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Plans for Allesandro Street bridge and road, Los Angeles, California
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Plans for Allesandro Street bridge and road, Los Angeles, California
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PLANS for ALLESANDRO STREET BRIDGE AND ROAD. LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. A THESIS --------- Presented to the Department of Civil • • ng1neer1.n Uni ersity of Southern California or t e D r of ac lor o Sci nc • i n Ci il • • n 1ne r1 • ----........... ---- Alternate lan b y orris Bostwick - Harry J ames oore -- June, 191 3. Ap roved by TABLE OF Cul,T , Tu. I1troduction-- ird3-eye ie~--- • Map o Econo i ri .l e it e a Value of . r1 virons----· e-- -·--- Alternat Pla s 1 " escription of lates---- ropo9al for bids-------- vO. r , +-------- ': bl A------ a le ------ q ilibri id ev t ' r e r i r .. _____ A t n --------- Cros - C i n Bri ro le AnalyJis o et - - C Al er - e r tr cti - _e , ------ erspective ie ------- on itu in l levati n . e r1 ---- -- ' - . 11 la ' " re ---- < • t.J c ion --- Cro9s- ection n ut t--- .. ----- ~ onstructi n f ri l Arch -------- - - Arch-Rin ivision ----- --- -- --- -- ---- g e 1 3 4 6 - 9 ' 7 3 33 37 42 45 6 47 4 T.AB~E OF CONTENTS (continued) Properties of Diviaion9 ----------------------- 49 Calculations for H 0 , V 0 and ~ 0 -- ---------------50 Equilibrium Poly on --- ------------------------51 ending loments, Thrusts an ccentric istance9 -- 52 - -- INTRODUCTION -- - During the fall of nineteen hundred and twelve, the property owners in the vicinity of Allesandro St. and Los Felis road and those of Glassel Park formed an improvement association and petitioned the city council of Los Angeles to construct a bridge connectin the terminus of Allesandro St.with the intersection o Hallet St. and San Fernando road in Gla■sel Par. Soon after the petition was filed, the owner of the ri ver land over which the bridge woul d have to cross,offere d to give a strip alon the south side of his pro erty to be used u the ori e site. This offer was re · ecte d because it would brin the Hallet St. terminus of the bridge too far to the south. At the pre ent tim e no further action has een taken. The following report consists essentially of the plans tor the gradin of Allesandro St. from Los el is road to San Fernando road and a two arch concrete bri d ·e over the river which lies between. • " ~ J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ii, c., ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ ';/ f 4it ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ v 't .. ,. ~ ( ~ ~ V ~ 0 t 0 .q " " ., ~ " { ~ " ~ ~ ' • q ~ ~ - - , ,, N - - I .. • - -- ECONOMIC VALU~ OF THE BRIOOE -- - At the present time, the main thoroughfare for the San Fernando valley and Los An eles districts is by way of the East Main St. or North Broadway brides and then alon the San Fernando road. In order to take this route, al the traffic from the southwestern part of Los An eles must nece saril pass throu h the usin ss district and h a t ar until ter cro sin the Los An eles ri er. his astward d tour mu t b ma in order to a oid the ly l Par hi l • o l ort . .. y . r1 W t O t t Da o • out o hal 11 t t t • rop1co rid 0 r for mil farth r u t e • 1 • out alf wa tw t to • d h • t Trop1co bride lie an o St. • lC rom L Sor • throu h r lo int tot Lo An 1 s river. t pr ent time, this road ha be n a pitfall fo uninformed t amst rs and autoists, who take this oad from Sunset Blvd. and expect to cross the riv r. However, the condition of the road is such that many are unable to reach the river and those who do are forced to turn back because of the lack of the proper means of crossin . .. · rt Allesandro St. was opened throu h to the San Fernando road, a new route would be accesable from the southwestern part of Los An eles • . Traffic would not be forced to make the eastward detour around Elysian Par, but could reach it's destination by way of Sunset Blvd. Lake Shore and Allesandro St • . Traffic from the business district could use the Third St. tunnel, ten out on Second St. to Lake Shore and throu to the San Fernando road. the ass U to the pr sent tim the city o r t as improvin th ast rn portiD of the cit ith num ro brid s across the ri er from ort Broa to · Ninth St. and ha be n n lectin the Sa rna do al• district.Te r id rowth oft is it ict in d th • 1ncr • l po ulatio o the last ew ear · le Roe, Glendal and Tro ico district m to warrant the e nditure of enou h mon y to • ur 1 some ood thorou hfare which ould • 1 a better and mo e direct route between these alley towns an t e it of Los An eles. - -- PLATE -A- -- - .This plate • lS a eneral map of the countr in the vicinity of the proposed Allesandro St. bridge, t~en from the city engineer's map of that section and reduced to a suitable scale. This map shows how the proposed brid would e a connecti li betwe n thew st rn portion of the city throu h Edendale to th San Fernando alley towns. It would also connect the two main v l y roa ,the San Fernando road and th Lo Flis road. he e tern end of the bridg would al o feet of the erdu o road to within a f w undr l Roe. - -- PLATE . This plate consists of two maps and two profiles. One map and one profile bein of the whole road from Los Felis road to Saa Fernando road, from which street rades could be obtained in order to set the rades for curbs and stre t gradin. It also shows th direction of the drainage in case any sewers should be laid • . The second map and profile show the ri er ed . at the place where th brid i to cro s. From this profile,the height of the bride abov th • r1 er e ' the position of the pier ,and the amount o . l necessary tom ea suitable approach to th ri can o taine • Due to the lac of the prop r tool, w wer una le to ascertain the depth to th ravel below the river bed, so that before proper specifications for the pier cold be made, borin would have been necessary in order to obtain the safe depth for the foundation. • - -- PLATE -C- -- - With the present methods of designing a concrete arch, it is necessary to assume the thickness at the crown and at the sprin in line, then assume the percentage of reinfDrcement. With this data, the tresses whic will be developed in the arch can be computed, hich ill whether or not the is safe • . The thic ness at the crown was a sumed as 30 inches and the thic ness at the springin lin was sume a AH inches with 2 percent of st el r inforc1 - to d bottom. erriman's formulae for thic n s of crown an aprin in and aprin in lin 0 concr t arc • l these values as 2inches for crown thic n an 45 inch for thickness at tne sprin ing lie. itn 2 p rcent of steel reinforcin top and botto, 3 inch and 42 inches seemed to be a reasonable assumption. As the load was to e carried fro the floor of tne bridge to the arch by means of vertical columns, this placed a series of concentrated loads 12 1/ 2 feet apart on the arch. All loads and computations were made for a width of one foot. In order to Dbtain the total load at each point of application, it was necessary to compute the size of the floor slab in order to obtain the wei ht to be used in computin the si e of the arch. With a live of 100 lbs. per s uare foot and a dead load of 160 lbs. per s uare foot, the total unit load was 260 lbs. per s uare foot. The stren th of concrete was takon as 600 lbs per s uare inch and that of st el a 16000 los per s uare inch. The percent& o st e reinforcin was tak n a 1 pre t . . l. t alue o ual to 15. . Computation for floor sl • Uniferm lead is e ual to 260 lb per uar foot Fe i e ual to 600. F i e ual to 16000 . P is equal to 1 N is e ual to 15. Bendin moment is ual to 260 tim s 12 s uared div· by 10 which is e ual to 3740 ft. lb. or 539000 in. l • is e ual to Rb tim s d uar d. from dia ram Rise ual to 108. be uals the width or 12 inches. solving this formula gives the value of d s _ .uared e ual to 41.8 or dis e ~ ual to 6 1/2 . inches, adding 5 1/2 . inches to this value to cover the steel reinforci~ gives the slab total depth of th•~~s 12 inches • . The reinforcin is 1 or .78 s .uare inches per ft. The next to be found was the vertical column alls. A 6 inch wall was found to be all that was necessar to su port the wei ht, but on account of the treme slenderness of this column, th se a ue were chan d to 8 inches for the a orte t column u tot el e • 1ncnes for the column directly abo e the pier. an ra factor o ~ safety 1/2 inch ·round rod plac d 4 inch apart wer used as reinforcin. Th di ram on lat Ci or com tin t e terna force accordin to th t 0 i • rrim ' American Civil En in r' Poe t oo. For arch o d a y etrica ly. a e ual 1/2 arch• ua 62 1/ 2 f t b • uals ris ·ual 21 feet W1 e # uals load at crown or 4 ip W2 is 8.5 K. W3 i 8.7 K. 4 i 10 • 5 is 12 • Ll is the lever arm of W1 about t e sprin in line 62 1/ 2 ft. L2 is 50 ft. L3 . is 37.5 ft. L4 is 25 ft. LS is 12.5 ft. V1 .is total shear or the sum of the loads or 43.3 • . Taking moments about the springin line H times 21 e .uals 4 times 62.12 plus 8.5 times 50 plus 8.7 times 37..S plus 19 times 25 plus 12 times 12 ' 1/2 • . This gives Ha value of 66.8 Kips. Therefore t e thrust at the crown e uals 66000 lbs • . Th• area of the arch at the crown i 30 times 12 or 360 s uare inches • . Th• unit pres ure at th crown ia e ual to 660 ls. divided by 360 or a out 185 lb per s are inch. The allowable unit tre 1n concr te i 690 l per s uare inch. r for t crow i saf • For an rch with no loaas on t ri h a of the span and th a ov lo o th 1 ft and a , ~he followin co utatio i e th tr • ·v1 times 125 e ual 4 tim 62 1 / 2 • tie 75 plus 8.7 tim 87.5 la10t1 10 u 1 tim 1 1 • 5 This • 1ves 1 a value of 32.5 • lps. Voe uala 31.8 minu 43.3 or minus 11. ip • whic acts downward on the right half and u wards on he left half of the span. H times 21 minus (-11 .5 times 62.5) e .uals 1401.5 ton ft. Solving for H ives the value of He ual to 32.5 Kips • . THe e uilibrium was drawn with the loads drawn to scale and the pole distance to o :was made e ual to H. The rays were then drawn to the load line. Starti at . the center of the arch the rays were drawn to the points of applicatior of the loads • . This load line remained inside the center third oft e arch all the way, showin that the arch was safe fort is conditien. - -- Plate ---D- --- --- This plate shows the plan of one com lete arch with the loads. The load line a-j is drawn to scale and the pole o' selected on a horizontal line t rou h the center of e-f or at the crown of the load. This ole distance is • The rays are drawn and t e uilibrium pol on e-f- -h drawn. The values of y will be the intercepts fro this poly on tote horizontal line i- • . Te mo e ts • l e the aluas of y ltipli d y H. hese mom nts and t r ma1nd r o t ca cu at ion are i en in table A.T alu a of o, o and o • 1 found. A new e uili rium ol • on 1 drawn ith t o e at o so that o- i e Lual to Ho. Table B ives the values of the trusts, cc ntric distances and the bendin mo enta. The for any point such as a is e ual to the distance o-a scaled from the e uilibrium poly on • . Tbe eccentric distances are the distances from the center line of the arch to the new e uilibrium poly on m-n • . The bending moment for any point is e oual to the ·thrust times the eccentric di•tance for that point. - -- Plate -E~ - -- This plate shows the plan of the central pier of the bride. Not havin ade uate tools for boring, the depth of the foundatien could not be stated, the intention bein that steel rails should be in firm ravel foundation, the sub-strata in vicinity • e1n ravel and not roe. The computations for the pier and foundation were as follows; loadin on the e ual 90, 00 ls. wei ht o th concret e u l 56, 50 • .Total----1 250 l • 146,250 divid d y 600 a al .7 • inch s 243. 75 div id 1 12 e al 1 inche or th n c ar width of th • pl r. For increased t b1lity and i accordance ith common practic, th width oft • 1er was ma 5 feet at the top and 6 feet at th tel ri l l e. As r inforcin - t2 -1/2 inch round rods are to be used. 146,250 lbs • . e uals 73 tons. Bearin pressure of gravel . is 8 tons per s uare foot Therefore 9 1/2 feet is the ·necessary bearin area. The width of the steel grilla e was made 10 feet. This rillage consists of 6 layers of steel rails imbedded in concrete. Beneath the rilla e 3 wooden piles ar dri v n as shown every 5 feet an covered ith rubole concrete. These iles increase t e bearin ressure of the soi and insure the safety oft e bride. he rail Df the ride a shown in thi dia ram ~o sists o a 9 b 1 inch la on th floor of the bride ith a o • nl e ry 12 1/2 f t for • ra1na e and or di po in of th • w ep1n fro t e ori e. es al colu n from th lo r a tote u er rail is a p rall lo ram 1 inch lo and 6 inche wid • The u per part of the r ili · 1 a a 6 inc es by 12 inches eveled to 5 inches on acn sid. Th rail should er inforc d by a f ma l rod , not so much for stren th as to pre ent crac s fro • oo n1 any portioa of the rail. - -- Plate This plate is to show the end abutment of the brid :e. The last vertical column is widened to 2 feet 6 inches since it acts as a retaining wall for the dirt fill. A solid mass of rubble concrete startin about 2 feet abo e the sprin in line and ru nin own ards at an an le of 45 de rees is used to overcome the end thrust of the arch and increase the stability of the bride. The top of the fill is hown runnin on 6 rade from the floor of the ri • to the road level · O eet away - -- PLATE ·- G -- - • • • • • • Road Work . In addition to the regular brid e. work, there is about 4100 feet of unimproved road from Los Felis road to San Fernando road • . This road is 40 feet wide from property to property line. Allowin 8 feet on ac side of the roadway for sidewalks and ar ing , this lea 24 feet of actual roadway • . There is 2 00 feet oft is road which has been partially ra ed and will nee very little radin before puttin on th actual roa sur ace. About 800 feet of th road a · ac t tote San F rnando road will hav to De cut down from 1 to 5 f et. ith re ard to drain e, the loor of the rid will be drained by openin salon th aid • . T ~ oor of the bride will be at an elevatio of 95 f et. This will ive a fall of 5 feet from San Fernando road to the be innin of the fill. Suitable drains shDUld · e placed at the be innin of the fill to carry away the surface water to the bed of the stream and prevent any erosion of the embankment. The top of the fill should be at least 50 feet wide, in order to give .enou h room outside of the walks to allow for the wear and the action of the rain • . The sides should have a slope of 1 1/2 to 1,the slope bei covered with lar e ranite rock to prevent the from wearin down the sides • . There ·is a total of about 4000 cubic yards of dirt fill. Plate G i ves a cross section of the road, t e fill, and a cross seetio of bride. Proposal For Bids Allesandro St.Bride & Road Construction Invitation to Contractors Los Angles; California. Sealed bids, on blank forms furnished by the city en ineer and addressed to the 'Board of Public Wor s,Los An eles, Cal."will be recei ed up to 5 P •• on . Thursday, June 12, 1913 tor the construction of a bri~e at th e tension of Allesandro Stre t and t e improvement of Allesandro Street rom Lo Feli road to San Fernando road, a per lan which will o . furni he to pro pective idder at the offic oft e oard of Public orks. Bid will only b • r C l d forte w ol of th work as stated in the plan and p c1f1cation, d must be accompanied y a bond for 2 , 0 0 doll with some reputable bonding company having offices in th city of Los Angeles. oidder It the shall fail to commence work within 30 days after the formal acceptance of the bid, or shall aban on the work before .completion, the aforesaid sum shall be forfeited to the city without impairing or diminishing the right of the city to full damages. All bidders must furnish sufficient proof as to their -- capacity to contract for .this work and no bids will be received from any parson or corporation who is in arrears .. to . the Proprietor, Stat or City, upon debt or contract, or who is ad taulter as sur4!i,ty or Dtherwise u on any obli ation to the Proprietor, State or City. The ri ht i re erv d to the Board of Pu • 1c ors . .. to jud • as to th qualifications of each bid er and to rej ct any er all bids. une 1 2, 191 3. yor City Cl r - -- Contract -- - MEMORANDUM of AGR EMENT made and signed this 10th day of June,1913, by and between the ,i BOARD of PUBLIC WORKS" of the city of Los An eles, the party of the first part, sometim s termed herein as the " CITY •, and the firm of R.J. ENGSTRU & CO., the arty oft· e second art, soJDetimes termed her in as the " CO TRACTOR ". WHER AS, t e party oft e first part, by irtue of the authority sted in th city, have deci ed to i ro by the charter o the sai All san ro St.from L os Felis road to S F rnan o road d R~AS, th arty oft e first art dr wn or t • 1m ro ent o road, t e art of t e co art • con 1 in the sincerit · t r1t o ur o 0 t a.rt of the first art, C the party o t s cond art • co 1 er b experience inti lin o work, and HER AS,the party of the irst part h confidence in the ability o the party of the second art to erform this work NOW WITNESSETH THE .FOLLOWING AGREEM~NT. 1st. The party of the second part for and in consid- eration of certain payments hereinafter specified, will furnish all labor and material nec_ essary to com lete the work specified in the plans and specifications in a first class and workmanlike manner. 2nd. The party of the second art shall begin t e work within thirty. ( 30) da s after si hning tis contract and shall com lete t or in ai ( 6) months hence. 3rd • . The part of th first art agrees to • urn1s all inspection of aterials and or manship. 4th. In case of disa reement b t en the city ·th contractor a t teri 1 or t co tr in oft lans, th cit i eer h 11 act a ol and i al arbiter. 5th. Int C of a.n a d1tio a or, • lC 0 desired, th contractor 11 rni ht am o t e basi of cost lus O • 6th. In co ideratio o t e rformance t of the second part of thee co nants, t e art o t · first art a rees to pay 1/4 of the contract price o the work thirty . < . 30 ) days after t e s ignin of the contract,1/4 at the end of the s cond month, 1/4 at th art Seal 9f City •••••••••••••••Mayor •••••••••••••••Pres. Board of Pub. Works. •••••••••••••••City Clerk •••••••••••••••Contractor Witnessed by • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••••••••••· otary Pu lie end of the .fourth month,and the balance at . the . time of completion of the work. 7th. All erlra work shall be paid for as soon as completed to the satisfaction of the city engineer • . 8th • . The engineer shall decide upon the time necessary for any e . tra work and this time shall beaded to the six months iven for the completion of the wor. 9th. In case the contractor ails to carry the wor on to completion,or refus s to up the wor tote standard re quired byte is ctors, t 25,00 bond shall be aid as li uidated dam s tote cit ithout impairin the ri ht oft e city to ctio for urth r dama es. tOth. Th contractor ree to u his b t jud ement and e ineerin ability 1n fulfillin the obli ations hereinbefore m ntioned. IN WITNESS HER~OF, the arti of this re ent have set there hands and seal, in th city of Los An this 10th. day of June, 1913. TABLE A CA LCU LAT IONS FOR H 0 \I;, & M 0 I Q.O 2.6.00 - f G ,. B~a.o ~!J~OD - i)J,JL/ J 10~0 _____ .oa __ s z_g,,o a {)_-t- - ----~ a..a _u 'I.a o - t-~25J) o a - J ,02-s~ o ._ 3/Q()(A l_S4,.0_0 - 1,/!'iS',Q0 O ::: J 1 2-8~oo ----. __ {J_0.-;.__-4 ____ ....,__ __ 0 0 ------ 000 00-----i 00 .___-....j 000 00 63.0 l39Z~Z '/89,.) ~BS~1/"0 ~~611;~"'> 9a.,ll9,3S~ ooo r al r wn - - oco Th = corr,pr .s ion ol er- ,.,n c- /S-(j C-C-0 . ,l)1rnen..s/on.s of cr-o ...,..,, Safe cor??,..-e .sir- n'lH, ~/ concr-ele. ~ .·• The crc-,,,,,'n /.J SQ/e <5'9a,n..s~ CC/'?'?/0,- SS/CJn. TABLE B TH RUSTS, EccEN TR.IC D tSTANCES & MoM E NTS . ,-,e es a.,-y /Oe,-c nf' 105- / I L------======-=- 1------- .I n.:i :i l J S- IQ .. ;,> ~ .. s • I/or: Sea.le ,.. ... I I ' - ----~ ------ I I - - I 7. .J '-2.S ------------------------- / ., / / / / ., ,,, ,,,. ,,, ,,, ,,,, - ,,, - - - - - - -- / / / / / ,,,, ,,,. ,,,, ., ,,,, - - - - - - - - ,,, ., / / / / / / ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, / ,,,, / / / ,,,, .,, ,,,,. ,/ - ,,,. - ., - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ----- --- / / / / / / / / / / / ., / .,,, ... ,,, ., .. / .. / ., ,,,, / ,,,, / .,,. - - - , - - - - - ,,,,. ,,,. ,.,. ,,,, ,,,. - - - ,,,. - - - - ., / - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - ---- - - - - - - - - - - Bol._y-90.D ____ _ r t, Ho I I I /0000 -+-- 1 I --r- ,- 1 ,,, ,,.. _ ,_ ,,, - - , - - ,,. - - ,,. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .... -- -- - - .... -- - ... ... - - - .... ... .... .... ... .. ~100 r~ --- ' --- -- n ,.. P, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, 8- ,,, - ' ~ ... ... ... - C. - - - - fJ - - a,. - - Ii e. ~o .$Ca.le ~ _. - - - f - - "' 'j ,; n ~ - • ... &,. .... ... .... .... f'.9 .... .... . J • I 60 .Scole 9,-oun L. / ne qr-, I/a j ~ f I I r<l., Is '/n /oo' /,,-., --- --- ;,,,'-- · ------ - ---------- 60 Scale CRoss~-SecT10N or RoAD CRO s C o ,r-/t,"o,le,q surface Sff. s,dl!,,~411< ,-...-am '[_1crush~d ~oc)( ar1d o,I S c a I e I ' 1 • IO ' cole. 1" TIO 0 I LL . T AT \ PLAl t 1 i tted by ~ orris o ick THE PROBL~. The distance from Lo9 Feliz road to Sa· Fernando road at Allesandro street is out 4100 eet. A lance at the profile (pa e 2s) shows that t r.e e· ds o t e line are a t almo t t ie 9a e elevation. It advisable y tre author t construct a ri a floor elevation five feet lower thar tat s deemed e Vl eliz road, ad to fill aero _~ the interve· ing a d fl ts. hi9 fill woul be o t 8 u f et on nd aver ge about l feet in de th. orever,it old permit gr de on oth ~ides of the riv r of le s than • 2 o. It is belie ed t t t c t s r structio u not b ro ii 1 e s i e alanc d by a lar ·e cut ic· 3t tr u the hi l e Los e i r dale. If the fill ere not e ould e ece s r n t e 3ou he ter r id. t pre~ent lle a ro feet i e et een Los eli str et s ould be widen d 0 r r e t accomo ate the traffic w ich 1 this direction when the bri e i i t s r 1 ri er t Si ty o l co ple e • e d o - 0 C t lS et i n A reinf reed concrete arc is t eon y lo ic 1 type for such a location. The site is wit int e city of Los Angeles nd this city has not con structed any other type of bridge, ith the exce t ion of one steel plate girder, for period of at :ss least fifteen years. During the last five years five large reinforced concrete bri d es h a ve been constructed by the municipality, four of then replacing tru9s rid es. esides the adva t age of dur bility, the concrete arch a s a better ppe rane e than any oth r type. T e cost of such brid e· o 1ld ot e re c ~pared t the co3t o ot er ty e wold not e reat, o in gt t he ecr ase cot f po tl ce n d t pl i L 1 S 1 ,. 0 00 qu lity of ra el v ilabl at t he it . rt r- ore, is e c st st uct r 1 t el C r p i Less r h ri • t r a i e i r f rther ove ri e c nfl e ce f e rr fres ets. p ran r e sher t lk of t t 0 t . C t rw C e f f 6 t tis oi t a i n i ...,e i i .. . l 10 T et C a t a C r i r 1 . 0 s rti ic f • i - t ce fro e oor t t .!.e i r e 1 · i ri of t e er 0 et . 36 Al~ALYSIS OF THE ARCH. Th e niet l od of analysis us ed is b sed on the ela9tic theory. It neces3it ~ tes tr e construction of a tri r-t.l ,rch by mneric .. 1 rules. Thi 3 a rch t n i ~ 1- yzed it 3 . correat a,n e31 n re tly f r o t e r equire erit T e t r ickne33 0 • t er forniul of ii eld - . .a· . .. er llf ave. V lue lt 1· inc . t lC e ' e r1 c.rc on 1 te " .. 1 Xl)l . t l . in - ' e r V 0 4 re fr 'i . . r r l ti . . 9 • e .1r · l l . i r l • I Let o• • Vo= s e r t cro· n. • 0 b i e ,. t i . 1ve I e C l e . l ers. ' ' n •trust, 3ection. e R• re u- t .nt re s re 8t ,pr V e it ep ,rt s too of t 1 C se. T ll1 w ..... . te oy t e :> l · .. n • • • el • 9 9. er t . e4 1 . . ll ' . ir t . ec l • er • . 1 l r r i er - . fipre s l e t r 3e tion. 37 3& 4 ds= len tr_ of divi9ion of arch . ring. = number division , 3 of half t rch . n 0 ring. I - . o n1 e - t 0 ~ - - inerti a 8.f ny section • 1 • T ncrete -t· 15 - '3t e .,_C i - /I - ) • ny lo .. n t e rch. x,y • co-or l ate'3 0 • y oi t r e f r to t . . er a 9 or1 l l' • • in " . . . y l l C l ve t ex s. ( ., t e " · " .L T" . . . ~ixt . i re , · 3 lVl e l C t I • . 1 t fl ti l • 1 . .. L r l t . . l • l . . i ' u r C l l • r _, 3 r - i . l l l 3 . ) l • r r i r1'" r r . . . . . 1Vl9l n Vl l • ter i i . ce l l ' . lo .d . t r n eni e ce ' e er • ( se 1 te .. ' ) . lo d t t t, re 1ve .. e 9 . • • t e ·ead oa a9 o ' 0 9: co crete 15u • p r cu. ft. ' eart 12 - lb 9. r cu. ft.' te 4 · b .s • per cu. ft. The rnaxirnum rnoment at t 1 e cro ~n vvas pro due ed by applying the live lo .. d over tr1 e whole len tl1 of t e ( re , but t e raximun mo1nent 8-.t ot er · oints ,~a3 foun w en t e live lo .d wa a lied to t e ~ left 1al · only. Loading in Pounds. oint Dead Li ,re Total 1 6~ 1 5 ? (J 37 1 ·7 4 1 ' 6 2 ? 33 5 1 -12 1 6 21 7 360 467 . ? 3 70 470 394 3 8 99 1 07 9 13 3 l 34? ,.. ? l 2 ? ? l 1 l '" 6 6 14 3 ? 7 7 16 25 5 onsideri the ar t 0 cantilrver R denote t e ent int . t t' tho .o rl an mL e . he left ha f of t e arch. In the q ations ( 1) I ln 39 ( 2), and ( 3) the swnmations of y, y2 and x 2 are for· one half of:· the arch only, but summation m is for the entire arch . Plate nr" contain s the bendin g oment , t r rusts , and eccentric distances for each secti n ~ The ben - ing m omen t s were calculated t e formul ; • m+ t e pl 9 i gn eing taken forte 1 t si ·ea e inu 3i n fort e ri side of th arc . ! he trusts ere scaled fro t e fore ( late H) being the t ru~t on t e oly n, ut ent si e o the sectio in e ch cas. Te e cce tric dista ce . are eq alt t 0 t divi e b t e corr - in tr ts. l t ,: • ti C e re . . . l r l r . lV t r C r • tr 1 I " r e ) .. t , i . =-f.4 . l 0 • 1 C t . - r e l - - ~ o - t u II T~ e e - • i . t cro . t . n n r 'I l 9 . t ,- /Ho - ce - •. 8 ft. - 1 . 3 . - • 40 ◄ 1. he maxin um moment wit alf loading was found a,t point ., u t e fioer stre9~ in t 1 e concrete a t t l i 3 uoint Wa 3 und to be 0 y 185 1 1 3 . er .._, • i nc :V 1 t 1 --~.l , e o rki n , 3tr 65u 1 o ·vvau :, 13 s . .::) per 9 . in. . y 901 vin u · ti n 3 ( 1) ' ( 2) ' .,r ( 3) v,i t t '6 live lo he ent i r . en ,·t t . on 0 re t Xl ! U l ue l O =-t-4 0 ft. 1 - . u i .1 T V ... . - ; ) ~ • 0 • 33·5 1 t . .Jd. .3 • er l 9 ':> t • • =+5 . l • • . - 3 . 1 o- • e - o/ - - - • d l . • l • i ci t • I - 1. I - - - • - • 5 - • I . ' fc - - • ce; I (1 ) - . c= • - • • l • , C l . e • 3 • l • CuliSTRUCTIOl OF TRIAL ARC .. - • The method of congtruction used follows that of l fr.Arvid Reuterdah.l. It give-=> an intrados curve iah &pproximates the desired ellipse. Moreover it r1 as t1 e advantage of having an arc of a circle for then utra axi '3. Li t 0 f Pr C re: L _ id - t r; ro\:1 thick 1 e s -c, ~hich W r. , - C 1- ul .ted y for iul ,on -c con inue ( 1 te ) ere • the rise of t e i trado - C rve. ,-c 19 Con3tructed • _li ssi t • sen1- p r pol 9 s c. took s-v - l L, ere e 1 - u len th of pa • recte a erp ndic 1 .r at it r ectin t e ellipse at · . rew line -c. i ecte le - -F lie -c. rected E-~ per endi ul r to -c. • 01 nd C p s . re o ~ circle vin cen e 0 c-F x- te ded. Thi3 arc c -- at .Bisecte - i poi C~ Laid off C.LA equ 1 tote crown tick es9 -c. assed arc of circl thro A an a( i i -poi of b-c) ,1th center of re o c-F exte d c . This arc determined the ne tral xi • 42. 1 I On K-A laid off A-B equal to A-C. Passed arc of circle,having center on c-] extended,t rough B and b. Continued thi~ arc to line S-q produced. Thi9 arc d termined the extrado curve. Divided arc A-a irto four equa,,l parts finding point "'1 and h t points . v, u, r. rou ese rew ra l l lines to Rn. Fro t e poi t u, V :,, r 1 id off v-vz v-~; • r-li = r-?i, t • l li - u-u 2 : ' on l 9. - . • t found of ulti- e l 1n e cro n res cente . t • l• c' e curve pass1 r 01n C, r, In to t . tor io t t • or er pr V l 0 e curve points of ch n e 0 C r · tu it ec ry t t .t t . er oe co 0 C 0 e p 1n • C t t • C 1· c , i e u l ~ C • fr . i p s ln r 1 · ' l r 0 .& t - . ~e l re. T . . e . l!"'t e • l l C 43 ◄ - ------ - --- ---- , .. ' 1 , , , \ ' ' ' , //,. • ' • • • • I .. \ • \ , .. . . ---- - - - ---- - -=- - ' ----------------- ------- --=---- ' ' /,,, - • .... • ' - - - ~£R~f''ECTIVE Vrr:w PROPOSED ALLESANDRO STRtET BRIDGE: Alt ernafe Plans Plofe A --------------------------,----------------------------- -------------------------------. L" ,. .. 0 , ,._ -,:.:=~=-:---• •~IJ "';...a.°'~:.:.:::'! ... ....i:.:..~~~::..:!.L~~..::=.::~::=.. ! _:=:~~•!..,Ll:,~~ l •,uc.:::J £ rfh fill,ng~ · ·==~ '}J~ij__~1 - JJ:~/~~ :~ )Li'·.~:{f / ~})\ ',- -:; , 1 ,~ '-~ i-;====================================================I f " • Rod.s ➔ ~' d}_.:::;: ; ~\ff}_~ ///(-:=:: 1 1/,~ • ~/} ,=: ,,},11_ .==:~J!.! 3 .!!J. · Sp e d 6" - \ :~ _ , · --}!~ _\.\ }.~ / }J .=-. I 1 $ // · ! . ~ -/J . .J!. ::::.>;' . ·:· J)l::: ~'· 11, _.,• 1 · 1 , .11/ij ~-.\,\·..::. . 'I.• - .. , .:=: . ....... ,,i1/.? . fl - J -, r,---,11 ~~- . "=-. /// :::_ ;' . \' \~ ... - ::::::· ~, . . . ~~ ir . ·. ~ 'o . Botfsr = ( "1n I ' LONGITUDINAL ELEVATION ANt> 8EGTION I '; I • I t-:,-;,-+tltl-"'~~~1/ after• 2" ,n I' ALTERNATE PLANS "B'' PLATE: B - - - ~ . . ~ ..~ ~ . · 11 ~ S I " I •: -0 ~ ... . ' . l ' .. < ... .. I (;4 ' ' I '9}. . \ ~ • ti • ,, I ' - - • • Ba fter = J'',n J' - - - I ' ' . . I/ ,,../ . .,, . t • I . . •• • . . • II/ . -. 4 . I// I. . t> - - - ... • . 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' .M:r---;::r:;,-',c::__ ---:-"'---/ - - -~ ---··------·- --+--/ - - ----1 p ~ ~ • I I ,- J 60!.o "----- - __________ __ s , CONSTRUCTION OT TRIAL ARCH ALTERNATE PLANS "B" PLATED ' ' ' " 8 9 f 7 6 e d • . Jsx &. as I. I s 4 3 2 I C Cl PLATE E PLATE F klIVISIONS OF ARCH · RING - - ------ •--- - . - ---- . --- ---- -- ·- - PROPERTIES c~ PRELIMINARY DIVISIONS -· - -- ·- -- . -- - N o .of 01 v. Depth I c. I I= I + IS I d, r. mch es s I ----- . - -- I 18.0 58ZO 6900 2. 19.5 7400 8750 - 3 21.0 92 0 I 810 4 22.5 11400 13450 5 25.0 15750 1B450 ---- - -- -- 6 2a.o 22000 25600 -- 7 32.0 3Z.700 37750 8 37.0 50500 57700 ,----- IS I .s ,-.. 1080 1350 1530 2050 2700 3600 5050 7ZO0 - . I I, =T - - .000145' .000114 .00009~ ----- .000074 . 00005'f .000039 . 000026 .0000[7 B 1 .000S62_ LG = .000070 ' °PROPERTIES O'F TINAL TJIVI310N5 I No. t D1v,s1ot1 ' Js - 1nc.he5 I d L I .000156 21..3 6'1-00 ,e.s 2.. .000140 24-0 7140 19.0 3 .000104 I 27.6 8900 19.S 4 .000090 32.4 9780 21).0 5 .000075 37.Z. 11120 20,5 • .000056 45.0 133,0 2.2.0 7 .llnno,s ~, . 2. 17870 2.4 .0 8 • O O OOZ2. /34,2. 40000 3J.O s :: 384.0 ,, I 2 3 - • F~un1 x-ft 4 -ft I 0.85 o. 00 2 2.7 O . OS 0 4.8 0 .. 2.0 4 6.35 0,50 5 JO .25 I. 00 6 13.50 1.80 7 17.75 J. 15 B 25.25 6.60 2- l3 .30 Eq. (I) - - Eq. (2 l PLATE G I ! ➔ s I 6 7 8 ~ X 2. 41- m ... mR (m~ ~ m,.) 4 ~m" -m'") X o.7Z 0-00 0 0 0 0 7. 30 o.o3 ~ 14 9'1 -11S3 - /3 Z .,. 9JS . • 23.QO O.O'f -50 ?O -3940 - 1802. + 5424 · - 40. 05" o.zs -J350 - ZZ90 -8300 +- 13081 os.oo I • 00 - 25'350 - 1985'0 ~- 4· 200 +- S94SO 182. .00 3.25 -4454'1 - 3173'1 -/42800 1+- 132300 314.20 9. 90 -8'1250 -64330 -4554()0 .,. 28 Z 2..00 6StJ .oo 43. 50 .-172~ -141440 -z 0684'40 .. 773000 1JZ I .2? 57.99 -6/1745' ... z.122 or4 ~,i. 66,370 8 (-'l 72 t 0'14 )-(-61/00 X 1 3.30) = 23050 #. . 2 [(1330)2.- BX 57.99 Vo = L ( m" - mi ) X 2 z. :x 2 1266.370 = 479.0# Z X 1321.2.7 - - Mo = 2:, m -t- f Ho L 4 2n =- {-6/l'l4S)-t- 958 x 13,30 =- -zsoft-lb0. Zx B so Ft Pr . ' .... ._, I --~ ~ J 1 i ~ ~ P,, ___ ___._ _____ t-" __ ___ - -------- - ----- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- _l __ - - - - _..s,,J;lrt...=,6Q_'.:... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~--_...;..._____;i,, __ __ • ALTERNATE PLANS "B~~ PLATE H . • I Po,nT I 2 3 1 5 6 7 • PLATE I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 . F~cenTr1c Ho~ U" X Bendrnq Moment Thrusts Distances Lett Right Left R 1 'l ht Left R,qht o.oo 39S + 19 S -6455 230S0 23100 +.O/b - . 0 3 1040 10 £:, 5 - . 700 -1430 Z306D 23 2.00 - ,03 - , Ob - 4610 I 8 95 - 710 -1415 23 I OD 23300 - .03 - .o 6 1152.5 2500 +1925 +71 S 23200 23500 +- .08 +- .o 3 23050 4050 + 2250 - II 00 23700 23700 i- .09 - .os- 41500 5330 -32.90 + I 9 0 24500 24100 - • I 3 t .o, 72.500 7000 --7980 950 2 6 OOCJ 25200 -.3J + .03 152.500 IOI 00 ·/9750 ~ 750 3 4 80(J 33100 -.56 +.02 Mox-. mom , t I #" If - 19750 = -238000 h~32" C:.. 6.8 II - ::. . 2 h . · . r = -238000 tc. I 2 X J 2 = - I s ~ . 5 I b . pe r 'I· 1 n h .
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Asset Metadata
Bostwick, Norris
Moore, Harry James
Core Title
Plans for Allesandro Street bridge and road, Los Angeles, California
College of Liberal Arts
Bachelor of Science
Degree Program
Civil Engineering
Degree Conferral Date
Los Angeles, California
University of Southern California
University of Southern California. Libraries
OAI-PMH Harvest
Digitized from microfilm by the USC Digital Library in 2023
Lawrence, Charles W. (
committee chair
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Ci '13-1 (call number),etd-BostwickMoore-1913.pdf (filename)
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Document Type
theses (aat)
Bostwick, Norris. Moore, Harry James.
Internet Media Type
Undergraduate Papers
University of Southern California
(contributing entity),
University of Southern California Dissertations and Theses
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