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The cathode plasma simulation
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The cathode plasma simulation
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THE CATHODE PLASMA SIMULATION by Thada Suksila A Dissertation Presented to the FACULTY OF THE USC GRADUATE SCHOOL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA In Partial Fulllment of the Requirements for the Degree DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (ASTRONAUTICAL ENGINEERING) May 2015 Copyright 2015 Thada Suksila ii Dedication my parents; General Anuchat and Nukul Suksila for their love, support and countless sacrices so that I could have opportunities. iii iv Acknowledgments I would like to thank all the people who were involved in helping me with this dissertation. Without you, it never would have come together. First, I would like to express my deepest gratitude and sincereness to my advi- sor, Professor Dr. Daniel Erwin, who provided me the freedom to explore this research topic that most interested me. Also, thank you for many visits and dis- cussions to your oce. I appreciated your time and help to guide me through the completion of my research. In addition, I would like to acknowledge my committee members: Professor Dr. Mike Gruntman, Professor Dr. Joseph Kunc, Professor Dr. Aiichiro Nakano, and Professor Dr. Joseph Wang, who attended and provided helpful guidance for my research during the qualifying and defense exams. I would especially like to thank Dr. Keith David Goodfellow, who provided insightful comments at dierent stages of my research, specially on the plasma sheath model in magnetoplasmadynamics (MPD) thrusters. His comments on this model helped me improve my knowledge in the area. I appreciated the writing instructors and lecturers who helped me edit my dissertation draft many times: Dr. Fife Elizabeth, Mary Ann Murphy, Amanda Bloom and Merve Aktar. Also, many thanks to Dr. Jungmiwha Bullock, who gave v many suggestions of guidelines and strategies to complete my dissertation within timeframe. Another thank you to our department sta who handled all of my documents eciently and guided me through graduate school bureaucracy: Dell, Ana, Mar- ritta, and Norma. Also, thank you to my fellow graduate student colleagues and friends, who accompanied me on this long endeavor: John, Ning, Doug, Sam, Pedro, Daoru, Ouliang, Dayung, Kevin, Will, Joshua, Janeane, Joel, Marcus, Suradej, Manachai, Jittraporn, MorTa, Akarapan, Surapong, and Kritsapong. Most importantly, none of this would have been possible without the love and patience of my family. Therefore, this dissertation is dedicated to My father, General Anuchat Suksila; my mother, Nukul Suksila; and my sister, Raphephan Naka. They have been a constant source of love, support, concern, and strength all these years. They have always encouraged me to achieve excellence. Furthermore, I am so grateful to my grandmother, Dr. Kanya Sitanggan, who allowed me to stay with her family near the completion of my program. In addition, I appreciated my aunts, Ubon and Benja Puangsuvan, who provided many great advices during the years. Finally yet importantly, I would like to express my appreciation to the King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok, and the Thai Ministry of Science and Technology for granting me the opportunity to come to USC as a Thai Scholarship student and pursue my master's and doctoral degrees. I would also like to thank the Astronautical Engineering department at USC for helping me to fund my research by providing me the opportunity to work as a teaching assistant after my government scholarship expired. vi Table of Contents Dedication iii Acknowledgments v List of Tables x List of Figures xii Abbreviations and Symbols xxi Abstract xxv Preface xxvii Chapter 1: Introduction 1 Chapter 2: MPD Thruster 5 2.1 The Classication of an MPD Thruster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.2 The Solid Cathode MPD Thruster in Steady State . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.2.1 Thermionic Emission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.2.2 Thermal Excitation and Ionization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2.2.3 Fluxes and Transportation Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2.2.4 Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium (LTE) . . . . . . . . . . 10 Chapter 3: Literature Review 13 3.1 Electrical, Thermal Conductivities and Heat Capacity Coecients . 13 3.2 Numerical Simulation of an MPD Thruster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Chapter 4: Prior Work 25 4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 4.2 The Role of MPD Numerical Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 4.3 1D MPD Thruster Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 4.3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 vii 4.3.2 Grid denitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 4.3.3 Equations to be solved . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Electrical Potential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Cathode sheath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Boundary conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Transport Coecients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Heat Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Discretization of the equations . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Solution of the dierence equations . . . . . . . . . 52 4.4 2D Cylindrical Symmetry MPD thruster Simulation . . . . . . . . . 53 4.4.1 Computational Grid for Catesian Coordinates . . . . . . . . 58 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Numerical Construction of Topologically Regular Nonumiform Triangle Meshes . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Description of the method and derivation of the dierence equations [1] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 4.4.2 Outline of the Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 4.4.3 The current and potential boundary conditions . . . . . . . 65 Chapter 5: Completed Works 69 Chapter 6: Research Methodology 71 Chapter 7: Results 75 7.1 Converged Region of Plasma Sheath Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 7.2 Fully Combined Cathode and Plasma Regions with Plasma Sheath Model in 1D MPD Thruster Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 7.2.1 Critical Time Increment of 1D MPD Thruster Simulation . . 78 7.2.2 Outline of Algorithm of 1D MPD Thruster Simulation . . . 78 7.2.3 1D MPD Thruster Simulation Results . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 7.3 Fully Combined Cathode and Plasma Regions with the Plasma Sheath Model in 2D Cylindrical Symmetry MPD Thruster . . . . . 91 7.3.1 Critical Time Increment of 2D Cylindrical Symmetry MPD Thruster Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 7.3.2 Outline of Algorithm of 2D Cylindrical Symmetry MPD Thruster Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 7.3.3 2D Cylindrical Symmetry MPD Thruster Simulation Results 96 Convection Eect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Pressure Eect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Electroarc Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 7.4 Recommendations for Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 viii Chapter 8: Conclusions 115 Bibliography 117 Appendix A 123 Appendix B 129 Appendix C 133 Appendix D 161 ix x List of Tables Table 4.1 Various types of transport processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 xi xii List of Figures Figure 2.1 A Model of an MPD Thruster [2] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Figure 4.1 Diagram of the cathode erosion model [3]. . . . . . . . . . . 27 Figure 4.2 The one-dimensional cathode-plasma system with magnetic eld outward direction from the page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Figure 4.3 1D cathode N1 and N2 are the cathode and plasma regions. 29 Figure 4.4 1D cathode numerical grid cells. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Figure 4.5 Near Cathode Plasma Region [3]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Figure 4.6 Mole fraction species as functions of electron temperature. . 33 Figure 4.7 Magnitude of heat ux components as functions of cathode surface temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Figure 4.8 Magnitude of current density components as functions of cathode surface temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Figure 4.9 Electron number density as a function of cathode surface temperature with sheath voltage as a parameter. . . . . . . . 35 Figure 4.10 Total heat ux as a function of cathode surface temperature with sheath voltage as a parameter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Figure 4.11 Total current as a function of cathode surface temperature with sheath volatge as a parameter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Figure 4.12 Electron temperature as a function of cathode surface tem- perature with sheath voltage as a parameter. . . . . . . . . 37 Figure 4.13 Electron number density as a function of cathode surface temperature with work function as a paramter. . . . . . . . 38 xiii Figure 4.14 Electron temperature as a function of cathode surface tem- perature with work function as a parameter. . . . . . . . . . 38 Figure 4.15 Total heat ux as a function of cathode surface temperature with work function as a parameter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Figure 4.16 Total current density as a function of cathode surface tem- perature with work function as a parameter. . . . . . . . . . 39 Figure 4.17 Number Density as a function of cathode surface tempera- ture with pressure as a parameter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Figure 4.18 Electron Temperature as a function of cathode surface tem- perature with pressure as a parameter. . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Figure 4.19 Total heat ux as a function of cathode surface temperature with pressure as a parameter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Figure 4.20 Total current density as a function of cathode surface tem- perature with pressure as a parameter. . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Figure 4.21 Translational electrical conductivity of argon as a function of temperature with various pressure [4] using interpolation method. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Figure 4.22 Translational thermal conductivity of argon as a function of temperature with various pressure [4] using interpolation method. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Figure 4.23 Compressibility of argon as a function of temperature [4]. . . 45 Figure 4.24 Specic heat of argon at constant density as a function of temperature [4]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Figure 4.25 Specic heat of argon at 0.5 torr (66 Pa) as a function of temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Figure 4.26 Density of argon at 0.5 torr as a function of temperature. . . 47 Figure 4.27 Heat capacity of argon at 0.5 torr (66 Pa) as a function of temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Figure 4.28 Heat capacity of electrods as a function of temperature. . . . 48 Figure 4.29 Thermal conductivity of tungsten as a function of temperature. 48 xiv Figure 4.30 Electrical conductivity of tungsten as a function of temper- ature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Figure 4.31 Solid cathode assembly under an experiment [2]. . . . . . . . 53 Figure 4.32 Section side view diagram of solid cathode assembly. . . . . 53 Figure 4.33 Solid cathode assembly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Figure 4.34 Pressure chamber under an experiment [2]. . . . . . . . . . . 55 Figure 4.35 Dimension of the pressure chamber. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Figure 4.36 Solid cathode assembly diagram from experimental set up [8]. 56 Figure 4.37 Solid cathode assembly in the pressure chamber. . . . . . . . 57 Figure 4.38 The boundary of 2D cylindrical symmetry MPD thruster simulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Figure 4.39 Primary and secondary mesh lines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Figure 4.40 Vectors used in ux calculation [1]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Figure 4.41 Physical grid space with the physical dimension dened as R C , R A , Z SIM , Z LC and Z LA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Figure 4.42 Computational grid space with the number of cells dended as N 1 , N 2 , N 3 , N 4 , and N 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Figure 4.43 Computational grid space N1=6, N2=4, N3=2, N4=4, N5=2. 64 Figure 4.44 Physical grid space N 1 = 6;N 2 = 4;N 3 = 2;N 4 = 4;N 5 = 2. . 64 Figure 4.45 Physical grid spaceN 1 = 20;N 2 = 10;N 3 = 18;N 4 = 42;N 5 = 24. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Figure 6.1 1D near-cathode plasma calculation on green color with N1=20, N2=10, N3=18, N4=42, N5=24. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Figure 7.1 The converged area of sheath voltage of the plasma sheath model as a function of temperatureand current density. . . . 75 Figure 7.2 The converged area of heat ux of the plasma sheath model as a function of temperatureand current density. . . . . . . . 76 xv Figure 7.3 The cathode tip temperature as a function of time for a pressure of 66 Pa with initial temperatuer at 2700, 2800, 2900, 3000, and 3100 K as a parameter (pure tungsten). . . 80 Figure 7.4 The cathode tip temperature [zoom in] as a function of time for a pressure of 66 Pa with initial temperatuer at 2700, 2800, 2900, 3000, and 3100 K as a parameter converged after 900 s. 81 Figure 7.5 The sheath voltage at the cathode tip as a function of time for a pressure of 66 Pa with initial temperature at 2700, 2800, 2900, 3000, and 3100 K as a parameter (pure tungsten). . . 81 Figure 7.6 The sheath voltage [zoom in] at the cathode tip as a function of time for a pressure of 66 Pa with initial temperature at 2700, 2800, 2900, 3000, and 3100 K as a parameter converged after 900 s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Figure 7.7 The heat ux at the cathode tip as a function of time for a pressure of 66 Pa with initial temperature as a parameter (pure tungsten). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Figure 7.8 The heat ux [zoom in] at the cathode tip as a function of time for a pressure of 66 Pa with initial temperature as a parameter start to converged after 900 s. . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Figure 7.9 The cathode region temperature trends as a function of the distance from the cathode base with time as a parameter (pure tungsten) for initial temperature at 2800 K and current density at 25A=m 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Figure 7.10 The cathode region voltage trends as a function of the dis- tance from the cathode base with time as a parameter (pure tungsten) for initial temperature at 2800 K and current den- sity at 25A=m 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Figure 7.11 The voltage of 1D MPD thruster with the cathode and plasma regions as a function of the distance from the cathode base with initial temperature at 3100, 3200, and 3300 K and anode potential = 0 V. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Figure 7.12 The steady state of cathode voltage region as a function of distance from the cathode base with initial temperature at 3100, 3200, and 3300 K with current density of 93, 169, and 297 A=m 2 repectively as a parameter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 xvi Figure 7.13 The steady state of plasma voltage region as a function of distance from the cathode base with initial temperature at 3100, 3200, and 3300 K with current density of 93, 169, and 297 A=m 2 repectively as a parameter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Figure 7.14 The heat ux at the cathode tip as a function of time for a pressure of 66 Pa with initial temperature at 3200, 3300, 3400 K and current density as a parameter (pure tungsten). 87 Figure 7.15 The heat ux at the cathode tip as a function of time for a pressure of 66 Pa with initial temperature at 2900 K and current density as a parameter (pure tungsten). . . . . . . . 88 Figure 7.16 The heat ux [zoom in] at the cathode tip as a function of time for a pressure of 66 Pa with initial temperature at 2900 K and current density as a parameter (pure tungsten). . . . 88 Figure 7.17 The sheath voltage at the cathode tip as a function of time for a pressure of 66 Pa with initial temperature at 3200, 3000, and 3400 K and current density as a parameter (pure tungsten). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Figure 7.18 The sheath voltage at the cathode tip as a function of time for a pressure of 66 Pa with initial temperature at 2900 K and current density as a parameter (pure tungsten). . . . . . 89 Figure 7.19 The sheath voltage [zoom in] at the cathode tip as a function of time for a pressure of 66 Pa with initial temperature at 2900 K and current density as a parameter (pure tungsten). 90 Figure 7.20 The temperature at the cathode tip as a function of time for a pressure of 66 Pa with initial temperature at 2900 K and current density as a parameter (pure tungsten). . . . . . . . 90 Figure 7.21 Primary and secondary mesh lines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Figure 7.22 Vectors used in ux calculation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Figure 7.23 The physical grid of MPD Thruster withN 1 =6,N 2 =4,N 3 =2, N 4 =4, N 5 =2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Figure 7.24 Temperature as a function of time with grid cathode surface location as a parameter in pressure of 66 Pa and pure tungsten. 97 xvii Figure 7.25 Electric eld as a function of time with grid cathode surface location as a parameter in pressure of 66 Pa and pure tungsten. 98 Figure 7.26 Current density as a function of time with grid cathode sur- face location as a parameter in pressure of 66 Pa and pure tungsten. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Figure 7.27 Heat ux as a function of time with grid cathode surface location as a parameter in pressure of 66 Pa and pure tungsten. 99 Figure 7.28 Temperature as a function of time with convection eect as a parameter in pressure of 66 Pa and pure tungsten. . . . . . 100 Figure 7.29 Electric eld as a function of time with convection eect as a parameter in pressure of 66 Pa and pure tungsten. . . . . . 100 Figure 7.30 Current density as a function of time with convection eect as a parameter in pressure of 66 Pa and pure tungsten. . . . 101 Figure 7.31 Heat ux as a function of time with convection eect as a parameter in pressure of 66 Pa and pure tungsten. . . . . . . 101 Figure 7.32 Temperature as a function of time with pressure as a param- eter in pressure of 66 Pa and pure tungsten. . . . . . . . . . 102 Figure 7.33 Electric eld as a function of time with pressure as a param- eter in pressure of 66 Pa and pure tungsten. . . . . . . . . . 103 Figure 7.34 Current density as a function of time with pressure as a parameter in pressure of 66 Pa and pure tungsten. . . . . . . 103 Figure 7.35 Heat ux as a function of time with pressure as a parameter in pressure of 66 Pa and pure tungsten. . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 Figure 7.36 The physical grids space of MPD Thruster Simulation with N1=24, N2=8, N3=10, N4=20, N5=8. . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 Figure 7.37 The area size distribution of physical grids space with N1=24, N2=8, N3=10, N4=20, N5=8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Figure 7.38 The temperatuer distribution of cathode and plasma regions in MPD thruster. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Figure 7.39 The electrical conductivity distribution of cathode and plasma regions in MPD thruster. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 xviii Figure 7.40 The thermal conductivity distribution of cathode and plasma regions in MPD thruster. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Figure 7.41 The heat capacity distribution of cathode and plasma region in MPD thruster. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Figure 7.42 The minimum value of electric eld on the cathode surface in MPD thruster is dended as the edge of plasma arc attach- ment, Electroarc Edge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Figure 7.43 Illustration of Electroarc Edge in High Pressure [3]. . . . . . 110 Figure 7.44 Illustration of Electroarc Edge in Low Pressure [3] . . . . . . 110 Figure 7.45 The electric eld distribution of cathode and plasma regions in MPD thruster. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 Figure 7.46 The electric eld contour of cathode and plasma regions in MPD thruster. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Figure 7.47 The current density distribution of cathode and plasma in MPD thruster. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 xix xx Abbreviations and Symbols j b the thermionic current density (A=cm 2 ) I sp the specic impulse (s) F th , F the thrust (N) v the velocity change (m=s) j, J 0 , J the current density (A=m 2 ) g o the acceleration of gravity on Earth (m=s 2 ) e the electron charge (C) E c , E the electric eld (V=m) h the Planck's constant (Js) k the Boltzmann constant (J=K) c the speed of light (m=s) A R the Richardson coecient (A=m 2 =K 2 ) B the magnetic eld B the magnetic eld in direction the potential or voltage (V ) eff the eective potential (V ) ' the work function (eV ) ' eff the eective work function (eV ) ' 0 the reference work function (eV ) xxi m mass (kg) T temperature (K) T i the temperature at grid i(K) T i the average temperature at grid i (K) T e the electron temperature (eV ) T c the cathode temperature (K) n e the electron density (#=cm 3 ) M P the spacecraft propellant mass (kg) M B the burnout spacecraft mass (kg) M 0 the total spacecraft mass (kg) u e the exit velocity (m=s) " 0 , " the permittivity of free space (C 2 =N=m 2 ) L i the primary cell length of cell i(m) L s i the secondary cell length of cell i (m) K, K th the thermal conductivity (W=m=K) , e the electrical conductivity (S=m) s the StefanBoltzmann constant (W=m 2 =K 4 ) c p the heat capacity (J=m 3 =K) V F the voltage drop (V ) r a the anode radius (m) r c the cathode radius (m) L cathode , L c the total length of the cathode (m) L anode , L a the total length of the anode (m) L plasma , L p the total length of the plasma region (m) S i the surface area of i (m 2 ) V anode the anode voltage (V) xxii V cathode the cathode voltage (V) V int the initial voltage (V), the voltage dierent (V) h c the heat transfer coecient (W=m 2 =K) T n+1 i the temperature at grid i at time step n+1 (K) T n i the temperature at grid i at time step n (K) JE the Ohmic heating the diameter (m) q, _ Q the heat ux (W=m 2 ) P the pressure (Pa) t ss the time to reach steady state (second) T base the cathode base temperature (K) T int the initial temperature (K) t the time increment (second) _ m the propellant mass ow rate (kg/s) T inf the environment temperature (K) j z the current density in z direction (A=m 2 ) j r the current density in r direction (A=m 2 ) D the diusion coecient v c the sheath voltage (V) I, I i the total current, the total current at grid i (A) w i the coupling coecient [1] a i+1 the triangular area (m 2 ) xxiii xxiv Abstract Since its invention at the University of Stuttgart, Germany in the mid-1960, scien- tists have been trying to understand and explain the mechanism of the plasma interaction inside the magnetoplasmadynamics (MPD) thruster. Because this thruster creates a larger level of eciency than combustion thrusters, this MPD thruster is the primary cadidate thruster for a long duration (planetary) spacecraft. However, the complexity of this thruster make it dicult to fully understand the plasma interaction in an MPD thruster while operating the device. That is, there is a great deal of physics involved: the uid dynamics, the electromagnetics, the plasma dynamics, and the thermodynamics. All of these physics must be included when an MPD thruster operates. In recent years, a computer simulation helped scientists to simulate the exper- iments by programing the physics theories and comparing the simulation results with the experimental data. Many MPD thruster simulations have been conducted: E. Niewood et al.[5], C. K. J. Hulston et al.[6], K. D. Goodfellow[3], J Rossignol et al.[7]. All of these MPD computer simulations helped the scientists to see how quickly the system responds to the new design parameters. For this work, a 1D MPD thruster simulation was developed to nd the voltage drop between the cathode and the plasma regions. Also, the properties such as thermal conductivity, electrical conductivity and heat capacity are temperature xxv and pressure dependent. These two conductivity and heat capacity are usually dended as constant values in many other models. However, this 1D and 2D cylin- drical symmetry MPD thruster simulations include both temperature and pressure eects to the electrical, thermal conductivities and heat capacity values interpo- lated from W. F. Ahtye [4]. Eventhough, the pressure eect is also signicant; however, in this study the pressure at 66 Pa was set as a baseline. The 1D MPD thruster simulation includes the sheath region, which is the interface between the plasma and the cathode regions. This sheath model [3] has been fully combined in the 1D simulation. That is, the sheath model calculates the heat ux and the sheath voltage by giving the temperature and the current density. This sheath model must be included in the simulation, as the sheath region is treated dierently from the main plasma region. For our 2D cylindrical symmetry simulation, the dimensions of the cathode, the anode, the total current, the pressure, the type of gases, the work function can be changed in the input process as needed for particular interested. Also, the sheath model is still included and fully integrated in this 2D cylindrical symmetry simulation at the cathode surface grids. In addition, the focus of the 2D cylindrical symmetry simulation is to connect the properties on the plasma and the cathode regions on the cathode surface until the MPD thruster reach steady state and estimate the plasma arc attachement edge, electroarc edge, on the cathode surface. Finally, we can understand more about the behavior of an MPD thruster under many dierent conditions of 2D cylindrical symmetry MPD thruster simulations. xxvi Preface President Obama approved NASA's budget for scal year 2015 and he rearmed the goal to send humans to Mars in the 2030s and to explore Jupiter's moon, Europa [8]. With more than 100 billion dollars invested in America's space program over the past six years including 17.5 billion dollars this year, the United States will remain the world's pioneer in space exploration for the time being. These ambitious explorations are the stepping stone approach for NASA space programs, as it is required to develop new crews, spacecraft, and new space vehicles carrying scienctic instruments for this long journey. As a result, a new advanced propulsion technology will be necessary to achieve these challenged missions. Such propulsion technology would need to have high eciency and reduce propellant consumption. xxvii xxviii Chapter 1 Introduction Early in 2011, the Obama administration redened the role of NASA and how it would achieve its objectives. With this new direction, NASA is developing two new rockets, one of which is Orion-a new crew module. By the 2030s, NASA hopes to send a manned spacecraft to orbit and land upon Mars-the Red Planet. To achieve this ultimate goal, NASA must develop advanced propulsion technology. One of the propulsion thrusters that has been identied as a prime candidate for in-space missions is the electrical propulsion (EP) thruster. Chemical vs. Electric Propulsion Thrusters Currently, chemical propulsion systems operate by lifting o (e.g., the Moon, the Earth, or an asteroid). Because they create a large amount of thrust force, such force can push against the gravitational force of planetary bodies. However, the chemical propulsion system provides lower exhaust velocity as well as lower specic impulse values by an order of magnitude when compared to Electic Propulsion (EP) thrusters. In a chemical propulsion system, the energy is contained in the molecular structural bonds. This energy is released through the combustion process and, as a result, is converted to kinetic energy in the converging-diverging nozzle, producing thrust. Thus, the amount of energy available is limited by the chemical bonds in the molecular structures of the propellant. In an EP system, however, energy is produced by an external power source (e.g., solar arrays, batteries, or nuclear reactor), then transferred to the propellant, and 1 converted into the converging-diverging nozzle to directed kinetic energy, creating thrust. This concept allows more energy to be introduced into the propellant and, as a result, EP have higher propellant-eciency. For a higher eciency system, this means less propellant is required to complete the same delta-V. In turn, a spacecraft can carry more cargo (e.g., people or scientic instruments) [9],[10]. EP thruster systems can be categorized as ion thrusters, arcjet thrusters, and magnetoplasmadynamics thrusters. The dierences between these systems lie in the methods by which the propellant accelerates and how the energy transfers into the propellant. These two factors measure the propellant eciency. Typically, these eciency measures are determined by the specic impulse, I sp (measured in seconds): I sp = F _ mg 0 = _ mu e _ mg 0 = u e g 0 (1.1) whereI sp is the specic impulse (s), F is the thrust force (N), _ m is the propellant mass ow rate (kg/s), u e is the exit velocity (m/s), and g 0 is 9.8066 (m=s 2 ). For each specic mission, there is a certain amount of velocity change (v) or, to put it another way, a certain amount of propellant mass calculated from the rocket equation. This amount of propellant can be calculated to achieve a certain delta-V from the rocket equation by: M p =M o (1 exp (v) Ispg 0 ) (1.2) where M p is the propellant mass, M o is the initial mass, and v is the total velocity change to accomplish certain missions. As can be seen, for a certain delta- V, the higher I sp means that a lower propellant mass is required. Recently, the 2 cost of launching a payload to a lower earth orbit (LEO) has been estimated at approximately $10,000 per kilogram. To decrease the cost of a mission, thrusters need to perform more eciently. However, there is another problem. EPs require a longer amount of time to accelerate the spacecraft because they provide a relatively low thrust. That is, EP system component parts must last for thousands of hours, especially magnetoplas- madynamic (MPD) thrusters. This problem is due to the cathode erosion which occurs during charged particle interactions, which erodes its surface. This limits the lifetime of MPD thrusters. The cathode erosion in MPD is due to its high operating temperature, which is in the range of 2,000-3,000K. The cathodes usually are made from tungsten or tantalum, which are refractory (high melting point) metals. There are two shapes of MPD cathodes, hollow and solid rod. The latter has been tested and developed for decades, so experimental data is more available. Mechanisms that create thrust are similar for both hollow and solid rod cathodes, the solid rod cathode has a much simpler geometry than a hollow cathode. As a result, this research will focus on developing a 1D and 2D cylindrical symmetry simulation to predict and characterize the attachment area of a plasma region and solid rod cathode region in a steady state of MPD thrusters. Information about an MPD thruster study can be read in references [6], [7], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17]. 3 4 Chapter 2 MPD Thruster 2.1 The Classication of an MPD Thruster The classication of MPD can be considered in several categories as followed: the operating conditions, the shape of the cathode (hollow and solid rod cathode), the pulse or direct current mode and hot or cold cathode operation. The hot cathode operation is usually in a steady state operation while the cold cathode operation is usually in a start-up phase or pulse mode operation. For this study, the MPD thruster uses direct current and it is assumed to have achieved the steady state condition. That is, there are only small changed in values of all the thermodynamic properties: the current density, magnetic eld, and ow velocity of the gas values. For the shape of the cathode, this MPD thruster uses the solid shape cathode, which has a simpler design. In any case, this shape can be used to establish the fundamental physics for an MPD thruster. As a results, other more complex shapes such as multiple hollow cathode can also use this solid cathode as principal knowledge and adjust for needed applications. 2.2 The Solid Cathode MPD Thruster in Steady State In this system, there are mainly two types of material-an anode (+) and a cath- ode (-), as can be seen in Fig. 2.1. A cylindrical solid cathode is placed in the 5 center and surrounded by a cylindrical anode. The cathode is usually constructed from high melting point material such as tungsten or tantalum, as they have a low work function, which eectively provides the thermionic emission. The primary material for the anode is copper or tungsten, which can withstand high temper- atures. However, at the anode, the heat load is not as high as at the cathode and the plasma attachment temperature is much higher than at the cathode. As a result, this study uses copper as an anode. Then, both anode and cathode are connected to high voltage and a high current power supply and the surrounding pressure or background pressure established by a vacuum pump can be as low as 6.75 Torr during operation at the highest ow rates of 640 sccm [2]. For the MPD Figure 2.1: A Model of an MPD Thruster [2] thruster propellant in this study, argon is preferred as it is an inexpensive gas and a noble gas. That is, argon electron shells is fully lled so it almost never react 6 with other gases. That means it is extremely nonreactive and inert, even at very high temperatures. Initially, the neutral argon propellant is symmetrically introduced from the cathode base and travels through the gap between electrodes. Then, the propel- lant is ionized by the arc discharge while traveling downstream. That is, one of the electrons is separated from the neutral propellant and the neutral propellant becomes a positively charged propellant. This ow of the electron and charged propellant is called plasma. The arc discharge is a form of current density path, which moves through plasma between electrodes. The electrons, the ions, and the neutral particles have dierent roles in the cathode surface interaction. That is, this interaction in steady state occurs once the cathode temperature is high and the variation of the temperature is minimal. The process where the thermal energy is given to the ow of charge carriers on the cathode surface and the charge carriers overcome the binding potential is called the thermionic emission. The thermionic emission depends on temperature and the electrical eld and can be expressed in the Richardson-Dushman equation as shown below: j b =A R T 2 c exp ' eff kT c ! (2.1) where j b is thermionic emission current density, A R is the Richardson coecient 60A=cm 2 =K 2 for the tungsten cathode,' is the material work function depending on temperature, k is Boltzmann's constant, T is the cathode temperature and' eff is the Schottky eect. This can be written as: ' eff =' 0 r eE c 4" 0 (2.2) 7 where ' 0 is the reference work function (eV ), e is the electron charge, E c is the electric eld surrounding the cathode, and " 0 is the permitivity of free space. The variation of the electrical eld changes the Scotty eect value and in turn the thermionic emission current density changes. For the current density, when it interacts with the magnetic eld, a Lorentz force is created. The Lorentz force (JB) is a result of the right hand rule relationship from the interaction between the current density and the azimutal magnetic eld around the cathode. The response of the current density in the axial or outward direction with a magnetic eld is called the blowing force. The other force is called the pumping force, which is interaction with the magnetic eld that is in the radial direction. The combination of these two forces generates a thrust in an MPD thruster. 2.2.1 Thermionic Emission At the surface of the metal electrodes that operate in high temperature, the elec- trons are emitted to the plasma and this process is called thermionic emission. This emission determines whether the system reaches a self-sustaining point. The thermionic emission can be related to the work function of the cathode surface. That means, in order to acheieve the thermionic emission rapidly, it would require a lower work function on the surface of the electrodes. The process that can lower the work function could be reached by covering the electrodes with monatomic lm such as thorium and caesium. As a result, the lm of thorium will be diused to the surface of the tungsten at a high temperature. Particularly at the start-up phase, the electrons are emitted from the cold cathode surface and this emitting generates a micro spot, which is called the \cathode spot." The temperature of the cathode spot can reach as high as 3,000 K and it is the most destructive phase of cathode operation [17]. 8 2.2.2 Thermal Excitation and Ionization Ionization is the process whereby one or more electrons are removed from an atom. The energy exchange between particles is assumed to come from the thermal energy of the particles. This thermal energy or kinetic-energy is assumed to follow the Maxell-Boltzmann distribution, which is the most propable temperature in an ensemble of particles. The general Boltzmann distribution appears in exponential form as: exp kinetic energy kT ! (2.3) where k is Boltzmann's constant, T is temperature in Kelvin, and kinetic energy can be replaced by other forms of energy such as potential energy and chemical energy. 2.2.3 Fluxes and Transportation Properties Uniform plasma is usually assume for many theoretical studies in plasma physics; however, this assumption is very dicult to produce. The actual characteristics of plasma will reveal gradients such as particle number densities, applied elec- trical potentials, temperature, and velocity components. These gradients can be considered driving forces that give use to uxes and can be expressed by Fick's law =Drn Ohm's law j = e rV Fourier's law q =krT Frictional force f x =rv x (2.4) 9 where ; j; q, and f x refer to uxes due to diusion, electrical conduction, ther- mal conduction and the frictional force in x direction, respectively. The relation between driving force and uxes is called transport coecients D, , K th , and , which are known as the diusion coecien, the electrical conductivity, the thermal conductivity, and the viscosity, respectively. The particles collisions transfer the energy and momentum between particles. Thus, sucient detail of the collision processes must known to determine the trans- port coecient, which depends on the collision cross section between particles. However, the exact electronic structure in a molecule or atom is dicult to deter- mine experimentally, a highly simplied model such as a classic sphere has been developed for determining collision cross sections [18]. 2.2.4 Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium (LTE) In laboratories, LTE plasma is usually optically thin plasma, which does not require a radiation eld that responds to the blackbody radiation. However, it does require a collision process that governs transitions and reactions in the plasma. In addition, LTE plasma has micro reversibility properties among the collision processes or a detailed equilibrium between each reverse process and collision process is necessary. In steady state, the solution of LTE and complete thermal equilibrium will yield the same energy distribution. Furthermore, the diusion time should be on the same order of magnitude or larger than the equilibrate time and the gradient of LTE plasma properties (e.g., temperature and heat conductivity) should not be too large to diuse from one location to another. This LTE plasma assumption is necessary to simplyfy the problem [18]. 10 The following sections provide a literature review that explains studies of the surrounding plasma and cathode characteristics in an MPD thruster. 11 12 Chapter 3 Literature Review The prior studies of MPD thrusters were performed at the University of Stuttgart, Germany. Now, this experiment and numerical simulations are being conducted in many universities and countries around the world. 3.1 Electrical, Thermal Conductivities and Heat Capacity Coecients Warren F. Ahtye. Ames Research Center, NASA, USA 1965 [4] In early 1965, W. F. Ahtye calculated the basic transport coecients of partially ionized argon by using the rigorous second-order Chapman-Enskog formulation. In addition, this method determined the electrical conductivity, translational ther- mal conductivity and heat capacity for fully ionized argon. As the results from second-order values compared with the simultaneous collision approach of Spitzer, the electrical and translational thermal conductivities are lower by a factor of three, as they include the ion-ion interactions. Furthermore, a comparison of the electrical conductivity values calculated by second-order Chapman-Enskog with experimental values shows that this second-order approach is accurate for calcu- lating electrical conductivity and this approach is also valid for calculating thermal conductivity. Moreover, W. F. Ahtye studied the other thermodynamics proper- ties (e.g., heat capacity of argon). His study provided a better understanding of relationship between pressure and temperature for each thermodynamic property. 13 Comments: W. F. Ahtye's work calculates many properties: electrical and translational con- ductivities, and the heat capacity of argon. These values's plot can be used for our MPD thruster simulations as their values are in many dierent pressures. Our MPD thruster simulations require pressure as low as 0.5 torr (66 Pa). For such low pressure, it is dicult to determine acceptable values of electrical and translational conductivities, and the heat capacity. However, Ahtye's method calculates those values with many dierent pressures. As a result, these properties of argon, the electrical, thermal conductivities and the heat capacity, will be used in our 1D and 2D cylindrical symmetry MPD thruster simulations by interpolated method [19]. Daniel A. Erwin and Joseph A. Kunc 1985-1986 [20, 21] In mid-1985, D. A. Erwin and J. A. Kunc determined some of the transport coe- cients such as electrical conductivity, which depended strongly on the electron tem- perature (300 to 30,000 K) and degree of ionization (10 8 to 1) for monatomic gases (H, O, He, and Ne) in a weakly ionized or fully ionized plasma within the steady state condition. The electron distribution function, which is described by using the Boltzmann and the Maxwellian assumptions, is also outlined in this work. The elastic collisions, which can be electron-electron, electron-ion, or electron-neutral (e-e, e-i, or e-n), were considered in the plasma transport coecient calculations, while the electron velocity distribution function was evaluated using the 4 4 matrix formulation method from Shkarofsky et al. In a low degree of ionization, there is a great discrepancy between dierent gases, as the electron-neutral collision tends to depend on gas types. They also mentioned the deviation of temperature betweenT e andT n from local thermal equlibrium (LTE), when high external elec- tric eld or density gradients existed; however, the deviation is suppressed by a low electrical elds and electron temperature at around 12,000 K. 14 The computer program was coded and calculated for the electrical conduc- tivity of a magnetic- eld free and partially ionized plasma where neither of the electron-neutral and Coulomb collisions were important. Although this method was available to calculate the electron temperature up to 38,000 K, the high dissociation of molecular gases could not be accurately determined. The computer codes had been separated into two main parts, which were physical routines and mathermatical routines. The electron temperature, gas pressure and the electron density were built into the computer program that calculated the electrical conductivity (mho/m). Comments: This paper provides a method for calculating accurately the result of the electrical conductivity of plasma and it can be used as a future work that links with [1] to determine the electrical conductivity of argon in an MPD thruster. S. Paik et al. 1990 [22] In the mid-1990, S. Paik and E. Pfender presented the argon plasma transport properties at low pressures (0.01atm). At this low pressure, the electron tem- perature deviated from the heavy particle temperature so the two-temperature particles were adapted to calculate the transport properties, such as electrical and thermal conductivities. These values with two-temperature eect and with- out two-temperature eect were compared. There is a large discrepancy at the low electron temperature ; however, these discrepancies become smaller when the electron temperature is around 10,000 K and higher. In addition, the composition of particles was calculated from the Saha equation, which included the lowering of the ionization energy. From there, this 15 calculation would be compared with experimental data: the momentum transfer cross sections. This method assumes the partially ionized collision-dominated gas to have the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution. Their method all species (i.e., ion, atom, electron) interacted to create a cross-section collision. When the electron temperature becomes much higher than the heavy particles temperature, the two particles temperature eect needs to be included. Furthermore, the calculation can be calculated for the heat capacity composed of three parts (i.e., electron, reaction, and heavy particles). These three particles interacted with each other; however, the main contribution of the total value of the specic heat is the interreaction between electrons and heavy particles. Comments: The electrical and thermal conductivity values of argon at a pressure of 0.01 atm in S. Paik et al.'s work could not be used in this proposal because the pressure inside MPD thruster is much less than 0.01 atm. Moreover, we know the two-temperature eect starts at approximately 5,000 to 10,000 K; however, above 10,000 K the two-temperature eect becomes less important. G. J. Dunn and T.W.Eagar 1990 [23] G.J. Dunn and T.W. Eagar presented their own theory to calculate the electrical and the thermal conductivities of metallurgical plasmas at the ambient pressure. Their work was concerned with the metal vapor that changed the electrical and the thermal conductivity values in the plasma. At 1 atm, the assumption of local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE), quasi-neutrality (T e =T a =T i ), and ideal gas was given for this calculation. Also, the second ionization became appreciable at T > 17; 000K. These theories of this electrical conductivity depended strongly on 16 the accuracy of the cross section collision theory. They compared the electrical and thermal conductivity values to other scientists such as Devoto and Cambel, and the comparison values were well within agreement. Comments: At ambient pressure, this paper provided the electrical and the thermal conductiv- ity values of argon plasma. These electrical and thermal conductivity values can be used to compare with our argon plasma model at 1 atm. Also, we can apply it to our MPD thruster simulations; however, their work does not provide the electrical and thermal conductivity values as low as 0.5 torr (66 Pa). Therefore, it would not be possible to include these conductivity values for our MPD simulations. 3.2 Numerical Simulation of an MPD Thruster E. Niewood et al. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA 1992 [5] In mid-to-late 1992 at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), E. Niewood and his group developed a quasi-one-dimensional model of an MPD thruster that included a two- uid ow. That is, the two uid ow consisted of heavy particles and electron particles. Their model used the energy conservation equation and the momentum equation. These two equations colculated the ion and the neutral par- ticles separately. In addition, the governing equations included global continuity, global momentum and electron density, all of which were dominated by Coulomb collisions. In the energy equation, the main source terms were from Joule heating (Ohmic heating), elastic transfer between electron and heavy particles, energy lost from ionization, and the axial heat conduction. 17 From this work, the temperature of the heavy species was a magnitude lower than the electron temperature in which the two uid temperatures were necessary to have accurate electrical or thermal conductivities or viscosity coecients, and also to determine the eect of plasma instability. In addition, the other phenomena, such as the area variation of the channel and velocity slip between ions and neutrals, were considered and then compared to the experimental data. Comment: To compare the numerical result and experimental value at one point, it is necessary to increase the voltage by 45 V to match the experimental data. This result conrms that the cathode sheath, fall voltage, and the real value of the conductivity are important in order to understand more about an MPD thruster. C. K. J. Hulston et al. College of Engineering, India 1994 [6] In mid-to-late 1996, Hulston et al. conducted a one-dimensional numerical sim- ulation of cathode thermal erosion. He used the energy equation: conduction, convection, radiation and ohmic heating. Then, the equations are discretized in terms of deforming nite elements treated as ablation at the surface. Following the Galerkin method, the heat conduction was obtained in the form of a semidis- cretized dierential equation. The time step was increased until the system reached steady state and the time step for each element was within the allowable stability. Then, the temperature proles were obtained along the cathode by comparing the numerical results to verify his model. The erosion rate or material loss of the cathode was calculated by the convective matrix after the temperature was more than ablation temperature. 18 Comments: Hulston, et al.'s work assumed constant thermo-physical properties such as electrical, thermal conductivities and heat capacity of the material. In addition, if this work had included the temperature dependent of the heat ux at the cathode root, this work would have improved the cathode thermal erosion simulation. For the fundamental relationship of an MPD thruster, it was found to be at a higher temperature in the conical portion of the cathode and the Ohmic heating produced a higher amount of heat generation in the conical region of the cathode than in the cylinder region of the cathode. K. D. Goodfellow University of Southern California, USA 1996 [3] In mid-1996, at the University of Southern California, Goodfellow conducted an experiment and created a quasi-one-dimensional numerical model. This model required a thermal model and near-cathode plasma model in a steady state for an electrical thruster to predict the lifetime of the cathode. The thermal model determined the characteristics of the temperature prole in the cathode and the near-cathode plasma model calculated the characteristics for heat ux and current density. The near-cathode plasma was represented as a transition region between the plasma region and the cathode surface. This near-cathode plasma included the sheath region, and boundary layers, and was coupled with the thermal model. A series of operating condition experiments was conducted to verify the numerical model values. Then, the temperature prole of the cathode was observed under dierent conditions. Comments: Goodfellow's work included the sheath region, which was the most important 19 model to determine the voltage drop. This fundamental knowledge of the particle interaction between electron and atom particles provided more understanding about the MPD thruster. The arc discharge area on the cathode had been measured from the experiment and put into the numerical model. However, if the arc attachment area model had been included, his numerical model could have fulllled the understand of the MPD thruster theory on the cathode surface. Further development of the arc attachment area for the MPD thruster model is required and this topic is in this dissertation. J Rossignol et al. University Blaise Pascal, France 2003 [7] J Rossignal et al. introduced a one-dimension model of the cathode sheath in an electrical arc. Heavy particles interacting above the sheath edge was introduced as a friction zone derived from an ion-atom collision. This model determined the heat ux, the electrons, and density of atoms in a steady state. Overall, his work is divided into the physical process and the modeling. The physical process describes the cathode's rise in temperature derived from the plasma bombardment (i.e., ions, electrons, atoms, radiation) on the surface and the Ohmic heating in the cathode, and the energy dissipation consisted of thermal conduction droplet ejection and surface vaporization from the cathode. The sheath region was introduced as the trasition zone between the plasma and the cathode. The emitted electron could be accelerated outward by the voltage dierence. Some of the newly created ions then fall into the voltage drop region and bombard the surface of the cathode. In the surface and sheath model, there are many interactions, consisting of Bohm criterion velocity, the ionic energy bombardment to the cathode surface, radiation in the plasma and the cathode surface, and the bombardment of the electrons from plasma and the returning electron to the cathode surface. In 20 addition, the electric eld, atomic emission, bombardment and ionic friction were included in this model. Next, he uses a coupling of the cathode heating model and sheath model to solve for the energy balance between the energy ux of vaporization of the cathode and the energy ux due to the thermal conductivity. Comments: This work does not explain the properties of the plasma region connected to the friction zone. However, the basic detail of each particle interaction is explained well and the results of the numerical simulation model obtain a real- istic estimation of characteristics for heat ux, current density and particle density. H. Kawaguchi Hokkaido et al. University, Japan 1995 [24] In early 1995, H. Kawaguchi presented the numerical study of the thrust mecha- nism in a two-dimensional self-eld MPD thruster. Two types of thrusters, which were ared and converge-diverge (C-D), had been studied and compared with experimental data. This work assumed the quasi-steady state, a fully ionized one- uid argon plasma, and a constant of electrical conductivity, and neglected the voltage drop across the plasma sheath. This numerical simulation used the total variation diminishing (TVD), successive over relaxation (SOR) method and iterated until the electromagnetic and uid equation reached self-consistency. For convenience, the curvilinear coordinates were used instead of the Cartesian coordinates. The numerical simulation results show that a shock wave occurred near the tip of the cathode and the uid became supersonic near the inlet in the ared type. In the C-D type, the uid became supersonic at the throat. The shock wave and braking force were the main suppression in the ared type and C-D 21 type respectively for the aerodynamic force in MPD. Comments: Kawaguchi's comparison between numerical results and the experimental data provides fundamental knowledge about the relationship between the thrust and discharge current. In addition, microscopic phenomena can be observed in this numerical simulation. However, if the electrical conductivity temperature depen- dent in argon plasma had included in the plasma region, his study might have delivered the relationship between the voltage drop and temperature. Finally, the fact that voltage sheath drops across the cathode, which is the main power loss in the MPD thruster, has not been included in this study. T. Miyasaka et al. Nagoya University, Japan 1998 [25] In early 1998, T. Miyasaka et al. studied the Numerical Analyses of 2-Dimension Axisymmetric MHD Flow Satisfying Sonic Conditions in an MPD Thruster. This work explained the two-temperature eect, ionization, recombination, and onset phenomenon to the straight-conguration electrodes in a self-induced MPD thruster. Argon was the propellant gas, which assumed a sonic speed at the inlet (argon plasma is a perfect gas having constant specic heats). The method used was a second-order accurate explicit total variation dimin- ishing (TVD) upwind scheme to solve the electromagnetic and compressible Euler equation in steady state. The pressure and current contours showed that the strong Lorentz force, which came from the concentration of the discharge current, reduced the pressure from downstream of the inlet. The force was slowly increased with the current (i.e., the value of thrust was approximately 8 N at 10 kA). 22 Comments: This paper explains the relationship between thrust and the discharge current; however, the cathode sheath phenomena has not been included in the model. The cathode sheath is considered repondsible for the voltage drop across the electrodes in the MPD thruster. 23 24 Chapter 4 Prior Work 4.1 Introduction In the recent years, the advancements in graphics and processors technology have allowed the computational simulation to solve the nonlinearity problem because of its accuracy and sophisticate. In addition, there are several benets i.e. it allows scientists and researchers to see how the systems respond. Also, it can help detecting wrong calculations design, which can save a lot of money before developing and building experimental set up. Furthermore, the physical intuition can be tested much more quickly and inex- pensively than an experiment. Moreover, the computational simulation can be repeated to investigate the dierent conditions, once the correct computational simulation model has been veried. The MPD thruster has several dierent characteristics and these dierences are required to be included in the computational simulation for the high-current solid rods cathode and the surrounding plasma in MPD thruster. 4.2 The Role of MPD Numerical Simulation The MPD thruster model consists of the following parts: computational grid, solid cathode model, plasma model, cathode sheath. 25 The computational grid is a system of cells covering the model geometry, the geometry will be axisymmetric, and the cells will be triangular. This triangular grid system is based on Winslows method [1], which provides many advantages i.e. the triangular grid can generate the curvature at the interface between two dierent material or at the corner much more uniformly than rectangular grid. Solid cathode model is a set of equations describing ow of heat and electric current in the cathode. The plasma model is a set of equations describing ow of partially ionized argon through the model, and the ow of heat and electric current. The cathode sheath is a model describing the interface between the cathode and the adjacent plasma using [3]. The goal of this dissertation are to develop 1D and 2D cylindrical symmetry simulations of an MPD thruster. These simulations consist with 3 mains regions which are the plasma region, the cathode region, and the plasma sheath region (on the cathode surface [3]). Then, the electrical conductvity, the thermal conductivity and the heat capacity are applied into the plasma and the cathode regions until 1D and 2D cylindrical symmetry simulations reach steady state to describe the temperature, potential, electric eld and current density in the simulations. That is, 1D MPD thruster simulation will be developed rst to obtain the fun- damental physics of an MPD thruster and to calculate to obtain the temperature, the voltage in the cathode and the plasma regions. Also, the voltage drop (sheath voltage) between the cathode tip and the plasma can be evaluated. Then, the 2D cylindrical symmetry MPD thruster simulation calculates temperature, potential, the current density, the electric eld to fully estimate the electroarc edge or plasma arc attachement edge on the cathode surface. Further development to include the particles ow of electrons and ions could improve the cathode erosion simulations as describe in [3] as shown in Fig.4.1. Some of the references for these 26 simulations are listed as [5], [14], [24], [25], [26], [27], [28], [29], [30], [31], [32], [33], [34], [35], [36], [37], [38], [39], [40], [41], [42]. Figure 4.1: Diagram of the cathode erosion model [3]. 27 4.3 1D MPD Thruster Simulation Figure 4.2: The one-dimensional cathode-plasma system with magnetic eld out- ward direction from the page. 4.3.1 Introduction This section describes a one-dimensional cathode-plasma model. The model is designed to nd the steady-state behavior of a system consisting of a cathode, a plasma, and an enclosing electric circuit that forces a specied current density into the system see Fig. 4.2. Following are the eects modeled: There are an electric and thermal conduction within the cathode and the plasma regions. Also, the joule heating (Ohmic heating) are in both cathode and plasma regions. Then, the voltage drop (cathode fall) can be calculated using the model and apply at the anode toward the cathode as the anode voltage is given as 0 V and assume no magnetic eld interaction as it is 1D simulation. 28 4.3.2 Grid denitions This section describes the computational grid. There are two regions, the cathode and the plasma regions, as can be viewed in Fig.4.3. The N 1 andN 2 dene as the number of grid in each region and the L c and L p dene as the total length in the cathode and the plasma regions, repectively. There is one spatial variable x, which ranges from 0 at the cathode base to x A at the anode. The grid is composed of N + 1 points numbered 0 to N. Point 0 is the cathode base; point N C is at the cathode edge; pointN C+1 is at the plasma edge; and point N is at the anode. The sheath is located between points N C and N C+1 . These two points are very close together and may in fact be collocated, since the sheath model assumes the sheath to be of innitesimal thickness. Grid point i is located at x = x i . Thus, x 0 = Figure 4.3: 1D cathode N1 and N2 are the cathode and plasma regions. 0 and x N = x A . Two kinds of cells are dened. Primary cells span the intervals between grid points. There are N primary cells numbered from 1 to N. Primary cell 1 covers the interval between point 0 and point 1; more generally, primary cell i covers the interval between point i-1 and point i. The width of primary cell i is L i =x i x i1 (4.1) 29 Secondary cells span the intervals between the midpoints of primary cells. There are N+1 secondary cells numbered 0 to N. The secondary cell numbered i surrounds grid point i . Note that if the primary cells adjacent to grid point i are of dierent widths, then grid point i is not the midpoint of secondary cell i . The width of secondary cell i is L S;i = (L i +L i+1 )=2 (4.2) The two secondary cells at the grid edges are bounded by the grid endpoints. Thus, secondary cell 0 ranges from x = 0 to x = L 1 =2 =x 1 =2, and secondary cell N ranges fromx = (x N1 +x N )=2 tox N =x A : As you can see in Fig. 4.4, it is the example of the primary cells, secondary cells, primary grid points and secondary grid points. Figure 4.4: 1D cathode numerical grid cells. 30 4.3.3 Equations to be solved Electrical Potential The external circuit pumps current density J 0 through the system, owing from anode to cathode. Since the system is one-dimensional, the current density is constant throughout the system. The electrical potential varies from 0 at the anode to C < 0 at the cathode base. The electric eld is E = d dx (4.3) The current density is J =E (4.4) where is the electrical conductivity. (Note that both the electric eld and the current density are negative, since the eld points from right to left.) The electric eld is found from requiring that the current density found from eq. 4.4 is the specied value: E =J 0 (4.5) where the specied current density J 0 is taken to be a positive number. Assumed no magnetic eld interaction in this study for 1D and 2D cylindrical symmetry simulations; however, the magnetic eld can be included in the future work for 2D cylindrical symmetry simulation. Temperature We solve the one-dimensional thermal diusion equation, c p dT dt =JE + d dx K dT dx (4.6) 31 where c p is the heat capacity per unit volume, JE is the ohmic or Joule heating, and K is the thermal conductivity. Cathode sheath The characteristic of near-cathode model from Goodfellow's model is the charac- teristic between plasma and cathode in steady state and considers the sheath to be a discontinuity between cathode and plasma. The model predicts the heat ux (q tot ), current density (j tot ), electron number density, and electron temperature (eV) as a function of temperature and pressure at the near-cathode surface. Figure 4.5: Near Cathode Plasma Region [3]. The model of near-cathode model consists many properties regions such as solid, recombination, sheath, presheath, ionization, boundary layers and main plasma region. An illustration of near cathode plasma region is shown in Fig. 4.5. The 32 detail of the characteristic of near-cathode model can be read in reference [3] where L D ,L ei , andL T;C;M are the Debye length, mean free path, and thermal, concentra- tion and momentum boundary layer thickness, respectively. (j e ;j i ) are the relative magnitude of electron and ion current density with the region or position. The mole fraction of argon varies with the electron temperature and the second ionization starts around electron temperature at 1.1 eV as can be seen in Fig.4.6. The heat ux and the current density of each species at the interface between the cathode and the plasma regions with work function of 4.5 eV and pressure of 66 Pa can be calculated as in Fig.4.7 and 4.8. 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 Mole fraction Electron Temperature (eV) argon P = 0.5 torr (66.6612 Pa) φ = 4.5 eV V c = 6 Y 0 Y i Y ii Y e Figure 4.6: Mole fraction species as functions of electron temperature. 33 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 2700 2800 2900 3000 3100 3200 3300 Heat Flux (W/cm 2 ) Cathode Temperature (K) argon P = 0.5 torr (66.6612 Pa) φ = 4.5 eV V c = 6 q tot q i q b q e q ii Figure 4.7: Magnitude of heat ux components as functions of cathode surface temperature. 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 2600 2700 2800 2900 3000 3100 3200 3300 Current density (A/cm 2 ) Cathode Temperature (K) argon P = 0.5 torr (66.6612 Pa) φ = 4.5 eV V c = 6 J tot J i J be J ii J e J b Figure 4.8: Magnitude of current density components as functions of cathode surface temperature. 34 As can be seen in the Fig.4.7, the total heat ux consists of many particles as shown in the equation below: q tot =q i;1 +q ii;1 q n;1 +q i;2 +q ii;2 q n;2 q b +q e (4.7) q tot = 2 X s=1 j i;s e (eV e +eV B + i;s eff ) + j ii;s 2e (2eV c +eV B + ii;s 2 eff ! 2 X s=1 [F n;c;s 2kTc] j b e ( eff + 2kT c ) + j e e ( eff + 2kT c ) where q i;1 ;q i;2 represent the energy gain by singly-charged ion, q ii;1 ;q ii;2 are the energy gain by doubly-charged ion,q n;1 ;q n;2 ;q b are the thermal energy removed by the neutrals, and thermionic electron,q e is the energy gain from plasma electrons, and k is Boltzmann's constant expressed in units of eV=K. 1e+19 1e+20 1e+21 2700 2800 2900 3000 3100 3200 3300 Electron Number Density (#/cm 2 ) Cathode Temperature (K) argon V c = 6 φ = 4.5 eV Sheath Voltage (V c ) 2 4 6 8 Figure 4.9: Electron number density as a function of cathode surface temperature with sheath voltage as a parameter. 35 -150 -100 -50 0 50 2700 2800 2900 3000 3100 3200 Heat Flux (W/cm 2 ) Cathode Temperature (K) argon P = 0.5 torr (66.6612 Pa) φ = 3.5 eV Sheath Voltage (V c ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Figure 4.10: Total heat ux as a function of cathode surface temperature with sheath voltage as a parameter. The net current on the cathode surface consisted many species as in Fig.4.8 and the expression can be given as j tot =j i;1 +j ii;1 +j i;2 +j ii;2 +j b j e (4.8) wherej i;1 ;j i;2 ;j ii;1 ;j ii;2 ;j b are the current density gained by singly-charged, boubly- charged ions, and thermionic current density. j e is the plasma electron current density lost. The electron temperature, the heat ux, the current density and the electron temperature of work function of 4.5 eV and pressure of 66 Pa will be considered as a standard case. The eect of dierent sheath voltage can be seen in Fig.4.9 - 4.12. The eect of dierent work function can be seen in Fig.4.13 - 4.16. Then, the pressure eect can be viewed in Fig.4.17 - 4.20. The discussion of each eect can be studied in [3]. 36 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 2800 3000 3200 3400 3600 Current density (A/cm 2 ) Cathode Temperature (K) argon P = 0.5 torr (66.6612 Pa) φ = 4.5 eV Sheath Voltage (V c ) 2 4 6 8 Figure 4.11: Total current as a function of cathode surface temperature with sheath volatge as a parameter. 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2600 2700 2800 2900 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 Electron Temperature (eV) Cathode Temperature (K) argon P = 0.5 torr (66.6612 Pa) φ = 4.5 eV Sheath Voltage (V c ) 1V 2V 3V 4V 5V 6V 7V 8V Figure 4.12: Electron temperature as a function of cathode surface temperature with sheath voltage as a parameter. 37 1e+19 1e+20 1e+21 2800 3000 3200 3400 3600 3800 4000 Electron Number Density (#/cm 2 ) Cathode Temperature (K) argon V c = 6 Pressure 0.5 torr (66.6612 Pa) Work Function (eV) 4.5 5.0 5.5 Figure 4.13: Electron number density as a function of cathode surface temperature with work function as a paramter. 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2600 2800 3000 3200 3400 3600 3800 4000 Electron Temperature (eV) Cathode Temperature (K) argon V c = 6 Pressure 0.5 torr (66.6612 Pa) Work Function (eV) 4.5 5.0 5.5 Figure 4.14: Electron temperature as a function of cathode surface temperature with work function as a parameter. 38 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 2700 2750 2800 2850 2900 2950 3000 3050 3100 Heat Flux (W/cm 2 ) Cathode Temperature (K) argon V c = 6 Pressure 0.5 torr (66.6612 Pa) Work Function (eV) 4.5 5.0 5.5 Figure 4.15: Total heat ux as a function of cathode surface temperature with work function as a parameter. 10 1 10 2 2900 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 Current density (A/cm 2 ) Cathode Temperature (K) argon V c = 6 Pressure 1 torr (66.6612 Pa) Work Function (eV) 4.5 5.0 5.5 Figure 4.16: Total current density as a function of cathode surface temperature with work function as a parameter. 39 1e+19 1e+20 1e+21 2700 2800 2900 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 Electron Number Density (#/cm 2 ) Cathode Temperature (K) argon V c = 6 φ = 4.5 eV Pressure (Pa) 20 40 66 100 Figure 4.17: Number Density as a function of cathode surface temperature with pressure as a parameter. 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2600 2700 2800 2900 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 Electron Temperature (eV) Cathode Temperature (K) argon V c = 6 φ = 4.5 eV Pressure (Pa) 20 40 66 100 Figure 4.18: Electron Temperature as a function of cathode surface temperature with pressure as a parameter. 40 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 2700 2750 2800 2850 2900 2950 3000 3050 3100 Heat Flux (W/cm 2 ) Cathode Temperature (K) argon V c = 6 φ = 4.5 eV Pressure (Pa) 20 40 66 100 Figure 4.19: Total heat ux as a function of cathode surface temperature with pressure as a parameter. 10 1 10 2 2900 3000 3100 3200 3300 Current density (A/cm 2 ) Cathode Temperature (K) argon V c = 6 φ = 4.5 eV Pressure (Pa) 20 40 66 100 Figure 4.20: Total current density as a function of cathode surface temperature with pressure as a parameter. 41 Boundary conditions At the base of the cathode, the temperature is xed at T base or T 0 , with a typical value of 500 K or 1500 K. (An alternative boundary condition can be specied as needed to compare with the experimental data.) At the anode, the simplest condition is to set the plasma temperature to a xed valueT p;A , for which a typical value would be chosen by the condition that the degree of ionization obtained by the Saha equation be 10 2 to 10 1 . (Again, an alternative boundary condition can be obtained to analyze with the experimental data.) The plasma pressure is considered to be constant at a value P, for which a typical value is 0.5 Torr (66 Pa). Transport Coecients For 1D and 2D cylindrical symmetry simulations, the electrical conductivity, the thermal conductivity and the heat capacity which are temperature and pressure dependent, are required. However, in this work, pressure is at 66 Pa only but can be adjusted as needed. The electrical conductivity of argon plasma changes signicantly as the temperatue changes. This temperature eect must be included to fully obtain the realistic MPD thruster simulations. Again in order to calculate the transport coecients, the electrical and the thermal conductivity values, it is require to understand the concept of carriers in transport coecients. There are three types of carriers in plasma neutrals, ions, and electrons. The particles collision among carriers can be seen in Table 4.1. At high temperature, there are relatively more charged particles and thus the electron particles play an important role in the collision to neutral and charged particles. The table below shows various particle collision for dierent types of transport 42 phenomena [43]. There are many valuable references about transport coecients [18], [22], [23], [44], [45], [46], [47], [48], [49], [50], [51]. Table 4.1: Various types of transport processes Transport process Controlling modes of collisions Electrical conduction Electron-neutral, Electron-ion Thermal conduction Electron-electron, Electron-neutral, Thermal conduction (con't) Ion-Neutral, Electron-ion Viscosity Neutral-neutral, Ion-ion, Ion-neutral Diusion Electron-ion, Ion-neutral 1e+11 1e+12 1e+13 1e+14 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 Electrical conductivity, stat mho/cm Temperature (K) argon Pressure (Pa) 10.1325 101.3250 66.6612 Figure 4.21: Translational electrical conductivity of argon as a function of temper- ature with various pressure [4] using interpolation method. Most of the fully or high ionization plasma are presented in the universe but hardly found in laboratory. However, the partially ionization, which is in between fully and low ionization region, are the most useful in engineering applications and researches. For the argon plasma, only the translational electrical conduc- tivity portion is important because argon's electron shells are lled so it has no 43 vibrational portion. As it can be seen in Fig.4.21-4.22, the translational electri- cal conductivity and translational thermal conductvity from [4] are a function of temperature values with various pressure as a parameter. 0.1 1 10 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 Translational thermal conductivity (W/(K-m)) Temperature (K) argon Pressure (Pa) 10.1325 101.3250 66.6612 Figure 4.22: Translational thermal conductivity of argon as a function of temper- ature with various pressure [4] using interpolation method. As can be seen, the electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity depend on temperature and pressure. However, the electrical conductivity increase exponentially and slowly incresed as temperature rises for various pressure. While the thermal conductivity at low pressure has a kink at temperature below 12,000 K and then steadily increased. 44 Heat Capacity The thermodynamic properties can be purely calculated from the statistical mechanic. The statistical mechanics describe the thermodynamics properties from the atomic and spectrum [52]. 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 20000 Compressibility,Z Temperature (K) argon Pressure (Pa) 66.6612 Pressure (Pa) 101.3250 Pressure (Pa) 10.1325 Figure 4.23: Compressibility of argon as a function of temperature [4]. For this study, the heat capacity will be interpolated from [4] as can be seen in Fig.4.23 and 4.24. The compressibility of argon at specic pressure must be calcu- lated with the heat capacity. The heat capacity of argon for 1D and 2D cylindrical symmetry simulations can be seen in Fig.4.25 or Fig.4.27 as shown in dierent units. The density of argon assumes as an ideal gas law in Fig.4.26. For the cath- ode region, the property of tungsten such as electrical, thermal conductivities and heat capacity, are shown in Fig.4.28 - 4.30. The detail about statistical mechanics and statistical thermodynamics can be read in detail in references [50], [42], [41], [53], [51], [54], [55]. 45 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 Dimensionless specific heat at constant pressure, ZC p /R Temperature (K) argon Pressure (Pa) 66 Pressure (Pa) 10.1325 Pressure (Pa) 101.1325 Figure 4.24: Specic heat of argon at constant density as a function of temperature [4]. 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 Specific heat at constant pressure, C p (J/(kg K)) Temperature (K) argon Pressure (Pa) 66 Figure 4.25: Specic heat of argon at 0.5 torr (66 Pa) as a function of temperature. 46 1e-06 1e-05 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 Density,kg/(m 3 ) Temperature (K) P = 0.5 torr (66.6612 Pa) argon Figure 4.26: Density of argon at 0.5 torr as a function of temperature. 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 Heat Capacity,Cp J/(m 3 K) Temperature (K) P = 0.5 torr (66.6612 Pa) argon Figure 4.27: Heat capacity of argon at 0.5 torr (66 Pa) as a function of temperature. 47 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Heat Capacity,Cp J/(kg K) Temperature (K) Tungsten (W) Copper (Cu) Figure 4.28: Heat capacity of electrods as a function of temperature. 80 100 120 140 160 180 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 Thermal conductivity of tungsten W/(m K) Temperature (K) tungsten Figure 4.29: Thermal conductivity of tungsten as a function of temperature. 48 100000 1e+06 1e+07 1e+08 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 Electrical conductivity of tungsten mho/m Temperature (K) tungsten Figure 4.30: Electrical conductivity of tungsten as a function of temperature. Discretization of the equations The primary values to be determined by the model are the electric potential and the temperatureT . These values are dened at the grid points. The electric eld is dened in the primary cells by E i = i1 i L i (4.9) Note that the electric eld is negative, since it points in the direction from anode to cathode (to- wards negative x), while the potential is increasing with x. Note also that the electric eld is taken to be constant within a primary cell. Integrating the thermal diusion equation across secondary cell i surrounding grid point i , Z +x i +L i+1 =2 x i L i =2 c p dT dt dx = Z x i +L i+1 =2 x i L i =2 JE + d dx K dT dx dx (4.10) 49 On the left-hand side, we take the temperature within the secondary cell to be the constant value T i , so the left-hand side becomes c p (T i ) dT i dt L i +L i+1 2 (4.11) For the Ohmic heating term, the current density is the constant valueJ 0 . The electric eld is constant in each primary cell surrounding grid point i , so E = ( i1 i )=L i ;forx i L i=2 <x<x i ; E = ( i i+1 )=L i+1 ;forx i <x<x i +L i+1 =2 (4.12) The integrated Ohmic heating is Z +x i +L i+1 =2 x i L i =2 JEdx =J 0 i i1 L i L i 2 + i+1 i L i+1 L i+1 2 =J 0 i+1 i1 2 (4.13) We take the temperature derivative to be constant in primary cells K dT dx K( T i ) T i T i1 L i (4.14) where the average temperature in primary cell i is T i (T i1 +T i )=2 (4.15) The derivative of this quantity is then dened in secondary cell i as d dx K dT dx = 1 L s;i K( T i+1 ) T i+1 T i L i+1 K( T i ) T i T i1 L i (4.16) 50 and, integrating across secondary cell i , Z +x i +L i+1 =2 x i L i =2 d dx K dT dx =K( T i+1 ) T i+1 T i L i+1 K( T i ) T i T i1 L i (4.17) Putting together Eq.4.11, 4.13 and 4.17 into the heat equation and rearrange, we have c p (T i ) dT i dt L i +L i+1 2 =J 0 i+1 i1 2 +K( T i+1 ) T i+1 T i L i+1 K( T i ) T i T i1 L i (4.18) or dT i dt = 1 c p (T i )L s;i J 0 i+1 i1 2 +K( T i+1 ) T i+1 T i L i+1 K( T i ) T i T i1 L i (4.19) where T i+1 and T i1 are the temperature at grid points i+1 and i-1, respectively. At the cathode edge and the plasma edge, the heat ow equation takes a special form. At grid point N C , i.e., at the edge of the cathode, the heat ux from the secondary cell to the right is replaced by the sheath heat ux _ Q S found from the Goodfellow model. Thus, dT N C dt = 1 c p (T N C )L S;N C J 0 N C N C1 2 + _ Q S K( T N C ) T N C T N C1 L N C (4.20) Similarly, at grid point N C+1 , i.e., at the plasma edge, dT N C+1 dt = 1 c p (T N C+1 )L S;N C+1 J 0 N C+2 N C +1 2 _ Q S +K( T N C+2 ) T N C+2 T N C +1 L N C+1 (4.21) The current density is constant along the 1D MPD thruster simulation and by given cathode temperature and current density to the plasma sheath model. The sheath model will calcualte the heat ux and the sheath voltage to the cathode surface. 51 In later chapters, these quations can be discretized to calculate the temperature in the cathode and the plasma regions. Solution of the dierence equations The model is initialized by making an initial guess for the temperature at each grid point. Eq.4.19 -4.21 must then be integrated until reach steady state, i.e., until the time derivatives of temperature converge to zero. At each timestep, the electric potentials must be found. This is easy to do in one dimension. Combining Eq.4.5 and Eq.4.9, then rearrange and we can calculate for potential next to the anode to cathode base. ( T i ) i i1 L i =J 0 (4.22) or i1 = i J 0 L i ( T i ) (4.23) Starting at the anode where N = 0, the potential at each successive grid point working toward the base of the cathode can be found by repeated Eq.4.23. Note, however, that the potential dierence across the sheath is special and is given by the Goodfellow model: N C = N C +1 V F (4.24) whereV F is the cathode fall voltage or the sheath voltage (V). As it can be seen in Eq.4.20 and Eq.4.21 that the heat ux at the cathode surface can be transferred toward the cathode for cold cathode temperature or outward the cathode for hot cathode temperature for every time step until this 1D MPD thruster reaches steady state condition. 52 4.4 2D Cylindrical Symmetry MPD thruster Simulation A solid cathode model represents a set of equations descibing the ow of heat, potential, electric edl and current density in the cathode. Fig.4.31, and Fig.4.32 show the solid cathode assembly under experiment and the diagram of the solid cathode assembly. Figure 4.31: Solid cathode assembly under an experiment [2]. Figure 4.32: Section side view diagram of solid cathode assembly. 53 Figure 4.33: Solid cathode assembly. Fig.4.33 - 4.35 show the diagram for the solid cathode assembly, the pressure chamber under experiment and the dimension of pressure chamber. The pressure chamber diameter and length are 520 mm and 370 mm, respectively. The oper- ating pressure inside the chamber is 640 sccm. The detail experiment operating conditions can be read in references [2] and [3]. As can be seen in Fig.4.36, the cathode is placed 6 mm from the center of concentric anode. The cathode lenght is 75 mm with 3.96 mm in diameter. The length and the diameter of anode are 76mm and 54 mm, respectively. The argon is used as a propellant and it is injected into the base of the cathode with 1.5 mm diameter tube. The anode is surrounded by cooling line to maintain anode tem- perature below the melting point. The material of cooling line in this experiment is copper. The white material supports the cathode and anode is ceramic or elec- trical insulators. The high voltage and high current power supply are connected to cathode and anode. The solid cathode assembly in the pressure chamber in Fig.4.37 and the numerical boundary can be seen in Fig.4.38. 54 Figure 4.34: Pressure chamber under an experiment [2]. Figure 4.35: Dimension of the pressure chamber. 55 Figure 4.36: Solid cathode assembly diagram from experimental set up [8]. 56 Figure 4.37: Solid cathode assembly in the pressure chamber. Figure 4.38: The boundary of 2D cylindrical symmetry MPD thruster simulation. 57 4.4.1 Computational Grid for Catesian Coordinates Introduction This triangular computational grid method is well developed by Winslow [1] called topologically regular. That is, it is topologically equivalent to an equilateral tri- angle array in which six triangles meet at every interior mesh point. The primary triangle mesh have a common vertex anda secondary mesh of 12-sided gures whose vertices are alternately the centroids of the six adjacent triangles and the midpoints of the six adjacent sides as can be viewed in Fig.4.39 and can be read in detail discussion in [1]. The main advantages of using the structured triangular grids rather than use the rectangular structural grids are that the triangular structural grid can be easily tted into the irregular shape of the boundary domain and it can be used with adaptive methode to conne the grid in the specic region. In next several chapters, the detail equations on how to apply for the cylindrical symmetery will be introduced. Numerical Construction of Topologically Regular Nonumiform Triangle Meshes The Laplace equation is in the form r 2 = 0; r 2 = 0 (4.25) Solving Eqn.4.25, the intersecting "equipotentials" = constant and = constant, and together with the thrid set drawn through the intersection points, form the 58 desired triangle mesh. A mesh constructed in this way is smooth because the well- known averaging propperty of solutions to Laplace's equation. The derivation of this method can be further study in Appendix A, B and [1] in details. SECONDARY MESH LINES PRIMARY MESH LINES Figure 4.39: Primary and secondary mesh lines. Description of the method and derivation of the dierence equations [1] The nonlinear diusion equation can be written as c @ @t =r (r) +S (4.26) The generaized Poisson equation for steady state can be expressed as r (r) +S = 0 (4.27) where S is the function of position or source term (i.e.thermionic heating), is the potential or voltage at the vertice of triangle, is a function of or its derivatives (a positive function or electrical or thermal conductivity; however, this study includes only electrical conductivity and assumed the thermally condition of an MPD thruster is in steady state). That is, the temperature is given and assumed 59 constant at the cathode and the plasma regions as in steady state. As a result, the source termS or the thermionic heating will not be considered. However, this source term can be included in the future models as described in the appendix C. Fig.4.40 shows the triangle i+1/2 dened by the two side vectorss i ;s i+1 , with values ; i ; i+1 at the respective vertices. Figure 4.40: Vectors used in ux calculation [1]. The potential or voltage of each triangular grid point can be seen in Fig.4.40 and the gradient of the potential in each triangular can be calculated from Eq.4.29. This term of gradient is dended as the electric eld. Then, the current density can be determined from Eqn.4.30. The derivation detail can be read in [1] The equation of this triangle can be expressed by j = +s j r i+1=2 ; j =i;i + 1 (4.28) A vectorr i+1=2 is given by r i+1=2 = ( i )s y i+1 ( i+1 )s y i s i s y i+1 (4.29) 60 Within each triangle the ux of the diusing quantity is given by F i+1=2 = i+1=2 r i+1=2 (4.30) Comparing Ohm's law in Eqn.(2.4),which is j = e rV , and Winslow Theory [1], which is r. The term e and V where j refers to current density, e and refer to electrical conductivity, V and refer to electrical potentials or voltage. 4.4.2 Outline of the Algorithm The details of this algorithm was developed by Erwin [56]. In this section, we will construct the 2D cylindrical symmetry with the dimensions as same as the experiment set up as in previous section. However, the dimension can be changed in our 2D simulation as needed in following chapters. In this section, the program will be described in several steps followed. 1. As it can be seen in Fig.4.41, the physical grid space are separated into three main regions, which are cathode, the plasma, and the sheath regions on the cathode surface. The number of cells in the computational grid space can be dened as seen in Fig.4.42. 2. In Fig.4.41, R A ;R C ;Z LC ;Z SIM ;Z LA , which represent the radius of the anode, the radius of the cathode, the length of the cathode, the length of the MPD system, and the length of the anode. The values are 27 mm, 1.98 mm, 75 mm, 157 mm, and 76 mm, respectively. 3. In Fig.4.42, N 1 ;N 2 ;N 3 ;N 4 ;N 5 , which represent the number of cells in the radius of anode, the radius of the cathode, the lenght of the cathode, the length of the MPD system, and the length of the anode, repectively. 61 4. As mentioned in the Winslow thoery [1], the program in this section only in a catesian coordinate and it will generate the computational grid space and physical grid space as in Fig.4.43 and Fig.4.44. In later chapters, we will develp the 2D cylindrical symmetry to calculate of 2D cylindrical symmetry MPD thruster. 5. Each points are saved in hexagon grid point and each point has a coordinate value in both computational and physical grid space. 6. In Fig.4.43, there are two type of triangles. The rst type of triangle are 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 14, 16 etc. The latter type are 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13, 15 etc. 7. The Winslow [1] calculated the computational grid and physical grid. For the physical grids, an additional numerical method to solve Laplace equation is required called "LU decomposition" and "backward substitutions". 8. The output can be ploted using ghost script (gview) or gnuplot as can be seen in Fig4.44 and Fig.4.45 with dierent of the N 1 ;N 2 ;N 3 ;N 4 ;N 5 values. 62 Figure 4.41: Physical grid space with the physical dimension dened as R C , R A , Z SIM , Z LC and Z LA . Figure 4.42: Computational grid space with the number of cells dended as N 1 , N 2 , N 3 , N 4 , and N 5 . 63 Figure 4.43: Computational grid space N1=6, N2=4, N3=2, N4=4, N5=2. Figure 4.44: Physical grid space N 1 = 6;N 2 = 4;N 3 = 2;N 4 = 4;N 5 = 2. 64 Figure 4.45: Physical grid space N 1 = 20;N 2 = 10;N 3 = 18;N 4 = 42;N 5 = 24. 4.4.3 The current and potential boundary conditions As can be seen in Fig.4.43 or Fig.4.44, point 1 to 5 represente as cathode base and point 21, 28, 35 represent as anode. Using [1], the current at 1, 2, 3 ,4 can be expressed as I 1 =w 2!1 ( 2 1 ) +w 8!1 ( 8 1 ) I 2 =w 1!2 ( 1 2 ) +w 8!2 ( 8 2 ) +w 9!2 ( 9 2 ) +w 3!2 ( 3 2 ) I 3 =w 2!3 ( 2 3 ) +w 9!3 ( 9 3 ) +w 10!3 ( 10 3 ) +w 4!3 ( 4 3 ) I 4 =w 3!4 ( 3 4 ) +w 10!4 ( 10 4 ) +w 11!4 ( 11 4 ) +w 5!4 ( 5 4 ) I 5 =w 4!5 ( 4 5 ) +w 11!5 ( 11 5 ) +w 12!5 ( 12 5 ) +w 6!5 ( 6 5 ) (4.31) 65 At the cathode base, we assumed that the potential values at point 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are equal ( 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 ) we got At grid 1: 1 = 2 At grid 2: 2 = 3 At grid 3: 3 = 4 At grid 4: 4 = 5 (4.32) The expression can be reduced to I 1 =w 8!1 ( 8 1 ) I 2 =w 8!2 ( 8 + 2 ) +w 9!2 ( 9 2 ) I 3 =w 9!3 ( 9 + 3 ) +w 10!3 ( 10 3 ) I 4 =w 10!4 ( 10 + 4 ) +w 11!4 ( 11 4 ) +w 5!4 ( 5 4 ) I 5 =w 11!5 ( 11 5 ) +w 12!5 ( 12 5 ) +w 6!5 ( 6 5 ) (4.33) The total current is 60A which can be expressed by I 1 +I 2 +I 3 +I 4 +I 5 = 60 (4.34) substituting w 8!1 ( 8 1 ) +w 8!2 ( 8 + 2 ) +w 9!2 ( 9 2 ) +w 9!3 ( 9 + 3 ) +w 10!3 ( 10 3 ) +w 10!4 ( 10 + 4 ) +w 11!4 ( 11 4 ) +w 5!4 ( 5 4 ) +w 11!5 ( 11 5 ) +w 12!5 ( 12 5 ) +w 6!5 ( 6 5 ) = 60 (4.35) 66 At the anode region, we use similar approach and we get I 21 =w 20!21 ( 20 21 ) +w 27!21 ( 27 21 ) +w 28!21 ( 28 21 ) +w 14!21 ( 14 21 ) +w 13!21 ( 13 27 ) I 28 =w 27!28 ( 27 28 ) +w 35!28 ( 35 28 ) +w 21!28 ( 21 28 ) I 35 =w 34!35 ( 34 35 ) +w 28!35 ( 28 35 ) +w 27!35 ( 27 35 ) (4.36) We assumed that the potential values of point 21, 28, 35 are equal ( 21 = 28 = 35 ) and the expression reduce to I 21 =w 20!21 ( 20 21 ) +w 27!21 ( 27 21 ) +w 14!21 ( 14 21 ) +w 13!21 ( 13 27 ) I 28 =w 27!28 ( 27 28 ) I 35 =w 34!35 ( 34 35 ) +w 27!35 ( 27 35 ) (4.37) However, the sum of current at cathode point 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 equal to the sum of current at anode point 21, 28, 35. The total current is I 1 +I 2 +I 3 +I 4 +I 5 = I 21 +I 28 +I 35 =I total = 60A. The total current at the cathode base and the anode region are within 1 percent error. 67 68 Chapter 5 Completed Works Objectives for this doctoral work are as follows: Theory/Modeling Goals 1. Completed a 1D MPD thruster simulation to fully combined cathode and plasma regions with the sheath model and calculate for sheath voltage across the cathode and the plasma regions at steady state. 2. Completed the 1D MPD thruster simulation to achieve prediction the heat ux, and temperature until the system reaches steady state. 3. Completed to include the electrical, thermal conductivities, and heat capacity which are temperature dependent, derived by Ahtye, W. F. [4] into the 1D MPD thruster simulations at 66 Pa. 4. Completed 2D cylindrical symmetry MPD thruster simulation base on Winslow [1], [26], which correctly predicts the characteristic prole of specic plasma properties in the plasma region and the cathode region. At the cathode surface, it will include the plasma sheath model [3]. The plasma and cathode properties of specic interest are: the temperature, potential, electric eld, and current density. 5. Completed to include the electrical, thermal conductivities, and heat capacity which are temperature dependent, derived by Ahtye, W. F. [4] into the 2D 69 cylindrical symmetry MPD thruster simulation at 66 Pa. 6. Completed to verify the newly gained quantitative description of the plasma and cathode properties such temperature, potential, electric eld and current density with argon as a propellant until the system reach steady state. 7. Completed to verify the convection and pressure eect to the cathode surface for 2D cylindrical symmetry MPD thruster. 8. Completed to verify the plasma arc attachment edge called electroarc edge on the cathode surface. 70 Chapter 6 Research Methodology Fundamental Assumptions In 1D and 2D cylindrical symmetry MPD thruster simulations, the plasma region is assumed to have a local thermal equilibrium (LTE) and the bulk of plasma is represented as uid, which obeys the ideal gas state equation. Also, the coulomb force is neclected and no other transport phenomena except the electrical conduc- tivity, the thermal conductivity, and the heat capacity. That is, the viscousity eects are neclected. Moreover, the plasma is in Saha equilibrium with no chemical reaction. There- fore, the simulation starts when ionization has completed at the inlet. Also, only the rst ionization has been included and the electron temperature is around 0.9 - 1.0 eV. For computational grid of 1D, the thermal conductivity and the elec- trical conductivity are in the cells but temperature, potential and heat capacity are at the grid points. For 2D cylindrical symmetry, the grid points represent the temperature, potential; however, inside the triangular grids represent electrical, thermal conductivities, the heat capacity, the current density,and the electric eld. For this study, the magnetic eld in the ow will not be calculated, however, it can be further developed as needed. Fig.6.1 shows the physical grid space in our 2D cylindrical symmetry MPD thruster simulation and the surface of the cathode where the sheath model will be applied. Furthermore, there is no current into the insulator at the upstream end and no current ow across the nozzle exit plane at the downstream end (the current ow 71 only from anode to cathode). Also, the magnetic eld on the arc jet axis assume to be zero. At the base of the cathode from a to b in Fig.6.1, the potential are the same. For the open boundaries c-d and e-d, the mass ow assumes to be constant. Also, the magnetic eld on the azimuthal axis is zero. As shown in Fig.6.1, the calculation domain consists of the cathode, plasma and sheath regions. The plasma sheath model is included in the calculation on the cathode surface. That is, the 2D cylindrical symmetry MPD thruster balances the energy between the cathode, the plasma and the sheath regions until the system reach steady state. Figure 6.1: 1D near-cathode plasma calculation on green color with N1=20, N2=10, N3=18, N4=42, N5=24. The Plasma Arc Attachment Edge on the Cathode Surface Factors The factors of the plasma arc attachement edge on the cathode strongly depend 72 on the work function, surface nishing, molecular structure of the cathode. Also, there are other factors i.e. shape of the current and magnetic eld lines, the type of gas used, the space and orientation of magnetic eld, the vacuum level within the vacuum chamber, the polarity of the direct current, the electrical voltage used, and the position of the electrods in the vacuum chamber that would have an eect to the plasma attachement area. For this research, the electroarc edge is dened as the plasma arc attachment edge on the cathode surface. This electroarc edge locates at the minimum electric eld value on the cathode surface as will be described later. In order to locate this edge, the cathode, plasma and the plasma sheath model is fully integrated and iterated until the system reaches steady state. While iterating the electric eld values on the cathode surface will adjust simultaneously with the current density, temperature, potential. That is, for particular parameters set up shown in the next chapter will be the primary factor to consider the limit of plasma sheath attachment edge, electroarc edge, on the cathode surface. However, the other factors can be included to further study the eect of plasma attachment edge on the cathode surface. 73 74 Chapter 7 Results In this chapter, the 1D and 2D cylindrical symmetry MPD thruster simulation calculates the cathode, the plasma regions, and the plasma sheath model simul- taneously. This simulation balances the energy between two regions with the plasma sheath model until the simulation reaches steady state. The following detail explains the method for the 1D and 2D cylindrical symmetry MPD thruster. 7.1 Converged Region of Plasma Sheath Model The plasma sheath model [3] has a specic converged region as can be seen. Figure 7.1: The converged area of sheath voltage of the plasma sheath model as a function of temperatureand current density. 75 Figure 7.2: The converged area of heat ux of the plasma sheath model as a function of temperatureand current density. As can be seen in Fig.7.1 and 7.2, only certain parameters of temperature and current density on cathode surface will provide the heat ux from plasma toward cathode regions. That is, the heat ux can be transfered from plasma to cathode regions or from cathode to plasma. 7.2 Fully Combined Cathode and Plasma Regions with Plasma Sheath Model in 1D MPD Thruster Simulation From Eq.(4.19), this equation will be applied from grid the cathode base to NC-1 and NC+2 to the anode and it can be shown as; dT i dt = 1 c p (T i )L s;i J 0 i+1 i1 2 +K( T i+1 ) T i+1 T i L i+1 K( T i ) T i T i1 L i (7.1) 76 Using forward dierence to the rst derivative in time, which has a rst order approximation O(t) and it can be expresses as; dT i dt = T n+1 i T n i t (7.2) where t represents time step and the upper case n represents time step number n. By substituting into the equation, it can be expresses as; T n+1 i T n i t = 1 c p (T n i )L s;i J 0 n i+1 n i1 2 +K( T n i+1 ) T n i+1 T n i L i+1 K( T n i ) T n i T n i1 L i (7.3) rearrange for T n+1 i as; T n+1 i =T n i + t c p (T n i )L s;i J 0 n i+1 n i1 2 +K( T n i+1 ) T n i+1 T n i L i+1 K( T n i ) T n i T n i1 L i (7.4) also the potential from the cathode base to NC-1 and NC+2 to the anode and it can be shown as; n+1 i1 = n i J 0 L i ( T n i ) (7.5) Again, the plasma sheath must be included at NC+1 and it can be shown as; N C = N C +1 V F (7.6) where V F is the cathode fall voltage or plasma sheath voltage which is a function of temperature and the current density. Using the same method and applied to Eq.4.20 and 4.21, they can be expresseed as; T n+1 NC =T n NC +A J 0 n NC n NC1 2 + _ Q n S K( T n NC ) T n NC T n NC1 L NC (7.7) 77 T n+1 NC+1 =T n NC+1 +B J 0 n NC+2 n NC+1 2 _ Q n S K( T n NC+2 ) T n NC+2 T n NC+1 L NC+1 (7.8) where A = t cp(T n NC )L S;NC , B = t cp(T n NC+1 )L S;NC+1 and _ Q n S is the heat transfer from the plasma sheath, which is a function of temperature and the current density. 7.2.1 Critical Time Increment of 1D MPD Thruster Sim- ulation Von Neumann criteria t c p (T n i )L S;i L i 2K( T n i+1 ) (7.9) Ohmic heating criteria t c p (T n i )L S;i J 0 (7.10) As can be seen in the above equations, Von Neumann criteria composes of the thermal conductivity and the heat capacity terms; however, the Ohmic heating criteria relates to the current density term and the heat capacity terms. For explicit methode, Von Neumann and Ohmic heating criteria are required to compute stable and accurate results. 7.2.2 Outline of Algorithm of 1D MPD Thruster Simula- tion In this section, the program will be described in several steps: 1. Set the physical length of the cathode and the plasma regions. Then, set the number of cells in each regions. After that, set the initial temperature and voltage at every grid points. For cathode region, the temperature can be between 2800- 3500 K. For plasma region, only rst ionization is required and the temperature 78 is around 0.9-1.0 eV. The cathode base temperature is 1500K. Then, the average temperature can be calculated. 2. Given the current density into the system as the current density is the same along the 1D MPD thruster simulation. 3. Calculate the critical time increment of Von Neumann and Ohmic. Set the number of step to calculate for the DO loop. 4. In the DO loop to solve for temperature and voltage (potential) at the grid points 4.1 Updated for the thermal conductivity and electrical conductivity in the cathode region. 4.2 Updated for the thermal conductivity and electrical conductivity in the plasma region. 4.3 Calculated for the voltage using Eqn.4.23 for the plasma region. 4.4 Called the subroutine of plasma sheath model to obtain the heat ux and the sheath voltage. 4.5 Added the sheath voltage to the cathode tip grid. 4.6 Calculated for for the voltage using Eqn.4.23 for the remaining cath- ode grids. 4.7 Solved for the temperature in plasma region. 4.7.1 At the plasma grid NC+1, using Eqn.4.21. 4.7.2 For the remaining plasma grids, using Eqn.4.19. 4.8 Solved for the temperature in cathode region. 4.8.1 At the cathode tip grid NC, using Eqn.4.20. 4.8.2 For the remaining cathode grids, using Eqn.4.19. 5. Print out the temperature, voltage values. 79 7.2.3 1D MPD Thruster Simulation Results The cathode tip temperature of several initial temperature from 2700 to 3100 K reach the steady state after 900 s as can be seen in Fig.7.3 and the zoom in of Fig.7.4. The prediction of cathode tip at steady state is around 2950 K. That is, when the initial cathode tip temperature is below 2950 K, the plasma region supplies the heat from the plasma region to the cathode tip. However, if the initial temperature of the cathode tip is above 2950 K, the heat will transfer from the cathode tip to the plasma region. The sheath voltage also approach a steady state after 900 s. and the sheath volt- age value can be estimated to be around 6 V in Fig.7.5 and 7.6. With the increasing initial temperature, the initial value of sheath voltage decreases in Fig.7.5. 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 3000 3100 3200 3300 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Temperature (K) Time (s) The Temperature at the Cathode tip (K) with J = 25 A/m 2 argon P = 66.66 Pa pure tungsten T init = 2700 K T init = 2800 K T init = 2900 K T init = 3000 K T init = 3100 K Figure 7.3: The cathode tip temperature as a function of time for a pressure of 66 Pa with initial temperatuer at 2700, 2800, 2900, 3000, and 3100 K as a parameter (pure tungsten). 80 2960 2980 3000 3020 3040 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 Temperature (K) Time (s) The Temperature at the Cathode tip (K) with J = 25 A/m 2 argon P = 66.66 Pa pure tungsten T init = 2700 K T init = 2800 K T init = 2900 K T init = 3000 K T init = 3100 K Figure 7.4: The cathode tip temperature [zoom in] as a function of time for a pressure of 66 Pa with initial temperatuer at 2700, 2800, 2900, 3000, and 3100 K as a parameter converged after 900 s. -50 0 50 100 150 200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Sheath Voltage (V) Time (s) The Sheath Voltage at the Cathode tip (V) with J = 25 A/m 2 argon P = 66.66 Pa pure tungsten T init = 2700 K T init = 2800 K T init = 2900 K T init = 3000 K T init = 3100 K Figure 7.5: The sheath voltage at the cathode tip as a function of time for a pressure of 66 Pa with initial temperature at 2700, 2800, 2900, 3000, and 3100 K as a parameter (pure tungsten). 81 0 2 4 6 8 10 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 Sheath Voltage (V) Time (s) The Sheath Voltage at the Cathode tip (V) with J = 25 A/m 2 argon P = 66.66 Pa pure tungsten T init = 2700 K T init = 2800 K T init = 2900 K T init = 3000 K T init = 3100 K Figure 7.6: The sheath voltage [zoom in] at the cathode tip as a function of time for a pressure of 66 Pa with initial temperature at 2700, 2800, 2900, 3000, and 3100 K as a parameter converged after 900 s. -500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Heat Flux (W/m 2 ) Time (s) The Heat Flux at the Cathode tip (W/m 2 ) with J = 25 A/m 2 argon P = 66.66 Pa pure tungsten T init = 2700 K T init = 2800 K T init = 2900 K T init = 3000 K T init = 3100 K Figure 7.7: The heat ux at the cathode tip as a function of time for a pressure of 66 Pa with initial temperature as a parameter (pure tungsten). 82 The heat ux with range of initial temperature from 2700 to 3100 K also converged a steady state after 900 s. The value of heat ux is nearly or less than zero, that means the cathode at steady state provide the heat ux to the plasma region. This process might be due to the ohmic heating from the cathode region that generated much rapidly than the process of heat conduction in the plasma region. The initial temperatue from 2700 - 2900 K provide the heat ux from the plasma region to the cathode region as the heat ux is positive. However, the heat ux becomes negative around 3000 K and above as can be seen Fig.7.7 and 7.8. -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 Heat Flux (W/m 2 ) Time (s) The Heat Flux at the Cathode tip (W/m 2 ) with J = 25 A/m 2 argon P = 66.66 Pa pure tungsten T init = 2700 K T init = 2800 K T init = 2900 K T init = 3000 K T init = 3100 K Figure 7.8: The heat ux [zoom in] at the cathode tip as a function of time for a pressure of 66 Pa with initial temperature as a parameter start to converged after 900 s. The cathode region temperature trends show in Fig.7.9 and 7.10 with initial temperature of 2800 K and current density of 25 A=m 2 and time ranged from 0, 300, and 900 s. As can be seen in Fig.7.10, the electrical conductivity in the cathode region conducts the electricity very well so the voltage in the cathode 83 region is almost the same. The 1D MPD thruster potential presents in Fig.7.11 with the sheath voltage at the cathode tip. The anode is set to be 0 V and the voltage in plasma region increases with more negative value until at the grid NC + 1. The sheath voltage between NC and NC + 1 was included and at the cathode tip (NC). The zoom in for cathode region and plasma region can be viewed separately in Fig. 7.12 and 7.13. 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1 Temperature (K) The Distance from the Cathode Base (m) The Temperature Trend of the Cathode with T init = 2800 K and J = 25 A/m 2 argon P = 66.66 Pa pure tungsten Time = 0 s Time = 300 s Time = 900 s Figure 7.9: The cathode region temperature trends as a function of the distance from the cathode base with time as a parameter (pure tungsten) for initial tem- perature at 2800 K and current density at 25A=m 2 . 84 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1 Voltage (V) The Distance from Cathode Base (m) The Voltage Trend with T init = 2800 K and J = 25 A/m 2 argon P = 66.66 Pa pure tungsten Time = 0 s Time = 300 s Time = 900 s Figure 7.10: The cathode region voltage trends as a function of the distance from the cathode base with time as a parameter (pure tungsten) for initial temperature at 2800 K and current density at 25A=m 2 . -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 Voltage (V) Distance from Cathode Base (s) The Cathode and Plasma Regions Voltage argon P = 66.66 Pa pure tungsten T init = 3100 K T init = 3200 K T init = 3300 K Figure 7.11: The voltage of 1D MPD thruster with the cathode and plasma regions as a function of the distance from the cathode base with initial temperature at 3100, 3200, and 3300 K and anode potential = 0 V. 85 -8 -7.5 -7 -6.5 -6 -5.5 -5 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1 Voltage (V) Distance from Cathode Base (s) The Cathode Voltage argon P = 66.66 Pa pure tungsten T init = 3100 K T init = 3200 K T init = 3300 K Figure 7.12: The steady state of cathode voltage region as a function of distance from the cathode base with initial temperature at 3100, 3200, and 3300 K with current density of 93, 169, and 297 A=m 2 repectively as a parameter. -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.11 0.12 0.13 0.14 0.15 0.16 0.17 0.18 0.19 0.2 Voltage (V) Distance from Cathode Base (s) The Plasma Voltage T init = 3100 K T init = 3200 K T init = 3300 K Figure 7.13: The steady state of plasma voltage region as a function of distance from the cathode base with initial temperature at 3100, 3200, and 3300 K with current density of 93, 169, and 297 A=m 2 repectively as a parameter. 86 The current density must precisely determine along with the initial tempera- ture. The comparison between dierent initial temperature and current density are shown in Fig.7.14. That is, only change the current density 1 A=m 2 , the heat ux changes signicantly from positive to negative as can be seen in Fig.7.14 to 7.16. The comparison of the sheath voltage with dierent initial temperature and current density are presented in Fig.7.17 to 7.19. As decribed before, the increased initial temperature increases the sheath voltage values. -10 -5 0 5 0 100 200 300 Heat Flux (W/m 2 ) Time (s) The Heat Flux at the Cathode tip (W/m 2 ) argon P = 66.66 Pa pure tungsten T init = 3200 K, J = 92 A/m 2 T init = 3200 K, J = 93 A/m 2 T init = 3300 K, J = 168 A/m 2 T init = 3300 K, J = 169 A/m 2 T init = 3400 K, J = 297 A/m 2 T init = 3400 K, J = 298 A/m 2 Figure 7.14: The heat ux at the cathode tip as a function of time for a pressure of 66 Pa with initial temperature at 3200, 3300, 3400 K and current density as a parameter (pure tungsten). 87 0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Heat Flux (W/m 2 ) Time (s) The Heat Flux at the Cathode tip argon P = 66.66 Pa pure tungsten T init = 2900 K, J = 25 A/m 2 T init = 2900 K, J = 30 A/m 2 T init = 2900 K, J = 35 A/m 2 Figure 7.15: The heat ux at the cathode tip as a function of time for a pressure of 66 Pa with initial temperature at 2900 K and current density as a parameter (pure tungsten). 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 Heat Flux (W/m 2 ) Time (s) The Heat Flux at the Cathode tip argon P = 66.66 Pa pure tungsten T init = 2900 K, J = 25 A/m 2 T init = 2900 K, J = 30 A/m 2 T init = 2900 K, J = 35 A/m 2 Figure 7.16: The heat ux [zoom in] at the cathode tip as a function of time for a pressure of 66 Pa with initial temperature at 2900 K and current density as a parameter (pure tungsten). 88 5.7 5.75 5.8 5.85 5.9 5.95 6 6.05 0 100 200 300 400 Sheath Voltage (V) Time (s) The Sheath Voltage at the cathode surface argon P = 66.66 Pa pure tungsten T init = 3200 K, J = 92 A/m 2 T init = 3200 K, J = 93 A/m 2 T init = 3300 K, J = 168 A/m 2 T init = 3300 K, J = 169 A/m 2 T init = 3400 K, J = 297 A/m 2 T init = 3400 K, J = 298 A/m 2 Figure 7.17: The sheath voltage at the cathode tip as a function of time for a pressure of 66 Pa with initial temperature at 3200, 3000, and 3400 K and current density as a parameter (pure tungsten). 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 Sheath Voltage (V) Time (s) The Sheath Voltage at the cathode tip argon P = 66.66 Pa pure tungsten T init = 2900 K, J = 25 A/m 2 T init = 2900 K, J = 30 A/m 2 T init = 2900 K, J = 35 A/m 2 Figure 7.18: The sheath voltage at the cathode tip as a function of time for a pressure of 66 Pa with initial temperature at 2900 K and current density as a parameter (pure tungsten). 89 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 600 700 800 900 Sheath Voltage (V) Time (s) The Sheath Voltage at the cathode tip argon P = 66.66 Pa pure tungsten T init = 2900 K, J = 25 A/m 2 T init = 2900 K, J = 30 A/m 2 T init = 2900 K, J = 35 A/m 2 Figure 7.19: The sheath voltage [zoom in] at the cathode tip as a function of time for a pressure of 66 Pa with initial temperature at 2900 K and current density as a parameter (pure tungsten). 2900 2950 3000 3050 3100 0 200 400 600 800 Temperature (K) Time (s) The Temperature at the Cathode tip argon P = 66.66 Pa pure tungsten T init = 2900 K, J = 25 A/m 2 T init = 2900 K, J = 30 A/m 2 T init = 2900 K, J = 35 A/m 2 Figure 7.20: The temperature at the cathode tip as a function of time for a pressure of 66 Pa with initial temperature at 2900 K and current density as a parameter (pure tungsten). 90 In Fig.7.18, the current density increasing from 25, 30, and 35 A=m 2 also substantially changes the sheath voltage from 18, 23, and 29 V; however, the system reaches steady state with the sheath voltage around 6 V as can be viewed in zoom in Fig.7.19. By increasing the current density, the temperature signicantly increases as shown in Fig.7.20. 7.3 Fully Combined Cathode and Plasma Regions with the Plasma Sheath Model in 2D Cylindrical Symmetry MPD Thruster In chapter 4, the cartesian coordinate has been introduced and it can be applied for cylindrical symmetry. In this section, the detail of how to fully combined cathode and plasma regions together will be described. The nonlinear heat diusion equation can be applied with [1] for the 2D cylin- drical symmetry and it can be written as c p (T ) @T @t = 1 r r rK(T )rT +S (7.11) where S is the function of position or source term (i.e.thermionic heating), T is the temperature at the vertice of triangle, K(T) is a temperature dependent of thermal conductivity, c p (T ) is a temperature dependent of heat capacity, s is the source terms i.e. Ohmic heating. For steady state, we got r rK(T )rT +S = 0 (7.12) 91 SECONDARY MESH LINES PRIMARY MESH LINES Figure 7.21: Primary and secondary mesh lines. Figure 7.22: Vectors used in ux calculation. The equation can be written in nite-dierence approximation as T t = 1 G " 6 X i=1 w i (T i T ) +S # (7.13) For a steady state of the nite-dierence analog of Eq.7.17 is X i w i (T i T ) +S = 0 (7.14) 92 Again, using forward dierence to the rst derivative in time, which has a rst order approximation O(t) and it can be expresses as; T i t = T n+1 i T n i t (7.15) Then, Eq.7.17 can be written as T n+1 i =T n i + t G " 6 X i=1 w i (T i T ) +S # (7.16) On the cathode surface (NC), the plasma sheath must be included so the grids can be written as T n+1 NC =T n NC + t G " 6 X i=1 w i (T i T ) +S + _ Qa i+1=2 # (7.17) For the plasma grids next to the cathode surface(NC+1), the heat ux from the plasma sheath must be included as well so the grids can be written as T n+1 NC+1 =T n NC+1 + t G " 6 X i=1 w i (T i T ) +S _ Qa i+1=2 # (7.18) where G = P 6 i=1 c p (T ) i+1=2 r i+1=2 a i+1=2 , S = P 6 i=1 j i+1=2 r i+1=2 a i+1=2 , P 6 i=1 w i = 1 4 P i K(T ) i+1=2 A i+1=2 r i+1=2 (s i+1 s i ) 2 , r i+1=2 = 7 12 r i+1=2 + 5 12 r, r i+1=2 = 1 3 (r +r i +r i+1 ). 93 7.3.1 Critical Time Increment of 2D Cylindrical Symmetry MPD Thruster Simulation Von Neumann criteria t G 2 P 6 i=1 w i (7.19) Ohmic heating criteria t G 2S (7.20) On the cathode surface, the heat ux critiria from the plasma sheath model must be included as can be shown below. Heat Flux Sheath criteria t G 2 _ Qa i+1=2 (7.21) Convective criteria t G 2h c a i+1=2 (7.22) Again, as can be seen in the above equations, Von Neumann criteria composes of the thermal conductivity and the heat capacity terms; however, the Ohmic heating criteria relates to the current density, electrical eld, and the heat capacity terms. On the cathode surface, the heat ux sheath criteria relates to the heat capacity, the heat ux sheath and the area of the cells. 7.3.2 Outline of Algorithm of 2D Cylindrical Symmetry MPD Thruster Simulation In this section, the 2D program will be described in several steps: 1. Given the initial temperature values of the cathode and plasma regions. 94 2. CALL the subroutines to obtain the electrical conductivity, thermal conduc- tivity and heat capacity of both regions. 3. CALL the subroutine MAKEGRID to generate the cells as a triangular as decribed in chapter 4. Also, calculate for the average radius and the average radius of a quadrilateral. At this point, the area of each triangle can be obtained. 4. Given the total current of the system, the total current must be equal at the cathode base and anode as describe in chapter 4. 5. Set up the initial temperature at the grid points. 6. Calculate the critical time increment of the system. 7. Given the number of step to calculate in DO loop. 8. In the DO loop to solve for temperature 8.1 Calculate the average temperature at each triangular both in the cathode and in the plasma regions. 8.2 CALL the subroutine to update the electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, and heat capacity of each triangle of both regions. 8.3 Calculate the total current for with the updated conductivity, thermal conductivity, and heat capacity. 8.4 Calculate the summation of electric eld, current density, thermal conductivity, and heat capacity at the grid points. 8.5 Calculate the temperature using Eq.7.16 except for cathode surface grid points. 8.6 Calculate the temperature using Eq.7.17 for the cathode surface. The plasma sheath is included 9. Print out the temperature, voltage values. 95 7.3.3 2D Cylindrical Symmetry MPD Thruster Simulation Results For the 2D cylindrical symmetry simulationl, the MPD system diameter parame- ters are set as followed: L c = 7.5 m, L a = 7.6 m, r c = 2.0 m, r a = 9.0 m, T c init = 3300 K,T e init = 9000 K,V init = 100 V, I = 100 A. The rst case has grids ofN 1 =6, N 2 =4,N 3 =2,N 4 =4,N 5 =2 and the second case has grids ofN 1 =24,N 2 =8,N 3 =10, N 4 =20, N 5 =8. However, some of these parameters can be changed as needed to see how an MPD thurster system respond. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 R axis (m) Z axis (m) Physical grid Figure 7.23: The physical grid of MPD Thruster withN 1 =6,N 2 =4,N 3 =2,N 4 =4, N 5 =2. 96 2800 3000 3200 3400 3600 3800 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 Temperature (K) Time (s) Temperature at the cathode surface argon P = 66.66 Pa pure tungsten grid# 11 (at middle) grid# 17 (at tip) grid# 18 (at conical part) Figure 7.24: Temperature as a function of time with grid cathode surface location as a parameter in pressure of 66 Pa and pure tungsten. The cathode surface temperature (at middle, conical tip, and tip) reach the plateau after 25000 s. As expected, the tip has a high temperature nearly 3500 K following at conical tip and at the middle of the cathode as can be viewed in Fig.7.24. The maximum electric eld value locates at the tip of the cathode and followed by at the conical tip and at the middle of the cathode. The electric eld rapidly approach the steady state after 3000 s as in Fig.7.25. The maximum current density value still locates at the cathode tip; however, the lowest current density value is at the conical tip. The reason of this result still unclear; however, it might be due to the distribution area of the grid at the conical tip. 97 1e-05 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0 10000 20000 30000 Electric Field (V/m) Time (s) Compare pressure effect at the cathode surface argon P = 66.66 Pa pure tungsten grid# 11 (at middle) grid# 17 (at tip) grid# 18 (at conical part) Figure 7.25: Electric eld as a function of time with grid cathode surface location as a parameter in pressure of 66 Pa and pure tungsten. 0 5 10 15 20 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 Current Density (A/m 2 ) Time (s) The current density at the cathode surface grid# 11 (at middle) grid# 17 (at tip) grid# 18 (at conical part) Figure 7.26: Current density as a function of time with grid cathode surface loca- tion as a parameter in pressure of 66 Pa and pure tungsten. 98 -400000 -350000 -300000 -250000 -200000 -150000 -100000 -50000 0 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 Heat Flux (W/m 2 ) Time (s) The Heat Flux at the cathode surface argon P = 66.66 Pa pure tungsten grid# 11 (at middle) grid# 17 (at tip) grid# 18 (at conical part) Figure 7.27: Heat ux as a function of time with grid cathode surface location as a parameter in pressure of 66 Pa and pure tungsten. The heat ux at the cathode surface have a negative sign. This is due to the ohmic heating generating heat in cathode region must faster than the heat conduction from plasma to cathode regions. The heat ux has a direct relationship with the cathode temperature so the location of maximum to minimum are the same with temperature. Convection Eect The equation from previous section is still the same; however, the convective term carries the heat away from the cathode surface so this eect has a negative sign in Eq.7.17 and it becomes T n+1 i =T n i + t G " 6 X i=1 w i (T i T ) +S + _ Qa i+1=2 h c a i+1=2 (T n i T n inf ) # (7.23) 99 2800 3000 3200 3400 3600 3800 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 Temperature (K) Time (s) Temperature at the cathode surface argon P = 66.66 Pa pure tungsten grid# 11 (at middle) grid# 11 (at middle) with convection Figure 7.28: Temperature as a function of time with convection eect as a param- eter in pressure of 66 Pa and pure tungsten. 1e-05 0.0001 0.001 0 10000 20000 30000 Electric Field (V/m) Time (s) Compare pressure effect at the cathode surface grid# 11 (at middle) grid# 11 (at middle) with convection Figure 7.29: Electric eld as a function of time with convection eect as a param- eter in pressure of 66 Pa and pure tungsten. 100 11 11.2 11.4 11.6 11.8 12 12.2 12.4 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 Current Density (A/m 2 ) Time (s) The current density at the cathode surface argon P = 66.66 Pa pure tungsten grid# 11 (at middle) grid# 11 (at middle) with convection Figure 7.30: Current density as a function of time with convection eect as a parameter in pressure of 66 Pa and pure tungsten. -400000 -350000 -300000 -250000 -200000 -150000 -100000 -50000 0 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 Heat Flux (W/m 2 ) Time (s) The Heat Flux at the cathode surface argon P = 66.66 Pa pure tungsten grid# 11 (at middle) grid# 11 (at middle) with convection Figure 7.31: Heat ux as a function of time with convection eect as a parameter in pressure of 66 Pa and pure tungsten. 101 The convection eect tends to lower the temperature, and current density; however, electric eld value does not change. As lower the cathode temperature, the heat ux also decreased as can be seen in Fig.7.28 - 7.31. Pressure Eect The plasma properties in dierent pressure have a signicant impact on electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity and heat capacity respectively. We will compare pressure of 10 5 and 10 7 Pa with our pressure at 66 Pa to see the pressure eect. The properties of interested are temperature, electric eld and the current density in our 2D cylindrical symmetry. The equation is thes same as in the case of without convection eect, Eq.7.17 but the electrical, thermal conductivities and heat capacity values will be adjusted for 10 5 and 10 7 Pa conditions. 2800 3000 3200 3400 3600 3800 0 10000 20000 30000 Temperature (K) Time (s) Compare pressure effect at the cathode surface argon pure tungsten grid# 11 (middle) 66 Pa grid# 11 (middle)10 5 Pa grid# 11 (middle)10 7 Pa Figure 7.32: Temperature as a function of time with pressure as a parameter in pressure of 66 Pa and pure tungsten. 102 1e-07 1e-06 1e-05 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 0 10000 20000 30000 Electric Field (V/m) Time (s) Compare pressure effect at the cathode surface argon pure tungsten grid# 11 (middle) 66 Pa grid# 11 (middle) 10 5 Pa grid# 11 (middle) 10 7 Pa Figure 7.33: Electric eld as a function of time with pressure as a parameter in pressure of 66 Pa and pure tungsten. 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 10000 20000 30000 Current Density (A/m 2 ) Time (s) Compare pressure effect at the cathode surface argon pure tungsten grid# 11 (middle) 66 Pa grid# 11 (middle) 10 5 Pa grid# 11 (middle) 10 7 Pa Figure 7.34: Current density as a function of time with pressure as a parameter in pressure of 66 Pa and pure tungsten. 103 -400000 -350000 -300000 -250000 -200000 -150000 -100000 -50000 0 0 10000 20000 30000 Heat Flux (W/m 2 ) Time (s) Compare pressure effect at the cathode surface argon pure tungsten grid# 17 (tip) 66 Pa grid# 17 (tip) 10 5 Pa grid# 17 (tip) 10 7 Pa Figure 7.35: Heat ux as a function of time with pressure as a parameter in pressure of 66 Pa and pure tungsten. The temperature and heat ux in uence very small amount as pressure changed in Fig.7.32 and 7.35. The electric eld and current density values reduced as the pressure increased as can be shown in Fig.7.33 and 7.34. For N1=24, N2=8, N3=10, N4=20, N5=8, the physical grids, electrical, thermal conducitivity and heat capacity can be viewed as; 104 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 R axis (m) Z axis (m) Physical grid Figure 7.36: The physical grids space of MPD Thruster Simulation with N1=24, N2=8, N3=10, N4=20, N5=8. 105 Figure 7.37: The area size distribution of physical grids space with N1=24, N2=8, N3=10, N4=20, N5=8. 106 The parameters size of MPD thruster are greater than the previous experimental data as to simulate the actual size of the MPD thruster to use in spacecraft. The area size distribution of the computation grids distributed almoste equally in the cathode and the plasma regions as can be seen in the color distribution. However, at the cathode tip in the plasma region, the size of the grids are smaller than others. The temperature, electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity and heat capac- ity distribution of cathode and plasma regions shown in Fig.7.38 - 7.41. The elec- trical conductivity, thermal conductivity and heat capacity are as expected to has a greater value in the cathode region than in the plasma region. Figure 7.38: The temperatuer distribution of cathode and plasma regions in MPD thruster. 107 Figure 7.39: The electrical conductivity distribution of cathode and plasma regions in MPD thruster. 108 Figure 7.40: The thermal conductivity distribution of cathode and plasma regions in MPD thruster. Figure 7.41: The heat capacity distribution of cathode and plasma region in MPD thruster. 109 Electroarc Edge The electroarc edge is dended as the location where the plasma arc attach the cathode surface. To locate this point, the electric eld along the cathode surface must be calculated to nd the minimum values of electric eld in Fig.7.42. 1e-06 1e-05 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Electric Field (V/m) Distance from Cathode Base (m) The ElectroArc Edge is the edge of plasma arc attachment on cathode surface P = 10 7 Pa P = 66 Pa Figure 7.42: The minimum value of electric eld on the cathode surface in MPD thruster is dended as the edge of plasma arc attachment, Electroarc Edge. Figure 7.43: Illustration of Electroarc Edge in High Pressure [3]. Figure 7.44: Illustration of Electroarc Edge in Low Pressure [3] 110 The experiment of MPD thruster showed the relationship between the location of this electroarc edge; however, the exact location could not be validated as can be seen in Fig.7.43 and 7.44. This research was be able to locate exactly where the electroarc edge would be. The electroarc edge is approximately at the cathode tip with pressure 10 7 Pa and the electroarc edge move toward the cathode base. These numerical simulation results agree well with the experimental observation [3]. Figure 7.45: The electric eld distribution of cathode and plasma regions in MPD thruster. 111 Figure 7.46: The electric eld contour of cathode and plasma regions in MPD thruster. Figure 7.47: The current density distribution of cathode and plasma in MPD thruster. 112 The electric eld distribution, electric eld contour and current density distri- bution can be seen in Fig.7.45 - 7.47. The maximum of electric eld value locates at the tip surface. 7.4 Recommendations for Future Work The future study could improve the 2D cylindrical symmetry MPD thruster simulation to include the ow of particles such as electrons and ions as in particle-in-cell or Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) within the system [57]. For this study, the time and nancial were not allowed to calculate and include the ow of the particles model in 2D cylindrical simulation. In addition, the model could be further developed to included the erosion eects base on this 2D cylindrical symmetry. Furthermore, this 2D cylindrical symmetry MPD thruster simulation can be improved by calculating the magnetic eld, and the thrust in an MPD thruster to fully see how the system response with this magnetic eld. 113 114 Chapter 8 Conclusions The objective of this work were to improve the computation simulations and explain the interaction between the cathode and the plasma regions with the plasma sheath model [3] in an MPD thruster. These simulations should help describing the experimental phenomenon as well as predicting how an MPD thruster respond to the operational changed. In this study, a 1D, and a 2D cylindrical symmetry MPD thruster simula- tions have been developed to predicting the temperature, the voltage, the current density, the electric eld with the surrounding plasma in an MPD thruster and estimated the plasma attachment edge, electroarc edge. The 1D MPD thruster simulation consists with three regions: the cathode, the plasma, and the interface of these regions, the plasma sheath model. The interface provides the boundary values to the cathode in steady state. The criteria of the plasma sheath model is limited with certain temperature and current density. At the cathode temperature below 2500 K, the heat ux transfers from plasma to the cathode. Once the cathode reaches around 2700 K, the heat ux transfer from cathode to plasma region. In other words, the plasma region heats up by the cath- ode region. Moreover, the current density also signicantly impact on the cathode temperature as increased the current density, the cathode can heat up rapidly. As a results, we need to consider the criteria of the plasma sheath model to pin point where we need to obtain the cathode temperature and current density. This 1D MPD thruster simulation uses the plasma sheath mode, by given the cathode 115 temperature and current density of the cathode surface, the plasma sheath model provides the heat ux and the plasma sheath to the cathode surface. Then, the 1D simulation balances the energy of cathode region with the plasma region until it reaches steady state for temperature, sheath voltage and heat ux. For the 2D cylindrical symmetry MPD thruster simulation, temperature, poten- tial, current density, electric eld can be calculated and this 2D simulation also can estimated the electroarc edge, which is dended as the edge of the plasma arc attachement at the minimum electric eld value on the cathode surface. In the numerical results of low pressure, the minimum value of electric eld locates further to near the cathode base as obaserved in experiment [3]. In addition, the mini- mum electric eld value moves toward the cathode tip for high pressure condition as decribed [3]. The electroarc edge results using the criteria of minimal value of electric eld on the cathode surface agree well with the experimental observation. 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Consider a function f , where it is required to determine its rst-and second order derivatives in the computational domain. @ @x = x @ @x + x @ @ (A-1) @ @y = y @ @y + y @ @ (A-2) Therefore, @f @x =f x = x f + x f (A-3) @f @y =f y = y f + y f (A-4) f x =Jy f + (Jy )f =J(y f y f ) (A-5) f y =Jx f + (Jx )f =J(x f x f ) (A-6) To determine the second-order derivatives, f xx and f yy 123 @ 2 f @x 2 = @ @x @f @x ! = @ @x x f + x f ! = x @ @ + x @ @ ! x f + x f ! (A-7) @ 2 f @x 2 = x @ @ x f + x f ! + x @ @ x f + x f ! = 2 x f + x f @ @ ( x )+ x x f + x f @ @ ( x )+ x x f + x f @ @ ( x )+ 2 x f + x f @ @ ( x ) where x =Jy ; y =Jx ; x =Jy ; y =Jx Let =4 then, we have @ 2 f @x 2 =J 2 (y 2 f 44 2y 4 y f 4 +y 2 4 f ) +Jy " f 4 @ @4 (4 x ) +f @ @4 ( x ) # +(Jy 4 ) " f 4 @ @ (4x) +f @ @ ( x ) # At this point, the derivatives of the metrics are determined as follows: @ @4 (4x) = @ @4 (Jy ) = @ @4 y x 4 y x y 4 ! 124 @ @4 (4x) =J 2 " y 4 (x 4 y x y 4 )y (y x 44 +x 4 y 4 x y 44 y 4 x 4 # or @ @4 (4x) =J 2 (x 4 y y 4 x y 4 y 4 y 2 x 44 x 4 y y 4 +x y y 44 +y 4 y x 4 ) (A-8) @ @4 (x) =J 2 (x 4 y y 44 x y 4 y 44 y 4 y x 44 x 4 y 4 y 4 +x y 4 y 44 +y 2 4 x 4 ) (A-9) @ @ (4x) =J 2 (x 4 y y x y 4 y x 4 y y y 2 x 4 +y 4 y x +x y y 4 ) (A-10) @ @ (x) =J 2 (x 4 y y 4 x y 4 y 4 y 4 x 4 y y 4 y x 4 +y 2 4 x +x y 4 y 4 ) (A-11) Substituting @ 2 f @x 2 =J 2 (y 2 f 2y 4 y f 4 +y 2 4 f + (A-12) +J 3 " (y 2 y 44 2y y 4 y 4 +y 2 4 y )(x f 4 x 4 f )+ 125 +(y 2 x 44 2y y 4 x 4 +y 2 4 x )(y 4 f y f 4 ) # @ 2 f @y 2 =J 2 (x 2 f 44 2x 4 x f 4 +x 2 4 f )+ (A-13) +J 3 " (x 2 y 44 2x 4 x y 4 +x 2 4 y )(x f 4 x 4 f )+ +(x 2 x 44 2x 4 x x 4 +x 2 4 x )(y 4 f y f 4 ) # Now, consider the Laplacian r 2 f = @ 2 f @x 2 + @ 2 f @y 2 (A-14) r 2 f =J 2 (af 44 2bf 4 +cf )+ +J 3 " (ay 44 2by 4 +cy )(x f 4 x 4 f ) +(ax 44 2bx 4 +cx )(y 4 f y f 4 ) # where x 2 +y 2 =a x 4 x +y 4 y =b x 2 4 +y 2 4 =c and nally r 2 f =J 2 (af 44 2bf 4 +cf +df +ef 4 ) (A-15) 126 where d =J(y 4 x 4 ) e =J(x 4 y ) =ax 44 2bx 4 +cx =ay 44 2by 4 +cy For elliptic system r 2 = 0 r 2 = 0 let f = = @ @ = 1 = 0 = @ @ @ @ ! = 0 = 0 = 0 A-15 yield : r 2 = 0; r 2 = 0 J 2 e = 0; J 2 d = 0 J 3 (x y ) = 0; J 3 (y x ) = 0 127 Since J6= 0 then x y = 0 y x = 0 Eliminating yield (x y x y ) = 0 But x y x y = 1 J Thus, 1 J = 0 Since J6= 0, then = 0 or ay 2by +cy = 0 We show that = 0 and , therefore, must also be zero, which result in ax 2bx +cx = 0 128 Appendix B Transformation of the Governing Parial dierential Equations [59] Now, dene the following relation between the physical and computational spaces =(x;y) (B-16) =(x;y) (B-17) The chain rule for partial dierentiation @ @x = @ @x @ @ + @ @x @ @ (B-18) let @ @x = x @ @x = x @ @ + x @ @ (B-19) @ @y = y @ @ + y @ @ (B-20) Now consider a model PDE such as 129 @U @x +a @U @y = 0 (B-21) Transforming from physical spcae to computational space x @U @ + x @U @ +a y @U @ + y @U @ ! = 0 (B-22) which may be rearranged as x +a y ! @U @ + x +a y ! @U @ = 0 (B-23) Matrics and the Jacobian of Transformation From C-19 and C-20 x = @ @x = 4 4x This ratio of arc length in the computational space to the physical space From C-16 and C-17 d = x dx + y dy d = x dx + y dy 2 6 4 d d 3 7 5 = 2 6 4 x y x y 3 7 5 2 6 4 dx dy 3 7 5 130 Reverse the role of independent variables, we get dx =x d +x d dy =y d +y d 2 6 4 dx dy 3 7 5 = 2 6 4 x x y y 3 7 5 2 6 4 d d 3 7 5 it can be in the form that 2 6 4 x y x y 3 7 5 = 2 6 4 x x y y 3 7 5 1 from which x =Jy (B-24) y =Jx (B-25) x =Jy (B-26) y =Jx (B-27) The Jacobian Transfromation is J = 1 x y y x (B-28) 131 132 Appendix C C This mainprogram 1DMPD thruster includes the plasma sheath model C By given the cathode temperature and the current density: C the plasma sheath model provides the heat flux and the sheath voltage. C The mainprogram will stop when it reaches the steady state. C Written by: Thada Suksila C Date: Sep 27, 2014 C UPDATE: Oct 20, 2014 C PROGRAM mainprogram INCLUDE 'common_declare.f' OPEN(93, FILE = 'mainprogram.txt', STATUS = 'UNKNOWN') OPEN(94, FILE = 'mainprogram_C.txt',STATUS= 'UNKNOWN') OPEN(95, FILE = 'mainprogram_P.txt',STATUS= 'UNKNOWN') C CALL grid CALL tinit CALL vinit NSTEPS = 7000 TIME = 0.0 TOL = 5E-3 C check critical time 1.Von Neumann at cathode and 2. Ohmic Heating at plasma C Cathode T = TAVG_C(NPC) CALL KTH_C(T,XKTH_C) T = TC CALL Cp_C(T,CAP_C) DT_VON_C = CAP_C*XLSC(NNPC)*XNLC/(2*XKTH_C) DT_OHM_C = CAP_C*XLSC(NNPC)/XJ C WRITE(93,*) DT_VON_C, DT_OHM_C C Plasma T = TAVG_P(1) CALL KTH_P(T,XKTH_P) 133 T = TE CALL Cp_P(T,CP_NOR) ! CP_NOR = Z*CP/R CALL Z(T, XZ) Rho = PR/(Rar*T) CAP_P = CP_NOR/XZ*Rar*1000 CAP_P = CAP_P*Rho XCAP_P(1) = CAP_P DT_VON_P = CAP_P*XLSP(1)*XNLC/(2*XKTH_P) DT_OHM_P = CAP_P*XLSP(1)/XJ C WRITE(93,*) DT_VON_P, DT_OHM_P C choose DT cathode IF(DT_VON_C.GT.DT_OHM_C)THEN DTIME_C = DT_OHM_C ELSE DTIME_C = DT_VON_C ENDIF C choose DT plasma IF(DT_VON_P.GT.DT_OHM_P)THEN DTIME_P = DT_OHM_P ELSE DTIME_P = DT_VON_P ENDIF C choose between cathode and plasma IF(DTIME_C.GT.DTIME_P)THEN DTIME = DTIME_P ELSE DTIME = DTIME_C ENDIF DTIME = DTIME/5 C Fixed temperature at the cathode base and anode TEMP_C(1) = TCB TEMP_P(NNPP) = TEA C Solve for temperature and potential DO 500 ISTEP = 1, NSTEPS DTT = ISTEP*DTIME C #1 conductivities at cathode region DO 1 I = 1, NPC T = TAVG_C(I) CALL KTH_C(T,XKTH_C) CALL SIGMA_C(T,SIG_C) XKAPA_C(I) = XKTH_C XSIGMA_C(I)= SIG_C 1 CONTINUE C #2 conductivities at plasma region DO 2 I = 1, NPP T = TAVG_P(I) CALL KTH_P(T,XKTH_P) 134 CALL SIGMA_P(T,SIG_P) XKAPA_P(I) = XKTH_P XSIGMA_P(I)= SIG_P 2 CONTINUE C Solve for Potential (V) C #3 plasma region DO 3 I = NNPP-1, 1, -1 XPHINEW_P(I) = XPHI_P(I+1) - ((XJ*XNLP)/(XSIGMA_P(I))) XPHI_P(I) = XPHINEW_P(I) 3 CONTINUE C #4 Call for the plasma sheath model T = TEMP_C(NNPC) !**************** J = XJ CALL CMODEL( T, J, VC, Q ) Q = Q WRITE(93,*) TIME, T, J, Vc, Q C #5 Include voltage drop (plasma sheath, VC) XPHI_C(NNPC) = XPHI_P(1) - VC C #6 cathode region DO 4 I = NNPC-1, 1, -1 XPHINEW_C(I) = XPHI_C(I+1) - ((XJ*XNLC)/(XSIGMA_C(I))) XPHI_C(I) = XPHINEW_C(I) 4 CONTINUE C Solve for Temperature (K) C #7 plasma region C #7.1 at the NC+1 T = TEMP_P(1) CALL Cp_P(T,CP_NOR) ! CP_NOR = Z*CP/R CALL Z(T, XZ) Rho = PR/(Rar*T) CAP_P = CP_NOR/XZ*Rar*1000 CAP_P = CAP_P*Rho XCAP_P(1) = CAP_P ALPHA = DTT/(XCAP_P(1)*XLSP(1)) BETA1 = ALPHA*XJ/2 BETA2 = ALPHA*XKAPA_P(1)/XNLP A = BETA1*(XPHI_P(2)-XPHI_P(1)) B = ALPHA*Q C = BETA2*(TEMP_P(2)-TEMP_P(1)) TNEW_P(1) = TEMP_P(1) + A - B + C ! Eq.4.21 TEMP_P(1) = TNEW_P(1) TAVG_P(1) = (TEMP_P(1)+TEMP_P(2))/2 C #7.2 the rest except the anode DO 5 I = 2, NNPP-1 T = TEMP_P(I) CALL Cp_P(T,CP_NOR) ! CP_NOR = Z*CP/R CALL Z(T, XZ) 135 Rho = PR/(Rar*T) CAP_P = CP_NOR/XZ*Rar*1000 CAP_P = CAP_P*Rho XCAP_P(I) = CAP_P ALPHA = DTT/(XCAP_P(I)*XLSP(I)) BETA1 = ALPHA*XJ/2 BETA2 = ALPHA*XKAPA_P(I)/XNLP BETA3 = ALPHA*XKAPA_P(I-1)/XNLP A = BETA1*(XPHI_P(I+1)-XPHI_P(I-1)) B = BETA2*(TEMP_P(I+1)-TEMP_P(I)) C = BETA3*(TEMP_P(I) -TEMP_P(I-1)) TNEW_P(I) = TEMP_P(I) + A + B - C ! Eq.4.19 TEMP_P(I) = TNEW_P(I) TAVG_P(I) = (TEMP_P(I)+TEMP_P(I+1))/2 5 CONTINUE C #8 cathode region C #8.1 at the cathode tip T = TEMP_C(NNPC) CALL Cp_C(T,CAP_C) XCAP_C(NNPC) = CAP_C ALPHA = DTT/(XCAP_C(NNPC)*XLSC(NNPC)) BETA1 = ALPHA*XJ/2 BETA2 = ALPHA*XKAPA_C(NNPC)/XNLC A = BETA1*(XPHI_C(NNPC)-XPHI_C(NNPC-1)) B = ALPHA*Q C = BETA2*(TEMP_C(NNPC) -TEMP_C(NNPC-1)) TNEW_C(NNPC) = TEMP_C(NNPC) + A + B - C !Eq. 4.20 TEMP_C(NNPC) = TNEW_C(NNPC) TAVG_C(NNPC) = (TEMP_C(NNPC)+TEMP_C(NNPC-1))/2 C #8.2 the rest except cathode base DO 6 I = 2, NNPC-1 T = TEMP_C(I) CALL Cp_C(T,CAP_C) XCAP_C(I) = CAP_C ALPHA = DTT/(XCAP_C(I)*XLSC(I)) BETA1 = ALPHA*XJ/2 BETA2 = ALPHA*XKAPA_C(I)/XNLC BETA3 = ALPHA*XKAPA_C(I-1)/XNLC A = BETA1*(XPHI_C(I+1)-XPHI_C(I-1)) B = BETA2*(TEMP_C(I+1)-TEMP_C(I)) C = BETA3*(TEMP_C(I) -TEMP_C(I-1)) TNEW_C(I) = TEMP_C(I) + A + B - C !Eq.4.19 TEMP_C(I) = TNEW_C(I) TAVG_C(I) = (TEMP_C(I)+TEMP_C(I+1))/2 6 CONTINUE C print output IP = ISTEP - (ISTEP/1)*1 136 IF(IP.EQ.0)THEN WRITE(94,300) TIME, (TEMP_C(I),I = 1, NNPC),(XPHI_C(I),I = 1,NNPC),Q,VC WRITE(95,300) TIME, (TEMP_P(I),I = 1, NNPP),(XPHI_P(I),I = 1,NNPP),Q,VC ENDIF 300 FORMAT(F15.6,2X,11(F15.4,2X),11(F15.4,2X),2X,F15.4,2X,F15.4) TIME = TIME + DTIME 500 CONTINUE 501 STOP END PROGRAM C ---------------------- SUBROUTINE HEAT CAPACITY --------------------- C subroutine to calculate the temperature dependent Heat capacity C of the Cathode and Anode C --------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE Cp_C( T, CAP_C ) INCLUDE 'common_declare.f' C Compute heat capacity of tungsten in J/(K m^3) RHOMOL_C = RHO_C / XMAMU_C ! gmol/m^3 AVOLJ = AMOLCAL_C * XJPERCAL * RHOMOL_C BVOLJ = BMOLCAL_C * XJPERCAL * RHOMOL_C CAP_C = AVOLJ + 1E-3*T*BVOLJ C Convert from J/(K m^3) to J/(Kg K) by 19.25E3 (density at room temperature (Wiki) C CAP_C = CAP_C / (RHO_C*1E-3) RETURN END C ---------------- SUBROUTINE CTCOND --------------------------- C subroutine to calculate the temperature dependent thermal C conductivity of Cathode(Tungsten) C TUNGSTEN VALUES solid and liquid [W/m/K] C -------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE KTH_C(T, XKTH_C) INCLUDE 'common_declare.f' IF ( T .LE. 3670 ) THEN XKTH_C = A0 + A1*EXP(-A2*T) + A3*EXP(-A4*T) ELSE XKTH_C = B0 + B1*T + B3*T*T ENDIF RETURN END 137 C ------------------------ SUBROUTINE SIGMA_C ------------------------- C This subroutine calculates the temperature dependent Electrical C conductivity of cathode(Tungsten) [mho/m] C A linear curve fit of the electrical resistivity in page 99 eq.3.10 Goodfellow C -------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE SIGMA_C(T,SIG_C) INCLUDE 'common_declare.f' XRHOE_C = (C0 + C1*T)*0.00000001 SIG_C = 1/XRHOE_C RETURN END C------------------------- SUBROUTINE CP Normalized -------------------- C This subroutine calculates the Cp of argon without any unit C Written By: Thada Suksila C---------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE Cp_P(T,CP_NOR) DIMENSION X(200), FX(200,200) OPEN(11,FILE= 'P0.0006_5000-5500.txt', STATUS = 'OLD') OPEN(12,FILE= 'P0.0006_5500-5750.txt', STATUS = 'OLD') OPEN(13,FILE= 'P0.0006_5750-6000.txt', STATUS = 'OLD') OPEN(14,FILE= 'P0.0006_6000-6500.txt',STATUS = 'OLD') OPEN(15,FILE= 'P0.0006_6500-7000.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(16,FILE= 'P0.0006_7000-7250.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(17,FILE= 'P0.0006_7250-7400.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(18,FILE= 'P0.0006_7400-7600.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(19,FILE= 'P0.0006_7600-7800.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(20,FILE= 'P0.0006_7800-8000.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(21,FILE= 'P0.0006_8000-8100.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(22,FILE= 'P0.0006_8100-8200.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(23,FILE= 'P0.0006_8200-8300.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(24,FILE= 'P0.0006_8300-8600.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(25,FILE= 'P0.0006_8600-8800.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(26,FILE= 'P0.0006_8800-8900.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(27,FILE= 'P0.0006_8900-9000.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(28,FILE= 'P0.0006_9000-9100.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(29,FILE= 'P0.0006_9100-9200.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(30,FILE= 'P0.0006_9200-9300.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(31,FILE= 'P0.0006_9300-9400.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(32,FILE= 'P0.0006_9400-9500.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(33,FILE= 'P0.0006_9500-9600.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(34,FILE= 'P0.0006_9600-9700.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(35,FILE= 'P0.0006_9700-9800.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(36,FILE= 'P0.0006_9800-9900.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(37,FILE= 'P0.0006_9900-10000.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(38,FILE= 'P0.0006_10000-10100.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') 138 OPEN(39,FILE= 'P0.0006_10100-10200.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(40,FILE= 'P0.0006_10200-10300.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(41,FILE= 'P0.0006_10300-10400.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(42,FILE= 'P0.0006_10400-10500.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(43,FILE= 'P0.0006_10500-10600.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(44,FILE= 'P0.0006_10600-10700.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(45,FILE= 'P0.0006_10700-10800.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(46,FILE= 'P0.0006_10800-10900.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(47,FILE= 'P0.0006_10900-11000.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(48,FILE= 'P0.0006_11000-11200.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(49,FILE= 'P0.0006_11200-11400.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(50,FILE= 'P0.0006_11400-11600.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(51,FILE= 'P0.0006_11600-11800.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(52,FILE= 'P0.0006_11800-12000.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(53,FILE= 'P0.0006_12000-12300.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(54,FILE= 'P0.0006_12300-12600.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(55,FILE= 'P0.0006_12600-13000.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') C given the temperature XX = T IF(XX.LE.5000)THEN FF = 2.378552973 GOTO 101 ELSEIF(XX.GT.13000)THEN FF = 0.00017581*XX + 3.69888312 GOTO 101 ENDIF IF(XX.GT.5000.AND.XX.LE.5500) THEN N = 7 DO IROW = 1,N READ(11,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.5500.AND.XX.LE.5750)THEN N = 10 DO IROW = 1,N READ(12,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.5750.AND.XX.LE.6000)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(13,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.6000.AND.XX.LE.6500)THEN N = 12 DO IROW = 1,N READ(14,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.6500.AND.XX.LE.7000)THEN 139 N = 12 DO IROW = 1,N READ(15,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.7000.AND.XX.LE.7250)THEN N = 7 DO IROW = 1,N READ(16,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.7250.AND.XX.LE.7400)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(17,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.7400.AND.XX.LE.7600)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(18,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.7600.AND.XX.LE.7800)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(19,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.7800.AND.XX.LE.8000)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(20,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.8000.AND.XX.LE.8100)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(21,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.8100.AND.XX.LE.8200)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(22,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.8200.AND.XX.LE.8300)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(23,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.8300.AND.XX.LE.8600)THEN N = 9 DO IROW = 1,N 140 READ(24,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.8600.AND.XX.LE.8800)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(25,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.8800.AND.XX.LE.8900)THEN N = 7 DO IROW = 1,N READ(26,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.8900.AND.XX.LE.9000)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(27,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.9000.AND.XX.LE.9100)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(28,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.9100.AND.XX.LE.9200)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(29,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.9200.AND.XX.LE.9300)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(30,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.9300.AND.XX.LE.9400)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(31,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.9400.AND.XX.LE.9500)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(32,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.9500.AND.XX.LE.9600)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(33,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO 141 ELSEIF(XX.GT.9600.AND.XX.LE.9700)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(34,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.9700.AND.XX.LE.9800)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(35,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.9800.AND.XX.LE.9900)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(36,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.9900.AND.XX.LE.10000)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(37,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.10000.AND.XX.LE.10100)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(38,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.10100.AND.XX.LE.10200)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(39,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.10200.AND.XX.LE.10300)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(40,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.10300.AND.XX.LE.10400)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(41,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.10400.AND.XX.LE.10500)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(42,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.10500.AND.XX.LE.10600)THEN N = 8 142 DO IROW = 1,N READ(43,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.10600.AND.XX.LE.10700)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(44,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.10700.AND.XX.LE.10800)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(45,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.10800.AND.XX.LE.10900)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(46,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.10900.AND.XX.LE.11000)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(47,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.11000.AND.XX.LE.11200)THEN N = 9 DO IROW = 1,N READ(48,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.11200.AND.XX.LE.11400)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(49,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.11400.AND.XX.LE.11600)THEN N = 7 DO IROW = 1,N READ(50,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.11600.AND.XX.LE.11800)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(51,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.11800.AND.XX.LE.12000)THEN N = 7 DO IROW = 1,N READ(52,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) 143 ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.12000.AND.XX.LE.12300)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(53,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.12300.AND.XX.LE.12600)THEN N = 9 DO IROW = 1,N READ(54,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.12600.AND.XX.LE.13000)THEN N = 10 DO IROW = 1,N READ(55,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ENDIF C Compute divided-difference coefficients: M = N DO 20 ICOL = 2,N M = M - 1 DO 30 IROW = 1,M FX(IROW,ICOL) = & FX(IROW+1,ICOL-1)-FX(IROW,ICOL-1) FX(IROW,ICOL) = & FX(IROW,ICOL)/(X(IROW+ICOL-1) - X(IROW)) 30 CONTINUE 20 CONTINUE C Compute desired F(X) at the given X value: FF = FX(1,1) FAC = 1. DO 40 I = 2, N FAC = FAC*(XX-X(I-1)) FF = FF + FX(1,I)*FAC CP_NOR = FF 40 CONTINUE 101 WRITE(89,100) XX, FF 100 FORMAT('value of F(X) at x = ', E10.4,'is', E16.7) C Close all open files CLOSE(11) CLOSE(12) CLOSE(13) CLOSE(14) CLOSE(15) CLOSE(16) CLOSE(17) CLOSE(18) 144 CLOSE(19) CLOSE(20) CLOSE(21) CLOSE(22) CLOSE(23) CLOSE(24) CLOSE(25) CLOSE(26) CLOSE(27) CLOSE(28) CLOSE(29) CLOSE(30) CLOSE(31) CLOSE(32) CLOSE(33) CLOSE(34) CLOSE(35) CLOSE(36) CLOSE(37) CLOSE(38) CLOSE(39) CLOSE(40) CLOSE(41) CLOSE(42) CLOSE(43) CLOSE(44) CLOSE(45) CLOSE(46) CLOSE(47) CLOSE(48) CLOSE(49) CLOSE(50) CLOSE(51) CLOSE(52) CLOSE(53) CLOSE(54) CLOSE(55) RETURN END C ------------------ SUBROUTINE Z (compressibility factor ---------- C This pressure is 0.0006atm to calculate the compressibility factor of gas C Program for computing F(X) at a given X C using Newton's divided-difference interpolating polynomials C Written By: Thada Suksila C Date: October 27, 2013 C Calculate for Z at pressure 0.0006 atm SUBROUTINE Z(XI,FF) 145 DIMENSION X(200), FX(200,200) OPEN(11,FILE= 'Z0.0006_6000-6500.txt', STATUS = 'OLD') OPEN(12,FILE= 'Z0.0006_6500-7000.txt', STATUS = 'OLD') OPEN(13,FILE= 'Z0.0006_7000-7500.txt', STATUS = 'OLD') OPEN(14,FILE= 'Z0.0006_7500-8000.txt',STATUS = 'OLD') OPEN(15,FILE= 'Z0.0006_8000-8500.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(16,FILE= 'Z0.0006_8500-9000.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(17,FILE= 'Z0.0006_9000-9500.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(18,FILE= 'Z0.0006_9500-10000.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(19,FILE= 'Z0.0006_10000-10500.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(20,FILE= 'Z0.0006_10500-11000.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(21,FILE= 'Z0.0006_11000-11500.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(22,FILE= 'Z0.0006_11500-12000.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(23,FILE= 'Z0.0006_12000-12500.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(24,FILE= 'Z0.0006_12500-13000.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(25,FILE= 'Z0.0006_13000-13500.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(26,FILE= 'Z0.0006_13500-14000.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') C Start to calculate using given temperature XX = XI IF(XX.LE.6000)THEN FF = 1.0 GOTO 101 ELSEIF(XX.GT.14000)THEN FF = 2.0 GOTO 101 ENDIF IF(XX.GT.6000.AND.XX.LE.6500) THEN N = 5 DO IROW = 1,N READ(11,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.6500.AND.XX.LE.7000)THEN N = 7 DO IROW = 1,N READ(12,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.7000.AND.XX.LE.7500)THEN N = 7 DO IROW = 1,N READ(13,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.7500.AND.XX.LE.8000)THEN N = 6 DO IROW = 1,N READ(14,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.8000.AND.XX.LE.8500)THEN 146 N = 7 DO IROW = 1,N READ(15,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.8500.AND.XX.LE.9000)THEN N = 7 DO IROW = 1,N READ(16,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.9000.AND.XX.LE.9500)THEN N = 7 DO IROW = 1,N READ(17,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.9500.AND.XX.LE.10000)THEN N = 6 DO IROW = 1,N READ(18,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.10000.AND.XX.LE.10500)THEN N = 7 DO IROW = 1,N READ(19,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.10500.AND.XX.LE.11000)THEN N = 6 DO IROW = 1,N READ(20,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.11000.AND.XX.LE.11500)THEN N = 6 DO IROW = 1,N READ(21,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.11500.AND.XX.LE.12000)THEN N = 6 DO IROW = 1,N READ(22,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.12000.AND.XX.LE.12500)THEN N = 6 DO IROW = 1,N READ(23,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.12500.AND.XX.LE.13000)THEN N = 6 DO IROW = 1,N 147 READ(24,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.13000.AND.XX.LE.13500)THEN N = 6 DO IROW = 1,N READ(25,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.13500.AND.XX.LE.14000)THEN N = 4 DO IROW = 1,N READ(26,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ENDIF C Compute divided-difference coefficients: M = N DO 20 ICOL = 2,N M = M - 1 DO 30 IROW = 1,M FX(IROW,ICOL) = & FX(IROW+1,ICOL-1)-FX(IROW,ICOL-1) FX(IROW,ICOL) = & FX(IROW,ICOL)/(X(IROW+ICOL-1) - X(IROW)) 30 CONTINUE 20 CONTINUE C Compute desired F(X) at the given X value: FF = FX(1,1) FAC = 1. DO 40 I = 2, N FAC = FAC*(XX-X(I-1)) FF = FF + FX(1,I)*FAC 40 CONTINUE 101 WRITE(89,100) XX, FF 100 FORMAT('value of F(X) at x = ', E10.4,'is', E16.7) C Close all open files CLOSE(11) CLOSE(12) CLOSE(13) CLOSE(14) CLOSE(15) CLOSE(16) CLOSE(17) CLOSE(18) CLOSE(19) CLOSE(20) CLOSE(21) CLOSE(22) CLOSE(23) 148 CLOSE(24) CLOSE(25) CLOSE(26) RETURN END C-------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE KTH_P(T,XKTH_P) C The pressure is 0.00065atm for thermal conductivity of argon C Program for computing F(X) at a given X C Written By: Thada Suksila C using Newton's divided-difference interpolating polynomials DOUBLE PRECISION X, FX DIMENSION X(506), FX(506,506) OPEN(12,FILE= 'ThP0.0006atm7-8.txt', STATUS = 'OLD') OPEN(13,FILE= 'ThP0.0006atm8-9.txt', STATUS = 'OLD') OPEN(14,FILE= 'ThP0.0006atm9-10.txt',STATUS = 'OLD') OPEN(15,FILE= 'ThP0.0006atm10-11.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(16,FILE= 'ThP0.0006atm11-12.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(17,FILE= 'ThP0.0006atm12-13.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(18,FILE= 'ThP0.0006atm13-15.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(19,FILE= 'ThP0.0006atm15-17.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(20,FILE= 'ThP0.0006atm17-19.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(21,FILE= 'ThP0.0006atm19-21.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(22,FILE= 'ThP0.0006atm21-23.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(23,FILE= 'ThP0.0006atm23-25.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(24,FILE= 'ThP0.0006atm25-27.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(25,FILE= 'ThP0.0006atm27-28.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') C given the temperature XX = T IF(XX.LT.7000) THEN FF = 0.0171*1.5951 GOTO 101 ELSEIF(XX.GE.7000.AND.XX.LE.8000)THEN N = 14 DO IROW = 1,N READ(12,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.8000.AND.XX.LE.9000)THEN N = 14 DO IROW = 1,N READ(13,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.9000.AND.XX.LE.10000)THEN N = 14 DO IROW = 1,N READ(14,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO 149 ELSEIF(XX.GT.10000.AND.XX.LE.11000)THEN N = 14 DO IROW = 1,N READ(15,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.11000.AND.XX.LE.12000)THEN N = 14 DO IROW = 1,N READ(16,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.12000.AND.XX.LE.13000)THEN N = 14 DO IROW = 1,N READ(17,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.13000.AND.XX.LE.15000)THEN N = 14 DO IROW = 1,N READ(18,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.15000.AND.XX.LE.17000)THEN N = 14 DO IROW = 1,N READ(19,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.17000.AND.XX.LE.19000)THEN N = 14 DO IROW = 1,N READ(20,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.19000.AND.XX.LE.21000)THEN N = 14 DO IROW = 1,N READ(21,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.21000.AND.XX.LE.23000)THEN N = 14 DO IROW = 1,N READ(22,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.23000.AND.XX.LE.25000)THEN N = 14 DO IROW = 1,N READ(23,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.25000.AND.XX.LE.27000)THEN N = 14 150 DO IROW = 1,N READ(24,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.27000.AND.XX.LE.28000)THEN N = 14 DO IROW = 1,N READ(25,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.28000)THEN FF = 225143.0861 GOTO 101 ENDIF C Compute divided-difference coefficients: M = N DO 20 ICOL = 2,N M = M - 1 DO 30 IROW = 1,M FX(IROW,ICOL) = & FX(IROW+1,ICOL-1)-FX(IROW,ICOL-1) FX(IROW,ICOL) = & FX(IROW,ICOL)/(X(IROW+ICOL-1) - X(IROW)) 30 CONTINUE 20 CONTINUE C Compute desired F(X) at the given X value: C WRITE(5,*)'Input the temperature (K):' C READ(5,*) XX FF = FX(1,1) FAC = 1. DO 40 I = 2, N FAC = FAC*(XX-X(I-1)) FF = FF + FX(1,I)*FAC TH = FF 40 CONTINUE 101 WRITE(2,100) XX, FF,FF*0.00001 C Convert from erg/(K cm s) to Watt/(m K) by time 1E-5 XKTH_P = FF*0.00001 100 FORMAT('Temp =',E10.4,'is', E16.7,'or',E16.7) 200 FORMAT(1X,E21.16,4X,E21.16) CLOSE(11) CLOSE(12) CLOSE(13) CLOSE(14) CLOSE(15) CLOSE(16) CLOSE(17) CLOSE(18) 151 CLOSE(19) CLOSE(20) CLOSE(21) CLOSE(22) CLOSE(23) CLOSE(24) CLOSE(25) RETURN END C--------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE SIGMA_P(T,SIG_P) C This pressure is 0.00065atm Electrical Conductivity C Program for computing F(X) at a given X C Written By: Thada Suksila C using Newton's divided-difference interpolating polynomials DOUBLE PRECISION X, FX DIMENSION X(506), FX(506,506) OPEN(10,FILE= 'ElP0.00065atm5.5-6.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(11,FILE= 'ElP0.00065atm6-7.txt', STATUS = 'OLD') OPEN(12,FILE= 'ElP0.00065atm7-8.txt', STATUS = 'OLD') OPEN(13,FILE= 'ElP0.00065atm8-9.txt', STATUS = 'OLD') OPEN(14,FILE= 'ElP0.00065atm9-10.txt',STATUS = 'OLD') OPEN(15,FILE= 'ElP0.00065atm10-11.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(16,FILE= 'ElP0.00065atm11-12.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(17,FILE= 'ElP0.00065atm12-13.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(18,FILE= 'ElP0.00065atm13-15.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(19,FILE= 'ElP0.00065atm15-17.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(20,FILE= 'ElP0.00065atm17-19.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(21,FILE= 'ElP0.00065atm19-21.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(22,FILE= 'ElP0.00065atm21-23.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(23,FILE= 'ElP0.00065atm23-25.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(24,FILE= 'ElP0.00065atm25-27.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(25,FILE= 'ElP0.00065atm27-30.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') C given the temperature XX = T C Start Newton's interpolation polynomials IF(XX.LT.5500)THEN FF = 0.5*(8.52E10+6.7666E11) GOTO 101 ELSEIF(XX.GE.5500.AND.XX.LT.6000) THEN N = 14 DO IROW = 1,N READ(10,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GE.6000.AND.XX.LE.7000) THEN N = 14 DO IROW = 1,N 152 READ(11,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.7000.AND.XX.LE.8000)THEN N = 14 DO IROW = 1,N READ(12,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.8000.AND.XX.LE.9000)THEN N = 14 DO IROW = 1,N READ(13,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.9000.AND.XX.LE.10000)THEN N = 14 DO IROW = 1,N READ(14,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.10000.AND.XX.LE.11000)THEN N = 14 DO IROW = 1,N READ(15,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.11000.AND.XX.LE.12000)THEN N = 14 DO IROW = 1,N READ(16,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.12000.AND.XX.LE.13000)THEN N = 14 DO IROW = 1,N READ(17,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.13000.AND.XX.LE.15000)THEN N = 14 DO IROW = 1,N READ(18,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.15000.AND.XX.LE.17000)THEN N = 14 DO IROW = 1,N READ(19,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.17000.AND.XX.LE.19000)THEN N = 14 DO IROW = 1,N READ(20,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO 153 ELSEIF(XX.GT.19000.AND.XX.LE.21000)THEN N = 14 DO IROW = 1,N READ(21,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.21000.AND.XX.LE.23000)THEN N = 14 DO IROW = 1,N READ(22,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.23000.AND.XX.LE.25000)THEN N = 14 DO IROW = 1,N READ(23,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.25000.AND.XX.LE.27000)THEN N = 14 DO IROW = 1,N READ(24,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.27000.AND.XX.LE.28000)THEN N = 14 DO IROW = 1,N READ(25,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.28000) THEN FF = 6.24869E13 GOTO 101 ENDIF C Compute divided-difference coefficients: M = N DO 20 ICOL = 2,N M = M - 1 DO 30 IROW = 1,M FX(IROW,ICOL) = & FX(IROW+1,ICOL-1)-FX(IROW,ICOL-1) FX(IROW,ICOL) = & FX(IROW,ICOL)/(X(IROW+ICOL-1) - X(IROW)) 30 CONTINUE 20 CONTINUE C Compute desired F(X) at the given X value: C WRITE(5,*)'Input the temperature (K):' C READ(5,*) XX FF = FX(1,1) FAC = 1. DO 40 I = 2, N 154 FAC = FAC*(XX-X(I-1)) FF = FF + FX(1,I)*FAC 40 CONTINUE 101 WRITE(2,100) XX, FF,FF*1.1126535E-10 C convert from (stat mho)/cm to mho/m by time 1.126535E-10 SIG_P = FF*1.1126535E-10 100 FORMAT('Temp =',E10.4,'is', E16.7,'or',E16.7) CLOSE(10) CLOSE(11) CLOSE(12) CLOSE(13) CLOSE(14) CLOSE(15) CLOSE(16) CLOSE(17) CLOSE(18) CLOSE(19) CLOSE(20) CLOSE(21) CLOSE(22) CLOSE(23) CLOSE(24) CLOSE(25) RETURN END C C Model of cathode sheath C Provides sheath voltage and heat flux C as functions of cathode temperature and current density C C Inputs: C T (K): Cathode surface temperature C J (A/cm^2): Current density C C Outputs: C VC (V): Cathode sheath voltage C Q (W/cm^2): Heat flux to cathode surface C SUBROUTINE CMODEL( T, J, VC, Q ) C INCLUDE 'common_declare.f' C IMPLICIT REAL( J ) SAVE 155 LOGICAL FIRST /.TRUE./, DONE C Note: Following three lines must be consistent with each other! PARAMETER( NT=301, NJ=2001 ) PARAMETER( TLOW=2500, THIGH=4000, TSTEP=5 ) PARAMETER( JLOW=0, JHIGH=10000, JSTEP=5 ) DIMENSION VCDAT( NT,NJ ), QDAT( NT,NJ ), TVALS( NT ), JVALS( NJ ) DIMENSION IJMIN( NT ), IJMAX( NT ) C write(*,*) ' CMODEL called with T=',T,' J=',J IF( FIRST ) THEN C First time called: Read the data files OPEN( 8, FILE='Vc.dat', STATUS='UNKNOWN' ) OPEN( 9, FILE='q.dat', STATUS='UNKNOWN' ) READ(8,*) NR, NC C WRITE(*,*) 'In file Vc.dat, got ',NR, ' rows -- should be ', NT READ(9,*) NR, NC C WRITE(*,*) 'In file q.dat, got ',NR, ' rows -- should be ', NT DO IT=1, NT C write(*,*)'Reading Vc, line ', IT READ(8,*) ( VCDAT(IT,IJ), IJ=1, NJ ) C write(*,*)'Reading q, line ', IT READ(9,*) ( QDAT(IT,IJ), IJ=1, NJ ) ENDDO C WRITE(*,*) 'Finished reading Vc, Q values from data files' C Set the temperature and current density values DO IT=1, NT TVALS(IT) = TLOW + (IT-1) * TSTEP ENDDO DO IJ=1, NJ JVALS(IJ) = JLOW + (IJ-1) * JSTEP ENDDO C C For each temperature value, find region of convergence of model C C Outside region of convergence: Extrapolate C Sheath voltage: Increase rapidly for too-high values of J C Heat flux: C Increase rapidly for too-high values of J C Decrease rapidly for too-low values of J C C IJMIN, IJMAX: For each T value, the smallest and largest values 156 C of IJ for which QDAT is nonzero C DO IT=1, NT DO IJ=1, NJ IF( QDAT(IT,IJ) .NE. 0 ) THEN IJMAX(IT) = IJ ENDIF ENDDO DO IJ=NJ,1,-1 IF( QDAT(IT,IJ) .NE. 0 ) THEN IJMIN(IT) = IJ ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO C C write(*,*) 'Finished finding limits of convergence' VCSLOPE = 10 QSLOPE = 100 C FIRST = .FALSE. ENDIF C C Check values -- for debugging DONE = .FALSE. c DO WHILE( .NOT. DONE ) DO WHILE( .false. ) WRITE(*,200) 200 FORMAT( 'Enter IT, IJ (0 0 to quit): ', $ ) READ(*,*) IT, IJ IF( IT .EQ. 0 ) THEN DONE = .TRUE. ELSE WRITE(*,*) 'Vc(',IT,IJ,') = ', VCDAT(IT,IJ) WRITE(*,*) 'q(',IT,IJ,') = ', QDAT(IT,IJ) ENDIF ENDDO C Check values -- for debugging DONE = .FALSE. c DO WHILE( .NOT. DONE ) DO WHILE( .false. ) WRITE(*,300) 300 FORMAT( 'Enter IT (0 to quit): ', $ ) READ(*,*) IT IF( IT .EQ. 0 ) THEN DONE = .TRUE. ELSE 157 WRITE(*,*) 'IJMIN(',IT,') = ', IJMIN(IT) WRITE(*,*) 'IJMAX(',IT,') = ', IJMAX(IT) ENDIF ENDDO C C Find location of input T, J in data files C C XT: continuous, ranges from 0 to just below NT-1 C IT1, IT2: Integer values below and above XT C PT: continuous, ranges from 0 to 1: how far across T step we are XT = MAX( 0.0, MIN( ( T - TLOW ) / TSTEP, NT-1.01 ) ) IT1 = INT(XT) + 1 IT2 = IT1 + 1 PT = XT - INT(XT) c WRITE(*,*) 'Temperature ', T, ' is between IT = ', IT1, IT2 c WRITE(*,*) 'Fraction ',PT, ' across temperature increment' XJ = MAX( 0.0, MIN( ( REAL(J) - JLOW ) / JSTEP, NJ-1.01 ) ) IJ1 = INT(XJ) + 1 IJ2 = IJ1 + 1 PJ = XJ - INT(XJ) c WRITE(*,*) 'Current density ', J, ' is between IJ = ', IJ1, IJ2 c WRITE(*,*) 'Fraction ',PJ, ' across current density increment' c write(*,*) 'IJMAX of ',IT1,' is ', IJMAX(IT1) IF( IJ2 .GT. IJMAX(IT1) ) THEN C Current too high for model -- extrapolate up c write(*,*) 'IT1: Current too high -- ijmax is ',IJMAX(IT1) IF( IJMAX(IT1) .EQ. 0 ) THEN C Model not converged at all for this T c WRITE(*,*) 'Model not converged at all for this T' c write(*,*) 'vcslope ',VCSLOPE,' qslope ',QSLOPE VC1 = VCSLOPE*J Q1 = QSLOPE*J ELSE JMAX = JVALS(IJMAX(IT1)) c write(*,*) 'JMAX is ',JMAX VC1 = VCDAT(IT1,IJMAX(IT1)) + VCSLOPE*(J-JMAX) Q1 = QDAT(IT1,IJMAX(IT1)) + QSLOPE*(J-JMAX) ENDIF ELSEIF( IJ1 .LT. IJMIN(IT1) ) THEN C Current too low for model -- extrapolate down c write(*,*) 'IT1: Current too low -- ijmin is ',IJMIN(IT1) JMIN = JVALS(IJMIN(IT1)) c write(*,*) 'JMIN is ',JMIN VC1 = 0 158 Q1 = QDAT(IT1,IJMIN(IT1)) + QSLOPE*(J-JMIN) ELSE C Model converged here -- interpolate model data c write(*,*) 'IT1: Model is converged' VC1 = VCDAT(IT1,IJ1)*(1-PJ) + VCDAT(IT1,IJ2)*PJ Q1 = QDAT(IT1,IJ1)*(1-PJ) + QDAT(IT1,IJ2)*PJ ENDIF c write(*,*) 'Got VC1 = ',VC1,' Q1 = ',Q1 IF( IJ2 .GT. IJMAX(IT2) ) THEN C Current too high for model -- extrapolate up IF( IJMAX(IT2) .EQ. 0 ) THEN C Model not converged at all for this T c WRITE(*,*) 'Model not converged at all for this T' VC2 = VCSLOPE*J Q1 = QSLOPE*J ELSE JMAX = JVALS(IJMAX(IT2)) VC2 = VCDAT(IT2,IJMAX(IT2)) + VCSLOPE*(J-JMAX) Q2 = QDAT(IT2,IJMAX(IT2)) + QSLOPE*(J-JMAX) ENDIF ELSEIF( IJ1 .LT. IJMIN(IT2) ) THEN C Current too low for model -- extrapolate down JMIN = JVALS(IJMIN(IT2)) VC2 = 0 Q2 = QDAT(IT2,IJMIN(IT2)) + QSLOPE*(J-JMIN) ELSE C Model converged here -- interpolate model data VC2 = VCDAT(IT2,IJ1)*(1-PJ) + VCDAT(IT2,IJ2)*PJ Q2 = QDAT(IT2,IJ1)*(1-PJ) + QDAT(IT2,IJ2)*PJ ENDIF C Now interpolate in the T direction VC = VC1*(1-PT) + VC2*PT Q = Q1*(1-PT) + Q2*PT RETURN END 159 160 Appendix D C Main file for program CURRENT for 2D Cylindrical Symmetry MPD Thruster C Originally written by: Dr.Daniel Erwin C Revised & Updated to calculate temperature by: Thada Suksila C Date: July 16, 2014 C Included New Sheath Model C Updated: October 28, 2014 INCLUDE 'common.f' OPEN (93,FILE = 'NSTEPS.txt' , STATUS = 'UNKNOWN') OPEN (94,FILE = '0.5_NSTEPS.txt', STATUS = 'UNKNOWN') OPEN (95,FILE = 'main_T.txt',STATUS = 'UNKNOWN') OPEN (96,FILE = 'main_Phi.txt', STATUS = 'UNKNOWN') OPEN (97,FILE = 'main_Xj.txt', STATUS = 'UNKNOWN') OPEN (98,FILE = 'main_E.txt', STATUS = 'UNKNOWN') OPEN (99,FILE = 'mainprogram.txt', STATUS='UNKNOWN') OPEN(100,FILE = '11.txt', STATUS = 'UNKNOWN') OPEN(101,FILE = '16.txt', STATUS = 'UNKNOWN') OPEN(102,FILE = '17.txt', STATUS = 'UNKNOWN') OPEN(103,FILE = '18.txt', STATUS = 'UNKNOWN') C initial values for electrical conductivity of tungsten and plasma (mho/m) T = TC ! cathode CALL SIGMA_C(T,SIG_C) CALL KTH_C(T,XKTH_C) CALL Cp_C(T,CAP_C) AA = SIG_C AA1 = XKTH_C AA2 = CAP_C T = TP ! plasma CALL SIGMA_P(T,SIG_P) CALL KTH_P(T,XKTH_P) CALL Cp_P(T,CP_NOR) CALL Z(T,XZ) 161 RHO = PR/(Rar*T) CAP_P = CP_NOR/XZ*Rar*1000 CAP_P = CAP_P*RHO BB = SIG_P BB1 = XKTH_P BB2 = CAP_P C start makegrid and calculate current CALL MAKEGRID(AA,AA1,AA2,BB,BB1,BB2) CALL SUB_CURRENT ! C CALL ASSERT(NP.GT.0, 'Back from MAKEGRID, NP is zero !') CALL initial_temp C C check critical time 1.Von Neumann and 2. Ohmic Heating A = (XCAP_NODE(1)*R2BAR_NODE(1)*TAREA_NODE(1)) B = 0.25 * XKTH_NODE(N1+3)*R2BAR_NODE(N1+3)*SSQRT_NODE(N1+3)/(3*TAREA_NODE(N1+3)) C = Xj_NODE(N1+3)*E_NODE(N1+3)*R2BAR_NODE(N1+3)*TAREA_NODE(N1+3) C DT_VON = A/(2*B) DT_OHM = A/(2*C) C choose DT IF(DT_VON.GT.DT_OHM)THEN DTIME = DT_OHM ELSE DTIME = DT_VON ENDIF C WRITE(99,*) DTIME, DT_VON, DT_OHM C divided by safty factor DTIME = DTIME/5000 C WRITE(99,*) DTIME, DT_OHM_P,DT_VON_P,DT_OHM_C,DT_VON_C C C NSTEPS = 100000 NSTEPS = 1 TOL = 5E-3 TIME = 0.0 C C Solve for Temperature at the grid points DO 500 ISTEP = 1, NSTEPS DTT = ISTEP * DTIME C #2 Calculates for average triangle temperature DO IT = 1, NT TEMP_TRI(IT) = (TEMP(ICTP(1,IT))+TEMP(ICTP(2,IT))+TEMP(ICTP(3,IT)))/3 C WRITE(99,*) IT, TEMP_TRI(IT), ICTP(1,IT),ICTP(2,IT), ICTP(3,IT) ENDDO C #3 case N1=6,N2=4,N3=2,N4=4,N5=2 IF(N1.EQ.6.AND.N2.EQ.4.AND.N3.EQ.2.AND.N4.EQ.4.AND.N5.EQ.2)THEN 162 DO IT = 1, NT IF(IT.LE.N1+1)THEN !column1 T = TEMP_TRI(IT) CALL SIGMA_C(T,SIG_C) CALL KTH_C(T,XKTH_C) CALL Cp_C(T,CAP_C) SIGMA(IT) = SIG_C XKTH(IT) = XKTH_C XCAP(IT) = CAP_C C WRITE(99,*) T,IT, SIGMA(IT), 'column 1' ELSEIF(IT.GE.N1*2+1.AND.IT.LE.(N1*2+1)+((N2-1)*2)-1) THEN ! column 2 T = TEMP_TRI(IT) CALL SIGMA_C(T,SIG_C) CALL KTH_C(T,XKTH_C) CALL Cp_C(T,CAP_C) SIGMA(IT) = SIG_C XKTH(IT) = XKTH_C XCAP(IT) = CAP_C C WRITE(99,*) T,IT, SIGMA(IT), 'column 2' ELSE ! plasma T = TEMP_TRI(IT) CALL SIGMA_P(T,SIG_P) CALL KTH_P(T,XKTH_P) CALL Cp_P(T,CP_NOR) CALL Z(T,XZ) RHO = PR/(Rar*T) CAP_P = CP_NOR/XZ*Rar*1000 CAP_P = CAP_P*RHO SIGMA(IT) = SIG_P XKTH(IT) = XKTH_P XCAP(IT) = CAP_P C WRITE(99,*) T,IT, SIGMA(IT), 'plasma' ENDIF ENDDO C case N1=24,N2=8,N3=2,N4=10,N5=8 ELSEIF(N1.EQ.24.AND.N2.EQ.8.AND.N3.EQ.10.AND.N4.EQ.20.AND.N5.EQ.8)THEN DO IT = 1, NT IF(IT.GE.1.AND.IT.LE.2*N2-1)THEN T = TEMP_TRI(IT) CALL SIGMA_C(T,SIG_C) SIGMA(IT) = SIG_C C WRITE(99,*) IT, SIGMA(IT), 'cathode' ELSEIF(IT.GE.2*N1+1.AND.IT.LE.(2*N1+1)+(2*N2-3))THEN T = TEMP_TRI(IT) CALL SIGMA_C(T,SIG_C) SIGMA(IT) = SIG_C C WRITE(99,*) IT, SIGMA(IT), 'cathode' 163 ELSEIF(IT.GE.4*N1+1.AND.IT.LE.(4*N1+1)+(2*N2-4))THEN T = TEMP_TRI(IT) CALL SIGMA_C(T,SIG_C) SIGMA(IT) = SIG_C C WRITE(99,*) IT, SIGMA(IT), 'cathode' ELSEIF(IT.GE.6*N1+1.AND.IT.LE.(6*N1+1)+(2*N2-5))THEN T = TEMP_TRI(IT) CALL SIGMA_C(T,SIG_C) SIGMA(IT) = SIG_C C WRITE(99,*) IT, SIGMA(IT), 'cathode' ELSEIF(IT.GE.8*N1+1.AND.IT.LE.(8*N1+1)+(2*N2-6))THEN T = TEMP_TRI(IT) CALL SIGMA_C(T,SIG_C) SIGMA(IT) = SIG_C C WRITE(99,*) IT, SIGMA(IT), 'cathode' ELSEIF(IT.GE.10*N1+1.AND.IT.LE.(10*N1+1)+(2*N2-7))THEN T = TEMP_TRI(IT) CALL SIGMA_C(T,SIG_C) SIGMA(IT) = SIG_C C WRITE(99,*) IT, SIGMA(IT), 'cathode' ELSEIF(IT.GE.12*N1+1.AND.IT.LE.(12*N1+1)+(2*N2-8))THEN T = TEMP_TRI(IT) CALL SIGMA_C(T,SIG_C) SIGMA(IT) = SIG_C C WRITE(99,*) IT, SIGMA(IT), 'cathode' ELSEIF(IT.GE.14*N1+1.AND.IT.LE.(14*N1+1)+(2*N2-9))THEN T = TEMP_TRI(IT) CALL SIGMA_C(T,SIG_C) SIGMA(IT) = SIG_C C WRITE(99,*) IT, SIGMA(IT), 'cathode' ELSEIF(IT.GE.16*N1+1.AND.IT.LE.(16*N1+1)+(2*N2-10))THEN T = TEMP_TRI(IT) CALL SIGMA_C(T,SIG_C) SIGMA(IT) = SIG_C C WRITE(99,*) IT, SIGMA(IT), 'cathode' ELSE T = TEMP_TRI(IT) CALL SIGMA_P(T,SIG_P) SIGMA(IT) = SIG_P C WRITE(99,*) IT, SIGMA(IT), 'plasma' ENDIF ENDDO ELSE GOTO 66 ENDIF C C 164 C #4 calculates the Xj, E, SSQRT etc. CALL SUB_CURRENT C C #5 Updated Xj_NODE,E_NODE (at the nodes) and calculates average C temperature at the nodes DO I = 1, NP DO IS=1, 6 IPS = ICPP(IS,I) ! Point at other end of side IS ISP = MOD(IS,6) + 1 ! Adjacent side (counterclockwise) IITP = IS ! Adjacent triangle index (counterclockwise) ITP = ICPT(IITP,I) ! Adjacent triangle E_NODE(I) = (E_tot(ICPT(1,I))+E_tot(ICPT(2,I))+E_tot(ICPT(3,I))+ & E_tot(ICPT(4,I))+E_tot(ICPT(5,I))+E_tot(ICPT(6,I))) Xj_NODE(I) = (Xj_TOT(ICPT(1,I))+Xj_TOT(ICPT(2,I))+Xj_TOT(ICPT(3,I))+ & Xj_TOT(ICPT(4,I))+Xj_TOT(ICPT(5,I))+Xj_TOT(ICPT(6,I))) SIGMA_NODE(I) = (SIGMA(ICPT(1,I))+SIGMA(ICPT(2,I))+SIGMA(ICPT(3,I))+ & SIGMA(ICPT(4,I))+SIGMA(ICPT(5,I))+SIGMA(ICPT(6,I))) XKTH_NODE(I) = (XKTH(ICPT(1,I))+XKTH(ICPT(2,I))+XKTH(ICPT(3,I))+ & XKTH(ICPT(4,I))+XKTH(ICPT(5,I))+XKTH(ICPT(6,I))) XCAP_NODE(I) = (XCAP(ICPT(1,I))+XCAP(ICPT(2,I))+XCAP(ICPT(3,I))+ & XCAP(ICPT(4,I))+XCAP(ICPT(5,I))+XCAP(ICPT(6,I))) ENDDO ENDDO C# 5.1 Calculate sum of (Ti-T) DO I = 1, NP T1 = ABS(TEMP(ICPP(1,I)) - TEMP(I)) T2 = ABS(TEMP(ICPP(2,I)) - TEMP(I)) T3 = ABS(TEMP(ICPP(3,I)) - TEMP(I)) T4 = ABS(TEMP(ICPP(4,I)) - TEMP(I)) T5 = ABS(TEMP(ICPP(5,I)) - TEMP(I)) T6 = ABS(TEMP(ICPP(6,I)) - TEMP(I)) TSUM(I) = T1 + T2 + T3 + T4 + T5 + T6 C WRITE(99,*) I,T1,T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, TSUM(I) ENDDO C C #6 calculates for temperature DO IP = 1, NP IF(ICOMPUTE(IP).EQ.0)THEN IF(ISH(IP).EQ.1)THEN ! at the cathode surface T = TEMP(IP) J = Xj_NODE(IP) CALL CMODEL( T, J, VC, QQ ) VCC(IP) = VC 165 QQQ(IP) = QQ*TAREA_NODE(IP) A = DTIME/(XCAP_NODE(IP)*R2BAR_NODE(IP)*TAREA_NODE(IP)) B = 0.25 * XKTH_NODE(IP)*R2BAR_NODE(IP)*SSQRT_NODE(IP) & /(3*TAREA_NODE(IP)) C = Xj_NODE(IP)*E_NODE(IP)*R2BAR_NODE(IP)*TAREA_NODE(IP) D = QQQ(IP) TNEW(IP) = TEMP(IP) + A* ( B*TSUM(IP) + C + QQQ(IP) ) ! Eq.7.21 TEMP(IP) = TNEW(IP) ELSE A = DTIME/(XCAP_NODE(IP)*R2BAR_NODE(IP)*TAREA_NODE(IP)) B = 0.25 * XKTH_NODE(IP)*R2BAR_NODE(IP)*SSQRT_NODE(IP) & /(3*TAREA_NODE(IP)) C = Xj_NODE(IP)*E_NODE(IP)*R2BAR_NODE(IP)*TAREA_NODE(IP) TNEW(IP) = TEMP(IP) + A* ( B*TSUM(IP) + C ) ! Eq.7.20 TEMP(IP) = TNEW(IP) ENDIF ENDIF C Set cathoe base back to 1500 K IF(IP.LE.N2+1)THEN TNEW(IP) = TB TEMP(IP) = TNEW(IP) ENDIF ENDDO C Print out at every step 4 steps IPP = ISTEP - (ISTEP/20)*20 IF(IPP.EQ.0)THEN WRITE(95,300) TIME, (TEMP(I), I = 1, NP) c$$$C WRITE(96,300) TIME, (PHIVAL(I),I = 1,NP) c$$$C WRITE(97,300) TIME, (Xj_NODE(I),I=1,NP) c$$$C WRITE(98,300) TIME, (E_NODE(IP), I = 1, NP) WRITE(100,*) TIME,11, TEMP(11), Xj_NODE(11), QQQ(11),VCC(11),'s' WRITE(101,*) TIME,16, TEMP(16), Xj_NODE(16), QQQ(16),VCC(16),'s' WRITE(102,*) TIME,17, TEMP(17), Xj_NODE(17), QQQ(17),VCC(17),'s' WRITE(103,*) TIME,18, TEMP(18), Xj_NODE(18), QQQ(18),VCC(18),'s' ENDIF c$$$ TIME = TIME + DTIME c$$$ 166 c$$$C WRITE(99,*) ISTEP,TIME, IP, TEMP(11),TEMP(16),TEMP(17),TEMP(18), QQ, VC, J 500 CONTINUE 300 FORMAT(F15.6,3X,35(F15.4,2X)) CLOSE(93) CLOSE(94) CLOSE(95) CLOSE(96) CLOSE(97) CLOSE(98) CLOSE(99) CLOSE(100) CLOSE(101) CLOSE(102) CLOSE(103) 66 STOP END C--------------------------------------------------------------------- C ---------------------- SUBROUTINE HEAT CAPACITY --------------------- C subroutine to calculate the temperature dependent Heat capacity C of the Cathode and Anode C --------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE Cp_C( T, CAP_C ) INCLUDE 'common.f' C Compute heat capacity of tungsten in J/(K m^3) RHOMOL_C = RHO_C / XMAMU_C ! gmol/m^3 AVOLJ = AMOLCAL_C * XJPERCAL * RHOMOL_C BVOLJ = BMOLCAL_C * XJPERCAL * RHOMOL_C CAP_C = AVOLJ + 1E-3*T*BVOLJ C Convert from J/(K m^3) to J/(Kg K) by 19.25E3 (density at room temperature (Wiki) C CAP_C = CAP_C / (RHO_C*1E-3) RETURN END C ---------------- SUBROUTINE CTCOND --------------------------- C subroutine to calculate the temperature dependent thermal C conductivity of Cathode(Tungsten) C TUNGSTEN VALUES solid and liquid [W/m/K] C -------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE KTH_C(T, XKTH_C) INCLUDE 'common.f' IF ( T .LE. 3670 ) THEN 167 XKTH_C = A0 + A1*EXP(-A2*T) + A3*EXP(-A4*T) ELSE XKTH_C = B0 + B1*T + B3*T*T ENDIF RETURN END C ------------------------ SUBROUTINE SIGMA_C ------------------------- C This subroutine calculates the temperature dependent Electrical C conductivity of cathode(Tungsten) [mho/m] C A linear curve fit of the electrical resistivity in page 99 eq.3.10 Goodfellow C -------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE SIGMA_C(T,SIG_C) INCLUDE 'common.f' XRHOE_C = (C0 + C01*T)*0.00000001 SIG_C = 1/XRHOE_C RETURN END C------------------------- SUBROUTINE CP Normalized -------------------- C This subroutine calculates the Cp of argon without any unit C---------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE Cp_P(T,CP_NOR) DIMENSION X(200), FX(200,200) OPEN(11,FILE= 'P0.0006_5000-5500.txt', STATUS = 'OLD') OPEN(12,FILE= 'P0.0006_5500-5750.txt', STATUS = 'OLD') OPEN(13,FILE= 'P0.0006_5750-6000.txt', STATUS = 'OLD') OPEN(14,FILE= 'P0.0006_6000-6500.txt',STATUS = 'OLD') OPEN(15,FILE= 'P0.0006_6500-7000.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(16,FILE= 'P0.0006_7000-7250.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(17,FILE= 'P0.0006_7250-7400.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(18,FILE= 'P0.0006_7400-7600.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(19,FILE= 'P0.0006_7600-7800.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(20,FILE= 'P0.0006_7800-8000.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(21,FILE= 'P0.0006_8000-8100.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(22,FILE= 'P0.0006_8100-8200.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(23,FILE= 'P0.0006_8200-8300.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(24,FILE= 'P0.0006_8300-8600.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(25,FILE= 'P0.0006_8600-8800.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(26,FILE= 'P0.0006_8800-8900.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(27,FILE= 'P0.0006_8900-9000.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(28,FILE= 'P0.0006_9000-9100.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(29,FILE= 'P0.0006_9100-9200.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(30,FILE= 'P0.0006_9200-9300.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(31,FILE= 'P0.0006_9300-9400.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(32,FILE= 'P0.0006_9400-9500.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') 168 OPEN(33,FILE= 'P0.0006_9500-9600.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(34,FILE= 'P0.0006_9600-9700.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(35,FILE= 'P0.0006_9700-9800.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(36,FILE= 'P0.0006_9800-9900.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(37,FILE= 'P0.0006_9900-10000.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(38,FILE= 'P0.0006_10000-10100.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(39,FILE= 'P0.0006_10100-10200.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(40,FILE= 'P0.0006_10200-10300.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(41,FILE= 'P0.0006_10300-10400.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(42,FILE= 'P0.0006_10400-10500.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(43,FILE= 'P0.0006_10500-10600.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(44,FILE= 'P0.0006_10600-10700.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(45,FILE= 'P0.0006_10700-10800.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(46,FILE= 'P0.0006_10800-10900.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(47,FILE= 'P0.0006_10900-11000.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(48,FILE= 'P0.0006_11000-11200.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(49,FILE= 'P0.0006_11200-11400.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(50,FILE= 'P0.0006_11400-11600.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(51,FILE= 'P0.0006_11600-11800.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(52,FILE= 'P0.0006_11800-12000.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(53,FILE= 'P0.0006_12000-12300.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(54,FILE= 'P0.0006_12300-12600.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(55,FILE= 'P0.0006_12600-13000.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') C given the temperature XX = T IF(XX.LE.5000)THEN FF = 2.378552973 GOTO 101 ELSEIF(XX.GT.13000)THEN FF = 0.00017581*XX + 3.69888312 GOTO 101 ENDIF IF(XX.GT.5000.AND.XX.LE.5500) THEN N = 7 DO IROW = 1,N READ(11,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.5500.AND.XX.LE.5750)THEN N = 10 DO IROW = 1,N READ(12,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.5750.AND.XX.LE.6000)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(13,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO 169 ELSEIF(XX.GT.6000.AND.XX.LE.6500)THEN N = 12 DO IROW = 1,N READ(14,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.6500.AND.XX.LE.7000)THEN N = 12 DO IROW = 1,N READ(15,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.7000.AND.XX.LE.7250)THEN N = 7 DO IROW = 1,N READ(16,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.7250.AND.XX.LE.7400)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(17,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.7400.AND.XX.LE.7600)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(18,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.7600.AND.XX.LE.7800)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(19,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.7800.AND.XX.LE.8000)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(20,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.8000.AND.XX.LE.8100)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(21,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.8100.AND.XX.LE.8200)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(22,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.8200.AND.XX.LE.8300)THEN N = 8 170 DO IROW = 1,N READ(23,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.8300.AND.XX.LE.8600)THEN N = 9 DO IROW = 1,N READ(24,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.8600.AND.XX.LE.8800)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(25,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.8800.AND.XX.LE.8900)THEN N = 7 DO IROW = 1,N READ(26,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.8900.AND.XX.LE.9000)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(27,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.9000.AND.XX.LE.9100)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(28,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.9100.AND.XX.LE.9200)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(29,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.9200.AND.XX.LE.9300)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(30,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.9300.AND.XX.LE.9400)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(31,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.9400.AND.XX.LE.9500)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(32,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) 171 ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.9500.AND.XX.LE.9600)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(33,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.9600.AND.XX.LE.9700)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(34,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.9700.AND.XX.LE.9800)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(35,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.9800.AND.XX.LE.9900)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(36,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.9900.AND.XX.LE.10000)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(37,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.10000.AND.XX.LE.10100)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(38,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.10100.AND.XX.LE.10200)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(39,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.10200.AND.XX.LE.10300)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(40,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.10300.AND.XX.LE.10400)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(41,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.10400.AND.XX.LE.10500)THEN 172 N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(42,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.10500.AND.XX.LE.10600)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(43,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.10600.AND.XX.LE.10700)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(44,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.10700.AND.XX.LE.10800)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(45,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.10800.AND.XX.LE.10900)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(46,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.10900.AND.XX.LE.11000)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(47,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.11000.AND.XX.LE.11200)THEN N = 9 DO IROW = 1,N READ(48,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.11200.AND.XX.LE.11400)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(49,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.11400.AND.XX.LE.11600)THEN N = 7 DO IROW = 1,N READ(50,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.11600.AND.XX.LE.11800)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N 173 READ(51,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.11800.AND.XX.LE.12000)THEN N = 7 DO IROW = 1,N READ(52,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.12000.AND.XX.LE.12300)THEN N = 8 DO IROW = 1,N READ(53,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.12300.AND.XX.LE.12600)THEN N = 9 DO IROW = 1,N READ(54,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.12600.AND.XX.LE.13000)THEN N = 10 DO IROW = 1,N READ(55,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ENDIF C Compute divided-difference coefficients: M = N DO 20 ICOL = 2,N M = M - 1 DO 30 IROW = 1,M FX(IROW,ICOL) = & FX(IROW+1,ICOL-1)-FX(IROW,ICOL-1) FX(IROW,ICOL) = & FX(IROW,ICOL)/(X(IROW+ICOL-1) - X(IROW)) 30 CONTINUE 20 CONTINUE C Compute desired F(X) at the given X value: FF = FX(1,1) FAC = 1. DO 40 I = 2, N FAC = FAC*(XX-X(I-1)) FF = FF + FX(1,I)*FAC CP_NOR = FF 40 CONTINUE C 101 WRITE(89,100) XX, FF 101 ZAP = 1 100 FORMAT('value of F(X) at x = ', E10.4,'is', E16.7) C Close all open files CLOSE(11) 174 CLOSE(12) CLOSE(13) CLOSE(14) CLOSE(15) CLOSE(16) CLOSE(17) CLOSE(18) CLOSE(19) CLOSE(20) CLOSE(21) CLOSE(22) CLOSE(23) CLOSE(24) CLOSE(25) CLOSE(26) CLOSE(27) CLOSE(28) CLOSE(29) CLOSE(30) CLOSE(31) CLOSE(32) CLOSE(33) CLOSE(34) CLOSE(35) CLOSE(36) CLOSE(37) CLOSE(38) CLOSE(39) CLOSE(40) CLOSE(41) CLOSE(42) CLOSE(43) CLOSE(44) CLOSE(45) CLOSE(46) CLOSE(47) CLOSE(48) CLOSE(49) CLOSE(50) CLOSE(51) CLOSE(52) CLOSE(53) CLOSE(54) CLOSE(55) RETURN END C ------------------ SUBROUTINE Z (compressibility factor ---------- 175 C This pressure is 0.0006atm to calculate the compressibility factor of gas C Program for computing F(X) at a given X C using Newton's divided-difference interpolating polynomials C Written By: Thada Suksila C Date: October 27, 2013 C Calculate for Z at pressure 0.0006 atm SUBROUTINE Z(XI,FF) DIMENSION X(200), FX(200,200) OPEN(11,FILE= 'Z0.0006_6000-6500.txt', STATUS = 'OLD') OPEN(12,FILE= 'Z0.0006_6500-7000.txt', STATUS = 'OLD') OPEN(13,FILE= 'Z0.0006_7000-7500.txt', STATUS = 'OLD') OPEN(14,FILE= 'Z0.0006_7500-8000.txt',STATUS = 'OLD') OPEN(15,FILE= 'Z0.0006_8000-8500.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(16,FILE= 'Z0.0006_8500-9000.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(17,FILE= 'Z0.0006_9000-9500.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(18,FILE= 'Z0.0006_9500-10000.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(19,FILE= 'Z0.0006_10000-10500.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(20,FILE= 'Z0.0006_10500-11000.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(21,FILE= 'Z0.0006_11000-11500.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(22,FILE= 'Z0.0006_11500-12000.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(23,FILE= 'Z0.0006_12000-12500.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(24,FILE= 'Z0.0006_12500-13000.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(25,FILE= 'Z0.0006_13000-13500.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(26,FILE= 'Z0.0006_13500-14000.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') C Start to calculate using given temperature XX = XI IF(XX.LE.6000)THEN FF = 1.0 GOTO 101 ELSEIF(XX.GT.14000)THEN FF = 2.0 GOTO 101 ENDIF IF(XX.GT.6000.AND.XX.LE.6500) THEN N = 5 DO IROW = 1,N READ(11,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.6500.AND.XX.LE.7000)THEN N = 7 DO IROW = 1,N READ(12,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.7000.AND.XX.LE.7500)THEN N = 7 DO IROW = 1,N READ(13,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) 176 ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.7500.AND.XX.LE.8000)THEN N = 6 DO IROW = 1,N READ(14,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.8000.AND.XX.LE.8500)THEN N = 7 DO IROW = 1,N READ(15,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.8500.AND.XX.LE.9000)THEN N = 7 DO IROW = 1,N READ(16,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.9000.AND.XX.LE.9500)THEN N = 7 DO IROW = 1,N READ(17,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.9500.AND.XX.LE.10000)THEN N = 6 DO IROW = 1,N READ(18,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.10000.AND.XX.LE.10500)THEN N = 7 DO IROW = 1,N READ(19,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.10500.AND.XX.LE.11000)THEN N = 6 DO IROW = 1,N READ(20,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.11000.AND.XX.LE.11500)THEN N = 6 DO IROW = 1,N READ(21,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.11500.AND.XX.LE.12000)THEN N = 6 DO IROW = 1,N READ(22,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.12000.AND.XX.LE.12500)THEN 177 N = 6 DO IROW = 1,N READ(23,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.12500.AND.XX.LE.13000)THEN N = 6 DO IROW = 1,N READ(24,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.13000.AND.XX.LE.13500)THEN N = 6 DO IROW = 1,N READ(25,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.13500.AND.XX.LE.14000)THEN N = 4 DO IROW = 1,N READ(26,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ENDIF C Compute divided-difference coefficients: M = N DO 20 ICOL = 2,N M = M - 1 DO 30 IROW = 1,M FX(IROW,ICOL) = & FX(IROW+1,ICOL-1)-FX(IROW,ICOL-1) FX(IROW,ICOL) = & FX(IROW,ICOL)/(X(IROW+ICOL-1) - X(IROW)) 30 CONTINUE 20 CONTINUE C Compute desired F(X) at the given X value: FF = FX(1,1) FAC = 1. DO 40 I = 2, N FAC = FAC*(XX-X(I-1)) FF = FF + FX(1,I)*FAC 40 CONTINUE C 101 WRITE(89,100) XX, FF 101 ZAP = 1 100 FORMAT('value of F(X) at x = ', E10.4,'is', E16.7) C Close all open files CLOSE(11) CLOSE(12) CLOSE(13) CLOSE(14) CLOSE(15) 178 CLOSE(16) CLOSE(17) CLOSE(18) CLOSE(19) CLOSE(20) CLOSE(21) CLOSE(22) CLOSE(23) CLOSE(24) CLOSE(25) CLOSE(26) RETURN END C-------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE KTH_P(T,XKTH_P) C The pressure is 0.00065atm for thermal conductivity of argon C Program for computing F(X) at a given X C using Newton's divided-difference interpolating polynomials DOUBLE PRECISION X, FX DIMENSION X(506), FX(506,506) OPEN(12,FILE= 'ThP0.0006atm7-8.txt', STATUS = 'OLD') OPEN(13,FILE= 'ThP0.0006atm8-9.txt', STATUS = 'OLD') OPEN(14,FILE= 'ThP0.0006atm9-10.txt',STATUS = 'OLD') OPEN(15,FILE= 'ThP0.0006atm10-11.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(16,FILE= 'ThP0.0006atm11-12.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(17,FILE= 'ThP0.0006atm12-13.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(18,FILE= 'ThP0.0006atm13-15.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(19,FILE= 'ThP0.0006atm15-17.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(20,FILE= 'ThP0.0006atm17-19.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(21,FILE= 'ThP0.0006atm19-21.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(22,FILE= 'ThP0.0006atm21-23.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(23,FILE= 'ThP0.0006atm23-25.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(24,FILE= 'ThP0.0006atm25-27.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(25,FILE= 'ThP0.0006atm27-28.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') C given the temperature XX = T IF(XX.GT.0.AND.XX.LT.7000) THEN FF = 0.0171*XX**1.5951 GOTO 101 ELSEIF(XX.GE.7000.AND.XX.LE.8000)THEN N = 14 DO IROW = 1,N READ(12,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.8000.AND.XX.LE.9000)THEN N = 14 DO IROW = 1,N 179 READ(13,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.9000.AND.XX.LE.10000)THEN N = 14 DO IROW = 1,N READ(14,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.10000.AND.XX.LE.11000)THEN N = 14 DO IROW = 1,N READ(15,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.11000.AND.XX.LE.12000)THEN N = 14 DO IROW = 1,N READ(16,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.12000.AND.XX.LE.13000)THEN N = 14 DO IROW = 1,N READ(17,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.13000.AND.XX.LE.15000)THEN N = 14 DO IROW = 1,N READ(18,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.15000.AND.XX.LE.17000)THEN N = 14 DO IROW = 1,N READ(19,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.17000.AND.XX.LE.19000)THEN N = 14 DO IROW = 1,N READ(20,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.19000.AND.XX.LE.21000)THEN N = 14 DO IROW = 1,N READ(21,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.21000.AND.XX.LE.23000)THEN N = 14 DO IROW = 1,N READ(22,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO 180 ELSEIF(XX.GT.23000.AND.XX.LE.25000)THEN N = 14 DO IROW = 1,N READ(23,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.25000.AND.XX.LE.27000)THEN N = 14 DO IROW = 1,N READ(24,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.27000.AND.XX.LE.28000)THEN N = 14 DO IROW = 1,N READ(25,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.28000)THEN FF = 225143.0861 GOTO 101 ENDIF C Compute divided-difference coefficients: M = N DO 20 ICOL = 2,N M = M - 1 DO 30 IROW = 1,M FX(IROW,ICOL) = & FX(IROW+1,ICOL-1)-FX(IROW,ICOL-1) FX(IROW,ICOL) = & FX(IROW,ICOL)/(X(IROW+ICOL-1) - X(IROW)) 30 CONTINUE 20 CONTINUE C Compute desired F(X) at the given X value: C WRITE(5,*)'Input the temperature (K):' C READ(5,*) XX FF = FX(1,1) FAC = 1. DO 40 I = 2, N FAC = FAC*(XX-X(I-1)) FF = FF + FX(1,I)*FAC TH = FF 40 CONTINUE C 101 WRITE(2,100) XX, FF,FF*0.00001 101 ZAP = 1 C Convert from erg/(K cm s) to Watt/(m K) by time 1E-5 XKTH_P = FF*0.00001 100 FORMAT('Temp =',E10.4,'is', E16.7,'or',E16.7) 200 FORMAT(1X,E21.16,4X,E21.16) 181 CLOSE(11) CLOSE(12) CLOSE(13) CLOSE(14) CLOSE(15) CLOSE(16) CLOSE(17) CLOSE(18) CLOSE(19) CLOSE(20) CLOSE(21) CLOSE(22) CLOSE(23) CLOSE(24) CLOSE(25) RETURN END C--------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE SIGMA_P(T,SIG_P) C This pressure is 0.00065atm Electrical Conductivity C Program for computing F(X) at a given X C using Newton's divided-difference interpolating polynomials DOUBLE PRECISION X, FX DIMENSION X(506), FX(506,506) OPEN(10,FILE= 'ElP0.00065atm5.5-6.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(11,FILE= 'ElP0.00065atm6-7.txt', STATUS = 'OLD') OPEN(12,FILE= 'ElP0.00065atm7-8.txt', STATUS = 'OLD') OPEN(13,FILE= 'ElP0.00065atm8-9.txt', STATUS = 'OLD') OPEN(14,FILE= 'ElP0.00065atm9-10.txt',STATUS = 'OLD') OPEN(15,FILE= 'ElP0.00065atm10-11.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(16,FILE= 'ElP0.00065atm11-12.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(17,FILE= 'ElP0.00065atm12-13.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(18,FILE= 'ElP0.00065atm13-15.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(19,FILE= 'ElP0.00065atm15-17.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(20,FILE= 'ElP0.00065atm17-19.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(21,FILE= 'ElP0.00065atm19-21.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(22,FILE= 'ElP0.00065atm21-23.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(23,FILE= 'ElP0.00065atm23-25.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(24,FILE= 'ElP0.00065atm25-27.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') OPEN(25,FILE= 'ElP0.00065atm27-30.txt',STATUS= 'OLD') C given the temperature XX = T C Start Newton's interpolation polynomials IF(XX.LT.300) THEN FF = 8.34E-12 GOTO 101 ELSEIF(XX.GE.300.AND.XX.LT.500) THEN 182 FF = 0.5*(8.34E-12+8.27E-8) GOTO 101 ELSEIF(XX.GE.500.AND.XX.LT.700) THEN FF = 0.5*(8.27E-8+3.55E-5) GOTO 101 ELSEIF(XX.GE.700.AND.XX.LT.900) THEN FF = 0.5*(3.55E-5+3.28E-3) GOTO 101 ELSEIF(XX.GE.900.AND.XX.LT.1100)THEN FF = 0.5*(3.28E-3+1.22E-1) GOTO 101 ELSEIF(XX.GE.1100.AND.XX.LT.1300)THEN FF = 0.5*(1.22E-1+2.47E0) GOTO 101 ELSEIF(XX.GE.1300.AND.XX.LT.1500)THEN FF = 0.5*(2.47E0+3.25E1) GOTO 101 ELSEIF(XX.GE.1500.AND.XX.LT.1700)THEN FF = 0.5*(3.25E1+3.1E2) GOTO 101 ELSEIF(XX.GE.1700.AND.XX.LT.2100)THEN FF = 0.5*(3.1E2+1.39E4) GOTO 101 ELSEIF(XX.GE.2100.AND.XX.LT.2300)THEN FF = 0.5*(1.39E4+7.18E4) GOTO 101 ELSEIF(XX.GE.2300.AND.XX.LT.2500)THEN FF = 0.5*(7.18E4+3.22E5) GOTO 101 ELSEIF(XX.GE.2500.AND.XX.LT.2700)THEN FF = 0.5*(3.22E5+1.29E6) GOTO 101 ELSEIF(XX.GE.2700.AND.XX.LT.2900)THEN FF = 0.5*(1.29E6+4.67E6) GOTO 101 ELSEIF(XX.GE.2900.AND.XX.LT.3000)THEN FF = 0.5*(4.67E6+8.6E6) GOTO 101 ELSEIF(XX.GE.3000.AND.XX.LT.3500)THEN FF = 0.5*(8.6E6+1.38E8) GOTO 101 ELSEIF(XX.GE.3500.AND.XX.LT.4000)THEN FF = 0.5*(1.38E8+1.53E9) GOTO 101 ELSEIF(XX.GE.4000.AND.XX.LT.4500)THEN FF = 0.5*(1.53E9+1.28E10) GOTO 101 183 ELSEIF(XX.GE.4500.AND.XX.LT.5000)THEN FF = 0.5*(1.28E10+8.52E10) GOTO 101 ELSEIF(XX.GE.5000.AND.XX.LT.5500)THEN FF = 0.5*(8.52E10+6.7666E11) GOTO 101 ELSEIF(XX.GE.5500.AND.XX.LT.6000) THEN N = 14 DO IROW = 1,N READ(10,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GE.6000.AND.XX.LE.7000) THEN N = 14 DO IROW = 1,N READ(11,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.7000.AND.XX.LE.8000)THEN N = 14 DO IROW = 1,N READ(12,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.8000.AND.XX.LE.9000)THEN N = 14 DO IROW = 1,N READ(13,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.9000.AND.XX.LE.10000)THEN N = 14 DO IROW = 1,N READ(14,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.10000.AND.XX.LE.11000)THEN N = 14 DO IROW = 1,N READ(15,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.11000.AND.XX.LE.12000)THEN N = 14 DO IROW = 1,N READ(16,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.12000.AND.XX.LE.13000)THEN N = 14 DO IROW = 1,N READ(17,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.13000.AND.XX.LE.15000)THEN 184 N = 14 DO IROW = 1,N READ(18,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.15000.AND.XX.LE.17000)THEN N = 14 DO IROW = 1,N READ(19,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.17000.AND.XX.LE.19000)THEN N = 14 DO IROW = 1,N READ(20,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.19000.AND.XX.LE.21000)THEN N = 14 DO IROW = 1,N READ(21,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.21000.AND.XX.LE.23000)THEN N = 14 DO IROW = 1,N READ(22,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.23000.AND.XX.LE.25000)THEN N = 14 DO IROW = 1,N READ(23,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.25000.AND.XX.LE.27000)THEN N = 14 DO IROW = 1,N READ(24,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.27000.AND.XX.LE.28000)THEN N = 14 DO IROW = 1,N READ(25,*) X(IROW),FX(IROW,1) ENDDO ELSEIF(XX.GT.28000) THEN FF = 6.24869E13 GOTO 101 ENDIF C Compute divided-difference coefficients: M = N DO 20 ICOL = 2,N 185 M = M - 1 DO 30 IROW = 1,M FX(IROW,ICOL) = & FX(IROW+1,ICOL-1)-FX(IROW,ICOL-1) FX(IROW,ICOL) = & FX(IROW,ICOL)/(X(IROW+ICOL-1) - X(IROW)) 30 CONTINUE 20 CONTINUE C Compute desired F(X) at the given X value: C WRITE(5,*)'Input the temperature (K):' C READ(5,*) XX FF = FX(1,1) FAC = 1. DO 40 I = 2, N FAC = FAC*(XX-X(I-1)) FF = FF + FX(1,I)*FAC 40 CONTINUE C 101 WRITE(2,100) XX, FF,FF*1.1126535E-10 101 ZAP = 1 C convert from (stat mho)/cm to mho/m by time 1.126535E-10 SIG_P = FF*1.1126535E-10 100 FORMAT('Temp =',E10.4,'is', E16.7,'or',E16.7) CLOSE(10) CLOSE(11) CLOSE(12) CLOSE(13) CLOSE(14) CLOSE(15) CLOSE(16) CLOSE(17) CLOSE(18) CLOSE(19) CLOSE(20) CLOSE(21) CLOSE(22) CLOSE(23) CLOSE(24) CLOSE(25) RETURN END C Function to place contour labels FUNCTION ZCONT(R) INCLUDE 'common.f' 186 ZCONT = ZBOT + (ZTOP-ZBOT)*( (R-RLEFT)/RRIGHT )**2 RETURN END C--------------------------------------------------------------- C C Model of cathode sheath C Provides sheath voltage and heat flux C as functions of cathode temperature and current density C C Inputs: C T (K): Cathode surface temperature C J (A/cm^2): Current density C C Outputs: C VC (V): Cathode sheath voltage C Q (W/cm^2): Heat flux to cathode surface C SUBROUTINE CMODEL( T, J, VC, QQ ) C INCLUDE 'common_declare.f' C IMPLICIT REAL( J ) SAVE LOGICAL FIRST /.TRUE./, DONE C Note: Following three lines must be consistent with each other! PARAMETER( NT_SH=301, NJ=2001 ) PARAMETER( TLOW=2500, THIGH=4000, TSTEP=5 ) PARAMETER( JLOW=0, JHIGH=10000, JSTEP=5 ) DIMENSION VCDAT( NT_SH,NJ ), QDAT( NT_SH,NJ ), TVALS( NT_SH ), JVALS( NJ ) DIMENSION IJMIN( NT_SH ), IJMAX( NT_SH ) C write(*,*) ' CMODEL called with T=',T,' J=',J IF( FIRST ) THEN C First time called: Read the data files OPEN( 8, FILE='Vc.dat', STATUS='UNKNOWN' ) OPEN( 9, FILE='q.dat', STATUS='UNKNOWN' ) READ(8,*) NR, NC C WRITE(*,*) 'In file Vc.dat, got ',NR, ' rows -- should be ', NT_SH READ(9,*) NR, NC C WRITE(*,*) 'In file q.dat, got ',NR, ' rows -- should be ', NT_SH DO IT=1, NT_SH C write(*,*)'Reading Vc, line ', IT 187 READ(8,*) ( VCDAT(IT,IJ), IJ=1, NJ ) C write(*,*)'Reading q, line ', IT READ(9,*) ( QDAT(IT,IJ), IJ=1, NJ ) ENDDO C WRITE(*,*) 'Finished reading Vc, Q values from data files' C Set the temperature and current density values DO IT=1, NT_SH TVALS(IT) = TLOW + (IT-1) * TSTEP ENDDO DO IJ=1, NJ JVALS(IJ) = JLOW + (IJ-1) * JSTEP ENDDO C C For each temperature value, find region of convergence of model C C Outside region of convergence: Extrapolate C Sheath voltage: Increase rapidly for too-high values of J C Heat flux: C Increase rapidly for too-high values of J C Decrease rapidly for too-low values of J C C IJMIN, IJMAX: For each T value, the smallest and largest values C of IJ for which QDAT is nonzero C DO IT=1, NT_SH DO IJ=1, NJ IF( QDAT(IT,IJ) .NE. 0 ) THEN IJMAX(IT) = IJ ENDIF ENDDO DO IJ=NJ,1,-1 IF( QDAT(IT,IJ) .NE. 0 ) THEN IJMIN(IT) = IJ ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO C C write(*,*) 'Finished finding limits of convergence' VCSLOPE = 10 QSLOPE = 100 C FIRST = .FALSE. ENDIF C C Check values -- for debugging 188 DONE = .FALSE. c DO WHILE( .NOT. DONE ) DO WHILE( .false. ) WRITE(*,200) 200 FORMAT( 'Enter IT, IJ (0 0 to quit): ', $ ) READ(*,*) IT, IJ IF( IT .EQ. 0 ) THEN DONE = .TRUE. ELSE WRITE(*,*) 'Vc(',IT,IJ,') = ', VCDAT(IT,IJ) WRITE(*,*) 'q(',IT,IJ,') = ', QDAT(IT,IJ) ENDIF ENDDO C Check values -- for debugging DONE = .FALSE. c DO WHILE( .NOT. DONE ) DO WHILE( .false. ) WRITE(*,300) 300 FORMAT( 'Enter IT (0 to quit): ', $ ) READ(*,*) IT IF( IT .EQ. 0 ) THEN DONE = .TRUE. ELSE WRITE(*,*) 'IJMIN(',IT,') = ', IJMIN(IT) WRITE(*,*) 'IJMAX(',IT,') = ', IJMAX(IT) ENDIF ENDDO C C Find location of input T, J in data files C C XT: continuous, ranges from 0 to just below NT_SH-1 C IT1, IT2: Integer values below and above XT C PT: continuous, ranges from 0 to 1: how far across T step we are XT = MAX( 0.0, MIN( ( T - TLOW ) / TSTEP, NT_SH-1.01 ) ) IT1 = INT(XT) + 1 IT2 = IT1 + 1 PT = XT - INT(XT) c WRITE(*,*) 'Temperature ', T, ' is between IT = ', IT1, IT2 c WRITE(*,*) 'Fraction ',PT, ' across temperature increment' XJ = MAX( 0.0, MIN( ( REAL(J) - JLOW ) / JSTEP, NJ-1.01 ) ) IJ1 = INT(XJ) + 1 IJ2 = IJ1 + 1 PJ = XJ - INT(XJ) c WRITE(*,*) 'Current density ', J, ' is between IJ = ', IJ1, IJ2 c WRITE(*,*) 'Fraction ',PJ, ' across current density increment' 189 c write(*,*) 'IJMAX of ',IT1,' is ', IJMAX(IT1) IF( IJ2 .GT. IJMAX(IT1) ) THEN C Current too high for model -- extrapolate up c write(*,*) 'IT1: Current too high -- ijmax is ',IJMAX(IT1) IF( IJMAX(IT1) .EQ. 0 ) THEN C Model not converged at all for this T c WRITE(*,*) 'Model not converged at all for this T' c write(*,*) 'vcslope ',VCSLOPE,' qslope ',QSLOPE VC1 = VCSLOPE*J Q1 = QSLOPE*J ELSE JMAX = JVALS(IJMAX(IT1)) c write(*,*) 'JMAX is ',JMAX VC1 = VCDAT(IT1,IJMAX(IT1)) + VCSLOPE*(J-JMAX) Q1 = QDAT(IT1,IJMAX(IT1)) + QSLOPE*(J-JMAX) ENDIF ELSEIF( IJ1 .LT. IJMIN(IT1) ) THEN C Current too low for model -- extrapolate down c write(*,*) 'IT1: Current too low -- ijmin is ',IJMIN(IT1) JMIN = JVALS(IJMIN(IT1)) c write(*,*) 'JMIN is ',JMIN VC1 = 0 Q1 = QDAT(IT1,IJMIN(IT1)) + QSLOPE*(J-JMIN) ELSE C Model converged here -- interpolate model data c write(*,*) 'IT1: Model is converged' VC1 = VCDAT(IT1,IJ1)*(1-PJ) + VCDAT(IT1,IJ2)*PJ Q1 = QDAT(IT1,IJ1)*(1-PJ) + QDAT(IT1,IJ2)*PJ ENDIF c write(*,*) 'Got VC1 = ',VC1,' Q1 = ',Q1 IF( IJ2 .GT. IJMAX(IT2) ) THEN C Current too high for model -- extrapolate up IF( IJMAX(IT2) .EQ. 0 ) THEN C Model not converged at all for this T c WRITE(*,*) 'Model not converged at all for this T' VC2 = VCSLOPE*J Q1 = QSLOPE*J ELSE JMAX = JVALS(IJMAX(IT2)) VC2 = VCDAT(IT2,IJMAX(IT2)) + VCSLOPE*(J-JMAX) Q2 = QDAT(IT2,IJMAX(IT2)) + QSLOPE*(J-JMAX) ENDIF ELSEIF( IJ1 .LT. IJMIN(IT2) ) THEN C Current too low for model -- extrapolate down 190 JMIN = JVALS(IJMIN(IT2)) VC2 = 0 Q2 = QDAT(IT2,IJMIN(IT2)) + QSLOPE*(J-JMIN) ELSE C Model converged here -- interpolate model data VC2 = VCDAT(IT2,IJ1)*(1-PJ) + VCDAT(IT2,IJ2)*PJ Q2 = QDAT(IT2,IJ1)*(1-PJ) + QDAT(IT2,IJ2)*PJ ENDIF C Now interpolate in the T direction VC = VC1*(1-PT) + VC2*PT QQ = Q1*(1-PT) + Q2*PT RETURN END 191
Abstract (if available)
Since its invention at the University of Stuttgart, Germany in the mid-1960, scientists have been trying to understand and explain the mechanism of the plasma interaction inside the magnetoplasmadynamics (MPD) thruster. Because this thruster creates a larger level of efficiency than combustion thrusters, this MPD thruster is the primary candidate thruster for a long duration (planetary) spacecraft. However, the complexity of this thruster make it difficult to fully understand the plasma interaction in an MPD thruster while operating the device. That is, there is a great deal of physics involved: the fluid dynamics, the electromagnetics, the plasma dynamics, and the thermodynamics. All of these physics must be included when an MPD thruster operates. ❧ In recent years, a computer simulation helped scientists to simulate the experiments by programing the physics theories and comparing the simulation results with the experimental data. Many MPD thruster simulations have been conducted: E. Niewood et al.[5], C. K. J. Hulston et al.[6], K. D. Goodfellow[3], J Rossignol et al.[7]. All of these MPD computer simulations helped the scientists to see how quickly the system responds to the new design parameters. ❧ For this work, a 1D MPD thruster simulation was developed to find the voltage drop between the cathode and the plasma regions. Also, the properties such as thermal conductivity, electrical conductivity and heat capacity are temperature and pressure dependent. These two conductivity and heat capacity are usually defined as constant values in many other models. However, this 1D and 2D cylindrical symmetry MPD thruster simulations include both temperature and pressure effects to the electrical, thermal conductivities and heat capacity values interpolated from W. F. Ahtye [4]. Even though, the pressure effect is also significant
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Asset Metadata
Suksila, Thada
Core Title
The cathode plasma simulation
Viterbi School of Engineering
Doctor of Philosophy
Degree Program
Astronautical Engineering
Publication Date
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University of Southern California
University of Southern California. Libraries
1D MPD thruster simulation,2D cylindrical symmetry MPD thruster simulation,argon,cathode plasma simulation,cathode sheath,cathode surface,convection effect,electrical conductivity,electroarc edge,heat capacity,magnetoplasmadynamics (MPD),minimal electric field,minimum value of electric field on the cathode surface,mole fraction,MPD thrusters,OAI-PMH Harvest,outline of algorithm of 1D MPD thruster simulation,outline of algorithm of 2D cylindrical symmetry MPD thruster simulation,plasma attach edge,plasma sheath,pressure effect,Saha equation,thermal conductivity,tungsten
Electronically uploaded by the author
Erwin, Daniel A. (
committee chair
), Gruntman, Michael (
committee member
), Kunc, Joseph (
committee member
), Nakano, Aiichiro (
committee member
), Wang, Joseph (
committee member
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etd-SuksilaTha-3114.pdf (filename),usctheses-c3-523356 (legacy record id)
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application/pdf (imt)
Suksila, Thada
University of Southern California
(contributing entity),
University of Southern California Dissertations and Theses
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The author retains rights to his/her dissertation, thesis or other graduate work according to U.S. copyright law. Electronic access is being provided by the USC Libraries in agreement with the a...
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University of Southern California Digital Library
Repository Location
USC Digital Library, University of Southern California, University Park Campus MC 2810, 3434 South Grand Avenue, 2nd Floor, Los Angeles, California 90089-2810, USA
1D MPD thruster simulation
2D cylindrical symmetry MPD thruster simulation
cathode plasma simulation
cathode sheath
cathode surface
convection effect
electrical conductivity
electroarc edge
heat capacity
magnetoplasmadynamics (MPD)
minimal electric field
minimum value of electric field on the cathode surface
mole fraction
MPD thrusters
outline of algorithm of 1D MPD thruster simulation
outline of algorithm of 2D cylindrical symmetry MPD thruster simulation
plasma attach edge
plasma sheath
pressure effect
Saha equation
thermal conductivity