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Histological studies of the shedding of the primary teeth in monkeys
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Histological studies of the shedding of the primary teeth in monkeys
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A Thesis
Presented to
the Faculty of the Graduate School
the University of Southern California
In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Master of Science
Nathan M* Seltzer
July, 1952
D& 's5-3
This thesis, written by
under the guidance of hAS—Faculty Committee,
and approved by all its members, has been
presented to and accepted by the Council on
Graduate Study and Research in partial fullfillment of the requirements for the degree of
/ Date
FaculU Committee
The shedding of the deciduous dentition in favor
of the permanent dentition is a normal physiological
process which is universally recognized. However, in a
survey of the available literature, it was found that the
description of the histological process of this unique
transition is incomplete in many details. The purpose of
this paper is to contribute additional knowledge of this
phenomena from a histological viewpoint by noting the
serial changes in the shedding of the deciduous dentition
in monkeys. Added emphasis will be placed on the changes
in the entire periodontium as well as on the tooth
substance per se.
In the middle of the nineteenth century, Linderer
(1851) stated that the erupting permanent tooth caused the
resorption of the primary tooth, John Tomes (1859) also
wrote concerning the osteoclastic resorption of the
primary dentition. Later, his son, Charles S. Tomes (1876)
reviewed the prevailing knowledge of this resorptlve
process and noted that: (1) beginning resorption may tsike
place upon any surface of the deciduous root; (2) periods
of active resorption alternate with those of rest and
repair; (3) first the cementum and later the dentin are
removed by this resorptlve action, which may also remove
the enamel.
More recently controversial discussion has centered
about the question regarding the resorption of the
predentin or uncalcified portion of the dentin. Pommer
(1882) stated that this uncalcifled tissue seemed to have
more resistance to the resorptlve action than the
calcified tissue. Gotlieb (1921) and Kronfeld (1927) have
also shown that the dentinold layer around the pulp
remained Intact for a time, while surrounding calcified
tissue was resorbed.
It has been generally felt that the process of
resorption does not take place from within the pulp of
humans, but does not occur in the pulp of the feline
species. This has been the opinion of Kronfeld (1932),
Marshall (1928), on the other hand, felt that resorption
was also initiated from within the pulp. Orban (1949)
concedes that osteoclasts may be at work from the pulpal
aspect, and Bernlck et al (1949) demonstrated osteoclastic
activity on the dentin from within the pulp.
It has been widely accepted that the deciduous
roots are progressively resorbed by the osteoclasts which
arise from the surrounding connective tissue due to the
pressure of the erupting permanent follicles. The process
usually starts on the surface facing the erupting
follicle, but may also be seen on the opposite side. In
the anterior region the process is first seen apically
or apico-llngually on the deciduous roots. Posteriorly,
the process is first seen at the bifurcation of the
deciduous molars, and as Kronfeld demonstrates (1932),
this site is resorbed earlier than the Incisal root areas.
The resorptive process is not continuous until
the deciduous root is shod (0rban~1949), There are
alternate cycles of osteoclastic activity and rest
periods. During these rest periods, there are definite
attempts at repair as evidenced by an Increase in the
number of osteoclasts, and material deposited upon the
roots and the surrounding bone.
The teeth used in this study consist of material
from the mandibles and maxillae of four young monkeys
(Macaca rhesus). Both the mandibles and the maxillae were
fixed ten days in a formal acetic acid 80^ alcohol
3 3 3
fixative (5 cm, formalin; 5 cm, acetic acid; 90 cm,
80^ alcohol,) Ten per cent nitric acid in formalin was
used as a decalcifying agent because its penetration is
rapid, thus preventing excessive action on the soft
tissue. The jaws were cut into blocks containing one,
two, and three teeth, Lablo-lingual, bucco-lingual, and
mesio-distal views were sectioned to give optimum
demonstration of the tooth relationships.
The sections were routinely stained with
hemotoxylin, trlosin, and Mallory’s connective tissue
To facilitato a description of the findings in
this study, a general division will be made between the
posterior and anterior teeth, because the anatomical
relationships within each group are different. The
anterior teeth, both upper and lower, are described as
a unit since the resorptive processes are observed to be
similar in these teeth. On the other hand, the posterior
teeth, although showing similar processes, present
different anatomical relationships.
The shedding process is accomplished by the
osteoclastic resorption of the deciduous dentition and
the supporting alveolar bone. Resorption of the deciduous
teeth occurs either as a result of the eruptive force
of the permanent dentition or as a result of traumatic
(a) Anterior Division
The primary anterior teeth, both upper and lower,
appear occlusally and labially to their permanent
successors as seen in the lablo-llngual sections. In
Figure 1 which represents a deciduous lateral and its
permanent successor, the apico-lingual position of the
permanent developing tooth is seen. Resorption has not
yet occurred on the deciduous root surface. Due to the
active eruptive action of the permanent tooth, the bone
separating the two teeth has been resorbed to a very
narrow layer. The connective tissue surrounding the
eruptive tooth is of the loose areolar type. The apical
portion of the periodontal membrane is widened, and the
root portion has a heavy deposition of osteocementtim.
In the mesio-distal sections, the teeth were to
be found lying either directly below their deciduous
predecessors, or else they were commonly observed lying
distal to the deciduous roots. In Figure 2, which
represents three lower deciduous anterior teeth in the
process of shedding, the lower permanent anterior tooth
is seen lying in an apical and interproxlmal relation
ship to the overlying deciduous anterlors. The thin
layer of alveolar bone separating the erupting permanent
tooth from the deciduous incisors demonstrates active
osteoclastic action in that area. No active resorption
is noted on the root surfaces, but they do show evidence
of a previous resorption. Repairative deposits of
osteocementum indicate a resting period in the shedding
In most cases resorption of the anterior primary
teeth is first noted on the apico-llngual aspect of the
root, although in some sections resorption was first seen
on the lower or middle third of the lingual surface- -
before the apex was involved. The initial site of resorp
tion was directly related to the position of the permanent
successor as shown in Figure 1 and Figure 1|,
Figure 5 shows that as the permanent tooth erupts,
the bone between it and the deciduous tooth is actively
resorbed on the surface facing the permanent tooth. With
the continuation of tooth eruption, the bony capsule must
be resorbed at a faster rate than it is deposited. As a
result, a net loss of bone occurs, permitting the growth
and eruption of the permanent tooth. Following the loss
of the intervening bone, the loose connective tissue of
the dental sac proliferates into the degenerating perio
dontal membrane adjacent to the root surface. As soon as
this occurred, beginning resorption of the deciduous root
was noticed*
In all sections examined, resorption of the deciduous
roots does not occur as long as any alveolar bone is
present between the roots and the underlying permanent
teeth. This may be seen in Figure i^. The root here is
narrowed and its surface appears irregular due to the
osteoclastic activity. However, above and below this re
sorbing area, the periodontal membrane and the alveolar
bone proper remain intact,
Ihe cementum of the deciduous root is the first
portion of the tooth substance to be lost. Later, the
underlying dentin is exposed to the osteoclastic action.
In Figure (showing a lower deciduous central) active
resorption of the cementum and dentin is seen on the aplcolingual aspect of the root surface. Ihe resorptlve area
has now included the dentin, resulting in a hollowing out
of this substance. The space between the periodontal
membrane and the root surface is an artifact created during
the preparation of this slide. The root surface now being i
resorbed is covered by thick deposits of osteocementuxn
indicating a previous repairative activity. Therefore,
the shedding process is not of a continuous nature, but
consists of alternate periods of rest and resorption.
During the resting phase, areas of root resorption
are repaired by osteocementum, and a new layer of alveolar i
bone may be deposited between it and the permanent successoi*
(Figure 6). New layers of bone-like substance are to be
seen lining the cementum and alveolar bone. Both the bone
and the root surfaces are lined with osteoblasts. Here,
the dentin is reduced in width due to previous resorption,
and the periodontal membrane is extremely narrow. This
compressed condition is caused by repair material on both
the root surface and the approximating alveolar bone.
This observation of repair on the root surface, and
regeneration of the intervening bone, was noted even after
two-thirds of the total root had been resorbed. But,
before the resorptive process upon the root continues
again, the newly formed intervening bone is completely
removed by osteoclastic action.
The resorptive process generally proceeds in an
occlusal and labial direction. Often as the process
approaches the pulp, increased resistance to the osteo
clastic action is offered by the predentin which surrounds
the pulp. This predentin is immature and incompletely
calcified dentin. In Figure 7 we may see how the predenUnj
lining of the pulp appears to be more resistant to the
action of the osteoclasts. This layer of predentin is
identified by its different staining properties -- due to
its incomplete calcification. The pulp here appears
normal. At this stage there is no active resorption
detectable on the root surface.
The supporting alveolar bone surrounding the
deciduous teeth was seen to be undergoing resorptive action
at its crest, This loss of bone was noted on all four
surfaces surrounding the tooth, but appeared most promiIn Figure 8, we can see the
labial crest of the bone undergoing osteoclastic activity.
The osteoclasts originate from the periodontal membrane
and are now aligned adjacent to the alveolar crestal bone.
The bone shows the hollowing effects caused by this reThis active removal of bone may be seen
along the entire root surface, but is most intense at the
nent on the labial aspect.
sorptive action.
crest. The cementura covering the tooth is intact and
shows no resorption. The periodontal membrane la wide
and a proliferation of epithelial rests can be noted along
the root surface.
Concurrently with this loss of crestal bone, it
was noted that the epithelial attachment was actively
migrating in an apical direction. This was a simultaneous
observation and it could not be determined whether the
downward migration of the epithelial attachment proceeded
the loss of crestal bone or vice versa. In Figure 9» w©
have a labio-lingual section of an upper deciduous incisor.
The area in view shows the lingual epithelial attachment.
There exists a fiarly normal relationship of the epithelial
attachment to the cementum and enamel. The gingival
crevice is very small. The attachment shows evidence of
beginning apical migration along the cementum of the root.
The subepithelial layers show sli^t signs of inflamation.
As the deciduous tooth nears exfoliation with the
major portion of its root substance lost, the epithelial
attachment appears to have migrated well down along the
cementum to the remaining root portion.
In Figure 10, the epithelial attachment is located
some distance from the cemento-enamel junction and close
to the resorbing root end. The subepithelial layer shows
a heavy infiltration of chronic inflammatory cells,
also the presence of calculus in the gingival crevice.
Ihe calculus is probably a contributing factor in the
accelerated migration of the epithelial attachment.
The forces of mastication may often result in the
production of traumatic injury to the tooth substance and
its surrounding structures, Not only is there bone
destroyed, but also tooth substance as viewed in Figure llj
Here the traumatic resorption of the labial root surface
just below the cemento-enamel junction is noted. The root i
I surface shows shallow, hollowed out areas which are repairs^
easily. Here the recent layer of osteocementura is deposi- I
ted in a previously resorbed area of dentin. At this
stage the osteoclasts are renewing their activity after a
period of repair,
(b) Posterior Division
The resorption and replacement of the upper and low
er deciduous molars follows a course which is fundamentalljidentical with the shedding process in the anterior divi
sion, The factors initiating osteoclastic resorption,
which is then followed by osteoblastic deposition, are
seen in the posterior as well as in the anterior teeth.
Resorption of the molar teeth is first seen on the
inner surface of the molar roots. This resorptive action
occurs early in the development of the permanent follicle.
The permanent bicuspids are usually found directly
below their deciduous predecessors. During the initial
stages of development the permanent bud is found high up
between the flaring roots of the deciduous molars. Later^
as the width of the permanent tooth increases, its posi
tion is dropped apically but still interradicularly. In
Figure 12, which is a low powered view of the upper first
and second molars, the permanent successors are positioned
directly apical to the deciduous molars. The mesial and
distal roots of the first and second molars are resorbed
equally. There is no visible alveolar bone separating
the teeth indicating an active period.
Resorption of the molar teeth is first detected
upon the inner surface of their roots. This resorptlve
action is seen early, since it is caused by the develop
ment of the permanent follicle. The Initial interseptal
site of resorption is usually repaired because the
deciduous molar passively erupts faster than the developing
permanent tooth. Figure I3 is a view of the inner surface !
of the mesial root of a lower second deciduous molar.
There is a heavy deposition of osteocementum upon the
narrowed dentin. This probably was the original site of
the permanent premolar bud. Also present is an apposition
of osteoid material which covers the alveolar bone approx
imating the root surface. This resorptlve action on the
inner surface has occurred before the actual shedding pro
cess began. The passive eruption of the deciduous molar
leaves the permanent successor behind, and permits the
bone-like repair upon the inner root surfaces.
In Figure llji, the invasion of the pulp by the
granulation-like connective tissue has caused a rapid and
intense osteoclastic reaction from within the apical pulp.
The individual areas are shallow, but will soon coalesce
to form a large scalloped region, and the pulp is composed
of granulation tissue. The apex is now covered by many
layers of osteocementum, and it too shows osteoclastic
activity on the periphery.
Sometimes the process of shedding creates abnormal
situations. Instead of the orderly resorption of roots
from an apical direction as in Figure 12, a separation of
the root may occur, as in Figure 15, The apical portion
of the root has been severed from the main root body. This
fragment may remain imbedded in the alveolar process
permanently by ankylosis or it may continue to be resorbed
much as would the remaining root body, as seen in Figure
15f where the osteoclasts are active in destroying this
Effoliation of this fragment may take place as
illustrated in Figure l6. Here a fragment is seen lying
between the crowns of a permanent central and a deciduous
lateral incisor. It appears that the fragment is a
remanent of the exfoliated deciduous central incisor, and
has gradually drifted to the incisal position. The frag
ment is surrounded in part by the gingival epithelium.
There is no apparent osteoclastic action present, conse-
quently the fragment will be exfoliated rather than reThis region is infiltrated by a large number of
inflammatory cells, indicating that the fragment acts as
an irritant.
As the shedding process reduces the size of the root
surfaces, the deciduous tooth becomes less resistant to the
forces of mastication. In Figure 17, we can see the re
sult of such traumatic forces. The Interseptal bone is
being attacked by osteoclasts. Also, along its lateral
aspect, the bone clearly shows the resorbing action of
the osteoclasts initiated by traumatic forces.
In Figure 18, is demonstrated the result of an overactive repair period. The underlying alveolar bone is
completely fused with the shedding deciduous tooth. The
periodontal membrane, which normally separates the bone
and the root surfaces, is entirely lacking. There is no
evidence of osteoclastic action at this particular stage#
Note the pattern variation of the newly deposited osteoid
The replacement of the deciduous dentition by the
permanent series is termed the shedding process. The
exfoliation of the deciduous teeth is accomplished by the
osteoclastic resorption of the roots of the deciduous
teeth and their surrounding bony support. It has been
generally recognized and accepted that this resorptive
action is initiated and maintained by the eruptive force of
the permanent successor. This is a normal physiological
sequence of events.
In observing the histological results of this
physiological resorption, it was noted that there were
areas of osteoclastic activity which had no apparent
anatomical relationship to the erupting permanent tooth.
These new areas of resorption are attributable to traumatic
forces and should be distinguished from the physiological
resorption occurring upon the apical root surfaces.
The resorption of the deciduous tooth is usually
initiated upon the apical root surface in direct relation
ship to a portion of the underlying permanent tooth. As
the permanent tooth erupts there is a progressively greater
destruction of the deciduous tooth until the tooth is
finally exfoliated,
Resorption destroys the deciduous root after it has
acted upon the alveolar bone separating the deciduous and
permanent teeth. It is not until after the bony plate is
completely resorbed, that resorption of the root surface
can be detected. This observation was originally recorded
by Bernick et al (1949)* As long as a layer of bone
intervenes between the two teeth, there was no active re
sorption of the deciduous root. Once the connective tissue
capsule of the permanent tooth contacts the periodontal
membrane of the deciduous tooth, osteoclasts are formed,
and begin the process of resorption on the deciciious root.
Where there had been repair of this intervening bone
during a resting phase, the osteoclastic resorption of the
tooth is interrupted, and active resorption continues again
only after this repaired bony layer is removed.
Ihe repair of the intervening bone is accomplished
during a period of rest. The shedding process is composed
of alternate cycles of active resorption and periods of
rest and repair. Thus, instead of a slow continuous re
sorption of the deciduous tooth, we note instead an initial
period of bone and tooth removal followed by a rest period
during which the resorbed tooth and bone are partly re
paired by depositions of osteoid tissue,
osteoid material is achieved by the activity of the osteo
blasts ,
The formation of
The role of the epithelial attachment in the shed
ding process has received little attention in the liters-
ture. Before the shedding process is initiated the
epithelial attachment is normally found at the cementoenamel junction. The gingival sulcus is usually small
unless there is the pressure of some pathological factor.
Just prior to the resorptive action, the epithelial attach
ment begins to migrate apically. This is first noted as
an extension of the entire attachment. This slow migration
is seen during the passive stage of eruption. When active
resorption begins, the downward migration proceeds at a
faster pace. Immediately below the attachment, along the
root surface, the epithelial rests of Malassez are seen
By the time the deciduous tooth is ready for ex
foliation, the epithelial attachment is situated well be
low the cemento-enamel junction. This condition appears
to be an aid in increasing the rate of shedding time.
The explanation may be twofold: (l) Since the level of
attachment moves apically, there is a reduction in the
amount of periodontium supporting the deciduous tooth, and
a consequent reduction in the amount of root to be resorbed5
(2) With the supporting periodontium being reduced to a
lower level the clinical crown becomes larger, allowing the
tooth to become more susceptable to the traumatic forces
which up to now have been considered normal, Orban (191^9)
also makes note of the increasing strength of the muscles
of mastication, thereby adding to the stress upon the tooth
and its supporting apparatus. These traumatic forces re
sult in an accelerated destruction of both tooth substance
and of the surrounding bone.
On the anterior teeth the area of greatest resorp
tion due to traumatic lateral force is found at the crest
of the alveolar bone. The crestal bone is reduced circum
ferentially, In the molar area on the other hand, the
traumatic effects are limited to the area of the root bi
furcation, Here, as with the anterior teeth, both the bone
and tooth are involved. The crest of the interradicular
bone is attacked by osteoclasts and reduced in height at
the bifurcation, and the cementum is also attacked.
The areas of traumatic resorption are usually shal
low in nature and are easily repaired by the deposition of
osteoid material, Ihus the area of bifurcation often shows
heavy layers of osteocementum as a result of the repairative efforts of the body, A continuous cycle is thus
initiated whereby trauma causes a breakdown of the bone
which in turn makes the tooth increasingly subject to
trauma, resulting in further tissue breakdown.
As originally noted, a disagreement exists in the
literature regarding the participation of the pulp in the
shedding process, Marshall (1928) maintained that active
resorption took place from within the pulp chamber,
Kronfeld (1952) maintained that the pulp of man does
not as a rule participate in the shedding process. Our
observations indicate that the pulpal tissue plays a passive
role in this shedding process. Only after the pulp has
been invaded by the proliferating connective tissue sur
rounding the erupting tooth are osteoclasts revealed,
•/I/here the pulp chamber is free from the invasive connective
tissue, the histological picture is identical with any
other normal pulp.
Clinically, a deciduous tooth, with practically all
of its roots resorped may be retained with no apparent
periodontal attachment. The intimate connection between
the pulp and the connective tissue capsule of the permanent
successor may be all that remains to hold the deciduous
tooth in position.
Earlier we stated that the shedding process was not
of a continuous nature, Oppenheim (1922) wrote of the
periods of active resorption alternating with those of
repairative activity. During the period of repair, bone
and osteocementum is laid down upon the root and the
alveolar bone surfaces. Sometimes the repairative efforts
of the body may be too extensive and cause a fusion of the
root and the surrounding bone, which is termed "ankylosis”,
and is the cause of deciduous teeth becoming "submerged”.
1) The permanent anterior teeth are situated directly
apical or apico-lingual (and often distal) to their
deciduous predecessors. The bicuspids are situated in
the interradicular space created by the flared roots
of the deciduous molar. Later, as the deciduous molar
passively erupts, the bicuspids are found directly
apical to the molars.
2) The plate of bone between the deciduous and permanent
tooth undergoes resorption before the root surface is
attacked. Where a layer of bone - no matter how thin -
intervenes, no resorption can be detected. If the
resorbed bone is later repaired, it must be removed again
before the shedding process can commence on the tooth
5) The osteoclastic attack strikes first upon the cementum.
After the cementum is destroyed, the dentin becomes ex
posed and it too vanishes under osteoclastic action,
Ij) Resorption of the deciduous teeth occurs in cycles.
During the intervals of rest the body makes efforts to
repair the resorblng tissues. Both the tooth and the
bone show evidence of new bone-like depositions,
5) The apical migration of the epithelial attachment
first appears just prior to the initiation of the resorp-
tion process. The attachment migrates faster during the
active resorptive period. As the attachment is lowered,
the available supporting periodontium is reduced,
6) The reduction of bony support from both the occlusal
and apical aspects, renders the deciduous tooth more
susceptable to traumatic forces. The traumatic forces,
in turn, create more destruction of the supporting bone.
This progressively increasing loss of crestal bone materi
ally shortens the time of the shedding process,
7) As a rule, the pulp of the deciduous tooth retains
all of its normal histological characteristics until the
tooth is completely eliminated. Osteoclastic action from
within is found only at the level of the invading connec
tive tissue,
8) Isolated spicules or fragments of roots are often
found due to the shearing effects of the osteoclasts.
These spicules or fragments of root substance may:
resorbed; (2) be thrown off as a foreign body; (5) be
come fused to the surrounding bone,
9) Ankylosis is the result of an over-active repair period
which creates a fusion of the root to the surrounding bone.
(1) be
1 Lower deciduous lateral and permanent successor.
Note the thinning of the intervening alveolar bone, C
cementum; D, dentin; A B, alveolar bone; D S, dental sac;
En, enamel; P M, periodontal membrane, H 4- TR x I50,
2 Three lower anterior deciduous teeth and erupting
permanent anterior. Note mesio-distal relation of the
permanent tooth, B, bone; D, dentin, H -f TR x I50.
5 Alveolar bony plate between a permanent and deciduous
tooth. Note resorption on surface facing permanent tooth,
E, enamel; B, bone; DS, dental sac; Oc, osteoclasts; PM,
periodontal membrane; D, dentin; Ost,, osteocementum,
H + TR X 150,
Resorbing deciduous incisor. Note the extensions of
alveolar bone around the permanent tooth, B, bone; PM,
periodontal membrane; D, dentin; DS, dental sac; E, enamel,
5 Active resorption of deciduous incisor. Note the
scalloped surface of the deciduous root, B, bone; PM,
periodontal membrane; C, cementum; D, dentin; Ost., osteo
cementum; Oc, osteoclasts; E, enamel; D, dentin, H + TR
• »
6 Upper deciduous incisor. Note the narrow, compressed
periodontal membrane, and the thin bony plate, B, bone;
PM, periodontal membrane; D, dentin; P, pulp; E, enamel;
Om, osteocementum; CT, connective tissue.
7 Upper deciduous central incisor. Note thin layer of
predentin separating the pulp from the connective tissue
capsule of the erupting permanent incisor, E, enamel;
D, dentin; P, pulp; Od, odontoblasts; PreD, predentin,
8 Lower deciduous lateral Incisor. Note destruction of
the labial bony plate. Ep, gingival epithelium; ct, con
nective tissue; Oc, osteoclasts; PM, periodontal membrane;
R, proliferating epithelial rests of Malassez; G, cementum;
D, dentin,
9 Upper deciduous incisor, relationship of
gingival epithelium to the enamel and cementum, Ep,
gingival epithelium. Or, gingival crevice; E, enamel;
C, cementum; D, dentin,
10 Lower deciduous incisor. Note presence of calculus,
D, dentin; Ca, calculus; Att;,epithelial attachment; Cl,
chronic inflammatory process; ct, connective tissue; Ep,
gingival epithelium,
11 Lower primary lateral incisor. Note loss of tooth
substance, D, dentin; Ost, osteocementum; Oc, osteoclasts;
C, cementum; PM, periodontal membrane; B, bone; ct,
nective tissue; E, gingival epithelium,
12 Upper first and second deciduous molars. Note posi
tion of the succedaneous teeth, E, enamel; D, dentin.
15 Lower* second deciduous molar root. Note new bone
like deposits, P, pulpj D, dentin; C, cementum; Ost,
bone-like substance; PM, periodontal membrane; B, bone;
DS, dental sac,
li| Apex of upper molar root. Note ”granulation-like
connective tissue of the pulp, Oc, osteoclasts; D, dentin;
P, pulp; B, bone; PM, periodontal membrane; Ost, osteocementum,
15 Detached root fragment, B, bone; ct, connective
sue; C, cementum; D, dentin; E, enamel, H + TR,
16 Detached root fragment. Note its gingival position.
D, dentin; ct, connective tissue; Ep, gingival epithelium,
17 Lower deciduous molar. Note bone destruction in
the area of the bifurcation, D, dentin; PM, periodontal
membrane; Oc, osteoclasts; B, bone; C, cementum, H f TR.
18 Fusion of partly resorbed root surface of a lower
deciduous molar with the underlying alveolar bone. D,
dentin; Ost, bone-like substance; B, alveolar bone; PM,
periodontal membrane; E, enamel, H + TR,
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2 Bernick, S., Rabinowitch, B. and Rutherford, R.:
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6 Kronfeld, R., and Welnmann, J.P.: Traumatic Changes in
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7 Linderer, M.; Die Zahnheikunde Nach Ihrem Neuesten
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8 Marshall, J, Physiological and Traumatic Apical
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9 Oppenheim. A,:
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10 Orban, B. Oral Histology and Embryology ed. 4 0.0,
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Chir., Vol. ii, 1882
Tomes, C.: A Manual of Dental Anatomy, London I876
(cited from Bernick 1949)
15 Tomes, J.: Dental Surgery, Lindsay and Blackiston,
London I859 (cited from Bernick 1949)
UnbMr«ltyoflSouthem California Library
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Asset Metadata
Seltzer, Nathan M.
Core Title
Histological studies of the shedding of the primary teeth in monkeys
School of Dentistry
Master of Science
Degree Conferral Date
Publication Date
Defense Date
Los Angeles, California
University of Southern California
University of Southern California. Libraries
OAI-PMH Harvest
Digitized in 2024 by USC Digital Imaging Lab
Rutherford, Robert L. (
committee chair
), Bernick, Sol (
committee member
), Libby, Richard B. (
committee member
Permanent Link (DOI)
Unique identifier
De '53 S468 (call number),etd-SeltzerNathan-1952.pdf (filename)
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Document Type
theses (aat)
Seltzer, Nathan M.
Internet Media Type
University of Southern California
(contributing entity),
University of Southern California Dissertations and Theses
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The author retains rights to his/her dissertation, thesis or other graduate work according to U.S. copyright law. Electronic access is being provided by the USC Libraries in agreement with the author, as the original true and official version of the work, but does not grant the reader permission to use the work if the desired use is covered by copyright. It is the author, as rights holder, who must provide use permission if such use is covered by copyright.
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