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Pre-incident plan mapping in Kern County's wildland urban interface
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Pre-incident plan mapping in Kern County's wildland urban interface
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Adam Tyler Prell
A Thesis Presented to the
In Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree of
December 2013
Copyright 2013 Adam Tyler Prell
I dedicate this thesis to my parents Jon and Ann; you really did well. Also, to Julie
and Jerry, you guys have always been and continue to be great examples for me; thanks
for setting the bar high.
I would like to express my sincere appreciation to the Kern County Fire
Department for their continued support throughout my time spent working with and
among them. As a young professional, it was undoubtedly a worthwhile learning
experience. Throughout my time with the department I developed invaluable skills that
will lead to success in my future endeavors.
I want to thank Chief Ken Stevens for recognizing my potential and allowing me
the opportunity to show what I could do, something I will not soon forget. It also gives
me great pleasure to convey my sincere gratitude to Kern County Fire Captain Derrick
Davis for everything he’s done for me personally and professionally. I can honestly say
his support and guidance has been second to none, and I honestly don’t believe the word
gratitude even covers half of my appreciation.
Lastly I want to thank Timi Gleason, Dr. Jordan Hastings, Deborah Johnson, Dr.
Travis Longcore, Dr. Flora Paganelli, and John Smith for their participation, expertise,
and guidance on different parts of my thesis. Thank you to my wonderful family and
friends; I wouldn’t be here today without your support and encouragement during this
Master’s program.
Dedication .......................................................................................................................... ii
Acknowledgements .......................................................................................................... iii
List of Tables .................................................................................................................... vi
List of Figures .................................................................................................................. vii
Abstract ........................................................................................................................... viii
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION .................................................................................... 1
CHAPTER 2: BACKGROUND ...................................................................................... 4
2.1: The Evolution of Wildfires and the Human Presence ........................................... 4
2.2: The Birth of the Emergency Management Cycle .................................................. 5
2.3: The "Golden Hour" of Emergency Response ........................................................ 7
2.4: GIS, A Cross-Functional Wildfire Management Tool........................................... 8
2.5: Pre-Attack Planning ............................................................................................... 9
CHAPTER 3: PIP MAP PROJECT ............................................................................. 12
3.1: Kern County and Wildfires .................................................................................. 13
3.2: The Pre-Incident Plan (PIP) Map ......................................................................... 17
CHAPTER 4: METHODS AND DATA ....................................................................... 21
4.1: Data Needed For the PIP Maps............................................................................ 21
4.2: Data Creation and Collection ............................................................................... 23
4.2.1: Heads-Up Digitizing ................................................................................... 24
4.2.2: Field Visits .................................................................................................. 24
CHAPTER 5: RESULTS ............................................................................................... 28
CHAPTER 6: DISCUSSION ......................................................................................... 34
6.1: Limitations ........................................................................................................... 35
6.2: Future Recommendations .................................................................................... 36
CHAPTER 7: CONCLUSION....................................................................................... 38
BIBLIOGRAPHY ........................................................................................................... 40
GLOSSARY..................................................................................................................... 46
APPENDICES ................................................................................................................. 50
A: Golden Hills: Map 3, Front and Back ........................................................................
B: PIP Map Inventory .....................................................................................................
C: Email Survey Questionnaire ......................................................................................
D: Sand Canyon: Map 5, Front and Back (Portrait Orientation Example) .....................
E: Map of Kern County's Wildfire History .....................................................................
Table 1: Project Data Needs ............................................................................................. 22
Table 2: GIS Data Attribute Fields ................................................................................... 23
Table 3: Significant Wildfires since PIP Project Inception .............................................. 29
Table 4: PIP Project Cost Breakdown .............................................................................. 32
Figure 1: Four Phases in Emergency Management ........................................................... 6
Figure 2: Kern County, CA ............................................................................................... 12
Figure 3: Kern County’s Large Wildfire Perimeters since 1900 ...................................... 14
Figure 4: PIP Project Standard Map Features and Symbols ............................................. 17
Figure 5: PIP Map Example, Front (A) and Back (B) side .............................................. 20
Figure 6: Wildland Fire Response Apparatus ................................................................... 25
Figure 7: Road Types and Engine access ......................................................................... 26
Figure 8: Examples of Water Sources .............................................................................. 27
Figure 9: A Map Box Near the Entrance of a WUI Community ...................................... 28
The interface between former wildland and urban sprawl is of major concern in
the Western United States throughout wildfire-prone areas. Kern County, California,
northwest of Los Angeles, is one such heavily impacted area. Recent major wildfires
there have portrayed extreme fire behavior and caused significant property damage
underscoring the need for fire prevention efforts before emergency response. This thesis
demonstrates the utility of pre-incident planning (PIP) maps for wildfire mitigation built
using geographic information system (GIS)-based cartography. PIP maps highlight
imperative spatial information for emergency responders during the first, crucial “golden
hour” of a wildfire, particularly accurate locations for structures and water sources, along
with ratings of roadways for fire engine access. The PIP approach would not be possible
without GIS, in fact, owing to the need for an accurate, up-to-date spatial data and
voluminous map production. In both concept and execution, PIP maps, have proven
valuable far beyond their original intention aiding in at least a dozen major wildfires
since 2008, helping to protect over 4000 structures. In addition, PIP maps have shown
qualitative benefits, improving firefighter safety, incident organization, and emergency
communication. Constructing PIP maps for Kern County cost $115,000; the return on
investment is estimated in the millions of dollars.
In the past 40 years, rising spring and summer temperatures, along with shrinking
winter snowpack, have increased the risk of wildfires in many parts of the Western
United States. Studies suggest that continued climate change may increase the risk of
wildfires in the coming decades (Climate Central 2012).
As urban development continues, it is becoming increasingly rare to have a
wildfire incident that does not involve people and their homes (Mutch et al. 2011). People
are at greater risk due largely to decades of rapid population growth encroaching on areas
where natural high intensity wildfires have regularly occurred, long before human
occupation (Keeley and Fotheringham 2006). Human presence and population pressure
have added combustible materials like homes and gardens, increased wildfire ignitions
through anthropogenic causes such as transportation, as well as created dangerous
congestion that both accelerates wildfire spread and hampers wildfire-fighting.
Paradoxically, government wildfire suppression policies tend to result in
accumulation of forest fuels, including deadfall and litter. Predictions for prolonged
droughts and extreme weather events (Weeks 2013) make climate change another major
driver of the wildfire danger (Burton 2012). Overall, in the Western United States
particularly, wildfires have become larger and more numerous since 1970; a trend
estimated to continue through at least mid- 21
century (Bump 2012). Many of these
wildfires directly impact human settlements between the wildland areas and urban
sprawl, commonly known as the wildland-urban-interface (WUI).
For fire protection agencies, WUI areas are of major concern because of the large
and growing populations there. Preparation for wildfire scenarios in WUI areas has
increased in recent years including the development of comprehensive pre-incident plans
and maps of at-risk areas, e.g. Hofer 2004
. However, most plans have traditionally
focused on one or a few major at-risk communities while effectively ignoring other
equally risky “pockets” of the WUI population.
To fill the pockets in Kern County, a program of pre-incident planning (PIP) maps
of WUI areas was initiated by Kern County Fire Department (KCFD) in 2008. Major
objectives for the PIP program was to make the WUI maps broadly applicable and easily
updateable for all wildland areas where people reside. In 3 ½ years, the entirety of Kern’s
WUI residential areas were mapped.
This thesis consists of seven chapters detailing the different aspects of PIP
mapping of WUI areas and its products commonly referred as PIP maps. Chapter 2
provides perspective through a background on wildfire, the wildland urban interface, and
the emergency management cycle, along with traditional application of GIS in wildfire
management. Chapter 3 presents the PIP map project done in Kern County, with brief
descriptions of the county’s wildfire history and KCFD’s wildfire management program.
Chapter 4 demonstrates the PIP map product and outlines the GIS methods used in its
voluminous map production. Chapter 5 documents the overwhelmingly positive results of
PIP maps, from both fire-fighter feedback and management cost-benefit perspectives.
Daniel Hofer. "GIS Applications for Wild-land Urban Interface Fire Planning: A Case Study in Silverado Canyon,
Orange County, CA." California State University, Long Beach. May 2004.
Chapter 6 argues for wider use of PIP maps, notwithstanding some limitations, and
makes suggestions future research and development of the concept. Finally, Chapter 7
summarizes PIP maps as a beneficial and cost-effective application of GIS for dealing
with wildfire in the West.
Wildfires are a fearsome natural hazard, which have an increasingly complicated
relationship with humans. In this chapter the prevalence of wildfire in the WUI is
illustrated, and the management of wildfire through mitigation and preparedness practices
is explored. Emphasis is placed on studies, applications, and different methods for using
GIS as an emergency response tool.
2.1 The Evolution of Wildfires and the Human Presence
Wildfire is a naturally-occurring process in the environment, which has been
important in the maintenance of forests, brush lands, and grasslands throughout history.
In semi-arid regions, such as the Western United States, wildfire supports, and is critical
to, the maintenance of ecosystem structure, function, and health (California Department
of Forestry and Fire Protection 2007). Prior to European settlement here, wildfires burned
many millions of acres each year, but increasingly society has chosen to deal aggressively
with both naturally occurring and anthropogenic (human-caused) wildfires. Where once
only natural resources were threatened by wildfire, the threats now extend to life and
America’s first WUI fire, the Peshtigo Fire, occurred in Wisconsin in 1871,
claiming 1200 lives. As a result of this signal event, wildfire began to be viewed as a
menace to society: wildfire had to be controlled and suppressed whenever possible
(Johnston 2001). In 1891, Congress and President Harrison established “National
Forests” which initiated the United States Forest Service (USFS) and the nation’s first
forest-fire policy. For thirty years and three agency chiefs, early forest policy was to put-
out all wildfires as rapidly as possible (Stephens and Ruth 2005). As a result, wildfire
suppression became increasingly organized and seemingly very effective at first. Later it
was realized that decades of suppression actually resulted in increased forest fuel loads
and thus significantly increased the likelihood of large, severe wildfires (Board of
Forestry and Fire Protection 2011). The residual fuel loads from the 20
century coupled
with a growing human presence in forested areas have made for continually complicated
wildfire suppression, particularly in the WUI.
2.2 The Birth of the Emergency Management Cycle
The WUI is the dangerous area where human-built structures and infrastructure
mix with native vegetation (Platt 2010) or, more succinctly, “where combustible homes
meet combustible vegetation” (Federal Emergency Management Agency 2012). The
human population that exists in WUI areas is constantly in harm’s way as it becoming
increasingly rare to have a wildfire that does not involve people and their homes (Mutch
et al. 2011). The WUI receives considerable emergency management attention because of
recent increases in both the area burned annually by wildfire and the number of structures
threatened (and sometimes destroyed) by wildfire.
Population growth in the WUI is one of the chief causes of growing wildfire
complexity, perceived severity, and especially increased suppression costs (Johnston
2001). In the Western United States from the 1990s to 2007, over 8.5 million new homes
were constructed in the WUI (Bushfire Cooperative Research Centre 2007).
Frustratingly, in the WUI, where protection of structures is most challenging,
anthropogenic wildfire ignitions are now more common than those from natural causes
(Radeloff et al. 2005).
Wildfire is not a matter of if, but of when and where. Modern wildfire protection
agencies have gone beyond wildfire suppression policy: now they must consider
mitigation before wildfires occur and their own preparedness to handle complex,
concurrent wildfires. Figure 1 illustrates mitigation and preparedness, along with
response and recovery as key phases of the emergency management cycle
. Without all
four phases in the cycle, today’s wildfire management process would be deemed
incomplete and inadequate.
Figure 1: Four Phases in Emergency Management.
Wildfire mitigation is the lessening or prevention of impacts from wildfires before
they (inevitably) occur. Wildfire preparedness involves inventorying properties at risk
and resources for protecting them along with the development of specific plans of action
"The Four Phases of Emergency Management: Module A (Unit 3)." Federal Emergency Management Agency. (accessed December 23, 2012)
in emergency. Carrying out these plans of action during the wildfire response phase
requires strategic deployment of personnel and apparatus. In the aftermath of the
emergency, recovery from wildfire to an area’s prior state by rebuilding destroyed
property and repairing essential infrastructure is paramount (Federal Emergency
Management Agency n.d.). Together, the four phases contribute to wildfire management
costs far beyond the publicized figures associated mostly with wildfire suppression on
major incidents (Dale 2009). The importance of the four-phase approach is evident in
federal policy-making and monetary allocation as well as through numerous studies
(California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection 2007; Firewise Communities
2011; Stephens and Ruth 2005).
2.3 The “Golden Hour” of Emergency Response
Planning and preparedness are crucial precursors to an actual wildfire response:
the speed at which actions take place in the first few minutes of an emergency call will
often determine its outcome. For example, a typical “room and contents” structure-fire
becomes dangerous within seven to ten minutes of ignition, and occupants who have not
already escaped are not likely to survive. Likewise, accident victims will begin to suffer
brain damage if deprived of oxygen for more than six minutes (Esri 2006; University of
Maryland Medical Center 2011). The phrase “golden hour” is often used in wildfire
situations to describe the opportunities for saving lives (the most important thing in
emergency response). First responders must get to the scene, size up the emergency, and
deploy: life-saving opportunities exist primarily in the first hour of an emergency and
decline rapidly thereafter.
2.4 GIS, a cross-functional resource for Wildfire Management
In the last decade, geographic techniques have increasingly been broadly applied
across the field of wildfire research and management. Geographic information systems
(GIS) especially have become a major tool for wildfire mitigation and preparedness,
response and recovery, as well as in academic and scientific research (Esri 2006; Esteves
2009) to assist emergency response. GIS technology has helped to map wildfire
susceptibility (in terms of occurrence and risk) (Romero-Calcerrada et al. 2008), model
prescribed burns and wildfire spread (Xu 2006), test different explanatory factors
(Martinez et al. 2008), the spatial distribution of WUI infrastructure (Spyratos et al.
2007), look at the effects of fuel modification (Reinhardt et al., 2008), perform
evacuation planning (Cova et al. 2005; Dennison et al. 2007), and support decision-
making for individual wildfires (Yassemi 2006). Results from these widespread studies
have aided in wildfire planning, natural resource management, risk assessment and
management, assessment of short- and long-term post wildfire effects across space and
time (Koutsias et al. 2004).
In wildfire response situations, the golden hour becomes paramount as the
outflows from planning and mitigation are applied in real-time. Incident commanders
and wildfire managers must be able to quickly answer questions that mitigation and
planning cannot, such as: What is the wildfire’s rate of spread? What are the highest
priority assets to be protected? What are the risks to firefighters and the community?
What resources are needed to suppress the progression of the wildfire? Spatial
The ICS position responsible for overall management of an incident; reports to the Agency Administrator for the
agency having incident jurisdiction.
information is essential for responding to these What questions with Where answers.
Particularly in the golden hour of a wildfire response, quality spatial information is
critical to effectively managing a dynamic incident where large numbers of public safety
resources are deployed with various assignments (Esri 2007). GIS techniques have made
access to maps and imagery commonplace. However, the maps generally lack important
details, particularly in WUI areas, and the imagery may be out of date. The traditional
applications of GIS for wildfire management have overwhelmingly focused on planning
and mitigation; the technology has yet to be widely employed in the golden hour, because
of its complexity.
Currently, the State of California’s wildfire agency, CALFIRE, is testing a Web-
based, Next-generation Incident Command System (NICS) that utilizes real-time maps to
display spatial information such as engine and firefighter locations, evacuation routes,
wildfire lines, fuel breaks, and weather conditions (Tolin 2012). Similarly, the USFS is
evaluating new technology and developing spatial information delivery on a mobile
platform to support wildfire operations (Hill and Zimmerman 2013). Both of these
initiatives require real-time data delivery technology such as Inmarsat’s Broadband
Global Area Network (BGAN) service, which can deliver real-time GIS data sets to
firefighters in remote areas
. However, much can be done with existing GIS technology.
2.5 Pre-Attack and Pre-Incident Planning
Pre-attack planning is an established form of GIS application in the golden hour
of emergency response, to insure appropriate and efficient fire suppression in urban
(Inmarsat BGAN to Bring Real-Time GIS Info to Wildfire Teams, September 2009)
settings (Alex 2013). To date, the majority of pre-attack plans exist for large facilities,
buildings, and commercial areas where, like wildfires, scenarios can be chaotic. These
plans, typically gathered in “map-books”, provide intelligence on floor layouts,
construction details, important hazards and safety information, response requirements,
tactical recommendations, etc. that may be vital to establish a safe firefighting strategy
(Engineering, Planning and Management, Inc. 2012; Technical Response Planning
Corporation 2012; Fire Engineering Magazine 2009). Recognized success with pre-
attack planning for large facilities has made this practice standard among emergency
response agencies to accelerate informed decision-making while operating within critical
and dynamic areas (The CAD Zone 2012).
Wildfires in the WUI also take place in critical and dynamic areas and call for
numerous resources and coordinated responses from multiple agencies. Remarkably,
emergency response agencies have come to expect a pre-attack plan and even map-books
while en route and at the scene of structure fires, but not for WUI wildfires. Chris White
of Anchor Point Group asks “Why are so many departments content to respond blindly to
a wildland-urban interface fire?” He goes on to argue that pre-incident plan can provide
the same level of pre-planning and firefighter safety that the fire service has become
accustomed to in structural firefighting (White 2004).
Some fire departments are incorporating pre-incident planning into their wildfire
management programs, though most are missing a practical application for GIS in the
golden hour. Lassen Volcanic National Park developed a complete wildfire management
plan covering all aspects of dealing with wildfire in the Park. The plan included
important information on incident command, operations, planning, logistics, and
communications for a response as well as complementary information on wildfire history,
structure inventory, and interagency contact information (National Park Service 2004).
Similarly, the Fairmont Fire Protection District in Colorado completed a wildfire
management plan for one stretch of WUI, which answered expectable questions about
infrastructure, potential wildfire behavior, hazards, and risks (Long 2011). CALFIRE has
even required that each of its units and contract counties complete a comprehensive pre-
fire plan (CAL FIRE 2012). However, Fairmont’s, Lassen’s, and other wildfire
management plans have failed to effectively provide all the critical spatial information
needed in the golden hour of a wildfire.
By contrast, in a celebrated case study regarding its Silverado Canyon WUI,
Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA) determined that using GIS is almost essential for
modern wildfire planning and response (Hofer 2004). OCFA’s comprehensive pre-
incident plan for Silverado Canyon (a historic wildfire corridor) not only demonstrated
the same pre-fire organization, preparedness, and planning as the Fairmont and Lassen
N.P but also emphasized the importance of the application of GIS through detailed maps
and an organized collection of wildfire-critical spatial data.
Southern California has a sizable population (15+ million) that is regularly and
directly threatened by wildfire. Kern County, California is a large county in the extreme
northwest “corner” of this region. The county has a population of 840,000 within its
8,161 square miles (slightly smaller than the State of New Jersey). The geography here
creates a vast and diverse landscape due to acute elevation (206ft to 8,755ft) and climatic
differences. Residential areas include a mix of urban and rural communities that
checkerboard between the vast agriculture, oil, and federal lands for which, besides
country music, Kern County is best known.Temperatures vary substantially throughout
the year but in general the area experiences hot, dry summers and a low annual rainfall
averaging less than six inches.
Figure 2: Kern County, CA.
The county’s terrain is comprised of valley, mountain, and high desert which
yield vegetation such as grasslands, chaparral, oak woodlands, and timber at the highest
elevations. The county encompasses portions of the Sierra Nevada, Coastal, and
Tehachapi Mountain ranges, the Mojave Desert, and parts of the San Joaquin, Indian
Wells, and Antelope Valleys. Topography, hot and dry summers, abundant combustible
fuels, and increasingly populated residential areas in Kern’s WUI create an annual recipe
for wildfires endangering people in this area of the state.
3.1 Kern County and Wildfires
Kern’s documented history of wildfire dates back to 1900. Since then, over 800
large wildfires have been recorded, burning nearly 1 million acres. Eight of the largest
fifteen wildfires (shown as white in Figure 3) in the county’s history have occurred in the
past twenty years. Recently, three of these large wildfires have caused “state of
emergency” declarations by the Governor of California. The Bull and West fires in July
of 2010 destroyed 14 and 50 structures, respectively, and damaged numerous other
buildings and infrastructure. The Canyon Fire destroyed another 100 structures in early
September of 2011. A week later, a lightning storm ignited another 50+ wildfires that
scorched over 75,000 acres and required three separate incident command teams
Kern County Fire Department (KCFD) is one of several agencies tasked with
protecting the population, specifically from wildfires, in this large, diverse area. In terms
of acreage, KCFD has the second largest responsibility area of state lands within
The Bakersfield Californian. Lightning sparks more than 50 fires. September 10, 2011. (accessed June 29,
Figure 3: Kern County’s Large Wildfire Perimeters since 1900.
California, for which it has an operating budget of $118 million. Additionally, the county
leads the way statewide in wildfire activity, dealing with an average of 574 wildfire starts
per year. KCFD’s 550 uniformed firefighters are organized into seven geographic
battalions with 46 fire stations throughout the jurisdiction. KCFD also has mutual aid
with 14 fire agencies both within Kern County and in neighboring counties
to further strengthen its services for emergency response. Most fire stations are staffed
with a Firefighter, an Engineer, and a Fire Captain. Of KCFD’s seven response
Kern CountyFire Department. About Us: Department Profile. 2011. (accessed 07 09,
, five are comprised of multiple communities, housing tracts, and
neighborhoods that fall in the WUI.
Awareness of continual wildfire activity brought about an eighth administrative
battalion in KCFD, which manages its “air and wildland” operations. Battalion Eight is
dedicated solely to wildfire planning and suppression and is tasked with determining
needs before a wildfire starts, attempting to reduce fire-fighting costs and property losses,
while increasing firefighter safety. Additionally, Battalion Eight manages the wildfire-
specific fire apparatus including air responders (airplanes and helicopters) and ground
responders (bulldozers, 4x4 fire engines, extra water-hauling “water tenders”, and hot-
shot crews of wildland firefighters) who generally are called upon only for the
suppression of wildfire. Battalion Eight has focused much of its efforts in the WUI on
planning for wildfire response, enforcement and promotion of defensible space, strategic
reduction of fuels, and public education, as well as cooperation of multiple agencies and
non-profit organizations.
Beginning in 2000, to bolster its efforts toward the persistent risk of wildfire in
Kern’s rural areas, Battalion Eight began regularly using mapping and GIS as an
additional strategy. The department currently applies GIS for a wide range of training,
planning, recovery actions, and especially for responding to emergencies. GIS technology
facilitates faster, safer, and more accurate response to emergencies. GIS has become a
vital tool for the fire service (especially KCFD) to more effectively represent location
information within the confines of the principles of cartography. GIS has simplified
A geographically partitioned area of common response for emergencies directed by a Battalion Chief who is
responsible for the administration and direction of all activities within the area.
dealing with map scale, generalization, symbolizing and classifying features, and overall
map design and thus more effective map products for emergency response. GIS has
allowed the department to manage spatial data, determine response areas, and provide
emergency responders with detailed map books and wall maps so that when a call comes,
fire-fighters know where they are going and what is waiting for them there.
Overwhelming constraints exist on a fire-fighting GIS at the time of an event,
especially within the golden hour. OCFA’s Silverado Canyon case study pointed out the
paucity of accurate, up-to-date spatial information for fire-fighter response in WUI areas
(especially the structure inventory and road network there) which is also a major problem
for KCFD, and many other departments.
Even for major events, wildfire responders’ needs from GIS are not well met:
getting a GIS facility setup on-scene typically takes a day and mapping often remains
seriously in arrears of the event. With smaller minor events, GIS is typically not on-scene
at all. This glaring temporal hole leaves first responders without access to critical
information that helps them engage safely (on accessible roads) and quickly to suppress
wildfire (by factoring in terrain/topology and using nearby water), carry out evacuations,
effectively communicate, and provide structure protection (using addresses and structure
locations), specifically in the golden hour. Wildfire-critical spatial information regarding
road networks and engine accessibility (including locked gates), hydrants, water sources,
structure locations, addresses, and topography are needed during the golden hour of a
wildfire event, regardless of size.
In 2008, only general 1:24000 USGS topographic maps
were available to KCFD
for use in a typical wildfire event in a rural area. Battalion Eight initiated the PIP map
project to provide first responders access to wildfire-critical spatial information for WUI
wildfires anywhere in the county. PIP maps use GIS, to organize and curate this wildfire-
critical spatial information, which is pre-printed, and stored in special map-boxes
throughout the county, available in advance of wildfire events. A sample PIP map, for
the community of Golden Hills, near Tehachapi, appears in Figure 5.
3.2 The Pre-Incident Plan (PIP) Map
The cartographic “legwork” that goes into PIP maps reflects the importance
placed on each map’s quality and usability. To be effective for first responders, an
accurately mapped community with quickly recognizable symbology for wildfire-critical
Figure 4: PIP Project Standard Map features and Symbols
1:24000 quadrangle maps are the best known USGS maps. Each 7.5-minute map shows an area that spans 7.5 minutes
of latitude and 7.5 minutes of longitude, and are usually named after the most prominent feature in the quadrangle.
57,000 of them make up the entire United States.
features is essential. Accordingly, each PIP map displays the typical cartographic
elements: title, north arrow, legend, scale, symbols, and labels (positioned as needed)
together with a custom, but standard, symbology appropriate for firefighting (figure 4).
Each map is assigned a unique name (optionally suffixed in the case of map sets)
based on place names or community nickname known locally to firefighters. For maps
within a multi-map set, off-sheet connectors on map edges refer to adjacent maps by
name or suffix. Many symbols match Incident Command System (ICS) symbols
that are
standard for maps made on wildfires. For example, wildfire-specific map symbols may
highlight safe places for helicopters to land (helispots), areas for incoming responders to
wait for their specific task or assignment during an incident (staging areas), or even larger
areas where responders can “shelter in place” when a wildfire is encroaching (safety
Emphasis is placed on displaying wildfire-critical spatial information: engine
access within communities, water sources, and structure locations. The roads are labeled
by name and color-coded to show accessibility to fire apparatus. Water sources are
presented as a blue ‘W’ inside a white circle with a blue outline. Each source is labeled
with a bold, blue number that refers to a row in the included ‘Water Source Details’ table
on the map’s edge. The table row displays four specific details: the water source capacity,
source type, the hose connection or water extraction method, and any other comments
about the water. Structure locations are simple black squares labeled with addresses,
National Wildfire Coordinating Group. "GIS Standard Operating Procedures on Incidents." National Wildfire
Coordinating Group, June 2006.
where possible. Cabins, campgrounds, fire stations, helicopter landing areas, locked
gates, proposed and established fuel treatments, safety zones, staging areas, and trailers
are shown where appropriate. Textual information of importance during a wildfire
response, such as names of safety zones, recent fuel treatments, and any other special
notes about the community (gate codes, bridge capacity, fire-specific water, etc…) is
shown in the map marginalia.
Tabloid size (11x17 inches) was chosen as the standard for all PIP map products.
(A full size facsimile of the Golden Hills map appears in Appendix A.) Two maps are
laminated together, with one side (Figure 5A, watermarked “front”) showing a plain
background and the other (Figure 5B, watermarked “Back”) showing a topographic
background. The plain background provides both an easily interpreted community layout
and a scratch workspace for incident-specific marks, notes, and drawings. The
topographic background adds the contour lines and hillshade to better portray the
landscape, especially the elevation and slope of an area.
The standard tabloid size makes map layout and scale important issues. In
KCFD’s Battalion One, both densely and sparsely populated WUI areas exist, in a variety
of spatial patterns. Accordingly, a variety of map scales, in both portrait and tabloid
orientations are employed to display wildfire-critical spatial data and their labels
effectively. In some cases, multiple maps (map sets) are used for areas too big to fit
comfortably on one map. For example, the city of Bear Valley Springs (pop. 3000)
requires six maps at several small scales; an adjacent community known as “Hidden
Oaks,” only needs one tabloid map at a much larger scale.
Figure 5: PIP Map Example, Front (A) and Back (B) side
Kern County’s PIP maps cover a WUI area of 1200 mi
and 70 WUI
communities. To handle such a large project, an organized and iterative methodology was
used, relying on a combination of GIS technology and field data collection by
firefighters. As KCFD’s GIS specialist, I began by creating an empty data structure, then
populating it from existing aerial photography and topographic maps through hand-
digitizing of selected features, after which field teams confirmed those features while
adding important notes and GPS “fixes”. The maps were updated, reprinted, and
revalidated (where necessary). Thus, PIP maps materialized following multiple rounds of
feedback that included continuous data improvement until their eventual approval. The
iterative process made the PIP maps credible through the consistent, direct involvement
of their most-knowledgeable prospective end-users: local firefighters. This thesis
describes the PIP maps generated for KCFD’s Battalion One. WUI areas in four other
battalions, although not explicitly described, were handled in a similar manner.
4.1 Data Needed For the PIP Maps
The basic GIS data needed for the PIP program were determined by interviews
with participating battalion personnel and Battalion Eight. A summary of these data is
shown in Table 1. Some of the data were already available through GIS systems at Kern
County, or from KCFD itself; the remainder were created through the iterative process
outlined above. In general, the raster data identified was already available, but much
wildfire-critical vector data was missing: accurate road data for engine access, water
sources, and structure locations.
Table 1: Project Data Needs
*Indicates Data Created
Fortunately both Kern County and KCFD already used Environmental Systems
Research Institute’s (Esri) ArcMap™ for various purposes, including framework datasets
which were primarily maintained in shapefiles (Esri’s conventional format for vector
spatial data). GPS data was routinely converted to shapefile format, too. For consistency,
I organized all the additional data that the project required in shapefiles. Because both
point- and line- data were needed, two separate shapefiles for each PIP map. Table 2
shows the attribute fields used for each of the two shapefiles.
Table 2: Shapefile Attributes
Relatively simple classification systems were identified for the shapefiles in Table
2, following input from battalion staff. For point-data the ‘Point Type’ field defines what
type of feature is represented spatially. Textual attributes not available elsewhere were
also included for labeling purposes: street address for point features where appropriate,
for example. Similarly, for line-data, the ‘Engine Access’ field classifies accessibility for
specific types/sizes of fire apparatus, i.e. fire engines.
4.2 Data Creation and Collection
Per Table 1, I had access to an extensive but incomplete collection of public GIS
data. For firefighting purposes, neither the road network provided nor the points of
interest were sufficiently detailed. Line-data representing roads were first digitized from
aerial photography then critical point-data was located along the roads using GPS
equipment and documented with extensive notes.
4.2.1 Heads-Up Digitizing
Manual heads-up digitizing was used to develop quality line-data to effectively
represent and classify the road network, especially of the poorly mapped rural areas. A
combination of aerial photography, existing roads data, parcels, and field notes/maps
were used in creating an updated road network for engine access. Much of the updating
involved manual drawing of line-data segments in ArcMap, which was a painstakingly
long process. In most cases this drawing had to be done for each mapped area before field
crews embarked on GPS data collection. After an area’s road network was updated, I
printed maps and gave them to field teams as a “canvas” to make notes and drawings.
These maps guided field teams in checking for accuracy and completeness of the
manually-digitized data; when returned I used them update structure locations, labels,
addresses, and especially for classifying the area’s engine access.
4.2.2 Field Visits
For PIP maps, key wildfire-critical elements in WUI areas are engine access,
water sources, structure locations, and topography. These four elements became the focus
for both field teams and myself. Gathering GPS points and descriptive notes during field
visits often took several days, even weeks for some communities. All field visits involved
one or more local-area fire responders trained in GPS data collection, though I was often
included as well.
Engine access details are imperative for understanding where each type of fire
apparatus can safely respond. Field teams consistently described each community’s road
network using a KCFD-wide engine-access classification system that took into account
emergency response vehicle size, weight, turn radius, overhead clearance, climbing
ability, and other limitations. Separately, the roads were also classified as evacuation
routes for residents. A four-class system was adopted based on standard wildfire response
apparatus shown in Figure 6: so-called type-1 engines, type-3 engines, type-4 patrols, and
4-wheel drive vehicles only. Field teams verified and color-coded the road network: red
for universally accessible, green for access to type-3 engines or smaller, yellow for type-4
patrols or 4x4 vehicles, and finally a hashed orange line for roads that were unsafe and
impassible for any responding apparatus. Figure 7 shows generic examples of roads
within the four-class system.
Figure 6: Wildland Fire Response Apparatus
Figure 7: Road Types and Engine Access
Unlike densely-populated urban areas, many of the WUI communities of Kern
County do not have established community hydrants or easily accessible water sources.
Specifically the water source access, type, and abundance vary significantly. For
Battalion One, the communities of Bear Valley Springs, Golden Hills, Hart Flat, part of
Alpine Forest, and Stallion Springs have established hydrant systems. But the higher
elevation and less accessible areas of Alpine Forest, Mountain Meadows, Old West
Ranch, Sand Canyon, Jury Ranch, Hidden Oaks, and Water Canyon only have fire-water
tanks, personal water tanks for each home, or a combination. In order to better gauge the
water resource and abundance for the communities, field teams established the
geographic locations of hundreds of previously un-mapped water sources. Additionally,
they provided extensive notes on each water source within or near the communities.
Teams only collected points and information on accessible water sources,
classified as: helicopter dip sites, draft sites, hydrants or standpipes, and water tanks
(Figure 8). The accessibility of a water source was determined by the feasibility of
extracting water it by different apparatus in a wildfire situation. In addition to source
type, size or amount of water and the type of hose connection, if any, were noted.
Although the types of sources differed significantly, the water sources were noted
generically in the GIS point data.
Accurate GPS points were also collected for both mapped and previously
unmapped structure locations; addresses were verified where possible. Other wildfire-
critical elements such as bridges, landing sites for helicopters, locked gates, potential
safety zones, and potential staging areas were also collected and GPS’d as needed.
Figure 8: Four Examples of Water Sources
The PIP mapping project lasted three and a half years. In total, WUI areas of five
KCFD Battalions, consisting of over 1200 mi
were mapped. Within that large area over
6500 road line segments were classified for accessibility, more than 7000 structure
locations were identified, over 900 previously unmapped water sources were located, and
at least 150 other points of interest were defined. 388 unique 11x17 maps (including 25
map sets) of 70 WUI communities resulted from the collective effort
PIP maps were made available in three forms: 1) digitally, as PDF documents; 2)
as paper map products placed in binders by area or battalion; 3) as laminated map sets,
pre-deployed to map-boxes in the field. The digital versions were organized on a local
server for future reprinting and for binder and map-box replenishment.
Figure 9: A Map Box near the Entrance of a WUI Community
Appendix B highlights Battalion One’s PIP Mapped Areas as well as the entire PIP Map inventory.
The paper map binders were distributed to each local responding fire apparatus to be kept
on board at all times. The thousands of laminated PIP maps were also organized into
map-sets, ring-bound together, placed inside waterproof bags, and strategically placed in
a map-box for responders to use during the golden-hour of a wildfire response. The steel
map-boxes are painted bright red, conspicuously labeled “Fire Dept”, and are set-out near
entrances to mapped communities (as seen in Figure 9) or at KCFD and USFS fire
Since 2008, 12 significant WUI wildfires have threatened 22 communities where
PIP maps previously did not exist. Every event in Table 3 has confirmed use of PIP maps,
each with overwhelmingly positive results.
Table 3: Significant Wildfires since PIP Project Inception
As an example, when the Comanche Fire threatened the Stallion Springs and Bear
Valley communities on the 11
of September 2011, part of a historic lightning complex
that month, dozens of PIP maps were printed to aid in organizing the evacuation of
hundreds of residents and thereafter the protection of structures from the approaching
wildfire. Similarly, during the Gulch Fire in June of 2012, caused by an explosion, PIP
maps for threatened neighborhoods near Wofford Heights, CA were retrieved from a
nearby map box and immediately utilized. First responders and cooperating agencies in
charge of structure protection and resident evacuation received map sets from a nearby
map-box during the first stages of the rapidly spreading wildfire. Fire-fighting personnel
repeatedly remarked that PIP maps were critical, direct aid in successfully protecting
lives and property during both of these emergency events, as well as the others shown in
Table 3.
To further understand the impact of PIP maps since their inception, personal
interviews and written surveys were conducted
. After-action-reviews (AAR) following
several wildfire events highlighted many benefits of having PIP maps summarized below.
Feedback from the emailed surveys left an overwhelmingly positive impression of the
PIP maps. Fire Captain Davis stated that, “pre-incident planning is vital to the success or
failure of the operation,” and that “PIP maps allow wildfire managers and responders to
focus more on fighting the wildfire instead of trying to fight and plan the wildfire at the
same time.” Battalion Chief Smith added that “with so many variables that make a
wildfire dynamic (where a wildfire will start, how it will react to things like weather,
topography, and wildfire suppression, etc.)…establishing the ‘constants’ (like road
access, water sources, and structures) is important for more effectively handling the
situation with any combination of those variables.” Chief Smith described how PIP maps
also aid in communication during emergencies. He stated that “prior to this project,
Appendix C shows the e-mailed Survey Questionnaire
detailed information about the WUI was found strictly by memory or word of mouth. In
areas where these maps do not exist a lot of time is wasted trying to relay information a
multitude of times to multiple authorities. Now, with definitive maps that all responders
can reference simultaneously, communication has become more effective and the so-
called “fog of war” is reduced.” KCFD Deputy Chief Brady cited the drastic
improvement PIP maps bring to the situational awareness during emergencies. He says,
“many times at wildfires the only means of orientation has … been using a poor quality
USGS topographic map or attempting to have someone local try to fill in the blanks
before beginning a wildfire assignment. As a tool, PIP maps are great for emergencies
where units respond from other parts of the county, multiple different agencies, or from
out-of-county and have limited local area knowledge and familiarization.”
PIP maps have been heralded for yielding a vast improvement in organization,
safety, situational awareness, and decision-making in the hasty environment of a wildfire
response. Captain Davis, one of the leaders in wildfire response for KCFD, makes an
essential point that summarizes the value to the on-the-ground responder. He states that
“this project is 1000% success” from his stand point, having allowed him to rely on PIP
maps in different areas where fire-fighting information was otherwise not readily
accessible. He recognized that “it was an extremely daunting and time consuming task to
develop maps and plans like this in a hasty wildfire environment.”
PIP maps have proven worth-while beyond their original intention as they have
also aided in pre-planning for wildfire scenarios, performing WUI wildfire training,
“resource ordering” during an emergency response, enhancing communications and
agency coordination, increasing firefighter safety, organizing structure protection,
executing community evacuation, and even completing post-wildfire damage assessment.
Cost and benefit analysis is an important aspect of wildfire response planning,
especially in an era of constrained budgets. Taxpayer’s money must be spent smartly and
effectively. Since the inception of the PIP-mapping project, the four-year operating
budget of KCFD has been $508 million (Barnett, pers. comm.). During this period,
making the PIP maps cost about $115,000 (less than ¼ of one percent of the budget); the
breakdown is shown in Table 4.
Table 4: PIP Project Cost Breakdown
In Kern County, PIP maps have been used exclusively at a dozen major wildfires
since 2008 that have threatened communities, including over 4000 structures, and have
collectively cost $87.1 million for wildfire suppression. Although it is impossible to
determine where, exactly, the expense of PIP mapping was recouped by KCFD, if just
one additional home was saved from destruction by wildfire, the investment would have
been worthwhile. In addition, the benefits of improved situational awareness, fire-fighter
safety, communication and coordination in emergencies are literally priceless. On
November 15
, 2012 Kern County Fire Chief Brian Marshall stated that "For every dollar
we spend in wildfire prevention and fuel reduction we save over $100 in suppression
costs (Gordon 2012).” Although there is no way to precisely quantify the PIP maps’ cost
savings, they have provided value. The argument for justification then, lay in the
testimonials and praise from those who have utilized the products during emergencies.
As the lead GIS specialist integrally involved in the long PIP process, it is
exciting to see and hear the results of the PIP map use. Countless hours went into
collecting/building data, designing maps, printing maps, laminating maps, and creating
map books. Those hours were spent without knowing which maps – indeed whether any
maps – would be utilized in emergency planning and/or firefighting operations. However,
PIP maps have been used, widely, and even found applications beyond the initial vision
of the project. Some of the data collected or updated has been added to the county-wide
GIS database. Other fire department personnel have even inquired about the PIP map
project and its products after happening upon them during a wildfire response. Ultimately
though, the success of the PIP project must be credited to KCFD management: their
financial commitment over many years and their wide adoption of PIP concepts into
planning and preparedness, over and above response execution.
Traditions in cartography as well as GIS were challenged in the process of
making PIP maps. Maps at a fixed size and not a fixed scale proved difficult at times.
Hours of fiddling with the displaying the data and cartographic elements to make a useful
product was tedious. Acquiring input from fire-fighters, while resolving differences in
opinion among them regarding engine access, structure locations, water sources, and
topography took large amounts of time. However, the knowledge and participation of
fire-fighters, who would be at the point of execution in emergency, added immense value
to the PIP maps; it was a essential form of quality control that significantly matured the
quality of PIP maps over the course of project. When the value of the spatial data
collected for PIP maps was realized, the portability and utility of that data became as
important as the cartographic product itself (the main goal of the project upon inception).
In the 21
century, one might expect paper cartographic products to be passé. The
PIP map project proves this is not the case. Although Dargan (2011) highlights GIS
technology as game–changing for fire-fighters, GIS has not completely infiltrated the
wildfire response scene. GIS applications require sometimes temperamental Web-based
delivery, with mobile applications, and modeling and simulation instead of standard
paper maps. However, the majority of emergency responders still carry paper map books
that detail their response areas precisely because of their immediacy and reliability.
Campaign wildfires also depend on paper maps to aid in large and lengthy responses. In
much of the rugged, rural, and mountainous West where wildfires frequent, digital tools
are impractical. Paper maps are often the preferred and more functional option, operable
as they are battery power or complex telecommunication.
6.1 Limitations
The “layout view” of Esri’s ArcMap was used exclusively for designing and
producing the PIP maps. ArcMap afforded the opportunity to fix the map sizes, use many
different scales, create map sets, edit spatial data during design, customize wildfire map
elements, add Excel-based tables, and export easily to PDF format. Management of the
underlying point and line shapefiles took place in ArcMap’s “data view” where hand-
digitizing and tabular editing were simple. Raw data collected by KCFD’s Garmin GPS
units was not immediately compatible (as a shapefile) with ArcMap; however DNR
, another popular, free software program, was used to achieve compatibility.
The DNR Garmin process proved problematic at times with user errors such as wrong
data formats and misidentified data projections.
Initially, the PIP project focused on making hardcopy PIP map products available
for emergencies. The importance of spatial data structure, to manage the data going into
the map products, was not immediately recognized. By the time the impact of edits,
revisions, and maintenance of both the data and products was realized much of the
project was already committed to Esri shapefiles. Some thought was given to creating
geodatabases. Ultimately, though, it was re-decided that capturing the data in shapefile, a
older and more stable technology, would prove advantageous for future maintenance. Not
only are shapefiles more easily understood than geodatabases by the (not so tech-savvy)
fire personnel of Battalion Eight, but they also have proven to be more resistant to
technological advances. PIP maps are expected to have a 5-10 year shelf-life between
updates making technological stability a priority.
6.2 Future Recommendations
Other predictable natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, and
tsunamis might conceivably use GIS-based pre-incident maps also to aid with planning,
response, and recovery. Even though wildfire is always unpredictable, and arguably more
frequent than other natural disasters, some areas are at higher risk than others. When a
flood inundation study (KCFD, 2011) was done for Lake Isabella reservoir, in
Northeastern Kern County, PIP-like maps were created (AMEC, 2009) for flood zones
DNR Garmin is an application developed by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources for transferring data
between Garmin GPS handheld receivers and various GIS software packages.
likely to receive evacuation orders and incur property damage. San Luis Obispo County
Fire, which also has PIP-like maps for wildfires, has recently applied the concept through
a Department of Homeland Security grant to tsunami planning maps for a stretch of
coastline, accounting for the expected inundation zone from a tsunami event (Alex 2013).
Recent advancements in mobile applications have brought the mobile device to
the forefront of information delivery. Spatially-driven applications are becoming more
practical due to continually improving data connectivity, coverage, and speed. In
addition, applications now offer options for offline maps utilizing the increases in device
storage and greater battery longevity. It would be advantageous to provide the PIP map
data directly into a mobile application with an offline background map, where the entirety
of the maps’ set could be viewed and/or analyzed in other spatial applications than PIP
maps. A potential consumer might be the Next-generation Incident Command System
(mentioned previously).
Rebecca Tolin, Fighting Fire with Firefox, San Diego Magazine,
Magazine/July-2012/Fighting-Fire-with-Firefox/index.php?cparticle=1&siarticle=0#artanc (accessed August 24, 2012).
Wildfires and humans have an increasingly complicated relationship. Fire
protection agencies have begun to employ GIS technology to aid in wildfire management,
however, most applications aim to dispatch emergency responders or study wildfire
occurrence and behavior. Real-time GIS solutions are still early in development and are
neither widely applied nor very practical. Pre-attack planning maps are an established
emergency response aid, which are commonly used in large commercial or industrial
facilities. Similar in concept, PIP maps have been developed for pre-attack planning and
response in Kern County’s extensive, residential WUI.
KCFD’s PIP maps differ from other pre-incident planning projects, as noted in
Chapter Two. For example, Hofer (2004) went into depth in regards to the Silverado
Canyon area of Orange County, CA. While undoubtedly valuable, this one-area, in-depth
approach was not applicable in Kern County where wildfire has been historically
prevalent throughout its WUI areas. The KCFD PIP map project found success in taking
a breadth-over-depth approach by creating a standard map product, applicable county-
wide. KCFD placed emphasis on providing essential spatial information for more areas
rather than comprehensive planning for fewer areas. The nearly 400 PIP maps
incorporate copious amounts of previously unrecorded – now captured, vetted, and easily
updated – wildfire-critical spatial information. These PIP maps now wait at the ready as
map books and laminated map-sets, in map-boxes, at fire stations, and on most wildfire
responding apparatus, to be used for future, inevitable wildfires in the county.
Due to the nature of their geographic location, WUI areas throughout the West
will continue to be threatened by wildfires. Preparing GIS-based PIP maps for these areas
is arguably the best way to obtain, maintain, and deliver accurate fire-fighting data about
them. Access to PIP maps in Kern County’s WUI areas has aided KCFD’s response to at
least a dozen major wildfires since 2008, helping to protect over 4000 structures.
Overall, PIP map use has proven a beneficial and cost-effective GIS strategy for wildfires
in Kern County’s WUI. Unfortunately, most WUI areas don’t have anything like PIP
maps prepared for the inevitable event of emergency.
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After Action Review (AAR) – a learning tool intended for the evaluation of an incident
or project in order to improve performance by sustaining strengths and correcting
Battalion – a geographically partitioned area of common response for emergencies
directed by a Battalion Chief who is responsible for the administration and direction of all
activities within the area.
Battalion Eight – division of fire planners working for KCFD dedicated solely to
wildland fire planning. This division places an emphasis on what needs to be done long
before a wildfire starts, looking to reduce fire-fighting costs and property losses, increase
firefighter safety, and to contribute to ecosystem health.
Battalion One – a Kern County Fire Department organized response area covering
southeastern part of Kern County. Battalion one includes the Hwy 58 corridor, Tehachapi
Mountains, and portions of the Mojave Desert.
California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CDF or CALFIRE) – the
State of California's agency responsible for fire protection in State Responsibility Areas
of California as well as the administration of the state's private and public forests.
Campaign Wildfire –a wildfire emergency that extends into several days of fire
suppression operations or management. Typically campaign wildfires burn the largest
number of acres and cost the most to contain.
Defensible Space – the natural and landscaped area around a structure that has been
maintained and designed to reduce the risk that fire will spread from the surroundings to
the structure while also providing firefighters access and a safer area to defend it from.
DNR Garmin – a software application built by the Minnesota Department of Natural
Resources to transfer data between Garmin GPS handheld receivers and various GIS
software packages.
Esri ArcMap – a geographic information system (GIS) for working with maps and
geographic information. It is used for: creating and using maps; compiling geographic
data; analyzing mapped information; sharing and discovering geographic information;
using maps and geographic information in a range of applications; and managing
geographic information in a database.
Fire Resource Assessment Program (FRAP) – a program from California Department
of Forestry and Fire Protection which provides a variety of products: detailed reports on
California’s forests and rangelands as well as extensive technical and public information
for statewide fire threat, fire hazard, watersheds, socioeconomic conditions,
environmental indicators, and forest-related climate change.
Fire Suppression – all the work of extinguishing or confining a fire beginning with its
Fuel load – the mass of combustible materials available for a fire usually expressed as
weight of fuel per unit area.
Fuel Treatment – a strategic gap in vegetation or other combustible material that acts as
a barrier to slow or stop the progress of a wildfire.
Geodatabase – a database that is optimized to store and query data that is related to
objects in space, including points, lines and polygons. The geodatabase supports all the
different elements of GIS data used by Esri’s ArcMap.
Geographic Information System (GIS) – a system designed to capture, store,
manipulate, analyze, manage, and present all types of geographical data.
“Golden hour” – a timeframe of opportunity for saving lives that exists primarily in the
first hour following the onset of the emergency; and decline rapidly thereafter.
Global Positioning System (GPS) – a space-based satellite navigation system that
provides location and time information in all weather conditions, anywhere on or near the
Earth where there is an unobstructed line of sight to four or more GPS satellites.
Heads-up Digitizing – a data specialist drawing points, lines, or polygons on a computer
screen usually with visual aids such as scanned maps, aerial photography, and other
vector or raster data.
Incident Command System (ICS) – system first developed to provide a command
structure to manage large wildfires in the United States, now widely used by many
emergency management agencies.
Incident Commander (IC) – a single person who commands the incident response and
is the decision-making final authority.
Initial Attack – the actions taken by the first resources to arrive at a wildfire to protect
lives and property, and prevent further extension of the fire. Initial attack is usually done
by trained and experienced crews and takes place immediately after size-up.
Kern County Fire Department (KCFD) – is the agency that provides fire
protection and emergency medical services for the county of Kern, California, USA.
Map-box – Steel box cemented into the ground or secured on a building for the strategic
placement of readily available laminated PIP maps.
Map Scale – the ratio of a distance on the map to the corresponding distance on the
ground. The smaller the map scale, the larger the areas of land shown on the map.
Portable Document Format (PDF) – a file format that provides an electronic image of
text or text and graphics that looks like a printed document and can be viewed.
Pre-Attack Planning – a procedure used to insure appropriate and efficient suppression
to a given area. The procedure typically gathers intelligence on response requirements,
important hazards and safety information, construction details, tactical recommendations,
and any other items that may be vital to establish a safe firefighting strategy.
Pre-Incident Plan (PIP) Map – map created for communities for use before, during, of
after wildfire occurrence.
Raster – data that is a contiguous array of pixels, each with an assigned value. Raster
data is most suitable for data that includes values for every part of space, such as
elevation or topography.
Safety Zone – n area cleared of flammable materials used for escape in the event the line
is outflanked or in case a spot fire causes fuels outside the control line to render the line
Shapefile – a popular geospatial vector data format for geographic information
systems software. Shapefiles spatially describe geometries: points, polylines,
and polygons.
Size-up – initial assessment of fire including (among other things) fuel load, fire weather,
topography, fire behavior, hazards and exposures of valuable properties. Quickly detects
need for additional resources and sets operational priorities.
Staging Area – Locations set up at an incident where resources can be placed while
awaiting a tactical assignment on a three (3) minute available basis.
Standard Operating Procedure – Specific instructions clearly spelling out what is
expected of an individual every time they perform a given task. A standard operating
procedure can be used as a performance standard for tasks that are routinely done in the
operational environment.
State Responsibility Area (SRA) – the state- and privately-owned/-managed forest,
watershed, and rangeland for which the primary financial responsibility of preventing and
suppressing wildland fires rests with the state.
United States Geological Survey (USGS) – a scientific agency of the United States
government where scientists study the landscape of the United States, its natural
resources, and the natural hazards that threaten it. The organization has four major
science disciplines, concerning biology, geography, geology, and hydrology.
Unit-level Fire Plan – annually completed plans highlighting how each unit is achieving
the goals and objectives of the State of California’s Strategic Fire Plan.
Wildfire – an unplanned, unwanted wildland fire, including unauthorized human-caused
fires, escaped wildland fire use events, escaped prescribed fire projects, lightning strikes,
downed power lines, and all other wildland fires where the objective is to put the fire out.
Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) – the Interface zone where man-made structures
inter-mingle with wildland areas, creating risk of structural involvement in a wildfire
incident and wildfire involvement in structure fires, each of which requires different
equipment, training and tactics.
APPENDIX A: Golden Hills: Map 3, Front and Back
6 5
202 HWY
Jury St
Highline Rd
Old Town Rd
Jury R anch Dr
Oak St
Jeffery Rd
Jeffry Rd
Clagg Ct
White St
White Oak Ave
Black Oak St
Valley Dr
Woodford Tehachapi Rd
Banducci Rd
Black Mountain St
Back Canyon Ct
ey Ln
Arnds Dr
Highland View
Gailen Wy
Glen Oaks Ln
Schout Rd
Sunnyslope St
Grand Oaks Ave
Rountree Ct
Glenoak Pl
Shum Wy
Candido Ct
Laurel Pl
Golden Hills
Map 3
0 1,000 2,000 500
Jury Ranch Area
Water Source Details
Number Capacity (ga) Connection (in) Notes
Hydrant 2.5 NS Community Hydrant System
W1 3000 2.5 NS Water Tank
W2 5000 2.5 NS Water Tank
W3 5000 2.5 NS Water Tank
W4 5000 2.5 NS Water Tank
W5 5000 2.5 NS Water Tank
W6 5000 2.5 NS Water Tank
K:\Products\Wildland Prefire Plans\Sta12_Golden Hills_Map 3_20100225.pdf
K:\Projects\Station level\Wildland Prefire Plans\Sta12_Golden Hills_Map 3_20100225.pdf.mxd
Engine Type
Any Type
Type 3 or Smaller
Type 4
Water Source
Country Oaks Maps
To Golden Hills Map 2
6 5
202 HWY
Jury St
Highline Rd
Old Town Rd
Jury R anch Dr
Oak St
Jeffery Rd
Jeffry Rd
Clagg Ct
White St
White Oak Ave
Black Oak St
Valley Dr
Woodford Tehachapi Rd
Banducci Rd
Black Mountain St
Back Canyon Ct
ey Ln
Arnds Dr
Highland View
Gailen Wy
Glen Oaks Ln
Schout Rd
Sunnyslope St
Grand Oaks Ave
Rountree Ct
Glenoak Pl
Shum Wy
Candido Ct
Laurel Pl
Golden Hills
Map 3
0 1,000 2,000 500
Jury Ranch Area
Water Source Details
Number Capacity (ga) Connection (in) Notes
Hydrant 2.5 NS Community Hydrant System
W1 3000 2.5 NS Water Tank
W2 5000 2.5 NS Water Tank
W3 5000 2.5 NS Water Tank
W4 5000 2.5 NS Water Tank
W5 5000 2.5 NS Water Tank
W6 5000 2.5 NS Water Tank
K:\Products\Wildland Prefire Plans\Sta12_Golden Hills_Map 3_topo_20100225.pdf
K:\Projects\Station level\Wildland Prefire Plans\Sta12_Golden Hills_Map 3_topo_20100225.pdf.mxd
Engine Type
Any Type
Type 3 or Smaller
Type 4
Water Source
Country Oaks Maps
To Golden Hills Map 2
APPENDIX B: PIP Map Inventory
PIP Map Inventory
*PIP Maps for Battalion 1 are
highlighted in blue in the table below
For more information contact Kern County Fire Department: (661)391-7000
Battalion Map-Set WUI Community # of Maps Battalion Map-Set WUI Community # of Maps
1 Hart Flat Hart Creek Estates 4 7 Station 71 N/A (other) 1
1 Hart Flat Hart Flat 8 7 Station 71 Bull Center 3
1 Bear Valley Springs Deertrail Road 5 7 Station 71 Canebrake 3
1 Bear Valley Springs Bear Valley 10 7 Station 71 Cap Canyon 3
1 Stallion Springs Hidden Oaks 2 7 Station 71 Cortez Canyon 3
1 Stallion Springs Stallion Springs 4 7 Station 71 Fay Ranch 11
1 Alpine Forest Alpine Forest 18 7 Station 71 Oliver Tract 3
1 Golden Hills Jury Ranch 2 7 Station 71 Rockin Bear 3
1 Golden Hills Golden Hills 7 7 Station 71 Squirrel Valley 3
1 Country Oaks Country Oaks 7 7 Station 71 Walker Pass 3
1 Country Oaks Water Canyon 2 7 Station 72 N/A 3
1 Mountain Meadows Mountain Meadows 2 7 Lake Isabella Auxilary Dam & Lakeland Ave 3
1 Old West Ranch Old West Ranch 2 7 Lake Isabella Bodfish Canyon 13
1 Wildhorse Wildhorse 2 7 Lake Isabella Bodfish: Columbus 3
1 Sand Canyon Sand Canyon 11 7 Lake Isabella Bodfish: Kilbreth and Reeder 3
1 Battalion 1 N/A 2 7 Dutch Flat Dutch Flat 3
Battalion Map-Set WUI Community # of Maps 7 Lake Isabella Erskine Creek 10
3 Battalion 3 Blue Mountain Road 2 7 Havilah North Havilah North 3
3 Battalion 3 Jack Ranch Road 2 7 Keysville Keysville 3
3 Battalion 3 Woody and Hwy 155 4 7 Lake Isabella Rim Road 3
3 Battalion 3 Glennville Area 6 7 Yankee Canyon Yankee Canyon 3
3 Battalion 3 Woody Granite Road 2 7 Station 76 N/A 5
3 Battalion 3 Granite Road 4 7 Big Blue Mine Big Blue Mine 3
3 Battalion 3 Pine Mountain Road 2 7 Wofford Heights Bristle Cone Heights 3
3 Battalion 3 Poso Flat & Rancheria 2 7 Kernville Burlando Road 3
3 Battalion 3 N/A 2 7 Wofford Heights Calgary Tract 7
Battalion Map-Set WUI Community # of Maps 7 Cyrus Canyon Cyrus Canyon 3
4 Station 42 N/A 18 7 Kernville Frontier Trails 3
4 Station 45 Breckenridge 2 7 Sawmill Road Hungry Gulch 3
Battalion Map-Set WUI Community # of Maps 7 Sawmill Road Isabella Highlands 3
5 Battalion 5 N/A 1 7 Wofford Heights Nellie Dent 7
5 Station 56 Digier Canyon Road 2 7 Wofford Heights Old State 3
5 Station 56 Hayride 2 7 Wofford Heights Pala Ranches 3
5 Station 56 Juniper Ridge 2 7 Plater Rd Plater Road 3
5 Station 56 Lebec Oaks 2 7 Riverkern Riverkern 3
5 Station 56 Lebec - Ridge Route Drive 2 7 Sawmill Road Sawmill Frontage 3
5 Station 57 Cuddy Valley 10 7 Wofford Heights Sierra Vista 3
5 Station 57 Frazier Park 8 7 Sawmill Frontage Wagy Flat 3
5 Station 57 Lake of the Woods 2 7 Station 78 N/A 5
5 Station 57 Pinion Pines 2 7 Back Canyon Back Canyon 10
5 Station 58 Pine Mountain Club 14 7 Caliente Creek Caliente Creek 6
7 Havilah Havilah 8
7 Piute Meadows Piute Meadows 2
Battalion 1: 88 Maps 7 Piute Springs Piute Springs 6
Battalion 3: 26 Maps 7 Walker Basin Subdivision Red Mountain 2
Battalion 4: 20 Maps 7 Shadow Mountain Shadow Mountain 2
Battalion 5: 47 Maps 7 Walker Basin Subdivision Thompson Canyon 11
Battalion 7: 205 Maps 7 Shadow Mountain Walker Basin Road East 2
7 Shadow Mountain Walker Basin Road West 2
TOTAL: 388 Maps 7 Walker Basin Subdivision Williams Road 2
*List includes all PIP Maps
APPENDIX C: Email Survey Questionnaire
Email Survey Questions
1. Can you describe why pre-planning for wildfire in the Wildland Urban Interface is an
important concept within your role at Kern County Fire. (from your perspective as a prospective
incident commander, firefighter, SPG leader, etc…)
2. In regards to the pre-fire plan maps can you share a story of success with utilizing them as a
fire management tool? (be as specific as you can…i.e. used on *Bull Fire in July of 2010, for
ordering or organization because you knew where the fire was, how many structures were
threatened, and where access would call for a specific resources)
3. What is biggest difference you’ve seen between wildfire events that you were involved with
before pre-planned intelligence like these maps were available and now, where they are pre-
positioned and able to be utilized for emergency response/planning? (ex. Radical improvement
in situational awareness)
4. Can you think of other ways you believe these maps or the data collected/gathered are useful
from a fire management perspective?
5. Any other comments on the Pre-fire plan mapping project, data, map products, etc…
APPENDIX D: Sand Canyon: Map 5, Front and Back
(Portrait Orientation Example)
9400 9428 9500
7 6
4 3
Sand Canyon Rd
Juniper Wy
Pine Grove Dr
Pine Canyon Rd
Greene Rd
Scusnitsa St
Shumaker Rd
K:\Products\Wildland Prefire Plans\Sta12_Sand Canyon_Map 5_20110203.pdf
K:\Projects\Station level\Wildland Prefire Plans\Sta12_Sand Canyon_Map 5_20110203.mxd
To Hwy 58
To Map 4
ATP 2-03-11
Engine Type
Any Type
Type 3 or Smaller
Type 4
Structure (Address if Available)
Water Source (Numbered)
0 1,000 2,000 500
To Map 3
Map Set
To Mountain Spirit Center
8400 Jupiter Wy
10000 ga 2.5 Tank
Water Source Details
Number Capacity (ga) Connection (in) Notes
W1 5000 2.5 NS Tank
W2 4000 2.5 NS Tank
W3 5000 2.5 Standpipe Hyd fed by Tank
W4 5000 2.5 NS Tank
W5 6000 2.5 NS Tank
W6 5000 2.5 NS Tank
W7 4000 2.5 NS Hyd in driveway fed by Tank
W8 5000 2.5 NS Tank
W9 3500 2.5 NS Tank
W10 2000 2.5 NS Tank
W11 pool draft pool inside shed
W12 6000 2.5 NS Tank
W13 3000 2.5 NS Tank
W14 5000 2.5 NS Tank
W15 5000 2.5 NS Tank
W16 7000 2.5 NS Tank
W17 3000 2.5 NS Tank
W18 5000 x 2 2.5 NS Two Tanks
W19 5000 2.5 NS Tank
W20 5000 2.5 NS Tank
W21 7500 2.5 NS Tank
W22 2000 2.5 NS Tank
W23 5000 2.5 NS Tank
W24 10000 2.5 NS Hyd in driveway fed by Tank
W25 10000 2.5 NS Tank
Sand Canyon
Map 5
9400 9428 9500
7 6
4 3
Sand Canyon Rd
Juniper Wy
Pine Grove Dr
Pine Canyon Rd
Greene Rd
Scusnitsa St
Shumaker Rd
K:\Products\Wildland Prefire Plans\Sta12_Sand Canyon_Map 5_topo_20110203.pdf
K:\Projects\Station level\Wildland Prefire Plans\Sta12_Sand Canyon_Map 5_topo_20110203.mxd
To Hwy 58
To Map 4
ATP 2-03-11
Engine Type
Any Type
Type 3 or Smaller
Type 4
Structure (Address if Available)
Water Source (Numbered)
0 1,000 2,000 500
To Map 3
Map Set
To Mountain Spirit Center
8400 Jupiter Wy
10000 ga 2.5 Tank
Water Source Details
Number Capacity (ga) Connection (in) Notes
W1 5000 2.5 NS Tank
W2 4000 2.5 NS Tank
W3 5000 2.5 Standpipe Hyd fed by Tank
W4 5000 2.5 NS Tank
W5 6000 2.5 NS Tank
W6 5000 2.5 NS Tank
W7 4000 2.5 NS Hyd in driveway fed by Tank
W8 5000 2.5 NS Tank
W9 3500 2.5 NS Tank
W10 2000 2.5 NS Tank
W11 pool draft pool inside shed
W12 6000 2.5 NS Tank
W13 3000 2.5 NS Tank
W14 5000 2.5 NS Tank
W15 5000 2.5 NS Tank
W16 7000 2.5 NS Tank
W17 3000 2.5 NS Tank
W18 5000 x 2 2.5 NS Two Tanks
W19 5000 2.5 NS Tank
W20 5000 2.5 NS Tank
W21 7500 2.5 NS Tank
W22 2000 2.5 NS Tank
W23 5000 2.5 NS Tank
W24 10000 2.5 NS Hyd in driveway fed by Tank
W25 10000 2.5 NS Tank
Sand Canyon
Map 5
APPENDIX E: Map of Kern County's Wildfire History
Abstract (if available)
The interface between former wildland and urban sprawl is of major concern in the Western United States throughout wildfire-prone areas. Kern County, California, northwest of Los Angeles, is one such heavily impacted area. Recent major wildfires there have portrayed extreme fire behavior and caused significant property damage underscoring the need for fire prevention efforts before emergency response. This thesis demonstrates the utility of pre-incident planning (PIP) maps for wildfire mitigation built using geographic information system (GIS)-based cartography. PIP maps highlight imperative spatial information for emergency responders during the first, crucial ""golden hour"" of a wildfire, particularly accurate locations for structures and water sources, along with ratings of roadways for fire engine access. The PIP approach would not be possible without GIS, in fact, owing to the need for an accurate, up-to-date spatial data and voluminous map production. In both concept and execution, PIP maps, have proven valuable far beyond their original intention aiding in at least a dozen major wildfires since 2008, helping to protect over 4000 structures. In addition, PIP maps have shown qualitative benefits, improving firefighter safety, incident organization, and emergency communication. Constructing PIP maps for Kern County cost $115,000
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Asset Metadata
Prell, Adam Tyler
Core Title
Pre-incident plan mapping in Kern County's wildland urban interface
College of Letters, Arts and Sciences
Master of Science
Degree Program
Geographic Information Science and Technology
Publication Date
Defense Date
University of Southern California
University of Southern California. Libraries
KCFD,Kern County Fire Department,OAI-PMH Harvest,pre-incident planning,wildfire GIS,wildfire planning,wildland urban interface,WUI mapping
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Hastings, Jordan T. (
committee chair
Creator Email
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etd-PrellAdamT-2039.pdf (filename),usctheses-c3-327954 (legacy record id)
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Prell, Adam Tyler
University of Southern California
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University of Southern California Dissertations and Theses
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Kern County Fire Department
pre-incident planning
wildfire GIS
wildfire planning
wildland urban interface
WUI mapping