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VRSolar: An exploration in Web based interactive architectural teaching
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VRSolar: An exploration in Web based interactive architectural teaching
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INFORMATION TO USERS This manuscript has been reproduced from the microfilm master. UMI films the text directly from the original or copy submitted. Thus, some thesis and dissertation copies are in typewriter face, while others may be from any type o f computer printer. The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted. Broken or indistinct print, colored or poor quality illustrations and photographs, print bleedthrough, substandard margins, and improper alignment can adversely affect reproduction. In the unlikely event that the author did not send UMI a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted. Also, if unauthorized copyright material had to be removed, a note will indicate the deletion. Oversize materials (e.g., maps, drawings, charts) are reproduced by sectioning the original, beginning at the upper left-hand comer and continuing from left to right in equal sections with small overlaps. Each original is also photographed in one exposure and is included in reduced form at the back of the book. Photographs included in the original manuscript have been reproduced xerographically in this copy. Higher quality 6” x 9” black and white photographic prints are available for any photographs or illustrations appearing in this copy for an additional charge. Contact UMI directly to order. UMI A Bell & Howell Information Company 300 North Zeefa Road, Ann Arbor MI 48106-1346 USA 313/761-4700 800/521-0600 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. VRSOLAR: AN EXPLORATION IN WEB BASED INTERACTIVE ARCHITECTURAL TEACHING by Archit Jain A Thesis Presented to the FACULTY OF THE SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree MASTER OF BUILDING SCIENCE December 1997 Copyright 1997 Archit Jain Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. UMI Number: 1389980 Copyright 1997 by Jain, Archit All rights reserved. UMI Microform 1389980 Copyright 1998, by UMI Company. All rights reserved. This microform edition is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States Code. UMI 300 North Zeeb Road Ann Arbor, MI 48103 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY PARK LOS ANGELES, CA 90089-0291 'This thesis, written fr y AftCMlT JA IN under the direction o f hi*? Thesis Committee, and approved fry a d its members, has Seen presented to and accepted fr y the (Dean o f The SchooC o f Architecture in partiaCfudfdment o f die requirements fo r the degree of or & w u ? ' \ H C r tnce. (Dean Date S e ^ f THESIS COM M I tLdJux Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. A cknowledgmenls A cknow ledgm ents l would like to recognize and thank the following people for contributing to this thesis: Professor Marc Schiler, director. Building Science program, and my chief advisor, for his patience and encouragement and his belief in the World Wide Web. Professor Goetz Schierle for his advice and inputs in programming. Professors Doug Noble and Karen Kensek for enthusiastically supporting the topic and urging me to “do more in less time.” Professor Ralph Knowles, for his guidance on solar movement and energy calculations. Robert Doiel, at the Center for Scholarly Technology, Leavey Library to whom I owe the entire concept o f using VRML for representing three-dimensional objects in space on the Web, and without whom, I would still be struggling with Java based graphic representation o f spaces. Rick Lacy, Carl Sutter and Karen Howell, also at the CST, who were instrumental in letting me experiment and explore new possibilities on the World Wide Web. My parents, for their unstinting belief in my work and abilities and my wife, Shubhra, without whom I would not have managed to do much. And finally, this thesis owes almost everything to the World Wide Web, my personal friend and advisor, helping me every step of the way. page ii Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Table o f Contents Table o f Contents Acknowledgments....................................................................................................................................................... ii A bstract.........................................................................................................................................................................x 1. Introduction............................................................................................................................................................. I 1.1 Summary............................................................................................................................................................1 1.2 Background........................................................................................................................................................1 1.3 VRSoIar: Chronological Development..........................................................................................................2 1.4 Aims and Objectives......................................................................................................................................... 4 1.4.1 Capabilities................................................................................................................................................6 1.5 Limitations......................................................................................................................................................... 6 2. The Internet and the World Wide W eb............................................................................................................ 8 2.1 Summary............................................................................................................................................................8 2.2 The Internet....................................................................................................................................................... 8 2.3 The World Wide Web.......................................................................................................................................9 2.4 Internet News.....................................................................................................................................................9 2.5 Internet Terms................................................................................................................................................. 10 2.5.1 FTP............................................................................................................................................................10 2.5.2 U R L ..........................................................................................................................................................10 2.5.3 MIME Type............................................................................................................................................. 10 2.6 The Web Browser............................................................................................................................................1 1 2.7 Helper Applications and Plug-ins................................................................................................................. 12 2.8 HTML: the language of the Web...................................................................................................................13 2.9 The Second Web and VRM L........................................................................................................................ 16 2.10 Web based Programming..............................................................................................................................19 2.10.1 Java.........................................................................................................................................................19 2.10.2 JavaScript...............................................................................................................................................20 2.11 Server Side and Client Side.........................................................................................................................2 1 page iii Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Table o f Contents 2.12 VRSolar: Basic Functioning..................................................................................................................... 22 3. Teaching Tools and Web based Teaching.......................................................................................................24 3.1 Summary........................................................................................................................................................... 24 3.2 Teaching T ools.................................................................................................................................................24 3.3 Past Examples o f Teaching Tools..................................................................................................................24 3.3.1 Teach and Quiz Tools.............................................................................................................................24 3.3.2 Learning by Fixed Example Tools........................................................................................................25 3.3.3 Simulation Tools......................................................................................................................................26 3.3.4 Analysis T o o ls.........................................................................................................................................28 3.4 Present Approach............................................................................................................................................. 29 3.5 Web based Teaching........................................................................................................................................29 3.5.1 Examples...................................................................................................................................................29 3.5.2 Advantages................................................................................................................................................32 3.5.3 Disadvantages..........................................................................................................................................33 3.6 VRSolar: Advantages and Disadvantages................................................................................................... 33 4. Solar C oncepts....................................................................................................................................................... 35 4.1 Summary........................................................................................................................................................... 35 4.2 Background...................................................................................................................................................... 35 4.3 Sun’s Apparent Movement.............................................................................................................................36 4.4 Geographical Location................................................................................................................................... 38 4.4.1 Latitude..................................................................................................................................................... 38 4.4.2 Longitude..................................................................................................................................................39 4.5 Astronomical Location o f the Sun.................................................................................................................39 4.5.1 Julian D ate................................................................................................................................................39 4.5.2 Declination A ngle................................................................................................................................... 40 4.5.3 Hour A n g le.............................................................................................................................................. 41 4.5.4 Solar A ltitude...........................................................................................................................................42 4.5.5 Solar A zim uth..........................................................................................................................................43 4.6 Shadow Angles.................................................................................................................................................44 4.6.1 Horizontal Shadow Angle......................................................................................................................45 4.6.2 Vertical Shadow A ngle.......................................................................................................................... 45 4.7 Solar Diagrams.................................................................................................................................................46 4.7.1 Stereographic Sun Path Diagram..........................................................................................................46 4.7.2 Cylindrical Sun Path Diagram.............................................................................................................. 48 4.8 Solar Envelope..................................................................................................................................................50 page tv Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Table o f Contents 4.9 Shadows:...........................................................................................................................................................50 5. VRSolar— the Mechanics....................................................................................................................................52 5.1 Sum m ary..........................................................................................................................................................52 5.2 Resources Used and Needed..........................................................................................................................52 5.2.1 Hardware..................................................................................................................................................52 5.2.2 Software...................................................................................................................................................52 5.3 Functioning...................................................................................................................................................... 53 5.4 Components..................................................................................................................................................... 55 5.5 Opening Screen...............................................................................................................................................55 5.6 Layout............................................................................................................................................................... 57 5.7 Solar Calculator...............................................................................................................................................58 5.7.1 Site Location........................................................................................................................................... 58 5.7.2 Date and Time......................................................................................................................................... 59 5.7.3 Solar Tables and Sun Chart....................................................................................................................59 5.8 The VRML Builder........................................................................................................................................ 61 5.8.1 Units..........................................................................................................................................................62 5.8.2 S ite............................................................................................................................................................ 62 5.8.3 Trees..........................................................................................................................................................63 5.8.4 Surrounding Buildings.......................................................................................................................... 63 5.9 Viewpoints........................................................................................................................................................64 5.9.1 Options......................................................................................................................................................65 5.10 Help Files........................................................................................................................................................66 5.10.1 Conversion Tables................................................................................................................................66 5.10.2 Definitions.............................................................................................................................................. 67 5.11 Web Indices and Resources......................................................................................................................... 67 5.12 The Programming M odel.............................................................................................................................67 5.12.1 Solar Calculator.................................................................................................................................... 67 5.12.2 VR Builder.............................................................................................................................................68 5.12.3 Saving Files............................................................................................................................................71 5.12.4 Limitations with JavaScript..................................................................................................................71 6. Conclusions.............................................................................................................................................................73 7. Future Recommendations....................................................................................................................................75 7.1 Graphic Interface...........................................................................................................................................75 page v Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Table o f Contents 7.2 Language......................................................................................................................................................... 75 7.3 Capabilities......................................................................................................................................................75 7.3.1 Solar Envelopes......................................................................................................................................75 7.3.2 Sun Chart with Surroundings................................................................................................................76 7.3.3 Shadow Casting......................................................................................................................................76 7.3.4 Energy Calculations............................................................................................................................... 76 7.3.5 VRML Java External Authoring Interface (EA1)...............................................................................76 Bibliography...............................................................................................................................................................77 Appendix A: Listing of Cities and L atitudes......................................................................................................79 Appendix B: Listing of Newsgroups..................................................................................................................... 81 Appendix C: Listing of Web Resources...............................................................................................................82 Appendix D: Program Listings.............................................................................................................................. 97 Appendix E: Equipment and Softw are Utilized.............................................................................................. 141 page vi Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. List o f Figures L ist o f Figures Figure I - l: The Altitude and Azimuth Calculator, written in Visual Basic 4.0 by the author in November 1996.................................................................................................................................1.............................................. 3 Figure 1-2: A screen capture o f VRSolar running on a Windows PC. The VRML view is the simulated perspective view from the sun at 8:00 AM on July 26, for the given geometry.................................................. 5 Figure 2-1: Web Servers: If information has to flow from Server A to Server E, it could take any path that is clear—the shortest from A to B to E or the longest from A to B to C to F to E...............................................8 Figure 2-2: The RealPlayer helper application playing the USC commencement Webcast. This program is invoked anytime a •\rm” file is opened by the Web browser................................................................................13 Figure 2-3: HTML Formatting..................................................................................................................................14 Figure 2-4: HTML manifestation in browser........................................................................................................... 15 Figure 2-5: A Virtual Reality model of the Pathfinder landing site on Mars, from Cosmo Player, the VRML browser used in viewing this VRML scene is a plug-in to Netscape or MS Internet Explorer................................................16 Figure 2-6: View of Netscape with the box defined by the above geometry......................................................18 Figure 2-7: JavaScript Example: Using the embedded JavaScript produces this result in the Web page 21 Figure 3-1: A Computer Program to Teach Passive Solar Design by Serge Hrisafovic..................................25 Figure 3-2: Screen capture of Sholshad. a DOS based program written at USC............................................. 26 Figure 3-3: Solvelope: A program to calculate Solar Envelopes. U.P. Yeh, USC MBS (1992).................. 27 Figure 3-4: Mask developed by Effendi Setiadarma calculates Cylindrical Sun Plots and ShadingMasks. .27 Figure 3-5: Solar 5.4: Developed at UCLA, this program can analyze energy consumption of spaces, but screens like these increase its usage as a teaching tool. (The colors of the original black screen have been reversed to enhance clarity.)..................................................................................................................................... 28 Figure 3-6: Course Work in Oral Pathology, developed at the Center for Scholarly Technology at USC. Figure 3-7: Pencil Tower Loading ( Figure 4-1: The Sun and the Earth (Crowther, Richard L., Sustainable Design, Sun-Earth)......................... 35 page vu Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. List o f Figures Figure 4-2: The tilt o f the earth remains constant at 23.47° as it revolves around the Sun. (Mazria, Edward, The Passive Solar Energy Book)................................................................................................................................36 Figure 4-3: The tilt o f the earth creates seasons on earth (Mazria, Edward, The Passive Solar Energy Book)21 Figure 4-4: The United States with the latitude lines running across. The straight vertical lines are the longitudes and the wavy lines represent the compass variations. (Mazria, Edward, The Passive Solar Energy Book)................................................................................................................................................................ 38 Figure 4-5: The Declination Angles.......................................................................................................................... 41 Figure 4-6: Solar Altitudes and Azimuths (Liang, June Lok-Mei, Computer Modeling o f Cumulative Daylight Availability within an Urban Site).............................................................................................................43 Figure 4-7: Horizontal and Vertical Shadow Angles (Bansal et al„ Passive Building Design, A Handbook of Natural Climatic Control).......................................................................................................................................... 45 Figure 4-8: Stereographic Sun Path Diagram for 32° latitude. Read from this side the Diagram represents 32° North. Upside down, it represents 32° South. (Koenigsberger et a!.. Manual o f Tropical Housing and Building, Climatic Design)......................................................................................................................................... 47 Figure 4-9: Explanation o f the Cylindrical o f Sun Path Diagram (Mazria, Edward, The Passive Solar Energy Book)................................................................................................................................................................ 48 Figure 4-10: Cylindrical Sun Path diagram for 32° North. (Mazria, Edward, The Passive Solar Energy Book)..............................................................................................................................................................................49 Figure 4-11: Solar Envelopes define the maximum buildable volume of a site. (Stein, Benjamin et al., Mechanical and Electrical Equipment for Buildings)............................................................................................ 50 Figure 5-1: The present and expected functions of VRSolar.................................................................................54 Figure 5-2: The Opening Screen o f VRSolar, and the browser check message...................................................56 Figure 5-3: Checking for browsers and installed plug-ins with alerts. Two different messages with two browsers......................................................................................................................................................................... 57 Figure 5-4: Layout of VRSolar...................................................................................................................................58 Figure 5-5: Choosing Location form drop down menu or world map.................................................................59 Figure 5-6: Generated Results from within The Solar Calculator........................................................................ 60 Figure 5-7: Generated Sun Chart, for a single day and hour................................................................................. 61 Figure 5-8: Unit options and Site Input..................................................................................................................... 62 page vin Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. List o f Figures Figure 5-9: Tree input................................................................................................................................................... 63 Figure 5-10: Building Input......................................................................................................................................... 64 Figure 5-11: Viewpoints available from within Cosmo Player............................................................................. 64 Figure 5-12: A Sample VRML scene generated by VRSolar. Here looking at the site from the sun’s simulated perspective view.......................................................................................................................................... 65 Figure 5-13: Conversion Tables within the Help Files...........................................................................................66 Figure 5-14: Option to generate the file as text. This file must then be copied and saved as a “.wrl” file...71 Figure 5-15: The “secret” section o f the menu bar, not visible to users, passes values from one frame to the next...................................................................................................................................................................................72 page ix Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Preface A bstract This thesis explores the possibilities of using the World Wide Web as a medium for architectural teaching. To fully understand the capabilities o f the Web as a teaching medium, a web based program named VRSolar was developed. Accessible on the Web in any part o f the world, this program can dynamically and interactively calculate the solar positions for any location on earth and indicate the solar access to a given site in the form of a 3-dimensional web page, which the user can view, navigate through and animate. VRSolar runs within a Web browser such as Netscape or Microsoft Internet Explorer and is written in JavaScript. JavaScript can generate new text based web pages and also pages in Virtual Reality based on the user input. Along with the program, the users has access to help files, which assist them in learning solar concepts and theories. A list o f useful Web resources and some other tools like conversion tables and programs to convert other 3-dimensional models to VR scenes are also a part of the program. The thesis confirms the hypothesis that the World Wide Web can be used for the development of interactive and dynamically variable teaching tools, which architects and students of architecture can make use of. page x Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Introduction 1. Introduction 1.1 Summary Students of architecture need to understand the relative movement of the sun and its effects on the earth’s climate and built form. This thesis brings together environmental and computer programming issues, using the World Wide Web as a platform for the development o f a teaching tool. This chapter describes how the tool was developed and then discusses the aims and limitations of this thesis. 1.2 Background In the global scenario, different climates are related to the movement of the earth around the sun. Combined together with these factors are other localized factors like the moisture content of the air, cloud cover and the elevation of the place. Living requirements and habitats of people change in response to climate. The main climatic elements that are regularly measured at a meteorological station are:1 1. Temperature 2. Humidity 3. Air Movement 4. Precipitation 5. Cloud Cover 6. Sunshine duration 1 From Szokolay, S. V., Thermal Design o f Buildings, p 17. page I Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Introduction 7. Solar Radiation The four environmental variables directly affecting thermal comfort are tem perature, humidity, radiation and air movement and these are the four constituents o f climate most important for the purposes of building design. All of these four factors are related to the movement of the earth around the sun. For architects, this knowledge is essential to help them design climatically responsive and energy saving buildings. Solar tables and sun charts document this relative motion o f the sun and are usually available in architectural science books. The motion o f the sun is also available as part of high end modeling programs such as AutoCAD and Form*Z, where the location of the sun for a day can be calculated and plotted. However, for the most part, these books and programs are either not handy or are time consuming. To address these issues a Web based prototypical teaching tool called VRSolar was developed. The two most important aims of this tool are: i. To teach the solar concepts to students ii. To be a handy tool for information on the sun’s location at any point and time 1.3 VRSolar: Chronological Development This tool is the result of research in developing a tool for teaching environmental issues to students. Initially VRSolar was envisioned as a tool to help design for the Composite Climate specifically. In time it progressed to one which could teach environmental concepts to students. This tool was initially thought to page 2 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Introduction be Windows based, written in Visual Basic 4.0 or in another visual language such as Delphi or Visual C++. A beginning was made with a small tool written in Visual Basic 4.0. called the "Solar Azimuth and Altitude Calculator” (see The Altitude and Azimuth Calculator, written in Visual Basic 4.0 by the author in November 1996.) Results • Declination. Hour Angle. Altitude and Azitauth Figure 1-1: The Altitude and Azimuth C alculator, w ritten in Visual Basic 4.0 by the au th o r in November 1996. This tool was tried out. and in addition to flaws in the formulae, which failed at certain points, the major drawback was that it would work only on Windows 95 and would not work on the many different page 3 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Introduction platforms commonly in use like Windows 3.1, Windows NT2 , Macintosh and UNIX. The logistical problem o f installing it on many different computers was also an issue. At the same time the World Wide Web was gaining a lot of importance. Web access was commonplace in the School of Architecture and the University in general. Advanced display and formatting capabilities combined with new programming capabilities made the Web suitable for writing small tools. Universal acceptability and the capability to reach a very wide audience simultaneously were the main advantages of the World Wide Web. It seemed like making teaching tools that would work on the Web had immense possibilities. Therefore the Web was chosen as the platform for the development o f a tool which could run from within a browser on the World Wide Web and be used for architectural teaching. The purpose of the tool was as to explore the Web as a medium for architectural teaching as much as it was to make a functional tool working on a medium that could run on any platform— IBM FC (Wintel), Macintosh or UNIX.3 VRSolar, was thus developed. 1.4 Aims and Objectives The objective of this thesis is to explore the new medium o f the World Wide Web, fast emerging and changing, and examine its role in acting as a platform for software for architectural teaching. 2 The tool could be compiled differently for each kind o f operating system, but one version only works on one on one specific operating system. 3 The advantages and disadvantages of using the Web for teaching are discussed in detail in Chapter 3. “Teaching Tools and Web Based Teaching” page 4 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Introduction VRSolar is one example that was developed during the course of this research. This tool brings together two main issues: 1. solar movement and environmental concerns 2. computer programming issues VRSolar helps users to calculate the position o f the sun on a particular day and time and understand the sun’s movement in time. Using VRML as a basis for three-dimensional drawing, the tool is able to display the input of the user in virtual reality, with the sun in position, so that the users can see how much o f their particular site would be in sun on a particular day. Figure 1-2: A screen capture of VRSolar running on a Windows PC. The VRML view is the simulated perspective view from the sun at 8:00 AM on July 26, for the given geometry. pageS Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Introduction 1.4.1 Capabilities The capabilities o f VRSolar are as follows: 1. Generate the position o f the sun for a particular place, date and time. 2. Do window shading calculations 3. Plot the sun positions in the form of Mazria’s cylindrical sun chart.4 4. Generate shadow length gnomon diagrams. 5. Via a built-in elementary geometry defining program written in JavaScript, input the site and the surrounding buildings. 6. Generate the information as a VRML world file and view from any direction/angle and walk through the site. 7. Allow for the animation of solar position and path. 8. Permit the users to input their own models in the solar VRML thus generated, so that the site could be viewed with the users’ built form. 9. Allow the Solar Model to be imported to other systems, through AutoCAD DXF5 . 10. Access the built-in Help file, which includes the Glossary, Conversion Tables and links to other Web resources. 1.5 Limitations The scope of the thesis is limited only by time and topic. The entire spectrum o f issues involving the interaction o f the sun and built form is vast and beyond the scope of this thesis. This thesis is demonstrates how the Web can be used in architectural teaching in general and solar issues in specific. 4 The Cylindrical Sun Chart is a vertical projection o f the sun’s path as seen from the earth, described by Edward Mazria in The Passive Solar Energy Book, pp. 302-322. See Chapter 4, “Solar Concepts”. page 6 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Introduction VRSolar demonstrates the cutting edge o f technology today. New Web based languages such as Java. JavaScript and VRML are still in development and under revision and change. The end result, therefore, is only a start in the direction o f Web based computational architectural teaching tools, which have to be improved and modified to keep up to date. In the next chapter resources available on the Web and how VRSolar makes use o f these resources is discussed. 5 DXF, or Data Exchange Format, is used by AutoCAD and other CAD programs to read data from other kinds o f graphic files. page 7 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. The Internet and the World Wide Web 2. The Internet and the W orld W ide W eb 2.1 Summary This chapter discusses in brief the Internet, the World Wide Web and various concepts and protocols. The way VRSolar makes use o f these resources concepts is also described. 2.2 The Internet The Internet, in short, is a collection of interconnected computer networks. Composed o f servers, that serve out information and routers that route information to the correct path, the Internet provides a global network in which information travels between computer networks fast and efficiently. On the Internet there are no centralized servers, and information could be routed through as many different servers as required to get from one point to the other. See figure 2.1 “Web Servers” Figure 2-1: Web Servers: If information has to flow from Server A to Server E, it could take any path that is clear— the shortest from A to B to E or the longest from A to B to C to F to E. page 8 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. The Internet and the World Wide Web 2.3 The World Wide Web The World Wide Web (WWW) is a protocol ( a form o f software) on the Internet which defines a set of rules so that text/graphics/sound/video can be carried across the Internet and displayed at a remote location. The WWW project, started by Tim Bemers-Lee while at CERN (the European Laboratory for Particle Physics), seeks to build a “distributed hypermedia system.” In practice, the Web is a vast collection of interconnected documents, spanning the world. Initially invented so that a common protocol could be developed for sharing information between research institutions, the World Wide Web has now become the most important part of the Internet. For a page to be visible on the World Wide Web, a server software is required, which is called the HyperText Transfer Protocol Daemon (HTTPD). When a Web browser (like Netscape) running on a remote computer connected to the server via the Internet, requests for the page, the server software serves it out to the computer, where the Web browser displays it.6 2.4 Internet News The Internet is also host to a number o f news or discussion groups where people can post information and others can read and reply to the posted messages. Many different newsgroups covering almost all interests are available.7 These discussion groups are usually not graphic in nature. 6 This section compiled from Brigman, Linda G., Web Site Management Excellence, pp. 8-13. and from the World Wide Web Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) at 7 For a list o f newsgroups related to Architecture, see Appendix B. page 9 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. The Internet and the World Wide Web 2.5 Internet Terms 2.5.1 FTP File Transfer Protocol allows computer users to access files from remote computers. Remote files and directories can be seen by the users and can be downloaded to their local computers. 2.5.2 URL URL is a Uniform Resource Locator. It is similar to a filename, only that the file could be anywhere on the network, locally or over the Internet. The URL may look like or The first part o f the URL describes the protocol to be used, http, ftp, gopher etc. The second part refers to the server. The optional username could be used before the server name, here logs in archit at The rest is the directory structure and finally the filename, here index.html.8 2.5.3 MIME Type The Web browser deciphers the kind of document that is being given to it from the server and how to display it from the MIME type. MIME or Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension defines the kind o f files 8 This discussion has been derived from A Beginner’ s Guide to URLs (NCSA), page 10 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. The Internet and the World Wide Web that the browser may handle. A MIME mapping table at the server passes out the documents and the associated MIME types to the browser.9 2.6 The Web Browser The computer, by itself, is not capable of sending requests to servers, getting files and displaying them. This is the job o f the Web browser. This piece o f software, which is made in many different versions to run on many different kinds of platforms, like the IBM-PC, the Macintosh and the UNIX machines, interprets the incoming files and displays them. It is really the web browser which makes the Web accessible across all platforms. The first browser was Mosaic, developed at NCSA.1 0 Mosaic could read HTML, the HyperText Markup Language, and display the resultant text and graphics well, but Netscape Navigator which was the first successful browser. Today the two main browsers that are available are 9 MIME types were originally defined for attachments which accompanied email. In the Apache and NCSA servers MIME types can be configured in the .htaccess file placed in the top public directory. An example file may look like: AddType application/x-MS-excel xls AddType x-worid/x-vrml wrl AddType application/x-javascript js The first part defines the MIME type and the last part describes the extension. The x as in x-world/x-vrml is for experimental, and should be removed when the MIME type becomes common. Compiled mainly from RSM Online Help - MIME Types and Mime Types 1 0 The National Center of Supercomputing Applications, at the University o f Illinois at Urbana-Champaign developed Mosaic nearly four years back. It is not being developed any further. page 11 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. The Internet and the World Wide Web Navigator from Netscape Communications" and Microsoft Internet Explorer from Microsoft Corporation.1 2 2.7 Helper Applications and Plug-ins Helper Applications and Plug-ins increase the range of data-types that a Web browser can handle. A browser will open a file in MS Word if the file has the MIME type which identifies it as a Word file. MSWord is then a helper application. Plug-ins, on the other hand, enhance the capabilities of the Web browser itself. The Web browsers, by themselves may not be able to handle different forms of data that the browser may encounter over the Internet. With plug-ins, it is possible for the browser to perform more functions. For example, with the "Real Media" plug-in, it is possible to get live video over the WWW.1 3 Other plug-ins allow like Shockwave allow multimedia to play from within the browser. Still others, allow the users to view many kinds of image files, hear sound, see interesting animation effects and also allow them to view of 3- dimensional VRML files. 1 1 1 2 1 3 The world's first Web based telecast was performed using the Real Media Server and the plug-in which runs within Netscape or MSIE. page I Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. The Internet and the World Wide Web ■ £ > R ealPlayer ed iteda rm E31UE3 Figure 2-2: The RealPlayer helper application playing the USC commencement Webcast. This program is invoked anytime a “.rm” file is opened by the Web browser. 2.8 HTML: the language of the Web The lingua franca o f the World Wide Web is the HyperText Markup Language or HTML, which is a specialized Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML).1 4 One of the primary responsibilities of the Web browser is to interpret HTML and display the formatted text and graphics or other forms of multimedia. In effect HTML is text along with specialized tags that define how the text would be formatted on screen and linkages to other files are created. 1 4 For a detailed discussion on SGML and its relationship to HTML refer page 13 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. The Internet and the World Wide Web For example: This is the Solar Access Tool It involves the use of HTML and VRML And also JavaScript Figure 2-3: HTML Form atting To read a document with the above sentences in the same format from within a browser, it would have to be written in HTML with the following tags: <HTML> <HEADxTITLE>An Example Page</TITLEX/HEAD> <BODYXHR> This is the <B>Solar Access Tool</BxBR>It involves the use of HTML and VRML<P>And also <I>JavaScript</lxP> </HRX/BODYX/HTML> The <B> </B> tags make “Solar Access Tool” bold, the <BR> makes it return the line, the <P> inserts a paragraph break and the <l> </I> make the works italic. Similarly there are many different tags which are inserted together with the text of the document to make it appear formatted on the screen. Along with the text, graphics and hyper-references (clickable links) to other pages can be added too. <IMG SRC="tool.gif"xBRxP> <I>The Final Picture</lxp> Link to the <A HREF = "SiteAccess.html">VRSolar Programs/A> page 14 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. The Internet and the World Wide Web :S b f a r/U f itu d fe ' AAzlmilth : ;C ^*lcularte^;r;- ..1 K A j . *ictual5fe^ unrfse; I p n s e tP v F i m ^ T he S o l a r a l t i t u d e A A z i m u t h C a l c u l a t o r Select Latitude: User Defined Location [20“ j South Select Latitude from World Map The Final Picture link to the VRSolar Program Figure 2-4: HTML manifestation in browser. The above HTML inserts the picture called tool.gif on the page, puts the caption, “The Final Picture” in italics under it and in the next paragraph, inserts a clickable link to VRSolar. The extension for an HTML file is usually .html or .htm, but could be any other if the MIME type is configured that way.1 5 1 5 HTML references abound on the Web. A few that the author has used at times are: A Beginner's Guide to HTML (NCSA), Intemet/WWW/HTMLPrimer.html The HTML Language. html/lang.html HTML Tutorial (at Case Western Reserve), intro.html HTML Documentation (U Toronto), page 15 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. The Internet and the World Wide Web 2.9 The Second Web and VRML With Web browsers and HTML it was now possible to view pages which were linked to other pages. These had text and graphics and in the newer ones also sound and video. However, there was a talk o f the "Second Web”— a place where the Web sites were not 2-dimensional but 3-dimensional, where people could wander around in virtual space and visit places, not pages. With the advent o f these 3-dimensional spaces, the metaphor o f going from site to site was now complete. Figure 2-5: A Virtual Reality model of the Pathfinder landing site on Mars, from Cosmo Player, the VRML browser used in viewing this VRML scene is a plug-in to Netscape or MS Internet Explorer. page 16 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. The Internet and the World Wide Web To achieve this Virtual Reality, a new language was proposed and called (like HTML) the Virtual Reality Markup Language (VRML). This initial expansion o f the acronym was changed to Virtual Reality Modeling Language to emphasize the wider scope o f the language. With VRML (pronounced "vermaT'), it is possible to define the geometry of a place and allow the users to wander in the 3-dimensional space. “Avatars’- or "virtual agents” make it possible to walk and talk in virtual space, meet new people and visit new places. Along with 3-D capabilities, these VRML sites retain the essentials o f a Web-based environment. One could go to other locations through hyperlinks, the only difference being that instead o f words, objects or parts thereof were being clicked. VRML and its development is relatively new. The first draft o f VRML was specified in July of 1995 and VRML 2.0 or Moving Worlds was specified as early as August 1996. VRML, like other Web based technologies is still in transition, though it has achieved many new capabilities in the 2.0 version.1 6 If the geometry of a box in VRML 2.0 were to be described, it would be the following. #VRML V2.0 utf8 DEF rectangularBuilding Transform { translation 0 0 0 rotation 0 1 0 1.57 scale 1 1 1 children Transform { center 0 -0.5 0 translation 0 0.5 0 children Shape { appearance Appearance { 1 6 For a general discussion on VRML, refer VRML Frequently Asked Questions (Jan Hardenbergh) at http://vag.vrml.Org/V RML_FAQ.html. page 17 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. The Internet and the World Wide Web material Material { ambientlntensity 0.1 diffuseColor 10 0 } } geometry Box { size 7 5 2 ) } I } - N e t s c a p e [wysiwyg / / 0 / M t p / / w w w O u ild /V H M L g e n l _cu» htmlj ^ 3 1 * 1 E 3 Figure 2-6: View of Netscape with the box defined by the above geometry. As is clear from the above example. VRML files are just text files. The extension for VRML files is 'Iw rP (sometimes pronounced as “ver/”). It is necessary for the mime-type on the server to be configured as .t- world/x-vrml wrl for browsers to recognize that the File being opened has to be viewed with the proper VRML browser. page 18 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. The Internet and the World Wide Web Like HTML, VRML also requires its own specialized browsers.1 7 Some are stand alone, others are plug ins to standard Web browsers. In the newer versions of HTML browsers, like Netscape Communicator, VRML browsers are built in already. Today, the most popular VRML browser is Cosmo Player from Silicon Graphics.1 8 2.10 Web based Programming Clicking hyperlinked text and images was fun, but what it offered was static pages, serving out non interactive content. Web based programming languages strive to satisfy this need. With Web based languages such as Java, JavaScript and versions o f Visual Basic (on MS Internet Explorer), it is possible to get real time responses over the Web. 2.10.1 Java Java,1 9 developed by Sun Microsystems, is an object oriented, compilable1 0 language, much like C++, which has the capability o f running within Web browsers in the form o f applets, or otherwise as independent applications. Java works by embedding a call in the HTML o f a page and getting downloaded to the local computer in the form o f compiled byte-codes. This Java applet is then displayed in the page and runs from within the Web browser. 1 7 For a list o f VRML browsers available for various platforms refer bin/display.cgi?category=Browsers+and+Plug-ins& 1 8 1 9 page 19 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. The Internet and the World Wide Web 2.10.2 JavaScript JavaScript,:i developed by Netscape, on the other hand, is a script based language, simpler and less rigid than Java. JavaScript, unlike Java, is compiled at runtime and executed by the Web Browser itself. JavaScript descends in spirit from a line of smaller, dynamically typed languages like HyperTalk and dBASE. These scripting languages offer programming tools to a much wider audience because o f their syntax, specialized built-in functionality, and minimal requirements for object creation. In an HTML page, the JavaScript is embedded as code. <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!— Start hiding script fran old browsers // FUNCTION CHECK_E10R_IA function check_for_la(value) { if (value=34.0) { alert ("Thank you for choosing Los Angeles!") }else{ alert ("That surely is not Los Angeles!") } } // end hiding script — > </SCRIPT> When the user selects Los Angeles, the program checks if the selected value is 34.0, and displays the alert. :o A program is first written as code, which is similar to English. That code is compiled to make it an executable program. It is this program which can run. The code by itself cannot run. :i http://home.netscape.eom/eng/mozilla/3.0/handbook/javascript/ page 20 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. The Internet and the World Wide Web | LOS ANGELES. California 34.0 i | Figure 2-7: JavaScript Example: Using the embedded JavaScript produces this result in the Web page. 2.11 Server Side and Client Side In brief, when programs are running on the server (the place where the information is coming from), it is called the “Server Side”. In contrast, if the work is done on the remote computer it is called “Client Side”. For example, on the WWW, there are may images which act as multiple links. Such images are called Image Maps. When the user clicks over a part of the image, the hyperlink associated with it takes the user to a different location on the Web. This process could happen in two different ways: I. The browser sends the position (x and y coordinates) of the click to the server, which deciphers the associated link and then sends the information back to the browser, directing it to the new location. In this method, the processing of the click is happening at the server and is therefore called “server side”. A valid Internet connection is required all through the process. page 21 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. The Internet and the World Wide Web 2. In the other way, the browser could be sent the "mapping” information in advance and the browser itself could resolve the image and its associated areas to different URLs. This process happens entirely at the remote computer, the client, and is called "client side”. Both server side and client side have their advantages and disadvantages. Server side programming is more suitable for secure transactions, where the browser cannot be given control of a process. However, for programming an interactive tool, client side programming is useful, as it can now become independent of the server. Once the page has been downloaded to the local computer, the server is then not needed. This removes the bandwidth, speed and reliability problems still associated with remote connections. This also means that if a set o f pages are stored on a disk/CD, Internet connection is not required to execute client side programming in those pages and the user can browse through the pages without needing to connect to the Internet. 2.12 VRSolar: Basic Functioning The above terms and descriptions may sound puzzling, but they come together very simply in the making of a small program such as VRSolar. VRSolar resides (for now) on USC servers. When a remote user, though his/her browser requests for the program page, the USC server sends the information to the remote user's computer through any number of other servers. The page and all its parts are temporarily stored in the remote user’s computer's cache. The remote user’ s Web browser, interprets the HTML, runs the JavaScript and embeds the Java Applets that it receives from the USC server and displays it on the computer. page 22 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. The Internet and the World Wide Web The user is now free to use the program, and get results. Since JavaScript is a client side language, there is no communication with the server after the page has once been opened on the remote computer. All the calculations and the interaction that is taking place is happening on the computer of the user himself, not on the USC server. This means that if the set o f pages were passed on to someone in a set o f floppies or as a CD-ROM, it would function as well (or better, as speed would be much faster) as it would while directly off the Web. The users just need a copy o f a Web browser running on their computer. Based on the user input, the program generates results, and according to the MIME type supplied by the JavaScript to the browser, the browser either displays the HTML page generated or brings out the VRML browser to show the VRML scene generated by the program. page 23 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Teaching Tools and Web based Teaching 3. Teaching T ools and W eb based T each in g 3.1 Summary This chapter gives an introduction to programs used in the past for teaching solar concepts. It discusses Web based teaching and how the VRSolar could be useful. 3.2 Teaching Tools Computer programs could be made specifically to assist in teaching concepts to students. Such programs may be referred to, in general, as “Teaching Tools”. VRSolar, is one such teaching tool which addresses the environmental issues related to architecture. Teaching tools with similar focus have been in existence for a long time, however, VRSolar demonstrates a new approach to this topic, using current technology and a new resource, the World Wide Web. 3.3 Past Examples of Teaching Tools In the past issues of solar movement and environmental controls in buildings have been addressed by teaching tools in various ways. These tools could be categorized as the following: 3.3.1 Teach and Quiz Tools The most basic o f teaching accessories, these tools, usually have tutorials followed by questions and answers. page 24 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Teaching Tools and Web based Teaching 3.3.2 Learning by Fixed Example Tools Fixed example tools are one of the most popular forms o f teaching tools. These are multimedia tools, which show many examples for a problem from which the students can leam. Initial Web based teaching tools also fall into this category. Programs developed in the past at USC have also taken this path. An example of this category of teaching tool has been “A Computer Program to Teach Passive Solar Design”, a Macintosh based tool developed using Macromedia Director by Serge Hrisafovic, in 1992. iuihflifi 04 tj rNs/npir Figure 3-1: A Computer Program to Teach Passive Solar Design by Serge Hrisafovic page 25 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Teaching Tools and Web based Teaching 3.3.3 Simulation Tools Here learning is by simulation o f situations, getting answers and gaining knowledge of the results. Such simulation tools which teach solar concepts and have been developed at USC. These include "Solshad”, a DOS based program, which can do shadow outlines for buildings, developed in 1988, “Solvelope” (1992) which can make Solar Envelopes for buildings, written by U.P. Yeh, and “Mask”, a windows based program, developed in 1994 by Effendi Settiadarma. which can plot Sun Paths and Shading Masks. Figure 3-2: Screen capture of Shelshad, a DOS based program written at USC. page 26 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Teaching Tools and Web based Teaching OM iiik m>»m > u Figure 3-3: Solvelope: A program to calculate Solar Envelopes. U.P. Yeh, USC MBS (1992). Pig f c Exam ples J * M e % fjdp f— if f - T he Sutv-pafc Diagram u C O 2 1 M i 3 0 20 « n ” 45 1 0 1 5 B 1 5 1 0 4 5 I 1 2 0 WEST EA ST SOUTH uomk bjo ow-aBCl O atK H M T 'O — iKaa»l B e tt ing A « | l t € 0 | gM g^agaa5lH if<aiigaai^% ‘ a a r ^ l Figure 3-4: Mask developed by EiTendi Setiadarma calculates Cylindrical Sun Plots and ShadingMasks. page Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Teaching Tools and Web based Teaching 3.3.4 Analysis Tools At some level, all analysis tools are also teaching tools, programs like Building Design Advisor, Solar 5.4 and others have specific sections which make them teaching tools. Even programs like DOE2 can work for teaching when assisted with relevant material. i>.'j! Gdiri/Lu’.'j Piet'. .?f '1000 Pa -. . . .Hioli yiM '-;-. .ji. I •. 1 1 r 1 ,'iiij rifjf! > • ' l e i i f Hu : 1 U l r t " ' . ( ’iDC.'t F S H f tP E 'D " : i t v e r .jije ijd i. 1 H*.* r l]..-i:i/ :_<• n : Peak KBTII/HR 3 7 .2 7 KBTU/HR 9 .1 3 D ec. M idnight 6pn June Hoon ' H O 6ah Mar. i') r I j fU ' r I i ■! i • t '.I r i ' r •'' ■ ' -1 1 *' ;j ............................ i > i i ; i •"! T *• I , i f i j < t 1 ; i 1 ri ' . i i n n r - r - t Hi I c * ’i ,i W C - S ' . n i . i r !iu : 1 rwj : mr. . I i P i * Figure 3-5: Solar 5.4: Developed at UCLA, this program can analyze energy consumption of spaces, but screens like these increase its usage as a teaching tool. (The colors o f the original black screen have been reversed to enhance clarity.) page 28 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Teaching Tools and iVeb based Teaching 3.4 Present Approach VRSolar uses both “learning by example" and “simulation” methods. The help files provide content for "learning by example" and the program itself simulates the relative motion of the sun based on the input of the user. The availability o f VRSolar through the World Wide Web makes it very accessible, at any place and time. 3.5 Web based Teaching The Web is now being used as a teaching medium. Instances where schools are using online versions of course contents, with search capabilities, indexing, online discussion forums and on-the-fly-generation of Web content are becoming increasingly common. 3.5.1 Examples At the University of Southern California, online courses on Oral Pathology ( and Communications and Art ( show the possibilities o f Web based teaching, in courses other than architecture, using resources that the Web has to offer. The Oral Pathology pages feature interactive searching for terms, an automated self-exam to study for State Board Examinations, and an online dictionary. In the Communication pages, comparative study and extensive cross-referencing make self-study easier. page 29 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Teaching Tools and Web based Teaching O § j ) g ) AB$ Figure 3-6: Course Work in Oral Pathology, developed at the Center for Scholarly Technology at USC. using “enhanced, annotated and manipulated” digital images on the Web to teach structural concepts.- Others have used the Web as a community resource, where the students and the teachers can discuss projects and get feedback.^ ~ See Martini, Kirk, Digital Imaging and the Web in Teaching Structures: A Rigorous Visual Approach, ACADIA 1996 Proceedings: Design Computation, Collaboration, Reasoning and Pedagogy, 215-225, http://urban.arch.virginia.EDU/~km6e/tti/tti-summary/. 2 3 An example is the Computational Composition by Rob Woodbury at the University o f Adelaide. The Web is also being used for teaching courses related to architecture. Some examples in the past include page 30 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Teaching Tools and Web based Teaching PHIDIAS II aims at using VRML and Java on the Web as the front end for collaboration by distributed design teams, working together on a PHIDIAS hyperCAD system /4 The Architectonics Studio at the University of Oregon, uses Java, very effectively, in creating tools for teaching structural concepts. Developed at the University o f Oregon by Prof. Dr. Chris H. Luebkeman with Eric Ngai and Elton Ng this teaching tool features Java Applets which can be run over the Web, for teaching structural concepts for such as loading o f pencil tow ers/5 Pencil Tower Loading J b f P n £ D r C J * » K L m d u a m w th S n c Q Figure 3-7: Pencil Tower Loading ( 2 4 See Knapp, Robert W. and McCall, Raymond, “PHIDIAS Il-In support o f Collaborative Design”, ACADIA 1996 Proceedings: Design Computation, Collaboration, Reasoning and Pedagogy, 147-154, 2 5 page 31 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Teaching Tools and Web based Teaching 3.5.2 Advantages Teaching based o the Web has many advantages:2 6 • Can be updated immediately— not like paper • Students can proceed at their own pace. • Students can access it 24 hours a day from anywhere. • If students miss a class, they don't need to wait for the next class meeting to catch up. Or, if they lose or discard an item, they can quickly replace it. • Students with dial-in access can work at home. • Any student can access WWW from campus labs. • Instructor can submit items from anywhere, doesn't need to be in office. • No printing required. • Can be linked to external sources o f information. • Teaching material could have many levels o f detail, each at a separate level, which could be accessed by students in any sequence. • Can be used as lecture aid with projection device. • Can be used by entire class simultaneously in lab setting. • Can use graphics (monochrome or color). • Can be used interactively. • Can be used by prospective students to assess course or to prepare for it. • Ffrovides a broad audience for student work • Available on all platforms. 2 6 Though the advantages o f the Web are generally known, this section has been derived mainly from and from -jkent/ntcforum/index.htm. For a general discussion on Web based teaching and related topics refer page 3 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Teaching Tools and Web based Teaching 3.5.3 Disadvantages However, with all these advantages, also come some disadvantages. • Anyone can copy your work. Password protection can limit this, but not prevent it completely. • Anyone can inspect, compare, assess, and criticize your work (colleagues, administrators, etc.) As above, password protection can limit this, but not prevent it completely. • It is easy to get lost in the maze o f external references. • Preparation can be very time-consuming. • Presumes basic computer literacy on student's part. • Not a panacea—problems o f low attendance, people oblivious to the computer still exist 3.6 VRSolar: Advantages and Disadvantages VRSolar also has most of the same advantages and disadvantages. The one primary advantage associated with Web based teaching is that it is accessible on multiple platforms, simultaneously. Resources that the Tool can calculate, such as the Solar Tables, are available in many books, or as part of larger programs, but they may not be at hand when needed. This tool could be on the Web or also on the intranet, therefore giving instant access as and when required. If used in a classroom setting, up-grading is easy, as once the files have been changed, all the programs change automatically. Currently, a limitation of tools like VRSolar is that the programs and languages that the tools are based on are still under development. Since standards are changing, the tools may not perform equally well on all platforms. This results in the fact that the tool has to be frequently updated. page 33 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Teaching Tools and Web based Teaching Another disadvantage is that the program is out in the open on the WWW. It could easily be copied and used by others, with no credit to the original author. Password protection and limitation of use to certain servers is a possibility but is not a solution. page 34 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Solar Concepts 4. Solar Concepts 4.1 Summary This chapter discusses the apparent movement o f the sun, and the theory and formulae working within VRSolar. Within each topic, the way the theory has been utilized in VRSolar is discussed. 4.2 Background A star in the universe, the sun is a giant nuclear fusion reactor. Combining hydrogen to form helium, the sun generates a great amount o f energy. Radiation from the sun catalyzes or directly supplies most of the natural energy systems on earth. The sun causes the air in the atmosphere to warm up, setting temperature differentials that generate wind. Major patterns o f winds are due to the earth’s rotation about its axis and the day-night cycles of solar heating and subsequent cooling. Figure 4-1: The Sun and the Earth (Crowther, Richard L., Sustainable Design, Sun-Earth) EARTH S U N s un page 35 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Solar Concepts A great amount of energy is absorbed by the earth’s surface itself, as well as by the oceans, plants and buildings. The energy absorbed by the plants is converted into food energy and from the oceans, evaporation causes the hydrologic conversion cycle. 4.3 Sun’s Apparent Movement The earth rotates while orbiting around the sun. This causes the sun to "rise" and "set". The angle of the sun and its intensity on earth is affected by location o f the place on the surface o f the earth. The length of the atmosphere that the solar radiation has to pass through determines the amount o f radiation that reaches the earth’s surface. During the day, the sun is directly overhead and radiation travels through least amount o f atmosphere enroute to the earth’s surface. As the sun moves closer to the horizon (sunset), the path o f the radiation through the atmosphere lengthens and the intensity of the radiation decreases. The radiation is also higher at a high elevation, as the amount o f atmosphere that the solar rays have to travel through is lesser. MARCH SEPTEMBER Figure 4-2: The tilt of the earth remains constant at 23.47° as it revolves around the Sun. (Mazria, Edward, The Passive Solar Energy Book) page 36 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Solar Concepts Because of the earth’s tilt and rotation, the length of atmosphere that solar radiation passes through varies with the time o f day and month o f the year. The path of the earth around the sun is a slight ellipse. As the earth orbits around the sun, it rotates on its axis that extends from the North pole to the South Pole every 24 hours. The axis is tilted 23.47° from the vertical to the plane of the earth’s orbit around the sun. 23.47 degrees W INTER SUMMER" SPRING/AUTUMN AUTUMN/SPRING SUMMER W INTER M -V- 't ; . 'i'W J ’" /V ' /iv y r * • i.** 'c 23.47 degrees Figure 4-3: The tilt of the earth creates seasons on earth (M azria, Edw ard, The Passive Solar Energy Book) The earth’s tilt is responsible for the seasonal variations in weather. The tilt is constant as the earth revolves around the sun. When the Northern Hemisphere is tilted towards the sun, the incoming radiation is closer to the perpendicular to the earth’s surface and the duration o f sunshine is longer. It is now summer in the Northern Hemisphere. At this time, there is winter in the Southern Hemisphere. When it is page 37 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Solar Concepts winter in the Northern Hemisphere, it receives fewer hours o f sunshine, at a lower angle, while summer prevails in the Southern Hemisphere. 4.4 Geographical Location The climate o f a place depends on its geographical location. 4.4.1 Latitude The Latitude is the angular distance measured along a meridian from the equator. North or South, to a point on the earth’s surface. Any location towards the North is considered having positive latitude and towards the South as negative latitude. The North and the South poles are +90 and -90 respectively. Latitude values are important as they define the relationships with the sun. Figure 4-4: The United States with the latitude lines running across. The straight vertical lines are the longitudes and the wavy lines represent the compass variations. (Mazria, Edward, The Passive Solar Energy Book) page 38 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Solar Concepts In VRSoIar the latitudes of major world cities have been provided and can be chosen. Other values can be filled in by hand or selected from the map of the world. Refer to Appendix C for the listing of latitudes. 4.4.2 Longitude Longitude is the angular distance measured from the prime meridian through Greenwich, England, West or East to a point on the earth’s surface. Any location West of the prime meridian is positive and any location East is negative. 4.5 Astronomical Location of the Sun Once the location of the site is determined, the position of the sun in relation to the site has to be determined. This geometrical relationship between the sun and the earth can be described by the latitude of the site, the time of the year, the time o f the day the angle between the sun and the earth and the altitude and azimuth angles of the sun. 4.5.1 Julian Date Julian date is the number of days from the first day of the year. January 1 has a Julian Day of 1, December 3 1 has a Julian day of 365, except in leap years when it has a Julian Day o f 366. Therefore the Julian Days can be calculated thus: month_index = month number -1 date__index = date - 1 function calcJDay (month_index, date_index) { var j_day=0 var date_val=date_index+l if ( month_index=0) j_day=0+date_val else if (month_index=l) j_day=31+date_val else if (month_index=2) page 39 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Solar Concepts j _day=59+date_val else if (month_index=3) j_day=90+date_val else if (month_index==4) j_day=I20+date_val else if (rnonth_index=5) j_day=15l+date_val else if (month_index=6) j _dav-i81+date_val else if (month_index=7) j_day=212J -date_val else if (month_index==8) j_day=24 3+date_val else if (month_index=9) j_day=27 3+date_val else if (month_index=10) j _day=304+date_val else if (month_index=ll) j_dav=334+date_val return j_day } 4.5.2 Declination Angle The angle between the earth-sun line and the equatorial plane is called the declination angle. Declination changes with the date and is independent of the location. The declination is maximum (23.45) on the summer/winter solstice and 0 on the equinoxes. page 40 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Solar Concepts 5«p21 O k 71 June 2 1 Figure 4-5: The Declination Angles The declination for a particular day can be represented by the formula: 23.45 * sin(( j_day_value+284) * 360/365) where j_day_value = Julian day value of the day 4.5.3 Hour Angle The Hour Angle is the angular distance that the earth has rotated in a day. It is equal to 15 degrees multiplied by the number of hours from local solar noon. This is based on the nominal time, 24 hours, required for the earth to rotate once i.e. 360 degrees. Values East of due South, morning values are positive; and values West of due South, evening values are negative. The Hour Angle can be defined by Hour Angle = 15 * (12 - hour) where hour is the current hour of the day. page 41 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Solar Concepts 4.5.4 Solar Altitude The solar altitude is the vertical angle between the horizontal and the line connecting to the sun. At sunset/sunrise altitude is 0 and is 90 degrees when the sun is at the zenith. The altitude relates to the latitude of the site, the declination angle and the hour angle. sin(Alt) = cos(Lat) cos(Decl) cos(HAngle) + sin(Lat) sin(Dec) where Alt = Altitude Lat = Latitude Decl = Declination HAngle = Hour Angle In implementing in the program, the following was used: sin_alt_r = cos (lat_r) 'cos (decl_r) *cos (hour_r) +sin (lat_r) 'sin(decl_r) sin2alt = sin_alt_r ' sin_alt_r cos_alt_r - sqrt(l - sin2alt) altitude = atan{sin_alt_r / cos_alt_r) * TODEGREE where: sin_alt_r = Sine of altitude in radians lat_r = Latitude in radians decl_r = Declination in radians lat_r = Latitude in radians cos_alt_r = Cosine of altitude in radians TODEGREE = Constant equal to 180/71 The extra two steps are added so that the altitude values are always calculated even when the sin of the altitudes may be negative. This insures that the formula does not fail at any point. page 42 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Solar Concepts Figure 4-6: Solar Altitudes and Azimuths (Liang, June Lok-Mei, Computer Modeling of Cumulative Daylight Availability within an Urban Site) 4.5.5 Solar Azimuth The azimuth angle is the angle within the horizontal plane measured clockwise from true North, or sometimes due South. The azimuth, when in reference to the South is usually called the bearing. If the sun is East of South, the Bearing is positive, else the bearing is negative. Alt Altitude Azm = Azimuth Decl = Declination HAngle = Hour angle alt R = Altitude in radians azm R - Azimuth in radians lat R = Latitude in radians hour_R = Hour angle in radians x azm = x component of azimuth y azm = y component of azimuth TODEGREE = Constant equal to 180/71 sin (Azm) = cos(Decl) sin(HAngle) cos (Alt) page 43 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Solar Concepts This equation, however, fails at certain points, e.g. when the altitude is 90° (which results in a division by 0). Another version of this equation is: cos (azm_R) =(cos(lat R)"sin(decl R)-cos (decl R)*sin(lat R)*cos(hour R)) cos(alt_R) This equation too fails because of the same reasons. Therefore another equation was used which breaks the azimuth in its x and y components. x_azm = sin(hour_R) * cos(decl_R) y_azm = (-(cos (hour_R)) *cos (aeci_R) *sin(lat_R)) + (cos (lat_R) * sin(decl_R)) azimuth = atan(x_azm/y_azm)*TODEGREE This equation performs well in all the numbers and was used in the final version of the program.2 7 4.6 Shadow Angles Horizontal and vertical shadow angles describe the length of shadows on any wall surface.2 8 2 7 The formulae were taken from books on Solar Design, mainly CBRJ, Climatological and Solar Data for India, and Szokolay, S. V., Thermal Design o f Buildings. However, it was a lisp program by Kensek, Karen, to build solar envelopes in AutoCAD, that provided the final versions o f the formulae. 2 8 Szokolay, S. V., Thermal Design o f Buildings, pp 68. page 44 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Solar Concepts Vertical Shadow Angle Horizontal Shadow Angle Figure 4-7: Horizontal and Vertical Shadow Angles (Bansal et al., Passive Building Design, A Handbook o f Natural Climatic Control) 4.6.1 Horizontal Shadow Angle The horizontal shadow angle is the difference between the wall azimuth and the solar azimuth HSA = Azm - Ori where HSA - Horizontal Shadow Angle Azm - Azimuth Ori = Orientation (Azimuth of the Surface Normal) 4.6.2 Vertical Shadow Angle VSA = arctan (tan (Alt)/cos (HSA) page 45 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Solar Concepts 4.7 Solar Diagrams For each site, this relationship can be graphically represented through the sun-path diagrams for a site. At any time o f the year and day, the exact location o f the sun can be determined through a combination of two values, the altitude and the azimuth. 4.7.1 Stereographic Sun Path Diagram The Sun Path Diagram represents the position of the sun based on the altitude and the azimuth. This diagram is the stereographic projection o f the sun path (view of the sky on an horizontal plane). The radial line shows the solar azimuth and the concentric circles, the solar altitude. From these graphs, it is easy to find out the position o f the sun at any time and day for a given location.2 9 2 9 Bansal et al., Passive Building Design, pp24-25. page 46 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Solar Concepts J»l LATITUDE rf NORTH 30 50* 7 0 " 770 lie. .OCR H ires j y jc r u ix v i Figure 4-8: Stereographic Sun Path Diagram for 32° latitude. Read from this side the Diagram represents 32° North. Upside down, it represents 32° South. (Koenigsberger et al., Manual o f Tropical Housing and Building, Climatic Design) page 4 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Solar Concepts 4.7.2 Cylindrical Sun Path Diagram Another kind of Solar Diagram, the cylindrical diagram was developed by Edward Mazria3 0 . This chart is a vertical projection of the sun’s path as seen from the earth. It could be said that this chart is an earth based view of the sun’s movement across the skydome. Figure 4-9: Explanation of the Cylindrical of Sun Path Diagram (M azria, Edward, The Passive Solar Energy Book) 3 0 Mazria. Edward, The Passive Solar Energy Book, pp 302-327. page 48 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Solar Concepts 9 tf Of ar 4 f» 3 Q f MT Figure 4-10: Cylindrical Sun Path diagram for 32° North. (Mazria, Edward, The Passive Solar Energy Book) In the Cylindrical Sun Path Diagram, the bearing is marked at the base, and the altitudes on the vertical axis. The location of the sun can be determined by intersection of the altitudes and the azimuths. A very important use o f this rectangular chart is that surrounding buildings can be plotted to define exactly when the sun would go behind those obstructions. A version o f this chart is used in VRSolar to graph out the positions of the sun for a selected location. Using VR, the Tool makes it possible to simulate this chart and get the view o f the sun as it moves through the sky. page 49 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Solar Concepts 4.8 Solar Envelope The Solar Envelope is defined as the maximum built volume on a site such that it does not block direct sun to its neighbors in specified times. As buildings become taller and densities increase, the sun access to buildings decreases and the maximum buildable volume o f the site approximates a pyramid.3 1 Figure 4-11: Solar Envelopes define the maximum buildable volume of a site. (Stein, Benjamin et al., Mechanical and Electrical Equipment for Buildings) VRSolar aims to add solar envelope calculations in future versions. 4.9 Shadows: In a three-dimensional view, shadows explain the locations where there is no sun. In another sense, all that the sun does not “see” is in shade. 3 1 Stein, Benjamin et al., Mechanical and Electrical Equipment for Buildings, pp 63-67. page 50 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Solar Concepts VRSoIar uses this concept of the sun’s view. The VRML scene provides views from the sun at selected times which indicate the surfaces that are lit by the sun. Though this notion comes about from the limitation that VRML cannot calculate real time shadows yet: none the less the idea of looking at the site from the sun’s perspective is not only interesting, but also informative. page 51 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. VRSolar—the Mechanics 5. VR Solar— the M echanics 5.1 Summary This chapter discusses the working o f VRSolar and how it utilizes JavaScript, Java and VRML to give results. 5.2 Resources Used and Needed VRSolar uses HTML, JavaScript, Java and VRML to produce results. As described earlier, VRSolar can work without the use o f high end CGI-bin programming and access to a Web server. As this Tool was developed on the Web by a student, it only uses resources that are easily available to the average student in an American University. In other countries, such access to the Web may not yet be commonplace, but it is not unfair to assume that it would soon be so. However, this tool can easily be used by anyone, irrespective of the fact that they have a Web connection or not, as long as they have access to a computer which has a copy of a standard Web browser. 5.2.1 Hardware In theory, there are no specific requirements. As long as a Web browser runs on the system, the Tool would work. Faster machines are advantageous as VRML scenes render better, faster. 5.2.2 Software Currently VRSolar needs Netscape Navigator 3.0 or greater to run. On the IBM-PC. it has been tested with both Live3D and Cosmo Player browsers. However, with Netscape Communicator 4.0, Netscape is providing Cosmo Player as the standard VRML browser as part o f the Web browser. page 52 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. VRSolar—the Mechanics JavaScript is not fully compatible with Internet Explorer 3.0, but is expected to be fully supported in the 4.0 version, which is currently in beta release. VRML 2.0 browsers are currently available for the IBM-PC. the SGI-IRIX. and the Power Macintosh. More versions are in development. VRSolar uses HTML 3.2, VRML 2.0 and JavaScript 1.2. All these versions are current as o f now. 5.3 Functioning The aims of VRSolar were discussed in Chapter I, Introduction. The accompanying tree shows the present and expected functions. page 53 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Reproduced with permission o f th e copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. ( 7 Q e 3 V H S’ ft n a ft 9 s o 9 o. ft X T 3 ft ft ft a S’ s ft o’ 9 < / ) o © E T VRSolar; Program Development Chart O h M S t t O f t R to tM U l * P r o g r a m P » y > T r w — ^ r y j'i ta < § fs o, ■ u VRSolar—th e Mechanics VRSolar—the Mechanics 5.4 Components VRSolar is comprised o f two main sections, the Solar Calculator and the VRML Builder. The Solar Calculator calculates the position of the sun defined by the parameters that the user inputs. The VRML Builder combines the resultant solar location with the geometry that the user supplies and dynamically generates a VRML scene which has both the building geometry and the solar geometry. Other components are the help and resource files. 5.5 Opening Screen On opening, VRSolar accesses the introduction page of the program. This page informs the users about the requirements for the program and the software needed to run it. The user can also get the pieces of software needed off the Web through the links provided, which point to HTML and VRML browsers and other utilities. page 55 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. VRSolar—the Mechanics A w e b B a s e d T o o l f o r T e a c h i n g S i t e S o l a r a c c e s s d ev elo p ed using Jav aS crip t and VRML Get vour Gear! S t a r t / archit jain use architecture VRSolar Message: You are using N etscap e Navigator, version greater than 3 G i ou have CosrnoFlayer installed C -rc I *rch>tJain <atctHtOe«cgda> ► < ! Uterterof Bddino Science Sefcod of Aichitsctore U r tw w tv o f S o u fw m C d ito ro * C ~±OX~ Figure 5-2: The Opening Screen of VRSolar, and the browser check message. The main page is written in simple HTML so that even the most basic browser like the Netscape 1.1 or Mosaic, or even text based browsers can read this page. This page also has JavaScript embedded, which automatically checks for the HTML and VRML browser that the user has, informing whether the versions are correct. The links to the Web sites where the current versions can be downloaded is included on the page. After the users have all the software they need, they could proceed to the program itself. On opening the next page, VRSolar becomes the top frame, in case it was accessed from within a frame in a browser. page 56 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. VRSolar—the Mechanics www-scf u sc .e d u - [JavaSciipt A pplication] E3 j Microsoft Internet Explorer Figure 5-3: Checking for browsers and installed plug-ins with alerts. Two different messages with two browsers. 5.6 Layout The program’s interface consists o f the menu bar to the left, the help files on the bottom and the main screen on the right. Context sensitive help is available at all instances by running the mouse over the headings. It is also possible to turn off this help (which might be better on slower computers, or may be distracting), and get help only on clicking on the terms. page 5 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. VRSolar—the Mechanics Program Window Mouse Sensitive Help awwaci a .i Miten aa Menu Bar 3 S o l * » i L r i r o a i A a A 2 IM U T 4 Calculator C a c u 'lS c r te r J4 c « g r « « f ^ 3 -T* Pntartu \» r i» * U M m (L C C ^ < a c s . | L i n (tM i « j «J. - t .«• n . » T VBL, . - pzz; 3 f ~ 3 ft,* " gn-(waar»r^«»itai C .W 4 0 SB U D I *: -T}(0 1 'IV 1 l% IU « 2 a; -4t« t* * IX -*7 : M M » K n o « » •C*» k n If car a m «*T Vt« « Wit cm 13 D +rr n o U 1 3 x * IC O U C 3 1 il i 13 *3 3 .4 liS . n . . ... .■ * .•* _______ _ Figure 5-4: Layout of VRSolar 5.7 Solar Calculator The Solar Calculator is first used to calculate the position of the sun at a given time and location. 5.7.1 Site Location The location o f the site can be chosen from the drop down menus, or if the selection is not available, the latitude can be entered. It is also possible to choose the location from the world map, in which case it would be an approximation to the nearest 5 degrees. page 58 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. VRSolar—the Mechanics lISBBSSyl rae/Z/ufafcht/TIP/fafnesethtrrJ I SotarAlUtud* CAdniutli IpFMs lets* this L g T h e 1 S o l a r A l t i t u d e ■ A z i m u t h C a l c u u I Select Latlflrfc: [User Defined Location |20 [South t [ Select Latitude from World Map Select Date: (The preseal date end time are set srfaen is first loaded) Par- ifei 1 1 2 rj [2 0 Wrath: 1 IJune Arche Jan. use A e fm c w FIR E ________ - - - - - - - ..... - ____ - z i Tbw put of th» progcas c*taiUt»« th* Aanoth and th» ASitad* ofth* (uafbt t d«y. Thi« could b« tiUuxibr «a hoar atfbrth* whalk dqr.yaaw91tivr( to calculate •aasTihMbtfimjrou etapsacMd to th»oth«rpaits of tb* Figure 5-5: Choosing Location form drop down menu or world map. 5.7.2 Date and Time The user can choose the date and time desired for the calculation from the drop down menus provided. 5.7.3 Solar Tables and Sun Chart From the date, time and location provided, VRSolar uses JavaScript to calculate the Julian Day and the Declination for the day and the Hour Angle with the Altitude and the Azimuth for the sun. It can display these results in the form of a table which can be printed from within the browser. page 59 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. VRSolar—the Mechanics LTITUDE & C a l c u l a t o r ion 'o r l d M t n time ere set when the document D ay: 1 2 Tj Hear:_______ all hours y j Calculation for 20 degrees South latitude Juliaiyday f c r J a n e 12 is 163 Decimation Angle is 2 3 .1 5 d e g re e s [Hour Hoar Angle [Altitude Bearing from North 1°. 180 1-86.85 0 |l 165 -75.71 7457 |2 150 -6157 78.08 |3 135 [-483 7735 k 120 [-345 75.08 1 * 105 -2038 72.03 k 90 [-7.73 68.11 t* 75 [5.12 63.09 1 ® 60 |1731 56.52 \ 9 45 [28.46 47.69 |10 30 [37.87 35.62 111 15 144.44 |l9.47 Figure 5-6: Generated Results from within The Solar Calculator. Users also have the option of generating a Cylindrical Sun Plot o f the Solar Movement and printing it. page 60 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. VRSolar—the Mechanics ' V R S o l a r The Position of th e Sun at 34 d egrees North on August 25 at 18 hours is Altitude 5.75 and Azimuth -98.53. S O 1 I i 1 i 9 0 I 8 0 1 I i i 8 0 i i i i 7 0 1 i I 1 i I 7 0 f i i i 6 0 t i 6 0 ! 1 t i 5 0 i 9 0 I I 4 0 l i 1 4 0 1 i 3 0 i i i 1 I 1 i 2 0 | 1 i i 1 i 1 0 1 i 1 1 1 0 1 i p ! I 1 i 1 i 1 1 i i i t i 1 2 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 9 0 8 0 7 0 6 0 9 0 4 0 3 0 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 9 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 2 0 ‘ W esi B e a r i n g in d e g r e e s from SOUTH tast > A r d u t J i n Figure 5-7: Generated Sun Chart, for a single day and hour. 5.8 The VRML Builder Once the location of the site has been described, and the solar positions calculated, the VRML Builder helps the users to put in their own site and buildings into the program and view how the sun moves with respect to the structures. The chief aim of VRSolar is to help users decide what areas o f their site are in shade and which are in sun. VRSolar has the capability o f letting the users input their sites, and surroundings in the form of buildings and trees. page 61 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. VRSolar—the Mechanics 5.8.1 Units The users can select the units in which they want to work. The distance units could be chosen from feet, meters, inches or mm. For angles, the units could be degrees or radians. The units for distance for VRML files, by convention is meters, therefore, in the generated VRML files, all the units are in meters. For similar reasons, all the angles in the generated files are in radians. T he V i r t u a l R e a l i t y B u i l d e r Please input all the values and tke VRML scene would be generated automatically: Default Units: ni*fanre;{Feet j J Aflgksi I Degrees Site Information: — ------------------ ■ H ■ Length Width Orientation Coordinate X coordinate Y coordinate Figure 5-8: Unit options and Site Input. 5.8.2 Site The site could be rectangular or irregular. If the site is rectangular, the length and the width o f the site can be entered. The orientation of the site can be specified as angular units if the site is not along the cardinal page 62 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. VRSolar—the Mechanics directions. For non rectangular sites, the VRSolar allows users to have up to a seven sided sites, which may be entered as coordinates. 5.8.3 Trees The VRSolar allows for three different tree shapes. The users can decide the number of trees, the locations and the heights and the widths. Partial transparency of the trees is envisaged as a feature in the next version o f the program. Trees and Locations: Decidua us Eveigxeex Other F Tree I (Deciduous 1 | j-90 (< 4 0 |30 |40 F Tree 2 (otherType y | |120 I '2 5 |20 ]20 F Tree 3 |Deciduous _ r| |120 | o |20 (20 F Tree 4 (Evergreen |l2 0 |25 (20 (20 Figure 5-9: Tree input 5.8.4 Surrounding Buildings Buildings surrounding the sites could be input into the Tool with the x and y coordinates of the center point and the length, width and height dimensions. Currently, VRSolar only allows rectangular shapes— page 63 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. VRSolar—the Mechanics however, these could be combined to make complex geometry. Different colors chosen for these buildings can identify them in the generated VRML scene. Surrounding Rectangular [Buildings and Locations: ( - 9 0 lilo [ 5 0 F BaOUagl 6 0 |0 Iso |o rown F B«Oifa«2 |20 F B u k in s 3 p 0 4 [To (O |Yellow _ ? J 5.9 Viewpoints Figure 5-10: Building Input By default VRSolar generates 5 viewpoints. One from each cardinal axis and another from the top. The user is given an option to enter a sixth viewpoint from a custom point. These viewpoints are available to the user, then through the VRML browser interface. Figure 5-11: Viewpoints available from within Cosmo Player. page 64 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. VRSolar—the Mechanics 5.9.1 Options If the user is not satisfied with the resultant VR scene, he has the option o f changing the default viewpoints and creating custom views, which would be more specific to that particular site. m ^//« m « M d .u sced u /~ « ch t/T IP /frarn eseth tm l Sot&iUUturtj^ f? Bmldmg i c a i S 2 Figure 5-12: A Sample VRML scene generated by VRSolar. Here looking at the site from the sun’s simulated perspective view. page 65 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. VRSolar—the Mechanics 5.10 Help Files Help files include glossaries, conversion tables, and links to files that users may need. 5.10.1 Conversion Tables The program comes in with built in conversion tables, which can convert 1. Btu and Kcals 2. Btu and kWh 3. Btu/hour/square foot/deg F and W/sq cm/deg C 4. Btu/hour and Watts 5. Btu/square feet/hour and Watts/square centimeter 6. Fahrenheit and Celsius 7. Feet and Meters 8. Radians and Degrees C onversion Tables • N e tsc a p e R R D Select the conversion: | Btu and kWh ~ fetpgj&l Btu <— > Kilowatt Hours Btu Kilowatt Hours pooo 1.2929 ® Arch it Jam . USC Architecture L jst modified: 0 4 0 5 /S 7 17 Figure 5-13: Conversion Tables within the Help Files page 66 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. VRSolar—the Mechanics 5.10.2 Definitions Gives definitions to commonly used terms in computing along with the help for the program itself. 5.11 Web Indices and Resources These pages are provided as start up look up for resources on the Web which may be useful for the users of VRSolar.3 1 These indices are categorized under the following headings: 1. Associations and Organizations 2. Product Information and Specifications 3. Energy, Sustainability and Automation 4. Schools and Departments 5. Directories and other Resource Guides 6. Discussion Groups 5.12 The Programming Model The VRSolar uses JavaScript do perform most of its calculations. 5.12.1 Solar Calculator Using the formulae discussed in Chapter 4, Solar Concepts, the Solar Calculator calculates the values for the azimuth and altitude. The program then dynamically writes the new HTML page to the other frame in 3 - Refer Appendix C for a listing of these resources. page 67 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. VRSolar—the Mechanics the window which shows the calculated result. This MIME type for this new page is set as text/html and therefore the page is displayed as formatted HTML within the browser. All the HTML for this generated page is within the JavaScript of the program which arranges the strings together and writes the new page. 5.12.2 VR Builder The VR Builder, using the same algorithm as the Solar Calculator, assembles the VRML file based on the user input. VRML files are also text files. JavaScript can therefore easily write out generated text to another newly created browser window on-the-fly. Since the MIME type for this new window is x- world/x-vrml, the VRML browser comes up automatically in which the generated VRML is seen. Site. Trees and Buildings Prototypes for the shapes that the user can use are defined in the program. This prototype is included in the VRML file if the user has used that particular form. Along with the prototype references to it are included, specifying the parameters that the user has selected. Let us consider an example. If the user has two rectangular buildings, then JavaScript automatically inserts the rectangular building prototype in the generated VRML file which looks like: PROTO rectBuilding [ field SEVec3f buildingTranslation 0 0 0 field SFRotation buildingRotation 0 0 0 0 field SFVec3f buildingScale 1 1 1 field SPColor buildingColor 10 0 ] i DEF rectangularBuilding Transform { translation IS buildingTranslation rotation IS buildingRotation scale IS buildingScale children Transform { center 0 -0.5 0 translation 0 0.5 0 children Shape { page 68 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. VRSolar—the Mechanics appearance Appearance { material Material { ambientlntensity 0.1 diffuseColor IS buildingColor shininess 0.2 > } gecmetrv Box { size 1 1 1 } } } } } The geometry of the rectangular building is now defined as a prototype object called rectBuilding in the VRML file. In the prototype the first four lines are the fields for the translation, rotation, scale and color o f the buildings, which are the specifications that the user can change. Once the prototype has been defined, two buildings can be easily placed as: rectBuilding { buildingTranslation -7.62 0 -27.432 buildingScale 39.624 18.288 15.24 buildingRotation 0 10 0 buildingColor 10 0 rectBuilding { buildingTranslation 6.096 0 21.336 buildingScale 30.48 6.096 18.288 buildingRotation 0 10 0 buildingColor 0.66 0.489909 0.12528 This method is by far the most efficient for producing VRML files with previously specified geometry. The file size of files created by this program is at least 10 to 20 times smaller than those generated by modeling programs. page 69 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. VRSolar—the Mechanics Viewpoints The viewpoints are generated by utilizing the positions o f the sun calculated in the Solar Calculator. Rotations about the x and the z axes are required to view the site correctly from the position of the sun. VRML describes rotations in the format x y z rotation, where x. y and z are numbers between 0 and 1, which define the percentage o f each axis along which rotation is occurring, and rot is the rotation value in radians. This format o f rotation could be calculated by a program written in C,3 3 but integrating it into VRSolar would not only mean converting the program into JavaScript, but also increasing the file size tremendously. This problem was then resolved by applying two rotations, one after the other to the view points— a method that may not be perfect but performs very well in the circumstances. Animation The program uses JavaScript to write out the animation within the VRML 2.0 specifications. These animations use the position of the sun calculated earlier and relate it with mouse clicks. JavaScript can be used for animations with VRML now, but is only supported in the newest version o f the Cosmo Player 3 3 orient.c written by Stephen Chenney prompts for a “from” vector, an “at” vector, and an “up” vector, then calculates the orientation required to align the default VRML camera with the given camera. The code is available from page 70 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. VRSolar—the Mechanics 5.12.3 Saving Files The VRML files generated from within the program can be saved onto the user’ s computer by generating the VRML as a text file, cutting and pasting it in a text editor and saving it with ".wrl" as the suffix. Because of security concerns JavaScript cannot write to the disk automatically. 17 Building 3 |-104 |o fi |so [10 W Generate as text to save O ptions for V iew points and Animation: C ustom v ie w Figure 5-14: Option to generate the file as text. This file m ust then be copied and saved as a “.w rl” file. 5.12.4 Limitations with JavaScript Working with a language such as JavaScript, however, does have its limitations. JavaScript works on a model referred to as the “sandbox effect”, and therefore, is unable to make any system calls to the client computer. The browser is the sandbox within which JavaScript can play— it cannot do anything outside the browser window. And this is by design—no one would want Web pages to write data to their hard drive. In terms o f VRSolar, this means that the program by itself would not be able to save files on the users local drive. All the computing that occurs within the program happens in the RAM (and the cache) of the page 71 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. VRSolar—the Mechanics computer. The resultant pages are just in the memory buffer and in the cache of the browser, and are never recorded permanently. This limitation necessitates a workaround for saving the files onto the users local drive. Another complication that occurred during programming was that JavaScript cannot pass variables from one page to the next. This meant that all the values that the users input in the Solar Calculator were not available to the VRML Builder. Therefore a workaround was again used, where the side menu bar, actually acts as a buffer storage to keep the values and pass it to the VRML Builder. This part of the Menu bar is not accessible to the user, due to the frame restrictions applied in the HTML. <iarA ititiM ifc? % zlm uUi’^C ilculator'siS m u m Ip Fites' ' , Aversions, finltions I Ices* sources - sources tills O l ■ jt s r - , •|3 4 0 I ' ■ ' ■ & ■ ’.1 ’ *Jjuly 30 ;C’ ~ ' ' X . 'Y r ' joll ■r- * ■ ? .• ''J7 : * - 7 r T T ! ~ j .7' • - * (-37 5 :|“35.6 ■|-30.3 . (-22 3 (-12.5 (-154 . . J1O I8 (22.35 (34.75 ’ V ' (4713 (59 88 (69.46 |74 42 ;|e946 (59 os (4 7 13 (3475 (22.35 : r |l 018 (-1 54 F 12.5 ; T h e s S o l a r A l t i t u d e M AZIMUTH CALCUL, Select Latitude: | LOS ANGELES. California 34 0 [3T 0 | North js( Select Latitude from World Map S elect Date: (T he present dele and time are set vrhen • ts first loaded) Me n th: Day: Hoi | July 3 X 3 fali . A<ciwt Ja n . USC A gyactri* Figure S-15: The “secret” section of the menu bar, not visible to users, passes values from one frame to the next. page 72 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Conclusions 6. C onclusions This thesis and the entire process o f developing VRSolar demonstrates that the World Wide Web can be used for the development o f architectural teaching tools, which are interactive and platform independent. Improvements to both hardware and software are allowing faster machines and network speeds. This means download times would reduce, net access would improve, and students and professionals may be spending much more time online. Visual tools do work with JavaScript, and VRML may further simplify the process. The Web can therefore be exploited not just for “show and tell" kinds of teaching but also for generating dynamic content. Web based 3-dimensional technologies are suitable for architectural teaching, and since architects have an edge in building in 3d space, they can make full use of this new medium. In short, the Web is a medium where teaching methodologies for architecture related issues have great potential which cannot be ignored and where those individuals trained in architecture could have a very significant role. The program VRSolar itself, even in its present basic form, has great value. As a teaching tool, the program can help students to understand the notion of solar movement easily, remember concepts and get online study for architectural science courses. It provides easy access for all students to use in their calculations, without the effort o f searching for books and solar charts. Shadow gnomons and solar charts can be printed to help students work on their simulation models aided by this tool. For studio projects, it could be used as a quick and easy method of finding out solar access to sites for initial design. The results from VRSolar can then be transported into other software. page 73 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Conclusions In the office space. VRSolar could be used a quick and handy tool to calculate solar altitudes and azimuths and sun charts. It could be run over the Intranet too, where the tool would work faster. JavaScript is not so difficult to learn and can be used for writing small architectural tools in the future. VRML has great potential to be used not only for converting 3-D models to web viewable walk-throughs, but for real-time dynamic generation of 3-dimensional spaces. The capabilities of VRSolar in the present version are limited, however the possibilities that it exposes are limitless. page 74 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix A 7. Future R ecom m endations Since the focus of this thesis is to demonstrate that the World Wide Web can be used for architectural teaching purposes, the capabilities o f VRSolar are quite limited. In future versions, these capabilities need to be improved. 7.1 Graphic Interface In future versions, Java Applets need to be written so that input for modeling the site could be graphic instead o f numeric. This would increase the usability of the program and make it more user friendly. 7.2 Language It may be also possible to write the entire program in Java, giving it more stability, while keeping the multi-platform advantage. In such a version, it would be possible to send information to the program in the form of DXF files. 7.3 Capabilities In the next version the following capabilities o f the program could be enhanced: 7.3.1 Solar Envelopes Make the program capable of generating Solar Envelopes for the supplied site, given the edge conditions. page 75 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix A 7.3.2 Sun Chart with Surroundings Use VRML geometry and Java to communicate and develop a sun chart which integrates the surroundings in the view, which may come in handy in analyzing the site for the entire year’s solar movement. 7.3.3 Shadow Casting In future VRML browsers, shadows may be an in built function. Since the calculations take tremendous amounts of resources, this facility may not be available soon, but surely in the future. Having the program calculate shadows, though, may be a possibility which needs to be explored. 7.3.4 Energy Calculations Do energy calculations for the amount o f energy coming to the site from the sun at an instant or over a period of time 7.3.5 VRML Java External Authoring Interface (EA!) External Authoring Interface allows an external program (i.e. A Java applet) to manipulate a VRML scene, dynamically, instead of having to write the whole scene again. This allows the users to change the site geometry and view the VRML file as they are changing the scene. page 76 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Bibiliography B ibliography Books AIA. Committee on the Environment, Energy, environment & architecture : [papers]. (Washington, DC: Committee on the Environment, American Institute o f Architects, cl 992) Ames, Andrea L„ Nadeau, David R., Moreland, John L., Vrml 2.0 Sourcebook, (New York : John Wiley & Sons, 1996) Bansal, Narendra K., Hauser, Gerd and Minke, Gemot, Passive Building Design, .- I handbook o f Natural Climatic Control, (Amsterdam : Elsevier, 1994) Behling , Sophia and Stefan, Sol Power: The Evolution o f Solar Architecture, (Munich; New York : Prestel, c 1996) Brigman, Linda G., Web Site Management Excellence, (Indianapolis, IN : Que Corporation, 1996) Brown, G.Z., Sun, Wind, and Light: Architectural Design Strategies, (New York : Wiley, cl 985) Crowther, Richard L., Sustainable Design, Sun-Earth, (Phoenix : ASU, 1994) Givoni. B., Man, Climate and Architecture, (London : Applied Science Publishers. 1976) Goodman, Danny, Danny Goodman's JavaScript Handbook, (New D elhi: COMDEX Computer Publishing, May 1996) Hartmann . Anton C., and Fraser, Michael, eds.. Reconnecting : ACADIA 94, ([United States] : Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture, c l 994) Hartman. Jed and Wemecke, Josie, The VRML 2.0 Handbook : Building Moving Worlds on the Web (New York : Addison-Wesley Pub Co, 1996) Holzner, Steven, Java Workshop Programming, (New D elhi: BPB Publications, 1996) Kalisperis, Loukasand Kolarevic, Branko, eds.. Computing in Design, Enabling, Capturing and Sharing Ideas, ACADIA 95, (Seattle, Washington : Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture, 1995) Koenigsberger, O. H., Ingersoll, T. G.. Mayhew, Alan and Szokolay, S. V., Manual o f Tropical Housing and Building, Climatic Design. (Madras, India : Orient Longman Limited, 1993) Liang, June Lok-Mei, Computer Modeling o f Cumulative Daylight Availability within an Urban Site, page / / Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Bibiliography Masters in Building Science Thesis, (Los Angeles : University of Southern California, 1993) Mazria, Edward, The Passive Solar Energy Book, (Emmaus, PA : Rodale Press, 1979) McIntosh, Patricia and Ozel, Filiz, eds.. Design Computation, Collaboration, Reasoning, Pedagogy, ACADIA 96, (Tempe, AZ : Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture, 1996) Schiler, Marc, Simplified Design o f Building Lighting, (New York : Wiley, cl 992) Sheshaderi, T. N.. Rao, K.R., Sharma, M. R., Sarma, G. N„ Ali, Sharafat, Central Building Research Institute, Climatological and Solar Data fo r India (To Design Buildings for Thermal Comfort), (Meerut, India : Santa Prakashan, 1969) Stein, Benjamin, Reynolds, John S. and McGuinness, William J., Mechanical and Electrical Equipment fo r Buildings, (New York : Wiley, c l986) Szokolay, S. V., Thermal Design o f Buildings, (Red Hill, ACT, Australia : RAIA Education Division, 1987 page 78 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix A A ppendix A: L isting o f C ities and Latitudes AGRA, India 27.2 ALGIERS, Algeria 36.5 ATHENS, Greece 37.6 ATLANTA, Georgia 33.5 BAGHDAD, Iraq 33.2 BALTIMORE, Maryland 39.2 BANGKOK, Thailand 13.5 BANGALORE, India 12.96 BERLIN, Germany 52.3 BOSTON, Massachusetts 42.2 BOMBAY (Mumbai), India 18.9 BUENOS AIRES, Argentina -34.5 BUFFALO, New York 2.5 CAIRO, Egypt 30.0 CALCUTTA, India 22.3 CARACAS, Venezuela 10.3 CHICAGO, Illinois 41.5 CINCINNATI, Ohio 39.1 CLEVELAND, Ohio 41.3 COPENHAGEN, Denmark 55.4 DALLAS, Texas 32.5 DENVER, Colorado 39.4 DETROIT, Michigan 42.2 EL PASO, Texas 31.6 ESSEN, Germany 5 1.3 HARTFORD, Connecticut 41.5 HONG KONG (VICTORIA) 22.2 HYDERABAD, India 17.43 HOUSTON, Texas 29.5 INDIANAPOLIS, Indiana 39.5 ISTANBUL, Turkey 41.0 JAKARTA, Indonesia -6.1 JOHANNESBURG, S. Africa -26.2 KARACHI, Pakistan 24.5 KINSHASA, Zaire -4.2 LIMA, Peru -12.0 LONDON, England 51.3 LOS ANGELES, California 34.0 MADRAS (Chennai), India 13.66 MADRID, Spain 40.2 MANILLA, Philippines 30.5 MELBOURNE, Australia -37.5 MEXICO CITY, Mexico 19.2 page 79 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix A MIAMI, Florida 25.5 MILWAUKEE. Wisconsin 43.0 MINNEAPOLIS, Minnesota 44.6 MONTREAL, Canada 45.3 MOSCOW, USSR 55.5 NEW DELHI, India 28.8 NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana 29.6 NEW YORK, New York 40.4 PARIS, France 48.5 PHILADELPHIA. Penn 39.6 PHOENIX, Arizona 33.3 PITTSBURGH, Pennsylvania 40.3 PORTLAND, Oregon 45.3 RENO, Nevada 39.3 ROME. Italy 41.5 SACRAMENTO. California 38.0 SAN DIEGO, California 32.4 SAN FRANCISCO. California 37.5 SANTIAGO, Chile -33.3 SAO PAULO, Brazil -23.3 SEATTLE, Washington 47.7 SEOUL, S. Korea 37.7 SHANGHAI, China 37.7 ST.LOUIS, Missouri 38.4 TAIPEI, Taiwan 25.0 TEHRAN, Iran 35.4 TOKYO, Japan 35.4 TORONTO. Canada 43.4 WARSAW, Poland 52.2 WASHINGTON.D.C 38.5 ZURICH. Switzerland 47.4 page 80 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix B A ppendix B: L isting o f N ew sgroups • Architecture • alt.architecture • alt.architecture .alternative • alt.architecture. int-design • alt.building.architecture • alt.building.resumes • CAD • alt.cad • alt.cad.autocad • alt.cad.cadkev • comp.cad.autocad • comp.cad.microstation • comp.home.automation • • alt.energv.renewable • alt.energv.homepower • • alt.housing.nontrad • sci.environment Other Related Newsgroups • alt, landscape.arch itecture • alt.sustainable.agriculture • • sci.engr.heat-vent-ac • Construction • • • • • • Lighting & Color • sci.engr.color • • Sustainable Energy • altsolar.thermal page 81 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix C A ppendix C: L isting o f W eb R esources The resources listed in this index are available as part o f the VRSolar Program, and were gleaned from the World Wide Web by the author. Building Related Associations and Organizations •'ORG/ACADlA/home.html Home The Association for Computer-Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) • http:7www.acca.ora' A ir Conditioning C ontractors of America • American Institute of Chemical Engineers \ I http://www.aia.ora/ American Institute o f Architects: Selections include AIA. Selecting an Architect, Careers, Art and Science o f Architecture [this is an interesting section: note the Award-winning architecture and the anticipated research abstracts], American Architecture Foundation, and Classroom Resources K-12. List and links for environmental design charrettes sponsored by the AIA Committee on Environment. American Institute of Steel Construction: Information about AISC, AISC services, information on becoming an AISC member. Technology & Research papers, special reports, engineering information and more. American Planning Association: Includes a chronological and topical index to their Planning page 82 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix C Advisory Service. • http://www 1 ihome.htm American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI) • http://www. American Society of Professional Estimators • 1 ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers: Includes Product Specifications, Standards and Codes, Downloadable Library and other Resources. • Associated Equipm ent Distributors (AED) • Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc. • h ttp ://www. k/org/c ibse C hartered Institution of Building Services Engineers: The institution’ s publications list and details of conferences, as well as links to suggested HVAC information sources, building engineering sources, and British engineering institutions. • Construction Industry Research and Information Association (CIRIA): It is an independent not-for-profit private sector association, and carries out research and disseminates information to its members and other subscribers, who come from all parties to the construction cycle • Construction Specifications Institute: Under construction! Has some and would include construction documentation, specifications, drawings and CAD, contract administration, product representation and product information. page 83 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix C Council of American Building Officials (CABO) h ttp://www Energy Federation Incorporated (EFI): Natural Resources Conservation Non profit organization. International Congress of Building Officials (IC B O ): A site devoted to the Membership, Chapter and General Information, FAQs, Publications & Multimedia with a Building Resource Guide. International Erosion Control Association (IECA) International Wood Products Association (IHPA): IHPA is the only international trade association in the United States representing companies that handle imported wood products. IHPA advances responsible forest management and international trade in wood products through leadership in business, environmental and governmental affairs. http://www.ihpa.orgcure.html C.U.R.E. Program is an environmental education and awareness program regarding tropical forestry and the tropical forest products industry. National Building Museum: Education programs, events, exhibitions from "the only institution in the United States dedicated to American achievements in architecture, construction, engineering and design." http://www.wpi.edq/~fpe/nfpa.html National Fire Protection Association SprinklerW eb Home Page page 84 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix C • http://www.cecer.armv.rn il/welcome.html U.S. Arm y Construction Engineering Research Laboratories (CERL) Urban Land institute • Urban Land Institute: Includes information on their research agenda. • W orld Plumbing Council O ther Resources • CIVLIST - WW W pages: List o f on-line Civil Engineering Resources. Includes Trade Organizations and Colleges. • engineering/construction/institutes Yahoo C onstruction Institutions • CIBSE's British Engineering Institutions Product Inform ation. Specifications and Details • http://www .aecin AEC InfoCenter's Building Product Library: An excellent resource to all kinds of architecture and Building related issues. Links to magazines, trade associations, services, and specifications! Features a Building Product Library, Architecture links, Engineering links, Construction Links, Tips for Home Building and a useful search feature. You could also add your own site to it. ***** • A rcat's Spec Disk: Contains downloadable Manufacturer’s Specs for A/E/C Construction Document sets. Soon, DETAILSDISK o f Manufacturer's CAD Details. This is free for download page 85 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix C or freely available on CD. A Directory of: 7,300 Building product manufacturers 1,100 Associations ADA products Software Companies 2,500 Screens o f building product manufacturer specs . Hundreds o f specifications in different file formats to download and use! **** • ArchiW eb C onsulting Services: A Web site for which seeks to be one which includes more them 750 links to architecture resources all over the Web. However very few seem to work at this moment. ** B m L M L • Building Industry Exchange: "The Internet’ s Most Comprehensive Directory & Search Index for the Construction & Building Industry." It actually seems so. **** • C hartered Institution of Building Services Engineers: The institution's publications list and details of conferences, as well as links to suggested HVAC information sources, building engineering sources, and British engineering institutions. • h ttp ://ctca. un b .ca/CT C A/sources/ C onstruction Inform ation Sources (CIS): CIS is an extensive collection of Internet sites that is believed to be o f value to those in the A/E/C (Architecture, Engineering, and Construction) industry. CIS includes search capabilities that dynamically generate query results directly from a database, as well as providing pre-defmed categories. Currently there are over 600 sites listed in this database. *** •' C onstruction Specifications Institute (CIS): Under construction! Has some and would include construction documentation, specifications, drawings and CAD, contract Administration, product representation and product information. page 86 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix C p r v i ' f FJR S^O U R C E * ■iiiiiMaiiMditifeiditffl • http://www.afson First Source Online: The web site for Architects’ First Source for Products has been developed as an electronic complement to their popular publication. Lots of links - product information. A competitor to Sweets. **** • Integrated CAD in Civil Engineering (ICARIS): Started in 1993, ICARJS is an experimental information system which is trying to fulfill the information requirements of a civil engineer interested in construction IT. • International Congress of Building Officials (ICBO): A site devoted to the Membership, Chapter and General Information, FAQs, Publications & Multimedia with a Building Resource Guide.*** finfcaS • INTERPRO - AEC / Construction Industry Directory: A search engine for locating construction related services and products. A system designed for Home Owners. Builders, Design Professionals, etc. Trade Associations and others can be found at this site. ** • Plan Net - On-line Resource for Architects: Plan Net is a BBS for architects and other design professionals. A link to many resources available to people concerned with architecture. Still under construction but well worth a visit. **** page 87 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix C • The Sweets Source: One of the most comprehensive construction resource guide on the Web! Site contains detailed product data, current market trends and topics as well as opinion on the latest industry issues. Sustainability and Automation also (a little) Computers and CAD • 3-D Software™ Solar Energy & A rchitecture Index: Passive Solar explained! More in context o f the software that they produce. That and other links - good for its simplicity.. *** • American Solar Energy Society: Includes the Magazine Solar Today • Building Research Establishment: BRE literature, specific initiatives such as the Energy Efficient Office Building Best Practice Programme, research programme (under construction), and links to other organizations. • ASME American Society of M echanical Engineers: Includes Product Specifications, Standards and Codes, Downloadable Library and other Resources. • DOE C enter for Excellence for Sustainable Development: CESD provides consultation and information on sustainable development. You might be particularly interested in their collection of Articles on Sustainablitv and their database o f Sustainable Development Resources. page 88 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix C • DOE Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Network EREN: The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy’ s (EE) premier resource for information about renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies.*** • DOE's G reen Lights Program: Green Lights is an innovative, voluntary pollution prevention program sponsored by EPA. By joining Green Lights, partners agree to install energy efficient lighting where profitable as long as lighting quality is maintained or improved. • Ecological Architecture: A site with resources on a diverse range of information from Appropriate Technology and Bioregional Planning to Deep Ecology, Holistic Design and Building, Embodied Energy and Life Cycle Analysis, Transportation, and Permaculture. Still very much under construction. *** • GreenBuilder.Com : A source of lots of information on passive Systems, Sustainable Resources. Includes the Sustainable Building Sourcebook. The site is not so well organized - so be prepared to search! **** • Home Pow er Magazine: Includes the Home Power Magazine’ s Environmental Resources. Many links to organizations and other Internet resources. • Guiding Principles of Sustainable Design: A complete set o f guiding principles put together by the US Department for the Interior— National Park Service. inter.L • inter.Light: "Dedicated exclusively to lighting products and lighting design with a special emphasis on energy efficiency. inter.Light includes a directory o f lighting companies, searchable product databases, a photo gallery of hot lighting products, lighting design case studies, information about the lighting provisions of the Energy Policy Act (EPACT) and links to other useful lighting information on the Internet." page 89 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix C •' IISDnet: International Institute for Sustainable Development Based in Canada, this is an excellent resource for people interested in Sustainable Development. **** • Lawrence Berkeley Laboratories and C enter for Building Science: One o f the most respected organizations. Many resources for the environmentally conscious person. ***** • The Lighting Resource: This site offers an extensive set of links to net sources on lighting, the capacity for ordering lighting products, and even web site set up services. It also includes articles, an archives, and new product pages. • h ttp ://w w w. I rc. rp i. edu Lighting Research C enter, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute: Overview o f the center and its projects, abstracts from the National Lighting Product Information Program and DELTA (Demonstration and Evaluation o f Lighting Techniques and Applications), and a nice set of links to lighting sources on the net (and to net sources on energy, optics, patents, and standards as well). • Home.html 0 2 WWW home page: 0 2 is a forum for the exploration o f new possibilities in design, promoting respect for the environment. • http://ww' The Source for Renewable Energy: This [commercial] Website has around 2200 renewable energy-related businesses throughout the World are covered in a browsable directory. • Solar Architecture Resources on the W eb: From the makers o f 3-D software - a list of resources. Includes Solar Energy & Architecture, Sustainable Development, Weather and Climate among others. A good resource ** • Solar Energy and Building Physics L aboratory (Laboratoire d'E nergie Solaire et de Physique du Batiment): Includes information on research projects in daylighting and photovoltaics, and the software they are developing. It is also an excellent entry into some of the page 90 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix C technical Internet sources related to building. • http:.'/ wcase/solarcatalou' Mr. Solar Home Page : [supposedly] Your contact point for information, products and services about every aspect of solar, wind & water power.* • http://crest.ora'' Solstice: Internet Information Service of the Center for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technology. Many resources. **** • Sustainable Architecture: Ecological planning, design, integrated architecture and landscaping for tropical, sub-tropical or temperate climates. Not too great * Paul Million’s HVAC Collection: Extensive links on HVAC (categories include schools and labs, government resources, solar, industry groups, efficiency, and commercial sites), FAQ and information on the newsgroup sci.engr.heat-vent-ac. Automation and CAD Resources • Automation in AEC: A web site at Cal State about Computer Uses in Architecture/Engineering and Construction Practices - interesting. • ADIA/home.html ACADIA Home Page: The Association for Computer-Aided Design in Architecture. Information including membership information, officers, steering committee, a conference paper database (1992, 1993) for the Association for Computer-Aided Design in Architecture and call for papers and conference description for ACADIA ’ 96. • Construction Industry Computing Association: "Details o f membership, events and publications." • and Economv/Companies/Computers/Software/Graphics/CAD/ Yahoo CAD Page •'cadman/ Internet Cad Designers Association: "A not for profit association being developed by cad page 91 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix C designers for those who want to do contract design work across the Internet." Includes information on a designer certification program. Schools and University Departments with Specialization in Architectural Technology In the United States • Arizona State University, The Vital Signs Project • Georgia Institute of Technology, Epitome - Interactive Learning Center - The focus of the project is to create and evaluate educational software for engineering and science domains. • University of Oregon - The Architectonics Studio: Many things on Building Structures - excellent Web Based projects - including some Java Applets to compute loads on Buildings!*** • Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute - The Lighting Research Center (LRC): It is one o f the world’ s largest university-based research and educational institution dedicated to lighting. • University of California, Berkeley, The Vital Signs Curriculum Materials Project Home Page • http:/' University of California, Berkeley, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Center for Building Science • University of California, Los Angeles, Energy Design Tools: Resources to many energy design tools developed at UCLA. In Europe • Bartlett School of Graduate Studies, Unit for Architectural Studies, University College London • Bradford University, Department o f Civil and Environmental Engineering page 92 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix C • Bristol University, Department of Civil Engineering • Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh. Department o f Building Engineering and Surveying • Leeds University, Department of Civil Engineering • Loughborough University of Technology, Department o f Civil and Building Engineering • MI ST CI VENG/other.htm 1 Manchester University Institute of Science and Technology, (UMIST), Department o f Civil and Structural Engineering • Napier University, Edinburgh, Department o f Building and Surveying • Oxford University, Civil Engineering including Soil Mechanics and Wind Engineering • Portsmouth University, Department of Civil Engineering • Salford University, Construct IT: The Centre o f Excellence for Construction IT, • South Bank University, Faculty of the Built Environment • Strathclyde University, Department of Civil Engineering • Swansea University, Department o f Civil Engineering - masonry research page 93 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix C • CM.html University of Reading, Construction Management & Engineering, • University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, Department of Civil Engineering Attractively-designed site. • University of Wales, Cardiff. CTI Centre for the Built Environment In Asia • Hong Kong University, Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia. Their charter, and 1996 conference information. O ther Related Links • CIVLIST - WWW Pages: List o f on-line Civil Engineering School Departments. A good collection. • Society of Building Science Educators Directories and Resource Lists The best ones on the top - then listed Alphabetically. • Architecture and Building: Net Resources: A very comprehensive listing o f many resources available on the Internet compiled by Jeanne M. Brown, Architecture Studies Librarian, University of Nevada, Las Vegas.***** page 94 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix C •'pairc. [UB SA&P| Planning and Architecture Internet Resource Center: One o f the MOST extensive collection of Architecture and Building Sciences related index that I have come across.**** Alphabetical Listing The Construction Site: A clearing house of sorts. A perfect example o f what a badly done site may look like. Lot o f links - though does not seem very professional. * Net services to A EC industry: This list contains links to services for builders, product suppliers, research institutes, software houses, public authorities, professional organizations etc. This list is maintained in collaboration with CIB W78.A list of many resources on the Internet - alphabetically (together with the country flags!), maintained in Finland. * World Tradenet A rchitecture Links: Here is a site with information about architectural points of interest. Tons of links - though not organized in any order - except alphabetically.* • W orldNet Source Book OnLine: An industry forum for Architects, Interior Designers, Space Planning, and Engineering professionals. Nothing much at this moment. 0 WWW Virtual L ibrary: Environm ent: Don't go by the look - a really good source to many resources on the web. Some may be listed elsewhere in this page too. page 95 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix C • The WWW Library: Mechanical Engineering O ther Interesting Places • A rt & Architecture Network: AANet(Art & Architecture Network) consists of digital artists and architects. Its members are specialist in urban design, architecture, structural design, computer graphics, and programming. In Japan . ** page 96 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix D A ppendix D: Program Listings The program listings include a number of comments, which describe the path taken through programming and the sequence in which progress was made. Index Page: CDOCTYPE HIML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HM, 3.2//EN”> <HIM L> <H EA D > <TITLE>VBSolar - Main Page</nTLE> < ! — General Notes: Notes on th e Ja v aS crip t 080497 1. Browser check now w rite s on th e p a g e.. no hangups in th e m iddle. — > <SCRIPT LANGUPGE="JavaScript"> <! — v ar temf=''” v ar netscape =” fa ls e " / / * * ...................... / / fu n ctio n check_browser / / fu n ctio n checks i f browser i s MSIE o r Netscape. I f Netscape, i t checks fo r th e c o rre c t V FM L p lu g -in and MDE ty p e, fu nction check_brcw ser() ( v ar message ="<B>VFSolar Message :</BxBE>" i f (n av ig ato r.u serP g en d ex O f(”ICIE")>=1) ( m essaget=”<FCNr CCI£R='red'>WAPNING: </ECt7T>You a re u sin g <I>MS In te rn e t E xplorer</I> ."+ ”<BR>Oie to th e d iffere n ce in in te rp re ta tio n o f Jav aS cript"* " between N etscape and In te rn e t E xplorer th e re nay be e rro r messages and the program nay not work." 1 e ls e i f ( (navigator.appN are = "Netscape") & & ( (p a rseln t(n av ig a to r.ap p V ersio n )) >= 3) ) ( / / th e brow ser i s N etscape and th e v ersion i s g re a te r than 3.0 n etscap e = tru e ; m essage^"You a re usin g N etscape Navigator, v ersio n g re a te r th an 3.(XBR>" v a r myMimetype = navigator.m im e(rypes["x-world/x-vrm l” l i f ( !myMimetype) { message+="<BxPCNT CQIOPF'Ped'>Waming: No V FM L p lu g -in found.</?ChTX/Bx3P>"+ "P lease i n s t a l l a VFML2.0 browser lik e Cosmo Player.C heck <A HREF=' H elp /reso u rces. h tm l' >Pesources Page</A> fo r L ink." 1 e ls e { v ar nurn_of_plugins = n a v ig a to r.p lu g in s.le n g th ; v a r p lu g in s = v ar VFMLpiugin="" fo r (var i=0; i < nrm _of_plugins; i++) ( p lu g in s+ = n av ig ato r.p lu g in s[i] .narre*"\n" 1 i f (p lu g in d ex O f(”Live3D")>=0) ( page 97 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix D messaget="You have <I>Live3D</I> V FM L p lu g -in . NnMake su re th a t th is v e rsio n su p p o rts V FM L 2 . 0" ! e ls e i f (plugins.indexO f ("Cosmo") > 0 ) ( message+="You have C osroPlayer in s ta lle d ." ) e ls e ( tressage+-="Ycu have n e ith e r Live3D nor CosnoPlayer V FM L plug-in.<BR>To see th e V R M L f i l e s p lease nake” +”su re th a t you have a p lu g -in th a t supports V FM L 2 .0 " ) I / / a l e r t (message) i e ls e message+*="<FCNrxK>Waming: </Bx/ECWT>You have n e ith e r Netscape or In te rn e t E x p lo rer, (or have a v ery o ld v e rsio n ) <BP>You nay not be ab le to use t h i s program w ell" docuiant.write("<CENTER><TfiBI£ WIDTH=80»XTD ALIQ*=' CENTER'XFCNT E K E = 'A rial,H elv etica’ CODCR=' G ray' >" +messaget"</EENTX/TDx/TABLEX/CENrER>") 1 / / — > </SCRIPT> </HESD> <B0DY 3GOOLOR=”w h ite" TE3CT="Black" LINK="Navy" ALINK="Fed" VLHIK="Navy'’> <CEOTERXFCNr E A C E > = ”A ria l, H elvetica"> <IM3 SFC=”n P G ra p h ic s /s p a c e r.g if" WI0TH=1 HEI(3fr=30 BCEDER=Oxp> <BP. C LE A R ?=A LL > <IMS 5FC=”T I P G r a p h ic s /title .g if '' WIDIH=452 HEIC3ir=60 ECPEER=0 ALT=”The S ite S o lar Access Tool"> <BR CLEAFt=all> <PCNT COLCR="it889D?C" EACE=’’A ria l, H elvetica"> <Bxieveloped u sin g Ja v a S c rip t and VFML</HxP> <IMS SPC ="TIPG raphics/spacer.gif" WIDIH=1 HEZGHT=40 BCREER f Ox ER CLEAF=ALL> <A HP£F=”H e lp /re sa u rc e s.h tm l’ '>Get your Gearl</AxP> <A HREF="frameset.html” TAPCET="j:op"xFCMr SIZE="+2"xB>S t a r t < I> !< /Ix /Bx / e c n t x / a x P> <P> <IMS S F C = "T IP G rap h ics/arch itjain .g if" WIDTH=226 HEIGHr=21 BCPD£R=0xP> <SCRIET LflN3UPffi="JavaScript"> <! — ch eckjorcw ser() / / — > </SCRIPTXP> <HR SI2E="1"> <ECNT SIZE="-2">Copyright Scopy; <BxA HPEF="http: / / www-scf. u se . e d u /-a rc h it/ index. htm l”vA rchit Jain</A x/B > <A HFEF=’ 'nB ilto:archit@">41t;archit@ gt;</A > A ll R ights PeserveckBR> <A HFEF="h ttp ://w w w .u sc .e d u /d ep t/a rc h ite ctu re/n t3 s"> teste r o f B uilding Science</A>, <A H R E E ^="h ttp ://w w w .u sc.ed u /d ep t/arch itectu re"> S ch o o l o f Architecture</AXSR> <BXA HPEF="http: //w w w">O niversity o f Southern C a lifo m ia< /A x /B > , Los Angeles CA90007</FCNT> </ECNTXBR> <ECNT SIZ E ='-2' EACE^'Arial, H e lv etica ' CQL3*="Silver”> <SCRIFT LAN3UAffi="JavaScript'’> < ! — document. w r ite (" L ast m odified: " + d o am en t.lastM o d ified ) ; / / —> </SCRIPT> <BP> <A HBEr^="Help/credits.htinl”X i e d it s and Acknowledgements</AX/CEJ7rER> </EENTX/BGCY> </HIML> page 98 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix D Frameset 1 < !DCCTYPE HIML PUBLIC "-//W 3C //D ID HIML 3.2//E N "> <HIML> <HEHD> < m i£> T he S ite S o lar t e e s s Tool</TITLE> <SCBIFT IANGLKI>=” Jav a S c rip t "> <! — v a r tem p"" / / ......................................... fu nction show_def lm tia n s (term) ( i f (window. tqp_inde:i.doaOTenc. forms [0] .d efin itio n eck ed ) ( window, d e fin i tio n s . lo c a tio n s ” . . /H e lp /d e fin itio n s . html#"+term w ijx ic w .d efiru tio n s.c lo se!) re tu rn tru e 1 ) / / - * * ♦ * ...................... / / function to round numbers fu n ctio n round (value) ( v a r round_val = value * 100 re tu rn (Math. round (round_val) /1 0 0 ) ) // / / function to jn e te rs / / function to convert a l l d is ta n c e s to m eters fu n ctio n to jn e te rs (vai, d is_ u n it_ in d ex ) ( v a r m eter_val i f (dis_ u n it_ in d ex = 0 ) ( m eter_val= val le ls e i f (d is_ u n it_ in d e x = l) ( m eter_val=val/1000 le ls e i f (d is_ u n it_ in d ex = 2 ) ( m eter_val=val*.3048 le ls e i f (dis_uru.t_index=3) ( m eter_val= (val/12)*0.3048 1 re tu rn (round(m eter_val1 1 1 / / — / / fu n ctio n to _ rad ian s / / fu nction to convert an g les to rad ian s fu n ctio n to_radians (val, angle_unit_index) ( i f \angle_unit_index = 0) ( •var radian_val=val*M ath. PI/190 1 e ls e radian_val=val re tu rn (round (r a d ia n v a l )) 1 //......... . / / U NSU CCESSFUL fu n ctio n to open window o f p a r tic u la r siz e /* fu n ctio n cpen_win (wm_name, w in_width, w in_height) f a l e r t (wm_name+" "+win_width+” "*w in_heightl •var open_st = ”\ 1 "+win_narnet” . htm l\ •, "+"\ ’ ”+win_nam et"\' , \ ' width="+win_width+", height= "+w m _height+ "\'" a le rt(c p e n _ st) win_name=window. open (open_st 1 page 99 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix D win_name=windcw.cpentwin_namet' .h tm l', win_nane, widtiF=wm w idth, height=win h e ig h t') } ' / / / use what i s given in th e JavaS cript Handbook! That would work! //..* .— ........... / / fu nction to open window o f d e fin ite name and d e f in ite s iz e , fu nction cpen_win_heip () { w in d o w .o p eiC ../H elp /h elp .h tm l”, "help_win”, "width— 350,h e ig h t— !CG,resizabie='.'es": ( / / — > </SCPIPT> </HEAB> <EPA M ESET RCWS="100*" CXS="150, *" border= l frameborder=fC bondercolor="white"> <FPA M E N P M E ?= ”top_indey." SPC=”Index/top_inde:<.htnJ.'' SCSQLLHG="NO”> <FPAI4ESET PCWS="",65"> <FPA M E forms" SH >"A ltann/index_cur.hQ nl" SCPOLLINS="AUIO" b o rd erO franeborder=NO bordercolor= ”black"> <FFA M E NAKE="defimtians" S ?C = "H eip/definiticns. htm l" SCPCLLHC="AUrC" borderO frameborcter=Mj> </FPAMESEi'> </FPPMESET> <N D EPA M ES> <B O D Y > <CENTERxB>The V FM L B u ild er needs Netscape 3.0 o r above.</Bx/CEMTEB> </B0DV> </N0EWMES> </HIML> Solar Calculator: CDOCTYPE HIML EUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD H IM L 3.2//EN"> <HIM L> <K EA D > <TTTLE>The PrograrrK/nTLE> < ! — OOPVPIGHT APCKIT JAIN 1997 ALL RISfTS RESEFVED Notes on th e Jav a S c rip t 080697 1. Added th e bulb icon—which re fe rs to a v a ila b le h e lp . 2. Added a lin k in th e r e s u lt window to th e VHBuilder program 050297 1. Changed th e look fo r a l l th e p ag es., b e tte r . 050197 1. Added th e world image nap—works! 042697 1. Pass th e d a te S trin g and tim eString to th e tcp_index frame too. 042497 1. renoved th e to o ltip and re la te d fu nctions 2. C ity o p tio n l i s t shews "User Defined L ocation" 042297 1. Have to p ass th e whole a rra y fo r th e valu es to top_index - done 2. Change th e p assin g from th e CaclAzm and C alcA lt to th e c a llin g functions - done 042197 page 100 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix D 1. Trying to urplanerit th e p assing over o f th e A zinuth and th e A ltitu d e V a lu es.. iu p la ts ite d 041797 1. Browser check contented o ut—n ot re q u ire d a s th e new frame already does th a t. 040697 1. The azin u th and the a ltitu d e functions re v ise d as p e r K aren's program 2. I t works now fin e fo r a l l d ates and a l l la titu d e s . . 3. B earing shows North and South now. 4 . C hart a ls o e d ite d to show N orth/South b earin g . 5. Netscape a l e r t contented ou t 040597 1. Images now in th e Irrages su b d irecto ry 2. The Aziiruth seems to be fin e new.. no e r r o r s .. 3. February r e s tr ic te d to 28 days only. E rro r fo r 29th day. 4 . Both fu n ctio n s do not work to g e th e r.. — > <SCRIPr IANGUAS=”JavaScript''> < !— Hide fra n Old Browsers / / — .................. / / G LO B A L VARIABLES v a r today = new DateO • ■ r a x A ltitu d e = 0 v a r A zinuth = 0 v a r la titu d e = 0 ■rax c alcu la te d _ v als = fa lse v a r GraphicWin = n u ll v a r d a te S trin g = v a r tin e S trin g = / / * .............. / / C O N STA N TS w ith (Math) { TOFADIAN= PI/180 T0CEEREB= 1/TCPADIAN } / / ........... / / FUNCTICN PO U N D / / fu n ctio n to round rurb ers fu n c tio n round(value) ( v a r round_val = value ' 100 re tu rn (Math.round(round_val) /100) 1 // . / / EUNCTICN TIME_F3PtWr / / fu n ctio n to form at time values fu n c tic n tine_form at(tine_decim al; { w ith (Math) ( v a r tim ejn in = round( (tiriejdecim al-flcior (tim e_decim al)) "60) i f (time_min<10) ( tiirejiirp"0"+ tiire_m in 1 v a r tim e _ strin g = flo o r (tunejdecom al) +” : "+time_mm r e tu r n (tim e_ strin g ) ) // ............... / / FUNCTICN CH AN C2_LA T //Change la titu d e in te x t box. as p e r se le c tio n page 101 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix D fu n c tic n c h an g e_ lat(la titu d e ) ( document. fm _ c a lc . la t i tu d e . value=Math. abs (l a t i tu d e ) i f (latitudecO ) ( docunent. f m _ c a lc . norsou. selected ln d ex = l 1 e ls e ( docunent. fm _ c a lc . norsou. selectedlndex=0 > / / ~ .... / / FUNCTICN DCTCTHDC fu n c tio n dcnothingO () // --------- //FUNCTICN CMOAIVKr //C a lc u la te s th e p o s itiv e o r n eg ativ e la titu d e depending an N orth/South Hemisphere. fu n c tio n CalcLatVal ifm _ v al) ( v a r LatVal i f 'docunent. f n n c a lc . norsou [0] ,selected = = tru e) ( LatVal = fm _ y al ) e ls e LatVal= -(frm _val) re tu rn LatVal //*-*’ * ........... //FUNCTICN CALCJDRY / / C a lc u late th e J u lia n Day fu n c tic n calcJDay (month_index, date_inde:<) ( v a r j_day=0 v a r date_yal=date_m dex+l i f (month_indejc=0) j_day=0+date_val e ls e i f (m onth_index=l) j_day=3 l+date_val e ls e i f (rnonth_irdex=2) j_day=5 9+date_val e ls e i f (mDnth_index=3) j_day=90+date_val e ls e i f (mcnth_index=4) j_day=L20date_val e ls e i f (month_index=5) j_day=15l+date_val e ls e i f (month_index=6) ]_day=18l+date_val e ls e i f !month_index=7) j_day=212+date_val e ls e i f (month_index=8) j_day=243+date_val e ls e i f ;m nth_indeK =9) j_day=273+date_val e ls e i f intnth_indec= 10) j_day=304+date_val e ls e i f (m onth_index=ll) j_day=334+date_val r e tu rn j_day //FUNCTION CAICTBa.INATICN / / C a lc u late th e D eclination fu n c tio n calcD eclin atio n f j_day_value) { page 102 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix D r e tu r n (23.45 * M a th .sin ((( j_dav_value*-2a4) ' 360/365) ' TCPADIAN)) ) .................... //FUNCTICN C A LC H A N G LE / / C alcu late th e Hour Angle fu n ctio n calcHAngle (hour_index) ( r e tu r n (1 5 .0 -(1 2 -(hour_index))) } //FUNCTICN CADCALTITUOE / / C alcu late th e A ltitu d e Angle fu n cticn c a lc A ltitu d e (la t_ d , decl_d, hcur_d) { v a r a ltitu d e , la t_ r , d e c l_ r, hour_r, s in _ a lt_ r, s in 2 a lt, c o s_ a lt_ r l a t _ r = la t_ d " TCPADIAN d e cl_ r = d ecl_d - TCPADIAN hour_r = hour_d * TCPADIAN w ith(M ath)( s in _ a lt_ r = c o s (la t_ r) - cos(decl_r) * cos(hour_r) + ■ s in ( la t_ r ) * s in (d e c ljr) / / o ld a lt i tu d e eq u atio n s ranoved / / a ltitu d e = a s in (s in _ a lt_ r) * TOCBSiEE / / a l e r t ( a ltitu d e I s in 2 a lt = s in _ a lt_ r - s in _ a lt_ r c c s _ a lt_ r = s q r t ( l - sin 2 a lt) a ltitu d e = a ta n ( s in _ a lt_ r / co s_ alt_ r) - TOCEQ’ .FE ) re tu rn a ltitu d e // — — — ........... //FUNCTION CALCAZMJTH / / C alcu late th e A zinuth Angle fu n cticn calcA ziiiuth(decl_D , hour_D, alt_D , lat_D) { v ar azin u th , decl_R , hour_R, a l t R, b earin g , x arm, z arm, taa n azn R - _ _ _ :<_azm and z_azm a re th e e a s t and n o rth ccnpcnent o f th e sun v e c to r, z i s used as th e VIM, convention oauld be y o th erw ise. tan_azm_R i s th e tan g en t o f th e azinuth '/ decl_R = decl_D - TCPADIAN hour_R = hour_D * TORADIAN alt_P. = alt_D * TCPADIAN v ar lat_R = lat_D - TORADIAN w ith (Math) ( y._am = sin(hour_R ) - cos(decl_R) =_azm = (-(cos(hour_R )) -co s(d ecl_ R )* sin (lat_ R )) + (cos(lat_R ) - sin (d e cl_ R )) azin u th = atan(:c_ann/z_azm) -TODEI2,£E / / to g iv e co n v en tio n .. i f (hour_D>0)( i f (azinuth>0) ( b e a rin g = ISO - azinuth )e lse( b e a rin g - -(az in u th ) } )else{ i f (azimuth>=0) ( b e a rin g = -(az in u th ) )e lse( b e arin g = -(180+azinuth) ) page 103 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix D ) i f (lat_D<0) ( i f (hour_D>0) ( b earin g = 1B0 - b earin g ) e ls e i f (hour_D<0) { b earing = -(180+bearing) 1 } I recu m (bearing) ) - . / / r a c n c N isv a L id A T //C hecks -whether th e la titu d e a lte r e d i s w ith in lim its ard i s a number fu n c ticn isV alid L at(lat_ v al) ( i f (!isN u rb e r(la t_ v a l)) ( a l e r t ("P lease make sure t h a t a l l th e valu es a re p o s itiv e numbers only") re tu rn fa ls e ) e ls e i f (lat_val>90) ( a l e r t ("In co rrect Value \n la titu d e can only be between 0 a rd 90 degrees") re tu rn fa ls e 1 re tu rn tru e i //*” *— *'.......................... //EUNCTICN ISNIHBER / / g en eral purpose functicn to se e i f a num eric in p u t is a nutber w ith only one decim al fu n ctio n isN m ber (inputV al) ( cmeDecimal = fa ls e in p u ts tr= "" + inputVal f o r (var i=0; i< in p u tS tr.le n g th ; i++) { v ar oneChar = in p u tS a rA t(i) i f (oneChar = i s IcneDecimal) ( oneD edual = tru e continue ) i f (oneChar< "0" 1 1 oneChar > "9") { re tu rn fa ls e I ) re tu rn tru e //****•' ................. //iUHCITCN C H SC K TK TE / / Check fo r th e c o rre c t d a te in p u t values fu n c ticn C heckD ate(nrnthjndex, date_index) ( i f (m onth_index=l 55 date_index= 28) ! a le rt(" T h is version does n o t c a lc u la te fo r lea p years.") re tu rn f a ls e ) e ls e i f (m onth_m dex=l ss date_index>28) ( a le r t ("February cannot have more than 29 days!") re tu rn fa ls e ) e ls e i f ( (mcnth_index=3 1 1 m onth_index=5 1 1 rrmth_index==€ 1 1 rrm th_m de-c=10) ss (date_index?29)) ( a le rt(" T h is month cannot have more th an 30 days!") re tu rn fa ls e 1 page 104 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix D re tu rn tru e ) fu n c ticn Calc_PowValue(ait) { re tu m (9 - M a th .flo o r( ( a lt i- 5)/10)) ( fu n ctio n Calc_ColValue(azm) ( re tu rn (tfe th .flo o r! (anit+120+5) /1 0 )) I / / - — --------~ — *...................... / / EU N C T C C N CAIC_?ISE_SET_A2M_TTME / / fu n c ticn to c a lc u la te th e azinuth o f th e sun r is e and th e sun s e t and to c a lc u la te th e su n rise and su n set tim e fo r a la titu d e . / / i f th e sum o f th e d e c lin a tio n and th e la titu d e is g r e a te r th an SO, then th e sun does n ot n s e / s e t th a t day. / / retu rn ed v a lu e shculd be taken p o sitiv e fo r su n rise and n eg ativ e fo r su n set. fu n c ticn calc_rise_set_azm _tim e(decl_deg) { lat_deg = L atitu d e a le rt(la t_ d e g + " ”+decl_deg) var decl_rad=0, lat_rad= 0, r_azm_rad=0, s_azm_rad=0, r_h_tero_rad=0, r_h_zero_rad=0, sunrise=0, sunset=0 i f ( (M ath.abs(decl_degD ) + (M ath.abs(lat_degr'l) )>90) ( time_doc=”<Px3>The sun does not r i s e / s e t th is dayc/3>” re tu rn (time_doc) )else{ / / c a lc u la tio n s fo r th e r i s e /s e t azinuth decl_rad = decl_deg*TCPADIflN la t_ ra d = la c jd e g ’TOWDIAN w ith (Math) ( r_azm_rad=acos (sin (decl_rad) /co s ( la t_ ra d )) s_azm_rad=-accs (sin (decl_rad) /cos (la t_ r a d ) ) / / c a lc u la tio n s fo r th e su n rise /su n se t tim e v ar h_zero_rad = aco s(sin (r_ aan _ rad )/co s(d £ cl_ rad )) / / h e re th e u n its (somehow?!) a re degrees and n o t ra d ia n s .. s u n n se = 6- (h_zero_rad*T0CB3(£E/15) - (1 / (IS 'c o s (l a t j d e g ) )) sunset= 18+ (h_zero_rad*TCCEGPEE/15) + (1 / (18*cos (la tjd e g ) )) v ar tim ejdoc = "<PXB>Sunrise b earin g i s "+rourvd( (r_acm_rad*T0CH3: £E) *100)/100 +” degrees<BR>Sunset b earin g is "+ round! (s_arnn_rad~ItXEGP.EE)’iOO)/100+" degrees<ER>Sun r is e s a t ’ ’+time_format (sunrise) +” flM<BP>Sun s e ts a t "+time_fonnat (sunset) +” R-KB>" re tu rn (tim e_doc! / / a le r t (round(r_amn_rad~ItXBGEEE* 100)/1 0 O "\n " + round( (s_amn_rad*T0DB5>EE+180) *100) /1 0 O ”\n " / / +tim e_form at (sunrise) +’’\n"+tim e_fonnat (su n s e t)) / / a le r t ("Azinuth is "+rs_azm_rad~IGX03! E E+''\nSunrise tim e is "+time_format (sunrise) / / +" am\nSunset tim e i s ’ ’+tim e_form at(sunset)+" pn") ) ) ) . //FUNCTICN SHCW _DIA //F u n ctio n to show th e diagram fu n ctio n Shcw_dia() { i f ( (calcu lated _ v als) ss (d o a u e n _ c a lc .tim e S e le c tia n .se le c te d In d e x != 0 )) ( v a r Graphic_tejcc = "<HIMLxHEADxTITI£>The Sun Path Diagramc/nTLEx/HESD>" +”<EO O Y 33C0LCR= 'w h ite' XCEOTEP>" i f (A ltitude<0) ( G raphic_text = "<HIMLxHEADxnTLE>'Ihe Sun Path Diagramc/nTLEx/HERD>” page 105 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix D +"<BODY BGCCLuR='black', cexc='w hite'X tSJIS iX FC N r SIZ E = '+ l'X B > ItS Might tim e! </Bx/PCNT>" ) e ls e i f (Math.abs (Azinuth) >120) { i f (L atituda< 0)( G raphic_text += "<EUNT SIZE— ' '1 ' xB>The sun i s more th an 120 d eg rees fra n N orth! </Bx/FCNT>" } e ls e ( Graphic_te:{t += "<EUNT SIZE=' '1 ' xE>The sun i s more than 120 d eg rees fra n South!</Bx/FUNT>" ( ) e ls e ! Rcw_val = Calc_PcwValue (A ltitude) Col_val = Calc_ColValue (Azimuth) G raphic_text nBke_graphic(Pow_val, C ol_yal, A ltitu d e, Azimuth) ) G raphic_text • * * = ’ <mPKxHJH7r TYPE=Button onClick=’'s e lf.c lo s e () ” value="C lose Window">’ + '< P x ra7 T SIZB="-2" ESCB="Arial, H elvetica" C d£)R ="silver">Scopy;' *' <A HP£F="m ailto:archit@">A rchit Ja in , DSC Arc±iitecture</AXBP>’ + 'L ast M odified: ' +dccunent. lastM odified+' </CrirrEPlx/P37rx/HCDYx/HIML> ’ Cpen_G_Windcw (G raphic_text) 1 e ls e i f ( !c a lc u la te d _ v a ls)( a l e r t ("p lease c a lc u la te th e values f i r s t " ) } e ls e i f (docunent. fn m _ calc.tin eS eleczicn .selected In d ex = 0 ) f a l e r t ("M azn a\' s c h a rt fo r th e e n tir e day n ot implemented yez.. \n -a rc h it" ) ) re tu rn tru e ) / / .................................. //FUNCTICN O PEN _G _W IN D C W //F u n ctio n to open th e g raphic window and w rite the te x t in th e window. fu nction Opei_G_Windcw(text) ( Graphicwin ="", "Graphicwin", 'to o lb a r= 0 ,lo c a tio n = l,d ire c to rie s= 0 ,sta tu s= 0 ,m e n u b a r= l,sc ro llb a rs= l,re siz a b le=0,w idth=800,height=4SO '); G raphicw in .d o cu n sit.o p en ("tex t/h tm l", "replace") Graphicwin.document.w r ite (t e x t ) G raphicw in.docum ent.close() re tu rn tru e } //*'*" * *.............. //EUNCITCN f©KE_GPAFHIC //F u n ctio n to make th e g rap h ic co n ten t of th e new window. function make_graphic(Pow_val, C ol_val, a l t , ann) { v ar G _text, sun_pos, taip _ te x t= " ", i , j sun_pos = (Rcw_val*25 + Col_val) G_text = '<TABLE ECPOEPtO ALIQi="CENrEE" VALIGN="TOP" 9GCDL0R="-whlte">’ G_text +=’<FCNT SIZE="+1" color= ”#889DPC" E?£E="Arial, H elvetica">' + ’<B>Ihe P o sitio n o f th e Sun</B x/FtN rxB R >’ + '<HR SIZE=”1” WIDTH="90»"xB>at '+ M ath .ab s(latitu d e) + ' degrees' / / a l e r t (L atitude) i f (Latitude>=0) ( G_text + « = ’ North ' (e lse (G_text ■ * « = ’ South ' ( G_text -H='on ' + dateS trm g+ ' a t ' + tim eS tring + ' hours i s A ltitu d e '+ a lt+ ' and Azimuth '+azmt ’ .</B>' / / th e a ltitu d e Label! + '<TRXTD r0Wspan="3’ ’XCFOTERXEUNr SIZE="+1">' + ' <B>A<BR>l<BR>t<BR>i<BP>t<BP^U<BR>d<BR>e</BX/EUNrx/CE1 7rEP0X/TD>' + ’<TD>' page 106 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix D / / th e c o lu m degree n u ib e rs .. ts ip _ te x t= ”" for(i=S0;i>=O ;i-=10) { teip _ tex t+ = ’<DC SFC="Images/'-*-i+' .g if " WIDTH=25 HEK3fT=25 ECPEER=lxBP>' } teip _ te x t+ = ’<IMS SFC=”Iinages/whi te _ s q .g if ” WIDIH=25 HEIGHr=25 BGFr£R=0>' + '< /td x td v7yJiai="EarTCH’,x ic e p > ' G_cext+=tsrp_text / / w rite c u t th e b lan k rows te ip _ te x t= '" ' f o r (i=0; i<Pcw_val; -n-i) ( for(j= 0 ;j< 2 5 ;+ + j) ( terrp_text +=’< n c SFC=”InB ges/w hite_sq_check.gif" WIDTH=25 HEIGHr=25 BCREER=1>' } taip _ tex t+ = ’ </NCBR?<BExrCBR>\n ’ > G_text-*=teip_te:<t / / w rite th e a ip ty sq u ares t i l l th e sun square ta rp _ te x t = fo r (i=0; i<Col_val; ++i) ( tem p_text = tg ip _ te x t+ '< H C SPC="I.Tages/white_sq_check.gif" W ID IH =25 KEIGHr=25 BCREER=1>' } G _text+=tarp_text / / sun square tem ?_text = '<IM3 SPC =''Im ages/sun_sq.gif” WI0TH=25 HEISfP=25 BCPDER=1>' G _text+=tarp_text / / c c n p le te the row te ip _ te x t = "" fo r (i= 0; i<(24-C ol_yal); ++i) ( te rp _ te x t = carp_te;<t+ 'COG SPC="Im ages/white_sq_check.gif” WIDIH=25 HEICKT=25 BCEEER=1>' } G _text+ =tsip_text / / o th e r blank rows teip_text="</fCBPXBPXNCBR>” fo r (i=0; i<(9-Pow_val); ++i) { f o r (j=0; j<25; ++j ) ( to rp _ te x t *<='<H-G SPC=’’Im ages/w hite_sq_check.gif" WIDTH=25 HEK3fT=25 30P£ER=1>' ( tenp_text+ =' </NCBPXBPXNCBR>\n’ I G_text+=temp_text / / bottom bearing angles ta rp _ te x t= ' ' fo r (i=120;i>=-120;i=i-10) I cenp_text+='<IM3 SFC="Images/' + M ath.abs(i) + ' . g i f ” WIDIH=25 HEICKT=25 30PDER=1>' } tenp_text-H=' </N0BPX/TD> ’ G_text-H=tenp_text / / w rite th e column d egree n u r b e rs .. tenp_text="<TD>” fo r(i= S O ;i> 4 ;i^ lO ) { taip _ tex t+ = ' <IMS SPC="Images/' + i + , .g if ” W IE7TH =25 HETGHT=25 BOPI£F(=lxEP>' I taip _ te x t+ = ’<DG SPC^’Images/white _ s q .g if ” WIDIH=25 HEISfT=25 2CRCER=G>’ page 107 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix D G _text+ =teip_text / / w rite bottom fo o ter G_text+='</TDx/TPO<TPxTDx/TDXTD align="center"xrCBPO<ExFCKT E?CE="Anal, H elvetica" COI£ft="#88SCW:">Slt;— W e s t</KNTX/B>' Snbsp; snbsp; snbsp; snbsp; snbsp; sn b sp ;' + '<BXECNr SIZE="+1”>B e a r i n g</5CNTx/3> sn b sp ;sn b sp ;i n snbsp;d e g r e e s f r o m Snbsp; <BxECNT COLCft="red’’>' / / change th e South to North fo r th e Southern la titu d e s i f (LatrtudecO) {G_taxt-K=’N ORTH’ le lse tG jz e x t-^ 'S OOTH'I G_text+-='</rcNrx/B>Snbsp; snbsp; Snbsp; snbsp; snbsp; sn b sp ;' + ’<BxECNT E?CE="Arial, H elvetica" C0I£E="#889DPC">E a s t —Sgt;</PCKrx/Ex/NCER>’ + ' </TI>CTD></TD></TR></TAHLE>' re tu rn G _text ) ................ / / F U N C T T C H N R F E _ A L L _ D f i Y _ D O C //EXmction to make th e docunent when a l l th e values a r e needed, fu n c tio n make_ali_day_doc(j_day, D_Angle, la titu d e ) ( / / a l e r t ("new make th e doc") v a r h__angle_array = new Array () v ar a ltitu d e _ a rra y = new Array () v a r a zin u th _ array = new Array 0 / / v ar all_day_doc="</ECNrxHR>\n<PxB>Values fo r th e e n tir e day</B xp>\n" v a r all_day_doc=’<PXTAHIZ CELLPADDHG=1 CELLSP?dE=l WIDTH="SO*" B0PDER=1 VALIQi="TCP">\n' +’<TR><TK>Hour</TH><riH>Hour Angle</THXTHSA1 titude</THXTK>Beanng fran <H3rr COLCR="red">’ i f (latitu d e< 0 ) { all_day_doc*=' N orth’ ) e ls e (all_day_doc+='South’ ) all_day_doc+<=' </FO irx/T K x/T R >\n ’ fo r (i=0;i<24;++i) ( h _ an g le_ array [il = round (calcH A ngle(i)) a ltitu d e _ a rra y [i] = ro u n d (calcA ltitu d e(IatV al, D_Angle, h _ an g le _ arra y [i])) a2im ith _ arra y [i] = round(calcAzinuth(D_Angle, h _ a n g le _ a rra y [i], a ltitu d e _ a r r a y [ i] , la titu d e ) ) all_day_doc*<=' <TRxTDxB> ’ +i+' < /a x /T D x rn > ' +h_angle_array[i ]+ ’ </TDxTD> ’ » a ltitu d e _ a rra y [ i ] +' </TDxTD>' + azin u th _ arrav [i]+ ’</TD x/TP>\n’ ) all_day_doc+=' </TABLE>\n ’ / / alert(all_ d ay _ d o c) / / to send th e v alues to th e to p irrlex tcp .to p _ in d e x .d c c u ie n t.frm _ la tiu x ie v a lu e .e ia re n ts[0 ] .v alu e = L atitu d e to p . tcp _ in d ex .d o cu n ent.frm _dateS tring.elarents[01 .v a lu e = d a te S trin g to p . tcp_inde>:. document. frm _tirreStririg.elem ents [01. v alu e = " a ll" top.tcp_index.docunent.frm _all_day.elem ents[0] .v alu e = 1 fo r(i= 0 ; i<24; ++i) { to p . top_m dex. docunent. f m _ al t_ v alu es. eie n en ts [ x 1 ,v alue= a ltitu d e _ a rra y [i] top.top_index.docunent.frrn_a3n_values.elenencs[ij .v alu e = acim ith _ array [i] ) return(all_dav_doc) i /, „ .......................... / / EXJfCnCN OPENJCPLDJfiP / / fu n ctio n to open th e world nap window fu n c tio n open_world_rrap() ( v a r world_map_win = window, open ('w o rld .h tm l', 'S e le c t_ L a titu d e ', 'resizab le= y es,statu s= n o ,h eig h t= 3 1 0 ,w id th = 4 0 0 ') ! / / *......... page 108 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix D //FUNCTICN CRI£_ALL //R u c tio n to C a lc u la te a l l th e valu es—c a lls th e o ther fu n ctio n s. function Calc_All i form) ( d a teS trin g = d c o ire n t. frm _calc. rrrm thS election. op tio n s i docunent. frm joalc. m onthS electian. s e le c t erilrriex ] .text-*-" "-4 - (document. fn n _ calc. daySelection. se lected ln d ex + l) i f (docurent. frm _ calc. tim eS electio n . seiected ln d ex != 0) ( tim eS tring = docunent. fm_C2l c . tim e S e le ctio n . o p tio n s [docunent. fm _ c a lc . tim eS electio n . se le c te d lrd e x J . te x t [e lse (tim eS trin g = " a ll" ) frm_val = docunent. frm jo alc. la titu d e , value i f (! isV alid L at(fnn _ v al)) ( docunent. fm _ c a lc . la titu d e , focus () docunent. frm jo alc. la titu d e , s e le c t () retu rn > i f ( iCheckOate (d o c u ren t. frm jo a lc . m onthSelecticn. selectedlrde:-:, docunent. frm ju a lc.d ay S elec tio n .se le c te d ln d ex )) ( docunent. frm jo a lc. d ayS election. focus () docunent. fm jo a lc .d a y S e le c tic n . s e le c t () re tu rn [ c a la il a ted _ v ais= tru e LatVal = CalcLatVal(frm _val) L atitu d e = LatVal v ar N S = docunent. frrn_calc.norso u .o p tio n s [docunent. frm joalc. norsou. s e le c te d ln d e x ].te x t; v ar j_day = calcJD ay (docunent. f rm joalc.m onthSelectian. selected ln d ex , docunent. frm jo alc. d a y S e le ctio n . se lec te d ln d ex ) v ar D_Angle = ro u n d (ca lcD ec lin a tia n (;jjia y )) v ar t i t l e = " ” i f (LatVal = 0) { t i t l e = "th e E quator"; ) e ls e i f (LatVal = 111 L a tV a l= -i) ( t i t l e = M ath.abs(IatV al)+" degree "+KS+" la titu d e " [ e ls e ( t i t l e = f-fith.abs(LatV al)+" degrees "+NS+” la titu d e " } v ar doc = "XHIMLXKEADXTlTLEbCalculatian fo r ” +title*-"</TITLE>" doc*-='OCOY bgcolor=”W hite" TECT="Black” LINK="Navy” VLINK="Navy" ALHE="Ped">\n' -t-"<EC N T SIZE='+1' ra cE = 'A ria l' OOLCR=' #889DFC' >\n<3> C alc u latio n fo r " - * - t i t l e doc+=”</Bx3FO'an ”+ d ateS trin g doc**=" a t "+tim eString+ " h o u rs: </FCt7TxKP>\n" doc+="<BxELNT SIZE='-*-l'xA HP£F='. ./H elp/defim tiC T is.htm l#JulianD ay' ra?G£T=’d e f in itio n s ' _definitions ( ’ Ju lian D ay ') >"+ "<IMj SPC=’Im a g e s/c ie fin itic n js.g if' border=O x/A >Julian day</rtN r> fo r "+ d a te S trin g ■ * • " is " +j_day*- "</BxBP>\n" doc+="<BxECNr SIZE='-*-l'xA HFER='. ./H elp /d efin itio n s.h tm l# D eclin atio n A n g le' T R P S T = 'd efin itio n s' onM ouseOver=top.shcw_definitions! ’ D eclinaticm ftngle') > "-* - "<H-C SPC=' Im ag es/d efin it io n _ s .g i f border=O x/A >D eclinaticn Angle</ECNT> i s " +D_Angle*- " degrees</BxBR>\n” / / function to c a lc u la te the su n rise and su n set tim e added h ere and renoved.. /* Carrmented fra n h ere ------------------------------------------------- v ar rise_doc="" i f (form. su n rise _ su n se t. checked) ( / / a le r t ("c alc u la tin g ") nse_doc=caic_rise_set_aom _tirre (D_flngle) ) * / / / t i l l here — — ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i f (fo rm .tim eS electio n .selected ln d ex = 0 ) ( page 109 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix D doc+=make_all_day_doc (j jia y , 0_Angie, LatVal) ) e ls e ( v ar HAngle = round (calcHAngle (docunent. fm _ c a lc . tim eS electio n . se le c te d ln d e x )) A ltitu d e = round (calcA ltitu d e(L atV al, D_Angle, H_Angle)) Azinuth = round (calcAzimuth(D_Angle, H_Angle, A ltitu d e , la tV a l) ) p assing valu es to th e top_index fram e.. / / make one box which say s i f one o r n u ltip le v alu es a r e caning tc p . top_index. d o cu ren t. frm _latitudeV alue. elem ents [Q ]-value = t i t l e top. zo p _ in d ex .d o cu n eit.frm _ d atestrin g .elen en ts[0 ] .v alu e = d a te S trin g tcp .tcp _ in d ex .d o cu ren t.frm _ tim eS trin g .elan en ts[0 ] .v alu e = tim eS trin g to p . tap jm d ex . d o cu ren t. f rm _all_day. elem ents [ 0 ] . v a lu e = 0 tc p . top_irdex. document. frm _ alt_ v alu es. elem ents [01 .value= A ltitu d e tcp.top_index.docurent.frm _asn_values. elem ents [0] .v alu e = Azinuth here doc*<="<BxECKr SIZE= ’ +1 ’ x A HREF= ’ . . /H e lp /d e fin itio n s . html#HourAngle ’ TAECST= ’ d e fin itio n s ’ onM ouseO ver=top.shcw_definitials (' HourAngie’ ) >"+ "<QC S R C = 'Im ag es/d efin itio n _ s.g if’ border=0x/A>Hour Angle</ECKr> a t ''+timeStrxng+ " hours i s "+H_Angle+ '' degrees< / B x /ER>\n" doc+=”<BxECNr SIZE=’+ l 'x A HPEF='. . /H e lp /d e fin itio n s .h tm l# A ltitu d e ' TAFGET='definitions’ al4xiseO _definiticxis ('A l t it u d e ') >”■ * - "<BG SRC=’Im ag es/d efin itio n _ s .g if ’ border=Ox/A>Altitude</ECNr> i s ”+Altitude+ '' degrees</Hx/BR>\n” doc*="<3xrcNr S IZ E = '+ l'x A HREE^’ . . /H elp /d efin itio n s.h tm l# A zim u th ' TA RC£I>=’d e f in itio n s ’ onM ouseOver=tcp.show_definitions ('A zim uth') >'v "<BG S P C = 'Im a g es/d e fin itian _ s.g if’ border=0x/A>Azimuth</FCNr> i s "+Azinuth+ " degrees</Bx/BR>\n" p aren t, r e s u lt, docunent. open!) ; p a re n t. r e s u lt. docurent .w rite (doc) / / p aren t, r e s u lt, docunent. w rite(rise_ d o c) p a re n s u it.d o c u n e n t.w rite ( ' <rorac<INR7r TYPE= "button" N A M E =”show _dia"' +'VALUE=''Show M azriaV s Sun Path Diagram” onC lick="top.fonrs.program .Shcw _dia(! "x/FC Ft-tv) p aren t, r e s u lt, docunent. w rite('< A HPEE^". . /VFBuHd/VFMLgenl_cur. htm l" TAPGrr="forms">' +’<IMS SRC=” ../n P G ra p h ics/fo rw a rd _ a rro w .g if" WIDIH=42 HEK2fT=37 BORE£R=0 x/A xB PX B >Proceed to V P. B u ild e r!.. < /B > ') p aren t.resu lt.d o cu n en t.w rite("< P x H R SIZE=lxEOJT SIZE=’- 2 ' EACD=’A ria l, H elv etica' COLDER' s i l v e r ' >© \ tka HP£P='m ailto :a rc h it8 u sc.ed u '> "+ "A rchit Ja in , USC Architecture</AXBR>Last R evision: ” + docunent. lastMxhfiecH-''</EOriX/BODyx/HIML>") p aren t, r e s u lt, docunent. c lo se !) ; } / / — > </SCRIET> </HEAD> <B0DY bgcoior="White" TE<T= "Black" LINK="navy" VLHIK="navy" A LX M H =”Fed"> <H-G SPC=".. /T IP G ra p h ic s/lso lara zin alt.g if” WIDTH=283 HEXC3ir=74 EO PD ER fO ALT=”The Solar A ltitu d e and Azinuth C alculator"> •OABLE B0RDER=0 CELLS PACBC=2 CELLFADDIM3=6> <TRxTD oolspan=3> <A HREE^". ./H e lp /d e fin itia n s.h o n l# S e le c tL a titu d e " TARGET="definitions" o n tix jse O v e r= 'tc p .sh c w jd e fin itia n s("S e le c tL a titu d e ")'x O C SR C ="Im ages/definition.aif" WIDI»=30 HEICJir=27 B O RDEFK )x /A> <B>Select Latitude</BxBR> <FCFM name="frm_calc" anSubmit=”C a lc _ A ll(th is); re tu rn fa lse"> <SELECT NA£="city" cnChange=change_lat< th is [ th is , selected ln d ex ) .v alu e )> ■cO PTICN v a lu e = th rm .la titu d e .v a lu e X Jse r Defined L ocation <OFTCCN value=27.2>A£PA, In d ia 27.2 < O Pnai value=36.5>AIdERS, A lg e ria 36.5 page 110 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix D cOPTICN value=37. 6>ATHEIE, Greece 37.6 cOETICN value=33.5 >KTLA1TA, G eorgia 33.5 cOPTICN value=33. 2>BA G H D A D , Ira q 33.2 COPTICN value= 39.2>BALnMDPE, Maryland 39.2 cOPTICN value= 13.5>BANGKEK, T hailand 13.5 COPTICN value= 12.96>BANGALCRE, In d ia 12.96 cOPTICN value= 5 2 .3>BEPUTI, Genrany 52.3 cOPTICN value=42.2>BCSTCN, M assachusetts 42.2 COPTICN value=18.9>BCMBAY (M n b ai), In d ia 13.9 COPTICN value= -34. 5>BUENCS AIRES, A rgentina -34.5 cOPTICN value=2.5>BUFEAL0, New York 2.5 COPTICN vaiue=30. OXAIBO, Egypt 30.0 COPTICN value=22.3XSUCOTm, In d ia 22.3 cOPTICN v alue^lO . 3X3iP7CAS, Venezuela 10.3 cOPTICN value=41. 5XHTCBG0, I l l i n o i s 41.5 cOPnCN value=39.lX U dN N K T I, Chio 39.1 cOPTICN value=41. 3XCLEVELAHD, Chio 41.3 COPTICN value=55.4X]0PENHM2N, Denmark 55.4 cOPTICN value=32. 5>DALIAS, Texas 32.5 cOPTICN value=39.4 >DELVER, Colorado 39.4 cOPTICN value=42. 2>OETROIT, M ichigan 42.2 cOETICN value=31.6>EL PASO, Texas 31.6 cOPTICN value=51.3>ESSEN, Gemany 51.3 cOETICN value=41. 5>HAPTFCPB, C onnecticut 41.5 COPTICN value=22.2>HCNG K D M S (VICTORIA) 22.2 cOPTICN value=22. 2>HYEERABAD, In d ia 17.43 cOETICN value=29.5>HOOSTCN, Texas 29.5 cOPTICN value=39. 5>INDIANAFQLIS, Indiana 39.5 cOPTICN value=41.0>ISTANBUL, Turkey 41.0 cOPTICN value=-6.1XIAKAKIA, Indonesia -6 .1 cOPTICN value^-2o.2XJCHANNESB0PG, S. A frica -26.2 cO Pnas value=24. S>KAPACHI, P ak istan 24.5 cOPTICN value=-4.2>KINSHASA, Z aire -4 .2 cOPTICN value= -12. 0>LBR, Peru -1 2 .0 cOETICN v alu e= S l. 3>LCNDCN, England 51.3 cOFTICN SE2H.TED value=34. 0>LOS ANGEI£S, C a lifo rn ia 34.0 cOETICN value=13.66>f©EFAS (Chennai), In d ia 13.66 cOETICN value=40. 2H4ACPID, Spain 40.2 cOETICN value=30.5>EBNILIA, P h ilip p in e s 30.5 COETICN value^-37.5:>MELBajBNE, A u s tra lia -3 7 .5 COETICN value=19. 2iMEiacO CITY, Mexico 19.2 cOETICN value= 25.5>MLMI, F lo rid a 25.5 cOPTICN value= 43.0>MIIWAUKEE, W isconsin 43.0 cOETICN value=44.6>MINNEAFCiLIS, M innesota 44.6 cOPTICN value= 45.3XCNTREAL, Canada 45.3 COETICN value=55.5>M0SCCW, USSP. 55.5 cOETICN value=28. 8>N EW DELHI, In d ia 28.8 cOETICN value=29.6>NEW CPLEANS, L ouisiana 29.6 COPTICN value=40.4>NEW Y O R K , New York 40.4 cOPTICN value=48. 5>PARIS, France 48.5 COFTICN value= 3 9 .6>PHILADEXPHIA, Pam 39.6 COETICN value=33.3>EH0ENEX, A rizona 33.3 cOETICN value=40.3>PITTSBURffi, Pennsylvania 40.3 cOETICN value=45.3>POFCTAND, Oregon 45.3 cOETICN value=39.3>REN0, Nevada 39.3 cOPTICN value=41.5>FCME, I t a l y 41.5 COPTICN value=38.0>SACRAME2no, C a lifo rn ia 38.0 COETICN value=32.4>SAN DIB30, C a lifo rn ia 32.4 COETICN value=37.S>SAN EPANCISCO, C a lifo rn ia 37.5 COETICN value^33.3>SANTIAO0, C h ile -3 3 .3 cOPTICN value=~23. 3>SAO PAULO, B ra z il -2 3 .3 cOETICN value=47.7>SEKITIE, W ashington 47.7 COPTICN value=37. 7>SE0CJL, S. Korea 37.7 cOETiai value=37. 7>SHAN3ffiI, China 37.7 cOPTICN value=38.4>ST. LOUIS, M issouri 38.4 page I II Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix D < 0?nQ l value=25.0>TAIPEI, Taiwan 25.0 OPTION value=35. 4>TEHPAN, Ira n 35.4 <0PnCN value= 35.450000, Japan 35.4 OPTION value=43.4>TCKNro, Canada 43.4 OPTION value= 52.2X4APSAW , Poland 52.2 <0PnCN value= 38.5s«fiSHINGrCN,D.C 38.5 OETICN value=47.4>ZURICH, S w itzerlan d 47.4 </SELECT> <BR> <DJFUT TrFS="text" NflME="latitude" VALUE>="34.0 " size= "5" arC h an g e= "th m .city .selected In d ex = 0 "> <SELECT NPME="norsou” a r£ h an g e= "th rm .city .selected In d ex = 0 '’> OPTION selectecM Jorth < o p n a !> so u th </SELHCT> <BRXA HF£E^"javascript:apen_world_map() "> Select L atitu d e fron World Map</A> </TD> ~ </TR> OR> <TD C0LSFMJ=3> <BXA HFEF=” . . /H eL p /d efin itio n s.h o n l# S electD ate” T A PS ir= "definitions" onMouseOver=' to p . s h o w jd e fin itio n s("S e le c tE a te "! 'x D C SP C = "Im 3ges/definition.gif" WIDIH=30 H EIG H T=s27 BCPLER=Ox/A> S e le c t Date</BxEF> (The p re se n t d a te and tim e a re s e t when th e document i s f i r s t loaded) </TD> </TR> <TF> ODxBJMonth: </ B> <BPxSELECT ^^P^E=,,^lonthSelection', onChange=”CheckDate (document. frm _ calc.m cnthS election.selectedIndex, dccunent. frm jcalc.d av S electian . se le c te d ln d e x I "> OPITCN> January OPTICN> February OPTICN> March OETICN> A pril OFTICN> May OPTTCK> June OPTICN> Ju ly OPTICN> August OPTICN> S ep terb er <0ETICN> October OPTICN> Novsrtier OETICN> D ecsrber </SELBCT> </TD> <TDx8>Cay:</B> •rEPxSELHTT NPME="daySelectian" anChange=”CheckDate (document. frm _ calc.m onth3election. selectedlndex, docixnent. f rm_calc. d ay S electio n . se le c te d ln d e x ) "> OPTICN> I <0PTICN> 2 OPTICN> 3 OPTTCN> 4 OPITCN> 5 OFTICID* 6 OPTICN> 7 OPTICN> 8 OPTICN> 9 OPITCN> 10 o p n a i > i i o p tic n > 12 o p itc n > 13 o p n a c * 14 o p n a o 15 o p tic n > 16 o p n a i > 17 o p tic n > i s o p n a t > 19 <oeticn> 20 o p n c ti> 21 o p tio n s 22 o p tic n > 23 o p tic n > 24 o p tic n > 25 O PTiar> 26 OPTICN> 27 OPTICN> 28 OPITCN> 29 OPITCN> 30 OETICN> 31 </SKrfTT> </TD> <TDxB>Hour:</BxBRxSELECT NPtE=”tim e S e le c tia n ’ ’> OETICN>all hours OPTION> 1 OPTICN> 2 OPTICN> 3 OPTICN> 4 OETICN> 5 OPTICN> 6 OPITCN> 7 OFTICN> 8 <OPTTCN> 9 OPITCN> 10 o p n c H > 11 o p h c n > i2 o p tic n > 13 o p tic n > 14 o p tic n > 15 OPnCN> 16 OPTICN> 17 OPTICN> 18 OPTICN> 19 OPTICN> 20 <0PnCN> 21 OPnCN> 22 OPITCN> 23 o p tic n > 24 </SELECT> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <BR CLEAR=ALL> <!— <INEOT TYPE=”CH B C K B C K " lJPMB="sunrise_sunset" CHBCKtlcxBX^lculate s u n ris e and su n set azim iths and times</B> —> <INPUT TYPB="tutton'' NPME="write" VAUJB="Calculate th e Values" anClic):="Calc_All (t h i s . form) "> </£U tM > <H H SIZE="1"> page 112 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix D <ECNT SIZE=”-2 ” E?CE="Arial, H elvetica" C0L3R="silver”>© <A H P S ^ 'ira ilto :a rc h i tg u sc.ed u ' > A rch it Ja in , USC Architecture</AxBPi> <SCRIPT LAfCiJ?S>=',JavaS cript"> <! — d o c u n e n t.w rite f' l a s t R evision: " + d o cu n en t.lastM x iified l ; / / —> </SCPJFTX/ECKr> <SCRIET IANGUfi£5>="JavaScript"> < ! — docunent. frm joalc.m cnthS electicn. selectedIndex= today. getttanth () docunent. frm _calc.daySelection.seieG tedIndex= today.getD ate () -1 i f (today. getHours 0=^5) ( docunent. f rm jc alc .tim e S e le c tio n . s e le c t edlndex=23 ) e ls e ( d o c u n ait. f rm _calc. tim eS electio n . selectedIndex=todav. getHours () I / / — > </SCRIPT> <B O D Y > </HML> VRML Builder <!DOCIYPE HIML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HIML 3.2//EN"> <HIML> <H EA D > <TITLE>VPML B uilder</nTLE> <SCPJPT LANGUP£E="JavaScript"> < !— h id e th e Ja v aS crip t from non-JavaS cript browsers /* C opyright A rch it Ja in , USC School o f A rc h ite ctu re , 1997. A ll R ights Reserved General Notes: 080697 1. Aided th e bulb icon and reworked th e h elp .. 050497 1. Added a few graphics 0 5 .. 1. General improvsntns in look e tc .. 043097 1. Added anim ation c o n tro ls to th e p a g e .. New can c o n tro l th e speed o f the anim ation, th e 042997 1. Renewed th e ra m d fu n c tio n .. new o n ly th e top fu n ctio n i s bein g u se d .. 2. Added th e new d is ta nce fo r th e view points, but when p o s itio n i s co rrected to 0 0 0, fu n ctio n is n o t have to remove i t . removed and now view points work fin e . 3. Viewpoints work fo r a l l day values a ls o —good! 4. Have to add so re anim ation co n to ls to th e form. 042897 1. Add th e view point p o sitio n s 2. C orrected misbehaving sin g le s o la r v alu e a l e r t s . , took a long tim e !! 3. Added g lo b al v a ria b le s fo r base__value, sun_pos, sun_alt_deg, sun arm deg 042797 1. have to g e t th e h ig h e st ’ values fo r th e form elem ents - got th e max of th e s i t e values - add th an now -added a l l lin e s th a t have base_value u se th a t valu e. 2. Added th e dialogue box to th e save a s te x t o p tio n —works in C am unicator t o o .. page 113 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix D 042697 1. Checking the sun p o s itio n s ., e r r o r in sun p o s itio n formula corrected ! 2. Sun p o sitio n s fo m u la co rre c te d ! They a re fin e now. 3. S o la r Animation from s t a t i c p o in t w orks!!! 4. Viewpoint anim ation seems to be solved in cube4.w ri—have to add h ere. 042397 1. Sun p o sitio n s added t u t do n o t work D roperiv 042197 1. Irre g u la r s i t e added and a l l works! 2. Makes the e n tir e s ite ! 3. Have to add th e sun, sun a d d ed .. 042097 1. Added o rie n ta tio n and c o lo r f ie ld s to th e b u ild in g s. 2 . Psnoved u n its from a l l th e v a lu e s ., new have to design th e e n tir e th in g in one u n it. 3. S im plified th e S ite ta b le . 4. Surrounding tx iiid in g shapes can be c y lin d ric a l o r rectan g u lar - o ily re c ta n g u la r. 5. The u n its now change to m e te rs /ra d ia n s .. to add more choices send th e corresponding index to th e fu n c tio n a lso . 041997 1. b u ild in g and tr e e o b jects implemented. 2. Have to lin k th e sun in , fro n th e azim uth and th e a ltitu d e . 3. Have to p i t in a l l th e p ro to f i l e s in to th e docunent and in stan c e i t according to th e u s e r 's in p u t. 041797 1. Taken o ff the c ir c le statem en ts ro ta lly ! 2. Removed the W rite form 2 fu n c tio n and added i t back again 3. Try defin e a b u ild in g o b je c t to se e i f i t w o rk s.. 4. works.. 030997 1. E rro r checking n ot implemented y e t—i f th e cannon programs a re in th e index f i l e then th ey could be used fo r a ll th e pages. For th e in p u t ranges, use one function, which tak es p o s itiv e /n e g a tiv e and ranges to check fo r. 2. tr e e added to th e drawing f i l e . . h o p efu lly i t vrould work todo: 1. co n v ert a l l th e d istan c es to m eters and th e an g les to rad ian s — done 3/10/97 2. w rite the content o f th is frame to th e n ex t window—which is WHERE!???? — t h i s seams a d i f f i c u l t th in g to do. Therefore have th e u s e r p u t th e nuifcer o f sides e tc . e a r l ie r an and based on th a t supply th e u se r w ith a re le v an t form? 3 . 041797: A m not w ritin g the co n ten t to any o th e r form — i . e . n o t giving th e u se r an in p u t based form—b u t providing them w ith a ch o ice a t th e beginning o ily . '/ / / „— „.................... / / CO NSTA N TS A N D G LO B A L VARIABLES w ith (Math) ( TOPAD1AN= PI/180 TXBGBEE= 1/TCPADIAN ) v ar base_value = 1 v ar sun_pos v ar sun_alt_deg, sun_azm_deg v a r la titu d e = to p . tcp_index. docunent. frm _ iatitu d eV alu e. elements [ 0 ]. value v ar tim eS trin g = top.top_index.docum ent.frm _tim eString.elem ents[0] .v alu e v ar d a te S trin g = to p .to p _ in d ex .d o cu n e n _ d ateS trin g .elere n tsro ] .v alu e / / ............ / / PROTOTYPES / / A ll th e prototypes are defined h e re , v ar p ro to P ectS ite = 'PPOTO r e c t s i t e [ \n ' protoP ectS ite*= ' f ie ld SEBotation s ite P o ta tio n 0 0 0 0 \n ' protoPectSite+ =' f ie ld SEVec3f s ite S c a le 1 1 1 \n ' p ro to P e c tS ite ^ ' f ie ld SEColor site C o lo r 0.S9 0.546413 0.191741 \n ' p ro to P ectS ite+ = '] ( \n ' protoPectSite+ = ’ DEF re c ta n g u la rS ite Transform { \n ' page 114 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix D r o ta tio n IS s ite R o ta tia n \ n ’ s c a le IS s ite S c a le \n ' c h ild re n Shape ( \ n ’ appearance Appearance ( iiB te ria l M a terial ( a rb ie n tln te n s ity 0.1 d iffu se C o lo r IS site C o lo r sh in in e ss \r.’ \n' protoPectSite+<=' protoPectSite+ = ' protoPectSite+ = ' protoPectSite+<=' p ro to ?ectS ite+ = ' protoPectSite+= • prctoP ectS ite+ = ' protoPectSite+ = ' protoPectSite+ = ' protoPectSite+ = ' protoPectSite+ = ' p ro to P ectS iter= ' protoRectSite+= ’ p ro to P e c tS ite ^ ' protoPectSite+= ’ protoFectSite+= protoPectSite+ = ‘ v ar protoSinpTree='PPCrTO sinpfTree protoSutpfTree*=' f i e l d SFVec3f tre e S c a le 1 1 1 protoSinpTree+*=' f i e l d SFVec3f tre e T ra n s la tic n 0 0 protoSiirpTreet-=' f i e l d SFFloat treeT ransparency 0 protoSinpTree+=’ 1 { i n ’ protoSirrpTree+<=' DEF sin p leT ree Transform ( in ' \n ' \n ' in ' \n ' geometry s iz e 1 1 in ' 0.05 1 0.2 Box ( \n ' \n ' \ n ’ \n ' ) in ' \n ' \ n ’ t \n ' \n ' 0 \ n ’ \ n ’ \n ’ protoSinpfTree+<= ’ protoSinpTree*-=' protoSiirpTree*-=' protoSinpTreer=' protoSinpTree+= ’ prctcSirrpTree*=' protoSinpTree+= ’ protoSixrpTree^=' protoSinpTree*=' protoSiiqdTree+=' protoSinpTree+=' protoSirpT ree^= ' protoSinprree+'=' protoSinpTree*-= ’ protoSinpTree+= ’ procoSinpTree+=1 protoSurpTrce i * * ’ protoSirrpTree+=' protoSirrpTree-=' protoSm pTree+=' protoSiirprree+=' protoS inprree+ = ' protoSnrpTree+=' protoSizprree+-=' protoSurpTree+<=' protoSinpTree+^' protoSinpTree-*=' protoSirrpTree-*= ’ protoSinprree+<=' protoSiitpTree+=' protoSinpTree+=' protoSinpTree+=' protoSirrpTree+=' protoSinpTree+= ’ protoSinpTree+=' protoSinpTree+=' protoSinpTree^=' protoSiripTree+=' protoSmpTree+< =' protoSinprree+*=' protoSiigdTree+*=' tr a n s la tio n IS tre e T ra n sla tio n in ' s c a le IS tre e S c a le \n ' c h ild re n T ransform ( in ' c e n te r 0 -0 .5 0 \n ' c h ild re n [ \ n ’ CEF treeT runk Transform ( \ n ’ tra n s la tic n O 0 .2 0 \n ' c h ild re n Shape ( appearance Appearance ( m a te ria l \n ' \ n ’ M aterial ( in ' a n ta ie n tln te n sity 0.1 \n ' d iffu se C o lo r 0.64 0.475064 0.121484 sh in in e s s 0.1 \n ' in ' i n ’ } i i n ’ geometry Cylinde r h e ig h t 0.4 ra d iu s 0.07 ) in ' } i n ’ ) in ' in ' CEF treeTcp Transform ( tra n s la tic n O 0.60 0 c h ild re n in ' Shape { in ' appearance in ' i n ’ in ' i n ’ in ' ( in ' } in ' g ean etry Sphere { i n ’ ra d iu s 0.5 in ' ) in ' } in- in ' Appearance ( in ' m a te ria l M a terial i i n ’ a n fc ie n tln ta isity 0 .1 in ' diffu seC o lo r 0.482665 0 .8 0.259003 sh in in e ss 0 in ' transparency IS treeT ran sp aren cy in ' in ' in ' page 115 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix D protoSiirpTree«= ’ procoSincTree+-= ’ } i n ’ \n ' v ar protcCone?rree= ' PSOIO CGnerree [ \ n ’ protcConeTree+=' f ie ld SFVec3f aJT reeScale 1 1 1 in ' prctcCcneTree+<=' f ie ld SFVec3f ocT ree'T ranslation 0 0 0 protoConeTree+<=' f ie ld SFFloat cx/TreeTransparency 0 protoCaneTree+<=’ ] { in ' protoCOneTree+^'DEF ccnicalT ree Transform ( \n ' \n ' \n ' in ' protoConeTree+-=' protoConeTree*<=' procoCcreTree+=' protoCcneTree+<=' protoConeTree*=' protoConeTree+=' protoConeTree+-=' procoCaneTree+= ’ protoConeTree+«=' protoCaneTree+=' procoCdneTree*=' protcConeTree*= ’ protoC aneTreet=' protoConeTree+=' protoConeTree+='’ protoCcneTree+= ’ protoCaneTree+<=’ protoCcneTree+*= • protoCane'Tree+<= • protoCaneTree+=’ protcConeTree+=1 prctoCaneTree+= ’ protoCaneTree+<= • protoCaneTree+-=' protoCaneTree+-=' protoCOneTree*= ’ protoCcneTree+«= ’ protoCOneTree+=’ protoCaneTree+=' protoC onerree+=' protaCaneTree+= ’ p ro to C an eT ree^' procoConeTree+= ■ protoCaneTree+*= ’ pro coConeTreev=' protcCaneTree~=’ procoConeTree+<=' protoConeTree+-=’ protcCaneTree+-=' p ro to C o n erreet= ’ protoConeTree+<= ’ protoConeTree+=' protoCaneTree+«=' protoCOneTree+=') in ' i n ’ tr a n s la tio n IS coT reeT ranslaticn sc a le IS cOTreeScale in ' c h ild re n Transform ( i n ’ c e n te r 0 -0 .5 0 i n ’ c h ild re n [ in ' CEF treeT runk Transform { in ' tra n s la tic n O 0.2 0 in ' c h ild re n Shape ( i n ’ appearance Appearance ( in ' m a te ria l tfe te r ia l ( in ' an to ien tln ten sity 0.1 i n ’ d iffuseC olor 0.64 0.475064 0.121484 in ' ) sh in in ess in ' i n ’ 0.1 in ' geometry h e ig h t 0.4 ra d iu s 0.07 ) in ' ) in ' 1 i n ’ i n ’ DEF treeTop Transform ( tra n s la tic n O 0.60 0 c h ild re n in ' Shape { in ' appearance C ylinder ( in ' in ' in ' in ' in ' Appearance ( in ' m aterial M a terial ( in ' airb ie n tln te n sity 0 .1 in ' diffu seC o lo r 0.00464828 0.57 0.0671584 sh in in ess 0 in ' transparency IS coTreeTransparency } in ’ in ' geometry Cane ( oottcm Padius 0.5 h e ig h t 0.8 in ' in ' i n ’ in ' in ’ i n ’ in ' in ' in ' in ’ v ar protcCcnpTree = 'PPOTO c a ip rre e [ in ' p rotoC atprree+ = ’ fie ld SEVec3f CTreeScale 1 1 1 in ' fie ld SEVeclf cT reeT ran slatio n 0 0 0 in ' fie ld SFFloat cTreeTransparency 0 in ' ( in ' in ' protcC arpTree+=' LEF Cenplextree Transform ( in ' protcC arpTree+=' tra n s la tio n IS cT reeT ran slatio n in ' protcConp#rree+<=' scale IS CTreeScale in ' protoCarpTree+=' protoC aipT reet= ' p ro to C aip rree t= ' ] protoC aipTree+=' page 116 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix D protoCcmprree^=' protoCarpTree+<=' protoCcnpfrree+<=’ protoCCnpfTree+= ’ protoCaiprrree+*=' procoCaipfTreet^' prctoCatpTree*= ’ protoCaip^rree+=' protoCaiprrree+*=' procoCaipTree+=' protcCcnprrree+=’ protoCaipfTree+=' protoCatp/Tree+=' procoCatt|?rree+=' protoC arpTreet=' protoC aiprrreef=' protoCenpTree+-=' proCoCcnpfTree+*= ’ procoCcrr{ffree^= ’ protoCanpTree+=' protoCaipTree+*=' protoCanrfrree+=' protoC£npTree+*=’ protoCartpfTree+=' protoCaipTree+=' p r otoCaipTree+‘=' protoCPrnprree+= ’ protoCancprree+^' protoCcnprrree+=' protoCarpTree+=' protoCaiprrree+-=' protoCarrpTree+=' protoCaiprTree+=' protoCanpTree+=' protoC aiprree+ = 1 protoCcnpfrree+=' protoCaipfrree+=' protoCandTree+=' protoCaipfTree+*=’ procoCcnpTree+*=' pratoCcrrtffree+«=' protoCaipTree+'=' procoCanpTree+^' pzrotoCaipTree*-=' procoCcnpTree+<=' protoCaipTree+=' protoCcnpfrree+<=' protoCaipTree+-=' protoCcrrpTree+<=' protoCcnpfrree+*=' protoCaipfTree+<= ’ protoC£npTree+<=' protoCaipTree+-=' procoCcrrpTree+=' protoCarp/TreeH=' protoCaTf/Tree+=' prctoCaipfTree*=' protoC aipTree^=' protoCatpTree+= ’ protoCcnpfrreet=' protaCarpTree+<=' protoCarpfTree+<=' protoCaqtfTree*<=' protcC arpTree^=' protoCcnpTree+=' c h ild re n Transform { \n ' can cer 0 -0 .5 0 \ n ’ tr a n s la tio n 0 0.5 0 \n ' c h ild re n Transform ( \ n ’ s c a le .25 .25 .25 \n ' c h ild re n \n ’ Shape ( \n ' appearance m ate ria l Appearance ( \n ' M a terial { \n ' a rrb ie n tlr.te n sity 0.133333 \n ' diffu seC o lo r 0 1 0 \n ' sh in in ess 0 .2 \ n ’ transparency IS cTreeTransparency \ n ’ \ n ’ \n ' \n ' \ n ’ geanecry co lo r c o lo r ) coord p o in t 0 1 0 , IndexedFaaeSet C olor ( 0.733333 0.4 0 ] \n ' \n ' \n ' \n ' \ n ’ C oordinate { [ -0.447033 0.282776 0.441189, \n ' -0.631183 -0.113998 0.625332, \ n ‘ -0.00246 -0.113998 0.885754, \n ' -0.00246 0.282776 0.625332, \n ' -0.631181 0.282776 -0.003406, \n ’ -0.891607 -0.113998 -0.003406, \ n ’ -0.447033 0.282776 -0.447986, \n* -0.631181 -0.113998 -0.632129, \ n ’ -0.00246 0.282776 -0.632129, \n ' -0.00246 -0.113998 -0.892551, \n ' 0.442114 0.282776 -0.447986, \ n ’ 0.626264 -0.113998 -0.632114, \n ’ 0.626263 0.282776 -0.003406, \n ' 0.886687 -0.113998 -0.003406, \n* 0.442114 0.282776 0.441189, \n ' 0.626263 -0.113998 0.625332, \n ’ -0.447033 -0.790787 0.441189, \n ' -0.00246 -0.790787 0.625332, \n ' -0.631181 -0.790787 -0.003406, \ n ’ -0.447033 -0.790787 -0.447986, \ n ’ -0.00246 -0.790787 -0.632129, \n ’ 0.442114 -0.790787 -0.447986, \n ' 0.626263 -0.790787 -0.003406, \n ' 0.442114 -0.790787 0.441189, \n ' -0.00246 -1.01234 -0.003406, \n ' -0.00246 2.48563 -0.003406, \n ' -0.339407 1.7739 0.333554, \n ' -0.00246 1.7739 0.473126, \ n ’ -0.478976 1.7739 -0.003406, \n ’ -0.339407 1.7739 -0.340366, \n ' -0.00246 1.7739 -0.479923, \n ' 0.334488 1.7739 -0.340366, \n ' 0.474057 1.7739 -0.003406, \n ' 0.334488 1.7739 0.333554, \n ' -0.551759 0.556397 0.54591, \n ' -0.00246 0.556397 0.773434, \n ’ -0.779285 0.556381 -0.003406, \n ' -0.551758 0.556381 -0.552707, \n ' -0.00246 0.556381 -0.780231, \n ’ 0.54684 0.556381 -0.552692, \n ' 0.774366 0.556397 -0.003406, \n ' 0.54684 0.556397 0.54591, \n ' 0.114712 -0.877031 -0.004309, \n ’ page 117 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix D procoCaif/rreet= ’ 0.114712 -2.10333 -0.004309, \n ’ protcCarpTree+*=' -0.004193 -2.10333 -0.123205, \ n ’ protoCarprree+*=' -0.004193 -0.877031 -0.123205, \n ' protoCaqpTreet^' -0.123098 -2.10333 -0.004309, \ n ’ protoCaqpTree+<=' -0.123098 -0.877031 -0.004309, \n ' protoCanpTree+«' -0.004193 -2.10333 0.114618, \n* protoCarpTree+<= ’ -0.004193 -0.877031 0.114618 I \n ' protoCarpTree+<=' ) \n ' protoCarpirree+*=’ \ n ’ protoCaitJTree+*=' normal Normal ( \n ' protcCnrpTree+=' v ecto r [ -0.723655 0.179879 0.666309, \n ' protoC arp/T ree^' -0.726779 -4e-006 0.686872, \n* protaCaip/Tree+*=' -0.028208 0 0.999602, \n ’ protoCaipfTree+«= ’ -0.040538 0.179873 0.982854, \n ' protoCaipfTree+<=' -0.982854 0.179874 -0.040537, \n ' procoCcnpfrree+<= ’ -0.999602 2e-006 -0.028209, \n ' protoCarpTree+-= ’ -0.666314 0.179876 -0.72365, \n ' protoCaip/Tree*<=' -0.686878 2e-006 -0.726773, \n ' prctoCaipfTree+=' 0.040548 0.179871 -0.982854, \n ' protoCcit^rree+<=' 0.028217 4e-006 -0.999602, \n ' protaCartfTree+=' 0.72365 0.179876 -0.666315, \n ' proccCcrtpfrree+*=' 0.726772 -2e-006 -0.686879, \n ' protoCcnp/rree+=' 0.982852 0.179882 0.040542, \n ' protoConpTreeH=' 0.999602 -3e-006 0.028209, \n ' protoC anprreet= ’ 0.666326 0.17987 0.723641, \ n ' protoC diprrreet^' 0.636884 4e-006 0.726767, \ n ' procoCaqprree+=' -0.474358 -0.610865 0.633899, \n ' p ro to C aip T ree^1 ' 0.112818 -0.610863 0.783657, \n ’ protoCanpTree+= ’ -0.78366 -0.61086 0.112816, \n ' prccoCOTpfrree+=' -0.633906 -0.61086 -0.474355, \ n ’ procoCaiprree+= ’ -0.112818 -0.610858 -0.783661, \n ' protoCarpfTree+-=' 0.474361 -0.610855 -0.633907, \n ’ procoCcnpfrree+= ’ 0.783658 -0.610862 -0.112817, \n ' protoCanpTree+<=' 0.63391 -0.610864 0.474346, \n ' protoCaipTree+<= ’ 0 -1 0, \n ' protoCcnpirree+=' 0 1 0 , \n ' protoCanjffree+<= ’ -0.754771 0.327204 0.568558, \n ' protoCcnp<rree+=' -0.131653 0.327207 0.935737, \n ' protoCarrpTreet= ’ -0.93574 0.327199 -0.131653, \n ' protoCenpTree+<= ’ -0.568572 0.327199 -0.754763, \n ' protoCarprrree+<=1 0.131663 0.327194 -0.93574, \ n ’ protoCaipTree+<= ’ 0.754758 0.327197 -0.568579, \n ' protoConprrree+=’ 0.935739 0.327202 0.131651, \n ' protoCaitfTree+<=' 0.568579 0.327206 0.754754, \n ' protoCan?Tree+<=1 -0.664272 0.092802 0.741707, \n ' protoCcnpTree+=' 0.054768 0.092803 0.994177, \n ' protoCcnpfrree+=' -0.994177 0.092802 0.054764, \n ’ procoCaipffree+<=' -0.741718 0.0928 -0.664261, \n ' protoCan7Tree+-=' -0.054751 0.092803 -0.994178, \n ' procoCaipTree+=' 0.66426 0.092798 -0.741719, \n ' protoCaipOtee+=' 0.994178 0.092798 -0.054767, \n ' protoC aipT reet^' 0.741721 0.092806 0.664257, \n ' procoCaipfTree+=' 0.948693 0 0.3162, \n ' protoCaipTree+=' 0.948685 0 -0.316224, \n* protoCatpTree+<=' -0.316207 0 -0.94869, \n ’ protoCcrrpTree+-=' 0.316207 0 -0.94869, \n ' prctoCaipfTree+-=' -0.948693 0 0.3162, \n ’ protoCaipTree+<=' -0.948685 0 -0.316224, \n* protoCaipTree+=' 0.31628 0 0.948666, \n* procoCaipfTree+=' -0.31628 0 0.948666 1 \n* protoCaip/Tree+<=' ) \n ' protoCatpTree+<= ’ \ n ' protoCatpTree+=' texCoord N ULL \ n ’ protcCcnpfTree+<=' ccwTFUE \n ' protoCcrpfTreet=’ colorP erV ertex ESLSE \n ' page 118 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix D protoCoqdrree+- = ' protoC airT ree*=' convex TRUE \n ' nonralPerVertex TRUE \n ' protoCcrrpTree+>=' creaseflngle 0 \ n ’ protoCarpfTree+-= ’ s o lid EPLSE \n* protoCCTcpTree+=' coordlndex [ 0, 1, 2, 3, -1 , 4, : 5, 1, \ n ’ p ro to C aflp rree^' 0, -1, 6, 7 , 5, 4, -1 , 8, \ n ’ procoCaipTree*=' 9, 7, (:, - i , 10, 11 , 9, 8, \n ' protoCcrpTree^ ' -1, 12, 13, 11, 10, -1 , 14, 15, \n ' pratoCaipTree+<=' 13, 12, -1, 3, 2 , 15, 14, - \n ' protaCaiprree+«=' 1, 16, 17, : 2, -1 , 5, 18, 16 t \n ' protoC arprree+=' 1, -1, 7, 19, 18, 5, -1 , 9, \n ' protoCaipTree-+-= ’ 20, 19, 7, -1, 11, 21, 20, or \ n ’ procoCcnpTree+=’ -1, 13, 22, 21, 11, -1 , 15, "23, \n ' protoCarpTree+'=' 22, 13, -1, 2, 17, 23, 15, \ n ‘ protoCatpTree+=' 24, 22, 23, -1 , 24, 21, 22, -'1, \n ' protoCarrpTree+«=' 24, 20, 21, -1 , 24, 19, 20, -1 , \n ' procoCampTree+<=' 24, 18, 19, -1 , 24, 16, 18, -1 , \ n ’ protoC atprree+=' 24, 17, 15, -1 , 24, 23, 17, -1, \n ' protoCarpTree+=' 25, 26, 27, -1 , 25, 28, 26, -1 , \n ' protcCarpTree+-=' 25, 29, 28, -1 , 25, 30, 29, -1, \ n ‘ protoCarpTree+'=' 25, 31, 30, -1 , 25, 32, 31, -1, \n ' procoCatpTree+= ’ 25, 33, 32, -1 , 25, 27, 33, -1, \ n ’ protoCarprree+< = ’ 26, 34, 35, 27, -1 , 28, 36, 34, \n ' protoCCnpTree+*=' 26, -1, 29, 37, 36, 28, -1 , 30, \n ' protoCarpTree+<=' 38, 37, 29, -1 , 31, 39, 38, 30, \n ' protoCaipTree***' - l r 32, 40, 39, 31, -1 , 33, 41, \ n ’ protoCanpTree+«=' 40,' 32, -i - ■ r 27, 35, 41, 33, -1 , \ n ’ protaC cirprree*^’ 34, 0, 3, 35, -1 , 36, 4 , 0, \n ' protoCcnpTree+=' 34, -1, 37, 6, 4, 36, - 1, 38, \n ' protoCaip(rree+=' protoCandTree+-=' protoCaipfrree*=' proCoCcnpTree+«=' protoC aiiffree+=' protoCarpfrree+ * = 1 proto03ipTree+=' procoCCnpTree+=' procoCaipTree+=' protaCaip*Tree+=' protoCarrpTree+=’ protoCaip(rree+=' protcCaipfrree*=' protoCaipTree«=' protoCaipTree+=' protoCaipTree+=' protoCai£Tree*= ’ protoCanprree*-=' protoCarpTree~=' protoCanpTree*=' protaCai\drree+<=' protoCanprree+=' protoCarfffree+<=' protoCarpfrree+=' protoCarpTree+<=' protoCaipfTree+«' protoCcncTreet<=' protoCaipfrree+= ’ protoCanpfTree+<=' procoCatpfTree+=' protcCaipTreet<=' protoCaijJTree+<=' protoC aip/rree*^' protcCaipfTree+=' protoCaipfTree+<=' procoCarpTree+=' 3, 6, 37, -X, 39, 10, 8, 38, \n ' normal Index 25, 26, 40, 12, 10,■ 39, — 1, 41, 14, \n ' 40, -1, 35, 3, 14, 41, -1 , \ n ’ 43, 44, 45, -1 , 45, 44, 46, \n ' -1, 47, 46, 48, 49, 49, \n ' 43, 42, -1 ] \ n ’ 0, c ), 0, 0, 0, C 1 , 0, 0, \n ' 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,, 0, \n ' 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,, 0, \ n ’ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,, 0, \n ' 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,, 0, \n ' 0, 0,, 0, 0, 0, 0, - 0, \n ' 1, i , 1 1 \n [ 0, 1, 2,, 3, -1 , 4, 5 ', 1, \n ' -1 , ' 5, 7, 5, 4, ■ -1, 8, \n ' 7, 6,, -1 , 10, 11, 9, 8, \n ' 12, 13, 11, 10, -1 , 14, 15, \n ' 12, - 1, 3, 2, 15, 14, - 1, \n* 16, : 17, . 2, -•1, 5,, 18 , 16 , \ n ’ -1 , '7, X 9, 1 .8, 5, , -1 , 9, \n ' 19, 7, ■ -1, 11, 21, 2 0 ,' 9, \n* 13, 22, 21, 11, -1 , 15, 23, \n ' 13, -1, 2, 17, 23, 15, -1, \n* 22, 23, -1, 24, 21, 22, -1 , \n* 20, 21, -1, 24, 19, 20, -1 , \n ' 18, 19, -1, 24, 16, 18, -1, \n ' 17, 16, -1, 24, 23, 17, -1, \n ' 26, 27, -1, 25, 28, 26, -1 , \n ' 29, 28, - I , 25, 30, 29, -1 \ n ‘ 31, 30, -1, 25, 32, 31, -1 , \n* 33, 32, -1, 25, 27, 33, -1 , \n ' 34, 35, 27, -1 , 28, 36, 34, \n ' -1, 29, 37, 36, 28, -1 , 30, \n* 37, 29, -1, 31, 39, 38, 30, \n ' 32, 40, 39, 31, -1 , 33, 41, \n* 32, -1, 27, 35, 41, 33, -1, \n* page 119 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix D protoCaipfTree*=’ 34, 0, 3, 35, -1 , 36, 4, 0, \r.' procoCc^t^^reet<=, 34, 37, gr 4> 35, _1# 39, ^ protcC aiprrree*^’ 8, 6, 37, - 1, 39, 10, 8, 38, \n ' protoCarp(rree*<= ’ -1, 40, 12, 10, 39, -1 , 41, 14, \n ' protoC arpC reet= ' 12, 40, -1 , 35, 3, 14, 41, -1, \n ' pratoCcrpTree+-= ’ 42, 43, 44, 45, -1, 45, 44, 46, i n ’ protoCandTree+<=' 47, -1 , 47, 46, 48, 49, -1, 49, \ n ‘ protoCOrndrree+= ’ 48, 43, 42, -1 ] \n ' protoCarrp(rree*=’ ( \n ' protoCaqtJrree+=' ( \n ' protoCanpCree*=’ } \n ' pcocoCar?Tree+*=’ f \ n ’ protoCcniprreet<=’ } \n ' protoCaTpTree+-=') \n ' v a r protoR ectB uildinq = 'PFCTO rectB uilding [ \n ' protoPectB uilding+ =' f ie ld SFVec3f b u ild in q T ran sla tio n 0 0 0 i n ’ protoPectBuiiding+-=’ f ie ld SFFotation b u ild in q P o ta tio n 0 0 0 0 \n ' protoR ectB uilding+=' f ie ld SFVec3f b u ild in g S cale 1 1 1 \n ' protoPectB uilding+= ’ f ie ld SEColor b u ildingC olor 1 0 0 i n ’ protoRectBuilding+-=' ] { in ' protoPact3uilding*<= ’ CEF rectangularB uilding Transform { in ' protoPectBuilding+-= • tra n s la tio n IS b u ild in g T ran sla tio n i n ’ protoPeccB uilding+=’ ro ta tio n IS b u ild in g R o taticn \n ' protoB ectB uilding+=' sc a le IS b u ild in g S c a le \n ’ protoPectBuilding+-= ■ c h ild ren Transform { \n ' protoPectBuiiding*<=' o en ter 0 -0 .5 0 \ n ’ protoR ectB ui 1 dirsg+=' tra n s la tio n 0 0.5 0 \n ' protoRectBuilding+<=’ c h ild re n Shape ( \ n ’ protoPectB ui 1 d i n y =1 appearance Appearance ( \ n ’ protoR ectB uilding+=’ m a te ria l M aterial ( \n ’ protoPectB ui I di n g r = ■ a n b ie n tln te n s ity 0.1 \n ' protoR ectB uilding*= • d iffu se C o lo r IS b u ildingC olor \n ’ protoR ectB ui lding+=1 sh in in e ss 0 .2 \n ' protoR ectB uildingt=* | p ro to R e c tB u ild in g ^ ' ( \n ' protoPectB uilding+ = ' g e a re try Box { \n ’ protcR ectB uilding+=' s iz e 1 1 1 \n ' p ro to P ectB u ild in g t= ' } xn* prato P ect8 u ild in q + = ' | \n ' pro toR ectB uildingt= ' ( \n ' p ro to R e c tB u ild in g ^ ’ ( \n ' p ro to P ectB u ild in g + = '( \n ’ / / „............ / / ELTCTTCN POJND4 () / / fu n ctio n to round nurrbers to four decimals // fu n ctio n round4(value) ( re tu rn (Math, round (value* 10000) /10000) > / / ....................... / / EUfCTICN TO_METEPS / / fu n ctio n to co n v ert a l l d ista n c e s to m eters (was i n i t i a l l y in th e p a ren t f i l e .) fu n ctio n to _ m eters(v al) ( d is_ u n it_ in d e x = docunent. frm _ u n its.d is_ u n its. o p tio n s, se lec te d ln d ex v a r m eter_val i f (d is_ u n it_ in d e x = 0 ) ( m eter_val= v a l (e ls e i f (d is_ u n it_ in d e x = l) { m eter_val=val/1000 (e ls e i f (d is_ u n it_ in d ex = 2 ) ( m eter v a l= v al * 0.3048 page 120 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix D le ls e i f (dis_unit_index=3) ( ireter_val=(val/12) ’0.3048 ) re tu rn i rcund4 (m eter_val)) ) / / — — / / EUNCTICN TOJWDiaNS / / fu n ctio n to convert angles to rad ian s fu n ctio n to_radians(val) ( angle_unit_index = docunent. fm _ u n its .a n g le s _ u n its . o p tions, se lected ln d ex i f (angle_unit_index = 0) ( v a r radian_val=val’Math. PI/180 I e ls e radian_val=val re tu rn (round4 (radian v a l) ) / / ♦” ........... / / FUNCTION BASEJfflLUE / / fu n ctio n to determine th e maximm v a lu e in p u t in th e s i t e dim m sicns so th a t th e / / a r b it v a ria b le s can be based on t h is vaue fu n c tio n calc_base_value() ( v a r base_val=l v a r form = docunent. frm _site_info i f (fonn.site_shape[0] .checked) ( / / s i t e i s rectangular v ar rect_ len g th = form. r_ srte _ le n g th . v alu e v ar rect_w idth = form. r_ site_ w id th .v alu e base_val = rect_length’ l base_val = (rect_width’ l > re ct_ le n g th * l) ? rect_w idth : re ct_ le n g th ) e ls e { fo r (1=5; i<form. elen en ts. len g th ; i= i+ 3 ) ( i f (form .elem sits[il .checked) ( w ith (Math) ( base_val = (abs (fo rm .e la n en ts[i+ l] .v alu e ’ l ) ) > base_val’ l ? abs (form, elem ents [i+i] .value*2) : base_val base_val = (abs (form .elem ents[i+-2] .v a lu e ’l l ) > base_ v al’ l ? abs (form, elem ents [ i+2 ]. value’2 ) : base_val ) ) ) ) hase_value = to_m eters(base_val) / / base v alu e i s th e global v a ria b le . base_value = docunent.frm _ani.V PD istance.options[docureit.frm _ani.V P D istance.options.selectedlndex] .’ value ’ base_value / / re tu rn (base_val), no retu rn , make g lo b al v a r ia b le .. / / a l e r t ("Final base value is : ”+base v a l) / / N EX T FE W FUN CTIO N S EEEUE OBJECTS / / ” ......................... // ................ / / FUNCTION SU N _PO S_C B JE)C T / / fu n ctio n to nake an. o b jec t c a lle d sunjpos which h as a l l th e sun p o sitio n s fu n c tio n sun_pcs_ob]ect (rrultiple, x ,z ,y ) { t h i s .m l t i p l e = n u ltip le t h i s .x = x t h i s .z = z t h i s .y = y / / th is .x v p = xvp / / th is .z v p = zvp / / th is .y v p = yvp page 121 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix D n .................................................. *........................... / / E T JN C TIC N R_SITE / / fu n ctio n to irate a new o b je c t c a lle d s i t e I I This re ctan g u la r s i t e has length, width, o rie n ta tio n I I Cnly f l a t s i t e s a s o f now.. function r _ s ite (le n g th , width, o rien tatio n ) { th is .le n g th = to jre te rs (le n g th ) th is .w id th = to_m eters(w idth) t h is , o rie n ta tio n = to _ rad ian s (o rientation) I u ............. / / EUNCTICN IR_SITE / / fu nction to mate an ir r e g u la r s i t e / / a c tu a lly i s only an made in the g e t_ ir _ s ite fu n ctio n i t s e l f / / .- — * ---------------------- / / FUNCTION TREE / / fu n ctio n to mate a new o b je c t c a lle d tr e e / / This tr e e has ty p e, x, t , width, h eig h t, no_of_trees (which i s th e t o ta l number o f tre e s in th e 0 index C N L Y ) function tr e e (type, x , o, h e ig h t, width, no_of_trees) { th is .ty p e = type t h is .x = to_m eters(x) th is .z = to_m eters(z! th is .h e ig h t = to jr e te r s ( h e ig h t) th is .w id th = to_m eters(w idth) th is .ru irb e r = no_of_trees 1 n „ „ / / EU N CTICN R_3UILDING / / fu nction to irate a new o b je c t ra ile d rjz u ild in g . / / This re c ta n g u la r b u ild in g has x, z, length, width, h e ig h t, c o lo r, no_of_buildings (which is th e to ta l rrurber o f b u ild in g s in th e 0 index C N LY ) function r_ b u ild in g (x , z, len g th , width, h eig h t, o r ie n ta tio n , c o lo r, no_of_buildings) ( th is .x = to_m eters(x) t h is .z = to_m eters(z) th is .le n g th = to jre te r s ( le n g th ) th is .w id th = to jre te rs(w id th ) th is .h e ig h t = to jr e t e r s (height) t h i s . o rie n ta tio n = to jra d ia n s (o rien tatio n ) th is .c o lo r = c o lo r th is , number = n o jo f_ b u ild in g s n — * „ ............. / / EU N CTICN CYL_BUILDDG / / function to mate a new o b je c t c a lle d cyl_ b u ild in g . / / This c y lin d ric a l b u ild in g has x, z, diam eter, h eig h t, c o lo r, n o jo fjx iild in g s (which is th e to ta l nurber o f b u ild in g s i n th e 0 index C N L Y ) function c /l_ b u ild in g (x , z, diam eter, h eig h t, c o lo r, n o jo fjo u ild in g s) ( t h is .x = to jr e te r s ( x ) th is .z = to jn s te r s ( z ) th is .d ia m e te r = t o jr e t e r s (diameter) th is .h e ig h t = to jr e t e r s (height) th is .c o lo r = c o lo r this.num ber = no_of_buildings } / / N ECT F E W FUNCTIONS GET OBJECTS E R C M TOE EO*E / / ............ page 122 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix D // ....—................................................................................. / / F U fC n a i GET_R_SITE / / fu n ctio n to g e t th e re ctan g u la r s i t e v alu es from th e form frm js ite in fo fu n c tio n get_ r_ site(fo rm ) { — ~ rec_site=new r js ite ( f o r m .e la r e n ts [ ll .v alu e, torn.elem ents [2] .v alu e, form .elem ents[3] .value) r e tu rn (re c_ si t e ) /* ev erything a f te r th is lin e in t h is fu n ctio n i s tem porary... v ar ta ip p ”" taip*= re c _ s ite .le n g th +" len g th v alu e; "+ rec_ site.w id th w idth v alu e; ”+ r e c js ite . o rie n ta tio n * " o r ie ita tic n ; \n " a le r t (taip ) ' / ) II ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... / / FUNCTION £2T_IR_SITE / / fu n c tio n to g e t th e irre g u la r s i t e v alu es // fu n ctio n g e t_ ir_ site (fo n n ) ( s i t e = new Array v a r j =0 fo r(i= 5 ;i< fo rm .e la te n ts.le n g th ;i= i+ 3 ) ( i f (fo rm .e lsn en tsti] .checked) { s i t e [ j ] = to jre te rs (fo rm .e la n e n ts [i+ l] .value) s ite [ j+ l] = to jr e te r s (form. e l a n s i t s [ i+ 2 1 .value) 3=3 1 1 re tu rn (site ) } II .............................................................................................. / / ro c riC N CETTEEES / / fu n ctio n to g e t th e fcuilding values from th e form fu n ctio n get_trees(form ) { tr e e s = new Array!) v a r j=43 trees[O J = new tre e (0 , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) fo r (i=0; i< fo rm .elsn en ts. len g th ; i= i+6) ( i f (form .elem ents[i].checked) ( tr e e s [ j] = new tr e e ; form, elem ents [i+ 1] .o p tio n le c te d ln d e x , fo rm .e ls ie n ts[i+ 2! .value, form .elanents[i-t-3I .value, form, elem ents [ i+4 ]. v alu e, form, elem ents [ i+5 ]. value) *+j } t r e e s [01.nmber=g 1 / * ■ e v erry th in g a f te r th is lin e in th is fu n c tio n is tem porary... v a r n o _ o f_ trees= trees[0] .nurber a le rt(" N o . o f Trees a re "+no_of_trees) i f (nojof_treesX )) ( v ar terp= '"' fo r (k=0;k< noj3 f_trees;++k) { tem pw tre e s[k ] .ty p e -r” T ree ty p e; " + tre e s [k ].z +" t valu e; "+ trees[k l .w idth*" w id th ;\n " ) a l e r t (tarp) ) ♦/ re tu m (tre e s ) ) page Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix D // — — ........... / / euncticn s t _b u ild h g s / / fu n ctio n to g e t th e b u ild in g values from th e form fu n ctio n g et_ b u ild in g s (form) ( v ar b u ild in g s = new ArrayO v ar j=0 b u il d ing s [0) = new r_fcuilding(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) / / have to add the nuitoers as th ere are now fun ctio n s in th e d e fin itio n s fo r (i=0; i< fo rm .elem en ts.len g th ; i=i+8) ( i f (fo rm .e le n en ts[i] .checked) t b u ild in g s [ j I = new r_fcuilding (form, elem ents [ i+1 ]. v alu e, form, elem ents [ i+21. value, form, elem ents [i+3] .v alu e, form, elem ents [i+4] .v alu e, form .elem entsti+51 .v alu e, fo rm .eleren ts[i+ 6] .-value, form, elem en ts[i+ 7 ].o p tio n s.selected ln d ex ) ++1 } b u ild in g s[01 .nunber=j f / ' / / ev ery th in g a f t e r t h i s lin e in th is fu n ctio n i s tem p o rary ... v a r no_of J 3 u ild in g s= b u ild in a s [0J .nurber a le rt("N o . o f Bui 1 dings a re ”+no_of_buildings) i f (no_of_buildingsX)) { v a r terp = "” fo r (k=Q;k<no_of_buildings; ++k) ( tenp*= tali l d ings[k] .x *" x valu e; "+ tu ild in g s [k] .z +’’ r valu e; "+buildings[k) .width-*-" w idth; ”+ buildings[k] .o rie n ta tio n * " o r ie ita tio n ; " + b u ild in g s[k l,c o lo r+ " c o lo r;\n " } a l e r t (terp) 1 V / / fu n ctio n has to re tu rn b u ild in g s re tu rn b u ild in g s 1 // ............................................ / / EUNCTICN CALC_SUN_ECS / / fu n ctio n to c a lc u la te th e c a rte s ia n c o -o rd in a te s o f th e s o la r p o s itio n from the A lt and th e Ann / / rtu ltip le = l i f more th an one sun p o sitio n . / / x and z a re h o riz o n ta l, y is v e r tic a l, as p er V FM L m odeling language fu nction calc_sun_pos() ( / / a le r t ("Altitude="-*-sun_alt_deg+"\nAzhiuth="-*-sun_aari_deg) v ar n u ltip le _ v a ls = 0 i f (top.top_index.docum ent.frm _all_day.elem ents[0] .v a lu e = 1) { / / th e whole day i s being c a lc u la te d sun_alt_deg = new A rray (24) sun_aun_deg = new A rray (24) fo r (i=0;i<24;+-*-i) < sun _ alt_ d eg [i] = top.tcp_inciex.docum ent.fzm _alt_values.elem ents[i] .value sun_acn_deg [ i ] = to p . top_index. docunent. frm_azm_values. elem ents [ i 1. 'value ) n u ltip le _ v a ls= l //m u ltip le is tru e I e ls e { / / one hour c n ly sun_alt_deg = new A rray (1) sun_azm_deg = new A rray (1) sun_alt_deg[0] = top.top_index.(docum ent.frm _alt_values.elanents[0) .value sun_aun_deg [ 0 ] = to p . top_index. docunent. frm _acn_values. ele n en ts [ 0 ] . value n u ltip le _ v a ls = 0 page 124 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix D ) / / i f / e ls e one hour o r vtfyole day v ar d ist_ su n = (base_value*2) / / v a r dist_sun_vp = d is tjs u n / / a l e r t ( " d is t sun is "+dist_sunt-”VP d i s t sun i s ”+dist_sun_vp) //a n a r b i t v a ria b le th a t d e scrib es th e d-i ■a-armp to th e imaginary sun / / a l e r t ("len g th o f a rra y i s "+sun_alt_deg.length) v a r x jsu n = new Array v a r y_sun = new Array v a r z jsu n = new Array v a r a lt_ ra d , azm_rad /* C ontented fro n here -------------------------------------------------- v a r x_vp, z_vp, y_vp w ith(ttoth) ( x_vp = round4 (sin(sun_azmjdeg[0] *TOSADIAN) "cos (sun_alt_deg[0] *TCPADIAN) ’dist_sun_vp) z_yp = round4(cos(sun_a2 m_deg[OI*TCPADIAN)*cos(sun_alt_deg[0]'TC»ADIAN)',’ dist_sun_vp) y_vp = round4(sin(sun_altjdeg[Q]*TCEADIAN)*dist_sun_yp) ~ ) / / w ith Math, c a lc u la tin g th e vd p o s itio n s fo r th e sun—a t given tim es N O T e n ti r e day! ’ / / / t i l l h ere --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fo r(i= 0; i<sun_alt_deg.length;->-+i) ( a lt_ ra d = sun_alt_deg [ i ] *T0RADIAN azm_rad = sun_azm_deg[i] "TCPADIAN / / a l e r t (alt_rach-" "+asn_rad) w ith(M ath!( x_sun[i] = round4 (sin(aan_rad) "cos (alt_ rad ) *dist_sun) z_sun[i] = round4 (cos (ann_rad) 'c o s (alt_ rad ) " d istjsu n ) y_sun(il = round4 (sir.(alt_ rad ) "dist_sun) ( / / math ( / / f o r su n jx js = new sun_pos_cbject (rm ltip le _ v als, x_sun, z_sun, y_sun) / / , x_vp, z_vp, y_vp) / / x_vp, z_vp, y_vp are th e x, z and y o f th e v p o in t lo c a tio n , c a lc u la te d w ith a sh o rte d d istan c e. / / a l e r t ("doing th e f i r s t time") / / * " " * " " " ................. / / N EX T F E W EUNCTICHS A C T U A L L Y WRITE IKE VFM L FH £ // """"**" *................................ / / EUNCTICN M A K EJSU N / / fu n c tio n to irate th e sun docunsrt fu n c tio n make sun () { i f tsunjpos .m u ltip le - I) ( v a r sun_pos_hcur=’ CEF StMJICUCH TouchSensor f ) \n ' sun_pos_hour-*=' eef TIM EF. TimeSensor \ n ’ sun_pos_hcur+=' ( \n ' sun_pos_hour+=' c y c le ln te rv a l ' +docunent. frm _ani.speed.options [document. frm _ani. sp e e d .o p tio n lec te d ln d ex ). value+- \n ' / / 7 \n ' sun_pos_hour+ < = ’ sun_pos_hourt=’ sun_pos_hcur+-=' sun_pos_hour-*=' # 9 \n ' sun_pos_hour+=' sun_pos_hour+-=' sun_pos_hour+=’ sun_pos_hour+=' \n ' \n ' sun_pos_hour-K=' locp FALSE enabled TRIE 1 \ n ’ EEF SU N _M 3V ER P o s itio n ln te rp o la to r ( 1 2 3 key [0, 0.333, 0.041, 0.375, 0.08, 0.125, .417, 0.458, 0. \n ' 0.166, 5, 0.208, 0.542, 0.25, 0.583, 0.291, \n ' 0 .6 2 5 ,\n ' 0.677, 0.708, 0.75, 0.791, 0.833, 0.875, 0.917, 0.958, 1) teyValue [' page 125 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix D v a r coords=” " fo r(i= 0; i<24;++i) coords+*="\n ) "+-sun_pos.x[i]+" "+ su n p o s.x [0] +' +sun_pos.y[i]-t-" "+sun_pos. = [ i]* ”," +sun_pos.y[0]+'' ''+sun_pos.z[0] sun_pos_hour+=ctxiEds+"\n sun_pos_hcur+=')\n ' sun_pos_hour+=' t #position in te rp o la to r \n ' sun_pos_hour+=’ ] # end o f ch ild ren \n ' sun_pos_hour+=' 1 # end o f transform \n ' sun_pos_hour+=' R O U T E SUN JTO UCH . rcuchTime TO TIMER. s ta r tT in e sun_pos_hour'+*=' PCUIE TIMER. fraction_changed TO SUN_tCVER.set_fractien sm j?o s_ h o u rt= ’R O U TE SUN_MCWER.vaiue_chan<3 e d TO SUN. tr a n s la tio n ! e ls e ( v a r sun_pos_hour=' ] # end o f ch ildren s u n j x ^ h o u r - ^ ’ } # end o f transform \ n ’ \n ' in ’ \n ' i n ’ } sun_pos_doc = " " sun_pos_doc+=' DEF SUN Transform { sun_pos_doc+=* tra n s la tio n '+sun_pos.x[0]+' sun__pos_doc+^=’ c h ild re n [ \n ' su n jx s_ d o c+ = ' Shape ( g e are try CEF sun Sphere (ra d iu s / / a r b i t s iz e o f th e sun h e r e .. \n ' +sun_pos.y[0]+ ’ '+ sun_pos.z[0]+' in ' '+ ■ to m eters(10.0)+’ } in ' sun_pos_doc+=' sun_pos_doct=' sun_pos_doc**=' sun_pos_doc+= ’ / / sun_pos_doc-*= sun_pos_doc+=' sun_pos_doc+=’ sun_pos_doc+<= ■ sun_pos_doc+= ’ sun_pos_doct=' sun_pos_doc*= sun_pos_doc+= appearance CEF sun_app Appearance m ate ria l M aterial ( diffuseC olor 1.0 1.0 0.0 anissiveC olor 1.0 0.8 0 .0 transparency 0.5 in ' in ' in ' in ' in ' in ' in ' PointL ight ( lo ca tio n 0.0 0.0 0.0 arrb ien tln ten sity 0.8 in ' in ' sun_pos_doc+<=’ radius ’+base_value<- / / a r b i t value h e re t o o .. sun_pos_doc+-= sun_pos_dcc+<= sun_pos_doct=sun_pos_hour a tte n u atio n 1.0 0.0 0.0 in ’ i n ’ in ' in ' in ' / / C an celled !!! ..........*.......................................... „ /' var ta r p = •' '' fo r(i= 0 ; i<24;++i) { tenp>t="x p o s itio n is : "+sun_pos.x[il+’ \ z p o s itio n i s : ''■'-sun_pos.z[i]+',, y p o sitio n is : ”~sun_cos. y [ i ) + ''\n " 1 a le r t (tenp) * / / * v a r ta ip = " " terp+ = ”<HIMLXBODY BQC0LCR='#EFFFFF'>" teip + = ”<H3>Values fo r "+ latitude+ ” la titu d e f o r ”+tim eString+” on ''+dateString+’ ’.</H3>'' tenpt=''<IAHLE B0PDER=1XTRXTH>A1 t i tude< /THXTH>Azilnith< /TKxTK>X< /THXTH>Y< /THXTK>Z< /THX /TR>" fo r(i= 0 ; i<24;-H-i) ( tatpn="<TPxrrC!>''-t-sun_alt [ i ] +''</TDXTD>''+sun_amn[ i ] +"</TDXTD>"+sun_pos. x [ i] + "</TDXTD>"+sun_pos. y [ i ] + ,'</TDxTD>''-tsun_pos. z [ i ] +''</TDx/TR>" I terrp+=''</TAHLEx/BOCiyx/HIML>" v ar shcwjwin i f (show win nul l ) ( page 126 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix D stewjwin=window. open: , "showjwin", '’w idth=300,height=550, re siza b le = l, I o c a tio n = l,d ire c to rie s = 0 ,s ta tu s = 0, rnenubar=l, s c rc llb a rs = l") 1 shcwjwin. docunent. w rite (te n p ) shcwjwin. docunent. c lo se () V / / C an celled !!!! r e tu r n (sun_pos_doc) // .... / / EUNCTICN JBKE_VIEWPOINrS( ) // / / fu n ctio n m akej/iew points () ( v a r base = base_value / / a le rt(b a se ) vp_doc = ' ' vp_doc+=' EEF top_view Viewpoint ( \n ' vp_doc+=’ fieldOfView 0.785398 i n ’ vp_doc+=' o rie n ta tio n 1 0 0 -1 .5 7 in ' vpjdoc*=' p o sitio n ' + 0 +' '-t-(base*2) + ' vpjioc+=' d e sc rip tio n "Plan_view" \n ' vp_doc+=' ) \n ' 0 +' \n ' vp_doc+=' DEF northj/xew Viewpoint ( \n ' vp_doct=’ fieldOfView 0.785398 \n ' vpjdoc+=' o rie n ta tio n 0 0 0 0 \n ' vp_doc+=’ p o sitio n ' + 0 +' ' + to _ m e ters(2) + ' '+ (b ase'2) + ' \n ' vpjdoc+=' d e sc rip tio n "V iew _ fran jto rth ” \n ’ vp_doct=' ) \n ’ vp_doct=' vpjdoc*=' vpjio c* = ’ vp_doct=' v p_aoo= ' vp_doct=' DEF east_view Viewpoint ( fieldOfView 0.785398 o rie n ta tio n 0 1 0 1.57 p o sitio n '+(base*2) +’ ) d e sc rip tio n "View_frcm_East" \n ' in ' \ n ’ \n ' to _ m eters(2) \n ' \n ’ tp_doc+=' DEF sc u tiijn ew Viewpoint ( in ' vp_doct=’ fieldCfView 0.785398 \n ' vpjdoc+<=' o rie n ta tio n 0 1 0 3.14 \n ' vp_doo= ' p o sitio n '+ 0 + ' ' + to _ m e ters(2) +' ’*(-base*2) v d j 3 o o = ' d e sc rip tio n "V iew jfrarjS o u th ” \n ' vpjdoc+=’ } in ' in ' vp_doc+=’ CEF w estjview Viewpoint ( •-p_doc+=' vpjdoo-=' vp_doc+-=' vpjdoc+«=' vp_doc*=’ ) fieldOfView 0.785398 o rie n ta tio n 0 1 0 -1 .5 7 p o sitio n '+ l-b a se ’2) ' + d e sc rip tio n "View_fran_West" i n ’ in ' i n ’ in ' t o jr e t e r s (2) in ' + 0 in ' in ' i f (docunent. frm _am . cus tan_vp. checked) ( vp_doc+=' DEF custan_view Viewpoint ( in ' vpj3oc*=' fieldOfView 1.57 in ' vp_doc+=' o rie n ta tio n 0 10 ' n-cojradians (docurent. frm_am. c v p o rie n ta tio n .v a lu e ) - * vp_doc*=' p o sitio n ' + ’ '+ to jr e te r s (docuneit.frm_aru.Cwpx.value) +' + ■ t o jr e te r s (docunm t.frm _ani.cvpy. value) +' ’ + to jr e te r s (docurent. frm _ an p z.v alu e) +' in ' vpjJoc+=' d e sc rip tio n " ’+ d o cu n eit.frm _ an p jd escrip tio n .v alu er-” ’ in ' page 12 7 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix D vp_doc+=' ) in ’ 1 i f (sun_pos.niilciple = 0) ( //o n ly one v alue vp_doc+=' Trans farm ( \n ' vp_doc+<=' r o ta tio n 0 1 0 ' +sun_axn_deg[0] "RCPADIANt' itetim ith \ n ’ / / a le r t (" s o la r a z m u th i s " +sun_a2 m_deg[0] ) vp_doc+«=' tr a n s la tio n '+ sun_pos.x[0J+' ’+ sunj?os.y[0]+ ' ’+ su n _ p o s.t[0] \ n ' vp_doc+=' c h ild re n Transform{ \n ' vp_doc+=' r o ta tio n 1 0 0 ’M -sun_altjdeg[01 *TOPADIAN) + ’ ((negative o f a lt i tu d e .. \ n ’ vp_doe+=' c h ild re n CEF V P'+tineString+'H ours view point ( i n ’ vp_doc+=' p o s itio n 0 0 0 i n ’ vp_dcc+=' o r ie n ta tio n 1 0 0 0 in ' vp_doc+=' d e s c rip tio n "V iew _fram _sun_at_'+tiiteString‘ -'_ h o u rs" in ' vp_doc**=’ } \ n ' vp_doc+*=' ) in ' vp_dot>K=') in ' 1 e ls e ( / / i f a l l day p o s itio n s have to be c alcu la te d vp_index = document. fm _ a n i.v p _ h o u rs.c p tia n s. selected ln d ex / / a le r t (vp_index) i f (vp_index=0) (v ar vp_hours = new A rray (0 ,6 ,1 2 ,15) (e ls e i f (vp_index= l) {var vp_hours = new A rray(0 ,6, 9,12,15,18) (e lse i f (vp_index=2) (v a r vp_hours = new ArraylO,2 ,4 ,6 ,8 ,1 0 ,1 2 ,1 4 ,1 6 ,1 8 ,2 0 ,2 2 ) )e lse i f (vp_m dex=3) {var vp_hours = new A rray(6,7 ,8 ,9 ,1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ,1 3 ,1 4 ,1 5 ,1 6 ,1 7 ,1 8 ) )e lse i f (vp_index=4) {var vp_hours = new ArrayfO, 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,6 1 8 ,1 9 ,2 0 ,2 1 ,2 2 ,2 3 ) ) / / not a very good way to do th is , bu t b e st th a t I could fig u re o u t_ _ / / vp_hours = new A rray(0, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18) fo r (i=0;i<vp_hours. le n g th ; ++i) { vp_doc*=’Transform { i n ' vp_doot=' r o ta tio n 0 1 0 ’+sun_azm_deg[ (v p _ h o u rs[il) J *TCFADIAN+' Kaziiruth '\n' /'/ a le r t (" s o la r a tiitu th i s " +sun_arm_deg[01) vp_doct<=' tr a n s la tio n '+ su n _ p o s.x [(v p _ h cu rs[i)iI+ ’ ’-*-sun_pos.y[ (v p _ h o u rs[il) ]+' '+ su n _ p o s.t[(v p _ h o u rs[i]) ]+ ' in ' vp_doc*=' c h ild re n T rans form( in ' vp_doc+=' . r o ta tio n 1 0 0 ’ + (-sun_alt_deg{ (v p _ h o u rs(i]) ] *TCPADIAN) + ' ({negative o f a lt i tu d e .. in ' vp_doc+=' vp_doc+<=' vp_doct=' vp_dacw=’ vp_doc*=' vp_doc*=' •vp_docw =') c h ild re n CEF VP'+vp_hours[i] + 'Hours Viewpoint { in ' p o s itio n 0 0 0 in ' o r ie n ta tio n 1 0 0 0 in ' d e s c rip tio n "View_frcm_sun_at_'-i-(vp_hours[ii )+'_ h o u rs" ) i n ' i n ’ i n ’ in ’ //alert(v p _ d o c) return(vp_doc) ) / / m atej/iew points / / .. / / EI1CTTCN WFTTEVFML / / fu n ctio n to w rite th e V PM L FILE fu n c tio n w nte_vrm l (d e sc rip tio n ) { v ar current_date=new Date cu rren t_ d ate = c u rra it_ d a te .to S trin g ( ) v ar vrml_doc='#VFML V2.0 u t f 8 in ' vml_doc+='({Created by th e S ite S o la r Access Program by A rch it Ja in in ' vml_docw='M avigaticnlnfo { in ' vrml_doc+=' a v atarS iz e [ 0 .2 5 , 1 .6 , 0.75 ) in ' vrml_doct=' h e a d lig h t TPUE in ' vrml_doc-w=' type ["EXAMINE", "AN Y ” ] in ' page 128 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix D vunl_doc+=’ ) \n ' vm l_doc+=' W orldlnf o { \n ' / / a le r t( l a ti t u d e ) vrml_doc+=’ in fo "S ite on ’^-latitude* ' . \ n Sun lo c a tio n s p lo tte d fo r '+ d ateS trin g + ' fo r ' +tim eString+ ’ h o u rs .\n ' + ' Created by th e S ite S o la r Access Tool on \n '+ cu rren t_ d ate + '. \ n Tool a v a ila b le a t http://vA jw archit/T T P " \ n ’ vnnl_doct=’ t i t l e ” ' ^descnptiorH -'" \n ' vrm l_doc+=') \n ' //v ie w p o in ts h ere vrmljdoc+-=roke_viewpoints () /* Garmented f ra n h ere ------------------------------------------------- vrml_doc+*='CEF top_view Viewpoint { \n ' vrml_doc+<=' fielaO fV iew 0.785398 \ n ’ vm l_doc^=’ o r ie n ta tio n 1 0 0 -1.57 \ n ‘ vnnl_doc+=’p o s itio n '+to_m eters(0)-1 -' , +base_value''2+' ' + to_m eters(0) +' \n ' vnnl_docH=' d e s c rip tio n "top_view" \ n ’ vm l_doc+=*} \n ’ vrml_doc+<=' EEF front_view Viewpoint ( \ n ’ vrml_doc+=' fieldOfView 0.785398 \n ' v rm l_ d o e+ = 'o rien tatio n 0 0 0 0 \n ' vrm l_doc+= 'position '+ to _ treters(0)+' *+to_meters (0) + ' ' + base_value*2 +' \n* vm L_doct=' d e s c rip tio n "front_view" \ n ' vml_doc+«=') \n ' v rm ljd o c^'E E F evening_view Viewpoint { \ n ’ vrml_doct-=’ fieldOfViewO. 785398 \n ' vrml_doc+=' o r ie n ta tio n -0.107477 0.983294 0.146908 1.89437 \n ' vrml_doc+=' p o s itio n 44.5816 8.417 -16.62583 \n ' vrml_doc+*=' d e sc rip tio n "eveiing_yiew" \ n ’ vrm l_doo= ' 1 \n ' vrml_doc+= ’ \n ' vnnl_doct=’EEF itorning_view Viewpoint ( \n ' vnnl_doc+‘ =' fieldOfViewO. 785398 \n ' vrml_doc+=' o rien tatio n O -1 0 1.87898 \ n ’ vrml_doc+=’ p o s itio n -22.5138 3.56847 -8.18431 \n ' vrm l_doef=' d e sc rip tio n "momingjd.ew" \n ' vrm l_doct=‘ 1 \ n ’ vntil_doc+=' \n ' vml_doc+<='IjEF nocn_view Viewpoint ( \n ' vrml_doc+=' fieldOfViewO.785398 \n ' vnnl_doc~=’ o r ie n ta tio n -0.997759 -0.0565909 -0.0357058 1.12775 \n ' vrml_doc+=' p o s itio n 0.903467 24.3098 13.0955 \n ' vm l_doc+=' d e sc rip tio n "noon_view" \n ' vrml_doc+=’ ) \n ' vm l_doc+=' \n ’ vnnl_doc+='D£F afternoan_view view point ( \ n ’ vrml_doc+=’ fieldOfViewO. 785398 \n ' vnnI_doc*<=' o r ie n ta tio n -0.537296 0.731718 0.419407 1.63541 \n ' vrml_doc+=* p o s itio n 22.8266 34.7162 8.82652 \n ' vmL_doc*=' d e s c rip tio n "aftem o an j/iew " \n ' vnnl doc+= ') \n ' */ / / t i l l h ere //s u n p o s itio n h ere vnnl doc+= make sun() / / Check th e S ite ty p e and add ap p ropriate p ro to and in stan c e i f (d o cum ent.frm _site_info.site_shape[0] .checked) ( / / s i t e i s rectan g u lar / / S ite P ro to ty p e h e r e .. page 129 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix D vrm l_doc*=protoRectSite //G e t th e re ctan g u la r s i t e values v a r r e c j s i t e = g e t_ r_ site (d o a ire n t.frm _ site _ in fo ) //u s e th e p r o to .. vrml_doc+=' rectsite{ \n ' vrml_doc*=’ s ite S c a le '+ re c _ s ite .le n g th * ' ' + to_m eters(l)+ ' '+ re c _ site .w id th * ' \r.' vrml_doc+=' s ite P o ta tia n 0 1 0 '* r e c _ s ite .o r ie ita tia n * ' in ' vnnl_doc+=’ ) \n ' ) e ls e { v a r i r _ s i t e = g e t_ irjsite (d c x x iie n t.frm _ site _ in fo ) /» v a r ta ip l= " " fo r (i=0; i< ir _ s ite .le n g th ; **i) { taip l+ = i r _ s i t e [ i ] * ’\r.' I a l e r t (tenpl) v*ml_doc+*='EEF ir r e g u la r S ite Transform ( \n ' vrml_doc*=' c h ild ren \n ' vrml_doc*=' Shape ( \ n ’ vrml_doc+*=’ appearance Appearance ( \n ' •/rml_doc+«' m a te ria l tte te r ia l ( \n ' vrml_doc+=' a n b ie n tln te n s ity 0.1 \ n ’ vm l_doc*=' d iffu seC o lo r 0.69 0.546413 0.191741 \n ' vrml_doc+=' sh in in ess 0.2 \n ' vm l_doc*=' ( \ n ’ vrml_doc+=' ; \ n ’ vrml_doc*=’ geometry E xtrusion j \n ' vrml_doc*=’ cro ssS ec tio n [ \n fo r (i=0;i< ir _ s ite .le n g th ;i= i* 2) ( v-m l_doc+=ir_site [ i ]+ ' ' + ir _ s ite [i +1 ] * ', ' I v m l_ d o c* = '\n J \n ' vrml_doc+=' sp in e [ 0 0 0, 0 '*to _ m eters(0 .3 )+ ' 0] \n ' vrml_doc*=’ beginCap TRUE i n ’ vrml_doc*=' endCap TRUE \n ' vrml_doc+<=' s o lid TRUE \n ' vrml_doc+=' in ' vrml_doc*=' } in ' vrml_doc+=' in ' vrml_dcc*=' } in ' vrml doc+= '} in ' / / t r e e inform ation v ar tr e e s - g e t_ tree s (document. frm _tree_info) i f (t r e e s [01.number>0) ( v ar treetypeO = false, tre e ty p e l= fa ls e , tree ty p e2= fa lse fo r(i= 0;i< tre e s.le n g th ;+ + i) ( i f (tr e e s [ ij.ty p e = 0) ( i f (treetypeO !=true) ( tre e ty p e O tr u e / / put p ro to f o r simp tr e e here vm l_dcc*=protoS urpTree } / / use th e p ro to vrml_doc*=’snip/Tree ( i n ’ v nnl_doc* = 'tree'T ran slatio n '+ tr e e s [ i] .x+' 0 '+ tr e e s [ i] .t * ' in ' vrml_doc*=’ tre e S c a le ’+ tre e s [i] .w idth*' ’+ tre e s [i] .h eig h t* ' ’+ tre e s [i] .w idth*’ in ' vrml_doc+=' treeT ransparency 0 in ' vrrnl_doc+='} in ' } i f (t r e e s [ i] .ty p e = 1) ( page 130 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix D i f (tre e ty p e l!= tru e ) ( tre e ty p e l= tru e / / p u t p ro to fo r cone tre e here vnnl_doc+<=protoCcrifiTree I / / u se th e p roto vrm ljdoc+ ^'cm errree { in ’ vrmL_doc-=’ ccT reeT ranslation ' - tr e e s [i] 0 ’- t r e e s [ i ] .=+' \n ' vrml_doc+-='adTreeScale ' - tr e e s [ i] .w id th - ' ’- t r e e s [ i ] .h e i g h t - ' ' - tr e e s [ il .w idth*' \n ' v rm ljd o c -^ ' odTree'Transparency 0 i n ’ vrm l_doc-=’ ) \n ' } i f ( t r e e s [ i l.t y p e = 2) { i f (tre e ty p e2!= true) ( tre e ty p e 2= tru e / / p u t p ro to fo r coip tre e here vrmI_doc+=protoCaip(rree I / / u se th e p ro to vrml_doc+<= ’ cnrp/Tree { \r.' vrm l_doc+^'cTreefrranslati<3i '+ tre e s [i] 0 ’- t r e e s [ i ] .z + ’ in ’ vnnl_doc+='C TreeScale ' - tre e s [i ] .w id th -' ' - t r e e s [ i ] .h e ig h t- ’ ' - tr e e s [ il.w id th - ’ \ n ’ vrm l_doc+='CTreeTransparency 0 \n ' vrml_doc+=' } \n ' 1 ! ! / / g e t b u ild in g s v ar b u ild in g s = g et_ b u ild in g s (dooinm t.fiin_building_infc) i f (buildings [01 .nrnberX )) ( / / in s e r t th e r e c t b u ild in g proto vrml_doc+<= protoR ectB ui 1 d i ng //u s e th e p ro to fo r (i=0 ; K b u ild ir g s .le n g th ;e - i) ( v iM jd o c + ^ 're c tB u ild in g ( \n ' vrml_doc-= ■ b u ild in g T ran sla tio n '+ b u ild in g s[il .x+ ' 0 ' -b u ild in g s [ij .z - ' \n ' vrml_doc-= ’ b u ild ingSca 1 e ’+ tu ild in g s[i] .le n g th - ' ' - b u ild in g s [ il .h e ig h t-' ’-b u ild in g s[i] .w id th -’ \n ' vxml_doc+=’ b u ild in g P o ta tio n 0 10 ' -b u ild in g s [i 1 .o r ie n ta tio n - ' \n ' i f (b u ild in g s [i] .c o lo r = 0 ) vnnl_doc-=' b u ildingC olor 1 0 0 \ n ’ e ls e i f (b u ild in g s [i ] . c o l o r = l ) viml_doc+=' b u ildingC olor 0.66 0.48S90S 0.12528 \n ' //brow n e ls e i f (b u ild in g s [i] .c o lo r = 2) vrml_doc+=' b u ildingC olor 0.796642 0.8 0.0102278 \ n ’ //y e llo w e ls e i f (b u ild in g s [ i 1. c o lo r = 3 ) viml_doc+=’ b u ildingC olor 0.00220183 0.0133602 0.88 \n ’ //b lu e vrm l_doc-=' } \n ' i ) / / e ls e a le r t( " n o B uildings") return(vrm l_doc) ) // ——— - .— —-— .................— — — ........................... / / FUNCTION EO_ALL / / fu n ctio n c a lc u la te s how th e document should be d is p la y e d .. // function d o _ a li() ( calc_base_value() calc_sun_pos() i f ( ((su n _ p o s.n u ltip le = 0) Si confirm ("P lot s t a t i c view f o r "-tim e S trin g -" hours on "-d a te S trin g -" fo r ''- l a t i t u d e - ’ ’? \n ’’+ " I f anim ation o f s o la r p a th is d esired, p lea se c a lc u la te v a lu e s fo r th e o i t i r e day. ”)) II s u n _ p o s.n u ltip le = 1) ( / / w rite as t e x t o r o th e rw is e .. page 131 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix D i f (d o cu n en t.buttons.text_vrm l.checked) ( te<t_checked = tru e v a r d o _ tex t = f a ls e v a r description=nnl 1 / / p rc n p t re tu rn s n u ll when can celled . d e s e r ip tion=prm p t ("E nter a d e s c rip tio n f o r the f i l e to save", "A Sun World") i f (d e scrip tio n != n u ll) ( v a r vrm l_docunsit = w rite_vrm l (d escrip tio n ) text_yrm l_d3 c= ' <HIMXTITLE>Text V FM L File</TITLEXBaOY b g cclar= "w h ite"x B > ' text_vm l_doot*='<I>Cut</I> th e f i l e frcm the lin e ”#V FM L V2.0 u tfS ” , < I>paste< /I> in a b lan k te x t docunent ' 4 - ’and save a s o n x i> y o u r_ n am e< /I> .w rl </TT x/B X K R xP>\n' cext_vrml_doc+<=' <PFE> ’ +vnnl_docunent+ ’ </PP£x?xKRx/EOC'fx/HIW L>' vrm l_taxt_w in = w indow .cpenC ” , 'to o lb a r= 0, loc2 tia n = l,d ire c to rie s = 0,s ta tu s = 0 ,inenu b ar= l,scro llb ars= l, r e s iz a b le = l') vrm l_text_w in.docunent.opei ("te x t/h trn l", "replace") vrm l_text_w in. d o cu n eit .w r ite (text_vrml_doc) v n n l_ te x t_ w in .d o c u n eit.c lo se () } ) e ls e ( v a r viml_docunent = w rite_vrm l ("A Sun world") vnnl win = w i n d o w . c p e i ( " " , ' toolbar=0, I o c a tio n = l,d ire c to n e s = 0, sta tu s= l,:n e riu b a r= l,sc ro lih ars= l, re sita b le = l,w id th =600,height= 400’ ) vrml_win. d o cu n eit. c p e i ("x-w or I d /x - v m l") vrm ljw in. docunent. w r ite ln (vrm l_docuneit) vrml_win. document. c lo s e () ) ) ) / / — > </SCRIPT> </HEAD> OODY bgcolor=”W hite" TE-.T= "Black" UNK=”nav"/" VLINK="navy” ALHK=”Ped"> <DG S P C = " ../T IP G ra p h ic s/2 v irtu a lre a litv b .g if" W XDIW =250 HELGHT=76 BOPIERO ALT="The v i r tu a l P e a lity B uilder"> <P> <B>Please in p u t a l l the values and th e vfml scene would be generated au to m a tica lly : </B> <form nam e="fm _units"> < !— form f o r d e fa u lt u n its in fo rm atio n — > <!— F i r s t T able fo r the U nit Values — > •T E A B L E B O P JjEP=0 WIDIH=600 CELLS PACH1G=1 CELLEADDOG=3> <TB> <TD ALIGN=”LEFT" V A L X C 2 1 = ,,ECriTCM " OQLSPAli=2> <A HP£F=". ./H e lp /d e fin itio n s .h tm l#D efaultU nits" TAP£ET="definitions" CTiMouseOver=parent.show_definitiOTs ("D efaultU nits") > <DC S R C = "../T IP G rap h ics/d efin itio n _ s.g if" WIDIH=20 HEIGHr=lS BGPU£R=0x/A> <PCNT SIZE=”+1" F7CE="Arial, H e lv etica"x B > D efau lt Units :< /K K T x/B x/T D > </TR> <TP. BG03jCR="#3CffiDF"> <TD ALICN="IZET"x a HREF=". . /H e lp /d e fin itio n s . html#Distance" T A P£ST="definitials" cnMouseOver=' p a r e i t . sh o w _ d e fin itia ls ("D istance” ) ' > <nc SPC=” . . /TX PG raphics/definitia n _ s .g if " 80REER?=0x/AXB>Distance:</B> <SELECT tffl-E="dis_units"> <!— anC hange="set_dis_units (t h is , o p tio n s . se lec te d lrd ex )"> —> <OFTICN>Meters OPTICMxrtn <0PTTCN selected> F eet <OPTICN>Lnches page 132 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix D </SELECT> </TD> < TD ALI(2J="LEFT"xA H REF=” . . /H elp/defim tians.htrrd#A ngles" TARGT="definiticns" arttarseOvrer=’ _definitians ("Angles") ’> <3 TG SPC=”. . /TIPG raphics/definitic n _ s.g if” W IDIH =20 HEE 2 fT =18 E C 3=rER= 0x/AXH>Angies:</E> <SELEET NAME>="angles_units"> <!— CTChanqe=''sec_angle_um.ts (th i s . options. selectedlnctex) "> —> <OPnCN selected>Degrees <OPTICN>Radians </SELECT> </TD> </TR> </TABI£> </form> <P> <HR SIZE=”1" WI0IH="6OO" ALIGN="LEFT"> <!— Second Table fo r Sice Shape, o rien tatio n and no. o f trees/b u ild in g s. —> <form name="fnn_site_info"> <;— Cuter tab le begins here —> STA B LE VALIGN="Top" W ID TH =600 CELLS PA C IN G =0 CELLSA£ODC=0> <TR> <TH A LI(3i="Left" 03LSPA N = 3> <A HPEP=". ./H elp/def in i tions.htm lttSitelnfonrB tion" TARCSr=”d e fin itic n s” anHouseCver= ’parent.shcw _definicicns("SiteLnform aticri”) '> <DC SFC="../TIPGraphics/definitio n _ s.g if" W ID T B =20 HEIGHr=18 BCFDER=Ox/A> cH C N T SIZE=”+1" R?CE="Arial, H elvetica">Site Information: </rtKTXP> <DC SPC=” . ./T IPG raphics/vr_site. jpg" W IO T H =150 HEKHT=100 B 0R E E R = 0> </TtC* </TR> •?T R > <TD VALIGN="Top"> <!— F irs t Rectangular s i te tab le here —> < TA B LE B C B D E R fO W ID TO = 295> <TR B Q 39U3 R="#C6B 58E"> <TD ALIGN="Left" C C LSPA N = 3> <INKrr TYPE="PADIC” NAME="site_shape" VALOE="Pectangular" C H E E K E D > <A HP£F=” . ./H elp/definiticns.htm l#R ectangularSite" TAEST="definitions" ontt)useOver='paren _defm itions("PectangularSite"! ’> <H‘ E SPC=".. /T IPG raphics/definition_s. g if" W IDIH =20 H E K 3 ? T =18 3CPIER=0x/AXB>pectangular Site</B> </TD> </TP-> <TR> <T H ALiaJ=”Center">Length </TH> <TH ALI3 )="Center">Width </TH> <T H A U C 3-J="Center" ^O rientation </th> </TR> <VP> <TD AUGN=”C enter"xlN £U r TYFE="TEXT" HPME="r_site_length" VALUB="180" SI2E=10 RBXL£ltn»=10x/TD> <TD ALIC2i="Caiter"xlliPOT TYFE="TECT" NPME="r_Site_width" VAHJE="80" SIZE=10 J© XLEH GrTtt=10> </TD> <TD ALIOf="Center"xINFOT TY PE="TEJO'” NAME="r_site_orientation" V A LU E="0" SIZ& = 10 M A X L E N 3IH=10> </TD> </TR> </TAELE> </TD> <TD ALIGN="Center" VALIQf=”Top"> <!— Second Irre g u la r S ite Table Here —> < T A H L E B C R D E R =0 W IDIH=295> <TR E G C O U 3R="#C6B 58E"> <TD ALIOJ="Left" C0I£PAN=3> <INEUr T/PE= "RADIO" N A M E = ”site_shape" VAUUE="Irregular"> page 133 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix D <A HFEF=".. /H e lp /d e fin itio n s .h tm U Irre g u la rS ite " TAPST=”d e fin itio n s " cnMDuseO.’ e r= 'p d re n o w _ d e fiiu tic n s("Irre q u la rS ite ") ’> <UG SE C =''../T IPG raphics/definitio n _ s .g if " WIDTS=20 KEIC3fr=ia 30PD£R=0x / A x a > Irre g u ia r Site</B> </TD> </TP> <TP> <TH ALiaf=”C siter">C oordinate </TH> <TH ALIGN="Cmcer">X co o rd in ate </TK> <TH ALK34="Center" >T co o rd in ate </IK> </TR> <TP. aGOODOR="#ECEADF"> <TD ALiaJ="Center"xrNOTT TYPE="CH3CK3CK" N SM B=’ ’ir_ sitel_ ch eck " CHECKEDXjoordinate 1</TD> <TD ALI®i="Center "xrNRTT TYPE="TEXr” N PM E=”ir_ s ite _ lx " VMUE=”100" SIZE=5 t»XLEMTIK=5> </TD> <TD ALIGfi=,'C en ter"x n C U r TYFE="TEXr" NfM E="ir_Slte_lz" VALUE^'lOO" SIZE=5 !«XLENGIH=5> </TD> </TP> <TP> <TD ALIGN=''Center"xlNHn’ TYP5="CHEEKBCK" N&ME="ir_site2_check" CKBCKED>Coordinate 2</TD> <TD ALIQ5="Center"XINRIT TYPE="TEXT” N?ME="ir_site_2x" VHJUB=”100” SIZE=5 f®XLQJGIH=5> </TD> <TD AUGN=”Center"xlNFOT TYPE='TE/T" NPM E=”ir_ site _ 2 s" VPJUE="-10O" SIZE=5 M iXLEM 3TH=5> </TD> </TP> <TP. BGCOIIE="*tEEEADF"> <TD ALIGM=”C enter”xINH 7r TYPE=”C H E X 3 C B C K ” ”ir_sIte3_checfc" CHECKEEDCoordinate 3</TD> <TD ALIQJ="Cer.ter"xlNPOT TrK='1E'.T" NPME="ir_siCe_3x" VRLUE="-100" SIZE=5 MtfLQEI»=5> </TD> <TD AUQJ="Center"xlNPOT TYPEX'TECT" NPME="ir_site_3z" VALUE="-100" SIZE=5 t-K-TEJCTH=5> </TD> </TP> <TP> <TD ALICSi="Ceater"xiNEOT TYPE=”C H B C K B C K ” NPWE>=''ir_site4_check"X3cordinate 4</TD> <TD ALIQ}="Center"XINPUr TYPE=,’TH>T" NZWE="ir_site_4x" VALUE="-100" SI2E=5 !-R>XaGTH=5> </TD> <TD ALIQJ="Center"XINPUr TYPE=”TEXr" NSME="ir_site_4z" VRLU E=”100’ * SIZE=5 t-F-;<LEtGm=5> </TD> </TB> <TP. a3CQI£R="#ECEADF’> <TD ALI3J="Center"xDIPOr TYPE="CKB2KBCK" fffM E="ir_site5_check''>Coordinate 5</TD> <TD ALiaJ=’ ’Center''XINEUr TYPEX'TECT” fW E = "ir_ site_ 5 x ” V£LUE=”0" SIZE=5 J®XLENGTH=5> </TD> <TD A LIQ t="C enter"xm pur TYFE=”TEXT" NBME="ir_site_5z" vaLUE="0” SIZE=5 ME<LQGTK=5> </TD> </TP> <TR> <TD ALIQ4="Center"XIlTur TYPE=”CH BEK BCK " N PM E=”ir _ s i te 6 _check,'>Coordinate 5</TD> <TD XLIQf=',C e n te r"x n iK jr TYPE="TDCr" N P*E="ir_site_6 x” VRIDE="0" SIZE=5 M fiX LEN G TH =5> </TD> <TD AUQJ="Center”xHIEOT TYPE="TEXT" NPM E=”ir _ s ite _ 6z" VKLUE="0” SIZE=5 M«LENGIH=5> </TD> </TR> <TR BQaOLOR="#ECERDF"> <TD ALK3J="Center"xlNPOT TYPE="CHBCKBCK" N SM E=”i r _ s i te 7 _chedc’ ’X ix3 rd in a te 7</TD> <TD ALIG*= "C enter"XINRTT TYPE="TEXT” NSME="ir_site_7x” VALUB="0" SI2E=5 WXLENGTH=5> </TD> <TD ALXQ4 ="Center"xDJH7 r TYPB="TEjCr” N M E = "ir_site_7t” VRL0B=”0" SIZE=5 t©XLENGTH=5> </TD> </TR> </TABI£> </TD> </TP> </raBiz> </EOFTt> page 134 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix D <!— end o f form s i t e in fo rm atio n —> <H R SIZE="1" WIDTH="600” ALIQJ="L£rT"> <FOfti NSME>=''frni_tree_info"> <TSBI£ BOR£ERKI> <TR > <TD C C S L S E A N = 3x b x A HFEF="..;'Help/definitians.hard#TreesandLocations” TA R£Zrr=”d e fin itim s” onMouseOver= • p a re n t. shcw _definitions ("TreesandLocations ") ’ > <QC SBC=”../T IP G raphics/definitio i_ s .g if" W IDIH =20 H E 2SfT=18 3C H S N ]x /j> <FC N T SIZE=”+1" raCE=”A rial, Helvetica">Trees and Locations :</EGNrx/BxP> </TD> </TF> <I?> <TDxCQrrEPxDG SPC=”.. /TIPGraphics/vr_siirptree. jpg" W IDIH=10O H E 2GHP=150 3C PE E H =0 A LT=”Deciciuous Tree"xBP> <B>Deciduous</BX/CEKrER> </TD> CDxCH/TERxHC SB C^-./TIPG raphics/vrjoonetree.jpg" W IDIH =100 HEI3 ir=150 3CPIEP=0 A L T=”Evergreen T ree"x 3R> <B>Evergreei</Bx/CIl/rER> </TD> <TDxcanERXIMG SPC=". ./TIPGraphics/vr_canptree. jpg” WIDIH=100 HEIGrr=150 EOREERO A LT=”Caiplex Tree"xBPi> <HX3ther</BX/CEKrER> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <?> •C T A B L E W ID T H =600 9CK EER = 0> <TP. B3CGL3R="#C6B58E” > <TH>Tree </TH> <TH>Tree Type</TH> < T H > :< coordinate </TH> < T H > Y coordinate </TH> <TH>height </TH> <TK>width </TH> </TP> <TE> CTHXINEOT TY PB="C H EC K EC K " NN®=”treel_check” CHECKED>Tree 1</TH> ■ T T D ALIQE="Center"xSETFT? NAME="creei_type"> <OPTICN selected>Decdduous <0E'TICM>£ver7reen <OPTICN>Other Type </SELBTrx/TD> < T D ALICJJ="Center"XlNFOT TYPE^'TECr” NRME="treel_x” V A L U E = ’ ’- 90" SIZE=6 :-FiXLaCTH=5> </TD> < T D A L IG M = "Center"xHIFJT TYPE="TECr” JFi-E="txeei_c" V M JU E p "40" SIZB=5 M K < L E M G T H = 5> </TD> < T D ALIQi="Center"XItiK7 r TYPE="TECT" N B M E = ”treel_height" VAUJE="30'' SIZE=5 r*>l£NGTH=5> </TD> < T D AUQ't="Center"XlNHjr TYPE="TE<T” NME="treel_width" V A LU E="40" SI2E=5 I-RXLaJ3T H = 5> </TD> </TR> <TR EGXIljCR="itECEADr'> •cTHXINFUr TY PE="C H B C K B C K ” tl?M E=”tre e 2_check" CHECKED>Tree 2</TH> < T D ALIGff="Center"xSELECT N?ME>"tree2_type"> <GFTICN>Deciduous <OFTCCN>Evergreen <OPnai selectecbother Type </SELECTx/rD> < T D ALXGN="Center"XINPUr TYPB="TEXT" M?WE="tree2_:<'' VRUE="120" SIZE=5 M A X LQ G TH = 5> </TD> <T D ALIQf="Center"XlNrUT TYPE="TEXT" N A M E = ’ ’tre e 2_z" V R LU E =”- 25" SIZE=5 tfiXLQCTH=5> </TD> <TD ALIOJ="Center"XINFJr TY?E="TEXT" N H E="tree2_height" VRLUE="20" SIZE=5 MPKI£1EIH=5> </TD> <T D ALIG N=”C aiter"xIN PU r TYPE="TBfT" N»E="tree2_width" VamE="20” SIZE=5 t-K < L E M G T H = 5> </TD> </TP> < T R > <TKXINPOT TYPE=’ ’C H B C K B C K " tW-E="tree3_check" CHEEKED>Tree 3</TH> <T D A L IC 2}= '’Center"xSELECr NW-E="tree3_type"> page /35 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix D <CPnctr>Deciduous OPTION selectecW Dvergreen OPTICNXJther Type </SELBCTX/TD> <TD AUQi="Center"xXNPOT TYPE=”TH:<T" N B M E =,,tree3_x" VALUE=”12G" SIZE=5 NK<LQCIH=5> </TD> OD ALIGN="Center"xINFOT TYPE^'TEXF’ fWE=”tr e e 3_2" VAU!E="0” SIZE=5 MK<LQCIH=5> </TD> OD A U af="C enter"xIN H 7r TYPE="TEjcr’ N PM E=”tree3 _ h eig h c" VRLUE="20” SIZE=5 w aiaciH = 5 > </TD> <TD ALIGff=''Center"XINRJT TYPE="TECT" NSME="tree3_width” VALUE="20" SIZE=5 NEXLErCTB=5> </TD> </TR> <TR aG20LCR="*B2ERDr'> <THXINRrr TYPE=”CH ECK BCK" NPME="tree4_check" CH30KED>Tree 4</TH> <TD ALIGN="Center”xSEI£)2r NPME="tree4_type”> OPTION selected X ted d u o u s OPTICN>£vergreen O P n ctC O ch er Type </SELECTx/TD> <TD ALXGN="Center"XlNEUr TYPE^'TEXT” N A M E =”tre e 4 j< " VRLU&="120” SIZE=5 fCXLQCTK=5> </TD> <TD ALIGt=”C enter',xINEUr TYPE="TEOT" NZWE="tree4 _2" VRLUE=”25" SIZE=5 f®XLQJGIH=5> </TD> <TD ALI3J="Center"xINEUr TYPE='TECT" NAME="tree4_height" VALUE="20" SIZE=5 t-KXLEfGrB=5;> </TD> <TD ALIGN="Center”xINEUr TYPE=”TECT" ®ME=”tree4_w idth" VSLUE="20” SIZE=5 raXLENGTH=5> </TD> </TP> </TOBLE> </EO=T£> <P> <H P. SIZE=”1” WIDrH=”600" AUQJ="LEET"> <POPM !IM 4E=nfrm _tm .Iding_irifc"> <TnBLE WIDTH=600 BORCER=0> <IE> < ?T D CDLSPA»=8XB> <A HREF=". ./H elp /d efin iticn s.h o n lS S u rro u n d in g B u ild in g s" TRPSTr="ciafinitions" cnM D useO ver='pareit.shcw _definitions C'SurrounlingBLiildings") ’> <IMG SPC=” ../T IE G ra p h ic s/d e fin itia n _ s .g if ” W ICTH=2Q HEK3TT=18 H C B D EB =O x / a> <ECNT SIZE=”+1'' E7CE=”A ria l, H elv etica”>Surrounding P e ctan g u lar B uildings and L o catio n s: </rCO TX /Bxp> <DC SPC=". . /T IP G raphics/vr_building. jp g " WIDTH=150 HEIGrr=100 BCPD£E=0> </TD> </TR> <TR B G C Q D D R =”#C63S8E"> <TH>Building </TH> <TH>X co o rd in a te </TH> <TH>Y c o o rd in a te </TH> <TH>length</TH> <TH>widtn </TH> <IH>height</TH> <TH>orientation</TH> <TH>color</TH> </TB> <IR> <THXHIPOT TYPE="CHECKECK” t Pf4E='’ b u ild in g ljd ie c k " CHBCKED>Building 1</TH> <TD A L IQ J="C enter"xlN E U r TYPE="TEjCT” N PM E="buildingl_x" vaLUE=”- 25" SIZE=5 MKLQCIK=5> </TD> <TD ALIQ»="Center”xlNHJT TYFE="TEXT" NaMB="buildingl_2" VALUE="-90” SI2E=5 t®XLEfCTH=5> </TD> <TD ALIGN="Cer.ter"xD-IEUT TYFE="TEXT" HM4E="bur ld in q l_ len g th " 'ffiUuE="130" 3IZE=5 lffiXLaCTH=5> </TD> <TD ALIC34="Center"xnJPtrr TYPE=’ *IE<T" t'M -E="buildingl_w idth" VRLUE="50" SIZE=5 fBXLENGTH=5> </TD> <TD A LI3J="C enter"xlN H Jr TYPE="TEXT" NSM E="buildingl_height” WUUE>="60" SI2£=5 t©XLENGIH=5> </TD> <TD ALIQf="Center"xlNEUr TYPE="TECT" N Z 44E >’T x n ld in g l_ o rie n '' VWJUE="0" SI2E=5 MAXLQGTH=5> </TD> <TD ALICJf="Center"xsELECT N 3tE ="buildingl_color''> OPTION selected> Ped <OPTICN>Brown OPTION>Yellow <OETICN>Blue </SELECTX/TD> page 136 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix D </TP> <TP. BGXia%=’ ,#EJCEfiDr’> <THX INPUT TYPE="CH EEKBCK ” N R M E > = ,T xdlding2_check" CHBCKED>Building 2</TH> <TD ALIGN="Center"xlNH7r TYPE=”TEXT" JBM !="bulIding2jt" VMXE=”20" SIZE=5 NPXLElGrH=5> </TD> <TD ALIG»="Center"xINEUr TYFE="TECr’ N A M E=’T x ilId in g 2 j:" '^LtE="70" SIZE=5 tffiXLE2GIH=5> </TD> <TD ALIGN="Center"XINEUr TYPE^'TEXT" NA«E=”b u lld il^ 2 _ len g th ” VALUE="100" SIZE=5 M AX LENCTri=5> </TD> <TD ALIGN=''Center"xlNHJr TYPE=”THXT" MAJ'E="bui.Iding2_wdth" VRUK="60" SIZE=5 !«{LQJGIH=5> </TD> <TD ALIGN=’ 'C enter"xniE U r TYPE="THXT" HAME="buildinj2_height" VALCEK'20" SIZE=5 t©XLENGIH=5> </TD> <TD ALIGM =”C enter"xlN H Jr TYFE="TEXr” fM >='Txiilding2_on.encatLai" 7iYLLE="0'' SIZE=5 M A;-1£CCTH=5> </TD> <TD ALIGfJ="Center”xSELECT rfft^ "b u ild in g 2 _ c o lo r''> <OPTICN>Red <OETICN selected>Brown <OETICN>Yellcw <OPTICN>Blue </SELEETX/TD> </TP> <YP> <rTHXIt!POT TYPE=”OiS2KBCK" tRME="builc±Lng3_check" CHBCKED>Buildlng 3</TH> <TD ALIQJ=,'C enter"xItIEU r TYPE— "TEXT” E M ® ="building3ji” VRUE=”-1C4" SIZE=5 MPXLElGrH=5> </m > <TD ALXGM=''Center'’xINEUr T Y P E > = ”TEXr’ NPME>"building3_z" V R LU E>="0" SIZE>=5 WWLQGTH=5> </TD> <TD ALIGN="Center"xlNEUr TYPE="TEXT ^^?^&’,fculldirlq3_length', V SL U E J=”4’ ' SIZE=5 MRXLDCI»=5> </TD> <TD ALI(3J="Center"xINEOT TY PEJ=”TEXT" NAtE="buildlng3_width" V ALUE>="80" SI2E=5 MAXL3GTH=5> </TD> <TD ALIQ'i=,’C enter"XDiRTT TY PEI=”TEXr’ NSM E>”building3_height" VSLtE="10" SIZE=5 t®XLEM3TH=5> </TD> <TD AUQ)=,'C enter"X IM ror TYPE>”TEXr" NRtE="bLaldinq3_onentaticn" VALLE="0" SIZE=5 I-K<L2ETH=5> </TD> <TD ALI3t=”C enter”xSEXElCT NPWEi="buildirg3_coloc"> <CPnCN>P£d <GETICtI>3rowi <OPTICN selected>Yellow < O E ,TICN>Blue </SELE!Crx/TD> </TP> <TP. BGCGUB=''#E32EADr’> <THXINFUr T Y P E > = "C H E 3 C K B C K ” roME>'Txiilding4jzhfiCfc">Building 4</TH> <TD ALIQJ=”C a ite r” xlIIPUr TYPE>”TEXT’ NPM E=”builduig4_K" vaUE=”0" SIZE=5 MSXLEHJTH=5> </TD> <TD ALIGN="Center"xlNEUr TYPE=”TECT" NStE="bullding4_z" \fflHE="CP SIZE=5 f«XLENGIH=5> </TD> <TD AUCJ)=’'C enter" XINPJT TYFE=”TEXr” taME>’ ’ tauildinq4_length" VRLUE>"0" SIZE=5 M K<LENGTH=5> </TD> <TD A LI3i="C enter"xltffU r TYPE="TEXr" fPME>='Txdlding4_width" VMIE=”0" SIZE=5 ;-K<LEICrH=5> </TD> <TD ALiaj=”Center''xiNFOT TYPE^'TEXT” t'W-E=,'b u ild in q 4 Jie ig h t" VAUJE="Q" SIZE=5 f©XLElGrH=5> </TD> <TD ALI3J="Center"xlNEUr TYPE^'TEXT” NPME>"building4 j 3r ie n ta tia r r VALUEK’O" SIZE>=5 M Y<LE1GT1=5> </TD> •C T D ALI3J="Center"XSElECT M aM E i= ',hm 1 riirvj4_i~n1 nr"> cCEUICN selected>3ed <OPTXON>Brcwn <OFITCN>Yellow <OETICN>Blue </SEXEETX/TD> </TP> < T F Z > <THXINPUT TYPE="affiCKBQK" !R 4 E > = ,TDuilciing5_c±!eck">Bailcto3 5</TH> <TD ALIGN="Center"xiNEUr TYEB=”TEXT" NSME="building5_x" VALIK="0" SIZE=5 f®XLEJGTH=5> </TD> <TD flLIGN=”C enter”xlNEUr TYPE>"TEXT” fffiAE="baildingS_z" VSUE=”0" SIZE>=5 »®XLEUGIH=5> </TD> <TD ALI3)="Center"xlNTUr TYPE>="TEXr'’ NSME>='Txiildirig5_laTgth" VftLUE="0" SIZE>=5 t-PXLEGTH=5> </TD> <TD ALI3>=”Center"xiN EU r TYEE=”TEXT” NPME^'TDuilding5_width" VRIUE>"0" SIZEeo PFXLQGTH=5> </m> <TD ALiaf="Center"xlNEUr TYPE^'TEXT" N £M E>''buiidir^_height" V R LU E>="0” SIZB=5 t®XLEJGTH=5> </TD> <OT ALIGN=”Center"xiN EU r TYEE=”TEXr” fKME>'TxaldingS_orientau.CTi’ ’ VRUE=”0" SIZE>=5 tW>XQGIH=5> </TD> <TD ALICJt=',Center''xSEILEJ2r E W 4 E > = ’ ,biiLldlng5_color”> <OPTICN>Pfid <0PTICN selected>Brown page 137 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. 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Appendix D <OPnCN>Yellow <GPTICN>31ue < /S E L a rrx /rn > </TR> <TP. aGCDI£R="#EX22iDF'> <THXINRJT TYPE="CKBXKECK" fB t& "fcm lding6 _check">Building 6</TH> <TD ALIGN="Center"xlIJXur TYPE="TECT" NP«E>"buiiding6 _x" VALUE="0" SXZE=5 t©XLENGTH=5> </TD> <TD A U Q f="C enter"xIN Pur TYPB="TEXT” NPtE="building6 _z" VRLUE="0" SIZE=5 I>KCLE1CIH=5> </TD> <TD A LIQf="Center"xlNPur TYPE="TE3\T” N » & "b u ild in g6_ len g th " VRL0B="0" SIZE=5 MRXLQEItt=5> </TD> <TD AUQi="Center"xrNHXr TYPE>"TBCT" NPME=TDuilding6 _w idth” VAUJE=”0" SIZE=5 t-K<LaGTH=5> </TD> <TD ALIQS="Center"XINHjr TYPE="TEYT" fFWE=,rbuilcLLng6_heighC" VALUE="0” SI2B=5 !«XLEfGIH=5> </TD> <TD ALI3I="Center"xlN FUr TYPE="TEXT" tB tE = "b u ild iix ^j3rie n ta tio n " vaLLE="0" SIZE=5 tK<LQJGIH=5> </TD> <TD ALK2'J=’ 'Cencer''xSELECT fFWE=''baiIdirig6 _ c o lo r,’> <OETICH>Hed <OFTICN>Brown <OPnCN selected>Y ellcw <OPTICN>Blue </SELECTX/TD> </TR> <TR> <IKXINPOT TYPE=”C H E C K B C E < ,f fRME=''bLLilding7_check'’>BuildLng 7</1K> <TD ALia'J="Center"XINHjr TYPE="TEXT" rPME=”b u ild in g 7 j< " VBLUE=”0" SIZE=5 rKXLQCTH=5> </TD> <TD AIIQJ=”Center"xlNFO T TYPE="TEj<T" NPMB="building7_z" VftLUB=”0" SIZE=5 fBXLBGIH=5> </TD> <TD ALIGN="CenCer"XlNFUr TYPE="TDCT" NAME>"building7_length" VM£E="0" 3IZE=5 f©XL3CTH=5> </TD> <TD ALIdf="Caiter"XINFUr TYPE='"IEXT" mM EJ=T3 U ilding7 _w idth" VHLUE=”0” SIZE=5 M«LQGIB=5> </TD> <TD AUQ7=”C enter"X lN H jr TYPE="TEXr" NSME="building7_heighC” VamE='’0” SIZE=5 t-KXLEJETH=5> </TD> <TD AUQJ=”C enter"xlN FU r TYPE=”TE jC T” ^F^£=,b u lld in g 7 _ o rlen tatL o n ', VRIDE=”0” SXZE=5 !-K\LQGTH=5> </TD> < "T D AIXQ}="Caicer"xSEL£CI N?ME>"building4_color"> <OPnCM>Ped <OFITCN>Brown <G?nai>Y eiiow <OETICN selected>B lue </SEXECTX/TD> </TP> <TR BQCOIOR="#EEEADF’> <IHX INPUT TYFE="CKECKBCK" N?ME="taniIdingflj-hPflf'^Riii 1 Hing 8 </TH> <TD ALX(3J="Center"XINPUr TYPE="TEXT” N7WEJ="building8_x" VALUE="0" SIZE=5 MWLEMJIH=5> </TD> <TD AUGJ'f="CenCer”XlNFUr TYPE=”TDCT” NfME=''buxldir1 g8_2" VALUE="0” SIZ£=5 f©XL£N3IH=5> </TD> <TD AIJGS="Center"XINPUr TYPE=”TECT" NM ® =''buildijx^_length" VBUJE="0" SIZE=5 t«R X LEN STH =5> <./TD> < O T ) ALXGN="Center"xlNFUr TYPE=”TECT" NPME>'Txdlding8_w idth" VAIUE="0" SIZE=5 tWXBCI»=5> </TD> <TD A LIC 2-!= "C enter”XINFUT TYPE='TEXT' tffW E=,'buil(±Lng8_ h e ig h t" VRLUE="0" SIZE=5 MMLEICI5t=5> </TD> <TD ALICU=’ ’C enter"xlN PU r TYPE="TECT" fH C = "b U iId in ^ _ o rien ta tio n " vALXJE="0” SIZE=5 MWLnGTH=5> </TD> <TD ALX3J='’Center"xSELEX7r NPME="building8_ co lo r”> <GPTICN selected> ?ed <OETICN>Brown <OPnCN>Yellciw <OPTICN>Blus </SELECTX/TD> </TH> </TABLE> </ECPM> <FCPM N A M E = "b u tto n s’ ’> <HR SIZB="4” WIDTH="500" ALIGN="X£Fr"> <INEUr TXFE>"CHECKEa<" NPME="text_ynnl"XA HBEF=". ./H e lp /6efin itials.h tm lS G en erateasT ex t" TRFGET="definiticns ” onMouseOver= ’ p a re n t. show _definiticm s ("G enerateasT ext") ' x u c SPC=” . ,/T IP G ra p h ics/d e fin itio n _ s .g if ” WIDIH=20 HEISfr=18 BCBEER=Ox/«> page 138 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix D <B>Generate as te x t to save</BXER> •CNPUT TYPE>="buttan" fW4E^"vriT’ i_autpuC" VALUED" Generate V P. orC lick = "d o _ all()” > <! — <HIFUT 7YPE="button" N ?W E=',taip_checJc" VALUE="show Amina toon Values" onClicio="shcw_anivals () "> —> </ET¥M> <H P. SIZE="4" WIDIEj="600" ALI3-f='1£FT"> <ECFM name=frm_ani> <EtNT SIZE="+1" FACE="Anal, H elv etica"x A HPEE^". ./H e lp /d e fin itio n s.h tm lSViewPointsandAniinatian" T A PST="definitions" crttoJseO uer= 'parent.snow _definitians ("ViewPointsandAnimatian") ’> <DC SBC=". ,/T IP G rap h ics/d efin itio n _ s .g if " WIDIH=20 HEIQiT=18 BCR£ER=0x/A> <BACptuons f o r Viewpoints and Animation: </Bx/EENT> <HR SIZE="1” WIDIH=”600" ALIGff=”LEET"> CABLE 80PLEK M D WIDIH=600> <TR BXOI£R=”4C6B5SE"> CD OXSPAN=2xINPUr TYPE="CHSCKBCK" N A M E =’’custcm_vp" CHEJCKEO <3>Custan Viewpoint fran:</3x/T D > CD CCLSPAfi=2 ALIGJ="Pight"XB>Cescriptim : </B> <TNPUT TYPE="TEXr" MAME="c/p_descnptrcn" SIZE = 20 value=’ ’Custcm Viewr"> </TD> </TF> C P> <TD ALIQf="Pj.ght"XH>X co-ordinate</H x/TD > <TD ALIGJ="Right"xB>Y co-ordinate</B x/TD > C D AUa{="Prght" xB>Height< /B x /TD> <TD ALIGN="Right"XBX3rientatiorK/BX/TD> </TR> CB> <TD ALIGM =’? ig h t" > < INPUT TYPE="TEXT” N A M E = ”cvpx” VALUE=200 SIZE=6> </TD> <TD ALIOJ="P.ight"> <INPUT TYPE^'TECr" HAME="c./pz" VALUE=0 SIZE=6> </TD> CD ALICJt="Faght"> <INPUT TYFE="TEXT" N A K E=”cvpy" VALUE=7 SI2E=6> </TD> <TD ALIGN="Pi.ght"> <INEUT TYPE="TEXT" NSME="c./ponentatian" VALUE=90 SIZE=6> </TD> </TR> </TABIi> <HR ALK2t="lEFT" SI2E=”1" WIDIN="600"> <P> CABLE BCRD ER=0 WIDTH=600> CP> < T D A L K 3 S = ’T e f t ” C 0 L S P M i = 3 V A L I G J ^ ' l o p " x E > S p e e d o f A n i m a t i o n : < / 3 x / T D > <TD ALIGN="Right” VALIC34="Top"> <SELBTT NAM5="speed"> < O Pnai value= 40 ^njth slower <0FTICN v a lu ^ 3 0 >slawer <OETCCN SELECTED value=20xiefault <OETICH value= 10> fa s te r <OPTICN valuff= 5> nuch f a s te r </SELEET> </TD> </TPU > <TR BGCOI£R="#E£EADE” > <TD ALIdf=”L eft" COLSPAN=3 VALIGN="Top"> <A HP£P=". ./H elp /d efin iticn s.h tm l# H o u rsto C alcu late" TAP£ET="definitians" onft3 UseOver=' p a re n t. shcw _definitions ("H ourstoC alculate” ) ' > <IM3 SPC=” . . /T IP G raphics/definitio n _ s .g if " WIDIH=20 HEISir=18 B0REER=0x/AxB>Hours to c a lc u la te th e Sun’s Viewpoint for:</B> page 139 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. 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Appendix D </TD> <TD ALIQf="Right" VHLIC2*="Tap"> <SELHCT HPMB="vp_hcurS "> OPTION v alue= "0,6 ,1 2 ,15">0,6,12,15 hours OPTION SELECTED v a lu e = ”0 ,6 ,9 ,1 2 ,1 5 ,1 8 " sd e fa u lt—0 ,6 ,9 ,1 2 ,1 5 ,1 8 hours OPTION v a lu e = " 0 ,2 ,4 ,5 ,8 ,1 0 ,1 2 ,1 4 ,1 6 ,1 8 ,2 0 ,2 2 " >every seccnd hour OPTION value= "6,7 ,8 ,9 ,1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ,1 3 ,1 4 ,1 5 ,1 6 ,1 7 ,1 8 " >6 co 18 hours OPTION v a lu e = " 0 ,l,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,6 1 8 ,1 9 ,2 0 ,2 1 ,2 2 ,2 3 ” >0 co 6 and 18 co 24 hours </SEL30T> </TD> </TP> <TP> <TD ALia4="Ieft" C0LSPAN=3 VALIGtJ="Tqp"> <B>Zocm faccor f o r V iewpoints:</B> </TD> <TD ALIGN="Right" VALIQJ="Tcp"> <SELBCT NM>=”VPDistance"> OPTION v a lu e O .S x iu ch c lo s e r OPTION value=0. 75> clo ser OPTION SHJT7TED v a lu e = l> d efa u lt OPTION v a lu e = l. 5 > fu rth e r OPTION value=2>nijch fu r th e r </SELECT> </TD> </TR> </TABL£> <!— maybe la c e r add c h is c o o .. <SELECT fM’ E="vponer.cacion"> OPITCN>North OPTICN>North-east OETICN>Easc OPTION>Souch-easc OPTION SELECTED>South OFTTCN>Sauth-west o p n c tc « e s c OPTICN>Norch-«esc </SELS0T5— > <HR SIZE=1> <ECNT SIZE="-2” E7CE="Arial, H e lv etica " CGLCfi="siiver"xB> Copyright Scopy; <A HPEF='m ailto :a rc h it@ u sc.e d u ' > Archie Jain</A>, u se School o f A rchieeccure, 1997. A ll Pighcs Reserved.<BF> <SCRIPT lAfGUAGE="JavaScript"> <! — doam enc.w riceC L ast M odified: " + docunent.lastM odified) / / —> </SCRIPTX/BX/ECNr> </B0DY> </HIML> page 140 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Appendix E A ppendix E: E quipm ent and Softw are U tilized Hardware: No single machine was used to develop VRSolar. It was mainly the campus computing facilities that were used initially to write the initial versions of VRSolar. The machines were ty pically IBM or Dell 90 MHz Pentiums with 16 Mbytes of RAM running Windows 95. In the MBS lab, an erratic 100 MHz IBM clone with 16 Mbytes of RAM running and Windows 95 or NT (from time to time) was used. When that became unbearable, a newer Dell 150MHz pentium with 32 MHz o f RAM, (though with a 256 color monitor) was used in the final stages. Software: The main software applications were: 1. Netscape Navigator (no cost academic versions 2.01, 3 .0 1 and 4.0) from 2. Internet Explorer (freeware version 2.0, 3.0 and preview release 4.0) from 3. HomeSite, HTML editor (freeware version 1.2 and shareware version 2.5) from and 4. Map This! Image Map Editor (freeware version 1.3) from 5. Paint Shop Pro. graphic editing software (shareware version 4.0) from Besides these specialized software, standard applications like MSWord versions 6,7 and 97 and notepad text editors were used from time to time. page 141 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (Q A -3 ) 1 . 0 Ef“ = IS 1“ I 2- 2 tr ^ 14 0 II i U U u | J £ 1.25 1 .4 1 . 6 150mm IfVUGE . Inc 1653 East Main Street Rochester, NY 14609 USA Phone: 716/482-0300 Fax: 716/288-5989 0 1993. Applied Image. Inc.. All Rights Reserved Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
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Asset Metadata
Jain, Archit
Core Title
VRSolar: An exploration in Web based interactive architectural teaching
Master of Building Science / Master in Biomedical Sciences
Degree Program
Building Science
University of Southern California
University of Southern California. Libraries
Architecture,Computer Science,education, technology of,OAI-PMH Harvest
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Jain, Archit
University of Southern California
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University of Southern California Dissertations and Theses
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education, technology of