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Shadows in socialization
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Shadows in socialization
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Copyright 2024 Di Lu
Di Lu
A Thesis Presented to the
In Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree
May 2024
Copyright 2024 ii Di Lu
Table of Contents
List of Figures................................................................................................................................. v
Abstract.......................................................................................................................................... ⅵ
Chapter 1: Introduction................................................................................................................... 1
Chapter 2: Social Anxiety Disorder................................................................................................ 4
2.1 Definition of Social Anxiety Disorder.................................................................................. 4
2.2 Bullying and Social Anxiety................................................................................................. 4
Chapter 3: Methodology ................................................................................................................. 8
3.1 Target Audience: Millennials ............................................................................................... 8
3.2 Characteristics of the Audience ............................................................................................ 8
3.2.1 Why Choose This Target Audience............................................................................... 9
Chapter 4 Project........................................................................................................................... 11
4.1 Project Introduction ............................................................................................................ 11
4.2 Social Anxiety Under the Influence of Bullying................................................................. 12
Chapter 5 Design Impact .............................................................................................................. 13
5.1 Book Introduction ............................................................................................................... 13
5.2 Exterior................................................................................................................................ 17
5.3 Material Selection Suggestion............................................................................................. 19
5.4 Concrete Encasement .......................................................................................................... 20
Copyright 2024 iii Di Lu
5.5 Conclusion .......................................................................................................................... 22
6.0 Bibliography ........................................................................................................................... 29
Copyright 2024 v Di Lu
List of Figures
Figure 1: Generation Z ....................................................................................................................8
Figure 2: THE.BOOK.DESIGN.....................................................................................................13
Figure 3: THE.BOOK.DESIGN 02................................................................................................14
Figure 4: Archives .........................................................................................................................15
Figure 5: Alter Identity...................................................................................................................16
Figure 6: Archives 02.....................................................................................................................18
Figure 7: Archives 03.....................................................................................................................18
Figure 8: Archives 04.....................................................................................................................19
Figure 9: 0,01%, wood book work.................................................................................................20
Figure 10: Fabric book……...........................................................................................................21
Figure 11: Hello Copenhagen.........................................................................................................22
Figure 12: Archives 05...................................................................................................................24
Figure 13: Final Book 01................................................................................................................25
Figure 14: Final Book 02................................................................................................................26
Figure 15: Final Book 03................................................................................................................26
Figure 16: Bookbinding..................................................................................................................27
Figure 17: Final Book 04................................................................................................................27
Copyright 2024 ⅵ Di Lu
Di Lu
This study focuses on the critical relationship between bullying during
adolescence and social anxiety disorder (SAD). Bullying has a significant impact on the
mental health of individuals. The qualitative analysis of bullying includes verbal,
physical, and cyberbullying and how it affects adolescents, emotional well-being, and
social interaction.
The research highlights the consequences of bullying on self-esteem, social
withdrawal as well as the development of maladaptive mechanisms of coping.
The research informs the design output. I created a book referred to as “The
Existing Relationship Between Bullying and Adolescence Anxiety.” The book takes the
shape of a gathering, dossier, personal exploration of social anxiety, books, and several
materials centered on bullying and its impact on society. In the book, there are stories,
photography, diaries as well as scholarly reports about bullying. One goal of the research
is to explain the impact that bullying has on millennials and its impacts on their social
well-being. The book aims to increase public consciousness by sharing real-time stories
through in-depth analysis coupled with personal insights.
Keywords: Teenagers, Bullying, Adolescence Anxiety
Copyright 2024 1 Di Lu
Social Anxiety Disorder, commonly abbreviated as SAD, is a silent epidemic that affects
a large number of individuals across the world. It affects teenagers more and according to the
American Psychiatric Association, the disorder’s symptoms are caused by an ongoing dread of
performance and social related situations which result in humiliation or sometimes,
embarrassment. In individuals who are young, the impact of SAD is usually increased by
environmental elements with the aspect of bullying playing a bigger role.
Millennials being at a critical stage of their emotional and personal development are
greatly impacted by their social interactions. These interactions, while potentially enriching, can
also be detrimental. Bullying, a form of negative social interaction that includes social exclusion,
rumor-spreading, name-calling, and other harmful behaviors, has been identified as a significant
environmental factor contributing to SAD. According to a study published in the "Journal of
Adolescence," bullying experiences in adolescence can lead to long-term psychological impacts,
including heightened social anxiety (Abdelaziz & Abu‐Snieneh, 2022).
1 These experiences shape
how individuals perceive social situations and their social standing, often leading to feelings of
inadequacy and fear.
This study explores how bullying during adolescence molds experiences of social
anxiety. Further questions include: How does bullying shape emotional responses and social
behavior in adolescents with SAD? And What are the long-term ramifications of bullyinginduced social anxiety? Previous research, such as the findings presented in "Child and
1 Abdelaziz, E. M., & Abu‐Snieneh, H. M. (2022). The impact of bullying on the mental health
and academic achievement of nursing students. Perspectives in psychiatric care, 58(2), 623-634.
Copyright 2024 2 Di Lu
Adolescent Mental Health," indicates a strong correlation between bullying and the development
of social anxiety, necessitating a deeper investigation into this relationship.2
The aspect of motivation stems from various sources including personal interests, goals
and the desire to be successful. In the current increasingly changing world, the way in which
people interact with each other is complex. As a result, it presents a lot of difficulties especially
among those who are struggling with different social situations. By taking a closer look, research
shows that some people avoid social gatherings for reasons that are beyond just being shy.
As mentioned earlier, the actual name of this phenomena is called social anxiety disorder,
and it surpasses a mere shyness and intensely closes off the individual's manner of social
interactions. The symptomatic aspect of SAD encompasses an inner terror and the fear that they
are harshly judged due to bullying (Suggala, Thomas, & Kureshi, 2020).
3 It also entails the
vulnerability of exposing one’s imperfection to the world as well as the potential impact of
societal engagement.
One of the core ideas is the acknowledgement that various millennials do not naturally
have or possess social anxiety but instead, develop it as a result of incidents related to bullying.
Bullying encompasses several forms of physical, psychological and social harm that
have an enduring effect. Millennials that are constantly subjected to bullying experience damage
to their self esteem as well as confidence. At the same time, they become anxious and hence
cautious in their social interaction (Suggala, Thomas, & Kureshi, 2020).
4 They also fear
2 American Psychiatric Association, "What are anxiety disorders?" accessed Dec 15, 2023.
3 Armitage, R. (2021). Bullying in children: impact on child health. BMJ pediatrics open, 5(1).
4 Conway, P. M., Høgh, A., Balducci, C., & Ebbesen, D. K. (2021). Workplace bullying and
mental health. Pathways of job-related negative behaviour, 101-128.
Copyright 2024 3 Di Lu
impending additional harm and stigma which in turn causes them to be apprehensive and
The feeling of ever-present fear is challenging and hard to understand especially for that
individual who has never encountered symptoms of social anxiety disorder. Due to this lack of
understanding of its effects, people frequently misunderstand and simply tell someone to “calm
down.” Those who are struggling with social anxiety disorder have suffered incidences of being
bullied which causes immense stress as well as tension resulting in choosing a solitary existence.
With a greater understanding of the issues of bullying, the study investigates the impact
of bullying in the development of increased social anxiety among teens. This thesis is not just an
academic process but also a passionate commitment for me to bring awareness to promoting
mental wellbeing for victims of bullying.
Copyright 2024 4 Di Lu
CHAPTER 2: Social Anxiety Disorder
2.1 Definition of Social Anxiety Disorder
Social anxiety disorder is referred to as social phobia and refers to a debilitating and
pervasive mental disorder which is attributed to intense fear of social interaction. This fear
usually arises from concerns of being criticized, pushed away or being shamed (Conway et al.,
Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD), also known as social phobia, is a widely prevalent and
incapacitating psychiatric condition characterized by a marked and persistent fear of one or more
social or performance situations with unfamiliar people (Suggala, Thomas, & Kureshi, 2020).
Usually starting in adolescence, SAD involves a person’s overwhelming worry about
embarrassing oneself in front of others.
Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is one of America's most common mental disorders that affects
nearly 7% of the population at some point during their lifetime. The onset typically occurs
around age 13 and involves an extreme fear of certain types of interactions with individuals other
than immediate family members.
2.2 Bullying and Social Anxiety
Bullying, which is a crucial and persistent social issue, is manifested in various forms,
impacting individuals across various groups and environments. It manifests in repeated
aggressive behaviors that cause discomfort or hurt an individual who is perceived as vulnerable.
The behavior occurs in diverse settings, such as at school, in the workplace, or online platforms
where people interact. Verbal bullying, another cause, is where words are used to cause harm.
5 Arslan, G., Allen, K. A., & Tanhan, A. (2021). School bullying, mental health, and well-being
in adolescents: Mediating impact of positive psychological orientations. Child Indicators
Research, 14, 1007-1026.
Copyright 2024 5 Di Lu
Examples include name calling, insults or teasing remarks. Despite the fact that these occurences
are underestimated, they have a significant impact on the mental wellbeing of the person on the
receiving end.
Social bullying is often not perceived as a form of harassment, and is often overlooked
even though the impact is substantial. It basically causes harm to an individual’s relationship or
social standing. Examples here include the use of tactics such as spreading rumors, gossip, and
humiliation that targets the victim’s social interactions. Suggala et al., 2020).
In the current era where digital technology has ubiquitous usage, another form of bullying
has manifested called cyberbullying. Cyberbullying usually occurs over digital gadgets such as
computers, tablets or phones and it involves online harassment that demeans another person. It
often falls under behaviors such as sharing, posting and sending harmful or sometimes false
information regarding another person (Suggala, Thomas, & Kureshi, 2020). It is also one of the
hardest types of bullying to detect due to the anonymity that is usually involved.
Victims of bullying often experience long-term effects, including emotional distress,
loneliness, fear, sadness, and anxiety. Victims often exhibit physical symptoms such as lack of
sleep, headaches, stomach aches, and academic disruption. Additionally, bullying impacts
workplace productivity, and in severe cases, manifest in mental health diagnoses such as anxiety
and depression.
However, bullies are not excluded from the repercussions of their actions. Those who
engage in bullying activities often have underlying issues, and with no restriction or intervention,
bullies may exhibit problematic behaviors that manifest in childhood (Conway et al., 2021). This
issue is attributed to increased risk of drug abuse as well as engagement in criminal activities.
Copyright 2024 6 Di Lu
Bullying, especially among adolescents and children, is a widespread issue that has a
significant and enduring impact on emotional and mental well-being, including social anxiety
disorder. Bullying is uncalled-for aggressive behavior, which is perceived as a power imbalance.
It is the intention to harm or cause harm and a repetitive power imbalance between the
perpetrator and the victim (Conway et al., 2021). As depicted above, this act can be direct, such
as through physical harm or verbal insult, or indirect, such as spreading rumors or excluding an
individual from a group.
In peer victimization, a person assumes various roles, such as victim, bully, or both. Each
role is involved in the process of victimization, and has a varying impact on the mental health of
the victim or perpetrator.
Social anxiety disorder refers to a condition characterized by a persistent and marked fear
of being scrutinized or, sometimes, humiliation caused by another person. It is a crucial
condition that significantly impacts an individual’s ability to function in any social setting
(Conway et al., 2021). Research has indicated that youths who have been previously bullied have
higher risks of health, emotional, and mental health problems. This includes internalizing
conditons such as depression, low self-esteem, loneliness, and anxiety. All these impacts
contribute to social anxiety, especially among the youth.
The impact of bullying is not immediate but has a significant long-term consequence for
the victims. Victims also experience adverse effects, including anxiety development disorder
(Suggala et al., 2020). The long-term impacts highlighted are significant in the way bullying
manifests as a social issue over time.
The correlation between the development of social anxiety and bullying in adolescents
and children underscores the importance of addressing bullying effectively in educational and
Copyright 2024 7 Di Lu
social settings (Conway et al., 2021). Preventive measures and interventions are crucial to
mitigate the long-term psychological and emotional impacts of bullying, particularly the risk of
developing social anxiety disorder.
Copyright 2024 8 Di Lu
3.1 Target Audience: Millennials
The Millennials, or Generation Y, refers to individuals born between 1981 and 1996. This
definition varies slightly, but this is the generally accepted range. This generation grew up at a
pivotal historical juncture, witnessing significant shifts in technology, society, and the economy.
Figure 1,Generation Z, the Social generation of the Western world,,11.22.2023
3.2 Characteristics of the Audience
Millennials are the first generation to grow up in a world that has a significant increase in
the use of the internet, smartphones, and social media. They are generally considered tech-savvy
and familiar with digital communication and media. Compared to previous generations, members
of the Millennial generation are typically more educated.
Copyright 2024 9 Di Lu
● Many Millennials grew up during significant economic events, such as the 2008 global
financial crisis, which have had long-term impacts on their career choices and economic
● Millennials tend to emphasize work-life balance, seeking meaningful and purpose-driven
work. They are strongly concerned about issues like social justice and environmental
● Millennials tend to emphasize work-life balance, seek meaningful and purpose-driven
work, and are concerned with environmental sustainability and social justice issues.
● Millennials have impacted society, the economy, and the culture with the change in
consumption, influencing workplace culture and driving rapid technological
advancement. At the same time, they have actively participated in the social and political
issues that shape various aspects of modern society.
3.2.1 Why Choose This Target Audience
The millennials who are born between 1981 and 1996 have witnessed a significant and
unique technological advancement and convergence in social evolution. They are depicted as the
first generation to grow up in an era associated with social media as well as the internet. At the
same time, they hold a unique perspective on the characteristics of bullying and social anxiety.
While growing up during the explosion of the internet, many millennials witnessed the
emergence of cyberbullying via the internet. The indirect or direct exposure gave the millennials
a personal stake in the issue. The unique challenge, such as navigating through online harassment
or knowing the complexities of digital communication, shaped their worldview, one with a
shared experience forming a collective memory. The shared experience influences how they
address bullying during adolescence.
Copyright 2024 10 Di Lu
At the same time, social media has significantly revolutionized the interaction of people
with the ability to create a new dynamic that did not exist previously. Millennials are the first
individuals to engage in social media platforms and experience the pitfalls firsthand during their
formative years.
Social media offers connectivity but has its own drawbacks. There is an underlying
potential risk for increased social anxiety as well as opportunities to bully. As a result,
millennials are well positioned to understand what some of the negative impacts of bullying are.
As millennials venture into the roles of parenting, their knowledge of bullying especially among
adolescents is crucial because they want to educate their kids on the dangers. Due to this, the
millennials stand a better position in guiding the next generation through the challenges that are
associated with digital communication and social media. The millennials leverage their personal
experiences so that they can teach effective strategies for preventing bullying or copying with it.
Without a doubt, millennials have increasing influence in shaping the policies that drive
change in society. This phenomenon is due to their firsthand experience particularly with
bullying and the rise of social anxiety. Their insights matter as they continue to assume more
crucial roles in society. Therefore, they seek to lead an empathic as well as an informed approach
to the social issues that impact the workplace and school diversity.
Copyright 2024 11 Di Lu
4.1 Project Introduction
Drawing from a personal journey of unrecognized struggles with school bullying in
China, where the concept of bullying was not widely understood, this project seeks to illuminate
the complex relationship between youth bullying and social anxiety. Many, like myself, faced
bullying without the awareness or support from society and schools, leading to a path of
increased introversion and a deep-seated fear of social interactions. This experience, shared by
countless others, often culminates in social anxiety, a condition that remains misunderstood and
The aim is to bridge this gap of understanding through the creation of an art book. The
book is a conduit for education and awareness, revealing the silent battle against bullying and its
significant impact on mental health. Through comprehensive research and the collection of
poignant materials that resonate with the narratives of bullying victims, the project intends to
weave these insights into the fabric of the art book. This artistic endeavor promises not just to
showcase the complexities of bullying and social anxiety but to engage, educate, and elicit
empathy from its audience.
The expected outcome of this project is to foster a broader understanding and initiate
meaningful conversations about bullying and social anxiety. It aims to be a source of
enlightenment and hope for those who have silently suffered, promoting a more informed and
empathetic society. By highlighting these issues in the form of an art book, the project aspires to
encourage a collective effort towards recognizing, addressing, and ultimately preventing
bullying, paving the way for a future where the emotional and psychological well-being of all
individuals is acknowledged and supported.
Copyright 2024 12 Di Lu
4.2 Social Anxiety Under the Influence of Bullying
My interest in exploring the relationship between bullying and social anxiety stems from
my battle with severe social anxiety disorder. This journey began unexpectedly during the
summer of fourth grade when, under my parents' guidance, a haircut left me looking more like a
boy than a girl. That summer was filled with sadness, but the real nightmare commenced upon
my return to school. Being the only girl with short hair in my class, I faced exclusion and
derogatory remarks from my peers. This relentless bullying silenced me, made me dread school,
and eventually led to me taking a year off in eighth grade for psychological counseling and
transferring to a new school. It wasn't until then, with my parents' reluctant permission to grow
my hair long, that my situation began to improve. Yet, the scars of school bullying continued to
haunt me, waging an ongoing battle against the psychological trauma inflicted.
Many liken mental illness to cancer—a condition that can never be entirely cured. With
this analogy in mind, I am driven to delve into the dynamics between bullying and social anxiety
and to extend a helping hand to those plagued by social anxiety. I aspire to elevate awareness
around the issues of bullying and social anxiety through my research and advocacy. By shedding
light on this subject, I aim not only to contribute to a broader understanding but also to foster a
supportive community that recognizes the profound effects of bullying and rallies to combat it.
Through this work, I seek to transform silence into a collective voice that advocates for
understanding, healing, and change.
Copyright 2024 13 Di Lu
5.1 Book Introduction
I have designed a book, “The Relationship Between Bullying in Adolescence and Social
Anxiety". This book is a dossier filled with varied materials related to bullying. The content
includes personal narratives, letters, diary excerpts, photographs, and scholarly reports, all
converging to highlight the profound impact of bullying.
Figure 2, THE.BOOK.DESIGN, Branding,, 11.19.2023
Copyright 2024 14 Di Lu
Figure 3, THE.BOOK.DESIGN, Branding,, 11.19.2023
Designed as a dossier, the book aims to evoke a sense of discovery, as if the reader is
unearthing hidden or long-forgotten stories. This approach amplifies the authenticity and urgency
of its content.
Copyright 2024 15 Di Lu
Figure 4, Archives, Branding,,11.19.2023
Copyright 2024 16 Di Lu
Figure 5, Alter Identity, BindingMethod,|&, 12.09.2023
Copyright 2024 17 Di Lu
This project depicts more than just information regarding bullying because it serves as a
medium for empathy, understanding, and education for the end reader/user. The project also
compels the reader to engage with the internal struggles, especially from individuals who have
experienced bullying. The project is, therefore, not just an academic endeavor but an expression
that encourages profound awareness of a crucial societal matter.
5.2 Exterior
The cover depicts an archival folder or dossier with an understanding and simplistic
aesthetic. The design is required to evoke a sense of mystery and curiosity, significantly
depicting the book's theme without too much revelation. The color scheme is sophisticated and
muted, incorporating symbolic elements that relate to the bullying theme, social anxiety, and
adolescence. This artistic and engaging design is suitable for a scholarly project on a serious
social issue.
Copyright 2024 18 Di Lu
Figure 6, Archives,, 11.19.2023
Figure 7, Archives,,
Copyright 2024 19 Di Lu
Figure 8, Archives, Final book work, Chat Gpt, 11.19.2023
5.3 Material Selection Suggestion
In selecting materials, options include fabric, glass, foam, rubber, and wood. Glass or
acrylic, with their transparent natures, can symbolize fragility and visibility. This choice
resonates with the feelings of being completely exposed and vulnerable, mirroring the experience
of social anxiety. Wood, often associated with nature and warmth, can also represent frailty.
Copyright 2024 20 Di Lu
Wrapping a file in wood symbolizes a longing for a sense of belonging and safety in a natural
Figure 9, 1,0,01%, wood book work,,
Soft fabrics or textiles indicate tenderness and susceptibility to harm. They represent an
individual's inner sensitivity, vulnerability, and heightened responsiveness to external stimuli.
Ultimately, cement was chosen to express this concept.
Copyright 2024 21 Di Lu
Figure 10, Fabric book, The pages are composed of fabric collages and embroidery of linen
hand towels from the artist wedding trousseau.
Copyright 2024 22 Di Lu
Figure 11, Hello Copenhagen, cement book,, 12.21.2022
5.3 Concrete Encasement
I have proposed a conceptual artwork titled "Concrete Encasement," aimed at
symbolically representing the psychological and societal barriers associated with experiences of
social anxiety and bullying. The concept involves encasing a dossier in concrete, leveraging the
material's solid and impenetrable nature alongside its rough texture, to embody the harsh realities
Copyright 2024 23 Di Lu
faced by individuals navigating social anxiety and bullying. Despite the thin layer of concrete
envisioned to envelop the dossier, it conveys a sense of inaccessibility and isolation—a visual
metaphor that powerfully communicates the physical and psychological barriers akin to the
protective walls erected by those with social anxiety. It also mirrors the rigid societal attitudes
toward bullying and mental health issues. Styled akin to an archival folder, the dossier
symbolizes the hidden stories, data, and insights, paralleling the suppressed emotions and untold
experiences of those affected by social anxiety and bullying.
However, due to constraints on time and funding, the concrete aspect of this project will
not be realized before the submission of my thesis. Nevertheless, the contents of the dossier,
which I have completed, include a comprehensive collection of narratives, research findings, and
analytical insights into social anxiety and bullying. This part of the project, while devoid of its
intended concrete encasement, still serves as a critical reflection on the issues it aims to
By presenting this project as a theoretical proposal, I aim to offer a new perspective and a
deeper understanding of the complexities surrounding social anxiety and bullying. Although the
physical realization of the "Concrete Encasement" must be deferred, the completed dossier
within it stands as a testament to the research and thought dedicated to these pervasive issues. It
is my hope that this work will spark wider discussion and awareness of social anxiety and
bullying, fostering empathy and comprehension for the psychological journeys of those affected.
Through outlining this project in its current form, I not only showcase an innovative
visual metaphor but also underline the practical challenges encountered. Looking forward, with
the availability of resources, I aspire to bring this theoretical concept to fruition, further
Copyright 2024 24 Di Lu
exploring and unveiling the profound societal and psychological impacts of social anxiety and
Figure 12, Archives, Final book work 02, Chat Gpt, 11.19.2023
5.4 Conclusion
Throughout my research journey, I delved deeper into understanding the true nature of
bullying and social anxiety. This exploration not only enlightened me about the intricacies of
these issues but also highlighted a significant gap in society's collective awareness. It became
evident that despite living in the modern era, a vast number of individuals remain uninformed
about the realities of bullying and social anxiety. This gap underscores the urgent need for
widespread education on these topics, making it clear that this knowledge is not just beneficial
but essential for fostering empathy and support within our communities.
Copyright 2024 25 Di Lu
"The Relationship Between Bullying in Adolescence and Social Anxiety” is depicted as a
book that is multimodal. It is designed as a dossier and provides a comprehensive exploration of
the impact of bullying and the connection it has to social anxiety.
This book weaves together a tapestry of multimodal content, uniquely combining
personal experiences and contemporary narratives. Each element, from the letters and diary
excerpts to the scholarly reports and photographic compositions, has been carefully curated or
created by me to present an immersive exploration of the themes of bullying and social anxiety.
The text is a collection of poems crafted through my insights and integration of relevant news
items, utilizing advanced AI tools for composition. Meanwhile, the visuals are original
creations, conceived and developed using Photoshop and Illustrator to give voice to the silent
struggles against social constraints.
Figure 13, Final Book 01
Copyright 2024 26 Di Lu
Figure 14, Final Book 02
Figure 15, Final Book 03
Copyright 2024 27 Di Lu
In the design process of the book, I explored various bookbinding methods and materials.
After experimenting with different options, I chose to use a metal prong fastener system, known
for its simplicity and durability. This choice was not only technical—it was symbolic. The
metal prongs, reminiscent of two-pronged fasteners commonly used in file folders, represent the
permanent and secure bond we can form with our own stories, even those that involve bullying
and social anxiety. These fasteners allow for the content to be added and rearranged, just as our
understanding and narratives of personal experiences evolve.
Figure 16, File Fastener 2-hole Loose Leaf Paper Clip Fastener for Folder Accessories
Figure 17, Final Book 04
Copyright 2024 28 Di Lu
In conclusion, my ultimate hope is that this book transcends mere awareness to embody
the transformative power of design in communication. As a designer, my design is not just about
aesthetics-it's a means to engage, inform, and resonate with others on profound issues like
bullying and social anxiety. Throughout the design process, I have critically evaluated each
decision, from layout to color to material choices, ensuring they align with the book's intent to
facilitate understanding and empathy. This journey-rooted in academic rigor and creative
exploration-highlights the essential role of intentional design in elucidating complex social issues
and driving meaningful change. By presenting a critical viewpoint on the design process, I aim to
demonstrate how deeply considered design choices can illuminate the narratives of those affected
by bullying and social anxiety, ultimately fostering a more informed and compassionate
community dialogue.
Copyright 2024 29 Di Lu
Abdelaziz, E. M., & Abu‐Snieneh, H. M. (2022). The impact of bullying on the mental health
and academic achievement of nursing students. Perspectives in psychiatric care, 58(2),
American Psychiatric Association, "What are anxiety disorders?" accessed Dec 15, 2023,
Arslan, G., Allen, K. A., & Tanhan, A. (2021). School bullying, mental health, and well-being in
adolescents: Mediating impact of positive psychological orientations. Child Indicators
Research, 14, 1007-1026.
Conway, P. M., Høgh, A., Balducci, C., & Ebbesen, D. K. (2021). Workplace bullying and
mental health. Pathways of job-related negative behaviour, 101-128.
Craig, W. (1998). The relationship among bullying, victimization, depression, anxiety, and
aggression in elementary school children. Personality and Individual Differences, 24,
123–130. doi:10.1016/so191-8869(97)00145-1
Emmanuel O. Acquah, Pamela-Zoe Topalli, Michael L. Wilson, Niina Junttila & Päivi M. Niemi
(2016) Adolescent loneliness and social anxiety as predictors of bullying victimisation,
International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 21:3, 320-331, DOI:
Suggala, S., Thomas, S., & Kureshi, S. (2020). Impact of workplace bullying on employees'
mental health and self-worth. The Palgrave Handbook of Workplace Well-Being, 1-20.
Abstract (if available)
This study focuses on the critical relationship between bullying during adolescence and social anxiety disorder (SAD). Bullying has a significant impact on the mental health of individuals. The qualitative analysis of bullying includes verbal, physical, and cyberbullying and how it affects adolescents, emotional well-being, and social interaction.
The research highlights the consequences of bullying on self-esteem, social withdrawal as well as the development of maladaptive mechanisms of coping.
The research informs the design output. I created a book referred to as “The Existing Relationship Between Bullying and Adolescence Anxiety.” The book takes the shape of a gathering, dossier, personal exploration of social anxiety, books, and several materials centered on bullying and its impact on society. In the book, there are stories, photography, diaries as well as scholarly reports about bullying. One goal of the research is to explain the impact that bullying has on millennials and its impacts on their social well-being. The book aims to increase public consciousness by sharing real-time stories through in-depth analysis coupled with personal insights.
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Asset Metadata
Lu, Di
Core Title
Shadows in socialization
Roski School of Art and Design
Master of Fine Arts
Degree Program
Degree Conferral Date
Publication Date
Defense Date
Los Angeles, California
University of Southern California
University of Southern California. Libraries
adolescence anxiety,bullying,Teenagers
Electronically uploaded by the author
Wojciak, Ewa (
committee chair
), Burruss, Laurie (
committee member
), Robbins, Peter (
committee member
Creator Email
Permanent Link (DOI)
Unique identifier
etd-LuDi-12779.pdf (filename)
Legacy Identifier
Document Type
theses (aat)
Lu, Di
Internet Media Type
University of Southern California
(contributing entity),
University of Southern California Dissertations and Theses
Access Conditions
The author retains rights to his/her dissertation, thesis or other graduate work according to U.S. copyright law. Electronic access is being provided by the USC Libraries in agreement with the author, as the original true and official version of the work, but does not grant the reader permission to use the work if the desired use is covered by copyright. It is the author, as rights holder, who must provide use permission if such use is covered by copyright.
Repository Name
University of Southern California Digital Library
Repository Location
USC Digital Library, University of Southern California, University Park Campus MC 2810, 3434 South Grand Avenue, 2nd Floor, Los Angeles, California 90089-2810, USA
Repository Email
adolescence anxiety