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Spread global, start local: modeling endemic socio-spatial influence networks
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Spread global, start local: modeling endemic socio-spatial influence networks
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Spread Global, Start Local: Modeling Endemic Socio-Spatial Influence Networks
Jeffrey Solomon Block
A Thesis Presented to the
In Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree
August 2015
Copyright 2015 Jeffrey Solomon Block
This thesis is dedicated to my mom and dad, who taught me to fight on.
I would like to express gratitude to all of my professors at USC. The USC SSI faculty have
served as sources of emulation throughout my time in their program. Special thanks to
Dr. Swift for encouraging, and thus fostering, my interest in GIS development, and Dr. Kemp,
who has elevated my appreciation of expert tutelage to a level I did not anticipate. To my
colleagues, many thanks for stoking the flames of my competitive spirit, and understanding
when I had to bow out from time to time and finish this monster. Most of all, I would like to
thank my family, specifically my lovely wife—this thesis would not have been possible without
her tireless support.
DEDICATION .................................................................................................................................... ii
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS................................................................................................................... iii
LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................................ vii
LIST OF FIGURES ...................................................................................................................... ....v iii
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................................................... x
ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................................................... xi
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Influencing Social Movements and Philanthropy .............................................................. 2
1.2 Social Influence in Business............................................................................................... 3
1.3 Social Media and International Terrorism ......................................................................... 4
1.4 Outline of the Proposed Model ........................................................................................... 5
2.1 Twitter as a Data Source .................................................................................................. 10
2.2 Key Socio-Spatial Concepts .............................................................................................. 12
2.2.1. Social Network Analysis ........................................................................................ 13
2.2.2. Semantics of Node Characterization in this Study ............................................. 16
2.2.3. Directionality and Information Diffusion within Social Media Networks ........... 17
2.2.4. Why Social Network Popularity is Not Influence ................................................. 18
2.2.5. Social Networks to Assess Communities and their Influencers ........................ 20
2.2.6. Spatial Mobility as a Social Network Variable ..................................................... 21
2.2.6. The Spatial Implications of Social Network Analysis .......................................... 22
2.3 Social Media and Social Network Applications ............................................................... 22
2.3.1. Social Media Influence Metrics as an Online Service ........................................ 23
2.3.2. Server-Side Social Media Analysis Tools ............................................................. 25
2.3.3. Social Network Analysis Software and Practical Application ............................. 26
2.4 Network Latent Variable and Predictive Models ............................................................. 28
2.4.1. Spatial Inferencing: Resolving Unknown Locations ............................................ 29
2.4.2. Network Prediction................................................................................................ 30
2.4.3. Optimal Network Prediction Using Spatial Content ............................................ 31
2.4 The Ethics of Going Socio-Spatial .................................................................................... 32
2.5 Summary ............................................................................................................................ 33
CHAPTER 3: ESSLVM ANALYTIC METHODOLOGY ..................................................................... 34
3.1. Principles Guiding the Design of ESSLVM ...................................................................... 34
3.1.1. Contributions to Socio-Spatial Concepts ............................................................. 34
3.1.2. Contributions to Socio Media and Social Network Analysis Applications ......... 35
3.1.2. Contributions to Latent Variable Models ............................................................. 35
3.2. Overview of Methodology ................................................................................................. 37
3.3. Initial Data Collection ....................................................................................................... 39
3.4. Community Identification Using Geospatial Correlation Methods ................................ 40
3.4. Creation of a Spatially Reduced Association Table and a Socially Enhanced
Vector File ......................................................................................................................... 43
3.4.1. Development of Socio-Spatial Metadata ............................................................. 45
3.4.2. Isolation of the Spatially Relevant Network from the Complete Social
Network .................................................................................................................. 46
3.4. Development of Socio-Spatial Metadata ........................................................................ 47
3.4. Comparative Analysis of Twitter Accounts ...................................................................... 50
3.4. Summary ........................................................................................................................... 51
CHAPTER 4: ADVANCED ANALYTICS AND THE ESSLVM PYTHON SUITE ................................. 52
4.1. ESSLVM ArcGIS Script Tool (Blue Starling) Spatial Association Table .......................... 53
4.1.1. ESSLVM ArcGIS Script Tool (Blue Starling) Spatial Association Table
Parameters ............................................................................................................ 54
4.1.2. ESSLVM ArcGIS Script Tool (Blue Starling) Spatial Association Table
Functions ................................................................................................................ 56 Converting Fields ............................................................................................... 56 Point Distance Analysis ..................................................................................... 57 Relationship Metrics .......................................................................................... 57 Social Network Analysis Metrics ....................................................................... 58 Temporal Analysis .............................................................................................. 58 Administrative Functions and Output ............................................................... 58
4.2. Socio-Spatial Correlation Analysis ................................................................................... 59
4.2.1. Socio-Spatial Correlation Analysis Script Objectives .......................................... 60
4.2.2. Spearman’s Rank Correlation Coefficient Script Functions ............................... 61
4.3. Shortest Path Matrix ........................................................................................................ 62
4.4. Summary ........................................................................................................................... 62
PROTEST EVENTS ........................................................................................................................ 64
5.1. Vignette Atmospherics, Setting the Scene ..................................................................... 64
5.1.2. Ferguson, Missouri Events Resulting in Protests and Subsequent Riots ......... 65
5.2. Querying the Twitter Friends and Followers API for Unilateral and Reciprocal Social
Media Contacts of Accounts Identified from within Social Clusters ............................. 70
5.3. Isolation of Local Social Network from the Complete Social Network ......................... 71
5.3.1. Analysis of Twitter Account Activity ...................................................................... 73
5.3.2. Comparative Analysis of Twitter Accounts .......................................................... 77
5.4. Identification of Socio-Spatial Relationships Using the ESSLVM Blue Starling Script
Tool ................................................................................................................................... 83
5.4.1. Initial Results ......................................................................................................... 84
5.4.2. Comparison of Socio-Spatial Relationships to the User Mention-Derived
Associations ........................................................................................................... 84
5.5. Additional Measures to Cull the Network ....................................................................... 87
5.6. Analysis of the Correlation between Social Network Accounts Centrality Measures
and their Geospatial Distribution .................................................................................... 87
CHAPTER 6. REVIEW AND CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................. 93
6.1. Vignette Observations ...................................................................................................... 94
6.2. Comparison to Existing Latent Variable Analytic Models .............................................. 95
6.3. Future Work ...................................................................................................................... 96
6.3.1. Network Reintegration .......................................................................................... 96
6.3.2. Semantic Analysis ................................................................................................. 96
6.3.3. Alternative Practical Use Cases ........................................................................... 97
6.3.4. Creation of a Stand-Alone or Minimally Dependent Application ........................ 97
6.4. Summary ........................................................................................................................... 98
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................... 99
APPENDIX A: Socio-Spatial Correlation Full Output ................................................................ 106
Table 1 Twitter metadata used in this study ............................................................................. 12
Table 2 Association Table Example ........................................................................................... 44
Table 3 Spatial Association Table Output ................................................................................. 56
Table 4 Shortest Path Matrix Example ...................................................................................... 62
Table 5 Protest Area Twitter Accounts by Ranked Social Scores ............................................ 78
Figure 1 The Anatomy of a Tweet .............................................................................................. 11
Figure 2 Single and Multi-Tier Social Network Graphs ............................................................. 14
Figure 3 Examples of Degree Centrality (Left), Betweenness Centrality (Middle), and
Closeness Centrality (Right) ............................................................................................ 15
Figure 4 ESSLVM Conceptual Model, Analytic Methodology to End-State .............................. 38
Figure 5 Tweets Collected in the vicinity of the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum Collected
during a USC Football Game ........................................................................................... 40
Figure 6 Tweets Correlated to the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum ....................................... 42
Figure 7 Tweets Binned to Depict Entity Diversity (Number of Entities per Bin) .................... 43
Figure 8 Social Network Graph Depicting Twitter Friends of those Attending the USC-CAL
Football Game .................................................................................................................. 47
Figure 9 Coliseum Correlated Nodes Scaled by their Betweenness Centrality ...................... 49
Figure 10 Coliseum Correlated Social Media Events and Reciprocal Connections, Scaled by
Betweenness Centrality ................................................................................................... 50
Figure 11 “Blue Starling” Script Tool ......................................................................................... 54
Figure 12 Twitter Activity in the Ferguson Protest Area, by Entity Diversity Point Statistics .. 66
Figure 13 Volume of Tweets per 30 Minute Interval from Ferguson Bounding Box, and
Significant Events ............................................................................................................ 67
Figure 14 Ferguson Associated Twitter Hashtags in a Wordcloud .......................................... 68
Figure 15 Density of Total Volume of Ferguson Tweets during Protests ................................ 69
Figure 16 Twitter Events (Tweets) Correlated to the Protest Area of interest (AOI) ............... 70
Figure 17 Protest Correlated Tweets and Social Connections ................................................ 72
Figure 18 Spatially Reduced Social Network ............................................................................ 74
Figure 19 Unique Protest Correlated Entities by Bin ................................................................ 76
Figure 20 Mean Betweenness Centrality and Cumulative Time Score by Bin ........................ 77
Figure 21 Evidence of Protest Organization Activity after 24 November Ferguson
Events by Acount_323_685 ............................................................................................ 80
Figure 22 Account_122_82 Seen Actively Contributing to Protests, Indicating "Thats Me" As
a Caption for the Image on the Left, and "Hyping up the Crowd" for the Image on the
Lower Right ....................................................................................................................... 81
Figure 23 Account_21_148 Associated Protest Safe House, Associated with Charity "Help or
Hush" ................................................................................................................................ 82
Figure 24 Account_21_148 Verification of Activity at the Protest .......................................... 82
Figure 25 Emergent Leader (Cognitive Demand) Top Twenty Nodes across Four Different
Networks ........................................................................................................................... 86
Figure 26 Number of Cliques Top Twenty Nodes across Four Different Networks ................ 86
Figure 27 Group Awareness (Shared Situation Awareness) across Four Different
Networks ........................................................................................................................... 87
Figure 28 Betweenness Centrality to Distance Correlation for Account_11_120 ................. 89
Figure 29 Twitter Friends Count to Distance Correlation for Account 25_26 ........................ 89
Figure 30 Newman Grouping (Groups Symbolized by Color) of Spatially Reduced Social
Network Graph, Illustration Connections between Nodes of Interest .......................... 90
Figure 31 Spearman's Rank Correlation Coefficient for Social Network Measures and
Distance, including all Accounts and Highlighted Accounts as those that had Passing
p-values ............................................................................................................................ 92
AOI Area of Interest
CSV Comma Separated Values
ESSLVM Endemic Socio-Spatial Latent Variable Modeling
GUI Graphic User Interface
ISIL Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant
IVO In the Vicinity of
LA Los Angeles
ROC Receiver Operating Characteristic
SSI (USC) Spatial Sciences Institute
USC University of Southern California
The importance of social media-borne influence has been demonstrated in dramatic fashion
on a global stage, with examples ranging from the regime toppling Arab Spring between
2010 and 2012, to the startling ascendency of ISIL in 2014. The value of this influence
however, is highly versatile in application, and not limited to geopolitics. Commercial
marketing campaigns hinge on the propagation of their message through social networks,
and social media influence practitioners have engineered methods of ensuring optimal
results. This practice however, is often conducted solely in a virtual environment, where
false positives can abound due to disconnection from geospatial ground truths. I have
outlined a system to reduce network uncertainty and identify key influencers in a manner
that improves upon existing analytic processes by geospatially decomposing nebulous social
media networks into locally relevant networks, wherein tangible results are more likely. This
study introduces a novel approach, demonstrating that position in a social network has
bearing on an individual’s relationship with others in physical space, and as a result,
individuals or organizations postured to influence a network via direct conduits such as local
leadership figures and on-site organizers, possess a qualitative advantage. Additionally,
because there exists a reciprocal relationship between an individual’s position in a social
network and their position among others in physical space, geospatial assessment
techniques can be used to infer social connections. Dubbed endemic socio-spatial latent
variable modeling (ESSLVM), this method has been automated as a Python tool that can be
integrated into ArcGIS. Concepts are demonstrated using a Twitter dataset from the late-
November 2014 protests in Ferguson, Missouri.
You see how an idea spreads and becomes a worldview, and how the bearer,
the individual, reaches out to form a community, and how an organization,
then a movement, grows from the individual. The idea is no longer buried in
the heart and mind of an individual. Now there are four, five, ten, twenty,
thirty, fifty, eighty, a hundred, and ever more. That is the secret of ideas; they
are like a wildfire that cannot be restrained. They are like a gas that seeps
through everything. Where an idea finds entry, it enters, and soon that person
is influencing others. (Goebbels 1934, 3)
Influence is defined as the ability to engender some manner of change without resorting to a
direct action expressly intended to achieve the same effect—e.g. physically coercion as a
means of dissuading someone from continuing a certain behavior does not fit the classical
definition of influence, though in the process you could influence others (merriam- Throughout this study, influence is examined in a social network context,
where it is defined more precisely as the ability to affect diffusion, or the spread and
adoption, of ideas and practices (Kadushin 2012).
Social media as a platform for the projection of influence benefits from an ability to
assume the form of its user base and their prevailing narratives—an implement of the
masses. This benefit however, is also often a bane. Where some see an opportunity to kick-
start a charity, implement social change, promulgate a fashion trend, or market a product;
others bully, conspire, and use ghoulish propaganda to raise armies of zealots and fanatics.
1.1 Influencing Social Movements and Philanthropy
In terms of social change, the medium has given the disenfranchised a voice
otherwise denied to them by oppressive regimes. Social media has played a notable role in
most recent socio-political movements (Cole 2014). Using Twitter and other social media
during 2009 Iranian elections, the dissident Green Movement was able to circumvent state
controlled media and broadcast its message, especially via mobile platforms that enabled
dynamic reporting on breaking events (Khonsari et al. 2010).
Assessing the Green Movement’s key influencers from a social network standpoint,
the University of Tehran asserted that despite the network’s apparent resilience, “there
exists a strongly connected active core with large centrality metrics. This core is responsible
for induction of information into the network. Since there are few actors in this core, it is
possible to manipulate the knowledge state of the social network by controlling them”
(Khonsari et al. 2010, 415). Individuals galvanizing a support-base through the spread of
small-format media is not unfamiliar to Iran's ruling elite. As a prelude to the 1979 Iranian
Revolution, the then exiled Ayatollah Khomeini distributed audio cassette tapes of his
sermons throughout Iran and worldwide as a means of sowing influence (Sreberny et al.
Other key examples of social media’s role in social movements include but are not
limited to 2010-2012 events throughout the Arab Spring (Taylor 2012), and the
“Euromaidan” revolution that resulted in the February 2014 overthrow of the incumbent
Ukrainian regime (Bohdanova 2014). As testament to its effect, authoritarian countries
coping with restiveness have taken to shutting down social media services; a
countermeasure aimed at denying influencers a means of propagating their message (Cole
On the theme of positive change, charities have also availed themselves of the
benefits of social media. The charity Feed America increased web traffic by 250% using a
social media campaign, and Esri’s actions in support of recovery efforts after the 2011
Japan earthquake were significantly improved by enabling social media within a web
application (Twitter 2015). If you've ever changed your profile picture to stand up for
someone's civil rights, shared content to raise awareness, or accepted a dare in the name of
charity, you've been in the path of social influence. The Ice Bucket Challenge for example,
was a charitable movement intended to support the ALS Association through interconnected
acts of participation. It was a viral social media phenomenon that reached millions of
people and raised in excess of 100 million dollars (Skarda 2014). These movements
however, don't permeate through social networks at a constant pace, they are pushed
through by influencers (Cha et al. 2010). A better understanding of this process could allow
charities to achieve more with less.
1.2 Social Influence in Business
From a commercial standpoint, social media marketing spending is expected to rise
23% between 2014 and 2019—from 7.52 to 17.34 billion dollars (Statista 2015). It’s a
steep increase that is in part attributed to the growing trend of influence marketing, a
concept that targets individual advocates who are likely to appeal to market segments,
instead of directly marketing to a broader audience (Wong 2014). According to Forbes,
influencer marketing has proven to generate higher sales and retention rates than
traditional paid advertising (Wong 2014). Underscoring the efficacy of influencer
engagement as a marketing modality, a major fast food chain simply started casual
discussions with Twitter accounts followed by more than 10,000 other accounts, and in
doing so, saw their online popularity vaulted to three times that of a chief rival (Elliot 2014).
Looking to capitalize on this approach, the market is crowded with social media
influence brokers. Each however, applies their own formula to the influence quandary, and
with varying degrees of success. In a case study on invigorating influencers, social media
manager Hootsuite asserted “reach is not the same as influence” (Hootsuite 2014) to
denote that value cannot necessarily be achieved through volume. As this thesis
emphasizes, comprehensive data analysis across different social network variables has
proven critical to finding true value in influence assessment (Bakshy et al. 2011). Reviews
of other social media analysis services make it clear that there is a premium on message
resonance (Notess 2013; Internet Wire 2013).
1.3 Social Media and International Terrorism
Different forms of social media also allow for malign actors to propagate harmful
information, as evidenced by social media’s new grim connection to international terrorist
groups (Maher 2014). A study on ISIL by the Brookings Institute underscores the extent to
which the group has parlayed social media to project influence disproportionate to its
numerical strength; posting official statements interspersed with summary executions,
including lurid acts of decapitation and immolation (Berger et al. 2015). According to the
Brookings Institute study, despite routinely having their accounts shut down by Twitter, the
group is still able to get ahead of restrictions by working through a multitude of “swarm”
accounts to promulgate their message. Where countering this scourge is concerned, on the
whole, account suspensions have proven ineffective at attenuating the group’s global
Identification of influencers in the path of such nefarious social media transmissions
could be key to preventing wide and unchecked dissemination of malign or misleading
content to audiences susceptible to Islamic (or religious) radicalization. Shedding light on
the support base for this message, activist group Anonymous has revealed thousands of
supporting ISIL Twitter accounts (Cuthbertson 2015).
Remarking on interest in social media, the commander of United States Operations
Command (USSOCOM), Army Gen. Joseph Votel expressed interest in approaching social
media as another facet in an unconventional warfare strategy. In particular, Gen. Votel
emphasized the need to use social media to engage key influencers in order to effectively
respond to unfolding crises (Gertz 2015). Often centered on influencers, defined social
clusters have spatiotemporal properties that are assessed to play a key role in the dynamics
of larger networks (Lucente et al. 2013). Consequently, there stands a requirement for an
approach to social network analysis that will allow for a better understanding of
spatiotemporal variables that can mitigate the spread of malign content by identifying key
influencers among these social clusters and tailoring information campaigns accordingly
(DARPA, 2014).
1.4 Outline of the Proposed Model
Social media borrows some of its lexicon from epidemiology. If something becomes
wildly popular, it is considered “viral.” The diffusion and acceptance of ideas in a social
network is also referred to as “contagion.” In this sense, influencer marketing and
engagement is akin to the bio-warfare modus operandi of targeting transportation hubs to
make the greatest use of a limited amount of pathogen. In such a context, this study
focuses on local networks and their endemic phenomena, applying a process henceforth
referred to as endemic socio-spatial latent variable modeling (ESSLV).
A latent variable model uses known variables to identify other variables that exist, but
are otherwise unobserved. You've likely already been exposed to comparable methods in
some form. Anticipatory advertising assesses what you're likely to buy based on what it
knows you've bought, and what you're browsing for. Courtesy of artificial intelligence, these
anticipatory methods are growing increasingly incisive, and they don't intend to stop at
advertising (Thomas 2013). From a social network standpoint, there is Facebook's attempt
to link you with other accounts who share your connections, a service referred to as, "People
You May Know." The latent variable is the undocumented relationship between a member
account and other member’s accounts Facebook suggests (Klee 2014). Facebook also
makes this data available through their Graph API (Facebook 2015). Ostensibly advancing
their latent variable craft, in 2012 Facebook acquired mobile application Glancee, an app
that juxtaposes its user-base's physical locations and interests to achieve social discovery,
or the identification of ambient people and places that might appeal to a given user.
Following its acquisition by Facebook, Glancee was taken offline, but it stands to reason that
their technology is being assimilated (MacManus 2012).
Such methods serve to reduce network uncertainty, or the existence of unknown
social network variables (Fuhrt 2010). Since influence in the context of social network
analysis is characterized as one’s effect on the propagation of information, understanding
the dynamics of relationships along which information is passed is integral to the
assessment of influence variables. As a pretext of this thesis, and as demonstrated with the
Glancee example, it is assessed that spatially enabled latent variable models can be more
insightful than those bereft spatial content, especially at the local level. Lending credence
to the relationship between social and spatial (socio-spatial) variables, there exists
numerous other models of this type covered in Chapter 2.
The key hypothesis of this study is that position in a social network has bearing on an
individual’s relationship with others in physical space, and as a result, individuals or
organizations postured to influence a network via direct conduits such as local leadership
figures and on-site organizers, possess a qualitative advantage. An ancillary assertion is
that because there exists a reciprocal relationship between an individual’s position in a
social network and their position among others in physical space, geospatial assessment
techniques can be used to infer social connections. ESSLVM, is a heuristic approach that
offers novel spatial methods for optimizing local influencer identification. A case study,
here referred to as a vignette, using social media events collected during the late 2014
Ferguson, Missouri protests, demonstrates the significance of augmenting known social
relationships with GIS derived spatial connections, in order to diminish network uncertainty
and better identify influencers.
This study explores the aforementioned analytic imperatives through the following
research objectives applied to the vignette’s area of interest:
Identification of communities, or social clusters, using geospatial correlation
methods. Through automated geoprocessing functions, social media events
represented by a point vector dataset are binned by spatial correlation to a defined
area or areas of interest within a larger extent. This process enables all social media
entities whose users are active within the areas of interest to be interrogated and
subsequently identified when their users appear elsewhere across the complete
Querying the Twitter Friends and Followers API for unilateral and reciprocal social
media contacts (friends and followers) of accounts identified from within social
clusters. This data is acquired via a Python script and converted into an association
table for ingestion into a social network analysis application.
Isolation of the local social network from the complete social network, and the
development of socio-spatial metadata. This includes reduction of the network per
spatial criteria, in order to isolate locally significant social media accounts. Scores
derived from the social network analysis of those accounts is appended to the point
vector social media dataset of events for subsequent socio-spatial analysis.
Identification of socio-spatial relationships. Using a Python script developed for this
analysis, social media account events represented by the point vector dataset are
assessed for social relationships based on the time difference between events, their
spatial proximity, their social network proximity, and the number of times all user-
specified criteria thresholds are met.
Analysis of the correlation between account social network metrics and the
geospatial distribution of the related social media events. This entails development
and use of a Python script that employs Spearman’s Rank Correlation Coefficient to
assess the correlation between social and spatial variables on an individual basis.
Beyond this study’s vignette, a menu of practical applications options for ESSLVM could
include charitable outreach associated with a humanitarian event, an assessment of market
influencers associated with a particular facility, or the development of obscure illicit
networks in a specified location.
This study uses commercially available social media influence metrics, social network
analysis software, organically developed scripts, and insight derived from a comprehensive
review of existing latent variable models, to develop the ESSLVM system and demonstrate
its value using real-world social network event data. The efficacy of this model was tested
by conducting subjective research on top social media accounts associated with the
Ferguson, Missouri real-world vignette. Included research entailed a characterization of key
accounts’ contributions to the vignette as posted in other public social media outlets, and a
comparison of this information to the model’s output. Ultimately it is concluded that the
application of spatial analysis to social network analysis can be used to identify local
influencers more effectively than social network analysis alone, and that specific methods
introduced by ESSLVM are conceptually unique.
As an interdisciplinary union, it is asserted that social network analysis augmented by GIS
can offer demonstrative advantages over social network analysis conducted in a geospatial
vacuum. Benefits however, can also be synergistic, with social network data contributing to
geospatial insights—as demonstrated by latent spatial variable models covered in this
The pairing of social and geospatial analyses however, requires understanding of the
relationship between their unique variables, as well as the data needed to conduct analysis
in both disciplines together. A key concept addressed here is that of propinquity effect,
which posits that entities near one another are more likely to demonstrate similar behavioral
characteristics and form relationships (Bonito et al. 2002).
To what extent is propinquity effect applicable to contemporary social media
datasets, and at what scale? A review of available literature demonstrates a reciprocal
relationship between social and spatial variables across a range of vignettes. This research
serves to explore the theoretical basis of endemic socio-spatial latent variable modeling
2.1 Twitter as a Data Source
The central component of a Twitter micro-blog, or tweet, is the 140 maximum
characters that each tweet contains, allowing an account holder to express themselves via
these staccato transmissions, which are posted to their Twitter account page, or into the
Twitter feeds of those following them (Twitter 2015). The fine mechanics of Twitter however,
include a great deal more. While all Twitter functionality is not addressed here, key Twitter
modes of interaction and metadata fields used in this study’s socio-spatial applications are
An example of a visible tweet, that which is posted, includes several components that
are indicated by numbers in Figure 1 below. The components are the user’s profile picture
or avatar (1), user name (2), screen name (3), the time and date the tweet was posted (4),
and the body of the tweet (5). Additional information can include a user mention, or the
citing of another screen name in your tweet (6), and a key word or phrase marked as a
hashtag (7). Key modes of interaction with this tweet are indicated by replies to it (8), the
reposting of the tweet or a “retweet” (9), as well as the designation of the tweet as a favorite
(10). Other options are available via “More” (11), and include the ability to share a tweet via
direct message, copy its link, and embed the tweet, among other choices. There is also
indication of the tweet’s spatial enrichment (12) as specified by the user or through geo-
tagging. A geo-tagged tweet is as spatially accurate as the smartphone used to broadcast it,
which in the case of contemporary smartphones can be within three meters, 90% of the
time (Shaner 2013). The tweet depicted in the figure has also been augmented through an
aftermarket application, with an influence score (13) courtesy of the Klout social media
influence metric—which is subsequently addressed in this chapter.
Figure 1 the Anatomy of a Tweet
For every tweet however, there is an abundance of additional information stored as
metadata. This can include everything from the URLs associated with profile photos, to the
tweet’s language. Some fields are nested, and as such their quantity is dependent on
volume of content, e.g. for each additional user mention or hashtag, there is an additional
field. All metadata was not used in this study, however those fields maintained through all
phases of the study are listed in Table 1.
Table 1 Twitter metadata used in this study
2.2 Key Socio-Spatial Concepts
This section establishes a social network lexicon and introduces social network
components most applicable to geospatial analysis. With identification of influencers, a key
research objective, the nature of influence is explored from a social network perspective.
This includes how an individual’s position in a social network has bearing on the influence
Field Description Data Type
Created_At The date that the tweet was created String
Text The actual body of tweet, or its unstructured text Text
If a tweet is in response to a tweet from another account, the
addressee's screen name is included here.
User_ID A unique numerical identifier for the Twitter account Integer
Content not available publically. All accounts used in this study were not
The number of unilateral relationships are directed at the specified
Twitter account
The number of reciprocal relationships an account has with other
The number of Twitter lists that include the account. Twitter lists include
a designated group of Twitter users, as codified by other accounts
User__Statuses_Count The total number of tweets from an account, including retweets Integer
Whether or not the user has manually enabled location data, or the
geotagging of their tweets
Geo__Type Using only geotagged tweets, all Geo_Type was "Point" Text
Geo__Coordinates001 Lattitude of geotagged tweet Float
Geo__Coordinates002 Longitude of geotagged tweet Float
A place designated by the user, or assigned per the location of their
geotagged tweet. The Place category also includes a littany of other
spatially descriptive fields
Entities_User_Mentions Other screen names included in the body of the tweet Text
All hashtags, or key words and phrases preceded by the "#" character
and devoid any spaces
Entities_URLs URLs included in the tweet String
they wield, and how understanding their relationship with others in the network can allow for
the quantification of certain influence variables. Most importantly, social network analysis
variables are explored as forces ultimately beholden to geospatial dynamics, even in an age
of virtual communication.
2.2.1. Social Network Analysis
A social network, or social graph, is an abstract depiction of social relationships, with
each relationship represented in its most basic form as a dyad, or a pairing of two nodes or
vertices (Kadushin 2012). In framing this concept as an influence network, think of those
who influence you, members of your family, colleagues, teachers, celebrities, and
politicians—thought leaders of any kind. In this social graph, these people are nodes, and
your connections to them are edges, links radiating out from you—the principal node
(Kadushin 2012). Ask your influencers about their connections, and your known network
expands. No longer just the hub and spoke configuration of you and your immediate
influencers, from this multi-tier network, vicarious connections emerge, and transmission of
influence through intermediary nodes becomes evident, as illustrated in Figure 2. To what
extent are ideas and influence transmitted beyond known contacts?
Figure 2 Single and Multi-Tier Social Network Graphs
Where extended social ties have been assessed as a vector for influence, studies on
behavioral homogeneity demonstrate that connections out to a third tier consistently
propagate meaningful influence through a network (Christakis et al. 2011). The propagation
of content through a network is characterized as information cascade, or the
aforementioned diffusion. To elucidate this process, consider earlier examples of “viral”
social media content fomenting a response as it spreads to millions. The documentation of
these cascades as concatenated social media events, such as those employed in viral
campaigns, has revealed how significant individual nodes are to the projection of influence
beyond immediate personal associations (Hodas et al. 2014), with select nodes wielding
disproportionate influence (Cha et al. 2010). Consequently, variables such as a node’s
position in an association network, or its centrality, are key to governing the passage of
information and thus a fundamental element of social network analysis (McCulloh 2007). In
addition to the value of centrality towards propagating the spread of influence through a
network, identification of key nodes based on certain centrality measures can inform efforts
to either intentionally fragment a network, or prevent this type of network disaggregation
from occurring. Basic forms of centrality—degree, closeness, and betweenness—are
subsequently addressed and depicted in Figure 3.
Figure 3 Examples of Degree Centrality (Left), Betweenness Centrality (Middle), and Closeness
Centrality (Right)
The most basic form of centrality is degree centrality, the number of total edges, or
relationships that a node has (Wasserman et al. 1994). A node with high degree centrality
has the potential to be most aware of events in their portion of the network based on its
high level connectivity. Conversely, high degree centrality means that a node has a greater
opportunity to directly project influence to those immediately around them.
Closeness centrality is a measurement of the passage of information from a node to
all others in the network (Freeman 1979). Movement from one node to another is
considered a step, and closeness centrality is determined by identifying the shortest path
from one node to every other node in the network, as a measurement of steps, and using an
inverse of that average to calculate a centrality value. While a node with high closeness
centrality might not have the connections of a node with high degree centrality, it would be
better postured to be cognizant of goings on throughout the entire network, and could affect
the spread of information most efficiently.
Betweenness centrality is derived from the shortest path measurement used to
determine closeness centrality, except betweenness centrality is a measurement of the
number of total shortest paths in a network that intersect a particular node (Freeman
1979). Consider this to be an indication of which nodes sit along the most important
positions on major network thoroughfares. As nodes along the shortest paths between
other nodes, entities with high betweenness centrality can bind otherwise disparate network
clusters, and serve to control the spread of influence throughout the network.
2.2.2. Semantics of Node Characterization in this Study
In this study, where actors transcend multiple media there is a requirement for
clearly articulating how these flesh and blood actors as well as their virtual representations
are characterized. While such characterizations are not externally definitive, in this this
study they are as follows:
Entity refers to either an individual or their social media account, if that social media
account is serving as a surrogate for a presumed sentient being, mobile or otherwise.
Entity is preferred over “person” as even when geotagged, this data only constitutes
a virtual representation. An entity can have many locations in space, but only one in
the social network.
Account can be used interchangeably with entity, but only as it pertains specifically to
social media.
Node is graph lexicon, and as such refers only to an entity’s position in a social
network, not physical space.
2.2.3. Directionality and Information Diffusion within Social Media Networks
When modeling influence, the passage of information through a network is critical to
isolating influence hubs (Pew Internet & American Life Project 2014). The transfer of
information however, is subject to the directionality of the ties over which it passes (Hoi
2011). This is essential to distinguishing between nodes such as broadcast outlets—
characterized by unilateral connections—from those involved with their networks (Pew
Internet & American Life Project 2014). In graph parlance, where an edge is a connection
between two nodes or vertices, an arc is a directed connection which can be unilateral or
reciprocal. This is especially important when using both Twitter friends (reciprocal) and
followers (unilateral). From a social network standpoint, edges leading to a node constitute
“in degree” centrality, and those leading from it would be “out degree” centrality
(Wasserman et al. 1994). A social network score based on both forms of degree is total
degree centrality. Accordingly, a Twitter account with many followers and few friends would
have high in degree centrality, and low out degree centrality. The directionality of friends and
follower relationships are leveraged in this study, as the use of both arcs and edges in social
media analysis has proven advantages over the use of undirected social graphs (Sadinle
Within social media networks, and in this case Twitter, methods of assessing
information diffusion include multiple modes of documenting a social media event’s
resonance. Among these modes is tracking the propagation of retweets through a network.
Since a retweet is the reposting of one user’s content by another, a cascade of such reposts
can spread along a chain of connected accounts, with each account actively passing the
message on to the next. Taken into consideration with other centrality measures, retweets
have proven to be a key indicator of network influence, per information diffusion models
(Anger et al. 2011).
A different approach uses the specific mention of one account screen name in
another account’s tweet. As addressed in the Twitter metadata section, this is referred to as
a user mention, and it can be used as an indication of the significance of the mentioned
account to others in its network (Cha et al. 2010). Where this type of interaction serves as a
metric for social media influence, the total number of tweets generated by a user can be
used to normalize the number of times their content is retweeted or they are cited via user
2.2.4. Why Social Network Popularity is Not Influence
If influence in a social network context is the ability to affect diffusion, or the spread
and adoption of ideas and practices (Kadushin 2012), and a node exhibits high levels of
degree centrality, is that node more influential by virtue of the sheer number of other nodes
with whom it shares a relationship?
In attempting to quantify influence on Twitter, Bakshy found that an entity’s gross
number of followers was unsurprisingly directly correlated to influence metrics (Bakshy
2011). Intuitively, the more followers an entity has, the more influential it is likely to be. In
Bakshy’s study, influence was determined by using the documented occurrence of
information diffusion events that occurred as retweets. However, from a standpoint of
value, in a scenario where an entity’s total number of followers are tantamount to the cost it
would take to employ them as an advocate—per the assumed proportionality of degree
centrality to influence—engaging the most followed influencers was not as effective as
engaging multiple average influencers.
Where both followers and directional ties are both used to assess influence, in a
study by Saito (2013) that compared two Twitter accounts, both with an equal amount of
followers, but one with significantly more reciprocal relationships, the account with a
superior number of reciprocal connections achieved a higher tweet to retweet ratio, and
thus was perceived to be more influential.
A different study addressed the nuance of a purported correlation between total
follower count and influence (Cha et al. 2010). Using retweet and user mention ratio as a
surrogate for influence, the Cheng study determined that while correlation coefficients
between follower count and information diffusion values were passable as applied to all
accounts, when restricted to the top 10% of those exhibiting strong influence
characteristics, follower count performed poorly as an explanatory variable. This study also
concluded that those accounts that did achieve a disproportionately high level of diffusion
had cultivated their standing as an influencer through sustained engagement. These
findings compete with the Bakshy study in the sense that they are at odds with assertions
about the value of follower counts. However, flouting follower counts as an influence fallacy
does, to an extent, appear to lend credence to Bakshy’s findings on the value of
engagement at lower levels of the network.
As a result of research such as that cited in the Bakshy study (Bakshy 2011),
commercial literature on social media campaigning encourages reaching out to certain
influencer types at various levels. The public relations firm Augure separated influencers into
three distinct classes (Augure, 2014). At the highest end of the popularity spectrum are
celebrities, assessed as ideal for sponsorship opportunities, followed by opinion leaders or
segment experts, and finally consumer influencers, who are best postured to support
marketing campaigns. The Augure study laid out three key components of influencing vis-à-
vis virtual networks, these included an account's exposure or reach, level of participation
within their community, and the account’s “echo,” or the likelihood that content they
generate will be relayed through the network—which is consonant with retweet and user
mention models.
On the whole, it has been asserted that identifying influencers using social network
analysis requires additional information on the interplay between nodes. Where this
information is available, it is assessed that choosing on numerical superiority, from a degree
centrality standpoint, is not always an optimal influencer engagement strategy. Additionally,
one must design an engagement strategy around an intended outcome, and seek out a
corresponding influencer type. Engagement at lower levels, both socially and likely
geospatially, may offer advantages that incorporate these methods.
2.2.5. Social Networks to Assess Communities and their Influencers
In isolating influencers at lower tiers, analysis of local networks necessitates parsing
of clusters into social communities. This community detection concerns identification of
structures within a social network that can be grouped distinctly from the rest of the network
(Guo 2009). This is especially relevant to the study of the Twitter users, which consists of
numerous distinct clusters suspended in an otherwise loose overall network (Macskassy
Community detection is also relevant to anomaly detection through spatiotemporal
clustering. This method takes into account community attributes to identify trending events
by comparing current social media levels to endemic community baselines (Pozdnoukhov et
al. 2011). Thus, knowledge of a community’s physical and social dimensions affords an
analyst the ability to assess factors most capable of impacting the network. To this end, by
using network clustering algorithms and ground truth assessments to identify communities
(Yang et al. 2015), significant improvement was noted over traditional virtual assessment
methods where there was no access to the study area afforded.
To assess the effects of social communities in a virtual medium, such as Twitter, on
physically distributed communities, geospatial tweet density has been linked to tangible
socioeconomic factors (Lia 2013). Additionally, Mennis (2011) demonstrated that the
location of social network nodes has an impact on associated localized sociocultural
behaviors. With this in mind, the effective partitioning of geographically local communities
within a social network can allow other network influence metrics to be more effectively
brought to bear, and social engagement strategies to be more judiciously implemented.
2.2.6. Spatial Mobility as a Social Network Variable
When identifying communities per a spatial extent, the mobility patterns of those that
comprise the community are key. Mobility studies reviewed for this study (such as Becker et
al. 2013) focus on the use of mobile devices—the principal means of transmitting a
geotagged tweet. These studies, however, have been conducted using catalogued or
historically inferred social network spatial patterns, e.g. assessed human mobility behavior
in the 1944 Budapest Ghetto (Giordano et al. 2011). Human mobility patterns are not an
intended contribution of this study, however research from the Becker study was applied to
the Ferguson, Missouri vignette in order to approximate a mobility extent that can
adequately circumscribe relevant agents.
Within the study reported here, mobility patterns as they apply to direct and
reciprocal social dynamics were measured using Euclidean distance, with distances out to
50 meters used as a parameter for prospective relationships. Previous research indicates
this is a reasonable consideration for the occurrence of transitory social contact (see for
example, Brieger et al. 2003). Within this distance, anthropogenic features that would
otherwise impede or obstruct social behaviors, such as a road network and its trafficability,
are assumed to not be an issue.
2.2.6. The Spatial Implications of Social Network Analysis
With social network centrality concepts addressed, now it is possible to consider
what the spatial component’s contribution to forms of social network and latent variable
analyses is. It was introduced as a means of improving social network analytic methods, but
how, and to what extent has this been substantiated? Furthermore, virtual communication
has changed our concept of space in the context of relationships. Are concepts that address
social network relationships on a physical plane applicable to virtual realms?
Using Twitter data to define edges in a social network, it was observed that social
media connections are more likely to form between nodes as a result of some form of
shared geospatial correlation (Takhteyev 2013). Statistically, it has been shown that, even
in vast virtual networks, nodes are more likely to impart more significant influence as a
result of physical proximity to other nodes (Sagl et al. 2014; Bonito et al. 2002).
As a function of propinquity effect, several studies have indicated that the concept of
social network uncertainty is likely to be significantly reduced where the distribution of
nodes in physical space is known or even approximated—endowing distance functions with
the ability to predict social network structures (Butts 2003; Daraganova et al. 2012).
2.3 Social Media and Social Network Applications
Having described the commercial significance of social media influence analysis, it
should come as no surprise that there is a veritable cavalcade of social media analysis
application offerings on the market. These can range from free online applications with
premium upgrade options, to comprehensive social media analysis software as a service. In
all forms, social media data is analyzed or otherwise manipulated in order to offer some
manner of analytic insight.
This section analyzes three classes of social network tools: social media influence
metrics as an online service, social media analysis as a server-side application and
subscription service, as well as social network analysis client-side software that is not
inherently social media-based.
2.3.1. Social Media Influence Metrics as an Online Service
Numerous companies offer social media analytics as a commercial service. These
services typically consist of a web interface that allows users to input social media data in
the form of accounts or topics that are rated in some fashion—most often to determine
influence. These services are plentiful, and the means by which they extrapolate influence
metrics is typically proprietary, and advertised as multi-faceted but explained in basic terms
(Notess 2013).
As an example, in the case of industry leader Klout, early attempts to master the
influence formula elicited a critical response when scores favoring raw connections, or
degree centrality, favored a major pop star over the President of the United States (Internet
Wire, 2013). It is worth noting however, that Klout has recalibrated its algorithm to account
for more network resonance cues, and remains at the forefront of social media influence
metrics (McHugh 2012). Such issues however, speak to the nuance associated with
assessing influence, especially across heterogeneous mediums—namely virtual and actual.
The following sampling of services were reviewed for influence assessment functionality:
Klout makes use of a proprietary algorithm that draws upon information aggregated
across different social media sources. Their method takes into account 400 different
signals to provide a score on a scale of 1 to 100 (McHugh 2012). These signals
include various means of measuring an account’s network size and level of
interaction therein. It is worth noting, that other services listed below will often
include a Klout score in addition to their own influence metric.
Tellagence, which is characterized as a social prediction company, conducts
influence and trend analysis. Tellagence has promoted itself, at Klout’s expense, as
employing more holistic methods focused on the flow of information through a
network instead of metadata values (Internet Wire 2013).
SocialRank ( allows the user to sort accounts based on location,
keyword and location, among other filters. Ostensibly, this service assigns scores in
part associated with an account’s level of interaction with followers and those they
are following vis-à-vis their tweet volume.
MoKumax offers a service known as Twitter Grader. This service provides an
influence score ostensibly derived from tweet volume, retweets, replies to others and
the number of times a user has been retweeted—potentially among other
contributing factors. MoKumax also generates exceptional visualizations based on
tweet characteristics, such as a hashtag cloud and a temporal rendering of tweet
behavior patterns (MoKumax 2015).
Buzzsumo offers Twitter influence metrics that include an account’s number of
followers, retweet ratio, reply ratio, and average retweets (
Buzzsumo also rates accounts based on Page and Domain authority. Page authority
is an algorithm used to determine how well an item will be parsed by a Google
search. Domain authority applies this same algorithm to an entire domain.
Buzzsumo also allows you to filter entity types, including influencers, bloggers,
commercial entities, journalists, and so-called regular people. Buzzsumo also
enables the user to toggle off broadcasters, by screening accounts with a reply to
tweet ratio below 4%.
Other sites such as Bluenod ( or Mentionmapp (
advertise an ability to find influencers by constructing a social graph from interactions
between accounts and shared use of hashtags.
2.3.2. Server-Side Social Media Analysis Tools
Social media analysis tools differ from the social media metrics previously addressed,
insomuch as they offer analytic functionality to the user instead of the input-output interface
more characteristic of the previous class. Social Media Analysis Tools are also often offered
as a subscription service that allows the analyst to examine individual social media events.
These tools are also not entirely focused on the social network and influence analysis of
social media—adding trend, geospatial, and content analyses. While not an exhaustive list,
the following applications are representative of contemporary market offerings:
SnapTrends bills itself as platform capable of performing geospatial analysis on
manifold social media sources. Their grouping function allows you to use cues from
social media metadata to identify influencers present at a location or associated with
a key term ( A prime selling point of this service is its ability to use
inferred spatial insights, beyond those mined from unstructured text. This includes
locations derived from social network analysis and ambient mobile communications
infrastructure, namely cell towers (Burris 2013; Tucker 2014).
Babel Street, enables analysis of manifold standard media and social media sources
across a significant portion of the language spectrum, with functionality that includes
a geospatial component, sentiment analysis, as well as user-defined filters and cues
that can be configured to trigger alerts. Babel Street also uses geo-inferencing to
locate social media users who are not geo-tagging their content (
2.3.3. Social Network Analysis Software and Practical Application
As client-side software, this class is not inextricably linked to social media as a
source of social network information, and can ingest various forms of social network data.
Among these data types are association tables, which were used in this study to transfer
content from the Twitter API into an analytic environment. The mechanics of this transfer
are covered in the analytic methodology chapter.
Principal social network analysis was performed using the Organizational Risk
Analyzer (ORA), part of the Carnegie Mellon CASOS tools (Carly et al. 2013). However, while
base-layer social network analysis metadata creation was conducted using ORA,
functionality introduced by this study does not exist as a module in ORA, or other
contemporary social network analysis software.
ORA does offer extensive GIS capability when compared to its social network analysis
software rivals. Like other such offerings, however, much of this consists of enhancements
to the analysis of interplay between existing nodes and edges—social network analysis that
is spatially clad, not necessarily a bottom-up GIS. ORA offers the user the option of
displaying the network on a map if spatial metadata exists, aggregating by locations per user
proximity specifications, and the ability to perform spatiotemporal analysis on this content
using the “Loom” extension that displays movement paths, referred to as trails, between
entities, and the locations to which entities have been associated in some fashion.
Regarding the specialized options most applicable to this study, ORA provides a geospatial
assessment option that computes the distance between entities and applies this to existing
connections. There is also a “Detect Spatial Patterns” report that accounts for clustering of
nodes based on similar attributes, and a Twitter option that uses metadata to identify key
accounts, tweets, and associated areas of influence. ORA also offers spatial versions of
other existing network centrality measures. These options include:
Closeness Centrality, Spatial – the distance from a node to edge-adjacent nodes
Betweenness Centrality, Spatial – a computation of how many spatially distant nodes
a particular node connects, presuming that such nodes have a penchant for
influence or leadership
Eigenvector Centrality, Spatial – score increases based not only on a node’s
centrality, but also on the centrality of its neighbors. The spatial version of this
measurement determines the sum of eigenvector scores at a particular place, and
scores those nodes accordingly
Other social network analysis tools examined include Palantir, which offers GIS
functionality and a social media-specific extension known as Torch (Maher 2014), Dark Web
(Chen 2011), and Analysts Notebook. In a review of available network analysis tools
capable of conducting Dynamic Network Analysis (DNA), which differs from SNA in
incorporating all elements of a network, and not merely the nature of relationships (Brieger
et al., 2003), Maersk McKiney Moller Institute enumerated the benefits of social network
analysis platforms, and suggested changes based on noted deficiencies (Wiil 2013). Among
the improvements broached was an enhanced predictive analysis capacity, only observed
within CrimeFighter Investigator (Petersen 2013) as it pertains to detection of missing links
(Rhodes 2011). Beyond solely a statistical approach, this study offers prediction in the form
of spatially-derived network development, and would be a novel addition to third-generation
social network tools aspiring to meet predictive goals set forth by the Wiil study.
2.4 Network Latent Variable and Predictive Models
The concept of a dark network entails a series of relationships that is directly hidden
or obfuscated as a result of some deliberate network impetus. This is not an inherently
nefarious practice. However where it is in the case of terrorist or criminal networks, methods
used to identify unknown social network variables are key to assessing a group operational
Examining unknown social network variables, understanding and quantifying the
impact of physical distance on social interactions is key to social network studies such as
social link prediction and social tie strength inference (Butts 2003, Daraganova et al. 2012).
This inference is essentially reducing network uncertainty, both socially and geospatially,
through the analysis of incomplete information. Numerous models of this type are
addressed below, and are illustrative of various means of gaining analytic insight through
the melding of social network and geospatial analysis.
The outlined ESSLVM is intended to identify unknown or underexplored social
connections based on geospatial variables, and as such the preponderance of attention is
placed here on similar models. Other systems however, use a similar interdisciplinary
approach to geolocate points or entities that are otherwise unlocated via their social
connections. This is referred to as spatial inferencing, which is the derivation of geospatial
content from ambient data or metadata (Cheng et al. 2010). This section includes a review
of both such latent variable models to underscore how complimentary both social network
and geospatial analytic methods are.
2.4.1. Spatial Inferencing: Resolving Unknown Locations
With only a fraction of all social media events containing geospatial metadata, or geo-
tags, methods have been developed to track nodes and events that are unlocated using
spatial inferencing. Network or graph-based spatial inferencing methods differ from content
assessments insomuch as graph assessments extrapolate information from a user’s
network to fix a position, while content-based work focuses on unstructured text, “I’m at the
ballpark,” “I’m at the beach,” and so forth.
Other forms of spatial inferencing could include landmark colocation, popularly
referred to as check-ins. Leveraging landmarks to conduct spatial inferencing along with a
graph-based approach has also improved upon content-centric assessments (Yamaguchi et
al. 2013). As an example of the effectiveness of a network-centric approach, using
provided addresses of facebook users and their known friends, locations of users with
undisclosed addresses were approximated with greater accuracy than could be achieved via
IP address (Backstrom et al. 2010).
Another model (Cheng et al. 2010) analyzes a network of Twitter user mentions to
zero in on an unlocated user’s location. Using this approach, as of its publication, the Cheng
model boasted creation of the largest and most accurate collection of gelocated tweets—
110,846,236 Twitter users at city-level.
Further underscoring the significance of social network analysis in GIS, a different
latent variable model type concerns the prediction of an event, its location, and its
participants, by modeling the spatiotemporal dynamics of social networks (Cho et al. 2013).
This is made possible by inferring key information from pairs of actors and their involvement
in events per observations that the spatiotemporal patterns of these relationships are not
statistically independent. In other words, as a self-exciting process, the Cho model is
contingent on temporal dependencies wherein the occurrence of one dyadic event
precipitates another or numerous others. This model’s claimed applications range from
proactive policing, to the analysis of disease propagation (Cho et al. 2013).
An alternative approach (Li et al. 2013) that shares lineage with the Cho model, also
focuses on linking events via shared actors to address latent event variables, but adds to
spatial inferencing, network parameter inference—or in ESSLVM parlance, the reduction of
network uncertainty. The Li study uses an armed conflict vignette to assess the causal
interconnectivity of hostile engagements between US forces, the Afghan Government,
Civilians, and the Taliban.
Spatial inferencing models emphasize that significant insight can be achieved
melding temporal, social, and spatial methodologies, and that the underrepresentation of
any one component can be compensated for by careful analysis of the others.
2.4.2. Network Prediction
With network analysis as the backbone of influencer identification, the more
developed a social network is, the more accurate an influence assessment stands to be.
Network prediction can rely on non-spatialized network analysis by modeling random
progressions through the network, referred to as random walks, which are most likely to lead
to new relationships as a result of edge attributes (Backstrom, et al. 2010). This and other
supervised and unsupervised processes (Davis et al. 2013) can be effective, but are
improved upon with the introduction of spatial components.
2.4.3. Optimal Network Prediction Using Spatial Content
Of the latent variable models examined, those most relevant to this study are the
geospatial network prediction models. These models ascribe significant value to the
distance between nodes in physical space and the likelihood of virtual social connections,
whether they be latent or potential. Using this modality, the spatial distance between nodes
in a network has been demonstrated as a viable means of reducing network uncertainty
(Brieger et al. 2003).
FLAP (Friendship + Location Analysis and Prediction) uses a multimodal approach to
identify social ties as latent variables (Sadilek et al. 2012). Testing this model on Twitter
datasets, the different FLAP network uncertainty reduction modalities include leveraging
knowledge user’s location, their reciprocal connection patterns, as well as message content
analysis as a function of belief propagation—or diffusion. To substantiate the accuracy of
Flap predictions, assessed connections were scored against known hold-back connections.
When starting with Twitter node-sets for Los Angeles and New York, ranging from edgeless
(no connections) to 50% of all edges, FLAP’s aggregated approach outclassed comparable
models tested (such as Crandall et al. 2012; Taskar et al. 2003) by a significant margin—
reconstructing a social diagram where only 50% of edges are provided. In this example, as a
test of the model’s ability to identify true positive edges in comparison to false positives,
FLAP was .95 below the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. This was
accomplished with a precision-recall breakeven point of .65, meaning that 65% of unknown
edges were identified without a false positive. When focused on a specific clique, or
community, as opposed to the complete dataset, FLAP results were even more precise.
Sadilek et al’s comparison of FLAP to the Tandar model (Tandar et al. 2003) showed
that Tandar did not scale to the same extent as FLAP, and it requires some initial edge input
at all levels. Comparison to the Crandall model demonstrated the triumph of FLAP’s socio-
spatial approach over a spatially dominant method, leading to the authors’ conclusion that
proximity alone is inadequate for the task of social network edge prediction--citing
community space routinely shared with strangers as a prime example (Sadilek, et al. 2012).
Emphasizing the reciprocal benefits of social and geospatial analysis as well as the
methodological interconnectivity of all aforementioned latent variable models, in addition to
excelling at social network prediction, FLAP was 84% accurate at plotting the location of
unknown users, when an unlocated user has nine geolocated friends.
2.4 The Ethics of Going Socio-Spatial
The use of bulk, public, social media datasets as outlined above allows researchers
access to vast amounts of data. That data however, is representative of people, and
assessments derived from their aggregated content may offer insight that individuals never
intended to divulge (Kadushin 2012). Additionally, the analysis of latent variables renders
perceptible information that users may have deliberately kept private—such as their
locations or relationships (Sadilek, et al. 2012). While the ability to defeat security controls
has benefits in the realm of counterterrorism, efforts to safeguard a standard user’s social
media privacy (see for example, Weidemann 2013) are also susceptible to this technology.
According to the Federal Trade Commission, where a social media service furnishes
metadata, and that content is handled in a manner keeping with the service’s terms of use
agreement, users that have agreed to the privacy policy but are otherwise averse to the
manipulation of their personal content have no legitimate grievance (Claypoole 2014).
Social media analysis service SnapTrends spatially renders social media that is enhanced by
location inferencing, and in support of this practice the company has staked out defensible
legal ground—asserting that users voluntarily post to a public domain and as such have no
expectation of privacy (Sullivan 2014). Using similar reasoning, the study described here,
does not entail direct interaction with subjects and uses only publically available data, and
has been deemed exempt from further IRB review.
2.5 Summary
Given the large body of research on social network, a selection of which is cited
above, it is important to note that the ESSLVM outlined in this study is principally intended to
reduce network uncertainty and identify key influencers. This is demonstrated by
constraining social networks using human mobility parameters that serve to physically
delineate social communities, and thus their most significant actors. Literature on
community detection and human mobility assessments addressed heretofore informed this
method, however analytically ESSLVM is not intended to advance such processes, aside
from demonstrating novel practical application of both. The next chapter outlines the
means by which ESSLVM applies social network and latent variable concepts in a novel
The overall intent of ESSLVM is the advancement of propinquity effect as a means of solving
latent variable problems. There are many components in this methodology, which are
described in detail in Chapter 3 and 4. However, the finer points of ESSLVM are introduced
by outlining the design principles which guided the development of the methodology.
3.1. Principles Guiding the Design of ESSLVM
ESSLVM methodology was intended to contribute to social network and geospatial
analysis at multiple levels. This was accomplished by understanding the interplay between
an individual’s position in a social network and their relationship with others in physical
space. These geospatial relationships contribute to an understanding of social network
influence and the inference of social connections.
In the context of material addressed in the previous chapter, likely contributions
include socio-spatial concepts, social network analysis applications, and spatial latent
variable models.
3.1.1. Contributions to Socio-Spatial Concepts
By exploring socio-spatial concepts, ESSLVM is intended to demonstrate quantifiably
that social network dynamics have a reciprocal relationship with physical distance vis-à-vis
individual entities interacting with one another on a geospatial plane. This is in effect an
advancement of the concept of propinquity effect, wherein new social network information is
synthesized from corresponding geospatial content. This approach uses geotagged social
media to make social network inferences at a highly granular scale of analysis.
3.1.2. Contributions to Socio Media and Social Network Analysis Applications
While many analytic modalities outlined in this study have been automated as tools
using the Python language, ESSLVM is not intended to directly compete with social network
analysis applications. Instead, ESSLVM propounds functional concepts that could be
adopted and integrated by existing social media metrics—namely online services that score
individual social media accounts. Additionally, ESSLVM is intended to augment known
social network analysis modules aimed at identifying key influencers and inferring unknown
social network relationships.
Many social network analysis processes in existence are constrained by the social
network and its edges, and as a result are not completely spatially aware—though the ORA
process of binding nodes by location, and offering a geospatial assessment at least
approaches this concept. ESSLVM develops connections independent of known network
adjacencies that can be subsequently reintegrated into the social diagram from whence they
were derived.
3.1.2. Contributions to Latent Variable Models
As a latent variable model, ESSLVM underscores spheres of influence, and the
individuals that comprise them. There are numerous highly advanced latent variable models
in existence. While not yet quantifiably commensurable with these models, ESSLVM pilots
concepts that could be incorporated into a system of comparable methodologies.
Calling attention to differences between cited models and ESSLVM, the Cheng geolocation
model (Cheng et al. 2010) used only Twitter user mentions to develop its network—citing
issues with the Twitter friends and followers API. User mentions constitute perhaps the
highest quality node information. From a relationship standpoint, each user mention is a
very contemporary act of volition by the account holder and not a relic from the social
dustbin. This content however, is not always adequate in more sparsely populated areas. It
is also not appropriate for instances where a network is to be developed from a seed
account bereft any user mentions, such as the official media apparatus of a terrorist
network. Because of their abundance in the Ferguson, Missouri vignette, however, user
mentions were leveraged as a means of testing ESSLVM spatial association efficacy.
Alternatively, the Sadilek model (Sadilek et al. 2012), uses only friends, which is
preferred from a qualitative standpoint, but for the same reasons listed above regarding
data-sparse environments and non-interactive, high popularity users; ESSLVM expands on
this approach by using both the friends’ and followers’ networks to ensure the social
network diagram is as robust as possible. As an example of the utility of this approach, the
followers’ network would best bind two geo-tagged accounts that are following a third
account that serves as an official media outlet and propagates extremist content, but that is
not geospatially collocated. This places more of a burden on geospatial criteria within the
model to define a community and identify potential relationships.
Additionally, in the Sadilek model, it is assumed that a user remains at a location
until they tweet again from a new location. However, in trials conducted where data is not
as plentiful as Los Angeles or New York—the test bed of the Sadilek model—there must be
controls in place that will allow the user to account for pronounced asynchronous presence
where a paired event might occur days or weeks after an initial event.
Finally, a key analytic undertaking was the development of social network discovery
methods likely to be conducive to influencer identification and supported by statistical
outputs indicating focal point-centric clustering of social network centrality scores in space.
While its output cannot be directly compared with latent variable models cited in the
previous chapter, ESSLVM use a social connection prediction approach that is conceptually
comparable. Examined latent variable models however, do not employ methods that take
into account the effects of attraction and repulsion on entities distributed in physical space
per their social network variables, which is an underpinning of this study.
3.2. Overview of Methodology
The many interrelated components of ESSLVM are depicted in Figure 4 and details of
their functions are explained in the following sections.
The analysis of social media can often be subjected to two major logistical obstacles:
Procuring the data and handling it at scale. Thus, a portion of this methodological overview
details necessary preliminary steps, including use of additional supporting Python scripts.
This data is in turn geospatially correlated to an area of interest in order to identify a
community. From this community, specific entities (i.e. Twitter users) are identified as seed
accounts—correlated to the area of interest—and the Twitter Friends and Followers API is
queried in order to develop a social network from these seeds. Using this network, the
connections of entities as nodes in the social diagram are constrained to other entities
within defined spatial extent, in order to underscore local relevant network clusters and
associated influencers.
Figure 4 ESSLVM Conceptual Model, Analytic Methodology to End-State
It is from this process that we arrive at a means of substantiating and validating the
hypothesis that position in a social network has bearing on an individual’s relationship with
others in physical space, and as a result, individuals or organizations postured to influence a
network via direct conduits such as local leadership figures and on-site organizers, possess
a qualitative advantage. Additionally, using the spatially biased social network as an output,
more advanced methodologies addressed in Chapter 4 can be applied.
3.3. Initial Data Collection
Twitter has authorized select vendors to sell this data, however prices for a one-time
provision of geotagged data bundles are likely impractical for those not engaged in
manipulation of the content for commercial ends, or who are not otherwise externally
funded. For example, as of late 2014, one such social media content vendor, Datasift,
offered geotagged tweets at an out of contract minimum of 1,000 US dollars, covering 40
consecutive days and up to 1,000,000 total tweets (
This study’s Twitter data requirements were satisfied using a Python script developed
for this project to access the Twitter Streaming API (Twitter 2015), which is a public source
of information that is free of charge. By virtue of its streaming output, retrospective queries
are not an option, which necessitates anticipatory collection on events of interest. Data was
extracted in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format to a text file, and consisted of
geotagged tweets within a user-defined bounding box. For this project this script was
organically adapted to function as an executable file, requiring the name of the new output
JSON and coordinates for the southwest and northeast corners of the bounding box. The
script continued running until manually discontinued, and while running, the JSON was
populated in near real-time. As an ancillary process within the script, the Twitter Streaming
API JSON was converted into a comma-delimited table, cleaned of spurious bot-generated
tweets, and converted into vector data that was subsequently manipulated in ArcGIS
As an example used to illustrate the various steps of this methodological approach,
Twitter data was pulled for the 13 November 2014 USC vs. Cal college football game for
administrative parcels immediately adjacent to the USC campus and Los Angeles Memorial
Coliseum—though when using the Twitter Streaming API there tends to be significant
spillover outside the specified bounding box. This Twitter steaming API pull occurred
between 16:00, 13 November and 01:40, 14 November, resulting in 4414 total geotagged
tweets. These tweets are depicted in Figure 5 below.
Figure 5 Tweets Collected in the vicinity of the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum Collected during a
USC Football Game
3.4. Community Identification Using Geospatial Correlation Methods
From within the total dataset pulled from the Twitter stream, correlating spatial
subsets of the collected vector data to a particular smaller area of interest enables the
distilling of content into a community that can be analyzed. It is important to note that the
study extent, used to pull the tweets, can be dictated by the area of interest polygon, or vice
versa depending on the whether the area of interest polygon cued interest in the space
around it, or if you are looking for a defined area of interest, unknown at the outset, inside a
known study extent.
Since this smaller area is considered discrete state space, this method requires
discrete state space membership of Twitter point data, e.g. points intersecting a polygon,
such as a specific building whose patrons are the subjects of study. Distinct social events
can also be distilled with the addition of discrete temporal limits, essentially bracketing the
event within a time slice and demarcating its footprint using a polygon.
Once all events within the smaller area of interest have been identified, the process
then determines all the unique social media accounts within that polygon, and interrogates
the complete extent of the data for the same account information. Using the example of
tweets collected for the USC vs CA football game, the polygon was defined by the football
stadium, Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, only taking into account the temporal span when
the venue was open in association with the game. Using this extraction method, there were
275 total geotagged social media events generated by 175 unique Twitter accounts active
at the game. These accounts were then correlated to all tweets collected within the USC
campus bounding box, amounting to 383 total social events generated by accounts that
were spatially and temporally correlated to the football game. The distribution of these
points is shown in Figure 6. If the social media events had been distilled across the entire
city, this process would identify locations around the venue where fans were before and
after the game, e.g. tailgating locations, residences, etc.
Figure 6 Tweets Correlated to the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum
Another method of depicting the number of different users occupying the same
space is by binning. Hexagon binning to visually render Twitter entity diversity spatially is
depicted in Figure 7.
Figure 7 Tweets Binned to Depict Entity Diversity (Number of Entities per Bin)
From the tool output, you can infer answers to questions such as: “Where do
accounts that have been active on campus live, dine, and engage in recreational activities?”
Or, in a different context, “what accounts are active on both sides of a national boundary,
and where do these accounts converge?” Documenting this type of activity over time can be
key to developing patterns of life of select individuals or groups.
3.4. Creation of a Spatially Reduced Association Table and a Socially Enhanced Vector File
The output from the community definition process provides a list of accounts
associated with the area of interest—in this example it was 175 unique Twitter accounts
active within Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum during a football game. These accounts serve
as seed accounts—or the accounts used to query the Twitter Friends and Followers API.
The Twitter Friends and Followers API (provided as open source by Twitter) allows
access to a database of both reciprocal (friends), and unilateral connections (followers).
However, it is limited in the volume that can be accessed at any one time. In this
application, a Python script was used to access the Twitter Friends and Followers API,
overcoming API imposed volume restrictions with built-in cursor functionality that “sleeps”
when a data ceiling is reached, and resumes pulling data after the requisite waiting period
has elapsed.
The Twitter Friends and Followers API output is a JSON for every seed Twitter
account. These JSONs are then converted into lists of all friends and followers for each of
the original seed accounts. An additional Python script appends the associated seed
account name to each row of their friends and followers list, and joins all disparate lists
together to produce an association table. For example, if Account A has 25 followers, their
Twitter friends and followers are written to a text file, and converted to a table with 25 rows
each containing one friend or follower’s unique account information or Twitter “user screen
name,” and the original account, “User A” or seed account. An example of this association
table output is depicted as Table 2.
Table 2 Association Table Example
The association table can be ingested into social networking applications. This
process was repeated for every account active in the football venue polygon, and all
disparate friends and follower lists were aggregated into a master association table. The
result from the football game example was 46,030 friend and follower relationships
associated with the original 175 seed Twitter accounts—totaling 37,353 unique Twitter
As an association table the data can be imported into the ORA social network
analysis application. When an association table containing pairs of related entities is
imported into ORA, each row becomes a dyad, two nodes connected by an edge. From this
list of dyads, a multi-tiered social network diagram is formed from the original seed account
relationships represented on the association table. However, while each seed account is
selected based on geospatial correlation to the polygon of interest, their friends and
followers may well span the globe. As a result, this step can often be functionally
impractical until the network is reduced per spatial criteria in subsequent steps. This is
because of the processing power and memory required to turn hundreds of thousands of
relationships into a comprehensive social network diagram.
3.4.1. Development of Socio-Spatial Metadata
When the objective of a study is the identification of locally relevant influencers,
widely distributed networks can be culled by removing nodes beyond a distance that defines
a relevant “mobility space.” For the football game example, the intent was to reduce the
37,353 unique entities on the association table, to those entities who are actually active in
and around the study extent—adjacent to Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum.
How can this distance be defined? The exhaustive study of human mobility space is
an undertaking worthy of its own thesis, and was not a research objective of this one.
However, there are many studies which provide good estimates of appropriate distances. As
an example, for the vignette described in the following chapter, the results of Becker et al.’s
study on cellular telephone derived human mobility characteristics provided a basis for
selecting a mobility limit for daily median weekday range in an urban area of approximately
5600 meters (Becker et al. 2013). To confirm this is an appropriate generalization,
standard deviational ellipses for all events produced by each of the seed accounts can be
computed and compared to the Becker-derived, or any other pre-determined mobility buffer.
The spatial distribution of each account’s events should fall approximately within the buffer.
For the football game example, the original bounding box was used as a surrogate for
mobility space.
3.4.2. Isolation of the Spatially Relevant Network from the Complete Social Network
Next, all social media events collected throughout the entire mobility buffer are
correlated to the list of friends and followers associated with the original seed accounts. In
joining a table of entities inside the mobility buffer to the master association table, only
matches are retained. This results in the identification of secondary connections—accounts
not present in the area of interest polygon—that still share a social connection with seed
accounts that were correlated to the area of interest polygon. Thus you have a new set of
users who did not tweet from the initial polygon of interest, but who were socially connected
to the seed accounts inside the polygon of interest, and whose geotagged tweets have
indicated they were located in the mobility buffer.
This method achieves a significant reduction in overall network size by restricting
relationships that are likely most relevant to the initial polygon of interest. In the LA
example, using only Twitter friends (reciprocal ties), those seed accounts likely attending the
game had only 149 social connections inside the initial bounding box. The resulting
streamlined association table is referred to here as a spatially reduced association table.
Figure 8 is a depiction of these nodes in a social graph. An output of this process is a
shapefile that includes all social media events generated by these entities, inside the
mobility buffer.
Figure 8 Social Network Graph Depicting Twitter Friends of those Attending the USC-CAL Football
3.4. Development of Socio-Spatial Metadata
Once in ORA, the social network diagram produced from the spatially reduced
association table can be analyzed for various measures of network centrality. The intended
benefit of network reduction through application of geospatial constraints is to bias these
social network scores in favor of entities with more local connections than distant ones, so
that locally relevant influencers might be more apparent.
Derived from the spatially reduced association table, the complete gamut of social
network centrality measures produced by ORA—which amounts to 39 in total— are exported
as a table. The social network centrality scores for each analyzed Twitter account are then
joined to social media event shapefile attribute data, to create a social network analysis
enhanced vector file. With all Twitter accounts identified in previous steps now joined with
their social network centrality scores as metadata, spatial visualization and analysis of
social network values associated with the event vector layer can occur. As an example in
Figure 9, the nodes associated with the USC vs. CAL game (in Figure 8) have been scaled by
their betweenness centrality. As spatial metadata, such metrics and symbology can be
appended to the resulting shapefile, as depicted in Figure 10, where points are also
symbolized by their betweenness centrality. Of note, in Figure 10, there are additional
entities visible which were not correlated to the football game, but have reciprocal social ties
to entities who did.
Figure 9 Coliseum Correlated Nodes Scaled by their Betweenness Centrality
Figure 10 Coliseum Correlated Social Media Events and Reciprocal Connections, Scaled by
Betweenness Centrality
The pairing of social network values to Twitter event vector points is also key to
subsequent steps addressed in Chapter 4 that include the identification of socio-spatial
relationships and analysis of the correlation between Twitter account social network metrics
and their geospatial distribution.
3.4. Comparative Analysis of Twitter Accounts
Using spatially biased social network data to identify locally relevant influencers,
additional analysis can include comparing other account content such as publically posted
tweets and photos to network scores. This is simplified by sorting the range of network
centrality scores to identify top scoring accounts in each category. In the case of the protest
vignette described in the following chapter, top scoring accounts were researched to assess
their role in a protest. As will be seen in Chapter 5, the process of subjectively analyzing
entities vis-à-vis their centrality measures, was used to determine which centrality measures
are most appropriate to identify entities actively influencing the protest. This comparative
analysis however, was not applied to the Chapter 3 football game example.
If the key hypothesis of this research holds true, local influencers actively involved in
their community generate higher social network scores within a social network parsed
spatially—in the steps mentioned heretofore—than those who rely on a broader, more
externally distributed support base.
3.4. Summary
The addressed stages of the ESSLVM process combined spatially correlated social
media events with their non-spatial social connections to identify social relationships most
relevant to a specified area of interest. From these spatially-biased social relationships, the
identification of local influencers is assessed to be more likely. Applying tenets of
propinquity effect and the mechanics of latent variable models, the data generated through
this process can be assessed for other social insight per spatio-temporal dynamics. The
implementation of this approach is covered in the next chapter.
Endemic Socio-Spatial Latent Variable Modeling (ESSLVM) Python scripts are designed to
identify and quantify socio-spatial relationships from within the spatially reduced dataset
addressed in the previous chapter. There are multiple Python scripts that comprise the
ESSLVM script suite, with the keystone script an ArcGIS Script tool (under the prototype
designation Blue Starling). Other associated Python scripts preform key data processing
tasks but are not in an ArcGIS script tool GUI. The central component of all scripts is the
creation and manipulation of an association table.
Beyond a development undertaking however, there is additional ESSLVM analytic
methodology entailed in detecting relationships per user-defined social, spatial, and
temporal criteria. These functions are inextricably linked to methodology outlined in the
previous chapter—as they are intended to use the same social media output shapefile as a
data source. Scripts outlined here perform additional analytic functions on this social media
shapefile. To this end, ESSLVM is a process intended to enable follow-on social network
analysis by underscoring inferred relationships. The scripts created for this study and their
corresponding analytic underpinnings are as follows:
ESSLVM ArcGIS script tool (Blue Starling) association table creation. This ArcGIS
script tool uses a shapefile as input and identifies latent or incipient social
connections based on spatial, social, and temporal dynamics—recording these
inferred relationships to an association table as an output.
Socio-Spatial Correlation (Blue Starling) Analysis Functions. This script uses the
output of the previous script, and determines whether entities demonstrate socio-
spatial correlation to one another using the distances between them, their social
network centrality values, and Spearman’s Rank Coefficient Correlation. The output
is an association table that includes their correlation coefficient and other supporting
Shortest path matrix. This is a script that uses the NetworkX Python library to
determine the distance between any two nodes in a social network. This method can
be applied as a discriminator for other steps, e.g. keep only those nodes that are
within 2 steps of one another in the social network. This script’s input is the spatially
reduced association table discussed in Chapter 3, and the output is a matrix that
includes all possible node pairs.
4.1. ESSLVM ArcGIS Script Tool (Blue Starling) Spatial Association Table
While existing social network analysis software addresses the analysis of nodes and
edges, this tool suggests new relationships based on specified spatial, social and temporal
criteria—building an association table based on the addressed manifold relationships that
exist between entities in physical space. Additionally, this tool includes another user-
determined criterion—the number of encounters that must occur for a relationship to be
considered significant. Considering shared public space, such as a coffee shop, at what
point is there a reasonable expectation that two entities within that physical space share a
social relationship and their meeting is not purely coincidence? These variables (spatial,
social, and temporal) are parameters determined by the user. If these user-specified criteria
are met, this process summarizes all these variables and adds them to a script- generated
association table. This includes the average time difference between each of the dyadic
node’s sequential tweets, their average distance apart in physical space, and their
difference in social network scores.
Figure 11 “Blue Starling” Script Tool
4.1.1. ESSLVM ArcGIS Script Tool (Blue Starling) Spatial Association Table Parameters
The field variables in the script allow the user to specify which of their fields meet
these criteria, without having to manually alter the attribute table in advance. These include
“ID” field, which is any field that uniquely identifies each account. For Twitter, that would be
the “User ID” or the User Screen Name.” The “SNA” variable is the preferred social network
centrality criterion for establishing social distance, and the “DateTime” field variable is an
ArcGIS-recognizable field that contains both date and time information. Of note, the
standard Twitter date-time format does require modification.
Other non-intrinsic variables serve as criteria that determine what inter-node
dynamics will qualify nodes as members of a dyad, or to be retained as a pair to undergo the
subsequent socio-spatial correlation analysis process. Using these variables, all entities are
compared to one another to assess relationships, or the prospect thereof. These variables
“Radius,” is the maximum geospatial distance within which two entities will be
considered a dyad, it is the principal disqualifier, and no other calculations will be conducted
if data does not meet this criteria.
“Closeness,” closeness degree centrality, or another “SNA Threshold” which is the
maximum allowable difference centrality between two nodes in a social network. The
measurement used in the vignette was eponymous closeness centrality, as it is a measure
of a node’s mean social distance to other nodes in the social network, and as a result. A
relatively large difference in closeness centrality is indicative of corresponding significant
separation between two nodes in the social network—per each nodes average distance to all
other nodes in the network. This does require some advanced knowledge of social network
metrics, and the centrality variable is the user’s prerogative. The process of comparing
closeness centrality scores however, can be refined using a true measurement of the social
network distance between two nodes as steps represented in a matrix. Such a matrix is
representative of all shortest paths between every node in the social network, and is
described in a subsequent chapter.
“Date_Diff” is the maximum allowable time in minutes between events, or in this
case tweets, that is acceptable for two accounts to be considered a dyad by computing the
absolute difference between date-time fields. Because of the aforementioned
asynchronous nature of certain social media datasets, especially in data-sparse areas, this
variable can be set to account for relatively loose tolerances. In urban areas, or periods of
intense activity, it is advisable to get the “Date_Diff” variable as low as possible to optimize
accuracy. This process replaced the discrete time slices of earlier diagnostic analysis to
allow for assessment of an entire dataset in one run, and to negate time slice edge effects.
Variables that control the location of input and output data include
arcpy.en.workspace or the geodatabase where the input file is located. This information is
input by entering it in the “Environment” Field. It is recommended that each project be
conducted in a dedicated geodatabase. The only allowable output is a feature class. “Input
File” is the name of the shapefile that is being analyzed, and the output association table’s
name is derived from this shapefile.
4.1.2. ESSLVM ArcGIS Script Tool (Blue Starling) Spatial Association Table Functions
There are several functions that occur once all the parameters are set and the tool is
initiated. Using the provided shapefile, these functions create an association table, then
scrub its contents per specified variables. An example of the output is depicted in Table 3.
Table 3 Spatial Association Table Output Converting Fields
Using Esri geoprocessing functions from the “arcpy” Python library, the original file is
copied to preserve its attribute data, and the copied file has the “SNA_Measure,” “Node_ID,”
and “DateTime” fields altered from the user input attributes, to the field names reflected in
the output using field management functions. This is a necessary step, to ensure script
compatibility with a variety of attribute input names.
SNA Node_ID SNA Node_ID FREQ SNA_Diff MEAN_Time MEAN_Distance
0.00388 Account 1 0.00388 Account 2 54 0 13.175 9.654383
0.00388 Account 2 0.00388 Account 1 54 0 13.175 9.654383
0.00387 Account 3 0.00388 Account 7 66 0.00001 11.5 17.196278
0.00388 Account 4 0.00387 Account 5 66 0.00001 11.5 17.196278
57 Point Distance Analysis
This function determines the distance between all points that fall within a user-
specified radius of each other using point-distance functionality in ArcGIS. The radius is set
in this script as a variable. In this model, the dataset is run against itself after it is copied.
The output of this point-distance process is a table pairing every point to every other point.
This table, the “spatial association table,” is the destination of all output from the
subsequent functions described below.
Since the output table consists only of the input point object ID, the near object ID
and the distance between them, data from the shapefile attribute table is joined to this table
twice, using the variable designated as the account-unique identification for both input and
near fields. This allows all Twitter account information to be analyzed for relationships during
subsequent processes. Additionally, the average distance for each dyad is calculated as
“Mean_Distance” in Table 3. These average dyad distance values are added to the table
redundantly for each row corresponding to the same dyad. Relationship Metrics
To calculate relationship metrics, a new field is created in the spatial association
table that contains a concatenation of the input and adjacent or “near” user screen names
(the dyads). Because directionality cannot be assessed spatially, the same entities in
reverse order are also counted and the amount of times each dyad in this field appears is
summed using frequency analysis functionality. The results are joined back onto the main
association table—in so doing, this creates a field that is assessed for removal of entity-
homogenous dyads, or the same user screen name twice in the same field. This would
occur when multiple tweets from the same account occur within the same time-span and
specified radius. Only entity-heterogeneous rows are retained. This field is then used to
perform a count of the number of times each of these accounts (as a dyad) meet other
relationship specifications. The total number of times each entity meet association
parameters is recorded as “Freq” for frequency, in Table 3. Social Network Analysis Metrics
As a surrogate for the distance between two entities in a social network, the absolute
difference between each account’s “SNA” variable is calculated, using Esri field calculations
and added to the association table. Per the user-specified “Closeness” criteria, this
absolute difference of SNA values is used determine which rows are retained. The
difference between their SNA scores is recorded (as depicted in Table 3) as “SNA_Diff.” Temporal Analysis
To determine the time between tweets that qualify a pair of entities as a social dyad,
per the user-defined “Date_Diff” criteria, a time difference field is added, and the absolute
difference between time fields is calculated to populate this new field using the ArcGIS date
difference function. As is the case with the other criteria variables, only those rows that
meet user requirements are retained. The average time difference between each dyadic
pair is also calculated and added to the table redundantly for each row corresponding to the
same dyad. As dyad refers to two nodes in a social network, all events generated by these
still represent only one relationship. This is recorded on the output association table as
“Mean_Time.” Administrative Functions and Output
The final output for the spatial association table deletes all fields created as a result
of multiple join functions, leaving only the input account, or entity, its SNA measure, the near
account, its SNA measure, the number of times all criteria were met for each dyad, the
mean distance between accounts in a dyad, the difference in social network values, and the
mean time difference. As part of a clean-up function, all interim tables created as a result of
this process are deleted, leaving only the input and two output files in the project
The socio-spatial analysis input table, essential to the next section, retains all
measurements between accounts that meet criteria, with a row for each occurrence. This
allows the near features’ social network value as an X field, and the distance between
accounts as a Y field, in the subsequent Spearman’s Rank Correlation Coefficient process.
4.2. Socio-Spatial Correlation Analysis
Consider the crowd that gathers around a public speaker, a politician, an executive,
or a celebrity—anyone that serves as an influencer or social focal point. Now take into
account that influencer’s social network values and the values of those they attract. These
influencers, by virtue of their standing, are likely to have a higher social network score.
Research that contributes to this study indicates that interaction between social entities in
physical space can have observable and quantifiable patterns documented as spatial
attraction or repulsion. These patterns can be evident in the signature of the influencer, or
those consistently attracted to them.
Still a subset of Blue Starling, this script uses an association table derived from the
previous scripts to determine the level of correlation between spatial distance values and
social network centrality. It is assessed that this method constitutes an advancement of the
community’s understanding of propinquity effect and its bearing on groups of people vis-à-
vis social network values. The intent is to detect concentrations of social influence on a
geospatial plane so that these connections can contribute to traditional social network
4.2.1. Socio-Spatial Correlation Analysis Script Objectives
A now vestigial aim of this process was the geospatial analysis of crowd dynamics
and macro-cognition (Huebner 2014), taking into account the tenets of swarm theory,
wherein forms of incentivized attraction or repulsion can dictate ostensibly coordinated
movements (Wang et al. 2013). These concepts however, were instead applied to the socio-
spatial analysis addressed throughout this thesis—hence the name “Blue Starling,” coined
after the swarm-like murmurations of Starling birds.
The principal objective of this analysis is to enable a user to take a shapefile
enriched with social network metadata and determine whether or not the events that
comprise this shapefile demonstrate significant socio-spatial correlation per Spearman’s
Rank Correlation Coefficient. Spearman’s Rank Correlation Coefficient is a means of
assessing the statistical dependence between two variables, denoted by its “rho.” This
method is preferred over other similar approaches that use raw inputs as variables, because
the ranking of values inherent to the Spearman process accounts for data that is not evenly
distributed (Gauthier 2001). Spearman’s Rank Correlation Coefficient in its standard form
can be represented using the following equation, where = the rho, = the difference
between x and y ranks, and n = the sample size:
6 ∑ 1
During the development process, a prototype model separated an assessed
influencer class from all other nodes using the social network values of the influencer class,
and the distance of all other nodes from that class as input data for a correlation process.
This diagnostic model however, assumes knowledge of a top influencing tier per social
network analysis, and requires knowledge of relevant time slices on which to conduct
analysis. While the method was not retained, it did serves as a proof of concept, with the
isolated influencer class demonstrating statistically significant correlation between their
distances from ambient entities and social network centrality measures of those entities.
4.2.2. Spearman’s Rank Correlation Coefficient Script Functions
This Python script is fed by a designed derivation of the Blue Starling script tool and
as such is responsive to the same user-dictated criteria. To perform correlation analysis
however, instead of summarizing each relationship—as is done in the previous step—the
precise distance between each entity is recorded to the association table, and each such
occurrence is retained.
Incorporating Spearman’s Rank Correlation Coefficient into an automated process
makes use of Pandas (, a library of data analysis resources in the Python
programming language, as well as SciPy (, a library of scientific tools, also in
Python. The script created for this study points to an input comma delimited table (CSV)
created from the correlation coefficient input table that was an output of the previous step.
Using read and “groupby” functions in pandas, the table is effectively split by a user
designated unique identifier, in the case the input Twitter account, which is the user screen
name, or node ID—per the lexicon of the previous script. This allows each of the ensuing
SciPy functions to be run against each set of relationships independently and virtually
simultaneously. The first of these is the “rankdata” function that assigns an ordinal value to
each input value as a prerequisite for Spearman’s Rank Correlation Coefficient. The next
function is correlation, with a specified output of Spearman’s rho, and the P-value, to
quantify the statistical significance of the rho. As an output, all correlation values are
appended to the original association table.
4.3. Shortest Path Matrix
Using the Blue Starling script tool, a surrogate for the position of a node in a network
in relation to other nodes is a calculation of the absolute difference between closeness
values—the average shortest path to all other nodes in the network. However, a superior
means of assessing network proximity was developed using a script in conjunction with the
NetworkX Python Library. This script creates a matrix based on all nodes in the social
network and their shortest distance, in number of edges traversed, from one another. This
matrix allows spatially derived relationships to be screened by the number of steps between
them and other nodes, instead of an absolute different in centrality scores. This script can
also be configured to only return a matrix with a specified minimum number of steps
between nodes. An example output of a shortest path matrix is depicted using anonymized
data, in Table 4.
Table 4 Shortest Path Matrix Example
4.4. Summary
ESSLVM advanced methodology is intended to leverage socio-spatial concepts to
identify relationships where social connections are not known, or an appraisal of the
significance of existing nodes is lacking. Ultimately however, the results are conceptual, and
require comparison to traditional methods of social network analysis. This methodology is
applied in the next chapter to identify key influencers and the entities that comprise their
network, among the chaos of an active protest.
An optimal demonstration of ESSLVM is best found in an area where social media events
occur in regular and frequent intervals. Such conditions can occur naturally in high traffic,
bustling metropolises often used to demonstrate other latent variable models—New York or
Los Angeles among them. These conditions however, can also be fomented by events,
wherein the populace is whipped into a fervor and social media event frequency is
intensified. The formation of crowds is characteristic of such a state. Enter the principal
vignette for this thesis, the November 24
2014 announcement of the grand jury decision
on the Michael Brown case, the context of which is described below. Specifically of interest
here was the crowd activity that occurred in and immediately around Ferguson, Missouri in
association with this announcement.
5.1. Vignette Atmospherics, Setting the Scene
This study takes place in Ferguson, Missouri and adjacent townships—part of the
greater Saint Louis metropolitan area. Data from Esri’s Tapestry system was used to profile
the study extent’s socio-economic attributes (Esri 2015). Tapestry is a collection of geo-
demographic data derived from different sources, including US Census data, the American
Community Survey, Experian’s INSOURCE consumer database, and other consumer surveys.
These data are used to extrapolate lifestyle segments that serve as a composite
characterization of all input data. The extent of this study included three principal Tapestry
segments: Family Foundations (21%), Metro City Edge (19%), and Modest Income Homes
(17%). Household Income for these segments range from approximately $20,000 to
$38,000. Common attributes associated with these segments are predominately black
populations with socioeconomic or demographic issues that are pronounced by national
standards. These issues can include single parent homes, low median education, or an
above average number of recipients of public assistance.
5.1.2. Ferguson, Missouri Events Resulting in Protests and Subsequent Riots
While the focus of this study is not the sociological implications of events surrounding
the death of Michael Brown, the selected vignette does address crowd behaviors
precipitated by this act, and the documentation of associated events does provide valuable
context. The temporal span of the study includes the evening of the 23rd and into the
morning of the 25
of November, 2014. On the evening of 24 November, a grand jury
delivered its decision on the alleged wrongful death of Michael Brown, a resident of
Ferguson, Missouri, who was it was determined, justifiably killed while resisting arrest on 9
August 2014. The August event resulted in national outrage and allegations of
institutionalized racism, likely as a result of the perception that a white law enforcement
official responded with disproportionate force while subduing a black teen—Michael Brown.
Though the issue is more nuanced, this thesis is in no way intended to assess culpability,
and only uses crowd events associated with protests as fodder for a socio-spatial study.
In the days leading up to the grand jury’s decision, protests in front of the Ferguson
Police Department intensified. Protest activity in this area is depicted in Figure 12, which
depicts protest Tweets by the variety of different users using point statistics.
Figure 12 “Twitter Activity in the Ferguson Protest Area, by Entity Diversity Point Statistics
Upon delivery of the decision, protests devolved into riots that resulted in significant
destruction of property throughout the study extent. Corresponding protest events are
enumerated below, and overlaid onto the tweet collection graph shown in Figure 13.
Figure 13 Volume of Tweets per 30 Minute Interval from Ferguson Bounding Box, and
Significant Events
1. 17:10, the office of the prosecuting attorney for Saint Louis, Missouri announces
that grand jury’s decision will be announced at approximately 20:00.
2. 20:15, the prosecuting attorney begins his address to the courtroom at the
Clayton Justice Center in Saint Louis, Missouri.
3. 20:30, the prosecuting attorney discusses findings associated with the shooting
of Michael Brown, enumerating specific events that preceded Michael Brown’s
death. Ultimately it is disclosed that the officer responsible Michael Brown’s
death will not be indicted.
4. 20:40, the crowd gathered outside the Ferguson Police Department becomes
active, and chants such as “No Justice, No Peace,” and “We’ve got to fight” are
noted. Around this time objects are thrown in the direction of law enforcement
officials standing in front of the Ferguson Police Department.
5. 22:05, there are multiple reports of shots fired, and initial destruction of
property—including an attempt to overturn a police vehicle. The assembled crowd
begins to disperse.
6. 21:10, President Obama issues an address urging calm. Smoke canisters are
discharged by law enforcement officials in an effort to disperse the crowd.
7. 21:35 until conclusion of events the following morning, heavy looting of shops,
vehicles and buildings set on fire. No-fly zone goes into effect around Saint Louis.
5.2 Development of a community, or social clusters, using geospatial correlation methods
The initial data pull from the Twitter streaming API occurred between 8:42 am on 23
November and 02:29 on 25 November 2014. This amounted to 55,185 total geotagged
tweets from a bounding box that encompassed Ferguson and adjacent townships. Of the
55,185 geotagged tweets collected during this period, 787 unique accounts were noted.
For the sake of comparison to traditional methods of analyzing and spatially
displaying Twitter data, all tweets from the original pull were parsed by use of a “#Ferguson”
hashtag or any hashtag from the bounding box containing “Ferguson.” A word cloud of
Ferguson associated hashtags is depicted in Figure 14. The distribution of these #Ferguson
geotagged tweets is shown in Figure 15.
Figure 14 Ferguson Associated Twitter Hashtags in a Wordcloud
Figure 15 Density of Total Volume of Ferguson Tweets during Protests
All Twitter accounts populating the #Ferguson list were ranked by both total followers
and total friends, and each rank was combined to form a numeric designator. This offers a
means of masking personally identifiable information, and serves to readily contrast their
original rank against ranks derived during subsequent phases of analysis. As an example,
“Account_13_4” consists first of the total Twitter followers rank out of 787, and the second
is their total friends rank. Aside from a means of comparing methods and coding Twitter
user screen names, association with hashtags is not applied elsewhere in the vignette.
The area of interest polygon used to correlate all Twitter accounts from the initial pull
to the protest event, which was defined by an area deemed to be the immediate protest
area, per documented protest activity on the evening of 24 November 2014. The major
attraction for the crowd was the Ferguson Police Department building and Municipal Court.
Using a Python script tool, correlating all account activity to the protest polygon
reduced the 787 total accounts to 84. As part of the functionality of this area of interest
correlation script tool, a table of these 84 accounts were then joined to the table containing
the complete dataset of 55,185 tweets, retaining only those that matched, in order to
identify the full range of mobility for Ferguson protest AOI correlated accounts across the
complete extent of the collected data. The distribution of tweets from these 84 accounts is
shown in Figure 16.
Figure 16 Twitter Events (Tweets) Correlated to the Protest Area of interest (AOI)
5.2. Querying the Twitter Friends and Followers API for Unilateral and Reciprocal Social
Media Contacts of Accounts Identified from within Social Clusters
All 84 accounts assessed to be directly participating in the protest, per their
correlation to the protest zone polygon, were run through the Twitter Friends and Followers
API as seed accounts, using an API Python script described in a previous chapter. The
relationships, or dyads, that resulted from this Twitter Friends and Followers API pull and
were used to create an association table with connections that numbered 325,698—
specifically 272,708 friend and 52,990 follower relationships. This amounted to 274,100
total unique accounts.
5.3. Isolation of Local Social Network from the Complete Social Network
The area around the protest zone was assessed to develop a locally-appropriate
human mobility buffer. As an approximation, the Becker et al. study’s distance for median
Los Angeles daily weekday range of 5,600 meters was applied as a buffer around the
Ferguson Township (Becker et al. 2013). To confirm the fit of this buffer to protest
correlated agent behavior, a standard deviational ellipse was calculated from tweets
correlated to the protest area of interest polygon. Using this method, the ellipse was found
to be predominately inside the Becker derived mobility buffer.
The 325,698 relationships developed from the original 84 protest polygon seed
accounts were culled by filtering for only accounts that tweeted from inside the mobility
buffer during the night of the protest. The result was a reduction of the 787 total unique
accounts populating the hashtag table, to 139 accounts. These 139 accounts consist of
both the 84 seed accounts, and 55 additional accounts not correlated to the original protest
polygon, but active during the study period, inside the mobility buffer, and either a friend or
follower of the original 84 seed accounts. The result is a significantly reduced network that
consists only of those relationships assessed to be spatially relevant to Ferguson protest
events. The tweets of these 139 accounts are shown in a social network diagram in Figure
17, a depiction of the original AOI correlated tweets and their social connections inside the
mobility buffer. Both AOI correlated tweets and social connections, generated during peak
protest activity—per Figure 13—are depicted in Figure 18, as a spatiotemporal rendering.
Figure 17 Protest Correlated Tweets and Social Connections
Figure 18 Spatiotemporal Rendering of High Interest Tweets during Peak Protest Activity
5.3.1. Analysis of Twitter Account Activity
Connections between the 139 accounts amounted to 666 relationships on the final
spatially constrained association table. This spatially reduced table was ingested into ORA,
and run for all social network centrality measures. Figure 19 shows the social network
diagram produced by ORA. The resulting table contains all dyads categorized by each of the
associated centrality measures for both nodes. As an example of a spatialized social
network diagram, many-to-many relationship connections between nodes—as geospatially
mobile entities—were rendered as lines, where tweets occurred within the same hour and
during peak protest activity. This spatialized social network diagram is depicted in Figure
Figure 19 Spatially Reduced Social Network
Figure 20 Spatialized Social Network for Same-Hour Coincident Tweets during Peak Protest Activity
Additionally, the Twitter content associated with each of the 139 accounts—photos
and text—was reviewed to determine each account’s role in protest events. This
assessment principally consisted of categorizing each account as either a journalist or not,
to determine which centrality measures were most applicable to active protest participants,
instead of passive protest participants. Just as the aforementioned Buzzsumo influence
assessment process sought to screen journalists by removing accounts with low reply ratios
(, this process is in part intended to isolate the most locally impactful
Finally, where available, accounts were assigned a Klout social media influence
metric score using an extension that directly appends Klout scores to a Twitter feed. This
approach was intended to incorporate a commercial social media influence metric to
compliment spatially reduced social network centrality scores.
All of these scores were joined to the Twitter event shapefile as social network
metadata—accessible via the shapefile’s attribute table. The addition of these values to the
shapefile is essential to subsequent steps, including the development of a spatial proximity
network using the Blue Starling script tool, and the assessment of socio-spatial correlation.
As an example of spatial metadata, social media events were binned by unique user count
in Figure 21, and by a combination of this measure, as well as mean betweenness centrality
and cumulative time in Figure 22. By using this method, anomalous concentrations of
potentially significant activity away from the protest site can be identified.
Figure 21 Unique Entities of Interest by Bin
Figure 22 Unique Entities, Mean Betweenness Centrality, and Cumulative Time Score by Bin
5.3.2. Comparative Analysis of Twitter Accounts
The principal intent of this process was to identify discrepancies between traditional
influence metrics such as friends, followers and the Klout metric, and the adjusted values
associated with entities who have demonstrated through their tweets that they wield local
influence—as indicated by an actual role in the protests. Top ranked entities per a multitude
of social network scores are included in 5, however for the sake of space, all centrality
measures developed as a result of the spatial reduction process have been truncated using
their average rank.
Table 5 Protest Area Twitter Accounts and Social Connections, by Ranked Social Scores
Certain centrality measures favored the popularity of journalists while some favored
non-journalists with local connections. As discussed below, after being adjusted to spatial
parameters, social network measures most likely to return local activists within the top
ranked accounts were clique count, clustering coefficient, cognitive distinctiveness,
capability, and Klout score.
Journalists made up the bulk of the top tier of Ferguson hashtag associated
accounts, however top accounts from the spatially reduced dataset include more equitable
representation from activists and journalists. Account_4_3 was the highest ranked account
Account Journalist Followers Friends Klout AVG_Rank
Account_21_148 No 7 28 6 3.75
Account_28_21 Yes 10 5 23 4.35
Account_7_271 Yes 2 53 3 6.05
Account_76_540 Yes 24 722011.65
Account_61_337 Yes 20 62 1 12.25
Account_45_257 Yes 16 50 7 12.75
Account_25_26 No 9 6 11 14.2
Account_88_211 Yes 26 41 2 14.45
Account_38_97 Yes 14 13 10 15.45
Account_4_3 No 1 1815.9
Account_34_88 Yes 12 12 15 16.2
Account_44_135 Yes 15 253518.45
Account_242_463 No 51 68 19 21.25
Account_122_82 No 33 11 40 22
Account_14_129 Yes 5 23 16 23
Account_182_287 Yes 42 55 38 23.3
Account_50_229 Yes 17 462423.75
Account_8_193 No 3 35 5 24.2
Account_96_204 Yes 28 403625.3
Account_139_122 No 38 21 21 25.55
Account_59_137 No 19 26 41 25.55
Account_120_319 No 31 60 26 26.1
Account_323_686 No 60 76 30 26.55
Account_726_721 No 78 77 32 28.3
from the 787 account hashtag list, and this entity was also assessed to be a locally active
protest contributor. However, when compared to other active protest contributors from the
spatially enhanced dataset, Account_4_3 was not assessed to be as significant. Examining
social network measures based on the spatially reduced association table, journalists
scored highest in degree centrality, betweenness centrality, and Boniach Power Centrality—a
metric that computes centrality based on the centrality of a node’s neighbors.
Examination of accounts associated with assessed organizers actively fomenting
protests in Ferguson indicated that their highest ranking social network measures did not
include any form of degree centrality. Two such notable entities included Account_122_82
and Account_323_686, who did not score well in the overall hashtag rankings and received
low Klout scores—ranked 40 and 30 respectively. Account_323_686 which appears to be
associated with a benign local organizer scored best in clique count, clustering coefficient,
and cognitive distinctiveness. The activity of Acount_323_685 is depicted in Figure 23.
Figure 23 Evidence of Protest Organization Activity after 24 November Ferguson Events by
Account_122_82, potentially associated with instigating violent behavior during the
protest, scored exceptionally well in capability, closeness, and effective network size,
including scores among the overall top five. Twitter activity associated with
Account_122_82 is depicted in Figure 24.
Figure 24 Account_122_82 Seen Actively Contributing to Protests, Indicating "Thats Me" As a
Caption for the Image on the Left, and "Hyping up the Crowd" for the Image on the Lower Right
Organizers assessed to have a positive effect on protests, those discouraging
violence and enabling more peaceful forms of demonstration, were more socially active—
from a standpoint of tweet volume. Account_21_148 was not among the top 20 accounts
analyzed from the 787 Ferguson hashtag associated accounts list, however when the
association table was reduced per spatial criteria, Account_21_148 was a top performer. As
depicted in Figure 20, Account_21_148’s actions include running a safe house to shelter
protestors when events turned violent, through a charitable organization. Using geotagged
tweets, this account was verified at the safe house after having been on site at the protest,
as depicted in Figure 25, where tweeted photos of the protest were geospatially
Figure 25 Account_21_148 Associated Protest Safe House, Associated with Charity "Help
or Hush"
Figure 26 Account_21_148 Verification of Activity at the Protest
The safe house in Figure 25, is also in one of the aforementioned high scoring hex
bins depicted in Figure 22. As an aside, the safe house location and other similar dwell
locations that could be derived from this process, have the potential to serve as points of
interest that factor into an alternative analytic model. It is to be noted that while
Account_4_3, the highest scoring account from the 787 account hashtag list, performed
better in terms of total degree, Account_21_148 outperformed Account_4_3 in nearly all
categories after metrics were adjusted spatially. Account_21_148 also had a superior Klout
score from the outset.
5.4. Identification of Socio-Spatial Relationships Using the ESSLVM Blue Starling Script Tool
As mentioned, the centrality measures discussed above were joined to the spatially
reduced shapefile which is Twitter event data constrained to the mobility buffer so that
social network values could be assessed spatially in subsequent phases of analysis. This
shapefile consisted of 139 unique accounts and 1511 social media events. Henceforth this
shapefile is referred to as the social network analysis enhanced spatial dataset or, simply,
as the SNA enhanced dataset.
Using the previously described Blue Starling Python tool which infers social
connections based on spatial, social and temporal variables, the SNA enhanced dataset was
assessed for associations indicative of latent or incipient social connections—that would be
subsequently added to the association table. Input variables used with the tool included
the Twitter user screen name as the unique identifier, the closeness centrality field as the
social network measure, and the tweet’s date of creation was used to populate the date-
time field. Other variables included a radius of 25 meters, an SNA threshold of .001
difference in closeness centrality, a date difference of 30 minutes between events, and a
minimum occurrence count of 2—meaning that entities forming a dyad met all other criteria
at least 2 times.
5.4.1. Initial Results
Of the 139 unique accounts from the original SNA enhanced dataset, 47 met the
specified script tools variable criteria, resulting in 836 total links in the revised association
table. When combined with the social network diagram associated with the original
association table and the spatially-reduced association table, 85 new links were contributed
by the proximity analysis. This network is referred to as the spatial proximity network.
5.4.2. Comparison of Socio-Spatial Relationships to the User Mention-Derived Associations
To compare the results of this process, a separate social network diagram was
created from only the user mentions of the 139 total unique accounts assessed. User
mentions are considered to be a key indicator of active involvement in a network, and this
network interaction has been suggested as a surrogate for network influence (Cha et al.
2010). Additionally, in creating their own latent variable model, the Sadilek study observed
that user mentions were likely ideal for the development of unknown social ties, but
withheld this data, as user mentions are unique to Twitter datasets, and thus reliance on
them in an analytic model would limit that model’s application (Sadilek et al. 2012).
Since the SNA enhanced dataset and the resulting proximity dataset are derived from
Twitter friends and followers social network content, comparison of the results from the
described script tool to the original friends and followers network was determined to be
biased. As a result, the social network measures of the spatial proximity network’s key
entities were compared to those of a network developed separately and exclusively from
user mentions—user mentions do not require an API call, as they are part of the Twitter
metadata mentioned in Chapter Two. This produced two networks that were disparate, with
the former being based principally on spatial associations, and the latter derived from active
social network interaction. Additionally, the complete spatial proximity network was sub-
divided by occurrence percentile, meaning that different networks were generated from the
spatial proximity based on the top 10
and top 20
percentiles, with percentiles determined
by frequency of occurrence for each entity pair.
Comparative analysis across multiple key social network entity assessments—using
ORA’s key entity report function—indicated that top performing accounts were similar
between the user mention and proximity networks. These top performers consisted of the
aforementioned Account_21_148 and other likely direct associates (as indicated by their
connection in the user mention network) whose social network scores were not as
competitive when ranked against others in the friends and followers network. These other
user mention and spatial proximity network top performing entities included
Account_726_721 and Account_515_522, who were also poorly ranked using the hashtag
derived list. Additionally, while journalists were often among top scorers in the overall
spatial proximity network (likely by virtue of attraction to unfolding events), their significance
was reduced when the network’s frequency of occurrence was reduced to the top 10
Figures 27, 28, and 29, show three influence metrics used to demonstrate the
significance of the aforementioned entities. Each line is representative of a top entity
across all four networks. Metrics shown include spatial proximity (proximity), spatial
proximity top 20
percentile (Prox_20), spatial proximity top 10
percentile (Prox_10), and
the user mention network (User_Mention). The aforementioned accounts of note
(Account_21_148, Account_726_721, and Account_515_522) are annotated where
relevant in each of these charts.
Figure 27 Emergent Leader (Cognitive Demand) Top Twenty Nodes across Four Different Networks
Figure 28 Number of Cliques Top Twenty Nodes across Four Different Networks
Figure 29 Group Awareness (Shared Situation Awareness) across Four Different Networks
5.5. Additional Measures to Cull the Network
Using the shortest path matrix script, spatially derived relationships were screened to
include only those that were within three steps of another node. This screening process
resulted in another network with the highest overall network density, effectively reducing the
total spatial proximity network by 27%.
5.6. Analysis of the Correlation between Social Network Accounts Centrality Measures and
their Geospatial Distribution
A key theoretical component of this thesis is the advancement of propinquity effect
as a concept that can be applied to individual agents in support of social network analysis.
For this hypothesis to be validated, it was posited that there must exist statistically
significant patterns indicative of the correlation of distance between individual entities, and
their social network scores.
The Blue Starling spatial proximity association script tool used to create the proximity
dataset was rerun, except the distance threshold was set to fifty meters, per observations
from the Brieger study on social interaction (Brieger et al. 2003). Of all accounts assessed
using this method, 26 had an adequate number of events to allow for calculation of the
Spearman’s Rank Correlation Coefficient which measures the strength of association, or
statistical dependence, between two ranked variables. In this analysis, the rank order of
different centrality scores and distance was evaluated for each dyadic set of the 26
participating accounts—those accounts with enough spatial proximity occurrences to qualify
for the process. Ranks were assigned in ascending order, so a positively correlated score is
indicative of the correlation of lower social network scores (those that are less significant) to
shorter (lower) distances, and a negatively correlated score is indicative of correlation of
higher social network scores to lower distances. This positive correlation likely means that
an entity is surrounded by low centrality or repulsed by high centrality scores, and negative
correlation means that an entity surrounds itself or is attracted to higher centrality scores.
Using the SciPy Spearman Correlation Coefficient Python script, all accounts were run
recursively for each measure, for a total of 442 total correlation runs. Sixteen of those 26
accounts resulted in correlation coefficients with passing p-values (< 0.05). An example of a
positively correlated score is provided in journalist Account_11_120, and a negatively
correlated score in non-journalist Acccount_25_26 as illustrated in Figures 30 and 31.
These figures were created using a Python script and the Matplotlib Python library.
Figure 30 Betweenness Centrality to Distance Correlation for Account_11_120
Figure 31 Twitter Friends Count to Distance Correlation for Account 25_26
Non-journalists with passible Spearman coefficients who demonstrated statistically
significant spatio-social correlation to other entities, included accounts previously mentioned
in Section 3.2.1, such as Account_21_148, Account_515_522, Account_726_721, and
Account_25_26. Per analysis of the user mention network, these accounts are likely
associates. Additionally, after performing Newman Grouping community detection in ORA
(see Figure 32), it was determined that these accounts also comprised a distinct segment of
the overall network—further solidifying the connection between social and geospatial realms.
While different high-scoring non-journalists had different roles in the event, from a social
network standpoint (and in many cases also geospatially) they are interconnected.
Figure 32 Newman Grouping (Groups Symbolized by Color) of Spatially Reduced Social Network
Graph, Illustration Connections between Nodes of Interest
The four non-journalist accounts that met statistical criteria were both positively and
negatively correlated, suggesting that they were either surrounding by other high scoring
entities, or low scoring—both of which could have bearing on protest organization. In most
cases however, they did not have an especially strong Spearman Correlation coefficient (rho)
value, though when symbolized by percentile, these values did exceed median values—
where percentile was determined per centrality measure or a social metric for all entities.
Notably, for every entity with a passing p-value, correlation was either consistently positively
or negatively correlated across a range of 17 social network centrality measures.
Additionally, as depicted in Figure 33, certain journalists also demonstrated strong
positive or negative correlation, which from a practical application standpoint, would be
ideal for identifying which correspondents have access and can serve as sources most apt
to monitor the actions of suspect entities.
In Figure 33, green boxes indicate the strongest positive correlation and red boxes
indicate negative correlation. Yellow is indicative of no correlation. Shades between these
colors indicate values between the endpoints and the middle. To the left of each value, a
green circle indicates that the p-value for that measure was passing (< 0.05) and red
indicates a non-passing p-value (>0.05). Centrality measures shown in Figure 33 include
the following: (A) Followers Count, (B) Friends Count, (C) Boniach Power Centrality, (D)
Capability Centrality, (E) Closeness Centrality, (F) Clustering Coefficient, (G) Cognitive
Distinctiveness, (H) Eigenvector Centrality, (I) Out-Degree Centrality, (J) Total Degree
Centrality, (K) Betweenness Centrality, (L) Klout Social Media Influence Metric, (M) Effective
Network Size, (N) Hub Centrality, (O) In-Degree Centrality, (P) Clique Count, (Q) Authority
Centrality. The complete output is available in Appendix A.
Figure 33 Spearman's Rank Correlation Coefficient for Social Network Measures and Distance,
including all Accounts and Highlighted Accounts as those that had Passing p-values. The complete
results are available as comma-delimited text in Annex A
This study’s main impetus was proving the conceptual viability of enhancing social network
analysis via geospatial means. A major benchmark for this improvement, was the
identification of key influencers that would otherwise be obscured by ambient entities, if
traditional non-spatial or existing minimally spatial social network analysis methods were
applied. Commensurately, a key supporting task was the inference of social connections
using spatial, social, and temporal variables.
At each methodological level this study achieved a degree of success. The analysis
of spatially reduced entity social network scores resulted in the isolation of potentially
significant influencing actors not detected using metadata or commercial influence metrics;
the Blue Starling script tool returned new connections in part corroborated by comparison to
the Twitter user mention network, and the correlation of socio-spatial factors had statistically
meaningful returns that were also commensurable with other steps comprising the complete
ESSLVM system.
It is assessed that this study achieved its core research objectives, and validated the
hypothesis that position in a social network has bearing on an individual’s relationship with
others in physical space, and as a result, individuals or organizations postured to influence a
network via direct conduits such as local leadership figures and on-site organizers, possess
a qualitative advantage. Additionally, because there exists a reciprocal relationship between
an individual’s position in a social network and their position among others in physical
space, geospatial assessment techniques can be used to infer social connections.
6.1. Vignette Observations
The hashtag parsed Twitter dataset was spatial by most social media analysis
measures—social media data was extracted by placing a bounding box around the area of
interest. Top performers within this dataset were not representative of those entities
assessed to be most actively fomenting protest behavior. By correlating social media
accounts to a specific area, and constraining their social media relationships to a
surrounding mobility buffer, actors most likely to influence local events emerged.
In the context of protest events, the ESSLVM Python script suite underscored entities
of influence and others ostensibly responsive to this influence. Spatial proximity association
methods successfully augmented the Twitter friends and followers social network with new
edges representative of unknown or incipient connections. This approach was in part
validated by comparing top social network scores from the spatially derived proximity
network to the Twitter user mention network. The merit of socio-spatial connections was
also explored through the correlation of entity social network values to the distance between
entities. Beyond buttressing the prediction of social ties using geospatial analysis, socio-
spatial correlation results serve to substantiate this study’s chief hypothesis and are likely to
significant to other methods used to quantify influence and interpersonal dynamics.
Outlined ESSLVM analytic modalities identified many low or mid-level accounts
ostensibly exhibiting an ability to wield local influence, which would not have been noted
among a list of top scorers derived from many existing social media influence metrics. Use
of the Klout social media metric however, did prove valuable where local influencers were
exceptionally socially active—as was the case for Account_21_148—though this account’s
associates were only isolated during subsequent ESSLVM spatial analysis.
Using these results, social unrest could be mitigated through positive engagement
with potential non-violent organizers such as Account_21_148 and Account_323_686.
Possible riot instigators such as Account_122_82 could also be engaged through means
most conducive to the resolution of destructive events, such as those that occurred in
Ferguson. Entities who are consistently attracted to influencers, but not influencers
themselves—per socio-spatial correlation analysis—could be assessed for human source
contact operations, whereby cooperative human sources are used to identify information of
6.2. Comparison to Existing Latent Variable Analytic Models
The premier analytic model reviewed was Sadilek’s FLAP (Sadilek et al. 2012).
ESSLVM does not likely threaten FLAP outright as a systemic means of inferring social
connections through geospatial analysis, however ESSLVM’s spatial reduction, configurable
spatial proximity association, and socio-spatial correlation were not covered in FLAP, and
could stand to improve FLAP’s latent variable identification. Additionally, ESSLVM’s theme
of influencer identification was not intrinsic to FLAP, and as such is representative of a novel
ESSLVM also likely offers some modicum of improvement over the Crandal model
(Crandal 2012), which—as emphasized by Sadilek—was likely overly reliant on geospatial
collocation as a means of inferring social connections. ESSLVM adds to geospatial
collocation other means of assessing contact as indicative of a social relationship, and
screening coincidental events.
The spatially reduced social network was also adapted for processing via ORA’s
“Detect Spatial Patterns” and “Geospatial Assessment.” However as a geospatial analysis
platform, ORA did not seem well suited to agent analysis at this scale—grouping entities by
locations that did not allow for the desired examination of close-quarters, inter-entity
6.3. Future Work
Projected ESSLVM tasks focus on refining the model by incorporating alternative
analytic methods, and through testing it against different vignettes. The ultimate intent is to
create a deployable application that can be directly compared against other latent variable
and social network analysis models cited in this study’s literature review.
6.3.1. Network Reintegration
Regarding analysis of the results, since only a fraction of all Tweets are geotagged,
an additional measure could include layering non-geotagged tweets from the original
unadulterated social network atop those accounts deemed most influential per the
complete ESSLVM process. This way, un-located sources of influence who have bearing on
locally relevant geo-tagged actors can be incorporated into an overall assessment. These
entities could include figures not active on-site, who share social relationships with multiple
ESSLVM identified influencing entities. As it applies to the vignette, alternatively identified
(known) geotagged and non-geotagged protest influencers could be compared to ESSLVM
6.3.2. Semantic Analysis
Another measure that could serve to reinforce many of this study’s assessments
would be the comparison of observed patterns to those apparent via text classification and
sentiment analysis. These two measures could be incorporated into the socio-spatial
correlation model to determine whether distance from influencing entities alters behavior.
Semantic analysis could ultimately be used in lieu of the manual examination of social
media account activity addressed in the vignette.
6.3.3. Alternative Practical Use Cases
The vignette used here was a short duration protest event, which proved practical in
terms of the volume of information processed, and the intervals at which this information
was generated. From the standpoint of narrative, this vignette was also relevant as a result
of the influence themes that were manifest. Future work however, would ideally focus on a
larger geospatial extent, include more data, and cover a bigger temporal span—though by
virtue of the model’s endemic nature, the study extent should not greatly exceed a city-sized
environment. This would allow for the analysis of patterns or life, and entails having
adequate social media events to identify residences, places of business and routes of travel.
An example would be the identification of points of interest associated with a criminal
enterprise in a particular city. This type of work would also allow for commensurable
comparison to other latent variable models reviewed. Additionally, as covered in the
introduction, ESSLVM’s commercial applications stand to be explored.
6.3.4. Creation of a Stand-Alone or Minimally Dependent Application
While this study made use of an individually developed Python script tool, the process
remains specialized, and requires use of client-side social network analysis software. Future
versions of this tool would ideally incorporate NetworkX to a greater extent. NetworkX was
used to calculate a social network shortest path matrix, however complete integration will
allow a user to execute such a study with fewer dependencies. Using NetworkX, additional
functionality allowing for control over social network parameters that define socio-spatial
relationships could be directly embedded into the ESSLVM script tool. In this form, ESSLVM
would also benefit from an algorithmic process tied to script variables, which also links now
disparate stages of analysis, to glean additional statistical insight. This more monolithic
application would also ideally feature a GUI that could be accessed outside of ArcGIS
6.4. Summary
ESSLVM is intended to reduce network uncertainty and identify key influencers in a
manner that improves upon existing analytic processes by geospatially decomposing
nebulous social media networks into locally relevant networks, wherein tangible results are
more likely. The efficacy of ESSLVM is evidenced in the satisfaction of research objectives,
and ultimately, an output in which entities deemed to be influential—per social media
content analysis—were ranked higher than when using alternative processes. While many
elements of ESSLVM are automated, it is still principally an analytic test-bed that will require
development into a deployable application. Initial results however, indicate that ESSLVM
shows great promise as a geospatially-enabled, social network analysis application, and that
it would benefit from a diverse range of additional test cases.
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APPENDIX A: Socio-Spatial Correlation Full Output
Abstract (if available)
The importance of social media-borne influence has been demonstrated in dramatic fashion on a global stage, with examples ranging from the regime toppling Arab Spring between 2010 and 2012, to the startling ascendency of ISIL in 2014. The value of this influence however, is highly versatile in application, and not limited to geopolitics. Commercial marketing campaigns hinge on the propagation of their message through social networks, and social media influence practitioners have engineered methods of ensuring optimal results. This practice however, is often conducted solely in a virtual environment, where false positives can abound due to disconnection from geospatial ground truths. I have outlined a system to reduce network uncertainty and identify key influencers in a manner that improves upon existing analytic processes by geospatially decomposing nebulous social media networks into locally relevant networks, wherein tangible results are more likely. This study introduces a novel approach, demonstrating that position in a social network has bearing on an individual’s relationship with others in physical space, and as a result, individuals or organizations postured to influence a network via direct conduits such as local leadership figures and on-site organizers, possess a qualitative advantage. Additionally, because there exists a reciprocal relationship between an individual’s position in a social network and their position among others in physical space, geospatial assessment techniques can be used to infer social connections. Dubbed endemic socio-spatial latent variable modeling (ESSLVM), this method has been automated as a Python tool that can be integrated into ArcGIS. Concepts are demonstrated using a Twitter dataset from the late-November 2014 protests in Ferguson, Missouri.
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Asset Metadata
Block, Jeffrey Solomon
Core Title
Spread global, start local: modeling endemic socio-spatial influence networks
College of Letters, Arts and Sciences
Master of Science
Degree Program
Geographic Information Science and Technology
Publication Date
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University of Southern California
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influence analysis,influence networks,latent variable model,network inference,OAI-PMH Harvest,predictive analysis,social media,social network,socio-spatial
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social network