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Coordinating social communication in human-robot task collaborations
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Coordinating social communication in human-robot task collaborations
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Coordinating Social Communication
in Human-Robot Task Collaborations
Aaron B. St. Clair
A Dissertation Presented to the
In Partial Fulllment of the
Requirements for the Degree
August 2015
Copyright 2015 Aaron B. St. Clair
I would like to rst thank my advisor, Prof. Maja Matari c, for her support and guidance
throughout my time at the University of Southern California and for fostering and
encouraging my growth as a researcher.
I would also like to acknowledge the members of my committee: Prof. Gaurav
Sukhatme, Prof. Nora Ayanian, and Prof. Aaron Hagedorn) as well as my qualiying
examination committee, Prof. Milind Tambe. Their insightful advice and recommen-
dations have elevated this work and guided my research directions.
I would also like to thank all of my fellow members of the Interaction Lab. Their
support, assistance, and advice have been a constant source of inspiration.
Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to my family for their constant support,
encouragement, and understanding throughout my life. I would not have made it this
far without them.
Table of Contents
Acknowledgements ii
List of Figures vi
List of Tables ix
List of Algorithms x
Abstract xi
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
1.1 Challenges in Human-Robot Collaboration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Motivation and Problem Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2.1 Robot Control and Communication in Structured Tasks . . . . . 4
1.2.2 Human Behavior in Structured Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.2.3 Providing Communicative Feedback for Improved Interactions . . 7
1.2.4 Evaluation of Human-Robot Collaboration . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.3 Methodology for Producing Eective Coordinating Communication . . . 10
1.4 Dissertation Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.5 Dissertation Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Chapter 2: Background and Related Work 14
2.1 Human-Human Collaboration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.1.1 Theory-of-Mind and Perspective-Taking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.2 Multi-Robot Coordination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.2.1 Applicability to the Human-Robot Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.2.2 Task Classications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.3 Human-Robot Collaboration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.3.1 Collaborative Human-Robot Interaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.3.2 Task Adaptive Collaborative Robots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.4 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Chapter 3: Production of Embodied Coordinating Social Communication 27
3.1 Speech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.2 Deictic Gesture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
3.3 Other Gesture Modalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.4 Evaluating Human Interpretation of Robot Deictic Gestures . . . . . . . 36
3.4.1 Study Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
3.4.2 Participants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
3.4.3 Hypotheses and Outcome Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
3.4.4 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
3.4.5 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
3.5 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Chapter 4: Approach to Coordinating Social Communication 49
4.1 Human-Robot Task Representation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
4.2 Representing and Recognizing Human Activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
4.2.1 User Policy Recognition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
4.3 Planning Robot Feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
4.3.1 Self-Narrative Feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
4.3.2 Role-allocative Feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
4.3.3 Empathetic Feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
4.4 Communication Executive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
4.5 Extensions of the Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
4.6 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Chapter 5: Evaluation of Coordinating Social Communication 72
5.1 Augmented Reality Task Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
5.2 Pseudo-herding Task . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
5.2.1 Application of the Approach in the Pseudo-Herding Task . . . . 78
5.3 Study: Communication and Role-Usage in the Pseudo-Herding Task . . 79
5.3.1 Study Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
5.3.2 Participants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
5.3.3 Hypotheses and Outcome Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
5.3.4 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
5.3.5 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
5.4 Study 2: Coordinating Social Communication in Pseudo-Herding Task . 86
5.4.1 Study Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
5.4.2 Task Description and Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
5.4.3 Participants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
5.4.4 Hypotheses and Outcome Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
5.4.5 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
5.4.6 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
5.5 Study 3: Coordinating Social Communication with Older Adults . . . . 93
5.6 Simulated Cooking Task . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
5.6.1 Application of the Approach in the Cooking Task . . . . . . . . . 95
5.6.2 Task Description and Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
5.6.3 Study Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
5.6.4 Participants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
5.6.5 Hypotheses and Outcome Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
5.6.6 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
5.7 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Chapter 6: Summary and Conclusions 102
6.1 Major Contributions, Findings, and Insights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
6.2 Open Problems and Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
6.2.1 Extension to multi-robot and multi-person teams . . . . . . . . 105
6.2.2 User role specication and generalization across tasks . . . . . . 105
6.2.3 Communication personalization and adaptation . . . . . . . . . . 105
Bibliography 107
List of Figures
2.1 A selection of most relevant prior work in human-robot task collaboration:
(a) AUR robotic desk lamp (Homan and Breazeal, 2010), (b) Chaski
(Shah et al., 2011), and (c) Wakamaru humanlike robot (Mutlu et al.,
2013). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.1 The PR2 mobile manipulator attempting to produce a \step back" ges-
ture. Producing gestures on a robot platform that was not designed with
this purpose in mind is a dicult problem and currently requires skilled
hand animation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
3.2 Bandit pointing with its (a) head; (b) straight-arm; (c), bent-arm; and
(d) and head+arm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
3.3 The experimental setup showing a participant indicating the perceived
location of the Bandit robot's referent target with a laser pointer among
a set of salient targets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
3.4 (a) Mean angular pointing error and (b) Mean angular error between
perceived and actual targets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
3.5 (a) Mean angular error between perceived and desired targets and (b)
Mean angular error between perceived and desired targets for cross-body
and straight-arm points. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
3.6 (a) Mean time from start of pose to marking of estimated point and (b)
Mean error by saliency condition, human pointer. . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
3.7 (a) Mean angular error with respect to horizontal target position as seen
from the participant's perspective and (b) Mean angular error with re-
spect to vertical target position as seen from the participant's perspective. 44
4.1 A brief over of the major components of the approach including the user
policy recognition system, the communication planner with three types
of communicative intents and the communication realizer. . . . . . . . . 52
4.2 A system diagram showing the interaction of the components of the ap-
proach with human activity tracking in green, robot task planning in
pink, robot communication planning in blue, and external input and out-
put modules in orange and purple, respectively. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
4.3 An example of the eect of implicit feedback on model-based action se-
lection. For simplicity, the user and robots actions are combined in the
transitions. If the robot clearly conveys that it will take action a
the user can safely select action a
without fear of reaching S
. . . . . . 63
5.1 Diagram of the augmented reality task simulation environment with a
person and Pioneer 2 robot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
5.2 A person and a Pioneer 2 AT robot collaborating on the pseudo-herding
augmented reality task with the virtual elements shown projected on the
oor of the room. In a) the lock is unlocked and only one sheep is in
the pen (light blue) while in b) the robot has just nished the game by
collecting the last sheep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
5.3 Example of the Wizard of Oz interface used by the experimenter to con-
trol the Pioneer 2 robot during the pilot study. The control interface in
a) contains buttons to trigger each of the autonomous actions from the
robot's action set and a cancel button to stop all motion, as well as text
displays for completion status and error output. In b) the visualization
of the robot, person, and simulated objects potions is depicted. . . . . . 80
5.4 An overhead diagram of the experimental setup used when constructing
the action set of the robot. Users were presented various diagrams and
asked to instruct one of the participants what to do next. . . . . . . . . 81
5.5 Bar chart showing sheep herding allocation across agents for person-
person and person-robot teams. Note the less equitable allocation of
sheep herding in the human-robot teams compared to the human-human
teams. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
5.6 Time to completion and allocation counts of agent actions in communi-
cating and silent conditions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
5.7 Screen capture of the interface used for the virtual cooking task. Users
are asked to ll all the orders in the top row by moving food items from
the green ingredients box through two stages (preparation and cooking)
until all items are fullled as indicated by green check marks. . . . . . . 94
5.8 In (a) an overhead diagram of the experimental setup for the cooking
task is shown. The participant (depicted in red) is seated at a table in
front of the touch screen. The robot (grey) is placed across the table at
an angle. In (b) The experimental setup during the instruction phase,
where participants were taught in a group how to perform the task to
ensure a common learning of the task. The robot is seated diagonally
across from the robot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
List of Tables
3.1 Samples collected in the deixis experiment for each condition; arm is over-
represented in the non-salient condition to compare away-from-body and
cross-body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
3.2 Results of deixis experiment ANOVA by condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
5.1 Post-experiment survey results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
5.2 Survey results on the pseudo-herding evaluation comparing communicat-
ing and non-communicating robots. Scale is 0 for strongly disagree, 6 for
strongly agree. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
List of Algorithms
4.1 User role recognition algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
4.2 Alternative role-allocation suggestions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
4.3 Role-allocative feedback - single-agent MDP - non-con
icting action . . 69
Robots have become increasingly capable of performing a variety of tasks in real-world
dynamic environments, including those involving people. Beyond competently per-
forming the tasks required of them, service robots should also be able to coordinate
their actions with those of the people around them in order to minimize con
icts, pro-
vide feedback, and build rapport with human teammates in both work environments
(e.g., manufacturing) and home settings. Humans coordinate their actions in various
task settings through structured social interaction aimed at representational alignment
and intentional feedback. In order for robots to coordinate their actions using similar
modalities, they must be capable of contextualizing the actions of human partners and
producing relevant natural communicative behaviors as the task progresses. This dis-
sertation is motivated by the high-level goal of producing eective social feedback during
task performance, and alleviating the burden of coordinating the team's joint activity
by allowing human users to interact with robots through natural social modalities as
partners rather than as operators.
This dissertation develops an approach for constructing and generalizing models
of role-based coordinating communication during physically-decoupled human-robot task
scenarios, specically pairwise collaborations in which a person and a robot work to-
gether to achieve a shared goal. The approach is validated in dierent task contexts with
dierent user populations using objective and subjective measures of task performance
and user preferences. To support role-allocative communication observed in our pilot
experiments with two-person teams, the human-robot collaboration problem is formu-
lated as a Markov decision process in which roles are represented by a set of policies
capturing dierent action selection preferences and accounting for unequal capabilities
between human and robot collaborators. A probabilistic method is used to track the
user's activity over time and to recognize the role assumed by the user, communication
is then planned given the expected policy of the user, the policy of the robot, and the
current task state. The communication generated by the robot consists of three types
of speech actions and associated co-verbal behavior: 1) self-narration of the robot's
activities, 2) role allocation suggestions for the user, and 3) empathetic displays when
positive and negative state changes occur.
The approach was validated initially on a dynamic augmented reality herding task
with a population of convenience users using objective metrics (idle time, distance trav-
eled) as well as subjective evaluations (user preference, perceived intelligence of the
robot), where a higher utilization of the robot and more equitable path distance was
observed in comparison to a non-communicating robot. The generalizability of the ap-
proach to a dierent task setting and user population was also evaluated on a cooking
task with an elderly user population. The contributions of this dissertation lie in the de-
velopment of an approach for modeling human-robot task performance for the planning
and production of eective robot verbal feedback.
Chapter 1
This chapter provides an overview of human-robot collaboration and moti-
vates the use of social communication by a robot as a means of coordinating
human-robot teamwork. The task representation and its applicability to dier-
ent human-robot teamwork scenarios is introduced, as are the types of embodied
robot communication modalities used by the robot. The communication plan-
ning approach is presented. The chapter concludes with an outline of the rest of
the dissertation and a list of primary and secondary contributions of this work.
1.1 Challenges in Human-Robot Collaboration
Robots are becoming increasingly competent at performing tasks such as navigation and
manipulation in real-world human environments including homes, the workplace, and
other settings where they are around people. This expanded range of capabilities makes
possible many scenarios in which robots not only take action around people but also
collaborate with them to accomplish tasks together. In a home environment a robot
might help a person to clean up a messy room, in the workplace a robot might fetch
and deliver objects and tools, in a manufacturing setting a robot might help assemble
a product, and in an assistive scenario the robot might provide instructions guiding a
user through an unfamiliar activity. These collaborative scenarios present a number of
challenges; not only must the robot avoid physical collision with the person, it must
also be a productive part of the collaboration accounting for the person's activity when
deciding what to do next, and provide a means for users to understand and control its
This dissertation addresses a number of problems related to generating appropriate
coordinating social communication from a robot to a person during the course of a pair-
wise task collaboration with the aim of allowing the robot to provide helpful and guiding
feedback to a human teammate. Eective feedback is important in these scenarios since
it has a direct impact on the situational awareness of the robot's collaborator. A general
methodology was developed that allows the robot to produce coherent, meaningful social
communication during task performance, in order to eciently and intelligently provide
feedback to users during a task collaboration. The problem of producing coordinating
social communication actions with a robot in order to provide feedback and support the
in situ decision-making of a human teammate requires careful consideration of the kind
of feedback the robot should provide as well as the task and user model employed by the
robot. Social science literature and existing work in human-robot interaction indicates
many communication actions people use that could be benecial for a robot to produce
during a collaborative task, including attentional cues to indicate an area of focus Mutlu
et al. (2012), staging actions to maximize shared visual information (Fussell et al., 2000),
gestural and speech cues indicating intentional goals or instructions (Grosz and Sidner,
1986, Huang and Mutlu, 2013a), and coaching actions such as instructional feedback
Fasola and Matari c (2013), Huang and Mutlu (2013b), and empathetic displays to build
team rapport (Lamm et al., 2007).
1.2 Motivation and Problem Statement
The aim of the work is to enable robots to provide eective task-relevant feedback to co-
located teammates using social communication modalities such as speech and gesture.
Rather than requiring users to gain competence in operating an autonomous robot via
a screen-based interface, the goal is to enable the robot to use human-like coordination
mechanisms, specically embodied social communication such as speech and embod-
ied gesture. The key supposition, on which this work is based, is that a social robot
teammate will make a more eective work partner and improve quantitative measures
of team performance by supporting the natural coordination mechanisms people use
when working together in a co-located setting. In home environments, for instance, the
robot should be able to clearly communicate its intentions without requiring a non-
expert user to consult a tablet to make sure it is doing what they asked. Similarly, in
manufacturing settings, where safety is the chief concern, allowing workers to monitor
a robot's task performance directly via visual observation and verbal feedback instead
of visually monitoring the robot and a graphical user interface may result in reducing
the operator's cognitive load. The work in this dissertation is aimed at supporting the
user's natural collaboration modalities and preferences in a broad range of co-located,
pairwise human-robot task collaboration scenarios.
Allowing users to interact with the robot as a teammate rather than an operator has
the potential to ooad the burden of coordination from being solely the person's respon-
sibility, resulting in quantitative improvements in team performance. Beyond improved
coordination, a robot collaborator that is treated as a teammate has the potential to
impact the joint decision-making process in ways that it would not if it were merely
controlled by the person, potentially allowing a robot to guide the team to a desired out-
come through a specic trajectory. Robot-guided, joint activity is applicable in many
scenarios including training inexperienced users, addressing assistive opportunities, and
adding variability to repetitive tasks.
The approach employed in this work generated three types of situated verbalizations
aimed at providing useful information to a teammate in co-located joint activities. To
make the approach generalize across many task settings, it is based on existing task
formulations from multi-robot systems. Unlike existing work in human-robot collabora-
tion, it does not rely on a specic conversational structure such as turn-taking, allowing
for it to be used in dynamic tasks where users may not adhere to strict conversational
structures. By providing these types of feedback, in the form of coordinating social
communication, the approach is able to improve quantitative metrics of team perfor-
mance and subjective evaluation of the task itself by users, as well as enabling the robot
to provide guidance for the user. Next, an overview of how people collaborate in these
types of settings is presented along with a discussion of how these behaviors aect the
human-robot case.
1.2.1 Robot Control and Communication in Structured Tasks
As this work assumes that the robot is autonomous and an active participant in the
task, the robot must have a controller that allows it to perform the task competently in a
real-world scenario. Existing work has explored the interplay of robot task control with
human collaborators and has demonstrated that robots that account for the actions of
their collaborators yield better team performance (Gombolay et al., 2013, Nikolaidis and
Shah, 2012, Shah et al., 2011). Providing coordinating communication is supplemental
to these approaches as the communication the robot provides must always incorporate
the robot's current and planned actions, even if these actions are not optimal or are
changing over time. Also, existing task models used in multi-robot coordination the
requirements do not extend to the human-robot case since communicating and sharing
task-relevant observations and actions with other robots is much dierent compared to
communication with a person. In order for any communication approach to generalize
across various task environments, it must support a task model that also allows the
robot to act autonomously in dierent environments. The work in this dissertation em-
ploys task models from robot control and multi-robot systems in planning coordinating
1.2.2 Human Behavior in Structured Tasks
People have a natural ability to collaborate comprised of a complex series of behaviors
and attribute agency to the people and things around them (Heider and Simmel, 1944).
People also recognize teammates' actions via visual observation the mirror neuron sys-
tem (Buccino et al., 2004) and theorize about the mental models of our teammates
including beliefs, desires, and intentions (Baron-Cohen, 1999). Finally, people issue
a variety of implicit and explicit social cues aimed at helping others understand each
other's actions (Hanna and Tanenhaus, 2004, Keysar et al., 2000, Whittaker, 2003).
Many of these processes, with the exception perhaps of strategic planning, occur au-
tomatically without conscious thought on our part and are active when the person is
collaborating with a robot (Rizzolatti and Sinigaglia, 2008).
To gain more insight into how human-compatible patterns of robot-collaborative
activity might be dened, consider the types of activities the robot is likely to be doing
alongside a person. For home scenarios, surveys of older adults (Beer et al., 2012) in-
dicate that object manipulation including fetching, moving, and organizing household
objects is a priority. In manufacturing settings, platforms such as Rethink Robotics
Baxter (Rethink Robotics, 2012) have pick-and-place capability allowing them to ma-
nipulate items and pack boxes or do assembly tasks.
In human-human collaborations, the primary use of social mediation is to determine
who is responsible for doing what parts of the task. To accomplish this people often make
use of the notion of roles to denote expected patterns of behavior (Smith et al., 2001).
In work organizations, emergency preparedness, team sports, and many other contexts
featuring organized group activity people are familiar with assigning and assuming roles
that constrain each person's area of responsibility. Unfortunately, there is not a formal
denition of roles or method for decomposing a given task denition into constituent
behaviors that can be reliably identied as a role across individuals (Smith et al., 2001).
In a human-robot task collaboration the robot will never have access to the mental
model of the person and the corresponding understanding of the task structure. This
is distinct from the multi-robot coordination case, which is well-studied (Gerkey and
Matari c, 2004, Roth et al., 2006), where a common representation of the world makes
sharing observations and actions easier. In these scenarios one robot can use network
communication to transmit a series of symbols that uniquely denotes to another robot
that at some point in time it received a specic observation and took a specic action.
To successfully coordinate a robot's action with a person requires a representation for
common patterns of human behavior (roles) that will allow the robot to 1) identify
which role a person has assumed at a given point in time and 2) to produce speech that
reliably guides a person to a desired role that coordinates well with the robot's course
of action in the future.
Considering these scenarios, roles in most tasks can be made up of spatial constraints
such as the positions of work objects and other agents and temporal constraints, i.e.,
that a person performing a certain role makes use of certain objects at a given place and
time. Another constraint for dening roles is that they be easily integrated with the
robot task planning process. This is necessary because the robot must have some means
of evaluating a given set of role allocations and proposing better alternatives if there
are any available. Markov decision processes and related models have been extensively
studied and applied to many types of task planning (Boutilier, 1996). Roles, as dened
in this work, have many commonalities with policies in decision-making systems in that
they indicate a preference for taking certain actions in certain states. The set of roles
available for agents to assume will thus be represented in this work as a set of policies.
These are not assumed to be either optimal or even capable of completing the task when
executed individually. Rather they are used to capture the action-selection preferences
of a person undertaking a given role.
1.2.3 Providing Communicative Feedback for Improved Interactions
The primary focus of this work is to improve coordination and assist the user by enabling
the robot to issue role-based communicative feedback to guide user behavior and improve
the team's situational awareness. A review of the relevant social science literature
covering human-human collaborations, as well as observations of person-person task
collaboration in pilot experiments, yields a large number of social cues that could be
employed by a robot collaborator. These include appropriate use of attentional cues,
staging actions to maximize shared visual information, providing well-formed gestural
and speech cues, and coaching actions such as feedback, encouragement, and empathetic
displays to build team rapport. Verbal feedback is also primary modality for people to
convey task allocation information and could also be used by a robot as it is easy
to produce across many dierent robot embodiments although speech recognition and
natural language processing remain dicult. Speech also does not require the person
to be looking directly at the robot, which is useful in scenarios where the user's visual
attention is concentrated on another activity, as is often the case in a distributed task
Enabling a robot to eectively produce all these forms of communicative feedback
at a human level of competency, while the robot simultaneously performs parts of a
task, is not currently feasible due to limitations in robot embodiments and sensing
technologies. In some cases, for example, gesture production might require the robot
to use part of its embodiment that is otherwise employed for object manipulation. It is
also dicult to generalize communication production, in particular embodied gesture,
across dierent robot embodiments; for example, indicating attentional focus is dierent
with humanoid and non-humanoid robots. As another example, iconic gesture consists
of making a visual representation of the intended concept, such as making a hammering
motion to indicate a hammer (Mehrabian, 1977). Making reliable iconic gestures is
highly domain- and platform-dependent and remapping motion trajectories from one
platform to another is a dicult open problem. More straightforward gestures such as
deixis (pointing) can be generated reasonably reliably on any robot where either arms
or a pan-tilt unit can be used as an end-eector but error in referent accuracy may vary
depending on the robot's appearance. For this reason, speech and a simplied set of
associated coverbal deictic gestures were selected as the primary modalities by which
the robot issues feedback in this work.
Speech works well across dierent embodiments and is eective in communicating
intent. On the other hand, speech has obvious limitations in noisy environments and
with users with hearing or understanding limitations. Nonetheless, speech is a natural
human communication modality that addresses a range of use cases in home and work
environments and has been used previously as a method for controlling robots on a
variety of tasks including navigating a wheel chair (Levine et al., 1999) to simple object
manipulation tasks (Breazeal et al., 2005). Other work. (Scopelliti et al., 2005) has also
shown speech as a preferred method of human-robot communication when compared
to keyboard input, mouse-based interfaces, and touch screens. Deictic gesture, can be
produced coverbally with linguistic constructs such as \this", \that", and \there" or on
its own and is used to indicate a referent target in the environment. Existing work has
shown how, with special attention paid to timing, speech and deixis can be combined
to produce human-like results that aid interpretation (Mutlu et al., 2012).
1.2.4 Evaluation of Human-Robot Collaboration
Evaluating human-robot collaborations typically consists of measuring individual task
performance and assessment of contribution to the team performance as a whole. Typi-
cally these team scenarios are evaluated objectively based on task performance including
measures such as idle time, time to task completion, number of accomplished sub-tasks
per unit time, or relative workload. Assessing the ecacy of robot-issued coordinating
communication presents unique challenges as the eect of the robot's communicative
feedback on the team's task performance is evaluated. As a baseline, the robot task
controller is executed without incorporating any communicative feedback, to simulate
the scenario where the robot does task control only. Another evaluation approach em-
ployed in this work is to selectively enable dierent types of communicative feedback
and attempt to assess the dierences in the quality of the collaboration. Also, since one
of the primary goals of this work is to make the robot easier for users to interact with,
the user's subjective opinion of the task and the robot as at teammate were measured
by administering surveys and assessing the sentiment of users in textual descriptions of
the experiment.
Approaches aimed at generalizing across dierent task scenarios must also be eval-
uated in more than one task context and ideally over an extended period of performing
the task with the same user to overcome the novelty eect of working with the robot.
For instance, more communication may be tolerated in a rst interaction with the robot
or when the user is unfamiliar with the task compared to subsequent performances
when they have become acclimated to the robot's behavior and have mastered the task.
Finally, a number of outside factors may have an eect on a particular user's commu-
nication usage including personality, whether they are under stress, and the perceived
level of authority with respect to the robot.
1.3 Methodology for Producing Eective Coordinating
The approach in this dissertation produces the combination of three types of coordinat-
ing social communication: 1) self-narration of the robot's activities, 2) suggestions for
what the user should do next, and 3) empathetic displays when positive and negative
events occur. The combination provides a balance of information aimed at improving
the user's situational awareness and guiding user behavior through both implicit and
explicit communicative feedback. The self-narrative feedback provides user's with infor-
mation about what the robot is going to do next. The role-allocative feedback, oering
suggestions to the user, informs the user that the robot is monitoring the user's progress
and evaluating things from the user's perspective and also allows the robot to poten-
tially reinforce or change the person's decision-making process. Empathetic feedback,
is useful for indicating that the robot has evaluated the current state of the activity in
a hopefully similar way to the person and that it is invested in achieving a good result.
Producing each of these types of feedback requires specic robot capabilities primarily
concerned with monitoring the task state and monitoring the user's behavior over time.
These three types of communicative feedback will be generated using a model of role-
based collaborative behavior and then conveyed to the user by the robot in the form of
speech and a limited set of coverbal embodied deictic gesture.
1.4 Dissertation Contributions
This dissertation addresses a number of problems related to generating appropriate
coordinating social communication from a robot to a person during the course of a
pairwise task collaboration with the aim of allowing the robot to provide helpful and
guiding feedback to a human teammate. An approach to planning social communication
based on a formalism of the human notion of role allocation is presented as well as an
analysis of the limitations and applicability of the system to a variety of task scenarios.
The implementation details for the system as applied to a sample task environment are
presented along with the results of a user study evaluating the ecacy of the approach.
The following are the main contributions of this dissertation:
1. A novel representation for modeling user roles in coordinated activities capable
of capturing the action selection preferences that people typically exhibit when
allocating responsibilities during joint activity and compatible with traditional
planning methods.
2. An approach for planning coordinating social communication actions in a situated
pairwise task collaboration between a robot and a person aimed at providing
useful feedback to the user and enabling the robot to actively participate in the
joint planning. The planning approach incorporates activity recognition, planning
under uncertainty, and principles from social science of human joint activity to
produce narrative, role-allocative, and empathetic feedback in real-time during
dynamic task activity.
3. A framework for executing social coordinating communication during robot task
performance, making use of the given social communicative capabilities of the
robot in use and potentially including speech and embodied gesture. The robot's
communication actions are derived from human-human communication in similar
task situations and applies relevant design principles from the social sciences on
joint attention and politeness theory to ensure that the robot provides coherent
The following are secondary contributions:
1. A robot communication executive that produces coordinated speech and gesture
during a human-robot task collaboration and also supports speech interrupts with
stop words for state changes.
2. User studies demonstrating the ability of the approach to improve both team per-
formance and subjective measures of the robot as a teammate, as compared to a
silent robot with an identical task control system.
3. A user study of the perceptual accuracy of robot head and arm deictic gesture
production and control system for reducing grounding errors accounting for the
noise introduced due to interpersonal dierences in perception.
4. An augmented reality task simulator created using overhead projectors and depth
sensors (Microsoft Kinect (Microsoft, 2010)) that allows for rapid-prototyping of
dierent dynamic task scenarios supporting any combination of people, robots,
virtual agents, and virtual objects.
1.5 Dissertation Outline
The remainder of this document is organized as follows:
Chapter 2 provides background on existing work in human-robot task collabo-
ration and a review of relevant work in multi-robot task allocation and human-
human collaboration in relation to the human-robot case.
Chapter 3 provides an overview of embodied social communication production for
human-robot collaborations, describes specic communication modalities that can
be used in situ, and details a user study evaluating the accuracy of robot deictic
gesture production is presented.
Chapter 4 describes the approach employed for planning coordinating social com-
munication during human-robot task collaborations including the task represen-
tation, user activity modeling, role formalism, and communication planning ap-
proach for dierent task models.
Chapter 5 discusses the application and evaluation of the system in an augmented
reality task environment where a person and robot collaborate on a dynamic,
pseudo-herding task as well as application to a real-world, physical task involving
a human-robot team performing an object manipulation task.
Chapter 6 provides a summary and concluding statements as well as potential
open problems and extensions to the dissertation.
Chapter 2
Background and Related Work
In this chapter prior work in human-robot collaboration, multi-robot coordina-
tion, and relevant work from the social sciences on human-human collaboration
are surveyed to provide a foundation for the dissertation approach and its con-
tributions to robot production of coordinating social behavior.
2.1 Human-Human Collaboration
It has been demonstrated that people have a tendency to adapt both their speech and
actions in response to the person they are interacting with, to be salient and sensible
to a collaborating partner, especially in circumstances involving work objects in the
environment and frames of reference (Tomasello et al., 2009, Whittaker, 2003). Col-
laborators align their linguistic representations of the environment, allowing for more
eective communicative behavior with their partner(s). This alignment is achieved via
a process in which local environmental representations, i.e., specic speech and gesture,
are implicitly adopted and propagated to global representations via a priming mecha-
nism (Pickering and Garrod, 2004). The same priming mechanism is similarly used to
achieve lexical and syntactic alignment resulting in a consistent vocabulary and shared
environmental representation at the task level for corresponding communication. Re-
searchers disagree over how deeply people model their interaction partners and the role
these models play in language and gesture production. Some argue that a speaker's
model of their addressees plays a central role in production (Lockridge and Brennan,
2002), others suggest it functions as a late stage corrective mechanism for tailoring
speech (Keysar et al., 2000), and still others suggest a hybrid approach is used de-
pending on context (Hanna and Tanenhaus, 2004). Additionally, people rely heavily on
speech for coordination. Nevertheless, it has been shown that shared visual information
can result in more ecient, less verbose utterances (Fussell et al., 2000). This suggests
that collaboration can be accomplished without relying exclusively on natural language
processing, particularly in co-located scenarios. Robots that collaborate with people
should take advantage of the capabilities of human teammates by providing appropriate
signaling to improve the collaborating partner's situational awareness. By enabling a
robot to produce humanlike communication during a task, this work aims to support
eective coordination between people and robots without requiring users to be trained
how to use the robot beforehand.
2.1.1 Theory-of-Mind and Perspective-Taking
In order to eectively coordinate a robot's actions with those of its human collaborator,
the robot must be able to accurately estimate the human's planned actions from con-
text or from explicit communication. Analogously, the robot must be able to eectively
convey its planned actions clearly to a human. This ability to attribute mental state
to others and use it to plan and predict behavior is called Theory of Mind (ToM) and
has been extensively used for various capabilities with autonomous robots (Scassellati,
2002, Trafton et al., 2005). This work consists of a Theory of Mind-inspired model in
which the robot contains estimates of its own state, the state of third parties', and those
third parties' estimates of the robot's state. These states contain information relevant
to the task including a world model and a partial task allocation i.e., assignments of
various agents to sub-tasks. Previous work has demonstrated the viability of similar
frameworks to model and learn from human activity at various levels of perceptual ab-
straction. At the task-level it is generally assumed that the environmental dynamics are
accurately detectable by the robot and the modeling relies on some notion of symbolic
state (Ullman et al., 2010) while other work focuses on bottom-up learning from raw
or annotated sensor input (Homan and Breazeal, 2010, Kelley et al., 2008, Scassellati,
2003). This dissertation is focused on enabling natural collaborative communication in
realistic collaborative task settings devoid of a strict dialog structure, such as turn tak-
ing. Thus, the task-level symbolic states are augmented to allow the robot to formulate
collaborative communication and infer intention from human social signals from per-
ceptual features, such as head direction and deictic gesturing, extracted from on-board
In order for the robot to make use of this state and task representation, it must be
able to evaluate the environment from multiple points of view. Existing approaches to
perspective-taking (Kelley et al., 2008, Trafton et al., 2005) generally rely on transform-
ing sensor data to a local reference frame and planning under the estimated visibility
constraints for another agent (Breazeal et al., 2009, Trafton et al., 2008).
2.2 Multi-Robot Coordination
Methods for planning coordinated behavior have been studied in both the planning
and multi-agent systems research communities. The majority of the developed meth-
ods are not, however, readily and directly applicable in the human-robot interaction
context for various reasons. The work in classical planning, for instance, typically re-
lies on a symbolic representation in which the exact action that the person is taking
is known at the time of planning. These techniques have been applied successfully in
human-computer (HCI) and human-robot interaction (HRI) scenarios, in which a per-
son provides complete verbal narration of their activities with a specialized vocabulary
during execution, thereby eliminating perceptual and uncertainty issues. The work in
multi-agent systems has proven a number of interesting theoretical bounds for multi-
agent planning with limited communication/observability (e.g., decentralized partially
observable MDPs (Bernstein et al., 2002, Nair et al., 2003)) but often the notion of com-
munication in those contexts consists of sharing a set of observations, and the decision
of whether to communicate or not relies on the assumption that all agents' observations,
state, and action selection is the same. These assumptions break down when working
with people. Human and robot action are both noisy and unreliable, and benet from
methods that employ probabilistic representations and communication. Furthermore,
such communication may take advantage of common representations that the robot
might not share with the person.
In multi-robot scenarios a number of problem formulations exist that account for
dierent communication types and environmental observability. These formulations
typically involve selecting a joint action from the cross-product of possible actionsA
for robots, A and B. Communication typically involves communicating local state
or observation sequences to other robots in cases which would change the policy of
the receiving agent. In multi-robot collaboration scenarios, a number of techniques
exist that account for dierent levels of communication and observability. The simplest
assumes free communication and a fully observable environment (Boutilier, 1996). In
this setting the coordination problem is typically dened as the joint allocation of actions
to each robot to maximize team reward. If robotA has a set of actionsA
and robotB
has a set of actionsA
, then planning actions consists of selecting a pairwise allocation
from A
to maximize team reward. When considering non-free communication
the cost of the communication must also be considered. Exact solutions to these types
of problems are computationally intractable although many approximate and heuristic
solutions exist as well as analyses of special cases that aid tractability.
Work in multi-agent systems has extensively explored representations and solution
methods for modeling teams of agents cooperating on tasks with partial observability
including interactive partially-observable Markov decision processes (iPOMDP) (Doshi
et al., 2009), decentralized models (DEC-POMDP) (Bernstein et al., 2000), POIPSG
(Peshkin et al., 2014), and COM-MTDP (Pynadath and Tambe, 2002). These systems
typically maintain beliefs about teammates and may incorporate methods for planning
when and what to communicate to teammates (Roth et al., 2006). The communication
used in these scenarios often relies on a common underlying symbolic representation of
the task state, actions, and/or observations, and is usually assumed to occur without
delay or misinterpretation. In the human-robot scenario, the robot does not have access
to the mental model of the person and must rely on humanlike communication modalities
such as speech and coverbal gesture. Additionally, in many assistive HRI scenarios,
optimization of task performance is often a secondary consideration to ensuring that the
user is engaged and motivated, since the user may have decits that impair their ability
to perform parts of the task. The aim of this work is to contribute toward research in
human-robot interaction by developing an eective methodology that allows the robot
to issue task-relevant, speech-based communication to guide a human teammate during
a dynamic, assistive collaboration, while supporting existing models for robust robot
task planning.
2.2.1 Applicability to the Human-Robot Case
The human-robot case is distinct from multi-robot scenarios. First, people are inde-
pendent of the robot and ultimately make their own decisions about what to do. Thus
to achieve coordination the robot should select the best action in expectation of the
human's action. The robot also has no access to the mental model of the task used
by its human teammates, making monitoring and communicating about the progress
of the task more dicult. Unlike the multi-robot case, the robot cannot rely on a
shared representation of the task and networked symbolic communication to transfer
new observations or planned actions during the course of the task. Despite these dis-
advantages, there are a number of aspects of human-robot collaboration that can be
used to the robot's benet. The aspects of human behavior in joint activity that were
outlined previously give us some expectation of the types of behavior people will ex-
hibit during joint activity e.g., that they will position themselves to maximize shared
visual information and otherwise be helpful teammates. Also, as many approaches for
robot learning from demonstration and human instruction have shown, humans can be
successfully queried by people and provide useful input to the robot (Rosenthal et al.,
2010, Thomaz and Breazeal, 2006). This aords the robot the opportunity to ask for
help in cases when things go wrong as well as relying on the person's creativity and
expertise to recover from errors in ways that would not be possible in the human-robot
2.2.2 Task Classications
The work in this dissertation is concerned with physically-decoupled tasks where the
human and robot are in a shared environment. The focus on physically-decoupled tasks
enforces the constraint that any information that the robot has about the person come
through hands-o observation or social communication rather than force dynamics.
Since this work is also focused on the robot's use of communication via natural human
modalities it assumes that the collaboration takes place in a setting where modalities
such as speech and gesture can be used eectively. In order to further scope the types of
task settings under consideration, the scope of the work is claried with respect to two
dierent task classication taxonomies: one used in multi-robot task allocation (Gerkey
and Matari c, 2004) and the other used in the social sciences to explain group processes
(Steiner, 2007).
First, the approach employed in this work is classied in terms of multi-robot task
allocation. The taxonomy proposed by Gerkey and Matari c classies tasks along three
dimensions. First, single-task (ST) versus multi-task (MT) robots distinguishes robots
that only do a single task at a time versus those that can do multiple tasks simulta-
neously. The second dimension, single-robot (SR) versus multi-robot (MR) describes
problems that require exactly one robot to achieve each task as compared to problems
where each task may require more than one robot. Finally, instantaneous assignment
(IA) versus time-extended assignment (TA), describes whether the problem allocates
robots to tasks instantaneously or contains information for assigning tasks to robots
over time. The scope of tasks addressed in this work can be described as ST-SR-TA.
The single-task constraint comes from the assumption that many tasks in a shared en-
vironment will involve either object manipulation or physically navigating to the right
place at the right time. This, combined with the fact that most robots are currently
limited in their physical capabilities, i.e., actuation and navigation, leads us to the as-
sumption that the robot will undertake a single task at a time. While the person may
decide to multi-task, it is assumed that their actions are decomposable to a series of
atomic individual actions that satisfy the single-task assumption. Since multi-tasking
can degrade performance, and lead to increased stress on the person, will assume that
it is not a primary mode of operation for the user. The single-robot constraint comes
from the assumption that joint manipulation or otherwise tightly-coupled interaction
between the teammates will not happen. Finally, the time-extended allocation assump-
tion follows from the assumption that the robot and person have a shared goal and know
the structure of the task and are working together, undertaking a series of sub-actions
to achieve the goal.
Next, the scope of the work is dened according to Steiner's taxonomy of group
tasks (Steiner, 2007) to further clarify the types of tasks amenable to this modeling ap-
proach. Steiner denes three categorical dimensions across which tasks are grouped that
describe: divisibility of the task, type of goal, and interdependence of each individual's
inputs in nal output.
Divisibility: By relying on role assignment as the means of coordination, the
approach in this work implicitly assumes that the task is divisible i.e., can be
eectively separated into subtasks that each agent can perform separately, in con-
tribution to the greater task goals. Unitary tasks, as dened by Steiner, are an
interesting special case in which the task is not divisible resulting in one team-
mate becoming a bystander. In this case, either the robot or the person could
not directly perform the task and would become idle. While the approach could
support an idle robot by setting the robot's task action set to be empty, the result-
ing communication generated would only be comprised of recommended actions
for the person. This scenario, in which the robot monitors an activity and oers
feedback, is an interesting future direction with applicability in rehabilitation and
other domains, but isl not considered specically here.
Goal types: Two goal types are considered in Steiner's framework optimizing
goals, with subjective ratings of the achieved result and maximizing goals, which
typically have an objective evaluation metric built-in. From the robot's point of
view this distinction is not very useful since ultimately the robot control system
requires some quantitative metric with which it can select optimal behaviors in
expectation. The tasks on which the approach has been validated belong to the
maximizing goal category.
Interdependence: This area of Steiner's categorization is concerned with how
the input from various members is combined to form a single output and how
group performance can be related to the best and worst individual performances.
The addition of the robot in the evaluation of the approach has been shown to
improve performance as compared to either the robot or person alone, largely
due to the limitations on the types of tasks the robot can perform. These are
typically divisible into separate subtasks with output combined in an additive
manner. Adding more agents to these types of scenarios typically will increase the
performance of the group.
2.3 Human-Robot Collaboration
Relevant prior work on human-machine collaboration includes approaches from HCI and
HRI, as well as from cognitive science and linguistics. Approaches aimed at improving
human-robot collaboration typically address problems in two broad categories. One
category consists of work aimed at using social communication modalities such as speech
and gesture to enable humanlike interaction with a robot. This includes a subset of the
broader eld of socially assistive robotics (Feil-Seifer and Mataric, 2005, Tapus et al.,
2007), in which the main use of the robot is to provide assistance to a user through
social interaction. This type of interaction occurs in collaborative settings where the
robot is an active participant in team task performance. A second line of work consists
modifying characteristics of the robot's task performance, such as path and motion
planning and sequential action selection in order to better coordinate activity in the
presence of human teammates.
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 2.1: A selection of most relevant prior work in human-robot task collaboration:
(a) AUR robotic desk lamp (Homan and Breazeal, 2010), (b) Chaski (Shah et al.,
2011), and (c) Wakamaru humanlike robot (Mutlu et al., 2013).
2.3.1 Collaborative Human-Robot Interaction
An extensive body of work from articial intelligence exists, developing top-down delib-
erative approaches for modeling collaborations aimed at establishing and maintaining
alignment, assuring coherent discourse, and constructing shared plans for collaboration
between a person and an intelligent agent (Grosz and Kraus, 1999, Grosz and Sidner,
1986). Aspects of this model of human discourse and shared planning have been applied
in human-robot interaction to produce more humanlike robot behavior by generating
appropriate gaze cues during face-to-face interactions (Sidner et al., 2004). These ap-
proaches typically depend on certain patterns of behavior, such as turn-taking that
may or may not be present during distributed task performance. There has also been
extensive work on intent recognition relying on perspective taking or Theory of Mind-
inspired models to allow a robot to recognize a person's intentional behavior through
observation. These types of approaches have been employed to learn the rules of a series
of games by clustering estimated intents into roles that a robot can assume (Crick and
Scassellati, 2008), as well as to recognize and generate intentional face-to-face meeting
initiation behavior (Kelley et al., 2008), and to recognize helping and hindering social
behavior via an MDP formalization utilizing inverse planning (Ullman et al., 2010).
Other work has treated the collaborative process as a dialog, supporting verbal turn-
taking and sub-task assignment (Breazeal et al., 2005, Trafton et al., 2005). Speech has
been demonstrated to be an eective input modality for commanding a robot (Kollar
et al., 2010, Shah et al., 2011) as well as a means by which a robot can provide instruc-
tion to a person who is unfamiliar with a task (Saupp e and Mutlu, 2014a). Other work
on human-robot collaboration has underscored the need for integration of social cues
in understanding situated user behavior and in enriching the social environment in the
workplace and achieving coordination with co-workers (Saupp e and Mutlu, 2014b).
Other relevant work demonstrated the ability of a robot to learn simple tasks through
human tutelage and collaborate eectively via turn-taking (Breazeal et al., 2009). Still
other work has focused on identifying coordination behaviors, particularly eye gaze cues
(Mutlu et al., 2013) and implicit and explicit verbal communication (Shah and Breazeal,
2010). In other related work, the focus on enabling eective human-robot interaction by
creating human-compatible input methods for teaching and instructing robots including
collaborative settings (Chernova and Veloso, 2008, Kollar et al., 2010).
2.3.2 Task Adaptive Collaborative Robots
Another line of related work has focused on enabling better robot co-workers by making
robots that work in assembly and manufacturing scenarios more intuitive to users in
their task planning, motion planning, and use of humanlike social cues. While not
strictly focused on collaborative scenarios, this work is an instructive area of HRI in
enabling methods for robots to account for the needs of users while performing real-
world tasks. Some existing work has focused on reducing the need for caging existing
robotic systems in manufacturing and assembly domains, enabling potentially dangerous
robots to be eective co-workers, and developing eective coordination mechanisms
for robots by adapting characteristics of the robot's task performance. This involves
creating robots that move safely and predictably around people (Lasota et al., 2014).
Task scheduling systems have been developed to change the task planning of a robot
teammate in response to actions taken by a human teammate (Shah et al., 2011) as
well in settings with complex temporal constraints (Gombolay et al., 2013). Other
approaches use Markov decision processes to plan coordinating actions (Nikolaidis and
Shah, 2012, Wilcox et al., 2013) in assembly tasks. This prior work has demonstrated
that robots that account for the actions of its collaborators when deciding what to do
are preferred and perceived as more intelligent (Shah et al., 2011) and that anticipatory
action can play an important role in increasing team
uency (Homan and Breazeal,
A growing body of work also exists in adjusting the behavior of robots, primarily in
manufacturing settings, to make the robot better anticipate and align its actions with
people around them (Homan and Breazeal, 2010, Nikolaidis et al., 2015) as well as
adjusting robot motion planning to improve its legibility to human observers (Dragan
et al., 2013).
This dissertation work develops a methodology for the robot to produce social com-
munication (speech and embodied gesture), to eciently and intelligently allocate roles
during a collaboration, and support the user's natural collaboration modalities and pref-
erences. The approach relies on situated robot communication production via human-
like output modalities aimed at coordinating co-located joint activities. Unlike existing
work in human-robot collaboration it does not rely on a specic conversational structure
such as turn-taking allowing for it to be used in dynamic tasks. The evaluation of the
approach demonstrates that providing feedback in the form of coordinating social com-
munication leads to improved team performance and improved subjective evaluation of
the robot and the task itself by users.
2.4 Summary
This chapter has given an overview of the relevant research on human behaviors for
coordinating joint activity from the social sciences and its implications for work in
human-robot contexts. Specically, the tendency for people to take the perspective of
teammates in order to ascribe intent and use a variety of social behaviors including
speech and gesture motivates allowing a robot to use these humanlike modalities to co-
ordinate a human-robot joint activity. Next, the chapter reviewed work on multi-robot
coordination including a variety of representations based on Markov decision processes,
including multi-agent MDPs, hierarchical task networks, and partially observable mod-
els that have useful properties for enabling robust decision-making, online learning, and
learning from demonstration in complex task environments. The applicability of these
methods to the problem of coordinating human-robot activities was discussed, highlight-
ing the problems of diering task models and eective communication between agents in
the human-robot case. The types of tasks the work in this dissertation applies to were
claried with respect to two dierent task classication taxonomies. Finally, a review
of existing work on human-robot task collaborations demonstrated many systems that
adjust the robot's task behavior in response to the user's behavior and case studies
motivating the importance of social communication usage in human-robot tasks. Com-
paratively little work exists on enabling the robot to use humanlike social modalities,
particularly speech, to coordinate joint activity with a person. The contribution of this
dissertation is on producing robot feedback to coordinate and guide user behavior and
improve situational awareness during collaboration with an autonomous robot.
Chapter 3
Production of Embodied
Coordinating Social
This chapter discusses social communication production from a situated robot
and how planned coordinating communication, such as allocating a user to a
given role, is ultimately translated into physical actions executed by the robot.
It details how speech and deictic gesture were chosen as the output modalities
of choice and describes an experiment aimed at verifying robot deictic gestural
accuracy across many people.
The previous chapter presented three types of communication actions that could be em-
ployed by a robot to increase the situational awareness of a human-robot team. These
actions are planned at timescales that correspond with changes in the task state and
estimates of the user's intended action. To integrate this with the overall robot con-
trol system, including control for task performance, requires a communication executive
node that integrates with a task control node that is assumed to exist. Some communi-
cation actions, such as speech, can easily be executed while the robot is simultaneously
performing a task action, such as navigation or manipulation. If the robot is carrying
a box from one place to another, it can easily produce speech while navigating, by
playing sound from an on-board speaker. Other communication modalities may con
with sensing and actuation used to perform the task. If both arms and the head of a
humanoid robot are in use for a manipulation task, perhaps requiring sensors in the
head to be aimed at a specic target while the arms are moved to manipulate a target
object, then neither the head nor the arms could be used to issue a deictic (pointing)
gesture without compromising task performance. In other cases it may be possible to
blend task and communication actions by combining degrees of freedom that are not in
use to produce a gesture that can be correctly interpreted by a person. If the robot is
carrying something in one of its manipulators, it could still perhaps use the arm carrying
the object to make a gesture as long as the object was rmly grasped. Finally, timing
the use of these modalities is important for two reasons: 1) inappropriate timing may
make the gestures less human-like and result in interpretation diculty or dissonance
and 2) should the planned communication action change before the previous is nished
executing the robot should insert stop words or behaviors to make it clear to the user
that a transition has occurred.
The next sections discuss several types of social communication that are applicable
in co-located human-robot activity and capable of being produced by a wide variety
of robot platforms, with emphasis on speech and deictic gesture production and an
overview of other gesture types and the diculty in designing these gesture for robots.
3.1 Speech
Speech, and the coverbal gestures associated with it, is the primary means by which
people coordinate complex shared activity (Grosz and Sidner, 1986) with each other
and can be used in tasks where users are co-located or in remote presence applications.
There is a large body of work on control of dierent robots with speech (Kollar et al.,
2010) as well as work on how people use speech to coordinate joint activity with each
other (Gergle, 2006, Grosz and Kraus, 1999, Ozyurek, 2002). Speech can be used during
a collaboration to construct a plan, repair failures, issue feedback, and provide encour-
agement, among other things. The primary challenge in robot speech production is
making sure the robot says things that are helpful to the user, that they are timed cor-
rectly, and that they are combined with appropriate embodied gestures when possible.
The approach outlined in Section 4.2 generates three streams of communicative intents;
narrative feedback, role-allocative feedback, and empathetic feedback. These streams
are generated in parallel and must be processed into a nal speech action i.e., the robot
says a string of text using a text-to-speech system and this output is then multiplexed
via a queue system so each verbalization is played without interruption.
In order to convert each communicative intent into a nal speech action, the un-
derlying meaning of the intent must be considered and several phrases specied that
the robot can use to convey the selected intent. These intents are typically domain-
dependent with the exception of empathetic output, which can be produced using a
set of positive or negative feedback phrases, like \Oh no!" or \Great!" The specic
phrases can be collected either through a data collection with people performing the
task or specied by the developer considering the roles and actions used. Appropriate
phrases for each type of verbal feedback were collected by transcribing the phrases used
by people in a pilot experiment of the same task (see Section 5.3). This approach was
used on sample tasks where variations in the speech usage of a small number of teams
yielded a suitably large number of phrases for each type of feedback to prevent overly
repetitive use of phrases during a ve minute interaction with the robot. A large-scale
data collection of this type of role assignment and narration data was also conducted
by administering surveys in which users are shown a simplied diagram of the task and
asked to either describe a specic action or to command one of the collaborators to
perform a specic action (Section 5.3). This is a useful way to collect a large amount of
data on human-like verbal feedback in a given task environment as long as it is amenable
to depiction as a diagram, and yielded similar phrases with less variation as compared
to the human-human speech transcription approach.
Phrases can also be generated automatically in scenarios where the robot's actions
consist of manipulating a specic set of work objects or performing a well-dened set
of tasks in an environment. In practice, according to pilot experiments conducted on a
sample task (Section 5.3) it was found that people have some common forms of describ-
ing responsibilities as they pertain to physical objects or locations. Phrases such as \I'll
take care of...", \I've got..." and \Can you get..." followed by the name of an object
or location are commonly used. Variations on these types of phrases can be generated
by combining a list of synonyms for the relevant objects or behaviors with these generic
phrases assigning or accepting of responsibility. Empathetic feedback can also be pro-
duced in a task-agnostic manner as it only requires producing a communicative action
that expresses positive or negative characteristics. Further research beyond the scope
of this dissertation is necessary to determine the ecacy of generic phrases generated
using this method and phrases taken directly from human-human interaction.
Once a set of strings representations for each communicative intent is specied,
speech can be generated using a text-to-speech system or by prerecording the complete
set of relevant phrases. A random phrase is selected from the set of all phrases for
each communicative intent when executing the communication. The phrases for role-
allocative feedback can be readily adjusted to be more or less polite using methods
from Politeness Theory (Brown, 1987). Baseline phrases were used as collected from
a pilot study, with no attempt to make them more or less polite. All experiments
assumed that the robot's task control policy is static to avoid confounds. The phrases,
stored as text strings, are passed to a text-to-speech engine and played in real-time
during the task as triggered by the communication planning system. A speech executive
node was developed to allow multiplexing the various types of communicative feedback
without interrupting individual phrases. Communicative intents generated as the task
state changes over time are queued and played in the order received.This prevents
the phrases from being played at the same time and also leads to instances of the
robot simultaneously issuing a role-allocative communication followed immediately by
a narrative communication, for example. In practice, most phrases are a single sentence
and thus relatively short in duration, since the task state changes are dictated by task
actions that take a certain amount of time, large backups in the queue were never
encountered. At this point relevant non-verbal cues can be integrated. Visual attention
behaviors were integrated with a humanoid robot to provide visual cues to the relevant
target of a particular phrase. In general, care must be taken integrating gestures if
they employ parts of the embodiment that are also employed by the robot for task
performance, as the gestures could potentially have a negative eect on the robot's task
For example, if the role allocated at a specic point in time calls for an action a,
rather than try to describe the complete role to the person, the robot could ask the
person to perform action a at that point in time. Over time the action preferences of
the role can be elucidated to the person. This works similarly for narrative feedback
where the robot could say it is going to execute some role, r, represented by a policy
p. It could periodically describe the actions it is executing at a given time or it could
refer to the role in general if this is clear in the task context. If a task typically involves
a clear separation of duties between the team members the robot could say \I'll be the
painter" rather than the action-level phrase \I'll paint this piece". Combining speech
with coverbal behaviors like beat gestures and deixis when reference physical objects
or locations is also important in humanoids as it makes them appear more intelligent
and provides other embodied social cues for people to understand (Huang and Mutlu,
3.2 Deictic Gesture
Multi-disciplinary research from neuroscience and psychology has demonstrated that
human gesture production is tightly coupled with language processing and production
(Kelly et al., 2009, Mayberry and Jaques, 2000). There is also evidence that gestures
are adapted by a speaker to account for the relative position of a listener and can,
in some instances, substitute for speech functions. This substitution eect has been
demonstrated in deictic gestures by studying performance on a target disambiguation
task, where it is found that deictic speech combined with deictic gesture oered no
additional performance gain compared to one or the other used separately (Bangerter
and Oppenheimer, 2006, Louwerse and Bangerter, 2005).
These ndings have important implications for the eld of human-robot interac-
tion. Robots interacting with people in a shared physical environment should be able to
complement their use of verbal feedback during the course of an interaction with other
gesture types. To make this possible, it is necessary to gain an empirical understanding
of how to map well-studied human gestures to robots of varying capabilities and em-
bodiments. Specically, we are interested in identifying variables for proper production
of robot gestures, to maximize the likelihood of some desired interpretation by a person.
In general, this is dicult for the same reasons that processing natural language is dif-
cult; many gestures are context-dependent and rely on accurately estimating a mental
model of the scope of attention and possible intentions for peoples' actions given only
low-level perceptual input.
Deictic gestures, however, are largely consistent in their mapping to linguistic con-
structs, such as \that" and \there", and serve to focus the attention of observers to a
specic object or location in the environment, or perhaps to indicate an intended eect
involving such an object e.g., \I will pick up that." These characteristics, while sim-
plifying their interpretation and production, also make the gestures useful for referring
to objects and for grounding attention. Intentional analysis and timing are still chal-
lenging problems, except in the context of performing a specic pre-determined task.
Both recognition (Cipolla and Hollinghurst, 1996, Kortenkamp et al., 1996, Nickel and
Stiefelhagen, 2007, Pook and Ballard, 1996, Wong and Gutwin, 2010) and production
(Hato et al., 2010, Marjanovic et al., 1996, Sugiyama et al., 2006) of deictic gestures have
been studied in human-human, human-computer, and human-robot interaction settings.
This work adds to this eld as a step toward obtaining an empirically grounded HRI
model of deictic gestural accuracy between people and robots, with implications for the
design of robot embodiments and control systems that perform situated distal pointing.
A study of the literature on human deictic pointing behavior suggests a number of
possible variables that could potentially aect the robustness of referent disambiguation,
i.e., accurately pointing at a desired target, when having a robot employ deictic gestures.
The physical embodiment of the robot constrains the appearance of the part of the
robot used for pointing. Pointing with a blunt or irregularly shaped object has lower
resolution than a sharp, pointed object with a clear vector interpretation (Bangerter,
2004, Matari c and Pomplun, 1998). It has also been shown that people take into account
the position and orientation of their audience when staging a gesture in order to improve
the audience's interpretation (Ozyurek, 2002); this consideration of audience perspective
is even a core concept in hand-drawn (Lasseter, 1987) and computer animation (Thomas
et al., 1995). Assuming mobility, a robot could also relocate or reorient itself relative
to its audience or to the referent target to improve viewer's interpretation accuracy.
Figure 3.1: The PR2 mobile manipulator attempting to produce a \step back" gesture.
Producing gestures on a robot platform that was not designed with this purpose in mind
is a dicult problem and currently requires skilled hand animation.
Other considerations beyond physical variables include parameterizing the timing
and appearance of the gesture itself. People in most cases attempt to minimize eort
when performing deixis and thus do not tend to make maximally expressive gestures
unless necessary, such as when an object is far away (Bangerter, 2004). Most robots,
however, point without accounting for distance to the target by using a more or less
constant arm extension or head gaze that is reoriented appropriately (Mutlu et al.,
2009). Finally, since the gesture is grounded with respect to a specic referent in
the environment, the robot must be able to correctly segment and localize visually
salient objects in the environment at a similar granularity to the people with whom it
is interacting. Biologically inspired methods to assess and map visually salient features
and objects in an environment exist (Itti et al., 1998, Walther et al., 2010), as do models
of human visual attention selection (Desimone and Duncan, 1995), but the role of visual
saliency during deictic reference by a robot is largely uninvestigated.
3.3 Other Gesture Modalities
Besides deixis, other gesture modalities could be used to issue feedback from the robot
to the person during the course of a joint activity. The other types of gestures com-
monly used by people in interactions include iconic, metaphoric, emblematic and beat
gestures (McNeill, 2008, Mehrabian, 1977). Iconic gestures are closely related to spe-
cic linguistic terms and used to illustrate concrete concepts, such as moving one's hand
up and down in a hammering motion to indicate a hammer. Metaphoric gestures are
similarly used to illustrate abstract concepts such as presenting an idea with an open
hand. Emblematic gestures have well-dened accepted meanings but may be culturally-
dependent such as a thumbs-up gesture, which is interpreted to mean \all is well" in
the United States, despite having the opposite meaning in other cultures. Finally, beat
gestures are produced coverbally and used in a rhythmic manner while speaking and
are associated with various conversational cues.
Since people working in teams benet from shared visual information (Kraut et al.,
2003), enabling the robot to use these additional gestures might improve teamwork.
Unfortunately, producing these types of gestures on a robot can be quite dicult and is
highly-dependent on the robot's embodiment. Robots designed with a specic purpose
besides producing coherent social gesture, such as the Willow Garage PR2 in Figure 3.3
designed to be a mobile manipulation platform, may lack the degrees of freedom nec-
essary to produce certain gestures in a way that will be readily understood. Besides
production diculties and issues with cross-person and cross-cultural interpretation,
there is also the problem of correctly selecting the gestural repertoire of the robot with
respect to the task. As an example, since iconic gestures are directly related to physical
concepts, such as the work items or other objects in the environment, they are depen-
dent on the task domain. Similarly, although emblematic and metaphoric gestures have
meanings independent of the task-domain, their use is dependent on the concepts the
Figure 3.2: Bandit pointing with its (a) head; (b) straight-arm; (c), bent-arm; and (d)
and head+arm.
robot is trying to convey and thus they may not be applicable in all scenarios. For
these reasons, deictic gestures were selected as a promising means for coverbal gesture
production that are useful in a wide variety of task settings. We performed a detailed
analysis of robot deictic gesture production to verify the stability of the interpretation
by people under a number of conditions.
3.4 Evaluating Human Interpretation of Robot Deictic
We performed a factorized IRB-approved experiment over three robot pointing modali-
ties: the head with 2 degrees-of-freedom (DOF), the arm with 7 DOF, and both together
(i.e., head+arm) with two saliency conditions: a blank (or non-salient) environment and
an environment with several highly and equally visually salient targets, using an upper-
torso humanoid robot (Bandit). For an overview of the robot pointing gestures consult
Figure 3.4. The results, particularly the modality condition, may be specic to Bandit,
but a similar, smaller, test with a human performing the pointing gestures was also
conducted for comparison.
3.4.1 Study Design
In the experiments, the participant was seated directly facing Bandit from a distance
of 6 feet (1.8 meters). The robot and the participant are separated by a transparent,
acrylic screen measuring 12 feet by 8 feet (2.4 by 3.6 meters) (see Figure 3.4.1). The
screen, thus, covered a horizontal eld of view from approximately -60 to 60 degrees
and a vertical eld of view -45 to 60 degrees. Two screen conditions were tested, one
in which the screen was blank (the non-salient condition), and another in which salient
objects were placed on the screen at target locations. This was to test to see if the
participants exhibited a tendency bias perceived referents towards salient objects. The
robot performed a series of deictic gestures and the participant was asked to estimate
the referent location on the screen. All gestures were static and held indenitely until
the participant estimated a location, at which point the robot returns to a home loca-
tion (looking straight forward with its hands and its sides) before performing the next
gesture. Participants were given a laser pointer to mark their estimated location for
each gesture. These locations were recorded using a laser rangender, which was placed
facing upwards at the base of the screen. For each gesture, an experimenter placed a
ducial marker over the indicated location, which was subsequently localized using the
rangender data within approximately 1 cm. The entire experiment was controlled via
a single Nintendo Wiimote, with which the experimenter could record marked locations
and advance the robot to point to the next referent target.
Figure 3.3: The experimental setup showing a participant indicating the perceived
location of the Bandit robot's referent target with a laser pointer among a set of salient
The face-to-face nature of the experiment, as shown in Figure 3.4.1, was chosen
intentionally although other work in gesture perception (Bangerter and Oppenheimer,
2006) has tested human deictic pointing accuracy when the pointer and the observer are
situated more or less side-by-side, observing a scene. In our work, and in most human-
robot interaction settings the robot is typically facing the participant, rather than side-
by-side, which, in terms of proxemics, is more likely to occur when coordinated motion
and interaction are concurrent (e.g., the robot and human walking together while an
interaction is taking place (Desimone and Duncan, 1995)). For this reason, our design
tests the face-to-face scenario, since it is more applicable to the types of proxemic
congurations we have tended to encounter during our prior work
3.4.2 Participants
A total of 30 runs of the experiment were conducted, with 17 (12 female, 7 male) par-
ticipating in the non-salient condition and 12 (7 male, 5 female) participants in the
salient condition. In total, approximately 3600 points were estimated and recorded (Ta-
ble 3.1 for a breakdown by condition). The conditions are close to equally weighted
with the exception of the non-salient arm-only and head+arm conditions, which was
done initially to allow for comparison of the cross-body versus away-from-body arm ges-
tures. Participants were recruited from on-campus sources and all were undergraduate
or graduate students at the University of Southern California from various majors. The
participants were roughly age- and sex-matched with an average age of 20. The data
collected for each run included a log le recording the desired target on the screen (i.e.,
the desired location the robot should have pointed to), the actual target on the screen
for each modality (i.e., the location the robot actually pointed to), and the perceived
point as indicated by the participant and recorded by the laser rangender. We also
captured timing data for each point and video of the sessions taken from a camera
mounted behind and above the robot.
Data Counts Per Experimental Condition
Head Arm Head+Arm
Non-salient 565 1175 298
Salient 800 801 811
Table 3.1: Samples collected in the deixis experiment for each condition; arm is over-
represented in the non-salient condition to compare away-from-body and cross-body
3.4.3 Hypotheses and Outcome Measures
Given the large number of possible variables when considering how to best reference, via
gesture, a point in the environment with a particular robot embodiment, we conducted
an initial pilot study to test distance and angle to target, distance and angle to audience,
and modality for a face-to-face interaction between a person and our upper-torso hu-
manoid robot, Bandit. No strong correlations emerged in early testing, so we narrowed
the set of conditions and hypotheses. The conditions tested include head (Figure 3.4a),
away-from-body, straight arm (Figure 3.4b), cross-body, bent arm (Figure 3.4c), and
combined head and arm (Figure 3.4d). Modality
Hypothesis 1: The straight-arm modality will lead to more accurate perception
since, when fully extended, it is the most expressive and easily interpreted as a
vector from the robot to the screen.
Hypothesis 2: Away-from-body, straight arm (Figure 3.4b) gestures will be
easier to interpret than cross-body bent-arm (Figure 3.4c) gestures, since it is
staged in front of the robot's body rather then laterally (Lasseter, 1987, Thomas
et al., 1995).
Hypothesis 3: The head modality will have a higher error rate since Bandit's
head does not have movable eyes, leading to an ambiguous point of reference.
Hypothesis 4: Using both modalities together will reduce error relative to a
single modality, since participants have two gestures on which to base the estimate. Saliency
Hypothesis 5: In the salient condition, the salient objects will aect people's
interpretations of the points, given that people exhibit a tendency to to the salient
objects (Itti et al., 1998), thus reducing error for points whose targets were on or
near markers.
Hypothesis 6: There will not be a signicant dierence in the performance of
each pointing modality when comparing the salient and non-salient conditions.
3.4.4 Results
A two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) of the resulting data was performed with
modality and saliency as the independent factors. Both were found to have signicant
eects on the angular error between perceived and desired target points as well as on
perceived and actual target points (Table 3.2). Additionally, the interaction eects
between the modality and saliency factors were found not to be signicant. Mean
angular error computed from the perspective of the person and condence intervals are
shown in the graphs in Figure 3.4 and Figure 3.5. We used angular error as a metric to
eectively normalize for dierent distances to target. For comparison purposes, human
perceptual error when estimating human pointing gestures (arm or eye gaze) has been
measured to be approximately 23 degrees for people up to 2.7 meters apart (Bangerter
and Oppenheimer, 2006). We conducted post-hoc analysis using the Tukey's honestly
signicant dierences (HSD), which revealed that mean error tends to be about 1.5
degrees higher for arm points with p < 0:01, and that using both modalities tends to
outperform the arm modality in most cases with the means diering by 1.8 degrees in
the salient case and 2:0 degrees in the non-salient case with signicance of p < 0:01.
The arm alone, however, performed equally poorly in both saliency conditions.
F and P Values for 2-Way ANOVA
Condition Perceived-Desired Perceived-Actual
Saliency F = 4:53, p< 0:03* F = 11:4,p< 0:01*
Modality F = 9:6, p< 0:01* F = 5:0, p< 0:01*
Table 3.2: Results of deixis experiment ANOVA by condition.
To compare cross-body bent-arm versus away-from-body straight-arm gesture, we
looked at arm points in the non-salient case. Partitioning them into two sets, depending
on the side of the screen they were on, resulted in 450 cross-body points and 440 straight-
arm points. Conducting a one-way ANOVA with arm gesture type as the dependent
Mean pointing error
Pointing modality
Error (degrees)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Mean perception error wrt. actual target
Pointing modality
Error (degrees)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Figure 3.4: (a) Mean angular pointing error and (b) Mean angular error between per-
ceived and actual targets.
Mean perception error wrt. desired target
Pointing modality
Error (degrees)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Arm Gesture Type
Perception error (degrees)
0 2 4 6 8 10
Figure 3.5: (a) Mean angular error between perceived and desired targets and (b) Mean
angular error between perceived and desired targets for cross-body and straight-arm
Pointing modality
Duration (seconds)
4 5 6 7 8
Saliency Condition
Perception error (degrees)
0 1 2 3 4
Figure 3.6: (a) Mean time from start of pose to marking of estimated point and (b)
Mean error by saliency condition, human pointer.
variable, we nd there is a signicant dierence between the straight-arm case (M = 5:6
degrees, SD = 3:7) and the bent-arm case (M=10.4 degrees, SD=7.9) with p < 0:001
(Figure 3.6a). We also obtained similar results when conducting a full 3-way ANOVA
with the other two conditions, although there were interactions between some of the
factors in addition to signicant main eects, likely due to the high variance in arm
To assess whether the accuracy of the other modalities varied with angle to target,
we rst t a linear regression model with angular error as the dependent variable and
the desired target as the independent variable. The resulting model did not perform
well upon cross validation suggesting that the error was nonlinear in nature. To cope
with the nonlinearity, we then binned points by angle to target in 9 uniform intervals
covering the extent of the screen. We then performed an n-way ANOVA with target x
and y coordinates as a conditional factor, and found that the head-only and head+arm
−1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0
0 5 10 15
Actual pointing error vs. target x
Target x (meters)
Head Arm Both
−1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0
0 5 10 15
Mean perception error wrt. desired target vs. target x
Target x (meters)
Angular error (degrees)
−1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0
0 5 10 15
Mean perception error wrt. actual target vs. target x
Target x (meters)
0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
0 5 10 15
Mean pointing error vs. target y
Target y (meters)
Head Arm Both
0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
0 5 10 15
Mean perceptual error wrt. desired target vs. target y
Target y (meters)
Angular error (Degrees)
0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
0 5 10 15
Mean perceptual error wrt. actual target vs. target y
Target y (meters)
Figure 3.7: (a) Mean angular error with respect to horizontal target position as seen
from the participant's perspective and (b) Mean angular error with respect to vertical
target position as seen from the participant's perspective.
conditions were signicantly better (p < 0:001) in the center of the screen with error
increasing about halfway to the edge before leveling out. These eects were largely
symmetric for the head-only and head+arm conditions. The arm-only condition, as
described above, was asymmetric and was signicantly worse in almost all cases except
for the middle of the left side of the screen corresponding to away-from-body straight-
arm points. Finally, all modalities tended to result in more erroneous estimates in the
lower extreme of the screen. Figure 3.7a depicts a smoothed cubic t to the entire
dataset for each modality with respect to target x-coordinates and Figure 3.7b with
respect to the target y-coordinates. Each is pictured from the participant's perspective,
meaning cross-arm gestures correspond to the right side of the horizontal graph. The
average time taken to estimate each point was nearly a second faster in the non-salient
case (M=6.6, SD=2.6) than in the salient case (M=5.8, SD=2.3). This eect was found
to be signicant withp< 0:001, while there was no signicant dierence for the modality
conditions (see 3.6a).
For the human pointing phase of the experiment, we collected a total of 70 data
points from two participants. While this is not a considerable amount of data and
should include more participants before drawing conclusions, we did nd a signicant
(p< 0:09) eect when comparing the two saliency conditions. For the salient condition
(M=2.23, SD=2.46), the error was small enough that both the pointer and the observer
were able to \hit" all the salient targets, while the non-salient condition (M=3.74,
SD=2.74) resulted in a 60% increase in error, as noted in Figure 9. When plotting the
error versus intended referent x-coordinate, note that points directed at the center of the
screen tend to result in lower perception error than points directed between the center
and the periphery. Overall, the error in estimating human-produced points appears to
have a similar prole to that of the robot-produced points; however, more investigation
is necessary.
In the responses to the survey, participants in the non-salient condition estimated
that their points were within an average of 28 centimeters (11 inches); this is very close
to the mean error of 27 centimeters we found in practice. There was no signicant dier-
ence between participants' estimated error when comparing across the two conditions.
Pointing with the head-only and with the head+arm were preferred by the majority of
the participants, with only 4 (or 16%) stating a preference for the arm modality. When
asked if there was a noticeable dierence in straight-arm points versus the bent-arm,
65% said there was with the remainder not seeing a dierence. Ten out of 12 (or 83%)
of the participants in the salient condition said that the markers would have an eect
on their estimate of the referent target.
3.4.5 Discussion
The mean error, as computed (using the perceived point and the desired target points),
tells us how close to a desired target (either a randomly chosen one in the non-salient case
or one of the markers in the salient case) the robot was actually able to indicate. The
performance of the head-only in the salient condition is improved by approximately 1
degree, the arm-only is not appreciably dierent, and head+arm exhibits only a modest
gain. This suggests that the snap-to-target eect that we expected to see when salient
objects were introduced is modest at best, resulting in a best-case improvement of
approximately 1 degree. This is also seen when we consider the mean perceived-actual
error and nd that nearly every condition is slightly more accurate. This suggests that
participants estimate the referent to be closer to the actual point the robot is physically
indicating than the nearest salient object. This could be potentially useful because it
allows us to consider pointing without having to assess scene saliency beforehand. That
is, if we have not specied the referential target of a point a priori, through some other
means, such as verbal communication or previous activity, people tend to evaluate the
point in an ad hoc manner by taking their best guess. When disambiguating referents,
if there are unknown salient objects in the environment, we can anticipate their eects
on the perception of a given gesture to be small enough in most cases that a precise
point to our actual target should suce to communicate the referent.
As we hypothesized, the modalities did result in dierent pointing accuracy proles.
When considering modalities, pointing with the head+arm does appear to perform
appreciably better than either the arm-only or the head-only, in most cases. One possible
explanation of this is that it more closely emulates typical human pointing, in which
people tend to align arm gestures with their dominant eye (Bangerter and Oppenheimer,
2006), or that multiple modalities provide more diverse cues that indicate the referential
target resulting in better priming of the viewer to interpret the gesture. The poor
performance of the arm in the salient condition was also somewhat unexpected. This
might be due to its higher actual error compared to the head, which we discovered
to be related to a small dead-band created in the Bandit rmware that can become
compounded over each joint in the arm, resulting in poor overall performance. Another
source of the error could be use of the cross-body arm gesture, which, while equally
weighted, resulted in nearly twice the perceptual error as compared to the away-from-
body arm. This might be a result of the reduced length of the arm, which forces people
to estimate the vector based on only the forearm versus the entire arm as in the away-
from-body case. Another explanation is that the gesture is staged against the body,
that is, with minimal silhouette and is, thus, more dicult for people to see. In either
case, roughly one-third of the participants did not notice a dierence in the arm gestures
while their performance was, in fact, aected. This illustrates the impact that gesture
and embodiment design can have on interpretation, and underscores the need to validate
gestural meaning with people.
When considering the horizontal and vertical target position analyses, we see that
people are best at estimating points directly between the participant and the robot.
Performance then drops o when the target is located laterally, above, or below. This
eect could be due to a eld-of-view restriction, preventing the viewer from seeing
both the robot's gesture and the target at the same time in high acuity, foveal vision.
Estimating these points then requires the viewer to saccade their head between the two
points of interest. We believe the slight improvement at the far periphery for some of
the modalities is due to the fact that we informed participants that the points would
be on the screen, thus, creating a bound for points near the screen edges.
The results of our smaller-scale investigation of human pointing did nd that the
salient condition resulted in approximately 1.5 degrees less error than in the non-salient
condition, which is consistent with our nding using the robot pointer. Also, the 2-
degree perceptual accuracy that we found when testing a human pointer seems to agree
with prior study of people conducted in relevant literature. It is also worthy of note
that, although the deictic pointing performance of the robot is several times worse than
what we saw in the human experiment or would expect from literature, we can use
the estimate of our resolving power (i.e., the minimum angle between referents that we
could hope to convey) to inform controller design and ensure that the robot re-positions
itself or gets close enough to prevent these eects. The salient condition also resulted
in a 16% increase (or approximately 1 second) in time needed to estimate the gesture.
This is intuitive, as the participants were presented with more stimuli in the form of the
salient objects and, thus, take some extra time to ground the point, possibly checking
to see if it is coincident with any objects rst. This information could be useful in
developing methods for eective timing control.
3.5 Summary
In this chapter several modalities for physically instantiating planned coordinating ab-
stractions using a physical robot were discussed with emphasis on speech and deictic
gesture use. Strategies for handling timing and observability issues using a system of
queuing and ller word insertion were presented. A study of the accuracy of human per-
ception of robot-produced deictic gestures including arm-only, head-only and combined
head and arm gestures was presented demonstrating that robot deictic gestures can be
used to disambiguate targets but are likely less accurate than their human-produced
counterparts. The dierence in performance of the various modalities motivates mod-
eling and accounting for pointing inaccuracy during gesture production to ensure the
clarity of the robot's intended referential target to on-lookers.
Chapter 4
Approach to Coordinating Social
In this chapter the task representation is presented as well as the approach for
modeling user activity using the notion of roles and planning social communica-
tion from the robot to the person during task performance including narrative,
role-allocative, and empathetic communication.
The main contribution of this work is in the area of planning and execution of robot
coordinating communication actions during collaborative task execution. Coordinating
communication in a collaborative task can take many forms, depending on the modalities
used (speech, embodied gestures, pre-determined commands, etc.), the time-scale over
which the coordination occurs (every atomic action, major sub-tasks, or extended task
trajectories in the case of repeated/recurring tasks), and the specicity of the communi-
cation with the task. This dissertation focuses on using explicit verbal communication
to issue relevant coordinating social communication. This is in contrast to more im-
plicit signaling mechanisms, such as adjustments to the robot's task performance or
anticipatory action.
The goal of the approach is to plan coordinating social behavior that will improve
the situational awareness of the robot's teammate during the course of a joint activity.
Through this improved situational awareness, the approach seeks to guide the person to
better decision-making and increased performance by reducing the idle time that results
from the person's uncertainty of the robot's beliefs and intentions. More specically, by
providing verbal feedback based on the team's performance of the task the work aims
to improve the situational awareness of the user. This is complementary to existing
approaches that adjust the task performance of the robot to allow it to better interleave
its actions with those of a teammate. In addition to adjusting the robot's behavior in
response to the person's action, a methodology for providing explicit verbal feedback
can also play an important role in mediating human-robot joint activities by supporting
human-like coordination methods such as speech. This approach to communication
opens up some interesting possibilities in adjustable autonomy that allow for a robot
to guide an interaction by explicitly telling a user what to do or to provide implicit
feedback, allowing a user more
exibility in action selection. These types of interactions
are applicable in teaching or coaching scenarios in which the robot guides the person to
a desired goal through a combination of physical task performance and verbal feedback
as well as more traditional collaborative work scenarios.
As noted in in Section 1.2.2, social science literature indicates many types of hu-
man communication behavior that a collaborative robot could make use of, including
attentional cues to indicate an area of focus, staging actions to maximize shared visual
information, gestural and speech cues indicating intentional goals or instructions, and
coaching actions such as feedback, encouragement, and empathetic displays to build
team rapport. Based on a review of the relevant social science literature covering
human-human collaborations, observations of person-person task collaborations in our
experimental setting, and the capabilities of the robot systems currently available, this
work focuses on using speech as the primary form of coordinating communication. The
approach involves the combination of three robot communication components: 1) the
robot's self-narration of its activities, 2) role allocation suggestions for the user, and 3)
empathetic displays when positive and negative events occur. This combination pro-
vides a balance of information aimed at improving the human collaborator's situational
awareness. The second component, oering suggestions to the user, is particularly inter-
esting because it informs the user that the robot is monitoring the user's progress and
evaluating the world from their perspective and allows the robot to potentially in
the joint decision making of the team.
In order to achieve these goals, the task control and communication approach con-
sists of three constituent components (shown in the system diagram in Figure 4.1):
The task control component of the approach is responsible for enabling the robot to
actively participate in performance of the task (shown in dark green in Figure 4.1). Few
restrictions are placed on this system, as the representation of roles used to generate
communication is compatible with tasks represented as Markov decision processes.
The following sections describe how the approach can be applied to a broad range
of cases in which Markov-based task representations are used, such as full multi-agent
MDPs with a joint policy, hierarchical models, and partially-observable environments.
Since the work is focused on producing social behavior, it aims to be compatible
with a range of MDP-based task models and policy representations. Even if the robot's
behavior is suboptimal for a given task, the approach should at least generate com-
munication that is consistent with the robot's behavior and assists the user in making
coordinated decisions during the task. Users' evaluations of the entire robot system are
dependent on what the robot does and what the robot says. Since these components are
not easily separable, the evaluation of the work is conducted using a control component
that competently performs parts of the task and is designed to assess the eect of the
Figure 4.1: A brief over of the major components of the approach including the user pol-
icy recognition system, the communication planner with three types of communicative
intents and the communication realizer.
coordinating communication through user studies. The robot's controller is assumed to
monitor sensor input and decides which of a set of discrete actions is best for the robot
to take over time. These discrete actions are then executed by the robot by employing
one or more lower-level controllers.
4.1 Human-Robot Task Representation
The approach is comprised on three main components: the user role recognition compo-
nent, the communication planning component, and the communication realizer. These
components require as input a stream of recognized user actions and information about
the current task state. Each component is described in detail below.
Human activity modeling and recognition: This component of the approach
is responsible for tracking and recognizing intentional human behavior over time (Fig-
ure 4.1). It is necessary to explicitly model the person's behavior so that eective
communicative actions can be planned in expectation of future robot and user action.
This component takes the output of whatever sensing systems are available to the robot
and recognizes the performance of each of a set of discrete actions, given a priori,
that are assumed to be available to the person. There are existing approaches to seg-
menting, recognizing, and modeling human activity in various contexts as surveyed in
Section 4.2. In this work a simplied methodology was developed to serve these pur-
poses in the experimental task settings employed for evaluation, although the work can
also be integrated with and improved by state-of-the-art recognition and task planners.
The user action recognition methodology used in the experimental evaluations of the
approach are relevant to task settings where objects can be reliably tracked and are
suitably separated and distinguishable with high accuracy.
There are existing approaches to segmenting, recognizing, and modeling human ac-
tivity in various contexts. In most real-world environments there are manageable subsets
of objects or features that will play a role during performance of the task. Thus con-
structing an environmental map involves tracking a subset of key objects throughout
the collaboration. This could be accomplished with a tailored detection system for a
specic task domain or could be accomplished via some unsupervised activity segmen-
tation and recognition process, wherein the system observes someone performing the
task while tracking salient features and infers what is important for each segment of the
activity (Hamid et al., 2009, Kirsh, 1995). In cluttered or partially observable environ-
ments multiple robots can be used to provide better monitoring of the task space and
the robots' human teammates.
As high-delity person detection and tracking methods become more capable and
corresponding sensing technologies, such as the Microsoft Kinect, improve in perfor-
mance, tracking a person's actions in a room or building-type environment becomes
increasingly viable. As the approach relies on the recognition of distinct task actions, it
is expected that the work could be integrated with, and improved by, a state-of-the-art
human action recognition system.
Communication planner and executive: This component of the approach is
responsible for planning various types of coordinating social communication during the
course of the task (Figure 4.1). This takes as input a stream of recognized human
actions as well as information from the robot task execution component, including the
policy that the robot is currently executing, and generates three types of communicative
intents: 1) narrative feedback about the robot's action, 2) role-allocation suggestions
for the robot's teammate, and 3) empathetic feedback when large positive and negative
transitions occur. These communicative intents are symbolic; for instance, a role alloca-
tive intent might be to assign the user to a specic role. These must then be realized
in the form of actual robot behavior including speech and gesture. This process is per-
formed by a communication realizer, which receives streams of communicative intents
and plays them sequentially from a queue to prevent incomplete playback.
The coordination problem is formulated as follows. First, the robot represents the
task as a Markov decision process (MDP) to plan its actions. The task model is dened
as follows: M
= S
;T;R, where S
is the nite state of the environment,
is the set of task actions the robot can execute,T is a function giving a probability
distribution over states for executing a given action in a given state, and R is a reward
for each state. In most tasks the state will consist of a set of random variables S =
g that each take on a set of discrete values and describe relevant
world state information for conducting the task. These types of models were selected as
the basis for the approach because they have been studied extensively (Kaelbling et al.,
1996, Shani et al., 2013) and provide many useful properties for planning communication
related to task performance.
This task formulation has also been successfully used previously to conduct a human-
robot task collaboration without communication (Nikolaidis and Shah, 2013). The dis-
advantage to this approach is that the user's activity is not modeled directly. In this
case, the transition function captures the robot's uncertainty due to changes the human
collaborator might make in the environment in addition to the traditional sources in
single-agent activity such as sensor or motor noise or other uncertainty. This may be
sucient for some human-robot collaboration settings, where the user ends up follow-
ing a stationary policy in the robot's model. Since the user does not share the same
underlying representation of the environment as the robot, the user's behavior may not
appear consistent and predictable to the robot. Another disadvantage of not having a
direct model of the user's behavior is that uncertainty in the transition function comes
from both environmental and human sources. This combination makes it an inadequate
basis for planning communication actions that specically relate to reasoning about
what the user is doing.
The work in this dissertation also assumes that the robot is an active participant
in the task and has a policy mapping the robot's states to actions
: S ! A.
Since the primary goal is to produce coordinating social behavior from the robot that
clearly conveys the robot's goals, few restrictions are placed on the policy used. This
policy could be manually developed or learned from data and is not required to be
optimal, although it should result in the robot providing the user with some assistance
during the task, i.e., the robot should be an active collaborator. In later sections,
application of the approach in scenarios where the robot is permitted to learn the task
and communication at the same time are detailed. Given a policy and the model of
the task, the goal of the approach is to generate coordinating social communication
that explicates the robot's behavior and allocates actions to the person that will be
benecial to the team. A complete overview of the components required for a complete
instantiation of the approach is show in Figure 4.1. A description of the approach
assuming a fully-observable environment follows with a demonstration of how these
constraints can be relaxed in Section 4.5.
Figure 4.2: A system diagram showing the interaction of the components of the approach
with human activity tracking in green, robot task planning in pink, robot communica-
tion planning in blue, and external input and output modules in orange and purple,
4.2 Representing and Recognizing Human Activity
In order to formalize useful communication from the robot to the person, rst a denition
formal denition of the human construct of roles needs to be established within the task
model and a mechanism for planning coordinating social communication actions. The
goal is for the robot to provide verbal feedback to its collaborating partner: toward that
end the approach focuses on communicating intended action via the mechanism of roles.
People use explicit and implicit roles in team activity and other organized behavior. For
example, if a group of people is tasked with assembling a wooden box, they might assign
a sawing role, a hammering role, and a painting role that dierent people assume during
the course of the activity. Although no formal denition of human role use exists and
the mechanisms by which people partition a given activity into a set of roles are typically
described informally (Smith et al., 2001), the following observations can be made given
the types of task environments under consideration:
First, roles are used by people to limit the scope of their responsibility during an
activity. Intuitively, a person playing a particular role will have a set of actions
expected of them in certain situations that might be completely dierent from a
person playing a dierent role.
Second, these responsibilities may consist of more than one discrete action, typi-
cally involving work objects.
Third, people can change roles during the course of an interaction.
Given these requirements for the role representation, the roles that the person can
assume during the task modeled as a set of policies,
. This set of
policies is domain-dependent and not assumed to be optimal or otherwise sucient,
when executed alone, for solving the task. Rather, the policies in the set are a means of
quantifying the user's likely behavior during task performance, and of grouping related
actions according to the roles people perform them in for a given task. A distribution,D,
is maintained over , based on the likelihood that the user is executing each policy and
updated by observing state transitions over time, inferring user actions, and reweighting
policies that agree. For ease of explanation, these roles are assumed to be dened over
the same state and action space employed by the robot (see Section 4.5 for relaxation
of this requirement).
The process of generating coordinating communication proceeds as follows: 1) the
user's role usage is inferred from recognized actions over time, 2) given the robot's
policy, the inferred user role, and task state information communicative intents for each
of the three types of communicative feedback are produced, and 3) verbal feedback and
corresponding embodied gesture is executed to convey the communicative intent to the
4.2.1 User Policy Recognition
To accurately infer the role, r 2 , that best describes the user's action selection
preferences, it is assumed the robot has access to some means of user action recognition.
Specically, it needs to know when an agent (person or robot) takes an action a2A at
timet. Human action segmentation and recognition is a challenging open problem with
relevant existing work from computer vision Hamid et al. (2009). A heuristic action
recognition system that makes use of this representation of the state of the task as a
set of discrete features:
S =fX
. In order to execute its policy in a fully observable environment, the robot must take
sensor input and determine the value of each random variable so that it can determine
the current state. Given this capability, some of the X
can be directly associated with
actions that the agents can take, while others are consequences of the environment. For
example, if a switch must be pressed during the course of a task, then we might have
an action a2 A
called FlipSwitch and an associated random variable X
hOff;Oni, describing the state of the switch. The heuristic action recognition system
employed in this work determines the subset of:
that are associated with state changes that are attributable only to the person or the
robot. On each update, if the current inferred value of one of these variables is not
equal to its previous value, X
, it is assumed that one of the agents made the
change. The action is then attributed to the agent closest to the object at the current
time, distinguishing actions performed by the robot from those performed by the user.
This heuristic method works well in simple scenarios with straightforward mechanics,
where the physical objects and locations where specic subtasks are performed are
distinct, and when the sets of random variables are carefully selected, but does not
transfer well to all spatiotemporal actions that a person and robot might undertake.
The overall approach could benet from integration with a more principled state-of-
the-art action recognition method; this is beyond the scope of this work.
Given the stream of recognized actions, the system next attempts to recognize the
role the user is employing at the current time. This process is detailed in Algorithm
1. We rst discard all recognized actions as being taken by the robot, leaving only the
person's actions. For eacha
, we perform a Bayesian update of a multinomial
distribution over the set of role policies:
p(R =r
jA =a
) =p(A =a
jR =r
)p(R =r
The likelihood of the action being taken given a certain role r
is selected based on
whether the policy would have executed the action in the previous state, with a specied
weight, as follows:
p(A =a
jR =r
) =
; if r
; otherwise
This likelihood function accounts for the compatibility of a policy from the set of
user policies with the evidence provided by the user action recognition component. The
constants p
and p
can be obtained empirically and depend on the accuracy
of the user action recognition system used. After normalization, the inferred user role is
selected by
). This estimate of the user's role is thus based on
their action selections at previous times during the task and is dependent on individual
actions taking around the same amount of time. If this is not the case, the likelihood
of the action given the role could be expanded to include more than one past state,
with an appropriate discount factor. In our validation, the component maintains a
multinomial distribution over the set of user roles based on the likelihood that the
user is executing each policy. On each update, policies are reweighted based on their
agreement or disagreement with the recognized action.
Algorithm 4.1 User role recognition algorithm
Require: Recognized human action a
, previous state s
for all roles r =f
g do
if r(s
) =a
) = 0:95
) = 0:05
end if
end for
return arg max
4.3 Planning Robot Feedback
Based on this recognized action and the robot's own policy, three types of verbal feed-
back are generated: self-narrative, role-allocative, and empathetic. A wide range of
verbal communication could be produced to improve team coordination as reviewed in
Section 1.2.2. These feedback types were selected based on a review of the social science
literature and a textual analysis of transcriptions of human-human verbal communica-
tion in a pilot collaboration experiment described in Section 5.3 to provide a balance
of information to the person about what the robot is doing and what the robot expects
them to do and are well-supported by the task model. This mimics the mix of implicit
and explicit feedback is also used in human teams (Shah and Breazeal, 2010). Addi-
tional types of communication, such as providing salient information by highlighting
important observations, which could occur at varying levels of granularity, as well as
qualitative commentary about aspects of the task environment were also used by people
but are not supported by the communication model.
4.3.1 Self-Narrative Feedback
The simplest form of feedback to produce is self-narrative feedback, where the robot
tells the user what it is going to do, e.g., \I'll take care of X". This type of feedback is
considered implicit in that it does not require any action or acknowledgment from the
user but does imply that the next action should match well with the action that the
robot has narrated. Other work in human factors has demonstrated that people use
this type of feedback during coordination (Shah and Breazeal, 2010). It is also useful
as it provides information on what the robot is going to do via verbal channels allowing
the user to select actions they believe will work well with what the robot is about to do
next. This is particularly helpful in scenarios with non-humanoid robot embodiments,
as these typically give non-human-like cues that can make the robot's next action less
intelligible to a user. One challenge with employing self-narrative feedback lies in long-
term interactions where repeated narration may become boring or annoying to a user.
Another related concern is providing users with dierent desired levels of verbosity with
the correct amount of self-narrative feedback. In longer interactions the amount of
self-narrative feedback can be scaled back, or if the robot has learned the task reward
structure, it can selectively issue self-narrative feedback in situations where the user's
misinterpretation of the robot would lead to a greater reduced reward.
A communicative intent for each policy is available to the robot and dened as
to select a single active communicative intent based on the role the robot is executing.
To convey these communicative intents to the person, the robot has two options. It could
say a phrase indicating its role assignment, i.e., telling a user what role it will execute
during the task, or it could implicitly communicate its role assignment by providing
feedback about which actions it is executing at a given point in time, leaving the person
to infer the robot's role (policy) from this sequence of action selections. The former
case requires a mapping of roles to a set of verbal feedback phrases, V , that refer to the
correct role,f
!V , while the latter case requires a mapping of every
action to one or more verbal feedback phrases f
: A
! V . Ideally, V
will contain multiple options for each policy or action so that the robot does not use
the same redundant phrasing, which could lead to it being perceived as less intelligent,
an issue to be avoided in HRI.
The purpose of this type of self-narrative implicit feedback is to make the robot's
policy clear to the user and by extension its action selection mechanism given the current
state, assuming the user is able to understand the robot's communication. This provides
implicit guidance to the user's action selection by making the robot's course of action
Figure 4.3: An example of the eect of implicit feedback on model-based action selection.
For simplicity, the user and robots actions are combined in the transitions. If the robot
clearly conveys that it will take action a
then the user can safely select action a
without fear of reaching S
clear. In Figure 4.3.1, a scenario is depicted where the robot providing implicit feedback
can alter the user's action selection. In scenarios, where the robot has learned the task
and has value information for each state these scenarios can be detected automatically
and used to generate a self-narrative communicative intent when the decision made by
the user would change the resulting state value given combined robot and human action.
In a single-agent model this can also be simulated by considering all possible sequences
of user and robot actions and transition probabilities if available. Besides in
uencing a
user's action selection periodic implicit feedback places less burden on a user than an
explicit request since it is informational in nature and also serves to improve situational
awareness of the user.
4.3.2 Role-allocative Feedback
Role-allocative feedback is an explicit request by the robot to the user to play a particular
role during the task, i.e., that the person should change their behavior to a specic,
desired policy that better coordinates with the robot's planned course of action. If the
user is already performing the role the robot allocates this serves to reinforce the user's
selected course of action, whereas if they have selected a dierent role this serves to
guide them to a pattern of behavior that is better coordinated with the robot's selected
policy. As an explicit form of communication it places an additional expectation that
the user do what the robot says. In experimentation it has been found that people in
the synthetic tasks are very likely to follow the robot's instructions but many possible
confounds exist including the eects of novelty of the robot, the familiarity of the user
with the task, and the importance or signicance of the task beyond the experimental
As an explicit request users have the option of complying or attempting to do a
role other than the one the robot has requested. This leads to the need for adjustable
autonomy in which the robot can both communicate and adjust its task performance
in response to the user and vice versa. This type of scenario may also be amenable to
extended dialogue with the robot in which the person and robot deliberate to determine
who should do what aspects of the task. In this dissertation it is assumed that the robot's
task policy is static over time and instead focus on generating role-allocative feedback
that is sensible if complied with by the user.
To generate role-allocative feedback for the user, such as \you take care of X", the
expected next action of the user given by our recognized policy
is compared to the
robot's next action as given by the robot's policy,
. This comparison is dependent
on the type of model employed. A heuristic approach can be employed when there is no
specic information about joint action allocation i.e., pairs of optimal action for each
state. The heuristic operates on a single-agent task model and is based on the principle
of avoiding con
icting action. This approach assumes a list of discrete actions in A
that would con
ict in some way if executed by the robot and person at the same time.
Given the policies of each agent, a check is made to see if they are expected to execute
the same action given the current state. If this action is in the set of con
icting actions,
an alternate role from
is selected for the user to do that is not con
icting, as
detailed in Algorithm 2.
This heuristic approach can be improved upon if the robot has a more complete
model of the task with access to a reward signal. The role-allocation suggestions for
the robot should only make suggestions to the user when they are executing a policy
that is clearly suboptimal and it should suggest actions that progress the task further,
instead of simply avoiding actions that are in con
ict. To formulate intelligent user role
suggestions, the communication planner must have information about the best action
for the person to take a given point in time. A more formal approach can be used to
compute role-allocation suggestions, by employing a technique such as q-learning on the
task model and joint robot and user action set. This yields a set ofq values dened over
] where we can compare the user's probable next action based on the
recognized user policy and select an alternate policy that matches the learned optimal
action for the current state. If the user's recognized role matches the intended target
allocation, a reinforcing action can be optionally issued indicating they have selected
the right action according to the robot's model of the task. This assumes that the user
and robot actions are both dened in the same state space and that both the user and
the robot are taking action at similar time-scales.
The approaches described above result in a communicative intent that assigns the
user to a given role:
To convey this role to the user the system must ultimately generate some verbal feedback
that conveys the requested allocation to the user in terms they can understand. The
phrases for role-allocative feedback have similar requirements to those in the narrative
feedback case. Specically, we require a function mapping roles (or alternatively actions)
to a set of verbal feedback phrases that the robot can say f
: ! V . It
should be noted that, at this step, the robot could proactively perform the better action
instead of recommending that the user do it. For our initial experiments, we do not
consider this option, but assume the robot's policy is stationary.
Algorithm 4.2 Alternative role-allocation suggestions
Require: Person and robot policies
, current state s 2
if a
and Con
) then
for all roles r =f
g do
alternatives fg
if (r(s)6=a
) or
not Con
) then
append r to alternatives
end if
end for
return alternatives
return fg
end if
4.3.3 Empathetic Feedback
Empathetic feedback, in which the robot makes a positive or negative statement in
response to favorable or unfavorable changes in the task, is another form of implicit
communication that serves to alert the user to the robot's interpretation of the current
situation. People employ this form of communication to build rapport and situational
awareness by alerting others to potential problems or other outcomes that might change
further task planning. In the human-robot case it serves a similar purpose and can also
be thought of as a reward signal issued by the robot, letting the user know the robot's
assessment of the team's performance.
One approach to generating empathetic feedback, employed in the work is to monitor
for specic state transitions in the task model that typically trigger people to issue
an empathetic display. When such a transition occurs, we generate an appropriate
communicative intent in the form of either a positive or negative expression (e.g., \Oh
no!" or \Great!"). This approach maps specic transitions to communicative intents,
e.g., f(s;s
) = c2 C
. By mapping specic state transitions to instance of
empathetic feedback, these may also include more specic expressions of empathy, such
as a description of what exactly went right or wrong. This more specic feedback, may
aect users' subjective opinions of the intelligence of the robot as it identies not only
that a fault was detected but also what went wrong, leading people to conclude the
robot has a higher-level understanding of the task.
Another approach that can be applied in certain scenarios where the robot is ac-
tively learning the task, and consequently has access to a reward signal, is to monitor
the execution of the task and issue empathetic feedback when a fault or large change
occurs. Existing work on monitoring execution and fault detection in these types of
models exists (Pettersson, 2005). It is important that the robot match people's policies
for producing empathetic feedback, requiring an appropriate threshold for triggering a
positive or negative empathetic display. This can be calibrated by observing people
perform the task and annotating such displays. Further investigation beyond the scope
of this dissertation is needed to determine the ecacy of this approach and the impact
of human-like empathetic displays in coordinating task collaborations.
4.4 Communication Executive
After a communicative intent is planned, the robot must then execute a social communi-
cation gesture using a combination of speech and embodied gesture to convey the intent
to the user reliably. To generate an audio le, either pre-recorded or via a text-to-speech
system, the exact content of the robot's verbalization that should be spoken aloud to
the person is needed. To avoid repetitive use of the same phrase, which could lead to the
robot being perceived as less intelligent (Torrey et al., 2013), a set of equivalent phrases
is required for each action that can be played at random and ensure some variability
in the robot's speech usage. If the robot has an expressive embodiment these speech
actions can be combined with co-verbal gesture to make the robot easier to understand.
Production of nonverbal behavior is a challenging problem that has been studied ex-
tensively in the embodied conversational agents community (Lee and Marsella, 2006).
Existing robots are not currently capable of producing humanlike nonverbal behavior as
they may have a reduced number of degrees of freedom, especially with respect to facial
expression, or non-humanoid form factors. In Section 3.1 the approach for translating an
abstract communicative intent into embodied speech is presented, followed by analysis
and a study of particular gesture types and their use in human-robot collaboration.
4.5 Extensions of the Approach
In this section relaxations of the assumptions of the approach are assessed and applica-
bility in dierent task domains is discussed. The full extension of the approach to these
scenarios is beyond the scope of the dissertation.
Observability: In partially-observable environments the robot can use of a
POMDP, for the task model resulting in several changes to the approach. In
that case, we would instead maintain a distribution over states and perform the
requisite belief updates. All steps involving the directly observed state must be
extended to use the belief state or take the most likely underlying state.
Multiagent task models: If we are fortunate to have a multiagent MDP for-
mulation of the task, the approach algorithm can be modied to look up the
requested action for the user in the multiagent model. Given this action a com-
municative intent can be produced using the action-conveying method mentioned
in Section 4.3 or by producing a communicative intent for allocating the user to
a role in
that agrees with the joint policy, see Algorithm 4.3. The resulting
communicative intent can be handled identically to the role-allocative intents in
Section 4.3. If the user is already expected to take the correct action, the system
can optionally provide some positive reinforcement.
Algorithm 4.3 Role-allocative feedback - single-agent MDP - non-con
icting action
Require: Person and robot policies
, current state s2S
, joint action
if a
(s) then
return positive feedback
return role r in
where r(s) =a
end if
Unmodeled and unequal human-robot task capability: The rst concern
here is that the human may have capability that we did not incorporate into the
model, i.e., they can do something that the robot did not know about. This
case is not extremely problematic as we assume the robot will still take the right
actions based on the resulting state or observations after the user complete the
unmodeled action. Since we do not include the action in the task model the robot
will never ask the robot to perform it, which is not especially damaging to the
interaction. The second possibility is that a particular person cannot perform
one of the tasks that we assumed they could. In this case, if unmodied the
approach might repeatedly attempt to allocate the action to the user, despite the
person's inability to perform the task. In this case, it would be best to track user
compliance over time and adapt the role-allocative communication of the robot to
prevent this from happening.
The second concern with unequal human and robot capability occurs when the
robot action set and the person's action set are disjoint. In this case our method
for selecting non-con
icting actions fails as the robot and person can never take
the same action. This case can be handled either by using a multi-agent model
with joint policy to suggest the proper action to allocate to the person, or by
modifying the non-con
icting action comparison to check a list of tuples containing
all elements in the cross product of the robot action set and person's action set
that could potentially con
4.6 Summary
This chapter discussed the approach to generating coordinating social communication
by generating three types of communicative intents including narrative feedback, role-
allocative feedback and empathetic feedback. The requirements and a set of algorithms
for producing these intents were discussed as well as design decisions in specifying the
set of verbal phrases that the robot might use to convey each communicative intent.
Finally, consideration was given to various extensions to the approach to environments
with partial observability, dierent task structures, and areas in which the robot and
person have unequal capabilities. In the next chapter, a pilot experiment informing the
specic verbalizations employed by the robot is described as well as evaluations of the
approach in two dierent task scenarios.
Chapter 5
Evaluation of Coordinating Social
This chapter presents evaluations of the coordinating communication approach
as instatiated on two pairwise human-robot collaborative systems and evaluated
in two dierent task settings. An augmented reality task simulation environ-
ment developed to allow rapid-prototyping of dierent dynamic collaborative
tasks using overhead projectors and a depth camera-based tracking system is
described. A pilot experiment using this task simulation system and two user
studies applying the coordinating communication planning approach to two dif-
ferent task scenarios are presented. The pilot study, informs the selection of
roles and phrases used by the robot. The rst user study evaluates the human-
robot task collaboration with and without communication with a convenience
population, demonstrating an improvement in quantitative task performance.
Finally, results from a cooking task with an older adult user population in an
eldercare facility are presented.
In order to fully test a system for planning coordinating communication in the con-
text of human-robot task scenarios, the rst requirement is a robot and accompanying
low-level control systems that can reliably perform tasks in an environment co-located
with a person. Because manipulation of real objects is a challenging problem and o-
the-shelf software for performing these tasks is typically slow and requires tuning for
specic environmental factors, using these behaviors to prototype real-world tasks is
time-consuming and greatly reduces the range of possible scenarios that can be tested.
Additionally, since the robot must monitor its teammate's activity over time, a collab-
orative task involving real object manipulation presents diculties in balancing sensing
and perception of the person and the objects the robot manipulates. There is relevant
work in modeling, recognizing, and tracking human activity (Crick and Scassellati, 2008,
Hamid et al., 2009, Kirsh, 1995) that can be applied in collaborative scenarios to oer
more robust user action recognition. When applying this approach in real-world tasks,
the constraints of the task, robot, and objects used in
uence the choice of robot system
applied to the task. Although some robots are currently capable of performing some
tasks reliably, making a robot reliably perform a task even seemingly simple manipula-
tion is a dicult problem. To circumvent these restrictions and make the problem of
creating a reliable collaborative robot that can reliably perform tasks, an augmented re-
ality task simulation engine was developed. Using this simulation engine we developed
a dynamic pseudo-herding task to be performed by human-human and human-robot
teams and a simulated cooking game to be played between a person and robot on a
large touchscreen. We applied the coordinating communication approach to these sys-
tems, allowing the robot to perform the task and issue coordinating communication.
Evaluation was conducted with two target user populations through a series of user
studies designed to evaluate the ecacy of the approach by robot's communication to
improve team performance.
Figure 5.1: Diagram of the augmented reality task simulation environment with a person
and Pioneer 2 robot.
5.1 Augmented Reality Task Environment
The goal of the augmented reality task environment was to develop a challenging, dy-
namic cooperative set of tasks involving multiple people and robots, thus necessitating
the eective use of coordinating communication. The task simulator modeled the behav-
ior of multiple virtual agents and virtual objects over time. The agents were projected
onto the
oor of the room via an overhead projection system (Figure 5.1). Simulta-
neously, the system made use of environmental sensing to track people and on-board
sensing to localize robots in the shared space. By updating the simulated positions of
agents and objects, robots and people in the room were able to interact with the virtual
world through the same physical action, consisting of navigation around the room. The
environment was calibrated by assuming a rigid transformation from the virtual space
to the physical space of the room, allowing for generation of augmented sensor data,
such as laser scans, from the point of view of a physical robot in the space. A calibration
procedure for the projectors allowed for clicking four overlapping points and computing
a homography from the physical
oor of the room to the projected view. Using OpenGL
the projected output of each projector is warped, resulting in sub-pixel accurate align-
ment. Two Microsoft Kinects RGB-D sensors were mounted in the ceiling of the room
pointing downward diagonally. These were extrinsically calibrated with respect to each
other by detecting a standard calibration target in an overlapping region of the frame.
The depth sensors were calibrated to the virtual
oor of the room by placing physi-
cal markers at the corners of the projected area, allowing for accurate alignment. A
point cloud processing pipeline was developed for tracking objects in the room since the
built-in skeletal tracking did not work well for the selected mounting locations. To track
moving objects such as people in the room the generated point cloud from each Kinect
was downsampled and merged into a single cloud. Next, planes including the wall and
oor were removed from the image leaving only points at least some parameterized
distance above the ground. These points were then clustered and the resulting clusters
were tracked over time using an unscented Kalman lter assuming the number of ob-
jects to track is known a priori. The robot used in this scenario was the Pioneer 2AT
as shown in Figure 5.2a. This platform was selected due to its competent navigation
of the environment using an on-board Hokuyo laser rangender for localization and a
pre-built map of the room. Additionally, the small size of the Pioneer was benecial as
it reduced the possibility of harm in an accidental collision with the person also moving
around the environment.
This experimental setup had several advantages for conducting tasks compared with
using physical objects and/or confederate experimenters. First, it allowed for many
repeatable, dynamic agents that move autonomously in a directed or pseudo-random
manner. It also allowed for calibrating the velocity, shape, and behavior dynamics of
the simulated agents to make a given task easier or more dicult as desired. Finally,
since it does not depend on physical objects, several dierent tasks could be conducted
(a) (b)
Figure 5.2: A person and a Pioneer 2 AT robot collaborating on the pseudo-herding
augmented reality task with the virtual elements shown projected on the
oor of the
room. In a) the lock is unlocked and only one sheep is in the pen (light blue) while in
b) the robot has just nished the game by collecting the last sheep.
quickly by switching the task controller. The simulator abstracts away physical tasks
that are not the focus of this work, such as object manipulation, allowing for the study
of collaborative behavior. This is consistent with the notion of research tasks described
by Martin et al. (1998) as a systematic abstraction of a real-world task. Despite this
abstraction, the setup preserves some of the complexity of real-world environments,
such as partial observability, noise, and occlusion by augmenting the robot's sensor
data. This represents a reasonable trade-o of environmental realism for repeatable
HRI experiments and expanded task possibilities.
5.2 Pseudo-herding Task
The rst task scenario implemented in the augmented reality environment was a pseudo-
herding task in which a group of \sheep" appear from the boundary of the room over
time with a specied arrival rate in agents/minute added to the scene. The sheep moved
about exhibiting Brownian motion with simple avoidance rules and must be collected
and brought to a central holding pen. Only one sheep could be collected by an agent
at a time, hence it is pseudo-herding. To collect a sheep the agent must move to a
position overlapping the sheep. People's tracked locations were depicted by projecting
a ring around the last tracked position. After a sheep is collected it follows the person
until it is dragged inside the circular pen, at which point it drops o and stays inside.
In addition to the pen there were two timed game-play elements that count down on
a timer: a lock and a light. When the lock timer reached zero the pen unlocked and
any sheep that were captured in the pen escape and began to wander the room again,
eectively reverting any progress made to that point. When the light timer reached
zero the visibility of the projection was modied to simulate the lights going o in
the room. A stencil buer was used to draw only a circular area around each agent
with the rest of the projection blacked out. This did not aect the state of the sheep
herding but prevented users from easily nding any more wandering sheep. Each of the
timer elements were drawn with sprites indicating their current state and featured a
progress bar and color change to clearly indicate when they were about to expire. The
participants could reset the amount of time left on the timers by moving on top of the
timer object of their choosing. The task was designed to be dynamic since the sheep
move about unpredictably avoiding the users; it was divisible and loosely-coupled, since
sheep could be collected by a single individual; and it supports dierent completion
strategies such as allocating one person to maintain the timed elements or dividing the
room into dierent spatial zones. Almost all elements of the simulation including the
number, speed, arrival rate, etc. of the sheep and countdown interval of the timers were
congurable. A separate mode designed to elicit time-induced stress in participants was
developed in which the sheep have a life meter that counts down over time. When the
life meter reaches zero for a specic sheep, that sheep would disappear making it no
longer collectible and reducing the number of sheep the team can successfully collect.
The stated goal of the game, as introduced to participants, was to collect all the sheep
into the pen area as quickly as possible.
5.2.1 Application of the Approach in the Pseudo-Herding Task
Applying the approach to the pseudo-herding task required development of the task
model, robot policies, person policies, and verbal phrases specic to the herding task.
Since the environment is fully observable, the task is modeled as a Markov decision
process M
= (S
;R;T ). The state is comprised of a set of inde-
pendent random variables Sherding = fX
g. For the herding task
a state space consisting of three features is dened, X
= hhigh;low;unlockedi,
=hhigh;low;offi, and X
=htrue;falsei. Because navigation is used as
a proxy for manipulation in the augmented reality task environment, navigation ac-
tions for the robot to go to each of the work items (lock, light, pen) were developed.
Since all the sheep are equally valuable, a single navigation action is used for sheep re-
trieval in which the robot gets the sheep closest to itself. Thus the possible actions are
= (GotoLock;GotoLight;GotoPen;CollectSheep). The robot's task behavior
during the task consists of a set of policies mapping states to action :s!a. Note that
in the augmented reality environment the robot and person have the same capability
and thus share the same set of actions, A
To apply the communication approach, a set of policies that covers the set of roles
that a team of people might use to complete the task, is specied, as noted in Section 4.2.
Fitting with the assumption that roles are correlated with distinct work objects, roles
associated with each work object as well as all possible pairwise combinations are used:
P =fp
g. In the single ob-
ject policies the action in every state is the navigation action associated with the object
(s) =GotoLock. For the policies with multiple objects, action prefer-
ences are given by the following object prioritieso
, thus thep
policy will make the robot go to the light if the lock is in the high state and will go to
the lock in all other states. No three-object roles were dened since that would consist
of a single agent trying to do all parts of the task. Given the equal capability of the
robot and person for this particular task, this set of policies is used to both control
the robot and to model the person's behavior. This mapping of roles to policies was
informed by a pilot experiment in which two people performed the task together.
5.3 Study: Communication and Role-Usage in the
Pseudo-Herding Task
To inform the denition of the roles and referential phrases used to assign them in the
pseudo-herding task, a pilot study was conducted with two-agent teams collaborating
on the pseudo-herding task in the augmented reality (AR) environment including all-
person teams and human-robot teams. There were twelve total sheep in the herding task
with speeds and other parameters set to make the task challenging but not too dicult.
In addition to two-person teams four sessions were conducted with a person interacting
with a Pioneer 2AT robot, that was controlled by Wizard of Oz (WoZ) (Figure 5.3a),
in which an experimenter triggered actions from A
by hand while observing a
person do the task and listening to an audio recording of their speech from a headset
microphone. The operator was instructed to trigger the actions to best match the needs
and requests of the person performing the task. These sessions were designed to see
how the participants instructed the robot with verbal commands and how the task was
partitioned between the collaborators. To verify that the selected actions for the WoZ
interface would be compatible with the desired level of instruction given by the users,
(a) (b)
Figure 5.3: Example of the Wizard of Oz interface used by the experimenter to control
the Pioneer 2 robot during the pilot study. The control interface in a) contains buttons
to trigger each of the autonomous actions from the robot's action set and a cancel button
to stop all motion, as well as text displays for completion status and error output. In
b) the visualization of the robot, person, and simulated objects potions is depicted.
Figure 5.4: An overhead diagram of the experimental setup used when constructing the
action set of the robot. Users were presented various diagrams and asked to instruct
one of the participants what to do next.
a survey-based data collection was taken by administering surveys using an overhead
diagrammatic rendering of the experimental setup (Figure 5.3).
The action set for the robot was developed based on the feedback of 10 participants
viewing 10 slides with various task states presented, for example, a scenario with a
lock unlocked and another with a locked lock but one sheep left to be collected. In
the actual pilot experiment all users, except one, instructed the robot at a similar
level of detail, by requesting that it perform the various object-related subtasks. One
participant attempted to provide low-level navigation commands verbally by requesting
the robot move forward a particular distance and then turn left or right. This particular
user's transcripts were discarded as an outlier, since the robot was only able to perform
higher-level sub-tasks autonomously.
5.3.1 Study Design
For the human-human experiments, participants were recruited in two-person teams.
They were introduced to the task by standing outside the room and watching the ex-
perimenter perform each of the following task elements: herding a sheep, triggering the
lock, and triggering the light. They were also shown a demonstration of the conse-
quences of letting the lock timer reach zero. They were then told that the goal of the
game is to herd all of the sheep as quickly as possible. After they entered the room
it was veried that they were both being correctly tracked before they were given a
countdown, and asked to complete the task. For each group the task was performed
once with the stress condition, in which the sheep fade away and disappear after a set
length of time, and once without, with the order counter-balanced.
For the person-robot experiments, participants were introduced as above and told
that the robot could understand their speech but could not speak itself. Furthermore,
they were told that the robot knew how to do the task. The robot was operated via
Wizard of Oz (WoZ) by an experimenter listening to the participant's audio feed and
triggering the autonomous robot actions, A
via a simple button user interface.
Data collected included a record of the underlying task state, the tracked locations
of the agents (people and robot, if applicable), an audio recording of each person from a
wireless headset microphone, and video of the interaction from overhead and side-view
cameras. From these data a series of post hoc metrics were computed including idle
time, distance traveled, number of sheep collected, and number of triggers of the timer
elements. The recorded audio from each person was also manually transcribed post hoc
and quantitative measures of task performance were automatically annotated using the
recorded task state.
5.3.2 Participants
The experiment was conducted with six two-person teams and ve person-robot teams
with a Pioneer 2AT robot. In total 17 undergraduate students were recruited from the
University of Southern California to perform the task. All teams were able to understand
and perform the task.
5.3.3 Hypotheses and Outcome Measures
The following hypotheses were formulated based on an understanding of the task and
human-human collaboration:
H1: In the human-human collaborations, role use will be correlated with the
work objects (lock, light, pen, and sheep). This ts with the design goals for the
modeling of roles as discussed in Section 4.2.
H2: In the human-human collaborations, people will use other gestural cues,
including eye gaze, to conduct the collaboration.
H3: In the human-robot collaborations, people will instruct the robot to do the
task by assigning roles correlated with the work objects.
H4: The two person teams will have higher speech usage than the human-robot
teams, as people collaborating with the robot will expect it to have a more limited
verbal capability directly applicable to the task..
5.3.4 Results
In the pilot experiment, it was found that people engaged with the game with some
running around the room and others strongly reacting to negative events, such as the
sheep getting out. Conrming hypothesis H1, in the person-person condition people
largely used speech to either convey information about role allocation, with phrases
like \get the light" and \get the lock" and their variants as some of the most spoken
phrases. Another common use of speech was to express positive or negative reactions
to the team's progress through the task via empathetic responses, motivating our use
of this type of feedback by the robot. People's use of self-referential feedback to convey
their intended actions and their willingness to ask or allocate an activity to a partner in
times of need are competencies that the approach seeks to duplicate via robot feedback.
Contrary to hypothesis H2, gesture usage overall was very low with few participants
choosing to point to objects, however gaze and attentional cues appear to be crucial to
the task as people appear to monitor where others are looking and plan accordingly.
Interestingly, all but one of the two-person teams experienced at least one incidence of
the lock timer lapsing and having to restart the task.
In the human-robot case it was found that users spoke less overall and only used
speech to allocate tasks to the robot, thus neglecting to provide self-narrative feedback
about their own intentions and conrming hypothesis H4. One user attempted to
teleoperate the robot verbally using phrases like \robot, go forward", but all others used
similar intuitive phrases that corresponded well to the roles used in the human-human
case conrming hypothesisH3. Some users assigned the robot to a static position where
it triggered the lock at the beginning of the task and then proceeded to perform the
rest of the task on their own, presumably due to a desire to minimize their interaction
with a dicult-to-use robot as well as to remove the need to continually monitor and
assign it tasks. Although this is a valid strategy to complete the task, it does not take
full advantage of the robot's capability and resulted in a less equal partitioning of the
task as noted by extracted task performance metrics and distance traveled.
Figure 5.5: Bar chart showing sheep herding allocation across agents for person-person
and person-robot teams. Note the less equitable allocation of sheep herding in the
human-robot teams compared to the human-human teams.
5.3.5 Discussion
When considering usage of role-based communication a common decomposition of the
task was found across teams; although some roles described atomic actions involving
work objects, such as triggering the lock or the light, others, such as herding a sheep,
ated a series of compound actions (nding a stray sheep, catching it, and bring-
ing it back to the pen). This informal notion of roles by people performing the task
validates our selection of a policy-based representation for
exible role denitions that
support both atomic actions and sequences of actions. Most of the positive and neg-
ative qualitative feedback people employed was in reaction to one-time events in the
course of the game as opposed to evaluations of their own or other's performance over
time. Each two-person team experienced at least one event in which the timed lock
lapsed and all sheep escaped the pen. Whether this is due to the learning curve of the
task or breakdown in communication is not clear but in most cases it elicited negative
comments without assigning blame, such as \Oh no! The sheep escaped".
In the human-robot condition there was room for improvement in the task in the form
of signicant robot idle time as well as instances of the lock lapsing and reseting task
progress. An autonomous robot, even one with a static policy, that proactively takes
action during the task, could yield better task performance and would be welcomed
by users. The disparity in speech use between the human-human and human-robot
case suggests that the robot could be made a better teammate and more interesting
interaction partner by the use of coherent verbal feedback.
5.4 Study 2: Coordinating Social Communication in
Pseudo-Herding Task
This study aims to evaluate the application of the coordinating communication system
in the augmented reality environment on the pseudo-herding task with a convenience
population recruited from on-campus sources.
5.4.1 Study Design
Although the method presented for generating coordinating verbal communication is
designed to be applicable in a wide range of task settings, the following user study is
designed to evaluate the approach in a co-located human-robot task collaboration with a
convenience population as compared to a non-communicating robot. The approach was
evaluated by measuring the time to complete the pseudo-herding task in the augmented
reality environment as well as collecting subjective measures of the robot's performance
via surveys. The communicating robot was implemented as described above and com-
pared to a control, a non-communicating robot, i.e., a robot that performed the task in
an identical manner without issuing any verbal feedback. This control was selected since
few existing methods for high-level task planning integrate human feedback, making a
task-only robot a likely scenario.
A within-subjects experiment was conducted, in which each participant per-
formed the task twice, once with the communicating robot, and once with the non-
communicating one, with order of presentation counterbalanced across subjects. A
within-subjects design was selected since the overall interaction is quite short (usually
about 2-5 minutes) and our pilot experiments found the times to nish the task varied a
great deal among people. Also, since the task is unfamiliar to all users due to its unique
setup, there is the potential for each person to learn the nuances of the task over time,
and improve performance. The robot's task behavior was identical for each condition
with the on-board speakers either enabled or disabled for the talking and silent robots,
5.4.2 Task Description and Setup
The task setup for this experiment was the pseudo-herding task with 12 sheep and
speeds and timings set the same as the pilot to make the task challenging but not
too dicult. The static robot policy used for the task was the light and sheep favoring
policy, resulting in the robot alternating between turning on the light and herding sheep
(collecting them and returning them to the pen area).
Participants watched an experimenter explain and perform each of the task elements,
including: herding a sheep and triggering the lock and light. Participants were told that
the goal of the game was to herd all of the sheep as quickly as possible. The random
seeds used to generate the sheep behavior were initialized identically for each participant
to keep the simulated sheep behavior as consistent as possible between runs. The task
simulator was congured with 12 sheep. The speeds of the sheep and timing of the
lock and light elements were tested in a pilot experiment. The task thus calibrated
was possible but somewhat challenging for a single person to perform alone. The static
robot policy used for the task was favored light- and sheep-collection, resulting in the
robot's rst priority being turning on the light and collecting and returning sheep to the
pen area while the light is on. The only dierence in robot behavior in each condition
was use of communication, which was disabled without an eect on task planning on
the non-communicating robot.
5.4.3 Participants
A total of sixteen participants (5 female, 11 male) were recruited from campus sources.
Participants' ages ranged from 17-29, with a mean of 21. Most had completed at least
some undergraduate college education. One participant was an outlier, not able to
complete the task due to a misunderstanding of the rules; this participant's data were
discarded. The order of presentation of the conditions was pseudo-randomized with half
seeing the communicating robot rst and the other half seeing the non-communicating
robot rst.
5.4.4 Hypotheses and Outcome Measures
The following data were collected: a record of the underlying task simulator state,
the tracked locations of the agents (people, robot, sheep and virtual objects), an audio
recording of each person from a wireless headset microphone, and video of the interaction
from overhead and side-view cameras. After completion of the task participants were
asked to take a survey asking demographic questions as well as a series of 27 questions
about the robot as a teammate, rated on a 7-point Likert scale from \strongly agree"
to \strongly disagree".
The following hypotheses were formulated based on our understanding of the task
and human-human collaboration:
H1: Participants will prefer the communicating robot over the non-
communicating robot.
H2: The talking robot will be rated as a better teammate by participants despite
identical task control.
H3: The communicating robot will decrease the incidence of con
icting actions
taken and also increase the situational awareness of the person, leading to im-
proved task performance.
H4: The communicating robot will be able to make its static role and assessment
of the task clear through the use of verbal feedback.
5.4.5 Results
For the objective results, the time to complete the task to the nearest second was
recorded for each trial by watching the recorded video, marking the start of the task
as signaled by the experimenter, and the end as noted by the freezing of the projected
display upon retrieval of the nal sheep. Trials with the communicating robot were
completed on average 17 seconds faster (M = 100:5 seconds, SD = 21 seconds) than
the ones with the non- communicating robot (M = 117:6 seconds, SD = 40 seconds),
p< 0:03. As our conditions were repeated within subjects, we then performed a post hoc
analysis by tting a linear mixed eects regression and comparing to a baseline single
mean model. In comparing the two models, we nd incorporating the communication
factor has a signicant impact on the duration (p< 0:04), conrming Hypothesis 2.
In survey results participants reported their preference for the communicating robot.
Silent T alking
T ask Duration (seconds)
Task Completion Time
Silent T alking
Task Allocation (Average # of performances
0 5 10 15 20 25
Figure 5.6: Time to completion and allocation counts of agent actions in communicating
and silent conditions.
Table 5.1: Post-experiment survey results
0 (strongly disagree) - 6
(strongly agree)
The things the robot said made sense. 5.27 1.6
The talking robot was a better teammate
than the silent robot.
5 1.4
The task was more fun with the robot than
if I had done it alone.
5.4 0.8
The talking robot was more fun. 5.3 1.2
The robot's talking helped me understand
what it was going to do next.
4.9 1.9
The things the robot said helped me de-
cide what to do.
3.8 2.0
I tried to do what the robot told me to do. 3.6 2.4
Table 5.2: Survey results on the pseudo-herding evaluation comparing communicating
and non-communicating robots. Scale is 0 for strongly disagree, 6 for strongly agree.
In a free response question participants were asked to describe the strategy of the
robot. These responses were graded for accuracy where it was found that all but one
user correctly named the two aspects of the task that were performed by the robot.
5.4.6 Discussion
In the pseudo-herding task, in the quantiable terms of state value, the most costly
mistake that can be made is to let the timed lock lapse, releasing all collected sheep
and forcing the team to start over. We intentionally selected a static robot policy
in which the lock was ignored by the robot, requiring the participant to manage it
instead. Across all 30 trials, the lock was allowed to lapse in 2 of 15 trials in each
condition. Because these costly errors were roughly evenly distributed across conditions
and were relatively rare with (M = 0.4, SD = 1.1), it is unlikely that the objective
performance improvements are due to an avoidance of mistakes; it is more likely due to
the clarication of responsibilities provided by the verbal feedback and minimizing the
user's context switching between lock and light (Figure 4).
Distinguishing the impact of each type of feedback is challenging as they are issued
while the robot and the person are moving about the room, making subtle eects dicult
to discern from planned, task-directed actions. The most common feedback issued
was self-narrative as the robot narrated its actions whenever they diered from what
it was doing previously. Since the role-allocative feedback is very specic, with post
hoc analysis we can compare the robot's suggested action with the action ultimately
undertaken by the person. Over the course of the 15 trials in which the robot used verbal
communication, and therefore was capable of assigning roles, the robot made a total of
12 role-allocation suggestions to users. To assess users' adherence to the robot's requests,
we assessed whether a matching action for the participant was recognized within a short
time interval. In total, participants adhered to all 12 requests within 10 seconds and
often much faster. This adherence rate is likely due to the low cost of completing
the robot's requests as well as the novelty of the interaction. Still, anecdotally, there
are multiple instances of participants abandoning a prior plan and altering course in
response to the robot's suggestion.
The low overall number of role-allocation suggestions is likely due to most partici-
pants allowing the robot to take full responsibility for the light. Also, since the robot at-
tempts to track the person's active policy using a stream of recognized actions (currently
from the task simulation), it only accounts for completed actions when determining the
user's most likely policy. This has the eect of ignoring additional information provided
by the person's trajectory, i.e., motion in the direction of a given object, and relies on
the user reaching a steady state of task performance where they perform the same types
of actions repeatedly. Anecdotally the refresh rate of the various communication mod-
els often appears to result in a narrative phrase and role-allocative phrase happening
immediately after one another, such as \I'll go get the light. Can you take care of the
lock?", often resulting in the user expressing agreement. The survey data reveal that
all but two people agreed that the talking robot was a better teammate (see Table 1 for
a summary). The communicating robot had similarly high scores for being more fun
and for its verbal feedback making sense during the interaction. Questions asking how
participants adjusted their behavior in response to the communicating robot are less
consistently agreed with, perhaps due to people taking credit for their own actions and
the team's success or failure.
5.5 Study 3: Coordinating Social Communication with
Older Adults
The communication system was also evaluated outside of the augmented reality envi-
ronment on a simulated cooking task with an elderly user population using the Bandit
upper-torso humanoid robot mounted. This study was designed to demonstrate the ap-
plication and ecacy of the coordinating communication approach in a task involving
guiding a target user population to desired outcomes and evaluating the eect of im-
plicit compared to explicit communication on user compliance and subjective outcome
5.6 Simulated Cooking Task
In addition to the validation of the task in the augmented reality environment, the
approach was applied to a second task developed to demonstrate the applicability of
the approach in another task setting. The second task consisted of a simulated cooking
task, in which users collaborated with an upper-torso humanoid robot (Bandit II).
The cooking task is conducted entirely on a touch screen interface (Figure 5.6) and
requires users to ll a set of orders using a set of food items. Each order consists of
combinations of six food types. Users must fulll these orders by moving ingredients
through two stages of cooking, preparation and cooking, before the item is placed on a
matching picture of the item in the order list. The task was conducted with an elderly
user population at an o-site eldercare facility.
The cooking task was created to be an engaging activity that is thematically-relevant
to the population, featuring element of activities of daily living i.e., food preparation.
The robot also has the capability to prepare food items, making the task cognitively
engaging as it requires selecting food items that complement the items the robot is
Figure 5.7: Screen capture of the interface used for the virtual cooking task. Users are
asked to ll all the orders in the top row by moving food items from the green ingredients
box through two stages (preparation and cooking) until all items are fullled as indicated
by green check marks.
making. The task was piloted with users at the facility and modied to ensure that the
users were able to do the task using the interface and did not nd it too dicult.
The task simulator was implemented using the Robot Operating System (ROS) as
a state machine monitoring the progress of each food item through each step as well as
the completed items requested as orders. The interface was developed as a web-based
interface connected to ROS with roslibjs, which dispatched changes to the task state
requested by users by tapping elements of the user interface. The robot control system
separately monitors the state of unfullled items remaining on each order and the user's
food preparation actions, which are given as input into the communication approach,
allowing the robot to issue verbal feedback during the task.
5.6.1 Application of the Approach in the Cooking Task
Applying the approach to the cooking task required development of the task model,
robot policies, person policies, and verbal phrases specic to the herding task. As
the task state is simulated and fully-observable, the task is modeled as a Markov de-
cision process M
= (S
;R;T ). The state is comprised of a set
of independent random variables representing the level of need for each food item
Scooking = fX
::g. Each of these features is dened, X
hhigh;med;lowi. Because the task is conducted using the touch screen interface, the
robot's performance of the task is completed virtually, with the control system sim-
ulating the robot's ability to transition the food items through each stage with an
appropriate amount of waiting between each step to make the robot's performance sim-
ilar to a person. The actions available to the robot consist of preparing each food
item A
= (MakeSteak;MakeChicken;MakeSalad;:::). The robot's task behav-
ior during the task consists of a set of policies mapping states to action :s!a that
consist of the robot monitoring and preparing combinations of three types of food items.
Note that in the augmented reality environment the robot and person have the same
capability and thus share the same set of actions, A
To apply the communication approach to this task, a set of policies that covers the set
of roles that people might use to complete the task, is specied, as noted in Section 4.2.
Fitting with the assumption that roles are correlated with distinct work objects, roles
were created for the robot to monitor and fulll combinations of the six selected food
items. A static policy, in which the robot monitored three of the six food items and
fullled all requests for those food types from left to right. This specialization based on
food types was motivated by piloting task performance with four participants recruited
from a convenience population performing the task. Other types of specialization could
include partitioning orders spatially, with one person taking care of the left half and the
other doing the right half. Since the aim of the approach is to generate useful feedback
to guide user behavior, rather than alter the robot's behavior to best match the person's
completion strategy, a specic and static completion policy was selected, requiring the
robot to use social communication strategies to inform the user of its action choices
and guide them to complementary roles. Given the equal capability of the robot and
person for this particular task, this set of policies is used to both control the robot and
to model the person's behavior. This mapping of roles to policies was informed by a
pilot experiment in which two people performed the task together.
Phrases for the task were collected via a data collection with four participants from
a convenience population. Participants were shown the user interface depicting a set of
desired orders and a description of the food type-based specialization, e.g., that they
were responsible for each of three selected food types or they were telling a partner to
specialize similarly. Phrases for conveying responsibility for each type of food item were
chosen and decomposed into the part of the phrase indicating responsibility such as \I'll
make the steaks" and the specic phrase used to describe each food item. From these
(a) (b)
Figure 5.8: In (a) an overhead diagram of the experimental setup for the cooking task is
shown. The participant (depicted in red) is seated at a table in front of the touch screen.
The robot (grey) is placed across the table at an angle. In (b) The experimental setup
during the instruction phase, where participants were taught in a group how to perform
the task to ensure a common learning of the task. The robot is seated diagonally across
from the robot.
two components, phrases were generated using the NeoSpeech text-to-speech engine
allowing the robot to convey responsibility for each of the food types.
5.6.2 Task Description and Setup
The cooking task setup consisted of the participant seated at a table in front of a large
27-inch touch screen computer with the upper-torso humanoid Bandit robot seated
diagonally across from them (Figure 5.8a). The large screen was selected for use with
the elderly user population to alleviate potential eyesight issues as much as possible.
The user was introduced and familiarized with the task by the experimenter. The user
was introduced to the task by the experimenter, rst in a group session with the other
participants, to ensure everyone had the same understanding of the task, and then once
again before their interaction with the robot. Users were shown how to use the interface
to complete the task. The participants were told that the robot would assist them in
completing the task, although the progress of the robot is not depicted on the interface.
The robot displayed an idle behavior during the interaction in which it moved its head
direction to saccade between the person, the screen and locations behind the screen. It
also opened and closed its mouth when issuing speech, with the mouth opening at the
beginning of a phrase and closing afterword to return to a smile. This was done as the
mouth motors are noisy and not fast enough to mimic humanlike mouth movements
during speech. A short introductory speech was issued before starting, the task as well
as an acknowledgment of nishing the task.
5.6.3 Study Design
The user study was designed to evaluate the eectiveness of the coordinating commu-
nication system at enabling the team to successfully and eciently perform the task,
evaluate the use of the approach with a target population for assistive service robots,
and to identify dierences in performance and user preference when using implicit and
explicit communication modalities. The pseudo-herding task evaluated the combination
of all three forms of feedback as compared to a silent robot. As a complement to those
results, this study was designed to identify relative dierences in the usage of the two
most common feedback types: self-narrative and role-allocative types. The study de-
sign was within-subjects with two conditions, one with the robot only issuing implicit
communication, i.e., self-narrative feedback and one with the robot only issuing explicit
communication, i.e., role-allocative feedback.
5.6.4 Participants
This experimental validation was conducted with three female participants recruited
through a partnership with, an organization of senior living communities in
the Los Angeles area. Participants were recruited by a
yer distributed at the facility.
Six participants responded to the
yer with three participants ultimately participating;
the others were absent due to unrelated health concerns. Each participant was shown
both the robot issuing only role-allocative communication (explicit feedback) and the
robot only issuing self-narrative communication (implicit feedback). The order of these
conditions was counterbalanced by alternating the order of presentation between par-
5.6.5 Hypotheses and Outcome Measures
H1: Participants will prefer the robot that uses implicit communication over the robot
that uses explicit communication.
H2: Team performance will be improved when the robot uses implicit feedback as
compared to explicit feedback.
The following data were collected: a record of the underlying simulator state, the
selections users made using the interface, and video of the interaction from a side-view
camera. A survey to evaluate the user's opinion of the robot as a teammate, rated on a
Likert scale, was administered between performances of the task and at the end of the
experiment. An open-ended interview was also conducted after the conclusion of the
5.6.6 Discussion
Due to the small number of participants, and large dierences in task completion time,
the objective measures collected during the task showed no statistically signicant dif-
ferences between the explicit and implicit conditions, oering no support for H2 and
suggesting a larger sample size is needed. Task completion time was highly-variable
between participants as dierent users showed diering levels of familiarity with touch
screen interfaces and ability to tap precise points on the screen. In the survey, all
users expressed a preference for the robot that used implicit communication and de-
scribed the robot that used explicit communication to be \bossy" and \demanding".
This evidence supports H1 and is aligned with the results from the survey results from
the pseudo-herding experiment, in which users expressed lower agreement with phrases
such as, \the robot helped me decide what to do". It should be noted that the implicit
feedback, which provides information about what sub-tasks the robot is performing,
requires the user to understand what the robot has said and then select complementary
actions, while the explicit feedback only requires that users follow the robot's instruc-
tions. Although both types of feedback, as produced by the approach, were sucient
for successful completion of the task the use of one or other would appear to have an
impact on user preference. This pattern is also demonstrated in prior work in human
factors that demonstrates that people generally tend to use implicit modes of commu-
nication during task collaboration (Shah and Breazeal, 2010). While further research is
necessary, the balance of implicit and explicit feedback used by a robot appears to have
implications for the perception of the robot as a collaborator and may require only the
situational application of explicit, role-allocative feedback to guide user behavior. In the
pseudo-herding evaluation, the role-allocative feedback is issued only when a potential
ict is detected, which reduces the relative proportion of feedback in that evaluation
compared to the cooking task.
5.7 Summary
In this chapter we discussed the development of an augmented reality task simula-
tion environment that allows for human-robot teams to collaborate on a task involving
simulated agents and objects. The implementation of a pseudo-herding task in this
environment as well as the application of the communication approach to this task was
discussed. A pilot study to inform the denition of roles and verbal feedback used by
people in this task setting was conducted with human-human and human-robot teams,
with the robot controlled by Wizard of Oz. An evaluation of the approach in the pseudo-
herding task was conducted in a within subjects experiment demonstrating objective
improvement in team performance and subjective improvement in user satisfaction with
the robot collaborator as compared to a silent robot with identical task controller. A
second evaluation of the approach with an elderly an older adult user population was
conducted at an eldercare facility, studying the eect of implicit and explicit role-based
communication on team performance and user opinion.
Chapter 6
Summary and Conclusions
This dissertation addresses a number of research problems related to generating ap-
propriate coordinating social communication from an autonomous robot to a person
during the course of a pairwise task collaboration with the aim of allowing the robot to
provide helpful and guiding feedback to a human teammate. An approach to planning
coordinating social communication based on a formalism of the human notion of role
allocation is presented as well as an analysis of the limitations and applicability of the
system to a variety of task scenarios. The implementation details of the communication
approach as applied to two sample task environments were presented. User studies were
conducted in each of these task environments with two dierent user populations for
the purposes of evaluating the ecacy and generality of the approach.
6.1 Major Contributions, Findings, and Insights
Enabling an autonomous robot to produce relevant communicative social behavior dur-
ing a pairwise task collaboration poses many challenges. The communication produced
by the robot must be relevant and contextually accurate given the current state of the
collaborative task and it must convey this information in a way that the person is able
to understand and use to improve their situational awareness. The following section
summarizes the main contributions of this dissertation.
1. A novel representation for modeling user roles in coordinated activities capable
of capturing the action selection preferences that people typically exhibit when
allocating responsibilities during joint activity and compatible with traditional
planning methods.
2. An approach for planning coordinating social communication actions in a situated
pairwise task collaboration between a robot and a person aimed at providing
useful feedback to the user and enabling the robot to actively participate in the
joint planning. The planning approach incorporates activity recognition, planning
under uncertainty, and principles from social science of human joint activity to
produce narrative, role-allocative, and empathetic feedback in real-time during
dynamic task activity.
3. A framework for executing social coordinating communication during robot task
performance, making use of the given social communicative capabilities of the
robot in use and potentially including speech and embodied gesture. The robot's
communication actions are derived from human-human communication in similar
task situations and applies relevant design principles from the social sciences on
joint attention and politeness theory to ensure that the robot provides coherent
The following are secondary contributions:
1. A robot communication executive that produces coordinated speech and gesture
during a human-robot task collaboration and also supports speech interrupts with
stop words for state changes.
2. User studies demonstrating the ability of the approach to improve both team per-
formance and subjective measures of the robot as a teammate, as compared to a
silent robot with an identical task control system.
3. A user study of the perceptual accuracy of robot head and arm deictic gesture
production and control system for reducing grounding errors accounting for the
noise introduced due to interpersonal dierences in perception.
4. An augmented reality task simulator created using overhead projectors and depth
sensors (Microsoft Kinect (Microsoft, 2010)) that allows for rapid-prototyping of
dierent dynamic task scenarios supporting any combination of people, robots,
virtual agents, and virtual objects.
The results of the user studies as presented in Chapter 5 demonstrated improvements
in team task performance with a robot using communicative feedback as compared to
a silent robot despite identical task control systems. This demonstrates the potential
for eective mediation of human-robot task collaborations through humanlike social
communication modalities. A separate evaluation of the approach with an older adult
user population demonstrated that the balance of implicit and explicit communication
modalities is an important consideration and has an eect on users' subjective evalua-
tions of the robot as a teammate.
6.2 Open Problems and Future Work
A selection of open problems and potential future extensions to the work presented in
this dissertation and applicable relaxations of the human-robot collaboration assump-
tions made in the approach described in this work.
6.2.1 Extension to multi-robot and multi-person teams
In the pairwise scenario addressed in this work, all social communication is produced by
one party and consumed by the other. In a scenario with more than two agents there is
the possibility that one of the agents misses a communication that other agents received.
Also, if addressing a group it is necessary to clarify who one is addressing if providing an
explicit instruction but not necessary if providing an informational prompt or implicit
cue. Managing these complexities and also dealing with networked communication
between robots that the user cannot overhear makes this an area with many potential
research questions that could be applicable in scenarios where one or more users interact
with multiple robots.
6.2.2 User role specication and generalization across tasks
The policies used to represent roles in the evaluations presented in this dissertation have
so far been hand-designed based on data from two people collaborating on a task, as
they are domain-dependent. The limitations of this representation are that roles must
be specied as domain knowledge when applying the approach to a new task. This is
often straightforward if the task is separated by two person teams in a standard manner.
In the tasks presented in this work the partitions of dierent actions into roles often
involve separation of the task into common work areas or work objects. A method for
extracting roles from observational data or teaching a robot the roles present in task
through a guided interaction remains unexplored.
6.2.3 Communication personalization and adaptation
There is some evidence that users will change their communication tendencies when
under time-induced stress (Shah and Breazeal, 2010). Users with dierent personalities
may also prefer dierent amounts of communication from the robot and as the user
gets increasingly familiar with the task at hand, it is likely they will require less verbal
guidance, which could ultimately get annoying under repeated performance of the task.
Adapting the amount, type, and execution of the robot's behavior over time in response
to these factors remains an open but important problem that could lead also lead to
improved human-robot task collaborations. The use of methods from dialogue manage-
ment is also potentially applicable as this would enable bi-directional communication
from the user to the robot and vice-versa, a scenario that this work does not currently
There is a growing body of work in the area of enabling robots to be better collabo-
rators and partners when working with people. The work in this dissertation addresses
a range of scenarios featuring a person and robot interacting in a co-located environ-
ment to achieve a shared goal. As robots become increasingly pervasive in home and
work environments, they will require a means of coordinating their behavior with people
of various backgrounds and levels of familiarity with robotics systems. The results of
the user studies presented in this work also demonstrate that providing communicative
feedback to people interacting with a robot can have signicant eects on user behavior
during a structured activity even when all else is held constant. The capability for a
robot to interact and assist users via humanlike communication modalities is a promis-
ing eld of future inquiry as it opens up the possibility for robots to reinforce, assist, and
guide user behavior in complex task environments, providing benecial improvements
in a user's situational awareness, engagement and ability to safely coordinate behavior
with autonomous robot teammates.
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Abstract (if available)
Robots have become increasingly capable of performing a variety of tasks in real-world dynamic environments, including those involving people. Beyond competently performing the tasks required of them, service robots should also be able to coordinate their actions with those of the people around them in order to minimize conflicts, provide feedback, and build rapport with human teammates in both work environments (e.g., manufacturing) and home settings. Humans coordinate their actions in various task settings through structured social interaction aimed at representational alignment and intentional feedback. In order for robots to coordinate their actions using similar modalities, they must be capable of contextualizing the actions of human partners and producing relevant natural communicative behaviors as the task progresses. This dissertation is motivated by the high-level goal of producing effective social feedback during task performance, and alleviating the burden of coordinating the team's joint activity by allowing human users to interact with robots through natural social modalities as partners rather than as operators. ❧ This dissertation develops an approach for constructing and generalizing models of role-based coordinating communication during physically-decoupled human-robot task scenarios, specifically pairwise collaborations in which a person and a robot work together to achieve a shared goal. The approach is validated in different task contexts with different user populations using objective and subjective measures of task performance and user preferences. To support role-allocative communication observed in our pilot experiments with two-person teams, the human-robot collaboration problem is formulated as a Markov decision process in which roles are represented by a set of policies capturing different action selection preferences and accounting for unequal capabilities between human and robot collaborators. A probabilistic method is used to track the user's activity over time and to recognize the role assumed by the user, communication is then planned given the expected policy of the user, the policy of the robot, and the current task state. The communication generated by the robot consists of three types of speech actions and associated co-verbal behavior: 1) self-narration of the robot's activities, 2) role allocation suggestions for the user, and 3) empathetic displays when positive and negative state changes occur. ❧ The approach was validated initially on a dynamic augmented reality herding task with a population of convenience users using objective metrics (idle time, distance traveled) as well as subjective evaluations (user preference, perceived intelligence of the robot), where a higher utilization of the robot and more equitable path distance was observed in comparison to a non-communicating robot. The generalizability of the approach to a different task setting and user population was also evaluated on a cooking task with an elderly user population. The contributions of this dissertation lie in the development of an approach for modeling human-robot task performance for the planning and production of effective robot verbal feedback.
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Asset Metadata
St. Clair, Aaron B.
Core Title
Coordinating social communication in human-robot task collaborations
Viterbi School of Engineering
Doctor of Philosophy
Degree Program
Computer Science (Robotics and Automation)
Publication Date
Defense Date
University of Southern California
University of Southern California. Libraries
collaboration,human-machine collaboration,human-robot interaction,OAI-PMH Harvest,robotics,verbal feedback
Electronically uploaded by the author
Mataric, Maja J. (
committee chair
), Ayanian, Nora (
committee member
), Hagedorn, Aaron T. (
committee member
), Sukhatme, Gaurav S. (
committee member
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etd-StClairAar-3816.pdf (filename),usctheses-c3-632204 (legacy record id)
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St. Clair, Aaron B.
University of Southern California
(contributing entity),
University of Southern California Dissertations and Theses
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human-machine collaboration
human-robot interaction
verbal feedback