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Phase shifter design
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Phase shifter design
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'I ) - I PHASE SHIHTF.R D J ~I GN BY Hr ert A. Cod · E R ile NOT TILL the past ten years haa thepower factor of a electric circuit been given consideration. Thie has pro- abably been due to the rapid developement of the use of electrical power for commercial purpoees. In the ear l y years when theload on the circuit consisted mostly of a non i nduc- tive load, ie true of lighting circ.ui ta and circuits with »urely· R resiate.nce load, little consideration h a d to b e given to U1e power factor problem. At the pre sent tim e i t i s found in substations that carry mostly a comme r cial load , t h a t the power fa.ctor will get as low ae .56 v 1 hich i s due l argely to the ~S'!: of the inductive motors. What does this mean ? It means tl1at the power with a given cur rent will be le es than the same cur rent with a higher power· factor. Thia i '3 very ilt:oortant to the central eta tion ae we 11 a s the consumer. A meter may regieter corrently· a s un i t y powe r factor. If it registers in favor of the consumer the n t he cen tral station will be the looser. On the other hand if it re gie tere in favor of the central station then the coneum r will be the looser. Thie can have a ill ef fect, for the central st tion is not in a position to give away powe r and the best advertise- ment is R eatiefied consumer. While this has not been r ecogniAed t111 of late more and more is done to eatiefy the coneumer and in that way induce him to install more electric al machine r y in hia place of manufacturing. To overcome thie all centrA.l eta ti one have i nstR lled in thier place of bue1nee s meter te 8 t ing departments in which meters are tested not only for unity power fac•or b u t for power factor ich are lin . that occur in comm .., :rcia practive. It often hap]}ene will record properly at one po - r factor but in- trod ce . error at anoth .. r factor. Thie is due to im roper adjuetme t d must be cor ·ected to give e ti factory reeulte. The test·n of the meter at different power factors ie done with t1: e aid of a phase shift .r. By the uee of the phase shifter fr meter testing any non~inductive load may be used to supply c rrent to the current ooil of the meter. The current wil tlen 0e i~ phase with the electromotive force or the source. The electromo ive force supplied to the shunt or voltage coil of the meter is taken from the phase shifter. The ariou pha,e condi tior .. ~ .. twe 'n the current and the electromotive force are brought abou changing the phase of the electromotive force, the o r r e r m i i r.g unc anged. Thie ie ·us the reveree of th pper t i on r t ·an that takes lace when the meter is in servi e . The roeulte are the same and identical and there is an dvantage in that the pow r required for testing ie very small an he phase conditions are under a solute control. The o ere tion of the phase c,hifter depends upon the fa,ct th e . t the t,vo a crno ing electromotive forces of dif f erent ph . se may be combined L,o roauce a. resultant electromot ·ve force, which dif fers 11 phase from either of the components. From thie it follows that • where w i at ( ae i having a y ctro o ive forcee o fixed value nd phase reln ion ex two or threP. phase ci cit a .third electromotive force mean o 0 sire v··.l e a ph ere atio n a r naf • n a r I prop~ ✓ tw ransformers of fou i h n the coils each. e V d y e AD = .Sh,ffing Co,/ £ F = Sfotionory Cot! AB BC 22.0 Vol/ 3/ Sovrce C A 9 ::: ~ 2 o Volts The v lue in volts of the reeu t e ctromotive force is con i~ th various tape are made on • stant because oft e J er 1 · the two auto- transformers. The pha e of the r a 1 an ectr otive. f orce ie chang db fir e , ee steps as .hown i ie,ure 1. Figure shows tne electrical co e tion of a phas . shifter. tn t. t ia! ~le A, ,C, the three pha es are represented by the lin s AC, C , and BA. The meter is con1ected in phase AC with a non-inau iv . lo d. One auto-transformer F nown a the et a ti ary coil · s c n ected permanently in phase BC at t e points Band C, its wi di g be· g xtended beyond each of these points and hav- ing ta e brought out from it rind i n t point corresp~ndin 0 to to the i 1 ver~ectione of the r .di cal lines fron1 A a j nt be- twe E and F. The other auto-tran former AD known ae the shift ·ng coi ia co r nected p rmanentiy tO A bu t its other po Jnt o f co .. t ' n . ·s et rmined byte po iti on o hep g s ~hown in figur r- s and 6. The shifting co 1 ha.a t ... ps bro ugh out from its windi g . u . a numbers 10, ll, 12, 14, ~t points distant from A corresp mding to re ngt s of t he radial 1 nee between the poi n t A and t ;~ inters ction of these radia lines and a 1 · c d F. the ta s from the two auto - t~a e- forr.1era ar nnected to g as shown in fi ure 6. When the plug is placed int ea eral ure mar ed 100 two lugs are connec t ed correspo ndi n to a· s 4 on the c i E F a 9 on the co· 1 A hich plac ',s t 0 i ing c il n t e phaae A C, i i the S c: e as the ur e n t :pa ng rought the mete r as the shunt o the meter i .~ n . C t o e sh·ftin ooi , t re a o o f current an el too i e force im t are t e eame as exist rith a o d o per t • po er • ctor. Wh 6 t o · i ned to- r co C i n -4- tape o t ut -tran orme e ao that t Bi tin . i AD i in the ha e i ti on A 15 corres on din _.) to an adv nee of 30 de- gre -, a ih i ch i e the e m ondition as woul e ~1 t if there were a l ~g o f thir ,y degrees i the cure t ue to a lo do • 66 ower factor. In the same way each other position of the plug " Ni 11 cause the corree:pondi ·rtin coi to take one of the angular ~ositions ~o t e radial lines from A with a resulting p ase displacement between the curre t and e c tromotive orce in the ~et .r equiv e t to now r facto s ra ing from unity to zero. In the design if the phaee shifter efforts were made to- wards g e ap paratus a e light and com) ct as poesi le an at thee mL time dura l e. Te ~hase e ifter was designed for 16 wat ·sat m xim ~ load, 50 cycle, and 220 volts three phase . The following are the calcul tions made for the design of the p a ~e sifter: O utput--- - - -- - - ---15 101 t Am:& res Freq1 1 I .I. y·- - - ·--- -----50 C c l es Voltage r ha ► e-e ifter--220 Volts Thre phase. Voltage s ... ift · n . --110 a.nd 220 Vo ts. on COl Width of t d RS of core--1½ inches Length 0 'i r dowe of ore- " Tota c o ue - - ------2.9 Watte llean e gth o CALC ULA 1 IO OF O LOAD CUR NT a net i c circuit--------13 inches Amp ,re t Total am ag oe r inch------------- ---9.21 ... n s acro e 22 Vo t -- - 12 urr nt------ --- -- ----.0188 .re Core es -- - ---- - ------- - ------- .013 ' .Amp re o oa ------ -- - -- ---------- . 23 STATIONARY COIL WINDING Number of ooil------------ -----4 Number of coi e ue r .g---------2 Number of tur e (total)--- -----10700 Size of wir .. --------------------No. 30 D.C.C. Dimena ·.one of coil--------------1-k long .6 1 inches deep Weight of wire------------------1.75 pound SHIFTING COIL ,, I DI JG Number of coils ------ -------------4 umber of coi s per le------- 2 Total n~iber of turne-----------?800 Size of wire------- -----------No. 28 D.C.~. Dimension of coi ----------- ---lt inahee long, ;5 inch deep Weight of • v11re -- ---------------2 pounds DESI G OF CORE Flux------ ----- a --------- - -- ·-2' • 00 line e Core section------------ ------l i nch by 1 inch Core de nsity------- •-------- -32,6000 in e per equare inch Weight of core---- --------------4. 82 pounds Weight of copper----------------3.?5 pound Weight of box ad fit in~s------2.43 " Total weig t--------------------11.oopounde In determi ning the numberof turns of the co i 1 oet ~ ,,een the taps the dist ce BC of the stationary coi w a called 4600 turns. Te number of turne etwe n tap w s dete rmined y e - aur ing ors a ing of ~ the intermediat poin t aand multiplying by the n f t r ne _r nit , es r me nt. The p n t e .TAT IO ARY COL TAPS TlJR -rs 1----- -- - ---- -- --Be ........ --- - ------ ----0 2---- - -- --- - --. 3 ------ .. .. ... -.. .. -----585 3----- --- . -. . ----.255 --------------------1148 4----------- -------- ' 6 --------- ___ .... ----- 633 5----------- - --·-----.459 ----- 6---.. - - •• --- ---.548 --------------------2470 7_ .............. _.. ........ .... -------.631 --------------------2840 8------- - ------- -.7 -------------------- 319 9------ -- - --- - • 785 ------- -- --------35 0 10-------- ------ • 86 -------------- - --3870 11------------- -----.936 ------- -------------4220 12------- - --- --- .013 -------------- ------4570 13---- -- - -----1. 09 --------------------4910 • 14---- ...... ---- ----- 1. 17 -------------------- 5290 15-- - - - - - - --·----- 1.264 --------------------5700 16---- -- .. ------ 1 . 36 ------------ -------61 0 l?--- - -------1.46 --- -- ------ ------ 6600 18----- ----- ------1.5 8 ------ ____ .. -- ------7160 19--------- - ----1. 721 --------------------7760 20---- -- -- ----- 1 . 885 -- .............. - -- 8500 21--- --- • -----2 0 f5 ----- --- -------- 9450 22------- -- -·. ------------------ -10700 • SHIFTING COIL TURNS TAPS 1---- -0 - . -- •--· --- - - Beginning------- ---------- 2---- - --- --------. 5 3------- - - ---------. 866 4--- - -- - - • -------.8? 5------- ·--------.88 6------ .. --------. 896 7--- ---- -------.92 8---- -- -------.954 9------ -- --------1.0 10--- --- ....... 5 11--- - ___ .... --- -- l . 133 12- -- -- - --------- 1 . 32 13------- • 14-- - -- ----- - ...- -- -- 15-- - - --- ----1 . 05 - - --- ----- --- ___ .. ____ ___ _ __ - - - -- 3900 ----- --------------- 392Q ------- -------- --- 960 --------------- - - 4030 -- -- - ------- 4140 ------- ------------4290 --------------------4500 ----- ---- ---------4760 -------------- ----- 5100 -------------------- 940 --------------------6030 ----- - --- - ----------6?80 ---- ----------- ---?800 - shifting coil AD were determin dint e same manner. Table number l wil give the number of turne between inter mecfiate taps Coil No. l . Tap T o . STATIONARY COILS----------NUMBER OF TURNS P~R COIL Turne 1--------.--- .. --- ...... -0 .. ,, - - ..... -----585 3--- __ ... ____ _ __ - .. ---1 48 4--- ----- --~ -- -----1633 5-------- - - - -----2070 6------ --- - - ··-----24?0 Coil No. 2. Ta.:p T'Io . 7---------- .... . -· ---- Turne --165 8 l r ....... ...,_ --- --- ..... ,..______ ~ 10----------- - ---- -1195 11----- - ------------1 545 12------ - ------ --1895 13---- - - 14-- - - - - Coil No. 3. . ------2235 ·· ·•------2615 Ta o. Turns Begin ing------------0 15-- - --- - - - ------- 50 16- ----- - ---------?80 17------ - ..... ----- 25 • -7- 18--- -----------~----1800 19----- - -- ----2410 end-------- - ------2675 C0i l No. 4 • Turne ·- -- -0 20--- - - -- · · ·-------475· 21---- - 22--- - end - --- - - ---- - 142 ----------26?5 SHIFTING COIL Coil Nn. 1 l begin 1 · .g-----------0 end--- - -· •· •· - --------1115 9 bcgin1i g----- ----0 10-------- - - --------250 --600 --.. ... -.... -- - ----........... - -825 Coil :ro . 2. Begin ning-- - - - ---0 2----- - - ---- - -- ---1125 Beginn· ng- -- --- -----0 12-- -- - . ·• - -- - 615 13---- - - .... - ------- - 5 (:\ d--- ..., .. - ... .. ·- - ---825 c'811 No . 3 ,../ , . 'c.p urns 2 e i . -- -- e d--- -------1 2 be i . i ng-- -- - -0 14----- --- -----630 end------- - -----825 Coil No. 4 Ta; No. '!'urna Beginning--------~--0 4---------- --------546 5---- · _____________ r 85 6------ ------------655 7-------------------765 8------ --- .. -----915 9 ••nd- -- - ~--------1126 beginning-- ..... _ ---0 lb end---- -- ·------825 Fig. ff - - - - - - - - . - --- --- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , ' ~ . - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- -- -- -- - .... ... ""~ ,, ' I ' I I , , I 1 - -- .__._. __ _ __,, ---- - - - - - .-~ - -- - -- __ ,_ ___ - -- ,_,,,_ ___ ~~ - ----- ..__,._, I I 4 • I I I I ; I : n, I ' I ~ I I I Sfq ftonq1-y Co,/ I Sh,fftng Co,/ I I I .. I I • I I I I , , 1 - --- -- --- -- - - _____ ..._ ___ - - _ ___,,_, __ .... ~~~.., - - - - - - - - - , ~ ' \ ' ' ' I o,t~ , ' ►----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- , , , , -- - - - - --- -- -- - - -- - ------ - - -- --- - - -- • ' f 'Q ~ f , .. I •• .. 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I I I I I I I I I I I I I O I I I I • ' I ' ' ~ I, .... - J ... . ' \~ ~ ,If I I I I I I I I I I I ~ • I 0 1 I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I : I t I I I t I I I I I t ' I ' • I . ... • • I I I I : t I I : f I I I I O I I ' I I I I I I I t I f I I I f I I I t • I ' I I ' ~r I t • /1et-er 7o lie TesTed /ID Vo/ls Load TABLE SHOWING .1 0 i ~ }ECTION FOR DIFF~RENT FOWER FACTORS PHASE STATIONAR Y SHIF'fING POWER VOtTAGE COIL COI I TAP F ACTOR -15 l 1.2 -10 2 11 .. 5 3 10 0 4 100 5 5 8 99.6 10 6 7 98.6 15 7 6 96.6 20 8 5 4.0 25 9 4 90.6 30 10 86.6 ~5 11 4 81.9 40 , 12 5 ?6.6 45 13 6 ?0.7 50 14 7 64.3 5 5 15 8 5? . 4 60 16 9 50~ 65 17 10 42.2 70 18 11 I 34.2 ?5 19 12 25.9 80 20 13 17. 4 85 21 14 8 .7 90 22 16 0 Tr,,p Of Cover I l - I u 'O ~ ~ Cl) ~ (:) t"\( ~ J ~ ~- <o 0) 0:, ~ (::) 'O .. <::). ~ ~- ~· ~ ~· "" ~ ;t C) (::) ~- -........: ~ ' °" 0) Q) Q) 0) ~ Q) "- ~ \Q ~ ~ ~ 0) C\l ' ~ 00000000000000000000 ., ..___ __________ 9 Bo tio rn of Cover eeeeeeeeeeeGeeeeeeeeee e e e e eeeeee eeeeeeeeee
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Asset Metadata
Cordes, Herbert A.
Rockwell, Edward
Core Title
Phase shifter design
College of Liberal Arts
Degree Program
Electrical Engineering
Degree Conferral Date
Los Angeles, California
University of Southern California
University of Southern California. Libraries
OAI-PMH Harvest
Digitized from microfilm by the USC Digital Library in 2023
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Unique identifier
El '19-1 (call number),etd-CordesRockwell-1919.pdf (filename)
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Document Type
theses (aat)
Cordes, Herbert A. Rockwell, Edward.
Internet Media Type
Undergraduate Papers
University of Southern California
(contributing entity),
University of Southern California Dissertations and Theses
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The author retains rights to his/her dissertation, thesis or other graduate work according to U.S. copyright law. Electronic access is being provided by the USC Libraries in agreement with the author, as the original true and official version of the work, but does not grant the reader permission to use the work if the desired use is covered by copyright. It is the author, as rights holder, who must provide use permission if such use is covered by copyright. The original signature page accompanying the original submission of the work to the USC Libraries is retained by the USC Libraries and a copy of it may be obtained by authorized requesters contacting the repository e-mail address given.
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