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Collaborative detection and filtering of DDoS attacks in ISP core networks
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Collaborative detection and filtering of DDoS attacks in ISP core networks
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Yu Chen
A Dissertation Presented to the
In Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree
December 2006
Copyright 2006 Yu Chen
To Qing, my loving wife. For her unfailing love, selfless
sacrifice, constant encouragement and support.
I am deeply grateful to my advisor Professor Kai Hwang. First of all, he gave me the
opportunity to pursue my Ph.D. studies in this exciting research area of network security.
Secondly, without his invaluable advice, guidance, and support, I could not have achieved
what I have done. Most importantly, after years of work under his supervision, I learned
from Professor Hwang’s enthusiasm and commitment to research. This attitude will benefit
me in my future careers and for the rest of my life.
I am deeply indebted to Professor Ricky Yu-Kwon Kwok from Hong Kong
University. Thank God that Dr. Kwok was visiting USC and working in our group. Dr.
Kwok led my first publication in the network security area and helped me to identify an
interesting research topic. I am so thankful for his time and wisdom spent with me.
I am also thankful to Professor Bhaskar Krishnamachari and Professor Ramesh
Govindan for serving on my committee. In particular, I am indebted to Professor Bhaskar for
his help and guidance during my job search process. It is an honor to have the opportunity to
learn from him.
I also want to thank Wei-Shinn Ku, my friend and co-author of the CAT paper. I
will never forget the days and nights we spent together tuning the programs on the DETER
testbed. I also would like to thank Mr. Kevin Lahey and his colleagues at USC ISI for their
kindness and cooperation when we needed to occupy hundreds of machines on the DETER
I would also like to thank all the members of the GridSec research group that I
worked with over past years. In particular, I would like to thank Min Cai, Ying Chen,
Xiaosong Lou, Jie Lv, Shanshan Song, and Runfang Zhou for their meaningful discussions
and collaboration. I cannot thank them enough for their support.
I would also like to express my thankfulness to my parents and parents-in-law for
their unconditional support. They helped me get through many difficult times, and shared my
joy and sadness. Without them, I could not have completed the study.
Finally, I want to thank the NSF for the financial support of this research and
dissertation work funded by NSF Grant No. ACI-0325409.
Table of Contents
Dedication ……………………………………………………………………………… ii
Acknowledgements ……………………………………………………………………... iii
List of Tables …………………………………………………………………………… viii
List of Figures …………………………………………………………………………… ix
Abstract ………………………………………………………………………………… xiii
1. Introduction ………………………………………………………….…………….. 1
1.1. Understanding Distributed Denial-of-Services (DDoS) Attacks ……………... 2
1.1.1. How do DDoS Attacks Work? ………………………………………... 2
1.1.2. Why do DDoS Attacks Work? ………………………………………... 6
1.1.3. Challenges in Defense against DDoS Attacks ………………………… 8
1.2. Approaches in this Thesis …………………………………………………… 9
1.3. Overview of the Thesis ……………………………………………………… 13
2. Related Works …………………………………………………………………… 14
2.1. Overview of Internet Security Protocols ……………………………………… 14
2.2. DDoS Attack Defense Schemes ……………………………………………… 16
2.2.1. Detection Techniques ………………………………………………… 17
2.2.2. IP Traceback Techniques ……………………………………………… 18
2.2.3. Congestion Control Techniques ……………………………………… 20
2.2.4. Flow Filtering Techniques …………………………………………… 22
2.2.5. Deployment Tradeoffs ………………………………………………… 23
2.2.6. Other Techniques ……………………………………………………… 25
2.3. Summary ……………………………………………………………………… 26
3. Secure Infrastructure Protocol for IPV6 ………………………………………… 28
3.1. Motivation …………………………………………………………………… 28
3.2. SIP Overview ………………………………………………………………… 30
3.3. Inter-Domain Trust Control …………………………………………………… 32
3.4. Message Functionality and Format …………………………………………… 34
3.4.1. Message Description ………………………………………………… 34
3.4.2. Message Format ……………………………………………………… 37
3.5. Potential Applications …………………………………………………...…… 39
3.6. Summary ……………………………………………………………………… 40
4. Detection of DDoS Attacks in Multiple ISP Networks ………………………… 42
4.1. Introduction …………………………………………………………………… 42
4.2. Framework of Distributed Change-Point Detection ……………………………44
4.2.1. Distributed Change Detection System ………………………………… 44
4.2.2. Change-Point Detection Principles …………………………………… 46
4.3. Change Detection at a Single Router ………………………………………… 48
4.3.1. Anomaly Detection at Router Level …………………………………… 48
4.3.2. CAT Subtree Construction Algorithm ………………………………… 51
4.4. Merging CAT Subtrees from Multiple Domains ……………………………… 54
4.4.1. Global CAT Tree Construction ……………………………………… 54
4.4.2. Complexity Analyses ………………………………………………… 58
4.5. Experiment Results and Performance Analyses ……………………………… 60
4.5.1. Introduction to DETER Testbed ……………………………………… 61
4.5.2. Experiment Setup ……………………………………………………… 63
4.5.3. Performance Metrics ………………………………………………… 64
4.5.4. Impact of DCP Parameters …………………………………………… 64
4.5.5. Detection Accuracy …………………………………………………... 67
4.6. Scalability Analysis and Limitations ………………………………………… 70
4.6.1. Domain Scalability Analysis ………………………………………… 70
4.6.2. Other Options and Implementation Limitations ……………………… 72
4.7. Summary ……………………………………………………………………… 73
5. Identification and Filtering of Malicious DDoS Attack at Flow Level ………… 75
5.1. Adaptive Packet Dropping Principle ………………………………………… 75
5.2. MAFIC Algorithm Design …………………………………………………… 77
5.3. Experimental Results and Performance Analysis …………………………… 79
5.3.1. Simulation Setup and Performance Metrics ………………...….……… 79
5.3.2. Attacking Packet Dropping Accuracy ………………………………… 80
5.3.3. Effects of Flow Cutting ……………………………………………… 82
5.3.4. False Alarm Rates …………………………………………………… 84
5.3.5. Legitimate Packet Dropping Rate …………………………………… 86
5.4. Summary ……………………………………………………………………… 87
6. Collaborative Detection of Shrew DDoS Attacks Using Spectral Analysis …… 89
6.1. Introduction …………………………………………………………………… 89
6.2. Shrew Attack Characteristics in Frequency Domain ………………………… 92
6.2.1. Shrew DDoS Attack Properties ……………………………………… 92
6.2.2. Traffic Spectrum and Template Distribution ………………………… 95
6.3. Collaborative Anomaly Detection …………………………………………… 99
6.3.1. Pivot Frequency in Traffic Streams …………………………………… 99
6.3.2. Hypothesis Test ……………………………………………………… 101
6.3.3. Collaborative Detection Algorithm …………………………………… 105
6.4. Experiment Results and Performance Analysis ……………………………… 108
6.4.1. Experiment Setup ……………………………………………………… 108
6.4.2. Detection Accuracy …………………………………………………… 109
6.4.3. Effects of Local Detection Threshold α ……………………………… 111
6.4.4. Effects of Global Detection Threshold β ……………………………… 112
6.5. Scalability and Overhead Analysis …………………………………………… 113
6.6. Summary ……………………………………………………………………… 114
7. Amplitude Filtering of Shrew Attack Flows …………………………………… 116
7.1. Normalized Amplitude Spectral Analysis …………………………………… 116
7.1.1. Shrew DDoS Attack Flow Properties ………………………………… 116
7.1.2. Analysis of Amplitude Spectrum Distribution ………………………… 118
7.2. Flow Filtering atop Amplitude Hypothesis Testing …………………………… 122
7.2.1. Hypothesis Test Analysis ……………………………………………… 122
7.2.2. Shrew-Filtering Algorithm Design …………………………………… 125
7.3. Experiment Results and Performance Analysis ……………………………… 127
7.3.1. Experiment Setup ……………………………………………………… 127
7.3.2. Filtering Efficiency …………………………………………………… 128
7.3.3. Response Time ………………………………………………………… 132
7.4. Scalability, Deployment, and Limitations …………………………………… 135
7.5. Summary ……………………………………………………………………… 136
8. Summaries and Conclusions ……………………………………………………… 138
8.1. Summary of Contributions …………………………………………………… 138
8.2. Preliminary Accelerator Design ……………………………………………… 141
8.3. Further Research Works ……………………………………………………… 143
Bibliography …………………………………………………………………………… 145
A. Publications ……………………………………………………………………… 158
B. DETER Experiment Configuration ……………………………………………… 160
C. DETER Experiment JAVA Code (Router) ……………………………………… 161
D: DETER Experiment JAVA Code (Server) ……………………………………… 167
List of Tables
Table 3.1 Abbreviations and Definitions in SIP Messages …………………... 35
Table 3.2 Definitions of SIP Message Fields ………………………………… 38
Table 4.1 Information in an Alert Message Sent from a Router …………….. 52
Table 4.2 Internet Neighborhood Distribution in August 2006 ……………… 59
Table 4.3 Hardware/Software Information of DETER Testbed ……………… 62
Table 4.4 Stacheldraht Packet Size vs. Packet Rate …………………………. 67
Table 5.1 Definition of Notations in MAFIC ………………………………… 80
Table 5.2 Default Setting of Parameters in MAFIC …………………………. 80
Table 6.1 Notations and Abbreviations used in Chapter 6 and 7 …………….. 92
Table 6.2 Gaussian Distribution of Attack Template …………………………. 99
Table 7.1 Error Level of Shrew-Filtering ……………………………………. 124
Table 7.2 Error Levels in Filtering with Different Sampling Times ………… 134
List of Figures
Figure 1.1 Traffic flow distribution of typical direct DDoS attacks …………… 3
Figure 1.2 Traffic flow distribution of reflector-based DDoS attacks …………. 4
Figure 1.3 Collaborative defense architecture crossing multiple ISP
core networks ……………………………………………………… 10
Figure 1.4 Roadmap of this dissertation ……………………………………….. 12
Figure 3.1 Three levels of communication in using the SIP between two
servers in Two autonomous systems ……………………………….. 31
Figure 3.2 Illustration of trust based information sharing …………………… 34
Figure 3.3 Format of SIP messages ……………………………………………. 37
Figure 4.1 Distributed change-point detection od DDoS flooding attacks
over multiple autonomous systems (ASs) ……………….………... 45
Figure 4.2 An illustration of change aggregation tree (CAT) constructed at
the end router (R0) connected to the victim system ………………. 46
Figure 4.3 Four basic traffic patterns of traffic changes at the 2x2 router
I/O ports .......................................................................................... 49
Figure 4.4 Control flow in constructing the CAT subtree specified in
Algorithm 4.2 ……………………………………………………… 53
Figure 4.5 An example 6-domain global CAT tree construction environment ... 57
Figure 4.6 Merging CAT subtrees from nearby domains to outer domains
to build the global CAT tree, where AS0 is the victim destination
domain ……....................................................................................... 58
Figure 4.7 Schematic of DETER testbed ……………………………………… 61
Figure 4.8 Total alerts raised plotted against the router threshold applied on
34 routers in 4 domains using a 500 ms monitoring window ……… 65
Figure 4.9 Variations of the global CAT size over 4 AS domains in 500 ms
monitoring window ………………………………………….……. 66
Figure 4.10 The router alerts detected with and without DDoS attacks plotted
against the monitoring window size ………………………………. 67
Figure 4.11 Effects of server threshold on the detection rate of 3 DDoS
attack types ………………………………………………………… 68
Figure 4.12 Effects of the threshold on false-positive rate ……………………. 69
Figure 4.13 ROC curve showing the tradeoff between detection rate and
false-positive rate …………………………………………………. 69
Figure 4.14 Scalability of the distributed change-point detection system over
increasing number of AS domains ………………………………… 71
Figure 5.1 The protocol control actions of MAFIC algorithm ……………….. 78
Figure 5.2 Attack packet dropping accuracy of MAFIC algorithm under
different traffic conditions …………………………………………. 81
Figure 5.3 Traffic reduction rates and flow bandwidth variations of MAFIC
algorithm under different traffic conditions ……………………….. 83
Figure 5.4 False positive and negative rates of MAFIC algorithm under
different traffic conditions ………………………………………… 85
Figure 5.5 Legitimate-packet dropping rates of MAFIC algorithm under
different traffic conditions ………………………………………… 87
Figure 6.1 The collaborative detection and filtering (CDF) architecture for
defense against shrew DDoS attacks over multiple routers in the
same autonomous system …………………………………………. 90
Figure 6.2 Three traffic streams under three scenarios – the shrew DDoS
attack stream in part (b) hides in six legitimate traffic flows in
part (a) to form the traffic stream in part (c) ………………………. 94
Figure 6.3 Comparison of normalized traffic density (PSD) of two traffic
streams with and without shrew attacks …………………………... 96
Figure 6.4 Comparison of the cumulative energy spectrum of two traffic
streams with and without shrew attacks …………………………… 97
Figure 6.5 Average attack template distribution over a low frequency
band for all attack streams in training set S
……………………….. 98
Figure 6.6 Determination of the pivot frequency p and the two spectral
pivot point y
for the attack-free stream in Fig. 6.2(a) and
for the attack stream in Fig. 6.2(c) ………………………………. 100
Figure 6.7 Template distribution of attack/no-attack streams at the attack
pivot frequency ……………………………………………………. 102
Figure 6.8 Variation of the likelihood function with respect to the
normalized spectral pivot value …………………………………… 103
Figure 6.9 Plots of the anomaly detection rate R
and false positive
rate R
averaged over 8,000 sample traffic streams in
the template database ……………………………………………... 104
Figure 6.10 Collaborative detection scheme and use of detection trees ………... 107
Figure 6.11 ROC curve showing the tradeoffs between anomaly detection
rate and false positive rate under collaborative detection of shrew
attacks, compared with the result of using an isolated router ……… 110
Figure 6.12 Shrew attack detection results from testing 4,000 traffic streams
over 2 to 40 routers under the independent and two collaborative
modes …………………………………............................................ 111
Figure 6.13 Effects of global threshold ( β) on collaborative detection of shrew
DDoS attacks using three cooperative ranges of routers ………….. 113
Figure 7.1 An illustration of various types of shrew attack flows ……………. 117
Figure 7.2 Normalized amplitude spectrum of the shrew pulse stream and
of the TCP flow …………………………………………………… 119
Figure 7.3 Normalized cumulative amplitude spectrum of the shrew stream
and of the TCP flow ……………………………………………… 121
Figure 7.4 Normalized CAS distribution of the shrew stream and of the
TCP flow at the pivot point ……………………………………….. 123
Figure 7.5 Control flow in the amplitude filtering algorithm ………………… 126
Figure 7.6 The simulation scenario and experimental setting ………………… 128
Figure 7.7 Scenarios of TCP flows under single shrew attacks ………………. 129
Figure 7.8 Normalized throughput of TCP flows under 4 spatially
distributed shrew attack flows ……………………………………… 131
Figure 7.9 Normalized throughput of TCP flows under 4 temporal
distributed shrew attack flows ……………………………………… 132
Figure 7.10 Effects of sampling lengths on the TCP throughput ……………… 133
Figure 8.1 Function blocks of shrew DDoS attack detection accelerator……… 142
Distributed denial of services (DDoS) attacks pose a major threat to the Internet.
Although one promising solution should be a real distributed scheme covering a wide area,
most reported solutions conform to the end-to-end paradigm and target end-node victims.
Because these solutions could not detect anomalies incurring inside the intermediate
network, they could not detect the DDoS attacks at an early stage.
This dissertation explores the defense against DDoS attacks from an ISP
perspective. A distributed scheme over multiple ISP domains is proposed, which relies on
ISP network routers monitoring traffic fluctuations and information sharing with peers. To
resolve the security policy conflicts, a new secure infrastructure protocol (SIP) is developed
to establish trust between ISPs. SIP provides a secure platform supporting collaborative
detection and responses to DDoS attacks. Distributed schemes are proposed to fight against
both the brute force flooding DDoS attacks and the stealthy low-rate TCP-targeted DDoS
Having observed the directionality and aggregation characteristics in the
spatiotemporal pattern of the flooding flows, a distributed change-point (DCP) detection
architecture was developed using change aggregation trees (CAT). The DCP scheme detects
traffic variances across network domains and all CAT servers exchange alert information to
make global detection decisions. After early detection, MAlicious Flow Identification and
Cutoff (MAFIC) issues lightweight probes to flow sources to segregate malicious flows with
minimized bilateral damage.
A novel spectral template-matching approach is proposed to counter shrew DDoS
attacks. Combining digital signal processing techniques and hypothesis testing, collaborative
detection and filtering (CDF) detects and cuts off shrew attack flows embedded in legitimate
TCP/UDP streams by spectral analysis.
The performance of the distributed schemes is evaluated through intensive
experiments on DETER testbeds and NS-2 simulators. Experiment results show a significant
improvement was achieved by detecting anomalies crossing multiple ISP networks
cooperatively. Information sharing among neighbor routers and SIP servers effectively
increased detection rates while decreasing the number of false alarms. The experiments
verified the effectiveness of DCP and CDF schemes and achieved encouraging results.
Chapter 1
In past decades, information technology has revolutionized almost every facet of our
lives. Government, commercial, and educational organizations depend on computers and
Internet to such an extent that day-to-day operations are significantly hindered when the
networks are “down” [Gor05]. The prosperity of the Internet also attracts abusers and
malicious attackers. Distributed Denial of Services (DDoS) attacks are one of the major
threats to Internet relative services and applications. Previously, most of these kinds of
attacks were motivated for personal reasons or for prestige since successful attacks on
popular web servers may gain the respect of the hacker community [Mir04]. We saw that
popular e-business websites (Yahoo!, Microsoft, SUN, Amazon, etc.) were forced to be
offline for hours and suffered financial losses [Goh06], [Her00], [Lem01a], [Lem01b].
However, things became worse.
Nowadays, the hackers’ interest is far beyond obtaining unauthorized access for
private information or showing their power in their community. Attackers are motivated for
more concrete financial benefits [Ley04], [Pou04] or for certain political reasons [Rob03]. In
2005, the FBI caught an entrepreneur who hired a hacker to launch DDoS attacks against his
major competitors’ websites in order to jumpstart his sales [FBI05]. Recently, a British
student’s popular advertising site has come under a DDoS attack from blackmailers
demanding a ransom [Kaw06]. In 2003, the cyberwar between Israel and Palestine revealed
that DDoS attacks can effectively paralyze opposing networks for days [All03].
Therefore, there is an impending requirement for effective DDoS detection and
response techniques. This chapter briefly discusses how and why DDoS attacks work, then
overviews the approach and roadmap for this dissertation.
1.1. Understanding DDoS Attacks
1.1.1. How Do DDoS Attacks Work?
Typically DDoS attacks aim at the availability of network services by attacking
network infrastructure. They deprive the victim of providing or receiving certain services
through the Internet. Attackers take advantage of the capability limitations of network
resources or protocol deficiencies to achieve their goals. As the amount of computers
connected to the Internet keeps growing, attackers can easily recruit a huge zombie army by
compromising up to millions of machines [Eve05], [San05]. DDoS attacks are becoming
more and more complicated and they are merging in various forms [Hou01]. This section
presents the approaches that attackers adopt to launch attacks from a different numbers of
perspectives. Direct vs. Reflector-based Attacks
Considering the flow directions of DDoS attack traffic from attack machines to the
victim, the DDoS attacks can be classified into two major types. The first one is direct
attacks, which takes a straightforward idea; in this case, zombies send huge amount of
packet directly targeting victim machine(s). To serve this purpose, attackers often have
compromised and gained control over thousands or even millions of vulnerable machines.
The attacking packets are routed to the victim from zombies distributed widely on the
Internet. Figure 1.1 illustrates such a scenario. To escape from being caught by traceback
techniques, the attacker often constructs a hierarchical botnet. Even if the victim figures out
the attack traffic sources, the attacker is still untouched. It is very challenging, if not
impossible, to trace back to the physical machine the attacker used.
Figure 1.1. Traffic flow distribution of typical direct DDoS attacks
Another type is the reflector-based attack. It is more complicated and harder to trace
back compared to direct attacks. As shown by Fig. 1.2, one more layer is induced into the
hierarchical architecture. Instead of sending packets to victims directly, the zombies take
advantage of the TCP three-way handshake mechanism. Zombies are instructed to
continuously send TCP connection-requesting SYN packets to other innocent IP hosts.
Those SYN packets carry a spoofed source IP belonging to the victim. As the second phase
of the TCP connection handshake, those innocent hosts reply to the victim with SYN/ACK
packets according to the source IP address in the requesting packets they received. In this
manner, malicious SYN packets are being “reflected” off innocent nodes and their
SYN/ACK responses are being used to flood and attack the victim [Gib02]. This type of
attack is more difficult to fight back and costs less for the attacker. The attacker does not
need to compromise as many zombies as direct flooding. As long as the victim’s IP address
is known, the attacker can amplify his/her capability easily by sending SYN packets to any
Internet IP hosts. Additionally, as all packets the reflectors receive are normal packets with
the source address spoofed, this makes it even harder to trace the path back to the zombies.
Figure 1.2. Traffic flow distribution of reflector-based DDoS attacks Brute Force vs. Protocol Exploitation based Attacks
From the attackers’ viewpoint, DDoS attacks are classified into two categories
according to the mean of performing an attack: brute force based and protocol exploitation
based DDoS attacks. The rationale of brute force based DDoS attacks lies in the fact that
there are limited resources allocated for a victim. The targeted resource includes victim
machine’s buffer space, CPU cycle, or link bandwidth. Generally, the attacker’s goal is to
overwhelm the victims by the packet flood beyond what the victim can handle. Then the
victim cannot respond to normal requests from legitimate users because of link bandwidth
exhausted, queue buffer overflow, or computing power running out. To be more concrete,
the brute force based DDoS attacks are further divided into two types:
• End system oriented brute force-based DDoS attacks: this type of attack targets
the victim’s bandwidth, buffers, memory, and CPU cycles. Attacks such as SYN
flooding [CER96] and Smurf [CER98] attacks belong to this type. DDoS attacks
mimicking flash crowds are also in this category [Kan05].
• Network infrastructure oriented brute force-based DDoS attacks: such type DDoS
attacks tempt to overwhelm critical Internet infrastructure elements such as DNS
root servers and BGP routers.
During the early days of the Internet, security was not a major concern and it was
designed for scientific utility for people in a small circle. That leaves the protocols
vulnerable to today’s malicious abusers. As the most popular protocol, TCP protocols attract
the attention from many DDoS attackers. Below we list two protocol exploitation-based
DDoS attacks reported:
• TCP SYN Flooding [CER96]: attacks take advantage of TCP’s three-way
handshaking connection establishment procedure. When an attacker sends enough
SYN packets, the half-open listen queue of the victim is fully occupied.
Subsequently, all following legitimate connection requests are denied.
• Shrew DDoS Attacks [Kuz03]: this type of low-rate TCP-targeted DDoS attack
aims at the RTO mechanism of TCP protocol to degrade the throughput of
legitimate TCP flows to close to zero. By periodically constructing a busy status
on the link, the attacker can force normal TCP flows to go through the RTO
repeatedly. This type of attack is stealthy and hard-to-detect. This dissertation will
focus on shrew DDoS attacks in chapter 6 and 7. Resource Exhaustion vs. Resource Stealing based Attacks
Based on the impact against the victim, we can also divide DDoS attacks into two
categories: resource exhaustion based and resource stealing based DDoS attacks [Ald05].
The resource exhaustion based attacks target both end system and network resources
including main buffers, memory, CPU cycles, disk bandwidth, and network bandwidth. In
contrast, the resource stealing based attacks aim at stealing network resources from
legitimate users either by capturing these resources or by creating the illusion to legitimate
users that the requested resources are not available. The attacks reported in literatures like
shrew attacks [Kuz03] and Reduction-of-Quality (QoS) attacks [Gui04], [Gui05] belong to
this category. They force legitimate TCP clients to keep going through congestion avoidance
mechanisms and thus throttle their throughput heavily.
1.1.2. Why Do DDoS Attacks Work?
Some researchers believe that the root of DDoS problems is the lack of enough
R&D efforts placed on the security concerns in Internet design [Ald05]. However, that is
only part of the reason. DDoS attacks are not simply a weak spot that can be mended with
slight protocol changes or by deployment of sophisticated defense schemes at potential
target sites.
Looking back on history, the Internet’s design goal is functionality, not security. The
network fabric tries to provide fast, simple and cheap communication at the network level.
More complicated functionalities are assigned to end hosts. Under such an end-to-end
paradigm and the so called best efforts principle, end users are allowed to manage their
communication as they wish, and add complexities while leaving the intermediate network
fabric simple and efficiency.
By its nature, the Internet is a large distributed system without central authority. Due
to its anarchic culture, it is infeasible to place all networks and users under the same control.
Hence, it is impossible to guarantee all end hosts have the latest security software installed
and suitable policies applied. When any of the end users become malicious, they are always
able to find enough vulnerable hosts and recruit them into their zombie army. The
intermediate network fabric will do nothing to stop attacking traffic flows. On the contrary,
the network passively forwards packets to the destination. In fact, the network helps
attackers to reach their goal.
Why do DDoS attacks work? Answering this question is critical and insightful to our
efforts in detecting and responding against DDoS attacks. In the following I summarize the
main reasons of why DDoS attacks work.
• Each individual host possesses limited resources: each Internet host only has
limited resources such as bandwidth, buffer size, memory size, etc. When the
amount of requests are beyond the capability of the host, newer requests won’t
receive the services;
• The power of many is greater than the power of a few: as long as there are enough
vulnerable machines in the wild, an attacker is always able to recruit enough
zombies. Considering that the botnet consists of millions of machines [Eve05],
theoretically speaking, it is capable of overpowering any end hosts in the Internet
(if there is no defense);
• Lack of centralized uniform control: domains are managed by local authorities and
conform to different security policies. In fact, not all machines in every domain
are under protection strong enough to avoid being compromised and recruited into
the zombie army;
• Dummy intermediate network fabric: attack traffic presents spatiotemporal
propagation patterns different from normal fluctuations. Instead of detecting and
responding to anomalies observed inside the intermediate network, the networks
under best effort principle help the attacker reach her goal.
1.1.3. Challenges in Defense against DDoS Attacks
Over the past decade, the plethora research efforts have proven that it is extremely
difficult to reach a comprehensive solution of the DDoS attacks. As illustrated in section
1.1.2, the root of DDoS attacks lies in the anarchical nature of the Internet itself. The main
challenges researchers face include the following:
• Similar contents vs. Malicious intent: the attack packets share the same formats
with legitimate ones since they are generated using the same protocol. The only
difference is its malicious intent. Unless analyzing their statistic characteristics or
even checking the payload, the individual malicious packet looks no different from
normal applications.
• Handling huge traffic volume: when a brute force based DDoS attack is launched,
there are overwhelmingly large numbers of packets flooding the victim. In order to
segregate malicious packets, the countermeasures often involve packet processing
works such as packet marking, string matching, filtering, etc. The scalability is a
major concern when an attacker can easily recruit thousands or even millions of
• Recognizing attacks that are becoming more and more sophisticated: nowadays,
the DDoS attack tools can be easily downloaded online and they are getting more
and more sophisticated. In general, it is unlikely that the defenders can predict the
behaviors of the next generation of attack tools. Because Internet architecture,
protocols, and applications on the Internet are so diverse and complex, no one can
predict all the possible vulnerabilities that attackers may exploit.
• Controlling large portions of attack traffic: attack traffic is generated by multiple
zombies distributed widely. To relieve the pressure of overwhelming incoming
packets, the defense scheme must be able to control a large portion of total attack
traffic. To a distributed defense scheme, this implies that a defense scheme can
cover a wide area on the Internet. Obviously it has prohibitively costs and requires
close cooperation among users.
• Social Challenges: there are some non-technique constraints that prevent certain
DDoS attack defense schemes from being deployed. Today’s Internet is so large
that it is difficult to have a solution to be deployed simultaneously. Aside from
considering the effectiveness, a customer also has to consider the economic
benefits by deploying the scheme.
1.2. Approaches in this Dissertation
Although early researchers have pointed out that the promising solution must be a
distributed one that covers a wide area on the Internet [Pap03], most of the previously
reported works conform to the end-to-end paradigm and target end-node victims. Few efforts
have been injected to solve the problem from the ISP perspective. Besides violating the end-
to-end paradigm, one of the major concerns is the limited functionality that the best efforts
based intermediate network can perform. However, as I illustrated in the previous section,
one root of the DDoS attacks lies in the best effort philosophy of networks. Based on the
observation that more intelligence is necessary for Internet fabric to effectively defend
against the DDoS attacks, this dissertation takes a different approach compared to previously
reported research. I propose to defend DDoS attacks from the ISP’s perspective. Multiple
ISP networks collaboratively obtain a larger spatiotemporal vision of the traffic variance as
illustrated by Fig. 1.3.
Figure 1.3 Collaborative defense architecture crossing multiple ISP core networks
This architecture pushes the traffic monitoring and management functionalities into
intermediate networks. As shown in Fig. 1.3, the system is deployed over multiple ISP core
network domains. There is a central server in each domain. The system detects the traffic
changes, aggregates detected changes, and collects alerts over collaborative servers. Routers
are in charge of detecting attacks and raising alerts, whereas the servers aggregate distributed
alerts. Routers monitor the incoming and outgoing traffic flows at input and output
interfaces. Periodically, each router reports the traffic status to the server inside the domain.
If a router observes abnormal traffic variations, an alert message is generated.
Servers in different domains form an overlay network or communicate with each
other through virtual private network (VPN) channels. A server is responsible for analyzing
the received alerts of the entire domain. The server also exchanges information with other
domain severs. By monitoring how traffic anomalies propagate crossing ISP domains and by
sharing information crossing multiple Internet domains or autonomous systems (ASs), we
can timely detect the DDoS attacks at an early stage, before the damage is done to the
Figure 1.4 illustrates the roadmap of the dissertation. Due to the various security
policies applied and privacy concerns of ISPs, we need a secure policy negotiation and
message exchange platform. For this purpose, I propose a novel securing infrastructure
protocol (SIP), which allows ISPs to decide how much private information is visible to peers
while effectively performing anomaly detection. SIP specifies a trust negotiation
mechanism, a communication mechanism, message specifications, and message formats.
Atop the SIP protocol, I address both brute force based DDoS flooding attacks and one type
of the protocol exploitation based attack, the low-rate TCP-targeted DDoS attack.
To detect flooding attacks at an early stage, a novel distributed change-point (DCP)
detection scheme is proposed using distributed change aggregation trees (CAT). CAT takes
advantage of the large spatiotemporal pattern of the traffic surge propagation observed
crossing multiple ISP domains. Once it is confirmed that there is a DDoS flooding attack
launched, the malicious flow identifying and cutting off (MAFIC) scheme is triggered. The
MAFIC algorithm segregates the malicious attacking flows from legitimate flows by
adaptive packet dropping. It can cut off most of the attack traffic with very low bilateral
damage to innocent applications.
Figure 1.4. Roadmap of this dissertation
The low-rate TCP-targeted DDoS attacks are stealthy, periodic, pulsing, and low-
rate in attack volume. It is difficult to detect and fight against such kinds of attacks using
traffic volume based time domain approaches for the flooding type attacks. This dissertation
suggests a defense method called collaborative detection and filtering (CDF) working in
frequency domains. The CDF scheme detects and filters off low-rate attack flows hidden in
legitimate TCP/UDP streams by spectral analysis against a pre-stored template of average
attack spectral characteristics. The CDF scheme is suitable for either software or hardware
In literature, the low-rate TCP-targeted DDoS attacks are also known as shrew
attacks [Kuz03], periodical pulsing attacks [Luo05a], or Reduction-of-Quality (QoS) attacks
[Gui04], [Gui05]. For convenience, this dissertation will use the term shrew attacks in
1.3. Overview of this Dissertation
This dissertation is organized as the following:
• Chapter 2 surveys the cutting edge status of research in the DDoS defense
• Chapter 3 presents the securing infrastructure protocol (SIP) that is the foundation
of the collaborative DDoS defense scheme atop multiple ISP domains.
• Chapters 4 and 5 report the distributed collaborative defense scheme that is against
brute force based DDoS flooding attacks. The change aggregation tree (CAT)
based detection scheme and the malicious flow identifying and cutting off
(MAFIC) algorithm atop adaptive packet dropping are discussed in detail
• Chapters 6 and 7 address the stealthy, hard-to-detect low-rate TCP-targeted DDoS
attacks. A novel approach combining the frequency domain spectrum analysis and
hypothesis-testing framework is proposed. This scheme can accurately and
effectively detect and filter off low-rate DDoS attack flows.
• Chapter 8 summarizes the major contributions of this dissertation. I will also
discuss the limitation of current solutions and indicate future research directions.
Chapter 2
Related Works
This chapter briefly reviews the reported works closely related to this dissertation
including the development of Internet security protocols and the state of the art research in
DDoS attack defense schemes.
2.1. Overview of Internet Security Protocols
A number of protocols have been developed to secure the Internet. Each addresses
one or more facets of the problem, but there is no “magic dust” that can solve all security
problems by sprinkling it on the network. Current standard Internet security mechanisms
address three security problems: 1) Confidentiality, dependable cryptography to avoid
information eavesdropping, 2) Authentication, a strict access control method to block illegal
access, and 3) Integrity, techniques such as digital signatures to detect unauthorized
revisions. Essentially, these measures are on the information security track and provide
protection by information hiding.
The one time password scheme [Hal98] makes password guessing attacks very
difficult and is robust in response to replay attacks. HMAC [Kra97] suggested a shared-
secret authentication technique based on the fact that both sides know the same secret key.
TLS [Die99] provides an encrypted authentication channel on top of TCP using certificates.
SASL [Mye97] provides a framework for negotiating, authentication, and encryption
mechanisms to be used over a TCP stream. A combination of TLS and SASL can make up
the shortcomings of TLS where only servers have certificates as SASL permits the use of
more traditional client authentication technologies.
SSH [Ylo06] provides a secure connection between client and server. It operates
very much like TLS, but is optimized as a protocol for remote connections on terminal-like
devices. GSS-API [Wra00] provides a framework for applications needing authentication,
integrity, and/or confidentiality. Compared to TSL applied atop TCP, GSS-API can be easily
used with UDP-based applications. Kerberos [Koh93] also provides a mechanism for two
entities to authenticate each other and exchange keying material. It may be used by itself in a
protocol, or it also could be used as a mechanism under SASL and GSS-API. DNSSEC
[Eas99] digitally signs DNS records to prevent DNS cache contamination attacks. It in turn
can be used to defeat name-based authentication and to redirect traffic to or past an attacker.
With encryption and digital signatures embedded, Security/Multiparts [Gal95] are preferred
for email protection. OpenPGP [Cal98] and S/MIME [Ram99] use certificates to identify
users and provide secrecy and authentication of email messages.
Among all these works, the Security Architecture for the Internet Protocol (IPsec)
[Ken98a], [Ken98b], [Ken98c], [Pip98], [Tha98] is most relevant to my work. IPsec
provides security services at the IP layer to protect both IP and upper layer protocols. The set
of security services it can provide includes access control, connectionless integrity, data
origin authentication, confidentiality, and limited traffic flow confidentiality. IPsec uses
Authentication Header (AH) [Ken98b] and Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) [Ken98c]
protocols to provide traffic security.
Although sharing similarities with IPsec since both are installed at the IP layer, SIP
handles threats of different nature. Like other standard Internet security protocols, IPsec is
also designed under the philosophy that end-to-end security is better [Bel98]. IPSec tries to
not rely on the security of the infrastructure. It protects the communications from the end
hosts. When faced with today’s distributed attacks against Internet infrastructures, IPSec is
not capable of serving our purpose effectively.
2.2. DDoS Attack Defense Schemes
Basically, DDoS attacks consist of two phases. The first phase is to recruit a zombie
army by gaining access and installing zombie software in vulnerable machines. The second
phase is to launch an attack against the ultimate victim. Therefore defense schemes can be
divided into two categories: preventive and responsive approaches. The former is to prevent
attackers from recruiting individual machines as zombies by reducing the chance of being
compromised. These defense schemes are more related to works in intrusion detection and
malware prevention areas. The responsive approaches correspond to the second phase of
DDoS attacks after the attacker has already recruited his/her zombie army. They are
designed to defend launched attacks.
This dissertation focuses on a responsive approach. Hence, this section focuses on
the state of the art DDoS attack detection and responding schemes. In general, tackling
DDoS attacks entails three critical issues: (1) Timely detection, 2) Accurately identifying the
machines participating in forwarding malicious flows and (3) Incisively cutting off the
malicious flows at those machines. For example, through some response mechanisms (e.g.,
traceback [Bel03b]), the victim may be able to identify the ingress routers that participate in
forwarding the malicious flows. Such routers are called Attack Transit Routers (ATRs)
[Cai04]. The next step is to instruct these ATRs to segregate malicious flows from legitimate
ones and preferentially block all malicious flows.
2.2.1. Detection Techniques
To defend against DDoS attacks efficiently, a real-time detection of network
anomalies is preferable. When DDoS attacks are launched, there are some features in traffic
that will signal the anomalies. The most often used features in today’s detection techniques
include 1) surges in traffic volume, 2) diverse source IP addresses, and 3) content features.
Traffic volume is the most common and direct feature used to detect abnormal
network activities. Traffic congestion may suggest that an overwhelming amount of packets
is coming and rate limiting mechanisms are required [Mah02]. Bro [Pax99] is a general-
purpose network intrusion detection system (IDS) that monitors the traffic volume over a
network link. However, Bro itself becomes the victim of DDoS attacks [Cro03].
Sample/hold and multistage filters are suggested to identify large flows [Est01]. They are
faster than other traffic measure methods using DRAM such as Cisco’s NetFlow [Cis03]. A
MUti-Level Tree for Online Packet Statistics (MULTOPS) is proposed by [Gil01], which is
a tree structure that detects ongoing bandwidth attacks. However, it is ineffective when an
attack is launched through multiple distributed sources or the source spoofing is used.
It is simple to detect attacks by monitoring traffic volume. However, this method
fails to distinguish the flash crowd from real attacks. In both cases, the traffic volume
increases quickly. Early research reveals that source IP spoofing is common in DDoS attacks
and a lot of new addresses appear during the attack [Jun02]. Therefore, source IP monitoring
(SIM) is developed to detect DDoS attacks [Pen03], [Pen04]. The argument is that when a
flash crowd happens, most of the addresses appeared before. In contrast, in DDoS attacks
more new addresses appear. A cumulative sum algorithm was developed to monitor the
amount of new IP addresses. However, it requires an offline database to keep track of IP
addresses in normal traffic.
Besides the traffic volume and source IP addresses, IP header contents or the
statistic properties in time and frequency domains are useful in detecting DDoS attacks
[Hus03], [Pap03]. The DDoS attacks usually cause some sudden change of variables of the
network, so the change point detection methods are currently widely used in finding the
attacks. Researchers at University of Michigan [Wan04] have suggested a centralized DDoS
defense scheme to monitor the change points at the gateway level. They adopted the
nonparametric CUSUM method to detect TCP SYN flooding attacks. Peng et al. [Pen03]
took a similar approach to monitoring the source IP addresses. Recently, Soule et al. [Sou05]
implemented a defense scheme that combines filtering and statistical methods. Under TCP
SYN flooding, the difference between the traffic volumes is distinguished by a CUSUM
algorithm [Wan04]. Once the sum exceeds a certain threshold, the TCP SYN DDoS attack is
detected. Some theoretical analysis was reported by Blazek, et al [Bla01] to model change-
point detection for DDoS defense.
2.2.2. IP Traceback Techniques
IP traceback aims to trace IP packets to their origins [Alj03] in order to stop the
malicious packets at their source. Under DDoS attacks, the source IP addresses of attack
packets are often spoofed. Therefore, we need extra information and methods to trace the
real source. We roughly divide current traceback techniques into the following categories
and summarize their properties.
• Link testing: the main idea is to start from the victim and go back to the upstream
links, and then determine which links carried the attack traffic. CenterTrack
[Sto00] traces back on an overlay network in a hop-by-hop manner. It uses IP
tunnels to reroute interesting datagrams directly from edge routers to special
tracking routers. The tracking routers then determine the ingress edge router by
observing tunnels. Hal Burch [Bur00] proposed to identify the path of attack
traffic through controlled flooding. One problem is that controlled floding itself is
a DoS attack since it induces local congestions and may cause bilateral damages
against innocent users. The major drawback of link testing techniques is that it is
very time-consuming to establish the attacking path.
• Messaging: routers send ICMP messages to the destination when an
extraordinarily large amount of packets are observed aiming the same target
[Bel01]. This mechanism is not sensitive to highly distributed attacks where each
individual zombie only sends a small amount of packets. And the ICMP packets
are often dropped when routers experience high data rates. Two revised schemes
[Man01], [Wan03a] are proposed to make up the weaknesses by introducing one
control bit or a special message. The messaging method increases the network
traffic and is not feasible under distributed attacks.
• Logging: Logging may be the most direct detection method for analyzing traffic
patterns. Although to store all the data in the network is impossible, probabilistic
sampling or storing transformed information is still feasible, for example, through
trajectory sampling [Duf00] and hash-based traceback methods [Sno01], [Bab02].
Although it needs excessive processing and storage requirements, logging
traceback may be a promising choice in active defense systems. It provides
relatively precise detection and doesn’t need a large amount of attack packets.
When the DDoS attack signature or deployment signature is detected, we require
the logging traceback to find the real source of the attacker. Then it is possible to
protect the victim before the suffering occurs.
• Packet Marking: The idea of packet marking is to insert traceback data into the IP
packet for marking the packet on its way through the various routers from the
attack source to the destination. Probabilistic Packet Marking (PPM) [Sav00],
[Sav01] is the main method of packet marking. The assumption of PPM is that the
attacking packets are much more frequent than the normal packets. It requires less
traffic volume than ICMP traceback, but it encounters computational difficulties
as the numbers of attack sources increase. To perform a successful traceback,
enough packets must be collected to reconstruct each edge of the attack path and
then the full attack graph. Moreover, PPM is vulnerable to some attack of adding
falsified information to the packets, for example, Groups Of Strongly Similar
Birthdays (GOSSIB) [Wal02].
2.2.3. Congestion Control Techniques
A myriad of algorithms have been designed for rate-control packet dropping used in
areas such as congestion control, network traffic management or active queue management.
Notable examples include RED [Flo93], CHOKe [Pan00], etc. However, these algorithms
cannot be applied in fighting against DDoS attacks because a successful algorithm should
identify the malicious flows even if they behave well before they arrive the victim network.
Furthermore, the algorithms should also keep the false positive rate low to avoid
unnecessary adverse effects on legitimate user traffic.
To fight against the negative impacts resulting from the increased application of
non-congestion-controlled best-effort traffic on the Internet, Floyd and Fall [Flo99] argued
for the necessity of congestion control mechanisms in routers to identify and restrict the
bandwidth usage of selected high-bandwidth best-effort flows. Three approaches to
identifying misbehaving flows are suggested: (1) identify flows that are not TCP-friendly;
(2) identify unresponsive flows; and (3) identify flows using disproportionate bandwidth. On
the other hand, an alternative solution is the per-flow scheduling or fair-queuing. There are
several other efforts that are based on this idea. Representative examples can be found in
ECN [Flo94], Robust ECN [Spr03], TFRC [Han03], RAP [Rej99], WEBRC [Flo00],
[Lub04], and ATCP [Par01].
TCP trunking [Kun99] is used to implement TCP style congestion control on
aggregated traffic streams sharing the same pair of starting and ending routers. By installing
the management TCP connections at both ends, UDP or any other un-responding flows will
also be constrained in their bandwidth usage. The management TCP connection mechanism
allows the TCP trunk to have guaranteed minimum bandwidth (GMD). Beyond that, a TCP
trunk can use higher bandwidth that is available. This approach is helpful to control
aggregated traffic streams sharing a pair of common routers. However, in combating DDoS
attacks, the flows we want to monitor only contain one useful piece of identifying
information—the packets have the same destination. Their source IP addresses are often
spoofed. Therefore, it is a baffling question as to whether we can treat them as a trunk just
based on the same destination IP and, perhaps, the port number.
Targeting on the aggregate congestion control for distributed multimedia
applications, Ott et al. [Ott04] suggested an approach that inserts a new protocol layer on top
of IP and below the TCP/UDP layer. Using the Coordination Protocol (CP), a cluster
Aggregation Point (AP) identifies Cluster-to-Cluster application packets and attaches
network probe information to each. Essentially, this new protocol layer performs the
congestion control functionality corresponding to an aggregate level higher than IP packets.
An explicit congestion control mechanism is adopted based on calculating the RTT (round-
trip time), available bandwidth, loss rate, etc. The major drawback of this approach is the
need to modify the protocols implemented in routers, at least routers playing the role of AP.
2.2.4. Flow Filtering Techniques
Segregating and filtering off malicious flows without hurt legitimate traffic is the
main goal for defenders. From the point of view of deployment, filtering can be classified as
ingress filtering [Fer00] and egress filtering [San00]. Ingress filtering is deployed on the
external interface of a network and drops all spoofed incoming packets. For example, the IP
addresses belong to its internal network. On the other hand, egress filtering is applied on the
internal interface of a network to deal with the packets going out. In the same way, egress
filtering drops all the packets that do not have their local network addresses. It would be an
efficient defense scheme against DDoS attacks if these filtering mechanisms are widely
accepted and deployed, because they could perfectly stop all spoofed packets travelling
through the Internet. Furthermore, the filtering mechanisms help to traceback any packet’s
original source, since they force users to send true IP addresses. However, these mechanisms
are not widely deployed by the ISPs or even resisted because of liability problems.
Roshan Thomas proposed a legitimacy-based DDoS filtering scheme, NetBouncer
[Tho03]. It maintains a legitimacy list to differentiate malicious packets and legitimate
packets. If the packets are not on the list, NetBouncer will proceed to administer a variety of
legitimacy tests to challenge the client to prove its legitimacy. However, this scheme has not
been tested in real network environment.
Another filtering mechanism that has been proposed is Hop-Count Filtering [Jin03].
The idea is that although the attacker can forge any field in the IP header, the number of
hops an IP packet takes to reach its destination cannot be falsified. So Hop-Count Filtering
(HCF) could be mainly applied to filter the spoofed IP packets. It extracts the TTL
information from the IP head to compute the hop-count, then by comparing the computed
hop-count with the stored hop-count, the likely spoofed packets are identified. Because this
method still has a false positive rate, it takes no action to defend attacks until in the action
state. Steven J. Templeton also found that the final TTL values from an IP address are
generally clustered around a single value [Tem03], but no solution has been provided.
2.2.5. Deployment Tradeoffs
Different options exist regarding where the DDoS defense is deployed. MULTOPS
[Gil01] and D-WARD [Mir05] suggested filtering or rate limiting on suspicious flows at the
source end. The security managers often focus on protecting their own networks and choose
local detection approaches [Car06]. For instance, the COSSACK [Pap03] and DefCOM
[Mir03] deploy detectors at the victim side and send an alert to filter or to a rate limiter
located on the source side. Chen and Song [Che05a] proposed a perimeter-based defense
scheme for ISP to enable anti-DDoS services for their customers. Their scheme relies on the
edge routers to identify the flooding sources and use rate-limiting filters.
There are different options regarding the location where the DDoS detection and
filtering modules should be deployed based on different assumptions. In the D-Ward project
[Mir05], the localized attack detection is performed at the source edge network. However,
the lack of motivation and high false positive rates prevent such egress points filtering
techniques from being adopted widely.
In contrast, in the COSSACK project [Pap03], researchers chose to observe traffic
using watchdogs deployed at the ingress/egress points of the target network. Once traffic
volume anomalies are detected, a watchdog sends an alarm to other watchdogs asking them
to perform flow screening. However, the premise of this design is that other edge networks
are willing to act cooperatively. Unfortunately, no one can guarantee that networks located
in different countries managed under different rules may behave accordingly.
Recognizing those drawbacks, researchers made reported efforts to loosely couple
more complicated functions with IP protocol [Kat97] to implement DDoS detection in the
core of the network [Pap03]. There are two major concerns that prevent their further steps.
The first one is that the multi gigabyte data rate prevents the heavily burdened core routers
from sharing too much capability to perform appreciable traffic analysis for security.
Secondly, it is difficult to decide a threshold which indicates whether the traffic volume is
beyond the range of normal variance.
DefCOM [Mir03], [Mir05b] is the reported research that is most close to my effort.
It builds a distributed peer-to-peer network of cooperative defense nodes scattered
throughout the Internet. It divides the peer nodes into three categories according to the
assigned functions. An alert generator detects the attack and delivers the alarm to the rest of
the peer network, a rate limiter puts rate constraints on high volume traffic destined for the
victim, and a classifier performs selective rate limiting by differentiating legitimate and
attack packets.
Essentially, DefCOM makes efforts to integrate the D-WARD, COSSACK and core
routers with a peer-to-peer overlay. It still depends on the edge networks to cooperatively
run security programs like the watchdog of COSSACK and the D-WARD agents. As we
indicated previously, the anarchical culture of the Internet makes it impossible to have all
edge networks well behaved.
Another potential problem of DefCOM lies in the distributed allocation of alert
generator, rate limiter and classifier functions. In some cases, the malicious flows still travel
through the network before being filtered off by the rate limiter even if they were correctly
classified as malicious ones by the classifier. Also, it is doubtful whether the alerts can reach
classifier and rate-limiter modules timely while the victim network is overwhelmed by
2.2.6. Other Techniques
Recognizing that most DDoS attacks are launched automatically through certain
toolkits, researchers proposed to use human-centric interfaces to distinguish human users
and automated zombies [Sta05a]. The connections cannot be established unless they are
validated at any of the entry points using either a cryptographic authentication mechanism or
a Graphic Turing test to distinguish humans from attack scripts [Die00]. Thus, the DDoS
attack bottleneck is shifted from the server to the high-performance routers deployed around
the server. MOVE [Sta05b] and GORE [Cho05] are based on similar principles.
Yau and his colleagues [Yau05] proposed to install “appropriate” throttles at
distributed routing points to protect a server system from being overwhelmed by excessive
service requests. The max-min fair queue mechanism is proven effective for filtering off
traffic generated by aggressive attackers. Essentially, it is a rate-limiting mechanism
installed on the upstream routers of the server being protected. A minority first scheme is
suggested to provide good quality of service (QoS) to sources that use the network resources
properly and poor QoS to resources that use network resources so excessively as to result in
network congestion [Ahn03]. The major weakness of the queue analysis based approaches is
that the source address spoofing makes it challenging to perform flow identification.
Recently, a more aggressive approach called speak-up is proposed to defend DDoS
attacks using offensive strategies [Wal06]. With speak-up, the server under attack
encourages all clients to generate a higher volume of traffic if the resource permits. In this
manner, the good traffic may crowd out the malicious attack traffic and capture a larger
portion of the server’s resources. Authors claim that this approach is effective for defending
servers against application-level DDoS attacks. One potential problem of speak-up is that the
link bandwidth could exhaust when all clients respond actively. It is possible to incur
congestions in the network on links where both attack traffic and legitimate flows travel by.
Other un-related traffic sharing the links may suffer.
2.3. Summary
This chapter overviews the state of the art research in defense against DDoS attacks.
Today’s DDoS detection systems are mostly based on detecting the flooding consequences
rather the causes of traffic surges [Car06], [Cha02a], [Hou01], [Moo01], [Sch97], [Spe04].
Flooding consequences are displayed by the congestion of communication links [Mah02], an
overflow in a half-open SYN queue [Lem02], or an imbalance between incoming and
outgoing traffic on router ports [Wan04]. Unfortunately, the damage has already been done
when these flooding consequences are observed. Thus, it is highly desired to detect the
launching of DDoS attacks at a very early stage, instead of waiting for the flooding to
become widespread.
Looking at the defense schemes discussed in this chapter, almost all reported DDoS
attack defense schemes conform to the end-to-end paradigm. This paradigm prevents a real
distributed defense scheme from being constructed. Therefore, this dissertation explores a
new method of performing DDoS defense in the core network. This dissertation proposes a
strategy to defend DDoS attacks from the ISP’s perspective. By pushing traffic monitoring
and management functionalities into intermediate networks, multiple ISP networks can
collaboratively obtain a larger spatiotemporal vision of the traffic. By applying the approach
of cooperating crossing domains, we can timely detect and respond to DDoS attacks before
the damage is done.
Chapter 3
Secure Infrastructure Protocol for IPv6
Traditional security protocols focus on information security that protects the
confidentiality, integrity and authentication of network connections. However, attacks on
Internet infrastructure aim at undermining service availability, network stability and
reliability. This chapter presents a secure infrastructure protocol (SIP) that provides a
platform on which multiple ISP networks can work cooperatively to defend against DDoS
attacks. In the long-term, SIP can be an integrated part of the IPv6 standard to make a robust
infrastructure for the next generation Internet.
3.1. Motivation
There is sufficient motivation for ISPs to deploy a distributed DDoS attack defense
mechanism throughout their networks. First of all, ISPs can monitor whether their
infrastructure is under attack or is being used to transfer attack traffic. Secondly, ISPs can
help each other to defend distributed attacks by identifying and performing rate-limiting
against the attack traffic. Additionally, such a robust infrastructure could be a selling point
from a marketing perspective. More customers may be attracted if an ISP claims that using
its networks leads to less breakdown experiences.
In my approach, routers monitor local traffic aggregation patterns and exchange
detected potential anomalies with other routers under the same authority. Since they are
under the same authority, ISPs can ensure that all routers work cooperatively and follow the
same rules. Even if there is a random fluctuation in legitimate traffic, routers can get rid of
most of the false alarms by communicating and reinforcing each other’s suspicious alarms. I
believe that such a communication needs to be implemented inside the core networks as a
light-weight out-of-band mechanism.
One concern is that the SIP approach violates the end-to-end principle, which is one
of the Internet’s original principles. However, the end-to-end arguments are not offered as an
absolute. There are functions that can only be implemented in the core of the network, and
issues of efficiency and performance may motivate core-located features [Blu01]. When the
Internet was created, it was supposed to be used by scientists and engineers who were
willing to behave well and cooperatively. After decades of development, the Internet has
stepped out the ivory tower and has become the most popular platform and infrastructure for
the general public. It also attracts users with various backgrounds and different motivations.
Like any community, malicious users and abusers are unavoidable.
Today, there is less and less reason to believe that we can trust other end-points to
behave as desired. The loss of trust leads to the end of the early model of the Internet – a
group of mutually trusting users attached to a transparent network. On the other hand, there
are more demanding applications that cannot be satisfied by non-guaranteed services
provided according to the best-efforts model. Instead, they require more sophisticated
Internet services that can ensure a certain quality of service. Real-time video and audio
streaming delivery are typical examples. Therefore, making the network more trustworthy
and robust, while the end-hosts cannot be trusted, implies more mechanisms in the core
networks to enforce desired behavior. Blumenthal and Clark [Blu01] indicated a new
principle considering the fact that efforts of putting more functions inside the Internet
jeopardize generality and flexibility as well as historic patterns of innovation. The new
principle indicates that elements implementing invisible or hostile functions to the end-to-
end application have to be “in” the network in general. As a result, the application cannot be
expected to include that intermediate element voluntarily.
3.2. SIP Overview
Obviously, the distributed DDoS attack defense schemes match Blumenthal and
Clark’s new principle. DDoS defense technologies need to be integrated into the network
infrastructure and need to be done in a coordinated manner across the backbone [Mar02].
The sources of DDoS attacks are malicious end users and they take advantage of the best-
efforts based intermediate networks. Victim end-hosts cannot protect themselves by
enforcing the security measures of local networks. It is imperative to implement DDoS
defense schemes transparently in the core networks to end applications.
I propose the SIP protocol, a light-weight protocol that can be deployed inside the
ISP core networks. Basically, SIP provides a secure and efficient platform supporting traffic
monitoring, flow analysis, packet scanning, and packet filtering functions at the router level
in ISP domains. The SIP elements are routers in core networks and a SIP server in each ISP
domain. Cooperation between ISPs is achieved through message exchanging among SIP
servers. Routers belonging to different domains won’t communicate with each other directly.
To serve this purpose, a 3-level communication model is adopted as illustrated in Fig. 3.1.
Inside a domain, routers exchange information with peer routers and report locally
detected traffic anomalies to the domain SIP server. SIP servers perform two roles. At the
intra-domain level, servers collect alerts or anomaly reports from routers and perform traffic
analysis to identify whether there is attack traffic traveling through the domain. At the inter-
domain level, SIP servers communicate with servers located in other domains. Due to
privacy concerns, ISPs are often reluctant to reveal inside information to competitors, such
as topology, bandwidth configuration, or capabilities. Hence, aside from managing the
information exchange, SIP servers also are in charge of security policy negotiations. The
next section provides a more detailed discussion of trust negotiation.
Figure 3.1 Three levels of communication used in the SIP (secure infrastructure protocol)
between two SIP servers in two ISP networks.
SIP is a lightweight protocol that is suitable for supporting Internet infrastructure
security, where the network-layer collaborations among routers are desired. Atop SIP, many
security functions such as the detection and isolation of worms, DDoS attack detection, or a
distributed intrusion detection systems (IDS) [6], [32] can be implemented in the core
network without help from end hosts. SIP provides a secure information exchanging
mechanism in a layer closer to the physical network inside the ISP networks compared with
application layer security models.
The SIP is not an IP multicast protocol in a traditional sense for two important
reasons. In the vertical direction of the network layer model, SIP protocol sits on top of the
IP layer and is transparent to transport layer protocols. From the perspective of deployment,
SIP holds its responsibility as limited in routers of a physical network. There are no end
hosts or edge network servers involved.
The purpose of SIP is to provide a mechanism that enables lower layer (layer 3)
network devices to communicate with other devices without interference from the end hosts.
To cope with the performance demands of core network routers, this protocol is designed to
be implemented using specialized embedded hardware in routers.
3.3. Inter-Domain Trust Control
ISPs often adopt different security policies. In addition, ISPs do not want
competitors to map their networks, the available bandwidth limits and so on even if the ISPs
are working in a collaborative DDoS defense agreement. The SIP addresses the privacy issue
at the policy level instead of authentication, authorization, or channel encryption. Based on a
multilateral security trust negotiation framework called Adaptive Trust Negotiation and
Access Control (ATNAC) suggested by Ryutov et al. [Ryu05], I propose a simple and
feasible trust management scheme. Using this scheme, SIP can help establish trust among
ISPs and enter a collaborative DDoS defense system agreement. By trust negotiating, ISPs
can determine how much private information is allowed to be shared with others.
Combining GAA-API and TrustBuilder schemes, ATNAC regulates when and how
sensitive information is disclosed to other parties and captures dynamically changing system
security requirements. An ATNAC framework enables a user to detect and thwart attacks on
electronic business transactions, adaptive information disclosure and resource access policies
according to a level of suspicion. ATNAC also supports a cost effective trust negotiation.
Compared with e-business applications that involve multilateral trust negotiation in a
dynamic manner, the cooperative operation among ISPs is more stable. Therefore, such a
complicated scheme as ATNAC is unnecessary.
Each SIP server needs to perform a trust negotiation once only when an ISP network
joins the collaborative defense. As show in Fig. 3.1, the inter-domain information exchange
is through SIP servers. The trust level determines how much sensitive information can be
disclosed when detected anomalies are reported. When an ISP decides to join a collaborative
defense agreement with its peers, the administrator sets up the trust levels.
SIP currently possesses three trust levels. The highest one is the full trust (FT), the
second one is basic trust (BT), and the lowest one is no trust (NT). Their meaning is
straightforward. With full trust, the SIP server will provide all necessary information that
describes the characteristics of the detected anomaly. With basic trust, the SIP server only
sends some statistic information that contains no private and sensitive data. When there is no
trust established, there is no cooperative activity. The contents of detailed information being
transferred in communication also depend on the type of anomalies detected. This is varied
among different concrete problems. Figure 3.2 illustrates how trust levels control the
information sharing.
When a SIP server detects anomalies in an ISP domain, the server checks the trust
levels corresponding to the peer domains in the trust level table. Then according to the
information sharing police associated to each trust level, the server determines how much
information needs to be sent along with an alert to a cooperative domain.
For example, in the detection of DDoS flooding attacks as discussed in Chapter 4,
the detailed information describes the spatiotemporal pattern of traffic surge propagation.
Such pattern reveals the network topology of the ISP. Without full trust, the ISP may not be
willing to let the competitor map its inner topology. Therefore, alternatively the SIP server
only transfers a statistical description of the pattern such as the profile of the pattern,
including how many nodes, the height of the CAT, the width of the CAT and so on.
Figure 3.2 Illustration of trust based information sharing.
3.4. Message Functionality and Format
This section presents the messages used in SIP protocol in detail. Each SIP node is a
layer-3 network device (router or gateway) in an AS supporting the SIP. Messages are
designed to serve the functions described in previous subsections. Their formats and data
fields are varied accordingly. Table 3.1 summarizes the abbreviations used throughout the
3.4.1. Message Discription
Before a node can send messages reporting locally detected anomalies, it must
establish a multicast tree called Local Multicast Tree (LMT) that consists of its peer nodes.
Meanwhile, a node has to join a LMT to receive anomaly alerts from its peers. The depth of
the tree is determined by how wide the area monitored by the node. In this manner, each
node is the root of a multicast tree and also is a child in multiple multicast trees rooted by its
Table 3.1 Abbreviations and Definitions in SIP Messages
Abbreviation Definition/Default Setting
Local Multicast Tree
LMT Root Advertisement message
LMT Set Up message
Local Anomaly Alert message
Anomaly Detail Request message
Anomaly Detail Reply message
The maximum number of minutes the node status is alive / 30 min.
The allowed maximum interval between subsequent LRA / 12 min.
The allowed minimum interval between subsequent LRA / 8 min.
The maximum delay for response to the LSU message / 10 sec.
When there is no anomaly being detected, the SIP nodes periodically multicast LMT
Root Advertisement (LRA) messages through their multicast interfaces, announcing their
alive status and indicating a lifetime. Each node maintains a LMT and resets the lifetime of
the sender as the predefined MAX_LIFE_TIME on receiving a LRA message if the lifetime
field is zero.
When a new node joins the domain or restarts from power off, it broadcasts a LMT
Set Up (LSU) message to ask for immediate LRAs, without the requirements of waiting for
the next periodic ones to arrive. The Distance field of the LSU packet is set as the maximum
hops that the LMT can cover. If and only if there is no LRA response in 2 MAX_RES_DLY,
the node broadcasts LMT again. On receiving a LSU message, the receivers add a child node
to their LMT along with responding with a LRA message.
The default LRA message multicasting rate is once every 10 minutes, and the
MAX_LIFE_TIME default value is 30 minutes. In real-world implementation, the LRA
advertisements are not strictly periodic. The interval between subsequent transmissions is
randomized to reduce the probability of synchronization with the advertisements from other
nodes on the same link.
For this purpose, SIP nodes maintain a separate transmission interval timer for each
advertising interface. Each time a multicast advertisement is sent from an interface, that
interface’s timer is reset to a uniformly distributed random value between the configured
MAX_ADV_INT and MIN_ADV_INT. Expiration of the timer will trigger the next
advertisement multicasting and a new random value is set. The default set of
MAX_ADV_INT and MIN_ADV_INT are 720 seconds and 480 seconds respectively.
A similar mechanism is adopted corresponding to the LSU message in order to avoid
synchronous answers flooding the sender. The unicast responses are delayed for a small
random interval no greater than the MAX_RES_DLY that is set to 10 seconds by default.
When traffic anomalies are detected, the node multicasts a Local Anomaly Alert
(LAA) message to its children on the LMT. On receiving a LAA message, a receiver will
perform security actions accordingly. At the same time, the receiver resets the lifetime of the
node that generates the alert. Consisting of alerts only, the LAA messages won’t cause much
overhead to the network. The alert types and countermeasures depend on the concrete
If a node is interested in more detailed information regarding the received alert, it
may “pull” what it want by sending an Anomaly Detail Request (ADQ) message in response
to LAA message. The alert generating node will return the requested information in an
Anomaly Detail Reply (ADP) message. This pair of messages provides a mechanism for
nodes to make more accurate decisions.
3.4.2. Message Format
Similar to an ICMP packet, SIP messages are also encapsulated in IP packets. The
message source address is the IP address belonging to the interface from which this message
is sent. The Protocol field is set to a value reserved for SIP. The destination address is the IP
address of the node to which the message is sent. My discussion focuses on the SIP message
format. The field of the IP header is discussed only if it is closely related to certain SIP
messages. Figure 3.3 shows the format of SIP messages and Table 3.2 summarizes the value
and meaning of each field in the SIP message.
Figure 3.3. Format of a SIP Messages.
Table 3.2 Definitions of SIP Message Fields
Field Value Definition
0 This is a normal SIP message
1 Error control message in SIP
0 LMT Root Advertisement message
1 LMT Set Up message
2 Local Traffic Pattern message
3 New Node Join message
4 Local Anomaly Alert message
5 Anomaly Detail Request message
6 Anomaly Detail Reply message
The 16-bit one’s complement of the one’s
complement sum of the SIP message, starting with
the SIP Type. For computing the checksum, the
checksum field set to 0.
Distance Indicate the depth of the multicast tree
Lifetime The number of minutes the node is available
Central Server IP Address The IP address of the central SIP server
Connection Interface ID
The physical port to which the new node is
New Node IP Address
The IP address of the new node seen by the
Alert Code
Indicate the category of the anomaly detected.
Currently, we specify code 1 for low-rate DDoS
attacks and 2 for flooding DDoS attacks.
Alert Level
Describe how dangerous, emergence of the alert.
Or the confidence level of this alert.
Alert Seq. Sequence number of the alert message
Req. Seq. Sequence number of the detail request message
Anomaly Description Payload Detailed information of the alert requested by peer
Upstream Port Number The number of upstream branches of this pattern
Downstream Port Number
The number of downstream branches of this
All SIP messages share the same ICMP Type value 128 and are separated from each
other by different Code numbers. LRA and LSU messages are used to establish and maintain
the LMT. The Distance field indicates the range of cooperation and also the size of LMT.
The Lifetime is used to notify the peers of the availability status of the sender. If the Lifetime
field is set to zero, the receiver refreshes it to the default MAX_LIFE_TIME. The Alert Code
field in the LAA message specifies the category of anomalies detected, and the Alert Level
field is used to indicate the degree of danger, emergence of a threat, or the confidence level
of an alert.
To request more detailed information of a received alert message, the request
initiator has to indicate which alert message it is interested in. The ADQ message consists of
Alert Code, Alert sequence number, and a Request Sequence number. The Alert Code and
sequence number are necessary to specify the alert. The request sequence number is used to
verify the answer. Along with the timestamp in the IP header, sequence numbers are used to
track the status of received alerts. Also, they serve against play-back attacks.
3.5. Potential Applications
SIP is not designed only for the purpose of DDoS attack detection as described in
this dissertation. In fact, SIP is designed to provide a high efficiency information exchanging
mechanism in a layer closer to the physical network. This is helpful to avoid the
performance punishment resulting from the lack of awareness of underlying network
structures. The items defined in LMT could be used with great flexibility. For example, the
usage of Distance item is essentially a metrics to measure a group of nodes. It could be
defined according to certain applications instead of using the number of hops. For instance,
each node may be assigned a unique ID, the distance could be the number of difference bits
in their IDs; or SIP nodes could be arranged in a peer-to-peer fashion, and a distributed hash
table (DHT) based routing scheme could be used.
Besides the traffic monitoring tasks, SIP is a protocol in which various network
layer security applications such as the detection and isolation of worms, DDoS attack
detection, or the distributed intrusion detection mechanisms can be implemented. Similar to
the research in multicast mechanisms, research in these security areas are also trying to
design overlay networks on top of physical networks to achieve high bandwidth utility, high
throughput, low latency, and low management overhead.
SIP is an ideal candidate for the hardware implemented network security protocol
because of its simple data formats. One major challenge in making network fabric robust
against malicious Internet infrastructure attacks lies in the conflict that routers cannot afford
to execute security functions due to limited computing power. Implemented in
reconfigurable hardware, SIP can push the traffic anomaly-monitoring task to a lower layer
of the packet processing procedure. The suspicious traffic patterns are detected even before
the traffic hits the routing fabric in the core of routers. Currently, I am implementing SIP and
its application in low-rate DDoS attack detection atop a Xilinx Vertex IV FPGA device,
which supports a MicroBlaze soft-processor and FFT cores.
3.6. Summary
Protecting the Internet infrastructures from malicious attacks has been a compelling
task. As tremendous damages may be caused before the end hosts realize them, end hosts
based defense systems cannot respond swiftly to anomalies that happen inside the network.
To push security functions into the core network, I propose SIP protocol that enables layer 3
intermediate network devices to monitor traffic anomalies collaboratively.
SIP protocol is different from traditional IP multicast, application layer multicast,
and overlay network multicast protocols that have been reported previously. In the vertical
direction of the network layer model, SIP protocol sits on top of the IP layer and is
transparent to transport layer protocols. From the respective of deployment, SIP holds its
responsibility limited in routers of a physical network. No end hosts are involved.
I verified the usability of SIP protocol through experiments on a distributed
cooperative DDoS attack detection scheme. Implemented on top of SIP, my algorithms
effectively improved the detection accuracy against low-rate DDoS attack streams. The
experiment on DETER testbeds revealed that SIP is an efficient platform on which network
security schemes can be implemented.
The SIP messages are designed concisely to avoid incurring much communication
and processing overhead. In addition, it may not be as intrusive to the network code as the
IPsec protocol. SIP prefers support from specially designed hardware while being
implemented in core network routers, but it is primarily for the performance concerns, not
mandatory requirements.
To make SIP a standard protocol for next generation networks, my efforts will take
two directions. The first is further experiment on more applications on top of SIP. In this
dissertation, I developed mechanisms atop SIP to defend against flooding DDoS attacks and
shrew DDoS attacks. More applications, for example, the early detection and containment of
Internet worms, will be developed. Secondly, I will be implementing SIP on the platform of
reconfigurable hardware. Implementation atop reconfigurable hardware platforms using
FPGA or network processor units are capable of carrying out meaningful work without
incurring much impact on the system throughput.
Chapter 4
Detection of DDoS Attack in Multiple ISP
This chapter focuses on the distributed change-point (DCP) detection based scheme
for early detection of flooding DDoS attacks. Beginning with a brief introduction to its
rationale, this chapter presents the algorithms of the crossing domain collaborative detection
on top of a change aggregation tree (CAT). The results of this experiment on the DETER
testbed verifies that the DCP scheme is effective.
4.1. Introduction
To defend against distributed denial of services (DDoS) attacks, we wish to achieve
real-time detection of incurred network anomalies. Thus, it is highly desired to detect the
launching of DDoS attacks at the earliest stage, instead of waiting for the flooding to become
widespread. However, at the early stage of a DDoS attack, the traffic changes are difficult to
detect because very little fluctuations in traffic are observable at aggregate traffic levels.
Due to the high data rate in today’s Internet, routers cannot afford much computing
and storage resources for security purposes. That makes monitoring the Internet traffic at
individual flow level cost prohibitive to cover all possible flows that identify using the 5-
tuple {source IP address, destination IP address, source port number, destination port
number, protocol}.
To be cost-effective, we propose to monitor the traffic at a superflow level. A
superflow contains all packets destined for the same network domain from all possible
source IP addresses, using any port numbers, and applies various protocols such as TCP or
UDP, etc. This level lies between the level of large-scale aggregate traffic and individual 5-
tuple marked flows. This approach is inspired by the classless inter-domain routing (CIDR)
idea [Ful93]. All packets of a superflow have the same destination domain IP address.
When a DDoS attack is launched, attacking flows converge toward the victim host.
Therefore, we can observe that abnormal traffic volume surges on routers along the paths of
aggregation. Usually these changes in traffic flows present a directionality converging
towards the victim. Random fluctuations incurred by legitimate traffic flows do not present
such converging properties. Once a DDoS flooding attack has been launched, the
spatiotemporal traffic pattern tends to form a tree. By recognizing such tree-like traffic
anomaly patterns, we can detect the DDoS attacks. To each individual router, such patterns
are observed as directionality and convergence in spatiotemporal distribution changes of
traffic volumes as a pattern of varied combination of different incoming and outgoing ports.
Routers that have observed the anomaly traffic surges are referred to as attack-transit routers
(ATRs) since they participate in the transferring the malicious attacking flows.
Motivated by the desire to have lightweight detection with low complexity [Bel03],
[Che05], [Wan04], we propose a distributed change-point (DCP) detection architecture
using a new mechanism, called change aggregation tree (CAT). Supported by the
communication platform provided by SIP, this CAT mechanism obtains a global vision of
traffic surge propagation. Inside the ISP domain, the routers detect abrupt changes of
superflows at individual levels. The CAT server uses the traffic change patterns collected by
ATRs to construct the local CAT subtree, which represents the attack flow propagation
pattern. In addition, CAT servers belonging to different domains send the local constructed
CAT subtree to the destination domain that is identified by the domain IP address of the
superflow. Subsequently, the CAT server in the destination domain merges the received
CAT subtrees from other servers to form a global CAT tree.
The global CAT tree is rooted at the last- hop router to the edge network where the
victim resides, the nodes on the tree are ATRs, and the edges are links between ATRs
whereby the malicious attacking flows travel towards the victim.
4.2. Framework of Distributed Change-Point Detection
The DCP scheme detects the start of DDoS flooding attacks by monitoring the
abrupt traffic changes at distributed network points. Once a sufficiently large CAT tree is
constructed that exceeds a certain preset threshold value, a suspicious attack is declared. This
section presents the principles behind the DCP system. In this section, the issue of change
detection is conducted at the level of individual routers. In next two sections, we will extend
the DCP scheme across network domains.
4.2.1. Distributed Change-Point Detection System
Figure 4.1 presents the system architecture of the DCP scheme. The system is
deployed over multiple AS domains. There is a central CAT server in each domain. The
system detects the traffic changes, aggregates detected changes, and collects alerts over
collaborative CAT servers. Routers are in charge of attack detection and raising alert,
whereas the CAT servers aggregate distributed alerts. The root of the CAT is located at the
last-hop domain server. Each tree node corresponds to an attack-transit router (ATR). Each
tree edge corresponds to a link between the attack-transit routers.
The CAT servers at different domains could form an overlay network or
communicate with each other through virtual private network (VPN) channels or an overlay
network. The router monitors the incoming and outgoing traffic flows at its input and output
ports. Periodically, each router reports the traffic status to the CAT server in its domain. If a
router observes abrupt traffic variations, which are far above the historical average, an alert
message is sent to the CAT server. The server is responsible to construct the CAT tree for
the entire domain. The CAT server also exchanges CAT information with other domain
(a) Multi-domain defense system (b) Inter-domain communications via VPN tunnels
or overlay network atop the CAT servers
Figure 4.1. Distributed change-point detection of DDoS flooding attacks over multiple
autonomous systems (AS) or multiple AS domains.
In the sequel, AS domains and ISP core networks are used interchangeably. The
CAT detection scheme does not need to specify an absolute threshold on the volume of
traffic. The detection is done by checking the number of nodes (routers) raising the alerts
from the CAT subtree. Figure 4.2 illustrates how a CAT subtree is constructed at a single
domain server. Figure 4.2(a) shows a flooding attack launched from 4 zombies, the routers
that are located along the routing path to the victim detect an abnormal surge of traffic at
their I/O ports. They report the suspicious flows with the involved upstream and downstream
routers to the CAT server.
Using Algorithm 4.2 that is to be discussed in section 4.4, the server constructs a
CAT rooted at the end router R0 in Fig. 4.2(b). The server recursively scans through all
upstream routers to construct the tree. The CAT presents a traffic-flow tree pattern rooted at
the router connected to the edge network, where the victim is attached. With sufficient
exchange of alert information from related domains, the system can detect the DDoS
flooding attack at a very early launching stage, before the super-flows can reach the victim
(a) Traffic pattern of a DDoS flooding attack (b) CAT subtree rooted at router R0
Figure 4.2. An illustration of change aggregation tree (CAT) constructed at
the end router (R0) connected to the victim system.
4.2.2. Change-Point Detection Principle
In change-detection problems, if pre-change and post-change distributions are
known, the CUSUM statistic has been suggested as a way to solve the problem [Bla01]. Due
to the lack of such statistical distribution models, we adopt a non-parametric approach for its
simplicity and independence to distributions. Let t
, t
, …. , t
be discrete time instants and
, i) be the number of packets received by a router during time slot m at port i. The
historical estimate average number of packets ) , ( i t X
is defined iteratively by:
) , ( ) , ( ) 1 ( ) , (
i t x i t X i t X
m m m
⋅ + ⋅ − =
α α (4.1)
where 0 < α < 1 is an inertia factor showing the sensitivity of the long-term average behavior
to the current traffic variation. Higher α implies more dependence on the current variation.
We define below S
, i) as the deviation of input traffic from the average at time slot t
)} , ( ) , ( ) , ( , 0 max{ ) , (
i t X i t x i t S i t S
m m m in m in
− + =
The subscript in indicates that this is the statistics of the incoming traffic. While a
DDoS flooding attack is being launched, the cumulative deviation is noticeably higher than
the random fluctuations. Since S
, i) is sensitive to the changes in the average of the
monitored traffic [Bla01], I measure the abnormal deviation from historical average as
follows. The deviation from average (DFA) is the ratio of such an attack indicator. The
incoming traffic DFA is defined below at time t
and at port i:
) , ( ) , ( ) , ( i t X i t S i t DFA
m m in m in
= (4.3)
If the DFA exceeds a router threshold β, the measured traffic surge is considered a
suspicious attack. The threshold β measures the magnitude of traffic surge over the average
traffic value. This parameter is preset based on previous router use experience. In a
monitoring window of 100 ms to 1 s, a normal superflow is rather smooth due to the
statistical multiplexing of all independent flows heading for the same destination [Jia05]. If
there is no DDoS attack, we expect a small deviation rate far below β. In section 6, we will
discuss the impact on the performance of the CAT detection scheme when β is chosen
between 2 ≤ β ≤ 5. Let τ be the earliest time when a router detects abnormal deviation in
traffic volume. This time instant is formally defined below:
} ) , ( / ) , ( : min{ β τ ≥ = i t X i t S t
m m in m
For outgoing traffic, we define y(t
, i) as the number of packets in time t
leaving at
port i and ) , ( i t Y
be the historical average of the number of leaving packets. Similarly:
) , ( ) , ( ) 1 ( ) , (
i t y i t Y i t Y
m m m
⋅ + ⋅ − =
α α (4.5)
)} , ( ) , ( ) , ( , 0 max{ ) , (
i t Y i t y i t S i t S
m m m out m out
− + =
Using above equations we can calculate the deviation of current traffic volume
compared to the historical average volume. Then the combination of input and output port
gives us a clue to tell how incoming traffic surges go through the router. Such patterns are
used to segregate different traffic conditions at routers. Next section shows how to use these
equations and parameters to detect the abrupt changes in traffic volume for certain
superflows. Please note that the word “abrupt” does not imply a huge fluctuation amplitude.
As long as the surge is obvious in the monitoring window, that change is an abrupt change.
4.3. Change Detection at a Single Domain
This section shows how a CAT server in a single domain constructs the CAT subtree
using collected anomaly patterns from ATRs. Before introducing the algorithm of tree
construction, we discuss the principle of anomaly detection at individual routers.
4.3.1. Anomaly Detection at Router Level
Each router monitors traffic variations and counts the packet number within each
monitory window at each I/O port. We use the term traffic pattern to refer to the
combination of traffic surges at all I/O ports of a router. In general, a router with m-input
ports and n-output ports may encounter 2
possible traffic patterns. The height of the black
boxes in Fig.4.3 signifies the magnitude of traffic volume at the relevant links. The raised
block height indicates a surge detected and the lower height stands for normal traffic flow.
(a) Flow through (b) Partial Aggregation
(c) Full Aggregation (d) Scatter Pattern
Figure 4.3. Four basic traffic patterns of traffic changes at a 2 х 2 router I/O ports
All packets of a superflow must be homing towards the same destination network.
Before entering the destination domain, the flow paths present a converging homing-tree
pattern. Only at the destination domain, the superflow scatters packets towards a particular
edge network specified by the destination IP address. There exist 16 possible traffic patterns
for a 2 х 2 router.
For simplicity, we illustrate in Fig.4.3 only 4 basic traffic patterns at a 2 х 2 router
with m = n = 2. The remaining 12 traffic patterns can be specified similarly.
a. Flow-through pattern: This traffic pattern is shown in Fig. 4.3(a). The router
forwards the entire traffic flow from an input port to a selected output port without
subdividing or diverting the traffic to other outgoing ports.
b. Partial aggregation pattern: All the incoming flows are merged at one outgoing
port i
, not all incoming flows contain traffic surges as shown in Fig. 4.3(b).
c. Full aggregation pattern: The outgoing flow merges multiple incoming flows, all
containing traffic surges exceeding the threshold β. This router is considered a
merge point on the attacking path (Fig.4.3(c)).
d. Scatter pattern: The incoming flow scatters at this router. This pattern is not part of
a DDoS attack (Fig. 4.3(d)). This pattern is observed only in the destination domain.
Another statistical parameter, deviation ratio (DR), is defined below to measure the
ratio of incoming packets from port i
have propagated to output port i
. DR is the ratio of
traffic deviations between the input and output ports.
) , ( ) , ( ) , (
in m in out m out out in
i t S i t S i i DR = (4.7)
If DR > 1, the router amplifies the input deviation. This corresponds to a full surge
of traffic volume. DR ≈ 1 implies the router merely plays the role of a forwarder. This
phenomenon is observed in the partial surge at one input port. Meanwhile, the case of DR <
1 indicates that the incoming wave is scattered to multiple ports. It is not part of the
convergence traffic of DDoS attacks. Therefore, by checking the DR value, a router
determines whether the pattern is part of a CAT tree incurred with a DDoS attack. To be
more precise, we specify a local detection algorithm for suspicious traffic patterns here.
When a router detects that a DFA
exceeds the deviation threshold β, it calculates the
deviation rate between the outgoing and incoming ports. If DR is close to or larger than one,
the traffic aggregation pattern is considered suspicious. The router generates an alert
message and reports the pattern to the server. Otherwise, the router sends a regular status
message indicating no anomaly observed.
Essentially, the DR specifies how much of the incoming traffic surges is propagated
through the router. This DR measure is directly related to the detection rate. Below is the
pseudo code of Algorithm 4.1 for local change detection at the router level.
Algorithm 4.1: Attack detection at router level
Input: x(t, i) and y(t, i): Incoming and outgoing packets at time t and port i, respectively
) , (
i t X
m −
: Historical average of packet arrivals up to time m-1 at port i
) , (
i t Y
m −
: Historical average of outgoing packets up to time m-1 at port i
Router detection threshold β based on past experience
Output: Alert messages sent to the central CAT server.
01: Update historical average of I/O packets in a flow
02: Calculate DFA
using Eq. (4.3)
03: If DFA
≥ β Then
04: Calculate DR using Eq. (4.7)
05: If DR ≈ 1.0 Then
06: Suspicious pattern detected. Send out an alert message to CAT server.
07: Else
08: Nothing suspicious. Send out a regular status message CAT server.
4.3.2. CAT Subtree Construction Algorithm
This section describes the details of CAT subtree construction at each CAT server in
a single network domain. Each network domain generates a local subtree based on locally
collected information. The global CAT tree is generated by merging all subtrees. While the
flooding traffic merges at the victim end, the routers along the paths capture suspicious
traffic patterns. In this section, we concentrate the subtree construction in a single network
domain. Algorithm 4.2 specifies the subtree construction at a single domain CAT server.
The router also reports the ID of a superflow causing the traffic surge. Besides the
number of upstream and downstream routers, the alert message provides the upstream and
downstream router IDs. Since all routers are under the same authority and work
cooperatively, each router knows their immediate neighbors connected through the ports.
The alert message provides information for the server to include the routers in the CAT
subtree. Table 4.1 summarizes the information carried in a typical alert message from an
attack-transit router.
The major purpose of sending the flow status message is to report where the
suspicious flows are captured. To indicate the location of a suspicious flow, the router
identifier has to be sent. It is also mandatory to identify the superflow identifier of the n-bit
prefix of the destination IP addresses. To construct the CAT, the status report provides the
upstream and downstream router identifiers instead of router I/O port numbers. Since all
routers are under the same ISP authority and work cooperatively, each router knows their
immediate neighbors. Using the reported status information, the domain server detects
suspicious attacks based on the CAT tree constructed. To clarify the control flow, this
construction process is specified by a flowchart in Fig. 4.4.
Table 4.1. Information in an Alert Message Sent from a Router
Parameter Brief Definition
Router status
The router ID,
The superflow ID
Number of upstream nodes
Number of downstream nodes
node ID of upstream node
node ID of downstream node
Suspicious attack or normal traffic
Algorithm 4.2: CAT Subtree Construction in a Single Domain Server
Input: Traffic alert messages received from all routers In the same AS domain
Output: A data structure describing the CAT subtree constructed in this domain
01: Read all suspicious patterns in and arrange them according to router ID
02: Start from the suspicious node with minimum ID R
03: root Å R
04: read the upstream node number up_num
05: read the downstream node number dn_num
06: node_number Å node_number + up_num - 1
07: While up_num > 0
08: Read in one upstream node R
09: Add R
as a leaf node
10: scan through its upstream nodes
11: up_num Å up_num – 1
12: End While
13: While dn_num = 1
14: Read the downstream node R
15: root Å R
16: node_number Å node_number + 1
17: Scan through other upstream nodes of new root;
18: dn_num Å dn_num of the new root
19: End While
Figure 4.4. Control flow in constructing the CAT subtree specified in Algorithm 4.2.
The output of Algorithm 4.2 is a single-domain CAT subtree similar to the one
shown in Fig.4.2(b). The CAT tree is specified by a hierarchical data structure. The tree
starts from the root node, which carries the superflow ID, the number of routers involved,
root node ID, and the count of child nodes at the next level. The next level lists the
information pair {L1 node ID, count of children at next level L2}. This process continues
until reaching the leave nodes of the tree. The CAT subtree is eventually sent to the CAT
server of the destination domain. In Algorithm 4.2, the domain server constructs the CAT
subtree based on collected status reports from the routers. Routers which detected no attacks
are not involved in the tree construction.
Figure 4.4 illustrates the process flow of CAT subtree construction. Starting from
the node R
with a minimum ID, the CAT server takes it as the root node. The server scans
through upstream child nodes identified by up_id. This descendent search is performed
iteratively until the leaf nodes are reached.
If there is a downstream router R
, we take router R
as the new root and repeat the
procedure. Meanwhile, the descendent search procedure is repeated for all upstream routers
of root R
. Then we check the downstream router of R
and repeat the procedure until the
downstream router is out of the domain boundary.
4.4. Merging CAT Subtrees from Multiple Domains
This section describes the extension of the single-domain detection scheme that is
used to work on multiple network domains. After presenting the mechanism of cross-domain
attack detection, we analyze the complexity of the global CAT tree growth.
4.4.1. Global CAT Tree Construction
In a DDoS flooding attack, the attacker often recruits many zombies widely
distributed over the Internet. The flooding traffic may travel through multiple AS domains
before reaching the edge network, where the victim is physically attached. Routers at the
upstream domains observe the suspicious traffic flows earlier than routers at the downstream
networks. Our DCP detection system was designed to have strong collaborations among all
domain servers along the superflow paths. Algorithm 4.3 specifies the merge of CAT
subtrees for detecting DDoS attacks across multiple network domains.
Algorithm 4.3: Global CAT Tree construction and detection decision
Input: CAT subtree description from participating domain servers,
the server detection threshold θ.
Output: The global CAT tree over multiple AS domains.
Raise the alert for an imminent DDoS attack.
01: Construct the local CAT sub-tree (Algorithm 2) periodically
02: Receiving sub-trees from other CAT servers
03: If local subtree exists, Then Check the superflow ID,
04: If this domain is the destination domain, Then Set distance r = 1
05: Merge subtrees from domains at distance r to the current global tree
06: r Å r+1
07: While { there are un-checked sub-trees }, generate the CAT profile
08: If CAT profile ≥ θ Then DDoS attack is detected and raise an alert
09: Else Check the root router position
10: If root router is connected to other domain
11: Then Sent the global CAT tree to the destination domain server
12: Else Raise an attack alert based on the global tree merged
The CAT subtrees constructed at all traversed domains must be merged to yield a
global CAT tree at the destination domain. The final declaration of a DDoS attack is the
result of threshold detection using the global CAT tree. During such an event, not only does
the victim network launch appropriate countermeasures, but some traceback actions are also
taken by all attack-transit routers along the superflow paths. The actions include dropping of
suspicious packets or rate limiting against the flows.
The global CAT tree shows the propagation pattern of flooding attack flows.The leaf
nodes are directly related to the zombies used. The height of the global CAT tree
corresponds to the superflow hop count. Some highly distributed attacks may recruit
thousands or even millions of zombies, the global CAT tree may cover a wide area on the
Internet. Therefore, we use the global CAT tree profile θ as a global detection threshold. The
CAT profile indicates how many routers have observed abnormal traffic surges.
Thus θ is an integer bounded by the domain size or by the number of ATRs. The tree
width and height thus reveal the scope of the DDoS attack. Through experiments on the
DETER testbed, we obtain the global detection threshold value by training from some attack
datasets. These threshold values have yielded the highest detection rate and lowest false
positive rate during the training period.
On receiving subtrees from upstream CAT servers, the CAT server in the destination
domain builds the global CAT tree from its local subtree. Once the global CAT tree is
formed, the server compares the CAT profile with the global detection threshold θ to decide
on a DDoS attack. An alert is raised and necessary countermeasures are triggered,
Figure 4.5 shows an example network environment involving 6 AS domains. The
victim system is located in the AS1 domain. Zombies are scattered widely in the Internet
outside the illustrated domains. By detecting abnormal traffic changes in each domain, the
CAT server creates a CAT subtree locally at each domain using Algorithm 4.2.
Figure 4.5(b) shows three steps taken to merge the 6 subtrees generated by 6 CAT
servers of 6 AS domains. All 6 subtrees have resulted from checking the packets belonging
to the same superflow traffic destined for the same domain AS1. Five subtrees generated at
AS 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 at upstream domains are sent to AS1 at Step 2. Then, the concatenated
CAT subtrees are connected to the downstream subtree at AS1. Thus the global CAT tree is
finally rooted at the last hop router to an edge network R0 that is attached to the victim
(a) DCD architecture over 6 domains
(b) Merging 6 subtrees to yield a global CAT tree
Figure 4.5. An example 6-domain global CAT tree construction environment
4.4.2. CAT Tree Growth Complexity Analysis
The complexity of the CAT growth is analyzed below based on Internet topology
data available from open literature [ISO06], [Sig03]. Figure 4.6 illustrates the process of the
CAT tree growth out of merging subtrees from closer to remote domains. Let r be the logical
distance of an AS domain to the destination domain. The server checks the received subtrees
in increasing order of distance r. The system merges the subtrees from ASs located in
distance r = 1 first to form a partial global tree. Next, it merges the subtrees from domains at
distance r = 2. The merging process repeats with distances r = 3, 4, until all subtrees are
merged into a large global CAT tree.
Figure 4.6. Merging CAT subtrees from nearby domains to outer domains to build
the global CAT tree, where AS 0 is the victim destination domain
I analyze below the complexity of global CAT tree growth at intra-domain and inter-
domain levels. Periodically, the routers monitor traffic conditions and report anomalies to
the server in the domain. The local setting parameters α and β affect the size of the local
CAT subtrees constructed at routers. Given a domain consisting of N routers, the number of
alerts that CAT server receives is proportional to N. The passing-threshold CAT subtrees
constructed (Algorithm 2) equal to the number of alerts received by the server. Therefore,
the detection time is approximated by O(N) within each domain. Of course, different domain
sizes (N) may end up with specific variable subtree generation times.
At the inter-domain level, the complexity of global CAT tree merging is highly
dependent on the network topology. We treat the Internet as an undirected graph G of M
nodes and E edges. The diameter of the graph is denoted as δ. Siganos et al. [Sig03] models
the Internet neighborhood as an H-dimensional sphere with a diameter δ. H is the dimension
of the network topology [Fal99]. For example, H = 1 for a ring topology and H = 2 for a 2-
dimensional mesh. Any two nodes are within the effective diameter, δ
hops away from each
other. Faloutsos estimated δ
by the following expression:
= δ (4.8)
As of Feb. 28, 2002, the dimension of Internet was calculated as H = 5.7 in an
average sense. The ceiling of this diameter δ
is thus set to 6. Let NN(h) be the number of
domains located at distance h from a typical domain in the Internet. Table 2 gives the
domain distribution – the probability of an AS domain residing exactly h hops away from a
reference domain , and the exact number of domains in that distance range.
Table 4.2. Internet Neighborhood Distribution in August 2006 [ISO06]
Hop Count, h 1 2 3 4 5 6 ≥ 7
Domain Distribution, p
0.04% 8.05% 38.55% 38.12% 12.7% 2.25% 0.29%
Domain Count, NN(h) 14 2,818 13,493 13,342 4,445 788 102
Although the actual number of Internet AS domains keeps increasing with respect to
time, the Faloutsos reports [Fal99] and [Sig03], indicated that this AS distribution is pretty
stable over time. This implies that a packet can reach almost all domains in the Internet by
traversing through 6 hops. Therefore, we set the maximum hop count r
= 6 in Fig.4.6. Let
be the probability of having AS domain located at distance h from the reference point.
The average number of domains used to build a global CAT tree is upper bounded by:
× =
) (
p h NN T (4.9)
Substituting the entries in Table 2 into Eq.(4.9), we obtain the expected domain
count T = 14×0.004 + 2818×0.0805 + 13493×0.3855 + 13342×0.3812 + 4445×0.127 +
788×0.0225 + 102×0.0029 = 11,097 domains used in various Internet applications. This
domain count posts a loose upper bound on the expected number of ISP domains involved in
building the global CAT tree. In reality, only a handful of the ISP-controlled AS domains
may commit to defending DDoS attacks, collaboratively. On the conservative side, consider
5% of ISP AS domains are committed to defend DDoS attacks, collectively. Thus the above
upper bound could be reduced to only 168 ISP domains, provided that they all conform to
the distribution in Table 4.2.
In actuality, as long as the partially merged CAT tree profile exceeds the detection
threshold θ, the decision process can be ended much earlier. Our DETER experimental
results suggest that at most 4 to 8 out of 16 domains will suffice to detect TCP SYN and
UDP flooding attacks. Based on these 25% to 50% domain involvement, we find, on the
average, that the DCP detection system can scale well to cover T×30.3%×5%×(25% to 50%)
= 42 to 84 domains in ISP controlled domains. The actual number of AS domains involved
could be even fewer, if the whole defense system is built by collaboration among domains
controlled by a single ISP or just by a handful of cooperative ISP companies.
4.5. Experiment Results and Performance Analysis
We verify the performance of the newly proposed DCP detection scheme with
DDoS attack experiments on the DETER testbed [Ben06], [DET04] at USC ISI, which
consists of more than 200 nodes. The experimental setting and performance results are
reported below.
4.5.1. Introduction to DETER Testbed
The DETER (Cyber Defense Technology Experimental Research) [DET04],
[DET05] test-bed is a computer facility to support experiments in a broad range of cyber-
security research projects, including those experiments that involve "risky" codes. Figure 4.7
is taken from the DETER project web page [DET04], it shows a schematic of the DETER
test bed. This diagram omits the detailed configuration of the DETER control plane, since
this should not be relevant to most users. The functional paths are shown as dotted lines.
'Boss' Server
User Acct &
Data logging
N x 4 @1000bT
Data ports
N @100bT
Control ports
‘User’ Server
Control Network VLAN
DETER Project – Aug 04
Node Serial
Line Server
Power Serial
Line Server
switch mgmt
Ethernet Bridge
with Firewall
Programmable Patch Panel (VLAN switch)
Figure 4.7. Schematic of DETER Test-bed [DET04]
The DETER test-bed is designed to provide an experimental environment in which
government, academic, and industry cyber-security researchers can safely analyze and
measure attacks and develop attack mitigation and confinement strategies. DETER testbed is
being developed and operated by the DETER project funded by the National Science
Foundation (NSF) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Participating
organizations are USC/ISI, UC Berkeley, and McAfee Research.
DETER is constructed using the cluster testbed technology developed by the
University of Utah and known as "Emulab". A cluster is a set of experimental nodes in a
single room, interconnected through a programmable "backplane" or “patch panel”, which
can dynamically establish a distinct network topology for each experiment. The DETER test
bed includes two clusters, one at USC ISI (ISI) and one at UC Berkeley (UCB). Within each
cluster, there are one or more sets of identical nodes. The script for an experiment may ask
for allocation of nodes from any single set or from a selection of these sets of nodes. In the
DETER test bed, each node is a PC machine with significant disk storage, at least 2MB of
memory, and four 10/100/1000bT Ethernet interfaces to the programmable patch panel.
Table 4.3 lists the hardware information of the test-bed.
Table 4.3 Hardware/Software Information of DETER Test-bed
Category Hardware Information Software Information
• 64 PC733 PC nodes: Dual 733MHz Pentium III processors
• 8 PC2800 PC nodes: Dual 2.8GHz Pentium 4 Xeon
• 30 PC2800 PC nodes: located at UC Berkeley
• FreeBSD 4.7
• RedHat Linux 7.3
• RedHat Linux 9
• A users and file server
• Two serial servers for console access
• One series server for console access at UC Berkeley
• A DB, web, DNS and operation server
• Serial server for power controllers
• Remote power controllers
• Two power controllers at UC Berkeley
• One Cisco 6509 high end switch
• One Foundry FastIron Edge Switch 9604
• One Foundry FastIron 1500 Switch at UC Berkeley
• A Dell P4 2.8GHz FreeBSD running PC as a router
• Four Ethernet ports on each PC node are connected to the
testbed backplane.
• All 288 ports can be connected in arbitrary ways by setting up
VLANs on the switches via remote configuration tools.
• The fifth Ethernet port on each PC is connected to the
Foundry FastIron.
Under the control of an experimental script, the Emulab control software
automatically allocates a set of free nodes and sets up the interconnections to allow a
particular experiment to proceed. The control software automatically loads kernels and other
software into the nodes and configures the VLAN switch, firewalls, NFS mount points, and
other system parameters to isolate it from any other experiments that may be running
simultaneously. Control of the PCs is then turned over to the experimenter.
To define and set up an experiment on the DETER test bed, a user (i.e., an
experimenter) defines a configuration using a scripting language that is derived from the
"ns" simulation language. In accordance with this script, the test bed control plane allocates
nodes, loads the specified disk images, and starts the experiment.
4.5.2. Experiment Setup
To evaluate the performance of the CAT-based DDoS detection system, we allow
variations in network topology, background traffic, and attack generation. We adopt the real-
life ISP topologies downloaded from the Rocketfuel Project at University of Washington
[And06]. We report below the DETER results on up-to-16 collaborative domains. Within
each domain, we consider a typical configuration of 7 to 12 routers. Due to the limited nodes
in the DETER testbed, we choose the smallest ISP configuration topology from the
Rocketfuel dataset.
For example, 34 routers were simulated over 4 AS domains. The link bandwidth
among the network domains was set at 100 MB/s. To generate the background traffic closer
to reality, we use the OC48 trace dataset from the CAIDA project [Mon96] and regenerate
Internet traces using the Harpoon traffic generator [Som04]. To generate DDoS attacks, we
use the toolkit Stacheldraht V4 [Dit00]. Stacheldraht can generate ICMP and UDP, TCP
SYN flooding and Smurf attacks.
4.5.3. Performance Metrics
The performance of our DCP detection scheme is evaluated with three metrics:
detection rate, false-positive alarms, and system overhead. All metrics are measured under
different attacks using TCP, UDP, and ICMP protocols. The detection accuracy is measured
using three metrics: the detection rate R
, false-positive rate R
, and the receiver operating
characteristic (ROC) curve. The detection rate R
is defined by:
= a / n (4.10)
where a is the number of DDoS attacks detected by our DCP system and n is the total
number of attacks generated by the toolkit Stacheldraht during experimentation. Now
consider the experiments on regular traffic containing no DDoS attacks. Let p be the total
number of alerts raised by the CAT server out of m CAT trees constructed for normal traffic
without any attacks during one monitory window. The false-positive rate R
is defined by:
= p / m (4.11)
The ROC curve shows the tradeoff between the detection rate and false-positive rate.
Section 6.4 reports the detection accuracy measured under different detection thresholds.
Another critical issue is the time overhead to detect the launch of DDoS attacks. The
average detection time τ measures from the start of a DDoS attack to the time to raise the
attack alarm. The monitory window should be greater than this detection time.
4.5.4. Impact of DCP Parameters
To evaluate the effectiveness of the DCP detection scheme, through DETER testbed
experiments we studied the impact of choosing different value of inertia factor α in the range
(0.1, 0.5), the router detection threshold β in the range (2, 5), and the monitoring period τ in
the rage of (100ms, 1000ms). Below we report the number of alerts raised at routers and
analyze the CAT subtree properties.
We used 34 routers divided into 4 ASs in the DETER testbed. When the traffic
fluctuation exceeds the deviation threshold β, the router raises the alerts. Otherwise, no alert
is raised, if no anomaly is detected at router ports. Figure 4.8 compares the total numbers of
alerts raised by the routers with SYN flooding compared with the cases of no attacks. More
alerts are raised with attacks, compared with the cases of no attacks.
Figure 4.8. Total alerts raised plotted against the router threshold applied on 34 routers
in 4 AS domains using a 500 ms monitoring window
The two left bars in Fig.4.8 in each group correspond to heavy-dependence on the
past average traffic. Under attacks, the leftmost bars stay around 20 alerts, rather insensitive
to increasing threshold β. Without attacks, the second (gray) bars reduce from 12 to 5 alerts
as β increases. This implies that β = 3.5 is a good choice to distinguish attacks from no
attacks, when α is chosen as low as 0.1. The two right bars (fabric vs. black) are associated
with the aggressive choice of a high inertia factor α = 0.3. The fabric bars with attacks are
much higher than the black bars without attacks. For α ≥ 0.3 and β ≥ 3.5, the alert bars
reduce to zero, meaning attacks and no attacks are no longer distinguishable.
Figure 4.9 plots the global CAT tree profile in terms of the number of ATRs
involved. On the average, there are 20 router nodes (alerts) in the CAT subtree raised by
actual attacks, compared with fewer than 5 nodes in the tree triggered by regular traffic
without attacks. These results suggest an optimal router threshold β ≥ 3.5, when the inertia
ratio α is chosen as low as 0.1. With 20 routers involved out of 34 routers raised alerts, the
router alert rate is 20/34 = 58%.
Figure 4.9. Variations of the global CAT size over 4 AS domains in 500 ms monitoring window
Figure 4.10 presents the influence of monitoring window size on the total number of
alerts raised in 4 AS domains. We find the optimal monitoring window size w to be 100 ms
in DETER experiments. Figure 4.10 shows that 22 alerts are raised with attacks, compared
with only 3 alerts (false alarms) from no attacks. The false positive alarms increase steadily
with increasing window size. However, the number of 22 raised alerts from real SYN attacks
stays about the same level for all window sizes monitored.
Figure 4.10. The router alerts detected with and without DDoS attacks
plotted against the monitoring window size
4.5.5. Detection Accuracy
We study below the detection accuracy of the DCP scheme under TCP SYN, UDP,
and ICMP attacks with different packet rates. The reported results correspond to α = 0.1, β =
2.0, and w = 500 ms. In Stacheldraht [Dit00], the UDP and ICMP packet rate for each
individual zombie is adjustable through setting different UDP and ICMP packet sizes. The
longer is the packet length, the lower is the packet rate. The TCP SYN attacks use a fixed
packet size of 64 bytes with a fixed packet rate. The maximum UDP and ICMP packet sizes
are limited to 1024 bytes in Stacheldraht. We observed similar detection rate for TCP SYN
and UDP/ICMP attacks with 128-byte packets. Table 4.4 below lists the packet rate of
different flooding types we used in our experiments.
Table 4.4. Stacheldraht packet size vs. packet rate
128 bytes 512 bytes 1024 bytes
UDP 66k packet/second 21k packet/second 12k packet/second
ICMP 60k packet/second 20k packet/second 12k packet/second
TCP SYN Fixed 64 bytes packet size, 62k packet/second
The accuracy is reflected by having higher detection rate. The False positive alarms
should be maintained as low as possible. Tradeoffs exist between these two measures.
Figure 4.11 plots the variances of the detection rate (Eq.4.7) with respect to different
server detection threshold θ applied. The TCP SYN attack has the highest detection rate
close to 100% for θ ≤ 12. The low-rate UDP attacks have a lower detection rate than that of
TCP attacks. For UDP attacks that have 512-byte packets, the detection rate can be kept
above 80% with θ ≤ 9. As the packet size increases to 1024 bytes, the detection rate drops to
zero when θ ≥ 7. These results suggest that in order to maintain high detection rates on TCP
and UDP SYN attacks, we need to make θ rather low, such as θ = 5 and maximize the packet
size to 1024 bytes.
Figure 4.11. Effects of server threshold on the detection rate of 3 DDoS attack types.
Figure 4.12 plots the false positive alarm rate against the CAT server threshold θ.
The CAT incurred by random fluctuation in normal traffic is much smaller. With a server
detection threshold θ = 4, the false positive rate drops to less than 1%. However, the real
challenge lies in the fact that highly distributed attacks may use low packet rates to escape
from being detected [Sou05]. Only after sufficient attack flows are merged, the deviation is
detected by the routers. Hence, a lower threshold is mandatory to make the detection
accuracy high with very low false positive rate as revealed in Fig.4.12.
Figure 4.12. Effects of threshold on false-positive rate
The ROC curve shown in Fig.4.13 reveals the tradeoffs between the detection rate
and false positive rate under different attack types. Our DCP detection scheme achieves a
detection rate as high as 99% with less than 1% of false positive rate for high-rate DDoS
Figure 4.13. ROC curve showing the tradeoff between detection rate
and false-positive rate
All three curves in Fig.4.13 support this claimed advantage. Even for low-rate UDP
attacks, our choice of low CAT threshold θ maintains a detection rate of 91% at a false-
positive rate of 23%. This result proves the effectiveness of the DCP detection system.
4.6. Scalability Analysis and Limitations
The complexity of DDoS attack patterns keeps growing as new vulnerabilities and
more sophisticated attack tools appear. To deploy a distributed security scheme in ISP core
networks, the scalability is often related to the network size, domain number, data rate, link
capacity, or router number involved.
This section studies the scalability of the DCP scheme in terms of detection
performance and system overhead experienced. Then we discuss flash crowd, security holes,
and limitations of the DCP system.
4.6.1. Domain Scalability Analysis
One advantage of cross-domain DDoS attack detection is its enlarged coverage area.
For a small AS domain, it is rather difficult to distinguish normal traffic fluctuations from
malicious flooding traffic. This is due to inadequate alert information collected locally. We
have to use the CAT subtrees constructed by upstream domains to assess the earlier impact
of the superflow traffic caused by the DDoS attack. Even before the target network is
overwhelmed, an early warning could be raised.
Through experiments on the DETER testbed, we studied the effectiveness of cross-
domain cooperation up to 16 AS domains. Figure 4.14 plots the detection rates of three
DDoS attack types against the number of domains involved. The detection rate becomes
saturated after sufficient number of AS domains are involved. The results are obtained under
the system settings: α = 0.1, β = 2.0, w = 500 ms, and θ = 5. Recall that we assume 8 to 10
routers per domain in the DETER experiments. With a small AS domain containing 8
routers, θ = 5 implies that more than half of the routers are generating alerts as attack transits
on the superflow path.
Figure 4.14. Scalability of the distributed change-point detection system
over increasing number of AS domains
For 64-byte TCP SYN and UDP attacks, the optimal domain number is 4. For UDP
512-byte packets, the detection rate saturates at 8 domains. For UDP 1024-byte packets,
again 4 AS domains would be sufficient. This implies only 25% (4/16) to 50% (8/16) of the
participating domains would be sufficient to detect the DDoS attacks.
With this proportion, we have assessed in section 5.2 the scalability of the DCP
system to cover 42 to 84 ISP-controlled AS domains in fighting the TCP SYN and UDP
flooding attacks, collectively. These numbers are manageable in real-life deployment of
DCP system, considering the added monitoring burden of the routers and the role of the
CAT server employed in each domain.
4.6.2. Other Options and Implementation Limitations
It is a big challenge to discriminate DDoS attacks from fluctuation of legitimate
traffic patterns, called flash events [Car06], [Jun02]. When flash crowd happens, the CAT
server creates a similar tree and could raise a false alarm. We suggest adding a few new
features to separate the real DDoS attack traffic from the flash crowd. The idea is to check
newly appeared source IP addresses. For each superflow, in addition to traffic volume, we
need to monitor the distribution of source IP addresses. More new source IP addresses will
appear in DDoS attacks than that in a flash crowd [Par01]. Packet content matching offers
another potential solution. However, this option is limited by packet payload being
encrypted or not allowed to be examined.
Compromised insiders are often the most difficult problem to solve in security
control. Infected routers may hide suspicious traffic patterns or send false alarms to the CAT
server. These false alarms can weaken the use of the CAT tree as a means of attack
detection. Our detection scheme is deployed in ISP core networks. We can make it more
robust by introducing a topology verification procedure. Knowing the network topology, the
CAT server is capable of rectifying the falsely reported traffic patterns according to the
upstream and downstream relationship. Single or limited number of Byzantine defectors
could be blocked this way.
As discussed in Section 4.4, the CAT server in the destination domain needs to
merge all received CAT subtrees for the purpose of global detection. The global CAT tree
actually provides useful information for traceback or pushback. In the literature, packet
marking offers another option to trace the path of attack flows [Alj03], [Ioa02], [Sun04] and
[Yaa05]. The victim launches traceback or pushback operations only after DDoS attack is
fully detected. In contrast, our DCP system finishes the traceback task as soon as the merged
CAT tree becomes sufficiently large. Our system pushes the defense line to upstream
domains, where traffic surges are first observed.
The analysis on average Internet topology suggests using at most 84 domains to
cope with TCP SYN and UDP flooding attacks. These correspond to the saturated detection
rate (98%) and low false alarm rate (below 1%). If we lower to 65% detection rate with and
higher false alarms (say 15%), the server detection threshold ( θ) can be further lowered. This
implies that fewer AS domains could make the global decisions. Based on DETER
experiments, we feel that it would be sufficient to involve only 28 ISP domains in detecting
DDoS flooding attacks.
4.7. Summary
It is critical to detect the DDoS flooding attacks at their early stage before damage
can be done to legitimate applications. This chapter discusses an early DDoS detection
scheme based on the new CAT mechanism. Our major contributions are summarized in 4
technical impact aspects:
1) Detect changes at attack-transit routers: Based on the anomaly pattern
detected in related network domains, our scheme detects a DDoS flooding
attack before the victim is overwhelmed. This approach captures the abrupt
traffic changes at attack-transit routers. The high detection rate of DDoS
attacks was achieved with very low false positive rates.
2) Scalable Performance over Multiple ISP Domains: Our DCP detection
scheme is suitable for deployment at the ISP core networks. The provider-
level cooperation can eliminate the need of intervention by edge networks.
Our FETER experimental results prove that 4 to 8 domains are sufficient to
yield 98% detection rate of TCP SYN and UDP flooding attacks. Based on
recent Internet AS domain distributions and the DETER domain coverage,
we conclude through an averaging analysis that the DCP scheme scales well
to cover up to 84 ISP-controlled network domains in real-life Internet
3) A New SIP Protocol for Trust Negotiation among AS Domains: To
support inter-AS collaboration, the SIP protocol is proposed to resolve
policy conflicts and regulate an alert message format. Our SIP protocol is
part of USC/ISI effort in securing Internet infrastructure against DDoS or
worm attacks [Che06a], [Ryu05] that threaten the availability, reliability,
and dependability of Internet services.
4) Valuable Design Parameters from Intensive DETER Experiments: We
have verified the effectiveness of the DCP scheme through intensive
experiments on the DETER testbed. The engineering data on the inertia
factor α, router threshold β, global detection threshold θ, and monitory
window size w are very useful design parameters for building future DCP
prototype or production systems against DDoS attacks in real-life Internet
Chapter 5
Identification and Filtering of DDoS
Attacks at Flow Level
Fighting against DDoS attacks effectively on the Internet has been a pressing task
which involves two critical issues: (1) accurately identifying the machines participating in
the forwarding of malicious flows, and (2) incisively cutting the malicious flows at those
machines. Our DCP scheme discussed in Chapter 4 is capable of detecting the DDoS
flooding attacks and allocating ATRs in domains that work cooperatively. This chapter
introduces MAFIC, a novel probing based packet dropping mechanism that can effectively
cut off malicious attacking flows and protect legitimate TCP flows with low collateral
5.1. Adaptive Packet Dropping Principle
The MAFIC algorithm handles two major challenges in identifying DDoS attack
flows: source IP spoofing and multiple distributed zombie utilization. There are two
scenarios at the extreme of the spectrum of IP spoofing. On one hand, all source IP addresses
are illegal or unreachable. On the other hand, all the attack packets carry legitimate source IP
addresses. Note that “legitimate” means that the source IP address of a packet is a valid
address of a certain subnet within a certain AS. It does not mean that the source IP address
represents the true IP address of the machine that launches the attack flows.
The algorithm handles DDoS attacks lying somewhere in between these two extreme
cases, that is, some IP addresses are bogus but some others are “legitimate” in the above
sense. For packets with illegal or unreachable source IP addresses, I place them in a data
structure called Permanently Drop Table (PDT) directly and drop all such kind of packets.
The rationale is that although probably they are not part of the DDoS attack we are fighting
against, we believe that they do not belong to any normal application. It could be safe to
drop all of such packets without affecting innocent users. Furthermore, if the packets carry
legitimate source IP addresses, I use addresses as part of the label of a flow instead of taking
count on that to figure out the sender. Then, all packets with the same label will be treated as
members of the same flow.
Many traffic management algorithms identify misbehaving flows by monitoring and
comparing their bandwidths with other flows sharing the link. One problem arises when we
apply such an idea in packet classification against DDoS attacks. As multiple zombies are
used to launch the attack concurrently, the traffic from each single zombie may behave well
by occupying bandwidth shares similar to general TCP-like traffic, or even less.
In view of this important observation, a MAFIC algorithm adopts an adaptive packet
dropping policy that segregates the malicious flows from others and minimizes the impact on
innocent users’ traffic flows. On receiving the notification of DDoS attacks from the victim
CAT server, each ATR begins uniform packet dropping proportionally. Afterward, a
Suspicious Flow Table (SFT) is established and flows of those dropped packets are recorded.
Meanwhile, the ATRs keep watching the variances of arrival rates of these
suspicious flows. If the arrival rate of a flow decreases accordingly, it is moved from the
SFT to the Nicely-behaved Flow Table (NFT) because it behaves properly in a TCP-friendly
manner. Otherwise, the non-responsive flows are added into PDT. An important point is that
even though such flows may not be malicious, their non-TCP-friendly behavior would not be
helpful for releasing the victim from the flooding of packets.
5.2. MAFIC Algorithm Design
In this section, we describe the detailed mechanisms of the MAFIC algorithm. The
pseudo-code of the algorithm is shown below. Although source IP addresses are generally
spoofed in attacking packets, they still give us some useful information. Thus, the 5-tuple
{Source IP, Destination IP, Source Port Number, Destination Port Number, Protocol}, is
used as a label to mark each flow in the table.
To minimize the storage overhead incurred by the extra lists added to implement my
Adaptive Packet Dropping Algorithm, the system stores only the output of a hash function
with the label as the input instead of the label itself. Figure 5.1 shows the protocol control
actions of the MAFIC algorithm. One critical issue in the algorithm is the value of the timer
used to check if the flow behaves according to the packet drop. Fortunately, RTT
information is available in most TCP traffic flows.
Figure 5.1. The protocol control actions of MAFIC algorithm.
(NFT: Nice flow table, SFT: suspicious flow table, PDT: permanently drop table)
To allow a moderate amount of time for the legitimate sources to respond, we use 4
x RTT as the timer. While a packet is dropped, the current time stamp is added into the SFT
along with the hashed label. Once more packets belonging to this flow arrive, the time
stamps are compared with the record and the arrival rate is updated. As soon as a flow is
found to have lowered its sending rate accordingly before the timer expires, it is moved to
NFT and no more dropping is done against its packets. Meanwhile, if the sending rate is not
decreased, the flow is moved to PDT and all its future packets are dropped.
5.3. Experimental Results and Performance Analysis
This section reports the experiment results using an NS-2 simulator. The
performance of the MAFIC mechanism is evaluated through the effectiveness of malicious
flow cutting off and the bilateral damages on legitimate flows. The simulation results show
that MAFIC is a promising approach to segregate attacking traffic from legitimate flows.
5.3.1. Simulation Setup and Performance Metrics
The MAFIC algorithm was implemented using the NS-2 simulator, which is a
widely recognized a packet level discrete event simulator [Net04]. A subclass of Connector
named as LogLogCounter is added to the head of each SimplexLink and a TrafficMonitor is
coded into the simulator to compute the traffic matrices. The LogLogCounter class is used to
compute the summary of distinct packets traversed through each router. When a packet is
forwarded to a particular link by the routing module on each node, the recv method of the
LogLogCouter object associated with this link is called. While triggered by the alert from
victim node, the LogLogCounter object begins to tentatively drop incoming packets
targeting the victim with certain probability, and puts the flow into the SFT.
Then it keeps monitoring the packets’ arrival rate for a time period of 4 x RTT. If
the incoming rate of the flow decreases accordingly, the LogLogCounter object moves the
flow into the NFT and will not drop any packets belonging to this flow in the future;
otherwise, it will put the flow into the PDT and all packets of that flow will be considered as
malicious attacks and dropped. The TrafficMonitor keeps track of all LogLogCounter
objects and for each time period, it is triggered to compute the traffic matrix using the set-
union counting algorithm. Notations used throughout result plots are listed in Table 5.1. The
default settings of parameters are listed in Table 5.2.
Table 5.1. Definition of Notations
Table 5.2. Default Setting of Parameters
5.3.2. Attacking Packet Dropping Accuracy
The attacking packet-dropping accuracy indicates how accurate the SFT/PDT
mechanism identifies the attack packets and drops them. Specifically, I define the accuracy
as the percentage of dropped malicious packets among total number of malicious packets
that arrive at the ATRs. Figure 5.2 shows the attacking packet dropping accuracy under
various traffic conditions.
(a) Under three suspicious packet dropping
probabilities: 70%, 80%, and 90%
(b) Under 4 source packet sending rates
from 100kbps to 5Mbps
(c) With 30, 50, 70, and 100 flows (d) For 4 fractions of TCP flows from 35% to 95%
Figure 5.2. Attack packet dropping accuracy of MAFIC algorithm under
different traffic conditions.
Figures 5.2 (a) and (b) show the attacking packet dropping accuracy results under
different traffic volumes. As can be seen, the MAFIC algorithm is very robust because the
accuracy is consistently within the range of 99.2% to 99.8% even under dramatically
different traffic conditions. In Figure 5.2 (c), very high accuracy is achieved with scenarios
where TCP flows accounted for 5% to 95% of total traffic flows. Even in the “worst” case,
accuracy around 99.2% is obtained. Figure 5.2 (d) presents the accuracy with different
domain sizes ranging from 40 to 150 routers, and the results show that the accuracy is mostly
around 99.8%.
5.3.3. Effects of Flow Cutting
In the design of algorithms to fighting against DDoS attacks, the responsiveness of
the defense scheme is one of the most critical considerations. Figure 5.3 shows the results of
variations of flow bandwidth before and after the MAFIC algorithm is invoked. As soon as
the MAFIC algorithm is triggered, routers begin to drop packets having destination
addresses matching the victim’s address.
As seen in Fig.5.3 (a), the arrival rate towards the victim is cut to a very low value
within a time period of 2 x RTT. By setting the dropping probability to 90%, the flows
targeting the victim links are cut off to about 95%. The results also indicate that the arrival
rates are cut down to 85% and 80% if we set the dropping probability to 80% and 70%,
respectively. In Figure 5.3 (b), 95% of the flows in the total traffic volume are TCP flows.
Packet rates decreased drastically as soon as the adaptive dropping algorithm triggered into
its probing phase. It is important to note that after the cutting of attacking flows, the
legitimate flows regain their bandwidth shares after they passed the test in the probing.
Figure 5.3 (c) shows the traffic rate at the 2 x RTT time after the adaptive dropping
algorithm has been triggered in scenarios in which a percentage of TCP among total traffic
varied from 5% to 95%. The results indicate that the MAFIC algorithm responds quickly as
soon as the attack is detected. Figure 5.3 (d) shows the flow bandwidth variations. It is
observed that the probing mechanism is indeed effective. Indeed, the higher percentage for
TCP flows, the faster the traffics is cut down.
(a) Under three packet dropping probabilities (b) Flow bandwidth variation
for 10 to 50 flows
(c) For packet dropping probability
of 80% over 10 flows
(d) Flow bandwidth variation for
TCP flows from 5% to 95%
(e) For 4 fractions of TCP flows from 35% to 95%
Figure 5.3. Traffic reduction rates and flow bandwidth variations of MAFIC algorithm
under different traffic conditions.
Similar to the results in Figure 5.3 (b), legitimate TCP flows quickly gain back their
bandwidth shares after the probing phase and non-responsive flows are cut off completely.
Figure 5.3 (e) shows the traffic reduction rates in different sized domains with router
numbers from 40 to 150. The results indicate that MAFIC algorithm responds quickly in a
highly scalable manner. With different percentages of TCP flows among total traffic, the
adaptive dropping algorithm cuts off more than 90% of the traffic in 2 x RTT time after
MAFIC is triggered into its probing phase.
5.3.4. False Alarm Rates
False positive rates ( θ
) and false negative rates ( θ
) are important parameters to
characterize the performance of detection algorithms against network attacks. A False
positive rate is defined as the percentage of legitimate packets wrongly dropped as malicious
attacking packets out of the total traffic packets. A False negative rate is the percentage of
attacking packets that were not dropped or hidden in the traffic to hit the victim node across
the defense line without being detected. While the θ
indicates the sensitivity and accuracy
of the detector, it also evaluates the impact on well-behaved applications. The θ
reflects the
effectiveness of the algorithm against malicious attacks. There is always a tradeoff between
the intrusion detection rate and the false alarm rate.
The simulation results on false alarms are plotted in Fig.5.4. The false positives are
shown in Figs. 5.4 (a, c, e) and the false negatives plotted in Figs. 5.4 (b, d, f). The θ
are very low – upper-bounded by 0.06% for all three cases under different traffic conditions.
In general, the θ
increases with the total traffic volume and percentage of TCP flows. But
the θ
may cease to increase or even drop when the dropping probability (P
) becomes very
high, such as P
= 0.9 in Fig.5.4 (a). Similarly, the θ
may drop for high TCP or high total
traffic volumes in Fig.5.4 (b).
(a) θ
for three packet dropping probabilities:
70%, 80%, and 90%
(b) θ
for three packet dropping probabilities:
70%, 80%, and 90%
(c) θ
for 30, 50, 70, and 100 flows (d) θ
for 30, 50, 70, and 100 flows
(e) θ
for 4 TCP flow rates from 35% to 95% (f) θ
for 4 TCP flow rates from 35% to 95%
Figure 5.4. False positive and negative rates of MAFIC algorithm
under different traffic conditions.
In general, the θ
reduces with increasing traffic volume. But θ
may increase again
when the traffic exceeds a certain limit as seen in Fig.5.4 (b).
The θ
is higher than the θ
still within 5% in the worst case, and around 1% in a majority of the cases. Both false alarm
rates increase slowly but fluctuate with the number of domains as seen in Fig.5.4 (c, f).
5.3.5. Legitimate Packet Dropping Rate
The legitimate-packet dropping rate (L
) is defined as the amount of packets in well-
behaved flows dropped during the dropping process and during the probing phase. L
indicates how much legitimate users would “pay” for protection against DDoS attacks.
Figure 5.5 illustrates the variance of L
under different traffic conditions.
(a) L
rates for 3 packet dropping probabilities (b) L
rates for 30 to 100 flows
(c) L
rates for 4 of TCP flows from 35% to 95%
Figure 5.5. Legitimate-packet dropping rates of MAFIC algorithm
under different traffic conditions.
Legitimate packet dropping rate is considered as an important issue since it
determines the degree of adverse effects that a general user would suffer. Figure 5.5 (a)
shows the results of L
during the probing phase corresponding to different packet dropping
probabilities. Even with very high dropping probabilities (70%, 80%, 90%), the costs of
legitimate flows are trivial. Furthermore, as the total traffic volume grows, the L
tends to be
stable and converged to the value of about 1%.
This result clearly represents a negligible influence to most applications. Figure 5.5
(b) shows that the higher dropping rate paid for identification is not a result of more
dropping. Rather, there are fewer legitimate packets in total traffic. In an extreme scenario,
only a very small number of packets might be sent out when a single TCP flow is facing the
competition of a large number of malicious flows. Even with only less than 10 packets
dropped during the probing phase, the cost becomes pretty high. Figure 5.5 (c) indicates that
with a different number of routers in an AS, the L
fluctuates from well-behaved flows
during probing. In most cases, in simulations, the rate is below 3%, which is certainly
acceptable in most practical applications.
5.4. Summary
This chapter presents a novel MAFIC scheme for malicious flow identification and
cutoff by implementing a new adaptive packet dropping and probing algorithm. By
monitoring the response to packet loss from the flow source, malicious attacking flows are
accurately identified and all their packets are then dropped before reaching the victim.
Extensive NS-2 based simulation results show that MAFIC responds quickly to reduce the
traffic rate by limiting flow bandwidth incisively. Indeed, MAFIC can identify and cut off
malicious flows with very high accuracy and a minimized impact on the performance of
legitimate application flows.
Furthermore, MAFIC has a very low storage demand. Most of its overhead results
from the implementation of tables added to monitor the packet dropping policies. Each item
of the two tables, NFT and PDT, requires only 1 bit to indicate if one packet belongs to a
“nicely-behaved flow” or a “malicious flow”. For each incoming packet, its packet ID
{Source IP, Port #, Destination IP, Destination Port #, Protocol} is used as the input to a
hash function, of which the output is an index indicating one position in the tables. If the
corresponding bit in the table equals 1, then this packet belongs to the hit table.
Thus, the sizes of the NFT and PDT are very small. Instead of treating a packet as
legitimate one when it not in PDT, the NFT and PDT are kept to make sure all incoming
packets are under control. The SFT is larger than NFT and PDT because it needs to monitor
the variation of traffic rate of flows once their packets begin to be dropped. Consequently,
each item of the SFT has two members: one is a single bit indicator to tell if the flow is in
SFT, while another is a corresponding counter remembering the previous traffic rate during
the probing phase.
Chapter 6
Collaborative Detection of Shrew DDoS
Attacks using Spectral Analysis
Shrew DDoS attacks are very different from the flooding type of attacks. They are
stealthy, periodic, pulsing, and low-rate in attack traffic volume. These types of attacks may
reduce the quality of services unnoticeably. This chapter presents the detection phase of our
collaborative detection and filtering (CDF) scheme against the shrew DDoS attacks. The
filtering phase will be discussed in chapter 7.
6.1. Introduction
Shrew attacks exploit the deficiencies in the RTO (Retransmission Time-Out)
mechanism of TCP flows. It throttles legitimate TCP flows by periodically sending burst
pulses with high peak rates in a low frequency. As such, TCP flows see congestion on the
attacked link when they recover from RTO. Indeed, shrew attacks may reduce the
throughput of TCP applications down to almost zero [Kuz03]. Given that more than 80% of
traffic on the Internet today is using the TCP protocol, the majority of existing applications
are at stake.
The low-rate shrew DDoS attacks have a high peak rate, but a low average rate and
exhibit a stealthy nature. Shrew attacks can damage the victim for a long time without being
detected [Gui05]. Being masked by background traffic, countermeasures developed for
flooding DDoS attacks are not effective to combat against shrew attacks [Gui05], [Kuz03],
[Mah01]. Shrew attacks are very difficult to detect within the time domain, but the situation
is not necessarily true within the frequency domain.
This chapter and chapter 7 present a new collaborative detection and filtering (CDF)
scheme to detect and filter shrew DDoS attacks by combining DFT (discrete Fourier
transform) and hypothesis test framework. Figure 6.1 illustrates the CDF architecture and
process stages. I consider routers belonging to the same autonomous system (AS) and
collaborating with each other to defend against shrew attacks. The CDF scheme is built with
a training process and a testing process in a cascade as illustrated in Fig.6.1 (b).
(a) The CDF implementation network environment
(b) Traffic processing stages for CDF scheme
Figure 6.1. The collaborative detection and filtering (CDF) architecture for defense against
shrew DDoS attacks over multiple routers in the same autonomous system
The training process consists of a template generator and a pivoting frequency
estimator (Algorithm 6.1). I have collected 8,000 sample traffic streams, half of which are
legitimate without attacks (S
) and the other half with shrew attacks (S
). The template
generator generates attack template threshold parameters ( α, β, γ) and a Gaussian template
distribution over 4,000 streams in the attack set S
Template distribution is characterized by template average distribution denoted as
µ(f) in Table 6.1. The template generation process will be detailed in Section 6.3. Template
spectrum of streams in sample sets S
and S
is characterized by two Gaussian distributions
, σ
) and N
, σ
), where the subscripts
correspond to training streams with
and without shrew DDoS attacks. Similarly, Gaussian distributions N
, σ
), and N
) are sampling over two training sets at the flow level.
The testing phase is built with three algorithms for the purpose of determining
pivoting frequency, detecting malicious streams, and filtering attack flows amid legitimate
flows. In testing experiments, 4,000 incoming traffic streams X(i), were tested to validate the
effectiveness of the CDF scheme. In a way, the complete scheme is based on template
matching. These traffic patterns are statistically generated to cover a mixture of normal TCP
and UDP flows with shrew attack streams. To detect a shrew attack stream that is embedded
in an incoming traffic stream X(i), the energy spectrum Φ(f) is generated by the DFT engine.
The energy Φ(p) at the pivotal frequency, where the gap between Φ(f) and µ(f) is the
maximum, is computed by the pivoting module (Algorithm 6.1). The mean value of the
traffic spectrum Φ(f) is compared with the template average µ(f) in the detection module
(Algorithm 6.2).
The template distributions N
, σ
) and N
, σ
) are used for anomaly detection.
After an attack stream is detected, attacking alerts will be sent to the filtering module (to be
discussed in Chapter 7), which segregates the shrew attack flows from normal TCP flows.
The filtering process uses an amplitude spectrum Ψ(f) to separate two flow-level
distributions (N
, σ
) and N
, σ
Notations, symbols, and abbreviations used in this paper are summarized in Table
6.1. Only brief definitions are given here, details are given in subsequent sections.
Table 6.1 Notations and Abbreviations used in Chapter 6 and 7.
Notations Brief Definition Notations Definition
µ (f)
Φ (f)
Ψ (f)
Attack period (sec)
Attack burst rate (K Pkts/sec)
Attack burst width (sec)
Anomaly detection rate
False-positive alarm rate
Local detection threshold
Global detection threshold
Packet filtering threshold
Template average distribution
Cumulative traffic spectrum (CTS)
Cumulative amplitude spectrum (CAS)
Attack pivot frequency
CTS spectral pivot point
CAS spectral pivot point
Collaborative Detection and Filtering
Reduction of Quality attacks
Distributed Denial of Service attacks
Digital Signal Processing
Cumulative Traffic spectrum
Suspicious flow table
Malicious flow table
Power spectrum density
Amplitude spectrum density
Sample distribution of attack traffic streams
Sample distribution of legitimate traffic streams
Sample traffic flow distribution of shrew attacks
Sample distribution of legitimate TCP flows
Normalized TCP throughput
6.2. Shrew Attack Characteristics in Frequency Domain
6.2.1. Shrew DDoS Attack Properties
Shrew attacks exploit the deficiencies in the RTO (Retransmission Time-Out)
mechanism of TCP protocol. It throttles legitimate TCP flows by periodically sending burst
pulses with high peak rates in a low frequency. As such, the TCP flows see congestion on
the attacked link every time they recover from RTO. Indeed, shrew attacks may reduce the
throughput of TCP applications down to almost zero [Kuz03]. Given that more than 80% of
traffics on the Internet today are using TCP protocol, a majority of existing applications and
commercial services are at stake. It is difficult to detect periodic pulses using traffic volume
analysis method within the time domain. This is because the average bandwidth
consumption differs very little between attack–free and attacked streams. For higher
throughput, the TCP protocol adopts a predefined value of RTO with a fixed incrementing
pattern [Pax00].
By calculating the autocorrelation sequence of a set of sampled time series and
converting them into frequency-domain spectrum using DFT, I find that the power spectrum
density (PSD) of a traffic stream containing shrew attack streams has much higher energy in
low-frequency band than that which appears in the spectrum for legitimate TCP/UDP traffic
streams. Thanks to the mature digital signal analysis technology in hardware
implementation, this scheme can be implemented by network processor or reconfigurable
hardware [Att05]. DSP hardware pushes spectral analysis down to the lower layer of packet-
processing hierarchy. If the packets are processed by hardware and malicious flows are
filtered out in a timely manner, the router workload will not increase much at the presence of
shrew attacks.
A shrew attack stream is modeled by three major parameters including period of
attack T, width of burst L, and the burst rate R [Kuz03], [Luo05]. Figure 6.2 compares the
time series of legitimate traffic streams (a), periodic pulsing shrew attack stream (b), and the
mixture of legitimate and attack streams (c). Figure 6.2(b) presents a shrew attack stream
modeled by T, L, and R. When a legitimate TCP stream and a shrew attack stream are both
heading for the same destination, we observe: (1) the shrew attack peak rate remains
constant while the TCP flow may increase differently; (2) the shrew stream arrives at the
destination periodically, while the TCP flow arrives continuously.
(a) A sample traffic stream consisting of six legitimate TCP and UDP flows
without any attack packet
(b) A shrew DDoS flow characterised by high burst rate (R), long attack
period (T), and short burst width (L).
(c) Six normal TCP/UDP fows in Part (a) mingled with a single shrew
DDoS attack stream from Part (b).
Figure 6.2. Three traffic streams under three scenarios -- The shrew DDoS attack stream in Part
(b) hides in six legitimate traffic flows in Part (a) to form the traffic stream in Part (c)
The period T is the time interval between two consecutive attack pulses. The burst
width L indicates the time period during which attackers send packets in high rate. The burst
height exhibits the peak rate by which attacking flow is sent. The period T is calculated by
the estimated TCP RTO timer implementation from trusted sources. During the burst with a
peak rate R, the shrew pulses create a burst and severe congestion on the links to the victim.
Legitimate TCP flows are forced to decrease their sending rate as governed by congestion
control mechanism, accordingly.
Figure 6.2 (a) and 6.2 (c) compare the sampled time series of packet arrivals of two
scenarios: Six TCP flows without shrew attack streams embedded (Fig. 6.2 (a)), and the
same six TCP flows with one shrew attack streams (Fig.6.2 (b)), which use the attack period
T = 1 second, burst width L = 70 ms, and the burst rate R = 120 K packets/sec as shown in
Fig.6.2 (b).
6.2.2. Traffic Spectrum and Template Distribution
I take the number of packet arrivals at the router as a discrete signal series and
sample it with a period of 1 ms. Then the highest frequency is of 500 Hz. The sampling
process effectively plays the role of a low pass filter that gets rid of high frequency noises.
Another observation is that the sampled series also includes packets from legitimate flows.
These packets are not necessarily all targeting at the same victim.
The packet arrivals in each training stream or in each incoming traffic stream are
modeled by a random process: {x(t), t = n ∆, n ∈ N}, where ∆ is a constant time interval,
which I assume 1 ms. N is a set of positive integers, and at each time point t, x(t) is a random
variable, representing the total number of packets arrived at a router in (t- ∆, t]. This random
process was referred to as the packet process [Che02]. Assume a wide sense stationary
random process, and let’s define the autocorrelation function of the random signal x(t) in
discrete time as follows:
∑ +
+ −
)] ( ) ( [
) (
m N
m n x n x
m N
m R (6.1)
(m) captures the correlation of the packet process and itself at interval m. If there
exist any periodicity, autocorrelation function is capable of enforcing it. The next step is to
figure out the periodicity embedded inside the autocorrelation functions. I convert the
autocorrelation time series using discrete Fourier transform to generate the power spectrum
density (PSD) as follows:
× =
/ 2
) (
) ), ( ( ) (
N fn j
e m R
f m R DFT f PSD
, f=0,1,2,…,N-1 (6.2)
A shrew attack stream escapes being detected by occupying only a small share of
link bandwidth, however, its properties in frequency domain cannot be hidden. After
performing DFT on the autocorrelation sequence as Eq. (6.2), the PSD captures the
periodical pattern of shrew attack stream in the frequency domain.
Figure 6.3 compares the power spectrum density for two traffic stream patterns
corresponding to with and without embedded shrew attacks. It is clear that the embedded
shrew attack stream pushes the solid-line PSD curve towards the lower frequency band,
while the no-attack stream has a wider frequency range of the power spectrum density in the
dash-line curve.
Figure 6.3. Comparison of normalized traffic density (PSD) of two traffic streams
with and without shrew attacks
After integrating the PSD function over a given frequency range, the resulting
energy spectrum is used to determine the ratio of energy cumulated to a given frequency
point. This corresponds to the size of area below the PSD curve. This cumulative traffic
spectrum (CTS) Φ(f) is obtained below:
∑ ∑ = Φ
= =
1 1
) ( ) ( ) (
i PSD i PSD f (6.3)
As plotted in Fig. 6.4, the y-axis is the CTS normalized with respect to the total
energy in the whole spectrum [0, 500] Hz. For a typical traffic stream containing shrew
attack flows, more than 90% of the energy is distributed below 20 Hz. In contrast, for normal
traffic streams without attacks, only 60% the energy is located below 20 Hz. This implies
that the energy spectrum offers a sharp distinction by which to distinguish whether a
sampled traffic spectrum contains shrew attacks or not.
Figure 6.4. Comparison of the cumulative energy spectrum of two traffic streams
with and without shrew attacks
Through intensive NS-2 simulation experiments, I obtained 4,000 template CTS
spectra over the attack dataset S
. Based on the central limit theorem [All04], I assume the
template spectrum conforms to a Gaussian distribution N (µ, σ), where µ and σ are the mean
and the standard deviation.
− Φ =
Φ =
f f
n f f
)) ( ) ( (
) (
/ ) ( ) (
µ σ
, (6.4)
where n =4,000 is the size of sample space of S
, and Φ
(f) is the CTS of the i-th
sample stream.
Figure 6.5 plots the template energy distribution of the mean value µ(f) over the low-
frequency range up to 20 Hz. The template spectrum curve sits between the two traffic
spectrum curves in Fig.6.4. This property is used to distinguish traffic streams containing a
shrew attack stream from normal traffic streams by checking the spectrum gaps with the
template average distribution µ(f).
Figure 6.5. Average attack template distribution over a low frequency band
for all attack streams in training set S
Table 6.2 presents the attack template energy distribution on a frequency band lower
than 20 Hz. At each frequency f, the mean µ(f) and standard deviation σ(f) are listed. These
table entries will be used to perform the CDF processes as template references in Algorithm
6.2. The spectral analysis discussed above can be applied over both training traffic and
incoming traffic streams.
Table 6.2. Gaussian Distribution of Attack Template
Freq. f (Hz) 1 3 5 7 9 10 11 13 15 17 19 20
Mean µ(f) 0.15 0.30 0.45 0.58 0.73 0.75 0.77 0.79 0.81 0.82 0.83 0.84
St. Dev. σ(f) 0.11 0.13 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.10 0.09 0.08
6.3. Collaborative Anomaly Detection
I developed a scheme for collaborative anomaly detection using hypothesis test atop
the spectral introduced in Section 6.2. Supported by alerts exchanging among multiple
routers, this scheme detects shrew attack streams hidden among legitimate TCP/UDP flows.
I start with the algorithm that determines attack pivot frequency, and then I specify the
algorithms developed to perform the collaborative detection processes.
6.3.1. Pivot Frequency in Traffic Streams
Having established the attack template database, we need to answer a basic question:
Which frequency point results in the highest detection accuracy? This point is called the
pivot frequency point, which varies to different incoming traffic streams. We must first
obtain the pivot frequency p in order to detect ongoing attacks accurately.
Algorithm 6.1 determines the pivot frequency p. A spectral pivot point y = Φ(p) is
associated with each traffic stream characterized by its CTS spectrum Φ(f). After sampling a
time series of incoming stream, its CTS Φ(f) is generated through DFT. Then the gap d(f) =
µ(f) – Φ(f) is calculated using Table 2 entries over all frequencies in a spectral window up to
20 Hz. We obtain the pivot frequency p that must satisfy the following at the maximum gap
d(p) = Max{d (f) = µ (f) – Φ (f) | for all f ≤ 20 Hz} (6.5)
Pseudo code specification of Algorithm 6.1 is given below.
Algorithm 6.1: Determination of Pivot Frequency in a Traffic Stream
Input: µ (f): Average template CTS spectrum.
(f): The CTS computed from an incoming traffic stream S
Output: : p: Pivot frequency for the traffic stream S
y = Φ
(p) : Spectral pivot at pivot frequency p
01: Initialize the frequency window (0, 20 Hz)
02: while scan through the detection window
03: Calculate gaps at each frequency point d(f)= µ(f)– Φ
04: endwhile
05: Find p such that d (p) = Max{d (f) | 0 ≤ f ≤ 20 Hz} and compute y = Φ
06: return pivot frequency p and spectral pivot point y = Φ
The spectral pivot point y = Φ(p) will be used in the shrew attack detection process.
Figure 6.6 illustrates how to detect the pivot frequency using the traffic samples shown in
Fig. 6.2(a) and 6.2(c). The spectrum of the shrew attack stream is indicated by the top CTS
curve. The CTS curve of the attack-free stream lies below the template average spectrum
curve at the middle.
Figure 6.6. Determination of the pivot frequency p and the two spectral pivot points y
the attack-free stream in Fig. 6.2(a) and y
for the attack stream in Fig. 6.2(c).
For the stream containing shrew attack flows, the maximum gap between its CTS
curve and the template CTS curve is located at the pivot frequency p = 6 Hz. The spectral
pivot is thus found at a spectral pivot point denoted as y
= Φ (p) = Φ (6 Hz) = 0.7. Similarly,
for the attack-free stream, the pivot frequency p = 8 Hz and y
= Φ (8 Hz) = 0.19.
6.3.2. Hypothesis Test
Let’s consider two hypothetic events: H
for an attack-free stream and H
for a
traffic stream with shrew attacks. Using Algorithm 6.1, I obtain the template distribution Φ
(p) by training 8,000 training traffic streams. According to the central limiting theorem
[All04], assume two Gaussian distributions Φ(p
): N
, σ
) = N(0.33, 0.27
) and Φ(p
): N
, σ
) = N(0.78, 0.16
) for 4,000 attack-free and 4,000 streams containing shrew attacks,
respectively. These two Gaussian distributions N
and N
are plotted in Fig. 6.7. The solid-
line plotted on the right corresponds to distribution N
for attack streams. The dash-line
plotted on the left plots distribution N
, as resulting from attack-free training streams.
In Fig.6.7, the detection rate of a shrew attack stream (event H
) is under the N
curve to the right of y
The false detection alarm rate of an attack-free traffic stream (event
) is under the N
curve to the left of y
. I need to choose a local detection threshold α to
maximize the anomaly detection rate R
and to minimize the false positive rate R
by the following two probability functions:
= Prob[H
] =
⎧ −
) (
σ π
= Prob[H
] =
⎧ −
) (
σ π
Essentially, R
is the successful detection probability that a true alarm is raised,
when there is actually a shrew attack. The R
is the probability of raising a false alarm due to
misdetections of an attack-free traffic stream.
Figure 6.7. Template distribution of attack/no-attack streams
at the attack pivot frequency.
In order to tell whether there are any shrew attack streams embedded in a legitimate
flow, we set up our hypothesis test rule. Defined below is a likelihood ratio L(y) of the pivot
point y by the ratio of the two probability density functions, p
(y) and p
(y), of the event H
and event H
, respectively,
) ) ( ) (
) (
) (
) (
2 2
⎡ −
= =
y y
y p
y p
y L
where p
(y) is the probability density of y in the Gaussian distribution N
, and p
(y) is the
probability density of y in the Gaussian distribution N
. They are defined as:
(y) =
) (
σ π
(y) =
) (
σ π
Variation of the likelihood ratio L(y) at the spectral pivot point is plotted in Fig. 6.8.
The larger is the L(y), the pivot point y is more likely to conform to the N
distribution. This
implies that the stream is more likely to contain some shrew attack flows.
Figure 6.8. Variation of the likelihood function with respect to the
normalized spectral pivot value
The local detection threshold α is selected to equal certain L(y) corresponding to a
well chosen pivotal point y. In another word, given desired detection rate R
, the local
detection threshold α is chosen as:
α = L(y) for a pivot point y
such that R
≥ R
. (6.9)
As shown in Fig.6.7, there is an overlapped area under the two Gaussian
distributions. To the right side of α, we have the R
in the overlapped area. To the left side of
α, we have the false-negative area corresponding to the misdetection of a real attack as no
attack. This implies that when L(y) > α, the hypothetic event H
is true. Otherwise, the
hypothetic event H
is true. Based on the template distributions obtained from 8,000 training
sample streams, I calculated R
and R
using Eqs. (6.6a) and (6.6b) as plotted in Fig.6.9.
(a). ROC curve of R
vs. R
(b). Effects of variation in local threshold α
Figure 6.9. Plots of the anomaly detection rate R
and false positive rate R
over 8,000 sample traffic streams in the template database.
Figure 6.9(a) plots the ROC (receiver operating characteristic) curve showing the
tradeoff between R
, and R
. Figure 6.9(b) plots the variation of R
, and R
as α increase in
the range from 0 to 12 of y. For example, to achieve a successful detection rate of 95% with
α=0.5, we need to tolerate a false positive rate of 30%.
It is clear that R
decreases slowly while R
decreases rapidly with increasing value
of α. Consequently, we need a better mechanism that is able to keep a sufficiently high
detection rate while maintaining a small false-positive rate. This requirement motivated me
to develop the collaborative detection scheme.
6.3.3. Collaborative Detection Algorithm
With the hypothesis testing, Algorithm 6.2 is developed. It is a distributed detection
scheme of shrew DDoS attacks using multiple collaborative routers. This detection
measurement is deployed in upstream routers that are a few hops away from the victim
server, because low-rate attacks may throttle legitimate TCP flows destined to the same
victim. However, before reaching the target, the shrew attack streams occupy only a small
share of bandwidth even at its peak rate. This property makes it difficult to detect correctly.
The traffic statistics collected at neighboring routers are helpful for a router to verify
its detection result. Previously, to reduce false positive alarms, we have to tolerate a higher
false negative rate by choosing a larger local detection threshold α. Algorithm 6.2 tries to
make up this deficiency by selecting a global cooperative threshold β. The global threshold
β is lower than α in order to reach a higher detection rate.
When the likelihood ratio function L(y) is higher than the local threshold α, the
router starts the filtering mechanism and multicasts alerts to its neighbors. Routers whose
likelihood ratio L(y) is smaller than α do not generate alerts. However, if their likelihood
ratio L(y) values are larger than β, they decide whether to trigger the filtering mechanism
after analyzing the resources of received alerts. If L(y) is lower than β, there is nothing
suspicious. With distributed shrew attacks, alerts from immediate routers are connected to
the receiver. Below is the pseudo code of Algorithm 6.2.
Algorithm 6.2: Collaborative Anomaly Detection
Inputs: y
: The spectral pivot Φ
(p) for an input stream S
α : Local detection threshold,
β : Global detection threshold
: Sample traffic distribution with shrew attacks
: Sample traffic distribution without shrew attacks
Output: Traffic stream S
contains either shrew attacks or not
01: Compute L(y
) using Eq.(6).
02: Case 1: L(y
) > α
03: The stream S
contains shrew attacks
04: Send out alert to collaborative routers
05: Call packet filtering routine
06: Case 2: β < L(y
) < α
07: Check the alerts from cooperative routers
08: if alerts come from cooperative routers, then
09: Call packet filtering routine
10: endif
11: Case 3: L(y
) < β
12: The stream S
contains no shrew attacks
Let’s consider the scenario in Fig. 6.10(a). Each dot stands for a router in an AS.
The black dots are routers that have detected shrew attack streams embedded in legitimate
flows (L(y) > α). They send alerts to all cooperative neighbors. The influence of different
cooperative ranges among multiple routers will be studied later through intensive
experiments. To simplify the discussions, in Fig.6.10 we assume that each alert is sent to
neighbors in two-hop distance. The white dots are routers whose likelihood ratio L(y) is
lower than the local threshold α, so they do not generate alerts.
In addition, each node is the root of a detection tree that contains all of its neighbors
in two-hop distance. The A, B and E is root nodes shown in Fig. 6.10(b). These trees keep
the multicast group records. Each root knows to whom its alert is being sent. Distributed
attacks are launched from zombies located widely and multiple shrew attack streams
simultaneously approach the victim(s) located in the domain. Once a router detects
likelihood ratio L(y) > α (black dots in Fig. 6.10), there are shrew DDoS attack streams
detected. It would multicast an alert along its detection tree and launch countermeasures to
identify malicious flows and cut them off timely.
(a) Distributed shrew attacks from two sides of the AS
(b) Three detection trees
Figure 6.10. Collaborative detection scheme and use of detection trees.
However, shrew attack streams do not appear evenly on all edge routers. Algorithm
2 gives routers a clue to check whether they are in the attacking range. For example, when
L(y) < α at node A, alerts from neighbors warn that an attack is going on. In addition, the
decision tree let node A has a vision of where these alerts come from.
Alerts make node A realize that it is located at the center of attacking area. If L(y) >
β, node A will launch countermeasures against the attacks. In contrast, node B will not take
any further action although it received two alerts. Neither did any of its immediate neighbors
raise any alert, which leads to the conclusion that there are suspicious flows entering the AS,
but node B is not in the attacking range. However, decision trees and received alerts will tell
nodes C, D and E that they are at the attacking area. If their local likelihood ratio L(y) > β,
they need to start flow filtering algorithm accordingly.
6.4. Experiment Results and Performance Analysis
I verified effectiveness and evaluated the performance of the spectral analysis based
on detection algorithms through intensive NS-2 simulation experiments.
6.4.1. Experiment Setup
I have studied the shrew attack characteristics through intensive simulation using the
NS-2 simulator [McC97], a widely recognized packet-level discrete event simulator. Figure
6.1(a) shows the typical network environment to deploy in which the CDF scheme is
implemented. NS-2 simulations were carried out with multiple topologies generated by the
GT-ITM toolkit developed by Georgia Tech. [GTI05]. I applied each topology for at least
1,000 experiments with shrew attack datasets similar to those used by [Che06c], [Kuz03],
and [Sun04].
In particular, I generated shrew DDoS attack flows with a period T between 0.5s and
3.0s, the burst period L is in the range (30 – 90 ms). For single-source attacks, the burse rate
R varies in 0.5 - 2 MB/s. In cases of distributed attacks from multiple sources, R varies in 0.1
- 2 MB/s. The background traffic without shrew attacks are generated according to statistical
data generated by analyzing the Abilene-I trace dataset. This dataset is the first public
OC48c backbone trace and it is released by the PMA Project [Abi05]. As illustrated by Fig.
6.1(a), I consider routers belonging to the same AS shown by the Internet subnet at the
The simulation assumed default network parameters in link capacity of 2 Mb/s. The
RTT of TCP flows are uniformly distributed over 60 ms to 240 ms. The shrew DDoS attack
dataset specified in Section 6.2 are applied here.
While TCP-Tahoe, TCP-Reno and others present similar vulnerability under shrew
attacks [Kuz03], I adopted the TCP-Reno standards in the experiments. I also examined the
overhead in the CDF algorithms to assess the penalties and limitations of the scheme.
6.4.2. Detection Accuracy
I evaluate the detection accuracy using two detection rates: anomaly detection rate
and false alarm rate R
. The term anomaly is used to refer to an abnormal network
condition caused by shrew attacks. The actual anomaly detection rate R
is calculated as the
ratio of detected attack streams over the total number of shrew attack streams embedded in
normal traffic streams. The false-positive rate R
is the ratio of normal traffic flows being
wrongly marked as having shrew attacks over the total number of legitimate traffic streams.
Besides considering the two performance metrics, I also study the performance of
the collaborative detection scheme (Algorithm 6.2) over several collaborative ranges. A
single router which works independently is considered to have no collaboration with its
neighbors. Collaborating with 1-hop routers involves 2 to 4 routers as immediate neighbors.
2-hop neighbors involve 4 to 16 routers within distance 2 from a given router. Finally, I set a
limit to 8 to 40 routers in a 3-hop neighborhood.
The ROC curves shown in Fig.6.11 report the performance of Algorithm 2, which is
upper-bounded by the template ROC performance reported in Fig. 6.9(a). Three curves are
plotted for using 1 router independently and up to 4 and 40 routers, respectively in 1-hop and
3-hop neighborhoods. The lower curve shows poor detection performance when using single
isolated routers. The detection results of using neighboring routers are shown in the top two
curves. The neighborhood range has resulted in very little differences. When the false alarm
is required to be very low, say below 0.05%, the 3-hop group performs slightly better than
the 1-hop group.
ROC plots clearly shows that a detection rate of 98% is achieved, if one can tolerate
a false alarm rate of 30%. When the false-positive rate exceeds 20%, the R
difference in
using large collaborative routers diminishes. The ROC curve reveals that cooperation among
routers effectively improves the performance. On the other hand, the increase of benefits
from larger collaborations with more routers is trivial.
Figure 6.11. ROC curve showing the tradeoffs between anomaly detection rate and
false positive rate under collaborative detection of shrew attacks, compared with the
result of using an isolated router.
However, enlarging the collaborative range also triggers more alert messages to be
propagated among the routers involved. The message being conveyed here is that using 2 to
4 routers within a 1-hop distance will serve the purpose, sufficiently, based on checking
4,000 traffic streams in the experiments.
6.4.3. Effects of Local Detection Threshold α
Figure 6.12 presents variations of an average detection rate R
and false positive rate
with different values of the local threshold α. The α magnitude is related to the selection
of the CTS pivot point y = Φ(p). I compared the performance of independent detection by a
single router with collaborative detection using multiple routers. With collaborative ranges
in 1, 2 and 3 hops, I find that more routers can results in higher detection rates. For example
at α = 4, the average R
= 0.75 and 0.82, respectively, in using 4 and 40 routers.
(a) Effect of α variation on average detection rate
(b) Effect of α variation on false positive rate
Figure 6.12. Shrew attack detection results from testing 4,000 traffic streams over 2 to 40
routers under the independent and two collaborative modes
As the value of α increases, the average detection rate decreases steadily towards
zero. The message is that once should adopt a small α, if high detection rate is the major
concern. On the other hand, we need to apply a larger α to reduce the false positive rate R
to a reasonably low level as illustrated in Fig. 6.9 (b). For example, to yield R
= 10%, the
corresponding α should be set at 8. The use of independent routers results in an R
= 20%,
doubling that of using 16 to 40 routers in 3-hop distance in the AS.
Obviously, there exists a tradeoff between R
and R
seen by both Fig. 6.11 and Fig.
6.12. The next section will reveal the effect of the global threshold β, which provides more
options to maximize the detection rate and minimize the false alarms. Actually, achieving a
90% detection rate with 25% false alarms by no means imply that false alarms will block
25% legitimate flows. Filtering algorithm is designed to cope with this problem in chapter 7.
6.4.4. Effects of Global Detection Threshold β
Based on the template database, I realized that it is necessary to choose the global
threshold β satisfying the inequalities 0 < β < α < 12. The proposed choice of β can increase
the average detection rate by another 10% over the use of independent detection. The reason
of using two thresholds lies in the effective reduction of the false positive rate with an
increase of the R
. The rule of the thumb is that one should choose β slightly lower than α.
This results in good preservation of high detection rates with low false alarms.
Figure 6.13 reports the effects of β on the detection rate R
and false alarm rate R
while fixed α = 4.42. In case of 3-hop collaboration, a detection rate of 79% is achieved with
a false positive rate of 21% by changing the value β. In contrast, a false positive rate of 27%
is incurred if the same detection rate of 79% is desired by changing α to 1.92 as shown in
Figure 6.13. Effects of global threshold ( β) on collaborative detection of
shrew DDoS attacks using three cooperative ranges of routers
These results also show that, on average, both performance metrics are less sensitive
to variations in β or in the collaborative range size. R
stays between 0.65 and 0.79 and R
restricted between 0.2 and 0.15. As β decreases, the advantage of collaborating with more
than 3 hops shows only a small gain. Actually, the global threshold β plays a vital role in
fine-tuning, after local threshold α is constrained by keeping the false positive rate low.
6.5. Scalability and Overhead Analysis
The intensive NS-2 simulation experiments verified that the shrew attack detection
mechanism is very promising to defend low-rate TCP-targeted DDoS attacks. The CDF
works by integrating DSP, hypothesis testing, and statistical analysis. I discuss below the
scalability, overhead, and accuracy issues and limitations of the defense scheme.
To deploy a distributed security scheme in Internet core networks, scalability is the
major concern. Generally, scalability is related to network size, data rate, link capacity, or
the number of router involved. The collaborative shrew attack detection process (Algorithm
2) must count all incoming packets at the network interface. The shrew-filtering process (to
be discussed in Chapter 7) demands storage space and computing power to perform the
filtering at the flow level.
I have experimented on 4,000 traffic streams. Each stream has 8 to 20 flows. Thus,
more than 50,000 flows were processed in the simulation experiments. One major obstacle in
deploying DDoS defense schemes into the core network routers is the conflict between
limited resources in routers and high data rate demanded [Pap03]. It was suggested to
implement intrusion detection system (IDS) on a FPGA platform, which can process 32,768
complex rules at a data rate as high as 10 Gbps [Att05].
The sampling and packets filtering rules in shrew attack detection are not more
complex than those IDS rules. The most time-consuming part is performing DFT on every
traffic stream. This can be solved by using the Xilinx Virtex-4 FPGA, which calculates 512
DSP slices to execute in parallel with a 500 MHz clock. It has been estimated that these
hardware implementations may have a speed gain of two orders of magnitude, compared
with the software implementations.
Overhead is another critical parameter to evaluate the performance of our amplitude-
filtering algorithm. It is defined using the time interval from the moment a shrew attack is
detected to the moment the countermeasure responses effectively. This time interval is often
varied according to the traffic load on the link. However, the load on the link does not affect
the response time of our amplitude-filtering algorithm. More detailed discussion is presented
in chapter 7.
6.6. Summary
In this chapter, a collaborative detection scheme of shrew DDoS attacks is
presented. The research contributions are summarized below in four technical aspects.
A. Effective detection of shrew attacks at stream-level: Combining the spectral
analysis and the hypothesis testing framework, a novel scheme is proposed to
detect shrew DDoS attacks at the traffic streaming level. The effectiveness of
the spectral template matching approach is verified through intensive
B. Spectral modeling of Internet traffic patterns: The CDF model offers a
theoretical foundation on which a defense scheme is developed not only against
shrew DDoS attacks but is also extendable to cope with flooding type of DDoS
attacks. This area demands further research and experiments to prove the idea.
C. Detection accuracy versus false alarms: Extensive NS-2 simulation
experiments achieved encouraging results. CDF scheme detects anomalies
successfully with low false-positive alarms. This implies possible tradeoffs
between anomaly detection and false alarms.
D. Appealing to hardware implementations: The CDF scheme appeals to both
DSP software and FPGA hardware implementation. The scheme can also be
implemented using network processors. It enables us to push frequency-domain
monitoring down to a lower level in packet processing hierarchy. The DSP
chips, FGPA, and network processors will reduce packet-processing time on
Chapter 7
Filtering of Shrew DDoS Attack Flows in
Frequency Domains
This chapter discusses a novel approach to filtering out shrew attack flows by
analyzing the amplitude spectrum distribution in the frequency domains. Taking samples of
packet arriving rates as a time-domain signal, and transforming the signal into frequency
domains by DFT (Discrete Fourier Transform), I construct a filter using the hypothesis-test
7.1. Normalized Amplitude Spectral Analysis
The pre-requirement for effectively cutting off a malicious shrew attack flow is to
understand the flow’s properties in frequency domains and the differences from normal
traffic flows.
7.1.1. Shrew DDoS Attack Flow Properties
The earliest case of low-rate TCP-targeted DDoS attack was reported in 2001. It had
not been studied thoroughly, however, until Kuzmanovic and Knight [Kuz03] pioneered the
work in identifying and characterizing such types of attacks. They studied the rationale of
the shrew attack and analyzed the critical parameters that affect the efficiency of TCP flows.
They also indicated the limitation of currently available DDoS defense mechanisms.
As shown in Fig. 7.1, a single source shrew attack is modeled as a square waveform
packet stream with an attack period T, length of the burst L, and the burst rate R. The period
T is calculated by the estimated TCP RTO timer implementations at legitimate sources.
During the burst with a peak rate R, the shrew pulses create short bursts but severe
congestion on the links to the victim. The legitimate TCP flows will decrease their sending
rate as defined by the rate-limiting mechanism that cuts the window size and adapts to the
network capacity.
(a) Single shrew attack stream
(b) Two shrew attack streams with the same period and half burst rate
(c) Two shrew attack streams with doubled period and same burst rate
Figure 7.1. An illustration of various types of shrew attack flows.
For higher throughput, the TCP protocol uses a predefined value of RTO with a
fixed RTO incrementing pattern [Pax00]]. The shrew attacks take advantage of this RTO
recovery feature by adjusting the attack period to match the RTO period. The feature causes
the shrew attack streams to occupy the link bandwidth periodically by sending pulses (Fig.
7.1). This makes the legitimate TCP flows always “see” heavily burdened links. Such
legitimate TCP flows may undergo a congestion control and reduce their rates significantly.
A successful shrew attack may occupy bandwidth lower than 10% of the legitimate TCP
flows [Kuz03]. These kinds of periodic pulses are very difficult to detect by traffic
management algorithms and by methods based on existing traffic volume analysis at the time
domain. This is because the average share of bandwidth consumption is not very high.
In distributed scenarios, attacks launched by multiple zombies could lower their
individual traffic rates even further, thereby making detection much harder. As shown in
Figs. 7.1 (b) and 7.1 (c), the distributed attack sources could decrease their average traffic
rates either by lowering the peak rate or using longer attack periods. Detecting the signs of
such attacks using a traffic time series is therefore ineffective.
7.1.2. Analysis of Amplitude Spectrum Distribution
Although it is very challenging to detect and respond to the low-rate attacks using
defense measures developed against DDoS attacks, the periodicity itself provides a clue for
developing new defense mechanisms [Che02]. Periodic signals and non-periodic signals
present different properties in frequency domains. These variants could be conveniently
detected using signal processing techniques.
I took the number of arrived packets as the signal and sampled them every 1 ms. At
each step, I sampled the number of arrived packets x(i). Then I converted the time-domain
series into an amplitude spectrum density (ASD) using DFT (Discrete Fourier Transform)
∑ × = =
/ 2
) (
) ), ( ( ) (
N fn j
e i x
f i x DFT f ASD
, f = 0,1,2,…,N-1 (7.1)
(a) Single shrew attack flow
(b) Single TCP flow
(c) Comparison in low frequency band
Figure 7.2. Normalized amplitude spectrum of the shrew pulse stream and of the TCP flow.
Figure 7.2 (a) shows the normalized amplitude spectrum of a shrew attack and Fig.
7.2 (b) is that of a legitimate TCP flow. The Nyquist sampling theorem [All04] indicates that
the highest frequency of the analysis is 500 Hz. Compared with the single TCP flow, more
energy from the shrew pulse stream appears in lower frequency bands. This property is more
profound in Fig. 7.2 (c) which zooms into the low frequency band of [0 Hz, 50 Hz].
Based on observing the normalized amplitude spectrum, I found that it is feasible to
design a detection algorithm by comparing the energy density of the shrew attack flow with
the energy density of the TCP flow in the low frequency band from 0 Hz to 50 Hz. The
difference between the summations of amplitude in this range could be large enough to
segregate shrew pulse streams from the legitimate TCP flows.
After the integration of the ASD over a given frequency range, the resulting
cumulative amplitude spectrum (CAS) determines the ratio of energy accumulated to a given
frequency point. This is the area below the ASD curve. The normalized CAS Ψ(f) is defined:
∑ ∑ = Ψ
= =
1 1
) ( ) ( ) (
i ASD i ASD f
Figure 7.3(a) compares the normalized CAS of TCP and shrew flows, and Fig.
7.3(b) zooms into the low frequency band of [0 Hz, 50 Hz]. It is around the frequency point
of 20 Hz that the distance of the two curves is maximum. Almost 50% of the total energy of
a shrew attack flow is located in the major peak ending around 20 Hz. In contrast, in the
same frequency band, less than 15% of the total energy is located for a normal TCP flow. It
is also the ending point of the first peak of amplitude spectrum curve of the shrew pulse in
Fig. 7.2 (c). Similar to the stream level template construction in Chapter 6, the training
process generates the CAS pivot z = Ψ(p) distribution by executing Algorithm 6.1 to
determine the flow-level pivot frequency.
In point of fact, such a lower frequency band biased energy distribution could be
used as the signature of low-rate shrew attacks. Since the shrew attack streams are aiming at
the dynamic deficiency in the RTO mechanism of TCP protocol while trying to minimize the
average bandwidth utilization, they have to construct congestions periodically at the
moments when victims are recovering from RTO. This implies that if an attacker would like
to blur the signature, he has to input more packets into the network at other time points. This
will increase the bandwidth occupation and thus destroy the stealthy nature of low-rate
shrew attacks.
(a) On the whole frequency band
(b) On the low frequency band
Figure 7.3. Normalized cumulative amplitude spectrum of the shrew stream and of the TCP
7.2. Flow Filtering atop Amplitude Hypothesis Testing
With the knowledge of CAT distribution, we need a rule to identify the signature
and make a decision when a cumulative amplitude spectrum value at the CAS pivot-point
has been calculated. Since there are two choices, the binary hypothesis test [Dev99] appeals
to this application. Based on the differences in amplitude spectrum distribution, I set up a
hypothesis test framework and select the optimal detection threshold. Then I designed an
algorithm to identify and filter off the shrew attack flows. This section presents in detail the
novel shrew-filtering algorithm.
7.2.1. Hypothesis Test Analysis
Since noise signals existing in communication channels and introduced in the
sampling process are random, we need to confirm statistically that the variation of CAS at
the pivot-point is limited in such a range that allows us to distinguish shrew pulse streams
from TCP flows with high confidence. The obtained z assumes a Gaussian distribution
according to the central limiting theorem.
Figure 7.4 (a) presents a normalized histogram of CAS’ distribution at the pivot-
point. Both TCP and shrew streams’ data are calculated in a sample space of more than
8,000 data points. According to the Central Limit Theorem given a distribution with a mean
µ and variance σ
, the sampling distribution approaches a Gaussian (Normal) distribution
[Dev99]. Thus, we can describe the distribution of CAS at a pivot-point using the Gaussian
distribution model:
(; , ) exp
− ⎧
2 2
The statistics of TCP and shrew streams are given below:
( ) 0.1131
tan _ ( ) 0.026
S dard Deviation
= ⎧
S dard Deviation
() .
tan _ ( ) .
Figure 7.4(b) shows the Gaussian distribution N
, σ
) = N(0.50, 0.04
) of a
single shrew attack flow and the Gaussian distribution N
, σ
) = N(0.11, 0.03
) of a
normal TCP flow. There is no overlap between the CAS distribution of a normal TCP flow
and that of a single shrew attack flow.
(a) Normalized histogram
(b) Gaussian distribution curves
Figure 7.4. Normalized CAS distribution of the shrew stream and of the TCP flow at the pivot-
In fact, the gap between the two mean values is greater than 3.29 σ. A 3 σ error level
gives us a confidence interval of 99.7% [All04], meaning that an error level of ±3 σ is good
enough even in high precision detection scenarios. The same hypothesis detection method is
applied at the flow level to distinguish shrew attack flow from a normal TCP flow. Again,
we denote H
to represent the hypothesis that the flow is not a shrew attack flow, while H
corresponds to a shrew attack flow. To make flow filtering decisions, we define a flow level
likelihood ratio L(z) at the pivot point z as:
) ) ( ) (
) (
) (
) (
2 2
⎡ −
= =
z z
z p
z p
z L
where p
(z) is the probability density of z in the Gaussian distribution N
, and p
(z) is the
probability density of z in the Gaussian distribution N
Since there is no overlap between the N
and N
, the filtering threshold γ is chosen
at z = 0.28 where γ = L(z) = 1.9. Table 7.1 shows the probability of cutting off a normal TCP
flow as a shrew attack flow lower than 0.1% with this γ value. This indicates that the CAS-
based flow filtering achieved an accuracy of 99.9%.
With such a high filtering accuracy, the CDF scheme can tolerates a relatively high
false positive rate. When Algorithm 6.2 raises a false alarm, the router depends on flow level
hypothesis testing to determine whether a flow should be cut off. As indicated by Table 7.1,
the probability that a legitimate TCP flow is filtered off is lower than 0.1%. A high false
positive rate R
actually causes routers to call for unnecessary filtering.
Table 7.1 Error Level of Shrew-Filtering
Error Level Prob. of Error TCP Error level Shrew Error Level
± σ 68% 0.1311±0.026 0.4985±0.038
±1.65 σ 90% 0.1311±0.043 0.4985±0.046
±1.96 σ 95% 0.1311±0.051 0.4985±0.074
±3 σ 99.7% 0.1311±0.078 0.4985±0.114
±3.29 σ 99.9% 0.1311±0.086 0.4985±0.125
7.2.2. Shrew-Filtering Algorithm Design
Based on the above hypothesis test framework, I proposed Algorithm 7.1 to cut off
flows with amplitude spectrum value at the pivot frequency higher than the detection
threshold γ. A flow chart is given in Fig.7.5 to help readers follow the shrew filtering
Although the source IP addresses are generally spoofed in attack packets, it is safe to
use the 5-tuple {Source IP, Source Port, Destination IP, Destination Port, protocol} as flow
labels. The filtering algorithm handles the incoming packets according to records in the
Malicious Flow Table (MFT), Suspicious Flow Table (SFT) and Legitimate Flow Table
Algorithm 7.1: Amplitude Filtering of Shrew Attacks at Flow Level
Input: Ψ
(p): The amplitude spectrum of an incoming traffic flow F
by the 5-tuple identifier.
γ: The amplitude filtering threshold obtained from the training process
Output: Enable packet dropping in flow F
01: while flow filtering is called by algorithm 2 on
detecting shrew attacks
02: Check flow F
for membership in various tables
03: Case 1: F
is in LFT
04: Route the flow normally
05: Case 2: F
is in MFT
06: Drop all packets in flow F
07: Case 3: F
is in SFT
08: if Ψ
(p) ≤ γ Then
09: Mark F
as legitimate, move it into LFT
10: else
11: F
contains shrew attacks, move it to MFT
12: Drop all the packets in flow F
12: end If
13: Case 4: F
is not in any of the three tables
14: Add F
flow into SFT
15: endwhile
If the router has initiated the amplitude filtering algorithm while confirming the
alert, it starts checking incoming packets. If a packet label is in the set LFT, this packet is
routed normally. If it is in the set MFT, this packet is dropped. If it is in the set SFT, we
continue sampling until time out. If there is no matching in any table, this packet belongs to
a new flow and it would be added into the SFT, then the sampling begins and the timer
Figure 7.5. Control flow in the amplitude-filtering Algorithm (LFT: Legitimate Flow able, SFT:
Suspicious Flow Table, MFT: Malicious Flow Table, Ψ(p): Cumulative Amplitude Spectrum).
Once a timer is expired for a flow, we compare its amplitude spectrum likelihood
ratio L(z) at pivot point with the threshold γ. If L(z) value is lower than the threshold, we
move its record into LFT. All packets in this flow will be routed normally. If L(z) value is
higher than the threshold γ, the flow is moved into the MFT and all its packets are dropped.
The pseudo code of the amplitude spectral filtering process is specified in the Shrew-
Filtering Algorithm. For flow filtering, we adopt data structures SFT, LFT and MFT tables
to track per flow status.
We identify a flow using the 5-tuple {Source IP, Source Port, Destination IP,
Destination Port, protocol}. Routers generally cannot afford to store 13 bytes for each flow
for security purposes. To minimize the storage overhead incurred by the 3 large tables
needed to implement the algorithm, we store only the output of a hash function with the label
as the input.
7.3. Experiment Results and Performance Analysis
I verified the effectiveness and evaluated the performance of my spectral analysis
based detection algorithm through intensive NS-2 simulation experiments.
7.3.1. Experiment Setup
The shrew-filtering algorithm has been implemented in the NS-2 simulator, which is
a widely recognized packet level discrete event simulator [Net04]. A subclass of connector
named ShrewFilter was added to the head of each SimplexLink. A TrafficMonitor was coded
into the simulator to compute the traffic matrices. The ShrewFilter is used to process the
sample array and to calculate the CAS of flows leading to the victim. Then, the MFT or LFT
entries are set accordingly. The system configuration of the simulation scenario is shown in
Fig. 7.6.
The simulation consists of a variety of Internet traffic patterns. Multiple scenarios
are studied including a single TCP flow vs. a single shrew flow, a single TCP flow vs.
distributed shrew flows, multiple TCP flows vs. a single shrew flow, and multiple TCP flows
vs. distributed shrew flows. The distributed attack patterns include the cases shown in Figs.
Average throughput achieved by the TCP flow (or aggregate) with DDoS stream
Throughput achieved without DDoS stream
ρ =
7.1(b) and 7.1(c). While TCP-Tahoe, TCP-Reno and others present similar vulnerability
under shrew attacks [Hua01], the TCP-Reno standard was adopted the in experiments. We
compare the results of our shrew-filtering algorithm with the well-known Drop Tail scheme.
Figure 7.6. The simulation scenario and experimental setting.
7.3.2. Filtering Efficiency
The NS-2 simulations are carried out with different combinations of legitimate TCP
flows and shrew attack streams. We compared the TCP throughputs achieved by the shrew-
filtering algorithm with the well-known Drop Tail scheme using the comparison metric
normalized throughput ( ρ), which is defined as:
The normalized throughput indicates the severity of the damage that the shrew
streams have done to the performance of legitimate TCP flows. The lower the normalized
throughput is, the greater the damage. In the simulations, assume the link capacity of the last
hop to the victim is 2 Mbps. Since all TCP variants are equally vulnerable to shrew DoS
streams of 50 ms or higher [Kuz03], I used TCP-Reno for the purpose of experiment. The
sources of the shrew attack streams are illustrated by Fig. 7.6. Their delay is a random
variable uniformly distributed within (60 ms, 120 ms).
I started with single shrew-stream scenarios. Fig. 7.7 compares the throughputs of
TCP flows using the Drop Tail scheme and the shrew-filtering algorithm.
(a) Single TCP flow
(b) Five TCP flows
Figure 7.7. Scenarios of TCP flows under single shrew attack.
The x-axis is the attack period and the y-axis is the normalized throughput TCP
flows achieved. Fig. 7.7(a) shows the scenario of a single TCP flow under attack of a single
shrew stream modeled in Fig. 7.1(a). Fig. 7.7(b) corresponds to the scenario of five TCP
flows under attack from a single shrew stream.
It is clear that under the Drop Tail algorithm, the throughput of legitimate TCP flows
is far below the actual attainable throughput and the link utilization is very inefficient. With
the shrew-filtering algorithm, the gain in TCP throughput is significant. It reaches what
legitimate flows can reach when there is no shrew stream. The hypothesis test model can
identify shrew streams with high confidence. It filtered out shrew streams before they hurt
the legitimate flows.
Distributed shrew streams are hard to detect because of their much lower average
traffic rates. Simulations are carried out using four shrew streams that are distributed in
either space domain (Fig. 7.1 (b)) or time domain (Fig. 7.1 (c)), respectively. Again, I
studied their effects on single and five legitimate TCP flows.
Figure 7.8 presents the case where shrew streams are distributed in space but
synchronized as in Fig. 7.1 (b). Four shrew streams are from four different sources with the
same attack periods and the same burst lengths. However, their peak rate is only R/4. This
means that their average traffic rate is only 1/4 of that of the single source attack.
Figure 7.9 compares the throughputs of TCP flows under the Drop Tail algorithm
and our shrew-filtering algorithm in the case that shrew streams are distributed in a timely
fashion but synchronized as in Fig. 7.1(c). Four shrew streams are from four difference
sources with the same peak rates and the same burst lengths. However, their attack periods
are 4T. This distribution makes the interval between pulses four times longer to bring down
the average traffic rate to 1/4 of that of the single source attack pulse stream.
These results show that the shrew-filtering algorithm is indeed capable of
recognizing distributed shrew streams with lower average traffic rate. This is one major
advantage of frequency spectrum technique over bandwidth utilization analysis. Even if the
shrew streams were launched from more zombies to further lower their average bandwidth
utilization, their frequency spectrum would possess the same properties.
(a) Single TCP flow
(b) Five TCP flows
Figure 7.8. Normalized throughput of TCP flows under 4 spatially
distributed shrew attack flows.
In other words, the shrew-filtering mechanism is effective even if the attack is
launched through a larger number of streams with lower burst peak rates. In fact, if zombies
use longer individual attack periods, higher percentages of flows’ energy will be located in
the low frequency band that was being monitored.
(a) Single TCP flow
(b) Five TCP flows
Figure 7.9. Normalized throughput of TCP flows under 4 temporal
distributed shrew attack flows.
7.3.3. Response Time
The response time is a critical parameter used to evaluate the performance of our
shrew-filtering algorithm. In general, the time that a DDoS defense algorithm takes to detect
whether malicious flows exist or not is used as a matrix to monitor the traffic conditions. The
time is varied according to the traffic load on the link. However, the load on the link does
not affect the response time of the shrew-filtering algorithm.
Results in Section 7.3.2 show that the performance of the shrew-filtering algorithm
is coherent under different traffic conditions, where the same 5-second sampling time was
used. The effects of variant sampling length are determined by the signal’s periodicity. If the
sampled sequence presents similar frequency characteristics of the original signal, then the
variance of sampling time will not impact the detection precision. Figure 7.10 illustrates the
effect of various sampling lengths on filtering accuracy.
(a) Distributions of CAS at pivot-point
(b) Throughput under 3 sampling times: 1, 3 and 5 seconds
Figure 7.10. Effects of sampling lengths on the TCP throughput.
Figure 7.10 (a) presents the distribution of CAS at the pivot-point of TCP flows and
shrew streams. They are sampled from 1 second to 5 seconds. As the sampling time
decreases, the CAS at the pivot-point of TCP flow scatters wider. Therefore, the probability
of treating a legitimate TCP flow as a shrew stream increases. However, the distributions of
CAS at the pivot-point of shrew streams are pretty stable. If we stick to the threshold of 0.3,
the high detection confidence level is maintained even when the sampling time decreases to
3 seconds.
Table 7.2 shows the confidence levels of different sampling times. I observed
±1.96 σ (95%), ±3 σ (99.7%) and ±3.29 σ (99.9%) error levels of TCP and shrew streams.
When the sampling time (the response time τ) is longer than 2 seconds, there is no overlap
between the ±3.29 σ error level ranges of TCP flow and shrew stream. Therefore, the
confidence level of detecting and filtering shrew streams is very high (99.9%) while τ ≥ 2
Table 7.2 Error Level of Filtering with Different Sampling Times
1 Second 2 Second 3 Second 4 Second 5 Second
TCP Flow 0.1614±0.176 0.1445±0.094 0.1327±0.067 0.1258±0.078 0.1131±0.051
±1.96 σ/
95% Shrew
0.5036±0.050 0.4690±0.061 0.4508±0.067 0.4479±0.074 0.4985±0.074
TCP Flow 0.1614±0.270 0.1445±0.144 0.1327±0.102 0.1258±0.120 0.1131±0.078
±3 σ/
99.7% Shrew
0.5036±0.076 0.4690±0.093 0.4508±0.103 0.4479±0.112 0.4985±0.114
TCP Flow 0.1614±0.296 0.1445±0.158 0.1327±0.112 0.1258±0.132 0.1131±0.086
±3.29 σ/
99.9% Shrew
0.5036±0.083 0.4690±0.102 0.4508±0.113 0.4479±0.123 0.4985±0.125
When τ = 1 second, an overlap is observed in both ±3 σ and ±3.29 σ error ranges, but
no overlap for ±1.96 σ error level. This implies that information carried by sampled signal
series cannot separate TCP flows from shrew streams with such a high confidence level
(99.7%). However, the shrew-filtering algorithm could still respond to the shrew attacks in 1
second. I cut off it with little sacrifice in the confidence level (95%). Figure 7.10(b) shows
the throughput of five TCP flows under the attack of four distributed shrew streams. Clearly,
all sampling series achieved much higher throughput than the Drop Tail algorithm.
7.4. Scalability, Development, and Limitations
To deploy a distributed security scheme in a core network, the scalability issue is
related to the network size, data rate, link capacity, or router number involved. The shrew-
filtering process demands storage space and computing power to perform the filtering at
flow level. One major obstacle in deploying the filtering schemes into the core network
routers is the conflict between limited resources in routers and high data rates demanded
[Mah01]. It was suggested to implement an intrusion detection system (IDS) on a FPGA
platform, which can process 32,768 complex rules at a data rate as high as 10 Gbps [Att05].
The sampling and packet filtering rules are not more complex than those IDS rules.
The most time-consuming part is to perform DFT on every traffic stream. This can be solved
by using the Xilinx Virtex-4 FPGA, which calculates 512 DSP slices to execute in parallel
with a 500 MHz clock. It has been estimated that these hardware implementations may have
a speed gain of two orders of magnitude, compared with the software implementations.
The performance of shrew filtering algorithms may suffer from the dynamics of
source IP spoofing. In a flow- level sampling and filtering procedure, we uniquely identified
each flow using the 5-tuple {Source IP, Source Port, Destination IP, Destination Port,
protocol}. This may add some flow labeling overhead, if the attacker spoofs the source IP
dynamically. If the spoofing source IP set is very large, the attacker may cause the MFT to
overflow. The MFT overflow may decrease the performance of the shrew filtering process. It
could be worse if the attacker uses different source IP in sending every pulse. One possible
solution to solve this dynamic spoofing problem is to also perform rate limiting at network
interfaces, when we detect the existence of shrew attack streams.
There is one limitation in our shrew-filtering scheme. It is still difficult to segregate
malicious attacking flows from legitimate flows that exhibit similar periodic pulsing
behaviors. The impact on short-lived burst traffic flows is light. Although they may be
mistakenly marked as malicious flow, they have already passed the filter and thus do not
affect the legitimate TCP flow. The problem is that short-lived burst traffic may waste space
in the MFT.
However, long-lived pulsing nature traffic is treated as malicious shrew attack flows.
Previous research pointed out that such long-lived pulsing nature traffic can bring down the
throughput of TCP flows sharing links with them even though they are not generated
purposely to impair the normal TCP flows. Therefore, when TCP flows are throttled heavily,
it is reasonable to block these pulsing streams.
7.5. Summary
In this chapter, I have proposed to cut off low-rate TCP-targeted DDoS attack flows
using the periodicity properties of different flows in the frequency domain. Analysis and
simulations show that more energy of low-rate shrew attacks is located in the lower
frequency band, compared with the legitimate TCP flows. Using a hypothesis test theory and
the Gaussian distribution model, I have shown that the shrew-filtering algorithm achieves a
higher accuracy. Thus, this scheme can block malicious shrew flows with a high confidence
level (> 99.9%), while exhibiting very low probability (< 0.1%) of blocking legitimate TCP
One of the distinct advantages of this approach is that DFT and frequency domain
analysis are standard digital signal processing (DSP) methods that could be implemented
efficiently in hardware, thanks to the modern VLSI technology. Therefore, the shrew-
filtering algorithm would not incur much overhead in routers since the whole process could
be carried out in fast hardware, while the routers perform their normal routing operations.
Chapter 8
DDoS attacks are an impending threat to Internet related applications. This chapter
summarizes the major contributions of this dissertation and discusses further directions for
research. A preliminary design of reconfigurable hardware-based accelerators for shrew
attack detection is also presented.
8.1. Summary of Contributions
In this research, I explored the approach of defending against DDoS attacks in ISP
core networks. A new distributed defense scheme is proposed based on collaborative
anomaly detection crossing ISP networks. The key contributions of this dissertation can be
summarized from two perspectives.
In the DDoS defense research community, this is the first real distributed defense
mechanism that is deployed in the ISP core networks. My distributed scheme is not only able
to cover a wide area of the Internet, but is also able to integrate new techniques into the
backbone infrastructure. Considering the fast evolution of technology of both malicious
attacks and defense, this feature is critical.
From an ISP perspective, this distributed scheme can motivate ISPs to deploy
defense in their networks. It could be a selling point to attract more customers since the ISPs
can claim that their network will suffer less breakdown experiences. In today’s Internet
environment, the security is highly interdependent among ISP networks. This distributed
scheme enables ISPs to monitor whether their infrastructure is under attack or is being used
to transfer attacking traffic to others. ISPs can help each other to avoid financial loss.
More concretely, my contribution is summarized as below:
• A New SIP Protocol for Trust Negotiation among AS Domains: To push security
functions into the core network, I propose a securing infrastructure protocol (SIP)
enabling intermediate network devices to monitor traffic anomalies
collaboratively. SIP protocol is different from IP multicast, application layer
multicast, and overlay network multicast protocols that have been reported
previously. In the vertical direction of a network layer model, SIP protocol sits on
top of the IP layer and is transparent to transport layer protocols. From the angle of
view of deployment, SIP holds its responsibility as limited in routers of a physical
network. No end hosts or servers are involved.
• Distributed Change-Point Detection Scheme: Based on the anomaly pattern
detected in related network domains, the distributed change-point (DCP) detection
scheme detects a DDoS flooding attack before the victim is overwhelmed. This
approach captures the abrupt traffic changes at attack-transit routers. The DCP
scheme achieved a high detection rate of DDoS attacks with very low false
positive rates. A DCP detection scheme is suitable for deployment at the ISP core
networks. The ISP-level cooperation can eliminate the need of intervention from
edge networks. The distributed detection scheme automatically performs traceback
during the detection of suspicious traffic flows. Once a DDoS flooding attack is
detected, we know the exact router or AS that the anomaly was observed.
• Malicious flow identifying and cutting off algorithms: I propose a new approach
called MAFIC—MAlicious Flow Identification and Cutoff—to support the
adaptive packet dropping policy. I implemented a new adaptive packet dropping
and probing algorithm. By monitoring the response to packet loss from the flow
source, malicious attacking flows are accurately identified and all their packets are
then dropped before reaching the victim. The extensive NS-2 based simulation
results shows that MAFIC responds quickly to reduce the traffic rate by limiting
flow bandwidth incisively. Indeed, MAFIC can identify and cut off malicious
flows with very high accuracy and a minimized impact on the performance of
legitimate application flows.
• Collaborative detection and filtering off shrew attack flows in frequency
domains: This dissertation presents a new spectral template-matching approach to
countering shrew DDoS attacks. My collaborative detection and filtering (CDF)
scheme detects shrew attack flows hidden in legitimate TCP/UDP streams by
spectral analysis against a pre-stored template of average attack spectrum.
Leveraging spectral analysis, a hypothesis-testing model makes the spectral
template matching effective in detecting shrew DDoS attacks at traffic streaming
levels and in cutting off malicious flows at a refined flow level. The simulation
results show high detection accuracy by merging alerts from cooperative routers.
Our CDF scheme appeals to both DSP software and FPGA hardware
implementation. The scheme can also be implemented on network processors. One
can push frequency-domain monitoring down to a lower level in the packet
processing hierarchy. The DSP chips, FPGA, and network processors will all
reduce the packet-processing time on routers.
8.2. Preliminary Accelerator Design
The major concern of deploying defense DDoS attacks in ISP core networks is the
limited computing and storage resources routers can share for security purposes. Considering
the computational complexity incurred by FFT and autocorrelation calculation, it is
challenging to cope with the high data rate in today’s network (multi gigabyte). In general, it
is preferable to detect the attacks swiftly before damages caused. Most software-based
security mechanisms are not feasible in high-speed core networks.
In fact, scanning network traffic at line speed for signatures of attacks is a
challenging task in today’s high-speed networks. The software-based systems have severe
performance limitations. On the other hand, the prohibitive cost and long design period
makes it difficult for Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) to keep up with the
evolution steps of Internet attack technologies.
The significant achievement in VLSI techniques makes reconfigurable hardware a
promising solution. FPGA devices have the flexibility of software combined with the speed
of a hardware implementation, providing high performance and fast development cycles.
The reconfigurability allows further updates of the security system in regards to the
evolution of attacks and defense techniques. The high parallelism makes it capable of
handling multi-gigabytes of data rates in the core networks.
Much research has been reported relating to the application of reconfigurable
hardware in the area of security or traffic monitoring in high-speed networks. These works
can be roughly categorized into three sub areas: stream reassembly and state tracking
[Sch04], header processing and packet classification [Tay05], [Son05], [Spi03], [Bab01],
and content processing [Bak04], [Cla04], [Sug04]. For security purposes like Internet worm
containment or DDoS attack defense, traffic monitor processing is composed neither of
solely header processing nor solely of content scanning. It is a combination effort integrating
all of the techniques.
For example, Attig et al. [Att05] proposed an intrusion detection system (IDS)
design on a FPGA platform that can process 32,768 complex rules at data rates as high as 10
Gbps. My countering and spectral analysis method is not more complex than those IDS
rules. Therefore, a reconfigurable hardware-based solution is ideal for performing shrew
DDoS attack detection in real time in the high-speed network environment. To the best of
my knowledge, there is no work reported that implements DDoS defense schemes atop
FPGA devices.
I have proposed a preliminary design of the embedded accelerator for shrew attack
detection algorithms. In this architecture, the most important and time-consuming parts are
autocorrelation calculation units and DFT converting units. The design needs to be
optimized in terms of area efficiency and time constraints. Figure 8.1 illustrates the main
function blocks in the embedded shrew DDoS attack detection accelerator.
Figure 8.1. Function blocks of shrew DDoS attack detection accelerator
The accelerator is connected to the network card and counts the incoming packets.
The Packet Counting unit consists of several simple counters, each of them corresponding to
one flow. The sampling unit records the counter values periodically, which is set as 1 ms.
When the length of the sampled series reaches 4096 for a certain flow, I calculated its
autocorrelation sequence and converted it into a frequency domain using DFT. Comparing
the PSD of a sampled flow with the statistic pattern obtained, we can detect the existance of
shrew attack flows.
Chapter 7 reveals that the length of a sampled series has significant impact on
detection accuracy. With the sampling period of 1 ms, a series of 4096 is necessary if a
detection rate of 95% is desired. Therefore, the accelerator needs to calculate the
autocorrelation sequence and FFT of 4096 data points. The detection delay is another
important concern. The shrew attacks achieve the maximum impact against TCP throughput
when its period is in the range of 0.5 to 1.0 seconds. In addition, the TCP throughput drops
quickly after several pulses of shrew attacks arrive. Hence, it is desired to obtain the traffic
spectrum in a period higher than 0.5 seconds. This gives enough time to launch flow-
filtering mechanisms to segregate malicious attacking flows from legitimate ones before
damage caused.
8.3. Further Research Works
Based on the solid foundation laid by previous works, forthcoming research works
will lead to two major tracks: 1) security protocol for next generation Internet
infrastructures, and 2) reconfigurable embedded accelerator design. The following key
problems are open for investigation:
• Infrastructure Security Protocol in IPv6: Aside from establishing a framework
under which ISPs can effectively and cooperatively monitor anomalies in core
networks, I will address following questions to achieve infrastructure security in
the context of IPv6:
¾ What functions have to be implemented in core networks?
¾ If anomalies are identified, what actions/ countermeasures are feasible?
¾ What is the impact on innocent traffic if false positive alarms are raised?
¾ Is the security of the protocol itself robust enough? How can attackers take
advantage of the protocol? What if one or more nodes are compromised?
¾ How much overhead is incurred to routers supporting this protocol?
¾ How much bandwidth has to be reserved for it?
• Reconfigurable Embedded Accelerator Architectures: Compared to general
purpose embedded architectures, adaptivity and scalability are two essential
concerns. I will explore the following critical issues in security oriented embedded
network devices:
¾ How can we foster the evolution of the device along with the rapid changes
in attack patterns and emerging of new applications?
¾ What kind of real-time reconfiguration mechanism is desired?
¾ What kind of adaptive scheme is able to ensure a device powerful enough
to survive the foreseeable future?
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Appendices A. Publications
Book Chapter Contribution
[1] Y. Chen, M. Cai, and K. Hwang, “Internet Worm and DDoS Defense with
Dynamic Hardware and Network Processors,” contribution to Hardware-based
Security, edited by Ruby Lee and Sean Smith, to be published by Morgan
Kaufman Publishers in 2006.
Journal Publications
[1] Y. Chen, K. Hwang, and W. Ku, “Distributed Change Detection of DDoS Attacks
over Multiple Network Domains”, submitted to IEEE Transaction on Parallel and
Distributed Systems, August 14, 2006. Under Review.
[2] Y. Chen and K. Hwang, “Collaborative Detection and Filtering of Shrew DDoS
Attacks using Spectral Analysis,” Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing,
special issue on Security in Grids and Distributed Systems, Vol. 66, Issue 9,
September 2006.
[3] K. Hwang, Y.-K. Kwok, S. Song, M. Cai, Yu Chen, and Ying Chen, “Security
Binding and Worm/DDoS Defense Infrastructure for Trusted Grid Computing,”
International Journal on Critical Infrastructures, 2005.
[4] M. Cai, K. Hwang, Y.-K. Kwok, S. Song, and Y. Chen, “Collaborative Internet
Worm Containment”, IEEE Security and Privacy Magazine, May/June 2005.
Conference/Workshop Publications
[1] Y. Chen and K. Hwang, “Collaborative Change Detection of DDoS Attacks on
Community and ISP Networks,” the 2006 IEEE International Symposium on
Collaborative Technologies and Systems (CTS’06), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA,
May. 15-17, 2006.
[2] Y. Chen, K. Hwang, and Y.-K. Kwok, “Filtering of Shrew DDoS Attacks in
Frequency Domain,” the First IEEE LCN Workshop on Network Security (WoNS),
in conjunction with the LCN 2005, Sydney, Australia, Nov. 15-17, 2005.
[3] Y.-K. Kwok, R. Tripathi, Y. Chen, and K. Hwang, “HAWK: Halting Anomalies
with Weighted Choking to Rescue Well-Behaved TCP Sessions from Shrew DoS
Attacks,” the 2005 International Conference on Computer Networks and Mobile
Computing (ICCNMC’05), Zhangjiajie, China, Aug. 2-4, 2005.
[4] Y. Chen, Y.-K. Kwok, and K. Hwang, “MAFIC: Adaptive Packet Dropping for
Cutting Malicious Flows to Push Back DDoS Attacks,” the 2
Workshop on Security in Distributed Computing Systems (SDCS’05), in
conjunction with ICDCS 2005, Columbus, OH, USA, June 6-10, 2005.
[5] K. Hwang, Y.-K. Kwok, S. Song, M. Cai, R. Zhou, Yu Chen, Ying Chen, and X.
Lou, “GridSec: Trusted Grid Computing with Security Binding and Self-Defense
against Network Worms and DDoS Attacks,” in Proceedings of International
Workshop on Grid Computing Security and Resource Management (GSRM-2005),
in conjunction with the ICCS-2005, Atlanta, GA, May 22-24, 2005.
Appendices B. DETER Experiment Configure
Appendices C. DETER Experiment JAVA Code
(Router Side)
//This is part of the router side JAVA code
public class CATClient4
public static final int Speriod = 500;
public static void main(String[] args)
throws IOException
boolean first1 = true, first2 = true;
long start, stop, elapsed;
start = System.currentTimeMillis(); //
while(true) //
client loop
stop = System.currentTimeMillis();
elapsed = stop - start;
if (elapsed >= Speriod)
start = stop;
//System.out.println("current Time = " + stop);
InetAddress addr =
System.out.println("addr = " + addr);
Socket socket = null;
try {
socket = new Socket(addr, 8080);
// Guard everything in a try-finally to make sure that the
socket is closed:
} catch (SocketException e) {
System.out.println("==== Exception happen ... ====");
// for ip detection
String s1, s2, temp, previous, inter = new String();
String[] IPtable = new String[10];
int i, c= 0, counter = 0;
// for packet counting
String s1g, s2g, s3g, s4g, s5g, tempg, interf = new String();
//String[] s3g = new String[30];
long packetR = 0, packetT =0;
long packetCR, packetCT; // packets received this
char sign =0;
// detect the interface
//if (first1)
counter = 0;
BufferedReader in =
new BufferedReader(
//new FileReader("ifconfig2.dat"));
//new FileReader("ifconfig3.dat"));
new FileReader("ipmap.dat"));
temp = in.readLine();
inter = temp.substring(0, 4);
s1 = in.readLine();
s2 = s1.substring(20, 29);
//System.out.println("The interface is " + inter + " and IP is
" + s2);
IPtable[0] = s2 + inter;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
temp = in.readLine();
inter = temp.substring(0, 4);
s1 = in.readLine();
s2 = s1.substring(20, 29);
//System.out.println("The interface is " + inter + " and IP is
" + s2);
previous =s2;
IPtable[1] = s2 + inter;
if (!previous.equals(""))
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
temp = in.readLine();
inter = temp.substring(0, 4);
s1 = in.readLine();
s2 = s1.substring(20, 29);
//System.out.println("The interface is " + inter + " and IP
is " + s2);
previous =s2;
IPtable[2] = s2 + inter;
IPtable[2] = " 000";
if (!previous.equals(""))
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
temp = in.readLine();
inter = temp.substring(0, 4);
s1 = in.readLine();
s2 = s1.substring(20, 29);
//System.out.println("The interface is " + inter + " and IP
is " + s2);
previous =s2;
IPtable[3] = s2 + inter;
IPtable[3] = " 000";
if (!previous.equals(""))
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
temp = in.readLine();
inter = temp.substring(0, 4);
s1 = in.readLine();
s2 = s1.substring(20, 29);
//System.out.println("The interface is " + inter + " and IP
is " + s2);
previous = s2;
IPtable[4] = s2 + inter;
IPtable[4] = " 000";
if (!previous.equals(""))
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
temp = in.readLine();
inter = temp.substring(0, 4);
s1 = in.readLine();
s2 = s1.substring(20, 29);
//System.out.println("The interface is " + inter + " and IP
is " + s2);
previous = s2;
IPtable[5] = s2 + inter;
IPtable[5] = " 000";
} catch(IOException e) {
System.err.println("End of stream");
//first1 = false;
try {
System.out.println("socket = " + socket);
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream()));
// Output is automatically flushed by PrintWriter:
PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(
new BufferedWriter(
new OutputStreamWriter(
//if (first2)
//for (i = 0; i <= counter; i++)
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
//first2 = false;
//Catch the hostname
BufferedReader in3 =
new BufferedReader(
new FileReader("host.dat"));
String hostname = new String();
//String tmp = new String();
//tmp = in3.readLine();
//hostname = tmp.substring(0, 3);
hostname = in3.readLine();
//System.out.println("The hostname is " + hostname);
} catch(IOException e) {
System.err.println("End of stream");
BufferedReader in2 =
new BufferedReader(
// <==========
//new FileReader("packet2.dat")); // <==========
new FileReader("/proc/net/dev"));
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
tempg = in2.readLine();
s1g = in2.readLine();
s2g = in2.readLine();
s3g = in2.readLine();
s4g = in2.readLine();
s5g = in2.readLine();
} catch(IOException e) {
System.err.println("End of stream");
String str = in.readLine();
} catch (SocketException e) {
} finally {
//{ //
// Thread.currentThread().sleep(500, 1); // delay
//}catch (Exception e)
// System.err.println(e);
//System.out.println("===== Processing Time " +
//System.out.println(" ");
// stop = System.currentTimeMillis();
// elapsed = stop - start;
// if (elapsed >= Speriod)
// break;
//start = stop;
System.out.println("===== Processing Time " +
System.out.println(" ");
}//while //
client loop
} ///:~
Appendices D. DETER Experiment JAVA Code
(Server Side)
// This is part of the server side code of DETER experiment
import java.lang.*;
import java.util.Timer;
class router
String[] interfaceID = new String[5];
String[] IPs = new String[5];
String[] ASIPs = new String[5];
// String[] neighbors = new String[4];
int[] neighbors = new int[5]; // neighbor in logical
String Hostname = new String();
String SelfIP = new String(); // IP address of this
double[][] pktavg = new double[5][2]; // average packet number
of each interface
double[][] pktdfa = new double[5][2]; // deviation from the
double[][] pktdr = new double[5][5]; // deviation ratio
double[][] pktor = new double[5][5]; // offset ratio
int[][] curpkt = new int[5][2]; // current packet number
int[][] prepkt = new int[5][2]; // previous packet number
int[] p_nb = new int[5]; // the physical neighbors
int up_no;
int dn_no;
int[] up_r = new int[5];
int[] dn_r = new int[5];
int is_p; // the flag whether this router is ATR
public class CATServer15 {
public static final int PORT = 8080; //
public static final double alpha = 0.1; //the sesitivity of
history average
public static final double beta = 2.0; //the threshold of DFA
to catch suspicious patterns
// Tree construction =============================================
// ===============================================================
public static void main(String[] args)
throws IOException
//InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getByName("");
// CAT Server IP Router# 15
InetAddress addr =
ServerSocket s = new ServerSocket(8080, 100, addr);
System.out.println("Started: " + s);
FileOutputStream result = new FileOutputStream ("suspic15.dat");
//Output files
FileOutputStream record = new FileOutputStream
//String[] IPtable = new String[5];
int i, j, k, p, q, r, interm, thishost = 0, counter = 0;
int scan = 0, scan2 = 1;
int Ycounter = 0; // counter of cycle number
int Rcounter = 0, Tcounter = 0, TimerCounter = 0;
int[] Reply = new int[40];
String[] IPtree = new String[100000];
router[] Routers = new router[40];
for (j =0; j < Routers.length; j++) // initialize routers
Routers[j] = new router();
String IP1, IP2, IP3, IP4, IP5 = new String();
String IF1, IF2, IF3, IF4, IF5 = new String();
String IFp1, IFp2, IFp3, IFp4, IFp5, thisIP = new String();
String pack1R, pack1T, pack2R, pack2T, pack3R, pack3T, pack4R,
pack4T, pack5R, pack5T = new String();
String hostname = new String();
String str = new String();
IP1 = "0"; IP2 = "0"; IP3 = "0"; IP4 = "0"; IP5 = "0";
IF1 = "0"; IF2 = "0"; IF3 = "0"; IF4 = "0"; IF5 = "0";
thisIP = "0";
int ipack1R, ipack1T, ipack2R, ipack2T, ipack3R, ipack3T;
int ipack4R, ipack4T, ipack5R, ipack5T;
int CCounter = 0;
int[] start_char = new int[16];
int[] end_char = new int[16];
int cur_char = 0;
int cur_str = 0;
// Initialization ==============================================
for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
for (p = 0; p < 5; p++)
for (q = 0; q < 5; q++)
Routers[j].pktdr[p][q] = 0.1;
Routers[j].pktor[p][q] = 0.1;
for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
Reply[j] = 0;
Routers[j].up_no = 0;
Routers[j].dn_no = 0;
Routers[j].is_p = 0;
for (k = 0; k < 5; k++)
Routers[j].up_r[k] = 999;
Routers[j].dn_r[k] = 999;
Routers[j].p_nb[k] = 999;
//Router information definition ============================ R1500
Routers[0].IPs[0] = "";
Routers[0].IPs[1] = "";
Routers[0].IPs[2] = "";
Routers[0].IPs[3] = "";
Routers[0].IPs[4] = "192.168.1";
Routers[0].neighbors[0] = 1504;
Routers[0].neighbors[1] = 1503;
Routers[0].neighbors[2] = -1;
Routers[0].neighbors[3] = -2;
Routers[0].neighbors[4] = -3;
Routers[0].ASIPs[0] = "";
Routers[0].ASIPs[1] = "";
Routers[0].ASIPs[2] = "";
Routers[0].ASIPs[3] = "";
Routers[0].ASIPs[4] = "";
Routers[0].Hostname = "";
for (p = 0; p < 5; p++)
for (q = 0; q < 2; q++)
Routers[0].pktavg[p][q] = 0;
Routers[0].curpkt[p][q] = 0;
Routers[0].prepkt[p][q] = 0;
Routers[0].pktdfa[p][q] = 0.1;
//======================================================= R1503
Routers[2].IPs[0] = "";
Routers[2].IPs[1] = "";
Routers[2].IPs[2] = "";
Routers[2].IPs[3] = "";
Routers[2].IPs[4] = "192.168.1";
Routers[2].neighbors[0] = 1500;
Routers[2].neighbors[1] = 1507;
Routers[2].neighbors[2] = -1;
Routers[2].neighbors[3] = -2;
Routers[2].neighbors[4] = -3;
Routers[2].ASIPs[0] = "";
Routers[2].ASIPs[1] = "";
Routers[2].ASIPs[2] = "";
Routers[2].ASIPs[3] = "";
Routers[2].ASIPs[4] = "";
Routers[2].Hostname = "";
for (p = 0; p < 5; p++)
for (q = 0; q < 2; q++)
Routers[2].pktavg[p][q] = 0;
Routers[2].curpkt[p][q] = 0;
Routers[2].prepkt[p][q] = 0;
Routers[2].pktdfa[p][q] = 0.1;
//======================================================= R1504
Routers[3].IPs[0] = "";
Routers[3].IPs[1] = "";
Routers[3].IPs[2] = "";
Routers[3].IPs[3] = "";
Routers[3].IPs[4] = "192.168.1";
Routers[3].neighbors[0] = 1500;
Routers[3].neighbors[1] = 1505;
Routers[3].neighbors[2] = 1506;
Routers[3].neighbors[3] = 1507;
Routers[3].neighbors[4] = -1;
Routers[3].ASIPs[0] = "";
Routers[3].ASIPs[1] = "";
Routers[3].ASIPs[2] = "";
Routers[3].ASIPs[3] = "";
Routers[3].ASIPs[4] = "";
Routers[3].Hostname = "";
for (p = 0; p < 5; p++)
for (q = 0; q < 2; q++)
Routers[3].pktavg[p][q] = 0;
Routers[3].curpkt[p][q] = 0;
Routers[3].prepkt[p][q] = 0;
Routers[3].pktdfa[p][q] = 0.1;
//======================================================= R1505
Routers[4].IPs[0] = "";
Routers[4].IPs[1] = "";
Routers[4].IPs[2] = "";
Routers[4].IPs[3] = "";
Routers[4].IPs[4] = "192.168.1";
Routers[4].neighbors[0] = 1504;
Routers[4].neighbors[1] = 805;
Routers[4].neighbors[2] = -1;
Routers[4].neighbors[3] = -2;
Routers[4].neighbors[4] = -3;
Routers[4].ASIPs[0] = "";
Routers[4].ASIPs[1] = "";
Routers[4].ASIPs[2] = "";
Routers[4].ASIPs[3] = "";
Routers[4].ASIPs[4] = "";
Routers[4].Hostname = "";
for (p = 0; p < 5; p++)
for (q = 0; q < 2; q++)
Routers[4].pktavg[p][q] = 0;
Routers[4].curpkt[p][q] = 0;
Routers[4].prepkt[p][q] = 0;
Routers[4].pktdfa[p][q] = 0.1;
//=================================================== R1506
Routers[5].IPs[0] = "";
Routers[5].IPs[1] = "";
Routers[5].IPs[2] = "";
Routers[5].IPs[3] = "";
Routers[5].IPs[4] = "192.168.1";
Routers[5].neighbors[0] = 606;
Routers[5].neighbors[1] = 1504;
Routers[5].neighbors[2] = 1510;
Routers[5].neighbors[3] = -1;
Routers[5].neighbors[4] = -2;
Routers[5].ASIPs[0] = "";
Routers[5].ASIPs[1] = "";
Routers[5].ASIPs[2] = "";
Routers[5].ASIPs[3] = "";
Routers[5].ASIPs[4] = "";
Routers[5].Hostname = "";
for (p = 0; p < 5; p++)
for (q = 0; q < 2; q++)
Routers[5].pktavg[p][q] = 0;
Routers[5].curpkt[p][q] = 0;
Routers[5].prepkt[p][q] = 0;
Routers[5].pktdfa[p][q] = 0.1;
//=================================================== R1507
Routers[6].IPs[0] = "";
Routers[6].IPs[1] = "";
Routers[6].IPs[2] = "";
Routers[6].IPs[3] = "";
Routers[6].IPs[4] = "192.168.1";
Routers[6].neighbors[0] = 1504;
Routers[6].neighbors[1] = 1503;
Routers[6].neighbors[2] = 1509;
Routers[6].neighbors[3] = -1;
Routers[6].neighbors[4] = -2;
Routers[6].ASIPs[0] = "";
Routers[6].ASIPs[1] = "";
Routers[6].ASIPs[2] = "";
Routers[6].ASIPs[3] = "";
Routers[6].ASIPs[4] = "";
Routers[6].Hostname = "";
for (p = 0; p < 5; p++)
for (q = 0; q < 2; q++)
Routers[6].pktavg[p][q] = 0;
Routers[6].curpkt[p][q] = 0;
Routers[6].prepkt[p][q] = 0;
Routers[6].pktdfa[p][q] = 0.1;
//==================================================== R1509
Routers[7].IPs[0] = "";
Routers[7].IPs[1] = "";
Routers[7].IPs[2] = "";
Routers[7].IPs[3] = "";
Routers[7].IPs[4] = "192.168.1";
Routers[7].neighbors[0] = 1207;
Routers[7].neighbors[1] = 1510;
Routers[7].neighbors[2] = 1507;
Routers[7].neighbors[3] = -1;
Routers[7].neighbors[4] = -2;
Routers[7].ASIPs[0] = "";
Routers[7].ASIPs[1] = "";
Routers[7].ASIPs[2] = "";
Routers[7].ASIPs[3] = "";
Routers[7].ASIPs[4] = "";
Routers[7].Hostname = "";
for (p = 0; p < 5; p++)
for (q = 0; q < 2; q++)
Routers[7].pktavg[p][q] = 0;
Routers[7].curpkt[p][q] = 0;
Routers[7].prepkt[p][q] = 0;
Routers[7].pktdfa[p][q] = 0.1;
//==================================================== R1510
Routers[1].IPs[0] = "";
Routers[1].IPs[1] = "";
Routers[1].IPs[2] = "";
Routers[1].IPs[3] = "";
Routers[1].IPs[4] = "192.168.1";
Routers[1].neighbors[0] = 1509;
Routers[1].neighbors[1] = 1506;
Routers[1].neighbors[2] = -1;
Routers[1].neighbors[3] = -2;
Routers[1].neighbors[4] = -3;
Routers[1].ASIPs[0] = "";
Routers[1].ASIPs[1] = "";
Routers[1].ASIPs[2] = "";
Routers[1].ASIPs[3] = "";
Routers[1].ASIPs[4] = "";
Routers[1].Hostname = "";
for (p = 0; p < 5; p++)
for (q = 0; q < 2; q++)
Routers[1].pktavg[p][q] = 0;
Routers[1].curpkt[p][q] = 0;
Routers[1].prepkt[p][q] = 0;
Routers[1].pktdfa[p][q] = 0.1;
// Router information definition =================================
// Blocks until a connection occurs:
Socket socket = s.accept();
counter = 0;
"Connection accepted: "+ socket);
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(
// Output is automatically flushed by PrintWriter:
PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(
new BufferedWriter(
new OutputStreamWriter(
System.out.println("The value of CCounter is " + CCounter);
Tcounter = 0;
// periods
while (true)
try {
str = in.readLine();
// Guard everything in a try-finally to make sure that
the socket is closed:
} catch (SocketException e) {
System.out.println("==== Exception happen ... ====");
System.out.println("counter is: " + counter);
//new PrintStream(result).println (str); \\=======>
Print to file
if (str.equals("END"))
//System.out.println("Echoing: " + str);
if (counter == 0)
IP1 = str.substring(0, 9);
IF1 = str.substring(9, 13);
System.out.println("IP1 is " + IP1);
//System.out.println("IF1 is " + IF1);
thisIP = IP1;
if (counter == 1)
IP2 = str.substring(0, 9);
IF2 = str.substring(9, 13);
System.out.println("IP2 is " + IP2);
//System.out.println("IF2 is " + IF2);
thisIP = IP2;
if (counter == 2)
IP3 = str.substring(0, 9);
IF3 = str.substring(9, 13);
System.out.println("IP3 is " + IP3);
//System.out.println("IF3 is " + IF3);
thisIP = IP3;
if (counter == 3)
IP4 = str.substring(0, 9);
IF4 = str.substring(9, 13);
System.out.println("IP4 is " + IP4);
//System.out.println("IF4 is " + IF4);
thisIP = IP4;
if (counter == 4)
IP5 = str.substring(0, 9);
IF5 = str.substring(9, 13);
System.out.println("IP5 is " + IP5);
//System.out.println("IF5 is " + IF5);
thisIP = IP5;
if (counter == 5)
i = 0;
hostname = str;
System.out.println("Hostname is " + hostname);
for (i =0; i < 8; i++)
if (Routers[i].Hostname.equals(hostname))
//if ((Reply[i] != 0) && (Rcounter < 34))
if (Reply[i] != 0)
new PrintStream(result).println("============
Cycle #" + Ycounter);
new PrintStream(result).println("The following
nodes have no response:");
for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
if (Reply[j] == 0)
new PrintStream(result).print(" R" + j);
Reply[j] = 0;
new PrintStream(result).println(" ");
Rcounter = 0;
scan = 1;
thishost = i;
Reply[i] = 1;
Routers[thishost].ASIPs[0] = IP1;
Routers[thishost].ASIPs[1] = IP2;
Routers[thishost].ASIPs[2] = IP3;
Routers[thishost].ASIPs[3] = IP4;
Routers[thishost].ASIPs[4] = IP5;
System.out.println("#### Reply set to one for router
R" + i);
System.out.println("============= Rcounter = " +
for (i =0; i < 5; i++)
if (Routers[thishost].IPs[i].equals(IP1))
Routers[thishost].interfaceID[i] = IF1;
Routers[thishost].p_nb[0] =
for (i =0; i < 5; i++)
if (Routers[thishost].IPs[i].equals(IP2))
Routers[thishost].interfaceID[i] = IF2;
Routers[thishost].p_nb[1] =
for (i =0; i < 5; i++)
if (Routers[thishost].IPs[i].equals(IP3))
Routers[thishost].interfaceID[i] = IF3;
Routers[thishost].p_nb[2] =
for (i =0; i < 5; i++)
if (Routers[thishost].IPs[i].equals(IP4))
Routers[thishost].interfaceID[i] = IF4;
Routers[thishost].p_nb[3] =
for (i =0; i < 5; i++)
if (Routers[thishost].IPs[i].equals(IP5))
Routers[thishost].interfaceID[i] = IF5;
Routers[thishost].p_nb[4] =
//for (i =0; i < 4; i++)
//System.out.println("Stored interface " +
if (counter == 6)
IFp1 = str.substring(2, 6);
//System.out.println("IFp1 is " + IFp1);
cur_str = 1;
cur_char = 7;
if (str.charAt(7) != ' ')
start_char[1] = 7;
cur_char = 8;
while (cur_str < 12)
if ((str.charAt(cur_char) == ' ') &&
(str.charAt(cur_char + 1) != ' '))
start_char[cur_str] = cur_char + 1;
if ((str.charAt(cur_char) != ' ') &&
(str.charAt(cur_char + 1) == ' '))
end_char[cur_str] = cur_char;
pack1R = str.substring(start_char[2], end_char[2] + 1);
// (17, 23)
pack1T = str.substring(start_char[10], end_char[10] +
1); // (76, 82)
ipack1R = Integer.parseInt(pack1R);
ipack1T = Integer.parseInt(pack1T);
if (Routers[thishost].pktavg[0][0] == 0)
if (Routers[thishost].prepkt[0][0] == 0)
Routers[thishost].prepkt[0][0] = ipack1R;
interm = ipack1R - Routers[thishost].prepkt[0][0];
Routers[thishost].curpkt[0][0] = interm;
Routers[thishost].pktavg[0][0] = interm;
interm = ipack1R - Routers[thishost].prepkt[0][0];
Routers[thishost].curpkt[0][0] = interm;
Routers[thishost].pktavg[0][0] = alpha * interm + (1 -
alpha) * Routers[thishost].pktavg[0][0];
Routers[thishost].pktdfa[0][0] =
Routers[thishost].prepkt[0][0] = ipack1R;
//System.out.println("pack1R is " + ipack1R);
if (Routers[thishost].pktavg[0][1] == 0)
if (Routers[thishost].prepkt[0][1] == 0)
Routers[thishost].prepkt[0][1] = ipack1T;
interm = ipack1T - Routers[thishost].prepkt[0][1];
Routers[thishost].curpkt[0][1] = interm;
Routers[thishost].pktavg[0][1] = interm;
interm = ipack1T - Routers[thishost].prepkt[0][1];
Routers[thishost].curpkt[0][1] = interm;
Routers[thishost].pktavg[0][1] = alpha * interm + (1 -
alpha) * Routers[thishost].pktavg[0][1];
Routers[thishost].pktdfa[0][1] =
Routers[thishost].prepkt[0][1] = ipack1T;
//System.out.println("pack1T is " + ipack1T);
if (counter == 7)
IFp2 = str.substring(2, 6);
//System.out.println("IFp2 is " + IFp2);
cur_str = 1;
cur_char = 7;
if (str.charAt(7) != ' ')
start_char[1] = 7;
cur_char = 8;
while (cur_str < 12)
if ((str.charAt(cur_char) == ' ') &&
(str.charAt(cur_char + 1) != ' '))
start_char[cur_str] = cur_char + 1;
if ((str.charAt(cur_char) != ' ') &&
(str.charAt(cur_char + 1) == ' '))
end_char[cur_str] = cur_char;
pack2R = str.substring(start_char[2], end_char[2] + 1);
// (17, 23)
pack2T = str.substring(start_char[10], end_char[10] +
1); // (76, 82)
ipack2R = Integer.parseInt(pack2R);
ipack2T = Integer.parseInt(pack2T);
if (Routers[thishost].pktavg[1][0] == 0)
if (Routers[thishost].prepkt[1][0] == 0)
Routers[thishost].prepkt[1][0] = ipack2R;
interm = ipack2R - Routers[thishost].prepkt[1][0];
Routers[thishost].curpkt[1][0] = interm;
Routers[thishost].pktavg[1][0] = interm;
interm = ipack2R - Routers[thishost].prepkt[1][0];
Routers[thishost].curpkt[1][0] = interm;
Routers[thishost].pktavg[1][0] = alpha * interm + (1 -
alpha) * Routers[thishost].pktavg[1][0];
Routers[thishost].pktdfa[1][0] =
Routers[thishost].prepkt[1][0] = ipack2R;
//System.out.println("pack2R is " + ipack2R);
if (Routers[thishost].pktavg[1][1] == 0)
if (Routers[thishost].prepkt[1][1] == 0)
Routers[thishost].prepkt[1][1] = ipack2T;
interm = ipack2T - Routers[thishost].prepkt[1][1];
Routers[thishost].curpkt[1][1] = interm;
Routers[thishost].pktavg[1][1] = interm;
interm = ipack2T - Routers[thishost].prepkt[1][1];
Routers[thishost].curpkt[1][1] = interm;
Routers[thishost].pktavg[1][1] = alpha * interm + (1 -
alpha) * Routers[thishost].pktavg[1][1];
Routers[thishost].pktdfa[1][1] =
Routers[thishost].prepkt[1][1] = ipack2T;
//System.out.println("pack2T is " + ipack2T);
if (counter == 8)
IFp3 = str.substring(2, 6);
//System.out.println("IFp3 is " + IFp3);
cur_str = 1;
cur_char = 7;
if (str.charAt(7) != ' ')
start_char[1] = 7;
cur_char = 8;
while (cur_str < 12)
if ((str.charAt(cur_char) == ' ') &&
(str.charAt(cur_char + 1) != ' '))
start_char[cur_str] = cur_char + 1;
if ((str.charAt(cur_char) != ' ') &&
(str.charAt(cur_char + 1) == ' '))
end_char[cur_str] = cur_char;
pack3R = str.substring(start_char[2], end_char[2] + 1);
// (17, 23)
pack3T = str.substring(start_char[10], end_char[10] +
1); // (76, 82)
ipack3R = Integer.parseInt(pack3R);
ipack3T = Integer.parseInt(pack3T);
if (Routers[thishost].pktavg[2][0] == 0)
if (Routers[thishost].prepkt[2][0] == 0)
Routers[thishost].prepkt[2][0] = ipack3R;
interm = ipack3R - Routers[thishost].prepkt[2][0];
Routers[thishost].curpkt[2][0] = interm;
Routers[thishost].pktavg[2][0] = interm;
interm = ipack3R - Routers[thishost].prepkt[2][0];
Routers[thishost].curpkt[2][0] = interm;
Routers[thishost].pktavg[2][0] = alpha * interm + (1 -
alpha) * Routers[thishost].pktavg[2][0];
Routers[thishost].pktdfa[2][0] =
Routers[thishost].prepkt[2][0] = ipack3R;
//System.out.println("pack3R is " + ipack3R);
if (Routers[thishost].pktavg[2][1] == 0)
if (Routers[thishost].prepkt[2][1] == 0)
Routers[thishost].prepkt[2][1] = ipack3T;
interm = ipack3T - Routers[thishost].prepkt[2][1];
Routers[thishost].curpkt[2][1] = interm;
Routers[thishost].pktavg[2][1] = interm;
interm = ipack3T - Routers[thishost].prepkt[2][1];
Routers[thishost].curpkt[2][1] = interm;
Routers[thishost].pktavg[2][1] = alpha * interm + (1 -
alpha) * Routers[thishost].pktavg[2][1];
Routers[thishost].pktdfa[2][1] =
Routers[thishost].prepkt[2][1] = ipack3T;
//System.out.println("pack3T is " + ipack3T);
if (counter == 9)
IFp4 = str.substring(2, 6);
//System.out.println("IFp4 is " + IFp4);
cur_str = 1;
cur_char = 7;
if (str.charAt(7) != ' ')
start_char[1] = 7;
cur_char = 8;
while (cur_str < 12)
if ((str.charAt(cur_char) == ' ') &&
(str.charAt(cur_char + 1) != ' '))
start_char[cur_str] = cur_char + 1;
if ((str.charAt(cur_char) != ' ') &&
(str.charAt(cur_char + 1) == ' '))
end_char[cur_str] = cur_char;
pack4R = str.substring(start_char[2], end_char[2] + 1);
// (17, 23)
pack4T = str.substring(start_char[10], end_char[10] +
1); // (76, 82)
ipack4R = Integer.parseInt(pack4R);
ipack4T = Integer.parseInt(pack4T);
if (Routers[thishost].pktavg[3][0] == 0)
if (Routers[thishost].prepkt[3][0] == 0)
Routers[thishost].prepkt[3][0] = ipack4R;
interm = ipack4R - Routers[thishost].prepkt[3][0];
Routers[thishost].curpkt[3][0] = interm;
Routers[thishost].pktavg[3][0] = interm;
interm = ipack4R - Routers[thishost].prepkt[3][0];
Routers[thishost].curpkt[3][0] = interm;
Routers[thishost].pktavg[3][0] = alpha * interm + (1 -
alpha) * Routers[thishost].pktavg[3][0];
Routers[thishost].pktdfa[3][0] =
Routers[thishost].prepkt[3][0] = ipack4R;
//System.out.println("pack4R is " + ipack4R);
if (Routers[thishost].pktavg[3][1] == 0)
if (Routers[thishost].prepkt[3][1] == 0)
Routers[thishost].prepkt[3][1] = ipack4T;
interm = ipack4T - Routers[thishost].prepkt[3][1];
Routers[thishost].curpkt[3][1] = interm;
Routers[thishost].pktavg[3][1] = interm;
interm = ipack4T - Routers[thishost].prepkt[3][1];
Routers[thishost].curpkt[3][1] = interm;
Routers[thishost].pktavg[3][1] = alpha * interm + (1 -
alpha) * Routers[thishost].pktavg[3][1];
Routers[thishost].pktdfa[3][1] =
Routers[thishost].prepkt[3][1] = ipack4T;
if (counter == 10)
IFp5 = str.substring(2, 6);
//System.out.println("IFp5 is " + IFp5);
cur_str = 1;
cur_char = 7;
if (str.charAt(7) != ' ')
start_char[1] = 7;
cur_char = 8;
while (cur_str < 12)
if ((str.charAt(cur_char) == ' ') &&
(str.charAt(cur_char + 1) != ' '))
start_char[cur_str] = cur_char + 1;
if ((str.charAt(cur_char) != ' ') &&
(str.charAt(cur_char + 1) == ' '))
end_char[cur_str] = cur_char;
pack5R = str.substring(start_char[2], end_char[2] + 1);
// (17, 23)
pack5T = str.substring(start_char[10], end_char[10] +
1); // (76, 82)
ipack5R = Integer.parseInt(pack5R);
ipack5T = Integer.parseInt(pack5T);
if (Routers[thishost].pktavg[4][0] == 0)
if (Routers[thishost].prepkt[4][0] == 0)
Routers[thishost].prepkt[4][0] = ipack5R;
interm = ipack5R - Routers[thishost].prepkt[4][0];
Routers[thishost].curpkt[4][0] = interm;
Routers[thishost].pktavg[4][0] = interm;
interm = ipack5R - Routers[thishost].prepkt[4][0];
Routers[thishost].curpkt[4][0] = interm;
Routers[thishost].pktavg[4][0] = alpha * interm + (1 -
alpha) * Routers[thishost].pktavg[4][0];
Routers[thishost].pktdfa[4][0] =
Routers[thishost].prepkt[4][0] = ipack5R;
//System.out.println("pack5R is " + ipack5R);
if (Routers[thishost].pktavg[4][1] == 0)
if (Routers[thishost].prepkt[4][1] == 0)
Routers[thishost].prepkt[4][1] = ipack5T;
interm = ipack5T - Routers[thishost].prepkt[4][1];
Routers[thishost].curpkt[4][1] = interm;
Routers[thishost].pktavg[4][1] = interm;
interm = ipack5T - Routers[thishost].prepkt[4][1];
Routers[thishost].curpkt[4][1] = interm;
Routers[thishost].pktavg[4][1] = alpha * interm + (1 -
alpha) * Routers[thishost].pktavg[4][1];
Routers[thishost].pktdfa[4][1] =
Routers[thishost].prepkt[4][1] = ipack5T;
//System.out.println("pack5T is " + ipack5T);
out.println("ACK from the server");
//out.println("ACK from the server");
//if (thisIP.substring(0, 7).equals("192.168"))
// thisIP = "0";
// }
//System.out.println("The value of this IP is " +
thisIP.substring(0, 6));
} finally {
// for (p = 0; p < 5; p++)
// for (q = 0; q < 2; q++)
// System.out.println("The value of curpkt is " +
// for (p = 0; p < 5; p++)
// for (q = 0; q < 2; q++)
// System.out.println("The value of prepkt is " +
// calculating DR =================================
Routers[thishost].pktdr[0][1] =
Routers[thishost].pktdr[0][2] =
Routers[thishost].pktdr[0][3] =
Routers[thishost].pktdr[0][4] =
Routers[thishost].pktdr[1][0] =
Routers[thishost].pktdr[1][2] =
Routers[thishost].pktdr[1][3] =
Routers[thishost].pktdr[1][4] =
Routers[thishost].pktdr[2][0] =
Routers[thishost].pktdr[2][1] =
Routers[thishost].pktdr[2][3] =
Routers[thishost].pktdr[2][4] =
Routers[thishost].pktdr[3][0] =
Routers[thishost].pktdr[3][1] =
Routers[thishost].pktdr[3][2] =
Routers[thishost].pktdr[3][4] =
Routers[thishost].pktdr[4][0] =
Routers[thishost].pktdr[4][1] =
Routers[thishost].pktdr[4][2] =
Routers[thishost].pktdr[4][3] =
// calculating OR =================================
Routers[thishost].pktor[0][1] =
(Routers[thishost].curpkt[1][1] -
Routers[thishost].pktavg[1][1])/(Routers[thishost].curpkt[0][0] -
Routers[thishost].pktavg[0][0] + 1);
Routers[thishost].pktor[0][2] =
(Routers[thishost].curpkt[2][1] -
Routers[thishost].pktavg[2][1])/(Routers[thishost].curpkt[0][0] -
Routers[thishost].pktavg[0][0] + 1);
Routers[thishost].pktor[0][3] =
(Routers[thishost].curpkt[3][1] -
Routers[thishost].pktavg[3][1])/(Routers[thishost].curpkt[0][0] -
Routers[thishost].pktavg[0][0] + 1);
Routers[thishost].pktor[0][4] =
(Routers[thishost].curpkt[4][1] -
Routers[thishost].pktavg[4][1])/(Routers[thishost].curpkt[0][0] -
Routers[thishost].pktavg[0][0] + 1);
Routers[thishost].pktor[1][0] =
(Routers[thishost].curpkt[0][1] -
Routers[thishost].pktavg[0][1])/(Routers[thishost].curpkt[1][0] -
Routers[thishost].pktavg[1][0] + 1);
Routers[thishost].pktor[1][2] =
(Routers[thishost].curpkt[2][1] -
Routers[thishost].pktavg[2][1])/(Routers[thishost].curpkt[1][0] -
Routers[thishost].pktavg[1][0] + 1);
Routers[thishost].pktor[1][3] =
(Routers[thishost].curpkt[3][1] -
Routers[thishost].pktavg[3][1])/(Routers[thishost].curpkt[1][0] -
Routers[thishost].pktavg[1][0] + 1);
Routers[thishost].pktor[1][4] =
(Routers[thishost].curpkt[4][1] -
Routers[thishost].pktavg[4][1])/(Routers[thishost].curpkt[1][0] -
Routers[thishost].pktavg[1][0] + 1);
Routers[thishost].pktor[2][0] =
(Routers[thishost].curpkt[0][1] -
Routers[thishost].pktavg[0][1])/(Routers[thishost].curpkt[2][0] -
Routers[thishost].pktavg[2][0] + 1);
Routers[thishost].pktor[2][1] =
(Routers[thishost].curpkt[1][1] -
Routers[thishost].pktavg[1][1])/(Routers[thishost].curpkt[2][0] -
Routers[thishost].pktavg[2][0] + 1);
Routers[thishost].pktor[2][3] =
(Routers[thishost].curpkt[3][1] -
Routers[thishost].pktavg[3][1])/(Routers[thishost].curpkt[2][0] -
Routers[thishost].pktavg[2][0] + 1);
Routers[thishost].pktor[2][4] =
(Routers[thishost].curpkt[4][1] -
Routers[thishost].pktavg[4][1])/(Routers[thishost].curpkt[2][0] -
Routers[thishost].pktavg[2][0] + 1);
Routers[thishost].pktor[3][0] =
(Routers[thishost].curpkt[0][1] -
Routers[thishost].pktavg[0][1])/(Routers[thishost].curpkt[3][0] -
Routers[thishost].pktavg[3][0] + 1);
Routers[thishost].pktor[3][1] =
(Routers[thishost].curpkt[1][1] -
Routers[thishost].pktavg[1][1])/(Routers[thishost].curpkt[3][0] -
Routers[thishost].pktavg[3][0] + 1);
Routers[thishost].pktor[3][2] =
(Routers[thishost].curpkt[2][1] -
Routers[thishost].pktavg[2][1])/(Routers[thishost].curpkt[3][0] -
Routers[thishost].pktavg[3][0] + 1);
Routers[thishost].pktor[3][4] =
(Routers[thishost].curpkt[4][1] -
Routers[thishost].pktavg[4][1])/(Routers[thishost].curpkt[3][0] -
Routers[thishost].pktavg[3][0] + 1);
Routers[thishost].pktor[4][0] =
(Routers[thishost].curpkt[0][1] -
Routers[thishost].pktavg[0][1])/(Routers[thishost].curpkt[4][0] -
Routers[thishost].pktavg[4][0] + 1);
Routers[thishost].pktor[4][1] =
(Routers[thishost].curpkt[1][1] -
Routers[thishost].pktavg[1][1])/(Routers[thishost].curpkt[4][0] -
Routers[thishost].pktavg[4][0] + 1);
Routers[thishost].pktor[4][2] =
(Routers[thishost].curpkt[2][1] -
Routers[thishost].pktavg[2][1])/(Routers[thishost].curpkt[4][0] -
Routers[thishost].pktavg[4][0] + 1);
Routers[thishost].pktor[4][3] =
(Routers[thishost].curpkt[3][1] -
Routers[thishost].pktavg[3][1])/(Routers[thishost].curpkt[4][0] -
Routers[thishost].pktavg[4][0] + 1);
System.out.println("OR, DR, DFA are calculated ...");
System.out.println(" ");
String asip = "0";
String nebip = "0";
String upstreamip = "0", downstreamip ="0"; //= new
String routerfile = "none";
int rid = 0;
scan2 = 1;
int dn_exist = 0;
int up_exist = 0;
System.out.println("**** scan2 is: " + scan2);
System.out.println("**** scan is: " + scan);
for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
//new PrintStream(result).print(Reply[j] + " ");
scan2 = scan2 * Reply[j];
System.out.println("**** Scan2 is: " + scan2);
if (scan2 != 0)
new PrintStream(result).println("============ Cycle #"
+ Ycounter);
new PrintStream(result).println("============ All
Nodes are alive ===========");
if ((scan != 0) || (scan2 != 0 ))
System.out.println("**** Start Scanning... ****");
//new PrintStream(result).print(CCounter + ": ");
//new PrintStream(result).println();
scan = 0;
scan2 = 1;
Tcounter = 0;
for (r = 0; r < 8; r++)
for (j = 0; j < 5; j++)
if (Routers[r].pktdfa[j][0] >= beta) // beta
is the threshold
for (k = 0; k < 5; k++)
if ((Routers[r].pktor[j][k] >= 0.9) && (j !=
k)) //DFA >=beta and OR > 0.9
System.out.println("**** One pattern
observed ****");
if ((Routers[r].p_nb[j] > -2) &&
(Routers[r].p_nb[k] > -2))
PrintStream(result).print("Suspicious Pattern From R" + r);
new PrintStream(result).print(":
Upstream R" + Routers[r].p_nb[j]);
new PrintStream(result).println(",
Downstream R" + Routers[r].p_nb[k]);
//new PrintStream(result).println("
Routers[r].is_p = 1;
if (Routers[r].up_no == 0)
Routers[r].up_r[0] =
up_exist = 0;
for (i = 0; i <
Routers[r].up_no; i++)
if (Routers[r].up_r[i] ==
up_exist = 1;
} //if
} //for i, check whether this
neighbor is recorded already
if (up_exist == 0)
Routers[r].up_r[Routers[r].up_no] = Routers[r].p_nb[j];
} //else
if (Routers[r].dn_no == 0)
Routers[r].dn_r[0] =
dn_exist = 0;
for (i = 0; i <
Routers[r].dn_no; i++)
if (Routers[r].dn_r[i] ==
dn_exist = 1;
} //if
} //for i
if (dn_exist == 0)
Routers[r].dn_r[Routers[r].dn_no] = Routers[r].p_nb[k];
} // else
} // if not control port or unconnected
} //if pktor >= 0.9
} //for k
} // if
} // for j
if (Routers[r].is_p == 1)
new PrintStream(result).print("**** Summarize
Suspicious Pattern at R");
new PrintStream(result).println(r + " ****");
new PrintStream(result).print(" " + "Upstream
Router Number: ");
new PrintStream(result).print(Routers[r].up_no);
new PrintStream(result).print(" --> ");
for (i = 0; i < Routers[r].up_no; i++)
new PrintStream(result).print(" R" +
new PrintStream(result).println();
new PrintStream(result).print(" " + "Downstream
Router Number: ");
new PrintStream(result).print(Routers[r].dn_no);
new PrintStream(result).print(" --> ");
for (i = 0; i < Routers[r].dn_no; i++)
new PrintStream(result).print(" R" +
new PrintStream(result).println();
new PrintStream(result).println();
System.out.println("**** refresh information ...
Reply[r] = 0;
Routers[r].up_no = 0;
Routers[r].dn_no = 0;
Routers[r].is_p = 0;
for (k = 0; k < 5; k++)
Routers[r].up_r[k] = 999;
Routers[r].dn_r[k] = 999;
Routers[r].p_nb[k] = 999;
} //for r
new PrintStream(result).print("CAT node number: " +
new PrintStream(result).println();
new PrintStream(result).println();
new PrintStream(record).println(Ycounter + " " +
System.out.println("===== Writing CAT_Record File
} ///:~
Abstract (if available)
Distributed denial of services (DDoS) attacks pose a major threat to the Internet. Although one promising solution should be a real distributed scheme covering a wide area, most reported solutions conform to the end-to-end paradigm and target end-node victims. Because these solutions could not detect anomalies incurring inside the intermediate network, they could not detect the DDoS attacks at an early stage.
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Asset Metadata
Chen, Yu
Core Title
Collaborative detection and filtering of DDoS attacks in ISP core networks
Viterbi School of Engineering
Doctor of Philosophy
Degree Program
Electrical Engineering (Computer Networks)
Publication Date
Defense Date
University of Southern California
University of Southern California. Libraries
computer networks,DDoS attacks,internet infrastructure security,network security,OAI-PMH Harvest
Hwang, Kai (
committee chair
), Govindan, Ramesh (
committee member
), Krishnamachari, Bhaskar (
committee member
Creator Email
Permanent Link (DOI)
Unique identifier
etd-Chen-20061115 (filename),usctheses-m40 (legacy collection record id),usctheses-c127-32751 (legacy record id),usctheses-m150 (legacy record id)
Legacy Identifier
Document Type
Chen, Yu
University of Southern California
(contributing entity),
University of Southern California Dissertations and Theses
Repository Name
Libraries, University of Southern California
Repository Location
Los Angeles, California
Repository Email
computer networks
DDoS attacks
internet infrastructure security
network security