompression scheme tothe specificapplication. Tomotivate this concept consider the communication system shown in Figure 1.1. The client acquires the data x, encodes it and transmits it to a remote server. The server decodes the received data and estimates a parameter θ from the decoded data. Since the main (or only) objective of the server is to estimate θ, the compression scheme need not reliably reproduce x at the server (for many applications, e.g. DSR, the server is not required to generate a reproduction of the original data). Instead the compression scheme should be optimized such that the server can reliably reproduce the parameter θ. Of course if the client had sufficient computational power and higher domain knowledge then it would likely be more efficient to estimate θ at the client and transmit it losslessly to the server [24]. In this thesis we consider the cases when the client acquiring the data has limited computational and memory resources. Hence, it will not be possible to implement the complex parameter estimator at the client. This is a reasonable assumption because with increasing proliferation of wireless connectivity, there is a widespread use of wire- less devices with limited computational capabilities. These clients while able to support some processing, will in general be unable to implement complex algorithms requiring significant processing and large memory requirements. Also, part of the application spe- cific knowledge will generally only be available at a centralized location (e.g., complete database might be unknown or might be too large to be stored at the client). For optimality, theestimator at theserver shouldbemodifiedtotake intoaccount the fact that the data it is receiving has been compressed. This might be possible in certain applications. However, in general the same estimator will have to work in conjunction 3 with several different compression schemes, and designing a separate estimator for every possible compression scheme will not be either efficient or practical. So, in most of what follows, weassumethat thecompression scheme works inconjunction with afixedremote estimator. θ x Server Decoder Estimator/ Classifier Client Encoder Figure 1.1: Distributed estimation system, the client should encodes x such that the parameter (θ) estimation capability of the server is not degraded. Consider for example a distributed speech recognition system, where speech is ac- quired at a (possibly mobile) client (e.g., a PDA or a cell phone) and transmitted to a remote speech recognizer for recognition. While a simple recognizer can be implemented on the client, considering the varying ambient environment at the client and the need to support a large vocabulary continuous speech recognition (LVCSR) it is desirable to implement a complex recognizer capable of handlingthese requirements. While the client cannot host such a complex recognizer ∗ , it is possible to implement the recognizer at the server (unlike the client it is assumed that the server is not a mobile device and is hosted ∗ With the current advances in integrated circuits technology it is conceivable that complex recognizers can be implemented in the clients in the future. However advances in automatic speech recognition 4 on a computer with sufficient computational and memory resources). The straightfor- ward method of communication between the client and the server is to use a standard speechencodertoencodetherawspeech. However sincethespeechwillprimarilybeused for recognition (and not playback, see [12, 49] for methods of reconstructing intelligent speech from features used for recognition), optimizing the compression algorithm to min- imize recognition errors rather than perceptual distortion is more meaningful. Also, it is desirable to use a single speech recognizer to handle both compressed (different compres- sion schemes could be used) and uncompressed data (the uncompressed speech could be from land-line telephones). This will enable easy design/maintainance/upgrading of the system. This requirement makes it unattractive to use a speech recognizer optimized for a specific compression scheme. Similarly when a sensor network is considered, the individual sensors acquire data about a target or environment. To maximize the life of the sensor network (minimize battery power consumption) the sensors do not communicate with each other. Instead the sensors transmit the acquired data to a central node. The central node fuses the received sensor inputs to estimate the required target parameter (e.g., target tracking, target identification, [32] or source localization [13]), or acquire information about the environment (e.g. factory, habitat, etc). Theobjective of thecompression scheme at each sensor should be to ensure that compression does not degrade the parameter estimation capability of the central node, rather than to ensure good reconstruction of the sensor outputs at the central node. (ASR)technology for e.g., migration from “directedspeech” speechrecognition tonatural language speech recognition [46] will imply that the computation/memory requirements for speech recognition will also continue to increase. 5 Even when computational resources at the client are not constrained, there are ap- plications where distributed processing is preferable. In network based applications it is not practical to distribute the database to every client in cases such as a speech rec- ognizer based call center (e.g., United airlines flight information, E*TRADE telephone investing, Pizza Hut ordering system) or voice portals (Audiopoint, HeyAnita to name a few) where customers dial in to request information. In these examples the database used for information retrieval is constantly changing and it is preferable to maintain this at a centralized location. In addition distribution of the database might not be possible for security reasons, e.g., remote speaker recognition, banking or trading applications. The main goal of the compression schemes should be to retain the information most relevant for estimation/classification while discarding the redundant information. Un- like conventional compression schemes which aim to minimize distortion at a given bi- trate the requirement on the new compression schemes is a trade-off between estima- tion/classification performance, bitrate and (possibly) complexity. Ideally the compres- sion schemes should be designed such that the performance of the estimator/classifier monotonically increases with bitrate. In addition it is also desirable to have a trade- off between performance and complexity. Extra processing at the client should improve the server performance and/or reduce server complexity. Under heavy load conditions the server should be able to achieve reasonable performance using reduced complexity methods, with these methods possibly requiring fewer bits to be transmitted from the client. 6 1.2 Distributed Speech Recognition A block diagram of a speech recognizer is shown in Figure 1.2. Speech Features Recognition decision Extractor Speech Recognizer Pattern Recognizer Feature Figure1.2: Atypicalspeechrecognitionconsistsofafeatureextractortheoutputofwhich is used by a pattern recognizer to make the recognition decision. It consists of two parts • A feature extractor (typically, Mel frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC)) and • A pattern recognizer (typically, hidden Markov models (HMM)). Mostofthecomputationalcomplexityofthespeechrecognizerisinthepatternrecognizer, while the low complexity feature extractor can be implemented even on simple mobile devices. By moving the feature extractor onto the client we get a distributed speech recognizer (DSR) (where now the recognition computation is distributed between the client andtheserver). ThisisshowninFigure1.3. Thereareseveral potential advantages of using this architecture over the more straightforward method (Figure 1.4) which uses a conventional speech encoder at the client, namely, 7 Pattern Recognizer Decoder Extraction Encoder Feature Client Server Speech Recognition Decision Figure 1.3: A distributed speech recognizer. The client extracts the features encodes and transmits it to the server which decodes it and uses for recognition. Decoder Speech Speech Encoder Extraction Feature Client Server Speech Recognition Decision Pattern Recognizer Figure 1.4: A client-server based speech recognition system using a conventional speech encoder to compress the data. Note that unlike a DSR system the feature extraction is done at the server. 8 • Improved recognition performance • Robustness to noise • Scalability (see Section 1.3) • Distribution of computation between server and client • Error protected lossless channel for communication The advantages of using a network based speech recognizer over using a local speech recognizer in the client are • Complex acoustic models can be used • Complex language models can be used • Multi-modal recognition can be implemented • Easy integration with spoken dialog applications is possible • Easier maintenance of the system is possible by having a centralized system • Increased security (database stored at central server) Compression is vital to minimize the bandwidth requirement between the client and the server. DSR speech encoders operate directly on the features used for recognition. The advantage of operating directly on the features is that only the information relevant to the speech recognizer needs to be encoded, unlike in conventional speech encoders whichoperateontheentirespeechwaveform. For example, speech recognition incarshas to overcome noise generated by the vehicle, the radio and (talking by) other occupants of the car. In addition, the recognition system must also deal with channel errors. Part 9 of the difficulty in the conventional (non-DSR) system is that the server has to handle both the environment noise and the channel noise. By using powerful feature level noise compensation techniques [48, 72] at the client we can minimize the effect of environment errors and transmit reliable features to the server which now only will have to deal with the channel impairments. This will ensure that effects of noise are mitigated as soon as they are encountered. Additionally, operating directly on the features allows the compression techniques to make use of the importance of the features for speech recognition. Furthermore, DSR speech encoders are able to achieve better rate-performance trade-off when compared to conventional speech encoders. Finally, the DSR approach eliminates the need of a speech channel in remote speech recognition and enables the use of an error-protected lossless data channel instead. This results in better robustness to channel errors. It should be noted that the complexity of the front end processing is comparable to the complexity of a conventional speech encoders, so the computational burden at the client is not adversely affected by moving the front end processing onto the client. 1.3 Scalable Compression for Classification To motivate thenecessity for scalable compression for classification, consider theexample of a 2 dimension classifier shown in Figure 1.5. The probability distribution function (pdf) of class 1 is f 1 (x 0 ,x 1 ) = N(2.0,1)∗N(0.5,1) and the pdf of class 2 is f 2 (x 0 ,x 1 ) = N(−2.0,1)∗N(−0.5,1). In the figure, the diagonal line represents the optimal Bayes classifier (for equal variance Gaussians, this is the line perpendicular to the line joining 10 the means of the 2 classes) which is the optimal classifier achieving minimum probability of misclassification. It is apparent that for classification the dimension x 0 has better discrimination power than dimension x 1 . For example, if we were to use only x 0 , the optimal classification boundary would be the y-axis while using only x 1 implies that the x-axis is the optimal classification boundary. The increase in the probability of error over the optimal Bayes classifier when only one dimension is used is obviously more when we use only x 1 than when we use only x 0 . This unequal discrimination power can be exploited to design a trivial scalable clas- sification system. At first we send only x 0 , i.e., the more important (for classification) coefficient and based on the partial classification result at the server we can, if required, request for x 1 from the client. Consider the vector a, we observe that by looking only at a 0 we can say that it is highly likely that a belongs to class 1 and hence there is no necessity for requesting a 1 . However, for vector b the class uncertainty is more. Hence we request b 1 in order to make the final classification decision using the entire vector. This concept of scalability enables us to use a coarse resolution version of the data in makingourinitialclassdecision. Forvectorsthatare“easy”toclassifytheinitialdecision is highly accurate, however for “difficult” vectors the initial decision can be refined by using more data to get more accurate results. To take full advantage of a scalable classification system, the encoder should be lay- ered [63]. With a non-layered encoder if the current performance is not acceptable a completely new bitstream (at a higher rate) has to be transmitted from the client. How- ever, a layered encoder has the property that to achieve full resolution only incremental 11 a b [2.0, 0.5] [-2.0,-0.5] optimal Bayes classifier x x 0 0 a a b b 1 1 0 1 Class 1 Class 2 Figure 1.5: Theoptimal Bayes classifier for a mixture of two sources with means [2.0,0.5] and [−2.0,−0.5]. Notice that x 0 has greater discrimination power thanx 1 . By using only a 0 we can be almost sure that it belongs to class 1, however for b which lies close to the classification boundary both components are required. 12 bits (lower rate than full resolution) need to be sent and can be combined with the pre- viously received bits to provide a better reconstruction of the data so as to improve the server performance. This can potentially result in a lower average bitrate requirement for a given performance criteria when compared to a non-layered encoder. 1.4 Classifier-Encoder Dimension Mismatch Typically the classifier at the server either operates on the entire received data or on long source sequences. When the encoder also operates on the entire vector being used for classification it is relatively straightforward to incorporate the effect of encoding on clas- sification [40, 43, 42]. However, the computational complexity of such a high dimension encoder can preclude it from being used by low complexity clients. Consider the case of joint compression and classification. When the encoder and classifier dimensions are the same then the weighted sum of distortion and Bayes risk [40, 43, 42] can be used as the total cost in designing the encoder (Bayes VQ). In these cases, the encoder output corresponds to a reproduction level and a class label, so for some applications the clas- sifier can be replaced by a table lookup. However, since the encoder operates on high dimensional vectors it requires high computation complexity and can become a potential computational bottleneck in the system. Toalleviatethecomplexityofencoding,inthisthesisweconsiderencodersdesignedto operateonsub-vectorsofthevector. However, thedesignoftheseencodersiscomplicated by the fact that each of the encoders independently operate on the sub-dimensions of the source data while the remote classifier operates on the entire decoded data [61, 62]. For example, in a DSR system the remote speech recognizer uses the quantized features from 13 many frames of the utterance to make its decision. Clearly it is not possible to use an encoder at the client which has the same dimension as the speech recognizer because the number of frames, for say a digit utterance, can be around 50 (typically) and 12 featuresareextractedforeveryframe; theresultingencoderoperatingona600dimension vector is computationally impractical. An alternative solution would be to encode each featureframeindividuallyusingavector quantizer (VQ) of dimension12(or use12scalar quantizer (SQ), one for each feature), this leads to the scenario where it is required that low dimension encoders have to operate in conjunction with a high dimension classifier. The crucial difference between designing low dimension encoders to minimize only distortion anddesigninglow dimensionencoderstominimizebothdistortion andmisclas- sification is that: distortion is an additive separable cost and can beoptimized separately in each of the sub-dimensions. However, misclassification can be defined only for the entire vector and hence there is no straightforward way of breaking this misclassification cost into elementary components. The fact that the classifier uses the entire quantized vector for classification, while, each of the encoders independently quantize the sub-dimensions (due to computational constraints), implies that the encoder design in the different sub-dimensions are not in- dependent of each other. To take this into effect we need to jointly design the encoders. Information from other sub-dimensions needs to be used to incorporate the effect of mis- classification during the design of each of the individual encoders. This design method- ology significantly outperforms an independent encoder design where the encoders are designed separately to only minimize distortion. The low dimension encoders operating on thesub-dimensionsof thedata can beusedto get an approximate classification, which can be used by the classifier to reduce the search space for finding the true class label. 14 Thus the encoders not only reduce the bitrate but also aid in the classification. To en- sure that using a reduced search space will not sacrifice classification performance it is important that the encoders are designed to approximate the higher dimension classifier structure (operation). 1.5 Distortion Metric for Classification Consider applications wherethe decoded data at the remote server is used only for classi- fication. In these applications, ideally the quantizer design should be optimized to ensure that quantization does not increase the probability of misclassification as compared to when unquantized data was used for classification. However, probability of misclassifi- cation does not have a mathematically tractable form to enable its use in the quantizer design. However, it is not apparent that MSE based quantizer design is the optimal de- sign for classification applications. Hence, there is a necessity to investigate alternative distortion metrics that are more meaningful than MSE for classification applications. Thegoalofclassificationistoestimateaclasslabelfromtheinputdata. Thusitseems natural to design encoders which preserve this class information, i.e., design quantizers that aim to preserve the class information present in the unquantized data during the quantization operation. This would ensurethat on average the class label estimated from the quantized data will be closer to that estimated from unquantized data. The main difficulties in designing classification optimal quantizers are • determining relevant distortion metrics, which succinctly encapsulate the effect of quantization on the class label information • designing optimal quantizer algorithms for the new distortion metrics 15 • providing empirical design algorithms which usetraining data duringdesign, rather than being limited to (generally impractical) situations which require knowledge of probability distributions In order to address the aforementioned difficulties, in this thesis we consider the information-theoretic measure of mutual information. Mutual information captures in- formation contained in the data about the class labels. Hence, we consider designing a quantizer that can ensure that the loss in mutual information between the data and the class labels is minimized during quantization. It can be expected that this quantizer will perform better than MSE optimized quantizers in classification applications. The additional advantage of the mutual information metric is that it is also defined for sub-vectors of the entire vector used for classification. Hence design of low dimension encoders, each of which operate on a sub-vector of the vector used for classification, is possible. Therefore, not only is the mutual information metric better suited for classifica- tion applications it can also be applied to design low complexity encoders, which operate on low dimensionvectors. Finally, it is also possibleto provideempirical quantizer design algorithms using labeled training data. 1.6 Outline and contributions of this proposal The main contributions of this research are • Novel speech encoder design for distributed speech recognition applications. Analter- native speech encoding scheme is proposed which instead of minimizing perceptual 16 distortion attempts to reduce speech recognition errors. It is shown that the pro- posed encoding scheme is able to achieve better rate-recognition performance than conventional speech encoders. • Scalable speech encoding and Scalable speech recognition. The amount of data re- quiredforrecognitionshouldbedependentonthespeechutterance. Itisshownthat “easy” to recognize utterances use less data, while “hard” to recognize utterances use more data. By using such a data dependent approach the scalable DSR system ensures that while the recognition performance is not adversely affected the bitrate required for data representation is reduced. • Joint compression and classification with encoder-classifier dimension mismatch. A novel algorithm is proposed to design low dimension encoders, the output of which is used for classification by a high dimension classifier. The joint encoder design ensures that independent encoding in each sub-dimension has the least effect on classification performance. • Performance improvements in fast table-lookup encoding for image compression ap- plications. Thejointcompressionandclassificationalgorithmisextendedtopropose arefine-ablefastencodingtechniquewhichimprovesthePSNRperformanceoftable lookup encoders whilekeeping the encodingtime significantly lower than full search VQ algorithms (VQ fs ). • Sub-dimension based distortion metric for classification applications. The information-theoretic measure of mutual information is adopted to propose a sub- dimension based distortion metric. This metric while being defined for sub-vectors of the vector used for classification, succinctly captures the effect quantization has 17 on classification. Both quantizer designandrate-allocation algorithms areproposed which minimize the mutual information loss incurred due to encoding. It is shown that use of this metric provides rate-recognition performance improvements over encoders designed to minimize mean square error. ThespeechencodingtechniquefordistributedspeechrecognitionisproposedinChap- ter 2. Modifications required to make this encoding technique layered are also presented. A data dependent scalable speech recognizer is introduced which can be combined with thelayeredspeechencodertoachieveimprovedrate-recognitionperformanceandprovides the ability to trade recognition performance for lower computational complexity. Adap- tation techniques to improve the speech recognition performance by treating the encoder variability in DSR systems as a train-test mismatch are presented. In Chapter 3 the joint encoder design for low dimension encoders working in conjunction with a high dimension classifier is proposed. Both a parametric design, which can be used when the source pdf is known, and an empirical design are proposed. In Chapter 4 the joint encoder design proposed in Chapter 3 is extended to improve the PSNR performance of table lookup VQ encoders. It is shown that by designing product VQs to approximate a higher di- mension structure, encodingcomplexity can bereduced significantly without significantly sacrificing the PSNR performance when compared to full search VQ algorithms. A sub- dimensionbaseddistortion(mutualinformationloss) metricapplicableforencoderdesign inclassification applications ispresented inChapter5. Empiricalalgorithms areprovided for both quantizer design and rate-allocation. The rate allocation algorithm is applied to a distributed speech recognition task to demonstrate the improvements possible with the proposed technique. Finally in Chapter 6 extensions and future work are described. 18 Chapter 2 Distributed Speech Recognition: Speech Encoding and Scalability 2.1 Introduction Speech recognition is important to enable mobile devices to support speech driven appli- cations While a simple recognizer with a small grammar can be implemented on typical mobile devices, e.g., mobile phones, PDAs, large vocabulary continuous speech recogni- tion(LVCSR),withvocabularysize>10,000words,requiringbigramortrigramlanguage models are generally too expensive computationally to be performed at the mobile de- vices. One method to overcome this computational bottleneck is to adopt a client-server architecture where the mobile device (client) makes use of network resources to support speech driven applications. We consider here the distributed speech recognition (DSR) system shown in Figure 1.3, where speech is acquired at the client and then transmitted to a remote recognition engine. Other examples where a client server architecture is use- ful include distributed web applications where a single centralized recognition database is kept for security or scalability reasons [4]. 19 Given the reduced channel bit rate available in typical applications (especially mobile ones) compression will be required to transmit speech to the remote recognizer. The choice of encoding algorithms influences both (i) recognition performance and (ii) system operation. It also necessitates the speech recognition system to take into account the encoder variability. These are discussed in detail below. 2.1.1 Recognition Performance The goal of the speech encoder used in a DSR system should be to have the least effect on recognition performance for a given bitrate. Current speech coding techniques focus on preserving the perceptual quality of the speech. Their design is motivated by the fact that the decoded speech should sound as “similar” as possible to the original speech. It has been observed that speech encoded with conventional speech encoders significantly degrades the recognition performance [19, 65]. Thus when the ultimate (or primary) objective is recognition, rather than playback, it is desirable for the speech encoder to minimize recognition errors rather than perceptual distortion. Inour approach we assumethat Hidden Markov Model (HMM) [47]based recognizers are being used with a Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficient (MFCC) [18] front end. As in previous work [19, 51] we assume the client extracts the MFCCs and then compresses the coefficients to transmit them to the recognition engine. We present a complete com- pression algorithm based on scalar quantization, linear prediction [51], entropy coding and coefficient pruning. Unlike previous work [19, 51], our coding algorithm is scalable, that is, it is possible to reduce the coding rate (for example if the channel conditions worsen and additional channel coding is needed), at the cost of some decrease in the recognition performance. Scalability is achieved by changing the quantization step size 20 to reduce the number of coefficients transmitted. In addition to scalability, the proposed technique achieves similar recognition performance at lower rates, and with significantly lower complexity, than previously proposed approaches. 2.1.2 System Operation With widespread deployment of DSR we can expect that servers will have to serve sig- nificant number of clients. As the number of clients increases, designing efficient servers becomes more important since increasing the number of clients that can be supported by a single server will contribute to lowering the overall cost. Supporting large number of clients not only places computational demands on the server but can also significantly increase the network traffic that the server has to handle. A novel method to tackle both these problems is by using scalable recognizers along with scalable encoding schemes. This scheme is shown in Figure 2.1. The initial low complexity recognizer operating on coarse data can provide the likelihood of each of the possible outcomes. This information can be used to constrain the search in the high complexity recognizer to only the most “likely” outcomes and use the high resolution data to provide the final recognition result. Often the low complexity recognizer itself can make the final decision, i.e., the number of potential classes is only one, implying that the high complexity recognizer need not be used and the server will not request the client for the enhancement data (effectively reducing the network bandwidth at the server). Multi-pass speechrecognizers havebeenpreviouslyproposed[38]. Theseschemesiter- atively use more and more complex recognition schemes (more complex acoustic models, language models, increased knowledge) to refine the word lattices produced by the pre- vious stage. However the successive recognition stages all operate on the same data. In 21 Server Clients Server Request Enhancement Clients Speech Speech Coarse MFCC data MFCC data Coarse MFCC data Recognizer Complexity Low Complexity Recognizer Server Recognizer Complexity High High Figure 2.1: Scalable recognition system. The top figure shows the conventional DSR system. The number of clients that the server can handle is limited by the server com- putational capabilities and the server bandwidth. The bottom figure shows the proposed scalable system wherein the computational requirements as well as the bandwidth at the server are reduced. In the scalable system the enhancement data is requested by the server only if the low complexity recognizer cannot make the recognition decision. 22 our scheme while the successive stages refine the lattice produced by the previous stage, the successive iterations operate on data at different resolutions, i.e., with each addi- tional iteration more data is requested from the client and successive stages operate on higher resolution data. This multi-resolution representation of the data by the encoder can potentially give insights into the amount of information required to achieve a given recognition performance. To take full advantage of the recognizer scalability we require a scalable-layered en- coder, whichwillenablereducedbandwidthrequirementsattheserver. Thusthescalable system will have the flexibility of trading off complexity, bitrate and recognition perfor- mance. If we were to use a non-layered encoder the bitrate required for the fine layer will be high (since the fine layer encoder does not make use of the fact that the coarse layer has already been transmitted). To reduce the bitrate required for the fine resolution we require a layered encoding scheme where additional refining bits are combined with the already received coarselayer toderive thefineresolution data. Previous work onscalabil- ity in predictive coding[55] has addressedtheissueof designinga layered coder for video. However this approach requires knowledge (or modeling) of the prediction error pdf. We modify our proposed MFCC encoder and propose a novel scalable encoder motivated by the multiple description encoder design (using a fine and coarse DPCM loop) proposed in [59]. Our proposed scheme can easily be combined with the predictive coding design proposed in [55] if the prediction error pdf is modeled. In the proposed scalable-layered encoder the fine layer encoder uses the information present in the coarse layer and only transmits additional bits required to achieve the desired quality. 23 2.1.3 Encoder Variability The European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) has standardized the front-end and the encoder for use in DSR systems (AURORA [21]). However, given that processor speeds are increasing constantly and memory size and cost are decreasing, it is to be expected that other encoders will be proposed and used in DSR systems. In addition there are several different compression algorithms that have been developed for traditional speech encoding. These include the traditional waveform based coders: PCM, andAD-PCM;andthelinearpredictionbasedcodersCELP,MELP,G.723, G.728, G.729, GSM,EVRCandAMR.Scalableencodersfurtherintroducemoreencodervariability. The choice of speech encoder used by the client may be made dynamically depending on the computational resources/load at the client and the quality of service (QoS) it wishes to providetheuser. Hence it is highly unlikely that asingle encoder will beused forall DSR applications. The encoding operation can be viewed as a train-test mismatch, i.e., from the speech recognizers perspective the encoder has corrupted the acquired speech wave- form. This will obviously result in a degradation of the speech recognizer performance (assuming that the models at the recognizer were trained with uncompressed speech). This mismatch can be compensated by using robust adaptation techniques such as Maxi- mum Likelihood Linear Regression (MLLR) [73] or Bayesian adaptive techniques [25, 31] by modifying the reference models using the observed (compressed) MFCCs as shown in Figure 2.2. The rest of chapter is organized as follows. We begin by explaining our proposed speech coder for DSR in Section 2.2. The modifications required to convert this into a 24 Encoder Encoder Decoder Decoder MFCC Decoder HMM Adapt- ation Adapt- ation Adapt- ation Server Speech Speech Speech HMM HMM GSM Melp Extraction Feature MFCC Encoder Extraction Feature GSM Extraction Feature Melp Clients Figure 2.2: A remote speech recognition system. Several clients communicate with a single server. The clients could use different compression schemes to encode the speech data. The models at the server are adapted to ensure that the adapted models are more likely to have produced the observed data. 25 layered speech coder are presented in Section 2.3. The details of the scalable DSR sys- tem are presented in Section 2.4. Compensation of encoder variability by using model transformation is explained in 2.5. Section 2.6 provides details of our experiments for the non-layered and the layered encoding scheme and the experiments performed to compen- sate for encoder variability. Results of the different schemes are presented in Section 2.7 and finally conclusions and discussion is in Section 2.8. 2.2 Compression of MFCCs The encoding algorithms presented in this section were developed assuming that the feature vectors used by the speech recognizer are 12 MFCCs derived from every frame of the speech utterance. However, these results can be easily extended to cases where the number of MFCCs in a frame is not 12, or when derivatives are used along with the MFCCs. MFCCs computed from speech are represented by floating point numbers (32 bits precision is typical). Clearly, it is to be expected that reductions in the precision through quantization will be possible without affecting the recognition performance. In addition, the MFCCs are derived from speech utterances that have been segmented using over- lapping Hamming windows. Due to this overlap it is reasonable to expect that MFCC sets corresponding to adjacent frames will exhibit high correlation. We exploit this cor- relation by using linear prediction, where a given MFCC in a frame is predicted from the corresponding MFCC in one or more past frames. Single-step prediction seems a reasonable choice given that the time overlap occurs only between adjacent frames, and 26 indeed our experiments showed that the gain in applying multi-stage prediction was lim- ited. Thus, in what follows we consider only single step linear prediction, where each MFCC is predicted only from the corresponding MFCC in the previous frame. Note that while quantization of MFCCs for speech recognition has been previously considered in [19] and [51], our approach provides better performance at similar or lower complexity. For example, [19] uses scalar quantization (uniform and non-uniform)and productvector quantization (VQ) techniques but does not useeither entropy coding or linear prediction. In [51] a one step linear prediction is used along with a 2-Stage VQ that achieves a fixed rate of 4 kbps. This approach lacks scalability and uses an encoder that is significantly morecomplexthantheapproacheswepresenthere. Finally, neither[19]nor[51]employed entropy coding, which, as will be shown, can improve further the compression gains at low bitrates. To quantize the MFCCs (or the prediction errors after linear prediction) we use two different scalar quantization techniques, namely, entropy constrained scalar quantization (ECSQ)[14]anduniformscalarquantization(USQ).IntheECSQapproachthequantizer is designed by minimizing, for each input in the training set, a cost function of the form C=D+λ∗R where D and R are the distortion and rate, respectively, and λ is a Lagrange multiplier, which is a non-negative real number that is used to control the rate-distortion trade-off. Given that the statistics are different we designed different quantizersforeachMFCC.Moreover,differentquantizerswereuseddependingonwhether the coefficient was coded directly, or the error after linear prediction was coded instead. As a simpler alternative, we used USQ to quantize the prediction errors after linear prediction. The same quantization step size can be used for all the coefficients if the 27 prediction errors are divided first by their corresponding standard deviation, which can be computed during training. One of our main goals in designing this system was to introduce scalability and thus enable a trade-off between recognition performance and bit-rate. A simple approach to achieve scalability (as shown in Chapter 1, Section 1.3) is to transmit only a subset of the 12 MFCCs. Thus some coefficients are “dropped” at the encoder, and set to zero at the decoder so that the recognition algorithm need not be modified, even if the number of coefficients transmitted varies over time. The relative importance of each MFCC can be determined experimentally by observing the degradation in recognition performance over a large training set when each coefficient is dropped. The coefficient that results in the largest drop in recognition performance when being set to zero is thus deemed the most important coefficient. For the TI46-Word digit database and the TI46-Wordalphabetdatabase, thecoefficientswereordered,frommostimportanttoleast important, as 2,3,0,1,6,7,4,8,5,10,11,9 (i.e., 9 would be dropped first, then 11 and so on) and (0,3,2,1,5,4,7,6,9,8,11,10), respectively. This approach is denoted “ad hoc pruning” in our experiments. Since the speech recognizer has been trained with a full set of coefficients, ad hoc pruningmay result insignificant loss inrecognition, especially whenmany coefficients are dropped for each frame. In addition, improving the performance of a pruning technique may require selecting a different subset of coefficients to be pruned for each frame, which wouldthenrequireoverheadinformationtobesenttothedecoder. Asasimplealternative weuseUSQwitha deadzone (mid-threadquantizer) to quantize theprediction errorsfor all coefficients. Scalability is possibleby changing the quantization step size: coarser step size results in lower rate and vice versa, while in the ECSQ case a completely different 28 quantizer would have to bedesigned for each rate. Moreover, whenever a prediction error isquantized tozeroweusethepredictedvalueforthat coefficient (rather thansetting the coefficient to zero), which tends to affect less the recognition performance than pruning the coefficient altogether. Thus, USQ offers the advantages of low complexity encoding, simple design (no training is required) and easy scalability. It should be noted that different frames can contain different number of non zero coefficients based on the values of the prediction errors. Since the prediction errors are scaled by the pre-computed standard deviations and the higher MFCC prediction errors have larger standard deviations, it is more likely that the prediction errors for the higher MFCCs be quantized to zero. This is desirable because, as mentioned above, the lower MFCCs tend to be more important for recognition. The USQ indices are encoded loss- lessly with a Huffman entropy coder. Thus the lowest bitrate achievable is 1 kbps (the minimum is 1bit/coefficient, which corresponds to 12bits/frame, with one MFCC frame being computed every 12 ms). To achieve lower bitrates, a bitmap is transmitted to the decoder to indicate the position of the non-zero coefficients in every frame, and the non- zero coefficients can be entropy coded by the Huffman coder. The bitmap is efficiently encoded using run length coding. 2.3 Scalable Predictive Encoding In the previous section it was shown that by using one step linear prediction and uni- form quantization of the MFCCs good recognition performance can be achieved. The coding algorithm was able to trade-off recognition performance for reduction in rate. However, it had the disadvantage of not supportingincremental refinement in recognition 29 performance, i.e., the recognition achieved at a low rate could not be improved by using refinement bits. Instead to improve the recognition the encoded bitstream corresponding to the finer resolution had to be received. To overcome this drawback we propose a lay- ered scheme which uses a coarse and a fineDPCM loop. Theoutputof the coarse DPCM loop corresponds to the base layer and the output of the fine DPCM loop corresponds to the refinement layer. In the most straightforward approach the enhancement layer can be constructed by encoding the quantization error introduced by the coarse DPCM loop, as shown in Figure 2.3. However when this approach is used the bitrate required for the enhancement layer was comparable to that required for an independent fine DPCM loop. The alternative approach which we adopted was to maintain both the coarse and fine DPCM loops and use information from the coarse loop to enable better compression of the fine loop prediction error, as shown in Figure 2.4. We propose a novel scheme to encode the fine layer DPCM prediction error based on the consistency criteria proposed in [59]. In the next section we explain the use of consistency criteria to enable reduction of the bitrate required for the fine DPCM loop. In the subsequent section we describe context dependent entropy coding which can be used to further reduce the bitrate. 2.3.1 Consistency Criteria for Independent DPCM Loops For input sample u i let e i and E i be the prediction errors of the coarse and fine loop DPCMs (refer to Figure 2.4). Then e i =u i −αˆ u i−1 , E i =u i −α ˆ U i−1 ⇒E i =e i +α(ˆ u i−1 − ˆ U i−1 ) (2.1) 30 + - + + - + + + - Predictor Quantizer Quantizer r Predictor 1i ê e 2i ê 2i i e 1i i u Figure2.3: AlayeredDPCMschemewherethetopDPCMloopsencodesthequantization error of the bottom DPCM loop. + - + + - + Quantizer Predictor Quantizer Entropy Coder Entropy Coder Predictor u E e i i ê i Ê i i I i i i û i-1 Û i-1 Figure 2.4: The proposed layered DPCM scheme, where two independent DPCM loops are maintained. The quantized prediction error is used by the fine DPCM quantizer to find the valid bins. The entropy coder uses the predictions from both loops to determine the context. 31 where ˆ u i−1 and ˆ U i−1 are the reconstructed samples of the coarse and fine loop DPCMs (as shown in Figure 2.4) andα is theprediction weight. Letz i =(ˆ u i−1 − ˆ U i−1 ), and given that e i ∈[a k ,b k ], the interval R c in which E i has to lie can be found as E i ∈R c =[a k +αz i ,b k +αz i ] (2.2) R c e αû i-1 αÛ i-1 i Figure 2.5: Overlapping shifted quantizers. Using information from the coarse reproduc- tion the number of potential bins for Q f is reduced. Only the bins of Q f which overlap the region R c are valid. The valid bins of Q f are highlighted. Let Q f be the fine loop DPCM quantizer with N levels, then only the bins of Q f that intersect R c are valid choices for the fine DPCM prediction error. This is illustrated in Figure 2.5 where the region R c intersects 3 bins (highlighted) of Q f . Hence, by using knowledge of the interval R c we can restrict the allowed values in Q f , and thus enable savings in bitrate. If Δ c and Δ f are the step sizes used in the coarse and fine DPCM loop quantizer, then the number of valid bins M is at most d Δc Δ f e+1. If M << N then significant savings in bitrate can be achieved. 32 2.3.2 Context Dependent Entropy Coding Let j i and J i respectively, be the quantization index of the coarse and fine DPCM loops at time i. Context information from previous coarse and fine reproductions can be used to reduce the number of bits required to encode the current fine DPCM prediction error. We have already used ˆ U i−1 and ˆ u i to identify the bins of Q f that are consistent with the information available (i.e., ˆ u i , ˆ u and ˆ U i−1 ). bins of Q f . In addition, we can use the previous reconstructed value of the coarse DPCM loop ˆ u i−1 to bias the probability of occurrences for the different bins J i of the fine DPCM quantizer. While ˆ u i−1 by itself does not provide explicit information, the difference |ˆ u i−1 − ˆ U i−1 | provides information about bins J i of the fine DPCM quantizer. Consider the case when|ˆ u i−1 − ˆ U i−1 | is small if j i = 0, then it is highly likely that J i = 0 and if j i 6= 0, then it is highly likely that J i 6= 0. On the contrary when |ˆ u i−1 − ˆ U i−1 | is large, then it is highly likely that J i 6= 0. Using this information we can define two different contexts for J i C1) |ˆ u i−1 − ˆ U i−1 |≤T q and j i =0 ⇒ p(J i =0)>>p(J i 6=0) C2) |ˆ u i−1 − ˆ U i−1 |>T q or j i 6=0⇒ p(J i 6=0)>>p(J i =0) This information can be exploited by using a bitmap to indicate the more probable event in each context, i.e., in C1 we transmit a “0” if J i = 0 and a “1” otherwise and in C2 we transmit a “0” if J i 6= 0 and a “1” otherwise i.e., a “0” is always transmitted in the bitmap for the more probable event in both contexts. This will ensure that p(0)>>p(1) in the bitmap. An binary arithmetic coder can be used to encode this bitmap efficiently. However the encoding complexity of arithmetic coder is high, so instead we use run length coding to encode the bitmap. This bitmap, can be used by the decoder to find the positions where the prediction error is zero. So now the encoder only has to transmit 33 the non-zero coefficients (in addition to the bitmap). Using the information from the coarse DPCM quantizer to findthevalid bins, andthecontext information from ˆ u i−1 and ˆ U i−1 , we were able to reduce the bitrate for the enhancement layer compared to encoding the enhancement layer independently. Specifically, the consistency criteria enabled about 26% reduction in bitrate and the context based entropy coding resulted in an additional 9.5% reduction. 2.3.3 Packetization Inordertominimizetheuserlatency(especiallyforcontinuousspeechrecognition),speech utterances are accumulated for short durations (e.g., one or two seconds). MFCCs are calculated and compressed for these accumulated speech segments; then they are pack- etized and transmitted. Transmission over error-prone transport channels will typically resultinsomepackets beinglost. Tomitigatetheeffect oftheselosses, frameconcealment techniques, such as insertion, interpolation and regeneration [36, 35] and unequalforward error correction techniques [68, 54] can be used. Now it is required that each packet be independently decodable. Hence, the prediction should be limited to only intra-packet MFCCs (i.e., the first MFCC vector of each packet is not predicted from the last MFCC vector of the previous packet). This will obviously result in some loss in compression efficiency. However, assuming each packet corresponds to two seconds of speech data, this implies the prediction loop is broken (to insert an independently coded frame) once every 80 th MFCC. This will lead to a very small loss in compression efficiency. 34 2.4 Scalable DSR System In this section we present our proposed scalable DSR system, consisting of a layered encoder (Section 2.3) providing a coarse base layer and an enhancement layer. The base layer is used by the first recognizer to provide an initial “guess” of the final class. In general, thecomplexityofthefirstrecognizercanbereducedbydecreasingthecomplexity of the acoustic models and/or language models and/or pattern recognition schemes. The final recognizer makes use of the initial decision (e.g., hypotheses, word lattices) and the enhancement bits to provide the final recognition decision. 2.4.1 Scalable Recognition Speech recognition by HMMs has increasing become popular since they provide good recognition results. However, with complex acoustic and language models, they can be- come a computational bottleneck at the server, when the server is accessed by many clients. The idea here is to consider scalable recognition where we can trade-off complex- ity versus accuracy. We consider three different recognition experiments to demonstrate the advantages of the scalable distributed recognition system (i) an isolated digits task where a DTW module is used as a pre-processor for an HMM based recognizer, (ii) a large spoken names recognition task where a free phone loop HMM recognizer is used as the first stage and a lattice based HMM recognizer is used in the second stage, and (iii) a continuous speech recognizer (CSR) for the HUB-4 broadcast news task, where a bigram language model recognizer was used as the initial state and a lattice based trigram recog- nizer as the second state. In all the DSR systems, the client employs a scalable encoder to compress the MFCC features. 35 2.4.2 DTW-HMM Recognizer example for Isolated Word Recognition Consider the simple task of isolated digit recognition. Every unknown utterance needs to be scored with 10 models before deciding the best match. One method to reduce the computation would be to speed up the HMM (for example using small model sizes). Another method, which we adopt in this thesis, is to build scalable recognizers to restrict thenumberofthemodelstherecognizerhastooperateuponatanytime. Usuallywhenan unknown utterance is scored against the different models, only a few of the model scores will be high; this fact can be used to eliminate some of the models from consideration. A low complexity pre-processor can be used to find the N most likely models and the HMM recognizer can be used to choose the best model from these N models. In our example system we choose to use a DTW recognizer as the pre-processor. Since the DTW finds the distance of the unknown utterance from the known templates and the distance is usually minimum between utterances of the same class, we can use a distance threshold to find the N most likely models. An adaptive threshold is used for every utterance based on the lowest distance obtained after template matching. Using adaptive thresholds instead of fixed ones has the desirable feature of selecting more models when the distance (likelihood) between the best and other models is close, and selecting a few (sometimes only one) models whenthe distancebetween the best andother models is far. The procedure for recognizing an unknown utterance using the above system is Algorithm 1 (Scalable Recognizer : System A) Step 1 : Find the distance D(k) between the unknown utterance and the L templates using DTW. 36 Step 2 : Select the models with distance D(k)/D(0)<T. Step 3 : Use HMM to find the best model among the chosen models in Step 2. This system is shown on the left in Figure 2.7. 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 2 4 6 8 10 Threshold Average number of models 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 Threshold N−best Word Error Rate Figure 2.6: Observe that the average number of models increases with threshold and the probability of word error monotonically decreases with threshold. At threshold of 2.4 the probability of word error becomes zero but the average number of models is reduced from 10 to 8, i.e, a 20% reduction in HMM runningtime with no difference in recognition performance. In general it is not required to use a threshold as high as 2.4, a smaller value between 1.2 to 1.8 will suffice, because utterances very difficult to distinguish by DTW are most likely to be in error for the HMM also. Figure 2.6 shows the average number of models retained after the initial DTW stage and the probability of word error in the N-best list of the DTW as a function of the threshold T. The average number of models monotonically increases with threshold and the probability of word error monotonically decreases with threshold. This fact can be used to trade-off complexity and recognition-performance. A low threshold would imply thattheWERwouldbehighbutthecomplexity wouldbelowandvice-versa. Weobserve 37 that with a threshold of 2.4 we get no word error, however the average number of models is reduced only from 10 to 8 by the use of the initial DTW stage. N best decision N best decision computed distances HMM Base layer Enhancement layer DTW DTW Recognition decision m features M-m features Enhancement layer Base layer N best decision HMM DTW Recognition decision System A System B 2 1 Figure 2.7: The different scalable recognizer schemes used. In System A we use a DTW as the first recognizer and a HMM as the final level recognizer. In System B we use two levels of DTW as the first recognizer and a HMM as the second recognizer. To further reduce the complexity we can use 2 stages of DTW before using the HMM recognizer. The initial DTW stage uses the MFC coefficients deemed more important to generate anN 1 bestlist. Thesecond DTW operates on these N 1 models and thedistance is refined with the remaining MFCCs to generate an N 2 best list. The HMM makes its decision from these N 2 models. This procedure is summarized below. Algorithm 2 (Scalable Recognizer : System B) Step 1 : Find the distance D(k) between the unknown utterance and the L templates using m of the M MFCCs. Step 2 : Select the models with distance D(k)/D(0)<T 1 . 38 Step 3 : Refine the distances D(k) for the models chosen in Step 2 using the remaining M −m MFCCs. Step 4 : Select the models with distance D(k)/D(0)<T 2 . Step 5 : Use HMM to find the best model among the chosen models in Step 4. This system is shown on the right in Figure 2.7. Importance of the MFCCs can be determined by dropping one MFCC at a time and finding the effect on N best recognition by DTW. The MFCC that introduces the most error in recognition is declared as the most important and so on. From our experiments the coefficients were ordered from most important to least important as [2,3,0,1,6,7,4,8,5,10,11,9]. Note that for both the algorithms the number of models re- tained at each intermediate step can be variable depending on the unknown utterance. Also, if at any intermediate step the number of models retained is only one, then the subsequent recognizers need not be used and the unknown utterance is classified as the digit corresponding to the retained model. As before, thresholds T 1 and T 2 can be varied to trade-off between complexity and recognition-performance. Since the initial stage(s) is (are) used primarily to speed up the recognition operation, we can use the base layer for the decision process. During refinement by the HMM the enhancement layer can be used toenablemoreaccuraterepresentationofthefeaturevectors. TheDTWcomputationcan be reduced by exploiting the fact that the input data has been predicted and quantized. If the prediction error for the entire frame is quantized to zero, we do not need to find the distance of this frame from all the reference frames, instead the distance computed for the previous frame can be repeated without incurring significant degradation. When the proposed scalable system is used the computational load at the server is reduced. In addition this can be advantageous even from the users perspective whenever the DTW 39 recognizer is able to make the final decision the latency of that specific recognition task is reduced. sequence g r iy n g l eh n Green (Glen) (Green) g r iy n (Alan) ae l eh n Recognizer Lookup Phone Dictionary Names Lattice Recognizer phone g l ae n Dictionary Result Features N-best list Green Figure 2.8: A two stage approach using dictionary lookup for the names recognition task. When a Levenshtein distance threshold of 2 is used, although the recognized phone sequence is closer to Glen than Green, the dictionary lookup will ensure that Green is in the final lattice used for rescoring. 2.4.3 Spoken Names Recognition Theisolated digitstaskisalowperplexitytask; wenowconsiderscalablerecognition fora highperplexitytask. Consideratwostagespokennamerecognizerwithdictionarylookup (Figure 2.8). Such a two stage approach has been used for spelled name retrieval [29], information retrieval [15], complexity reduction of a phone based continuously speech recognition system [1] and spoken name recognition [57]. In the first stage a low com- plexity bigram phone loop is used to identify the N-best phone sequence corresponding to the input utterance. The next step involves a string match, where each of the N-best phonesequences is compared to the entries in adictionary. Theutterances corresponding 40 Table 2.1: Threshold used duringdictionary lookup is a function of the recognized phone sequence length. Shorter phone sequences are assigned a lower threshold and vice-versa. The thresholds were chosen by experiments on the training data. Length of phone sequence Threshold less than 4 3 4 or 5 4 greater than 5 5 to phone sequences which have a distance less than a given threshold (the threshold is usually chosen as a function of the number of phones in the recognized phone sequence, see Table 2.1) from the recognized N-best phone sequence are selected to generate a lat- tice. Thefinal stage involves rescoring this generated lattice usingmore complex acoustic (triphone) models. Consider a spoken names recognition task [5, 23], which, among other, is used in network based applications e.g., directory assistance, caller identification. In these appli- cations the list of names tends to be quite large, in the order of hundreds of thousands. Variability in pronunciation further increases the perplexity. The traditional approach to name recognition has been to use a finite state grammar (FSG), where all the names (with all possible pronunciation variants) are alternate paths for recognition. For a name utterance the recognizer evaluates all possible paths and selects the name corresponding to the most likely path. As the names list grows it is evident that the computational complexity increases and the recognition accuracy will drop. An alternative approach with reduced computational complexity is to adopt a two stage recognizer with dictio- nary lookup. Figure 2.8 illustrates this approach. The accuracy obtained by the two 41 stage recognizer for spoken names task is comparable to the conventional single stage FSG based approach (as shown in [57], where the single stage results are compared to the two stage recognizer) but results in significant savings in complexity, since the lattice only consists of a subset of the entire names list. The dictionary used for lookup is a names dictionary which consists of all possible names along with their pronunciations. In our experiments we used the Levenshtein (or edit) distance during dictionary lookup to compute the string match distance between phone sequences. The Levenshtein dis- tance between phone sequences p 1 and p 2 , LD(p 1 ,p 2 ), is the minimum cost associated in transforming p 1 into p 2 by deletions, insertions and substitutions. This two stage names recognition procedure is summarized below. Algorithm 3 (Scalable Spoken Names Recognition) Step 1 : Identify the N-best phone sequences p n r for the name utterance using a bigram phone loop, n=0,1,...,N −1. Step 2 : For each of the variable length phone sequences p n r find the corresponding threshold T n from Table 2.1, n=0,1,...,N −1. Step 3a : Initialize i=0 Step 3b : For name i in the names dictionary find the corresponding phone sequence p i Step 3c : If LD(p n r ,p i ) < T n , for any n = 0,1,...,N −1, add name i to the names lattice. Step 3d : If there are more names in the dictionary set i=i+1 and go to Step 3b else go to Step 4 Step 4 : Rescore the names lattice using context-dependent models to get the final result. 42 It will be shown in Section 2.6.3 that this two stage names recognition procedure can be efficiently combined with the proposed scalable encoder to reduce the overall latency experienced by the user. 2.4.4 A two-stage continuous speech recognition As a third example, we consider a more standard continuous speech recognition task using the HUB4 data. Many practical speech recognition applications are impeded from usingadvancedspeechrecognitiontechniquesduetotheirintensivecomputation/memory complexities. Simplerspeechrecognition technologies caninstead beused. However, they result in recognition performance degradations. Similar to the two stage recognizer for the spoken names task, a multi-pass recognition scheme has been proposed [38] which enables improved speed/accuracy tradeoff by using progressive search techniques. These techniques use an “early-pass” reduced complexity speech recognizer to reducethe search space of a “later-pass” more accurate but complex speech recognizer. This procedurecan be repeated iteratively, with each stage result used to constrain the search space for the next stage. The early-stage recognizer builds a word lattice ∗ containing several most likely word sequences using its low complexity models. The latter-stage uses this word lattice to con- strain its search space and find the most likely word sequence hypothesis using its more complex models. Maintaining a reasonable sized word lattice at the early stage typically ensures that the “true” most likely word sequence is included in the word lattice, while only unlikely word sequences are discarded. Thus the word lattice, while constraining ∗ We have used the early-pass recognizer to build word lattices. However, our proposed system can also use progressive search lattices [38]. 43 Speech word sequence Recognized models word lattice models latter-pass recognizer recognizer early-pass Figure 2.9: A two stage multi-pass continuous speech recognizer. The low complexity early-pass recognizer is used to constrain the search space of a latter-pass more complex recognizer by generating a word lattice. the search pass of the later-pass recognizer, does not significantly degrade its recognition performance. Hence, this multi-pass procedureensures that simultaneously good recogni- tion performance and reduced decoding time are achieved, making them ideal for use in practical speech recognition applications. Figure 2.9 illustrates a multi-pass recognition system consisting of two stages. The multi-pass recognition procedure when a scalable encoder is used at the client is summarized below. Algorithm 4 (Multi-pass Distributed Continuous Speech Recognition) Step 1: Use the base layer data with the early-pass low complexity speech recognizer. Step 2: Recognize the utterance and dump the word lattice corresponding to it. Step 3: Use the enhancement layer data and rescore the word lattice with the high com- plexity latter-pass speech recognizer. (a) Update the acoustic probabilities using the enhancement layer data. 44 (b) Update the language probabilities using the more complex LMs. (c) Find the most likely word sequence. Ifmorethan 2stages areusedinthemulti-pass recognizer, the2 nd stage also provides a (more refined) word lattice. The 3 rd stage uses this word lattice along with an addi- tional enhancement layer and so on. It should be noted that the number of recognition stages required dependson theperformancerequirements for a given application, and the confidence in the recognition results of a given stage such as for example determined by confidencescores. Asaconsequence, itispossiblethatjustasinglestagerecognition with base layer data may be adequate in some scenarios. 2.4.5 Scalable system operation The most important constraints in the DSR system are • User delay • Client bandwidth • Server bandwidth • Server complexity Letusconsiderhowthescalablerecognitionsystemweproposecanbeusedtoworkunder each of these constraints User delay When themost important constraint is the time taken between theuserspeakingand the result of recognition, we can generate both the base and enhancement layers immediately 45 and transmit both to the server. The server uses the base layer with the first stage recognizer and if only one model is present in the N-best list, the result is sent back to the client; if the N-best list contains more than one model, the enhancement layer (which is already available at the server) is used by the second stage recognizer to get the final recognition result. Bythismethodwecanreducethedelay experiencedbytheuser, while keepinglow theserver complexity. However theclient andserver bandwidthrequirements will be increased. Client and Sever bandwidth In bandwidth constrained situations, initially only the base layer is transmitted to the server. Afterthefirststage(seeFigure2.1),ifrequired,theenhancementlayerisrequested from the client. As can be seen from this procedure, both client and server bandwidths can below, and the server complexity can also bekept low, as long as the first stage finds the best candidate from time to time. However the absolute delay experienced by the user can be high (for cases where the first stage is not able to make the final decision). Sever complexity Irrespectiveofallotherconstraints,wecanalwaysensurethatthecomplexityattheserver is reduced, as mentioned in theabove two cases. However whenuserdelay isa constraint, the memory requirements at the server will be increased since the enhancement layer will have to be stored for future use. 46 2.5 Model Adaptation In the previous sections it was assumed that the models used by the speech recognizer which were trained using unquantized features were kept fixed. In this section we investi- gate the complementary problem of optimizing the speech recognizer to take into account that it is operating on compressed speech. One of the major problems for robust speech recognition is the mismatch between the training and testing conditions. Speech recognition performance, with speech models trained on clean data, significantly degrades when the test utterances are noisy (channel noise,ambientenvironmentnoise). Similarlytheperformanceisalsodegradedduetolong term and short term speaker variations. It is well known that speaker dependent mod- els usually outperform speaker independent models. To improve robustness, techniques proposed involve (i) finding invariant features; (ii) allowing model parameters/feature vectors to vary within a neighborhood specified by the training data; (iii) transforming the models so they are more likely to have produced the observed data; (iv) incorporate newly acquired application specific data into existing models. Here we consider an additional source for mismatch, namely speech encoding, which arises in DSR systems we study, as well as in situations where speech is encoded with standard speech encoders then remotely recognized. The distortion introduced by speech encoderscanalsobethoughtofasamismatchbetweenthetrainingandtestingconditions. It is relatively easy to remove this mismatch by the use of a family of models each trained with data from different encoding schemes, and choose the one that best matches the unknown test data. However, such schemes are not attractive since it might not be possible to have models trained for all different compression schemes, because the 47 choice of the compression scheme used by the client may bemade dynamically depending on the computational resources/load at the client and the quality of service (QoS) it wishes to provide the user. Scalable encoders, which could be combined with scalable recognition schemes (see Section 2.4), wherein the recognition is refined in every pass with more data (and/or better models) until a satisfactory decision (say in the likelihood sense) can be made, further complicates the creation of pre-defined models. Depending on the optimization criteria used for compression (recognition performance or human perception), more variability in the compression schemes used by the different clients can be expected. This mismatch introduced by the choice of different speech compression schemes can besolved insimilar mannerasothermismatches. Themodelsattheserver canbetrained usingcleanspeech(oraparticularcompressionscheme)andwecanalleviatethemismatch between testing and training phases by the use of model transformation/adaptation to optimize classification by ensuring that the transformed/adapted models are more likely to have produced the observed data [60]. Note that simple signal processing techniques are not likely to be helpful as the distortion introduced by compression is non-linear. However, adaptation schemes, which operate on the models rather than the input speech are more likely to be able to reduce the mismatch. Two popular adaptation techniques which have been used previously are Maximum LikelihoodLinearRegression(MLLR)[73]andMaximumaposteriori(MAP) [25]estima- tion. In the MLLR technique a transformation is computed for the means and variances of the different mixture components after observing the new data. Regression classes are definedtofacilitatetransformationevenwhenalimitedamountofdataisobserved. MAP incontrast assumesthatmodelparametersarerandomandhaveapriordistribution. The 48 observed data can be combined with the existing models to obtain new models by max- imizing the posterior density of the models given the observed data. Unlike MLLR, in MAP we can modify not only the means and variances of the Gaussian mixtures but can also modify the mixture weights, the initial probabilities and the transition probabilities. For both methods, adaptation can be carried out either in batch mode or in an incre- mental manner. In batch mode adaptation (or supervised adaptation) the transcription correspondingtotheunknownutteranceisavailable. Incrementaladaptation(orunsuper- vised adaptation) does not require the transcription and the result of recognition is used as the “true” transcription of the unknown utterance. We used unsupervised adaptation for MLLR and supervised adaptation for MAP. 2.6 Experimental setup 2.6.1 Experimental conditions An HMM based recognizer (HTK3.0) was used to test the variable-rate DSR encoder developed in Section 2.2 and the scalable DSR encoder developed in Section 2.3. In all our experiments MFCCs were extracted and encoded at the client and the Δ and ΔΔ coefficients were derived at the server from the decoded MFCCs and the HMM speech recognizer used was HTK 3.0.. 2.6.2 Isolated digits and alphabet recognizer The speech utterance was segmented using overlapping Hamming window of length 24 ms, with adjacent windows separated by 12 ms. 12 MFCCs derived from each segment of the speech utterance were used as features. A left to right HMM with five states 49 and two Gaussian mixtures was trained with unquantized MFCC front-end data, for each utterance. Diagonal covariance matrices were used. A five state silence HMM was used before and after every digit HMM. The baseline performance was determined by recognizing speech with unquantized MFCCs. TheMFCC encoders proposed were tested with recognition experiments using encoded MFCCs. For comparison, experiments were also performed on speech which had been coded by different low-bit rate speech encoders MELP (2.4 kb/s) and FS-10 (CELP, 4.8 kb/s). In this case, MFCCs werecomputed from the decoded speech. Better recognition performance may be possible by using waveform based speech coders (PCM, ADPCM), but these would require much higher bitrates (64 kb/s, 24-40 kb/s). So these high rate speech coders are not considered in this thesis. Comparison was also done using methods reported in [19] and [51]. The variable-rate MFCC encoder was tested with recognition experiments for two databases, the TI46-Word digit database, which contains discrete utterances of digits and the TI46-Word alphabet database, which consists of discrete utterances of letters. The MFCC encoders proposed were designed based on the front-end data from the digit database and the same encoders were used for both databases. The HMM training was done with 80 utterances from 4 male and 4 female speakers (80 utterances from 8 male speakers) and the total number of test utterances used was 3320 (1260) for the alphabet (digit) experiment. Test data were from the same speakers as the training data, but comprised of different utterances. The HMM used for the scalable system was the same as above. The DTW templates were trained using digit utterances from the TI46-Word digit database. One template per digit was used. The first DTW stage used the 6 most important MFCCs to generate 50 a N 1 -best list and the second DTW stage refined this result using the other 6 MFCCs to generate a N 2 -best list. The output of the last DTW stage was refined by the HMM. 2.6.3 Spoken names recognizer For the names recognition task 12 MFCCs and the zeroth cepstral coefficient were ex- tracted using an overlapping Hamming window of length 25 ms, with adjacent windows separated by 10 ms. For the context-independent (CI) models 3 stage left to right HMMs with 8 mixtures per state were trained, and for context-dependent (CD) models 3 stage left to right HMMs with 4 mixtures per state were trained. The speech corpus used for testing was the OGI NAMES corpus [17]. This is a collection of name utterances spoken by different speakers over the telephone. For our experiments we used 4619 names of which 3498 were unique (i.e., the 1121 names had multiple pronunciations). 6356 spoken names were used for training and 3000 different spoken names were used for testing. The top two phone sequences from the phone recognizer were used by the dictionary lookup to generate the lattice of names for rescoring. 2.6.4 Continuous speech recognizer forthe HUB-4broadcast news task The acoustic models were 1128 context-dependent models trained as 3 stage left to right HMMs with 8 Gaussian mixtures per state. The speech corpus used for training was the 1994 HUB-4 speech corpus. 2200 sec of speech from the 1995 HUB-5 speech corpus were used for testing † . Both the train and test speech utterances contain significant variability (background music, different recording conditions and speakers), making this a difficult † Utteranceswithsignificantspeechandmusicoverlapwereeliminatedfromthetestset. Afewexamples of the test utterances are available at˜ snaveen/speech examples. 51 recognition task. The vocabulary size was 1300 words. The language models were the bigram and trigram broadcast news LMs provided by CMU. The number of bigrams and trigrams were 427∗10 3 and 1.8∗10 6 respectively. The early-pass recognizer employed a bigram LM and used the base layer data. The word lattices were generated as HTK SLF files by retaining the 20 best word sequences and using 5 tokens at every state [73]. The word lattice was used as the network for recognition by the latter-pass recognizer. The acoustic probabilities were updated using the enhancement layer data and the language probabilities were updated by rescoring the word lattice with a trigram LM. The average number of arcs in the word lattice was 21300. An unconstrained SLF generated from trigram LMs would have had more than 1.8∗10 6 arcs, indicating significant reduction in decoding time by using the multi-pass recognition system. 2.6.5 Model Adaptation Themodel adaptation experiments were carried out on the TIDIGITS corpus usingHTK 3.0 speech recognizer, again with MFCCs as the front end. The speech utterance was segmented using overlapping Hamming window of length 25 ms, with adjacent windows separatedby10ms. Thedatabaseconsistsofvariablelengthconnecteddigitutterances(1 to 7 digits per utterance). The “train” part of the database consisted of 8623 utterances spoken by 55 male and 57 female speakers and the “test” part of the database consisted of 8700 utterances spoken by 56 male and 57 female speakers (the train and test speakers were different). For every digit context-independent digit models with ten states and two Gaussian mixtures were initially trained (on the server) using clean speech from the “train”partofthedatabase. Asilencemodelwasusedbeforeandafterthedigitutterance to take care of the pre and post utterance silence. In addition a short pause model was 52 usedtoaccount forinter-digit shortpauses. Thetesting(usingutterances fromthe“test” part of the database) was carried out using MELP compressed speech, GSM compressed speechandthenon-layeredMFCCencoder. TheMFCCencoderwasusedattwodifferent rates 2.07 kbps (denoted MFCC-HR) and 1.22 kbps (denoted MFCC-LR). The baseline performance was determined by using “matched” models for the different compression schemes, i.e., the training was done using speech encoded by the same method as that used during the testing phase. The experiments were carried out for two different settings (i) unsupervised MLLR adaptationand(ii)supervisedMAPadaptation. FortheunsupervisedMLLRadaptation, the models were adapted once every 20 utterances. For the supervised MAP adaptation the original models were adapted for each speaker individually, i.e., part of the testing data from each speaker was used to adapt the original models to that particular speaker and the adapted models were used to recognize the test utterances of that speaker. The original databases TI46-Word and TIDIGITS contained speech sampled at 12.5 kHz and 20 kHz respectively. However MELP, FS-10 and GSM require the input speech tobesampledat8kHz. Onemethodtoovercomethiswouldbetodownsamplethespeech to 8 kHz, encode the speech and then upsample the decoded speech back to 12.5/20 kHz, however when this method was used the performance obtained was poor. The reason for thiscouldbethatthespectrumoftheupsampledspeechisflatfrom4kHzto6.25/10 kHz while the spectrum of the original speech was not. To overcome this we can downsample all the speech (training and testing) to 8 kHz and perform all our experiments using this downsampled data. Now the training phase also uses downsampled speech to build the initial models. For consistency the MFCC encoder also was used with the downsampled speech data. 53 2.7 Results 2.7.1 MFCC encoder Tables 2.2 and 2.7.1 compare the results of the proposed USQ technique to MELP and FS-10(CELP).ItcanbeobservedthatwhiletheincreaseinWERbyencodingtheMFCCs is small there are substantial savings in the bitrate. The advantage obtained by encoding the MFCCs as opposed to encoding speech and extracting the MFCCs from the decoded speech can be seen by comparing the WER obtained by the proposed USQ technique to the WER achieved by MELP and FS-10(CELP). It is apparent that although the proposed USQ technique uses lower bitrate than these speech codecs, it achieves lower WERthanthem. Thisgaininrecognitionperformanceandreductioninbitraterequiredis not surprising because the speech coders have been optimized to preserve the perceptual quality of the speech, while the MFCC encoders are designed to maximize recognition performance. Table 2.2: Comparative results for the digits database for different encoding techniques Encoding WER Bitrate (kbps) technique Unquantized 0.21% - Proposed 1.26% 1.02 USQ technique MELP 1.15% 2.4 FS-10(CELP) 4.75% 4.8 54 Table 2.3: Comparative results for the alphabets database for different encoding tech- niques Encoding WER Bitrate (kbps) technique Unquantized 17.34% - Proposed 18.82% 1.02 USQ technique MELP 24.85% 2.4 FS-10(CELP) 25.69% 4.8 Comparing the results obtained with previously proposed techniques, it can be ob- served from Figures 2.10, 2.11 and 2.12 that the methods proposed in this thesis out- performed the algorithm reported in [19]. While the recognition performance of a VQ based technique proposed in [51], is good, this method has the disadvantages of higher bitrate and higher encoding complexity, when compared with the methods proposed in this thesis. It is also evident from Figures 2.10 and 2.11 that the combined recognition-rate per- formanceofUSQisbetterthantherecognition-rate performanceofECSQ.Thisindicates that implicit pruning (by increasing the step size of the quantizers) of the MFCCs gives betterresultswhencomparedtoadhocpruning. Thescalability oftheproposedmethods can be seen from Figures 2.10 and 2.11, which show the trade off in bitrate vs. WER. By accepting higher WER, we can operate at a lower bitrate (with more bits available for channelcoding);thisfeaturewillbeusefulinsituationssuchasinwirelesscommunications where the channel conditions are varying. 55 The reduction in complexity at the client side by using our method can be seen from Table 2.4. Running the speech recognizer locally would require significantly more computation and memory than quantization. For example isolated digits recognition requires almost a factor of 3 more computation time than USQ. 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 15 20 25 30 35 40 BITRATE (kbps) Percentage WER 11 10 9 8 7 ECSQ ECSQ + ad hoc pruning USQ Figure 2.10: Recognition performance of the different encoders for alphabet database. Numbers next to the points indicate the number of coefficients retained. The scalability of the encoders can be seen by the Bitrate/WER tradeoff. Recognition performance with MELP was 24.85% and with FS-10 was 25.69%. The recognition performance with unquantized MFCCs was 17.34%. 2.7.2 Scalable DSR system Isolated digits recognition Figure 2.13 shows the WER as a function of average rate for Systems A & B. For System B the results for two different Δ c /Δ f ratios are shown. Thebitrate for the baselayer was 0.72 kbpsforbothsystems. SincethefirstDTWofSystemBusesonly thefirst6MFCCs 56 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 BITRATE (kbps) Percentage WER 11 10 9 8 7 6 ECSQ ECSQ + ad hoc pruning USQ Figure 2.11: Same information as in Figure 2.10 except that the database is the digit database. WER with MELP was 1.15% and with FS-10 was 4.75%. The recognition performance with unquantized MFCCs was 0.21%. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 BITRATE (kbps) Percentage WER Vector Quantization Scalar Quantization Nonuniform Scalar Quantization Figure 2.12: Recognition results with techniques based on scalar quantization [19] on the alphabet database and linear prediction and vector quantization [51] on the digit database. 57 Table 2.4: Average CPU time (in seconds, on a sun workstation) required to recognize a utterance from the digit database, and time required to encode it. The times shown for ECSQ and USQ also include the time for entropy coding, as well as the time required to compute theMFCCs (also included in speech recognition). Theencoding andrecognition times can be expected to be much higher for a portable device. Speech recognition ECSQ USQ 0.156 s 0.067 s 0.047 s 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 % WER vs rate rate (kbps) % WER Baseline WER = 0.24% Δ c /Δ f =1.3 Δ c /Δ f =1.7 R f =0.64 kbps R f =0.94 kbps scalable encoder & 2 Level DTW + HMM scalable encoder & 1 Level DTW + HMM Figure 2.13: Recognition performance for the scalable recognition schemes. The coarse bitrate is 0.72 kbps. The fine bitrate (R f ) is indicated in the figure. The baseline WER of 0.24% is shown as a dotted line. 58 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 Baseline WER = 0.24% Baseline Complexity 28 sec % WER vs complexity complexity (sec) % WER 1 Level DTW + HMM 2 Level DTW + HMM Figure 2.14: The time required for the scalable recognition schemes. The baseline com- putational time of 28 sec is shown as a dotted line. Notice the computational scalability wherein reduced complexity can be achieved at the expense of WER. of the base layer, initially we only need to transmit these, which requires a bitrate of 0.38 kbpswhiletheother6MFCCsrequire0.34 kbps. Weobservethat theWER is0.32% and 0.24%at1.13kbpsand1.11kbpsforSystemAandSystemBrespectively, whencompared tothebaselineWERof0.24%. ForSystemBweobservethattherecognition-ratetrade-off isbetterwhenΔ c /Δ f issmaller,howeverlargerΔ c /Δ f providesasuperiorreconstruction of the enhancement layer enabling lower WER at a higher average bitrate. Figure 2.14 shows the trade-off in complexity and WER for both the Systems. Using only the HMM approachweneedabout28sectorecognize1267digit utterances(approximately 1400sec of speech). We reduced the complexity by 21% and 25% by using System A and System B respectively with no degradation in WER. However if we are willing to tolerate more error we can reduce the running time by 53% (i.e., more than halve the running time) 59 by using System B while incurring a WER of 0.63% (163% increase over the baseline performance). From Figures 2.13 and 2.14 it is apparent that with the scalable DSR system we can trade-offeitherbitrateorcomplexity vs. WER.Thedelayconstraints, client/server band- width and server computational load will determine the optimal trade-off. The flexibility of the scalable system is that trade-offs are controlled only by the threshold of the initial DTW stage(s). By increasing the threshold, we reduce the average bitrate and the server complexity while incurring a higher WER. If recognition performance is important then we simply need to increase the threshold. 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 bitrate (BPS) percentage WER Names recognition (CI) CI variable−rate encoder CI uncompressed Figure 2.15: Names recognition results when CI models are used in the lattice recognizer. Notice that there is small degradation in performance when the bitrate is above 2500 b/s. However it is apparent that with theproposedvariable-rate encoderwe can trade-off recognition performance and bitrate. 60 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 bitrate (BPS) Names recognition (CD) percentage WER CD variable−rate encoder CD uncompressed Figure2.16: Namesrecognition resultswhenCDmodelsareusedinthelatticerecognizer. Notice that thereis small degradation in performancewhenthe bitrate is above 2500 b/s. However it is apparent that with the proposed variable-rate encoder we can trade-off recognition performance and bitrate. 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 bitrate (BPS) percentage WER Names Recognition layered coder (CI) CI layered coder (base rate 1870 bps) CI layered coder (base rate 1920 bps) CI layered coder (base rate 2060 bps) CI layered coder (base rate 2320 bps) CI layered coder (base rate 2580 bps) CI uncompressed Figure 2.17: Results of the names recognition when the proposed scalable DSR encoder is used at the client. The results are shown for different base layer rates. 61 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 bitrate (BPS) percentage WER Names Recognition layered coder (CD) CD layered coder (base rate 1870 bps) CD layered coder (base rate 1920 bps) CD layered coder (base rate 2060 bps) CD layered coder (base rate 2320 bps) CD layered coder (base rate 2580 bps) CD uncompressed Figure 2.18: Results of the names recognition when the proposed scalable DSR encoder is used at the client. The results are shown for different base layer rates. When the base layer rate is 2580 b/s and the enhancement layer rate is 2000 b/s the recognition result for CD models is the same as that obtained with a variable-rate encoder at a bitrate of 4040 b/s. However since the base layer rate is lower than the full rate of the variable-rate encoder, the recognition latency experienced by the user is reduced. 62 2.7.3 Spoken Names Recognition Variable-rate DSR encoder When the spoken names recognition system is used in a DSR system with a variable- rate non-scalable encoder, both recognition stages, i.e., the phone loop and the lattice recognizer operate on the same compressed data. The phone loop is a bigram CI phone loop. The resulting lattice after dictionary lookup can be refined using either CI or CD models. The results obtained for these two cases for different bitrates are shown in Figures 2.15 and 2.16. We observe that in both cases there is small degradation in performance when the bitrate is greater than 2500 b/s. However it is clear that with the proposed encoder we can trade-off bitrate for recognition performance. The average number of names in the lattice when compressed data was used was approximately 1140, which is almost the same as when uncompressed data was used, i.e., compression did not increase the lattice size. Table 2.5 compares the degradation dueto compression with the proposed encoder and Aurora encoder [21]. Notice that the proposed encoder provides both a lower rate and has a lower WER degradation than Aurora. Table 2.5: Absolute percentage increase in WER for the proposed encoder and Aurora. Observe that even when the proposed encoder operates at 3600 b/s it is superior to Aurora. Encoding technique CI CD Rate (b/s) Aurora 0.86 0.77 4400 Proposed 0.33 0.13 4050 variable-rate encoder 0.36 0.47 3600 63 Scalable DSR encoder When the proposed scalable DSR encoder is used at the client, a base layer and an enhancement layer are transmitted to the server for every name utterance. Now the bigram CI phone loop uses the base layer to generate the N-best phone sequence. This is used by the dictionary lookup to build the list of names for the lattice recognizer. The lattice recognizer rescores thenameslist usingtheenhancement layer datatoget thefinal recognized name result. Note that the phone recognizer and the dictionary lookup need not wait for the enhancement layer data to be received. The recognition results obtained with the above procedure for the names task are showninFigures2.17and2.18. Transparentrecognitionperformance(i.e.,therecognition performancewasthesameasthatachieved withuncompresseddata)withCDmodelswas achieved when the base layer rate was 2580 b/s and the enhancement layer was 2000 b/s. To achieve transparent recognition with our proposed encoder operating with a single layer (i.e., in a non-scalable mode) the required bitrate is 4040 b/s (Figure 2.16). In this case this single layer of encoded data at 4040 b/s is used by both recognition stages. Let the total user latency be defined as the sum of transmission time and recognition time. The use of scalable coding enables us to lower the user latency. Assume each name utterance is put into a single packet (non-scalable codec) or two packets (scalable codec with two layers). Table 2.6 shows the transmission times of the packets for different utterance lengths when using an 8800 b/s transmission link (8800 b/s is the maximum bitrateusedbyaspeechcodeconthefundamentalchannel(FCH)inacdma2000 c mobile network). It can be seen that the transmission time required for the base layer of the scalable codec is lower than the time required for the non-scalable codec. Hence, the 64 first stage recognizer can be started earlier in the scalable case. This ensures that the second stage (lattice recognizer) can also complete faster in systems employing a scalable coder while achieving the same recognition performance. To illustrate the reduction in userlatency, consider thetransmissiontimes showninTable2.6. Specifically consider the case when we are using a multi-pass scheme for both scalable and non-scalable encoding cases, andthelengthofthenameutteranceis1sec. Forsystemsemployinganon-scalable encoder, thetimerequiredtotransmitthedatafromtheclient toserveris0.5sec. Hence, thefirst stage recognizer can only bestarted 0.5 sec after theuser finishesspeaking. Ifwe assume, without loss of generality, the speech recognizer works in real time (i.e., it takes 1sec to recognize an utterance of length 1sec), then therecognizer completes recognizing the utterance 1 sec after reception of the data. Hence, the total delay as experienced by theuseris 1.5sec. However, whenweusethescalable codec, thebaselayer is transmitted in 0.33 sec. Now the first stage recognizer can be started 0.33 sec after the user finishes speaking. As the first stage recognizer is working the server can receive the enhancement layer. Again assuming the same real time recognition, the total delay for the user is now 1.33 sec. Hence, by using a scalable codec we could reduce the user latency by 0.17 sec. For different lengths of the name utterance it was observed that on average around 11% reduction in user latency can be achieved. The successive transmissions in the scalable case, can be pipelined, if needed. Thus systems employing a scalable coder are faster, thus reducing the latency perceived by the user, but are capable of achieving the same recognition performance (albeit at the cost of a small increase in rate). 65 Table 2.6: Transmission times for scalable and non-scalable codec on an 8800 b/s trans- mission link. The recognizer is assumed to operate in real-time. Hence time required for recognition is equal to the length of the name utterance. The user latency is the sum of the transmission and recognition time. Reduction in user latency for the proposed scalable encoder is shown in the last row. Around 11% user latency reduction is possible. Each packet is assumed to have 40 bytes of RTP/UDP/IP headers. If RoHC (Robust Header Compression) were used the header size could be reduced to 5 bytes. Length of name utterance 0.5 sec 1 sec 2 sec non-scalable codec 0.27 0.50 0.95 scalable codec (base layer) 0.18 0.33 0.62 percentage reduction in user latency 10.8% 11.1% 11.2% 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 bitrate (BPS) percentage WER HUB−4 Scalable DSR system base rate 1990 bps base rate 2250 bps base rate 2470 bps base rate 3290 bps uncompressed Figure 2.19: Recognition results of the multi-pass DSR for the HUB-4 broadcast news task. Observe that with a base layer rate of 2470 b/s and an enhancement layer of 3230 b/s we achieve the same recognition performance as with uncompressed data. Also the recognition performance versus bitrate trade-off is clear from the results. 66 0 5 10 15 20 25 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 Bitrate Distortion 29 29.5 30 30.5 31 31.5 32 32.5 percentage WER Distortion WER Figure 2.20: Comparison of trade-off between distortion and percentage WER versus bitrate. Distortion scale is shown on the left y-axis and percentage WER scale is shown on the right y-axis. The correlation between distortion and recognition performance is clearly illustrated. 67 2.7.4 Continuous Speech Recognition Whentheproposedscalable DSRencoderisusedattheclient, thebigramrecognizer uses thebaselayer to generate aword lattice. Thiswordlattice isrescored by atrigram recog- nizer which in addition uses the enhancement layer to update the acoustic probabilities. As in the spoken names task, the initial bigram recognizer does not have to wait for the enhancement layer data to be received. The recognition performance achieved for the two stage multi-pass recognizer for sev- eral different base layer rates is shown in Figure 2.19. Observe that with a base layer rate of 2470 b/s and an enhancement layer rate of 3230 b/s, the recognition performance achieved is the same as that achieved with uncompressed data. To achieve transparent recognition withourproposedencoderoperatingwithasinglelayer (i.e., inanon-scalable mode) the required bitrate is 5240 b/s. Hence we observer that, while using a scalable encoder provides more flexibility in the overall system design it only results in an 8.7% increase in bitrate. Thetrade-offbetweenbitrateandrecognitionperformanceisalsoclearfromthefigure. For the base layer rate of 2470 b/s, reducing the bitrate from 3230 b/s to 1880 b/s (42% reduction) results in only a 2.7% relative increase in WER. In Figures 2.18 and 2.19, the recognition performance with compressed data is sometimes better than with un- compressed data. The difference in recognition performance for these points from the uncompressed recognition performance is not statistically significant. An interesting observation from the results is that the recognition performance plateaus at different WERs for different base layer rates (with the plateau being higher forlower baselayer rates). Thisindicates that acertain minimumdatafidelityis required 68 at the initial recognition stage, below which improving the data fidelity only at the later stages does not enable the system to achieve the same recognition performance as that achieved by uncompressed data, no matter how high the enhancement layer bitrate is made. This provides a guideline for selection of bitrates for the base and enhancement layers. Given that a particular recognition performance is required for the task, this im- plicitly decides the minimal bitrate that can be used for the base layer. For example in the CSR task if the desired recognition performance of the overall system has to be as good as that achievable with uncompressed features then, from Figure 2.19, we observe that the base layer rate has to be greater than 2470 bps. However, this also implies that given the constraint that a particular rate has to be used for the base layer (this can be due to application/channel constraints) then there is no necessity to use a (high) rate for the enhancement layer which lies beyond the knee of the recognition performance curve correspondingto that particular baselayer rate. For example, at abase layer rate of 2250 b/s there is no gain in increasing the enhancement layer rate beyond 1940 b/s. Figure 2.20 shows both the distortion due to compression and the percentage WER for different bitrates. It is clear that as the bitrate is increased the distortion is reduced. Similarly, the percentage WER also decreases with increase in bitrate. The two curves have a similar tradeoff against bitrate. This shows that there is a strong correlation between distortion and percentage WER. This relationship can be used to predict the impact compression has on recognition performance. Another interesting observation from Figures 2.13, 2.17, 2.18 and 2.19 and Table 2.7 is that thebitrate requiredtoensurethat speech recognition performanceis not degraded due to compression is 1100b/s for an about isolated digits task, 2000 b/s for a connected digits task, 4600 b/s for the spoken names task and 5700 b/s for the CSR task. This 69 illustrates that the minimum bitrate for transparent speech recognition is strongly task dependent. In general, more complex speech recognition tasks require higher bitrate. It will be interesting to analytically quantify the minimum bitrate requirement for different speech recognition tasks. We leave this as potential future work. Table 2.7: Word error rate (in percentage) for supervised MLLR adaptation. Stringerror rate (in percentage) is shown in brackets. The improvements in MLLR are decrease (in percentage) in word error rate with respect to clean model results. Encoder Clean Models Clean Models Matched Matched Models MLLR (E CM ) + MLLR Models + MLLR gain (E A CM ) (E MM ) (E A MM ) Clean 1.88 (7.56) 1.57 (6.57) - - 16.5% speech MELP 3.14 (12.07) 2.32 (8.70) 2.70 (10.47) 1.87 (8.53) 26.1% GSM 2.50 (8.76) 1.73 (7.33) 2.29 (8.61) 1.55 (6.91) 30.8% MFCC-LR 4.81 (14.78) 2.24 (8.49) 2.70 (10.25) 1.85 (8.08) 53.4% MFCC-HR 2.10 (8.06) 1.60 (6.82) 2.05 (7.87) 1.58 (6.87) 23.8% Aurora 1.91 (8.68) 1.32 (6.39) - - 30.9% baseline Aurora 2.30 (9.26) 1.52 (7.09) 2.38 (9.48) 1.51 (7.03) 33.9% 70 2.7.5 Model Transformation Adaptation with a Single Model Table 2.7 shows the results for the unsupervised MLLR adaptation experiment. The AuroracompressionschemeisoptimizedforthefrontenddefinedbytheAurorastandard, allotherencoderswereusedwiththeHTKfrontend. TheresultswiththeAurorawhenno compression is used is indicated as “Aurora baseline”. Note that under clean conditions (i.e., no compression) the Aurora front end performs better than the HTK front end. We observe that, consistently for all the compression schemes, MLLR adaptation results in good improvements in the recognition performance. The results after adaptation are in fact better than when “matched” models are used. This is because we are using unsupervised adaptation and updating the models once every 20 utterances, and the utterances from each speaker are together, so we are benefiting from inter utterance similarities (as indicated by the improved performance with adaptation on clean speech). To ensure that the comparisons are consistent we performed adaptation on the matched models (shown in column 5 of Table 2.7). To show the advantage of adaptation with a single model, we can compute the degra- dation beforeand after adaptation. Thesecan beevaluated by comparingtherecognition performance with clean models to the recognition performance with matched models (baseline, no mismatch in training and testing). The single model degradation before adaptation is defined as D = (E CM −E MM )/E MM ∗100, where E CM is the error when compressed data is used for testing and clean speech is used for training, E MM is the error when compressed data is used for training and testing. Similarly the single model degradation after adaptation is defined as D A =(E A CM −E A MM )/E A MM )∗100 (E A CM and 71 E A MM aredefinedasaboveexcept thatadaptation isused). Thesedegradations areshown in Table 2.8. Observe that there is significant degradation before adaptation for MFCC- LR. However after adaptation the degradation is reduced substantially. For MFCC-HR, by adaptation from clean models we get almost same performance as adaptation from matched models (1.60 % vs. 1.58 % (see Table 2.7)). Theseresults imply that with adap- tation from a single model we are not only able to reduce the absolute error rates but we arealsoabletoreducethedegradationfrommatched conditions(forMELPandGSMthe relative degradation increased but theabsolute error rate decreased; for GSM the relative increase was very small). This result is very significant because it demonstrates that we do not need encoder specific models to be trained at the server, instead we can achieve the same performance with adaptation of models trained from clean speech. Table 2.8: Degradation (in percentage) in word error rate before and after adaptation for the different coding schemes. The degradation is with respect to using matched models for each compression scheme. Compression Degradation before Degradation after Adaptation (D) Adaptation (D A ) MELP 16.30 24.06 GSM 9.17 11.61 MFCC-LR 78.15 21.08 MFCC-HR 2.44 1.27 Aurora -3.36 0.66 TheresultsofthesupervisedMAPadaptationareshowninTable2.9. Thesupervised MAP resultsarebetterthantheunsupervisedMLLRresultsas expected. For MELP and 72 GSM, MAP adaptation provides better results when compared to MLLR, however for the MFCC encoders the MAP performance does not provide as significant a decrease as for MELP and GSM (in fact for MFCC-LR, the MAP performance was worse than the MLLR performance). The reason for this could be that while MLLR does not model the initial parameters as a random vector MAP explicitly does. The MFCC encoder quantizes the MFCCs directly and this means that the actual distribution of the encoded MFCCs is not a continuous distribution anymore but a discrete distribution. However in the MAP formulation the MFCCs are modeled as continuous distributions and the conjugate distribution which lies in the same class as the original distribution is used as the prior distribution. Therefore the MAP formulation is no longer optimal and this could be making MAP less effective than MLLR for the MFCC encoders. Nevertheless, the improvement by usingMAP adaptation is obvious from the results; we get more than 60% reduction using MAP for GSM and MELP. The reductions for the other methods are also significant. Encoder Optimized for Recognition As mentioned before, compression introduces degradation in recognition performance. The compression degradation can be found by comparing the results with compression to those obtained with clean speech. The compression degradation before adaptation can be found as D C = (E CM −E UC )/E UC ∗100 and the compression degradation after adaptation can be found as D A C = (E A CM − E A UC )/E A UC ∗ 100, where E UC is the error when clean speech is used for training and testing (E A UC corresponds to the case when adaptation is used). These degradations are shown in Table 2.10 along with the rate required for the different compression schemes. The rate required by the MFCC encoders 73 Table 2.9: Word error rate (in percentage) for supervised MAP adaptation. String error rate (in percentage) is shown in brackets. The improvement for MAP is decrease (in percentage) in word error rate with respect to clean model results. Compression Clean MAP MAP Models (E CM ) (E A CM ) gain Clean speech 1.86 (7.54) 0.67 (3.85) 64.0% MELP 3.12 (12.05) 1.19 (6.06) 61.9% GSM 2.48 (8.72) 0.91 (4.09) 63.3% MFCC-LR 4.78 (14.73) 3.34 (10.89) 30.1% MFCC-HR 2.08 (8.01) 0.91 (4.36) 56.3% is significantly less than that required by GSM and is less than that required by MELP. However minimum degradation is introduced by the MFCC-HR encoder among all the compression schemes (WER only degradedfrom 1.57 % to1.60 %). Also notice that after adaptation the MFCC-LR encoder operating at half the rate of MELP actually provides betterresultsthanMELP.Thisfurtherjustifiesourinitialclaimthatcompressionschemes optimizedforrecognitionshouldbeusedtocompressspeechusedforrecognitionforbetter performance. Also note that the MFCC-HR scheme operating at a bitrate of 2.07 kbps has just 1.97 % degradation (11.70 % before adaptation) over clean speech performance, but the Aurora scheme operating at 3.60 kbps (the Aurora scheme actually requires 4.8 kbps, but that includes the 800 bps for energy and C0 both of which are not used in our experiments and 400 bps for error protection) has 15.15 % degradation (20.42 % before adaptation) over clean speech performance. Another important point to be noticed from this table is that consistently for all the encoding schemes the degradation 74 Table 2.10: Degradation (in percentage) in word error rate before and after adaptation for the different coding schemes. The degradation is with respect to using clean speech for testing. Uncompressed speech requires 128 kbps and uncompressed MFCCs require 38.4 kbps. Compression Degradation before Degradation after Rate Adaptation (D C ) Adaptation (D A C ) (kbps) MELP 67.02 47.77 2.4 GSM 32.98 10.19 13 MFCC-LR 155.85 42.68 1.22 MFCC-HR 11.70 1.91 2.07 Aurora 20.42 15.15 3.60 after adaptation is lesser then the degradation before adaptation, which implies that adaptation is compensating for the compression mismatch in addition to compensating for other mismatches. Effect of Adaptation Data It is also important to find the dependency of the adaptation schemes on the amount of input data required. To find this we used MLLR adaptation in supervised mode and changed the amount of data used for adaptation. The experiments were carried out for clean data, MELP, GSM and MFCC-encoded data. The number of speakers in the test corpus was 113. The number of utterances chosen per speaker for adaptation was 1, 2, 4 and 8 resulting in 113, 226, 452 and 904 utterances used as adaptation data for the four different cases. The results of string error rate and word error rate are shown in 75 Figure 2.21. Observe that with increased adaptation data the error rates decrease for the different encoders. Using more than 904 utterances provided no further improvement in performance. Oneofthedrawbacksoftheproposedschemeisthatimprovementsareseen only after sufficient adaptation data has been observed, which may not be practical in somesituations. Thisisbasically aproblemoftheadaptationschemes(MLLRandMAP) which we have used here. To overcome this it may be necessary to combine MLLR/MAP adaptation withotherrapidadaptation schemeswhichcanoperatewithlesser adaptation data. 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Number of utterances % ERROR string error rate word error rate CLEAN MELP GSM MFCC−LR MFCC−HR Figure 2.21: Effect of adaptation data on string error rate and word error rate for clean and encoded data. 76 2.8 Conclusions In this chapter we addressed the optimization of a DSR system. We showed that using speech encoders optimized for recognition rather than perceptual distortion significantly provides better recognition performance. In practical scenarios where the large number of clients can severely overload the DSR server, it is desirable to use a scalable system which provides trade-off between bitrate, complexity and recognition performance. To provide a multi-resolution compressed stream it is more convenient to work with MFCC encoders,asnowtheclienthasgreaterflexibilityincontrollingtheinputtotheHMMs. We showedthatourproposedscalablerecognizercombinedwithalayeredMFCCencodercan provide flexibility in adapting the DSR system to the changing bandwidth requirements and server load while achieving the best recognition performance possible. Large number of clients density also implies that the recognizer has to work in conjunction with a variety of different speech encoding schemes. We showed that conventional adaptation schemes can be effectively used to reduce the degradation caused by speech encoding. Thisispotentiallyveryimportantinapractical systembecausenowonlyonesetofHMM modelsneedtobetrainedattheserver,andthesemodelscanbereusedforotherencoding schemes without significantly degrading the recognition performance. By addressing the DSR system optimization at the encoder, at the recognizer and at the system level we can ensure that the system operation is highly robust to user and network conditions. Each of these schemes gives us more freedom to fine tune the system enabling the DSR system to be adapted to provide good service to the user while constantly adjusting to the network and server conditions. 77 Chapter 3 Joint Compression-Classification with Quantizer/Classifier Dimension Mismatch 3.1 Introduction In the previous chapter a speech coding technique optimized to improve recognition per- formance was proposed. As mentioned there, one of the constraints on the encoder was that it should be computationally inexpensive to enable implementation on low power mobile devices. In order to achieve moderate complexity, the encoder operated making the best coding decision independently in each MFCC frame. Clearly this does not guar- antee overall optimality of encoding, given that the HMM operates on sequence of frames and therecognition decision is based on theentire sequence of frames. Toensureminimal degradation the entire sequence of frames used for recognition should have been jointly encoded by the encoder. However this operation is very computationally expensive and thus independent encodingof the frames remains a better practical approach. Given that independent encoding cannot incorporate the effect on recognition during the encoding operation, there is a need to study the problem of low dimension encoders each of which 78 encode a sub-vector of a vector and the output of which is used by a classifier which operates on the encoded vector. Consider an N dimensional vector x, let the subvectors ofx bex 1 (of dimension N 1 ) andx 2 (of dimension N 2 ), i.e., x =[x 1 x 2 ] (Note that for purposes of explanation we are assuming thatx has only two sub-vectors, but the arguments extend to cases whenx has more sub-vectors). Let α 1 (·) and α 2 (·) be two encoders which operate on the N 1 and N 2 dimensional vectors; let β 1 (·) and β 2 (·) be the corresponding decoders; and let δ(·) be an N dimensional classifier. We consider the distributed classification system shown in Figure 3.1. At the client the encoders α 1 (·) and α 2 (·) independently encode x 1 and x 2 . At the server the decoded data is combined and used for classification by δ. The problem we want to solve is that of designing the encoders α 1 (·) and α 2 (·) and the decoders β 1 (·) and β 2 (·) so as to ensure that they have the least effect on classification. u û α α β β δ 1 2 2 1 Figure 3.1: Distributed classification system. The dimension of the classifier is greater than the dimension of the encoders/decoders. The goal of the encoders is to quantize the data so that it has least effect on classification performance. Toanswerthis,firstletusconsiderthesimplercasewherethedimensionoftheencoder and the classifier is the same, i.e., the encoder operates on the entire vector being used for classification. If an N-dimensional Vector Quantizer (VQ) was used to quantize each 79 vector then the sum of distortion and Bayes risk can be used as a cost function to design the encoder [43, 42, 40]. The cost function can be written as J =(x − β(α(x))) 2 + λ M−1 X k=0 M−1 X j=0 C jk 1(δ(β(α(x))) =k)P(Y =j|X =x) (3.1) where α(·) is the encoder, β(·) is the decoder, the classifier δ(·) classifies the vector into one of M classes ∈Y, λ is the Lagrange multiplier used to control the trade-off between classification and distortion performance, C jk is a nonnegative number which represents the cost of classifying x as class k when the true class if j and 1(expression) is 1 if expression is trueand 0otherwise. TheVQ sodesigned (Bayes VQ), to minimize thecost function J minimizes both MSE and Bayes risk. This design procedure ensures that the Voronoi regions of the VQ approximate the classification partitions of the classifier. Thesamedesignprocedurecannotbeusedwithoutmodificationforthecasewhenthe sub-vectors of thevectorxareencodedseparately. Theabovedesign procedureimplicitly relies on the fact that the classifier and encoder dimensions are the same. This can be observed by observing that the output of the decoder being designed becomes an input to the classifier. If we want to design an encoder for x 1 i.e., a sub-vector of the vector x being used for classification, the Bayes risk component of the cost function J cannot be definedbecauseBayes riskincorporatestheclassifierδ(·) initsdefinitionandtheclassifier cannot produce an output on a sub-vector, i.e., δ(x 1 ) has no meaning. Bayes VQ outputs, for each input, a quantization index that can be decoded to a reproduction level and a classification label, i.e., Bayes VQ is actually jointly designing a classifier and an encoder. In some systems (for example distributed speech/speaker recognition), we do not have control over the classifier while designing the encoder. Here we need to design an encoder that minimizes distortion and classification error given a 80 fixed classifier. From Equation (3.1) it can seen that Bayes VQ requires knowledge of the probability density function (pdf) (either true pdf or posterior estimated pdf). In this chapter we will show how the Bayes VQ design can be modified to take into account that there is a dimension mismatch between the encoders and the classifier. We introduce a new technique that jointly designs the encoders for the different sub- dimensions of the source data given a fixed classifier. By exploiting the fact that the classifier is already designed we will show that an empirical version of the design can be obtained. Themaindifficulty inthisdesignproblemisthat whileRDperformancecan be separately optimized in each of the component quantizers (operating on the sub-vectors) theactual misclassification cost dependson thecomplete vector. Themain novelty of our method is that we show how information from different sub-dimensions can be combined to derive a misclassification cost which can be used in the design of the encoders. We will show that joint design of the encoders, by making use of information from other sub-dimensionswhiledesigninganencoder inasub-dimension,can achieve improvements in performance over independent design of the encoders, where each of the encoders was designed to only minimize distortion. In this chapter and the next chapter vectors are represented in bold and random vari- ablesarerepresentedbycapitalletters. X=ximpliesthattherandomvariableXtakeson thevaluex. AvectorXwhichconsistsofPsub-vectorsiswrittenasX = [X 1 ,X 2 ,...X P ], where each of the X i s has dimension N i and P i N i = N. We assume that the classifier classifies the data into one of M classes Y ∈ {0,1,...,M −1}. In addition we assume that C jk the cost of classifying x as class k when the true class if j is C jk = 0 if j =k 1 if j 6=k 81 i.e., we assume that every class is equally important and incorrect decisions have equal penalty. This implies that Bayes risk is simply the probability of misclassification. Therestofthechapter isorganized asfollows, Section 3.2providesdetails oftheJoint ProductVQdesign. InSection3.3theexperimentsandresultsarepresented. Conclusions are presented in Section 3.4. 3.2 Joint Product VQ design using classification informa- tion After briefly reviewing related previous work we start our discussion by considering a parametric algorithm where it is assumed that knowledge of the source pdf is available (Section 3.2.2). For situations where knowledge of the pdf is not available an empirical algorithm is derivedfrom theparametricalgorithm. Theempirical algorithm is presented in Section 3.2.3. 3.2.1 Previous work Consider an N dimensional classifier which uses vectors for classification. The classifier uses the entire vector to make its decision. A typical example would be in image classi- fication where the input image is divided into RbyR blocks and each block is classified (into one of two or more classes). Here the classifier dimension is N = RbyR. If an N dimensional Vector Quantizer (VQ) was used to quantize each block then the sum of distortion andBayes risk[43, 42, 40] can beusedas acost function to design theencoder. 82 The cost function can be written as (from equation (3.1) with Bayes risk replaced with probability of misclassification) J =(x − β(α(x))) 2 + λ M−1 X j=0 1(δ(β(α(x)))6=j)P(Y =j|X =x) (3.2) Goodperformanceis achieved by thismethod, andin addition it providesacapability to trade-off between classification and distortion performance. Since a VQ is used for encoding the entire vector it suffers from the drawback of high complexity encoding, but Bayes VQ provides an upper bound on the joint distortion/classification performance for a given rate, which is useful for benchmarking the performance of other methods. Design of a fast classification technique [2, 3] has also been reported. The main goal of this technique is to achieve fast classification of document images on the web for information retrieval. This technique involves performing all computations off-line and using table lookup for classification. In addition the use of a weighted distortion measure basedonwavelet coefficients oftheoriginal image isshowntoprovidegoodimprovements in performance. This technique is targeted for situations where only classification is required and compression is not an issue. The lookup tables at level N are generated by using the product of the VQs at level N −1. The lookup table design involves assigning every codeword combination from level N−1VQs to the closest codeword at level N. As is clear this design involves product VQs and is aiming at minimizing classification error, which is similar to theproblemwe aretryingto solve (in addition we also try tominimize distortion and compress the data). So by incorporating the joint design of the product VQs (presented in Section 3.2.2 and Section 3.2.3) into the design of the lookup tables we can potentially improve the classification performance achieved by the fast classification technique. This is discussed in detail in the next chapter. 83 3.2.2 Parametric design Our goal is to build less complex encoders each of which operate on sub-vectors of the original N dimensional vector. This reduction in complexity should be achieved while having the least effect on classification performance. Let the vector we want to classify X = x, be an N dimensional vector. Let X = [X 1 ,X 2 ] where both X 1 and X 2 are vectors of dimension N/2. When we use product VQs to encode each of the sub-vectors X 1 and X 2 independently the encoder operates only on a part of the total vector used for classification, and it is not straightforward to compute the misclassification cost (the secondtermofthecostfunctionJ inequation(3.2). Thisisbecausetheclassifieroperates onanN-dimensionalvector andthusunquantizedvectors withthesamevalueinonesub- vector couldbeclassifiedintodifferentclassesbasedonthevalueofthevector intheother sub-dimensions. For example consider the vectors x 1 = [x a ,x b ] which belongs to class 1 ∈ Y and x 2 = [x a ,x c ] which belongs to class 2 ∈ Y. This is shown in Figure 3.2. Although both vectors x 1 andx 2 have the same sub-vector x a in the 1 st dimension they belong to different classes because they differ in the 2 nd sub-dimension. In order to build encoders which operate on sub-vectors of the entire vector which is used for classification, it is necessary to define a cost function which plays a role similar to the Bayes risk component in equation (3.2). Consider quantizing X 1 along the 1 st sub-dimension of X. We require the misclassification cost for X 1 = x 1 . Since the class decisions are based on the entire vector X we cannot find the true misclassification cost usingonlythesub-vectorX 1 ,howeverwecanconsiderusingan“average misclassification cost”. Since we need to estimate the misclassification cost for X 1 = x 1 we can average P(Y = j|X = x), for the M classes in Y, over the sub-vector X 2 when X 1 = x 1 (see 84 Figure 3.2: Even though the vectors x 1 and x 2 have the same value in one dimension, they belong to different classes as they significantly differ in the other dimension. eq 3.9). This gives the probability of class j occurring when we only have knowledge of the sub-vector X 1 . This can be used to replace the Bayes risk component in equation (3.2). Let β 1 (·) be the decoder in sub-dimension 1, β 2 (·) be the decoder in sub-dimension 2, α 1 (·) be the encoder in sub-dimension 1, and α 2 (·) be the encoder in sub-dimension 2. Then the distortion incurred when we quantize X=[x 1 ,x 2 ] along the 1 st sub-dimension is (x 1 −β 1 (α 1 (x 1 ))) 2 and the total cost due to quantization is J = (x 1 − β 1 (α 1 (x 1 ))) 2 + λ M−1 X j=0 1(δ(β 1 (α 1 (x 1 )),β 2 (α 2 (x 2 )))6=j)P(Y =j|X 1 =x 1 ) (3.3) where δ(·,·) is the same classifier as before but has been explicitly shown to operate on two variables to emphasize the fact that the vector used for classification contains 2 85 sub-dimensions. Specifically the cost of quantizing the X = [x 1 ,x 2 ] to the i th codeword along the 1 st sub-dimension is J =(x 1 − β 1 (i)) 2 + λ M−1 X j=0 1(δ(β 1 (i),β 2 (α 2 (x 2 )))6=j)P(Y =j|X 1 =x 1 ) (3.4) Thus the optimal encoder given this cost function will be α 1 (x 1 ) = argmin i [(x 1 −β 1 (i)) 2 + λ M−1 X j=0 1(δ(β 1 (i),β 2 (α 2 (x 2 ))) 6= j)P(Y =j|X 1 =x 1 ),] (3.5) and correspondingly the Lloyd decoder will be β 1 =argmin z E[d(X 1 ,z|α 1 (X 1 )),] (3.6) Which minimizes the distortion independently of the classification. Similarly, the encoder and decoder for the 2nd sub-dimension are given by α 2 (x 2 ) = argmin i [(x 2 −β 2 (i)) 2 + λ M−1 X j=0 1(δ(β 1 (α 1 (x 1 )),β 2 (i)) 6= j)P(Y =j|X 2 =x 2 )] (3.7) and β 2 =argmin z E[d(X 2 ,z|α 2 (X 2 ))] (3.8) The main difference between the above design and Bayes VQ is that both α 1 (·) and α 2 (·) have an effect on classification performance but have to applied and designed sepa- rately. 86 As is observed form equation (3.5) and equation (3.7), we require P(Y =j|X 1 =x 1 ) and P(Y = j|X 2 =x 2 ) to design the encoders. We will show below how P(Y = j|X 1 = x 1 )canbeevaluatedasfollows(P(Y =j|X 2 =x 2 )canbeevaluatedinasimilarmanner). P(Y =j|X 1 =x 1 )= Z x 2 P(Y =j|X =x)f(x 2 |x 1 )dx 2 (3.9) where f(x 2 |x 1 ) is the conditional probability of X 2 = x 2 given X 1 = x 1 , and the inte- gration is a volume integral over the N/2-dimensional space of x 2 . P(Y =j|X 1 =x 1 )= Z x 2 P(Y =j & X =x) f(x 1 ) dx 2 (3.10) P(Y =j & X=x) = P(X =x) if δ(x 1 ,x 2 ) =j 0 otherwise (3.11) So, P(Y =j|X 1 =x 1 )= Z x 2 :δ(x 1 ,x 2 )=j f(x 2 |x 1 )dx 2 (3.12) The above expression states that P(Y = j|X 1 = x 1 ) is the probability of X satisfying δ(x 1 ,x 2 )=j given X 1 =x 1 , which is intuitively satisfying. Extension to the case when there are more then 2 sub-dimensions (say P sub- dimensions) in the N dimensional vector X is straightforward. If X = [X 1 ,X 2 ,...X P ] it can be shown that P(Y =j|X 1 =x 1 )= Z x 2 ,...,x P :δ(x 1 ,...,x P )=j f(x 2 ,...,x P |x 1 )dx 2 ...dx P (3.13) where f(x 2 ,...,x P |x 1 ) is the conditional probability of X 2 = x 2 &...&X P = x P given X 1 =x 1 and δ(·, ,·) is an N dimensional classifier. 87 The generalized Lloyd algorithm (GLA) is used to design the encoder and decoder in eachsub-dimension. NotethattheclassificationcostinEquation(3.4)forX 1 isdependent ontheencoderanddecoderforX 2 . Thisimpliesthattheencoderdesignineachdimension is not independent of encoder/decoder design in the other dimension. Thus we require an iterative procedure where the encoder for X i is optimized while encoders for all the X j ,j 6=i, are fixed This results in an iterative design summarized as Algorithm 5 (Iterative quantizer design) Step 1 : Initialize the encoders for sub-dimension 1 and 2. Step 2 : Design the encoder for sub-dimension 1 using equation (3.5). Step 3 : Design the decoder for sub-dimension 1 using equation (3.6). Step 4 : If the codewords changed go to Step 2 else go to Step 5. Step 5 : Design the encoder for sub-dimension 2 using equation (3.7). Step 6 : Design the decoder for sub-dimension 2 using equation (3.8). Step 7 : If the codewords changed go to Step 5 else go to Step 8. Step 8 : If the codewords in either sub-dimension changed go to Step 2 else stop. Note that this iterative procedure is only required during the design of the encoders and the actual encoding can be done independently in each dimension without any iterations. Since one of the requirements is to keep the encoding complexity low, nearest neighbor encoding is used during actual encoding i.e., α j (x j ) =argmin i [(x j −β j (i)) 2 ] (3.14) for j = 1,2. However if an approximation to the final classifier was simple (say a table lookup) then we can use the classification information during actual encoding to 88 get better results, i.e., the actual encoder would be the same as the encoder used during design (equations (3.5) and (3.7)). 3.2.3 Empirical design The algorithm developed in Section 3.2.2 required knowledge of the conditional pdfs of thesub-vectors. Whentheunderlyingpdf ofthesourceisknownthentheconditional pdfs can easily be obtained and used in the design. However when we are dealing with vectors of high dimensionality obtained from real world sources the pdfs in general are unknown. OnesolutionwouldbetomodelthesourceusingGaussianmixture(orsomeother)pdf[44]. However if the modeling is not very accurate the designed quantizers can be suboptimal and the performance of the encoders can be very poor. To overcome this shortcoming we propose an empirical version of the design algorithm. The goal here is to make use of the information in the training set to simulate the effect of the conditional pdfs. Obviously since the conditional pdfs are approximated using the training set, mismatch between the training set data and test set data can adversely affect the performance of the encoders. To obtain an empirical algorithm we need to estimate or approximate the probabilities using the training set. One method of approximating the probabilities is by the use of high rate VQs [71, 43]. To motivate the design for N dimensional data we first consider the simple case of 2 dimensional data, where the classifier operates on the 2 dimensional vector andeach component ofthevector isindependentlyscalar quantized. Let thescalar in dimension 1 lie in the interval [X l ,X h ]. We want to quantize this scalar X 1 using N quantization values Q 1 i , i = 0,1,...N −1. The simplest technique to aid estimation of the probabilities would beto useuniform scalar quantization, wherethe real linebetween X l and X h is partitioned into small bins each of size Δ (Figure 3.3). To achieve good 89 performance we need fine quantization, so K 1 = X h − X l Δ N, however Δ should not be made very small because then the conditional pdfs will not be approximated properly by the bins, as it would result in very sparse data and thus reliable probability estimates may not be obtained. Let b 1 j , j = 0,1,...K 1 −1 be the bins of the real line between X l and X h with each bin size being Δ. Now instead of quantizing every point on the real line between X l and X h to one of the quantization values Q 1 i , we can quantize the bins b 1 j to one of the quantization values Q 1 i . This will result in sub-optimality of the final quantizer (however if Δ is small the error introduced is negligible). The distortion cost can be approximated as ˆ d(Q 1 i ,b 1 j ) =(Q 1 i −c 1 j ) 2 (3.15) where c 1 j is the mid point of bin b 1 j . The average misclassification cost C(Q 1 i ,b 1 j ) can be written as C(Q 1 i ,b 1 j ) = M−1 X j=0 1(δ(Q 1 i ,β 2 (α 2 (x 2 ))) 6= j) Z x 2 P(Y =j|X =x)f(x 2 |x 1 )dx 2 (3.16) from equations (3.4) and (3.9). Using the bins got by scalar quantization this can be approximated as ˆ C(Q 1 i ,b 1 j ) = Pn 1 j l=1 1(δ(Q 1 i ,β 2 (α 2 (x l 2 ))) 6= δ(x l 1 ,x l 2 )) n 1 j (3.17) Where n 1 j is the number of vectors in bin b 1 j and x l = [x l 1 ,x l 2 ] l = 1,2,...n 1 j is the subset of the training set such that x 1 is assigned to the bin b 1 j . The numerator of equation (3.17) gives the count of the number of vectors in b 1 j which are misclassified if we assign b 1 j to Q 1 i , dividing this by the total number of vectors in b 1 j gives the classification error incurred in assigning b 1 j to Q 1 i . Notice that ˆ C(Q 1 i ,b 1 j ) can be evaluated very efficiently. All that is required is to identify the vectors x in b 1 j whose class label is different from 90 Figure3.3: Illustrationof theempirical algorithm (onlyoneof theK 1 binsisshown). Bin b 1 j is assigned to the quantization valueQ 1 j sothat thejoint cost of distortion and average misclassification is minimized. The width of the bin is Δ and its mid-point is c 1 j . In the exampleshownthereare13sourcevectorsinthebinb 1 j . Thediamondpoints(r k i andr k i+1 ) are the 2 dimensional reproductions points got by associating the reproduction points Q 1 i and Q 1 i+1 in the 1 st dimension with every reproduction point in the 2 nd dimension. The class of the reproductions points and the source vectors is determined by the region they fall into, i.e., the points below the classification line belong to class 0 and those above belong to class 1. 91 δ(Q 1 i ,β 2 (α 2 (x l 2 ))) i.e. the class of the codeword combination that x is assigned to after quantization. Now the cost function will be ˆ J = ˆ d(Q 1 i ,b 1 j ) + λ ˆ C(Q 1 i ,b 1 j ) (3.18) Bin assignment example during product VQ design An example is shown in Figure 3.3 which shows one of the binsb 1 j which is used to design the encoder. The cost of assigning b 1 j to Q 1 i is ˆ J =(Q 1 i −c 1 j ) 2 + λ 3 13 (3.19) since vectors x 8 , x 9 , and x 10 do not belong to the same class as the reproduction point r 3 i . Similarly the cost of assigning b 1 j to Q 1 i+1 is ˆ J =(Q 1 i+1 −c 1 j ) 2 + λ 2 13 (3.20) since vectors x 6 , and x 7 do not belong to the same class as the reproduction pointr 3 i+1 . This modified cost function found by the empirical algorithm is used to design the scalar quantizers. Empirical product VQ design For all the input vectors [X 1 ,X 2 ] for which X 1 = x 1 lies in bin b 1 j (whose center is c 1 j ), the encoder is α 1 (x 1 )=argmin i [(c 1 j −β 1 (i)) 2 + λ Pn 1 j l=1 1(δ(Q 1 i ,β 2 (α 2 (x l 2 ))) 6= δ(x l 1 ,x l 2 )) n 1 j ] (3.21) 92 The Lloyd decoder does not use conditional probabilities so it is the same as before, i.e. β 1 =argmin y E[d(X 1 ,y|α 1 (X 1 ))]. As before the encoders need to be designed iteratively until convergence. Forthesimplecaseconsideredaboveweshowedthatusinguniformscalarquantization would allow us to approximate the probabilities and leads to an empirical algorithm. However this technique does not easily generalize to higher dimensions where the vector to be classified is an N dimensional vector consisting of 2 or more sub-vectors. For the scalar case instead of using uniform quantization we can consider designing a high rate scalar quantizer (using GLA) for each dimension. As before the high rate quantizer in sub-dimension1partitionsthereallinebetweenX l andX h intobinsb 1 j , j =0,1,...K 1 −1. Unlike before, the size of the different bins may not be the same, but that is not required for our algorithm. The partitions are now decided by the position of the reproduction values c 1 j , j =0,1,...K 1 −1. The bins induced by this partitioning can beused as before to find the distortion and average misclassification costs. This modified partitioning of the training set can be extended to higher dimensions without loss of generality. IftheinputtobeclassifiedXis anN dimensionalvector made up of two sub-vectors X 1 and X 2 , each vectors of dimension N/2, then we can design N/2 dimensional VQs for both sub-vectors X 1 and X 2 . To design the encoder along sub-dimension 1, we use the N/2 dimensional VQ designed for the 1 st sub-dimension to partition the space spanned by X 1 into K 1 Voronoi regions b 1 j , j = 0,1,...K 1 −1. As before we want to encode the sub-vector X 1 using N reproduction values Q 1 i , i = 0,1,...N −1. Each of the Voronoi regions b 1 j is assigned to the reproduction value Q 1 i such that the total cost incurred is minimized. The distortion cost can be found as ˆ d(Q 1 i ,b 1 j ) =(Q 1 i −c 1 j ) 2 (3.22) 93 where c 1 j is the centroid of Voronoi region b 1 j . If n 1 j is the number of vectors in Voronoi region b 1 j , then C(Q 1 i ,b 1 j ) can be approximated as ˆ C(Q 1 i ,b 1 j ) = Pn 1 j l=1 1(δ(Q 1 i ,β 2 (α 2 (x l 2 ))) 6= δ(x l 1 ,x l 2 )) n 1 j (3.23) wherex l =[x l 1 ,x l 2 ] l =1,2,...n 1 j is the subset of the training set such thatx 1 is assigned to the Voronoi region b 1 j . The total cost when Voronoi region b 1 j is assigned to Q 1 i is ˆ J =(Q 1 i −c 1 j ) 2 + λ Pn 1 j l=1 1(δ(Q 1 i ,β 2 (α 2 (x l 2 ))) 6= δ(x l 1 ,x l 2 )) n 1 j (3.24) After assigning all the Voronoi regions b 1 j to the N reproduction values Q 1 i , the Voronoi region associated to a reproduction level Q 1 k will be the merger of the Voronoi regions b 1 j which are assigned to the reproduction level Q 1 k . Similarly the total cost of assigning the Voronoi regions b 2 j , j =0,1,...K 2 −1 in the 2 nd dimension to the codeword Q 2 i is ˆ J =(Q 2 i −c 2 j ) 2 + λ Pn 2 j l=1 1(δ(β 1 (α 1 (˜ x l 1 )),Q 2 i ) 6= δ(˜ x l 1 ,˜ x l 2 )) n 2 j (3.25) where Q 2 i i = 0,1,...,N −1 are the reproduction values along the 2 nd sub-dimension, ˜ x l =[˜ x l 1 ,˜ x l 2 ] l = 1,2,...,n 2 j is the subset of the training set such that ˜ x 2 is assigned to the Voronoi region b 2 j and c 2 j is the centroid of the Voronoi region b 2 j . Algorithm 6 (Empirical product VQ design) Step 1 : Design a high rate VQ with codebook size = K 1 and K 2 for sub-dimension 1 and 2 respectively. Step 2 : For j = 0,1,...,K 1 −1 assign Voronoi region b 1 j to the codeword Q 1 i such that the cost (equation (3.24)) is minimized. 94 Step 3 : Update the codewords Q 1 i (as the centroid of the training set assigned to it). Step 4 : If codewords changed go to Step 2 else go to Step 5. Step 5 : For k = 0,1,...,K 2 −1 assign Voronoi region b 2 j to the codeword Q 2 i such that the cost (equation (3.25)) is minimized. Step 6 : Update the codewords Q 2 i (as the centroid of the training set assigned to it). Step 7 : If codewords changed go to Step 5 else go to Step 8. Step 8 : If the codewords in either sub-dimension changed go to Step 2 else stop. 3.3 Experiments and Results Experiments were carried out on three different examples. • Case (i) 2 dimensional Gaussian mixture data, 2 dimensional Bayes classifier, each dimension of the vector was quantized independently by scalar quantizers. The Gaussian data was a mixture of 2 sources, each with variance 1, and means were [1,0.2] and [-1,-0.2]. • Case (ii) 4 dimensional Gaussian mixture data, 4 dimensional Bayes classifier, the 1 st and 2 nd dimensions were encoded together by a 2 dimensional VQ and the 3 rd and 4 th dimension were encoded by another 2 dimensional VQ. The Gaussian data was a mixture of 2 sources, each with variance 1, and means were [1,0.2,0.2,0.2] and [-1,-0.2,-0.2,-0.2]. • Case (iii) 2 dimensional Gaussian mixturedata, 2 dimensional Bayes classifier, each dimension of the vector was quantized independently by scalar quantizers. The 95 Gaussian data was a mixture of 8 sources, each with variance 1, and means were [1,0.2],[-1,-0.2], [3,0], [-3,0], [3.4,-2], [-3.4,2], [5.4,-2.4] and [-5.4,2.4]. Figure 3.4: The setup of the Case (i) example. The input consists of a 2 dimensional vector, each dimension is quantized independently using scalar quantization, and the quantized outputs are used for classification by the 2 dimensional Bayes classifier. For Case (ii) the scalar quantizers are replaced by 2 dimensional VQs and the 2 dimensional classifier isreplacedwitha4dimensionalBayes classifier. For Case(iii) the2dimensional classifier is replaced with an 8 dimensional Bayes classifier. Figure 3.4 shows the experiment setup for the different examples considered. For Case (i) two scalar quantizers were designed using the knowledge of the pdfs. For thesametrainingdatatheempiricalalgorithmwasalsousedtodesign2scalarquantizers. To compare the two partitioning techniques for the empirical algorithm, the partitioning wasdonewithbothahighrateuniformscalar quantizerandahighrateLloyd-Max quan- tizer. Sinceoneofthegoalsofthedesignwastokeeptheencodingcomplexity low, during encodinginformation about the pdfs was not used andinstead MMSE encodingwas used, where every input in each dimension is quantized to the closest reproduction point in the corresponding dimension. The optimal Bayes classifier for this data will assign an 96 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 Figure 3.5: Quantization bins when the proposed algorithm is used to design the Scalar Quantizers. The means of the two classes are represented by diamond points. The diagonal line is the Bayes classifier boundary. −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 Figure 3.6: Quantization bins when the only distortion is minimized to design the scalar quantizers. Themeansofthetwoclassesarerepresentedbydiamondpoints. Thediagonal line is the Bayes classifier boundary. 97 −3 −2.5 −2 −1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 % reduction in misclassification vs loss in SNR loss in SNR % reduction in misclassification Joint Low Dimesion MMSE encoder (PDF based design) Joint Low Dimesion MMSE encoder (empirical design 1) Joint Low Dimesion MMSE encoder (empirical design 2) Figure 3.7: Trade-off between percentage reduction in misclassification and reduction in SNR for scalar quantizers designed for each dimension of a 2 dimensional Gaussian mixture vector (Case(i)). The top curve represents the pdf based design and the other two curves represent the empirical designs. Empirical design 1 corresponds to the case when high rate scalar quantizers are used to partition the training set, and empirical design 2 corresponds to the case when high rate Lloyd-Max scalar quantizers are used to partition the training set. The number of bins in empirical design 2 is lesser than the numberofbinsinempiricaldesign1, sothecomplexity ofthedesignislesserforempirical design 2. The percentage misclassification when the scalar quantizers are designed only to minimize distortion is 3.40%. So the reductions in misclassification are significant. 98 −0.04 −0.035 −0.03 −0.025 −0.02 −0.015 −0.01 −0.005 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 % reduction in misclassification vs loss in SNR loss in SNR % reduction in misclassification Joint Low Dimesion MMSE encoder Figure 3.8: Trade-off between percentage reduction in misclassification and reduction in SNR for two 2 dimensional VQs designed for a 4 dimensional Gaussian mixture vector (Case(ii)). The percentage misclassification when the VQs are designed only to minimize distortion is 9.64% input vector to the class whose mean the input vector is closer to. The classification boundaryfor the Bayes classifier will beperpendicular to the line joining the mean of the two classes [56, 67] as shown in Figure 3.5. Figure 3.5 also shows the quantization bins obtained when we design scalar quantizers based on the proposed algorithm. Comparing this to Figure 3.6, which represents the quantization bins obtained when we design scalar quantizers to minimize only distortion we observe that for quantizers designed to mini- mize both classification error and distortion the quantization bins tend to get clustered together close to the classification boundary. This helps to reduce the classification error introduced due to quantization as now more bins are placed in regions which introduce classification error. The density of bins in near the classification boundary is controlled by the Lagrange multiplier. A small Lagrange multiplier (distortion is important) would 99 mean the bins will be very similar to those obtained when we minimize only distortion. A large Lagrange multiplier (classification error is important) would mean the classifica- tion boundary range will be densely packed with the quantization bins so as to minimize the misclassification (of course this will mean higher distortion). Figure 3.7 shows the reduction in misclassification percentage as a function of reduction in SNR when com- pared to the case that the quantizers were designed to minimize only distortion. It is observed that with a 0.7 dB decrease in SNR the misclassification is reduced by about 1%. The misclassification percentage when only distortion was minimized was 3.4% so substantial gain is obtained, if 2.5 dB loss in SNR is tolerable then the misclassification can be reduced in half. From the figure it can also be observed that the empirical al- gorithm performs almost as well as the pdf based algorithm proving the validity of the empirical algorithm. Comparingtheresultsforthetwo differentpartitionings (uniformvs Lloyd-Max) it is clear that the performance of the Lloyd-Max partitioning is better than the uniform partitioning. This is to be expected because Lloyd-Max partitioning places most its bins in regions of high probability, so it capable of estimating the probability distribution more accurately. It should however be noted that in general the proposed method (parametric or empirical) cannot achieve 0 misclassification even if we ignore the distortion cost (λ =∞), because when a 2 dimensional classification boundaryis approx- imated with scalar quantizers perfect approximation is almost never possible (except if the classification boundary is horizontal or vertical). For Case (ii) two 2 dimensional VQ were designed for the sub-vectors of the 4 dimen- sional source data using the knowledge of the pdfs. For comparison, a modified version of Bayes VQ (to account for the fixed classifier) was designed for the same training data. The results obtained after encoding the test set with the 2 dimensional VQs is shown in 100 Figure3.8. Again onlyMMSE encodingwas used. Thecomparisonbetween theproposed method and Bayes VQ can be seen in Figure 3.9. The top most point for each curve rep- resentstheSNRandmisclassification whenthequantizersweredesignedtoonlyminimize distortion (i.e. λ = 0). Notice that the trade-off between SNR and misclassification is almost the same for both methods, however much lower misclassification can be achieved with Bayes VQ, since Bayes VQ can partition the space much more efficiently than when lower dimension product VQs are used. But the main gain achieved by the proposed al- gorithm over Bayes VQ is that the encodingoperation is less complex, since each encoder operates on a sub-dimension of the vector independently unlike Bayes VQ which has to encode the entire vector. 7.2 7.25 7.3 7.35 7.4 7.45 7.5 7.55 7.6 7.65 7.7 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 percentage misclassification vs SNR SNR percentage misclassification Joint Low Dimension MMSE encoder BVQ MMSE encoder 0.4 db Figure 3.9: Percentage misclassification vs SNR for two 2 dimensional VQs and Bayes VQ designed for a 4 dimensional Gaussian mixture vector (Case(ii)). For both curves the points with maximum SNR correspond to the case when only distortion is minimized. The approximate time required for the two methods to encode 32000 4 dimensional vectors is shown in Table 3.1. Bayes VQ had a codebook of size 64 and the proposed 101 −0.4 −0.35 −0.3 −0.25 −0.2 −0.15 −0.1 −0.05 0 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 % reduction in misclassification vs loss in SNR loss in SNR % reduction in misclassification Joint Low Dimesion MMSE encoder (PDF based design) Figure 3.10: Trade-off between percentage reduction in misclassification and reduction in SNRfor2ScalarQuantizersdesignedfora2dimensional8sourceGaussianmixturevector (Case(iii)). Thepercentage misclassification when the scalar quantizers are designed only to minimize distortion is 13.99% method had codebooks of size 8 in each sub-dimension. It is observed that by using encoders operating on lower dimensions we are able to reduce the complexity by more than a factor of 2. This difference in complexity will become more pronounced when the dimension of the input vector is much larger, in fact for very high dimensionality it may not be possible to use Bayes VQ. Table 3.1: CPU time (in seconds, on a Sun workstation) required to encode 32000 4 dimensional vectors. Bayes VQ has a codebook of size 64. Proposed low dimension encoder has codebooks of size 8 in both sub-dimensions. The difference in time can be expected to be much higher for larger dimension vectors. Low dimension encoder Bayes VQ 0.66 s 1.41 s 102 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 Figure 3.11: The optimal Bayes classifier (solid black line) and the quantization bins (thin horizontal and vertical lines) for Case(iii), i.e., a mixture of 8 sources. The stars represent the means of the 8 sources. Observe that the quantizations bins approximate the Euclidean partition of the classifier. 103 For Case (iii) two scalar quantizers were designed using the knowledge of the pdfs. Again MMSE encoding was used to encode the test data. Figure 3.11 shows the optimal Bayes classifier and the bins obtained for the scalar quantizer. As can observed from the figure, since there are eight classes the classification boundary is no longer simple as in the previous examples. However, since the variance of the different classes are still equal the Bayes classifier is the same as before i.e., an input vector is assigned to the class whose mean is closest to the input vector. Figure 3.10 shows the trade-off between SNR and misclassification for this example. The misclassification when only distortion was minimized was 13.99%. With less than 0.4 dB reduction in SNR the misclassification was reduced to 9.84%. This shows that the proposed algorithm works well even when the classification boundary is not trivial. 3.4 Conclusions In this chapter, an algorithm was presented for Joint compression and classification, to handlethesituation whentheencoderdimensionislower thantheclassifierdimension. It wasshownthatusinginformationfromotherdimensionsenablesbetterdesignofencoders to reduce the combined distortion and classification error cost. An empirical version of the algorithm was presented which did not rely on the knowledge of the source pdf. The proposedalgorithm providedability totrade-off distortionandclassification performance. For situations where encoder complexity should be low, sub-dimension encoding provides an alternative to encoding the entire vector using a high dimension encoder, trading per- formanceforreductionincomplexity. Insubsequentchaptersthealgorithmhasbeenused 104 to design efficient product VQs (Chapter 4) and to design speech encoders for distributed speech recognition applications (Chapter 5). 105 Chapter 4 Performance Improvements in Fast Table-Lookup Encoding for Image Compression Applications 4.1 Introduction and Motivation Shannon’s rate-distortion theorem gives the minimum achievable rate for a given distor- tion(pp. 346,[16]). Toachievetheratedistortionlimitencodersoperatingonlargesource blocks lengths have to be considered. VQs with high dimensions are one set of encoders which have been shown to have good performance in the rate distortion sense. Nearest neighbor VQ encoding identifies, in the VQ codebook, the codeword closest to the input vector to be encoded. For rate R bits/sample, the number of codewords (assuming no entropy coding) in the VQ codebook will be M = 2 NR , where N is the dimension of the VQ codebook. As can be observed the codebook size increases exponentially with both rate and dimension. Hence for high rates and dimensions the codebook size will become verylarge. Thisdirectlyimpactstheencodingtime; foreveryinputvector werequire2 NR distance comparisons in the N dimensional space. To overcome this problem structured VQs, which impose structural constraints on the codebook so as to reduce the encoding 106 time, have been proposed. However most of these structured VQs suffer from the draw- back of not always being able to identify the closest codeword for the given input vector. This results in higher mean squareerror (MSE) as compared to unconstrainedVQ, which is undesirable. One such structured VQ is product VQ (PVQ), where the input vector is broken into smaller sub-vectors and each of these are independently encoded. Optimal PVQ aims at maximizing the rate-distortion (RD) performance, ideally approaching that of the higher dimensional unstructured VQ. 1 2 3 4 5 6 X Figure4.1: Overlap between productregions andVoronoi regions of thehigher dimension VQ. Observe that the shaded region intersects multiple Voronoi regions, while the solid region is fully contained in a single Voronoi region. Observe that the PVQ provides a partition of theN-dim Euclidean space, as does the higher dimension VQ. This is illustrated in Figure 4.1. Consider the following decoding strategy • Encode the input using PVQ and identify the PVQ Voronoi region in which the input vector lies. 107 • Find the k Voronoi regions of the VQ which are intersected by this PVQ Voronoi region. • Find the closest codeword to the input vector from among the codewords corre- sponding to the k intersecting VQ Voronoi regions. By the above procedure we are always guaranteed to find the true closest codeword to the input vector. However unlike full search VQ which needed 2 NR distance comparisons we only require k distance comparisons in addition to performing the initial PVQ (note that k will usually be different for different input vectors). In general k << 2 NR , so the encoding complexity will be significantly reduced. For example, in Figure 4.1 the solid PVQ Voronoi region only intersects Voronoi region 3 and hence no further comparisons are required; for the shaded Voronoi region, which intersects Voronoi regions 3, 4 and 6, three distance comparisons are required. Conventional PVQ design minimizes the MSE along each sub-dimension. However since we are refining the result of the PVQ encoder with the above strategy, to minimize the number of codewords comparisons we should minimize the mismatch in Euclidean space partition between that provided by the high dimensionVQandthatprovidedbythePVQ.Thiscanbecastasajointcompressionand classification problem. Consider Figure 3.11, this shows the optimal Bayes classifier and thebinsobtainedforthescalarquantizerforCase(iii)ofthepreviouschapter(Section3.3). We can see that product scalar quantizer is approximating the Euclidean space partition of the optimal Bayes classifier. For the new PVQ design we have a similar requirement, i.e., the PVQ design should approximate the Voronoi regions of the high dimension VQ. In this chapter we use the ideas developed in last chapter to design PVQ to approximate a high dimension VQ. 108 Consider Figure 4.2, the input vector u is encoded as ˆ u by the full search VQ. If we were to encode the vector u using a PVQ and then encode the PVQ result with a full search VQ, we get the output as ` u. To minimize the number of comparisons we should minimize Z 1(ˆ u6= ` u)f(u)du where f(u) is the pdf of u. This is equivalent to the joint compression and classification problem with the classifier replaced by the high dimension VQ. u û ù PVQ 1 PVQ P VQ VQ fs fs Figure 4.2: The top path represents the conventional full search VQ encoding scheme. The bottom path shows the conceptual encoding scheme where the PVQ quantized data is encoded by the full search VQ. Since in this case the full search VQ is operating on quantized data it can be replaced with a table lookup. Hence in this chapter, we consider the design of a PVQ such that the objective is to minimize the error introduced in the labeling; i.e., we design the PVQ to minimize the probability that the quantized label is different when quantizing the PVQ quantized vector with the high dimension VQ instead of quantizing the original vector. For the joint compression and classification problem a parametric algorithm which required knowledge of the joint pdf of the source was proposed in the last chapter. An 109 empirical algorithm was also proposed. However the empirical algorithm required parti- tioningofthespaceintosmallbins. Whilethistechniquecanbeappliedtoscalarsitisnot straightforward to extend it to higher dimensions. The applications in the last chapter consideredclassifiersofdimension2and4; howeverinthischapterweshallconsiderimage compression by VQ, where the VQ operates on large block sizes (e.g., 4 by 4 blocks). For this vector size (16) reliable estimation of the joint pdf will require a very large training set which is usually not available. In addition the empirical algorithm of the last chapter will be computationally very expensive and may not provide reliable results when the training set is small. Hence we develop an empirical algorithm which can overcome these shortcomings and can be easily extended to higher dimensions. We will show that the designofthePVQsusingthisempiricalalgorithm canachieve improvedperformanceover independent design of the VQs, where the individual VQs are designed to only minimize distortion. Related work is discussed in Section 4.2. Our proposed algorithm is explained in Section 4.3. The new empirical design algorithm which can be used for large vector dimensions is proposed for situations where the pdf is not known and cannot be reliably estimated. An application using Hierarchical VQ (HVQ) as the PVQ is considered in Section 4.4. Finally conclusions are provided in Section 4.5. 4.2 Previous work Wefirstbrieflyreviewrelatedworkintheareasoffastencodingwithcodewordrefinement and iterative PVQ design. 110 4.2.1 Pre-processing for fast encoding Pre-processing the input data can enable fast encoding with an unstructured codebook. Fine-CoarseVQ[37]usesastructuredVQasthepre-processor. Thisisfollowedbyatable lookup to find the final codeword from the unstructured higher dimension codebook. In the FCVQ design, the initial structured VQ is kept fixed, and the optimal lookup tables and the unconstrained codebook are designed based on the coarse VQ. However this differs from our approach where we fix the higher dimension codebook and design the initialstructuredVQsandlookuptables. ObviouslyFCVQcannotbeusedinapplications where we are given a VQ and the goal is to speed up encoding performance. However our proposed method will work in these applications. Also the PSNR obtained by our method will be higher than the PSNR obtained by FCVQ because in our case the higher dimension codebook is designed using only the training data, while in FCVQ the higher dimension codebook is optimized for the training data and the initial structured VQ. K-d[7]treeswereoriginallyproposedforinformationretrieval byassociative searches. Theyhavebeenwidelyusedfor nearestneighborencodinginvector quantization (see [50] and references in it). TheK-d tree is used to identify the leaf node bucket containing the input vector. To find the closest codeword all codewords of the codebook whose Voronoi region intersects the bucket associated to the leaf node are examined. The Euclidean partitioning of theK dimensional space by the Voronoi regions of unstructuredcodebook is approximated by the partitioning of the Euclidean space by the buckets of the K-d tree. However good approximation is restricted by (i) a greedy non-iterative algorithm and (ii) the requirement of rectangular buckets. Our design is more general since it is an iterative algorithm (where the encoders along each dimension are iteratively redesigned 111 until convergence) and in addition has the flexibility of dividing the vector into sub- vectors and using VQs for each of the sub-dimensions. Hence it is not restricted to only rectangular partition of the K dimension space. Therefore the final product regions can better approximate the Voronoi regions of the unstructured codebook, as compared to theapproximation obtained bythe rectangular buckets of theK-dtree, which will reduce the number of codeword comparisons required after the final product region has been identified. 4.2.2 Structured VQs To reduce the encoding complexity of high dimension VQ fs , structured VQs with faster encoding time have been proposed. These include tree structured VQ, multistage VQ, product VQ (PVQ) and Hierarchical VQ (HVQ) [11]. Unlike VQ fs which for an input vector is able to find the closest codeword, the structured VQs may not always find the closest codeword. So while structured VQs reduce the encoding time, most of them have the undesirable effect of lower PSNR when compared to VQ fs . Hierarchical VQ HVQ is a method of encoding vectors by using only table-lookups. The vector is parti- tioned into smaller vectors, and each of these sub-vectors is used to index a table. If l i is the lookup table at level i, then the HVQ encoding can be represented as (for a 3-stage HVQ encoder) HVQ(X) =l 3 ({l 2 ({l 1 (X 1 ,X 2 ),l 1 (X 3 ,X 4 )}),l 2 ({l 1 (X 5 ,X 6 ),l 1 (X 7 ,X 8 )})}) (4.1) 112 whereX =[X 1 ,X 2 ,...X 8 ]isavectorofdimensionN. Ifβ i−1 (·)andβ i (·)arethedecoders at the i−1 th and i th level, then l i (m,n)=argmin k (β i (k),{β i−1 (m),β i−1 (n)}), (4.2) i.e., every product codeword combination is represented by the closest codeword from the next higher dimension. The codebook at every level is designed using the generalized Lloydalgorithm(GLA)withsub-vectorsofsuitabledimensionextractedfromthetraining setvectors. Notethatwerequireamaximumofonetablelookuppersampleforencoding. Weighted Transform Hierarchical VQ An advantage of HVQ is that the complexity of the distortion measure does not influence the complexity of the encoder. The distortion measure is pre-computed and stored in the lookup table. Hence using (complex) perceptually meaningful distortion measures [10] can improve the performance with no increase in encoding complexity. Instead of using the conventional mean square error distortion measure, i.e, d(x,ˆ x)= X (x j −ˆ x j ) 2 (4.3) a transform T is used and a perceptually weighted distortion measure is used in the transformed domain, i.e., d(x,ˆ x)= X w j (y j − ˆ y j ) 2 (4.4) wherey j and ˆ y j arethecomponentsofy =Txandˆ y =Tˆ xrespectively, andw 1 ,...,w N is the set of perceptual weights. Note that ifT is an orthogonal transform and if the mean square error distortion measure is used instead of the perceptually weighted distortion measure then there is no gain in using WTHVQ, because the codewords designed for 113 the transformed data will just be rotations and/or reflections of the codewords designed for the original data. The design algorithm for WTHVQ is the same as that for HVQ, exceptthattheVQcodebooksforeverylevelaredesignedusingtheperceptuallyweighted distortion measure. Entropy constrained product VQ In the conventional PVQ design, each of the VQs is designed independently to minimize theweightedsumofdistortionandratealongeachsub-dimensions. Hereseparateentropy coders are used for each of the sub-dimension. However using a single entropy coder for the entire vector can result in a significant reduction in bitrate. In this case rate depends on the entire vector and an optimal entropy constrained PVQ (EC-PVQ) design should consider it as a global cost. For the EC-PVQ problem with a vector entropy coder, an iterative algorithm, which is similar to our proposed iterative algorithm, is proposed in[33]tooptimallyallocatebitstothedifferentsub-dimensionsofaMean-Gain-Shape-VQ (MGSVQ). The EC-PVQ problem is similar to the joint compression and classification problem since both involve minimization of a local and a global cost. However for the joint compression and classification problem we assume the presence of a high dimension classifier (quantizer) which we are trying to approximate by the PVQ design. Also the cost functions to be minimized in the two problems are different (distortion and rate instead of distortion and misclassification). 114 4.3 Joint Product Encoder Design We assume that we need to design P encoders and decoders; α i and β i , i = 1,2,...,P where α i :X i →I i ,X i ∈R n i ,I i ∈Z β i :I i →Y i ,I i ∈Z,Y i ∈R n i (4.5) where the reproduction vector for i th sub-dimension, Y i , takes one of the values in {y i1 ,y i2 ,...,y ik i}and P i n i =N. Notethatthecasewhenthesameencoderanddecoder is used for all the sub-dimensions is a special case with Y i = Y j ∀ i,j ∈ [1,2,...,P] and n i =N/P ∀ i. We assume that the local cost functions Θ i operate on sub-dimensions of the vector while the global cost function Φ operates on the entire vector. Our goal is to build encoders for each sub-dimension such that they minimize the cost function Θ i and at the same time the decoded vector minimizes the global cost Φ. Since the encoders in each sub-dimension operate on only part of the entire vector it is not straightforward to compute the effect of encoding in a sub-dimension on the cost function Φ. An empirical algorithm which can be used with high dimension vectors is presented which designs the encoders by combining the global cost function Φ and the local cost functions Θ i . Without loss of generality we will show the encoder and decoder design for the i th sub-dimension; the design is similar for other sub-dimensions. We can assume that we originally initialize all encoders to a certain state, so when designing the i th encoder all other sub-vectorsX j :j 6=i have been assigned to a codeword along their respective sub- dimension. ThetrainingvectorsX=[X 1 ,X 2 ,...X P ]arelabeled, soweknowδ(X), where δ(·) is the N dimensional VQ. Given a training vector [X 1 =x 1 ,X 2 =x 2 ,...,X P =x p ], 115 we have to decide which codeword in the i th codebook best represents x i , so that both distortion and misclassification are minimized. The codeword which best representsx i in minimizing misclassification is given by argmin k [1(δ(β 1 (α 1 (x 1 )),...,β i (k),...,β P (α P (x P ))) 6= δ(X))] (4.6) Note that there can be multiple codewords minimizing equation (4.6), in which case to minimize misclassification it does not matter which codeword we pick. However for convergence weshouldalso consider distortion and pick theclosest codeword fromamong the competing codewords which minimize misclassification. So combining the above cost with distortion we get the encoder for sub-dimension i, i.e., α i (x i ) = argmin k [(x i −β i (k)) 2 + λ·1(δ(β 1 (α 1 (x 1 )),...,β i (k),...,β P (α P (x P ))) 6= δ(X)) (4.7) and the decoder that minimizes the distortion is found as β i =argmin z E[d(X i ,z|α i (X i ))] (4.8) The intuition behind the above encoder design is that it penalizes the codewords which cause misclassification in X, given the current configuration, and biases the decision towards codewords which result in correct classification, while not increasing the MSE significantly. By incorporating the classification cost during the encoder design, we are indirectly influencing the decoder outputs (i.e., β i ). This ensures that our system min- imizes the joint cost of distortion and misclassification, better than a system designed using an independent encoder design targeting only distortion. 116 The total cost over all the dimensions is J = P X i=1 (X i −β i (α i (x i ))) 2 +λ∗1(δ({β 1 (α 1 (x 1 )),...,β P (α P (x P ))})6=δ(X))(4.9) The encoder as defined by equation (4.7) will not increase the total cost J, since it is the best assignment of the sub-vector x i , given the current configuration along the other dimensions. The cost J is bounded below by 0, so the design of the encoder and decoder by equations (4.7) and (4.8) can be expected to converge (the algorithm always converged during our simulations), although not necessarily to a global minimum. The problem with this encoder design is that the resulting encoders are not guaranteed to be regular for a given λ. Consider two different vectors both of which have x i in the i th sub-dimension. Depending on the class of the two vectors the above encoders assign each of theseto different codewordsin thei th codebook. While this is not desirable, the extent of non-regularity can be controlled by the Lagrange multiplier λ. The actual encoding is doneusingaminimumdistancecriteria, soas toeliminate theproblemsofnon-regularity. Afterthedesignoftheencoders, oneiteration oftheGLA wasusedwithnearestneighbor encoding to produce the final codebook. The iterative design is summarized as Algorithm 7 (Iterative empirical quantizer design) Step 1 : Initialize the encoders for the P sub-dimensions, initialize λ to a fixed constant Step 2 : for i=[1,...,P] Use GLA to design the encoder and decoder using equations (4.7) and (4.8) for i th sub-dimension. Step 3 : If the codewords in any dimension changed go to Step 2. 117 Step 4 : Use GLA with only distortion criteria to generate the final codebook. 4.4 Applications PVQs while having lower encoding time achieve a lower PSNR when compared to a full dimension VQ. As mentioned in Section 4.2.2 the last stage of the conventional HVQ chooses the VQ fs codeword which is closest to the product region reproduction level. ThisprocedureisnotguaranteedtoselecttheclosestVQ fs codewordforallinputvectors. Consider the case of a 2-D VQ being approximated by a product of 2 scalar quantizers as shown in Figure 4.1. Observe that the shaded product region intersects Voronoi regions 3,4 and 6 of the higher dimension VQ. For the input x which lies in the shaded product regiontheclosestVQ fs codewordis4,howevertheHVQencoderwillencodexwithVQ fs codeword 6, since this is the closest codeword to the shaded product region reproduction level. This sub-optimality can be eliminated by searching among the codewords whose Voronoi regions intersect the shaded product region (i.e., 3,4 and 6 in the example). This codewordrefinement[22]afterproductencodingwillensurethatthedistortionintroduced for the input vector will be the same as introduced by VQ fs . But unlike the full search algorithm we do not need to search for the best candidate from the entire full dimension codebook, we only need to compare those codewords whose Voronoi region intersects the product region. We cannot use the technique proposed in [22] to identify the candidate codewords because their method relies on rectangular partitioning of the Euclidean space by the buckets of the K-d tree. Instead we can use the training data to determine which Voronoi regions are intersected by a product region. For an input vector, HVQ is used 118 to find the product region p, and full search is used to find the closest VQ fs codeword c. In the last stage HVQ lookup table, the index of c is added to the candidate list for the product region p. This procedure is repeated for all training vectors in the training set. During encoding once a vector is found to lie in a product region, we can search for the closest codeword from among the candidate codewords for that product region. This will result in exact match for vectors in the training set. However for vectors not in the trainingset, the“true”closest codewordmaynotbeidentified. Toovercome thisproblem wefindthedistanceoftheproductregionreproductiontotheclosestVQ fs codewordand store all codewords which are within a threshold T(>1) of this minimum distance. HVQ 1 HVQ 2 A A1 Â Ã A2 Final Lookup Table VQ fs Figure 4.3: The HVQ encoding operation can be looked as a classification problem. The VQ fs is the classifier and L−1 stage HVQ is the encoder. The goal is to ensure that for vectors in a training set the same index is given by the above two methods. Due to codeword refinement the encoding time is increased when compared to HVQ. The increase can be reduced by adopting the proposed joint encoder algorithm. The increase in complexity arises because unlike HVQ, we now have multiple choices at the 119 last stage. By reducing the number of potential candidate codewords we can reduce the encoding complexity. For an HVQ with L stages, the goal is to reduce the mismatch between the partition of the Euclidean space by the firstL−1stages of the HVQ and the partition of theEuclidean spaceby theVoronoi regions oftheVQ fs codebook. Figure4.3 shows two encoding schemes: (i) encode the 2 sub-vectors of the vectors with two L−1 stage HVQs and use the combination for the final table lookup; (ii) encode the vector directly with a VQ fs . We can treat this as a classification problem where our objective is to minimize the likelihoodofavectorbeingassignedtothewrongVQ fs codewordbyLstageHVQlookup encoding, i.e., min X [VQ fs (X)6=l L ({HVQ L−1 (X 1 ),HVQ L−1 (X 2 )})] (4.10) where l L is the L th level lookup table of the L stage HVQ. We treat the VQ fs Voronoi regionsasclassesandwewanttoencodetheN sub-dimensionsofthevectorindependently withL−1stageHVQsandensurethatthemisclassificationintroducedisminimized. Since the final encoding decision is made by codeword refinement, only the misclassification is important, actual distances do not matter. To ensure that the misclassification is minimized our proposed joint encoder algorithm is used to design two codebooks (one for each sub-dimension). The partition of the Euclidean space provided by the L−1 stage HVQs using our codebook matches better, when compared to the partition provided by a conventional HVQ design, with the partition of the Euclidean space by the Voronoi regions of the VQ fs codebook, so the average number of codewords for refinement is reduced. 120 Table 4.1: PSNR and encoding time for VQ fs , VQ pde [6], HVQ, codewords refinement HVQ(CR-HVQ)andcodewordsrefinementjointencoderHVQ(CR-JE-HVQ).ThePSNR of CR-HVQ and CR-JE-HVQ is better than that of HVQ, however the encoding time is significantly lesser than VQ fs Codebook Algorithm Threshold PSNR Number of distance size computations per image (∗10 3 ) Lenna Baboon Lenna Baboon VQ fs - 28.84 22.38 1049 VQ pde - 28.84 22.38 209 285 HVQ - 28.43 22.05 - CR-HVQ 1.5 28.81 22.32 31 39 64 2.0 28.83 22.36 35 59 CR-JE-HVQ 1.5 28.80 22.33 31 41 2.0 28.83 22.36 35 60 VQ fs - 30.61 23.30 4194 VQ pde - 30.61 23.30 595 925 HVQ - 29.71 22.74 - CR-HVQ 1.5 30.47 23.18 67 72 256 2.0 30.53 23.25 75 122 CR-JE-HVQ 1.5 30.48 23.17 62 72 2.0 30.54 23.24 70 119 VQ fs - 31.89 24.09 16777 VQ pde - 31.89 24.09 1915 3181 HVQ - 30.45 23.21 - CR-HVQ 1.5 31.68 23.83 165 132 1024 2.0 31.76 23.95 181 246 CR-JE-HVQ 1.5 31.60 23.78 141 126 2.0 31.70 23.91 155 226 121 Table 4.2: PSNR and encoding time for VQ fs , VQ pde [6], WTHVQ, codewords refine- ment WTHVQ (CR-WTHVQ) and codewords refinement joint encoder WTHVQ (CR- JE-WTHVQ). The PSNR of CR-WTHVQ and CR-JE-WTHVQ is better than that of WTHVQ, however the encoding time is significantly lesser than WTVQ fs Codebook Algorithm Threshold PSNR Number of Distance size computations per Image (∗10 3 ) Lenna Baboon Lenna Baboon WTVQ fs - 28.76 22.26 1049 WTVQ pde - 28.76 22.26 141 143 WTHVQ - 28.30 22.06 - CR-WTHVQ 1.5 28.73 22.22 26 27 64 2.0 28.75 22.24 29 35 CR-JE-WTHVQ 1.5 28.73 22.22 26 26 2.0 28.75 22.24 28 35 WTVQ fs - 30.39 22.91 4194 WTVQ pde - 30.39 22.91 368 387 WTHVQ - 29.62 22.63 - CR-WTHVQ 1.5 30.30 22.85 52 47 256 2.0 30.33 22.88 56 63 CR-JE-WTHVQ 1.5 30.32 22.84 51 46 2.0 30.34 22.87 54 61 WTVQ fs - 31.60 23.44 16777 WTVQ pde - 31.60 23.44 1210 1296 WTHVQ - 30.47 22.99 - CR-WTHVQ 1.5 31.43 23.30 116 85 1024 2.0 31.48 23.35 122 120 CR-JE-WTHVQ 1.5 31.34 23.24 101 80 2.0 31.40 23.29 106 106 122 Table 4.3: PSNR and encoding time for ECVQ fs , ECVQ pde [6], ECHVQ, codewords refinementECHVQ(CR-ECHVQ)andcodewordsrefinementjointencoderECHVQ(CR- JE-ECHVQ). The PSNR of CR-ECHVQ and CR-JE-ECHVQ is better than that of ECHVQ, however the encoding time is significantly lesser than ECVQ fs Codebook Algorithm Threshold PSNR Number of Distance size computation per Image (∗10 3 ) Lenna Baboon Lenna Baboon ECVQ fs - 27.77 22.04 1032 ECVQ pde - 27.77 22.04 284 333 ECHVQ - 27.36 21.73 - CR-ECHVQ 1.5 27.73 21.98 17 22 64 2.0 27.76 22.02 19 34 CR-JE-ECHVQ 1.5 27.72 21.98 16 21 2.0 27.75 22.02 18 32 ECVQ fs - 30.05 23.31 4194 ECVQ pde - 30.05 23.31 699 945 ECHVQ - 29.20 22.70 - CR-ECHVQ 1.5 29.90 23.14 42 51 256 2.0 29.96 23.23 47 83 CR-JE-ECHVQ 1.5 29.91 23.13 39 47 2.0 29.97 23.22 43 77 ECVQ fs - 31.71 24.13 16777 ECVQ pde - 31.71 24.13 1960 3067 ECHVQ - 30.39 23.22 - CR-ECHVQ 1.5 31.44 23.83 101 93 1024 2.0 31.54 23.97 111 164 CR-JE-ECHVQ 1.5 31.40 23.79 86 81 2.0 31.52 23.92 95 142 123 Table 4.4: Memory requirement for the lookup tables. For small VQ codebook size the memoryrequiredbyCR-HVQislesserthanCR-JE-HVQ,however forlargeVQcodebook size savings in memory can be achieved. Algorithm Codebook Total lookup table size size (k byte) T=1.5 T=2.0 64 723 1139 CR-HVQ 256 887 1690 1024 1100 2745 64 803 1176 CR-JE-HVQ 256 966 1721 1024 1052 2190 64 246 HVQ 256 262 1024 279 124 The above algorithm was used to design a modified HVQ, a modified WTHVQ and a modifiedentropyconstrainedHVQ(ECHVQ) [9]. IntheECHVQthelast stagecodebook is an entropy constrained VQ, designed to minimize the cost function J =D+λR, where D is the distortion, R is the rate and λ is a Lagrange multiplier used to control the trade-off between rate and distortion. The performance of the modified HVQs was tested using images. Images of size 512 by 512 were used for both training and testing. The full dimension vector was a 4 by 4 pixel block, the HVQ tables had 4 levels. The 3 rd level tables were designed using our proposed joint encoder algorithm and the 4 th level table contained all the candidate codewords. The test images were lenna and baboon and they were not included in the training set (neither for the VQ fs design nor for the HVQ design). Table4.1showsthePSNRandnumberofvectordistancecomputationsforVQ fs , partial distance elimination algorithm (VQ pde ) [6], HVQ, codeword refined HVQ (CR- HVQ) and codeword refined HVQ with joint encoder design (CR-JE-HVQ). Tables 4.2 and 4.3 respectively show the results for WTHVQ and ECHVQ. From Table 4.1 we can observe that with codeword refinement the PSNR of CR-HVQ is much better than that for HVQ, and with a threshold of 2 we almost achieve the performanceof VQ fs . Observe that for all cases the number of distance comparisons for CR-HVQ and CR-JE-HVQ is significantly lesser than that for VQ fs and VQ pde . Also note that the encoding time for the same threshold is almost always lesser for CR-JE-HVQ when compared to CR-HVQ (forimagesinthetrainsetthenumberofcomparisonswasalwayslesserwithCR-JE-HVQ when compared to CR-HVQ), although the PSNR is almost the same, which shows that withourproposedalgorithm, thenumberofpotential candidatecodewordsforrefinement is reduced when compared to a conventional HVQ encoder with codeword refinement. Observe that as the VQ codebook size increases the reduction in number of comparisons 125 for CR-JE-HVQ over CR-HVQ becomes more significant, because at lower codebook size the PVQ designed to minimize just distortion is able to closely approximate the VQ Voronoi regions however as thenumberof VQ Voronoi regions increase themismatch also increases and thus our design gets improved performance. Similar observations can be madefortheWTHVQandECHVQ.Thisshowsthegenerality oftheproposedtechnique, and it can be applied to some of the other HVQ techniques proposed in [9]. Finally Table 4.4 shows the total lookup memory size required for HVQ, CR-HVQ and CR- JE-HVQ. We observe that both CR-HVQ and CR-JE-HVQ require significantly greater memory requirement when compared to HVQ. Also since CR-JE-HVQ requires an extra level 3 lookup table, the memory requirement for VQ codebook sizes 64 and 256 is lower for CR-HVQ, however for VQ codebook size the total savings in memory outweighs the memory requirement for the extra lookup table and the total memory requirement for CR-JE-HVQ is lesser than that for CR-HVQ. 4.5 Conclusions The joint compression and classification algorithm presented in the previous chapter was modified to enable its application to high dimension cases when the source pdf was not available. We proposed a codeword refinement strategy to achieve improved PSNR per- formance over HVQ. To minimize the number of codewords used for refinement we used the empirical joint compression and classification algorithm to propose a new design for table lookup encoders which could reduce the encoding time over plain codeword refine- ment schemes. An interesting extension of the method of refining with codewords of the intersecting Voronoi regions to a given PVQ Voronoi regions is the potential applications 126 in trading off between performance and complexity. If every intersecting Voronoi region is labeled with the probability of intersection between the PVQ Voronoi region and it, then the higher the intersection the greater will be the probability and non-intersecting codewords will have probability zero. We can form a probability indexed descending list ofVQcodewords. Toreducethecomplexity wehavetoremovecodewordsfromthecandi- date list. To ensure minimum effect on performance the codewords with least probability should be removed ( note that non-intersecting codewords will not be in the candidate list, and hence every codeword we remove will potentially lower the PSNR). This will enable us to quantify the performance vs. complexity trade-off. 127 Chapter 5 Minimum Mutual Information Loss Encoder 5.1 Introduction In the previous chapter, we showed that when classification is one of the objective of the application, then a pure MSE optimized quantizer is not optimal. In this chapter we extend this analysis to investigate a sub-dimension based distortion metric which enables design of quantizers which are better optimized for classification applications. Assume that the encoded data is only used for classification (and not for reproduction). MSE optimized quantizers attempt to ensure that the decoded data is as “similar” as possible to the original data in the Euclidean distance sense. While minimizing MSE will ensure that classification performance is not severely degraded, it is not apparent that the MSE design is optimal for classification applications. Then what is the right metric to be used during quantizer design? Obviously, optimizing the quantizer with the metric used to evaluate classification performance is the right strategy. The metric used to evaluate classifier performance is probability of classification error, P e (also called probability of 128 misclassification). IfC isthetrueclass labelofthedataand ˜ C istheclass labelestimated by the classifier, then P e =P(C 6= ˜ C) (5.1) Unfortunately P e does not have a mathematically tractable expression which will allow us to use it for (sub-vector) quantizer design. Consider a simple one dimension, two class problem. The pdfs of the classes are shown in Figure 5.1. It is obvious that to minimize P e theclass boundaryshouldbeplacedat 0. AnMSEoptimized quantizer, however, does not use this knowledge of the position of the class boundary. In the previous chapter we showed how incorporating the knowledge of the position of the class boundary by using indicator function can be used to design better quantizers for classification applications. In this chapter instead of using the “hard” information provided by indicator functions we use the “soft” information provided by class conditional pdfs. This is explained in more detail before. To enable use of the “soft” information we make use of the information-theoretic measure mutual information (MI)to enabledesign ofquantizers forclassification applica- tions. In particular, we measure the quantizer performance by the loss in MI introduced by quantization, i.e., MIL =I(X;C)−I( ˆ X;C) (5.2) where, X is the data to be classified, C is the true class label associated to X and ˆ X is quantized value of X. I(X;C) is the mutual information between the data and the class labels and I( ˆ X;C) is the mutual information between the quantized data and the class labels. Therefore, instead of preserving Euclidean distance between X and ˆ X, we attempt to preserve the class information contained in data X. 129 −10 −8 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Probability of class vs. data data probability of class given data class 0 class 1 Figure 5.1: Probability of class given data for a two class problem. The means are -1 and 1 for the two classes and both classes have standard deviation 2. The advantage of using MI loss instead of P e , is that MI loss can be defined even for sub-vectors of the entire vector used for classification while P e could not be defined. This is important because to alleviate the complexity during encoding it is necessary for the encoders to operate on low dimensions sub-vectors of the entire vector used for classification. Further justification for choosing to minimize MI loss can be obtained from Fano’s inequality. It is known that mutual information between the classes and the data used for classification provides a (tight) lower bound to probability of error during classification. It can additionally be shown that the loss in mutual information due to quantization approximates the increase in probability of classification error due to quantization. Specifically, it will be shown that when the quantizer design minimizes the MI loss, then the “distance” between the a-priori class conditional pdfs p(c|x) and the a-posteriori 130 class conditional pdfs p(c|ˆ x) after quantization is minimized. The optimal classifier rule for the example in Figure 5.1 is ˜ C = 0 if p(c 0 |x)≥p(c 1 |x) 1 otherwise (5.3) Byensuringthequantizerdesignmakesp(c|ˆ x)assimilartop(c|x) aspossibleitcanbeex- pected that theimpact quantization hason classification will beminimized. Themeasure of dissimilarity between pdfs can be measured by the Kullback-Lieber (KL) divergence between them, which is given by D KL (p(c|x)||p(c|ˆ x) = Z x f(x) X i∈C p(c i |x)log p(c i |x) p(c i |ˆ x) dx (5.4) It will beshown that the KL divergence emerges as the right “effective distortion metric” when quantizers are designed to minimize the MI loss incurred by quantization. Note that this approach encompasses the previous approach (Chapter 3) as a special case if the “soft” information p(c i |x)∀i∈C is replaced by the “hard” information L(c i ) = 1 if p(c i |x)≥p(c j |x)∀j 6=i 0 otherwise (5.5) with ties broken arbitrarily. 5.2 Relation between mutual information and P e Letthepair{X,C}representadatavectorX associatedwithaclasslabelC ∈C. Letδ(·) be a deterministic statistical classifier which operates on the data vector X to estimate the class associated to it. Let ˆ X =Q(X) be the quantized value of X, where Q(·) is the quantizer. Let ˜ C = δ(X) and ˆ C = δ( ˆ X) be the class labels estimated by the classifier 131 fromX and ˆ X, respectively. Let P u e =P( ˜ C 6=C) andP q e =P( ˆ C 6=C) betheprobability of error when unquantized and quantized data are used by the classifier respectively. 5.2.1 Fano’s inequality Supposewewishtoestimate(classify)arandomvariableΘandobservearandomvariable Z which is related to Θ by the conditional distribution p(z|θ). From Z we calculate a function ˆ Θ=g(Z), which is an estimate of Θ. If the probability of error P e =P(Θ6= ˆ Θ), then Fano’s inequality states that (for proof see pg 39 of [16]) H(P e )+P e log(|Θ|−1)≥H(Θ|Z) 5.2.2 Relating P e to loss in mutual information During classification the value of the data X is known, the value of the label C needs to be determined, therefore by Fano’s inequality H(P u e )+P u e log(|C|−1)≥H(C|X) After rearranging we get P u e ≥ H(C|X)−H(P u e ) log|C| = H(C)−I(C;X)−H(P u e ) log|C| (5.6) Similarly P q e can be lower bounded as, P q e ≥ H(C)−I(C; ˆ X)−H(P q e ) log|C| (5.7) 132 It isknown that Fano’s inequality istight (see pg40 of [16] foranexample of apmfwhich achieves the bound with equality). Therefore equations (5.6) and (5.7) can be written as P u e = H(C)−I(C;X)−H(P u e ) log|C| + 1 (5.8) P q e = H(C)−I(C; ˆ X)−H(P q e ) log|C| + 2 (5.9) where 1 and 2 are the difference between the probability of errors P u e and P q e and their respective lower bounds in equations (5.6) and (5.7). Then the increase in probability of error due to quantization is P i e = P q e −P u e = I(C;X)−I(C; ˆ X) log|C| − H(P q e )−H(P u e ) log|C| + 1 − 2 (5.10) If we assume quantization does not severely degrade classification performance then, H(P q e )'H(P u e ) Additionally, we can expect the difference 1 − 2 will be small. Therefore, P i e ' I(C;X)−I(C; ˆ X) log|C| (5.11) From theabove equation weobserve that theincrease in probability of classification error due to quantization is closely approximated by the loss in mutual information. Hence, it isreasonabletoexpectthatbyminimizinglossinmutualinformationduringquantization indirectly ensures that the increase in probability of classification error is also minimized. 133 5.3 Information Bottleneck Method The Information Bottleneck (IB) Method [66] provides a variation principle for efficient representation of information for a given rate. The authors assume the presence of a relevance variable C (for classification application the relevance variable would be the class label), whichis not independentfromthesignal to becompressedX, i.e., they share a positive mutual information I(X;C). Their proposed method attempts to quantize X while retaining as much information about C as possible. The MI between X and C is given by I(X;C) = Z x f(x) X c p(c|x)log p(c|x) p(c) dx (5.12) The authors trade-off between the MI and the rate required to represent the compressed data. Their assignment retains a fixed amount of meaningful information about C while minimizing the number of bits needed from X. The cost function minimized is J 1 =I(X; ˆ X)−λI( ˆ X;C) (5.13) or, equivalently the cost function to be minimized can be re-written as J 2 =I(X; ˆ X)+λ[I(X;C)]−I( ˆ X;C)] (5.14) Notice that since I(X;C) is a constant, the two minimizations are equivalent. However Equation (5.14) provides abetter intuitive understandingof theproblemfor classification applications. Since now the problem is stated as minimizing the MI loss due to quantiza- tion for a given rate. In Section 5.2 it was shown that the MI loss directly correlates to the increase in probability of classification error due to quantization. The main result of the IB method is that minimization of Equation (5.13) when us- ing a soft partition of the input data space, results in the Kullback-Liebler divergence 134 between the a-priori conditional class pdfs P(c|x) and the a-posteriori conditional class pdfs after quantization P(c|ˆ x), D KL [p(c|x)||p(c|ˆ x)], emerges as the relevant “effective dis- tortion metric”. Additionally, an iterative algorithm similar to the Blahut-Arimoto (BA) algorithm is provided to design quantizers. The short-comings of the IB method are • It requires the knowledge of the joint pdf p(x,c). In most practical applications this joint pdf is not available. • The BA-algorithm induces a soft partition of the input space. In actual encoding we require a hard partition of the input space. It is not clear if the IB method is optimal when a hard partitioning of the input space is used. • The rate allocation problem is not addressed. It is well known that rate allocation plays an important role in achieving good performance for rate-distortion (RD) based systems. It can be expected that rate allocation will play an important role even in rate-mutual information loss (RMI) based systems. • Dimensionmismatch between thevector usedforclassification andthatusedforen- codinghas not been addressed. As mentioned beforefor practical encodingschemes thedatavector X hastobeencodedusingaproductencoder, duetocomputational requirements. In the following section we address these short-comings. We provide an empirical quantizer design in Section 5.4 which uses a hard partitioning of the input space. We address the rate-allocation problem in Section 5.4.2. 135 5.4 Minimum Mutual Information Loss Encoder Before describing our minimum mutual information loss encoder, we introduce our nota- tion. We represent vectors in bold and the components of the vector are enclosed in {}. Random variables (RVs) are represented by uppercase letters and the value taken by the RVs by lowercase letters, i.e., X = x = {x 1 ,...,x N } implies the vector RV X takes the value x, which has N components x i , i = 1,...,N. δ(·) denotes a statistical classifier, α(·) and β(·) denote the encoder and decoder respectively. We use the quantizer, Q(·), as a shorthand for the encoder-decoder pair, i.e., Q(·),β(α(·)). Let [Y,C] denote a continuous (NT)-dimensional RV Y = {X 1 ,...,X T } which is associated with a class label C that takes a value in 1,...,L, andX i is an N-dimensional RV.InspeechrecognitiontheRVY representsfeatureframesofaphoneme,X i represents a feature frame, and C represents the phoneme Y belongs to. Assume to represent Y ∗ , we are given a rate R, the rate constraint could be due to transmission or storage requirements. The problem we consider is that of finding the best representation ˆ Y = { ˆ X 1 ,..., ˆ X T } = {Q(X 1 ),...,Q(X T )} s.t. H( ˆ Y) ≤ R, which minimizes the probability of error in classification, i.e., P e (δ( ˆ Y) 6= C), where H( ˆ Y) is the entropy of the RV ˆ Y. The fundamental problem we are addressing is given the constraint that the classifier has to operate on compressed data with a rate limit, what is the best product quantizer that minimizestheprobabilitythattheclasslabelisdifferentwhenobtainedfromunquantized and quantized data? Note that we design the same quantizer Q(·) for all the feature frames, X i , i=1,...,T. ∗ The rate required to represent a continuous RVX with exact precision is∞ 136 Unlike P e (·), which is not defined for sub-vectors (the classifier can only make its decision using the entire vector), MI can be calculated even between sub-vectors X i and the class labels. Since we design the same quantizer for all feature frames in what follows we drop the subscript in X i . Differentspeechutterancescouldcontainthesamefeatureframes(possiblyindifferent temporallocations)andstillbelongtodifferentclasses. Soitisobviousthatgivenafeature frame the class labels need not be the same, i.e., every feature frameX=x is associated with a conditional pdf p(c|x). Hence MI between the RVX and the RV C (class label) is given by I(X;C) = Z x f(x) X c p(c|x)log p(c|x) p(c) dx (5.15) It is well known that H(C|X) =H(C)−I(X;C) (5.16) where H(C) is the original entropy of the class labels and H(C|X) is the entropy of the class labels after observing X. Therefore the MI between C and X is the amount by which uncertainty in class labels is reduced byobservingX. Obviouslythe largerI(X;C) is, the more relevant (useful) X is for the classification task. This intuition has been used previously in speech recognition to propose a maximum mutual information speech recognizer design technique [39] as an alternative to maximum likelihood techniques. Our work also makes use of this intuition to design a minimum mutual information loss (MMIL) quantizer, Q MI (·), which minimizes the loss in MI, I(X;C)−I( ˆ X;C), due to compression, where ˆ X =Q MI (X). The loss in MI due to compression corresponds to an increaseinclassuncertainty(seeEquation(5.21)below),hencetheMMILquantizeriswell suitedforcompressingdatainclassification applications. TheMMILquantizer treats loss 137 in MI as the distortion incurred during quantization, similar to a minimum mean square error (MMSE) quantizer treating Euclidean distance as the distortion incurred. The MI between the quantized data ˆ X and C is I( ˆ X;C)= X c X ˆ x p(c,ˆ x)log p(c,ˆ x) p(c)p(ˆ x) ≤I(X;C) (5.17) where I( ˆ X;C)≤I(X;C) by the data processing inequality. The optimal MMIL quantizer, Q ∗ MI (·), subject to a rate constraint, is obtained by a constrained minimization Q ∗ MI (·) =argmin Q MI :(I(X;C)−I(Q MI (X);C))≤D MI I(X;Q MI (X)) Based on standard Lagrange techniques this constrained minimization can be converted into an unconstrained minimization, i.e., Q ∗ MI (·) = argmin Q MI I(X;Q MI (X)) +λ(I(X;C)−I(Q MI (X);C)) (5.18) where λ is the Lagrangian multiplier which controls the trade-off between rate and dis- tortion (i.e., loss in MI). 5.4.1 MMIL Encoder: Quantizer Design One of our main motivations is to provide an empirical algorithm which can be used in practical applications to design quantizers directly from sample training data. To enable 138 this we show how the distortion in Equation (5.18) can be estimated directly from data samples used to design thequantizer. First fromthe Markov chainC ↔X↔ ˆ X, we have p(ˆ x|c) = Z x p(ˆ x|x)p(x|c)dx (5.19) and p(c|ˆ x) = Z x p(c|x)p(x|ˆ x)dx (5.20) From Equation (5.16), the MI loss (distortion) is I(X;C)−I( ˆ X;C)=H(C| ˆ X)−H(C|X) (5.21) where H(C|X) =− Z x f(x) X c p(c|x)log(p(c|x))dx (5.22) and H(C| ˆ X) =− X c p(c) X ˆ x p(ˆ x|c)log(p(c|ˆ x)) (5.23) Substituting Equation (5.19) in Equation (5.23) we get H(C| ˆ X) =− X c p(c) Z x p(x|c) X ˆ x p(ˆ x|x)log(p(c|ˆ x))dx (5.24) Note that p(ˆ x|x) =1 if Q(x) = ˆ x and 0 otherwise. Therefore define q(c|ˆ x) = p(c|ˆ x) if Q(x) = ˆ x 0 otherwise (5.25) SubstituteEquations(5.22),(5.24)and(5.25)inEquation(5.21)(bycontinuityarguments we assume 0log(0) =0). After rearranging, we get I(X;C)−I( ˆ X;C)= Z x f(x) X c p(c|x)log p(c|x) q(c|ˆ x) dx (5.26) 139 If d(x,ˆ x) represents the distortion between x and ˆ x, then E[d(x,ˆ x)] = R x f(x)d(x,ˆ x)dx. This implies that the distortion metric for the MMIL quantizer is P c p(c|x)log p(c|x) q(c|ˆ x) , i.e., the distortion is the KL distance between the a-priori condi- tional class pdfs before quantization, p(c|x), and the a-posteriori conditional class pdfs after quantization, q(c|ˆ x). Therefore the MMIL quantizer attempts to choose those code- words ˆ X which best preserve the a-priori conditional class pdfs. It is obvious that for statistical classifiers (e.g. HMMs) which choose the class label based on a maximum like- lihood decision using p(c|x), the MMIL quantizer will have less detrimental effect on the probability of misclassification when compared to traditional mean square error (MSE) based quantizers which do not explicitly consider the conditional class pdfs during quan- tization design. If the source pdfs are not known fine quantization is used to find an empirical estimate ˜ p(c|x) of p(c|x) from labeled training data [7]. Equation (5.20) is then used to find p(c|ˆ x), where ˜ p(c|x) is used instead of p(c|x). Algorithm 8 Minimum mutual information loss vector quantizer design Step 0: Calculate ˜ p(c|x) for c=1,...,L Step 1: Initialize all codewords ˆ x i , i = 1,...,I, d(0) = ∞,k = 1. Let be a small positive constant. Step 2: Find p(c|ˆ x i ), c=1,...,L, i=1,...,I; using Equation (5.20) Step 3: α(x) =argmin i P c p(c|x)log p(c|x) q(c|ˆ x i ) Step 4: ˆ x i =β(i) =E[x|α(x) =i] Step 5: d(k) = R x f(x) P c p(c|x)log p(c|x) q(c|β(α(x))) dx Step 6: if (d(k−1)−d(k))/d(k) < STOP, else k =k+1, go to Step 2 140 HereinStep4wemakeuseoftheresultthatforencodersdesignedusingKLdistance as the distortion measure, the optimal decoder is the Lloyd decoder [58]. The flexibility of our encoder design is that since we are using loss in MI as the distortion measurerather thanP e (·), it can easily beappliedto design independentquan- tizers for each of the components of the vector X. If the vector X has N components, i.e., X = x = {x 1 ,...,x N } then the optimal quantizer Q j∗ MI (·) for the j th component is designed by minimizing I(X j ;C)−I(Q j∗ MI (X j );C). Given that the designed quantizers need to satisfy a rate constraint, the standard entropy constrained quantization design technique [14] can be adopted, with MI loss as the distortion. The entropy constrained encoder α n (·) for the n th component is α n (x n )=argmin i X c p(c|x n )log p(c|x n ) q(c|ˆ x n i ) +λl n i (5.27) where l n i is the number of bits used to represent the i th codeword ˆ x n i in the n th sub- dimension. As a simplification we use l n i = −log 2 (p(ˆ x n i )). The decoder is the Lloyd decoder β n (i) =E[x n |α n (x n ) =i]. 5.4.2 MMIL Encoder: Rate-Allocation Rate-allocation (or bit-allocation) plays an important role during designing independent encoders for components of a vector. The GBFOS algorithm [53] has been used for rate- allocation in MMSE encoders. It relies on the calculation of rate vs. distortion points for each of the components and then selects the combination of points which satisfy the rate constraint and yield the minimum distortion. For MMIL quantizers the distortion is MI loss, hence several rate vs. mutual information loss points are calculated for each of the components. Then if the available rate is R, these calculated points are used by 141 the GBFOS algorithm to allocate rates, R n ,n = 1,...,N; P n R n ≤ R, to each of the components. The GBFOS algorithm is presented below. Algorithm 9 (GBFOS bit allocation) Step 1 : For n=1,...,N, set B n =q. This is the initial bit allocation. Step 2 : Calculate, for n=1,...,N, for i=1,...,B n , S n (B n ,B n −i) = ΔMIL overall ΔR overall =− MIL n (B n )−MIL n (B n −i) i (5.28) Step 3 : For each n=1,...,N, determine i for which S n (B n ,B n −i)is minimized. Step 4 : Determine the component for S n (B n ,B n −i) is the lowest. Assume it is com- ponent l. (If minimum S n (B n ,B n −i) is not unique, then select all components with this value). Set B l =B l −i. Step 5 : Calculate B alloc = P n B n . Check if B alloc ≤B; if so for n=1,...,N,setR n = B n /T, where T is the sampling frequency and Stop Step 6 : Repeat Steps (2), (3), (4) and (5). The final rate-allocation for the component n is given by R n . Tosatisfytherateallocation, duringquantizerdesign,λinEquation(5.27) ismodified until H( ˆ X n )≤R n , standard bisection techniques can be used to find the “best” λ. 5.5 Experiments and Results To evaluate our techniques we generated a mixture of eight 2D Gaussian sources. The means and the optimal Bayes classification boundaries for this mixture source are shown in Figure (5.2). 10,000 samples from each class were generated, each dimension was independently quantized and then used for classification. A classification error occurs 142 if a sample from class i is classified as belonging to class j 6= i. The experiments were repeated 100 times and results reported are average results. The baseline classification error using unquantized data was 27.4%. −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 Figure5.2: Themixtureofeight 2DGaussiansourcesusedtoevaluate ourproposedtech- niques. Misclassification was27.4% even whenunquantizedfeatureswereused,indicating significant overlap between the different sources. The different quantization techniques (Q1-Q4) evaluated are listed in Table [5.1]. To illustrate the effect of MI on the different aspects of the quantizer, we progressively in- crease the significance the role MI plays in the quantizer operation. Q4 represents the quantization technique incorporating MI in all three phases, design, rate-allocation and encoding. This represents our best system. Figure (5.3) shows the results obtained when the different quantizers were used for encoding the data before classification. We plot the increase in misclassification vs. bits-per-sample. The increase in misclassification is with respect the baseline performance using unquantized data. Observe that at high bitrate (> 3.5 bits-per-sample), the performance of all systems is almost the same, al- though Q4 achieves the best results of the four techniques. However at low bit rates the sub-optimality of MSE for classification becomes clear. When the GBFOS algorithm uses 143 Table 5.1: In the different quantization techniques, we varied the design algorithm, the rate-allocation techniqueandtheencodingscheme. HereMSEreferstomeansquareerror distortion and MI refers to our proposed mutual information loss distortion. Note that we progressively increase the amount of role MI plays in the quantizer operation, by first using it only for rate-allocation, then for both rate-allocation and quantizer design and finally for all three operations. ID Design Rate-allocation Encoding Q1 MSE MSE MSE Q2 MSE MI MSE Q3 MI MI MSE Q4 MI MI MI 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Increase in percentage misclassification vs. Bits per sample Bits per sample Increase in percentage misclassification Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Figure 5.3: The results obtained by the different quantization schemes. Observe that as MI is increasingly used in the quantizer, the rate-classification performance always becomes better. 144 rate vs. mutual information loss points instead of rate vs. MSE points to allocate rates to the different components of the vector we observe that the performanceimproves or stays the same (Q2 is better than Q1). Once MI is also included for quantizer design (Q3), we observe substantial improvement in performance. At 2.3 bits-per-sample the increase in misclassification due to Q1 is 7.6%, while due to Q3 it is only 2.2%. Notice that this improvement comes withnoextracost duringencoding, i.e., Q3still uses thesub-optimal MSE encoding, thus having no extra run time computational increase. However we ob- serve that between 2.5 and 3.5 bits-per-sample, the performance of Q3 is not monotonic. This is due to the fact that a quantizer designed to minimize loss in MI, is used by an encoding scheme which minimizes MSE. To eliminate this mismatch MI can be used as the criteria during actual encoding (Q4). Observe that Q4 outperforms Q1, Q2 and Q3 at all bitrates, and additionally eliminates the non-monotonicity of Q3 (however the run time encoding complexity increases). Thesignificant performanceimprovements achieved forthiseight class task motivated ustoapplytheMMILtechniquetotheproblemofencodingspeechinadistributedspeech recognition (DSR) task (see Chapter 2). Our scalable DSR encoder [64] uses uniform scalar quantizers, hence we concentrate on rate-allocation. The rate-allocation to each of the mel frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs) was based on the importance of each MFCCs for recognition. It is unclear how to map importance to rate-allocation. However loss in MI is a better metric for allocating the rates, since the loss in MI indicates the increase in class uncertainty. The results obtained when rate-allocation to the MFCCs was done with MI is shown in Figure (5.4). The recognition task was a two stage spoken namesrecognition(see2.4.3fordetails). ObservethatforallbitratestheMIrate-allocated encoder significantly outperforms the heuristically rate-allocated encoder. At 3920 bps 145 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 bitrate (BPS) percentage WER Names recognition with a scalable coder MI rate allocation(base rate 1860 bps) Heuristic rate allocation(base rate 1870 bps) Uncompressed features Figure 5.4: WER in spoken names recognition task. Significant performance improve- ments is achieved at all bitrates by the MI rate-allocation compared to the heuristic rate- allocation. At 3920 bps, the MI rate-allocation scheme results in only a 0.31% increase in WER when compared to using unquantized MFCCs. theMIrate-allocation reducestheincreaseinWERduetocompressionfrom1.92%forthe heuristic rate-allocation to 0.31%, more than a six fold decrease. In terms of bitrate, the MI rate-allocation achieves at 2500 bpsthesame recognition performanceas theheuristic rate-allocation doesat3920bps,a36%reductioninbitratewithnopenaltyinrecognition performance. 5.6 Conclusions Weproposedmutualinformation,analternativetoMSE,asamoreappropriatedistortion criteriaforencoderdesigninclassification (recognition) applications. WeshowedthatKL distance is the right optimization measure to ensure that the quantizer design minimizes loss in MI between the data samples and class labels. We provided a practical empirical 146 quantizer design technique. We also showed that rate-allocation based on MI can result in significant performance improvements in distributed speech recognition. 147 Chapter 6 Future Work 6.1 Successively Refinable Predictive Encoding In Chapter 2 a scalable predictive encoding scheme was presented for encoding MFCCs. The advantages of using scalable encoding for speech recognition were also discussed. Scalable encoding is also very useful even in other applications. For example consider digital video broadcast from a server to several clients. Assume that some of the clients have access to high bandwidth channels while others are bandwidth constrained. The most straightforward method of video transmission would involve the server transmitting two independent video streams, one encoded at high rate and the other at low rate. Obviously this is a wasteful strategy. The better alternative would be for the server to transmitasinglescalablestreamandtheclientswouldreceivethepartofthevideostream based on their bandwidth capacity, i.e., clients with high bandwidth would receive the entire stream while clients with low bandwidth would only receive the initial portion of the scalable stream. Obviously, while this enables savings in bitrate, it can affect the performance. More formally assume that when the video is encoded at rates R 1 and R 2 (R 2 > R 1 ) and the 148 distortion is D 1 and D 2 respectively. Then is it possible to encode the video with rate R 1 and distortion D 1 and then add a refinement at rate R 2 −R 1 and achieve distortion D 2 ? Or more generally is it possible to reach every point on the rate-distortion curve in a scalable manner? The answer to this question was presented by Equitz and Cover [20] and Rimoldi [52], who proved that for a source X to be successively refinable from ˆ X 1 (rate R 1 and distortion D 1 ) to ˆ X 2 (rate R 2 and distortion D 2 ), X, ˆ X 1 and ˆ X 2 have to form a Markov chain, i.e., X ↔ ˆ X 2 ↔ ˆ X 1 (6.1) 6.1.1 Methods of scalable encoding Perfect successive refinability is not achievable by practical scalable encoding techniques even for sources for which it is known that Equation (6.1) is satisfied. Theencoding tech- nique proposed in [20] relies on random coding techniques, and is only optimal asymp- totically in the limit as the block length of the vector being encoded goes to infinity. In practical encoding techniques, it is computationally inferable to use large dimension vectors during encoding. Instead the encoders operate on low dimension vectors. Ourprimaryinterestisinthedesignofscalablepredictiveencoders. Both[20]and[52] consider independent and identically distributed (iid) sources. It can be expected that design of practical scalable predictive encoders will be more challenging than scalable encoders for iid sources. Most scalable predictive encoding techniques can be broadly classified in two differ- ent techniques, Refinable scalable predictive encoders and Morphable scalable predictive encoders. 149 + - + + - + + + - Predictor Quantizer Quantizer r Predictor 1i ê e 2i ê 2i i e 1i i u Figure 6.1: A refinable scalable predictive encoding scheme. Subsequent DPCM loops encode the quantization error of the previous DPCM loop. + - + + - + Quantizer Predictor Quantizer Entropy Coder Entropy Coder Predictor u E e i i ê i Ê i i I i i i û i-1 Û i-1 Figure 6.2: A morphable scalable predictive encoding scheme. Each layer is encoded usingindependentDPCM loops. Thequantized prediction error of previousDPCM loops is used by the subsequent DPCM quantizer and entropy coder. 150 A refinable scalable predictive encoder is shown in Figure 6.1. For ease of explana- tion let us assume that scalable stream consists of two layers. The lower rate description requiring rate R 1 is initially generated by a DPCM loop with a coarse quantizer. The quantization error of the first DPCM loop r i is predicted with another DPCM loop to generate the refinement layer. The basic operation consists of initially generating a de- scription requiring rate R 1 , Then R 2 −R 1 refinement bits are sent to generate the higher fidelity description. The advantage of this approach is that both rate requirements R 1 and R 2 are fixed. However while distortion D 1 is fixed, we do not have control over D 2 (in general the distortion achieved will be greater than D 2 ). Amorphablescalablepredictiveencoder[34]isshowninFigure6.2. Heretwoseparate predictive encoders are used for the two layers. Then we get descriptions l 0 and l 1 . The lowest rate description l 0 is transmitted as is, however instead of transmitting l 1 a bitstream m 1 is calculated from l 0 and l 1 which will enable the decoder to morph l 0 into l 1 . The basic operation involves generating both descriptions requiring rates R 1 and R 2 . Then morph bits, m 1 , are generated and transmitted as the higher layer bitstream. The decoder uses the morph bits and the lower description to generate the same “exact” higherratedescriptionaswasavailableattheoutputofthehigherlayer DPCMloop. The important point to note is that in this technique the high fidelity representation exactly achieves thedistortionD 2 . Thedifferencewiththeprevioustechniquebeingthat nowthe raterequiredbytherefinementsbitswillbegreater thanR 2 −R 1 . Theobviousadvantage of this techniques is that we can achieve the exact distortions D 1 and D 2 at both points. This allows us precise control over the fidelity quality for the user. 151 Primary motivation for investigating morphable scalable predictive encoding schemes stems from the fact that fine grain scalability (FGS) (which falls into the category of re- finablescalable predictiveencoding), introducedinMPEG-4 forgeneratingscalable video streams is extremely inefficient. With the possible potential practical impact scalable predictive encoding can have on the development of layered video encoders, it is worth exploring both thetheoretical and practical implications of morphablescalable predictive encoders. 6.2 Predicting Rate Requirement for Classification Tasks Consider two different classification tasks. Assume the first classification task has to decide the class label from C 1 and the second decides the class label from C 2 . Assume that |C 1 | >> |C 2 |. An example would be two speech recognition tasks, the first one could be a continuous speech recognition (CSR) task where the candidate classes are all possible words in the task and the second could be a digit recognition task where the possible classes are in (0,1,...,9 and oh). For both these tasks MFCCs are used for recognition. However intuitively it is apparent that the amount of information required for the digit recognition task will be much lesser than that required for CSR. When we considerthese recognition tasks in thecontext of Distributed Speech Recog- nition (DSR), we can expect that the rate required for minimal recognition performance degradationinthedigitrecognitiontaskwillbelesserthantheraterequiredforCSR.The interesting question is, can we predict the recognition performance for different rates for different recognition tasks? Of course the most straightforward way to do this would be to actually encode the MFCCs at different rates and perform recognition experiments for 152 different tasks at these different rates and determine the recognition performance. But in practicethiscanbecomeimpractical. Hencethereisanecessitytodevelopamethodology which can with low computational complexity predict the rate-recognition performance for classification tasks. Consider Equation (6.2), which was proved in Chapter 5 P q e −P u e ' I(C;X)−I(C; ˆ X) log|C| (6.2) This states that the increase in probability of error due to quantization is approxi- mately proportional to the loss in mutual information dueto quantization. Hence we can expect that mutual information (MI) loss can be used to predict the increase in prob- ability of error, when the input data is quantized. Calculation of MI loss involves less effort than recognition experiments. Additionally, this procedureis not dependent on the particular implementation of the recognizer and hence can generalize to a wide variety of variations of speech recognizer implementations (for eg. HMM based, segmental based, ANN based). Note that in Equation (6.2), the MI between the class labels and the MFCC vector needs to be estimated. Typically the MFCC vector consists of 13 components. Hence to estimate the MI loss, knowledge (or estimation) of the joint pdf p(c,x 1 ,...,x 1 3) is required. Usually the MFCCs are modeled as mixture Gaussians. Unfortunately no closed form expressions of MI exist for mixture Gaussians. Hence calculation of MI loss can be challenging in practice. One method to overcome this would be (as in Chapter 5) wouldbetousefinequantization todiscretizetheMFCCs, i.e., ˜ X =Q(X). ThenI(C; ˜ X) is calculated as I( ˜ X;C)−I( ˆ X;C)= X ˜ x f(˜ x) X c p(c|˜ x)log p(c|˜ x) q(c|ˆ x) (6.3) 153 The number of codewords in the vector quantizer can be chosen to ensure P ˜ X e −P u e '0, hence there would be no loss in estimation by using ˜ X instead of X. Another possibility would be use the Renyi entropy instead of Shannon entropy. The Renyi entropy is defined as h α (X) = 1 1−α log 2 Z f α X (x)dx (6.4) and it converges to the Shannon entropy as α→1, i.e., h(X) =− Z f X (x)log 2 (f X (x)dx =lim α→1 h α (X) (6.5) Aminimumspanningtree(MST)approachcanbeusedtoestimatetheRenyientropy[27, 26]. ThespanningtreecanbeconstructedusingtheMFCCs(X). Eachedgeinthetreeis associated with a cost. The MST is defined as the set of edges which connect all vertices in X with minimum total cost. i.e., the cost of the MST is L X N =min e∈T X e kek γ (6.6) where e denotes an edge in the tree T,k·k and γ denote the Euclidean norm and power exponent, respectively. Then the estimate of Renyi entropy is given by [27, 26], h α (X) = log 2 L X N N α −log 2 (β L,γ /(1−α) (6.7) where α = (d− γ)/d (d is the dimension of the vector), β L,γ is a density dependent constant only dependingon the type of spanningtree used andγ. By setting γ to a small constant, the estimate of the Renyi entropy closely approximates the Shannon entropy. Then the estimate of MI is given by I α (C;X) = 1 1−α log 2 L X N N α − X c∈C log 2 L X N |C =c N α p(c) ! (6.8) 154 6.3 Optimal Transformation for Minimizing Mutual Infor- mation Loss InChapter5MI basedquantization andrateallocation techniques werepresented. These were shown to providegood improvements over MSE based encoders for classification ap- plications. However the quantizer operated on the original source data. For conventional RD based systems, transform coding has proven to be an extremely powerful component of the encoder. It has enabled the use of simple scalar quantizers (SQ) on the trans- formed data to achieve good performance comparable to (or better than) that achieved using vector quantizers (VQ) on the original data. It can expected that use of transform coding will be beneficial even in rate-mutual in- formation based systems. Most rate-distortion (RD) transform coders employ orthogonal transforms, i.e, if the transform is T, then TT −1 =I. The advantage of using orthogonal transforms is that they preserve energy, i.e., the MSE introduced in the transform space will be equal to the MSE in the original space. For mutual information, any invertible transform preserves mutual information. I.e., if the original N-dim data is X, which is associated with a class label C and Y =TX is the transformed data, then I(X;C) =I(Y;C) (6.9) if T −1 exists. Consider the source encoding system shown in Figure 6.3. The N-dim input X is transformed into Y by the transform T. The components Y i of Y are independently quantized by scalar quantizers Q i (·), i.e., ˆ Y i = Q i (Y i ). The quantizer vector ˆ Y is inverse transformed to get the final decoded vector ˆ X. For mean square error (MSE) based 155 ^ Y Y X 1 X 2 ^ ^ ^ X N X ^ T T -1 N 2 1 Q Q Q N X X 1 X X 2 Figure 6.3: Encoder employing an invertible transform. The transform coefficients are independently quantized. The final decoded vector is obtained by inverse transforming the quantized coefficients. systems, thequantizersQ i (·)aredesignedtominimizeE[Y i − ˆ Y i ]. ForMSEbasedsystems it hasbeenshownthattheKarhunen-Loeve(KL)transformistheoptimal transform[28]. It is shown that the KL transform makes the transformed coefficients uncorrelated and a MSE system employing the KL transform minimizes the MSE distortion for a given rate. IfthesysteminFigure6.3 isdesignedtominimizemutualinformation loss, thenwhat is the optimal transform T? The optimal transform for a MSE system was a transform which made the transform coefficients uncorrelated, so is the optimal transform for min- imum mutual information loss systems a transform which ensures that the transformed coefficients are independent? Let the input vector X have two components X 1 and X 2 . Consider two invertible transforms T 0 and T 00 , where T 0 is the transform with makes transformed components in 156 each class independent and T 00 is an arbitrary transform. Let Y 0 =T 0 X and Y 00 =T 00 X. ConsideroptimalMIquantizersQ 0 i andQ 00 i ,i=1,2whichareusedtoquantizethecompo- nentsofY 0 andY 00 respectively, i.e., ˆ Y 0 ={Q 0 1 (Y 0 1 ),Q 0 2 (Y 0 2 )}and ˆ Y 00 ={Q 00 1 (Y 00 1 ,Q 00 2 (Y 00 2 }). Let the reconstructed values be ˆ X 0 =T 0 −1 ˆ Y 0 and ˆ X 00 =T 00 −1 ˆ Y 00 . The MI losses for two cases are MIL indep =I(X;C)−I( ˆ X 0 ;C) = I(Y 0 ;C)−I( ˆ Y 0 ;C) = I(X;C)−I( ˆ Y 0 ;C) (6.10) and MIL arbit =I(X;C)−I( ˆ X 00 ;C) = I(Y 00 ;C)−I( ˆ Y 00 ;C) = I(X;C)−I( ˆ Y 00 ;C) (6.11) I( ˆ Y 0 ;C) = I( ˆ Y 1 0 , ˆ Y 2 0 ;C) = I( ˆ Y 1 0 ;C)+I( ˆ Y 2 0 ;C)−I( ˆ Y 1 0 ; ˆ Y 2 0 |C) = I( ˆ Y 1 0 ;C)+I( ˆ Y 2 0 ;C) (6.12) This follows from the fact that T 0 makes the transformed components in each class inde- pendent hence I( ˆ Y 1 0 ; ˆ Y 2 0 |C) =0. 157 I( ˆ Y 00 ;C) = I( ˆ Y 1 00 , ˆ Y 2 00 ;C) = I( ˆ Y 1 00 ;C)+I( ˆ Y 2 00 ;C)−I( ˆ Y 1 00 ; ˆ Y 2 00 |C) (6.13) Since T 00 is an arbitrary transform I( ˆ Y 1 00 ; ˆ Y 2 00 |C)≥0. MIL indep −MIL arbit = I( ˆ Y 00 ;C)−I( ˆ Y 0 ;C) = I( ˆ Y 1 00 ;C)+I( ˆ Y 2 00 ;C)−I( ˆ Y 1 00 ; ˆ Y 2 00 |C) −I( ˆ Y 1 0 ;C)−I( ˆ Y 2 0 ;C) ≤ I( ˆ Y 1 00 ;C)+I( ˆ Y 2 00 ;C)−I( ˆ Y 1 0 ;C)−I( ˆ Y 2 0 ;C) (6.14) if I( ˆ Y 1 00 ;C)+I( ˆ Y 2 00 ;C) =I( ˆ Y 1 0 ;C)−I( ˆ Y 2 0 ;C) then MIL indep ≤MIL arbit . TheintuitionisthatwhenthetransformT 0 isused,eachcomponentofthetransformed data provides completely extra information about the class labels. However when an arbitrarytransformT 00 isusedtheinformationprovidedbythedifferentcomponentsisnot completely independent. Hence it can be expected that the total amount of information provided by the transform coefficients about the class when transform T 00 is used will be less than when the transform T 0 is used. 158 6.4 Application Specific Distributed Source Coding Considerasensornetwork whereseveral sensorsacquireobservations aboutatarget. The signals acquired will be correlated due to the spatial proximity of the sensors. To reduce the bandwidth required for transmission we can take advantage of this correlation. The observations can be jointly encoded. However this requires inter-sensor communication, which is not desirable from an energy point of view, since transmission tends to dominate thepowerrequirementsinsensornetworks. Theruleofthumbisprocessingispreferableto transmission. Consider that we have encode two correlated observations X and Y. Joint encoding requires a rate H(X,Y) for lossless transmission. This requires the encoder know bothX andY. However thesurprisingresult by Slepian-Wolf is that withthe same rate, H(X,Y), the two observations can be independently encoded, provided that they are decoded at a central location. This is shown in Figure 6.4. Similarly the Wyner- Ziv theorem provides the rate-distortion function for distributed encoding when lossy encoding instead of lossless encoding is employed. Thesetwotechniques, Slepian-Wolf andWyner-Ziveitherattempttolosslesstransmit the data or attempt to minimize the distortion in the decoded data. Consider a sensor network where the system attempts to identifies the type of the vehicle traveling on the road. Here the objective is to first decide if a vehicle is traveling on the road and if so, then to identify the type of the vehicle. This is a classification task which makes use of the observations acquired by several different sensors. It is not required that the sensors transmittheentireacquireddatatothecentrallocationmakingtheclassificationdecision. It is sufficient that the sensors transmit sufficient information required to reliable identify 159 Statistically dependent Y X ^ ^ X,Y Decoder Encoder Encoder Figure 6.4: Distributed encoding of two statistically dependent sources. X and Y are independently encoded but jointly decoded at a central decoder. the presence of the vehicle(s) and identify it(them). Similar to the distributed classifi- cation problem discussed before, now this is a system which involves distributed coding and distributed classification. The conventional distributed coding algorithms [45] only make use of the correlation between X i ,i=1,...,N, whereX i are observations acquired at N different sensors. However for classification tasks the information provided by each of the X i about the class label is relevant not the individual X i ’s themselves. Hence it is obvious that the Slepian-Wolf/Wyner-Ziv framework is not necessarily optimal for the distributed-source-distributed-classification problem. The optimal rate-constrained solu- tion would be to transmit sufficient information from each sensor subject to a bandwidth constraint which would ensure that the classification at the central location is minimally affected. One method to do this would be consider the mutual information between the obser- vation at asensorandtheclass labelsthat needtobediscriminatedamong. Considertwo 160 sensors that acquire observations X and Y about a phenomena. The applications goal is to estimate a class label C from these observations. Based on the minimal mutual infor- mation loss framework the required optimal encoders would be quantizers that minimize I(X;C)−I( ˆ X;C) at the first sensor, and minimizeI(Y;C| ˆ X)−I( ˆ Y;C| ˆ X) at the second sensor. Obviously this requires complete knowledge of the joint pdf p(x,y,c). In general even if this pdf is knownor can beestimated it would requiresignificant inter-sensor com- munication, which we want to avoid. Hence it is required to develop a framework similar to Slepian-Wolf/Wyner-Ziv, which address theproblem of distributed-source-distributed- classification problem. The question to be answered is, is it possible to attain the same performance in a distributed mutual information source coding system without commu- nication between sensors as that could beachieved with communication between sensors? 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Abstract (if available)
With wide proliferation of mobile devices and the explosion of new multimedia applications, there is a need for client-server architectures to enable low complexity/memory clients to support complex multimedia applications. In these client-server systems compression is vital to minimize the transmission bandwidth requirements. Compression techniques have been designed to minimize perceptual distortion, however, recently there has been an emergence of applications in which an algorithm processes the compressed data. Here for best system performance the compression algorithm should be optimized to have the least effect on the algorithms estimation/classification capability. In this work novel compression techniques optimized forclassification are proposed.
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Srinivasamurthy, Naveen
Core Title
Compression algorithms for distributed classification with applications to distributed speech recognition
Viterbi School of Engineering
Doctor of Philosophy
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Electrical Engineering
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University of Southern California
University of Southern California. Libraries
distributed classification,distributed speech recognition, Joint compression and classification,DPCM,information bottleneck,mutual information loss,OAI-PMH Harvest,product vector quantization,quantization,scalable DPCM,scalable encoding
Ortega, Antonio (
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Srinivasamurthy, Naveen
University of Southern California
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University of Southern California Dissertations and Theses
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Libraries, University of Southern California
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distributed classification
distributed speech recognition, Joint compression and classification
information bottleneck
mutual information loss
product vector quantization
scalable DPCM
scalable encoding