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Vahakn Dadrian Papers
Hovhannes Eskijian Archival Materials
Documents (40) "background information of the genocide by Minasian", 1913-1964
Eskijian. "Some history of my father", 1938-1940 [label]
Eskijian. "Some history of my father", 1938-1940, p. 3
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Eskijian. "Some history of my father", 1938-1940, p. 3
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"Ekiz-Olouk--Keorkune United Parish (1938-1940)", "Armenian Evangelical Church - Keorkune, 1938-1940": pages 84-91. In English (8 pages). Includes photograph. With handwritten note in English "Some history of my father...", Luther Eskijian. (1 page).
Asset Metadata
Eskijian. "Some history of my father", 1938-1940, p. 3
OAI-PMH Harvest
1 page
Hovhannes Eskijian Archival Materials
University of Southern California
(contributing entity),
Vahakn Dadrian Papers
Repository Email (digital); (original)
Repository Name
USC Libraries Special Collections (digital); Ararat-Eskijian Museum (physical)
Repository Location
Doheny Memorial Library, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0189 (digital); 15105 Mission Hills Road, Mission Hills, CA 91345 (physical)
Access Conditions
The copyright and related rights status of this Item has been reviewed by USC Libraries, but we are unable to make a conclusive determination as to the copyright status of the Item. Please refer to USC Special Collections for more information. USC does not own or control any copyright rights with respect to this item. However, responsibility for making an independent legal assessment of an item and securing any necessary permissions ultimately rests with persons desiring to use the item.
dadrian-eskijian-052-lg-033.jpg (
Unique identifier
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Internet Media Type
22.0 in × 16.7 in at 300dpi
56.0 cm × 42.5 cm at 300dpi
Transcript (If available)
I was upset! Fortunately, the incident took place n
from the entrance of Keorkune village, and happily the
was out of sight and had already disappeared fro:
Scone. I was back home with some anxiety. The next
the village chief (Moukhtar) loaned me a revolver for!
protection during night travels. One late evening
Pravelling from Ekiz-Olouk to Keorkune. On the way.
sense some strange movements going on in the bus!
the other side of the road. Instinctively. my thoughts
tee to the hyena incident. With the revolver in myih
1 started to move toward the bushes and was about tosh
directly into them. Surprise! A missionary woman, MGR
from Latakich, Alice Apelian (married Tootikian) of
Kune, and a woman teacher from Idlib were hiding’
bushes to frighten me with the replay of the hyena i
‘The missionary woman was the first to come out from]
with shouts of mixed feelings, and the others followed he
Emotionally shocked, all of us were very upset and con
It was time to get on our knees and thank God for
us safe . . +!
| only experts could tell the difference. One day a big snake
ome caught hidden somewhere in the parsonage organ. Our
| Sz nbors killed it with one stroke. On another occasion,
nog aw a pair of big snakes in our outdoor restroom flirting
wt pissing. I Uhink these poisonous reptiles, Once more, Wwe
called in our neighbors for help. ‘They killed those snakes
| ith gun shots.
Youth: We had only one organized youngsters’ group
which was all girls, ages fourteen to twenty. In our parish
Thure were few teenage boys, most of whom were under the
fect influence of Gousaktsoutioun — the political party.
; However, some of them did attend church services.
_ Bducation: Ours was an Elementary Schoo! with forty
pupils and three teachers. The same group also attended
_PeP'sunday School. Our graduates from day school used to
go to Kessab Evangelical Junior High School to further
H their education. Life on the whole was peaceful, but one
ugly episode did frighten my family in Keorkune. For sev"
tral years, an undercover struggle was going on in Kessab
tnd the surrounding villages. The aim was to politicize our
schools, even using scare. tactics and violence when deemed
necessary to attain results. Such was the situation when 1
Was assigned to serve the Kessab church. Meanwhile, my
| wile Nevart was asked to continue her job in the Keorkune
‘strange looking spot on his lips. Dr. Apeliai School as the head teacher until the end of the academic
‘Therefore, he ordered his patient Karey to go immé year. For a while, we had to live our separate lives, Nevart
to the A.U.B. hospital for a in Keorkune and 1 in Kessab. Usually, my wife was alone
sary. He obeyed the doctor's order. The patient ré ‘with our little son, Manuel-Sarko. One night, in the thick
home with a medical report. Apelian’s diagnosis was © of the dark, a stranger hurled a huge rock at the parsonage
‘The nodule on the patient's lip was a cancerous hitting the glass window of the balcony shattering it to
‘The operation was successful, and Karey's life was Sigg pieces, Fortunately, mother and child were some yards away
Everybody was happy. Meantime, Dr. Apelian warns ftom the frightening scene and no one was: injured.
patient with a touch of theological humor, and openly
vm not to use obscene language anymore, other
im tose both of his lips to malignant cancer « «42
‘There were quite a number and various types of 9
around our village — some poisonous, and others ha
Dr. Soghomon Apelian w
of the first medical graduates from the A.U.B. He was}
Tears Mixed with Anger: Before the break of World
Wer I1 there was a secret agreement between the British
and the French to have Turkey annex Sanjak d’Alexand:
retta from Syria. This took place in October, 1939. Musa
8 89
Inherited Values
Eskijian. "Some history of my father", 1938-1940 [label]
Alternative Title
Mostly personal originals (
supplied title
"Ekiz-Olouk--Keorkune United Parish (1938-1940)", "Armenian Evangelical Church - Keorkune, 1938-1940": pages 84-91. In English (8 pages). Includes photograph. With handwritten note in English "Some history of my father...", Luther Eskijian. (1 page).
Eskijian, Hovhannes, 1882-1916
(personal name),
Eskijian, Nancy L.
(personal name),
Minassian, Hovannes "John" B.
(personal name),
Minassian, Mary
(personal name)
Coverage Spatial
10 Kilburn Road
1760 East Washington Street
203 Clayton Avenue
2171 Garfias Drive
2223 Midlothian Drive
30 Northwood Road
58 Park Avenue
5924 North 12th Street
Allop Cemetary
Garden City
New York
New York
Newtown Square
North America
Coverage Temporal
1911, 1938/1964
Inherited Subject
Eskijian, Hovhannes, 1882-1916
(personal name),
Eskijian, Nancy L.
(personal name),
Minassian, Hovannes "John" B.
(personal name),
Minassian, Mary
(personal name)
Repository Email (digital); (original)
Repository Name
USC Libraries Special Collections (digital); Ararat-Eskijian Museum (physical)
Repository Location
Doheny Memorial Library, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0189 (digital); 15105 Mission Hills Road, Mission Hills, CA 91345 (physical)
Shnorhokian, Manasseh H., Gabriel, Charles H. (Charles Hutchinson), 1856-1932, Eskijian, Luther, 1913-2007, California District Committee, Janjikian, Apaxie, Janjikian, Hovsep O., American Evangelical Christian Endeavor Union of Syria and Lebanon, Eskijian, Hovhannes, 1882-1916, Eskijian (née Danielian), Gulenia H., 1888-1946, Ahamlian, A., Armenian National Council of America, Շամլիան, Ա. (Keshishian, G.), Benedict, D. Norris, Hagopian, M., Ոսկեմատեան (Goldsmith)
Date Created
1892/1893, 1911-04-30, 1949-12-07, 1958-05-12, 1958-05-19, 1958-06-13, 1958-06-23, 1958-07-22, 1963-03-04, 1964-09-02, 1964-10-18, 1964-10-25, 1964-10-31, 1965-02-16
Ahamlian, A.
American Evangelical Christian Endeavor Union of Syria and Lebanon
Armenian National Council of America
Benedict, D. Norris
California District Committee
Eskijian (née Danielian), Gulenia H., 1888-1946
Eskijian, Hovhannes, 1882-1916
Eskijian, Luther, 1913-2007
Gabriel, Charles H. (Charles Hutchinson), 1856-1932
Hagopian, M.
Janjikian, Apaxie
Janjikian, Hovsep O.
Keshishian, G.
Shnorhokian, Manasseh H.
Շամլիան, Ա.
Ararat-Eskijian Museum
Armenian National Council
Benedict, D. Norris
Christian Endeavor Union
Eskijian, Luther, 1913-2007
Hanum, Sofia
Harter, Annig
Janjikian, Hovsep O.
Keshishian, Mrs. K.
Minassian, Hovannes "John" B.
Minassian, Mary
Nouritza Hanum
Salisian, Mrs. M.S.
Sevag, M.G.
Shnorhokian, Manasseh H.
Սալիսեանը, Տիկ. Մ.Ս.
Քէշէշեան, Պըն. Կ.
Chicago Daily Tribune
Eritassart Hayastan
New Life
Tr. Cape Town St. Marks Lighthouse (Los Angeles, California, USA)
University of Southern California. Libraries
Եընի Ըօմր
Տր. Քէափըլ Ճ. Մորկընի Քարոջը (Los Angeles, California, USA)
Date Issued
1913-09, 1920-11-15, 1926, 1958, 1958-05-24, 1958-06-03
1 page
Internet Media Type
Copyright not evaluated (
Linked assets
Eskijian. "Some history of my father", 1938-1940 [label]
Documents (40) "background information of the genocide by Minasian", 1913-1964
Conceptually similar
Eskijian. "Some history of my father", 1938-1940 [label]
Eskijian. "Some history of my father", 1938-1940, p. 2
Eskijian. "Some history of my father", 1938-1940, p. 4
Eskijian. "Some history of my father", 1938-1940, p. 1
Luther Eskijian. Outline of book on Hovhannes Eskijian, p. 1
Luther Eskijian. Outline of book on Hovhannes Eskijian, p. 2
Manasseh H. Shnorhokian, letter, 1964-09-02, to Luther Eskijian, p. 2
Epilogue by Hovhannes S. Eskijian, 1928, p. 12
Epilogue by Hovhannes S. Eskijian, 1928, p. 6
Epilogue by Hovhannes S. Eskijian, 1928, p. 9
Epilogue by Hovhannes S. Eskijian, 1928, p. 10
Epilogue by Hovhannes S. Eskijian, 1928, p. 11
Epilogue by Hovhannes S. Eskijian, 1928, p. 4
Eskijian. "About Rev. Hovhannes Eskijian" (Chanasser), 1958
A. Shamlian, letter, 1958-07-22, to Luther Eskijian
Hovsep O. Janjikian, letter, 1964-01-25, to Luther Eskijian, p. 3
Epilogue by Hovhannes S. Eskijian, 1928, p. 1
"Mothers testimony: Gulenia Danielian", p. 2
"Mothers testimony: Gulenia Danielian", p. 1
Luther Eskijian, letter, 1964-10-18, to M.G. Sevag